thephuketnews thephuketnews1
Friday, November 6 – Thursday, November 12, 2015
Since 2011 / Volume V / No. 45
20 Baht
NOW BLOW Police to get heavy on drink drivers as harsher penalties introduced
Thung Thong Police breath test a motorcyclist during the day. Photo: Tanyaluk Sakoot
POLICE AIM FOR FEWER THAN 100 ROAD DEATHS IN 2015 Eakkapop Thongtub ed itor@classactmed
he chief of the Phuket Police has issued a warning to all motorists that drink-driving laws will now be more strictly enforced in a bid to reduce the number of road accidents reported on the island. Maj G en Theerapol Thipcharoen announced the warning at a meeting on Monday (Nov 2 ) to give an update
on the “If you drink and drive you’ll be struck for sure” campaign that was introduced on October 1. The campaign req uires police to arrest a specific number of drink drivers in their precincts per month. The numbers are as follows: Phuket Town, Kathu, Karon and Thalang – at least 2 0 cases per month; Chalong, Thung Thong and Wichit – 15 cases per month; Cherng Talay and Tha Chatchai – 10 cases per month; Kamala – 5 cases per month.
“Every station can achieve their targets. We are entering the high season now and New Year is next and that’s when there are high numbers of accidents. More measures need to be taken,” G en Theerapol explained. He also urged each police station chief to study their own areas for traffic congestion and road conditions or anything that is likely to increase the chances of an accident. “I want to do this all the time, not only for the high season. Most
accidents occur because of construction in the area and not enough lights on the road. Each station must study their own problem and solve them case by case,” G en Theerapol added. In addition, Phuket police will now stop any driver seen driving erratically and will ask them to take a breathalyser test. “Motorists must now be aware that police will not only conduct breathalyser tests at checkpoints. Any policeman can now stop you...
Controversial dolphin park quietly opens
Female expat on life as a teacher
All Blacks gifted a ‘mass haka’ welcome home
News 2
Should Thailand’s famed ladyboys be officially called women? > page 4
Russian fraud fugitive arrested A
Eakkapop Thongtub editor@ cl
a d f h
a I a G a
Eldar Gassanguseynov, wanted for fraud and extortion, was arrested for illegally staying in Thailand. Photo: Eakkapop Thongtub
R u s s ia n f u g itiv e w a n te d in h is h o m e c o u n tr y fo r fra u d n d e x to r tio n re la tin g to e m a n d s fo r “ p ro te c tio n e e s ” fro m h is c o u n tr y m e n m o u n tin g o v e r B 6 0 m illio n a s b e e n a rre s te d b y P h u k e t m m ig r a tio n P o lic e . T h e a n n o u n c e m e n t o f th e r re s t o f 2 9 -y e a r- o ld E ld a r a s s a n g u s e y n o v c a m e a t p re s s c o n fe re n c e h e ld o n e d n e s d a y( N o v4 ). A t th e p re s s c o n fe re n c e ,
Drink drivers targeted
C o n ti n ued f r o m p a g e 1 … a n d a s k y o u to ta k e a b re a th a ly s e r te s t w h e n th e y f e e l i t i s n e c e s s a r y ,” G e n T h e e ra p h o l c o n tin u e d . H e a ls o b e lie v e s th a t p o lic e w ill a r re s t m o re d r in k d r iv e rs in N o v e m b e r a n d D e c e m b e r, a n d n o w th a t m o re p o lic e c a n a r re s t o r s to p m o to ris ts fro m d rin k d r iv in g , it w ill re d u c e th e a m o u n t o f d e a d ly ro a d a c c id e n ts in P h u k e t. “ W e d o n ’t re a lly w a n t to a r re s t P h u k e t p e o p le o r to u ris ts , b u t a t th e s a m e tim e w e a ls o d o n ’t w a n t a n y d r in k d r iv e rs s h a r in g o u r ro a d s. “ D r in k d r iv e rs a re d a n g e ro u s b e c a u s e th e y n o t o n ly r is k th e ir o w n liv e s b u t t h o s e o f o t h e r s ,” G e n T h e e ra p h o l s a id . T h e p o lic e c h ie f n o te d th a t o f f ic e rs a c ro s s th e
is la n d h a d b e e n s lo w ly ra m p in g u p th e p re s s u re o n d r iv in g v io la tio n s o v e r th e p a s t y e a r. “ ast year, officers fined 3 9 ,0 0 0 m o to r c y c lis ts f o r n o t w e a rin g h e lm e ts , th is y e a r , have been fined so f a r ,” h e s a i d “ A ls o ,th is y e a r w e h a v e a lre a d y a r re s te d 6 9 2 p e o p le fo r d r in k d r iv in g c o m p a re d w ith 3 0 0 p e o p le in 2 0 1 4 and fined , people for s p e e d in g c o m p a re d w ith 2 ,4 0 0 l a s t y e a r .” T h e ra m p e d u p ro a d s a fe ty c a m p a ig n a ls o s a w th e in tro d u c tio n o f n e w p e n a ltie s fo r d r in k d r iv in g , e ffe c tiv e O c to b e r 1 , a s fo llo w s : • D r iv in g u n d e r th e in fluence with a blood-alcohol c o n c e n tr a tio n o f m o re th a n . a fine of , to B 2 0 ,0 0 0 , n o t m o r e th a n
o n e y e a r in ja il o r b o th . D r iv e r’s lic e n c e w ill b e s u s p e n d e d fo r n o t le s s th a n six m o n th s o r re v o k e d . • D r in k in g a n d d r iv in g c a u s in g d a n g e r to o th e rs p h y s ic a lly o r m e n tally a fine of , to B 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 , f r o m o n e to five years in jail, or both. D r iv e r’s lic e n c e w ill b e s u s p e n d e d n o t le s s th a n o n e y e a r o r re v o k e d . • D r in k in g a n d d r iv in g c a u s in g s e r io u s ly in ju r y to others a fine of , to B 1 2 0 ,0 0 0 , tw o to s ix y e a r s in ja il, o r b o th . D r iv e r’s lic e n c e w ill b e s u s p e n d e d n o t le s s th a n tw o y e a rs o r re v o k e d . • D r in k in g a n d d r iv in g causing loss of life a fine o f B 6 0 ,0 0 0 to B 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 , th re e to 1 0 y e a rs in ja il, o r b o th . D r iv e r’s lic e n c e w ill b e re v o k e d .
P h u k e t I m m ig r a tio n C h ie f C o l S a n c h a i C h o k k h a y a ik it s a id th a t E ld a r w a s w a n te d o n a n I n te r p o l R e d N o tic e , o r in te r n a tio n a l w a n te d p e r s o n s a le r t, fo r f ra u d . It is a lle g e d th a t h e w a s p a r t o f a n o rg a n is e d c rim in a l g ro u p th a t d e m a n d e d “ p ro te c tio n fe e s ” f ro m p e o p le in R u s s ia . “ O ff ic e rs s p o tte d h im in th e c a r p a rk o f N a i H a rn G y m o n W is e t R d in R a w a i. W h e n a s k e d b y p o lic e , E ldar confir ed that he is the w a n te d m a n s o th e y p la c e d h im u n d e r a rre s t a n d b ro u g h t
h im to th e im m ig r a tio n o ffice” ol Sanchai said. E ld a r to ld p o lic e th a t h e f irs t e n te re d T h a ila n d in 2 0 1 4 . H o w e v e r, it is k n o w n th a t h e h a d m o v e d b e tw e e n T u rk e y , U k ra in e , U n ite d A ra b E m ira te s a n d T h a ila n d w ith re la tiv e s s in c e th a t tim e . C o l S a nc h a i w e n t o n t o s a y , “ W e ta k e th e I m m ig r a tio n B u r e a u ’s ‘G o o d g u y s in , B a d g u y s o u t’ c a m p a ig n v e r y s e r io u s ly . It is a ls o a p e a c e a n d o rd e r p o lic y o f th e th e n a tio n a l p o lic e c h ie f C h a k th ip C h a ijin d a to r e g u la rly ta c k le in te r n a tio n a l c r im e a n d
Po li c e d o n ot suspect foul play in the death of a 6 0 - ye ar - o l d Belgian national found hanged in a Patong resort bathroom last Sunday morning.
c rim in a ls w h o s e e k re fu g e in T h a ila n d . “ E ld a r h a d b e e n liv in g in T h a ila n d o n a n e x p ire d v is a , s o h e w ill b e ta k e n to C h a lo n g P o lic e S ta tio n a n d c h a rg e d w ith liv in g in T h a ila n d ille g a lly b e fo re w e h a n d o v e r h i m t o I n t e r p o l .” B ill R o b e rts , M a n a g in g D ire c to r o f N a i H a rn G y m , re f u te d re p o r ts th a t E ld a r w a s a tra in e r a t th e g y m . “ T h e p e r s o n in q u e s tio n w a s a m e m b e r o f N a i H a rn G y m , b u t in n o w a y w a s e m p lo y e d b y o u r f a c i l i t y , ” h e t o l d The Phuket News o n T h u r s d a y .
Villagers found the headless sea cow washed up at Koh Yao Yai Island on Tuesday. Photo: Darawan Naknakhon
Money woes blamed for expat found dead Sea cow mutilated for teeth P O L IC E D O N O T S U S P E C T fo u l p la y in th e d e a th o f a 6 0 -y e a r- o ld B e lg ia n n a tio n a l fo u n d h a n g e d in a P a to n g r e s o r t ba t h r o o m l a s t S u n d a y m o r n in g( N o v 1 ). L t C o l Jo n g se rm P re e c h a o f th e K a th u P o lic e re c e iv e d a c a ll a t 1 0 :2 0 a m re p o r tin g th a t a w e s te rn e r w a s th o u g h t to h a v e k ille d h im s e lf in th e b a th ro o m o f th e P rin c e E d o u a rd R e so rt & S p a o n P ra B a r a m e e S o i 3R d . W h e n p o lic e a r r iv e d w ith re s c u e w o rk e rs , th e b o d y o f th e s h ir tle s s h e a v y -s e t m a n w a s s till s ittin g o n th e to ile t w ith a ro p e s till w ra p p e d a ro u n d h is n e c k , w h ic h w a s a tta c h e d to a w i n do w o v e r h e a d . The an was identified as R o n a ld L é o n R e n é D e s r u e lle s .
P o lic e q u e s t io n e d a 3 0 -y e a r- o ld T h a i w o m a n w h o c la im e d to b e h is w ife a n d th e o n e w h o fo u n d h is b o d y . S h e s a id th a t M r D e s r u e lle s h a d been stressed over financial p ro b le m s a n d w a s d r in k in g before the two got into a fight e n d in g w ith h im k ic k in g h e r o u t o f th e ro o m . S h e c la im e d s h e fo u n d h is b o d y in th e ro o m u p o n re tu rn in g . P o lic e d id n o t c la r if y th e le n g th o f tim e b e tw e e n h e r le a v in g a n d re tu r n in g to th e ro o m . T h e w o m a n to ld p o lic e th a t M r D e s r u e lle s h a d in v e s te d in th re e re s ta u ra n ts in P a to n g and due to financial issues was u n a b le to c o n tin u e to p a y th e r e s ta u r a n t’s e x p e n s e s a n d w o r k e r s w a g e s . E a kka p o p Tho n g tub
E X P E R T S A T T H E P H U K E T M a r in e B io lo g ic a l C e n tre ( P M B C ) b e lie v e th a t a s e a c o w o f f t h e e a s t c oa s t o f t h e is la n d w a s d e c a p ita te d fo r its te e th , w h ic h a re re v e re d b y s o m e a s o m e n s o f g o o d lu c k . T h e h e a d le s s re m a in s o f th e s e a m a m m a l w a s fo u n d w a sh e d u p a t a b e a c h o n K o h Y a o Y a i, a n is la n d little m o re th a n 1 0 k m o f f P h u k e t’s e a s t c o a s t, o n T u e s d a y e v e n in g ( N o v 3 ). T h e s e a c o w , te c h n ic a lly a d u g o n g , w a s a th re e m e tre lo n g m a le w e ig h in g a b o u t 3 3 0 k ilo g ra m m e s . “ It w a s m o re th a n 4 0 y e a rs o l d ,” n o t e d P M B C D i r e c t o r D r K o n g k ie t K ittiw a tta n w o n g . “A fte r e x a m in in g th e re ains, we can confir that th e s e a c o w h a d its h e a d c u t o f f a f t e r i t h a d d i e d ,” h e s a i d . “ W e a ls o fo u n d d e e p b r u is in g f ro m its le f t s id e to its b a c k a n d th a t a 5 0 c m s e c tio n o f its s p in e h a d b e e n b ro k e n , a s if th e a n im a l h a d s u ffe re d a v e ry s tro n g b lo w b y a b lu n t o b je c t. “ W e b e lie v e th a t th is w a s m o s t l i k e l y c a u s e d b y a b o a t ,” D r K o n g k ie t s a id . D a r a wa n N a kn a kho n thephuketnews
Changes to beach rules ‘within weeks’ Saroj Kueprasertkij ed itor@classactmed
o e than people a i ed to witness the openin fi st show of the new marine park.
Dolphin Bay Phuket dolphinarium opens THE DOLPHIN BAY Phuket dolphinarium in Chalong opened q uietly last Saturday (Oct 31), with many people showing up to view the new attraction. T he show st a r t e d at 10: 30am, with many parents bringing their children to view the spectacle of Earth’s most intelligent sea creatures, guided by trainers, performing tricks and aerial stunts with balls and hoops. Many of the visitors at the morning show, which was reserved exclusively for Thais, gave glowing reviews of the performance to T h e Ph u k et News reporter at the scene. Supreecha Suthamanondh, G eneral Manager of Phuket Aq ua Project Co Ltd, told T h e Ph u k et News that the venue
was to present only a one-off premiere, but demand saw a second show performed at 2 pm. The venue also presented two shows last Sunday (Nov 1), with the afternoon show reserved for foreigners only. Dolphin Bay opened to the general public on Tuesday (Nov 3). Mr Supreecha has denied claims that the five dolphins at the Nemo park were originally sourced from Japan, renowned for the infamous annual dolphin slaughter at the Taiji Cove. “I understand the concern from conservationists, but all of these animals were born in captivity. They are not from the wild and they need training and care,” he said. T h e Ph u k et News
ny a dj u s t m e n t s to the 10 per cent beach management system introduced by previous Phuket G overnor Nisit Jansomwong will be finalised and introduced by mid-November according to Phuket Vice G overnor Chokdee Armornrat. V/ G ov Chokdee originally hoped to have concrete answers to the adjustments by last Sunday (Nov 1), the official start of the high season, but more time is needed to ensure that the decisions made do not fail. Speaking to T h e Ph u k et News on Tuesday (Nov 3) V/ G ov Chokdee said, “We need additional time because we want to be more certain on what we do. Every adjustment we make should be firm and not fail. “Our committee meetings over the past two weeks have made a lot of progress and we will try to wrap things up by November 15. We are
Phuket monorail plans speed up THE OFFICE OF TRANSport and Traffic olicy and Planning (OTP) is speeding up studies for Phuket’s monorail plan to increase convenience for tourists, which could also help boost the economy. OTP deputy director Chaiwat Thongkhamkoon said the study into construction of a monorail project in Phuket is 8 0 per cent complete and will be ready by next month, the B ang k o k Po s t reported this week. The findings will be sent to the Transport Ministry for consideration by January. The monorail will cost at least B2 0 billion and will link Phuket International Airport in Thalang district and Chalong intersections in Muang district, spanning 60km, Mr Chaiwat said. The system’s 2 0 stations will include Tha Noon, Phuket International Airport, Thalang, Thepkrasattri and Srisoonthorn Heroines Monument. Also on the line will be Koh Kaew, Phuket Bus Terminal II, Phuket Rajabhat U niversity, Thung Kha, Old Town City, Clock Tower Junction, Bang Neaw, Phuket Public Library, Saphan Hin, and Sakdidet. M at t Po nd @thephuketnews
fficials plannin the Phuket mono rail project report edly favour copying this example from Tokyo. Photo: The Phuket Ne s file
V/Gov Chokdee Armornrat (right) hopes that adjustments to the beach management s stem will be finalised b mid o embe . working as fast as we can.” The committee held another closed-door meeting at Provincial Hall on Tuesday to discuss in more detail on how to manage each individual beach. V/ G ov Chokdee also confirmed that all govern-
ment departments involved in the system including the Navy, police, district offices and local administrations are all working together to bring the best solution to Phuket. “We had almost a threehour meeting about laws and regulations concerning the
beach management system yesterday in which we have progressed a lot,” V/ G ov Chokdee said on Tuesday. “However, in our meeting today (Nov 3) we will go deeper into each individual beach, and each beach will have its own solution.”
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Should Thai transgenders receive ID card equality?
J ason Beavan 08 6 47 9 7 47 1
w w w
hailand – and especially Phuket – is famous the world over for its “transgender” personalities, including ladyboys, tom-boys and full-fledged transexuals those who’ve taken the final step in the gender-transition process by opting for sexual reassignment surgery. Many in the Thai transgender community have become national and even global stars thanks to the growing popularity of cabaret shows, which attract millions to the island from across the globe. No doubt, some transgen-
Thai politician and celebrity Yollada ‘Nok’ Suanyot is a transgender woman who still has to campaign on her ballot with her male name given at birth. ders are prettier and more feminine than “real women” and most of them would prefer to identify themselves as
ust that full, heterosexual women; not gay, nor transsexual. However, Thai law does not recognise them as women and req uires all of its citizens to only identify themselves by their gender at birth, a controversial req uirement that has been the topic of heated debate in Thai society for years. To this, T h e Ph u k et News asks our readers: “Should people who identify themselves as transgenders or transsexuals be allowed to nominate the gender shown on Thai ID cards?”
Responses available in the poll are:
Yes, but only if they have had gender re-assign-
ment surgery. Yes, regardless of surgery. If they choose to be a man or a woman, that’s their choice. Yes, but their gender at birth must be shown. No, only their gender at birth should be shown. U ndecided - there are far too many arguments for and against whether genders should be shown at all on ID cards.
T o c as t y o u r v o t e, c li c k h ere. h t t p : / / www. t h ep h u k et news . c o m / p o ll. p h p T h e p o ll wi ll ru n o nli ne u nt i l No v em b er 1 7 . f you find that the best response for you is not listed, f eel f ree t o m ent i o n t h em i n t h e c o m m ent s o nli ne.
The cement and bricks will be ripped up and relocated. Photo: Chalong Loysamut
Lifeguard site uprooted in local uproar THE CEMENT FOU NDATION and bricks for a new lifeguard tower under construction at Kata Noi Beach will be torn up and relocated to the site of the old tower following complaints by local residents. The old lifeguard tower at Kata Noi Beach was pulled down late last year after the pillars broke and lifeguards could no longer use the tower as it was too dangerous. The tear-down, however, left lifeguards at Kata Noi with no place to safely store
I want my DTV
SALES SUPPORT Siriporn ( Nok) Seangmas 08 6 47 9 7 47 0
Quality Schools International Phuket Quality Schools International is a well-established worldwide network of successful schools.
We give students the opportunity to become deep thinkers, problem solvers and responsible citizens in today’s global community.
Somsong ( Chompu) Radabut 08 8 7 6 5 58 8 3 sales1 @classactmed
My wife recently returned from her family home down South and brought back with her the standard governmentissued digital TV decoder. We plugged the decoder into the TV, connected the antenna, switched it on and set the box to scan for all channels. But it found nothing! Is there no digital TV in Phuket? Why not? If there is no digital TV yet, when will it come? and what is taking so long? – S im on, Chalong
The Phuket News ed itor@classactmed
Quality Schools International
81/4 Chalermprakiat R. 9 Road, Soi Teepaksong, T. Kathu, A. Kathu, Phuket 83120
Yes, digital TV is available in Phuket. The transmitter was set up on top of Toh Sae Hill in Phuket Town in October last year, but the hills in Phuket make it difficult for some areas to receive the signal, and other areas – such as over the hills into Patong – may not receive the signal at all. Two more transmitters – one in Patong and another
in Thalang – will be set up sometime next year. So the signal will cover all areas in Phuket very soon. Right now, I’d recommend that you use an outdoor antenna and plug that into your decoder box. Also, try using a fishbone antenna. They may be more expensive, but they are better at picking up signals. Install the antenna on high ground, point it at Toh Sae ill and set the box to scan for channels. If you live in Chalong it should be no problem. The decoder box has a two-year warranty. In case your decoder box does not work properly or seems to be broken, you can change it for a new one within 30 days. But after 30 days, we recommend you to negotiate with the vendor who sold the decoder to you so they can buy it back from you and then you pay a little bit more to get a better one. There is a website that you can check to confirm the digital TV signal in your area: http: / / dtvservicearea. webpeople/ – W anna S etthaphong, D irector, NB T C Phuket thephuketnews
Tour-sales detours land B 00k fines Tanyaluk Sakoot rep orter2 @classactmed
i emen tackle the emainin pa t of the fi e.
