The Parking Professional March 2018

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MARCH 2018



SPARKS OF CREATIVITY L ooking to revitalize a parking

program? Euguene, Ore., found creativity was the key.



Funny and offbeat university parking stories. 20

AN INVESTMENT PAYS OFF A university’s new guidance system. 28

HIGH-TECH, NEW FRONTIERS The internet of things and parking. 32


An open letter to new parking professionals. 42

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MARCH 2018




Off the Beaten Path


An Investment Pays Off

The funny, offbeat, and just plain weird stories university parking professionals have lived to tell.

A new parking guidance system offers multiple benefits at the University of Oklahoma. By Kris Glenn and Dale Fowler


High-Tech, New Frontiers

How the internet of things can help parking organizations navigate new automotive worlds ahead. By Kyle Connor


Sparks of Creativity

Looking to revitalize a parking program? Eugene, Ore., found creativity was the key. By Jeff Petry


Dear Friend

An open letter to the new kid on the parking, transportation, and mobility block. By Paul Dillon, CAPP



Departments 4 ENTRANCE

The Disney Way

By Mark Lyons, CAPP


What to Know About the New Facebook Algorithm


Adapting to Changing Consumer Expectations and Behavior By Charley DeBow

10 THE GREEN STANDARD Ready to Expand Your EV Offerings? By Daniel Ciarcia, LEED GA


Is Your Harassment Policy Upto-Date? By Leonard T. Bier, CAPP, JD; and Michael J. Ash, Esq.


Hematology and Parking: Two Peas in a Pod By Cindy Campbell


The 10-Minute Survey that Just Might Change Your Life By Helen Sullivan, APR, Fellow PRSA


You Won’t Believe the Lineup for Orlando By Kathleen Federici, MEd


SPOTLIGHT Pennsylvania Parking Association By Bobra Schultes


Wayfinding and Finding Ways


Y HUSBAND AND I SPENT A RECENT rainy Saturday playing tourist in a new-to-us museum about four blocks from his office in Washington, D.C. The exhibits were powerful and moving, but about a third of our way through, he said to me, “I wish there were some signs or something to tell you where to go. I feel like we’re just wandering and missing things.”

I nodded and thought, “Wayfinding. These folks could learn a few things from some parking professionals.” I even envisioned the signs in my head: This way to that exhibit, that way to the restroom, cafe over here, and the exit is over there. And I wondered how many people before us wished they had just a little more information about where to go. Parking professionals know good wayfinding is a huge part of the customer experience. Some have taken it to the next level with creative systems for orienting people that let parking become a destination unto itself. In this issue, Jeff Petry explains how that’s happened in Eugene, Ore., where parking structures and lots have become showcases for local artists, poets, and writers to both show their art to the public and be part of a wayfinding system that’s fun, effective, and even educational. Even better, it’s humanized the city’s parking department and made the experience of leaving and coming back to one’s car something to look forward to all by itself. Read about the newest initiative in Eugene starting on p. 36. Another highlight of this issue is Paul Dillon, CAPP’s, open letter to new parking professionals, which begins on p. 42. I have to admit, this one made me a little bit wistful that I didn’t enter parking myself! It’s funny and informative and on point, and we’d love to hear what you think of it. Have more to add? Submit it as a blog post at You, too, can share your industry wisdom with others right there, and we’d love to add your voice to our mix. Finally, if you’ve not already reserved your flights and hotel and registered, the 2018 IPI Conference & Expo draws near—it’s going to be a fantastic few days of education, networking, exhibits, and fun. Don’t wait too long to make your plans. More on that in next month’s magazine. As always, I love hearing from you—please drop me a line anytime. Until next month…





For advertising information, contact Bonnie Watts at or 571.699.3011. For subscription changes, contact Tina Altman, The Parking Professional (ISSN 0896-2324 & USPS 001436) is published monthly by the International Parking Institute. 1330 Braddock Place, Suite 350 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: 571.699.3011 Fax: 703.566.2267 Email: Website: Postmaster note: Send address label changes promptly to: The Parking Professional 1330 Braddock Place, Suite 350 Alexandria, VA 22314 Interactive electronic version of The Parking Professional for members and subscribers only at Periodical postage paid at Alexandria, Va., and additional mailing offices. Copyright © International Parking Institute, 2018. Statements of fact and opinion expressed in articles contained if The Parking Professional are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent an official expression of policy or opinion on the part of officers or the members of IPI. Manuscripts, correspondence, articles, product releases, and all contributed materials are welcomed by The Parking Professional; however, publication is subject to editing, if deemed necessary to conform to standards of publication. The subscription rate is included in IPI annual dues. Subscription rate for non-members of IPI is $120 per year (U.S. currency) in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. All other countries, $150. Back issues, $10. The Parking Professional is printed on 10 percent recycled paper and on paper from trees grown specifically for that purpose.


The Disney Way By Mark Lyons, CAPP


T DAWNS ON ME that within 90 days of receiving this magazine, many of us will be meeting again at this year’s IPI Conference & Expo, near Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla. I look forward to catching up with friends from around the world and talking about new technologies, operations, changes, and advances made by our parking, transportation, and mobility institute. Of course, it’s always good to meet new associates, but many aren’t aware that I hold the distinction of being a native Orlandoan/Floridian and that I was also a Disney World cast member during my college years. Most get a kick out of learning what I did there. The important thing was not my job, but the life lessons I gained.

Working there was always positive, encouraging, and fun. Walt Disney’s idea of creating a place of joy for all ages was rooted in one of his famous quotes: “If you can dream it, you can do it!” Disney imagined the unimaginable and converted it into reality. From the very first day of training at Disney University, we were trained to focus not just on doing a job, but on understanding the impression a guest was left with, regardless of the role we played. Disney taught me to be respectful of everyone, put on a good first impression, and dream the unimaginable. We were taught that regardless of one’s level in the company, everyone was to be addressed using first names. Why was that so important to Walt? Because, Walt was a humble person and believed in treating people with respect and dignity. To him, humility meant thinking more about others and less of oneself. That lesson in humility brought joy to families and paid dividends to him and the company.


It goes without saying, we can all learn from the Disney approach to business. I believe that Walt’s approach to the service business obviously transcends this age of disruption and self-seeking interests. Disney saw things through the eyes of customers, and that is where success begins. What is your dream? This is the age of new ideas and possibilities, where trying something new is celebrated. Disney did it, and so can you. Why don’t you convert a great new idea to reality and deliver an experience your guest can remember? So what was my job there? Until we can chat in person this summer, let’s just say, I was charmed to be there and always had fun, fun, fun! MARK LYONS, CAPP, is

manager of parking with the City of Sarasota, Fla., and a member of IPI’s Board of Directors. He can be reached at


Publisher Shawn Conrad, CAE Editor Kim Fernandez Technical Editor Rachel Yoka, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C Assistant Editor Monica Arpino Contributing Editor Bill Smith, APR Advertising Sales Bonnie Watts, CEM Subscriptions Tina Altman Publication Design BonoTom Studio Proofreader Melanie Padgett Powers

Strategic Planning and Management Maintenance and Restoration Design and Construction Technologies




About the New Facebook Algorithm

acebook sent businesses into near-apoplexy when it announced a new algorithm in January. The new system, the social media giant said, would prioritize posts from friends and minimize posts from businesses in the news feed. On the surface, it wasn’t good news for parking and transportation operations trying to reach their customers on social media, but things aren’t quite as bleak as they seemed a few months ago. Here are five ways to ensure Facebook stays a viable marketing and communications vehicle for your organization.


Stop broadcasting and start engaging. The new algorithm prioritizes business posts by their engagement—how many followers comment or interact with them beyond a simple push of the “like” icon. “This means brands should create quality content focused on sparking conversations between users,” recommends a recent Hootsuite blog post. Include questions and write about topics that might get people talking in the comments.


Boost your ad budget. Paid posts (Facebook ads) will continue to have greater visibility even with the new algorithm in place. Boosting a post can cost as little as $3; boosting a post that engages as well (see #1) offers exponential value beyond that cost. Develop a strategy for paid social media for the biggest bang for your buck.

Encourage followers to boost you themselves. Let your audience know they can ensure they always see your posts by navigating to your Facebook page (ours, for example is, hover over the “following” button, and select “see first.” Boom—instant guarantee that they see everything you post. If they value your content, this is a no-brainer.


Align with local or national influencers to keep your operation top-of-mind. You posting about your operation is one level of social media marketing. Working to get Facebook influencers—power users with lots of followers—to talk about your organization is an entirely different tier, offering much more visibility and credibility and bumping you to the top of the newsfeed. How do you do that? Follow and engage with them on their posts, repost their content from time to time, and network on a genuine, human level.

3 4 5

Don’t outright tell followers to comment on posts. Social media users are savvy and see right through that. Keep the engagement organic and real with valuable posts instead.

















Adapting to Changing Consumer Expectations and Behavior By Charley DeBow

According to Forrester Research, 77 percent of people say that valuing their time is the most important thing a company can do to provide them with good service. For the people who work in the parking industry, it is critical to understand these consumer trends because they have major business implications.

Making Convenience a Priority

Consumers are no longer willing to tolerate poor experiences. They want to get in and out of the parking facility as quickly as possible without any hassle. And if you can’t provide that level of service, they will probably look for another parking provider who can. I fly to Atlanta twice a month. Last year, Uber/Lyft were banned from picking up curbside, and now I must walk to a separate area to meet my ride. The way to the new pick-up area means I walk past the taxi stand. In my mind, this was not a coincidence, and I started taking taxis again. Taxis have made up some ground in the battle with Uber/ Lyft, and now in most larger cities have upgraded their cars and take credit cards (happily, I might add). You need to constantly evaluate not only your own operation but your competitor’s opera-


tion as well. Uber is great but does not provide me enough value at the Atlanta airport to not just hop in a taxi.

Creating a Positive Experience

If you think about your parking operation, you have to make sure you are doing everything you can to create a positive consumer experience at your lot. Here are some key questions you should be asking yourself: ■■ Is it easy for consumers to get into my facility? ■■ Is it easy for consumers to find a parking spot? ■■ Do consumers have to wait in a long line at a kiosk to pay for parking?


■■ Are consumers able to pay using the

method they prefer: mobile app, cash, credit cards, etc.? ■■ Are consumers able to reserve parking in my lot ahead of time? ■■ Are consumers able to contact my customer service team if there are issues? If the answer to many of these questions is no, you are probably not providing consumers with a great experience. Fortunately, there are technology solutions out there that can help in these areas. If you are a parking provider, you need to think more about the consumer. The days of relying on cars simply showing up to your location are quickly ending. You are not just selling a parking spot, you are providing an experience. And if it’s a good one, consumers will keep coming back. CHARLEY DEBOW is

senior vice president of Parkmobile, LLC. He can be reached at charles.debow@ parkmobileglobal. com.



verything in life seems to be getting easier for people. If you have a question, you just ask Alexa. My wife and I haven’t been to a supermarket to do regular food shopping in three years. Amazon Fresh, Blue Apron, and Amazon Pantry allow us to order 95 percent of our food online or by asking Alexa. CLEAR is my favorite service for airports, and I estimate it saved me more than $1,000 in change fees alone when I didn’t miss a flight because I could skip the TSA lines. Convenience just isn’t enough; consumers want value. Don’t be fooled into thinking they are one and the same.









