Parking & Mobility, July 2021

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POWER of the PEOPLE People and organizations shine throughout this year’s Professional Recognition Program awards.


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Power of the People

People and organizations shine through this year’s Professional Recognition Awards.


By Melanie Padgett Powers



Ensuring Curb Equity

Curb management is a complex undertaking, filled with stakeholders and considerations. By Keith Hutchings and Christopher Perry, CAPP


Telecommuting and Space Use at UCLA

Avoiding gridlock, finding parking, and having room to breathe. By David J. Kawarski


Upgrading the Message

New technologies have revolutionized what parking facilities can do with signage. By Peter Filice


/ EDITOR’S NOTE DEPARTMENTS 4 ENTRANCE The Shadow Proves the Sunshine By Mark Lyons, CAPP

6 FIVE THINGS TO LOVE ABOUT IPMI’S NEW FORUM 8 THE BUSINESS OF PARKING You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks: Digital Marketing Edition By Bill Smith

10 MOBILITY & TECH Perspectives on the Curb By Robert Ferrin


16 PARKING & MOBILITY SPOTLIGHT Tips to Prepare for a Touchless Parking Future By Rajiv Jain


Perspective SOME OF YOU WILL GET THIS: We are, as I type,

getting ready to head out for a weekend away. The other people in my house eagerly packed their own bags, filled travel cups with their beverages of choice, picked up snacks, and were ready to roll. I packed my bag. Packed a bag of beach towels. Planned meals and packed a pantry-goods bag and a cooler. Made sure we had a basic bag of first-aid supplies just in case. Counted days and packed dog food, meds, treats, and toys. Did four loads of laundry, towels last, and watered plants. Set the air conditioning to away mode. Cleaned everything questionable out of the refrigerator and took out the trash. Made sure the washing machine and dishwasher were cracked open. Picked up new sunscreen and bug spray. Checked window locks, let the neighbors know we’d be gone, unplugged computers and TVs. And the list goes on. It’s not a “poor me” thing—a weekend away will be lovely. But it’s a lot of work, too, and my reaction to last-minute “let’s go” announcements is different than anyone else’s. I’m thankful they get it, which is all about considering everyone’s perspective. Understanding that perspective makes a family run well, and it does the same in a professional organization. And the people who get it are the ones we appreciate working with, and often, the ones who rise to the top. This year’s IPMI Professional Recognition awardees are no different—read their stories starting on p. 24 and you’ll see, over and over, that they work well with others and take the time to understand where they’re coming from, including pitching in to help when appropriate. I very much enjoyed learning about this year’s winning professionals and hope you’ll spend some time with their profiles. There’s lots to learn and appreciate about how they approach their work and their organizations. Thanks, as always, for reading Parking & Mobility. My email is below and I’d love to hear what you think. For now, just a few more bags to get into the car and I’m off on our weekend of fun. I hope, this summer especially, you’re doing some of the same—including some of the preparations. It’s worth it. Until next month…


Kim Fernandez, CAE, editor



Shawn Conrad, CAE

The Shadow Proves the Sunshine




By Mark Lyons, CAPP

Bill Smith, APR



BonoTom Studio For subscription changes, contact Tina Altman, or 888.IPMI.NOW. Parking & Mobility (ISSN 0896-2324 & USPS 001436) is published monthly by the International Parking & Mobility Institute. P.O. Box 3787 Fredericksburg, VA 22402 Phone: 888.IPMI.NOW Fax: 703.566.2267 Email: Website: Postmaster note: Send address label changes promptly to: Parking & Mobility P.O. Box 3787 Fredericksburg, VA 22402 Interactive electronic version of Parking & Mobility for members and subscribers only at parking-mobility. org/magazine. Periodical postage paid at Alexandria, Va., and additional mailing offices. Copyright © International Parking & Mobility Institute, 2020. Statements of fact and opinion expressed in articles contained if Parking & Mobility are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent an official expression of policy or opinion on the part of officers or the members of IPMI. Manuscripts, correspondence, articles, product releases, and all contributed materials are welcomed by Parking & Mobility; however, publication is subject to editing, if deemed necessary to conform to standards of publication. The subscription rate is included in IPMI annual dues. Subscription rate for non-members of IPMI is $120 per year (U.S. currency) in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. All other countries, $150. Back issues, $10. Parking & Mobility is printed on 10 percent recycled paper and on paper from trees grown specifically for that purpose.


AN WE ALL GO AHEAD AND ACCEPT the notion that it is not

going to be a typical summer? Based on the events of 2020, it’s clear that nothing remains in focus all of the time. The 2021 IPMI Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo will start in Tampa, Fla., Nov. 29; there is nothing normal about that. Some schools and employees are only beginning to return to work and school. Predictions suggest that most family travel this summer will be restricted to local or regional trips. Not normal. Perhaps we needed this paradigm shift to acknowledge the realization that change can produce a positive outcome? Changes in normalcy and the claim of dark times ahead prompted me to reflect on how sometimes experiencing the shadows of life helps one see the light. I love the song, “The Shadow Proves the Sunshine,” written by one of my favorite musicians and song writers, Jon Foreman of Switchfoot. The song reflects on how even horrific situations that occur in life and culture will rebound, bringing hope and positivity. In so many ways, today we are seeing this to be true. Nobody should marginalize the effect of the pandemic. But consider for a moment the positive side effects that have resulted and changed our thinking and actions. Families spend more quality time together. We fought to stay healthy more than ever before. Industries synergized to develop vaccines and healthcare recovery equipment. There is a newly gained appreciation for many professions, such as classroom teaching, health care workers, and yes, even the parking/mobility profession. Countless numbers of park-


ing professionals were on the frontline, helping small businesses recover from the losses of the past year, and that helps keep people working. When we experience the shadows of life, stop and recognize that a positive light still exists. And it is in these moments people step forward and prove the goodness and strength in humanity. That not-so-normal future could very well become the positive future we seek and need. Keep up the good work and fighting the good fight. The future of our profession is bright if we continue to accept change and anticipate the positive outcomes. I am proud to be associated with you. When we meet again in November, I expect that we can all now relate in ways we never imagined before! ◆ MARK LYONS, CAPP, is parking division manager for the City of Sarasota, Fla., and a member of IPMI’s Board of Directors. He can be reached at


Things To Love About

IPMI’s New

You already know IPMI’s Forum online community is the place to ask questions, share your experiences and expertise, and network with parking and mobility professionals from around the world. But you might not have seen the site’s new look—or all the new features that make it easier to use and more valuable than ever (go ahead—try it!). Here are five things to love about the new Forum:

SIGN-IN IS A SNAP! Sign in quickly with your email address and the same password you use to sign in to Don’t remember that password? No worries—Forum can send an access code to your email in just seconds. Click on it, and you’re in. Easy-peasy.


SEARCH IS A GREAT TOOL. It’s in that same left-side navigation bar—click “search,” type in your phrase, and find posts, discussions, and library documents. Didn’t find exactly what you want? Click on “my communities” and ask your own question.


THAT DIGEST! Every day’s digest email includes all posts and replies from the previous 24 hours plus the daily post from the IPMI Blog. What a resource and it comes right to you automatically. Keep an eye out for it.



NAVIGATION IS EASY. Click on “my communities” in the left-side navigation to enter the member Forum and browse or search for information. Once you’ve visited the first time, just click “unread discussions” in the same menu to see everything that’s new to you.


POST AND REPLY BY EMAIL. Have a query but on the road or no time to visit the site? No problem. Send your question to post@ and it’ll appear on the site and in the daily digest email to all members. We suggest adding that address to your contact list for easy access.

Want even more? Visit and click on the green “get started” box in the right-hand navigation for your quick-start guide. We’ll see you on Forum!



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You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks: Digital Marketing Edition By Bill Smith


’M WHAT YOU MIGHT CALL AN OLD TIMER. When I started my public relations career back in 1986, there

was no Internet, nor was their email, and there certainly wasn’t digital marketing. I typed on an IBM Selectric on actual paper. If you aren’t familiar with that model typewriter, Google it. It wouldn’t look out of place on Mad Men. plementing a digital marketing campaign and it can be quite complex. For the sake of this column, however, I would like to focus on some elements of digital marketing that can easily be implemented by your marketing team or consultant.

Digital Marketing

Identify the Targets

Digital marketing is defined by marketing tactics that use digital channels such as search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps to reach key audiences. Digital strategies open up a whole new universe of opportunity because they allow you to reach people directly on their personal devices and computers. Because smartphones have become ubiquitous during the past decade and a half, these strategies give your key audiences near constant access to you, your brand, and your messages—and it gives you near constant access to them. There’s a science to creating and im-

The first step in developing a program is to do some research to identify your key targets—who they are and what they want from you. This can be done by surveying your existing customers, industry leaders, and people within your organization. Once you know who your targets are and what they want from you, you can develop your messaging. Of course, once you have messaging that promotes your brand, you need to convey it. There are a number of digital marketing tactics you can implement. First comes social media. You and your


Dig ital g Ma r keti n

people should already be connected to your key contacts on LinkedIn and other social media channels. If you aren’t, you need to get started today. Social media is the perfect place to share news, features, and items of interests with your customers, prospects, colleagues, and other contacts. For instance, on LinkedIn you can post articles generated through your public relations program, items of interest to your followers, and updates on what’s happening in your organization. Likewise, you can post photos that illustrate your products and services, as well as informational content


We’ve come a long way. Right now, I’m happily typing away on my MacBook Pro, gazing at my 27-inch monitor. If I hit the wrong key (which I frequently do), I just backspace and try again. There’s not a bottle of Wite-Out in sight. Like everything else, marketing is always evolving. Just as my tools have changed in the past 35 years, so have the ways I approach my job as a marketer. Sure, the traditional elements of marketing—public relations, advertising, newsletters, etc.—are just as relevant as ever, but the digital age is now offering us many new, effective ways to reach customers, partners, thought leaders, and colleagues. It’s time to embrace digital marketing.

and updates on Instagram. For videos, YouTube is a great channel for sharing informative content about your organization or its products and services.

Effective Channels Electronic newsletters and eblasts are also effective ways to reach key audiences. Electronic newsletters are just what they sound like: simple newsletters that can be emailed to readers rather than mailed. Ideally, they are short and sweet—maybe three or four articles or items informing readers about new projects or technologies, employee spotlights, or trends analysis. E-blasts are even shorter and simpler and typically have one message that supports your brand. Blogs are another important element of a digital marketing campaign. The conventional wisdom is that blog posts should be short, no more than 250 or 300 words (writing for IPMI’s blog is a great start!). But current thinking sets that conventional wisdom on its ear. Experts now say that

the length is really determined by what you want to accomplish with your post. Want more shares on social media? Then shoot for 600 to 1,250 words. Want better SEO performance? Then you want even longer pieces—up to 2,500 words. But remember, quality is king. Make sure you have enough of value to say and that you aren’t just padding to get more words. Speaking of which, I’m just about out of space myself so I’ll end here for now. But as you think about digital marketing and how to build a program, remember that like everything else related to marketing, it needs to be strategic and support your ongoing marketing and business development efforts while promoting the organization’s overall brand. ◆ BILL SMITH, APR, is principal of Smith-Phillips Strategic Communications and contributing editor of Parking & Mobility. He can be reached at bsmith@ or 603.491.4280.

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Perspectives on the Curb


By Robert Ferrin

YNAMIC CURB MANAGEMENT has continued to grow as both a disruptor to our

industry and an opportunity to strengthen the way we serve our communities. During the past year, the topics of smart loading, commercial goods movement, and data-driven solutions have risen to the top of our conscience as the new frontier in parking and mobility. IPMI’s Research and Innovation Task Force reached out to some of the leading curbside practitioners in our industry to better understand how they are tackling the challenges at the curb.

Benito Pérez, CAPP, AICP, CTP Policy Director, Transportation for America. Formerly Curbside Management Operations Planning Manager, District Department of Transportation

How are the demands at the curb affecting your current operations? Curb demand has been evolving drastically in the past few years. With the rise of e-commerce, just-intime delivery, and technology disruptions in how we traverse our city, there are increasing demands to access the curb for people and goods. More recently, as a result of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency in the District, there has also been greater attention to the use of the street realm for pedestrian movement and outdoor commerce, only intensifying the demand and use of a constrained curb in a dense urban area. This has had ramifications on parking meter revenue, which is an input to our public transit funding formula. Additionally, this has had DDOT’s Parking and Ground Transportation Division re-evaluating its procedures, tools, resources, and skillsets to meet this evolving and intensifying demand for the curb.


How are you and your team using technology, programs, and policies to address these effects? For the past several years, DDOT’s Parking and Ground Transportation Division has shifted from a reactive posture to a more objective, data-driven, context sensitive proactive posture in addressing the needs and emerging challenges at the curb. That has included also introducing new technologies in collecting and analyzing data (i.e. ArcGIS Collector or Survey 123, Tableau, ArcGIS Pro), rethinking our practice to be more inclusive (i.e. how do we design and communicate curb access and vehicle storage to facilitate accessibility (i.e. mobility, language access, multimodal harmony), as well as pursuing education and outreach campaigns in the community to stimulate a conversation about the curb (from where we came, where we are now, and where the community would like to orient the curb toward the future to meet their needs and neighborhood vision).

What’s your longer term planning look like around the curb? DDOT’s Parking and Ground Transportation Division is revisiting the underlying policies and framework around the curb, which has been historically oriented toward low-occupancy vehicle storage. Much effort to date has involved rethinking curb access and vehicle storage management in high density commercial areas, where

A whole

LOT of innovation from AIMS we have implemented strategies such as demand-based curb pricing, experimented with dynamic curb management technology, and have been repurposing the curb for transit priority lanes, cycletracks, as well as pick-up/drop-off zones (PUDOs). Near term efforts take such evaluation into residential areas of the District, where vehicle storage is the predominant curb use, yet there is an intensifying need to meet accessible and equitable people and goods pickup/drop-off movement from residential land uses, neighborhood retail, as well as community uses (i.e. schools and libraries).