Electrocuted snake may be cause of home d co shop fi e A SNA A T blame for a fire that broke out and burned down a home dé cor shop in Chalong last riday ct when a spark from an exploding power transformer hit the shop’s thatched roof. The owner of the shop estimates that the total damage caused as a result of the fire is in the region of million. Chalong police were called to investigate after an explosion followed by a fire broke out at a home dé cor shop on Patak Rd in Chalong close to the Phuket Shooting Range at am. ol a Thada Sodarak arrived at the burning shop with a team of officers and four fire engines from Chalong and Rawai municipalities to see thick smoke filling the air. Due to strong winds it took firemen more than an hour to put the fire out, but luckily it was doused before it spread to neighbouring properties. “Inside the shop were home dé cor items such as wooden furniture, curtains, ceramics and silk. Most of the items
burned easily and uickly,” said a Thada. “The shop owner’s bedroom, which was at the rear of the shop was also damaged and all the items inside were lost in the fire. No deaths or in uries were reported,” he added. Nikorn amwun, who owns a neighbouring property, told police that he spotted a small snake climbing on a power transformer near to the shop. “The snake got electrocuted and an electric spark fell onto the thatched roof. The fire started immediately and escalated so fast. I alerted the shop’s workers and called police,” said r Nikorn. All the workers were at the back of the shop when the fire started, but they all managed to escape without in ury. The shop owner, -yearold Saowaree haosang, who was not at the shop at the time of the fire, said, “The shop opened a year ago and we have not yet named it. owever, it is registered as being a home d cor business.” D arawan Nak nak h o n
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he Ministry of Tourism & Sports Phuket office has issued a warning to tour companies and taxi drivers that they will be fined up to , if it is found they take tourists to buy unwanted tour packages. The announcement came following a meeting held between Phuket G overnor Chamreon Tipayapongthada; Ministry of Tourism & Sports Phuket Director Santi Pawai and Phuket Provincial Land Transport ffice on onday Nov . The meeting was held after it was found that on Oct 31 a Thai woman and her foreign boyfriend had taken a taxi from Phuket International Airport to go to atong, during the ourney the driver, uhammad Arabi usorthey, stopped at a tour operator in Cherng Talay. It is alleged that Mr Muhammad, who operates for the Airport Limousine and usiness Service Co td based at the airport, told his passengers that he had stopped to register that he had started his work shift. owever, after a short time another man came out and tried to sell the passengers tour packages.
anti awai ca ies out an inspection of the tou compan in uestion. Photo: Ministry Tourism and S ort Phuket Office After refusing to buy the packages, the two passengers removed their luggage from the taxi and decided to find alternative transport to get them to Patong. The Thai woman later posted the story on her Facebook page. Mr Santi told T h e Ph u k et News , “ y team went to check the tour company and they informed me that taxi drivers often bring tourist
to the office so they can sell tour packages. They also said that tourists are often happy to buy them. “ owever, I have warned them that they must not force any tourists to buy packages, and if I find that they do, they will have no right to operate their tourism business. Anyone who violates this rule will be fined between , , ,” he said.
“If it is found that taxi drivers try to take passengers somewhere they don’t want to go their licence to operate from the airport will be cancelled, they will be fined , and their driving licence will be suspended for six months under the Land of Transport Act.” Mr Muhammad has since been fined , and had his licence suspended for six months.
Good Morning, China Phuket Amcham unveils Chinese tourism data, strategies SPECIAL REPORT
Chris Husted execed itor@classactmed
uest speakers at the G reater Phuket Chapter of the American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham) business seminar at the Outrigger Resort Laguna Phuket last Friday (Oct 30) delivered a stunning presentation outlining the current state of Phuket’s tourism industry. In introducing the presenters, Bill Barnett of Phuketbased hospitality consultancy C9 Hotelworks revealed that among the key challenges facing Phuket is that Chinese tourists, Phuket’s number one volume tourism source market, were staying only 2 .2 days on average. And even then, they don’t stay on the island that long. “They travel,” said Mr Barnett. “They go to Khao Lak, Krabi, and all over the area. They like variety during their stay. They are certainly ‘ Beyond the Beach’,” he added. Mr Barnett pointed out that the Chinese market had gained crucial importance to Phuket. “Russian market is static. The volume has stabilised, but the numbers have yet to come in after all the pre-bookings before the oil price slump and ruble crisis took hold,” he said. “Phuket is going through a host of rebranding to acclimatise to this, as seen by the Twinplams-MontAzure venture announced, as well as the Rosewood change and the recent launch of the Cassia brand at Laguna Phuket,” he said. Jesper Palmq vist, Singapore-based Area Director for Asia acific for worldwide hospitality consulting firm ST G lobal, revealed a data-based picture of the current state of Phuket’s tourism, rebounding after the huge hit Thailand’s tourism took last year. “Thailand in 2 014 took a huge hit, but hotels here were good at holding room rates, so that when visitors returned, business was good,” he noted.
Mark Simmons Mr Palmq vist plainly voiced Phuket hospitality players’ primary concern, and what everyone now knows: bookings are up, but room rates are down as a conseq uence of embracing the “Russia-China wholesale approach” – and he presented data to prove it. However, he also explained that data analysis showed that luxury hotels performed excellently in peak periods, but plummeted during the troughs. “Mid-upscale hotels had peaks much lower, but were much better at maintaining room rate averages throughout the year,” he noted. Regardless, average daily room rates (ADR) for hotels of all service levels across the board in Phuket had dropped by 6-7.5% within the past year. Only 7% of all the hotels in Phuket showed ADR and Occupancy had increased, while two-thirds of the Phuket hotel room supply market showed a double-hit of reduced ADR and reduced occupancy. Yet, Mr Palmq vist noted that the data was no cause for alarm. “Don’t panic – other countries have ups and downs, and many other countries don’t have the enormous growth pattern that Thailand has,” he said. “Phuket has about 4,500 rooms under construction or under contract right now that will come on-stream within the next few years. That is good, consistent growth,” he added. Mark Simmons, Outrigger Resort’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing, took
Chinese tourists Photo: AFP the data to the next level and unveiled several key strategies to unlocking the potential of the huge Chinese market, using real- life experiences from Outrigger as evidence of what works, and what doesn’t. In his opening volley, Mr Simmons noted that Phuket should be “Thankful for China”. “Europe is stagnant, and the Russians will be back, but in numbers, and the rates will not return to what they were before,” he said. China outbound tourists are estimated to spend almost U S$ 10 billion (B355.72 billion) this year. “That number is expected to triple by 2 02 3,” Mr Simmons noted. The top two destinations were Hong Kong and Macau, “but these are mainly domestic tourists,” he noted. Third was the U S, followed by Thailand. “Thailand – and Phuket – is very attractive for G en X and Millennials. They have been to the key destinations
and are now looking for ‘ selfadventure’ individual experience holidays’,” he explained. Other top inbound Chinese tourist market segments were honeymooners and the MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions) market. “Outrigger at Laguna has done very well by targeting this MICE sector,” Mr Simmons added. Key to accessing the Chinese market was understanding the huge changes currently underway in how tourists place bookings, with travel agencies still securing 47% of bookings, but online bookings rising to 37% of the bookings market. “China OTAs [ online travel agents] is where the market is exploding,” Mr Simmons explained. “Ctrip and Baidu inked a deal that will see them corner a huge portion of the market alone. They expect a 2 0% boost in growth for the whole China market and at least a 35% boom in China’s vacation business sector.”
China was not alone in the explosion in online booking numbers. U S-focused operators Expedia and Orbitz were aligning themselves to lure greater marketshare. “G oogle and TripAdvisor ganging up, too,” Mr Simmons added. To overcome the conundrum of huge volume growth coupled with flat AD performance realised by most Phuket hoteliers serving the China market, Mr Simmons advised simply: “Target strategies to take best advantage of peak seasons for China – not us – to make gains that will pull the average for the year up.” He explained how Outrigger had ramped up ADR by by specifically targeting Chinese tourists during the Chinese New Year holidays, and boosted ADR by 2 0% with campaigns aimed at tourists looking to get away during the October National Week of holidays in mainland China. “You will get the rates if you plan accordingly,” Mr
Simmons said. Corporate strategy had to also encompass property and room specific changes to serve the Chinese market, he added. Such changes included having Mandarin speaking staff, accepting U nionPay payments, aligning Food & Beverage offers and signage, along with free WiFi, as “standards” to include. “But to get these tourists to book, a critical step is to get a foothold in China,” he said. “Outrigger was late, but we now have an office in ei ing. “ aving an office on the ground makes a huge difference, and your web presence must be hosted in China. All your SEO will not make it through the firewall. ut it’s worth it. Inside China alone, the numbers are huge. Outrigger already has 15,000 followers and the number is growing each day.” In answering a q uestion from the floor, r Simmons also delivered some good news for smaller operators in Phuket: market cycles are getting much shorter in transiting from group charters to individual travellers. “The time delay is getting shorter all the time, and it’s happening with the Chinese market,’ he said. In wrapping up his presentation, Mr Simmons said sagely: “China as a market ain’t going anywhere, and it’s becoming more and more important, more fragmented, and with more richer, higherlevel tourists.” “You will have to suck up the volume in the low season, but if you manage your RevPar [ revenue per available room] well in the peak seasons, you will end up ahead.” S T R G lo b al h as m o re t h an 3 0 y ears o f ex p eri enc e and dat a f ro m no w m o re t h an 5 0 , 0 0 0 h o t els wo rldwi de as s am p le base for comparative figures. Fo r m o re i nf o rm at i o n and f o r det ai led dat a p res ent ed at t h e Outrigger Laguna Phuket on Friday, email: APinfo@
Drug-arrest vagaries continue to confuse Darawan Naknakhon ed itor@classactmed
olice this week recalled their initial report about a multi-million-baht crystal meth ( y a i c e) bust at the Tha Chatchai Police Station, claiming that the bust was much smaller than initially reported. Though it was initially reported that police had seized two kilogrammes of crystal meth – which would have a street value upwards of B6 million – police now claim that the weight of the booty was less than half that. Lt Col Nikorn Chuthong, deputy commander of Tha Chatchai olice, clarified that the drugs police seized early last Sunday morning (Nov 1) from three suspects from Surat Thani were concealed in two packages, which together weighed only about 9 00 grams. Based on the street value of B3,000 a gram, said amount of drugs could fetch about B2 .7 million on the streets. According to Col Nikorn, the initial police report, typed
police report read. Meanwhile, tensions remain high between police and local residents in Thalang as a result of recent drugsuppression incidents under investigation. The Thalang riot last month represented the worst street violence in Phuket in decades, and were sparked after two teen “drug suspects” were killed in a high-speed Charged in the incident were the driver of the car, Chaipichit police chase. Kaewkarn, 28, as well as his alleged girlfriend, Apaporn JiewPolice claimed that the maidaeng, 24; and fellow passenger Tatsanai Saendee, 28. suspects, 2 2 and 17, were in possession of meth pills (y a and signed by all three sus- to an undisclosed location in b ah ) and kratom, which was pects and several police of- Tha Reua in Thalang. refuted by some locals, who ficers, was “the wrong police Asked about the status of accused police of planting report, sent [ to the media] by this lead, Lt Col Nikorn said the drugs on the young men. accident.” that “nothing came of it”. But police claim that the However, T h e Ph u k et News “The [ three] suspects have riot agitators, for whom 66 notes that the number “two” already accepted the charges arrest warrants have now been was hand-written in traditional of possession of Category 1 issued, were in fact local drug Thai script (๒), preceding the drug with intent to sell,” Col dealers who wanted revenge typed word kilogramme, while Nikorn said, adding that police on police for arresting fellow the rest of the report, barring were not pursuing any leads drug dealers. signatures, was also typed. about the source of the drugs. Following the riots, all That initial police report Tatsanai Saendee, 2 8 , ad- officers involved in the police also listed a phone number of mitted to picking up the drugs chase were transferred and a woman named “Ann” who at a pedestrian bridge between most recently, the Phuket had allegedly hired the three Phra Saeng and Wieng Sa Police Commander was transsuspects to deliver the drugs districts in Surat Thani, the ferred to Ratchaburi.
The three are suspected as part of an international gang.
iPad GPS leads police to skimmer suspects in Phuket THE G PS TRACKING SIG nal of an iPad stolen on Koh Tao led Phuket police to a house in Chalong last Sunday morning (Nov 1), where they found and arrested three suspects in possession of the stolen item along with electronic cards and skimming eq uipment believed to have been used to target “many tourists over several years”. Acting on a tip-off from the Koh Tao Police in Surat Thani, Phuket Police at 1am tracked the stolen iPad G PS signal to a house on Soi Sai 1 in Chalong. After noting three foreign suspects on motorbikes arrive at the house, officers identified themselves before proceeding to search the house, where they found the stolen iPad and several other
items, which were seized as evidence. The suspects were named as French national Juan Pablo Da Costa Varao, 2 1; and Brazilian nationals Phellipe Andre Dias, 2 6; and Lucidio Firmino da Silva Junior, 2 4. “We believe they’re part of an international skimming gang that has been working together for three to five years targeting tourists in international tourist destinations throughout Asia and inter-continentally,” said the case officer, ol Col Somkid Boonrat. “They’ve all denied being part of an international skimmer gang but admitted that the [ skimming] eq uipment belongs to them and was brought from Brazil.” D arawan Nak nak h o n
Opinion 8
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STEVEN LAYNE Managing Editor
ed itor@classactmed F rom the U S A ; B A in C ommunication A rts from B ang k ok U niv ersity I nternational C olleg e; sev en y ears’ exp erience at Na ti o n J un i o r M a g a z i n e, B a n g ko k R ec o r d er , Phuket. n et, Tha i U n i .n et F a r a n g s.c o m and Phuket G a z ette.
CHRIS HUSTED Executive Editor
0 8 4 3 0 7 7 4 0 8 execed itor@classactmed F ifteen y ears w ork ing in new s and cov ering local issues and ev ents in P huk et, w ith 1 8 - month hiatus sp ent w ork ing for the B runei T imes on B orneo. F rom Q ueensland , A ustralia; 1 0 y ears liv ing in the U K before mov ing to P huk et in 2 0 0 0 . D eg ree in business manag ement. S p are time sp ent sailing or w ith family .
ed itor1 @classactmed O rig inally from C anad a; B A in S ociolog y from the U niv ersity of B irming ham in the U K and an M A in O nline/ P rint J ournalism from the U niv ersity of the A rts in L ond on. T hree y ears exp erience for B ritain’ s third - big g est p ublisher, I mmed iate M ed ia, as w ell as B auer M ed ia and I n S ty l e mag az ine.
News & Sports Editor ed itor3 @classactmed O rig inally from the U K ; H as four y ears exp erience as ed itor and rep orter for P huk etind mag az ine and w ebsite, and I nP huk et mag az ine.
0 9 1 1 6 5 0 2 6 0 rep orter2 @classactmed
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9 9 / 7 M oo 1 ( B illion P laza ) , T . K athu, A . K athu, P huke t 8 3 1 2 0
Killing the drink-driving curse
s each day in Thailand passes, another spell of fatal traffic accidents takes place. If Thailand’s roads didn’t already have a notoriously bad reputation, there’s no doubt that the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) recent survey highlighting that the Kingdom has the secondhighest road-fatality rate in the world certainly confirms this. In its 2 015 G lobal Status Report on Road Safety, the U N health agency reported 14,059 people were killed on Thai roads and highways in 2 012 , translating to a road-death rate of 36.2 people per 100,000. orse, a leading figure at the huket office of the oad Safety Network revealed in late August that Phuket was officially the worst province in the country for deaths and injuries resulting from road accidents. Alcohol is a key factor in
Phuket could learn a lot from Colorado R e: R et h i nk ‘ W ar o n D ru g s ’ , s ay Ph u k et p o lls t ers The U SA is changing, state by state. Colorado, for instance had to hold a referendum on what to do with all the extra monies it now reaps from taxed marijuana sales. It has said NO to corporatised prisons profiting off the incarceration of citizens. And let’s not forget the multi-billion dollar alcohol industry which is a compound as damaging and dangerous as any opiate. Surely it is an indicator of a mature, thriving nation that stops criminalising use of plants for relaxation. Christy S w eet Thank G oodness Cannabis is legal in Colorado U SA. I am much healthier, No hangover, No liver damage, No stress from worry about arrest. uch less fights in town also. Thailand should not let prohibitionists run their country and destroy lives with prison for enjoying this remarkable plant. B eS afe
No mystery about
road fatalities in Thailand, and WHO reported that drinkdriving was to blame for around 2 6 per cent of road deaths in Thailand. In response, the chief of Phuket Police on Monday (Nov 2 ) warned all motorists that drink-driving laws will finally be more strictly enforced (see page 1). Police will now stop any driver seen driving erratically and ask them to take a breathalyser test. One has to q uestion whether this will in fact stop someone from drink-driving, and whether the law will be applied consistently. Thailand has never enforced its drink-driving laws to any notable effect. Despite police checkpoints often being set up throughout the kingdom, drinking and driving is still the norm. It’s also accepted in Thailand that certain laws apply more to some than others.
Two standout cases in recent memory include that of Red Bull heir Vorayuth Yoovidhaya in 2 012 , and model-cum-actress Anna Reese earlier this year both who escaped detention after killing police officers in reckless driving incidents in which alcohol is widely suspected to have been involved. These are just two examples of the many cases involving alcohol-related road accidents in which the law has been applied unevenly, if at all. In most countries, however, drink-driving is an act of crime, an act of manslaughter. Why drink-driving is considered to be normalised behaviour here is difficult to grasp. We can only hope that these harsher laws on Phuket’s roads will act as a warning and make people think twice before driving home drunk, and more importantly, prevent more needless deaths.
such discrepancy
R e: C ry s t al m et h b u s t was o nly 9 0 0 g ram s , no t 2 k g as i ni t i ally rep o rt ed, c lari f y Ph u k et p o li c e Is anybody really surprised that over a kg of ‘ ice’ may have gone missing between the time of arrest, and the paperwork being processed? Aussiebob
Human nature to fi d the ga R e: Ph u k et m o t o ri s t s c an’ t s t o p m ak i ng i lleg al u - t u rns Road users will always look for a short cut. It is human nature. As levels of road-use training are so low in Thailand people still apply the rules they use as pedestrians. Without understanding the dangers and having never had proper training on road safety then nothing will change. More enforcement will work if an officer is posted and infringements prosecuted. But if there is a gap people will try to use it. Carol J adz ia
Beach club to be igger tha those before
R e: Ph u k et b eac h c h ai r, u m b rella v endo rs at S u ri n m i g h t b e leg al Of course nothing is going to happen...why would it? While there was all this talk of illegal structure at Surin, everyone there turned a blind eye to the brand new beach club being built there, which is bigger and will likely be more obnoxious than all of the other clubs in the past. Rules on the beach are like traffic rules pointless and never enforced. Please join me as we watch things slowly get back to normal. R ichard Vickers
to la i g the roads! R e: Ph u k et t o g et h eav y o n dri nk dri v ers I beg to differ with the comments from the Maj. G en.’s regarding the root cause of accidents on the island, which is a huge issue in terms of the social impact of those affected. Construction and bad lighting is not the root cause of accidents, but bad behaviour on the part of drivers in failing to reconise the dangers of driving at high speed while under the influence of alcohol or drugs or both. The police
Stolen Koh Tao Ipad GPS signal leads Phuket police to electronic card skimmer suspects from Brazil, France
60-year-old Belgian man found hanged in Patong resort bathroom had financial troubles, police told by man’s Thai wife
British, New Zealand dual national found dead in Phuket hotel room
Phuket beach ‘10 percenters’ get to stay
High-speed crash kills Phuket police officer
6 8
7 9
Phuket vendors cry foul over no ‘10% zone’ at Ley Phang Beach Phuket to get heavy on drink drivers Belgian woman rescued after drifting 5 hours off Koh Samui Two men die on same Phuket road within two hours Phuket monorail plans speed up
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seem to be unable in their efforts to stop the carnage on the roads by providing proper enforcement of the prevailing traffic laws., such as excessive speeding, tailgating, improper lane changing and running red lights. Static road check or road blocks prevent none of these major causes of accidents from reoccurring and the police leadership should recognise this and rethink accordingly. W hos Y our D addy ? I agree 100% with the intent, but I also wonder what would happen at 2 345 hrs on November 30, in Chalong say, if the ‘ drink driver’ arrests only total 14? I’ll bet the the circle would be chaos what with the coppers frantically trying to find the elusive S eaturtle5 5 15 a month in Chalong, jeese, that’s gonna be hard work for them, you could do that in a day, but the lazy police won’t do that either ... reckless, inconsiderate driving, cracking down on that would do it but yep, the lazy police would never do that, it would mean them having to do the job they are paid to do m alcz x 7 r
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ra k do n on illegal fishing
he cabinet on Tuesday (Nov 3) approved a raft of measures to deal with illegal, unreported and unregulated (IU U ) fishing as the country struggles to meet a European U nion (EU ) deadline in December to clamp down on illegal fishing or risk being hit with damaging trade sanctions. The new policy measures include the Royal Ordinance a plan to regulate fisheries a fishery management plan, and a national plan of action, all of which will clean up the sector in line with EU standards, according to Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha. Speaking after Tuesday’s cabinet meeting, G en Prayut said the cabinet had endorsed the Royal Ordinance 2 015, the Fishery Management Plan (FMP) and the National Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, U nreported and nregulated fishing (NPAO-IU U ) to combat human trafficking in the fishing industry. G en Prayut said regulating the fishing industry is a priority, and EU representa-
o e nment officials inspect a fishin boats and in huket to fi ht ille al fishin and satisf u opean nion demands to end so called lle al n epo ted and n e ulated fishin . Photo: Nattapat Tuarob tives who visited the country early last month recognised the progress that the government has made in tackling the country’s I problem. However, the prime minister said the government still did not know whether the will rescind the yellow card it gave to Thailand in April for failing to solve the IU U problem. “Thailand will do its best to tackle the issue and it is up to the EU to decide whether to revoke the yellow card,” en
Prayut said. The prime minister added the government is not only addressing the IU U problem, but it is also trying to help traditional and legal fishermen, and help fishermen who have been affected by the measures introduced to deal with IU U . “I tried to show the EU that Thailand does not sell them seafood linked with human trafficking. The government is solving the IU U problem for the sake of the Thai fishing industry,” en rayut said.
