The Peck School Annual Report 2023-2024

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247 South Street Morristown, NJ 07960-7381



TRACY (MEERWARTH) PESTER ’88, Vice President

MARK MORGAN, Vice President

JOE STEFFA, Treasurer


ANDREW DELINSKY, Head of School*



















* Ex Officio member


Head of School


Director of Curriculum & Faculty Development


Director of Admissions & Financial Aid


Director of Athletics SCOTT DOBBS

Director of Strategic Communications & Marketing PRIYA GREWAL

Director of Technology KEVIN GRIESHABER

Director of Advancement


Chief Financial Officer and Director of Operations


Head of the Upper School


Head of the Lower School


Director of Community Connections & Belonging CYMONE WILLIAMSON


Director of Advancement


Interim Director of Strategic Communications & Marketing and Associate Director of Visual Brand Strategy JENNIFER CLEARY

Advancement Associate BLAIR PACK

Digital Marketing Associate MELISSA WEBBER

The Peck School Mission Statement

The Peck School inspires students to learn rigorously, grow in character, and lead healthy, productive, and principled lives.

The Peck School does not discriminate in the admission process, its scholarship programs, or in the administration of its other programs, or policies on the basis of characteristics or conditions, such as creed, race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability.

With Gratitude


With deep appreciation, we present The Peck School’s Annual Report for 2023-2024. This report is a testament to the unwavering commitment and support of individuals and organizations that champion Peck’s mission to inspire students to learn rigorously, grow in character, and lead healthy, productive, principled lives through their generosity of resources and time.

A key philanthropic achievement last year was the successful completion of the Athletic Fields Renovation Project. Thanks to our generous community, we exceeded our $4.3 million goal, enabling us to transform our playing fields, improve the student-athlete experience, enhance spectator amenities, and increase community access. This project benefits everyone—from students and parents, to grandparents and alumni. We look forward to an official opening celebration in Spring 2025.

Due to the generous support from alumni, parents, grandparents, faculty, foundations, and friends, the 2023-24 Peck Fund, our annual giving program, exceeded $1.2 million. This funding impacts our students, faculty, and the daily Peck experience. A gift to The Peck Fund strengthens programming, equips faculty with the tools necessary for high-level student learning both inside and outside the classroom, and lays a foundation for alumni success.

We are also proud of our progress on an important endowment initiative. Established in the spring of 2021, The Community Connections and Belonging Endowment Fund supports Peck’s ongoing efforts to create a culture of inclusion and belonging for all Peck students, families, faculty, and staff—past, present, and future. This endowment funds a full-time director position, professional development, programming, and financial aid. Thanks to a transformational gift from Rachel and Tom Cortese P ’28, ’30, ’33, along with the generosity of our community, we have raised about $2 million toward our $3 million goal to continue this vital work in perpetuity.

Throughout the year, Parents Association (PA) volunteers invest countless hours in serving and strengthening the Peck community. Under the leadership of President Niki Robbins, the PA contributed $227,500 through fundraising efforts to support faculty grants, the Peck endowment, financial aid, enhancements to the Lower School Science Lab, faculty recruitment and retention, and the Athletic Center Locker Rooms. We are deeply grateful to each and every volunteer for sharing their time and talents with our community.

Our community’s generosity enables Peck to thrive and continue providing an exceptional educational experience for our students. On behalf of Peck students, faculty, and staff, we thank you for your support.

With gratitude,

New Trustees for 2024-25

MELISSA BARTOLI P’20, ’22, ’24

Melissa has volunteered extensively during her time as a parent at both Peck and The Pingry School. She has been a leadership volunteer at Peck, serving two years on The Peck School Parents Association (PA) Executive Board, first as Vice President and then President of the PA and ex-officio member of The Peck School Board of Trustees in 2019-2020. She was a member of the Peck Promise Capital Campaign Steering Committee, the Peck Uniform Committee and has served as a Peck Fund Class Chair and Peck Admissions volunteer for most of her time as a parent at Peck. Melissa co-chaired the No Place Like Peck PA fundraiser in 2022 and served as Class Parent, Community Service co-chair, and Decor co-chair for the PA. She served as the President of The Pingry School Parents’ Association (PSPA) and as a member of The Pingry School Board of Trustees for the 2023-2024 academic year, Melissa has served the last three years on the PSPA Executive Board at Pingry and as a Pingry Fund and Pingry Admissions volunteer.

Melissa has been a member of the Turning Leaves fundraiser committee at Preschool Advantage in Morristown since 2020 along with serving as a former child committee member at Preschool Advantage in 2021. Before becoming a full-time volunteer, Melissa attended Fordham University, was a parenting contributor for the online publication Chatham Patch, and previously worked in real estate marketing at W&M Properties (now Empire State Realty Trust) in New York.


Jordan is the Global Head of Private Equity for Spencer Stuart, a leading global executive search and management consulting firm. In this capacity, he oversees approximately one-third of the Firm’s business, spanning over 50 practice areas that serve private investors and their portfolio companies across 70 offices in over 30 countries. Prior to this position, Jordan led Spencer Stuart’s Industrial Practice in North America. Over his more than 20 years with the Firm, he has helped start a number of new service lines, specialty practices, and offices, most notably the founding of the Washington, DC office and the launch of the Firm’s Succession Planning consulting business.

Outside of Jordan’s management responsibilities, he is also a member of the Firm’s CEO and Board Practice and is a recognized expert on board governance and broader areas of Human Capital designed to accelerate the performance of individuals and teams. He has led more than 300 CEO search and CEO succession plans for both publicly traded and investorbacked enterprises. Jordan has been a contributor to several best-selling books and authored numerous articles on the subject of CEO performance, and is frequently cited in media, namely the Wall Street Journal and other leading business publications on the subject of leadership. He previously served on the Board of Advanced Service Solutions, and on the Committee on Development, Alumni, and Community Relations for the Lafayette College Board of Trustees. He and his wife Maria are actively involved in the Summit Area YMCA and Kent Place School, and Jordan has also been serving on the Peck School Finance Committee.


Emily and her husband, Howie, are parents to two Peck students, Griffin and Lydia. Since joining the Peck community six years ago, Emily has served in various roles within the Parents Association, including Co-Chair for Peck’s Fall Festival in 2022, Treasurer of FFP in 2021, and Class Basket Chair for the Annual Fundraiser in 2022 and 2023. Additionally, Emily has volunteered as a Parent Ambassador, Class Parent, and Chair of the Swap Shop.

Following her decision to set aside full-time teaching to care for her family, Emily became an active volunteer at her children’s nursery school, serving on several committees, as a class parent, and as a substitute teacher. Emily has a passion for education and is excited to further dedicate her time and energy to the Peck PA as PA President for the 2024-2025 school year. Emily and her family live in New Vernon.


Daniel has operated his family business since 2012. The family business has a diversified management portfolio in real estate, private equity markets, and multi-brand restaurant franchises with territories in New Jersey, New York, and Florida. Daniel pursued higher education at the University of Delaware, graduating in 2013 with an Outstanding Award in a master’s program in Hospitality Business Management.

Daniel resides in New Vernon with his wife, Amber, and children Becky (‘27) and Calvin (‘29).

The Peck Fund

The Peck Fund’s Family of Funds allows donors the ability to designate their gift to the area of the Peck experience which they find most inspirational, or where the need is greatest. These funds represent the most fundamental and mission-driven elements of The Peck School program.*

The Peck Fund’s Family of Funds continues to inspire our donors to contribute annually to the area(s) of greatest interest to them.






*Annual giving through the Family of Funds supports faculty and students through the school’s operating budget. Should designated contributions exceed a fund’s budgeted limit, the school directs the use of such funds to the Area of Greatest Need.

Annual Giving 10-Year History

















2023-2024 EXPENSES

2023-2024 REVENUE


It is with much gratitude that we thank those who have helped build the school’s strong foundation and those who help lead us confidently into the future. With more than $1,244,037 raised for the 2023-2024 Peck Fund annual giving program, our community is very proud to acknowledge the many individuals, corporations, foundations, and matching gift companies who are committed to ensuring an exceptional experience for Peck students every day.


Anonymous (5)

