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FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012 Your Island - Your Paper

Friday 6 July - Thursday 12 July 2012



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Seven hurt as fishing boat explodes and sinks

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Would dog meat trade be less cruel if legalised?

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Ten die as bus full of tourists crashes in Surat


‘Beast’ spoils the party for record-holder Bolt.


EYES EVERYWHERE New security initiative calls for 5,000 CCTV cameras by 2013 Police Chief proposes all the island’s CCTV cameras be linked via the internet. Governor wants number of cameras to increase fivefold. Proposals sparked by killing of Australian travel agent Michelle Smith last month, and orders from Bangkok to ‘stamp out the mafia’. Top police from Bangkok to help Phuket officers to crack down on taxi, tuk-tuk and jetski rip-offs and violence.

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Enhanced images from CCTV cameras in Kata show the two men who killed travel agent Michelle Smith on June 20 – the proposal will ensure more criminals are caught.







FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

10 die in Surat bus smash Ten people killed and 17 hurt as tour bus careers off road at high speed > 10

Alasdair Forbes & Claire Connell execeditor@thephuketnews.com


Phuket has been galvanised by Michelle Smith’s tragic death, with new initiatives emerging daily on how to improve security across the island

500 say farewell to Michelle at moving ceremony FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF stabbed travel agent Michelle Smith bade farewell to her in a moving ceremony in Perth on Saturday (June 30). Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park became a sea of red as a crowd of 500 donned the mother-of-three’s favourite colour and bid her a tearful farewell, PerthNow reported. There was standing room only in the chapel as the congregation remembered the 60-year-old for her special ability to “light up a room” with her fun-loving personality, zeal for life and penchant for parties and pina coladas. Each carried a single red rose or gerbera which they laid atop her white casket, emblazoned with the words “Gone Shopping”. During yesterday’s service, Reverend Robert Graue said Mrs Smith’s untimely death had caused immense pain but the family had been humbled by support from across the globe. “The unjustness of this crime and senseless death has saddened our home state of Western Australia and the Australian nation at large. The people of Thailand share our grief and despair,” Rev Graue was quoted by PerthNow as saying. “I would urge all of us to put aside any feelings of anger or hostility towards the perpetrators of our loss and celebrate Michelle’s life.’” Speaking for the first time since the tragedy, two of her

Michelle Smith children, Chanelle and Cameron, paid tribute to their mother as an adventurous woman who “lived life to the full”, packing more than 100 years worth of experiences into her 60. A photo collage showed Mrs Smith as a keen traveller in exotic holiday spots, including outside India’s Taj Mahal and the Egyptian pyramids. “You inspired me so much in your life with your love of travel, how you see the good in people, your love of a social event and friends and how you love being the centre of attention,” Cameron said. Chanelle said she was heartbroken her mum would never share her wedding day or the birth of grandchildren. “We shared a motherdaughter bond that many would be envious of,” she said. Husband Geoff said his wife would be remembered for her “larrikin nature” and as a wonderful mother with a “heart of gold”. After the service, mourners released 200 red helium balloons into the sunny sky as Mr Smith announced, laughing: “She’s going overseas again!”

Phuket has hundreds of unregistered ‘black’ taxis, like this one parked at Surin Beach.

Officials try once more to bring taxis to heel Paritta Wangkiat reporter3@thephuketnews.com


huket authorities announced this week that they would begin meeting with taxi rank leaders on Wednesday (July 4), as part of a fresh attempt to solve taxi and tuk-tuk problems, including unregistered vehicles, violence against passengers and “influential people” supporting the drivers. Vice-Governor Chamroen Tipayapongtada said authorities, including police and officials from the Provincial Transport Office (PTO), would meet taxi leaders and representatives to encourage them to join a system to get vehicle

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registered and to improve standards of service. They have set themselves a target of at least three meetings a week, either at local government offices or at the taxi ranks, until they have met drivers from every one of the island’s 100-plus taxi groups. “We will start with drivers from taxi groups who we think are more likely to cooperate with us,” said V/Gov Chamroen. Wednesday’s meetings were expected to include taxi groups at Central Festival and Big C on the bypass road. The new attempt was sparked by a meeting on June 22 between local officials and Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubamrung, who

has ordered them to wipe out “local mafias” in 90 days. At the meeting, Mr Chalerm ordered Phuket authorities to solve the taxi problems, especially by diminishing the role of influential people who support taxi drivers when there are problems. The officials explained to Mr Chalerm how they had tried last year to enlist taxi and tuk-tuk drivers in Kata and Karon into a system to improve standards, but had to postpone it indefinitely because drivers and local authorities would not cooperate. Mr Chalerm therefore urged police to join the drive to tackle taxi problems. Police were assigned to search for information

on influential people and taxi leaders, believed to be the root of taxi problems, then collaborate with Phuket authorities to solve taxi problems. “There is nothing that police will not know,” Mr Chalerm said. The nicknames of some of the influential people were mentioned at the meeting at Phuket Provincial Hall on Tuesday (July 3), but without any more detail. Phuket authorities have made multiple attempts to control taxis and tuk-tuks over the years, all of which have failed, usually due to the uncooperative attitude of drivers, backed by pressure behind the scenes from influential people.

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FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012




Plans made for big boost in CCTV coverage, plus more police – maybe


ctions to improve security in Phuket have been proposed by Provincial Police Commander Pol Maj Gen Chonasit Watanawarangkun, following a meeting on Monday (June 2) with commanders of police stations on the island. His proposal, made to the Governor’s office for transmission to the central government, includes a scheme to link all existing CCTV cameras on the island, via the internet, to a central monitoring station. The cost of doing this would be minimal, compared with installing more cameras, or contracting a private company to set up and run a new network, as was earlier proposed. “A project has been developed and presented for consideration to the Provincial Office because most information about crime now comes from cameras. “The project name is ‘Amazing Eyes Digital Phuket Province’, which will serve in protecting the people of Phuket. It will also be possible to make reports online of looming danger before it happens, Gen Chonasit said. CCTV systems in public places will be integrated and local people will be involved in the project as monitors, along with police. He said the project also includes plans for “an integrated alarm system”. “The system will be tied together via the internet and have centralised monitoring,” he explained. “It will also be linked to local cable TV.” He said no additional budget for implementation had been requested because it relies on “linking existing systems – for example those

Pol Gen Chonasit: Whatever budget is spent on the new system ‘will be a small price to pay for the safety of Phuket’. belonging to municipal and tambon governments, private entities and traffic monitoring – and then assigning police and volunteers to monitor them. “This is yet another way that people can serve as the ears and eyes of the police,” he said, “and it is a way of uniting the people and the police in watching out [for crime].” In addition, the general has plans for more checkpoints, more police stations and an increase in the number of officers. The proposals follow the widely-publicised stabbing of Australian travel agent Michelle Smith last month and the recent visit to the island by Australian Ambassador James Wise, who urged authorities do more to protect tourists by increasing the number of checkpoints and CCTV cameras, and cracking down hard on unauthorised carrying of weapons. Gen Chonasit said the aim is to enhance security, and thereby the confidence of tourists in their safety.

“The frequency with which crime occurs in each locale was analysed during the meeting, as well as the places where it happens and the times. I ordered an increase in the number of checkpoints in each locale, as well as increase in the number of patrolmen. “Any station with too few officers will have Provincial Police Investigations officers assigned to it. We also seek co-operation from local people and volunteers in patrolling.” He said the exact number of cameras that will be used depends on information provided by local police. “The fact is, thousands of cameras are in place, but local governments don’t use many of them. So we will advise them on what to do. “Plans are still in the development stage. Officers from the secretariat of the Prime Minister’s Office will go to each locale and evaluate information provided, thereafter dividing the area into zones.” He said that whatever budget is spent on the new system “will be a small [price to pay

for] the safety of Phuket”. Addressing police manpower levels, Gen Chonasit said that Phuket has 1,800 officers, but half of these are engaged in administration, “leaving the rest for crime suppression and traffic control”. He explained that the police have run into the same

trap as many government organisations on the island: The difference between registered population – on which budgets rest – and the actual population, which is at least twice that number. “The National Police Office, in assigning the complement of officers to any locale, makes computations based on registered population and the area’s size,” Gen Chonasit explained. “Insufficiencies [in terms of manpower and equipment] have been brought to the attention of the National Police Office. For now we have requested that Phuket receive its full complement of officers, as budgeted for the province. For the future, I have already requested the number be increased.” Gen Chonasit added that two more police stations are already planned – one for Tambon Vichit and one for Karon. Officers for those stations, he said, would not be taken

from existing stations, but be in addition to those already in place. He said the Police Board is still considering the plans, but that the locations of each, and their manpower, have been decided upon. On Tuesday (July 3) Phuket Governor Tri Augkaradacha said that he wants to see the number of CCTV cameras in Phuket rise to 5,000 by next year – a fivefold increase. He said he will allocate B2 million from his B10 million emergency fund to pay for 100 cameras, and he urged the 19 local authorities on the island to include the purchase of high-quality cameras in their budgets for the coming fiscal year. “I hope we can achieve this goal [of 5,000 cameras],” said Gov Tri. “However, it depends on the support from local authorities as well.” There are currently about 1,000 CCTV cameras installed around the island but many of these are not actually in use.





FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012


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SIMON OSTHEIMER Managing Editor 083 922 9265 managingeditor@thephuketnews.com From Hong Kong; a decade’s experience as editor of magazines and newspapers in Shanghai (City Weekend, that’s Shanghai), Beijing (tbjhome, Urbane), Hong Kong (Time Out Hong Kong), Kuala Lumpur (Vision KL), Bangkok (Bangkok 101) and Phuket. Journalist for Esquire, Fah Thai, Vacations & Travel, Travel & Leisure, CNNGo, Surface and Dwell.

ALASDAIR FORBES Executive Editor 087 884 9964 execeditor@thephuketnews.com From the UK; 40 years as a journalist and editor on magazines and newspapers in the UK, Middle East, Hong Kong and Thailand: Cheshire Observer, Chester Chronicle, Saudi Gazette, Gulf Mirror, Gulf Construction, Gulf News, Hongkong Standard, Asian Business (Editor) and Phuket Gazette (Managing Editor for seven years).

DANE HALPIN Sub Editor editor2@thephuketnews.com From Australia; Degree in Journalism, Charles Sturt University. Four years’ experience at: The Australian, The Central Western Daily, The Leader, The Canberra Times, and The Vientiane Times.

CLAIRE CONNELL Sub Editor editor1@thephuketnews.com From New Zealand; BA (English) from University of Otago; Diploma in Journalism from the University of Canterbury. Five years’ experience at Gisborne Herald and Marlborough Express.

JODY HOUTON Sub Editor editor3@thephuketnews.com From the UK; Masters Degree in Journalism, Kingston University. Five years’ experience at Groove Magazine, Metropolis, The Western Telegraph, The Mirror and Phuket Post.

PARITTA ‘MAI’ WANGKIAT Chief Reporter 083 240 5837 reporter3@thephuketnews.com

TANYALUK ‘MANGO’ SAKOOT Reporter 091 034 2291 reporter4@thephuketnews.com

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Pol Gen Pansiri Prapawat, second from right, meets with Preechawut Keesin (left) of the Pisona taxi group.

PATONG CLAMPDOWN Town to be centrepiece for tackling tourism woes elsewhere Paritta Wangkiat reporter3@thephuketnews.com


he Royal Thai Police (RTP) is currently focusing on solving Phuket’s major problems as part of its “Phuket Model” project – an initiative they hope will later pave the way to fixing tourismrelated problems in other major tourism hubs such as Koh Samui and Pattaya. The project includes the installation of many more CCTV cameras and action to counter taxi, tuk-tuk and jet-ski problems. A crucial part of the plan will be the establishment of the “Patong Safety Zone”. The RTP have set themselves a deadline of 30 days to reduce the rate of crime, fraud and violence. The Deputy Commissioner of the RTP, Pol Gen Pansiri Prapawat, and other high-ranking officers visited Phuket on Wednesday (July 4) to discuss the project with local authorities, representatives from the taxi, tuk-tuk and jet-ski groups, and

AS AN EXAMPLE OF THE kind of problems that will have to be tackled, a heroic Japanese tourist received 15 stitches in his head after intervening to prevent a taxi driver from raping an Australian tourist in the early hours of Wednesday (July 4). Police said that the taxi driver, Kajornsak Rungruang, 25, had admitted to attempting “to have sex” with the 23-year-

old tourist after he saw her walking along Haad Patong Rd and tried to grab her. She screamed for help, and tourist Takahiro Maruyama, raced to intervene. Grappling with Kajornsak, Mr Maruyama was punched resulting in a cut above his eyebrow that required 15 stitches. Kajornsak was subdued, arrested and charged with assault causing injury.

hotels operators. “The government expects Phuket’s income to reach B2 trillion in the next five years,” said Pol Gen Pansiri. “So we have to improve Phuket’s security to bring confidence to the tourism industry.” On June 22, Deputy Prime Minster Chalerm Yubamrung ordered urgent action by the RTP and local authorities to improve security, so the RTP immediately began work on its “Phuket Model” project. In the past couple of weeks, officers from RTP headquarters

have been to Phuket to survey the island and have uncovered “various illegal activities”. This has resulted in the RTP focusing especially on investigation of Phuket “mafia”. “It’s impossible to clean up Phuket completely in a short time. But we expect to see some clear results in the next three months,” said Gen Pansiri. Technology such as CCTV cameras, a “geographic information system” and hotline services will be integrated with serious law enforcement and intensifi-

cation of intelligence gathering on mafia, cross-matched with criminal records and details of local business operators. The RTP will send additional officers from its headquarters if needed. The President of the Phuket Tuk-Tuk Cooperative, Aroon Suksai, said that more than 1,500 drivers and about 1,900 vehicles are registered with 10 vehicle cooperatives in Phuket. But, he added, the number of unregistered vehicles and drivers “cannot be estimated”. About 220 jet-skis are registered with the Phuket Marine Office, while 50-plus are not. RTP officers had talks this afternoon with the Pisona Group, run by Preechawut Keesin a son of the Patong Mayor Pian Keesin. Pisona has under its umbrella some 150 taxis. The office rs explained the Phuket Model project, and asked Pisona and its drivers for their cooperation. Mr Preechawut said his taxi ranks, at Jungceylon and JJ Plaza, would cooperate.

Rape ‘victim’ begins sentence AUSTR ALIAN STEVIE Bamford, 21, on Tuesday (July 3) began serving 15 days in Bang Jo Detention Centre for giving a false statement to the police that she was raped. The Provincial Court confirmed that Bamford appeared before a judge the same day, admitted the offence and was sentenced to 30 days, automatically halved because of her guilty plea.

Bamford, daughter of Australian rugby league great Peter Tunks, originally claimed that she had been raped in a tuk-tuk by three men in the early hours of June 10, in Patong. Police, in a bid to identify her supposed attackers, examined CCTV footage but found that she had been nowhere near a tuk-tuk. Shown the CCTV evidence, Bamford then admit-

ted that she had concocted her story to placate her “hot headed” boyfriend. The two had argued earlier in the evening and gone their separate ways. Worried that he would be angry when she returned to their hotel after he did, she had concocted the rape story to win his sympathy. Bamford was originally sentenced on June 15, but was allowed out on bail, re-

portedly B50,000, while she employed a lawyer to advise her on whether to appeal the sentence. On Tuesday, however, she dropped the appeal and was taken straight to Bang Jo to begin her sentence. The Bang Jo facility is a much softer option than the badly overcrowded Phuket Provincial Prison, which is used to incarcerate hardened or violent criminals.



FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Ambassador urges tough action on tuk-tuk weapons



ames Wise, Australian Ambassador to Thailand, has said that a crackdown on the carrying of weapons by tuk-tuk drivers in Phuket is essential, and that any driver found in possession of a weapon should have his tuk-tuk taken away. Briefing members of the press after a closed-door meeting last Friday (June 29) with Vice-Governor Dr Sommai Preechasin and honorary consul Larry Cunningham, he said he felt Phuket would be much safer if tuk-tuk drivers did not have weapons of any kind. The meeting followed the recent murder of Australian travel agent Michelle Smith. “Tuk-tuk drivers quite often have weapons,” Mr Wise said. “They shouldn’t have. They don’t need weapons to drive a tuk-tuk. “One way to stop them having weapons would be not just to take the weapons from the tuk-tuk drivers but to

The salvage boat moves alongside to inspect the blackened wreck of the Sathaporn 7.

7 hurt in fishing boat blast Ambassador James Wise with Vice-Governor Dr Sommai Preechasin after their meeting. take the tuk-tuk away as well. “I thin k the weapons would soon be taken from the streets [if that happened].” “I and some of my ambassador colleagues had a meeting a few months ago in Bangkok with senior officials about some of the problems of Phuket, and we will be having

another meeting with senior officials, scheduled for July 11. “We will be conveying to the central government the strong wish of authorities here for strong support from the central authorities.” He added that he thought the taxis in Bangkok were “very well organised”.

THE CAPTAIN AND SIX crew members of a Phuket fishing boat were burned, some severely, when a gas explosion set their boat on fire on Sunday (July 1) and then sank it. The boat, the Sathaporn 7, was in port at Rassada Pier in Koh Sireh, after unloading fish, and the crew were having breakfast before heading out to sea again. Siang Tai newspaper reported that captain Prawai Thongmee, 52, and the crew smelled gas as they ate, but

ignored it. Shortly after, the boat erupted in flames, with the explosion blowing a hole through the hull. Kusondharm Foundation rescuers pulled the injured mariners from the wreckage and rushed them to Vachira Phuket Hospital, all suffering from burns, one of them with 70-per-cent burns. After visiting the wreck of the boat, Pol Col Saemphan Sirikong and Lt Col Jamroong Plaiduang of Phuket City Police said they believed the explo-

sion was probably caused by leaking cooking gas and a spark from the engine below decks, which was running at the time. Norraseat Royutra and his boat, the Sor Chok Ananda, have been given the task of salvaging the damaged boat. At low tide they attached sealed canisters to the Sathaporn 7 so that the rising tide would raise it off the bottom and it could be towed away. Damage to the boat was estimated at about B2 million.

‘How to avoid risk Crackdown on airport taxis starts campaign’ targets local tourist safety TTR Weekly

PHUKET IS TO BE A pilot site for a new initiative by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports (MOTS) to build confidence in Thailand’s tourism and to combat cheating. MOTS permanent secretary, Suwat Sidthilaw, deputy permanent secretary Thanitta Savetsila Maneechote, and Tourist Police commander Police Major-General Adis Ngamchitsuksri launched the project, the Bureau of Tourist Assistance and Fraud Prevention, late last week. Mr Suwat said: “The campaign will provide tourists with important tips on how to avoid risks. Tourists are also encouraged to file complaints at the new bureau.” Around 70 per cent of tourists in Thailand are travelling without the support of travel agencies and have no point of reference if they encounter a problem. The “how to avoid

risk” campaign is being implemented at Patong Beach and seven other pilot sites: Bangkok’s Khao San Rd; Ayutthaya’s floating market; Hua Hin; the ferry wharf on Koh Samui; Haad Yai’s Santisuk market; the walking street in Pai; and Chiang Mai’s walking street. One part of the announcement by Gen Adis was puzzling. He said, “The Tourist Police will continue to step up safety for visitors in Thailand. “A network of volunteers, who are taxi and tuk tuk drivers, have joined the police to disseminate safety information to travellers.” Tourists and residents of the island alike view taxi and tuk-tuk drivers with a great deal of suspicion as they are often the cause of cheating and have been involved in many violent incidents, so it seems doubtful that they could be used as a confidence-building channel or to provide accurate information on safety to foreigners.

P OL IC E H AV E I N I T I AT E D A drive against unregistered “black’ taxis at Phuket International Airport (PIA). The drive was initially supposed to have begun in March, but was postponed when it was decided to see whether a province-wide campaign to register black taxis was a success. Now, however, with Deputy Prime

Minister Chalerm Yubamrung’s support for action to make Phuket more secure, the airport drive is going ahead. Airport director Prathuang Sornkham and Tha Chat Chai police began last Friday (June 29) screening and arresting black taxi drivers who try to get into PIA. A police checkpoint has been set up at the entrance of PIA and police

reported that “some” illegal taxi drivers have been arrested, though they did not give numbers.

About 80 meter taxis and 150 greenplate “limousines” currently operate legally at the airport. The number of black taxis doing the same is not known, but is estimated to number in the hundreds.

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FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012


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MOTORBIKE BANDIT Around B900,000 worth of stolen motorbikes were discovered by Kathu police at a house in Kamala last week. Athiwat ‘Fiez’ Unrean, 19, was arrested at his mother’s house, which also doubled as Athiwat’s chop shop and storage for the 22 bikes. Police are currently searching for two accomplices believed to be in the same motorcycle-theft gang.

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Wittawat Maneesri hides his face as police display some of the items that he stole.

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olice in Cherng Talay have arrested a man believed to be a member of a gang that has burgled at least 17 luxury homes in the Surin Beach area in the past two months. Pol Col Jirasak Seamsak, at a press conference on Monday morning (July 2), said that Wittawat Maneesri, 27, and his partners would first “case” houses and then break in when the owners went away, grabbing anything of value. When Wittawat was arrested at his home, close to those of his victims, police also found iPods, iPads, DVD players, laptop computers,

jewellery and even four golf bags with clubs and an entire home theatre. They recovered other items from a pawn shops. They estimated the value of the stolen items at B500,000 or more. Col Jirasak said that officers had managed to arrest Wittawat after looking at police records. They discovered that he was living in the area and had a record of previous arrests for burglary, and decided to visit him. They found such a profusion of stolen items that they concluded he could not have shifted everything himself but must have had help.

Moonlighting prison guard shot A 41-year-old Phuket Provincial Prison guard, Danunan Thipapal, was shot in the neck and shoulder at 10.30pm on June 27 while driving his car near Wat Chalong. He was taken to Phuket International Hospital, where he is listed in stable condition. A police guard has been mounted for his protection. Police are keeping cer-

Col Jirasak also added that police believed that Wittawat had a “private buyer”, possibly a foreigner. Among the homes raided by the supposed gang were villas in Surin Springs, Ayara Hilltop, Baan Thai Surin and Layan Estate. Col Jirasak said that burglary victims could come to Cherng Talay Police Station to claim their stolen belongings. He added that other homeowners worried about their homes being broken into when they go away could contact the police so that regular patrols could keep an eye on their houses.

tain aspects of the case under wraps, but said that Mr Danunan was on his way to a meeting with “business partners”, carrying B400,000 with him in the car. Mr Danunan identified the gunman, whom he knew, though police have named him only as “Man”. Police arrested Man on Friday (June 29).

Fuel prices rise by B0.30 a litre PTT and Bangchak oil refineries raised retail prices of all kinds of fuel and biofuel by 30 satang a litre early on Monday morning (July 2). The new domestic fuel

prices are gasoline 91 octane, B40.05; Gasohol 95, B35.73; Gasohol 91, B33.98; E85 ethanol mix, B19.98; E20 ethanol mix, B32.08; and diesel, B29.83.

SALES REPRESENTATIVE Cliff Clark 088 754 1371




Phuket Seven Day Weather Forecast FRI JULY 6







High: +30° Low: +24°

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High: +30° Low: +25°

Wind 18.0 kmh

Wind 21.6 kmh

Wind 18.0 kmh

Wind 18.0 kmh

Wind 18.0 kmh

Wind 18.0kmh

Wind 18.0 kmh

Jantiwa (Tangmo) Jantarattanawong 088 765 5883


26-33 °C 27-32 °C




24-31 °C

26-33 °C HANOI



26-30 °C

22-33 °C

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26-31 °C

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25-32 °C MANILA

25-36 °C BANGKOK

27-36 °C

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SALES REPRESENTATIVE Sirisa (Natt) Wangsuppaporn 088 754 1370


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24-33 °C 26-32 °C LANGKAWI




26-31 °C

Siriporn (Nok) Seangmas 086 479 7470





22-31 °C KUCHING


FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012


Trade of shame 8



FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Would the trade in dogs be less shameful if it were legalised? no veterinary inspection even though there was a quarantine station there.” He added that, judging from the state of the dogs, he was quite confident that they would not have satisfied quarantine regulations. Despite this, the truck was waved through.

