The Phuket News 11 January 2019

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thephuketnews thephuketnews1

Friday, January 11 – Thursday, January 17, 2019

Since 2011 / Volume IX / No. 2

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Island readies for mass fun on Children’s Day

A tour boat returns to Phuket with hundreds of tourists who were stranded on Phi Phi Island. Photo: PR Dept




Using Eco-Logic: New trends in voluntourism



eople across Phuket breathed a collective sigh of relief last weekend when the worst of Tropical Storm Pabuk missed the island entirely. By that time Pabuk had already been downgraded to a ‘tropical depression’. At the height of the foul weather passing over the island, Phuket last Friday (Jan 4) suffered no more than 54.9mm of recorded rainfall at the airport and 22.6mm in Phuket Town, but with winds gusting up to 35.2km/h, according to the Thai Meteorological Department (TMD).

No reports of serious damage or landslides were recorded anywhere across Phuket. Nakhon Sri Thammarat on Southern Thailand’s east coast, however, suffered greatly with winds belting up to 89km/h and a monstrous 270.5mm of rainfall recorded in just the 24 hours of last Friday (Jan 4). (See page 7). Krabi, just across Phang Nga Bay from Phuket, also escaped serious havoc, with recorded wind speeds last Saturday peaking at 29km/h and 51mm of rainfall drenching Krabi Town, the highest wind and rain recorded throughout the storm’s passing. Multiple repeated warnings by the TMD already had local officials

on high alert. Emergency services were on standby and Phuket Governor Phakaphong Tavipatana last Wednesday (Jan 5) ordered local authorities to take steps to ensure that essential services such as electricity supply remained available. “In this operation, to be prepared and to monitor the progress of the storm Pabuk, all sectors must be fully integrated in their work and they must make continual announcements to the public so the people are aware of the storm’s movement and are alert (to any danger),” Governor Phakaphong said. “For the government to be prepared is a good thing, so please use



the ‘Phuket Model’ format as a work guide for coping with all kinds of disasters and future events as well, which requires the integration of the work of all sectors in order to help the people and for tourists to have maximum security,” he added. However, by then the news of impending calamity had spread and Governor Phakaphong was informed that 17 flights had been “affected” by the weather but that only one flight, a China Southern Airlines flight from China, had been cancelled. That number stood at odds with photos posted online by the Phuket Tourist Police, which showed at least 25 flights to or from Phuket…



Darren to ‘bike Everest’ for Phuket charity

News 2




Relief arrives as Southern Thailand recovers in wake of Pabuk > page 7

Taking cover as Pabuk passes

Continued from page 1 …International Airport on Jan 4, and a further three direct flights from China on Jan 3, as cancelled. Questioned as to the estimated impact on Phuket’s tourism industry, both Tourism and Sports Phuket Office Director Sirawee Waloh and Phuket Tourist Association (PTA) Vice President Sarayuth Mallam insisted to The Phuket News this week that the effect was negligible. Both assured that tour operators had “made their own arrangements” to ensure that “tourism was not affected”. “Tour operators just re-organised their tours to arrive on different flights. I spoke with operators about this at the time and they realised the situation and were willing to manage it by themselves,” Mr Sarayuth said. “I don’t think there has been any major impact on the tourism industry in Phuket, Phang Nga and Krabi, including Phi Phi (Island),” Mr Sarayuth added. “I think the situation was handled very well and the steps taken to

Tourists stranded on Phi Phi Island arrive in Phuket on board HTMS Hua Hin last Friday (Jan 4). Photo: Royal Thai Navy prevent disaster has instilled confidence among tourists in travelling to Phuket,” he added. Regardless, the clear focus from officials was on safety, with Acting Phuket Marine Chief Wiwat Chitchertwong last Wednesday (Jan 2) ordering all small boats to stay ashore. Krabi Marine Chief Chaisiri Khundam the next day followed suit

and issued an order banning all boats from leaving port for three days. Gover nor Pha k phong last Wednesday also repeated the order, only to be superceded by an order issued directly by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha for all boats in affected areas to remain in port. The ban left an estimated 500 tourists stranded on the touristpopular Phi Phi Island and more

than 100 stranded at Koh Racha, south of Phuket. The Royal Thai Navy ship HTMS Hua Hin along with a large boat from Asean Cruises were dispatched from Phuket last Friday and returned to the Deep Sea Port at 7pm with 232 tourists from Phi Phi Island safely on board. Governor Phakaphong along with Rear Admiral Vithanarat Kochaseni, Chief of Staff at the Royal Thai Navy Third Area Command based in Phuket, were both on hand to welcome the tourists. The remainder of the estimated 500 tourists stranded on Phi Phi Island by the boat safety ban were taken back to the mainland in Krabi by a large private ferry, confirmed the Krabi office of the Public Relations Department. The Royal Thai Navy boat HTMS Tor 991 earlier that same day, along with boats from some private operators, had brought safely back to Phuket a total of 124 tourists who were stranded on Racha Yai Island, a Navy spokesman confirmed.

The ban on all boats leaving shore, lasting two days and which was lifted last Saturday, received support from both Phuket’s main tour and ferry boat operators at Rassada Pier and from Phuket’s commercial fishing f leet amid concerns of dangerous weather on the water. (See p9 “Boat ban has ‘minor’ impact’) Both the Haad Nopparat TaraMu Koh Phi Phi National Park and the Similan National Park closed to visitors last Friday and Saturday as a precaution. “There were a few tourists still stuck on Phi Phi Island this morning, so I urged officials and relevant business operators on Phi Phi to get the tourists off the island and back to the mainland as quickly as possible,” Park Chief Worapoj Lomlin told The Phuket News last Friday. “I have also banned all kinds of boats from entering the park until the weather improves,” he said. Both national parks, key attractions in Phuket’s nature tourism industry, reopened last Sunday.

Snorkeller tourist drowns on day-trip A CHINESE TOURIST has drowned while snorkelling during a day trip to Racha Island, south of Phuket, on Tuesday (Jan 8). Lt Sakrin Saengcharoen of the Chalong Police was notified of the incident at 3:30pm. The body of the tourist, Zhu Kai, 31, from Tianjin, was brought back to Chalong Pier, and transported to Vachira Phuket Hospital in Phuket Town. Mr Zhu had booked a day trip to Koh Racha through tour company Similan Pro Dive on board the boat Chot Sompor n 18, Tourist Police noted in their report. Mr Zhu was travelling alone and was staying at a hotel in Patong, police added. The tour guide leading the group, Wanchai Sae Lo, told police that the boat had moored in Patok Bay and the tourists had lunch before being set off on a free time period of the tour. “Before we let them go I explained everything to them about safety and they all said they understood

Police bring the body of Chinese tourist Zhu Kai, 31, from Tianjin, back on shore at Chalong Pier late Tuesday afternoon (Jan 8). Photo: Phuket Tourist Police the instructions,” Mr Sae Lo said. Mr Wanchai explained that while other tourists stayed on the beach, Mr Zhu walked further along the beach and went snorkelling alone, Capt Ekkkachai Siri of the Phuket Tourist Police told The Phuket News Wednesday morning (Jan 9). “Then when they called the tourists back to the boat, they could see where Mr Zhu was, but he was not responding to any their shouts,” Capt Ekkachai said.

“The boat crew rushed over to help him and brought him on board the boat, but he was already unconscious. They tried to revive him, but could not,” he added. Capt Ekkachai noted that police were now working with Chinese consular officials in reporting the death and arranging for his body to be repatriated back home. Eakkapop Thongtub Additional reporting by Tanyaluk Sakoot thephuketnews





Marine Dept invites complaints Meanwhile, dangerous Phuket speedboat report left floundering The Phuket News


he Marine Department of Thailand on Monday (Jan 7) launched a Facebook page for people to file complaints about marine tour services, and especially marine safety. The launch of the webpage, called ‘Notification of Complaints to the Marine Department’, aims to allow people to file complaints instantly, with photos, Phuket Marine Office Acting Director Wiwat Chitchertwong explained to The Phuket News. “It will be easier for foreign tourists and other people to inform us about bad marine services or unreliable services in Phuket,” Mr Wiwat said. “Also tourists can change the language from Thai to English with a single click (using the built-in Facebook translation service). “After that the Marine Department (head office in Bangkok) will record the complaint and send the information to us. Then we will go to work on the complaint, and depending on the situation we will warn or charge the boat

Wiwat Chitchertwong, Acting Chief of the Phuket Marine Office, praised the launch of the complaints portal via Facebook. Photo: PR Dept

operator or even revoke their license. “We can even force them to undergo training after they have been handed down punishment or a warning,” he said. Mr Wiwat noted that people can still file complaints through the Marine Department’s existing complaints web portal, which launched

five years ago. “But Facebook allows people to file complaints in English, and there is even a QR Code that people can scan to access it,” he said. Alternatively, Thai speakers can still file complaints by calling the free hotline 1199, he added. However, the launch of

the Marine Department’s Facebook complaints page today comes while a serious complaint filed in English through the formal website about a tour speedboat allegedly nearly running over a snorkeller off Phuket remains not even being passed to the Phuket Marine Office after after 11 days.

The complaint, filed on Dec 27 and addressed “To Phuket Harbourmaster”, reports alleged reckless driving by a speedboat operator off Koh Mai Thon, located just over eight kilometres from the tip of Cape Panwa. “A speedboat of a tour operator [...] almost ran over a snorkeller at Koh Maithon. Me and my friends just happened to be at anchor at this bay and the incident unfolded right in front of us, the speedboat was flying into the bay at full speed to show off to the tourists onboard and only our frantic screaming at them made it stop at the last second, the swimming man luckily emerged unharmed from under their bow!!” reported the complaint. “This was the most reckless driving we have ever seen with an absolute disregard to safety and our hands are still shaking from witnessing this incident. “Two boats of this tour operator arrived to the bay, the logo of the operator is shown on the pic2 but the boat that nearly caused a fatal accident went hiding behind the rocks right after the incident and I could take only one photo

(pic3) at a distance - it was sitting between two rocks. “Same logo on the freeboard, red roof. I am sure the driver can be identified easily when your authority contacts the business owner. “We would like to report this incident to Phuket Harbourmaster and the relevant authority and also bring awareness to the surrounding - a lot of incidents including fatalities on water in Thailand are due to the tour operators’ reckless and ignorant behaviour towards people and the environment.” Mr Wiwat confirmed to The Phuket News that he had taken no action so far about the complaint as he was unaware of the incident. “I have not yet received any notification of this complaint. I am waiting for the Marine Department to send this information,” he said. Mr Wiwat also offered no explanation as to whether the new Facebook page will improve how complaints are handled, and why. Yet Mr Wiwat did claim that he had no authority to take any action on any complaints posted without first receiving a formal notice from Bangkok.

Beer truck heading to Patong overturns

Witnesses heard the motorbike rev before the man lost control and hit the power pole.

British man, 32, dies in horrific motorbike crash on Soi Ta-iad A BRITISH MAN DIED OF head injuries last Thursday night (Jan 3) after the motorbike he was riding crashed into a power pole in Phuket’s renowned Muay Thai and MMA training street, Soi Ta-iad, in Chalong. Lt Col Kanan Somrak from the Chalong Police was notified of the accident at 8:30pm. Officers arrived to find a wrecked green Kawasaki Ninja 250SL motorbike beside a power pole in front of the Unit 27 training centre and the body @thephuketnews

of the man, later identified as David Dingwall Macdonald, 32, of Scotland, lying beside it. Already at the scene were Phuket Ruamjai rescue workers, whose headquarters are also based in Soi Ta-iad about 100 metres away. Mr Macdonald died at the scene of fatal head injuries from the impact. He had also suffered a broken arm and a broken neck, police reported. Police made no mention of whether or not he was wearing a helmet at the time.

Witnesses told police that they saw the man riding the motorbike toward Chao Fa West Rd at speed. They heard the engine rev high before the man lost control of the motorbike and struck the power pole. Col Kanan noted that British consular officials had been notified of Mr Macdonald’s death. His body was taken to the morgue at Vachira Phuket Hospital in Phuket Town. Eakkapop Thongtub

A 10-WHEELED TRUCK DELIVERING a load of beer to Patong overturned in Kamala last Saturday night (Jan 5). Capt Jarus Laemphan of the Kamala Police was informed of the accident at 10pm. Police and rescue workers arrived to find the truck on its side near the turnoff to Kamala Waterfall, with many boxes of San Miguel beer spilled – and crushed and broken – by the side of the road. The truck driver Pichet Seththaka, 24, from Pathum Thani, was still at the scene. He had suffered only minor injuries. The truck had come to a rest on its side after hitting two trees, and levelling a ‘Reduce Speed’ sign, Capt Jarus noted. Police were continuing their investigation

The truck overturned on the coastal road in Kamala while delivering beer to Patong. Photo: Eakkapop Thongtub into the accident before pressing any charges, Capt Jarus noted in his report. Eakkapop Thongtub






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Hooray for Children’s Day! Phuket prepares for annual day dedicated to kids The Phuket News


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ocal municipalities across the island are getting ready to celebrate Children’s Day this Saturday (Jan 12) with a host of fun activities for kids. Children’s Day, in Thai called Wan Dek, is celebrated throughout the country on the second Saturday of January every year. The national day, although not a public holiday, gives children the opportunity to have fun and to create awareness about their significant role towards the development of the country. The day was set as a national day to be observed in 1955. Phuket, along with the rest of the country, will host activities at many government offices and hotels across the island on Saturday as follows: The Royal Thai Navy Third Area Command, based at Cape Panwa, will host its traditional activities from 8am to 3pm, which will include a military weapons display, a live airsea rescue display, and a chance for

Children’s Day this Saturday (Jan 12) will see a host of activities especially for the kids. Photo: The Phuket News / file people to board and view the Navy base’s hostage rescue military ship. Meanwhile, the Phuket Provincial Office and the Phuket Provincial Administrative Organisation (PPAO, or OrBorJor) will hold their Children’s Day events from 9am to 3pm at Phuket Provincial Hall, where children will be able to sit in the Governor’s chair among other fun activities.

Phuket International Airport, operated by Airports of Thailand (AoT), will host a fun event at the X-Terminal building, with magic shows, live performances, games and free food and drink. Phuket City Municipality will hold its activities at Saphan Hin from 8am to midday, including live children’s performances and activities, and

lucky draw prizes for kids. Patong Municipality will host a fun event at Loma Park, on the Patong beachfront, with more than 4,000 prizes for kids. Also 16 small stages will be set for live performances and activities and free food and drink. Chalong Municipality will host its fun event at the municipality offices, with live shows, performances and activities, gifts and free food and drink. Srisoonthorn Municipality will host its fun event at 87 Nawamintolaracha Park (also called Khun Nam Bang Maruwan), with live shows, performances and activities, as well as gifts for children and free food and drink. Wichit Municipality will host its fun event at the public park opposite the Laem Chan Health Promoting Hospital on Patthana Thongthin Rd from 8:30am, with more live shows and fun kids’ activities. Phuket Rajabhat University (PRU) will hold their Children’s Day activities at the PRU campus north of Phuket Town from 5pm to 8pm.

