Parking & Mobility June 2019

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Excellence and Leadership The 2019 IPMI Award Winners

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20 Excellent Choice

The winners of this year’s IPMI Awards of Excellence competition. By Melanie Padgett Powers

28 At the Top of Their Game Recipients of this year’s IPMI Professional Recognition Program awards rise to the top. By Melanie Padgett Powers

36 Where Creativity Rules

IPMI’s Marketing Awards winners showcase the best creative thinking that works.

44 Climbing the Ladder

Proven techniques to establish yourself as an industry leader. By Perry Eggleston, CAPP, DPH

48 Bringing It All Together

Creating a sense of community through parking. By Brittany Moore




6 FIVE THINGS Quotes About Leadership 8 THE BUSINESS OF PARKING Where Do We Go from Here? By Julius Rhodes, SPHR

1 0 MOBILITY & TECH Leading Mobility By Bridgette Brady, CAPP

12 THE GREEN STANDARD Eyes on the Trends By Brian Shaw, CAPP

14 FINANCIAL MATTERS What Happens to Retirement Assets in a Divorce? By Mark A. Vergenes

16 PARKING & MOBILITY SPOTLIGHT Sustainable Building Leads the Way to Sustainable Mobility in Dubai By Sarah Merricks


58 STATE & REGIONAL SPOTLIGHT Best State and Regional Conference Ever By Carmen Donnell


Parking & Mobility By Kim Fernandez WELCOME TO YOUR NEW INDUSTRY MAGAZINE from

IPMI! The decision to change the name of this magazine wasn’t one we took lightly. The Parking Professional had a long and impressive history, and we remain very proud of it. The same was true of the association, and when IPI became IPMI, we wanted the magazine to grow with the organization—not leave its parking focus behind by any stretch, but showcase it as it evolves with the way people get from place to place. Parking remains a focal point; it was simply time to embrace mobility and the changes parking professionals are making to help keep people moving in whatever segment of the industry they’re part of. Parking & Mobility has a new look to go along with the new name, and the design decisions were made quite intentionally. This is an industry on the move. It will continue to grow, and our new look reflects that. The new logo was designed to connote motion at a glance (our designers custom-built the font), and the changes you’ll see inside were made to continue that theme. We will continue to bring you news, analysis, case studies, and the expertise of your fellow IPMI members in every issue. And we will continue to spotlight parking because parking is just as important—and probably more important—than it’s ever been before. We’re excited about this new beginning and can’t wait to hear from you in your article submissions, emails and letters, and Forum posts. We decided to launch our new magazine in June to coincide with the IPMI Conference & Expo but also because this is the issue that highlights our industry leaders, from rising stars to the pros at the helm, to the projects, properties, and initiatives that make people sit up and take notice. That’s the goal with this publication, too, so the new look and our focus on leadership go hand-in-hand. A perfect match. If you’re reading this in Anaheim, Calif., welcome! I hope you’ll wave or say hello if you see me around the convention center. I’m eager to hear what you think of our new look and our new name and to catch up with you in person. The IPMI Conference & Expo is the most exciting time of the year, and it’s going to be a great event. As always, my contact information is below. Please get in touch anytime. Enjoy this first issue of our new magazine, and I hope you’ll look forward to the issues to come. It’s an exciting time to be part of the parking and mobility industry, and we’re thrilled to cover it. Until next month…



Time Flies

Shawn Conrad, CAE EDITOR

Kim Fernandez






Melanie Padgett Powers For advertising information, contact Bonnie Watts at or 571.699.3011. For subscription changes, contact Tina Altman, Parking & Mobility (ISSN 0896-2324 & USPS 001436) is published monthly by the International Parking & Mobility Institute. 1330 Braddock Place, Suite 350 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: 571.699.3011 Fax: 703.566.2267 Email: Website: Postmaster note: Send address label changes promptly to: Parking & Mobility 1330 Braddock Place, Suite 350 Alexandria, VA 22314 Interactive electronic version of Parking & Mobility for members and subscribers only at parking-mobility. org/magazine. Periodical postage paid at Alexandria, Va., and additional mailing offices. Copyright © International Parking & Mobility Institute, 2019. Statements of fact and opinion expressed in articles contained if Parking & Mobility are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent an official expression of policy or opinion on the part of officers or the members of IPMI. Manuscripts, correspondence, articles, product releases, and all contributed materials are welcomed by Parking & Mobility; however, publication is subject to editing, if deemed necessary to conform to standards of publication. The subscription rate is included in IPMI annual dues. Subscription rate for non-members of IPMI is $120 per year (U.S. currency) in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. All other countries, $150. Back issues, $10. Parking & Mobility is printed on 10 percent recycled paper and on paper from trees grown specifically for that purpose.


By Roamy Valera, CAPP

NE OF MANY QUOTES by well-known American novelist

Nathaniel Hawthorne is “Time flies over us but leaves its shadow behind.” This rings truer today than ever in my professional career. A lot has happened in the two years since I assumed the role of chair of the board of IPMI. For one, we added an “M” to our iconic brand to recognize and welcome the changes our industry has seen in recent times. Yes, I still park cars for a living, but we can’t ignore what others contribute to the industry. We have welcomed many from outside our historical lineage. Our international members are more active and engaged than ever before. We have seen how technology and innovation changed the narrative in our publications and conferences. We have been challenged with new terminology, such as curb management, micro-mobility, TNCs (transportation network companies), and others. Yet, we have remained focused on our members’ education, the growth of each of the organizations they represent, and the people who make up this great association. I have been impressed and humbled by the support of the hundreds of volunteers that donate their time and effort to make us all better. We have seen many demands on our incredibly talented and committed staff year over year. Steve Jobs said, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower,” and we have seen IPMI’s leadership guide an international data standard, focus on a coalition to address disabled parking and placard abuse, further an organization accreditation, and continue to enhance a professional certification inclusive of today’s industry demands and practice, among other efforts. “Time flies over us but leaves its shadow behind,” and the shadow clearly


captures the work and commitment of the board of directors. We have seen countless volunteer hours coupled with difficult decisions because we agreed on what was best for the future of our community. Our legacy is measured by what you leave behind and primarily how you touched the lives of others. I am hopeful I have been able to touch the lives of those with whom I worked closely, collaborated on ideas, and managed constructive conflict. It is the only thing that matters most. I had one single goal when I assumed my role, and it was to leave the organization in a better place than when I arrived. I hope I have done that. I am indebted to many who have supported this journey, but none greater than my wife, Liz, and my children, Jessi, Loren, Kathy, Matt, and Wil. They have been my biggest cheerleaders and the ones who have kept me grounded and provided my safe harbor. Thank you for allowing me the privilege and honor to serve! ◆

ROAMY VALERA, CAPP, is CEO North America of PayByPhone and chair of IPMI’s Board of Directors. He can be reached at rvalera@



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QUOTES about Leadership Management is pretty easy to define—leadership, not so much. But we all know a leader when we see one—and not all leaders are managers. There have been lots of great thoughts and quotes about leadership; here are five of our favorites. Have one we didn’t include? Share it on Forum (!


Control is not leadership; management is not leadership; leadership is leadership. If you seek to lead, invest at least 50 percent of your time in leading yourself—your own purpose, ethics, principles, motivation, conduct. Invest at least 20 percent leading those with authority over you and 15 percent leading your peers. — Dee Hock Founder and CEO Emeritus, Visa


The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born—that there is a genetic factor to leadership. That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born.


Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand. —Colin Powell U.S. Secretary of State; Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff


Good leaders organize and align people around what the team needs to do. Great leaders motivate and inspire people with why they’re doing it. That’s purpose. And that’s the key to achieving something truly transformational. —Marillyn Hewson Chair, President, and CEO, Lockheed Martin

—Warren Bennis Founding Chairman, The Leadership Institute,­ University of Southern California


Power isn’t control at all—power is strength and giving that strength to others. A leader isn’t someone who forces others to make him stronger; a leader is someone willing to give his strength to others that they may have the strength to stand on their own. —Beth Revis Author



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Where Do We Go from Here? By Julius E. Rhodes, SPHR


UMAN RESOURCES (HR) has come a mighty long way, but we still need to do

Designing a culture, addressing the climate, and being obsessive about ensuring organizational processes are all critical. I see the correlation between climate and culture as an iceberg: What is beneath the surface of the water is much more expansive than what we see above. Climate is what we see above the water level, but culture (beneath the water) will require us to do some very real and hard work. Martin Luther King Jr. once famously said, “I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be.”

“I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be.”

Establishing Balance What will it take to accomplish this feat? In a word, balance—between the instrumental approach to HR, which emphasizes the pure business objectives, and a 8 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2019 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

humanistic approach, which is more broadly focused on concern for people and the business. It doesn’t matter how we arrived where we are today. Whether you are a boomer, millennial, a member of Gen Z, or any other designation, we’re all in this together, and our ability to connect and support each other is essential to our success. We need to remember that while our age might place us in a certain demographic category, that category is not the be-all and end-all regarding how we see ourselves and how we identify and associate with others. The common thinking is that millennials don’t save or aren’t loyal to an organization. The common thinking is that baby boomers aren’t tech savvy or that they lack creativity. I say hogwash—all we need to do is identify one millennial who is an astute investor or has designs on staying with a firm or one baby boomer who not only knows technology but was an early adopter, and the common thinking goes out the door. If you are like me and many others, you certainly know people whose ability to relate and identify with other generations places them in a different realm than the one in which they were born. Where we go from here depends on a few things. HR can lead the charge, but it cannot be solely responsible for its ultimate success. Success always requires a team effort. Here are the areas we must all rally around: ■■ Engaging others, networking, and emotional intelligence. ■■ Moving from employee to intrapreneur (someone who promotes innovative development and marketing). ■■ Using your personal brand to influence others.


more. Most millennials are already a part of our workforce—in fact, millennials are the biggest segment of the U.S. labor force. The oldest members of Generation Z are starting their careers now, while baby boomers continue to make their retreat. We must keep in mind that our ability to be successful will require us to represent the interests of the people we serve. At the end of the day, it’s people that matter.

Emotional Intelligence As we think about the future, we hear a lot of talk about augmented reality and artificial intelligence, but it is emotional intelligence that will drive our ability to develop effective networks and engage others. Without going into a technical dissertation, emotional intelligence operates in two primary domains: selfcompetence and social competence. Self-competence means self-awareness and self-management. Social competence means social awareness and relationship management. Not only are these areas of selfdiscovery, but if we are able to master them, they will allow us to help move our team members from being employees to having a more vested interest in our operations.

Your Brand I’ve spoken a great deal about personal branding and have written a book and workbook on the topic.

Having a consistent personal brand is paramount to put people at ease and connect to us. A consistent personal brand will either bring people to you or push them away; no matter how good we believe we are, we all need advocates. Just because we are successful today doesn’t mean we will continue to be so tomorrow, especially if we lose sight of the most important aspect of our existence: the people we work with and through to accomplish our objectives. Achieving the balance I spoke of earlier may well be the tipping point for HR and our organizations. If we are to continue to move forward and be the best, we must be that for each other and those we serve. ◆

JULIUS E. RHODES, SPHR, is founder and principal of the mpr group and author of BRAND: YOU Personal Branding for Success in Life and Business. He can be reached at or 773.548.8037.



Leading Mobility OBILITY HAS ALWAYS BEEN a part of our lives. Howev-

er, the recent and swift evolution of interconnectivity, mobility-as-a-service, curb management, and so many other holistic approaches to transforming the facilitation of movement means the industry needs to pause and understand its foundation. As with any paradigm shift, understanding what we know now—the foundation of existing c­ onditions—is critical. At its core, mobility is about people, not a marketplace for mobility goods. Of course, the market provides the options in which to serve various mobility needs, but it is paramount we remember the human element belongs at the beginning of the process as we visualize mobility impacts.

Mobility Leaders If mobility is about people, it is also about the need for strong, adaptable leaders at every level. In a recent constructive and in-depth conversation with a customer base group, I was enlightened by a comment. A very astute individual with a distinctly different background in information science remarked that it appeared that our jobs as leaders in the mobility space isn’t as much about vehicles or the reductions thereof, but rather about change management. What does the leader of mobility change look like to both internal and external customers? How does this leader help the foundation of mobility—people— maneuver the swiftly evolving changes of opportunities and challenges in their needs to get where they want or need to be? Here are a few ideas: ■■ Use data-driven processes to quantify the benefits and opportunities that will

A very astute individual with a distinctly different background in information science remarked that it appeared that our jobs as leaders in the mobility space isn’t as much about vehicles or the reductions thereof, but rather about change management. occur with the implementation of new mobility initiatives. ■■ Use case studies as examples to identify the intended outcomes and change associated with new mobility investments, identifying relatable real-world examples. ■■ Use open and continuous communication to support change by helping people along at their pace, which will help them adapt more naturally.

Leading Change Change-capable leadership requires the ability to influence and enthuse, in addi-


tion to the ability to make knowledgeable, data-based, and strategic decisions. It isn’t surprising that communication is at the top of the list of essentials to being a successful leader of change. A few opportunities for communication in the change-management realm: ■■ Internal program workshops to discuss the intentions of changing mobility and how to educate customers and end users. ■■ Community-driven outreach focused at educating users how mobility decisions can improve commute, access, and movement. ■■ On-the-ground conversations aimed at promoting use of alternate mobility options and enabling better daily decision-making. What is different from strictly strategic leadership is not only explaining the “what” but also explaining the “why.” Collaboration in many forms is necessary, most importantly with engaging employees early in the decision-making process. Change-capable leaders will need the courage to commit to the “why” and perhaps stretch outside of their comfort zones.

Getting There IPMI has a wonderful start on developing leaders in the industry with its Leadership Summit and various trainings aimed at developing the leaders of tomorrow’s parking and mobility industry. The association has also been arming leaders with knowledge and resources from the formation of the organization. A few examples of IPMI’s industry-leading resources include:



By Bridgette Brady, CAPP

■■ “A

Guide to Parking,” the first textbook for the parking and transportation industry, which provides the foundation for greater mobility research ( ■■ Cutting-edge education on trends and tech that are transforming and disrupting the industry, including specific resources and best practices shaping curb management (­ ■■ Unique partnerships designed to expand and grow our shared knowledge and expertise, such as our relationships with the Alliance for Parking Data Standards, the U.S. Green Building Council, the Transportation Research Board, and multiple university relationships, to foster new research.

