IPMI 2022 Media & Marketing Kit

Page 10

PA R K I N G & M O B I L I T Y M AG A Z I N E A DV E R T I S I N G O P P O R T U N I T I E S — N E X TG E N D I G I TA L P L AT F O R M A DV E R T I S I N G Header Leaderboard Ad 728 px × 90 px

Sidebar Column Banner Exclusive 300 px × 600 px

Sidebar Column First and Second Banners 300 px × 300 px

Footer Large Leaderboard Ad 970 px × 90 px

Sidebar Column First and Second Banners 300 px × 300 px

Large Billboard Banner (Top, Middle and End) 980 px × 250 px




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