Ready to Expand Your EV Offerings? By Daniel Ciarcia, LEED GA


F YOU’VE JOINED A GROWING NUMBER OF GARAGE OWNERS and operators by installing electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, you’ve likely noticed demand for these stations increasing. With sales of EVs in the U.S. surging 45 percent from 2016 to 2017 and patrons competing for those once-empty EV spaces, you may be considering expanding your EV charging offerings. That’s good news for your business growth, but first you’ll need to decide how to cost-effectively supply power to these stations and whether it’s time to move to a fee-based service.

Electrical Infrastructure Needs

Garage operators may get sticker shock from the hidden electrical infrastructure costs of adding EV stations. Typical costs to upgrade the charging infrastructure can run upwards of $4,000 for each new charging station, in addition to the charging equipment. Before you commit to upgrading your infrastructure, there are alternatives to consider. First, you’ll want to assess all of the power needs across your facility and look for ways to improve efficiency. For example, upgrading lighting or improving HVAC systems can free up enough excess power supply to eliminate the need for an electrical upgrade. At The Parking Spot properties, Vice President of Development Mike Boyle found, “Converting high-wattage metal halide lighting to LED lighting frees up enough electrical capacity to install EV charging stations without requiring any electrical infrastructure upgrade.” Another strategy for expanding EV charging while minimizing infrastructure costs is to ration the power delivered to vehicles according to need. Vehicle arrival and departure times typically vary, and not all vehicles will require the same level of charge, so allocating electricity according to demand can minimize the need for electrical upgrades. A variety of technical power management solutions are


available with varying degrees of complexity, features, and price points. For parking facilities offering valet service or with parking attendants, EVs can be charged efficiently with fewer stations, reducing the infrastructure upgrade costs. When one vehicle is completely charged, another can be swapped in immediately, enabling the facility to use the charging stations continuously and reduce the needed EV charging hardware.

Access Options

It’s likely that you installed your first charging stations with no fee to use. Depending on how much you’ll be spending on additional stations, you’re probably considering whether to start collecting payment but may be unsure what’s involved. Vendors offer a wide variety of access options. Fee-based charging stations cost more to purchase and typically carry a monthly network fee. Most EV vendors provide a pay-by-phone payment option using a stored credit card, eliminating the need for a card swipe or printed receipts. This strategy can work well if the stations are installed in a public lot. Other hardware options enable RFID card, Bluetooth, and PIN-code access to charging stations, including the option of collecting payment through employee payroll systems.


If your facility uses a parking access revenue control system (PARCS), you can add your EV charging stations to a VIP area and charge a premium for that parking, without adding access-control hardware or software. Understanding the cost of implementing a fee-based EV system will help you balance this overhead against the business and marketing benefits of providing free charging. Even today’s larger capacity batteries only consume about $2-4 of electricity per charge. You may find that greater customer demand and loyalty outweigh the expense of free charging. A long-term strategy for delivering a convenient EV solution will enhance your business, encourage cleaner electric mobility, and increase your facility’s visibility. DANIEL CIARCIA, LEED GA, is

founder of Two Willows Consulting and a member of IPI’s Sustainability Committee. He can be reached at dan@

GO ANYWHERE. Invest in yourself. Become an IPI member. We have a spot reserved for you! Stay on top of new developments, connect with colleagues, and maximize your knowledge. Join the world’s largest association of parking professionals and watch your opportunities soar. Benefits include: • Professional development through certifications, training, and on-demand learning • Discounted pricing on education, publications, and event registration • Leadership, networking, and volunteer opportunities to boost your career and your business

Don’t miss out – join today:


Is Your Harassment Policy Up-to-Date? By Leonard T. Bier, CAPP, JD; and Michael J. Ash, Esq.


OWARD THE END OF 2017, a wave of high-profile media personalities resigned amid investigations into accusations of sexual harassment and inappropriate workplace behavior. This trend is expected to continue this year and reach into all employment sectors. It is important for public and private parking managers to review their existing protocols for handling sexual harassment accusations to ensure such situations will be handled quickly and fairly while limiting legal exposure.

What Is Sexual Harassment?

The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is a federal agency that administers and enforces civil rights laws against workplace discrimination. EEOC guidelines specifically provide that harassment constitutes “verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of [the employee’s protected class,]” “has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment,” “has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance,” includes “epithets, slurs, negative stereotyping, or threatening, intimidating or hostile acts, that relate to … disability,” and “written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or group because of [the employee’s protected class] and that is placed on walls, bulletin boards, or elsewhere in the employer’s premises or circulated in the workplace.” 29 C.F.R. §1609.1(b). Many cases have interpreted individual state laws against discrimination, clarifying the general criteria in proving whether sexual harassment can be established to find an employer


liable. Courts have specifically held that a plaintiff in a sexual harassment action must demonstrate that the complained-of conduct would not have occurred but for the employee’s gender and was severe or pervasive enough to make a reasonable woman believe that the conditions of employment are

altered and the working environment is hostile or abusive. An employer may be strictly liable for equitable damages (e.g., back pay, promotions, reinstatement) for sexual harassment committed by a supervisor. Agency principals apply to determine whether an employer may be responsible for compensatory damages (e.g., damages for emotional distress).

Liability for Sexual Harassment

In order for a plaintiff to succeed in proving a hostile work environment, he or she must present a full and complete depiction of the work environ-

An employer must maintain a comprehensive written antiharassment and discrimination policy that informs its employees that unlawful harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated.



Management Checklist: Harassment ment which, when viewed as a whole, presents an image that is intimidating and hostile. State and federal courts recognize that testimony by employees about discriminatory actions by the defendant-employer similar to those alleged by the plaintiff are admissible to prove the employer’s motive or intent to discriminate. An employer is subject to vicarious liability to a victimized employee for an actionable hostile environment created by a supervisor with immediate (or successively higher) authority over the employee. In such circumstances, the employer is strictly liable for tangible job consequences resulting from the supervisor’s actions.

Suggestions for Employers

An employer must maintain a comprehensive written anti-harassment and discrimination policy that informs its employees that unlawful harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated. The written anti-harassment or discrimination policy must also inform employees how and to whom they should bring their complaints. In its Model EEO Program, the EEOC set forth the following minimum guidelines of what must be included in an anti-harassment policy: ■■ A clear explanation of what constitutes prohibited conduct. ■■ A statement of assurance that employees who complain of harassment or provide information relating to complaints of harassment will not be retaliated against. ■■ A clear description of the complaint process.

Sexual harassment policy. Discrimination policy. Complaint mechanism. Identify several individuals to whom employees can go to in order to notify the employer of possible discrimination. Handling of investigation, prompt and thorough. Remedial measures (counseling, discipline, termination). Monitoring. Training (training should be conducted every six months or at least annually). Liability insurance for all officers.

■■ A statement of assurance that the

employer will keep complaints of harassment confidential to the extent possible. ■■ A complaint process that states the employer will investigate complaints of harassment promptly, thoroughly, and impartially. ■■ A statement of assurance that the employer will take immediate and appropriate corrective action when harassment has occurred. Employers should provide periodic training to supervisors and managers concerning their responsibilities regarding the employer’s anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policy. The training should, at minimum, provide the supervisors and managers the types of conduct that will violate the anti-harassment and discrimination policy, the seri-

ousness of the employer’s policy against harassment and discrimination, the duties and responsibilities of the supervisors if they learn of allegations of harassment and discrimination, and a clear prohibition against retaliation for making complaints or participating in a harassment or discrimination investigation. LEONARD T. BIER, CAPP, JD, is

the principal of Bier Associates. He can be reached at lenbier@ or 732.828.8866.

MICHAEL J. ASH, Esq., is a

partner with Decotiis, Fitzpatrick, & Cole, LLP. He can be reached at mash@




Hematology & Parking: Two Peas in a Pod By Cindy Campbell

Now, the fact that I’m very proud of our industry doesn’t completely dismiss that awkward moment when I attempt to tell someone that I’m a parking professional. It probably won’t surprise you to learn that it’s not necessarily the term I lead with when speaking to someone uninitiated to the concept of our professional role; I usually offer, “I’m a public speaker.” This typically leads to more questions and allows me to talk positively and in more detail about parking, transportation, and mobility. David told me he’s a business consultant. “When I lived and worked in the U.K., I was a business improvement consultant in the banking industry,” he said. “When I moved to the States about 10 years ago, I started doing the same type of consulting for the health care industry.” I was curious about this move as it didn’t seem like a natural professional progression. He explained that as a banking industry consultant, his primary role was to help financial institutions improve their bottom lines through enhanced customer relations and improve


the continuity of services delivered. To date, his work in health care consulting has focused on two specialties: hematology and physical therapy.

It’s All the Same

David asked me who I work for and what topics I speak about. Now, I will admit that it delights me to watch the quizzical expression on the faces of the uninitiated when I utter the words “International Parking Institute” or “parking professional.” David listened intently as I explained the industry and our goal to advance our profession. He seemed genuinely interested to hear about how we view the concepts of customer service and conflict resolution. “You know,” he said, “our industries really are not that different.” He now had my attention. “What I hear you telling me is that in your work, it is your task to get parking professionals to understand the correlation between the quality of the interactions they have with their customers and the level of success they enjoy. Is that correct?” “Yes,” I said, “it can certainly make


or break the reputation of an agency.” “I had a successful consulting business in banking,” said David. “When I relocated to the States and moved into health care, I assumed it would be a very different end goal for my clients. It didn’t take me long to figure out that there are more similarities than differences between customer perception within banking and health care services. It’s not something I’d considered before today, but after this discussion, I am seeing much the same thing in comparison to the parking industry.” David had made an interesting observation that had me considering the parallels between health care and parking. They really are quite similar—everyone needs them and nobody thinks much about them until we need them. In both health care and parking, the basic services remain roughly the same wherever you go, so the difference between a good and a bad experience is likely determined by the level of service we receive. At the end of the day, most industries have some connection to service. The common denominator will always be the customer’s experience. CINDY CAMPBELL is IPI’s senior

training and development specialist. She is available for onsite training and professional development and can be reached at



OU MEET THE MOST FASCINATING PEOPLE ON AIRPLANES. On a recent cross-­county flight, I was seated next to an interesting gentleman. David was about my age and appeared to be a fellow business traveler. The conversation between us started out much the same as they always do— we each shared where home was and what our final destination of the day would be, followed by the expected question about what each of us does for a living. As we chatted, David told me that he was originally from the U.K. but now lives and works in North America. “What is it that you do for a living, Cindy?” he asked.


October 18-19, 2018 Denver, Colorado Attendance is limited to 100 registrants.



The 10-Minute Survey That Just Might Change Your Life By Helen Sullivan, APR, PRSA


our opinion truly matters. Please take time to take IPI’s 2018 Emerging Trends in Parking Survey. In fact, stop reading now and just take the survey—find it at Thinking about skipping the survey? Please read on. We need you!

Your input on the Parking Trends Survey will generate fascinating information about what you and your colleagues see as the future of the parking, transportation, and mobility profession, what’s having an impact, how we solve challenging problems, and whether we vary widely on what autonomous vehicles will mean to us—or is there consensus? Some of your responses will directly influence IPI programs and plans, professional development offerings, resource development and more. Our mission is to advance the parking profession, ensuring the profession is ready and relevant no matter what the future brings.

From 2012 Parking Trends Survey

Q. What related professions would benefit most from a better understanding of the value of parking expertise in the early planning process?



