OWN GOAL Friday, December 9 – Thursday, December 15, 2011
100 72 0 32
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20 Baht
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OLD LOGO Can FC Phuket survive a self-inflicted crisis?
When FC Phuket lost 0-2 to lowly Chanthaburi FC on Sunday (December 4), the story took no time spreading: The Phuket players had not been paid. Demoralised, they were “working to rule” in retaliation. The result was there on the pitch for all to see. Fierce comments on the FC Phuket Fanclub page on Facebook were divided. Some accused the players of being unprofessional. Most of the condemnation, however, was reserved for the Phuket Sports Association (PSA) and its chairman, Chettawit Tantiphanwadee, who were blamed for failing to come up with the players’ pay. A high-ranking source in the FC Phuket management told The Phuket News bluntly on Monday (December 5), “The PSA is sabotaging us. On Friday I waited all day for the PSA to give me the paycheck, but only on Sunday did they finally hand it over. “What was I to do then? It was Sunday! I went to the bank branch at Central Festival and tried to cash the check, but the bank said that because it was Sunday they could only give me B300,000, not the full amount of nearly B1.3 million. “B300,000? That’s nothing!” The source also wrote on his personal Facebook page that this was the reason that sports in Phuket never get anywhere. “We should do something. We should come together and try to oust the President of the PSA so that Phuket sports will have a better future.”
Police arrest hundreds in anti-Putin rally
Where have Patong’s dogs disappeared to?
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Heavyweights drawn together for Euro 2012
P44 Ouch, that hurts – but falling foul of government regulations is likely to result in much greater pain for FC Phuket. He added, “Every time I go to get the players’ paycheck, I feel like a beggar, pleading for [the PSA’s] money.” These harsh comments prompted PSA President Chettawit Tantiphanwadee, who is also Phuket’s Chief Prosecutor, to break silence and explain to The Phuket News what has been going on. He painted a grim scenario that goes much further than Phuket, and could, in the worst-case scenario, see many clubs go bankrupt and, poten-
tially, result in the collapse of the Thai Football League. “There was no sabotage going on between us [the PSA] and FC Phuket,” he told The Phuket News, handing over some documents with the Garuda emblem at the top – official government papers. It all began in Ratchaburi. A letter from the Governor of Ratchaburi to the Department of Local Administration (DLA) asked for guidance on a request from the Ratchaburi Sports Association for
financial support from the provincial administration organisation there, or OrBorJor. The Sports Association wanted B5 million for training facilities, boots, uniforms, signboards and other equipment for Ratchaburi FC. The Governor wanted to know whether Ratchaburi OrBorJor was entitled to give the club financial support. The Governor’s view was that funding the club could be viewed as promoting sports and encouraging the public to take
part in sporting activities. As such, the funding was within the mandate of the OrBorJor. But, the Governor wrote, he would like a definitive interpretation from the DLA. The answer from the DLA was pointed: No. The money being requested would not benefit the public as a whole. It would benefit only one organisation: Ratchaburi FC, which is a registered company. The second document shown to The Phuket News Continued on page 2
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