Parking & Mobility, December 2019

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Going Green at Nashville International Airport

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Flying High, Flying Green

Parksmart and LEED play pivotal roles in a huge sustainability project at Nashville International Airport. By Sarah Merricks


Shared Parking

Best practices, what affects it, and resources.


How Far We Have Come

Parking and mobility projects shine in many ways, including sustainability. By Megan Leinart, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C


Meeting in the Midwest

IPMI’s first Midwest Regional Parking & Mobility Conference brings knowledge-sharing and networking to Omaha.


Escaping the Ring of Fire

Techniques to calm things down at work before they explode. By Samantha Hamman


DEPARTMENTS 4 ENTRANCE The Road Ahead By Chris Austin, CAPP

6 FIVE THINGS Sustainable Technologies on the Horizon 8 THE BUSINESS OF PARKING Motivation from the Inside Out By Julius Rhodes, SPHR

10 MOBILITY & TECH Mobility Hubs: Development, Use, and Purpose By L. Dennis Burns, CAPP, and Leslie Tabor

12 FINANCIAL MATTERS 11 Ways to Help Yourself Stay Sane in a Crazy Market By Mark A. Vergenes

14 PARKING & MOBILITY SPOTLIGHT Stopping Suicides: A Personal Journey By Fonda Bryant

16 THE GREEN STANDARD Simple Greening: Plant Trees By Yasser Jabbari, CAPP

18 ASK THE EXPERTS 42 IPMI IN ACTION The New Face of CAPP By Kathleen Federici, MEd

43 IN SHORT 45 STATE & REGIONAL SPOTLIGHT Mid-South Members Reap the Benefits of Membership By Mike Tudor



Greening THERE’S A BARREL THAT LIVES ON an endcap at my

local supermarket near the onions and garlic that makes me wince every time I pass by. It’s filled with shrinkwrapped sweet potatoes adorned with bright stickers that say they’re for microwaving. I suppose someone thinks their sweet potatoes need plastic protection before nuking; you and I know better. That’s why they have skin (nature is amazing). The plastic lets the store double the cost of the spuds, isn’t healthy for you to cook your food in, and is terribly wasteful. But every week, there they are in the barrel, driving me a little bit crazy. It’s not just me—this is how people are starting to think. My college-student son and all his friends carry heavy-duty, insulated bottles everywhere they go and wouldn’t think of buying a disposable, plastic bottle of water outside of sheer desperation; the first things he and his roommate asked for after move-in were dish soap and a bottle brush. I’ve gotten in the habit of turning our home heat off overnight in all but the very coldest weather and using our Wi-Fi thermostat to adjust the temperature appropriately when nobody’s home, even if we’re only gone for a few hours. A rain barrel that catches water from our gutters serves all our outdoor H2O needs, and last year, I traded in all our plastic food storage containers for glass. I am far from the most sustainable person you know—trust me—but I think about waste a lot more than I used to. And I think most people do, which is why sustainability is growing in importance to businesses in almost every industry, including parking. People make choices based on it, and the next generation will even more, so now’s the time to plan to go green whenever possible. In this issue are several articles about sustainable practices in parking and mobility, including a series of case studies with real-world examples and takeaways that can be transferred to all sorts of operations. Going green is more than feel-good at the end of 2019. It’s good business acumen, and that’s only going to grow as the next generation begins making purchasing decisions that include how to get around and where to park when the first decision is “by car.” December is a great time to strategize for next year; I’ll be spending part of the holidays doing my annual desk clean-out, calendar set-up, and deep thinking about what we’ll cover in 2020. I’d love your input—send your ideas to the email address below. With that, I wish you a very happy holiday season and a great plan for next year. ’Tis the season! Until next month…




Shawn Conrad, CAE EDITOR






BonoTom Studio COPY EDITOR

Melanie Padgett Powers For advertising information, contact Bonnie Watts at or 571.699.3011. For subscription changes, contact Tina Altman, Parking & Mobility (ISSN 0896-2324 & USPS 001436) is published monthly by the International Parking & Mobility Institute. 1330 Braddock Place, Suite 350 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: 571.699.3011 Fax: 703.566.2267 Email: Website: Postmaster note: Send address label changes promptly to: Parking & Mobility 1330 Braddock Place, Suite 350 Alexandria, VA 22314 Interactive electronic version of Parking & Mobility for members and subscribers only at parking-mobility. org/magazine. Periodical postage paid at Alexandria, Va., and additional mailing offices. Copyright © International Parking & Mobility Institute, 2019. Statements of fact and opinion expressed in articles contained if Parking & Mobility are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent an official expression of policy or opinion on the part of officers or the members of IPMI. Manuscripts, correspondence, articles, product releases, and all contributed materials are welcomed by Parking & Mobility; however, publication is subject to editing, if deemed necessary to conform to standards of publication. The subscription rate is included in IPMI annual dues. Subscription rate for non-members of IPMI is $120 per year (U.S. currency) in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. All other countries, $150. Back issues, $10. Parking & Mobility is printed on 10 percent recycled paper and on paper from trees grown specifically for that purpose.

The Road Ahead By Chris Austin, CAPP



the future; it comes soon enough.” The latter portion of that is certainly true, as in transportation, at universities, and in the parking industry in general it is nearly impossible for decision-makers to avoid having a firm focus on the future and the road that lies ahead. Despite Einstein’s suggestion to stay grounded in the present, those not looking forward in our industry are certain to be left languishing as technological changes and innovations sweep across the globe. In the Buffalo Niagara, N.Y., region and in the City of Buffalo where I reside, the road ahead includes planning and developing for our continuing resurgence. This includes a reinvigorated downtown, waterfront, investments in community business districts, and potential in the near future for a larger convention center as well as a new, modern football stadium for our hometown Buffalo Bills. It also includes an opportunity to expand our public Metro Rail system to our most populated suburb, the Town of Amherst, which would greatly change mobility and parking throughout the area. Federal dollars are necessary for this project to get off the ground. At the University at Buffalo (UB), researchers are actively testing autonomous shuttles, connected cars, and in the next year will begin construction of an outdoor testing lab for autonomous drones. The road ahead is looking to be an exciting one. Like many campuses around the country, we are in the initial phases of a campus conversation surrounding the future of mobility at UB and identifying strategies to usher us into 2020 with an eye on 2030 and beyond. At the state level, continued invest-


ment in transportation infrastructure and support for electrification of fleets across New York is a certain turn of the road. Via grants, rebates, and strategic projects, campuses, cities, and towns are reaping rewards for supporting investments in a cleaner energy future. Moving Forward 2050 is our metropolitan planning organization’s plan, looking at ways to improve mobility by using technology and transportation investments to strengthen communities and create economic development. All stakeholders are at the table as significant changes influencing our community take shape. Regional parking and mobility professionals must and do have a seat at that table. I look forward to hearing about development and future planning in your city, state, or region and what role mobility and parking is playing. It is a team effort, across federal, state, city, and campus lines. It is an awesome responsibility to lay the groundwork now for caretakers of our organizations’ mobility processes of the future. It is incumbent upon us to do so as the future is certain to come. Soon enough! ◆ CHRIS AUSTIN, CAPP, is director, parking and transportation services, at the University of Buffalo and a member of IPMI’s Board of Directors. He can be reached at chaustin@

Strategic Planning and Management Maintenance and Restoration Design and Construction Technologies

Sustainable Technologies On the Horizon Solar arrays, stormwater capture and recycling, entrances and exits that keep cars moving and reduce idling—parking and mobility professionals are largely well-acquainted with some green technologies that help boost the sustainability potential of their operations. But new technologies on the horizon have great potential and are worth learning about. Here are five great green things we’re keeping our eye on.


SOLAR SUNFLOWERS. Just as real sunflowers bend and turn to follow the sun, a tiny solar panel developed by a group of scientists does the same thing—and can even be made to look like a sunflower. UCLA researcher Ximin He developed the tiny receptors that mimic the giant flowers to more efficiently collect energy without those giant panels we know now. And, let’s face it, they’re pretty. Source: solarsunflowers


TINY, BIG-STORAGE BATTERIES. We’re already collecting loads of energy from solar, but storing that energy for use on cloudy days or overnight can be a challenge—batteries just aren’t there yet. But they’re coming, and experts say they’re going to be quite small, meaning they’ll be able to be installed and used just about anywhere. Source:


GREENHOUSE GAS-POWERED BATTERIES. Researchers at MIT say they’ve found a way to use greenhouse gases to power batteries before they have a chance to enter the atmosphere. That’s very good news. Made from lithium metal, carbon, and an electrolyte, the batteries convert cardio dioxide into a solid mineral carbonate. We don’t really get it either, but it sounds promising! Source: CARBON DIOXIDE CATCHERS. One of Bill Gates’ choices for great new technologies of 2019, these machines can catch carbon dioxide before it hits the atmosphere and for far less money per ton than people thought just a few years ago. Once it’s caught, the gas can be converted into synthetic fuels. Source:



BIODEGRADABLE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS. From paint to insulation to concrete, developers are working on a number of new construction materials they say will be biodegradable and, in many cases, can be recycled when replaced. That includes biodegradable paint made from milk products all the way to insulation made from hemp and a concrete substitute made of hemp and lime. Source: bioconstruction.





2020 May 31- June 3

Mark your calendar! Save the date for the world’s largest parking, mobility, & transportation event – the 2020 IPMI Conference & Expo.


Motivation from the Inside Out By Julius Rhodes, SPHR


NE OF MY FAVORITE QUOTES comes from one of the greatest thought leaders

I have come across, Zig Ziglar: “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.”

I often hear people say they aren’t motivated or if they had any motivation, there’s no telling how far they could go. In sports, I often hear people refer to motivation as having a motor that just won’t quit or a motor that runs hot. Regardless of how you refer to the concept of motivation, it’s an essential commodity for the members of your team to move from where you are today to where you need to be in an increasingly competitive and global marketplace. That’s true regardless of the industry in which you operate.

Motivation is a Latin word that means to move. It can be thought of as the willingness of an individual to respond to something. I like to define motivation more simply as a function of willingness and ability. We can work with a person who is willing but doesn’t have the ability, but a person who has the ability but is unwilling, well, that’s a horse of a totally different color.


The Process When I think about motivation the first thing I think about is that it is a process and not a project. A project has a definitive starting and ending point—it’s finite. A process implies something continual, with built-in mechanisms that allow for continual monitoring, feedback, and adjusting course when it is needed. An old axiom says the results we achieve are in direct proportion to our process, so if you want to change your results, you have to change the process.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Many people and organizations believe that motivation is purely internal—either you have it or you don’t. I believe that we need to create the conditions and space for people to change and grow. This includes growth in the area of motivation. Motivation is a Latin word that means to move. It can be thought of as the willingness of an individual to respond to something. I like to define motivation more simply as a function of willingness and ability. We can work with a person who is willing but doesn’t have the ability, but a person who has the ability but is unwilling, well, that’s a horse of a totally different color. We must help team members and stakeholders along their journey of change and growth by understanding their needs (those things that are essential) and also their wants (those things that encourage their hearts). This is a perfect time to revisit Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

Needs Maslow looked at needs in five areas: ■  Physiological. ■  Safety. ■  Belonging. ■  Esteem. ■  Self-actualization. Maslow states that only unsatisfied needs motivate behavior and needs are ordered. But I believe the more salient part of Maslow’s hierarchy is what lies beneath it. We must remember: ■  Maslow’s theory has helped us understand behavior. ■  The hierarchy should not be taken too literally. ■  Research shows only two lowest needs are hierarchical. ■  Humans are motivated at any one time by a complex array of needs. While we have to pay attention to the base needs of the people with whom we engage, the opportunity to become transformational versus merely transac-

tional comes when we create conditions for growth that emphasize higher level desires that allow people to flourish in their roles. We need to connect the three “H”s that help drive all human behavior: the head (thought), the hands (behavior), and the heart (perceptions).