Jody Houton editor3@thephuketnews.com


eople’s opinions on the stray dog situation in Phuket usually fall into two camps. Either they are amazed and charmed at how friendly, cute and amiable Phuket dogs are, or they are repulsed and scared by their sheer numbers, unruliness and a sense that they are filthy and disease-ridden. Few from either camp, however, would probably advocate the ‘dognapping’, smuggling and slaughtering that is currently happening around Thailand. In a bid to raise awareness of the rising popularity of the dogmeat trade and the illegal transportation of Thai dogs to Vietnam, the Soi Dog Foundation – a not-for-profit island-based animal charity – launched its Trade of Shame campaign in June. CROSSING BORDERS Co-founder John Dalley said that although the frequency of such events have increased in


Stray Thai dogs are rounded up and crammed into cages before they start their last, long journey. recent times, the dog trade in Thailand has existed for a long time. “Historically, gangs would collect dogs by buying from local villagers in Isarn in exchange for plastic buckets.” However, Mr Dalley said that with rising demand and dogs in short supply, especially around the period of Viet-

namese Tet and Chinese New Year, dog snatchers are now travelling throughout much of Thailand and entering temples at night to grab temple dogs, even stealing pets. Amandine Lecesne is the co-founder for Care for Dogs, a Chiang Mai-based organisation set up to care for injured and homeless dogs, and which

also regularly takes in dogs that are in danger of being sent to the dog-meat market in the area. “It is too devastating for words to explain our horror at going into a temple or on a parking lot where we’ve cared for the resident dogs and finding the place empty, with only kids around to tell us of the men who came in the night and made all the dogs scream.” In Phuket Mr Dalley said that although there was no evidence of rustlers operating on the island, there was still cause for concern. “Many local people believe that the disappearance of the large number of dogs from Patong Beach in May 2011 may have [been a case of dognapping].” He also said the SDF did have evidence that local dogs – particularly black ones, owing to the belief that black dogmeat is a sought-after aphrodisiac – were regularly snatched by migrant workers for consumption in labour camps on the island. The Thai Veterinary Medical Association estimates that as many as 500,000 Thai dogs a year make the one-way trip from Thailand to Vietnam or Southern China. Most dogs go to large holding facilities in the northern town of Tha Rae in Sakon Nakon province. Tha Rae is widely regarded as the centre of the dogmeat trade and is home to at least 17 known slaughterhouses. In this small northeastern Thai village, butchers and traders examine the animals in order to select the strong and healthy dogs before loading them onto trucks and driving them to crossing points over the Mekong River.

According to reports, police posts along the way and at the Mekong border are usually bribed to look away, as are local politicians, many of whom are allegedly in or benefit directly from the trade. Animals whose meat is considered to be of lower quality are butchered there and then, and sold on the Thai market. The more valuable dogs are then smuggled across the Mekong on large long-tail boats, before being loaded onto trucks to continue their onward journey through Laos to Vietnam, where buyers await. Many dogs die from suffocation or disease long before they reach their final destination. These are the lucky ones. According to quarantine regulations, each dog coming in to Vietnam must have a veterinarian’s certificate, proof of rabies vaccination, and an import permit from the Department of Animal Health. Although it is technically illegal to smuggle animals in from Thailand, there doesn’t seem to be a problem with Vietnam receiving a product from a country prohibited from trading in it. Tuan Bendixsen, Vietnam Director of animal rights organisation Animals Asia recalls one night in April at a border crossing between Vietnam and Laos in Central Vietnam. “I saw a truck coming through, apparently from Thailand. It contained hundreds of dogs, and according to border guards they only need to have the import permit so that customs can tax them. There was

SUPPLY AND DEMAND Vietnam is certainly not the only Asian country that eats dogs, but along with China, it is certainly one that has one of the highest demand for the ‘delicacy’. Mr Bendixsen said, “People eat dogmeat because they believe it’s a delicacy that contains lots of protein.” He added, “Dog-eating is especially prevalent amongst men, as they believe it gives them vitality and increases their masculinity. It’s more popular with those over the age of 30, and definitely more with men than women.” However, Mr Bendixsen believes there are numerous reasons that the dogmeat trade in Vietnam flourishes, not least of which is that work as a dognapper can prove incredibly lucrative. A 20-kilogram dog can sell for more than B3,000, roughly the monthly salary of an average Vietnamese worker. While it’s certainly illegal to eat, kill or indeed smuggle dogs in Thailand, in Vietnam the laws are rather more murky, but Mr Bendixsen attempts to clarify: “It’s not illegal to consume or sell dogmeat although the dogmeat seller must comply with health regulations in terms of how the meat is processed. “There are, however, no regulations or laws regulating the farming of dogs.” From a Western perspective the practice of eating man’s best friend is abhorrent, but is it any less so to a Hindu that westerners eat cows? Though a practice on the wane, Japanese still eat whale, and French eat horse, yet the international community rarely share the same level of disgust as they do when it comes to eating Fido. Is it therefore just a simple case of anthropomorphism that most humans are guilty of? The only difference seems to be in the particular animals that humans choose to identify or empathise with. Is eating dogs therefore really any more “unacceptable” than eating cows?



FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

The fact will remain, regardless of how much it may offend Western sensibilities, that eating dog is extremely popular, profitable and part of cultural practices, tradition and identity in many Asian countries. The irony lies in the reality that when any practice is forbidden or declared unlawful, it is no longer bound by regulations or legal stipulations. Attempting to outlaw a behaviour or practice can actually worsen the problem. There is an argument that because the animals have to be smuggled across the border, the conditions that they have to endure are far worse to those that would apply if it were a legal industry, with transparent actions and practices. Some argue that the countries that participate in the trade, whether legally or illegally, should be made to follow a wider regulatory body. But for others, including Mrs Lecesne, there is no room for discussion when it comes to the regulation of the dogmeat trade, “How do you regulate animal cruelty? The dogmeat trade needs to be abolished in Thailand, period.” However, if it were to be regulated, surely the export of dogs from Thailand, a country where there is a huge stray dog population, would be preferable to using farmed dogs? TACKLING STRAYS Although perhaps the lesser of two evils and not particularly humane, it most certainly would be one solution Phuket’s stray dog population and many of the problems associated with it. On The Phuket News forum for a recent story on the island’s stray dog problem, readers shared a variety of opinions and anecdotes. One reader wrote: “We recently spent two weeks on vacation in Phuket and enjoyed ourselves tremendously – the only thing that distracted [us] from the vacation was the stray dogs on the beach.” The reader recounted how she had seen a local cat torn almost to shreds by a pack of

Volunteers from the Territorial Defence Department with caged animals who will see a brighter tomorrow. stray dogs on Nai Yang Beach. Another suggested that the use of Phuket’s stray dogs for dogmeat could be a positive as it would make the beaches cleaner, more hygienic and thus safer. Now whether he was being serious or not is, in a way, not as important as the point that he raises. Both the SDF and Care for Dogs disagree and believe that sterilisation is the only humane and effective method of solving Thailand’s stray dog problem. So although most Thai people and visitors to Thailand strongly disapprove of the consumption of dogmeat, and laws exist to prevent the illegal practice of dognapping and trafficking, a lack of enforcement has allowed the industry to continue and, ironically, perhaps even flourish. Mrs Lecesne said, “We are appalled and outraged at this level of cruelty and lack of intervention by the authorities. Care for Dogs has increasingly been advocating for changes in laws and policies in Thailand that will benefit dogs and animals in Thailand. “Specifically, we are recommending stricter enforcement by Thai officials against illegal trafficking of dogs, more patrolling of borders to catch trucks [carrying] dogs, and longer

sentences for those caught.” Although the dog trade is illegal, punishments are currently light, with offenders receiving a maximum of two years in prison or a fine of up to B40,000. A January 2012 crackdown on dog traders in Tha Rae netted a man named as Boonthai Wannaphrom, who confessed to holding 5,000 dogs to be sold to buyers in Vietnam. He was initially sentenced to eight months in jail and B75,000 in fines, but the court later halved his sentence. Organisations such as SDF and Care for Dogs regularly take in dogs that are in danger of being caught and sent to the dog-meat market. But that is the situation in Thailand. Across the border in Vietnam, where there are no laws governing the consumption or selling of dogmeat, resolving the trade would be much more difficult and a task that Mr Bendixsen admits his organisation does not have the time or resources to tackle. “We are monitoring the situation with a view to ensuring trade doesn’t become legal. “About two years ago, some provincial governments proposed to the central Government that a regulation should be enacted that would allow

the processing of dogmeat for human consumption. “We managed to rally welfare organisations overseas and put together a petition condemning the proposal. “On that occasion, the government backed down. At the moment there is no law or regulation controlling the dogmeat trade and so if the government passed regulation legalising the trade it could take years to overturn that decision. “Ideally, we want the government to ban the dog trade, but to carry out the lobbying

and advocacy work required would need much resource and dedication.” THE HARD FACTS The unfortunate reality is that, regardless of laws and regulations, the dog-meat trade and the consumption of dogmeat is likely to continue unabated unless a major change in attitude happens, but Mr Bendixsen is optimistic. “It’s a hard issue to tackle in Vietnam, probably similar to China and Korea. There needs to be an education programme


to educate, and change people’s attitude towards dog-eating.” He added, “There are groups, run by young animal lovers, who are trying to publicise the issue. These groups are using the internet and are reaching their peers, who are of similar age and values. However, the older men that are the main consumers of dogmeat, are not receiving these messages.” It is hoped that through the Trade of Shame campaign and others like it, these people will be reached, or at least that awareness of the practice will be raised, resulting in better understanding among the opposing groups. What is certain is that the current situation of dogs being beaten in order to tenderise the meat, crammed into cages and being subjected to horrendous living conditions until they are slaughtered is unacceptable for any living thing. “There is no place in our world for animal brutality,” Mrs Lecesne said. “No dog should be strung up and beaten violently. No dog should watch other dogs scream out as they are being cut. No dog should be submitted to live boiling. No dog should see us as monsters in its last breath.” Regardless of their opinion on the stray dog population in Phuket, few would argue with that.



IN BRIEF Plane theft leaves tourist high and dry An Iranian tourist was arrested for attempting to steal a model Airbus A380 airplane from a toy shop at the Royal Garden Plaza shopping mall in Pattaya. During the routine search of 44-year-old Shahram Seyedi, they also found a bag of marijuana and he was thus charged with possession of a Class 5 drug. ................................................

Women busted with drugs in bras Two women were arrested with methamphetamine in their bras at the Chiang Rai bus station on July 2. It is believed that the two middle-aged ladies were attempting to traffic the 1kg of cystal meth to Bangkok. They had apparently been paid B50,000 each to smuggle the drugs. ................................................

Whisky-production factory closed

An illegal whisky-production facility was discovered on 1 July, in Pattaya. Items used from making and distilling whisky were seized from a house in the Chonburi province. It is believed that the ‘business’ owner who had no liquor-making licence had previously distributed the produce to various businesses around the Pattaya area. ................................................

Bungling British ATM thieves caught Two bungling British wouldbe burglars were arrested last week in Pattaya following two failed attempts at stealing ATM machines. The duo did in fact manage to steal the machines, but just could not open the ATMs to remove the cash from within. Police tracked them through the nylon cord they used to rip out the machines.


FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Ten dead, 17 injured in Surat Thani bus crash MCOT Online


en people are dead and 17 others injured following a bus crash in Surat Thani on Tuesday, July 4. A long-distance bus carrying Thai and foreign tourists left the road and crashed into a power pole at dawn. The driver lost control of the first-class air-conditioned Transport Co vehicle and it crashed into a power pole on the Surat ThaniNakhon Si Thammarat Road in Kanchanadit district. Ten people including Indian tourist Amit Jain, the driver and eight other Thais were killed in the crash. Five bodies were unidentified and

Above: People look on at the wreckage at the crash site. Above right: A foreign survivor receives treatment. were sent for autopsies at Surat Thani Hospital. Another 17 people, both Thais and foreigners, were injured and are being treated in local hospitals. The bus

left Bangkok at 7.50 pm en route to Surat Thani where the passengers were due to take a ferry to Koh Pha’ngan. An initial investigation suggested that the front right

tyre burst, causing the driver to lose control. The bus slammed into the power pole at full speed and then turned on its side. With power lines down and

fuel leaking from the smashed bus, local authorities had to cut electricity supplies to the area while the rescue of the injured and the retrieval of bodies took place.

Pete Doherty hoping for Chiang Mai Cabin fever Jody Houton editor3@thephuketnews.com

PERPETUAL PARTIER and Libertines’ frontman Pete Doherty is once again hoping to swap heroin and crack cocaine for green curry and calming green tea by checking into a Chiang Mai-based rehabilitation centre. Doherty f lew to ‘The Cabin’, which has treated many western celebrities including British entertainer Michael Barrymore, on June 26 escorted by his long-term manager Andy Boyd. Although this is the first time the ‘Cherish’ singer has checked into The Cabin, Doherty has been to Thailand before and attended rehab many times. Doherty, who was good friends with deceased drug addict Amy Winehouse, has also been told many times to go to rehab, but unlike Amy has said yes, yes, yes.

Pete Doherty. His stay at The Cabin, set in the beautiful jungles of Chiang Mai will be far from a holiday though, and will involve a rigorous treatment programme designed to lead to recovery once and for all. On Doherty’s arrival at The Cabin, Programme Director Alastair Mordey commented, “I think he’s {Pete} probably seen enough of the clinical environment of most western centres and wants to experience life in full colour again.”

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra in front of the haul.

Thailand burns drugs worth B7 billion Agence France-Presse

THAI AUTHORITIES ON Friday burned more than B7 billion of seized drugs – including 21 million amphetamine tablets – as the Kingdom ramps up efforts to stem the flow of narcotics in the country. The ceremony, presided over by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, saw 4,000 kilogrammes (four tonnes) of drugs burned, including large hauls of heroin, speed pills and crystal methamphetamine – known as ‘ice. Authorities said they have a further 24,000 kilos of confis-

cated drugs worth an estimated B70 billion awaiting destruction after they were seized in as yet unresolved drug cases. “The government considers drugs suppression a key policy and burning the drugs is one measure to stop drugs from reaching the community,” Yingluck said at the event at an industrial estate in Ayutthaya province, north of Bangkok. The drugs were incinerated in high temperature furnaces that authorities said would prevent drug fumes from rising into the air. Since Yingluck’s government took office in August

there have been almost daily drug seizures as part of a wide crackdown on drug use and dealing. More than 300,000 people have been treated in rehabilitation centres since October 2011, according to the public health ministry, adding half of them are aged between seven and 24 years. The ministry estimates there are two million drug addicts across the country. Thailand, along with other countries in the region, has seen a marked increase in seizures of methamphetamine as the world opiate trade declines.

Blast at Bangkok oil refinery Agence France-Presse

An explosion at an oil refinery in an industrial area of Bangkok sparked a massive fire early Wednesday (July 4), sending a thick column of smoke into the air that could be seen across the Thai capital. No one appeared to have been injured in the blaze,


which began after a loud blast at around 7.30am local time, according to a spokeswoman for the refinery firm. “We are investigating the cause of fire and will inform the public immediately,” said Chaveewan Kiatchokchaikul of Bangchak Petroleum, who said the fire had been brought under control.

Emergency services deployed to the scene said there had been no casualties reported so far. “There is not much oil so people should not panic,” said a local Bangkok fire fighter on Thai television. The Bangchak oil refinery is the country’s biggest refinery and employs 600 people.



FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012


Hong Kong leader heckled SCMP editor under fire as HK’s press on first day in public office freedom ‘shrinks’ Agence France-Presse


ong Kong’s new leader was bundled out of an auditorium by police on Monday after he was heckled by protesters, marking a rocky first day in office following the city’s biggest protest in nearly a decade. The incident comes a day after organisers claimed 400,000 people rallied against Leung Chun-ying and Beijing’s meddling in local affairs, following Leung’s swearing-in as Chief Executive of the territory before Chinese President Hu Jintao. Police gave a much lower turnout of 63,000 at the rally and march, which took place on the 15th anniversary of the former British colony’s return to China. But both estimates were the highest respective figures for eight years. A session on Monday that was part of Leung’s charm campaign to address the simmering public discontent was forced to end early after he was heckled by unruly protesters

Hong Kong’s new leader, Leung Chun-ying. Photo: Yuyu before police escorted him out of the community hall. Sunday’s protests were a defiant reception for Leung and a show of popular anger among the seven million people of Hong Kong, a financial hub that retains a semi-autonomous status in China with its own legal and financial systems. President Hu’s weekend visit was held under smothering security, and drew sneers from Hong Kongers as anti-Beijing sentiment surges to a posthandover high in opinion polls.

Leung has pledged to tackle public grievances, including a widening gap between the rich and poor, and soaring property costs which have made home ownership an impossible dream for many residents, especially younger people. Even before his term began, Leung had already attracted protests drawing thousands of people decrying Chinese interference in the March election where he was picked by a committee stacked with pro-Beijing elites.

Political analysts say that while it is premature to write Leung off, he has to navigate a particularly rocky road. “Usually we expect a newcomer to have a sort of honeymoon period but he will never have one, it will be a difficult period for him,” Chinese University of Hong Kong political analyst Ma Ngok told AFP. “He didn’t start with high popularity even when he was so-called elected,” he said. “His popularity rating hovered around for a while and it nosedived after the recent scandals.” Just a week before his inauguration, Leung was forced to apologise over illegal improvements at his luxury home and faced criticism from an inquiry into a conflict-of-interest row involving a government project a decade ago. A poll released by the University of Hong Kong last week showed Leung’s popularity rating falling to 51.5, down 4.2 points from a month ago, with nearly 40 per cent of people saying they did not trust the government.

Agence France-Presse

THE FIRST CHINA-BORN editor of Hong Kong’s flagship English-language paper admits he made a “bad call” in cutting coverage of a mainland dissident’s death, but denies he is a stooge for Beijing. The South China Morning Post’s editor-in-chief Wang Xiangwei has himself been making the news, accused of muzzling the newspaper to appease Chinese authorities. Such concerns fuelled Hong Kong’s biggest protest in eight years on Sunday. Angry journalists at the 109-year-old South China Morning Post, one of the world’s most profitable dailies, allege a steady erosion of their freedom to report on China since Wang took over the editorship in February. He began his career at the state-run China Daily, Beijing’s leading Englishlanguage paper, and sits on a mainland political advisory body. He has even been forced

to deny that he is a secret Communist Party member. “If I had a hidden agenda, it would have come out a long time ago,” Wang, 47, told AFP. Internal bickering at the SCMP exploded into the open after the death last month of Li Wangyang, a Tiananmen Square democracy activist who was found hanged in his mainland hospital ward. The official verdict was suicide. But his family suspect foul play given that Li was blind, nearly deaf and barely able to walk. His death received prominent coverage across Hong Kong’s Chinese-language media. But while the SCMP carried the Li story at length in the first edition of the June 7 newspaper, Wang replaced it for the second edition and reduced the original story to a 101-word brief. “It was never my intention to downplay that story and try to exercise self-censorship,” Wang said in the interview.



IN BRIEF French police search Sarkozy’s house, office Police have raided the home and offices of former French president Nicolas Sarkozy as part of a judicial inquiry into financial relations between his political camp and the richest woman in France, L’Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt. It was Sarkozy’s first legal tangle since he was unseated in a May 6 election after five years in office, during which he enjoyed presidential immunity from legal pursuit. That cover expired in mid-June.

Methadone linked to 30 per cent of painkiller overdoses

The prescription drug methadone is linked to over 30 per cent of painkiller overdose deaths in the US, according to a report released by the American Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention Tuesday. Researchers assessed US national data from 1999 to 2010 as well as data for 2009 from 13 states covered by a drug-related death surveillance network.



FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

‘Nuns on the Bus’ get a warm welcome in the US

Agence France-Presse


ig n i ng aut og r aph s along the way, a group of Catholic nuns is taking a road trip across America to stand up for the poor. The media-savvy “Nuns on the Bus” tour kicked off in the midwestern state of Iowa on June 17 and is making a slew of stops around the country to convey concern about social injustice. “Our bus is about a policy conversation ... to say we the people of the United States, we can be a better union,” organiser Simone Campbell told AFP during a stop in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania where the sister on Thursday hailed a historic US Supreme Court ruling that upheld the constitutionality of President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law. The idea for the trip, sponsored by the Catholic lobbying group Network headed by Campbell, came about in May after the Vatican released a report that charged the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), which represents most US nuns, of

Sister Simone Campbell poses for a photograph in front of the “Nuns on the Bus” bus after arriving in Pennsylvania. The religious group which is traveling by bus across the US is protesting proposed federal budgets cuts that would affect poor families. Photo: AFP “radical feminism” and not focusing enough on fighting gay marriage. Network, which did not back Catholic bishops in their opposition to Obama’s healthcare law, was taken to task by the Vatican for its links to LCWR. “It was like a punch in the stomach,” said Campbell, who was greeted with warm applause and autograph requests as she arrived in Harrisburg.

Describing herself as a strong woman and lawyer, Campbell, who is the executive director of Network, laughed off the notion that she was radical. “It doesn’t seem radical to me, it’s not who I am – I am just a woman who cares passionately about people in poverty, that’s it,” she said. Following the Vatican’s rebuke, the sisters decided to ride the wave of media attention and

draw attention to their cause. When someone brought up the idea for a bus tour, they seized the opportunity and within 10 days had raised $150,000 (B4.7 million) for the cause. Before long, they boarded a colourful bus that resembles one used by rock stars or politicians on the campaign trail. Not to be missed is the huge inscription: “Nuns on the bus” coupled with their theme: “nuns drive for faith,

family and fairness.” At any given time, between four and seven sisters – dressed in regular clothing – take part in the tour. While others take shifts, the stalwarts are 67-year-old Campbell – an avid tweeter – and 81-year-old Diane Donoghue. Since the start of the tour on June 17, they have passed through the states of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania.



FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012


Editor’s Viewpoint

Norachai’s World

All eyes on Phuket


here are around 1,000 CCTV cameras scattered around the island. Some are owned by the government, while others have been installed and are maintained by local businesses and homeowners. Many don’t work, and many transmit such low quality images that their only benefit could be their ability to act as deterrents: as robotic scarecrows. A further problem is that there is not one central terminal from which you can access and view each camera. This policing responsibility lies with those who actually own the cameras. On May 14, following a spate of mini-mart robberies, Phuket police suggested the stores install cameras outside as well as inside their stores in a bid to deter crime. A month and a half later Michelle Smith was stabbed to death outside a hotel in Kata Noi. The police were lucky and were able to retrieve grainy images. Although not of high

Phuket taxis are still under the influence.