Any advice for other municipalities as they tackle similar challenges?


First, take a breath. You are not alone with your curb challenges. Second, take some time to understand your challenges. Some challenges have multiple perspectives to them, and to understand them, you will have to look beyond your own lens and reach out to community stakeholders for their feedback and ideas. Third, don’t try to recreate the wheel. Ask your peers, ask the industry on their ideas of tools and practice. Also be willing to share, for again, you are not alone. Lastly, don’t be afraid to fail and iterate. The District has spent time piloting solutions, with some being successful, and others not so much. But we share such experiences, so others can grow from it, or rethink the problem and approach from a different lens.

Brandy Stanley, CAPP Parking Services Manager, City of Las Vegas

How are the demands at the curb affecting your current operations? We are losing on-street parking spaces and revenue in favor of pickup and

dropoff, delivery and outdoor eating needs; there is no reason to believe that trend will do anything but accelerate. But enforcement of these short-term parking sessions is such a problem, we are frantically searching for technology and policy that is effective. We are making extensive use of public-private partnerships to try to find programs that will effectively manage the curb and reduce congestion. Providing TNC staging areas in unused parking garages at night is one program and another is the use of space sensors, cameras and kiosks to monitor pickup and drop-off zones for TNCs and taxis. The system also sends alerts to enforcement when there are violations and gives us usage information we need to make decisions. Both programs are public private partnerships with multiple technology and support companies. Figuring out how to enforce the regulations we apply to make the curb function and longer term beginning to recover some of that lost revenue.

Any advice for other municipalities as they tackle similar challenges? Leverage the creativity of technology providers—but you have to blend that creativity with a realistic sense of what will actually work and be effective. For example, the idea of requiring everyone to download an app to charge for picking up and dropping off a passenger is really a non-starter right now. It may well be the longer-term solution but it’s not feasible today as a standalone solution. This is an exciting time for our industry—frustrations abound, but so does opportunity and the collaboration we are experiencing with technology providers is truly exciting.

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Robert Ferrin, Assistant Director, City of Columbus

How are the demands at the curb affecting your current operations? An increase in on-demand deliveries and passenger pick up and drop off activities is making us rethink how we allocate curb space, what technology we use, and how we define success. These new demands are significantly different than the demands we have been used to and the management strategies we’ve employed to meet those historical demands.

How are you and your team using technology, programs, and policies to address these effects? Our team is piloting new technology and adjusting policies and programs to provide for more flexible use of the curb lane. Whether it be testing on-demand reservation and monetization systems

or providing availability and location information on a digital platform, we understand innovation is required to maintain access to the curb. Our team has developed an RFP to allow the market to provide us scalable solutions to dynamically manage the curb. We are creating flexible policies to be more nimble in how we allocate curb space, and working with delivery companies to better understand their needs for curb space.

Any advice for other municipalities as they tackle similar challenges? Be open to new ideas and piloting new concepts. Break out of the “this is how it’s always been done” mold and search out creative ways to dynamically manage the curb. The effects of COVID have impacted parking demand and provided municipal operators a unique opportunity to rethink how curb space is allocated for the highest and best public use.

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What’s Next Our vision and perspective on the curb will continue to evolve—to stay up to date on how that’s changing and what’s next, here are a few suggestions: ■  Keep reading—and sharing—what you find. Drop our task force a note at and stay tuned for Parking & Mobility magazine each month. ■  Check in with your colleagues on Forum. These conversations in our members-­only online community are powerful—and bite sized, and come straight to you in the daily digest. ◆

ROBERT FERRIN is assistant director with the City of Columbus, Ohio, and a member of IPMI’s Research & Innovation Task Force and Board of Directors. He can be reached at rsferrin@

Get to know the

program ACCREDITED PARKING ORGANIZATION (APO) is a designation for parking, transportation, and mobility organizations that have achieved a comprehensive standard of excellence. IPMI’s APO program recognizes best practices in responsible parking management and operations, access management, customer service, professional development, security, sustainability, and other areas. APOs demonstrate their commitment to ongoing evaluation and improvement of program outcomes through the implementation of industry best practices.

Getting Started ■  Download the program overview for a snapshot of the program, or

request a copy of the current APO matrix. ■  The APO Manual for Applicants and matrix detail the program’s requirements and criteria, breaking down all aspects of the program into 14 categories. ■  Achieving APO status means an organization has met all 25 required criteria and 80 percent of additional criteria across all categories. We recommend using the matrix to complete a self-assessment with key members of your team to ensure your organization meets the minimum 25 required items and a majority of the additional criteria. IPMI staff are always available to join you for a kick-off call to answer your questions based on this self-assessment. ■  Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year, so your team can get started anytime. Application fees are waived through December 31, 2021, and accreditation fees are discounted as well. ■  To submit for full APO recognition at the 2021 IPMI Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo in Tampa, Fla., all documentation should be submitted by Friday, July 30, 2021. The APO Board will review applications and documentation packages at that time. Please contact us with any questions on the timeline and process.

Team Up with Your Site Reviewer Site Reviewers assist APOs in selecting and preparing documentation

the second part of the matrix in an on-site, physical review of facilities. Due to ongoing safety concerns and travel restrictions, this review may be conducted virtually. Please contact us ahead of your review to let us know how you plan to conduct the site visit.

Plan to Celebrate Walking across the stage at the annual IPMI Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo is just the beginning! IPMI honors all new and reaccrediting APOs at the event during the Awards and Recognition General Session--always a noteworthy and exciting event for your team (and us too)! Your celebration of this achievement starts with this event, but it doesn’t end there: ■  Once approved by the APO Board, you will receive a complete recognition package, including a digital marketing kit, dated APO logos for your organization and Premier Facilities, press release template, and more. You’ll also be invited to submit an APO spotlight article for an upcoming issue of Parking & Mobility magazine. ■  Add your logo to your website, emails, marketing, and patron communications. Be sure to use your Premier Facility logo to your approved facilities to spread your good news. ■  Take your message to social media. We post and share your APO across all of our social media platforms, but you should too. Just tag @IPMINow and we will cross-promote and share.

packages for Board review; this third-party site review is required for new applications. These IPMI-trained industry professionals help your team determine how to achieve criteria and serve as your expert source

Make Your Move

of information on how to achieve and maintain your accreditation.

The APO program is complex—it has to be to capture all the aspects

■  Download the roster of current APO Site Reviewers here.

that contribute to a successful parking, transportation, or mobility

■  Determine how you will select and retain your Site Reviewer. Or-

operation. The APO program represents an unparalleled standard of

ganizations may initiate an RFQ/RFP procurement process or use a Site Reviewer in a consultant agreement or under an ongoing services contract. How you hire and work with your reviewer is entirely up to you. ■  Prior to authorizing your Site Review to get started, we recommend having your electronic documentation for each criteria at least 80 percent complete. ■  Site Reviewers usually visit organizations to review and document

excellence in our industry. APO was designed to be achievable by organizations of all scopes and sizes. Like any journey, it starts with the first step. Be assured that IPMI staff, the APO Board, and our Site Reviewers will be with you all the way through that journey—from your initial investigation up to your celebration. Let’s take that step together—let us know when you are ready to get started! ◆


I Want Patience and I Want It Now By Cindy Campbell


’VE NEVER BEEN VERY GOOD AT WAITING. Waiting at the doctor’s office, waiting in line at Starbucks,

waiting for the car in front of me to GO ALREADY at the green light. I have been the impatience poster child for most of my adult life. This was my reality—until I learned that my impatience could literally bring about my demise. spective makes me seriously reconsider my impatient ways.

Trained to be Impatient The challenge here is that as humans, we’re designed to be impatient from the moment we arrive. Babies instinctively communicate their immediate needs for food and comfort. As we started to grow, most of us were told that patience is a virtue, yet few of us were taught how to actually become more patient. This predisposition for impatient reactions continues throughout our lives—unless we learn to recognize and interrupt it. Here’s the good news: We have the capability to become more patient, but it takes discipline and lots of practice. How is this relevant to you as a professional? I’m sharing all of this because the ill effect of impatience can directly affect our level of happiness, both personally and professionally. Is your impatience influencing others in ways you hadn’t considered? If you knew you could choose to feel less stress and improve your health and the quality of your relationships, would

you do it? Of course you would. As the saying goes, the first step in solving a problem is recognizing there is one. In this case, I’m suggesting recognition has two components. 1. Recognizing the negative effects of impatience in your life. The nature of our work often presents us with opportunities to react with impatience. When we’re stressed, irritated, or upset, we tend to be less productive. In addition, our body releases a stress hormone that interferes with our ability to perform simple tasks. Take the concept I started with—waiting. In life, we all encounter the waiting game, but few of us feel at ease when we’re unexpectedly delayed or asked to wait for long periods of time. Waiting can make us feel resentful and anxious, as if others are in control of us. Think about it—this may be what our customers experience as they wait on hold for our assistance. While perception isn’t always reality, I think it’s safe to say that none of us want to feel controlled by others. DAMIR KHABIROV / STOCK.ADOBE.COM

There’s science behind this statement. Dr. Ahmed Sood with the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., has devoted much of his career to researching impatience and the negative effects it can have on our health and happiness. Sood and his colleagues have determined there is a direct correlation between our quality of life and how we react to the variety of stressors we encounter. A few notable findings from his research: ■  Stress is a negative emotion related to impatience. ■  An episode of explosive anger, significant stress, or impatience can increase your risk of heart attack and sudden death by two to eightfold for the next few hours. ■  Impatience, or a lack of patience, can have a long-term effect on your DNA. ■  The only thing that gets faster with impatience is aging. And finally, consider this impactful quote from Sood: “Impatience is not simply the opposite of patience, rather, the absence of patience brings us anxiety, illness, injury, loneliness—and even death.” I don’t know about you, but that per-



The challenge here is that as humans, we’re designed to be impatient from the moment we arrive. Babies instinctively communicate their immediate needs for food and comfort. We have the ability to make a conscious choice to react to situations we encounter with less anxiety and impatience. Good things can come to us when we realize our reaction is a choice. When we can do this, we’re happier and potentially healthier for it. It takes time to change our threshold for feeling impatience, but statistics show we may live longer—for ourselves and for our loved ones. 2. Recognizing your ability to positively influence the impatient reactions of others. If we can learn to help ourselves to react with less impatience, we’re better able to handle situations in which others become impatient in their dealings with us. At a minimum, we can be less reactionary to their stress and impatience. Customers often respond with impatience based on their feelings of anxiety. They may perceive they’re being given the runaround or feel like they have no control over an imposed situation. Make it a habit to ease customer anxiety by helping them to better understand what is happening, what options they have, and any related time frames that may apply. It sets a good example for the customer as well as anyone else that may be watching your interaction.

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Happiness A final thought on this: We cannot be impatient and happy at the same time. It takes a conscious decision to not allow ourselves to be pulled into the vortex of anxiety and impatience of those we encounter. Our quality of life can improve when we choose to react with patience. My two cents? Definitely worth the effort. ◆ CINDY CAMPBELL is IPMI’s senior training and development specialist. She is available for onsite and online training and professional development and can be reached at

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Tips to Prepare for a Touchless Parking Future


By Rajiv Jain

E HAVE BEEN MOVING TOWARD A TOUCHLESS FUTURE for a while. Parking, transportation, and

mobility professionals have been on the cutting edge of developing new technologies that will create a more efficient and seamless experience for their customers, while helping parking owners and managers streamline their operations.

Upgrading Technology Of course, this goes without saying because a touchless parking future wouldn’t be possible if not for the significant technology advancements and product developments of recent years. These solutions are designed to offer consumers a completely touchless parking experience. From the time they arrive to park their vehicle, to finding a space, to payment and departure, patrons can accomplish all of the tasks necessary through their mobile devices. We will continue to see an increase in parking facilities offering these technologies, as well as customers adapting to them.

Mobile parking apps have been around for many years, and many parkers take advantage of the convenience to locate, drive to, and pay for parking through their phones. Now it’s the parking facility’s turn to be upgraded with contactless parking technologies. There are many options out there already. Some solutions prompt parkers to simply scan a QR code or use their branded app, allowing them to enter the facility, and providing the operator with an individual customer record. This record is then used throughout the customer journey, tracking how long they have been there, and providing the customer with the ability to pay for parking upon departure (or manage their permit parking account). Both of these solutions allow operators to continue to utilize their existing parking equipment to man-

age access control. Other facilities have moved toward a gateless parking experience, eliminating parking equipment at entrances and exits altogether. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. It is important to take an in-depth look at the facilities across your campus, community, or portfolio to identify the solution that works best for your operation.

Staff Education With any new advancement in technology, there will be a learning curve for both the organization implementing it and the community it is serving. As we continue to move into this new age of touchless technology, it will be important to effectively communicate these changes to parking staff and provide them with the education and training to support it. From valet parking attendants to


The increasing adoption and acceptance of new technologies has been led by recent, more tech-savvy generations. The COVID-19 pandemic further helped accelerate this process for people of all ages, encouraging them to become more comfortable performing their daily tasks through their mobile devices and limiting their physical contact with other people and their exposure to surfaces. In the coming years, touchless parking solutions will continue to grow in popularity and integration. From mobile payment solutions to contactless and even gateless parking facilities, the parking landscape will look a lot different than it has in the past. It’s important to prepare not only your operation for these changes as we move into the future, but also your staff and your customers. Here are just a few quick tips to help transition into a touchless future.

parking maintenance staff, job responsibilities will begin to look a little different than they have traditionally. It is important to provide these valuable team members with the information and resources to continue to effectively perform their duties, as well as time to get used to these new advancements. This will not only provide them with the confidence to continue to do their jobs effectively, but most importantly to serve and support the customers that visit the facility, many of whom may also require a bit of a learning curve as well.

