Parking & Mobility magazine, October 2020

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Public Art and Parking PART


IPMI Roadmap to Recovery: AIRPORTS AND COVID-19




The Making of Midtown Park

A new Houston property offers an urban oasis of sustainable and innovative design. By Brian Lozano, PMP


Managing Through Crisis

Airport parking, mobility, and transportation department professionals share their COVID-19 experiences, what they’ve learned, and where they go from here.


From Steel and Asphalt to Art in Public Places

The City of Norwalk, Conn., proves public art matters and the parking authority plays a big role. By Kathryn Hebert, PhD


Taking Off

How North American airports can grow loyalty and revenue by embracing a European model for parking. By Steven Junkins



/ EDITOR’S NOTE DEPARTMENTS 4 ENTRANCE Managing Coronavirus, Anxiety, and Stress By Kathryn Hebert, PhD

6 FIVE THINGS Ways to Maximize Virtual Networking 8 THE BUSINESS OF PARKING Marketing in a Time of Social Distancing By Bill Smith

10 THE GREEN STANDARD Why Helping Drivers Find Parking Should Be a Priority By Jessica Britton

12 PARKING & MOBILITY SPOTLIGHT The University of Mississippi’s Journey to APO By Richard Bradley

16 DIVERSITY, EQUITY, & INCLUSION Important Conversations By Gary Means, CAPP

18 MOBILITY & TECH Modern Mobility and Commercial Office Towers By Michael Cramer

20 ASK THE EXPERTS 48 IPMI IN ACTION The Email Model That Transfers to Your Organization

Public Art KELSEY MONTAGUE earned her 15 minutes of fame

when Taylor Swift discovered and posed for photos with one of of her first outdoor murals of intricate wings in New York City. The pop star later commissioned a set of wings in Nashville, and cities started clamoring for their own Instagrammable wings. That includes my town, whose Montague wings are always at the top of my Instagram feed despite being in an alley that doesn’t get much foot traffic between two blocks of businesses. People love posing with the wings and the photos get terrific traction on social, and there’s a simple reason why: They make us happy. The concept of angels and flying makes us happy, their delicate beauty makes us happy, and the thought of being part of that in a photo makes us even more happy. Public art is a good thing and outdoor art has brought a ton of happiness and peace to people since COVID-19 upended our worlds—it’s a lovely, quiet escape. Kathryn Hebert, PhD., agrees and wrote a wonderful feature for this issue about the public art in her town of Norwalk, Conn. It’s been awhile since we covered art and parking here and I’m delighted to see it in this month’s magazine—even in photos, it brings joy in a time that continues being challenging. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. There’s more to be happy about this month, with IPMI’s Leadership Summit going virtual and a ton of opportunities to learn and network online with us that’s always expanding. This is also the month to enter your colleagues and work into our annual awards competition, which spotlights the best people, projects, and programs in the industry. So many smiles! We know the end of 2020 is shaping up to be just as odd as its middle and we are here for you—please reach out anytime and use our channels to connect with us and with your colleagues from around the world. Just saying hello can brighten someone’s day and open doors—including your own. There are great things ahead and we’re with you for the ride. Until next month…

By Matt Penney, CAPP


Kim Fernandez, editor




Shawn Conrad, CAE EDITOR


/ ENTRANCE Managing Coronavirus Anxiety and Stress


By Kathryn Hebert, PhD





Tina Altman

RE-COVID, anxiety and stress were already high in our fast-

paced, high-expectation world, but predictable and plannable. Re-opening policies and executive orders are different in every city, state, and country.

PUBLICATION DESIGN For advertising information, contact Bonnie Watts at or 888.IPMI.NOW. For subscription changes, contact Tina Altman, Parking & Mobility (ISSN 0896-2324 & USPS 001436) is published monthly by the International Parking & Mobility Institute. P.O. Box 25047 Alexandria, VA 22313 Phone: 888.IPMI.NOW Fax: 703.566.2267 Email: Website: Postmaster note: Send address label changes promptly to: Parking & Mobility P.O. Box 25047 Alexandria, VA 22313 Interactive electronic version of Parking & Mobility for members and subscribers only at parking-mobility. org/magazine. Periodical postage paid at Alexandria, Va., and additional mailing offices. Copyright © International Parking & Mobility Institute, 2020. Statements of fact and opinion expressed in articles contained if Parking & Mobility are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent an official expression of policy or opinion on the part of officers or the members of IPMI. Manuscripts, correspondence, articles, product releases, and all contributed materials are welcomed by Parking & Mobility; however, publication is subject to editing, if deemed necessary to conform to standards of publication. The subscription rate is included in IPMI annual dues. Subscription rate for non-members of IPMI is $120 per year (U.S. currency) in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. All other countries, $150. Back issues, $10. Parking & Mobility is printed on 10 percent recycled paper and on paper from trees grown specifically for that purpose.

Every day, we are worried about wearing masks, social distancing, WFH, Zooming, school hybrid models, transit, airplanes, grocery store (many trips to the wine shop), and just walking down the street. It’s like we are in an episode of the Twilight Zone or Groundhog Day— we will all wake up and everything will back to normal (maybe!). You’ve heard it before—simple behavior changes to make a big difference: Eat as healthy as you can. Stress and WFH make it easy to snack and eat more sugar and salt. Pace and plan meals/ snacks. Eat lots of fruit and veggies, small portions. It’s O.K. to have a cocktail and some wine with meals but pace yourself and drink lots of water. Stress can be dehydrating. Get creative with exercise. Any physical activity is helpful. A simple walk around the neighborhood, stretches at home, taking the stairs. There are many exercise apps you can follow on your mobile/electronic devices. Keep it simple. Stay socially connected. We are all in this together all over the world. Talking with people about how you feel is helpful. Use social media, texting, Zoom, facetime, in person from a safe distance (with masks). Every time you reach out is an opportunity to feel better. Rest and relax. It’s important to re-


plenish your energy and recharge your brain. Take breaks to rest throughout the day. Just getting up and walking around is helpful. Be sure to get enough sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, create a quiet, relaxing bedtime routine. Get things done. Sometimes just cleaning out a closet or drawer can be energizing and rewarding. Maybe you could finally redo your kitchen or bathroom! Take breaks from the news. While it’s important to stay up-to-date as things change and evolve, it is critical to take breaks. There’s a lot of misinformation going around; try to filter through fact and fiction. Practice kindness Simple gestures mean a lot. Kindness adds up. There’s a proven link between kindness and feelings of happiness. I am not an expert in stress management, but I’ve tried to practice what I preach. We all need to step back and do our part in creating a better world. Managing our stress and being kind are critical components of that. ◆ KATHRYN HEBERT, PhD, is director of transportation, mobility, and parking for the City of Norwalk, Conn., and a member of IPMI’s Board of Directors. She can be reached at


BonoTom Studio

Ways to Maximize Virtual Networking It’s been quite awhile since we could all gather together for handshakes and face-toface conversation and it looks like it’ll be awhile longer before all that happens again. But networking goes on, albeit in a different form—in fact some say it’s never been more important to continue growing your professional contact list. Here are five ways to keep the networking going even when it can’t be over coffee and in-person.


Show up. It really is that simple says PCMA. If you’re not regularly checking in with your existing network to see how people are and offer a friendly greeting, this is the time to change that. How you treat your network now will determine if you have one when things get back to normal.



Reach out with kindness, authenticity, and sincerity. Instead of typing “How are you,” consider, “I hope you’re happy and healthy,” say the experts at Korn Ferry. They say, “How are you holding up,” with a note about your own experience can be a great opener to a “let’s connect” note.

Find online networking opportunities. recommends mining the internet for places to connect with like-minded professionals: Facebook groups, Slack teams, LinkedIn groups, or—our favorite—IPMI’s Forum for parking and mobility professionals. Strike up conversations and build relationships from your own office.


Build a personal board of directors, recommends CNBC. Reach out online to potential mentors who have a different background than yours. People are eager to connect while isolated and having a diverse network can provide you with terrific advice and perspective going forward.




Check out your online identity. Is your LinkedIn up to date? Are your goofy Facebook photos set to private? And what are other people saying about you online? Run an audit of your online reputation and start making adjustments so it says what you want it to say about you, says Welcome to the Jungle.

COVID-19 Warranty Extension MicroDrive Vehicle Barriers

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are aware of how devastating the shut-down of business has been to our customers. In an effort to assist at this time, we are going to extend the warranty period for all MicroDrive Vehicle Barriers from 24 months to 36 months. This extension will apply to all barriers purchased between 1st January 2018 and the 31st December 2020. The intention of this offer considers “if our products have not experienced normal life cycle during this time, then why should our customers lose warranty during this period?”. What do you need to do to get the 36 month warranty? Nothing – our technical support department have all the serial numbers in our records – and we will honor the 36 month warranty period now for all those products. We sincerely hope that you, your family and business recover quickly from this pandemic and look forward to better times with one another in the near future.


COVID-19 extended 36 month warranty details What products?

All MicroDrive Vehicle Barriers


Purchased from 1/1/18 - 12/31/20


It’s automatic. We will honor the 36 month warranty for all barriers within the timeframe.

Please contact your account manager or with any questions.


Marketing in a Time of Social Distancing: Actually, Not Much Has Changed


By Bill Smith

ELIVERING THE RIGHT MESSAGE at the right time is the definition of effective

But when it comes to making the creative and business choices needed for executing and sustaining an effective marketing program, it can be daunting in the best of times. Combine that with a global health crisis and the changes it has brought to our industry, and the challenge becomes that much more formidable. But don’t be intimidated by the current state of the industry (and the world)—the basic elements of successful marketing haven’t changed. What are those elements?

Relevance Relevance begins with knowing your customer. Customers, new and returning, change. Their needs and


wants, just like yours, are constantly evolving. So how do you hit multiple moving targets? With multiple projectiles. Those projectiles need to be on target and that means understating where your customers are headed, so that you and your message intersect with them at the right time and place Making a commitment to remaining relevant means making a commitment to knowing your customers, their behaviors and tendencies, and what they genuinely want. Then, you need to provide products or services that are valuable and designed to remain so. To achieve this, it is helpful to develop internal systems that keep you engaged with your customers and incorporate that into your products or services.


communication. At its essence, marketing is simply that: communication done with the intention to inform and persuade.

Many online tools can help with this. For example, data measures from social media sites and from visitors to your own web domain can provide insights into what your customers are looking for and how to message to them. Industry publications, blogs, and online forums are also good resources for evaluating trends and tendencies that impact your customers and potential customers.

Messaging Knowing what to say and how to say it are cornerstones of marketing. The digital age provides an opportunity to try, test, and tailor marketing messages in a novel and invaluable way. But there also needs to be a common thread of consistency that identifies you in the marketplace and helps build your brand over time. Think of your marketing messaging as being like a piano. On a piano, there are 88 keys; no more, no less. Those keys can be played alone, in sequence, or in combination to create a seemingly endless variety of music. When done well, the music that’s created can stir powerful emotions. And all of that comes from the piano’s 88 keys—its defining parameter. Your messaging should also have parameters— notes, if you will—that may be struck in order to convey your brand, your market position, your proposal, your opportunity, your ability, your offering; all the varied and valuable things that you bring to the marketplace. But the way you play those notes may be varied. And in a world where the consumer is more in command than ever before, they should be made available in a variety of ways that even if seen separately, convey the heart of your message so your customers always know who you are and what you are about.

