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thephuketnews thephuketnews1 thephuketnews.com

Friday, October 16 – Thursday, October 22, 2015

Since 2011 / Volume V / No. 42

20 Baht




olice attacked afte two men killed du in d u s a est



Chilli contest heats up at Navrang Mahal

he w eck of a fi e bombed ca sits in f ont of halan olice tation. Photo: Chayaphol Yangyuen



Tanyaluk Sakoot & Saroj Kueprasertkij rep orter2 @classactmedia.co.th

olice are hunt ing for as many as 5 0 suspect s who t hey say inst igat ed t he riot s at Thalang P olice St at ion last Sat urday ( Oct 1 0 ) , wit h P huk et P rovincial P olice Chief Maj G en P achara B oonyasit ex pect ing t o have t he t op nine prime suspect s in cust ody “wit hin days”. G en P achara t old T h e Ph u k e t

N e w s t hat t he Thalang riot s – t he worst st reet violence t hrough civil unrest in P huk et since t he t ant alum fact ory uprising in 1 9 8 6 – was not due t o local resident s’ lack of fait h in t he police. I nst ead, he blamed local drug dealers discont ent wit h t he ongoing ant i-drug campaign incit ing yout hs and malcont ent s int o violent ly lashing out at t he Thalang police. “We have phot os and videos of

t he suspect s not only from our own undercover officers in the crowd, but from local resident s t hemselves who did not agree wit h at t ack ing t he police, ” he said. The melé e brok e out aft er an hours-long st andoff in front of t he st at ion. Doz ens of resident s gat hered out side t he st at ion on Sat urday aft ernoon t o prot est aft er hearing t wo men had been k illed aft er police chased t heir mot orcycle. P olice say t he youngst ers’ mot or-



cycle had breached a police check point . They gave chase but crashed int o t he mot orcycle, leading t o t he men’s deat hs. One of t he vict ims was ident ified as P at homwat P anarak , 22, and the other identified only as a 1 7 -year-old. A ccording t o police, Mr P at homwat had a record of drug abuse. P olice insist t he crash was an accident and t hey found 5 0 y a b a h ( met hamphet amine) pills and about one k ilogramme of k rat hom on t he men. B ut t he resident s and t he…



All Blacks call for clean French rugby face-off


News 2





New hospital brings cutting-edge medical care to Phuket > page 6

Girl third fatality from bus inferno Darawan Naknakhon ed itor@classactmed ia.co.th


12 -year-old g i rl who was bei ng treated for smoke i nhalati on at P hang N g a H ospi tal followi ng a bus fi re on October 7 , has di ed, hospi tal staff conf i r med last Sat urday morni ng (Oct 10 ). The g i rl, “ N ong Toon” i s the third fatality from the fire, whi ch happened on the morni ng of October 7 , whi le a P huket bus had stopped at the Song pon Steel workshop i n Takua Thung for weldi ng repai rs to a broken dri ver’s seat. Twelve others were also hospi tali sed i ni ti ally, two of whi ch – i ncludi ng N ong Toon – h ave si nce di ed.


oon died three da s a ter the han

“ When rescue workers broug ht N ong Toon to the hospi tal, she was unconsci ous and we were able to revi ve her. She remai ned i n ICU i n cri ti cal condi ti on and was bei ng moni tored closely by staff

a us fire

but we lost her today ami d the sadness and sorrow of staff, fri ends and fami ly,” P hang N g a H ospi tal D eputy di rector D r Ti pparat Tansakulprasert sai d i n a statement. “ N ong Toon i s the thi rd

vi cti m… The deadly bus fire also claimed the lives of D ang P aharat who was dead at the scene, and M s Suni sa Chookaew, who also di ed after bei ng admi tted to ICU . ” N ong Toon’s mother, R uetai ti p K leng prasong ex plai ned that her daug hter was si tti ng i n the mi ddle of the bus when the fire broke out, and that passeng ers had attempted to run out but the automati c door was shut. “ She [ N ong Toon] was among several others who were trapped i nsi de for more than an hour before resi dents finally broke the glass and door to free them. [ N ong ] Toon was already unconsci ous by the ti me she was found [ on the bus] ,” sai d M s R uetai ti p.

Police ramp up hunt for riot suspects

C ontinued f r om page 1 … of overreacti ng and i ntenti onally crashi ng the motorcycle and causi ng the deaths. They turned up at the stati on and demanded to see the four officers involved in the inci dent: L t Suchart L uecha, Snr Sg t M aj P rasai P hueng phon, L / Cpl K anthaphol K hong nukate, and L / Cpl P hanuwi t K aewsang . The tensi on g rew when poli ce refused to bri ng out the four and more people j oi ned the protest. By eveni ng , the protesters swelled to several hundred and they blocked Thepkrasattri R d, paralysing traffic, including vehi cles headi ng to and from

Royal Thai Police Deputy Commissioner Gen Chalermkiat ri ora an ins ected the scene the ne t ornin P huket Internati onal Ai rport. F urther vi olence broke out when g unshots were heard, reportedly from i nsi de the stati on. The protesters threw rocks and homemade fi rebombs i nto the compound. The four offi cers were

q ui ckly transferred out the provi nce to ease tensi on, but to no avai l. The protesters demanded cri mi nal charg es be lai d ag ai nst them. Troops from the Army Ci rcle 4 1, led by M aj G en Thi nachat Chi ndang ern, were deployed

at 1am Sunday. After hours of neg oti ati ons wi th the army, the protesters di spersed, to return for talks at 9 am. The stand-off lasted 15 hours 14 officers were i nj ured i n the attack. N ati onal poli ce spokesman G en P rawut Thawornsi ri sai d the R oyal Thai P oli ce would i nveti g ate whether the four poli ce overreacted. By Tuesday, however, P huket V i ce G overnor Chokdee Armornwat told the press that vi deo footag e of the fatal arrest attempt had proved that the four offi cers i nvolved had acted appropri ately. A dditional r epor ting b y E ak k apop T h ongtub

A DNP wildlife expert fears photo touts have more than oun i ons on hi hi sland Photo: Suwat Suksiri

Phi Phi gibbon bust stirs fear of growing trade AN OF F ICE R AT TH E D E partment of N ati onal P arks, Wi ldli fe and P lant Conservati on has voi ced hi s concerns about the i lleg al baby g i bbon trade after three touts were arrested on P hi P hi Island for charg i ng touri sts for photog raphs wi th baby speci mens of the much-loved mammals. P oli ce arrested Chai yarak N i lsamuk, 2 0 ; Anotcha Bang sai , 2 1; and Abdulvari s Imeusa, 2 1, i n front of a resort on Ton Sai Bay last Sunday (Oct 11). The tri o were found i n possessi on of three young g i bbons: two females, 9 months and 12 months old; and one male, 17 months old. They were charg i ng touri sts B2 0 0 per photo taken wi th one of the ani mals. Suwat Suksi ri , chi ef of the DNP’S Krabi ffice for “ N on-hunti ng Areas” told T h e P h uk et N ew s that the three arrests i s only the ti p of the i ceberg . “ I beli eve that there are 5 0 more i lleg al g i bbons on P hi P hi Island,” he sai d. M r Suwat also beli eves

that i lleg al g i bbon touts are on the move. “ There are far fewer i n P huket because of the ong oi ng crackdown ag ai nst these touts, but the numbers are g rowi ng on P hi P hi and Samui ,” he added. In M r Suwat’s opi ni on, the profits to be made from i lleg al g i bbons remai ns the larg est obstacle to stemmi ng the i lleg al trade. “ A g i bbon can earn i ts owner a lot of money each month, up to about B10 0 ,0 0 duri ng a si ng le touri sm hi g h season,” he sai d. “ A baby g i bbon costs only B30 ,0 0 0 – most of the ones we know of are from R anong provi nce – but a tout wi ll be fi ned only B1,5 0 0 for i lleg al possessi on of a protected ani mal. “ It’s worth i t to them, even thoug h the hunter selli ng the g i bbon must ki ll i ts mother before taki ng the baby. ” “ I wi sh thi s ki nd of busi ness would di sappear. It’s cruel, and i t’s not g ood for our touri sm i mag e,” M r Suwat sai d. T any al uk S ak oot




Riots report to go to ‘highest level’

Saroj Kueprasertkij editor@classactmedia.co.th


he provincial invest igat ion int o t he riot s at Thalang P olice St at ion on Sat urday ( Oct 1 0 ) will be report ed t o I nt erior Minist er A nupong P aochinda, who will be ask ed t o relay t he probe’s findings to Prime Minister G en P rayut Chan-o-cha, T h e Ph u k e t N e w s has learned. “I will discuss the findings wit h t he I nt erior Minist er t o prevent any recurrences in t he fut ure, ” P huk et G overnor Chamroen Tipayapongtada t old T h e Ph u k e t N e w s on Tuesday ( Oct 1 3 ) . “A nd I would lik e G en A nupong t o report t he investigative committee’s findings directly to the Prime Minister. Who k nows, what ever t ranspires from this might become a t est case for ot her provinces and t he count ry, ” he said. nlike other departments under t he I nt erior Minist ry, t he Royal Thai P olice do not report t o t he I nt erior Minist er.

Phuket Governor Chamroen Tipayapongtada wants the report into the Thalang riots delivered to Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha. Photo: Saroj Kueprasertkij I nst ead, t he nat ional police chief, current ly P ol G en Somyos Poompanmuang, reports direct ly t o P M G en P rayut . Meanwhile, Gov Chamroen said that he remains perplex ed by t he violence perpet rat ed by villagers during t he riot s. H e, lik e t he police, believes t hat cert ain agit at ors were lik ely involved in spark ing t he unrest , which brok e out after two young men, both drugs suspect s, were k illed while police were attempting

to arrest them during a highspeed chase ( see page 1 ) . “This is very sensit ive issue and we have t o act according t o t he law, but I st ill wonder why it happened, ” he said. “That Sat urday aft ernoon I spoke with the victims’ parents and they seemed to underst and t he sit uat ion, but only a few hours lat er t here was a big mob.” Governor Chamroen confirmed that he has ordered the

Riot police gifted B100k in cash P OLI CE OF F I CE RS I Njured in t he riot s at Thalang P olice St at ion received cash donations from fellow officers totalling more than B100,000 on Tuesday ( Oct 1 3 ) in recognit ion of t heir bravery and for not resort ing t o violence when under at t ack . P huk et P rovincial P olice Chief Maj Gen Pachara B oonyasit handed out t he donat ions at Nat ional P olice Day celebrat ions at t he P rovincial P olice headq uart ers in P huk et Town. More than 0 officers were injured, with some re uir-


Phuket Provin cial Police Chief Maj Gen Pachara Boonyasit assured that the cash donated was out of othe police officers’ own pockets. Photo: Eakkapop Thongtub ing hospital treatment, Gen Pachara said. “The officers facing the mob were very patient. They were hit many times, but did not fight back,” he not ed. “One superint endent , Col Sompong Boonyarat of the

Karon Police, has five stitches in t he head and has been admitted at Thalang Hospital. “This money was donated by fellow police officers. We did not use the government budget , ” G en P achara added. S a r o j K u e p r a s e r t k ij

provincial committee investigat ing t he riot s t o deliver it s findings within 0 days. “V ice G overnor Chok dee Armonwat will join the new Thalang Dist rict Chief t o head the team to investigate the riot s very closely, ” he said. “We do not want t his sit uat ion t o happen again in P huk et .” Current Thalang Dist rict Chief Veera Kerdsirimongkol, however, will not play a part in t he invest igat ion. H e has been t ransferred t o Sat un province, where he is t o t ak e up t he post of Deput y G overnor. “The Minist ry of I nt erior announced my transfer on Oct ober 1 2 , ” Mr V eera t old T h e Ph u k e tN e w s . “My last day as Thalang Dist rict Chief is Oct ober 1 8 , as I must take up my new posit ion in Sat un on Oct ober 1 9 . This is because I have been promoted. It has nothing t o wit h t he riot s at Thalang P olice St at ion. “I ex pect t he new Dist rict Chief will be announced t his week , ” Mr V eera said.



Phuket Governor Chamroen Tipayapongtada comforts a grieving relative. Photo: Darawan Naknakhon

Parents in disbelief TH E P A RE NTS OF TH E two men who died in the fatal drugs arrest-attempt last week end t old t he P huk et G overnor direct ly t hat t heir children would st ill be alive if it were not for t he overz ealous act ions by police. Speak ing t o P huk et G overnor Chamroen Tipayapongtada, along with other officials, including police and Army officers, at t he B aan Don Community Hall in Thalang last Sunday ( Oct 1 1 ) , a t earyeyed Tawesit P anarak , fat her of 22-year-old Pathomwat P anarak , said, “I had only a son. H e was st ill young. I k now that my son had been jailed before for drugs but I believe he wouldn’t have want ed t o go back to jail. “I really don’t t hink t hat

my son had drugs on him when he died] . E ven if he did, t he police’s act ions were t oo fierce. No one can bring back my son’s life. Had he just been arrest ed, he would st ill have a chance to reform himself. “There was no clear cause for a chase, and even at t he scene of t he accident t here is no clear evidence or wit nesses that prove they the boys act ually had drugs.” The mother of the 17-yearold killed in the arrest-attempt was also in disbelief. “The aggressive act ions of t he police result ed in t he deat h of t hese k ids. They should be sack ed and st ripped of t heir government ranks, and prosecut ed lik e ordinary cit iz ens, not just transferred,” she lamented. D a r a w a n N a n a k h o n




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olice seiz ed a pimpedout Nissan Teana valued at over B 1 million, 3 1 grams of cryst al met h ( y a ic e ) , 3 , 5 0 6 met hamphet amine pills ( y a b a h ) four guns and various ammunit ion, a bank book and drug-t ak ing paraphernalia from four drug suspect s who were arrest ed in and around P huk et Town last week . The arrest s began wit h wit h 2 4 -year-old Siripon “Y ing” Rak sak eaw at a room of t he P SA H ot el in P oonpol Soi 3 at 1 pm on Oct ober 5 , when she was found in possession on t wo bags each cont aining 5 0 0 mg of y a ic e . Siripon was charged wit h

natch and SALES SUPPORT Siriporn ( Nok) Seangmas 0 8 6 479 7470 sales@classactmedia.co.th

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Police question the thief, oonphiphob aowan f om hon aen.

The suspects along with the B1-million car and small arsenal of fi ea ms we e p esented to the p ess on ctobe . possession of a Cat egory 1 drug wit h int ent t o sell. During q uest ioning, Siripon t old police t hat she had bought t he drugs from A nit wat “New” Chamnan, 3 0 , who was also st aying at t he P SA H ot el. P olice ret urned t o t he hot el at 3 pm, searched A nit wat ’s

room and found six bags cont aining a t ot al of 1 5 g of y a ic e , a homemade gun and t hree cart ridges. A nit wat was charged for possession of a Cat egory 1 drug wit h int ent t o sell and illegal possession of a firearm. Lat er t hat night , Chaiyan “Den” Reungphet , 3 1 , was

arrest ed in P huk et Town in possession of 1 5 g of y a ic e , 1 8 pack ages cont aining 3 , 5 0 1 y a b a h pills, a regist ered CZ semi-aut omat ic pist ol, an unregist ered M1 carbine semiautomatic ri e, an unregistered Mauser C9 6 semi-aut omat ic pist ol and various ammunit ion. P olice also seiz ed from Chaiyan a B angk ok -regist ered Nissan Teana wort h over B 1 million and a bank book for an account t hat at one point had more t han B 5 million paid int o it . Chaiyan was charged wit h possession of Cat egory 1 drugs wit h int ent t o sell, illegal possession of firearms and ammunit ion, and carrying a weapon in public wit hout permission. P olice are look ing furt her

int o his bank account and how he bought t he car. During q uest ioning, Chaiyan t old police t hat he bought t he drugs from Kit ipong “Nueng” Sealew. The nex t evening ( Oct 6 ) , police went t o The Sk y H ot el, also in t he P oonpon area, where Kit ipong was st aying. Officers found six y a b a h pills in his room. Kit ipong denied t hat Chaiyan had bought t he drugs from him. During a back ground check , police discovered t hat Kit ipong had been previously arrest ed for drug and gun possession. F or t his lat est incident , howeve r, K it ip ong wa s charged wit h possession of a Cat egory 1 drug.

ab thief nabbed b locals afte c ashin into ca

P OLI CE A R R E STE D A snat ch-and-grab t hief who st ole a woman’s bag while she was riding a mot orbik e on Chao F a E ast Rd last F riday morning ( Oct 9 ) . The arrest was made aft er t he man crashed his mot orbik e int o a vehicle st opped at a set of red traffic lights and was apprehended by members of

t he public. P huk et Cit y P olice were called t o invest igat e and on arrival at t he scene found a H onda Z oomer X smashed int o t he front of a Toyot a A lt is. Local resident s had capt ured a man, B oonphiphob B aowan, 2 9 , from Khon Kaen and t old police t hat he had at tempted to ee from 5-year-

old Siriwan Tongsiri aft er he had snat ched her bag while riding her mot orbik e in front of Suan Luang Rama 9 P ark . Ms Siriwan t old police, “H e pulled up so close t o my mot orbik e and grabbed my bag out of t he front bask et .” Lt Saman P hromhom said t hat Ms Siriwan chased aft er B oonphiphob on her mot or-

bik e and yelled for help. H e t ried t o mak e a u-t urn but lost cont rol of his mot orbik e and crashed int o t he vehicle waiting at the traffic lights. B oonphiphob was t ak en t o P huk et Cit y P olice St at ion where he was charged wit h t heft and reck less driving. E a k k a p o p T h o n g tu b

o ke s install the ba ie posts nea the unde pass.

