The Parking Professional August 2018

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Parking’s Knights in Shining Armor The heroes of DFW Airport’s Courtesy Patrol

A BIG BOOST FROM TECHNOLOGY Parking is improving airports’ bottom lines 24


Committies continue to get the job done 28


Everything showcased at the massive 2018 IPI Expo. 32

EMBRACING MY INNER NEW-BEE An IPI Conference first-timer shares her experience in Orlando. 52

DESIGNA USA | Airpor t

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Airport White Knights

How DFW’s Courtesy Patrol grew a giant fan base. By Robert Petersen, CAPP


A Big Boost From Technology

Parking is improving airports’ bottom lines. By Bill Smith, APR


Advancing IPI


Innovation on Display


Embracing my Inner New-Bee

Committies continue to get the job done.

Everything showcased at the massive 2018 IPI Expo.

An IPI Conference first-timer shares her experience in Orlando. By Samantha Hamman



Departments 4 ENTRANCE

Mobility Professionals By Bridgette Brady, CAPP


Five Things to Know About Airports


Parking’s Role in the New Transportation Ecosystem By Brett Wood, CAPP, PE


To Charge or Not to Charge: EV Parking at a Mid-Size University By Victor Hill, CAPP, MPA

1 2 THE BUSINESS OF PARKING Ready, Set, Engage!

By Julius E. Rhodes, SHPR


New Job? Retiring? Don’t Forget to Rollover! By Mark A. Vergenes


Philadelphia’s Road to APO By Scott Petri


Introducing New Industry Courses By Kathleen Federici, MEd.



Airport Parking

IR TRAVEL IS FRAUGHT WITH HASSLES IN 2018. But I have to tell you, parking at the airport closest to me is absolutely painless. Directional signs to the various garage and lot options are huge and color coded and when I get to my chosen parking area, red and green lights and “spaces available” signs for each floor make it super simple to find a space and pull in. Shuttles to the terminal run frequently and are marked with their destinations, announcements are clear and frequent, and I’ve never had a driver who was anything less than courteous, helpful, and usually quite funny. On the return trip, it’s easy to pay for my parking at kiosks in the garage’s elevator lobbies, and gate controls have simple directions that are easy for even a complete newbie to follow.

As the old commercials said, we’ve come a long way, baby. So this month’s story about how parking is improving the bottom lines of airports around the world, wasn’t a surprise to me. If it’s easy for me to park, it’s easy for me to come and go and I’m going to have more time and inclination to enjoy a meal, do a little shopping, or take advantage of the many services offered in airports (my usual gate offers preflight manicures and super comfy rocking chairs inside huge picture windows). Is your airport also on the list of those that have mastered parking? Read our story and let us know on Forum (forum.parking. org)—what’s working and where might there be room for improvement? Also in this issue are a great profile of the courtesy patrol at DFW International Airport, where crews with jumper cables and tire irons have made a huge difference in customer happiness, and two great pieces from our Expo in Orlando earlier this summer: our annual wrap-up of exhibitors and a special story from a first-timer about what she learned during her time in Orlando. (Lesson No. 1 is that parking professionals are among the nicest, most helpful folks in the world. But you already knew that.) We hope you enjoy this issue; as always, please contact me with your ideas and thoughts. I hope your next journey by air is without stress and hassle-free. If you start and end where I do, it probably will be, and largely thanks to the parking.

SPOTLIGHT Florida Parking and Transportation Association By Lissette Hernandez, CAPP




For advertising information, contact Bonnie Watts at or 571.699.3011. For subscription changes, contact Tina Altman, The Parking Professional (ISSN 0896-2324 & USPS 001436) is published monthly by the International Parking Institute. 1330 Braddock Place, Suite 350 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: 571.699.3011 Fax: 703.566.2267 Email: Website: Postmaster note: Send address label changes promptly to: The Parking Professional 1330 Braddock Place, Suite 350 Alexandria, VA 22314 Interactive electronic version of The Parking Professional for members and subscribers only at Periodical postage paid at Alexandria, Va., and additional mailing offices. Copyright © International Parking Institute, 2018. Statements of fact and opinion expressed in articles contained if The Parking Professional are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent an official expression of policy or opinion on the part of officers or the members of IPI. Manuscripts, correspondence, articles, product releases, and all contributed materials are welcomed by The Parking Professional; however, publication is subject to editing, if deemed necessary to conform to standards of publication. The subscription rate is included in IPI annual dues. Subscription rate for non-members of IPI is $120 per year (U.S. currency) in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. All other countries, $150. Back issues, $10. The Parking Professional is printed on 10 percent recycled paper and on paper from trees grown specifically for that purpose.

Mobility Professionals By Bridgette Brady, CAPP


’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR A MORE CONCISE WAY of explaining our industry’s impact for some time. When asked, I explain I’m in transportation followed by a long list of functions my role provides: transportation demand management (TDM), mass transit, shuttles, planning, fuel, parking, fleet, courier and mail, and motor coaches. I’m sure there are many of you who have a similar list of responsibilities. The grouping of these makes perfect sense to us, but there has to be an easier way. I love what I do, but that’s a lot of talking about what I do. So you can imagine my delight when I discovered there is a paradigm shift afoot—we are beginning to recognize the essay of responsibilities continues to grow beyond the concept of transportation, requiring a new way to explain our impact. Try this on for size: mobility, the ability to move or be moved freely and easily. Mobility incorporates any function of facilitating movement. That is what we do—keep things and people moving. The concept of mobility has been largely associated or even considered synonymous with accessibility, which refers to the design of services or environments to facilitate mobility for people who have disabilities, measured by the ease to enter and use. In our industry, we are responsible for both. Although they do not carry the same meaning, they are quite interdependent. Mobility or movement is difficult without access and access, isn’t necessary without movement. When I discussed the idea of being a mobility professional versus a transportation professional with various


colleagues and teammates, the first and sometimes only reaction is trepidation and concern for overcoming the perception that mobility is synonymous with accessibility. There is concern with customers not knowing how to find us if they have transportation or parking needs. To this I say, embrace the opportunity to rebrand and market your organization. A large shift such as this provides content and a compelling message: We facilitate movement. I have pondered over this for some time, the thought of how Cornell Transportation and Delivery Services could embrace the shift, be a pioneer, and rebrand as Cornell Mobility Services. It occurred to me recently in a review of strategic communications that we are closer than I first thought. Our marketing tagline is “Keeping Cornell on the Move.” We embrace, identify with, and communicate a commitment to providing movement. The next time I introduce myself and asked of my profession, I will respond accordingly. I work in mobility; I’m responsible for movement. BRIDGETTE BRADY, CAPP, is

senior director of Cornell University Transportation and Delivery Services and a member of IPI’s Board of Directors. She can be reached at


Publisher Shawn Conrad, CAE Editor Kim Fernandez Technical Editor Rachel Yoka, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C Assistant Editor Monica Arpino Contributing Editor Bill Smith, APR Advertising Sales Bonnie Watts, CEM Subscriptions Tina Altman Publication Design BonoTom Studio Proofreader Melanie Padgett Powers

Strategic Planning and Management Maintenance and Restoration Design and Construction Technologies



About Airports

Air warrior? Not so much? Even if you don’t fly all that often, parking professionals tend to know a lot about airports. But there are some things even seasoned industry members might not know. Mental Floss, keeper of all things odd and interesting, gathered together their best bits of airport trivia. Here, we share our favorite five—for the whole list, visit



Lots of airports offer manicures, workout facilities, yoga rooms, and even running tracks, but they’ve got nothing on Sao Paulo/ Guarulhos International Airport, Brazil. Terminal 2 features an in-house dentist, where you can get your cleaning and whitening on during that layover (again, we’ll pass…).

4 5


Hoping to visit Saba in the Caribbean? Your airline will need permission. The world’s smallest airport has a runway of just 1,299 feet, making it incompatible with jets and many other aircraft (we’ll pass, but you have fun).

Feeling a bit tense about flying? Schedule a stop in Singapore, where the Changi Airport’s butterfly garden will calm your nerves. More than 1,000 beautiful butterflies call this sanctuary home.

Stressing about what to do with that puffer coat while enjoying a respite somewhere warm? New York’s got you covered: A special coat check at JFK lets you leave your heavy outerwear while traveling and pick it up on your way home. An app records your travel itinerary and a photo of you and your coat to ensure the perfect reunion at the end of your trip.



The busiest airport in the world might be Chicago’s O’Hare or Atlanta’s Hartsfield depending on the year, but once a year they both lose their crown to King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah, in western Saudi Arabia. It’s the closest airport to Mecca and when pilgrims arrive, handles about 80,000 passengers at a time.

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Parking’s Role in the New Transportation Ecosystem By Brett Wood, CAPP, PE


VERYWHERE YOU TURN THESE DAYS , you hear that the personal automobile will be replaced by autonomous cars and drones, advanced ride-sharing services, and hyperloops—technologies to improve personal transportation. And some of our constituents’ outlook is that the parking industry will be gone within the next few years. I try to calm my parking industry friends by reminding them that we are all kind of old; by the time that happens, we’ll be ready to retire anyway.

But truth be told, sticking our heads in the sand or fighting change is likely to leave us on the outside looking in. So, what should we do? First, it should be said that we aren’t entirely sure for what what we’re preparing. While autonomous cars are becoming more prevalent, we don’t yet know their future. Will people own them outright? Will it be a full car-sharing model? Will zero-occupant vehicles zip around our cities? The answer is probably somewhere in between, with a mix of personally owned vehicles (autonomous and traditional); autonomous transit fleets with shorter,

more efficient routes; and autonomous ride-sharing vehicles carrying and delivering passengers more efficiently. This mixed conclusion will most likely mean that the way vehicles interact with our cities and campuses will dramatically change. And if you look around, that’s likely already happening with bike-­ sharing, ride-sharing, car-sharing, and other rapid changes to the ways people move around.

Getting Control of the Curb

Step one for parking professionals is finding a way to control the activity along curbs (see the July issue for more on this).

The recent IPI Emerging Trends survey listed this as parking professionals’ No. 1 concern. In the past two or three years, municipal parking operators have likely seen a transition from p ­ arking-centric curbs to a multitude of curb uses and activities. Food trucks, transit, ride-share vehicles, freight loading, parklets, cycling activity, and regular parking compete daily for curb space. Each plays a critical role in enhancing the success of communities’ businesses and patrons. I often hear that losing on-street parking spaces is devastating for parking professionals. Actually, we should embrace this change and manage our curbside environment to serve the surrounding community’s needs. Bicycle parking may seem like a lost parking space, but if it incentivizes patrons to not drive, it reduces congestion, maintains business support, and frees up other parking spaces elsewhere. Our curbs should be designed and managed to adapt to the needs around

In the past two or three years, municipal parking operators have likely seen a transition from parking-centric curbs to a multitude of curb uses and activities. Food trucks, transit, ride-share vehicles, freight loading, parklets, cycling activity, and regular parking compete daily for curb space.



them, including dedicated transportation network company connection points, flexible spaces that serve needs by time of day, and prioritization for multiple modes to serve better access to the community.

Expanding Your Role

The primary task of today’s parking professional is to embrace expanded responsibility and knowledge. We’ve adapted well during the past decade to be specialists in operations, management, technology, politics, planning, communication, and beyond. However,

on the verge of this potentially staggering change to our communities, it’s imperative for us to expand our knowledge base to grow the ways our parking systems adapt to change. We need to become specialists in mobility, connected vehicles, transportation demand management, first- and last-mile connectivity, and transit integration. We need to be the driving force for change in our communities, rather than the hesitant and resistant obstacle that inevitably gets pushed aside. Change is unavoidable. While many of us can weather the short-term storm

and keep plugging away at our status quo parking gigs, the industry will experience this change. How well we adapt today defines how our industry will evolve during the next 20 years as well as the type of industry we leave for the people coming after us. Will our industry be an obsolete relic? Or an evolving force for change? BRETT WOOD, CAPP, PE, is a

parking and transportation planner with Kimley-Horn. He can be reached at brett.wood@

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To Charge or Not to Charge: EV Parking at a Mid-Size University E WERE FINALLY ASKED WHY we do not offer charging for electrical vehicles, by an actual electric vehicle (EV) owner. The issue has come up infrequently on our campus—a midsize university of about 11,000 students—in the past five years as the vehicles have gained popularity. But until we spoke to this EV owner, the only people raising the issue were students who want to promote sustainable practices. This interaction from an actual owner has renewed the conversation about the need for charging stations and prompted us to redouble our efforts to ensure that whatever we decide is in the best interests of our customers and our operation.

Interesting Challenges

Working at a midsize university presents interesting challenges when it comes to deploying the latest technologies. It’s important to stay out front to provide quality service, but it’s just as important to be realistic, and we’re not typically the first to become early adopters or dive in until we see long-term effects. Charging stations for EVs are no exception to that. But maintaining a realistic attitude is tough when it comes to installing charging stations because there’s so much momentum, interest, and pressure to provide the infrastructure when the value to the facility isn’t completely understood. Proponents tout the sustainability of EVs. Opponents argue the technology is still new and the cars aren’t as sustainable as people believe because of the way their batteries are made. A big selling point I’ve heard for charging stations is the adage “If you build it (charging stations), they (EVs) will come.” That notion might work for a business or retail center that wants to provide incentives to bring more customers in, but it doesn’t necessarily sell university leaders when the majority of people who park on our campus are students who are not buying EVs right now.

Bill Williams, commercial sales director for Proterra, has an idea that seems to make sense for campuses or any other operation that wants to take a more measured approach. The idea is to encourage workplace charging with level 1 charger stations as a compromise. “Users are only going to replenish what they need to get to work,” he said. Even better, you can control how much electricity you allow users to take.

Choosing Equipment

Level 1 charging stations are the most basic of the three levels available. Williams readily admits that university students are not the primary customers to charge EVs, especially at smaller universities where EVs aren’t seen as often. More likely, the installation of charging stations might incentivize faculty and staff to purchase and drive their EVs to campus to top off their charges. This, in turn, provides opportunities for the campus to educate people about the value EVs bring to conversations about sustainable practices. Williams’ idea is echoed by students at our campus. I conduct yearly presentations to our students about parking


and transportation’s role in sustainable practices. Invariably, EV charging comes up. Last year, a group of students suggested seeking out a solution that incorporated solar power to offset costs for charging stations. Williams said the power level 1 chargers use is minimal, and many of the units can be programmed with limits on the number of hours EVs can charge. The addition of solar is one possibility if a facility owner is willing to make the investment in the required infrastructure. Level 2 chargers cost more but are becoming increasingly more affordable. A vendor I met at the recent IPI Conference & Expo showed off a unit that could be configured for level 1-2 use and offered options using an app to manage user access to the units. A level 1 solution could be a good starting point for operations whose leadership might be on the fence about charging stations because it becomes a foundation to build on. This solution is what I presented to the EV owner who visited our office, one that we hope to move forward with sooner than later. He’s the parent of an incoming first-year student and, while he didn’t get an immediate solution to top off his EV, he was happy we are moving forward and hopes other operations our size are conducting similar due diligence. VICTOR A. HILL, CAPP, MPA,

is director of parking and transportation services at the University of WisconsinLaCrosse and co-chair of IPI’s Safety and Security Committee. He can be reached at



By Victor Hill, CAPP, MPA


Ready, Set, Engage! By Julius E. Rhodes, SHPR


N THE 19TH CENTURY, an individual whose philosophy is widely misunderstood said that people are disconnected from their work and each other. Now mind you, during the 19th century there was no internet and nothing remotely related to the technology we take for granted in the 21st century. Today’s cellphones and personal devices have more computational power than the machines that helped launch the first manned space flight.

