Parking & Mobility, June 2021

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Celebrating Art and Efficiency Creativity and future-readiness abound among the winners of this year’s IPMI Awards of Excellence competition.


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The Orientation Toward Transit

Has COVID cooled the hot market of parking and transit-oriented development? By Jim Zullo, CAPP, AICP


Celebrating Art & Efficiency

Creativity and future-readiness abound among the winners of this year’s IPMI Awards of Excellence Competition. By Melanie Padgett Powers


Marketing During COVID-19

The winners of this year’s IPMI Marketing Awards show off creative thinking and more during a challenging time. By Melanie Padgett Powers



Celebrating Excellence I SAY IT EVERY YEAR but this is one of my favorite

DEPARTMENTS 4 ENTRANCE Recognizing Hard Work and Industry Excellence By Shawn Conrad, CAE

6 FIVE THINGS About Ford Motor Company Urban Planner Jela Ellefson 8 THE BUSINESS OF PARKING What You Know and Taking the Next Step By Julius E. Rhodes, SPHR

10 MOBILITY & TECH Managing Change Through Financial Diversification By Brett Wood, CAPP, PE

14 DIVERSITY, EQUITY, & INCLUSION Cool Tech? Look Again with Equity Glasses By Richard Easley, CAPP

16 PARKING & MOBILITY SPOTLIGHT With Distinction: The Pittsburgh Parking Authority By David G. Onorato, CAPP


issues. Celebrating our award winners is a fabulous way to draw attention to the creativity that exists and the great work being done for communities by the parking and mobility industry, and it’s terribly inspiring for the rest of us. Spend a few moments with the awards stories in this magazine and you’re sure to think of lots of ways to apply their programs, work styles, ideas, and enthusiasm to work in your own organization and career. It’s really wonderful and I highly recommend setting aside a block of time to enjoy—and there’s more to come next month, when we’ll celebrate our Professional Recognition Award winners. Many congratulations to this year’s winners, who will be celebrated in person during the 2021 IPMI Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo in Tampa. Also in this issue is our regular Five Things department—but this one’s anything but run-of-the-mill. We feature five quick things about Jela Ellefson, an accomplished urban planner and self-described parking nerd who’s heading up Ford’s huge parking hub project in Detroit. And lucky for us, she’s joining us virtually June 29-30 to keynote our next Mobility & Innovation Summit to talk about the project, the technologies and practices being incorporated, and what Ford is learning about parking in the future—and how that translates to IPMI members looking ahead. I can’t wait to hear her presentation and know we’ll all learn a whole lot. Click here to save your seat at the Summit at early-bird rates and be sure to read our profile of Jela on p. 6. June has always meant the end of the school year, graduations and promotions, lots of conferences and meetings, and the unofficial kick-off of vacation season. This June feels a lot more significant as we all return to something resembling normal. All those events are starting to happen for real, face-to-face, again, and the vacations we’ve put off for a year or longer are kicking into high gear. Things feel fresh and new and very sunny and wonderful after so much challenge. I hope you take time to enjoy all the summer holds. As always, I love hearing from you and my email is below. Enjoy this issue and the summer ahead. Until next month…


Kim Fernandez, editor



Shawn Conrad, CAE EDITOR

Recognizing Hard Work and Industry Excellence

Kim Fernandez





BonoTom Studio For subscription changes, contact Tina Altman, or 888.IPMI.NOW. Parking & Mobility (ISSN 0896-2324 & USPS 001436) is published monthly by the International Parking & Mobility Institute. P.O. Box 3787 Fredericksburg, VA 22402 Phone: 888.IPMI.NOW Fax: 703.566.2267 Email: Website: Postmaster note: Send address label changes promptly to: Parking & Mobility P.O. Box 3787 Fredericksburg, VA 22402 Interactive electronic version of Parking & Mobility for members and subscribers only at parking-mobility. org/magazine. Periodical postage paid at Alexandria, Va., and additional mailing offices. Copyright © International Parking & Mobility Institute, 2020. Statements of fact and opinion expressed in articles contained if Parking & Mobility are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent an official expression of policy or opinion on the part of officers or the members of IPMI. Manuscripts, correspondence, articles, product releases, and all contributed materials are welcomed by Parking & Mobility; however, publication is subject to editing, if deemed necessary to conform to standards of publication. The subscription rate is included in IPMI annual dues. Subscription rate for non-members of IPMI is $120 per year (U.S. currency) in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. All other countries, $150. Back issues, $10. Parking & Mobility is printed on 10 percent recycled paper and on paper from trees grown specifically for that purpose.


DECADE HAS PASSED SINCE IPMI created our Parking Matters

public relations program. Creating and developing the messages to share came easy to staff since there were so many great stories to tell. As many of you know, public relations is about communicating the right information to the right audiences in the right places. As an industry, using Parking Matters PR messaging let us slowly, over time, change the perception of the industry while recognizing all the great work parking professionals were doing for their local communities—along with showcasing industry trends and new technologies. IPMI’s awards programs have a twopronged benefit: they recognize exceptional individuals, projects, and programs while providing IPMI with the PR to broadcast all of it to our internal and external audiences. Each year, your industry peers participate in three committees that review the criteria for our Professional Recognition Awards, Awards of Excellence, and Marketing Awards. These volunteers review the awards criteria and then systematically comb thru all the submissions. As you might expect when you consider the size and scale of IPMI’s membership and what members submit for recognition, it is a lot of work. I am always impressed with the committee’s dedication to detail and how seriously they take their roles. This issue showcases the people and projects selected as this year’s awards recipients. They deserve a bit of extra credit since the past year was unlike any we’ve witnessed before. Our industry continues to recover from the pandemic that arrived in 2020, but as you’ll see later in this issue, there are incredible examples of directors, managers, and frontline staff rallying to help their organizations pivot to their new realities. The effect on universities,


cities, airports, events, and commercial properties required some out-of-the-box problem solving, and many in our industry rose to the occasion. Those selected for our awards showcase these efforts, but there are numerous examples from those that took calculated risks to attempt new management techniques or altered how their departments operated. For facilities, it is wonderful to see where communities and organizations committed to pushing forward with building or renovating properties even though they faced new obstacles caused by a different economy. Congratulations to all the award recipients. For those thinking about submitting for next year’s awards, we will seek submissions this fall. Being recognized by your industry peers is one of the highest compliments and a great way to showcase your talents/projects. It allows IPMI to magnify and strengthen the positive perceptions of the parking and mobility industry—something we take very seriously. ◆ SHAWN CONRAD, CAE, is IPMI’s CEO. He can be reached at

Columbus Strategic Parking Plan

Things About Ford Motor Company Urban Planner

JELA ELLEFSON Urban Planner (and self-described parking nerd) Jela Ellefson is intimately involved in the planning and construction of Ford Motor Company’s Bagley Parking Hub, a Detroit structure bringing together all the new parking and mobility technologies and concepts we’ve all been talking about, under one roof designed to serve the whole community. She’s also keynoting IPMI’s Mobility & Innovation Summit this June 29-30 (subtle hint—it’s going to be awesome). Her background is available on the Summit website, but here are five things about Jela we think are pretty cool and you won’t learn in her official bio:


Jela started fencing at a club in Slovakia as a 9-year old, and continued at the University of Detroit Mercy as a team captain on a full athletic scholarship.


Her first parking job was working in Los Angeles on parking credit program that also served as an economic development tool and improved walkability while satisfying a community benefits agreement.


Of the Parking Hub project, she says, “I love the multi-layered role of parking in the Michigan Central project, I get to impact the built environment while shaping economic and community development programs.”



She first drank the parking Kool-Aid after reading Donald Shoup’s “The High Cost of Free Parking.”


Within a decade, she moved from Detroit to Los Angeles and then back to Detroit to join the Detroit Revitalization Fellowship program #detroitfellows.

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What You Know and Taking the Next Step By Julius E. Rhodes, SPHR


SK YOURSELF, WHAT DO I KNOW? If you’re like me, you probably did a couple

of things. First, you wondered, what kind of question is that? And second, you ­acquiesced and began to identify things that you do, in fact, know. The list of things you know probably ranged from professional to personal interests to perhaps things more benign, such the day of the week, month, or current weather in your neck of the woods. These are all perfectly fine and from your vantage point, answer my initial question. However, as sentient beings, all of us should and must look beyond issues at the water level because, just like an iceberg, only about 10 percent is visible. The remaining 90 percent is out of our sight. We need to achieve a more nuanced and perceptive connection to the people and things around to know more than what we see. Albert Einstein once said, “Anybody can know— the key is to understand.” German philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote, “Knowing is not enough—we must apply. Willing is not enough—we must do.” What we learn through the acquisition of information is important, but it is what we do with that information that really matters. In many situations, we need to get beyond our default position based on historical data (which is often “no”) and begin challenging our assumptions and describe, interpret, and evaluate what we believe we know to truly get to root issues. This process moves us from intent to impact, and provides the impetus for consistency in the way we respond to situations.


Hearing vs. Listening Think of it this way: There is a difference between hearing and listening, just as there is a difference between showing up and being present. In both cases, the former is reactive while the latter is proactive. We can acquire the ability to know something in a reactive sense by receiving and accepting information from others. However, if we are going to apply that information, we must engage in purposeful actions. “Yes Man” came out in 2008. We all think we know what “yes man” means, at least at work. But the movie took a totally different viewpoint on that term and applied it to the central character’s entire life. If we learn to look at situations from a positive standpoint instead of a negative one, we give ourselves a chance to channel our energies and results towards a more positive and beneficial outcome.

From Knowing to Doing Here are some strategies I’ve found beneficial for my continued development. One size does not fit everything, but I hope these create a bridge for you to build upon for your own journey of discovery and growth.

EXPERIENCE, RELIABILITY, There is a difference between hearing and listening, just as there is a difference between showing up and being present.

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Ask about our new touchless solutions. 1. We all must be better at being curious and looking beneath the surface of things presented to us. 2. We all need to use historical evidence to digest the countless bits of information we receive, but we should rarely go to our default position (“no”) without questioning our assumptions. 3. We should be active consumers of information instead of passive receivers, and we should learn to vary the sources we use to acquire information. 4. We teach what we accept and we accept what we teach. However, we also need to look for credible feedback before we teach others. 5. Our ability to connect with what I mentioned above is crucial to engaging stakeholders and creating conditions for them to do the same. As you think about where we have been during the last year, it’s clear that personal connections are essential to our overall well-being. When we employ the strategies listed here, we create a framework for ourselves and others to successfully navigate between what we know and what we do, and begin taking the necessary steps to create holistic systems for continued growth and improvement. JULIUS E. RHODES, SPHR, is founder and principal of the mpr group and author of BRAND: YOU Personal Branding for Success in Life and Business. He can be reached at jrhodes@mprgroup. info or 773.548.8037.

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Managing Change Through Financial Diversification By Brett Wood, CAPP, PE


S AN INDUSTRY, we have been positioning ourselves for disruption for several years. How

would we respond to impacts from micro-mobility, ride-share, and ultimately autonomous vehicles and the impending changes to parking demands and activity? In the years leading up to 2020, we spent considerable time and brainpower thinking about how to adapt management, operations, design, and implementation of parking as a means of responding to these disruptions and maintaining sustainable operations moving forward. And then spring 2020 happened and everything was turned on its head. Where we had been preparing and moving in the direction of change management, change was thrust upon us in an unpredictable manner. Overnight demand for traditional parking evaporated and the needs at our curbs and in our communities was transformed. And financial resources that support not only the performance of our programs but also customer service opportunities in and around our communities and campuses were reduced dramatically. Why was that? During the last 20 years, our programs have evolved well beyond parking into the realms of transportation, mobility, and community building. But our income streams haven’t evolved in real time. We still relied on the parked car to pay for everything, even though we were re-­ investing those dollars into all the other buckets we inherited. If 2020 proved anything, it’s that change can come quicker than we think and if we don’t find ways to diversify our pro-


grams and our financial resources, we likely won’t be well positioned for the larger changes that will shift our transportation systems.

