TPP July 2017

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IPI Conference & Expo Scrapbook


Answering Student Parking Questions


Virginia Beach’s P3 Parking Project


This Year’s Hottest Innovations

JULY 2017




IPI Chair Roamy Valera, CAPP, on the parking industry, IPI’s role and goals, and what’s ahead.

TAKING ENFORCEMENT FROM DATED, TO INNOVATED IPS PARKING ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENT SOLUTION Full lifecycle parking citation management in one, fully-integrated, future-proof solution; scalable to meet the needs of any city. Other new innovations added to the IPS fully-integrated Smart Parking product suite: • PARK SMARTER™ mobile application • Next-generation Data Management System • Permit Management Solution • Dome-Sensor Single-Space Smart Meter


© 2017 IPS Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

WAYFINDING JULY 2017 | Volume 33 | Number 7


Growth, Opportunity, and Success


So Long, Excuses

A campus parking and transportation services department finds ways to answer student questions before they’re even asked.

IPI Chair Roamy Valera, CAPP, on the parking industry, IPI’s role and goals, and what’s ahead.


Parking Takes New Orleans by Storm


Profitable, Productive Partners

Your 2017 IPI Conference & Expo Scrapbook.


The City of Virginia Beach uses partnerships to boost parking and the local community.

Exhibitors Show Off the Future

Everything under the sun was displayed at the 2017 IPI Expo in New Orleans.



Editor’s Note


PROUD OF US 4 Entrance 6 Five Things 8 Consultants Corner 1 0 The Green Standard 1 2 The Business of Parking 1 4 On the Frontline 1 6 Parking Spotlight 1 8 IPI Ask the Experts 6 0 IPI in Action 62 State & Regional Spotlight 6 4 Parking Consultants 6 6 Advertisers Index 6 6 Parking Break 6 7 Calendar of Events


e have some sad news to report this month. IPI co-founder Robert Bundy, CAPP, passed away in his Toronto home after a long and impressive career and with a beautiful family legacy. There’s a lot to say about him: He was valedictorian of his class, a Royal Canadian Navy officer, a parking and transportation pioneer, newspaper columnist, sought-after speaker, and the kind of leader who did his best to leave everything better than the way he found it. I had the pleasure of meeting and talking with Mr. Bundy a few times, and while I doubt he was terribly impressed with me, I very much admired him. Our most sincere condolences to his wife, Trudy; five children; eight grandchildren; and large extended family. Mr. Bundy came to mind more than once during the 2017 IPI Conference & Expo in New Orleans—I think he would have been quite proud of how far we’ve come since the early days. Mountains of technology and products, hours and hours of education sessions and roundtables and keynotes, student teams competing to win a parking-specific competition, and more than 3,200 industry professionals came together in a week that was brain-stuffing and a lot of fun. Pretty cool, huh? Check out the details in our Conference scrapbook starting on p. 24, and don’t miss our Expo roundup on p. 42. We’re also pleased to feature IPI Chair Roamy Valera, CAPP, who will lead the charge for the next two years. With his 28 years of industry experience and a mindset that’s definitely forward-thinking, there are great things ahead, we’re sure. His interview starts on p. 20, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did listening when we talked. As always, please get in touch anytime—my email address is below. Until next month…



ENTRANCE Publisher Shawn Conrad, CAE Editor Kim Fernandez

Technical Editor Rachel Yoka, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C Advertising Sales Bonnie Watts, CEM Subscriptions Tina Altman Graphic Design BonoTom Studio Proofreader Melanie Padgett Powers For advertising information, contact Bonnie Watts at or 571.699.3011. For subscription changes, contact Tina Altman, The Parking Professional (ISSN 0896-2324 & USPS 001436) is published monthly by the International Parking Institute. 1330 Braddock Place, Suite 350 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: 571.699.3011 Fax: 703.566.2267 Email: Website: Postmaster note: Send address label changes promptly to: The Parking Professional 1330 Braddock Place, Suite 350 Alexandria, VA 22314 Interactive electronic version of The Parking Professional for members and subscribers only at Periodical postage paid at Alexandria, Va., and additional mailing offices. Copyright © International Parking Institute, 2017. Statements of fact and opinion expressed in articles contained in The Parking Professional are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent an official expression of policy or opinion on the part of officers or the members of IPI. Manuscripts, correspondence, articles, product releases, and all contributed materials are welcomed by The Parking Professional; however, publication is subject to editing, if deemed necessary to conform to standards of publication. The subscription rate is included in IPI annual dues. Subscription rate for non-members of IPI is $120 per year (U.S. currency) in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. All other countries, $150. Back issues, $10. The Parking Professional is printed on 10 percent recycled paper and on paper from trees grown specifically for that purpose.

WHEN I GROW UP By Roamy Valera, CAPP


ecently, while on one of my many business trips, I sent my son (a millennial allergic to phone conversations) a text to ask him about his day. This is customary practice with my kids and wife during my absences. It’s our way to stay connected and informed while traveling. I always enjoy our family group chats because we get to share and update what we are doing during the course of the day. “I had a great day pops!” was my son’s immediate response. As a dad, this is the best news one can receive. Your kids are having a great day! Of course I was intrigued by his response and asked him why it was such a great day (follow-up questions are frowned upon). I was surprised by his eagerness to engage in conversation. “I wrote 102 tickets and had two scofflaws!” he replied. What? What a proud moment in my life. As a parking lifer, I have raised a son now in the business, and he has begun his career as a parking enforcement officer (the fruit did not fall far from the tree). What is more appropriate is for my son to be doing so in the same agency I started in some 28 years ago. This, of course, is how the world turns and what parking professional karma looks like. The real story here is that my son has wanted to be in the parking business because he sees it as a career. How far we have come when a 19-year-old college student chooses to join the business of parking, transportation, and mobility, where he sees the growth and opportunities the industry has to offer. My son is working in his first real job as he calls it (can you believe that?), and it’s one he feels has the potential to be his chosen field. He speaks about his work with pride and excitement. He recognizes customer service as a given of his daily interactions with the public. He fully understands he is to focus on his customer interactions and ambassadorial approach in order to be successful in his role. What I have come to recognize from this experience is that we have come a long way in our journey as an industry. Our combined efforts have affected the next generation by providing the credentials our industry deserves. “I am proud of you son,” I replied to our conversation. I wish and hope that all of the young professionals in our industry today can have a successful and rewarding career as many of us have enjoyed. Here is to parking and to my son, Matt!




ROAMY VALERA, CAPP, is CEO of NewTown Advisors, LLC., and chair of IPI’s Board of Directors. He can be reached at roamy@


Contributing Editor Bill Smith, APR


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Five People We’d Sit with at a Dinner Party


he parking, transportation, and mobility industry seems to be stretching and growing at twice the speed of light, and it feels like nearly everyone has an opinion about where it’s all ultimately going. We hear the trends are enough to bring parking to the dinner table as social conversation! Accordingly, here’s our dinner-party wish list—five people with whom we’d like to share a meal and a great conversation about parking and the future. Have your own dinner dream team? Email and let us know who’s at your table and why—we might use it in a future publication!

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Director of transportation policy at Lyft, Castor is something of a guru in the conversation about getting more people on public transit by helping them figure out that last mile between the station and their ultimate destination. She heads up Lyft’s partnerships with U.S. transportation agencies and is a real front-liner in the ride-sharing space.

Robin Chase

Matt Petersen Matt Petersen is the city of Los Angeles’ first chief sustainability officer, which means he spends a lot of time noodling with the best ways to green a huge city. But he’s also a driving force behind BlueLA, which is an electric vehicle car-sharing program centered in low-income communities; the goal is to give disadvantaged city residents easy access to reliable, sustainable transportation.

Paul Newman

Robin Chase is a co-founder of Zipcar, Buzzcar, and GoLoco, along with Veniam, which is working on the networking fabric for the internet of moving things. She has a lot to say about mobility and how it affects economies, the environment, and specific populations that include the elderly and the young.

Not that Paul Newman—this one is founder of Oxbotica, which developed a software system that can turn any vehicle into an autonomous one. The system, called Selenium, gathers and combines data about the physical area where it is along with what’s happening around it and how human drivers react there, so it can react appropriately when it’s driving and improve safety. In other words, it results in an autonomous car that learns.

Elon Musk

We know, we know. Everybody wants to talk with Musk, who founded SpaceX and is project architect at Tesla, along with other accomplishments. He’s recently been talking about the Boring Company, which he hopes will create and use a system of deep hyperloop tunnels and high-speed sleds to whisk vehicles underneath congested urban areas and relieve traffic woes. He’s a no-brainer, but we still want him at our party.




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Emily Castor

Strategic Planning and Management Maintenance and Restoration Design and Construction Technologies




ongratulations! You thrived through the IPI Conference & Expo. This is the largest industry-specific event we attend. It’s a week full of speakers, networking, schmoozing, fun, and time away from the norm. So, did it work for you? Are you a seasoned vet who further solidified your existing customer base? There’s a lot to take in—have you taken a minute to reflect on what you learned, who you met, and how your attendance is going to benefit your organization? Did you thank your boss or maybe a colleague for picking up the slack in your absence? Or, as in my case, did you give your significant other a big hug and thanks for your week away from home? I also learned we need to keep a very open mind. You may discover something that doesn’t necessarily affect you or your territory specifically but could help your organization elsewhere. Finally, while I am ­ultra-vigilant about carrying business cards for myself and colleagues, you will also find me with a pen in my possession. Yes, even during evening events! It never ceases to amaze me how many napkins arrive back at home with information about someone or something that jogs my memory when I get back to work.

PATRICK WELLS is associate regional director with DESMAN Design Management and a member of IPI’s Consultants Committee. He can be reached at


I spent nearly 20 years in the construction industry before jumping to parking. Now in my fifth year, I remember my first IPI Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. It was like my first day of freshman year in high school, and at times I felt like a loner and was pretty intimidated and surprised by the sheer size of the event and the amount of networking. Fortunately, experience kicked in as I told myself there is no way to meet everyone and absorb all of the information—just remain patient. Of course, you will miss something. It’s a big event! I was also with an organization that had decades of experience in the parking industry. My colleagues knew the who, what, and why and put me under their wings to make introductions or pulled me aside to explain who an individual was and why he or she was important to our business. Because of this Conference, I changed my thinking. For starters, I understand that I’m not going to remember everything when I return to the office. I took time to collect notes and information throughout the week, jotting down thoughts at the booth, during lunch, or back in my room getting ready for the evening’s events.


This year’s IPI Conference is over, but you still have time to schedule some time to reflect on what you learned: ●●  Did you have a plan, and if so, did you follow it? ●●  How did your booth look in comparison to the competition? ●●  What did you learn about your competition? ●●  What did you learn about yourself? ●●  Was there a speaker or someone you met who was inspirational? ●●  Did the Conference meet your expectations? Yes or no, let organizers know. We all bring a different set of interests and needs, and letting someone know what you really liked or if you have an idea for potential improvement shows you care about making the event even better in the future. Whether for this Conference or next year’s, schedule some me-time to reflect on your experience. At the end of the day, attending a conference can be long and hard. However, you really need to just put yourself out there and strike up conversations, observe, and make notes. Just relax and look for meaning and value. You were chosen to be a representative for your organization. Hopefully, you gained a lot of new information, inspiration, and contacts at the conference, and one of the best things you can do with those resources is share them with your co-workers, colleagues, and friends.


Game Plan





t is great news that the Green Parking Council’s Green Garage Certification program has transitioned into Parksmart under Green Building Certification, Inc. (GBCI). The understanding that parking design can be green is becoming mainstream. Those of us in the parking industry already knew we could contribute to the larger environmental picture, and taking the work of dedicated parking professionals to create that framework and then have it adopted into the overall approach to green building design is a true success. The program is becoming even more integrated with LEED as the “Synergies Between Parksmart and LEED” framework has been released (visit There are some wonderful examples of certified projects and numerous projects in the pipeline headed toward certification. If you have been considering having your parking project join this group, you might be wondering what it takes to get there.

Incorporate from the Start As all building projects start with a program and a budget, it is critical to incorporate the Parksmart concepts as early as possible. While you can play catch-up later, it is much easier to put some of these concepts into place during the initial planning of a project. Achieving Parksmart certification becomes a collaboration between the owner, design professional, and contractor. Each of these entities is responsible for a portion of the puzzle to achieve certification. Many of the objectives require operational decisions that will continue beyond the design and construction of the project, for which owners must take responsibility. More than 30 percent of the 248 total points in the Parksmart program are under the primary control of the owner, who provides documentation to achieve points. More than 50 percent of the points are within the primary control of the design professional, and more than 10 percent are in the primary control of the contractor.

Collaborating MICHELLE WENDLER, AIA, is principal with Watry Design and a member of IPI’s Sustainability Committee. She can be reached at mwendler@


Numerous points require collaboration to provide the documentation, so careful planning and early understanding of the points necessary for certification is critical. It is often difficult to recreate the documentation necessary for achieving points after the fact; this may contribute to not being awarded points during the certification process. The Parksmart framework has three main categories plus an innovation category. Category A is management,


Category B is programs, and Category C is technology and structure design. It may not be completely obvious where each entity fits into the overall responsibility. Because applicants must achieve a minimum of 20 points in each category and it is not realistic to achieve all points in a category by one entity, it is good to meet and divide up responsibility for documentation at the outset of the project. Parksmart Advisors are trained in the rating system and are available to assist in determining what points you can achieve and for what level of certification your project will be eligible. While the design professional is often responsible for the majority of the points in a certification process, he or she will not be the overall decision-maker for whether these points can be achieved. For example, the design professional can design electric vehicle charging stations into the project but will do so based on the owner’s determination of how many charging stations are wanted. So the owner actually plays a part in the determination of whether most points are actually achievable even if he or she is not ultimately responsible for documenting. Step right up and take responsibility for achieving Parksmart certification. Let the world know your parking organization is meeting a higher standard. Develop a partnership with your design professional and your contractor and you will reach your goal.

Researchers discovered that the chemicals used to treat the water in the

Ivanhoe Reservoir became toxic when exposed to sunlight. When trying to find a way to block

the sun in the reservoir, the city managers came up with a simple

solution: they dumped millions of shiny floating balls into the water which covered the entire surface like a

floating shield. Now the reservoir continues to provide safe drinking water for over

half a million people in Los Angeles.

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Obviously, the airline’s handling of the situation represents a worst-case scenario (no doubt it will be studied in public relations classes for decades). But it wasn’t that unusual; in a sense it’s a reflection of how many organizations—including parking organizations— fail when it comes to public relations.

Lessons for Parking

BILL SMITH, APR, is principal of SmithPhillips Strategic Communications and contributing editor of The Parking Professional. He can be reached at bsmith@smith-phillips. com or 603.491.4280.


What can parking organizations learn from United’s PR failure? Obviously, it’s not a great policy to beat up your customers. But from a public relations perspective, the situation was still salvageable. Unfortunately, United’s CEO poured gasoline on the fire that was already raging by saying, “I apologize for having to reaccommodate these customers. Our team is moving with a sense of urgency to work with the authorities and conduct our own detailed review of what happened.” The public had already seen the video of the passenger being manhandled, and it was already pretty clear what happened. It wasn’t until four days later that the company really took responsibility, with Munoz issuing a follow-up statement: “We take full responsibility, and we will work to make it right. I promise you we will do better.” Unfortunately for the company and its stockholders, that correct statement came four days too late. You might not expect a huge corporation like United to fail so miserably during a PR crisis. No doubt the company spends hundreds of thousands of dollars—if not millions—on a department full of talented and experienced communicators. So how did that first statement get released? I wasn’t in the room when it was drafted, of course, but it looks like it was drafted by lawyers or executives who thought they could limit the damage by largely ignoring the event. I can’t imagine an experienced public relations professional had a hand in writing the statement.