It’s not surprising that engagement is and will continue to be a highly relevant issue in our personal and professional lives. But what do we mean by engagement, and how do we make it a reality in our myriad roles? According to a 2009 report by the Human Capital Institute, engagement can be defined as “the extent to which employees enjoy and believe in what they do, feel valued for it and are willing to spend their discretionary effort to make the organization successful.” We need discretionary effort, and we need it all the time, but that isn’t realistic. The central question becomes how to create an environment where discretionary effort is exercised as an almost unconscious act? In other words, how do we get to the point that it occurs naturally and organically without anyone giving much thought to it? Before I share my belief on how we get there, let me say this: We hire adults and turn them into children. No one consciously hires a bad employee. We see something in every new hire that leads us to believe he or she will add value to the team, but it doesn’t always work out that way. This is how I believe we can enhance

engagement and get the discretionary effort we desire:

Engagement can be defined as “the extent to which employees enjoy and believe in what they do, feel valued for it and are willing to spend their discretionary effort to make the organization successful.”

1. Onboarding: This has to be a wellthought-out and executed process, and it doesn’t begin on the new arrival’s first day of employment. It begins from the first point of contact with a candidate. We should always believe that if a person merits contact from our organization, he or she could potentially be an employee of the firm. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve worked with employers who treat initial contact with a candidate as if they are doing the candidate a favor by reaching out. The reality is that if a candidate didn’t have something to


offer, you wouldn’t be contacting the person at all. 2. Departmental introduction: The technology a new employee needs is likely on the desk on day one, but people need connections with others as well. Introducing the new hire to the other members of the team and vice versa is essential to developing awareness and cohesion. 3. One-on-one with the manager: Typically when a new employee comes on board everyone is relieved; the position may have been vacant for a while and they want to hand off whatever they’ve been doing to the new person and walk away. Not so fast. The manager needs to spend some dedicated time with the new employee, not just to welcome the person to the team but to lay out 90-day goals and objectives and establish an open-door policy for questions. This is by far the area with the greatest lost opportunity to create engagement. When this is lost, it cannot be regained. 4. Interpersonal support: It must be known and shared by every member of the team and throughout the organization that high levels of trust, cooperation, and support are required.

How It Works

I remember a situation when an employee of a major firm had a negative experience with a client. The client demanded a personal apology from the individual, and the second-level manager insisted the employee write a personal letter of

apology. How do you think that made the employee feel? And what was the impact on other members of the team? Now, I’m not saying that an apology might not have been in order, but you can’t have an engaged workforce if it doesn’t feel supported. In this case, the correct approach would have been to have the individual’s manager speak to the aggrieved party and assure them the issue was being handled internally. That way, the employee was not subjected to such a gut-wrenching scenario, the client received validation for his or her feelings, and there were no negative repercussions within the organization. In the end, if we are to achieve the levels of en-

gagement that will take us from where we are to where we need to be, it will require effort—daily, consistent, and sustained effort. By the way, if you’re wondering who said people are disconnected from their work and each other in the 19th century, it was Karl Marx. Just goes to show you that things are not always as they seem. JULIUS E. RHODES, SPHR, is founder and

principal of the mpr group and author of BRAND: YOU Personal Branding for Success in Life and Business. He can be reached at or 773.548.8037.

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New Job? Retiring? Don’t Forget to Rollover! By Mark A. Vergenes


OVING TO A NEW PHASE OF YOUR LIFE is exciting. Whether you’ve decided to retire or switch employers, you’ll have to make a lot of decisions. With the commotion caused by the transition, many people forget about rolling over their retirement funds.

While it’s OK to temporarily put aside your retirement goals during a job change, it’s smart to make decisions on your retirement fund quickly. After all, you may be missing out on benefits that can make a difference in how you manage your money, now and after retirement. While it’s tempting to leave your retirement plan with your old employer, easier is not always better. After all, for many people, rolling over a 401(k) plan into an IRA can save money on fees and provide a greater variety of investments. That could translate into a stronger retirement portfolio. When you leave an employer, you can handle your retirement plan in four ways. Each of these strategies comes with its own set of benefits and special considerations. I’ve outlined a quick overview below.

1. Direct Rollover to an IRA

What is it? Your former employer transfers your vested retirement fund to the IRA fund of your choice. A financial adviser can help you make smart decisions on how and where to transfer your retirement fund and make recommendations on how to allocate your investments within the IRA. Primary Benefits ■■ FLEXIBILITY: Most IRAs offer more types of investments than a typical 401(k) plan. You not only have access

to investment in mutual funds, but also gain access to individual stocks and exchange-traded funds. More investment options may allow you to create more effective long-term retirement strategies. ■■ CONTROL: Unlike many employersponsored retirement plans, it’s easy to withdraw funds from IRAs if needed.

2. Indirect Rollover

What is it? Your former employer issues you a check for the amount of your vested retirement savings. You must then deposit the amount into another non-taxed retirement fund, such as an IRA, within 60days or the distribution will be taxed. Primary Benefit ■■ FLEXIBILITY: You may use some or all of the money for purposes other than retirement savings. You may spend it on personal items or use it to finance things such as investments in mutual funds, additional life insurance, long-term care insurance, or annuities. You have full use of the funds for the entire 60-day period and have the choice of whether to redeposit into the IRA or not. However, if you don’t deposit the amount of your funds into an IRA or another non-taxed retirement fund within 60 days, the entire amount is subject to tax.

3. Direct Rollover to a New Employer’s Plan

What is it? Your former employer transfers your


vested retirement savings into your new employer’s retirement funds. You move your retirement fund directly from one employer to another. Primary Benefit

■■ CONSOLIDATION: You keep all your re-

tirement funds in one location.

4. Do Nothing

What is it? Many employers allow you to keep your retirement fund in place, even after you leave the company. You leave your retirement fund “as is.” Primary Benefit ■■ EASY: You literally do nothing, and you allow your former employer to continue to manage your retirement fund.

Not Sure What to Do Next?

Financial advisers are able to help you think through your options and make sure your choices fit in with your longterm financial goals and strategies. MARK A. VERGENES is

president of MIRUS Financial Partners. He can be reached at

MIRUS Financial Partners, nor Cetera Advisor Networks LLC, give tax or legal advice. Opinions expressed are not intended as investment advice and may not be relied on for the purpose of determining your social security benefits, eligibility, or avoiding any federal tax penalties. All information is believed to be from reliable sources; however, we make no representations as to its completeness or accuracy. All economic and performance information is historical and indicative of future results.


Philadelphia’s Road to APO By Scott Petri


N JANUARY 2018 , I was hired as executive director of the Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA). As with any new position, it takes a little time to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of an organization. Because of external factors and, of course, my own desire to learn more about the industry and the PPA specifically, the decision to seek independent and professional accreditation was not only necessary, but easy.

The idea manifested during a staff meeting during my first month with PPA. An employee mentioned the Authority was considering going through the process of accreditation with the International Parking Institute. After a quick Google search, I knew there would be substantial time commitments required by staff to assemble the necessary documents, a worthy investment considering the value of being successful. I quickly realized that the accreditation process would be the most efficient and thorough manner to identify areas where we met industry standards. More importantly, however, the process would highlight where to concentrate our efforts to improve. Despite the daunting task and short deadline, staff was enthusiastic and eager to fulfill this opportunity.

The Review

It is a sign to the groups we interact with and the customers we serve that we are acting in the best interests of the community and are capable of handling the responsibilities assigned to us. Because of the depth and breadth of the submission process, I believe accreditation is more significant than any audit.

Being excited about opening our agency to a thorough review by an external and independent expert could be the equivalent of looking forward to multiple root canals, without novocaine. Fortunately, the Authority’s review was administered by a thorough and independent reviewer who not only avoided hitting nerve endings, but who also skillfully noted the areas where the Authority was flourishing, while deftly identifying the parts of our operation in need of improvement; all of this happened in a very short time frame. As our staff embarked on the task of compiling the necessary documents, IPI’s accreditation matrix served as the ultimate guide to our success. It enabled us to organize our work product while providing clear guidance on what we needed


to demonstrate. Of course being competitive, our staff was not satisfied with merely obtaining accreditation status; they wanted the coveted accreditation “with distinction.” Fresh off the Philadelphia Eagles’ Super Bowl win, our staff’s can-do attitude was even more prevalent than normal. The task of compiling and organizing the necessary documents required the coordination of all departments within the Authority. Admittedly, this may be as expected with a task as important as accreditation at stake. However, the Philadelphia Parking Authority is a more complex agency than our name would lead you to believe, so a diverse group of departments had to pull together information, and quickly.


With a staff of more than 1,000 employees, the Authority is most commonly known for enforcing Philadelphia’s on-street parking regulations. However, we also administer the City’s Red Light Camera Program, operate all of the Philadelphia International Airport’s parking facilities, provide off-street parking in all corners of Philadelphia through parking garages and neighborhood parking lots, provide highway towing services for the Pennsylvania State Police and the Philadelphia Police Department, auction unclaimed vehicles, and regulate all taxicab, limousine, and transportation network companies (TNCs) in Philadelphia. The Authority operates seven parking garages in Center City Philadelphia, three of which were just rated as premier

facilities by the International Parking Institute. Through these efforts, the Authority’s net revenues are disbursed to various government agencies on an annual basis. Just last year alone, the Authority generated over $262 million in gross revenue, with 40 percent being disbursed to seven governmental entities. That’s almost unheard of from a business profit margin standpoint. My point is this: When an agency has a multitude of regulatory responsibilities and a large staff, the complexity of that agency can bring inefficiencies if not actively managed properly. Therein lies the story behind the diligence, perseverance, and relentless work ethic of the people who work together at the PPA. As an interactive team with a rather monumental task before it, the Authority’s staff plowed ahead and rapidly prepared the necessary accreditation documents for review. This ultimately served as a test of our ability to collaborate. During this time, it became abundantly clear to me that our team is capable of completing the loftiest of challenges. After spending several months compiling the materials for accreditation, there was a collective breath of anticipation as we submitted our application. Now our competitive staff had to play a game they dreaded: the waiting game.


In the days following our submittal, we were informed that not only was the Philadelphia Parking Authority being named an Accredited Parking Organization, but the magic words “with distinction” would accompany it—the ultimate goal of our staff as we embarked on this challenge. As icing on the cake, if you will, we were also informed that three of our parking garages were rated as “premier”.

Upon learning that we were to be bestowed this honor, a sense of pride permeated throughout our headquarters and satellite locations. It was the culmination of an intense group effort to turn this challenge into a success, and I couldn’t be more proud of our staff for not only realizing this accomplishment, but most importantly what it means to be accredited. In essence, it is a sign to the groups we interact with and the customers we serve that we are acting in the best interests of the community and are capable of handling the responsibilities assigned to us. Because of the depth and breadth of the submission process, I believe accreditation is more significant than any audit. Suffice it to say, now that we have a taste of success, our employees are even more eager to compete. We are from Philadelphia—a city where the underdogs aim to prevail in a challenging and exciting environment. It may be too soon to predict a repeat for an Eagles’ Super Bowl win, but we are confident that our successes this year will transcend as we see everyone in Anaheim, Calif., for the June 2019 IPI Conference and Expo. In the meantime, we will proudly display our placard in our lobby and on all our literature: “Philadelphia Parking Authority: Accredited Parking Organization with Distinction.” For more information about Accredited Parking Organization certification, visit SCOTT PETRI is executive director of the Philadelphia

Parking Authority. He can be reached at spetri@philapark. org.




If you could teach a new parking professional one thing about customer service or response, what would it be?

Duke Hanson

Business Development PayLock I would frame the approach to providing good customer service with four guiding principles: give the customer choices, including self-service, when available; always be available, 24/7/365, when possible; be human, not a robot; and be firm but fair.

Vanessa Solesbee Schnipkoweit, CAPP President The Solesbee Group

If you commit to responding to a customer request or inquiry, make sure you follow through! Even if you don’t have an answer (or the “right” answer), the simple act of following up can let your customer know that they are a priority.

Timothy Haahs, PE, AIA

President Timothy Haahs & Associates, Inc. Go the extra mile! Going the extra mile is not doing what is expected, but doing something that is not expected.

Barbara Chance, PhD President CHANCE Management Advisors, Inc.

Dale Carnegie, who knew a lot about customers, used to say, “The chronic kicker, even the most violent critic, will frequently soften and be subdued in the presence of a patient, sympathetic listener.” Start by listening well, even if you are figuring out that you cannot do what the other person really wants— which is often the case in parking.

Roamy Valera, CAPP CEO NewTown Advisors, LLC.

If there is an opportunity to offer a course correction that will benefit the customer, use that opportunity to defuse the conversation. The customer will immediately know you are serious about being helpful.

HAVE A QUESTION? Send it to and watch this space for answers from the experts.

The opinions and thoughts expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinions and viewpoints of the International Parking Institute or official policies of IPI.


How Do You Transform a Tangled Web of Parking Data Terminology into One Cohesive, International Standard?

The new Alliance for Parking Data Standards, founded by the International Parking Institute, the British Parking Association, and the European Parking Association, is developing a global standard for parking data that will allow organizations to share parking data across platforms worldwide. Summary documents are available for download today. Visit our website and subscribe for updates.

Airport By Robert Petersen, CAPP



its Courtesy Patrol program in 2013 to provide assistance to guests parking

at its terminal garages. Members of this team seek out guests who need assistance with jump-

Kni g

starts, tire inflations, and locating vehicles. Service is provided seven days a week, 24 hours a day, and team members are selected based on: ■■ Customer service focus. ■■ Being friendly and outgoing. ■■ Willingness to calm and reassure guests.

By focusing on customer service the team is prepared to meet the demands of interacting with customers who need assistance. During the first year of operation, the team refined the program by providing input on how to operate efficiently and what equipment worked best. They exceeded expectations during this first year and continue to do so. The 48,524 total guests assisted got help with: ■■ 19,594 jump-starts. ■■ 26,120 located vehicles. ■■ 2,810 tire inflations and other services. Happily, the team received 1,523 compliments from guests. That feedback arrives in the form of phone calls, emails, and social media comments and are disseminated to employees through supervisors, the parking guest relations


Courtesy Patrol agent provides jump-start assistance to a customer.