Surveys Help us Advance

By keeping our fingers on the pulse of parking professionals, IPI is able to serve as a collective visionary for the profession. We ask some of the same questions in our trends survey as previous surveys so we can track changes over time. We use that information to help you stay on top of the ever-evolving parking industry—including topical issues, the latest technology-enabled strategies, parking management and sustainability challenges, and much more—so you can more effectively manage your present responsibilities and thoughtfully design your future.

From 2013 Parking Trends Survey

Q. In what department would parking belong if it were a course of study at an academic institution?

From 2015 Parking Trends Survey

What has the greatest potential to improve environmental sustainability in parking?

Surveys Create News

With enough respondents, survey results become statistically representative of the profession as a whole, giving us information we can leverage to generate news. Examples of “newsmaker questions” include “What do you see as the top emerging trends effecting the parking industry?” and “What societal changes are having an impact?” From your responses, we gain industry-wide statistics that capture the media’s attention, which increases awareness of the vital role parking and parking professionals play. When parking expertise is valued, you earn more money and have unlimited career opportunities.

Every Person Counts

We need a certain number of respondents to ensure the results are representative of the group-at-large, which keeps me checking constantly to see how many surveys have been completed. Every single response puts us closer to having statistically significant overall results. These are not frivolous questions; they deal with issues that are vital to the industry going forward and will directly affect your job and profession. This year’s questions about the effect of autonomous vehicles should be particularly fascinating. Your input on accessible parking and disabled placard abuse will be of tremendous value in shaping the efforts of the IPI-led Accessible Parking Coalition (APC) in addressing this ongoing industry challenge and, more importantly, the lives of millions of people with disabilities for whom parking is essential to independent living.

Contribute to a Knowledge Base

Chances are, you are already benefiting from something we learned from a past survey. In 2013, when we asked what related professions would benefit most from a better understanding of the value of parking expertise in the early planning process, your responses helped influence our outreach to influential target audiences about the value of parking expertise. Our 2011 question about the most common parking operations, design, or management mistakes that could have been avoided with parking expertise certainly got the attention of parking and transportation planners—and helped make the case for why the involvement of IPI members can result in better outcomes. Take a moment to look at these graphs. That’s the sort of information this survey collects, and the more respondents, the more accurate and telling our numbers will be. Need further motivation? At the end of the survey, you can follow a link to enter a drawing to an Amazon gift card!


IPI members have a wonderful track record of survey participation, and that is so appreciated. Let’s keep that trend going! HELEN SULLIVAN, APR,

Fellow PRSA, is IPI’s communications counsel. She can be reached at

Answer the Call! Take this year’s Parking Trends Survey at parkingtrends2018. Deadline is March 15.





If you could go back and tell your college-age self one thing about parking, what would it be?

Mark Lyons, CAPP

General Manager, Parking Division City of Sarasota, Fla. If you want a career that is not boring and delivers a job with change and challenges, a parking career would be rewarding. Take advantage of peer relationships and learn everything possible about what affects your job. Also, avoid parking tickets and park between the lines!

Brian Shaw, CAPP

Executive Director, Parking and Transportation Stanford University Parking is never, ever free. Embrace having to occasionally pay for it and stop expecting parking to be provided at no cost to you.

Stephen J. Rebora, RA

President DESMAN Design Management Parking is a vital commodity. Pay attention to it—it is everywhere. As a designer, it will serve as an endless canvas to express your ideas in every city in the U.S.

Debbie Hoffmann, CAPP, MS

Associate Director, Transportation Services Texas A&M University

David Hill, CAPP Principal Clayton Hill Associates

Hold out for the Corvette.

Take parking seriously as it will be your job one day. Don’t wait until then to absorb the best (and worst) ideas that can make your operation great. Remember, parking always costs money, even when it is advertised as free. Look beyond the lots and garages to collect ideas about all the other ways you can help get people where they are going.

HAVE A QUESTION? Send it to and watch this space for answers from the experts.

The opinions and thoughts expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinions and viewpoints of the International Parking Institute or official policies of IPI.






BEATEN PATH The funny, offbeat, and just plain weird stories university parking professionals have lived to tell.


ARKING PROFESSIONALS who’ve been in the industry

any amount of time can generally tell stories that make others’ eyes widen and result in a “no way” from listen-

ers. Few days are the same, and there are lots of days that can make parking pros go “hmm.” Some of IPI’s university members shared their favorite stories of working in campus parking, and they’re doozies!

The Lockout. Almost. A student contacted the University of California Irvine Transportation Department because she locked her keys in the car. When the campus enforcement officer arrived at the scene, following protocol, he asked the student for proof of identity. The student replied, “Of course, it’s in my glove compartment,” and immediately reached for the passenger side door handle. Needless to say, she was quite embarrassed when the door actually opened.

—Ronald M. Fleming Director, Transportation and Distribution Services University of California, Irvine




The Wannabe

Looking Skyward The University of Colorado Boulder Parking Services Facilities Operations staff recently located a traffic cone strategically lodged in a tree on campus. We feel this ­photo brings new definition to the term “cone zone!” —Rita Martin

Many years ago when I was a parking officer at California State University Fullerton, I volunteered to go to California State University Los Angeles to assist with traffic control for their commencement ceremonies. I was assigned with one of their parking sergeants to direct exiting traffic from one of the parking structures. The structure had three exits onto the same road, so we had to alternate stopping traffic at two exits while letting the third one flow out. Traffic was moving, slow but smooth, when a vehicle stopped in the middle of the roadway. The driver exited the vehicle and began directing traffic. The sergeant went up to her (I was stunned speechless) and asked, “Ma’am what are you doing?” “The traffic is moving too slow,” she shot back. “You obviously don’t know what you are doing so I’m taking over!” The sergeant tried every explanation she could think of to get this lady to get back into her car and move on, but nothing worked. In the end, we had to call a police officer to get her to leave. In 16 years of parking and working 20 commencements on four separate campuses, I have never seen anything else like it. —John Orr, CAPP

Communications Manager, Parking & Transportation Services University of Colorado, Boulder

Sweet, Sweet Meter In March 2011 an unknown student group decided to decorate one of our single-space parking meters with gumballs. This particular meter was near four residence halls in the center of our campus across the street from the campus police department. Each gumball was attached with a chewed piece of gum. Because the working of the meter were not affected, no DNA testing was done and the culprits were never caught. A rain storm was able to remove most of the gumballs. Our amused and amazed staff had to finish the job with a putty knife and clean up the sweet-but-sticky mess. —Jenni Sparks

Manager, Parking Services University of Delaware



Parking Operations Manager California State University, Los Angeles


Curses, Elevator!


I was the event manager on duty for a large concert that we expected to sell out. I received a radio call that the garage was almost full, and the parking attendants started sending cars to the top level. I was in the office finishing up a money change-out and quickly jumped in the elevator to assess the roof for an exact count. On my way to the roof, the elevator stopped. The doors would not open, and it would not move up or down. Mistakenly, I’d left both my phone and my radio sitting on the desk and had no way to notify any of my staff that I was stuck. I hit the help button and advised the security office that they needed to get word to the parking staff that I may be awhile getting there. They were not very helpful. The elevator I was stuck in had three walls of glass, and I could see the cars lined up on the street. I knew we were going to be full but had no way to stop them. After a few minutes, the elevator doors just opened. I was on the third floor and could see cars sitting on the ramp to the top level, where I knew there were no more spaces. I grabbed the nearest parking attendant’s radio and started the orders: “Get everyone back down to the bottom level to make space or give a refund.” We parked cars along the walls and in motorcycle spaces to make as many spaces as we could and then I stood at the exit and apologized for the issue as we issued refunds to those who did not get a space. There were a lot of angry customers, but it was the best I could do after being stuck in the elevator. —Christmas Mensah

Operations Manager, Parking & Transportation Services Cleveland State University

Not Exactly I was overseeing traffic control for the Special Games (an event for several hundred physically and mentally disabled children) at California State University Fullerton. There is a roadway that separates the field where the games were being held and the gym where the bathroom facilities were located. For safety, we closed off the roadway; I had a student officer posted at each end to prevent vehicles from going through the barricades. I received a call from one of my officers that he’d had a confrontation with a university staff member. He told me that a staff member drove up and demanded to be let through so she could park in the lot next to the health center. He explained why the road was closed and pointed out another lot she could park in about 50 yards farther from the health center than the lot she wished to park in. She continued to demand he let her through. His response was, “Ma’am I can’t let you through. I have to follow orders.” She replied, “You know who else was just following orders? The Nazis.” He replied, “Ma’am, being Jewish I don’t appreciate being called a Nazi.” At this point she left without further complaint. When he finished his story I asked him, “You’re Jewish?” He looked at me and said, “Nope.” —John Orr, CAPP



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Parking Operations Manager California State University, Los Angeles

Mocumentaried In early spring 2016 the University at Albany discontinued a bus stop due to lack of ridership. That semester, we fielded lots of inquires about the removal of the stop and continued to elaborate on the reason why it was eliminated. Late that semester, a student entered our facility on crutches with a video crew. He claimed he was injured running after one of our campus buses because the stop we discontinued was gone and he was trying to make it to the next stop. He wanted to know what we were going to do to fix this problem and if we going to reinstate this bus stop location. Somewhat taken aback, I began to notice some strange things about this student. His injured foot was wrapped in aluminum foil, his arm was in a sling but was moving all over the place, and the video crew was smirking. After fumbling through some explanations I went to shake his hand (on the injured arm) and he fell over our desk. At this point, one could tell something was amiss. A university police officer entered our office to conduct a transaction and saw the ending of what occurred. After a brief conversation, the officer went outside and confronted the group, who admitted they

were filming a “mockumentary.” The students were judicially refereed and a hearing was set. But the story doesn’t end there. Before and at that hearing, I used advice from a session conducted by IPI’s Cindy Campbell on media relations. Instead of coming down hard on a college prank, we used the situation as an opportunity to have the students interview our staff in a professional setting and ultimately had a productive dialogue with nothing placed on their records. It was a valuable lesson for the students, and the IPI training yielded great results. —Jason M. Jones Director, Parking and Mass Transit Services University at Albany

Thinking it Through Several years back, a very busy faculty lot was scheduled to be closed and replaced by a new academic building. The start of the project was delayed for a few months, but things finally got started. Thus, a few weeks ahead of the start date, parking services personnel placed signs at the entrance and exit to the lot and emailed faculty about the lot closing. The signs indicated which day the lot would close. The day to close the lot arrived and our people placed barricades across the entrance next to the “Lot Closed” signs. Around 11 a.m. the next day, we noticed a car with a faculty permit parked in the middle of the lot. This lot had several hundred spaces and normally filled by that time of day, but here was one, lone car amid the barricades. We contacted the faculty member who owned the car and asked why he parked there. He said he thought the lot was closed only the day before—the date on the sign—and didn’t realize the lot was closed from that day until eternity. The barricades had been pushed aside by the contractor working on putting up a construction fence. It turned out our faculty member was from the department who would occupy the new building and thus very much aware a building was being constructed there. We asked if he thought it was strange the lot was totally empty except for him on a Tuesday and he said, “Now I think of it, that is strange.” Strange probably wasn’t the exact word we used to describe it. —Josh Cantor Director, Parking and Transportation George Mason University