5. Lean on IPMI to help develop supportive research and metrics to drive change and support industry growth. ◆ BRIDGETTE BRADY, CAPP, is senior director of transportation and delivery services at Cornell University and co-chair of the IPMI Research Committee. She can be reached at

Resources After much conversation with IPMI’s strategic partners about preparing for the future, it’s clear that a resounding understanding that reliance on research and reputable resources must be a foundation to advance the profession. As industry leaders in parking, transportation, and mobility, it’s incumbent upon us to help drive change in a meaningful way, using our understanding of parking and mobility to help our customers, employees, and colleagues make decisions that improve their lives and the environment around them. As change leaders, we should be prepared to: 1. Lead by example, making decisions related to the intersection between parking and mobility that influence a better tomorrow and promote a more balanced transportation system. 2. Focus on the people who are influenced by mobility decisions and help them understand the importance of change and the positive benefits of their decisions. 3. Use data and real information to define change and influence decision-making. 4. Create strong and open communication plans to help educate our constituents and promote change.

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Eyes on the Trends


By Brian Shaw, CAPP

S MOBILITY PROFESSIONALS, we have to try to stay aware of trends in our

industry. Most of us were caught off guard with the advent of transportation network companies (TNCs) such as Uber and Lyft and the impact they have had on curb space, traditional taxis, car-sharing, transit usage, parking demand, and traffic. What could be coming next that will affect our profession and industry? I will attempt to make some predictions, and I will be interested to see how right or wrong I am in the coming years. Electrification of Transit Fleets

Pickup/Drop-off Curb Space

Batteries continue to get better. Consistent range, performance, and safety have made moving bus transit to an electric platform feasible, viable, and cost-effective. China has led the way in this trend, and North American transit properties, universities, and airports have begun to transition their bus fleets to electric. Bus manufacturers have emerged who specialize in electric buses while also collaborating with traditional bus companies on conversions.

Given the increasing use of TNCs and the likely future advent of autonomous vehicles, our built environments will need to develop new design standards and operational use criteria to make the best use of limited curb space. Perhaps when parking demand declines, the curb space issue will be addressed by having fewer curbs in use for parking. At least for the foreseeable future, curb use and availability will remain a challenge.

Many of us have installed electric-vehicle (EV) charging stations in our facilities. This may be due to a code requirement or as a way to attract EV owners to park in our facilities. But the range for EVs has dramatically improved; some EVs can go 100, 200, or more miles on a charge. Is EV charging still needed at worksites as battery range improves? Should EV charging be done at home, and should EV charging be free? Should fast or slow chargers be the option?

Transportation Network Companies Is the growing use of Lyft and Uber a prelude to how life will be with autonomous vehicles (AVs)? Will we own cars in the future and need to park them? How should our facilities be designed and what features do they need if the vehicles can park themselves? For now, it may be prudent to develop staging areas for TNCs. 12 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2019 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

Technology Instead of Travel In more urban and suburban areas, this could lead to a growing need for short-term loading zones to accommodate delivery activities. Commuters may commute less or to various remote locations to facilitate remote working/working from home, reducing demand for monthly permits and parking and increasing need for daily permits. Meetings may take place online with improving video conferencing, reducing mid-day trips and parking demand. Why go to the theater if you can see the next Oscar winner from home? If your dinner can be easily delivered from your favorite restaurant, why go out? This trend should reduce retail parking demand, but it will increase demand for curb and loading areas, particularly in urban settings.

Microtransit Will microtransit services reduce parking demand? Are they shifting trips from transit or using a personal bike? Are these inducing travel by making it easier and faster to travel short distances? Dockless electric scooters are making inroads in some cities and are


EV Charging?

becoming more regulated. Perhaps converting or adding dockless device parking where bike parking is located is prudent. It remains to be seen if these microtransit services will be profitable and worth incorporating into planning processes. When mobility-as-aservice becomes possible, microtransit should have a place in travel planning and seamless paying.

LPR and Gateless Parking Can parking garages and lots be operated with license plate recognition (LPR)-based payment and enforcement exclusively? Have we seen the end of parking meters, pay stations, and gate arms? Can parking be factored into emerging mobilityas-a-service solutions via LPR? When parking facilities become staging areas for TNCs and/or autonomous vehicles, automated vehicle detection and payments will be needed. While vehicles could be equipped with a device like an E-ZPass, all vehicles have a license plate that is valid everywhere. Perhaps LPR becomes a way for AVs to pay for parking/staging/charging at a parking facility. If that is the case, will gates and pay stations be necessary? Until cash is gone and humans no longer drive and park, parking equipment should continue to be useful. However, the day is coming when barrier-free, LPR-based parking payment and enforcement will be the norm.

issue for more)? Depending on the location of the facility, age, design, and ownership, it may or may not make financial sense to build a parking facility to accommodate an autonomous vehicle future. Can the property be redeveloped? If so, perhaps when parking demand declines to the point where a garage is no longer needed, it may be best to redevelop the property. A growing aspect of our roles as parking and mobility professionals is to stay aware and informed of these and other trends and advances in our profession. In some cases, our best approach is to wait and see how the trend plays out. ◆ BRIAN SHAW, CAPP, is executive director of parking and transportation at Stanford University, and co-chair of the IPMI Sustainability Committee. He can be reached at


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Amplification of Transportation Is it possible to crack the challenge of real-time ride-sharing— trip, location, and time? Is this service best accomplished with TNCs and ride-matching apps versus dedicated vehicles and routes? When AVs can carry larger passenger loads, perhaps services such as Chariot and RidePal will be economically viable. Until then, daily ride-matching apps seem to have found a viable place. Combining daily ride-matching with LPR-based parking management should allow use of preferred carpool parking and sharing commuting costs for daily carpools. Transit agencies have begun considering using TNCs to provide on-demand transportation, particularly for lightly used routes or during off-peak service hours. Arguably, TNCs can be a more cost-effective way to provide needed transportation when ridership loads are low.

Adaptive Reuse Under what conditions does it make sense to pay the extra upfront costs for adaptive reuse (see p. 36 of the May 2019

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What Happens to Retirement Assets in a Divorce? By Mark A. Vergenes


ANY AMERICANS CONTRIBUTE diligently to retirement plans. As you know,

contributing a portion of your income, pre-tax, to a retirement savings plan can add up to a substantial sum over the years or even decades.

That’s why these types of retirement assets can play a big role in divorces, especially for people who divorce later in life when the assets have grown into large amounts. For this group, also known as “grey divorces,” their retirement account may be their single most valuable asset, exceeding the value of their home, other investments, or other belongings.

ported in 1990. Among those 65 and older, the divorce rate has roughly tripled since 1990. Divorce after 50 or 65 can be tricky. While child custody is rarely an issue, retirement funds and planning can be upended. A couple may have spent a lifetime saving for a retirement plan that must now change dramatically.

Grey Divorce on the Rise Divorce among people 50 and older is on the rise, according to the National Center for Health Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau. The divorce rate in this age group has approximately doubled during the past few decades. For every 1,000 people 50 and older who are married, 10 will get divorced. That’s twice the rate re14 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2019 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

No matter which type of savings plans you’ve contributed to—an IRA, 401(k), 457 or 403(b) accounts, governmental 457(b) plans, or a pension—retirement savings and assets will be divided in the divorce. How you divide the assets and the process and legal processes you employ will have a big effect on how you are able to use the money, when you can use it, and the tax implications associated with transfers and withdrawals. If you contribute to a 401(k) or similar retirement plan, you may know that these types of retirement plans are protected under the anti-assignment and anti-alienation rules. That means your retirement funds are protected from creditors or other claims. A notable exception is that part or all of a retirement account could be assigned to an alternate payee, or, in plain English, transferred to another person, under a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO). The IRS defines a QDRO as a “judgment, decree or order for a retirement plan to pay child support, alimony or marital property rights to a spouse, former spouse, child or other dependent of a participant.” For all retirement savings plans (except IRAs) private settlement agreements are not acknowledged or accepted. To move money from a retirement fund



such as a 401(k), a domestic relations order, or DRO, must be formally approved by a person or office with the authority to issue judgments, such as a court. Once the DRO is issued, the retirement plan administrator must then approve it to make it qualified. Interestingly, these assignations don’t have to be to your divorced spouse. With a QDRO, you can name your spouse, former spouse, child, or other recognized dependents as the alternate payee. This is especially relevant in divorces that involve custody agreements. When dealing with IRAs, the only assignee allowed is the owner’s spouse.

The QDRO Cheat Sheet

Be Prepared Divorce can be complicated, uncomfortable, and confusing. Mistakes can be costly and have an effect on your finances for years to come, so it pays to be prepared and to find experts who can help you make smart decisions. ◆ MARK A. VERGENES is president of MIRUS Financial Partners. He can be reached at mark@ MIRUS Financial Partners, nor Cetera Advisor Networks LLC, give tax or legal advice. Opinions expressed are not intended as investment advice and may not be relied on for the purpose of determining your social security benefits, eligibility, or avoiding any federal tax penalties. All information is believed to be from reliable sources; however, we make no representations as to its completeness or accuracy. All economic and performance information is historical and indicative of future results.

QRDOs are governed by a long list of rather complicated tax and legal laws. Here are a few guidelines to help you navigate through these complicated waters: ■■ Find an expert. Consult with a qualified financial adviser to help you think through income and tax implications. It’s also smart to find an attorney who specializes in QRDOs, in addition to your divorce attorney. ■■ Think about taxes. A QDRO must be used to divide any nonIRA retirement plan or you may get taxed as if it’s a withdrawal. The amount you transfer to your ex-spouse will be considered taxable income, so make sure you follow procedure and fill out paperwork properly. ■■ Know that IRAs are significantly different than other types of retirement accounts. The rules and regulations for assigning alternate payees vary substantially among IRAs and other retirement accounts. Documentation needs vary. Tax implications vary. The way you assign payees is different. Don’t make the mistake of treating them all the same. ■■ Ask your financial adviser to analyze the implications of divorce agreements. Many divorce agreements chop up assets so they can trade lump amounts, often without much regard to tax implications. For example, after-tax effects of taking a house in lieu of a 401(k) payment may be substantial. ■■ Update your retirement plan. Once your divorce is final and transfers are made, make sure you go back to your retirement plans and change your beneficiaries. (This is also a good time to review wills, life insurance policies, deeds, and investment accounts.) PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / JUNE 2019 / PARKING & MOBILITY 15


Sustainable Building Leads the Way to Sustainable Mobility in Dubai


By Sarah Merricks

HE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (UAE) is going above and beyond to tackle climate risk

and focus on environmentally friendly development. This leadership is especially evident in Dubai. One of the fastest-growing metropolises in the world, Dubai has become a model for how a city can transform into one of the most sustainable and livable cities in the world. The city has taken a number of initiatives to reduce its carbon emissions through energy-efficiency policies and production of renewable energy, including committing to reducing emissions from government entities and industries by 16 percent. The Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, for example, is the largest generator of solar energy in the world from a single location—with a capacity to produce 5,000 megawatts by 2030—almost 25 percent of the total estimated energy production in the Emirate.


In March 2014, Dubai municipality mandated green-building specifications and regulations for all new buildings. Dubai is also a leader in waste management; in 2012, it developed a waste management master plan to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills to zero in 20 years by using an integrated and innovative approach. And most recently, in April 2019, the city was the first in the middle east (MENA) region to receive LEED for Cities Platinum certification.

Earlier this year, the project built on this commitment Government Leadership These are all impressive achievements that solidify Dubai’s role as an international leader and are due in large part to government leadership. For example, the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has demonstrated a strong commitment to reducing the effect of its own ecological footprint. As the distribution authority for electricity and water in the Emirate of Dubai, DEWA’s contribution toward healthy and sustainable development through its buildings and assets has been commendable. In keeping with the company’s vision of becoming a sustainable world-class utility, the authority decided to pursue sustainable design for its office building in Al Quoz, Dubai. And in September 2012, DEWA Sustainable Building achieved LEED Platinum certification with a score of 98 out of 110 points, making it the largest government building in the world at the time to earn Platinum certification. It was also the highest scoring building in the MENA region and among the top in the world. Earlier this year, the project built on this commitment by also achieving Parksmart Pioneer certification, and it was the first building in the MENA and North Africa region to be recognized under Parksmart.

The Building The 236,996 gross-square-foot building houses DEWA’s customer service center, a customer call center, an engineering and control center, and the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition center for water systems. The building uses 66 percent less energy and 48 percent less water than a traditional office building thanks to the use of high-efficiency water fixtures. The building has a fully automated control panel to control the cooling and air conditioning systems and a number of ventilation units that further reduce energy consumption. An efficient stormwater management plan at the facility ensures recycling of water for irrigation, and special regulators, sensor taps, low-flow fixtures, and waterless urinals help further reduce water consumption. An in-house laboratory also ensures that water quality conforms to global environmental standards.

by also achieving Parksmart Pioneer certification and was the first building in the MENA and North Africa region to be recognized under Parksmart. Materials used in construction contain approximately 36.79 percent recycled content; 28.53 percent of those materials were regionally sourced. The project also has a solar hot water system, an on-site greywater treatment plant, a 660-kilowatt solar power plant, and a vegetated roof. LED lights and automatic lighting control systems power the building’s lighting mechanism with occupancy sensors. And indoor air quality in the building is constantly monitored through the use of carbon dioxide sensors with alarms in all densely occupied areas, while outdoor air is treated and supplied throughout the building to provide better ventilation.