Moving People Forward So how do we build an action plan to help move people forward? I’d like each of you to take this challenge by doing this exercise. I want you to take the word “motivation” in the next five weeks and identify a word that starts with each letter that you can focus on in relation to your engagement with others. For example, “M” may mean millennial or manage. “O” could mean opportunity or an obstacle that needs to be overcome. Once you have identified a word for each pair of letters, you need to work over the course of that week to incorporate them into your relationships on a consistent basis with others. Remember motivation has to be reinforced daily and to the extent that we do so, we all benefit. Oh yeah, if anyone wants to share their words with me, feel free to contact me at the email address provided below. I look forward to hearing from you. ◆ JULIUS E. RHODES, SPHR, is founder and principal of the mpr group and author of BRAND: YOU Personal Branding for Success in Life and Business. He can be reached at or 773.548.8037.



Mobility Hubs: Development, Use, and Purpose By L. Dennis Burns, CAPP, and Leslie Tabor



of the more interesting concepts to emerge is the development of mobility hubs.

Our friends at the Victoria Transport Policy Institute (VTPI) in Vancouver, Canada, describe mobility hubs as “transportation terminals, such as bus and train stations, and ferry terminals, designed to integrate diverse travel options, including walking, cycling, taxi, ride-hailing, ride-sharing, car-sharing, bike-sharing, local delivery services, and public transit, with travel and tourist information, and other support services (restaurants, shops, hostels, and hotels) in order to facilitate efficient transportation. They support and are supported by transit-oriented development.” Of course, the recent phenomenon of personal mobility devices (electric scooters and similar devices) should be added to this list, along with parking and other amenities such as day care that provide added value to users. Although the largest and most comprehensive mobility hubs tend to occur in large cities, they can also be useful at campuses, resorts, and smaller communities, where better coordination between modes can significantly improve non-automobile travel options.

Developing Mobility Hubs Mobility hubs are generally developed by government agencies responsible for transportation infrastructure. They often involve incremental improvements to existing transportation terminals. VTPI notes that from a transportation equity perspective, mobility hubs help by improving the connections between modes. Mobility hubs can significantly improve people’s ability to travel without automobiles, helping increase affordability and basic mobility for non-drivers. One of the best resources on this topic comes from Metrolinx, an agency of the Ontario government that published “Mobility Hub Guidelines for the Greater To10 PARKING & MOBILITY / DECEMBER 2019 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

ronto and Hamilton Area.” Metrolinx outlines nine key mobility hub objectives that cover three overarching goals: seamless mobility, place-making, and successful implementation. The objectives are: ■  Seamless integration of modes. ■  Safe and efficient movement of people with high levels of pedestrian priority. ■  A well-designed transit station for a high-quality user experience. ■  Strategic parking management. ■  A vibrant, mixed-use environment with higher land use intensity. ■  An attractive public realm. ■  A minimized ecological footprint. ■  Effective partnerships and incentives for increased public and private investment. ■  Flexible planning to accommodate growth and change. Metrolinx describes their five key takeaways: ■  Mobility hubs are a balance between transportation and placemaking functions. ■  Mobility hubs are not just (re)development of transit stations but creation of opportunities for live, work, and play. ■  Mobility hubs provide a high-quality user experience, promoting the use of public transit. ■  Mobility hubs require a strong relationship between land use and transportation decision-making. ■  Mobility hubs require stakeholder engagement at every step.

A Reader’s Guide Another good mobility hub resource is “Mobility Hubs Reader’s Guide” published by the Urban Design Studio

in Los Angeles, Calif. This document provides a good overview of mobility hubs and is organized by: ■  Bicycle connections (bike-share, bike parking, facilities). ■  Vehicle connections (ride-share, pickup/drop-off, car-share, electric-vehicle infrastructure). ■  Bus infrastructure (bus layover zones). ■  Information/signage (wayfinding, real-time information, Wi-Fi/smartphone connectivity). ■  Support services (ambassadors, waiting areas, safety and security, sustainability). ■  Active uses (retail, public space, parking). ■  Pedestrian connections (to and from the mobility hub). This document also discusses “mobility hub typologies.” Mobility hub concepts can be as broad and diverse as the communities they serve, varying in size, amenities, and context. Because each location presents unique opportunities and challenges based on its context and transportation functions, there is no single definition or description for a mobility hub. To reflect the varying needs of transit users and the realities of the existing built environment, the Urban Design Studio identified three general tiers of hubs: neighborhood, central, and regional. The tiers are differentiated by scale, amenities, and context.

Enter the mobility hub—a place where people can seamlessly connect with multiple modes of transportation in a safe, comfortable, and accessible environment. With their physical presence and clear, prominent branding, these spaces offer visibility to and connection between public transit and shared mobility services that in turn supports multimodal living and reduced dependence on personal cars and solo driving. ◆ L. DENNIS BURNS, CAPP, is regional vice president and senior practice builder with Kimley-Horn and a member of IPMI’s Mobility Task Force. He can be reached at

LESLIE TABOR is a practice builder with KimleyHorn. She can be reached at

Strategies One last reference is by the Shared Use Mobility Center, “Mobility Hubs: Where People Go to Move!” which discusses 10 strategies for making successful mobility hubs: ■  Build around strong transit stops. ■  Incorporate electrification. ■  Leverage momentum in transit-oriented development. ■  Ensure users’ safety. ■  Emphasize comfort and a seamless pedestrian experience. ■  Offer a sense of place. ■  Provide plenty of options. ■  Support seamless transfers and integration into the surrounding neighborhood through well-designed wayfinding. ■  Make mobility hubs visible. ■  Market and educate the public. According to the Shared Use Mobility Center, “Today we have more ways to get around our cities than ever before— from bike-sharing to scooters, car-share to ride-hailing. But the many benefits of this expanding menu of options can only be realized if they are integrated into a coherent network of efficient transportation options that lets people get where they need to go using whatever mode makes the most sense for them on a particular trip.” PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / DECEMBER 2019 / PARKING & MOBILITY 11


11 Ways to Help Yourself Stay Sane in a Crazy Market By Mark A. Vergenes


EEPING YOUR COOL CAN BE HARD TO DO when the market goes on one of its peri-

odic roller-coaster rides. It’s useful to have strategies in place that prepare you both financially and psychologically to handle market volatility. Here are 11 ways to help keep yourself from making hasty decisions that could have a long-term effect on your ability to achieve financial goals. 1. Have a Game Plan Having predetermined guidelines that recognize the potential for turbulent times can help prevent emotion from dictating your decisions. For example, you might take a core-and-satellite approach, combining the use of buy-and-hold principles for the bulk of your portfolio with tactical investing based on a shorter-term market outlook. You can also use diversification to try to offset the risks of certain holdings with those of others. Diversification may not ensure a profit or guarantee against a loss, but it can help you understand and balance your risk in advance. And if you’re an active investor, a trading discipline can help you stick to a long-term strategy.

2. Know What You Own and Why When the market goes off the tracks, knowing why you originally made an investment can help you evaluate whether your reasons still hold, regardless of what the overall market is doing. Understanding how a specific holding fits in your portfolio can also help you consider whether a lower price might actually represent a buying opportunity. If you don’t understand why a security is in your portfolio, find out. That knowledge can be particularly important when the market goes south, especially if you’re considering replacing your current holding with another investment.

3. Remember that Everything Is Relative Most of the variance in the returns of different portfolios can generally be attributed to their asset allocations. If you’ve got a well-diversified portfolio that includes multiple asset classes, it could be useful to 12 PARKING & MOBILITY / DECEMBER 2019 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

compare its overall performance to relevant benchmarks. If you find that your investments are performing in line with those benchmarks, you might feel better about your overall strategy. Even a diversified portfolio is no guarantee that you won’t suffer losses, of course. But diversification means that just because the S&P 500 dropped 10 or 20 percent, your overall portfolio isn’t necessarily down by the same amount.

4. Tell Yourself This Too Shall Pass The financial markets are historically cyclical. Even if you wish you had sold at what turned out to be a market peak or regret having sat out a buying opportunity, you may well get another chance at some point. Even if you’re considering changes, a volatile market can be an inopportune time to turn your portfolio inside out.

5. Be Willing to Learn from Your Mistakes Even the best investors aren’t right all the time. If an earlier choice now seems rash, sometimes the best strategy is to take a tax loss, learn from the experience, and apply the lesson to future decisions.

6. Consider Playing Defense During volatile periods in the stock market, many investors reexamine their allocation to such defensive sectors as consumer staples or utilities (though like all stocks, those sectors involve their own risks and are not necessarily immune from overall market movements). Dividends can also help cushion the impact of price swings.

7. Stay on Course by Saving

10. Look in the Rearview Mirror

Even if the value of your holdings fluctuates, regularly adding to an account designed for a long-term goal may cushion the emotional effects of market swings. If losses are offset even in part by new savings, your bottom-line number might not be quite so discouraging. If you’re using dollar-cost averaging—investing a specific amount regularly regardless of fluctuating price levels—you may be getting a bargain by buying when prices are down. However, dollar-cost averaging can’t guarantee a profit or protect against a loss. Also consider your ability to continue purchases through market slumps; systematic investing doesn’t work if you stop when prices are down. Finally, remember that the return and principal value of your investments will fluctuate with changes in market conditions and that shares may be worth more or less than their original cost when you sell them.

If your portfolio is down this year, it can be easy to forget any progress you may already have made. Though past performance is no guarantee of future returns, of course, the stock market’s long-term direction has historically been up. With stocks, it’s important to remember that having an investing strategy is only half the battle; the other half is being able to stick to it.

8. Use Cash to Help Manage Your Mindset Cash can be the financial equivalent of taking deep breaths to relax. It can enhance your ability to make thoughtful decisions instead of impulsive ones. If you’ve established an appropriate asset allocation, you should have resources on hand to prevent having to sell stocks to meet ordinary expenses or, if you’ve used leverage, a margin call. Having a cash cushion coupled with a disciplined investing strategy can change your perspective on market volatility.

9. Remember Your Road Map Solid asset allocation is the basis of sound investing. One of the reasons a diversified portfolio is so important is that strong performance of some investments may help offset poor performance by others. Even with an appropriate asset allocation, some parts of a portfolio may struggle at any time. Make sure your asset allocation is appropriate before making drastic changes.

11. Take It Easy If you feel you need to make changes in your portfolio, there are ways to do so short of a total makeover. You could test the waters by redirecting a small percentage of one asset class to another. You could put any new money into investments you feel are well-positioned for the future but leave the rest as is. You could set a stop-loss order to prevent an investment from falling below a certain level or have an informal threshold below which you will not allow an investment to fall before selling. Even if you need or want to adjust your portfolio during a period of turmoil, those changes can—and probably should—happen in ­gradual steps. Remember that while they’re sound strategies, diversification, asset allocation, and dollar-cost averaging can’t guarantee a profit or eliminate the possibility of loss. All investing involves risk, including the potential loss of principal, and there can be no guarantee that any investing strategy will be successful. ◆ MARK A. VERGENES is president of MIRUS Financial Partners. He can be reached at mark@mirusfinancial MIRUS Financial Partners, nor Cetera Advisor Networks LLC, give tax or legal advice. Opinions expressed are not intended as investment advice and may not be relied on for the purpose of determining your social security benefits, eligibility, or avoiding any federal tax penalties. All information is believed to be from reliable sources; however, we make no representations as to its completeness or accuracy. All economic and performance information is historical and indicative of future results.