■■ Knowledge of the basic services provided at DFW Airport.


How DFW Airport’s Courtesy Patrol helped customers, eased parking, and grew a giant fan base.


■■ “Our satisfaction is received from the relieved ex-

pressions on their faces and their smiles.” ■■ “It feels good to be able to assist someone.” ■■ “I enjoy coming to work, knowing I will be able to

make someone’s day.” ■■ “Best job in the world.” ■■ “Where else can you work and never receive a

complaint.” ■■ “I feel like I always make a difference in someone’s life.”

Statisfied customers after receiving assistance from our Courtesy Patrol staff.

Parking at the Airport office, or the DFW Airport corporate communications team. Some comments include: ■■ “I was assisted by the nicest employee. … He was very patient and kind. He did not make me feel stupid even though I was already feeling that way.” ■■ “Fast efficient and friendly service.” ■■ “People are often at their most helpless state when traveling, when resources on which we rely are harder to find, and everything seems more expensive and time consuming. … Friendly, professional, complimentary help offered more than a ray of hope. It was our way home …” ■■ “Was so pleasant, easy to work with, and assured me that everything would be OK. … I couldn’t have asked for a more kind man to assist me this afternoon.” ■■ “This is one reason why I will continue to make DFW Airport the choice when it comes to air travel. It is because I know that I can rely on your team … to be there when needed.” ■■ “He actually cared!!!” ■■ “What a life saver!! Thank you for offering such a great service to those using your airport!” ■■ “Agent came to our rescue, even providing ice water for two hot, lost travelers. Great service!” ■■ “I wanted to send a quick ‘thank you’ … Luckily, you all had noticed this and placed a sticker on my car with your contact information. … That was my first ‘thank you’ moment. What a relief to have folks there onsite that can help with issues like this. … I could tell he was truly interested in helping me and not just working for a paycheck.” ■■ “Your courtesy service is very much appreciated …” In addition, members of the team have expressed how they enjoy their jobs:


DFW has more than 40,000 parking spaces throughout five terminal garages and four surface lots. The aiport’s unique design provides customers with a multitude of options of where to park. When customers return to a different terminal from where they originally parked, they can take advantage of our Skylink or Terminal Link transportation to get them back to their original garage. Our team helps provide customer assistance to guests who may not be as familiar with DFW’s parking options as frequent flyers. At times, guests may be in a hurry when they park. Upon their return, they often walk into the garage of the terminal they returned to and realize that something is not right. Not realizing they departed from a different terminal, they begin

their search for their vehicle. The Courtesy Patrol team has developed a sixth sense to find customers who fit this profile and with just a few simple questions, usually has customers on their way to their cars in no time. The team also looks for vehicles with lights left on and tires low on air. When these vehicles are discovered, team members post a note on the driver’s side window to let them know there may be a problem and offer a number to call for assistance. We have received compliments from guests who did not require service but found a notice on their vehicle indicating a light was left on. They tell us it’s comforting to know that people are looking after their vehicles and providing them with notices. The team provides an additional layer of security as they are continually driving through the terminal garages, supplementing the department of public safety’s patrols.

Getting Started

The program runs well and is a big hit with customers, but it didn’t go flawlessly from the start. Some of the challenges encountered when starting this operation were obtaining and maintaining the necessary equipment, developing and redeveloping the reports used to track services, and determining schedules and manpower. Each Courtesy Patrol team member is provided with a jump pack for jump-starts and a tire inflator while driving around the airport. The team partners with our vehicle maintenance department to get great training on the proper ways to jump-start all types of vehicles and what to look for to determine if it is safe to provide a jump-start. Additional challenges included sharing vehicles with the parking guest operations team, which means vehicles were scarce at times. However, this year, the airport has approved five dedicated vehicles for the Courtesy Patrol team. These white cars have become known as the White Knights, as they are always coming to customers’ rescue. These dedicated vehicles have made a huge difference, and thanks to having them, the team is able to concentrate more on assisting guests rather than hunting for cars to use. The airport understands the value of providing an outstanding experience for our customers and has recognized the team’s efforts. Team members take great pride in the vehicles they drive and strive to keep them clean and ready for our guests. At the end of their shifts,

they fuel and wash the vehicles and vacuum the inside. This Courtesy Patrol service is provided free to customers and operates without advertising. Employees on the curb and at the valet kiosks have access to the Courtesy Patrol team if a guest asks for assistance. During the four years this program has been in existence, customers have shared the information through word of mouth and social media. The Courtesy Patrol program at DFW Airport has been a large success. Our team drives an average of 161,175 miles per year, equivalent to nearly seven trips around the world, or approximately 67 round trips between IPI headquarters and DFW Airport. When it comes to enhancing the customer experience, this program has far exceeded the expectations of the operation and the customer. The future is bright for continued growth of the program, and we are very excited to exceed our guests’ expectations day after day through this valuable program. ROBERT PETERSEN, CAPP, is assistant

manager, parking guest operations, at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport. He can be reached at

Courtesy Patrol agent providing tire inflation services to a customer.


Big Boostfrom Technology


Thanks to new advances, parking is improving airports’ bottom lines, in the garage and the terminal. By Bill Smith, APR




second only to gate fees and at a large airport can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars a day. It’s no wonder then that airports are always looking for new ways to compete more effectively with independently owned, offsite value lots. “Airports are competing for business like never before and airport administrators are finding that parking can be a competitive differentiator,” says Dan Kupferman, CAPP, director of car park management systems for Walker Consultants. “Owners are often surprised at how much better the parking experience can be thanks to technology. It’s not just a matter of getting cars in and getting cars out anymore; technological tools such as parking guidance systems, reservation applications, and license plate recognition, to name a few, actually create customer loyalty, which can have a significant impact on the bottom line.” Parking fees aren’t the only way parking can help airports enhance revenues, though. A host of new technologies has been introduced in recent years that, in addition to making the parking experience more convenient (and thus making on-­airport parking facilities more attractive to travelers), also help travelers park more quickly. When they are able to get out of their vehicles and into the terminal more quickly, they have more time to spend money on food, gifts, books, and other things, boosting revenue again. It presents a true win-win situation. Travelers have more time to make their connections, and in that time they are more likely to be spending money in the terminal. And parking technology makes it happen.

Customer Service


Airports have always looked to parking technology to improve the parking experience. From the introduction of pay-on-foot, which was designed to eliminate—or at least dramatically reduce— queuing at exits, airport executives have turned to parking technology to make parking easier and more convenient. Of course, the more convenient the parking is the more attractive it is to travelers who must choose between onsite parking facilities and budget lots located offsite. According to Adam Gubser, parking manager at San Francisco International Airport in California,

parker convenience has always been at the heart of the airport’s parking program. “We serve 52 million flyers a year, and we are always looking for ways to make the parking experience better,” Gubser says. “We have a parking guidance system to help travelers find open parking spaces, and we also offer valet, car wash, and even laundry services. These are all amenities designed to promote customer satisfaction.” San Francisco International Airport is in the midst of a $6.5 billion capital improvement program that includes the development of a new garage. Gubser says that capital program provides the perfect opportunity to introduce new parking technologies. “This is the golden moment for tech integration,” Gubser says. “We are tailoring our services and the technologies that provide those services to meet the needs of our customers and ease the difficulties that can happen with travel.” Kupferman agrees that technology is a key to success in today’s airport parking environment. “Technology has made parking more efficient, more precise, and easier to operate,” he says. “And it’s also making parking more profitable because it allows airports to maximize their parking resources.” Parking access and revenue control systems (PARCS) have long been cornerstone of airport parking systems. Today’s PARCS equipment can accept cash, credit cards, loyalty program IDs, and many other types of credentials. PARCS is also the key to of one of the most exciting new trends in parking: frictionless parking. Frictionless parking permits drivers to park without interacting with traditional payment systems. It revolves around a suite of technologies built on top of a parking access control system, such as license plate recognition (LPR), barcode readers, and reservation software, that make parking seamless and interactive by


Twenty percent of Montréal-Trudeau Airport’s parking transactions—1.4 million transactions a year—are done through pre-booking.

Sensors and other equipment make parking at San Diego International Airport easier.

removing the need to stop at gates to enter or stop at exits to pay. Parkers just drive in and out as they wish, and the system recognizes the vehicle, associates it with a previously generated credential, and bills the driver or credits it to a permit, often through a smartphone. “Modern PARCS equipment offers simple and seamless entry and exiting to and from airport parking facilities,” says Michael Flanagan, vice president of SKIDATA USA. “Frictionless parking, in particular, offers travelers an effortless and incredibly quick and convenient parking experience.” According to Flanagan, the convenience offered by modern PARCS equipment can offer on-airport facilities a competitive edge over less costly satellite lots. And for travelers who already choose airport parking over satellite lots, frictionless parking can help migrate parkers from a transactional and anonymous relationship to a pre-registered customer relationship. In essence, the registration around which frictionless parking is built fosters a connection between the traveler and the airport’s parking facilities and helps to promote repeat parking business from that traveler.


“Travel can be a hassle, and airports are constantly on the lookout to find ways to make travel more convenient,” says Flanagan. “Modern PARCS equipment can go a long way toward taking the hassle out of parking at the airport.” According to Dale Fowler, president of INDECT USA, when it comes to improving the bottom line, maximizing parking resources is key. He points out that as parking spaces fill up in large parking facilities it becomes more difficult to find the few remaining spaces. It’s not uncommon for drivers, particularly drivers who are in a hurry, to give up and look elsewhere for parking. “Traditionally, airport garages have been considered functionally full at 85 percent,” he says. “When you can fill that remaining 15 percent by guiding travelers directly to available spaces, you are creating tens of thousands of dollars in additional revenues every day. “Travelers have a pent-up desire to park onsite,” continues Fowler, “but one bad experience will have them looking to satellite lots or ride-sharing next time they go to the airport. That’s why the convenience offered by technology is so important.” Another important technology for improving the airport parking experience is pre-booking, or reservations. According to Ferdinando Colavita, chief, product development for Montréal-Trudeau Airport’s Commercial, Parking and Ground Transportation Department in Canada, pre-booking is becoming increasingly important. According to Colavita, 20 percent of Montréal-Trudeau Airport’s parking transactions—1.4 million transactions a year—are done through pre-booking. That’s up from just 12 percent in the past few years. To encourage travelers to reserve parking

in advance the airport offers larger parking discounts the longer in advance parking is booked. As the date of travel gets closer, the discounts decrease. By encouraging pre-booking in this fashion, the airport is better able to predict what parking demand will look like for a given period in the future. “If you can get people into their garage or parking lot in the easiest and fastest way, they are less stressed and enjoy the airport experience much more,” Colavita says. “By reserving and paying for parking in advance, and being able to get a better price for doing so, we can increase satisfaction with the entire process.” And of course, satisfied parkers are more likely to park onsite during future trips.

information can be used to send them special offers, discounts, and validation offers in real time while they are in the terminal. Airports have a captive audience while travelers are waiting for their flights, and they should take every advantage to market to them. “The information can also be used to upsell additional services,” Prati says. “For instance, airports can market automobile detailing, which can be done while the parker is traveling. Who wouldn’t like to come back to a sparkling clean car after a long trip? I even know of one airport that markets bouquets of flowers to returning travelers.”

Benefits in the Terminal

The benefits provided by technology extend beyond the garage into the terminal itself. In fact, some of the most important benefits aren’t obvious, but they carry enormous financial implications. “Airport terminals are like little shopping malls,” Fowler says. “The quicker you can get people into terminals, the more time they have to shop in the terminal stores or eat in the restaurants, and that’s great for the airport’s bottom line.” Parking technology helps promote this type of business in two ways. First, by helping travelers find parking close to their terminals quickly and conveniently, frictionless parking, parking guidance, and pre-booking suites and platforms create a more relaxed experience for travelers, while giving them much more time to spend money in the terminal. At the same time, by maximizing the airport’s parking resources and making them more attractive compared to satellite lots, these technologies create a larger pool of customers with more time to spend shopping and dining. Parking pre-booking platforms can help get travelers into the terminal more quickly, but they also provide an added hidden benefit. When travelers book and pay for a space, they are typically asked to also input information about their trip, such as when they are arriving at the airport, what airline they are flying, and which flight they’ll be on. This information can then be used to send highly targeted discounts and service offerings directly to the smart phones and other devices of travelers.” “It’s a very powerful way to collect customer data,” says Stephen Prati of Chauntry Ltd. “The platform really tells you everything you need to know about the airport’s customers and their plans, and that


Colavita agrees that having access to this information in invaluable. “We are regularly updated on the parking plans and habits of our travelers by the pre-booking platform, and that allows us to better understand our customers, their needs, and their habits.” Colavita and Gubser are sold on the benefits of parking technology, both to travelers and to airports themselves. “The bottom line is that if you get them to their parking lot or garage in the easiest and fastest way, travelers are less stressed and more keen to be spending time in the terminal,” Colavita says.

PARCS equipment in use at Orlando International Airport.

BILL SMITH, APR, is principal of Smith-Phillips

Strategic Communications and contributing editor of The Parking Professional. He can be reached at or 603.491.4280.



PI COMMITTEES ARE THE BACKBONE OF THE ASSOCIATION, working on specific projects and themes to advance both the association and the industry as a whole. Committee members are dedicated and work many volunteer hours on behalf of IPI members; projects are as diverse as awards programs and professional development offerings to sustainability and adaptive reuse. What exactly do committees do? We’re glad you asked! Here’s our latest roundup of projects, initiatives, and programs being championed by IPI’s many volunteers.

■■ CHAIR: Tope Longe

■■ STAFF LIAISON: Stephanie Santoro, project manager,

International Parking Institute The Awards of Excellence Committee evaluates and judges awards program submissions in seven categories. Presented by Committee Chair Tope Longe and longstanding committee member Anderson Moore, plaques were presented to winners in each category during the awards ceremony at the 2018 IPI Conference & Expo in Orlando, Fla. Also during the event, the committee had a productive meeting at the Business over Breakfast event. They refined process, discussed

timelines, and left energized for the upcoming open call for submissions starting Sept. 12, 2018. Committee members expect to discover more amazing submissions and look forward to seeing what kinds of submissions the industry has in store for us.