Outlets Knowing where your customers are and why they are there is essential to successful marketing. Trade publications; business and general media; social media sites

like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram; and blogs and industry chat rooms can all be valuable platforms for broadcasting your marketing message. But it is important to carefully consider which places your customers are most likely to be, and then tailor messages to fit those particular platforms. Not all outlets are useful for all brands or offerings, even though the same people may be on all of them at one time or another. Aligning your brand and your messages to each platform is key to success and a key to being relevant as well.

Timeliness Timeliness and relevance are a matched set. It’s essential to stay on top of what is happening in your portion of the industry and how you can add value, and to adjust your communication strategies accordingly. This is always true, but particularly so during events like the COVID-19 pandemic. Acknowledging the state of affairs, at even the slightest level, is essential to ensure that your messaging is seen as timely. It has been easy to recognize how the biggest brands in the world—Amazon, FedEx, Walmart, Apple—have generated new marketing efforts incorporating things germane to the pandemic. Their advertisements and earned media campaigns are addressing social distancing and face masks and the ways that they have altered their business practices, but their main branding and the core of their messages are still the same. This communicates that they are up-to-date and in synch with the current challenges everyone is facing, but also that they can still be counted on to deliver on what they have built their brands around. ◆ BILL SMITH, APR, is principal of SmithPhillips Strategic Communications and contributing editor of Parking & Mobility. He can be reached at bsmith@smith-phillips. com or 603.491.4280.



Why Helping Drivers Find Parking Should Be a Priority By Jessica Britton


N AVERAGE, Americans spend 17 hours a year looking for parking. In urban cen-

ters, the problem is far more acute. New York City residents spend a painful 107 hours per year searching for parking spaces.


and can wreak havoc on the scheduling of business trips. Fortunately, thanks to technology, this anguish is almost over. More and more drivers are embracing parking guidance systems, map-based parking apps, and reservations for private lots. These affordable innovations direct drivers to available parking, allowing them to save countless hours, stress, wasted gas, and produce less emissions. In fact, demand for off-street parking management solutions is expected to grow by 8.9 percent by 2025.

Congestion Relief Big cities continue to experience population explosions. The world is trending toward increased urbanization, with an estimated 66 percent of global population expected to dwell in cities by 2050. This trend, coupled with population growth, will make cities even more crowded and parking extremely scarce. Hong Kong serves as an excellent example of just how scarce parking can get in large, densely populated metro regions. Parking there is so challenging that a resident bought the world’s most expensive parking space for $664,000. New York City, Seattle, and San Francisco already have parking shortages. As their populations boom, will residents end up paying as much for parking as the owner of Hong Kong’s most valuable space? When cities have too many people driving around looking for parking, congestion builds to crippling levels. This discourages people from visiting the city and its businesses. In addition, too much congestion


However, the scarcity of legal parking is not limited to megacities. Residents of San Francisco and Seattle spend an average of more than 80 hours per year competing for parking spaces in their dense cities. ­Experts anticipate returning to similar congestion levels and numbers post-COVID. The effects of parking difficulties go beyond simple inconvenience. Real economic costs include wasted gas, increased emissions, inability to keep appointments, and cancelled dining or shopping trips. In addition, the stress of fighting for a spot to park makes personal trips unpleasant

Real economic costs include wasted gas, increased emissions, inability to keep appointments, and cancelled dining or shopping trips.

Parking Design That Enhances the Campus Experience UC San Diego Osler Parking Structure & Visitor’s Center

makes the area unappealing to many employers. They may struggle to retain workers, and customers may avoid visiting. Ultimately, municipalities need congestion relief, and that is exactly what better parking management solutions can provide.

Parking Guidance Systems Urban dwellers are seeing the benefits of parking guidance systems. In fact, a 2018 study from the International Parking & Mobility Institute (IPMI) found that parking guidance systems were a top priority for 43 percent of respondents. Guidance systems save them time and money while helping drivers have a pleasant experience, even in congested urban centers. Parking guidance systems work because of their ability to capture information about available parking in real time. In addition to parking guidance systems, combining emissions-based pricing strategies can further help to improve the quality of life and the environment in particular areas depending on the incentives given. As the technology continues to advance, these systems can be enhanced using sensors, the Internet of Things (IoT), and data infrastructures that provide even more parking information and a larger number of choices. Other new tech under exploration in this space includes: ■  Variable message sign technologies. ■  LED lights that guide drivers to parking structures. ■  Apps that offer user-centric experience. ■  Mobile payment solutions. As curbside congestion continues to be an issue for cities and drivers after COVID-19, especially because of the rise in e-commerce deliveries and ride-sharing, these technologies will become more and more important to help with making the curb nimble for multi-use. Parking management systems facilitate off-street parking—a vital resource in urban centers. By directing drivers to safe, off-street parking, parking management solutions minimize congestion and, hopefully, eliminate the need to pay $664,000 for a private parking space. ◆ JESSICA BRITTON is director, marketing, North America, with PayByPhone Technologies, and a member of IPMI’s Sustainability Committee. She can be reached at



The University of Mississippi’s Journey to APO By Richard Bradley


WOULD LIKE TO PREFACE THE STORY of our journey to becoming an Accredited Parking

Organization (APO) by stating that many universities and colleges are facing financial uncertainty and shrinking workloads due to COVID-19. Events have been paused, academic delivery system shifts have resulted in reduced permit sales, and administrative leadership has forced many to revisit once well-funded budgets. During these times of re-imagining workload, putting together an internal team with the common goal of achieving APO status is a low-cost investment that will build understanding and confidence within your organization. Furthermore, participation in this program generates equity at both the administrative and student level. Our journey began in the spring of 2017, when then Director Mike Harris presented the goal of accreditation to our leadership team at its regular Monday morning meeting. He did so by hanging a 36-inch by 48-inch laminated poster of the criteria for becoming an APO. The task appeared rather large, possibly due to the size of the poster. The timeframe given for completion made it seem attainable if we chipped away at it piece by piece. Establishing firm records was the first step due to the infancy of the department being an independent auxiliary. The creation of that autonomy is where the journey really began. Similar to many parking and transportation departments, our department was once a division of the university police department. Parking issues, due to a rapidly growing university community, had reached peak volume. In 2012, the division split and the first director of parking and transportation was hired at The University of Mississippi (UM). Strategic planning and mobility management started to take shape. Slow, incremental changes resulted in technology updates, increased ridership on the Oxford University Transit system, and the introduction of parking structures on campus. 12 PARKING & MOBILITY / OCTOBER 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

Transition to Managed Parking The first two decades of the new millennium saw rapid growth to the Oxford campus of UM, roughly doubling its enrollment. Always considered a quaint college town, Oxford, Miss., was starting to attract the interest of out-of-state students, and the pressure on infrastructure started to create frustration and tension. A parking management program that didn’t limit commuter permits could no longer be maintained. A single-occupancy vehicle mindset was no longer working, and considerations had to be made regarding inventory and permit-tospace ratios. Expanding our parking inventory from a campus of surface lots to one that included parking structures required the department to rethink permit pricing and offerings. The construction of two parking structures between 2015 and 2018 assisted UM in handling increased parking demand. The Pavilion Garage, completed in 2015, is a shared-use structure that provides reserved spaces for faculty, staff, and students during normal business hours. During basketball and football events, the garage is used as a special events parking structure, with spaces being sold to season ticket holders. The Residential Garage, completed in 2017,


was built to support six new residence halls built between 2010 and 2017. Transitioning to a new parking management system was needed to maintain better data and create a more user-friendly environment for customers and staff. In the spring of 2014, the RFP was awarded to T2 Systems. Although the first year witnessed some growing pains regarding permit demand, the success and expansion of the platform helped us meet many of the criteria for becoming an APO. During this period, we transitioned into modern mobile enforcement, using handheld devices to issue citations. More recently, we purchased two mobile-LPR vehicles to streamline processes and provide parking enforcement in a more consistent manner. Although leveraging LPR technology has made parking violations more recognizable, we have not been able to confidently transition to a virtual permit system. Attempts to maintain a clean database for license plate information by issuing warnings and educating permit holders of the importance of keeping records up to date has not provided us with the desired results. A rule regulating license plate visibility that required vehicles to park nose-in was quickly rescinded due to the UM community’s resistance. During the last five years, the department has experimented with a number of occupancy measurement tools. The variety of technology in the market has made it difficult to determine which method is the most reliable and cost effective. There is no doubt that real-time occupancy data pushed out via an app would create a number of benefits for UM. However, the cost of such a system is prohibitive for a campus that currently manages more than 16,000 parking spaces. Although the transition to independent management of parking has made the department more efficient, the hurdles of keeping up with innovations in technology has produced mixed results. Progress toward becoming an APO would not have been possible without practicing due diligence and taking calculated risks to advance the department in a rapidly changing environment.

Transition to Transportation Demand Management In 2008, the City of Oxford and the university introduced mass transit to the community by establishing the Oxford University Transit (OUT) bus service. The service is managed by a third-party provider, RAPT Dev, which assists with long-term goals and strategic direction. Oversight comes from the OUT Commission which is comprised of community stakeholders. UM ridership, which is free for students, faculty, and staff, has



During these times of re-imagining workload, putting together an internal team with the common goal of achieving APO status is a low-cost investment that will build understanding and confidence within your organization. Furthermore, participation in this program generates equity at both the administrative and student level.

mirrored the growth of enrollment. Since 2012, ridership from those affiliated with UM has increased more than 100 percent with current ridership between 1 million and 1.25 million annually on a fleet of approximately 30 buses. Although the rapid growth in ridership has presented challenges, the shared investment of the City of Oxford, UM, and federal grants has allowed the service to grow with our shared community. As is the case with any university environment, bicycle use is essential to controlling demand of parking resources and traffic mitigation. Although Oxford is only 26 square miles in size, the southern heat and reliance on single-occupancy vehicles in rural

communities make converting community members to pedal power a challenge. However, investment in infrastructure and various programs have assisted in making this mode of transportation more acceptable. More than 20 miles of bike lanes and a number of pathways have been created throughout Oxford and UM to increase safety for cyclists and provide a more enjoyable cycling experience. The Ole Miss Bike Shop opened its doors in 2014. The on-campus bike shop offers semester-long rentals to students. The shop sells basic bike equipment and provides inexpensive bike services and repairs. The Rebel Pedals bike rental program


offers a mix of previously abandoned and donated bikes to provide an economical way to move around campus and throughout the city. In 2017, UM partnered with a vendor to create the Ole Miss Bike Share. In the following years, shared mobility preferences shifted from traditional bikes to e-bikes and e-scooters. Health concerns related to COVID-19, budget consideration and the risk of introducing the new technologies required us to pause our shared, last-mile mobility program. UM plans to revisit the shared-mobility option this coming spring, with hopes of bringing an enhanced program to campus in the fall 2021. Other TDM programs have suffered due to COVID-19. Car-share and rental services were suspended indefinitely due to decreased use and health concerns related to shared-use vehicles. UM has had to shift from opposition of single-­ occupancy vehicles to an attitude of accommodation. The tricky part will be to avoid stifling the progress that has been made in the past decade regarding TDM.

executing and organizing. The project leader can delegate different criteria to specialized personnel for assistance, but someone needs to be in charge of compiling all the data and information in one place. Put all your materials in a digital format where they can be shared with others during the review process. ■  Pick a good site reviewer. Do your due diligence when making the selection. UM’s site reviewer was a lot more than just a parking garage inspector. They appraised all of our submitted materials and guided us through the review process. It was a relationship that made the process much easier. The reviewer was the essential link between us and the review board. Keep in mind there is not a set rate for these services. Fees vary greatly between $2,000

and $10,000. Get multiple quotes and discuss with the reviewer how they will approach the process. I can’t emphasize enough that this is a marathon and not a sprint. Trying to complete the process in a couple of months can be done, but there is much to be learned as you comb through data and documents and review policies and procedures. Completion gives you credibility within the industry, but more importantly, with the stakeholders in the community that rely on the services you provide each day. ◆ RICHARD BRADLEY, CAPP, is manager of administrative affairs in the department of parking and transportation at the University of Mississippi. He can be reached at