Claire M. Abbott ’70

Carter (Marsh) Abbott ’89 and Jamison Abbott

Neilson Abeel ’54

Shirley and Jack Aboulafia

Mary M. Ace

Amina and Raza Ahmed

Allyson and John Aiello

Sadie Albertyn

Linda and Richard Alderson

Georgina and Anthony Alexandre

Laura & Harvey Alpert Charitable Foundation

Mariana De Lucas Arbiza and Nelson Ambrogio

Lindsey and Christopher Amery

Christine and Roberto Andrade

Stathis Andris

Jessica Angelo

Kimberly Apgar

Mely Arias

Sasha Armant

NaTishia and Dipo Aromire

Jane Attah

Elizabeth Attias

Denis Avila

Lauren and Hayden Baker

Marianna Johnson Baker ’58

Claire Baldwin

Gregory J. Ballanco ’07

Bank of America

Matching Gifts Program

Susan E. Barba ’89

Melissa and Jeffrey Bartoli

Alexis R. Bartoli ’20

Dylan H. Bartoli ’22

Carley Barton

BASF Corporation

Tracy Dana Battaglini ’99

Bayles Boat Shop

Scott Beil

Elizabeth S. Belasic

Laura and Gregory Bendelius

Nancy and Ronald Bendelius

Kelsey C. and James G. Bennett ’67

Suzanne (Sweeney) Berlacher ’01

Ketki and Vikram Bhat

Annie and Bogdan Bienko

Alicia and Patrick Biggs

Barbara Birdsall

Amy and Tom Birrittella

BlackRock Matching Gifts Program

Vic and Ray Blanco

Tracy and Michael Block

BNY Mellon

Samantha (Hall) Boggs ’96 and Hamilton Boggs

Nichole Bolio

Benjamin J. Bollinger ’13

Anne and Marco Bornia

Katrina and Jamal Boyd

Megan Boyle

Sophie Brady

Heather and Elliot Braun

Stacey and Anthony Breaks ’90

Joan and Edward Bromage

Nneka and Levee Brooks

Naz Dastgir and Geoffrey Brounell

Emily and Bobby Brown

Catherine and Douglas V. Brown

Susan and William Bruen

Andrew W. Bruen ’03

Alan Brugg

Maria and Jordan Brugg

Allison and Richard Brunhouse

Katherine and Joseph Bruno

Michelle and Robert Bruno

Ariadna and Victor Bultó

Heather Burchfield

Mark Butler ’99

Rosalie (Warren) Byard ’52

Colleen Caden

Mary Calabria

Lawrence Callahan

Brian Cargo

Eleanore and John Carifa

Sharon Ng and David Carlo

Chelsey and Michael Carr

Paula and William Carroll

Kevin Carter

Laura Caruso

Erik M. W. Caspersen ’84

Roslyn Estrada and Ernest Ceberio

Erin and Christopher Ceder

Margaret and Ronald Ceder

Cento Fine Foods

Sharon Cepeda

Virginia and Shawn Cepeda

Claire Chamberlain

Jean (Marckwald) Chapin ’52

Lichu and Chieh Yuan Chen

Yumin and James Chen

Chen Zhang and Kent Cheng

Ashley and Evert Christensen

Madison and Edward Chu

Yee and Wah Chu

Chase M. Cignarella ’22

Candice Cirilo

Aimee Lagos and Lee Clay

Cheryl and Jim Cleary

Charles P. Coggeshall ’60

Amy L. Cohen

Andy Cohen

Roy Benjamin Cohen

Morgan and Kevin Coleman

Yiza Soto and Rodney Coleman

Nicole (Humick) Colson ’95

Keeneh and Robert Comizio

Keeneh G. Comizio ’10

Taylor J. Comizio ’11

Kirby A. Comizio ’12

Chet T. Comizio ’14

Keely G. Comizio ’17

Dyana and Sean Conroy


Mary (Nettleton) Coogan ’49

Kathey A. Coombs

Jennifer Cleary and Matthew Corica

Rachel and Tom Cortese

Nicole and Timothy Coughlin

Carol A. Cowan ’65

Elizabeth and Chris Cox

Christine and Robert Coyne

Jennifer G. Coyne ’14

Nicole and Sean Crawford

John B. Crosby ’19

Colette and James Cross

Emily (Simon) Crystal ’03 and Matthew Crystal

Tianen Jia and Haosheng Cui

Stewart L. Cutler ’71

Sushmita Sharma and Anil Dadheech

Margo and John Dana ’69

Nishita and Amit Datwani

Aldys (Chapman) Davis ’50

Michele and Simon de Burgh Codrington

Diann Deal

Marie and Benjamin Del Vento

Mary Ann and Matthew Del Vento

Matthew D. Del Vento ’22

Julie and Andrew Delinsky

Barbara and Stephen Delinsky

France and Brian Delle Donne

Anita and Dean Dent

Elouse Desir

Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation

Christa and Ryan Dewey

Dina and Patrick Dibre

Sue and Donald Diebold

Christina Dietz

Emily and Howie Dingle

Karen Dispenziere

Patricia Dodge

Molly and Kevin Donnelly

Frances and John Downing

Cynthia and Robert Doyle ’57

Dubel & Associates, LLC

Karen and John Dubel

Virginia and L. John Dughi

Dawn Duncan

Alina Dunker-Ware

Nichol duPont ’69

Elizabeth and Dean Durling

Priscilla and Denis Dwyer

Lorena and Edward Eaton

Catrin and Gregg Edell

Morgan R. Edell ’22

Rania Makki and Mahmoud ElAssir

Jenna and James Elliott

Estee Lauder

Kathryn Faber

Nancy (Niles) Faesy ’52

Amanda and Robert Falk

Justin Faugno

Mary Faugno

Lauren Faugno-Speck

Elisabet and Arthur Faulkner

Hap and Geren Fauth

Susan E. Faux ’80

Claire and Mahdi Fawzi

Judy and David Feldman

Julie and Mat Feldman

Jo Anna and Brian Fellon

Susan (Nichols) Ferriere ’65

Bella Ferriso

Caileigh Finnegan

Janine Finnegan

Wanda Fiorini

Rachel and Michael Fishkin

Amy and James Fleming

Cheryle and Kevin Fleming

Noel and Kim Foley

Carolyn and Edward Foley ’85

Julia Forbes

Sara and Eric Forman

Brian Fox

The Frelinghuysen Foundation

Virginia and Rodney Frelinghuysen ’60

Louisine Frelinghuysen ’98

Cheryl and Garrett Friedman

Katherine H. Fritts ’77

Frank Fritts ’86

Jean G. Fritts-Eskenazi ’78

Sunny Wang and Keith Frohnhoefer

David Frothingham

Agata and Alexander Fung

John C. Galbraith ’71

Jennifer and Fenwick Garvey

Marilyn and Robert Gellert

Mona (Mennen) Gibson ’83 and Jonathan W. Gibson ’84

Kathleen and James Gilbert

Eve A. Gilbert ’16

Christine and Michael Gilfillan

Elisabeth C. Gilfillan ’16

Michael T. Gilfillan ’10

Natalie C. Gilfillan ’15

Patrick T. Gilfillan ’13

Karen and Michael Giuliano

Lorraine Glasser

Kristen and Sean Glasser

Alexandra and Mark Goggin ’82

Tania and Edison Gomez

Carolyn Cutler Goodman ’57

Patricia and Richard Gordon

Jenny and Rahul Goyal

August K. Goyal ’21

John O. Grier ’15

Kevin Grieshaber

Katherine (Corrigan) Griff ’99 and Conor Griff

Marissa and Robert Grossberg

Sebastian Guerrero

Jason Guss

Megan and Nathaniel Hackett

Elizabeth and Paul Hackett

Sook May Ong and Marios Hadjieleftheriou

Megan and John Hagerty

Krista Haley ’91

Elizabeth (Dougherty) Halle ’70

Janet and John Hanlon

Mr. and Mrs. T. Chandler Hardwick III

Hope (Phillips) Hazen ’56

Elizabeth (Abeles) Heald ’57 and William H. Heald

The Healey Family Foundation

Meg and Thomas Healey

Sarah and James Heck

Mary and Patrick Hennessy

Catherine and Richard Herbst

Ebony Herring

Martha and James Higgins

Palmer R. Higgins ’02

Ruchika and Ajay Hira

Pendered and Robert Hoffman

Nina and Todd Hohman

Iren and Erno Hollo

Alice Holt

Kimberly and Daniel Honeker

Peyton (Chapman) Horne ’54

Brooke Worthington ’96 and Matthew Houk

Pat Houlihan

Noel (Kemmerer) Howe ’90 and Christopher Howe

Tae and Eric Huang

Huff Family

Alexandra A. Huff ’10

Jake W. Huff ’06

Nancy and Thomas Humick

John T. Humphries ’11

Ipsen NA

Hanna and King Jang

Carlos Jara

Luichi Jara

Jiayin Wang and Shaohua Jia

Cathy and Richard Johnson

Allison and Michael Kafka

Shannon and Peter Karches

Keith Kasper ’72

Sage Katakura

Tracy Keane

Rita R. Keazer ’12

Cynnie and Peter Kellogg

Patty and Bill Kelly

Kirstin and Tim Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kennedy

Katheryn Kennedy

Alexander Keyes Jr. ’65

Anthony A. Keyes ’63

Anna and Vadim Khidekel

Anne and Sam Kim

Julie Ha and Won Kim

Sue and Philip Kim ’90

Hetty and Achilles Kintiroglou

Ashley and Victor Kipiani Sr.

F. M. Kirby Foundation

Adrienne and S. Dillard Kirby ’73

J. W. Kirby Jr. ’08

Karen and Jeff Kirby ’76

F. Morgan Kirby IV ’07

Samuel S. Kirby ’14

Noelle and Chad Kirchner

Elise (McLean) Klarberg ’97

Cindy Wang and Alan Kong

Carolyn and John Kowalik

Mark C. Kowalik ’12

Surabhi Kouraw and Amit Kumar

Bridget and Richard LaBar

Chris Holle and Jack Lagos

Scott Laird

LeeAnne and Richard Lan

Ashley (Kazmerowski) Lan ’98 and Travis Lan

Edmund G. Langhorne ’49

John LaRosa

Lily and Gerald Lee

Kelle and Mark R. Leonhard

Ellen Levine

Valerie and Christopher Librizzi

A.J. Licameli

Lawrence Litwin

Lisa and Salvatore LoBiondo

Salvatore LoBiondo ’12

Nancy Lombardo

Susan Longenecker

Liz and James Loonam

Cathy Lopez

Gabriella Lopez

Aly and Kenneth M. Lopian ’01

Dianne and Kenneth Lopian

Joanne and Nicholas Losavio

Colleen Loughman

Sarah and Timothy Loveday

Jessica and Jonathan Lubow ’81

Ginny and Brian Lysiak

Anne (LeBuhn) MacCowatt ’73 and Thomas H. MacCowatt

Margaret F. MacCowatt ’10

Katie and Patrick Machir

Susan (Marckwald) Mackay ’54

Christie (Thebault) Maguire ’03 and Frank Maguire


Jacynthe Mailly

Amy and Peter Malin ’65

Gail and Paul Mandel

Lisa Markman-Pithers

Denise Marone

Liron and Anthony Marone

Heather and Patrick Marotta

Daniela Accurso and Michael Marrello

Elizabeth and Spencer Marsh

David Marshall

Kirk and Stuart Materne

Kirk Materne III ’89

Lisa and Glenn Mathus

Fran and Stephen Matson

Austin K. Mau ’22

Franklin K. Mau ’19

Peter Maytham ’46

Kate and Michael McBride

Alexis Van Der Sterre and Ron McCormick

Jordan McGinley ’14

Lisa and Vincent McInerney

Laurelle A. McInerney ’06

Melissa and Robert McKeon

Kimberly and Marshall McLean ’94

Wm. Fishwick McLean ’92

Allison and Matthew McMahon

JT McMillen

Whether you are increasing your annual giving donation or contributing for the very first time, every gift matters. We rely on the support of all our constituencies to provide the necessary funds to facilitate learning. The Peck Fund dollars are used every day, in every way, to maintain the standard of excellence that makes The Peck School unique.


Susan and Robert McMullan

Gail McNamee

Jeremy T. Medina ’56

Courtney E. Meehan ’96

Ryan J. Meehan ’03

Christina and Keith Melchionni

Bill Metcalfe

Betsy (Shirley) Michel ’55

Jason L. Michel ’83

Katherine B. Michel ’85

Doris and Gary Miller

Annie and Robert Mitnick

Maribel and Bradley Mohr

Elizabeth Monkemeier

Sara Montijo

Mary Ann and Craig Moore

Patricia and Mark Morgan

Lauren (Worthington) Morse ’94 and Robert Morse

Sarah Morse

Irene and Mark Mortensen

Sarah A. Moseson ’13

Jennifer and Frederick Moss

Sarah-Louise Moss ’07

William F. Moss ’10

Hunter F. Moss ’16

Viviana Arias and Orlando Muñoz

Melanie Munoz ’25

John Murray †

Gwyneth K. Murray-Nolan ’91

Sheila and Hari Nadiminti

Christa and Charles Nees

Theresa and James Nelson

Andrea (Bostain) Nelson ’70

James B. Nelson ’86

Edward Nettleton ’74

Neuberger Berman

Kirsten and Stephen Neville

John A. Niles ’49

Alastair J. M. Norton ’06

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation

Ashley and John O’Connor

Patricia C. O’Connor

Jennifer (Gaffney) Oken ’83

Cameron E. O’Mara ’94

Jeanne O’Mara

Cathy and J. Michael O’Neal

Adrienne Shiffman and Hart Orenstein

Julie O’Rourke

Jessica and Antonio Ortega

Joanna Ortynska

Carol and Souren Ouzounian

Douglas Owen

Blair Pack

Mary and Martin Packouz

Erika Padilla

Christine and Charles Pagano

Amy Papandreou

Georgia and Thomas Papathomas

Lia Papathomas ’97 and Anthony DiIonno

Swati and Jai Parekh

Bela J. Parekh ’10

Sima J. Parekh ’13

Tejas J. Parekh ’16

Douglas S. Parker ’92

Anar Shah and Amish Patel

Kerry and Pratish Patel

Daniela and Aaron Paul

Amy and Dana Pawlicki

Janet and JD Pearce

Ashley (Marsh) Pertsemlidis ’85 and David Pertsemlidis

Helen M. Pertsemlidis ’18

William A. Pertsemlidis ’21

Tracy (Meerwarth) Pester ’88 and Scott Pester

Petrucci Family Foundation, Inc.

Thruston Pettus

Judith Pierce

Sara and James Pirtle

Henry C. Pitney ’72

James C. Pitney Jr. ’63

Georgana and John Porcek

Jennifer and Corbett Powers

Michaella and Sandip Prasad

Carlene and John Pruitt

Pisey Chhean and Christopher Puleo ’84

Hetal Shah and Parth Purohit

Amie (Quivey) Quickstad ’86 and James Quickstad

Sarah Quinn Clausen

Adi and Jacob Rapeika

Cara Regan

Jean and Ralston Reid

Cathy Reilly

Elaine Rice

Karen and Matthew Rice

May and Matthew Rivera

Myrka and Edwin Rivera

Christine Rogan

Megan and Ben Rogers

Christine (Gimbel) Rogers ’91 and James Rogers ’88

Laura Rose

Dana T. Ross ’98

Edmund B. Ross III ’00

Susan and E. Burke Ross ’65

Charlotte Ross-Canet ’02

Allyson Ross-Pachios ’91

Jeannine and Ned Rowan

Sid Rowell

Kristen Rugel

Gina Russo

Katharine Ryan

Lee and Justin Sadrian

Lisa and Craig Safran

Laura and Anton Sahazizian

Camryn Salamone

Mandeep Josan and Bhawandeep Sandha

Jacquelyn and Thomas Sanford

Vani Krishnamurthy and Alok Sanghvi

Addison O. Santomassimo ’22

Avery G. Santomassimo ’20

Susan and Michael Santomassimo

Nicole and Paul Saphier

Cecily (Weever) Sapp ’72

Daisy and Thomas Savage

Virginia P. Savage ’05

Anjali Chelliah Sawe and Sameer Sawe

Kathy and Jason Schepis

Stacy and Glenn Schiffman

Kristina F. Schmucki ’74

Ross F. Schmucki ’69

Julia L. Schmuckler ’12

Jessica and Andrew Schneider

Meredith L. Schnur

Bruce Schwartz

Niki Robbins and Chet Schwartz

Joyce and Stuart Schwartz

Sarah and Stephen Sciaretta

Carol and Brian Sciaretta ’92

Darby A. Scott

Katy and Daniel Scott ’91

Daniela Drocco and Fabrizio Secco

Christine Senft

Marina and Roy Seroussi

Aarti and Amit Seth

Melissa and Anthony Sfarra

Sarika Arora and Jimmi Shah

Subhadra and Suken Shah

Maudie Shanley

Nina and Rakesh Sharma

Anil K. Sharma ’02

Mengyue Wang and Tong Shen

Peter J. Shepanzyk ’13

Thomas R. Shepanzyk ’15

Lucia and Robert C. Shepard ’90

Kelly and William Shields

Ellis (Hensler) Siedem ’82 and Peter Siedem

Ryan J. Siedem ’15

Maria Gatoulis and Paul Silva

Christina L. Silva ’22

Sarah Chan and Philip Sim

Sloan (Miller) Simmons ’73

William E. Simon Foundation

Cameron A. Simon ’08

Janet and J. Peter Simon

Anne Siotka

Keeley and Stephen Sjurset

Lynn and Craig Sjurset

Julie Skinner

Sheila Slutsker

Dr. Margaret (McClave) Snowden ’59 and Mr. Michael Snowden

Debra and Luke Somers

Samantha and Stephen Somers

Cornell and Erik Sorenson

Melissa Sorge

Alison and Charles Sorrentino

Alex Soudah

Adam Spadafora

Susan (Savage) Speers ’43

Courtney and Grove Stafford

Monica and Tad Staley

Marcia (Holmes) Stalvey ’70

Jeanine Yacenda-Steenberg and Matthew Steenberg

Patricia Colbert and Russell Steenberg

Catherine M. and Joseph Steffa, Sr.