Barriers to stop illegal u-turns H I G H WA Y S OF F I CE RS and Wichit traffic police on Oct ober 6 inst alled road barrie post s at t he nort h end of t he Darasamut h U nderpass where many mot orist s had been risk ing illegal u-t urns, some of which had result ed in accident s. Wichit Traffic Police Chief Col Siripong Wongsanpet . warned t hat all mot orist s caught mak ing illegal u-t urns would be fined. S a r o j K u e p r a s e r t k ij thephuketnews




Let the Fest begin


Raised Go Teng poles to mark start of 190th Vegetarian Festival The Phuket News editor@classactmedia.co.th


evot ees at Chinese shrines across t he island raised G o T e n g lant ern poles at sundown on Monday ( Oct 1 2 ) for t he Jade E mperor, t he Nine E mperor G ods and 3 6 , 0 0 0 gods of t he Chinese pant heon t o descend from t he heavens on, mark ing t he beginning of t he P huk et V eget arian F est ival. The biggest event mark ing t he raising of t he G o T e n g poles was at Jui Tui Shrine in P huk et Town, wit h many believers and P huk et G overnor Chamroen Tipayapongt ada in at t endance. G ov Chamroen earlier on Monday had at t ended a ceremony at t he B ang Niew Shrine, also in P huk et Town, where he announced det ails of t he scheduled event s for t he V eget arian F est ival t his year, t o be held from Oct ober 1 3 -2 1 . Joining G ov Chamroen were P huk et Shrine A ssociat ion P resident P rasert P hak t hongphol, Tourism A ut horit y of Thailand ( TA T) P huk et office Director Anoma Wongyai

Devotees thronged at Jui Tui Shrine to raise the giant Go Teng pole, marking the quiet start to this year’s Phuket Vegetarian Festival. Photo: Phuket Andaman News and P huk et Cit y Mayor Somj ai Suwansupapana. “This is t he 1 9 0 t h V eget arian F est ival held on t he island, ” G ov Chamreon not ed. “The fest ival has long been passed on from generat ion t o generat ion. “During t he fest ival, people are ask ed t o wear whit e and part icipat e in t he fest ivit ies and act ivit ies t hat many shrines offer. “A s usual, many act ivi-

t ies are scheduled for t he event , including merit -mak ing ceremonies for H M King B humibol A dulyadej , and t he usual hot -oil bat hing and fire-walking rituals. “A lso during t he fest ival t his year, people will have t he chance t o sign t heir name in a book of best wishes t hat will be present ed t o H M The King for his 8 8 t h birt hday on December 5 , ” he added. G ov Chamroen called for

Patong Carnival to draw 20,000 visitors T h e Pa t o n g C a r n iv a l is p r o u dly s u p p o r t e d b y T h e Ph u k e t N e w s a n d L iv e 8 9 . 5 .

The Patong Carnival will be back from November 1-3.

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t he Seafood F est ival t his year so people can enj oy t he great variet y of food P at ong has t o offer.”

     

MORE THAN 20,000 people are ex pect ed t o j oin t he fest ivit ies for t he P at ong Carnival t his year, which get s underway on November 1 . The t hree-day event will maint ain it s usual full schedule of ent ert ainment , displays and act ivit ies people t o t ak e part in, ex plained P at ong Mayor Chalermluck Kebsup. “But for first time we the P at ong Carnival and t he P at ong Seafood F est ival will be held at t he same t ime, so people will have much t o enj oy, ” she said. “A ll t he parades and cult ural shows will st ill be part of t he fest ival, but t he big at t ract ion will be t he Seafood F est ival. This year is t he 3 0 t h year of t he carnival, and we want t o bring somet hing new and ex cit ing t o t he event , and t his year we will deliver more creativity. We hope to push our cit y t o t he nex t level and generat e creat ive t ourism in t he P at ong area.” P huk et V ice G overnor Dr P raj iad A k sornt hammak ul, who was also at t he press conference, said, “The P at ong Canival is held around t his t ime every year t o signal t hat we are ent ering t he [ t ourism] high season and t o welcome t ourist s from all over t he world… We are very happy to present



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all people t ak ing part in t he fest ival t o mak e safet y and healt h a t op priorit y. “Safet y is a t op priorit y, from food to fireworks, for us all, ” he said. “Only clean, q ualit y food is t o be sold or provided as part of t he fest ival. “A lso, everyone must be careful with firecrackers and fireworks, and those who sell t hem must follow t he law and not sell illegal firecrackers or firework s” G ov Chamroen

said. The renowned st reet processions will again t ak e hold t his week . Mot orist s are urged t o avoid t he following areas in and around P huk et Town in order to avoid traffic jams: Thu (Oct 15): Sapam Shrine - St reet procession from 7 am Fri (Oct 1 ): Samkong Shrine - St reet procession from 7:19am Sat (Oct 17): Ban Tha Rua Shrine - St reet procession from 7: 0am Sun (Oct 18): Bang Neow Shrine - St reet procession from 7 am Mon (Oct 19): Jui Tui Shrine - St reet procession from 7:19am Tue (Oct 20): Kathu and Y ok k ek eng shrines - St reet procession from 7 am Wed (Oct 21): Sui Boon Tong Shrine - St reet procession from 7 am S t r e e t p r o c e s s io n s w ill b h e ld a t o t h e r C h in e s e s h r in e a c r o s s t h e is la n d du r in g t h f e s t iv a l. Fo r de t a ils , s e e o u s p e c ia l r e p o r t a t T h e Ph u k e tN e w s .c o m

e e r

s -

The Vegetarian Festival comes amid warnings from authorities.

FDA chief warns against ‘unsafe’ vegetarian food A N I NSP E CTI ON B Y TH E F ood and Drug A dminist rat ion ( F DA ) of 6 9 samples of veget arian product s sold in t he last year found t hat 4 .3 per cent of t hem were cont aminat ed wit h t he DNA of animals. F DA deput y secret arygeneral P aisarn Dunk um called t he product s “fak e food” and warned wrongdoers could face fines of up to B5,000 or prison sent ences of up t o 1 0 years. The agency j oined t he P ublic H ealt h Minist ry in campaigning for a safe and healt hy V eget arian F est ival, and Dr P aisarn urged people t o use t heir own j udgement when buying veget arian product s. The lat est F DA t est s on 1 , 8 6 7 samples of fruit s nat ionwide also found t hat 3 0 of t hem, or 1 .6 1 pc were t oo dangerous for consumpt ion. Ba n g k o k Po s t





Phuket gains new hospital The Phuket News editor@classactmedia.co.th


he grand opening of t he B 6 0 0 -million Dibuk H ospit al on Chao F a West Rd in Wichit last week mark ed t he medical facilit y’s formal t ransit ion from a clinic t o a hospit al as recognised by t he Minist ry of H ealt h. The official opening, held on October 8, marked the opening of P huk et ’s t hird major private hospital, which is t o offer a full range of “secondary services”. The hospit al opened q uiet ly in September last year, offering out pat ient services and limit ed inpat ient services. I t has been certified as a 29-bed hospit al wit h service ex pansion planned for t he fut ure t o eventually provide 224 beds. Current medical services include internal medicine, paediatrics, gynaecology, Ear, Nose and Throat, health checkups, and 24-hour emergency service. “Dibuk H osit al is a brandnew hospit al in P huk et run under B angk ok H ospit al P huk et . I t s uniq ue circular st ruct ure is meant t o max imise ut ilit y and funct ionalit y bot h inside and outside the buildings, wit h energy-saving and green

Phuket Vice Governor Khajornkiet Rakpanichmanee (centre, in uniform) listens as a nurse explains the services provided at Dibuk Hospital, while Hospital Director Dr Piriya Atisook (right, in blue shirt) looks on. Photo: Tanyaluk Sakoot concerns,” said Dr Kongkiat Kespechara, Managing Direct or of B angk ok Dusit Medical Services ( B DMS) . “The hospit al is sit uat ed in t he areas t hat used t o be t in mines, Phuket’s key economic act ivit y in t he old days. To re ect Phuket’s rich history of t he cent ury old t in mine industry, our new hospital was named ‘Dibuk ’ [ t he Thai word for t in] . A lt hough B DMS owns and operat es all t hree maj or hospit als in P huk et – B angkok Hospital Phuket, Phuket I nt ernat ional H ospit al and now Dibuk H ospit al – t he new facilit y aims t o break new ground in q ualit y medical services and sleek service ow at a reasonable price, Dr

Kongkiat said. “Since its very conception, a panel of specialist s/ st ak eholders including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, hospital staff, architects, engineers j oined forces t o mak e it t ruly their dream hospital, complete wit h indust ry-leading sleek physical design, streamlined service ow, and effective energy and resources management . I t serves as a hospit al offering secondary care t o all P huk et resident s up t o medical st andards at a great er value – a new pride of Phuket,” he said. “A imed at serving as a new uni ue choice of healthcare, Dibuk H ospit al manoeuvres service delivery in such a way t hat mak es t he most of building st ruct ures t hrough synergis-

ing service unit s across a 3 6 0 -degree spect rum. “A ll relevant service unit s are situated in close proximity, while work ow redundancy common in ot her hospit als is minimised, along with efficient IT system to ensure accurat e informat ion sharing t hrough wrist bands wit h Q R code scanning. This result s in accurate patient identification, reduct ion of paper use by over 90 per cent, and minimised waiting time for clients, who will ex perience more convenient, timely and hassle-free medical service.” This led t he hospit al t o garner t he Thailand I CT E x cellence Award 2015 from the Thailand Management A ssociat ion ( TMA ) for it s ex cellent

applicat ion of I T innovat ions in healthcare, he added. Dr P aramaporn P rasart t ong-Osot h point ed out t hat t he B DMS group runs hospit als under six brands, including the well-k nown names B angk ok Hospital, Samitivej Hospital, BNH Hospital and Phyathai H ospit al. “Wit h our commit ment t o provide high-q ualit y healt hcare for bot h Thai and int ernat ional clients, we are pressing ahead wit h st at e-of-t he-art t echnology and pat ient -focused service wit h t ot al empat hy. This year sees many of our hospit als officially open their doors, including Dibuk H ospit al as a secondary-care hospital,” he said. “B DMS group always re-

alises t he import ance of P huk et as a prime dest inat ion for bot h Thai and foreign visit ors alike, so we have continuously ex panded our medical infrast ruct ure t o sat isfy all medical needs. “Currently, our group has three hospitals in Phuket, which will combine t o deliver t he most comprehensive range of healt hcare and t he most advanced medical technology, along wit h growing t rust from near and far.” A t t he event last Thursday, Phuket Vice Governor Khajornkiet Rakpanichmanee congrat ulat ed Dibuk H ospit al on its official inauguration following de fact o operat ions since mid-2015. “I appreciat e t he dedicat ion and det erminat ion of all the hospital management, doctors, nurses and staff for creat ing a uniq ue hospit al wit h t he out st anding concept led by innovat ive design and technology,” he said. “We are very much hopeful t hat Dibuk H ospit al will t ak e good care of P huk et people’s healt h and well-being. I n the end, it can also serve as an ex emplar hospit al model t hat ot her healt hcare organisat ions will look up t o and learn from.”

Phuket Airport celebrates 27 years

PH KET INTERNATIONAL Airport celebrated its 27th anniversary on October 9, as it prepares t o become t he gat eway t o t he A ndaman once t he ex pansion proj ect is complet e. Direct or of P huk et I nt ernational Airport, Monrudee Gettuphan said, “From October 2014 to September 2015 the airport has served 12.5 million passengers., even though it wasn’t built t o handle t hat number. “The airport was originally built to handle .5 million passengers. However, once t he ex pansion is complet e it will be built to handle 12.5 million passengers. “As of today, 70 per cent of t he new t erminal is complet e and is act ually ahead of schedule. By 201 , when the expansion is complete, we will be ready t o be t he gat eway for

he ma i huket team.

Phuket International Airport Director Monrudee Gettuphan said that the new terminal is 70 per cent complete and ahead of schedule. int ernat ional t ourist s visit ing t he A ndaman region. “There will be park ing available for 10 more airplanes and 1,000 cars,” she said. “We ex pect t hat t he new t erminal will be in full operation by February 14, 201 . At t hat t ime t he current t erminal building will be for domest ic ights and the new terminal for international ights. “F or nex t year’s budget

will will be able t o improve t he airport ’s runway t o include a Runway E nd Safet y A rea ( RE SA ) . “We will also be appoint ing Operat ional Readiness and A irport Transfer ( ORA T) t o service all passengers coming t hrough t he airport effect ively. They will also handle mat t ers including risk management and disaster situations,” concluded Ms Monrudee.

Amari wins ‘Best Beach Resort in sia acific awa d A M A R I PH K ET WAS awarded ‘B est B each Resort in Asia-Pacific’ at the 2 th Annual Travel Trade Gazette (TTG) Awards 2015. The award was present ed at the 2 th TTG Travel Awards 2015 Gala in Bangkok on October 1. Winners of t he Travel Supplier A wards are det ermined by votes cast by TTG Travel Trade P ublishing readers – indust ry professionals – across

Asia-Pacific. Sit uat ed on a secluded private beach, Amari Phuket provides a uniq ue locat ion wit h panoramic views over P at ong B ay. The resort has also welcomed t he Ocean Wing. P erfect ly complement ing t he existing property, the new wing introduces an additional 18 one-and t wo-bedroom suit es. Designed for comfort able coast al living and complet e wit h a fully eq uipped k it chen

as well as a separat e living and dining area, the new wing is ideal for ent ert aining family or friends. Combined wit h t he hot el’s warm and friendly service, well-appointed guest rooms, the fresh and fun Breeze Spa and a variet y of delect able dining options, Amari Phuket is t he perfect island get away. TTG Asia is Asia-Pacific’s leading t ravel t rade business resource since 1974.






Guards let loose on Bangla Patong nightclub denounces staffers caught viciously beating Australian tourists Eakkapop Thongtub editor@classactmedia.co.th


ecurit y guards at a club on B angla Rd, P at ong, who were capt ured on video severely beat ing several A ust ralian t ourist s are not lik ely t o face charges. The at t ack , which occurred around midnight on Oct ober 7 , was capt ured on video by a byst ander who lat er post ed t he dist urbing foot age on F acebook . The video was lat er t ak en of ine, yet it was too late. The video had gone viral and t he world had seen footage of five Thai men dressed in black securit y uniforms repeat edly beat ing t he t wo men, k ick ing t he t ourist s in t he head even while t hey were on t he ground. Police identified and ues-

tioned the five security staff, but declined t o name t hem. “All five security guards said t hat t wo drunk foreign men came int o t he pub and aft er t hey ordered more drink s, t hey refused t o pay, ” said Kat hu P olice Deput y Superint endent Lt Col A k anit Danpit ak sarn. “The guards said t he t wo foreign men started the fight when t he guards at t empt ed t o st op t hem from sex ually harassing female cust omers in t he pub. “A ll guards admit t ed t hat t hey got very impat ient wit h t he t wo and escort ed t hem out of t he pub and said t hat the fight started after the two men t ried t o re-ent er t he pub. Col A k anit urged t he t wo t ourist s t o come forward and file a complaint , but again

he uards clai ed that the fi ht started a ter the t o Australian tourists sexually harassed female customers and refused to pay for their drinks. act ion was t oo lat e. The t wo A ust ralians and t heir four friends had already ret urned home and wit hin days had recount ed t heir version of event s on nat ional t elevision and t o t he A ust ralian media.

One of t he t ourist s, named only as A aron, dismissed t he claim t hat he and his friends had refused t o pay for drink s, saying t hat t hey had bought “all you can drink ” vouchers issued by t he Whit e Room

valid from 1 0 pm t o 1 am. H e also present ed t he voucher t o t he A ust ralian nat ional media voucher t o prove it . Col A k anit admit t ed t hat at t his st age t here is not hing more police can do. “I have warned t he guards and t old t hem t o help preserve our ‘t ourism image’ [ sic] , but no charges can be pressed against t hem unt il t he vict ims file a complaint,” he said. The management of t he Whit e Room issued a st at ement deploring t he incident . “We, t he management of Whit e Room Night Club, are shock ed and upset by t he violent incident , ” said I t t ipol Nguennuey, t he manager of t he club. “We st rongly rej ect all forms of violence and we are current ly reviewing t he

necessary measures t o ensure not hing lik e t his will ever happen again. “Needless t o add, t he culprit s of t his despicable act have had t heir employment at Whit e Room immediat ely t erminat ed, ” he said. The public st at ement by t he club rest ored some confidence in tourists’ security on t he island’s busiest part y st reet , on which violent react ions by st aff are increasing. A n incident in March made int ernat ional headlines, when 5 9 -year-old ex pat Mark P endlebury from West ern A ust ralia was charged for fat ally st abbing a night club securit y st affer. Mr P endlebury was charged wit h murder, despit e his claims t hat he was act ing in self-defence. H e was lat er cleared by CCTV .

Security guard suspected in police volunteer attack ONE OF TH E B A NG LA securit y guards involved in t he vicious beat ing of t wo A ust ralian t ourist s last week is believed t o have at t ack ed an ex pat Tourist P olice volunt eer j ust days earlier. Divan Mydeen, an I ndian nat ional who assist s Tourist P olice wit h pat rols on P at ong’s B angla Rd, was at t ack ed and hit on t he head from behind while off dut y on Oct ober 2 . “I was at Taz mania P ool Lounge [ on B angla Rd] and a man who look ed lik e a securit y guard came up t o me and ask ed if I was Tourist P olice officer,” Mr Mydeen told T h e Ph u k e t N e w s . “A ft er I said ‘yes’, he st art ed walk ing away, but t hen he suddenly t urned around and hit me on t he back of my head.” The force of t he blow felled Mr Mydeen to the oor, and t he mot ive for t he at t ack remains unk nown. “A ll I can t hink of is t hat he hat es police for some reason, because I didn’t have any argument wit h him at all, ” Mr Mydeen said. Mr Mydeen immediat ely

report ed t he at t ack t o police on dut y in t he area, but his attacker had already ed. The at t ack was report ed t o Kat hu P olice Deput y Commander A k anit Danpit ak sat , and P ol Lt Narwee Singsom has t ak en up t he t ask of t rack ing down t he assailant , who is now believed t o be one of t he five guards involved in the att ack on t he A ust ralian t ourist s. A s t his st ory went t o print , effort s were underway t o confirm t he ident it y of Mr Mydeen’s at t ack er, including reviewing CCTV foot age. Meanwhile, long-st anding Region 8 Royal Thai P olice V olunt eer leader Wal B rown is t ak ing up t he issue wit h t he Kat hu P olice Commander, Lt Col P ongpichan Chayanonpiriya. “Divan [ Mydeen] is ok ay now, but t his behaviour is unaccept able, ” Mr B rown t old T h e Ph u k e t N e w s . “Y ou can’t have people at t ack ing volunt eers and j ust walk ing away. I t set s a st andard t hat no one want s t o see on t he st reet s, and t hen no one will want t o help as a police volunt eer.