Dangerous driver, brakes blamed Drugs, guns seized for pickup landing in jungle ditch in Pa Khlok raids A PICKUP TRUCK LOADED WITH tiles rolled some 40 metres backwards down a side street off Kata Hill last Saturday morning (Jan 5) after the brakes failed to hold the heavily laden pickup on the steep slope, according to the 25-year-old driver. Rescue workers were called to the scene, in Soi Suksan 1, on the east side of the hill between Chalong and Kata, at about 10:50am. At the scene was a white Bangkokregistered Toyota pickup truck on its side in a ditch some 10 metres from the roadside down the steep hill. The pickup’s driver, Sarawut Samranwong, had escaped serious injury, suffering only scratches to his left knee in the incident. Mr Sarawut explained to police that he was delivering the tiles from Phuket Town to Karon when the accident happened. Mr Sarawut, who has a heavy vehicle licence issued in Samut Prakan province, on the outskirts of Bangkok, said he was using the GPS for directions to Karon and ended up using Soi Suksan 1, which joins Patak Rd (Route 4028) halfway up the Kata Hill. While the pickup truck was slowly making its way up the steep gradient on the hill, a car passed and “cut him off”, Mr

The brakes could not prevent the pickup truck from rolling backwards down the hill, said its 25-year-old driver. Sarawut explained. He quickly applied the brakes, which forced the pickup to a halt. From there the pickup’s front wheels pitched up off the road as the vehicle tilted backwards, then the pickup started rolling backwards down the hill. The pickup rolled some 40 metres backwards before Mr Sarawut was unable to prevent it from veering off the road – still going backwards – and down into the ditch. The pickup came to rest only after hitting a sator tree. Mr Sarawut reported the incident to his employer, who made arrangements to have the pickup truck recovered. Eakkapop Thongtub

A SERIES OF RAIDS BY Thalang Police last Friday (Jan 4) targetting three addresses in Pa Khlok netted seven suspects along with drugs, guns and ammunition. Thalang Police, led by Lt Col Theerawat Liamsuwa, first raided workers’ accommodation for Care and Clean (Thailand) Co Ltd in Moo 4, Pa Khlok, at about 4pm. Mumaspaowee Chae, 22, and Wanshan Lehleen, 23, both from Narathiwat, were found in possession of 178 red, orange and green methamphetamine (ya bah) pills all embossed with the letters “WY”, and 500 grams of kratom leaves. In another room at the workers’ accommodation, Busri Saemsa, 28, also from Narathiwat, was arrested after he was found in possession of five ya bah pills. In yet another room, officers arrested Isma Apo, 23, also from Narathiwat, after he was found with one red ya bah pill, and in the fourth and last room raided at the first target address, police arrested Nat-

The raids led to seven suspects arrested for drugs and illegal possession of ammunition and firearms. thawut Sampo, 27, from Surin province, after he was found in possession of two .22-calibre bullets, two .38-calibre bullets, two 9mm bullets, and one .45-calibre bullet, for which he was charged with illegal possession of ammunition. Payungsak ‘Dam’ Phetthong and Anikul Reksin, 26, were arrested at two other separate locations. Payungsak was found with 500ml of kratom juice and a home-made air rifle. Anikul was found with 146 ya bah pills, all embossed with “WY”. Eakkapop Thongtub thephuketnews

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084 307 7408 Fifteen years working in news and covering local issues and events in Phuket, with 18-month hiatus spent working for the Brunei Times on Borneo. From Queensland, Australia; 10 years living in the UK before moving to Phuket in 2000. Degree in business management. Spare time spent sailing or with family.


Lifestyle Editor Twenty years experience in the I n t e r n a t i o n a l m e d i a m a r ke t , creating content for Paramount Pictures, Mar vel and the BBC. Having previously lived on the island, David returned to cover regional lifestyle and cultural stories. He originates from the UK.



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Getting safety right

t is easy to think that the heavy repeated warnings by the government of Tropical Storm Pabuk and its impending devastation last week and the fast response by officials and military to evacuate tens of thousands of people to shelters was initially nothing more than an overreaction in a public display of ‘preparedness’ for the international arena – but it was not. The reaction was not even for tourists’ confidence in the wake of the Phoenix tour boat disaster last year. Short memories have to reach back just two years to recall Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and his administration being panned heavily by the Thai media for bungling for the lack of warning and lack of response to the immense flooding that caused widespread havoc across the same east-coast southern provinces

for a whole month from early Dec 2016 through to early Jan 2017, killing at least 85 people in the process. The most heart-wrenching of those deaths was that of a 5-year-old girl in Prachuap Khiri Khan who was swept away as her family tried to scramble onto the roof of a passenger van they were in while trying to escape the floods. The weather warnings for Pabuk were appropriate, and did not overplay the severity of the storm, unlike many reports in foreign media. But it did warn people of what might well happen. And for Phuket, Pabuk did come close. Krabi Town, just across Phang Nga Bay, suffered heavy flooding from rains dissipated before the storm system passed us by. But most importantly, banning all boats from leaving shore in the face of uncertainty was the right thing to do. It

simply was not worth risking more lives for the sake of making money. And it wasn’t just tour boats that were banned, even the island’s commercial fishing fleet was also forced to stay in port instead of risking potentially deadly wind and waves on the bay. That’s more than just Thai lives kept safe, that kept many poor migrant workers safe too. Safety in Thailand’s marine industry, and especially among the tour boats and speedboats, have a long way to go before reaching international standards, namely the designs of large boats still allowed to put to sea and even the so-called “life jackets” in use that force their wearers to float face down. But the action taken by the government over Pabuk potentially saved many lives, and that’s a good start. Now let’s see what they can do with the relief effort.


1 2 3

Phuket Airport prepares for tropical storm Pabuk Don’t panic about ‘Pabuk’, says Phuket weather office Phi Phi tourists stranded until blanket safety ban on boats leaving port during ‘Pabuk’ weather is lifted

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Phuket heavy rain warning for the weekend Governor warns Phuket to brace for Pabuk fallout Pabuk makes landfall Koh Samui on alert as storm Pabuk nears Pabuk to cross Phuket British man dies in motorbike crash on Phuket Muay Thai street, Soi Ta-iad Russians race to Thailand

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HAVE YOUR SAY Help at hand

Re: Phuket calls for donations for Pabuk victims Yes, and start building real houses, not these ‘sheds for living’, destroyed by wind force BF-8 already. Photos of destroyed ‘houses’ tell it all. Lift housing standards for the poor to level 4.0. Good idea? Houses of the rich in affected areas hardly have damage. Kurt A good cause, to be sure. But maybe less money should be spent buying submarines and spent, instead, on the people. Foot Re: Royal Thai Navy dispatch ships to safely return storm-stranded tourists Well done Thailand for looking after tourists. Steve Lacey

Troubled waters

Re: Marine Dept launches Facebook complaints portal, as dangerous Phuket speedboat complaint left floundering “Acting director of Phuket Marine Office” is waiting for “Marine Department” to send

information of the complaint. You couldn’t make this stuff up. What exactly IS this guy’s job? CaptainJack69 I hope it works, really. But taxi complaints (call 1584) don’t work. They speak only Thai (on Phuket!). Hope this boat thing is language-wise an upgraded idea. Tourists don’t speak Thai. In most countries boats like this have a large registration number on both sides of the hull. Start with that. And after complaints, check skills boatman. Easy! Kurt I once messaged the expat police Facebook page if anyone could speak English to lodge a complaint. Three to four days later they answered me yes… and blocked me from messaging further. Jeff PS Right when I thought they were finally onto something, it turns out no decisive action can be taken immediately. No good. HOWEVER: This is a step in the right direction. Beach visitors and tour vessel passengers SHOULD ALWAYS report complaints

or dangerous situations to this Facebook page. Include time, date, location, and as many details as possible, plus a few photos. It is documentation with a time stamp, and hopefully a photo. In very short order, if the Facebook page is kept online and running, there will be no choice other than to address them faster. Daren Jenner

every minute of every day, most with exhaust pipes loud enough to rattle your fillings. I wonder if the police fine themselves for ghost riding down Bangla Rd to get to their box on beach road? Discover Thainess

Use of such a website to report alleged wrong behaviour about some marine or tourism service can be seen as defamation under the Computer Crimes Act. You have to think twice before using this service. Alf

Re: Dangerous driver, brakes blamed for pickup landing in Phuket jungle Thailand, second only to Libya in highway fatalities per capita and most certainly the HUB of brake failure worldwide. Galong

Life on the road

Ah, the mysterious “cut off by another” defence. Accountability, responsibility, maturity? 0 for 3, how novel. MartinK

Re: Total six dead in Phuket during Seven Days of Danger New Year 2019 “227 fined for driving without a licence.” This is only a half day’s work for Chalong Police in Rawai… Nasa12 I don’t understand how only 18 illegally modified motorcycles were found. More than 18 go past my apartment

The “target” deaths on the road should be NONE! Jane Varley

“From there the pickup’s front wheels pitched up off the road as the vehicle tilted backwards.” This in itself tells us about the vehicle’s load and why it should not have been on the road. Rorri_2

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Standardised senior home care en route




Phusadee Arunmas


he government is set to upgrade and standardise senior home care services and products as the proportion of elderly people in the country grows. Commerce Minister Sontirat Sontijirawong said Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak is scheduled to talk with representatives of the Japanese government during his visit to that country at the end of this month about the development of elderly care services, especially the standardisation of home care services and products. Japan has vast experience in managing an ageing society, he said. “Thailand needs cooperation from Japanese government agencies to develop standards for home care services for the elderly here,” Mr Sontirat said. “The cooperation should be developed on a government-to-government basis.” He said the Commerce Ministry will hold a joint meeting with related government and private agencies such as the Social Development and Human Security Ministry, the Labour Ministry, the Public Health Ministry and the Industry Ministry to brainstorm the development of elderly care businesses in Thailand


People looking to enter the monkhood will now be subject to criminal background checks. Photo: Bangkok Post / File

Police to vet novice monks NATIONWIDE Thailand has already become an ageing society, as the number of people aged 60 and older exceeds 10% of the total. and make preparations. After the brainstorming session, the ministry will propose strategy and policy to develop elderly services to the Cabinet, Mr Sontirat said, adding that Thailand is projected to become an aged society by 2020, with 20% of the total population aged over 60 years. The UN defines a society as aged when 20% of people are over 60. Thailand has already become an ageing society, as the number of people aged 60 and older exceeds 10% of the total. An ageing society has at least 10% of people aged 60 and older. The National Economic and Social Development Council reports that Thai-

land had 11.2 million such people – 17% of the population – in 2017. By 2036, the state planning unit predicts the segment to rise to 19.5mn people, or 30% of the total population. There are an estimated 800 elderly nursing homes registered with the Business Development Department, and the number is increasing given the growing number of elderly in Thailand. “Thailand has a strength in the quality of workers to provide services to the elderly and has high potential to develop a hub for elderly care services, as well as a production base for medical or elderly care products,” Mr Sontirat explained. Bangkok Post

THE ROYAL THAI POLICE (RTP) has agreed to help the National Office of Buddhism (NOB) block people with criminal records from being ordained. In a letter sent to the NOB, national police chief Chakthip Chaijinda said the RTP has put in place guidelines for its officers to run background checks on applicants seeking to join the monkhood. In Bangkok, the NOB is advised to send the applicants’ ID numbers to the police Criminal Records Division (CRD) for background checks. In the provinces, details of those seeking ordination are to be sent to police forensic offices for further submission to the CRD.

The results will be sent back to the NOB or its provincial offices within 15 days, free of charge. The move is in response to a NOB request asking police to run background checks on people seeking ordination. According to the NOB, the checks are to ensure that monks participating in ordination ceremonies comply with standards stipulated by the Sangha Supreme Council. The move is part of an attempt to put in place a stronger screening system for those seeking to join the monkhood. Earlier, the government floated a proposal for monks to have smart ID cards that show their backgrounds to enable scrutiny by authorities as part of attempts to address a series of temple scandals. Bangkok Post





After the storm has gone Southern Thailand reels in recovery effort after Pabuk SOUTH The Phuket News


elief efforts are underway along Southern Thailand’s east coast in the aftermath of tropical storm Pabuk which swept through the region with winds of up to 89km/h and waves as high as 16 feet. The storm, which developed in the South China Sea, made its way towards the Gulf of Thailand and eventually made landfall on Nakhon Sri Thammarat’s Pak Phanang coastline by late Friday (Jan 4). The Thai Meteorological Department (TMD) had issued severe weather warnings prompting a ban on boats leaving the shore, whilst airports and coastguards were on high alert, with Bangkok Airways cancelling all flights to and from Samui on Jan 4. Tens of thousands of tourists fled the popular resort islands of Koh Tao, Koh Samui and Koh Pha-ngan whilst the Royal Thai Navy dispatched ships to Phi Phi Island and Koh Racha to safely return hundreds of stranded tourists to Phuket. Although downgraded by the TMD to a tropical depression upon landfall, the storm still managed to kill at least four people and cause B3-5 billion of economic damage. Authorities in hardest-hit Nakhon Sri Thammarat said they could make only rough estimates of the damage as the number of uprooted trees and fallen electricity poles on many roads are considerable and they need time to assess what they described as “flattened” fruit plantations in all 16 districts. In Nakhon Sri Thammarat,

Pharadon Ketchat, 35, was killed when a tree fell on his house in Chian Yai district while Pricha Chankaeo, 66, drowned in Pak Phanang. In Pattani, two fishermen were killed after their boat was capsized by large waves. Nakhon Sri Thammarat officials were kept busy last Saturday (Jan 5) as they surveyed affected areas and braced for a mountain torrent which threatened to flood its municipality area, the latest target after municipalities in Pak Phanang and Pak Nakhon in Muang district were put under deep water last Friday due to the inshore surge. Electricity workers, meanwhile, tried to finish repairing damaged power poles, which caused blackouts and affected nearly 60,000 residents in Muang and Pak Phanang district. “The number of fallen electricity poles is 32 in this province,” Chayaphon Thitisak, chief of the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation said on Saturday (Jan 5) as he announced an initial estimate of the damage in the seven provinces. Nakhon Sri Thammarat’s six seaside districts of Pak Phanang, Muang, Hua Sai, Khanom, Sichon and Tha Sala were hardest hit by severe gusty winds, he said. However, officials earlier tried to curb the impact by evacuating villagers out of risk areas. In these six districts alone, more than 30,000 people were taken to safety in just a few hours. Pak Phanang municipality bore a heavy brunt as its 26,000 householders were all affected, its Mayor Phichet Klasukhon said. The storm’s impact was also felt in Trat and Rayong. According to officials, 50 seaside houses were flooded

Felled electricity poles lie across the road in the aftermath of tropical storm Pabuk in Nakhon Sri Thammarat last Saturday (Jan 5). Photo: Lillian Suwanrumpha / AFP