Laurie and Joseph Steffa

Paula and Rick Stein

Oliver N. Stitt ’13

Stony Point Foundation

Mary Ann and Brian Storms

Martha (van Beuren) Story ’54

Ellie and James Stover

Jim Stover†

Susan Stover

Linda and James Streicher

Sudler Foundation

Eileen and Peter D. Sudler

Caroline Sugg

Susquehanna International Group, LLP

Swayne Family Fund

Susie and Thompson Swayne

Adriana Sykora

Diane and Douglas Systrom

Ashley and Brad Tabor

Lynn Tecza

Lisa and J. Brian Thebault

Jennifer and David Thomas

James N. Thomas ’19

William P. Thomas ’58

Christina and Mark Thomases

Doug Thornton

Cheryl and James Thorpe ’79

Tani Fukui and Rahul Tiwari

Kate S. Tomlinson ’69 and Roger Labrie

Christina and John Tonzola

Peter and Elizabeth Tower Foundation

Cynthia (Coggeshall) Trask ’65

Whitney and Greg Trif

Flora Nanda and Sambit Tripathy

Roxana and Cosmin Tunea

Donna and Alan Tyson ’70

Hilli Rosen and Dan Urban

Kate and Todd Van Cleef

Alison M. Verdesca ’14

Andrew D. Verdesca ’11

Pat Durner and Stephen Verdesca ’77

Julianna Vitiello

Zoe Kyrkos and Nicholas Vlahos

Christina and Demian von Poelnitz ’99

Audrey and Michael von Poelnitz

Jamie and Lankford Wade

Arti and Vikram Wadhera

Patricia and Eugene Wahl

Dori and Steve Walk

Kelly and Tyler Walk

Christine and Christopher Walker

Vanessa and Christian Walsifer

Tracey and Todd Walters

Lily Peng and Erik Wang

Cinnie and John Wappel

Karen Wasserman

M. Douglas Watson Jr. ’61

Christopher Weaver

Melissa Webber

Lisa and David Welsh

Yi Lu and Weijun Weng

Kim and Finn Wentworth

Katie and Mark Wentworth ’00

Eleanny and Nico Wernecke

Lisa Wichman

Wicks Chapin, Inc.

Myra and Warren Widmann

Katherine Wilkerson

Michele and Stewart Wilkinson

Christine Williams

Taylor (Worthington) Williams ’03 and Tyler Williams

Cymone and Anthony Williamson

Caroline A. Wolfe ’14

Sydney J. Wolfe ’16

Annette and John Worthington

Devon E. Worthington ’99

Weiwei Zhang and Lei Xu

Yaqi Zhang and Wenbo Xu

Xiao Fu and Ruobing Yan

Dennis Yanoski

Shawn Yao

Kristin and Troy Young

Megan and Erik Young

Justine Harris and John Youngelson ’81

Amber and Daniel Yu

Rebecca Zacharias

Gina and Christopher Zarro

Lynn and Dennis Zawie

Katherine D. O’Connor ’02 and Benjamin Zeidler

Sarah Frelinghuysen ’01 and James Zemaitis ’82

Yuwen Wang and Kang Zhang

The Zhang Family

Ningning He and Yuxin Zhang

Michael Zulla

Xianjin Zhu and Feng Zuo


Each year, a group of committed donors lays the foundation for The Peck Fund’s success by investing in Peck at the leadership level. Leadership donors are invited to a Head of School’s reception in celebration of their financial fidelity to Peck. It is with tremendous gratitude that The Peck School salutes these donors and acknowledges their generosity to The Peck Fund!



Anonymous (2)

Stathis Andris

F. M. Kirby Foundation

Adrienne and S. Dillard Kirby ’73

Tracy (Meerwarth) Pester ’88 and Scott Pester

Petrucci Family Foundation, Inc.

Susan and E. Burke Ross ’65

Lee and Justin Sadrian

Laura and Anton Sahazizian

Jacquelyn and Thomas Sanford

Samantha and Stephen Somers


$10,000 - $19,999

Melissa and Jeffrey Bartoli

Maria and Jordan Brugg

Yumin and James Chen

Lichu and Chieh Yuan Chen

Rachel and Tom Cortese

Jo Anna and Brian Fellon

Carolyn and Edward Foley ’85

Jenny and Rahul Goyal

Sook May Ong and Marios Hadjieleftheriou

Karen and Jeff Kirby ’76

Dianne and Kenneth Lopian

Christie (Thebault) Maguire ’03 and Frank Maguire

Cameron E. O’Mara ’94

Jeanne O’Mara

Susan and Michael


William E. Simon Foundation

Janet and J. Peter Simon

Alison and Charles Sorrentino

Lisa and J. Brian Thebault

Tracey and Todd Walters

Amber and Daniel Yu


$5,000 - $9,999

Mariana De Lucas Arbiza and Nelson Ambrogio

Lindsey and Christopher Amery

Lauren and Hayden Baker

Ketki and Vikram Bhat

Amy and Tom Birrittella

Heather and Elliot Braun

Stacey and Anthony Breaks ’90

Nneka and Levee Brooks

Naz Dastgir and Geoffrey Brounell

Morgan and Kevin Coleman

Elizabeth and Chris Cox

Nicole and Sean Crawford

Barbara and Stephen Delinsky

Julie and Andrew Delinsky

Dina and Patrick Dibre

Elizabeth and Dean Durling

Catrin and Gregg Edell

Rania Makki and Mahmoud ElAssir

Jenna and James Elliott

Noel and Kim Foley

Virginia and Rodney Frelinghuysen ’60

Megan and John Hagerty

The Healey Family Foundation

Nina and Todd Hohman

Kimberly and Daniel Honeker

Cathy and Richard Johnson

Kirstin and Tim Kelly

Katie and Patrick Machir

Heather and Patrick Marotta

Elizabeth and Spencer Marsh

Kate and Michael McBride

Allison and Matthew McMahon

Betsy (Shirley) Michel ’55

Carol and Souren Ouzounian

Anar Shah and Amish Patel

Daniela and Aaron Paul

Amy and Dana Pawlicki

Myrka and Edwin Rivera

Edmund B. Ross III ’00

Dana T. Ross ’98

Vani Krishnamurthy and Alok Sanghvi

Daisy and Thomas Savage

Niki Robbins and Chet Schwartz

Daniela Drocco and Fabrizio Secco

Subhadra and Suken Shah

Mengyue Wang and Tong Shen

Lucia and Robert C. Shepard ’90

Jamie and Lankford Wade

Lisa and David Welsh

Wicks Chapin, Inc.

Annette and John Worthington


$2,500 - $4,999

Georgina and Anthony Alexandre

Bank of America

Matching Gifts Program

Allison and Richard Brunhouse


Companies often provide financial support through employee matching gift programs.

By matching their employees’ donations to nonprofit organizations, these companies enable donors to multiply their support by doubling or, in some cases, tripling their gifts. Matching gifts can be made through cash or pledges.

To create a matching gift, contact your company’s Human Resource Office.

Ariadna and Victor Bultó

Colleen Caden

Eleanore and John Carifa

Virginia and Shawn Cepeda

Claire Chamberlain

Ashley and Evert Christensen

Nicole and Timothy Coughlin

Tianen Jia and Haosheng Cui

Nishita and Amit Datwani

Michele and Simon de Burgh Codrington

Christa and Ryan Dewey

Emily and Howie Dingle

Frances and John Downing

Amanda and Robert Falk

Elisabet and Arthur Faulkner

The Frelinghuysen Foundation

Kristen and Sean Glasser

Julie Ha and Won Kim

Sarah and James Heck

Catherine and Richard Herbst

Ruchika and Ajay Hira

Hanna and King Jang

Anne and Sam Kim

J. W. Kirby Jr. ’08

Carolyn and John Kowalik

Bridget and Richard LaBar

Valerie and Christopher Librizzi

Liz and James Loonam

Aly and Kenneth M. Lopian ’01

Joanne and Nicholas Losavio

Liron and Anthony Marone

Jason L. Michel ’83

Patricia and Mark Morgan

Kirsten and Stephen Neville

Patricia C. O’Connor

Ashley (Marsh) Pertsemlidis ’85 and David Pertsemlidis

Georgana and John Porcek

Carlene and John Pruitt

Pisey Chhean and Christopher Puleo ’84

Karen and Matthew Rice

May and Matthew Rivera

Megan and Ben Rogers

Jeannine and Ned Rowan

Sarah and Stephen Sciaretta

Katy and Daniel Scott ’91

Aarti and Amit Seth

Melissa and Anthony Sfarra

Jeanine Yacenda-Steenberg and Matthew Steenberg

Laurie and Joseph Steffa

Stony Point Foundation

Ellie and James Stover

Christina and Mark Thomases

Cheryl and James Thorpe ’79

Christina and John Tonzola

Kim and Finn Wentworth

Megan and Erik Young

Weiwei Zhang and Lei Xu

Gina and Christopher Zarro

Sarah Frelinghuysen ’01 and James Zemaitis ’82

The Zhang Family

Yuwen Wang and Kang Zhang

We are deeply grateful for the dedication of our Current Parent Annual Fund Class Chairs, whose leadership is essential to the success of The Peck Fund. Through their efforts and the generosity of our community, 90% of parents participated in the 2023-24 Peck Fund.

Budgeted Goal: $850,000

Raised: $1,244,037











Julie and Mat Feldman

Liz and James Loonam

Carol and Brian Sciaretta

Lucia and Rob Shepard

Maggie Zhang and Wenbo Xu

Ashley and Travis Lan

Aarti and Amit Seth

Katy and Dan Scott

Niki Robbins and Chet Schwartz

Emily and Howie Dingle

Christina and John Tonzola

Sarah and James Heck

Gina and Chris Zarro

Amanda and Rob Falk

Valerie and Chris Librizzi

Melissa and Jeff Bartoli

Anonymous (3)

Allyson and John Aiello

Sadie Albertyn

Georgina and Anthony Alexandre

Mariana De Lucas Arbiza and Nelson Ambrogio

Lindsey and Christopher Amery

Christine and Roberto Andrade

Lauren and Hayden Baker

Melissa and Jeffrey Bartoli

Laura and Gregory Bendelius

Ketki and Vikram Bhat

Alicia and Patrick Biggs

Amy and Tom Birrittella

Vic and Ray Blanco

Tracy and Michael Block

Anne and Marco Bornia

Heather and Elliot Braun

Stacey and Anthony Breaks ’90

Nneka and Levee Brooks

Naz Dastgir and Geoffrey Brounell

Emily and Bobby Brown

Maria and Jordan Brugg

Allison and Richard Brunhouse

Katherine and Joseph Bruno

Michelle and Robert Bruno

Ariadna and Victor Bultó

Sarah and Mark Butler ’99

Colleen Caden

Lawrence Callahan

Sharon Ng and David Carlo

Chelsey and Michael Carr

Roslyn Estrada and Ernest Ceberio


Erin and Christopher Ceder

Virginia and Shawn Cepeda

Yumin and James Chen

Chen Zhang and Kent Cheng

Ashley and Evert Christensen

Madison and Edward Chu

Aimee Lagos and Lee Clay

Jennifer Cleary and Matthew Corica

Morgan and Kevin Coleman

Yiza Soto and Rodney Coleman

Rachel and Tom Cortese

Nicole and Timothy Coughlin

Elizabeth and Chris Cox

Nicole and Sean Crawford

Emily (Simon) Crystal ’03 and Matthew Crystal

Tianen Jia and Haosheng Cui

Sushmita Sharma and Anil Dadheech

Nishita and Amit Datwani

Michele and Simon de Burgh Codrington

Mary Ann and Matthew Del Vento

Julie and Andrew Delinsky

Elouse Desir

Christa and Ryan Dewey

Dina and Patrick Dibre

Emily and Howie Dingle

Molly and Kevin Donnelly

Priscilla and Denis Dwyer

Lorena and Edward Eaton

Catrin and Gregg Edell

Rania Makki and Mahmoud ElAssir

Jenna and James Elliott

Amanda and Robert Falk

Elisabet and Arthur Faulkner

Julie and Mat Feldman

Jo Anna and Brian Fellon

Rachel and Michael Fishkin

Sara and Eric Forman

Cheryl and Garrett Friedman

Sunny Wang and Keith Frohnhoefer

Agata and Alexander Fung

Jennifer and Fenwick Garvey

Kristen and Sean Glasser

Tania and Edison Gomez

Jenny and Rahul Goyal

Marissa and Robert Grossberg

Megan and Nathaniel Hackett

Sook May Ong and

Marios Hadjieleftheriou

Sarah and James Heck

Ebony Herring

Ruchika and Ajay Hira

Kimberly and Daniel Honeker

Brooke Worthington ’96 and Matthew Houk

Tae and Eric Huang

Hanna and King Jang

Jiayin Wang and Shaohua Jia

Allison and Michael Kafka

Shannon and Peter Karches

Kirstin and Tim Kelly

Anne and Sam Kim

Hetty and Achilles Kintiroglou

Ashley and Victor Kipiani Sr.