Clairvoyant Much? We have a great working relationship with a couple of the churches across the street from our university, and they allow us to use their parking lots on weekdays. The caveat is that any weddings, meetings, or funerals supersede university parking for that time period. One day about three years ago, we had to close one of the lots for a funeral. This angered a student so much that she contacted our office and asked why the lot was closed. We told her about the funeral and when the lot would open. It was at that point that the student demanded a schedule for the funerals that would occur over the next year. —Vanessa Rath Parking Services Manager University of Nebraska Omaha

Whose Bad Luck? This story is funny unless you believe in superstitions. A number of years back, a professor in the process of leaving the university to return to his home in Hawaii contested a parking ticket he had received and demanded an immediate dismissal of the outrageous fine. After the review was completed a decision notice was mailed to him at his new home in Hawaii. Unfortunately, the decision was SHUTTERSTOCK / KLETR not in his favor. Determined not to take the failure laying down, the professor immediately, and at great extra expense I suspect—at least more than the cost of the ticket— wrapped up several silver dollar-size pieces of native lava rock and sent it to us with a detailed note explaining the superstitions surrounding all the bad luck to be endured by those who would remove lava from its island home. After opening this ominous package and reading the note I thought, “But I didn’t remove the lava from its home. You did.” I often wonder how life has been since the day this professor removed lava from the island of Hawaii. —Richard Babb Citation Assistant University of California, Berkeley

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A Perfect Storm

My story happens every year, and it’s about ladybugs. Every spring, the notices about blocked coinage in our meters increase a great deal. The culprit isn’t wayward quarters or stuck mechanisms, but ladybugs. It turns out, ladybugs really like going in to the coin holes of the meters. The journey can be more important than the destination. —Larry Cummings

Parking Control Officer University of Texas at Arlington

Operations Manager, Parking & Transportation Services Cleveland State University

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Deep Parking Thoughts

It was 10 minutes before curtain in the theater district, cold and snowing, and the height of the garage rush. I was making change with the cashiers, and a gentleman decided to get out of his car in the middle of the line and start yelling to ask me a question. He was walking toward me when he stepped on the curb, slipped, and fell. I ran to him. He was coherent and asked for an ambulance. I looked down and there it was—his ankle bone was poking out of his skin. So it’s a medical emergency and in the midst of cars coming in, his vehicle was parked in one lane and I was trying to get an ambulance through the other lane. The man started going into shock. Patrons were very helpful and gave us blankets to cover him up since he was laying in about an inch of snow and slush; due to protruding bone, we couldn’t move him. Our customers also stood around him so he wouldn’t get hit by a vehicle. I moved his car into the garage, out of the way, and we got him in the ambulance. The next day his girlfriend picked up the car and explained that he had to have surgery for his ankle. It was a perfect storm of events that night! —Christmas Mensah

The Memory Game When the University of California, Irvine, first began using license plate recognition to enforce parking at some of the housing communities, a resident approached one of the campus enforcement officers. The resident asked him, “Is it true that all residents have to register their license plate numbers in the system and that we won’t have to display a permit?” After the enforcement officer replied in the affirmative, the resident stated, “Well, I have a question I’ve been dying to ask you. How do you memorize all those license plate numbers?!” —Ronald M. Fleming



Director, Transportation and Distribution Services University of California, Irvine



Spatial Discernment Gone Awry A few years ago, we had one of those situations that has you asking, “Really?” One of our garages in the middle of campus has an entry clearance of six feet, eight inches. It is clearly marked and has a large PVC pipe over-height bar in place. Being in Texas, we fairly often have a tall truck or van that attempts to enter but will not fit into the garage and is required to back out. Most drivers know when they may be close and pay attention. Most. All but this one guy … One afternoon, I got a call from the officer working in the security booth who said that we had an issue at the entry to the garage. He asked me to come up and take a look. As I headed up the ramp and rounded the corner, I saw something I never thought I would see. There, wedged into the entrance of the garage, was a U-Haul truck. The cab of the truck was completely wedged and partially crumpled against the ceiling of the garage. The over-height bar had been knocked off its mounting and was about 30 feet on the other side of the entry gates from where it started. To make things even better, the driver had abandoned the truck. Fortunately for us, he left the keys in the ignition. However, the truck was so wedged that it would not budge when we tried to back it out. Long story short, we pulled the valve stems out of all the tires to completely deflate them and then had several good-sized guys stand on the bumpers to depress the truck’s springs. After much scraping on the ceiling, the truck finally came free. Fortunately, there was a small surface lot immediately across the street. We parked the truck there, called U-Haul, and asked them to come get their truck. —Dell Hamilton

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ARKING GUIDANCE SYSTEMS (PGS) have become common on American campuses in the past decade. The ability of PGS to guide students, staff, and visitors directly to open parking spaces is attractive to campus parking directors because it makes parking so much more convenient and safe. Some universities, including Colorado State University, have even added parking guidance to promote sustainability because reducing queuing and the number of drivers aimlessly circling garages looking for parking reduces emissions. Typically the focus of PGS enthusiasts is on driver convenience, and there’s no reason for it not to be. However, the management benefits to the university itself are equally important. In fact, at the University of Oklahoma (OU), those benefits were the determining factor in convincing university administrators to take the plunge and install parking guidance on campus.

Pays Off The OU Approach

Last summer, the University of Oklahoma installed a new parking guidance system in the campus’ Jenkins Garage, which provides parking to students, staff, and—on game days—football fans. What sets the OU program apart from many other university PGS systems is that it uses camera-based guidance equipment above every space in the garage. Camera-based systems are popular because of their accuracy, but they typically use a single light to manage a group of spaces rather than an individual light over every space. This is sometimes confusing to drivers who respond to a green light indicating that a space is open but then find that they still have to find the specific open space when they arrive at that sensor. OU’s parking team felt that it was important to make the system as simple and intuitive as possible, so the university took the extra step of installing camera-based sensors over each space. Those sensors are connected to a system of LED matrix lights located at the garage’s entrance and the entrances of each floor. The signage at the entry tells drivers how many spaces are available throughout the garage, and the signs on each floor of the structure announce how many spaces are open on every floor and which user (permit) group can use them. When the driver gets to his or her assigned floor, a series of lights in each sensor indicates whether that space is open or occupied. In this way, the system guides drivers directly to available spaces once they enter the garage.

A new parking guidance system offers multiple benefits at the University of Oklahoma. By Kris Glenn and Dale Fowler

The payoff came quickly. Although the system has been operational for just about seven months, the university has already experienced significant reductions in the amount of time it takes for parkers to find an open space, and congestion has been significantly reduced in both the garage and surrounding roadways.

The Jewel of the System

The real jewel of the system is the management software that runs the network. In fact, the primary factor in the university’s decision to install the PGS was the ability it gave campus parking administrators to right-size the garage in real time. In essence, the software allows parking administrators to do what previously could only be done in modeling applications: reallocate parking resources in real time, as the need arises. This can be done semester to semester, month to month, week to week, or day to day. How does this work? The garage serves four different user groups: ■■ Commuters. ■■ Residential underclassmen (identified by the university as housing parkers). ■■ Residential upperclassmen (identified as priority housing parkers). ■■ Faculty and staff. Each group has its own distinct parking area. When they enter, commuters are directed to one area within the garage, housing parkers another, priority housing another, and finally, faculty and THE PARKING PROFESSIONAL | MARCH 2018 | PARKING.ORG/TPP


staff, this strategy will generate additional revenue through permit sales by maximizing the use of the spaces in the Jenkins Garage. Sensors connected to LED lights at entrances convey space availability information to signs at the entrance and on each floor of the structure.

staff to their own section. Throughout the day, the system records data about which spaces are occupied and during which hours. These data are collected and constantly analyzed, allowing parking administrators to determine how much of each type of parking is needed and to reallocate parking resources accordingly.

Game Day

Anyone who follows college football knows that the University of Oklahoma has a strong tradition as one of the nation’s premier college football programs. Just last season, the university advanced to the NCAA College Football playoff, which is essentially the football equivalent of the basketball’s NCAA Final Four. The flexibility of Oklahoma’s parking guidance system is particularly useful during the football season because it permits the university to set aside two levels just for game-day parking. As you might expect, this was a popular amenity among OU fans attending games.

Solving Challenges

This system has been in place since last August. Going into the semester, the university parking team knew that there hadn’t been enough commuter spaces allocated in the previous semester. However, analysis of the day-to-day user data showed that throughout the first term this year, there was also a clear shortage of housing parking. The team was able to make necessary adjustments and add additional housing spaces for the current winter session. Another important benefit of the management program is that it will permit the university to implement a shared parking strategy that could more than triple the effective capacity of the garage. When the university’s parking team analyzed the use data provided by the parking guidance system, they found that approximately two-thirds of the spaces were going unused for at least part of the typical day. Having this data will allow parking administrators to reallocate parking spaces to maximize their utilization. So, for instance, if more resident parking is typically needed at night, staff/faculty spaces and commuter spaces can be reallocated for overnight use by resident students. Through this reallocation strategy, the university’s parking team anticipates that they could more than triple the amount of parking permits they sell from 900 to about 3,000. This strategy could essentially expand parking capacity within the garage by more than 300 percent without having to spend a dime on new parking development. In addition to better serving students and




The parking guidance program is also expandable. As the university parking technology program expands, it’s important for the parking guidance system to grow with it. The University of Oklahoma parking guidance system has a number of useful capabilities that the parking team plans to take advantage of in the future. For instance, the camera-based sensors have the ability to record whether a particular parker is parked in an appropriate space. When someone parks in an inappropriate parking area, the system can recognize the irregularity and notify parking enforcement personnel. The university plans to take advantage of this capability in the future. New systems like this one can also manage a Find My Car program to help parkers find their vehicles. If a driver forgets where he or she parked, they could just go to a special kiosk and punch in their information to see where the car is located. Camera-based sensors could also provide additional security by monitoring activity around vehicles. If a car is hit by another vehicle or if someone within the garage is a victim of crime, the cameras could be used to determine what happened.

Going Campus-Wide

The university parking guidance program has been extremely well-received by university administrators, students, and staff and will soon be expanded to include four additional garages on campus. Installation of the parking guidance system in the Cross garage will be completed in August, in time for this year’s fall semester. The University of Oklahoma’s system has offered numerous benefits. In addition to the obvious advantages of making it easier and more convenient to park, it’s allowed parking assets on campus to be better managed, has made shared parking a simple reality, and has maximized use of the garage. Perhaps most importantly, PGS can often increase parking capacity without forcing the university to spend money developing new parking facilities. Not everyone was sold on installing such a big system, but it’s been a great move at the University of Oklahoma. KRIS GLENN is director of parking and transportation at

the University of Oklahoma. He can be reached at

DALE FOWLER is company director of INDECT USA. He

can be reached at

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How the internet of things (IoT) can help parking organizations navigate new automotive worlds ahead. By Kyle Connor



connected, and highly autonomous vehicles is exciting news for consumers. Who doesn’t want a safer, more efficient, and more convenient driving experience? But for parking companies, the onset of self-driving cars—many of which are expected to operate as part of ride-shares—brings new challenges.