Stopping Suicides: A Personal Journey By Fonda Bryant


friend of mine who was a reporter for a local TV station reached out to me about a parking deck here in Charlotte, N.C., that had a high number of suicides. She told me she wanted to do a story on the situation but her station had refused. She didn’t know the number of people that had jumped to their deaths from the garage, but she knew it was enough that someone should look into and do something about it. That someone turned out to be me. As soon as she told me, I knew I needed to do something about it, and I made it my mission. The first thing I did was reach out to the management at the Center City Green Parking Deck to let them know I was aware of the issue. The manager was surprised at my inquiry and at first, didn’t seem to think it warranted as much attention as I did. So I sent him an email about what I wanted to do to stop suicides in his parking deck. I also shared my own story of attempted suicide, which fueled my reasoning for wanting to make a difference.

My Story Diagnosed with clinical depression after a suicide attempt 24 years ago, I knew I had to turn around and help others. I had no idea I was dealing with depression at the time of my suicide attempt; all I knew was I felt hopeless, helpless, and worthless and thought my son would be better off without me. Depression is a disease of the brain that beats you up, magni-

fies your thinking in a negative way, and makes you feel less than worthy. Ninety percent of people who die by suicide have a treatable mental health condition. Stigma and the shame of having a mental health condition is the No. 1 reason people don’t seek help. I didn’t want to die on February 14, 1995; I just wanted the pain to go away. Those who die by suicide are not weak, selfish, or crazy. If we get the help we need, we can recover and lead a good life.

Saving Lives I knew if I could convey that in some way to people coming to the Center City Green Parking Deck to end their lives, I could potentially get them to think twice about jumping. Through emails and phone conversations, I was able to set up a face-to-face meeting with the management and share my ideas to stop suicides in their deck. My idea was to take the verbiage off a wristband I designed to save lives and put it on signs in the parking deck. I wanted the signs to be very personal so whoever came to harm themselves would know someone cared and someone understood what they were going through. My signs would simply say “You’re not alone”—three words that may not seem much to a person who has never experi14 PARKING & MOBILITY / DECEMBER 2019 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

My goal is to get my signs all over the country. Suicide is the most preventable of all deaths if people would just care. help. I am hoping everyone reading this will hear my passion and help with my mission to stop suicide! My goal is to get my signs all over the country. Suicide is the most preventable of all deaths if people would just care. I care. Do you? ◆ For more information on suicide in parking garages, download IPMI’s free “Suicide in Parking Facilities: Deterrence, Response, and Recovery.” Visit resource-center and type “suicide” into the search box. enced a mental health condition or suicidal thoughts, but for a person in crisis can be a lifesaver. Secondly, I wanted the signs to have the help needed to save a life, so I wanted to add the National Suicide Hotline (800.273.8255) and the National Suicide Text number (741-741). Even a person coming to a parking deck to harm themselves would probably have their cellphone with them. I also didn’t want the signs to be in black and white, but instead in green, the color of mental health that stands for hope. As long as you have hope, you have a chance to recover. The garage owner agreed, and in March 2019, six suicide prevention signs went up with my verbiage of “You’re Not Alone,” with the numbers to call or text for help. Unfortunately, the timing of getting the signs up wasn’t fast enough to save a person who died right before installation, but since then, there have been no suicides. Before the signs were hung, there were six suicides in four and a half years.

FONDA BRYANT is a mental health and suicide prevention advocate. She can be reached at

Spreading the Word Since those first signs went up, I’m happy to say they’ve been installed in five additional garages. A new 14-story parking deck across from Panther Stadium got on board right away. Management at Preferred Parking was able to get approval to put my signs in four decks they manage too. Slowly but surely, I am getting parking deck owners and management to see the importance of these signs. I have commitments from Novant Hospital Uptown Charlotte for all five of their parking decks. But I have also met resistance; I truly believe it is because of the myth of “If you talk about suicide, it will cause people to do it.” On the contrary—If we talk about suicide, we can stop it. My goal is to get every parking deck in the country to put signs in their parking decks to save lives. I believe in my heart and as a suicide survivor that words can hurt but words can also PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / DECEMBER 2019 / PARKING & MOBILITY 15


Simple Greening: Plant Trees


By Yasser Jabbari, CAPP


breathing, and homes for all sorts of animals and insects. However, a tree in a parking lot can quickly become a four-letter word. Trees are messy; fruit and flowering trees drop fruit and flowers on the ground and onto cars, which can attract unwanted rodents into the parking area. Trees that are not properly planted can pop concrete panels and crack sidewalks, leaving property owners and/or management responsible for expensive repairs and possible lawsuits. Trees that are not properly pruned or appropriate for a parking lot can drop branches on top of cars that could, again, leave property owners and/or management on the hook for damages. Trees also can take up space that could have otherwise been used to bring in revenue for a parking facility. Despite all these and other horror stories that any operator can tell you about trees, there is growing research that suggests there is more to gain with the plantings of trees. These effects may seem small at first, but they can change both a customer’s experience in a parking lot and the surrounding neighborhood as well.

Losing Trees Recent studies suggest that the loss of trees in urban development has the ability to affect the temperature around us. A recent report from the University of Louisville found that higher-income areas incorporated the planting of trees at a much higher rate that lower income areas. The larger number of trees in turn lowered the average temperatures in these areas. The same study also found that people in the higher-income/treefilled areas had other positive health outcomes, such as longer

lifespans, lower stress, better air quality, and lower rates of cardiac disease, compared to the people who lived in lower-income, less tree-filled areas.

Planting Trees A large part of the problem in planting an abundance of trees lies in cost, space, and return on investment. A typical adult tree can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $2,500 to plant if immediate effects are desired. A small tree can cost around $75 to plant but will take years to fully mature. Long-term costs of watering, trimming, and general care and upkeep also add significantly to the cost of trees, which means trees and other landscaping are often value-engineered out in the design phase of low-income housing and, in our case, parking lots. Trees also require real estate, with larger trees needing more space to thrive. This space takes away from possible additional parking spots, reducing potential


revenue while increasing the cost of a parking lot. Trees also take time. A typical tree can take anywhere from 10 to 15 years to fully mature, which means that any benefits and enjoyment of the trees will be a long wait. As owners and operators of vast amount of real estate surrounding businesses, airports, universities, parks, sports arenas, hospitals, and so on, parking operators can begin to affect people and the surrounding environment in a real and positive way by incorporating trees into parking lots and structures. There are many different types of trees, such as crepe myrtles, Chinese elms, and red maples, that thrive in many different environments and can be easily managed in a parking lot setting. While positive effects can take years to achieve, any parking lot or structure can benefit from an overall softening of all that bleak asphalt and concrete with trees and landscaping. An emphasis in incorporating trees can make our parking facilities a positive part of the environment, and also, in their own small way, improve the overall health of the neighborhoods and communities they are a part of. ◆ YASSER JABBARI, CAPP, is operations coordinator, transportations services, with the University of California, Riverside, and a member of IPMI’s Sustainability Committee. He can be reached at yasser.

Smarter parking.

Parksmart certification distinguishes the forward-thinking parking facilities shaping tomorrow’s sustainable mobility network. It’s the only rating system in the world that defines and recognizes sustainable practices in parking structure management, programming, design and technology. Learn more at



EXPERTS If a parking organization wanted to invest in one sustainable thing this year, what should it be?

Casey Jones, CAPP

Thomas Hohenacker

Senior Parking & Mobility Planner DESMAN Design Management

CEO Cleverciti

I’d hire a sustainability expert to help me analyze and develop a broad set of sustainability measures not just for the near-term but for future years to come. Is that like using your one wish to ask for infinite wishes?

Whether the organization manages on-or offstreet parking, the single best way to become more sustainable is to implement digital guidance solutions informed by real-time, per-space occupancy detection. Drivers can save gas and lower emissions by going directly to a certain street or lot if they know spot availability in advance. This sort of smart parking solution can reduce urban traffic and associated emissions by up to 30 percent.

Kathryn Hebert Director, Transportation, Mobility, and Parking City of Norwalk, Conn. Investing in microtransit/ on-demand shuttle services is critical to a viable mobility program. There is a paradigm shift in mobility attitudes and how we get in and out of cities and to and from cities. The demographics are not just singular; these include younger generations but also paratransit and senior citizens. The collaboration between parking and mobility options is how cities/towns will continue to sustain themselves in the future.

Brian D. Shaw, CAPP

Jennifer Tougas, PhD

Executive Director Stanford University Transportation

Director, Parking and Transportation University of Kentucky

I’ll suggest supporting and fostering remote working when appropriate by employees. This can save the employees money on their commutes and reduce greenhouse gases.

LED lighting and lighting control systems to reduce energy use. Technology has advanced to the point that the return on investment is quick. It’s good for the environment and good for the bottom line!

/ HAVE A QUESTION? Send it to and watch this space for answers from the experts.

The opinions and thoughts expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinions and viewpoints of the International Parking & Mobility Institute or official policies of IPMI.




Parksmart, administered by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI), is the world’s only rating system that defines, measures, and recognizes high-performing, sustainable garages. Advisors provide valuable and in-depth expertise on the certification process, a cutting-edge competitive advantage for your organization.

2020 Online Training Schedule January 2020: Jan. 14, Jan. 16, Jan 21, and Jan 23; 2-3:30 p.m. ET. April 2020: April 21, April 23, April 28 and April 30; 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. ET. August 2020: Aug. 4, Aug 6, Aug 11 and Aug 13; 3-4:30 p.m. ET. October 2020: Oct. 13, Oct. 15, Oct 20, Oct. 22; 11 a.m-12:30 p.m. ET. 9 GBCI Credit Hours for LEED APs and LEED GAs and 9 CAPP Points

Register today at

Flying High, Parksmart and LEED play pivotal roles in a huge sustainability project at Nashville International Airport. By Sarah Merricks


Flying Green G

LOBALLY, more than 4 billion people travel by air each year.

How they get to an airport—and then home again—is both a problem and an opportunity for parking and transportation professionals. When you consider the sheer volume of passengers traveling to an airport and the economic effects of moving this many people efficiently, it becomes evident just how important sustainable mobility options for airports are. Fortunately, sustainability is becoming an increasingly central part of parking management.


Known as BNA Vision, the completed project will include additional parking garages, a new concourse and terminal wings, an expanded central terminal and security checkpoint, a stateof-the-art international arrivals facility, an airport administration building, and a hotel.

Parking is a large source of income for airports, averaging 20 percent of their operating revenue. In 2018, for example, the Raleigh-Durham International Airport reported that parking generated 42 percent of its income. Forward-thinking airports understand that their parking experience is vital to both their operations and meeting their sustainability and carbon reduction goals. They are turning toward LEED and Parksmart certification to help achieve these goals and drive customer satisfaction.

Nashville Nashville International Airport (BNA) in Tennessee provides a great story of the potential that sustainable parking management presents. With more than 17 million passengers visiting the airport each year, BNA is one of the fastest growing airports in North America, 22 PARKING & MOBILITY / DECEMBER 2019 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

serving 540 daily flights to 75 nonstop destinations. According to a recent study by research firm Martin Associates, in 2018 alone, BNA generated more than $7.1 billion in total economic impact; supported more than 67,000 Tennessee jobs; and produced more than $168 million in state and local taxes and $224 million in federal aviation-specific taxes—all while receiving no local tax dollars. BNA’s reach and impact are substantial, and the airport is currently in the midst of a major expansion and renovation project. Known as BNA Vision, the completed project will include additional parking garages, a new concourse and terminal wings, an expanded central terminal and security checkpoint, a state-of-the-art international arrivals facility, an airport administration building, and a hotel. The goal of the BNA Vision expansion is to maintain the airport

a dedicated ground transportation center for access to mass transit and commercial vehicle pickups. “Nashville International Airport connects travelers to the world, and it’s important that we do so in a way that has a positive impact through adopting sustainable practices,” says BNA President and CEO Doug Kreulen. “We’re honored to receive Parksmart Bronze certification for our Terminal Garage, as it exemplifies our commitment to these principles. We’re building for the future, and sustainability is a necessary part of that process and our goal of creating a world-class airport.”