Next year, the EU will send a delegation to check on Thailand’s progress again. eanwhile, Distat otrakitya, secretary-general of the Council of State, said the royal ordinance has the potential to solve problems that the 2 015 Fishing Law, which was introduced early this year, could not address. “The royal ordinance aims to prevent illegal fishing and offer a sustainable solution to the problem by boosting coastal and traditional fish stocks while protecting the export market,” r Distat said. The new laws also aim to ensure that the fishing industry is managed in a way that will protect vital natural resources, and ensure that fishing is not carried out unsustainably. The royal ordinance sets out measures to deal with illegal fishing, including the establishment of fishing zones, issuance of licences based on vessel sizes, and prevention of transboundary illegal fishing and hazardous fishing methods – all of which are in line with international standards. A vessel monitoring system will also be put in place, with devices to track fishing boats, and a port-in/ port-out surveillance system that logs data about boats’ activities,
including what eq uipment is used, the types of fish caught, and where the fish came from. “We can then trace and verify where seafood products come from, and punish those who break the law,” r Distat said. The Council of State advised the government to issue the executive decree because it is a swift way to respond to the urgency of the IU U problem. Passing a law to deal with the matter through the normal legislative process would take too long, he said. The royal ordinance will take effect immediately after it receives endorsement from His Majesty the King, Mr Distat added. Rittirong Boonmechote, president of SET-listed Thai nion rozen roducts lc, the world’s largest exporter of canned and frozen tuna, said Thailand has tried as hard as it can to meet the high standards of the EU . “It is clear that the Thai government as well as relevant private sectors have been working very hard to meet the EU standards and we hope that the will realise this,” Mr Rittirong said. Mr Rittirong said that Thailand has been doing a lot of hard work, including
overhauling its fishing sector. “At least we have done what they want us to do. So, I don’t think there would be any excuse to ban us. However, we still need to do more if they ask,” he said. However, Mr Rittirong said the private sector and exporters are preparing for the worst-case scenario – an EU ban on Thai seafood exports because of IU U . “ e are looking at other markets we might have overlooked, such as atin America, the Middle East and even other Asian countries. It would expand our sales to help offset a fall in the market if the EU decides on a ban or a red card,” he said. Poj Aramwattannont, president of the Thai rozen oods Association, said the private sector is also working with the government to address the IU U problem to ensure the sustainability of the industry. Mr Poj said the executive decree will support existing fishing laws, but private operators have still not been informed what the penalties will be for offenders. “Private operators have now put in place measures to ensure the seafood bought for frozen products comes from legal fishing boats,” he added. ornsil atchrintanakul, adviser to the Thai Chamber of Commerce, said it is wrong to think the is exploiting the IU U issue merely to harass Thailand. “The problem does exist and all Thailand has to do is to fix it,” r ornsil said, adding that the government is trying its best to tackle the issue. Long term, the country will have to come up with measures to ensure sustainable fishing,” he added. According to Mr Pornsil, international trade rules are constantly changing and Thailand must adapt and work with other countries to combat IU U . B ang k o k Po s t
Bringing sparkle to make-up Indian children labourers dig for elusive ‘mica’ mineral INDIA
e r fa c e c a k e d in d irt a n d h a ir m a tte d w ith s w e a t, e ig h t-y e a r- o ld L a lita K u m a r i h a c k s a w a y a t p ie c e s o f ro c k c o n ta in in g a n e lu s iv e m in e ra l th a t a d d s a d a s h o f s p a rk le to lip s tic k a n d n a il p o lis h . W h ile ta k in g a b re a th e r in th e h o llo w o f a s h im m e r y s a n d h ill, L a lita s a y s s h e h a s n o t k n o w n a n y o th e r w a y o f life a fte r to ilin g in th e m in e s o f I n d ia ’s e a s te r n J h a rk h a n d s ta te s in c e s h e w a s a g e d fo u r. “ I w a n t to g o to s c h o o l b u t th e re is n e v e r e n o u g h a t h o m e fo r u s to e a t. S o I h a v e t o c o m e h e r e a n d w o r k ,” s a i d th e p o n y -ta ile d y o u n g s te r, h e r b lis te re d h a n d s h id b e h in d h e r b a c k a fte r la y in g d o w n h e r p ic k a x e . L a lita is a m o n g h u n d re d s o f c h ild re n w h o h e lp th e ir fa m ilie s m a k e e n d s m e e t b y s p e n d in g th e ir d a y c o lle c tin g m ic a , th e ir s to m a c h s o f te n h u n g r y w h ile th e s u n b e a ts d o w n o n th e ir h e a d s . T w o d e c a d e s a g o th e J h a rk h a n d g o v e rn m e n t s h u t
Deaf Indian child labourer Nagina (centre) and other youngsters collect mica at a scrap mine in the eastern Indian state of Jharkhand. Photo: Dibyangshu Sarkar/AFP d o w n th e m in e s o v e r e n v iro n m e n ta l c o n c e r n s b u t to n n e s o f s c ra p le f t b e h in d c o n tin u e to lu re im p o v e ris h e d v illa g e rs . T h e m ic a a d d s g litte r to p o w d e rs , m a s c a ra a n d lip s tic k s o f to p g lo b a l b ra n d s a lth o u g h a c o m p le x s u p p ly c h a in m a k e s p in n in g d o w n th e e x a c t o r ig in a lm o s t im p o s s ib le , s a y a c tiv is ts . T h e fa m ilie s o f th e c h ild re n w h o c o lle c t th e m ic a o f te n s e ll it to s m a ll tra d e rs w h o in tu r n s e ll it o n to b ig s u p p lie rs . In 2 0 0 9 , G e rm a n p h a rm a g ia n t M e rc k w a s a c c u s e d o f u s in g m ic a m in e d b y c h ild re n
a n d s u p p ly in g it to b ra n d s s u c h a s L ’O re a l a n d R e v lo n . M e rc k h a s s in c e im p le m e n te d s e v e ra l m e a s u re s to m a k e s u re th a t “ a ll m ic a u s e d fo r th e m a n u fa c tu re o f o u r p ig m e n ts c o m e s f ro m c h ild l a b o u r f r e e s o u r c e s ,” t h e c o m p a n y s a id in a s ta te m e n t. A c tiv is ts , h o w e v e r, s a y re m o te a re a s m a k e m o n ito rin g im p o s s ib le a n d th e re is n o w a y to g u a ra n te e th e m ic a is c h ild -la b o u r f re e . “ I th in k fo r c o m p a n ie s th e s itu a tio n h a s b e c o m e a k in d o f p a s s i n g t h e b u c k ,” s a i d B h u w a n R ib h u o f B a c h p a n B a c h a o A n d o la n N G O w h o s e fo u n d e r K a ila s h S a ty a r th i
Victims of China’s one-child rules CHINA C H IN A A N N O U N C E D T H E e n d o f its h u g e ly c o n tro v e rs ia l o n e - c h ild p o lic y la s t w e e k , a f te r d e c a d e s o f s tr ic t e n fo rc e m e n t le f t it w ith a n a g e in g p o p u la tio n a n d s h r in k in g w o rk fo rc e th a t h a s h e ig h te n e d th e c h a lle n g e s o f s lo w in g e c o n o m ic g ro w th . H o w e v e r, B e ijin g s a id th a t th e o n e - c h ild p o lic y p la y e d a k e y r o le in th e c o u n tr y ’s e c o n o m ic s u c c e s s , b u t th e c o n tro versial rule inflicted physical, e otional and financial pain on m illio n s o f o rd in a r y C h in e s e . T h e re w a s a g lo b a l o u tc r y in 2 0 1 2 w h e n F e n g J ia n m e i w a s fo rc e d to u n d e rg o a n a b o r tio n s e v e n m o n th s in to h e r p re g n a n c y , a fte r fa ilin g to p a y a , yuan , fine. P h o to s o f h e r ly in g n e x t to h e r d e a d fo e tu s c a u se d o u tra g e w h e n th e y c irc u la te d o n lin e , p ro v id in g a ra lly in g c r y fo r a c tiv is ts w h o s a id fo rc e d a b o rtio n s w e re a re g u la r o c c u r re n c e . T h e p ro c e d u re w a s p e rfo r m e d p a s t th e le g a l lim it o f s ix m o n th s a n d a u th o r itie s w e r e f o r c e d to p a y 7 0 ,0 0 0 y u a n ( B 3 9 2 ,8 0 1 ) in c o m p e n s a tio n , b u t M s F e n g ’s la w y e r s a id th e m o n e y w o u ld n e v e r c o m p e n s a te fo r th e life tim e o f “ s p ir itu a l @thephuketnews
An elderly man is seen holding a baby as he rides a bicycle in Beijing last month. Photo: Wang Zhao/AFP p a in ” s h e a n d h e r fa m ily w o u ld h a v e to e n d u re . Two officials involved were sac ed and five others received m in o r p u n is h m e n ts , th o u g h M s F e n g , th e la w y e r, a n d m a n y o rd in a r y C h in e s e c a lle d th e punish ents insufficient. T h e r u le s w e re o f te n e n fo r c e d u n e v e n ly , w ith C h in a ’s best- nown fil director hang Y im o u a d m ittin g h a v in g fo u r c h ild re n . H e w a s o n ly fo rc e d to p a y a f in e o f $ 1 .2 m illio n a f te r r u m o u r s b e g a n c ir c u la tin g o n lin e , b u t m a n y a rg u e that financial penalties are an in e f fe c tiv e d e te r re n t fo r w e a lth y fa m ilie s w h o c o u ld a f fo rd th e m . T h e re g u la tio n a ls o le d to s e x -s e le c tiv e a b o r tio n s , e s p e c ia lly in r u ra l a re a s w h e re
b o y s a re p riz e d o v e r g irls . R e p o r ts o f in fa n tic id e ta rg e tin g g irls w e re a ls o c o m m o n , w ith p ro p a g a n d a p a in te d in la rg e re d c h a ra c te rs a c ro s s th e c o u n tr y s id e u rg in g fa m ilie s to d o a w a y w ith th e c e n tu r ie s - o ld p re fe re n c e fo r a m a le h e ir. A n a c tiv is t w h o h ig h lig h te d th e is s u e o f fo rc e d a b o r tio n s u n d e r th e p o lic y , b lin d la w y e r C h e n G u a n g c h e n g , w a s ja ile d fo r o v e r fo u r y e a rs. e fled his village for the U n ite d S ta te s in 2 0 1 2 , a f te r ta c k lin g th e a u th o r itie s o n o th e r th o r n y is s u e s s u c h a s p o llu tio n a n d c o r r u p tio n . T h is y e a r a C h in e s e c o m pany ca e under for fire for p la n s to d e m a n d its e m p lo y e e s se e k a p p ro v a l b e fo re b e c o m ing pregnant and fine those w h o c o n c e iv e a c h ild w ith o u t p e r m is s io n , in a n e c h o o f th e n a tio n a l p o lic y . “ O n ly m a r r ie d fe m a le w o rk e rs w h o h a v e w o rk e d fo r th e c o m p a n y fo r m o re th a n o n e y e a r c a n a p p ly fo r a p la c e o n t h e b i r t h p l a n n i n g s c h e d u l e ,” re a d a p o lic y d is tr ib u te d b y a c re d it c o o p e ra tiv e in J ia o z u o , in th e c e n tra l p ro v in c e o f H e n a n . “ T h e e m p lo y e e m u s t s tr ic tly s tic k to th e b ir th p la n o n c e i t i s a p p r o v e d ,” i t a d d e d . A F P
w o n la s t y e a r’s N o b e l p e a c e p riz e fo r h is w o rk c o m b a ttin g c h ild la b o u r. “ It’s a c o lle c tiv e re s p o n s ib ility o f a n y o n e w h o is p ro c u r in g a n y m ic a f ro m th is re g io n to c o m e fo r w a rd a n d e n s u re th a t a ll th e c h ild re n a r e i n s c h o o l ,” M r R i b h u s a id . M a jo r c o m p a n ie s in s is t th e ir s u p p lie rs fo llo w g o o d p ra c tic e s . “ M e rc k , o u r m a in s u p p lie r in I n d ia , o n ly s o u rc e s m ic a f ro m le g a l g a te d m in e s a n d h a s s u b m itte d p ro o f th a t its e n tire s u p p ly c h a in is s e c u r e d ,” a s p o k e s w o m a n fo r L ’O re a l s a id in a n e m a il.
R e p e a te d m a ils to R e v lo n , w h ic h is a ls o s u p p lie d b y M e rc k , w e n t u n a n s w e re d . A lth o u g h c h ild la b o u r below is illegal with fines a n d ja il te r m s fo r o ffe n d e rs , p o o r e n fo rc e m e n t m e a n s r u le s re m a in o n p a p e r. C h ild re n lik e L a lita o f te n in ju re th e m s e lv e s w ith th e p ic k a x e s , w h ile f in e m ic a d u s t e n te r th e ir e y e s a n d c h e s t, c a u s in g th e m c h ro n ic h e a lth p ro b le m s . D u rin g th e a n n u a l m o n s o o n , th e y r is k s n a k e b ite s a n d b e in g b u r ie d a liv e b y c o lla p s in g s la g p ile s . “ In a p la c e w h e re p o v e r ty is so entrenched it is difficult to c o n v in c e p a re n ts to s e n d k i d s t o s c h o o l ,” s a i d R a m B a c h a n P a s w a n , a d is tr ic t la b o u r s u p e rin te n d e n t. “ M o re o v e r, th e s e m in e s d o n o t e x is t o n p a p e r s o th a t m a k e s o u r ta s k v e r y c h a ll e n g i n g .” F a th e r-o f-fo u r S h ib u Y a d a v a c k n o w le d g e s th a t h is c h ild re n s p e n d th e ir d a y s m in in g fo r m ic a to k e e p th e fa m ily ’s h e a d s a b o v e w a te r. “ T h is is th e m a in s o u rc e o f l i v e l i h o o d f o r u s ,” h e s a i d ,
p o in tin g a t g litte r in g s ilv e r a n d re d m o u n d s o u ts id e h is ra m s h a c k le h o u s e . “ If it h a d n o t b e e n fo r th e m ic a , w e w o u ld h a v e s t a r v e d t o d e a t h ,” s a i d M r Y a d a v w h o s a y s h is fa m ily m a k e s a b o u t 1 ,0 0 0 r u p e e s (B 5 4 8 ) a m o n th f ro m m ic a g a th e rin g . C o s m e tic g ia n ts s u c h a s E s té e L a u d e r a n d C h a n e l h a v e re c e n tly jo in e d a s c h e m e to h e lp f u n d th e e d u c a tio n o f c h ild re n g o in g b a c k to s c h o ol s , w o r k i n g a l o n g s i d e M r S a ty a r th i’s N G O . T h ir te e n -y e a r- o ld S e e m a K u m a ri s a y s s h e c a n n o w fulfill her drea of beco in g a te a c h e r. B u t s h e is o n e o f th e lu c k y o n e s a n d o th e r y o u n g s te rs s e e n o e n d in s ig h t to th e ir la b o u rs . “ W e k n o w m ic a is u s e d i n p o w d e r a n d l ip s t ic k ,” s a id P u s h p a K u m a r i, w h o s e w e a th e re d fe a tu re s b e lie h e r 1 3 y e a rs . “ It m a k e s w o m e n lo o k p r e t t i e r ,” s h e s a i d , b a l a n c in g a tra y f u ll o f m ic a o n h e r h e a d . “ B u t lo o k w h a t it d o e s t o u s .” A F P
Joining in the unrest
anicu ed alestinian fin e s th owin stones
e a d y fo r a c tio n in h e r p i n k m u s l i n t op , her anicured fingers clutching stones she pic ed u p f ro m th e ro a d s id e , th e 1 8 -y e a r- o ld d e c la re d th a t “ th e nation doesn t only belong to t h e b o ys ! ” oung alestinian wo en have increasingly joined ales to h u rl ro c k s a t Is r a e li s o ld ie r s and chant slogans as unrest has spread in recent wee s int h e o c c u p ie dW e s t B a n k . So e defying disapproving fa ilies, wrapped in blac and-white scarves, they have joined the front lines, where th e y fa c e r u b b e r b u lle ts , te a r gas, stun grenades and even live fire. F o r Is ra e li s e c u r ity fo rc e s , stones and firebo bs pose a p o te n tia lly d e a d ly th re a t. n other words, the wo en c o u ld d ie . “ W e m a k e u p h a lf o f s o ciety. e also have the right t o d e f e n d o u r c o u n t r y ,” s a i d
th e s tu d e n t, k o h l-lin e d e y e s v is ib le b e h in d h e r tr a d itio n a l effiyeh, during a face-off with the ar y at a chec point o u ts id e th e c ity o f R a m a lla h . “ e re , we re adults and we re no longer scared.” ut she refused to give her n a m e o r h a v e h e r p h o to ta k e n . “ f y parents new was here...”, said another young wo an, long hair escaping fro under the effiyeh, as she drew her thu b rapidly a c ro s s h e r th ro a t to m im e slaughter. H e r fa m ily m a y n o t a p p ro v e , b u t s h e b e lie v e s b e ing here is “a atter of cons c i e n c e .” “ I f e v e r y o n e ’s s c a r e d , n o one will sacrifice the selves f o r t h e n a t i o n ,” s h e s a i d . i e other frustrated young alestinians, the wo en say they want to end srael s occupation as well as “harassent” by Jewish settlers who liv e int h e W e s t B a n k . alestinian president M a h m u d A b b a s h a s c a lle d fo r re s is ta n c e a n d n o t v io le n c e , b u t any young alestinians have
Representing all political parties, young women turn up in droves at student union meetings and protests. Photo: Thomas Coex/ AFP grown tired of the -year-old le a d e r’s p ro n o u n c e m e n ts a n d of srael s right-wing governm e n t. In th e r u n -u p to h is s p e e c h a t th e U n ite d N a tio n s h e a d uarters, bbas said he would u s e th e o p p o r tu n ity to d ro p a “ b o m b s h e l l .” n the end, all he said was that he was no longer bound by past accords with the Jewish state, accusing the sraeli govern ent of brea ing the . B u t it re m a in s u n c le a r whether those words will tr a n s la te in toa c tio n . “ H e p ro m is e d a b o m b s h e ll during his last speech but we
still haven t seen anything,” said a young wo an, whose face was also covered. T h e “ in tifa d a c o n tin u e s because we stopped listening to the president a long ti e ago,” said a first-year literature undergraduate. A b b a s h a s p r id e d h im s e lf on obtaining alestine the s ta tu s o f o b s e rv e r s ta te a n d saw the alestinian flag raised a t th e U n ite d N a tio n s fo r th e first ti e on Septe ber . ut it s not enough, these wo en said. “ It s h o u ld b e u p to th e p e op l e t o d e c i d e , a n d I do n ’ t believe in negotiations,” said
an -year-old accounting student, referring to decades o f p e a c e ta lk s. A s s h e s p o k e , a n Is ra e li stun grenade whistled in, sending her and her friends running. They dispersed li e a floc o f b ird s , b u t n e a rb y a n o th er group of young wo en la u n c h e di n toa c tio n . M o lo to v c o c k ta ils a n d s to n e s in h a n d , th e y ra n u p to the frontline beside the young en to throw the . oung wo en are also p re s e n t a t th e f u n e ra ls o f alestinians shot dead by Is r a e li s o ld ie r s .