Marketing and Outreach Another important consideration when implementing new technologies of any kind is to ensure the community you are serving is educated and comfortable as well. This is why it is so important to select a technology that is best for your operation. As customers come to expect more touchless parking options, they are more willing to engage with operators virtually online and through their mobile devices. This also means that they are more open to sharing their online contact information (i.e. their email addresses and phone numbers) with the operator. This is valuable information for the operators’ marketing organizations and was previously difficult to get with the traditional paper- based parking technologies. But with this trust comes the responsibility of keeping this information very secure, and not use it unethically or without permission, and only for the benefit of the customers. Effective marketing and outreach initiatives not only help to encourage the adaption of new parking technologies, but they can also help to attract new customers. As customer demographics and behaviors continue to evolve, and customers become more informed and tech savvy, they are searching for more convenient and comfortable parking options. It will be important to use marketing platforms to inform customers of upcoming changes and new technologies in their parking facilities. Just like with parking staff, customers may also need some time to get used to these changes, and this is a great opportunity to connect with them and provide them with the information they need to seamlessly transition to a new touchless parking experience. Further, these new advancements may also help you to attract new customers who are looking for a parking facility that enables them to easily move between their entry, payment, and exit processes. Such personalized marketing efforts will also help to increase customer loyalty in this highly competitive environment.

As we know, change is always inevitable. And right now, in our industry, we are seeing a major shift toward touchless solutions for every moment of the parking experience. As more and more technologies continue to enter the market, it is essential to assess which options are right for you, your organization, and your community. Further, providing not only your frontline employees, but also your customers, with the tools, information, and time they need to adapt to these changes will help to keep your operation moving smoothly, provide opportunities to connect with your customers, and help usher in a seamless transition to a touchless parking future. ◆ RAJIV JAIN is CEO of ParkEngage. He can be reached at






EXPERTS With more employers staying permanently workfrom-home or embracing hybrid work models, what advice do you have for the parking organizations that serve them going forward?

Allen Corry, CAPP

Katherine Beaty

Brian Shaw, CAPP

Tiffany R. Peebles

Mary Smith

Assistant Vice President, Parking Business Unit DFW Airport

VP of Implementation Tez Technology

Executive Director, Transportation Stanford University

Director Parking Authority of River City, Ky.

Senior Vice President Walker Consultants

Parking operators will need to provide options for daily commuter parking in addition to monthly or annual permits. Payroll integrations will need to be able to handle multiple transactions each month vs. the usual monthly deduction. Moving away from access control based on monthly permits will also need to considered as folks may not come in as frequently.

I recommend offering a hybrid of parking options, including working with your parking control software provider, to develop a one-day or multiple-day parking pass that mirrors the teleworking culture and needs. It is necessary for parking professionals to meet the parking needs to gain and retain their business.

The hybrid work model should provide flexibility while creating a safer work environment. which should include opportunities for increasing social distancing by installing plexiglass around individual work station, etc. This should allow employees whose work can be accomplished virtually to blend work locations between the office and remote. Guidelines should be developed for employees who are able to work up to two days remotely per week or longer. Leadership should be responsible for ensuring appropriate coverage to support the operation/business.

Stay nimble. We all must adapt to different circumstances that are going to continue to change as we work through this new reality and discover what is and is not working for ourselves and our customers/clients/ stakeholders. Look for technology, programs, and products that help you adapt. Look for nontraditional marketing campaigns such as products that offer some type of advertising banner option that can be used for recruiting and public messaging ads for you or your customers.


As has been discussed in many forums, parking operations need to add a prepaid option in the access card system that declinates for daily fees. The fee can be preset below the fee that would accrue at the visitor rates. This supports not only telework but TDM and should be in every parking manager’s arsenal.

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EXPERTS continued...

Scott C. Bauman, CAPP

David Carson Lipscomb

Christina Jones, CAPP

Manager of Parking & Mobility Services City of Aurora, Colo.

Curbside Management Planner District Department of Transportation (DDOT)

Parking Analyst Walker Consultants

Parking, transportation, and mobility programs should recognize and understand that the traditional employee/ employer parking paradigm has shifted due to the pandemic. As a result, programs should embrace the new normal of working from home (and hybrid working) and make the administrative, operational, and technology adjustments necessary to meet the needs and demands of these new norms and to ensure their organization stays relevant and effective.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced people, businesses, governments, and institutions to find creative new ways to do everything. Solutions continue to blossom as we discover that our fears about change were perhaps misguided. The big, scary ideas you have for improving how you deliver services probably pale in comparison to the crises we have all endured and continue to manage. Your clients are probably already doing it, so meet them where they are. Dust off your risk management toolbox and step out there and do something outside of your typical parameters.

Parking professionals have proven their ability to be agile in responding to their communities’ needs. Carry this creativity forward in developing flexible options that meet the changing needs of the populations they serve. Whether used for short-term vehicle or mobility device storage, e-commerce pickup, or café seating, the curb remains a high demand asset that should be managed effectively.


Ben Wesley, CAPP Market President, Nashville Premium Parking When market demands change, savvy service providers will design products for the new demand, such as flex monthly parking and a la carte/on-demand specials for business accounts. Keep customers first and everyone wins.

Casey Jones, CAPP Senior Parking and Mobility Planner DESMAN My best advice is to avoid treating every person and every situation the same. This may be difficult especially with public institutions but the simple fact is that each person and function they play will need careful consideration with respect to how much or how little office time is needed. Some will thrive in a remote environment while others will struggle or fail. so a one-size-fitsall approach will simply not work.

YOUR WEBINAR SCHEDULE Register for a single webinar for $35. Annual Training Pass Available: Members purchase all 2021 webinars for $379. JULY 14, 2021 The Parking Study is Done. Now What? Presenter: Jennifer McCoy, PE, PTOE, Senior


Traffic Engineer, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Presenter: Matthew Darst, JD, Director of

AUGUST 11, 2021 Ask Better Questions, Get Better Answers: Improve Your RFP Procurement Process to Receive Quality Proposals

Curbside Management, Conduent Transportation

Frictionless Parking: Smoothing Out the Edges for a Seamless Mobility Experience Presented by the IPMI Technology Committee

Presenter: Mandy Bowers, Senior Marketing Specialist, Kimley-Horn

SEPTEMBER 15, 2021 Collecting Lost Revenue: The Payment Behind the Parking Payment Presenters: Andrew LaMothe, Regional Director

Operational Measures that Produce a Positive Customer Experience and Drive Organizational Success Presenters: Tammy Baker, Vice President of Client Experience, and Brian Wolff, President & CEO, Parker Technology Inc.

of Sales, Passport; Brian Shaw, CAPP, Executive Director of Transportation; Stanford University

OCTOBER 20, 2021 How U.S. Cities can Learn from Smart City Innovations in Europe

Teleworking: An Alternate Mobility Mode Presenters: Perry H. Eggleston, CAPP, DPA, Executive Director for Transportation Services; and Ramon Zavala, Transportation Demand Manager, UC Davis Transportation Services, University of California at Davis

Presenter: David Parker, Chief Operating Officer, Cleverciti

NOVEMBER 10, 2021 The Truth Behind Common Parking Myths

Using Social Listening to Improve Your Customer Service Presenter: Melonie Curry, Communications Manager, ParkHouston

Presenter: Michael Pendergrass, AIA, Associate Principal and Matt Davis, Associate Principal, Watry Design, Inc.

DECEMBER 15, 2021 Getting Smart: Strategies to Get Started Creating Smart Communities Presenter: Thomas Szubka, CAPP, Senior Consultant, Walker Consultants

Melonie Curry, MBA Staff Analyst ParkHouston Break out of the 9-5 box. How convenient is it to force our customers to conduct business from 9-5? Prepare your team to embrace a digital workflow. Look for ways you can reduce or eliminate paper flow and hard copies and go paperless. Be sure to offer training opportunities for your staff so they feel comfortable and competent in using the technology platforms. You will not only improve your efficiency but you will also improve your customer experience.

Mark Lyons, CAPP Division Manager, Parking and Mobility City of Sarasota, Fla. If this is new to your organization, have a good plan and structure for progress and review with employees.

Brett Wood, CAPP, PE

Larry J. Cohen, CAPP

President Wood Solutions Group

Executive Director Lancaster Parking Authority

Follow the data-driven principles we’ve defined as an industry. Use your revenue and transaction data to determine the new pattern of parking behavior—how often they park, when they park, volumes of activity. The next few months will be critical in defining what the return to normalcy looks like and if you are in tune with the trends and ready to proactively adapt, you have a better shot of marketing new flexible options and attracting new customers.

Our “new normal” customers may not be as robust as pre-pandemic, so we need to provide more flexibility in parking options tailored to the hybrid work environment, such as increased use of a variety of debit options in place of monthly parking permits.

Kathryn Hebert President and CEO TPMConnect The old organizational structures and ways are not coming back. The return to work is not the end but the beginning. Reorganize for a broader/ wider distributed, agile hybrid workforce. Transition and engage around collaboration, flexibility, inclusion, and accountability. Encourage partnerships instead of individual siloed vertical decisions and implementations. Stay positive and keep smiling.

/ HAVE A QUESTION? Send it to and watch this space for answers from the experts. 22 PARKING & MOBILITY / JULY 2021 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

Stay connected with free training for IPMI members. 2021 Frontline Fundamentals Training Industry experts lead interactive, online education sessions designed for frontline teams and industry professionals. Sessions offered throughout 2021; get the entire schedule online. Set your calendar for Tuesdays at 2 pm ET, and access sessions on demand too!

July 13: Demystifying the Parking Audit: The Important Role You Play. Presented by Jaime Snyder, CAPP July 27: Cultivating the Seeds of Support within Your Organization. Presented by Chris Austin, CAPP August 10: Never Stop Learning: Why Professional Development is the Key to Success. Presented by Josh Cantor, CAPP August 24: Find Your Potential, Develop Your Path. Presented by Kim Jackson, CAPP September 14: Life at Work is Like a Legos Set: All the Blocks are Necessary to Achieve the Bigger Picture. Presented by Alejandra “Alex” Argudin, CAPP September 28: Managing Customers in a Remote Environment. Presented by Maggie Vercoe October 19: The Undercover Consultant. Presented by Nicole Chinea, CAPP November 2: Refocused and Refreshed: Experiential Customer Service. Presented by Dennis Burns, CAPP November 16: Situational Awareness. Presented by Pam Corbin, CAPP

Generously supported by our exclusive Frontline Fundamentals Sponsor

POWER of the PEOPLE People and organizations shine throughout this year’s Professional Recognition Awards. By Melanie Padgett Powers



ARKING AND MOBILITY OPERATIONS and initiatives could not succeed without the talented and

dedicated people behind them. This year’s IPMI Professional Recognition Program award winners are the people and organizations on the frontlines and behind the scenes who ensure each daily operation, special project, or new initiative goes beyond expectations.

Organization of the Year

improving traffic flow and reducing traffic impediments. UCLA Transportation earned a 2019 Best Practice Award for Managing Campus Mobility on Demand at the California Higher Education Sustainability Conference. Transit ridership has increased with subsidized passes offered on a variety of local transit. The Bruin Commuter Transit Benefit further promotes transit use, by providing a free pass for one-quarter of those new to riding. Thousands have joined the award-winning program and opted out of a parking permit, making it one of the most successful initiatives and increasing UCLA’s overall transit use by roughly 5 percent. The new Bruin Grad Pass program grants graduate students access to unlimited fare-free rides on local transit if they live far from campus. Campus vehicle services include BruinCar, fleet procurement, and BruinBus. Of UCLA’s fleet of about 1,100 vehicles, 62 percent are alternative-fueled. UCLA Transportation is on track to run a completely carbon-neutral fleet by 2025.


The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) has one of the highest densities in the UC system and is in one of the most traffic-choked and smog-filled cities in the U.S. In this setting, UCLA Transportation is focused on reducing congestion and clearing the air. In 2019, UCLA Transportation transitioned all parking permits to a virtual system that uses license-plate-recognition software. Foot traffic to the Transportation lobby decreased by roughly 68 percent, and the system saved 1,500 pounds of paper and eliminated 30,000 plastic hangtags each year. Daily parking permit transactions also moved online. Virtual permits saved employees varying amounts, eliminating the need for UCLA to pay payroll taxes on those costs. That led to a cumulative reoccurring savings of $2.25 million each year.

Several other initiatives are included in UCLA Transportation’s sustainable program. The UCLA Trip Planner allows commuters to explore their best routes to campus and allows employees and students to form carpools—with permits offered at a discount—through a personalized matching system. UCLA’s drivealone rate—currently 36 percent—continues to drop and is far below LA County’s commuter drive-alone rate of 74 percent. UCLA has been designated a Gold Bicycle Friendly University by the League of American Bicyclists, placing the campus in the top 15 percent of the national rankings. The Earn-A-Bike program offers eligible employees and graduate students an opportunity to turn in their parking permit in exchange for a free bike and accessories. Lyft, Bird, and Wheels became the approved electric scooter and bike vendors at UCLA. UCLA Transportation also worked with Uber and Lyft to designate on-campus pick-up zones that prioritize pedestrian and bicyclist safety while



Organization of the Year

Stanford University, Calif. Stanford Transportation offers one of the most comprehensive transportation demand management (TDM) programs in the nation. It has successfully reduced peak-hour and drivealone commutes at Stanford’s main campus and its Stanford Redwood City campus. The percentage of Stanford employees and commuting students who drive alone to the main campus dropped from 67 percent in 2003 to 41 percent in 2019. Other goals include reducing university-related traffic emissions, congestion, and parking demand. Ride-sharing programs include a free vanpool and free, premium, and reserved carpool parking. In 2019, 11,000 members were in the Commute Club, an incentive program that offered generous rewards for sustainable commuters. The free Stanford Marguerite shuttle has 41 all-electric buses equipped with bicycle racks. Stanford also offers free and discounted trips on local transit. Nearly 20 percent of university commuters biked to campus in 2019. Stanford is the only university to receive three consecutive Platinum Bicycle Friendly University designations from the League of American Bicyclists.