Capt E k achai Siri, Deput y I nspect or of t he P at ong P olice Tourist , support ed Mr B rown’s call for bet t er prot ect ion for police volunt eers. “We are doing our best t o find out who hit Mr Mydeen,” he said. “I feel very sorry for him and of course we are work ing wit h Kat hu P olice t o find the suspect. We will try our best t o bring t his case t o j ust ice.”

police prot ect ion on P huk et ’s main part y st reet . The t hugs, all employees of B angk ok -based A SE F A P ublic Co., Lt d, were let off wit h a formal apology by company represent at ive Cho-

k anan P horak sa. “The company is so sorry about t he incident , and we realise t hat we should t rain and t each our st aff bet t er, ” Said Mr Chok anan. “I f t he t hreat s of violence by our st aff are t rue

t hen we apologise sincerely t o t he police volunt eers.” H owever, t he employees were not called on t o at least mak e t heir own apologies in person. T h e Ph u k e tN e w s

Bangla thugs

Lt Col P ongphichan earlier t his year not ed t hat ex pat police volunt eers have no lawenforcement right s what soever unless a regular officer on dut y is wit h t hem, which is oft en t he case. B ut also assured t hat anyone who assault ed a volunt eer would face t he law. Lt Col P ongphichan publicly voiced his support for ex pat volunt eers aft er a gang of t hugs drink ing on t he st eps right in front of t he police box at t he beach end of B angla Rd in July t hreat ened ex pat police volunt eers on pat rol, and in doing so ex posed t he lack of

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Maydeen leads the tourist police in previous Patong Carnival. @thephuketnews

Opinion 8




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Email: editor@classactmedia.co.th Phone: 076 612 550


STEVEN LAYNE Managing Editor

ed itor@classactmed ia.co.th F rom the U S A ; B A in C ommunication A rts from B ang k ok U niv ersity I nternational C olleg e; sev en y ears’ exp erience at Nation Junior Magazine, Bangkok Recorder, Phuket. net, ThaiUni.net Farangs.com and Phuket Gazette.

CHRIS HUSTED Executive Editor

0 8 4 3 0 7 7 4 0 8 execed itor@classactmed ia.co.th F ifteen y ears w ork ing in new s and cov ering local issues and ev ents in P huk et, w ith 1 8 - month hiatus sp ent w ork ing for the B runei T imes on B orneo. F rom Q ueensland , A ustralia; 1 0 y ears liv ing in the U K before mov ing to P huk et in 2 0 0 0 . D eg ree in business manag ement. S p are time sp ent sailing or w ith family .


ed itor1 @classactmed ia.co.th O rig inally from C anad a; B A in S ociolog y from the U niv ersity of B irming ham in the U K and an M A in O nline/ P rint J ournalism from the U niv ersity of the A rts in L ond on. T hree y ears exp erience for B ritain’ s third - big g est p ublisher, I mmed iate M ed ia, as w ell as B auer M ed ia and InStyle mag az ine.

Aggressively out of hand


here have been a number of i nci dents i n recent times that will negatively impact how safe visitors feel here namely the latest touri st bashi ng by bouncers i n P atong and the ri ot at Thalang P oli ce Stati on. Though controversial, the ri ot should not really have much impact on tourism as it was far from the main tourist areas and was easi ly avoi dable by those who needed to pass through the area at the time. However, incidents involvi ng ni g htclub bouncers i n touri st areas are a di fferent story, and could have negative repercussions, especially in Patong, where such force and ag g ressi on happens i n plai n view, for all tourists to see. Bouncers and security g uards are supposed to be making guests feel safe. Those who do not follow the club’s rules should first be warned

ed itor3 @classactmed ia.co.th O rig inally from the U K ; H as four y ears exp erience as ed itor and rep orter for P huk etind ex.com mag az ine and w ebsite, and I nP huk et mag az ine.



0 9 1 1 6 5 0 2 6 0 rep orter2 @classactmed ia.co.th



0 8 3 7 0 5 7 8 0 3 rep orter3 @classactmed ia.co.th

SUPATRA ‘BOBBIE’ SUTHAM Translator 0 9 7 1 3 7 0 4 6 1 translate@classactmed ia.co.th


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9 9 / 7 M oo 1 ( B illion P laza ) , T . K athu, A . K athu, P huke t 8 3 1 2 0

of thei r behavi our and i f they continue to act inappropriately, should then be evicted, but in a tactful manner. Thi s appears to be where the problem arises. Unfortunately, in some bouncers’ eyes, using relentless force and ag g ressi on i s seen as appropri ate and tactful. What these bouncers, along with club owners, management and especi ally the P atong E ntertainment Association should reali se i s that bouncers are also responsi ble for upholdi ng the image of the club. As “ keepers of the peace” they should be pati ent and tactful and not hired simply because they look bad or are able to intimidate. In the UK it is only possible to hi re bouncers who have proper training and skills. In fact, they must hold a valid license from the Security Industry Authority, have valid

references and no criminal hi story. In Thailand, the criteria for hi ri ng bouncers i s apparently much less stringent unlike in the UK, a police background check i s not req ui red and i t i s simply down to the business operator to conduct thei r own checks. Whether thi s i s actually done i s anyone’s g uess. H owever, having seen the footage of the latest attack, and considering previous similar incidents in Patong, one has to seri ously wonder. P erhaps i t’s too far of a cry to ex pect Thai land to chang e its laws and requirements for screening bouncers any time soon, but one thing has become clear at thi s poi nt: P atong ’s entertainment venues – and all businesses for that matter – need to carefully consider who they allow to represent their image to the world.

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Security guard in Bangla tourists’ beating suspected of Tourist Police volunteer assault Mont A zure soars with B15bn Phuket development Flights redirected as haze blankets Phuket Airport Welcome end to mobile traffic checkpoints Police chase vic tims’ families to get at least B100,000 compensation as riot investigation continues

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News & Sports Editor


e ection in the mirror is so clear R e: P h uk et h az e h eal th r eadings s pir al , h os pital s is s ue f r ee m as k s At least i t g i ves an ex cuse to thi nk about the i ssues whi ch are caused by Phuket traffic, cars, motorbikes, trash burni ng . . . V ery happy that all the problems are caused from far away, it would be a paradise i f the bloody others would not spoi l i t. J o m e

Another reminder of how unhappy I am in paradise R e: P h uk et P ol ice ur ge A us s ie tourists to file complaint over vicious beating by Bangla bar bouncers Five security guards, in black uniforms, beating up two oz patrons, kicking them in the head whi le on the g round. R eal class! H ow does P atong ex pect to attract touri sts wi th that low class behavi our? Any tourists, families included, can not be sure of a happy, safe, worry-free environment when at at any time, they can be caught up in a vicious,

one sided brawl such as this, which is surely not uncommon, especi ally i n P atong and why would those victims at Bangla Rd come forward and make a complaint from past accounts of similar events on Bangla Rd They would more than likely find themselves being painted as the instigators, as has happened not long ag o wi th that older ex pat who was charged with murder before CCT evidence proved him i nnocent of provocati on. Of course you’ll g et drunks but whatever happened to the rules and trai ni ng of these type of heroic, black-suited guardians of the public good What, wi th all the g eneral publi ci ty regarding beach chairs, jet ski touts, shocking driving habits, thuggery aimed often at farangs, drugs, etc, who in their right mind would visit there, let alone live there It’s becoming a place that used to be a magnet for people from all over the world. Ed w a r d Pa r t r i d g e

Riot reasons so simple from the comfort of home

Re: Police chase victims’ families to get at least B100,000 compensation as riot investigation continues R eward already on the table posthumously for breaking the law resulti ng i n your own death! H ow about roundi ng up the ri oters? Who wi ll pay for the millions of damages. They didn’t mention the overhead electric and communication wi res burned above the burni ng vehicles. So the empowered mob rises again next time because thi s behavi our costs them nothing Upside down for sure! KCPh u k e t

Sympathy for the rioters or police? Re: Rioters vandalize cars, attack police officers in retaliation f or teen death s How come rioters were allowed to do so much damage over, presumably, nearly 12 hours The poli ce should have cleared them away right at the start i nstead of hi di ng i n the stati on unti l thi ng s g ot out of hand. It appears that there should have not been a viscious mob

in the first place as it seems the teens acti ons led to thei r own deaths. Ma r c h e r I wanted to riot at this police station from the unfair practices and borderline incompetency encountered tryi ng to make a police report. Instead, I called my embassy and in a matter of minutes the officers were compelled to act responsibly. Thai citizens with no such option have my understanding. Seems the official consensus i s the poli ce deli berately hi t the motorcycle, I concur from the vi deo seen and the parents are to be given 100,000 baht compensation. While I don’t condone damages to property, I am glad the police have been forced to review the officer’s behavi or i n causi ng these deaths. c h r is ty s w e e t This payment along with the reward money from the Bangkok Bombing also going to the poli ce wi ll only fuel the already entrenched lack of respect between the Thai people and thei r poli ce force. Pa u l Ca s h

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Targeting Yingluck’s assets BANGKOK


he government plans t o issue an administ rat ive order t o claim t he asset s of ex -premier Y ingluck Shinawat ra t o compensat e t he st at e for losses incurred from her administ rat ion’s rice-pledging scheme – a move which will bypass court procedures. I t claims t he act ion is t o prevent t he case from ex piring based on t he t wo-year st at ut e of limit at ions, which will ex pire in F ebruary 2 0 1 7 . Deput y P rime Minist er Wissanu Krea-ngam said on Monday ( Oct 1 2 ) t hat t he planned administ rat ive order is in compliance wit h t he 1 9 9 6 A ct on Liabilit y for Wrongful Acts of Officials. A dminist rat ive court s are allowed t o demand compensat ion from officials found guilt y of commit t ing gross negligence or deliberat e act ions t hat result in damage t o t he st at e, according t o Sect ion 1 0 of t he law, h e said. The deput y prime minist er said t he administ rat ive order is based on the findings by t he Nat ional A nt i-Corrupt ion Commission ( NA CC) t hat


point ed t o gross negligence in t he rice scheme, result ing in damages t o t he st at e. “I f t he defendant s t hink t he order is unfair, t hey can appeal t o t he A dminist rat ive Court t o have it revok ed, ” he added. Ms Y ingluck q uick ly crit icised t he move on her F acebook page, saying t hat t he government is t rying t o act lik e a court it self, adding t he order is only int ended t o avoid a heft y court fee if t he case is brought t o a civil t rial. The full E nglish-language t ex t of t he let t er is at her F acebook account . She also req uest ed t he government hold off on seiz ing her assets and filing the civil court case – unt il t he Supreme Court ’s Criminal Division for Political Office-Holders gives it s ruling on a relat ed criminal case against her. Mr Wissanu dismissed t he crit icism, saying t he law has been on t he book s for almost 2 0 years and more t han 3 0 0 cases had been filed under it. “Ms Y ingluck will receive j ust ice under t he law, ” he said, adding t hat if t he government let s t he civil case ex pire in F ebruary 2 0 1 7 , it could also face prosecut ion

The government said it intends to seize the assets of ex-premier Yingluck Shinawtra to pay for losses in her government’s rice-purchase scheme, prompting an “open letter” to the prime minister. Photo: World Economic Forum for negligence. “We have no choice. I f we t ook t he case t o t he civil court as originally planned, we would have t o compromise by charging her wit h a lesser offence. Since t he NA CC accused her of severe derelict ion of dut y, it has t o be t his way, ” he said. Ms Y ingluck will st ill have t he right t o pet it ion t he A dminist rat ive Court t o revok e t he government ’s administ rat ive order. The government has set

up t wo panels t o det ermine if Ms Y ingluck and 2 1 ot her people are financially liable for t he losses incurred by t he rice scheme. The NA CC accuses Ms Y ingluck of derelict ion of dut y when she was prime minist er by failing t o st op t he losses and rampant corrupt ion in t he scheme she was supposed t o be overseeing. Ms Y ingluck ask ed P rime Minist er P rayut Chan-o-cha in an open let t er – also post ed on F acebook – t o halt t he seiz ure

of her asset s and let t he court process t ak e it s course. Her lawyer was due to submit t he let t er t o G en P rayut t hrough t he G overnment House’s complaints centre on Wednesday morning ( Oct 1 4 ) , she said in t he let t er. “I feel worried because one of your legal advisers publicly st at ed t hat claiming damages in t he civil case would cost t he government enormous court fees alt hough t ak ing t he case t o court is t he best way t o maint ain j ust ice. “Y our legal adviser has t ried t o misint erpret t he law and legal mechanisms t o claim damages by advising you t o issue an administ rat ive order... t o seiz e my asset s j ust t o avoid t he court fees, ” she said in t he st at ement . Ms Y ingluck also ask ed G en P rayut t o reconsider t he administ rat ive order and st op bypassing court procedures by using t he order t o seek civil compensat ion. “B y ex ercising t he administ rat ive order, you do not even have t o consult t he cabinet . I t means t hat you are using your power as if you were a j udge while t he criminal case t rial is st ill under t he legal process in court , ” t he let t er st at ed.

She also ask ed t hat unt il aft er t he Supreme Court issues it s ruling on t he criminal case, t he government should delay filing the civil claim through t he court , or it would be unfair t o her if she is found guilt y. “I sincerely hope t hat you assigned the fact-finding commit t ee t o invest igat e t he case under t he due process of law t o provide j ust ice and adhere st rict ly t o t he [ law] wit hout unnecessarily speeding up t he case t o reach a verdict . “I hope t hat you will ensure fair and j ust opport unit ies for t he relevant persons t o present evidence, ” she added. Since G en P rayut became prime minist er, Ms Y ingluck said she has been “mist reat ed” over t he rice policy which had been endorsed by parliament . “The Nat ional Legislat ive A ssembly impeached me even t hough I no longer held t he [ prime minist er] posit ion because I had already resigned and was also dis ualified from t he posit ion by t he Const it ut ional Court , ” she wrot e. Deput y P rime Minist er and Defence Minist er P rawit Wongsuwon insist ed t he move t o invok e t he order t o seiz e asset s from Ms Y ingluck followed t he law. Ba n g k o k Po s t


Chinese woman dies on thrill ride CHIANG MAI


Win Zaw Htun, right, and Zaw Lin as they appeared shortly after their arrest in October 2014. Photo by Supapong Chaolan

Koh Tao verdicts due Christmas Eve


olice are invest igat ing t he deat h of a Chinese woman during an advent ure ride at a t ourist at t ract ion in Chiang Mai’s Mae Rim dist rict . Chinese t ourist s who were accompanying Wang Q i, 3 2 , have raised q uest ions about t he woman’s deat h. The operat or of t he F lying Sq uirrel at P ong Khrai village in Mae Rim dist rict t old t he t ourist s t hat Ms Wang had died of heart failure on t he z ip-line advent ure ride last Sunday aft ernoon ( Oct 1 1 ) . H owever, a post mort em ex aminat ion carried out at Nak ornping H ospit al concluded she had suffered a brok en neck and shoulder bones. The t ourist s have now ask ed t he Chinese consulat e in Chiang Mai to help find out t he real cause of her deat h. P ol Col Suchart Kan-ngern, chief invest igat or at Mae Rim police st at ion, said police q uick ly went t o t he scene upon being alert ed t hat t he Chinese



The Flying Squirrel has 32 treetop stations from which customers use zip-lines to be transported from one station platform to the next. Photo: outinchingmai.com woman had died of heart failure while riding t he z ip-line. P ol Col Suchart on Tuesday ( Oct 1 3 ) said he would follow up t he case and promised t o ensure j ust ice for all, Thai media report ed. A source said wit nesses t old police invest igat ors t hat

Ms Wang was about t o reach a spot on t he ride where t wo male st aff st ood ready t o t ak e hold of her, but t hey allegedly made a mist ak e and t he woman fell t o t he ground. The aerial advent ure has 3 2 t reet op st at ions. Cust omers swing by slings at t ached t o

t heir bodies from one st at ion plat form t o t he nex t , somet imes over 3 0 0 met res above t he ground below. This t hrill ride is popular wit h t ourist s. A bout 1 4 t ourist venues provide a similar advent ure act ivit y in t he nort hern province. Ba n g k o k Po s t

TH E KOH SA MU I P ROV I Ncial Court has set December 2 4 as t he dat e it will deliver it s j udgement on t wo Myanmar men accused of murdering t wo B rit ish t ourist s on Koh Tao island on Sept 1 5 last year. The court set t he dat e aft er hearing Z aw Lin, one of t he defendant s, t est ify in his own defence. Z aw Lin is charged, along wit h Win Z aw H t un, wit h t he murder of David Miller, 2 4 , and H annah Wit heridge, 2 3 , on Sept 1 5 , 2 0 1 4 at Sairee B each on t he resort island in Koh P ha Ngan dist rict . The court gave t he prosecut ion and t he defence 1 5 days t o submit t heir closing st at ement s, by Oct 2 6 , and said it would pass j udgement on Dec 2 4 . I n his t est imony last Sun-

day ( Oct 1 1 ) , Z aw Lin was ask ed in cross-ex aminat ion by t he prosecut or on how he gained possession of Miller’s cell phone. The defendant said he pick ed it up from t he beach near a rest aurant . H e also replied t o many ot her q uest ions. The mot hers of t he t wo Myanmar defendant s were at t he court and said t hey hoped t heir sons would be t reat ed j ust ly. They believed t heir sons had been t ort ured int o confessing t o t he murder of t he B rit ish t ourist s. They said t hey would be at t he court on Dec 2 4 t o hear t he ruling. Defence counsel Nak hon Chomphuchart said t he seven defence lawyers had done t heir best t o present evidence to fight the case. The result of t he effort s would be k nown on Dec 2 4 . Ba n g k o k Po s t





Indian gold glitters

Government campaign targets hoard of precious metal



aressing delicat e bangles she hasn’t t ak en off since her wedding 1 1 years ago, G eet anj ali A garwal says she won’t hand over her gold t o t he government , as it wages a campaign t o mak e t he nat ion’s hoard of t he precious met al more product ive. “F or a woman t o part wit h her j ewellery, t hat is very difficult,” said the 8-year-old New Delhi housewife, who also buys gold coins at t he I ndian fest ival of Diwali as an invest ment . “My daught er is 1 0 years old and I ’m already collect ing pieces for her.” I ndust ry ex pert s say I ndia has around 2 0 , 0 0 0 t onnes of t he precious met al lying idle in H indu t emple vault s, bank safes and j ewellery box es – a t rove wort h about U S$ 7 0 0 billion (B24.8 trillion) at current prices depending on purit y levels. The count ry vies wit h China for t he t it le of t he world’s biggest consumer of gold – for cent uries considered a precious st ore of wealt h – and import ed about 9 0 0 t onnes last year, t he second biggest import aft er oil. Now t he government is encouraging people t o lend t heir gold t o bank s t hrough t he G old Monet isat ion Scheme st art ing in November, hoping t o bring t he nat ional st ash int o t he economy. H ouseholds or t emple

An Indian salesman poses with a gold necklace. Photo: Chandan Khanna/AFP t rust s deposit t heir gold wit h bank s and earn t ax -free int erest , so t he idea goes, and bank s t hen lend it t o j ewellers and a valuable asset is brought int o circulat ion. “A lot of people, part icularly women and t hose in remot e rural areas, hold j eweller y which is lying idle, which is not t ak en as an investment,” explained G opal K rishna A gar wal, economic affairs spok esman for t he ruling B harat iya Janat a P art y. “[ This scheme] can earn some ret urn for t hose persons,” he said. B ut many, such as P oonam V ohra, a housewife from t he capit al’s middle-class suburb of Raj ouri G arden, say t hey

are unsure about handing over t heir t reasures. “G old is a really ex pensive buy and as it is we don’t have much, so what ever we have we’d rather keep,” said the 5 2 -year-old, who k eeps most of her j ewellery in a bank vault aft er being robbed of a gold chain while walk ing in Delhi. Wit h lit t le st at e social securit y t o fall back on, gold is a vit al safet y net in I ndia, in part icular for women, for whom it may be t he only savings t hey have. I t is especially import ant in rural areas where many people do not have access t o t he formal bank ing syst em. “Whenever t here’s a wedding or some funct ion I t ak e it out,” Vohra said.