How does this relate to parking? In my experience, parking organizations often don’t treat public relations as a central element of their business either. When I was working toward earning industry accreditation 25 years ago (yes, I know, I’m old), one of the most important things I was taught is that organizations need to treat PR as a leadership function. It doesn’t matter how large or small the organization is, PR is extraordinarily important. It influences the way the world sees your organization, it conveys your organizational values, and it affects how your employees view the organization and their place in the organization. PR leaders should be considered just as important as your finance, human resources, business development, and other leaders. They should be part of your strategic planning process, and if a crisis (such as the United situation) does emerge, they should be front and center in crafting a response. Unfortunately, most organizations only expect their public relations staff to implement the response once it has been developed. For organizations without internal PR infrastructure, I would advise including your PR consultants in the strategic planning process to provide a perspective that you wouldn’t otherwise have and to help you understand how your strategic plan will affect and be affected by your customers, partners, and staff. Chances are your organization will never face a United-like crisis. In PR terms, it was the equivalent of a 100-year storm. Still, parking organizations can learn from the company’s mistakes by making their PR leaders and consultants central members of their leadership and planning teams. Not only will you be better positioned to avoid crises, but your strategic planning will be more effective, too.


nited Airlines’ recent public relations disaster (PR) serves as a perfect example of how many organizations get public relations wrong. The airline came under intense criticism for having a passenger forcefully removed from a flight because the passenger refused to forfeit his seat when the flight became overfull. The removal itself caused significant backlash, but the company’s inept response made the situation exponentially worse. At one point, the airline’s value had fallen by $1 billion!




iving in a rural community along California’s central coast, my travel in and out of our regional airport can sometimes be challenging—at best. At worst, it can be stressful and frustrating. With only a few daily flights to choose from, making timely connections to your next scheduled flight doesn’t always happen as planned.

“I tell my employees that we’re in the service business, and it’s incidental that we fly airplanes.” —Herb Kelleher, co-founder and former CEO of Southwest Airlines

CINDY CAMPBELL is IPI’s senior training and development specialist. She is available for onsite training and professional development and can be reached at


Let’s take a recent trip as an example. My first flight of the day was scheduled to depart at 6:20 a.m. At 6:10, it was announced at Gate 1 (note: there is only one gate) that the flight was going to be delayed due to congested air traffic in Los Angeles. Knowing that this sort of thing happens (more often than not), I always try to allow for long layovers between flights. I could hear a few audible groans from my passengers. I saw several people reviewing their printed itineraries, apparently checking to see if this brief delay would impact their next flight. One concerned man walked up to the agent and asked her about the likelihood of further delays. The agent gave the only answer she could—no further delays were anticipated, but she would keep everyone informed of any updates. Twenty minutes passed, and the agent made a second announcement about the flight. “For those of you flying to Los Angeles this morning, we’re being told that we should receive clearance to depart by about 7:10 a.m. We realize that this will mean a tight connection for some of you, but as of right now, we don’t anticipate anyone missing their scheduled connections.” There was additional groaning and grumbling from many, this time louder and with the addition of expletives. The first concerned man was now pacing and shaking his head. A young couple made a phone call to someone about the delay. I noticed that the woman looked stressed and near tears. Our new departure time came and went, and the stress emanating from a few of the passengers was palpable. Then came the third and final announcement: Our flight had been cancelled. “Folks, our agents will work to get each of you rebooked,” she said. “If you would just bear with us, we will assist you as quickly as possible at the ticket counter.” An immediate frenzy ensued, and there was a mad rush to get to the front of the line at the counter. Many of you have experienced this or a similar situation, so you likely have a vivid mental picture of the scene. Several of the stranded travelers were busy complaining loudly to everyone standing nearby while others tried to bypass the line based on their airline status. Two women started arguing about


who arrived first in line, and the young woman who was previously near tears had slumped down in her chair and was openly weeping. Of the 30+ passengers waiting for this flight, only about five of us remained seated and quickly placed calls to rebook through the airlines’ customer service center. I don’t pretend to know all the reasons that people had chosen to fly out of our little airport that morning. What I do know is that I witnessed a wide range of emotional reactions to a cancelled flight; anger, hostility, tears, and despair, all the way down to folks taking this inconvenience in stride with no visible reaction at all. The spectrum of reactions is based on the fact that we all have a different threshold for what we perceive and process as stress. The second variable is how we will react or respond to that stress. On this particular travel day, I only felt slightly stressed about the cancellation. I had built in time for other flight options, but it’s likely that some of the passengers that morning arrived at the airport already feeling some stress about issues totally unrelated to the flight. The flight cancellation could simply have been the final straw for them. In the parking industry, our customers are just like those airline passengers. Depending on the situation, they can display a wide range of emotions when confronted with an unexpected or unwanted scenario. They may not react or respond appropriately to our communication or direction; we may even perceive it as dramatic overreacting on their part. It is important to remember that we are better professionals when we can see through the stressful or inappropriate reactions of others and set aside our emotional response and judgment. Never follow someone down a reactionary rabbit hole. You will be more professionally effective if you can listen without connecting to their stress and emotional words. In situations like this, using empathy and self-control takes planning and practice. You may be surprised at how much less stress you’ll feel when you can do this.




allas/Fort Worth (DFW) International Airport has accomplished three outstanding high-level recognitions in fiscal year 2017 that establish it as one of the premier large airports in North America and Europe.

DFW is the primary international airport serving the Dallas–Fort Worth, Texas, area. It is the largest hub for American Airlines and served more than 65 million passengers in 2016, ranking as the third-busiest airport in the world by aircraft movements and the 11th busiest airport in the world by passenger traffic in 2016. It is the busiest airport in Texas by both passenger enplanements and by aircraft movements (takeoffs and landings). American Airlines at DFW airport is the second largest airline hub in the world and the U.S., only behind Delta’s Atlanta hub. The airport is larger than the island of Manhattan and is the second largest in acreage among U.S. airports, after Denver.



DFW International Airport’s Parking and Transportation Business Unit (P/TBU) recently earned IPI’s Accredited Parking Organization (APO) with Distinction. The operation had a team of eight CAPP-certified staff who were assigned to collaborate with other DFW departments and activities to conduct extensive research, which took 11 months and required applications and the implementation of comprehensive parking policies and procedures to meet APO criteria. Through determination and tireless team effort, they were successful in achieving both APO and

APO with Distinction, which requires meeting criteria over and above those needed for APO. P/TBU is responsible for managing more than 40,000 total parking spaces in 13 garages, seven surface lots, and 2,600 spaces dedicated for valet operations. The business unit is broken up into three sections: ●●  The operations section is responsible for planning, monitoring, and controlling airport parking operations to ensure exceptional guest experience; and managing airport access-lane allocation using data provided by the parking control system (PCS), which conducts a daily count of vehicles parked in public spaces. This supports the yield management team in forecasting revenue. This section also manages the parking customer support center and researches relevant market and financial trends to forecast automatic parking system activity and trends. This section is also responsible for monitoring and managing guest transportation parking at terminals and airport taxi control. ●●  The yield revenue management section is responsible for forecasting future revenue, establishing annual revenue budget, and developing strategies and tactics to analyze pricing elasticity and the parking market to recommend parking rate changes. This section also monitors and manages transportation



network companies’ (TNCs) activity at the airport. The points of service section is responsible for providing internal special busing operations on- and off-airfield, including airfield and airport emergency operations. This section is also responsible for managing and monitoring the airport contract busing operation, including a fleet of more than 170 buses. This service provides shuttles for airport guests and employees and during emergency operations as needed. Each of these sections has at least two CAPP personnel; they were ignited, engaged, and eagerly committed to display what they have learned through the APO process to illustrate their experiences as parking professionals and as members of the CAPP Program. This organization understands the value of the APO accreditation after undertaking and achieving certification. The accreditation establishes the commitment of DFW International Airport parking and transportation operation to being a quality organization that strives to conduct its business and maintain its facilities and services in accordance with the APO criteria and one that will continue to maintain ongoing qualifying evaluations and improvements of the programs through the implementation of industry best practices. ●●

Other Airport Honors DFW was also named by the Airports Council International (ACI) as the best large airport in North America and Europe for passenger satisfaction. Airport CEO Sean Donohue says, “This honor from the Airports Council International validates years of great work by our DFW team to enhance every step of the customer journey through our airport, and it reaffirms our mission to improve the customer experience at DFW in every way we can.” Additionally, DFW was recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its aggressive greenhouse emission goals. The airport was selected to receive the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Climate Leadership Award for Organizational Leadership, making it the only airport to be recognized two straight years by the EPA in the program’s six-year history. DFW set out to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by increasing its proportion of renewable electricity from 30 to 40 percent, introducing alternative-fuel fleet vehicles and integrating improved energy efficient technology into its facilities. DFW is going places, and P/TBU is playing a big part!

ALLEN CORRY, CAPP, is assistant vice president of the parking business unit at DFW International Airport. He can be reached at acorry@

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Megan Leinart, LEED AP BD+C

Dennis Burns, CAPP


Regional Vice President

Leinart Consulting Parking professionals should connect with transportation, development, and sustainability professionals and create opportunities to work together to develop best practices and policies that will enhance mobility options. We can contribute our knowledge and resources to create smart, connected, and more sustainable communities.

Kimley Horn Become your local shared mobility expert. This field is so young and fresh that the opportunity still exists. Do your research, build a network, and share your findings!

Larry J. Cohen, CAPP

David Taxman, PE

Executive Director


Lancaster Parking Authority

I think people have begun to think about all forms of transportation and parking in a holistic manner and understand that they are all related. It is the parking professional’s responsibility to be educated on how parking affects and can serve all forms of transportation.

Attend meetings, get involved in organizations, or volunteer to sit on boards that affect mobility, whether in your community or on a broader basis statewide or nationally.

Senior Planner

Deborah Hoffmann, CAPP, MS

Associate Director, Transportation Services Texas A&M University Be a team player with developers and university campus architects by bringing solutions to the table, not complaining about past issues. Be educated about how to manage the impact autonomous and connected vehicles will have on our industry. Show how your operation is an integral part in adding value to the equation and how we are no longer just “parking professionals” but rather mobility managers.

Have a question for IPI’s experts? Send it to and watch this space for answers.



The opinions, beliefs, and thoughts expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinions and viewpoints of the International Parking Institute or official policies of IPI.

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OPPORTUNITY, IPI Chair Roamy Valera, CAPP, on the parking industry, IPI’s role and goals, and what’s ahead.


OAMY VALERA, CAPP, credits his reputation as an industry leader, savvy businessman, and visionary, at least in part, to having worked his way up the parking ladder. IPI’s new chair got his start as a parking enforcement officer and quickly saw the potential of turning his job into a career. Since then, he’s led parking and transportation efforts in a host of market segments and with several cities and companies. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Barry University, earned his CAPP in 1997, and is CEO of NewTown Advisors, a parking and mobility consulting firm. Valera became chair of IPI’s Board of Directors at the 2017 IPI Conference & Expo in New Orleans. He has three grown children, and his wife of 28 years (they were high school sweethearts) is an assistant parks administrator in their home city of Miramar, Fla. He recently sat down with us to talk about his career, the industry, and his vision for the future. The Parking Professional : We understand you have an interesting family background. Tell us about that. ROAMY VALERA, CAPP: I was born in Cuba and came to the U.S. when I was almost 13 years old. Most of my family still lives in Cuba. My dad dreamed of coming to the U.S.




since he was a kid but was married with children of his own when he finally made it over. My grandmother and grandfather had already emigrated and gotten settled in, and they were instrumental in helping us get set up in school and getting us ready for the American dream and what became our American life. My dad started a job cleaning the school we attended. My sister and I would go to school, and then I’d go to sports practices and come back to school to help my parents clean the school. My dad was a teacher in Cuba, but his degree wasn’t valid in the U.S. He went back to school here and got a teaching degree and started teaching in that same school, where he later became principal. So he went from cleaning the floors and the bathrooms to being principal—a testament of our commitment to do what we had to do to get ahead. TPP: How did you get into the parking industry? RV: I got into parking because I needed a job. My wife, who was my girlfriend at the time, was working at a bank and had two clients, (Dan Rosemond and Saul Frances). She told them her boyfriend needed a job, and they suggested I apply at the Miami Parking Authority, which was hiring parking enforcement officers (PEOs). So on June 12, 1989, I became a PEO thanks to my girlfriend/ wife and my two friends now. TPP: When did you get involved with IPI? RV: I was working at the Miami Parking Authority and had been promoted a few times to a position of supervisory responsibility—I was manager of operations. The parking authority had a commitment to training and developing its staff, and CAPP was started. I had gotten involved with the Florida Parking Association (FPA) in 1992, and in 1993 attended my first IPI Conference. The


authority learned of CAPP and started sending two people every year to start the process of certification. So I started with CAPP and IPI through the commitment of the parking authority in an effort to increase our knowledge base. Two of us (Chester Escobar) went to the Conference. We were both in our 20s, and I remember we were by far the youngest in the crowd. The focus of the Conference was nothing like what we see today. Everything was about human resources—if you recall, the 1990s were about HR and training and retraining of HR and behavior in the workplace and the workplace environment—harassment and discrimination. There was very little equipment shown and very little technology to discuss. It was all about networking and establishing relationships and seeing what your peers were doing.

My goal for the next two years is for IPI to continue to become a recognized leader in the connected cities and smart cities movement. We will become the mobility experts as it relates to all things having to do with transportation, not only parking but pedestrian and car share, etc. TPP: Did you have any mentors or influential professionals along the way? RV: I was very lucky. Because of the CAPP program I started meeting people in my first class on the first day. I met Lenny Bier and immediately connected with him. Len was very engaged in doing some things differently, and Jim Zullo was also in that class with the New Brunswick Parking Authority at the time. Len quickly became my mentor in the industry and helped pique my interest. He made me see that in the long run, this could be a fruitful career for me. And he was very instrumental in giving advice and sharing information. Back then, Lenny would fax me things and mail me articles and books to read. Len quickly became my trusted friend. My children know him and refer to him as Uncle Lenny! TPP: What advice would you give now to someone just starting a career in the industry? RV: The best advice I can give is that you need to find a mentor. You need someone who can guide you through different stages of your professional endeavors. Find a mentor who mirrors what or where you want to be in five or 10 years; it’s a tremendous benefit. That’s probably the best advice I got and was able to adopt. This industry is growing much faster than when I was a new professional, and it’s definitely important for people to find a mentor to offer some guidance and leadership. IPI provides the forum to help identify folks who enjoy being mentors, and technology lets us stay close with one another through email and social media. Using the IPI membership platform helps people see who potential mentors are. Many people are very willing and enjoy doing that, and they play a big role in the industry.



TPP: Do lessons you learned as a PEO still influence you now as a CEO? RV: My son is a PEO, and he was able to attend the IPI Conference this year. I wish I’d been able to do that as early as he is because it would have changed my view of the industry at that time. The one thing I learned from that experience was that we’re not in the parking business; we’re in the people business. To this day, I carry that lesson. We are not dealing with cars or citations or tickets or tows or scofflaws. I was dealing with people. The amount of animosity a parking ticket can generate was astonishing to me. You deal with grandmothers who would say things to you and wish things on you that you’d never imagine would be possible. The huge negative connotation of a parking ticket taught me the lesson that many people think parking should be free, it’s a right, and there should be no consequences for breaking the rules. In the end, I learned mostly about people and relationships. TPP: With so many changes in the industry during your career so far, what do you think has had the biggest influence? RV: Without question it’s technology and the way we pay for parking and the data generated. When I came into the industry, it was just quarters, dimes, and nickels. Then we saw smart cards, and debit cards and now we’re paying with an app and a smartphone. There’s been a huge transformation in the way we pay for the service. TPP: Do you think it’s more difficult for people to start in the industry now? RV: Actually, I think it’s easier. It’s a little bit more exciting today. The technology is so advanced that it allows the younger generation a great ability to think outside of the box and be creative when they first join the industry. The platform is wide open, and we are now providing mobility as a service. We’re no longer just the P word, but part of the entire ecosystem of how people move. TPP: So what’s next? RV: That is the $50 million question. Where I see this going is when we look at parking, it will be under the umbrella of mobility. That includes transit and shared rides and bikes and connected vehicles and EVs and transportation. Parking will be a significant player in the larger picture of mobility and how we move people and data. And the industry will be much bigger. The reason it’ll be much bigger is because we have access to data that basically can predict people’s behavior, and visibility to data can change people’s behavior. Once we open up our data and make it visible to end users, we as an industry are going to change. TPP: What will IPI’s role be in that? RV: IPI’s role is to be certain the data that’s available and gathered becomes visible. We as an industry have to become visible to the end user, and as a result, we’ll play a significant role in the mobility space. We will affect transportation, car share, connected vehicles, and the larger transportation picture.