The campus created the Escondido Village Graduate Residences (EVGR) Car Free Club, which offers incentives for graduate student residents to go car-free at Stanford over a threeyear period to mitigate construction impacts. The program exceeded its goals while remaining under budget, reducing permit holders from 52 percent in 2017 to 38 percent in 2020. In addition, Stanford has the largest university Zipcar car-sharing fleet in the U.S., with 68 cars at more than 30 locations. To support the commuting and residential car-free community, Stanford offers a number of on- site amenities, including a bike shop and mobile bike service, and a rental car branch. Before COVID-19 struck the U.S. in 2020, Stanford Transportation had migrated its operations almost exclusively online. In 2018, Stanford Transportation transitioned its transit pass program from a physical sticker on employee ID cards to Clipper, a regional electronic fare card. It then moved the entire campus community to a new virtual parking permit system, which was critical to have in place during the pandemic. In addition, Stanford Transportation moved up implementation of its app-based visitor parking system, after 48 pay stations in visitor lots were taken offline for public health measures. Also, in 2020, the Marguerite Shuttle and Charter Services team rolled out six versions of schedule changes in a ninemonth period because of ridership reductions, budgetary constraints of funding partners, and adjustments to local commuter rail service. Stanford’s free shuttle system typically implements two schedule changes over the course of a calendar year.

James M. Hunnicutt, CAPP, Industry Professional of the Year


Stanford Transportation, Calif. Brian Shaw, CAPP, has spent his nearly 25-year career fostering sustainable transportation options and innovations in parking management. Under his leadership, Stanford has successfully kept its peak-hour trips under the level established in 2000, while the campus has continued to grow and thrive. Working primarily in higher education at leading U.S. research institutions, he provides invaluable industry leadership, including as a member of IPMI’s Board of Directors and as past president and treasurer of the Association for Commuter Transportation. Shaw has led the charge in moving Stanford Transportation away from outdated, paper-based approaches to more efficient and responsive online programs and processes. Since arriving at Stanford in 2014, he led and oversaw major operational changes, including transitioning from physical parking permits to a virtual permit system, from physical to virtual transit passes, from a cash-based and in-person bike registration process to online bike registration, from lock-and-key bike lockers to electronic access to bike cages, and from physical parking meters to appbased visitor parking. His vision of transitioning to online services over the past several years enabled the department to remain up and running when 2020 shelter-in-place orders would have made it difficult, if not impossible, to process physical transactions. It also facilitated a more seamless suspension of parking permit fees and reinstatement of parking enforcement. Shaw has called for strong collaborations with other campus departments. He supported and advocated for roundabouts, which Campus Planning researched and implemented. He worked with other departments to implement green bike lanes and the expansion of mobile bike repair services and bike safety repair stations. These program enhancements helped Stanford achieve the only consecutive Platinum Bicycle Friendly University designation from the League of American Bicyclists. With unprecedented campus development, including construction of the new Escondido Village Graduate Residences, Shaw oversaw the development of an innovative residential Car Free Club, which rewarded resident graduate students who agreed to go car-free over three years. It achieved remarkable

success, exceeding the target permit-demand reduction and coming in under budget. Shaw has brought leadership to every area of Stanford’s transportation programs and to the local community and his industry.

Emerging Leader of the Year


UCLA Transportation Passionate about analytical approaches to business, Chris Lechner, CAPP, leverages data to direct parking and mobility improvements. In a brief amount of time, his contributions revolutionized a critical sector within UCLA Transportation’s operation. He led the transition to a virtual parking permit system, completed years ahead of schedule, leading to a cumulative reoccurring savings of more than $2 million each year. Lechner is responsible for producing next-level data analysis, leading to change-making and improvements in multiple services and programs. His innovation and insight are helping the organization strategically and sustainably move into the future. The new virtual parking permit system, Bruin ePermit, uses license-plate-recognition technology. This paperless system has saved 1,500 pounds of paper and removed 30,000 plastic hangtags from production each year. Only a few months after the system launched in 2019, through Lechner’s efforts, daily parking permits became available in the new system, three years ahead of schedule. Recently, Lechner worked diligently to establish the Data Lab, a centralized location for operational data. Work produced by the Data Lab helps UCLA Transportation better manage its entire breadth of services and programs and allows managers to make better business decisions. Data is used by commuter programs and parking permit coordinators, active transportation planners, fleet and transit specialists, and others to make adjustments that result in enhanced services and programs. With the Data Lab, Lechner moved the process to a single digital entry that included auto alerts. The new process is saving over 1,400 pieces of paper and reallocating over 125 labor hours each year. PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / JULY 2021 / PARKING & MOBILITY 27


When the COVID-19 pandemic struck and closed campus, Lechner stepped up, providing more than 17,000 no-fee self-service transactions to eligible customers in March through May 2020. He was also able to preserve departmental parking allotments for almost 6,500 permit holders who cancelled their longterm payroll deduction permits. He also facilitated flexible options to employees who needed to park on campus only occasionally by implementing discounted daily parking for employees via payroll deduction. Since the campus began charging for parking again, Lechner enabled daily discounted parking to students and employees via the online system. Transportation demand management at UCLA is better informed and brighter because of Lechner. He is highly motivated to continue growing professionally, currently participating in UCLA Administration’s Leadership Program for high-potential, goal-oriented individuals who are on track to be the next generation of university leadership.

successful implementation. When questions arise, staff knows he will provide the most accurate answer. His ever-expanding responsibilities include supervising and coaching customer service staff, training new staff, co-leading many technology projects, monitoring the online payment stream, analyzing operational data, identifying areas of improvement operationally, monitoring the T2 Flex database, and creating operational reports that aid in the analysis of production, track key performance indicators, and provide insights to senior management. He also manages and monitors all aspects of the permit program, which saw an annual revenue increase from $939,000 in 2013 to $2 million today. During the COVID-19 pandemic, when social distancing was required, Medel created an on-demand virtual training to prepare staff and parking adjudication officers for the implementation of ParkHouston’s smart boot program.





ParkHouston Houston, Texas During his career with ParkHouston, the agency responsible for on-street parking in Houston, Texas, Carlos Medel has garnered many accolades from managers and peers for his superb analytical skills and keen ability to clearly articulate processes. Medel joined ParkHouston 17 years ago as a customer service representative and quickly advanced. His leadership style is one of leading by example. He is prompt, confident, courteous, and innovative. He always provides clear direction to staff and holds frequent coaching sessions to encourage and enhance his team’s production. He also welcomes feedback from staff and colleagues. Medel welcomes new tasks and projects to increase his skill set and allow him to grow professionally. He has had a leading role in the setup and configuration of the city’s virtual permit project. His expertise of T2 Flex and knowledge of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances is guiding the project team to a 28 PARKING & MOBILITY / JULY 2021 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG


Dallas Fort Worth International Airport Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas David Wilson, CAPP, has provided strategic thinking, innovation and leadership throughout his 30-year career in the parking and mobility industry. As senior transportation business manager for the Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) International Airport’s Transportation Business Unit (TBU), Wilson has been an instrumental leader as the organization adapts its business model, adjusts to customer behavior changes, and reshapes its off-airport and valet services. Wilson’s leadership has been critical as the department implements new technology and programs to grow parking and serve DFW airport passengers. One initiative is the pre-paid parking online system, which also expanded the department’s customer base. Wilson shared his knowledge with the executive team and consultants to build understanding of the overall needs to implement this new system. In addition, TBU separated yield management and transitioned the responsibility from TBU to the new Revenue and Yield Management Team. Wilson worked closely with the new manager and team to share the processes

and intricacies of the parking systems to support their success. Wilson’s team focused on the overall operations of parking and transportation at the airport, supporting the other teams with analytics and process improvements needed. Sometimes other teams can be guarded when another team reviews their processes and provides suggestions. This has put the management team in an uncomfortable position at times, as they are asked to help develop and report metrics and measures. Wilson is a reassuring voice, letting other managers know that his department is there to help and support them. He and his team make sure to recognize other departments’ efforts and ability to manage their operation. He also supports his own team’s creativity and talents by giving them the ability to share their own ideas and solutions during working sessions and fostering a crossfunctional team. Wilson also manages the service agreements with off-airport parking and valet, which can require difficult renegotiations. Wilson took the time to call each company personally to let them know what to expect, instead of just mailing new agreements.


Customer Service

Elizabeth Gallerizzo Hartsgrove

Gallerizzo Hartsgrove evaluated past practices, comparing them with expected delivery of service vision, and identified mismatched gaps. She formulated a customer-centric, service-oriented operational standard and leadership training blueprint that aligned parking team objectives and efforts with the organizational mission, vision, and community values. The training stresses the importance and need for courteous and respectful “people specialists.” The program showcases the creative vitality and economic-driving positive force that the department must have to efficiently and effectively support the public and businesses. Unequivocally dedicated to the organization and community, Gallerizzo Hartsgrove and the department are examples of how a parking management team can collectively and successfully pivot direction positively to focus on building strong community and trusting relationships.




City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation Los Angeles, Calif.


Town of Barnstable, Mass. Elizabeth Gallerizzo Hartsgrove has nearly 20 years of professional experience in various managerial capacities for municipalities on Cape Cod, Mass. As the Town of Barnstable’s assistant director of planning and development, she oversees parking, visitor services, special events, and is actively engaged with correlated departmental programs, including economic development and arts and culture. Gallerizzo Hartsgrove has been recognized through the expansion of her service strategies throughout the town, through presenting at international and regional conferences and institutes, and providing training assistance to regional stakeholders. She has worked tirelessly to build trusting relationships within the Barnstable Parking Management Team and community, emphasizing that the department and the town are in the business of creating “service experiences.”

Ken Husting oversees five divisions in the City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) Bureau of Parking Management. A licensed civil engineer, Husting has over 20 years of experience with the department. He led the implementation and expansion of LA Express Park, the nation’s most advanced congestion management program. The award-winning program uses the latest parking technology to increase the availability of limited parking spaces, reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, and encourage the use of alternative modes of transportation. Originally introduced in Downtown L.A., the program recently expanded to Venice and Hollywood. Husting transformed the City of Los Angeles parking citations processing program and focused its resources toward adopting socially oriented parking policies and creative payment relief options. His bureau offers a Community Assistance Parking Program (CAPP), which allows motorists who are experiencing homelessness to settle unpaid parking citations through community service or to receive social services. The program works with PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / JULY 2021 / PARKING & MOBILITY 29


56 service providers throughout LA County to provide opportunities for CAPP participants. Husting was directly involved in the state Legislature’s draft of Assembly Bill 503 about the processing of parking violations. His thoughtful feedback helped shape the mechanics of the extended low-income payment plans, which became a requirement for parking programs in California. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, it became apparent that LADOT’s parking program needed to offer additional payment relief programs. With the City Council’s approval, LADOT extended the due date for parking citations and imposed a parking citation penalty freeze. The department went even further, developing a package of COVID-19 parking programs that included a parking citation amnesty program, penalty waivers for the unemployed, and an incentive program for motorists who pay their citations early. Husting also authorized reduced parking meter rates in LA Express Park areas. The amnesty program reduced penalties for almost 500,000 delinquent citations over three years old with a reduction amount of $42.3 million.




Conduent Transportation Chicago, Ill. Before moving to the private sector, Matthew Darst was the first deputy director of revenue for the City of Chicago, managing more than 450 personnel. His reengineering of business processes and implementation of performance management systems led to increases in boot productivity and enforcement productivity and a reduction in meter repair time. At Conduent Transportation, Darst oversees an analytics team to improve customer convenience, increase parking revenue, and promote sustainability. He has been at the forefront of identifying, establishing, and implementing new and innovative ways the curbside and its enforcement can flourish. He has spent the past year focused on the use of the curb, COVID-19 responsiveness, and social equity. Darst led a team to reimagine the use of loading zones. Through advanced analytics and machine learning models, they recommended new measures to optimize loading zones. These 30 PARKING & MOBILITY / JULY 2021 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

measures are expected to lead to a decrease in double parking violations, a decrease in traffic congestion, improved safety, more efficient commercial interactions, better retail and restaurant accommodations, and improved enforcement. During the complexities of the pandemic, Darst has sought to mitigate COVID-19’s spread through the use of curb repurposing, virtual transactions and hearings, and other reduced face-toface interactions. He has focused on how publicly available data proxies such as parking complaints can predict compliance with shelter-in-place protocols. He is also evaluating how parking complaints can determine when and where assemblies occur, potentially predicting where infections are more likely. Parking data also demonstrate when people will return to areas they once frequented and provide insights into areas that will be avoided. As local governments aimed to implement programs during the pandemic to ensure social equity and access to marginalized and underserved communities, Darst devised opportunities for these governments to engage affected communities in mutually beneficial ways. For example, the implementation of economic relief programs such as amnesties and self-enrolled payment plans have allowed consumers previously excluded (financial or otherwise) from compliance to reengage and provide a positive revenue stream to local governments. Darst has also used data and analytic models to detect and measure violation over-saturation in lower socioeconomic neighborhoods. These models have helped local governments better manage their enforcement schedules and resource allocations to ensure enforcement is fair and balanced.