One study, published by Business Insider, shows that private car ownership in the United States alone will decrease by 80 percent by 2030, and the number of passenger vehicles on the road will drop from today’s 247 million to 44 million.1 With fewer people owning their own vehicles and instead relying on self-driving, ride-share vehicles for their journeys, cars will spend less time parked in any one place; they won’t be in a driveway all night or a parking garage all day. Instead, they will continually drive around picking up passengers, drop them off at their destinations, and then move along to pick up the next customer. Therefore, parking may become a far less valuable commodity, and traditional parking companies that don’t adapt will be at risk of losing patronage or even eventually becoming obsolete in their markets. To remain relevant in the new automotive frontier, public and private parking organizations will have to find new ways to generate revenue and deliver greater value to consumers, even if few drivers rely on their own vehicles. Fortunately, the transportation industry is making progress in introducing innovative, new, smart parking solutions that use the internet of things to connect vehicles to various sensors, smartphone applications, video cameras, and other devices and infrastructure. This is called V2X (vehicle-to-infrastructure) communication technology. THE PARKING PROFESSIONAL | MARCH 2018 | PARKING.ORG/TPP


V2X is already showing great promise for transforming the way we park our cars and the way parking entities help us do so with utmost efficiency. Let’s look at some of these IoT-powered V2X solutions and how they create new value for parking organizations and their patrons.

Cyber Valet Systems

Imagine this: a highly automated vehicle arrives at the entrance of your parking garage. The passenger gets out of the car and presses a button on his or her smartphone application, which engages an automatic parking system. The passenger heads off to work while the vehicle seamlessly itself through the To remain relevant in the navigates garage and into an open parknew automotive frontier, ing spot, parking itself without a hitch. At the end of the workpublic and private parking day, the passenger calls for the vehicle from the same app, trigorganizations will have to gering the car to drive itself out find new ways to generate of the parking space and meet him or her at your garage’s revenue and deliver greater designated pick-up location or even at the front door of the value to consumers, even passenger’s workplace. Believe it or not, this is a very if few drivers rely on their real scenario. There are currentown vehicles. ly pilot programs underway for cyber valet systems that allow cars to park themselves without any assistance from a human driver. In France, Indigo’s Camille Desmoulins parking garage is implementing an IoT system in which vehicles equipped with automatic parking technologies and on-board telematics can easily and safely park themselves. Vehicle sensors interact with wireless connectivity, video cameras, and artificial intelligence (AI)-based solutions installed throughout the garage. Given that the average driver spends 17 hours a year searching for parking spots,2 the convenience that cyber valet services offer to those with connected or highly automated vehicles is surely a compelling selling point for parking entities that are looking to innovate and continue to attract customers.




Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2X) allows vehicles to communicate with moving parts of the traffic system around them along with external systems such as buildings, streetlights, and cyclists. It uses a short-range, wireless system to communicate, is geared toward safety, and can be programmed to be aware of everything around it to prevent accidents. It can also be used to offer automatic payment for tolls, parking, and other fees. For a car with V2X to communicate with things around it, those things must also be V2X-equipped. It is currently available on some luxury vehicles but is expected to see widespread adoption in the next 20 years and play a prominent role in autonomous vehicles. Source: Investopedia

The best part about such cyber valet systems is that it is possible to retrofit existing garages and lots with the right blend of technologies to enable self-parking. For example, a garage could add a combination of an IP communication infrastructure (Wi-Fi, LTE), edge/ fog computing capabilities (which optimize bandwidth and minimize latency), and IP video cameras throughout the facility, all which communicate with vehicles and corresponding smartphone applications. In garages where it is easy to lose GPS signals, V2X radio, or dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) can facilitate vehicle location positioning so automated parking is accurate and safe.

Game Changers

Other emerging smart parking solutions that are gaining popularity in cities around the world include smartphone applications that allow drivers to identify and reserve available parking spots in real time. Using smartphone apps that leverage data from sensors and video cameras mounted on streetlights and parking meters, drivers are able to quickly and easily pinpoint open spaces around the city and view their parking rates and rules in advance. Parking organizations and and enforcement agencies can leverage these same technologies to verify if users pay their parking fees. If a driver does not pay, the system can automatically bill them based on their license plate number and registration information. This can

Rest assured, parking garages and lots aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. However, as vehicles— and entire cities—become more connected and the move to completely self-driving cars becomes inevitable, parking professionals should begin planning for the future. potentially generate additional profits for the city or the parking organization as it will be much more difficult for drivers to avoid fees and fines. Further, services-to-vehicles platforms will arise as parking game changers. When electric vehicles first hit mainstream, many parking garages and lots introduced charging stations in an effort to differentiate themselves from the competition and attract more customers through value-added services. Similarly, the IoT will enable parking garages to transform themselves into services-to-vehicles platforms in which lot owners can schedule and provide services such as car washes, software upgrades, and battery charging while the vehicles are parked and their drivers or passengers are going about their days. This will create new sources of revenue beyond the typical pay-to-park fee.

Driving Additional Value from IoT

IoT-enabled technologies will enable parking organizations to attract patrons no matter how smart our vehicles become. But, there is even more value at stake. By collecting and aggregating the data the various applications, sensors, and devices capture, parking and transportation professionals can attain greater visibility into parking analytics, such as use and vacancy periods. For example, if a lot, garage, or street is exceptionally busy in the mornings, the parking company or city may decide to increase rates during that timeframe to recoup losses from ride-sharing vehicles that virtually never park. Or if a particular area in a lot is significantly underused, it is possible to justify turning it into a source of recurring revenue (such as a car wash or battery charging station). Moreover, parking companies can monetize this data by selling it to third parties such as local governments and municipalities. With greater insight into the traffic and parking patterns around their cities, government

officials can make better decisions and optimize longterm plans. To put these savings into perspective, Sommersville, Mass., expects that the self-parking system it is testing will free up 26 percent of space for other municipal uses. The city estimates that the free space will translate into $100 million in total savings once the project is completed in 2030. Further return on investment (ROI) is found in a number of areas. More efficient parking (less ­aimless-circling for an open spot) means better traffic flow, which translates to happier drivers and safer streets. Citizens are more productive in their days, which helps create more prosperous, healthier cities. Also, if a vehicle can drop off a rider and park itself, the need for close or nearby parking is reduced. This results in less necessary on-street parking, freeing up vital road space for emergency vehicles. Rest assured, parking garages and lots aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. However, as vehicles—and entire cities—become more connected and the move to completely self-driving cars becomes inevitable, parking professionals should begin planning for the future. There has never been a better time to explore new and emerging technologies and see how the IoT can give you the power to compete and win.


1w 2

KYLE CONNOR is global transportation

industry principal with Cisco Systems. He can be reached at





What’s the first thing in customers’ minds when they see that word? It might be tickets or meters or parking garages, but no matter what it is, the feeling associated may not be a good one. The parking services program in Eugene, Ore., Epark Eugene, aims to change that image for the better, positively affecting our community and influencing the world.



Looking to revitalize a parking program? Euguene, Ore., found creativity was the key. By Jeff Petry

A mural project at the Downtown Eugene Transit Station was paid for with parking revenue.

Sparks of Creativity

Epark Eugene is modeling new ways to encourage economic development and enhance neighborhood livability by reinvesting parking funds into projects and activities that benefit the system. The idea comes from professor and author Donald Shoup. He suggests using paid parking revenue to benefit the surrounding areas. I first heard of Shoup and his theories when he visited Eugene in 2006 to talk about transportation and its role in revitalizing our downtown core. I had been on the job as the city of Eugene’s parking manger just four months when I saw him speak. He was quoted by the local paper saying our downtown had plenty of parking and our problems stemmed from parking mismanagement, antiquated meters, and “the ugliest parking structure” he had ever seen!1 At the time, I took the word “mismanagement” personally as a reflection of how we did business. Over the years, I grew to learn that Shoup was not referring to the day-to-day parking financial systems, but to parking’s effect on the perceptions and success of the community as a whole. Parking has historically been looked at as a tool for creating turnover and generating revenue. When the automobile was invented in the late 1880s, it revolutionized transportation and set in motion the technological advances that would lead to today’s parking system. But as the country urbanized and the Federal Highway Act of 1921 started to connect cities, downtown cores became crowded with more and more vehicles. Business owners became frustrated with the lack of on-street parking turnover because customers could not access their stores. The solution to this parking tragedy was the parking meter. The first parking meter was installed in 1935 in Oklahoma City, Okla. It was a technological solution to managing crowded downtown business districts. It automated parking time restrictions by requiring payment to park, moved long-term vehicle parking out of specific areas, and provided customers with more readily available parking adjacent to businesses. The parking meter solution spread throughout the country during the Great Depression. The city of Eugene installed this technological solution to crowded downtown streets in 1939 with 145 meters in our downtown core. For the next 80 years, the city would oscillate between periods of free and paid parking and experience the resulting emotions that came with each system.



Epark Eugene is modeling new ways to encourage economic development and enhance neighborhood livability by reinvesting parking funds into projects and activities that benefit the system. We are expanding on Shoup’s work in Old Pasedena, Calif., that used paid parking revenue to enhance curbside amenities, such as cleaner sidewalks, landscaping, and seating, and marketed the expenditures to parking customers. In a previous The Parking Professional article (see the June 2014 issue), I shared examples of how we have changed our parking image (uniforms, brand) and program philosophy (zero-ticket goal, college students are our community’s future, educate first). We also had just started to explore how parking resources could invest in the community and the arts, from poetry panels to locally created artistic bike corrals. We have now ramped up the parking reinvestment program to use resources collected from parking meters, permits, validations, tickets, and garage commercial leases to maintain our parking infrastructure and put money back into the community in five broad areas:

Economic Development

Parking is a key economic development tool in our downtown core and campus area parking district. Similar to other municipal parking programs, we work with new and current businesses to meet their customer and employee parking needs, including finding less expensive commute options through carpooling, bus, rapid transit, and biking. Further, we have invested in: ■■ On-street bike corrals to allow easier cyclist access to downtown merchants. ■■ A downtown wayfinding plan that seeks to move vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians into and around our downtown. Downtown wayfinding project

■■ An advanced parking meter system that uses on-street

s­ ingle-space vehicle sensors and off-street occupancy signs to inform downtown parking options. ■■ An advanced parking payment system that allows coins, credit cards, Google, and Apple Pay, as well as smartphone app payments, to meet current and future transaction needs. ■■ Time with developers, businesses, and community partners to discuss their investments in the community’s transportation and parking options.

A garage deep clean and lighting upgrade made a big difference.

Promoting Safety

Neighborhood Strengthening

A safe and inviting parking system, business district, and community are key to attracting new and maintaining existing parking customers. We have invested in: ■■ Downtown Eugene police services by transferring $838,000 (15 percent of operating revenue) from the parking fund to the general fund to create the downtown substation and provide ongoing financial support. ■■ Round-the-clock parking security services for downtown garages and the downtown core. ■■ Upgraded yellow-hued garage lights to motion-activated, LED lamps and deep-cleaned the interior and exterior of three garage representing 40 percent of our downtown structure parking spaces. ■■ Forming partnerships with the school district, performing arts

center, and businesses to reinvent a program bringing 3,000 elementary children downtown to experience performing art.

The Parking Services program responds to vehicle parking issues across Eugene. In neighborhoods with time-­limited parking, we enhance livability by discouraging neighborhood streets from turning into non-resident parking lots. We have invested in: ■■ Market-based residential parking zone permits ($99/$150 per quarter) in areas zoned high density, coupled with a reduced homeowner/long-term renter price ($40/year). ■■ The arena parking district to mitigate impacts from a campus basketball arena abutting a low-density residential campus neighborhood (see “Shooting for Three,” The Parking Professional, April 2012). ■■ Parking officers, who reported trash in the right-of-way and suspicious activity in neighborhoods. ■■ Parking officers, who worked to remove abandoned vehicles The department made a big effort and trailers from neighborhood to clear sidewalks and clean up abandoned vehicles. streets. ■■ Parking services

A new parking plan let groups of children enjoy performing arts in ways that weren’t possible before.

that helped mediate disputes over motor home parking between neighbors by working with the residents and paying for community mediation services.