My goal for the next two years is for IPI to continue to become a recognized leader in the connected cities and smart cities movement. We will become the mobility experts as it relates to all things having to do with transportation, not only parking but pedestrian and car share, etc. We manage and understand data that can predict behavior. IPI gives me and all of us the ability to think longer-term and be much more visionary and bold in our thoughts about the things we can do and achieve those goals. We’re not restricted to a parking space. It allows us to be creative in the way we integrate technology into the services we provide, and it allows us to make an incredible network of friends and colleagues. People in IPI become friends and then they become family. TPP:You were on IPI’s staff for a few years. Does that experience give you a different perspective in your role now as chair? RV: I left the Miami Parking Authority after eight years and joined IPI as a trainer in 1997. And during my tenure I trained more than 1,500 front-line employees. That opened my eyes that this industry was going to be really big. I didn’t know what role I was going to play, but I knew I wanted to play a role. My staff experience really puts into perspective the magnitude of what we as an association do. We’ve more than doubled our numbers of Conference attendees and size, and it takes a tremendous effort to do that. It’s very enjoyable for me to see that we’re putting on the biggest events we’ve ever had, and it’s extremely rewarding. I’ve had a peek under the tent, and it gives me great pleasure to see what we can do now. TPP:You’ve been involved with several state and regional associations (SRAs). What’s the benefit of that? RV: SRAs play a great role. My experience with FPA was the ground level where I really got to know the industry and the players in the industry. SRAs provide an incredible platform for that. They’re the platform to share ideas and case studies and where one has the opportunity to begin the recognition as an expert in the field. SRAs offer a network of close-by proximity colleagues who can continue to enhance your knowledge. And they’re where many of us find our mentors—who are the folks who are successful and are willing to provide their knowledge and expertise. I’m grateful to FPA for introducing me to Brian Scoggins, the president at the time, who afforded me my very first opportunity to speak at an industry conference. Then NJPI and Steven Monetti for inviting me to visit and do the same at their annual conference.

Valera thanks Kim Jackson, CAPP, for her two years of service as IPI Chair, along with CEO Shawn Conrad, CAE.

TPP:You mentioned your son is a PEO. How do you feel about that? RV: I’m very proud. A lot of his current colleagues tell him they hope to be police officers or firefighters, etc.. He tells them he wants to be in parking. That’s testament to the industry and how much it’s changed. New generations see parking as a career path, and that’s testimony to the many people who’ve come before him and before me. TPP:Tell us about the vision behind the company you launched earlier this year. RV: NewTown Advisors is a creation that’s 28 years in the making. I always wanted to own my own business, and because of the way this industry has changed, the time is now. I wanted to create something to work with companies on long-term growth strategies, use my background and skill set in municipal government to provide guidance and strategic advice with procurement, sales cycles, positioning of a product-service, managing relationships and understanding the political process. I named the company after the town where I was born and raised in Cuba, and our logo is a bridge, which is symbolic to connecting two sides but is also in memory of my grandparents, my parents, my aunts and uncles, and my cousins. This was the bridge we had to cross every day to get from one side of town to the other, so I wanted to use that in their honor. It’s been very exciting! This venture is a credit to all of those that have supported my professional and personal growth. I am indebted to my wife and kids but also to my dear friends: Dan Rosemond, Saul Frances, Chester Escobar, Len Bier, Art Noriega, Steven Monetti, I stand on your shoulders.

It’s very enjoyable for me to see that we’re putting on the biggest events we’ve ever had, and it’s extremely rewarding. I’ve had a peek under the tent, and it gives me great pleasure to see what we can do now.



PARKING TAKES NEW ORLEANS BY STORM Your 2017 IPI Conference & Expo scrapbook.


hat an event! The 2017 IPI Conference & Expo brought together more than 3,200 parking professionals for four days of learning, exploring, networking, and fun in New Orleans, La., and the parking, transportation, and mobility community made it an amazing experience. From education sessions on the biggest trends to a massive Expo hall (235 exhibitors!) that let attendees see and try the next big things, it was a Conference & Expo to remember!



Conference attendees streamed into the Expo hall as a traditional New Orleans second-line and the exploring began. Industry suppliers from every corner of the industry demonstrated new products and technologies designed to help parking, transportation, and mobility organizations better serve their customers and communities. The massive hall—bigger than four football fields—offered something for everyone, including massage chairs, a Michael Jackson impersonator, games, and unlimited opportunities for networking. Attendees had a chance to explore the Parking Garage of the Future through virtual reality in the hall’s Attendee Lounge. Through a partnership between IPI and DCM Architecture & Engineering, parking professionals could don goggles and take a 3-D trip through the parking facility of tomorrow—a thrilling ride in more than one way!



OPENING GENERAL SESSION The Future of Parking and Mobility


T SEEMS LIKE EVERYBODY’S TALKING about the future of parking: autonomous cars, connected vehicles, ride-sharing, and meshing transportation systems into a larger mobility infrastructure. It was certainly on the minds of IPI Conference attendees who packed the Opening General Session for a panel discussion about what’s on the horizon for industry professionals. Stephen Smyth, CEO of Flow, started the conversation talking about data—now that the industry has access to lots of it, how should it be harnessed into a useful role? “The challenge,” he said, “is actually accessing data and sharing that data across different types of public and private entities to create a great Finding ways to monetize trip experience for the end data is critical to customer seruser.” He said the industry vice, the panelists agreed. “If you IPI Chair Kim Jackson, CAPP, is facing an integration don’t have data, you’re going to welcomes attendees to New Orleans. challenge, which he delose customers, you’re not going fined as being past the point of impleto be competitive, and you’re menting ways to collect data and trying going to frustrate people,” added to stitch it all together. Brian Shaw, CAPP, executive Panelist Amitai Bin-Nun, PhD, director director of the department of of the autonomous vehicle initiative at parking and transportation serSecuring America’s Future Energy, pointed vices at Stanford University. “If to the existing infrastructure as a chalwe don’t get there, we’re going New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu lenge, particularly as cities’ populations talks about the city’s amazing to continue to frustrate our cusgrow. “Fourteen of our 15 biggest cities recovery from Hurricane Katrina and tomers, and we don’t want that.” are experiencing significant population what’s next. One big shift panelists disgrowth,” he said. “In a decade, most of the cussed was the forecast change population will live in cities, and that puts a tremendous from privately-owned vehicles to shared vehicles used amount of strain on the infrastructure. Systems don’t largely on demand. “We’re just scraping the surface of grow automatically when the population grows, so we what the internet of things will show us,” said Arvind need to leverage the information we have to use our Kannan, senior management of strategy and business infrastructure more efficiently.” development, Zipcar. He pointed out that Zipcar was available back in 2000, well before the dawn of the apps most people use to access the service now. “We’ve seen a lot of devices communicate with people and with the cloud. What we haven’t seen enough of yet and will see more of is devices communicating with each other and communicating with the transportation infrastructure— devices communicating on their own.” Panel moderator Laurens Eckelboom, vice president and head of business development, connected vehicles, SAP, asked the group what all that means for parking. The answers were that the industry needs to prepare for big changes, from a potential drop in parking demand in urban areas to a move toward more mobility systems and a push toward adaptive reuse, so that parking structures needed now and in the near future can be shifted



Opening Session moderator Laurens Eckelboom, SAP, talks the future of transportation with panelists.

to other uses—including shared-vehicle drop-off and pickup stations, storage, and even residential use—when their traditional roles shifts. “Let’s assume it’s cheaper [to use shared vehicles than privately owned cars],” Smyth said. “That will lead to a world where there are far more trips, and it will take much less time to charge a vehicle than it does now. There is the potential for a lot more cars on the street that won’t have to sit for very long. What happens to all these parking spots and the land they use? Some of these cars will have to recharge, but people still need to get into those cars, and we’ll see a lot of pedestrians. We’ll have delivery trucks—think about Amazon Prime. So the focus has to be on consumer behavior changing and an intolerance for friction.” “We’ll learn by doing experiments,” Kannan said. “Some may fail, some may work, and we’ll learn from them and build a better experience. Nobody is going to solve this whole picture by themselves, and we need to work with the parking world.” Social responsibility came into play as well, with BinNun pointing out that without mobility, people can’t get jobs and those living in poverty have no chance to turn things around; the elderly, too, need mobility, he said. He also said states need to work together to regulate new technologies, including autonomous vehicles, in a unified manner. “I can’t imagine a world where you have to switch vehicles every time you cross state lines, but that’s where we’re headed,” he said. The discussion wrapped up with a look at the possible timeframe for big changes to happen. Kennan said it’s important to be realistic: “Miles traveled are going to go through the roof,” he said. “This is going to complicate congestion. So when these autonomous vehicles are going around, they will need to be shared.”

Smyth argued that before the parking industry shifts gears to autonomous, it should be looking harder at electric-vehicle infrastructure. “The industry is not integrating into opportunities now, and there is money on the table and it has nothing to do with autonomous,” he said. “Electric vehicles are much more impactful in the immediate term and much more important for the parking industry in the immediate term. People expect to get better connected to this stuff.” He also said there should be a focus on streamlining systems so people don’t need to use multiple apps or platforms to get around and another focus on using the data the industry already has and to find out what people want and expect now and in the future. “Parking is something your grandmother did too, so that’s the good news,” he said. “But if the parking industry doesn’t go online with some of this in a hurry, it runs the risk of becoming an irrelevant industry.”



AWARDS Honors and Recognition


HIS YEAR’S AWARDS CEREMONY and CAPP graduation showcased outstanding parking professionals, projects, and innovations and was a highlight of the week. Awards of Excellence and Professional Recognition Awards programs were presented (see the June issue for more), 31 professionals received their CAPP diplomas, 12 parking marketing programs were honored (see the June issue for more), and seven parking programs were recognized for earning

Melinda Scott Anderson, CAPP (Ret.), accepts the Lifetime Achievement Award. Accredited Parking Organization (APO) or APO with Distinction certifications. Two Lifetime Achievement Awards were presented this year: Melinda Scott Anderson, CAPP (Ret.), director of the office of parking management at the Medical University of South Carolina; and Don Monahan, PE,

principal of, were honored for their contributions to the industry during long careers. Anderson has worked in parking for more than 38 years and is credited with guiding the university’s parking system through significant growth and changes; she now oversees more than 1 million annual transactions by 13,000 employees and 3,000 students and residents. She is a past chair of IPI’s Board of Directors and helped found the Carolinas Parking Association. Monahan has given more than 60 presentations at IPI Conferences Shawn Conrad, CAE; Don and other seminars and Monahan, PE; and Kim is a recognized industry Jackson, CAPP. expert. He began his career at Walker Parking Consultants in 1977 and opened the firm’s Denver office in 1980, going on to design more than 600 multi-level parking structures, conduct more than 100 parking studies, and oversee more than 40 parking restoration projects. Additionally, Becca White, CAPP, was presented with the Chair’s Award for her long service to IPI and the CAPP program. White is director of parking and transportation at the University of Virginia and a frequent speaker and consultant Shawn Conrad, CAE; Becca White, CAPP; on parking. and Kim Jackson, CAPP.

IPI’s Board of Directors enjoyed a casual night bowling on their arrival in New Orleans.



PA R K I N G S O L U T I O N S C O M P E T I T I O N 2 0 1 8


Call for Entries opens October 16, 2017. The Parking Solutions Competition is a design and development parking challenge for college students. Finalists demonstrate creativity, innovation, realism, applicability, scalability, and presentation skills. Visit and follow #IPIparkingsolutions for competition details and announcements.

T R Y A P Things kicked off with a whole lot of networking and fun at the opening party at Mardi Gras World, where attendees explored a massive parade float facility, enjoyed palm and tarot card readings, and danced the night away. Laissez les bons temps rouler!





Access MIT Brings the Next Big Idea to New Orleans IPI’s Parking Solutions Competition inspired cars at home. The team rewarded travelers for tomorrow’s parking innovators to introduce the using sustainable modes and built a leaderboard Next Big Idea. The competition challenged the to introduce friendly competition. The team is best and brightest to answer one of the biggest also conducting a randomized controlled trial to questions facing the industry: How can we reduce provide targeted information to one group of staff, the use of single-occupant vehicles (SOVs) and financial rewards to another, and combinations maximize land use, increase mobility options, to a third group, with a fourth control group reand decrease congestion, emissions, and pollution ceiving no communications. These experiments through parking solutions? College students from are designed to identify how employers and across America responded. municipalities can design transportation benefits Judges were Diego Torres-Palma, vice presito reduce SOV commuting. ●●  Mappify, a wayfinding and mapping platform dent of growth for Smarking; Adam Blake, CEO of T2 Systems; and consultant Mike Drow. The Adam Rosenfield of AcessMIT designed to help drivers in State College, Pa., session was moderated by IPI Board ChairKim receives the Grand Prize Award in view parking garages in real time to check on Jackson, CAPP. Finalists were: occupancy, view rates, get driving directions, the inaugural competition. ●●  Access MIT, a commuting benefits program and receive parking alerts. The app also provides that provides free transit and reformed parking pricing to staff lists of area businesses with information about walking distances and faculty of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). from parking. Behavioral science researchers at the MIT Transit Lab are also ●●  nomo, an app designed to reduce SOV use through a crowdsourced “leveraging the power of nudges,” providing positive reinforcement tracking system that matches users with similar driving patterns. and implicit suggestion to incentivize commuters to leave their nomo maps a visual rendition of vehicle miles traveled averages, driving patterns, and times when people commute from destinations independently and connects users with others with similar patterns. It also collects anonymous data on driving patterns to help cities with urban, transportation, and transit planning. ●●  Overflow Parking, a business-to-business parking facility sharing app that maximizes parking hour use by connecting businesses requiring off-hours parking with businesses maintaining bankers’ hours. The app helps maximize the efficiency of parking resources while helping to reduce congestion and emissions. And the 2017 Parking Solutions Competition winner is AccessMIT! Get ready to enter Parking Solutions 2018—see p. 29 for more Competition judges discuss this year’s finalists. information!

Education is a hallmark of the IPI Conference, and 2017 raised the bar with topics ranging from connected vehicles to customer service to anything and everything about the future of parking and mobility. Many sessions were standing-room-only, serving as testament to parking professionals’ eagerness to learn and share ideas.



Congratulations to This Year’s Booth Prize Winners

800 SQ FT AND LARGER IPS Group, Inc. (left to right): Jay Jershin; Sherry Fountain; Johnny Waldo; James Black; Umesh Kapadi; Stephanie Simmons, IPI Board Chair Kim Jackson, CAPP; Randy Lassner; Jim Cardiello; Dave King; Michael Wilson; Alex Schwarz; Brian Webber; Mike Chiodo; Ryan Jaurequi

400–600 SQ FT SKIDATA, Inc. (left to right): Matthew Gooley, Aaron Siebert, Tobias Hofler, Keith Lynch, and IPI Board Chair Kim Jackson, CAPP

100–300 SQ FT First Place Paylock IPT LLC (left to right): Duke Hanson, Christin Dorner, Paul Chiafullo, “Solid Gold,” Brian Landucci, Bart Blair, Shade Coleman, Matthew Silverman, Rick Meredith.

Second Place NuPark (left to right): Tiffany Yu, Mike Adams, Andrew LaMothe, Kevin Uhlenhaker, Michael Civitelli, Jim Leida, Mark Schleyer, Pete Messman

Third Place Watry Design, Inc. (left to right): Michelle Wendler; IPI Board Chair Kim Jackson, CAPP; Mike Nielson; Matt Davis; and Francisco Navarro



SO LONG, EXCUSES A campus parking and transportation services department finds ways to answer student questions before they’re even asked.