Location Located close to the Dubai Metro Station the project helps reduce pollution and land development impact from automobile use. Bicycle racks have been allocated for 5 percent of the building users, in addition to preferential parking for low-emission and fuel-efficient vehicles and six electric-vehicle charging stations. As a destination and origination point in the UAE’s transportation system, DEWA recognized the importance of making sure its building maximized its sustainable transportation impact and pursued Parksmart in addition to LEED certification for the headquarters. This LEED-plus approach made sure the authority took advantage of both LEED’s sustainability strategies and those in Parksmart and were also specific to the parking structure building type. If LEED Platinum was good, DEWA figured, then LEED plus Parksmart must be great. And so it is. ◆ SARAH MERRICKS is executive communications director with the United States Green Building Council. She can be reached at




EXPERTS What’s the difference between a boss and a leader?

Brian Shaw, CAPP

Vicki Pero, SPHR

Executive Director, Parking & Transportation Services Stanford University

Principal Marlyn Group

A boss tends to make decisions without input from their team. A leader will leverage their team and encourage them to execute on the agreedupon path.

Bosses direct people to do work while leaders inspire people to perform.

Casey Jones, CAPP Vice President TimHaahs By telling, directing, and commanding, bosses work through their subordinates to achieve their goals while leaders inspire, support, and encourage to maximize the effectiveness, satisfaction, and innovation of their teams. Bosses use the power of their positions to get what they want while leaders use character, empathy, and encouragement to make their teams better.

Isaiah Mouw, CAPP Vice President, Municipal Operations Citizens-Lanier Holdings There’s truth to the overshared LinkedIn post about how a leader leads and a boss drives. I think it goes beyond that, though. I think emotional intelligence is the biggest differentiator between a boss and a leader. There are many bosses with high intelligence, but great leaders separate themselves with their high emotional intelligence.

Marlene Cramer, CAPP Director, Transportation & Parking Services Cal Poly San Luis Obispo A boss directs and oversees work; a leader inspires one to be better and do better.

/ HAVE A QUESTION? Send it to and watch this space for answers from the experts.

The opinions and thoughts expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinions and viewpoints of the International Parking & Mobility Institute or official policies of IPMI.



Smart City Planning Drives Access & Mobility







Choice The winners of this year’s IPMI Awards of Excellence competition.

By Melanie Padgett Powers

BLENDING ART WITH PARKING. Prioritizing sustainability with parking. Improving neighborhoods through parking. These lofty goals make parking structures important aspects of communities around the world. Winners in this year’s Awards of Excellence competition embrace these goals and more, striving to improve cities and neighborhoods through parking. We hope their stories inspire you. Miami Design District Associates The Miami Design District Museum Garage can’t be missed. Its brightly colored, unique facade showcases designs from five different artists. In keeping with the neighborhood’s dedication to fostering innovative art, the design district’s developer commissioned architect and curator Terence Riley at K/R to develop the facade concept. Inspiration for the facade was drawn from the French surrealist parlor game Exquisite Corpse, which involves various artists creating images with no knowledge of what the other artists have drawn. They then produce one image whose components don’t necessarily match but flow together as one playful composition. Five artists and firms were selected. Blending the creative minds of the artists and turning their conceptual designs into realistic, life-size artwork proved to be the greatest challenge. TimHaahs worked closely with the facade fabricators, Zahner, and the five designers to turn their designs into life-size artwork. The roof deck was also transformed with a mesmerizing graphic of a hurricane inspired by Doppler radar imagery. While the design is the standout, the garage is also a successful mixed-use garage that combines 22,000 square feet of high-end retail space on the ground floor, 20 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2019 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

Best Design of a Mixed or Multi-use Parking & Transportation Facility Miami Design District Museum Garage Owning Agency: Miami Design District Associates Completed Between: January–December 31, 2017 Parking Consultant, Architect, and Engineer of Record: Timothy Haahs & Associates, Inc. General Contractor: KVC Constructors, Inc. Facade Curator and Facade Designer-Barricade: K/R Facade Designer-Urban Jam: Manuel Clavel Arquitectos, Facade Designer-Ant Farm: WORK Architecture Company


a valet level below grade with car-lifts, and six supported levels of self-parking. There are 736 public spaces— including 30 spots for electric-vehicle charging—and 191 valet spots. Bike racks are also provided. The entire team worked together to create what is a beautiful canvas of art, while also providing an efficient parking system.



San Diego International Airport has a small footprint of 661 acres. Its parking structures were not meeting demand, which was only expected to grow. Therefore, the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority envisioned a new “front door” to Terminal 2 that would provide a premier passenger experience. Emphasis was placed on customer-focused design and state-of-the-art technology to provide a more efficient, relaxing experience for travelers. The new structure provides 2,907 parking stalls and is infused with a high-level experience. The Parking Plaza celebrates San Diego by creating a welcoming atmosphere for travelers. An overlook on the top level provides amazing harbor and downtown views. To preserve the harbor view, the building’s height was reduced and the footprint expanded. Three expansive lightwells were incorporated into the design to provide as much natural light as possible. The lightwells provide an open and airy pedestrian path from the Parking Plaza to the terminal and feature rock gardens, benches, and public art in the form of filigreed metal trees that create elegant archways over the lightwells. The Airport Authority did not want any exposed conduit in the facility, which proved to be a great challenge given the amount of devices and equipment desired. For four months in the early stages of design, the design build team collaborated with electrical subcontractors to identify all of the conduit routing and design solutions that would conceal it in columns, beams, and most critically, the concrete decks. Passengers exiting Terminal 2 are greeted by three massive, brightly colored public art installations on the 22 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2019 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG


San Diego International Airport Terminal 2 Parking Plaza

Best Design of Parking Facility San Diego International Airport Terminal 2 Parking Plaza Owning Agency: San Diego County Regional Airport Authority Completed Between: January 1–December 31, 2018 Owner: San Diego County Regional Airport Authority, Architect, Structural Engineer and Parking Planner: Watry Design, Inc. Design Builder: Swinertonr Design Architect: Gensler Civil Engineer: Michael Baker Internationa Landscape Architect: Spurloc


exterior of the Parking Plaza’s three main stair towers. Each installation consists of stainless steel aircraft cables strung with hundreds of resin airplanes. Every screen features a different style of plane to celebrate San Diego’s commitment to the aviation industry. To connect even deeper to the Airport’s origins as Lindbergh Field, one plane is a model of San Diego’s own Spirit of St. Louis. Each installation features a unique color to act as a wayfinding element for passengers. Cutting-edge parking technology allows drivers to secure parking reservations in advance and streamline their experience upon arrival. A license-plate recognition system, flexible payment options, and a high-level parking guidance system make arriving and departing smooth and efficient.

University of California, San Francisco, was expanding its Mission Bay research campus. The neighborhood was in desperate need of a parking solution. The SFMTA’s Parking and Curb Management team decided to work collaboratively with several neighborhood organizations and other city agencies. This included bike and pedestrian planners, landscape

Dogpatch Neighborhood Parking Plan The Dogpatch neighborhood of San Francisco, Calif., is a unique, artsy mix of industrial and residential uses sprinkled with a dose of brew pubs and chic restaurants. In the past few decades, the population tripled as two dozen multi-family mixed use developments were built. There were 2,600 unregulated spaces that attracted long-term car storage, commuter parking, and recreational vehicles—all of which prevented residents and local business customers from finding parking. In addition, construction of more than 6,000 residential units was anticipated—in a neighborhood smaller than half a square mile—plus the Golden State Warriors NBA basketball team was building a new 18,000-seat arena at the neighborhood’s northern edge, and the

Innovation in a Mobility, Transportation, or Parking Operation or Program Dogpatch Neighborhood Parking Plan Owning Agency: San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), Calif. Completed Between: January 1–December 31, 2018 Owner and Planner: San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, Parking & Curb Management


architects, the public works and city planning departments, and the Green Benefit District. The groups spent more than two years developing a consensus plan around a unique and innovative parking management strategy that would balance the competing demands of multiple stakeholders and incorporate emerging mobility needs. The community wanted improved pedestrian access and safety, expansion of the bike route system and bike-sharing infrastructure, and accommodations for increased bus service and car-share vehicles. The plan included changing parking alignment and reducing parking space supply in some areas to make room for sidewalk bulb-outs, bike lanes, bus stops, car-share parking, and bike-share stations. The consensus plan incorporates a mixture of residential permit parking, time-limited parking, and demand-responsive metered parking, matching parking control mechanisms to adjoining land uses. Parking controls discourage commuters from parking in the

area, leaving more spots available to residents and local workers and reducing traffic congestion. Changing the alignment of parking on selected blocks enabled the creation of pedestrian ways, beautifying the neighborhood, increasing pedestrian access and safety, and discouraging long-term storage of vehicles, including RVs. The Dogpatch Neighborhood Parking Plan is a creative approach to parking demand management at the neighborhood level. The collaborative process allowed for effective parking management while meeting broader community goals.

Sioux Area Metro Transit Station Improvements The Depot in Sioux City, S.D., is a central bus transit hub for several downtown bus routes. Officially called the Sioux Area Metro Downtown Transit Station, the Depot suffered from years of weathering and exposure. Significant repairs were required, and the facility’s lighting, signage, and accessibility needed to be upgraded to meet Americans with Disabilities Act standards and the needs of passengers. Walker Consultants first performed a condition assessment in 2011 to determine what repairs were needed. The city decided the entire structure and site needed renovation. The biggest challenges were a short construction timeframe and a very small urban site. It was quickly determined that the facility could not remain in use during construction, and a temporary bus stop was created about one block away. This saved the city money by shortening the duration of construction and allowed for continuous construction sequencing. The project included the complete renovation of the south entry and facade, the addition of two large skylights at the canopy, upgrading to LED lighting, signage modernization, and the addition of an overhang around the building structure. Accessible curb cuts and pedestrian ramps were installed at all pedestrian crossings.

Best Parking/Transportation Facility Rehabilitation or Restoration MICHAEL HUBER

Sioux Area Metro Transit Station Improvements Owning Agency: City of Sioux Falls, S.D. Completed Between: January 1–December 31, 2017 Owner Representative and Facility Project Management: City of Sioux Falls, S.D. Project Manager and Engineer: Walker Consultants Project Manager: GA Johnson Construction, Inc. Architect: Michael Huber Architects



Colored, grooved concrete was provided to clearly identify bus loading areas and limit the potential for slipping. Deteriorated paving at the walking surface within the canopy was replaced with colored concrete in a river pattern to simulate the adjacent Big Sioux River. Bike racks were added to complement the bike trail adjacent to the river. The facade was modified to prefinished metal to match the new standing seam metal roof at the terminal building and adjacent to the skylights. This not only updated the style of the facility, but also decreased annual maintenance costs. Sioux Falls realized tremendous accessibility, aesthetic, and performance improvements at minimum capital cost. The end result of the project is a muchimproved transit experience that will serve the Sioux Falls metro area for decades to come.

California State University (CSU) Sacramento is the largest and fastest growing campus of the 23 CSU campuses. Sustainability was one of the university’s top priorities for its new Parking Structure 5 (PS5). The new structure replaced an existing surface lot, providing 1,750 stalls in six levels. Located by the main entrance of a growing urban college campus, the structure was designed to blend in and complement the dense trees of the nearby arboretum. Known as the “Big Build,” the parking construction was one of five major projects happening on campus. Therefore, offsite construction was key. While site work commenced, the structural prefabricated concrete elements were sourced and produced locally, at a nearby manufacturing plant that incorporated the innovative architectural finishes. They were then delivered and erected very quickly, helping minimize disruption to the campus. The manufacturing facility derives more than 50 percent of its energy from its own co-located solar array, reducing the environmental effects of manufacturing and transportation. Furthermore, offsite construction removed more than 5,700 worker days from the campus job site to the manufacturing facility, reducing commuter impact by over 10,000 car trips, plus the parking and site impacts those workers would have had created if the project had been delivered conventionally. The prefabricated structure was constructed in less than 11 months, much faster than conventional construction and further reducing construction effects to the campus. The team was driven to design and deliver solutions that met and exceeded the owner’s parking and quick


California State University Sacramento Parking Structure 5

Award for New Sustainable Parking and Transportation Facilities Excellence California State University Sacramento Parking Structure 5 Owning Agency: California State University Sacramento Completed Between: January 1–December 31, 2017 Owner: California State University Sacramento General Contractor, Precast Concrete Producer and Engineer: Clark Pacific Architect: Dreyfuss+Blackford Architecture, Engineer: Buehler & Buehler Structural Engineers, Inc., Structural Traffic Planner: Fehr & Peers

TOTAL COST: $36.2 MILLION construction goals. Key to this was bringing on the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineers and other design-build subcontractors early. Through the technology, design, innovations, placemaking, and conservation programs implemented for PS5, CSUS hopes to achieve a Parksmart Gold certification from the Green Building Certification Institute, making it the ­highest-performing, most-sustainable parking structure west of the Mississippi. PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / JUNE 2019 / PARKING & MOBILITY 25


Award for New Sustainable Parking and Transportation Facilities Excellence Gold 1 Garage

Stadium Authorite of the City of Pittsburgh, Pa., Gold 1 Garage In its efforts to replace a surface lot with a new parking structure, the Stadium Authority of the City of Pittsburgh, Pa., built the first Parksmart Gold-certified parking structure in the world. Throughout the project, the design team aimed to showcase the City of Pittsburgh’s sustainable goals. The team conceived the 330,000-square-foot garage to be an ecosystem interconnected with the immediate site, surrounding North Shore development, adjacent landscape and hardscape, and extended community. In addition to being home to PNC Park and Heinz Field, the North Shore neighborhood is a fast-growing hub of retail, entertainment, and office uses, all creating demand for additional parking. The 1,000-car Gold 1 Garage now supports both daily commuter and event parking. The facade of the six-story precast concrete structure features a sculptural array of aluminum fins that shimmer in the sun, harkening to the nearby glimmering Allegheny River. Features include electric-vehicle charging stations, 100 percent motion-activated LED lighting, a tire inflation station, bio-swales to reduce rainwater runoff, secure indoor bicycle parking and service area for 100 bikes, and provisions for a future solar PV array. 26 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2019 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

Owning Agency: Stadium Authority of the City of Pittsburgh, Pa. Completed Between: January 1–December 31, 2017 Owner: Stadium Authority of the City of Pittsburgh Architect: WTW Architects Parking Design Consultant: Walker Consultants Construction Manager: Massaro Corporation Structural Engineer: A & A Consultants, Inc. MEP Engineer: Advantus Engineers Traffic/Site/Civil/Landscape Consultant: The Gateway Engineers, Inc.