Education Development Committee ■■ CO-CHAIRS: Josh Cantor and Tom Wunk, CAPP

■■ STAFF LIAISON: Kathleen Federici, MEd, director,

professional development, International Parking Institute The Education Development Committee (EDC) has created a state and regional task force along with four


Awards of Excellence Committee

Advancing the Industry,


one-hour training modules to submit for state and regional association call for presentations. The committee has completed routine maintenance on courses, such as reviewing and updating the introduction to parking. An off-street parking course has been created that will go to the EDC for final script review and then to audio. The EDC is creating micro-learning video segments for the Moving Forward professional development newsletter. The committee as a whole is tackling the concept of micro-learning to meet USGBC requirements for Parksmart education. Each subject matter expert is creating 15 minutes of advanced content that will be packaged as four modules to make three one-hour courses to meet GBCI requirements throughout the year.

Membership & Community Building Committee

■■ CO-CHAIRS: Mark Lyons, CAPP, and Lynne Lancaster ■■ STAFF LIAISON: Helen Sullivan, APR, Fellow PRSA,

communications counsel, International Parking Institute The committee debuted a new 12-page IPI member brochure, “Insider’s Guide to the Programs,

Resources, and Benefits of the International Parking Institute.” The brochure is designed to serve as a new member recruitment tool, as a welcome kit for new members, and as a reminder to current members of all the programs and activities that IPI is engaged in that benefit members. The brochure provides information about IPI programs divided into four categories: vision and leadership, professional recognition and training, community and recognition, and publications and resource. In addition to being part of the successful launch of Forum, IPI’s online community, committee members served as IPI ambassadors at the IPI Conference & Expo during the First Timers Orientation as well as the Expo Hall IPI Community Center booth, and continue to welcome new members with personal outreach.

Parking Matters® Committee

■■ CO-CHAIRS: Mike Estey and Vanessa Solesbee

Schnipkoweit, CAPP ■■ STAFF LIAISON: Helen Sullivan, APR, Fellow PRSA, communications counsel, International Parking Institute The 2018 Emerging Trends in Parking Survey Report

Advancing IPI

Committees continue to get the job done.


Professional Recognition Committee

■■ CO-CHAIRS: Maria Irshad, CAPP, and Allen Corry, CAPP ■■ STAFF LIAISON: Stephanie Santoro, project manager—

International Parking Institute The Professional Recognition Committee wrapped up a successful awards evaluation process and awards ceremony for the winners of all five recognition categories for 2018. At IPI’s 2018 Conference & Expo in Orlando this June, the committee met at the Business over Breakfast to review the committee’s past and upcoming business and recognized all winners at the awards ceremony on Wednesday, June 6, at a well-attended awards general session.

Parking Research Committee

■■ CO-CHAIRS: Bridgette Brady, CAPP, and Brett Wood,


vice president, International Parking Institute The Parking Research committee offers a deeper dive into trends and topics that affect the parking, transportation, and mobility industry. Committee members offer short presentations/information sessions on topics of interest; to date, these presentations have included 5G and the impact on parking, automated parking and efficiency standards for parking garages, and electric vehicle charging stations with a focus on policy and operations. The committee recently completed an interview-style article for The Parking Professional


magazine focused on parking and mobility. Up next, the committee will release the next Parking Data Analytics survey this fall; this edition will add a supplier component and focus on additional key performance indicators (KPIs).

Parking Technology Committee

■■ CO-CHAIRS: Mike Drow, CAPP, and Blake Laufer, CAPP ■■ STAFF LIAISON: Rachel Yoka, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C,

vice president, International Parking Institute The Parking Technology Committee is currently travelling the country offering the eighth in the series of presentations called “Parking Guidance & the Journey.” The presentation has been extremely well-­received throughout the state and regional associations (SRAs) and allows committee members to represent IPI and offer national-level content in a variety of settings. IPI hosted the presentation as a national webinar as well as at the 2018 IPI Conference & Expo. The content of the presentation is also shared through an annual article in The Parking Professional magazine. The committee is focused on generating additional blog content to keep innovation and technology frontand-center for our members. The committee provided critical feedback on IPI-DataEx (now the Alliance for Parking Data Standards) and will continue to do so. On the horizon, the committee is developing a new presentation for the 2019 season.

Planning, Design, & Construction (PDC) Committee

■■ CO-CHAIRS: Mark Santos, PE, and John Bushman, PE ■■ STAFF LIAISON: Rachel Yoka, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C,

vice president, International Parking Institute IPI recently reshaped the committee to include representatives of the public and academic sectors as well as commercial operations. The PDC presented to a packed room at the 2018 IPI Conference & Expo; this year’s topic was “Hindsight Is Always 20/20: Learning from the Past and Making a Better Future.” It will be followed by a summary article in The Parking Professional magazine to capture the insights and information offered by the panelists. The committee is focused on generating additional blog content to educate members and raise awareness of issues discussed by committee members. In addition, the committee provides valuable feedback on Parksmart and the Accredited Parking Organization programs. On the horizon, the committee is developing a new at-a-glance piece for the resource center on shared parking.


was published and distributed at the IPI Conference & Expo and is now downloadable on the IPI website. The publication of the trends is generating positive media coverage for the parking industry, including articles in Government Technology’s FutureStructure, Facility Executive, Informed Infrastructure, Cities in London, Airport Business, Aviation Pros, and Mass Transit Magazine among others. The Parking Matters® “road show” presentation to help planners understand the importance of parking expertise is making its debut at PIPTA in July, with co-chairs Vanessa Solesbee Schnipkoweit, CAPP, and Mike Estey presenting. The website of IPI’s Accessible Parking Coalition launched in early June and resources continue to be added weekly. will serve as a national resource center on accessible parking and disabled placard abuse. In conjunction with the web launch, a GameChanger panel, a ShopTalk, and remarks by U.S. Access Board Executive Director David Capozzi were all featured at the IPI Conference & Expo.

Safety & Security Committee

■■ CO-CHAIRS: Robert Milner, CAPP, and Victor Hill,

CAPP, MPA ■■ STAFF LIAISON: Stephanie Santoro, project manager,

International Parking Institute The Safety & Security Committee and its working groups, Frontline Participation, Operational Challenges, and Safety for Parking Enforcement Officers, are creating learning and support material for the safety and security of the parking, transportation, and mobility industry. These materials and products will demonstrate expert resources and a thorough vetting by the committee as a whole. The committee’s intention is to finalize and publish a select few of these projects before year’s end but expect that some will grow out of the new year. The committee’s energizing discussion at IPI’s 2018 Conference & Expo produced some great new concepts in addition to new ideas for evolving existing ones.

State and Regional Association (SRA) Committee ■■ CHAIR: Rob Maroney, CAPP


vice president, International Parking Institute The SRA Committee is comprised of volunteers from SRA boards and volunteers who serve in a liaison roll. As such, the goal of this committee is to support and encourage communication among IPI and all the SRAs. Monthly, the committee conducts round-the-room updates to share successes, best practices, and challenges, fostering discussion designed to elevate each organization. Recently, the committee focused on using the Forum and social media channels to mutually support SRA events and happenings. The committee completed the SRA Benchmarking Survey, which provided insight

and best practices into what’s happening nationally and how SRAs are providing benefits to their members and the community at large. The committee provides monthly SRA Spotlight columns in The Parking Professional magazine, highlighting each of the SRAs in turn. On the horizon for the fall, the committee is planning the next in the series of TMEs (Thirty Minutes of Education). These quick-hitting, educational sessions provide best practices and useful information on topics of interest to the SRAs, including marketing membership, designing sponsorships, and developing content and branding.

Sustainability Committee

■■ CO-CHAIRS: Brian Shaw, CAPP, and Josh Naramore ■■ LIAISON: Rachel Yoka, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C, vice

president, International Parking Institute The Sustainability Committee engages in a number of continuous projects that include Parksmart education and outreach and generating new content to educate members through a variety of media. The committee discusses Parksmart and initiatives related to Parksmart and LEED, including the new synergies between the certification systems. The committee writes the monthly Green Standard column in The Parking Professional magazine and provides an annual, week-long blog series around Earth Day. They review and approve all Green Star Exhibitor submissions for the annual IPI Conference & Expo. Currently, the committee is planning for the December issue of the magazine, which is traditionally the “green” issue focused on sustainability across the industry. This year, the committee is developing articles for that issue on planning for adaptive reuse, the ROI of Parksmart, and TDM, which will also be adapted as an ata-glance handout for the resource center.


INNOVATION o Industry suppliers and consultants share technology, products, services, and expertise at the 2018 IPI Expo in Orlando, Fla. There’s no industry showcase like the massive IPI Expo, and this year was no exception, with anything and everything related to parking, transportation, and mobility on display. Aisles were packed as attendees flooded the floor to see, touch, try, and learn about products and services, leaving with full heads and sometimes arms. Here’s a healthy sampling of what attendees found at this year’s Expo, provided by our exhibitors. Happy shopping, and see you next year in Anaheim, Calif., June 9–12!

on Display Amano McGann Showcases In-Demand Features

To keep up with the demands of the modern parking patron and to meet the dynamic needs of operators, Amano McGann showcased Pay-on-Entry (POE) functionality and their revolutionary Symphony Analytics™ software. POE allows patrons to pay for parking upon entry to the facility; the ticket is later read at the OPUS Exit Terminal for quick egress. This function provides flexibility in a variety of parking applications and is especially in demand for special events and longer-stay situations such as cruises. Symphony Analytics delivers dynamic insight into parking operations from any device, anywhere, anytime. This cloud-based platform provides operators with multi-tenancy portfolio management, intuitive executive dashboards, and quick visuals of facility performance that help operators make effective and informed decisions from current and historical revenue and occupancy data. As the only parking manufacturer that is a Microsoft CityNext Partner, Amano McGann proved, once again, that they are the smart choice.

AVPM® Displays PARCS Solutions

AVPM® proudly showcased their PARCS solutions at the 2018 IPI Expo, featuring cutting-edge technology providing a system that is proactive versus reactive when identifying operational issues. With highly durable, top-of-the-line equipment, AVPM® PARCS gives the operator the power to monitor all their parking facilities and improve security. AVPM’s PARCS solutions will speed up the entry and exit process with the use of access control units featuring Proxy Card and MIFARE readers, touch-free AVI readers, license plate recognition cameras, EMV credit card exit stations, PCI PA-DSS pay stations, hotel room-key integration as well as Digital Key integration and Bluetooth integration. The benefit of using such state-of-the-art technology results in superior customer service and long-lasting, loyal relationships with customers.


Cardinal Tracking Celebrates

Automotus Is Officially Unveiled

It was great to announce Automotus to the world of parking professionals at IPI. For those of you who didn’t get a chance to meet the Automotus team and learn about their technology, check out how Automotus video analysis software is helping communities with and without camera systems manage their parking more efficiently—

Cardinal Tracking celebrated many of their successful partnerships and endeavors at the 2018 IPI Conference & Expo. These partnerships have allowed their clients to build a parking management solution based on their unique needs. Cardinal has extended its LPR integration with Genetec while also extending their solution to introduce LPR functionality in their mobile application. This functionality allows improved data sharing between officers utilizing TickeTrak Mobile in the field and the TickeTrak desktop application. Additional improvements to their TickeTrak solution include enhanced shared timed parking, extended scheduling of routine tasks, as well as the all-new, easy-to-customize web portals. The enhanced web portals will allow their clients to be more in control of their brand when it comes to accepting payments, requesting permits, and appealing tickets. Cardinal isn’t done yet. The roadmap for the second half of 2018 includes a long list of additional enhancements and integrations.

Cellopark Presents Innovative Solutions Ballparc Unveils New Features and Options

Ballparc unveiled several new additions to their suite of cloud-based parking management solutions, including new software functionality and hardware options. Ballparc Event, the mobile point-of-sale solution, now allows operations to accept EMV chip and Apple Pay in addition to credit cards, tracked cash, and prepaid validations. The new payment options are accompanied by two new choices for terminal equipment: the sleek Linea Pro for mag stripe transactions, and the Castles MP200 for operations requiring EMV capability. New high-quality printers join the Ballparc lineup as well, offering operations the choice between 2” or 3” Zebra units. Ballparc’s citation management platform, Enforcement, has also enjoyed innovative new feature upgrades, including real-time officer location tracking and the ability to verify patrol efforts with geofenced check-ins. These new upgrades reflect Ballparc’s ongoing commitment to providing parking professionals with the tools they need to run profitable, customer-centric operations.


Cellopark was proud to present our innovative solutions for a second year running, this time along with our Houston-based U.S. Licensee, Cellopark USA. This year we showcased our offstreet parking solution, the Cellopark Digital Parking Lot. The digital parking lot was created to provide a cost-­ effective solution for parking operators, specifically small- to medium-sized parking lots and university campuses, which dramatically increases revenue with almost zero maintenance and operational costs. In addition, the solution presents an easyto-use advanced payment system, allowing drivers to enter the parking lot, find parking, pay and exit using a cellphone only, without needing to stop at the payment machine. For those users who prefer not to use the LPR-based service, Cellopark provides modern payment machines and an online pay-by-plate payment system. ​Cellopark Technologies has been providing advanced parking services to municipalities and parking lots since 2004 and is operational in over 250 locations worldwide.

Cleverciti Shows First 3D Outdoor Digital Parking Display

Circ360™ is an omnidirectional floating LED sign that displays live parking information in 360 degrees. Quickly mounted on existing lampposts of any size, multiple displays are easily located directly above parking spaces making them ideal for a range of dynamic on-street and open-air digital signage applications. These include local parking availability, advertising, smart city data, security notifications and more. The Circ360™ is the latest addition to the Cleverciti Systems smart parking platform now in daily operation in 19 countries. Cleverciti Systems helps reduce traffic congestion and emissions, while dramatically improving the parking experience for consumers. It also helps grow revenues for cities, property owners, and operators. Cleverciti Systems has developed a world-class, end-to-end solution for parking detection, guidance, and monitoring for on-street and outdoor parking. The company is headquartered in Munich, Germany, with U.S. offices in Chicago, Ill.

Commend Offers Wall Housing

The Commend Blue Compact Security Wall Housing is designed to house Commend’s tamper/weather/vandal resistant WS security intercoms in either interior or exterior locations. Both the size and high-visibility colors provide an extremely visible and aesthetic security site for people in duress. The strobe supports 13 flashing modes (including stay steady). The housing is constructed of brushed stainless steel, which is powder coated in standard gray (RAL 9007). This provides a reliable and attractive housing for the Commend WS vandal resistant security intercom.

FAAC Showcases Latest Innovations

FAAC International (dba FAAC and Magnetic AutoControl) returned to IPI in Orlando this year to showcase our latest innovations in vehicle and pedestrian management. The most talked-about product we debuted was the Laser Scanner for vehicle barriers. The laser scanner optically identifies vehicles and persons, ensuring maximum detection. This accessory can be used as an alternative to loops and is also ideal in situations where installing induction loops is difficult or cost-prohibitive. FAAC International introduced this product in their IPI booth by creating a detection area in front of a barrier and encouraging people to step in to it. In this demonstration, we showed the barrier would not close when there was an obstruction within the field. The laser scanner is expected to be available in Q4 2018 and is an exciting new accessory for the MHTMTM MicroDrive barriers.



