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FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016

thephuketnews thephuketnews1 thephuketnews.com

Friday, April 15 – Thursday, April 21, 2016

Since 2011 / Volume VI / No. 16

20 Baht



STAY Soldiers on streets to ‘bolster’ police and take down in u n ial figu s


Patong Girl takes to the big screen in April

Lt 1st Class Yotsawan Raknuanlaong has taken up direct command of the Army’s Phuket headquarters, located on Sakdidet Rd. Photo: Tanyaluk Sakoot


The Phuket News editor@classactmedia.co.th

oldiers seen on the streets over S ongkran are to become a familiar sight as the Army has now assigned personnel to “assist and support” police in performing their duties. The order to join police ranks in performing their duties was handed down on M arch 3 0, but it was not until the S ongkran holidays that

soldiers in P huket joined police in manning checkpoints and carrying out raids. F ollowing the order, soldiers from the rank of sub-lieutenant up have been given police powers to summons, arrest and detain criminal suspects in a wide range of crimes including ex tortion, labour abuse and human tra c ing B ut in P huket, those powers will be restricted for use only in the presence o a o ice o cer, assured a

SPORT G en Teenachat Jindangern, commander of Royal Thai Army’s 41 st M ilitary Circle, assigned to P huket, under IS OC Region 4 Army base in Nakhon S ri Thammarat province. “Our job is to assist and support police in P huket,” he told T h e P h uk et N ew s . “S oldiers will be only assisting police. They will not conduct patrols on their own. P olice will be ranking o cers in a oint o erations “L ocal police will still be in charge in all areas on the island,”




G en Teenachat assured. W hile soldiers joined police in conducting patrols 24 hours a day to strictly crack down on any illegal activities, especially drunk driving, on P huket roads, during S ongkran, “W e will continue to carry out patrols in P huket after S ongkran, but not be as strict as during S ongkran,” ... Gen eenachat con rmed However, the Army will stand apart in its investigations into ‘ influentia eo e , the genera noted…


Refugees run to Rio under Olympic flag

News 2




FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016

Phuket to host global Instagram community clickfest > page 9

Battle for Naka Noi

Soldiers on streets to Land probe to rule on legitimacy of land titles by May 6 aid police Eakkapop Thongtub editor@classactmedia.co.th


he investigative committee tasked with deciding which claims to land on Naka Noi Island are legitimate has been given until M ay 6 to announce its ruling. P huket V ice G overnor Chokdee A mor nwat announced the deadline after his inspection of the island on April 7 , in his failed search for evidence to support claims by Thai actor P uri Hiranpreuck that more than 1 0 men armed with guns had moved in with heavy machinery to start cutting down trees on what M r P uri claims is public land. M ore than 3 0 officials joined V / G ov Chokdee in his inspection, including Capt S athaporn W ajrat of the Royal Thai Navy, who also serves as Deputy Director of P huket ro incia ce o nterna S ecurity Operations Command (Isoc) and L t S ompop Kamkhana also of the Royal Thai Navy. “W e saw no signs of forest being cleared and discovered only a few cement steps were made to go up the hill into the forest,” V / G ov Chokdee said “W e talked with three workers who were camping in the area. W e found no guns on them or any heavy machinery in the area, only a kitchen knife, dried food, cooking supplies and water,”

Vice Governor Chokdee Amornwat (left) no found no guns and no heavy equipment for clearing forest, as alleged by Thai actor Puri Hiranprueck. Photo: Darawan Naknakhon he con rmed The alarming F acebook post, in which M r P uri said that he and his family “felt threatened by the armed men”, is the latest episode in an ongoing battle between the Hiranprueck family and P hukhaohokluk Co L td (S ix M ountains Co L td), which claims to own 24 rai on Naka Noi, said V / G ov Chokdee. The feud spilled into the public domain in December, when M r P uri invited Department of S pecial Investigation (DS I) and the press to inspect the island as the DS I were investigating his claims that the land titles held by P hukhao-

hokluk Co L td were illegally issued, and that the land was state property. “Chanwit Kitlerdsiriwattana and the two other main investors of P hukhaohokluk Co L td have a N or S or 3 land document which they say proves their legal claim to the land,” V / G ov Chokdee said. “B ut M r P uri in December ed a com aint with the D , and since then that land deed has been under investigation. In December both parties were granted three months u unti ri to e their complaints against each other – and since then both parties ha e een ing com aints to

the hu et ro incia ce (headed by the P huket G overnor) and the Thalang P olice. “B ut on April 28 the committee set up to investigate these land claims on Naka Noi will meet to decide whether the land documents for P hukhaohokluk Co L td are legal. W e have set M ay 6 as our deadline to conclude this issue,” he said. The claims and counterclaims between the two parties has orced o cia s to ru e on what seems to be a battle for a “private island”, a battle that the Hiranprueck family seems to be winning. P ol L t Col P rawut W ongsinil, chief of the DS I’s Con-

sumer and E nvironment P rotection Division, in December revealed his suspicions that a land title from another island was used to “create” the N or S or 3 that P hukhaohokluk Co L td holds, using the notorious “F lying S or K or 1 ” scam. M eanwhile, P huket L and ce hie atcharin etanawanich said he believed the Hiranprueck family’s land deeds were genuine. “The entire area on Koh Naka Noi is about 1 00 rai and no areas were marked for land reform use (S or P or K or ) or declared protected forest, so before 1 9 9 4 people could claim plots and apply for S or K or 1 land deeds,” M r W atcharin ex plained. ur o ce in estigated the Hiranprueck family’s land document covering 5 3 rai and it is clear they obtained the land document legally, ut o cia s wi re e amine it while the land claimed by P hukhaohokluk is under investigation,” he said. In defence of his claim, M r Charnwit, M anaging Director of P hukhaohokluk Co L td, told T h e P h uk et N ew s that he bought the land from the Thawthip family in 201 4 and had the land surveyed and obtained legal document from go ernment o cia s “G overnment officials checked all the paperwork related to the land that was sold to me,” he said.

Brake failure blamed as long-haul fruit truck spills load on hill TRAF F IC B ACKE D U P ON the Kamala-P atong hill road for more than three hours last week (Apr 6 ) after a six wheeler spilled its full load of fruit on the road due to brake failure. P olice and Kusoldharm rescue workers arrived at the Kwan Y ak curve shortly after 3 : 40pm to find the truck on its side

halfway into a roadside drain. Debris from the crash spilled across the road, causing tra c ams in oth directions in and out of P atong. “The truck driver, S omphan Talunai, 42, from Ratchaburi, suffered only small bruises to his arms,” said L t S omneuk Damkaew of Kamala P olice.

“M r S omphan said that he was driving alone all the way from P athum Thani to deliver fruit to a client in P atong.” There were no other injuries or accidents caused by the crash, L t S omneuk added. “M r S omphan said that when he came to the bend, the brakes failed and he lost control of the vehicle and crashed into

the guardrail before the vehicle fli ed onto its side, he said W orkers with a crane took more than three hours to clear the road and a ow tra c to pass freely again. “M r S omphan is facing charges of reckless driving and causing damage to government property,” L t S omneuk added. E ak k apop T h ongtub

Workers took three hours and a crane to clear the overturned truck and debris from the road.

C ontinued f r om page 1 … adding, “This is part of the reason why we have set u an rm o ce in P huket (on S akdidet Rd).” “At the military base in Nakhon S ri Thammarat, we handle many cases in o ing influential people’ and we are currently collecting in ormation o influentia people in P huket,” G en Teenachat said. P riority targets are people who encroach on public land, set up illegal gambling or casino dens, illegal possession of weapons.. “and others” he said, but declined to elaborate in detail. “W e are most interested in economic crimes, by Thais and foreigners, such as using illegal nominees to set up companies,” he added. L ieutenant 1 st Class Y otsawan Raknuanlaong has taken up direct command of the Army’s P huket headquarters, located on S akdidet Rd. “W e receive our orders directly from G en Teenachat. W e will work with officials in P huket, and report directly back to the G eneral,” L t Y otsawan told T h e P h uk et N ew s . e ha e a sta o mi itar o cers stationed at our hu et o ce, he said, though G en Teenachat said that the P huket soldiers will have more personnel at their disposal. “W e also have ex tra support of about 40 personnel from the Navy, and if we need more help, we have 8 0 Reserve Ofcers rom Kra i read to join our force,” G en Teenachat said.



FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016

Bridging the gap



Light-rail route planned for new Thepsrisin Bridge Eakkapop Thongtub editor@classactmedia.co.th


ransport M inster Arkom Termpittayapaisith has revealed plans to use the recently completed Thepsrisin B ridge on the outskirts of P huket Town for the long-awaited light-rail system. M r Arkom delivered the news at the o cia dedication ceremony for the bridge on April 6 , in the presence of P huket G overnor Chamroen Tipayapongtada, Department of Rural Roads Director P isak Jitwiriyawasin, P huket City M ayor S omjai S uwansupana and a host o other o cia s, business operators, residents and students. “The bridge will help ease tra c congestion eading to town, especially at the junction of Chao F a and B angkok roads. P eople can use this route connect to the main destination spots on the island,” M r Arkom said. “And in the future the Transport M inistry will have a light-rail project running across Thepsrisin bridge.” Construction of Thepsrisin B ridge, which comprises two spans that traverse protected mangroves and the Klong Koh


Shop tenants hold up a banner saying: “What are we doing wrong? We earn our living honestly.” Photo: Post Today

Surin beach shops want D-Day delay

The new Thepsrisin Bridge on the outskirts of Phuket Town will host the light-rail transit route, when the system arrives. Photo: Eakkapop Thongtub P hee canal in W ichit, began in 201 3 , ex plained Rural Roads Chief M r P isak. “The bridge connects S akdidet Rd in W ichit to Rattanakosin 200 P i Rd within P huket City limits. The total cost for the project was about B 1 7 6 .3 million,” he said. P lans for the bridge were initially proposed more than 20 years ago, but as the spans cross protected mangroves, the ro ect needed s eci c approval from the Cabinet

to go ahead. The bridge was finally completed earlier this year and opened to traffic last month. M r Arkom added, “This project is one of many on the island that will help bring P huket tourism to international level. The island receives about 1 2 million people each year. “B esides the underpass projects, P huket is looking forward to the light-rail tran-

sit system that will connect P huket International Airport to P huket Town and Chalong, and link Tha Khanun in P hang Nga to P huket. “Another promising project is the P atong tunnel, which the E x pressway Authority of Thailand is taking care of. However, all these projects still need more preliminary studies before they can move forward,” he added.