Only from Hörmann

APO: A Strategy Although the task can be daunting and everyone’s approach will be different, consider a few of the following suggestions to help your organization accomplish APO status: ■  Give yourself time. UM started this process in 2017 and did not put our application in front of the approval board until the end of 2019. We did not submit our application, which allows one year for completion, until we had collected all the needed materials. This will be a project you want to leave and come back to during busy parts of the year. ■  Stay organized. The criterion are just one well-organized checklist. Departments should have one designated project leader whose strengths are in

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Important Conversations By Gary Means, CAPP


HERE HAVE BEEN A LOT OF CONVERSATIONS lately about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. If

I was joined by a fantastic panel: ■  Richard Easley, CAPP, president of E-Squared Engineering. ■  Keith Hutchings, director, municipal parking, City of Detroit. ■  Kim Jackson, CAPP, director, transportation and parking services, Princeton University. ■  Tiffany Smith, director, Parking Authority of River City, Ky. I opened up the conversation with this statement: “As a result of the protests and news coverage in response to the very recent and preventable deaths of several Black Americans, I did a little soul searching, listened to podcasts, read posts and articles, watched videos on YouTube and Facebook, and most importantly, had one-on-one conversations with several of my Black friends and associates. My eyes have been opened to a problem. I’ve learned a lot and while I’d love to change the world, I thought maybe focusing on my circles would be best.” 16 PARKING & MOBILITY / OCTOBER 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

In this column, I want to expand a little more on my reasoning for asking IPMI if we could have an open conversation about inclusion. You see, until recently I understood very little about the challenges of the Black community in America and of our friends and colleagues in the parking and mobility industry. It took a horrible news story to really get my attention and for me to start digging deeper as I mentioned above. I now, more than ever, realize that things aren’t the way we think they are when we only look within our own circles, or when we look through our own lenses. That is why I wanted to start this conversation. I’m sure I’m not the only white guy who hadn’t heard the term “driving while Black.” Or if I had heard it, I must have ignored it. This phrase is just one of many things I’ve learned in my recent journey. The most important thing I’ve done is reach out to friends like the people on the panel listed above


you didn’t get a chance to catch the Fireside Chat On Industry Inclusion back on August 20, 2020, I would encourage you to do so (click here).

and asked difficult questions. I’ve specifically looked up Black acquaintances such as previous employees and leaders in my community. All have stories and all reinforce the fact that there is a deep-rooted issue in our society that needs to change.

A New Focus So with the support of the leadership at IPMI, we will continue focusing on the topic of inclusion in the following ways: ■  Implementing this new column on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. ■  Encouraging and establishing training sessions and courses. ■  Encouraging more open conversations that help us learn more about the needs of all of our members. After our fireside chat, we were asked why did we not use the word “diversity” in the title or during our chat. Our answer centered around the idea that ”diversity” has been used a lot and folks might already have a preconceived idea about what it means—and that focusing on diversity alone might even water down the current issues of our day. We felt focusing on “inclusion” would be more powerful. Simply put, diversity refers to the traits and characteristics that make people unique while inclusion refers to the behaviors and social norms that ensure people feel welcome. The most powerful part of our fireside chat was hearing the experiences and stories of our esteemed panel. I hope it has encouraged or this column will encourage more courageous conversations within your organization.

grow, or gets career support from a mentor. is an approach that ensures everyone access to the same opportunities. Equity recognizes that advantages and barriers exist, and that, as a result, we all don’t all start from the same place. Equity is a process that begins by acknowledging that unequal starting place and makes a commitment to correct and address the imbalance.2 I hope this first edition of our new diversity, equity, and inclusion column gives you some insight on what future columns may hold. If you have any ideas or questions please feel free to reach out to me at Thank you for taking the time to read this. ◆ ■  Equity

GARY MEANS, CAPP, is executive director of the Lexington& Fayette County, Ky., Parking Authority and chair-elect of IPMI’s Board of Directors. He can be reached at

References 1

What’s The Difference Between Diversity, Inclusion, And Equity? May 24, 2020 on General Assembly’s website by Meg Bolger, Founder of Same Team. 1

Wherever you

Breaking it Down To start off the first of many columns on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), I thought I might make an attempt to help break down some of the ideas and definitions of DEI. Diversity vs. Inclusion: In simple terms, diversity is the mix and inclusion is getting the mix to work well together.1 Verna Myers says “Diversity is being asked to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance.” In a recent blog post, Meg Bolger writes: If we aren’t clear on the words and ideas, (of DEI) how will we be clear on the solutions? Meg also included these definitions: ■  Diversity is the presence of difference within a given setting. Diversity is about a collective or a group and can only exist in relationship to others. A candidate is not diverse—they’re a unique, individual unit. They may bring diversity to your team or your hiring pool, but they themselves are not diverse. ■  Inclusion is about folks with different identities feeling and/ or being valued, leveraged, and welcomed within a given setting (e.g., your team, workplace, or industry). You can have a diverse team of talent, but that doesn’t mean everyone feels welcome or are valued, is given opportunities to

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Modern Mobility and Commercial Office Towers By Michael Cramer


YEAR AGO, this article would have contained a plethora of pie-in-the-sky ideas

and innovations. Cars and trucks were changing, mass transit was improving, Uber, Lyft, bicycles, work from home—it all seems so Jetsons now. Millions of people now work from home and many don’t like it. They want to come back to the office but are they a majority? Are they even a significant minority? Who will return and what ground rules will regulate their return? In Houston’s modern downtown, the buildings are still beautiful modernist works of art. The biggest names in 20th and 21st century architecture are represented. And yet, most of the buildings sit nearly empty, awaiting the passing of COVID and the restrictions it wrought.

COVID Precautions My own company, like many others, has implemented COVID procedures to assure employees that the workplace is as safe as possible. These processes are in trial phases and haven’t been tested with a full load of employees. Commercial office buildings are also developing their own precautions. Many buildings will restrict the number of people that ride in an elevator; an elevator that might have held 12 or more passengers may now be limited to 4. Buildings may create check-in points where people’s temperatures are taken and health screening questions are asked. In effect, building entries may become choke points and to use a phrase common during COVID, we must flatten the building rush-hour curves. Percentage of Vehicles Enter/Exit Time Enter Exit Occupied

Number of Vehicles Enter/Exit Enter Exit In Garage


































Here is where our industry expertise can be helpful: We in parking are familiar with the morning rush. That’s the period when as many as 70 percent of the building’s population enters the garage. The chart below is an example of what happened during a typical rush hour period at a large urban garage. Between 7 and 9 a.m., 85 percent of the garage’s parkers arrived. At about 8 a.m., using the garage’s four entry lanes, vehicles were entering at the average rate of 15 per minute. These building employees then carry on into the garage elevators, the building entry, and the building elevators. Now, imagine what happens when we limit entry to the elevators and the building. The jam and resulting backup will be a difficult challenge to manage. “Flattening the curve” now becomes vital to the garage and as parking professionals, we should be participating in discussions about how to accomplish this task.

Flattening the Curve So, again flash back to a year ago and we are talking about EVs, autonomous cars, and other futuristic trends that will reduce reliance on single passenger vehicles. Things changed in the blink of an eye. Many experts believe that, at least in the short-term, we will see an increase in single passenger vehicle use. If that’s the case, flattening the curve becomes even more vital. Ideas to flatten the curve include staggered shifts, emphasis on alternate transportation such as bicycles, and continued reliance on stay-at-home, cyber-­ commuting. Cyber-commuting offers a lot of promise. One lesson learned during the pandemic is that some

BUSINESS VISION We seek to streamline and optimize control of your parking structure, its management, productivity and security. Our differentiation and competitive advantages enable you to improve the level of service, while exploring new business opportunities.

people do better at home than others. Some companies can distribute the workload so stay-at-home is a viable option for those who can do it. The cyber-commuting infrastructure was rapidly strengthened during COVID and there is no reason to dismantle or reduce its effectiveness. Zoom calls are great. At my company, we use Microsoft Teams and I adapted to it quickly. I can work with my colleagues in India; Washington D.C.; and Houston without a second thought. For me, going into the office won’t change my work dynamic so staying home is a viable option and I believe it will be so for millions of workers.


Planning Garages can activate parkers’ credentials so that their access is restricted to certain times during the rush hour. Beginning with the garage, parking managers should be working with building managers to create plans that flatten the curve. Cities should develop plans to coincide with staggered shifts. For example, if fewer people take busses, reduce bus traffic. Rush hours that were once 7 to 9 a.m. can now become 6 to 10 a.m., so incentivize commuters by offering perks such as single-occupant vehicles on HOV lanes between 6 and 7 a.m. Enhance reporting systems that show traffic flow and using big data, suggest times when people should get on the road. We are living in a transitional time. COVID has changed things. It’s meaningless to me whether these changes are for the better or worse; they are here and as parking professionals, we have a role to play in creating an effective infrastructure. Office towers are the largest attractor for commuters. Even if we are in another parking vertical, office towers create a mobility challenge for our entire industry. The lesson that has sunk in the most with me is that the future isn’t an orderly process, and everything can change in an instant. Goals change at the whims of fate. ◆

MICHAEL CRAMER is vice president and general manager of Kastle Systems. He can be reached at

MEYPAR USA Corp. 21755 I45, Building 11, Suite D 77388 Spring, Texas Tel.: +1 346-220-4619 (Sales) www. ·




Studies say stress from COVID-19 remains pervasive. How are you keeping your stress levels down or lowering them when things get tense?

Debbie Hoffmann, CAPP

Melonie Curry, MBA

Scott C. Bauman, CAPP

Victor Hill, CAPP, MPA

Nicole Chinea, CAPP

Director, Communications & Marketing, Special Events & Visitor Parking, and Parking Services Texas A&M University

Staff Analyst ParkHouston

Manager of Parking & Mobility Services City of Aurora, Colo.

Account Manager T2 Systems

Senior Project Manager WGI

I try to remain especially calm and gracious when things get tense to help remove the emotion and get back to focusing on the problem. Getting to solutions is therapeutic for us all. To keep my stress levels down, I spend time each day focusing on something that makes me feel good, such as sending a small surprise to a friend, exercise, healthy eating, fresh air or reconnecting with people in my inner circle.

For empty nesters, there are no distractions and you may be alone for most of the day. We can sit in one place and stare at a screen for eight to 10 hours. Go outside, get some fresh air, move, stretch, and take a break. Make sure you move.

I remind (and often force) myself to slow down, take a break, and relax as often as possible—to just stop everything I am doing and take a few deep relaxing breaths to clear my head of all the crazy COVID-19 noise and distractions.


I changed jobs and moved my family from Wisconsin to Virginia in the midst of all of this. I cannot overstate the importance of staying connected with family, friends, and colleagues to help manage stress and tension. Our physical distance is limited but our connections are more vital than ever for health and sanity. Keep reaching out so we can lift each other up.

Adapting to the new way of working post-COVID has been a challenge for me. I tend to use exercise and getting outdoors more to keep the stress at bay. I don’t always have as much time as I would like to exercise or get outside, but every little bit helps on those days when things get tense.