effiyehs on their should e r s , d re s s e d in th e re d e m b ro id e re d n a tio n a l ro b e s o r d e c k e d o u t in th e la te s t s inny jeans, they shout “To Jerusale , we go, artyrs by t h e m i l l i o n s .” “ ational unity atah, a as, opular ront,” they also chant, referring to the na es of different alestinian p o litic a l m o v e m e n ts . epresenting all political parties, young wo en turn u p in d ro v e s a t s tu d e n t u n io n eetings and protests. t a recent union gathering at ir eit niversity near a allah, there were ore wo en than en although the en were the ones who shouted breathlessly into th e m ic ro p h o n e a n d s to o d in f ro n t, n e c k s d ra p e d in th e s c a rv e s o f th e d iffe re n t p o litic a l m o v e m e n ts . ther young wo en have gone even further. ne of the is battling d e a th a f te r s h e s ta b b e d a Jewish an in Jerusale s O ld C ity W e d n e s d a y a n d h e s h o t h e r. A F P
At least 160 people die violently every day in Brazil, says report BRAZIL T T , p le d ie d v io le n tly in B ra z il in 2 0 1 4 , o r a b o u t 1 6 0 e v e ry day and police actions were the second-biggest cause, new s ta tis tic s re c e n tly re v e a le d . The ra ilian ublic Sec u r ity F o r u m ’s a n n u a l s tu d y , c o n s id e re d a k e y re fe re n c e , s a id th e to ta l n u m b e r o f s u c h d e a th s – m o s tly m u rd e rs – during , the year ra il hosted the orld up, was 4 .8 p e r c e n t u p o n 2 0 1 3 . T h e to ll in c lu d e s m u rd e r, assaults resulting in death a n d c r im e s c o m m itte d d u ring robberies. t also includes 3 ,0 2 2 d e a th s a t th e h a n d s o f police during operations and slain police officers. The leading category of violent death was intentional h o m ic id e a t 8 9 .3 % , b u t d is ta n t second was illings by the security forces, a ounting to 5 .2 % , th e s tu d y s a id . “ f we want to tal about reducing violent death in ra il we have to consider those eight deaths a day at th e h a n d s o f th e p o lic e . T h e B ra z ilia n p o lic e p ro b a b ly k ill m o re th a n a n y o th e r fo rc e in
bo with the wo d eace w itten on his fo ehead. Photo: Christophe Simon/AFP the world. This is inad issible,” said enato Sergio d e L im a , v ic e p re s id e n t o f th e s e c u r ity fo r u m , a n o n govern ental organisation in Sao aulo. f anything, researchers s a y , th e p o lic e -re la te d d e a th tolls could be too low, due to under-reporting. A n o th e r c o m p lic a tio n is th a t s ta tis tic s re fe r to “ c o n frontations” between police and cri inal suspects, wherea s a n im p o r ta n t p ro p o r tio n o f th o s e d e a th s is b e lie v e d by hu an rights groups to re s u lt p u re ly f ro m e x c e s s iv e u s e o f p o lic e fo rc e . Topping the violence c h a r ts is th e c o u n tr y ’s im p o v e ris h e d n o r th e a s t. In a b s o lu te n u m b e rs th e worst state was ahia, which h a d 6 ,2 6 5 m u rd e r s , a r a te o f
4 1 .4 f o r e v e r y 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 p e o p le . The s aller lagoas state in the sa e region, however, had a rate of . violent illings f o r e v e r y 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 . R io d e J a n e iro s ta te – in cluding ne t year s ly pic host io, a city that has long led in urban cri e saw , illings, a rate of . for , , which is . le s s th a n in 2 0 1 3 . T h a t d ro p is s e e n a s a result of the intense policing of io slu s, or favelas, with so-called olice acification nits, which have wor ed to s uee e out drug traffic ers. owever, according to A m n e s ty I n te r n a tio n a l, th a t nea r-wa r-li e ca paig n against gangs has seen heavily a r m e d p o lic e o f te n b re a k ing the law and e ecuting s u s p e c ts . A F P thephuketnews
Hungry to ink deals Phuket Food & Hotelex expo targets B120mn industry boost The Phuket News ed itor@classactmed
he FOOD and HOTELEX 2 015, to be held in Phuket for the first time at oyal huket arina from November - , is expected to attract more than , visitors and generate an estimated million for the local industry. The event, the largest hospitality and food fair to be held in Southern Thailand, is aimed at showcasing huket’s status as a hub of the hospitality and food industry,” explained husit Sasitaranondha, anaging Director of leading trade fair and event organiser xpolink lobal Network td. huket has a strong tourism economy and is a worldclass tourism destination with hundreds of resorts and hotels, and well-developed infrastructure, he said. “This, together with an international airport that connects to many countries
The FOOD & HOTELEX 2015 gets the thumbs-up: (From left) Chef Somsak Rarongkham, President, Thailand Chefs Association; Phusit Sasitaranondha, Managing Director, Expolink Global Network Ltd; Jaran Sangsan, Secretary, Phuket Chamber of Commerce; Phuriphan Boonnak, Director of Domestic Marketing Promotion Division, Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB); and Sukon Kaewtae, Director of Phuket Vocational College. around the world makes huket a key hub for the hospitality and food industry in the region,” r husit noted. xpolink has oined efforts with the government as well as the local business community to make this the number one event for the industry, r husit told a press conference held at oyal huket arina yesterday ct , attended by representatives from huket
City, the huket Chamber of Commerce, Thailand Convention xhibition ureau TC , the National ood Institute N I , Thailand Chefs Association and huket ocational College ore than leading companies from Thailand’s hospitality and food industry will exhibit at the show, to be staged in at oyal huket arina’s xhibition all. xhibitors include Sea alue
roup, Smile uipment Co td, NTS art Co td, Company imited, i-Cream Solutions and many more. “FOOD and HOTELEX is developed under the theme our world class destination for food and hospitality industry’ and will be the largest hospitality and food trade fair in the region,” explained r husit. ighlight activities at the show are to include the Thai-
land unior Chef Championship and The Night of ines, which is a networking event where local businesses can meet with leading suppliers to develop new business opportunities. huriphan oonnak, Director of Domestic arketing romotion Division, Thailand Convention xhibition ureau TC , noted, “ eing held in Phuket, FOOD and T will help
drive and support Thailand’s tourism industry and also trade fairs and IC , in line with TC ’s policy to support and grow trade fairs and domestic exhibitions in Thailand. “ e hope D and T will help to distribute goods in the region and be a model for other provinces in Thailand.” The upcoming huket edition of the FOOD and T follows the success of the inaugural D T in hon aen last year, which attracted , visitors and generated million in business. Capitalising on the event’s success, xpolink lobal Network have expanded to more locations. This year, events were held in Surat Thani in uly and in hon aen in September, ahead of the huket event in November. The Phuket FOOD and T will be open daily from am to pm. ntry is free.
Boat Avenue launches B100mn expansion E
Supatra Sutham editor@ cl
x p a n s io n p ro je c ts v a lu e d a t m o re th a n B 1 0 0 m illio n h a v e b e g u n a t P h u k e t’s B o a t A v e n u e s h o p p in g m a ll in C h e r n g T a la y . “ B o a t A v e n u e is b o o m in g . A ll b u s in e s s e s h e re a re d o in g v e ry w e ll, a n d m a n y o th e r b u s in e s s e s w a n t to le a s e c o m m e rc ia l b u ild in g s f ro m u s . S o , d u e to th e h ig h d e m a n d , w e a re e x p a n d i n g B o a t A v e n u e ,” s a i d B o a t A v e n u e V ic e P re s id e n t B o o n Y o n g s a k u l. “ W e h a v e s e v e r a l p ro je c ts lin e d u p w ith th e to ta l b u d g e t o v e r B 1 0 0 m n to tra n sfo rm th e la g o o n a t th e s ite in to a m e g a -s h o p p in g c e n tre in a m o d e r n d e s ig n . “ It w ill b e a n in te r n a tio n a l s h o p p in g e x p e r ie n c e fo r e v e r y b o d y , w ith s to re s s e llin g e v e r y th in g f ro m lo c a l p ro d u c ts t o l u x u r y i m p o r t s , ” h e t o l d The Phuket News. A m o n g th e lo n g lis t o f p ro je c ts u n d e r th e e x p a n s io n is B o a t A v e n u e I I I, w h ic h is a lre a d y u n d e r c o n s tr u c tio n ,
MontAzure’s 454-rai, B15 billion masterplan includes a b anded fi e sta hotel fou beach clubs fo public and private use, 13 exclusive villas and a 200-rai nature reserve.
B15bn luxury MontAzure teams up with Twinpalms The B100 million expansion to Boat Avenue is underway. e x p la in e d M r B o o n , w h o is a ls o D e p u ty M a n a g in g D ire c to r a n d s o n o f B o a t L a g o o n o w n e r K a n it Y o n g s a k u l. B o a t A v e n u e III w ill h a v e a m a in fo u r-s to r y b u ild in g o f conjoined units, with the first and second floors filled with lu x u r y g o o d s a n d im p o r te d f u r n itu re s to re s , a n in te r n a tio n a l h e a lth a n d b e a u ty c e n tre , s o u v e n ir sh o p s , b a n k s a n d a v a r ie ty o f re s ta u r a n ts , in c lu d in g a p iz z a d e liv e r y s to re . “The third and fourth floors w ill h o u s e a re a s th a t c a n b e used as either office spaces
o r liv in g s p a c e s . T h is p ro je c t w ill b e c o m p le te d e a rly n e x t y e a r a n d e a c h u n it w ill b e o n s a l e f o r B 1 3 m n ,” M r B o o n s a i d . A m o n g th e n e w d e v e lo p m e n ts s la te d u n d e r th e e x p a n s io n is th e d e v e lo p m e n t o f H id e a w a y P la z a , lo c a te d o n th e s ite o f th e n o w - c lo s e d H id e a w a y S p a . “ T h e s ite h a s b e e n c le a re d , a n d t h e o l d s p a i s g o n e ,” s a i d M r B o o n . “ C o n s tr u c tio n o f th e n e w b u ild in g w ill b e g in in J a n u a r y a n d is s c h e d u le d to be finished in July. T h e p la z a w ill b e a o n e -
s to re y re ta il c e n tre w ith 1 5 u n its fo r re n t. R e n ta l ra te s h a v e b e e n te n ta tiv e ly s e t a t B 6 0 ,0 0 0 p e r m o n th . “ T h e e n tire B 1 0 0 m n p ro je c t is b ig a n d in c lu d e s m a n y o th e r d e v e lo p m e n ts , a n d w ill ta k e a t le a s t tw o to th re e y e a rs to c o m p l e t e ,” s a i d M r B o o n . “ N e w ro a d s w ill b e a d d e d th ro u g h o u t th e n e w d e v e lo p m e n t a f te r th e b u ild in g is c o m p le te to p ro v id e b e tte r a c c e s s to th e a rc a d e a n d th e m a in la g o o n . P lu s , th e a d d itio n o f m o re p a rk in g s p a c e s is in p r o g r e s s ,” h e a d d e d .
Indigo Pearl lands new GM Paul Jordaan
Paul Jordaan is all smiles about his new role as the new General Manager at Phuket’s Indigo Pearl resort.
L U X U R Y D E S IG N R E S O R T I n d ig o P e a rl h a s a p p o in te d P a u l J o rd a a n a s its n e w G e n e ra l M a n a g e r, s e c u rin g th e s e r v ic e s o f a lu x u r y re s o r t s p e c ia lis t a t th e to p o f h is g a m e a n dt h e p e a ko f h is p o w e r s . T h e S o u th A f r ic a n n a tiv e a r r iv e s a t I n d ig o P e a rl a f te r s u c c e s s w ith S ix S e n s e s – a s G e n e ra l M a n a g e r o f S ix S e n s e s re s o r ts in O m a n a n d V ie tn a m .
M r J o rd a a n ’s c a re e r h is to r y is a ls o g ra c e d b y g e n e ra l m a n a g e r p o s itio n s fo r lu x u r y s t a n d a r d - b e a r e r a n d t r op i c a l v illa p io n e e r A m a n R e s o r ts , w h ile h is jo u r n e y h a s ta k e n h im in to th e h e a r t o f A f r ic a to th e W e s t I n d ie s a n d f ro m b e in g a p r iv a te b u tle r a t a n e lite p r iv a te e s ta te to w o rk in g in a w in e e s ta te to m a n a g in g th e w in e e s ta te in M o u n t R o -
c h e lle o w n e d b y S ir R ic h a rd B ra n so n . “ I’v e lo n g d e s ire d to w o rk in T h a ila n d a n d I c o u ld n ’t h a v e a s k e d fo r a b e tte r e n try in to th is fa s c in a tin g c o u n tr y th a n P h u k e t a n d I n d i g o P e a r l ,” M r J o rd a a n s a id . “ It’s a u n iq u e re s o r t, w ith its tin m in in g h e r ita g e a n d o f c o u rs e th e in im ita b le B ill B e n s le y to u c h e v e r y w h e r e y o u l o o k .”
P H U K E T ’S V IS IO N A R Y M o n tA z u re d e v e lo p m e n t, a n e x c lu s iv e m ix e d -u s e c o m m u n ity in K a m a la d is tr ic t, h a s te a m e d u p w ith le a d in g - e d g e h o s p ita lity c o m p a n y T w in p a lm s to la u n c h a b r a n d e d re s id e n tia l p ro je c t o n o n e o f th e la s t d ire c t b e a c h f ro n t s ite s o n th e w e s t c o a s t o f th e is la n d . T w in p a lm s R e s id e n c e s M o n tA z u re w ill c o m p ris e 7 5 lu x u r y c o n d o m in iu m s , w ith 1 0 0 m e tre s o f a b s o lu te b e a c h f ro n ta g e , lo c a te d b e tw e e n M illio n a ire ’s M ile a n d th e A m a n p u ri h e a d la n d . It w ill b e o p e ra te d a n d m a n a g e d b y T w in p a lm s w h e n it is c o m p le te d to w a rd s th e e n d o f 2 0 1 7 . T h e p ro je c t p re s e n ts th e f ir s t p h a s e o f M o n tA z u re ’s 4 5 4 -r a i s ite m a s te r p la n , v a lu e d a t B 1 5 b illio n , w h ic h w ill in clude a branded five-star hotel, fo u r b e a c h c lu b s fo r p u b lic a n d p r iv a te u s e , 1 3 e x c lu s iv e p r iv a te h ills id e e s ta te v illa s a n d a 2 0 0 -ra i n a tu re re se rv e . “ W e a re g e n u in e ly e x c ite d t o e n t e r i n t o t h i s a g r e e m e n t ,” s a id M o n tA z u re M a n a g in g D ire c to r R o la n d B le s z y n s k i. “ T h e T w in p a lm s b ra n d is s y n o n y m o u s w ith a re f in e d re s o r t e x p e r ie n c e , a n d th is c o m b in e d w ith c o n s is te n tly e x c e p tio n a l s ta n d a rd s o f h o s p ita lity h a s c re a te d s tro n g re c o g n itio n a n d a b o v e a ll a n
e x tre m e ly lo y a l fo llo w in g . “ W h e n w e e n te re d in to d is c u s s io n s w e q u ic k ly re a lis e d th a t w e s h a re d th e s a m e v a lu e s a n d th a t th ro u g h o u r c o lla b o r a tio n w e c o u ld c re a te a v e r y c o m p e llin g p ro p o s itio n fo r b u y e rs a s a n in v e s tm e n t o r life s ty le p la y , a s w e ll a s a n o p p o r tu n ity to b e a p a r t o f a l a r g e r c o m m u n i t y v i s i o n .” T h e m u lti-a w a rd w in n in g T w in p a lm s re s o rt o p e ra te s in S u rin a n d is th e b ra n d b e h in d th e C a tc h a n d B im i B e a c h C lu b s a n d P a lm S e a fo o d R e s ta u ra n t. “ T h e re w e re s im p ly to o m a n y s y n e r g i e s t o i g n o r e ,” s a id T w in p a lm s F o u n d e r a n d M a n a g in g D ire c to r C a rl L a n g e n s k iö ld . “ W e w e re lo o k in g fo r g ro w th o p p o r tu n itie s a n d M o n tA z u re o ffe re d a p e rfe c t s o lu tio n fo r u s to e x te n d o u r b ra n d a n d m a n a g e m e n t c a p a b ilitie s in to a p ro je c t d e s ig n e d b y th e s a m e d e s ig n e r a s o u r s . So it was a strong fit.” T w in p a lm s R e s id e n c e s M o n tA z u re w a s d e s ig n e d b y M a r tin P a lle ro s , o f T ie r r a D e s ig n , w h o a ls o p ro v id e d th e m a s te r p la n fo r th e e n tire M o n tA z u re p ro je c t. T h e s a le s g a lle r y w ill o p e n in D e c e m b e r th is y e a r a n d w ill fe a tu re a T w in p a lm s re s ta u ra n t r ig h t o n th e p ris tin e p in e -frin g e d b e a c h a s a p a r t o f th e b u ild in g .