Noelle and Chad Kirchner

Cindy Wang and Alan Kong

Surabhi Kouraw and Amit Kumar

Bridget and Richard LaBar

Ashley (Kazmerowski) Lan ’98 and Travis Lan

Lily and Gerald Lee

Valerie and Christopher Librizzi

Nancy Lombardo

Liz and James Loonam

Aly and Kenneth M. Lopian ’01

Joanne and Nicholas Losavio

Sarah and Timothy Loveday

Ginny and Brian Lysiak

Katie and Patrick Machir

Christie (Thebault) Maguire ’03 and Frank Maguire

Liron and Anthony Marone

Heather and Patrick Marotta

Daniela Accurso and Michael Marrello

Kristin Johnson and Kirk Materne III ’89

Kate and Michael McBride

Alexis Van Der Sterre and Ron McCormick

Melissa and Robert McKeon

Kimberly and Marshall McLean ’94

Allison and Matthew McMahon

Christina and Keith Melchionni

Annie and Robert Mitnick

Patricia and Mark Morgan

Lauren (Worthington) Morse ’94 and Robert Morse

Viviana Arias and Orlando Muñoz

Sheila and Hari Nadiminti

Kirsten and Stephen Neville

Ashley and John O’Connor

Cameron E. O’Mara ’94

Adrienne Shiffman and Hart Orenstein

Jessica and Antonio Ortega

Joanna Ortynska

Erika Padilla

Christine and Charles Pagano

Lia Papathomas ’97 and Anthony DiIonno

Anar Shah and Amish Patel

Daniela and Aaron Paul

Amy and Dana Pawlicki

Tracy (Meerwarth) Pester ’88 and Scott Pester

Jennifer and Corbett Powers

Michaella and Sandip Prasad

Carlene and John Pruitt

Pisey Chhean and Christopher Puleo ’84

Hetal Shah and Parth Purohit

Karen and Matthew Rice

Myrka and Edwin Rivera


May and Matthew Rivera

Jeannine and Ned Rowan

Lee and Justin Sadrian

Laura and Anton Sahazizian

Mandeep Josan and Bhawandeep Sandha

Jacquelyn and Thomas Sanford

Vani Krishnamurthy and Alok Sanghvi

Susan and Michael Santomassimo

Nicole and Paul Saphier

Anjali Chelliah Sawe and Sameer Sawe

Kathy and Jason Schepis

Niki Robbins and Chet Schwartz

Carol and Brian Sciaretta ’92

Katy and Daniel Scott ’91

Daniela Drocco and Fabrizio Secco

Christine Senft Callahan

Marina and Roy Seroussi

Aarti and Amit Seth

Melissa and Anthony Sfarra

Sarika Arora and Jimmi Shah

Subhadra and Suken Shah

Mengyue Wang and Tong Shen

Lucia and Robert C. Shepard ’90

Kelly and William Shields

Maria Gatoulis and Paul Silva

Keeley and Stephen Sjurset

Debra and Luke Somers

Alison and Charles Sorrentino

Courtney and Grove Stafford

Jeanine Yacenda-Steenberg and Matthew Steenberg

Laurie and Joseph Steffa

Ellie and James Stover

Ashley and Brad Tabor

Christina and Mark Thomases

Cheryl and James Thorpe ’79

Tani Fukui and Rahul Tiwari

Christina and John Tonzola

Whitney and Greg Trif

Flora Nanda and Sambit Tripathy

Roxana and Cosmin Tunea

Hilli Rosen and Dan Urban

Zoe Kyrkos and Nicholas Vlahos

Christina and Demian von Poelnitz ’99

Jamie and Lankford Wade

Arti and Vikram Wadhera

Kelly and Tyler Walk

Christine and Christopher Walker

Vanessa and Christian Walsifer

Tracey and Todd Walters

Lily Peng and Erik Wang

Yi Lu and Weijun Weng

Eleanny and Nico Wernecke

Christine Williams and Sean Naughton

Cymone and Anthony Williamson

Weiwei Zhang and Lei Xu

Yaqi Zhang and Wenbo Xu

Xiao Fu and Ruobing Yan

Amber and Daniel Yu

Gina and Christopher Zarro

Sarah Frelinghuysen ’01 and James Zemaitis ’82

Katherine D. O’Connor ’02 and Benjamin Zeidler

Yuwen Wang and Kang Zhang

Chuan Rong Liu and Qinquan Zhang

Ningning He and Yuxin Zhang

Xianjin Zhu and Feng Zuo


Gifts of stocks and/or securities benefit the donor and the school.

This type of gift is a taxdeductible contribution and the donor may avoid paying capital gains tax on the appreciated stock or security.

Your financial manager and the Advancement Office can provide information and assistance. We kindly request you notify us of your stock transfer information so we may accurately credit your stock donation to the right fund or campaign.

This includes your name, name of stock traded, your broker’s name, number of donated shares, and to where you wish your donation be credited at Peck.

This will help us identify your gift when the school receives notice of a transfer.  Wire transfers are executed by J.P. Morgan.

Please contact Director of Advancement Sarah Quinn Clausen for stock transfer instructions at 973-539-8660 ext. 113.


Susan (Savage) Speers


Peter Maytham


Mary (Nettleton) Coogan

Edmund G. Langhorne

John A. Niles


Aldys (Chapman) Davis


Rosalie (Warren) Byard

Jean (Marckwald) Chapin

Nancy (Niles) Faesy


Neilson Abeel

Peyton (Chapman) Horne

Susan (Marckwald) Mackay

Martha (van Beuren) Story


Betsy (Shirley) Michel


Hope (Phillips) Hazen

Jeremy T. Medina


Robert M. Doyle

Carolyn Cutler Goodman

Elizabeth (Abeles) Heald


Marianna Johnson Baker

William P. Thomas


Dr. Margaret (McClave) Snowden


Charles P. Coggeshall

Rodney P. Frelinghuysen


M. Douglas Watson Jr.


Anthony A. Keyes

James C. Pitney Jr.


Carol A. Cowan

Susan (Nichols) Ferriere

Alexander Keyes Jr.

Peter Malin

E. Burke Ross Jr.

Cynthia (Coggeshall) Trask


James G. Bennett


John L. Dana

Nichol duPont

Ross F. Schmucki

Kate S. Tomlinson


Claire M. Abbott

Elizabeth (Dougherty) Halle

Andrea (Bostain) Nelson

Marcia (Holmes) Stalvey

Alan L. Tyson


Stewart L. Cutler

John C. Galbraith


Keith Kasper

Henry C. Pitney

Cecily (Weever) Sapp


S. Dillard


Anne (LeBuhn) MacCowatt

Sloan (Miller) Simmons


Edward Nettleton

Kristina F. Schmucki


Jefferson W. Kirby


Katherine H. Fritts

Stephen A. Verdesca


Jean G. Fritts-Eskenazi


James Thorpe


Susan E. Faux


Jonathan W. Lubow

John Youngelson


Alexandra (Ferguson) Goggin

Ellis (Hensler) Siedem


Mona (Mennen) Gibson

Jason L. Michel

Jennifer (Gaffney) Oken


Erik M. W. Caspersen

Jonathan W. Gibson

Christopher Puleo


Edward J. Foley IV

Katherine B. Michel

Ashley (Marsh) Pertsemlidis


Frank Fritts

James B. Nelson

Amie (Quivey) Quickstad


Tracy (Meerwarth) Pester

James Rogers


Carter (Marsh) Abbott

Susan E. Barba

Kirk Materne


Anthony A. Breaks

Noel (Kemmerer) Howe

Philip Kim

Robert C. Shepard


Krista Haley

Gwyneth K. Murray-Nolan

Allyson Ross-Pachios

Daniel D. Scott


Wm. Fishwick McLean

Douglas S. Parker


Marshall McLean

Lauren (Worthington) Morse

Cameron E. O’Mara



Nicole (Humick) Colson


Samantha (Hall) Boggs

Courtney E. Meehan

Brooke Worthington


Elise (McLean) Klarberg

Lia Papathomas


Louisine Frelinghuysen

Ashley (Kazmerowski) Lan

Dana T. Ross


Tracy Dana Battaglini

Mark Butler

Katherine (Corrigan) Griff

Demian von Poelnitz

Devon E. Worthington


Edmund B. Ross III

Mark X. Wentworth


Suzanne (Sweeney) Berlacher

Sarah Frelinghuysen

Kenneth M. Lopian


Palmer R. Higgins

Katherine D. O’Connor

Charlotte Ross-Canet

Anil K. Sharma


Andrew W. Bruen

Emily (Simon) Crystal

Christie Thebault Maguire

Ryan J. Meehan

Taylor (Worthington) Williams


Virginia P. Savage


Jake W. Huff

Laurelle A. McInerney

Alastair J. M. Norton


Gregory J. Ballanco

F. Morgan Kirby IV

Sarah-Louise Moss


J. W. Kirby Jr.

Cameron A. Simon


Keeneh G. Comizio

Michael T. Gilfillan

Alexandra A. Huff

Margaret F. MacCowatt

William F. Moss

Bela J. Parekh


Taylor J. Comizio

John T. Humphries

Andrew D. Verdesca


Kirby A. Comizio

Rita R. Keazer

Mark C. Kowalik

Salvatore LoBiondo

Julia L. Schmuckler


Benjamin J. Bollinger

Patrick T. Gilfillan

Sarah A. Moseson

Sima J. Parekh

Peter J. Shepanzyk

Oliver N. Stitt


Chet T. Comizio

Jennifer G. Coyne

Samuel S. Kirby

Jordan McGinley

Alison M. Verdesca

Caroline A. Wolfe


Natalie C. Gilfillan

John O. Grier

Thomas R. Shepanzyk

Ryan J. Siedem


Eve A. Gilbert

Elisabeth C. Gilfillan

Hunter F. Moss

Tejas J. Parekh

Sydney J. Wolfe


Keely G. Comizio


Helen M. Pertsemlidis


John B. Crosby

Franklin K. Mau

James N. Thomas


Alexis R. Bartoli

Avery G. Santomassimo


August K. Goyal

William A. Pertsemlidis


Dylan H. Bartoli

Chase M. Cignarella

Matthew D. Del Vento

Morgan R. Edell

Austin K. Mau

Addison O. Santomassimo

Christina L. Silva


Gift Clubs are the heart of The Peck Fund, our annual giving program. By supporting the school’s mission so generously, gift club donors serve to inspire fellow alumni, parents, past parents, grandparents, trustees, faculty, staff, and friends of Peck to maintain the school’s tradition of excellence in elementary education.


Our young alumni are the next generation of philanthropic stewards for Peck’s annual giving program. Our Alumni Pride Circle designation salutes those alumni who have graduated from Peck within the past 10 years and who show their Peck loyalty and pride through their generous support of The Peck Fund.

Alexis R. Bartoli ’20

Dylan H. Bartoli ’22

Benjamin J. Bollinger ’13

Chet T. Comizio ’14

Keely G. Comizio ’17

Jennifer G. Coyne ’14

John B. Crosby ’19

Matthew D. Del Vento ’22

Morgan R. Edell ’22

Eve A. Gilbert ’16

Elisabeth C. Gilfillan ’16

Natalie C. Gilfillan ’15

Patrick T. Gilfillan ’13

August K. Goyal ’21

John O. Grier ’15

Samuel S. Kirby ’14

Austin K. Mau ’22

Franklin K. Mau ’19

Jordan McGinley ’14

Sarah A. Moseson ’13

Hunter F. Moss ’16

Sima J. Parekh ’13

Tejas J. Parekh ’16

Helen M. Pertsemlidis ’18

William A. Pertsemlidis ’21

Addison O. Santomassimo ’22

Avery G. Santomassimo ’20

Peter J. Shepanzyk ’13

Thomas R. Shepanzyk ’15

Ryan J. Siedem ’15


Christina L. Silva ’22

Oliver N. Stitt ’13

James N. Thomas ’19

Alison M. Verdesca ’14

Caroline A. Wolfe ’14

Sydney J. Wolfe ’16

The Alumni Society recognizes Peck graduates who have generously given to The Peck Fund for five consecutive years or more.