FlexPost Showcases FlexPost-XL

At FlexPost, we manufacture heavy-duty, yet flexible, sign posts and bollards. Our ADA-compliant products remain flexible upon impact and limit damage done to parking lots and automobiles when they are struck. Our products take no more than 30 minutes to install! FlexPost had the opportunity to showcase the FlexPost-XL for the second year in a row at the IPI Conference! The FlexPost-XL is the most durable, heavy-duty, and flexible sign post in the world. We showed IPI members and show attendees how they can save thousands of dollars annually in parking lot repair and maintenance costs. The FlexPost-XL also has a limited lifetime warranty on the base unit. Learn more at or email us at!

FLOWBIRD Showcases Fusion of Parkeon and Cale

Parkeon and Cale America attended their first IPI Expo as the merged group, FLOWBIRD: URBAN INTELLIGENCE. The two companies officially joined together in January 2018, marking a new stage in development to create the world’s No. 1 parking solutions provider. Together, Flowbird invests $20M each year toward innovation and supports over 5,000 customers worldwide. The company brought its combined successes to the show floor, displaying the latest innovations from both Parkeon and Cale lines, including touch-screen multi-use kiosks, mobile payment apps, and parking validation solutions. Flowbird took homage to the new company’s name by hosting a virtual-reality interactive bird flying experience. While the VR offered interactive entertainment, the ride was a true reflection of what the company symbolizes—making individual movements simpler, safer, and faster, while collectively maximizing efficiency and harmonizing traffic flows.

Get My Parking

Get My Parking is a leading smart parking startup based in India. Ushering in an era of Intelligent Transportation, the company automates the end-to-end parking value chain and enables stakeholders at each level to actualize connected and data-driven mobility. Currently, it has a presence in over 15 countries and has processed 35m+ transactions since its inception. 
 We offer smart parking solutions to parking lot operators, citizens, enforcement authorities, and city administrations. The company’s offerings are based on the belief that seamless citywide smart parking requires a common platform that knits together all components and serves every stakeholder requirement. GMP’s multi-service platform integrates parking hardware (POS, sensors, parking equipment, EV charging points) with its APIs to offer parking insights and analytics to operators and city administrations. The modular platform offers white label interfaces such as mobile apps, admin dashboards, and voice assistants, digitizing parking across consumer touch points.



greenscreen Offers Potential

Parking structure design places an emphasis on the integration of functional, efficient, attractive, and cost-­ effective solutions. The benefits of three-­dimensional, welded steel wire construction are evident in the capabilities of greenscreen® trellis panels. With appropriate plant material, the greenscreen® system offers the potential of both ecosystem services available from a green facade and unique aesthetic benefits to a building, its landscape environment, and its users. greenscreen® recognizes and supports the potential of Parksmart as a sustainable construction and management benchmark. The incorporation of green facades onto parking structures have proven to be successful using our adaptable panels that can contribute to solving multiple sustainable program requirements, such as improving energy efficiency, reducing urban heat island effects, increasing outdoor water use efficiency, and restoring native vegetation to constructed sites. For more information please give us a call at 800.450.3494 or visit our website at

Bicycle License Plate Recognition

gtechna Shows Off Bicycle License Plate Recognition

Your Innovative, Ultra-Mobile, Cost-effective License Plate Recognition Solution. Smart Parking Solutions to Support Your Smart City Vision. The Smart City has been defined in many ways but ultimately, the goal should be to deliver the best possible services to citizens. And one way this can be achieved is by improving operations through technology. Whether business intelligence dashboards, plate-based artificial intelligence algorithms to eliminate errors, real-time data-sharing to enforce scofflaws and suspect vehicles, operational improvements using LPR to support Ticket-by-Mail, or our latest innovation, Bicycle License Plate recognition, gtechna provides you with concrete solutions on how smart parking can support your smart city vision. Learn more about Bicycle LPR or any of our other smart parking solutions at The Future is #ParkingSmart.

Heartland and ParkHub Announce Partnership

greenscreen creates a framework for vines to flourish

Project: The Worldmark Archtiect: Ankrom Moisan Landscape Architect: LRM Landscape Architecture

For more than 20 years, Heartland has been providing the parking industry with world-class payment technology and unparalleled support by serving cities and local governments, universities, event arenas, retail, airports, and beyond. Heartland has found an exciting partnership opportunity with ParkHub, a company that helps parking operations boost revenue, cut costs, and wow guests with fast, reliable, and easy-to-use technology. As leaders in the payment processing and parking technology industries, respectively, Heartland and ParkHub will continue to provide merchants with the best-in-class solutions, customer service, and enterprise-grade software and hardware that help parking operations run as smoothly as possible. Heartland’s solutions integrate with over 100 parking pointof-sale certifications, and their expertise in the daily nuances that parking businesses experience, paired with ParkHub’s integrated technology, allows them to better serve over 2.5 million merchants worldwide. THE PARKING PROFESSIONAL | AUGUST 2018 | PARKING.ORG/TPP  37


HUB Offers Ways to Future-Proof Your Business

With the ever-changing needs of parking management and evolving technologies, HUB showcased its mobile, smart solutions at the IPI Conference & Expo. Operators looking for mobile solutions allowing access to valuable business data anywhere and anytime learned about our web-based and cloud-ready Janus Management System (JMS), accessible via web browser and mobile app for the ultimate in flexibility and availability. JMS also offers a smart solution for local merchants and/ or parking operators to reward their customers’ purchases with the JMS Merchant App. This very intuitive solution turns your smartphone or tablet into a powerful validation unit, simplifying operations. End users expect a smooth and quick parking experience. The HUB team showed the ease of navigating the urban jungle with the JunglePass app, offering search, navigation, pre-booking, digital visitor and monthly access, and payment with Bluetooth technology. With HUB Parking Technology, parking has never been so easy!

Indect Focuses on Solutions

Indect USA has been manufacturing the world’s most advanced parking guidance systems for nearly two decades. The company, started by parking industry professionals, develops technology to speed up the parking process, improve parking safety, and maximize parking garage occupancy. “We are strictly focused on developing solutions to enhance the customer parking experience,” stated Dale Fowler, president of Indect USA. “We do that by delivering a wide range of best-inclass parking guidance technology that can either be tailor-fit to the garage owner’s existing parking administration system or designed into a new parking structure,” added Fowler. Indect USA specializes in the design, development, and installation of the industry’s highest-rated single-space parking sensors (red, green, blue, etc.), camera-based multi-function sensors, and wayfinding signage. Its ip65+ rated products are also software driven to ensure better than 99 percent real-time reporting accuracy.


Infotraffic Offers Innovative Solutions

Have you ever wanted to easily change rates for events, holidays or simply during the day to boost occupancy? Infotraffic’s innovative price management solution allows for automated programming of rates to maximize revenue and drive business at your parking facility. Our software allows you to access and modify price grids through your current PARCS equipment and remotely via smartphone. Alternate between daily rates, special event rates and customized messaging to offer your customers an enhanced parking experience. Infotraffic has equipped over 40 parking facilities in Europe with 200 indoor and outdoor digital displays and has started its expansion in North America with projects in Boston, Montreal and Ottawa. Pioneering the trend in parking digitalization, Infotraffic is at the forefront of the dynamic pricing revolution. Pictured is an outdoor model of Infotraffic’s Parking Solution, installed at 588 Commercial Street in Boston for LAZ Parking.

Innoplast Talks about Bollard Covers and How to Personalize Them

Innoplast talked about personalizing your bollard covers at IPI this year. Bollardgard bollard covers alone are a great way to personalize your parking garage. They are available in 13 stock colors so you can coordinate them with your corporate colors. And if those 13 colors are not what you are looking for, color matching to your specific Pantone number is available with a minimum order. Of course, don’t forget to add your company logo, messaging, or fabric wrap cover to help you stand out and get noticed. The fabric wrap covers are great for holidays, temporary messaging or announcing limited time offers. They easily slide over the top of your bollard cover to quickly get your message out and can easily be removed and put away for next year! Contact us at 800-516-9287 if you are looking for a variety of bollard covers and different ways to personalize them!

Kimley-Horn Makes a Splash

Kimley-Horn team members attended this year’s IPI Conference and Expo with representation as speakers, moderators, exhibitors, and contributors of IPI’s new book, A Guide to Parking. As a multi-disciplinary planning and design consulting firm with more than 80 offices across the country, Kimley-Horn attendees shared about our parking services including strategic planning and management, design and construction, technologies, and maintenance and restoration.

IPS Group Offers a Glimpse into the Future of Smart Parking

IPS Group unveiled its Innovation Studio at the 2018 IPI Conference & Expo, an interactive experience that demonstrates the power of the IPS Fully-Integrated Parking Management Suite and explores how the future integration of IoT solutions such as augmented reality can optimize parking operations. Also on display at this year’s show were interactive demos of enhanced modules to the robust Enforcement Management and Permit Management Solutions. The latest modules provide fully customizable parking citation, permit, code enforcement, and event management capabilities. The IPS Permit Management Solution can be implemented as a stand-alone solution or seamlessly integrated with other elements of the IPS Ecosystem, making the system truly scalable to each customer’s needs. The IPS booth garnered the IPI People’s Choice Award for the second year in a row for its uniqueness, creativity, and effectiveness in marketing.

LAZ Connects 24/7

Today, customers expect to be connected 24/7, but the parking industry has struggled to make that happen. At LAZ we’re ahead of the game, with the tools to help clients in this new era. This year at IPI three of our experts led a Learning Lab discussing how our Business Intelligence, Customer Care and Bouncer services help connect customers to parking. Our proprietary Bouncer service lets us sell our clients’ spaces online, everywhere customers look for parking. We connect locations to parking aggregators, ticket sellers, navigation apps and the connected car and manage pricing and inventory for all sellers in one place! The LAZ 24/7/365 US-based Customer Care Center provides exceptional customer support and reduced operating expenses – the best of both worlds. LAZ BI collects all that data and transforms it into actionable business insights, providing dynamic data visualization for advanced analytics and revenue management. THE PARKING PROFESSIONAL | AUGUST 2018 | PARKING.ORG/TPP  39


LocoMobi Demonstrates LPR Systems

This year at the IPI Conference LocoMobi impressed attendees and exhibitors alike by demonstrating their newly enhanced ­License Plate Recognition (LPR) system through artificial intelligent algorithms. Not only does it boast a 99 percent read-rate of all license plates, it also captures the make, model, and color (DNA) of the vehicle, essentially making the vehicle the foundation of any transaction. LocoMobi also debued several products, including the EyeMobile camera, a mobile LPR solution which boasts a 99.99 percent read rate for enforcement on-the-go; the Mobile Fee Computer (MFC), a handheld payment device for processing payments in lane or on the lot; and MoveBe, their new marketing application for merchants. Through the use of an open API platform LocoMobi provides any client or competitor the ability to integrate by allowing them to continue to build and grow their solutions. Smart cities can now effectively be built across North America through LocoMobi’s simple Cloud solutions.

MacKay Meters Provides New Powerful Analytics

MacKay Meters proudly introduced a new parking analytics tool at the 2018 IPI Conference in Orlando called mkAnalytics™. The application supports both single and multispace parking meters and provides a more visual representation of the data. mkAnalyticsTM is a robust new report builder that allows the user to design their own graphic reports. The report builder is browser based, easy to use, and comes loaded with several prebuilt reports. The report builder allows the user to display the data in charts, pie graphs, line graphs, or in raw tabular format. Some of the prebuilt line and pie graph reports include: ■ Alert History ■ Average Transaction Value ■ Daily Revenue ■ Revenue by Payment Type ■ and many more… On the Expo floor, MacKay demonstrated the use of the MacKay Tango™ pay station and the mkBeacon™ single and dual space smart meters with the data displayed in mkAnalytics™.

Meadow Burke Delivers Quick and Cost-Effective Solutions

2018 marks Meadow Burke’s first year as an exhibitor at the IPI Conference held in Orlando, Florida. As the leading provider of concrete connections and accessories used in the construction of Precast or Cast-in-Place parking structures, Meadow Burke showcased two products that significantly reduce time and labor costs on parking garage projects. The Burke Lockable Dowel is designed for use instead of pour strips and provides immediate high shear transfer while allowing temporary movement across the construction joint. The Double Shear Dowel offers significant advantages over conventional structural movement methods by eliminating the need for cast-in-place concrete corbels, double columns and double shear walls. Meadow Burke was excited to expand its presence at shows such as IPI and has a lot to contribute towards the success of the parking industry, offering a variety of concrete connections that can save 30-90 days of construction time.

MeterFeeder Shows Off Entire Suite of Products at IPI

MeterFeeder has been providing low-cost enforcement and payment tools to Pittsburgh municipalities for the past few years. Recently, new systems and tools such as the digital permit and valet features have been added to provide more value to customers and parkers alike. MeterFeeder has also recently announced the completion of development of their “Pay By Vehicle” system for drivers and autonomous vehicles. The revolutionary new software will allow vehicles both new and old to pay for parking in select areas simply by being in defined parking spaces, with no human interaction. In the future, these systems will pave the way for autonomous vehicles to integrate into parking systems around the country. If you are interested in this cost-saving technology for your small government or vehicle fleet, please contact or 844-463-7275.


MobileNOW! Drives Business to Local Merchants

MobileNOW!, a global technology and mobile payment innovator, incentivizes customer loyalty for local business with its Merchant Validation Program, an industry first deployed through its widely adopted mobile app. Validations are great ways to encourage parking compliance while boosting new and repeat patrons.

How It Works:

Meypar USA Presents Nexus

Nexus provides real-time control of all your parking lots with visual and graphical management tools and a user-friendly and intuitive web interface. Our dashboard, working with consolidated data, gives you a global view of revenue and transactions. Integrating a quick navigating tree, detailed info from each parking lot can be accessed. High-grade filters and views will adapt to different and distinct user profiles and preferences. Nexus includes a powerful e-validation module, for merchant and users. Nexus is an ever-growing platform, combining information, configuration, and operation in the same place.

