Parking & Mobility August 2020

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University Plans and Strategies for Fall 2020

2020 CAPP Graduates See page 48




University Plans and Strategies for Fall 2020

A panel of experts discusses recovering from COVID-19 in the academic world.


Can PARK(ing) Day Play a Role in Combatting COVID-19?

Applying the lessons from an annual celebration of parklets to pandemic recovery in cities. By Michael Connor and Brian Bartholomew


A Win-Win-Win-Win

How a university vastly improved its post-game traffic flow through communication, data, and thought. By Jennifer Tougas, CAPP, PhD


Exhibitor Spotlight

Technologies, services, and trends from exhibitors at the 2020 IPMI Virtual Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo.


2020 CAPP Graduates

Congratulating this year’s class of CAPP graduates, who’ve earned the industry’s top credential.




Uncertainty DEPARTMENTS 4 ENTRANCE The New R&R By Bridgette Brady, CAPP

6 FIVE THINGS University Plans for Fall 8 THE BUSINESS OF PARKING Is COVID-19 a Force Majeure? By Michael Ash, Esq., CRE

10 THE GREEN STANDARD Parking, the Environment, and COVID-19 By Brian Shaw, CAPP

12 PARKING & MOBILITY SPOTLIGHT Flint Auto Park: A Case Study By Brian Cassady

14 MOBILITY & TECH Facebook’s One-stop Mobility Hub By Matt Davis

16 ASK THE EXPERTS 50 STATE & REGIONAL SPOTLIGHT The New York State Parking & Transportation Association By Patrick H. Phillips

52 IPMI IN ACTION Resources Needed Now More than Ever By Michelle W. Jones, CAE, CMP


As I write this, my family, like a lot of yours, is playing a giant waiting game. The college student is supposed to move into his dorm in six weeks minus one roommate who’s opting to stay home this year. Two of his five classes have already flipped from in-person to remote and I anticipate more of that as we get closer. We have no word on what the high school is going to do and my rising senior has only been able to properly tour two of the six universities on her list (we visited empty campuses over the summer but it’s not the same). She’s signed up for two music classes I’m not optimistic about, and I fear most of her extracurriculars are going to vanish. Her SATs have been canceled three times. My husband was supposed to go back to the office June 10, and then August 1, and now after Labor Day—maybe (probably not). His travel schedule, which he loves, has been grounded since March and won’t get back in the air until at least next year. I can only visit my mom on the porch of her assisted living home; we have to schedule a week in advance, visits are limited to a half-hour, and we sit at least 10 feet apart with aides (God bless these ladies and gentlemen, truly) monitoring everything, after they’ve checked my temperature in the parking lot. I have a huge stack of masks in our living room, a box of face shields in the garage, hand sanitizer all over the place, and I am still buying disinfecting wipes and sprays anytime I see them, which isn’t all that often. And I think we’ve reached the end of Netflix and perhaps the entire internet. These are all decidedly first-world problems and we are insanely fortunate, all things considered, but it’s frustrating and honestly, getting old. I am a planner by nature and this whole seat-of-our-pants lifestyle isn’t my thing (at all). Give me a date, give me a strategy, give me anything resembling normal and boring. Please. All of this leads up to: I can’t imagine how parking and mobility organizations are gearing up for the fall. Everything is unknown. People don’t really want to be on shuttles or buses or trains, and micro-mobility options have been limited by shutdowns (and sanitizing requirements). We take a look at how universities are getting ready for fall and beyond in this issue—there are great takeaways for all segments of the industry. We also have a great overview of this year’s Expo participants and, especially given the economic effects of COVID-19, hope you’ll patronize them and all the suppliers on the #IPMI2020 platform, which is available through May 2021. You’re all in my thoughts as we get ready for a new season in this odd new abnormal. As always, please reach out anytime. We’ll get there. Until next month.




Shawn Conrad, CAE EDITOR





By Bridgette Brady, CAPP


2020. Focusing on work-life integration was a greater commitment of employers who understood that a focus on time for rest and relaxation generated balance for employees, both enriching their lives and developing trust. SUBSCRIPTIONS


BonoTom Studio For advertising information, contact Bonnie Watts at or 888.IPMI.NOW. For subscription changes, contact Tina Altman, Parking & Mobility (ISSN 0896-2324 & USPS 001436) is published monthly by the International Parking & Mobility Institute. P.O. Box 25047 Alexandria, VA 22313 Phone: 888.IPMI.NOW Fax: 703.566.2267 Email: Website: Postmaster note: Send address label changes promptly to: Parking & Mobility P.O. Box 25047 Alexandria, VA 22313 Interactive electronic version of Parking & Mobility for members and subscribers only at parking-mobility. org/magazine. Periodical postage paid at Alexandria, Va., and additional mailing offices. Copyright © International Parking & Mobility Institute, 2020. Statements of fact and opinion expressed in articles contained if Parking & Mobility are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent an official expression of policy or opinion on the part of officers or the members of IPMI. Manuscripts, correspondence, articles, product releases, and all contributed materials are welcomed by Parking & Mobility; however, publication is subject to editing, if deemed necessary to conform to standards of publication. The subscription rate is included in IPMI annual dues. Subscription rate for non-members of IPMI is $120 per year (U.S. currency) in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. All other countries, $150. Back issues, $10. Parking & Mobility is printed on 10 percent recycled paper and on paper from trees grown specifically for that purpose.

During the past several months, trying to master the art of mute/unmute, countless hours of meetings, webinars, roundtables, and panels have provided conversations around recovery and restoration—the new R&R. How do we recover from the devastating impacts to our transportation systems, parking revenue, transit ridership, and staffing levels? For all of the crisis and emergency planning we’ve performed through the years, there hasn’t been a tabletop exercise scenario in the world to prepare us for COVID-19. Uncertainty has become the norm and will be for a great length of time to come. We will emerge stronger and smarter as a result of this, however, it could come at a great longterm expense if we neglect to take care of ourselves. We have stepped up and performed our responsibilities tirelessly, with a level of commitment never before experienced. I’ve witnessed and will never forget the mindful collaboration among my colleagues in pulling an entire university together as weeks melted into months. The COVID-19 months have been fueled by grit, compassion, and patience—also worry, uncertainty, and exhaustion. Mental health professionals warn if we don’t develop patterns of mindfulness, the effects on our well-being will not be without consequence. We need to find energy to focus on work-life integration, creating moments for rest and relaxation, and not wait until we, ourselves, need to recover and restore.


There are endless resources to help educate us about mental and emotional well-being. We need to shed the stigma that focusing on our minds and emotions is a showing of mental weakness. Some insurance companies are waiving copays for counseling and there is an app for every type of meditation and breathing technique. Finding patterns of predictability that make sense for your new type of day will take some time, but it will be essential for the long-haul. We can emerge on the other side of this crisis stronger, smarter, and well. Please reach out to someone who may need some encouragement to take care of themselves. Letting someone know you are thinking about them and care for their well-being can be one of the easiest ways to help with your and their growth. ◆ BRIDGETTE BRADY, CAPP, is senior director of transportation and delivery services at Cornell University and a member of IPMI’s Board of Directors. She can be reached at bb635@


Bonnie Watts, CEM

University Plans for Fall Harvard University created a stir when they announced an all-online plan for fall, with 40 percent of students physically returning to campus. But opening any operation, especially one with a shared-residential component and dining halls and hands-on courses, is super tricky this year. Here are five ways universities said they’re planning for the fall semester to work (at press time):


The University of Georgia hopes to reopen at nearly full capacity but is pushing most of its dining options to take-out to reduce large groups of students gathering in dining halls. Students who hope to eat in a dining hall will need to reserve a specific seat for a 45-minute time.


Columbia University opened with a threeterm schedule, offering housing to up to 60 percent of its undergraduate and engineering/applied sciences students. Most classes will be remote or taught partially remotely, and fall final exams will be taken from home; the campus will close after Thanksgiving break.


Michigan State University will hold about half of its classes online; the remainder will be taught in a hybrid mix to reduce class sizes. Masks are required on campus and many hallways have been converted to one-way flows. Dorm occupancy has been reduced.


Duke University promised most students single rooms, renting out nearby hotels and apartments to manage dorm overflow. All undergraduates will be tested for COVID-19 before they can move into dorms, and all students are asked to stay in Durham for the whole semester.




The University of Maryland plans to have larger classes online and smaller courses (less than 50 students) at least partially live and inperson this September, starting on their originally planned date. The university also reduced its normal on-campus housing capacity of 8,900 to offer more social distancing, allowing no more than two students per room.

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Is COVID-19 a Force Majeure? By Michael Ash, Esq., CRE


HE PARKING AND MOBILITY INDUSTRY (like most industries) is held together through

a series of interconnected contracts and agreements for goods and services. The ongoing pandemic resulted in federal, state, and local jurisdictions issuing declarations of emergency and stay-at-home orders to combat the spread of the virus. As we all stayed home to help “flatten the curve,” parking garages sat vacant and parking demand significantly declined. The legal question that will be hotly debated in the next few years will be: was the pandemic a reason to excuse non-performance of an agreement? Like most legal questions, the answer is: it depends. Act of God Most contracts will include a “force majeure” clause. This term translates to “act of God,” and acknowledges a defense for non-performance of contractual obligations for unanticipated events beyond the control of the parties to a contract. Today, parties may claim that events related to the pandemic make it impossible or impractical for the parties to the contract to meet their obligations and seek to avoid contract performance without penalty. To understand if excuse for non-­performance due to force majeure is available, an analysis of the contract terms and surrounding circumstances is required.


The first step to interpreting a contract is to review the actual terms in the agreement. It is possible that the contract does not specifically reference a pandemic or declaration of emergency as a force majeure event. Without a specific reference, consider if is there some other term or circumstance that could apply to this situation. If there is a circumstance of force majeure that could apply, the party seeking to enforce it must give proper notice of a claim that it cannot perform its obligations and seeks to be relieved of those obligations. Notice of asserting a force majeure defense is critical to excusing the non-performance and lack of proper notice can preclude the use of a force majeure defense.

Parking Design That Enhances the Passenger Experience LAX ITF-West coming 2021 Now, if the contract in question has a force majeure clause and if the force majeure clause applies to the COVID-19 pandemic and if the party attempting to assert the clause as a defense to non-performance has given proper notice, the specific cause of non-performance must be analyzed. It is not enough for a party asserting the defense to suffer some general hardship, reduction in business or traffic, or delay that makes performance of the contract uncomfortable or difficult. The party seeking to apply the defense must be able to demonstrate that business operations have been disrupted to the point where it is impossible or impractical to meet the contractual obligations. If performance of the contract is merely a hardship that can be overcome, the performance obligation will not be excused. The party seeking to excuse non-performance of a contract has the burden to prove its performance was impossible due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The facts and circumstances of each situation must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Finally, as a practical matter, the parties must take reasonable steps to overcome the disruption of the pandemic, or a force majeure defense may be unavailable.

Options If an agreement cannot be performed or is disrupted by the ongoing pandemic, the parties should try to work together to find a mutually acceptable alternative. There are several options available, including: ■  Abatement: Generally meaning “a lessening, diminution, reduction, or moderation.” Rather than cancel the entire contract, can the performance obligations be reduced? ■  Deferment: Generally meaning “the action or fact of putting something off to a later time; postponement.” Rather than cancel the contract, can the performance or payments be delayed? ■  Mitigation: Generally meaning “the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.” Rather than cancel the contract, can the parties agree on some alternative arrangement? ◆

Rallying together. Staying connected. During this �me & beyond, our parking experts are available at (833) 917-PARK

MICHAEL J. ASH, Esq., CRE, is partner with Carlin & Ward. He can be reached at michael.ash@



Parking, the Environment, and COVID-19 By Brian Shaw, CAPP


VIDENCE HAS SHOWN THAT THE PLANET’S AIR QUALITY and greenhouse gas emissions improved

from the human response to COVID-19. Driving drastically reduced, leading to much cleaner air in many cities. Traffic all but disappeared. Gas prices dropped. Bike sales grew, and some cities closed streets to cars to allow more room for bikes and pedestrians to maintain social distancing while getting some fresh air. Another way Knowing what the environmental results can be when people limit their mobility, the question is, can similar environmental benefits be achieved without a pandemic behind them and the devastating economic impacts? The parking industry was one of several economic sectors that took a huge hit during the COVID-19 crisis. The lack of driving and mobility activity and ­shelter-in-place orders resulted in far fewer folks needing to park and huge revenue declines. Airports, universities, and many municipal parking operations have suffered from little to no revenue during the crisis. A likely scenario is that as states and cities reopen their economies, people will be reluctant to use communal travel modes such as transit, TNCs, shared ­micro-mobility devices, carpools, and vanpools. As a result, there could be a surge in demand for parking in the coming weeks and months. This assumes there are things to do, places to go, and people want to leave their homes. But with that will come more pollution and the eventual return of traffic on our roadways. Can the parking industry help realize the longer-term environmental gains COVID-19 was able to reveal? Based on what the parking industry can do and


what experts believe can contribute toward reduction of greenhouse gases and slow climate change, I would suggest two areas of focus: ■  Facilitating the electrification of transportation. ■  Transition to cashless and contactless paid parking.

Greenhouse Gases People’s mobility is not the core issue that leads to greenhouse gas production in transportation. The greenhouse gases are a result of how people choose to get from A to B. While not using our cars, trucks, and vans did lead to greenhouse gas reduction during COVID-19, we all need to be able to exercise our ability to travel. Moving away from a fossil fuel-based fleet and transitioning more of the vehicle fleet to electricity will help reduce greenhouse gases while enabling mobility and economic activity. The parking industry has a key role to play in facilitating the electrification of transportation. Namely, by ensuring our facilities have an adequate number of electric vehicle charging stations, the parking industry can contribute to electrifying transportation. In addition, many of us in parking also play a role in facilitating use of other travel modes such as transit, shuttles and micro-mobility. By moving to electric


Due to the huge reduction in driving and human activity, wild animals began appearing in cities and other built areas. Some urban waterways were reported cleaner and clearer due to the lack of human water activity. How did this happen? Many people who could worked remotely, far more than was the case prior to the COVID-19 crisis. Transportation network companies (TNCs, i.e. Uber & Lyft) use was way down as was the use of shared mobility (micro-mobility) devices and services. Students used remote learning to various degrees of success. Even doctor visits were done using new telemedicine capabilities. And in general, people did not go anywhere, not that there were many places to go. What the COVID-19 crisis showed was that when individuals collectively act and change their behavior, the results can benefit the planet. While the motivation and societal rationale for these changes had little to do with improving the health of the planet, it is hard to argue with the beneficial results to the environment. But the severe financial cost of limiting movement and resulting reduced economic activity has been too big a price for all of us to pay. COVID-19’s environmental benefits to the planet also show that the approach to addressing the impacts of human activity on the planet cannot be done with such economic peril.