Traditional Financial Resources Traditionally, our programs have been funded by the parked car. In the municipal world, that includes transient parking, monthly parking, event parking, and citations. There may be other sources of funding, but they are minuscule in comparison to those main types. In the university world, funding is generated from annual or semester permits, daily parking, citations, and events. Disruptions to parking demand—such as a large shift of employees working from home—have an adverse effect on all these financial resources. In 2020, most programs saw 50 percent or more of their typical income disappear for more than half the year.

A whole Missing Financial Resources With parking as the centerpiece of our income, we often overlook the other activities that occur under our programs and within our managed areas, focusing on the traditional management approach rather than reacting to the new types of challenges affecting our programs. A few examples of activity the industry should consider further as financial sources: ■  Micro-mobility. Our curbs and communities have evolved the past five years to provide more encompassing transportation options for users. These options include docked and undocked transportation solutions, most often in the form of bikes, scooters, and mopeds. While this area was affected by the pandemic in its early stages, use has climbed as people get more comfortable with single-use mobility options. Some communities have begun to attach a parking fee for these options, especially if they aren’t equitably distributed throughout the community. ■  People loading. Passenger movement saw a rapid rise pre-COVID with the widespread adoption of transportation network companies as a viable mode of everyday transportation. While this activity has seen a decline, there are no reasons to believe it won’t re-emerge postCOVID after comfort levels return. Many communities were exploring geofenced areas or dedicated curb space with associated fees for passenger movement before the pandemic. ■  Commercial loading and goods movement. The movement of commercial goods and freight has only seen continued uptick as more and more people are reliant on delivery options for more and more items in their lives. This topic has been one of the highest sources of research and innovation in our industry the past few years, but the road to monetization is still long and winding. At some point, there will likely be solutions that

find commercial loading spaces managed and monetized in ways we’ve never imagined before. ■  Flexible permit and payment options. With an increased move to flexible and hybrid work environments, there is going to be increased demand for more dynamic parking options than the traditional monthly permit. Whether that’s a move to daily parking or implementing hybrid permits that provide more flexibility for part-time commuters, there will be a desire for non-traditional options. A move to more of a pay-as-you-go model will have effects on income, but could also provide tools to balance access and demand. If structured correctly, pay-asyou-go parking becomes both a flexible option and a daily decision tool that motivates commuters to make better decisions about travel. ■  Other options. While we all wait to find out the true effects and shifts in parking demand from the pandemic, we can begin to think of other uses for our spaces that may not see a return to previous demands. Implementing functions such as mobility hubs, goods storage, and delivery terminals in under-used facility space could provide new income sources that take advantage of increased demands for these services.

Challenges to Implementation Adding new monetized elements into our programs isn’t without implementation hurdles. If it were easy to make this change, we might have already seen some of these opportunities realized. But just because it’s a challenge doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Let’s look at a few of the hurdles and how to overcome them. ■  Practice and technology. The types of transactions we are trying to manage are inherently different than the traditional parking transaction, measured in seconds and minutes rather than hours and days. Applying the same practice of revenue

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collection and enforcement won’t work because we can’t apply enough staff power to enforce in those short spans. Automating enforcement and applying robust monitoring technology can solve the challenge but is expensive to implement. We must think outside the box and create practices that automate the transaction using geo-fencing, APIs, and communication not normally used in our industry (to date). ■  Governance and legislation. Many communities don’t have governing language that allows for this transition. Even if we get the technology and practice right, we may not be able to legally monetize or manage those transactions because our ordinances are focused narrowly on parking and how to manage that activity. We will need to define the impacts of not diversifying and convey those in a meaningful way to help influence change at the elected official level. ■  Gaining acceptance by operators. One of the final and most challenging hurdles is to get legacy operators to agree to structural changes that introduce new and/or more monetization. For groups like commercial freight operators, there has been a predictable pattern to accessing the curb for as long as they have been operating. Changing that structure will require collaboration and some give and take to reach a suit-

able conclusion. This could include allowing operators better access to policy and planning decision-making to ensure that everyone’s best interests are represented.

Why It’s Important to Consider Diversification Now As stated earlier, parking pays for everything in our current environment. And we have stretched those parking dollars to improve efficiency, support our community, implement new transportation choices, and provide economic investment. But if that source of funding diminishes or goes away, we will be left searching for ways to sustainably manage our programs. And while the impacts of the pandemic aren’t permanent, there are going to be significant changes in the coming years as we adjust to “new normals” in commuting, learning, and entertainment. And the next disruption may not be as forgiving and bring permanent and difficult change to the way we do business. ◆ BRETT WOOD, CAPP, PE, is president of Wood Solutions Group and co-chair of IPMI’s Research & Innovation Task Force. He can be reached at brett@

Honk if You Want Increased Parking Revenues! Then Get an ELSAG® LPR Solution. ELSAG® license plate recognition (LPR) technologies are powerful tools that automate your parking management operations. Deploy Mobile Plate Hunter 900 solutions on a variety of vehicles to aid time-limit and permit enforcement, as well as scofflaw detection. The ELSAG Video Plate Hunter 900 uses select IP cameras to analyze video of vehicles entering and leaving lots and garages to validate permits, record entry and exit times, determine time parked, and much more. ELSAG LPR cameras are integrated by top parking service providers across the country to make their parking platforms more effective, efficient and user-friendly. Let’s discuss how to modernize your parking program! Made in the USA Helicopters | Aeronautics | Electronics, Defense & Security Systems | Space


TIMES HAVE CHANGED. YOUR PARKING, MOBILITY, AND TRANSPORTATION NEEDS HAVE TOO. Whether you’re a large campus with tens of thousands of permitted parkers or a small municipality with a few blocks of on-street spaces, T2 has an industry-leading suite of solutions to help you generate revenue and make every trip a smooth journey for your patrons. From LPR access and enforcement solutions to contactless and mobile payment options to a full-service citation collection department that collects at 3x the industry standard rate, we give you all the tools and support you need to manage resources, achieve goals, and empower consumers with choices.









Cool Tech? Look Again with Equity Glasses By Richard Easley, CAPP


HIS ARTICLE HIGHLIGHTS THE EFFECTS of innovative mobility technologies and parking applications

affecting a large segment of our nation’s population. What may seem to be the perfect solution to some may actually be a large hindrance to others whose needs go largely unheard. As parking and mobility professionals, we must recognize that stakeholder input today is largely limited. Tomorrow, we must do better; this article illustrates some of the oversights we have created as well as some potential new practices to make parking and mobility safe, efficient, equitable, and provide value to all. Technology We have some amazing technology applications in the parking industry. Some people would be quite surprised if they knew just how “cool” technology has become for the seemingly mundane task of parking a car or a truck or a bicycle or any other means of transport using our streets (and yes, our sidewalks too). As a parking professional (CAPP for short), I know that most of our parking related technologies can change lives for the better by improving safety, decreasing costs, and saving busloads of time. But what we do not recognize often enough is that this amazing technology does not serve all our stakeholders equally. In fact, in some cases we do a great disservice to a segment of our stakeholders by deploying some of these “cool” technologies in the manner that has become acceptable. Pay-by-phone: A darn good application of technology that allows folks like me to pay for parking when goodness knows I don’t have change in my pocket to put in the meter. A great application that allows me to pay for my parking without touching any piece of equipment that may or may not have just been used by someone infected with the COVID virus. I’d say it’s an all around win-win technology application—I’d make that statement for me today until I remember where I was not so long ago.

My wife and I were just starting our lives together and struggling to make ends meet. We shared one (usually broken down) Toyota Celica and we rode the bus a lot. In those days of driving downtown and going to the stores and doctors’ offices and college classes (I couldn’t afford an on-campus parking permit), I had to feed the meter each and every time. Now, you might think the payby-phone would have helped but you see, there was no way in heck that any bank would give me a credit card. I still remember the celebration we had and the envy experienced by our friends on the day that the credit gods bestowed upon me the glorious Exxon gas card. It was an amazing day!!


Keep in mind that there are still very many people today who live just as my wife and I lived those many years ago. Now imagine that there is a street that allows anyone to open a pay-by-phone account with their credit card to experience the joy of not having to carry lots of change or to touch a parking meter. Further, imagine those jurisdictions that are so enamored by this amazing technology that they remove all meters and only offer the one option of paying by cell phone. Saves time. Much more convenient to not have to worry about coin collection nor have to worry about making our patrons hunt for change or (heaven forbid) have to run to a store and beg for change for a dollar—and so much easier for enforce-

ment. Now imagine me—and millions of other people like me— who do not have a credit card. People who need to park but always make sure they have a little change purse in their car for parking meter emergencies. (My wife and I always looked for spaces where we wouldn’t have to pay as our first resort.) Heck, I need to park just as much as those other stakeholders that have larger incomes and have things like credit and credit cards and bank accounts. For folks like me, this advanced payment technology is terrible! Not very equitable and consciously or not, a decision has been made that tells me that people like me don’t matter in the scheme of serving all stakeholders. It gets even more disparaging for folks like me who come to the realization that they really need to use their phone or go online to reserve and pre-pay for a parking space. I am left even farther behind in areas of “excellent customer service.”

Equitable Access I recall giving some serious thought to what life must be like for those who don’t have the same privileges many of us take for granted. I challenge you to just walk around and look at some parts of our mobility environment with a totally different view—a set of Equity Glasses, if you will. I have tried this and it wasn’t long before things jumped out. Take a look at the residential sidewalk pictured on p. 14. You can bet that the designers do not have any understanding of life in a wheelchair. Who goes through the process of incorporating wheelchair ramps at curbs and then designs parking spaces to block anyone in a wheelchair from using them? How (other than ignorance) did we, as professionals, allow these types of things to happen? Looking a bit closer, you will notice transit stops that are amazing! You can find transit stops that provide nice seating, weather protection, up-to-the-second bus arrival times displayed for people waiting for their next bus, bright lighting, cameras, emergency phones, and some even have WiFi! Pretty sharp stuff we’ve been able to do with technology to improve mobility and increase ridership. I challenge you to keep looking at some of the decisions we’ve made that show how far we have to go regarding equity for all our stakeholders. It is quite troubling to travel through some lower income neighborhoods and find bus stops that consist of a sign in the grass on the side of the road. No sidewalk. No cover. No lights. No access to cross the busy street to reach the sidewalk. No concrete pad to stand on—just a hole in the dirt that is then filled with mud and water when it rains. Now wearing your equity glasses, you will see the woman (or man) with a child in tow, pushing a stroller and trying to carry two grocery bags. She has to cross a busy street with no sidewalks, no crosswalks, and (in the evening) no lighting.