PM Prayut Chan-o-cha talks to residents affected by tropical storm Pabuk in Pak Phanang district of Nakhon Sri Thammarat on Monday (Jan 7). Photo: Bangkok Post in Trat’s Khlong Yai district. A similar situation was also reported in some areas of Chang resort island off the Trat mainland. Pabuk slowly left Thailand on Saturday (Jan 5). By 3 pm, it was about 55 kilometres off Phang Nga’s Takua Pa district and kept moving north-west across the Andaman Sea, the Thai Meteorological Depart-

ment said. But its departure also caused rainfall in the upper southern region, including Prachuap Khiri Khan and Phetchaburi, department chief Phuwieng Prakhammintara said, adding “even parts of Bangkok are shrouded with dark clouds.” The Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department on Monday (Jan 7) said flooding persists in some areas in Nakhon Si Thammarat, Surat Thani and Chumphon. Six shelters remained open in Pak Phanang where 970 residents had decided not to return to their damaged homes. More than 720,000 people in 23 provinces were affected by the storm, the department said. As the surveys to quantify the damage to private property and public infrastructures continue, authorities are starting to count the casualties among wildlife. Animals were also among the casualties claimed by Pabuk. At least one finless porpoise and one pink hump-

Residents fix their flooded house in Nakhon Sri Thammarat. Photo: Lillian Suwanrumpha / AFP backed dolphin were killed by strong waves. “The young calves struggled against fourto five-metre high waves as they emerged to breathe on the water’s surface,” Thon Thamrongnawasawat, a marine scientist who serves as the deputy dean of Kasetsart University’s Faculty of Fisheries, wrote on his Facebook page. Mr Thon believed the dolphins were separated from their respective pods. “They died as Pabuk departed,” the marine scientist lamented. “We can’t help them. But nature is indeed always impartial – no mercy.” Long-term solutions to all affected provinces are being planned to help villagers’ lives return to normal. The government wants to “absorb their tears and increase their revenues”, Commerce Minister Sontirat Sontijirawong said after an urgent meeting. Officials will help villagers sell their remaining farm produce in Bangkok, as well as grocery stores and shopping

centres in their provinces, he said. On a visit to storm-hit areas of Nakhon Sri Thammarat, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha promised that all houses ravaged by storm Pabuk will be quickly repaired. Gen Prayut told residents in Pak Phanang district that surveys of the damage done will be completed within 15 days, and all will be repaired within a month after that. The Prime Minister also explained that revenue from the royally initiated winter fair, ‘Un Ai Rak Khlai Khwam Nao’ will be allocated to support efforts to restore the damage dealt by Pabuk “His Majesty the King has told the government to use the revenue for the rehabilitation missions," Gen Prayut told storm and flood victims during his Monday (Jan 7) visit. The above article was compiled from reports by the Bangkok Post and other agencies. thephuketnews





Boat ban has ‘minor’ impact Tour boat operators, fishing fleet take small losses for safety MARINE

A tourist poses for a selfie with officials on a tour boat at Rassada Pier last Sunday (Jan 6), after the ban was lifted. Photo: PR Dept

Tanyaluk Sakoot


huket dodged major disruptions to its keystone tourism industry as tropical storm Pabuk passed by last weekend, yet the safety precaution of banning all boats from leaving port last Friday and Saturday (Jan 4-5) did take its toll on the local marine tour operators and commercial fishing fleet. Phuket Governor Phakaphong Tavipatana last Thursday morning (Jan 3) initially issued a ban on all boats under 12 metres in length from putting to sea amid concerns of strong wind waves reaching up to three metres tall, in line with a directive issued by Phuket Marine Office Acting Chief Wiwat Chitchertwong less than 24 hours earlier. However, by last Thursday afternoon, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha overrode that directive by banning all boats from putting to sea along the Andaman Coast for safety concerns. The ban was not lifted until midnight Saturday night. Arun Iamimsamran, General Manager at Rassada Pier, Phuket’s major departure point for all boats heading to nearby islands, including

Phi Phi Island, estimated that the ban had cost local tour and ferry boat operators some B6 million in lost revenues over the two days. “We have six companies operating round trip ferries from Phuket to nearby islands, totalling about 20 round trips per day. We also have five speedboats companies and three dive tour companies operating out of Rassada Pier,” he said. “In total, they have reported a loss of about B3mn per day over the two days,” Mr Arun said.

“Of course that does not include lost revenues suffered by sales at tour counters, small shops and taxi drivers who all work at the pier, which had no customers over the two days,” he added. Mr Arun said he and the tour operators all agreed that closing the piers during the impending storm weather was a necessary precaution for safety, but also called on the government to better oversee the safe evacuation of tourists from many of the smaller islands, not

Dusit Thani Laguna Phuket appoints new general manager HOSPITALITY DUSIT THANI LAGUNA Phuket has announced the appointment of Benjamin Perera as General Manager, effective as of December 2018. The Malaysian-born professional graduated with a NTC-2 Certificate in Food and Beverage in Singapore. Prior to joining the Dusit family, Mr Perera gained experience while working for the Hyatt International hotel brand as Food & Beverage Director in various locations such as Indonesia, Singapore, Russia and Thailand. Mr Peera has 30-plus years of experience in the hotel industry. Dusit Thani Laguna Phuket first welcomed Mr Perera in March 2014 as Executive Assistant Manager, in charge of Food & Beverage. Within five months he had been promoted to Resident Manager. In his role as Resident Manager, he has been working diligently and devoting himself to numerous successful events throughout the past three years. His success in his hospi@thephuketnews

Benjamin Perera – General Manager. tality career rapidly developed under the Dusit International umbrella. Mr Perera once again was promoted to the Hotel Manager role at Dusit Princess Srinakarin Hotel in April 2017. Now, he’s back again to re-join Dusit Thani Laguna Phuket as General Manager. Mr Perera’s responsibilities in his new role as General Manager include overseeing and managing the 253 newly

renovated rooms. Also, he is responsible for the resort’s six dining outlets, including the awardwinning Italian restaurant La Trattoria, the Michelin-star recommended Royal Thai cuisine - Ruen Thai, the Casuarina Beach Restaurant, the all-day international dining venue Laguna Café, the chill Poolside Café and the best sundown getaway Horizon Lounge. The Phuket News

just the major destinations of Phi Phi Island and Racha Island, south of Phuket. “Many other tourists were stuck on small islands near Phuket, not only Phi Phi Island,” Mr Arun said. “Officials have to think more carefully about this. Representatives from two major tour boat operators went to raise this issue with the Governor,” he added. Meanwhile, Acting Phuket Fisheries Chief Paisal Sukhapunnapun told The Phuket News that the com-

mercial fishing fleet, also grounded during the Pabuk weather ban, lost more than a B1mn a day in lost catches over the two days. “I agree that the ban should have ban introduced for safety, even if it did cost some operators lost revenues. Safety must be the top priority for the captains and the crews, and not leave them to face such weather conditions,” he said. “Our calculations estimate that the commercial fishing fleet as a whole lost about B1mn a day, but this does not include the revenues lost by smaller fishermen who directly supply smaller fresh markets,” Mr Paisal said. The halt in commercial fishing did have an unforeseen effect: the total haul registered last Sunday – after the two-day ban was lifted – was triple that of the Thursday, the day before the ban was introduced. On the Thursday (Jan 3), the total catch recorded as landed by the fleet was valued at about B1,194,195, Mr Paisal pointed out. But last Sunday (Jan 6), the total haul recorded on the day was registered with an estimated value B3,098,884. “At this value, the fleet pretty much broke even, despite the ban,” Mr Paisal said.




Developers cautious of 2019 Property developers anxious about residential presales, transfers PROPERTY Kanana Katharangsiporn


roper t y developers should be more cautious about financial liquidity and new supply launches because residential presales and transfers are unlikely to be as robust as previously expected this year. Atip Bijanonda, president of the Housing Business Association, said that if the global economy does not improve, there will be an adverse impact on the Thai economy. US policies will slow investment in China, which will affect supplier countries like Thailand. “Consequences of the USChina trade war may cause some layoffs and slow new investment,” Mr Atip said. “If the global economy affects the Thai economy, purchasing power will diminish.” As the property sector usually relies on infrastructure projects, it will depend on whether the next government will continue key policies on megaprojects like the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC),

Newly built condominiums along the future MRT Blue Line extension from Bang Sue to Tha Phra. Photo: Bangkok Post / Seksan Rojjanamatakun double-track railway lines, the high-speed rail to link major three airports and the new mass transit lines in Bangkok. Lending curbs and rising interest rates will dampen the purchasing power of new homebuyers. They will receive a lower credit line, while banks’ mortgage loan rejection rates will be higher. Existing mortgage borrow-

ers will have a lower budget for further spending as interest rates rise. For every 25-percentage-point increase in interest rate, a cut in borrower’s loan principal will reduce by 2%. Repayments will take longer periods. Mr Atip said the land and buildings tax that takes effect in early 2020 will boost the amount of second homes to

compete with new residential supply. This will have an impact on new supply launch. “Developers should be more careful of their liquidity, as company expenses will be fixed but earnings may miss their targets,” he said. “Sales and transfers will not be as good as expected. They may need capital reserves for healthier cash flow.”

Mr Atip said land prices this year will continue rising, particularly in locations near mass transit lines. This will affect condo prices by 5% for every 10% rise in land prices. For a single house and townhouse, the price will increase by 3% this year. “Some condo developers avoided higher land prices by moving to develop projects in locations where land prices are cheaper but the sales rate was not good,” he said. “Condos should be close to mass transit lines.” Issara Boonyoung, the association’s honorary president, said land prices will remain a key factor driving development cost, particularly in locations near infrastructure projects. In the three EEC provinces, land price increases this year will cool after soaring in the past few years. Megaprojects will help boost new supply in suburbs, vicinities and the three EEC provinces. Mr Issara said cement prices this year will rise by 5%, the same rate of increase as last year. Together with land and development costs,

residential prices in 2019 will rise by 3-5%. “As costs will continue rising and make housing prices higher, developers should be more careful of new supply launches amid a forecast slowdown in home purchasing power,” Mr Issara said. “Developers should adjust products and sales strategy to match demand, which will be impacted by the new lending curbs that require buyers to make a higher down payment.” A source in the property sector said there are concerns about condo transfers in 2019 among some Japanese partners that have joint ventures with local developers in condo projects, as many such projects are scheduled for completion this year. “Though foreign partners are from different firms, they often meet after work and share their condo sales rate with each other,” the source said. “Some are concerned over unit transfers at their joint venture projects this year. If the transfer is poor, they may reconsider new investment.” Bangkok Post

KBank expects 10 times digital lending FINANCE KASIKORNBANK (KBANK) HAS SET an ambitious goal of 10 times growth in digital lending this year, targeting low-income earners who are not bank customers. The bank expects its digital lending outstanding to expand aggressively to B10 billion in 2019 from B1bn last year, said president Kattiya Indaravijaya. KBank plans to reach new borrowers through the partnership model, Ms Kattiya said. A full array of consumer lending products, including mortgages, auto loans, credit cards and personal loans, will be available via K-Plus, KBank’s mobile banking app, this year, she said. For digital mortgages, the bank will prioritise homes priced below B3 million per unit, shifting focus from units B3mn and higher. The self-employed and freelance buyers are the new target customers. Take KBank’s collaboration with Grab Thailand as an example. The partnership is a springboard for the bank to access taxi drivers, a new customer base, Ms Kattiya said. With the expansion to low-income earners, a group considered a higher risk, the bank expects an increased level of payment defaults initially. KBank hopes it can use artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyse data and learn consumer behaviour, providing more accurate lending predictions in the future, Ms Kattiya said. The move underscored a recent remark by Patchara Samalapa, another KBank president, that the bank is shifting its customer acquisi-

KBank estimates that its digital lending volume will grow by 10 times this year as low-income users come on board. Photo: Bangkok Post / Pattarapong Chatpattarasill tion focus to the lower-income segment, where strong demand for financial services remains. Ms Kattiya said KBank plans to recruit 100-200 local and foreign IT staff, in accordance with its plan to adopt a wide range of digital banking services. The bank is hunting for new employees from tech bases such as Silicon Valley, Israel and China. The bank’s China network is helping support IT staff recruitment, she said. “As part of the intensified headhunting for IT staff, the bank is offering new recruits living overseas job options,” Ms Kattiya said. “For instance, they can work overseas and engage in jobs on a case-by-case basis.” The bank’s technology subsidiary, Kasikorn Business Technology Group (KBTG), has a total staff of 1,200. KBank aims to increase users of its K-Plus app to 100mn in the near future from 10mn now, developing it as a business platform and expanding to the regional market, Ms Kattiya said. The bank has 14mn customers, of which 10mn are K-Plus users. Bangkok Post thephuketnews



Wearable devices with medical features


Best of movies, TV and screen in 2018




A ‘Holiday for Charity’ ethos from the Eco-Logic resort in Paksong

David Jacklin


huket is blessed to be surrounded with a wealth of wonderful places to visit in our southern region. From the beauty of the national park at Khao Sok to the wondrous seascapes of Phang Nga, there is much to explore in the neighbouring provinces off the island. For those searching for something a little bit different that mixes our need to explore, our desire to relax, but also has a ‘feel good’ factor that will have us glowing on our return… Eco-Logic, Resort for Charity, near the city of Ranong, may be just the ticket. Eco-Logic is a family-friendly nature retreat located over 40 rai in the middle of the jungle in Paksong (Chumphon Province) on the west coast, around a five-hour drive north of Phuket. EcoLogic stands in a stunning ‘return to nature’ setting, but the experience is so much more. The resort promotes the mantra ‘Relax, Experience, Learn’, and it is the ‘experience’ and ‘learn’ aspect of their offering that sets the resort apart from anywhere you are likely to have visited before. Eco-Logic is an inherent part of the Thai Child Development Foundation (TCDF), a charity that provides special medical care and education for children with physical disabilities, learning disabilities or social problems. The founders and their teams work both aspects into a symbiotic relationship and unique experience for visitors and residents from the same location. Invited by the co-owners, Ingrid van der Straaten and Rosalie Tieges, I took my family up for a two-night stay over the festive break, excited to hide out in the jungle, intrigued by the new wave of ‘voluntourism’ and its growing appeal. Even the trip north calms the nerves from the tumult of Phuket with quality roads, minimal traffic and a scenic backdrop that makes the road trip pass in a jiffy. Khao Lak provides an ideal pit stop for lunch and a stretch. And for those without a car, the on-foot traveller can jump on a bus from Phuket Town for a six-hour ride, and the resort will pick you up from the nearby main road junction. On arrival you get an immediate sense of a well organised co-operative. Not just from the staff and visitors, but @thephuketnews

Respectful, Loving, Self Sufficient - The core values of the school founded for local children with learning difficulties. Photo: Uma Jacklin from the village and wider community at large. To begin with, it is an idyllic setting. The resort and foundation are nested within the landscape and cover of the surrounding jungle. Areas open out naturally to the sunlit river that winds itself around the estate. There’s an immediate community atmosphere and we’re duly welcomed by passing staff and visitors alike. You get a sense of a self-sustaining resort as you pass the organised agriculture plots, farm animals and energyproduction systems. There is an air of a well-oiled natural machine. There are a range of accommodation options at the resort, and my daughter, Uma, and I are placed in a fantastically spacious and artistically decorated ‘jungalow’ (see what they did there?), hugging the mountain, and looking out from its vast windows across the winding river just a stone’s throw away. If it’s your penchant, you could while away your entire stay here entranced with the wonderment of nature and your undisturbed proximity to it. Your

jungalow also comes equipped with its own little garden, sitting area and fire pit. But the resort also offers a range of activities that enhance the nature-seeking visitor’s experience, including yoga sessions, massage, detox programs, jungle treks and natural hot spring visits. The resort restaurant is a friendly hangout space with open terrace views across the estate, as well as providing both a communal dining option alongside personal a la carte and beverage needs. If not satiated enough by this much natural indulgence, just wait until you see the vast night sky, stretching out across the mountain tops with the most stunning cast of uninhibited stars, and a supporting actor of the Milky Way if you’re lucky. Even the early morning has its treat, as the thick mountain mist rolls across the river, enveloping our jungalow in dense cloud, before clearing away to reveal the source of the surrounding cries and squawks… the ever-present jungle. All in all, it’s a perfect family getaway. I met with the co-owner, Ingrid,