The Green

as a world-class facility, a bold and innovative undertaking designed to both accommodate the region’s growing population and the airport’s corresponding record-breaking passenger increases while maintaining the customer-friendly character unique to the Nashville region. With respect to sustainability and BNA Vision, Nashville International Airport has also chosen to pursue both LEED and Parksmart certifications as a means of meeting many of the project’s sustainability goals and milestones. The airport’s new Terminal Garage, a major component of BNA Vision that opened in December 2018, recently achieved Parksmart Bronze--making it one of only 35 parking structures in the world and the first in Tennessee to earn this distinction. This state-of-the-art facility offers 2,200 parking spaces; a variety of amenities for travelers; and

Sustainable components of BNA’s Terminal Garage include: ■  Energy-efficient LED lighting, which is programmed to dim when no motion is detected, cutting energy use in half. ■  A parking space guidance system to help travelers find parking spaces quickly, reducing unnecessary drive time, fossil fuel usage, and greenhouse gas emissions. ■  Pay-on-foot kiosks that help reduce vehicle idling time and greenhouse gas emissions. ■  Electric vehicle-charging stations that encourage the use of an alternative energy source. ■  Tire inflation station, helping travelers keep their tires properly inflated, yielding better gas mileage and reducing fossil fuel use. ■  Greenscreen vegetation wall, a source of oxygen and aesthetic beauty. ■  Recycling receptacles on every level to encourage travelers to keep recyclable materials out of landfills. ■  Access to mass transit in the dedicated Ground Transportation Center on the ground level. ■  A 20,000-gallon cistern that harvests rainwater for landscape irrigation. ■  Eco-friendly practices, such as using ionized water instead of chemical cleaners to clean the garage. ■  Designed for durability, which increases the garage’s lifespan through quality construction parameters, providing long-lasting structural and finish elements. Additionally, BNA’s Terminal Garage was built with an emphasis on regional labor and regionally sourced materials. Seventy-two percent of the workforce that built the garage was local to the Nashville region, and it was constructed with more than $3 million of regionally sourced materials. Designed by Atkins North America and built by JE Dunn Construction Company, PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / DECEMBER 2019 / PARKING & MOBILITY 23

the garage’s construction created jobs for more than 1,200 people. BNA Vision will also include the construction of two additional parking garages, which the airport also plans to certify through Parksmart. The first, under construction now with the Messer Construction Co. and Moody Nolan Architects design-build team, will open in spring 2020 with 2,800 public parking spaces. The final (not yet awarded) will feature 1,800 spaces and is slated to open in 2023.

Commitment to Sustainability Sustainability is a guiding principle of BNA Vision and a longstanding commitment on the part of Nashville International Airport. In 2010, even before the airport broke ground on BNA Vision, it was selected by the Federal Aviation Administration as one of the first 10 airports in the U.S. to participate in the Sustainable Master Plan Pilot Program. This helps airports achieve their planning and operational objectives, reduce environmental impacts, maintain high and stable levels of economic growth, realize environmental benefits, and develop broad actions that achieve their goals in a way that is consistent with the needs and values of the local community. In October 2012, BNA leaders completed the airport’s first sustainability plan to expand their sustainability efforts and deepen a culture of environmental stewardship over the long term. This plan employs a broad, strategic approach designed to manage the airport with a goal toward achieving economic viability, operational efficiency, conservation of natural resources, and social responsibility. For instance, BNA created the largest geothermal lake plate cooling system in North America to cool its passenger terminal for the comfort of travelers and employees. This geothermal cooling system contains approximately 1.5 billion gallons of water, provides cooling for the entire airport terminal, reduces electricity use, and generates significant annual savings. By using concrete the airport recycled onsite to reconstruct one of its runways, BNA saved more than $2 million. Additionally, by using fill material harvested onsite, BNA was able to save $3 24 PARKING & MOBILITY / DECEMBER 2019 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

million on its Terminal Apron and Taxilane Expansion project. Since 2000, BNA has also worked in partnership with the city’s public works department to reduce the airport’s effect on the municipal waste stream and, in 2018 alone, recycled more than 520 tons of materials.

Sustainable Mobility Nashville International Airport has also implemented a number of sustainable mobility strategies. For example, the airport’s 28 parking shuttles and eight of BNA’s fleet vehicles run on compressed natural gas, and there’s even a fueling station onsite to help reduce

In 2010, even before the airport broke ground on BNA Vision, it was selected by the Federal Aviation Administration as one of the first 10 airports in the U.S. to participate in the Sustainable Master Plan Pilot Program. greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, BNA’s rental car facility helps save more than 800,000 driving miles every year because it is conveniently located near the main airport terminal, so cars don’t need to be shuttled from a remote storage lot to the terminal area. In recognition of its commitment to sustainability practices, Nashville International Airport has received numerous awards, including the 2017 Governor’s Environmental Stewardship Award; the Tennessee Sustainable Transportation Award from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation for the airport’s CNG-fueled parking shuttles; numerous awards for the geothermal lake plate cooling system, including the American Council of Engineering Companies’ Tennessee 2017 Engineering Excellence Grand Award; the Envision® Silver Award

from Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure; and Tennessee Aviation Association’s Significant Airport Project-Air Carrier Award. The airport was also named an “Infrastructure Game Changer” by the American Society of Civil Engineers and received AAAE’s 2016 Airports Going Green Award. You can take a virtual 360-degree tour, view renderings, and watch the BNA Vision video at bnavision. com, and learn more about Nashville International Airport at ◆ SARAH MERRICKS is chief of staff of the U.S. Green Building Council. She can be reached at


AT A G L A N C E :

Shared Parking

One of the largest complaints about parking is that there isn’t enough. Yet in other cases it is widely acknowledged that parking is generally oversupplied. So how can we figure out what exactly is needed, to provide the right amount of parking for successful development in a city, campus, office complex, hospital, town center, or other setting? The most effective way to achieve smart growth and sustainability in parking is to design and construct mixed-use developments that have adequate—but shared—parking serving all the uses. Shared parking reduces the total number of spaces, the land area consumed by parking, and the costs of owning and operating parking. It maximizes the utility of the parking provided. An important key to shared parking is not only determining the right number of spaces, but It maximizes the utility of the parking provided. Traditional ratios offered by the and zoning regulations dictate how many spaces must be constructed by use type. These typical ratios, such as 3 spaces per 1,000 square

feet of office space, are not consistent across jurisdictions, and in many cases have morphed over time from 1960s references when zoning was first adopted. Simply summing the parking required by a local ordinance does not account for many factors, including alternative modes of transportation, access to transit, commuting patterns, or changes in the real estate sector. These standards also do not account for the surrounding context, which range from densely urban to rural. Simply summing the parking required by a local ordinance does not account for many factors, including changes in how, when and where people commute to work.

Maximizing utilization means that a space may be used for multiple purposes, or by more than one user, creating additional turnover.

Best Practices 1 2

3 4

Do your research—gain a fundamental understanding not only of the immediate locality, but also trends nationwide. Check out the resources below as a starting point. Every development is unique. If there is existing parking that will interact with a new project, conduct a detailed analysis of how parking is currently used and track the data over different times of day and days of the week to expose the unique trends in parking present at your location. Connect with your community of parking, transportation, and mobility professionals to gain first-hand knowledge, additional resources, and success stories.

Mixed-use developments and parking centrally located to multiple destinations create more opportunities to share spaces.

Conduct a Shared Parking Analysis to evaluate multiple factors associated with each type of land use in a mixed-use development or district, and estimate the number of parking stalls which can be shared, or utilized by one land use while not in demand for another use at the same moment in time.

The most sustainable parking space is the one that is never constructed. By sharing spaces, it is possible to reduce any overbuild of parking, saving critical resources and expenses.


What Affects Shared Parking? Some of the factors that affect the parking demand for mixed-use projects include:

The time of year, the day of the week, and the hour of the day: Parking demand for each user may peak at different days of the week, or hours of the day. This means that fewer parking spaces are needed for the project than would be required if each component were a freestanding development. As an example, restaurant, hotel, and residential parking needs peak on evenings and weekends when office parking needs are significantly lower. Shared parking “smoothes” the peaks and valleys in demand common with single use developments.

Captive markets: The term “captive market” was originally borrowed from market researchers who use it to describe people who are already present in the immediate vicinity at certain times of day. In the analysis, there is a complementary factor, or non-captive ratio, which is the percentage of parkers who are not already counted as being parked. Generally, vehicles are counted as generated by the land use that was the primary trip purpose or generates the longest duration. For example, for a convention center and hotel, those attending the convention and staying in the hotel are counted in the hotel demand, then the demand generated at the convention center is reduced accordingly.

Development synergy and multi-purpose trips: Certain developments achieve much greater interaction between uses than others do. When such synergy exists, a highly successful project may have lower parking demands and trip generation rates than if the uses were built separately and achieved more typical patronage levels when standing alone. For example, a restaurant may have much greater noontime patronage than it would otherwise have, simply because it is located within walking distance of a large employment center. One aspect of development synergy that must be carefully assessed is that the length of stay may be longer. The planner must consider the effects of sequential visits to venues within a development (that add to parking needs without generating additional trips).

Shared parking is impacted by a variety of factors, including: rogram, including type and quantity of each land use. n P n Local zoning standards and practices. n Local development market considerations. n Existing conditions, existing facilities and site constraints. n Parking pricing, both on and off-street. n Market need for any reserved and/or secured parking for residents or office tenants.

Mixed-Use Project Example:

Under the Municipal Code: Total Parking Requirement

1,500 Spaces Total Parking Construction Cost

$30 Million Under Shared-Use Principal: Total Parking Demand

838 Spaces Total Parking Construction Cost

$16.8 Million Potential Cost Savings:

$13.2 Million Resources for Additional Research •A Guide to Parking

•S hared Parking, Urban Land Institute shared-parking-products-9780874202328. php

• Shared Parking: Sharing Parking Facilities Among Multiple Users, Victoria Transport Policy Institute

n Local mode splits, transit, ridesharing and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Programs.

n Impact of Transportation Network Companies (TNCs),

• I PMI’s At A Glance: Fundamentals of Transportation Demand Management

including availability and local usage patterns.

n Physical relationship between land uses such as proximity 12/05/at-a-glance-fundmentals-oftransportation-demand-managment-tdm/

and pedestrian access. n Parking management strategies considered acceptable to the project stakeholders. n Efficacy of on-street enforcement.

•U S Census Bureau American Community Survey and Census Transportation Planning

For more information, search keyword “Shared Parking” in IPMI’s online Resource Center at why-we-ask-each-question/commuting/



By Megan Leinart, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C

S WE CLOSE THIS DECADE in the coming weeks, it is important to reflect on

the major strides we have made as an industry in sustainable parking, transportation, and mobility. Ten years ago the concept of incorporating sustainable planning, design, and construction elements into parking facilities was uncommon and often met with skepticism outside of early adopters. Since then, we have seen professionals, it has grown seemed impossible. the development and success significantly and is now beOur industry has of an international sustaining further enhanced and since thrived in this area. able certification program: implemented by the United Parksmart certification is Parksmart. Initially creatStates Green Building Coun- becoming commonplace, ed and refined by parking cil—a partnership that once even standard, during the

How Far We

Parking and mobility projects shine in


development of parking and mixed-use facilities. Many cities, universities, health care institutions, transit agencies, and developers are requiring this certification in the development of their new facilities. Not only have we seen the success of this comprehensive sustainable certification

program, but recent years have brought the development and implementation of sustainable transportation and mobility programs. One of the most significant transformations of our industry over the past decade has included the integration of transportation and mobility into the overall planning of

parking facilities and programs, with consultants and owners embracing these concepts to create more sustainable, connected, and inclusive programs and communities. Take a look at some of the many transformative projects and programs from throughout this year and the effects they have had.


Have Come

many ways, including sustainability.


» Western Kentucky University Garage 3 Parksmart Bronze B OW L IN G G R EEN, KY.