MiStall Insight Debuts at IPI with Nasty and Nice Features

Customer: 1. B egins session in MobileNOW! app 2. E nters establishment offering validations and takes notice of signage with message about validations 3. M eets merchant’s requirement for validation 4. S cans QR code offered by merchant 5. A ccepts validation in the app Merchant: 1. L ogs into their account from a computer 2. S elects bundle of choice to purchase (predefined and setup during implementation) 3. P rocesses purchase 4. P rints QR code to issue validations to users For questions about the MobileNOW! Merchant Validation Program or mobile payment, contact Lee Whittemore, VP of operations, at

Exhibiting for the first time at IPI, MiStall Insight demonstrated its camera-counting technology with a live demonstration of Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars in a 1:64 scale model parking lot. Attendees moved the cars around and watched the camera automatically reset the timer in each stall. Attendees who examined the product learned of two features, one “nasty” and one “nice.” Almost everyone asked for the nasty feature first: the system provides directed enforcement, sending PEOs to where there are the most offenders. The nice feature: our free mobile app available to parkers so they can find available spaces quickly. As for that scale model of the parking lot—it was a big hit. One attendee demonstrated their desire for order by sorting all the cars by color. Meanwhile, a surprising number of passersby swiped a car or two right off the table. We can only imagine they thought the cars were giveaways! THE PARKING PROFESSIONAL | AUGUST 2018 | PARKING.ORG/TPP  41


MPS Offers New Tech

MPS provides the next-generation of unique and innovative software and equipment solutions for on- and off-street parking, revolutionizing the way parking is operated and maximizing profits. Our fully integrated, license plate recognition system provides real-time applications including mobile apps, a management dashboard, city communications, no-parking zone management, safety and security, and advertising. MPS Sentry product line offers to city (municipal) and parking lot/garage owners and management companies complete control over every car entering or exiting the parking facility, allowing maximum use of each available parking space. We are Municipal Parking Services, a software-as-a-­ service (SaaS) business model that gives away the appliance, our Sentry meter, that maximizes revenues and reduces operating costs. We offer a disruptive technology with our meter and software that permits automatic enforcement of parking rules and added consumer concierge-level convenience.

Pango Introduces Virtual Permits

This year attendees at the IPI Conference & Expo were introduced to a brand-new parking solution from Pango – a Mobile Smart City company. Virtual Permits, a powerful new addition to our mobile parking toolbox, brings traditional permit parking to the forefront of smart parking technology. Our virtual permit parking solution replaces the hangtag and sticker methods of old by placing a virtual permit on a Pango user’s license plate. This new technology reduces traditional operating costs while providing a wealth of analytic data through the real-time Pango Backend. Pairing Virtual Permits with Pango’s Mobile Enforcement Solution, Zeus, creates an all-encompassing parking solution for any size operation—big or small!


ParkHelp Now Offers the Global Parking Solution

ParkHelp exhibited at the 2018 IPI Conference & Expo where we presented our new Global Parking Solution that gives car parks a competitive advantage by placing the end customer’s experience first and foremost. Our Global Parking Solution focuses on every aspect of the management and control of the car park by offering many interconnected features. It allows License Plate Recognition of the vehicles at entry/exit, thus avoiding security threats, and offers accurate ultrasound or camera-based indoor parking guidance, reliable outdoor parking guidance, and optimal illumination for energy savings and increased security. ParkHelp provides the latest technology for parking guidance solutions and is present on all continents with more than 500,000 installed parking spaces.

Parking Reservation Software Update

Parking Reservation Software announces exciting updates to our functionality and brand. Contract Parking: a simple parking solution that reduces administrative overhead associated with employee, monthly/longterm, and contract parking. With payment options that include payroll deduction, parking operators can manage parking rates, permits, and accounts for multiple facilities through a single point dashboard, all while allowing customers to reserve and pay online for monthly parking. Point of Sale (POS): Now live and ready to plug and play, our user-friendly, tabled-based POS solution is an efficient way to process parking entries and exits in the absence of gating hardware. Operators have full administrative control and can receive payment on entry or exit with this versatile system using scanning technology. New Website: Launching in Q3, keep your eyes peeled for our shiny new website, featuring our world-class parking management software solution! The PRS software engine offers omni-channel, cloud reservation software, and real-time tools with 24/7/365 support. Our Central Reservation System is the most robust on the market, right off the shelf.

Reserve with Parkmobile

Parking for a concert or a sporting event can be a nightmare. All you want to do is get to your seat, but you end up sitting in traffic with no idea where you’re going to park. Then you always seem to end up paying way too much to park in a lot far away from the venue. And you still miss the beginning of the show. Well, now with Parkmobile, you can easily reserve a parking spot before you head out to the big event. So you drive right to the lot and have a guaranteed spot waiting for you. You can make an event parking reservation right in the Parkmobile app or on the website. So, the next time you’re going to a concert or sporting event, don’t leave parking to chance. Reserve your spot with Parkmobile. A Smarter Way to Park.

The Industry Embraces Parksmart

Parking innovators are embracing Parksmart certification as a tool to validate sustainability efforts and integrate today’s modern mobility solutions. The world’s only rating system advancing sustainable mobility through smarter parking structure design and operation helps to increase parking structure performance, improve customer experience and lower environmental impact. Parksmart supports a diverse range of space types, including universities, airports, community spaces and office towers. Universities in particular have turned to the certification program as a roadmap for creating high-performing structures that connect people to a healthier, more sustainable mobility experience. From Cornell to Arizona State to Cal Poly Pomona, universities around the country continue to recognize that certifying garages on college campuses means promoting innovative learning opportunities, more sustainable forms of mobility, reducing single occupancy vehicle use, and reducing CO2 and other transportation-caused emissions in their communities. Learn more about Parksmart at

Passio Launches New Website

ParkWhiz Acquires CodiPark; Enhances Strength in Connected Mobility and Mobile Payments

ParkWhiz has acquired CodiPark, a Tel Aviv-based company known for industry-leading, friction-free parking solutions, and plans to add drive-up mobile payments to its parking platform, as well as its own ParkWhiz and BestParking brands. In addition to pre-booking parking, drivers will now also be able to simply drive up to a lot of garage, pull a ticket and pay by scanning whichever ParkWhiz-powered app they are using. Payment and validation are managed without ever visiting a kiosk, or blocking traffic at a gate while fumbling to pay. The acquisition is part of a broader strategy by the company aimed at solving the last-mile of connected and autonomous mobility. Working collaboratively with parking access control systems and parking operators, ParkWhiz plans to soon offer drivers more seamless ingress and egress options via mobile devices and connected vehicles.

Passio Technologies recently launched our new website. We have added many features to better serve our customers and educate our clients about the newest transit technology solutions. Read through our press release and testimonial page to gain a better understanding of how our products operate in the field, or dive into our blog for the latest news, reviews, and articles surrounding the industry. Passio clients can also now log in to their transit technology operations through a customer portal on our new site, allowing them to track their system in real-time. Make sure to subscribe to our “Transit Talk” blog to receive email notifications of our updates and check our events page to see where you can meet us in person and view our intelligent transit solutions. Visit for more information.



Passport Welcomes Three New Executives

Passport, the world’s leader in mobile payments in the transportation industry, has recently recruited three executive hires: Meredith Cage, Duncan Mapes, and Igor Karpovich. Cage is the company’s senior vice president of product, Mapes is vice president of engineering, Passport CEO Bob Youakim and Karpovich is the chief corporate development officer. The roles are a part of Passport’s plan to concentrate on client-focused product development and further international expansion efforts. The recruitment strategy supports Passport’s initiative to hire at least 50 employees this year since raising the $43 million Series C investment from Bain Capital Ventures. Aggressively seeking the best talent to meet growing needs of clients, the company has since added more than half its target. “The transportation industry has been undergoing a tremendous shift in recent years, and Passport is in a unique position to continue to lead the charge in mobility and payments,” said Bob Youakim, Passport CEO.

PayLock Takes Paper Out of Permitting in New Brunswick, N.J.

PayLock, is the nation’s first company to offer full-service, paperless permit solutions to municipalities and colleges. This service, branded Digital Permitting back in 2011, offers an innovative approach for permit program administrators that delivers software, hardware and our award-winning 24/7 call center to make life easier for our clients and their parking permit customers. In cities like New Brunswick, residents register their vehicles online using a simple and intuitive PayLock-provided portal. Because our registration solution is fully automated, customers can get immediate approval and paper processing by parking staff is virtually eliminated. Once digital permissions are issued permit parking regulations are efficiently enforced using PayLock-provided LPR systems with real time plate lists fed through our cloud-hosted databases. The Bottom Line: PayLock’s Digital Permitting has helped the NBPA improve the customer experience AND realize $100,000/yr. in savings by eliminating paper permits and associated expenses.

CASE STUDY Helping Streamline Rules in New Brunswick

PayByPhone Improves Versatility

PayByPhone continues to improve versatility, which means creating new functions, partnering with innovative, like-minded companies, and integrating PayByPhone with the technology of the future. Inclusion in Apple’s WWDC gala was just the beginning. PayByPhone was also honored to share the IPI Parking Matters® Award with the Seattle Department of Transportation for their collaborative citywide “Seasons of Seattle” campaign. A testament to the ongoing support provided to clients to help them achieve record-level customer adoption rates. PayByPhone is one of the fastest-growing mobile parking payment companies in the world, processing over $345.6 million in payments annually. With PayByPhone, 17 million registered users easily and securely pay for parking across more than 300 cities in North America, Europe, and Australia.


Our most recent implementation effort offers a vivid example of PayLock’s consultative approach. In New Brunswick, NJ, the home of Rutgers University, 90 percent of their permit holders are students who live in rental properties. To insure accurate matching between tenants and their residences, apartment landlords were required to visit New Brunswick Parking Authority offices every year to “register” their tenants. This policy was created years ago to address instances of abuse and fraudulent copying of paper permits by student/tenants. Although it was cumbersome and time consuming for landlords, the policy was necessary. During the policy inspection phase of our implementation, we were certain that with Digital Permitting there had to be a better way, so we worked closely with Parking Authority staff to evaluate the process by which landlords applied for their permits. Based on our analysis, we offered a new process that shifted the responsibility for obtaining tenant and tenant guest permits to the tenants themselves. And because many of these property owners live out of state, going online to apply for their own permits was much more accommodating from a customer service perspective.

Retro Meets High-Tech at POM

POM received a flurry of interest at IPI with its 100 percent USA-made, proven Parktel solar smart meter featuring “Always-On Technology” and MeterManager.Net management website. The Parktel hybrid multispace meter was the main attraction, with the best user experience at the lowest cost-per-space, most durable yet sleek design, on the market. Unique power-­ saving features and components, along with power management chip, allow the Parktel meter to remain “Always-On” for fast credit card and pay-by-cell transactions with minimum impact on backup battery life. Visitors gained hands-on experience with MeterManager.Net, with its colorful and comprehensive status dashboard, mapping feature, and easily navigable menus and report options. POM’s signature one-call/real-person customer service, ISO quality, and USA-made leadtimes keep our customers up and running. That’s why, since 1935, Park-O-Meter has been the name to trust in high-quality parking meters, and POM continues that tradition into the future with the Parktel solar smart meter.

Q-Saq Shows Off Gates

Q-SAQ Inc displayed the renowned ELKA parking barrier gates at the IPI 2018 Expo in Orlando. Our ELKA vehicle gates are used in many applications throughout the world and are receiving great feedback in the U.S. Along with the ELKA barriers we showed our self-containing license plate recognition camera, Feig AVI longrange reader technology and loop detectors, as well as our multi credential entry and exit terminal. We had a very busy show, and there was a great interest in all of our products. Our newly developed ELKA CloudGate application, which supports Android and IOS-based apps to configure and control our ELKA vehicle gates as well as parking credential management, created a tremendous response from our visitors. The solution allows for the user to control the barriers from their phones as well as all users to enter and exit a parking facility without any additional credentials other than their smartphones.

Reno A&E Highlights Vehicle Detection, Parking, and Mobility Solutions

Reno A&E, a leading worldwide manufacturer of reliable, high-performance, mission-critical products designed to enhance and augment safety monitoring for traffic, access, and railway control systems, highlighted numerous products at IPI in Orlando. Reno A&E’s EverLoop™ Precision Detection System, backed by a 10-year factory warranty, designed for vehicle-detection applications, incorporates cross-linked polyethylene insulation for excellent thermal, electrical, and physical properties. Reno A&E’s Anti-Tailgating Vehicle Detectors can help avoid lost revenue by accurately auditing revenue collection at parking, toll, and access control revenue facilities. Our ATG detectors count bumper-to-bumper passenger vehicles and detect multiple vehicles entering or exiting during a single gate cycle. Lives depend upon a rapid response from emergency services. Reno A&E’s Automatic Vehicle Identification & Access Control System (AVI-911™) provides hands-free access to automatic gates, transit signal priority, and parking systems. Reno A&E serves you with the most accurate and reliable solutions for parking and access systems.



Rollpark Good for You and the Planet

Rollpark® is an alternative to asphalt and gravel that’s good for you and the planet. It’s a geotextile designed to handle vehicle traffic for extended periods of time: either for events, for temporary parking lots (1–3 years), or for more permanent installations (3–8+ years). The best part is that it can be reused at multiple sites. It’s been tested, peer reviewed, and designed by leading geotextile experts to perform under harsh environments and hurricane-level winds. Notably, it’s not an eyesore, but rather looks like a normal parking lot, without the environmental impact. Rollpark® is proudly made in the USA, loved by Fortune 500 Companies, and patented in the U.S. and Canada. “Georgia Tech saved $250,000 by using Rollpark instead of asphalt. We needed parking for five years, and Rollpark has proven to be the ideal solution.” —David Santa Ana Visit for more info!

SEPP-Parking Showcases Mobile Parking Payment

SEPP-Parking is a highly innovative company specializing in Mobile Parking Payment. The SEPP-Parking App is probably the most customer-friendly solution on the market. This solution is designed based upon customer needs and simplicity. Just Swipe-In to start your parking session and Swipe-Out to end your parking session. No pre-assumption or time extension needed, and you can always make your parking payment in the safe environment of your car. The SEPP-Parking App is an award-winning solution. We represent highest quality and security in our field. This best-in-class solution is a very convenient and cost-efficient way for municipalities, universities, hospitals, and all other parking operators to collect parking fees. Simplicity, fairness, and safety are some of the key drivers for our solutions. What’s next? SEPP-Parking will present and launch a solution for gated parking garages and parking lots using our simple application. Just one Swipe to open the gate and enter/leave the garage. SEPP-Parking: It’s never been so easy! Visit our website: www.sepp-parking. com or contact us:


Schaper Painting Offers National-Level Service

2018 is the first year that Schaper Painting was an exhibitor at the annual conference. The attendees that stopped by the booth were pleased to see a national commercial painting contractor that had a division specializing in the unique and demanding requirements of the parking industry. We spoke with several people, from a variety of industries, health care, retail, universities, airports, municipal, and parking structure managers. The dialogues included the physical environments that parking structures are subjected to and how proper inspection, evaluation, preparation, and selection of products are key to a successful painting project completion. With Schaper’s 32 years of commercial painting experience, the ability to complete projects nationwide was appealing to managers that have the responsibility of multiple sites. Conference attendees are always seeking quality vendors that can assist them with projects that can be challenging.