The school’s program includes educational curriculum, vocational skills and healing massage. Photo: Uma Jacklin to discuss how this incredible project unfolded. Ingrid and Rosalie originally came to the area to teach in local schools. They felt compelled to work with the community to provide support and facilities for children in need of specialist education and medical attention. From their own investment they bought the land, an old plantation, in 2006, and developed the infrastructure and facilities organically, as time and finances could afford… Continued on page 12


THEPHUKETNEWS.COM The site has a range of accommodation options from backpacker dormitories to selfcontained bungalows. Photo: Uma Jacklin

In 2010 Ingrid and Rosalie were able to start an education program for special needs children, which today covers the essential needs for children within a 45-kilometre radius, and a school that has 25 children enlisted as students. The education program and occupational training includes skills such as farm maintenance, craft making, guest house and restaurant services… all providing vocational learning and future work opportunities. “We started Eco-Logic as an opportunity for all to come and live in the real Thailand environment, to get involved in our project,” explained Ingrid, with the everpresent passion and warmth that comes with her exchange. “The integration of local staff and villages, children, visitors and the natural surroundings are an important aspect of our resort. It’s a ‘Holiday for Charity’ idea; support a great cause whilst enjoying the unique experience that we have to offer.” Ingrid terms the ideology behind the entire commercial aspect

of the venture as their ‘Vision Mission’, with 100% of all funds raised via a range of programs, sources and investments going directly to support the children’s needs. The entire ethos of all aspects of the working resort is based on the ‘Permaculture Flower’ model, developed by David Holmgren in the 1970s, which integrates ethics, design systems and ecological solutions into a sustainable culture. Eco-Logic and the TCDF is an incredibly efficient and empowering example of a working community under these principles. The charitable intention and care of the entire team of 20 people who work the land, teach the children and support the activities is inspiring alone. Seeing how this all permeates to the success of running their own agricultural program and selfsustainability adds another level of inspiration. An on-site farm that feeds the restaurant and school, chicken excrement that is turned into a methane gas resource (yes really), an aquaponic system in which fish waste provides an or-

ganic food source for plants, and the plants naturally filter the water for the fish, a recycling bank which services the entire local community, ground coffee production and a traditional clay hut building project that provides homes as well as an education into this forgotten, but environmentally friendly building process. If Ingrid and Rosalie aren’t busy enough, they have plans to expand, and they would love us all to get involved. “We’re planning a community garden, where TCDF parents and locals have their own organisation and garden to grow produce. TCDF can purchase products from them for the restaurant and they then have additional sources of income,” said Ingrid. “We’re also going to develop a pool area around the restaurant, steam sauna and build tree houses to support the growing interest for people to spend time at the resort.” “For further learning, we’re looking to develop a Creative Community Learning Centre, with a wide range of educational pro-

FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 2019 A visit to the Eco-Logic Resort has a community feel and a range of activities to support the foundation. Photo: Uma Jacklin

Ingrid van der Straaten, Co-founder. Photo: Uma Jacklin grams for local schools and people, as well as more developed courses for the international community.” TCDF requires continual financial support to sustain their adventurous ‘Vision Mission’ program, and the ‘Holiday for Charity’ ethos is the ideal opportunity to support an incredible cause whilst benefiting from this unique resort-stay experience and its surrounding environment. Every single person that comes to stay financially supports the program, but there are also greater opportunities for longer-term involvement and investment. The ‘Adopt a Bungalow’ scheme invites individuals to invest money in a time-share style approach to building new accommodation or renovating current buildings. Investing in a ‘home away from home’ provides the ideal holiday location for family and friends, as well as funding for such a good cause within the foundation. Eco-Logic are also calling out to companies with a Corporate Social Responsibility plan to get involved with the foundation for team building or away days, which the resort can either organise or host. However we want to be involved, Eco-Logic and TCDF is a glowing example of two people’s vision and their partners’ and teams’ commitment to make a lasting difference to both those in need and those that can help. And in the process, we all get to experience something that no money can buy: a loving community upheld and in harmony with its natural environment and resources. Thai Child Development Foundation 71/2 M4 T Pak Song, Phato, Chumphon 86180 Tel: 086 172 1090 Site: Eco-Logic Resort Tel: 086 172 1090 Site: Email: thephuketnews


Watch your heart THEPHUKETNEWS.COM


Digital wearable technologies can help monitor your cardio activity


he newest version of the Apple Watch is inching towards becoming a medical device. With a built-in electrocardiogram, it is said to be the world’s first wearable available to A useful consumers over the counter to offer such monitormedical functionality. Launched last September, the Apple ing tool Watch Series 4 has received approval from for the heart or a the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to potential healthcare operate an on-demand electrocardiogram. Though such an advancement could mean a leap forward in headache? personal healthcare, it is still a subject of debate as to whether this incarnation of the Apple Watch will prove to be a useful monitoring tool for the heart or a potential healthcare headache, responsible for triggering false alarms. Cardiologist Dr Krisda Vilaiwatanakorn said that wearable devices with medical features can be considered supplementary equipment to keep an eye on the heart. However, they should by no means be the main source of information for medical diagnosis. “These devices can give preliminary data to suggest if something should be done. But users should not solely depend on them or be overly alarmed by the results without consulting a specialist,” he said. An electrocardiogram, also known as an EKG or ECG, is a diagnostic procedure to measure and record the electrical activity of the heart. The heart has its own electrical system for making and conducting signals that trigger the heartbeat. The electricity is generated by a group of cells in the heart’s wall called the SA Node, which signals the atria, or upper chambers, to contract. Then it sends signals to the AV Node, another group of cells, to trigger the ventricles, or lower chambers, to contract. So to check the whole picture of the heart and how each chamber functions, Dr Krisda explained, EKG comes into play, as it is designed to monitor the electrical activity from different angles in order to identify and locate the heart’s pathology. There are several markers to monitor the pattern of electricity. A full-scale EKG used by cardiologists to check for abnormalities in the heart usually comprises 12 leads, imaginary lines between two EKG electrodes. A 12-lead EKG procedure uses 10 electrodes – six for the chest and four for the limbs. “EKG is a standard diagnostic protocol for patients who come in with heart-related symptoms like chest pain,” said the cardiologist. “It works best when symptoms appear while the EKG is being carried out. Nonetheless, for those with heart-related conditions, an EKG that shows normal results does not mean the end of the story. A specialist might need to check cardiac markers or the patient’s family history, or conduct a physical examination to assess the risks.” Painless and quick, an EKG can be used to check the heart’s rhythm and blood flow, and detect heart attacks or other abnormalities, such as thickened heart muscles and coronary artery diseases. According to Dr Krisda, the biggest difference between wearable-scale and hospital-scale EKGs is the number of leads. While a full-scale EKG contains 12 leads, a wearable-scale EKG is a single-lead detector. “A single-lead EKG Apple heart monitoring applications. Photo: mobihealthnews can only check heart

Arusa Pisuthipan


A doctor running an EKG test on male patient. Photo: rhythm and if the heart is beating normally. However, it doesn’t detect electricity that runs to and from other parts of the body. Illnesses like thickened heart muscle, cardiomegaly (enlarged heart) and coronary artery diseases can only be confirmed by a 12-lead EKG,” he said. Despite such limitations, Dr Krisda is of the opinion that wearable devices with built-in EKG can be helpful, especially among the elderly, as many of them do not feel like complaining about their health or visiting a specialist for regular screening. “Of course, a wearable is more convenient than a portable EKG device because it does not require any complicated installing instructions. And it is FDA-approved, so the results are reliable to a certain extent. It helps monitor the heart’s health, which means it takes better care of us, especially in terms of prevention. “The important thing to note here is that the device will not do harm unless users become overly anxious about it. Whether your smartwatch goes off or not, you have to visit a doctor if any abnormalities develop. On the other hand, if you look at your device all day and become too stressed out about the results you keep reading, then that means it’s doing more harm than good.” With or without a smartwatch, taking care of the heart is paramount and that requires human attention rather than medical technology. First, Dr Krisda advises starting with something that can be amended. “Smoking is a threat to the heart,” he said. “So if you smoke, quit. Also salty diets can lead to high blood pressure, which puts more pressure on the heart. Food that is high in fat, especially fried and deep-fried dishes, can lead to high cholesterol which is also detrimental to the heart’s health.” As with anything else, exercise is crucial. “It’s recommended that you work out five times a week. Each time

Jeff Williams, COO of Apple, speaks about the Apple Watch Series 4. Photo: Noah Berger should last no less than 30 minutes. If you do heavy exercise, the number can go down to three times a week. If you wear a smartwatch, keep an appropriate heart rate while exercising,” said Dr Krisda. Each individual’s target heart rate for exercise varies, but should be around 70% of one’s maximum heart rate for moderate-intensity physical activity. The maximum rate is based on a person’s age and can be calculated by subtracting the age from 220. If you are 40 years old, for instance, your target heart rate should be 70% of 180 or around 126 beats per minute. “For those without a smartwatch, just use your intuition,” he said. “You should feel exhausted during exercise. An easy way to measure the level of exhaustion is through your ability to speak. While working out, you should be able to talk but with some difficulty. If you can still chat or have a long conversation with friends, it means you’re not doing it hard enough. Conversely, if you feel so tired you are unable to speak, that’s probably too much.” Bangkok Post




What we watched in 2018

The great and the good from the silver screen, TV and phone screen Kong Rithdee & Melalin Mahavongtrakul


he highest-grossing film of 2018 in Thailand was Avengers: Infinity War. In Bangkok, the Disney/Marvel superhero jamboree made B420 million, a new high for Hollywood film. The total receipt from the whole country is around B700 million. Let’s see if the final Avengers film that will come out in May will beat that. The Thai film that reigned above all in 2018 was Nagi 2, a movie sequel of a hit TV drama about two lovers and a mythical snake. Starring popular soap actors Nadech Kugimiya and Urassaya Sperbund, the film made B160 million in Bangkok and B400 million in total. Nagi 2 was an unexpected hit and an unusual case of a cinematic version that becomes as successful as the original TV series. The second-biggest Thai title of the year came from hitmaker GDH-599 – the romantic comedy Nong Phi Tee Rak (Brother Of The Year) earned B150 million in Bangkok and B245 million in total; the film again stars Urassaya Sperbund, the TV darling who’s now cast her appeal over the big screen as well.

Closer to home Identity politics, stirred into life in the mid-2010s, remains the cultural force of 2018 – the #metoo movement, the black lives matter activism, or the flip side of nationalism and nativism. They are clearly manifest in the movie culture throughout the past 12 months – from the success of Black Panther to the passionate call for more female directors at major film festivals, from the downfall of badly-behaved film stars to the excitement (in the US) over Crazy Rich Asians. In Thailand, these phenomena rarely matter or find their local counterparts. But a mild version of identity politics is here too, and it has found its expression on the screen in the rise of regional cinema or, to be precise, Isan cinema. It began a few years ago but the trend was cemented in 2018. Films produced by northeastern filmmakers, speaking northeastern dialect, and targeted primarily northeastern audiences, have

Bupphaesannivas. Photo: Channel 3

Avengers: Infinity War reigned at the Box Office. Image: Marvel Studios

Prathet Ku Me. become a real cultural and marketing force. Earlier in the year Tai Ban The Series, a romantic comedy about Isan boys and girls, drew massive crowds to multiplexes in the northeast, making over B50 million. In November the sequel was released and it was a major hit in the region. The film earned over B120 million, with only a fraction of this amount coming from Bangkok, while the rest of the haul was from Isan. This year, look forward to more films about Isan romance, molam music and other representations of Isan life. This decentralisation of filmmaking activity and cultural hegemony away from the bourgeoise dominance of Bangkok is a sign of diversity that may hint at the future of Thai cinema. Politics had been absent from Thai cinema for a long period. Thanks to the May 2014 coup and the subsequent build-up of frustration, politics has found its way back to the screen – not in large

The highly anticipated return of Game Of Thrones. Photo: HBO doses, but just enough to show that Thai filmmakers still have political bones in their body. In December, Ten Years Thailand passed the censors (to the surprise of many, including the filmmakers) and was released in limited cinemas. Though relying on metaphors and symbolism, the omnibus of four short films is by far the clearest anti-junta cinematic stance to have hit the big screen. The four stories – about state censorship, intolerance of dissension, national hypnotism and an intriguing meditation on Thailand’s authoritarian past – are critical without being belligerent, and they’ve done a great service of bringing down the ceiling a few notches. But the clearest anti-junta statement arrived not on the big screen but on YouTube – the music video for the rap track Prathet Ku Me rattled the status quo with raw energy and courage, and the video’s re-enactment of the Oct 6, 1976, massacre is a gutsy move in presenting one of Thailand’s most long-standing taboos. That it escaped the wrath of the establishment was probably because of its huge popularity. Prathet Ku Me also achieves something unusual for a political statement – it’s so compelling that the view count now tops 48 million. TV Thai people – and even the Dear Leader – hadn’t been this crazy about a soap opera in a long time. In February, Bupphaesannivas (Love Destiny) became a smash hit and launched a cultural phenomenon for nostalgia. The time-travelling romance, aired on Channel 3, brought the young and old to the TV screen and became the highest-rated soap opera in the digitalTV era. The story is told through the eye of a modern-day archaeologist who’s transported back to 1660s Ayutthaya,

throwing in elements of drama, romance and humour. The huge popularity of Bupphaesannivas also sparked the ‘or jao’ fever that saw the return of period costumes, traditional food and historical tourist attractions to the mainstream. 2019… worth the wait There may be a lot of shows to come this year, but nothing can rival the anticipation over the intense fight for power in HBO’s Game Of Thrones. Its eighth season, and the series’ last, is set to premiere in April. Fans are, of course, torn between the excitement of the upcoming grand finale, and the sadness that this beloved series is inevitably coming to an end. This final season is slated for six episodes only, and they are sure to be packed with all the action one could squeeze in. Hopefully, nobody’s favourite character will get killed, but that’s almost impossible in this series where people drop dead like autumn leaves. Disney enters the platform space We sure have a lot of streaming platforms these days: Netflix, LineTV, iflix, Hooq, Hulu and more. Taking a giant leap into this competitive arena this year is Disney+, and what a strong presence it’ll be with all the original films and series from Walt Disney Studios. Some Marvel and Star Wars-based content is already among that announced for Disney+. Their existing film library from Disney, Pixar and Marvel Cinematic Universe will reportedly be available for streaming as well. It is expected that all of Disney’s content on Netflix will be transported into Disney+ once the distribution agreement is over. We now wait to see how the new platform will fare, as well as how it will affect its competitors. Here’s to happy viewing in 2019.