What To Do, What To Do There are so many more examples that are actually debilitating to many of our seemingly invisible, unheard stakeholders that rely on us to develop, build, and deploy systems that can satisfy their mobility needs. As professionals, we can live up to this responsibility but we must first see those that are invisible, hear those voices that are muted, and seek out stakeholders that we have typically ignored in the past. It’s not just a good idea, it’s an obligation that we have not fully met. (Notice that I have not even mentioned nor hinted at issues facing stakeholders of color or women in our society—perhaps another article or IPMI session.) As for what to do, I would advise each of us to seek out those disparate perspectives, attend those sessions, and listen for those quiet voices that desperately need you to hear them. ◆ RICHARD B. EASLEY, CAPP, is president of E-Squared Engineering. He can be reached at





With Distinction: The Pittsburgh Parking Authority By David G. Onorato, CAPP


AVING EXCEEDED THE CORE STANDARDS established for IPMl’s 2017 program to recognize excel-

lence in the performance of industry functions, the Public Parking Authority of Pittsburgh was authorized to identify itself as an Accredited Parking Organization With Distinction through the thennew program’s initial three-year cycle. As summarized in our 2020 application for renewal, again resulting in certification with distinction, Authority operations during the period reinforced Pittsburgh’s position as an international leader in providing municipal parking services. While not formally included in the measurement criteria for recognition, participation in the accreditation process proved helpful in strengthening our management group when, late in 2019, three seasoned executives were brought on to head our metered parking, finance, and human resource functions. While all three brought relevant wisdom and experience to their new assignments, the necessary reshaping of their evolving position responsibilities was informed by insights gained through our focus on accreditation priorities. Nearly a year into their tenure, the contributions of these valued members of our leadership team have been complemented by the adoption of advanced technological equipment and procedures. The additions further ensured the accuracy of transmitted data, increased the speed its transfer for operational and reporting requirements, and hardened its defense against potential harmful acts by external forces.

Using Technology Those technological enhancements have been matched by gains occurring at the point of the Authority’s operational spear. Purchases for the organization’s full range of services, for example, have become almost exclusively cash-free. Our entire network of parking locations offers multiple payment options, with more than

increasing the number of tickets issued for unauthorized parking on program streets. And mirroring the online option available to meter customers disputing violations being processed by our Parking Court unit, holders of residential permits are now conducting every aspect of their participation in paper-free mode.

Capital Improvements

half of all meter patrons during any given period opting to pay for their vehicle stays through a secure telephone application developed for that purpose. Another operational gain has resulted from the increased use of camera-equipped vehicles in patrolling more than 450 neighborhood streets that are part of an Authority-managed residential parking program. Frequent, routine, plate-reading monitoring has translated to a more effective, more uniform enforcement of posted time limits while benefiting some 30,000 enrolled households by materially


The three-year term of the Authority’s initial APO cycle continued a multi-year run of capital spending to fund the repair of worn brick-and-mortar assets. Three of our oldest, largest, and most heavily used downtown garages were the primary focus of that period, with work expanded to include installation of energy-saving LED lighting and fixtures that are now standard across our entire system of indoor facilities. The result: brighter, safer, and more appealing interior environments that benefit patrons along with Authority attendants and security personnel. Critically, all this capital activity was staged sequentially and completed prior to the demolition of another aging garage situated in the heart of Pittsburgh’s vibrant Cultural District; it was razed and shovel-ready in anticipation of the construction of a larger, more location-appropriate facility to be built in accordance with all current and applicable green and Parksmart standards.

Boosting Mobility In 2018, IPMI demonstrated the importance of increasing industry involvement in a wide range of mobility-related issues by including the experience in its resume and the term in its title. During approximately the same timeframe, Authority managers began to be required to devote more attention to the concept, most visibly in the removal of metered curbside spaces to create on-street driving lanes for bicycle use only. Paired with the increased availability of bike parking in Authority garages, the addition of safe, on-street bike lanes affirms our intention to continue to accommodate the rise in cycling activity occurring across our service area. Similarly, the number of EV charging stations has risen in numbers roughly proportional to the market total of electric-powered vehicles. Equally important, the Authority increased its involvement in mobility-related research activity being conducted by a cross-section of the region’s governmental, university, business, and quality-of-life organizations. Our principal assignment is to gather and share information documenting the location, volume, time, cost, and even the reason for parking decisions. In an industry first, a University of Pittsburgh Smart City team has converted the data to a website posting of both historical and real-time occupancy levels in all metered Authority lots and service zones. Applications for 2020 accreditation completed prior to March likely had no reference to COVID-19—nor could organizations have foreseen the severity of its impact. But preparing those submissions still had value, particularly if they included attention to improving workforce communications. Management’s focus on that objective enabled it, first, to promote employee adherence to proven disease-containment practices and, later, to keep members of our various operating units fully informed of any pandemic-driven decisions that could affect their work locations, benefit coverage or employment status. Several changes of that nature were found necessary and did occur, mostly during the third quarter. As a result, the Authority approaches 2021 as a leaner, more right-sized organization operating from a newly secure

financial base. The combination positions us to convert the new year’s increases in revenue opportunities to bottom-line improvements for all our service segments. Crisis-tested by its experience dealing with Covid’s chaotic impact, the Authority’s leadership team is now steering the organization—and the essential services we provide—through the initial recovery stages of the pandemic period. The precise scope and duration of the business cycle that lie ahead are difficult to predict. But whatever their form or the degree of difficulty they present, the Authority will continue to meet both the business challenges of the post-pandemic period and the high-performance standards established for IPMI accreditation. ◆ DAVID G. ONORATO, CAPP, is executive director of the Pittsburgh Parking Authority and chair of IPMI’s Board of Directors. He can be reached at donorato@

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EXPERTS What habit do you encourage establishing to achieve personal or organizational excellence?

Scott C. Bauman, CAPP Manager of Parking & Mobility Services City of Aurora, Colo. Excellence includes fostering a culture of gratitude and respect. Always make a point of saying “thank you.” It’s a humble gesture that shows you noticed and care. Saying thank you matters and can be powerful.

Katherine Beaty VP of Implementation Tez Technology “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” –Abraham Lincoln Procrastination is one of the worst habits one can have when it comes to achieving personal or organizational success. Be proactive!

Vanessa R. Cummings, CAPP, MDiv CEO Ms. V Consulting, LLC Something I recently heard and am actively implementing: Celebrate today’s accomplishments instead of focusing on what is yet to be done. Be proud and thankful for what you did today!


Roamy R. Valera, CAPP

David Carson Lipscomb

CEO, North America PayByPhone

Curbside Manager District Department of Transportation

I am a strong believer and practitioner in setting time aside to organize my day/week/month. I have a habit of scheduling “flight time” multiple times during my week to accommodate this practice. If you set time for yourself, you will have a greater chance of having personal and organizational excellence.

Support and acknowledge your team early and often. Everyone wants to feel they have help when doing their work and that their work matters.


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EXPERTS continued...

What habit do you encourage establishing to achieve personal or organizational excellence?

Andrew Sachs, CAPP

Christina Jones, CAPP

President Gateway Parking Services

Parking Analyst Walker Consultants

Open only one tab in your browser at a time to reduce the impact of the interminable and productivity obliterating “SaaS Distraction Syndrome.” We can stop SAASDS in it tracks if we all remember to … where was I?

Start each day, task, or project by envisioning the desired outcome. Working backward from the destination or goal helps avoid getting off course on the path to achievement.

Tiffany R. Peebles Director Parking Authority of River City, Ky. I encourage all to pursue professional development through books, webinars, training seminars, etc., wherever you can get it. Commit to be a lifelong learner by seeking ways to improve upon yourself to be better than you were the day before.


Casey Jones, CAPP

Victor Hill, CAPP, MPA

Senior Parking and Mobility Planner DESMAN

Account Manager T2 Systems

The habit of helping others achieve their own happiness, success, and excellence is the one true way of achieving our own personal and organizational success.

Avoid drama. We’ve all had challenges so it’s easier to get bogged down in drama and minutia. Cy Wakeman has great ideas to manage drama and set yourself, and your team, up for success.

YOUR WEBINAR SCHEDULE Register for a single webinar for $35. Annual Training Pass Available: Members purchase all 2021 webinars for $379. JULY 14, 2021 The Parking Study is Done. Now What? Presenter: Jennifer McCoy, PE, PTOE, Senior


Traffic Engineer, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Presenter: Matthew Darst, JD, Director of

AUGUST 11, 2021 Ask Better Questions, Get Better Answers: Improve Your RFP Procurement Process to Receive Quality Proposals

Curbside Management, Conduent Transportation

Frictionless Parking: Smoothing Out the Edges for a Seamless Mobility Experience Presented by the IPMI Technology Committee

Presenter: Mandy Bowers, Senior Marketing Specialist, Kimley-Horn

SEPTEMBER 15, 2021 Collecting Lost Revenue: The Payment Behind the Parking Payment Presenters: Andrew LaMothe, Regional Director

Operational Measures that Produce a Positive Customer Experience and Drive Organizational Success Presenters: Tammy Baker, Vice President of Client Experience, and Brian Wolff, President & CEO, Parker Technology Inc.

of Sales, Passport; Brian Shaw, CAPP, Executive Director of Transportation; Stanford University

OCTOBER 20, 2021 How U.S. Cities can Learn from Smart City Innovations in Europe

Teleworking: An Alternate Mobility Mode Presenters: Perry H. Eggleston, CAPP, DPA, Executive Director for Transportation Services; and Ramon Zavala, Transportation Demand Manager, UC Davis Transportation Services, University of California at Davis

Presenter: David Parker, Chief Operating Officer, Cleverciti

NOVEMBER 10, 2021 The Truth Behind Common Parking Myths

Using Social Listening to Improve Your Customer Service Presenter: Melonie Curry, Communications Manager, ParkHouston

Presenter: Michael Pendergrass, AIA, Associate Principal and Matt Davis, Associate Principal, Watry Design, Inc.

DECEMBER 15, 2021 Getting Smart: Strategies to Get Started Creating Smart Communities Presenter: Thomas Szubka, CAPP, Senior Consultant, Walker Consultants

John W. Hammerschlag President Hammerschlag & Co., INc. There are really several habits necessary for personal and organizational excellence: pay attention to detail, encourage collaborative input, and achieve quality listening.

Keith Hutchings Director, Municipal Parking Department City of Detroit, Mich. When evaluating an operational or organization challenge, I first evaluate the policy or procedure that is in place to determine if it adequately eliminates the occurrence of a specific issue assuming the policy is followed. If it doesn’t, I re-evaluate the policy or procedure and make adjustments to ensure that the same occurrence doesn’t manifest if the best practice is maintained.

Marlene Cramer, CAPP Director, Transportation & Parking Services Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Practice mindfulness. Getting to a postCOVID world is going to be challenging so if we can focus on improving our attention, stress regulation, and emotional reactivity, it will help us achieve our goals personally and professionally.

Ben Wesley, CAPP

Mark Lyons, CAPP

Market President, Nashville Premium Parking

Division Manager, Parking and Mobility City of Sarasota, Fla.

Whether seeking personal or organizational excellence, I encourage a habit of humble selfexamination, such as a morning/evening personal review or a weekly leadership meeting focusing on operational friction.

Focus on small improvements and the larger issues tend to take care of themselves. I suggest taking small steps toward improvement every day. Reward your efforts and accomplishments, personal or professional, and you’ll find positive affects the results.

/ HAVE A QUESTION? Send it to and watch this space for answers from the experts. 22 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2021 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

Connect, Collaborate, and Stay Ahead of the Curve June 29 & 30, 2021 12:00 - 6:00 pm Join your colleagues for two half-days of cutting-edge education, networking, Innovation Labs, and more...

Early Member Rate: $79 Early Team Registration: $199 Rates go up June 8!

Orientation Transit THE


Has COVID cooled the hot market of parking and transit-oriented development?