S HOP P ROP RIE TORS ON S urin B each have asked for an ex tension to the deadline for them to dismantle and remove their premises, saying the move to regulate the each is ad a ecting their livelihoods. About 3 0 operators last week (Apr 7 ) submitted a petition to the Justice M inistry’s public service centre in P huket. W alailuck B uasri, coordinator of the S urin beach business operators club, said the Cherng Talay Tambon Administration Organisation (O r B or T or ) and the P huket P rovincial Administration Organisation (O r B or J or ) had instructed them to dismantle their shops by April 1 5 . They asked for a grace period delaying the demolition of

the structures, but the two local odies re used and instead ed a police complaint accusing them of encroaching on public land, said M s W alailuck. E arlier, the O r B or T or had met with a the a ected o erators about its move to regulate the beach, then moved the demolition deadline from April 20 to April 1 5 , said M s W alailuck, leaving them had only seven days left to pull down and move their shops. There are a total of 40 shops along the beach. Of these, 20 were built by the O r B or J or in and o ered for rent. The other 20 were built in 2005 by the O r B or T or . E ach business pays B 5 ,000 in rent a year, according to some reports. B angk ok P os t



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Languishing in shackles Chaining of Indonesia’s mentally ill still rife across country INDONESIA


FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016


n a small faith healing centre in rural Indonesia, S ulaiman chanted confusedly, tugged at a chain attached to his ankle, and shifted restlessly on a hard, wooden bench. The emaciated man has been chained up for two years, and is one of thousands of Indonesians with a mental illness currently shackled, according to a Human Rights W atch (HRW ) report. Chaining up the mentally ill has been illegal in Indonesia for nearly 40 years but remains rife across the country, especially in rural areas where health services are limited and belief in evil spirits prevail, according to HRW . “Nobody should have to be shackled in Indonesia in

201 6 – people told us again and again that it’s like living in hell,” Kriti S harma, disability rights researcher at the group and author of the report, said. The report listed a litany of other abuses – sex ual violence, electroshock therapy, and restraint and seclusion in overcrowded, unsanitary institutions. There are 48 mental hospitals in Indonesia, a country of 25 0 million, most of them in urban areas. Treatment options are scarce for the millions living in remote areas, leaving desperate families to turn to faith healers in the M uslim-majority nation, some of whom chain up patients. The story of S ulaiman is all too common. His family did not know what to do when he began throwing rocks through his neighbour’s windows, so they took him to the faith

healing centre near the town of B rebes, on Java. Now he spends his days chained to a bench, either in the dilapidated, foul-smelling courtyard or in a dark room with bare, concrete walls. “I am a stupid man,” he chanted, as he squirmed around on the bench. Nearby, another shackled man urinated where he stood unable to reach two reeking, door less bathrooms. In a dark, cell-like room, a man who only gave his name as Awan said he was often chained up to a wooden bed “24 hours a day”. No attempt is made to properly diagnose the patients, with S holeh M ushadad, one of the men running the centre, simply saying families bring the men in as they are “not normal”. P atients are not given medicine but treated with prayers and baths in herbal

A mentally ill Indonesian man is shackled at the Bina Lestari Mandiri healing centre in Brebes. Photo: Adek Berry/AFP concoctions, ex plained M ushadad, who with his brother and elderly father oversee the roughly 25 patients. He also defended the practice of shackling them: “W e don’t have any other option. It’s for safety reasons that their feet are chained.” HRW – who interviewed around 1 5 0 people for their report, from the mentally ill to health professionals – said there are currently almost 1 9 ,000 people in Indonesia who are either shackled or locked up in a con ned s ace, a ractice known locally as “pas ung”. At least 1 4 million people in Indonesia aged 1 5 and over are thought to be suffering from some form of mental illness, according to health ministry data. S hackling of mentally ill people happens across Asia but is particularly common in Indonesia, with studies showing that it is due to poor mental health services in rural areas and a lack of knowledge about suitable treatments. F amilies that choose not to send mentally ill relatives to faith healers sometimes take matters into their own hands.

In a simple home near B rebes, 25 -year-old W aspiah has been locked in a goat shed alongside bleating farm animals for three days, her parents only letting her out to use the bathroom before returning her to the cramped bamboo cage. Her elderly father F atoni said the family locked her up after she ran away from home and began disturbing the neighbours, but insisted it would only be a temporary measure – not like a previous occasion when they kept her con ned or two ears The Indonesian social affairs ministry vowed in January to stamp out “pas ung” but identical campaigns in the past have failed to break the widely held belief that chaining or con ning the menta i in stocks or isolated rooms is acceptable. Nahar, who is the head of disability issues at the social a airs ministr , ac now edged that shackling remained a big problem but said it would ta e time to he main problem is fear, fear of what could happen,” he said. A F P

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FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016



Cuba’s collapsing coffins CUBA


s deacon at a Cuban cemetery, M iguel P ons has the difficult task of consoling the bereaved – and calming their anger when the co ns rea esides o ciating the uneral services at his chapel in Havana’s picturesque Christopher Columbus graveyard, the 6 1 -year-old often has to help shoulder the casket to stop it coming apart with the deceased inside M ade of weak, green wood and ac ing hand es, the co ns are a poignant indication of how Cuba’s public funeral service has never recovered from decades of mistrust between the Church and the communist go ernment eo e are ed u “I sometimes have to go out and hold the service in the street because the driver tells me, ‘ F ather, we can’t get the cas et out he cor se is er heavy and I’m afraid the bottom’s going to fall through,’” ons said In Cuba, funerals are provided ex clusively, and practica ree o charge, the state

B ut with a lack of investment and decent co n wood, it is a scra usiness F amilies who come to bury their loved ones lament that the co ns ac nai s or are dra ed in thread are c oth, ons said S ometimes, the glass window in the casket comes loose and dro s onto the cor se eo e com ain to me he sa , ather, oo at this ons said nd sa to them, now it is er ain u ut what can we do? ’” B urials are an important issue in Cuba, with its ageing population and religious sensi i ities B eyond the many historic colonial churches, African spiritual traditions of honouring the dead sti sur i e hese mingle with the Catholicism imported by S panish conquerors centuries ago U nder communism, Cuba went through a period as an o cia atheist countr rom 1 9 7 6 until a constitutional reform changed it to a secular state in he hurch s ortunes improved and many Cubans started coming to the chapels again or unera s B ut now the public system

Except for the lucky few that have a family plot, bodies in Cuba are buried in common graves, stacked up with strangers. Photo: Yamil Lage/AFP is showing the strain In December, the issue reached the country’s legislature, where lawmaker Alex is L orente presented a formal call to im ro e unera ser ices He was quoted by the state newspaper G r anm a as listing citizens’ numerous points of “dissatisfaction” with cremations, flowers, ood at wa es and the shortage o hearses L orente said that authorities had since launched “a program to repair all the funeral vehicles,

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and to improve services in funeral homes and the wood used or the co ns E x cept for the lucky few that have a family plot, bodies are buried in common graves, stac ed u with strangers After two years, the decomposed remains are dug up and relatives are allowed to take away the bones, to keep them in an urn or store them in an ossuar “W hen you ex hume the person, you take them away

in our o hen at ast the ha e ri ac , said ons One 7 0-year-old man told how he buried his mother in o em er e near ee ed over, he said – with rage rather than grie Asking not to be named for fear of retribution, the man recalled how his mother’s body lay for seven hours before a hearse came to co ect it “W e wanted to cremate her but they told us there was no a ai a i it e had to ur

her instead P eople still talk about how things were before F idel Castro’s revolution prevailed in 1 9 5 9 , in the days when funerals cou d e ri ate aid or P ons said many Cubans want the state to improve its service and would be willing to pay some of their meagre wages or etter na arewe s Cuba, which has been gradually opening up its economy, restored diplomatic relations with the U nited S tates last ear ut on an is and where the average salary is $ 20 (B 7 1 0) a month, few can spare the thousands of dollars needed for an imported coffin or a ami tom In Havana funeral parlors, co ns are eaned against the wall instead of being laid out flat in the centre o the room W akes often resemble rowdy parties, with mourners talking loudly and drinking as the sit around ta es P ons is waiting for things to change to the point where his church can set up a “dignied cha e o rest, he said “S omewhere where people will be quiet and where you can ra A F P

Opinion 6



FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016

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0 8 4 30 7 7 4 0 8 ex eceditor@classactmedia.co.th F if teen y ears w ork in g in n ew s an d cov erin g local issu es an d ev en ts in P hu k et, w ith 1 8 - mon th hiatu s sp en t w ork in g f or the B ru n ei T imes on B orn eo. F rom Q u een slan d, A u stralia; 1 0 y ears liv in g in the U K b ef ore mov in g to P hu k et in 2 0 0 0 . D eg ree in b u sin ess man ag emen t. S p are time sp en t sailin g or w ith f amily .


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Who watches the watchmen?


he move to bestow soldiers with the rank of sub-lieutenant or higher with police powers of arrest and seizure is enough to alarm anyone who knows that having soldiers on the streets is usually not good news. (S ee page one.) Is crime now public enem num er one r is it the o ice t s no secret that the Ro a Thai P olice are under immense public pressure, especially after the – very suspicious – initial lack of action over ane o eera orn s high speed car crash in Ayuthaya, which killed two people. Also, only after public pressure blew out was an investigation launched into why police dragged their heels for so long in the 201 2 hit-andrun case in o ing ora uth Y oovidhya, the youngest son

SUPATRA ‘BOBBIE’ SUTHAM Translator 0 9 7 1 37 0 4 6 1 tran slate@classactmedia.co.th


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9 9 / 7 M oo 1 ( B illion P laza ) , T . K athu , A . K athu , P hu ke t 8 31 2 0

o Red u e ecuti e ha erm Y oovidhya that the statute of limitations ex pired on charging the energy drink empire heir – and that case saw an o cer rom the o ice s own ranks killed. And all this follows the notorious handling of the Koh Tao murder trial. G raham Catterwell, one of the dozens of ex perts called on for advice for drafting the new Constitution – though with some advice heeded, and other key suggestions ignored – said last year in P huket that he rated the success of each successive “regime change” in Thailand by how e ecti e the o ice orce was after each coup. If calling in the army to supplement – or monitor – police in carrying out their work is any indication, apparently this current round is not going well. The rationale for this latest

move proposes that the army is likely to be more impartial in ex ecuting police responsibilities, as military personnel failing to perform their duties can face court martial. Y et to avoid the same public image the o ice ha e su ered, the military will need to keep their own house in order. The current administration, probably through its many highly public ex periences over the past two years, seems to be starting to comprehend that justice not only needs to be done, but must be seen to be done. If the army is to avoid the same pitfalls that seem to have snared the police, they will have to ensure that no army personnel of any rank is found having any vested interested nancia or otherwise in an a airs where the arm is supposed to be upholding the law.

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Apples and pears

R e: F ir ef igh ter s on al er t as b l az e endanger s v il l ages nor th of P h uk et P huket has a total area of 5 4,5 7 8 .00 hectares of which approx . 5 ,8 3 8 hectares are in forest. Compare that with say Chiang M ai, which is 2,21 2,26 6 .00 hectares and of which 1 ,6 46 ,8 42.1 7 hectares are forest. As a managerial ex ercise, if you were the M inister in charge of National P ark, W ildlife and P lant Conservation Department seeking funding for your department and competing with other ministers holding portfolios you would have to make your case for funding. The manager (P M ) would ask for forward estimates, say from 201 2 to 201 3 and ask how man orest res were in hiang M ai and P huket. Y ou would have to reply, nil in P huket and in

hiang ai , orest res or 1 2,000 hectares burnt. S o, given the re ati e sizes and res o the two sample areas, as a manager I would be placing resources where there is most need ... Joe12 Comparing Chiang M ai with P huket, is like comparing apples and pears. Are sure the Chiang ai gures are not outdated … The air pollution is than so bad that last month more than 6 4,000 local people where sick, many hospitalized, according to Thai press. Chiang M ai airport is sometimes closed due to very limited visibility (smog), and he ico ters a so can not fl , what is even not needed as authorities have the satellite images of the enormous ro ince res oe goog es a it more he can nd out that air pollution in Chiang

M ai periodically is worse than in China. As P huket has limited hectares of forests, than forest re watch rom the air is a eas job’, and most needed. P huket, the P earl of Andaman is called like that for its forests and her beaches, of which quite a number are polluted. F ires on P huket hills will be a disaster for P huket. Kurt

ow ma offic als does t ta e to a ease the el te

R e: P h uk et N ak a N oi l and pr ob e giv en M ay 6 deadl ine ore than o cia s oined G ov Chokdee in his inspection”. ore than Rea he found no evidence of anything but the rest of us can see plenty of evidence of influence. I’ll bet it would take more than a F acebook comment for any of us

lo-so’s to mobilise the governor, vice-governor and more than o cia s Benvenuto

Bad brakes or bad dr ver

R e: B r ak e f ail ur e b l am ed as l ong- h aul f r uit tr uck s pil l s l oad on P h uk et h il l Having the lorries service from time to time just might help. I mean services and not a friend look at then for 5 0 baht and say eah the are ne the want to improve P hukets image then they can but its just too much work. F ar better to get 3 00 baht from tourists than waste time stopping accidents and or the rst time no one was killed. Collecting 3 00 bahts is way more important than the image of P huket or saving peoples lives. Simon Lomas

