ABOUT THE COVER I THINK WE DOODLE TO ACCESS THAT CREATIVE PART IN OURSELVES. Upper School English Teacher Sarah Chan explains it well: the art of doodling— spontaneous drawing while one’s attention is otherwise occupied; a phenomenon so common to humanity that it’s unremarkable—is a window into subconscious imagination. Many a Peck Upper Schooler’s notebook or homework folder is covered in doodles by the end of the year—and many a Peck teacher’s notepad, too! In fact, research shows that doodling improves memory, relieves stress, and increases focus. This isn’t necessarily a habit of distraction; rather, it’s a habit of engagement. The cover of this issue of Peck News represents this iconic habit often seen at the edges of students’ notes, papers, binders, and even scrap paper! Hidden in the design are doodles from several Upper School teachers, too. Can you find them all? (Hints at the back!)