By Jim Zullo, CAPP, AICP



FOR MORE THAN 20 YEARS , transit-oriented development (TOD) has been a desired destination for people to live, work, and play. The opportunity to reside in a vibrant locale with convenient access to restaurants, shopping, employment, and alternative

The availability of mass transit, and the opportunity to have transportation alternatives to the singleoccupancy vehicle to access work, entertainment, and other destinations is critical to TODs’ success. TODs encourage a convenient and sustainable lifestyle, enabling many people to give up their vehicles (or downsize to one) and enjoy walkable amenities while maintaining access to transit options to get them where they want to go. TODs have also helped redevelop and enliven downtown areas and properties that were previously blighted, underutilized, and not the highest and best use given their proximity to mass transit assets. An essential component of TOD is effective parking and mobility planning and facility design. At TODs, structured parking is often required due to limited and costly land availability, the need to achieve higher densities and a mix of land uses, and the desire to achieve a sustainable and urban experience that make TODs desirable. Unfortunately, we know that structured parking is costly, ranging anywhere from $25,000 to $35,000 or more per typical space depending on location and a host of other factors. That said, critical to the financial feasibility and success of TOD is incorporating innovative mobility options to reduce the amount of parking necessary for a project and to right size the parking resource to provide adequate parking so TOD projects are financeable and marketable. For the parking professionals working in the TOD and transit arena, addressing the parking challenge has been and will continue to be a key component of advancing TOD projects and their sustainable, social, and economic benefits postCOVID. However, the effects of the pandemic on working, living, and the associated parking planning Gateway Transit Village, New Brunswick, N.J. in downtowns and TODs will require renewed assessments and may offer new opportunities.



mobility options has been a preferred lifestyle for many, especially since the great recession.


Parking: Essential Infrastructure As communities, developers, planners, and architects strategize about what successful TOD will be in the post-COVID world, considering work-from-home policies and associated commuting patterns, one thing that will remain constant is the necessity and integration of parking. As is the case with any real estate development, economics rule the day and as mentioned, the structured parking so often required in a TOD is a significant financial burden of a project. For example, the cost to cover the expense of financing, operating, and maintaining just one structured parking space can be $200 to $250 per month. While many developers bemoan the parking requirements imposed on their projects by host communities and the cost of structured parking, ensuring there is adequate parking to enhance the marketability to end users is highly concerning to both developers and their financiers. In addition, parking needs to be provided to offer regional access to the transit system for those who live beyond walking distance to the station. Accordingly, parking is a critical component of the TODs and must

Pearl Street Garage at Metuchen Station, Metuchen, N.J.


be planned and sized in alignment with TOD parking and transit principles. Parking planners use various strategies to ensure there is adequate parking to support the development, but not too much so that the facility is underutilized and an increased financial burden. Shared parking analyses help determine the extent to which parking, especially in a mixed-use project, can be shared by more than one user group without conflict so parking facilities can be used more efficiently and the amount of parking to be developed can be reduced. Shared parking principles are applied where the facility serves two or multiple user groups who may use the facility at different times. For example, in a TOD project, a facility may support transit commuters or office employees during the weekday and residents and retail patrons on the evenings and weekends. Not only does the sharing of the facility reduce the amount of parking needed, it also maximizes the utilization of the structure, generating more income to financially support the facility and more activity enhancing its user comfort and security.

Commuter Parking Occupancy (Pre / Post Pandemic) 100.0% 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% Feb 2020

Mar 2020

Apr 2020

May 2020

Jun 2020

Hamilton Station, N.J.

Jul 2020

Aug 2020

Sep 2020

Metropark, N.J.

Oct 2020

Nov 2020

Dec 2020

Jan 2021

Feb 2021

Mar 2021

Trenton Park & Ride, N.J.


TODs encourage a convenient and sustainable lifestyle, enabling many people to give up their vehicles (or downsize to one) and enjoy walkable amenities while maintaining access to transit options to get them to they where they want to go.

TOD and Transit Through the Years

Other strategies include the creation and implementation of parking demand management plans by developers that encourage and subsidize transportation decisions that are more reliant on transit, ride-sharing, car-sharing, walking, biking, telework, etc. These plans and programs provide information and incentives to promote options that counterbalance incentives to drive, and even if financially subsidized by the developer, can be more cost-effective than building additional structured parking. Finally, another factor in the successful development of parking within a transit development is facility design. Rather than simply designing them as “warehouses for cars,” they need to incorporate aesthetic, user comfort, and functional enhancements that complement the character of the community they are serving. When possible, these facilities should incorporate ground level mixed-use spaces such as retail and restaurants to activate the streetscape and enhance the walkability of the neighborhood. This idea is often a given now, as many designers and parking owners have been incorporating mixed-use and aesthetic features into structured parking design for years.

Traditionally, even during financial downtimes, transit and TODs have been a strong investment for developers. During the financial recession of 2008, these developments were ranked as some of the best investments in real estate given demographic trends, rising fuel costs, congestion, and public smart growth policies. People’s increasing desire to live, work, shop, and dine in one community (with minimal need for a vehicle) made TOD a good investment, which accelerated as we emerged from the recession and into more prosperous times. Further, the utilization of mass transit and the associated parking resources were in many regions at all-time highs offering people convenient access to job and entertainment centers. Then COVID hit in March of 2020 and the benefits of TOD and transit associated with their success screeched to a halt in a way that no one could have predicted: ■  Convenient commuter access to the workplace? Cities implemented work-from-home orders for months, with many temporarily still in place or companies letting employees work from home indefinitely. ■  Downtown dining and entertainment destinations? Restaurants were closed or moved to take-out/delivery only, while entertainment destinations are still shut down completely in many areas. ■  A convenient alternative to driving? It may be some time before people are comfortable packing into a train car instead of the comfort and safety of their personal vehicles (especially with parking availability in cities at an unusual high).



As an example, the parking occupancy rates at most mass transit facilities serving New Jersey Transit (with the primary destination of New York City) were down as much as 80 percent from pre-COVID levels. This occurrence would have been incomprehensible just 18 months ago when many commuter parking facilities were filled to capacity and had extensive wait lists. A review of parking occupancy data gathered from three NJ Transit Train Stations (Metropark, Hamilton, and Trenton), since February 2020, illustrates a 70 percent reduction of parking occupancy among these three parking facilities from March 2020 through March 2021. This situation has not only affected transit commuting facilities, but downtown parking systems that have a significant commuter population. According to parking occupancy data from the City of Summit, N.J., Parking Services Agency, the peak parking occupancy of public parking facilities has decreased 55 to 90 percent since the COVID-19 pandemic, depending on the facility’s location and user group breakdown. Parking demand at their previously packed commuter parking facilities decreased more than 75 percent. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the Summit Train Station was one of the most active stations in the New Jersey Transit system, with almost 4,000 riders boarding trains at the station every weekday. To accommodate commuter parking demand, the city implemented a valet program to park more commuters and an innovative ride-sharing program where local residents were provided subsidized Lyft rides to the station. In New Brunswick, N.J., where pre-pandemic levels were more than 7,000 boardings per weekday at the train station, commuter related parking occupancy dropped by more than 80 percent. As we look ahead to life in a post-COVID world, there will certainly be some level of return to commuting, transit, and parking normalcy. But are the benefits that have traditionally made transit and TODs desirable adversely impacted for the long term? Even before the pandemic, the millennials who loved TODs and the urbane lifestyle were aging, having families, and opting to move to the suburbs to obtain more space and a backyard. The pandemic, low interest rates, and millennials in their prime homebuying years have fast tracked another pursuit of the suburban, car-dependent lifestyle. So what is the prognosis for TOD and the associated parking? As Yogi Berra once said, ““It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” That said, let’s give it a shot!

Opportunities and Impacts for the Future There are many unknowns that will continue to affect not only TODs, but cities and communities overall. A few questions plaguing real estate developers now regarding future real estate trends: ■  Will companies continue with work-from-home arrangements in the future, and at what level? ■  How will this affect commercial real estate in terms of occupancy and rents? ■  Will people continue to relocate out of more expensive cities to more affordable locales and suburbs given flexible work-from-home policies? ■  How eager will people be to get back on mass transit? ■  How will the already declining retail market be affected both in urban areas and even suburban communities, especially given the greater boost the online shopping market had during this time? ■  Specific to TOD, is there a need to live in proximity to mass transit if people are commuting via transit less or infrequently?

As we look ahead to life in a post-COVID world, there will certainly be some level of return to commuting, transit, and parking normalcy. But are the benefits that have traditionally made transit and TODs desirable adversely impacted for the long term? In speaking with several specialists in the TOD area, the general sentiment is that while the pandemic may have a short-term effect on the desirability or marketability of TOD projects, the underlying reasons TODs became so popular will prevail in the long term. According to Steve Goldin, former director of real estate for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), the reasons are simple: People value time and as a result of the pandemic, people have learned that time is also quality of life. A main reason many people select TODs is because they (or their partner) commute to work via mass transit, or empty nesters select TODs because of the convenient access to entertainment and cultural options. Prevailing thought indicates that up to 80 percent of workers will be in their office less as a result of the work-from-home


New Brunswick Performing Arts Center, New Brunswick, N.J.

experience, much of which is fueled by convenience and the better quality of life that working from home provides. According to Goldin, “That very same desire will fuel the continued demand for convenience, especially for those who use mass transit. For many, their daily commute, especially to larger urban areas, is a multi-modal, time-consuming process, and living in a TOD eliminates some of the commuting hassle.” Another lesson from the pandemic is how essential it is for human beings to have the opportunity to interact socially. In this post-pandemic environment, Goldin believes other uses in TODs may take the form of shared office space within the project and offset the need for larger residential units to accommodate workspaces. “Shared workspaces at TODs, great public spaces, coffee shops, and dining options may be a welcome alternative to work-from-home.” So, what effect will the pandemic have on parking requirements for TOD land uses—residential, commercial, retail, etc.? The residential need for parking in TODs may decrease because

of the pandemic. While many TOD units have only one car, those that have two vehicles often do so because one of the unit residents drives to work. If 20 percent of these types of TOD occupants becomes fully remote, there may be less need for the second car, especially when coupled with parking demand management and mobility options. There also may be a need for less transit station parking given the work from home phenomenon resulting in less commuting. Should this occur, there may be a great opportunity to utilize existing TOD and transit parking resources to support future projects, thereby reducing the need or amount of new parking required. Reducing the amount of parking necessary for TODs and taking advantage of existing parking resources would have a meaningful positive financial impact on these projects, leading to more sustainable and affordable development. Another post-pandemic parking effect is that the demand associated with dining and entertainment increases given both pent-up desire of people taking advantage of TOD and downtown dining and entertainment venues, and the expanded outdoor PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / JUNE 2021 / PARKING & MOBILITY 29


capacity. The expansion of the outdoor dining experience, and the resulting removal of on-street parking and closed streets, has been an urban planning silver lining that will likely remain permanently. Much like the pandemic proved that work from home is possible and even beneficial, the expanded outdoor dining has illustrated to many municipal officials that curb and street spaces can be dedicated to other uses beyond vehicles without detrimental consequences. However, this expanded dining and entertainment capacity, combined with the loss of on-street parking may cause parking crunches at peak times. That said, given the potential availability of TOD and transit resources as outlined above, there may be opportunities to reallocate parking resources available to meet this need. In closing, will TOD projects regain their previous appeal? As someone who has spent a considerable part of their career in the TOD real estate sector, it is

my sincere hope and expectation that TOD projects and their associated benefits continue to thrive and attract people seeking active, sustainable, transit-accessible, and vibrant communities. President Biden’s American Job Plan, calling on Congress to invest $85 billion (doubling federal funding for public transit) to modernize existing transit and help agencies expand their systems, certainly shows a commitment to transit and TOD, and offers optimism. As someone who has spent an even lengthier part of my career in parking, I am certain that smart, innovative parking and mobility planning will be vital to the continued success and viability of TOD. ◆ JIM ZULLO, CAPP, AICP, is president of THA Consulting. He can be reached at

3rd and Valley TOD, South Orange, N.J.