UCLA Transportation Los Angeles, Calif. Lauren Santillana Berghell leads a thriving marketing and communications team responsible for promoting UCLA Transportation’s broad portfolio of programs and services. With her marketing strategy geared toward encouraging alternative transportation, UCLA’s employee drive-alone rate has dropped to less than 48 percent—a university record.

As manager of the marketing and communications team, Santillana Berghell oversees the development and execution of every marketing, online media, and communications initiative. She is on the frontlines of brainstorming sessions to develop campaign taglines and key artwork. She oversees the creation of print and outdoor advertisements, press releases, digital marketing efforts, planning reports, and the staging of outreach events across campus. She is responsible for managing the creation and distribution of internal communications, such as briefs, bulletins, newsletters, and informational TV screens. Since joining the department only a few years ago, Santillana Berghell has introduced new business processes, greatly expanded the department’s creative services, and grown her team to include communications analysts, marketing and production coordinators, and graphic designers. Her team has a prominent role in advancing the department’s mission to reduce emissions from mobile sources, chiefly by promoting the department’s environmentally responsible commute options. At last report, 63 percent of commuters travel to campus by walking, bicycling, carpool, vanpool, or public transportation. When she started at

UCLA Transportation in 2016, the drive-alone rate for employees was 53 percent. It has dropped ever since and now stands stood at 48 percent in 2019. Bruins Who Rideshare led to an explosion of online growth. During the month-long campaign, @UCLACommute tweets earned 202,500 impressions, with the top tweet receiving over 12,000 impressions. New followers went up 20 percent, and retweets and favorites increased by over 60 percent. The UCLA Transportation Facebook page’s total reach, post reach, page post engagement, page impressions, and post impressions all increased by over 200 percent. On Instagram, @UCLACommute saw an increase of over 430 percent in likes, while website traffic increased by nearly 70 percent. A fully integrated marketing campaign launched Bruin ePermit, the new paperless parking permit system. The campaign included print and digital advertisements, website content, email campaigns, social media posts, videos, signage, T-shirts, promotional items, and outreach events. Within the first week of the rollout, 10,000 permits had been purchased, and the goal of 20,000 permits sold was soon met.




EasyPark Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Pablo Pascual’s primary focus is on safety and security at ­EasyPark’s physical assets in Vancouver, Canada. He works with four security companies to provide mobile, static, and K-9 security to more than 150 parking lots. He has also been the lead on over 30 new site startups in the past few years. Pascual’s extensive background in physical security, including several years as a K-9 handler and supervisor of various operational groups within security operations, has provided the basis for the success of the safety and security programs at EasyPark. His system is the only parking provider in Canada with a K-9 program. Pascual’s career in parking began in 2013, while he was a control center operator with EasyPark’s contract security provider. His career progression was closely tied to EasyPark, and soon he was certified as a K9 handler with his partner, Ares. He was later promoted to supervisor of the EasyPark Security program and then to operations manager, K9 security. Since joining EasyPark in 2017, he has revamped the safety and security program and overseen several initiatives, including the Annual Holiday Theft From Auto Awareness Campaign, which included undercover work and a partnership with the Vancouver Police Department. He expanded the K-9 security program to 24/7 coverage and achieved a reduction of thefts from autos by 39 percent, using various programs and

partnerships within the community. He initiated EasyPark’s quarterly “Leave Nothing in Your Car” campaign, which effectively uses social media, EasyPark’s security partners, and community outreach to educate and deter theft from auto while parked at EasyPark parking facilities. He holds monthly safety education lunch and learn sessions, which have focused on personal security and overall safety education, as well as best practices for active shooter scenarios, earthquake preparedness, and conflict management training. He expanded the partnership with the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association to include graffiti removal, safe walks, and foot patrols of parking facilities that augmented EasyPark’s own security patrols. He also oversaw a critical incident in 2019, when one city site was deemed a safety hazard and all vehicles were ordered to evacuate immediately. He received kudos from all levels of the City of Vancouver senior management for his quick action and execution of the evacuation of all 300+ vehicles within three hours. He oversaw site security for the next two months as city engineers evaluated the structure. ◆ MELANIE PADGETT POWERS is a freelance writer and editor. She can be reached at



Curb management is a complex undertaking, filled with stakeholders and considerations.


HEN WE SPEAK ABOUT CURB EQUITY, we are not speaking

about proportional access to the curb. If access were proportional, national delivery fleets would dominate all loading zones and cars would dominate all other on-street inventory. When we speak about curb equity, we are referring to equitable access to the curb within an ecosystem that is aware and considers the various people, business, and vehicles that utilize the curb. Curb space is limited and the competition for this space increases almost daily. Parking administrators and policy makers work with their staffs to craft policy that addresses this added volume but must also consider the downstream effects of these policies. What do we do to accommodate the increase in delivery vehicles? How do we best manage TNC drop-offs and pick-ups? When viewing things through this prism of curb equity, we must also answer questions like how curbside regulations affect the people using the curb? Are we treating all of the citizenship equitably? Did this new initiative disproportionally affect the business community? To fully define curb equity, we must consider all parties with interests in the curb. In the past, curb space was primarily the domain of vehicle parking, commercial deliveries, public transportation, and taxicabs. The planning of that space was a simpler proposition. Today the competition for curb space is intense and 32 PARKING & MOBILITY / JULY 2021 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

driven by both economic development and technology. As economic development increases, more types of commerce, entertainment, and governance expand the number of people accessing curb. There is a symbiotic relationship between the delivery companies, the businesses to which they deliver, and the consumers


By Keith Hutchings and Christopher Perry, CAPP

on which those businesses rely, that must be considered when developing a curb management program. True curb equity will address not only the vehicular traffic at the curb but also include the economic and social results of the policy decisions. How will the installation of a parklet affect the neighboring businesses? Does the removal of on-street inventory place undue economic hardship on some drivers? By taking a holistic approach, regulations can be developed that respect all of the parties access to the curbside ecosystem.

Equal Access to all Motorists Often, the influences driving curbside decisions negatively affect citizens with lower disposable incomes. These results, while not intentional, do come at a cost for some. When a citizen with less disposable income contemplates a

When we speak about curb equity, we are referring to equitable access to the curb within an ecosystem that is aware and considers the various people, business, and vehicles that utilize the curb. downtown trip, cost becomes a major factor. Eliminating dedicated curbside parking reduces economical parking options for this demographic. While off-street parking options can replace some parking availability, it comes at a cost premium. The difference between a couple of dollars and upwards of $10 or $20 can be the determining factor in making this trip. Therefore, continued elimination of curb side parking may be a deterrent for some. Regularly overlooked in the curb programming discussion is the access challenge faced by the ADA community.

Many citizens with ADA needs can only have their needs addressed with curbside accommodations. As on-street parking is removed, so is ADA access for citizens, making it challenging for the demographic to frequent areas that don’t support access. When cities grapple with curb management, lost in the discussion of commercial traffic, transportation and mobility is access for the ADA community. In these three scenarios, equity access can be negatively impacted when the only focus is access to emerging transportation, mobility, and commercial delivery platforms.



Equity for Business and Entertainment Both large and small businesses need the delivery of goods and services to support their operations and, in turn, rely on their customers’ ability to access the diverse businesses and entertainment venues to complete the business cycle. Changes made to curbside access impact this paradigm, but not always in an equitable fashion. Large business and entertainment venues are not affected in the same manner as smaller entities. Much like a mall, the curb has anchor or “destination” entities that draw traffic to the area. These destination operations are not affected by limited curbside parking at the same level as non-destination entities. The consumers patronizing the destination ventures are often willing to make more effort to support the entity. However, non-destination ventures may find consumers unwilling to park further away and walk, limiting the economic development of smaller entities. Great care must be taken when planning out curb usage or smaller operations will be challenged. Destination and non-destination realities translate to the need for coordinated efforts in economic development and curbside planning. As a corridor develops, decisions related to its design reduce or intensify the pressure at the curb. Municipalities are under great strain to approve development projects that add to the tax base of the locality. Often developers, especially those planning mixed use buildings, lobby local planners to reduce parking requirements and provide zoning variants. Reducing parking requirements is a common method to support developers. Unfortunately, the practice often creates added pressure and congestion at the curb. If the city’s planning, transportation and parking entities work together, adequate parking for a proposed project could become a benefit rather than a liability. More parking could assist the developer in obtaining financing because of the additional revenue generated. Coupled with a parking plan that pushes the public to utilize the additional parking requirement, pressure at the curb can be reduced as the economic development projects increase profitability. The benefits to this approach encourage individuals to visit more frequently thereby increasing business viability and higher residential quality of. As curb pressure is reduced, commercial ventures are more successful, and residential units become more desirable. But such efforts only address part of the curb congestion challenge.

Efficient Vehicular Access The types of vehicles vying for access to the curb vary almost as much as the services these vehicles perform. Gone are the days when car storage was the 34 PARKING & MOBILITY / JULY 2021 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

key use case for the curb. In fact, car storage often suffers at the hand of new policy that makes way for new vehicles at the curb. It is estimated that FedEx and UPS deliver more than 7 billion packages annually, and that individual drivers can deliver between 100 and 125 packages daily. This doesn’t include other fleets such as Amazon and USPS. TNCs also contribute heavily to the curbside usage, with Uber alone accounting for 1.4 billion trips per quarter. Throw in bike-sharing programs and scooter storage and one can see why the competition for this space is so high. It is clear to see how these vehicles and volumes stress curbside inventory, however, we must not forget about other, more traditional uses for this real estate. Buses require a tremendous amount of curb space for stops and the area preceding the actual bus stop. This large area is required for the safe loading and unloading of passengers, but it only used for a fraction of the day when buses are actually present and, in some circumstances, mass transit reserves the entire curbside lanes for BRT traffic lanes during rush hour. There is no question that public transportation provides benefits to riders and helps reduce congestion, but the curbside real estate it requires can affect other vehicular access. The previously mentioned categories of vehicles present a more dynamic visit to the curb. TNCs and buses visit the curb in high volume for short durations of time. This is in contrast to more static uses such as car parking, disabled parking, construction vehicles, utility vehicles, and food trucks. Let’s not forget to include parklets and curbside dining. Are they vehicles? When examining all of the vehicles and reasons for them to access the curb, it quickly becomes clear how overcrowding occurs. Unfortunately, the solution to this problem is not so clear and the dynamic-vs.-static use of the curb only complicates matters. All these vehicles are necessary and have a role in a vibrant curb and business ecosystem and developing policy that provides equitable access is crucial to a healthy curbside environment.

Evolution of Interdependent Relationships There is an interdependence among the various parties that interact and manage the curb. At the foundation of this is the relationship between the people and vehicles using the curb and the public policy in place to support these activities. Without proper alignment, the activities the policy is supporting will not be successful. An example of this is the relationship between


Destination and non-destination realities translate to the need for coordinated efforts in economic development and curbside planning.

businesses, consumers, and delivery vehicles. All of these parties rely on one another and essentially use the same curb space to meet their objectives. Businesses need goods delivered to fulfill their customers’ orders and consumers need access to the curb in order to patronize local businesses. There is a finite amount of curb real estate where this interaction occurs and maintaining a balance between these objectives is key. Public policy is the beginning and creates the framework for these interactions. Defined loading zones and parking time limits are examples of policy that creates this framework. Once the policy is created, it must be monitored by operational and enforcement teams to ensure that regulations are being adhered to. Enforcement of the parking rules and regulations is an essential part of a healthy curb environment but let us not oversimplify that process. Enforcement is not just writing tickets for rule violations. These teams often act as the ambassadors and are the face of the parking operations teams. These departments also rely on various technologies to fulfill their duties. A mismatch between enforcement technology and curbside payment of reservation protocols will lead to failure of the program. When considering the relationship the enforcement teams have on this ecosystem, it becomes clear that their involvement in the entire process is a key to success. The mobility infrastructure, whether parking meters, electric scooters, or reservation platforms, are all provided by suppliers with individual business models and objectives. Additionally, companies such as TNCs or fleet delivery companies that access the curb, also have their own business objectives. These business objectives are often in contrast to public policy initiatives, but they must be considered. Electric scooters contribute to the mobility ecosystem by providing users with an alternative to the last mile of their commute. Riders create value for the scooter company through usage and the scooters create value for the rider by adding convenience. But what if the scooters were only stored in designated areas? Would this still be valuable to the rider? Could this erode the business model of the company? Maintaining a harmonious curbside program requires well planned public policy, consideration of the individual businesses and persons accessing the curb, and the ongoing support of the operational or enforcement staff. Concerted effort will be required to develop consensus on the competing segment biases.