Bangkok Post thephuketnews




The Kingdom of Funan

The First Great Southeast Asian Empire HISTORY OF PHUKET Colin Mackay


he smaller kingdoms developing in the central peninsula came to be dominated by the Kingdom of Funan from the first to the seventh centuries AD. Funan, probably the first great Southeast Asian empire, apparently started out as a simple pirate base at Óc Eo, strategically situated on the southwest coast of Vietnam today between the Mekong delta and the main east-west maritime trade routes. An early Chinese account tells us that the Funanese were a “dark and curly haired people who went naked.” According to Indian legend, Funan became a more civilised place when an Indian leader of high birth sailed east, married a Funanese princess and became king. He persuaded the Funanese that supplying and trading with passing ships would be more profitable in the longer term than attacking and plundering them. Óc Eo then developed as the main trading port in the Gulf of Thailand region, a central emporium for goods and traders from China, the Malay world and the Indian Ocean. Archaeological excavations at Óc Eo have unearthed objects there from as far away as Rome, India, China and Japan. Kangtai and Zhuying, two thirdcentury Chinese emissaries to Funan, noted the wealth of the Funanese and tell us, “They live in walled villages, palaces and houses … [the people] go about naked and barefoot. Their nature is simple and they are not inclined towards thievery… they undertake agriculture… Customs and taxes are paid in gold, silver, pearls and perfumes… there are books and depositories of archives and other things.” Funan developed a powerful navy and army and attempted to control all trade around the Gulf of Thailand including the important trans-peninsular portage routes in the Malay Peninsula. A third-century Chinese report tells of a powerful Funanese king called Fan Chu Man who, “by the might of his arms, attacked and subdued neighboring kingdoms and all admitted themselves his vassals … He had great ships constructed in which he crossed over the sea [Gulf of Thailand] and attacked and subdued more than ten kingdoms and expanded his kingdom in all directions for some 6,000 li” (roughly 3,000 kilometers: Phuket Island is only some 1,000 kilometers from Óc Eo). By AD 503, the imperial court of China officially recognised the King of Funan as the leader of all the “Nang Yang” (South Seas) and conferred upon him the title “General of the Pacified south”. By the late seventh century, however, Funan was attacked and overrun by the Kingdom of Chenla, a large Khmer agricultural kingdom to its north. Chenla @thephuketnews

An illustration depicting the early capital of Vyadhapura in the Funan empire. was a more agricultural and less maritime kingdom and it was ultimately unable to maintain the control that Funan had maintained over the trans-peninsular trade routes and the local kingdoms that had grown up around them. A few existing Chinese and Arab writings leave us fleeting descriptions of these smaller central Malay Peninsula kingdoms during this period of Funanese domination from roughly the first to the end of the seventh century. Tun Sun Tun Sun seems to have been the early Chinese name for the whole central Malay Peninsula under Funanese control. It was mentioned that this kingdom was centered on the Tapi River which empties into the sea at Surat Thani and that it controlled several of the main central trans-peninsular trade routes. One third-century Chinese script tells us that Tun Sun was “An ocean stepping stone, situated on a precipitous coast 3,000 li south of Funan … it has five kings, all vassals of Funan … On the east, the kingdom was in communication with Tongking (South China), on the west, with India and Parthia (Persia).” Another third-century Chinese source, the “Tai Ping Yu Lan” chronicle notes, “Tun Sun was originally an independent kingdom but King Fan Man [of Funan] subdued it.” A fifth-century Chinese chronicle, the “Fu-Nan Chi” tells us: “Ton-sun is a dependency of Funan. In the country there are five hundred families of ‘Hun’ [merchants?] from India, two hundred ‘fo-te’ [Buddhists?] and more than a thousand Indian Brahmins. The people of Tun sun practice their doctrine and give them their daughters in marriage; consequently many of the Brahmins do not leave the place. They do nothing but study the sacred canon, bathe themselves with scent and flowers and practice piety by day and night.” Clearly these Brahmins, who in India would have been celibate, were enjoying the comparatively more relaxed mores and lifestyle in Suvarnabhumi, which also calls into question their authenticity. The same chronicle also states: “Tun sun is situated across the Gulf of Siam

3,000 li southwards of Funan. Among the inhabitants are many with white complexions.” It is unclear whether this means Malays, Persians, Romans or simply rich traders who did not have to work in the fields or on ships. The kingdom of Tun Sun is, rather strangely, never mentioned in Chinese writings after the eighth century, probably because Chinese travelers and officials got to know the peninsula better and began to identify the individual

A 1,300 year-old ancient tower of the Funan Empire in Vietnam. kingdoms there after they had become independent of Funan’s overlordship and several of them began to send their own embassies and trade missions north to China. Adapted with kind permission from the book ‘A History of Phuket and the Surrounding Region’ by Colin Mackay. Available from good bookshops and Order the softcover 2nd edition directly at:




Yes! We Have No Bananas

A walk through of Thailand’s popular potassium produce GREEN THOUGHTS Patrick Campbell


was talking recently about gardening to an English lady visiting Phuket and the subject of bananas came up. “Do you know,” she enthused, “that banana skins put around the roots of rose bushes, promote better growth?” “No,” I replied in surprise. But then I wouldn’t have known that, since bananas were like gold dust in my childhood, and my father’s 150 or so hybrid tea roses had to make do with dollops of cow muck carted in by wheelbarrow from the field next door. In fact the first banana I remember eating was when I was 10 years old.

Musa ornata. Photo: Dinesh Valke

The lady’s tip is a good idea for Phuket’s rose lovers though – that is if you are brave enough to try cultivating what is essentially a cool-climate shrub in a tropical climate. After all, banana skins are common enough here – both literally and metaphorically. Wild bananas (or kluay in Thai) grow everywhere in Phuket, taking over hillsides, secondary forest and even waste ground. Drive the coast road from Rawai to Kata and you will see banana trees everywhere. And widely available hybrids make an excellent choice for the gardener with a new property and a bare plot, since they will not only thrive in full sunshine and relatively shallow soil, but will shoot up fast enough to provide shade for less robust plants. Commercial growers apply a nitrogen-rich N3: P1: K6 fertiliser. Appearances, however, can be deceptive. Most wild bananas are full of seeds or are suitable mainly for cooking. Seedless or parthenocarpic commercial varieties owe their existence to hybridisation. Even so, flavours can vary enormously – from mild, almost tasteless varieties to sweet and even slightly acidic ones. Some have dense flesh, while others are soft and floury. In fact there are more than 200 kinds, grown in no fewer than 107

Musa balbisiana. Photo: David J. Stang

countries. The world’s most popular fruit. All, however, ultimately trace their origins back to two wild species, musa acuminata and musa balbisiana. Popular among Thais, short and stubby balbisianas owe their popularity to a sharp, astringent taste when green and young, a characteristic which makes them a useful accompaniment to pad thai noodles, certain kinds of nam prik and nam nuang. Both the flower – which has an artichoke-like flavour – and the stem are also used in Thai cuisine, and the leaves perform a range of functions from packaging for sticky rice and other snacks to roofing material. Most tropical countries differentiate between green plantains which are more starchy and generally used for cooking, and dessert bananas which are sweeter and eaten raw. Thailand, which probably has more kinds than any other country, does not make this distinction. In fact the world’s leading commercial banana, the Cavendish, exported by such leading producers as Fyffes, is not generally available in the Kingdom. Coals to Newcastle. The ones favoured here, as a dessert fruit eaten raw, are finger bananas, which are usually bought when green and allowed to turn yellow. Quite small, they possess a sweet, perfumed flavour and are delicious. They are best eaten when the yellow skin is beginning to develop brown spots. At the other end of the scale are “king” or “rajah” bananas which may be as much as 18 inches long. Bananas are unusual plants. They look like trees with their straight trunks and palm-like leaves, but in fact they are herbaceous, flowering perennials. What appears to be a woody trunk is in fact a stem of toughly packed sheaths. Cut a cross-section through the soft, waterladen tissue and it will resemble the layers of an onion. Once mature, the banana plant will produce a huge, sexy-looking purplish flower spike which will in turn bear fruit – up to 100 or more on a single plant. Slowly the parent plant will then expire, but suckers or offshoots from the underground roots will develop into new plants. Provided there is enough depth of soil (a minimum of 60 centimetres), the banana will continue to generate new growth.

Many health benefits accrue from eating bananas. They are currently fashionable among sportsmen, especially tennis players, as an instant energy provider, since they contain three natural and readily assimilated sugars – sucrose, fructose and glucose. Rich in vitamin B6, they also contain manganese, potassium and vitamin C. People who suffer from cramp swear by them, and they are known to be good for the heart, nervous system and kidneys. Above all they are affordable, convenient, ubiquitous and relatively low in calories. For the small garden, the decorative cultivars are the best bet. Grown for their ornamental value, they are generally much smaller and more manageable. They may be cultivated either for their handsome foliage or for their attractive flowers. For example, Sumatrana has leaves which are maroon underneath and green above. More popular is M. uranoscopus which has the characteristic, tightly sheathed flower at the end of an upright spike. But the flower, surprise, surprise, is a brilliant red. M. ornata has flowers that range in colour from lavender to deep purple. And on M. velutina, the bracts are pinkish and are succeeded by pink, velvety fruits. Most unusual… Bananas are relatively easy to propagate by dividing up the fleshy roots. In fact the root systems are not as large as one might expect. Another bonus… If you need some ordinary banana plants, you can find them just about anywhere. They are considered lucky in Thailand, and a neighbour will probably be prepared to give you a few. But if you want to obtain the ornamental varieties, you will need to visit a good plant nursery. But these cultivars are becoming increasingly popular in Thailand – and rightly so. Yes, we do have bananas – and oodles of them. Patrick has been writing for 10 years about gardening in Phuket and allied topics. If you have horticultural or environmental concerns, please contact him at Many of his earlier creative and academic publications can be found at Wordpress: Green Galoshes. thephuketnews



French aromas near Nai Harn Le Paris Phuket Restaurant, Bar & Grill


The new restaurant has a spacious and relaxed interior style.

The Phuket News


e Paris Phuket Restaurant, Bar & Grill is now open. Located near Nai Harn Beach in Tambon Rawai, it serves international cuisine under the direction of famous French chef, Pascal Guedin. Chef Pascal began his career at age 15, and now has more than 30 years’ experience, preparing dinners for sovereigns and statesmen in embassies – and at some of the world’s great restaurants. He specialises in French cuisine, but Le Paris Phuket Restaurant, Bar & Grill also offers a fine selection of Thai dishes and barbecue – all made with an eye towards healthy eating and minimal use of oil. The chef’s Seafood Barbecue, with his signature sauce, is a stand-out. The dish is redolent of Thailand – with garlic, fresh pepper corns and lime. Flavours and aromas are distinct. It’s a dish you’ll never forget. Other European-style barbecue dishes include beef, pork, chicken, and mixed sausage. Le Paris Phuket Restaurant, Bar & Grill serves: notable steak dishes, a variety of salads, vegetable, crab and other soups, and many other memorable recipes in French and American style. Service, by the way, is excellent throughout. An important feature of this charmingly European


European-style barbecue dishes. restaurant is the fine quality of its Thai cuisine. On the Thai side, the restaurant offers popular favourites such as Somtam (Spicy Unripened Papaya Salad), Pad Kai Med Mamuang (Fried Chicken in Cashews), and Pad Thai (Thai Fried Noodles), among others too numerous to list. Of course, no restaurant with such deep French roots as this can be deaf to the inquiries of those with a sweet tooth. Le Paris Phuket Restaurant, Bar & Grill makes superb pastries, pies, mousses and cakes – so good, in fact, they alone are sufficient reason for a visit.

The chef’s signature Seafood Barbecue. The venue features a full bar, with focus on cocktails, including the Le Paris Phuket Signature drinks; and a wide selection of fine French, European and New World beverages – so many you’ll be hard-pressed to make up your mind. The selection is impressive. Le Paris Phuket Restaurant, Bar & Grill Open daily, on Sai Yuan Road, near Nai Harn Beach, in Tambon Rawai. Tel: 094 807 6831 Facebook: Le Paris Phuket Restaurant, Bar & Grill




Swissotel Patong and Kamala made our Christmas a colourful one with a bright bouquet.

THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING Renaissance Resort & Spa got our new year health kick started.

Thank you Kata Rocks. It suits us to a tee.

Naughty Nuri’s Phuket dropped by with piggy treats.

A full house with JW Marriott Phuket.

Although the Christmas period is over, staff at Class Act Media are still spreading their gratitude to the host of guests from hotels, restaurants and other businesses who kindly came through our doors bearing gifts and good wishes across the festive season.

The Racha had Christmas in the bag.

Smiles all round with Thavorn Hotels & Resorts.

What’s in the box? From Pullman Naithon Resort.




Kwan and Boo.

Louie, Peter, Jeroen, Bed and Jay.


Jeniffer, Richard, Wicky and James.

Andy and Wade.

GROW, GROW, GROW YOUR BOAT. MARINE EVENT’S CONTINUED SUCCESS It was another fine turnout at the most recent Grow Boating networking event. The monthly event for Phuket’s marine industry, which took place at the Lagoon Saloon at Boat Lagoon, boasted burgers and banter as well as free libations sponsored by Class Act Media. It was held on Jan 4, ahead of the upcoming Thailand Yacht Show & RendezVous taking place in Phuket this weekend from Jan 10-13.

Celebrations underway.

Waving goodbye to 2018. Giving thumbs up to 2019.

AMARI PHUKET STAFF AND GUESTS GET TOGETHER FOR 2019 NEW YEAR Over 400 of Amari’s heads of departments, management teams, team members and guests came together to welcome 2019 at Rim Talay restaurant. Fireworks lit up Patong Beach and made for a memorable night. That’s Amari!

Pierre-Andre with Jürg, Andrea, Paul, Brigitte and Peter of the SSP, all in the festive spirit.

THE SWISS SOCIETY IN PHUKET CELEBRATES CHRISTMAS AT AMARI On Dec 28, 2018, Amari Phuket’s representative, Pierre-Andre Pelletier, Regional Vice-President, Operations – Southern Thailand, Vietnam and the Maldives (left), gave a warm welcome to the board and members of the Swiss Society Phuket (SSP) at their annual Christmas dinner at Rim Talay Restaurant. Schöni Wiehnachte! @thephuketnews

Matthias Y. Sutter, General Manager of JW Marriott Phuket, welcomed the guests at the New Year’s Eve Countdown event.

JW MARRIOTT PHUKET RESORT & SPA RINGS IN 2019 IN STYLE Guests at JW Marriott Phuket saw in the New Year in style – under the stars on the hotel’s beachfront. Turned out in white as per the night’s theme, guests sampled the lavish buffet, danced to music from UK band Ignite and DJ Mick and were treated to fire shows and a midnight fireworks display.