Promoting the Arts and Identity

The parking services program has forged ongoing partnerships with the local creative community. This investment area has had the greatest effect on changing the view of municipal parking in Eugene. We have invested in: ■■ The 20x21 mural project, whose goal is to create 20 world-class murals by 2021. The parking fund provides $30,000 per year for the project. ■■ The written word, showcasing local writers for our Step into Poetry, Stories, and Theatre project in a downtown parking structure, which encourages customers to use the stairs while simultaneously reinvigorating the stairwell.

Local writers got a chance to shine in this unique installation. ■■ Downtown events such as Light-Up Downtown,

Eugene Parade, Tech Tour, and Sunday Streets, as a title sponsor. ■■ Downtown parklets, a unique partnership with the American Institute of Architects Southwest Oregon chapter that provided a $10,000 design/build competition to place four parklet structures in our downtown core.

Creativity and art took center stage in a competition to create the best banner.

Parklets bring the community to parking in a new way.



World Championships 2021

A decade ago, Shoup challenged the city of Eugene to level-up its parking management system. Today, we are meeting that challenge. The parking services program plays a critical role in promoting economic development and enhancing neighMore EV charging stations were installed. borhood livability. We operate a self-sufficient, municipal parking program that manages an off-street parking system Clear signage let patrons and (surface lots and garages), an on-street system (meters, neighbors know two-hour signs, residential parking permit zones), what initiatives were supports nearly every city department, and reinvests happening and why. parking revenue back into the community. We have Being Future-Ready taken an innovative and creative approach to connectParking Services is working to create a municipal ing with our community by adding art to parking meparking program that is ready for the future of Eugene. We look for technological solutions that allow us to do more with the same resources, meet the emerging needs of our customers, and reduce deferred maintenance. We have invested in: ■■ Reducing the $10 million backlog of deferred maintenance in our six downtown parking structures. ■■ An augmented reality technology overlay for our ters, partnering with the local tech scene, and setting Step into Poetry project in the Overpark Garage. up a parking manager’s lemonade stand to listen to our ■■ Creating an interactive parking ping-pong game to customers (see the January 2013 issue of The Parking play on the sidewalk of a downtown parking garage Professional for more). As the transportation and parkthrough partnership with the University of Oreing system continues to change, the city of Eugene will gon’s Computer Information Sciences Department. evolve along with it to support our community through (Think an Xbox Kinect camera played with LED the parking reinvestment program. lights across a full block.) Looking ahead to 2021, Eugene will host the World ■■ Creating a parking business intelligence analyst Track and Field Championships. It will be the largposition to draw insights from the hundreds of est sporting event in the world that year and will add thousands of monthly parking data points from Eugene to an international list of stellar hosts such as meter use, permit purchases, citations, occupanLondon, Beijing, and Moscow. Our parking reinvestcy sensors, and community-wide complaints to ment program is working to enhance the community merge with community development and planand create a wonderful experience for every customer, ning data. through 2021 and beyond. ■■ The annual Hack for a Cause event to develop new Note ideas with our local tech community. Parking do1. Register Guard, Feb. 6, 2007, p. C1. nates a reserved parking space to the winning team and has pitched ideas such as the parking ping-pong JEFF PETRY is the city of Eugene’s parking and project and a digital donation app that allows direct technology manager. He can be reached at giving to social services downtown. ■■ The city of Eugene’s designation as a Mozilla Gigabit and U.S. Ignite community. Parking Services sits on their respective local committees.

As the transportation and parking system continues to change, the city of Eugene will evolve along with it to support our community through the parking reinvestment program.



Dear Friend, An open letter to the new kid on the parking, transportation, and mobility block. By Paul Dillon, CAPP



Dear new parking professional, recent undergraduate degree in parking First and foremost, congratulations on earning your first position as a parking professional. management from XYZ university and securing your Oh, right. That’s not how this works. intentions of working through the All jokes aside, I hope you have completed or have development program. Now you must CAPP program or a comprehensive professional and transportation nerds—most likely understand you’re officially stuck with us parking r schoolteachers, police officers, golf sufor life. Yes, you are now among the ranks of forme t report. Do not get me wrong—this is not a perintendents, and even attorneys like my direc got here, which is we stuck one foot in, sad story at all. We all have similar tales of how we by this thing we call parking. We all decidlooked around, and then somehow got consumed ed to stick around to finish the job. most of us, the many facets of our workBuilding passion for your craft might take time. For caps or mastering the many roles the day pique our interest. Some of us love wearing many is the satisfaction of working within our rapparking professional plays every day. For others, it g something better. This could be assistidly evolving industry. For most of us, it is about makin operational practices. To sum it up, we strive ing with a residential parking program or greening mers and stakeholders well, and leave the to make our areas run more efficiently, serve our custo them. Our work is never done. industry and our communities better than we found back and know why you’re still here. All of a sudden, one day, as I do today, you will look the satisfaction from your industry achieveThe road ahead will certainly be challenging, but make the ride all the more worth it. It ments and lifelong industry friendships will surely winding road of the parking world. Matter seems almost like yesterday when I jumped on the 1990s. of fact it was on a Kentucky Derby day in the late

The Big Day

d on the calendar well in advance for In Kentucky, the first Saturday in May is always circle falutins roll into town—more precisely, the who’s who. As Derby day draws near, all the highs. They come from far and wide to take mostly fly into town on their private jets—by the dozen in the pageantry of the richest horse race of the year. the weekend events are endless. While the main horse race is only two minutes long, thon and the high-end parties, the town From the parade and the balloon glow, to the mara surreal—you can almost smell the money is literally painted red all week. The weekend is suits to the exotic cars, the evidence of as it moves around town. From the Gucci pinstripe success is everywhere.

The Viper


kid who loved exotic cars. You know, Imagine all of this from the viewpoint of a 16-year-old months before Derby day was quite the 911s, the Rollses, and the Vipers. Turning 16 three So there it was—I signed up to be a valet fortuitous. Did I mention Ferris Bueller was my idol? my hands on those sweet rides (mainly the parker. My mission was no more valiant than to get world of parking. Viper), and just like that, I blindly slipped into the


It was all about test-driv ing that Viper—surely on e or two would be in tow was no hotter car on the n. In the mid-’90s, there market; the Corvette fol ks got a little nervous when the So I set the course and Viper hit the streets. landed a valet job at a loc al high-end hotel. As spr waited for Derby weeke ing approached, I patien nd to arrive. When it did tly , the sweet rides began Not even a few hours int arriving at the hotel. o my shift on Derby eve , there it was: the covete As I cast my eyes on tha d, mirror-painted Viper. t beauty, I began to metho dic ally place myself in the from the veteran manag spot to grab the keys er. But, as I was about to learn, a very green, you ply get the right to valet ng, valet parker does no park a Viper; the right to t simpark the Viper is earned . Only veterans had the Not even a few hours authority to valet the Vip into my shift er. Harumph. I decided to stick around to earn on Derby eve, there it my stripes and hopefull y was: the park the Viper the follow ing year. And as they say, that was that. coveted, mirror-pain

Being Seasoned

ted Viper.

As I cast my eyes on th at beauty, I began to methodica lly place myself in the spot to gr ab the keys

You might wonder at wh at point a parking professional is considered a veteran. There are a number of ways to earn those stripes. One is by years; perhaps 20 is eno ugh to qualify for vetera n from the veteran man status. Another is by exp ager. erience. Have you ever set the ticket dispenser clock by turning the me chanical hour hands in Were you around when the front of the dispenser there were more mom? and -pops with cigar boxes tions? Maybe I earned the than professional organi title from working for five zaparking companies. It cou wearing a beeper to ide ld be that I remember ntify which valet car nee ded retrieval. Maybe the earned by parking cars veteran status badge wa at hotels, city garages, cam s pus lots, front yards, ho Maybe it was the year I spitals, and church lots. helped shuttle more tha n 1 million people. I wo in an RV with four other uld strongly argue that parking dudes for a weeke living nd parking cars at a hip own affords one the rig pie fest in Akron on its ht to be called a parking veteran. It’s hard to say parking cars in a cornfi . But having the high ho eld does not happen if the nor of basics are not first acquir ed. First things first.

Questions and Answ ers

One of the more perple xing positions new par king professionals need thing where the cars par to tackle is what to call k. Is it a garage, a parkin that g garage, a car park, a dec just love the ring to “ca k, or a facility? Don’t you r park,” though? A quick answer so we can move ent or employer calls it. along: Call it what your cliDo not sweat the small stuff. Most people will surely have no idea wh they really care, at least at you do all day, nor wi until they get a ticket. We ll know the truth. You wi which could include bei ll serve 20 separate rol ng a human resources es, agent, accountant, techn tainability expert. In my ician, planner, and/or sus humble opinion, the par king manager requires than most other indust a wider range of skill set ry positions. s Are you dependable, ded icated, and a visionary for your stakeholders? closely: Do not attempt Here is a big tip, so read to promote yourself by def am ing another company or front of your client or bos predecessor’s work in s. Most directors will tak e no value from it. A col avoids certain dinner inv lea gue recently told me he itations because their gue sts use their time togeth petition. Most of your clie er to defame their comnts do not care how bad ly the previous operator yours, own it. ran their facility. When it’s



Be careful who you throw under the bus. Our parking Do not attempt to promote world is smaller and tighter-knit than you think. Treat yourself by defaming another everyone respectfully, do not burn bridges, and bow out gracefully when a competitor takes the contract. Word of company or predecessor’s bad deeds spreads like wildfire. Think of it as six degrees of separation. That manager below you or that competitor you work in front of your client or keep undercutting could be your next client or boss. Play fair and honest and the path ahead will be less cumbersome. boss. Most directors will take As time moves along you will gather more and more responsibilities. The more you can do, the more you’ll get no value from it. to do. Keeping an eye on the fundamentals of management is key. All money collected has a proper paper trail, the garage is always kept clean, equipment is fully functional, safety is always at the forefront, there is plentiful client and staff facetime, and the revenue gets to the bank every day. Along with the basics, understand the expectations of your direct report and your client. Serving two masters is an art form, so proceed with care. Understand that each client you have will differ in their ideals about running a parking operation. Your approach should be seeing the operation from your client’s eyes and enacting a plan to achieve his or her expected results. How you manage one garage may differ from the next or the previous. It’s your job to learn what clients envision and draw up plans to execute it. Identify your content experts and work to become one. A content expert could be the numbers guy, spitting out revenues, expenses, budgets, occupancy levels, and/or general on-street metrics. Your involvement with industry learning and/or your involvement with local committees or boards might make you the expert and could give you the ability to move through your PARCS analytical reporting or on-street reporting features with ease. Our industry is rapidly evolving so you must remain in a constant state of learning. Keep up with technology and other operations benchmarking practices. This all takes a lot of effort and you can’t just mail it in. Take the time necessary and your career will thank you. The young manager must have a work-life balance or one area of his or her life will surely suffer. If your work week requires 50 hours-plus consistently, you are likely not doing something right. This may mean you need to work on delegation or time management. You know, work smarter, not harder. Lastly, you are now the change element. Our industry will look a lot different in 20 years. Are you getting ahead of the curve? From gateless facilities to autonomous vehicles, what do these changes mean for your client and your future planning? My simple advice is to go all-in. Dive into career learning, industry conferences, and regular meetings with the parking veterans in your circle. Become the artist. Our jobs are not all science and math. Have the ability to artfully coordinate the non-routine days. Know your craft. Now back to that Viper. I would like to end and say something like “my Viper is never valeted.” But my Viper is actually a station wagon; kids and responsible adulthoods—and careers in parking—happen. Wishing you all the best, A parking veteran. PAUL DILLON, CAPP, is senior project manager with Republic Parking System. He can be reached at





You Won’t Believe the Lineup for Orlando! By Kathleen Federici, MEd


PI is excited to bring you to Orlando, Fla. Typically when someone mentions the city of Orlando, thoughts of amusement parks, Harry Potter, and, of course, a very famous mouse come to mind. This year, IPI is looking forward to changing all of that. Next time someone mentions Orlando, thoughts of technology, parking trends, mobility, disaster recovery, business management, and operations management will come to mind. This year’s IPI Conference & Expo destination has something for everyone. Join us as we explore, network, and learn together.