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Vanessa Cummings, CAPP CEO Ms. V Consulting, LLC Walks and exercise, getting out of the house for fresh air, meditation, and an occasional beverage never hurts.

Brian Shaw, CAPP Executive Director, Parking & Transportation Stanford University I have encouraged my team to take time off for themselves and I am doing the same with at least one long weekend a month. We also host a monthly Zoom happy hour for the team and openly acknowledge the challenging times we are handling and focus on not taking things personally.

Kim Jackson, CAPP

Kathryn Hebert, PhD

Casey Jones, CAPP

Director, Parking and Transportation Princeton University

Director Transportation, Mobility, and Parking City of Norwalk, Conn.

Senior Parking & Mobility Planner DESMAN

During COVID-19, I have been able reduce stress through physical activity and being mindful of the moment, not dwelling on the past or future. With staff, we established early in the pandemic weekly coffee hangouts: No agendas, just time to reconnect, catch up on anything, and everyone enjoys sharing.

Continuing to stay involved and active with the community, with networks and associations; staying in touch with friends, family and colleagues even if it’s through social media; spending lots of time with my husband and daughter; working out; and sometimes just hanging out watching Netflix!

Once each week I have a 30-minute video call with a few of my closest friends. We find things to laugh about, sometimes we blow off some steam together, and often we focus on each other rather than ourselves, which has helped me stay as centered as possible.

/ HAVE A QUESTION? Send it to and watch this space for answers from the experts.

The opinions and thoughts expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinions and viewpoints of the International Parking & Mobility Institute or official policies of IPMI.


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The Making

of Midtown Park A new Houston property offers an urban oasis of sustainable and innovative design By Brian Lozano, PMP



ISTORICALLY KNOWN as Houston’s second residential neigh-

borhood, Midtown flourished through the mid-1940s, boasting Victorian homes owned by well-known families. After declining in the 1980s and 1990s, Midtown has rebounded to become one of Houston’s most bustling neighborhoods. It is now also home to Midtown Park, a landmark project completed near the end of 2018 that features a 2.5-acre park above a parking garage plus an entertainment pavilion, water features, an additional half-acre pocket park, restaurants, and luxury apartments. “In addition to increasing community gathering opportunities and enhancing quality of life for current Midtown residents, the park will become an economic development catalyst to attract new development to Midtown,” says Marlon Marshall, director of engineering and construction at Midtown Redevelopment Authority (MRA), a nonprofit organization created to manage basic infrastructure improvements and encourage new residential and commercial development in the neighborhood.


Premier Park Space Since the late 1990s, MRA had been working with developers and property owners to assemble what became a 6-acre tract of land commonly referred to as “the Midtown SuperBlock.” Through the years, the MRA board, staff, and design team consultants, with community and stakeholder input, worked to create a vision for a mixed-use project featuring an underground garage. “We wanted to create a premier urban park space in the heart of Midtown to become the focal point for the community and attract new development along the Main Street corridor,” says Marshall. The group brought in national engineering and consulting firm Walter P Moore as lead design consultant for the project. The goal was to bring nature to Midtown and revitalize the East Side, which had experienced a decline in retail occupancy. Camden McGowen Station occupies three of the six total acres of development. The eight-story complex boasts more than 300 luxury studios, apartments, and townhomes. The multifamily community will include amenities such as a private parking garage, chef-inspired kitchens, spa-reminiscent bathrooms, and—capitalizing on its serene location—a community pool overlooking a portion of Midtown Park. Camden specifically responded to the scheme of the park with the design of their building forming an H and allowing for both park and downtown views. One challenge that proved surmountable was how to host a living, sustainable park above a below-grade parking garage. Walter P Moore utilized a collaborative and integrated design approach to design an operationally efficient garage while allowing the park’s trees to also

The elevator lobby is surrounded by a custom and state-of-the-art Novum glass curtain wall that is affectionately referred to as the glass cube.

grow and thrive. Partnering with landscape architect Design Workshop, Walter P Moore and Midtown MRA determined that providing both a large open lawn space and mature trees would help enhance the park’s aesthetic, attract visitors, and, most importantly, attract wildlife that was lacking in Midtown. Due to the compact size of the park and the fact that a large underground garage was located directly beneath the development, the team strategically located large trees throughout the park that required over five feet of clearance from the soil to the top of the structure to allow the roots to grow. The lid of the garage was sloped from the center outward to not only allow for enhanced drainage, but also provide adequate clearance for the grass blanketing the lawn space and a greater distance to sustain the trees.

Sustainable Solutions The 400-space parking facility—which opened February 2017, just in time for Super Bowl weekend—sits virtually unnoticed below the SuperBlock. An intricate system of underslab draining capabilities, robust waterproofing, pumps, and a rainwater vault not only serve to self-water the landscape but also prevented the garage from flooding during Hurricane Harvey, which destroyed many surrounding homes and underground structures in August and September 2017. Because the garage resides below an active and thriving park and just above the water table, a robust waterproofing system was provided to ensure long term 26 PARKING & MOBILITY / OCTOBER 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

durability. A custom, hot-applied waterproofing membrane with a state-of-the-art integrated vector mapping leak detection system was installed to keep the lid of the garage dry and accurately detect the source of potential leaks. The basement walls and slabs are protected with a bentonite waterproofing membrane, a dual wall drainage system, and a full under-slab drainage system. As a nod to Houston’s “Bayou City” nickname, the Park’s bayou landscape and waterway serve as part of the park’s stormwater infrastructure, mimicking the recirculating system of natural bayous and wetlands. Rainwater is collected through a piping system in the garage before it is pumped into a 70,000-gallon irrigation vault underground. The team planned for the impressive rainfall that often hits the Houston area and integrated a backup plan. The parking garage underslab drainage system pumps water into the irrigation vault, which is used to water the various landscape features in the park. When the vault fills up and cannot receive any additional water, a series of valves in the system allows the water to bypass the vault and drain into the bayou water feature, which also serves as the detention for the Midtown Park site. Additionally, the parking structure meets the rigorous sustainability requirements of the district by providing energy efficient LED lighting with motion detection and dimming capabilities. Most importantly, the entire garage and park is powered by a 100 percent renewable energy provider.

Safety and Structure The design of the garage accounts for various operational and long-term maintenance considerations to ensure it will operate efficiently and achieve a lifespan beyond 60 years. Enhanced

wayfinding and a two-way traffic flow with dual express ramps allow for maximum operational flexibility during normal operation and events. Additionally, the garage utilizes an automated pay on foot revenue collection system. During events, payment collected upon entry allows for frictionless exiting. Currently, a manned security presence patrols both the park and garage, but the garage has infrastructure to accommodate security cameras and emergency phones. In addition to ensuring that the parking garage met all safety standards, the parking team at Walter P Moore designed additional lighting to help drivers adjust when transitioning from below ground to above ground. Additionally, the structure itself was designed with additional vertical clearance with the primary goal of helping people feel t extremely safe when parking in the garage. There are many beautiful architectural features that the park and garage share, including the breathtaking 5,000-square-foot performance stage and pavilion that houses the main elevator lobby and stair that leads pedestrians from the park into the garage. The elevator lobby is surrounded by a custom and state-ofthe-art Novum glass curtain wall that is affectionately referred to as the glass cube. The performance pavilion also includes a one-of-a-kind water feature that simulates a thunderstorm as it builds in intensity. The beautiful glass cube language translates down into the garage, allowing tons of natural light to pour in from the park above. To help with pedestrian wayfinding, each garage pedestrian portal was designed with cues from the park above and include color matching and patterned concrete with custom patterns in the basement walls.



Abundant Amenities Midtown Park and Garage serves a variety of user groups. Visitors to the local eateries and night life and commuters alike utilize the garage as a transportation hub due to its adjacency to a METRO light rail station and onsite METRO bus shelters. B-Cycle stations were installed in the park to attract more pedestrians to the development. Aside from visitors and commuters, the local community college uses the park for outdoor teaching opportunities at the custom chalkboard located on the park grounds. The vehicular entry portal into the garage also provided a wonderful opportunity to integrate a oneof-a- kind dog play area. The entry ramp includes a lid where a dog run was constructed on the sloping portion to allow dog owners to run up and down the ramp with their furry friends. This unique feature provided a wonderful opportunity to capture an otherwise unusable space in the park. The ventilation system for the garage also received special architectural consideration as it is concealed entirely under the performance pavilion stage. This allowed for the stage to be

raised above the surrounding park and provide a spectacular view and allow fresh air into the garage through concealed ventilation fans. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) was utilized throughout the design of the park and influenced the design of the garage. The garage design includes clear sight lines with minimal hidden corners. To aid in wayfinding, the garage is divided into three color zones with custom column wraps.

Fun Meets Functional Bound by the SuperBlock of Main, McGowen, Travis, and Anita streets, Midtown Park offers residents a blend of urban living and functional green space. Many educational and sustainable features are interwoven into the fabric of the park’s design. When we considered the audience that would be utilizing the space, we pictured young professionals living in the area, working in downtown. The first day the gates came down, we saw urbanites in the park with their four-legged friends. All of the spaces in the park and garage were employed to create a multiuse area that appeals to all brands of outdoor enthusiasts. The slope of the garage entrance, for instance, also operates as a portion of the off-leash dog park and serves as a highly popular dog run. The Camden Pavilion’s water feature boasts a rainfall simulation program that can be turned on and off

The beautiful glass cube language translates down into the garage, allowing tons of natural light to pour in from the park above. 28 PARKING & MOBILITY / OCTOBER 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

As a nod to Houston’s “Bayou City” nickname, the Park’s bayou landscape and waterway serve as part of the park’s stormwater infrastructure, mimicking the recirculating system of natural bayous and wetlands.

to allow a still layer of water to remain (approximately 1/4-inch deep) that appears as clear as glass but morphs into a replication of a rainstorm in mere seconds. Jets shoot up through the water, making it look like raindrops. The intensity gradually increases, and the lights within the feature and around the pavilion come on, which is quite mesmerizing to watch. A playground encourages exploration as well as activity, with climbing spheres, sound tubes, adult-size swings and interactive pipe sections. The social games area—where patrons can play bocce, washer pitching (a game similar to horseshoes), and other games—is surrounded by lush gardens. The park contains a pavilion and stage area where concerts and other types of performances, as well as exercise classes and various other public events, will be held. There is also a designated space with plug-ins for food trucks, and the area behind the stage is wide enough for vehicles to pull up behind it to unload equipment. Tent anchors are set into the ground along the

Promenade, encouraging farmers markets, craft fairs and other similar events. “Since the start of construction at Midtown Park, there have been six new private development projects announced within three blocks of the park,” says Marshall. “These ongoing, planned or recently announced redevelopment projects include mixed-use residential/retail, multifamily and office projects, which we expect to generate an estimated $338 million in new taxable value in Midtown.” Parks help maximize the long-term value of real estate since businesses and residents are willing to pay a premium to be near them. As a direct result, the park has become an economic catalyst attracting new development to the area. Midtown Park answers the need for a flourishing green space in an urban area while maintaining a stunning backdrop of the downtown skyline. ◆ BRIAN LOZANO, PMP, is principal with Walter P Moore. He can be reached at blozano@walterpmoore. com.



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IPMI Lauches Revamped Awards & Recognition Programs



individuals and organizations in the parking, transportation, and mobility industry. Winners in three major award categories—Awards of Excellence, Professional Recognition, and Marketing—exemplify industry excellence.