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EFFICIENCY Creativity and future-readiness abound among the winners of this year’s IPMI Awards of Excellence competition. By Melanie Padgett Powers

MOST PEOPLE don’t think about parking too

much, unless it’s about how to find a space closest to their destination. But IPMI members think about parking and mobility all the time and can point out gorgeous new parking structures, efficient parking lot setups, and sustainable mixed-use projects to anyone who asks. It’s this celebration of the beauty and efficiency of parking we honor once a year with the Awards of Excellence that honor outstanding achievement in parking and mobility. Here are this year’s incredible winners.


Best Design of a Mixed Use Parking & Transportation Facility

Bank of America Tower Garage Houston, Texas Owning Agency: Skanska USA Architect of Record: Gensler Structural Engineer: Walter P Moore Property Manager: Transwestern Parking Operator: Winpark TOTAL COST: $187 MILLION

After acquiring a site in the heart of Houston’s bustling downtown district, Skanska USA envisioned a workplace for the future with amenities that would attract a new generation of discerning tenants. These included column-free corner offices, floor-to-ceiling glass facades to infuse natural light, and a five-level underground environment of retail, restaurants, and services. Skanska also set a sustainability goal that had never previously been achieved by an office property in the U.S.: LEED v4 Core and Shell Platinum certification. A cost-efficient structural frame was developed for both the 35-story tower and the integrated podium parking garage. To accommodate 1,365 parking spaces, the garage was designed with an innovative express ramping system at the ground floor that provides access to two major streets and allows up to 40 percent more area for retail and back-of-house opportunities. At level two, the express ramp system transitions to a traditional double helix. Parking bay widths are two feet wider than normal for angled parking to provide a higher level of comfort. End bays are also larger to provide comfortable turning maneuvers and easily accommodate full-size trucks and SUVs. Dimmable LED light fixtures outfitted with motion sensors provide enhanced lighting levels. Atop the structure is a tenant amenity space with a water harvesting system that conserves resources and provides irrigation for the 12th floor urban rooftop oasis. The site also features a 10,000-square-foot tenant lounge, conference center, and event space; a 7,000-square-foot fitness center; a 20,000-square-foot elevated green park; and a 20,000-square-foot culinary market. The property is fully leased at premium lease rates and recently sold for a record price per square foot.




Best Design of a Mixed Use Parking & Transportation Facility

Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport Silver Ramp Owning Agency: Metropolitan Airports Commission, Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport Engineer, Program Manager: Kimley-Horn Architect: Miller Dunwiddie TOTAL COST: $245 MILLION

The Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP) is the 12th busiest U.S. airport, with more than 400,000 annual landings and takeoffs. The airport’s growth has significantly increased demand for passenger vehicle parking and amenities, so the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC), which operates MSP, constructed the Silver Ramp, a new 5,000-stall parking structure.

The ramp, which was built directly above an existing light rail transit station, functions as a hub for travelers to access public transportation and serves many user groups, including public parking, on- and off-site rental car agencies, local and regional buses and charters, and local hotel shuttles. The ramp provides approximately 2.1 million square feet of structured parking, including three miles of expansion joints, five acres of exterior facade, and 180,000 square feet of conditioned floor space. The transit functions are on the ground level with access provided from the airport’s inbound roadway via a slip lane. Public passenger vehicles and rental cars park on the upper levels. Each user group uses one thread of each helix, allowing the user groups to remain separated and secure. User separation was achieved by constructing the rental car agency customer service building in a central location under the parking ramp and providing direct escalators to each level of the rental car ready/return. As part of this dedicated access, the escalator connecting the ground floor to level five rises 56 feet, making it the longest escalator in Minnesota. The Silver Ramp also includes custom seating, electronic wayfinding and information kiosks, escalators that take rental car customers to their preferred agency level, and large public restrooms. The ground level includes bike storage space and pedestrian connectivity to an adjacent hotel and post office east of the Silver Ramp. The facility also includes a breastfeeding room and a pet/service animal relief area.


Best Design of a Mixed Use Parking & Transportation Facility

Walnut Creek BART Transit Village: South Garage Walnut Creek, Calif. Owning Agency: Transit Village Associates, LLC/Blake | Griggs Properties General Contractor: McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. Architect: International Parking Design, Inc. TOTAL COST: $37,186,375

The New South Garage at Walnut Creek Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) station in California was developed on an existing surface lot that catered nearly exclusively to BART riders. The new five-level, 344,433-squarefoot garage is equipped with enhanced vehicle and pedestrian circulation flow to accommodate BART riders as well as bus and bike riders from the new Walnut Creek Transit Village. The village is a mixed-use, multipurpose development that will incorporate apartments, retail shops, restaurants, public plazas, and improved BART station access. The 920-space garage added 100 parking stalls to the existing station. It also includes enhanced bike paths and storage accommodations, passenger


pick-up and drop-off zones for ride-share services, an upgraded bus facility and police station, and public art installations. A key feature of the raised structure is its high bay infrastructure, an element not typically seen in parking garages due to the complexity of execution. The garage was designed to provide regional transit buses and the Walnut Creek Trolley Bus adequate space for an expanded bus facility within the garage. The city trolley buses are powered by electric induction motors for which the parking facility provides two charging pads.


Best Design of a Parking Facility

Athena Arsenal LLC West Garage Watertown, Mass. Owner: athenahealth, Inc. Architect and Structural Engineer of Record: Walker Consultants Vision Architect and Bridge and Existing Building Architect: Charles Rose Architects Construction Manager and General Contractor: C.E. Floyd Company Civil Engineering and Landscape Design: Stantec Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Fire Protection Design: NV5 TOTAL COST: $29,540 PER SPACE

The Athena Arsenal LLC West Garage project consists of a 1,400-space parking structure on an existing parking lot at the Arsenal on the Charles campus in Watertown, Mass. The structure was built to address parking demand needs and to support athenahealth’s master plan for campus redevelopment. Primary users are athenahealth employees and users of the surrounding retail and commercial space. The parking structure and foundation system was designed to accommodate the construction of a


new commercial/retail building along the north facade, with a direct pedestrian link between the parking structure and the new building. The project site is a brownfield, which required significant soil remediation to be performed for the construction. A pocket park along the south side provides green space for campus employees and the community. The park links to bike paths and sections of boardwalks above the site’s stormwater management system. Approximately 10,700 perennials; 70 trees; and 630 shrubs were planted throughout the project, including three levels of irrigated planters along the parking structure facade. The project includes several sustainability initiatives, including stormwater capture from the parking structure for irrigation, permeable pavers, a high-efficiency LED lighting system, electric vehicle charging stations, and a photovoltaic-ready design for the entire parking structure footprint.




Best Design of a Parking Facility

Gilbert Heritage District RD 120 Parking Structure Gilbert, Ariz. Owner and Project Manager: Town of Gilbert Project Manager: Walker Consultants Architect: BWS Architects Civil and Survey: Dibble Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing: Energy Systems Design, Inc. Landscape Designer: Colwell Shelor Landscape Architecture TOTAL COST: $16 MILLION

The Town of Gilbert Public Parking Garage was designed to serve the energetic and growing entertainment venues within its Heritage District. The town’s goal was to consolidate parking so existing surface parking areas could be redeveloped. The project was coordinated with

Sam Fox Concepts for the opening of its new Culinary Dropout restaurant next to the garage. Of the 600 parking stalls, 100 nested stalls with dedicated entry/exit, are leased by the restaurant for its valet operation. Providing free public parking with larger drive aisles was an important design element. The town selected a cast-in-place structural system to save on long-term maintenance costs and eliminate internal shearwalls, resulting in visual openness for safety and security. Other safety elements included in the design are 48-inch-tall bumper walls with sloped top cap and a glassbacked elevator. The adjoining Hearne Way was developed into a public events plaza with the garage as the backdrop. That side of the garage can accommodate a giant electronic media board to broadcast movies, promote local events and businesses, and provide districtwide parking information. The garage includes an iconic clock tower, vintage graphics and building signage, and specialty LED colored lighting at the Hearne Way facade. Public amenities include alternative fuel charging stations, restrooms, pedestrian and pet drinking fountains, a public safety space for police and fire departments, and bicycle accommodations.



Best Design/Implementation of a Surface Lot

10th and Mitchell Streets City of Milwaukee, Wisc.

Owner and Project Manager: City of Milwaukee, Wisc, Engineer: StormWater Solutions Engineering

The Mitchell Street Green Parking Lot in Milwaukee’s historic Mitchell Street neighborhood is unique because it’s on a watershed divide: It drains between two river watersheds that lead to Lake Michigan. The parking lot was deteriorating, but it was also a barren and under-utilized lot with increasing public safety hazards. Refurbishing the lot provided an opportunity to pilot-test the idea of incorporating green spaces into cityowned parking lots. The finished lot includes a 1,050-square-foot section of permeable pavement snow storage area. It also includes four bioswales totaling 3,100 square feet and an additional 4,100 square feet of green space. Overall, the site captures 132,000 gallons of water. It incorporates accessible parking and safe pedestrian routes via brick pavers and a wooden boardwalk with wood sourced locally from the Menomonee Tribal Enterprises, making a direct connection to the relationship with the Ignace Indian Health Center just south of the lot. There are now park benches and tables throughout the site so pedestrians can enjoy an oasis of green space in the middle of the city.




Best Design/Implementation of a Surface Lot

PARK PARK Calgary, Alberta, Canada Owner and Operator: Calgary Parking Authority Project Manager: Calgary Municipal Land Corporation Architect: Public City Architecture Inc. TOTAL COST: $216,000

The Calgary Parking Authority (CPA) was inspired to reimagine what a parking lot could look like and other ways it could function. PARK PARK began as an open-design competition managed by the Calgary Municipal Land Corporation. CPA asked for an original intervention that reinvented a 30-stall surface lot that had heavy traffic in Inglewood, Calgary’s oldest neighborhood. The call for design submissions was posted across Canada, and the winner was Public City Architecture Inc. of Winnipeg, Canada. PARK PARK is part park, part parking lot. The asphalt surface is now a vibrant mural with six fewer stalls to allow for more recreation space. There is a scaffolding structure around the perimeter. Freestanding icons serve as visual representations of its features, including a basketball hoop, picnic table, USB charger, hand warmer, free library, and more. In PARK PARK’s first three months it was well-used by the community and lauded by community builders. It was rented for a community night market and open for pedestrians to explore on PARK(ing) Day. This pilot project will be in place for two years, at which time CPA will review community feedback and determine the possibilities for similar placemaking projects in the city’s CPA parking facilities.


Best Facility Rehab or Restoration

Ft. Duquesne & Sixth Parking Garage Pittsburgh, Pa. Owner: Pittsburgh Parking Authority Structural Engineer and Parking Consultant: DESMAN Contractor: Carl Walker Construction TOTAL COST: $8.6 MILLION

The Ft. Duquesne & Sixth Parking Garage was an iconic structure exemplifying mid20th Century architecture. It stood for more than half a century along the shores of the Allegheny River in Pittsburgh’s Downtown Business District. The garage underwent a complete renovation and repair, including repairs to the structural components, stair tower renovations, and updates to meet building code and compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act. An antiquated fireproofing system was replaced, and a new thin elastomeric traffic bearing waterproofing membrane was added. Reflective coating was added to all vertical and overhead surfaces, and the entire lighting and electrical system was replaced. It was important to renovate the facade while maintaining its striking appearance. Therefore, the renovation of the facade included the removal and refurbishment of existing facade panels, the removal and fabrication of new facade panels to match existing, the removal and replacement of the existing structural frame supporting the facade panels, the application of a weather resistant/waterproof coating to the concrete substrate surfaces of the facade, and new lighting and electrical system associated with lit panels of the facade.