Southland Shows Off Pride

Southland Printing Company Inc. took pride being a part of the 2018 IPI in Orlando, Fla. This show is a great place for parking professionals to reconnect, meet, and build on the future of parking. We introduced our new National Sales Team that included John Beehler – Northeast Region, Charles Gutierrez – West Region, Patricia Rukstalis – North Region, Gary Flowers - Southeast Region, and Charles McHenry – Foreign /Export. Other key members of our team include John Cordaro – South Region, Rorik Carter - Local Sales, Ernie Bonnevier - Sales Manager, and Jay Manno – Assistant Sales Manager. All of the team was at the IPI in full swing connecting with parking professionals. Our new Southland Logo was also introduced to the IPI for the first time. Our longstanding history of the rose still remains relevant, now with a fresh look! Be on the lookout for more exciting things to come!

SKIDATA Introduces New Products, Leadership

SKIDATA, an international leader in the field of access solutions and their management, showcased several new hardware and software products at the IPI (and a new senior vice president of North America). The premier of the sweb® Platform, a unique cloud-based parking management system, along with their latest automated pay on foot—the skiosk Smart were just two of the highlights from this year’s successful Expo! The open concept booth allowed for a steady flow of visitors to experience all of the solutions offered by SKIDATA as well as the space to relax and visit with the many staff members and managers from around the world, including the company’s CEO, CFO, and CSO. Stefan Schaffner, the recently appointed senior vice president of North America, attended in order to introduce himself and meet their partners and clients.

SpotHero Talks About HeroConnect

This year at IPI, SpotHero was excited to spread the word about our award-winning developer platform, HeroConnect, and the recent integrations it has enabled—including a handsfree way to book parking through the Google Assistant (“Hey Google, book parking!”) and seamless in-app parking reservations for Hertz rental car customers. We also featured our HeroTech digital parking operator toolkit: powerful hardware, software, and back-end reporting that takes event parking cash-free, speeds up exit times, and provides real-time insight into parking operations. THE PARKING PROFESSIONAL | AUGUST 2018 | PARKING.ORG/TPP  47


Superior Recreational Products Showcases Car Parking Shade Solutions at First IPI Expo

Facility owners looking for shade solutions found them at Superior Recreational Products’ (SRP) booth at the 2018 IPI Expo! The company displayed its line of fabric and all-steel shade structures suitable for surface-level parking lots, parking garages, and kiosks. Parking professionals from all areas of the industry—airports, universities, hospitals, retail, and management companies—found inspiration in the design capabilities displayed. With the ability to withstand high wind and snow loads, add solar panels, and shade multiple cars, they were enthusiastic to see the revenue-­generating opportunities brought on by adding shaded spaces to their garages and surface level lots. “It was wonderful to meet such a diverse group of individuals who have come together to share and learn more about the parking industry. There is no doubt we will be back next year to share our success stories of how we helped our professional parking partners with their shade needs,” said National Accounts Manager Steve Wilson.


TagMaster North America Presents New Products and Solutions

STEGO, Inc., Launches New Products

STEGO presented, along with a new line of DC products, our new compact Smart Sensor, CSS 014. The sensor electronically records temperature and humidity, converting the measured data into a standardized analog 4 to 20 mA signal. The converted value signals when combined with a computing system and can be utilized or further processed by a control or monitoring unit, e.g. a PLC control. The Smart Sensor is suitable for use in a wide variety of applications from smart enclosures to Windpower and can be used even in harsh environmental conditions.

SURVISION Celebrates Growth

SURVISION, a leading License Plate Reader manufacturer exhibited with success at the IPI 2018 show. SURVISION is present in some 30 countries, with over 20,000 sensors deployed thanks to its 300+ integrator partners and is continuing this accelerated development with the opening of its new office in Miami, Fla. The MICROPAK 3, a brand-new sensor for off-street parking access control was presented at the booth, along with the PICOPAK Segway®, the ultimate LPR solution for on-street parking enforcement. Partnering with SURVISION means taking advantage of LPR technology available with data collection and processing performed right inside the sensor. The Plate Fingerprint proprietary technology provides a matching rate of up to 99.5 percent for off-street parking entry and exit points. Alexandra Zozulia presented an educational session on how License Plate Recognition creates new business models for Mobility as a Service, Smart Parking, and User Engagement based on SURVISION expertise.

TagMaster North America exhibited at the 2018 IPI Expo where we presented our newest products and software solutions designed to improve control and security for every kind of parking application in the growing market we serve. Our handsfree identification solutions help industrial, commerical, residential, and municipal sectors to maximize revenue and ehance the parking experience for users. TagMaster NA showcased the latest technology in our product line offering at the show, including our total solution RFID integration based software; ACTS Advanced offering a turnkey scalable solution at a budget-friendly price for GTMS and parking management. We aren’t camera shy either—our fixed LPR Cameras and JetManagementSuite software were live at the show and brought a steady flow of interest to the booth. Ask us today about the driving force solutions TagMaster NA offers that are helping to shape the face of smart parking.

TEXT2PARK Offers the Free Self-Parking Payment Solution for Unattended Lots

Nobody likes waiting in line, especially if it’s to pay for parking. TEXT2PARK gives parkers the ability to quickly pay for parking without the need of an app to install. If the lot is full, the parker can access a map showing only your locations without your competition. Operators can even pre-sell bulk validations to nearby businesses that will allow their clients to park in your lot. Validators are not even required to purchase any additional equipment. From an enforcement side, TEXT2PARK also offers a free Enforcer app with customer messaging and repeat offender notifications. An online citation payment portal is also available. Best of all, operators also have the benefit of no credit card fees using TEXT2PARK. TEXT2PARK is being offered for free for lots starting before October 31, 2018. TEXT2PARK—Parking Made Easy. ­



TIBA’s ParkBlue Brings New Ease of Use to Drivers TEZ Showcases SMS Valet

SMS Valet will stop fraud and increase your valet revenue 8–12 percent. The world’s first ticketless valet software is easy to use and packed with features. SMS Valet doesn’t require your customers to install an app. They can request, pay, and even chat with valet without any app. Two-way communication allows valets to notify guests of missing key fobs and closing times. Parking can be validated without the need for additional equipment. Other features include hotel Opera integration and multi-stand delivery. Go cashless without the credit card fees of small ticket items. Take cash out of the hands of your employees and watch your revenues soar. SMS valet is ideal for high-volume hospitals and residential buildings, as well as smaller venues like restaurants and downtown areas. Start today for as little as $99/mo SMS Valet—No Tickets. No Hassle.

TIBA Parking welcomes a Bluetooth and mobile solution, ParkBlue, to our list of available parking access and revenue control solutions. Bluetooth-enabled IoT devices allow for driver authentication and empower users to securely open barrier gates, while starting and stopping parking time and finalizing payment. Additionally, this cloud-based management system shows parking availability, creates reservations, and allows customer management for campaigns, ads, coupons, and loyalty programs. The management system provides significant benefits to operators, including business intelligence (BI) and analytics, spill-over management between the operator’s facilities, driver information analysis, dynamic pricing, and personalised campaigns. Operators can increase brand awareness, improve occupancy, and communicate with the driver throughout the experience. The SDK allows full integration with third-party mobile apps as well as with parking aggregators. Operators will also benefit from rapid installation and seamless authentication of drivers. For more information, contact

Toledo Offers Thermal and Poly Thermal Citation Rolls For parking enforcement, violation tickets used in handheld ticket writers have a proven decrease in errors over handwritten tickets. You can include your logo, city seal, and important information. No minimums! Warehouse enough inventory for the year. Can be rolled or fan-folded, both long and short runs. Available in any size, stock or custom formats. Easy to read, even scanned images such as vehicles and license plates. We can print 1–4 colors and have a Pantone matching system ink colors. Check out our complete line of competitive, quality parking ticket products online at www.toledoticket. com or contact our corporate office 1-800-533-6620.


Grow Your Airport Parking Business with TravelCar’s Cutting-Edge Booking Channel

Are you looking for ways to increase your revenue? Look no further than TravelCar, the global leader in airport parking and car-sharing services. List your parking spots on our website and quickly boost your margins at no cost. We’ll help increase your business volumes with: ■■ A consistent customer flow year-round. ■■ Visibility to our exclusive, global partnerships. ■■ Integration into our worldwide parking network. ■■ Our expertise in customer acquisition. TravelCar can also help you develop a new service to increase your revenues per spot. We send our customers to you and free up those spots by renting out their car to other trusted drivers while they’re away. We provide insurance, plus renter verification. Implement a new service guaranteed to: ■■ Increase revenue per spot by 300 percent. ■■ Strengthen your market position. For more information, visit us at

Walker Consultants Accepts Awards

It was a pleasure participating in this year’s IPI conference in Orlando. Walker Consultants was recognized with two project awards. One for Best Design of a Parking Facility with fewer than 800 parking spaces (Inova Loudoun Hospital Parking Garage, Leesburg, Va.) and Best Parking Facility Rehabilitation or Restoration (Nebraska Medical Center Durham Parking Structure, Omaha, Neb.). Additionally, Walker’s Mary Smith, PE, was recognized with a Lifetime Achievement AWARD Award for her contributions to the parking industry to include: pedestrian and WINNERS vehicular circulation; vehicle sizes and parking dimensions; wayfinding and flow capacity in mega-structures; the integration of parking management, operations, and functional design; parking issues related to autonomous vehicles; and parking-industry compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. We look forward to our involvement at next year’s conference!

Walter P Moore Welcomes Two New Consultants

We hope you had a chance to stop by Walter P Moore’s booth at this year’s IPI Conference and meet the two newest senior parking consultants of our Parking Services team. Chad Snyder, with over 25 years of experience, brings a wealth of knowledge and problem-solving abilities to the team. His goal is to provide innovative and cost-effective parking solutions for existing and new facilities, as well as accomplishing shared goals through client focused consulting services. Jaime Snyder, CAPP, has over 19 years in the parking industry in both parking operations and consulting. Jaime understands the inner-workings of a parking operation and uses her expertise to help our clients plan for and operate efficiently in today’s changing parking landscape. WPM is a company of engineers, innovators, and creative people who provide structural, diagnostics, civil, traffic, parking, transportation, enclosure, and construction engineering services. Founded in 1931 and headquartered in Houston, Texas, our 600+ professionals work across 18 U.S. offices and five international locations. THE PARKING PROFESSIONAL | AUGUST 2018 | PARKING.ORG/TPP  51


Data and Analytics from Improve Parking Businesses is a leading marketplace that gives people trusted and convenient access to lifestyle services, including parking.’s unique Vendor Panel System is accessible to all of its partners and gives merchants access to data and analytics to help them improve their business, while providing a heightened level of transparency. The system allows for a seller to view customer reviews; view marketing data, such as demand for their listing; manage transactional revenue, inventory, and rates; manage the listings’ descriptions and images all in real-time. Sellers also have access to real-time reporting features so they can manage their daily, weekly, and monthly accounting. offers flexible contracts depending on the demands of each individual operator. This allows to provide better value to them, as well as to the people buying their services.

WGI Launches Parking Solutions Division

IPI 2018 was the official launch of the name WGI for the Parking Solutions division, formerly Carl Walker, Inc. We have had a successful 34 years as parking specialists and now our merger with WGI allows us to offer a broader range of transportation and engineering services in addition to our Planning, Design, and Restoration services. The Parking Division specializes in the creative planning and design of environmentally conscious parking infrastructure and uses the latest transformative technologies to support our comprehensive services. Our diverse portfolio includes international airports, hospitals, universities, shopping and urban plazas, mixed-use developments, and municipalities. WGI is a national consulting firm founded in 1972 and offers professional services for both public and private clients, including Civil Engineering, Geospatial, Transportation Engineering, Structural Engineering, Parking Solutions, Architecture, Subsurface Utility Engineering, Landscape.


Women In Parking Welcomes New Members

Women in Parking (WIP) grows while exhibiting at IPI, by signing up new members right in the booth! Over 100 people came to the WIP Networking Reception during the Conference. As an organization comprised of parking professionals who foster the advancement and achievements of women in the industry, attending were representatives, both female and male, from nearly every discipline in the industry. The networking event was representative of this diverse makeup of WIP. “It was wonderful to see how much interest there was in WIP from the event and at the WIP booth,” comments WIP Organization and Events Manager Dawn Marti. WIP will continue to host networking opportunities for its membership throughout the year.

Smart Parking: Worldsensing Rolls Out Fastprk Evolution

At IPI 2018, Worldsensing launched Fastprk Evolution—an updated version of its leading outdoor parking management system including a new type of sensor, software suite, and end-to-end services. Fastprk, which is ranked among the top parking offerings by leading market analyst IDC, now features a dual-detection sensor which delivers more than 95 percent accuracy even in environments with high magnetic noise. The sensing technology is integrated in an advanced software solution which enables cities and private operators to connect third-party APIs and subsystems to optimize existing services and set up novel approaches to improve their parking operations such as occupancy scanning, payment automation, and fraud management. Fastprk Evolution is already part of the world’s biggest smart parking project. Together with solution provider Parking Sense, Worldsensing is deploying 20,000 outdoor sensors in the proximity of LA Metro stations to enhance the experience of park & ride customers.


October 18-19, 2018 Denver, Colorado Attendance is limited to 100 registrants.



WSP is a market-leading provider in parking software systems. The IPI exhibition in Orlando offered the perfect platform for WSP to present our Taranto solution, one of the most widely used notice processing and parking enforcement systems within the UK. Taranto is a web-enabled product that has been developed to drive efficiencies through on-street and back-office processes, as well as transferring parking administration out of the back-office and onto the customer. It can be used in varying sized operations, and in-built configuration modules can align the software to any operation’s policies or procedures. Taranto also easily integrates with third-party solutions, providing a seamless interface between disparate systems. At IPI, WSP staff were able to guide interested attendees through Taranto’s fresh and intuitive back-office system, alongside a range of smartphone handhelds, which can be used to run Taranto Mobile, the citation-issuance software.

Zenitel Offers Innovative Solutions

From multi-level to fully automated parking garages, the ability to provide maximum security in these environments is vital. A large proportion of problems and issues usually occur in parking areas; yet, undesired situations can be difficult to monitor and control. Whatever situation might arise, people need access to immediate assistance and the ability to clearly communicate and get a fast, effective response. With Vingtor-Stentofon Intercom functionalities preinstalled, you will greatly enhance security. With the simple push of an intercom button, users can establish direct communication with parking operators and/or security personnel. ■■ Superb intelligibility with HD voice, crystal-clear audio, and high Sound Pressure Levels ■■ Both hardware and software embedded and integrated intercom solutions ■■ Simple to operate and maintain Contact today to hear our intelligent audio solutions and discuss how we can work with you to build a solution that meets your needs.