Letters to the editor Daylight robbery Last week, I visited McDonalds fast food outlet at Jungceylon Shopping Centre in Patong, and was charged B45 for pineapple pie! I thought the price had increased about three times over the years but later at another visit to a McDonalds store at Central Festival, Phuket Town, the same pineapple pie cost only B19 a piece. My family was shocked as both stores are in Phuket and about 20 minutes away and the price varies as much as B26. This is too much and overly unfair to consumers, especially foreigners like me who visit Phuket regularly. Imagine the huge amount of profiteering and unfair practices here for all goods and services if every other store in Jungceylon or Patong charges exorbitant, extortionist prices which will kill tourism immediately! I hope McDonalds management in Bangkok will investigate and ensure that consumers are treated fairly. Patrick Lai, Kuala Lumpur

Beach clean up Is there anything we can do to campaign about the litter problem on the island? Some of the beaches are like landfill sites. This is an easily solved problem for such a beautiful place, if we all did our bit! Ian McDonald

Blame the media

[Re. Phuket’s anti-mafia drive discussed] It’s interesting how Sarayut Mallum tries to make this all about how unfair foreign media sources report and how foreign mafia is worse. Basically, every single time Thailand loses face over something someone plays the xenophobia card. Please take some responsibility. Dave

This needs a rethink

[Re. Phuket to be pilot for tourist safety advice]

“A network of volunteers, who are taxi and tuk tuk drivers, have joined the police to disseminate safety information to travellers.” The same predatory transport mafia, the source of many if not most problems on Phuket? This has to be a joke. Nomad Joe

a limited number of limousines and vans in the airport car park? Impossible to find a parking space as half is taken by this mafia. Yesterday on arrival, six touts wanted to sell me a taxi ride. I think [Deputy PM] Chalerm [Yubamrung] should come down to clean up. Eric

Great work

Debate over death

[Re. Goals and glory] Fantastic achievements by the home and a great legacy left by the founder. Everyone there should be very proud. Brian

Reforms are needed

[Re. Crackdown on airport black taxis begins] I am picking up guests daily in the airport or using the airport as a traveller, and get verbally abused by the limousine drivers when stopping the car to just let in the guests. The limousine mafia is running the airport not K Prathuang and the AOT. When will he crack down and let only

[Re. Dad alleges cover-up in daughters’ Phi Phi deaths] Regarding the deaths in Thailand of Naomi and Audrey Belanger, it is noteworthy that there have been previous poisoning deaths on Koh Phi Phi (2009, two women died) and Chiang Mai (2011, five women and two men died). Neither food poisoning nor blowfish nor poisonous mushrooms nor party drugs will cause all the symptoms they had, especially the bleeding. Dengue and other haemorrhagic fevers also do not fit the case and symptoms. Guy in Thailand

Letters may be edited for clarity or length. Email editor@thephuketnews.com. Please include your full name, phone number, and email address.

enough quality to identify the licence plate of the getaway bike, police were able to identify and backtrack the route Michelle’s assailants had taken, which later led to the two arrests. The whole island, and especially the tourism industry, breathed a collective sigh of relief. The pivotal role the cameras played in capturing the attackers highlighted the positive role CCTV can play in security on Phuket. On July 3, Governor Tri Augkaradacha said that he wanted to see the number of CCTV cameras raised to 5,000. As a show of faith he has pledged to allocate B2 million of his B10m emergency fund to buy 100 cameras. The remaining B78m will theoretically come from the other local authorities on the island, private businesses and central government in Bangkok. Right now eyes worldwide are on Phuket. The new “eyes” on the island, it is be hoped, will reassure the world that Phuket is serious about becoming safer.

This week in history ■■ July 6, 1785 – The dollar is unanimously chosen as the monetary unit for the United States. ■■ July 7, 1954 – Elvis Presley made his radio debut when WHBQ Memphis played his first recording for Sun Records, ‘That’s All Right’. ■■ July 8, 1947 – Reports are broadcast that a UFO crash landed in Roswell, New Mexico, USA. ■■ July 9, 1958 – Lituya Bay in Alaska is hit by a mega-tsunami. The wave is recorded at 524 metres high – taller than the Empire State Building – the largest in recorded history. It is estimated the wave travelled at around 600 mph (or 1000 kmh). ■■ July 10, 1946 – Hungarian hyperinflation sets a record with inflation of 348.46 per cent per day, or prices doubling every eleven hours. ■■ July 11, 1859 – Westminster’s Big Ben rings for the first time in London. ■■ July 12, 1971 – The Australian Aboriginal flag is flown for the first time.





FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Special delivery

Those balloons at the Xana Beach Club party didn’t fly there on their own > 16

Alasdair Forbes execeditor@thephuketnews.com

Phuket in regional top 5 for RevPAR TTR Weekly

HOTELS IN PHUKET AND Bangkok were in the top five Asia-Pacific destinations that enjoyed the strongest improvements in revenue per available room (RevPAR) in May, according to a STR Global report. Tokyo, Japan achieved the highest RevPAR growth in the region with 52.8 per cent, an increase to JPY11,991.13. The report on three key performance metrics for May 2012 was released, earlier this week, showing Thailand’s top destinations had improved both occupancy and RevPAR. Phuket reported an increase in RevPAR of 37.7 per

cent to B2,009.08 as well as an increase in occupancy of 19 per cent to 60.9 per cent, while Bangkok also reported an increase of RevPAR by 21.3 per cent to B1,991.59. In contrast, Hanoi in Vietnam reported a decrease in ADR, down by 10.1 per cent to VND2,218,689.50, ranking it the second lowest after Delhi, India, that reported a decrease of 10.8 per cent to INR 6,476.82. Delhi’s RevPAR was down by 23.6 per cent to INR3,332.95. According to STR Global managing director, Elizabeth Randall, the majority of Asian destinations continued to report RevPAR increases in May.

In general, year-over-year measurements, the region reported increases in the three key metrics. Occupancy increased by 2.3 per cent to 65.5 per cent with ADR up by 1 per cent to US$135.85 and RevPAR increase by 3.3 per cent to US$88.94. Tokyo in Japan reported the largest occupancy growth in the region, up 28.1 per cent to 80.4 per cent, while Delhi in India showed the largest decrease in occupancy rate, down by 14.3 per cent to 51.5 per cent. Jakarta in Indonesia reported the largest increase in ADR with 20.4 per cent increase to IDR924,524.45.

continue with three more hotels. The next Holiday Inn Express properties to open will be in Bangkok’s Sukhumvit 11 (161 rooms) followed by Pattaya (160 rooms) and Phuket (280 rooms). Another nine hotels are scheduled to open in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. “Holiday Inn Express Bangkok Siam is the first in the region. We have three more properties under this brand waiting to open in Thailand

and another nine scheduled in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore,” said Mr Smits. The group’s managing director, Ashwani Baja, said the Bangkok hotel cost B1 billion to build and soft opened three months ago. It has achieved a 65 per cent occupancy so far. Most of its business comes from regional markets such as Singapore, China and India. IHG will also launch its Indigo brand in Thailand, next year with a 188-room property on Bangkok’s Wireless Rd.

Sansiri President Srettha Thavisin: CRS is not a marketing tool.

Sansiri succeeds with Holiday Inn Express expands its CSR initiatives TTR Weekly

I N T ERCON T I N EN TA L Hotels Group will expand its Holiday Inn Express by another 12 properties in Southeast Asia by 2014, including one for Phuket, IHG chief executive officer Asia, Middle East and Africa, Jan Smits announced last week. Speaking at a press briefing to introduce its first Holiday Inn Express near Bangkok’s National Stadium, he said expansion in Thailand would Villa Suksan is a q uie

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ith Bangkok developer Sansiri spreading beyond the capital, particularly to Phuket, where it has launched six projects totalling some 2,500 homes in the past nine months, children on the island stand to benefit from the spread of the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. The President of the company, Srettha Thavisin, made a flying visit to Phuket on June 28 to brief local journalists on their CSR programme. In this, he was breaking with his own “rules” – that CSR is not something Sansiri should crow about or use as a PR tool. (Samatcha Promsiri, the company’s VP for Corporate Marketing, explained that when a marketing manager suggested that CSR should be used as part of the marketing package, Mr Srettha responded, “You do that and I’ll fire you.”)

But on June 28, Mr Srettha laid out Sansiri’s programs, “so that the local press can understand”. To be fair, there was no suggestion or urging that the press should publish anything. But the details are worth recording. Sansiri donates US$1 million (B30 million) a year to UNICEF. “We give it to them and it’s up to them how they spend the money,” he explained. The company spends a similar amount on its own activities, under the banner “Social Change”. One significant achievement came about 18 months ago when Mr Srettha approached the then-government of Abhisit Vejjajiva to push for legislation that would oblige all salt producers to include iodine in their products. Much of Thai salt does not contain iodine which, Mr Srettha says, has partly resulted in Thailand being 10th out of

13 countries in the region in terms of children’s IQs. Iodine is essential for brain development in foetuses, particularly in the first two months of pregnancy. Although the Ministry of Health had been (and still is) providing iodine tablets to pregnant women, many mothers-to-be, not realising they were pregnant, were missing that vital first two months. With an election coming up, the Democrats rushed the bill through. The company continues to follow up with events to raise awareness, and to push for better enforcement of the law. With its high-level connections Sansiri has also launched a project with the collaboration of the Stock Exchange of Thailand to persuade listed companies to be more “childfriendly”, particularly providing facilities for pregnant employees. Mr Srettha is a little football-crazy, as is the company as a whole; it even has in inhouse football league, so the Sansiri Academy is a project close to employees’ hearts, teaching kids to play football. So far, most of the CSR activity has been in the Bangkok area, but with Sansiri pushing hard into the Phuket market, expect to see a Sansiri Academy in Phuket soon; Mr Srettha has already had talks with Phuket FC.



FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Phuket ‘may lose out to Vietnam, Myanmar’

Pairoj Kiatthunsamai

All change again in Pata management TTR Weekly / The Phuket News

T H E PA C I F I C A S I A Travel Association (Pata) has hired Sheila Leong as COO to replace Stuart Lloyd, who leaves today (July 6). It is understood that Ms Leong, who has her own events company, EON Events in Singapore, will work initially part-time. She was formerly director of events at Pata. Pata has also appointed a new chief financial officer, effective July 31, in the form of Pairoj Kiatthunsamai. Mr Pairoj, a Thai national, will work at the association’s headquarters in Bangkok and will be responsible for all financial and fiscal management of Pata and its foundation. He will provide leadership and coordination for the administrative, business planning, accounting and budgeting work of the nonprofit organisation. Pata’s CEO, Martin Craigs, said Mr Pairoj “represents our next gen thinking, he walked into the interview with an iPad and has excellent qualifications and the ambition to make a difference in the revitalised Pata.”.

New branding boss at Dusit LAURA BURANASONGgram Markes has been appointed as Dusit International’s new Corporate Director of Branding. In her new role she is responsible for the creation, development, implementation and maintenance of brand standards across Dusit International’s portfolio of brands. A Thai-British national, Ms Markes joins the company from QUO Keen, where she worked in various roles, including Brand Concept Developer and, most recently, Strategy Director. Before that, she worked briefly in public relations. Ms Markes holds a Master’s degree in Middle Eastern Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.

The 75 rai of land at the Evason has plenty of ‘empty’ space for expansion.

Photo: Six Senses

Evason buyer comes out of closet at last Alasdair Forbes execeditor@thephuketnews.com


he name of the buyer of the Evason Phuket Resort in Rawai has finally been revealed. It i s , p r op e r t y g u r u Bill Barnett reports in his thephuketinsider.com blog, a subsidiary of Singapore firm L.C.Development, which paid B1.4 billion for the resort via a Thai affiliate JTM (Thailand). The deal, brokered by Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels, was signed on April 21, and hit the local headlines after many of the staff at the resort were laid off. LC Development is no

newcomer to Phuket; it already holds stakes in the Holiday Inn Resort in Patong and in Surin Estate on Bangtao Beach. Its website lists the Government Pension Fund of Thailand as a partner, along with the Singapore Government Investment Corporation [for] Real Estate. It also has hotel and apartment investments in England, Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos and China. LC is run by David Lum Kok Seng, who took over as executive director a year ago after being managing director for 20 years. He is also MD of construction and property company Lum Chang Holdings.

Mr Barnett comments, “It’s not clear yet what the new ownership will do with the site, but one key element of the purchase of the resort is the large 75-rai site, with a considerable amount of vacant land. “While no announcement has been made, industry speculation based on a close relationship between the developer and hotel operator IHG would point to the latter being a potential brand partner.” Mr Barnett also speculates LC may join forces with another Singapore group, which co-owns a large site next to the Evason.

This was originally slated for a Four Seasons resort by the Hotel Properties Ltd (HPL – run by Malaysian-born Ong Beng Seng, the man credited with bringing Formula 1 racing to Singapore). HPL was working with Lehman Bros on the planned hotel but this project was suspended when Lehmans went bust four years ago. Mr Barnett adds, “Long term it’s believed the prime oceanfront site will be built into an upscale resort. This and the Evason redevelopment will be considerable game changers for the Rawai hospitality sector.”

PHUKET RISKS LOSING investment over the next few years to emerging countries such as Vietnam and possibly Myanmar, officials heard on Monday (July 2). In a meeting chaired by Vice-Governor Dr Sommai Preechasin to discuss the impact of the B300 minimum day wage, the former President of the Phuket Human Resources Management Club, Prasert Monprasit, said that especially in hospitality and property fields, the east coast of Vietnam will increasingly be a target for investment, both Thai and foreign. He cited as an example Banyan Tree’s investment of B27 billion in luxury resorts and property in the central Vietnam town of Hue. “It’s likely that investment flows into Thailand will slow,” Mr Prasert said. “The main reason is that Thai business conditions don’t help investors to make adequate profits.” Among the conditions he cited Thai laws, including regulations controlling development and limiting land use and building capacity. Mr Prasert said he believed, too, that labour is another obstacle to investment, as many staff, particularly in hotels, are over 30 and resist learning new skills. On top of that, he said, are concerns about Thailand’s current political stability and security in general.

Phuket spas win awards TWO PHUKET SPAS HAVE won country awards in the 2012 World Luxury Hotel Awards. The Spa Cenvaree at the Centara Grand Beach Resort in Karon picked up the award for Best Luxury Emerging Spa in Thailand, while the Indigo Pearl Resort at Nai Yang Beach was named Best Luxury Resort Spa in Thailand. Just north of Phuket, the Pathways Spa at The Sarojin, near Khao Lak, was named Best Luxury Hotel Spa in Thailand. Other Thailand winners were RarinJinda Wellness Spa, which has operations in Patong, Chiang Mai and Bangkok; Devarana Spas (Bangkok, Hua Hin, Pattaya and Chiang Mai) and the St Carlos Medical Spa (Pathum Thani). Banyan Tree Spa won the international award for Best Luxury Spa Group.




FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Ombudsman targets foreign ‘land owners’ T H A I OM BU D SM A N SR I R AC H A Charoenpanich – the man who a few months ago alleged that one-third of the land in Thailand, an estimated 100 million rai, is secretly owned by foreign nationals – is working on a draft law to punish the foreigners involved, the Bangkok Post has reported. Mr Siracha said the new law would include seizure of land found to be “owned” by a foreigner through nominees. The guilty foreigner would then be deported.

Bundarika bought by Minor group BU NDARIK A RESORT, on Layan Beach, is to close on August 1 for four months following its sale by the Ruktaengam family to William Heinecke’s Minor International group. The deal was finalised on June 20. The resort, which currently has 47 rooms and 30 villas, is to be refurbished and will reopen on December 1 as the Anantara Phuket Layan Beach Resort & Spa. Anantara is Minor’s hotel management arm. By that time, including the purchase price and refurbishment, Minor will have spent a total of B1.1 billion. The resort was originally built and managed by the Ruktaengam family, which also owns the neighbouring Layan Beach Resort. Bundarika sits on 23 rai of land, reported Bill Barnett in his blog, thephuketinsider.com, and a neighbouring plot of 32 rai, as yet undeveloped, leaves room for a major expansion. This will be Minor’s third resort on the island; it also owns the JW Marriott at Mai Khao and the neighbouring Anantara Phuket Villas.

It would also include punishment for companies offering advice to foreigners on how to hold Thai property by disguising their transactions. This would include law firms and consultants. Existing law requires foreigners found holding Thai property to transfer the plot to someone else or sell it within 180 days. “The new law includes a reward to anyone providing information about foreigners owning land through nominees, Mr Siracha said

at a seminar on foreign property ownership. “They will get 20 per cent of the market price of the land after the plot is sold.” As an example of the perfidy of foreigners, he pointed to a new scheme whereby foreigners disguise their ownership “similar to multi-level marketing”, buying shares in an agricultural company that grows rice on large plots in Isarn. “I’ve heard there was a broker buying land plots throughout a tambon in Surin to

cultivate hom mali rice,” the Post quoted him as saying. “If such an act is not prevented, will there be any land left for our children?” Mr Siracha said that he would submit a draft of the law to parliament this year, and believes there is backing for it. “Anyone related to the property business may be unhappy with this bill,” he added, “as it will make the market rigid. “But this law can help protect the land for the next generation of Thais.”

Thailand slowly improving real estate transparency I

ncreased transparency in global real estates markets aids investors and occupiers, according to the latest biennial Global Real Estate Transparency Index report by Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL). Countries are apparently recognising this; a remarkable 90 per cent of markets listed in the Index have registered advances in real estate transparency over the last two years, JLL says. The index ranks countries with a score between 1, for completely transparent, to 5,

for totally lacking in transparency. The advances in the index are due partly to improved market data and performance measurements, but also to better governance of listed vehicles. The US and the UK top the listings, with Australia third.\ Among Asian countries, Hong Kong came 11th, Singapore 13th, Malaysia 23rd, Japan 25th, Taiwan 29th, China (first tier) 32nd, Philippines 35th, Indonesia 38th, Thailand 39th, South Korea 41st, and Vietnam 68th.

“While the world economy is still in recovery, the 2012 Index reveals that real estate investors and corporate occupiers are widening their activity across a broader range of markets,” said Jacques Gordon, global head of strategy for LaSalle Investment Management. “This cross-border activity encourages faster rates of transparency improvement in growth and emerging economies as the market opens up further to international competition and their real estate sectors embrace global best

practices.” JLL’s managing director of Singapore and Southeast Asia, Chris Fossick, said, “The real estate markets in Southeast Asia have made significant inroads in improving their transparency over the past two years. “Three out of the top 10 improvers globally are from the region – The Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam. “All three countries have improved on the back of greater availability of market data and changes in the regulatory and transaction

processes. With the exception of Vietnam, most Southeast Asia markets are either in the transparent or semi-transparent band.” Thailand is more of a gradual improver, rising from 3.4 in 2006 to 3.16 in 2008, and 3.02 in 2010, to 2.94 this year. National director of Global Research at Jones Lang LaSalle, Jeremy Kelly, was less excited by the results. He said, “While steady progress in real estate transparency has been made during the past two years, much still needs to be done.”

Phanason set to launch new project PROPERTY DEVELOPER Phanason is now set to launch another project in Laem Hin, just north of Phuket Town, The project will have “resort style houses” for sale at pre-sales prices beginning at B5.7 million, a B500,000 discount off full price.

The “Caribbean Houses” will be stand-alone two-floor homes, with three bedrooms, three bathrooms and parking for two cars, while common facilities will include 24-hour security, a communal pool and a fitness centre. For more information visit phanason.com

PRETTY IN PINK Robert Akerblom, facility manager of My Storage self storage company, based in Jungceylon, stands next to one of his vans filled with pink balloons – a special delivery for the launch party of Xana Beach Club at the Angsana Laguna Resort on Saturday (June 30). For more pictures of the party see page 33. FROM ONLY THB



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FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012


Dead right

The sights and sounds of Loei’s Phitakhon mask festival > 28

Jody Houton & Claire Connell editor@thephuketnews.com

Quick on the draw

PHUKET GALLERIES Designed by Woulfe Studio

Baan Wana Park, 177/22 Moo.4, Srisoonthorn Road, Thalang, 076 620 071, designedbywoulfe.com.

Drawing Room

Jody Houton editor3@thephuketnews.com

56 Phang Nga Road, Talad Yai, Muang, Phuket Town, 086 899 4888

I Mon Art Gallery


s a kid at school in the UK, there were few things more fun to me than doodling. Whether it was love hearts, planes or the weird-looking guy with a drooping nose peering over a wall (declaring ‘Jody woz ‘ere’), there was little that was more relaxing and enjoyable than drawing. When the schooldays came to an end, for myself, and most of us I suspect, so too did those happy doodling times. A reason for this is that as adults we rarely have the guiltfree time of doing something as inconsequential as drawing a cat with a tongue hanging ever so slightly out to the left. Another reason of course is that in this increasingly technological age, we use keyboards more than paper and pens. Thank goodness then that Bangkok-based artist Elsie Evans, the current Summer Family Festival artist in resident at Laguna, is offering adults and children alike the opportunity to rekindle that passion and fun. Regardless of whether you’re at beginner or a more

29/2 Phang Nga Rd, Phuket Town, 086 961 8968, montian_29@live.com. Open daily 8am-7.30pm.

Nakonnai Art Museum

84/34 Moo7, Soi Saiyuan 2, Rawai. 085 974 7218, nakonnaiartmuseum@yahoo.com.

P. Fire Studio

Phuket Art Village, Soi Naya 2, Rawai, 085 591 1587, virat-uttakut@hotmail.co.th. Open daily.

Red Gallery

Phuket Art Village, Soi Naya 2, Rawai, 087 323 321, redgallerythai@yahoo.com; phuketredgallery.com. Open daily.

Sarasil Art Galllery

121 Phang Nga Rd, Phuket Town, 076 224 532, somkiatkaewnok@yahoo.com; oilpaintingsphuket.com. Open daily 8pm-9pm.

Above: The Phuket News’ masterpiece: ‘Pineapple’. Right: Elsie Evans and an equally talented student. advanced level, aspiring Picassos or Stan Lees pay just B1,000. This entitles them to a 2.5 hour lesson from 2.30pm to 5pm (lessons are on daily) and full use of materials and colours. You can also take your ‘work of art’ home with you. Elsie believes that everyone can draw. “ My job as a teacher is to identify which strength each student has, whether it is texture, detail, design or creating more abstract work,” says the artist. She also believes that everyone can benefit from doodling and drawing. “It’s good for



Tawan Ook Art Gallery

Phuket Art Village, Soi Naya 2, Rawai, 081 956 5872. Open daily.

everyone as it teaches you to express yourself without getting into trouble. It’s especially good for troubled kids.” Resisting the urge to draw a huge smiley face with a stickyout tongue, Elsie urges me to observe the arrangement of fruit and stimuli in front of me, and select a portion to draw. The first step to creating The Phuket News’ masterpiece was familiarising myself with the feel of charcoal in my hand, and experimenting with different strokes. Once I had gained a little more confidence I committed

my vision to paper. I worked on what I saw as the foreground of the image first, then on the background. Using two pieces of right angle card, I framed what I thought was the most interesting part. Selecting a black canvas, I then drew that image. The final stage was to mix the colours and then paint it. So what exactly did I draw? I ended up choosing the pineapple as my muse, which turned out alright (see above) – though in my heart I still wanted to doodle a weird-looking guy peering over a wall.

The Love Art Studio

Phuket Art Village, Soi Naya 2, Rawai, 089 471 5653, pui.t.l.a.s.@hotmail.com; theloveartstudio.com. Open daily.

Veerachan Usahanun

110/34 Cherng Talay, Bang Tao Beach Rd, 081 490 4359, usahanun@live.com; veerachanusahanun.com.Open daily.

Vichen Gallery Bzenter

Behind Da Vinci Restaurant, Saiyuan Rd, Rawai, 087 890 3722. Open daily 3-9 pm. (Telephone to view before 3pm.)

VR Gallery & Coffee Shop

Next to Mom Tri’s Villa Royale, 12 Kata Noi Rd, Kata Noi, 076 333 568; art@momtriphuket.com, momtriphuket.com.