TOTAL COST: $22.1 MILLION Construction methods and materials for the Gold 1 Garage aligned with sustainability goals by incorporating a design for durability and other strategies recognized by Parksmart. Over 85 percent of the material taken from the site during excavation was recycled. Various materials used in the project, including precast concrete, were all sourced and/or manufactured regionally. In addition, construction workers lived within 75 miles of the site, parked in specific locations outside the city, and took shuttles to the site to reduce their carbon footprint. The LED lifespan drastically reduces fixture maintenance, and daylight and occupancy sensors power down all fixtures that aren’t necessary at a given moment, further lengthening LED life. A small HVAC system is limited to staffed areas, and the openness of the facade allows the garage to be naturally ventilated, eliminating high-maintenance and energy-consuming ventilation equipment. The team achieved Parksmart’s requirement that the owner, architect, and constructor work together from the onset to fully understand how the design can support the way a facility is managed.

Albert Cuyp Parking Garage The Albert Cuyp Parking Garage in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, proves it is possible to construct a substantial underground parking facility beneath a canal in marshy soil, in the middle of a densely populated area, while enabling a 19th century neighborhood to benefit from the very latest technology. The Albert Cuyp garage is the first parking garage built under an Amsterdam canal. ZJA Zwarts & Jansma Architects designed an underground parking facility for 600 cars and 60 bicycles under the Boerenwetering Canal. Sixty of the spaces are intended for visitors to the neighborhood; the remainder are for permit holders. The disappearance of 600 parking spots on street level creates room for new playgrounds, green areas, and squares. Every effort was made to ensure that the addition of an underground parking garage had minimal consequences for its immediate environment. The idea behind the design was to blend the parking garage into the existing urban landscape. All installations are out of sight as far as possible, and the ramps are integrated into the canal-side roads without any conspicuous elevations. The emergency exits and vents are minimalist

objects in the street. The walls of the entrances are made of glass, allowing light and air to enter the parking garage and allowing easy orientation for visitors. Due to the size and linear structure of the canal, an unambiguous cross-section was created that is the same throughout the entire 260-meter long and 30-meter wide two-story parking garage. The parking system consists of two one-way lanes with parking spaces less than an angle of 70 degrees on both sides. The biggest challenge was building an underground parking garage in a densely populated part of the city with hardly any room for storage and with narrow and constricted access routes. Above all, there could be no damage done to the foundations of the 19th century houses. Because the parking system records which car is parked in which slot, this qualifies as a smart garage. The real intelligence here, however, lies in the fact that not one square foot of the city has been sacrificed to house 600 cars. â—† MELANIE PADGETT POWERS is a freelance writer and editor. She can be reached at melanie@

Award for Architectural Achievement Albert Cuyp Parking Garage Owning Agency: Municipality of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Owner: Municipality of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Architects: ZJA Zwarts & Jansma Architects




At the Top of Their Game Recipients of this year’s IPMI Professional Recognition Program awards rise to the top.


By Melanie Padgett Powers




and each year several dedicated professionals aim high and reach the top of the mountain, inspiring colleagues throughout the industry with their innovation and motivation. This year’s Professional Recognition Program award winners are inspirational in their commitment and superior work ethic and attitude. We hope you enjoy meeting them. Staff Member of the Year Melonie Curry STAFF ANALYST

ParkHouston Houston, Texas Melonie Curry was introduced to parking when she was hired as a ParkHouston administrative assistant in 2006. Now as staff analyst, she oversees customer engagement, marketing, social media, and neighborhood outreach. Community outreach has grown tremendously under Curry’s leadership. She coordinates the Residential Permit Parking (RPP) program, which has grown by more than 200 percent under her tenure. She developed an RPP presentation and proactively visits neighborhood associations to educate residents and ensure applications are complete and on time. Curry is a customer champion, ensuring residents’ voices are heard. She is known for her ability to listen and empathize with customers while also explaining and educating them about parking regulations. In fact, she is the primary contact when a resident contacts the mayor’s office directly. She investigates, finds a solution, and responds to more than 200 concerns sent directly to the mayor each year. Overall, she aims to find the best solution for more than 3,000 citizens who contact ParkHouston every year. As social media manager and marketing coordinator, Curry has developed several educational pieces for customers, including the “Parking Puzzle” brochure quiz. She monitors and manages ParkHouston’s

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram platforms, which includes keeping updated on customer complaints or areas of concern. For example, after a new downtown bike lane eliminated some on-street parking, bike advocacy groups were quick to monitor the area and tweet the mayor and police department whenever a car was spotted parked in the new lane. Curry responded to social media complaints and worked with the team to ensure the traffic engineer installed sufficient no-parking and tow-away signage. During the weekend of the Houston Marathon, she invested in Twitter ads, reducing the number of questions the office received about parking limitations. Furthermore, her social media and marketing efforts have increased pay-by-phone adoption from 3 to 16 percent. As ParkHouston continues to find innovative ways to meet the city’s parking needs, Curry aims to be the voice of residents and remains committed to a customerservice-driven focus.


EasyPark Vancouver, British Columbia Through her customer-first approach, supervisor Chelsea Kidd has changed the culture at EasyPark in Vancouver, British Columbia. She believes that every customer violation is an opportunity for education, and she has trained her staff to be


firm, yet fair, in dealing with customer appeals. This approach has led her team to fill up three walls in the EasyPark office with positive tweets from customers, who frequently cite the staff ’s professionalism and empathy. Kidd is also highly regarded among EasyPark’s corporate clients, as she works hard to ensure their requests are met and that they are satisfied with their parking program. She is a key stakeholder in EasyPark’s daily operations, working with almost every department in the organization. She has become the subject expert on the parking management system and continues to develop new ideas that will streamline processes for both clients and employees. Kidd collects stats on cancelled violations and keeps operations staff members updated so they can continue to educate their frontline patrollers on how to issue good violations. A self-proclaimed “parking nerd,” Kidd’s commitment to the industry and her customers led to her being awarded the EasyPark Customer Service Award in 2017. Kidd is skilled at resolving customer concerns in a calm, positive, and sensitive manner, aiming to make customers feel appreciated. At the same time, she does not promise things that she or her team cannot deliver. Internally, she promotes customer interests and goals, encouraging staff to always consider customers when making decisions.

Emerging Leader of the Year Charley DeBow CEO/CO-FOUNDER, CURBTRAC

Wyncote, PA Charley DeBow is widely recognized as a municipal technology and innovation leader in the parking industry. In 2018, he co-founded the startup CurbTrac, a mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) platform for cities to better manage their curb space. DeBow is committed to advancing technology in the parking industry and is a member of IPMI’s



Technology Committee. As such, he presented on technology at multiple state and regional conferences in the last two years. In addition, he continually writes about technology issues for industry publications and blogs. DeBow is also a vocal advocate for his peers to continue personal and professional development; he plans to pursue his CAPP designation this year. DeBow worked his way up through parking first as a project manager at Central Parking System in Washington, D.C., then as director of parking at the Borough of State College, Pa., for five years. He then became senior vice president, sales and account management at Parkmobile, where he spent four years. He is now CEO at CurbTrac, a software start-up focused on helping cities better manager their mobile parking programs. In DeBow’s role at Parkmobile, he was intimately involved in launching successful mobile payment programs in major cities across the U.S. He led the sales and account management team with a 97 percent success rate on request for proposals and a 99 percent client retention rate. At the Borough of State College, he managed both the on- and off-street operations and served as the parking liaison to multiple civic organizations. Under his direction, the borough was one of the first in the country to use license plate-enabled parking, which reduced customer service issues while increasing revenue. DeBow is a board member of the Pennsylvania Parking Association and a member of IPMI’s Technology Committee. He graduated from Pennsylvania State University with a bachelor’s degree in administration of justice.


IPI Professional Recognition Awards

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IPI Professional Recognition Awards

Parking Organization of the Year Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Fort Worth, Texas

As the world’s third busiest airport, Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) International Airport serves 2.5 million parkers each year. The DFW campus spans five miles and offers five public parking rate options with 40,000 public and 9,200 employee parking spaces. The airport’s Parking Business Unit (PBU) provides customers innovative and superior parking and transit operations by following a purpose statement that calls for “delivering a world-class level of service while growing revenue and managing expenses through a collaborative, principled, and positive team environment.” Led by Armin José Cruz—the 2018 IPMI James M. Hunnicutt, CAPP, Parking Professional of the Year— the PBU follows the slogan “Going Above and Beyond for the Ultimate Experience.” Guided by a business strategy formalized in 2002, the PBU is the largest source of non-aviation revenue for DFW Airport. It has maintained financial strength, remained cost competitive, and ensured alignment with the DFW Airport strategic plan and its mission. The PBU continually analyzes data, forecasts market conditions, and delivers reporting through mobile platforms, enabling proactive intelligent business decisions and customer experience improvements. The parking team has implemented innovations such as an automatic vehicle identification payment system, mobile license plate inventory, and smart garage/parking guidance systems. The smart garage technology system directs passengers to available spaces, reducing time and emissions. The system integrates counting stations that track vehicles, identify open spaces, and monitor time-restricted spaces. Dynamic message signs display space information, making parking safer and more convenient, while improving traffic flow, reducing emissions, and optimizing utilization. The airport recently implemented a prepaid


booking system that produced $3.6 million in sales its first year, serving 63,000 customers. The parking team also worked on a curbside reallocation project, which improved safety and traffic flow and reduced customer wait times and emissions. Installing new high-resolution cameras to improve the license plate recognition (LPR) system improved LPR reads by 18 percent. The parking garages also now accept Apple and Android as payment, and 20 electric vehicle-charging stations were installed in the terminal garages. There were more than 1,700 charging sessions in the first year. All these technology advancements led Fodor’s Travel to name DFW Airport as one of the top five most high-tech airports in the U.S.

James M. Hunnicutt, CAPP, Parking Professional of the Year Mike Estey MANAGER OF PARKING OPERATIONS

Seattle Department of Transportation-Traffic Management Division Seattle, Wash. Mike Estey’s commitment to the world of parking and transportation in Seattle, Wash., got its start in another Washington: Washington, D.C., where he first served as a legislative assistant, then legislative director, for Congressional Rep. Sid Morrison (R-WA). In 1997, Estey joined the Seattle mayor’s office, where he soon began working on transportation issues. He became a special assistant to the mayor, providing policy guidance on complex, high-profile transportation issues. This included developing the mayor’s transportation blueprint and leading the mayor’s Transportation Kitchen Cabinet of external stakeholders and the monthly Transportation Cluster meetings. In 2000, Estey joined the Seattle Department of Transportation, where he now serves as manager of parking operations. Under his leadership, Seattle was an early adopter of broader access management strategies that actively supported alternative transportation

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IPI Professional Recognition Awards

and mobility initiatives. Seattle has developed innovative approaches to demand-based parking pricing and has provided other communities tools and road maps on how to implement performance-based parking pricing in their cities. Estey oversaw the creation of a community awareness campaign called “Play Like A Parking Pro,” which educates Seattle parkers about paid parking rules and promotes the use of parking and mobility tools, such as pay by phone and a parking rate heat map. This innovative marketing and parking education campaign was a Parking Matters Award winner in 2015. His staff also created Seattle’s Community Access and Parking Program, which works with community members to identify on-street parking challenges and opportunities, develop parking recommendations, and implement parking management changes. This program has expanded to more than 30 neighborhoods within the Seattle metro area. Other accomplishments under Estey’s leadership include expanding the on-street paid parking program, implementing a parking guidance system, developing an extensive food truck permitting program, and developing business shuttle programs. He is working on a new project to address loading and curb lane management in Seattle’s congested urban core.

James M. Hunnicutt, CAPP, Parking Professional of the Year Isaiah Mouw, CAPP, LEED AP VICE PRESIDENT

Citizens Parking Chattanooga, Tenn. Isaiah Mouw, CAPP, LEED AP, exudes passion and curiosity while interacting with his industry peers, always believing there’s a better way to do things. He has been an advocate for implementing municipal parking programs, with hands-on experience rolling out over 35 municipal operations. In his short time at Citizens Parking, he has had a direct effect on the firm’s bottom line. He


was instrumental in helping nearly double its municipal portfolio with 13 new accounts in his first year. He helped deploy these operations by working with each field team, ensuring Citizens operated as promised, and facilitated strategic partnerships to obtain vendor discounts on behalf of the clients. He also believes in professional development and best practices, creating for Citizens field teams a monthly Municipal Best Practices series. Through weekly study calls and courses, he led the effort to have more than 30 Citizens employees become industry certified. He also led the effort for Citizens to become APO-certified. Mouw is a strong supporter of the U.S. Green Building Council’s sustainability in transportation efforts. While on IPMI’s Sustainability Committee, he helped write IPMI’s Framework on Sustainability. He also worked with the Green Parking Council (GPC), now Parksmart, serving on the Credentialing Committee, writing for the GPC Blog, and serving as chair of the GPC Certification Committee. He has obtained his Green Assessor certification and has served as an IPMI Green Star Reviewer. Mouw co-authored the chapter “The Garage in the Urban Context” in the book “Parking Sustainability & Management” and the chapter “Transportation Demand Management” in “A Guide to Parking.” Mouw became the youngest legacy CAPP graduate at the age of 25. He was a member of the first CAPP Job-Analysis Committee, as well as the first CAPP Item Writing Committee. He was the second person to take the new International Organization of ­Standardization-certified CAPP exam. He was elected to the CAPP Board in 2017, where he contributed to several CAPP milestones: the mentorship program, recertification extension guidelines, an international shift, and the inclusion of mobility. Mouw has written and presented on behalf of the CAPP Board at multiple tradeshows and through numerous video interviews. That outreach and his CAPP mentorship has directly led to numerous employees and colleagues enrolling in the program. ◆ MELANIE PADGETT POWERS is a freelance writer and editor. She can be reached at


The new SKIDATA skiosk® Lite ‘Parking’. The digital kiosk‘s large touch screen combines the ultimate user friendly interface and attractive advertising space in one. Your new additional revenue opportunities await. Visit us at IPMI in Anaheim from June 9th-12th in booth # 441!

e h e r W IPMI’s Marketing Awards winners showcase the best creative thinking that works.


here’s a lot of creative marketing and communications going on in parking and mobility! Winners of the sixth

annual IPMI Marketing Awards (formerly Parking Matters® Awards) promoted acceptance of new technology, alternative transportation, safe habits, and other positive changes through creative, multi-faceted campaigns. Four of the 11 winners received “Best of 2019” awards for their market-

e s l Ru ing programs:


Best of 2019 Treasure Hunt Diamond Parking and PayByPhone Want to motivate a young, mobile audience with a robust social media presence to embrace a new app? Send them on a treasure hunt! Diamond Parking’s PayByPhone Diamond Treasure Hunt campaign sought to increase the adoption rate of its four-year-old mobile parking payment app. It chose four cities with the highest number of pay-by-phone-compatible lot locations: Seattle, Metro Vancouver, Edmonton, and Calgary. Drivers were asked to solve a riddle alluding to a landmark near a Diamond Parking lot (such as Seattle’s Space Needle), snap a photo, and post it on social media with the hashtag #PBPTreasureHunt. Each city’s weekly riddle and entry requirements were posted on its website and reinforced by articles on local news sites and posters and handouts at popular hubs. In Vancouver, a partnership with a local chocolate company provided further enticements. The first riddle solver in each city won $300 in free parking and qualified for a $1,000 cash prize drawing.