By Ross Allanson, CAPP


E’VE ALL HEARD THE LINE “Why don’t you tell more students about the transportation services you offer?” If you are like our department, you want to scream back, “We do! Are you listening?” We don’t hide what we do. Our customer service representatives don’t tell our customers, “I’m sorry, sir, I can’t sell you that occasional use parking contract unless you know the secret handshake.” Our parking manager doesn’t ever say, “Who told you about our motorist assistance program? That’s only for people who have been here for 20 years or more!” At the University of Minnesota (U of M)—Twin Cities campus, Parking & Transportation Services (PTS) staff take extraordinary measures to get transportation information out to our student population. Special Events Our communications team works hard to use any and all possible events to get our department name and face in front of our community. For starters, that list includes 23 freshman orientation sessions, 18 transfer student orientations, 12 new staff/faculty information fairs, and 14 specialized college events. Let’s dive into Freshman Orientation. Orientation at the U of M is a two-day program that’s required of all new students. Through this orientation, PTS reaches 7,000 incoming freshmen during seven summer weeks, during which there is a resource fair every Monday through Thursday morning. PTS staffs a table at the fair and answers questions from new students, parents, and siblings. In the afternoon, orientation leaders present a skit called “Navigating the U” that covers a wide variety of topics from financial aid and tutoring to the bookstore and transportation. A PTS communications team member writes a script leaders memorize; that person also coaches leaders on the script content during training and throughout the beginning of orientation season. Another event—the Annual Transportation Fair—is a cornerstone event in our communications

strategy. We host our fair on the first day of every fall semester. More than a dozen 10-foot by 10-foot white tents with maroon and gold balloons are set up to create a sea of excitement on the plaza in front of the student union that’s the heart of our campus. The tents offer shade (or weather protection—we are at the mercy of Mother Nature’s unpredictable sense of humor in Minnesota) to approximately 16 transportation professionals who staff tables inside. The fair offers free snacks and refreshments to lure students to the informative literature and giveaways at each table. More than 4,000 students, faculty, and staff members visit the transportation fair each year to ask questions about all modes of transportation. Whether busing, biking, walking, carpooling, or driving, they want to know about traveling to campus from the city or the suburbs, getting around on campus, exploring the Twin Cities, and going home to neighboring states. We talk to potential customers about our products and services. Our goal is to educate and inform them about our offerings as well as how we tie into the metro transportation network. JULY 2017 | INTERNATIONAL PARKING INSTITUTE


Online Presence

Our content is current, relevant, and easy to read. Our marketing messages are clear and convey the personality of PTS (friendly, accessible, knowledgeable, and dependable) while maintaining a U of M tone.

PTS embraces the fact that the internet is powerful for messaging. “Can you Google that?” is the first thing that goes through a person’s mind in today’s world. It’s about accessing information anywhere at any time. According to Google Analytics, almost half of our visitors reach us online with a smartphone or tablet (versus a computer). PTS has more than 245 pages on the internet along with more than 150 informational documents and maps. In a recent one-year timeframe, Google Analytics indicated that our website saw 634,772 visits with 1.4 million page views; people saw an average of two pages per visit and spent fewer than two minutes on each. Our content is current, relevant, and easy to read. Our marketing messages are clear and convey the personality of PTS (friendly, accessible, knowledgeable, and dependable) while maintaining a U of M tone. This consistency assures the reader that he or she is connecting with us. PTS has also focused on social media. Our website’s homepage was redesigned to include a right-hand column populated with our social media feeds. We are trying to grow our Facebook status with our community, and this online real estate gives us room to add other platforms, including Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, or whatever next new thing might be. We launched an online feedback form under the Contact Us section. That idea came out of brainstorming with student government leaders.

Printed Pieces It may be old-fashioned when we are dealing with millennials, but print is still an effective method of commu-



nicating a specific message to a broad audience. Each year, PTS prints and distributes 30,000 walking guides with pedestrian advice and maps of the indoor skyway and tunnel system that connects 80 buildings (not all are connected to each other, but clusters of them make life easier for our students, staff, and faculty). Also each year, PTS prints and distributes approximately 10,000 transportation guide and campus maps—an informative piece that outlines all of our products and services and includes a color-coded map of our three campuses with parking options and campus shuttle bus routes. Once every summer, PTS mails out a dedicated piece to our incoming freshmen that outlines our programs and services. Additionally, we partner with four metropolitan transit providers to strategically pull ZIP codes and send oversized postcards promoting our unlimited transit pass, U-Pass. Another partnership with the primary metropolitan transit agency allows PTS to split costs and run a premium ad in the collegiate campus calendar/survival guide (day planner). The university’s student-run newspaper gets a fair amount of advertising business from our department. We run approximately 40 ads, ranging from bicycle parking locker rentals to the routes and timing for the free campus shuttle system.

Direct Email One of our most effective communications tools is direct email. Students know their university email accounts are their official tie to the U, and they are trained from day one to check their email multiple times a day to get information about their classes and other pertinent details related to their academic success. Due to a very real concern about email fatigue, the university has a strict authorization policy. PTS is fortunate to be granted permission to send eight email messages throughout the

year that are sent to more than 50,000 student inboxes. Topics range from the student parking contract lottery to the start of each semester’s transit pass sales.

Customer Research Speaking of tracking, customer research is important to our strategic planning. PTS conducts parking satisfaction surveys using iPads at assigned exit lanes of select parking facilities. In the area of transit, we conduct manual paper campus shuttle satisfaction surveys that our bus drivers distribute as riders board the bus and collect as they de-board. Every two years, PTS works with the university’s office of measurement services to do a comprehensive modeshare and origination/destination study. These results are analyzed by our leadership team to ensure service decisions are grounded in data and customer feedback.

Promotional Giveaways Promotional giveaways have been a big draw to get our name and website address in the hands of our community. I’m not embarrassed to show my age by saying that we gave out CD cases and calculators in past years. Laundry bags were one of our biggest hits; I hate to say it, but customized transportation fortune cookies did not do so well on our campus. With our $1 to $2 budget limit, we

are creative with giveaways. Buttons, balloons, stadium seat cushions, foam footballs, hacky sacks, first-aid kits, bus pass holders, Post-it notepads, ballpoint pens, stylus pens, rotating message pens, pencils, pencil sharpeners, and more have passed through our halls at one point or another with “Parking & Transportation Services” branded on the items. Communication is not easy. It takes resources—­ financial and human. One resource cannot simply replace the other; you need both to work together. It is only through rolling up your sleeves and diving in that success can be achieved. Strive to reach as many in your audience as you can. Even then, there will always be a hapless individual who stumbles into your world to say “but I didn’t know that.” Don’t let that dissuade you. Continue to share your message in as many ways as you can. The struggle doesn’t end, but the smiles and positive interactions can make it easier to keep trying.

ROSS ALLANSON, CAPP, is director of parking and transportation services at the University of Minnesota. He can be reached at alla0111@



PROFITABLE, PRODUCTIVE PARTNERS The City of Virginia Beach uses partnerships to boost parking and the local community.

By Robert Fries, CAPP, and Ronald Berkebile


ARKING IS OFTEN A KEY COMPONENT to a new development project’s viability, and incorporating it frequently leads a city to seek a public-private partnership (P3). The most challenging part of providing structured parking is financing the cost of construction and the

long-term accrual of interest. With average garage construction costs in the Mid-Atlantic region at $18,000 to $20,000 per space, the inability to recapture the initial investment costs of the parking structure may lead to the demise of the project unless a P3 arrangement that is mutually beneficial to both parties can be successfully structured. In many suburban areas, the community may be unable or unwilling to pay daily or monthly parking rates to fund the full cost of ownership of a parking structure. Paid public parking in Virginia Beach, Va., is located at the oceanfront and primarily serves day trippers and local



citizens visiting the beach, boardwalk, and other seaside attractions. The city consciously strives to make public access to the beach affordable and deliberately charges less than current market rate for event-related parking. The average price for off-street parking is approximately

$6.50 per vehicle during the peak season and $5 during the off season. However, sub-market-rate parking revenues and a seasonal economy are insufficient to fund the capital costs of a parking structure, even with reduced staff levels, automated payment devices, and other management techniques designed to curb operating expenses. As parking professionals, we all have heard and responded to complaints about the price of parking. We all agree that parking facilities are a necessary component of a community’s infrastructure, providing mobility and access, and serving as a terminus of the transportation network. Parking and transportation are user-based services. Unlike transportation, where the user pays hidden motor fuel taxes at the pump, parking customers are acutely aware of the fees to park.

When compared to the cost of vehicle ownership, the cost to park is insignificant. According to an article published by the Washington Post in April 2013, the cost of gasoline and motor oil range between 2.6 and nearly 6 percent of total household income or the equivalent of $2,694 and $4,073. AAA’s annual index of driving costs finds personal transportation costs ranged between $6,500 and $10,500 annually in 2016, depending on the type of vehicle driven. By these standards, the amount for parking access services is very modest.


P3 in Action Virginia Beach has a workable model in place to develop parking facilities using the strategic planning process and capitalizing on P3. The city’s most recent JULY 2017 | INTERNATIONAL PARKING INSTITUTE


Unlike transportation, where the user pays hidden motor fuel taxes at the pump, parking customers are acutely aware of the fees to park.

ROBERT FRIES, CAPP, is parking manager with the city of Virginia Beach. He can be reached at

ROBERT BERKEBILE is a financial analyst with the city of Virginia Beach. He can be reached at


success leveraged private investment that transformed an existing surface parking lot into a mixed-use entertainment and residential project that generates an estimated $21 million in additional net annual tax revenues during a 30-year period and won an Urban Land Institute (ULI) award. In 2008, the city adopted a strategic action plan that included extensive stakeholder involvement. One important goal that came from stakeholder input included increasing the depth of the market for hotels, retail, residential, and entertainment venues. Because Virginia Beach is a resort community, these goals help strengthen the city as a tourist destination as well as a place to live. The plan promoted a district parking concept that encourages centralized and shared parking, alleviates growing traffic demand, reduces surface parking, concentrates traffic flow, and maximizes traffic management. Building on the momentum created by the strategic action plan, the city council formally approved a resolution for a comprehensive parking strategy to benefit the resort area in 2012. The resolution included several long-range goals capitalizing on public parking assets to facilitate development: ●●  Provide fair and equitable access to parking facilities and opportunities for citizens, businesses, visitors, property owners, and developers. ●●  Unlock the development potential of properties by reducing onsite parking demands to facilitate less fragmented and more attractive development. ●●  Identify new funding sources to support parking facility development, maintenance, and management to ensure no impact on existing revenue sources and services. The resolution called for identifying private development opportunities and funding alternatives to implement a meaningful parking strategy. Examples of potential funding sources included P3, parker user fees, tax-increment financing (TIF), special service districts or business districts, and fee-in-lieu funding.


History Virginia Beach is no stranger to P3 and use of alternative financing to build parking structures. Starting in 1999, 25 acres of underutilized land was transformed into a vibrant mixed-used town center project that now includes five public parking garages funded by a combination of a TIF and a business-district concept. The project added more than 4,300 spaces to the city’s inventory in several phases. The TIF is used to finance the construction and interest costs, and the business district levies an additional real estate tax to fund routine garage operations. The public parking component was critical to develop 17 city blocks with more than 800,000 square feet of class A office space and 700,000 square feet of retail, restaurant, and hotel land uses. The last component of the strategic action plan was to develop an achievable implementation plan to make citizen and council goals a reality. The plan focused on 10 guiding principles with the top-tier principles encouraging economic development and formulating an urban design policy. The integration of public parking as an element of the community infrastructure and an economic development driver is critical for the successful implementation of citizen and council goals. The implementation plan’s working strategies include: ●●  Promoting P3 related to future parking structures. ●●  Reinvesting parking revenues into local district improvement or parking structures. ●●  Considering the impacts to the adjacent residential neighborhoods and mitigating effects appropriately in the design of development projects.

The Results The manifestation of these strategic plans occurred when the city of Virginia Beach partnered with a local real estate development and management firm, the Breeden Companies, to replace a 244-space surface lot with a mixed-use complex that includes an indoor skydiving facility, 147 luxury apartments, and a 565-space parking garage. The mixed-use project won the 2016 ULI Virginia

Vision Award for Best Public-Private Partnership. The ULI award honors outstanding development projects in both the private and public sectors in Virginia. The project accomplished many of the strategic action plan goals by enriching the entertainment attractions at the resort while increasing the residential housing inventory that promotes yearround activity for local merchants. Other goals included unlocking development by using alternative funding sources. A local revenue source was used to help the project, but no real estate taxes were used to incentivize this project. In 2008, the Breeden Companies offered an unsolicited proposal to build apartments and a garage to accommodate public and private users. Over the course of time, the negotiating points shifted to develop a win-win agreement. The city owned land that was used to leverage a fair agreement. The land was valued at $7.65 million, and the developer needed a portion to construct a multifamily housing complex and an indoor skydiving facility. The developer needed a portion of land valued at $4.3 million, and the city wanted additional parking spaces within a garage. The P3 agreement required the developer to build and convey the garage to the city. The garage was estimated to cost $6 million, which represented the value of the public spaces constructed. The cost for the private parking spaces was paid by the developer. Because there was a $1.7 million difference in the value of the developer’s needed land and the city’s garage, a tax revenue dedication was established. Virginia Beach taxes entertainment and participatory sports based on admissions; 90 percent of the indoor skydiving’s admission tax collected was dedicated over time to offset the $1.7 million difference. The parking agreement also addressed the garage’s operations and maintenance (O&M) and based it upon the number of private spaces required. Under a long-term nominal lease arrangement (based upon the developer paying for the private space construction), 221 parking spaces were designated for usage by apartment dwellers. The shared O&M cost for the spaces had a base rate and an escalation clause to account for inflation. In addition to the O&M shared cost, the developer agreed to contribute to a capital reserve fund. Capital reserves went into a sinking fund designed to repair future large-scale issues. The developer agreed to pay an annual flat rate per space. With the agreement executed, the city owns the entire garage, and the developer owns the land under the multifamily units and indoor skydiving facility. This mixed-use development has been operational for slightly more than one year. The multifamily units are experiencing very few vacancies; the indoor skydiving venue regularly entertains residents, tourists, and thrill seekers; moreover, the military regularly train in the facility. Lastly, the garage has added more than 100 additional spaces to its inventory in a strategic area of the resort. For the city, the projected net cumulative revenues in 10 years are expected to be $3.7 million; 20 years, $10.6 million; and in 30 years, $21.1 million. By using the strategic planning process along with sound investment principles through P3, the city and its partner created a new iconic sense of place at the resort. The project not only provided additional public access to the oceanfront and its attractions, but it added substantial net gains to the tax base that annually contributes to typical city services. By focusing on parking as an economic development tool, the benefits to the community will be long lasting.

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EXHIBITORS SHOW Amano McGann Revolutionizes City Parking Management How many times have you had to drive around the block to find a parking space downtown? The City of Sacramento and Microsoft partner Amano McGann are testing new technology aimed at helping citizens find convenient, affordable parking and avoid traffic congestion while increasing municipal productivity, efficiency, and revenue. Rohit Chande, senior vice president of engineering at Amano McGann, said their new Symphony Analytics™ software-as-a-­ service solution is the first to provide traditional reporting and dashboarding functionality along with true predictive analytics. “It’s a game-changer,” said Chande. “Nobody in the [parking] industry is currently doing this.” Amano McGann’s breakthrough is an example of Microsoft CityNext’s dedication to empower cities to digitally transform through innovative, high-impact services. “Off- and on-street parking data comes from multiple sources within a city,” Chande explained, noting the challenge was in aggregating this information in real-time to help drivers find available space and for cities to make informed decisions. “We decided to go with the Microsoft Azure cloud platform because it gives the scalability and flexibility required for yield management and dynamic pricing techniques— varying parking prices at different times of day, depending on demand.”



Arrow Electronics Introduces Rosella Arrow Electronics, Inc.will offer VIMOC’s Rosella™ Artificial Intelligence (AI) landscape computing platform for applications ranging from smart factories to smart buildings, under the terms of a recently announced deal. “Building owners and operators are looking to optimize revenue efficiency and improve the quality of experience between people and infrastructure,” said Aiden Mitchell, vice president of global IoT solutions at Arrow. “Arrow customers now have access to VIMOC’s deep-learning technology at the edge of the network to realize these intelligent infrastructure objectives.” VIMOC’s Rosella AI software extends cloud computing to the edge, offering highly accurate, reliable, and real-time intelligence for safety-critical applications and smart facilities. The Rosella software is based on a landscape-computing topology, allowing scalability to meet changing requirements. An open API provides analytics and business solutions that help increase security and infrastructure revenues. “Arrow’s vision towards end-to-end IoT solutions combined with our unique deep-learning offering will accelerate our customers’ ability to address the many inefficiencies with today’s infrastructures and to increase their infrastructure asset value,” said Ali Sebt, president and chief marketing officer of VIMOC Technologies.


his year’s IPI Expo was massive—235 booths of products, services, technology, and innovation, and there was a ton to see, do, and try. Exhibitors presented anything and everything parking professionals need to plan for the future in every sector of the industry. Here’s a peek at this year’s offerings.