Watcharin Art Studio

27 Yaowaraj Rd, Phuket Town, 088 386 1449, watcharintinorodnit@hotmail.com, rindamagicalart.com.

Wua Gallery and Studio

1 Phang Nga Rd, Phuket Town, 076 258 208, wua.artgallery@gmail.com; wua-artgallery.blogspot.com.


thephuketnews.com/ login-game-view.php


THIS WEEK’S HINT: “Last week when I flew out of Phuket I did not see the structure in the picture, but I would have if I had driven to Phang Nga. This building is used as a lookout for those wishing to take in the beautiful scenery at the northern end of Phuket Island which includes a marina on the northeastern shore. If you have not travelled off the island for about a year you would not have seen this building as it is part of a much larger structure which replaces an older version.” –Gerry Cummings



editor@thephuketnews.com thephuketnews.com/ login-game-view.php


Congratulations go to Patrich, who correctly guessed that last week’s photo was of a stand set up alongside one of the fairways of the Loch Palm golf course in Kathu, reached by a small road that passes the Loch Palm Country Club. Gerry says: “Any serious golfer on the island should know this picture as this woman sells the best and most inexpensive golf balls in Phuket, all retrieved from the ponds and bushes at the golf courses.”




FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Life on the razor’s edge Claire Connell editor1@thephuketnews.com


huket security consultant Peter “Razor” Slade has released his first book, detailing the story of his life thus far, events which include fighting in the Vietnam War, being framed for murder in Australia, and seven years spent working in security in post-invasion Iraq. Raised in a small Australian country town, he was conscripted for the Vietnam War at age 20 in 1967, where he got his first introduction to international conflict. After the Vietnam War, following other work in Thailand and Cambodia, Peter returned to Australia and was approached to help overthrow the government of the Seychelles Islands, east of Africa. “It was good money and there’s a bit of mischief in me,” he says. However, Peter was arrested in 1986 for what he initially thought was for his involvement in planning the coup plot. However he soon found out he was up on murder charges for the alleged murder of Adrian Kay, a high profile socialite who owned the King Arthur’s Court hotel in Sydney, Australia. Peter says that he was set up by people with both a connection to Kay, and who were also privy to the Seychelles plot. He found himself facing charges of murder, and attempting to overthrow a foreign government. Peter pleaded guilty to the Seychelles charge, and after serving five years in prison, the murder charges were thrown out due to a lack of evidence. Peter believes the Australian justice system, which he

claims is “corrupt”, worked against him for a number of reasons. The main one being that one prisoner, facing a life sentence for the rape and attempted murder of a 15 year old girl in Sydney, ended up becoming a witness in the Kay murder trial, in return for a reduction in his sentence. He claimed Peter had confessed in prison that he’d stabbed Kay. Peter said it was later proved that the man had committed perjury, but still had his life sentence reduced by 12 years. On his release, and having submitted several unsuccessful claims for compensation, Peter had completely lost faith in the legal system and government. His previous business, and also his marriage, had collapsed as a result of being in prison. Flat broke, he moved to Cambodia and worked in

security for nearly eight years. He then moved to Thailand, and was on the beach in Patong with wife Darani (Nen) during the 2004 tsunami. The pair survived but their home didn’t, and six months later he was on his way to Iraq to earn money working as a security contractor running convoys for the US military, where he finally began putting his story to paper. “I thought about writing it in 1986, but thought that it was a bit embarrassing. Then, when I was in Iraq last year I thought, ‘Bugger it, I’m going to write a book’. It was a spur of the moment decision, and I wrote it in eight months while I was working there.” He returned to Phuket in December last year, bringing with him the final version of his book. “There’s always someone


Clockwise from top left: Peter ‘Razor’ Slade; Cobra gunships in Vietnam, 1968; Seychelles military personnel. out there that’s doing it harder than yourself. There are many people that have faced and, still to this present day, are facing hardships that one just can’t comprehend. “What I have attempted to express in the book, is that whatever the hardships we face in life, be strong and most importantly, believe in yourself and stand on your own two feet during times of adversity. “There’s always hope. I’m a great believer in fate.” Razor’s Edge is available now from Asia Books, B2S and other leading booksellers for B900. Visit razorsedgeby peterslade.net. Peter will hold a book signing at Jungceylon from 11am on July 14.

Volunteer worker Tanyaluk Sakoot reporter4@thephuketnews.com

D U R I N G T H E D AY, 25-year-old Prapan ‘New’ Meeprankij is a support engineer for a fire alarm system company in Phuket, but by night he is a volunteer for problem teenagers in Cherngtalay. New moved from Chiang Mai to Phuket about a year ago to live and work. “When I came to Phuket I didn’t know anyone. So the Seed Church in Cherng Talay was the first places that I went to. It was there that I met many Among the ‘U-Teens’ New counsels are ex-runaways, and domestic abuse victims. young people that needed help.”


New is now head volunteer for the teenage group ‘U-Teen,’ and spends every Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday evening with a group of troubled teenagers, many of whom have had a difficult upbringing. Among the group are runaways, drug addicts, and victims of domestic abuse, as well as many young girls with unplanned pregnancies. Besides counselling, New is also responsible for initiating a partnership between a clothing company, musicians and a marketing team to design a programme of activities for its teenage members.

Their most recent activity was the “Envirody” project, which focused on the cleaning of Patong beach. The U-Teen group has since extended its programme to a number of schools, including Satree Phuket School, Phuket Wittayalai School, Muangthalang Phuket School, Phuket Technical School and Phuket Ratchapat University. All teenagers are welcome to join U-Teen every Sunday at 48/67 Moo 4, Soi Pasak 8, Cherngtalay or Muangthalang Phuket School every Tuesday at 5-5.30 pm. Thailanguage only.



FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Kicking the habit Claire Connell editor1@thephuketnews.com

ustralian Katie Wellington stubbed out her last cigarette on New Year’s Day this year and is determined to crack the habit for good – raising money for charity in the process. Katie, who has lived in Phuket for the last three and a half years, began smoking when she was 12 years old, and at her peak was smoking around 50 cigarettes per day. Her inspiration to quit smoking came from a friend, but Katie said she’d never had any real motivation to quit before. Occasionally she had tried, but only managed to reduce her intake to around six cigarettes per day. The low cost of cigarettes in Thailand only fuelled the fire, especially as patrons can smoke in most bars and restaurants in the country, unlike in Australia. It’s now been more than six months and Katie is still going strong, thanks to her partner Glenn and her supportive network of friends, to whom she attributes her success so far. Katie says her real motivation behind quitting was her love for the Phuket Hash House Harriers, a


IN BRIEF Phuket hosts HIV conference A conference concerned with the fight against HIV in Asia was held at the Movenpick Resort in Karon on Wednesday (June 3). Health officials from all 10 Asean countries and also China, Japan and South Korea were in attendance at the Asean City Getting to Zero conference. On the agenda were issues concering Asian human rights, human security, social protection and sustainable development.

Thailand says no to NASA

Katie Wellington quit smoking cigarettes on New Year’s Day, 2012. social fitness group famously known as a drinking club with a running problem. “That was the main reason to get fitter. Every weekend Glenn and I were out ‘hashing’ and I was constantly out of breath walking the tracks. “Now, I don’t have any breathing or sinus problems. I can even run now, that’s a pretty good feeling. I

haven’t been able to run for 10 years, so it’s a real achievement.” She’s even turned her personal goal into a way of raising money for the hash’s charity – the Baan Tharn Namchai orphanage in Takua Pa, in Phang Nga – by asking people to pledge money for her cause. So far more than B35,000 has been pledged. Katie has issued the challenge to herself – if she smokes a

cigarette she will match the pledges and all money will go to the orphanage. She’s now encouraging other sports organisations in Phuket to encourage people to stop smoking and raise money in the process. “You’re doing good for yourself and you’re doing good for other people.” For more information, email: cash@phuket-hhh.com

Thailand’s inability to reach a decision as to whether to allow NASA to stage a ‘major climate study’ has forced the US space agency to cancel its plans. Thai sceptics feared that the stated purpose of the study was in fact a cover up for military purposes. The U-Tapao naval base is located around 190 kms from Bangkok. A US spokesperson has said that it does not know whether it will have the funds to revisit the project next year.

Study says no spanking Agence France-Presse

People who were hit or spanked as children face higher odds of mental ailments as adults, including mood and anxiety disorders and problems with alcohol and drug abuse, researchers said Monday (June 2). The study, led by Canadian researchers, is the first to examine the link between psychological problems and spanking, while excluding severe physical or sexual abuse in order to better gauge the effect of corporal punishment alone. Those who were spanked or hit as kids were between two and seven per cent more likely to encounter mental issues later, said the research in the US journal Pediatrics, based on a retrospective survey of more than 600 US adults. That figure may seem low, particularly since about half of the US population recalls being spanked in childhood, but shows that physical punishment can raise the risk of problems later on, experts said. “The study is valuable because it opens the conversation about parenting,” said Victor Fornari, director of the division of child and adolescent psychiatry at North Shore-Long

Island Jewish Health System in New York. The rate “is not dramatically higher, but it is higher, just to suggest that physical punishment is a risk factor for developing more mental disturbances as an adult,” said Fornari, who was not involved in the study. Previous research has repeatedly shown that children who were physically abused as youngsters suffer from more mental disturbances as adults, and are more likely to engage in aggressive behaviour than kids who were not hit. Using a nationally representative survey sample of 653 Americans, they found that those who recalled experiencing harsh punishment as children faced higher odds of a range of mental problems. Between two and five per cent of disorders like depression, anxiety, bipolar, anorexia or bulimia were attributable to physical punishment as a child, the study said. From four to seven per cent of more serious problems including personality disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder and intellectual disabilities were associated with such punishments in childhood.

Researchers stressed that the study could not establish that spanking had actually caused these disorders in certain adults, only that there was a link between memories of such punishment and a higher incidence of mental problems. Participants were asked: “As a child how often were you ever pushed, grabbed, shoved, slapped or hit by your parents or any adult living in your house?” Those who answered “sometimes” or greater were included in the analysis. Roya Samuels, a pediatrician at Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New York, said the parents’ genes may influence both their response to raising an unruly child as well as their likelihood of passing down certain ailments. “Parents who are resorting to mechanisms of corporal punishment might themselves be at risk for mental disorders; therefore, there might be a hereditary factor going on in these families,” she said. The American Academy of Pediatrics opposes striking children for any cause and the Canadian Pediatric Society recommends that doctors strongly discourage the use of physical punishment.




FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

IN BRIEF Education? There’s an app for that The Khon Kaen University has become the first university in Thailand and Southeast Asia to implement the Google App for Education to facilitate learning. Teachers and university staff will now be working in tandem with the software. Every one of the 8.96 million square metres of the KKU area is now connected via wi-fi, allowing students to study anywhere and at any time.

Native Americans continue to trail Native American students in the US are failing to match their peers in mathematics and reading proficiency, according to the Department of Education’s National Indian Education Study. Native American students make up one per cent of all students in grades four and eight nationwide. On average, Native American students are scoring 18 points less than their peers.

Mickey Mouse course scrapped Days of being able to become a graduate in the teachings of Britney Spears may soon be coming to an end, if the UK’s government plans to scrap ‘Mickey Mouse’ courses come into fruition. As part of the continued austerity measures, Ministers will encourage head teachers to drop qualifications in subjects such as sports leadership and David Beckham studies.

Let your bundles of pride and joy loose over the holidays at Laguna Resort, Thanyapura or Skyla’s Surf Camps, being held at Bliss Beach Club.

School’s out, summer’s in S

chool’s out for summer, and while your kids are running around the house screaming and jumping on the furniture, it might seem like school is out for ever. Thankfully, help is at hand. In order to ease the remaining weeks until the Autumn term resumes, there are a number of summer camps, courses and lessons all around the island that will keep the kids amused. Skyla’s Surf Camps Young dudes and dudettes may find the 3-day Skyla Surf Camps held at Bliss Beach Club at Bang Tao more to their liking. Skyla’s Surf Camps will

allow Phuket kids to become more versed in the sport and also learn more about ocean safety. Instruction will be given about rip current identification and awareness, marine life education and surf and sun protection. The 3-day courses include experienced and professional instructors, all surf equipment, rash vest, meals, drinks, sunscreen and during the searing summer heat, a hat. For more information, call 082 5193 282.

mer Festival is at full swing and will run until August 25. The Canal Shopping Village has been transformed into a carnival playground, with a Beer Tent for parents to socialise and relax while their youngsters enjoy the Kidzsole Flying Trapeze, bouncy castle, and games in the Kidz Lounge. Festival attractions during the two months include ‘Art Adventure’ art classes with Artists-in-Residence (see page 17), free Zumba fitness sessions twice a week in Canal Village, entertainment by a strolling troupe of international performers from the famous Palazzo dinner theatre and theme parties.

Laguna Summer Festival Meanwhile, over at Laguna Resort on the west coast of the island, the Laguna Sum-


The Beer Tent offers a feast of televised big screen summer sporting events – with coverage of the London Olympic Games, F1 races, Wimbledon tennis and AFL games, as well as a variety of entertainment, weekly quiz night and Happy Hour drinks. For more information, see lagunaphuket.com/events/ family-festival Thanyapura Sports & Leisure Club A wide range of sports activities and camps for both kids and adults are currently running at the Thanyapura Sports & Leisure Club (TSLC) until August 17. Attendees can learn to

swim in the Olympic-sized swimming pool, receive coaching from PBI tennis instructor Travis Bertram on TSLC’s plexi-cushioned courts, or send your little monster to join the hugely popular Brazilian Soccer School summer camps. From July 9 – August 3, TSLC will also put on a Multi Sports Summer Camp containing a range of sports and fun games, including track and field, soccer, water sports, beach volleyball, table tennis, mixed martial arts, gymnastics, badminton, chair ball, and outings to Splash Jungle and nature walks. For more information, see thanyapura.com

Let the lessons begin

Introducing our new fortnightly Thai lesson helping you in your day-to-day interactions on the island.

LESSON 1: Distinguishing ‘Kaw ( )’ from ‘Gaw ( )’

“Gaw Gai”

Means “chicken”

Khaw khow pat Gai krap/ka: I will have fried rice with chicken, please. Khow pat Gai rice –stir fried – chicken but: Khow pat Khai rice –stir fried – egg The “ก” “GAW” sounds, beginning ‘g’: Garden, games, gone, go, god, good, gang, sugar etc. For example:


ภ เู ก็ต


so the “H” needs to be silent




Gra- bi












Ga-lim (“lim” is a rising tone)



Gam-ma-la / Gom-ma-la

False friends: Be careful when using the ‘G’ sound if you mean the ‘K’ sound and vica versa. Gai is ‘chicken’, The Thai letter ‘Gaw’. but be careful because if you say K(h)ai, it can mean ‘genitals’. This is especially funny because there are many men in Thailand called Khai. Let’s finish on a Thai proverb: Gai ngam praw khon- kon ngam praw dtang: means: “Chickens need pretty feathers to be beautiful – but humans also need to dress well.” The lessons come courtesy of Kroo Joy, who has over 20 years of experience teaching Thai to foreigners. For more information, contact her at 081-797-1497 or info@phuketbabysitting.com



FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

The Husky: a working dog YOUR BREED by Jackie Perry


he Siberian Husky originated in northeastern Asia, where it was used by the indigenous Chukchi people as an endurance sled dog. The Chukchi required a dog capable of travelling great distance at moderate speeds, carrying a light load in low temperatures. Research has shown that the Chukchi dogs are the direct ancestors of the Husky breed now known around the world, but basically as a North American breed. It was in 1909 that the first team of Siberian Huskies appeared in the All-Alaska Sweepstake Race. They captured most of the racing titles from then on in Alaska. The Husky is a naturally friendly and gentle dog, with an independent nature and although quite alert he does not possess the natural tendencies of a watchdog. As a breed to keep as a pet, he is very clean and has no body odour. However he does have a tendency to wander away from home, making it

necessary to really keep him in enclosed premises. In appearance the Husky is of medium size, quick and light on his feet. Moderately compact in body, he has erect ears and a brush tail. The male will stand 53-60 cm at the shoulder whilst the

Pets “Hello, my Beauty and name is year old fe I’m a two m belong to A ale cat. I nanyah.”

female 51-56 cm. He should be of medium bone, never too heavy and should not carry any excess weight on his body. He has almond shaped eyes, giving an alert expression. Eyes can be brown or blue or one of each, which is quite fascinating.

His ears are triangular in shape and not too large. They stand strongly erect pointing straight upwards. His neck is strong and of medium length, carried proudly erect when standing, but when on the trot will be carried slightly forward. His chest is deep and strong

but not too broad. The ribs are well sprung for good heart and lung space. His topline is straight and strong. The tail is well furred looking like a fox brush and is usually carried in a gentle curve over the back when at attention. The tail will drop when the dog

is at rest. The Siberian has a double coat, medium in length and carries a a soft furry undercoat to protect it from the cold weather. The coat should never be too long but give a thick furry appearance. In the heat often the coat will shed and this is quite normal. All colours are acceptable in this breed and often there will be very attractive face markings. The Siberian makes a very loving pet as he is gentle and amusing in his antics. He will need attention with his claws to keep his lovely oval shaped feet in good condition. He will need quite a bit of exercise but will also require somewhere very cool to sleep, preferably air-conditioning – although a good fan will probably suffice. Much fun can be had with harnessing the dog to a small children’s cart and letting him pull it around the yard. He will get much enjoyment from this and so will the children! Jackie Perry is based in Phuket but travels to judge dog shows all over the world. She is happy to answer questions from dog lovers. Simply email questions to editor@thephuketnews.com

Every month, the best Pet wins a B500 voucher from:

“Hello, I’m Chalky, a gorgeous female cat belonging to Roy Beattie. I was born on July 10, 2011, as one of five in an allgirl litter. I’ve been known to creep up to Roy’s dog Blade and scare him when he wakes up – this is one of my favourite tricks! I love to eat c r i s p s (o r i g i n a l flavour only though) and then icecream to finish up. I also love fresh fish. I follow Roy everywhere!

Want to see your pet here? Email your photos to: editor1@thephuketnews.com thephuketnews.com




Robot beats rock, paper and scissors T

he University of Tokyo has just ruined a nearly 2,000-year-old game, producing a robot that can beat a human at rock, paper, scissors every single time. The classic game – so widely known that if you don’t know the rules, you don’t qualify as human – apparently dates back to the Chinese Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD) when it was called the much cooler sounding shoushiling, or ‘hand command’. However, the engineers at the Ishikawa Oku Lab have

The cold, clenched fist of humanity’s future oppression – aka ‘rock’ – crushes a feeble peace offering, aka ‘scissors’. created a machine that can detect within a millisecond what shape your hand is about to make, pre-empting it with the winning gesture. Scientists at the university explained: “Recognition of a hu-

man hand can be performed at 1 millisecond with the robot’s high-speed vision. “The wrist joint angle of the robot hand is based on the position of the human hand. The robot’s vision recognises

either rock, paper or scissors based on the shape of the human hand. “After that, the robot beats the human.” You may be thinking of the old time-honoured trick of change-it-to-scissorsat-the-last-second, but the robot is apparently so fast it can beat even the quickest of thinkers. Aside from offering a slightly terrifying vision of the future where robots outstrip humans in all sorts of playground games, the engineers hope to show how the technology can be used for motion support.

Bishop prays for Suicidal Angels Agence France Presse

AN AUSTRIAN BISHOP, possibly shaken by the idea of Suicidal Angels, has called on fellow Catholics to pray for music fans attending a death-metal festival early next month. Klaus Kueng, diocesan bishop of Sankt Poelten in northern Austria, urged believers Thursday “to pray for the festival’s participants” when they gather in his town on July 5-7 for the Extremefest.


The cleric insisted he had nothing against rock concerts but “the imagery and tone” of this particular event was “really extreme,” the Austrian Catholic Church’s news agency Kathpress reported. The line-up was “infused with aggressive-occult band names, references to blood and violence, and disturbing images,” Kueng said Kueng questioned what it said about society “when it’s desirable to get high on something like that for three days.”

Against the clock When a minute lasts 61 seconds Agence France Presse

HOROLOGISTS AROUND the world last Saturday (June 30) carried out one of the weirdest operations of their profession: they held back time. The last minute of June 30, 2012, was in fact 61 seconds long, with timekeepers around the globe adding a “leap second” to compensate for the wibbly-wobbly movements of our planet. The ever-so-brief halting of the second hand helped compensate for a creeping divergence from solar time, meaning the period required for Earth to complete a day. The planet takes just over 86,400 seconds for a 360-degree revolution. But it wobbles on its axis and is affected by the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon and the ocean tides, all of which brake the rotation by a tiny sliver of a second. As a result, Earth gets out of step with International Atomic Time (TAI), which uses the pulsation of atoms to measure time to an accuracy of several billionths of a second. To avoid solar time and

TAI moving too far apart, the widely used indicator of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is adjusted every so often to give us the odd 86,401-second day. The adjustments began in 1972. Before then, time was measured exclusively by the position of the Sun or stars in relation to Earth, expressed in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or its successor UT1. Saturday was the 25th intervention to add a “leap second” to UTC. “Today, time is constructed, defined and measured with atomic clocks that are infinitely more stable than astronomical time,” Noel Dimarcq, director of the SYRTE time-space reference system at the Paris Observatory, said. “This allows us to ensure that everyone on Earth is on the exact same time.” TAI is kept by several hundred atomic clocks around the world, measuring fluctuations in the atom of the chemical element caesium that allows them to divide a single second into 10 billion smaller bits. With such precision, “only one (atomic) second is lost every 300 million years,” said Dimarcq.

FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

with Dane Halpin editor2@thephuketnews.com

THE BIG LIST Robot Rage We know humanity is doomed when we can no longer beat our robot overlords at rock, paper, scissors, but maybe you don’t realise just how doomed we were, until you read the following:

■ Global swarming: Swarm-bots – you really don’t need to know anything else to judge that these robots are pure evil. After all, at no point ever has the word ‘swarm’ been used to describe something pleasant – there’s no such thing as a ‘swarm of fluffy bunny rabbits’, and you’re not going to lie on the beach drinking a ‘swarm of rum-filled coconuts’. No, it’s always something that wants to sting you, kill you, and lay eggs in your still-screaming corpse. Swarm-bots are no exception. Built by Intelligent Design Systems, these systems are not so intelligently designed, so much so that we’re not even sure what the exact point of these demonmachines actually is. The only clue comes from a promotional video where the bots are seen ganging up on, and then dragging away a terrified child, presumably to break her down into base elements and create more swarm-bots. ■ Rubble trouble: Researchers at Japan’s Tohoku University obviously haven’t done their horror movie research, and have gone and built a robot designed after a millipede. That’s not ‘beginning with good intentions and accidentally unleashing a horror’, that’s starting right off at creepy then turning directly onto the Terror Tollway. Taking the most horrific elements of giant snakes, deep sea creatures, and spiders, the Millipede Bot (or Active Scope System, but we’ll ignore that name) has a camera built into the head, and is meant to snake its way through rubble left behind by earthquakes to locate trapped survivors. Which is kind of contradictory, seeing as the first thing they tell you, should you ever find yourself trapped in an enclosed space, is not to panic – this mutated robotic devil-serpent smells fear... ■ Distribution channels: There’s something a little creepy about the first time you see the Distributed Flight Array (DFA), designed by ETH Zurich’s Institute for Dynamics Systems and Control, in action. But rather than slapping you in the face with its robo-copter arms, the true terror on display here is more of a creeping thing. It comes on when you realise that the robots grow stronger, faster, more agile and more stable as they connect together. Alone, they are little more than discs with helicopter rotors contained inside, and one solo flight platform is shaky and slow. But the DFA is able to join up with others, and others, and on and on to infinity; there is literally no limit to how many of these robots can band together into a vast flying blanket of cold, unflinching, mechanical evil. ■ Finger food: If there’s one thing Ishikawa Hashimoto Laboratory’s Multi-fingered Robot Hands like, it’s balls. Put your balls of any shape or colour near the machine, and it lights up like a robotic kid on Christmas day. But when you slow the footage down, you realise that even if the Harlem Globetrotters were right, and the fate of humanity does come down to a basketball game, the robots will still have the upper hand(s). Because from dribbling a ball to idly spinning a pen, this multi-fingered robot hand gives its proverbial middle finger to all of humanities most pedestrian tasks. ■ Creeps on call: The Telenoid R1 Telepresence Robot is supposedly designed to help busy families visit their elderly parents in a more personal way – by mimicking their body language and facial expressions during phone calls. When not in use, it basically just sits there, totally inert... until the phone rings and it summons all the fiery wrath of Satan. When that happens, the robot abruptly opens its mouth, gasps, and snaps into life, staring at you expectantly with it’s non-face and black eyes. That’s how you answer a call. Or to be more precise, that’s how you receive a call. How you answer a call will probably be with endless, frantic screaming about this possessed machine that has taken over your home.



FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012



FILM The Amazing Spider-Man 136 minutes Rating: G

Director: Marc Webb Starring: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Denis Leary

Discover Bangkok Write Me Back R Kelly with Kids Jacqueline Grawburg W H I L E G R E AT F O R singletons or young couples, Bangkok is the not the easiest place for families. The intense traffic, dearth of public spaces, and inconvenient public transport, all mean that travelling around the city with children can be a chore at best. However, a new book by a Bangkok-based expatriate mum aims to take make exploring with kids fun, complete with a key that lists essential facts such as an area’s Stroller Friendliness, or whether or not an attraction has a Baby Changing Station. The wealth of information comes from the author’s own travails – she’s put in the hard work so you don’t have to.

A CONTI N UATION OF the concept behind 2010’s Love Letters, Write Me Back is another R. Kelly collection of faithful recreations, showing the man’s quiet obsession with the origins of Motown. ‘Love Is’ kicks off the record with an obvious tip of the hat to Barry White’s ‘Can’t Get Enough of Your Love, Babe’, but there isn’t one strict era Kelly lingers in – late 60s soul, Motown-inflected disco, funk, Michael Jackson, and even 90s contemporary all enter into the mix. Lyrically, the singer tries to stay within the confines of the era’s subject matter – still somewhat sex-crazed, but restrained and mostly comprised of sincere musings about love and relationships.

Dane Halpin editor2@thephuketnews.com


t’s impossible not to be struck by déjà vu when watching The Amazing Spider-Man – that’s because it’s almost shot-for-shot the same as the now decade-old Spider-Man, directed by Sam Raimi and starring Tobey Maguire. Does that mean it’s bad? No, not necessarily. But is there any point in seeing it?

That probably depends how much you like seeing men in tight-fitted red and blue suits (hello Captain America fans). Much like 2002’s SpiderMan, the latest film goes back to the beginning to present an origin story of how Peter Parker found his abilities – no need to rehash the rest, we’ve probably all seen it anyway. In its favour, Amazing is a far richer, character-driven story than the 2002 version. Director Marc Webb (500 Days of Sum-

mer) has focused not only on Peter’s superhuman abilities, but on what motivates him to use them. As a standalone film, it’s not altogether bad. In fact, it’s quite good; the performances are solid across the board – Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone are far more likeable than Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst – the script is sharp, and the action sequences are particularly well-shot (including some underutilised first-person). But unfortunately, like any franchise reboot – particularly one that comes so close on the trail of its predecessor – we can never really judge this film in its own right. Rather, we have to compare it to the 2002 entry, and that’s where The Amazing Spider-Man falls apart. That’s not because it’s worse – in fact it’s quite a bit bet-

ter – it’s because it’s nearly scene-for-scene identical, with a few extra gimmicks thrown in (like 3D to bump up the ticket price). While we get to see added insight into Peter’s character, he is still, in essence, the same socially awkward-yet-heroic character we’ve seen before. And while there was an opportunity to take a little more creative licence with the film’s villain, the similarities to The Green Goblin from Spider-Man are too striking to ignore. Basically, despite the film’s marketing pushing Amazing as “the untold story” of Spider-Man’s origin, it feels an awful lot like the retold story, coupled with a bloated 136 minute run time.

As some movies and movie times change every Thursday morning, after The Phuket News has gone to press, the accuracy of the following information cannot be guaranteed. For up-to-date information, visit sfcinemacity.com, or phone the cinemas directly: SFX Coliseum Phuket 076-209-000 and SFC Jungceylon Phuket 076-600-555.



The Amazing Spider-Man (E/3D) [G]: 11:30, 12:30, 14:20, 15:20, 17:10, 18:10, 20:00, 21:00 Antapan (T/E.SUB) [18+]: 21:30 Chernobyl Diaries (E) [15+]: 13:15 Chernobyl Diaries (E/F) [15+]: 16:30, 21:00 What to Expect When You’re Expecting (E) [13+]: 11:15, 15:15, 17:30, 19:45, 22:00 What to Expect When You’re Expecting (E/F) [13+]: 12:00, 14:15, 18:45

The Amazing Spider-Man (E) [G]: 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 18:30, 19:30, 20:30, 22:30 Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted (E) [G]: 11:30, 13:35, 15:40, 17:45, 19:50 Piranha 3DD (E) [20+]: 11:40, 21:50 Snow White and the Huntsman (E) [13+]: 17:30, 21:30 What to Expect When You’re Expecting (E) [13+]: 12:00, 14:20, 16:40, 19:00, 21:20


1. Confusion, we hear, over young lady’s capture. (15) 9. Relative is more than nice. (5) 10. Pushy bottom exercise – with credit notes? (9) 11. Confession in commercial religious building. (9) 12. Type the French, “light up”. (6) 14. Encroach on little devil in General Electric. (7) 18. Odd Ann’s province. (3) 20. Coerce mythical beast without love. (7) 21. Particular note to microphone. (6) 24. Watch: Check length of piece. (9) 28. A noisy gangster? (9) 29. Doesn’t work on bread point. (5) 30. Weird Carolina got nuts? Felicitations! (15)

1. Fix London, for example? Not the truth. (9) 2. South side in very hot water. (5) 3. Nice prayers to worker. (8) 4. Clergyman takes notes in area. (5) 5. All of us, not animal type. (9) 6. Anion, maybe? It’s an idea. (6) 7. One trick picture. (4) 8. Unpleasant? Nay! Saint’s in. (5) 13. Jay’s the French negative. (4) 15. Got ready for trip, say. It’s a deal. (4) 16. Legalization of churned cement tan. (9) 17. Agreement over prison headcount, say. (9) 19. Help tamp bizarre leaflet. (8) 22. Met cardinal or space rock. (6) 23. Rod back in charge of Greek dialect. (5) 25. More bend in mushroom. (5) 26. Time to muse. (5) 27. Look over point container. (4)

1. Telephote and Televista were earlier suggestions for which common word? 2. Which novelist was the cousin of horror movie actor Christopher Lee? 3. What is Stalingrad called today? 4. Name the two Washington Post reporters who exposed the Watergate scandal. 5. Honda, Flemish Flake, Dutch Cringle and Alpine Butterfly are all types of what?

Solutions to last week’s puzzles:

Answers to this week’s Pop Quiz: 1. Television; 2. Ian Fleming; 3. Volgograd; 4. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein; 5. Knots.







FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

On Sale


Every book sold helps disadvantaged kids. With 22 Island Scenes to colour in, it makes the perfect gift for your children, friends and family. Free colouring crayons with every copy! For commercial inquiries, call Boo on 088 766 1615 or email pr@thephuketnews.com


To order your copy today, call 076 612 550 or email info@thephuketnews.com

Also on sale at all the following outlets: www.thephuketnews.com/distribution-points.php

Thalang Road is one of the oldest streets in Phuket, with many houses more than 100 years old. DID YOU KNOW? Every January, the whole street is closed for the Old Town Festival.


very week, colour in Sophie's drawing, have a photo taken with your work, and email it to editor@thephuketnews.com This week, congratulations go to Alessandra Harris, age 7, from British International School Phuket, who wins a B50 0 voucher for Phuket Adventure Mini Golf. For more drawings, pick up your copy of The Phuket Colouring Book today!


Ayia, age 9 & Otoey, age 7, from PIADS


mail@ sophieillustration.co.uk


FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012



Patterned clutch purse (B350) found in Naka Weekend Market

Have an outfit to show off? Send a photo to: editor1@thephuketnews.com

CHECK THIS OUT Butsarakham Supharat

Teacher’s assistant at PIADS

Check shirt (B299) from the Naka Market

Matching earrings and necklace (B390) bought from Jungceylon

VISION IN WHITE Manuela Fornasier

Beaded bracelet (B120) was a gift from a friend

Company owner in Bangtao

White dress (B600) found on a trip to Germany.

Jeans (B1,500) bought on a shopping trip to Bangkok

Pink shoes (B1,200) picked up while on holiday in Bali

Black strappy shoes (B2,000) purchased in Jungceylon




FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Seriously hot stuff STREET EATS Tanyaluk Sakoot reporter4@thephuketnews.com


re you ready for some hot food? Really hot? So hot that even Thais will admit it’s hot? Time for tom yam paak pao – literally, “mouth-burning tom yam”. The best is to be found at Paak Pao restaurant on Yaowarat Rd in Phuket Town, close to the Bangkok Hospital. This is where Peamakorn Sakrontwan from Chonburi serves up blow-torch spicy noodle soups – tom yam and kwaytiao reua – made to the secret recipes passed down to her by her mother. When she was young, Mrs Peamakorn watched her mother making money from noodles every day. She herself decided to do something different at first, opening a small spa and massage place. But when she moved to Phuket 18 months ago, the noodles called; they must have been in the blood. That’s when she opened her noodle shop, starting first with the dark and flavourful – and scorching hot – kwaytiao reua paak pao. The spicy noodle soup was an immediate hit with local students and office people, who jammed the restaurant from 11am to 1pm. When she added tom yam to the menu, that very quickly became the favourite with

Above, Peamakorn Sakrontwan from Chonburi with her ultra spicy noodle soups, and left, where to find her shop. customers. Her spicy soups go well with noodles and a choice of pork, seafood or fish balls. And although Mrs Peamakorn specialises in hot, hot, hot, she says every customer is important, so she can reduce the spiciness

if requested. And everything is always fresh – Mrs Peamakorn goes everyday to buy ingredients before opening for business. The restaurant is open from 10am to 9pm everyday except Wednesdays. Prices start

from B35 a dish, with drinks starting at B15. To get there, head into town from Tesco Lotus, toward Bangkok Hospital Phuket. The restaurant is about 150 metres before the hospital, on the opposite side, facing the local CP Fresh Mart.

How to make the perfect coffee art COFFEE BREAK Danny Hyams editor@thephuketnews.com

COFFEE AND MILK HAVE long been par t ners. Although many people love the strength and hit of caffeine delivered by a straight espresso, the most popular drinks are served with milk. Com mercial espresso machines have steam wands which allow them to not only heat, but also texture milk


creating a silky microfoam mixture. W hen microfoam has been created, patterns and latte art can in effect be painted on the crema of the underlying espresso. The essential ingredients for good milk steaming are: Fresh full cream milk (it is possible but more difficult to steam low fat milk) A stainless steel milk pitcher with tapered sides and a prominent spout Powerful dry steam from an espresso machine

To make it, fill the pitcher to almost half way with the level of milk just below the spout. Milk does not reheat well and loses a lot of sweetness if steamed a second time, so we need to minimise or eliminate reuse. Having the cor rect size pitchers for one, two or more cups is important. Secondly, turn on the steam wand until the steam is dry, because wet steam will create big bubbles, something to be avoided. It is best to do this by purg-

ing the steam wand into a thick cloth. Next d rop t he st ea m wand into the pitcher slightly off centre, and turn on the steam full. Now, lower the pitcher until the tip of the steam wand al most breaks the surface of the milk. A whirlpool is created accompanied by a chugging noise. This stage is known as “stretching” the milk, in which air is incorporated creating tiny bubbles called microfoam. Stretch the milk until the temperature is about 30 degrees Celsius if using a thermometer or until the pitcher is warm to touch.

Then sink the wand down towards the bottom of the pitcher, and with the whirlpool spinning, turn off when about 60 degrees, or when the pitcher becomes too hot to hold your palm against the side. It is important to clean and purge the steam wand straight away to avoid buildup of solids and blockage. Correct temperature is a subjective matter, but steaming much beyond 60 degrees results in the sugars released from the milk burning off. Swirl and bang the pitcher on a flat surface to incorporate any larger bubbles which may have formed. If done correctly the level

in the pitcher has swelled by about 30 per cent, there are no visible bubbles, and the surface of the milk looks thick and shiny similar to the look of wet white pain in a tin. Latte art is created by pouring the steamed milk into a cup containing a shot of espresso. After pouring into the centre of the cup a white spot of foam appears on the surface of the crema, and from this point by shaking the pitcher from side to side, latte art, usually in the form of a heart or a rosetta (leaf) can be drawn on the surface. Perfecting this takes a lot of practice, and is always a fun part of our barista training. Danny Hyams is an Australian coffee roaster, barista and barista trainer based in Phuket. He runs the Garage coffee shop in Kamala, and also provides advice and sales of a range of coffee equipment and coffee beans, and imports coffees for sale and roasts his own. He can be contacted at dannyhyams@ gmail.com or 080-534-5512.



FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Don’t be slow getting to the Slug in Thalang Claire Connell editor1@thephuketnews.com


he Slug N’ Lettuce could very well be the secret dining gem in the Cherng Talay area. The restaurant, owned by Phanpat “Ott” Khanchanakub and his wife Archara, only opened in September but is already creating a name for itself in the local food scene. The Slug N’ Lettuce is modelled on the English pub chain of the same name. Originally from Bangkok, Ott spent 10 years working in the United Kingdom for the brewer Hall & Woodhouse. He was the head of the catering team, which ran 250 English pubs and restaurants, so it’s fair to say he knows his stuff. Ott first moved to Phuket 15 years ago, and his family (Archara and the couple’s two sons Indhapot, 13, and Ittipoom, 9) remained on the island during his long stint overseas.

Left, owners Ott and Archara, and above, steak and mushroom pie and the Slug’s famous fish and chips. He’s been a chef all his working life, ever since he enrolled at the International Hotel Tourism Training Institute, (run by the Tourism Authority of Thailand) to complete a one-year chef course at age 21. Since then he’s run catering and restaurant businesses in Pattaya and Bangkok, and now can add

Phuket to his list. The food at the Slug N’ Lettuce is what Ott calls “homestyle, simple” English pub food, modelled around the British “gastro pub” craze (high-end pub food, for those non-Brits out there). “I did a lot of research before I opened this restaurant,” Ott says.

“I checked the demographic, and there are a lot of English and Australian people [in the Cherng Talay area], plus around 900 villas. “The demographic is right for this kind of food, and it is what I can do successfully. I understand the market and the culture – anyone can make a burger, but to make a burger

for the Western market is different.” Signature dishes at the Slug include beer-battered fish and chips (B280) which I can personally vouch for; steak and mushroom pie (B300), baked Camembert served with tomato and ginger chutney (B490); and the famous Sunday roast complete

with Yorkshire pudding (from B280). Starters start at B150 and mains start at B250. The Slug has some of the best desserts I’ve tried on Phuket, but special mention must be given to the chocolate brownie – generous pieces tasting similar to chocolate self-saucing pudding, and just divine. The restaurant is a mix of indoor, romantic seating with clever lighting, and the more relaxed outdoor area. Despite the location being less than ideal for most Western expats, the Slug N’ Lettuce is already making its mark as one of the top dining experiences in the north. The Slug N’ Le t tuce , Bandon-Cherng Talay Rd, Thalang, 085 677 9184 . Coming from the Cherng Talay Police Station towards, Laguna, turn right at the first set of lights, as if heading for Thalang town. The Slug is about 5-10 minutes up the road, on the right-hand side.

ITALIAN TASTES Photographed at the Gianni Wine Dinner at Ratri Italian Bar

& Grill, Kata, on June 30 are Carloalberto Molina, Ratri’s Restaurant Manager; Gianni Gagliardo, Wine Maker from Gianni Gagliardo; Gabiele De Santis, Director of G.DS Co., Ltd; and Christophe Gestin, Executive Assistant Manager at Centara Grand Beach Resort Phuket.




FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Day of the dead

Above left: Children before the parade; Above right: Creating the masks is a detailed and time-consuming process; Below: The Phitakhon parade in full swing. Photos: Dane Halpin

there, it is best to rent a car or motorbike and self-navigate, however there are also regular local buses running from Udon Thani to Loei (about five hours), and also from Loei to Dansai (30 minutes).

Dane Halpin editor2@thephuketnews.com


t’s just before midday, the street is crowded, and a ghost is waving a penis in my face. Yet there’s nothing unusual about this scenario. In fact, it’s completely normal, at least for the next three days. I’m in Dansai, and this is Phitakhon. A three hour drive west of Udon Thani, Dansai is a small district of only 8,000 people, nestled in the cool mountainous province of Loei in Thailand’s northeast. At any other time of the year, this small, unassuming region is a place of meditation, where traditional culture and beliefs still hold strong amidst the spectacular natural landscape. But come Phitakhon, it is awash with colour as the spirits come out to play, putting on a spectacle to rival some of Southeast Asia’s biggest festivals. Perhaps the easiest comparison to make is with Halloween, though the origins of Phitakhon are far more spiritual.


Local villagers – mostly children – spend months crafting elaborate masks from wood, rice husks and coconut leaves, as well as colourful patchwork clothing, which they wear in a parade through the town’s main street. Each mask is unique and created according to the maker’s creative and imaginative interpretations, though each still adheres to the traditional Phitakhon style (‘Phi’ means ghost and ‘khon’ means mask). They also wear bells, and perhaps most bizarrely, the men wave large wooden phal-

luses with a splash of red paint on the tip – and watch out ladies, they’re not exactly shy about showing them off. The festival itself originates from a mix of animist and Buddhist beliefs. Locals believe that in his previous life before he became Lord Buddha, Siddhattha Gotama was banished from his home city for giving away a Royal elephant. When he returned from exile, the celebrations were so boisterous that even the spirits of the dead decided to attend. It is this coming together

of the dead and living that is commemorated by Phitakhon, which is in fact part of a larger celebration known as Bun Luang that also includes Bun Bang Fai (the rocket festival – exactly as much fun as it sounds). Phitakhon is held annually, with dates shifting between the months of May and July. Of course, there’s more to Loei than just Phitakhon – it is a diverse province of immense natural beauty and a bastion of traditional culture with plenty of hidden pockets to explore.

AROUND DANSAI The popular nature reserve of Phu Kradeung National Park is about 140 kilometres southeast of Dansai. Rumour has it that this trek is a great testing ground for young lovers – if you can survive the trek together without breaking up, you should live a long and happy life together.

GETTING THERE AirAsia (airasia.com, 02 515 9999) have daily flights direct from Phuket to Udon Thani, and twice daily from Bangkok to Udon Thani. From

STAY Accommodation options in Dansai town are limited, but nearby Phu Rua has several resorts and makes for a convenient base to explore the area. Rungyen Resort (rungyenresort.com, 086 895 4830) is a good place to start, with rooms from B690. Dansai and surrounding areas can get extremely busy during Phitakhon, so it’s best to book well in advance.

FUN FACT One of Loei’s slogans is ‘The Coldest Place in Siam’, and with average annual temperatures of just over 20 degrees Celsius, it is indeed a great place to escape Phuket’s hotter months. The temperate climate also means it’s great for winegrowers, and there are several (fairly average) vineyards in the region to explore. For more informa t ion , visit phitakhon .com or tourismthailand.org.



FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Forget the full moon You’ll go up a sharp hill, and after around five minutes, you’ll see a small pond. Rates vary, but are usually around B150 for one rod for one hour, and you can keep all the fish you catch – be prepared for some big catfish!

Kaila Krayewski editor@thephuketnews.com


oh Phangan is worldrenowned for its raucous full moon parties that take place on Haad Rin beach. But what many travellers don’t realise is that there is so much more to the island than crazy glowpaint and bucketfuelled beach parties. There are all kinds of interesting activities on Koh Phangan to keep everyone in the family having fun for the whole holiday. Here, the top six picks of an island resident. 1. Acro Yoga Okay, yoga is a pretty common island activity – who doesn’t want to bend down and touch their toes while watching the waves crash in to shore? But acro yoga is a new twist on it. A type of partner yoga, this activity blends yoga, acrobatics, and Thai massage, and is said to be a great way to connect to people and also a good tool for building trust between partners. Try it on Saturdays at 1pm at The Yoga Retreat, located

Left: escape the beach and head inshore for fishing fun. Right: Join a pick-up game of beach volleyball every night. about 10 minutes from Haad Salad on the west coast of Phangan. See: yogaretreatkohphangan.com 2. Wipeout course This new water playground opened in December 2011, and has become extremely popular with those who want to try something a bit different. Lake Hut is a fun venue with a thatched roof and delicious food, that sits on Laem

Son lake on the west coast of Phangan, an artificial lake that was once a silver mine. They’ve got aquaskippers, aquazorbs, and a giant rope swing. Open 10am-10pm. See: facebook.com/lakehut or call 084 838 5583. 3. Beach volleyball Beach volleyball is not only good fun and a great workout, but it’s a fantastic way to meet people.

Every month right around the Full Moon Party period, there’s a beach volleyball festival two-on-two competition on Haad Rin with great prizes. A group of women also play from 5-7pm daily at Beach & Beach in Baan Tai, opposite Baan Tai resort. 4. Water massage Water massage, or watsu, is traditional shiatsu massage given while the individual is

being safely held and floated on the surface of the water. It’s deeply relaxing, and has profound effects on the neuromuscular system. Call 084 850 0574. 5. Fishing Grab a group of friends, some beers, and head out fishing! Take the road to Thong Nai Pan, and turn left after the 7-Eleven. Look for a blue sign that says “fishing”.

6. Archery Archery may not be a traditional beach activity, but for some reason, it’s really taking off on Koh Phangan. You’ve got two archery clubs to choose from, one is the Phangan Archery Club (083 138 7047), which is located near Baan Nai Suan towards the centre of the island. The other is First Bow & Arrow Club, located in Chaloklom (northern Phangan, 0895304080). Rates vary from B150 for 15 minutes to B200 for 1/2 an hour, and this includes instruction. Koh Phangan-based Kaila Krayewski is the Managing Director of BlondeTraveler. com, a travel support service for women travelling and living in Southeast Asia.




THE TICKET with Claire Connell

FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012


DJ Paul Harris on vinyl and Vegas D

J Paul Harris, a member of British house music group Dirty Vegas, was in Phuket last weekend for the official opening of the Xana Beach Club on Saturday (June 30). Dirty Vegas formed in 2001 and are best known for their hit single and video, Days Go By, which was awarded a Grammy in 2003 for Best Dance Recording. Paul lives in London, and forms the band alongside Ben Harris (no relation) who lives in Los Angeles and Steve Smith, who lives in Boston. “We Skype each other a lot and speak to each other all the time. I spent a lot of time alone in the studio in London, doing things with other people, so it’s nice to have the variety. “You can get bored doing the same thing all the time.

Adele pregnant with first child Agence France-Presse

G R A M M Y AWA R D winning British soul diva Adele announced last Friday (June 29) that she is pregnant with her first child. The 24-year-old, who swept this year’s Grammys after the success of her second album 21, revealed the news on her official website, adding that she and boyfriend Simon Konecki were “over the moon”. “I’m delighted to announce that Simon and I are expecting our first child together,” she wrote. “I wanted you to hear the news direct from me, obviously we’re over the moon and very excited but please respect our privacy at this precious time,” she added. The bubbly Londoner has reportedly been dating 36-year-old entrepreneur Konecki since last summer. The couple went public with their relationship in January. Konecki divorced fashion stylist Clary Fisher in 2008 after four years of marriage. Adele’s pregnancy caps an incredible year, which has seen her bounce back from throat surgery and 21 top the charts around the world.