The July-August 2018 campaign’s social media drew more than a million impressions and earned a 19 percent engagement rate. By August, Diamond’s PayByPhone transactions increased 32.2 percent and new users were up 52 percent. MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS TAKEAWAY: A unique concept can help you create a brand attachment to paid parking.

Best of 2019 Game Day/Class Day Playbook for Success


Texas A&M Transportation Services Texas A&M University kicked off its busiest week of the year with a football game against Northwestern State—the first held on a class day in more than a decade. This was going to be anything but routine. The Texas A&M Transportation Services Marketing and Communications team designed an event website, a designated link and email address for questions, branded graphics, and a marketing package that went to athletic groups, university partners and affiliates, departmental representatives, organizational represeny a class da tatives, community partners, th bo st will ho Texas A&M meday on Aug. 30. and a ga donor associations, student NS! IO T P O R U O Y groups, and the media. In-perKNOW son presentations targeted 33,000 students and family AN D MO RE BU SE S PA RK ING & u members; a student-focused ed u. am llthursday.t Aggieland n Visit footba e Destinatio st options! th ad lo video featuring Texas A&M down ur be p to find yo mobile ap running back Trayveon AT LEARN


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Williams and key student representatives reached 70,000 students. The Destination Aggieland gameday mobile app added a Football Thursday section. Media outreach targeted more than 20 print, television, and radio affiliates. Total expense for printed collateral and paid advertising was only $4,000. The team’s marketing and communications plan worked seamlessly: The website pages garnered more than 100,000 visits in the two weeks surrounding the game (a 488 percent increase over the previous year), and the mobile app gained 20,627 active users—a 401 percent increase over the previous year. Collaboration between university and community partners greatly helped expand community outreach, aided by free video production and invitations to present about the event at various locations. MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS TAKEAWAY: A coordinated effort and a solid branding package with one-voice communications is a winning combination for frictionless special events.


Best of 2019 Rideshare Month Alternative Transportation



University of California, Los Angeles In a city known for the worst congestion in the U.S., with limited parking and a growing population, UCLA has faced a tough challenge: it is mandated to reduce mobile sources of greenhouse gas emissions while providing campus-goers with mobility and access options that work. To encourage more employees and students to embrace walking, bicycling, carpooling, vanpooling, and public transit, the campus’ 2018 National Rideshare Month campaign employed a peer-to-peer strategy that profiled alternative commuters. Testimonials were featured in print ads, the UCLA Transportation website and Be A Green Commuter blog, email communications, and social media platforms. The spokespersons endorsed discounted bus passes offered by the university, Bruin Commuter Club benefits program, and more. The individual stories helped UCLA exceed its goal of acquiring alternative-transportation 2,000 pledges by 200 commuters and raised awareness of the department’s alternative transportation offerings. The department’s social media accounts saw explosive



growth: Twitter received 202,500 impressions (one tweet garnered cel ebr ati ng bruins who 12,000), with a 20 perrideshare cent increase in new followers and a 60 percent walk bike carpool va npool transit PLEDGE ONLIN increase in retweets and E TO SHARE THE RIDE AND WI N PRIZES! tra ns po rta tio n.u favorites. UCLA, UCLA cla .ed u Health, and L.A.’s major transit agencies regularly shared campaign content on their Twitter accounts. UCLA Transportation’s Facebook page’s reach increased by more than 200 percent and its Instagram increased more than 430 percent. In addition, more than 1,500 UCLA commuters registered for the UCLA Trip Planner, a tool for identifying the best alternative transportation options to campus. pledge here

win prizes




MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS TAKEAWAY: Authentic, real-life endorsements can lend invaluable credibility and promote peer buy-in.

Best of 2019 Park that Phone: Road to a New Brand University of Cincinnati In A Deadly Wandering, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Matt Richtel recounts the true story of a tragic accident to illustrate the deadly consequences of texting while driving and walking. The book provided a natural impetus for University of Cincinnati’s Parking Services’ 2016-2017 PR campaign. For the 2017-2018 year, the safe-driving message expanded to include all types of distractions, and in 2018-19, the department partnered with the public safety department to raise general safety awareness and theft prevention. Components included a Technology Distractions student pledge, and communications included digital signage, social media, participation in campus-wide events, and parking email taglines. The campaign’s video was set to autoplay on the website’s home page and survey questions elicited student feedback. Participants qualified to win $25 gift cards and a chance at the grand 38 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2019 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

prize: a semester of free parking for students or three months of free parking for faculty and staff. Parking services promoted the pledge at campus-wide events, providing popcorn and giving away branded “Park that Phone!” phone sleeves. The program’s participation rate jumped from 734 in the first year to 3,095 in the second and yielded a 26 percent increase in favorable perception of parking, which increased to 91 percent the next year. The program generated more than 183,000 communication impressions. Participants surveyed said they were significantly less likely to text and drive. “Park that Phone” earned accolades from university leadership and coverage by the student newspaper and college services. MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS TAKEAWAY: If dealing with a sensitive subject, avoid toographic content and focus on positive messaging to encourage adoption.

Parking Made Easy

Driving Change with Art

Parking Division, Integrated Transport Centre DOT, Abu Dhabi

QPark and ParkCloud

With the 2018 expansion of its parking operation to create 27 percent more parking bays, the Abu Dhabi Parking Division (MAWAQiF) sought to counter a misconception that prices were increased solely to generate revenue. Patrons were not used to paid parking and stinging from a recent VAT tax, contributing to misperceptions and plenty of negative press. MAWAQiF’s Parking Made Easy campaign focused on how parking’s contribution to mobility, connectivity, and safety equal “More Time for You.” PR components featured a series of 30-second TV spots that captured an artist chalk-drawing leisure activities (children swinging, football, hammock-time) on paved parking spots in time-lapsed footage with upbeat music. The videos were an asset to social media engagement. In addition, parking inspectors distributed handouts on the importance of parking management in everyday life. The campaign’s lighthearted, simple approach drove home the message and engaged target audiences, leading to 98.3 percent improved compliance and customer satisfaction. Parking-related road accidents and injuries dropped 21 percent. MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS TAKEAWAY: Counter misperceptions by taking a light-hearted approach, and use creative videos to convey your message.

Grappling with a widely held view that parking is a nuisance, two international companies teamed up to shift the spotlight to urban mobility. In 2018, ParkCloud and Q-Park teamed up to use PARK(ing) Day as an opportunity to convey a positive message about parking. Q-Park’s First Street car park in Manchester, England, was selected as the canvas for the event—an art project that could help launch a young person’s career. ParkCloud and Q-Park first considered using professional artists to heighten the creative impact of the relatively unknown event, but realized this was an opportunity to scale up and give something back. PARK(ing) Day became a student-led project with a long-term impact: the winning artwork would be displayed for one year in the car park and the winner would get £500 toward their education. The marketing team integrated elements of the PARK(ing) Day project to ensure consistency through all communications, including social media competitions and exhibition activities. The 10 finalists had six hours to create artwork to adorn a parking space on the school/college premises under the theme “Manchester and Urban Mobility.” Their work was filmed and photographed for judging. PR support and invitations to the press and local dignitaries helped publicize the event.

MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS TAKEAWAY: Riding the coattails of an existing event can be a good marketing strategy, especially with a local tie-in to show community support.


Parking Marketing Campaign City of Virginia Beach, Va. Parking near the beach can be tricky, so the parking management team for the City of Virginia Beach wanted to make it as easy as possible. Their 2018 marketing plan, aimed at increasing return customers, targeted a diverse audience with a large focus on local residents. Print ads, parking surveys, promotional materials at events, an updated website, and a strong presence on social media supported the campaign’s messaging. Print ads informed residents of the residential parking discount while tourist brochures highlighted the Passport parking app and featured municipal parking locations, pricing, and other information. Print ads featuring the app increased app use by 14 percent. The updated website featured catchy visuals that portrayed the city’s excitement while an online survey gathered opinions on customers’ parking experiences at municipal locations. Facebook and Twitter spotlighted municipal parking availability and pricing for special events and holidays. An information booth supplied wayfinding maps of parking locations and promotional materials and sold seasonal passes.

The parking department also designed two new programs to encourage repeat business and parking ease. Its Loyalty Program attracts offers a bonus to entice local return customers. The distribution of more than 28,000 punch cards netted a 20 percent redemption rate. The Seasonal Pass, upgraded to include all municipal surface lots, was embraced by more than 400 residents, business employees, and long-term tourists. MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS TAKEAWAY: A loyalty program coupled with a focus on meeting the needs of local constituents can create a lasting positive impression of your parking program.


Never Miss a Moment Collaboration Visa and PayByPhone Anyone who’s had to worry about getting a parking ticket on an expired meter can appreciate the convenience of remotely paying for and extending parking with a credit card. That was the premise of PayByPhone and Visa’s “Never Miss A Moment” campaign, which targeted drivers in San Francisco, Miami, Seattle, and Metro Vancouver. PayByPhone’s creative team produced a series of videos showing people missing important moments of their lives because they left to pay for parking. Hosted on PayByPhone’s YouTube channel, the videos were also promoted on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, generating 432 app downloads and reaching 1,175,064 Facebook and 255,010 Instagram users. The marketing team leveraged social media influencers in each of the target cities and enhanced the messaging with incentive and referral programs supported by the Visa partnership. “Never Miss a Moment” yielded 500 trackable app installs and a noticeable increase in PayByPhone transactions, as well as a 10 percent increase in overall Visa transactions during the three-month campaign period. The partnership also provided 13.9 million impressions, 42,000 link clicks, and 7,862 app downloads via Visa’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages in the three targeted cities. MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS TAKEAWAY: Partnering with an established, reputed brand whose qualities and values align with yours will enhance your own brand.

Change: Virtual Parking to Residential TDM

Virtual Parking Permits at Stanford

Stanford University With the construction of a new Redwood City campus that will relocate more than 2,200 Stanford University employees, many departments are having to adopt new habits. Parking & transportation services (P&TS), one of the departments preparing for a move, manages parking for 40,000 faculty, staff, students, departments, and contractors. P&TS took a proactive approach to its challenges with two 2018 initiatives. The first was a new virtual parking permit system that uses license plate recognition (LPR) enforcement from an off-campus location and provides parking utilization data. It allows customers to purchase daily and long-term parking permits and manage their Commute Club memberships through an online portal. The second initiative was the EVGR Car Free Club, its first residential TDM program. Faced with the loss of 863 parking spaces during construction of new on-campus housing, P&TS needed to entice students to go car-free. Working closely with colleagues and university stakeholders, P&TS used multiple channels to build

awareness and provide support for customers. A comprehensive microsite featured how-to guides, FAQs, and other resources. A video, newsletter articles, emails, ads, and signage reinforced the messages and enticed 33,065 unique Instantly Availabl e customers to log in to the portal. Convenient and Fl ex The EVGR Car Free Club offered ible Find out what vir members a choice of rewards, intual parking permits mean for you. cluding annual Zipcar membership; reimbursements for transit expenses transporta tion.stanfo ualpermits and Lyft, Uber, and taxi rides; Amazon Prime memberships and more. The club gained 827 members (21 percent of the population) in its first year, with 995 going car-free without joining, surpassing the target car-free population by 134. MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS TAKEAWAY: Offer multiple incentives to encourage your customers to embrace change.


Soak in Seattle City of Seattle and PayByPhone

Getting Visual Philadelphia Parking Authority The Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) knows communicating with current and future customers requires a robust digital presence, and that visual content must be kept fresh and engaging. PPA’s communications team has amassed a visual content library of GIFs, motion graphics, and video aimed at informing, educating, and assisting its customers. Using audience demographics derived from social media reporting software, the team learned that its Facebook users were 58 percent female and mostly between the ages of 35 and 44. Twitter users were 59 percent male between 25 and 34 years old. Most users lived or worked within a 25-mile radius. This allowed them to target content strategically, choosing visuals that were likely to be shared. As a result, the PPA’s digital presence has grown considerably. Since January 2017, the PPA’s social media following has grown by more than 5,000 followers, accounting for a 25 percent total increase. With over 4.2 million impressions, social media engagement has increased 32 percent, with content being absorbed and shared. PPA has tracked a 47 percent increase in received message volume, confirming that followers are receiving information and assistance. MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS TAKEAWAY: Keep content fresh, engaging, and easy-to-understand; address your customers’ concerns; and adapt it to individual communication styles.