Awards of Excellence Showcasing outstanding parking and transportation facilities and innovative programs in a number of categories, the Awards of Excellence require a formal entry submission and judging process. Many winning projects receive state, regional, national, and international media coverage. Owners, operators, and all project team members may submit their projects in these categories: ■  Best Design of a Mixed or Multi-Use Parking & Transportation Facility. ■  Best Design of Parking Facility. ■  Best Design/Implementation of a Surface Parking Lot. ■  Innovation in Mobility, Transportation, or Parking Program. ■  Best Parking/Transportation Facility Rehabilitation or Restoration. ■  Award for Excellence in Sustainable Design. ■  NEW: Award for Excellence in Sustainable Management. ■  Award for Excellence in Architectural Design. ■  NEW! Award for Excellence in Innovation (in Mobility and Parking Planning).

Professional Recognition Awards Professional Recognition Awards recognize the individual contributions of parking, transportation, and mobility industry professionals—our industry’s best. Entrants for these prestigious awards may be self- or peer-nominated. Nominees must be IPMI members in good standing and there is no nomination fee. Categories include: ■  Industry Professional of the Year. ■  Organization of the Year. ■  Emerging Leader of the Year. ■  NEW! Professional Excellence Award. This new category recognizes all staff, from the frontline to management. Awards will recognize outstanding performance in a variety of areas, which may include Customer Service, Operations, Marketing, etc.

The awards submission process will close October 30, 2020. Submit today!

Marketing Awards These awards recognize outstanding marketing, public relations, and communications programs with the parking and mobility sector. Organizations may submit multiple submissions, but can only win one marketing award. IPMI encourages submissions in all marketing endeavors, and possible categories include: ■  Best Mobility Marketing Program ■  Best Parking Marketing Program ■  Best Social Media Program ■  Best Rebranding Campaign

IPMI offers a streamlined awards entry process via a sophisticated online platform. We encourage entries from all market segments and sectors; all IPMI members are invited to submit in all categories. Submit your best people, programs, and projects—and be sure to share great pictures and visuals as part of the process. Download comprehensive awards details and entry criteria at


Roadmap to Recovery 2020

Managing Through

Airport parking, mobility, and transportation department professionals share their COVID-19 experiences, what they’ve learned, and where they go from here.



that news cameras began descending on airports—empty, desolate airports. Every sector of the parking industry has experienced change thanks to the pandemic, but few have been hit as hard as those in and around airports. We reached out to our airport members to share their experiences; this is what they said.

The parking impact is obvious. As the largest non-aeronautical revenue provider to the airport, seeing the parking demand drop has translated into a significant revenue decline for RNO. In our GT program, we have seen some of our smaller providers cease operations at the airport, as well as a large decline in trips from our larger providers such as casino shuttles, TNCs, and taxis. Thankfully, throughout this uncertainty, we have not noticed any tangible drop in customer service from our travelers relying on our GT providers. This just goes to show how good our transportation partners are.

Ben Carpenter, CAPP Manager, Landside Operations Reno-Tahoe International Airport Ben is manager of landslide operations at the Reno-Tahoe International Airport, overseeing all aspects of the parking and ground transportation programs. Prior to this role, he was aviation superintendent of Parking Services at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. He started his career in parking management in 2004, working in the San Francisco Bay Area with SP+ for more than a decade.

What’s the biggest impact (thus far) to your organization and parking and transportation systems? At the Reno-Tahoe International Airport (RNO) we are experiencing the same impact as all other airports; a serious decline in passengers that has directly correlated to a loss in parking and ground transportation (GT) customers. However, due to Reno being somewhat isolated in geography and not having any direct airport competition, (Sacramento International Airport is a two and a half hour drive away), our decline has been slightly less than the national average. But that shouldn’t lessen the severity of what we are seeing.


What’s on the horizon for your organization and your policies in response to the protracted nature of the pandemic? We are hoping to expand our technology where applicable in the parking program. Our near-term goal is to implement a parking reservation system (PRS) as a customer service amenity as well as to benefit from the touchless nature of those programs. We are also closely monitoring all metrics and trends as closely as possible to determine what the next few years will look like; one of these metrics is an increase in parking as a mode choice for travelers. Our parking transactions per enplaned passenger have increased at the same time as we have seen a decrease in the same metric for TNCs and taxis. This falls in line with the theory that travelers may be more likely to choose to be in their own cars as opposed to using shared or public transportation. It is too soon to determine if this is a trend or an anomaly however. If this does turn out to be a trend that has staying power, this will directly impact how we plan to accommodate parkers in the future.



What’s your longer term planning look like? Before the pandemic began, we had a serious shortage of parking spaces, routinely averaging above 95 percent occupancy and implementing overflow parking procedures several weekends per year. For this year, we predicted that we would need overflow parking on 25 weekends with an additional four weekends needing some form of offsite parking from neighboring businesses. (Last year we used a local high school parking lot during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.) While nobody has a crystal ball and estimates about a full recovery time vary quite a bit, we are still looking at how to expand our parking layout for when demand gets back to pre-COVID levels. A project that had been slated for this fiscal year was expanding our overflow parking footprint into an undeveloped lot. This would have yielded approximately 350 additional spaces that could be used for customer or employee parking. While that project is now delayed, we are still planning to move forward with it once we see the demand come back. We are also still in the development phase of a new CONRAC (consolidated rental car facility).

Share any best practices that have been standard operating procedure. Have you developed any new policies in response to the crisis? First and foremost, we have dramatically upped our cleaning

procedures of our high touchpoint areas—entrances, exits, and pay stations. We are also in the process of looking at touchless capabilities of our PARCS system, whether it is an LPR solution, enhanced credit card in or out, or some of the other programs our PARCS partner has to offer.

Any advice for other airports as they tackle similar challenges? One thing I am trying to do as a manager is keep employee morale as high as possible. Our parking and GT programs are run inhouse, therefore our staff of parking professionals are all part of the immediate RNO family. In this time of so much craziness, it’s important for managers to make sure the work environment is as positive and dare I say as fun as possible. We have several frontline staff that have been working full-time since the beginning of the pandemic, so it is immensely important that their efforts are recognized and celebrated.

Are there any silver linings? One of the positives we have seen is our ability to tackle some long-needed maintenance projects. While I would much prefer for us to not have the ability to so easily complete these projects, finding some silver linings where possible has been a big win in a time when wins have been hard to come by.

Allen Corry, CAPP Assistant Vice President. Transportation and Parking Business Unit Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, Texas Allen served 30 years in the U.S. Army, and began his parking career in 1998 at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, as associate director of parking and transportation for nine years. He worked for eight years as director of parking services for the Town of Greenwich, Conn., and is currently AVP of the Parking Business Unit at

What’s the biggest impact (thus far) to your organization and parking and transportation systems? How are you and your team addressing these impacts? Our effort to retain and protect employees while supporting the airlines as they reduce their flights due to passenger reductions caused by the pandemic. We are allowing employee personnel who can support their operation from home to do so and providing them with the communication and technology to accomplish their tasks. For those who are not able to work from home because of their position, we ensure they have the proper PPE and social distancing instructions to properly and safely conduct their tasks.

the Dallas Fort Worth Airport, Texas and a member of IPMI’s Board of Directors..


What’s on the horizon for your organization and your policies in response to the protracted nature of the pandemic?


terms of health, safety, customer service, facility cleanliness, and completing scheduled maintenance with little customer impact.

Mike Maromaty, CAPP Parking Manager Dane County Regional Airport Mike’s parking career began immediately after receiving his management degree from Purdue. For several years, he worked for a parking operator in downtown Chicago managing a variety of location types, and for more than five years, he has managed the Parking Division at Dane County Regional Airport in Madison, Wisc.

What’s the biggest impact (thus far) to your organization and parking and transportation systems? How are you and your team addressing these impacts? The extreme decline in revenue. Despite the shortfall, we are working to maintain a positive facility image in

We have implemented “new normal” procedures, providing masks not only to employees but customers as well, mandating facial coverings, and sanitizing vehicles daily after use. All employees will have their temperature taken when they enter the workplace. Each employee has been issued a pandemic kit that includes thermometers to take their own temperature at home before they come to work every day and if they do not feel well, they are asked to stay home. We have implemented signage on buses and in terminals reminding customers to wear facial coverings, wash their hands, and social distance. We’ve developed additional guidance and best practices for a safe recovery and re-opening, including establishing a flexible work schedule policy; leveraging IT for tools, training, and best practices for telecommuting; developing enhanced tools and guidance on how to manage performance for remote work; and creating an internal, dedicated COVID-19/New Normal webpage to keep employees informed.

What’s on the horizon for your organization and your policies in response to the protracted nature of the pandemic? We will continue to monitor the situation and enforce all health safety guidelines in the airport. We would like to continue to move forward with all capital improvement programs (CIP), but timing could shift for projects depending on urgency as we are in a reactive environment.

Share any best practices that have been standard operating procedure. We have been carefully following health and safety procedures; we have decreased our number of face-toface cash transactions through effective signage, technology, and customer service.

Any advice for other airports as they tackle similar challenges? Continue efforts to make your patrons feel healthy, safe, and appreciated.

Any advice for other airports as they tackle similar challenges? Foremost, insist or mandate employees and customers wear facial coverings, maintain at least six feet of distance between people, and remind all to wash hands often by installing signage throughout the terminals, restrooms, and common areas. It is critical that all employees take responsibility to curb the spread of this deadly virus, both when at work and away from the airport. Leadership can ensure that employees understand of the seriousness of the emergency and that they follow the guidance and instructions to reduce community spread. This has helped keep the number of cases down at DFW. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that we must be prepared for any other emergency of this nature with a protocol to address this in the future.



What’s the biggest impact (thus far) to your organization and parking and transportation systems? How are you and your team addressing these impacts? We’ve been developing core strategies for guest and business recovery, which is an ongoing process. To date, we have cut back on operating expenses. We’ve accomplished this with reductions in staffing, holds on capital projects, closing our economy lot facility, and repurposing garage parking for multi-use demand (long- and short-term, employee parking, and extended stay discount) to meet the various needs of our customers.

What’s on the horizon for your organization and your policies in response to the protracted nature of the pandemic? What’s your longer-term planning look like?

Frank Ragozzino Director of Airport Operations Philadelphia Parking Authority Frank has served more than 37 years at the Philadelphia Parking Authority, and started his career as a parking enforcement officer at the city’s On-Street Parking Program in 1983. He has held various positions during his career in the On-Street Parking Division, PPA administration, including the last 15 years as director of airport operations.

As an organization, we will continue with our No. 1 objective: to keep our employees and customers safe. We will remain diligent by following and enforcing the number of new policies and procedures that have been implemented. Longer term, we are focused on developing strategies and programs for business recovery. Based on the airport’s data we anticipate as much as three-year recovery period.

Share any best practices that have been standard operating procedure. Have you developed any new policies in response to the crisis? In terms of employee and customer safety, the Philadelphia Parking Authority established a COVID-19 playbook to be followed by all departments and employees. Also, the airport’s Division of Aviation has published and implemented new policies and procedure for their tenants, employees, and travelers.

Any advice for other airports as they tackle similar challenges? Understand the evolving needs of your operation in these difficult times. Be supportive and flexible to meet the needs of both patrons and staff. Continue to engage and share information as an industry as we all work though these difficult times.



Matt Sherwood, CM Revenue Strategy Program Manager Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Matt is revenue strategy program manager with the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority. He is responsible for helping manage revenue and consumer strategy for the parking and ground transportation offerings for the nation’s capital’s airports.

What’s the biggest impact (thus far) to your organization and parking and transportation systems? As passenger activity has dropped significantly, we are challenged to adjust our operations to limit costs while still providing convenient and safe parking and transportation offerings for our passengers.