What Does it All Mean? All parties come to the curb discussion from a point of bias. Maybe we even came into this article with some bias. Parking people want to keep parking rather than redistribute it

to public transportation and TNC needs. Public transportation and TNC segments are primarily focused on dropping and picking up passengers regardless of the curb disruption. ­Micro-mobility segments want valuable permanent curb space even if it is only used a portion of the year in cold weather cities. And development segments focus on driving new projects at the expense of increasing curb congestion. All needs are valid and necessary but if the proper mix is not chosen, unintended consequences can derail a municipality’s larger goals of economic growth. To create effective curbside policy there must first be a full understanding of the curbside activity. Currently, most efforts rely on limited data to make costly policy changes. Incomplete or inaccurate data provide the conditions for segment biases to drive policy rather than authentic real time information. Policy needs to match the actual activity, not to perceived activity. Data points that outline the actual activity is the beginning to matching policy with activity and will the springboard for intelligent technological decisions. Many parties have influences on the curb and understanding all the stakeholder needs is critical. One must also think through the cause and effect of policy decisions. Care must be taken not to forget about income and ADA constituents needs as we work to solve the every changing curb usage requirements. Failure could create two classes of people; those who access congested centers and those for which access is challenged. Key in solving this dilemma is the establishment of a priority list. Deciding upfront what the key objectives and priorities are will keep the ongoing policy decisions within the determined roadmap. Every segment needs to be examined within this roadmap and access should be based on data to ensure that space most efficiently used to support all curb segments. Understanding that each area may have a different set of priorities is an important realization. ◆ KEITH HUTCHINGS is director of the municipal parking department for the City of Detroit, Mich. He can be reached at

CHRISTOPHER PERRY, CAPP, is principal with ParkTrans Solutions, LLC. He can be reached at


TELECOMM Avoiding gridlock, finding parking, and having room to breathe.

UCLA Events and Transportation Zoom Meeting






By David J. Karwaski


Angeles Basin, one of the most traffic congested areas in the U.S., that unfortunately has some of the worst air quality—if not the worst—of any metropolitan area in the country. Given these conditions, UCLA has long had a large, successful transportation demand management (TDM) program, aka sustainable transportation program, that reduces drive-alone commute trips to campus via public transit pass subsidies, vanpool partnerships, carpool discounts, and a robust bicycling program. Heading into March 2020, UCLA had an employee drive-alone rate of just 48 percent compared to 75 percent in L.A. County as a whole. As COVID-19 took hold in spring 2020, UCLA closed its campus to all but essential employees and its world-renowned medical center, which continued to operate throughout the pandemic, as expected. Beyond that, however, nearly 80 percent of campus employees (excluding medical center staff ) were sent home and asked to telecommute for the foreseeable future. As the pandemic wore on, anecdotal evidence


suggested that this grand telecommuting experiment was working; managers were reporting positive results regarding employee productivity and quality of work (see Figure 1). A committee was formed to assess the state of telecommuting on campus, and to seek how to lock in, or continue, the benefits of telecommuting that seemed to be existent during the mass telecommuting period. PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / JULY 2021 / PARKING & MOBILITY 37


Figure 1: On average, have your telecommuting employees been as productive as you expected?

Figure 2: If a portion of your workforce continues to telecommute, do you think that your department or unit can offer the same level of quality service?

At the same time, it had become apparent that—contrary to published research that suggested public transit was not a significant source of coronavirus transmission—many bus riders who were part of the essential workforce were no longer traveling via public transit. In fact, many were driving to and from campus on a daily basis. As expected, modes of travel that involve close proximity to other people experienced dramatic declines in participation during the pandemic. As society recovers and campus activity returns to previous levels, survey data indicates strong and continued reticence for many of these previous sustainable transportation commuters to get back on the bus or into a vanpool, which worries parking administrators.

expected to be added or increased other than for limited, specific needs only. Survey results found approximately 15 percent of previous bus riders and 24 percent of carpoolers plan to drive to campus alone in the fall, leaving nearly 2,500 drive-alone commuters needing parking (see Figure 4 and Figure 5).

The Parking The COVID pandemic has changed many things, including how people choose to commute to campus. This is problematic because UCLA’s tightly managed 22,000 parking space system is not only set up to provide parking for employees and commuting students, but also for visitors with medical appointments and those attending campus happenings such as conferences, sporting events, and theatrical performances. If the drive alone rate moves from 48 percent to nearly 70 percent due to the pandemic causing hesitation to use shared transportation modes, the impact would be a tsunami of parking demand at UCLA. The demand would result in the chaos that every parking operator fears, namely, too many cars searching for parking and not enough capacity to serve them. There would not be nearly enough available parking for commuting students who need to drive, nor enough parking capacity to serve both hospital and campus visitors. Parking at the university is extremely limited. Each year, during a typical fall quarter, the system often runs at nearly 95 percent capacity during the day. Moreover, to continue to reduce the drive-alone rate and consequent traffic generation as well as greenhouse gas production, additional parking space is not 38 PARKING & MOBILITY / JULY 2021 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

Returning to Campus As conditions around the pandemic improve, vaccines take hold, and coronavirus cases reduce in number, UCLA has started to plan for a return to campus in fall 2021. The potential for future parking supply problems when the campus reopens was obvious, so UCLA Transportation began to look more closely at how to solidify and maintain telecommuting as a commute mode and part of the suite of sustainable transportation options at UCLA. If public transit ridership and vanpool and carpool participation remain at depressed levels this coming fall, then telecommuting has the potential to absorb some of those previous sustainable transportation commuters, thus helping to reduce daily parking demand on campus. Pre-COVID-19 telecommuting practices mirrored those at many other campuses and workplaces—telecommuting was possible and enabled by some managers, but was not prevalent, with fewer than 4 percent of employees at UCLA telecommuting as part of their work week. UCLA Transportation engaged with the campus human resources department to collaborate on several policy and practice updates which better aligned telecommuting guidelines to fit current day needs. The collaboration proved fruitful for both departments, leading to a new online telecommuting resource that provides information, tools, and support for supervisors and their employees. Given the advent of new, robust technology tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and the Google suite of applications, collaboration and meetings via video conferencing became a common everyday event for many, enabling the workforce to continue productively while working remotely.

Figure 3: Telecommuting was the only viable work option for many employees after the campus closure in March 2020. Eventually this ‘compulsory telecommuting’ will end. At that point, would you want to (select one): Return to the campus five days per week, driving each day to get there

(1) 2%

Return to the campus five days per week, getting there by any mode other than driving

(1) 2%

Return to the campus five days per week, with a mix of some days driving, some days using another mode

(0) 0%

Return to the campus for several days per week and telecommute the other days, driving on the days you commute to campus

(19) 44%

Return to the campus for several days per week and telecommute the other days, getting there by any mode other than driving

(9) 21%

Remain a telecommuter five days per week

Telecommuting gains at UCLA—retained at a reasonable increase from the historic rate of approximately 3 percent to a modest 20 percent participation—would help mitigate the expected swing back to commuters driving alone to campus this fall. Furthermore, UCLA commuter survey results clearly indicate that employees want to continue to telecommute in some form, with the preponderance of them preferring a hybrid schedule which splits the workweek between telecommuting and working in the office (see Figure 3). Similar results have been seen elsewhere; telecommuting being favored by employees as it enables flexibility. The high quality work-life balance that the campus community covets is more readily achieved when there is flexibility for employees to engage in aging parent care, childcare needs, and other commitments.

Positioned Well With the rollout of the Bruin ePermit online parking management system in 2019, UCLA Transportation positioned itself well to meet the needs of this new telecommute option. Through

(13) 30%

Bruin ePermit, employees and campus visitors can conveniently purchase daily parking online via payroll deduction. The advantages of moving the parking permit system online have been plentiful. Permit holders can now opt out of their monthly ­single-occupancy parking permit and simply purchase a discounted daily parking permit when they need to be on campus— thus, supporting telecommuting or other sustainable options. For UCLA Transportation, the online system ushered in a new era of multi-modal commuting. With trends indicating a greater shift toward telecommuting and other sustainable choices, Bruin ePermit was launched at just the right moment. Once it was clear that telecommuting would play a key role in reopening the campus safely by fall quarter 2021, some concerns about how to best implement hybrid telecommuting and in-person work became apparent. First, the university understood that there may be a significant influx in parking demand with many commuters still skittish about ride-sharing and public transit use due to the pandemic. If most employees telecommuted Monday and/or Friday, the demand for parking Tuesday through PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / JULY 2021 / PARKING & MOBILITY 39


Figure 5: How Carpoolers Plan to Commute Post-COVID

Figure 4: How Public Transit Users Plan to Commue Post-COVID Other Telecommuting 2.4% 2.4% Ride-hailing 0.6%

Public Transit 3.0% Drive Alone 15.1%

Ride-hailing 0.6%

Telecommuting 1.2%

Walk 7.2% Carpool 2.3% Vanpool 1.0% Bicycle 2.0%

Bicycle 1.2%

Other 1.5% Drive Alone 23.9%

Vanpool 1.2%

Walk 2.3%

All Public Transit Commuters

Public Transit 72.1%

Thursday would quickly reach capacity, especially for commuting students as employees are guaranteed a parking space. Secondly, if most employees are off campus Monday and Friday, but on campus Tuesday through Thursday, this would plainly challenge physical distancing measures for those days everyone was on campus. Telecommuting practices will need to incorporate methods to smooth aggregate telecommute schedules so that each day has a reasonable number of employees split between telecommuting and working onsite. As many employees may want to schedule their telecommute days around the weekend this could result in telecommute bunching on Mondays and Fridays. To support “smooth schedule telecommuting” supervisors and managers should be encouraged to schedule their employees’ workdays in a manner that spreads their off-campus days with days in the office, thereby reducing parking demand and lowering overall campus density throughout the week. Implementing a smoothed schedule telecommuting approach, the campus will be able to balance institutional needs with employee workplace flexibility. Plus, fewer employees on campus each day, will enable better overall physical distancing on campus as students return for in-person instruction.

Surveying In June 2020, after a majority of the UCLA workforce telecommuted for two months, a survey was deployed to garner information on how well telecommuting worked for department heads. The survey was populated with such questions as, “Are your employees productive?” or “Was the quality of work and output impacted?” The results were remarkably positive, with more than 40 PARKING & MOBILITY / JULY 2021 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

All Carpool Commuters

Carpool 60.3%

90 percent of those surveyed suggesting that employees were as productive or more productive than pre-COVID-19 conditions (see Figure 1). Fewer than 5 percent of respondents indicated that employees were less productive than expected. Furthermore, when asked if their unit or department could still offer the same level of quality service if a portion of their workforce continued to telecommute, more than 80 percent of respondents said yes. Only 5 percent anticipated quality impacts (see Figure 2). With additional training resources, more experience in managing remotely, and a broader support from campus leadership, the mainstreaming of telecommuting is expected to enable better results in the future. UCLA’s telecommuting experience during the pandemic has undoubtedly been a successful one. To return more than 80,000 people back to campus in a staggered and responsible way will take a collective effort from leadership and employees alike. Both parking and office space management in a post-pandemic world will inevitably require forethought and adaptability. Good things can derive from bad situations. UCLA Transportation will continue to support telework as part of its sustainable transportation program long after the pandemic ends, and perhaps other institutions or municipal workforces would benefit from an approach similar to the one UCLA is taking with telecommuting. ◆ DAVID J. KARWASKI is director, mobility planning and traffic systems, with UCLA Transportation. He can be reached at

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By Peter Filice

New technologies have revolutionized what parking facilities can do with signage.


RADITIONALLY, digital signage for parking systems consisted of simple, one- or two-color, fixed

format or seven-segment, calculator-style displays that were used for showing parking facility status or space-available counts. With the advent of affordable, full-color, LED/LCD matrix displays in the last 10 years, the traditional open/full or digit count signs can now be supplanted in parking access and revenue control (PARCS) and automated parking guidance (APGS) systems with a more flexible and readable approach. Digital Signage Technology Digital signage refers to the use of electronic displays that can show a variety of illuminated and changeable content, ranging from very simple digit counts or messages to fully flexible, multi-color, moving images. This technology has been around for decades, starting with signs made up of small incandescent or gas-discharge bulbs, and moving to modern solid-state electronic components such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and liquid crystal displays (LCDs). These light-emitting components are arranged in a pattern or 42 PARKING & MOBILITY / JULY 2021 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

matrix that can be illuminated to show a single message, a few pre-programmed messages, or a completely flexible message. Digital signs can range from very small (such as a simple open/closed sign), to medium-sized (such as a wayfinding or parking count display), to very large (such as billboards and sports stadium displays). All displays have a control element that turns the sign on or off or sets the messaging content, a communication element that allows remote control of the sign, and a display element that displays the digital message. The control

element may be as simple as a set of switches or as complex as a software-driven content management system (CMS). The communication element may be mainly for local control within the facility or it may allow control from a distance or even via the cloud. Just like static signs, digital signs need some form of encasement and mounting to ensure they are appropriately weather-resistant, depending on where they are used, and to enable them to be mounted on a pole, pedestal, ceiling, building, or other structure. Signs are sometimes built in a two-faced configuration mounted back-to-back and show mirror images of the same content, sometimes referred to as a ­primary­/secondary or A/B configuration. In the past, signage manufacturers tended to be either specialized electronics vendors or integrators who would take standard sign sub-components made by others and build them into unique products. This often resulted in highly customized products with no standard control or communication protocol. During the last 10 to 20 years, two major trends


have emerged that are driving the market toward a more standardized approach: ■  Standardized signage control protocols such as the National Transportation Communications for Intelligent Transportation System Protocol (NTCIP) and TCP/IP-based signage control communications have become commonplace. ■  Major electronics manufacturers entered the signage market due to the commoditization of LED display technology, finding applications ranging from small televisions through medium-sized signs to massive billboards and stadium displays. As a result of these trends, the market has seen an accelerating shift towards usage of full-color, full matrix LED/LCD displays for many applications. The first major adopters of this technology were very large format applications such as video walls, stadium and arena displays, and roadside digital billboards. As the technology has become more cost-effective and higher resolution, smaller display formats have become available that can be applied to applications such as information kiosks, traffic signs, and parking systems. PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / JULY 2021 / PARKING & MOBILITY 43


Payment Sign

Lane Open/Closed Sign

Wayfinding Sign

Level Count APGS Monument Sign

Examples of PARCS/APGS Signage


Parking Technology Solutions Most parking technology solutions have features requiring usage of some form of digital signage. This may be as simple as an open/closed sign at the entry station of a PARCS or at the two ends of a reversible lane; it may be a moderately complex signage system in an APGS showing counts by level, area or space; it could be a complex network of digital signs in a city-wide or campus-wide wayfinding system. Above are some specific examples and pictures in each category of system:

PARCS: ■  Lane Open/Lane Closed Signs. ■  Traffic Control Signs for reversible lanes or type of transaction,

such as monthly parkers only. ■  Lot Full or Facility-level Spaces Available Signs. ■  Rate/Fee Displays.