Western Kentucky University’s Parking Structure 3 (PS3) received Parksmart Bronze certification. The facility added 500 new parking spaces to an existing parking lot serving residents, commuters, and special events. The site proved to be very challenging due to its location within a floodplain and within a karst region with subsurface caves and a known risk for sinkholes. Sustainable elements in the project included the reconfiguration of an adjacent campus transit hub to improve pedestrian safety, bus circulation, and traffic flow. This included relocating a bus stop to the same side of the street as the driving lane of the parking structure. The facility is a popular destination for commuting students, and the transit hub improvements have significantly enhanced their transit experience and increased the use of transit. Unique sustainable design and construction elements included the installation of an onsite vortex purification system, channeling stormwater directly to a local aquifer through a cave below the site. Further, more than 82 percent of the building materials were extracted or manufactured locally, while over 80 percent of the construction waste was recycled. The garage also includes LED light fixtures. The university also included numerous operational elements following the development of the structure, including implementing a daily commuter permit program that allows users to reserve and pay for their parking online, as well as a car-free incentive program for campus residents to reduce peak parking demand for the fall semester. Further, 69 percent of the university’s

parking and transportation fleet is made up of alternative-fuel vehicles that include biodiesel buses, hybrid vehicles, and electric cars. Finally, the garage includes a break room that serves as a base of operations for drivers. The integration of this room improves efficiency and results in fewer emissions by reducing the need for additional trips. A video monitor shows the drivers where their buses are on the route.


» California State University Sacramento Parking Garage 5 SAC RAM ENTO, CALIF.

Located by the main entrance of a growing urban college campus, the California State University (CSU) parking structure complements the dense trees of a nearby arboretum. Replacing an existing surface lot, the 1,750-space facility serves a campus that was in dire need of parking and provides a structure exceeding the quality and efficiency of any of the previous parking facilities.

CSU’s Parking Garage 5 is pursuing LEED gold Certification. With this goal in mind, the facility will help to reduce operational costs, reduce environmental impact, increase energy efficiency, diversify mobility options, promote mass transit, and encourage the use of alternative-fuel vehicles. Sustainable elements incorporated into the structure included the integration of prefabricated concrete that was sourced and produced just 27 miles from the site. The offsite manufacturing process removed approximately 6,000 worker days and their associated effects on the campus. The development of the facility was inherently sustainable, as it is located on the site of a former parking lot. The structure was designed to accommodate a future photovoltaic canopy at the roof to offset energy use. Further, it features LED lighting as well as a parking guidance camera system. The facility derives more than 50 percent of its energy from its own co-located solar array, reducing the environmental effects of manufacturing and transportation. It includes 51 electric-charging stations with infrastructure for an additional 43 stations. It also includes storage for 50 bicycles and 20 skateboards. Perhaps one of the most unique elements of the garage is the integration of a state-of-the-art seismic resistance system known

as the precast hybrid moment frame, which is designed to help a structure recover immediately after a large earthquake. In the case of a seismic event, the garage is designed to self-right and be operational immediately with little to no damage. It was designed to achieve a platinum certification from the United States Resiliency Council, which rates structures for safety, damage, and recovery time in the case of a seismic event. Finally, CSU’s Parking Garage 5 includes numerous design features meant to reduce users’ carbon footprints. For example, to get users into the garage quickly, the university built a roundabout at the main entrance to keep traffic flowing. In addition, users can pay for their parking on an app prior to arrival and go directly to their parking spot. The structure has designated vanpool/carpool stalls to encourage ridesharing, and a campus shuttle makes multiple stops at the garage to move students and staff quickly throughout campus.



» DEWA Sustainable Building, Al Qouz, Parksmart Pioneer D U B A I, U N IT E D ARAB EM IRATE S

The Dubai Electricity and Water Authority Sustainable Building received Parksmart Pioneer certification this year, making it the first Parksmart project in the Middle East. The parking facility serves the DEWA office building, which supports growing businesses in the region. The DEWA office building was once the largest government building in the world and received LEED platinum certification in 2013. The project became the highest scoring building in the region, ranking among the top in the world by scoring 98 points out of a possible 110. Specific goals of the project included raising awareness about the feasibility of green buildings in the region, as well setting an example for other organizations to follow

and use as a benchmark. The project also serves the organization’s goals for sustainable growth. DEWA Sustainable Building, Al Qouz earning Parksmart Certification showcases a number of goals, including energy savings, protection of air and water, and emissions reductions. The building uses 66 percent less energy than comparable projects. Materials used contain 36.79 percent recycled content; 28.53 percent of those materials were regionally sourced. The facility also reduced water consumption by 48 percent through the use of highly efficient water fixtures. The project incorporated a solar hot water system, an onsite grey water treatment plant, an onsite sewage treatment plant, and a 600 kilowatt solar power plant and vegetated roof.


» Calgary Parking Authority Electric-vehicle Program CALGARY, ALBERTA, CANA DA

Last April, the Calgary Parking Authority (CPA) in Canada launched the installation of 42 electric-vehicle (EV) charging stations throughout its parking facilities. The stations were donated as part of a municipal charging infrastructure grant to the City of Calgary with the goal of accommodating increasing EV ownership throughout the region. The 42 chargers installed in three different parkades run by the CPA, are located in a designated EV parking area and include posted enforceable regulations for use of the chargers. Almost immediately, the CPA faced a negative public response because the EV owners were not incurring any additional fees to charge their vehicles at the stations.

EV drivers paid the same amount to park as other users but no additional fees to charge their vehicles at the stations. Drivers of gas-powered vehicles were upset at what they perceived as inequity — that EV drivers were receiving “free” energy. The CPA, however, remained steadfast with its policy to not charge a premium for EV station parking. The rationale was that despite the rising numbers of EV owners, there was little hard data regarding the actual demand for these assets. Therefore, it was difficult to justify charging more for this service without the ability to quantify its worth. The CPA wanted to create an incentive for EV users to use the facilities to understand its potential demand.

After several months, the backlash subsided, with EV users migrating from other parking facilities that did not accommodate their needs. As of September 2019, the program had already tracked approximately 1,600 EV parking sessions in six months. The City of Calgary is championing the deployment of EV public charging infrastructure in Western Canada and intends to continue to install more stations throughout the city. This is all in an effort to promote convenient green transportation options to residents, as well as contribute to the city’s clean environmental initiatives and goals. —Contributed by Shaun Darragh, planning and­development analyst, Calgary Parking Authority


» Stanford University Transportation Program R E DWO O D C ITY, C ALIF.

Stanford did something it has never done before: The university opened a new campus, Stanford Redwood City, five miles away from its original campus and moved 2,200 Stanford employees—including most of its transportation staff—to its new worksite this past summer. To help employees moving to the new campus, Stanford Transportation offered comprehensive programs that were available on the main campus, including financial benefits to eligible employees who commute sustainably and join Stanford’s Commute Club. Stanford also offered a virtual parking permit system, which Stanford Transportation introduced at the main campus a

year ago. Employees can access Stanford Redwood City’s Barron Parking Garage, which features an innovative gateless system, through the virtual permit system. Enforcement is done through license plate recognition, and visitors can purchase parking on their cellphones. Stanford Transportation also introduced exclusive programs


to the new campus to help reduce drive-alone rates. The first was collaborating with local transit, the shuttle service, to add a Stanford-funded shuttle to the route and fulfill Stanford’s need for a first- and last-mile connection. The second introduced a free monthly SamTrans (regional bus service) pass for eligible Stanford Redwood City employees.

» Princeton University Transportation and Mobility Program P RINCETO N, N.J.

Princeton University has implemented numerous parking, transportation, and mobility programs to encourage more sustainable practices and reduce the number of single-occupant vehicles on campus. The university’s Revise Your Ride program incentivizes faculty and staff to use alternative modes of transportation to and around campus. The program offers cash incentives to encourage individuals to walk, bike, carpool, or vanpool. It also offers a subsidy for mass transit and free passes for NJ Transit buses. The program has been successful at reducing the number of single-occupant vehicles on campus, while creating a more diverse overall transportation program. Princeton has implemented a significant benefit program for commuters who relinquish their campus parking permit. Benefits include an Enterprise Car Share membership, an emergency ride

program, and a monthly parking program with limited monthly parking passes if the need arises. The university also provides convenient transportation via a campus shuttle program. The service provides transportation throughout campus as well as to parking lots, off-campus administrative buildings, numerous residences, and a local train station. As you can see, our industry is leading the way in implementing sustainable planning, development, and operational strategies throughout a wide range of projects and programs. These organizations (and so many more) are developing and implementing some of the most innovative concepts that are significantly transforming the cities, campuses, and developments they serve. During just the past decade we have seen the advancement of concepts, technologies, and

designs that we couldn’t have even imagined 10 years ago. The programs developed by IPMI and its members are transforming how we look at the integration of parking, transportation, and mobility, with no signs of slowing down. Moving forward, the parking industry will continue to play a critical role in the transformation of how people move from destination to destination, as well as how vehicles are stored in the meantime. It is exciting to think about how our industry will continue to progress over the next decade and the valuable impact we can make to improve lives and create more healthy, connected, and sustainable communities. ◆ MEGAN LEINART, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C, is president of Leinart Consulting. She can be reached at megan@


Meeting in the Midwest IPMI’s first Midwest Regional Parking & Mobility Conference brings knowledge-sharing and networking to Omaha. IPMI HOSTED THE FIRST MIDWEST REGIONAL PARKING & MOBILITY CONFERENCE in Omaha, Neb., in October. The conference brought together more than 70 parking, transportation, and mobility professionals from throughout the region, including those from Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and beyond. The program included dynamic education sessions, interactive roundtable discussions, and numerous networking and professional development opportunities. Attendees also learned about the latest innovative projects and programs throughout the Omaha region. Keynote sessions included “The Evolving Urban Core,” by David G. Brown, president and CEO of the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce; and “Moving Minds: Transforming the Way We do Urban Mobility,” by Daniel Lawse, chief century thinker from Omaha’s Verdis Group. IPMI was thrilled for the opportunity to bring this event to the Midwest region and looks forward to its continued success. Stay tuned for more details on the 2020 conference! ◆



Escaping the Ring of Techniques to calm things down at work before they explode.


By Samantha Hamman



but don’t see any real progress, like you’re running in place? If this sounds like your average workday, you’re likely caught in a ring of fire. Small fires are the list of never-ending problems that keep you moving but don’t move you forward. They distract you from making real progress by eating up your time. If your world is on fire it can be easy to say, “This is just how it is here” and accept the chaos in your current role, but if you’re unhappy with the progress you’re seeing (or lack thereof ) there is a way out and it starts with you. As soon as you stop accepting “it is what it is” or saying “they” (they do this, they do that, they, they, they) and focus on you and what you can do, the more positive change you can effect.



The Spark All too often, small fires stealthily distract decision-makers from the real issues. But what makes an issue real or not? Of course, all the problems that pop up are tangible and can have a positive or negative outcome depending on how they are handled, but real issues are the sparks that cause more than one problem. And eliminating one spark can mean the difference between fixing one small issue and attacking 15 with one hose. These sparks link Without action, the small fires across teams, units, planning process can and sometimes entire organizaturn into a fire of its own, tions. Without targeting these sparks, your ring of small fires filling up your schedule will not end. like the list of issues you There are a few techniques are trying to address. you can use to narrow your focus to the spark of the flames, such as the 5 Whys, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, or the Current Reality Tree Analysis, but the results should be the same: Your life should get easier. Although you have options, the 5 Whys is the easiest to use and will get you to the crux of the issue the quickest. All you have to do is continue to ask yourself “Why?” again and again. You can do this with multiple small fires that pop up in your work week—if they lead you back to the same starting point, you have found the spark to focus your efforts on. You may not be able to see a spark at first, but looking at the effects and tracing them back will get to the cause. These PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / DECEMBER 2019 / PARKING & MOBILITY 39

problems often relate to the fundamentals of relationships, such as communication, trust, and even respect. For example, if you see meeting after meeting, unnecessary cc’s in emails, or locked office supply cabinets, you may be dealing with a trust issue. That lack of trust leads to other issues.