11 JAN

Traditional Sunday Roast at O’Tool’s All you can eat BBQ Ribs night Boat Lagoon Weekend 11-12 January 2019 Mussels night @ Shakers 1.2kg mussels served with French fries, your choice, your style: natural, marnière, Provençale, garlic and cream or Thai style. Reservations recommended B295 P/P. 081 891 4381.

Beats & Bites. Music & Food & Fun. From 6.00 pm till 10.00 pm. at Lagoon Quay. พบกับงานแสดง

ดนตรี อาหาร และความสนุกหลากหลายรูปแบบ ทีง่ านโบ๊ ทลากูนวีคเอนด์ Phuket Boat Lagoon, Phuket Boat Lagoon.

6PM – 11PM: All you can eat BBQ Ribs served with salad buffet, potato salad & choice of sauces. Reservation recommended. 295 baht P.P., 081 891 4381.


13 JAN

Served from 2pm. Your Choice of either Roast Beef, Chicken, Loin of Pork or Leg of Lamb Served with Roast & Boiled Potatoes, 3 Fresh Vegetables, Yorkshire Pudding & Gravy. Only 350 Baht. Includes a Free Glass of House Red or White. See:

Sala Sunday Night Steak & Seafood Premium barbecue main course, including imported Australian Rib Eye, full rack of Lamb or whole Phuket Lobster accompanied by buffet of delicious appetizers. Live music from 6.30pm. Premium BBQ. 1,700*Baht.Reservations, Sala Phuket, 076 338 888.

Thailand Yacht Show & RendezVous 2019

Healthy Vegan Buffet at DiLite Restaurant Come to Thanyapura’s DiLite Restaurant to enjoy a healthy vegan buffet every Monday to Saturday. Lunch: 12pm to 3pm Dinner: 6pm to 8:30pm. Price: Lunch B350 and Dinner B550. Information and bookings call 076 336 000 or visit:

ALL YOU CAN EAT BBQ RIBS Come join us for our WEEKLY BBQ EVERY FRIDAY served ALL DAY & ALL NIGHT at Two Chefs Kata Center, Karon, Kata Beach and Patong. Indulge in All You Can Eat BBQ Pork Ribs, Chicken and Sides for ONLY 495 BAHT! Our BBQ is famous at Two Chefs! Come try us out and enjoy our mouthwatering pork ribs, flavor-bursting chicken and more! Join us for Live Music from 8-Late Performed by Our Famous Two Chefs Band! Come for the FOOD - Stay for the Fun. Kata Beach 076-333-370 Kata Center 076-330-065 Karon 076-286-479 Patong 076-344-914.

Held at Royal Phuket Marina from 10-13 of January, the THAILAND YACHT SHOW AND RENDEZVOUS combines all three of the island’s previous boat shows to create the definitive celebration of yachting and all things luxury. There will be live radio seminars, exotic car parades and activities for all the family to enjoy, including a painting competition from Elephant Parade where you can win prizes.


12 JAN

Sunday Roast All Day, All Night Come enjoy a Traditional Sunday Roast EVERY SUNDAY at Two Chefs Kata Center, Karon, Kata Beach and Patong. Indulge in our Traditional Sunday Roast ALL DAY & ALL NIGHT for ONLY 445 Baht! Enjoy a Large ALL YOU CAN EAT selection of your favorites! Featuring: Roast Aussie Beef, Pork Loin and Chicken. Roasted or Mashed Potatoes. Roasted Mixed Vegetables Flavored with Thyme and Garlic. Yorkshire Pudding and Red Wine Gravy. Enjoy Live Music from 8-Late Performed by Our Famous Two Chefs Band! Come for the FOOD - Stay for the Fun. RESERVE Your Table Now Online at Check out more details on our website at Reservations, Two Chefs Kata Center, Karon, Kata Beach and Patong., Kata Beach 076-333370 Kata Center 076-330-065 Karon 076-286479 Patong 076-344-914

Announcing STANDUP ASIA’s next show featuring British, Malaysian, and South African comedian. Do not miss TREVOR LOCK (UK) with special guest RIZAL VAN GEYZEL (Malaysia) and host DUSTIN MOORE (South Africa). Tickets are on sale now from 350 THB (limited early bird), 600 THB (show only), 950 THB (burger, 2 beverages & show), or 1400 THB for VIP tickets, which includes free-flow drinks, meet & greet with the comedians, and the best seats in the house. Get your tickets today on TicketFlap: Magic Rock, Marriott Resort & Spa, Merlin Beach, Phuket.


Raw Movement is the Key to Vitality @ Outrigger Laguna Phuket Are you a Movement Machine? Come and join us for a dynamic physical and educational experience that will give you the Know How To Look and Feel Your Best! Your Team has a combined 50 years of professional experience and are passionate about the carrying the message. The team includes Craig Burton - Nutrition; Thomas Engberts - Physiotherapist; and Rob Morgan Optimal Strength and Performance Coach. Your ticket includes two action-packed training sessions, all meals the Highlight being a BBQ dinner on the Beach, plus all Master Classes. Price 9,500b. Contact Darren on 061 251 9768.


14 JAN

All you can eat Sunday Roast Buffet Beef, Pork and Lamb – Cauliflower, Broccoli, Peas, Carrots, fried mushrooms, grilled tomatoes – Yorkshire pudding – roasted potatoes, mashed potatoes – gravy, mushroom sauce, mint sauce. Reservations recommended. B350 P/P. 081 891 4381.

Simmer & Spice Curry buffet, Great variety, Vibrant flavours. Every Monday from 18.30 - 21.30. Reservations, SALA Phuket,, 076 338 888.






14 JAN

special Flambé 300g Australian grass fed rib eye steak served with a creamy peppercorn sauce, roasted vegetable medley and potato gratin for ONLY 595 THB. Have a sweet tooth? Treat yourself to the Two Chefs banana flambé served with vanilla ice cream for ONLY 95 THB. Sit back and enjoy one of our drink specials as you listen to the famous Two Chefs band performing all your favorite retro hits and more! Live music starts from 8pm and goes late at all of our Two Chefs locations. Reservations are highly recommended. You can book on our website at WWW.TWOCHEFS.COM or find us on Facebook at WWW.FACEBOOK/ TWOCHEFSTHAILAND/ COME FOR THE FOOD STAY FOR THE FUN! Reservations, Call us directly at Two Chefs Kata Center 076-330-065, Kata Beach 076-333-370, Karon 076-286-479, Patong 076-344-914


16 JAN

PIWC - January 2019 luncheon Please join us at our very first lunch of the year on Thursday the 17th at the beautiful Wyndham Grand in Kalim Bay. Registration will commence at 11.30am in the beautiful Lattitude 98 Terrace Bar where you will be greeted with a welcome drink and a view to die for. Lunch will commence at 12. Members 700 baht. Non Members 800 baht. Contact:

SAT Sala Wednesday nights: Ribs, beats, brews Devour our succulent pork rib set complete with sweet corn chowder, blue cheese salad, moist cornbread and finish it off with a bread and butter pudding. DJ Q will keep the soul flowing and your toes tapping as you wash down those tender ribs with a bucket of craft brews. Full Rack set B1,600, Half Rack set B1,200, bucket of craft brews B800. Reservations, SALA Phuket Resort and Spa. Email: events@sala phuket. com or call 076 338 888.


17 JAN

Phuket International Women’s Club Annual Fundraiser 2019. At Le Meridien Phuket Beach Resort on February 16, 2019. Start from 18.30. Dresscode: Rock or Pop. Tickets 2,500 baht; Buffer, welcome drink and Live Band. All proceeds go to PIWC scholarship fund. Ticketing & info:

January 19th 2019, Circoloco arrives in Thailand for a one-off event at the award-winning Baba Beach Club in Phuket. Tickets are available. For more information & bookings, contact us: +66 76 429 388, Facebook: Instagram: Website: Soundcloud:


On the 26th of January 2019 the PAPA will host Instruments for Orphans Live at the Underwood Art Factory to raise funds for the Instruments for Orphans drive. It start at 7pm and will feature the best and cutest students from PAPA, The Young Musicians Collective, JamStart and special guest AndreaH. For information email papa@


Blue Horizon WCGC Thailand 2019

Sala Wednesday nights: Ribs, beats, brews Beats & Bites. Music & Food & Fun. From 6.00 pm till 10.00 pm at Lagoon Quay. พบกับงานแสดง

่ ดนตรี อาหาร และความสนุกหลากหลายรูปแบบ ทีงานโบ๊ ทลากูน วีคเอนด์ Phuket Boat Lagoon


The Blue Horizon World Corporate Golf Challenge continues in 2019 with the top 10% of teams (2 people per team) from each qualifier gaining entry to the Thailand Final on the 27th of April 2019 at Laguna Golf Club Phuket. Prominent sponsors provide an all-expenses paid trip to the World Final at Oitavoss Dunes in Cascais, Portugal. For more details and to sign up contact


13 FEB

26 JAN The 22nd Bay Regatta 2019


Australia Day Beach BBQ

Don’t miss out on our newest, exciting weekly event at Two Chefs. Come and join us for our

Celebrate Australia Day with a traditional Beach BBQ, a few drinks and great friends. Australians



27 APR


19 JAN

Circoloco arrives in Thailand for a one-off event at the award-winning Baba Beach Club in Phuket


16 FEB

PIWC - Annual Fundraiser 2019

PAPA Event 2019

All you can eat BBQ night 6pm – 11pm: Beef, Pork, Chicken, Burgers, Sausages, Prawns and Squid, Salad buffet, Choice of potatoes and sauces, bread, buns and garlic bread. Reservation recommended. B395 P/P. 081 891 4381.

in Phuket (AIP) is hosting a very informal get together on the beach in front of the Mövenpick Resort Bangtao Beach Phuket. The BBQ will be fired up along with chilled drinks in the esky, a few beach sports and activities for kids. Enjoy 60THB drinks & sausage sizzle or BYO food & drinks. FREE for all to attend. AIP members shall enjoy a complimentary welcome drink. 3.00pm till sunset.

The 22nd Bay Regatta is expected to be the biggest yet and will firmly stand out as one of South East Asia’s finest yachting events. Taking place in some of the most beautiful scenery the region has to offer, the four days racing and daily prizegiving dinners will bring a buzz of excitement to Phuket, Phang Nga and Krabi. More info:

ZUMA returns to Anantara Layan Award-winning contemporary Japanese restaurant, ZUMA, returns for a third season to the beachfront at Anantara Layan Phuket Resort between 15 December 2018 and 15 February 2019. For more information and bookings, please call + 66 (0) 7631 7200 or email zuma@




Crossword by Myles Mellor & Sally York 1. What was the name of the volcano that erupted in Indonesia last month? 2. Which Hollywood A-lister is the former mayor of Carmel, California? 3. What does the chat acronym TYVM stand for? 4. Which dinosaur, made famous In films and popular culture, is well known for having a large bony frill with three horns? 5. How many iPhones have been released, including “submodels” of the same release? Answers below, centre



Across 46. Chucklehead 1. Math rings 47. Word said with a 5. Toolbar command salute 9. Willow 48. GPS system 14. Jessica Biel’s 50. Cheerful role in “The 53. Mountain range Texas Chainsaw area Massacre” in 2003 57. Spore sac 15. Getting warm 60. Midwestern state 16. Chummy 61. Fairway club 17. Gazillions 62. Boorish sort 18. Stockbroker or 63. Rapper for one corn? 64. “Forget it!” 19. Break down 65. Crow’s home 20. Joshua tree area 66. Icelandic epic 23. Polytheistic 67. Bite like a beaver believers 24. Lake of asphalt Down 28., for 1. Squad short 2. Lowest deck on a 29. Cigar residue ship 31. All, individually 3. Table wine 32. “Midnight at the 4. Gem with a sunken ____, “ Maria design Muldaur song 5. Straighten 35. Interrupt 6. Has to have 37. High up point 7. Chip’s partner 38. Arrive at a gambling 8. Bits area 9. Drama 41. Slip 10. French 42. Greek coin philosopher 43. “___ Calloways” 11. Int’l workers’ grp. (Disney film) 12. Antiquity, once 44. Case for sewing 13. Reuben bread gear 21. Feudal

dependent 22. Set of values 25. Place to lounge 26. Graphic symbols 27. Spasm 29. Some wedding guests 30. Greek portico 32. Curves 33. Blood line 34. Peacock walk 35. Porcini 36. Indigenous 39. Plunder, old word 40. Absolving from sins 45. Guarantee 47. Series of movements 49. Supermarket section 50. Shot the breeze 51. Hammerin’ Hank 52. Parkinson’s treatment 54. Ready to be picked 55. Cross 56. De novo 57. Do something 58. 1967 Monkees song 59. Trophy

Solutions to last week’s puzzles:

Answers to this week’s Pop Quiz: 1) Anak Krakatau (of Krakatoa’s Child); 2) Clint Eastwood; 3) Thank you very much; 4) Triceratops; 5) 25




percent of worldwide deaths are caused by intentional injury (war, violence, suicide, etc) – 3.15% of worldwide deaths are caused by diarrhea.


times more likely are you to be bitten by a New Yorker than a shark.


percent of germs are killed by hand sanitizer, while 0.1% of germs actually makes us sick.

360,000 babies are born around the world every day, according to the UN.

25 million

US dollars is what Sony was offered to buy the rights to all Marvel characters for in 1998. Sony rejected the deal, instead buying only the rights to SpiderMan for US$10mn, which they thought was the only character people would care about. Source: Uberfacts

Canal Village. Photo: Ulli Schonart Got an unusual or particularly beautiful picture of Phuket? Email it to

This week in history Jan 11, 532 AD Nika riots in Constantinople: A quarrel between supporters of different chariot teams – the Blues and the Greens – in the Hippodrome escalates into violence. Nearly half of Constantinople is burned or destroyed and tens of thousands of people are killed in one week of unrest. Jan 12, 1554 Bayinnaung, who would go on to assemble the largest empire in

Jan 16, 2003 The Space Shuttle Columbia takes off for mission STS-107 which would be its final one. Columbia disintegrated 16 days later on re-entry.

the history of Southeast Asia, is crowned King of Burma. Jan 13, 2018 A false emergency alert warning of an impending missile strike in Hawaii caused widespread panic in the state. Jan 14, 1967 Counterculture 1960s: The Human Be-In takes place in San Francisco, California’s Golden Gate Park, launching the Summer of Love.

The Hawaii missile alert. Jan 15, 2001 Wikipedia, a free wiki content encyclopedia, goes online.

Jan 17, 1981 President of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos – his regime infamous for corruption, extravagance and brutality – lifts martial law eight years and five months after declaring it. Source: Wikipedia thephuketnews





International Sales Support

APR is an international company dealing with customers in Asia and Australia, as well as decorative surface suppliers from Europe. Asia Pacific Representatives Ltd are looking for: • Sales Support staff for decorative products • Age: 20-35 years • Thai National • Excellent English language skills required • Knowledge of Microsoft office • Comprehensive understanding of Microsoft Excel • Office location: Phuket – Chalong Tasks will include: - Project tracking and follow up - Communication with international suppliers and customers - Understanding of our products and services Please submit your resume and recent photo @thephuketnews

The Phuket News @thephuketnews

Website operator

Female website operator capable of building a shopping site and driving traffic to the site via Google, Facebook, Twitter, Shopify, blogs and other systems. Will work a flexible 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. Fixed salary B20,000 + 5% commission on sales generated by the site. 20,000 + commission. Contact Ron via: S i a m . s e r e n i t y. t h @ g m a i l . c o m , 0874178715.