What the COVID-19 crisis showed was that when individuals collectively act and change their behavior, the results can benefit the planet. based options for buses and shuttles, more greenhouse gases can be eliminated. We can also support and facilitate the use of shared micro-mobility services (bikes, e-bikes, and scooters) as well as providing safe and secure storage for bikes, namely electric bikes in our facilities.

Payment Options The other initiative the parking industry should act on post COVID-19 is moving to cashless and contactless paid operations. There are both environmental as well as public health benefits that can result from pursuing cashless and contactless operations. While there are equity concerns with eliminating cash transactions, using cash does have several inherent problems. Safety and security for both the operator and customer is at risk with cash. Leakage is also a problem with cash as some of the cash collected does not always make its way to the bank. Plus pay machines and booths need to have adequate change, armed guards to pick up and drop off cash, and time and resources spent on counting and securing cash. Those who do not have a credit/debit card or online banking access can buy prepaid debit cards with cash at several retailers. Cash transactions also require counting of cash received and the change issued, which increases idling time when paying from the car. Contactless operations making use of mobile payment platforms, virtual permitting using license plates or other electronic credentials (RFID readers, near-field card readers, etc.) also have the benefits of going cashless. In addition, contactless operations can help reduce exposure to pathogens transmitted on surfaces, such as SARS-CoV-2. They also keep people from having to queue in line to pay for parking at pay stations, meters, or attended booths. Transactions can happen from inside one’s car or anywhere from a mobile device. For permit operations, making use of virtual permits with license plates can eliminate face-to-face transactions and save money on acquiring, distributing, and managing physical credentials. Contactless operations also help customers avoid needing to conduct financial transitions from a car idling in line, which helps to reduce emissions. At Stanford, we have realized the environmental benefits of moving to cashless and contactless operations. Since we made the move to virtual permits, mobile payments, and cashless transactions, our ability to quickly transition to a completely

remote department was relatively easy. Suspending enforcement and paid parking was done seamlessly. Our team quickly adjusted to working from home and still being able to handle customer concerns and inquiries. When we return to paid parking, the process will again be simple and seamless. With growing concerns about social distancing and reducing the vectors for contracting the Coronavirus, the virtual parking operation built at Stanford is well positioned to support these new and critically important directives. ◆ BRIAN SHAW, CAPP, is executive director of parking and transportation at Stanford University and co-chair of IPMI’s Sustainability Committee. He can be reached at

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Flint AutoPark: A Case Study


OR YEARS, FLINT, MICH., unsuccessfully sought to solve the

principal dilemma of on-street parking: how to balance the need to regulate curbside spaces to serve a downtown commercial district with consumer desires for hassle-free parking. But recently the city implemented a dynamic solution that has produced dramatically improved results and could create a new standard for convenient curbside parking management. Flint re-introduced paid parking in 2012, when the city’s downtown development authority (DDA) installed 34 multispace payment kiosks to regulate 276 on-street parking spaces. The DDA’s goal was to generate revenue and address merchant concerns that curbside spaces were being occupied by all-day parkers. Flint employed a single parking officer equipped with an LPR-enabled patrol car. Unfortunately, patrols lacked uniformity, did not provide coverage at all times, and did not occur at all when the officer was absent. As Flint’s parking footprint grew to 327 on-street spaces, enforcement became less frequent. As a result, by 2019 Flint’s metered parking payment compliance rate was only 42 percent. Overtime parking was common. Average monthly parking revenues plateaued at $11,667 and collected ticket revenues were only $2,667. On a per-space-per-month basis, parking revenues were $35.68 and viola-

tion revenues were $8.16, for combined revenues of $43.84. After costs, parking operations were basically breakeven.

New Solutions In considering improvement options, the DDA wanted a solution that would yield higher revenues and better compliance. Obviously achieving these goals would require more strict enforcement. But Flint’s downtown had only recently recovered from a long economic slump stemming from the 2008-09 financial crisis, so the DDA had serious concerns about alienating downtown visitors. It somehow needed to balance any steps to tighten enforcement with dramatic improvements in consumer convenience. But what would that look like? How could the DDA deliver paid parking that felt measurably improved relative to the typical consumer experience so that the consumer concerns over elevated en-


forcement would be mitigated? Gerard Burnash, DDA executive director, theorized the key was leveraging the latest smart city technology to create something different. He envisioned a system that would remove the typical inconveniences and constraints found in paid on-street parking. For example, why should consumers have to take any action at all to pay? Why not create a touchless experience just like automated toll-pass systems to improve compliance and alleviate the threat of enforcement altogether? After investigation, Burnash discovered toll-pass parking technology existed, combining metered parking and LPR enforcement in a holistic, software-based parking management system. The heart of the system is vehicle detection technology. It features video cameras embedded inside parking meters and ParkingSticks, which are devices that help monitor each space. The system is capable of recognizing and documenting the entrance and exit of a vehicle into a parallel parking space, and providing photo-enforcement of parking violations. By recording the license plate number of each vehicle that enters a space, Flint could automatically charge the customer for the actual time parked.


By Brian Cassady

Its real innovation was the focus on an improved consumer experience to elevate compliance instead of a singular reliance on harsh enforcement.

The Challenge While toll-pass technology is common on freeways, obviously it has rarely been applied to parking. This created a challenge. The DDA reasoned that it was likely that consumers used to manual payment processes might be slow to adopt a system of automatic payments. This would create a painful learning curve. To address this issue, Flint felt it needed to generate improvements over typical manual payment alternatives to help the public bridge the gap and avoid tickets. The first option Flint conceived of was anytime payment. Burnash reasoned that since Flint could continuously monitor a vehicle while parked, as long as consumers paid for parking at some point before driving away, they would be compliant with paid parking requirements and should not be subjected to photo enforcement for non-payment. This would alleviate the need for consumers to pay for parking in advance. It would also avoid penalizing consumers for under or over estimating their parking time requirements. Instead, consumers could exit their cars, go about their business and then pay for their exact parking time at their leisure or upon exiting the space, just as they might in many parking garages. Building off the anytime payment concept, Flint then sought ways to avoid inconveniences for consumers who arrived downtown and parked prior to enforcement hours. Again, Burnash tapped the system’s capabilities to monitor vehicles by allowing customers to pre-pay upon arrival and only have the paid parking session commence at the start of enforcement hours. Finally, to facilitate quick visits to the downtown post office, the pick-up of takeout orders from downtown restaurants, etc., Flint incorporated a free, 5-minute grace period at the start of every parking session. All of these advanced convenience features helped fulfill the DDA’s desire to create unparalleled consumer ease of use. The DDA introduced the new system to the public in October 2019 as “Flint Autopark,” and braced itself for the reaction. By the advent of Michigan’s COVID-19 stay-at home orders in mid-March 2020, Flint’s payment compliance rate had increased to 70.5 percent, a staggering 66.3 percent improvement. Flint expects compliance to eventually reach 90 percent. Financially, Flint has generated $65.17 of parking revenues per space per month—an 83 percent increase—and collected violations revenues of $142.16 per space per month.

The combined total of $207.33/space equates to $67,800, or nearly four times Flint’s prior monthly revenues. Complaints have been minimal. Flint’s use of technology was recognized when AutoPark was named one of three finalists for the prestigious IDC North America 2020 Smart Cities Award in the Transportation Infrastructure category. But its real innovation was the focus on an improved consumer experience to elevate compliance instead of a singular reliance on harsh enforcement. ◆ BRIAN CASSADY is CEO of Municipal Parking Services, Inc. He can be reached at brian.cassady@






Facebook’s One-stop Mobility Hub By Matt Davis



ing Menlo Park headquarters. This includes the new Menlo Gateway, a 16-acre project nearing completion of its second phase that has transformed a former industrial complex into Facebook’s latest expansion. The mixed-use project adds 694,000 square feet of office space in three buildings, a 250-room luxury hotel, and three parking structures to the Silicon Valley giant’s corporate campus. To meet Facebook’s needs to keep their employees mobile and the campus accessible, the phase-1 Independence parking structure offers a one-stop mobility hub. From a bike-share program and shuttle system to expanded pick-up and drop-off zones, the garage was designed to make it easy for employees to get where they need to go, while also providing a number of amenities to facilitate multi-modal transportation.

Multi-Modal Efficiency To support Facebook’s robust bike-sharing program, the Independence Parking Structure features a secure, Class 14 PARKING & MOBILITY / AUGUST 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

1 bicycle parking facility. Employees who bike to work can take advantage of lockers and showers. To further encourage bicycle use, a network of pedestrian and bicycle pathways were incorporated into the ­campus’ design. In addition to cars and bicycles, the parking structure provides other multi-modal options to employees. Of the structure’s 1,040 stalls, 8 percent are reserved for carpools and clean-air and low-emission vehicles. A shuttle system routes employees all over Facebook’s campus, meaning even if they need to travel to other locations, they are not dependent on a vehicle to get where they need to go.

The mixed-use project adds 694,000 square feet of office space in three buildings, a 250 room luxury hotel, and three parking structures to the Silicon Valley giant’s corporate campus.

To improve efficiency, the seven-­level parking structure incorporates a valet speed ramp to the fourth level, expediting throughput by separating hotel and office traffic.

Expanded Pick Up and Drop Off In addition to the shuttle program, carpools and ride-sharing are another mobility facet that Facebook encourages via an expanded pick up and drop off area. A specially designed one-way access road guides users around and behind the parking structure, where they can be dropped off and picked up safely and efficiently.

To humanize the structure, the shear walls incorporate eye-catching public art in the form of dichroic glass that changes colors depending on lighting. Mobility hubs such as the one found at Facebook’s Menlo Gateway gives employees more flexibility to choose the way they travel. As we find greater need to stay flexible and adaptive in our

current landscape, this mindset will continue to offer exciting opportunities to innovate new, efficient and sustainable design solutions. ◆ MATT DAVIS is associate principal of Watry Design. He can be reached at mdavis@

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Employee-Focused Amenities To support the sustainable culture of Silicon Valley, the parking structure features 32 EV charging stations, with infrastructure to add 32 more as need arises. However, as many office campuses are discovering, providing EV charging for employees who park in the same spot for extended periods means many of those chargers can go underutilized. Therefore, the facility provides a valet service to rotate vehicles through each charging station. The Menlo Gateway Independence parking structure isn’t just a one-stop mobility hub. It also includes a 40,000 square foot state-of-the-art fitness center on the ground floor that is open to employees and features a café with outdoor seating.

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What advice would you give a university parking operation planning to reopen this fall, to keep staff, faculty, students, and guests safe and comfortable?

Kim E. Jackson, CAPP

Casey Jones, CAPP

Director of Parking & Transportation Princeton University

Senior Parking and Mobility Planner DESMAN

I think we need to remain flexible in our operations. Although revenue is important, having our customers feel heard and appreciated will be key. We should provide grace to all during these challenging times.

Safety and comfort can be improved with automation and mobile payment options, but the current health crisis has created a big opportunity to fundamentally rethink the way parking is offered on college campuses. Moving away from long-term permits to a pay-as-you-go model for all users will provide the flexibility and convenience parkers demand while more equitably distributing the financial burden needed for self-supporting parking programs.

Allen Corry, CAPP Assistant Vice President, Parking Business Unit DFW Airport Initially, in advance, inform all staff, faculty and students to be prepared to conduct social distancing, wash hands, and wear facial coverings. Sanitize offices, classrooms, and all common areas daily. As we enter into a new normal way of life, look into conducting classes virtually when possible.

Teresa Trussell, CAPP

Scott C. Bauman, CAPP

Regional Sales Director—Midwest PayByPhone

Manager of Parking & Mobility Services City of Aurora, Colo.

To ensure returning students, faculty/ staff and guests are comfortable, operations should offer as many online solutions in lieu of standing in lines, and contactless payment options such as mobile payments in conjunction with hardware options. Consumer choice will play a key role in customer satisfaction and security.

Ensure the parking team has all the tools, resources, and training necessary to safely perform their duties while also providing opportunities to innovate as conditions evolve. Thoroughly communicate your detailed COVID-19 parking action plan to all faculty, staff, and students. And provide all your guests with the safest and cleanest parking facilities imaginable.

/ HAVE A QUESTION? Send it to and watch this space for answers from the experts.

The opinions and thoughts expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinions and viewpoints of the International Parking & Mobility Institute or official policies of IPMI.


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Plans and Strate



A panel of experts discusses recovering from COVID-19 in the academic world.



2020 T


our industry. From dealing with abrupt revenue loss, staffing changes, maintaining safe and secure protocols for both employees and customers, it has been unique and new at almost every turn, and most certainly disruptive. The previous articles of IPMI’s Research and Innovation Task Force—see our Roadmap to Recovery publication—have focused on the municipal recovery, which has been ongoing as cities and states re-open during various phases and paradigms. However, the effects have also been felt far and wide in the academic world. The main difference is the large sense of unknown as the spring semester was quickly changed to virtual and the fall semester loomed in the not-sodistant future. As of the writing of this article, there are still many unknowns about the make-up of campuses in the fall—largely online? In person? Hybrid of the two? PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / AUGUST 2020 / PARKING & MOBILITY 19


As universities plan for the return to campus in the coming months (or in 2021), we felt it was the right time to help think about strategy, both short- and longterm. The task force asked a number of academic parking and mobility leaders to share their experience and their expertise to help us all navigate the road ahead.

What’s been the biggest impact to your organization thus far?

Jennifer Tougas, CAPP, PhD, Western Kentucky University: WKU has closely followed the Governor’s Health at Home approach to managing the pandemic. In mid-March, all instruction moved to an online format and most employees started telecommuting, so campus parking demand dropped to almost zero. We issued 20 percent refunds for all student permit holders, which had a substantial impact on our cash flow. Transit services and all special events ended when students left campus. Brian Shaw, CAPP, Stanford University: Revenue loss from allowing free parking for three and a half months and the suspension of campus TDM programs due to a high degree of remote working. We’ve also begun moving to contactless visitor parking. Josh Cantor, CAPP, George Mason University: Financially we expect a $7 million-plus impact by the end of the fall semester between refunds from spring and summer and projected lost visitor, event, and permit revenue. Fortunately, we have built a healthy reserve over the past decade to absorb this impact. Peter Lange, Texas A&M University: The financial impact (currently $5.2 million and climbing) and the extremely fluid nature of the circumstance we are dealing with.