Barnacle Shows Off Innovation The Barnacle, a participant in last year’s ParkTank Competition, exhibited at the IPI Expo this year, showing off its unique parking enforcement tool and lots of media coverage it’s received. The company played video of its feature on ABC’s “News with a Twist” and the episode of “Modern Family” that featured its windshield-blocking device. It was a great show!

Bikeep Offers Zero-Theft Bike Rack Solution Cycling is currently the fastest growing means of transportation in the urban environment. However, the problem is that bikes get stolen (three bikes are stolen every minute in the U.S., at a cost of $125 million annually) or parked at wrong places, and users are not happy about the parking solutions provided to them. With bikes getting more expensive (average e-bike is four times the cost of a regular bike) and popular, this problem does not show any signs of decrease. Bikeep’s smart rack is designed to securely lock and charge personal bikes/e-bikes. San Francisco (SFMTA) supports Bikeep’s initiative. It relates to cloud servers, is highly adaptable with any building-access systems and transportation cards, and can act as a P2P bike-rental station. Currently, it is the only solution on the market that enables locking and charging e-bikes at the same time. Bikeep boasts more than 1,000 racks installed throughout Europe and now is expanding rapidly in the U.S. There are already stations in the San Francisco area, and in BART stations, it is possible to use the Clipper Card to park your bike.



Cale Celebrates New Partnership Lancaster, Pa., widely known for its rich architectural heritage, recently upgraded its pay stations to feature new pay-by-plate technology through a strategic partnership with one of the world’s leading parking solutions providers, Cale. The Lancaster Parking Authority was looking to update its parking kiosks in order to optimize its parking operation by reducing maintenance costs, simplifying enforcement, and improving efficiency. With Cale’s pay-by-plate technology, Lancaster is moving toward the future of parking operations where the vehicle’s license plate number serves as its unique identifier. Now the main form of enforcement and payment for on-street parking is pay-by-plate. Enforcement officers are able to scan the vehicle’s license plate with their handheld devices to verify payment status for a particular session or whether the driver has a valid permit. Cale’s meter and pay station technology has seamlessly integrated with Lancaster’s current enforcement system, increasing the city’s enforcement accuracy. “Through Cale’s partnership with the Lancaster Parking Authority, the process of updating our parking systems was completely effortless. Cale has proven to be a reliable partner that not only provides great, cost-competitive products, but also products that are future-proof,” said Larry J. Cohen, CAPP, executive director of the authority.

Enjoy the New CAME The renewed CAME Group sees a symbol of change in its new corporate branding: The perfect blend of technology and people finds its fusion in a stylized and visually dynamic representation of a person; the perfect synthesis of a technology that places people precisely at the centre of everything. The world is constantly changing, and technology is setting the pace of change in anticipation of increasingly advanced and complex horizons. There is a growing need to create a new language that will allow man to return to the center of everything and to technology always being a new opportunity. CAME breathes life into “human automation”, a new balance in the relationship between man and technology. A level of communication which reaches everyone in every part of the world, and which is inspired by peoples’ lives, to create new scenarios, and convert actions into emotions. CAME is enacting a development based on new ways of understanding the world of automation, based on the four laws of human automation, which outline a new quality of life designed for people because it is made up of people.

ChargePoint Offers Huge Network ChargePoint is the largest electric vehicle (EV) charging network in the world, with charging solutions in every category. EV drivers charge at home, work, around town, and on the road. ChargePoint solutions enable the best parking lots to turn into charging lots by offering networked EV charging. Installing charging stations allows you to capture a fast-growing segment that is willing to pay more for dedicated parking spots with charging. With more than 34,500 independently owned charging spots and more than 7,000 customers (businesses, cities, agencies, and service providers), ChargePoint is the only charging technology company on the market that designs, develops, and manufactures hardware and software solutions across every use case. Leading EV hardware makers and other partners rely on the ChargePoint network to make charging station details available in mobile apps, online, and in navigation systems for popular EVs. ChargePoint drivers have completed more than 21 million charging sessions, saving upwards of 21 million gallons of gasoline and driving more than 525 million gas-free miles.



CityLift Builds First Fully Automated Parking Structure in the Bay Area CityLift Parking, based in Oakland, Calif., is building the first and only fully automated parking structure in the San Francisco Bay Area. Automated parking garages are not new to the world but are new to the Bay Area. CityLift is taking 1,600 square feet, or the space needed for seven surface-level parking spaces, and converting it into a 39-space, seven-level structure. Drivers will park their cars in a room at the base of the building, and once they leave, their car will be automatically lifted and stored above ground. Drivers will be able to retrieve their cars in less than two minutes. In addition, this all-steel structure dramatically reduces CO2 emissions versus a concrete structure and eliminates the emissions from cars driving around looking for parking, so the environmental benefits are very real. Completion date is scheduled for summer 2017. CityLift is headquartered in Oakland, Calif., with offices in Los Angeles; Chicago, Ill.; Miami, Fla.; and Boston, Mass.

City of Dubai, UAE, Chooses Cleverciti Systems Clerveciti Systems is proud to announce they have been selected to equip the City of Dubai with sensor technology for their Smart City project. Seventy Cleverciti sensors have been installed in the World Centre District of Dubai, monitoring more than 1,000 parking spaces. The real-time parking availability will be presented on dynamic messaging signs, which have been placed in the city. Cleverciti Systems needed an average of 30 minutes per sensor installation. Cleverciti Systems will be a key part of Dubai’s Smart City Strategy, designed to: ●● Save motorists time, stress, and money. ●● Benefit the city with reduced traffic, congestion, and pollution. ●● Offer more efficient use of on-street resources. ●● Let motorists spend less time searching for parking. ●● Balance bay occupancy across the network. ●● Improve customer experience and ease of payment.

Complus Highlights the Role of Parking Ticket Management LPR vendors deliver the innovative hardware needed for advanced, plate-based enforcement and lot management. However, as the hub of all processing functions, Complus and other parking ticket management (PTM) vendors house the data and processing functions that enable your operation to take full advantage of all the benefits smart technologies such as LPR have to offer. One area where this partnership is vital is in the realm of virtual permitting. Working together, your PTM and LPR vendors provide the platform for plate-based permitting issuance and enforcement. Contracting LPR services through your PTM vendor means there is one point of contact for all your enforcement needs. Managing virtual permits through your PTM vendor allows users to cross-reference permit applications against the ticket database. Your PTM vendor can restrict the issuance of virtual permits until all open tickets are paid in full, increasing your collection rate and encouraging compliance with local parking ordinances.

Continuous Galvanized Reinforcing Steel Available in the US

Conduent Debuts at IPI, Showcases Advanced Solutions in Parking In January, Conduent completed its separation from Xerox Corporation to form an independent public company. This was the first parking conference for Conduent, and we were eager to show off our latest off-street and on-street solutions. We were most excited to introduce our Multipark™ System to the North American market at IPI 2017. Multipark provides end-to-end operational and management control of parking garages. It’s fully scalable and can be used for managing a single car park or for multiple sites. Attendees were eager to demo our on-street parking offerings too. Merge™ Parking Management System helps parking managers optimize operations by integrating all parking data into one location and providing centralized operational control and analytics—as well as actionable insight—on the system as a whole. While the solution is system-agnostic, there are a few added benefits to using it with our violations processing and enforcement management offerings.

Continuous galvanized reinforcing steel (CGR) is the most durable and economical corrosion-resistant rebar available to prevent concrete failure and can be formed after galvanizing with no flaking, peeling, or cracking. All steel grades of reinforcement can be galvanized, with no change in mechanical properties. These bars passivate quickly in concrete and provide the same corrosion protection of zinc as ASTM A767 galvanized reinforcing bar. It is continuously galvanized in individual pieces to ensure unparalleled quality. Research shows that galvanized rebar has superior concrete bond strength compared to black bar or epoxy­coated bar and is equivalent to or better than epoxy. With AZZ Metal Coatings of Fort Worth, Texas, now producing CGR, this product is eligible for federally funded construction projects in the U.S. AZZ Metal will use the Port of Catoosa, near Tulsa, Okla., located at the head of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System, which links to the Mississippi River and the nation’s 25,000-mile inland water transport system. The Port of Catoosa’s unique position allows companies to move millions of tons of bulk freight by barge each year and at a fraction of the cost and environmental impact of rail or truck to almost every state.

Creditcall Addresses EMV A partnership between parking technology innovator T2 Systems and payment technology innovator Creditcall has resulted in a fully-­ functional, certified, ready-for-sale solution that delivers attended and unattended EMV-based transactions to the parking sector. While other companies claim to have EMV payment solutions ready for market, T2 Systems’ SecurePay is available to order today and already in use by municipalities and universities—powered by simple payment integration with Creditcall’s ChipDNA Direct. The solutions make use of the Globalcom BV1000 card reader, which supports both EMV and mag-stripe transactions through Creditcall’s Payment Gateway. Creditcall’s current pre-certified processing options for this reader include Chase, Elavon, First Data, and Global Payments. One need only to install a Creditcall-enabled T2 SecurePay card reader in their pay station or PARCS equipment to begin taking payments securely. Not only does this collaboration provide a quick and pain-free upgrade path to EMV, the PCI-P2PE solutions dramatically reduce PCI scope, simplifying yearly audits for pay stations and PARCS. Also, the risk of security breaches is greatly reduced.



CyberLock Displays Access Control Solutions Based in Corvallis, Ore., and part of the Videx family of companies, CyberLock, Inc. has been the industry leader in key-centric access control systems since 2000. CyberLock retrofits existing mechanical cylinders with electronic cylinders that are powered by a CyberKey. With no hardwiring required, it’s an easy and cost-effective solution for securing parking meters, payment machines, and remote locations. CyberKeys are programmed with access permissions for each individual user. The system has multiple key control options, so if a key is lost, there is no need to re-key. CyberLock cylinders and smart keys keep a record of all access events, including access-granted and access-denied attempts. At the 2017 IPI Expo in New Orleans, CyberLock presented its new, full-featured Bluetooth CyberKey. CyberKey Blue 2 uses Bluetooth 4.2 technology to significantly improve battery life and reduce costs. Android, iOS, and Windows compatible, the expanded internal memory records up to 12,000 audit trails and up to 12,000 locks. With the ability to update permission schedules on the go and receive audit reports in seconds, CyberKey Blue 2 is the perfect key offering convenience and flexibility for route management.

Virtual Reality from DCM Architecture DCM Architecture & Engineering, LLC was thrilled to partner with IPI to conceptualize the Parking Garage of the Future. Our virtual reality feature, allowing parking professionals to experience the conceptual design, was a big hit. We are now looking forward to further developing these concepts to propel the industry forward, reaching new heights in the use of advanced technology and sustainable systems. Currently, DCM is here to serve your existing parking structures’ mechanical needs, particularly in the areas of elevator commissioning, enhancing your sequence of operations, and maintaining proper ventilation. Many thanks to IPI for inviting us to participate!

DESMAN Awarded Best Parking Facility Rehabilitation DESMAN was proud to accept the IPI Award of Excellence for Best Parking Facility Rehabilitation or Restoration for their work on the Public Parking Authority of Pittsburgh’s Third Avenue Garage Restoration Project. The Third Avenue Garage is a 600-parking space, six-level structure consisting of cast-inplace conventionally reinforced concrete floor slabs supported by cast-in-place conventionally reinforced concrete beams and columns. DESMAN developed a 14-month repair program from a comprehensive structural condition survey they performed. This extensive renovation was the focus of the largest capital repair project in the organization’s 73-year history. Levels of customer demand required that no more than 200 spaces be removed from service at any one time as traffic in non-construction zones continued uninterrupted. A nearby dormitory also required the garage to remain functional but each day’s construction progress be concluded by 10 p.m. A hydro process was utilized to demo the slabs as it was quieter than using a jack hammer plus it made a lot less dust. DESMAN was the architect and structural engineer along with Nathan Contracting. Total cost of the project: $7.4 million.



ELSAG Releases New Software New ELSAG software was released that aids the enforcement of timed and permitted parking areas, along with automatic ticket generation and an integrated ticket management system. With PARKINGENFORCER™, agencies can greatly reduce the manpower and time required to monitor and enforce parking and can even eliminate the need for physical permits. Based on their Plate Hunter™ automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) technology, ­PARKINGENFORCER reads license plate numbers on vehicles in restricted parking areas and compares them to white lists, identifying unauthorized vehicles. If PARKINGENFORCER reads a license plate not included on the white list, the system will alarm. Date and time stamps generated for each license plate read allow ­PARKINGENFORCER to monitor vehicles in timed and permitted parking areas, supporting multiple lists and zones. Tickets can be generated automatically for any parking offense. ­PARKINGENFORCER is effective with only one ALPR patrol vehicle but can be scaled to include multiple units and central data management.

Fresh Products from FlexPost Inc. FlexPost® Inc. has launched two new product lines: FlexPost-XL™ & FlexPost-SM™. FlexPost Inc. is the leading manufacturer in flexible signposts and bollards. At FlexPost, we help others save thousands of dollars in repair and maintenance costs by providing a durable reliable product to protect their parking lots. The FlexPost-XL products are indestructible, heavy-duty, and flexible sign posts and bollards. These products are made of all-steel components, and our base unit carries a limited lifetime warranty. As with any FlexPost™ product, the FlexPost-XL™ minimizes vehicle and parking surface damage while withstanding the most extreme collisions imaginable. The FlexPost-SM are light and smaller than typical FlexPost products. This product line includes sign posts, guideposts, and delineator paddles that offer the same 360-degree flexibility upon impact at a reduced price. The FlexPost-SM line is perfect for protecting areas with high pedestrian walking traffic.

Genetec Announces Latest Version of AutoVu Free-Flow Genetec Inc., a leading provider of open-architecture security and public safety solutions, showcased the latest version of AutoVu™ Free-Flow off-street parking management solution at this year’s IPI Conference & Expo in New Orleans. Designed to help increase parking enforcement efficiency by providing a real-time inventory of vehicles parked illegally in monitored parking lots, Free-Flow is offered within Genetec Security Center, the company’s unified security platform that combines video surveillance, access control, and automatic license plate recognition (ALPR). Catching parked vehicles in violation is a challenge for many parking organizations. Business managers estimate that they apprehend less than a quarter of parking violators. With AutoVu Free-Flow, parking enforcement officers can easily identify lots with unenforced violations and dynamically adjust their patrol routes to maximize violation capture rates. A growing number of parking property owners are investigating gateless parking to reduce vehicle congestion and provide a more convenient and efficient parking experience. AutoVu Free-Flow provides the technology to forego using gates, while maintaining compliance with parking rules. With Free-Flow now an integral part of Security Center, parking managers will be able to monitor occupancy and violations across all their parking lots directly from one location. Genetec™ Plan Manager provides an added interactive and graphical mapping application that allows operators to better visualize and manage environments.

greenscreen® Earns IPI Green Star Exhibitor Recognition With over 20 years of experience and more than 7,000 installations, greenscreen, the proven leader in green facade technology is proud to once again be recognized by the IPI Sustainability Committee as an International Parking Institute (IPI) Green Star Exhibitor. This program recognizes companies whose products or services provide services, strategies, and products that support sustainability goals. These goals are linked to the objectives of IPI’s Sustainability Framework and Parksmart. In addition to a publicly available, third-party verified Health Product Declaration™ (HPD™) and a LEED v4 Credit Contribution response, greenscreen provides as a resource for parking professional designers, “Design Guidelines for Green Facades on Parking Structures,” which highlights possible credit contributions for the Green Garage Certification Standard. The design manual features five typical facade attachment details that have proven successful when incorporating green facades into vertical parking structure design. A digital copy of the new guidelines can be found at greenscreenParking-Structures.pdf. greenscreen looks forward to continuing our sustainability objectives and sharing them with IPI and its membership.

gtechna Shares a New Vision gtechna presented a completely integrated pay-by-plate enforcement solution with real-time communication and cloud hosting for a more efficient and intelligent way to manage parking. This integrated approach delivers smarter, more convenient services to citizens, a key component in this new era of mobility. gtechna also debuted its new and improved ticket management platform, offering users a streamlined modern experience to manage tickets, officer activity, timing and LPR events, live-mapping, and more from a single dashboard. Feature-rich dynamic reports give administrators access to a rich trove of data optimized for performance and results. On the Expo floor, four-­ station demo pods showcased the latest tech that is shaping the face of smart parking: handheld LPR, vehicle LPR, fixed LPR off-street access, and back-office management. Our team also collaborated with the Pittsburgh Parking Authority to share its powerful vision on the internet of things and Pittsburgh’s award-winning solutions that have paved the way for other North American cities. Lastly, our experts shared a secret recipe powered by real-time communication and cloud technology for making enforcement a virtually error-free asset for boosting compliance.