Thai Yoga Instructor

Position available now - Full Time Position - 24 Yoga Classes per month. Wellness Skills - Certificated to teach various Yoga Styles. Additional Health Skills i.e. Aerial Yoga, Acro Yoga, etc. - Assist with Yoga Class inquires and Retreat health consultations. English Speaking - Thai National only 25,000 to 30,000. Kenneth Miller 0866041333. wellness.htm

Need a governess/ nanny

A family needs a nanny for a special needs child. The ideal candidate will have a background in teaching and varied methods of promoting learning in a fun way. Working 6 days per week. English speaker essential. Celina teacherphuket@gmail. com




Trades & Services

The Phuket News @thephuketnews
















Trades & Services


The Phuket News @thephuketnews











Buy & Sell U



Toyota GT 2013 - FT86

250,000THB incl VAT. For boat up to 32 feet / 9.5 metres. Contact: Asia Yacht Agency Co., Ltd., 081-894 -3234 (French/English), 086-269-0808 (Thai/ English).






Boat Rinker 290



Golden Business Opportunity

Brand new two story massage shop for sale with high end furniture. 10 Beds, 6 chairs and nail Salon. Great opportunity for high season. 1.2 Million THB ono, Lek, Soi Post Office, Patong Beach Road, sweet_lek55@, 099 362 7979.



2012 Ford Ranger 2.2 Open Cab

78,000km. Six-gear manual transmission. Looks and feels like a new car, treated like a baby by its single owner. Engine clean as. Full set of new tyres. B500,000. Call 081 427 5168.

Rinker 290 with trailer Continental 2017, engine Volvo Penta, Under warranty includes all standard equipment, less then 100 hours used. More information in link: 3,990,000, +66-97-175-00-96.


Single story home for sale

5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, 1 living room, 2 cars parking space. Fully furnished, Jacuzzi, walk-in wardrobes, garden and swimming pool with Sala. Can do more build-in. Sunny,, 0823775555.

Amazing Deal!

2016 Toyota Vios Model E with only 35,000 Km on it. Is an automatic, with fog lights, windows are tinted already, has the plastic insert for the trunk, rubber floor mats for all seats, rain shields on all windows. Only driven locally in Phuket. It is kept in great condition and is available to view in Chalong. Only 465,000 THB. Adam 091 016 1167.

Riviera sport fishing boat



GT Brembo brake system. Adjustable suspension, remote auto adjust w/ te controls. Performance exhaust. 2Din Pioneer AVH-X8850BT sound system. Audison speakers. Wheels ADV7.1SL. 1 Piece forged. 2 mil. Or best offer..., Dan Miles,, 065 621 5541, Thai 091 165 9332



Ducati Multistrada 2012

2012 Model Multistrada. Perfect condition. Only 23,000 kms. Faithfully maintained. Have panniers and 15 liter tank bag. Steve, ducphuket@gmail. com, 081-734-8309.

Year 2000, under 200,000km, recently changed battery, checked engine - all works. Has dents and scratches but starts every time and goes from A to B. 0836012526.


Perfectly maintained and cared for, this boat is in excellent condition and will provide great enjoyment for the next owner. Powered by twin 660hp Caterpillar diesel engines and fitted with every conceivable optional extra including True Visions satellite connection through a 42� Smart TV, Raymarine navigation system, Dive Compressor, powerful stereo system and extensive fishing equipment. Selling to upgrade to a larger vessel. 9,000,000, Phuket Yacht Haven,


Toyota Soluna - cheap!

Personal Assistant

For retired UK/CAD businessman in high end resort. Good English, some driving, shopping etc. Part Time OK. Brian 089 054 4354.






The Phuket News







House for Sale/Rent

Fully furnished with swimming pool, 3 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms + maid room, 2 living rooms, Large entertainment area. Convenient location close to major shopping center and international schools. Easy access to airport. Long term lease 65,000 includes pool +garden services. Negotiable Price, Bea, Baan Saun Loch Palm Kathu,, 098 194 9351 and 097 352 4114.

Penthouse for sale

432.44 sqm Penthouse for sale: 320 Degree view of Patong bay and city. Private pool. 22nd floor (top floor) at Andaman Beach Condominium, Patong, Phuket, Thailand. Condo Facilities. See No brokers please. 60 Million Baht O.N.O., Songpan,, 081 737 8662.





PASAK LAND 3.9MB 510 sq.m. Chanote

Villa in Boat Lagoon Marina

5 bedroom, pre-school place in walking distance, 10mins to BISP, 30mins to UWC and HeadStart. Must Sell, Pls contact for price. Pen,, +66 (0) 874658883.

PASAK LAND 3.9MB 510 sq.m. Chanote

Private location in prestige area. Outstanding Value. Call owner (Alan): 084 0657590.



Buy & Sell


The Phuket News @thephuketnews

PROPERTY FOR SALE Lovely Pool Villa, Nai Harn

Prime location, 4 bedrooms, large garden and pool, 764 sqm, Chanote title, double garage. Great family home or investment property. Motivated seller. 12,500,000, Dean,, 0857932667.

Dream Village Phuket – house

2bed 2bath 295sqm land 100sqm living + veranda, compl. renovated.: new water, electric., tiles, paint in/out, windows, 3A/C, built in kitchen. 0870608400 engl/german picharly@, 66870608400.

Villa Mission Heights – Big Pool

3bed, 3 1/2 bath, 330sqm living, 900 sqm land, very quite area, 2km mission hill golf, 6km UWC, 8km airport. owner finance. 0870608400 engl/german picharly@gmail. com, 0870608400.

Unique Investment Opportunity

Unique investment opportunity not to be missed: 5 pool villas, big land, large entertaiment areas, parking garages and private gates. More info







House for Sale or Rent, Rawai

Cape Lam Promthep, Rawai - Nature area, beside sea. Swimming. Very quiet, just live and enjoy your life. If you want to make money perfect for building Rental Homes or Healing or Mediation center - Chanote land is not the way to go. We can’t own anything here with Thai wife unless stay together a long time and can take everything so best to Rent Land and have contract with a Thai. - All houses this area some WORTH MILLIONS OF EUROS ARE ON, “ LAND RENTED FROM GOVERNMENT,” FOR APPROXIMATELY 1000 BAHT A YEAR FOR AS LONG AS YOU WANT. “You can Sell your Right to Occupy to others,” – this is LEGAL - Same as Crown Land in Canada, New Zealand, Australia and America, but still hasn’t stopped people from building expensive homes and title can be up graded with time - 12 million baht sale or 30,000 baht rent (one year rent in advance) - Almost 3 rai BESIDE THE SEA ( Zoned Yellow) CAN BUILD MULTIPLE HOMES, Healing or Meditation Center - TWO HOUSES, One large house 2 bedrooms and 2 bath, 2 decks, One Small House 1 bedroom and 1 bath 1 deck 12million or 30,000 month Andy,, 091 823 2271.











House for sale

Detach single story home, 1 Rai of land, 4 bedrooms 5 bathrooms, 2 kitchens 1 living room, 2 cars parking space with garden and swimming pool. Sunny, 25/11 Soi Salika, Moo 2, Viset Road. 082 377 5555.

Stunning ocean & sunset views over Patong Bay: 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, fully furnished with car park & pool 121sqm+. Email for more details


RPM by owner

A Unique luxury condo 2 bed, 2 bath, 155sqm. Foreign FREEHOLD. Architect remodel in tropical white. Jacuzzi. All round beautiful views. Completely furnished to a high standard. Very motivated owner leaving Thailand. Available to agents. Priced at 16MB or offers. Contact Brian (Owner) 089 054 4354, 076 360 943.




Hot sale! Pool villa Naiharn




Villa with 4 beds, open-plan living area, western kitchen. Separate 1-bed guest suite. Separate workshop and laundry. Pool 11mx5m, large private garden, residential area. www. Price - B15,750,000. 0844477247.

A lovely fully furnished pool villa in a secured estate in Naiharn, 5 minutes drive to Naiharn beach and 10 minutes drive to Kata. Freehold. 455 sqm of land. Sold fully furnished and equipped (solid teak furniture and high quality equipment).,

3 B/R Surin Duplex

400m from Surin Beach, fully furnished. Shared pool, 3 bathroom, and two decks/salas. 38k per/month 0836450097.

5-Bed Pool Villa 1.2 Rai Rawai


Beach Front Land

* 128 meter of white sand beach frontage * amazing views * 9 Rai , Secure Nor Sor 3 Kor tittle * located on Koh Yao Yai * 20 minutes boat drive from Phuket * public road with water and electricity * ideal for high-end development * ready to build * sale direct by owner *ONLY 11.9 Mill. Baht / Rai Email : Tel: 095 014 7888.

1 Bed Condo in Laguna



3 B/R, Duplex, 170 sq/m. Shared pool, three decks, fully furnished. 400 meters from Surin Beach. Great Condition. Must sell 5,699,000, 0836450097

The Water Mark: Luxurious living by the majestic river “Chaophya”, the river of the King. Located on Charoen Nakhon Road. Beautiful, spacious condo 283.6 Sqm. / 4 bedrooms / high floor (52nd floor) /panoramic view of the city & river / fully fitted to highest standard Facility: swimming pool by the river, gym, sauna 40,500,000-, Jitsarn, jitsarn@yahoo. com, 0859776301.




BKK condo by Chaophya River

Exquisite Property meets Luxury Area in the Heart of Phuket. Welcome to the Ocean Sands, an upcoming hotel development located close to the Laguna Area, one of Phuket’s most luxury and trending areas. Comprising a total of 213 keys ranging from our signature 1 Bedroom Deluxe Suite up to our well-appointed Family Suite, this exquisite property equipped with large swimming pools around central simulated beach and five-star standard facilities will become a new enjoyment for lifestyle living. Invest with us and elevate your lifestyle, be a part of the Ocean Sands. phuket@, 0872699206.







LE, 0859776301.

Bkk urban living near BTS

NEW 2 bedrooms for sale: Noble Ploenchit Condominium Next to BTS Ploenchit Station, Walk to Central Embassy & Central Chidlom Dept Store. 2 bedrooms, 85 Sqm, corner unit, high fl, unblock View, fully fitted wardrobe & kitchen, aircon, bathrooms Facility: beautiful swimming pool & common area, gym, sauna 23,500,000-, Jitsarn,

Villa in Patong prime location

One of the last Villas available in Patong. in top condition. 24 hour security. 3 bed, 3 bath, 160sqm living. Fully furnished, garden. Ms. Manatchanok, 0800409411.





Thailand looks for redemption

Rajevac sacked after shocking defeat, Sirisak vows to do better FOOTBALL Tor Chittinand


hailand interim coach Sirisak Yodyardthai has vowed to get at least two points from the War Elephants’ remaining two group games at the Asian Cup in the United Arab Emirates. Breaking many Thai hearts, former coach Kiatisak “Zico” Senamuang won’t be returning to the team. Pol Lt Kiatisak told a Channel 3 interviewer on Monday that he has no ambition to return to the War Elephants any time soon. He has one of the best coaching records of all time, and Thai fans have made it clear on social media that they hope strongly for his return. But it won’t happen, at least for now, and Sirisak is in charge. Of note, Kiatisak did tell the interviewer on Monday that if he were Thailand coach, he would promote young players as starters for the next two matches. The Football Association


of Thailand (FAT) appointed Sirisak to take charge of the national team at the continental championship on Monday after it sacked coach Milovan Rajevac following the War Elephants’ humiliating 4-1 loss to India in their opening Group A match in Abu Dhabi last Sunday night (Jan 6). India’s Sunil Chhetri scored twice as the Blue Tigers outplayed and outclassed the Thais. “It is an honour to be given the duty. I will do my best although it is a tough job,” said Sirisak, 49. “We will fight for all Thai fans.” At the time of going to press Thailand was to play Bahrain on Thursday (Jan 10) and meet the hosts UAE next Monday (Jan 14) at 11pm Thailand time. Bahrain drew 1-1 with the hosts in their first game last Saturday. “We will give our all in the remaining two group games for the Thai fans. We are underdogs against both Bahrain and the UAE. But we hope to get two points from the two games for the happiness of the

Now-sacked Thailand coach Milovan Rajevac looks on as the War Elephants collapse in a humiliating 4-1 defeat to India in their opening Asian Cup match. Photo: AFP Thai fans,” said the former Thai Honda coach. Sirisak, who has been serving as Rajevac’s assistant since the Serb was named coach of Thailand in 2017, talked to Rajevac after he was fired. “I thanked him for giving me football knowledge and new experience,” Sirisak said. “He told me to work harder as head coach. He wished us good luck in the remaining two games and said he would give

the Thai national team moral support.” Hours after Thailand’s loss to India, FAT president Somyot Poompunmuang fired Rajevac. “We are playing in the biggest football competition in Asia. This is something we have waited for very long and the FA Thailand has fully supported the preparations of the national team to reach its highest potential before the competition with the intention

of producing better results than before,” Somyot said in a statement. “But the result [against India] is not what is expected of the Thai national team and that our supporters deserve. As president of the football association, I cannot stand still with this problem.” “I would like to announce the termination of the contract of the head coach of the Thai national team, Milovan Rajevac, and also announce the appointment of Sirisak Yodyardthai to perform the duties with the team.” Choketawee Promrut has been appointed as Sirisak’s assistant. Rajevac’s job was on the line since two-time defending champions Thailand’s disappointing semi-final exit in the AFF Suzuki Cup last month. Rajevac, who turned 65 on Jan 2, is well known for guiding Ghana to the quarter-finals of the 2010 World Cup. A large number of fans have also called on FAT head Somyot to resign. Earlier, Rajevac was left shell-shocked by Thailand’s

horror show against underdogs India, whose veteran striker Chhetri scored twice, overtaking Lionel Messi’s 65 international goals for Argentina in the process. Lamenting his side’s abject display, Rajevac admitted that India were worthy winners. “They were phenomenal – they ran more, were more aggressive and wanted it more,” he said. “They absolutely deserved to win. But we underperformed, especially in the second half.” Rajevac was criticised for his defensive style but the Serb clearly felt otherwise after watching Thailand overrun by a hungry India side. “It’s not always about technical ability and skill on the ball,” he said. “We lacked power, strength and aggression. We need to put more pressure on the ball and show more passion.” Thailand, appearing for the first time since co-hosting the Asian Cup in 2007, have now won just one of 21 games at the continent’s showcase competition. Bangkok Post