Above, Paul Harris, and right, photographed with Steve and Sara from Live 89.5. [That’s why Dirty Vegas] has a remix album coming out in the next few months, along with maybe an extra track or two,” he says. “We were originally called Dirty Harris – because two of us were called Harris. But after our first record, we got a court injunction from Warner Bros, because of Clint Eastwood in

Above, Peter Antinoni of Xana partner Attica, and DJ Paul Harris, pictured ay the launch of Xana Beach Club. Dirty Harry. I’m a bad gambler, so “Vegas” was added because of my gambling,” he said with a laugh. “I was always into dance music. When I was very young I was into pop, that’s what I grew up with. But that was very dance based too. “As you see in the charts now, dance music is pop music,

there’s no denying it. It took 10 years though – dance music started coming into the charts around 1991, that’s when dance kicked off in the UK anyway. But now, songs like I’ve Got a Feeling by the Black Eyed Peas – it’s like an anthem.” Paul says there has been a big change in being a DJ over the years, through the

era of vinyl, then CDs, and now laptops. “I used to love vinyl, it was great. But at one time it was very expensive – 20 pounds (B990). Now the kids moan today about paying 69 pence (B35) for a track. “I think the main thing for me is that before, I could look at my record box and

TomKat divorce

FAIRYTALE HOLLYWOOD couple Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes announced last Friday (June 29) they were calling it quits after five years of marriage, ending an unexpected love story dogged by tabloid rumours. “Kate has filed for divorce and Tom is deeply saddened and is concentrating on his three children,” Amanda Lundberg, Cruise’s representative, told AFP. “Please allow them their privacy to work this out.” “This is a personal and private matter for Katie and her family,” said Jonathan Wolfe, the attorney representing Holmes. “Katie’s primary concern remains, as it always has been, her daughter’s best interest.” Cruise, who turns 50 on Tuesday, wed Holmes, 33, in a storybook Italian castle in November 2006 after declaring his love for the former Dawson’s Creek star live on Oprah – famously hopping on a couch in the studio. It was Holmes’s first marriage and Cruise’s third. They have a six-year-old daughter, Suri. Holmes has admitted to having a teenage crush on

know which was which by the way the corner or the sleeve was bent. “Now everything is just a file name, and there’s so much more music out there. But this means there’s also so much choice – you have a whole library rather than just 50 records. It’s nice in some ways, but not in others.”

WEEKDAYS Breakfast

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Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, pictured in happier times. Cruise, even saying she had put up a poster of the Top Gun star in her bedroom. After a whirlwind courtship that culminated in a proposal under the Eiffel Tower in June 2005, what followed resembled a fairytale – at first. Fireworks lit up the night sky above the 15th-century Odescalchi castle near Rome when Cruise and Holmes tied the knot on November 18, 2006. According to the website TMZ.com, Holmes wants sole custody of the couple’s daughter Suri.

Citing unnamed sources, the website claims Holmes filed for divorce mainly over Cruise’s ties to Scientology, “fearing that Tom would drag Suri deep into the church.” “We’re told the couple had been arguing over Suri – that she’s now of the age where Scientology becomes a significant part of her life,” it said. Tabloids, shadowing the couple since the get-go, have speculated for some time that the relationship was on the rocks after the pair was not seen together for months.

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FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Reality stars go to Taiwan to find fame and fortune Agence France-Presse


ike many Chinese girls her age, Qi Ji enjoys singing and dancing and dreams of becoming a star. But rather than trying to make a start in vast and crowded China, she is pinning her hopes on Taiwan. The 18-year-old is the first of many Chinese contestants expected to enter a Taiwanese reality show aimed at creating a girl band that producers hope will rival successful groups such as Japan’s AKB48 or Girls’ Generation from South Korea. With such televised contests now a major part of the global music industry, in Asia they are spurring a migration of talent between countries as performers and producers look to crack domestic, regional and global markets. For Qi, who grew up in northeast China and attended a performing arts school in Beijing, this could be a oncein-a-lifetime chance to get on the fast track to stardom in China’s market of 1.3 billion

A Taiwanese girl group perform during a talent show in Taipei in May. people – and perhaps beyond. “Many young Chinese people like me dream of becoming a star,” Qi said before a recording session for Asian Idol Group Competition, aired in mid-May. “I hope to start in Taiwan and eventually have a career both here and in China.” The growing numbers of young Chinese performers coming to Taiwan in search

of a big break reverses a trend that saw famous Taiwanese performers such as A-Mei and Jay Chou focus on China. The show’s producerm Lee Fang-ju, the mastermind behind reality shows both in his native Taiwan and in China, is holding auditions in several major Chinese cities this summer to select more contestants to come to Taipei. “Taiwan has a special al-

Photo: AFP

lure, as many young Chinese idolise singers from Taiwan. They think that making a mark here could turn them into pop divas,” Lee said. “We hope to combine Taiwan’s and China’s strengths to create a pop idol group so that our idols won’t be replaced by the Japanese or South Koreans,” he said. The most successful case so far is arguably Hu Xia, a

22-year-old from Guangxi in southwestern China, who was signed by Sony Music Taiwan after winning the “One Million Star” singing contest in 2010. His latest record Flame of Love hit number one on Taiwan’s G-Music chart in March. “Winning a title in Taiwan is a big boost for a young Chinese performer since it has a leading role in Mandarin pop music,” said Hsieh Tsung-han, a music producer and lecturer at China University of Technology in Taipei. A-list Entertainment, which is based in Taipei and offers courses for those aspiring to become singers, models and show hosts, is meanwhile getting plenty of interest from China. Last year, it recruited about 100 Chinese nationals aged between 14 and 35 from as far away as Mongolia to take performing lessons in Taiwan for an eight-day programme at a cost of 15,000 Chinese yuan (B75,000). While many Chinese acts aim to get noticed in smaller markets first, one English-

speaking Asian act have looked to use their ethnicity to do the reverse and crack the United States – despite a history of such attempts falling flat. Blush is made up of five women from the Philippines, India, China, Japan and South Korea, who beat hundreds of other pop star wannabes during a talent search across Asia in 2010 called “Project Lotus”. Based in both Hong Kong and the US, Blush opened for Justin Bieber on the Hong Kong leg of his 2011 tour, recorded with US hip hop star Snoop Dogg and are supported by an A-List of Los Angeles-based producers who have worked with the likes of Lady Gaga and Beyonce. “What we’ve tried to do is take artists from the region, but develop them in a very Western style with Western producers, Western songs and a Western way of sound and that’s what is helping give Blush the recognition and some initial success,” said Project Lotus producer and Blush manager Jon Niermann in Los Angeles.




FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD Kajonkiet International School Phuket held its school production, The Wizard of Oz, last Thursday and Friday evening (June 28-29).

SMILE, YOU’RE ON CANDID CAMERA! Pictured here at The Book Cafe in Naiharn during a photography workshop with freelance photographer Kerrily Jennings are Roxy Hichens, Danielle Marten, and Laura Stokes.

THE RESORT THAT CARES Centara Grand Beach Resort Phuket organise a beach cleaning day every Wednesday during the monsoon season, as part of their “Centara Cares” campaign to keep Karon Beach clean.

LAND OF THE FREE More than 100 Americans attended Independence Day celebrations at HeadStart on July 1, and enjoyed games, fireworks and a live band.




FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Above from left, Peter Antinoni and Mark Brimblecombe of Xana partners Attica, DJ Paul Harris (see interview on page 30) with Angsana Laguna Phuket General Manager Jerry John.

A TOUCH OF PINK More than 1,000 people attended the spectacular opening of the Xana Beach Club with Attica, at the Angsana Laguna Phuket resort last Saturday night (June 30).

DANCING THE NIGHT AWAY Everyone had a great evening at the Phuket Dance salsa night held at the Royal Phuket Marina last Saturday (June 30).





List your event for FREE at thephuketnews.com/events.php

JUNE 11 - JULY 11

Chris De Meo at VR Gallery JULY 6 An Enchanted Evening with 5 Young Piano Stars at RE KÁ TA Phuket:Five of the most talented pianists in Thailand will perform some of the most loved masterpieces of piano literature. Refreshments at 5.30pm followed by concert at 6pm. All ticket holders will be granted a 20% discount on food and beverage at Boathouse Wine & Grill on the night of the concert. B900 net per person including wines and canapés during the cocktail reception and the intermission. RE KÁ TA at Boathouse 076 330 015.

VR Gallery is excited to announce the 1st solo exhibition of artist Chris De Meo. So impressive are his works that he has been invited to exhibit “My Abstract Life” at VR Gallery. The exhibit will be predominately large abstract pieces. Contact 076 333 568.

public everyday for all ages 4 years and up! Starts 5pm till late. We have “Try and Fly” classes, 1/2 hour and one hour sessions. Don’t miss “The Laguna Fantasy Fly Shows” presented by “Ordinary People doing Extraordinary things”. Contact K.Pee 084 837 5726 or K.Gee 086 003 0241, KidzSole@KidzSole.com www.KidzSole. com.

JUNE 23 - AUGUST 25 AUGUST 2 Asalaha Bucha Day

Summer Family Festival

Divided by an ocean, yet linked through art and friendship, Phuket based artist Robin Gillow and South African artist, Libby Harrison will be showing their newest work in this joint exhibit. The exhibition’s ocean related theme, perfectly suits the art duo’s subject matter. Contact Mom Tri’s VR Gallery, 076 333 568. See www.momtriphuket.com.


19th - 21st February 2013

Proudly organised by the Rawai Beach Fishing Club, (RBFC) Phuket, Thailand.

57 hours of non - Stop fishing!

Huge media coverage!


Laguna Phuket’s Summer Family Festival runs until August 25. Canal Shopping Village is transformed into a carnival playground, with a Beer Tent for parents to socialise and relax while their youngsters enjoy the Kidzsole Flying Trapeze, bouncy castle, trampoline and games in the Kidz Lounge. Festival attractions during the two months include art classes with an Artistin-Residence, free Zumba fitness sessions twice a week in Canal Village, entertainment by a strolling troupe of international performers from the famous Palazzo dinner theatre, and theme parties. The Beer Tent offers a feast of televised big screen summer sporting events with coverage of the Euro 2012 Football Championship, London Olympic Games, F1 grand prix races, Wimbledon tennis and AFL games, as well as a variety of entertainment, weekly quiz night and happy hour drinks. And a popular return attraction for the youngsters at this year’s festival will be the Kidz Fun Zone, serving up daily afternoons of sports skills, cooking lessons, adventure and educational activities, golf excursions and outings to local amusement parks, for just B200 per session. For more information, a schedule of events and details on promotions, please visit http://www.lagunaphuket.com/events/family-festival.


For further details please contact Warren Crowe or Andy Bright info@rawaibeachfishingclub.com Warren tel: +66 (0) 812604291 Andy tel: +66 (0) 862739948 Website: www.rawaibeachfishingclub.com RAWAI BEACH FISHING CLUB IS AN OFFICIAL SPONSOR CLUB OF THE INTERNATIONAL GAME FISHING ASSOCIATION. RBFC SUPPORTS IGFA’S STANDARDS OF GOOD SPORTMANSHIP IN RECREATIONAL FISHING



Fantastic Wine Dinner!

JULY 14 - AUGUST 17 Robin Gillow @ VR Gallery

FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Learn to Fly - Flying Trapeze “Learn To Fly” Flying Trapeze Lessons at Laguna at Canal Village. Open to the

Come join us on Saturday July 14 at Novotel Phuket Resort for a fantastic evening of food tasting paired with great wines that will awaken your senses! 5 courses specially prepared by our reputable guest chef Daniel Isberg with five wines selected and presented by our wine expert, plus welcome drink. Just B2,450 net. Only with reservations: 076 342 777 or sfb@novotel phuket.com.

It celebrates the first sermon given by the Lord Buddha on the full moon day of the Asalaha (the eighth lunar month). On that day, all Three of the Triple Gem, The Buddha, The Dhamma and The Sangha, had established. It became the day that honoured the Sangha, or the community of the monks.



IBAP program Crisis Management

Dusit Smiles Bowling Cup 2012 Dusit Thani Laguna Phuket will hold its second bowling tournament, the Dusit Charity Cup 2012, on July 28, 2012 at CS Bowl, Big C Supercentre Phuket. The winning team will be awarded the Governor’s Cup trophy inscribed by Phuket Governor Tri Augaradacha. Proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards the ongoing “Dusit Smiles – Operation Smile Thailand” programme. For the Dusit Charity Cup 2012, a registration fee of B1,500 per team covers the rental of bowling shoes and refreshments. Contact Ms. Sirintra Chatnoe, 076 362 999 ext 7413, www.dusit.com.

Richard Hancock, a professional crisis management specialist based in Singapore, who will discuss the parameters of this subject in relation to Phuket and take your questions. Richard has 24-years professional experience working across Asia Pacific and the Middle East. He has been at the forefront of the increase in Risk Management Planning needed in today’s global market. Richard has worked with countries, governments, companies, and individuals at all levels on a wide spectrum of topics that come under the umbrella of Crisis Management. Location A2 Resort, By Pass Road. All welcome Doors open 6:15pm. http://ibap-phuket.org.

AUGUST 12 HM the Queen’s Birthday Commemorates the birthday of Queen Sirikit, also observed as National Mother’s Day (Wan Mae Haeng Chart). It is a public holiday.





FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

List your event for FREE at thephuketnews.com/events.php FRIDAYS

pan, Patong. B290 per person. See www. expathotel.com.


Pool Competition @ Expat Hotel

AA Phuket Meetings @ TGM All meetings are one hour long and held in English at The Green Man Pub, one km from Chalong circle. Contact 081 895 4763.


Curry Fridays at Navrang Mahal


rice, Mexican springrolls, nachos, pork fillet skewers, salmon quesadillas, grilled corn cob, desserts from our bakery and much more. Our house band will be here to play live music. B495 or B795 include free flow Chang draught and Sangria. See www. twochefs.com, call 076 286 479, karon@ twochefs.com.


Pool Competition at 9pm. Expat Sports Bar, Expat Hotel, Soi Taipan, Patong. www. expatsportsbar.com.

Every 1st and 3rd Friday a month, all-youcan-eat authentic Indian curry buffet, B449 net per person. Draught beer B50. 7pm11.30pm. Call 076 286 464.


Lazy Sunday Jazz Morning at Paresa Kick back and enjoy a lazy Sunday breakfast at Paresa with jazz music, free flow sparkling wine and stunning selection of breakfast dishes. Spend the rest of the day at Paresa’s Infinity Pool or Beach Club. B600++ per person. Every Sunday 9am to noon. Call 076 302 000.


MONDAYS Surin Beach Just Got Better

Two Chefs Saturday Brunch At Two Chefs Kata Centre. Every Saturday 12pm-3pm, you can enjoy a big delicious buffet with a touch of Scandinavia, and listen to our live music. For example: Our home-smoked salmon, smoked prawns, Swedish meatballs, roasted porkloin, home-made bread, delicious desserts and much more. B395 or B695 include free flow of Chang draught, wine, Sangria. See www.twochefs.com, 076 330 065, katacenter@twochefs.com.


Two Chefs Surf Night At Two Chefs Kata Beach. Every Monday from 6pm-12am. You can enjoy our big BBQ Buffet with Blackened red snapper, beef burgers, Chicken Fajitas, Tacos, Chimi-Churri marinated chicken, desserts from our bakery and much more. One member from our house band will sing pleasant music during the night. Only B495. See www.twochefs.com, 076 284 155, kata@ twochefs.com.

Sea Breeze has joined forces with The Burger Bar and Beach Club to bring you not only superb Thai cuisine in a beach front setting but also an excellent range of gourmet 100% Australian beef burgers. To celebrate we are offering up to two free kids meals with any two full paying adults. Look for the voucher inside this paper. Live sport every day including our 100” HD screen. Ask about our new Pool Club, plus kids and adults parties planned and catered for. Contact 076 270 399, info@ seabreezesurin.com, www.thebestbeach club.com.


JULY 13 IBAP Networking Phuket Remember Our July meeting will present a treasure trove of memories and stories about Phuket from 30 years ago. Can you imagine hearing what it was like here 30 years ago? Well, our July program will be filled with pictures and stories of just that. Location A2 Resort, By Pass Road. All welcome Doors open 6.15pm. http:// ibap-phuket.org.

TUESDAYS BBQ at Expat Hotel Time 8pm, Expat Sports Bar, Expat Hotel, Soi Taipan, Patong. www.expatsportsbar. com.


Summer Promotions! Pool Competition at Expat Guesthouse Pool Competition Every Tuesday 9pm Expat Guesthouse Sports Bar, Patong. See map at www.expatguesthouse.com.

WEDNESDAYS Sunday Roast at Sugar Reef Bangkok Travellers playing live on June 30 from 9pm, also special club membership for expats entitling members to discounts on food and drink ask jamie for details, also Sunday lunch served from 2pm. B299 adults and B150 children. Home cooked weekly specials. Sugar Reef, opposite Tesco at Cherngtalay.

Interactive Pub Quiz Night Starts from 8pm every Wednesday night. The largest selection of draught beer in Phuket. Irish Times, Jungceylon, Patong.

Best Mini Golf in Phuket! Phuket Adventure Mini Golf – Fun for Everyone! A challenging 18 holes miniature classic championship golf course surrounded by palm trees, stones, water, bamboo and bushes. Designed and built together with Scandinavian Adventure Golf. Whether living close by or here on a fabulous holiday, this is the place for the whole family, friends and couples to enjoy at all times. Contact 076 314 345, 080 147 2468, www.phuketadventuremi nigolf.com.



daily event updates on


Friday 21st Pub & Restaurant Two Chefs Tex Mex Night Sunday Roast Pork Sunday Roast Pork or Beef Dinner Every Sunday 2pm onwards Expat Hotel, Soi Tai-

At Two Chefs Karon 6pm-1am. Every Wednesday you can enjoy Phuket’s best Mexican food. Chili con carne, Mexican

Happy hour 6pm-9pm. B60 for beer. Every last Friday in the month free BBQ (start from 6pm.) Call 076 344 133, Tum 081 171 7993, Bas 080 523 5371. E-mail friday_21st@ hotmail.com, facebook: Friday Twentyone.





FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Rawai beachfront pool villa

Three bedrooms, furnished > 40


accommodation available. Call 089 054 4354.

Semi-retired UK/Canadian businessman seeks Companion:

Class Act Media is Phuket's leading media company - publishing The Phuket News , Phuket's leading weekly English Newspaper and broadcasting Live 89.5 – Phuket's premier English radio station. Class Act Media also has other publications and a host of other products in Phuket and Samui.

English speaking female only. Free high end separate accommodation. All expenses paid. Call 089 054 4354.

Due to recent expansions we are seeking the following position

Sales Manager Thai or Foreigner (Located in Phuket) Responsibilities : - Managing the sales team (including responsibility for recruitment of new sales staff when needed) - Weekly & monthly sales budget meetings and reporting - Developing and following up new sales leads - Reaching own personal sales targets and responsibility for reaching team targets

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We offer: - Competitive salary, bonuses and travel expenses - Friendly work environment - Social security (10%) paid by the company - Excellent career progress opportunity

-Villa Attendant (Male).

***The company may offer accommodation plus local transportation costs to successful candidates.***

Interested candidates are invited to send application with full resume in English indicating qualifications, experience, expected salary with recent photo via email to adminmgr@the phuketnews.com

Please email full resume in English indicating expected salary with recent photo to

adminmgr@thephuketnews.com or call 076 612 550-2 for more info.

Please contact HR Phuket Villas & Homes. Call 076 527 633, email hr@phuket villasand homes.com.

Female Driver Wanted: Semi-retired UK/Canadian businessman seeks English speaking female driver. High end separate

Kindergarten Teacher: Female caucasian native English speaking teacher with experience to teach class of 10-12 children ages 2-6, Mon-Fri, 8am - 4pm, Chalong. Call 080 624 7060. www.buds -phuket.com, email buds. span@yahoo.com.

Swimming Teacher Needed: FunStart is look-

ing for a qualified swimming teacher who can give lessons to kids through the summer break. Must be enthusiastic, organised and produce results. Contact 076 203 185, email: miki@ headstartphuket.com.

Sales And Marketing ily in Kathu. Call 084 193 Executive: Thai, self mo- 5124(Thai). tivated, fluent in speaking and writing English, driving license, preferably experience in ad sales or property field, competitive salary plus commission. See Exotiq Property. Please call 076 527 568.

Restaurant Manager Wanted: Restaurant manager wanted for new Patong bakery, must have computer knowledge, stock ordering and hiring+training of staff. excellent conditions+pay forward CV to bazensir@ gmail.com.

Thai Freelance Photographer: Phuket Photo Tours is looking for a Thai Freelance Photographer to perk up tourist activities in Phuket. Excellent knowledge of English is required. CV+photo at info@phuket phototours.com.

Nanny/ helper wanted: Full time Nanny/helper wanted for Thai/English fam-

Car-rental Company is hiring: Drivers, Thai nationality, deliver, collect and clean our cars, be chauffeur if necessary. Requirements: basic English knowledge, driving licence, flexible in working hours, multitasking and reliable. Email info@ mobilecarrent.com.

Operations Manager / Sales: Club Asia Fitness - Phuket’s leading fitness centre requires an Operations Manager and a Sales Consultant. Requirements Thai National, degree and must be able to communicate in English. info@cluba siaphuket.com.

Car-rental Company is hiring: Receptionists to handle bookings and walk-in clients requirements: basic English knowledge, driving licence, good computer skills, flexible in working hours, motivated, ability to multitask. Email info@ mobilecarrent.com.

We are a newly built boutique hotel which is located in the heart of Patong Beach right next to the Patong Police Station. Blue Sky Patong is surrounded by all the main tourist centres such as the sophisticated shopping centre Junceylon, a colourful nightlife along Bangla Road, or even a short distance to explore many activities along the beachfront area. As a newly built 4 star hotel, we are looking for team members who are service minded and who are willing to act with the organisation's best interests at all times; if you think you are the one with a strong will to achieve the same goals with us, then please do not hesitate to apply. Arrive as a guest, live as a family.