How are you and your team addressing these impacts?

Tougas: We closed our office to the public, provided remote customer service, moved our permit sales to 100 percent online, and strongly encouraged mail-home options for permit delivery. We’ve worked on several projects that have previously been pushed to the side due to the put-out-the-fire nature of our day-to-day operations. Shaw: Parking charges were restarted July 1. We are investigating how to track travel to restart TDM programs. Cantor: We are making operational budget cuts to maintenance and shuttle operations. Staffing levels were decreased considerably in April and although they will increase again in August, we only expect to be at 50 percent staffing levels for the fall semester. Lange: The financial impact will be dealt with by cutting expenses, deferring capital maintenance and capital projects, and we are working a three-year plan to recover from the impact. As far as the fluid nature of the situation, we typically work up multiple plans and then implement when we have all the operational details.

How have your mobility programs changed and been affected?

Kim Jackson, CAPP, Princeton University: Our shared services, bike- and car-share, are no longer offered. Actually, the bike-share company is no longer operational. The elimination of shared mobility services will impact graduate students currently on campus and any students during the upcoming academic year. Shaw: Our Clean Air Cash and Carpool programs were suspended and will continue to be until there is a way to track travel.

OUR PANELISTS JOSH CANTOR, CAPP, is director of parking and transportation at George Mason University. He was previously at Cal State Fullerton. He serves on IPMI’s Board of Directors and served on the Board of the Parking Association of the Virginias for 11 years, five of which he was President. Josh is the father of three boys and therefore drives a lot. He has a bachelor’s degree from Cornell and master’s degree from the University of Kentucky and was in the U.S. Naval Reserves for 11 years.

KIM E. JACKSON, CAPP, provides leadership, expertise, and management for university transportation and parking operations, services, facilities, and programs. In 2008 she was hired as the first Director, Transportation & Parking Services for Princeton University. She previously worked at the IPMI as executive director and at Rutgers University in New Jersey, where she was responsible for the university’s parking and transportation programs. She is a past chair of IPMI’s Board of Directors.


PETER LANGE is associate vice president of transportation services at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, and co-chair of IPMI’s Parking Technology Committee. He is responsible for one of the largest parking, transportation and fleet operations on any college campus in the country.

Rotational class loading could limit the number of students, faculty, and staff on campus daily, which should allow for lower loading on buses and capacity to oversell facilities and permits to support increased vehicular demands.


Cantor: While we will be extending our e-scooter pilot program with several vendors, we are suspending our bike checkout program. We also have made modifications to our carpool programs as well as transit and bike commuter programs as many employees will continue to telework and not be on campus as frequently. Kris Singh, Central Florida University: We are modifying our buses, including requiring masks on short runs within the one-mile radius, (majority of apartment complexes). For longer runs, one in three

KRIS SINGH is parking and transportation director at the University of Central Florida. He was a police officer for 10 years and holds a bachelor’s degree from UCF. He has worked in parking and transportation for 22 years.

seats will be usable. This will cause a need for an additional buses on some routes. Loading and unloading occurs by back door and not via front door where driver is seated.

What’s on the immediate horizon for the fall semester?

Tougas: WKU is finalizing the mix of face-to-face, hybrid, and online instruction, with a greater emphasis on the latter than we’ve had in the past. We anticipate

BRIAN SHAW, CAPP, is executive director, transportation, at Stanford University and co-chair of IPMI’s Sustainability Committee. He has spent his 25-year career fostering commuter travel choices and innovations in parking management. He has worked primarily in higher education at some of the leading research institutions across the U.S., including Emory and Penn.

JENNIFER TOUGAS, CAPP, PHD, is interim AVP of Business Services at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Ky. She has extensive experience in higher education parking and transportation operations, starting at UGA in 1998 and at WKU since 2004. She earned her CAPP in 2009 and currently serves on IPMI’s Board of Directors.



that demand for daily parking will increase as commuting students and telecommuting faculty and staff spend less time on campus. We are taking a number of steps in the transit operations to reduce passenger loads and enforce social distancing. Shaw: We’re allowing freshmen to buy parking for the first time in 30 years. We’re also having fewer on-campus residents and staff. Cantor: We expect more to purchase daily permits or use visitor parking than commit to semester permits. In fact, with few exceptions, we aren’t selling annual permits with the uncertainty of the university’s operating status for the academic year. We intend to expand mobile payment options as well as offering printable daily permits to minimize the need to use pay stations or come to the parking office. With shuttles, we will only have 25 to 50 percent of normal seating capacity and will only be operating half of our normal routes. Singh: UCF will hold all classes with more than 100 students online, and classes with less than 100 students will remain on campus. Parking is extending existing permits with an August 31 expiration date through December 31. No new permit will be required unless the student/faculty/staff member does not already have one. We’re pushing to have permits mailed out to students instead of them coming in person to pick up. Lange: Rotational class loading could limit the number of students, faculty, and staff on campus daily, which should allow for lower loading on buses and capacity to oversell facilities and permits to support increased vehicular demands. It will require lots of communication about our operations, bus capacity, masks, parking options, cleaning protocols, etc.

Have you found any silver linings for your organization?

Jackson: Yes, we now know we can all work remotely! Shaw: COVID will allow us to phase out our pay stations and meters, saving money. It also gives us the opportunity to revamp our permit prices. We can focus on things we need to be doing and do a reset—an opportunity to rethink how we do our jobs and how we run our business. Cantor: We have worked to further automate processes and find ways that make it easier for the customers as well as for our business practices. 22 PARKING & MOBILITY / AUGUST 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

What does your longer-term planning look like?

Tougas: We are expecting an increase in telecommuting, a change in attitude towards the close quarters of mass transit, and increased demand for modular parking options or packages. Shaw: We need to revamp how we sell parking to be more demand-based and done on a daily basis vs monthly. Rather than a monthly permit, we could focus on daily pricing and help improve our TDM program offerings. We can use data from our program to define price levels to start leveling the demand out across campus.

Do you expect parking and transportation to change in the future because of current changes? Cantor: There is a real possibility that the extension of online class work could limit the need to build more parking in the future. Let’s see how things go in the next two to three years. Lange: We don’t know what’s going to happen with campus. We may not need the garages that are planned, so the question is how does parking demand change the need for more supply. Shaw: We are at 80 percent work-from-home now. That will go down as things come back online, but we expect more work from home, which will change the commute patterns we’ve built our program for.

Do you have any advice for other academic institutions as they tackle similar challenges?

Tougas: If you have questions, reach out to your colleagues. This industry is great at helping each other and sharing strategies and information. Take advantage of that. Jackson: Remain flexible, follow all safety protocols, and work within the guidelines of your institution. Shaw: Don’t stop charging for parking and if you have, get it back up and running as soon as possible. Don’t consider any of your policies or programs sacrosanct. There may be a different set of conditions today that you need to consider, like letting freshmen buy parking. Lange: Try your best to be consistent, think about policy changes thoroughly, it is never good to have to make an immediate about-face. Make sure your administration is synchronized with your decisions. Have plans for multiple scenarios on the shelf ready to go.

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In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are aware of how devastating the shut-down of business has been to our customers. In an effort to assist at this time, we are going to extend the warranty period for all MicroDrive Vehicle Barriers from 24 months to 36 months. This extension will apply to all barriers purchased between 1st January 2018 and the 31st December 2020. The intention of this offer considers “if our products have not experienced normal life cycle during this time, then why should our customers lose warranty during this period?”. What do you need to do to get the 36 month warranty? Nothing – our technical support department have all the serial numbers in our records – and we will honor the 36 month warranty period now for all those products. We sincerely hope that you, your family and business recover quickly from this pandemic and look forward to better times with one another in the near future.


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We need to revamp how we sell parking to be more demand-based and done on a daily basis vs monthly. Rather than a monthly permit, we could focus on daily pricing and help improve our TDM program offerings.


Anything else would you like to share?

Tougas: Based on experience of past global pandemics, this will have impacts that are far reaching and lingering that will take us years to understand. Stay vigilant to protect the health of your staff and customers. Cantor: Stay positive and make sure not only you are addressing the needs of your customers, but you are making sure that your staff is taken care of and that everyone’s health is more important than any amount of lost revenue. Singh: Auxiliaries will feel the brunt of the pandemic as they are self-supported and not supported by the state. Transportation fees, citation revenues, permit fees—major reductions due to COVID-19. Over summer, no fees were charged.

Conclusions As you can see by the responses from our panelists, there are a number of similarities. However, there are also a number of unique differences created by campus 24 PARKING & MOBILITY / AUGUST 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

location, institutional policies, and decisions for the fall semester. In each case, decisions about how to address changes to the parking and transportation system require a combination of best management practices from peers and context-sensitive solutions for your unique campus. IPMI plans to continue to help facilitate the collection of those best management practices with resources like our online community, Forum, the ever-expanding COVID-19 Information Clearinghouse, as well as our ongoing series of shoptalks. As we continue to document the roadmap for our industry’s recovery, we intend to revisit these academic issues and decisions to determine opportunities for our members. ◆ This feature was compiled and contibuted by BRETT WOOD, CAPP, PE, president, Wood Solutions Group and co-chair of IPMI’s Research & Innovation Task Force. He can be reached at


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PARK(ing) DAY Applying the lessons from an annual celebration of parklets to pandemic recovery in cities.



By Michael Connor and Brian Bartholomew

ETAIL SHOPS AND RESTAURANTS IN CITIES across the country are starting to open under

mandated social distancing guidelines. However, maintaining six feet of distance between patrons dramatically limits the number of customers who can frequent a shop or restaurant. Those restaurants with existing outdoor café-style seating have some additional capacity, but most bars, restaurants, and shops do not have access to broad sidewalks or approval for that type of activity. To remove or lessen that restriction, city governments have been quick to offer legislation that creates greater flexibility. In Louisville, Ky., for example, Mayor Greg Fischer announced that the city will help expand outdoor seating in preparation for restaurants reopening their doors. Effective immediately, the city is waiving application fees for outdoor seating permits with the city’s public works department. Fischer said the city also will waive the parking and landscape requirements traditionally tied to the square footage of restaurant seating, which requires a temporary suspension of land development code regulations that prohibit things like off-premises alcohol sales and converting property for a different use.

Changing Regulations Cleveland, Ohio, is considering tweaking the rules governing rights-of-way even further to allow restaurants and bars to occupy space in some streets so patrons can maintain social distancing. But some details still need to be worked out. Edward Rybka, Mayor Frank Jackson’s chief of regional development, told the City Council’s Finance Committee that no immediate timetable was announced. “It’s not an easy snap of the fingers kind of thing,” Rybka said. In Portland, Ore., the city had created a design and approval process where streets can be turned into outdoor plazas under a new permitting program. On May 28, the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) launched the Safe Streets Initiative. Part

of this initiative is a business toolkit and a healthy business permit that helps businesses use more public space to conduct business safely. The streamlined six-step permitting process includes the applicant defining how the public right-of-way would be used, coordination with neighboring businesses and organizations, documenting the plan and design, an online application, city staff review and coordination, and city approval and permitting. Once approved, PBOT Parking Enforcement would place reservation signage or devices in metered areas and “no parking” signs in unmetered areas. Unfortunately, on May 29, the PBOT had to walk back its plan to revoke the traditional sidewalk café permit requirements, noting in an email to business owners that café dining on most sidewalks will not allow enough space to accommodate physical distancing rules. Clearly, converting sidewalk and curbside space that falls under the definition of public right-of-way isn’t something the simply requires “a snap of the fingers.” However, the economy and downtown shops and restaurants don’t have the luxury of waiting for long-standing and complicated codes and ordinances to be researched, rewritten, debated in the public realm, and approved by our political leaders. Therefore, the key to expanding social distancing and seating capacity in shops and restaurants while respecting codes and ordinances that relate to public safety lay in the interpretation and creative application of codes and ordinances that already exist. Up steps PARK(ing) Day.

Play a Role


PARK(ing) Day And COVID

Lessons learned from installing parklets can be of great use as restaurants and other businesses expand into parking spaces.

PARK(ing) Day originated in San Francisco, Calif., in 2005 and is now an annual international event where the public collaborates to temporarily transform parking spaces into small parks to elicit a reconsideration of the designation of public space. PARK(ing) Day occurs on the third Friday in September to promote a new look at the public right-of-way and motivate participation in the civic processes that shape the urban environment. For one day a year, a portion of the rightof-way that was used exclusively for the temporary storage of a single automobile is recreated into a space that reminds the public and our political leadership of the great potential of these valuable but forgotten public spaces. However, placing human beings in the same environment as iron and steel vehicles that can weigh several tons and can travel at high speeds is a dangerous endeavor and requires very thoughtful planning, design, and implementation practices. Fortunately, many communities have already gone through that public research, vetting, and pilot program process. Like many communities, Arlington County, Va., developed PARK(ing) Day guidelines to ensure that temporary installations in the public right-of-way are created in a safe and effective manner. The guidelines developed by the county were based on best planning and design practices applied elsewhere and define appropriate location (only legal parking spaces and not at the end of street blocks), speed limit of adjacent roadway (not more than 25 mph), time period (9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.), space size (20 feet by 5 feet), and the type, height, and width of material that can be used as a buffer zone. In Arlington County, the PARK(ing) Day permitting process is the same as a transportation right-of-way (TROW) permit, which is required when construction activity in the right-of-way blocks or limits the use of any type of lane. That process includes a PARK(ing)


Day agreement and release form, certificate of liability insurance, site design concept, and a barrel request form. A certificate of liability insurance (COI) is a simple form issued by the applicant’s insurance company that summarizes the types of coverage, the issuing insurance company, your policy number, the named insured, the policy’s effective dates, and the types and dollar amount of limits and deductibles. Arlington County is identified as “primary and non-contributory” additional insured under the commercial general liability insurance as respect to any street use permit issued by Arlington County. Prior to PARK(ing) Day, county staff post signs adjacent to the parking space several days prior noting the date and time when the space would be removed from service, then install the required traffic barrels and safety tape the night before. The applicant then follows additional guidelines regarding the type and dimensions of material that may be temporarily placed within the defined space.