APGS: ■  Facility Spaces Available Signs. ■  Level Spaces Available Signs. ■  Sub-zone or Parking Bay Spaces Available Signs.

Wayfinding: ■  Roadway Signs showing directions and spaces available for

multiple parking facilities. 44 PARKING & MOBILITY / JULY 2021 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

■  Intersection or Sub-Zone signs directions and spaces available

for smaller areas. ■  Informational or Traffic Advisory Signs.

Of course, some parking systems may have a mixture of two or all three categories of signs, depending on the extent and complexity of the city, campus, airport, healthcare facility, or sports and entertainment venue.

Traditional Digit and Message Signs Traditional digital signs offer the ability to show either a fixed message (such as OPEN) or a variable message (such as a count of spaces available) using LEDs arranged in either a fixed pattern or a seven-segment calculator style pattern, usually with only one or two colors. This class of signs is known for its simplicity of control and relatively low cost. However, the tradeoff is that these signs are very limited in their flexibility to show variable or flexible content. For example, the sign may be able to form digits or very simple letters but may not be able to form arrows or special characters such as an ADA symbol. The simplified letters may not offer all 26 letters of the alphabet. These traditional signs may be completely acceptable for certain applications, but owners and operators should be aware of their limitations and think ahead to how signs might be used in the future: ■  Special parking spaces such as ADA, EV, Clear Air Vehicle,

Thinking ahead to what new signage content and functions may be desired can positively influence today’s signage designs with an eye to the future. In fact, the ability to show flexible content and change the content or layout easily in the future is exactly why the newest class of signs—full matrix. full color, LED/ LED—have become very popular in the last few years.

The Advent of Full Matrix, Full Color Signs

Examples of Traditional Fixed Format or Digit Parking Signs PHOTOS COURTESY OF SIGNAL-TEC AND DAKTRONICS

etc., are added to a garage that did not previously have such spaces and only had a traditional level-by-level counting sign. The owner now wishes to show the count of special spaces in the appropriate color (e.g. blue for ADA) but cannot do so without a completely new or redesigned sign. ■  The garage’s space allocation changes over time, such as reserved for commuter use at specific times and available to the general public at other times.

Typical modular construction of a full matrix, full color LED display.


■  An operator wishes to start using time-

or demand-based parking rates and would like to display the current rate outside the garage. However, the PARCS system for the garage only has a simple “lot full” sign at the garage mouth.

Although PARCS and APGS systems seldom need extremely large digital signs, they can benefit in many ways from the flexibility and high resolution that can be offered by smaller-sized versions of full matrix, full color displays. As a result, many manufacturers have introduced this newer type of sign into their product lines either in addition to or in place of traditional digital signs. These signs are generally built out of modular, snap-together LED panels, each of which has a matrix of red/green/blue (RGB) LED elements set a certain pitch (distance) apart. Typical pitches of signs used in parking systems


range from 6 to 20mm, with a lower pitch number offering higher resolution due to more closely spaced LEDs. As a result, such signs can be made in almost any size. Examples are provided below showing how full matrix, full color LED signs can be used in parking systems. Notice how these signs provide significantly more flexible characters, colors, and layouts. Furthermore, some models can provide scrolling text or images to compress more information into the same screen space, or they can even be shaped into curved form factors. Another hidden benefit of these signs is that they can allow for much simpler encasement—no longer does a sign encasement need to be painted or labeled with static lettering or arrows. All content can now be digital and variable. This provides the ability to standardize all sign formats and vary the content depending on where they are used, which can lead to much easier procurement and maintenance. It also allows decisions about signage content to be made later in the design process, which offers increased flexibility in the installation phase. However, full matrix, full color LED signs are not a panacea. They are still somewhat more costly than

traditional signs, are more complex to control, and consume more power. Additionally, the content must be carefully designed to reflect the message to be conveyed in a meaningful and actionable manner.

Other New Signage Technologies In addition to modern LED technology, there have been some clever innovations using its first cousin, LCD Displays. LED and LCD technologies actually have many similarities—an LED display actually still uses some LCD technology in it but it uses a different lighting source. Several PARCS vendors have incorporated large LCD screens on their entry stations and pay-on-foot machines, some of which have touchscreen capability to display parking pricing and availability and to allow user-friendly payment. Also, one APGS vendor has introduced a very large format LCD monument-style sign to provide colorful, flexible, guidance and wayfinding information. We expect to see LCD technology continue to be used in appropriate use cases.

Questions to Ask When Considering Digital Signage for Parking and Transportation Systems Here are some high-value questions to ask when considering acquiring and deploying digital signage technology in your parking or transportation facilities: ■  Where and how many digital signs are need-

Examples of fullmatrix, full-color LED Wayfinding and Parking Signs PHOTOS COURTESY OF DAKTRONICS, CLEVERCITI AND INDECT


ed? Too few signs provide inadequate guidance information, but too many signs can be distracting or confusing. A good rule of thumb is to place signs at what are known as driver decision points, i.e. locations where a driver decides whether to proceed, turn, or reroute. ■  How flexible do you want the information shown by your digital signs to be? On the one hand, if your use case is very simple and you believe it is not subject to future changes, simple traditional digital signs may be suitable. On the other hand, if you anticipate changes in your future parking layouts or wayfinding scenarios, spending more on flexible modern digital LED/LCD signs may save you substantial money down the road. ■  Have you compared the cost of using traditional digital signage and requiring custom-made enclosures vs. the cost of using modular LED signage with minimal or no extra enclosures?

Examples of a PARCS Pay-onFoot Machine and APGS signs using LCD technology PHOTOS COURTESY OF SKIDATA AND PARKASSIST,

Some modern LED and LCD signs can be mounted and display needed information without any outer encasement and without needing static words or symbols such as level numbers, directional arrows, etc. Sometimes the higher cost of the LED/LCD sign display elements may be offset by the savings from not needing a custom enclosure. ■  Have you planned for the power and communications connections that digital signs will need? All digital signs, both traditional and newer, require power and data communications. Some run only on low voltage DC power, others on 120/240VAC, and some can accept either kind of power. Traditional signs tend to use RS-485 low-speed data communications over twisted pair, while modern LED signs usually use TCP/IP over CAT6 wiring or LTE/5G cellular modems. Planning properly up front for power and data requirements can save rework and extra expense later. ■  Are there code or other similar guidelines that govern where and how you can use digital signage? This issue is most applicable to signs that are visible externally to a parking facility, such as curbside or roadway signs. Many governmental bodies and even private developments have codes or other guidelines governing signage appearance, brightness, etc. Be sure

you are aware of these requirements and their implications on your signage choices prior to procurement. ■  Have you verified the compatibility of your chosen signs with your PARCS and APGS systems? The most amazing signage in the world may be rendered useless if your PARCS/APGS system cannot control it! When choosing signage, ask many questions about how the signage content and messaging are controlled. For example, can they only be controlled by the PARCS or APGS if the signs are bought from the same PARCS/APGS manufacturer? Or do the signs offer a more open control standard or API that enables their content to be flexibly managed by a wider variety of systems? What sort of content customization features are available to allow you to control the signage color palette, layout, character size, graphics, and other content. ◆ * Figures provided by vendors are used with permission and are for illustrative purposes only. Inclusion of these figures does not constitute an endorsement of these vendors.

PETER FILICE is a senior consultant with Walker Consultants. He can be reached at


by the

Numbers As the parking and mobility industry recovers, Parking & Mobility will publish the latest regional parking statistics in every other issue.

This month’s numbers: Data and graphs provided by Smarking

North America Off-Street Garages YoY Demand 0



% Change 2021 vs 2019

% Change 2021 vs 2019

North America On-Street Garages YoY Demand 0








-50 1/1









West Region Off-Street Garages YoY Demand


Southwest Off-Street Garages YoY Demand 0


% Change 2021 vs 2019

% Change 2021 vs 2019











-40 1/1














Midwest Off-Street Garages YoY Demand

Northeast Off-Street Garages YoY Demand





% Change 2021 vs 2019

% Change 2021 vs 2019










-50 1/1








Sample Sizes: North America—540+, West—200+, Southwest—240+, Midwest—60+, Northeast—90+










Highlights from the IPMI Blog

Pants, Post-pandemic By Victor Hill, CAPP

I’ve been thinking a lot about pants lately. The pandemic put most of our butts in home offices– and in shorts or pajamas–because who needs pants on a video conference? Then we got vaccinated and, after months of sequestering, we’re mostly safe to travel and revitalize our relationships within the industry. Except I had to buy a new pair of pants and, honestly, I forgot how necessary they are until I scheduled my first customer visit, post-pandemic. I considered things we take for granted when we regularly share space with colleagues and customers. Here are my takeaways: Don’t judge a relationship by a “good, firm handshake” or any other physical contact in this viral reality

we’re in. When in doubt, carry a bottle of sanitizer. Practice active listening. We have so much to catch up, no matter how many virtual meetings we’ve had. There is more value in the moment and in the same space. Ditch the drama. I’ve become a follower of Cy Wakeman and her assertions about workplace drama. Check out her videos and writings before you head back to the office. I’m glad I did. Savor the anticipation. My nervous energy isn’t going away any time soon because I cannot wait to see you again. Channel that energy into solidifying your relationships and renewing old acquaintances. We’ll be in the same spaces soon. Now I just need to find a shirt…

VICTOR HILL, CAPP, is an account manager at T2 Systems. He previously served as parking and transportation

director at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.

Ready for more? Read IPMI’s blog every business day in your daily Forum digest email (10 a.m. Eastern) or at Have something to say? Send post submissions to editor Kim Fernandez at


Giving Them the Cookie By Roamy R. Valera, CAPP A dear friend of mine recently sent me a letter he had written to his longtime airline of choice. I know my friend well and as a travel warrior myself, I knew his letter was not going to flatter anyone in the organization. He was disappointed that after 20 years of loyalty and commitment to the brand, he was not recognized after reaching a significant milestone–well, at least not recognized in the way he expected for his years of brand loyalty. The airline served him a cookie! A cookie is not how he expected to be celebrated. He is certain he deserved more than that. His letter was meant for the airline, but it touched me and my pursuit to recognize and reward my circle of contacts/influence better. But, as I just shared, it is difficult at times to know just how much others expect from us. I hope I can show my gratitude with how quickly I respond to emails, calls, text messages, etc. I also hope I can display a level of gratitude for your loyalty in how I treat you and care for you. In the end, we all have certain expectations to how we want to be recognized. I will continue to work on mine and hope I meet yours. And if it is a cookie, please be sure it is warm. ROAMY R. VALERA, CAPP, is CEO, North America, with PayByPhone.

The Future Impact of Autonomous Vehicles By Jim Anderson Autonomous vehicles (AVs): What are the effects on today’s transportation network and future smart-city design? There is much speculation and opinion as to the evolution of AVs and the continued emergence of transportation network company (TNC) use in the fabric of the urban transportation environment. Notable architect and planner with architectural firm HOK, Brian Jencek was recently interviewed by Automotive World, and stated, “The hope is that public and private partnerships will flourish to support municipal transport systems. If managed properly, AVs could improve social equity and lead us into a more just future.” What we know today is that AVs will be driven by artificial intelligence (AI). supported exclusively by advanced connectivity and data-driven cloud infrastructure. The automotive industry is investing heavily in alternative energy and technology for the future of mobilization. The consumer adoption and acceptance will be predicated upon a safe, predictable, secure, and efficient experience. Jencek observes, “In the future, these (AV) fleets will need somewhere to go” as they complete their 50 PARKING & MOBILITY / JULY 2021 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

delivery service. This is a topic for today’s city planners to consider–places for AV’s to re-charge and await the next transportation opportunity. The TNCs are currently a factor in emerging urban congestion as they drive about awaiting their next fare. As we are at the cusp of this technological revolution, stay tuned for continued awareness of AI advancements in data-center infrastructure to support the necessary computer power for AV success. See excerpts from the Automotive World article here. Jim Anderson is market development manager, building solutions team, with MasterBuilder Solutions and co-chair of IPMI’s Planning, Design, & Construction Committee.

/ PayByPhone Expands Contactless Parking in Denver RESIDENTS AND VISITORS of the City of Denver, Colo. will now have an even better parking experience thanks to PayByPhone. The provider of mobile parking payment solutions is expanding to over 800 off-street parking spaces owned by the city, in addition to all the current onstreet parking spaces across the city. “Parking operators in North America

are increasingly adopting the PayByPhone app because it simplifies and creates a better parking experience for residents and visitors in the municipalities that they operate.” says Roamy Valera, PayByPhone CEO. PayByPhone is a hassle-free solution for more than 35 million registered drivers, allowing them to pay for park-

ing with just their smartphones. The app sends text messages automatically when a parking session expires, and gives drivers the ability to extend their parking session without needing to return to their vehicle. Drivers can also begin a session without registering for an account, making it ideal for those who are pressed for time.