Before the Big Event Of course, we shall start at the beginning with our preConference course offerings. ■■ University of Virginia Business Management, the hallmark of

our multi-day Conference education offerings.

■■ Beyond Operations and Management, a multi-day course that

highlights information from strategic planning, facility design and maintenance, project management, and the Fair Labor Standards Act.

■■ The Accredited Parking Organization (APO) half-day

workshop, where you will learn industry best practices

■■ Take a deep dive into Building Resilience for Business

Continuity During Emergencies and learn to identify key functions, personnel, and resources necessary for maintaining business operations.

The mouse and Mr. Potter are excellent Orlando choices, but as you can see, IPI is the destination. See you soon!

Conference Education Sessions SUNDAY, JUNE 3

Engage in topics such as predicting commuter behavior and targeting TDM investments, adaptive parking design for autonomous vehicles, effective communication for managers, and hospital and university partnerships to overcome parking shortages. We’ll talk technology, right-sizing, and mixed-use too!


Learn about a global performance tool, today’s innovations, pricing and yield management, the future of parking in cities worldwide, as well as what to do with your data.

KATHLEEN FEDERICI, MEd, is IPI’s director of

professional development. She can be reached at




I know, what can follow this awesome lineup? Let’s learn about curbside experiments, maintaining balance in an over-connected world, iconic parking design and construction, and retaining great employees, while having interactive discussions about diversity and playing a parking game!


I can’t believe we are already at Wednesday. We will leave you with how to understand what motivates someone, moving parking deeper into the 21st century, budget management, smart parking, and how to get the highest value out of market research.

New This Year!

GameChanger sessions! You won’t want to miss out on these unique experiences. Ke ep a close eye on the game changers this year. You won’t be disappointed.

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PAG E 39

12 Times the Thanks. Give a The Parking Professional Subscription Today! If you have a parking professional in your life, get to know The Parking Professional magazine. An essential monthly read for parking professionals, the award-winning magazine strikes a balance between case studies, technology updates, best practices, and the lighter side of the industry. Print and digital subscriptions available.


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Advancing the Parking Profession in Pennsylvania By Bobra Schultes


he Pennsylvania Parking Association (PPA) was founded in 1985 to bring parking professionals together to network and share goals and methods for advancing the parking experience for Pennsylvania citizens. The first PPA conference was held in Harrisburg in 1989. Since then, our meeting venues have included Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Bethlehem, State College, Lancaster, Valley Forge, Erie, and Scranton. Today, the PPA has more than 100 active members. PPA endorsed and actively promoted House Bill 1455, first drafted for the 2015–2016 session to amend Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes to authorize parking authorities in cities of the second class A and third class to enforce and administer parking ordinances and resolutions. It passed 198–1. Subsequently, Sens. Scott Martin and John Blake sponsored a similar bipartisan bill titled SB736 for the 2017–2018 regular session. SB736 passed and was signed into law on Dec. 22, 2017. PPA is very proud of the hard work of its president, Mark Vergenes, and board member Matt Lohenitz for their hard work in promoting this important legislation.



Activities and Highlights

To help balance our members’ and exhibitors’ travel schedules and encourage increased participation, our annual conference has been moved to the spring, and our interim training has been moved to fall. The 2018 conference will be held May 2–4 at the Sheraton Station Square, with golf locale to be announced. Our topics will include parking technology trends, marketing through social media, and human resources issues, just to name a few. Registration is open, so reserve your spot.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Mark Vergenes Mirus Financial Partners VICE PRESIDENT Sharon Field Lehigh Univ. Parking Services

CALENDAR May 2–4: PPA Spring Conference & Tradeshow, Pittsburgh, Pa. Oct. 4–5: Fall Training, Lehigh University

TREASURER Ray Massing Erie Parking Authority SECRETARY Bobra Schultes POM, Inc. Jamie Groff The Toledo Ticket Co.

Charley DeBow ParkMobile Brian Veshecco Signal-Tech Michelle Porter, CAPP Carnegie Mellon University Larry Cohen, CAPP Lancaster Parking Authority ASSOCIATION & EVENTS MANAGER Dawn Marti

PPA plans to continue its participation at the IPI Conference & Expo in June. Some of our past activities included our own booth in the Expo, helping with the SRA booth, and holding a meet-and-greet reception for IPI delegates from Pennsylvania. PPA hosted a food pantry collection booth at one of our past conferences. The generous response of our members has prompted the board to source similar opportunities for future conferences. PPA is always willing to cooperate with other state and regional assoications; we judge the Texas Parking and Transportation Association awards entries, and in the past we have invited the Ohio Parking Association to our western conference and the New Jersey Parking Institute members to our eastern conference. Fall training will be Oct. 4–5 at Lehigh University. An agenda and registration will be available this summer. PPA introduced a new mobile app for the 2017 conference, WHOVA. This app was successful in helping members navigate the venue and schedule and network with other participants while reducing the costs of printed booklets. Exhibitors were able to use the app for lead collection. Enhanced features will be added to this app for our 2018 conference.

BOBRA SCHULTES is technical sales manager

with POM, Inc. She can be reached at bobra@



Around the Industry NextGen Parking Awarded University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Contract THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SOUTHWESTERN (UTSW) Medical Center has awarded NextGen Parking a contract for the upgrade and addition of parking revenue control equipment for five garages on its expanded parking complex in Dallas, Texas. The $1.1 million contract standardizes all UTSW parking facilities on a common Designa ABACUS PARCS system, hosted in NextGen’s commercial cloud environment. The three-year project, which includes a sixth new garage under contract to Vaughn Construction, will provide UTSW with a common, integrated capability for the management of

all parking facilities campus-wide. Replacement of equipment in additional garages, as well as a 10-year service and support program, will be incorporated in the future as part of an enterprise-wide initiative to upgrade and standardize all parking controls on a next-generation platform.

EV Connect Selected for New Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Program for Northern and Central California EV CONNECT, a provider of electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions, including development of the industry’s most innovative cloud-based software platform for managing EV charging stations, their interaction with utilities, and the driver experience, announced that it has been selected to participate in Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s (PG&E’s) recently announced EV Charge Network program. The program aims to help accelerate the adoption of EVs in California by installing 7,500 EV chargers at commercial customer sites, including condominiums, apartment buildings, and workplaces, across PG&E’s service areas in northern and central California. Customer sites participating in the EV Charge Network program will be able to choose charging equipment and services from a list of pre-qualified vendors that meet quality and safety


standards—including EV Connect. EV Connect offers customers turn-key solutions for selecting, installing, and managing EV charging stations, their users, and the utilities that support them.

“We are very excited to have been selected for this new EV charging infrastructure program by PG&E,” says Jordan Ramer, CEO of EV Connect. “It further supports EV Connect’s position as a leading provider of open and standards-based EV solutions provider that offers customers choice, flexibility, and total service management.” Under the EV Charge Network program, PG&E will pay for and build all electric service infrastructure requirements from the transformer to the EV


parking space, which often accounts for 60 to 80 percent of the total project cost, for participating sites. PG&E will also provide a subsidy to the participant for the EV charger equipment costs. Participants in PG&E’s EV Charge Network program choose whether they wish to bill drivers for using the charging stations or offer the service free-of-charge to drivers. They can also establish access rules to the EV chargers through which they can make them available to employees, fleet vehicles, and/or the public. In addition to the financial benefits for participants, they will benefit by offering another feature on their property that increases employee and tenant loyalty and satisfaction, actively participating in California’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and positioning themselves as leaders in sustainability and innovation.

ParkCloud Concludes Landmark Deal with ViaMilanoParking-SEA Milan Airports PARKCLOUD HAS FINALIZED a new partnership with ViaMilanoParking in Italy. This will make car parks at both Milan airports, Milano Linate and Milano Malpensa, available on its global parking booking platform. The deal was agreed to at ParkCloud’s Manchester headquarters in November and means the company’s nearly 3 million users will be able to book spaces in all the official onsite car parks at Malpensa and Linate airports. At Milano Malpensa Airport alone— known via its code MXP and as Northern Italy’s gateway to the world—some 9,000 spaces will become accessible via ParkCloud across five car park categories: P1 Long Term, P2 Executive, P3 Express, P4 Holiday, and P5 Easy. Both indoor and outdoor parking spaces are on offer to satisfy different customers’ needs. Milano Linate Airport (LIN) will come on stream simultaneously, with

options to include P1 Top Class, P2 Executive (undercover), and P2 Holiday (open air). Moreover, initiatives such as the new meet-and-greet service will also be added to ParkCloud’s pre-book network. A phased roll-out is in progress, and an exclusive launch offer has been negotiated by the ParkCloud team. The two airports, alongside nearby Bergamo—where ParkCloud has worked with the airport since 2014—serve the Milan metropolitan area. Known as Grande Milano (Greater Milan), it is the largest metropolitan area in Italy and the 54th largest in the world, and as such, represents arguably the largest catchment area in the country for drivers wishing to make use of airport parking facilities. Moreover, it is anticipated that demand for pre-booking such services online will triple over the next five years. ParkCloud’s Managing Director, Mark

Pegler, says, “SEA Milan Airports is an internationally renowned airport operator with control over the entire local region. We are clearly delighted to be partnering with this industry giant, and the new collaboration will enhance the airport experience for many passengers, presenting them with additional options to pre-plan more elements of their journeys. “Milan is a prime destination for us to continue to grow our network, and we anticipate a successful and prosperous partnership with SEA Milan Airports going forward.”



Around the Industry


In You Go—Pioneering Parking App Will Revolutionize the U.S. Market INUGO HAS LAUNCHED its groundbreaking parking technology at four Los Angeles sites as the company begins expansion in the United States. Just one app will direct users to available parking, open car park gates, and handle the payments—and it puts parking operators in touch with their clients for the first time. “It breaks the information drought for both drivers and car park operators,” says Sam Barclay, Inugo CEO. “It gives drivers a single app that provides access to any participating car park.” The problem for parking operators is that too often they don’t know anything about their customers. How many businesses can survive without having a relationship with their customers? “That’s at the heart of the Inugo system, getting to know your customers.” The smartphone app-driven system launched at three sites at Los Angeles International Airport and another in Hollywood last week, and Barclay said more sites are in the pipeline. While the initial focus is on existing parking facilities, the system is designed to work with street parking and will allow the owners of any parking— commercial buildings, apartment blocks, or even individuals—to make use of their idle spaces.