Black Sheep clinch RPL title Seize third consecutive season with 7-0 Spotless performance POOL By Barry Craig and Richard Hearne


he Rawai Pool League enjoyed the penultimate fixtures of its 14th season on Monday night (Jan 7) and saw Black Sheep crowned champions for the third time. They hosted Spot Bar whose resistance was limited to a single frame against the league leaders. Black Sheep’s Nanni and Goh were also fighting it out for Season 14’s title of best player. Both won their singles to ensure Nanni will take the award. Goh will not be disappointed to lose his title to a fellow teammate who makes pool look astonishingly easy while producing some scintillating play throughout the season. With Riky and Thomas fresh from tournament successes over the holiday season, the Black Sheep team enjoyed a clean sweep of Spot Bar in the singles. In the doubles, Spot’s girls, Mimi and Dao, made Thomas lose focus to take their contest to the deciding frame, but Goh got the job done in the end with some showstopping shots. Riky and Nanni, Black Sheep’s Italian connection, had no such distractions in their match-up against Richard and Paul. The whitewash was complete on the Champagne leg, 7-0; many congratulations to Division A’s new champions Black Sheep. The race for runner-up is still too close to call. Shot Bar retain their second position, but it wasn’t plain sailing. Harry and Buster put Shot Bar into an early away lead against Tropical Sands, but they nearly ran aground when Craig and Andy brought the game level. Shot Bar weathered the storm

by winning both doubles, despite Tropical Sands seizing the beer leg bounty. Final score there: 3-4. White Hart remain hot on their heels in third with victory away to Future Bar. The visitors looked like they were going to romp to victory after going ahead 1-3 in the singles but Future had other ideas and won both the doubles. With White Hart on the back foot it looked like Future Bar would steal the game in the beer leg but a rare mistake by Future Bar Superstar Barry allowed the visitors in for an easy clear up, and another 3-4 ending scoreline. Freedom Bar were heavily constrained by visitors Mango Bar, winning just one doubles-leg match on the night. Mango dominated the singles without conceding a single frame. In the doubles, Mango’s Mike and Gregg put them 0-5 ahead but Dave and Tom secured Freedom’s solitary point on the night. Unusually for Freedom, they failed to take the Beer Leg, leaving the score 1-6. A Beer Leg decider was all that separated Black Pearl and Pita Bar. Throughout the match it was tit-for-tat with Pita’s Stefan showing no fear of Grega’s pre-match bravado. Black Pearl’s Dave, with the beautiful smile, brought the game level. Flob put Pita back in front but Black Pearl’s Bang brought the scores level by beating Grant, who drinks way too quickly to be drawn last in the singles. It was honours even in the doubles but Pita sneaked the win with a fine deciding frame display. Orange Bar continued their successive run of narrow defeats, this time against Masaya Bar. Masaya ensure they stay in Division A while Orange remain without a win

and stay stuck to the root of the table. Masaya Bar went into a quick lead winning the first three singles, but it could have been a French renaissance when Jonathan won his singles leg for Orange against newcomer Seyfi. Pierre and Nico then got a vital first doubles leg but Masaya’s Marcus and Phil G condemned Orange to defeat, 3-4. Division B The second-from-last week of play in Division B won’t provide any major surprises. The Division winners and three promotion teams have been decided, so the teams are settling into a relaxed final two weeks of play. Our opening game featured Season 14’s Division B winners and third-placed runners-up. Roses Bar hosted Black Bull in a game that was sure to include some competitive play, on paper at least. Roaring out of the gates, Roses took all four singles matches, with all but one of the games requiring a deciding frame. The doubles legs were shared, Kevin and Noom winning for the home side and Andy and Franck scoring a win for the visitors. The Beer Leg also needed a deciding frame, but went the way of the Division winners. Roses 6, Black Bull 1. The Kilt’n Haggis ventured over to Stor Bar and managed to produce a great upset over the second-placed hosts. It was honours-shared in the singles with some very tight games going to three frames each. Stor Bar’s Ying and Taka had looked to open some clear air over the visitors with their win in the first doubles leg. But Paul and Graham kept the pressure on the hosts with a good victory in the second doubles leg. It went down to the Beer Leg, with The Kilt not giving an inch and taking

Nanni, Season 14’s top Division A player, and team-member of the winning team Black Sheep. Photo: Rainier Vigneau

a well-deserved 3-4 away win. Neither Islander team took home points this week. Islander A hosted Baroque Bar, and were close to being knocked out in the singles. The Baroque girls took three of the four games, with only Andy M. maintaining some pride for the home boys. Some light was restored when the home side took the first doubles leg, but soon after extinguished entirely when Nikki and Oh won their doubles leg to win the match for visiting Baroque. Islander A salvaged the hardfought Beer Leg, leaving the score on the night 3-4. The Islander B boys made their way across to Shot Bar to face the Pink Sheep girls. It was the girl’s night, as they turned on the style to race quickly into a 3-1 lead after

the singles. Only Andy, who must have been ginless on the night, managed to take some points for the visitors. The doubles were shared, and the Beer Leg was an easy 2-0 win for the girls. Pink Sheep continue their fine form with a 5-2 scoreline. O’s Bar travelled down Viset to visit White Hart BBQ. The visitors were far from favourites pre-match, but the outcome is sure to delight their team. It was a clean-sheet for O’s Bar as they produced a 0-7 thrashing of White Hart BBQ. The hosts only managed to win two frames, and all credit to the visiting team for a fine performance. The last match of the night featured two teams new to the Rawai Pool League this season. Moonlight Bar played

hosts to The Stoned Crab. Singles wins for Moonlight’s Nonie, Patrick and Claudio, and Stoned Crab owner Sam left the score at 3-1 going into the doubles games. However, it was game-up for the Stoned Crab team with both doubles going to Moonlight Bar. A consolation drink from the Beer Leg was all that Stoned Crab took away on the penultimate night of Season 14. The last match of the night ended 5-2. For fixtures, rankings and match scores please visit the official Rawai Pool League website at Rawai-Pool-League. com. Even better, come and watch or join in the fun every Monday. For supplies, please visit league-sponsors Phuket Pool Tables at thephuketnews






The overall competition winner will receive a 3 day/2 night stay in a two-bedroom private pool villa including daily breakfast plus a 90-minute spa treatment for two persons at Baba Beach Club Phuket. Total prize value: B130,000 The monthly competition winner for January 2019 will receive a B3,000 voucher to spend at Angus O’Tool’s Karon Beach.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


AAY 7 adamrosindale 7 The Machine 6 bondi brummie 5 fazza 5

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

fazza 126 giggs 126 Smiley Bar 123 Griffsbar 122 Fitz 121

English Premier League 2018 - 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Manchester United's legendary former manager Alex Ferguson gave the players a rousing speech promising them success lay ahead under caretaker manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. Photo: AFP / Andrew Yates

Fergie delivers rousing call to arms to United players FOOTBALL



anchester United's legendary former manager Alex Ferguson delivered a rousing call to arms to the players, insisting they could make the club successful again, a source close to the Premier League team told The Sun. The 77-year-old Scot – who guided United to numerous trophies including two Champions League titles during his 27-year reign – has played an increasingly prominent role since former striker Ole Gunnar Solskjaer became interim manager following the sacking of Jose Mourinho.

The latest intervention from Ferguson, who has made a remarkable recovery from the brain haemorrhage he suffered last May, came at the behest of Solskjaer and took place at the training ground. The squad are presently in Dubai for a training camp ahead of Sunday's clash with Tottenham Hotspur which represents a real test for Solskjaer to maintain his perfect record of five wins in five matches. "He (Ferguson) told the lads that this group will make United dominant and successful again," the source told The Sun. "He said that he believes in them and he wants them to enjoy themselves and to fight hard for each other and leave everything on the pitch."

Ferguson told the players that in Solskjaer – who has put a smile back on the players' faces since the departure of the volatile Mourinho – they could look forward to happier times. Solskjaer and Ferguson know each other well as the Norwegian played under him for 11 years, accruing many trophies including six Premier League titles and the 1999 Champions League trophy. "He also told them that the club is in good hands and he promised them that it will become bigger and better in the years to come and they will be part of this success," the source said. "The players believe that there are some good times ahead." Although Solskjaer has

HASH HOUSE HARRIERS Run #1719: Saturday Jan 12 Run Start Time: 3:30pm Hares: Lucky Lek, Fungus, Nutty Professor Fungi, Sing Bark Location: Phuket Town - Khao Toh Sae Directions: From Central, enter Phuket Town, passing Surakul stadium. Stay left onto Mae Luang road which becomes Damrong road once past Thepkasattri road. Continue past Phuket Prison and just past Phuket Labor court. Make a LEFT (HHH) to Soi To Chae towards Wat Charoen Samanakij then after 120m turn RIGHT (HHH) onto Soi 4110. Continue through the village and past the Boy Scout HQ to the top bend and our laager on the LEFT (HHH). Coming from the north on Thepkasattri road there are several ways to approach turning at Rajabhat or the Mae Luang intersection. Bus pick-up: Kamala @ Black Cat’s Bar: 2pm | Patong @ Expat Hotel: 2:30pm More info:


been appointed as a stop gap till the end of the season – Spurs manager Mauricio Pochettino remains the bookmakers' favourite for the full-time post – the players are keen according to the Daily Mirror he gets the job. Solskjaer could do himself no end of good in pursuit of the job by landing a trophy this term with United still involved in the Champions League and the FA Cup, though they were drawn away to Premier League rivals Arsenal in Monday's fourth round draw. "The players want to repay Sir Alex for his support and kind words and are determined to win something for him and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer this season," the source said.

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20










Liverpool Manchester City Tottenham Hotspur Chelsea Arsenal Manchester United Leicester City Watford Wolverhampton West Ham United Everton Bournemouth Brighton Crystal Palace Newcastle United Burnley Cardiff City Southampton Fulham Huddersfield Town

21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21

17 16 16 13 12 11 9 8 8 8 7 8 7 6 4 5 5 3 3 2

3 2 0 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 6 3 5 4 6 3 3 7 5 4

1 3 5 3 4 5 8 8 8 9 8 10 9 11 11 13 13 11 13 15

49 56 46 38 46 43 25 30 23 29 31 31 24 19 15 21 19 21 19 13

10 17 21 16 31 32 23 31 25 32 31 40 29 26 29 42 41 38 47 37

+39 +39 +25 +22 +15 +11 +2 -1 -2 -3 0 -9 -5 -7 -14 -21 -22 -17 -28 -24

54 50 48 44 41 38 31 29 29 28 27 27 26 22 18 18 18 16 14 10

Live Sports TV Schedule *Times may be subject to change





Friday 11th Jan Cricket


23:30 Test 3, New Wanderers



Australia BBL

South Africa v Pakistan, Day 1 Adelaide v Melbourne

Saturday 12th Jan Rugby Union





Heineken Cup

Gloucester v Munster



Heineken Cup

Leinster v Toulouse



Heineken Cup

Ulster v Racing 92



Heineken Cup

Toulon v Edinburgh




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Phuketian faces 19-hour Everest cycle challenge for charity CYCLING Poria Mermand


n the early hours of Saturday Jan 19, Darren Scherbain will embark on a gruelling uphill, 19-hour stationary bicycle ride, simulating the height of Mount Everest. Asked why he will be putting himself through 19 hours of mental and physical strain, Darren responded, “I’m sitting here today because somebody reached out to me 18 years ago, and I feel a strong sense of duty to reach out to others in similar, desperate circumstances.” The feat will commence at 3am outside The Shack on Soi Ta-iad, Chalong, with the finish expected to be around 10pm. So what’s the reward? Darren wants to raise B300,000 for Phuket Has Been Good To Us Foundation (PHBGTU), a Phuket-based charity set up in the wake of the 2004 tsunami. The foundation works to improve the economic opportunities and life chances of young people by funding and implementing high quality, practical English language education, for free, in government schools to around 1,200 children in Phuket. PHBGTU also runs an extracurricular program, Coconut Club, for 195 underprivileged children who are orphans or whose families are unable to look after them. Each day after school and on Saturdays the children visit the club to take part in sports, arts and crafts programs. The aim of the organisation is to help Thai youth become confident English speakers so that they can secure well-paid employment in Phuket’s tourism industry. The B300,000 that Darren hopes to raise will fund one class of 10 students for one year. When asked how much has been raised so far,

Darren replied “I have no idea, I don’t touch any of the money.” Darren, 46, a Canadian expat living in Phuket for the past five years, has dedicated the past 18 years of his life to being physically and mentally fit and healthy, whilst passing on the wisdom he has gained and motivation to others. “Being fit isn’t about looking good, it’s about being useful, to be involved and engaged in your community,” Darren says. Darren’s story is inspiring. A self-harming, alcohol and cocaine addict who attempted suicide, he did not have much hope until somebody who had been down a similar path and survived took his hand and guided him towards recovery and a fresh mindset. Since then, Darren has spent much of his life coaching people mentally, emotionally and physically through sport to help them find the balance in their lives that he managed to find for his own. One thing that cocaine and exercise have in common is the fact that they trigger the release of the hormone dopamine, which although essential to the normal functioning of the central nervous system is also highly addictive. Therefore from where we derive our hit of dopamine is a crucial point and a major factor in addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling and even sport. The neurotransmitter dopamine is associated with feelings of euphoria, bliss, motivation, and concentration, whilst a deficiency will have the opposite effect and can lead to medical conditions including depression and Parkinson’s disease. Other hormones released through exercise include endorphins which relieve pain and stress and boost pleasure; and serotonin which is believed to help regulate mood and social behaviour, appetite and digestion, sleep, memory, and sexual desire and function. Low serotonin levels have been linked to depression.

With five Ironman triathlons under his belt, Darren is confident of making the ‘climb’. Photos: Supplied

‘Healthy body, healthy mind’ as they say. Having not had an alcoholic drink or used any drugs in 18 years, Darren seeks his highs elsewhere. Having completed five Ironman triathlons and run a full lap of Phuket island non-stop in just under 20 hours – among many other self-inflicted challenges – he is undoubtedly getting his share of highs. His relationship with cycling is a deep, challenging and unbreakable partnership with what he deems a life saver. A metaphor for life on earth – “the brutal painstakingly slow grind in that big chainring. Meandering around the obstacles along the journey. It is never a clearcut, perfect straight line overcoming the challenges of the road ahead,” he describes. Darren stresses that the biggest challenge he will face on Saturday will be the mental battle. When his body is pushed beyond its limits and sending signals to his brain to stop.

To take the easy route out. That is when training and experience of overcoming huge hurdles prevail. “As a child growing up in Canada, it wasn’t my lifelong dream to be a cocaine addict and an alcoholic,” Darren explains. “That wasn’t supposed to happen to me. So when the plot takes an unexpected twist, the countless flat tyres and steep hills remind me that nothing is impossible and everything is achievable.” To make next Saturday’s challenge as realistic as possible, Darren will be hooking up his bike to an electronic trainer which will be connected to a computer system that will simulate the gradient of the climb. A specific climb will be selected and repeated until a distance of 8,848 metres is completed – the same distance as the summit of Mount Everest from sea level. Supporters can join Darren by donating B500 to cycle alongside him for 30 or 60 minutes along the

same simulated route. There will also be DJs to help keep energy levels up. Darren is asking for as much support as possible, particularly in the final hours which will be the toughest both physically and mentally. The triathlon academy at British International School will be supporting Darren by riding with him. Headstart International School have also been showing their support. To donate, deposit to the PHBGTU bank account or via PayPal: Bank name: Siam Commercial Bank – Patong Branch SWIFT Code: SICOTHBK Account name: Phuket Has Been Good To Us Foundation Account number: 601-2-71944-7 To book a time to cycle next to Darren, or for more information, email: thephuketnews

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