Chinese acrobats seek greater leaps forward CHINA ON TH E OU TSKI RTS OF China’s financial capital, members of the “Shanghai Dream” acrobat ic t roupe pract ise for up t o 1 0 hours a day t o perfect t heir craft . The 0 or so members j uggle balls and t wirl ceramic plat es as well as perform gravit y-defying headst ands, ips and leaps through rings. A round 1 0 are adult s, wit h t he rest t eenagers and children as young as nine, who also t ak e school classes at t he house in Shanghai’s Z houpu t own where many of t he t roupe also live. “I st art ed acrobat ic t raining when I was nine,” said Zhang Jianlin, 28, the group’s leader. @thephuketnews

A member of the ‘Shanghai Dream’ acrobatic team is seen during a training session in Zhoupu town, Shanghai’s eastern suburb. Photo: Johannes Eisele/AFP “I t hought I could become a really good performer, t hat ’s the main reason I joined.” Many are from t he poor cent ral province of H enan, where t he bright light s of a big cit y circus offer a way out . China has a long hist ory of it inerant performers, but t he t raining is t ough. A nd despit e t heir loft y ambit ions, for now t he Shanghai group’s audiences are t he cust omers of a local amusement park .

Y ang Kex in, a shy 1 4 -yearold, j oined at age nine but st ill obedient ly follows t he direct ion of her coaches t o improve her performance. She wat ched a Chinese drama on her smart phone during a break from her gruelling preparat ions, which include whirling a “diabolo” a yo-yo lik e obj ect spun on a st ring – for hours on end. “This place feels lik e home,” she said. AFP

“Maybe it will be my child’s wedding in six mont hs. I don’t want to give it away.” A similar scheme in 1 9 9 9 was a near-t ot al failure, t hank s t o low int erest rat es. The government promises t he new scheme is different , wit h t he minimum deposit lowered from 5 0 0 grammes

to just 0 grams roughly the same as t hree gold bangles. B ank s will be allowed t o set t heir own int erest rat es, ex pect ed t o be bet ween t wo and four per cent , and post offices will boost the scheme’s reach in rural areas. One fear is t hat households may face uncomfort able q uest ions about where t heir gold came from, amid an int ensifying crack down on “black money”. “P eople are st ill bot hered about t he t ax q ueries. There is a myt h t hat all I ndians hold gold as unaccounted wealth,” said Somasundaram P .R., managing direct or of t he World G old Council I ndia. A not her st ick ing point is t hat gold has t o be melt ed down t o t est it s purit y – t hough deposit ors can wat ch from a gallery – wit h t he risk it could t urn out t o be wort h less t han t hought . F or j ewellers in Delhi’s Karol B agh, where t he st reet s are lined wit h shops selling diamonds and ant iq ues, monet ising I ndia’s gold st ash

would be good news, reducing t he need for ex pensive import s. “I t will be good if our gold get s rot at ed, if t he gold t hat is lying in bulk wit h people is put to use,” said Anoop Dhar, manager of t he opulent Sunar j ewellery st ore. “Not hing can be bet t er. We wouldn’t have t o bring in gold from outside.” B ut at t he bust ling old mark et of Z averi B az aar in Mumbai – t he cent re of I ndia’s j ewellery t rade – some are scept ical t he scheme will succeed, not ing t hat it is st ill easy for people t o t ak e out loans against t heir gold or sell it if t hey need cash. “I ndians have a family j eweller lik e a family doct or, and so have access t o gold saving schemes run by their trusted jewellers,” said P rit hviraj Kot hari, head of Riddhi Siddhi B ullions in Mumbai, I ndia’s largest gold trading firm. “Why would t hey allow t he government t o peek int o their gold?” AFP




Teen girls break trauma with new drama therapy ‘Lights, camera, The Alexander Hamilton High School in Los Angeles was used for a porno movie entitled 'Revenge of the Petites’, released in 2012. Photo: Mark Ralston

NO ACTION’ – LA schools order UNITED STATES L OS AN G E L E S H AS OR dered that film shoots be suspended at all i ts school campuses after i t emerg ed that one of i ts faci li ti es was used to film a porno movie. “ It i s i mportant that we ensure teachi ng and learni ng are not di srupted, and that all fi lmi ng acti vi ty i s appropri ate for our schools,” R amon Corti nes, head of the Los Angeles Unified School D i stri ct (L AU SD ), sai d i n a statement i ssued last week. “ As an org ani sati on responsi ble for educati ng students, i t i s essenti al that we hold ourselves and our schools to a hi g h standard. ” Accordi ng to N BC4 , a local televi si on stati on, records i ndi cate that ‘ R ev enge of th e P etites ’, a porno movi e released in 2012, was filmed at Alex ander H ami lton H i g h School. “The crew also filmed a carwash scene that i ncluded publi c nudi ty i n the school’s

car park,” the stati on sai d. F i lmL . A. , an org ani sati on that processes film shooting permi ts for studi os, i ssued a statement on i ts websi te i nformi ng i ts cli ents of the school di stri ct’s deci si on. “ At thi s ti me, the durati on of the LAUSD filming hiatus i s uncertai n,” i t sai d. “ If you were planni ng to film at an LAUSD school or property on or after October 9 , 2 0 15 , please be advi sed that your req uest wi ll not be approved. ” M oney from producti on compani es i s a lucrati ve busi ness for the L os Ang eles school di stri ct, reportedly bri ng i ng i n some $ 10 mi lli on i n the past five years. N BC4 sai d records show that the producers of ‘ R ev enge of th e P etites ’ paid cash to film at the campus. Mortified school officials say they were mi sled by the company and would not have allowed the shoot had they known i t was for a porno movi e. A F P



aneen, who has spent most of her li fe i n orphanag es, says she used to stay weeks locked up i n herself, ai mlessly eati ng , watchi ng TV and sleepi ng throug h each day. R eecently, the 13-year-old Iraq i g i rl was beami ng wi th j oy and ex ci tement when the crowd at a Bag hdad theatre g ave her and her fri ends a rousi ng round of applause. “ N ow I’m happy. I si ng , dance and j oke wi th my fri ends from the orphanag e,” she sai d. “ I have chang ed. P eople are aski ng me: ‘ What happened? H ave you g one craz y? . ’” What happened was a proj ect set up by the R uya F oundati on for Contemporary Culture i n Iraq and ai med at i ntroduci ng drama therapy i n a country where almost everybody has suffered some ki nd of trauma. The play at the Theatre F orum, an edg y arts centre that opened i n a beauti ful old bui ldi ng on the banks of the Ti g ri s, was the culmi nati on of a months-long prog ramme. Si x theatre professi onals were trai ned i n Bei rut by Catharsi s, a drama therapy centre led by di rector Z ei na D accache, known for her work wi th pri soners and mi g rant workers i n L ebanon. Bassem Altayeb was one of the trai nees. H e took the lead i n helpi ng a small g roup of teenag e g i rls from the D ar al-Z uhur orphanag e i n Bag hdad put tog ether a play that tackles the i ssues they face. “ E ach one found some confidence and self-esteem, bui lt thei r character. . . The

Iraqi girls from the Dar al-Zuhur orphanage perform in a play at the Theatre Forum in the capital Baghdad. Photo: Ahmad Al-Rubaye/AFP scri pt i s about the g i rls sayi ng : ‘ We too have a ri g ht to li ve, to be protected and have dreams,’” he sai d. On stag e, one of the g i rls puts on a old whi te-hai red man’s mask and, i n a di sturbi ng scene fi lled wi th doom, takes a young bri de sti ll clutchi ng her doll to a nupti al room. L ost chi ldhood, early marri ag e, soci al i neq uali ti es: the play tackled a rang e of i ssues wi th a spontaneous mi x of humour and g ri tty bluntness. The young troupe also took a swi pe at poli ti ci ans and echoed the despai r that i s dri vi ng the country’s youth

out of Iraq and onto E urope’s shores, drawi ng hearty laug hter but also a few embarrassed chuckles from the crowd. “ I am proud of them today,” sai d a mi sty-eyed Iman H assoon, the orphanag e’s pri nci pal, after the show. “ I someti mes g et men comi ng to the orphanag e aski ng to adopt one of the g i rls,” she sai d, addi ng that she always refuses because she i s afrai d they wi ll end up enslaved as mai ds or for prosti tuti on. “ I hope they can use the energ y they found wi th thi s play to protect themselves and carve a place of thei r own i n soci ety,” M s H assoon sai d. F or decades, Iraq i s have been battered i n turn by di ctatorshi p, economi c sancti ons, foreign and civil conflicts – someti mes several of those at the same ti me. V i olence conti nues to be omni present wi th car bomb blasts, i mag es of massacres and beheadi ng s sowi ng death and fear across the country, whi le the chaos has also allowed thi eves, ex torti oni sts and traffickers to prosper. The drama therapy proj ect ex plores a way of “ addressi ng

people and thei r problems i n an ex tremely damag ed soci ety such as Iraq , that has ex peri enced so much trauma and vi olence,” sai d Tamara Chalabi , chai r of the R uya F oundati on. “ Iraq i s a soci ety for men, not really for women. . . These g i rls are parti cularly vulnerable,” added F urat al-J ami l, an Iraq i -G erman arti st who also works wi th R uya. “The first time Ruya Foundati on vi si ted the orphanag e, the g i rls were very shy, they were hi di ng , all of them wore scarves. N ow you see them. . . li berated from a lot of i nhi bi ti ons,” M s J ami l sai d. After the play, the g i rls could hardly beli eve thei r own transformati on. R u q ay yeh , a n el f i sh 13-year-old who played the chi ld bri de, burst i nto tears when the li g hts came back on and the audi ence stood up to clap. “ I had always dreamt of bei ng an actress, of bei ng on stag e. . . But I used to be depressed and bored, nobody li ked hang i ng out wi th me. N ow everythi ng ’s chang ed and the g i rls love me. ” A F P thephuketnews




Food, Hotel expo aims to set record The Phuket News editor@classactmedia.co.th


ore t han 3 , 0 0 0 people are ex pect ed t o t urn out at t he F ood and H ot elex 2 0 1 5 , an ex hibit ion t o be held at t he Royal P huk et Marina E x hibit ion Cent re from November 1 9 -2 2 , which is being t out ed as t he Nick Porter has returned to Phuket to head up the Möv- biggest t rade fair ever organised in Sout hern Thailand enpick Resort & Spa at Karon Beach. The ex po, organised by E x polink G lobal Net work Lt d, will feat ure a full range of food and hospit alit y product s. E x polink ’s managing direct or, P husit Sasit haranon, MÖ V E NP I CK RE SORT & not ed t hat t he propert y is who is also well k nown as Spa Karon B each P huk et has focusing on it s G reen G lobe an int ernat ional ex hibit ion announced t he appoint ment of re-certification an interna- organiser, said P huk et was t he Nick P ort er as general manager t ional accredit at ion st andard right venue for t he event , and of t he resort . for environment al and sus- had t he pot ent ial t o become t he leading MI CE ( Meet ings, Originally from t he U K, t ainable business operat ions. I ncent ives, Convent ions and Nick has more t han 2 0 years’ The G reen G lobe is one of t he E x hibit ions) dest inat ion in ex perience work ing in A sia. hallmark s of Mö venpick H ot els t he count ry. Mr P ort er has work ed wit h “P huk et is t he cent re of various propert ies in t he and Resort s, which current ly has t he highest percent age of Thailand’s economy and t he Asia-Pacific region, including Sherat on, I nt erCont inent al, Green Globe certified hotels of island has pot ent ial t o become West in, Le Meridien, Lux ury any int ernat ional hot el chain. t he ‘Mice Cit y’ of t he region, ” Collect ion, St . Regis and Re“We are also focusing he said. “I t has over 5 0 0 hot els, gent ; most recent ly he work ed our effort s on Karon B each an int ernat ional airport and in B eij ing and Shanghai. Sq uare, locat ed at t he resort ’s “I am ex t remely fort unat e beachside ent rance, wit h four many t ourist at t ract ions. The t o t ak e over t he leadership of uniq ue venues for eat ing, F ood and H ot elex 2 0 1 5 t rade ex hibit ion will offer product s, a resort wit h such a dedicat ed drink ing and chilling, offer- ex hibit ions and seminars t hat t eam, and look forward t o ing everyt hing from B raz ilian will promot e and increase work ing closely wit h t hem churrasco, pan-A sian cuisine business opport unit ies for t o cont inue delivering t he superior service and Thai and casual dining, t o freshly- P huk et . I t is also a way t o hospit alit y t hat t he resort bak ed piz z a and a wide range ent er t he int ernat ional mark et . “P huk et is ready t o host has become renowned for in of drinks and cocktails: defiworldwide mark et s, ” he said. nit ely a venue t o wat ch! ” T h e Ph u k e tN e w s G oing forward, Mr P ort er

Mövenpick Karon appoints new GM


Phusit Sasitharanon (left) expects more that 3,000 people to attend the Food and Hotelex 2015 being held at Royal Phuket Marina next month. an event such as t his and is ready t o be t he cent re of all t rade for t he sout hern region. “P huk et has a great impact on t he growt h of Thailand’s and ot her count ry’s t ourism indust ry. This is a great opport unit y for P huk et t o int roduce t heir food and hospit alit y businesses t o an int ernat ional mark et , ” he added. More t han 5 0 businesses from all over Thailand will display a range of food and product s used in t he hospit alit y business at t he event , and many act ivit ies are lined up, covering educat ion, ent ert ainment and more. H ighlight s of t he event include a “Thailand Junior Championship” cook ing compet it ion and The Night of Wines event , which will be an opport unit y for local business people t o meet wit h business

ex pert s. Mr P husit added t hat Royal P huk et Marina is fully support ive of t he event , and t he food and hospit alit y businesses t ak ing part . “I believe t his event will benefit food, hotel, hospitalit y businesses and Thailand’s t ourism indust ry and I hope it will help broaden our mark et s and improve t he q ualit y of our services, and also t hat it prepares us bet t er for ent ering

t he A sean communit y. The F OOD and H OTE LE X 2 0 1 5 is support ed and sponsored by a number of organisat ions and businesses including t he Thailand Convent ion and E x hibit ion B ureau ( TCE B ) , Nat ional F ood I nst it ut e, Thailand Chefs A ssociat ion, Siam Mak ro Co.Lt d, Smile E q uipment Co. Lt d, NTH Mart Co Lt d, Sea V alue Co Lt d and C la s s A c t M e dia . Fo r m o r e in th e e v e n t, c o T e l: 0 8 0 - 7 7 le r s a n @ e x p

f o r m a t io n a b o u t n ta c t M r L e r s a n . 5 0 4 0 4 . E m a il: o lin k . n e t




In Balance Experts to unveil tips to Novotel scoops spa awards hospitality investment The Phuket News editor@classactmedia.co.th


he B rit ish Chamber of Commerce in Thailand ( B CCT) , in collaborat ion wit h t he Net herlands, F rench and G erman chambers of commerce, will ret urn t o P huk et on Oct ober 2 2 , when ex pert speak ers Richard I nt rator, Chief Investment Officer of H at hor G roup, and Christ opher G ordon, founder of Sunsail Worldwide, will be speak ing on hospit alit y and invest ment in A sia. A t t he event , t o be held at t he The V illage Coconut I sland resort from 6 : 3 0 pm t o 8 : 3 0 pm, Richard I nt rat or will be delivering a present at ion on “H ospit alit y I nvest ment in A sia”. Mr I nt rat or has a long and dist inguished career in finance, privat e eq uit y, management consult ing and operat ions. B efore j oining H at hor, he was t he Chief I nvest ment Officer and Managing Partner for Leopard Capit al Cambodia Cambodia’s first investment

fi e- edroo rand each ront illa stands roud at he illa e oconut sland hu et here the e ent ill e held Photo: The Village Coconut Island Phuket fund – wit h 1 4 invest ment s in Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. Wit hin 1 2 mont hs of being recruit ed by t he founder t o t urn around t he company’s performance, Mr I nt rat or and his t eam improved fund net asset value by 3 5 per cent . Mr I nt rat or accomplished t his improvement by refocusing Leopard’s cult ure t oward risk management as a mant ra for unlock ing and securing value. Leopard embraced a unified view t oward st abi-

lising “at risk ” invest ment s, opt imising st able but underperforming asset s, redeploying capit al int o higher yielding st ruct ured invest ment s, and select ively reinvest ing in t op performers. The second speak er on t he night will be Christ opher G ordon, CE O of The V illage Coconut I sland, who will be speak ing on “E nt repreneurship in t he Tourist I ndust ry” Mr G ordon founded and creat ed Sunsail Worldwide

Sailing H olidays in 1 9 8 0 , which he brought t o Thailand in t he lat e 8 0 s. H e sold t he company t o F irst Choice P lc ( now TU I P LC) in 2 0 0 2 and sat on t he main board of direct ors for t he following five years. A t t endance at t he event cost s B 8 5 0 . F or more informat ion, visit t he B B CT websit e: B CCThai.com T h e e v e n t is p r o u dly s p o n s o r e d b y T h e Ph u k e t N e w s .