The Inugo system tells users of the app where those spaces are, gives them access with a touch of a button on their phone, and handles the billing— providing a completely ticketless parking experience. “The driver doesn’t have to leave their car to enter, exit, or pay, and the lack of paper tickets is good for the environment,” Barclay says. “It’s a smart solution for smart cities.” The Inugo system comprises a smart access controller installed at the parking gate or barrier, a smartphone app that tells the user where parking is available and gives access at the touch of a button, and a comprehensive billing system that charges the user and pays the owner of the car park. It’s been under development and testing for three years. “City parking is at a premium, but looking beyond existing car park services, there are tens of thousands of car parks locked away in corporate buildings that are empty at night and in apartment blocks that are empty during the day,” says Dion Knill, Inugo vice president of global sales. The Inugo system unlocks those spaces and turns them into revenue-earning assets. “Those corporate car parks can be used by restaurant and theater-goers at night, and those apartment spaces can be used by office workers during the day. And the owner keeps total control.” Knill, who has worked in the car parking sector for nine years and played a major role in the design and supply of the award-winning L.A. Metro park-and-ride payment system, was lured to Inugo by the potential of its groundbreaking solution. “Revolutionary is an overworked word, but this system really is,” Knill says. “It uses just one app to park anywhere in any city our system is installed, it gives information to drivers and car park owners, it handles the billing, and it will bring tens of thousands of unused parking spaces into play in our congested cities.”

Amano McGann Adds Synerion to Its Growing Network AMANO MCGANN CANADA, INC. and Synerion North America, Inc. have formed a partnership to offer Amano McGann security solutions throughout Canada. The partnership began in November 2017. Synerion has over 30 years of experience providing workforce management solutions to over 7,000 installations tracking more than 5 million employees throughout the world. They have a customer-centric approach, and their solutions enable organizations to effectively optimize their business. The partnership between Synerion and Amano McGann Canada will provide a wide range of products to meet the access control needs in the Canadian market. Synerion will now be able to offer its customers these solutions installed and serviced directly by Amano McGann Canada. “We are excited for this new venture with Synerion,” says Amano McGann Canada Senior Sales Executive

James Edwards. “Our goal is always to provide exceptional products paired with responsive service. Partnering with Synerion furthers the initiative for our security solutions and makes procurement more convenient in the Canadian market.” “We at Synerion are always searching for innovative ways to bring more value to our customers. I am particularly thrilled about this partnership with Amano McGann Canada as they share similar values to Synerion while having complementary technologies our customers are very enthusiastic about,” says Synerion’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing Paolo Gilfillan.

Tom Sivak Appointed CEO of DESIGNA Access Incorporated DESIGNA ACCESS, INC. has announced the appointment of Tom Sivak as its CEO. He assumed responsibilities on Jan. 1, 2018, and will guide the rapidly growing business unit in North America. DESIGNA has experienced tremendous growth in recent years and the entry into the American market has been very successful. As part of the expansion strategy, DESIGNA will significantly invest, expand, and strengthen its staff. An initial action for this strategy will be to expand and modify the management of DESIGNA USA in Chicago. Sivak has been in the parking in-

dustry for over 28 years and has built successful businesses for Amano McGann and Park Assist. Thomas Waibel, managing director and chairman of DESIGNA GmbH says, “Tom Sivak’s focus on business operations combined with Bob Kane’s sales and marketing expertise, will allow the business to reach ­DESIGNA’s intended goals.” Kane will concentrate his activities on the customers and partners as our senior vice president of sales and marketing. He is a dedicated marketing specialist who will focus his efforts on the sales, marketing, and promotion of the DESIGNA brand. THE PARKING PROFESSIONAL | MARCH 2018 | PARKING.ORG/TPP


Around the Industry


Propark America Announces Winpark’s New President PROPARK AMERICA ANNOUNCED that Drew Riley has joined the company as the new president of Winpark Management, LLC. “Drew comes to us with a wealth of knowledge and experience in both operations and business development,” says Propark CEO John Schmid. “He brings a diverse skill set as one of the newest members of our parking dream team, and we’re looking forward to Winpark’s growth under his leadership.” Riley has over 12 years of experience in the parking industry, most recently serving as the vice president of business development for Lanier Parking, where he also held key roles such as general manager and project manager, among other roles.

“Drew’s knowledge of the industry and the marketplace makes for a natural fit with Winpark, which will be beneficial to our existing clients,” Schmid says. “We expect that his extensive client services background will add value to the assets already entrusted to our care and assist in accelerating expansion into new markets and verticals.” Riley received his degree in economics and finance at Hampden-Sydney College. He is active in the Houston Building Owners and Managers Association and serves on the board of directors for Open Door Mission, a non-profit dedicated to providing long-term solutions and programs that break the cycle of homelessness and poverty.

The Madison Square Garden Company and ParkWhiz Announce Partnership THE MADISON SQUARE GARDEN Company and ParkWhiz announced a marketing partnership, naming the provider of scalable, on-demand parking services as the official parking partner of Madison Square Garden. The agreement provides ParkWhiz with premier brand integration and exposure across the digital platforms for Madison Square Garden, The Theater at MSG, Radio City Music Hall, The Beacon Theatre, and The Chicago Theatre. “We are always searching for opportunities to enhance our customers’ experience when they are attending an event in one of our venues, and this


partnership with ParkWhiz continues to help make that happen,” says Ron Skotarczak, executive vice president, marketing partnerships, The Madison Square Garden Company. “We look forward to working with ParkWhiz to provide this additional convenience to our customers.” “We know parking isn’t a final destination; rather, it’s a bridge to an experience that people are excited about. Through this partnership, we’re excited to help people save time, money, and stress—so that they can enjoy their event without worry,” says Dan


Roarty, ParkWhiz president and chief operating officer. Guests attending events at Madison Square Garden’s venues in New York and Chicago will have the option to reserve and pre-purchase parking during checkout on Ticketmaster or any time before their event by clicking through the “getting there” page on the venue website. With the ParkWhiz platform, sports fans and concert-goers can save up to 50 percent off of standard parking rates and will receive a digital parking pass, which they can display on their smartphone for validation.


Parkmobile Announces Major Investment by BMW Group PARKMOBILE, LLC, a provider of mobile parking solutions in North America, announced a recapitalization of the business and investment by BMW Group. Through this transaction, Parkmobile has consolidated its shareholder base and gained access to significant capital that will be used to accelerate growth and innovation. BMW Group, which had been a minority investor in Parkmobile since 2014, will now be the sole outside investor after buying out the legacy shareholders in the business. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

This announcement comes on the heels of a successful 2017 for Parkmobile that saw the company continue to expand in North America and achieve record growth. Below are some of the highlights from the past 12 months: ■■ Record year-over-year revenue growth. ■■ Processed over 50 million parking transactions in North America, a 50 percent year-over-year increase. ■■ Surpassed 8 million registered users. ■■ Added 216,000 new parking spots, bringing the total inventory to over 1 million. ■■ Launched parking reservations into the Parkmobile app, delivering the industry’s first solution to enable both on/off-street parking and ga-

rage reservations into a single user experience. ■■ Expanded the Parkmobile network into over 75 new cities, including New York, N.Y.; Philadelphia, Pa.; and Phoenix, Ariz. ■■ Partnered with BMW to deliver the industry’s first fully integrated in-car mobile parking solution. ■■ Received the Deloitte Fast 500 award recognizing the fastest growing technology companies in North America. “We are extremely proud of what the team has been able to accomplish over the past several years,” says Jon Ziglar, CEO of Parkmobile, LLC. “This new investment by BMW Group clearly validates our leadership position in the industry and our future growth potential. We have been working closely with the BMW Group organization over the past several years, and we share a common vision for the future of transportation and frictionless consumer mobility. With this recapitalization, Parkmobile has consolidated its shareholder base and gained the capital needed to accelerate product innovation and expand the footprint of the Parkmobile network. BMW has always been a leader identifying and supporting next-generation mobility solutions, and we really could not ask for a better partner.” “Parkmobile, LLC has established itself as the leader in digital parking solutions in North America and is driving the industry forward. It perfectly complements our portfolio of innovative mobility services,” says Bernhard Blaettel, vice president mobility services at BMW Group and member of the Parkmobile board. “Jon and his team are the type of company we want to partner with, and we look forward to working with them to scale the business.”




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Advertisers Index CHANCE Management Advisors, Inc. ..57 215.564.6464

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JIM BASS is landside

operations manager at the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport, Little Rock, Ark. He can be reached at jbass@





Deadline to Submit APO for Recognition at the 2018 IPI Conference & Expo


Deadline to Take CAPP Exam for June Graduation


Mid-South Transportation and Parking Association Annual Spring Conference Huntsville, Ala.

MARCH 26–28

Texas Parking and Transportation Association Annual Tradeshow and Conference Houston, Texas


New York State Parking Association NYC Lunch and Learn New York, N.Y.

APRIL 10–19

Parksmart Advisor Online, Instructor-led Training

APRIL 10–12

New England Parking Conference Annual Spring Conference and Trade Show Providence, R.I.

APRIL 24–28

Parking Association of Georgia 2018 Conference Augusta, Ga.

APRIL 26–27

Southwest Parking and Transportation Associaton Mid-Year Training Park City, Utah



Pennsylvania Parking Association Fall Training and Golf Outing Bethlehem, Pa.


Parking Association of the Virginias Fall Workshop and Tradeshow Richmond, Va.


MAY 2–4

Pennsylvania Parking Association Spring Conference and Tradeshow Pittsburgh, Pa.


Campus Parking and Transportation Association 2018 Conference Springdale, Ark.


IPI’s Leadership Summit Denver, Colo.

JUNE 3–6

2018 IPI Conference & Expo Orlando, Fla.


JUNE 24–27

California Public Parking Association 35th Annual Conference Los Angeles, Calif.

World Parking Symposium Berlin, Germany



JULY 25–27

2018 Pacific Intermountain Parking and Transportation Association Conference Portland, Ore.


Florida Parking & Transportation Association Conference Sawgrass, Fla.


Southwest Parking and Transportation Association Annual Fall Conference Las Vegas, Nev.





In Case You Missed It… ON THE BLOG Tax Laws and Parking. What do new tax laws mean for ➚ New parking organizations? A simple explanation. Tests Autonomous Pods. Those weird-looking ➚ Dubai boxes humming on Dubai streets may be the future of public transportation.

Importance of Wayfinding. Thomas Gaffery, IV, MBA, ➚ The CAPP, on what successful way finding looks like and why it’s critical to parking organization success.

Is it Worth the Time? David Feehan’s piece on why drivers ➚ don’t go online to find parking and what the industry can do about it.

IN THE RESOURCE CENTER Studies. A variety of concise case studies on how ➚ Case different parking organizations faced challenges, met objectives, and got results.

Studies, surveys, data, and numbers in an easy-to ➚ Research. navigate format.

AND MORE ... Leadership Summit. Don’t miss out—registration opens ➚ IPI’s May 1 and is limited to 100 participants. Denver, Colo., Oct. 1819. Stand up, stand out.

Trends in Parking Survey. Answer the call and ➚ Emerging share your thoughts—and you might win one of several prizes!

Stay up on everything in parking, transportation, and mobility—! 60





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