Smothering the Flames The only way to eliminate the vicious not-enough-time cycle is to create a strategic plan and act. We can plan all day and have meetings upon meetings to discuss how to approach the spark, what the step-by-step process of elimination should look like, and how to follow up once the milestones are met. We can even ensure the goals are aligned with the overall mission of the organization. But without action, the planning process can turn into a fire of its own, filling up your schedule like the list of issues you are trying to address. Taking action is the only way to smother your fires for good. Notice I said action, not reaction. If you’re in a ring of fire, you are likely reacting to problems that pop up. Reaction is a defensive movement that calms the flames, but the moment you catch your breath, another fire pops up and you have to react all over again. The exact opposite is needed to eliminate the flames. Offensive action taken with strategic intent is the most effective solution to pursue—direct, clear, and concise action. If a solution is not reasonably actionable, the idea should be put in a “parking lot,” a term I like to use for great ideas to park for now and drive later. It’s OK to park some great solutions. Without a clear plan on how to approach your spark, the ideas you have are not going to be effective. They will end up eating time you could be spending elsewhere. I have a list of plans that I would love to work on, but they are not feasible right now so they are parked for later. Remember, the key to permanent relief is action.

Soothing the Burns While the spark seek-and-destroy mission is the only way to truly eliminate the ring of fire, there are some short-term actions you can take to gain some relief while trying to battle your way out. It’s important to note that these are bandages, not solutions. They can be used to free up time to regroup, find the spark, and formulate a real plan of action, but, they will in no way work forever—they won’t suffocate the flames, but they can offer some relief to your burns. Contrary to what most people believe deep down, you are not the biggest and best resource to rely on. That title is reserved for your team! Regardless of 40 PARKING & MOBILITY / DECEMBER 2019 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

whether you are a supervisor or at the bottom of the hierarchy, reaching out to your team can be the best thing you can do for the bigger picture. If you have a common goal, your team can be added in to fill in the gaps you can’t cover and help hold up the structure that is your operation. (If they can’t, you need more than this article to help.) Consider: ■  Fellow warriors. Delegating to others can free some time for you to look at your problems critically and consider the direction of your organization and potential challenges you could face. Delegating can be magical, depending on the side of the hand-off you stand on. Work rolls downhill so we must also be mindful of how we are affecting others when we embark on our reflective improvement commitment. Mindful delegation is a balancing act. ■  Strength in numbers. A team of people tackling one fire together can be better than delegating to a single individual. Project teams offer more perspective and insight on problems. The beauty of life is that no two people have the same exact experiences. This means project teams can brainstorm with more creative ideas and approaches. If you can form a small team to address one of your issues, you are freeing some of the things on your plate and giving the team an opportunity to shine. Opportunity is a door to growth, and as your team grows, you may find it easier to smother the sparks. ■  Strongest line of defense. While you are stronger by reaching out to your team, you are still the fire marshal on scene taking responsibility for the flames. Very few, if any, will be there to hold you accountable for the small milestones or say good job when you reach your goal. You must have the willpower to make real positive change. Recognition may or may not come, and you may even get pushback instead of pats on the back, so you must have grit to make it happen. When you prepare to battle the flames, you will not come out unscathed. If you really are in a ring of fire, it will be real work to get out, and it might not all go according to your plan, but it will be worth it. Create a plan and really try. That’s all you can do. How good the plan is will factor into the success, but commitment is the true determining factor. While you may have the most immaculate schedule in the world, some problems just cannot be avoided, no matter how much you prepare. Unlike the fight-orflight response, “no or now” is a calculated decision. Determining which action is appropriate is a skill that can be developed over time. When a problem arises, you have the option to say “no, this is not a pressing

Programs can go through phases both up and down, but you cannot lift your organization, your unit, or your team up full circle without committing to the right action at the right problem.

issue,” or “this cannot be postponed.” With the latter, you have to roll up your sleeves and make the time to address the situation no matter what else is planned in your day. By choosing this “now” response and addressing the firestorm head-on, you are putting your skills to practice. You are showing your team dedication to your common goal, which can build trust and strengthen communication. This trust is vital to building a better program. While it may not be a thoughtful and mindful plotted path, it could still be a step in the right direction.

Embers Sometimes you make a plan, scale it, and stick to it. Sometimes you put in work to put the spark out and you think it’s gone, but then, out of nowhere, the spark makes an appearance again. Embers linger in the form of feelings, thoughts, ingrained habits, and invisible scars. A deep-seeded issue does not disappear after you address it once or even twice. Feelings do not simply end when you initiate programs, revamp processes, and have hard conversations with your team. It takes more than a great plan to heal your team from the wounds. The best way to approach tackling your fire is to be transparent about your efforts, share your goal, and get others involved. Including your team makes them feel heard and valued and gives you more insights to build a better plan along with the buy-in power to calm

flare-ups that may occur. Consistency and immediacy are necessary: ■  Consistency: You are the energy behind your improvement movement, and like parenting, driving a project requires consistency to form lasting habits. If one parent says yes, and the other says no, this will undermine all of your efforts. Getting the influencers on board and in a united front will give you the support your project needs to end the flare-ups for good. The most difficult part of the change curve is not the decision to change; it is keeping with the change long enough to reap the benefits. ■  Immediacy: Behavior, both positive and negative, needs to be addressed as soon after the action as possible to influence future behavior. For example, if you see Sue following the new employee recognition program, you could give her a short thank-you note that day. It takes less than a minute to write, and by acknowledging the action the same day it occurs, you are positively reinforcing the behavior. Sue in turn will be more likely to participate in the recognition program again. The same is true for addressing negative behavior. If an employee is slipping back into old habits, you need to confront the issue as soon as possible to get that person back on the right track.

Ashes While fire is the most despairing natural disaster, it does not damage an area indefinitely. New life can rise through the ashes and burns can heal. Programs can go through phases both up and down, but you cannot lift your organization, your unit, or your team up full circle without committing to the right action at the right problem. You have to find the spark, create a strategic plan, include others, take action, and follow through. But most importantly you have to be the one to do it. If your work problems haven’t been fixed yet, you now have the tools to do the job that needs to be done. It is how you act and the quality of work you produce that matters. And if you are unhappy with the fires popping up, go put them out. It will not be an easy process—or maybe it will be easier than you think. You’ll never know until you try, though. With all headache worthy issues, be it professional or personal, there is a timeline to the damage, and with your decision to change, you can recover and rise. ◆ SAMANTHA HAMMAN is a project analyst at the University of California, Los Angeles. She can be reached at



The New Face of CAPP


By Kathleen Federici, MEd

HANK YOU TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED in completing the CAPP Job Analysis during the

summer of 2018. This data has led us to our new CAPP exam, which debuted in November. What’s new? Well, there are now six domains instead of seven on this exam.

The resources have also been updated for this exam. For example, we have a new: ■  CAPP Candidate Handbook. ■  CAPP Resource Guide. ■  CAPP Online Practice Exam.

Resources The CAPP Candidate Handbook gives you all the information needed to fully complete an application, and provides you the CAPP exam content outline, application, endorsement form, scholarship information, and sugCAPP Certification Program RESOURCE GUIDE gested study references. The CAPP Resource Guide offers tips and apps to assist with studying. It includes information on the CAPP Mentor program, exam day preparation, a checklist for self-assessment against the exam content outline, and an in-depth explanation that aligns the domains to the suggested study reference materials. The online Practice Exam was written by CAPPs who were trained in item writing and overseen by a psychometrician. For those of us who don’t use the term “psychometrician” every day, a psychometrician is someone who measures the validity, reliability, and fairness of an exam program. They are an integral part in the process of creating valid and reliable tests. Presented by the IPMI Education Development Committee v. 03, 11/2019

fication has become an important element of verifying the competence of an increasingly mobile workforce, underscoring the value of industry-recognized credentials that can be carried across borders. We are working with a new testing company that operates a network of thousands of testing centers in 180 countries, making it easier than ever for a test-taker to find a convenient site location. The new test sites opened to CAPP candidates in November 2019. We're proud that this continues our 25+ years of partnering with the University of Virginia, too.

Our New Course With the face of a new exam, we have a new multi-day course offering for the 2020 IPMI Conference & Expo in San Antonio, Texas. This three-day course includes content on cybersecurity and smart cities—look for it when you register for Conference. Join us as we get the word out about the new face of CAPP. It’s now more convenient than ever to get certified! CAPP is respected worldwide as the leading credential in parking and mobility. CAPPs represent the best of the industry, provide service, demonstrate competence as they advance the profession, and lead with innovation, professionalism, and expertise. To learn more about the changes to the exam, please check out our CAPP Crosswalk at parking-­ ◆

IPMI International Parking & Mobility Institute 1330 Braddock Place, Suite 350, Alexandria, VA 22314 571.699.3011 Phone |

The New Exam CAPP follows the International Organization for Standardization for Personnel Credentials. Personnel certi42 PARKING & MOBILITY / DECEMBER 2019 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

KATHLEEN FEDERICI, MEd, is IPMI’s director of professional development. She can be reached at federici@parking-mobility. org.



Highlights from the IPMI Blog

Tech-savvy: A Must for Parking and Mobility Employees By Heather Matthews We all have a unique story of how we landed in the huge parking and mobility industry. My background is in technology, starting as a computer lab monitor in my children’s school to have something to do, to eventually being a database/system administrator. From these roles, I began to learn software programs, how to troubleshoot hardware issues, and how to run databases–all key skills to have in today’s parking industry. When I started in the parking industry six years ago, the technology was just starting to take off. Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) was not even a thing yet. My office had been with the same vendors for 20+ years. Most of the technology was outdated and the need for newer, more efficient technology was a must. To navigate technology needs and learn what was available, I needed to get to the parking industry trade shows. My first step into a parking industry trade show hall was mind boggling. The sea of booths was overwhelming to say the least. The amount of different software, hardware, and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) was staggering. Navigating which technology was best for our offices and operations was challenging. However, with my background in technology, I was able to quickly see who actually had a product that would not only be here in 10 years but who had the infrastructure to mature with the changing needs of 21st century parking operations. As I made decisions to bring the more efficient, 21st century technologies to my office at a public university, another challenge became obvious. The employees who have to run these technologies on a daily basis needed to have the skills to understand what they are working

with. This is somewhat hard to overcome in an office where most people have worked for 25+ years. Having the university acknowledge that IT professionals are extremely valuable employees was also a mounting challenge. Making sure I find the time to train and leverage the people I have is a must. My advice to parking and mobility professionals is to make sure your new hires are tech savvy and understand how software and hardware work–from customer service, parking officers to parking and mobility operations managers. Don’t rely on just one IT professional to handle your entire department. Technology has permeated all facets of business, education, and our personal lives. Parking is no different. Add in the need for social media management and the necessity is even higher. Your operations suffer without the proper skills needed to run them. We use multiple systems and technologies to run our businesses and operations. Make sure your staff has the skills to handle the jobs! HEATHER MATTHEWS is an IT professional with the

University of Vermont and also serves on the Board of Directors for the New England Parking Council.