The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT teamed up with PayByPhone in 2013 for a fresh campaign with an ambitious goal: gain 6,000 new users and boost transactions to 840,000. The summer-themed “Soak in Seattle” is a double entendre for a city known for significant rainfall and limitless activities. Street team ambassadors targeted locals with offers of free parking on select days for first-time app users. New users also qualified to win a Seattle experience, including tickets to a Mariners game or a heli-tour. Ambassadors attended the Fremont Fair to recruit new users with prize incentives. To drive home the app’s convenience, qualifiers selected a parking sticker off a car entirely covered further with stickers—the same ones required on car dashboards for parkers who do not use the PayByPhone app. Outreach was complemented by leveraging paid PR and social media influencers. Social media users shared what they love about the app with #PBPSeattle. PR efforts netted an article about the sweepstakes in Seattle Met Magazine that was shared with 56,000 magazine Facebook followers; two city newsletter articles reached more than 40,000 subscribers. Display ads on the Seattle Times’ website generated 150,000 impressions; Facebook and Twitter tracked 534,857 impressions and 6,529 link clicks. Traffic and install ads encouraging drivers to download the app to get free parking generated 2,239 views on the sweepstakes’ custom landing page. Overall, PayByPhone tracked a 65 percent increase in new users and 868,000 transactions—a 47 percent increase over the previous summer—giving the partners the impetus to expand across the city into 2019. ◆

MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS TAKEAWAY: Analyze which past PR and marketing tactics have proved most successful and combine them with a fresh campaign.

Ad Name 43



LADDER Proven techniques to establish yourself as an industry leader.

By Perry Eggleston, CAPP, DPH



HERE IS NO SHORTAGE OF DEFINITIONS OR PROCESSES for professionals to become leaders. All industries, including parking and mobility, attempt to incorporate some form of leadership requirement into their programs. defines leadership simply as “the action of leading a group of people or an organization.” However, this definition does not define what the specific actions are in leadership. The question is: Which leadership actions must one use? “Leadership” is simply an accumulation of specific social/management skills applied at the proper time to motivate those who are led. Law enforcement is one industry that created formalized leadership training for its employees. In California, the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute is a program in which law enforcement sergeants complete a curriculum of study, reading, and reports on various leadership styles and theories. They take part three days a month for nine months. Warren G. Bennis, a pioneer in the field of leadership studies, said, “Leaders are people who do the right thing; managers are people who do things right.” Management is easier to define. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines management or manage as “to act or direct with a degree of skill.” It seems leadership and management are synonymous. Both definitions require the development of skills, and those skills are teachable. However, effective leadership uses timing and application of management to motivate employees, unlike management, which relies solely on authority for motivation.

■■ Visionary Leadership: creating and communicating shared

Eight Competencies for Leaders

Once emerging leaders have defined how they want to be known, they can focus on organizational leadership and leadership in context. As an emerging leader, it is important to nurture an effective organization by determining the skill sets of the team and to understand how external forces affect the organization. The emerging leader will better use the remaining competencies by understanding how the internal and external players affect the organization. Visionary, ethical, and team leadership are grouped together because they are solely internal to the organization. Visionary leadership provides for the organizational navigation to a destination. By using ethical leadership, the professional will establish the behaviors expected and those not tolerated. When the destination has been charted, and the behaviors for reaching those goals are set, the new leader can use team leadership to “place the right people on the bus, and in the correct seats,” as Jim Collins points out in his book “Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t.”

In their book, “Leadership for the Common Good: Tackling Public Problems in a Shared Power World,” authors Barbara C. Crosby and John M. Bryson present eight competencies for effective leadership. Because the parking and mobility industry affects the quality of life for their communities, most mobility administrators are expected to use all eight competencies at some point during their careers. While all the competencies are important, their differences are slight, and as a group, they will almost appear equal. However, when looking closely, the differences are logical and easily ranked in importance: ■■ Personal Leadership: understanding and deploying personal assets on behalf of beneficial change. ■■ Organizational Leadership: nurturing humane and effective organizations. ■■ Leadership in Context: understanding the social, political, economic, and technological givens as well as potentialities.

meaning in forums. ■■ Ethical Leadership: sanctioning conduct and adjudicating dis-

putes in court. ■■ Team Leadership: building effective workgroups. ■■ Policy Entrepreneur: coordinating leadership tasks over the

course of a policy change cycle. ■■ Political Leadership: making and implementing decisions in

legislative, executive, and administrative arenas. Foundational to the first seven competencies is personal leadership. This is further defined as a leader’s passion in sharpening the competencies not for personal gain, but for the betterment of the organization. Personal leadership is who we are as leaders. These are internal morality and ethics that are ingrained while growing up by social and environment factors.

Steps to Leadership



The policy entrepreneur and poDemands litical leadership competencies are Relies on Authority external to the organization and those Issues Ultimatums over which the new leader has the least Says “I’ control. However, mastery of these Uses People two are important to the well-being Takes Credit of the organization, which can affect Places the Blame the morale of the employees. When there are policy direction changes coming from a new campus president (or other administrators), new mayor (and/or city council), or a new board of directors, the previous organizational goals are threatened. How the policy entrepreneur and political leader navigate these new forces will affect their status as a leader, both internally and externally to the organization.

Research Up to this point, the discussion has focused on general leadership competencies to better understand how organizational leadership is seen in differing contexts. However, contemporary non-academic articles provide some of the best suggestions to specific leader actions that are useful for the parking and mobility professional. The majority of the literature can be broken into three general topics: ■■ Communicate. Be a master communicator. As Stephen Covey wrote in “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” “seek first to understand, then to be understood.” Most people listen so they can prepare for a response instead of listening to understand the message. This takes being quiet and listening, rather than speaking. It takes humbling oneself by taking the time to understand the message, rather than forcing a message. Praise in public, counsel in private, but remember to take personal responsibility when things go wrong. Don’t blame others! ■■ Teach instead of direct. Leadership is not knowing everything. That is why teams are created—so each member can bring a particular skill to the team. Teaching others your skills allows you to become a teacher instead of just a boss. Included in teaching is challenging yourself and your team to achieve sustained results. Remember, it is influence, and not authority that makes a great leader. Teach to gain respect, and be willing to learn from others. Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald’s, said, “When you’re green, you are growing. When you’re ripe, you rot.” Especially in the parking and mobility industry and its 46 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2019 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

a Leader:

ever-changing technologies, be willing to keep learning or your effectiveness Relies on Goodwill as a leader will rot. Generates Enthusiasm ■■ Be passionate and humble. Be Says “We” passionate about your employees, care Develops People for your organization’s mission, and Gives Credit encourage your staff to accomplish Accepts Blame impossible tasks. Be inspirational by Collier, 2016 showing empathy and maintaining your integrity. Integrity keeps your message authentic. A true leader parks his or her ego at the door and aspires to be respected as a person instead of demanding respect due to title or position. Lead by example, but let others shine. Leaders are only as successful as those they lead. Your credit comes when the team shines, so give them the most shares of the credit. Leadership is not about you; it is about those you are serving. Coaches

Using the Skills Leadership skills are learnable, but like any soft skill, they are acquired by repetition and education. They will dull without consistent use. While some are born leaders, most of us must make positive efforts to learn leadership and practice them daily. Many job descriptions, especially for supervisory and management positions, expect some level of leadership competency. However, these same industries do not provide leadership training. The expectation is that employees must obtain leadership training from outside the organization via university courses or other channels. Parking and mobility industry professionals have access to formal and informal leadership training opportunities. The CAPP program through IPMI includes a section on leadership while other leadership training opportunities are available through the regional parking and transportation organizations. A method of self-study is also available. There are numerous authors: Stephen Covey, Peter Drucker, and Warren Bennis are great places to start. Be curious! The best leaders are always seeking new and better ways to lead, and our industry is changing too fast to stop. ◆ PERRY EGGLESTON, CAPP, DPA, is director, SP+ University Services. He can be reached at peggleston@

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Bringing It All Together Creating a sense of community through parking. By Brittany Moore


S A POSITIVE PERSON WITH A MARKETING BACKGROUND, it was initially difficult to step into a role with parking. Sure, I enjoy a challenge, but the negative connotation surrounding parking weighed heavily. There was little public support, morale was low, and communication was lacking between departments, community stakeholders, and event venues. I thought it would be a good idea to bring some of my marketing practices into parking. I try to look at things in municipal government, parking included, through the eyes of the customer. This does not mean giving the customer whatever he or she wants and never saying no, but it does means aiming focus toward customers—their needs, feedback, and overall experience. Losing sight of the customer is doing a disservice not only to the customer, but to your operation as well. Now, let’s be real, in the parking business you are not going to make everyone happy, but small steps in the right direction sure take a lot of stress out of the day-to-day. The City of Greenville, S.C., has 11 garages, four surface lots, and 800 on-street parking spaces,

totaling close to 9,000 spaces. Many of the facilities are tied to development projects in the form of hotels, office complexes, event venues, residences, restaurants, and retail. Here are a few tips from Greenville to connect with the community through parking:


Small Touches Matter

You have no idea how tattered these look until you replace them. It is an easy fix that makes garages look cleaner, is highly visible, and that people notice.

Small details make all the difference to customers as they walk to and from their vehicles. Painting elevator walls and landings is a simple wayfinding technique that also brightens the garage. We took it a step further and applied an epoxy paint with speckled flakes to landing floors. It took a few tries to get this right, but our maintenance team found the perfect color combo that hides stains and gives the garage that polished look. That paired with clean, new signage and tiled elevator flooring make the areas more approachable. We started making these changes, and, much to our surprise, customers noticed. We partnered with local high schools to hang student artwork in one of our garages; it serves as not only a focal point but as part of the overall wayfinding package. We were awarded an IPMI award for this project in 2015. Another garage has wind chimes hanging in an adjacent breezeway that provide a relaxing cadence on the walk to work. Local maps are hung in each garage that detail public restrooms, ATMs, and major landmarks. These maps are in frames with printed inserts that allow changes to be made easily and affordably as our city grows. Another simple replacement that truly made a difference involved trash cans and ­clearance-height bars. I’ve come quite a way in my short parking career—now I get excited to order both! You have no idea how tattered these look until you replace them. It is an easy fix that makes garages look cleaner, is highly visible, and that people notice.

Taking Ownership Our employees are ambassadors for our city, and we urge them to take pride in that role as well as in their workspaces. The city has full-time maintenance employees who are each assigned to two garages. They are in charge of cleaning, minor repairs, lighting, painting, sweeping, and removing trash. We encourage them to get to know those parking in our garages. This has helped to reduce calls to our office, and customers seem pleased with the garage aesthetics. Employees are praised for going the extra mile— helping a customer in need, even if that means carrying 50 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2019 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

a box a block away to someone’s office. When hiring, make a concerted effort to build a team that shares your philosophies and goals. If you are lucky enough to find a group that wants to put in the extra effort, take on special projects, and make customers happy, hold on and don’t let go! More importantly, when they take the time to go the extra mile—for example, come in early to paint an entire stairwell top to bottom at the request of a hotel—you as a manager need to take the time to admire the work and praise all involved.

Building Community Relationships The importance of building community relationships cannot be stressed enough and has been one of the keys to Greenville parking’s operational success. We meet regularly with downtown merchants, hotel and concert venue staff, and homeowners associations. These meetings take place in various forms: face-toface, phone calls, emails, board meetings, and lunches. Building these relationships keeps our operation running efficiently with fewer headaches. We make sure stakeholders know when we are performing any maintenance work in the garages, whether sweeping, blowing, lighting repair, touch-up painting, or pressure washing, not only because we want them to be informed but because we want them to know the garage they use every day receives just as much attention as the next. More importantly, they know who to call with any concerns before elevating it to a higher level. We ask for input on paint colors, signage wording, and cleaning schedules. We ask for suggestions and share our goals with them. Quick and effective communication makes all the difference. Greenville continues to be generous with parking specials to thank our customers and encourage downtown visitors. Every weekend, parking in our 900-space garage and in on-street spaces is free. We offer free parking specials for major holidays citywide. This is a perk that comes with great support and input from our downtown businesses and visitors. Programs such as these, along with other efforts, have really helped shape the image of parking in Greenville (outside of enforcement, of course).


Signage It only took a few months in my role to see the low-hanging aesthetic fruit in our garages. I often heard that the garages were confusing and drab and not user-friendly. Our monthly parkers could navigate the garages, but guests were lost. Having six hotels and more than a dozen residential complexes attached to the garages meant working toward a better solution. That became top priority. Our sign campaign began with an inventory of current signage and a list of desired signage. This turned into quite a large project involving the city’s public information team, but it produced great results. Fresh signs were strategically placed for pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and we added signage in elevators and stairwells, including maps on the ground levels. All of this reduced confusion, and we started to get those (rare) parking compliments. With 11 garages this is an ongoing project, but we are well on our way. The most important thing to note when starting a project like this is to stay organized. Be prepared to meet, take pictures, keep a tape measure at close reach (so important—those signs look much smaller when looking up at them from the ground), spend lots of time in your garages, and add more signs even after you thought you were finished. It is no easy task, and to be successful requires a fresh set of eyes. Have someone who’s not a frequent parker walk and then drive the garages with you. Let that person point out what you may be missing. After your signs are in place, keep an eye on them and make sure your staff does too. Do not be surprised if that sign in the elevator only lasts two months before it needs to be replaced. Be smart and save yourself some time by ordering in advance spares of the small signs that might be more prone to damage.