We are currently recruiting for the following positions: General Manager-Qualification: •A degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management or higher with at least five years experience within the hotel industry in Hotel Management. •Speak, read and write English fluently (it would be an advantage if he/she can speak a second language like Chinese or any other languages) •Good communication and listening skills with a sense of humor •Good accounting & budgeting, administrative & organisational skills •Hard-working, self-motivating, professionalism and a flexible work ethic •Proficiency in Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Human Resource Manager-Qualification: •Minimum of a Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Human Resources, Business and Organisation Development. •Ten plus years of progressive leadership experience in Human Resources positions •Active affiliation with appropriate Human Resources networks •Excellent interpersonal and coaching skills •General knowledge of various employment laws and practices •Administering compensation, benefits, performance management systems, safety and recreation programs Front Office Manager-Qualification: •A degree in hotel or hospitality management will be preferred •Responsible for all duties of the front desk operation which includes: staff training, inter-department communications, and staff scheduling •FOM usually works a regularly scheduled front desk shift and must be available to work any shift as needed •Possess strong communications and demonstrate leadership abilities •Conduct the functions efficiently with a problem-solving minded •Must have extensive hotel experience, ability and mature judgment

Front Desk Agents-Qualification: •A degree in hotel or hospitality management will be preferred •Involve greeting, providing guests with necessary information •Responsible for promoting various offers and services of the organisation they are working with •Have some basic conflict resolution skills. •Must be alert and sharp when it comes to their client's details. •Have excellent communication skills, pleasant personality and should interacting with people

Financial Controller-Qualification: •A degree in accounting, financial discipline with the knowledge of tax laws and regulations would be advantage •Integrity and initiative •Require advanced knowledge of hospitality accounting skills, spreadsheets and financial management software •Previous experience in supervising employees is preferred •Plans, organises, directs and controls the accounting functions of a hotel and reports operational results to the general manager •Ensure timely and accurate report of financial information, handling yearly audits, and long-term financial forecasting

Purchasing Staff-Qualification: •A degree in business, economics or related field is preferred •Experience in purchasing, merchandising and associated fields would be preferred •Check invoices against purchasing department records and purchase orders, and verify the quality and quantity of all goods received •Monitors and controls the purchases of goods and services at the correct prices, in economics quantities and with acceptable quality

Accounts Payable Staff/Account Receivable Staff-Qualification: •A Diploma in accounting or business is preferred •Familiarity with word processing, spreadsheets, database, and accounting software and the internet •Perform account and month-end payable and receivable reconciliation •Input all approved journal entries into the accounting system

Payroll Staff-Qualification: •A Diploma in principles of accounting, computerised accounting and payroll accounting would be advantage •Experience in accounting field is required •Knowledge of payroll software is preferred •Need to stay updated on payroll tax laws and adjust a system as necessary Sales and Marketing Coordinator-Qualification: •A degree in business, sales administrative, marketing, organisational development or marketing related field •Computer proficiency with Microsoft Office, Dreamweaver, Front Page skills required •Ability to operate under solid pressure and meet tight deadlines •Sound understanding of latest technologies and should identify how to apply them in marketing •Good team player and should meet or exceed team goals Food & Beverage Manager-Qualification: •A degree in service-related field •Significant food and beverage experience at least for five years •Experience of working in positions of high responsibility in the hotel or food and beverage sectors and managing teams of at least 20 staff •To ensure that the customer promise is delivered and that customers are satisfied within the framework of financial targets set •Team management, leadership & team player •Financial awareness Restaurant Manager-Qualification: •A Diploma in service-related field •Significant experience of restaurant management •Dynamism/good relationship skills: maintaining the image of the restaurant •Staff management:recruitment, training, evaaluation and promotion •Monitoring customer service levels •Maximise restaurant occupancy to increase restaurant sales Sou Chef /Team Leader-Qualification: •A degree in Hotel and Food & Beverage studies with at least 3-5 years of culinary management experiences

All potential staff are expected to be fluent in English accordingly to the positions that they have applied. We offer a competitive salary and benefits to the suitable candidates; please send appplication letters with a detailed resume, recent photograph to jayeng89@hotmail.com 081 270 7619


•Manage daily operations of the kitchen and provides professional leadership and direction to kitchen personnel (including staff training) •Ensure that all recipes, food preparations, and presenta tions meet specifications and have a commitment to quality •Maintain a safe, orderly and sanitized kitchen, for instance: using proper food-handling techniques and hygiene control •Manage cost and stock controls, calculations and ordering •Possess the creative flair in menu design •Hands-on, motivational leadership style based in mutual respect Cafe Service Crew-Qualification:

•At least 1-2 years of experience in customer service (Fresh keen learners/graduates are welcome to apply) •Well groomed with a warm and cheerful personality and a professional appearance •Able to work shift, including weekends and public holidays •Maintain set standard of quality, service, product and cleanliness Waiter/Waitress-Qualification: •A Diploma in Hotel studies would be preferred •Good personal presentation •Multi-skilled with good time-keeping •To ensure the guests receive high quality services and service provision Bar Waiter/Waitress-Qualification: •A Diploma in Hotel/Food & Beverage studies would be preferred •Knowledge of drinks and cocktails •Good personal presentation •To ensure the guests receive high quality services and service provision Bar Bartender-Qualification: •A Diploma in Hotel/Food & Beverage studies would be preferred •Knowledge of alcoholics drinks and cocktail recipes •Complete knowledge of health and safety rules •To ensure service and product quality •To look after customer billing and stock of cash Housekeeping-Qualification: •A diploma or the highest level of a high school education •Ensure rooms are stocked and up to industry standards •Positive attitude with customer-service minded and friendly •Should have a neat, clean appearance with a strong attention to detail



FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012


Cars for sale

Year 2009, Toyota Camry, 2362 cc, price negotiable > 38


‘91 Tairia sport fishing yacht. Plus website and all past customers. www.phuketfishboat.com, email martin@ phuketfishboat.com.


Restaurant for sale:

Fi shin g Yac h t fo r S a l e: F o r s a l e 19 91 Tairia sport fishing yacht USD275,000. Email martin@phuketfishboat.com.

Cement Production Plant: Ready mixed concrete company’s factor y. 446.92 horse power. Output of workers in the production of 22 people per day at an average yield of about 100 Q/ Day (B1,800 per Q). Average revenue per day for about B180,000.

Friday 21st (Room For Rent) Good cond i t i o n: H i g h S e as o n B800.- per day, B18,000.per month. Low Season B500.- per day, B13,000.per month. Call 076 344 133, TUM 081 171 7993, BAS 080 523 5371, e-mail: friday_21st@ hotmail.com. Facebook : Friday Twentyone.

L u x u r y Ya c h t f o r Sale: For sale 2002 Bertram 510 Flybridge luxury yacht. USD825,000. Email mar tin@phuketfishboat. com.


Manufacture of readymixed concrete. Can continue immediately. Just bought a cement truck delivery only. Ready water source to be used for production. Address: Moo. 4, T. Maikhao, Thalang Dist. Phuket 83110. Land Size: 20 rai 2 Ngan and 56 talang wah. Price: B130 Million. Contact: Mr. Lee, mobile: 081 803 7189.

Custom Build Dive Speedboat: Fiberglass, 24 seats for divers, sundeck, 3 Honda Engine 225 HP each, site entry and exit doors, international survey. Excellent for business. Must see with many extras. 15 metres. Radio, shower, bathroom. Contact 084 188 45 44, e -mail: michahildner@hotmail.com.

Established restaurant located in the heart of the island. New kitchen, toilets, private roof top terrace etc. Two connected shop houses on main road. 40+ seat dining area with room for expansion. Huge owner apartment could be converted into rooms for rent or otherwise. Must see, ready to move in. Owners relocating. Contact us for details and pictures. 081 956 3166.


Indo Construction: 40 years’ experience and more than 20 years at your service in Thailand. Main contractor: study project, architecture design and construction and management. 076 381 895.

Tile It: Thalang. Wana Park on Srisoonthorn Rd. Phuket’s quality tile boutique. Tiles for interior, exterior, residential, commercial. Contact 076 620 168 or 081 424 2828. Email info@tile-asia.com.

CARS FOR RENT A1 Car Rentals: Fullyinsured. Starts at B12,000 to B18,000 per month. Please call 089 831 4703. Email for more info: a1carrent@gmail. com.

Farang Food Paradise: Your specialist of imported food and drinks in Phuket. Visit our shop at the Billion Plaza, opposite Tesco Lotus. Contact: 076 612 733, 076 248 900. www.phuketfood.com.

Car for rent: Car in good condition, short and long-term rental with first-class insurance and delivery service. Please contact 086 690 6007, email: k.niwatt@hotmail.com.

For Sale 35 Ft Speedboat: With 200 HP x 2 Yamaha engines. Recently reconditioned, spent B300K to rebuild the engines, paint, etc, needs another B100K to be like new. Offers to James 085 064 4806 alonglee52@ gmail.com.


Boutique Hotel For Sale: Successful run ning hotel business with 22 rooms fully furnished with Chanote title. Beautiful rooms. 3 retail shops paying very good rent.Reception, coffee shop. Good location and reviews. No agents. Call 084 189 7696.

Restauarant/Bar for sale: For reduced sale, 32

Motor Yacht Freezer for sale: Custom made H60 x D50 x L200cm, was made for a Hatters Motor Yacht 60 Ft in 1998 and still runs very well. Paid U$5K. Make me an offer. Contact 085 064 4806 or alonglee52@gmail.com.

covers(seats), Filipino and Farang food. Pool, Tv, full kitchen. NO KEY MONEY. Opposite Patong Football Club. B320,000. Call 082 286 6692 ask for Elsa.

Charter Fishing Business: Owner is changing business disciplines and wants to exit the charter fishing business. For sale ‘02 Bertram 510 Flybridge and





List your advert for FREE at thephuketnews.com/classifieds.php as well as selling, maintaining, servicing and repairing all major brands. Contact 076 355 600-1.


Peugeot 207cc

Royal Phuket City Hotel. Of fers Zumba /LesMills classes/ weight training/ s au n a /s te a m /s w i m m i n g pool, all inclusive. For a free trial workout, come along and join the action. Tel 076 35 4 027, 087 275 3614. www.clubasiaphuket.com.

engine capacity: 2,362 cc, Color: two white and one metallic silver, Navigator. Price B1.3 million (Negotiable) Contact Mr. Lee, mobile 081 803 7189.

EDUCATION Russian Language for Your Kids: Are your children starting to forget Russian? Sign up to our Russian Language For Kids program. Visit http://PhuketRussian School.com, email us at info@ phuketrussianschool.com or call 082 804 9131.

Three Toyota Camry for Sale: Year: 2009,

O l d Cl a s s i c 19 6 0 Benz for Sale: Old classic 1960 Benz. Spent B250,000 to recondition. Offers accepted. Call 085 064 4806 for more details or alonglee52@googlemail. com.


Cooking School: Fire up your creative flair with Food Ser vices Cooking School. Italian, Western and Thai cuisine. Try our famous pizza school. 082 816 0126, email: info@foodservicesth.com.


1982 Lafitte Rothschild: 1982 Lafitte Rothschild Red Wine for sale, best offer. I bought it for my collection before. Please call me, James on 085 064 4806.

Health Food : Online health food in Thailand. Good Karma, all natural healthy, natural and organic products. Contact 082 276 1675. www.goodkarmathailand.com.

MOTORBIKE SERVICES Dynamic Tyre Balancing: Dynamically balance your motorcycle tyres for a smoother ride with DYNA BEADS! Available at West Coast Service Center Phuket, your big bike specialist on the bypass road. Contact 085 785 4440.

MOVING & STORAGE Safeway Storage: - Self storage from B800/M. -Container rental B3,000/M -Sales/ Site office A/C B6,000/M. -Mobile toilets B2,800/M. Chalong - opposite Wat Chalong. Thalang -main Highway. Contact 076 313 235, 081 125 1873.

Funstart: Family sports and

Year: July 2008 (4 years) Color: White/brown. Mileage: 218,039km. Price: B1.2 million. Contact 081 803 7189.

Buds Nursery: Phuket’s oldest bilingual international childcare facility. High-quality, time-proven schedule and curriculum. Now in brand new purpose-built school. Experienced native English teachers to teach ages 1 1/2-8. Mon-Fri 8am -5pm. Bus service available from Patong, Karon, Kata, Phuket, Rawai and Chalong. Website: www.buds-phuket. com.

Sale: Furniture and paintings: Set living room (sofa, two chairs, foot stool), Dining table with 6 chairs, cabinets, TV stand. Excellent quality. Abstract paintings by Filipino Ivan Acuna. Pictures and prices: see website furniture4sale. com or call: 084 399 8978.

8,000km. Proton Exora 7/8seat family car. Many options, including GPS, DVD. Price new: B940,000. Now B740,000, or on finance: B570,000 + B170,000 cash. Call 081 788 8280. Email: maurice.phuket@gmail. com.

Singapore Club Phuket: Calling all Singaporeans in Phuket to join Singapore Club Phuket. Contact Robin on 081 803 7189, 076 303 500.


STORAGE Self Storage you can buy quality moving and packing supplies like individual boxes, bubble wrap, packing tapes & knives plus secure padlocks. We also help you to move and store. Call 076 292 909.

Semi- retired UK /Canadian businessman seeks Companion: Eng-

SK A L I nt e r na t i onal Phuket: Skål is a professional organisation of leaders from all branches of the travel and tourism industry. www.skalphuket.org.

We Sell Boxes & Moving Supplies: At MY



ONLY 170,000 BAHT CASH!: October 2011,

market and bistro. Number one supplier of Italian Deli in Phuket. Call 076 384 273, info@buonappetitogroup.com, www.buonappetito group.com.

Haris & Hawr yluck Attorneys at Law: Unit 6D CCM Complex. Please call 076 510 111, email info@ hhlegalad visors.com, www. hhle galadvisors.com.

Pro t e c t Yo u r H o m e w i t h C C T V: C C T V & alarm service. Protect your home with high-quality CCTV camera,and GSM alarm. Free survey and quote. Please call 086 105 8144 or click www. huketechnology.com.

Why buy a pet?: Soi Dog Foundation have over 300 beautiful dogs and puppies


Ventury Van for Sale:

Buon A p p et i to: D e li


leisure club. Swimming/golf/ playcentre/gaming arcade. Call 076 203 185, 087 882 5544. See funstar tphuket.


available for adoption. Fully vaccinated and sterilised. Please contact 085 574 4258 or email cindy@soidog.org.

Club Asia Fitness:

Coupe-Cabriolet Ye a r 2 0 0 8 , n e w p r i c e B2,350,000 million NOW FOR SALE. B1,350,000. Contact 081 788 8280, email: maurice.phuket@gmail.com.

FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Baby and Maternity Items for Sale: Gently used Maternity clothes and baby items including a Graco Playard, bottle sterilizers, Avent bottles, pop-up tent, Met Tai carrier. Located in Chalong. Email for photos and prices at kiriheald@ gmail.com.

lish speaking female only. Free high end separate accommodation. All expenses paid. Call 089 054 4354.

PERSONAL SERVICES Bon Café Phuket: A producer of premium coffee blends and powdered mixes

Would You Like to Rescue a Homeless Dog?: Many dogs, including puppies, adult dogs and some pedigrees are sadly all locked in dirty cages, don’t have much to eat and are dying to get out and find a loving home. Please help these poor dogs have a new life. If you’d like to meet some of these dogs who are located in Thalang or see some photos of just a few of them. Email: gon e2thedoggies@gmail.com. Or call 084 877 3566.

POOL TABLES Phuket Pool Tables: www. phuketpooltables.com. Your number one billiard and snooker supplier in Phuket. Sales, rent and profit-sharing. All accessories and services. Call 081 823 4627.



FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

PROPERTY Close to PIA school, golf, beach and airport. Email gor don_asia@hotmail.com.


Hill top land goes on sale 6 rai near Mission Hills Golf Club > 40

Discount Rentals Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Lease LUXURY VILLAS NEAR LAGUNA

Info: 089 594 4067 Wifi. 089 727 7477, www.baanmarimar.com.

Loft Style Flat: Secure, quiet, spacious, new decoration. Great location for exercise. Long-term rental. 086 664 5575.

Selling or Renting Your Property?: We have buyers for foreign freehold, sea view properties and land. Call 080 143 2929 or visit realestate.phuket. net.


Rawai B eachf ront Pool Villa: Rawai Beach

Big Luxury Villa: Pool, Laguna, designed for comfort. Has everything+spa, B32,000 lease. Call 089 594 4067.

3 Bedroom Furnished: B11,000 per month, one bathroom, lock up garage and carport on 800 sq metre lot.

Mission Heights Residence


front pool villa for rent/sale.3 bed rooms,furnished. Contact Siriporn on 089 649 9939.

ternational resort in Karon seeks retail tenant. Excellent year round occupancy, flexible rental terms.Must sell quality merchandise. Contact Khun Boonchu, call 076 396 200–5, Email: fcckr@chr.co.th.

Fully Fur ni sh ed Homes for Rent: FulHouse Villa for rent: Villa

Luxury Pool Villa: Laguna, quality furnishings spa, bar, security, BBQ. B22,000 lease. Call 089 594 4067.

for rent in Rawai Beach, 3 bed 4 bath, jacuzzi bath, private pool. The striking two-storey homes feature a grand living room and dining area, kitchen. TV, DVD/CD player, internet

ly furnished 1-3 air- con bedro om rent al homes. Quiet area near Ao Yon beach,Cape Panwa.1bdr start from 9,000/m,2-3 bdr from 20,000 free wifi,Tel.081 892 4311, http://panwagreen. weebly.com.

4 Bed/5 Bath HomeB30k month: Immaculate 4


bed/5 bath custom home with full western kitchen. Gated entry in quiet development across from Boat Lagoon, near BIS. ADSL, Satellite, Only B30k per month. Martin 087 850 4684.

Headline: ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......

Body: ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......


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Online upgrades:

Website link B199

Urgent banner B199




Box B199

Colour Background B199

65% Off in Low Season!: This Peninsula Villa

Hand this in at agent shops, our office or fax: 076 612 553

Located only 10 minutes from airport, Grand Ao Por Marina, new Tesco Shopping center, 2 golf courses, Naiyang beach, Thanyapura sport / leisure center and international school, the Mission Heights Residence is a perfect place to live for families without traffic in a very peaceful, secure and natural surrounding.

Phuket is located in Cape Panwa. Phuket. This villa has swimming pool, aircon. and WiFi. Below rates are daily. Weekly and monthly rates available upon on request. • Standard room, share toilet and shower B1,000 • Deluxe room B1,500 • Superior room B2,500 • Penthouse B10,000. Please call James 085 0 64 4806 or email to alonglee52@gmail. com.

Colour Headline B199


Designed specially for families, the Mission Heights Residence offer very spacious 540 Sqm houses, all with 12 meter long swimming pool, 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, guest bungalow, maid quarter and a nice garden in a very secure, children friendly environment only couple of minutes from Phuket International Academy.

Luxur y Condo Kata Beach: Stunning seaview 5 star, 1 bedroom lounge kitchen, microwave, satellite TV, DVD WiFi. Weekly/Monthly rates. Call James 090 864 4519.


After a great success of the first phase, the Sunrise Ocean Villas is now starting to build the 8 other villas of "Phase2". The price of 17.9 million baht makes the project one of the most competitive on the island for being only 60m from the beach. Each villa has a living area of over 300 sqm, has 3 spacious bedrooms, all sea views, 5 bathrooms, a 10x4m infinity pool, maid's quar ter and a covered 2-car parking. The houses are specially designed to guarantee complete privacy, with an open panoramic view of the sea.

Come visit the villas and you will be wonder fully surprised by the quality of the project as well as the quality of life you can find here. The Villas currently under construction being built to highest western standard and are launched at only 13.9 million Baht for the first 3 houses. For appointment or more details contact project director, Khun Montha at 088 751 1750 or email mission_heights@yahoo. com.

For appointment or more details, contact the project director Khun Montha at 081 343 0777 (Thai, English & German) Email: thesunrisevillas@yahoo. com.






List your advert for FREE at thephuketnews.com/classifieds.php Cabaret, 50sq metre huge pool and garden area. Everything new fully furnished plus kitchen, free hold. Sale B3 million, no stupid offers. Thai 087 621 3405/ English. Contact 085 471 9246.

three- month rental. Call 081 496 9070 (Eng/Swedish) or 081 719 1175 (Thai).

Thai Style House for Sale: Teak wood f loors, stairs, walls, 2 bedrooms. Land 330 sq metre, peaceful location, five minutes to Patong, Chanote title. B5.5 million. 086 268 8701, email: f430spiderf1@hotmail.com.

Land for sale in Kathu: Near the British International School, 2 Rai with public road access. B 6,000,000 per Rai. Call 089 724 7211, email: julien@phuketimmo.com.


FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Chanote title and close to main road. One year teak plant on the land. Call 087 284 6142 or email blue girl83150@ yahoo.com.

House in Patong for Sale: Very nice townhouse for sale, 3 floors,3 bathrooms, living-room,kitchen,3 sleeping rooms, roof-terrace, parking, good location, 200 square meter living area. Must see. Call 084 188 4544, e-mail: michahild ner@hotmail.com.

Allamanda (Laguna) Residences/Phuket: One Condo Unit, half of a deluxe twin house, fully furnished and equipped, set direct on the picturesque lagoon with balcony right over it. 3 Bedrooms each with shower/bathroom, roof terrace. Longterm rent or sale. 081 737 0365, utai pan@yahoo.com.

6.1 Rai Land for Sale:

Land for sale: 6 rai beautiful hilltop land near Mission Hills golf club, was 4.2million baht per rai now drastically reduced to *B3.2 million per rai* for very quick sale, full chanote, water/electric, office, sea/mountain views. Call 087 978 5804(Eng), stanjsmith25@yahoo.com

Rawai B eachf ront Pool Villa: Rawai Beach Kathu : Ser viced Land for Sale: Near the British International School, 500 sq. m. including road, water, electricity and security. B3,000,000. Call 089 724 7211. E-mail julien@ phuketimmo.com.

Petchabun Land for Renovated Condo for Sale: 8 Rai+448sq metre. Sale: Patong near Simon

front pool villa for rent/sale.3 bed rooms,furnished. Contact Siriporn on 089 649 9939.

Kamala Two Brand New Villas: Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, Western kitchen, 130 sq metre. Nice garden with large pool in quiet area. Price: B5.5 million or minimum

6.1 rai (10,000sq metre). B2,500,000 per rai. Total price: B15,600,000. - 5 minutes to Naithon Beach. -10 minutes to Naiyang Beach. -10 minutes to Airport. -7 minutes to New Tesco Lotus. - Roadside land and Chanote title. Call 085 793 2718.

Phuket- Surin Beach Area for Sale: Chan ote title at Manik-township. 20x25 meter in natural surrounding, B2.6 million. Free design+construction permit. Phone 087 275 9621, email nuttapol_trateng@yahoo.com.

Luxury Private Pool Villas: Brand new Bali style 3 and 4 bed villas 1 km to Nai Harn Beach. High rental guaranteed investment. Prices from B12.9m (incl. full furniture pkg). Enquiries sakt27@gmail.com +66 878 974 42.

Rawai Pool Villa: Unique three bedroom pool villa “off the plan”. Three easy payments over seven months. Situated in a well established housing complex in Rawai over looking a peaceful, fish filled lake. Email for plans. Call 081 270 4291. Land for Sale Mission Hills: 800 sq metre 1300 sq metre 1600 sq metre. Very quiet and private locations, very close to airport, Tesco, Golf courses and Phuket International Academy. All Chanote title from B1.7 million. Contact 087 276 0529.

Nice One Rai in Chalong: Reduced, just

Villa for sale or lease: This Peninsula Villa Phuket was valued by Night & Frank realty recently at B123 million. It has 12 rooms, common swimming pool and gym facility. Give us an offer. Contact alonglee52@gmail. com.

B6 million now. 200m off main road near Chalong temple. Full chanote title. Call 087 053 6181/089 651 3479. Email philcroker69@ hotmail.com.

Modern, New Two-Storey Villa for Sale: Living space 200 m2, balcony. terraces, three beds, two baths, furnished, ADSL, tropical garden, calmly gated village, clubhouse pool/tennis court, near Phuket Town, shopping, Rawai-Naiharn beach. Call 089 593 8690, ruen_narayan@hotmail.com.

Golf Villa for sale/ lease: The Lake View

Beach Front Plots: Located opposite of Yacht Haven Marina in a very peaceful, natural envirointment. Ready to build, electricity and water on site, road and boat access. 2 Rai plots each with 60 metre of ocean frontage, perfect for living as well as investment. For sale direct from owner, price only B12 million. Call 081 343 0777.


SEAVIEW LAND FOR SALE: Near Chalong pier, 150 metres from the sea. Three rai and one ngan plot. Chanote title. Price: B25 million per rai. No agent. Call 087 278 7206

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FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012












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FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

2,500 to join marathon S

EVERYONE EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION Phuket FC may have had the week off, but there was no shortage of football on the island as the Euro 2012 tournament reached its dramatic climax in the early hours of Monday morning. And while Italian supporters – like the two below – had little to cheer about as they watched their side destroyed 4-0 by the rampaging Spanish, the mood was nothing but jovial at East 88 Beach Lounge (pictured) in Rawai.

ome 2,500 r unners are expected to join the Phuket Health International Marathon 2012 which will be flagged off at the Sarasin Bridge before dawn on July 29. The race will end at the Provincial Public Health Office on Narisorn Rd, Phuket Town. Apart from the full marathon of 42 kilometres, the event will also include a 4-km fun run and a 10-km minimarathon, which will both start and finish at the Public Health Office. Full-marathon runners will assemble at the bridge at 2.30am, with the race starting at 4am. The other two events will begin at 6am at the Public Health Office, with competitors


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assembling two hours before that. Along the way water and fruit stations will be set up every two kilometres for competitors. Winners will be announced at the finish line at 8am. A total of B300,000 in

prizes is up from grabs, with the biggest prizes of B5,000 apiece going to the winning Thai male and female runners in the full marathon, and the winning “international” runners, male and female. Competitors should register

to join the event at the Public Health Office the day before (July 28). The event organisers will accept entries both from individuals and from teams, which may consist of up to 20 runners. Entry is free.