Applying the Lessons Having established the fact that many communities have incorporated formal processes to permit the safe, effective, and temporary alternative use of the public right-of-way, the question then becomes how PARK(ing) Day applies to COVID-19, social distancing, and opening the economy. As part of the City of Hoboken, N.J.’s, small business recovery plan, the city created a task force of political, business, and civic leaders; city staff; and the newly created Hoboken Business Improvement District (BID), which examined new and creative strategies to support local restaurants reopening. As part of amendments that would be made to the existing sidewalk café regulations, qualified businesses would be permitted to build a temporary platform in the parking spots immediately in front of their establishment to use as an outdoor dining area. From a code perspective, Chapter 168 Article II of Hoboken’s

Hoboken developed a concept called a “streatery,” where shared public space is temporarily converted to curbside space for outdoor dining and take-away food and beverages can be consumed.

municipal code of ordinances defines encroachments into the public right-of-way and revocable consent, which includes the following: ■  No person or entity shall install or maintain any improvements or appurtenances of any kind in, over, or upon any sidewalk, street, public lane, alley, or other public ground without first obtaining a revocable consent from the Department of Community Development. ■  A revocable consent shall not be granted for a use that would be considered a permanent structure, would interfere with the use of inalienable property, or could be granted for a purpose for which a franchise or easement may be granted. ■  All revocable consents shall be revocable at any time by the City of Hoboken, shall be granted for a fixed term, and shall provide for adequate compensation to

be annually provided to the City during the continuance of the consent. ■  Notwithstanding any provisions of this section, revocable consent to construct and operate Sidewalk Cafes shall continue to be reviewed and administered pursuant to Article V, Sidewalk Cafes, of this Chapter of the municipal code. Following the code of ordinances and existing design and permitting guidelines, Hoboken developed a concept called a “streatery,” where shared public space is temporarily converted to curbside space for outdoor dining and take-away food and beverages can be consumed. Dining space is separated from adjacent parking and travel lanes using moveable barriers such as barricades, planters, bollards, or similar structures. Tables in a streatery must be six feet apart, measured from backs of opposite chairs, to promote social distancing. The BID would be instrumental as it could act as the applicant representing groups of restaurants and business owners along the city’s key commercial corridors. In concept, the streatery is installed during Friday evenings and during the weekend, when restaurants are typically busiest, and removed Sunday evening, returning the parking space to its usual function. The adjacent roadway would be unaffected. In effect, Hoboken and its streatery plan is an extension of PARK(ing) Day where, through appropriate planning, design, review, and approval, the public PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / AUGUST 2020 / PARKING & MOBILITY 29

No one can accurately identify the real impact of the new business normal on future parking demand. However, it is only natural to anticipate increased use of singleoccupant vehicles entering business districts as the public may initially shy away from the mass transit options they relied on in the past.

right-way-way is temporarily converted to a space where people can sit, talk, and dine in relative safety and comfort. And this conversion could occur not on a single day per year, but three or more days/evenings per week.

Financial Considerations The development of various strategies by local governments to help retail establishments reopen under the new guidelines for safety have—and will for some time—affected parking budgets. As most municipalities nationwide have relaxed or eliminated parking enforcement efforts, raised gates at off-street facilities, and waived on-street parking fees, negative revenue impacts also are the new normal. No one can accurately identify the real impact of the new business normal on future parking demand. However, it is only natural to anticipate increased use of single-occupant vehicles entering business districts as the public may initially shy away from the mass transit options they relied on in the past. This potential increase in parking demand may help parking budgets somewhat recover by realizing new parking demand. As evidenced by the various communities identified earlier, local governments understand that a vibrant business district is necessary for their respective community to thrive. However, they also understand that sufficient parking inventory must be available to support the reopening business demand. Moreover, transportation network company (TNC) demand, specifically food delivery services, for curbside space also has increased during this pandemic. As some business establishments may require expansion of their footprints to include public parking areas to meet social distancing guidelines, the issue 30 PARKING & MOBILITY / AUGUST 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

of compensation for the use of a public parking asset cannot be ignored. This requires a financial balancing act to occur while also attempting to accommodate the parking needs of these different user groups. Municipalities are adopting several methods for assessing fees for the use of a curbside spaces. One example that is used to support business needs is a per lineal foot of curb space used fee. For example, Hoboken, NJ, is assessing a $0.50 per lineal foot fee per day, which is equivalent to $10 per day per space. The regular on-street parking rate is $2.00 per hour with parking meters enforced from 9:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. On a typical day, if the meter were fully utilized, an on-street meter would generate $24.00 per day. The per lineal foot rate is discounted 42 percent over the standard revenue potential that would be realized by the city for businesses that opt to utilize curbside spaces. Hoboken also assesses a $100 application fee, which is paid to the city’s engineering department. It is important to note that there are other costs that will be associated with the use of curbside spaces, some of which could be substantial. Developing any initial agreement for the use of this space should clearly dictate which party is responsible for the funding of these items. For instance, the cost to clean the space daily, supply temporary power (if applicable), break down and re-install infrastructure, and maintain aesthetic design standards will have to be borne either by the user, municipality, or business taxing district as will be the case in Hoboken. In the end, the assessment of fees for the use of public parking assets for business use in the age of the new normal will be driven by the financial wherewithal and flexibility of the municipality and/or parking agency. In time, when the business environment begins to look like the pre-pandemic business environment, well-designed, creative public space additions that help buffer an otherwise asphalt-and-concrete landscape also may become the new normal. ◆ MICHAEL CONNOR is a parking consultant with Kimley-Horn. He can be reached at michael.connor@kimley-horn. com.

BRIAN BARTHOLOMEW is a parking consultant with Kimley-Horn. He can be reached at brian.bartholomew@kimley-horn. com.



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How a university vastly improved its post-game traffic flow through open communication between departments, a little data, and a lot of thought.



By Jennifer I. Tougas, CAPP, PhD

T’S A COOL FEBRUARY NIGHT and Western Kentucky

University (WKU) is hosting Louisiana Tech in an endof-season men’s basketball game to determine placement in the upcoming Conference USA tournament. This season marks the first for activating the university’s Emergency Operations Center in support of basketball games. This allows facilities management, WKU Police, our campus meteorologist, and parking & transportation services to monitor the game and respond to any issues. There’s a vocal, attentive crowd here to cheer on the Tops, but I’m here to watch the traffic on the myriad of camera views on my laptop.


Basketball and event operations are surprisingly similar. Each requires a team of players with expertise and skill at their assigned role, and teamwork and communication are essential to success. Back before the basketball season started, we sat down with leadership from the athletics department, the Hilltopper Athletic Foundation, and the WKU Police Department to find a better way to exit traffic from Parking Structure 2. Thanks to funding through student fees, Parking Structure 2 (PS2) opened in 2005 to the delight of commuting students who enjoyed parking in the heart of campus across from the Downing Student Union. PS2 also strategically sits between Houchens L.T. Smith Stadium and E.A. Diddle Arena and provides prime donor parking during football and basketball seasons.

We have an excellent working relationship and are able to have candid conversations when things go wrong and celebrate successes when things go right. We have the same goal in mind and trust each other to work towards those goals. The Scenario You couldn’t ask for more convenient parking, but the exiting traffic experience left something to be desired. PS2 is a three-bay, precast deck with a central bay for two-way traffic and one-way traffic on either side. The deck circulates traffic up on the stadium side and down on the arena side. Two entrance and two exit lanes span the short distance between the structure and University Boulevard, a four-lane highway that averages 20,000 vehicles per weekday. Even with the assistance of WKU PD following the game, alternating between event traffic and highway traffic meant the last car would trickle out of the structure close to an hour after the game ended. This led to more than one email to athletics expressing frustration for sitting in a traffic jam following each ball game. There had to be a better way.

Working Together Just as in basketball, it takes time for teams to gel. I’ve been at WKU for more than 15 years now and have worked with this team for just as long. We have an excellent working relationship and are able to have candid conversations when things go wrong and celebrate successes when things go right. We have the same goal in mind and trust each other to work towards those goals. 34 PARKING & MOBILITY / AUGUST 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

As the event operations in Parking & Transportation Services has grown during the past five years or so, we’ve kept focus on our goal of improving customer service and making the most of every opportunity to leave a good impression of campus for our guests. We reflect after each event and learn from our experiences. This semester, I’ve been working with a professor and a student whose senior project is using software to model our event traffic. He is sitting with us tonight in the EOC and witnessing the traffic firsthand. It’s halftime, and Louisiana Tech has been leading the whole game. At WKU, we’ve had some rather unusual challenges that have forced us—and even given us permission—to think creatively about how to use our resources to be successful. The Great American Eclipse traveled straight over our campus on the first day of classes in 2017. We hosted nearly 5,000 children who were bused to campus to watch the eclipse from our stadium. We closed our central campus road and used it as a bus parking lot—a strategy we’ve used several times when we host our “Spread the Red” Lady Topper education game. We have a good team that works well together, that is willing to try new things, and has a common goal in mind: to improve post-game traffic flow. While we’re focusing on Parking Structure 2, we have to keep in mind Parking Structure 1 which sits on the other side of E.A. Diddle Arena and also provides donor and public parking for the games. Tonight, we have 400 vehicles in PS1 and 500 vehicles in PS2.

The Strategy Our overall strategy is to force traffic away from the event center to move it as quickly as possible. Parking Structure 1 sits to the north of Diddle Arena. We closed the southern entrance and forced all traffic away from the arena north onto College Heights Blvd. Parking Structure 2 sits to the south of Diddle Arena, so we wanted to send the traffic south, but we didn’t want to use the highway because that takes too long. PD had a suggestion: Could we remove the bollards on the first floor to send the traffic down the sidewalk to the Avenue of Champions? We would lose a few Hilltopper Athletic Foundation (HAF)-donor parking spaces in the process, but PD wouldn’t have to work the highway and traffic could free-flow down the Avenue to the traffic light. It was worth a try. It’s 8:56 PM and there are two minutes left in the game. WKU is down by 12 points, and there is a steady stream of cars leaving PS2. One hundred fifty cars have already left early and WKU PD called to traffic control.

Athletics took the lead announcing the new traffic flow to the HAF permit holders at the start of the season, so they weren’t surprised to see some extra spaces blocked off or a detour following the game. At the first exhibition game, I was excited to see the plan worked well as a whole, but the traffic light on the Avenue of Champions took too long and traffic backed up to the stadium. It still took 45 minutes to get all the traffic off campus. We needed to make another adjustment. 9:14 p.m. WKU has tied the game with 2.5 seconds left on the clock. The remaining crowd is rocking the arena! Looks like we’re headed to overtime! I reached out to my contacts at the local Kentucky Transportation District 3 Office for help. By December, they delivered. They provided a means for us to control the timing of the traffic light to give our event traffic a long green phase. Instead of having three officers standing in the highway, we had one officer off the road at the traffic control box. A few other minor adjustments, and by the end of the season, we’ve managed to cut our exiting traffic time by half. We routinely wrap up our post-event traffic 30 minutes after the game has ends, even if, like tonight, we have a full arena.

At WKU, we’ve had some rather unusual challenges that have forced us—and even given us permission—to think creatively about how to use our resources to be successful. In addition to decreased congestion, there have been other advantages to this traffic plan. We’ve improved the customer experience. We’ve improved safety of event personnel by keeping them off a four-lane highway. We’ve improved the shuttle service as they benefit from the traffic flow on the Avenue. We’ve decreased carbon emissions by half. We’ve reduced costs associated with traffic control. 9:37PM. WKU wins in overtime: 95-91! This is one of greatest comebacks on this court in school history and we feel sorry for the crowd who left early. Time to watch the traffic. ◆ JENNIFER I. TOUGAS, CAPP, PhD, is interim AVP, Business Solutions, at Western Kentucky University. She can be reached at


Exhibitor Spotlight


Spotlight IPMI hosted its first Virtual Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo in June, bringing together industry professionals from around the world online. That included industry suppliers, who serve as vital partners with parking and mobility operations, keeping them up to date with technology, trends, and new ways of doing business. This year’s exhibitors offered the following information for the industry’s reference; for more, visit our Suppliers Spotlight, published in the April issue. These Expo booths are still online and chock full of information, along with recordings of more than 40 sessions, keynotes, and more. If you couldn’t attend the live event, click here for access to the event platform, which will be live through May 2021. Thanks to our supplier members for their valuable contributions to the industry. We encourage you to patronize


these businesses.


Exhibitor Spotlight Amano McGann Offers Contactless Options

Barnacle’s Smart Immobilization Barnacle® is re-writing the book on smart immobilization service-technologies. Innovation and user-experience are key to the future of our industry and the communities we serve. These communities are no-longer willing to accept the status quo of old-antiquated technologies and practices such as punitive-towing and outdated (traditional) boots. It is time to use a service-technology that truly enhances user-experience, convenience, safety, efficiency, and is always changing for the better. It is time for Barnacle!

Amano McGann is your contactless partner, delivering powerful solutions for a safe, innovative, and intuitive parking experience. We understand that eliminating touch points with system devices can greatly improve the safety and overall experience for customers. This understanding has driven our passion to integrate options like LPR, Bluetooth, NFC, and mobile payments into our core solutions. With options like hands-free ticket issue, frictionless access, contactless payment, and more, our solutions utilize the latest technology to provide an exceptional and completely touch-free user experience. For more information about Amano McGann’s comprehensive and touchless solutions, visit or call 612.331.2020 to be connected with a representative near you.

Asura Technologies’ Smart Parking and Traffic Solutions Asura Technologies is a Budapest, Hungary-based company with a U.S. subsidiary in Blue Bell, Pa. Asura is a smart parking and traffic solutions provider developing custom systems built on its ALPR and video analytics technology. Our current US projects include ALPR-based access control automation, contact and barrierless parking enforcement and vehicle identification and counting for statistical purposes. Asura’s video analytics and ALPR has been designed with having integration in mind, we easily connect to any IP camera or integrate into larger business ecosystems. Asura Technologies was proud to be a 3rd time exhibitor at the IPMI Conference and Expo and looks forward to work with its US partners on new contactless parking automation projects.


Cambridge Architectural Mesh Screens and Shades Cambridge Architectural Mesh is the perfect choice for screening and shading parking facades while delivering an attractive design aesthetic that transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. Mesh also offers important safety and environmental benefits like fall protection and ventilation that often eliminates the need for costly HVAC and sprinkler systems. Working with operators, architects and contractors, we provide custom-designed solutions or pre-engineered parking screen systems at set widths and a range of heights. One of our newest custom-designed projects is the garage serving the fashionable shops and restaurants at St. Armands Circle in Sarasota, Florida. In tandem with the architects, we designed a series of tensioned spiral mesh panels that break up the façade’s linear nature and provide an attractive visual screen for neighboring luxury and waterfront homes. For more information, visit www., email sales@cambridgearchitectural. com or call 410-901-8686.