Customer Service You always hear it, but any organization is a reflection of its employees. An employee’s attitude, determination, and demeanor all translate to his or her work. It is important to take the time to invest in, encourage,

and get to know your employees, especially those in customer-facing positions. It all starts with hiring the right people and giving them the tools to succeed in this business. I am a firm believer that mistakes are inevitable, but you must use them as an opportunity to learn. I am not afraid to admit that we should have done something differently and to make adjustments after the fact, but I will support employees if they were doing what they felt was right. We offer a wide range and many types of training. The most effective seems to be discussing real scenarios with employees and how they handled or would handle each situation. Sometimes this means analyzing phone calls, event operations, and field decisions. Mostly, we try to take advantage of group training scenarios, but we take time for one-on-one trainings if the need arises. Training should be positive, informative, and concise. Get your point across, address the tone and dialogue, ask for feedback, and offer advice. Engage the employee in the training to ensure you are making progress. Ultimately, you want to get to a point that you trust your employees to carry on your customer-­ service mentality when you are no longer in the room. This takes time and requires a lot of attention. I have found sometimes a pat on the back (and maybe a lunch) is the best motivation you can offer. Feeling appreciated goes a long way—it is something we as managers need to be reminded of because with customer service you should always be striving for more. Complacency is unacceptable. So there you have it: Make the extra effort, build those relationships, provide exceptional customer service, and pay attention to the details. But also take the time to invest in your employees and get involved in your operation. Remember, it is all what you make it. ◆ BRITTANY MOORE is assistant general manager of parking services with the City of Greenville, S.C. She can be reached at



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Highlights from the IPMI Blog

BRINGING BIKE-SHARE TO UNDERSERVED POPULATIONS: A CASE STUDY By David Sorrell, MOL About 10 years ago, I received my undergrad from Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Ill., about an hour west of Chicago. I was one of many without a car and getting around town, especially nights and weekends, was especially difficult. At the same time, I didn’t think the mobility spectrum would go beyond personal vehicles. Fast-forward 10 years: The mobility spectrum has changed drastically. Personal travel has started to shift to more shared modes of travel. Cars, bikes, and even scooters can be accessed through a card, a cell phone, or even a fob. This has made access a lot more easier, but many people, including students, are left out of the equation because of where they live or their ability to afford and pay for such services. When I took over the TDM program at UC Berkeley in 2017, I was presented with an opportunity to bridge that divide. Our regional bike-share network, FordGoBike (powered by Lyft/Motivate), (re)launched from the Bay Area Bike Share pilot and expand to five cities. If you happen to take a bike in Berkeley, you can opt to ride it to Emeryville or Oakland (adjacent cities); with the same membership, you can also access BikeShare stations in San Francisco and San Jose. There’s an effort reach areas known as “communities of concern,” the Metropolitian Transportation Commission’s identified areas of low-income and minority populations. Ford GoBike provided low-income memberships to those who qualify (a $149 yearly membership for $5 the first year). I received a grant to provide qualified students (those with Pell and DREAM grants) the $5 fee and as a result, free bike-share.

Students who don’t qualify for this awesome program aren’t left out. The same grant opportunity offers all students a monthly discount. Cal is one of the first colleges in the U.S. to offer such an exciting partnership and more than 1,000 students have taken advantage of it. Their trips replace vehicular modes including Uber and Lyft (no irony there). Plus, by communicating these programs to our Educational Opportunity Program students— many of whom are minority, low-income, firstgeneration, parents, active military— these groups can embrace bike-share as a program specifically for them. Once they make six figures, they can make bike-share part of their daily lives. It’s important to link my experience as a broke college student with very limited forms of mobility beyond rollerblades and a roommate with a car with being able to offer students an opportunity to go further, faster, affordably. DAVID SORRELL, MOL, is transportation demand

management administrator at UC Berkeley.

Ready for more? Read IPMI’s blog every business day in your daily Forum digest email (10 a.m. Eastern) or at Have something to say? Send post submissions to editor Kim Fernandez at


PUTTING PARKING’S BEST FOOT FORWARD By Matt Davis and Taylor Kim How many times have you thought about going somewhere only to cringe at the thought of having to park? Parking sets the tone for our experience at a destination; if that experience is a negative one, it can detract from everything that follows. So, how can we create a parking environment that enhances the beginning and end to the user journey? Lighting and signage can go a long way toward making a garage feel more welcoming, whether you are designing new parking or simply looking to spruce up an existing asset. Adding architectural appeal is another way to make parking an enjoyable experience. Likewise, public art–from painted murals by local artists to large-scale, intricate installations– provides an opportunity for a parking facility to express its identity and connect to its surroundings in unique ways. A public plaza can further integrate parking into the context of its environment. The parking experience is about far more than aesthetics, however. Parking guidance systems that take the stress out of finding a space, and amenities

such as valet can set a destination apart from others around it. Would you like to see real-life examples of parking that has accomplished this, and more? Join us along with Josh Kavanagh, CAPP, director of transportation at UC San Diego, in Anaheim for the 2019 IPMI Conference & Expo. Our panel, Putting Parking’s Best Foot Forward, will explore the different ways parking can create a transformative experience. MATT DAVIS is an associate principal and TAYLOR KIM is a project manager with Watry Design, Inc.

THE GIFT OF TEACHING By Brian Shaw, CAPP I was contacted recently by a group of students interested in starting an airport shuttle service as a sustainability project. They believed they could reduce vehicle trips using TNCs (Uber/ Lyft) while providing students a more affordable and cleaner way to get to the region’s airports during academic breaks. After talking to them, I realized they had not considered a critical element of a sustainable program: the financing. They had not secured any funds to subsidize the service or pay for the needed administrative effort needed to organize these trips. Those of us in higher education should see our roles as not just administrators, but with undergraduate students, as additional educators. We are leaders who work and deal with real-world issues every day, but in an academic setting, we have a unique perspective to share with students interested in sustainability. Thanks to my interaction as well as support from my colleagues in the sustainability program and student affairs, these eager students will go back to the drawing board. We plan to help them determine


how best to offer a sustainable effort that helps the planet and improves the quality of life of users, but is also financially viable. I urge us all to be sustainability educators when the opportunity arises. BRIAN SHAW, CAPP, is executive director of parking

and transportation services at Stanford University.

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IPMI Volunteers Say It Best



UR VOLUNTEERS and dedicated members are the heart of our organization.

The 2017–2019 committee season is about to close, making it a great time to reflect on the amazing projects our volunteers have contributed to growing and enhancing our profession. From articles and presentations to subject matter expertise and data standardization efforts, our volunteers, committees, and working groups build value for all IPMI members and the industry at large. Every two years we start the cycle anew— we encourage all of our members to jump in, from the most seasoned veterans to young professionals on the rise.

The call for volunteers will be released in August. It’s simple to throw your hat in the ring. All members need only submit their name and a short paragraph about their interests. The IPMI Board of Directors then assembles working groups around strategic priorities and areas of interest. I can tell you all about it, but our dedicated volunteers say it best—they have shared their experience and recommendations on how to get involved: “By far the opportunity for networking has been the biggest benefit to my career! Through the committee, I was introduced to other like-minded individuals with whom I could share information and compare notes. I learned a bunch of useful concepts that would normally be out of my purview. Being on a committee takes very little effort; in fact, once you’ve joined the committee, the natural inclination is to sit back and do nothing. But neither you nor your committee will benefit from this. If you’re going to join the committee then the best thing is to volunteer for a committee activity. For example, I was fortunate to

be on the Technology Committee where there are several initiatives for which an individual can contribute. As a group we create an annual educational PowerPoint, deliver monthly blog postings, manage the industry glossary, write articles, and provide presentations at industry events. Some of these activities take only 15 minutes (!) while others are multi-hour commitments. As a best practice, I recommend that one start with small contributions and work your way up to larger commitments. My favorite experience is presenting at the regional shows—something I’ve done more than a dozen times. I know that many people avoid public speaking, but this is something that I really enjoy.” —Blake Laufer, CAPP, MiStall Insight Inc. “Align your request with your subject matter expertise and passion. Everyone has strengths, so try to align your strengths with the right committee. As part of the Sustainability Committee in its infancy, I was proud to be a part of the first “Framework on Sustainability.” I was also a part of the Parking Matters Committee when


Why Volunteer

they started skyrocketing off with things like the IPMI Blog. And now I’m on the Technology Committee where we are working on exciting mobility and curb management initiatives. Working on different IPMI committees was instrumental in my growth and development in the parking industry early on. It may seem to appear to be an all-give initiative, but I found it to be an equal give and take. You will work hard to contribute to the committee, but I promise you will equally learn and get so much back from the knowledge base and networking.” —Isaiah Mouw, CAPP, LEED AP, Citizens Lanier Holdings “As a volunteer for multiple IPMI committees, I truly enjoy all of them. The Membership and Community Building Committee allowed me the ability to network with new members and assist them with opportunities that are abundant through their membership, plus the many industry professionals who will be amazing resources for them moving forward. The best experience is being part of the First Timers event and sharing the insight of

preparation for the Conference. During that time, the committee members share their insight into best practices, prior to, during, and after the Conference. The time donated on committees is not comparable to the lessons learned and the mentorship and camaraderie we all receive through our support of this industry and institution.” —Mary Mabry, CAPP, Cardinal Tracking

The Call Is Coming The takeaways are clear: Volunteering is one of the best ways to maximize your membership, grow your network, and expand your horizons. Be on the lookout for the call for volunteers this August as we look forward to a new committee season! ◆ RACHEL YOKA, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C, WELL AP, is IPMI’s vice president of program development. She can be reached at


/ STATE & REGIONAL SPOTLIGHT/ Southwest Parking & Transportation Association

Best State and Regional Conference Ever


By Carmen Donnell

EST STATE AND REGIONAL conference ever!” This is what the board of directors for the South-

west Parking and Transportation Association (SWPTA) has heard on a few occasions since we last posted an update for the IPMI State and Regional Association Spotlight. We are so excited to be part of a growing organization whose mission is to continue creating a culture of inclusion to connect, share, and educate. In the past year, we have hosted two very successful events, our annual conference and our mid-year conference. The word must be spreading because we increased registration and attendance at our annual conference by more than 75 percent over 2017 and registration at our mid-year event by 350 percent over 2018! Learning and Fun

Planning for the Future

Our goal to serve all positions and verticals of professionals in the parking, mobility, and transportation industry came to life in late March at the SWPTA mid-year event, co-hosted by ParkTucson and the University of Arizona Parking and Transportation Department. In true SWPTA fashion, we tried to make our classroom learning as interactive and fun as possible. We had everything from a web-enabled video presentation from the City of Seattle and the City of Lexington, to a streetcar tour lead by Park Tucson, to a demonstration of an autonomous vehicle (with actual rides!) from the University of Arizona. In between, we learned more about how alternative modes of transportation are shaping our cities and universities, how food trucks are being managed in a variety of markets, and best practices when it comes to ensuring our codes are not only up-to-date but future-proofed. We also ensured we had plenty of time to network and socialize, participating in a trivia night with local college students; enjoying a mixer at The Playground, an outdoor venue in Tucson; and hosting numerous meals with plenty of food.

Due to our rapid growth and expanding membership, for the first time in many years the board came together for four hours of brainstorming in Tucson. We each had a few minutes to share and remind ourselves why we volunteer our time to this organization and where we envision our future going. Sharing our long- and short-term goals together reminded us of the inclusive and cohesive nature of our group, which is also a contributing factor to our success. We value our relationship with IPMI and all our sister state and regional associations so we can continue learning new ideas for positive growth. Everyone is welcome to be a member of SWPTA, to take advantage of our offerings as well as attend our amazing events each year. Remember, there is a Southwest in every province and state! ◆ CARMEN DONNELL is vice president, sales, west, with PayByPhone. She can be reached at cdonnell@


Julie Dixon Dixon Resources Unlimited VICE PRESIDENT

Nathan Berry Passport Parking SECRETARY

Elisa B. Tapia The University of Arizona TREASURER

Ben Carpenter, CAPP Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT

Brandy Stanley, MBA City of Las Vegas Darby Garcia Northern Arizona University Andy Cushman LAZ Parking Zachary Cook ParkMobile Leslie Griffin City of Reno, Nev. Carmen Donnell PayByPhone Andrew LaMothe NuPark, Inc. Steve Resnick, CAPP Citizens Lanier Holdings MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE CHAIR

Andrew J. Vidor Walker Consultants SWPTA ASSOCIATION & EVENTS MANAGER

Dawn Marti Newman Concepts


/ John Reimers Joins Propark America as Company’s Chief Operating Officer PROPARK AMERICA has announced the appointment of John Reimers as chief operating officer. Reimers comes to Propark with substantial leadership experience guiding operational divisions at national parking management and transportation solution companies. He most recently served as vice president of Towne Park, where he directed the day-to-day operations of its successful West Coast region. Reimers has held numerous other leadership positions during his 20-year parking industry career, including his work with Mile Hi Valet Services, overseeing a portfolio across eight states. “I cannot imagine a more significant and exciting time to join Propark,” Reimers says. “With an established brand and an extremely talented team, Propark is well-positioned to achieve its strategic goals, and I am excited to help drive future success.”

As COO, Reimers will work with the executive team, corporate leaders, and field staff to provide strategic direction, drive innovation, and ensure excellence in operations. His operational responsibilities will also include brand standards implementation, operating procedures, and the review of operating models and organizational efficiency in order to improve the company’s profitability and brand awareness. “Propark is really excited to welcome John Reimers to our parking dream team,” says Propark CEO John Schmid. “As our company continues its expansion into new markets, it’s imperative that we continue to add top-line talent to our team in order to keep delivering the premium services that we’re known for in the parking industry, for our clients and our guests.”

Passport Welcomes Greg Hammermaster as Head of Payments Passport announces the hiring of Greg Hammermaster as head of payments.

“Our ultimate goal at Passport has always been to help cities create one-

support their communities’ needs. Our payment platform enables cities to

He brings to Passport nearly 30 years

coordinate complex rates and process

of experience working with some of the

transportation transactions,” says Pass-

world’s largest banks, card issuers, and

port CEO Bob Youakim. “With Greg’s

merchants, including First Data, Sage,

guidance, we are building our pay-

SunTrust, Visa, and US Bank.

ments infrastructure to continually im-

He will work closely with Passport’s

prove the payment experience for our

product, engineering, marketing, and

clients and the citizens they serve.”

sales teams to develop an even more

“Throughout my career, I’ve had

robust and competitive merchant

experience in the entire ecosystem of

processing offering for the company’s

payments,” Hammermaster says. “I am

nearly 600 worldwide clients. The goal

looking forward to expanding Pass-

is to provide clients with a seamless

port’s payments offerings and provid-

transaction journey coupled with excel-

ing the best possible service for cities,

lent customer service and full transpar-

to-one connections with their citizens

universities, and private operators

ency into all the payment components.

to enable data-driven decisions that

around the world.”