Have an opinion? Comment on stories at thephuketnews.com




FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016


The Financial Tailors of Panama PHUKET EXPAT FINANCE



, a ormer a en S S corporal named E rhard M ossack moved his family from G ermany to P anama, where he was engaged to spy on Cuba on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency. He surely could not have imag ined that, 5 6 years later, his son rgen wou d ecome a household name for a very dif ferent type of covert activity. n ri , the rm his son co ounded, ossac onseca, found itself named in the creation of over 21 4,000 shell companies for 1 4,1 5 3 clients, including athletes, politicians, actors, businesspeople and other u ic gures, accused of avoiding tax ation on billions of dollars which was either held or “cleaned” by these shell companies. In early 201 5 , an anony mous source contacted the G erman national daily news paper Sűddeutsche Zeitung (S Z ) with the message: “Hello. This is John Doe. Interested in data? ” The volume of data was so large that the SZ enlisted the help of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). Over the 1 2 months that followed, 1 1 .5 mi ion con dentia documents were analysed and authenti cated by 400 journalists from


Iceland’s former Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson (front, centre) reisigned after revelations his wife had investments with ties to major Iceland banks. Photo: AFP more than 1 00 media organ isations in over 8 0 countries. W hat have become known as the “P anama P apers” includ ed emails, copies of contracts, as well as the identities of shareholders and directors of these shell companies. W hile the rm denies an wrongdo ing, the papers uncovered a audit which con rmed ossac onseca new the identities of the actual owners of just 204 of 1 4,08 6 compa nies it had incorporated in S eychelles – just one of the o shore centres used he use o shore om panies and banking is a per fectly legal option for those

individuals or corporate en tities who can demonstrate a legitimate need for such services. Individuals who live overseas may work across multiple tax jurisdictions, and use a sing e o shore account to receive wages or commis sions. They may also move frequently, and wish to avoid the hassle of setting up a new bank account in each country where they live. They may also live in a country where the standards and security of the banks make them uncom fortable depositing their life’s savings there. Corporations usua ha e the same mu ti jurisdictional grounds for

esta ishing an o shore entit as those mentioned above, and in most cases these have tax advantages which fall into line with all applicable laws. The journalists who re leased the P anama P apers acknowledge that they have uncovered companies and accounts which are owned by eo e who are using o shore jurisdictions for legitimate purposes. B ut the volume of willful obfuscation and tax avoidance has been obvious enough – and rampant enough – to warrant what is to date

the largest such data leak in history. And the naming and shaming o high ro e indi viduals has only just begun. The first casualty was Iceland’s P rime M inister S ig mundur David G unnlaugsson, forced to resign over revela tions that his wife owned an o shore com an with ig ties to Iceland’s banks. B ritain’s P rime M inister, David Cameron dodged the question whether his family had in the past or would in uture ene t rom his ate father’s offshore holdings, and answered only in terms of whether he or his family was current ene ting rom the monies. Also named was V ladimir P utin, although only in so far as he has close associations with a number of people who themselves directly used the ser ices o ossac onseca Others named were Jackie Chan, Tina Turner, David G ef fen, Aishwarya Rai and L ionel essi and a s ew o g ures, inc uding new e ected president G ianni Infantino. W hile the scope and back ground of this investigation above makes for interesting reading, what we have been asked by countless investors this week is: How does this impact me?

The answer: If you are a dictator, a corrupt government official or a tax cheat with holdings in P anama, then you should be concerned. Otherwise, there is very little to worry about. W hen the dust settles, jurisdictions such as P anama – which was only recently moved from the OE CD B lack L ist to the “gray list” of coop erati e urisdictions wi nd themselves under increased scrutiny. B ut P anama (or Niue, Dominica, or similar) are not jurisdictions which most in ternationa nancia ad isors would recommend. The governing bodies and regulatory regimes of major jurisdictions such as the Isle of M an, Channel Islands, M alta and G ibraltar have long since scrutinised every cent that enters their realm, and the compliance procedures rival those of any developed onshore country. W hichever way you slice it, P anama has failed miserably in its regulatory responsibilities by embracing monies which have been rejected elsewhere, and the evidence is available for everyone to see. For more advice about offshore investment, email Chat­ WithUs@PhuketExpatFinance.


FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016

FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016

Award-winning German-Thai romance to debut in Patong


PHUKETSTAGRAM Local social media group to join in on worldwide photo sharing tour > Page 9

The new craze in Phuket and around the world involves capturing colourful scenes to share on the internet.



FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016

#Hash by the Gram


Phuket Instagrammers get ready for ‘InstaMeet13’ Amy Bensema editor@classactmedia.co.th

The event is open to the public, and @ phuketstagram encourages any and all photography enthusiasts to join.


nstagram recently announced that Worldwide InstaMeet 13 will take place from April 2224. As the event falls on the weekend of Earth Day (Apr 22) and the subsequent weekend, this meet’s theme celebrates the beauty and wonder of our fantastic planet. The dedicated hashtag for WorldWide InstaMeet 13 is #LifeOnEarthWWIM13. The event is an opportunity to give back, and the chosen hashtag incorporates a service element to this InstaMeet. In Phuket, Worldwide InstaMeet 13 will take place on Saturday April 22. The meet begins at 3:00pm at the eclectic Eleven Two & Co on Thalang Road. Led by @phuketstagram, participants will wander the Old Town, and keeping the official hashtag in mind, will look for hidden patches of nature and green things. The meet will wind down at 6:00pm at the all new Crafts & Co on Yaowarat Road. #WWIM13_phuket will bring together thousands of Instagram enthusiasts from around the world who will meet to showcase their photography skills, share

Chinese shrine in Phuket Old Town. Photo: @phuketstagram/Instagram


Sunset over Panwa beach. Photo: @phuketstagram/Instagram tips and tricks, explore their communities and have a bit of Instagraminspired fun. The event is open to the public, and @phuketstagram encourages any and all photography enthusiasts to join. If you currently do not have an Instagram account, this meet affords the opportunity to join some of Phuket’s finest Instagram users and witness some of the amazing images they are sure to take with their smartphones. Setting up an Instagram account is easy, and there will be plenty of people on hand to give some advice about what works for them on Instagram, including photo apps and filters as well as trending hashtags. Never heard of @phuketstagram?

The account is maintained by a longterm expat and hosts the motto “See Phuket differently”, with a focus on Phuket: to be inspired by our island, its natural beauty, traditional charm, local culture, customs and everyday life. Images can be found at instagram.com/ phuketstagram Since its conception, @phuketstagram has gained over 5,000 followers on Instagram and Facebook, and the hashtag #phuketstagram boasts over 30,000 posts. For more information contact Amy on her mobile at 091 043 3640 or drop a line to teamphuketstagram@gmail.com. The entire @phuketstagram community looks forward to seeing you there!



FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016

Patong Girl comes to town


Genre: Romance Languages: German, English, Thai Director: Susanna Salonen Starring: Aisawanya Areyawattana, Max Mauff and Victoria Trauttmansdorff Notes: Some sexual content, parental discretion advised

ulture shock, transgender issues, young love are all subtly intertwined in Finnish-German director Susanna Salonen’s award-winning Patong Girl, which will be premiering exclusively in SF participating cinemas: SF Jungceylon in Phuket, SF World in Bangkok, SF Pattaya Beach, SF Maya-Chiangmai, on 21 April 2016, and screen for at least a week, possibly longer. The Phuket News had the opportunity to speak with Salonen as well as lead actors Max Mauff (Felix), Aisawanya Areyawattana (who plays the title “Patong girl”, Fai) and Victoria Trauttmansdorff (Annegret), who talked about their experiences developing and filming this nuanced cross-cultural commentary at shoots across Thailand with the support of local crew members. Emphasising the unique setup and insularity of resort towns, Salonen points out that in places like Phuket, “It’s really where cultures meet one another. On the one hand you have the local population. And then there are the vacationers from around the world, who want to experience something, be spoiled, live out their dreams, find adventure…When their high expectations finally meet reality, it doesn’t always end well.” The film starts out generically

enough, with a German family, the Schroeders travelling to Thailand for one last family vacation before their son Felix leaves home. In Patong, he meets a local girl, Fai, with whom he falls hopelessly in love with over a few days. With this setup, the film explores various angles, from a mother’s struggle to protect her child, the commonalities and differences between Phuket and Isarn culture, the moral ambiguity tourists experience, creating a riveting interplay with a message of tolerance that is bound to appeal to all audiences, but especially those who inhabit resort towns and regularly experience this context. Salonen made a point of having both families featured in the film be middleclass, weaving an interesting mix of similarities and cultural contrasts. Mauff and Aisawanya both reflect on that, pointing out that despite what many audiences would consider a uniquely fascinating situation, they were both able to relate to the very human experiences of struggling in love and the complications of cross-cultural experiences. To commemorate Patong Girl’s release in Thailand, a special Gala event will be hosted at Jungceylon on Monday, April 18, with a reception in the Port Arena area followed by stage interviews with cast and the premiere screening of the film.

For a chance to meet the stars of Patong Girl in person at a red-carpet cocktail gala pre-screening on April 18 in Phuket, tune in to Live 89.5, or email editor@classactmedia.co.th




15 APR

THEPHUKETNEWS.COM choice, your style: nature, marni re, proven ale, garlic & cream or Thai style. Reservations recommended B295 baht P.P., shakersphuket@gmail.com, 081 891 4381.

BBQ at Expat Hotel

T ime 8 p m, E x p at S p orts B ar, E x p at H otel, S oi T aip an , P aton g . w w w .ex p atsp ortsb ar.com

Thailand Balloon Music Festival 2016

Coming to Phuket this April is the Thailand Balloon Music Festival Hot off the celebrations for Songkran 2016, this year’s festival will be taking place between April 14th and 17th in Paradise Park near British International School, Phuket. Featuring some of the Kingdom’s most prolific musicians, nightly J sets and some of the most eye-popping Hot Air Balloon displays in SE Asia, festivities begin April 14th for VIP guests, and the following day for the general public. on’t miss the p arty , b ook y ou r tick ets n ow at w w w . chortick ets.com P rou dly su p p orted b y T he P hu k et N ew s.

Live entertainment Friday and Saturday night at Ceramic Kitchen

Welcome to Ceramic Kitchen Bar and Restaurant, a charming Phuket restaurant serving Western and Thai food in the cozy atmosphere of a clay house. Open every day 12pm - 12am (except Tuesdays). Book your table for this weekend Live entertainment Friday and Saturday evening. RSVP, 185/15 Moo 7, Srisoonthorn R d., T . S risoon thorn T halan g , P hu k et, T hailan d 83110, 099 410 0956, www.facebook.com/ceramick itchen p hu k et.

Indian Curry Night on Fridays Come to Navrang Mahal in Karon Sea Sands Resort & Spa for an authentic Indian Feast first and third Friday of the month, in Karon Beach. Try out our delicious Aloo Tikki, Samosas, Chicken Tandoori, Aloo Gobi, Navrang Korma, Butter Chicken, Lamb Vindaloo, Naan, Rice, Salads, Chutneys/Achars, Pistachio Ice Cream, Gulab Jamun, Fruits. Extra dishes on the menu: ONION BHAJI, BOMBA ALOO, AL MAKHINI, VANILLA ICE-CREAM. For only 499/- nett and special reduced prices on drin ks.

BISP Art exhibition - The Mad Artists Tea Party

British artist Goldie MBE will open The Mad Artists Tea Party’ on Monday 21 March at 3pm in the main lobby at BISP. The Grand Opening is op en to the g en eral p u b lic, an d the exh ib ition runs until 27 May 2016. For more information about visual art at BISP, please visit bisphuket. ac.th/visual-arts.

Mussels night @ Shakers

1.2kg mussels served with french fries, your


17 APR

Traditional Sunday Roast Angus O’Tool’s Karon Beach

Lunch or dinner served from 2pm. our choice of either roast beef, chicken, loin of pork or leg of lamb served with roast and boiled potatoes, three fresh vegetables, orkshire pudding and gravy. Only B350 per person which includes a free glass of house red or white. Opposite Centara Karon Resort. See otools-phuket.com.


