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A.1.37.1 Location of "Space" package

Class name Attribute name Designation Definition Multiplicity Type

credentialId Credential id Specific credential identification associated to the segment.

notes Notes Free-text description associated to the segment. spaceId Space id Identification of a specific parking space, if one is associated with the segment. validationId Validation id Specific validation identification associated to the segment. validationType Validation type The form of validation (the nature of credential) that is used in conjunction with the specific segment. 0..1 PkCommon.Ref erence (pkrit:Credential) 0..* PkCommon.Mult ilingualString 0..1 PkCommon.Ref erence 0..1 PkCommon.Stri ng 1..* Right.Credential TypeEnum

Session actualEnd Actual end The date/time of the end of the session. 0..1 PkCommon.Dat eTime actualStart Actual start The date/time of the start of the session. 1..1 PkCommon.Dat eTime

elementId Element id Reference to an element within the Parking Place Hierarchy

initiator Initiator Identification of the party initiating the session. 0..1 PkCommon.Ver sionedReferenc e (plc:HierarchyEl ementGeneral) 1..1 PkCommon.Ver sionedReferenc e (pkcmn:Organis ation)

A.1.37 "Space" package

A.1.37.1 Location of "Space" package

The location of "Space" package is:

Copyright Alliance for Parking Data Standards: APDS Overview 4.0 Version release June 7, 2021

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