Exhibitor Spotlight Conduent Offers Curbside, Public Safety Solutions During these unprecedented times, cities must stimulate the economy and fund government initiatives while simultaneously working to reopen responsibly. Conduent offers transportation solutions to navigate this new landscape. Our curbside and public safety solutions provide the tools needed to mitigate viral spread, provide economic relief to constituents, and create a path towards municipal revenue recovery. Our platforms encourage social distancing, fewer in-person transactions, and less queuing. We provide for online hearings, virtual permitting, and repurposing the curb for walking, dining, and restaurant pick-ups. Using data science, we can predict where people are gathering and perhaps predict infections. We also support amnesty and relief programs, individualized payment plans, and improved access to marginalized communities. Our enforcement platforms reduce the need for police engagement and the impact of citation issuance on disadvantaged communities. Contact us at today to learn more about how Conduent can help you.

DESIGNA Continues to be the Global Market Leader in Digitalization DESIGNA has been providing secure cloud-based management systems since 2009, which gives us over a decade of experience in digitalization. As one of the world’s leading providers of fully automated parking systems, we are proud to provide state-of-theart, economical, reliable and scalable technology based on vertical market solutions. Your job just got easier and more profitable with DESIGNA SUITE—the central control unit that guarantees successful operation of your parking management system through a modern architecture hosted on a cloud infrastructure. DESIGNA SUITE EXTENSIONS will offer Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) that can be used to implement dedicated business processes on demand, such as pre-booking or dynamic analytics. By taking a modular approach, the integrated hardware can provide a wide range of functions enabled by software that is automatically upgraded as technology evolves.

DESMAN Welcomes New Professionals DESMAN enjoyed embracing the new normal with everyone this year! We’re proud to have welcomed four new faces to DESMAN’s team since last year! We hope you were able to speak with them or will soon. Casey Jones, CAPP, senior transportation and mobility consultant—25 years of experience overseeing parking and transportation programs in the Pacific Northwest. Casey is located in Boise, Idaho. Britney Cooper, corporate marketing manager—5 years of parking experience and is located in Houston, Texas. Mark Santos, PE, practice leader—20 years of experience in parking planning, design and restoration. Mark is located in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Jerry Phenney, project manager—40 years of experience in concrete and masonry restoration. Jerry is located in Cleveland, Ohio. We are thankful to IPMI for leading the charge with a virtual conference and we are looking forward to seeing everyone in Tampa next year!

ECO Parking Technologies Takes Industry by Storm

ECO Parking Technologies explosive growth can be explained very simply: LED Lighting, Wireless Lighting Controls, Security, & Wireless Camera-Based Parking Guidance System… ALL IN ONE! ECO’s Falcon Vision is taking the industry by storm. Why pay for an expensive wired legacy PGS system mounted on clunky and intrusive conduit below the structural T’s of a parking structure when you can get all the above in a wireless and integrated system within your new LED light fixtures, for less money than a legacy PGS system alone! Think you can only afford Level by Level counting? Think again. Falcon Vision continues to make their clients dreams come true with a system that is budget friendly and cutting edge, featuring the latest in wireless technology. What are you waiting for? Schedule a Zoom introductory call today! ECO Parking Technologies….Guiding Parking’s Future! | PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / AUGUST 2020 / PARKING & MOBILITY 39

Exhibitor Spotlight FlexPost, Inc. Offers Flexible Solutions FlexPost® manufactures parking lot flexible signposts and bollard systems that save organizations thousands of dollars annually in parking lot repair and maintenance costs. Our products meet ADA height regulations and withstand vehicle impacts by remaining flexible and durable during repeated hits. We also offer custom branding options, and we are capable of supporting large nationwide installation programs. We are a GSA contract holder with special pricing for GSA agencies. Volume discounts are also available. Contact us today to discuss your project.

Flowbird Unveils New Products Flowbird Group unveiled two groundbreaking releases to its mobility platform during the IPMI Virtual Conference. Park & Sanitize: The first-of-its-kind touchless hand sanitizing solution can be added to any Flowbird pay station. The contactless gel dispenser is triggered to release a pre-set dosage of hand sanitizer once a transaction is made and hands are placed underneath the unit. Clients can use Flowbird’s back-office to decide when to refill the units. Frictionless Mobile Solution: Flowbird’s latest advancement to the Flowbird Mobile Parking App combines on-street and off-street parking into a personalized, seamless experience. Users can easily find, reserve, and pay for parking long before they arrive at their destination. The ultra-intuitive platform even allows users to search by event, pinpointing the venue and highlighting the best options for parking on that specific day.


Genetec AutoVu & the Evolution of Parking: Curb Management and Machine Learning

Virtual IPMI saw Genetec discuss how cities are reusing paid parking spots for the many new users of the space to align with their mobility plan. This change has forced cities to rethink parking and focus on the many conflicting needs of Curb Management. Off-street parking is also evolving as people want a frictionless experience to access the facility and simple payment options. Recent events are accelerating change in customer expectations and need for data to make good policy decisions. Genetec also explored how the AutoVu MLC (Machine Learning Core) replaces rule based LPR technology with algorithms that reduce common misreads. Designed to power the Genetec Sharp cameras (including newly release SharpZ3), the AutoVu MLC increases license plate capture rates to the high nineties. See you in 2021, stay well! For more information see

HUB Parking Technology Is #touchlesstoday Participation in the 2020 Virtual IPMI Conference allowed us to share our seamless and intuitive mobile solutions and remind the market that HUB is #touchlesstoday! Our JPass App is the most integrated solution for a free-flow parking experience, allowing users to enter/exit a parking facility without having to touch anything but their personal smartphone. Bluetooth technology embedded in the peripherals and features including parking finder, virtual ticketing, pre-booking and in-app mobile payment are all performed touch free! Moreover, LPR technology identifies and allows vehicles into car parks. The license plate is your virtual ticket granting free-flow access, in and out. Easily retrofitted to your current system, our new Wave for Ticket allows for touch-free access to entry tickets. No need to press a physical button on the station, just wave your hand and take the ticket. Reach out to for more information.

Exhibitor Spotlight IPS Group Offers Solutions

LymTal Waterproofs, Protects Concrete

Facing challenges you’ve never faced in the past? IPS is a proud participant in the IPMI 2020 Virtual Conference. We hope we provided useful information about our new fully-integrated enforcement management solution that you can design as you have always wanted. Perhaps you got a virtual demo of our fully-integrated, Smart Parking solution that will help you navigate this new normal—a proven solution will give your citizens the flexible, cashless options they want and provide you the control you need. Our contactless solution adds the efficiency and value a city/university needs at a time like this, so you can do more with less. With more than 300,000 devices sold, and made in the USA, you can be confident in our commitment. Enforcement, Permitting, Single-space, Multi-space, Sensors, Mobile Payment and more backed by a powerful backend— there’s no better time to switch. Virtual demos available—visit

LymTal International, Inc., is a manufacturer of waterproofing and concrete protection products. Marketed under the Iso-Flex brand name, the complete package of materials and systems is focused in Division 7 Waterproofing and specifically the parking garage market. The Iso-Flex brand has 50 years of history and the product scope includes; deck coatings, sealants, sealers, and expansion joint systems. Iso-Flex products are installed through approved installers and are covered by single source warranties. Please look us up at or by calling 248.373.8100.

LAZ Parking Offers Visitor Pre-screening As we begin to emerge from COVID-19, screening of potential risks is critical in safely moving forward. LAZ Parking is ready to do our part, with an innovative new service that prescreens visitors as they arrive, before they enter a workplace or venue. Utilizing the Parsons DetectWise™ solutions powered by Vizsafe’s patented Geoaware technology platform, LAZ Parking PreScreen offers powerful frontline protection and peace of mind to you, your business and your customers or employees. Before visitors arrive at their destination, they will need to download a free app for user authentication and complete a short questionnaire. Once they arrive, they are instructed to visit a touchless screening kiosk. A PreScreen Squad member can assist as they scan the QR from the app and use the scanner that monitors real-time health symptoms. If they pass the health check at this checkpoint, they will be cleared to proceed to their destination.

MacKay Showcases mkBeacon MacKay Meters continues to showcase the mkBeacon™ wireless meter, the “greenest” parking meter available today due to its low power consumption, green materials and optional two-space configuration. The mkBeacon™ is the world’s first parking meter powered entirely by renewable energy. The meter has the largest solar panel of any single space parking meter in the industry, and as such has proven to be power-neutral. A single rechargeable battery pack is all that is needed to keep the mkBeacon™ running for many years, thus removing the need to purchase replacement batteries. Learn more at, or contact us at


Exhibitor Spotlight Magnetic AutoControl Extends Warranties

OPTEX Showcases Sensor The OVS Vehicle Presence Sensor series from OPTEX is designed to reliably detect the presence of a stationary or moving vehicle while also having the ability to ignore most human traffic. It eliminates the hassles associated with the installation of a ground loop, eliminating the need for concrete cutting. With 8 custom range settings, 5 sensitivity & 5 human cancelling settings, one touch calibration, and direct connection to the operator, the OVS series can detect both small and large vehicles for a multitude of applications. For more information:

At Magnetic AutoControl, we are aware of how devastating the shut-down of business due to COVID-19 has been to our customers. In an effort to assist at this time, we are extending the warranty period for all MicroDrive Vehicle Barriers from 24 months to 36 months. This extension will apply to all barriers purchased between 1/1/2018 and 12/31/2020. The intention of this offer considers “if our products have not experienced normal life cycle during this time, then why should our customers lose warranty during this period?” What do you need to do to get the 36 month warranty? Nothing— we have all the serial numbers in our records—and we will honor the 36 month warranty period now for all those products. We sincerely hope that you, your family and business recover quickly from this pandemic and look forward to better times with one another in the near future.

National Car Charging Helps Save Time and Money.

With more than 1 million EVs on the U.S. roads and 18.7 million projected by 2030, National Car Charging’s mission is to make the parking industry’s transition to electric vehicles easy and seamless. As the nation’s largest and most experienced EV charging reseller, we have done all the heavy lifting to save you time and money—from understanding the state incentives to vetting hardware and software providers to installation and maintenance. Whether you need all or one of our services, we are here to offer a choice of quality EV charging products (EVBox, ChargePoint, Efacec, etc.) and services at reasonable prices paired with outstanding customer service. NCC currently manages over 4500 EV ports across 43 states and 650 customers. In addition to supporting parking facilities, our expertise extends to multi-family, workplace, municipalities and beyond. Learn more at or contact us directly at or 866.996.6387. And if you are in Hawaii, visit our sister company at


Solutions from ParkHub ParkHub is the leading B2B parking technology provider, working with professional sports teams, entertainment venues, universities, and state parks across the United States. ParkHub’s mobile point-of-sale, Prime, scans and authenticates prepaid parking passes and offers multiple payment options, including contactless mobile payments. The LTE-based, PCI-compliant device securely processes transactions regardless of WiFi connectivity. All transactions are sent to ParkHub’s business intelligence system, Suite, which provides real-time operational data, robust analytics, and clear, easy-to-read reports. ParkHub technology integrates with renowned ticketing and parking reservation platforms. Clients across the board see faster ingress times, increased parking and concession revenue, and improved customer experience. For more information, visit

Exhibitor Spotlight Parker Technology Helps Bridge the Gap Between Automation and Your Parking Guests As we move into the “next normal,” consider what your Customer Experience will look like, and how you’ll deliver it safely. The silver lining of COVID-19 is an opportunity to rethink your staffing strategy, and we can help! Parker Technology helps parking operators deliver a consistently excellent customer experience when an issue arises at an automated PARCS kiosk. Our patient, well-informed customer service specialists answer intercom calls 24/7 and resolve them in under a minute. Plus, we’re the only parking-focused call center that can deliver a face-to-face customer experience through two-way video. Our service puts a virtual ambassador in each lane, so that: • Your parking guests will receive outstanding customer service, while social distancing • You’ll increase successful transactions, according to your business rules • You’ll have access to real-time performance data and recordings for all calls • Your staff can focus on higher priority tasks and not be interrupted

Parkmobile: The #1 App for Contactless Parking Payments As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, cities and parking operators are rapidly moving to contactless parking payments. Reducing physical interactions with meters and cash payments can help prevent the spread of the virus, protecting your customers and workforce. As the #1 mobile parking app in the United States with over 19 million users, we can help you quickly make the transition to contactless payments. ParkMobile, the leading provider of smart parking and mobility solutions in the United States, helps people easily find, reserve, and pay for parking from their mobile devices. The company connects legacy parking systems with a modern, user-friendly, and time-saving application, giving consumers a smarter way to park in more than 400 cities and 3,000 locations across the country. Contactless Solutions for: • On and off-street parking • Gated integrations • Reservations For more information, visit or email

ParkOn Call Offers Remote Management Park On Call educated our IPMI booth visitors about remote management, and more specifically about how we are helping parking operators/owners reduce their overhead at their various parking locations. We recognize that leaders have taken on the important role of adapting and pivoting to thrive in our new normal. More than ever businesses are taking a hard look at their overhead. There may be a need to reduce or realign costs, but the need for quality customer service remains the same. This is where our service has been most valuable given the current economic circumstances. With our 24/7/365 service availability, clients’ customers are able to contact our friendly and helpful team when they require assistance. Our team can serve as that personal touch customers need, even well after normal office hours. Contact Park On Call today at to learn how we can help you reduce your overhead costs.

Passio Technologies Offers New Technologies Passio Technologies introduces new and exciting ways to help agencies navigate new regulations and practices. Transit will continue to be an integral part of our communities, higher education, and workplaces. As states begin cautiously reopening, using technology to help manage this process will be even more impactful than ever before. Contact Tracing Using passenger identification cards to allow access and identify riders, we are now adding a ‘Contact Tracing’ module that includes specific reports and search functionality for quick access to rider identity and passengers who may have been on board during the same period as a flagged individual. This module may be added to existing or new Passio systems. Real-Time Passenger Load Visibility With Passio GO real-time GPS tracking and Automated Passenger Counting our customers can set the bus capacity in our system and report passengers loads in real-time on our Passio GO app.