18 APR



PHUKET BIKE WEEK 2016 ASEAN RI E TOGETHER is the biggest motorcycle event in Asia. Celebrating it’s 22nd anniversary, this event expects to gather over 10,000 motorcyclists and 50,000 visitors from 30 countries. It will be held on 8-10 April 2016 at Loma Park in Patong and 15 -16 April 2016 at Anuphas courtyard, Phuket Town, Phuket province. Visit our website http://www.phuketbikeweek.com/ or call 076 352 069. Proudly supported by The Phuket News Khun Wittaya Singkalah, ridethailandtour@hotmail.com.


16 APR

Relaxing afternoon by the poolside featuring a lavish spread of international delicacies and fresh seafood from the Ocean. Special Promotions: (1) A group of over 10 people receive 20 discount. (2) Birthday celebrations birthday person receives a complimentary Brunch. The rest of the party, if over 10 people receive 20 discount. All prices are sub ect to a 7 government tax and a 10 service charge. Children’s prices are applicable to those aged from six to twelve. Children under the age of six dine with our compliments. RSVP, H ATT REGENC PHUKET RESORT, fnb.phuhr@hyatt.com, 076 231 234.

Sunday Brunch at Novotel Phuket Surin Beach Resort

Indulge yourself in a culinary experience like no other: a wide selection of Thai delicacies alongside sushi platter, pasta, pizza, meat carving station and a variety of desserts. Only THB 39 9 + + p er p erson . T oddlers b elow 4 ye ars old eat for free. Children aged 4-12 receive 50 discount. Advance booking recommended. RSVP, info@novotelphuketsurin.com

We are a Western & fusion caf & restaurant in the heart of Old Phuket Town, offering fine dinin g exp erien ces in the relaxi n g con temp orary Peranakan caf atmosphere. The restaurant opens daily from 4:00 pm 11:00 pm, closed every Wednesday. We are open for lunch during weekends from 11:00 am 11:00 pm with variety of new mouthwatering lunch menu. info@texturephuket.com, 081 916 1430.

All you can eat Sunday Roast Buffet

Beef, Pork & Lamb Cauliflower, Broccoli, Peas, Carrots, fried mushrooms, grilled tomatoes orkshire pudding roasted potatoes, mashed potatoes gravy, mushroom sauce, mint sauce. Reservation recommended 350 baht P.P., shakersphuket@gmail.com, 081 891 4381.

Bollywood Phuket’s Weekend Special Indian Lunch Set

Come and en oy authentic flavours of India by indulging in our special weekend lunch set for only B 39 9 + + p er p erson b etw een 1 1 am- 3p m. M en u in clu des 3 starters, 4 main cou rse an d dessert served with Gulab Jamun/Phirni Vanilla Custard/ Ice Cream (choose 1). All for ust B399++ per person. For more info please call 076 304 034.

All you can eat BBQ night

6pm 11pm: beef, pork, chicken, burgers, sausages, prawns & squids, salad buffet, choice of potatoes & sauces, bread, buns & garlic bread Reservation recommended 350 baht P.P., shakersphuket@gmail.com, 081 891 4381.


19 APR

Retro Night at SKYE Beach Club

Retro Night at SK E Beach Club on April 19, 2016. Live Music - ancers - Fire show. BBQ seafood station. RSVP, Naiyang Beach, 093 582 7700.

Toastmasters Phuket

Weekends Special Lunch Menu at Café & Restaurant

Pool Competition at Expat Sports Bar T he comp etition w ill b e held at 9 p m, E px at S p orts B ar at the E xp at H otel S oi T aip an , P aton g . S ee map at w w w .exp athotel.com.

FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016

Looking to develop your public speaking and leadership skills Ignite your career Join Toastmasters Phuket and start making yourself a leader today Invitation only. Contact Jason on 086 479 7471 for more info.


20 APR

Every Wednesday! All-you-caneat Pasta and Pizza

Sunday Roast at Gallery Cafe By Pinky @ new Chalong branch

Every Sunday from 12pm and all-day brunch and dinner every day from 7am-10pm. 0891037000 FB : Gallerycafe by Pinky, thegallerycafe@yahoo.com, 089 103 7000.

Every Wednesday eat all you can - pizza and pasta only for 500 Baht. rink all you can Peroni & Belleville only for 450 Baht or both EAT RINK ALL OU CAN ONL FOR 890 Bath with OUBLE E PRESSIONS LIVE Wednesdays 6pm to 11pm. info@pastabellini.com. Located at C halon g C ircle, C hao- F a E ast.




20 APR

All you can eat BBQ Ribs night

6pm 11pm: All you can eat BBQ ribs served with salad buffet, potato salad & choice of sauces. Reservations recommended THB295 P.P., shakersphuket@gmail.com, 081 891 4381.


21 APR

Patong Girl

I n T hailan d, F elix f alls in lov e w ith the my steriou s F ai. H e f ollow s his heart… b u t thin g s g et comp licated.“ A tou chin g in tercu ltu ral story w ithout any wrong notes.. - Hamburger MorgenpostAward-winning romance released in SF C in ema C ity J u n g cey lon f rom 2 1 A p ril. P rou dly su p p orted b y P hu k et N ew s T V .

PIWC April luncheon

N ot to b e missed. A p ril 2 1 , 2 0 1 6 – P hu k et I n tern ation al W omen ’ s C lu b M on thly lu n ch at B amp ot K itchen & B ar in C hern g talay . L imited seating, only 30 people will be accepted. Registration starts at 1 1 .30 am. M emb ers 6 0 0 b aht, non-members 750 baht. Reservation essential: please contact Maggy Wigman at info@piwcp hu k et.com P rou dly su p p orted b y T he P hu k et News.Maggy Wigman, info@piwc-phuket.com


23 APR

Treats and Treasures

23 April, 2016 - Phuket International Women’s C lu b T reasu res an d T reats S ale at L ady P ie Restaurant and Bakery 32 Srisoonthorn Rd, C hern g T alay , P hu ke t Q u ality u sed clothin g and delicious home-baked goods will be for sale f rom 1 1 a.m. to 2 p .m. A ll p roceeds f rom the sales w ill g o tow ards the P I W C scholarship fund for under-privileged children. onations of clean , q u ality u sed clothin g are g ladly accep ted



FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016 at L ady P ie’ s p remises an d f or b ake d g oods w e ask you to drop them off the day before or the morn in g of the sale f rom 9 am on w ards. F or f u rther details an d in q u iries p lease con tact V alerie on 084 189 2281 or email to info@piwc-phuket. com Maggy Wigman, info@piwc-phuket.com


24 APR

most p op u lar au thor! T heatrix an d H eadS tart w ill present William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet on the H eadS tart stag e on A p ril 2 9 at 6 p .m. O u tta the B ox C lassics p art tw o is n ot to b e missed! Romance Action and even comedy It’s got every thin g ! P rou dly sp on sored b y P hu k et N ew s an d Live 89.5, Two Chefs, Green Man, and Oasis E d.J oel A dams, theatrix p hu k et@g mail.com

InterBike Hash #4

Thanyapura Superkidz Triathlon 2016

E cx i tin g , challen g in g triathlon eve n t f or children aged 4 to 18. Participants will be divided into Categories Tri Tot (4-6 years). Junior (710 years). Intermediate (11-14years). Senior (15-18years). the triathlon event will give young athletes the chan ce to exp erien ce the w orld class sp orts f acilities at T han ya p u ra in clu din g its 50m Olympic standard outdoor pool with b iki n g an d ru n n in g rou tes set w ithin the su rrou n din g n atu re of K hao P hra T haew N ation al Park. Register online at http://www.thanyapura. com/ Proundly Supported by Live 89.5

Phuket Pride Week 2016

P hu k et P ride W eek S u n day 2 4 th A p ril 2 0 1 6 to 1 st M ay 2 0 1 6 . T his ev en t w as started in 1 9 9 9 an d is the on ly G ay P ride F estiv al still b ein g held in T hailan d. “ H an d in H an d in T hailan d” is the theme f or the w eek of F U N & C eleb ration w ith ov er 1 2 ev en ts b ein g held arou n d P hu k et. All are welcome: LGBT community, straights & the u n decided, to j oin in celeb ratin g P ride w eek and raising monies to help fight HIV infections in Phuket. More info please visit www.phuketp ride.org P rou dly su p p orted b y C lass A ct M edia.


28 APR

The Quintessential Wellness Workshop

T he in sp iration al 4 days 3 n ig hts p rog ramme has selected the b est n u trition al sp ecialists, C eleb rity p erf orman ce coaches & yo g a en thu siasts to en su re yo u w ill receive the b est education. iscover benefits of stress & sugar man ag emen t, hormon al b alan cin g & w eig ht loss, by wellness practitioners Hayden Rhodes, Craig Burton & Kim White. THB 25,000 p er p erson f or 4 days 3 n ig hts p rog ram. A day p acka g e or sin g le classes are ava ilab le. Phuket residents get 15 off. For more infomation , log on to j w marriottp hu ke tresort.com M an dara S p a D irector, L in da O ve rman , lin da. ove rman @marriotthotels.com


29 APR

P hu k et M ou n tain B ik e H ash w ill b e hostin g the I n terB ik e H ash # 4 b etw een 2 9 A p ril & 1 M ay , draw in g H ashers f rom all ov er S E A an d b ey on d. E n j oy the lu sh trop ics of the A n daman S ea, w ith 3 days of guided off-road rides for strong-willed an d meek er hearts. I n du lg e in P hu k et’ s history , f olk lore, an d hash f estiv ities. W e p romise C O L D drin k s, w et w ater, an d hot w eather… .alon g w ith your favorite forget-me-not’ souvenirs. Registration req u ired an d limited to 2 0 0 . S p ecial lodg ing arrangements, find all details on our website - http://phuketinterbikehash.com.


30 APR

15 Year Anniversary Andaman Sea Surf

SUP race, CPR training, surf rescue race, beach cleaning and live music. Registration 9am - 11 am. The race starts at 1am. Andaman Sea Surf, 076 296 071.

The 5th Edition of Phuket UNESCO International Jazz Day.

T he w orld’ s most f amou s lov e story b y the w orld’ s




O n b ehalf of P hu k et C ity M u n icip ality . M M C p resents the 5th edition of Phuket UNESCO International Jazz ay. Open to the public at 7 PM at Chanacharoen Road ,Phuket City. Main events f eatu rin g P hu k et local, I n t’ l j az z an d g u est. F or more info please call 089 588 2347.Proundly Supported by The Phuket News and Live 89.5 radio.

A sia’ s larg est destin ation marathon , the L ag u n a P hu ke t M arathon , w ill b e taki n g p lace on 4-5 June 2016. More than 8,000 runners from arou n d the w orld are exp ected to en j oy 2 days of races and fun. The 10.5km run, 5km Walk & Run, and 2km Kids’ Run will take place the aftern oon of 4 Ju n e w hile the half marathon an d marathon will start early morning on 5 June. For more info and to sign-up, visit www.phuketmarathon .com or w w w .g otorace.com P rou n dly Supported by Live 89.5

Free Football Trials


T his is y ou r chan ce to j oin T he H eadS tart F ootball Academy. Saturday, March 19th 10:30 12:00 pm. Open to player from 12-15 years of age.JR, r@headstartphuket.com, 076 612 8756 .