Roland Bleszynski
Carl Langenskiöld
Our GM gets ready to fight for a good cause
Student council puts on Halloween disco
TURTLE LOVING CARE Marine conservation, education at Mai Khao turtle centre > Page 16
Tender turtles Shelter, education centre in Mai Khao making a difference
Dalia Hilmi ed itor1 @classactmed
any islanders continue to express concern for the welfare of marine life in the Andaman Sea, but words often lack appropriate action. One exceptional exception is the the Mai Khao Marine Turtle Foundation (MKMTF) in Mai Khao, which The Phuket News recently had the pleasure of visiting. After 13 years of dedicated marine turtle conservation in Phuket, the MKMTF, in partnership with the Phuket Marine Biological Centre (PMBC) last July opened the doors to the Turtle Shelter & Education Centre at the JW Marriott Phuket Resort and Spa on the Mai Khao Beach, one of the only beaches left in Phuket where marine turtles continue to lay their eggs. The Phuket News recently headed up to the JW Marriott to check out the turtle shelter to find out more. There are currently three young green turtles living permanently at the shelter. Each was born at the PMBC hatchery division and were born disabled. They would not have survived if they were released into the wild due
to their physical problems. The turtles thus live in a protected environment with a dedicated facility and team to ensure their complete wellbeing. Tommy lives with Jerry Junior and Kiew. Tommy and Kiew are nearly three years old and Jerry is one and a half. The MKTMF Shelter was originally built for Tommy who was born blind. Had he been born in the wild he would have most likely died at birth. However, Tommy was born in captivity at the PMBC and they immediately identified him as being blind and have worked with the MKMTF ever since to develop this special care facility for him so he can live a healthy, happy and long life. Jerry Junior is a 3.8kg green turtle who was born with a deformed shell and Kiew is a 17kg green turtle with guidance problems. The shelter is a showcase cuttingedge conservation project, a multistakeholder platform involving government, NGO and private sector partners. The Department of Marine and Coastal Resources and the Phuket Marine Biological Centre maintain control of the shelter and turtles, the shelter is operated by the MKMTF and overseen by the global voice of nature, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. The Royal Thai
Navy protect the eggs and ensures they reach the hatchery safely, the private sector partners Marriott, Marriott Vacation World and Anantara Hotels and Resorts, who started the foundation 13 years ago, continue to fund its operations. Every year together with the DMCR, PMBC and the Royal Thai Navy, the MKMTF release 200 oneyear-old green turtles for an aggressive conservation strategy; this ensures turtle numbers in the Andaman Sea will increase in years to come. The shelter is key in educating not only guests of the hotel, but also members of the public about how beneficial the shelter has been, and will be in helping and nurturing turtles. During our visit, The Phuket News saw first-hand how much of an impact the shelter can have on children and tourists. Allowing children to see and understand the importance of the shelter will have great effects on them later on and the children’s genuine interest and mesmerisation of the turtles is a reflection on how crucial it is to educate children from a young age. Sean Panton, Director of CSR, explained that the shelter is a great way for kids to come and learn about turtle biology and conservation. He gives the kids a personalised education session, showing them Tommy, Jerry, and Kiew, as well as telling them all about green sea turtles, turtles around Thailand and the foundation in general. “We love having kids, both tourists and the kids from the schools across the island, come in and ask loads of questions. It’s great that the kids show so much interest and we love to be able to inform them about the turtles and
the foundation.” The foundation has a very aggressive education component for children and adults, they host a school every week at the shelter to teach and inspire them to protect and conserve nature and of course, marine turtles. The children that complete the education are certified I.U.C.N Turtle Warriors and are then ready to educate their friends and parents about these beautiful endangered species. The shelter is open to the public on weekdays upon appointment only. Turtle feeding is at 11am on weekdays and the shelter is closed on weekends. Since the shelter launched in July, they have had over 900 guests visit each month from over 45 countries all to learn about marine turtle conservation in Thailand. With so many visitors in such a short space of time, there’s no doubt the shelter will continue to help such a deserving cause as well as act as a great tourist attraction. If you wish to meet the turtles or support the foundation visit the Mai Khao Marine Turtle Foundation Facebook page or email
‘Andaman anteater’ keeps a low profile MEET THE NATIVES Supatra Sutham translator@classactmed
angolins are easily recognised in the wild because they are the only mammal in the world that is covered with scales from head to tail. Their scales are made of keratin, the same material found in our hair and fingernails and it is very hard even for a big animal like a lion or tiger to bite. The overlapping scales of the pangolins vary in colour from light shade to yellowish brown through to olive to dark brown. The pangolin’s name comes from the Malay word “peng-guling” which roughly means “something that rolls” which refers to the ability to roll up into a ball when they are faced with danger. In Thailand however, pangolins are known as Thua Nim meaning “something soft” which refers to its skin under the hard scales. These days, they are hard to come
by, you wouldn’t find pangolins in Phuket Zoo for example because they are listed as endangered species, and due to their diet it is difficult to keep them alive in captivity. It is known that the pangolins can live for up to 20 years in captivity, but how long they can live in the wild is still a mystery. To spot a pangolin, one would need to be out at night or down in a hole in the daytime. The pangolins have been spotted in the rubber plantations throughout Southern Thailand including here in Phuket. In Thailand, the pangolins are notoriously hunted and smuggled across borders to feed a soaring demand for meats and scales in places like China and Vietnam. Some Thai men strongly believe eating pangolin meat improves their sexual performance. For more information, and to make a difference, visit thephuketnews
Sweat and glory for charity
Island personalities to fight in Black Tie Muay Thai event
n Saturday November 21, popular figures from the Phuket social scene will be fighting in the Muay Thai ring to raise funds for local children’s charity Phuket Has Been Good to Us (PHBGTU) at Outrigger’s Laguna Phuket Beach Resort ballroom. Jason Beavan, GM of Class Act Media, Kim Steppe, General Manager of Blue Elephant Phuket, Jay Leshark, Director of Marketing & Operations at Royal Phuket Marina and Leonardo Ferrari, Fundraising Volunteer at PHBGTU will fight it out. “It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to put my mind and body to the test. I feel great to be fighting for this cause, the local children’s charity PHBGTU cares for about 1,200 underprivileged children. “My own daughter is seven years old so it’s especially important for me to support children’s education,” said Kim Steppe, GM of The Blue Elephant, Phuket. World class fighters from award-winning AKA Thailand, Singpatong Gym and Sumalee Gym will also show off their skills
in Muay Thai. Guests can look forward to a a cocktail reception followed by a delicious dinner and free flow of beverages. After the fights, the dancing shoes will come on as DJ Shane is set to rock the Outrigger ballroom. Individual tickets are available for a donation of B3,500 and tables of 10 for B35,000. Bookings are essential and can be made by contacting PPHBGTU on 076-278-146 or by emailing All proceeds from this event will go to PHBGTU; a Thai registered charity established in the aftermath of the 2004 Asian tsunami. The money raised will enable PHBGTU to continue to fund the English education programme that provides free English lessons to more than 1,200 underprivileged Thai children, aged 3-18, in three government schools in Phuket. For more information, please visit or “like” the Foundation’s Facebook page at phukethasbeengoodtous
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Giving students a voice Kajonkiet launches student council and its first campaign Dalia Hilmi ed itor1 @classactmed
econdary students at Kajonkiet International School (KIS) have recently formed the school’s first representative school council that will serve as a vehicle for the students voice throughout the school. The Phuket News headed to the school last Friday (October 30) to find out more about the launch of the student council and its first event, which was held that afternoon. The student council is made up of
one male and one female representative per year group who will meet monthly to discuss a vast range of school matters that affect students, liaising with their peers to provide a fair representation of all secondary students at the school. All students from Years 7 to 10 were able to apply to be a council member. They underwent their own election campaigns and finally were elected by their peers in a democratic vote in early October. The purpose of the school council is to allow the students to develop their voice and get them thinking about important issues both in and outside of
A man’s world ASK THE AJARN Eric Haeg
hailand is a man’s world and Kate Parkin knows it. Despite the challenges Thailand presents, Kate has made a living teaching on Phuket for the past three years. Calm, patient and most certainly well-adjusted, Kate has learned how to deal with circumstances many women refuse to cope with. Read on for the interview that I did with her. How many schools have you. worked for? KP: Two. First at Phuket Wittayalai and now at Darasamuth. You teach secondary levels but do most schools want women teaching young learners? KP: That’s a general preference held by most schools. Do female teachers have to dress a certain way? KP: Yes: conservatively. In some schools women aren’t allowed to wear trousers. What’s the most difficult aspect of life in Thailand for females? KP: Dating, and maybe female perks such as waxes. The waxes here are either cheap and unsanitary or far too expensive. Speaking of dating, you have a boyfriend. How long have you been with him? @thephuketnews
Kate Parkin with her class. KP: Over a year and a half now. A lot of assumptions are made regarding western male-Thai female relationships; what assumptions do people make when they see you and your boyfriend? KP: Some people see my boyfriend and assume he’s got more money than he does. Or we go to nice restaurants, because that’s where I want to go, and people think he’s trying to be more “high-so” than he is. Many female expats feel ignored by their male counterparts. Do you agree? KP: Yes. I think that’s because of the culture, they feel that life with a Thai woman is easier. To read an extended version of this article, please visit A teacher trainer at TEFL Campus and Phuket resident since 2004, Eric welcomes all questions regarding teaching English in Phuket at: info@ te a pus. o
school. Kylie Millar, Head of Pastoral Care at KIS, who will be coordinating the student council said, “This is a fantastic opportunity for the students to voice their ideas and for the school to gain an insight into life as a student at KIS.” During the first meeting with Head of Secondary, Mr Gareth Eynon and Miss Kylie Millar, the council representatives explored several areas of interest to the student body. After much thought, the students developed the idea of holding a charity fundraiser for Halloween. A nonuniform day and after school disco
was held on Friday, October 30, when everyone dressed for the occasion and raised funds towards the community development project that KIS is carrying out at Ban Koh Lone School on a small island just off Phuket that was affected by the 2004 tsunami. The disco was a great success and is a glimpse of how the students can play a huge part in not just creating a positive atmosphere within the school, but also with helping out the community. The student council will hold their next official meeting in November to discuss a whole manner of school matters and develop more new initiatives across the school.
Home is where the heart is Exploring Gallery Café’s exciting new Chalong branch Dalia Hilmi ed itor1 @classactmed
From clockwise: Poached eggs with avocado, tomatoes and coriander salsa on toast; carrot cake; pancakes with banana and honey; Sunday roast dinner.
midst the boxing and fitness gyms on Chalong’s busy steets, there lies a crop of cool cafés and restaurants that makes the area a paradise for foodies. The latest to the trend is the opening of Gallery Café’s charming second branch, located near the Chalong Circle. The other branch is located in the heart of Phuket Old Town where the team are known for whipping up elegant, rustic, and honest food in a buzzing kitchen led by a lovely lady named Pinky. The new branch is set up in an old Thai style house, and I recently paid a visit to check out the cafe’s popular menu. As soon as I walked in I was greeted by the warm, friendly staff who took me to a table on the outside decking area. There is also the option of sitting inside the cosy café should you desire. The menu is one of the most attractive that I’ve come across in Phuket. From brunch classics to warm winter delights, it’s a menu filled with treats for everyone. I had already experienced parts of the delightful menu in the Phuket Old Town branch where brunch classics are thoughtfully and expertly
executed, including homemade bagels with a number of fillings as well as the delicious eggs Benedict, so it was exciting to find out more about some of their dinnertime favourites. First we ordered a couple glasses of red to get us in the mood. The team then brought us a selection of dishes including the chicken parmagiana, which is a piece of breaded chicken breast covered with tomato sauce and cheese, served with salad and French fries. A fantastic dish that really hits the spot. The combination of the cheese with the chicken is packed full of flavours and a great way to get your tastebuds flowing. We were served the teriyaki salad, which is a concoction of mixed lettuce, mushrooms, veggies and sesame dressing; and classic bangers and mash, a dish that really melts your heart; spicy Italian sausages with lumpy mashed pumpkin and potato, served with a selection of vegetables. Now, here comes the best part. The star of the show lay within the outrageously tempting dessert menu. After coming to the difficult decision of choosing between pancakes with banana and honey, or the very appealing cheese board, we decided to go for the carrot cake; which, by the way, was absolutely divine. I could not think of a more delicious dessert: carrot sponge with a layer of creamy, rich icing on top that just melted in my mouth. Mama mia! Overall, my experience of the brand new Gallery Café was brilliant. From the service to the friendly staff to the interior to the atmosphere, the team have done an impeccable job at once again producing a faultless menu in the most friendliest environment. It’s this attention to detail and level of passion from the whole team that make the Gallery Café brand such a crack-
ing way to spend your day. Whatever one chooses to indulge in, whether it be weekday cocktails, Saturday brunch with friends, or digging into a perfect Sunday afternoon roast, Gallery Café won’t fail to please your needs. It is located on Chaofa East Road, opposite Wine Connection. For more information visit GalleryCafeByPinky.
From left: Masha Siriwangsanti, Jacky Lee, Sebastion Orders.
Carl from Dive Supply (left) and Patima Khunpromkessara.
AMCH AM T ALK U NVEI LS CH I NA Guest speakers at the Greater Phuket Chapter of the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) business seminar at the Outrigger Resort Laguna Phuket on Friday (Oct 30) delivered a stunning presentation outlining the current state of Phuket’s tourism industry.
Michael Cowan (left ) and Claude Baltes.
Michael Ayling (left) and OB Wetzell.
Charles and Leah of Outrigger and Chad, Craft Beer (right).
he ew loo et o s istro a d ar held its official relau ch last hursday (October 29) where acclaimed Lebanese chef Mustapha Haj Omar whipped up a fabulous dinner party for guests and members of the media.
PAT O NG ’ S S EAF O O D F I ES T A More than a thousand visitors joined the Patong Carnival 2015 celebrations on the evening of November 1. The festival, which took place from November 1-3, celebrated and showcased the island’s rich offering of fresh seafood.
From Left: Ken, PR; Tony, GM; Chef Roberto of Outrigger.
G LI T Z ’ N’ G LAM @ H Y AT T The ladies of Phuket dressed in fabulous attire ready for the Melbourne Cup brunch held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kamala on Tuesday, November 3. It was a great day filled with delicious food, a fashion show and a lucky draw.
Tim, Class Act Media; and Donna Toon.
Keith; Chef Alessandro; and Donna.
Jason, Class Act Media; and Keith, GM Hyatt Regency.
Best dressed couple Mark and Clare Plunkett.
Dozens of underprivileged children pose for a photo with Banyan Tree Phuket and Angsana Laguna Phuket associates at the Child Watch Phuket ‘Stay for Good: Feeding Communities’ event held recently.
Banyan Tree Phuket and Angsana Laguna Phuket associates and guests went to visit and host a lunch for underprivileged children at Child Watch Phuket Foundation on Wednesday, October 28. The activity is part of the Stay for Good Programme: Feeding Communities.
H O O T ER S ’ H O S T S G I VE A H O O T CLO S I NG PAR T Y Hooters Phuket held their closing party for their ‘Give a Hoot’ campaign for breast cancer, where they raised B188,000. It was a successful month overall and hugely helped a deserving cause.
Laguna Phuket introduced the “Talad Canal” weekend market on Saturday, October 31. The Talad Canal weekend market will continue every weekend, from 5-9pm every Saturday and Sunday, at the Canal Shopping Village.
The market is an ideal outing for tourists and families alike.
Hooters‘ hostesses and Leon Phillips, Assistant General Manager Hooters. thephuketnews
O LD S CH O O L B AR O PENI NG Party-goers enjoying the night.
ocated on the nd oo of oat enue he n ala uests we e ente tained b two fantastic s fabulous food and handmade d inks on ctobe . eat new enue not to be missed.
n op each lub on the se enth oo of dusit otel in aton hosted thei ick o eat alloween pa t on ctobe whe e man d essed fo the occasion and oined in on the fun and games.
Gabriele, General Manager On Top (right).
Sansiri opened its door to the The Deck, a new holiday home in the heart of Patong just in time for the high-season. Many members of the media attended the launch.
om left
thai thaisan suk enio ecuti e ice esident usiness e elopment and o ect e elopment di ision ansi i ublic ompan imited.
hun omson n kut othum i a and hun o ntip bsun ne n.
CLAS S ACT MED I A G ET S S O ME H APPY VI S I T O R S he team made a t ip f om an kok to the lass ct in Kathu on October 29 to present them with a gift.
edia offices
Peas, arrots, ried mushrooms, rilled Tomatoes – Y orksh ire p ud d ing – R oasted P otatoes, Mashed Potatoes ravey, Mushroom sauce, M int S auce. R eserva tion R ecommend ed 3 5 0 baht P .P ., shake rsp huke t@g, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 3 8 1 .
6 NOV Pool Competition at Expat Sports Bar T he comp etition at 9 p m E xp at S p orts B ar at the E xp at H otel S oi T aip an P atong . S ee map at w w w .exp
2nd Bhut Jolokia ‘Ghost Chili’ Challenge. avrang Mahal ndian Restaurant, aron inv ites y ou to comp ete in their 2 nd B hut Jolokia host hili hallenge. Take up the challenge to finish a bowl of host hili urry. Bhut Jolokia chili is rated as one of the w orld s hottest chilies, 4 0 1 times hotter than Tabasco sauce. antastic Prizes to be won L imited to 2 0 contestants. E ntry fee T H B 2 0 0 p er contestant. C ontact, info@nav rang or 0 7 6 2 8 6 4 6 4 . P roud ly sup p orted by L iv e 8 9 .5 .
Six of the Best 2015 Join us for this gastronomic evening featuring top chefs from Jumeirah otel ubai, 4 arcons Marie - uimer, cqua, niala, Suay Restaurant and P aresa for a 6 course d inner & bev erag e p airing w hile T he P j ae S tanley B and E ntertains. 4 , 5 0 0 net p er p erson and 1 0 0 % of all fund s raised w ill g o to B arnhem M uang M ai P huk et H ome for C hild ren in N eed . F or reserv ations contact : p ag m@ p or call 0 7 6 - 3 0 2 0 0 0 . P roud ly sup p orted by T he P huk et N ew s.
14th BISP Soccer Sevens British nternational School, Phuket B SP is hosting the annual B SP Soccer Sevens, the largest such schools tournament in sia. The 1 4 th annual ed ition of this famous comp etition, this y ear there w ill be an incred ible 1 6 0 0 comp etitors, w ith 1 4 4 teams from 3 8 international schools, based in 1 2 d ifferent countries. F or more information, v isit bisp 7 or facebook .com/ bisp 7 s. P roud ly sup p orted by T he P huk et N ew s T V .
Indian Curry Night on Fridays C ome to N avr ang M ahal in K aron S ea S and s Resort Spa for an authentic ndian east eve ry F rid ay in K aron B each. T ry out our d elicious loo Tikki, Samosas, hicken Tandoori, loo obi, avrang orma, Butter hicken, L amb V ind aloo, N aan, R ice, S alad s, C hutneys chars, Pistachio ce ream, ulah Jamun, F ruits. F or only 3 9 9 / - nett and sp ecial red uced p rices on d rinks. C ontact: : 0 7 6 - 2 8 6 4 6 4 E xt 4 .
Oasis ed. Phuket Grand Opening Oasis ed. Phuket rand Opening ots of free art & craft activ ities for k id s & ad ults. Join the e citing activities you ve been hearing about w ith O asis ed . P huk et. W in a 3 , 0 0 0 baht v oucher from D aV inci P huk et or a T-shirt from reen Room Surf Shop. reativ e L earning F un for E v ery one at O asis ed . P huk et, S oi N ay a, R aw ai. M ore information p lease contact K ez @oasised p huk, 0 8 4 9 4 6 2 1 7 1 , or v isit oasised p huk P roud ly sup p orted by T he P huk et N ew s.
Mussels night @ Shakers
E e v ry S aturd ay nig ht, N um N oi S ing p atong , the head trainer and ow ner of S ing p atong + S itnumnoi g ym in P atong B each, hosts an elite fight series Suk Singpatong Sitnumnoi Saturday fight night at Patong Bo ing Stadium Sai am en Road , where top international and Thai fighters compete. isit patongbo ingstad for more info. P roud ly sup p orted by lass ct Media. Remark: ree transportation in P atong , K aron, K ata areas w hen req uested in ad va nce. P lease call + 6 6 8 7 3 8 3 3 3 6 4 or + 6 6 7 6 3 4 5 5 7 8 to arrang e the transp ortation before 1 2 p m of each S aturd ay after the p ay ment is confirmed.
Bollywood Phuket’s Weekend Special Indian Lunch Set ome and enjoy the authentic flavours of ndia by ind ulg ing in our w eek end ’ s sp ecial lunch set for only B 3 9 9 + p er p erson betw een 1 1 am- 3 p m. M enu includ es 3 starters, 1 R oti/ N aan, 1 R ice d ish, 1 p ortion L entils, 2 C urries, and a D essert serv ed w ith ndian tea of your choice ll for just B399 per p erson F or more info p lease call 0 7 6 3 0 4 0 3 4 .
L unch or d inner serve d from 2 p m. Y our choice of either roast beef, chicke n, loin of p ork or leg of lamb serve d w ith roast and boiled p otatoes, three fresh ve g etables, Y orksh ire p ud d ing and g ravy . O nly B 3 2 0 p er p erson w hich includ es a free g lass of house red or w hite. O p p osite C entara K aron R esort. S ee otools- p huke
All you can eat BBQ night 6 p m – 1 1 p m: beef, p ork, chicke n, burg ers, sausag es, p raw ns & sq uid s, salad buffet, choice of p otatoes & sauces, bread , buns & g arlic bread R eserva tion recommend ed 3 5 0 baht P .P ., shake rsp huke t@g, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 3 8 1 .
10 NOV
BBQ at Expat Hotel T ime 8 p m, E xp at S p orts B ar, E xp at H otel, S oi T aip an, P atong . w w w .exp atsp
Toastmasters Phuket L ooki ng to d eve lop yo ur p ublic sp eaki ng and leadership skills gnite your career Join T oastmasters P huke t and start maki ng yo urself a leader today nvitation only. ontact Jason on 0 8 6 4 7 9 7 4 7 1 for more info.
11 NOV
Sunday roast at Gallery Cafe By Pinky @ new Chalong branch
Weekends Special Lunch Menu at TEXTURE Café & Restaurant
1 .2 k g mussels serv ed w ith french fries y our choice, y our sty le: nature, mariniere, p rov encale, g arlic & cream or T hai sty le R eserv ation recommend ed B 2 9 5 baht P .P ., shak ersp huk et@ g, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 3 8 1 .
Suk Singpatong + Sitnumnoi
Traditional Sunday Roast Angus O’Tool’s Karon Beach
W e are a W estern & fusion café & restaurant in the heart of Old Phuket Town, offering fine dining exp eriences in the relaxing contemp orary P eranak an café atmosp here. T he restaurant op ens d aily from 4 : 0 0 – 1 1 : 0 0 p m, closed ev ery W ed nesd ay . F rom N ov ember 2 0 1 5 onw ard s, w e are op en for lunch d uring w eek end s from 1 1 : 0 0 am – 1 1 : 0 0 p m w ith v ariety of new mouthw atering lunch menu, info@texturep huk, 0 8 1 9 1 6 1 4 3 0
E e v ry S und ay from 1 2 p m and all- d ay brunch and d inner eve ry d ay from 7 am- 1 0 p m. 089103 000 B : allerycafe by pinky, thegalleryca fe@ya, 0 8 9 1 0 3 7 0 0 0 .
VNEA Pool Leagues Season 3
All you can eat Sunday Roast Buffet Beef, Pork
auliflower, Broccoli,
f you like playing pool, meeting new people and look ing to sharp en y our 8 ball sk ills. T hen this is y our op p ortunity to be a p art of the big g est & most exciting p ool leag ue in the w orld . W inning team wins a trip to egas to play at the as egas. ll e penses paid. f you have any q uestions C ontact us on w w w .facebook .com/ vnea phuket, Tel : 085 9 0202 Thai , 085 9 0002 nglish . mail: info@thailandpooltables. com. P round ly sup p ort by L iv e 8 9 .5 .
11 NOV
14 NOV
25 NOV
All you can eat BBQ Ribs night 6pm 11pm: ll you can eat BB ribs served with salad buffet, potato salad choice of sauces. Reservation recommended 295 baht P.P., shake rsp huke t@g, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 3 8 1 .
Oriental Buffet Dinner at Grand Mercure Phuket Patong
Phuket Cycling Race 2015 Thanyapura s cycling race will be open to all – V I P ’ s and of all ag e g roup s. T he 4 0 k m race is a fun challeng e for families, w hile the 9 0 k m d istance w ill really test y our end urance. Register now https: www.facebook. com/ ev ents/ 1 4 4 6 9 1 8 6 4 5 6 1 2 9 2 2 / C ontact: 0 6 336 000, Proudly supported by ive 89.5.
19 NOV
Phuket FC vs Pichit FC A t S urak ul S tad ium., S tarts at 7 p m., P roud ly supported by lass ct Media.
mbark on a journey to the 4 corners of sia and enj oy a lavi sh array of T hai, C hinese, Ja p anese and other O riental recip es. D eve lop yo ur taste buds and e perience new flavours ranging from spicy curries to barbecued meats and local noodle plates. n evening to remember in one of sia s most vibrant culinary nation. T H B 9 9 9 p er p erson. P erson : R S V P , E mail : h8 1 0 9 , P hone : 0 7 6 2 3 1 9 9 9 .
12 NOV
Free Somtam every Thursday 88 Tasty restaurant and bar offering free Somtam papaya salad if you bring this ad . P urchase w ith another d ish and limit 1 / person week. more information facebook. com/ 8 8 tasty .
FOOD and HOTELEX 2015 The biggest trade fair ever organized in S outhern T hailand . F O O D and H O T E L E X 2015 organised by polink lobal etwork td., The e hibition to be held at Royal Phuket Marina hibition entre from ovember 19-22. ew and interesting products such as food, beverages, kitchenware, hotel products and more will be on display at the ev ent, C ontact: W ichsiree@exp olink .net, 0 2 - 6 4 0 8 0 1 3 # 3 0 .