Carter (Marsh) Abbott ’89

Neilson Abeel ’54

Gregory J. Ballanco ’07

Alexis R. Bartoli ’20

Anthony A. Breaks ’90

Rosalie (Warren) Byard ’52

Erik M. W. Caspersen ’84

Nicole (Humick) Colson ’95

Mary (Nettleton) Coogan ’49

Carol A. Cowan ’65

Stewart L. Cutler ’71

John L. Dana ’69

Aldys (Chapman) Davis ’50

Robert M. Doyle ’57

Nancy (Niles) Faesy ’52

Susan (Nichols) Ferriere ’65

Edward J. Foley IV ’85

Rodney P. Frelinghuysen ’60

Frank Fritts ’86

Katherine H. Fritts ’77

John O. Grier ’15

Elizabeth (Dougherty) Halle ’70

Hope (Phillips) Hazen ’56

Peyton (Chapman) Horne ’54

Keith Kasper ’72

Anthony A. Keyes ’63

Philip Kim ’90

F. Morgan Kirby IV ’07

J. W. Kirby Jr. ’08

Jefferson W. Kirby ’76

Edmund G. Langhorne ’49

Kenneth M. Lopian ’01

Anne (LeBuhn) MacCowatt ’73

Susan (Marckwald) Mackay ’54

Peter Maytham ’46

Laurelle A. McInerney ’06

Jeremy T. Medina ’56

Courtney E. Meehan ’96

Ryan J. Meehan ’03

Betsy (Shirley) Michel ’55

Jason L. Michel ’83

Katherine B. Michel ’85

Lauren (Worthington) Morse ’94

Hunter F. Moss ’16

Sarah-Louise Moss ’07

William F. Moss ’10

Andrea (Bostain) Nelson ’70

James B. Nelson ’86

Edward Nettleton ’74

Katherine D. O’Connor ’02

Bela J. Parekh ’10

Tejas J. Parekh ’16

Douglas S. Parker ’92

Ashley (Marsh) Pertsemlidis ’85

Helen M. Pertsemlidis ’18

Tracy (Meerwarth) Pester ’88

Henry C. Pitney ’72

Amie (Quivey) Quickstad ’86

Dana T. Ross ’98

E. Burke Ross Jr. ’65

Edmund B. Ross III ’00

Allyson Ross-Pachios ’91

Virginia P. Savage ’05

Daniel D. Scott ’91

Thomas R. Shepanzyk ’15

Ellis (Hensler) Siedem ’82

Ryan J. Siedem ’15

Sloan (Miller) Simmons ’73

Marcia (Holmes) Stalvey ’70

James N. Thomas ’19

James Thorpe ’79

Kate S. Tomlinson ’69

Alison M. Verdesca ’14

Andrew D. Verdesca ’11

Stephen A. Verdesca ’77

M. Douglas Watson Jr. ’61

Taylor (Worthington) Williams ’03

Brooke Worthington ’96

John Youngelson ’81

Sarah Frelinghuysen ’01 and James Zemaitis ’82


The Mahlon-Pitney Society recognizes and honors members of the Peck community who have served as Trustees of the school, and whose vision for leadership and generosity to our community is profound. We are grateful for their continued support of The Peck Fund.

Carter (Marsh) Abbott ’89 and Jamison Abbott

Lindsey and Christopher Amery

NaTishia and Dipo Aromire

Lauren and Hayden Baker

Melissa and Jeffrey Bartoli

Deborah and Kevin Bollinger

Nneka and Levee Brooks

Susan and William Bruen

Virginia and Shawn Cepeda

Claire Chamberlain

Rachel and Tom Cortese

Tiffany and Brian Crosby

Margo and John Dana ’69

Julie and Andrew Delinsky

France and Brian Delle Donne

Anita and Dean Dent

Frances and John Downing

Karen and John Dubel

Catrin and Gregg Edell

Rania Makki and Mahmoud ElAssir

Madeleine and Mark Fleming

Noel and Kim Foley

Carolyn and Edward Foley ’85

Virginia and Rodney Frelinghuysen ’60

David Frothingham

Kathleen and James Gilbert

Christine and Michael Gilfillan

Megan and John Hagerty

Janet and John Hanlon

Martha and James Higgins

Nina and Todd Hohman

Kimberly and Daniel Honeker

Sue and Philip Kim ’90

Karen and Jeff Kirby ’76

Adrienne and S. Dillard Kirby ’73

Carolyn and John Kowalik

Carrie and Brad Kurtzman

JeanAnn Morgan-Liftin and Alan Liftin

Anne (LeBuhn) MacCowatt ’73 and Thomas H. MacCowatt

Susan (Marckwald) Mackay ’54

Genevieve and Matthew Mallgrave

Elizabeth and Spencer Marsh

Kirk and Stuart Materne

Allison and Matthew McMahon

Susan and Robert McMullan

Christina and Keith Melchionni

Betsy (Shirley) Michel ’55

Jennifer and Frederick Moss

Carol and Souren Ouzounian

Janet and JD Pearce

Tracy (Meerwarth) Pester ’88 and Scott Pester

Kristen and Patrick Ramsey

Megan and Ben Rogers

Susan and E. Burke Ross ’65

Sid Rowell

Katharine Ryan

Susan and Michael Santomassimo

Daisy and Thomas Savage

Subhadra and Suken Shah

Ellis (Hensler) Siedem ’82 and Peter Siedem

Alison and Charles Sorrentino

Mary Ann and Brian Storms

Christina and John Tonzola

Casey and Mark Wells

Lisa and David Welsh

Kim and Finn Wentworth

Annette and John Worthington

Mary M. Ace

Amina and Raza Ahmed

Dorothy and Dale Albright

Jessica Angelo

NaTishia and Dipo Aromire

Antonia Atkins

Jane Attah

Elizabeth S. Belasic

Deborah and Kevin Bollinger

Carolyn and Jackson Breaks

Joan and Edward Bromage

Catherine and Douglas V. Brown

Jean and Barrett Brown

Susan and William Bruen

Susan Donnell Budd and David Budd

Lorraine Callaghan

Veronica Pila and Carlos Chabla

Claire Chamberlain

Christine and Robert Coyne

Tiffany and Brian Crosby

Colette and James Cross

Mary Ann and William Crutchlow

Margo and John Dana ’69

France and Brian Delle Donne

Anita and Dean Dent

Sue and Donald Diebold

Sylvie and Christopher Downey

Frances and John Downing

Karen and John Dubel

Elizabeth and Dean Durling

DeBorah and Vincent Earrusso

Claire and Mahdi Fawzi

Madeleine and Mark Fleming

Noel and Kim Foley

Carolyn and Edward Foley ’85

Jennifer and Alan Fournier

Virginia and Rodney Frelinghuysen ’60

Katherine and Peter Gargiulo

Kathleen and James Gilbert

Christine and Michael Gilfillan

Karen and Michael Giuliano

Kathylynn and Mark Grier


Megan and John Hagerty

Janet and John Hanlon

Elizabeth (Abeles) Heald ’57 and William H. Heald

Catherine and Richard Herbst

Martha and James Higgins

Nina and Todd Hohman

Lisa and John Humphries

Carolee and Stanley Kallmann

Anthony A. Keyes ’63

Anna and Vadim Khidekel

Sue and Philip Kim ’90

Karen and Jeff Kirby ’76

Adrienne and S. Dillard Kirby ’73

Carolyn and John Kowalik

John LaRosa

Kelle and Mark R. Leonhard

Elizabeth and Paige L’Hommedieu

JeanAnn Morgan-Liftin and Alan Liftin

Lawrence Litwin

Dianne and Kenneth Lopian

Jessica and Jonathan Lubow ’81

Anne (LeBuhn) MacCowatt ’73 and Thomas H. MacCowatt

Susan (Marckwald) Mackay ’54

Gail and Paul Mandel

Elizabeth and Spencer Marsh

Kirk and Stuart Materne

Lisa and Glenn Mathus

Fran and Stephen Matson

Malcolm M. McAlpin ’59

Lisa and Vincent McInerney

Susan and Robert McMullan

Betsy (Shirley) Michel ’55

Mary Ann and Craig Moore

Irene and Mark Mortensen

Jennifer and Frederick Moss

Christa and Charles Nees

Cynthia and Scott Nestle

Patricia C. O’Connor

Cathy and J. Michael O’Neal

Douglas Owen

Mary and Martin Packouz

Kerry and Pratish Patel

Janet and JD Pearce

Laura and Andrew Perrin

Ashley (Marsh) Pertsemlidis ’85 and David Pertsemlidis

Thruston Pettus

Judith Pierce

Georgana and John Porcek

Kristen and Patrick Ramsey

Susan and E. Burke Ross ’65

Katharine Ryan

Lisa and Craig Safran

Antionette and Paul Santucci

Daisy and Thomas Savage

Meredith L. Schnur

Sarah and Stephen Sciaretta

Darby A. Scott

Nina and Rakesh Sharma

Ellis (Hensler) Siedem ’82 and Peter Siedem

Constance and Eric Silverman

Sarah Chan and Philip Sim

Anne Siotka

Julie Skinner

Cornell and Erik Sorenson

Mary Ann and Brian Storms

Linda and James Streicher

Eileen and Peter D. Sudler

Adriana Sykora

Jennifer and David Thomas

Monique and John Thornton

Donna and Alan Tyson ’70

Kate and Todd Van Cleef

Pat Durner and Stephen Verdesca ’77

Sally and Alexander T. Walsh ’70

Erin and Christopher Weaver

Casey and Mark Wells

Lisa and David Welsh

Kim and Finn Wentworth

Myra and Warren Widmann

Katherine Wilkerson

Michele and Stewart Wilkinson

Annette and John Worthington

Linda and Richard Alderson

Claire Baldwin

Nancy and Ronald Bendelius

Annie and Bogdan Bienko

Barbara Birdsall

Alan Brugg

Eleanore and John Carifa

Paula and William Carroll

Margaret and Ronald Ceder

Sharon Cepeda

Lichu and Chieh Yuan Chen

Yee and Wah Chu

Cheryl and Jim Cleary

Marie and Benjamin Del Vento

Barbara and Stephen Delinsky

Virginia and L. John Dughi

Hap and Geren Fauth

Judy and David Feldman

Amy and James Fleming

Cheryle and Kevin Fleming

Virginia and Rodney Frelinghuysen ’60

Nancy Garvey

Lorraine Glasser

Patricia and Richard Gordon

Elizabeth and Paul Hackett


Mary and Patrick Hennessy

Catherine and Richard Herbst

Pendered and Robert Hoffman

Alice Holt

Cathy and Richard Johnson

Cynnie and Peter Kellogg

Patty and Bill Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kennedy

Chris Holle and Jack Lagos

LeeAnne and Richard Lan

Dianne and Kenneth Lopian

Denise Marone

Kirk and Stuart Materne

Sarah Morse

Theresa and James Nelson

Patricia C. O’Connor

Jeanne O’Mara

Georgia and Thomas Papathomas

Adi and Jacob Rapeika

Cathy Reilly

Joyce and Stuart Schwartz

Sarah and Stephen Sciaretta

Darby A. Scott

Maudie Shanley

Janet and J. Peter Simon

Lynn and Craig Sjurset

Monica and Tad Staley

Patricia Colbert and Russell Steenberg

Catherine M. and Joseph Steffa, Sr.

Paula and Rick Stein

Jim Stover†

Susan Stover

Lisa and J. Brian Thebault

Audrey and Michael von Poelnitz

Patricia and Eugene Wahl

Dori and Steve Walk

Cinnie and John Wappel

Annette and John Worthington

Shirley and Jack Aboulafia

Mely Arias

Mary Calabria

Brian Cargo

Kevin Carter

Dyana and Sean Conroy

Colette and James Cross

Sue and Donald Diebold

Patricia Dodge

Dawn Duncan

Justin Faugno

Lauren Faugno-Speck

Claire and Mahdi Fawzi

David Frothingham

Marilyn and Robert Gellert


Elizabeth (Abeles) Heald ’57 and William H. Heald

Martha and James Higgins

Sage Katakura

Karen and Jeff Kirby ’76

Elise (McLean) Klarberg ’97

Carolyn and John Kowalik

Scott Laird

Ashley (Kazmerowski) Lan ’98 and Travis Lan

Kelle and Mark R. Leonhard

Ellen Levine

Jacynthe Mailly

Elizabeth and Spencer Marsh

Bill Metcalfe

Doris and Gary Miller

Mary Ann and Craig Moore

John Murray †

Julie O’Rourke

Douglas Owen

Judith Pierce

Elaine Rice

Daisy and Thomas Savage

Jessica and Andrew Schneider

Nina and Rakesh Sharma

Julie Skinner

Sheila Slutsker

Diane and Douglas Systrom

Katherine Wilkerson

Sadie Albertyn

Jessica Angelo

Kimberly Apgar

Mely Arias

Sasha Armant

Jane Attah

Denis Avila

Carley Barton

Scott Beil

Elizabeth Belasic

Nichole Bolio

Megan Boyle

Sophie Brady

Katherine Bruno

Heather Burchfield

David Carlo

Chelsey Carr

Laura Caruso

Erin Ceder

Sarah Chan

Candice Cirilo

Jennifer Cleary

Amy L. Cohen

Andy Cohen

Andrew Delinsky

Christina Dietz

Karen Dispenziere

Molly Donnelly

Alina Dunker-Ware

Mary Faugno

Bella Ferriso

Caileigh Finnegan

Janine Finnegan


Wanda Fiorini

Julia Forbes

Brian Fox

Jennifer Garvey

Kevin Grieshaber

Sebastian Guerrero

Jason Guss

Pat Houlihan

Carlos Jara

Luichi Jara

Tracy Keane

Katheryn Kennedy

A.J. Licameli

Susan Longenecker

Cathy Lopez

Gabriella Lopez

Colleen Loughman

Timothy Loveday

Jacynthe Mailly

Lisa Markman-Pithers

David Marshall

JT McMillen

Gail McNamee

Maribel Mohr

Elizabeth Monkemeier

Sara Montijo

Mark Mortensen

Christa Nees

Blair Pack

Amy Papandreou

Sarah Quinn Clausen

Cara Regan

Christine Rogan

Laura Rose

Kristen Rugel

Gina Russo

Camryn Salamone

Virginia Savage ’05

Bruce Schwartz

Nina Sharma

Melissa Sorge

Alex Soudah

Adam Spadafora

Caroline Sugg

Adriana Sykora

Ashley Tabor

Lynn Tecza

Doug Thornton

Julianna Vitiello

Christine Walker

Karen Wasserman

Christopher Weaver

Melissa Webber

Lisa Wichman

Stewart Wilkinson

Christine Williams

Taylor (Worthington) Williams ’03

Cymone Williamson

Annette Worthington

Shawn Yao

Kristin Young

Rebecca Zacharias

In honor of Sasha Armant

Sarah Frelinghuysen ’01 and James Zemaitis ’82

In honor of Niki Robbins

Joyce and Stuart Schwartz

In honor of Andrew C. Delinsky

Sid Rowell

In honor of John, Timothy and Peter Ryan

Katherine Ryan

In memory of Peter X. Carolan

Jack Aboulafia

Laura & Harvey Alpert Charitable Foundation

Bayles Boat Shop

Mary Calabria

Elena Carolan

Kevin Carter

Cento Fine Foods

John O. Downing

Dawn Duncan

Robert S. Gellert

Thomas C. Humick

S. Dillard Kirby

Ellen Levine

Gary C. Miller

Adobe, Inc.