Parkopedia to Provide Premium Parking and Payment Services to Toyota North America PARKOPEDIA announced its suite of off-street parking services, including reservations and digital payments, is now available to both Toyota and Lexus drivers in North America. The Park with Parkopedia service is integrated into the Toyota and Lexus smartphone apps and vehicle infotainment systems to offer drivers the complete parking experience, allowing drivers to locate, reserve, and pay for parking. The new service covers 60,000 off-street parking locations with more than 6,000 reservable locations across the USA, utilizing Parkopedia’s market-leading payment platform to manage transactions. The platform enables drivers to register their payment details using a single secure digital account and then effortlessly pay for their parking within activated locations. The parking reservation information and navigation can then be accessed via the vehicle head unit.

The Park with Parkopedia service also allows users to not only search and manage reservable locations, but also find the closest or lowest-cost parking in one of the 60,000 parking lots and garages across thousands of towns. Customer support is provided directly within the app by Parkopedia, should drivers need assistance with reservations, refunds or any other parking concerns. Commenting on the announcement, Hans Puvogel, COO at Parkopedia, says. “Toyota and Lexus are the market leaders in the U.S car market with millions of drivers using both brands’ connected services every day. Drivers want an end-to-end digital solution for parking that unifies and simplifies the experience wherever possible. We are honored to be extending our parking services with Toyota and Lexus across North America and helping improve each of their drivers’ journeys with an unrivaled parking experience.”


/ Quercus Technologies Launched Outdoor Parking Guidance System QUERCUS TECHNOLOGIES’ comprehensive global parking solution now features a new outdoor parking guidance system, SC Outdoor, capable of detecting available spaces in outdoor and rooftop parking facilities, and designed to facilitate parking mobility. Quercus’s smart parking guidance system achieves over 99 percent accuracy in vehicle detection, as confirmed by comparison with actual images. Outdoor smart parking facility control is key. The system markedly increases user mobility, as it directs customers to areas with available spaces via communication between SC Outdoor and information displays. SC Outdoor enables comprehensive analysis of the situation in a smart parking facility, and detection of stay times for

each vehicle through a platform characterized by its easy use, access and integration. With this system, up to 100 parking spaces are analyzed by camera, with adaptation to the needs of each parking facility and type when it comes to installation and maintenance, and very low infrastructure costs. SC Outdoor operates with the BirdWatch parking management system,

Quercus Technologies’ unique, comprehensive parking system software. BirdWatch centralizes and interconnects the information gathered by all the products that make up the comprehensive parking solution. Real-time information on parking space occupancy can be shown on the LED displays that help guide drivers, with the goal of providing a higher-quality user experience.

SP Plus Corporation Adds Touchless Mobility, Parking & Commerce Services at Charles M. Schulz—Sonoma County Airport SP PLUS Corporation (SP+) announced the addition of touchless reservation and commerce options to its services at Charles M. Schulz – Sonoma County Airport (STS) in Santa Rosa, Calif. SP+ manages the three parking facilities located near the airport terminal and is rolling out key components to the overall improvement and modernization plan by STS to provide an enhanced, safer and touchless parking experience. Through Sphere™, SP+’s industry-leading suite of technology solutions, a new pay-by-phone option conveniently removes the need to obtain and redeem a parking ticket at long term lots A and B. Each entry and exit lane has signage to instruct parkers on how to use the pay-by-phone option, along with a Sphere Remote Management System intercom to provide in-lane, 24/7 support from a centrally-located command center. “It’s exciting to see the new parking commerce system and the other plans we have with SP+ to come to fruition as part of our overall commitment to safely and efficiently transport our 52 PARKING & MOBILITY / JULY 2021 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

travellers from the beginning to the end of their trip,” says Jon Stout, airport manager for STS. The pay-by-phone option complements the airport’s new touchless reservation system, which allows customers to prebook and pay for their parking stay online, with the ability to reserve a space close to the terminal. To encourage visitors to explore everything the Charles M. Schulz – Sonoma County Airport has to offer, parking customers who pre-book a spot via the new reservation system may receive valuable discounts to onsite restaurants or other promotions. SP+ is also helping the airport build a commerce site for purchasing popular branded merchandise, which has traditionally only been available for in-store purchases. An online commerce site is expected to launch later this year. “SP+ is able to offer STS a full suite of technologies to help them fulfil their modernization plan and meet the new demands of today’s travellers,” says Jason Finch, senior vice president, West Airports, for SP+.

University of Arizona Speeds COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-out with Genetec AutoVu ALPR and Traffic Sense WHEN THE UNIVERSITY of Arizona (UA) was chosen as a COVID-19 vaccine point of dispensing (POD), they wanted to get the vaccines out to as many people as possible as quickly and efficiently as possible. To do this, they turned to Genetec Inc., and Route1 Inc. “We had already heard about how ALPR (Automatic License Plate Recognition) could be used for tolls and monitoring traffic flow, and we were eager to see if the ALPR cameras could help us automatically track vehicles entering and exiting our POD,” says Jim Sayre, Director of Operations – Parking and Transportation Services at the University of Arizona. To build a solution that would not only offer valuable insights about their POD operations but would also be affordable and easy to set up, UA chose to implement the Genetec AutoVu™ Managed Services (AMS) solution with four ALPR cameras installed throughout the POD. This was paired up with the Genetec Traffic Sense™ Travel Times module within Security Center for added insight and functionality. Having mounted the poles and set up the cameras beforehand, the actual setup was completed in under two hours on opening day. Because the entire Genetec solution is hosted in the cloud, the university is able to use the software for as long as the POD remains open without draining budgets. Using AutoVu, the UA operations team can see exactly how long it’s taking vehicles to get through the POD and for people to get vaccinated, and then identify what they can do to get them through faster. All ALPR data is sent back to Security Center, where the Travel Times module automatically analyses data and delivers insights the UA team can act on. This helps them immediately identify if there are random delays or potential issues that need to be further investigated. As a healthcare-related operation, UA made sure the Genetec solution complies with all Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements. According to Sayre, “The cameras don’t know who the driver is, or the people in the ­vehicle. And we’ve made it clear that we’re not running this against a motor vehicle database or anything like that, so we’re ensuring privacy.” Thanks to the Genetec solution, the UA team discovered

early on that various team leaders had different processes for appointment check-ins. When UA standardized those processes, they could consistently get vehicles through the POD faster and maximize the number of vaccinations. The team also noticed that on certain days of the week, cars were taking longer to get through certain points in the POD. After an initial inquiry, they realized those days often had mostly new volunteers who were still learning the ropes. The UA team was then able to adapt the volunteer schedule to ensure experienced personnel were always onsite to assist newbies and keep the throughput of vehicles high. “This AutoVu™ and Traffic Sense™ Travel Times module within Security Center built by Genetec and Route1 has helped us make the vaccination process more efficient and was so easy to deploy. We’ve been able to increase the number of vehicles through the POD in the same amount of time, and consequently, we’ve given out more vaccinations. And that’s what this is all about— helping our community get vaccinated against COVID-19,” says Sayre. “We never cease to be impressed by our customers’ ingenuity, resilience, and resourcefulness,” says Stephan Kaiser, AutoVu™ general manager at Genetec, Inc. “The University of Arizona is another shining example of the ways in which our customers are using their security systems as strategic tools to fight against the pandemic, and go beyond traditional applications to deliver more value.”



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2021 JULY 6, 8, 13 AND 15 Online, Instructor-Led Training (Virtual/Sold Out) Parksmart Advisor Training

JULY 13 Free Frontline Training (Virtual) Demystifying the Parking Audit: The Important Role You Play

JULY 14 Webinar

The Parking Study is Done. Now What?

JULY 27 Free Frontline Training (Virtual)

Cultivating the Seeds of Support within Your Organization

AUGUST 3 Free Frontline Shoptalk (Virtual)

Addressing Customer Expectations in an Ever-changing Landscape

AUGUST 11 Webinar

Ask Better Questions, Get Better Answers: Improve Your RFP Procurement Process to Receive Quality Proposals

AUGUST 17 Online, Instructor-Led Training (Virtual) Cybersecurity

AUGUST 24 Free Frontline Training (Virtual)

Find Your Potential, Develop Your Path

SEPTEMBER 1 Free Industry Shoptalk (Virtual)

Hospital/Medical Center Parking and Mobility: Unique Challenges and Solutions

SEPTEMBER 14 Free Frontline Training (Virtual)

Life at Work is Like a Legos Set: All the Blocks are Necessary to Achieve the Bigger Picture

SEPTEMBER 15 Webinar

Collecting Lost Revenue: The Payment Behind the Parking Payment

SEPTEMBER 21 Online, Instructor-Led Training (Virtual) Disaster Recovery

SEPTEMBER 28 Free Frontline Training (Virtual) Managing Customers in a Remote Environment

SEPTEMBER 28 AND 30 Online, Instructor-Led Training (Virtual) APO Site Reviewer Training

OCTOBER 19 Free Frontline Training (Virtual) The Undercover Consultant

OCTOBER 20 Webinar

How U.S. Cities can Learn from Smart City Innovations in Europe

OCTOBER 19 AND 21 Online, Instructor-Led Training (Virtual) Wicked Problem Solving

OCTOBER 27 Free Learning Lab (Virtual) NOVEMBER 2 Free Frontline Training (Virtual)

Refocused and Refreshed: Experiential Customer Service


NOVEMBER 3 Free Industry Shoptalk (Virtual) Diversity: Rising Through the Ranks

NOVEMBER 4 Online, Instructor-Led Training (Virtual)

Accredited Parking Organization Site Reviewer Renewal

NOVEMBER 4-5 Mid-Atlantic Parking Association Annual Conference Baltimore, Md.

NOVEMBER 10 Webinar

The Truth Behind Common Parking Myths

NOVEMBER 16 Free Frontline Training (Virtual) Situational Awareness

NOVEMBER 29-DECEMBER 2 2021 IPMI Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo, Tampa, Fla. DECEMBER 7, 9, 14 AND 16 Online, Instructor-Led Training (Virtual) Parksmart Advisor Training

DECEMBER 8 Free Industry Shoptalk (Virtual) The Year Ahead

DECEMBER 15 Webinar

Getting Smart: Strategies to Get Started Creating Smart Communities

State and Regional Events Calendar AUGUST 4-6 New England Parking Council (NEPC) Annual Conference and Trade Show

SEPTEMBER 13-15 Mid-South Transportation and Parking Association (MSTPA) Annual Conference and Tradeshow

OCTOBER 25-27 Southwest Parking & Transportation Association (SWPTA) Annual Fall Conference

AUGUST 9-12 Texas Parking & Transportation Association (TPTA) 2021 Conference & Tradeshow

OCTOBER 12-NOVEMBER 16 California Public Parking Association (CPPA) Virtual Conference

NOVEMBER 4-5 Mid-Atlantic Parking Association (MAPA) Annual Conference and Tradeshow

AUGUST 18-20 Pennsylvania Parking Association (PPA) 2021 Conference & Expo

OCTOBER 12-14 New York State Parking & Transportation Association (NYSPTA) Fall Conference and Tradeshow

NOVEMBER 8-10 Parking Association of the Virginias (PAV) Fall Workshop & Tradeshow

Boston, MA

Round Rock, TX

Pittsburgh, PA

Chattanooga, TN

Watkins Glen, NY

OCTOBER 13-15 Pacific Intermountain Parking and Transportation Association (PIPTA) Annual Conference & Tradeshow

Las Vegas, NV

Baltimore, MD

Virginia Beach, VA

NOVEMBER 17-19 Florida Parking & Transportation Association (FPTA) Annual Conference & Expo Orlando, FL

Denver, CO

Stay up to date on industry events and activities! Visit for the latest updates and additions.


/ Aims Parking ����������������������������������������������11

Leonardo/ELSAG LPR Solutions ���������� 9

THA Consulting ��������������������������������������54 800.886.6316 877.773.5724 484.342.0200

Cambridge Architectural Mesh ������������� 1

MEYPAR USA Corp. ���������������������������������15

VIVOTEK USA, Inc. ���������������������������������� 7 866.806.2385 281.404.1667 484.342.0200

DESMAN ����������������������������������������������������55

Park Assist �������������������������������������������������12

Walker Consultants ����������������������������� 54 877.337.6260 917.793.5400 800.860.1579

International Parking Design, Inc. ����54

PayByPhone Technologies, Inc. ��������C2

Walter P Moore ��������������������������������������55 818.986.1494 877.610.2054 800.364.7300

IPS Group Inc �������������������������������������������19

Rich & Associates, Inc. ��������������������������55

WGI �������������������������������������������������������������17 858.404.0607 248.353.5080 866.909.2220

Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc � 5, 54 919.653.6646


PODCAST A podcast about parking, mobility, and the people who make it all go. Hosted by Isaiah Mouw with new episodes every other Tuesday at 10 a.m. Eastern. Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, SoundCloud or any other major podcast provider.

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November 29 - December 2, 2021



➚In person and face-to-face, Nov. 29 - Dec. 3, Tampa, Fla. ➚General sessions, education sessions, and the Expo are back! ➚Golf tournament with something for everyone—new to seasoned players. ➚The industry’s top experts leading sessions and so much networking. ➚Sign up for email updates and click here for all the details—including member discounts. ON THE IPMI BLOG

➚Putting Your Client First, by John Mason, CAPP, PMP. ➚Managing and Thriving Amid Disruption, by Brett Wood, CAPP, PE. ➚7 on 7, by Matt Penney, CAPP. ➚Why You Should Reinvent the Wheel, by Katherine Beaty. ➚Read posts in your daily Forum email and submit your own to be published by IPMI—click here. ON THE NEW FORUM

➚University changes to permit options. ➚Event parking policy. ➚Starting parking careers. ➚EV parking. ➚Back-in parking prohibitions. the conversation! Post a question, share your experiences, and more on our new, easy-to-use ➚Join online member community:

All from your desk, on your time, at 60 PARKING & MOBILITY / JULY 2021 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

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