HUB Demonstrates Smart Solutions HUB Parking Technology showcased its latest innovations in digital and mobile technology for a total system solution that will simplify operations and maximize profits for parking management and enhance the parking experience for customers. HUB Parking Technology system experts were on hand to demonstrate our intelligent, web-based management system, JMS, accessible also from your mobile phone. JMS brings innovative, value-added capabilities to parking managers with integrated, real-time operational data available from multiple parking facilities and powerful analysis, reporting, and customization options. Outcomes are easily measurable at the push of a button, and operators can always intervene as necessary at any time and from anywhere. Complex and rich statistical analyses can be accessible and easy to understand for everybody thanks to the visual graphical output and the possibility to interact with data. Another smart solution presented was JunglePass, which allows end users to easily, smoothly, and securely pre-book, find, enter, pay, and exit a designated parking facility by simply using a smartphone. JunglePass provides a seamless parking experience to the user and precious insights to the operators, who can now track their transient customers’ behavior and usage patterns, plan long-term business strategies, and engage and reach their clients through mobile technology that is synched with personalization opportunities.

Innoplast Talks about Protecting Your Investment Innoplast talked about protecting your investment by increasing safety and reducing maintenance costs at this year’s IPI show in New Orleans. Their catalog of products continues to grow to help you in these categories, offering a variety of solutions to common problem areas. Take their BollardGard bollard covers for example—they are a great solution for making old rusty posts look new again. They quickly install, eliminating the need to paint, while improving appearance and making posts more visible to traffic. With 13 different colors in stock, you are bound to find one to go with your corporate colors. If not, they can color match with a minimum order. Maybe you are looking for a product that will guard both your column and vehicles from damage. Their column protection line of products is what you are looking for. Or are you looking for a product that will alert and guide incoming or outgoing traffic? If that is the case, we would suggest Innoplast’s overhead clearance bars or delineators for your application.

Infotraffic Launches Dynamic Pricing in the US After equipping 50 parking garages with their dynamic pricing screens in Europe, Infotraffic launched its end-to-end solution in the U.S. This new method of price management for garages attracted many visitors to the booth and reaffirms the increasingly growing trend of dynamic pricing around the world. The benefits of the solution are numerous: price preprogramming and automation, facility digitalization, customer experience enhancement, and revenue performance optimization with variable rates.

iPayment Enjoys First IPI Expo This year marks iPayment’s first as an exhibitor at the event. The company showcased payment solutions designed specifically for the parking industry with features including Department of Defense-grade security, EMV and contactless payment acceptance, and more. iPayment’s technologies are designed to help save money through increased efficiencies and grow revenues by leveraging new self-service options and customer engagement features. iPayment also offers partner programs for professionals looking to refer business or resell payments to their existing customers—a great way to drive incremental bottom-line revenues while delivering more value to the end customer. “We are excited to expand into new verticals like parking and unattended,” said O.B. Rawls IV, CEO and president, iPayment, Inc. “This is a key market for us, and we have a myriad of progressive and differentiated payment solutions for owners and managers as well as very lucrative partner programs for developers and resellers in the space. And they are all backed by our 20-plus years of experience, our unparalleled support and service, and full transparency.”



IP Parking Expands IP Parking is a Dutch developer and manufacturer of hardware, software, and applications for the parking industry. IP Parking offers a 100 percent web-based PARCS solution that can be accessed from any location at any time using any device with internet access and a compatible browser. The company has been exhibiting at IPI since 2013, and after a period of thorough preparation, IP Parking opened a U.S. office earlier this year to facilitate the company’s growth in the U.S. and Canada. IP Parking has more than 500 installations on four continents; U.S.-based installations can be found in New York and New Jersey. IP Parking will, from its offices in New York, support clients on the North American continent through both direct sales as well as a via distributing partners. IP Parking is currently recruiting distributors and is seeking U.S. staff.

IPS Group, Inc. Unveils New Innovation IPS Group, Inc., unveiled several new innovative technologies at the 2017 IPI Conference & Expo that complement its fully integrated Smart Parking product suite. IPI Conference attendees got a first look at the new state-of-the-art innovation, future-proofed to meet the needs of smart parking programs and cities of any size. Showcased key IPS innovation included: ●● In-Vehicle Payment. In collaboration with Honda Developer Studio and Visa, the end-to-end, in-vehicle mobile payment allows motorists to pay for parking from the safety and comfort of their vehicles. ●● Parking Enforcement Management. Smart citation processing and management solution provides real-time access to handle the entire citation lifecycle, including citation issuance, citation processing, and delinquent collections. ●● Permit Management. Scalable and fully-integrated permit issuance and management solution handles the entire permit lifecycle from design through fulfillment. ●● PARK SMARTER™ Mobile App. Reimagined mobile payment application that offers enhanced features and convenience that allows users to manage an entire parking session from their smartphone; includes rapid account setup and checkout services, as well as local merchant offers. ●● Next-Generation Data Management System (launching summer 2017). Built for the future of big data, the next-­ generation DMS continues to connect all IPS solutions but offers more modules, data intelligence, and enhanced user interface design for improved management of parking networks from anywhere at any time.

Kimley-Horn Celebrates 2017 marks Kimley-Horn’s 50th anniversary as a design consulting firm, but that’s not all we celebrated. Kimley-Horn was recognized for the 10th time as one of Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For and ranked No. 6 on ENR’s Top 100 Pure Designers list and #21 for Top 500 Design Firms. Rooted in providing exceptional client service, Kimley-Horn offers parking, transportation, land development, landscape architecture and planning, integrated water, environmental, energy, and technology services in more than 75 offices nationwide. Our parking team attended the IPI 2017 Conference & Expo in New Orleans, where Vanessa Solesbee, CAPP, spoke with Cheryl Stout and Than Austin during North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Five-Year Plan Process is Transforming Campus Access session. Brett Wood, CAPP, served as a speaker with John Bushman, Vicki Pero, and Blake Laufer at the “Planning and Designing for an Unknown Future” session and with Blake Laufer and Rachel Yoka, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C, for “Park Your Data Here: IPI’s Approach to Defining Our Industry.” Kimley-Horn also joined SANDAG in accepting the IPI Award of Excellence in the Innovation in a Parking Operation or Program category for their Regional Parking Management Toolbox. We look forward to connecting with you next year!



Nationwide Payments Debuts Rebrand Nationwide Payments had an incredible show in New Orleans this year. We were excited to debut our new marketing rebrand, which included a new booth and website:, with the assistance of Gusdorf Marketing Group, LLC. Our participation at the IPI Expo allows us the opportunity to solidify our partnership with current clients and forge new partnerships globally. Each year we look forward to showcasing our new capabilities and helping our clients become more efficient and effective with their credit card processing by providing the best quality service in the business. Our customers are our No. 1 priority, and we want to ensure that you are taken care of. We look forward to many more interactions with you and who knows what show you might see us at next! Nationwide Payments is proud to be one of the most respected names in the parking industry. We offer EMV-certified attended and unattended solutions along with end-to-end data encryption. We have rapid transaction processing times and a dedicated team of parking experts who contribute to your bottom line. We pride ourselves on providing diverse payment options that suit the individual needs of each of our parking clients. Our new features and software updates reduce cost and downtime.

Millennium Digital Technologies Offers Network Solutions Millennium Digital Technologies, LLC is a leading supplier of specialty networking, security, compliance, and technology management solutions for grocery, parking, retail, and foodservice industries. Our Managed Network solution provides drop-in TotalPCI Compliance bundled with a comprehensive suite of features specifically designed to fulfill the most common technology needs found in the typical merchant environment. In addition to compliance functionality, our Managed Network Solution includes an impressive feature set, including full support and integration with intercom, camera, and validation systems, 3G/4G cellular backup options, garage-to-garage connectivity for multi-site operations, PCI-compliant two-factor remote access, direct credit processor connectivity, and much more. During IPI, we were highlighting the benefits, cost savings, revenue gains, and peace of mind that comes with a properly managed and secured network. Did you know that parking is a major target for hackers? Find out about the importance and necessity of network security and PCI compliance in the parking industry from our experts.

MobileNOW! Provides Added Payment Convenience MobileNOW!, the global technology innovator with the world’s most flexible and user-friendly mobile payment platform for parking, is now offering additional payment methods for added customer convenience throughout Montgomery County, Md. For six successful years, MobileNOW!’s mobile wallet has provided customers the ability to fund parking accounts in advance using the free MobileNOW! app or IVR. Customers can quickly load money on their account, and funds are deducted with each completed parking transaction. By leveraging a prepaid mobile wallet payment option, customers can take advantage of subscription savings and a lower convenience fee. Now, in addition to the mobile wallet, customers have the option to “pay as you go.” The Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) payment option is ideal for parkers who are visitors or park less often and prefer not to pre-fund their account with a minimum of $20.00. “On behalf of the Montgomery County Department of Transportation, we are pleased to provide our residents and visitors with even more flexible payment options,” said Eduardo M. Mondoñedo, chief, Parking Operations Section, Montgomery County Division of Parking Management. “MobileNOW! responded in optimal turnaround to test and deploy a new pay-as-you-go account option. We are very pleased with their responsiveness and customer service on this project.”



Next Parking Expands Team, Announces Platform Celebrating more than a decade in the business, Next Parking has become a thriving acquisitions, consulting, and asset management enterprise. Newly promoted company President Michael Nichols used the IPI Conference to communicate the company’s growth-oriented platform to industry insiders. “We have over 100 years of combined parking industry experience. Our clients range from single-lot owners to the largest parking structure in the country. We can literally execute projects anywhere. It’s a great feeling to have such a competent team ready to help parking owners nationwide.” With the addition of veteran asset manager Mike Kenney to the team late last year, the company expects to engage at least a dozen new asset management clients in 2017, adding to its 15,000+ space portfolio. Next Parking’s other business unit identifies parking assets for acquisition and is spearheaded by Vice President Robert Caplin. “Our newly raised investment fund provides equity, and our operational expertise makes sellers comfortable. Whether an owner wants to sell one or all of their assets, we can move quickly to put together an offer. We’ve underwritten over $1 billion worth of parking properties over the past few years!” And that’s “what’s next” for Next Parking!

NuPark Showcases Scout Management Platform With the recent waves that NuPark has been making in the industry headlines, the parking technology solutions provider took the opportunity at the IPI Conference & Expo to introduce Scout, the next generation of its open, cloud-based, smart parking management platform. Designed and built by parking professionals, NuPark’s Scout platform integrates new capabilities, including a redesigned HTML5-based user interface, new intelligence, and powerful dashboards. The dashboards provide graphic representations of parking information with fast and easy drill-down capabilities to offer a friendlier user experience and actionable insight into every aspect of a parking operation. Other features of Scout include: ●● Access to real-time platform anywhere and with almost any device. ●● Improved integrated LPR data visualizations and data. ●● Built-in analytics package. ●● Open third-party systems integration. ●● Expanded user configuration for a more personalized experience.

ParKam Penetrates the American Market Following the excellent feedback from customers in Israel, Russia, Latin America, and Australia, ParKam is now preparing for installations in the U.S. and Canada. Its holistic parking solution takes advantage of simple existing closed-circuit television cameras to monitor availability of parking spots in real-time, both on- and off-street, in the city, and in the parking lot, and navigate users to a parking spot. which will remain available when they arrive. Using the latest technologies of computer vision and machine learning, users can finally find a parking spot easily nearest to their destinations, parking lot operators get real-time analytics about occupancy, and cities received alerts in real time about illegal parking, allowing efficient enforcement.

Park Sentry Reduces Worry Park Green: It’s the Monoxide, not Dioxide The U.S. is now the second-largest emitter of carbon (greenhouse) gases behind China, with India nipping at America’s heels. But the primary source of the emission is not from coal fire plants as some media seems most fixated on, but rather tailpipes. Other studies purport it another way, indicating that in the U.S., most carbon monoxide originates from the built environment, tailpipe emissions, and the cement-making process. Yes, carbon dioxide (CO2) does come out of tailpipes along with the poisonous and toxic carbon monoxide (CO), as well as other greenhouse gases. For years, we have been expanding the national parking footprint with facilities that are often oversized, inefficient, and ill-conceived. Our industry needs to promote the development of smart, safe, rightly sized, sustainable parking structures that are convertible for other uses. Solar, EV charging, robotics, and green products and materials can all play an important role in the facilities of the future, provided we get the economics of parking right. We are on this track at Park Green, LLC with our patent-pending system that will totally alter the consumption of parking on a global basis.

Facility owners looking for a solution to keep the damages and costs of car-column collisions under control found it in Sentry Protection Products’ booth at the 2017 IPI Conference. The company showcased its Park Sentry® line of impact-resistant products for the parking environment. Park Sentry cushions the impact of collision damage, wrapping columns and walls in a highly visible, energy-absorbing material that withstands repeated impact and returns to shape again and again. In high-density parking areas where space is premium and columns limit lines of site, collisions are a reality. With 20 percent of all motor vehicle accidents occurring in parking lots, the predictability of collision damage to vehicles or the parking structure is high. And whether the result is damage to the structure, the vehicle, or both, the costs of vehicle-column collision damage can be a major operating expense. Park Sentry not only gives visual clues to assist safe maneuvering but also takes small claims for car dents out of the management picture. Park Sentry products are installed at facilities in more than 20 countries and five continents.



Coming Soon to Parking Reservation Software (PRS) PRS proudly announces two exciting updates that are on the horizon and soon to be final. Integrations: Recognized for its nimble and proven parking solution software, PRS announces new integrations with travel portals Sabre Red Workspace and TravelPort and with travel expense management (TEM) giant Concur. Already in progress, the integrations are expected to be final by Q4 2017. Further fueling the more than 20 percent growth surge already experienced by PRS in its first year, these integrations are expected to provide new opportunities for PRS clients pursuing corporate travel business and for travel agents using Sabre Red Workspace. PRS Software Version 2: Rolling out by Q4 2017, PRS will launch smartLUIS 2.0, with enhancements such as: ●● New public application program interface (API) communication hub smartLINK. ●● Upgraded and scalable front-end user experience. ●● Improved reporting features for better yield management. Adding to its existing white-label parking management system with features such as reservations, customer loyalty, dynamic pricing, monthly parking, omni-channel tracking, and rich reporting, these enhancements make an already comprehensive, cloud-based platform even more intriguing to parking operators seeking to optimize revenue in a user-friendly environment.

ParkingSoft Offers City-Wide Parking Management Solution Parkeon Displays On- and Off-Street Convergence Parkeon showcased the convergence of distinct technologies designed to benefit everyone who visits downtown locations. We live in a connected environment and it is increasingly important to be able to accomplish our daily routines using the easiest methods available to us at any given moment. That can mean taking various modes of transportation to your final destination and Parkeon’s technology makes the journey simple. It once was the case that drivers would aimlessly search for available parking in a city with a complex systems of rules. Now, they can download Parkeon’s Path to Park App which guides the motorist to available parking, either on-street or in an off-street location. Once drivers reach their parking location, they have many options. One option could be to hop on a train to get to their final destination. This is where Parkeon’s Park & Ride solution comes into play. If the driver hasn’t already pre-booked a parking spot with the Path to Park App, payment can be made at a Parkeon pay station for parking as well as multiple bus and train tickets, in a single transaction. If the driver simply wants to park their car and walk, they can first pay with a variety of payment options provided by Parkeon. At a Parkeon Strada Pay Station, payment can be made with coins, bills, credit cards, and as demonstrated at the IPI Expo, contactless payments such as Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and Google Wallet. Strada also provides information such as local news and events listings and promotion of local businesses. At the IPI Expo, visitors to the Parkeon booth saw that Strada now features a 10-inch full color touch screen making for a very pleasant user experience.