Patricia C. O’Connor

J. Michael O’Neal

Stony Point Foundation

Thompson M. Swayne

Swayne Family Fund

Douglas Y. Systrom

Finn Wentworth

Mark X. Wentworth

Annette and John Worthington

Dennis Zawie

In memory of John Fritts ’48

Katherine H. Fritts

In memory of Thomas M. Green

Nichol duPont

In memory of Andy Gaffney

Oken Family Charitable Fund

In memory of Zachary Lopian

Dianne and Kenneth Lopian

In memory of Nicholas Mathus ’15

John O. Grier

In memory of Nicholas Niles ’48 and William Niles ’55

John A. Niles

In memory of Katherine K. Pettus ’87 and Thruston Pettus, Jr. ’90

Thruston Pettus

In memory of Leela and Suseela Prasad Michaella Prasad


Laura & Harvey Alpert

Charitable Foundation

Bank of America Matching Gifts Program

BASF Corporation

Bayles Boat Shop

BlackRock Matching Gifts Program

BNY Mellon

Cento Fine Foods

Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation

Dubel & Associates, LLC

Estee Lauder

F. M. Kirby Foundation

The Frelinghuysen Foundation

Guardian Life Insurance

Matching Gift Company

The Healey Family Foundation

Ipsen NA


Moody’s Corporation

Neuberger Berman

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation

Petrucci Family Foundation, Inc.

Piper Sandler Companies


William E. Simon Foundation

Stony Point Foundation

Sudler Foundation

Susquehanna International Group, LLP

Swayne Family Fund

Peter and Elizabeth Tower Foundation

Wells Fargo Wicks Chapin, Inc.

Honor Roll of Donors For Endowed And Special Funds To Peck

We are grateful to the individuals who have generously donated to the following Peck funds:


Willard E. Alexander


Susan and E. Burke Ross ’65


Katie and Patrick Machir


Patricia H. Ferenbach

Richard S. Ferenbach Jr.


Elizabeth W. L’Hommedieu

Anne (LeBuhn) MacCowatt ’73 and Thomas MacCowatt

Claire Ferenbach Whelan


Karen and Fred Schnur




Susan and E. Burke Ross ’65


The E. Burke Ross Jr. Family Fund for the Ross Scholars at the Community Foundation of New Jersey

Susan and E. Burke Ross ’65


Back to Nature Lisa and David Welsh

Endowment Funds, Scholarships, and Specially Designated Funds

The Peck School is grateful to the many individuals who have established funding, meeting an array of needs including financial aid, faculty development, and academic scholarship. We are grateful for these contributions and the tangible enhancements they bring to those in the Peck community.

The Ben Alexander Faculty Enrichment Fund:

Established in 2010 in honor of past trustee, parent, and faculty member Ben Alexander to support the professional growth and enrichment of Peck faculty.

The Class Of 1965 Fund:

Established in 2016 by Peck ’65 graduates, on the occasion of their 50th Reunion, in memory of classmates Jack Culbertson ’65, PJ Miller ’65, Parky Shurtleff ’65, and Susan Stockman ’65. Donations to this fund will support the ongoing operating priorities of the school.

Community Connections and Belonging Endowment Fund:

Established in the spring of 2021 to support Peck’s ongoing diversity work and efforts to create a culture of inclusion and belonging for all Peck students, families, and faculty and staff — past, present, and future. The endowment fund supports the school’s overall efforts towards these goals, which includes, but is not limited to, a full-time director position, professional development, programming, and financial aid.

The David M.C. Ju Faculty Development Fund:

Established in 1998 to support the professional growth and development of the faculty.

The Deetjen Family Fund:

Created in 2012 in honor and memory of retired Headmaster Rudolph H. Deetjen Jr. to support Peck’s character education program with funding for faculty professional development and training including guest speakers, workshops, tools, and technology.

The Disciplina Ad Vivendum Award For Teaching Excellence:

Established in 2005, the award is presented annually and is intended to be the highest honor bestowed upon a Peck teacher. The educator personifies the school motto Disciplina ad Vivendum: Learning for Life.

The Faculty and Staff Award for Community Connections:

The Faculty and Staff Award for Community Connections is in memory of David Schnur, and represents all Peck parents – past, present and future. The award honors a faculty or staff member who creates and nurtures authentic and meaningful connections with students at The Peck School that help foster growth, belonging and transformation.

The Jockey Hollow Fund For Professional Development:

Established in 1985 in support of the professional growth and development of faculty.

The Kirby Scholars:

Established in 1992 to provide financial aid to students in grades five through eight who could not otherwise afford a Peck education.

The Laura Ferenbach Scholarship Fund:

Established in 1991 to support the financial aid of a deserving student.

The Linden Scholarship Fund:

Established in 2019 to provide a full academic scholarship to a deserving local student who demonstrates strong academic skills and potential as well as financial need. The scholarship covers the recipient’s annual tuition and school-related needs from Kindergarten through eighth grade.

The Meerwarth Fund:

Established in 1985 to enable deserving students to attend The Peck School; preferably, students applying for admission for the first time to grades five through eight.

The Norman B. Tomlinson Jr. Fund For Faculty Excellence:

Established in 1987 to attract and retain a high caliber of faculty and instruction at The Peck School by providing annual income to support the recruitment of outstanding faculty and to enhance professional development, compensation, and benefits.

The Peck Faculty Retention and Recruitment Fund:

Established in 2008 by the Peck Parents Association to enable the school to recruit and retain highly qualified faculty and to provide other academic resources.

The Peck School Family Fund:

Created in 2002 to provide support to faculty, staff, and administration in their “time of need.”

The Ross Family Scholar Program:

Established in April 2004, under the guidance of the Community Foundation of New Jersey, to pay for tuition and other expenses of children from financially limited families who demonstrate exceptional potential for leadership, and contributions to society, in addition to being strong academically.

The Robin Ross Fund:

Established under the guidance of the Community Foundation of New Jersey to support the InDeCoRe program, which promotes values and character education. The fund supports training, curriculum improvements, and special related programs.

The Summer Faculty Grant:

Established in 1998 to annually support a Peck faculty member in his or her pursuit of a professional or personal interest during the summer.

The Walker D. Kirby Faculty Award Fund:

Established in 2014 to fund The Walker D. Kirby Faculty Award which honors a member of the faculty who is selected by the graduating eighth-grade class, and whose devotion to the school, its students, and its mission is an exemplary inspiration to the graduates and all in the Peck Community.

If you are interested in establishing a fund to honor an individual, support an initiative, or create an opportunity, please call Sarah Quinn Clausen, Director of Advancement at (973) 539-8660, ext. 113.

Invest in Peck: The Sutphen Society

Charitable giving can be an important part of your estate planning. Bequests, gift annuities, and charitable trusts are vehicles through which you can provide valuable financial support to The Peck School. They also can provide significant financial benefits for you and your loved ones. We encourage you to seek advice from a tax professional about including Peck in your estate planning.

There are several ways you can support an institution such as Peck. The following are among the most popular choices for making a charitable gift:

The Sutphen Society

F ounded in 1998, The Sutphen Society recognizes the generosity of alumni, parents, and other members of the Peck family who establish a planned giving arrangement with The Peck School.

Membership in the Sutphen Society demonstrates a commitment to elementary education and perpetuates your relationship with The Peck School.

Planned gifts include bequests, life income trusts, and other deferred giving arrangements.

A bequest of any size qualifies a donor for membership in the Sutphen Society. Donors are advised to consult their financial advisors who are experienced in the area of estate planning.

Unrestricted planned gifts are usually designated to the school’s endowment. Donors wishing to restrict the purpose of their gift or establish a named fund should discuss their intentions with representatives from the school to ensure that their wishes can be met.

Remembering Peck in this special way establishes a tradition of philanthropy so important to The Peck School.


You may make a gift to The Peck School by designating the school as a beneficiary in your will. A bequest can be made for a specific amount or as a percentage of the total estate. Bequests can be unrestricted or used to establish named gift funds (e.g. scholarship fund) or memorial funds. Bequests of any size will help to secure the strength of the school for future generations.

Gift Annuities

Under a gift annuity agreement, you make a gift to Peck in return for the school’s promise to make an annual payment to you of a specified dollar amount for as long as you live. The amount of the annual payment depends upon your age and is based on a fixed percentage of the initial fair market value of your gift. A portion of your gift is tax-deductible.

Charitable Remainder Trust

A charitable remainder trust may be designed to provide you with income throughout your lifetime as well as support to The Peck School upon your death. The trust may be established with a gift of cash or appreciated stock. A trust can be structured in one of two ways–either as an annuity trust or unitrust. The important difference between the two options involves the way distributions are handled.

Charitable Lead Trusts

With a charitable lead trust you essentially “lend” a charity your assets for a set period of time. At the end of the gift period, the property you placed in the trust either returns to you, or is passed on to named individuals. Charitable giving is important to the growth of the school’s endowment. Income from the endowment fund helps Peck remain a leader in elementary education by providing a stimulating environment for learning, scholarship funds, augmenting faculty salaries, and supporting programs and curriculum needs.

Our staff welcomes the opportunity to meet with you and your advisors to discuss how you can include Peck in your estate plan.

Discussions are confidential and are held without obligation. Questions and inquiries should be addressed to:

Advancement Office, The Peck School

247 South Street • Morristown, NJ 07960 (973) 539-8660 ext. 113


We are thrilled to highlight one of our key philanthropic achievements from last year: the successful completion of the Athletic Fields Renovation Project. With the generous support of our community, we surpassed our ambitious goal of $4.3 million, allowing us to transform our playing fields, elevate the entire student-athlete experience, and enhance amenities for spectators. The impact of this project resonates far and wide, benefiting students, parents, grandparents, and alumni alike. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of our donors for making this significant transformation possible.


Peck Parents Association

Samantha and Stephen Somers

$250,000 - 499,999

Maria and Jordan Brugg

Tracy (Meerwarth) Pester '88 and Scott Pester

$100,000 - 249,999

Anonymous (3)