Exhibitor Spotlight PayByPhone: A Leader in Contactless Parking COVID-19 has changed the way we park, and as a leader in Contactless Parking Payments, PayByPhone is proud to be providing a better parking experience that improves the lives of drivers and parking operators everywhere. During this year’s virtual IPMI, we touched on current hot-topics such as Integrated Mobility & Connected Cars, operating in a post-pandemic parking environment, and of course, contactless payments. Mobile apps have become an important element of our lives, and mobile parking payment apps, in particular, benefit both users and operators by providing a frictionless way to pay for parking. During this current public health crisis, mobile payments promote the health of drivers and parking staff by offering contactless parking— when drivers can use their own devices to pay, and avoid touching parking equipment that may be contaminated. Connect with us to learn more about Contactless Parking: park.

Quercus Technology Offers Parking Solutions

Quercus Technologies is more than aware that each parking and mobility project has its own characteristics. Their global parking solution guarantees the highest mobility, increased security, big data generation and automatic access control. It ensures higher revenue, excellent user experience, integration with other systems (API) and it is committed to sustainability. How does Quercus Technologies achieve it? With in-house Spot Control sensors (PGS, LPR and video-surveillance in every space), LPR cameras at the entries and exits and LED displays that efficiently guide drivers to the available parking spaces. The solution also counts with kiosks to easily find vehicles and with a software suite that concentrates all data, leading to a better management of the facilities and helping the operators to make strategic decisions. Harvest success! Squeeze the most out of your parking!

Portier Leads the Way in Parking Guidance Guidance is more than just counts—it’s directing your customers to the best available spot. True parking guidance solutions provide flexibility—the ability to manage drivers, spaces, images and video, data, and even other vendors—while enhancing the parking experience for customers, owners, and operators. Portier HOST is the only parking guidance platform actively managing different technologies, applications, and vendors—all within a single application. Portier also offers the only guidance camera certified to the UL’s latest standards—Portier PORTIERUSA.COM Vision—demonstrating our commitment to excellence. And Portier ParkSensor, our ultrasonic sensor, is available in a range of configurations to suit any garage and visual obstacles. Thank you to everyone—our customers, visitors to the booth, and the fantastic team at IPMI—that helped to make our first virtual exhibition an outstanding success! Portier—Making The Right Decisions!


Rydin Showcases No-Contact Solutions STUDENT




NO-CONTACT PARKING SOLUTIONS Rydin was thrilled to take part in the IPMI virtual conference experience this year! We were excited to talk to some old and new friends, even if it was just virtually. With social distancing becoming the new norm, our No-Contact Parking Solutions are top of mind. Many of our customers are looking for a contactless approach for distributing their parking permits and permit registration process. For over 15 years, Rydin has been the exclusive provider of an all-in-one parking management solution. We’ll print your custom parking permits, mail them directly to your recipients, and help you register drivers virtually with our parking management software (Rydin PermitExpress®). If you’re on the hunt for a no-contact registration solution or distribution of your parking permits, or any other custom printed items, please visit for more information.

Exhibitor Spotlight SKIDATA Touchless Solutions

T2 Embraces Innovation

Being out and about again is possible with Touchless Solutions for worry-free parking, and SKIDATA showcased a wide variety of these at the virtual IPMI 2020. SKIDATA already offers a broad set of touchless solutions that immediately changes your parking system to contactless. SKIDATA is proud to offer a full spectrum of solutions for different car park demands—from quick adaptations of your existing system up to full future-ready solutions. From new solutions such as simply waving your hand to get a ticket, to existing solutions such as frictionless parking with License Plate Recognition, using RFID cards for access, and mobile pay options, SKIDATA has proven to be proactive to address current market needs with more to come, including anti-bacterial touch screens. For more information visit our booth at the virtual IPMI 2020,, or contact us at

T2 is the largest provider of parking, transportation, and mobility solutions in North America. With over 25 years in business T2 now serves over 1,700 customers and maintains the largest Customer Community with over 5,000 active members. T2’s open technology and best practices are used to process over 2 billion US dollars annually, and the company’s PARCS, Permits, Enforcement, Pay Stations, and Professional Services capabilities are renowned for innovation and reliability. In today’s rapidly changing socio and economic times, T2 solutions help universities, municipalities, operators, healthcare campuses, and transportation hubs manage costs and generate revenue with integrated solutions featuring robust touchless and contactless options. T2 is driving the discussion about curbside management, gateless entry, virtual payments, and transportation demand management. The wheels of innovation are always in motion as we strive to sustain our leadership position at the cultural, technical, and business forefront of parking, mobility, and transportation.

TEZ Unveils Enhancements to SMS Valet and TEXT2PARK

Southland Celebrates Rich History Southland Printing was proud to participate in IPMI’s First Virtual Expo. Our Sales Team enjoyed visiting with vendors and interacting with clients and partners in the industry. The experience allowed us to share the rich history and exciting future of Southland Printing Company. For over 60 years, Southland Printing Company has been family owned and operated. John Manno Sr.’s vision of one press has grown to 19 state of the art printing presses spanning over five city blocks. Southland Printing is proud to provide the highest quality products with exceptional service to over 1,800 customers in all 50 states and 49 countries. We offer over 200 Stock Items that are ready to ship within 24 hours. Although our world has changed, Southland’s commitment to our customers has remained the same, to provide a quality product every time. Every Ticket Imaginable. That is Southland Printing Company.

TEZ showcased contactless, app-free, mobile-enabled technology solutions for valet, self-park and monthly parking needs at IPMI Virtual Expo. SMS Valet is not an App—it’s a ticketless valet solution widely used to manage valet operations. Customers request their vehicles and pay and tip for valet service using their phones, elevating customer experience because it’s contactless and convenient. SMS Valet has an optional TEXT4BAGS module that allows valet operators to morph into bag checkers, adding a second revenue stream. TEXT2PARK was also featured at IPMI. TEXT2PARK offers a touchless, app-free way for to pay for parking using a smartphone. Other perks of TEXT2PARK, like reporting, remote lot management, and enforcement tools, give operators incredible insight into their operations. TEZ creates cloud-based, app-free mobile solutions that enhance end-user customer experiences in the parking and hospitality industries. For more information, visit


Exhibitor Spotlight

TransLoc, Ride Systems, and Double Map Deliver Transit Answers

Together under the Ford Mobility umbrella, TransLoc, Ride Systems and DoubleMap deliver a one-stop-shop for transit providers seeking transit operations solutions. Today their intelligent transportation software portfolio includes flexible demand response, fixed route systems, and planning services, providing a one-stop-shop for more than 1500 agencies and transit providers worldwide. And with COVID-19 upending the transit industry, the Ford Mobility company is providing transit agencies with free transit consulting and demand response software in an effort to help them quickly deploy a responsive service that can both support evolving rider demand, and adhere to quickly-changing health guidelines. The TransLoc app also offers important features to help maintain safe social-distancing guidelines including automatic passenger counters, touch-free payment systems, and contact tracing, and is the only transit app to offer multiple languages along with fixed route and on-demand services making transit more accessible for millions of riders.

UPsafety Showcases Continued Parking Enforcement Innovations United Public Safety (“UPsafety”) enjoyed connecting with our valued clients, partners, and great parking minds at large during IPMI’s 2020 Virtual Conference. Beyond enjoying excellent learning events, case studies and provided materials, we were proud to be able to showcase our best-in-class parking enforcement and permit management solution to IPMI attendees. Along with five software enhancement patches released to subscribers in 2020 alone, UPsafety proudly showcased CiteStreamTM, its next-level, seamless, auto-capture mobile ALPR feature for the CityCite® and UCiteTM solution. CiteStream allows enforcement personnel to capture and process multiple license plates in real-time without stopping and snapping a photo of each vehicle to check for violations. Learn more at Committed to the idea that modern software should be as intuitive as it is powerful, constantly improving, and supported tirelessly by people who love what they do, UPsafety’s mission is to optimize the parking operations of the departments we serve. Visit upsafety. net, or contact us at 888.583.6997.


Vigilant Helps Locate Offenders. Drive Compliance. Increase Revenue. Motorola Solutions’ ecosystem of LPR technologies provides a cost effective enforcement solution for your parking operation. Whether using fixed or mobile LPR cameras, parking agencies can now discover scofflaw vehicles to collect outstanding fines, more efficiently enforce paid and permit parking spaces, enforce time limited zones, or take other appropriate actions. Choosing LPR technology gives parking enforcement officers the ability to standardize equipment and software to work more efficiently with local law enforcement. From permit to paid parking, alerts can be delivered in near real-time, making it easy for officers to quickly enforce on-street spaces and off-street lots.

Walker Consultants Presents, Leads Walker Consultants was well represented at this year’s first IPMI Virtual Conference. Three of our highly esteemed team members presented “Are Parking Minimums a Thing of the Past? A Toolkit for Right-Sizing Parking” that offered a toolbox of planning, policy, technology, and curb management strategies for right-sizing parking to meet the distinctive needs of any community. Walker possesses a strong foundation as an industry leader in all aspects of parking consulting that encompasses planning, design, engineering, operations, technology, restoration and mobility solutions. Our team offers clients a wide spectrum of specialists and renowned experts from within the transportation industry who have been advancing industry standards since we began in 1965. We are a 100% employee-owned company that takes pride in the value we provide our clients through integrity, honesty, and excellence. Please visit us at for timely articles and additional information on our company of experts.

Exhibitor Spotlight Watry Design Addresses Pandemic Parking Challenges

It was great to “see” everyone at the virtual conference this year! We congratulate everyone at IPMI who went out of their way to make the online conference a success. Thank you to everyone who attended our panel featuring Matt Davis, Associate Principal with Watry Design, Josh Kavanagh, Director of Transportation at UC San Diego and Brian Shaw, Executive Director of the Department of Parking & Transportation Services at Stanford University. This team of experts discussed how universities are responding to the challenges posed by COVID-19. If you missed it, we hope you take advantage of the conference’s on-demand features to view sessions you missed! We enjoyed chatting with everyone who stopped by our virtual booth. If you missed us at the conference, our parking experts would be happy to talk to you from our home offices. Visit

Westward Industries’ Parking Enforcement Vehicles Westward Industries is one of the largest manufacturers of parking-specific on-road vehicles in North America. Westward designs and manufactures vehicles for use across cities, colleges and universities, healthcare campuses, private parking facilities, and more. Our series of parking enforcement vehicles includes the GO-4 task-specific utility vehicle, the GO-4 electric vehicle, and the new MAX electric vehicle. These vehicles are a great solution for your parking enforcement needs, adapting to many environments, offering a cost-effective and functional solution to parking management department needs through license plate recognition and digital chalking, and offering flexibility and efficiency not offered with standard vehicles. Each vehicle significantly reduces the costs of fuel, and the resulting carbon emissions, compared to standard vehicles, while providing parking staff with a safe, personal, and functional workspace. For more information, visit us at or contact us at

WGI Offers Ideas for Parking, Solutions for People WGI was proud to support the 2020 IPMI Virtual Conference. Our team was excited to see the virtual foot traffic as folks joined our sessions with interactive feedback, chats, and visits. WGI provides design, consulting, and structural engineering services, specializing in parking planning, parking design, restoration, functional design, operations, and management studies. Our parking consulting services are the foundation we’ve built our reputation on for over 35 years, and we bring the experience of a nationally-recognized, award-winning consulting firm to clients across the country. Our staff has been involved in the completion of thousands of parking studies, the evaluation and restoration of over 1,000 existing parking structures, and the design of over 2,000 parking structures. Our goal is to achieve user, owner, and community acceptance, while maintaining a balance between aesthetics, user comfort, durability and capital and lifecycle costs.

WiseMoving Showcases Technologies



2020 CAPP Graduates IPMI EXTENDS ITS HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS to the members of this year’s CAPP

graduating class, who’ve achieved the top credential in parking and mobility. Please offer your best wishes to our new CAPPs and to learn more about starting your own CAPP journey, click here. Pablo Aguilar, CAPP

Josh Cantor, CAPP

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Edinburg, Texas

George Mason University Fairfax, Va.

Director of Parking Services

Diane W. Alarcon, CAPP Director of the Department of Transportation & Mobility City of Tucson Tucson, Ariz.

Jeremy R. Alleshouse, CAPP

Operations Manager Bethlehem Parking Authority Bethlehem, Pa.

Amar Bajwa, CAPP Regional Operations Manager

Park2Go Valet Parking Calgary, Alberta Canada

Scott C. Bauman,

CAPP Manager of Parking & Mobility Services City of Aurora Aurora, Colo.

LaDonna Bemus, CAPP Senior Operations Manager Reef Parking Louisville, Ky.

Director, Parking & Transportation

Helena Connors,

CAPP Assistant Director, Parking & Transportation Services

University of North Carolina at Charlotte Charlotte, N.C.

Matt Davis, CAPP Director of Parking

City of Oxford, Mississippi Police Department Oxford, Miss.

Charley DeBow,

CAPP Chief Executive Officer CurbTrac Wyncote, Pa

Carmen Donnell,

CAPP Vice President—Sales, West

PayByPhone Vancouver, British Columbia Canada

Nathan Donnell,

CAPP Director of Curbside Solutions Conduent Phoenix, Ariz.


Vicky Gagliano,

CAPP Director of Parking Studies Timothy Haahs and Associates, Inc. Tampa, Fla.

Hughie C. Galbreath, CAPP General Manager ABM Atlanta, Ga.

Michael D. Godfrey,

CAPP Director Parking, Transportation and Fleet Services University of California, Davis Health Sacramento, Calif.

Rodney Gomez, CAPP Executive Director of Parking and Transportation

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Edinburg, Texas, USA

Jada Hahlbrock,

CAPP Manager of Parking Services

Ann Arbor Downtown Development Authority Ann Arbor, Mich.

Varena Harding,

Christopher Perry,

Michael J. Scales,

Reef Parking Virginia Beach, Va.

ParkTrans Solutions Philadelphia, Pa.

University of Kentucky Transportation Services Lexington, Ky.

CAPP Operations Manager

CAPP Partner

Christina M. Jones,

Steve Reiter, CAPP

Walker Consultants Denver, Colo.

City of Clearwater Clearwater, Fla.

Chris Lechner, CAPP

George Richardson,

CAPP Parking Planner

Manager, Data Analytics and Strategic Projects UCLA Events and Transportation Los Angeles, Calif.

Parking Services Manager

Passport Parking Downingtown, Pa.

CAPP Manager, Parking and Transportation

UF Health Shands Hospital Gainsville, Fla.

Casey S. Robinson,

ParkMobile Fort Collins, Colo.

SP+ New Orleans, La.

CAPP Regional Manager II

Amanda Long, CAPP

Hal Robinson, CAPP

University of Maryland, Department of Transportation Services College Park, Md.