ParkingSoft’s strong showing at the 2017 IPI Expo included a display of how their integrated technologies can cover city-wide parking garage and lot needs, ranging from event management and revenue control to loyalty programs and branding. The city of Virginia Beach was featured as a case study for the city-wide employment of ParkingSoft products. “The city-wide model is something we’ve been after from the start,” says ParkingSoft CEO Michael Canzian. “Our goal as a company has always been to meet every possible parking need our customers have. Our success at Virginia Beach is just one example of how we’re able to provide an all-encompassing service to our customers.”

Passio Technologies President Addresses Mobility The next generation of parking and transit technology should incorporate local city and university apps, as well as complementary services such as Lyft, Uber, Ride Amigos, and Google Transit to improve the consumer experience and increase ridership and usage rates. “Everything we do in parking and transit boils down to one very simple and straightforward concept: How do I maximize the journey to destination experience,” Mitch Skyer, president of Atlanta-based Passio Technologies, asked. “In other words, ‘I’ve got somewhere to go, so what’s the fastest, simplest, cheapest way for me to get there with the least amount of hassle?’” During his presentation, “The Bad News Is Time Flies; The Good News Is You Are the Pilot,” Skyer shared his perspective about how administrators who operate parking and transit systems can tackle these challenges directly. “The ‘Smart City’ concept includes networked devices and sensors that report on traffic, weather, maintenance items, and external factors will provide instant data to technology applications,” Skyer said. “Future technology concepts are coming quickly. Driverless cars and buses will revolutionize the destination experience by changing the way we think about moving and monitoring people when they travel.”


ParkPlus Enjoys First IPI Expo The tradeshow floor was a treat to explore. Each booth was unique, from a massive bus, to 30-foot high displays, to video games, to the humble 10×10 booth. I anticipated seeing a more homogenous giveaway offering from booth to booth but was really surprised at the variety of trinkets being distributed. A few unique items were licorice packaged like a candy bar, a smiley face fan, and casino chips (yes, real money for Harrah’s down the road—and I’m still wondering how they were able to set that up). I’d love to hear what everyone else thought was worth taking home! ParkPlus had our crawfish cut-out for you to take pics with, plus a scooter luggage giveaway. Jeri was our big winner on that—congrats! Hoping to get some video footage of her in action with it soon. In the meantime, here are Richard and Miguel modeling it before the big giveaway!

PCS mobile was thrilled to present a total solution for remote-fixed LPR cameras.

Q-Free Nominated for European Parking Association Awards

PayByPhone Adoption Rates Soar in South Florida Since entering South Florida in 2008, PayByPhone has increased the number of transactions in the region by a factor of 10, from 100,000 per year to more than 1 million transactions per month. This reach is the result of having a growing, connected network of PayByPhone-enabled parking locations within neighboring communities, coupled with a user-friendly consumer experience and targeted marketing efforts. Some of the largest clients contributing to PayByPhone’s growth include the Miami Parking Authority, which now processes close to half a million transactions per month, equivalent to a usage rate of 74 percent, and the city of Coral Gables, which processes over 210,000 transactions per month, the equivalent of a 64 percent usage rate. Continuous expansions also allow customers to utilize the app in new areas, such as the recent addition of PayByPhone along the Miami-Dade Metrorail, which serves 1.5 million passengers, and the May launch of the service in Sunny Isles Beach, which is known for attracting visitors and tourists. “PayByPhone’s success across South Florida is the result of securing clients within close geographic proximity,” says PayByPhone Chief Commercial Officer Barrie Arnold. “This strategy has allowed us to collaborate directly with municipalities and private operators to increase our reach and deliver genuine value for drivers in the area.”

Q-Free has been shortlisted for two European Parking Association (EPA) Awards in the categories of renovated parking structures and innovative schemes in parking. Nominated for renovated parking structures, the Inter car park in Bucharest, Romania, consists of two underground levels with 969 spaces. In 2013, an extensive renovation upgraded the car park’s equipment and installations to fully comply with all the latest requirements. Partnering with Scheidt & Bachmann to provide a new parking management system, Q-Free Boston supplied and installed 969 single-space sensors, which detect occupancy status (vacant or occupied) and display with the use of integrated Superbrite LED lights. (green/red and blue for ADA spaces). Single-space systems clearly indicate empty parking spaces through the colored sensors and dynamic signage throughout the garage, reducing the time drivers take searching for open parking. The Park & Go project at the Ericsson Globen, Sweden, was nominated for the innovative schemes in parking award. Teaming with APCOA Parking, Q-Free provided an innovative, cashless and barrier-free car park management system (CPMS). Currently, the largest hemispherical building in the world, the Ericsson Globe is a venue for ice hockey matches, shows, and concerts. The CPMS system monitors and controls 1,400 individual spaces, enabling seamless entry/exit, lowers maintenance and control needs, generates customer data, and provides customers with various payment options, enhancing their parking experience.



Quercus Technologies Enjoys Success at IPI Quercus Technologies exhibited at the 2017 IPI Expo where we presented our newest products designed to improve control and security in parking garages all over the world. Visitors who came to our booth had the chance to talk to our team in a laid-back atmosphere about all the technical features and benefits brought by our solutions. Quercus showed the audience the innovative BirdWatch Parking Suite, a centralized and powerful software platform that includes several capabilities based on advanced vehicle detection technologies. Each capability included in the suite is designed to answer one specific type of need in the whole management of a garage and, depending on its purpose, can provide information about entry/exit movements, spots available, videos recorded at each spot or in different places inside the facilities, license plate recognition at access points and at every spot, queue levels on the adjacent roads, etc. We also exhibited at our booth the Spot Control Sensor, Quercus camera-based parking guidance solution that feeds the information gathered on field to BirdWatch Parking Suite. Spot Control is an All-in-One LPR-based sensor, meaning that data capture and processing is performed inside the very unit.

Reno A&E Showcases ATG Series Anti-Tailgating Vehicle Detectors Reno A&E (RAE) showcased its ATG Series Anti-Tailgating vehicle detectors for exact vehicle counts at the 2017 IPI Conference & Expo. The Model DL-ATG is a two-channel, shelf-mount type, inductive loop vehicle detector with separate directional A to B and B to A counters. The detector is designed to accurately count passenger vehicles, including tailgating vehicles, and identify their direction of travel over two small inductive loops. Standard loop detectors stop counting vehicles when metal objects are placed in the loop area. The Model DL-ATG ignores extraneous metal objects placed in the loop. The Model DLATG has been specifically designed and tested to count and detect standard passenger vehicles.

Signal-Tech Displays LED Signs

RezPort Launches New Point-of-Sale System A leader in parking technology, RezPort is pleased to announce its new tablet-based point-of-sale (POS) system as a parking solution for clients without PARCS equipment. This simple, user-friendly solution is an efficient way to process prepaid or drive-up parking entries and exits in the absence of gating hardware. For customers who did not prepay, operators have the option to receive payment on entry or exit with this versatile system using scanning technology. Even more enticing is that at the parking operator’s option, the tablets can be configured for limited use to parking business only, with no internet access, gaming capability, or any other function that could encourage employee distractions. Full administrative control is implemented on the back end. This solution further enhances RezPort’s current parking management platform, offering so much more than reservations, with omni-channel features, monthly parking solution, customer loyalty program, yield management tools including dynamic pricing and capacity control, real-time reporting, marketing services, and 24/7/365 support. Currently in the testing phase, RezPort expects the tablets to roll out by Q4 2017.



Signal-Tech is a U.S. manufacturer of LED signs and signals. We offer a complete line of LED parking signs for entrance, exit, space counting, and wayfinding applications. Signal-Tech launched a new parking and traffic controls system that supports managing garage capacity and traffic flow from one platform—a system with the ability to count cars and report/share data while directing the flow of traffic in and around the parking facility with LED signs that change based on real-time occupancy, event, and day/ time conditions. This system is comprised of our Smart Signs, Sign Control and Reporting Software, and the RedStorm 2.1 Parking Guidance System. Our new system is ideal for campus settings, adapts to new and existing garages and surface lots, and interfaces with loop detection and gates. Automatically redirect traffic to alternate parking locations based on real-time conditions using remotely placed space available signs and changeable wayfinding signs. Put an end to the frustration and congestion caused from aimlessly searching for a parking spot and give your customers a parking experience to remember!

Smarking Announces Changes Smarking is pleased to announce that Paul Goldshteyn has joined as head of product. In this role, Paul will focus on accelerating our product by elevating our vision and delivering unique value based on growing customer demands. Most recently Paul was the lead product manager in Hotwire’s shopping experience division, where he was responsible for ideation, discovery, strategy, and ongoing optimization for the company’s hotel and car supply. In other news, Smarking can now help you analyze the unique parking behavior associated with individual tenants/ parking groups in an effort to make targeted oversell decisions​ based on each group’s distinct patterns. We’ve learned that doing this analysis can take hours of time! Finally, we’re removing the guesswork and are helping parking professionals make those data-driven decisions without having to second guess themselves. Smarking calculates a recommendation for additional oversell based on a given number of allocated spaces— or the number of spaces you’d like this group to take up in your garage at peak times.

SpotHero Acquires Parking Panda

SKIDATA, Inc. Celebrates Success at IPI 2017 in New Orleans SKIDATA, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of SKIDATA AG, is celebrating one of its most successful trade show performances ever! ​The IPI Conference & Expo was held in New Orleans, La., and was a huge success for SKIDATA! Nearly 40 SKIDATA staff and partners/ subsidiaries came from all over the world to represent our amazing organization and share their knowledge and spirit of passion for our great products! Several exciting new products and developments brought a steady flow of interest to the booth. In addition to advertising add-ons and illumination upgrades to standard equipment, the 3M Asset Refreshment Program was heavily featured with 3M ticket spitter and barrier on display. The full suite of web-based services (sweb products) were demonstrated throughout the event. Meetings were held throughout the week before, during, and after the Expo hall was open as well as the highly anticipated “MONDAYGRAS—40th Anniversary Party” on Monday, May 22.

SpotHero, the nation’s leading parking reservation service, announced it has acquired Parking Panda, the leader in event parking reservations in the United States and Canada. This move firmly positions SpotHero as the category leader across all major off-street parking verticals, including daily, monthly, business, event, and airport parking. On track to park 20 million cars in 2017 and offering nearly 5,000 parking locations across North America, SpotHero is a driving force in the parking industry’s evolution as it embraces technology and focuses increasingly on customer experience. “We’re thrilled to combine forces with Parking Panda to bring easy parking to more drivers faster,” said Mark Lawrence, co-founder and CEO, SpotHero. “We’ve long admired Parking Panda’s talented team and ability to drive product innovation. SpotHero’s consumer focus and great mobile experience are further strengthened by Parking Panda’s strong B2B technology and partnerships.” Prior to the acquisition, Parking Panda established more than 800 strategic partnerships, including event parking partnerships with numerous professional sports teams as well as major convention centers, sports arenas, theaters, and municipalities. In 2016, the company leveraged this strength in partnerships and event parking to enter the Canadian market, quickly achieving scale. SpotHero will leverage Parking Panda’s momentum in Canada to continue building holistic mobility solutions for drivers and parking companies in 47 major cities across North America.

Spotwise Launches Flagship Product Spotwise, the technology company making surface parking management and operation more efficient, launched at the International Parking Institute (IPI) Conference and Expo its flagship product, Intelligent Enforcement. The cloud-based, web dashboard and corresponding mobile app provide seamless, quick-glance violation identification and real-time analytics that help lot operators drive more ticket revenue and increase auditor efficiency. Premier Parking, a leading national parking operator and management company serving mixed-use facilities, sports stadiums and arenas, hospitals, and commercial office buildings, has signed on with Spotwise for its Intelligent Enforcement solution.

Intelligent Enforcement utilizes real-time analytics to direct lot operators and managers to their most profitable sources of ticket revenue. From the web dashboard, managers zero in on the best places and times to write tickets. The dashboard also collects insights on individual auditor performance. For auditors, the mobile app intelligently prioritizes lot locations by expiring payments, auditor location, events and concerts, and historical ticketing data. It also presents a color-coded view of who has paid, upcoming expirations, and unpaid spaces. The app integrates with leading ticket-writing software and payment systems for seamless ticketing.



TagMaster NA and SKIDATA Mexico Optimize Parking Controls for Parque Toreo TagMaster North America, Inc., the leading provider of vehicle identification solutions and SKIDATA MEXICO’s industry leading PARCS,deployed 34x 2.45 GHz microwave LR series readers in conjunction with 34x SKIDATA parking control barriers and 29x Easy Cash stations. Parque Toreo Central, one of the largest private investments in Mexico and one of the most distinguished real estate and architectural developments in Latin America, now has the security, convenience, and technology that reflect the modern design and forward thinking of this project. SKIDATA’s parking control and revenue equipment in tandem with TagMaster NA long-range RFID systems were deployed for the project and were able to solve previous issues of misreads for close, reversible, and adjacent lanes. The tag read accuracy and viability for armored vehicles also greatly added to the value of this application by offering a solution for a wide variety of vehicle types. This scalable and dynamic solution provided by TagMaster NA and SKIDATA Mexico provided the performance standards required for the project to be realized.

Transit Parking Garage Signage Displayed Takeform was thrilled to feature Transit at the 2017 IPI Expo. We enjoyed talking with parking pros about the only complete sign system designed for the unique requirements of the parking garage environment. For many, the parking garage acts as your other front door—an opportunity to make a great impression. Transit not only helps people find their way, it transforms the parking garage from dark, dreary, and foreboding to bright, colorful, and energetic. It enhances your space and differentiates your brand through improved experience. Engineered to ASTM standards, Transit ensures long-lasting good looks and durable performance. Through direct-print technology on an aluminum composite (ACM) panel with protective overlay, Transit provides scratch and chemical resistance, ensuring longevity and color consistency. Offered in 24 unique graphic families, this wide range of predesigned options make it easy to select the look that’s right for your project. Striking enough to stop traffic but effective enough to keep it moving—Transit Parking Garage Signage.

License Plate Readers from Tattile Tattile, a primary supplier of high-quality ALPR/ANPR systems around the world, enjoyed an excellent reception at the IPI Expo in New Orleans. We have added to our North American resources with the addition of Jim Kennedy (Knoxville, Tenn.) and are always available to supply the correct license plate reader equipment— whatever needs you may have. With more than 32,000 camera systems deployed worldwide, Tattile is, without question, one of the most accepted ALPR/ANPR technology suppliers anywhere on the planet. The IPI show gave us the opportunity to showcase some of our parking and access equipment as well as our mobile camera—in all cases we offer high-definition images from a full 1080p to five megapixels.

We look forward to working with all those who stopped by our booth and all those who didn’t have the opportunity.

Tecnorap Introduces New Formula Tecnorap System Solutions is proud to announce the emergence of Radcon Formula #7 at its first IPI Conference. The system we utilize is to protect, preserve, maintain, and provide a service ideal for your concrete structure. In order to do this, we use Radcon Formula #7®. Successfully used in more than 80 countries, Radcon has been consistent in its ability to revitalize concrete. Radcon Formula #7 is a biochemically modified, sodium silicate solution that provides long-term waterproofing and durability benefits to concrete. It penetrates into concrete and reacts with free calcium and water to form a water-soluble (HD) calcium-silicate-hydrate gel complex in cracks, pores, and capillaries. This sub-surface barrier will penetrate and seal all future hairline cracks when water is present. Our Conference TECHTalk emphasized the importance of preventive maintenance and how using our system will save you costs associated with the long-term damage your structure will eventually endure throughout out its lifespan. Radcon will protect that lifespan. Invest in preventive maintenance, and that will be your only cost.



TIBA Shows Off PARCS Systems TIBA Parking Systems presented a wide variety of PARCS technologies. We displayed a range of entry, payment, and exit systems supported by the leading LPR parking applications. TIBA also demonstrated its software solutions for multi-garage management, and Agile integration capabilities for operators, hotels, commercial centers, universities, and airports. We were happy to unveil our custom barriers, specifically designed to meet TIBA’s architecture. We also exposed new centralized command and control management systems, the enhanced web validation portal, and secure payment methodologies. TIBA was happy to welcome hundreds of industry professionals and showcase our agility, efficiency, and simplicity.