Romeo and Juliet

b y to taste delicacies f rom the chef s of A n an tara Phuket Layan Resort & Spa, Angsana, A zi amen di at I n iala, B amp ot, B liss B each C lu b , N ovo tel P hu ke t S u rin B each, E N Z O , H ig her, Kata Rocks, Metzo’s Bistro & Bar at Outrigg er an d P aresa. A n daman W in e C lu b , B B & B , Two Tales & Chalong Bay will provide free flow More info - info@phukethasbeengoodtous.org or 076 278 146. Media sponsorship proudly provided by Live 89.5

1 1 aw ard w in n in g chef s, on e location , on e n ig ht on ly! P hu ke t’ s 1 1 hottest restau ran ts w ill P op Up at Bliss Beach Club on Saturday 7th May in su p p ort of P hu k et H as B een G ood T o U s! P op

Great Mexican, Thai and Flamegrilled Burgers in a beautiful setting! I f y ou hav e time this mon th g et dow n to S ea Breeze located in Royal Phuket Marina. Open 9am to 10pm everyday serving home-made mexican specialties, flame grilled burgers an d T hai sp ecials! A ll sp ort av ailab le show n live, Contact: Reservations, info@seabreezerpm.com, 076 360 806.




FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016

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FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016







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BOATS, YACHTS FOR SALE D u al b an w ide. U p p ack ag in 4 0 0 0 0 , V

Dual banana boat for sale

an a b oat f or w ater activ ities. 4 .2 m lon g , 1 .6 m to 1 4 riders. T his b an an a b oat is b ran d n ew , g still in tact. S tored in a w arehou se in C halon g . ladimir, sales@j oy div e.asia, 0 8 4 1 8 2 8 6 8 5 .

Dive boat for sale

D iv e b oat A sian A dv en tu re, L en g th– 1 8 m, W idth– 4 .6 m, D ep th– 1 .7 m, 1 E n g – 31 5 H .P . cap asity 4 0 p assen g ers + 3 crew . L ocated in C halon g , sales@ j oy div e.asia, 0 8 4 1 8 2 8 6 8 5 .

1 engine speedboat for sale

H on da 2 5 0 H .P . 1 5 p assen g ers+ 3 crew , L en g th– 8 .1 0 m, W idth– 2 .4 0 , D ep th- 1 .6 . E x cellen t con dition s, sou n d sy stem L ocated in C halon g . V ladimir, sales@j oy div e.asia, 0 8 4 1 8 2 8 6 8 5 .

Boston Whaler conq uest 255

I mmacu late con dition , M ercu ry 1 5 0 hp x 2 v ery low hou rs, T hai reg istered. T his b oat comes w ith f u ll in v en tory . L y in g A oP o marin a P hu k et. mik ehig h1 @g mail. com M ik e, mik ehig h1 @g mail.com, 0 8 8 7 6 8 4 7 0 1 .

Yacht Chartering and Resort

B ig A S w an 5 5 Y acht C harterin g an d R esort in P hu k et T hailan d S ailin g : B ig A S w an 5 5 , A ccommodation : B ig A R esort 0 7 6 - 38 30 8 0 E mail: b ig asail@samart.co.th.

ACTIVITIES, GROUPS W in P hu han cap details v isit F aceb ook : T iy tiy ashammock s.com, 0 8 9 6

Free Tiya’ s Hammocks campaign

F ree hammock f rom T iy a’ s H ammock s k et. W in n er w ill g et V W eav e hammock , dmade f rom N orth of T hailan d, w eig ht acity 2 5 0 k g s. V alu e 5 , 2 0 0 T H B . M ore a’ s hammock s, C on tact: T iy a, tiy a@ 0 0 0 0 4 1 .


Roof top Patong Mini Golf

T he b est sea v iew 18 Holes, roof top Mini Golf. Located on the 4th floor of B an an a W alk P laz a in P aton g , 0 9 1 7 6 2 2 6 2 8 , http : / / p aton g min ig olf .com

2008. 62K kms. White. Usual G refinements. I n su ran ce, F S H , L ady driv er 39 5 K b aht on o 39 5 K , C liv e R ob erts, crob 5 8 @g mail.com, 0 8 1 0 8 7 9 2 37 or 0 8 6 2 7 0 8 7 2 7 .

Chevy Captiva LT 20 0 8


C hev rolet C ap tiv a L T 2 0 6 2 .0 0 0 K M , 1 O w n er, 2 .0 C hev y S erv ice H istory , C lass I n su ran ce. T el. 0 8

Bangla agogo club for sale

A newly refurbished bar/club with great returns is for sale. Fully fitted out over 2 floors. Very cheap and very low rent. Reliable landlord. S tev e, stev ep earcerg j @hotmail.co.u k , 0 8 9 5 8 7 0 8 1 9 .

M odel 1 ,0 5 0 ,0 2 1 4 0 , C com , 0

Business for Sale

N on tou rist/ b ar related b u sin ess f or sale, y early tu rn ov er of 1 5 M B . C all 0 8 7 2 7 6 0 5 2 9 or 0 8 1 9 6 8 6 0 5 1 f or more details. ated hotel/ g u est hou se in P aton g ’ s t f rom ow n er. 1 2 rooms, 2 shop s to man y f acilities. M ore details check 5 5 39 8 or call + 6 6 ( 0 ) 8 1 5 38 1 39 9 .

Restaurant on Main Street

L arg e, talay. seats, on ly B

tastef u lly decorated restau ran t in C hern g Fully fitted and equipped kitchen, 100 b ar. W alk in an d start b u sin ess. N ow 7 9 0 ,0 0 0 , 0 8 9 4 0 0 5 9 0 7 .

German bakery &

deli &


M ain road, 8 y ears clien tele, tak e ov er + in cl. train in g comp lete eq u ip ment, staff room, 3 or 5 years leasing contract. early volume 4 mio. han sib ak ery @g mail.com, P rice: 3.5 million , C on tact M r. S tark .

Best Deal

R aw ai b u sin ess f or sale. A rea ap p rox 2 R ai, can do restau ran t or other b u sin ess.F iv e min s f rom b each. L on g term lease, y early ren t B 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 4 b edrooms hou se in clu ded. R edu ce f rom B 9 8 0 , 0 0 0 to B 5 2 0 , 0 0 0 . C on tact K hu n A sok e at 0 8 9 6 4 6 7 1 7 6 / b ig _ redchili@y ahoo.com

CAR FOR SALE S ep T oy (E n P hu


t. 2 0 1 1 . 5 7 0 0 0 k m. 1 f aran g ow n ota serv ice. T op con dition . T el: g lish an d G erman ) . 4 4 0 , 0 0 0 , k et, p erdomp ert@hotmail.com,

er n o acciden t. 0 8 6 0 4 3 4 31 5 P er D omp ert, 0 8 6 0 4 3 4 31 5 .

4 9 9 , 0 0 0 B aht, rb o D iesel, F u ll A cciden ts, 1 st 4 1 7 4 2 .

7 seats, S ilv er, G P S v ideo, F amily car D iesel 2 , 6 9 4 cc, B lu e b ook S erv ice history T oy ota P earl 7 8 , 0 0 0 k ms. A U T O M A T I C tran smission , g olf g u ru 2 0 0 5 @y ahoo.co.u k , 0 7 6 6 1 5 8 2 7 .

O n ly av ailab le S tretch L imo in T hailan d. 9 meters lon g 8 p ax , in g ood con dition w ith all docu men ts an d g reen p lates. T u rn k ey b u sin ess in cl. w eb site j u st to tak e ov er an d start to mak e mon ey ! 2 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 .- , P atitta A p ichotj aru s, P aton g , p hu k etstretchlimo@g mail.com, 0 8 0 1 4 5 0 0 8 2 .

N ew ly ren ov heart f or ren b u sy street, thep hu k etn ew s.com, search L istin g I D

0 8 , L T u N o 2 8 0

TOYOTA Fortuner 20 0 9

Uniq ue Stretch Limo Business

Newly renovated hotel for rent


n r ge

t sa


Nissan Teana 2.5Lt

2 0 1 4 1 7 ,0 0 0 B aht E on tact M 9 0 1 6 32 1

0 0 n g au 4 0

k m. N ew p rice 1 .7 M ln N O W : 0 8 1 7 8 8 8 2 8 0 T hai: 0 9 0 1 6 3 rice, mau rice.p hu k et@g mail. .

Honda J azz 20 0 9 150 0 cc Auto

5 7 , 0 0 0 k ms. O n e ow n er sin ce n ew . R eg u larly U serv iced b y H on da. T ax an d I n su ran ce u n til the end of June and available now at right offer. Redu ced b y 4 0 , 0 0 0 b ht, R E D U C E D to 330 , 0 0 0 b ht o.n .o, A n dy + 6 6 8 4 6 9 0 9 1 4 4 , an dy smalster@g mail.com.


De Laguna By Dr.J aQ

I n tern ation al C lin ic E n g lish S p eak in g D octor B y A p p oin tmen t 0 9 5 0 8 5 1 1 8 8 F B : D rJ aq W arn n issorn P rov idin g A n ti- A g in g ( B otox , F iller, L iv e C ell T herap y , A ltern ativ e C an cer T reatmen t, C helation M edical, H ou se C all) . I n teg rativ e an d A dv an cemen t in M edicin e f or in div idu aliz ed treatmen t p rog rams f or p atien ts of all ag es an d w ith v ariou s disorders, E mail: tosaw cu te@g mail.com.

FURNITURE FOR SALE Swinging Sun Loungers For Sale

S w in g in g , su n lou n g ers, b ran d n ew , ex cellen t q u ality - 6 , 0 0 0 b aht on ly , C on tact: E ddy , eddy elan @ y ahoo.com, 0 8 9 9 7 1 0 2 7 8 .

MOVING SERVICES Looking for Moving Company?

W ith ov er 1 5 y ears of ex p erien ce B ig mov e P hu k et is the n u mb er 1 p rov ider of mov in g an d ship p in g in an d ou t of P hu k et T hailan d. W e p rov ide storag e in a state of the art clean , secu re, storag e f acility located cen trally in P hu k et. w w w .b ig mov ep hu k et.com, 0 8 1 - 7 9 7 - 5 37 7 .


Urgent need Toyota hilux vigo

W an t to sell y ou r T oy ota hilu x v ig o C hamp ? v ig o4 u is the b est p alace to sell yo u r T oyo ta. V ig o4 u n ow in P hu k et, P atay a an d B an g k ok also. 0 8 4 34 4 34 4 4 , 0 2 8 1 0 8 1 1 7 .

MOTORBIKES FOR SALE Kawasaki Versys 650 ABS 20 12

S how room con dition , n ew f rom K aw asak i P hu M ay 2 0 1 2 , 2 , 0 0 0 k m, H ep co & B eck er E n g in e B & R ear- rack , K aw asak i H an dg u ards an d P y mid H u g g er., 2 2 0 , 0 0 0 T H B , P au l, 0 8 4 1 30 3 2 P lon g more@hotmail.com.

k et ars ra34 ,


W e clean y ou r car at y ou r p lace - at y ou r time. N o.1 car w ash deliv ery in P hu k et. C all 0 7 6 35 5 - 0 4 2 or g o to C lean C ar.me f or more details.



FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016



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PETS FOR ADOPTION Two cute Poodles

Horse and Dog Vet Hospital

W e are 2 cu te P oodles, b oth u n der 5 k g s & the best of friends & wish to find a new loving home tog ether, b oth of u s are steriliz ed, v accin ated & healthy . P lease con tact S herin .p eace@g mail.com f or adop tion en q u ires.

O p en f rom 1 0 am. – 8 p m.* S erv ice all ty p es of an imals. * E x p erien ced p rof ession als.C on tact: 0 7 6 6 2 0 1 36 /0 8 4 2 1 0 6 8 6 8 an d con tact@horsedog v et.com w w w .horsedog v et.com

MEMBERSHIPS Blue Canyon Membership

B lu e C an yo n M emb ership f or sale. 1 corp orate n omin ee f or sale T H B 6 30 , 0 0 0 in c tran sf er f ee. g rahamhaslam@hotmail.com.

Pets Magic Planet

O p en f rom 9 am. - 7 p m. * T he b est in tern ation al b ran ds. * T he u ltimate choice. * L u x u ry accessries & j ew els. C on tact: 0 7 6 6 2 0 1 0 6 / 0 9 1 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 an d con tact@p etsmag icp lan et.com


I n J u n e 2 0 1 6 , B an g k ok H osp ital P hu k et w ill hav e to destroy p atien t records b ein g in activ e f or ov er 1 0 y ears. F or assistan ce & in f ormation , call 1 7 1 9 or e- mail u s at in f o@p hu k ethosp ital.com.