YFH clean up Plate in Singapore Sixes comp A T E A M F RO M T H E Youth Football Home (YFH) returned home to Phuket this week after competing at the SCC Soccer Sixes tournament in Singapore. The boys competed in the U-14 division against teams from Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia and Singapore. They lost their first game

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against a Malaysian team 1-0, but then piled on eight unanswered goals in their next four games to beat teams from Indonesia, Singapore, Bangladesh and eventual tournament winners Bali. Despite the good results, the YFH team finished third in their group, though eventually went on to win the Plate final.


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IN BRIEF Drug-cheat Chambers to run in London Convicted d r ugs cheat D wa i n C h a mb e r s wa s named in Great Britain’s Olympic athletics squad on Tuesday after his lifetime ban was overturned by world anti-doping chiefs. The 34-year-old sprinter was included in the 71-strong squad for London

following the conclusion of a long-running legal battle which ended when the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) ruled in his favour in April. Chambers has not competed in the Olympics since a fourth-place finish at the 2000 Sydney Games.

N Korea to send 51 athletes to London North Korea said a total of 51 athletes have qualified in 11 sports for this summer’s London Olympics, with the isolated communist state seeking a record medal haul. They will compete in women’s football, the marathon, table tennis, judo, wrestling, weightlifting,

shooting, archery, synchronised swimming, women’s boxing and men’s diving, the official Korean Central News Agency said. The agency said earlier the country is seeking a record medal tally, pinning its hopes especially on weightlifting, wrestling and football.

Australia bans sleeping pills at Games Australia’s Olympic athletes will be banned from using sleeping pills, after ex-swimming star Grant Hackett admitted to a heavy use of the sedatives while he was still competing. Australian Olympic Committee chief John Coates said prescription medications such

as the powerful sleeping pill Stilnox would be banned for the first time at London. The AOC on Monday decided to amend its team medical manual “to make it absolutely unequivocal that we do not condone and indeed we prohibit the use of Stilnox by our athletes”, Coates said.

Medals locked up in Tower of London The medals for the 2012 Olympic Games were locked up on Monday in a vault at the Tower of London, where Britain’s Crown Jewels are kept under armed guard. The 4,700 gold, silver and bronze discs will not be seen in public again until they are

hung around the necks of the winning athletes at the Games, which open in the British capital on July 27. London Games chief Sebastian Coe took the medals down to the vaults, where they will stay until they are due to be awarded.

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FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Blake spoils Bolt’s party ATHLETICS Agence France-Presse


he Jamaican Olympic Athletics Trials promised fireworks heading into the four-day championship at the National Stadium and it delivered – just not the way most had it scripted. Double world record holder Usain Bolt was the star attraction going into the event, which attracted over 70 foreign journalists, as he prepared for his second Olympics. But a much fitter and faster Yohan Blake, who goes by the nickname “The Beast”, spoiled the party. After Friday’s win in the 100 metres and Sunday’s victory over Bolt in the 200m, Blake has established himself as the sprinter to beat in the London Games. With a number of fast times and solid performances coming out of the Olympic trials, sprinters from the Caribbean island look set to continue their dominance at global events.

Yohan Blake (orange) beats Usain Bolt in the 200m sprint during Olympic trials. Photo:AFP But coach Maurice Wilson cautioned that the expectations “must be put in perspective,” saying while the Jamaican team will have good coaching and naturallygifted athletes, “the resources available to the USA athletes for example could give them an added edge, not in their performance but making them that bit more comfortable.” While not ready to count medals, the coach is confident

the team would do well in London, given the depth of the performances on the weekend. At the trials, two world leading times, including a stunning 9.75 seconds in the 100m and 19.80 seconds in the 200m, rocketed Blake into the spotlight and relegated Bolt to second billing – something he has not had to deal with since his rise to fame in 2008. Many were stunned by

Blake’s raw power on Friday in the 100m and two days later there was a buzz of anticipation heading into the 200m final. In the 200m, Blake trailed Bolt coming off the curve but his superior speed kicked in with 60m to go, leaving Bolt grimacing in his wake. Bolt finished in 19.83 seconds. Bolt vowed to come back from his first loss in the 200m in more than four years.

Phelps settles for seven gold SWIMMING

Agence France-Presse

MICHAEL PHELPS WON’T try to replicate his glittering eight-gold haul of 2008 at the London Olympics, coach Bob Bowman said this week. “No one should be expected to do that twice, once was more than enough,” Bowman said of the US superstar’s punishing programme in Beijing, where he eclipsed Mark Spitz’s record of seven golds at one Games. Bowman announced on Twitter that Phelps wouldn’t swim the 200m freestyle in London, although he won it

over rival Ryan Lochte at the US Olympic swimming trials. “Michael Phelps will be removing the individual 200 freestyle from his Olympic program,” Bowman tweeted. “This will give him a full slate of 7 events. Since taking his career tally of Olympic golds to 14 in Beijing, Phelps had insisted he wouldn’t swim eight events at his last Olympics in London. But at the trials, he qualified in exactly the same eight events: the 100m and 200m butterfly, 200m freestyle and 200m and 400m individual medleys. He’s expected to swim three relays. Phelps, whose 16 Olympic

Michael Phelps pictured back in 2009. medals include two bronze won in Athens, will still be able to surpass Russian gymnast Larisa Latynina for the most Olympic medals won in a career – 18 – but he would only be able to match her total of 14 individual Olympic medals.

Photo: AFP

He will also have a chance to claim a third straight Olympic title in four events – the 100m and 200m butterfly and the 200m and 400m I/M. No male swimmer has ever won the same Olympic event at three straight Games.



FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Woods wins, moves past Nicklaus on all-time list GOLF TIGER WOODS WON the storm-hit AT&T National on Sunday for his 74th career title to pass Jack Nicklaus for second place all-time on the PGA Tour list. Woods won for the third time this year by outlasting fellow American Bo Van Pelt in a back-nine duel that went down to the final hole. “What an incredible week,” Woods said. “I remember there was a time when people were saying I could never win again.” Woods closed with a two-under 69, giving him a two-shot victory and moving him into second place on the tour’s career list, one ahead of Nicklaus. He needs eight more to equal Sam Snead. Woods, who finished at eight-under 276, took the lead on 17 where Van Pelt made bogey after his ball sailed over the green. All Woods had to do was maintain the lead on the final hole. He sealed the victory with a superb nine-iron approach that landed and rolled onto the flat part of the green on 18. “It was downhill, the wind was hot and the ball was flying,” said Woods, who also won at Muirfield Village and Bay Hill this year. His win capped a bizarre week of golf at the Congressional Country Club course. A violent heat-fueled storm wreaked havoc on the course, blowing down trees and forcing organizers to shut the course to spectators on Saturday, making for a peculiar scene as the golfers teed off without galleries.

England could yet miss Pietersen: Aust coach CRICKET Agence France-Presse


ngland have won four successive one-day internationals since Kevin Pietersen retired from limited overs duty, but Australia coach Mickey Arthur believes they could yet miss their star batsman. Pietersen, who remains a Test cricketer, quit the shorter formats after England refused his request to give up onedayers but still play Twenty20s. But Ian Bell, recalled to the one-day team in the opening spot vacated by Pietersen, has so far responded with scores of 125, 53, 41 and 75 against the West Indies and Australia. Those innings helped England beat the West Indies 2-0 and take a 2-0 lead in their current series against Australia. The two sides were due to meet again on Wednesday, after The Phuket News went to press, but a victory at Edgbaston would mean an unbeatable 3-0 advantage in the five-match ODI campaign. Nevertheless, Arthur be-


IN BRIEF Jagr signs with Dallas Stars The Dallas Stars have signed free agent forward Jaromir Jagr to a one-year, US$4.55 million contract, the National Hockey Leaque club announced on Tuesday. Jagr, who is the NHL’s eighth-highest career scorer, returned to the NHL last season after playing three years in the Russian KHL league. He scored 19 goals and 35 assists in 73 games with the Philadelphia Flyers in 2011-12.

Pakistan gets Champions League invite Ian Bell has been prolific for England since taking Pieterson’s opening spot. Photo: AFP lieves the absence of fellow South African-born Pietersen could catch up with England. “Kevin’s a world-class player, there’s certainly no getting away from that,” said Arthur. “He’s been fantastic, so it would have been an interesting selection poser. “But down the line I think they might feel the weight of that decision, because he is a

class act – and he was playing very, very well as well before it ended for him. “At the moment they’re not missing him but down the line, not sure.” However, England are on a run of eight successive ODI wins and Arthur said: “I think they’re playing really well. “I think in English conditions, they’ve almost gone back to the old sort of format of one-

day cricket – three proper Test players at the top of the order, four out-and-out pace bowlers, a really good spinner.” “They’re playing with their specialists; they’re playing the one-day game with their best players,” Arthur explained. “In England, I think that’s a message for every other team, bearing in mind we come back here for the Champions Trophy (next year).

Nine’s better than eight: Evans CYCLING Agence France-Presse

DEFENDING TOUR DE FRANCE champion Cadel Evans knows only too well what it’s like to try and win the world’s toughest bike race after losing one or several teammates. And after the first crash-marred day of the 99th edition, which led to the abandon of a rider from yellow jersey rivals Team Sky, he was counting his lucky stars that he still has eight BMC riders to count on. “It’s always a worry to lose teammates,” Evans said after the third stage from Orchies to Boulogne-sur-Mer where he finished still 17 seconds off the race lead and 10 seconds behind his biggest challenger, Bradley Wiggins.

Evans during last year’s tour. Photo: AFP “Whenever there’s a crash in the peloton you’re just hoping all your guys come through. We need to be firing on all cylinders all the way to Paris.” One team who are already a man

down is Wiggins’ Sky team. Their Belarusian rider Kanstantsin Sivtsov became the first of the peloton’s 198 riders to abandon when he fractured his tibia on the first of six small climbs to feature on the narrow roads leading to the coast. His loss will be felt, especially in the mountains where Wiggins – who crashed out on stage seven last year – will have one man less to go and search water when he needs it and, probably more importantly, pace him on the early parts of the climbs. Sky team chief Dave Brailsford believes, however, that the team’s all-round strength on the climbs will pull them through. “To be honest the climbing department, as it were, is probably where we’re at our strongest,” he said.

Pakistan’s cricket board has received an invitation from India for October’s Twenty20 Champions League, in a major step towards reviving cricket ties between the two arch-rivals which have been suspended since 2008. The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) last month gave the go ahead to include Pakistan’s Twenty20 champions in the multinational league, which brings together 10 top teams, including those from India, Australia and South Africa.

Klitschko lines up September title defence Ukrainian world boxing champion Vitali Klitschko will defend his heavyweight title against Germany’s Manuel Charr in Moscow on September 8. Klitschko, 40, enjoys a professional record of 44-2 with a massive 40 KOs, and the bout at the 30,000-capacity SC Olimpiyski sports arena in Moscow will be the Ukrainian’s 17th world heavyweight championship fight. The Beirut-born Charr, 27, is unbeaten in his professional career, with 21 wins and 11 KOs.

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IN BRIEF France players’ bonus frozen Bonuses owed to the France team for having made the quarter-finals of the recentlyconcluded European Championships have been frozen, the French football federation announced on Tuesday. Each member of the French team, which lost 2-0 in the quarters to eventual winners Spain, was eligible for a bonus of 100,000 euros. But in light of the infighting and ill-discipline that dogged the country’s Euro campaign, federation president Noel Le Graet said: “The whole of the bonuses of the France team at Euro 2012 are frozen.

Fergie blasts Pogba after Juve move

Manchester United midfielder Paul Pogba has joined Italian champions Juventus in a move that has led manager Sir Alex Ferguson to blast the teenager for a lack of respect. “Pogba signed for Juventus a long time ago as far as we’re aware,” Ferguson told MUTV on Tuesday. “[It] is disappointing. I don’t think he showed us any respect at all.” Pogba, 19, arrived at United from French club Le Havre in 2009, but has made just seven first-team appearances, all from the substitutes’ bench.

Brumbies coach eyeing Pocock

ACT Brumbies coach Jake White said Sunday he wants to bring Wallaby skipper David Pocock to Canberra once he finishes his Super Rugby contract with the Western Force. The former Springbok World Cup-winning coach got a first-hand look at what star flanker Pocock can do for his team next year in the Brumbies’ 28-17 Super 15 win over the Force in Perth on Saturday.



FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Chiefs first team through to the Super 15 playoffs RUGBY Agence France-Presse

A S T H E S U P E R 15 resumed last weekend after a three-week break for international fixtures, New Zealand’s Waikato Chiefs became the first team to qualify for the top-six playoffs after winning to

consolidate their lead at the top of the Super 15 standings. All Blacks fly-half Aaron Cruden proved the difference as the Chiefs dimmed the Otago Highlanders’ playoff hopes with a 27-21 win in Dunedin. Both sides scored two tries apiece but Cruden’s five penalties proved the crucial factor in a tightly-contested New Zealand derby.

The Chiefs are in the box seat to finish top of the New Zealand conference ahead of two tough final two regular season matches against the Crusaders and Hurricanes. Western Stormers also remained on course for a toptwo finish and with it a bye into the second week of the finals later this month after shading the Golden Lions 2717 in a South African derby

in Cape Town. Elsewhere in the scramble for the remaining four playoff spots, the ACT Brumbies maintained their five-point lead at the top of the Australian conference with a 28-17 victory over Western Force in Perth. The Northern Bulls are fourth on points differential after a 40-24 win over the Central Cheetahs in Pretoria

to lie four points adrift of the Stormers in the South African conference. Seven-time Super Rugby champions Canterbury Crusaders had a setback at home when they were overhauled by fellow Kiwis Wellington Hurricanes 23-22 and fall 10 points behind the Chiefs in the New Zealand conference with two games left.

Villas-Boas named as new Spurs boss FOOTBALL

Agence France-Presse

ormer Chelsea boss Andre Villas-Boas was confirmed as the new manager of Tottenham this week following the shock departure of Harry Redknapp last month. “The club is delighted to announce Andre Villas-Boas as Head Coach,” Spurs confirmed on their official Twitter feed, following days of speculation concerning the Portuguese coach. The appointment marks a dramatic return to the English Premier League for VillasBoas, who was fired as manager of Chelsea in March just eight months into a three-year contract. Villas-Boas’ ill-fated reign at Stamford Bridge ended in dismissal after months of unrest behind the scenes, with rumours of player mutinies and a breakdown in relations with the manager. However the 34-year-old – who arrived at Chelsea after a stellar quadruple-winning season with Porto – has suc-


The ‘other’ Chelsea: African club Berekum Chelsea.

A different Chelsea chase Champions League glory FOOTBALL Agence France-Presse

Andre Villas-Boas was sacked as Chelsea boss early this year after months of unrest behind the scenes. Photo: AFP cessfully convinced Spurs chairman Daniel Levy that he is the best man to build on Redknapp’s legacy. Villas-Boas’s priority will be aiming to restore Tottenham to the Champions League after

their agonising near-miss last season. Despite finishing fourth in the Premier League competition – which would usually qualify them – Tottenham were bumped out of the Champions League after Chelsea recovered from the dismissal of Villas-Boas to win the title in Munich.

THERE COULD BE TWO teams called Chelsea competing at the FIFA Club World Cup in Japan this year if a side from Ghana continue to slay CAF (Confederation of African Football) Champions League giants. Berekum Chelsea host Cairo-based Zamalek this weekend in matchday one of the leading African club championship hoping to go all the way and join shock UEFA Champions League winners Chelsea at the December tournament. Dutch coach Hans van der Pluijm hopes some of the amazing spirit that saw the Stamford Bridge outfit score twice with 10 men in a semi-final against Barcelona at the Camp Nou can rub off on his squad.

But he also acknowledges that his young team will begin as Group A outsiders against three of the most successful clubs in CAF competitions – Zamalek, fellow Egyptians Al Ahly and TP Mazembe from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Ahly have won the Champions League a record six times, Zamalek five times and 2010 Club World Cup runners-up Mazembe four times and the trio share the tag of favourites this year with title holders Esperance of Tunisia. “They are all former champions and we have a lot of respect for them, but we all got to this stage on merit and so we will see how it goes from now on,” Van der Pluijm told reporters. “My boys must believe in themselves, they must believe that nothing is impossible no matter how strong the opposition appears to be, and they must not let anyone push them around. “Big names do not win football matches – big hearts do – and we will give it out best shot,” added Van der Pluijm. The top two clubs in each group after a six-round minileague schedule advance to the semi-finals and the champions pocket US$1.5 million plus an invitation to the even more lucrative Club World Cup.



FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Wimbledon semis get underway Agence France-Presse

SEVENTH HEAVEN Maroons wrap up another Origin series


From back page NOVAK DJOKOVIC AND Roger Federer have met 26 times, but tonight’s (July 6) potentially epic Wimbledon semi-final will be their first clash on grass in their rollercoaster, six-year rivalry. Defend i ng cha mpion Djokovic has won the pair’s last three meetings, in straight sets on clay this year in Rome and in the semi-finals of the French Open. Those wins followed a morale-sapping semi-final loss for Federer at the US Open where the Serb, for the second successive year, saved match points before driving another dagger into the great Swiss. Both men go into Friday’s clash having racked up impressive numbers. Djokovic, the US Open, Australian Open and Wimbledon champion, is in a ninth successive Grand Slam semi-final and has played in four of the last finals at the majors. Federer is in a record 32nd semi-final of a Grand Slam. On paper, the grass of Centre Court should favour Federer, the six-time champion desperate to equal the record seven set by Pete Sampras. But the 16-time Grand Slam

Agence France-Presse


Jo-Wilfried Tsonga will also be looking to fly high against Britain’s Andy Murray. title winner is playing down the significance of the surface. “Things are not that drastic of a change anymore from clay, hard court, indoor, to grass. But it is interesting that this is our first grass court match,” said Federer. “I’m just happy that I’m around further than I’ve been the last couple of years. So it’s been a good tournament for me. It gives me confidence going into a big match against Novak.” Federer has enjoyed the morale boost of getting to the last four having lost in the quarter-finals in the last two years, a crucial step for those who have written him off as

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“The Blues are a great side, that’s why there’s only one point difference.” The Blues levelled at 2020 in the 70th minute when hooker Robbie Farah’s high kick to the right corner was plucked from the air by centre Josh Morris, who out-leapt Darius Boyd to score before Todd Carney made the sideline conversion. But minutes later Cronk edged Queensland back in front with his 40-metre gamebreaking one-pointer. NSW began the decider strongly and led 8-0 after a try by recalled winger Brett Morris in the 13th minute. Queensland then skipped away to a 16-8 halftime lead with further tries to Boyd, Thurston and Justin Hodges. NSW fought back to within two points when fullback Brett Stewart raced through to ground Farah’s grubber kick just inside the dead-ball line. Two Thurston penalty goals then pushed the Maroons out to a 20-14 lead before the Blues’ dramatic winning finish. Queensland won the opening game 18-10 in Melbourne, before NSW levelled the series 16-12 in Sydney last month to take it to a decider.




Friday, July 6

past his best. But top seed Djokovic has been untroubled, dropping just one set en route to the last four, a run capped by a comfortable straight sets win over Florian Mayer in his quarter-final. Djokovic said he will be wary of the dangers posed by Federer on the Wimbledon grass where the Swiss star’s record now stands at 64 wins against just seven losses in his 14 visits. “Maybe he uses the grass court better because of his slice. He has a really smart game for this surface,” said the Serb. “But I have improved playing on grass in the last couple of years. I won the title here last

year, got to another semi-final this year, so I’m feeling good about this surface, about myself on the court. I really have nothing to lose.” Tonight’s other semi-final sees fourth seed Andy Murray, bidding to become Britain’s first finalist since Bunny Austin in 1938, and first winner since Fred Perry in 1936, taking on French fifth seed Jo-Wilfried Tsonga. The 25-year-old Scot will be playing in a fourth successive Wimbledon semi-final, comforted slightly by knowing that Rafael Nadal, who beat him in the last four in 2010 and 2011, was knocked out in the second round.

Super 15 Team

cr um-half Cooper Cronk kicked a drop goal with only five minutes left to hand Queensland a 21-20 State of Origin rugby league series win over New South Wales in Brisbane on Wednesday. It was Queensland’s seventh consecutive Origin series win and the fiercely-fought encounter was only decided when Cronk landed the longrange drop goal to separate the two sides. The Maroons have not lost the Australian interstate series since 2005 and once again they proved the superior team. Queensland, coached by Test great Mal Meninga, have now won 15 of the 21 encounters since the Blues’ last series win. It was a fitting farewell for veteran prop Petero Civoniceva, who ended his 33rd and final game for Queensland. “The boys were just great. They took it to us the whole 80, we had to play some good footy to get out of it. I’m very proud,” man-of-the-match Queensland’s stand-off Johnathan Thurston said.






P W D 12







% Pts 62



















28 24




















816, 107



Rugby League


Wests Tigers v. Bulldogs
























Aussie Rules


Collingwood v. Carlton





















813, 109















Sea Eagles

























































































Saturday, July 7





















813, 109















































































































816, 107

816, 107


Men’s Semi-Finals



Rugby Union

Super XV

Chiefs v. Crusaders



Rugby Union

Super XV

Reds v. Highlanders



Rugby Union

Super XV

Sharks v. Bulls



Motor Bikes


Qualifying, Sachsenring



Rugby Union

Super XV

Blues v. Western Force



Rugby Union

Super XV

Waratahs v. Brumbies



Rugby Union

Super XV

Cheetahs v. Stormers



Rugby Union

Super XV

Lions v. Rebels



Aussie Rules


North Melbourne v. West Coast Eagles



Aussie Rules


Port Adelaide v. Adelaide



Aussie Rules


St. Kilda v. Essendon

813, 108



Motor Racing

Formula 1

Silverstone Qualifying






813, 109






Conference leader RESULTS Crusaders Force Stormers Bulls

22 – 23 17 – 28 27 – 17 40 – 24

Wild card team Hurricanes Brumbies Lions Cheetahs

Highlanders 21 – 27 Rebels 17 – 32 Byes: Blues, Sharks, Waratahs

Chiefs Reds

RESULTS Warriors Rabbitohs Eels Broncos

35 – 18 38 – 12 12 – 20 12 – 26

Cowboys Panthers Knights Sharks

Raiders 22 – 18 Dragons Byes: Tigers, Bulldogs, Storm, Sea Eagles, Roosters, Titans.

West Indies v. New Zealand Ladies Final

Sunday, July 8 813, 109



Motor Bikes


Grand Prix of Germany

812, 108



Motor Racing

Formula 1

Raceday, Silverstone



Motor Racing

Formula 1

British Grand Prix




Aussie Rules


Hawthorn v. GWS Giants

816, 107



Rugby League


Rabbitohs v. Knights






England v. Australia

813, 109





Men’s Final



SPORT Dane Halpin editor2@thephuketnews.com


FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012


Could it be Chelsea vs Chelsea at Club World Cup? > 46

Who’ll be turfed out? Bitter rivals Djokovic and Federer meet on grass for first time



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