I N B A LA NCE SP A B Y NOvot el P huk et V int age P ark has won one award at t he Thailand Spa A wards 2 0 1 5 and scooped anot her award at t he recent Thailand Tourism A wards 2 0 1 5 . This is t he second consecut ive year t hat t he spa has received t his award. The awards ceremony was held as part of t he World Spa & Well-being Convent ion 2 0 1 5 at I MP A CT E x hibit ion and Convent ion Cent re, B angk ok . The Roj ana & Sangt hong ( Love St ory Couples P ack age) , t reat ment was inspired by famous Thai folk lit erat ure Roj ana & Sangt hong. The t reat ment includes Roj ana & Sangt hong B lack Coconut 2 in 1 B ody Scrub & Mask 3 0 minut es and Roj ana & Sangt hong Coconut G low Shimmer Oil Massage 6 0 m inut es. I n addit ion, I n B alance Spa by Novot el P huk et V int age P ark has been honoured wit h an Out st anding A ward for ‘‘B est H ot el & Resort Spa’’in Sout hern Thailand at t he recent Thailand Tourism A wards 2 0 1 5 . The awards were handed out at a daz z ling ceremony at t he I mpact Muang Thong Thani, wit h 1 1 7 Thai

Spa Manager Waraporn Longdeaw holds the Innovative Spa Treatment award. ent erprises conferred t he Kingdom’s t op t ourism awards in recognit ion of t heir cont ribut ion t o upgrading t he q ualit y, professionalism and service st andards of Thailand’s largest foreign ex change generat ing economic sect or. The Thailand Tourism A wards is part of The Tourism A ut horit y of Thailand’s ongoing effort s t o upgrade and enhance t he st andards of t he k ingdom’s t ourist dest inat ions, t o promot e creat ivit y, t o encourage environment allyfriendly t ourism pract ices, and t o ensure t he Thai t ourism and hospit alit y indust ry’s compet it iveness wit hin A sean. T h e Ph u k e tN e w s





The benefits of the reverse triangle pose


A Phuketian’s view of Italy and Greece



Nakadia pictured at the Thavorn Beach Village & Spa resort in Kamala. Photo: Dalia Hilmi


Popular Thai DJ, Nakadia talks about her path coming up> Page 21




Aussies at the ready

Stylish Melbourne Cup returns to Phuket next month The Phuket News editor@classactmedia.co.th

The charity organisation has many projects around the island that endeavours to help those in need.

Aussie party-goers enjoying a previous Melbourne Cup brunch.


his year’s “Race that stops the nation” is being celebrated locally at the Hyatt Regency in Kamala on Tuesday November 3. It promises to be a glamourous, fun filled day which will kick off at 9am, with a live screening of the 3,200m thoroughbred horse race at 11am. There will be a live broadcast of the morning show in the hotel from 7am. Guests will be treated to a four-course menu designed by Chef Alessandro, the executive chef at The Hyatt, showcasing his precise style and flair. It wouldn’t be the Melbourne Cup without fashion on the fields and without a doubt this year the ladies and gentlemen will be sure to impress with their racecourse wear attire. Prizes will be awarded to Best Hat, Best Dressed Lady and Gentleman, and best dressed table. The party will continue into the afternoon thanks to The Hyatt’s resident DJ with delicious Aussie sausage rolls as well as pies being served thanks to Lady Pie. The proceeds will be going to The Good Shepherd Sisters in Phuket. The charity organisation has many projects around the island that endeavours to help those in need through support, counselling and education in local camps and poor villages. Home for Hope is one such project helping young des-

titute pregnant women by providing them with a safe and clean pre-delivery environment and post-natal care. The Seeds of Change Craft Centre, encouraging young mothers to learn or enhance their sewing or craft skills and The Vocational Training Centre in Patong, are two successful centres that are providing opportunities for students to learn new skills and become employed. One of the biggest Good Shepherd projects has been the BanYa Learning Centre in Thalang. This school caters to over 100 Myanmar national children and aims to prepare students for acceptance into Thai schools. The school is in much need of money to support the students and teachers and all

proceeds will be going to the school. Thanks to Hyatt Regency, Class Act Media, and many other sponsors. This year’s event promises to be spectacular! Tickets must be purchased in advance. For more information about the event and sponsors visit http://thegoodshepherd. info The Good Shepherd Sisters have a charity shop in Thalang and are looking for volunteers to help. If you would like to volunteer at the shop or with any of the programmes, the Good Shepherd would love to hear from you. Please contact Karen Ellison at CONTACT@the goodshepherd.info.

Dive season starts high Chris Husted ex editor@classactmedia.co.th


ive Supply held its Annual InHouse Exhibition last Friday (Oct 9) to welcome in this year’s coming dive season to Phuket and the Andaman coast dive community. The key aim of the event is to bring the local dive community together so we can focus on the coming season, while the event also provides an opportunity to stay in touch with the dive community as a whole, explains Carl Webb, Dive Supply’s Sales & Marketing Manager. “Dive Supply are a well-established part of the dive community. Our customers already know the products and services we provide – so a big part of our day is simply talking with our friends to ensure they know what is new and what we have that could benefit them this year,” he adds. “Likewise, we get a chance to listen to our customers. It is this emphasis on building genuine relationships that forms a fundamental part of the way we operate at Dive Supply.” It’s no secret that the huge annual turnout from the Phuket dive community is to take advantage of the “event special promotions” at the expo. “Whether they’re a new business starting or an existing business preparing for the coming season, certain fundamental products will be required. Rather than hold such items back in the knowledge they will be

Everybody got into the spirit of the event! sold regardless, we actually discount these items in our promotions,” Carl explains. “We temporarily reduce the prices of popular items, this provides definite value for our partners,” he added, noting the example of the “Suunto Six Pack” promotion, whereby dive shops could buy six Suunto Zoop dive computers – much regarded as one of the best entry-level dive computers in the world and Thailand’s most popular dive computer for dive schools – and get one free. The event also attracted distinguished guests from some world-renowned names in diving. Senior representatives from Scubapro and Bauer Compressors were in attendance with PADI regional managers Tim Hunt and Andy Auer also attending. The legendary lucky draw featured prizes from sponsors Bauer compressors, Scubapro, Suunto, Seac, Padi, Intova and Tovatec totaling over B130,000. thephuketnews




Twisted success Kim White k im@min db ody y og asy stem.com

Kim White is the owner of Sala Samadhi. She offers authentic Hatha yoga instruction for private and group sessions. Contact: www. mindbodyyogasystem. com or 086 276 9174. The opinions and advice contained in this column are those of the author only. The Phuket News is not responsible for the outcome or results of following any advice in any situation.


ello and welcome to October, another month, another awesome yoga pose for health and wellbeing. This month we are talking about a pose that would always be on the list of best basic yoga postures to know. This yoga asana is known as parivrtta trikonasana or reverse triangle. Reverse triangle is one of those beginner poses that signals a turn of the yoga practise tide, I call it a benchmark posture. It is always difficult when you first try it but as you progress through your practise, so too does your reverse triangle. As you gain better balance and twist in this pose, you will notice that all of your yoga practise has improved, use the reverse triangle pose as your yogi metre. This pose is not just a good way to gauge how your yoga practice is improving, it is also a great way to improve your everyday mobility as it focuses the stretch on two pretty hard working and tight areas of the body. The spine and the IT band on the leg. Without going into too much detail, this stretch is a great way to open the diagonal relationship we have with opposite shoulder to opposite hip, but because that relationship is usually pretty tight, there are balance issues when first starting out in this pose but they definitely improve with time. This posture is great for: Toning of the thighs, calf and hamstring Great blood pump for the spins and the muscles of the back Opens and expands the chest Stretches the back muscles, hamstrings, hips Massage the abdominal organs Strengthens the hips Improves your balance To practice this posture, please follow these steps: 1. Stand upright. With an exhalation, step your feet about two hip widths apart. Raise your arms parallel to the floor and reach your right arm forward, left arm back, shoulder blades wide, palms down. Turn your left foot in 45 degrees to the right and your right foot straight to the front. Align the right heel with the left heel. Firm your thighs and turn your right thigh outward, so that the centre of the right kneecap is in line with the centre of the right ankle.

Doctors refute link between eggs and heart disease


ealth experts have disproved the belief that eggs are a cause of heart disease, affirming that they are in fact a source of quality protein. Doctors refuted claims that eggs could raise cholesterol levels, explaining that frequent consumption of trans fat, sweets and low-quality carbohydrates, as well as a lack of exercise, are actually to blame for a surge in cholesterol. A study by Egg Nutrition Centre in Washington, USA, showed that 100,000 adults who eat at least one egg per day, did not develop a higher risk of heart disease than those eating no more than one egg per week. Doctors say eggs are @thephuketnews

relatively inexpensive for their nutritional value. A large raw egg contains about 7g in protein and 80kcal. The Department of Health suggests that children older than six months and people in

general should eat at least one egg per day. Those struggling with hypertension or high fat levels may eat up to three eggs per week. They should also exercise regularly and have yearly medical checkups. NNT

2. With an exhalation, turn your torso to the right, and square your hip to the front edge of your mat. On inhalation lift your torso and twist taking opposite hand to opposite hips. You will be looking over the outside of your right leg. 3. Press both your front foot and back foot firmly into the floor (keep your front big toe and your back heel grounded, this will help with your balance). 4. Push back through left heel and bring your torso to half way, sliding your left hand down the outside of the right thigh. 5. Sinking left hip and left shoulder as you rise upward with right hip and right shoulder. Beginners here may have trouble with balance, place your hand on your knees or your thigh (see photo one) and try to raise the right hand above your head, if you feel unstable keep your head looking down at your feet. 6. If you are feeling balanced and confident continue to lower your left hand to the floor at the inside of your right foot and extend your right arm above your head. Looking up at the right hand. 7. Hold in the position and breath steadily for 30 seconds to a minute. 8. Release and continue on the other side. Take note of your progress, you will see your yoga practice improve quickly.


2 Happy stretching Metta, Kim oxox




Mediterranean mirrors Pondering particular paralells among Greece, Italy and Phuket Lewis Gibson editor@classactmedia.co.th

You could never call an Italian man or woman promenading along a Rome street in the finest Italian chic designer gear by Versace ugly.


hen tales of the tuk tuk mafia, the endless squabbling over beach umbrellas and the low season grey skies and seas on Phuket get a bit too much, what does a jaded Phuketian yearning for some sun and a bit of European culture do? He/she goes to Italy to experience La Dolce Vita (“the sweet life") and Greece’s mind boggling historic ruins, of course. Italy and Greece? But aren’t they economic basket cases? Aren’t the Greeks, who spawned democracy and the Italians, titans of an ancient Roman empire who also gave us, thank goodness, Sophia Loren, supposed to be sad remnants of the glorious pasts? Err, yes and no. Yes because they are basket cases but no because both are bulging with tourists, just like Phuket. And, get this, what nationality of tourist do you see everywhere, particularly in Italy (they could afford the gondolas in Venice, not the rest of us) spending Euro like water? Yep, the Chinese. Sound familiar? The similarities with Phuket don’t stop with Chinese tourists, however. So here’s a few comparisons based on personal experience in Italy and Greece that locals may relate to. Invoking Clint Eastwood’s classic Italian spaghetti western genre, “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,” let’s just call it the good and the bad. You could never call an Italian man or woman promenading along a Rome street in the finest Italian chic designer gear by Versace ugly.

The Bad

Italian male waiters (few female ones spotted, un-

Taxis in Italy and Greece are quite cheap, modern, big, erratically and fast., Phuket’s tuk tuks are minnows. like in Phuket) are, as a race of people Florence dominated by the majestic generally haughty, rude, unshaven and 11th Century Duomo Cathedral are unvery, very bad at adding up the bill (to forgettable experiences. your disadvantage). Maybe it’s the hard High above is Fiesole, still occupied economic times, but few bills we got for from the 8th-9th Century BC. Wander the excellent meals and drinks (try the its quiet streets and imagine the many Aperol aperitif, it is superb) were corinvasions and wars. Germans, Vandals rect. Phuket scores higher here. and Byzantines fought here. It epitomisRome, home of the Pantheon, Coles the history of Italy, so long and trauosseum and the Vatican still has that matic you would imagine modern day La Dolce Vita feel, but it is appallingly Italians have being conquered in their dirty (shades of our roadways and some blood. Well, they have—economically beaches) and signage to major tourist by the Germans and the rest of Europe. attractions for tourists is almost nonHistory repeats itself. existent. The current refugee crisis Grieve not for Greece is also evident in the many homeless And Greece? Tortured, bullied, and unemployed people living rough in grieving Greece. Well, grieve not if you parks and on the streets. Patong has are a tourist. Athens was an absolute its lady boy muggers, but around train delightful revelastations and airports tion. Less throbin both countries pickbing and crowded pocketing is rife. than Italy’s great Both countries are cities, understated, very expensive, comreeking of historic pared to Thailand, of monuments dating course. No differential back up to 3000 pricing at tourist atBC around every tractions like the Colcorner, yet cosmoosseum and Vatican politan, bustling Museum (unlike here) and modern, Athens and there are innovabelies the current tive tourist ploys such perception of a as free admission to the wounded Greece on Colosseum on Sundays its economic knees. (if you are prepared for Sure, there is the enormous queues a 23% tax on serit’s worth the wait. You vices in the Greek can imagine a real RusIslands, on magic sell Crowe of “Gladiaplaces like Santotor” movie type of perrini, with its white son fame fighting the A gondolier leads a group of Chinese tour- faced caves sprawllions and tigers to the ing across vertical roar of 80,000 Romans ists on a tour of a canal in Venice, Italy. cliffs, but Greece almost 10 centuries has to start somewhere. It seems, in ago). Magic. fact, it is starting with its biggest inThe Good come earner – tourism. Like Phuket Many ancient attractions in Italy Santorini is an island with stunning and Greece have free entry. Some, scenery and friendly locals, and like like the superb Vatican Museum with Phuket, you can find hordes of young Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel and the bridal couples everywhere on Santorini Acropolis Museum and Parthenon in being photographed high on the cliffs Athens charge reasonable fees for the against a spectacular Aegean Sea vista great experience. The Galatia ice cream (not unlike our Andaman Sea). All that in both countries is creamy and morewas missing was the beach and a baby ish. Venice’s maze of narrow alleys dotelephant. And the service. The Greeks have obted with restaurants and its (over) busy viously been told to be very, very nice to canals with gondoliers blowing kisses tourists. And they are. Coupled with the to attractive tourists; Verona’s elegant sights and the wonderful, reasonably walking streets and the sheer historic ambience of Michelangelo’s Renaissance priced, Greek cuisine, this once great thephuketnews




When visiting the Colosseum in Rome, it’s easy to imagine a gladiator fighting lions and tigers. nation now on its knees deserves more tourists, even if, like another country we are familiar with, its politicians have sadly let it down over the years. Democracy was hatched in Athens in 508 BC. The Acropolis Museum beneath the awe inspiring and easy to climb hill housing the Parthenon temple teaming with tourists has superbly restored archaeological remains and statues dating back centuries before Christ. Even the most cynical would be impressed. So what else about these great European countries of western civilisation history should be noted? Here’s a few observations.

An Innocent Abroad’s Eye View of Italy and Greece Car parking: same as here – chaotic and very close. How people extract their cars from street parking spaces is a miracle. Queues: everywhere and long. Watch for British people berating queue jumpers who don’t speak English. Entertainment. Airlines: Air Aegean has much better leg room than Asian carriers. Also give out little spot prizes and sweets on each international flight. Nice touch. Public water: fountains dribbling continuous streams of ice cold drinking water in public places for hot tourists is traditional and nice. It would never happen in Phuket. Tummy upsets would ensue. Transport: taxis quite cheap, modern, big, erratically fast, surely drivers who expect a tip. Tuk tuks are minnows be-


side them. Pickpockets: everywhere at train stations and airports. Italy particularly bad. Wear a money belt or clothes with zip pockets. Dress down. Food: terrific in both places, of course. Italy awash with cheap wines (compared to Thailand), mainly reds. Immigrants: Indians speaking perfect Italian or Greek not uncommon, running a dairy type of shop, as they do all over the world. Motorcycles: Hurrah! The Italian cute Vespa scooter, made famous in movies like “La Dolce Vita,” lives in a myriad of colours. Mainly ridden by young women. Road riding habits generally far superior to Phuket, which wouldn’t be hard. Pigeons: “rats of the sky.” Everywhere. Eat a baguette beside a Venice canal and expect company—cheeky and lots of them. Graffiti: is everywhere, particularly bad in Rome. Nothing is sacred save, thank goodness, the ruins and artefacts. Refugees: in Rome they squat in the parks and in Athens congregate in the centre of the city. You don’t feel threatened by them as they are so busy taking care of themselves. The tragic evidence of a modern day phenomenon we in Phuket are unlikely to experience. Bu s k in g a n d b e g g in g : a lot of begging on t he st reet s in A t hens and Rome. Not your hard core B angk ok st yle, but st ill t here. The busk ers are of a high st andard, part icularly out side popular at t ract ions.

Santorini, Greece is known for its picturesque sea views, island scapes of the Aegean Sea.




Phuket’s Ghost Chilli Challenge is back


ne of the world’s hottest chilli peppers is back to Phuket as Navrang Mahal Indian restaurant is holding its 2nd Annual Bhut Jolokia “Ghost Chilli”Challenge. Encouraged by the success of the inaugural competition last year, the Navrang Mahal team decided to give Phuket’s chilli lovers another chance to face the pepper that is 401.5 times hotter than Tabasco sauce. Native to India, the Bhut Jolokia pepper became known around the globe in 2007, when Guinness World Records announced it as the world’s hottest chilli. A couple of spicier pepper hybrids have been created since then, but Ghost Chilli is furiously hot, ranking at more than one million Scoville heat units. It is not too much to say that a real chilli lover cannot miss a chance to try this little devil, which has not just the kick, but also some quite specific mouthwatering flavours as well. According to the rules of the Chilli Challenge, each contestant will be provided with a portion of hot Indian curry with Bhut Jolokia for some real kick. The task is to get it down into the belly, which may cause contestants to “inject considerable effort into producing some priceless moment facial expressions”, as the event organisers say. Then the judges will announce the winners, who will get some amazing prizes. These include a B3,000 voucher from Jaspal Tailors; a dinner for two at Navrang Mahal’s Indian Curry Night including a bottled beverage; two towers of a cooling drink at a Thai & Seafood restaurant at the Karon Sea Sands Resort & Spa.