Excellence in Sustainable Management

Helix Parking Structure Water Quality Improvement Lexington, Ky. Owner: Lexington & Fayette County Parking Authority Architect/Engineer: Earthcycle Design, LLC TOTAL COST: $234,314

The Helix Parking Garage, owned by the Lexington & Fayette County Parking Authority (LFCPA), was constructed circa 1967 and gained a reputation for being one of the least attractive buildings in the city. In 2013, the 389-space garage received a much-needed facelift, including a new exterior and interior lighting improvements, with energy-efficient LED lighting within the helix ramp. The water quality improvement project, completed in May 2019, was a part of LFCPA’s efforts to improve the quality and environment for the City of Lexington. Before this upgrade, pollutants from parked cars would mix with rainwater and flow directly into the Town Branch, the founding water source for Lexington, with no pre-treatment or detention. This project now captures and filters the water runoff from a 71,303-square-feet area. The runoff is routed through two 1,000-gallon oil/water separators before flowing into the Town Branch. There is also enough greywater for reuse for sidewalk washing and annual garage deck pressure washing.




Innovation in a Mobility, Transportation, or Parking Program

Chicago Parking Fine Reform Owning Agency: City of Chicago Department of Finance Program Manager: Conduent Transportation

Studies have shown the lopsided impact of Chicago’s parking enforcement on the working poor. Delays in fines result in penalties, and the consequences can quickly spiral out of control, leading to vehicle seizures and driver’s license suspensions. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot charged the city’s Department of Finance with spearheading innovative efforts to issue and collect parking citations in a more sustainable, fair, and effective way. The goals included using data to inform the allocation of parking enforcement officers (PEOs) and reduce the potential for predatory enforcement; capping penalties on city sticker fines; eliminating same-day duplicate fines; and ending the practice of suspending driving privileges for illegal parking. The Chicago Department of Finance took a proactive, data-driven approach, first by examining historical PEO assignments. Prior to 2019, PEOs were deployed evenly across the city, regardless of the need for enforcement, leading to a disparate impact on disadvantaged neighborhoods. The city established new enforcement zones, varying sizes based on the curbside miles and the likelihood of infractions affecting safety and congestion. Zones are now prioritized based on need, and PEOs are routed toward infractions that create turnover and improve safety. Sticker violations, especially in marginalized neighborhoods, decreased while street cleaning and meter violations increased. A payment plan portal and expanded payment plan options lead to 131 percent increase in online payment plans and 108 percent increase in related revenue. City sticker violation late penalties are now capped at $50, a 75 percent reduction, and a city sticker amnesty was established, with nearly 12,000 people participating in late 2019, providing up to $11.5 million in relief to people.




Innovation in a Mobility, Transportation, or Parking Program

Ding, Ding! Transit Goes Electric in Estes Park, Colo. Owning Agency: Estes Park, Colo. Electrical Component Manufacturer: Motiv Power Systems Trolley Manufacturer: Hometown Trolley

Estes Park, Colo., has implemented North America’s first rubber-tire, fully electric trolley replica vehicle, after actively working to increase its electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure and readiness over the past few years. This town of 6,426 people welcomes 4 million visitors a year, and during the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more people were hitting the road. This created an urgency to accelerate the town’s EV efforts. Since the town formed a parking and transit division in 2018, there were several EV implementation efforts, but they were happening in different departments without dedicated champions or an organized implementation plan. A cross-departmental team was formed and led by parking staff, which increased progress on EV adoption. This included installing Level III DC fastcharging stations and creating an EV Infrastructure and Readiness Plan. During the town’s first trolley maiden season, July 1–October 18, 2020, staff calculated that it saved 2,481 gallons of gasoline and reduced over 16 environmental pollutants, including 22 metric tons of CO2. With the second trolley scheduled to arrive in May 2021, 40 percent of the town’s transit fleet will be electric.



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Innovation in a Mobility, Transportation, or Parking Program

Los Angeles International Airport Taxi and Ride-sharing App Pickup Lot Owning Agency: Los Angeles World Airports Project Manager: LAZ Parking TOTAL COST: $65,500 OPERATING BUDGET OVER THREE YEARS

Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) is the busiest destination airport in the world. The biggest constraint to growth was roadway congestion in the Central Terminal Area. Auto traffic at LAX had grown by 49 percent in just the past seven years, and significant roadway closures for construction projects were imminent. The airport needed to reduce traffic congestion in this terminal, which serves taxis and ride-share companies. The solution? Consolidating arriving passengers into dedicated shuttles to an airport-adjacent facility. With this new service — called LAX-it (pronounced “LA exit”) — LAZ Parking shuttles transport passengers in designated traffic lanes to the fast, efficient new facility so they can meet their ride. The facility includes four pickup curbs with enough capacity to accommodate approximately 100 cars and up to 2,000 passengers at one time. The lot features a pedestrian plaza with street furniture, a breakroom, restrooms, and three food truck spaces. LAX-it has reduced terminal traffic by 15–20 percent and saved most passengers at least 15 minutes exiting the airport.



Innovation in a Mobility, Transportation, or Parking Program

Washington, D.C., Vision Zero Bike Lane Owning Agency: Washington, D.C., Parking Enforcement and Management Administration (PEMA) Technology Supplier: gtechna, a division of Harris Computer TOTAL COST: $75,000

Washington, D.C., was looking to solve two problems: officers being forced to put themselves in harm’s way by confronting motorists who block bike lanes, and the ability of motorists to easily drive away when they saw they were being ticketed. The city’s Parking Enforcement and Management Administration implemented LPR and ticket-by-mail programs to solve both issues. After the programs were implemented, year-over-year tickets issued increased 116 percent. Accidents decreased by over 50 percent each month, while each of the city’s wards showed a reduction in bike-related accidents. The city embraced transportation alternatives and installed dedicated signage about where to use each type of vehicle and where pickups and dropoffs are permitted. The city also added bike lanes, created protected bike lanes, connected bike lanes to allow cyclists to move safer throughout the city, and added sidewalks. The District plans to double the number of protected bike lanes by 10 miles by 2024. 56 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2021 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG


Excellence in Architectural Design

Cooksville GO Station Toronto, Ontario, Canada Owning Agency: Metrolinx Design Architect: NORR Architects & Engineers Limited Project Architect: Walter Fedy TOTAL COST: $99.2 MILLION

Metrolinx, an agency of the Government of Ontario, Canada, has transformed the Cooksville GO Station, in Mississauga. In partnership with Infrastructure Ontario, Metrolinx turned the transit hub into an efficient, modern station. The new station includes upgraded pedestrian tunnels and rail platforms, an east pavilion building with a large civic plaza, a new bus loop, and a 1,900-space sixstory commuter parking structure. Existing underground tunnel links to the central train platform were reused and extended to the new station and parking structure. A new bridge connection from the parking structure connects customers to the rail platform. The precast structure is wrapped by a sculptural veil of expanded aluminum mesh that is inflected and fractured by the vehicle entry points, the glazed vertical circulation towers, and the pedestrian bridge connection to the rail platforms. This larger folding texture of the facade is complimented by a finer texture of vertical slot openings that provides visual interest at the pedestrian level and from surrounding buildings as well as views from within the structure. Inside the sculptural veil resides an additional inner skin of woven stainless steel mesh that serves as a guard for pedestrians, while a tension cable system serves as a car barrier. This multi-layered system serves to maximize the level of natural light and air entering the building while mitigating light spillage onto neighboring residential properties.








Excellence in Architectural Design

Regatta Harbour Garage Miami, Fla. Owning Agency and Director of Planning and Development: Miami Parking Authority Architect: Wolfberg Alvarez & Partners TOTAL COST: $32,000 PER SPACE

The Regatta Harbour garage was built on seven acres of waterfront in Miami’s historic Coconut Grove, an upscale, walkable, bohemian neighborhood. The mixed-use garage project features 542 parking spaces and 33,000 square feet of retail space. The design included renovating a pair of historic airplane hangars that have been on the site for decades. Dating back to the 1920s, the hangars stored the famous “flying boats” that Pan American Airways flew from the site to Havana, Cuba, in the 1930s. The seaplane-themed artwork features milestones associated with the historical context of the area. A mesh wrapping the garage and all other related components is made of stainless steel. The garage features low-scale parking integration with other transportation modalities aimed at encouraging walkability. Ambient lighting for the site, promenades, surface parking, and a pocket park were selected to maximize aesthetic qualities and scale.


MELANIE PADGETT POWERS is a freelance writer and editor. She can be reached at SUZANNE ISA/ISA DESIGNS


Marketing During COVID -19 The winners of this year’s IPMI Marketing Awards show off creative thinking and more during a challenging time. By Melanie Padgett Powers



marketing and communications strategies were upended, but the best parking and mobility organizations quickly switched it up and focused on how to help their communities during the pandemic. These winners of the IPMI Marketing Awards recognize outstanding marketing, public relations, and communications programs.




Mobility Marketing Program

Princeton University’s Transportation and Parking Services Princeton, N.J.

Princeton Campus Mobility Framework COST: $10,000

In the fall of 2019, Princeton University’s Transportation and Parking Services (TPS) initiated a review of the campus transportation policies, services, and infrastructure to support a major campus expansion and planning effort. At the same time, existing buses were near the end of their life, providing an opportune time to design the next generation of the campus bus service, TigerTransit, while also improving biking and walking experiences. Mobility consultants from Nunes-Ueno Consulting and Jared Walker Associates were brought in to help, and a Transportation Advisory Council (TAC) of students, staff and faculty was created. A series of meetings provided a slate of choices to present to the Princeton community through a new website, More than 20 campus presentations, an open house, and an online survey followed. In all of the engagements, people were asked how they prefer to move around campus and how they would choose between various mobility alternatives. At the open house — with more than 200 people—attendees used stickers to indicate responses to questions

on large visual displays. Project team members were available to talk about each concept. Attendees were also able to test-ride electric bikes and scooters along a set course and board electric buses being considered for the TigerTransit fleet. A robust social media plan supported these efforts. Thanks to this heavy engagement, almost 2,300 students, employees, and community members responded to the survey. Respondents consistently envisioned more human-powered and an electrified set of mobility services (with fewer greenhouse gas emissions) and a campus where people of all abilities would be free to travel. Recommendations were finalized in fall 2020, with a report available on the project website. TPS has deployed some of the recommendations, including a more efficient and easier-to-use TigerTransit network, a new system map for wayfinding, and bike and pedestrian advisory lanes along two popular routes to campus from university housing.


Parking Marketing Program



When COVID-19 hit the U.S. in 2020, ParkMobile’s transaction volume immediately dropped by 95 percent. As cities shut down, people didn’t need to pay for parking. One of ParkMobile’s core values is “Support our People. Support Our Community.” The company quickly realized it could reach out to its large base of app users (who already had credit cards on file) and leverage the app’s ability to process financial transactions. So, ParkMobile converted its parking payment app into a fundraising tool to help communities. In March and April 2020, the company asked users to donate $5 to $50 to one of several local charities in the cities it serves. Users who didn’t live in one of those cities could donate to Feeding America, an organization that supports local food banks. The local charities were Food Bank NYC in New York; Giving Kitchen in Atlanta; Hook Hall Helps in Washington, D.C.; Colorado Family Meal in Denver; and Louisiana Hospitality Foundation in New Orleans. ParkMobile also committed to match a portion of the funds raised. The ParkMobile marketing team leveraged all its digital marketing tools to engage users and encourage donations. This

included emails, in-app messages, push notifications, and social media posts across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. All social media outreach was organic with approximately 20 posts, which led to approximately 10,000 impressions and 500 engagements. A dedicated page on the ParkMobile website provided more information about the charities and instructions on how to donate. During the four-week campaign, the program raised more than $35,000, including a matching donation from ParkMobile.