Ready for more? Read IPMI’s blog every business day in your daily Forum Ready for more? Read IPMI’s blog digest every business your daily digest email (10 a.m. Eastern) or at email (10day a.m.inEastern) orForum at Have something to say? Send post submissions to editor Kim Fernandez at Have something to say? Send submissions to editor Kim Fernandez at


Are Systems More Important than Goals? By Matt Penney I was recently reading James Clears’ Atomic Habits. It’s a follow-up book to one of my favorite reads, The Power of Habit, which declares that 40 percent of your decisions are not deliberately chosen but instead are habits. If almost half of all actions are not contemplated, what does that mean for our own personal growth and for the trajectory of our parking operation? The paradigm-breaking concept in Atomic Habits is that systems are more important than goals. In a world so saturated in goal setting and goal achievement, this concept sounds almost naïve. Of particular interest was the book’s highlighting the negative aspects of the pursuit of goals: The quick frustration with lack of progress or a missed goal (like New Year’s resolutions). The fixation on measurable metrics that can’t incorporate a bigger more complex picture (as seen in public education mandated testing). Cutting corners to achieve the goal but at an overall detriment to an organization (remember Enron). The potential listlessness after a goal has been missed or even achieved (think gaining weight back after a period of weight loss). It’s not so much that Clear advocates systems without goals, but more an emphasis on a system of habits rather than the goal. He suggests that if two or three habits are established/refined, the

overall desired outcome could be achieved with success greater than set in a goal. Baylor Parking Services followed this habit-first emphasis with surprising success. Baylor clears a little more than 2,200 parking spaces for football game day use. We wanted to physically tow as few cars as possible but didn’t set a goal to define a successful outcome. Instead, our department focused on communicating with each vehicle owner. This involved a system (habits) of emails and phone calls (two systemic steps). The end results have been far better than expected with only a handful of vehicles towed before game days. On one occasion, we did not have to tow a single vehicle. In this scenario, it appears Clear may be on to something. If habits really do make up 40 percent of our actions each day, this has a significant effect on us personally and on our organizations. Are our customers really choosing where/how they park? Or are they following an automatic/unthinking pathway created in their brain? What about our employees and the way they act/react? Atomic Habits outlined basic rules for molding habits. If Clear is right, these habit/system strategies may be more productive than goal setting. MATT PENNEY is director of parking and transportation

services at Baylor University.

Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement By Jennifer I. Tougas, CAPP, PhD In emergency management circles, it’s called a “hot wash.” In the Army, it’s called “lessons learned.” In manufacturing, it’s called “continuous improvement.” What is it? It’s a process for reflecting on a process or event; capturing the good, the bad and the ugly; and taking corrective action to improve the process and avoid similar mistakes in the future. Creating a culture of continuous improvement is critical to the success of an organization. If we merely maintain the status quo, we fall behind because the world is constantly changing around us. Assumptions that worked one year may fail the next. Personnel changes mean knowledge and skill levels of our team change. If we are not vigilant, we fall behind as well. Without effective corrective action, operations are destined to repeat the same mistake again and again. Service to customers falls short of expectations and leads to frustrations at best, or loss of customers at worst. As a leader, it’s important to build trust within your team so you can have honest discussions to identify problems and

determine root causes. Sometimes, these can be uncomfortable conversations, particularly if someone made a mistake. There’s a balance between discipline, accountability, and coaching that allows lessons to be learned from those mistakes –and those lessons keep the organization moving forward. Forward progress is needed to make improvements. How does your organization deal with problems? Do you find ways to reflect upon lessons learned and make changes to improve “next time?” To avoid repeating costly mistakes, develop a culture of continuous improvement within your team! JENNIFER I. TOUGAS, CAPP, PhD., is director of parking and

transportation services at Western Kentucky University.



Mid-South Members Reap the Benefits of Membership By Mike Tudor


HEY’RE OFF! The Mid-South Transportation and Parking Association (MSTPA) 2019

Conference was held with full southern hospitality and charm in Lexington, Ky., as our members came together to enjoy networking, training, tours, and shop talks. The conference kicked off with a special event at Keeneland where members were able to taste fine Kentucky bourbon, tour the Keeneland Sales Pavilion and auction ring, and take in the beautiful landscape Kentucky has to offer. Just like all MSTPA annual conferences, we ensure that the local community helps make the conference special. Top that with two days geared toward municipal, university, and vendor educational sessions; an extensive active shooter training; and 30+ active vendor booths, and you have a recipe for success! A few quotes from our members from this year’s conference: “I had a great time networking and enjoyed the workshops quite a bit. Loved the use of Whova [app]—made things extremely easy.” “I will be telling everyone they should attend, and I will be back for sure next year.”

The MSTPA Our mission is to provide professional growth, development, and interaction among persons involved in the operation of transportation and parking programs within the Mid-South region. For 20 years MSTPA has served parking professionals by providing high-quality educational classes, a well-balanced vendor-to-attendee ratio of the most current products and solutions, and unparalleled networking on a regional level. The 2020 conference will not disappoint as we head to Florida! While you’re there, you will pack in some golden rays along with the latest training sessions and technology in the industry. MSTPA has chosen to host a leadership training workshop through IPMI designed to help participants think strategically about how to get things done. Other topics will include such things as organizational

agility, mobility, conflict management, and emotional intelligence. Because one of our unique aspects is creating an event that showcases the city that is hosting our conference, we will engage in evening activities at The Village of Baytowne Wharf. Located along the shores of the Choctawhatchee Bay in Sandestin, Fla, The Village of Baytowne Wharf features an array of boutiques, eateries, galleries, and nightlife—not to mention a jam-packed schedule of outdoor festivals and special events for the entire family. Recently voted Best Place to be Seen on the Emerald Coast and Best Local Attraction, Baytowne Wharf features a mix of activities for groups of all ages. Don’t miss out on our 2020 Spring Conference at the beautiful Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort. Make plans now to escape the cold weather for our destination conference, March 2–4, 2020. Bring the family and have some fun as we promise to warm you with good food, activities, and breakout sessions! For more information about MSTPA or our annual conference, visit ◆ MIKE TUDOR is assistant director of the Parking Authority of River City. He can be reached at



Tad Irvin Premier Parking VICE PRESIDENT

Mike Harris, MBA, CAPP University of Mississippi SECRETARY

Mike Tudor Parking Authority of River City, Inc. TREASURE

Steve Hernandez, CAPP Parkopedia BOARD MEMBERS:

Brent Matthews, CAPP Chattanooga Area Regional Transit Beverly Lowe Huntsville, Ala. Don Andrae Auburn University Mark Hairr, CAPP University of Tennessee Mitch Skyer Pasio Technologies, Inc. and Solstice Transportation Group Tracy Owens Vanderbilt University MSTPA 2019 PLATINUM SPONSORS

First Transit PayByPhone MSTPA EVENTS MANAGER:

Dawn Marti Newman Concepts


/ The Future of Sustainability Is Performance-based

LIKE PARKING, the future of sustainability is performance-based. Projects can be measured in depth and in real time to determine success at reducing energy consumption and carbon dioxide generation from an early stage. Building owners and developers no longer need to take a shot in the dark and hope that a facility, amenity, or program will lead to real sustainable change. They can now use tools specially developed to tell them what to do, when to do it, and who to target when doing it. The U.S. Green Business Council (USGBC) and Green Business Certification Inc., home of LEED and Parksmart, are leaders in this shift toward performance-based management. Because transportation is one of the largest contributors of greenhouse gas emissions, commuting constitutes an ever-growing sustainability, economic, and public health opportunity. Yet, shifting commuting behaviors is complex and difficult, especially at the building level. That’s why the latest version of LEED for existing buildings and certification renewals (LEED v4.1 O+M) establishes a transportation performance score, makes sustainable commuting a prerequisite to achieving LEED certification, and seeks to help building owners improve in time.

Consistent with its “Partnership Is the New Leadership” mantra, USGBC is leveraging its Arc technology platform as “middleware,” integrating with companies already tracking building and portfolio performance in order to deepen and accelerate LEED’s impact. “Arc uses real-world performance data to power the next generation of green building rating systems, including LEED v4.1 O+M,” says Chris Pyke, senior vice president, product, Arc Skoru Inc. “Our new partnerships make it faster and easier than ever for project teams to measure environmental impact, improve their performance, and achieve LEED certification. We are looking forward to working with many more partners in the future as we scale up Arc’s state-of-the-art capabilities.” Among the first of what we hope to be many mobility-focused companies to integrate is Commutifi, a commuter scoring platform that helps government, real estate companies, and enterprises understand and manage commuting over time. Scoring is based on cost, time, and carbon efficiency and, using the score, the platform helps enterprises, real estate owners, and municipalities promote and track commuting improvements. Data is sent directly to Arc for LEED 4.1 O+M and recertification documentation.

Instead of relying on often inaccurate surveys or past trends to build parking and mobility solutions, building owners can now be sure that their money is actually fixing the problems they face. Building a deep understanding of how people interact with buildings and their environment allows these owners to develop facilities, amenities, and programs that align with the needs of their occupants and drive real change. As more tools and solutions are developed, the building owners who most quickly integrate them into their planning, implementation, and assessment processes will rapidly exceed their sustainability goals. A data-driven approach to development is critical to the long-term success of any development project, especially in the rapidly changing mobility space. Performance-based management is no longer the future of sustainability. It is the present. For more information on Arc integration partnerships, go to https://arcskoru. com/arc-integration-partners or email To learn more on how you can use Commutifi with Arc to improve your transportation scoring, go to or email ­


/ Westward Industries Brings GO-4 Parking Enforcement Vehicles to San Diego THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO , Calif., recently enhanced its parking enforcement program with the addition of 16 Westward Industries GO-4 task-specific vehicles. In 2012, the city purchased a fleet of GO-4 vehicles, and the addition of these new vehicles will provide it with the expanded ability to efficiently enforce parking regulations throughout the region. The GO-4 parking enforcement vehicles are part of a series of vehicles developed by Westward Industries. The three-wheeled vehicles provide a sustainable alternative to standard-sized vehicles often used for enforcement, while offering parking enforcement officers a greater ability to enter and exit, as well as maneuver throughout their routes in a safe and efficient manner. The GO-4 vehicles are outfitted with a wide range of features,

including premium air seats, air conditioning, back-up cameras, and sensors. The GO-4 series of vehicles includes the original GO-4, the GO-4 EV, the

four-wheel MAXX, the GO-4 flatbed, the XTF Refuse Hauler, and the GO-4 Van Body. They operate in cities throughout North America.

CHAUNTRY INTRODUCED the first parking reservations platform developed specifically for the exhibition and convention industry. Chauntry’s Parkspace Exhibition Platform allows exhibitors and convention attendees to reserve and pay for the closest available parking to their event before traveling to the convention location, eliminating the inconvenience of having to search for a spot. The platform also permits convention administrators to better manage conference attendance. “The Chauntry Parkspace Exhibition platform is an exciting advancement for the convention industry,” says Theresa Hughes, CEO of Chauntry. “It can be time-consuming and frustrating for exhibitors and attendees to find a parking space close to their show. This is especially important for exhibitors who may have to carry heavy equipment to and from their vehicles throughout the show. Parkspace Exhibition eliminates that stress and frustration by permitting exhibitors and attendees to reserve the closest available parking in advance.” Chauntry’s Parkspace Exhibition platform manages the entire pre-booking process. When exhibitors and attendees log

in the platform asks them to select their event and the days they’ll be attending. The system then recommends the most appropriate location to park, based on the event. Customers then select their preferred location and reserve a spot. “Parkspace Exhibition helps ensure that exhibitors and attendees will have a pleasant and convenient parking experience, but it also benefits conference organizers,” Hughes says. “The platform provides key data about who will be attending the show and when, and that data can be invaluable for managing shows more efficiently.” Parkspace Exhibition provides parking data that allows conference administrators to keep track of how many people will be attending their convention and when. And because parkers pre-pay for parking online, Parkspace Exhibition can also eliminate the long waits at garage exits that are common at the close of the exhibition day. Finally, Parkspace Exhibition provides long-term cost savings to convention centers by eliminating the need to purchase, maintain, and replace costly parking payment infrastructure.