What’s on the horizon for your organization and your policies in response to the protracted nature of the pandemic? We have focused on developing a comprehensive and careful recovery plan that is extremely flexible to allow the organization the agility necessary to adapt to the current dynamic environment.

Are there any silver linings? We see this as a unique opportunity to reset the pricing of our products to shrink the operation. It’s an opportunity to move customers into our in-close facilities, which will ultimately improve the customer experience and decrease the reliance on shuttling. ◆

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The City of Norwalk, Conn., proves public art matters and the parking authority plays a big role. By Kathryn Hebert, PhD

AR From Steel and Asphalt to



in Public Places

From Steel and Asphalt to Art in Public Places


HO DOESN’T LIKE ART? It makes us think and feel and can bring

beauty into our lives. Public art serves the same functions. Cities become more interesting and vibrant when their residents and visitors experience art in public places as they go about their day. The first public art programs started as part of the New Deal, with the formation of the Treasury Department’s Section of Painting and Sculpture in 1934. The City of Norwalk, Conn., recognized the importance of creating public art spaces to enhance economic development. They did this by leveraging parking dollars and municipal capital funds while partnering with the Arts Commission to create community inspired public spaces.


Art In and On Garages In Norwalk, public art abounds. The Norwalk Parking Authority has been a large proponent of public art with its Art in Parking Places initiative, in collaboration with the Norwalk Arts Commission. In one parking garage, the Maritime Garage, there is an urban art gallery; situated across from the Maritime Aquarium, the gallery features regular juried art shows and community exhibits.

The Yankee Doodle Garage in the Wall Street area is itself a work of art with a light installation on its facade. The installation gives a sense of movement through logistically and creatively placed LED lighting that illuminate the exterior wall while drawing light from the garage interior LED lights. Two other Art in Parking Places initiatives are in the South Norwalk Train Station. The first includes hand-sized, cast aluminum forms distributed throughout the station that depict items associated with South Norwalk, including an oyster schooner, a buoy, and lighthouse, as well as a hat on a hat box. The second is located in the tunnel connecting eastbound and westbound sides of the station. A mural of silhouetted figures illustrating the transit history of the South Norwalk railroad station and the surrounding community reflected by the fashion of the generations of passengers that have passed through.

Traffic Boxes Another unconventional public art project in the city is found on traffic boxes. The Traffic Graphic Program brings creativity and color to traffic boxes all over Norwalk. Dull traffic boxes have been turned into vibrant works of public art with themes including literary works, music, and Connecticut at Work, representing aspects of Norwalk’s many diverse current and historic industries such as manufacturing, farming, transportation, and oystering.

Crosswalks In 2019, the City of Norwalk created an Artistic Crosswalk Program. Artistic Crosswalks use colors, textures, and patterns to enliven city streets as engaging and safe places for people. They can be designed to reflect the special character of a neighborhood, mark the gateway to a district, or otherwise create local identity and pride. They offer a playful, cost-efficient, and low-maintenance tool to highlight marked pedestrian crossings. In addition to being fun, they raise awareness of pedestrian safety. Artistic Crosswalks are used around the country and world to promote art, enhance pedestrian safety and to help identify the uniqueness of a neighborhood or area.

Outside Dining This summer, as a result of COVID-19 safe distancing policies and in an effort to help restaurants open, the City of Norwalk repurposed on-street parking and expanded an outdoor dining area on the sidewalk while creating a safe pedestrian walkway on Washington Street in the PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / OCTOBER 2020 / PARKING & MOBILITY 41

From Steel and Asphalt to Art in Public Places SoNo Area. The walkway was created using concrete barriers. The city and the parking authority partnered with the Arts Commission and collaborated and created an outdoor mural that covers the walkway barriers.

Murals Norwalk also is home to its own New Deal murals—the largest collection in the U.S. These WPA murals are located in City Hall, the Norwalk Transit District, Norwalk Community College, the Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk, and the Norwalk Public Library. Other public murals are located around town at Calf Pasture Beach and in SoNo. Sculpture is also represented in a number of public places around Norwalk, including Oyster Shell, Cranbury, and Veteran’s Parks, and Washington Street Plaza. Seeing art around us in our homes and in our public spaces is good for the soul (some studies say it’s even good for our health!). We can stop, ponder, take a breath, feel different emotions, and think beyond the day-to-day. Public art can even be an icebreaker, allowing us to start up conversations with strangers on the street. Norwalk has many spaces for us to do this. So get out, explore, and enjoy! ◆ KATHRYN HEBERT, PhD, is director of transportation, mobility, and parking with the City of Norwalk, Conn. and a member of IPMI’s Board of Directors. She can be reached at





orth N w o H orts p r i a n a Americ ty and l a y o l w can gro acing r b m e e by revenu odel m n a e p a Euro ing. k r a p r fo


S FELLOW MOBILITY NERDS, do you ever sit

back and think about what the travel day experience used to look like before technology took over? Wasn’t it amazing planning in extra time to beat traffic, circling the airport parking lots—crossing your fingers to find a spot quickly—printing your boarding pass, and rushing to get through security? If you woke up late and didn’t live somewhere where taxis clogged city veins, your flight might take off without you. Now, technology has made our travel days easier, quicker, and less stressful. Figuring out how to speed up travel while providing an outstanding customer experience is a challenge many North American airports are looking to solve. 44 PARKING & MOBILITY / OCTOBER 2020


G N I K OFF en J B y S te v




In major European cities, travelers have long had the ability to compare airport parking online, order a ride in a rush, or stick to the old classic and have a friend drop them off at the curb. The airport curb has changed drastically in just five years and that change isn’t expected to slow down anytime soon. Although Western airports are working to change infrastructure and find efficiencies in current designs, there is still room for advancement. North American airports can easily catch up to the European model by adding online parking reservations, diverse channel partners, and leveraging dynamic pricing.

Airport Mobility European travelers benefit from accessible mobility options through multiple marketing channels. Providing diverse mobility options opens the door to reach a different demographic of customers, creating higher visibility and awareness. It is not surprising that technology erases multiple layers of travel friction. While the U.S. airport traveler can do research in advance to determine official airport parking rates, reserve off-airport parking options, or order a ride-share, most often, it can’t all be done through one central app or website. This creates friction and frustration for customers looking to price-compare, often resulting (at least, pre-COVID) in losing customers to the most seamless of these options: rideshare. Most European airports have long allowed travelers the ability to compare on and off-airport parking options on multiple apps and websites they probably already use, by distributing their parking inventory across multiple third-party marketing channels. Offering multiple transport options improves the customer experience and eases congestion. Several airports in North American are starting to adapt the European model by pairing online reservations with dynamic pricing. “Although U.S. airports are starting to implement online booking systems, there is still a long way to go for them to catch up to the European model,” says Dean Holmes, client success director, AeroParker. Examples of airports adding these services include Ontario International Airport (ONT), which implemented online parking reservations and dynamic pricing a year ago, and Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT), which launched similar features in February. Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ) was the first North American airport to distribute parking inventory across multiple third-party channel partners. Toronto Pearson is also one of the most recent North American airports to have started building a diverse mobility portfolio for airport transportation to cut down travel friction. “It is our vision to ensure that anyone travelling through

Toronto Pearson experiences a healthy airport environment,” the GTAA says. “We continue to enhance existing measures and implement new initiatives and processes that ensure a healthy experience for passengers and all airport workers, including through our various transportation offerings. Of course, in addition to the measures implemented as a result of the pandemic, we continue to provide convenient parking options that feature a contactless experience, flex bookings that may be cancelled within 24 hours’ notice and on-site covered parking just steps away from the terminal with no shuttle required. Parking with us is comfortable, seamless and stress-free.”

Creating a hassle-free travel experience starts by offering online parking not only on the airport’s website, but also the apps and websites that travelers already use. Online Reservations The first step North American airports can take to catch up to European Airports is to launch an online parking reservation system. With an estimated 57 percent of the globe’s population using the internet, airports need to have an online presence. Creating an online reservations system allows the airport to start collecting user profiles and use that information in addition to the standard email collected when travelers sign into the airport’s public wifi. Knowing when a frequent flyer typically parks before their flight is especially valuable for forecasting occupancy and allows for mass data collection, which is essential to successful dynamic pricing. One North American airport that recently implemented the European model is Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT). Charlotte Airport now offers travelers the option to book airport parking ahead of time directly from its website. When customers book parking ahead of time, they cut down on travel friction and may even be rewarded with a lower daily rate when parking for extended periods of time— through dynamic pricing. Customers around the globe turn to an array of booking services whenever they’re planning ahead of time. Mobile applications are just one of the many avenues drivers turn down, along with searching online. Airport parking is one of the top terms among mobility searches, and in the age of technology, customers seek options. Many European airports have seen success using channel partners to grow their business.


Offering multiple transport options improves the customer experience and eases congestion. How European Channel Partners Grow Business It’s no secret that the majority of travelers actually prefer parking over other options to get to the airport. The European model for airport transportation highlights the importance of using channel partners to make parking more visible.Travelers who stick to drive-up and enjoy that experience are loyal customers, but what about tapping into a network of travelers who prefer to be prepared? European airports excel at partnering with channel partners to reach a new audience. U.K. airports commonly list available parking inventory on more than 50 distribution channels. By listing on an array of different channels, U.K. airports expand marketing reach and make inventory visible to acquire new customers. Comparing the traditional email capture to the new approach exponentially grows user profiles. Gathering data can be a useful tool to acquire new customers, grow revenue, and implement demand-based pricing.

What Is Demand-Based Pricing? Demand-based pricing, also called yield management, is an algorithm that combines online and drive-up demand to suggest an optimized price. This newer feature shook up the mobility

landscape recently, but airlines have used this strategy for years. For example, customers can search for flights from Toronto to Chicago on several different search engines and see different prices. This pricing transparency creates a winning situation for both the airport and the traveler. “Dynamic pricing allows airports to move from rigid pricing rules to a flexible approach that enables them to tailor pricing to the demand of their specific lots, growing revenues by optimizing utilization and rates offered,” says Ryan MacLagan, account executive at IDeaS. “As travelers’ demands continue to evolve, they will demand personalized, seamless, integrated experiences at the best price. A dynamic pricing strategy for parking supports a better traveler experience, while driving commercial growth from the airport asset.” Demand-based pricing wins over customers. Whenever airport parking is low in demand, customers can save money over waiting until demand has increased. Capturing a customer is important regardless of where they are in the pre-travel day journey. Travelers who have a parking reservation are less likely to cancel it and consider an alternative mode of transportation. Changing plans last minute adds another layer of friction to the customer’s travel day. Listing inventory through an online channel will expose the business to new customers and demand-based pricing maximizes revenue potential. Most on- and off-airport locations in North America price spots per day, while many European airports moved to dynamic pricing years ago and left daily pricing at the gate. Airport operators across the globe that have implemented dynamic pricing often see the impact almost immediately. “Evidenced in Europe from first adoption of IDeaS CPRMS nearly 15 years ago, clients of all sizes are experiencing revenue growth year after year. Typically an IDeaS Airport client experiences double digit incremental revenue growth in the first year. An example from here in the Americas, Montreal Trudeau International grew revenues by more than 12 percent, even with capacity down by 15 percent due to construction.” says MacLagan. North American airports can easily catch up to the European airport model by implementing an online reservation system, leveraging third-party channel partners and utilizing dynamic pricing. Channel partners and airports can create the ultimate customer experience, together. Thanks to technology and partnerships, the only extra time travelers need to plan into the travel day is time to relax. ◆ STEVEN JUNKINS is senior vertical sales manager with SpotHero. He can be reached at steven@




The Email Model That Transfers to Your Organization By Matt Penney, CAPP


ou should apply for that job at Baylor.” It’s not entirely uncommon for my wife’s suggestions to echo down rooms in our house. Usually, the requests revolve around the kids, the dog or an item that needs my attention. Applying for a new job, the suggestion of a move—these words floating through the house carried more weight than the normal conversations.