Rebranding Campaign

City of Fort Wayne, Ind. Meters with a Mission


Rather than hauling the city’s retired parking meters to the dump, the City of Fort Wayne, Indiana, turned them into “Meters with a Mission.” The 27 antiquated meters now collect donations from the public for 27 local nonprofits. The idea was initiated by Fort Wayne City Clerk Lana Keesling, who enlisted the local chamber of commerce to find businesses to adopt a meter and choose a nonprofit recipient. Some companies also offered to match the donated funds up to a designated amount. The chamber’s website has a map of the meters, along with their corresponding nonprofit and corporate sponsor. The sponsors decorated their meters and send out donations calls to their customers and employees. As donations come in, the city’s Parking Enforcement Department collects and forwards the proceeds to the appropriate nonprofits. The program has a wait list of companies and nonprofits that want to take part, and second round with new sponsors and organizations will start in 2021.



Social Media Campaign Social Media Campaign

Lexington & Fayette County Parking Authority Lexington, Ky.

Southwest Parking and Transportation Association Lone Tree, Colo.


Community Support COST: $5,160

The Lexington Parking Authority (LEXPARK) is guided by a mission of providing customer-focused public parking that is high quality, affordable, and convenient. When COVID-19 arrived in early 2020, LEXPARK knew it couldn’t stick with its regular marketing campaigns when the community was hurting and events were no longer taking place. Instead, in May 2020, LEXPARK and local marketing agency Zipie, LLC shifted their marketing efforts to support local businesses owners and the community. The new strategy consisted of two separate social media campaigns aimed at bringing awareness to small businesses. The first phase focused on LEXPARK’s designated curbside pick-up spots and free two-hour on-street meter parking, which allowed customers to easily support their favorite businesses without worrying about parking availability or time limits. In the second phase, LEXPARK teamed up with eight local coffee shops and restaurants to host two social media giveaways. Local businesses donated items such as branded hats, coffee mugs, shirts, and stickers. LEXPARK provided gift cards. After three months of consistent social media marketing efforts, LEXPARK saw a 4,000 percent increase in organic audience growth. In addition, organic engagements rose by 654 engagements with impressions at 359,711 total in four weeks. Aside from strengthening the community, LEXPARK has seen an increase in brand loyalty and trust among both businesses and customers.

Southwest Parking and Transportation Association (SWPTA) in Colorado serves members in several states, including Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah. Like other parking professional organizations during the pandemic, SWPTA faced a challenging year for engagement and growth. After canceling both its in-person conferences in 2020, the organization wanted to do more than pivot to a virtual event and instead engage in new and innovative ways. The #SWPTAswagbox was born. The new program was designed to enhance the visibility of sponsors, increase membership through engagement, provide relevant parking and transportation-related content, and offer lighthearted social engagement. Each month, member organizations receive a box filled with swag, fun activities, informative brochures, and details on upcoming webinars and social engagements. Sponsors showcase their swag and solution offerings. Every month, SWPTA ships more than 100 boxes across the U.S. and Canada, and the involvement of member companies continues to grow. Sponsors have the opportunity to provide a five-minute power pitch at each month’s webinar and can choose to host social engagements as well. One month a sponsor hosted a mask decorating competition. In October, another hosted a costume and pumpkin carving contest. Other planned events included a cooking show, gingerbread parking garage decorating contest, and an awards gala.


Website or App Launch or Redesign

CampusParc, The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio

Website Launch COST: $200,000–$300,000

CampusParc, the organization responsible for the oversight of The Ohio State University’s parking assets, launched a new website,, on June 1, 2020. The site offers a simplified digital experience that provides navigation and content based on the individual consumer. Before development of the website began, CampusParc conducted several focus groups with students, faculty, and staff to gain a better understanding of their current challenges and desired functionality. In response, the site decreased the number of top-level menu items from nine to four. A simplified menu uses action-based language and focuses on the primary actions customers seek to accomplish on the site. Once logged in, customers see a personalized profile page that leverages API integrations with Passport’s NuPark product. Customers can now also retrieve a digital QR code for their permit. CampusParc also partnered with SPOT Parking to create SureParc, a digital representation of the parking inventory and rules at Ohio State. Another new feature called the Permit Comparison Tool allows customers to view permit details, options, and benefits in a sideby-side, easy-to-read format. Once a customer has logged in, the Permit Comparison tool will filter just those permits the customer is eligible to purchase. CampusParc also created an Orientation Week Guide and Permit Recommendation Tool for new employees to The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. The June 2020 website launch was timely in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the decrease in faceto-face visits. During the permit sales season in June and July, website sessions increased by 40 percent and pageviews by 68 percent. The bounce rate decreased by 25 percent. CampusParc sent out multiple customer surveys about the website, leading to new ideas for the 2021 development roadmap. ◆ MELANIE PADGETT POWERS is a freelance writer and editor. She can be reached at


Stay connected with free training for IPMI members. 2021 Frontline June 1: Fortune Cookie Communication: Using their “Why” to Guide Your “How”. Presented by Ben Schnabel, CAPP Fundamentals Ad Name June 15: Mastering Your Mentor Mojo – Training Industry experts lead interactive, online education sessions designed for frontline teams and industry professionals. Sessions offered throughout 2021; get the entire schedule online. Set your calendar for Tuesdays at 2 pm ET, and access sessions on demand too!

Unlocking the Power of Mentorships to Propel Your Career Presented by Casey Jones, CAPP


July 13: Demystifying the Parking Audit: The Important Role You Play Presented by Jaime Snyder, CAPP July 27: Cultivating the Seeds of Support within Your Organization Presented by Chris Austin, CAPP August 3 Shoptalk: Addressing Customer Expectations in an Ever-changing Landscape August 10: Never Stop Learning: Why Professional Development is the Key to Success. Presented by Josh Cantor, CAPP August 24: Find Your Potential, Develop Your Path. Presented by Kim Jackson, CAPP

Generously supported by our exclusive Frontline Fundamentals Sponsor



Highlights from the IPMI Blog

The Global Automotive & Mobility Innovation Challenge By Ben Wesley, CAPP Since 2008, when SAE and the Michigan Innovation Alliance first partnered to become what is now the Global Automotive & Mobility Innovation Challenge (GAMIC), hundreds of technical, creative entrepreneurs have competed to earn exposure, commercialization services, and cash stipends. GAMIC is “a challenge to see if early start-up companies have what it takes to get their businesses to the next level.” “Award winners and finalists have gone on to sign OEM / Tier I contracts; enter serial production; reach licensing, ink strategic partnership or research agreements; and/or raise millions in investment capital.” This year was my first attendance of the virtual GAMIC Event and I was impressed. The judges are prestigious and the competitors share brief investor pitch decks during the course of the six-hour event. The problems were often quite complex and the technology was even more so. These four winners were deemed to have the most polished presentations, with solutions being the most viable and nearest to go-to-market stage (Descriptions are largely in their own words.): ●  KUHMUTE: A universal charging infrastructure for micro-mobility, able to park & charge shared and personally owned versions of any

e-scooter, e-bike, delivery robot, wheelchair, and more. ●  ReJoule: Fast battery diagnostics enable a more accurate measurement of the battery’s health. As batteries power more of our cars and buildings, more advanced diagnostics help bring battery costs down and accelerate electrification. ●  Monk AI: AI software solution. The company uses computer vision and deep learning techniques to detect damages, evaluate the condition of a car, and assess the cost of repair. ●  Biolive: produces and sells bioplastic granules from olive seed waste used in the electronics and automotive industry. I recommend keeping an eye out for these winners and the Annual GAMIC!

BEN WESLEY, CAPP, is market president, Nashville, with Premium Parking.

Ready for more? Read IPMI’s blog every business day in your daily Forum digest email (10 a.m. Eastern) or at Have something to say? Send post submissions to editor Kim Fernandez at


Ignoring the Elephant in the Room By Roamy Valera, CAPP I will not mention and/or refer to the significant and major event of the past 12 months or so. In fact, I will treat it as it treated my last birthday (like it never happened!). I was in a conversation right before writing this piece about why I was suddenly feeling so anxious. I have been in a FOMO (fear of missing out) state since my vaccination, as if the gates had opened and I was still standing by, waiting for a starter gun to go off and announce the race was back on. I have even checked in with some of my travel warriors to hear about their travel scorecards. And so far, they too are waiting for the cannon to go off. In fact, the airline that owned

most of my waking time over recent years has, too, sensed I am ready and willing to get on with my travels with an everyday email reminding me how much they miss me (and my dollars). So as such, I will ignore the elephant in the room and hope you are prepared to welcome me in your conference rooms, your hotels and restaurants, and more importantly, your cities. I have realized that I need human contact and interactions. I need to be engaged in face-to-face conversations and I need to give out handshakes and hugs. I am ready to move about the country and get back to business. We owe it to ourselves and to science!

ROAMY VALERA, CAPP, is CEO, North America, with PayByPhone.

Thinking Outside the Box By Kathryn Hebert Transportation systems produce the largest percentage of greenhouse emissions in the US (more than 28 percent). President Biden is committed to addressing environmental issues through his multi trillion-dollar infrastructure proposal. Last December, the governors of 13 Northeast and MidAtlantic states, plus the District of Columbia, signed an historic multi-jurisdictional memorandum of understanding called the Transportation Climate Initiative Program (TCI-P), which commits each state and identifies policies that advance environmental programs to improve quality of life, create jobs, and maintain critical mobility sources. The goal is to decrease greenhouse carbon emissions by 26 percent in 10 years and increase investments in an equitable, cleaner, and more resilient transportation system. The TCI-P will cap carbon dioxide emissions from gasoline and on-road diesel fuel and require suppliers to purchase allowances for carbon emissions produced by fuel covered by the cap. It is expected that the cap will decline over time, which will translate into reduced emissions. What does this have to do with parking? Parking is critical

to the implementation of many environmental programs and projects and will continue to play a major role. During the pandemic, we all learned to pivot, adjust, repurpose, and leverage parking assets to create economic activity and opportunity. There is a huge opportunity for the parking industry to step up and be part of the process, the program, and the future. Vehicles are already transitioning to hybrid and electric and soon thereafter, autonomous vehicles will become mainstream. All these vehicles still need to be parked somewhere. There are technical, infrastructure, and parking management opportunities everywhere. We are all now talking about curb management and mobility hubs that will safely and equitably manage all mobility sectors. Let’s get together and think outside the box! Read more here.

KATHRYN HEBERT is president and CEO of TPMConnect and a member of IPMI’s Board of Directors.