University of Mississippi Oxford, Miss.

Assistant Director, Parking Administration

Dane Lyon, CAPP Regional Manager SP+ Denver, Colo.

Mark Pace, CAPP

Parking and Transportation Manager Montgomery College Rockville Md.

Tavris S. Parker,

CAPP Parking Operations Manager City of Virginia Beach Virginia Beach, Va.

Matt Penney, CAPP

Director of Parking and Transportation Baylor University Waco, Texas

Mark Schleyer, CAPP Regional Sales Director

Kristen Locke, CAPP Senior Regional Sales Manager

CAPP Associate Director

Manager of Transportation

Joshua Rossnagel, CAPP External Operations Manager

East Carolina University Parking and Transportation Greenville, N.C.

Diane Santiago,

CAPP Manager, Landside Operations Port of Seattle Seattle, Wash.

Philip True Savino, CAPP

Becky C. Smyth, CAPP Parking Services Manager City of Rome Rome, Ga.

Josh Stone, CAPP

Director of Parking and Transportation Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, Va.

Charlie Tennyson, CAPP Deputy Director, Transportation and Parking Services Princeton University Princeton, N.J.

Michael W. Tudor, CAPP Assistant Director

Parking Authority of River City, Inc. Louisville, Ky.

Dustin J. Turner,

CAPP Director of Operations, Healthcare Premier Parking Oklahoma City, Okla.

Assistant Director, IT Operations

Jeffrey Van Allen,

Armand Scala, CAPP

Walden Security, Inc. Chattanooga, Tenn.

City of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pa.

CAPP Executive Vice President

Senior Associate Director University of Maryland College Park, Md.



Proud Members Celebrating and Serving the Industry By Patrick H. Phillips



of the parking and transportation industries encompassing the entire state of New York and often beyond. From the easternmost reaches of Long Island to the Niagara Frontier and from the Adirondacks to the Catskills, NYSPTA provides an industry foundation for networking and education throughout our great State. A New Name and Fresh Brand With 2019 came many new and exciting changes. After decades of being known as the New York State Parking Association (NYSPA), its members overwhelmingly agreed to recognize the full reach of the association and modified its name by adding the word “transportation”. This subtle but important change was added to recognize and further assimilate our many members who identify with various aspects of the parking and transportation industries. In another exciting 2019 announcement, NYSPTA welcomed Dawn Marti as its association and events manager. Dawn’s credentials as a planner, organizer and facilitator require no further commentary as her outstanding reputation is well known within the parking industry.

Education NYSPTA Secretary Johnna Frosini, CAPP, and her team at SUNY Brockport hosted an area college meeting last


January. With considerable representation from colleges/ universities and hospitals, our parking and transportation peers were able to share, learn, and grow. Attendees were given the opportunity to help set the agenda with topics that included LPR, event parking, outreach/media efforts, EV chargers, funding sources, and access controls. It was a full day with our colleagues representing such institutions as Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Rochester, SUNY Geneseo, University at Albany, St John Fisher College, Nazareth College, University at Buffalo, Cornell University, Rochester General Hospital, SUNY Brockport, and Binghamton University. Thanks to all who were able to attend. Last March, NYSPTA organized an incredible professional development program that was scheduled to take place at PACE University in New York City. Regrettably, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event was cancelled a short time in advance. We would be remiss if we did not take this opportunity to recognize the leadership of NYSPTA President Jason Jones along with the many significant contributions of the association’s collaborative organizers and sponsors. Your hard work is recognized and appreciated!


Jason M. Jones University at Albany VICE PRESIDENT

Patrick H. Phillips Allpro Parking, LLC

Annual Fall Conference With the passing of each fall conference, I am reminded that NYSPTA really does provide something very special to its membership and conference attendees. Seldom will you find such a remarkable collection of enthusiastic and authentic industry professionals gathered in one place. It is only with the incredible time commitments and efforts of the leadership, the NYSPTA Board of Directors and especially our president, the voluntary participation of its members, and the invaluable and generous contributions of its sponsors that we can launch such successful conferences year after year. We thank you all for yet another amazing year!

Coming Together It’s not very difficult to reflect fondly upon 2019. This statement is made in context to present day 2020 as the world continues to adjust to the impact of COVID-19. There is no denying the fact that the worldwide pandemic has created a new reality for us all. Though


states and regions have been affected in many different ways, the ripple effects will no doubt linger for some time to come. During this year of great instability and economic distress, it is important to surround ourselves (at a safe distance of course) with people who share common interests and experiences, make us laugh, and most importantly, project a positive disposition and outlook on life. These are the people who represent the membership of NYSPTA and its valued vendors and sponsors. The New York Parking & Transportation Association would like to recognize its departing Board Members Ellen Genung and Sue Crane for their many years of invaluable service and contributions. Best wishes to all and may you remain safe and healthy, ◆

PATRICK H. PHILLIPS is vice president of Allpro Parking, LLC. He can be reached at

Matt Reitmeier University at Buffalo SECRETARY

Johnna Frosini, CAPP College at Brockport, SUNY BOARD MEMBERS

Shawn Brown Town of North Hempstead Lex Blum Parkmobile Kristin Gilligan Village of Croton on Hudson Patrick O’Day LAZ Parking- Binghamton Mark Schleyer NuPark by Passport David Vander Wal Walker Consultants Kevin Wood Village of Port Jefferson James Zullo, CAPP Timothy Haahs and Associates Inc. PAST PRESIDENT

Christopher Austin, CAPP University at Buffalo ASSOCIATION & EVENTS MANAGER

Dawn Marti



Resources Needed Now More Than Ever By Michelle W. Jones, CAE, CMP


UMMERTIME IS WHEN MANY FOLKS LIKE TO RELAX and recharge, to take a break from

the craziness our work lives sometimes create. However, in the wake of a pandemic that forced many to stay home, the time normally scheduled to relax and recharge has become an opportunity to re-engage and revamp professional skills.

IPMI members have access to a plethora of benefits to accomplish just that. Whether one is looking to earn points toward CAPP certification, connect with industry peers, brush up on the latest mobility trends, or even find that next great employment opportunity. A few examples: ■  Forum, IPMI’s online community, is a great resource to ask—and answer—questions, share scenarios and resources, and even exchange resumes in a secure environment. ■  The IPMI Career Center. Employment postings are a member benefit and always free of charge. ■  With professional development opportunities, the Resource Library, the COVID-19 Information Clearinghouse, and this Parking & Mobility magazine, the resources available to IPMI members are invaluable. Download the Insider’s Guide to P ­ rofessional


­Development, showcasing our numerous opportunities and formats to raise the bar, for you and your entire organization. Like many organizations that had to cancel face-to-face events, IPMI offered its first Virtual Conference in June. With more than 40 education sessions and more than 170 exhibitors, there was no shortage of knowledge and resources. And the best part? All that content is available until the end of May 2021! At a live conference, one must choose between concurrent sessions, but with this technology, registrants can go back and watch all the sessions on-demand. It is not too late to take advantage of that opportunity. Click here to visit the IPMI website to register. Membership types have been established no matter what one’s career level. Students, individuals, organizations, and retirees can belong to IPMI. IPMI also offers international memberships, and free transitional memberships for those who may be in between career opportunities. Organizational memberships are particularly valuable, for they include of an organization’s employees! ■  Download the Insider’s Guide to IPMI here! This interactive pdf provides tons of information and links to our many programs and services. Want to learn more about IPMI member benefits? Contact me. ◆ MICHELLE W. JONES, CAE, CMP, is IPMI’s director of meetings and membership. She can be reached at



Highlights Highlights from from thethe IPMI IPMI Blog Blog

LEVERAGING ANALYTICS AS PART OF A DATA-DRIVEN OPERATION By Kevin White, AICP As businesses and cities reopen from various restrictions imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is uncertainty in how various sectors will fare and how customers and visitors will react. If your operation hasn’t already adopted a philosophy of data-driven management, the time is now to embrace analytics and key performance indicators as a core part of your operation.

A data-driven approach to parking and mobility management involves collecting, summarizing, and analyzing data on infrastructure and user behavior to guide and inform the management of parking and mobility systems and assets. The benefits of a data-driven approach are numerous: ●  Provides clear metrics (key performance indicators) that serve as markers for making modifications or implementing new policies or practices. ●  Aligns parking management with real-world conditions and user behavior, providing a more customized

approach and a higher level of service. flexibility in parking management as conditions change and evolve over time. Improves operational transparency and support with the public as decisions are based on objectivity and a clear framework. A variety of parking operations technology including mobile payment, modern meters, license plate-based enforcement, PARCS, cameras/sensors, and others can provide a variety of insights into on- and offstreet parking behavior. Useful data includes parking occupancy, parking duration, meter and mobile payment transactions, citations, permits displayed, and others. Analyzing data across different locations, days, and times, and comparing separate datasets helps identify relationships and patterns. Also, the increasing importance of curb management has catalyzed the importance of inventorying the makeup of curb space and leveraging monitoring technology to understand how curb space is used for passenger and goods loading and unloading, beyond standard parking sessions. Lest you become awash in a whole bunch of useless data, it’s worth carefully considering your operational capacity to collect, summarize, analyze, operationalize data. What types of data streams do you already collect, or what can you get easily? Do you have the internal capacity to integrate data collection and analytics into your operation? Creating a data-driven framework plan for guiding your operation is the first step. This plan should articulate the what, when, who, where, why, and how of your operation’s use of data. ●  Enables

KEVIN WHITE, AICP, is a parking and mobility consultant with Walker Consultants.

Ready for more? Read IPMI’s blog every business day in your daily Forum Ready for more? Read IPMI’s blog digest every business your daily digest email (10 a.m. Eastern) or at email (10day a.m.inEastern) orForum at Have something to say? Send post submissions to editor Kim Fernandez at Have something to say? Send submissions to editor Kim Fernandez at


Now Is The Time To Rethink Sustainability By Jonah Eidus It shouldn’t take a global pandemic to demonstrate the benefits of a more sustainable future. Yet Los Angeles, which is notorious for its poor air quality, recently experienced some of the cleanest air in the world and its longest stretch of good air quality in more than 25 years. Massive declines in air pollution have also been noted in New York, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, and Atlanta. But sustaining these improvements will be impossible unless clean energy becomes a priority. The current crisis has underscored the urgency of accelerating the transition to a more sustainable future; a fully electric transportation sector is a key component of that future. In fact, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that tailpipe emissions are responsible for more than 50 percent of our nation’s smog-forming pollution and roughly 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. Replacing gas-powered cars with electric vehicles is one of the primary steps we can take to make the current air quality improvements last when the economy shifts into recovery. Supporting that transition with legislation–including funding support in economic recovery stimulus packages focused on infrastructure projects–is the key to cleaner air and healthier humans. A recent study published by Harvard University found

that people living in areas with high levels of pollution were more susceptible to the coronavirus than those from areas with cleaner air. These real-life consequences are preventable if we can accelerate the shift to zero-emissions vehicles. EV drivers will rely on a combination of charging at home, work, and on the go. For on the go, it’s estimated that the U.S. will require as many as 45,000 public DC fast chargers (DCFCs) by 2025—a nine-fold increase from the approximately 5,500 public DCFCs currently in operation. Fast charging enables customers to integrate charging into their everyday lives and for people living in multifamily residences, reliable access to public fast charging is a near prerequisite to owning an EV. Now is the time to double down on our commitment to accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles and the deployment of EV public fast charging infrastructure in the United States. We urge IPMI members to join the more than 200,000 EV drivers, site hosts, EV manufacturers, policymakers, and stakeholders who are committed to going electric. Together, we can create a cleaner and greener future for all.

JONAH EIDUS is vice president of strategic partnerships with EVgo.

A SEAT AT THE TABLE DURING COVID-19 By Marlene Cramer, CAPP For years, parking and mobility professionals have advocated for a seat at the table. As director of transportation and parking at a university campus, one of my collateral roles is as planning sections chief in our campus Emergency Operation Center (EOC). During the past four months, COVID-19 planning has been complex, ongoing, and evolving. The planning section analyzes and collects data and information so the whole EOC team has up-to-date situational awareness. We rely on regional, state, and worldwide data and circumstances so the collective EOC team can make operational recommendations and decisions for the months and years ahead. There is constant orchestration of information with local public health agencies and a myriad of campus departments and community entities. Not an easy task! The demands of the pandemic and the dismal budget realities for most make our planning efforts even more complex and essential. In my role as planning section chief, I get the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse group of professionals I never would have worked with in my parking role before COVID-19. As I see the groups and task forces work together and develop plans

and objectives, I have a better and deeper understanding and appreciation of the complexity of campus operations. I’ve always said that parking professionals manage emergencies every day. It’s pretty much in our nature no matter what role we have, and we are used to planning in a quickly changing, fluid environment. There is so much variability between all our agencies, but we do have one thing in common: We are all working to get through this historic time, hopefully with courage and a growth mindset. A seat at the table gives me a bird’s eye perspective of plans for the university to repopulate and move ahead to our new normal. This is a critical and insightful view to help ensure that the future of transportation and parking complements the future operations of the university. I am very grateful to have a seat at the planning table and look forward to the future, minus COVID-19. Take care and stay healthy.

MARLENE CRAMER, CAPP, is director, transportation and parking services at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.


/ Nashville International Airport Chooses Park Assist’s M4 Smart-Sensor System


PARK ASSIST® has been awarded the parking guidance system (PGS) contract for Nashville International Airport (BNA). As one of the fastest-growing airports, BNA’s increased traffic and added service have created a demand for a new parking solution that can handle a heavy volume of travelers. Park Assist’s M4 smart-sensor system was built to improve both garage efficiency and customer satisfaction, and BNA elected to install this PGS in two of its garages. After a competitive RFP process to secure the most qualified PGS vendor, Park Assist was awarded the opportunity to be part of BNA’s continued expansion by adding the latest parking technology to its garages. Park Assist’s proprietary M4 PGS and digital wayfinding signage offer BNA visitors advanced guidance from entry to exit. The color-coded M4 smart-sensor system seamlessly guides parkers through the facility to vacant spaces using red and green lights to indicate occupancy, guaranteeing reduced search and park times, and decreased traffic. This installation will also include several of Park Assist’s advanced software add-ons, such as Find Your Car™, Park Alerts™, and Park Surveillance™. Park Assist’s unique Find Your Car feature, created with the customer experience in mind, enables travelers to quickly locate their vehicle upon returning to the facility by entering all or part of their license plate number into a Park Assist kiosk or mobile app. Park Assist’s Park Alerts and Park Surveillance software add-ons were designed to help increase control and security in the garage. The Park Alerts software extension allows parking management to set automated rules and alerts that help staff enforce policies and remain informed about parking abuse and policy violations within the garage, while Park Assist’s Park Surveillance module enables the M4 sensors to capture streaming video of any movement in or around parking bays. Because the M4 cameras have unobstructed views of each parking bay, as well as the space in between vehicles, they can successfully capture all action in the garage, serving as a proven deterrent of theft and other criminal behaviors. “Nashville International Airport has been an incredible site for us as we continue to expand our projects in the airport sector and the Nashville market. This is our second major project with the airport and we are delighted to be a part of the BNA vision to help renovate its facility and deliver the best experience for all airport visitors,” says Thomas Alexander, national channel manager.