Indigo Pearl presents a tour of France


“Chilli Challenge curry will be as hot as, if not hotter, than last year! All I can say is that it will be burning rings of fire,” Navrang Mahal’s owner Jaspal Singh says. The competition is limited to 20 contestants only (must be paying customers of the Friday Indian Curry Night buffet). Entry fee is B200 per contestant, some other conditions apply. For details, contact info@navrangmahal.com or 076286464. This event is proudly supported by Live 89.5.

huket’s most unique luxury resort is proud to introduce one of the pearls of the wine world at an exclusive and intimate evening of fine wines, bold cuisine, appreciation and conversation at Rivet restaurant, Indigo Pearl at 7pm on Friday, October 23. The Barton & Guestier Wine Dinner at Rivet features an oenophile’s tour of two of France’s most famous wine regions. The evening begins with a pre-dinner reception and canapés at Rebar. Guests will then descend into the surreal elegance and industrial chic of Rivet, where they will be ensconced in the

buttery leather of the restaurant’s custom-made seating booths and plied with fine wines paired with the bold, innovative and contemporary cuisine of Indigo Pearl’s executive sous chef Fabrizio Crocetta. Chef Fabrizio’s Mediterranean culinary influences and his own unique philosophy of the essence of flavours is fused with the artistic design sensibilities of Indigo Pearl. For one special night, the Old World reigns and France enjoys the spotlight. Early reservations are recommended. For more information visit www.indigo-pearl.com

Explore delicious Mediterranean flavours at Metzo’s Bistro & Bar


he new look Metzo’s Bistro and Bar at Outrigger Laguna Phuket Beach Resort reopened on September 28 after a US$250,000 (B8.89 million), three-month makeover. With acclaimed Lebanese chef Mustapha Haj Omar at the helm, the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern restaurant is now on a culinary mission to regale Phuket’s tourists and residents. The design is modern. The cuisine is traditional. Guests can expect a gastronomic masterclass in Levantine and Mediterranean dishes from countries such as Morocco, Spain, Greece, Lebanon, Italy, Turkey and Egypt, to name a few. Signature dishes such as Samakeh Harra, Shawarma, Andalusia-style Tiger Prawns, Shish Taouk, Lamb Shank Tajine, Calamari Harisa, Moutabal, Falafel, Lobster Cannelloni and Gambas Al Ajillo are among the highlights. P r ices ra nge f rom around B160 for a selection of olives up to B2,800 for the Metzo’s Set Feast for Two, a three-course special with a succulent

Chef Mustapha Haj Omar selection of grilled meats including seafood, served with soup, mezze, dessert and a beverage. The new Metzo’s features an open kitchen, private dining spaces, and an allnew mezze and tapas counter. A full service cocktail bar leads out to a new garden terrace area through concertina doors. “We believe Mustapha’s masterful dishes presented in a chic, informal setting will capture the imagination and become a favourite among Phuket’s discerning visitors and residents,” said Tony Pedroni, the General Manager of the Outrigger Laguna Phuket Beach Resort. Charles Sutherland, the Executive Assistant Man-

ager in charge of food and beverage at the resort said wines at Metzo’s come from all round the world, not just the Med. The wine list is presented in sections such as “Easy Drinking,” “Layered & Textured,” and “Freshly Crisp” all the way up to highly prized cabernet sauvignons in the “Structured Opulence” section. Metzo’s now offers a Craft Beer selection with imported IPA and amber ales with recommendations for pairing with select dishes. On culinary inspiration, Mr Pedroni said: “Chef Mustapha cooks from the soul to the bowl – that’s his philosophy. He combines a family-inspired passion for taste with an impressive track record that has seen him cook for royalty in the Gulf Region.” The new Metzo’s Bistro and Bar is open seven days a week for dinner. From October 25, Sunday brunch at Metzo’s will be introduced. For reservations, email metzos@outrigger.co.th. Or call +66 (0)76 360 600 thephuketnews




Thai queen of techno From country town to urban Euro club scene Dalia Hilmi editor1 @classactmedia.co.th


akadia, a Thai-born international DJ, recently returned to Phuket to give party-goers an explosive performance at Illuzion night club on Patong’s Bangla Road. Having performed alongside the likes of Pete Oak, as well as playing at various gigs all around Europe, including the notoriously popular White Isle, otherwise known as Ibiza, Nakadia has spent years perfecting her sound and exploring her musical taste. The Phuket News had the pleasure of chatting with Nakadia. Her decision to move out of Thailand was a constructive one that allowed her to fully develop her sound. Growing up in a rural village in Thailand meant the harsh realities of a poor life left her with no chance for a career in electronic music. However, after a few fortunate circumstances, and teaching herself English, her life transformed into what it is today. “I love to dance, I love to party,” Nakdia says. “I tried to find myself and find out who I wanted to be.


“My music can be best described as melodic techno.” Having had no real guidance at the start of her career she practiced relentlessly to develop her own sound. It was only when she moved to Koh Samui in 2003 that she came into contact with a small electronic music scene and got her first practice at playing for European tourists. Her music developed into deep progressive electronic beats and she began playing all over the island.

Now partly living in the techno music haven of Berlin, Germany, she flies out almost daily to every corner of the globe. From the very first start in 2003 until now, Nakadia’s development as a DJ has been admirable. She bought turntables and started practicing with a very limited amount of music. By 2004, she had already performed 55 gigs across 12 countries. Over the next four years, Nakadia found herself working with the sounds of deep house, tech house and techno, and after a few

simple steps to revamp her image and style, Nakadia was determined to produce underground sounds and play to the people who understood. “Even though it’s my music, people still need to be excited, so I have to constantly mix it up. “I love to play to people and constantly try and develop new music.” Some of Nakadia’s most memorable experiences have involved working with genuine talent. “My favourite track at the moment is by popular producer Pete Oak. Him and Stephan Bodzin are acts that continue to inspire me.” Nakadia has had the pleasure of travelling and playing around Europe as well as other luxurious locations. Her involvement with ANTS, one of Ibiza’s top events, is a reflection on how far she has come and her commitment to the music industry. Going forward, the DJ hopes to indulge in further festivals as well as producing an EP for Cocoon: a popular event in Ibiza. But these are just the opening chapters of an exciting career that so far has been nothing short of a musical fairytale. For more information visit facebook.com/ djnakadia



Ian Lok and Scott Bradley (3rd and 4th from left) celebrate the night with friends.


Ciao Bella (right) and her bevy of lovely ladies, including Class Act Media's Tiya (2nd right).

EAS T MAR I NE PU T S O N A S H O W I N G R AND O PENI NG @ AO PO G R AND MAR I NA Scott Bradley, Ian Lok and the rest of their team at East Marine Asia celebrated the Grand Opening of their "East Marine @ Ao Po Grand Marina" chandlery last Saturday (October 10). Phuket's boating community turned out in force from all over the island to join the event.

Phuket's marine scene was well represented.


From left: Luca Cini, Owner Lucacini show in Boat avenue; Damien D’Ovidio, Asia Pacific export manager at ADVINI and Peter Jones, GM The Chava.

2 0 1 5 @

O U T R I G G ER Over 70 local F&B professionals joined together to taste the IWS portfolio of wines and Levant inspired Mediterranean cuisine at the revamped and relaunched Metzo’s Bistro & Bar, at Outrigger Laguna Phuket Beach Resort on Wednesday, October 7.

From left: Francesco Greco, Executive Chef Cape Sienna; Michel Conrad, Wine Director IWS; ST Gan, Executive Director IWS and Luca de Benedictis, HORECA National Sales Manager IWS.

Class Act Hustlers with their opponents The Target Masters.



The grand opening of the B600-million Dibuk Hospital on Chao Fa West Rd in Wichit last Thursday (October 8) marked the medical facility’s formal transition from a clinic to a hospital as recognised by the Ministry of Health.


ast ednesda ctobe saw the fi st pool lea ue commence at u a in Phuket Town where the Class Act Hustlers competed against the mighty The Target Masters. It was an entertaining evening, but in the end the opposition won. Class Act edia a e p oud sponso s of the pool lea ue.

Alan, Bradley, Phil group together for a pic!

S T Y LI S H Lovely ladies enjoying the evening.

Isabella Naef with Zoran Lalvani.



It seemed most of the island turned up to the re-launch of popular Seduction nightclub's VIP bar, Blow, last Saturday (October 10). The bar underwent a makeover for the upcoming high season. thephuketnews


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Photo credit: Luna Walk Studios

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RPM CELEBRATES OKTOBERFEST o al hu et arina hosted their first annual er an ins ired to er est e ent ots o eo le attended and en o ed the li e usic ood and drin s @thephuketnews




16 OCT The famous PJae Stanley and Colin Illy Hill band preform live at the new Roadhouse Bar and Grill on the 17 OCTOBER 2015 from 8.30 pm

FRIDAYS WINE & TAPAS I mag in e y ou rself sittin g 5 0 metres ab ov e sea lev el an d g az in g ou t ov er an amaz in g su n set w hile sip p in g on a g in g er & lemon g rass martin i an d en j oy in g the u n iq u e sop histicated city lif esty le amb ian ce of P hu k et. E v ery F riday ‘ A ll ou can at Tapas, with free flow of selected b ev erag es at B 1 , 3 9 0 n et f rom 7 – 1 0 p m. G et 3 0 p er cen t discou n t on selected b ev erag es f rom 5 .3 0 - 6 .3 0 p m ev ery day . L ocated at V an illa S k y B ar, C ap e S ien n a H otel, K amala 0 7 6 - 3 3 7 3 0 0 .

P rep are f or an aw esome n ig ht of S O U L , B L U E S an d R O C K W ith the f amou s P J ae S tan ley w ho’ s hau n tin g v oice j u st tak es y ou b ack to a time w here y ou g ot a sp in e chillin g f eelin g w hen y ou heard someon e san g a son g . H er v oice is a mix of A retha F ran k lin an d T in a T u rn er S he has p ref ormed w ith man y f amou s artists f rom J immy J ew el to M ary W ilson an d man y more. W hilst C olin I lly H ill has also p ref ormed w ith man y w ell k n ow n artists b rin g s that sof t A u ssie R ock f eel to the ev en t. T his is an A w esome n ig ht n ot to b e missed so relax en j oy an d sip on e of ou r f reshly made D rin k s b y ou r f rien dly staf f . C all 0 9 7 3 5 9 2 1 0 2 .

Indian Curry Night on Fridays

Mussels night @ Shakers 1 .2 k g mu ssels serv ed w ith f ren ch f ries y ou r choice, y ou r sty le: n atu re, marin iere, p rov en cale, g arlic & cream or T hai sty le R eserv ation recommen ded B 2 9 5 b aht P .P ., shak ersp hu k et@ g mail.com, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 3 8 1 .

Bollywood Phuket’s Weekend Special Indian Lunch Set Come and en o the authentic flavours of ndia b in du lg in g in ou r w eek en d’ s sp ecial lu n ch set f or on ly B 3 9 9 + p er p erson b etw een 1 1 am- 3 p m. M en u in clu des 3 starters, 1 R oti/ N aan , 1 R ice dish, 1 p ortion L en tils, 2 C u rries, an d a D essert serv ed w ith I n dian tea ( of y ou r choice) ! A ll f or j u st B 3 9 9 + p er p erson F or more in f o p lease call 0 7 6 3 0 4 0 3 4 .

BBQ at Expat Hotel T ime 8 p m, E x p at S p orts B ar, E x p at H otel, S oi T aip an , P aton g . w w w .ex p atsp ortsb ar.com


18 OCT

Pool Competition at Expat Sports Bar T he comp etition at 9 p m E x p at S p orts B ar at the E x p at H otel S oi T aip an P aton g . S ee map at w w w .ex p athotel.com


19 OCT

All you can eat BBQ night


17 OCT

The Complete works of Shakespeare T heatrix G rou p an d H eadS tart I n tern ation al S chool, w ith the k in d sp on sorship of C lass A ct M edia, w ill p resen t the in itial p lay f rom O u tta the B ox C lassics at the G reen M an P u b R aw ai, T he C omp lete W ork s of W illiam S hak esp eare ( A b ridg ed/ R ev ised) a f ast- p aced, in teractiv e, rollick in g an d hilariou s romp throu g h all the B ard’ s w ork in on ly 9 0 min u tes, more or less. L ook f or its deb u t in O ctob er. R ecommen d ratin g - P G 9 . T ick et 1 5 0 T H B , b ook n ow on T ick et M aster or call 0 9 3 - 6 4 9 0 0 6 6 .


21 OCT

Oriental Buffet Dinner at Grand Mercure Phuket Patong E mb ark on a j ou rn ey to the 4 corn ers of A sia an d en j oy a lav ish array of T hai, C hin ese, J ap an ese an d other O rien tal recip es. D ev elop y ou r taste buds and e perience new flavours ranging f rom sp icy cu rries to b arb ecu ed meats an d local n oodle p lates. A n ev en in g to rememb er in on e of A sia’ s most v ib ran t cu lin ary n ation . T H B 9 9 9 p er p erson . P erson : R S V P , E mail : h8 1 0 9 @accor. com , P hon e : 0 7 6 2 3 1 9 9 9 .

All you can eat Sunday Roast Buffet Beef, ork amb Cauliflower, Broccoli, P eas, C arrots, F ried mu shrooms, G rilled T omatoes – Y orksh ire p u ddin g – R oasted P otatoes, M ashed P otatoes – G rave y , M u shroom sau ce, M in t S au ce. R eserva tion R ecommen ded 3 5 0 b aht P .P ., shake rsp hu ke t@g mail.com, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 3 8 1 .

VNEA Pool Leagues Season 3 I f yo u like p layi n g p ool, meetin g n ew p eop le an d looki n g to sharp en yo u r 8 b all ski lls. T hen this is yo u r op p ortu n ity to b e a p art of the b ig g est & most exc itin g p ool leag u e in the w orld. W in n in g team w in s a trip to V eg as to p lay at the V N E A L as V eg as. A ll exp en ses p aid.I f yo u have an y q u estion s C on tact u s on w w w .f aceb ook. com/ vn ea p hu ke t, T el : 0 8 5 7 9 7 0 2 0 2 ( T hai) , 0 8 5 7 9 7 0 0 0 2 ( E n g lish) . E mail: in f o@ thailan dp ooltab les.com. P rou n dly su p p ort b y L ive 8 9 .5 .

Traditional Sunday Roast Angus O’Tool’s Karon Beach L u n ch or din n er serv ed f rom 2 p m. Y ou r choice of either roast b eef , chick en , loin of p ork or leg of lamb serv ed w ith roast an d b oiled p otatoes, three f resh v eg etab les, Y ork shire p u ddin g an d g rav y . O n ly B 3 2 0 p er p erson w hich in clu des a f ree g lass of hou se red or w hite. O p p osite C en tara K aron R esort. S ee otools- p hu k et.com.

22 OCT

S u n day f rom 1 2 p m an d all- day b ru n ch din n er eve ry day f rom 7 am- 1 0 p m. 3 7 0 0 0 F B : G alleryca f e b y p in ky , theg alf e@ya hoo.com, 0 8 9 1 0 3 7 0 0 0 .

6 p m – 1 1 p m: b eef , p ork , chick en , b u rg ers, sau sag es, p raw n s & sq u ids, salad b u f f et, choice of p otatoes & sau ces, b read, b u n s & g arlic b read R eserv ation recommen ded 3 5 0 b aht P .P ., shak ersp hu k et@g mail.com, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 3 8 1 . C ome to N avr an g M ahal in K aron S ea S an ds R esort & S p a f or an au then tic I n dian F east eve ry F riday in K aron B each. T ry ou t ou r deliciou s A loo T ikki , S amosas, C hicke n T an doori, A loo G ob i, N av ran g K orma, B u tter C hicke n , L amb V in daloo, N aan , R ice, S alads, C hu tn eys / A chars, P istachio I ce C ream, G u lah Ja mu n , F ru its. F or on ly 3 9 9 / - n ett an d sp ecial redu ced p rices on drin ks. C on tact: : 0 7 6 - 2 8 6 4 6 4 E xt 4 .


Sunday roast at Gallery Cafe By Pinky @ new Chalong branch E e v ry an d 0 8 9 1 0 leryca


PHUKET BUSINESS DINNER G u est S p eak ers : R ichard I n trator, C hief I n v estment fficer of Hathor Group Hospitalit nv estmen t in A sia” an d C hristop her G ordon , C E O of The illage Coconut sland ntrepreneurship in the T ou rist I n du stry ” T op ic : H osp itality in v estmen t in A sia & E n trep ren eu rship in the T ou rist I n du stry ” V en u e: T he V illag e C ocon u t I slan d T ick et : T H B 8 5 0 in clu din g in ter- b u f f et & sof t drin k s. B ook in g : D olly @b ccthai.com. P rou dly su p p orted b y T he P hu k et N ew s.

Free Somtam every Thursday 8 8

T A S T Y restau ran t an d b ar of f erin g f ree S omtam ( p ap aya salad) if yo u b rin g this ad. P u rchase w ith an other dish an d limiit 1 / p erson / w eek M ore in f omation s call: 0 9 7 0 4 7 7 8 2 2 / 8 8 tasty@ g mail.com F aceb ook. com/ 8 8 tasty .


23 OCT

sia Pa ifi i ar & hisk Lifestyle Expo A P C W L L if estyl e E xp o lau n ches in P hu ke t, b rin g in g tog ether the larg est ran g e of cig ars an d other lu xu ry lif estyl e p rodu cts to on e location in A sia. H eld at R oya l P hu ke t M arin a, the three- day E ve n t w ill attract some of the w orld’ s leadin g man u f actu rers an d su p p liers of lu xu ry lif estyl e g oods f rom all ove r the reg ion . F or more in f omation p lease vi sit ap cw l.com. P rou dly su p p orted b y L ive 8 9 .5 .


24 OCT

KING OF THE MOUNTAIN RUN All you can eat BBQ Ribs night 6 p m – 1 1 p m: A ll yo u can eat B B Q rib s serve d w ith salad b u f f et, p otato salad & choice of sau ces. R eserva tion recommen ded 2 9 5 b aht P .P ., shake rsp hu ke t@g mail.com, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 3 8 1 .

J oin ou r u n iq u e, f u n , en du ran ce trail ru n . O n ly on e distan ce ( 8 K M ) f or trail ru n lov ers! E n try F ee 1 , 0 0 0 T H B p er p erson ( in clu de 1 t- shirt an d B B Q P arty ) E n try F ee 6 0 0 T H B p er p erson ( in clu de 1 t- shirt) R eg ister on lin e at w w w .than y ap u ra. com/ ev en t/ than y ap u ra- k in g - of - the- mou n tain - 2 / . P rou dly su p p orted b y L iv e 8 9 .5 .