21 NOV
13 NOV
PGFC Thailand 2016 “Classic” Sport Fishing Tournament 5 hours of non-stop sport fisihing, held offshore” around the S imilan I sland s. A s alw ay s the p riz e monies offered are the larg est in sia. Prizes include fishing trips, tackle, limited ed ition p rints, and much more. M any boats already confirmed, including teams from A ustralia, C anad a, G ermany , U S A , H ong K ong , the U K and S ing ap ore. F or further d etails p lease contact W arren C row e + 6 6 ( 0 ) 8 1 2 7 0 4 2 9 1 or A nd y B rig ht + 6 6 ( 0 ) 862 39948, info@phuketgamefishingclub. com Proudly supported by The Phuket News.
Bollywood Phuket’s Annual Diwali Dhamaka S tarting from 7 p m. - 1 1 p m. T H B 5 9 9 net p son. W elcome D rink , F ing er F ood , B uffet G ames, F ire S how , E ntertainment and D ress C od e: B olly w ood M asq uerad e R S V tact S am 0 8 1 8 9 2 9 2 0 8 / C hin 0 8 1 8 9 9 P riy a 0 8 1 5 3 5 9 0 2 2 .
er p erD inner, M ore... P con0 9 1 9 /
KATA HOT YOGA FOR EVERYBODY O p en ev ery d ay , 3 classes d aily : 9 a.m in the morning , then 5 .1 5 p .m afternoon and 7 .1 5 p .m ev ening . M en and w omen all ag es, j ust come, y ou w ill lov e it. w ork out and stretch. T one y our muscles, lose fat, g et in shap e, and feel g ood . S ee y ou in y og a class soon. ddress : 21 khoktanod road kata beach atahop huk et 8 3 1 0 0 , 0 7 6 6 0 5 9 5 0 , w w w .k ataho ty og
Black Tie Muay Thai II elebrities from Phuket will clash all in the name of a g ood cause. J ason B eav an - G M of C lass A ct M ed ia, K im S tep p e - G M of B lue E lep hant R estaurant, J ay L eshark – D irector of M k t & O p at R oy al P huk et M arina and L eonard o F errari - V olunteer at P H B G T U w ill g et into the ring and d isp ute for g lory .E nj oy a d elicious four course d inner and freely flowing beverages.Tickets 3,500 T B, booking essential p lease contact 0 7 6 - 2 7 8 - 1 4 6 or Proudly support by ive 89.5 and The Phuket ews T V . A d d ress : O utrig g er L ag una P huk et.
N ow 3 classes d aily . 9 am then 5 : 1 5 p m and 7 : 1 5 p m classes are 9 0 minutes. K ata Y og a the most p op ular y og a in P huk et for men and women. t is the best work out ever, getting strong and fle ible, full of vitality, t will mak e y ou v ery hap p y and it show s, y ou w ill walk with a big smile on your face, feeling good. Open everyday, right at the beach, K ata B each, Y ou g ot to try , w arning : v ery ad d ictiv e, once y ou start y ou k eep coming , y ou nev er w ant to stop , 2 1 7 k hok tanod road kata beach phuket 83100, 0 6 605 950, w w w .k atahoty og
Great Mexican, Thai and Flamegrilled Burgers in a beautiful setting! I f y ou hav e time this month g et d ow n to S ea B reez e located in R oy al P huk et M arina. O p en 9 am to 1 0 p m ev ery d ay serv ing home- mad e me ican specialties, flame grilled burgers and Thai specials ll sport available shown live, ontact: Reservations, info@seabreezerp, 0 7 6 3 6 0 8 0 6 .
daily event updates on
Crossword by Myles Mellor & Sally York Across 1. Who was the husband of actress Valeria Hobson? 2. Who asked the questions on the US TV quiz show The Weakest Link? 3. Which BBC television and radio quiz show for schools ran from 1948 to 1986? . he ella wins a e famous p ofessionals in which field 5. What does MDF stand for (as in the engineered wood product)? Answers below, centre.
at the beach 62. Apple picker 1. Greets 63. Foot traveler 64. Depression 6. Milk purchase where structures 11. Agatha Christie’s are attached “The ___ Murders” 65. Embarrassed 14. Be in harmony 66. Bucks 15. Dickens’s ___ 67. Symbols of Heep oppression 16. Driveway material 17. Build at the beach Down 20. Scrape, as the knee 21. Thin and slippery 1. Son of Noah 22. Bother, with “at” 2. Palindromic title 3. Be a pain 25. Not behind 4. Noted Virginia 27. Kind of seal family members 28. Cook at the beach 5. Scurvy grass 32. Fliers in V’s 6. Amounts 33. Fail to see 7. Samovar 34. Reddish-brown 8. Capitol Hill gem worker 35. Struck hard 9. Gallop 37. Expressed 10. Old German 41. React angrily coins: var. 42. Going on and on 11. Duds 43. Prepare to bask 12. Noncompliant on the beach one 49. Barber’s strap 13. Gospels 50. Burrow 18. Abbreviation for 51. Draft pick hyperbolic sine 52. Unwanted stone 19. Waste 55. Ocean menace 22. Sponge cake 57. Slip down a tube ingredient
23. Locality 24. Bleacher feature 26. Base 29. Pounds, shillings and pence, abbr. 30. Took the bait 31. Draw upon 35. Junior, e.g. 36. Welcome ___ 37. Boozer 38. Horne solo 39. Hero 40. Fraction of a newton 41. Indonesian coins 42. Lazy 43. Certain shark 44. Endeavor 45. Like many shorelines 46. Exclusive 47. Parents, usually 48. Cry in a mudslinging contest 53. Blockhead 54. Maori war dance 56. Mix 58. Two-year-old sheep 59. Variety 60. Expected 61. Dash lengths
Solutions to last week’s puzzles:
Answers to this week’s Pop Quiz: 1. John Profumo; 2. Anne Robinson; 3. Top of the Form; 4. Wrestling a ta team . edium densit fib eboa d
This week in history Nov em ber 6 , 1 5 2 8 Shipwrecked Spanish conq uistador Á lvar Nú ñ ez Cabeza de Vaca becomes the first known uropean to set foot in the area that would become Texas.
hours a week of volunteer work is ideal for maintaining a mentally healthy lifestyle.
Nov em ber 7 , 1 9 0 8 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid are reportedly killed in San Vicente, Bolivia.
Nov em ber 8 , 1 8 9 8 The ilmington Insurrection of begins; considerd the only instance of an attempted coup d’ tat in S history. It failed.
years old is the age of Jia Jia, the oldest giant panda in captivity (more than 100 years in human terms).
Nov em ber 9 , 1 9 5 4
Nov em ber 1 0 , 1 8 7 1 Henry Morton Stanley locates missing explorer and missionary, Dr. David Livingstone near Lake Tanganyika, Africa, famously greeting him with the words, “Dr Livingstone, I presume?”
900 million
Nov em ber 1 1 , 1 9 1 8 G ermany signs an armistice agreement with the Allies in a railroad car in the forest of Compi gne, rance. The fighting officially ends at am, and is commemorated annually with a two-minute silence.
Thai singer-songwriter and guitarist Aed Carabao (Carabao) is born.
people in the United States are named “Seven”.
public schools in Japan closed between 2002 and 2013 due to low birth rates.
dollars a year is lost by US business every Friday the 13th as people change their daily routines out of fear. Source: Uberfacts
Under a purple sky. Photo by Jethro Rimando Abagao Got an unusual or particularly beautiful picture of Phuket? Email it to
Nov em ber 1 2 , 1 9 2 7 eon Trotsky is expelled from the Soviet Communist Party, leaving Joseph Stalin in undisputed control of the Soviet nion.
S o u rc e: W i k i p edi a thephuketnews
• Sales representative
Good in Chinese and English, Experience in real estate sales.
• Sales Staff at booth good in English.
Contact: Kaew,, Phone: 094 807 3434.
F&B Outlets Manager Best Western Premier Bangtao Beach Resort & Spa, Phuket is looking for F&B Outlets Manager. Position Overview: Primarily responsible for the leadership of all public dining outlets. Ensures overall guest satisfaction. Manage all aspects of the Food & Bev. Outlet(s) including Restaurant and Bar in accordance with company’s health & safety standards. Position Requirements: Minimum of two years supervisory experience in a full service four-five star restaurant preferred. Possesses strong leadership and motivational skills. Possesses strong knowledge of beverage cost control procedures, wines and spirits. Possesses food knowledge in various cuisines and fine dining food service styles. Computer literate with high proficiency in POS, inventory control and spreadsheet applications and word processing. Possesses strong training skills. Work permit will be provided.
Please send your CV to or call 076 270688. @thephuketnews
FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @thephuketnews
C lass A ct M ed ia is southern T hailand ' s most comp rehensiv e med ia comp any , incorp orating P huk et’ s lead ing E ng lish new sp ap er ‘ The Phuket News’ , R ussian lang uag e new sp ap er ' Novosti Phuketa' , C hinese lang uag e new sp ap er ' Puji Doa X in Wen' , P huk et’ s lead ing E ng lish rad io station ‘ Live 8 9 .5’ , P huk et E ng lish T V ' Phuket News TV' and a a host of p ublications & serv ices includ ing ‘ The Phuket Colouring book’ & ‘ Phuket Ticket Master’ .
Graphic Designer
W e are currently recruiting for a g rap hic d esig ner to j oin our team to hand le the layo ut of our p ublications, includ ing online.
The job: W
e r eq ui r e F ul l T i me G r a phi c D esi g ner s to ha nd l e:
D esig ning ad ve rtisements for clients L ayo ut of T he P huke t N ew s and our other p ublications A ll artw ork and g rap hic d esig n w ork related to p rod uction
Applicants must have: E xcellent ski lls w ith I nD esig n, P hotoshop , I llustrator and other g rap hic d esig n softw are M in. 1 ye ar exp erience in d esig n and layo ut of new sp ap ers or mag azi nes G ood E ng lish ( w ritten and sp oke n)
We offer: C omp etitive salary F riend ly w ork envi ronment E xcellent p rog ress op p ortunity and j ob security I nterested ap p licants are invi ted to ap p ly in p erson or send ap p lication w ith full resume ind icating q ualifications and exp erience, exp ected salary and recent p hoto to:
Class Act Media Co., Ltd.
9 9 / 7 M oo 1 T . K athu A . K athu P huke t 8 3 1 2 0 T el: 0 7 6 6 1 2 5 5 0 - 2 F ax: 0 7 6 6 1 2 5 5 3
C lass A ct M ed ia is southern T hailand ' s most comp rehensiv e med ia comp any , incorp orating P huk et’ s lead ing E ng lish new sp ap er ‘ The Phuket News’ , R ussian lang uag e new sp ap er ' Novosti Phuketa' , C hinese lang uag e new sp ap er ' Puji Doa X in Wen' , P huk et’ s lead ing E ng lish rad io station ‘ Live 8 9 .5’ , P huk et E ng lish T V ' Phuket News TV' and a a host of p ublications & serv ices includ ing ‘ The Phuket Colouring book’ & ‘ Phuket Ticket Master’ .
for our rad io and T V p ortals in P huke t. L I V E 8 9 .5 is the lead ing E ng lish- sp eaki ng rad io station and P huke t N ew s T V is the island ’ s lead ing d ig ital T V p ortal. H ere’ s our w ishlist for the id eal ap p licant: yo u’ ll need y ou’ ll need yo u’ ll need yo u’ ll need T hais and
a g ood command of w ritten and sp oke n E ng lish to k now the basics of acq uiring and p rep aring new s to be comfortable in front of a camera to be comfortable in front of a rad io microp hone foreig ners w elcome to ap p ly
Responsibilities :
Assisting the PR manager with planning and implementing PR plans for the company Representing the company at events & exhibitions General Marketing and PR admin tasks
Good communication skills both in Thai & English Degree qualified – recent graduate welcome to apply Have own transport (bike or car) Ability to work after normal work hours and/or weekends (time in lieu will be given)
We offer:
Competitive salary Social security (10%) paid by the company Excellent career progress opportunity Time in lieu for any overtime hours worked If you are professional & enthusiastic person, this is an excellent opportunity to advance in a growing & innovative media business in Phuket
Interested candidates are invited to send application with full resume, in English, indicating qualifications, experience, recent photo and expected salary.
Apply online at
Class Act Media Co., Ltd.
Moo 1 T. athu . athu Phuket 83120 Tel: 0 6 612 550-2 a : 0 6 612 553
Chinese Editor
C lass A ct M ed ia seek s a C hinese E d itor to head up our new p ublication T he P huk et N ew s ( C hinese) , a C hinese- lang uag e new sp ap er for S outhern T hailand . T he p osition is based in P huk et.
Be a native hinese speaker with strong nglish communication skills. This role would suit someone with a strong editing, writing, and manage ment background, preferably in newspapers though those with magazine exp erience w ill also be consid ered . deally, candidates will have first-hand knowledge of Thailand and its current affairs, culture and p olitics, but ap p licants w ith a strong connection to sia are also welcome to apply.
Qualifications: Thai or
cellent communication and negotiation skills in Thai and nglish. ighly motivated self-starter with a positive attitude. orks well under pressure and has a will to succeed.
We offer:
ompetitive salary, bonuses and travel e penses.
We offer:
We’ ll provide training for the right person. ( and all the other stuff) I nterested cand id ates are inv ited to send their ap p lications, w ith full resume, in E ng lish ind icating q ualifications, exp erience, recent p hoto and exp ected salary .A p p ly online at
nterested candidates are invited to send their applications, with full resume, in E ng lish ind icating q ualifications, exp erience, recent p hoto and exp ected salary. pply online at
Class Act Media Co., Ltd.
lass ct Media is southern Thailand s most comprehensive media company, incorporating Phuket s leading nglish newspaper ‘ The Phuket News’ , Russian language newspaper ' Novosti Phuketa' , hinese language newspaper ' Puji Doa X in Wen' , Phuket s leading nglish radio station ‘ Live 8 9 .5’ , Phuket nglish T ' Phuket News TV' and a a host of publications services including ‘ The Phuket Colouring book’ & ‘ Phuket Ticket Master’ .
friendly work environment, 5-day work week 8.30am-6pm , competitive salary, local health insurance, work-related travel e penses, time in lieu for overtime, and the chance to live and e perience a great part of the world, while also furthering your career. The position is open to both foreign and Thai nationals, but you must be a native hinese speaker. or foreigners, a work permit and visa will be provided.
9 9 / 7 M oo 1 T . K athu A . K athu P huke t 8 3 1 2 0 T el: 0 7 6 6 1 2 5 5 0 - 2 F ax: 0 7 6 6 1 2 5 5 3
lass ct Media is southern Thailand s most comprehensive media company, incorporating Phuket s leading nglish newspaper ‘ The Phuket News’ , Russian language newspaper ' Novosti Phuketa' , hinese language newspaper ' Puji Doa X in Wen' , Phuket s leading nglish radio station ‘ Live 8 9 .5’ , Phuket nglish T ' Phuket News TV' and a a host of publications services including ‘ The Phuket Colouring book’ & ‘ Phuket Ticket Master’ .
lass ct Media is southern Thailand s most comprehensive media company, incorp orating P huk et’ s lead ing E ng lish new sp ap er ‘ The Phuket News’ , R ussian lang uag e new sp ap er ' Novosti Phuketa' , C hinese lang uag e new sp ap er ' Puji Doa X in Wen' , P huk et’ s lead ing E ng lish rad io station ‘ Live 8 9 .5’ , P huk et E ng lish T V ' Phuket News TV' and a a host of publications services including ‘ The Phuket Colouring book’ & ‘ Phuket Ticket Master’ .
RADIO/TV JOURNALIST/PRESENTER Class Act Media is looki ng for a yo ung and d yn amic p resenter
Class Act Media Co., Ltd.
Moo 1 T. athu . athu Phuket 83120 Tel: 0 6 612 550-2 a : 0 6 612 553
friendly work environment. Social security paid by the company. cellent career progress opportunities. Interested candidates are invited to send application with full resume, in English, indicating qualifications, experience, recent photo and expected salary.
Apply online at
Class Act Media Co., Ltd.
Moo 1 T. athu . athu Phuket 83120 Tel: 0 6 612 550-2 a : 0 6 612 553
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BOATS & YACHTS 3 3 /F Gulf Craft W/A
T wo suz uk i 225 H P outboards - onl y 300 hours, custom made RI B- dinghy with smal l outboard, engine el ectronics and hydraul ics, ray marine G PS / radar/ depth sounder, many ex tras. 3,8 50,000. T H B, 08 9 8 73 3713.
4.1M/40 HP RIB, 0 9 /20 14 AS NEW!
Bought in sept. 2014 ,14 hrs onl y! suz uk i engine+ boat under warranty ( suz uk i phuk et) . bimini+ trail er+ tube cov ers. 09358 4 0565 ( rus/ eng) 098 708 6632 ( fr/ eng, 350,000 thb,)
Silver Princess Yacht PC5 3 0
53 ft Power Catamaran by S il v er Princess Y achts. Beautiful design, compact yacht with space & modern interior. D imensions: 53 ft l ength, 21 ft beam, 4 ft draft, 50 passengers, 22,000,000 T H B, S onny, 669 8 8 10 5024 , www. sil v er-, sonny@ sil v er-
CAR FOR SALE Company Cars For Sale - AS NEW
A LL Cars A utomat A l l l ow mil eage( 20- 30 T k m) . A l l 2013 Model s 1.H onda City 395.000 2.H onda Brio 34 9.000 3.S uz uk i S wift 34 9.000 4 .N issan A l mera 34 9.000 5.H onda F reed 639.000 6.Chev rol et T rail bl az er LT Z 94 9.000 7.N issan X T rail 779.000 A l l cars in top condition, with l eather interior. Contact 08 674 79292 or 08 19705204 .
Ford Fiesta 1.6L Sport
17- inch Y achiY oda wheel s, 133T k m on clock, first and only owner, serviced by F ord A nuphas Phuk et, bl ue book incl uded, insurance and tax recentl y renewed - til l 2016/ 2559, bl uetooth surround sound ( incl . tel ephone) , and park ing sensors ( rear) onl y 399.000 T H B - car is in great condition - k indl y contact 08 2 4 15 0503 for more information.
CAR FOR SALE Everest 4WD Q uick Sale
10+ yrs but mechanical l y driv es and l ook s great. Manual . Onl y B4 50,000 or offers abov e 4 00k considered for fast sal e, B4 50,000 T H B, peterh@ , 08 1- 8 926710.
Nissan Teana 2.5 Lt
Model 2014 17,000k m. N ew price 1.7Ml n N OW 1,050,000Baht Eng: 08 1 78 8 8 28 0 T hai: 090 163 214 0, Contact Maurice, maurice.phuk et@ gmail .com , 090 163 214 0.
Mitsub ishi Paj ero Sports
Mitsubishi Pajero S ports 2012, A 1 condition, 14 ,000 KM, S il v er Col our. 950,000T H B Eng: Ph. 0993614 58 2 T hai: Ph. 08 0 38 3 3060.
Toyota Fortuner Turb o Diesel
F ORT U N ER A U T O T urbo D iesel 105000Km. Metal . G rey One F arang Owner T oyota S erv ice H istory. Bar F ront and Back , Ex cel l ent condition Bl ue Book Rego and insurance to May 2016 G oing Ov ersea, Price : 695,000 T H B, A ndre A cca, andre. acca@ hotmail .fr, 08 19794 54 7.
t sa n e g
Honda J az z 20 0 9 15 0 0 cc Auto
57,000k ms. One owner since new. Regul arl y serv iced by H onda. T ax and I nsurance until the end of June and av ail abl e now at right offer.Reduced by 4 0,000bht, Price : RED U CED to 330,000bht o.n.o, A ndy + 668 4 690914 4 , andysmal ster@ gmail .com Price : RED U CED to 330,000bht o.n.o, A ndy + 668 4 690914 4 , andysmal ster@ gmail .com.
20 12 Toyota Fortuna 24,0 0 0 km
2012 Pearl white T oyota F ortuna F or S al e. 3.0 D 4 D V N T urbo G reat condition- Baht Bl ack l eather interior. T ax / insurance til l 2016, 900,000, Loch Pal m, Kathu, Phuk et, gl awre123@ gmail .com, 08 98 668 8 25.
TOYOTA Fortune 20 0 6
7 seats, Bl ack , F amil y car, Petrol 2,98 2cc Bl ue book , S erv ice history T oyota Pearl , 160,000k ms. A U T OMA T I C transmission, gol fguru2005@ , 076 615 8 27.
TOYOTA Fortune 20 0 9
7 seats, S il v er, G PS v ideo, F amil y car D iesel 2,694 cc, Bl ue book S erv ice history T oyota Pearl 78 ,000k ms. A U T OMA T I C transmission, gol fguru2005@ , 076 615 8 27.
1996 T oyota Corol l a S edan, S il v er G ray. A utomatic power steering, good aircon, good tyres. 173,00k ms. N ew S tereo, tinted windows. Bargain at 14 5,000 Baht. Kamal a. Cal l N orm 08 3 18 2 2797.