ZipPark Unveils Mobile Chip Card Payments A first for the parking industry, ZipPark proudly showed off the safest, fastest way to take payments in the mobile environments of event and valet parking. Using PCI-validated software and hardware, ZipPark’s technology allows parking operations to offer their customers the convenience of credit and debit using mag stripe, chip cards (EMV), tap-and-go cards, Apple Pay, and Android Pay. “As always, speed is of the essence in parking, especially in event parking,” says Carl Sgamboti, ZipPark’s CEO, continuing, “That’s why we’re so excited about our five-second processing times. We got a lot of ‘Wow!’ when we showed it in the booth.” Secure, fast payments is only one reason why professional sports teams, world-class entertainment venues, hotels, casinos, airports, malls, and hospitals choose ZipPark’s revenue control products for their event and valet parking needs.

Rewards for Winning Awards Can Really Stack Up

Start planning now to submit entries for people, projects, and programs deserving recognition. IPI awards showcase excellence in parking design, sustainability, and operations, as well as marketing and communications programs. There’s no entry fee to nominate yourself, a peer, an organization, supervisor, or sta person for professional recognition honors.

2019 Entries Accepted September 12 through November 7, 2018


An IPI Conference first-timer shares her experience in Orlando and how it changed her perspective on parking. No one chooses parking; you kind of just fall into it. It’s the common storyline I came across while networking at the 2018 IPI Conference & Expo, and I relate. See, I was a recent college graduate, who had worked customer service for transportation at the University of California, Riverside throughout my college career. I’m not an industry leader or even qualified to apply for CAPP, so how did I end up at the industry’s largest conference? I kind of just fell into it. Our department wanted to pursue Accredited Parking Organization certification, but like most organizations interested in this endeavor, managers knew that it can be a challenge to work into staff time. That’s where I came into the picture. I was in limbo—a recent graduate who still didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up. Needless to say, I needed the transportation department as much as they needed me. So, we worked and worked and worked some more. And after five months of researching, compiling, organizing, and writing we received an email saying our application was approved and we would be awarded accreditation at the 2018 IPI Conference. My work was done, sort of. When I came into the job I was under the impression I would be the elf making Christmas happen and the Santa of the show would be the organization. However, that wasn’t the case. My team sent a slew of emails to find a way for me to tag along to the Conference. They surprised me with the good news two weeks before the event and I was elated.

Showing Up

As I arrived at the airport on Saturday morning I nearly turned back around to go home. My nerves crept up on

me and held on tight. What if my inexperience left me out of place among so many industry professionals? As I read the opportunities ahead of me—Shoptalks, facility tours, after-hour mixers—I knew there would be many opportunities to network and it was terrifying. Now, I am not usually a wuss, but fear of failure is my weakness. I helped achieve something great, but what happens when I don’t achieve the expectations others have of me? The ticket was already paid for. The hotel room was booked. I had to go, so I got on the plane. Right after landing in Orlando my anxiety about carrying on conversations with much more experienced professionals came true: I found myself talking to another event attendee with more than 20 years of experience. Luckily for me, she was an extrovert who offered me the warmest welcome. It helped build my confidence for the week ahead. My inexperience was a door for professionals to offer their advice and extend their hand as a resource to me. Instead of discussing the logistics of my organization’s operations and the new directions we were taking to combat common industry threats, we were able to talk about how the experienced pros ended up in parking, why they never left, and what advice I should take if I decided to stay in the industry too. With my newfound confidence, I was determined to make the most of this opportunity. Who knew when or if I’d ever get the chance to participate in something like this again? So I downloaded

My Inner

New-Bee B By Samantha Hamman


see others running into the same issues we do. It was also amazing to hear about how far technology is pushing our industry. Our customers rarely see our investment in quality of life and general safety programs, but this session showed how much we care for them. They may want to tailgate on top of a parking structure for the view, but it’s our job to stand up. We are the ones with the knowledge, and the shoptalk facilitates information sharing from first-hand accounts. It helped circulate business best practices, and that’s something I can get behind.

Facility Tours the app, built my agenda, and mostly stuck to it. I wasn’t an industry expert and that was OK. I just had to take the opportunities that came up along the way. Nothing is worse than a door once it closes.

Jumping In

The opening general session introduced me to the level of investment and dedication people have for parking. When you only see one unit of an operation, you don’t really know how far of a reach the industry has. It was eye-opening for me. I was only disappointed Oprah didn’t show. After the event, I saw IPI CEO Shawn Conrad, and, without thinking, I walked up to and said hello like I had known him for years. It’s obvious I need to work on my tact, but I can’t control adrenaline, only the hypothalamus can do that. Although we had a good laugh about it later, I remembered a valuable lesson. If you act without thinking, you have no time to let your nerves talk you out of something. When we registered for the Conference, we had the chance to add ribbons to our name tags. There were ribbons for CAPP, APO, Speakers, New Members, and in the thick of it, little bee patches. I had no idea what they meant, but they were cute, so I took one and added it to my lanyard. It wasn’t until the newcomers breakfast that I found out they were a punny welcome. We were new-bees—get it? An event with 3,500 participants can be intimidating, and the newcomers event showed us we weren’t alone. We were a hive that had yet to earn stripes. As probably the least experienced attendee, my favorite events were the education sessions. From being proud of what you produce, to rebranding remote lots, to autonomous vehicles, there was a topic for everyone. The speakers were people who were passionate about what they do and really wanted to share their experiences with others. They asked questions, were open to new answers, and found something that worked for them. If we are afraid to mix things up, to try and fail a few times, to change, then we will never progress.


One of the most interesting sessions was the university shoptalk. Coming from a university environment, it was eye-opening to


Because my attendance was just shy of a miracle, I didn’t have the opportunity to sign up for some of the facility tours. A few of them were all booked, but I showed up anyway. I had nothing to lose. I got in on the Disney World operations tour when a seat opened up, and wow. Questions flew across the presentation room. The answers were at their core the same: Disney operates with customer service as their top priority, even if that means their employees do more work than we see as necessary. It was a revelation. This line of thinking was applied to other operations and technologies—would our customers see more than the parking and citation costs? Could they see us as the ambassadors we strive to be?

Sponsored Events

While IPI’s events were fun, other excitement happened after hours. The Conference was not just a place to learn about past experiences and future expectations, but also a place where we could connect and build relationships. It was an all-encompassing opportunity bundle. Business cards were passed, handshakes were made, and conversations outside of work popped up more frequently than not. These smiles and laughs were the true highlights of my week. I have to think people fall in to parking and stay because of their connections. It’s the support others in the industry provide. It’s also an industry where people are constantly seeking improvement to make their product—parking a car—as painless as possible. That much was easily seen on the Expo floor, in the Shoptalks, and throughout the educational seminars. No matter what level of involvement you have in the industry, there is opportunity for you. You just have to take it. I felt lucky at first and then completely nerve-wracked, but opportunities are born out of hard work. Whether you decide to take them or turn around and go home is up to you, but one thing is for certain: You’re never too old to learn something new, and you’re never too young to know something of value. SAMANTHA HAMMAN is a project coordinator with the

University of California, Riverside. She can be reached at

w k, No c ba ble r e a ap vail P , A ok ack o Eb rdb The Ha nd

A Guide to Parking.

industry’s first comprehensive textbook


Table of Contents 1. Introduction



2. Laws, Regulations, and Related Policy 3. Parking Planning: Functions, Analysis, and Strategy 4. Approaches to Parking Management 5. Technology 6. Sustainability 7. Managing Staff and Professional Development 8. Parking Enforcement 9. Economics and Finance 10. Architecture and Aesthetics 11. Designing and Engineering Parking Garages 12. Functional Design 13. Constructing Parking 14. Maintenance and Repair 15. Safety and Security


16. Marketing, Communications, and Public Relations 17. Integrating Parking with Transportation Demand Management 18. Adaptive Reuse of Parking Structures


19. Trends in Parking: Future Thinking

“ The nation’s leading experts have given us a virtual encyclopedia of parking ... A Guide to Parking shows how good parking management can improve cities, the economy, and the environment.”


A Guide to Parking provides information on the current state of parking, providing professionals and students with an overview on major areas of the industry, written by top experts in parking, transportation, and mobility.

Donald Shoup, distinguished research professor

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of urban planning, UCLA, USA

Paperback and Ebook List Price: $54.95


Introducing New Industry Courses By Kathleen Federici, MEd


E KNOW YOU’RE BUSY. We all have priorities and juggle work, family, volunteering, serving on committees and boards, having fun, keeping up with trends, relaxing, exercising, and whatever else pulls us in various directions. Professional development has caught onto this and acknowledges that most people no longer have the time or the attention span to take a twohour online course in one sitting:

concluded the human attention span has decreased. People now generally lose concentration after eight seconds. ■■ Factoring this in, microlearning takes small content chunks and delivers them in an easyto-­understand format. ■■ We actually participate in microlearning every day when we get short bursts of news articles from our cellphones or social media throughout the day. IPI, therefore, has introduced microlearning— small chunks of professional development that offer a lot of bang for the buck, so to speak. How did we create opportunities for mircolearning within our industry professional development offerings? The Professional Development Department with the assistance of the Education Development Committee has created a two- to four-minute video series on a variety of need-to-know topics. The videos can be found at and offer concentrated bursts of education and motivation to help you solve a problem or think about how to solve an issue in a new way! Click the link and hear from our industry experts. With the expanding offerings, there is no excuse to stop learning! Keep your mind and skills fresh without a major time commitment. KATHLEEN FEDERICI, MEd, is IPI’s director

of professional development. She can be reached at



■■ ■■



Coming this month is a revised online Parksmart Advisor class that will take the learner through a Parksmart application, simulating an actual project. Coming this fall is a new APO Site Reviewer online course. Become a site reviewer from your desk! IPI is also offering new 15-minute Parksmart modules that dive into each of the Parksmart measures as listed in the Parksmart Certification Standard. You will be able to pick among the modules, buying only what you need. Coming soon is a new off-street parking course. This course will complement the On-Street Parking course currently offered. Don’t forget about the IPI webinar series: • September 12, 2018, Park That Phone! The Road to a New Brand. • October 17, 2018, Being a Super Hero in your City • November 14, 2018, Accessible Parking and Placard Abuse • December 12, 2018, Dashboards! Science-Based Decision-Making


■■ In 2015, Microsoft completed a study that


Build better garages.

Parksmart, administered by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI), is the world’s only rating system that defines, measures,and recognizes high-performing, sustainable garages. Advisors provide valuable and in-depth expertise on the certification process, a cutting-edge competitive advantage for your organization.

Online training courses offered throughout the year. 7 GBCI Credit Hours for LEED APs and LEED GAs and 7 CAPP Points Register today at


Representing and Advancing Parking in Florida By Lissette Hernandez, CAPP


OR THE PAST 39 YEARS, the Florida Parking and Transportation Association (FPTA) has represented parking professionals from different sectors in Florida. As part of the evolution of FPTA, several programs were established to share the best practices and innovations, while recognizing the accomplishments of its members. Our yearly conference is seen as one of the best in the country, with more than 65 vendors showcasing the latest technology. Our agenda is filled with demonstrations and case studies from the top presenters in the industry and includes discussions about parking rate trends in Florida to the virtual permit environment.

The FPTA Awards of Excellence program is divided into four categories: design, architecture, renovation, and innovative functionality of new parking structures. A panel reviews submissions from leading companies. It is a prestigious award as pertains to renovation and innovation from members who display an abundance of quality. The Carol Easterling Award, which has received national attention as an effective program to recognize frontline employees, was established in honor of Carol Easterling, a longtime member of our organization. It was established for employees who work hard to make a difference in their organization but may not receive recognition for it. The program is always well-received, and the number of submissions for this award continues to increase every year. More organizations are beginning to follow suit, recognizing their frontline superstars, and we are pleased to be a part of that. We awarded the 2017 Carol Easterling Award to three wonderful frontine employees whose enthusiasm and love for their organization influenced us all. Our annual Educational Seminar provides our members with an opportunity to connect with other parking professionals throughout the state. During our 2018 Educational Seminar, we will focus on two training sessions: active shooter training and emergency management and response training. These sessions will be led by law enforcement professionals. It will provide participants with the knowledge on how to react in these situations.


The FPTA board of directors looks forward to continuing to bring together as many organizations throughout Florida as possible to benefit from the networking opportunities our organization has to offer. Together, we will be able to discuss and continue to address the integration of technology revolutionizing our industry. We will also continue to offer our training seminars that address topics troubling our communities today. LISSETTE HERNANDEZ, CAPP, is director of parking and

transportation at Florida International University. She can be reached at


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Advertisers Index CHANCE Management Advisors, Inc. .. . . . .65 215.564.6464

International Parking Design, Inc.. . . . . . . . . .64 818.986.1494

ParkMobile.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 770.818.9036

Designa USA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C2 888.262.9706

IPS Group Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C3 858.404.0607

Rich & Associates, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 248.353.5080

DESMAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 877.337.6260

Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. . . . . . . . 5, 64 919.653.6646

TNR Industrial Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 705.792.9968

EDC Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 800.886.6316

Leonardo/ELSAG LPR Solutions . . . . . . . . . . .48 877.773.5724

Toledo Ticket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C4 800.533.6620

FlashParking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 888.737.7465

Magnetic AutoControl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 321.635.8585

Walker Consultants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 800.860.1579

Flexpost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 888.307.6610

Walter P Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 800.364.7300

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IPI Webinar Park that Phone! The Road to a New Brand


Seventh Brazilian Parking Conference Sao Paulo, Brazil


Canadian Parking Association Annual Conference Toronto, Canada


Southwest Parking and Transportation Association Annual Fall Conference Las Vegas, Nev.


Carolinas Parking Association Annual Conference & Tradeshow Hilton Head, S.C.

Pennsylvania Parking Association Fall Training and Golf Outing Bethlehem, Pa. Campus Parking and Transportation Association 2018 Conference Springdale, Ark.


New York State Parking Association 26th Annual Conference & Exposition Verona, N.Y.


Parking Association of the Virginias Fall Workshop and Tradeshow Richmond, Va.


IPI Webinar Being a Superhero to Your City


IPI’s Leadership Summit Denver, Colo.

IPI Training Parksmart Advisor Online, Instructor-Led Training Mid-Atlantic Parking Association Annual Conference


California Public Parking Association 35th Annual Conference Los Angeles, Calif.


USGBC Greenbuild Conference featuring Parksmart Chicago, Ill.


Florida Parking & Transportation Association Conference Sawgrass, Fla.




In Case You Missed It… ON THE BLOG Noticed, by Jason M. Jones. What it means to a parking organization to ➚ Getting be recognized for its work with accessible parking. Autonomous Tomorrow. James Anderson on when autonomous vehicles ➚ An might really be here. or Jordan? Matt Penney’s thoughts about developing a championship ➚ LeBron team even if no awesome superstar stands out. the Right People. Talent vs. ability vs. personality. Jennifer Tougas, CAPP, ➚ Hiring PhD, talks about the qualities to look for…and some to rule out.

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