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/ Associated Time Becomes An Official Parker Technology Dealer PARKER TECHNOLOGY announced a new dealer partnership with Associated Time Instruments, out of Dallas, Texas. The relationship will involve collaborative sales and marketing efforts to incorporate Parker’s customer service offering as a value-added differentiator to Associated Time’s parking installation projects. “We are thrilled to partner with Parker Technology. The addition of their two-way video communication will truly enhance the customer experience for our end users. Parker’s customer service and response times are second to none in the industry and we are excited to offer our customers this state of the art solution,” says Christopher Archer, president of Associated Time Instruments. Brian Wolff, president & CEO of Parker Technology adds “Chris and his team at Associated Time have built an impres-

sive business and we are thrilled to formalize our partnership with this agreement. Equally as exciting is the progress we’re making by building important integrations with the TIBA equipment that Associated Time represents. We expect the combination of our joint sales and marketing efforts and technology advancements to create significant benefits for Associated Time’s customers.” Data suggests that the challenge for parking operators is not to make machines or technology more reliable. The fact is that over 85 percent of the time, a human is confused or has failed in some other way, and the only way to save that customer experience is with a patient, well trained, knowledgeable human being. That is exactly what Parker did over a million times last year. ◆

ELSAG® VPH900: The low-cost, automated, parking management solution ELSAG® Video Plate Hunter 900 (VPH900) is a highly efficient, low-cost parking management solution. The ELSAG VPH900 analyzes video from select IP cameras to provide license plate data that allows lot owners and management companies to automate permit validation, lot/garage inventory, fee payment, enforcement, and bolster security systems. Let’s discuss which VPH900 software and IP camera bundle is right for your parking area environment so you can save time and money. Made in the USA Helicopters | Aeronautics | Electronics, Defense & Security Systems | Space


BUSINESS VISION FlexPost® Introduces Streamlined New Website FLEXPOST INC., recently launched a new website to

We seek to streamline and optimize control of your parking structure, its management, productivity and security. Our differentiation and competitive advantages enable you to improve the level of service, while exploring new business opportunities.

better serve our customers and help you find what you need faster. If you are just seeking replacement parts or accessories for your existing FlexPost® products, or in need of a single post, simply add to your cart for a quick check-out. On the other hand, if you are looking to outfit your parking lots with new flexible signposts, use our website to learn more about our various products and click to request a quote. We will then contact you and help you determine the best FlexPost solution for your particular application. Volume discounts are available.

New Website Features: Parts & Accessories Finder ■  No

need to spend time hunting for the right parts! click on the category buttons or individual product images and see the exact parts/accessories that match your FlexPost product.

■  Just

Assembly & Installation Guides ■  Assembly

& Installation guides are available here for each of our FlexPost products, as well as mounting instructions for concrete, asphalt, adhesive or natural ground. ■  Use the convenient Product Type drop-down menu to quickly find your FlexPost product, sort by Mounting Application, or search by keyword. ◆

MEYPAR USA Corp. 21755 I45, Building 11, Suite D 77388 Spring, Texas Tel.: +1 346-220-4619 (Sales) www. ·


/ Propark Mobility Launches Certified CleanCo Parking and Transportation Program in Response to COVID-19 PROPARK MOBILITY announced today that the company’s CleanCo division will be providing industry-leading comprehensive cleaning and sanitation programs for parking and transportation operations across the country, in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic. “We are living in a new world, which requires different processes and procedures in order to help keep people safe, and to provide them with peace of mind,” says John Schmid, CEO of Propark Mobility. “Our Certified CleanCo program offers intelligent, carefully shaped solutions that provide our clients with the highest standards of sanitation and cleanliness, in both the parking and transportation industries.” As part of the CleanCo certification process, Propark has instituted significantly upgraded and enhanced cleaning routines and rhythms, to keep the company’s work environments disinfected and sanitized. All aspects of operations have been

reimagined with cleanliness at the forefront, in order to help reduce the exposure and transmission of COVID-19. “The safety of our employees, our guests, our clients, and all of their families is most important to Propark,” explains Joe Coppola, Propark’s managing partner. “As we begin the process of reopening, our ability to provide comprehensive services to maintain a sanitary workplace helps ensure the well-being of everyone during this unprecedented period on human history.” The Certified CleanCo Parking and Transportation program follows recommendations from both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, along with local, state and federal governments. The company monitors these various guidelines on an ongoing basis, while continually developing its processes and procedures accordingly.

Gabe Klein, Founder of Cityfi and Former Chicago & D.C. DOT Commissioner, Joins Automotus Board of Advisors GABE KLEIN has joined the Automotus Board of Advisors. Klein has been a leader in the transportation industry for both the public and private sectors for nearly 20 years, having held positions as the commissioner of the Chicago and Washington D.C. Departments of Transportation and as vice president at Zipcar, before co-founding Cityfi. Automotus, a mobility-focused video analytics company, uses video analytics to help automatically analyze, monetize, and enforce all forms of curb activity. Klein’s experience in spearheading mobility innovation in city governments is a natural fit with the company’s mission of creating more accessible and equitable urban mobility.

In both Chicago and Washington D.C., he revamped technology platforms and government processes while focusing on putting people first vs. automobiles on city streets. This included launching two of the first and largest bike-share systems in the U.S. and building protected bike lanes and better pedestrian infrastructure for vulnerable citizens citywide, as well as facilitating private services like car- and ride-share to reach each city’s mobility goals. Klein advises governments and companies worldwide o innovation in cities including Singapore where he has been a visiting fellow for the Centre For Livable Cities, working on creating a “car-lite” city-state. In 2015, he also


published “Start-Up City” with David Vega-Barachowitz on Island Press, a manifesto on revamping how (and how fast) we innovate in cities and rethinking public-private partnerships with a triple-bottom-line approach as technology shapes a dramatically different future. “We are incredibly excited to have Gabe join our team,” says Jordan Justus, CEO of Automotus. “His experience in the mobility world is unparalleled, and he has unmatched insights into the ways companies like ours must go about addressing the mobility challenges that cities are facing today, and will face further on down the road.”

EVgo Announces EVgo Access® EVgo Access®, a new product feature available on the EVgo app, gives EVgo customers access to fast chargers located within gated facilities using a simple QR code. This feature is the latest demonstration of EVgo’s commitment to making it as easy as possible to drive—and

charge—an electric vehicle in the U.S. This cloud-based system is compatible with both smart- and non-smart-gate solutions, making it possible for pay-topark lots to host EVgo charging stations. With no additional fees to deter drivers, EVgo Access offers easy entry and exit for EV drivers and easy management of EV charging for parking garage operators. The first EVgo Access station is located in the Aladdin Airport Parking garage in downtown San Diego. This lot, EVgo’s first in downtown San Diego, enables visitors to the city’s sites and to San Diego International Airport easy and convenient access to fast

charging—and offers 10 EVgo fast chargers now available for use. To use EVgo Access, customers will need to download the latest version of the EVgo app. When they’re ready to charge, they simply select the desired station on the app and receive a scan or QR code that enables them to enter the lot free of charge for the duration of their charging session. Instead of taking a ticket at the parking lot entrance, they scan the QR code at the entry kiosk. Once they’ve entered the lot, they follow the signage to the chargers and plug and in charge as they normally would. When their charging session is complete and they’re ready to go, they simply re-open the EVgo app to retrieve the QR code, and swipe at the kiosk to exit.

Introducing Easily digestible, highly detailed data at a glance. Customized conditional reasoning workflows catered to the demands of your facility. Automated alerts delivered on your schedule, tailored to fit your needs. Limitless potential for expanded functionality. The aggregator of all of your system data: INX.

Park Assist’s cloud-based INX software platform is the most sophisticated software the parking industry has ever seen. Developed by Park Assist data scientists in response to what our clients wanted most, INX is our latest game-changer in the PGS space. Find out why. +1 203-220-6544


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Design Management


Innovation through Collaboration, Success by Design

Boston Chicago Cleveland Denver Ft Lauderdale Hartford New York Pittsburgh Washington, D.C.


Parking and Transportation Planning

Traffic Engineering

Parking Design and Consulting

Civil Engineering

Structural Engineering

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Structural Diagnostics

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Brian Lozano, PMP




2020 AUGUST 3–28



IPMI Call for Webinars for 2021 Education Program Open

Free Online Shoptalk: Municipal Response & Recovery

Free Online Shoptalk: University Response & Recovery planning-roadmap-2-2/ planning-roadmap-2/


OCTOBER 27 & 29

Campus Parking & Transportation Association Conference College Station, Texas

Online, Instructor-led Training

AUGUST 4, 6, 11 & 13 Parksmart Advisor Online, Instructorled Training Begins

AUGUST 5 Free Online Shoptalk: Planning for What’s Next: Roadmap to Recovery the Parking, Transportation, and Mobility Industry planning-roadmap/


SEPTEMBER 29 Online, Instructor-Led Training: APO Site Reviewer Renewal Course parking-mobility/apo


IPMI Webinar Considering an Alternative to Adaptive Reuse New discounted pricing for members— $99 for five webinars in 2020.


OCTOBER 8–9 IPMI Leadership Summit

OCTOBER 13, 15, 20, & 22 Parksmart Advisor

Free IPMI Members-Only Webinar: A Fireside Chat on Industry Inclusion inclusion-industry/

SEPTEMBER 9 IPMI Webinar How to Increase Retention and Build Team Culture

SEPTEMBER 15 & 17, 2020 Online, Instructor-led Course: Finance & Auditing for Parking, Transportation, and Mobility Pros

SEPTEMBER 22–25 Carolinas Parking & Mobility Association 2020 Conference & Trade Show Charleston, S.C.

Online, instructor-led training

OCTOBER 13–15 New York State Parking & Transportation Association Annual Fall Conference Watkins Glen, N.Y.

OCTOBER 14 IPMI Webinar Enabling Daily Parking Decisions For Faculty and Staff: How More Granular Choice Has Reduced Parking Demand and Delighted Customers

Wicked Problem Solving

NOVEMBER 3, 5, 10 & 12 APO Site Reviewer online course begins

NOVEMBER 17–19 California Public Parking Association Annual Conference & Trade Show San Diego, Calif.

NOVEMBER 18 IPMI Webinar A Portrait of El Paso Parking Using GIS

DECEMBER 1–4 Florida Parking & Transportation Association Conference & Trade Show Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.

DECEMBER 9 PARCS Replacement and Implementing the Latest Technologies: A Case Study of the American Dream Project in New Jersey

OCTOBER 19–21 Parking Association of the Virginias Fall workshop Virginia Beach, Va.

Stay up to date on industry events and activities! Visit for the latest updates and additions.


/ Aims Parking ��������������������������������������������������� 1

Magnetic AutoControl ������������������������������ 23

Southland Printing ��������������������������������������11 800.886.6316 321.635.8585 800.241.8662

DESMAN ���������������������������������������������������������61

MEYPAR USA Corp. ������������������������������������ 57

Tannery Creek Systems Inc. �������������������� 55 877.337.6260 281.404.1667 855.738.1406

Hörmann High Performance Door ���������15

Park Assist ����������������������������������������������������59

Toledo Ticket �����������������������������������������������31 800.365.3667 917.793.5400 800.533.6620

International Parking Design, Inc. ��������60

ParkMobile �����������������������������������������������������7

Walker Consultants ����������������������������������60 818.986.1494 678.681.9433 800.860.1579

IPS Group Inc �����������������������������������������������17

PayByPhone Technologies, Inc. ������������C2

Walter P Moore �������������������������������������������61 858.404.0607 877.610.2054 800.364.7300

Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc �����5, 60

Rich & Associates, Inc. �������������������������������61

Watry Design, Inc. ���������������������������������������� 9 919.653.6646 248.353.5080 408.392.7900

Leonardo/ELSAG LPR Solutions ����������56

Scheidt & Bachmann. ��������������������������������25

WGI �����������������������������������������������������������������13 877.773.5724 781.272.1644 866.909.2220


PODCAST A podcast about parking, mobility, and the people who make it all go. Hosted by Isaiah Mouw with new episodes every other Tuesday at 10 a.m. Eastern. Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, SoundCloud or any other major podcast provider.

Strategic Partner



In Case You Missed It... IPMI’S Leadership Summit Is Going Virtual: Oct. 6–8 Offering top-notch education on leadership development and—new for this year—industry specific topics. Here’s a snapshot of some of the topics we will cover in these two critically important tracks:

➚Planning for an Uncertain Future - Industry Response, Crisis Management, and Lessons Learned. ➚Managing Up, Down, and Sideways - Strategies, Tactics, and Takeaways. ➚Reinventing Cities: Trends, Challenges, and the Role of Mobility Services. ➚How Authentic Concern Drives Good Business. ➚Building and Achieving Resilience in the Face of Adversity. ➚Leading Through Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous Times. rates for members and non-members in effect now: ➚Early-bird ON THE IPMI BLOG

➚Electrifying the Transportation System, by Robert Ferrin. ➚Movement for Everyone, by Casey Jones, CAPP. ➚Leveraging Analytics as Part of a Data-driven Operation, by Kevin White, AICP. ➚A Seat at the Table During COVID-19, by Marlene Cramer, CAPP. ➚Flexibility and COVID-19, by Mark Lyons, CAPP. ➚Read every day’s post or submit your own: ON THE FORUM

➚Fall 2020 e-permit sales, refunds, and discounts. ➚All-electric bus/shuttle fleets. ➚Homeless sleeping overnight in parking garages. ➚Measuring economic recovery through parking meters. ➚PEO policy manual. the conversation: Ask and answer questions, connect, and network—it’s a free member ➚Join benefit. All from your desk, on your time, at 64 PARKING & MOBILITY / AUGUST 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

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