24 OCT

Illuzion Presents Fingaz I llu z ion show on Saturda reserv ation s 6 3 6 9 - 0 8 9 8 7

& discotheq u e p resen ts F I N G A Z 2 th ctober. or more info and con tact 0 7 6 6 8 3 0 3 0 - 0 9 8 0 2 4 0 4 5 9 4 .




25 OCT



The race that stops a nation. Melbourne Cup brunch H att egenc P hu k et R esort, K amala, in su p p ort of T he G ood S hep herd. D ress code - A t the races, v en u e is air con dition ed. S tarts at 9 am till late. T ick ets at THB 2,200 nett per person, inclusive of brunch a hour beverage package. or more details call 0 6 231 23 e t 5106. roudl supported b ive 9.5 who will be there broadcasting .



Asian Haunted Night T rick an d treat y ou rself to ou r sp ook y deal! ! ! Come oin us for the best dress Halloween costu me con test an d lots of other activ ities. P erson : R eserv ation s , P hon e : 0 7 6 3 6 6 3 8 1 .


31 OCT

2nd Bhut Jolokia ‘Ghost Chili’ Challenge. N av ran g M ahal I n dian R estau ran t, K aron in v ites y ou to comp ete in their 2 n d B hu t J olok ia Ghost Chili Challenge. Take up the challenge to finish a bowl of Ghost Chili Curr . Bhut olokia chili is rated as on e of the w orlds hottest chilies, 01 times hotter than Tabasco sauce. antastic ri es to be won imited to 20 contestants. ntry f ee T H B 2 0 0 p er con testan t. C on tact, in f o@ n av ran g mahal.com or 0 7 6 2 8 6 4 6 4 . P rou dly supported b ive 9.5.

tor of M kt & O p at R oya l P hu ke t M arin a an d eonardo errari olunteer at HBGT will get into the ring and dispute for glor . n o a delicious four course dinner and freel flowing beverages.Tickets 3,500 THB, booking essen tial p lease con tact 0 7 6 - 2 7 8 - 1 4 6 or in f o@ phukethasbeengoodtous.org. roudl support b ive 9.5 and The huket ews T . ddress : O u trig g er L ag u n a P hu ke t.



PGFC Thailand 2016 “Classic” Sport Fishing Tournament 5 hours of non stop sport fisihing, held offshore” arou n d the S imilan I slan ds. A s alw ay s the p riz e mon ies of f ered are the larg est in A sia. ri es include fishing trips, tackle, limited edition prints, and much more. Man boats alread confirmed, including teams from ustralia, Canada, G erman y , U S A , H on g K on g , the U K an d S in g ap ore. F or f u rther details p lease con tact W arren C row e + 6 6 ( 0 ) 8 1 2 7 0 4 2 9 1 or A n dy B rig ht + 6 6 ( 0 ) 62 399 , info phuketgamefishingclub.com roudl supported b The Phuket News.




14th BISP Soccer Sevens B ritish I n tern ation al S chool, P hu k et ( B I S P ) is hostin g the an n u al B I S P S occer S ev en s, the larg est su ch schools tou rn amen t in A sia. T he 1 4 th an n u al edition of this f amou s comp etition , this ear there will be an incredible 1600 comp etitors, w ith 1 4 4 teams f rom 3 8 in tern ation al schools, based in 12 different countries. or more information, visit bisp s.com or facebook. com bisp s. roudl supported b The huket ews T .


New Vegetarian Menu T C B T G T SS M TH TH S CT B , H C S G G M GS S S CT G S TH B T C G B M T SS T S MT T M . erson eservations , ddress Hard R ock C af e P hu ke t , P hon e : 0 7 6 3 6 6 3 8 1 .


N ow 3 classes daily . 9 am then 5 : 1 5 p m an d 7 : 1 5 p m classes are 9 0 min u tes. K ata Y og a the most p op u lar yo g a in P hu ke t f or men an d w omen. t is the best work out ever, getting strong and fle ible, full of vitalit , t will make ou ver happ and it shows, ou will walk with a big smile on yo u r f ace, f eelin g g ood. O p en eve ryd ay , rig ht at the beach, ata Beach, ou got to tr , warnin g : ve ry addictive , on ce yo u start yo u ke ep comin g , yo u n eve r w an t to stop , 2 1 7 kh okt an od road kata beach phuket 3100, 0 6 605 950, w w w .ka tahotyo g a.com.

21 NOV

Patong Carnival Festival 2015 Get our taste bud read ploring the seafood culinar adventure with various flavours themes, from ocal to nternational. n o ing sp ectacu lar p erf orman ces & street show s f rom p rof ession al an d amatu er alik e. F low in g y ou rself w ith local & tou rists on ly at P aton g B each, f rom B an g la I n tersection to S ea P earl j u n ction . roudl supported b ive 9.5 The huket N ew s.

If o y u have time this mon th g et dow n to S ea B reeze located in R oya l P hu ke t M arin a. O p en 9 am to 1 0 p m eve ryd ay servi n g home- made me ican specialties, flame grilled burgers and Thai specials ll sport available shown live, Contact eservations, info seabree erpm.com, 0 7 6 3 6 0 8 0 6 .


Halloween Party 995THB with a half of house beverages and 3 5 0 T H B f or children u n der 1 2 y ears. T he W ick ed D J T an k is ou r sp ecial g u est D J . C raz y costume pri es. ho can celebrate this da better than with the devils fiendishl delicious buffet din n er w ith f u n an d g ames f or all! P erson : P eter or Toon , ddress es iables, Boat agoon, P hu k et , P hon e : P eter - 0 8 1 9 3 5 0 4 5 4 , T oon 0 8 9 4 8 1 7 8 5 2 .

Great Mexican, Thai and Flamegrilled Burgers in a beautiful setting!

KATA HOT YOGA FOR EVERYBODY Black Tie Muay Thai II Celebrities from huket will clash all in the n ame of a g ood cau se. Ja son B eava n - G M of C lass A ct M edia, K im S tep p e - G M of B lu e lephant estaurant, a eshark irec-

Pinktober at Hard Rock Cafe Starting now through the month of ctober, guest can support breast cancer research to help eradicate a disease that ef f ects million s b purchasing pink merchandise ock Shop now available. or more info call 0 6 366 3 1.

O p en eve ry day , 3 classes daily : 9 a.m in the morn in g , then 5 .1 5 p .m af tern oon an d 7 .1 5 p .m eve n in g . M en an d w omen all ag es, j u st come, yo u w ill love it. w ork ou t an d stretch. T on e yo u r mu scles, lose f at, g et in shap e, an d f eel g ood. S ee yo u in yo g a class soon . A ddress : 2 1 7 khoktanod road kata beach phuket 3100, 0 6 6 0 5 9 5 0 , w w w .ka tahotyo g a.com.




Crossword by Myles Mellor & Sally York Across 1. Bacchus was the Roman god of what? ho said o ou are the little o an ho rote the oo that started this great war!” and who did he say it to? so hat is erican ill de lasio s o 4. Coulrophobia is the fear of what type of entertainers? 5. What was invented for dog training by Francis Galton in 1876? Answers below, centre.


49. Convex molding 50. Go on and on 1. It may be red 52. Make up one’s mind 6. Mound 11. Mail place: abbr. 55. Tasty treat 58. Consume 14. Swampy area 59. O. Henry 15. Olive-gray specialty songbird 60. Holes in the 16. Ashes holder head 17. Tasty treats a el cartoonist 61. It replaced CQD 62. A-one Key 63. Show fear 21. Boito’s e isto ele e Down 22. Spiny shrub 23. Sleep where you can 1. Slightly 24. After much delay 2. Spike 25. Costello’s partner 3. Checked out 28. Lurch 4. Big bird of stories 30. Gravitate (toward) 5. Flatfish type 31. Hand tool for 6. Russian beer boring holes 7. Pilfers 32. Blast maker 8. Estimate follower 35. Tasty treats 9. Moldovan moolah 39. Calendar abbr. 10. Permanent 40. Old blades 11. Collateral 41. Bulgarian moolah agreements regarding debts 42. Admission 12. Newspapers 44. Waker 13. Beginning 46. Some field workers 18. Bridge seat 48. Lays down the el are ith lawn the

23. Lady of Lisbon 24. Domain o a s uchess of ___” 26. Swain 27. Torpedo types 28. Brings aground 29. A long time 31. They’re not returned 33. Actress Campbell 34. Romanov ruler 36. Death of living cells 37. Big galoots 38. And 43. Kind of phone 44. Campus military org. 45. Theaters 46. Counterfeit 47. Dispatch boat 48. Debaucher 50. Inside info 51. Mysterious character 52. Gumbo pod 53. Fishing locale idter e 56. French vineyard 57. Cheerios grain

Solutions to last week’s puzzles:

Answers to this week’s Pop Quiz: 1. 1. Wine; 2. Abraham Lincoln said it to Harriet Beecher Stowe (in 1862); 3. Mayor of New York; 4. Clowns; 5. Dog Whistle.



This week in history O ctober 1 6 , 1 9 7 5 The B alibo F ive, a group of A ust ralianbased t elevision j ournalist s based in t he t own of B alibo in t he t hen P ort uguese Timor ( now E ast Timor) , are k illed by I ndonesian t roops.


hours or more of work a day increases the likelihood of dying of a heart attack by 67%.

O ctober 1 7 , 1 0 9 1 London t ornado of 1 0 9 1 : A t ornado t hought t o be of st rengt h T8 / F 4 st rik es t he heart of London.


O ctober 1 8 , 2 0 0 4 Myanmar prime minist er Khin Nyunt is oust ed and placed under house arrest by t he St at e P eace and Development Council on charges of corrupt ion.

per cent of Americans say they cannot afford to pay a $400 emergency expense.


US dollars is how much the movie United Passions made in its opening weekend. FIFA spent illion on the fil hich promoted Sepp Blatter.


O ctober 1 9 , 1 8 1 2 Napoleon B onapart e ret reat s from Moscow.

megatons is the explosive power of all nuclear arms in the world.

O ctober 2 0 , 1 9 7 7 Rock band Lynyrd Sk ynyrd’s plane crashes.

136 million

dollars per year is how much the US government would save by using only the Garamond font on all of its documents. Source: Uberfacts

O ctober 2 1 , 1 8 1 6 The P enang F ree School is founded in G eorge Town, P enang, becoming t he oldest E nglish-language school in Sout heast A sia.

Fishing boats raft up before the storm off Nai Harn. Photo by Dasha Suleyman Got an unusual or particularly beautiful picture of Phuket? Email it to execeditor@classactmedia.co.th

O ctober 2 2 , 1 7 9 7 A ndré -Jacq ues G arnerin mak es t he first recorded parachute jump from 1 , 0 0 0 met res ( 3 , 2 0 0 feet ) above P aris.

S o u r c e : W ik ip e dia thephuketnews










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On a secluded cove against a canvas of sand and sea, we offer bold new discoveries with our top-rate facilities for land and water adventures, world-class spa, inspired cuisine, and forward-thinking services that exceed our guests' desires.

Vacant Positions

EXECUTIVE SOUS CHEF LE MERIDIEN PHUKET BEACH RESORT 29 Soi Karon Nui, Karon, Muang, Phuket 83100 Tel. 076-370-100, Fax. 076-340-479 Website: www.lemeridienphuketbeachresort.com Email: recruitment.phuketbeach@lemeridien.com Email: manit.pimparien@lemeridien.com

F&B Outlets Manager Best Western Premier Bangtao Beach Resort & Spa, Phuket is looking for F&B Outlets Manager. Position Overview: Primarily responsible for the leadership of all public dining outlets. Ensures overall guest satisfaction. Manage all aspects of the Food & Bev. Outlet(s) including Restaurant and Bar in accordance with company’s health & safety standards. Position Requirements: Minimum of two years supervisory experience in a full service four-five star restaurant preferred. Possesses strong leadership and motivational skills. Possesses strong knowledge of beverage cost control procedures, wines and spirits. Possesses food knowledge in various cuisines and fine dining food service styles. Computer literate with high proficiency in POS, inventory control and spreadsheet applications and word processing. Possesses strong training skills. Work permit will be provided.

Please send your CV to hrbangtao@oceanresortgroup.net or call 076 270688. @thephuketnews



Jobs AUSTRALIAN CONSULATE-GENERAL PHUKET VACANCIES The Australian Government is seeking applicants who have fluency in English and Thai to fill the following full-time positions at the new Australian Consulate-General in Phuket:

• • • •

Consular and Passport Manager (1 position) Consular and Passport Officer (1 position) Administrative Assistant (1 position) Driver and Administrative Officer (1 position)

The successful candidates will be offered an initial contract for two years and six months. Further details including the Selection Criteria and instructions on how to apply for the positions are available at www.thailand.embassy.gov.au under ‘About Us’ and ‘Job Vacancies’. Applications close at 4.30 PM, Friday, 30 October 2015. Applications which do not directly address the Selection Criteria will not be considered, and only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview and provided with feedback on the selection process.

LIKE US ON FACEBOOK facebook.com/thephuketnews

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C lass A ct M edia is sou thern T hailan d' s most comp rehen siv e media comp an y , in corp oratin g P hu k et’ s leadin g E n g lish n ew sp ap er ‘ The Phuket News’ , R u ssian lan g u ag e n ew sp ap er ' Novosti Phuketa' , C hin ese lan g u ag e n ew sp ap er ' Puj i Doa X in Wen' , P hu k et’ s leadin g E n g lish radio station ‘ Live 8 9 .5 ’ , P hu k et E n g lish T V ' Phuket News TV' an d a a host of p u b lication s & serv ices in clu din g ‘ The Phuket Colouring b ook’ & ‘ Phuket Ticket Master’ .

Graphic Designer

W e are cu rren tly recru itin g f or a g rap hic desig n er to j oin ou r team to han dle the layo u t of ou r p u b lication s, in clu din g on lin e.

The j ob :

W e r eq ui r e F ul l T i me G r a phi c D esi g ner s to ha nd l e:

D esig n in g adve rtisemen ts f or clien ts L ayo u t of T he P hu ke t N ew s an d ou r other p u b lication s A ll artw ork an d g rap hic desig n w ork related to p rodu ction

Applicants must have: E cx e llen t ski lls w ith I n D esig n , P hotoshop , I llu strator an d other g rap hic desig n sof tw are M in . 1 ye ar exp erien ce in desig n an d layo u t of n ew sp ap ers or mag azi n es G ood E n g lish ( w ritten an d sp oke n )

We offer: C omp etitive salary F rien dly w ork en vi ron men t E xce llen t p rog ress op p ortu n ity an d j ob secu rity I n terested ap p lican ts are in vi ted to ap p ly in p erson or sen d ap p lication w ith f u ll resu me in dicatin g q u alif ication s an d exp erien ce, exp ected salary an d recen t p hoto to: thephuketnews.com/job.php

Class Act Media Co., Ltd.

9 9 / 7 M oo 1 T . K athu A . K athu P hu ke t 8 3 1 2 0 T el: 0 7 6 6 1 2 5 5 0 - 2 F ax: 0 7 6 6 1 2 5 5 3

C lass A ct M edia is sou thern T hailan d' s most comp rehen siv e media comp an y , in corp oratin g P hu k et’ s leadin g E n g lish n ew sp ap er ‘ The Phuket News’ , R u ssian lan g u ag e n ew sp ap er ' Novosti Phuketa' , C hin ese lan g u ag e n ew sp ap er ' Puj i Doa X in Wen' , P hu k et’ s leadin g E n g lish radio station ‘ Live 8 9 .5 ’ , P hu k et E n g lish T V ' Phuket News TV' an d a a host of p u b lication s & serv ices in clu din g ‘ The Phuket Colouring b ook’ & ‘ Phuket Ticket Master’ .

f or ou r radio an d T V p ortals in P hu ke t. L I V E 8 9 .5 is the leadin g E n g lish- sp eaki n g radio station an d P hu ke t N ew s T V is the islan d’ s leadin g dig ital T V p ortal. H ere’ s ou r w ishlist f or the ideal ap p lican t: yo u ’ ll n eed a g ood comman d of w ritten an d sp oke n E n g lish y ou ’ ll n eed to k n ow the b asics of acq u irin g an d p rep arin g n ew s y u ’ ll n eed to b e comf ortab le in f ron t of a camera o y u ’ ll n eed to b e comf ortab le in f ron t of a radio microp hon e o T hais an d f oreig n ers w elcome to ap p ly

Responsibilities :

Assisting the PR manager with planning and implementing PR plans for the company Representing the company at events & exhibitions General Marketing and PR admin tasks


Good communication skills both in Thai & English Degree qualified – recent graduate welcome to apply Have own transport (bike or car) Ability to work after normal work hours and/or weekends (time in lieu will be given)

We offer:

Competitive salary Social security (10%) paid by the company Excellent career progress opportunity Time in lieu for any overtime hours worked If you are professional & enthusiastic person, this is an excellent opportunity to advance in a growing & innovative media business in Phuket

Interested candidates are invited to send application with full resume, in English, indicating qualifications, experience, recent photo and expected salary.

Apply online at thephuketnews.com/job.php

Class Act Media Co., Ltd.


Moo 1 T. athu . athu huket 3120 Tel 0 6 612 550 2 a 0 6 612 553

Chinese Editor


Responsib ilities:

C lass A ct M edia seek s a C hin ese E ditor to head u p ou r n ew p u b lication T he P hu k et N ew s ( C hin ese) , a C hin ese- lan g u ag e n ew sp ap er f or S ou thern T hailan d. T he p osition is b ased in P hu k et.

Q ualifications:

Be a native Chinese speaker with strong nglish communication skills. This role would suit someone with a strong editing, writing, and manage ment background, preferabl in newspapers though those with maga ine ex p erien ce w ill also b e con sidered. deall , candidates will have first hand knowledge of Thailand and its cu rren t af f airs, cu ltu re an d p olitics, b u t ap p lican ts w ith a stron g connection to sia are also welcome to appl .

Q ualifications: Thai or


cellent communication and negotiation skills in Thai and nglish. Highl motivated self starter with a positive attitude. orks well under pressure and has a will to succeed.

We offer:

Competitive salar , bonuses and travel e penses.