Elizabeth and Chris Cox

F. M. Kirby Foundation

Carolyn and Edward Foley '85

Shannon and Peter Karches

Adrienne and S. Dillard Kirby '73

Elizabeth and Spencer Marsh

Ashley and John O'Connor

Laura and Anton Sahazizian

Jacquelyn and Thomas Sanford

$50,000 - 99,999

Morgan and Kevin Coleman

Community Foundation of NJ

Virginia and L. John Dughi

Heather and Patrick Marotta

Allison and Matthew McMahon

Anar Shah and Amish Patel

Debra and Luke Somers

Alison and Charles Sorrentino

Laurie and Joseph Steffa

Tracey and Todd Walters

Kim and Finn Wentworth

Annette and John Worthington

$20,000 - 49,999

Lindsey and Christopher Amery

Allison and Richard Brunhouse

Ashley and Evert Christensen

Nicole and Sean Crawford

Julie and Andrew Delinsky

Catrin and Gregg Edell

Virginia and Rodney Frelinghuysen '60

Christine and Michael Gilfillan

Jenny and Rahul Goyal

Karen and Jeff Kirby '76

Liz and James Loonam

Natoli Construction

Michaella and Sandip Prasad

Lee and Justin Sadrian

Melissa and Anthony Sfarra

Ellie and James Stover

The MCJ Amelior Foundation

Christina and John Tonzola

$10,000 - 19,999

Georgina and Anthony Alexandre

Arlene and Brian Amery

Colleen Caden

Lindsey and Christopher Cara

E.J. Grassmann Trust

Rania Makki and Mahmoud ElAssir

Jo Anna and Brian Fellon

Hetty and Achilles Kintiroglou

Ginny and Brian Lysiak

Katie and Patrick Machir

Patricia and Mark Morgan

Carol and Souren Ouzounian

Aarti and Amit Seth

Union Foundation

Jamie and Lankford Wade

$2,500 to 9,999

Lauren and Hayden Baker

Nneka and Levee Brooks

Ariadna and Victor Bulto

Nicole and Timothy Coughlin

Nishita and Amit Datwani

Christa and Ryan Dewey

Nina and Todd Hohman

Krystyna and John Jakimowicz

Kirstin and Tim Kelly

Noelle and Chad Kirchner

Carrie and Brad Kurtzman

Lily and Gerald Lee

Dianne and Kenneth Lopian

Pisey Chhean and Christopher Puleo '84

Vani Krishnamurthy and Alok Sanghvi

Susan and Michael Santomassimo

Kathy and Jason Schepis

Niki Robbins and Chet Schwartz

Megan and Erik Young

Amber and Daniel Yu

Xianjin Zhu and Feng Zuo

$2,499 and Under Anonymous

Carter (Marsh) Abbott '89 and Jamison Abbott

Greg Albertyn

Melissa and Jeffrey Bartoli

James Bellis Jr. '67 and Patti T. Bellis

Laura and Gregory Bendelius

Amy and Tom Birrittella

Julie and Thomas Bliemel

Anne and Marco Bornia

Michelle Bruno and Robert Bruno

Katherine and Joseph Bruno

Heather Burchfield

Sarah and Mark Butler '99

Sarah Conine and James Carifa

Chelsey and Michael Carr

Roslyn Estrada and Ernest Ceberio

Erin and Christopher Ceder

Virginia and Shawn Cepeda

Chen Zhang and Kent Cheng

Aimee Lagos and Lee Clay

Jennifer Cleary and Matthew Corica

Lisa J. Cloughen

Charles P. Coggeshall '60

Yiza Soto and Rodney Coleman

Deborah and C. Rory Corrigan

Rachel and Tom Cortese

Mary Ann and William Crutchlow

Emily (Simon) Crystal '03 and Matthew Crystal

Emily and Howie Dingle

Stephanie and Mark DiPisa

Priscilla and Denis Dwyer

Lorena and Edward Eaton

Jenna and James Elliott

Amanda and Robert Falk

Mary Faugno

Judy and David Feldman

Caileigh Finnegan

Madeleine and Mark Fleming

Sarah Frelinghuysen '01 and James Zemaitis '82

Jennifer and Fenwick Garvey

Kristen and Sean Glasser

Marissa and Robert Grossberg

Megan and Nathaniel Hackett

Sook May Ong and Marios Hadjieleftheriou

Sarah and James Heck

Ruchika and Ajay Hira

Kimberly and Daniel Honeker

Peyton (Chapman) Horne '54

Teresa and Eric Huang

Huff Family

Jake W. Huff '06

Wesley J. Jakimowicz '14

Jacqueline M. Jakimowicz '12

Hanna and King Jang

Allison and Michael Kafka

Karen and Dennis Kazmerowski

J. W. Kirby Jr. '08

Stark D. Kirby '09

John J. Kowalik Jr. '09

Ashley (Kazmerowski) Lan '98 and Travis Lan

Lillian Aldaia and Richie Lin

Lawrence Litwin

Aly and Kenneth M. Lopian '01

Joanne and Nicholas Losavio

Liron and Anthony Marone

Kirk Materne III '89 and Kristin Johnson

Jordan McGinley '14

Melissa and Robert McKeon

Kimberly and Marshall McLean '94

Christina and Keith Melchionni

Annie and Robert Mitnick

Maribel and Bradley Mohr

Lauren (Worthington) Morse '94 and Robert Morse

Irene and Mark Mortensen

John A. Niles '49

Mr. Nicholas Niles Jr. '48

Mr. William Niles '55

Jessica and Antonio Ortega

Joanna Ortynska

Blair Pack

Amy Papandreou

Lia Papathomas '97 and Anthony DiIonno

Daniela and Aaron Paul

Janet and JD Pearce

Ashley (Marsh) Pertsemlidis '85 and David Pertsemlidis

Judith Pierce

Carlene and John Pruitt

Leigh (Gaston) Punj '65

Sarah Quinn Clausen

May and Matthew Rivera

Susan and E. Burke Ross '65

Jeannine and Ned Rowan

Lisa and Craig Safran

Daisy and Thomas Savage

Anjali Chelliah Sawe and Sameer Sawe

Ross F. Schmucki '69

Katy and Daniel Scott '91

Daniela Drocco and Fabrizio Secco

Christine Senft Callahan

Marina and Roy Seroussi

Sarika Arora and Jimmi Shah

Peter J. Shepanzyk '13

Cameron A. Simon '08

Keeley and Stephen Sjurset

Julie Skinner

Cornell and Erik Sorenson

Jeanine Yacenda-Steenberg and Matthew Steenberg

Ashley and Brad Tabor

Lynn Tecza

Christina and Mark Thomases

Cheryl and James Thorpe '79

Whitney and Greg Trif

Roxana and Cosmin Tunea

Hili Rosen and Dan Urban

Audrey and Michael von Poelnitz

Christina and Demian von Poelnitz

Arti and Vikram Wadhera

Melissa Webber

Yi Lu and Weijun Weng

Claire (Ferenbach) Whelan '73

Taylor (Worthington) Williams '03 and Tyler Williams

Brooke Worthington '96 and Matthew Houk

Devon E. Worthington '99

Yaqi Zhang and Wenbo Xu

Xiao Fu and Ruobing Yan

Peck Pride Day of Giving 2023

The Peck School celebrated the birthday of a very special member of our community: Pride the Lion! On a day filled with joy and celebration our community answered the call to support The Peck Fund—a crucial cornerstone of Peck’s operational budget, and one that enhances every aspect of the Peck experience. More than 360 generous gifts were given in Pride’s honor totaling over $602,000, including a $120,000 Board of Trustees match, making this year’s Peck Pride Day of Giving the most successful yet!

Thank you to the generous donors who joined in the festivities!

Anonymous (3)