Shifting to Email The field supervisor was pulled out of the “field” and into the office. Both counter interactions and phone calls required that a single employee engage with a single customer. We needed to find a way to do business differently. Baylor’s solution was to focus on email communication. Those who emailed were more satisfied with a reply within the business day (or the next day), and this subtle but significant time gap provided the breathing room our team needed.

There were several positives about shifting to email, first of which was a reduction in schemers (liars) who might waste our time for 45 minutes in our lobby but were extremely hesitant to commit their story into a written format. Staff were shielded from hostile and sarcastic comments. There seemed to be a comfort, a separation, in receiving and replying from the non-personal departmental email account. Obviously, not all email interactions are simple. Unlike verbal interactions, individuals were able to invite a wide audience to participate by CCing them into the conversation. The written format also left a more obvious trail when you might desire to sidestep a specific topic or question. These more difficult emails were my responsibility. What developed next may not have been intentional but was an offshoot of my personal thought process. I was responding to multiple very similar


situations and wanted a system, a strategy to approach all of the correspondence. I replied to hundreds of emails each semester. There were victories that made me feel like a New York Times bestselling author. There were mistakes that reminded me I struggled in high school English. Rabbit holes were everywhere. Mentally, notes were made on each success and failure (it’s only a failure if you don’t learn from it).

There were patterns and lessons—five of them. 1. Quick responses are emotional responses. Whether from frontline staff, me, or the customer, quick responses were emotional in nature. Occasionally it was a jubilant, all caps “THANK YOU!” More frequently, the emotional sentiments were just as direct but sometimes less appropriate for this article. A silly goal developed: To engage an individual in such a way that it


I was happy with my job and grimaced at the challenges of moving with two small kids in tow. My wife thought this director of parking opportunity at Baylor was worth a look. Happy wife, happy life. That was a little more than 10 years ago now. Baylor called. I liked what I saw in the opportunity and they saw potential in me. The rest is what they call history. One thing about my wife: She has great intuition. Even with a decade in managing public transportation, I was unprepared for the drama related to placing four tires between two yellow lines. Baylor University is a campus with approximately 16,000 students. Once you include faculty, staff, visitors, and assorted contractors, there are essentially 20,000 individuals with some interest in parking on campus. Parking Services had one administrative assistant who attended to all frontline parking contacts. That’s a ratio of … well … 20,000 to one.

Send Me Your Emails

coaxed them out of “fight or flight” and into a more cognitive frame of mind. I remember sitting around with staff re-reading a response draft for the sixth time—we would hit send and start the timer. If the customer didn’t respond in the next 30 minutes, we considered it a small victory. 2. Mitigate emotional conductivity. Injecting our emotions or pointing out mistakes was never helpful. Phrases like, “this is a simple misunderstanding” became common go-tos. Perceived mountains were reframed by our office as molehills. 3. Brevity is important. While an individual might send a five-page manifesto of complaints, they expected a concise response. Long, detailed explanations (if actually read) were torn apart by customers with agendas. Response drafts were edited like a sinking ship. If a word or phrase was deemed unnecessary, it was deleted into the abyss. 4. Opening greetings are significant. Surprising results started to surface. While we spent most of our time crafting the body of the message, it was the opening greeting that had the most impact. If we connected early in the message, customers seemed more willing to extend patience and flexibility. The conclusions of emails, conversely, carried very little weight. 5. Responding—or not—matters. In a verbal conversation, proximity and time create a socially expected response and not responding creates an uncomfortable awkward silence. Email conversations involve distance and are far less defined. Not answering or purposefully choosing the timing to continue the conversation was empowering, and we used this to our advantage. There was also a point where the time and emotional investment were counterproductive. Some rants are not looking for a response; some are not worthy of one.

The Results I knew we were on to something with our developing format when we could start predicting results. With great accuracy, we began forecasting the most likely direction of the conversation. We were winning more often with far less drama. The confidence carried over into our emotional boundaries. Rude words bounced off as we faithfully jumped into our email playbook. One night, my wife was venting on the challenges

I have enjoyed the opportunity to present what I have learned and travel to parking operations and associations across the U.S. With new travel and social distancing restrictions, I am excited to partner with IPMI to share these email lessons in a new unique format. For the next four months, IPMI members can send me actual emails for review, and I’ll return with a suggested roadmap for response. These emails don’t have to be exceptional cases—the format is going to work best on repetitive contacts that are not currently producing the desired outcomes. The exceptional ones are fun to read too! The more unique emails will be featured in a monthly blog for IPMI. It’s an unorthodox approach to training, at a very unorthodox time. It is designed to benefit and fit the needs of IPMI members. Until we have the chance to see each other face to face again, let’s keep learning and moving forward together. It’s going to be an interesting ride; you never know what people might say! Send me your organization’s emails at of being a teacher in public school when she mentioned she received an aggressive email from little Johnny’s parents. She read me her drafted reply and everything inside of me cringed. The forecast for that email chain was “storms ahead.” As coolly as I could, I suggested two simple modifications before she hit send. The next day, she read back a letter from Johnny’s mom. Things were moving in a good direction. During the next year, she and I walked through several parent emails together and the same techniques were working for her,in a completely different setting! She now shares the techniques with her teaching partners. The parking industry is not for the faint of heart. It is also an industry full of planners and system builders. That part of the industry fits me well. So many others have helped me along the way. This is one of the reasons I enjoy sharing the email pathway Baylor has carved out in IPMI’s trainings. When I started at Baylor, I remember sitting mentally blank in front of my computer not knowing where to begin a response. Now, I smile at the automated word suggestions provided by my iPhone. It’s almost as if the phone has laid out the first sentences of where the conversation needs to go. There is a calm, a confidence in having a tested roadmap to travel by. ◆ MATT PENNEY, CAPP, is director of parking and transportation at Baylor University and a trainer for IPMI. He can be reached at


Bicycles and gate arms • Skateboarders • Dashboardstyle enforcement • Pigeons in ramps • Parking lot inspection sheet • Shift differentials • Overnight pay • On-street parking without time limits • Chalking tires • Citation counts with LPR • Shared parking • Airport

I’ll take my morning coffee with Forum, please.

employee parking benchmarking • EV planning ratio • Categorizing bikes, scooters • Mobile payments • Restoration services RFP • Parking garage fires • Ridesharing staging agreement • Using data effectively • Unbundled parking • Installing and removal of meter poles • Street sweeping operations • School permits in RPP zones • Customer loyalty programs • Meter hoods • Fees for EV charging • Parking enforcement of oversized vehicles • Ramp/garage speed signs • Art murals on garage facades • Parking revenue audit RFP • Pre-payments and reserved parking • Disabled parking • Cam-

Every day, the latest discussions on

eras on campus • Booting policies • Escalating citation

Forum, along with the daily IPMI Blog

fines • Budgeting for annual garage maintenance • Des-

post, are delivered to your inbox –

ignated on-street areas for rideshare • Space numbering

brewed just right for connecting

methodology • Violation policies • Private-public part-

with colleagues, stimulating ideas, and energizing your work life. Look under the coffee cup to get a taste of the stimulating topics swirling about lately.

nership agreements • On-demand shuttle RFP • Parking deck agreements • Donor parking privileges • Gate arm unattended facility intercoms • Rotary car carousels • Bike-sharing polices • Reverse back-in parking • Boot and tow • Suicide in garages • Snow emergency plans • Passenger counting systems • Salaries • Sample RFPs • Collection agency recovery rates • Car fire SOP • Compact car definition • Game day operations and tailgating • Capitalization rate for on-street spaces • Fireworks viewing atop parking garages • LPR retention

Open 24/7

policy • Pavement marking tape • Motorcycle parking ordinance • Alternative transportation apps • Expectant mother parking • Left side ADA parallel parking • Smartphone lot • Depreciation model for asphalt maintenance



Highlights from the IPMI Blog

Back to School By Brett Wood CAPP, PE The weather outside is starting to change, ushering in cooler and more palatable temperatures. That’s usually a sign that students are heading back to college and my favorite sport (college football) is about to kick off. While these things are happening, it’s obviously a slightly different take in 2020. Some students are finding their way back to campus, with either in-person, online, or hybrid classes awaiting them. But for those campuses that are occupied, one other thing comes along with the student—their car. One of the most common stakeholder complaints

I hear around academic campuses is spillover student parking in adjacent residential neighborhoods. For the past two years, I’ve been living within two blocks of an academic campus. I can now confirm firsthand what all of those stakeholders have mentioned. The students and their cars invade and stay for days, weeks, and sometimes months on end. A lot of my neighbors are aggrieved by it, going as far to post notes and messages on the cars. It’s all a fascinating observational experiment that directly ties back to the work we do! There are several considerations in this type of situation: 1. Do nothing and hope that the demand for parking finds balance or equilibrium. 2. Implement a neighborhood parking permit program that restricts parking to only registered vehicles. This requires residents to register all vehicles that will park on street and likely pay an annual permit fee. And it introduces parking enforcement in an area that isn’t used to it. 3. Implement time limits for parking for nonregistered vehicles to dis-incentivize long stays (based in hours or days). This allows parking but prohibits vehicle storage. 4. Implement paid parking with the permit program to allow for unregistered vehicles to pay for their time. A great example of this is occurring in Columbus, Ohio, near the Ohio State University campus. Revenues collected from non-registered vehicles is also reinvested into the area to help improve congestion and mobility. There’s no easy solution to the problem. The one surefire way to find equitable solutions is collaboration where the community and campus leadership work together to define the problem and develop a response. By working together, the outcomes tend to focus on efficient use of space and minimization of Ready for more? Read IPMI’s blog everyrather business in your Forum conflicts, thanday choosing onedaily side over the other.

digest email (10 a.m. Eastern) or at

BRETT WOOD, CAPP, PE, issomething president oftoWood Group, LLC. Have say?Solutions Send post submissions to editor Kim Fernandez at


Are You Breathing? By Kim E. Jackson, CAPP Unfortunately, as we enter into the 2020 fall and winter months, we are still struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic, still trying to address and better understand racial tension and injustice, and soon, those of us in the U.S. will participate in a presidential election. Many are still working remotely or commuting to the office just a few days each week, still trying to balance and juggle home and work life demands, etc. Fall is often the time we might begin to reflect on the events of the past year; we begin to look forward to the holidays, the joy of gathering and celebrating with family and friends. I think this year, more than ever, we need to take this moment to recharge ourselves before the fast-paced, end-of-year activities commence. We need to take some much overdue “me time,” especially if you have been working throughout this pandemic and did not take advantage of a summer vacation. It is time to unplug, re-evaluate our choices (both work

and life), reconnect with our fitness goals and programs, and most importantly, take a mental break. Time to let go of all the craziness in the world around us and just breathe!

KIM E. JACKSON, CAPP, is director of parking and transportation at Princeton University.