OTHER For Sale

I n du strial ov er lock er. W hitehou se B ran d. 3 T hread. B ran d n ew n ev er u sed. F u ll tool k it. B arg ain at 1 2 , 0 0 0 B aht. C all S an di 0 8 7 2 6 4 0 7 7 8 .

Office Sp ce


Office Space Laguna - Plaza del Mar Fully Furnished offices 4 Office Suite plus boardroom Rent entire unit or individual office 080 045 4474.


R esort f or sale/ lease lon g term, in C halon g / R aw ai A rea ow n b ig w ell 2 2 rooms 2 R ai lan d larg e p ool R estau ran t p ark in g N o A g en ts. lets talk , H orst L ak its, 6 7 / 1 8 S oi S ermsu k , b ig asail@samart.co.th, 0 8 6 9 4 0 1 8 6 0 , 0 7 6 38 3 0 8 0 .

2 New Resale Condos 3.9 MB. 7 % net ROI

1 b ed con dos on the mark et 7 % n et R O I f or 1 4 y ears! R are P ool access modern hilltop u n it. P an oramic v iew s of A n daman B ay & city lig hts of P aton g . A lso 1 b ed city & ocean v iew s, f u lly f u rn ished & p rof ession ally man ag ed. Y ou j u st collect 7 % n et/ y ear hassle f ree. C on tact p hu k etj on @g mail.com, 0 8 4 8 4 2 2 2 6 2 .

Sea View Land 265 Met. Pub.Rd.

G reat in v estmen t. 3/ 5 R ai P lots. N S 3G T itles. P rice start 4 M / R ai. F u ll in f ra. 2 6 5 M et. P u b . R d. F ron tag e. L ocated on K oh Y ao Y ai resort area, j u st 2 5 min . sp eed b oat f rom P hu k et. W e can mak e easy half day trip 1 0 am- 2 p m. C all C harlie / more in f o, charlesarain es@hotmail.com, 0 6 2 0 6 9 1 9 6 5 .

Laguna - Luxury 1 Bed & Golf Membership For Sale

Totally renovated: new kitchen, wood floors, f u rn ished, sou n d sy stem. P rice in clu des L ag u n a G olf M emb ership an d P riv ileg e C ard. T H B 6 .9 M . O w n er 0 8 4 2 4 7 1 6 32 - E - M ail: p hu k et32 0 3@g mail.com.

Patong Tower and Andaman Beach suite for sale

M ou n tain s an d S ea V iew s, C all D av id 0 8 0 6 9 2 6 1 1 4 , email: p aton g realestate@g mail.com.

New Sea View Villa

Premium villa 8 B in the prestiq ues Sunrise Ocean Villas developement is now for sale. B ein g b u ilt on the hig hest p oin t in the estate, on ly 8 0 meters f rom the ocean an d located 3 min s aw ay f rom G ran d A oP or M arin a, 1 0 min s f rom g olf cou rse, 2 0 min s f rom the airp ort, , shop p in g cen ters, schools and hospitals, this villa is a perfect place to live with no traffic, no pollu tion an d n o mass tou rism..., O v er than 6 0 0 S q m u sab le b u ildin g area, 3 b edrooms, g u est ap artmen t, maid q u arters, games room, 10 meter infinity swimming pool, roof terrace and breath taking views. Can be ready to move in within 8 w eek s an d still can b e cu stomiz ed to the w ishes of n ew ow n er. F or sale at on ly 2 4 .9 mill B aht. For viewing or more information please contact our sales director, Khun Montha 081 343 0777 Email : montha_phuket@yahoo.com.

Alexander Kolesnikov

3 B edroom V illa f or sale. B u ildin g 32 0 s.m. L an d 9 0 0 s.m. N ice g arden , 2 cars g arag e, stu dy . J u st 3 min u tes f rom B I S . 1 5 M B , C on tact A lex an der, alex k olin z @g mail.com, 0 8 9 6 5 1 32 5 0 .

Land for sale - Mission Height

Karon Beach New House For Sale/Rent

Luxury Apartment hotel in Kata

L u x u ry A 356sqm, k itchen , T ( T hai & E 0 8 3 39 1 5

p artmen t hotel f or sale in K ata b each. 3 floors. 12 rooms, all have sea view, hai chan ote or 9 0 y ears lease. 30 M B ., N oi N ) , K ata B each, t_ sen ru m@liv e.com.au , 5 2 5 .

Villa For Sale / Rent

L ocated at N aiharn b each S oi N ay a 3, M ou n tain v iew , S w imming pool, Balcony, 2 floor, 4 bed room. T otal 9 2 sq .m. T hai 0 8 1 9 5 8 0 5 4 2 E N G 0 8 1 9 5 6 6 8 1 3.

Owner Sales Appartment “ The Pearl of Naithon “ Leasehold

T otal area 2 2 6 , 6 6 S Q M in clu din g terrace 4 1 , 2 5 S q m. 3 b edrooms w ith 3 b athrooms P rice T H B 1 3.5 million . M P : 0 8 9 8 1 4 1 4 5 8 .


House for sale

P riv ate p ool v illa w ith lov ely g arden half a rai. Q u ite an d saf e area. 3 b edroom 2 b athroom op en k itchen . 1 6 0 m2 S itu ated in B an P ahra. 1 2 min u tes to P I A , P hu k et A irp ort, N ay Y an g b each, an d B lu e C an y on G olf cou rse. 2 min to M ission H ill G olf cou rse.P rice 8 million b aht, 2 2 5 0 0 0 eu ro, b erg sstig en @ telia.com, 0 9 0 7 0 1 4 2 0 4 .

N IC E L A N D F O R S A L E A T M IS S IO N H E IG H T , J U S T O V E R O N E R A I . P hon e 0 9 3 6 2 9 4 4 0 0 E n g lish, 0 8 2 4 2 1 4 8 4 2 T hai.

1 4 5 f

Chalong Villa for sale

Living area 450 sq.m, Land 800 sq.m. 1st floor: L iv in g room, M aster b dr w ith en - su ite b th, K itchen , Seaview terrace, Pool, Carpark. 2nd floor: 4 bdr with bth, 2nd living room, Office. 19.5M, oliv er@thu rman n g rou p .com, 0 8 7 8 7 7 2 32 0 .


g mail.com, 0 8 7 2 7 3 0 1 4 1 .

B eau tif u l home in 1 , 0 38 sq m g arden s.T hree en su ite b eds, g u est hou se, 9 x 4 m p ool, maid’ s room. L iv in g sp ace 32 0 sq m. P riv ate access. R edu ced to 1 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 T H B , alan g ath@

Two-story house in Phuket City

8 0 S q m. 2 B edroom, 2 B athroom, T errace carp ort. N ice S ea v iew . S ale 5 .8 M B . R en t lon g term 1 8 , 0 0 0 p er mon th. G u n ter K rau s, P hu k et, n aru chai@g mx .de, 0 9 1 0 4 0 2 4 7 1 .



L an d 4 0 0 sq . m, liv in g area 34 4 sq .m, 6 rooms, 3 b athrooms, maid’ s room w ith b ath. F u lly f u rn ished. V ery g ood f or liv in g an d b u sin ess. 1 5 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 .- , P au lin e H aldeman n , haldemw a@hotmail.com, 0 8 1 8 9 5 0 0 38 .

p 0 8 9 8 6 8 8 6 6 8 .


Phuket Beach Front Land

R A I B each f ron t P hu k et, P hu n g n g a C lose - 7 * hote, C han ode title, 9 0 meter s of w ater ron tag e M ore than 1 0 0 m w ide b each& small iece of lan d close to the b each 2 5 M B / A I , M s.P am, p hu k etmy hou se@g mail.c om,





4 b edroom 3 b ath room ex cellen t v iew C halon g b ay 3 storag e, F u lly f u rn ished all n ew sw immin g p ool in q u iet area R aw ai b each. A ll in q u ires. T idarat, 0 8 7 4 6 6 5 6 35 .

Alexander Kolesnikov

Land & 4 storey Commercial building for sell.Patong. Just 60 m from the beach. Guesthouse 6 luxury rooms + restaurant 40 seats. 17 MB, C on tact A lex an der, alex k olin z @g mail.com, 0 8 9 6 5 1 32 5 0 .


4 Luxury villas, office, 2 pools, 1 Rai - Chanote. Secure investment, price below replacement cost, money maker. Owner 82 retiring. 30 Mil Baht. L ets talk . O w n er, 0 8 9 5 9 4 4 0 6 7 .

House For Sale

L ocated in R aw ai soi S amak i3 2 b edroom 2 b athroom 1 L au n dry room 1 storag e room L iv in g area 160 sq.m, Chanot title 280 sq.m. 3.2 MB., R ico9 9 6 3@hotmail.com, 0 8 3 6 4 0 9 0 4 1

Fire sale

7 shop hou ses f or sale, 2 0 meters f rom C halon g round about. On the way to pier for Sale. 25 Million , k ieran p madden @hotmail.com, 0 9 6 9 2 4 4 6 6 1 .

Brand new 3 bed villa Onyx

L iv in g area 1 6 0 sq .m. L an d 2 0 0 sq .m. F u lly lu x u ry f u rn ished. O p en p lan liv in g room w ith k itchen , P riv ate & P eacef u l area, S ecu rity g ate estate, Gym. 8.9M, oliver@thurmanngroup. com, 0 8 7 8 7 7 2 32 0 .

Villa for sale

Exclusive Villa with Pool and Garden In Phuket, Rawai/Nai Harn, Land size: 1’700 m2, build up area 4 0 0 m2 . P riv ate sale, n o ag en ts p lease. 36 MB, JasminConsulting@gmx.net.

The Base Downtown - Sale/Rent

1 B ed ( 35 sq m) & 2 B ed ( 6 0 sq m) , f u lly f u rn ished, p ool v iew . N ear C en tral, B I S , B ig C , L otu s, S iriroj hosp ital, D arasamu t S chool, T hai H u a S chool ( C lose to n ew C en tral E mb assy - g ood in v estment). Swimming pool, fitness & library. Rent:15,000-25,000 THB/month and 35,000-45,000 THB/month. Panattaporn.c@gmail.com, 093 639 4654.

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FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @thephuketnews

PROPERTY FOR SALE Partner for resort wanted

5 Rai. hillside Maikhao beach. Main buiding finished. Nice sunset seaview, 087 267 1192, Julius_schuster2001@yahoo.de

Sale. Semi detached house

Living room 2 double bedrooms 1 fitted furniture and en-suite fitted kitchen office bathroom carp ort g arden L an d 1 8 8 sq m, hou se 7 5 sq m. 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , K hu n P eter, B aan P leu n j an 2 , P ak lok , Talang, lowprofile@mail.com, 086 905 1406.

Beachfront House

4 - B edroom hou se on semip riv ate b each av ailab le f or sale an d ren t. C an easily b e div ided in to tw o sep arate an d iden tical p rop erties. The rental/sale can also include a self-contained 1-bedroom bungalow, Price: 18.2 MB, Rent 110,000 T H B , A lex S eag o, home@thaiv illab ou tiq u e.com, 0 8 7 - 8 9 2 38 7 6 .

Waterfront Condominium

T he C leat C on do, residen ce p roj ect in K rab i Boat Lagoon Marina. Price 3-9MB, size 37119 Sq.M., 1 or 2 bedroom, marina view. For rent/sale. marketing@phuketpropertytrip.com

Ocean View Land Kamala

H alf rai 7 9 7 sq .m. cleared an d lev eled, power connected, sealed road, MUST SELL 6.75million. For ENG 090 492 3101 THA 0 9 37 6 8 6 6 9 4 .