Carter (Marsh) Abbott ’89 and Jamison Abbott

Allyson and John Aiello

Sadie Albertyn

Mariana De Lucas Arbiza and Nelson Ambrogio

Lindsey and Christopher Amery

Christine and Roberto Andrade

Stathis Andris

Jessica Angelo

Kimberly Apgar

Mely Arias

Sasha Armant

NaTishia and Dipo Aromire

Jane Attah

Elizabeth Attias

Denis Avila

Lauren and Hayden Baker

Marianna Johnson Baker ’58

Claire Baldwin

Alexis R. Bartoli ’20

Dylan H. Bartoli ’22

Melissa and Jeffrey Bartoli

Carley Barton

Scott Beil

Elizabeth S. Belasic

Laura and Gregory Bendelius

Suzanne (Sweeney) Berlacher ’01

Ketki and Vikram Bhat

Annie and Bogdan Bienko

Alicia and Patrick Biggs

Vic and Ray Blanco

Samantha (Hall) Boggs ’96 and Hamilton Boggs

Nichole Bolio

Anne and Marco Bornia

Megan Boyle

Sophie Brady

Stacey and Anthony Breaks ’90

Joan and Edward Bromage

Nneka and Levee Brooks

Naz Dastgir and Geoffrey Brounell

Emily and Bobby Brown

Andrew W. Bruen ’03

Susan and William Bruen

Maria and Jordan Brugg

Allison and Richard Brunhouse

Katherine and Joseph Bruno

Michelle Bruno and Robert Bruno

Ariadna and Victor Bultó

Heather Burchfield

Mark Butler ’99

Colleen Caden

Sharon Ng and David Carlo

Chelsey and Michael Carr

Paula and William Carroll

Laura Caruso

Erin and Christopher Ceder

Margaret and Ronald Ceder

Virginia and Shawn Cepeda

Sharon Cepeda

Chen Zhang and Kent Cheng

Ashley and Evert Christensen

Madison and Edward Chu

Yee and Wah Chu

Chase M. Cignarella ’22

Candice Cirilo

Amy L. Cohen

Andy Cohen

Morgan and Kevin Coleman

Yiza Soto and Rodney Coleman

Nicole (Humick) Colson ’95

Chet T. Comizio ’14

Keely G. Comizio ’17

Keeneh G. Comizio ’10

Kirby A. Comizio ’12

Taylor J. Comizio ’11

Keeneh and Robert Comizio

Jennifer Cleary and Matthew Corica

Nicole and Timothy Coughlin

Elizabeth and Chris Cox

Jennifer G. Coyne ’14

Nicole and Sean Crawford

John B. Crosby ’19

Colette and James Cross

Emily (Simon) Crystal ’03 and Matthew Crystal

Tianen Jia and Haosheng Cui

Sushmita Sharma and Anil Dadheech

Margo and John Dana ’69

Nishita and Amit Datwani

Diann Deal

Mary Ann and Matthew Del Vento

Barbara and Stephen Delinsky

Elouse Desir

Christa and Ryan Dewey

Christina Dietz

Emily and Howie Dingle

Karen Dispenziere

Molly and Kevin Donnelly

Virginia and L. John Dughi

Alina Dunker-Ware

Priscilla and Denis Dwyer

Lorena and Edward Eaton

Catrin and Gregg Edell

Morgan R. Edell ’22

Rania Makki and Mahmoud ElAssir

Jenna and James Elliott

Estee Lauder

Nancy (Niles) Faesy ’52

Amanda and Robert Falk

Justin Faugno

Mary Faugno

Lauren Faugno-Speck

Julie and Mat Feldman

Jo Anna and Brian Fellon

Bella Ferriso

Janine Finnegan

Caileigh Finnegan

Wanda Fiorini

Rachel and Michael Fishkin

Amy and James Fleming

Carolyn and Edward Foley ’85

Julia Forbes

Sara and Eric Forman

Brian Fox

Louisine Frelinghuysen ’98

Virginia and Rodney Frelinghuysen ’60

Frank Fritts ’86

Sunny Wang and Keith Frohnhoefer

David Frothingham

Jennifer and Fenwick Garvey

Nancy Garvey

Eve A. Gilbert ’16

Christine and Michael Gilfillan

Elisabeth C. Gilfillan ’16

Michael T. Gilfillan ’10

Natalie C. Gilfillan ’15

Patrick T. Gilfillan ’13

Kristen and Sean Glasser

Lorraine Glasser

Tania and Edison Gomez

Patricia and Richard Gordon

Jenny and Rahul Goyal

August K. Goyal ’21

Kevin Grieshaber

Katherine (Corrigan) Griff ’99

Marissa and Robert Grossberg

Sebastian Guerrero

Jason Guss

Megan and Nathaniel Hackett

Sook May Ong and Marios Hadjieleftheriou

Mr. and Mrs. T. Chandler Hardwick III

Sarah and James Heck

Catherine and Richard Herbst

Ebony Herring

Ruchika and Ajay Hira

Pendered and Robert Hoffman

Nina and Todd Hohman

Alice Holt

Kimberly and Daniel Honeker

Peyton (Chapman) Horne ’54

Brooke Worthington ’96 and Matthew Houk

Pat Houlihan

Tae and Eric Huang

Hanna and King Jang

Carlos Jara

Luichi Jara

Jiayin Wang and Shaohua Jia

Cathy and Richard Johnson

Allison and Michael Kafka

Keith Kasper ’72

Sage Katakura

Tracy Keane

Rita R. Keazer ’12

Kirstin and Tim Kelly

Patty and Bill Kelly

Katheryn Kennedy

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kennedy

Anne and Sam Kim

Ashley and Victor Kipiani Sr. F. Morgan Kirby IV ’07

Samuel S. Kirby ’14

Noelle and Chad Kirchner

Elise (McLean) Klarberg ’97

Cindy Wang and Alan Kong

Surabhi Kouraw and Amit Kumar

Bridget and Richard LaBar

Ashley (Kazmerowski) Lan ’98 and Travis Lan

LeeAnne and Richard Lan

Edmund G. Langhorne ’49

John LaRosa

Lily and Gerald Lee

Kelle and Mark R. Leonhard

Valerie and Christopher Librizzi

A.J. Licameli

Lisa and Salvatore LoBiondo

Susan Longenecker

Liz and James Loonam

Cathy Lopez

Gabriella Lopez

Dianne and Kenneth Lopian

Aly and Kenneth M. Lopian ’01

Joanne and Nicholas Losavio

Colleen Loughman

Sarah and Timothy Loveday

Anne (LeBuhn) MacCowatt ’73 and Thomas H. MacCowatt

Margaret F. MacCowatt ’10

Katie and Patrick Machir

Jacynthe Mailly

Amy and Peter Malin ’65

Gail and Paul Mandel

Lisa Markman-Pithers

Denise Marone

Heather and Patrick Marotta

Elizabeth and Spencer Marsh

David Marshall

Kirk and Stuart Materne

Kirk Materne III ’89

Lisa and Glenn Mathus

Franklin K. Mau ’19

Austin K. Mau ’22

Alexis Van Der Sterre and Ron McCormick

Jordan McGinley ’14

Laurelle A. McInerney ’06

Melissa and Robert McKeon

Wm. Fishwick McLean ’92

Allison and Matthew McMahon

JT McMillen

Gail McNamee

Jeremy T. Medina ’56

Courtney E. Meehan ’96

Katherine B. Michel ’85

Maribel and Bradley Mohr

Elizabeth Monkemeier

Sara Montijo

Patricia and Mark Morgan

Lauren (Worthington) Morse ’94 and Robert Morse

Sarah A. Moseson ’13

Melanie Muñoz ’25

Sheila and Hari Nadiminti

Christa and Charles Nees

Kirsten and Stephen Neville

John A. Niles ’49

Ashley and John O’Connor

Katherine D. O’Connor ’02 and Benjamin Zeidler

Patricia C. O’Connor

Jeanne O’Mara

Cameron E. O’Mara ’94

Cathy and J. Michael O’Neal

Adrienne Shiffman and Hart Orenstein

Joanna Ortynska

Carol and Souren Ouzounian

Blair Pack

Mary and Martin Packouz

Christine and Charles Pagano

Amy Papandreou

Georgia and Thomas Papathomas

Lia Papathomas ’97

Anar Shah and Amish Patel

Daniela and Aaron Paul

Amy and Dana Pawlicki

Janet and JD Pearce

Helen M. Pertsemlidis ’18

Tracy (Meerwarth) Pester ’88 and Scott Pester

Carlene and John Pruitt

Pisey Chhean and Christopher Puleo ’84

Hetal Shah and Parth Purohit

Sarah Quinn Clausen

Cara Regan

Karen and Matthew Rice

May and Matthew Rivera

Myrka and Edwin Rivera

Christine Rogan

Laura Rose

Jeannine and Ned Rowan

Gina Russo

Lee and Justin Sadrian

Lisa and Craig Safran

Laura and Anton Sahazizian

Mandeep Josan and Bhawandeep Sandha

Jacquelyn and Thomas Sanford

Vani Krishnamurthy and Alok Sanghvi

Susan and Michael Santomassimo

Avery G. Santomassimo ’20

Addison O. Santomassimo ’22

Daisy and Thomas Savage

Virginia P. Savage ’05

Anjali Chelliah Sawe and Sameer Sawe

Kathy and Jason Schepis

Julia L. Schmuckler ’12

Jessica and Andrew Schneider

Bruce Schwartz

Joyce and Stuart Schwartz

Niki Robbins and Chet Schwartz

Carol and Brian Sciaretta ’92

Sarah and Stephen Sciaretta

Darby A. Scott

Katy and Daniel Scott ’91

Daniela Drocco and Fabrizio Secco

Marina and Roy Seroussi

Aarti and Amit Seth

Melissa and Anthony Sfarra

Sarika Arora and Jimmi Shah

Subhadra and Suken Shah

Maudie Shanley

Anil K. Sharma ’02

Mengyue Wang and Tong Shen

Lucia and Robert C. Shepard ’90

Kelly and William Shields

Maria Gatoulis and Paul Silva

Christina L. Silva ’22

Sarah Chan and Philip Sim

Sloan (Miller) Simmons ’73

Cornell and Erik Sorenson

Melissa Sorge

Alison and Charles Sorrentino

Dina and Alex Soudah

Adam Spadafora

Courtney and Grove Stafford

Monica and Tad Staley

Patricia Colbert and Russell Steenberg

Jeanine Yacenda-Steenberg and Matthew Steenberg

Laurie and Joseph Steffa

Catherine M. and Joseph Steffa, Sr.

Paula and Rick Stein

Mary Ann and Brian Storms

Martha (van Beuren) Story ’54

Ellie and James Stover

Jim Stover †

Sudler Foundation

Eileen and Peter D. Sudler

Caroline Sugg

Susquehanna International Group, LLP

Adriana Sykora

Ashley and Brad Tabor

Lynn Tecza

James N. Thomas ’19

Jennifer and David Thomas

Doug Thornton

Tani Fukui and Rahul Tiwari

Whitney and Greg Trif

Roxana and Cosmin Tunea

Hilli Rosen and Dan Urban

Julianna Vitiello

Zoe Kyrkos and Nicholas Vlahos

Christina and Demian von Poelnitz ’99

Arti and Vikram Wadhera

Dori and Steve Walk

Kelly and Tyler Walk

Christine and Christopher Walker

Tracey and Todd Walters

Lily Peng and Erik Wang

Cinnie and John Wappel

Karen Wasserman

Christopher Weaver

Melissa Webber

Yi Lu and Weijun Weng

Eleanny and Nico Wernecke

Lisa Wichman

Michele and Stewart Wilkinson

Christine Williams

Taylor (Worthington) Williams ’03 and Tyler Williams

Cymone and Anthony Williamson

Annette and John Worthington

Devon E. Worthington ’99

Weiwei Zhang and Lei Xu

Yaqi Zhang and Wenbo Xu

Xiao Fu and Ruobing Yan

Megan and Erik Young

Rebecca Zacharias

Sarah Frelinghuysen ’01 and James Zemaitis ’82

Yuwen Wang and Kang Zhang

Chuan Rong Liu and Qinquan Zhang

Ningning He and Yuxin Zhang

Michael Zulla

2023-24 Volunteer Leadership

Peck’s vibrant and engaged Parents Association brings our school initiatives and community events to life: leading to lasting friendships, a family-like community atmosphere, and dynamic parent-school partnerships—benefits that are felt by our students, their families, and our faculty and staff. Below is an honor roll of volunteers for the 2023-24 school year.


Niki Robins, President

Emily Dingle, Vice President

Jenny Goyal, Secretary

Sarah Heck, Treasurer

10-YEAR HISTORY OF PARENTS ASSOCIATION PRESIDENTS: Alison McMahon, 22-23; Cate Edell, 21-22; Virginia Cepeda, 20-21; Melissa Bartoli, 19-20; Stefanie Bolton, 18-19; Christina Melchionni, 17-18; Megan Rogers, 16-17; Carrie Kurtzman, 15-16; Debra Bampton Bosacki, 14-15; Kathleen W. Gilbert, 13-14







Cate Edell

Carlene Pruitt

Carol Sciaretta

Suba Shah

Emily Brown

Molly Donnelly

Kirstin Kelly

Lily Lee

Scott Pester

Nicole Crawford

Christina Tonzola

Christine Callahan

Chen Zhang

3RD GRADE CP 2029 Neeli Myneni




Courtney Stafford

Anjali Sawe

Whitney Trif

Ashley Christensen

Liz Loonam

Jessica Ortega

Erin Peek


Souren G. Ouzounian, President Tracy (Meerwarth) Pester ’88, Vice President

Ben Rogers, Vice President

Charles Sorrentino, Treasurer

Lauren O. Baker, Secretary

Andrew Delinsky, Head of School*, Chris Amery, NaTishia Aromire, Levee Brooks, Tom Cortese, Daisy Douglas Savage, Mahmoud Elassir, Todd W. Hohman, Daniel Honeker, Ashley (Kazmerowski) Lan ’98, Mark Morgan, Niki Robbins, PA President*, Sid Rowell, Laura Sahazizian. Anar Shah, Joe Steffa, John Tonzola * Ex Officio member



















Anne Bornia

Tracey Walters

Michele de Burgh Codrington

Jessica Ortega

Nicole Coughlin

Yiza Sota

Xiao Fu

Sarah Sakr

Noelle Kirchner

Valerie Librizzi

Katie Machir

Jen Powers

Pallas Jia

Patricia Morgan

Ali Brunhouse

Julie Delinsky

Christine Pagano

Lillian Aldaia

Brooke Worthington ’96

Ali McMahon

Laura Sahazizian

Colleen Caden

James Heck

Daniela Paul

Ali McMahon

Autumn Chapple

Lorena Eaton




Elizabeth Cox

Vic Blanco

LUNCH LIAISON (LS) Jeanine Yacenda-Steenberg


Cate Edell









Rachel Cortese

Ebony Herring

Chen Zhang

Sarah Frelinghuysen ’01

Katy Scott

Li Marone

Mary Ann del Vento

Lindsey Amery

Michele Bruno

Ginny Lysiak

Kelly Shields

Erin Cedar

Amber Yu

Catherine Anyango

Mariana De Lucas Arbiza

Myrka Rivera

Surabhi Kouraw

The 2023-24 Peck School Faculty

People are at the heart of any school, and The Peck School is honored to have a team of passionate and dedicated faculty and staff that make every day extraordinary. With their commitment, curiosity, and compassion, Peck faculty and staff strive to continually elevate the student experience. Below is the honor roll of Peck’s faculty and staff, and their positions held, for the 2023-2024 school year.


Andrew C. Delinsky Head of School

Heather Burchfield Director of Strategic Communications

Karen Dispenziere Director of Admissions & Financial Aid

Kevin Grieshaber Director of Technology

Pat Houlihan Director of Athletics

Sarah Quinn Clausen Director of Advancement

Kristen Rugel Chief Financial Officer, Director of Operations

Ashley Tabor Head of the Lower School

Christopher J. Weaver Director of Curriculum & Faculty Development

Cymone Williamson Director of Community Connections & Belonging


Sadie Albertyn Special Projects Coordinator

Jessica Angelo K-8 Math Department Chair, Grade 5 Math Teacher

Kimberly Apgar Assistant to Lower School Head and Director of Curriculum & Faculty Development

Mely Arias Technology Support Associate

Sasha Armant Lower School Learning Specialist

Jane Attah Grade 2 Homeroom Teacher

Denis Avila Facilities Technician

Carly Barton Grade 3 Associate Teacher

Scott Beil

Upper School Art Teacher

Elizabeth “Liz” Belasic Upper School Science Teacher

Nichole Bolio Grade 3 Homeroom Teacher

Megan Boyle

Upper School English Teacher

Sophie Brady Lower School Math Specialist

Katherine Bruno Grade 3 Homeroom Teacher

Dave Carlo Upper School History Teacher, Outdoor Education Teacher

Chelsey Carr Grade 4 Homeroom Teacher

Laura J. Caruso Physical Education Teacher & Coach

Erin Ceder Grade 2 Homeroom Teacher

Sarah Chan Upper School English Teacher

Candice Cirilo Grade 1 Associate Teacher

Jennifer Cleary Associate Director of Visual Brand Strategy

Amy L. Cohen Upper School Learning Specialist

Andy Cohen Technology Associate

Jeff Cucchiara Technology Support Associate

Christina Dietz After School and Auxiliary Program Coordinator, Woodworking Assistant

Molly E. Donnelly Physical Education Teacher & Coach

Mary Faugno Assistant Business Manager

Bella Ferriso Grade 2 Associate Teacher

Caileigh Finnegan Grade 2 Associate Teacher

Janine A. Finnegan Lower School Reading Specialist

Wanda Fiorini Admissions Assistant

Julia Forbes

Upper School French Teacher

Jennifer Garvey

Lower School Technology, Innovation & Design Integrator

Amy Gettys Controller

Sebastian Guerrero

Upper School Music Teacher

Jason Guss Upper School History Teacher

Carlos Jara Facilities Technician

Luichi Jara Facilities Technician

Katheryn Kennedy Science Department Chair, Lower School Science Teacher

Tracy Keane Grade 4 Associate Teacher

AJ Licameli Director of Safety and Security

Susan L. Longenecker Upper School History Teacher

Cathy Lopez Grade 1 Homeroom Teacher

Gabriella Lopez Upper School English Teacher

Colleen Loughman School Nurse

Timothy W. Loveday

Upper School Science Teacher

Jacynthe Mailly Controller

David Marshall

Upper School Latin Teacher

Gail McNamee

Receptionist & Information Management Coordinator

JT McMillen

Grade 3 Associate Teacher

Maribel M. Mohr

Kindergarten Teacher

Elizabeth Monkemeier

Instrumental Music Teacher

Sara Montijo

Lower School Spanish Teacher

Mark A. Mortensen

Woodworking Teacher

Christa G. Nees

Grade 1 Homeroom Teacher

Blair Pack Advancement Associate

Ava Pesante Kindergarten Associate Teacher

Amy J. Papandreou

Upper School Math Teacher

Lisa Pithers

Upper School Psychologist

Cara Regan

Grade 4 Homeroom Teacher

Chantal Rivers

Upper School Spanish Teacher

Christine Rogan

Upper School Administrative Assistant

Laura Rose Upper School Math Teacher

Gina Russo

Grade 1 Associate Teacher

Camryn Salamone

Lower School Associate Teacher

Bruce Schwartz Director of the Osborn Idea & Design Lab

Melissa Sorge Librarian & Lower School

Reading Specialist

Alex Soudah

Upper School History Teacher

Adam Spadafora Physical Education Teacher & Coach

Caroline Sugg Upper School Math Teacher

Adriana Sykora

World Language Department Chair, Lower School Spanish Teacher

Lynn Tecza

Grade 4 Associate Teacher

Christine Walker

Lower School Art Teacher

Karen Wasserman

Lower School Psychologist

Melissa Webber

Digital Marketing Specialist

Lisa Wichman

Lower School Music Teacher

Stewart D. Wilkinson

Upper School Math Teacher

Christine Williams Director of Secondary School Counseling

Taylor Williams Alumni Relations Associate

Annette Worthington Admissions Counselor

Shawn Yao Technology Network Manager

Kristin G. Young Kindergarten Homeroom Teacher

Rebecca L. Zacharias Executive Assistant to the Head of School

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