Chauntry Introduces First Parking Pre-booking Platform for the Convention Industry

ParkVia Strengthens Spanish Market Presence EUROPEAN AIRPORT PARKING retailer ParkVia renewed its long-standing contract with the world’s leading airport operator, Aena. The announcement builds upon the success of previous renewals and the initial contract, which dates back to 2011 when ParkVia first promoted Aena’s parking facilities at Spain’s Madrid, Barcelona, and Malaga airports. Having significantly strengthened its Spanish coverage during the eight-year partnership, ParkVia now markets Aena’s entire portfolio of 32 Spanish airports through numerous consumer-facing channels. In

addition to its popular airport parking comparison site, ParkVia offers additional exposure via its collective global

airline partnerships, allowing fluidity for the customer at every point of the booking journey.

With a shared synergy for technology-focused travel solutions, the two companies have worked collectively to present Aena’s 264 million annual passengers with a range of parking products that suit travelers’ varying parking needs. “Aena’s renewed confidence in our partnership enables us to continue offering our Spanish customer base the best possible airport parking experience across Spain,” says Valentina Moise, commercial director, ParkVia. “We are confident for the contract term ahead and remain committed to supporting Aena through its next phase of development.”

ParkMobile Continues to Bring Smarter Parking to California with Fresno Launch PARKMOBILE partnered with the City of Fresno, Calif., to enable drivers to pay for parking from their mobile devices. The ParkMobile app is now available for more than 2,000 spaces around the city. New stickers and signage will provide information to drivers on how to pay for parking using the app. ParkMobile is available for free for both iPhone and Android devices. Additionally, users can register on After setting up their accounts, customers can immediately begin using the system with their registered mobile device. Users simply enter the zone number posted on nearby signage, choose the duration of time they’d like to park, and hit the “Start Parking” button to begin their session. The ParkMobile app gives users the ability to pay for parking on-the-go by allowing them to remotely view and update or add time to their parking session—right from their mobile device. ParkMobile has a growing audience in California with parking available down the coast from the San Francisco Bay Area to San Luis Obispo to Los Angeles. The app is also widely available across the nation. “We’re thrilled to expand our network to Fresno,” says Jon Ziglar, CEO of ParkMobile. “We want to provide every driver throughout California with a smarter parking experience that allows them to process their transactions using the ParkMobile app.” “This the first of many exciting improvements for parking in downtown Fresno,” says Thomas Gaffery, parking division manager, City of Fresno. “We still have many more changes in store, including the launch of credit card-enabled parking meters.” PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / DECEMBER 2019 / PARKING & MOBILITY 49

/ Passport Named Best Place to Work PASSPORT WAS RECOGNIZED as a 2019 Top Workplace by the Charlotte Observer in North Carolina. Nominees are evaluated by a variety of criteria, including company values, effectiveness of programs and leadership, engagement, and overall employee satisfaction. The results are based solely on a confidential employee survey process, and only 60 companies make it to the list. This is the fifth consecutive year that Passport received the Top Workplace recognition from the Charlotte Observer. The company has experienced impressive growth, following its 2018 acquisition of NuPark and its recent acquisition of

Complus Data Innovations. Passport now proudly serves nearly 1,000 municipalities, universities, and agencies. “Our goal as a company is to transform the way cities and agencies manage their operations, and our team members are a critical component of that vision,” says Bob Youakim, Passport CEO. “We strive to support a workplace where our employees feel heard and valued as we work toward our goals. This recognition as a Top Workplace reinforces that we are on the right track.” Passport has attracted and hired 43 people since January 2019, another key contributor to its overall growth. One of

those recent hires is Karin Davies, chief human resources officer. She brings nearly 30 years of human resources experience and plays an integral role in maintaining Passport’s strong company culture. “We want every member of the Passport team to enjoy the time they spend at the office, whether they are working hard for our clients, participating in community and volunteer events, or spending downtime with their colleagues,” Davies says. “Passport is dedicated to growing their employees both personally and professionally and upholding an inclusive and positive workplace environment year-round.”

ParkHub Welcomes Cliff Wickstrum as VP of Sales Operations PARKHUB ANNOUNCED the company has hired Cliff Wickstrum to assume the role of vice president of sales operations. Wickstrum is joining the organization under the direction of Laurens Eckelboom, ParkHub’s chief revenue officer, to optimize systems and processes integral to the company’s business development. “ParkHub is data-driven from the core. We continually seek strategies to enhance our approach so that we can do the same for our clients and prospective partners,” says George Baker Sr., founder and CEO. “The fulfillment of this role speaks directly to that aim, and we are delighted to leverage Cliff’s proven experience.” Prior to joining ParkHub, Wickstrum served as vice president of sales operations and effectiveness at ParkMobile. In his former position, Wickstrum promoted effective cross-departmental communication while providing leadership within ParkMobile’s sales team as the technical prod-

uct liaison and subject matter expert. As an active member of the parking industry, Wickstrum recently served on the International Parking & Mobility Institute Research and DataEx committees. ParkHub’s technology improves the parking experience with streamlined operations and rich data insights. The company’s innovative tools offer secure payment processing, prepaid pass validation, real-time visibility into operations, and robust analytics. ParkHub serves professional sports teams, premier entertainment venues, universities, and state parks across the United States. “The most significant accomplishments in my career are a result of working closely with people that take pride in what they do, bringing them together to collaborate and ultimately contributing to something larger than themselves,” Wickstrum says. “ParkHub embodies these qualities, which is why I am excited to be part of their team.”


Chicago’s United Center Selects SpotHero as an Official Parking Partner

THE UNITED CENTER IN CHICAGO, ILL. , and SpotHero announced an official partnership that enables fans to find, book, and pay for event parking using SpotHero. Guests will have access to official United Center parking spots available on SpotHero’s app and website, eliminating the stress of looking for parking upon arrival and enhancing the overall fan experience. Since its inception in 1994, the United Center has welcomed nearly 60 million visitors into its arena and hosts more than 200 events a year. With fans driving to Chicago from all over the Midwest to see professional Bulls basketball and Blackhawks hockey games, along with concerts and other United Center events, this partnership allows fans to spend less time searching for a parking spot and more time in their seats cheering on their favorite team. “The United Center is a landmark venue and host to some of the world’s top athletes, musicians, and

entertainers,” says Paolo Lorenzoni, vice president of strategic verticals at SpotHero. “Driving and parking is how thousands of Bulls and Blackhawks fans travel to the arena every game, and we want to make this process more convenient. We are thrilled to partner with the United Center in our hometown of Chicago, helping ease the stress of travel for fans and maximize the game day experience.” “By utilizing SpotHero’s innovative platform, we are providing fans an additional option for parking at the United Center,” says Joe Myhra, senior vice president of operations and administration for the United Center. “We are excited to make SpotHero an official partner and look forward to implementing this season.” Available parking inventory at the United Center can be found by searching “United Center” on the SpotHero app or or at venue/directions-parking.

Washington Regional Medical Center Installs INDECT’s Intelligent Parking Guidance System


INDECT USA successfully completed its first parking guidance installation at Washington Regional Medical Center (WRMC) in Arkansas, N.C. A total of 254 ultrasonic sensors with internal LEDs and an additional 134 NEDAP inground sensors were installed through INDECT’s trusted regional partner, IPSens. “INDECT has worked with IPSens on a number of parking guidance projects where we have successfully integrated the NEDAP sensor into the INDECT system, but this was the first time that it was done in reverse,” says Stephen Evans, general manager, INDECT USA. “This time, we supplied the sensors and

IPSens took care of the rest. They were completely responsible for the integration, installation, and commissioning of the system, and they’ve done a great job.” The parking facility at WRMC is small but consistently busy with specific sections designated for physicians, patents/visitors, providers, and employees. The hospital had been searching for a way to fairly and equitably allocate a limited resource among multiple user groups and be able to monitor the facility to ensure compliance. The answer was parking guidance. “The sensors are located directly

above each parking spot with color-coded LEDs to match their allocated user group. This makes it easy for drivers to quickly identify the correct parking area and locate the nearest available space,” Evans says. “It also makes it easy tell at a glance whether employees are parking in the patient/visitor area or vice versa. “Although it is easy to see why parking guidance is needed in large parking garages, like those found in airports and shopping centers, we find that some of the most innovative uses of parking guidance technology come from organizations with limited space,” Evans says.


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/ Aims Parking ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1

Rich & Associates, Inc. �������������������������������������������������������������������52 800.886.6316 248.353.5080

CHANCE Management Advisors, Inc. ���������������������������������������53

Southland Printing �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 215.564.6464 800.241.8662

DESMAN ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������52

Timothy Haahs & Associates, Inc. �����������������������������������������������53 877.337.6260 484.342.0200

Flexpost ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������49

Toledo Ticket ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������C4 888.307.6610 800.533.6620

International Parking Design, Inc. ���������������������������������������������52

Walker Consultants �����������������������������������������������������������������������53 818.986.1494 800.860.1579

IPS Group Inc. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� C2

Walter P Moore �������������������������������������������������������������������������������53 858.404.0607 800.364.7300

Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc ������������������������������������������ 5, 52

WGI ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 919.653.6646 866.909.2220

PayByPhone Technologies, Inc. ������������������������������������������������ C3 877.610.2054



2019 DECEMBER 2–6 Florida Parking and Transportation Association Conference & Tradeshow Clearwater Beach, Fla.

DECEMBER 13 Campus Cruzin’: Everything You Need to Know to Operate a Successful Scooter and University Partnership IPMI Webinar



Mid South Parking & Transportation Association Spring Conference and Trade Show

New York State Parking & Transportation Association Professional Development Summer Retreat

South Walton, Fla.

MARCH 3 APO Site Reviewer Online Course Begins


JANUARY 14 Online Parksmart Advisor Course Begins

JULY 22-24 Pacific Intermountain Parking & Transportation Association 2020 Conference & Expo Eugene, Ore.

Micromobility, Parking Garages, and Data—They Are All Related

Online Parksmart Advisor Course Begins

IPMI Webinar



Syracuse, N.Y.


New York State Parking & Transportation Association 2020 Annual Spring Event


College Station, Texas

Pace University

Campus Parking and Transportation Association Conference

APRIL 15-16 Southwest Parking & Transportation Association Mid-year Training



Palm Springs, Calif.

2020 IPMI Leadership Summit Raleigh, N.C.

Utilizing Technology: A How-to Guide on Converting to a Virtual and Electronic Parking Environment



IPMI Webinar

Online Parksmart Advisor Course Begins

Online Parksmart Advisor Course Begins


MAY 31 - JUNE 3, 2020


Supporting Mobility in an Open Environment

IPMI Conference & Expo

Online APO Site Reviewer Course Begins

IPMI Webinar

San Antonio, Texas

Stay up to date on industry events and activities! Visit for the latest updates and additions.



In Case You Missed It... ON THE FORUM

➚Communicating LPR rollout. ➚E-ticketing legislation for municipal operators. ➚Stolen meters. ➚Sealcoating surface lots. ➚Building a convertible garage. ➚P3 management experiences and data. ➚Join the conversation at ON THE BLOG

➚When Parkers are Pushed to their Limits, by Cindy Campbell. ➚Smart Cities and the Critical Role of Parking, by Robert Ferrin. ➚Organize your Life, by Vanessa R. Cummings, CAPP, MDiv. ➚Miles and Miles and Miles, by Casey Jones, CAPP ➚Wired: Why Parking Lots are Tricky for Autonomous Vehicles. ➚Read posts and submit your own— and in your daily Forum email. WANTED: YOUR MOBILITY STORIES changes to adapt cities and campuses for transportation demand management, multi ➚Infrastructure modal transportation, micro-mobility choices, and more. and initiatives designed to prioritize pedestrians, active transportation, shared-use mobility, ➚Policies and transit over the single-occupant vehicle. strategies, and innovation to achieve asset-light operations, including effectively ➚Technology, managing the curb.

➚Pilots and programs designed to innovate on a small scale, with lessons learned. ➚Any relevant mobility story you would like to share. ➚Learn more and submit: All from your desk, on your time, at 56 PARKING & MOBILITY / DECEMBER 2019 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG


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