Return to Normal? By Josh Cantor, CAPP Starting in mid-March and the first effects of COVID-19, we started having multiple meetings a day and adjusted our operations as classes moved online for the remainder of the spring semester. By late spring, our daily meetings shifted their focus to preparing for the fall 2020 semester, with daily 8:30 a.m. Webex meetings pulling together 150 people from many departments across campus. I got into a routine, spending a lot of time on webinars trying to learn what my peers in the industry were doing for parking and shuttle operations, reporting back about what was being done elsewhere, and formulating our plans to re-open in August. As parking and transportation seems to be part of so many campus operations, I added meetings a few times a week on subcommittees dealing with campus COVID signage and creating outdoor event spaces, many in parking lots we expected to be wide open with the reduced number of students on campus. After all this work preparing for fall semester, more classes shifted online, leaving our parking and shuttle demand at 20 percent of normal. As we count how many cars we have on campus each day

instead of empty spaces, it’s become unusually calm and almost boring at the start of the semester for our operation. While driving home the other day, I thought to myself how much I miss hearing complaints from customers that they can’t find a parking space or that the buses are full. While stressful, that might be the best sign of a return to normal in the world of parking and transportation.

JOSH CANTOR, CAPP, is director of parking and transportation at George Mason University.


/ SpotHero To Acquire Rover Parking To Expand Canadian Footprint SPOTHERO announced the signing of an agreement to acquire Rover Parking, a leading consumer parking app in Canada. This acquisition accelerates SpotHero’s market leadership position in North America, helping the company gain access to thousands of parking locations across Canada. The deal is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2020. “We’re excited to welcome Rover’s team, parking partners and customers,” says SpotHero founder and CEO Mark Lawrence. “This acquisition will expand our team and parking inventory in Canada at a time when more people are choosing a personal car as their preferred mode of transportation.” Rover Parking was founded in Toronto by CEO Tim Wootton, Andrew Holbrook, and Grant Brigden in 2014 as a peer-to-peer

parking marketplace. The company has since grown into servicing B2B and commercial facilities across several cities including Toronto, Calgary, and Montreal. “Rover Parking is thrilled to continue our journey as members of the SpotHero team,” says Wootton. “We look forward to increasing revenue for our existing parking partners and further expanding SpotHero’s presence in the commercial parking market in Canada.” After the closing of the acquisition, Wootton will become Head of Canada and the Toronto-based team will run SpotHero’s commercial supply business across the country. This announcement follows a new SpotHero partnership with one of Canada’s leading commercial parking operators Target Park, a partnership with Toronto Pearson Airport and a $50 million Series D fundraising round in August 2019.

Dave Ryan Named President, COO, of Walker Consultants


autoChalk LPR Handheld Mobile LPR


WALKER CONSULTANTS’ Board of Directors has named Dave Ryan, PE, as president and chief operating officer. In his new position, Ryan will be responsible for the implementation and execution of the strategies and activities required to achieve the company’s operations’ objectives. He will additionally continue his role as managing director of the central region. “Dave brings a strong background in the wide range of services that Walker offers and leadership qualities that will take the company to the next level” says John Bushman, Chairman and CEO. Ryan has a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Illinois and over 22 years of experience in the industry working with clients in the public and private sectors.

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/ APDS Takes Leap Forward toward Formal Recognition by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) The Alliance for Parking Data Standards (APDS) recently requested that the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) consider adopting the APDS standard for parking data as a basis for a future ISO standard. ISO is an independent, non-governmental network of national standard bodies bringing together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market-relevant international standards supporting innovation and providing solutions to global challenges. The global ISO network includes a membership of 165 national standards bodies. ISO standards cover a wide range of topics including business, healthcare, transport, technology, and manufacturing. The ISO utilizes its 792 technical committees and subcommittees to evaluate and approve the development and adoption of new standards. In April 2019, APDS approached the ISO to formally consider the APDS standard for adoption. This would include establishing a global standard for parking data terms and definitions, as well as a common global baseline for parking applications to be utilized by governments, municipalities, suppliers, operators, regulators, enforcement agencies, service providers, technology platforms, automotive interests, and ultimately users worldwide. Following a formal review and consideration process, the ISO’s 30 contributing National Standard Bodies voted strongly in favor of developing and adopting the APDS standard as an ISO Technical Specification. This work, based on APDS specifications, began recently, and will be followed by a period of expert contributions. The ISO development program will follow a 24-month standard track, but with the main technical solidification of the technical content during the next year. This process will conclude with the review and adoption vote by the relevant National Standards Bodies. ISO standards are recognized globally. In Europe, ISO Standards have formal recognition within public procurement as can be seen within several European public procurement regulations. Download the APDS standard here.


ParkMobile App Hits the 20 Million User Milestone ParkMobile announced the company has reached the 20 million user milestone. ParkMobile launched in North America in 2008 and it took the company nearly five years to acquire its first million users. Today, ParkMobile adds 1 million new users every 60 to 70 days. In the past 12 years, the company has processed over 334 million transactions totaling 57 billion minutes of parking time and more than $1 billion of parking fees. ParkMobile is currently the No. 1-ranked parking app in the app store and ranks No. 3 in the navigation category, only behind Google Maps and Waze. Additionally, ParkMobile’s strong business growth has landed the company on the Inc. 5000 list, recognizing the fastest-growing private companies in the U.S, for the past three years.

This year has been challenging for ParkMobile, as COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the parking industry. Nevertheless, the company has continued to rapidly expand across the country, as demand for contactless payment solutions has dramatically increased. Since the beginning of the year, ParkMobile has launched in more than 50 new locations and introduced service at several large universities including the University of Alabama, the University of Georgia, Louisiana State University, Mississippi State University, and the University of Wisconsin. “Twenty million is a big milestone for our company, and I want to congratulate all of our employees for helping us get here,” says Jon Ziglar, CEO of ParkMobile. “We have come a long way in the past twelve years, and I feel like we are just hitting our stride. The future is very bright for ParkMobile.”

McCain Welcomes New Business Unit Manager to Lead Growing Parking Business MCCAIN INC., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the SWARCO Group, announced that they are adding a new member, Michael Driscoll, to head up the North American Parking Business Unit focusing on OPTIPARK® Parking Guidance and Wayfinding. As Manager of McCain’s Parking Business Unit, Driscoll will focus on continuing the rapid growth of this unit, with a special focus on product management, project supervision, and expanding the channel partner network across North America. Driscoll has been active in the parking technology market for more than two decades, working up the ranks through various positions. This large variety of experience and his excellent network within the industry make Driscoll the ideal fit for this position. Driscoll’s previous experience includes rapidly growing a start-up PARCS company into one of the top performers in the industry. This experience in managing high growth is directly transferable

into managing and expanding on the significant success McCain is enjoying with its parking solutions. Driscoll will replace Niko Stieldorf, who will transition to a broader roll within McCain parent company, SWARCO. Stieldorf will ensure that operations, relationships, and processes are properly handed over throughout the course of the next few months. He will then relocate to the SWARCO Solutions Center in Berlin, where he will spearhead the global rollout of MyCity, our innovative mobility platform. Stieldorf will remain in close contact with the team as OPTIPARK will soon also be delivered as one of the many solutions that the MyCity platform offers. “Mike’s experience fits very well with McCain’s requirement to take our parking business to the next level. I am very happy with the fit and have the utmost confidence in Mike as he takes on the leadership and growth of McCain’s OPTIPARK business unit” says Stieldorf.

PayByPhone Partners with Zevaz LLC to Bring a Better Parking Experience to Albuquerque RESIDENTS AND VISITORS of Albuquerque, N.M., will soon have the opportunity to make smarter parking decisions when Zevaz LLC parking lots introduce PayByPhone. The app will be available at five surface lots with a total of 414 spaces that are located near the courthouse. Fruit and Granite lots will have the option to offer 30 day stays. Once the PayByPhone app is launched, motorists are able to enter the parking location, and length of stay, and then pay for

their session. When a parking session expires, the app sends the user a text message prompting them to extend their parking session remotely, saving the hassle of having to return to their car. “Private lot operators in North America are increasingly adopting the PayByPhone app because it increases safety and simplicity to parking for residents and visitors,” says Roamy Valera, CAPP, PayByPhone CEO. “We look forward to helping Zevaz LLC upgrade and improve their parking experience.”


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2020 AUGUST–OCTOBER 30, 2020 Call for Awards Open OCTOBER 8–9

IPMI Leadership Summit OCTOBER 8 NEPC & NYSPTA Charity Golf Tournament Wayland Mass. OCTOBER 13 California Public Parking Association (CPPA 37th Annual Virtual Conference Kick Off OCTOBER 13, 15, 20, & 22 Parksmart Advisor Online, instructor-led training Discounted and bundled pricing available.

OCTOBER 14 IPMI Webinar Enabling Daily Parking Decisions For Faculty and Staff: How More Granular Choice Has Reduced Parking Demand and Delighted Customers OCTOBER 21 Free Members Webinar: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EDT OCTOBER 27 & 29 Online, Instructor-led Training Wicked Problem Solving OCTOBER 30 IPMI 2021 Call for Awards Closes NOVEMBER 3, 5, 10 & 12 APO Site Reviewer online course begins Training—Become an IPMI-approved Site Reviewer.

NOVEMBER 4 Free Online Shoptalk The Financial Picture: Build Your 2021 Budget (and Beyond) Despite Disruption and Revenue Shortfalls NOVEMBER 18 IPMI Webinar A Portrait of El Paso Parking Using GIS DECEMBER 1–4 Florida Parking & Transportation Association Conference & Trade Show Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. DECEMBER 9 PARCS Replacement and Implementing the Latest Technologies: A Case Study of the American Dream Project in New Jersey DECEMBER 16 Free Online Shoptalk Lessons Learned & Looking Ahead— Our Industry Response to COVID-19

Free Frontline Fundamentals for IPMI Members. Pre-registration required for these session taught by subject matter experts:

OCTOBER 13 LPR for Frontline

Personnel. Presented by Victor Hill, CAPP. OCTOBER 20 Flipping the Script

on Customer Service. Presented by Vanessa Cummings, CAPP. OCTOBER 27 Innovations in Parking.

Presented by Robert Ferrin.

NOVEMBER 3 Happiness at Work, It’s

a Decision. Presented by Marlene Cramer, CAPP. NOVEMBER 10 That’s Not What I

Meant: Addressing Email and Text Misunderstandings. Presented by Matt Penney, CAPP.

NOVEMBER 17 Diversity, Equity, Race &

Inclusion. Presented by Kim Jackson, CAPP. DECEMBER 1 Concepts of Mobility. Presented by Brian Shaw, CAPP DECEMBER 8 Bouncing Back from Adversity. Presented by Casey Jones, CAPP

Stay up to date on industry events and activities! Visit for the latest updates and additions.


/ Aims Parking ��������������������������������������������������� 1

Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc ������5, 56

Southland Printing �������������������������������������17 800.886.6316 919.653.6646 800.241.8662

DESMAN �������������������������������������������������������� 57

Magnetic AutoControl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Tannery Creek Systems Inc. �������������������� 53 877.337.6260 321.635.8585 855.738.1406

Flowbird ���������������������������������������������������������14

MEYPAR USA Corp. �������������������������������������19

Walker Consultants ����������������������������������56 800.732.6868 281.404.1667 800.860.1579

Hörmann High Performance Door ���������15

Park Assist ���������������������������������������������������� 37

Walter P Moore ������������������������������������������ 57 800.365.3667 917.793.5400 800.364.7300

International Parking Design, Inc. ��������56

PayByPhone Technologies, Inc. ������������C2

Watry Design, Inc. ����������������������������������������11 818.986.1494 877.610.2054 408.392.7900

IPS Group Inc �����������������������������������������������21

Rich & Associates, Inc. ������������������������������ 57

WGI �����������������������������������������������������������������13 858.404.0607 248.353.5080 866.909.2220


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