October 3-4, 201 9 Pittsbur gh, Pa.

Attendance is limited to 100 IPMI members.


Ad Name 62

ParkVia Wins Second Queen’s Award for Enterprise PARKVIA has been awarded its second prestigious Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the category of International Trade under its former brand name, ParkCloud. Following outstanding continuous growth in global sales in the past six years, the leading airport parking retailer impressed with a total overseas growth of 223 percent. As the highest official U.K. awards for British businesses, the accolade will be formally conferred later this year by the lord-lieutenant at ParkVia’s head office in Manchester, in addition to the official royal reception that will be hosted by the Prince of Wales. ParkCloud, which has recently completed a rebrand under its existing popular B2C brand, ParkVia, markets parking spaces to drivers in more than 150 countries. The company has grown

significantly, particularly within the wider airport parking sector, to encompass parking coverage across 42 countries for its 10 million website visitors. In addition to the exceptional growth of its own network, the team has worked hard to establish itself as a recognized supplier to the aviation industry, collaborating with more than 22 airlines that include British Airways’ owner and global airline giant, IAG (International Airlines Group), easyJet, Ryanair, and Wizz Air. The online parking reservation provider is one of 201 organizations nationally to be recognized with a prestigious Queen’s Award for Enterprise. Managing Director Mark Pegler says, “Receiving a notice that Her Majesty The Queen has approved the Prime Minister’s recommendation that your company should receive a

Queen’s Award for Enterprise is a significant milestone for any U.K business, but to have received this honor twice in six years is quite an extraordinary achievement. “International demand for online travel solutions has allowed us to continuously intensify growth efforts, predominately thanks to a collaborative team who combine their cultural and technical skills to diversify our offering across a range of global markets. We as a company are thrilled and look forward to celebrating this esteemed accomplishment.” Now in their 53rd year, the Queen’s Awards for Enterprise are the most prestigious business awards in the U.K, with winning businesses able to use the esteemed Queen’s Award emblem for the next five years alongside the commercial benefits the award garners.

Bicycles and gate arms • Skateboarders • Dashboardstyle enforcement • Pigeons in ramps • Parking lot inspection sheet • Shift differentials • Overnight pay • On-street parking without time limits • Chalking tires • Citation counts with LPR • Shared parking • Airport

I’ll take my morning coffee with Forum, please.

employee parking benchmarking • EV planning ratio • Categorizing bikes, scooters • Mobile payments • Restoration services RFP • Parking garage fires • Ridesharing staging agreement • Using data effectively • Unbundled parking • Installing and removal of meter poles • Street sweeping operations • School permits in RPP zones • Customer loyalty programs • Meter hoods • Fees for EV charging • Parking enforcement of oversized vehicles • Ramp/garage speed signs • Art murals on garage facades • Parking revenue audit RFP • Pre-payments and reserved parking • Disabled parking • Cam-

Every day, the latest discussions on

eras on campus • Booting policies • Escalating citation

Forum, along with the daily IPMI Blog

fines • Budgeting for annual garage maintenance • Des-

post, are delivered to your inbox –

ignated on-street areas for rideshare • Space numbering

brewed just right for connecting

methodology • Violation policies • Private-public part-

with colleagues, stimulating ideas, and energizing your work life. Look under the coffee cup to get a taste of the stimulating topics swirling about lately.

nership agreements • On-demand shuttle RFP • Parking deck agreements • Donor parking privileges • Gate arm unattended facility intercoms • Rotary car carousels • Bike-sharing polices • Reverse back-in parking • Boot and tow • Suicide in garages • Snow emergency plans • Passenger counting systems • Salaries • Sample RFPs • Collection agency recovery rates • Car fire SOP • Compact car definition • Game day operations and tailgating • Capitalization rate for on-street spaces • Fireworks viewing atop parking garages • LPR retention

Open 24/7

policy • Pavement marking tape • Motorcycle parking ordinance • Alternative transportation apps • Expectant mother parking • Left side ADA parallel parking • Smartphone lot • Depreciation model for asphalt maintenance

/ WPS Names Matthew Lazowski VP Sales, Northeastern U.S. WPS PARKING SOLUTIONS announced that Matthew Lazowski has joined the WPS-North America family as vice president, sales, for the northeastern U.S. region. Lazowski joins the company with more than 20 years of experience in the parking industry, having had direct involvement leading projects from conception to implementation in all aspects of parking, access, and revenue control system designs. With an in-depth understanding of the parking industry, his addition to the team strengthens the company’s strategic alliances in sales, high-level customer interactions, and operations. Prior to joining WPS, Lazowski was the executive vice president of a smart-city technology startup. Prior to that, he was president of Ultimate Systems Solutions, a systems integrator specializing in manufacturing of custom business-optimized parking control and management systems. He was regional

manager for a mid-Atlantic region parking systems integrator and played an instrumental role in establishing the company’s regional office and leading its expansion. He also serves on the New England Parking Council board and has been involved with numerous other industry organizations, including the Mid-Atlantic Parking Association (MAPA), where he assisted in instituting MAPA’s new vision to be a regional resource for the parking industry. “I am excited to join this team to further develop the already extensive offerings of the WPS product suite. I intend to devote my efforts steering WPS into setting new levels of sales, client relations, and operations,” Lazowski says. Todd Townsend, WPS USA’s managing director, adds, “As a well-respected, knowledgeable industry specialist and trusted adviser, Matthew is a key addition to the company. I trust his leadership will significantly drive WPS’ growth prospects in the parking industry.”

Anchorage Community Development Authority Selects New Director for EasyPark ANCHORAGE COMMUNITY Development Authority (ACDA), which oversees parking in downtown Anchorage, Alaska, and land redevelopment for the Municipality of Anchorage, has named Demetric Tuggle its new parking director. “For over two decades EasyPark has benefited from Demetric’s commitment to innovation and customer service, making her a fantastic choice to lead our parking team into the future,” says Andrew Halcro, executive director of ACDA. Tuggle, who brings over 20 years of parking experience, will be in charge of managing ACDA’s parking division, EasyPark. She created and oversaw EasyPark’s Dispatch Center, Safety First, and the Amenities Program and will continue to focus on customer amenities and a customer care-focused agency.



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Or you could save valuable time by accessing the brand new IPMI ONLINE BUYERS GUIDE, the industry’s most robust directory for products and services including consultants and commercial operators. Easy-to-use navigation allows you to search by keywords, product category or company name. Plus see the latest articles and press releases from industry suppliers. Industry suppliers can showcase their company information and products annually and feel confident they are reaching targeted audiences through IPMI’s global community.

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LAZ Parking Implements Successful Transition of Parking Services Management at Texas Medical Center LAZ PARKING has successfully implemented its longterm parking management services contract with Texas Medical Center, the largest medical complex in the world. In a transition process that started in spring 2018, LAZ Parking is operating all of the center’s owned and leased parking facilities, including 30,000 parking spaces spread throughout 19 garages and 20 surface lots. Texas Medical Center, located on a 2.1-square-mile campus south of downtown Houston, houses hospitals, research facilities, academic institutions, nursing programs, pharmacy schools, and a dental school. “We are honored to be the chosen parking provider for Texas Medical Center and improve the parking experience of their patients, visitors, and employees,” says Alan Lazowski, chairman and CEO of LAZ Parking. “Being the first and last contact for people visiting the center is a huge responsibility that the LAZ team takes very seriously, and we will remain committed to bringing best-in-class customer service to all who use the parking system.” With decades of experience at more than 50 health care clients nationwide, LAZ brings its unique knowledge and expertise to deliver specialized services to Texas Medical Center. Value-based thinking, process-driven programs, and analytics back up LAZ’s culture of compassionate care. “For patients who come to the Texas Medical Center seeking world-class care, it was important for us to part-

City of Troy Partners with Flowbird to Bring User-friendly Parking to Downtown THE CITY OF TROY, N.Y., has partnered with Flowbird Group to launch a new pay-by-plate parking system throughout the waterfront and business district. More than 70 Flowbird smart kiosks have been upgraded and are ready to be used by residents and visitors. With the continued growth of Troy’s downtown as a destination for residents, visitors, and commuters, the City of Troy undertook an effort to improve available public parking options. According to Mayor Patrick Madden, the upgrades were necessary to help improve parking opportunities for residents and visitors from across the region, and they ensure everyone can continue to enjoy Troy’s diverse array of small businesses, restaurants, craft breweries, and boutiques throughout the year. The upgraded solar-powered Flowbird CWT kiosks are user-friendly with a large color screen and customized interface. The kiosks function in pay-by-plate mode, instructing users to input their license plate number and parking duration. Users can then complete payment with credit cards, debit cards, or coins and are not required to display the receipt on their dashboard. “The deployment of new parking management technologies is part of our commitment to support Troy’s downtown business district and waterfront,” Madden says. This installation completes the first phase of upgrades to the city’s downtown parking. In the coming months, the city will roll out additional improvements, including expanded visitor parking, striping of on- and off-street parking spaces, additional on-street spaces and loading zones, wayfinding signage, and other parking options outside the current metered zones.

ner with providers that share our vision for innovative solutions to help solve our parking and mobility needs,” says Shawn W. Cloonan, chief operating officer of Texas Medical Center. “That’s exactly why we chose LAZ Parking to modernize our facilities to ensure the best experience for our patients, visitors, and employees.” LAZ Parking is providing Texas Medical Center with streamlined, user-friendly parking using real-time data provided by its technological partner, FlashParking. FlashParking’s operations team has deployed various new technological updates to the Texas Medical Center parking facilities, making it quicker and easier for employees and visitors to park.


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/ Aims Parking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

IPS Group Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C2

SKIDATA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Amano McGann, Inc... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.. . . 5, 68

Southland Printing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

CHANCE Management Advisors, Inc. . . 69

Leonardo/ELSAG LPR Solutions . . . . . . . . 9

T2 Systems, Inc... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43

Designa USA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

MEYPAR USA Corp.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 281.404.1667 855.738.1406

DESMAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68

Parkmobile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65

Timothy Haahs & Associates, Inc. . . .19, 69

Flexpost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64

Passport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Toledo Ticket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C4

Flowbird. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47

PayByPhone Technologies, Inc.. . . . . . . .C3

Walker Consultants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69

Gtechna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Quercus Technologies, S.L.. . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Walter P Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69

International Parking Design, Inc.. . . . . .68

Rich & Associates, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68

WGI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 800.886.6316 612.331.2020 215.564.6464 888.262.9706 877.337.6260 888.307.6610 800.732.6868 866.483.2462 818.986.1494 858.404.0607 919.653.6646 877.773.5724 678.681.9433 704.837.8066 877.610.2054 +34977300377 248.353.5080

70 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2019 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG 908.243.0000 800.241.8662 800.434.1502

Tannery Creek Systems Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 484.342.0200 800.533.6620 800.860.1579 800.364.7300 866.909.2220


2019 JUNE 9–12



2019 IPMI Conference & Expo

2019 Brazilian Parking & Mobility Conference

Shared Mobility and Technologies’ Effects on Parking Design and Curbside Management


Anaheim, Calif.

IPMI Webinar

New York State Parking & Transportation Association Summer Retreat


IPMI Webinar

North Syracuse, N.Y.


Sao Paulo, Brazil

To Email, Text or Meet? That is the Perpetual Question!

NOVEMBER 9 New York State Parking & Transportation Association Fall Conference & Expo



Southwest Parking and Transportation Association Fall Conference

Transportation Network Companies: The Uber/Lyft Effect at HartsfieldJackson Atlanta International Airport

Pacific Intermountain Parking & Transportation Association 2019 Conference & Expo



Campus Parking and Transportation Association

Florida Parking and Transportation Association Conference & Tradeshow

Florida Parking & Transportation Association Educational Seminar



IPMI Leadership Summit

Parksmart Advisor Online, Instructor-Led Training begins

JULY 24-26

Boise, Idaho

JULY 25-26 University of North Florida


Las Vegas, Nev.

University of Missouri, Columbia

Pittsburgh, Pa.

How to Cater Excellent Customer Service on a Multi-building Property by Maximizing Shuttle Routes


IPMI Webinar

Parksmart Advisor — Online, Instructor-Led Training begins



New England Parking Council 10th Annual Charity Golf Tournament Stow, Mass.

Clearwater Beach, Fla.

Campus Cruzin’: Everything You Need to Know to Operate a Successful Scooter and University Partnership IPMI Webinar

Parking Association of the Virginias 2019 Annual Fall Workshop and Tradeshow Williamsburg, Va.

IPMI Webinar

2020 MAY 31 - JUNE 3, 2020 IPMI Conference & Expo San Antonio, Texas



In Case You Missed It... ON THE BLOG

➚➚Robot Take the Wheel? How realistic is completely autonomous transportation? ➚➚Mobility: Miami’s Best Practices, by Alex Argudin, CAPP ➚➚Putting Parking’s Best Foot Forward, by Matt Davis and Taylor Kim ➚➚The Value of Internal Champions, by Isaiah Mouw, CAPP ➚➚To Build or Not To Build, by Josh Naramore these and more (and submit your own posts) at and in your daily ➚➚Read Forum email. AT THE FORUM

➚➚New pay parking zones ➚➚PEO wages vs. enforcement revenue ➚➚Special events on campus ➚➚Dedicated TNC stalls for municipalities ➚➚Pre-tax parking benefit your own questions, offer your expertise, and network with colleagues from around the world at ➚➚Ask ON THE LEADERSHIP SUMMIT SITE

➚➚All about IPMI’s 2019 Leadership Summit, Oct. 3-4 ➚➚Conference agenda ➚➚Hotel & travel ➚➚Keynote Speaker—wait until you hear about him! ➚➚FAQs ➚➚Registration dates, fees, and discounts ➚➚Don’t miss it.

All from your desk, on your time, at 72 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2019 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

Gumby and Gumby characters are trademarks of Prema Toy Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Š2019 Prema Toy Company, Inc.

JUNE 2019


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