/ Flowbird and Wescor Hit A Home Run In Worcester, Mass. The City of Worcester, Mass., announced its partnership with Flowbird Group and Wescor Parking Controls to implement a pay-by-plate parking system aimed at bringing customer ease and a user-friendly experience to drivers. The system will eliminate the city’s single-space parking meters that have reached their end of life in favor of 70 Flowbird Strada smart kiosks. The upgrade is a part of the city’s plan to enhance parking accommodations for city residents, employees, small business patrons and attendees of large scale events. Worcester is the second largest city in Massachusetts, and home to many cultural and historic attractions, along with having some of the best restaurants in the region. In addition, the city is welcoming a new baseball team, the Worcester Red Sox, Triple-A affiliate of the Boston Red Sox. Polar Park, the newly constructed home to the “WooSox,” will seat up to

10,000 fans, adding excitement but also parking challenges to the area. By implementing Flowbird’s payby-plate system, the city will be able to better manage parking turnover, which will be critical as more people drive into town. It starts with the user experience, designed to encourage compliance with parking regulations and boost parking turnover. The Strada’s seven-inch, full color display guides the user step-by-step through their parking transaction, beginning with entering their license plate number and desired parking duration. “The city is experiencing rapid growth in both residential population and commercial development as well as a cultural destination,” says City Manager Edward M. Augustus, Jr. “With that growth comes the need to provide convenient, user-friendly parking and the responsibility to streamline parking operations.” All transaction data is sent in real-time

to Flowbird’s intelligent data management suite and shared with the city’s enforcement solution, ready to be integrated with other payment modes such as mobile phone payments or permits. Using the data provided by the Flowbird system, city staff can track the highest areas of use throughout the day. This data can be valuable to help determine future event game day parking, including plans for staffing. From an operational perspective, the switch from single space meters to multi-space meters will bring about huge savings in time and cost to city staff. The Stradas feature a sustainable power management solution, featuring long life batteries trickle charged by the pay station’s solar panel. Additionally, the city will only have 80 to 90 percent fewer meters to maintain and collect. An added bonus is that the single space meter poles can be removed to clean up the streetscape.


/ LAZ Expands Parking Enforcement & Meter Management Business with Purchase of Serco Parking Services LAZ Parking Chairman and CEO Alan B. Lazowski announced LAZ has acquired Serco Parking Services, the parking enforcement, and parking meter management services of Serco Inc., a leading public services provider. Based in Los Angeles, Calif., Serco Parking Services works exclusively with government agencies. It is the largest private provider of outsourced, on-street parking enforcement and meter management solutions in the U.S. Services include parking enforcement, collection and maintenance of parking meters, and traffic control. Muhammad Mansoor, a highly respected and experienced professional in the industry, especially within the California market, heads Serco Parking Services. Serco’s current customers include major U.S. cities including San Francisco, West Hollywood, and Inglewood in California; and Montgomery County in Maryland. Mansoor

and his leadership team have a combined 165 years of experience in the parking industry and are among the 230 Serco employees joining LAZ as part of the deal. “Bringing Serco Parking Services under the LAZ umbrella reaffirms LAZ’s position as one of the premier parking management services in the nation,” Lazowski says. “It expands our meter and parking enforcement business, especially on the West Coast. But this deal is about more than acquiring new contracts. It’s about acquiring talent and expertise. With the continued involvement of Muhammad and his team, this will be a seamless transition.” The acquisition increases the number of metered spaces LAZ manages nationally by 40,000 and brings total meter revenue collected annually to nearly $300 million, more than doubling the amount collected by LAZ previously.

SKIDATA Partners with Openpath To Offer Smartphone Access Capabilities to Parking Facilities SKIDATA announced a new technology integration partnership with Openpath, a leader in touchless, modern access control, and workplace safety automation. Through this partnership, Openpath’s groundbreaking touchless and mobile access control technology will be integrated into SKIDATA’s parking access and revenue control equipment to permit drivers to enter and exit SKIDATA-equipped parking facilities, using their Openpath credentials. “We are excited to be partnering with Openpath,” says Darrell Smithson, president, North America of SKIDATA. “SKIDATA already makes the world’s most reliable and user-friendly parking equipment. The addition of Openpath’s technology will improve the customer experience by providing seamless entry into parking facilities. “SKIDATA has always led the way when it comes to introducing new tech-

nological capabilities to the parking industry,” continues Smithson. “This partnership will help ensure that SKIDATA will continue to lead the way in providing smart city infrastructure.” The addition of Openpath’s technology, which provides touchless and mobile access via Bluetooth, Wi-fi, and LTE, to SKIDATA equipment will permit drivers to access SKIDATA-equipped parking facilities with their smartphones and other personal devices, as well as via license plate recognition (LPR), allowing drivers to enter and exit parking garages quickly and conveniently without having to stop and swipe a card or reach out of their vehicle to validate parking access. When drivers approach the parking facility, they can gain access via the SKIDATA app on their personal devices. Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and LTE access are most useful for managing permit parking, and the technology is perfect for parking owners and organi-


zations who offer permit parking, including residential facilities, office complexes, universities, hospitals, airports, special events parking, and stand-alone parking garages. “With this integration, we are excited to further demonstrate how Openpath’s seamless user experience extends beyond just the four walls of a building. Providing safety and simplicity for users throughout their day; from the moment their vehicle enters the parking garage, to the doors, elevators, and turnstiles they use in repetition. Openpath’s technology enables a completely touchless experience for tenants and guests and eliminates the need for users to juggle multiple apps or credentials to get where they are going. Our mission is always to deliver end-to-end security while reducing friction, and this integration is another great example of that,” says James Segil, President and Co-Founder of Openpath.

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2021 JUNE 1 Free Frontline Training (Virtual)

JULY 13 Free Frontline Training (Virtual)

JUNE 2 Free Industry Shoptalk (Virtual)

JULY 14 Webinar

Fortune Cookie Communication: Using their “Why” to Guide Your “How”

Curb Management in the Real World: Case Studies and Conversation

JUNE 8 Free APDS User Group: Owners & Operators JUNE 15 Free APDS User Group: Suppliers, Consultants, & Service Providers JUNE 15 Free Frontline Training (Virtual)

Mastering Your Mentor Mojo – Unlocking the Power of Mentorships to Propel Your Career

JUNE 16 Free Learning Lab (Virtual)

Re-establishing Community on University Campuses, presented by TransLoc

JUNE 29-30 IPMI Mobility & Innovation Summit (Virtual)

Demystifying the Parking Audit: The Important Role You Play

The Parking Study is Done. Now What?

JULY 27 Free Frontline Training (Virtual)

Cultivating the Seeds of Support within Your Organization

AUGUST 3 Free Frontline Training (Virtual)

Addressing Customer Expectations in an Ever-changing Landscape

AUGUST 10 Free Frontline Training (Virtual)

Never Stop Learning: Why Professional Development is the Key to Success

AUGUST 11 Webinar

Ask Better Questions, Get Better Answers: Improve Your RFP Procurement Process to Receive Quality Proposals

AUGUST 17 Online, Instructor-Led Training (Virtual) Cybersecurity

AUGUST 24 Free Frontline Training (Virtual)

Find Your Potential, Develop Your Path

JULY 6, 8, 13 AND 15 Online, Instructor-Led Training (Virtual) Parksmart Advisor Training

August 2021: Call for Submissions for 2022 IPMI Webinars, Shoptalks and Awards Open

SEPTEMBER 1 Free Industry Shoptalk (Virtual)

Hospital/Medical Center Parking and Mobility: Unique Challenges and Solutions

SEPTEMBER 14 Free Frontline Training (Virtual)

Life at Work is Like a Legos Set: All the Blocks are Necessary to Achieve the Bigger Picture

SEPTEMBER 15 Webinar

Collecting Lost Revenue: The Payment Behind the Parking Payment

SEPTEMBER 21 Online, Instructor-Led Training (Virtual) Disaster Recovery

SEPTEMBER 28 Free Frontline Training (Virtual) Managing Customers in a Remote Environment

SEPTEMBER 28 AND 30 Online, Instructor-Led Training (Virtual) APO Site Reviewer Training

OCTOBER 19 Free Frontline Training (Virtual) The Undercover Consultant

OCTOBER 20 Webinar

How U.S. Cities can Learn from Smart City Innovations in Europe

OCTOBER 19 AND 21 Online, Instructor-Led Training (Virtual) Wicked Problem Solving

OCTOBER 27 Free Learning Lab (Virtual)


NOVEMBER 2 Free Frontline Training (Virtual)

NOVEMBER 10 Webinar

NOVEMBER 3 Free Industry Shoptalk (Virtual)

NOVEMBER 16 Free Frontline Training (Virtual)

Refocused and Refreshed: Experiential Customer Service

Diversity: Rising Through the Ranks

NOVEMBER 4 Online, Instructor-Led Training (Virtual)

Accredited Parking Organization Site Reviewer Renewal

The Truth Behind Common Parking Myths

Situational Awareness

NOVEMBER 29-DECEMBER 2 2021 IPMI Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo, Tampa, Fla. DECEMBER 7, 9, 14 AND 16 Online, Instructor-Led Training (Virtual)

December 2021: Call for Presentations Open for the 2022 IPMI Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo DECEMBER 8 Free Industry Shoptalk (Virtual) The Year Ahead

DECEMBER 15 Webinar

Getting Smart: Strategies to Get Started Creating Smart Communities

Parksmart Advisor Training

State and Regional Events Calendar AUGUST 4-6 New England Parking Council (NEPC) Annual Conference and Trade Show

OCTOBER 5-8 Carolinas Parking & Mobility Association

Boston, MA

2021 Annual Conference & Tradeshow Cherokee, N.C.

AUGUST 9-12 Texas Parking & Transportation Association (TPTA) 2021 Conference & Tradeshow

OCTOBER 12-NOVEMBER 16 California Public Parking Association (CPPA) Virtual Conference

OCTOBER 25-27 Southwest Parking & Transportation Association (SWPTA) Annual Fall Conference

AUGUST 18-20 Pennsylvania Parking Association (PPA) 2021 Conference & Expo

OCTOBER 12-14 New York State Parking & Transportation Association (NYSPTA) Fall Conference and Tradeshow

NOVEMBER 8-10 Parking Association of the Virginias (PAV) Fall Workshop & Tradeshow

Round Rock, TX

Pittsburgh, PA

SEPTEMBER 13-15 Mid-South Transportation and Parking Association (MSTPA) Annual Conference and Tradeshow Chattanooga, TN

Watkins Glen, NY

OCTOBER 13-15 Pacific Intermountain Parking and Transportation Association (PIPTA) Annual Conference & Tradeshow Denver, CO

Las Vegas, NV

Virginia Beach, VA

NOVEMBER 16-19 Florida Parking & Transportation Association (FPTA) Annual Conference & Expo Orlando, FL

Stay up to date on industry events and activities! Visit for the latest updates and additions.


/ Aims Parking ����������������������������������������������11

Park Assist ������������������������������������������������53

THA Consulting ��������������������������������������74 800.886.6316 917.793.5400 484.342.0200

DESMAN ����������������������������������������������������75

ParkMobile ������������������������������������������������ 7

Toledo Ticket ���������������������������������������������1 877.337.6260 678.681.9433 800.533.6620

International Parking Design, Inc. ����74

PayByPhone Technologies, Inc. ��������C2

VIVOTEK USA, Inc. ���������������������������������31 818.986.1494 877.610.2054 484.342.0200

IPS Group Inc �������������������������������������������19

Rich & Associates, Inc. ��������������������������75

Walker Consultants ����������������������������� 74 858.404.0607 248.353.5080 800.860.1579

Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc ��5, 74

Southland Printing ���������������������������������17

Walter P Moore ��������������������������������������75 919.653.6646 800.241.8662 800.364.7300

Leonardo/ELSAG LPR Solutions ���������12

T2 Systems, Inc. ���������������������������������������13

WGI �������������������������������������������������������������15 877.773.5724 800.434.1502 866.909.2220

MEYPAR USA Corp. ���������������������������������� 9 281.404.1667


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