Vigilant Solutions Extends Offer to Municipalities Parking scofflaws, individuals who have repeatedly violated the law and not paid for parking privileges, represent millions of dollars in losses to municipalities nationwide. Now, the same technology and vehicle location data used by auto finance companies to recover up to 22 percent more vehicles, is available to parking departments to find scofflaws. With Vigilant’s no-risk offer, parking enforcement agencies can easily and efficiently recover more lost parking revenue by uploading their hotlists and getting alerts every time a vehicle on the hotlist is seen within their jurisdictions. Vigilant’s scofflaw solution provides a nationwide network of vehicle location data gathered 24/7, 365 days a year from license plate recognition (LPR) detections. These data, including 6 billion nationwide detections and live, real-time detections, have successfully located vehicles in other markets and can now be easily leveraged to identify scofflaws by simply uploading hotlists—no cameras or IT investment required. Accelerate recovery efforts, lower costs, and recover more revenue. Push scofflaw alerts to dispatch via mobile alerts, emails, or other notifications.

Parking Design Takes on Virtual Reality Walter P Moore leverages virtual reality (VR) to provide owners and clients with a means of visualizing their parking needs in a whole new way. At the IPI Conference, our team gave guests a chance to experience the Tijuana Parking Garage, a project designed by Walter P Moore in Tijuana, Mexico. The VR environment allowed guests to evaluate many aspects of the garage that would be difficult, if not impossible, using traditional design-review mediums. This included visualizing a variety of striping options, ramping styles, traffic flow patterns, lighting schemes, and wayfinding systems. The VR environment also let them experience a comfortable ride through the garage, starting at the entry gate and rising all the way to the third level where their virtual vehicle parked. The Tijuana Parking Garage demonstration highlighted only a small subset of the capabilities Walter P Moore is now offering. Our team works with clients to develop custom solutions that will best meet their needs, from importing simple models into a VR scene, to traffic simulations, the development of custom tools and lighting schemes, or other options. We look forward to the positive impact our new VR offering will have on our consulting services at Walter P Moore.



Weldon, Williams & Lick Highlights Solutions Weldon, Williams & Lick, Inc., THE PERMIT PEOPLE® highlighted their permit fulfillment solutions—PERMIT­ DIRECT® and DIRECT FULFILLMENT®, along with RFID gate-access parking decals at the IPI 2017 Expo. Permit fulfillment eliminates the hassle of permit distribution, lines in the parking office, and the need of additional staff and overtime hours required during renewal periods. Dave McKinney, CAPP, of Arkansas State stated, “The implementation of PERMITDIRECT into our campus parking operation is one of the best decisions we have made in my 10-plus years as the parking director. It has been a major hit with both our customers and our employees. Our customers appreciate the easy and reliable online purchasing experience and the convenient and timely delivery of their parking permits. Our employees love the improved efficiency and customer service in our department as a result of PERMITDIRECT.” For RFID decals, UT-San Antonio praised WW&L, saying, “Recently, UTSA Campus Services enhanced the campus experience by implementing RFID technology embedded in each garage permit to speed access to the gated parking facilities on campus. Working with our partners at WW&L and T2 resulted in very positive customer feedback, and we couldn’t be happier with the result.” WW&L looks forward to IPI2018.

Westward Industries Sends Thanks This year’s IPI Conference & Expo has furthered the tradition of getting better and better. We would like to sincerely thank everyone who made it a point to stop by our booth to hear about our task-specific gas and electric vehicles for parking enforcement. It was fun to visit with you all about your operations changes and challenges and exploring how Westward can assist. It was a pleasure speaking with you all of the very positive changes that have occurred within our company and vehicles during the past five years. Being able to have the opportunity to communicate to you the new ownership, improved procurement, production, parts availability/portal, and vehicle designs is instrumental to the successes and customer satisfaction that we have been receiving since those changes were implemented. Many of our booth visitors were our longtime satisfied customers, who are the pillars of our business. Some were agencies that may have used our vehicles in the past and moved away from a task-specific vehicle (GO4) but are looking to reintroduce them. Others were completely fresh faces that we had the opportunity to meet. Whichever category they fell into, the overwhelming response to our story was incredibly positive—“We are simply the best vehicle for the job and offer the highest return on investment.”

• Proven performance (since 1958) • Collect unpaid fines • Models for all applications • Parking enforcement • Anti-theft applications

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In addition to exhibiting at IPI, Women In Parking (WIP) hosted an evening networking mixer during the Conference. As an association comprised of parking professionals who foster the advancement and achievements of women in the industry, there are representatives, both female and male, from nearly every discipline in the industry. The networking event was representative of this diverse representation and well-attended by a number of members as well as prospects. “It was wonderful to see how much interest was gathered from the event and at the WIP booth,” comments WIP Organization and Events Manager Dawn Marti. WIP will continue to host networking opportunities for its membership. The next opportunity will see WIP host an upcoming regional Lunch & Learn gathering for members in Houston, Texas, July 27. The event will invite educational speakers and networking opportunities for professional development.


W.S. Tyler Architectural Mesh Transforms Structures For more than 140 years, W.S. Tyler has been a leader in manufacturing, engineering, design, and fabrication of woven wire cloth/mesh. Located in Mentor, Ohio, the company offers an exciting contemporary design option to the construction marketplace and in particular the parking garage industry. By integrating leading technology into its metal mesh fabrics, W.S. Tyler can deliver high-performing, durable solutions for building facades, wall cladding, security, solar shading, creative metallic art, and a range of other applications for both new and retrofit construction. A member of the HAVER & BOECKER Group, W.S. Tyler is backed by a strong global presence.

Zentinel: The Future of Parking Integrated and intelligible communications from Vingtor-Stentofon by Zenitel Group address the key value drivers of parking administration: optimize the customer parking experience, reduce the risk of property crimes and assaults, and compliance. Zenitel believes communication is critical in meeting these value drivers. To do this well, intercom and audio solutions must meet a minimum scorecard for delivering intelligibility, interoperability, and the increasing demands of IT to ensure high availability, defensibility, maintainability, reliability, and scalability. If this foundation is met then parking administrators can address solutions such as: ●● 24x7 Customer Service: Intercom stations with bi-directional voice as well as video authentication for gates, ticket vending machines, and points of sale. ●● 24x7 Security and Safety: Call stations supported by video can intervene in any incident, preventing bodily harm or property damage. Security services or first responders can be immediately called and provided precise situational awareness for an appropriate and efficient actionable response. ●● Access Control: Using voice and video verification and validation, this could be the first and foremost protection to monetizing and/or validating access to your parking garage. ●● Public Address: In emergencies, seconds matter. Studies show that 75 percent of people respond to clear, precise directions when they are under stress vs. 13 percent with sound alone. They need to hear, be heard, and be understood.

Zipcar Showcases Parking Reduction on College Campuses At the 2017 IPI Conference & Expo, Zipcar, the world’s leading car-sharing network, highlighted the impact of its service on alleviating campus parking challenges for more than 600 colleges and universities across North America. An estimated 30 percent of Zipcar’s student members choose not to bring a personal car to campus after joining in favor of Zipcar’s convenient and cost-effective alternative. Fewer personal cars on campus leads to less demand for parking spaces and permits, reduced congestion, lower carbon footprint, and reduced spending on parking structures. Zipcar’s technology provides self-service access to vehicles parked in dedicated spots on campus. Each hourly and daily reservation includes the cost of parking as well as gas, maintenance, insurance and 180 miles of driving. Students, faculty, and staff can reserve online or in the mobile app. Additionally, departmental accounts allow colleges, and universities to set up a specific program for faculty and staff who use vehicles for university business. The program offers direct billing for streamlined accounting, as well as account activity monitoring and easy auditing with real-time reports.






t’s an exciting time to work in parking. New services and technology are intersecting to create value-added conveniences for customers and business owners while ensuring our available parking and transportation infrastructure is better used. Critical to the continuation of this trend, especially as new services join the mobility world, is effective sharing of data. IPI is developing industry standards for sharing ­ arking-related data, seeking to reduce the effort required p to connect with technology solutions and each other, and allow companies to refocus their resources on innovating new services and operations. With IPI’s facilitation, the industry will define a workable data standard for North American companies. The association will maintain the standard as a living document that evolves and expands as the marketplace evolves. This new set of standards will be called the International Parking Institute Data Exchange Standard, or IPI-DataEx.

Objectives Form a cross-functional working group from within and outside the parking industry in North America to define an open but defined structure for communicating parking related information and enabling certain actions between systems used in the North American parking ecosystem by December 2017. ●●  The deliverable will include standardized terms and definitions unique to the industry that allow participants to communicate in the same language and share data across platforms. ●●  IPI will host the working group and provide a forum for both discussion and decision-making. IPI will release and maintain the standard once developed. ●●

RACHEL YOKA, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C, is IPI’s vice president of program development. She can be reached at yoka@

will decide the data elements to share. This Standard defines how to share those data elements. ●●  The Data Standard will provide guidance on permissions/ use of data/privacy of shared data. The Standard will define a common language for data exchange and define common rules and permissions on how to use and share data. ●●  The Data Standard will not create a competitive advantage for any one entity or group and IPI will not encourage the use of one entity’s services over another. ●●  Use of the Data Standard is voluntary and adoption will be driven by the marketplace. ●●  IPI and the working groups will focus on the parking industry, and will not duplicate efforts across other related industry segments (i.e. transit, smart city, etc.). ●●  The creation and ongoing maintenance of the Data Standard will be transparent and open to solicited and structured industry feedback. Working group participants will be essential to the development of the standard, which will be made available for public review and comment. ●●  To ensure the highest probability of adoption, efforts to create a Data Standard will focus on the needs of the industry. IPI’s role is to convene industry leaders to develop and maintain the Data Standard; IPI will not collect data or serve as a clearinghouse or aggregator of industry data.

MIKE DROW, CAPP, is a consultant and is spearheading the IPI-DataEx effort with staff and industry participants. He can be reached at


The proposed principles to guide IPI’s and the industry’s data standard efforts, in no specific order, are ●●  Working groups will define a data standard for North American operations. However, the working group should allow for the expansion of the Data Standard globally and it should be considerate of future needs. ●●  The Data Standard will never be a finished document. Rather, it will evolve as a living document that responds to market needs, priorities, and technology. ●●  The intent of the Data Standard is to enable the sharing of data within the industry and reduce costs and efforts to support data sharing. Each entity that uses it


IPI and the working groups established a priority list of data elements. While there are many data elements that require standards, the initial effort was prioritized to develop standards for the following elements first: ●●  Parking location information. ●●  Pricing. ●●  Occupancy/utilization. IPI-DataEx defines the data structure to share relevant parking location (on-street or off-street), transactions, and other data to be shared between parties. The first phase of the data standard focuses on parking location records. To review the parking working papers and offer your feedback, visit


IPI-DataEx Development Priorities Guiding Principles




he Florida Parking Association (FPA) is entering its 37th year and has seen continual growth every year. We are looking forward to the annual conference and trade show, Nov. 29 to Dec. 1, at the PGA National Resort and Spa in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. The golf tournament will kick off on Tuesday on the Fazio golf course, and considering the location, our golfers do not want to miss a moment! The association continues to grow, expand, and excel more each year. Many of our accomplishments benefit parking professionals throughout the state so we are always working to progress in our own careers and with our organizations as the industry continues to grow. From conference to frontline education to awards and recognition, FPA continues to push forward and break ground to entice the old and invite the new.

What’s in a Name It is important to the membership that FPA stay up to date with industry changes. This year, the FPA Rules Committee will look at adding “transportation” to the association’s name, as many facets of parking now also include a transportation component. We have seen firsthand that vendors and members come to FPA from the transportation sector, and therefore, we want to



make sure we are including what they and their unique perspectives can add to the association. Could we be the Florida Parking and Transportation Association? We shall see as it is reviewed, discussed, and voted on by the membership.

Employee Recognition Each year, the FPA requests submissions for the Carol Easterling Award—an award that recognizes employees from each of our three state regions and selects one as an overall winner. This award was established to recognize the hard work of our frontline employees. We all know they are the heart and soul of an organization. They do a lot of the hard work with smiles on their faces, often with very little gratitude in return. This is the parking organizations’ opportunity to recognize those employees. The Carol Easterling Award was established several years ago in honor of a former FPA board member who was a champion for those frontline employees—the unsung heroes in our organizations. The award was created to reward those very deserving members of our teams. It is a great way to say thank you for being an exemplary employee and vital part of an organization. Regional winners announced at the conference and trade show last December were Cheryl Woodard from the City of Sarasota, Herman Williams from the University of Florida, and Jaime Lopez from the Miami Parking Authority. Congratulations to Woodard for being named the overall winner.

Frontline Training FPA strives to continue to bring excellent training to frontline employees every summer. It is a time to recognize all who may attend and provide a day of information to equip them with valuable tools and knowledge to take back to work. Last July, FPA hosted its summer education series on the campus of the University of South Florida, offering a full schedule of frontline guest speakers. The agenda promised a fun day of team building, a focus on valuing customer service, a view into technology and customer service, and active shooter training, which was presented by the University of Central Florida Police Department. Active shooter is an awareness program for citizens to be able to recognize when there is danger of an intruder, listening for clues and knowing how to react, help others, take cover, and what to do if almost confronted. It includes step-by-step training on what to do, including once you get out of the immediate situation, making emergency contacts, and keeping others from going in. This session was invaluable and appreciated by all attending. FPA is looking forward to a great summer and fantastic fall and hopes all parking and transportation professionals in the state will join us.

FPA Board of Directors President Chester Escobar SP+

Immediate Past President Kris Singh, CAPP

University of Central Florida

President-Elect Lissette Hernandez, CAPP

Florida International University

Treasurer Alex Argudin, CAPP

Miami Parking Authority

Secretary Trish Everitt

City of Gainesville

Directors Pam Corbin, CAPP

City of Orlando Vicky Gagliano

Timothy Haahs and Associates, Inc. Mark Santos

Kimley-Horn Tracie Saunders

University of Central Florida

TRISH EVERITT is parking operations supervisor with the City of Gainesville, Fla. She can be reached at everittpw@




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JIM BASS is landside operations manager at the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport, Little Rock, Ark. He can be reached at or 501.537.7354.



Highlighted are IPI and IPI Allied State and Regional Association Events


2017 July 11–13

September 27–29

October 25–27

National Sports Safety and Security Conference Orlando, Fla.

Carolinas Parking Association Annual Conference & Tradeshow Asheville, N.C.

Parking Association of the Virginias Annual Conference Williamsburg, Va.

July 12–14

October 3-4

November 8–10

Pacific Intermountain Parking and Transportation Association Tacoma, Wash.

IPI International Parking & Mobility Conference Bogotá, Colombia

Greenbuild Boston, Mass.

August 15

October 8–11

New England Parking Council Golf Tournament Stow, Mass.

Campus Parking & Transportation Association (CPTA) Norman, Okla.

California Public Parking Association Annual Conference Monterey, Calif.

September 11–13

October 10–13

November 28— December 1

Southwest Parking and Transportation Association Annual Fall Conference Las Vegas, Nev.

New York State Parking Association Silver Anniversary Albany, N.Y.

Florida Parking Association Conference & Tradeshow Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.

September 20–22

Canadian Parking Association Annual Conference Banff, Alberta, Canada

GPALs Summit at the European Parking Association Rotterdam, Netherlands

September 27–29 Pennsylvania Parking Association 2017 Annual Conference & Expo Erie, Pa.

November 15–17

October 17–20

October 23–24 IPI’s Leadership Summit Atlanta Beach, Fla.

Save the Date! 2018 IPI Conference & Expo June 3–6, 2018 Orlando, Fla. |




our Volunteers.

IPI thanks all of our volunteers for making the 2017 IPI Conference & Expo a smashing success! We invite members – both experienced and new to the industry – to apply to join our team of talented volunteers. Consider one of the following committees: i Awards of Excellence i Conference Program

Mark your calendar, and be on the lookout for the Call for Volunteers in July 2017.

i Planning, Design, and Construction i Education Development i Membership i Parking Matters® i Parking Research i Parking Technology i Professional Recognition i Safety & Security i Sustainability

Take command of your parking empire – anytime, anywhere – with Rome. With the new cloud-based Rome application, you can review real-time data from multiple revenue control systems – anywhere you have an internet connection. Rome automatically feeds revenue data from the garage to your general ledger and provides 24x7 access to unmatched analysis and reporting capabilities. In other words, Rome makes your old way of working ancient history.




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