PROPERTY FOR RENT House For Rent at tennis club

2 b edrooms, 1 en su ite b edroom, 2 b athroom, liv in g area an d b ig v eran da. I dea f or ten n is C oach. P ref er lon g term ren t. V iew in g b y ap p oin tmen t on ly . P atra, p atb ittersw eet@g mail.com , 0 8 1 6 0 7 2 8 0 5 .

D Condo Creek Short term offer

1-6 months offer. Free stay 2 week on conditions. Fully furnished w washing machine. Mountains view, 5th fl. Bike rental. See room from Mar 12, move in from 15 Mar. Tiya, lodchong77th@yahoo. com, 0 8 9 6 0 0 0 0 4 1 .

Anuphas Golfville House- Kathu

Land 162 sqwa. Large Pool/Jacuzzi-3 Bed-4 Bath-Office-2 Storage Building-Alarm System and much more. Reduced 22MB to 18 MB for Quick Sale. mrgeoffcurry@yahoo.com, Si +6681 970 8896 TH/ENG, Geoff+6681 854 0061 ENG.

Vassana Residence. Rawai

F u lly f u rn ished 2 B edroom 2 B athroom. S w immin g pool on ground. WiFi and cable TV included in price. 160M.S. in size. long term only. 35,000, Art, Rawai / NaiHarn, vassana.residence@gmail. com, E n g .0 8 7 8 8 2 9 6 0 4 .

Land For Sale 3 Mil Baht

In Thalang area 2.5 Rai beautiful, flat land with access road, C han ote title, on ly 5 min u tes f rom T han y ap u ra ( P I A I n tern ation al school) . sk .than y a@ g mail.com, 0 8 1 7 37 8 6 2 4 .

For Sale/Rent (5 Days - 6 Months)

4 F loors, 6 B edrooms, 4 B athrooms. F u lly f u rnished. Kuku, Phuket Town. Contact Joy, 093 5 9 6 2 7 5 7 , j oy f u lp hu k et@g mail.com.

Kata Seaview Condo For Sale

N ew 1 b edroom w ith g reat sea an d su n set v iew s! 4 4 sq m. L easehold w ith f orieg n f reehold av ailab le. S w immin g p ool, sau n a an d clu b house. Flexible furniture options. Great manag emen t an d ren tal p rog ram, 0 8 2 2 5 4 0 7 6 0 .


H as ev ery thin g , comf ort, secu rity , liv e in a small resort - lu sh trop ical g arden . 35 , 0 0 0 B aht p er mon th. L on g lease. O w n er, 0 8 9 5 9 4 4 0 6 7 .

Townhouse for sale. Chalong.

T ow n hou se 1 5 0 sq .m, 2 storey , 2 b edroom, liv in g room, kitchen, 2 balcony, 2 bathroom, office, p ark in g . F u lly f u rn itu red. C halon g circle, P rice: 3700000, Contact: Mariya, mvs97@yandex.ru, 0 8 2 2 7 5 1 1 4 6 , F ax : 0 9 1 8 0 5 37 2 5 .

Retail space for rent

R etail sp ace av ailab le in the O cean P laz a P aton g f or massag e, b eau ty , coffee, souvenir shops etc. Low rent contracts for up to 12 yrs. For info call N atty at 0 8 6 2 8 1 8 8 8 3 or 0 7 6 34 3 5 0 6 . 36 32 , N attida T hab oon dee, g .cu mmin g s@hotmail.com, 0 8 6 2 8 1 8 8 8 3.

House in Karon for Sale. Hard

to find 3 bed room , 3 bath room house for sale in the p erf ect location n ear K ata & K aron b each, w ell main tain ed w ith a salt w ater p ool, P rice : 1 6 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , Narrisara (Tic), 7/8 Patak Soi 10, Karon, g-a-coates@ hotmail.com, 0 9 9 1 6 4 2 9 9 1 .

Sea view land in Patong

Make money NOW - Kata Beach House for sale

West coast Phuket Great Location, Spa, 7 Bedroom, 7 B athroom, all w ith k itchen s. R en t or liv e w ith g ood in come. 5 min u tes w alk to K ata b each. ขายของได้ 9 MB or Offer, Khun Arreerat, kataari@ y ahoo.com, 0 8 6 5 9 5 8 5 1 2 , 0 8 1 9 7 0 4 6 38 .

FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016

g mail.com, 0 8 9 9 6 7 5 37 3.

T he L ast P iece of S ea V iew L an d on P rime L ocation in P aton g , j u st 5 0 0 m. f rom P aton g beach, 1.3 KM. to Jungceylon Shopping Mall, Contact: Karuna, kpattarawalee@

Outstanding Villa for sale

3 bed/3 bath, Living area 370 sq.m, Land 600 sq .m. L ocated at the 4 S tar R esiden ce. S p aciou s liv in g q u arters, op en p lan liv in g , din in g areas, gourmet kitchen, private pool. 14.9M, oliv er@thu rman n g rou p .com, + 6 6 ( 0 ) 8 7 8 7 7 2 32 0 .

PROPERTY FOR RENT Rawai Sea View Condominium For Rent

Short/long-term rental. 1 and 2 bedroom apartmen ts, S tu n n in g sea v iew , F u lly f u rn ished, L arg e sw immin g p ool, L if t. reserv ation @ almaliresiden ce.com, 0 9 35 7 4 2 5 33

Office/Shop for Rent

Ground Floor space with excellent positioning on C halon g P ier R oad. F or more in f ormation , p lease call 0 8 1 4 1 6 4 1 7 7 or 0 7 6 38 1 34 1 .

Chalong Villa for rent

L iv in g area 4 5 0 sq .m, L an d: 8 0 0 sq .m. 1 st floor: Living room, Master bdr with en-suite bth, Kitchen, Sea view terrace, Pool, 2nd floor: 4 bdr with bth, 2nd living room, Office. 90,000/month/ y ear., oliv er@thu rman n g rou p .com, 0 8 7 8 7 7 2 32 0 .

Amazing Sea view Penthouse in Rawai

F O R 36 0 mou 31 0 sq .m of sp aciou s liv in g 2 7 8 8 30 0 or D an ai 0 9 0 1 7

R E N T A maz in g S ea v iew P en thou se in R aw ai. pํ an oramic b reathtak in g v iew s of C halon g b ay , n tain v iew an d b ig B u ddha. T w o b edrooms, area an d b alcon ies. P lease con tact I z z y 0 8 6 0 0 4 2 9 . p rop erty sales@seren ity p hu k et.com.

Surin Andaman Apt - 2 beds

1 0 0 sq m w 2 b eds, close to S u rin & B an g tao b eaches. C ommon P ool. F u lly f u rn ished w ith A C , f an s, in tern et, cab le T V . S hort term p ossib le. 2 4 ,0 0 0 T H B , 0 8 1 2 7 31 7 4 0 .

House for rent - Near Pah-klok

Long term, quality furnishings, near Heroines Monument, 3 bed, 2 baths plus office. Good garden. THB35,000 per month. Call 087 878 5804.

PATONG: 1 and 2 Bed Apartments

2-Bed/2-Bath & Studio for rent. Balcony. Full A/C. Western Kitchen. Modern furnished. All Extras. Fast WIFI free. Ouiet Location & well maintained. E mail : k hu n rei@g mail.com, 0 8 4 1 8 5 8 5 36 .


D irect b each f ron t lan d f or ren t. L on g an d short term. A rea 2 4 0 0 sq meter w ith b each f ron t of 40 meter, Contact: Mr. Narin, narinpga@ g mail.com, 0 8 1 8 2 6 9 39 0 .



FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016


Thai ranking drops

Fifa move national team one place down to No.119 FOOTBALL


he Thailand national team has dropped one place to No.1 1 9 in the rankings announced by the world governing body F ifa. Argentina reclaimed top spot from B elgium, while Copa America champions Chile soared to an all-time high of third place. Three straight wins in 201 8 or d u ua i ers he ed Argentina return to the summit, e months a ter the were supplanted by B elgium. Chile moved up two places from fifth, with Colombia climbing from eighth to fourth and U ruguay moving back into the top 1 0 as a reward for their strong start to S outh American qualifying. Two-time defending E uropean champions S pain dropped three places to six th, with world champions G ermany, B razil, P ortugal and E ngland also sliding one place each. The rankings did not make

The long-running youth multi-sport event features fun yet challenging age-appropriate race distances.

Superkidz Triathlon returns TRIALTHLON

Thailand’s Mongkol Tossakrai celebrates after scoring against Iraq during their 2018 World Cup qualifying football match last month. Photo: Atta Kenare/AFP such happy reading for Asia, who had only two teams in the top 5 0 – Iran in 42nd and regional champions Australia in 5 0th. Although the Thais did well to make it to the 1 2team final round of Asian zone ua i ers or the W orld Cup, their 2-2 draw against Iraq in their last G roup F qualifying game and the subsequent 1 -0 loss to S outh Korea in a friendly match resulted in the drop. Thailand are now 1 7 th

among the Asian countries. They have also been overtaken by the P hilippines in the world rankings. The P hilippines surprised North Korea 3 -2 in a or d u ua i er to move up 1 9 places to No.1 1 6 in the world and become the top-ranked Asean country in the list. The draw for the final hase o sian ua i ers too earlier this week in Kuala L umpur, and Thailand are now the lowest ranked team among the 1 2 countries making it to

the last stage. They will be in P ot 6 with S yria, who are No.1 1 0 in the world. Thailand head coach Kiatisak S enamuang played down the signi cance o i a rankings, saying: “W e were always aware that we would have to face the top-ranked sian teams in the na stage of qualifiers, so it doesn’t matter in what pot we are. This should in fact relieve us of all pressure being the underdogs.” B angk ok P os t/ A F P

THANY AP U RA P HU KE T is pleased to announce the return of the S uperkidz Triathlon on April 24. The long-running youth multi-sport event features fun yet challenging age-appropriate race distances that give youths aged 4-1 8 a chance to engage in sports in a safe environment. The triathlon features a swim in Thanyapura’s Olympic standard 5 0-metre pool, followed by a bicycle ride through the surrounding Khao P hra Thaew wildlife reserve and rubber plantations, and a run culminating at Thanyapura’s cushioned athletics track and grandstand. P articipants may compete individually or as part

of a team. Children aged 4 to 6 years old may participate in the Tri-tots category (25 -metre swim, 5 00-metre bike, 200-metre run). The Junior category is for ages 7 -1 0 and is comprised of a 1 00-metre swim, 1 .5 -kilometre bike, and 5 00-metre run. Y ouths aged 1 1 to 1 4 years (Intermediate category) will swim 25 0 metres, ride 3 kilometres, and run 1 kilometre. F inally, the S enior category (ages 1 5 1 8 ) involves a 400-metre swim, 7 -kilometre bike, and 3 -kilometre run. E ntry fee is B 7 00 per individual or B 1 ,000 per team. Register directly at Thanyapura Club S ervices or email events@ thanyapura.com. F or more information call 07 6 3 3 6 000.

Pungluang to defend title against Tapales in June BOXING W

Pungluang Sor Singyu.