Nissan Teana Special 6 cyl
N issan T eana S pecial 6 cyl N o v ember 2013 17000 Km N ew price 1.700.000.T H B Price N OW 1,100,000. T H B, Maurice, Maurice.phuk et@ gmail .com, 09 9 302 7071, T hai: 090 163 214 0.
CAR FOR RENT Long term car rental
hav e a good car rental , T oyota V ios, Maz da 2 or simil ar with true ful l professional insurance and 24 / 7 support Monthl y rates B14 000, S oi S uk ee 4 0/ 19 moo 9 Chao fa east rd 39 chal ong muang, ninascars@ gmail .com, 08 9 64 8 04 99.
Buy&Sell MOTORBIKES FOR SALE Kawasaki Versys 65 0 ABS 20 12
S howroom condition, new from Kawasak i Phuk et May 2012, 2,000k m, H epco & Beck er Engine Bars & Rear- rack , Kawasak i H andguards and Pyramid H ugger., 220,000 T H B, Paul , 08 4 1 303 234 , Pl ongmore@ hotmail .com
MEMBERSHIPS Blue Canyon Memb ership
Bl ue Canyon Membership for sal e. 1 corporate nominee for sal e T H B 630,000 inc transfer fee. grahamhasl am@ hotmail .com
PETS FOR ADOPTION 2 toy poodles for adoption
2 toy poodl es dumped on the side of a busy road in Rawai, N ow l ook ing for a new home Contact : S herin. peace@ gmail .com for inquires 08 4 8 77 3566.
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES German b akery & deli & snack
Main road, 8 years cl ientel e, tak e ov er + incl . training compl ete equipment, staff room, 3 or 5 years l easing contract. Y earl y v ol ume 4 mio. hansibak ery@ gmail .com, Price: 3.5 mil l ion, Contact Mr. S tark , ansibak ery@ gmail .com
Best Deal
Rawai business for sal e. A rea approx 2Rai, can do restaurant or other business.F iv e mins from beach. Long term l ease, yearl y rent B200,000. 4 bedrooms house incl uded. Reduce from B98 0,000 to B520,000. Contact Khun A sok e at 08 9 64 6 7176 / big_ redchil i@
FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @thephuketnews
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Bangla Nightclub for Lease
I ncl udes top end l ighting and sound systems, POS , fridges and furniture. N o k ey money, just rent. S impl y add stock and staff to be ready to go, Contact: S tev e, stev epearcergj@ hotmail , 08 9 58 7 08 19 ( EN ) .
Restaurant on Main Street
Large, tasteful l y decorated restaurant in Cherngtalay. Fully fitted and equipped k itchen, 100 seats, bar. W al k in and start business. A sk ing B 1.4 mil l . 08 9 4 00 5907.
Wellness Centre For Sale
Ocean Breez e Residence. T otal l and 1,8 00 sq.m ( 5 Rai) . Located on Kho Khao I sl and. ( about 20 k ms. from Khao Lak ) ex actl y on stunning beach front. Buil t in year 2011. A ccommodation: 8 V il l as, 6 One- Bedroom A partment, 6 T wo- Bedroom A partment. * * 90 % book ed for accommodation in H igh S eason* * , Price: 18 0 MB, benjamas.newdetox @ gmail .com, 061- 207 2077.
CATERING EQUIPMENT Tommy’ s 2 Tuk Tuk’ s for sale!
Ex cel l ent condition, wel l maintained. S tandard 200,000 / food truck 250,000. Cal l 08 1 908 9724 or T om.somsanuk @ gmail .com
ACTIVITIES, GROUPS Free Tiya’ s Hammocks campaign
W in F ree hammock from T iya’ s H ammock s Phuk et. W inner wil l get V W eav e hammock , handmade from N orth of T hail and, weight capacity 250 k gs. V al ue 5,200 T H B. More detail s v isit F acebook : T iya’ s hammock s, Contact: T iya, tiya@ tiyashammock s. com, 08 9 600 004 1.
Roof top Patong Mini Golf
T he best sea v iew 18 H ol es, roof top Mini G ol f. Located on the 4th floor of Banana Walk Plaza in Patong, 091 762 2628 , http:/ / patongminigol
OTHER Office Sp ce
Office Space Laguna - Plaza del Mar Fully Furnished offices 4 Office Suite plus boardroom Rent entire unit or individual office 08 0 04 5 4 4 74 .
Resort for sal e l ease any offer consider! I want go sail ing again! ! , A ddress : 67/ 18 S oi S ermsuk Rawai Phuk et, bigasail @, Contact + 66 ( 0) 8 6 94 018 60.
For Sale
I ndustrial ov er l ock er. W hitehouse Brand. 3 T hread. Brand new nev er used. F ul l tool k it. Bargain at 12,000 Baht. Cal l S andi 08 7 264 0778 .
CAR WASH DELIVERY Tired Of Wasting Time?
S A V E T I M E ! W e clean y our car at y our p lace. N o.1 car w ash d eliv ery in P huk et. C all 0 7 6 3 5 5 - 0 4 2 or g o to C leanC for more d etails.
PERSONAL SERVICES 24Hrs Service Home &Hotel Call
H ealth C are @ H ome C linic, M ed ical S erv ice C enter 2 4 hrs serv ice home and hotel call, C ontact: D r.P hisit K amp eera, p isit.d, 0 8 1 6 9 3 4 8 1 6 , 0 8 1 9 5 8 8 8 9 1 , 0 7 6 3 8 5 2 9 1 .
Grand Boat Plaza – House for Sale/Rent
N ew d etached v illa w ith mod ern sty le in H eart of P huk et T ow n w ith 3 bed rooms, 3 bathrooms and 2 car p ark s. S p acious op en liv ing and d ining areas w ith hig h ceiling s. Q uiet location surround ing w ith nature, secure w ith C C T V and 2 4 hrs security serv ice, larg e communal sw imming p ool and clubhouse. C losed to maj or d ep artment stores such as C entral F estiv al‚ T esco L otus, B ig C , I nternational schools and hosp itals. C ontact 0 9 5 2 5 7 7 9 9 8 , allabouthk t@g
KITCHEN SERVICE The Knife-grinder service
M obile sharp ening serv ice for k niv es and meat slicer blad es, blunt k niv es sharp ened p rofessionally w ith G erman k now - how ., C ontact: M r. D irk , thek nifeg rind, 0 8 7 2 7 6 5 8 6 9 .
PROPERTY FOR SALE Land Cherngtalay Bangjo 530sqm
C lose to L ay an H ill E state, g reat location, 4 k m to B ang tao beach, lag una, V illa M ark et, T esco L otus, R ead y to build 1 or 2 p ool v illas, P rice: 3 .3 M L , k w ansucha@hotmail. com, 0 9 4 4 2 4 6 1 4 2 .
F antastic 8 2 5 sq m. p lot w ith 2 5 m. ocean frontag e on C oconut I sland in beach resort. E lectricity / W ater av ailable, read y to build . S up er V iew s. J ust 2 0 0 meters from P huk et. 2 4 / 7 F ree B oat T axi O nly 7 .5 m. T H B ! claud strey @g, 0 8 6 7 4 7 9 2 9 2 .
B A R G A IN H U N T E R S ! 3 B R /3 B A T H C ond o, 1 6 4 sq m.. N ew R enov ated , T op C ond ition, F ully F urnished . F oreig n F reehold T itle. B est unit at B elair P anw a. O N L Y 5 .9 5 m. T H B , claud strey @g, 0 8 6 7 4 7 9 2 9 2 .
Karon Hill - Super Deal
S E A V I E W C O N D O at K aron H ill for sale at a real barg ain p rice, only 6 .9 5 m. T H B . F oreig n F reehold , 1 0 2 sqm.,great seaview,furnished,4th floor. D irect from ow ner, P rice: 6 9 5 0 0 0 0 , claud strey @g, + 6 6 8 6 7 4 7 9 2 9 2 .
Laguna townhouse for sale
O n L ag una g olf course w ith 3 bed rooms, 2 1 / 2 baths p lus g uest suite/ maid ’ s q uarters. 2 car g arag e, cov ered outd oor liv ing area. J acuz z i and p ool. G olf membership s, w alk to club house. S huttle serv ice to L ag una facilities. F ully or p artially furnished – less than 2 0 M B ., p huk etmusic@y
L and for sale close to the sea B ang T ao M arina H otel 1 0 8 rooms. L and 1 .5 R ais 2 8 M B . C ontact: M r. C hoochart U bolsak , 0 8 1 - 2 6 1 3 4 8 6 .
Laguna - Luxury 1 Bedroom - Go
Renovated: new kitchen, wood floor and air conditioning. Surround sound sy stem, semi furnished . P rice includ es L ag una G olf M embership and P riv ileg e C ard ., C ontact: G iulio S antoro, p huk et3 2 0 3 @g, 0 8 4 2 4 7 1 6 3 2 .
Perfect Business in Karon
Shophouse 5 story with profitable, spa massag e business and ap artment. I n p erfect cond ition and v ery g ood location. I nclud e T hai C omp any , P rice: R ed uced from 1 9 to 1 6 M il., g hfsp huk et@, 0 8 6 2 7 1 8 2 5 4
Fully tenanted office building
L and 1 - 0 - 1 1 .5 0 R ai/ 1 , 6 4 6 sq .m. U sable sp ace: 1 , 4 2 4 sq .m. T itle d eed - clean & clear from all encumbrances. A ttractiv e S ale & L easeback terms w ith M ultinational T enant. P erson : M r. Marcus Burtenshaw, officeinquiries@ th.k nig htfrank .com, 0 2 6 4 3 8 2 2 3 # 1 0 4 , F ax : 0 2 6 4 3 8 2 2 4 .
F or S ales 3 bed 4 bath w ith p artly furnished N ice T ow n H ome in full facilities estate. W alk ing d istance to the beach, R eal g reat V alue, P rice: 5 , 9 0 0 , 0 0 0 , P erson: J ay P ak in, j ay @siam- realty .com, 0 8 2 2 8 2 2 5 3 2 .
A new era in design Pool villa
G org eous 3 bed rooms P riv ate p ool v illas. Q uality and eleg ant structuring w ith sing le storey 3 2 0 sq . m near L ay an B each, C ontact: info@ assetorchard .com , 0 9 4 5 4 6 0 4 2 2 .
Villa For Sale
V illa for sale. T hen, 4 bed room F amily home read y to mov e into betw een P huk et T ow n and C halong . G reat location close to schools and other amenities. 7 .7 M B , 0 8 4 0 3 2 1 6 7 4 .
Beachfront Condo for Sale
2 B ed / 2 B ath- 1 3 4 sq m- P art S eav iew F ully furnished - B each F ront C ond o only T H B 8 2 ’ 0 0 0 / sq m - C hanote B uy in F oreig ner N ame or L ease. P rice : 1 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , P erson : stefan , A d d ress : C ond o at S erenity R esort & R esid ences , E mail : stefancond o@g , P hone : 0 8 1 8 4 6 7 7 7 0 .
Horst Lakits
B ig A R esort sale or long term lease south P huk et any serious offer consid ered I w ant to g o sailing ag ain, P rice: 2 7 M io, P erson: H orst L ak its, A d d ress : 6 7 / 1 8 S oi S ermsuk R aw ai, E mail: big asail@ , P hone : + 6 6 0 8 6 9 4 0 1 8 6 0 , F ax : + 6 6 ( 0 ) 7 6 3 8 1 9 3 4 .
Sale: Semi detached house
L iv ing room 2 d ouble bed rooms 1 fitted furniture and en- suite fitted kitchen, office, bathroom, carp ort, g ard en L and 1 8 8 sq m, house 7 5 sq m. P rice : 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , C ontact K hun P eter, B aan Pleunjan 2, Paklok, Talang,, 0869051406.
The Base Downtown
F ully - F urnished C ond o, 2 0 0 m. from C entral. 1 B R S tarts 3 M B . R ead y to mov e in. T el: 0 8 1 - 8 1 9 8 5 3 9 , sarinthorny ang @g
C ontact: maurice schelv is, A d d ress: 1 3 3 / 6 6 p atak R d p huk et 8 3 1 0 0 , P hone: 0 8 1 7 8 8 8 2 8 0 , maurice.p huk et@g
Luxury 4 bed Villa
L uxury 4 bed V illa, 3 B ung alow s & land for sale in N ai H arn area. V iew w ebsite at w w w .p huk etv illa.forsalefor comp lete d etails. A sk ing 3 3 , 8 8 8 , 0 0 0 million baht. C ontact: C hris N ew ton, 0 8 7 8 8 4 8 9 7 2 .
5 mins to L ag una/ L ay an, C oz try - T uscany sty le, 3 + 1 B E D 3 B L and 2 2 4 sq m B uilt 2 4 0 sq ow ner, Q uick sale, P rice: 4 .6 5 k w , 0
y L oft- C ounath+ J acuz z i, m A rchitect M , C ontact: 9 4 4 2 4 6 1 4 2 .
Anuphas Golfville House- Kathu
L and 1 6 2 sq w a. L arg e P ool/ Jacuzzi-3 Bed-4 Bath-Office-2 S torag e B uild ing - A larm S y stem and much more. R ed uced 2 2 M B to 1 8 M B for Q uick S ale, C ontact: mrg eoffcurry @y ahoo. com, S i + 6 6 8 1 9 7 0 8 8 9 6 T H / E N G G eoff + 6 6 8 1 8 5 4 0 0 6 1 E N G .
3 Bedroom Detached, Big Garden
2 9 / 6 0 C huan C heun L ag oon, near B ritish S chool & B oat L ag oon M arina ( shop s, g y m, sw im p ool) . 2 C hanod e land titles 5 8 4 sq .m. G ood w ater sup p ly . P riv ate cul- d e- sac location, P rice: 5 , 8 4 0 , 0 0 0 B aht, K oh K aew , C ontact: A J , ad rian.j .simp son@g, 0 8 6 0 4 0 6 8 6 6 .
Beautiful 4 bed & 4 bath 260sqm house on 800sm land plot. Interior living area plus 2 car garage, 74sqm Sala & pool. IN RAWAI/NAIHARN. Price: 12.75M. David Rosamond., Tel: 087 267 1282.
Beachfront House
4-Bedroom house on semiprivate beach available for sale and rent. Can easily be divided into two separate and identical properties. The rental/sale can also include a self-contained 1-bedroom bungalow, Price: 18.2 MB, Rent 110,000 THB, Alex Seago,, 087-8923876.
Make money NOW Kata Beach House
Are you tired of driving to work? Buy this now! Great Location, Spa, 7 Bedroom, 7 Bathroom, all with kitchens. Rent or live with good income. 5 minutes walk to the beach ขายของได้, Price : 9 MB or Offer , Person : Khun Arreerat , Email :, kataari@ , Phone : 086 595 8512, 081 970 4638.
Beach Front Land
Absolute Beach Front Land for Sale From only 1,700,000 Baht per Rai. Let your dreams come true!! Please go to www.thailandliving. life, Price: 1,700,000, Patchanee Klongdee,
House in Karon for Sale.
Hard to find 3 bed room , 3 bath room house for sale in the perfect location near Kata & Karon beach, well maintained with a salt water pool, Price : 16,000,000, Narrisara (Tic), 7/8 Patak Soi 10, Karon,, 0991642991.
Sea view land in Patong
The Last Piece of Sea View Land on Prime Location in Patong, just 500 m. from Patong beach, 1.3 KM. to Jungceylon Shopping Mall, Contact: Karuna, kpattarawalee@,089-967-5373.
PROPERTY FOR SALE Pool Villa Patong 7.6MB
Beautiful Freehold German built detached home. 3 bed, 3 bath, Euro Kitchen, open plan,+ garage. Full furn. Close beach & Shopping Ctre, Khun Oscar, Email: , Phone: 087-8931753.
Ocean View Land Kamala
Half rai 797sq.m. cleared and leveled, power connected, sealed road, MUST SELL 6.75million. For ENG 090 492 3101 THA 093 768 6694.
Waterfront Condominium
The Cleat Condo, residence project in Krabi Boat Lagoon Marina. Price 3-9MB, size 37-119 Sq.M., 1 or 2 bedroom, marina view. For rent/sale.
Patong sea view land
Located in Patong with the size of 1200 sqm. Selling price at 10.5 Million THB, with a chanote certificate (allowed to construct any sort of project). Also, the land is devided in three parts of chanote, and can be sold separately with a negotiable price range from the selling price of 10.5 M THB, Mr. Fernando Parrella. Contact: or 092 949 9697.
PROPERTY FOR RENT Patong Tower Condo
1 or 2 bedroom corner apartment 76 sqm. 270 degree beach & mountain views, 9th floor, kitchen, 2 balconies. Rent 39,000 baht per month, or buy for 9.5MB. Contact: John, Patong:, 0810808831.
Direct beach front land for rent. Long and short term. Area 2400 sq meter with beach front of 40 meter, Contact: Mr. Narin,, 081 826 9390.
PROPERTY FOR RENT Office/Shop for Rent
Ground Floor space with excellent positioning on Chalong Pier Road. For more information, please call 081 416 4177 or 076 381 341.
Apartments w/ Pool Chalong
Great location! 2-Bed & Studio air-con apartments for rent. Special rates September: from 8,000 baht/mth for select Studios and 18,000 for 2-Bed incl WiFi, maid, kitchenette. Excellent high-season rates too. Shared pool., Price: 8000 , Phone: 086 2826221.
Opp Bkk Hospital, 40SQM room with balcony, PV car park, elevator, PH:076 254 480, +6693 640 5554, +6681 797 1008, IDRESIDENCES@ HOTMAIL.COM
2 Luxury Condos, Fully-Furnished
“The Base Downtown” 35 sqm. near Central Festival 16,000 THB/Month, “Patong Loft” 56 sqm. 5 Min. to Patong beach 25,000 THB/Month, Price : 16,00025,000 THB, Mr. Aoody,, 099-5169959, 095-9799356 ( English & Thai)
House for rent - Near Pah-klok
Long term, quality furnishings, near Heroines Monument, 3 bed, 2 baths plus office. Good garden. THB35,000 per month. Call 087 878 5804.
Luxury 1 Bedroom Apartment
Luxury 1 bedroom serviced ground floor apartment, 65 SQM, Central Patong. Available now for this High Season. Short or long term. For details, ianscondo21@
Panoramic Sea View Land
Panoramic Sea View Land near Mission Hill 6 rai. Chanote title 37,000 THB per square wah, hand - over fees included. Ideal for pool villas, hotel and condo. Free consulting by expert - Project references. Dewa Resort & Spa Phuket and Mama Resort Phi Phi island etc. Contact: Pa Klock, 083 389 7799, 082 894 6699.
New Twin House Only 1.77Mil.
One storey twin house, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with kitchen, all living space is 81 Sq.M. and land is 46-49 Sq.wa. Located at Paklock, just only 10 minute from Monument. Near the airport, Surin Beach and Mission Hill Golf Club. Khun Suwit , Tel 081 895 6969.
Awesome ocean view
Cleared block with sealed road and power at Kamala Heights. 1.6kms to beach and post office. 797sqm with safe title. 6.75 mill Ono phone owner, Contact: Yok,, 093 768 6694, 081 077 1600.
Late goal seals Phuket victory FOOTBALL
YL1 Week 32/38 Team
Saroj Kueprasertkij rep orter3 @classactmed
huket FC came back from a goal down to secure a much needed 2 – 1 win against fellow relegation battlers Ayutthaya FC at Surakul Stadium last Sunday night (Nov 1). G oing into the game, the 32 nd of the 38 -game season, the Ronins sat in 15th place in the Yamaha League Division One table with 35 points, the visitors meanwhile sat in 19 th with 32 p oints. The Ronins made a confident start to the game and had much of the possession in the early stages, however, it was the Ancient Warriors who had the first real goal scoring opportunity with a q uick counter attack in the 17th minute. A long ball from Ayutthaya’s Thanat Jantaya found an unmarked Sirichai Lamphutha in the box, however, his shot to the near post was blocked by Phuket’s Piyawat Intarapim. Phuket had their f irst chance at goal 10 minutes
Police Utd
Pattaya Utd 30
4 5
Phuket FC captain Yusuke Sato (36) celebrates heading home the team’s winner against Ayutthaya FC at Surakul Stadium last Sunday. Photo: Puvadon Photographer later. Captain Sato Yusuke took a shot from 18 yards out, but his effort went just over the bar. Despite Phuket having control of the game, it was the visitors who took the lead in the 37th minute. Somchai Singhamanee took possession of the ball from inside Ayutthaya’s penalty box and sent the ball down the right to Narongsak Sodsai. A nice first touch from Narongsak left him in plenty of space and he struck a low shot which went in off the post. But Phuket levelled the match just before the halftime whistle. A long ball forward from Satawat Incharoen caused
confusion between Warrior’s keeper Noguchi Pinto Erikson and left back Nonthaphan Jeersathawong and this allowed an unmarked Chatdanai Joompha to neatly lob the keeper. The Ronins started the second-half strongly and had early chances, the first a shot from top-scorer Berlin Ndebi which was well saved by Noguchi. Moments later a powerful header from Sato was again saved by Noguchi. Ayutthaya came close to regaining the lead in the 61st minute. Right back Narongsak curled a shot from 18 yards out which just cleared the bar. With four minutes of extratime to play, most were expecting the game to finish level,
but in the dying seconds the stadium erupted when Sato sealed Phuket’s third win in as many games. A neat free-kick from about 2 0 yards outside the box found the head of Moussa Sylla who nodded it on to the far post where an unmarked Sato made no mistake in powering the ball into the net with his head. Speaking to Th e Ph u k et News after the match, Phuket’s Coach Dang said he felt really happy with the result and that the players all put 100 per cent into the game. When asked if he felt Phuket can avoid the drop to division 2 he replied, “I am always telling the players to
Airforce Nakhon Pathom
Thai Honda 13
PTT Rayong
Samut Songkhram
work hard and give their all for Phuket FC, and they are giving it their all right now. We will continue to battle to avoid relegation.” Meanwhile, central defender Trent McClenahan who
is now becoming a regular face in the starting 11 said, “This was a big result for the team and the club. From the last three or four performances you can see that the team is really fighting to avoid relegation and we need to keep this confidence going. “For sure the team wants to survive in the league and the players are all working hard in training and on the pitch. “I think now maybe we’re getting a bit more luck than before, and now the confidence within the team is growing every time we get a good result. Hopefully we can take this into the last few games and stay in the league for the fans and for the club.” The win keeps Phuket in 15th place in the league, the last relegation spot, but now eq ual on points (38 ) with 14th placed Krabi FC. Phuket FC next hit the road on Sunday Nov 2 2 when they take on table toppers Police U nited, before returning to Surakul Stadium on Wednesday, Nov 2 5 when the visitors will be fellow relegation battlers Phichit FC. C las s Ac t M edi a are p ro u d m edi a s p o ns o r o f Ph u k et FC .
Bigger, better than before The 14th annual BISP Soccer Sevens kicks off FOOTBALL Matt Pond ed itor3 @classactmed
here has been a real sense of excitement from students and teachers at British International School, Phuket (BISP) in recent weeks, and it has all come from the lead-up to the kick-off today (November 6) of the BISP Soccer Sevens. Now in its 14th edition, the 2 015 BISP Soccer Sevens is the biggest edition of the tournament ever held at the international school, with more teams and more schools entering – an astounding 1,600 competitors in 144 teams, representing 40 international schools based in 11 countries – and more young talent waiting to show off their skills on the pitch. Held over two days, today and tomorrow (November 6-7), the 14th BISP Soccer Sevens features international schools from across Asia, with teams from schools including Bangkok Patana
38 schools from 12 countries will play in the 14th edition of the BISP Soccer Sevens. School, Alice Smith School in Kuala Lumpur, U nited World College of South East Asia from Singapore, Dulwich College Beijing, British School Manila, Taipei European School, Stonehill International School from India, and Nord Anglia International School Hong Kong, to name a few. Even though it’s a junior competition, the level of foot-
ball to be seen in the tournament is very high, as BISP Cruzeiro Football Academy Head Coach Jonathas Candido told T h e Ph u k et News . “I was surprised by the level at last year’s competition and it gets taken very seriously,” he said. “And as it’s seven-a-side – it’s faster and you see players under pressure a lot of the time.” Having won three titles
last year (U nder 9 Boys, U nder 15 G irls, and Over 15 oys , he is confident about BISP’s chances going into this year’s tournament. “I think because of the q uality of the players we have and the foundations we built last year we are going to play good football,” he explained. All the BISP teams in this year’s tournament are of a good standard, however, the
senior boys team are likely to be the team to watch out for. But the competition is not just about winning for Jonathas and the teams taking part, it’s also about individual development of BISP’s players. A number of them are scholarship students who receive intensive extra training, being at the school to primarily focus on developing their skills, and aiming to pursue a career in football. Jonathas said, “Those boys are a step further forward than the rest and we expect them to show off their skills and abilities in their games.” The first day will see the teams compete in group stages, the second day will be the knockout phase. G ames will see two halves of 12 minutes, with 4 points for a win, 2 for a draw, and 1 for a loss. “It will be really intense football which will be great to watch,” said Jonathas. G oing forward, it is Jonathas’ dream to hold an 11-aside competition at the school.
“I’m from Brazil and we don’t play seven-a-side football there. We do have an 11-a-side tournament here at BISP that we hold in March. This year was the first year it was held, but I’m sure next year it will be bigger and more teams will come to compete. “Seeing how many players and teams come to compete in the BISP Soccer Sevens, if we did have an 11-a-side competition on the same scale it would be absolutely amazing,” Jonathas concluded. It seems there is still much more football to come on the green fields of IS . Fo r m o re i nf o rm at i o n ab o u t t h e B I S P S o c c er S ev ens , p leas e v i s i t www. b i s p 7 s . c o m , o r f o llo w t h e ac t i o n o n Fac eb o o k at www. f ac eb o o k . c o m / b i s p 7 s . Fo r m o re det ai ls o n t h e B I S P C ru z ei ro Fo o t b all Ac adem y , v i s i t www. b i s p h u k et . ac . t h / b i s p - c ru z ei ro f o o t b all- ac adem y o r em ai l Head C o ac h J o nat h as C andi do : j c andi do @ b i s p h u k et . ac . t h
HASH HOUSE HARRIERS Run # #1553 Satur Saturday 7 November, 2015 Run Start Time: 3:30PM Directions: Figjam & Up Country Please note that the usual access to this field via Soi Huay Nam Toe (the Celtique road) is unusable. Location: Koh Sirey Direction: Take the road to Koh Sirey, at the clock tower turn right, continue 300 metres and then turn left into Soi Ninhat 1. Laager will be found straight on up this Soi. Bus pick-up: Kamala @ B aan Rim Klong : 1:45pm; Patong @ Expat Hotel: 2:15pm More info: phuket-hhh. com
In August more than 1,000 cyclists in Phuket helped Thailand roll into the record books as they joined the ‘Bike for Mom’ rally. Photo: Phuket Public Relations Office
Cyclists ready? ‘Bike for Dad!’ CYCLING
Phuket VNEA Pool League Standings
The Phuket News ed itor@classactmed
Week Three Name
Round wins
Score + Wins
Games Losses Score - Differenplayed tial
TEAM STATS NORTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Judge & Jury Orange Corner Master Bankers Tor Khao Hangover Off Course Tan Khun LHM Asia
12 12 12 8 6 6 3 1
434 396 392 396 360 315 288 93
38 33 30 30 24 19 13 5
48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
10 15 18 18 24 29 35 43
206 276 325 332 288 369 414 464
228 120 67 64 72 -54 -126 -371
14 13 11 8 6 5 2 1
400 433 395 362 343 322 306 170
30 36 31 26 24 21 18 6
48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
18 12 17 22 24 27 30 42
295 277 238 339 363 370 393 456
105 156 157 23 -20 -48 -87 -286
14 14 11 10 9 7 6 4 0 0
448 385 410 382 398 348 322 324 263 164
43 29 32 29 30 21 22 21 10 3
48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
5 19 16 19 18 27 26 27 38 45
205 300 314 343 312 365 341 367 436 461
243 85 96 39 86 -17 -19 -43 -173 -297
TEAM STATS SOUTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Reality The Genious Team Millionaire White Sheep Ocean Team Bar Fly The Dragons Spicy Girls
TEAM STATS TOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The Target Masters Hollywood Naimeung Team Genius B The Kata Dragons Team 198 Black Sheep Pen In WTF!! Class Act Hustlers
Class Act Media is proud to be a sponsor of the Phuket VNEA Pool League
huket Vice G overnor Chamreon Tipayapongtada last week held a meeting to announce details of the “Bike for Dad” event being held in honour of HM The King’s 8 8 birthday which falls on December 5. The nationwide cycling event, led by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn, will commence at 3pm on Dec 11 and is aimed at bringing Thai people together to show their love and respect for HM The King. V/ G ov Chamreon explained at the meeting that besides the usual cycling event, Phuket will also have a number of activities and entertainment lined up at the event start and end zone and at various points around the “Bike for Dad” route.
All activities and entertainment will provide a cultural insight into the communities, schools and temples holding the events and will be organised by teachers and students from around the island. Entertainment will include traditional Thai dances by local youths to honour HM The King, a Thai drama play by Rajabhat U niversity, tree planting, candle ceremony of Luang Phor Champ and an exhibition area where people can write a birthday wish to HM the King. The Phuket ‘ Bike for Dad’ route will cover a distance of 2 9 kilometres through town. The route will start from Provincial Hall, turn left turn at Khao Rang onto Patiphat Rd then Chao Fa East Rd towards Chalong Circle and then make a right turn onto Chao Fa West Rd. Cyclists will then be able to stop and enjoy activities and refreshments at Wat Chalong.
Raising awareness and funds: As the Phuket dolphina-
rium opened, some members of the Gecko community last Friday (Oct 30) rode 100km to raise awareness for dolphin slaughter and captivity, and also to raise funds for some of them to travel to Taiji, Japan where they will share their knowledge on dolphin captivity with International Schools in Osaka.
They will then continue from Wat Chalong on to Wirat Hongyok Rd then to turn left onto Bangkok Rd-Poonphon Rd. From Yaowarat Rd they will make a right turn into Thalang Rd and then turn right onto Phuket Rd to Surin Circle heading to Saphan Hin. Once reaching Saphan Hin they will return to Surin Circle and turn right onto Narisorn Rd then left to Surin Rd and return to Provincial Hall. On August 16 more than 1,000 cycling enthusiasts in Phuket helped Thailand roll into the record books on as they joined the nationwide ‘ Bike for Mom’ rally held to honour HM Q ueen Sirikit for her 8 3rd birthday on August 12 . To register to take part in the “Bike for Dad” event please visit www.bikefordad2 or in person at Phuket Provincial Hall between November 2 -15 from 9 -5pm. Please bring identification with you.
The Nico that could’ve been BOX OF NEUTRALS
Michael Lamonato
n the warm Mexican sun and under the gaze of more than 130,000 rapturous spectators he crossed the line, triumphant and utterly dominant, after a near flawless minutes of driving. Nico Rosberg, leaping out of his cockpit a winner after a four-month form drought, basked in what could’ve been. His bosses described outq ualifying newly crowned world champion Lewis Hamilton by . seconds a result borne of anger – anger for slipping up for surrendering the lead at the last race to gift Hamilton the points he needed to win the title; Rosberg denied it. After the race he was asked if the result was a special effort derived from seeing his teammate take the same dominant Mercedes he drives and turning it into back-to-back titles; Rosberg said it wasn’t true. Any F1 observer during will have noted osberg’s persistence in his battle with
Nico Rosberg of Mercedes GP lifts the trophy as he celebrates on the podium after winning the Formula One Grand Prix of Mexico. Photo: Lars Baron/AFP Hamilton, and almost all expected the fire to burn only more fiercely in and for all those who have been left disappointed, the Mexican G rand Prix was a glimpse at what could have been. The concept will not be lost on Rosberg, who in almost every key statistic wins to , pole positions to , points to he has been found wanting this season.
But the old adage that ‘ F1’ is ‘ IF’ spelt backwards rings true, and it will similarly fail to evade the G erman’s attention that had his car not failed from the lead of the Russian G rand Prix and had he been able to seize victory from his teammate at the last round in Austin, he would lie ust points behind Hamilton with two rounds remaining in the championship, rather than the
unassailable now between them. For all the plaudits heaped onto Hamilton in the seven days between the grand prixs of the U S and Mexico, Rosberg has been doing what he has always done – q uietly been there. Around the Autó dromo Hermanos Rodrí guez steely determination held his car true into the first corner while maintaining the lead, patience
allowed him to maximise his tyre life while keeping Hamilton at arm’s length, and racecraft enabled him to cleanly launch himself from a safety car restart into an undefeatable lead. He might not have the headline-grabbing pace nor make the irresistible moves on the track, but his drives are almost invariably judged to put himself sq uare with his
rambunctious teammate by season’s end. Rosberg’s much needed confidence boost not only gave F1 pause for thought as it wrapped itself up with worry that the season may replicate its predecessor, but also came against a stunning backdrop of hundreds of thousands of passionate Latin Americans imparting on the sport the most important message of all: don’t forget your fans. Memory fails to recall an addition to the calendar that has garnered such universal acclaim, with the exception of the Austrian G rand Prix at the former Ö sterreichring, which was similarly recycled from the history books. As the sport traipses around the world in search of the highest bidder to host its wares, F1 is denying its very soul as it ignored the millions of true believers crying out to be heard. For once Formula One listened, and it was richly rewarded for doing so. T u ne i n t o L i v e 8 9 . 5 o n S at u rday s at 9 am t o h ear B o x o f Neu t rals t alk all t h ere i s t o t alk ab o u t F1 and m o re.
United firing blanks Van’s Gaal’s goalless draw at Palace FOOTBALL
The overall competition winner receives 1 voucher staying 2 nights in a Prestige Suite including breakfast for 2 persons and a 30-minute spa treatement at Sofitel Krabi Phokeethra Golf & Spa Resort, overall value THB 90,000.
anchester U nited’s problems in front of goal in the Premiership continued as Louis van G aal’s side failed to score for a third successive game in a 0-0 draw at Crystal Palace on Saturday (Oct 31). The stalemate left U nited in fourth place, four points adrift of leaders Manchester City. Their lacklustre performance and that of striker Wayne Rooney, who again struggled to make his mark on the game, will do nothing to silence the criticism of U nited’s cautious approach this season. Van G aal brushed criticism insisting his team was entertaining and pointing to the fact the club was seven points better off than after 10 games last season. But had Palace, who now sit in 10th position, made more of the opportunities that came their way. Meanwhile, a late Yaya Toure penalty kept Man City on top as they secured a 2 -1 victory over Norwich. Nicolas Otamendi looked to have put Manuel Pellegrini’s side on course for victory when he powered in a header from Kevin De Bruyne’s corner in the second half. However, City goalkeeper Joe Hart stumbled backwards as he tried to gather a Robbie Brady cross, allowing Cameron Jerome to tap in an eq ualiser with seven minutes left. But Pelleg r i n i’s side grabbed the win as Russell Martin handled Raheem Sterling’s goalbound shot and was sent off, before Toure drove in the resulting penalty. El s e wh e r e , Ph i l ip p e Coutinho struck twice as
The monthly competition winner for November will receive a THB3,000 voucher to spend at Angus O’Tool’s in Karon Beach.
EPL PREDICTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
MONTHLY LEADERS aquamarine eplguru TEFL Campus CAFC fazza
OVERALL LEADERS 24 24 24 23 23
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
aquamarine CAFC MackemRob hairynutbagz opinionated farange
56 56 56 55 55
English Premier League 2015 - 2016
Crystal Palace’s Wilfried Zaha competes with United’s Daley Blind. Photo: Olly Greenwood/AFP Liverpool won 3-1 at Chelsea to ratchet up the pressure yet further on beleaguered manager Jose Mourinho. Ramires put the hosts ahead, but Coutinho eq ualised in first-half stoppage time and put Liverpool ahead in the 74th minute before substitute Christian Benteke rubberstamped Chelsea’s sixth defeat in 11 league games. While Jurgen Klopp celebrated his first league win it was a Halloween nightmare for Mourinho. Arsenal meanwhile remain hot on the heels of leaders Manchester City thanks to a 3-0 victory over Swansea. A first half goal from livier G iroud and second half efforts from Laurent Koscielny and Joel Campbell kept the second-placed G unners level on points with City. Also on Saturday, Jamie Vardy scored for the eighth successive Premier League game to help Leicester to a 3-2 come-from-behind win
at West Brom and into third in the Premier League table. Club record-signing Salomon Rondon put West Brom into the lead but Leicester hit back after the break with a brace from Riyad Mahrez and Vardy getting the third. Ricky Lambert scored from the penalty spot to give West Brom late hope but the Foxes held out to maintain their unbeaten record away from home this term. Stoke goalkeeper Jack Butland was once again the hero as he single-handedly kept out struggling Newcastle to earn a 0-0 draw at St James’ Park. Newcastle remain in the relegation zone, while Stoke opened up a six-point cushion over the bottom three. West Ham’s inconsistent season continued as they were beaten 2 -0 by Watford. Having recorded victories over champions Chelsea, leaders Manchester City, Arsenal and Liverpool this season, the Hammers have, however,
struggled against sides that are relative minnows in comparison. They previously lost at home to both Bournemouth and Leicester while failing to beat the likes of Norwich and Sunderland. And they were out of sorts as an Odion Ighalo brace knocked the Irons out of the top four. On Sunday, Ivorian forward Arouna Kone netted a hat-trick as Everton cut Sunderland down 6-2 . Despite hitting the post twice in the early stages and coming back from two goals down to make it 2 -2 , Sam Allardyce’s side were well beaten. G oals by Jermain Defoe and Steven Fletcher allowed Sunderland to level after G erard Deulofeu and Kone had put Everton 2 -0 up, but a Sebastian Coates own goal and a Romelu Lukaku effort restored the hosts’ control in the second half before Kone completed his treble. The win
A GD Pts
Man City
23 19
Man Utd
West Ham
22 15
18 13
12 12
19 15
Crystal Palace
12 11
10 10
West Brom
10 14
12 15
16 22
15 23
12 24 -12
12 22 -10
13 25 -12
Aston Villa
10 20 -10
lifted Roberto Martinez’s side up to eighth place. Sunderland remain second from bottom. Also on Sunday, Southampton beat Bournemouth 2 -0. Ronald Koeman’s side struck twice late in the first half when Steven Davis finished off a fine move started by Pelle, who then notched his ninth club goal of the season. Southampton are now up to seventh in the Premier League, while Bournemouth are now one place and one point above the relegation zone. Whilst on Monday, Aston Villa’s new manager Remi
G arde discovered just how hard it will be to save his club from relegation as the Premier League strugglers slumped to a 3-1 defeat at Tottenham. Villa fell behind after less than three minutes when sloppy defending was punished by Mousa Dembele and Dele Alli doubled Tottenham’s advantage before half-time. Jordan Ayew got one back for Villa late on, but Harry Kane netted the Spurs’ third goal in the final seconds. Tottenham are up to fifth place, while Villa are rooted to the bottom of the table.
Ronins score 2-1 victory over Ancient Warriors > page 35
Students perform a haka for New Zealand’s All Blacks after their arrival in Auckland on November 4, 2015 following their Rugby World Cup triumph against Australia. Photo: Michael Bradley/AFP
Huge homecoming welcome for Cup-winning All Blacks RUGBY
he All Blacks returned home to a frenzy of hakas and hysteria on Wednesday (Nov 4), with even the players stunned as 50,000 fans packed central Auckland to celebrate their Rugby World Cup triumph. Dozens of airport workers performed a Maori haka on the tarmac as the players stepped off their specially black-painted Air New Zealand plane, flight code NZ1, to be met by joyous scenes. Skipper Richie McCaw emerged first from the plane clutching the William Webb Ellis trophy, and inside the airport, about 4,000 black-clad supporters, some of whom had camped out overnight, were there to greet the players in the packed arrivals hall. There were more haka dances from students and a formal Maori welcome at Auckland’s Victoria Park, where McCaw received the loudest cheer and was given the freedom of the city by mayor Len Brown. “The support’s been amazing, so to bring this back is pretty awesome,” McCaw said. “It’s not too bad is it?” chimed
in coach Steve Hansen, gesturing towards the trophy. “We’re getting pretty used to having it around too.” New Zealand’s 34-17 victory over Australia in the final at Twickenham last Saturday (Oct 31) made them the first team to win back-toback World Cups. It also gave the All Blacks a record three titles and was marked the first time they have won the trophy away from home. “It’s huge to come back and
see all this support and everyone turning out, it’s just overwhelming,” the tournament’s breakout star Nehe Milner-Skudder said as the Victoria Park crowd roared its approval. Prime Minister Joh n Key said the mood in New Zealand was “euphoric”, adding that even Britain’s Prince Charles and wife Camilla, who arrived on Wednesday for an official visit, were keen to congratulate McCaw’s men,
schedules permitting. “They obviously can see what a big deal it is for New Zealand and how celebrated they will be,” Key told TV3. Star fly-half Dan Carter, who has confirmed his international retirement and will now head to France, was also thrilled by the welcome. “It’s such a special feeling,” Carter told reporters. “We’re all proud New Zealanders and it’s
amazing to see the support that we’ve got. “We’d read about it and spoken to family and friends back home, but to see it first hand… it’s great.” But it was a day for the fans, and the All Blacks, displaying the same relaxed off-field attitude they adopted during the tournament, mingled with the crowd, signing autographs and posing for selfies with star-struck fans. “It’s a real cool buzz… the guys are loving it,” retiring centre Conrad Smith said. Katherine Tanner said she brought her sons Liam, three, and 10-year-old Elijah, to see the players they had worshipped during the World Cup. “To me there wasn’t a choice, it’s sporting history in the making,” she told the New Zealand Herald. “You can’t help but get swept up in the euphoria of it.” There will be similar parades in Christchurch and Wellington on Thursday and Friday (Nov 5 & 6). McCaw said the team were exhausted after their campaign but still wanted to share their moment of glory with supporters. “We’re going to enjoy the next few days going around the country and saying thanks… seeing you all has made it all worthwhile.” AFP