B O B ANTAM W E IG HT champion P ungluang S or S ingyu will face M arlon a a es in a mandator ght in Thailand in June. The 26 -year-old Thai champion (5 2-3 -0 with 3 5 knockouts) was assured of

a title defence in front of his home crowd after his promoter P ariyakorn Rathanasuban won the bid. It has been reported that challenger Tapales will receive a purse of U S $ 3 7 ,000 (about B 1 .3 million), but P aryakorn said the “amount wasn’t right”. he said can con rm the ght wi e ta ing ace

in Thailand but the venue has not een na ised et “The prize money at stake is lower than it has been mentioned by various box ing websites.” P ariyakorn ex pects to make a loss because of her bid to get the ght staged in hai and, ut added she “had no choice as the aim is to give P ungluang a better chance to retain the belt.

n the ast two ghts, we lost money but we are committed to in esting in our ghter P u n g l u a n g wo n t h e 1 1 8 -pound belt for the second time with a second-round knockout win over Ryo Akaho of Japan in a clash for the vacant W B O bantamweight belt last August. B angk ok P os t



FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016

of hope Watch out, Lewis! Aformessage world’s refugees

Japan speed queen guns for Formula One

Japanese Formula Four driver Miki Koyama speaks during an interview after a practice session at the Fuji Speedway in Oyama, Shizuoka Prefecture. Photo: Toru Yamanaka/AFP ut neither ga e an inch as the ost ed with the men at u i “I don’t want to lose to the gu s, grinned Ko ama, who used to c ean racing cars ust to e a e to ic u ti s “They are there to be eaten ut o ious it s im ortant to get resu ts a an has roduced nine ormu a ne dri ers to date, the most success u Kamui Ko a ashi, who raced or o ota, au er and aterham rom Koyama and Imahashi are art o an e c usi e c u o ema e a anese racers inc uding ormu a hree dri er i iura, Kumi ato, who com eted in ast ear s hour race at ur urgring and Kei o hara, who nished on the odium at the acau Grand ri

Italian L ella L ombardi was the ast woman to race in ormu a ne, in , though women ha e dri en in other ma or motor racing cham ionshi s, nota in the nited tates “I do think about the dangers, said mahashi, insisting ne erthe ess that the odd brush with disaster was not enough to dam en the adrena in rush she gets rom racing hen ou re cornering at more than 1 00kph and you spin and hit a wall yes, it’s dangerous, ut can t get enough o the uzz ou get e crashed in ractice, she added with a sheepish grin ut it didn t hurt that much ou re we rotected and ou don t get sha en a out too much A F P

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was gi en a hard time when rst started ut e a wa s thought gender was irre e ant get resu ts, eo e wi ust sto noticing m a gir hate eing ca ed a gir Ko ama ines u a ongside ear o d a a mahashi or the inami o ama team arents were against me racing at rst ecause the said it was too dangerous, said mahashi ut the agreed to come and watch me race ast ear and na ga e me their essing mum was cr ing as she watched, she was so worried he was ust g ad nished in one iece Neither Koyama nor Imahashi oo i e our a erage etro head, e en in racing o era s

marathon as an indeendent m ian under the name Guor aria t that time, new inde endent outh udan had not et een acce ted as an mem er oda it is a member, but Ndai is among the more than two mi ion eo e orced to flee the wor d s oungest nation, which has een in ci i war or more than two ears “W e are here, and we believe we will move forward, dai said ormer Ken an m ic team coach ohn nzrah is in charge o mou ding the re ugees into ua it m ic materia ca a e o cha enging e ite ath etes in Rio He is hopeful of their otentia , and sing es out runner M ohammed Daud u a ar rom war torn oma ia as his est et to succeed in Rio eam mates sa u aar ears a resem ance to ritain s oma ia orn two time or d and mic , m and , m cham ion, o arah, and is so des erate to com ete against his namesa e, the ha e gi en him the same nic name “I want to be one of the great runners in the wor d, so Rio is the ig one, u a ar said ou now, o is oma i, and am oma i, and I would be very happy to e i e him in the coming years, and if it is possible, in Rio A F P


ove over, L ewis Hamilton: an 1 8 -year-old speed queen from Japan who is ru ing eathers in the ma e dominated world of motor sport wants to take on the ig o s in ormu a ne nce teased e ow drivers and fans, M iki Koyama has si enced her critics securing a u time dri e or the new ormu a our season, which ast wee ic ed o its Japan Championship series in a ama “I love speed,” Koyama said in an inter iew during testing at u i eedwa here s no s ort i e it got hoo ed on the thri of it when I was little and I new there was nothing e se wanted to do dream is to e a ormu a ne racer, she added, sitting in the coc it o her car as mechanics tin ered with the engine thin it s good to ha e ig dreams ee ghting unti get there Ko ama, who egan in arting as a i e ear o d a ter da ing with tennis and arate, made her ormu a our de ut ast season with a hand u o to nishes “P eople ask me if it isn’t dangerous ut e done nothing ut race cars since I was little,” said Koyama a ter roaring down the home straight at h against the ac dro o a snow co ered ount u i hat s the est bit, it’s awesome!



f r om page 24 … he team, e ected to inc ude etween e to ath etes rom across the wor d, is art o the s edge to aid otentia e ite ath etes a ected the wor dwide re ugee crisis eam R wi march ust e ore the hosts razi enter the m ic tadium at the o ening ceremon carr ing the m ic flag and anthem a osition i e to e gi en enormous cries o su ort hi e countries ma e d their own teams, the re ugees are una e to return home sa e to ta e art and instead will run under the m ic flag “W e want to send a message o ho e or a re ugees in our wor d, resident homas ach said when plans for the team were announced t this cam in Ken a training in erce e uatoria sunshine at high a titudes that would leave many reath ess ath etes inc ude runners rom DR ongo as we as war torn outh udan and oma ia t is a er good o por t unity for us,” said ear o d nge ina dai, a 1 5 00-metre hopeful from outh udan “I will feel so proud to be there and to e recognised as a outh udanese It is not the first time athletes have run under the flag e ow outh udanese Guor ading M aker ran in the L ondon



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FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016


Vardy – The Movie oll wood film rod cer s tale of FOOTBALL Stuart Higgins editor3@classactmedia.co.th


to o wood m producer and writer recently spoke of his e citement as his scri t gets better by the day” as he plots the mo ie o the air ta e stor o the ng ish remier eague s sur rise star o the season, amie ard o eicester City. Adrian B utchart confesses he is addicted to o owing the u s rogress rom his os nge es writing sanctuar as the id ands c u mo es tanta ising c oser to winning the restigious eague in one o the iggest oot a shoc s in ng ish histor t s ee ing me awa e at night, said ritish orn utchart, a ter eicester it s fourth 1 -0 win in row – that time o er outham ton at the King ower tadium which puts the club, known as The o es, se en oints ahead o their nearest ri a s, ottenham Hotspur. hat is more remar a e is that eicester ha e on een in the remier eague or ears o owing romotion

e cester t s am e ard cele rates scor a a st a chester ted ov 01 . Photo: Jiji/AFP and are ro ing that mone isn t e er thing he recent eat tit e ri a s anchester it whose s uad cost mi ion com ared to eicester s at a mere mi ion Their rise to the top has been un recedented in the e ears since the were ought hai i ionaire usinessman ichai ri addhana ra ha er time we tr to u date the stor , there s a new twist. W e are keen to shoot the mo ie as soon as ossi e, ut

we think it is only sensible to wait until after the E uros to know where the story ends as these un e ie a e e ents continue to unfold. t the eginning o the season it seemed inconcei able that L eicester could win the remier eague ut with e er match, rea it and ction seem to e merging into one the scri t ee s writing itse , it s a ro er coaster, to say the least! ” he remar a e stor has

ca tured imaginations a o er the wor d ocusing on the cit o eicester and oosting tourism as we as creating a new g o a o owing o eicester it ans in ar flung arts o the world. ut the antas oot a stor o ormer actor wor er ard , now aged who was a ing non eague oot a ust our ears ago, and now ho ds the record or scoring in the most consecuti e games in the histor o the remier

s ewest star

eague and is a so this ear s second highest scorer, has turned e er oot a an into a L eicester fan. his summer, e ore dearting to a or ng and in the uro ham ionshi s, ard wi marr his ancee ec icho son in a ce e rit studded ceremon , which wi a so eature in the mo ie, and his anned auto iogra h , has attracted o ers rom u ishers o o er , , , ne Direction s ouis omlinson tops the list of potential actors to a ard in the m, a ongside ac ron and Ro ert attinson Oscar winner, Richard a se , who edited the original R ock y o ing m, has a so agreed to ta e art in the ard ro ect utchart added Due to L eicester' s success this season and the c u s hai owners and the er ormances o amie s stri e artner and riend, a an s hin i aza i, the stor has ecome massi e popular in Asia and added to the mar et or the m e a wa s e ie ed that amie s stor wou d e o international appeal and we are interested in a cast and crew o g o a stature e

are current oo ing or a director or the mo ie rom man nations inc uding ritain and merica ut a so a an, Thailand and China.” utchart shot to ame o owing the g o a success o the two G oal ! mo ies which too o er m i ion at the o o ce and starred Da id ec ham and inedine idane eanwhi e, eicester s ma or wants to rename the cit s streets a ter eicester it s a ers i the succeed in winning the remier eague tit e, he said in a recent inter iew u orters ha e ushed or to scorer amie ard to be honoured by the local authorities, ut ma or eter ou s wants to see e er mem er o manager audio Ranieri s team inc uded t has een a rea team e ort, so as we as ard a e we wou d need to ha e eter chmeiche treet, Dann Drin water Dri e and Ranieri Road,” he said. eicester has honoured its s orting stars in the ast here is an area named a ter go ers and there is a so a Gar ine er Road A dditional r epor ting A F P

Wenger admits Arsenal can learn from Leicester fairytale FOOTBALL R G R sists he has not gi en u on rsena s remier eague tit e cha enge ut admits there are essons to e earnt rom eicester s dominance at the top of the table. Recent resu ts ha e raised ho es enger s side cou d et end a rustrating season on a high ut enger is rea istic enough to now rsena s main priority is to ensure they do not get dragged ac towards those c u s inc uding est am current on the ringe


of the top four. A nd if, as ex pected , enger is orced to contemplate another failed bid to de i er the tit e to the mirates tadium or the rst time since , the manager wi oint to eicester s recruitment strateg as the e to the eaders une ected success hat we ear n rom eicester it is what new or a ong time, which is that it s not ust on down to the amount o mone ou s end, enger said t s down to the ua it o a ers ou ring in and sometimes the o ortunities


e er sa s the trod ct o of olo a te to e cester s ad has had a h e m act. Photo: Adrian Dennis/AFP

are not always necessarily in ed with the amount o mone ou oo we , the inished er strong ast season and on top of that they

rought some a ers in who ha e gi en them something more, i e Go o Kante e had a huge im act ith games running out, enger ac now edges rsena

need to win irtua a their remaining matches to ha e an chance o a tit e trium h e now that we need nearly the perfect run and we now as we that we don t oo only in front of us, we look behind us as well,” he added. e are chased a grou o teams who can ma e it er di cu t or us so we ha e ust to ocus on our er ormance and ho e we nish in a er strong wa s ong as it s mathematica ossi e, there s a strong ossi i it we can catch L eicester. ou oo at the di cu t

o the remier eague and the ha e een er consistent ut e er game is er , er tight hat can go the other wa est am won at rsena on the o ening da o the season, a result that raised e e rows at the time he ammers orm since then, howe er, has demonstrated that er ormance was no one off and while their recent draw with Crystal a ace dented their ho es o ua i ing or the ham ions eague, oss a en i ic and his a ers ha e not gi en u on reaching the to our A F P




FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016

Vardy goes to Hollywood, after Euros > page 23


Refugees set their sights on Rio Olympics Team Refugee Olympic Athletes is expected to include between five to 10 athletes from across the world. Photo: Simon Maina/AFP



igh up in Kenya’s rugged Ngong Hills, refugees sprint around an athletics track in intensive training they hope will see them selected for a unique team for the Rio Olympics. Hand-picked f rom Kenya’s vast

refugee camps – including Dadaab, the biggest in the world – to join the training camp just outside the capital Nairobi, the athletes here have their eyes set on racing in Rio de Janeiro in August. “It will be a very great moment for me and the rest of the refugees, who will be so proud for having produced one of their own who has gone to the

Olympics,” said 22-year-old Nzanzumu Gaston Kiza, who fled Democratic Republic of Congo after his relatives were massacred in ethnic clashes. Here at Ngong, a high-altitude running track some 2,400 metres above sea level, some 40 kilometres southwest of Nairobi, a number of athletes from across eastern Africa are all chasing the dream

of competing at the Olympics. Amid a world record number of people forced from their homes and their countries, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) this month announced the creation and funding of Team Refugee Olympic Athletes (ROA) to compete in Rio under its flag… continued page 22


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