We offer:

We’ ll provide training for the right person. ( and all the other stuff) I n terested can didates are in v ited to sen d their ap p lication s, w ith f u ll resu me, in E n g lish in dicatin g q u alif ication s, ex p erien ce, recen t p hoto an d ex p ected salary .A p p ly on lin e at thephuketnews.com/j ob .php

nterested candidates are invited to send their applications, with full resume, in E n g lish in dicatin g q u alif ication s, ex p erien ce, recen t p hoto an d ex p ected salar . ppl online at thephuketnews.com/j ob .php

Class Act Media Co., Ltd.


Class ct Media is southern Thailand s most comprehensive media compan , incorporating huket s leading nglish newspaper ‘ The Phuket News’ , ussian language newspaper ' Novosti Phuketa' , Chinese language newspaper ' Puj i Doa X in Wen' , huket s leading nglish radio station ‘ Live 8 9 .5 ’ , huket nglish T ' Phuket News TV' and a a host of publications services including ‘ The Phuket Colouring b ook’ & ‘ Phuket Ticket Master’ .

friendl work environment, 5 da work week ( .30am 6pm , competitive salar , local health insurance, work related travel e penses, time in lieu for overtime, and the chance to live and e perience a great part of the world, while also furthering our career. The position is open to both foreign and Thai nationals, but ou must be a native Chinese speaker. or foreigners, a work permit and visa will be provided.

9 9 / 7 M oo 1 T . K athu A . K athu P hu ke t 8 3 1 2 0 T el: 0 7 6 6 1 2 5 5 0 - 2 F ax: 0 7 6 6 1 2 5 5 3

Class ct Media is southern Thailand s most comprehensive media compan , incorporating huket s leading nglish newspaper ‘ The Phuket News’ , ussian language newspaper ' Novosti Phuketa' , Chinese language newspaper ' Puj i Doa X in Wen' , huket s leading nglish radio station ‘ Live 8 9 .5 ’ , huket nglish T ' Phuket News TV' and a a host of publications services including ‘ The Phuket Colouring b ook’ & ‘ Phuket Ticket Master’ .

Class ct Media is southern Thailand s most comprehensive media compan , in corp oratin g P hu k et’ s leadin g E n g lish n ew sp ap er ‘ The Phuket News’ , R u ssian lan g u ag e n ew sp ap er ' Novosti Phuketa' , C hin ese lan g u ag e n ew sp ap er ' Puj i Doa X in Wen' , P hu k et’ s leadin g E n g lish radio station ‘ Live 8 9 .5 ’ , P hu k et E n g lish T V ' Phuket News TV' and a a host of publications services including ‘ The Phuket Colouring b ook’ & ‘ Phuket Ticket Master’ .

RADIO/TV JOURNALIST/PRESENTER Class Act Media is looki n g f or a yo u n g an d dyn amic p resen ter


Class Act Media Co., Ltd.


Moo 1 T. athu . athu huket 3120 Tel 0 6 612 550 2 a 0 6 612 553

friendl work environment. Social securit paid b the compan . cellent career progress opportunities. Interested candidates are invited to send application with full resume, in English, indicating qualifications, experience, recent photo and expected salary.

Apply online at thephuketnews.com/job.php

Class Act Media Co., Ltd.


Moo 1 T. athu . athu huket 3120 Tel 0 6 612 550 2 a 0 6 612 553





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BOATS & YACHTS Marine Surveyors

A n daman M aritime S erv ices ( A M S ) con du ct P re- p u rchase, I n su ran ce & F lag S tate S u rv ey s. B u y in g a b oat? B oat ow n er? A M S has the serv ices y ou n eed. A n thon y , 8 1 / 1 8 M oo. 6 , T .K athu , A .K athu , P hu k et, T hailan d 8 3 1 2 0 , an thon y @ams- sea.com, 0 8 1 8 9 3 9 9 8 5 , w w w .ams- sea.com

3 .1 RIB Yacht tender dinghy

3 .1 m S tin g ray R I B w ith 9 .9 hp 4 strok e S u z u k i ou tb oard, storag e cov er, f u el tan k etc. G reat siz e y acht ten der din g hy , as n ew 1 4 0 , 0 0 0 b , P rice : 1 4 0 , 0 0 0 , sc@ acron au tic.com, 0 8 9 8 7 3 4 0 4 4 .

3 3 /F Gulf Craft W/A

T w o su z u k i 2 2 5 H P ou tb oards - on ly 3 0 0 hou rs, cu stom made R I B - din g hy w ith small ou tb oard, en g in e electron ics an d hy drau lics, ray marin e G P S / radar/ dep th sou n der, man y ex tras. 3 , 8 5 0 , 0 0 0 . T H B , 0 8 9 8 7 3 3 7 1 3 .

4.1M/40 HP RIB, 0 9 /20 14 AS NEW! B ou g ht in en g in e+ b p hu k et) . 0 9 3 5 8 4 0 ( f r/ en g , 3


sep t. 2 0 1 4 , 1 4 hrs on ly ! su oat u n der w arran ty ( su b imin i+ trailer+ tu b e cov 5 6 5 ( ru s/ en g ) 0 9 8 7 0 8 6 5 0 , 0 0 0 thb , )

z u k i z u k i ers. 6 3 2

Silver Princess Yacht PC5 3 0

5 3 f t P ow er C atamaran b y S ilv er P rin cess Y achts. B eau tif u l desig n , comp act y acht w ith sp ace & modern in terior. D imen sion s: 5 3 f t len g th, 2 1 f t b eam, 4 f t draf t, 5 0 p assen g ers, 2 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 T H B , S on n y , 6 6 9 8 8 1 0 5 0 2 4 , w w w .silv er- p rin cess. com, son n y @silv er- p rin cess.com



Company Cars For Sale - AS NEW

A L L C ars A u tomat A M odels 1 .H on da C ity z u k i S w if t 3 4 9 .0 0 0 4 .N 6 3 9 .0 0 0 6 .C hev rolet T 7 7 9 .0 0 0 A ll cars in top 0 8 6 7 4 7 9 2 9 2 or 0 8 1 9 7

ll low mileag e( 2 0 - 3 0 T 3 9 5 .0 0 0 2 .H on da B rio 3 issan A lmera 3 4 9 .0 0 0 5 railb laz er L T Z 9 4 9 .0 0 0 7 con dition , w ith leather in 0 5 2 0 4 .

k m) . A ll 2 0 1 3 4 9 .0 0 0 3 .S u .H on da F reed .N issan X T rail terior. C on tact

Ford Fiesta 1.6L Sport

1 7 - in ch Y achiY oda w heels, 1 3 3 T k m on clock, first and onl owner, serv iced b y F ord A n u p has P hu k et, b lu e b ook in clu ded, in su ran ce an d tax recen tly ren ew ed - till 2 0 1 6 / 2 5 5 9 , b lu etooth su rrou n d sou n d ( in cl. telep hon e) , an d p ark in g sen sors ( rear) - on ly 3 9 9 .0 0 0 T H B - car is in g reat con dition - k in dly con tact 0 8 2 4 1 5 0 5 0 3 f or more in f ormation .

Toyota Fortuner Turb o Diesel

F O R T U N E R A U T O T u rb o D iesel 1 0 5 0 0 0 K m. M etal. G rey O n e F aran g O w n er T oy ota S erv ice H istory . B ar F ron t an d B ack , E x cellen t con dition B lu e B ook R eg o an d in su ran ce to M ay 2 0 1 6 G oin g O v ersea, P rice : 6 9 5 , 0 0 0 T H B , A n dre A cca, an dre.acca@hotmail.f r, 0 8 1 9 7 9 4 5 4 7 .

e sal t n rge

Honda J az z 20 0 9 15 0 0 cc Auto

5 7 , 0 0 0 k ms. O n e ow n er sin ce n ew . R eg u larly serv iced b y H on da. T ax an d I n su ran ce u n til the en d of J u n e an d av ailab le n ow at rig ht of f er. R edu ced b y 4 0 , 0 0 0 b ht, P rice : R E D U C E D to 3 3 0 , 0 0 0 b ht o.n .o, A n dy + 6 6 8 4 6 9 0 9 1 4 4 , an dy smalster@g mail.com P rice : R E D U C E D to 3 3 0 , 0 0 0 b ht o.n .o, A n dy + 6 6 8 4 6 9 0 9 1 4 4 , an dy smalster@g mail.com.




Everest 4WD Q uick Sale

1 0 + y rs b u t mechan ically driv es an d look s g reat. M an u al. O n ly B 4 5 0 , 0 0 0 or of f er s ab ov e 4 0 0 k con sidered f or f ast sale, B 4 5 0 , 0 0 0 T H B , p eterh@asian w in d.b iz , 0 8 1 - 8 9 2 6 7 1 0 .

Nissan Teana 2.5 Lt

M odel 2 0 1 4 1 .7 M ln N O W 0 8 1 7 8 8 8 2 8 C on tact M au g mail.com ,

1 7 , 0 0 0 k m. N ew p rice 1 , 0 5 0 , 0 0 0 B aht E n g : 0 T hai: 0 9 0 1 6 3 2 1 4 0 , rice, mau rice.p hu k et@ 0 9 0 1 6 3 2 1 4 0 .

Mitsub ishi Paj ero Sports

M itsu b ishi P A 1 con dition C olou r. 9 5 0 0 9 9 3 6 1 4 5 8 2 3 0 6 0 .

aj ero S p orts 2 , 1 4 ,0 0 0 K M , S ,0 0 0 T H B E n g : T hai: P h. 0 8 0

0 1 2 , ilv er P h. 3 8 3

TOYOTA Fortune 20 0 9

7 seats, S ilv er, G P S v ideo, F amily car D iesel 2 , 6 9 4 cc, B lu e b ook S erv ice history T oy ota P earl 7 8 , 0 0 0 k ms. A U T O M A T I C tran smission , g olf g u ru 2 0 0 5 @y ahoo. co.u k , 0 7 6 6 1 5 8 2 7 .

Car For Sale

1 9 9 6 T oy ota C orolla S edan , A u tomatic p ow er steerin g , g g ood ty res. 1 7 3 , 0 0 k ms. N tin ted w in dow s. B arg ain B aht. K amala. C all N orm 0 8

S ilv er G ray . ood aircon , ew S tereo, at 1 4 5 , 0 0 0 3 1 8 2 2 7 9 7 .

Nissan Teana Special 6 cyl

N issan T ean a S p ecial 6 cy l N ov emb 1 7 0 0 0 K m N ew p rice 1 .7 0 0 .0 0 0 .T H N O W 1 , 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 .T H B , M au rice, M p hu k et@g mail.com, 0 9 9 3 0 2 7 0 7 0 9 0 1 6 3 2 1 4 0 .

er 2 0 1 3 B P rice au rice. 1 , T hai:

20 12 Porsche Cayenne S Hyb rid

P ow erf u l 3 8 0 H P , F u ll O p tion : B ose S ou n d, P an o roof , N av ig ator M ap . etc. I mmacu late con dition , n o acciden t, low mileag e, on e ow n er, P rice : 4 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 T H B , P hon e 0 8 6 - 2 8 0 6 5 2 6 .

20 12 Toyota Fortuna 24,0 0 0 km

2 0 1 2 P earl w hite T oy ota F ortu n a F or S ale. 3 .0 D 4 D V N T u rb o G reat con dition - B aht B lack leather in terior. T ax / in su ran ce till 2 0 1 6 , 9 0 0 , 0 0 0 , L och P alm, K athu , P hu k et, g law re1 2 3 @g mail.com, 0 8 9 8 6 6 8 8 2 5 .

Sub aru Forester X T Turb o for sale

F or sale S u b aru F orester 2 .0 X T A W D C V T . 2 4 0 hp , au to lig ht con trol an d w ip er con trol ( rain y ) . crossov er. P u sh start, x en on , rain sen sor, A B S , air b ag s, electro seats, rev ersing camera, T C M 3 SB H D D / D V D - V I D E O , E S P , sep arate climate con trol, cru ise con trol, reg u lation steerin g , E B D , hatch, X - mode, acceleration to 1 0 0 k m\ h u n til 7 secon ds, electric tru n k , n u mb er p late f or p resen t) ) , k amila.sema@iclou d.com, 0 8 2 4 1 3 3 7 0 7 .





FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @thephuketnews

S how room con dition , n ew f rom K aw asak i P hu k et M ay 2 0 1 2 , 2 , 0 0 0 k m, H ep co & B eck er E n g in e B ars & R ear- rack , K aw asak i H an dg u ards an d P y ramid H u g g er., 2 2 0 , 0 0 0 T H B , P au l, 0 8 4 1 3 0 3 2 3 4 , P lon g more@hotmail.com


Z oomer-X for sale

Y ear 2 0 1 3 . G ood con dition , on e ow n er, w ell main tain ed, P rice 4 5 , 0 0 0 b aht. P ls call Y u i 0 8 8 7 6 5 5 8 8 2

Tommy’ s 2 Tuk Tuk’ s for sale!

E x cellen t con dition , w ell main tain ed. S tan dard 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 / f ood tru ck 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 . C all 0 8 1 9 0 8 9 7 2 4 or T om.somsan u k @g mail.com

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE CAMERA b ab y car seats for sale G C ar S eat , su itab le f or rices are T H B b oth f or on ly 4 7 9 7 4 7 1 .


Kawasaki Versys 65 0 ABS 20 12

TOYOTA Fortune 20 0 6

B A K L O N con dition 2 5 K G .P seat, b u y C all 0 8 6



7 seats, B lack , F amily car, P etrol 2 , 9 8 2 cc B lu e b ook , S erv ice history T oy ota P earl, 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 k ms. A U T O M A T I C tran smission , g olf g u ru 2 0 0 5 @y ahoo.co.u k , 0 7 6 6 1 5 8 2 7 .

V ery g ood n ew b orn to 4 , 0 0 0 p er T H B 7 ,0 0 0 .

CAR FOR RENT hav e a g tru e f u ll p B 1 4 0 0 0 , mu an g , n

Long term car rental

ood car ren tal, T oy ota V rof ession al in su ran ce an S oi S u k ee 4 0 / 1 9 moo 9 in ascars@g mail.com, 0 8

ios, M az da 2 or similar w ith d 2 4 / 7 su p p ort M on thly rates C hao f a east rd 3 9 chalon g 9 6 4 8 0 4 9 9 .

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES German b akery & deli & snack


M ain road, 8 y ears clien tele, tak e ov er + in cl. train in g comp lete eq u ip men t, staf f room, 3 or 5 y ears leasin g con tract. Y early v olu me 4 mio. han sib ak ery @g mail.com, P rice: 3 .5 million , C on tact M r. S tark , an sib ak ery @g mail.com

Blue Canyon Memb ership

Best Deal

B lu e C an y on M emb ership f or sale. 1 corp orate n omin ee f or sale T H B 6 3 0 , 0 0 0 in c tran sf er f ee. g rahamhaslam@ hotmail.com


R aw ai b u sin ess f or sale. A rea ap p rox 2 R ai, can do restau ran t or other b u sin ess.F iv e min s f rom b each. L on g term lease, y early ren t B 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 4 b edrooms hou se in clu ded. R edu ce f rom B 9 8 0 , 0 0 0 to B 5 2 0 , 0 0 0 . C on tact K hu n A sok e at 0 8 9 6 4 6 7 1 7 6 / b ig _ redchili@y ahoo.com

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Bangla Nightclub for Lease

I n clu des top en d lig htin g an d sou n d sy stems, P O S , f ridg es an d f u rn itu re. N o k ey mon ey , j u st ren t. S imp ly add stock an d staf f to b e ready to g o, C on tact: S tev e, stev ep earcerg j @ hotmail.co.u k , 0 8 9 5 8 7 0 8 1 9 ( E N ) .

Restaurant on Main Street

L arg e, tastef u lly decorated restau rant in Cherngtala . ull fitted and eq u ip p ed k itchen , 1 0 0 seats, b ar. W alk in an d start b u sin ess. A sk in g B 1 .4 mill. 0 8 9 4 0 0 5 9 0 7 .

Wellness Centre For Sale

O cean B reez e R esiden ce. T otal lan d 1 , 8 0 0 sq .m ( 5 R ai) . L ocated on K ho K hao I slan d. ( ab ou t 2 0 k ms. f rom K hao L ak ) ex actly on stu n n in g b each f ron t. B u ilt in y ear 2 0 1 1 . A ccommodation : 8 V illas, 6 O n e- B edroom A p artmen t, 6 T w o- B edroom A p artmen t. * * 9 0 % b ook ed f or accommodation in H ig h S eason * * , P rice: 1 8 0 M B , b en j amas.n ew detox @g mail.com, 0 6 1 - 2 0 7 2 0 7 7 .

Bar For Sale O Top Markets

B ar F or S ale w ith f u ll tradin g history show in g in creasin g g row th. I n clu des 4 M il B ht T hai comp an y & 1 W ork P ermit. G reat L ocation , g ood cu stomer b ase, P rice : 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , P erson : charlie k en y on , charlie@p addy malon es.com.au , 0 8 4 1 8 5 8 7 1 9 .










ACTIVITIES, GROUPS Free Tiya’ s Hammocks campaign

W in F ree hammock f rom T iy a’ s H ammock s P hu k et. W in n er w ill g et V W eav e hammock , han dmade f rom N orth of T hailan d, w eig ht cap acity 2 5 0 k g s. V alu e 5 , 2 0 0 T H B . M ore details v isit F aceb ook : T iy a’ s hammock s, C on tact: T iy a, tiy a@tiy ashammock s.com, 0 8 9 6 0 0 0 0 4 1 .

Roof top Patong Mini Golf

T he b est sea v iew 1 8 H oles, roof top M in i G olf . L ocated on the th floor of Banana alk la a in P aton g , 0 9 1 7 6 2 2 6 2 8 , http : / / p aton g min ig olf .com


Detached Villa in Phuket Town

G R A N D B O A T P L A Z A , n ew modern v illa w ith 3 b edrooms 2 b athrooms f or lon g term ren tal 3 5 , 0 0 0 T H B / mon th or b u y f or 7 .7 8 M B in the p erf ect location of P hu k et tow n , S af e an d q u iet p lace amon g the mou n tain v iew . 5 min s. to T esco L otu s. 0 9 5 2 5 7 7 9 9 8 .

OTHER Office Space Laguna

ffice Space aguna la a del Mar ull urnished offices ffice Suite plus boardroom ent entire unit or individual office 0 8 0 0 4 5 4 4 7 4 .


R esort f or sale lease an y of f er con sider! I w an t g o sailin g ag ain ! ! , A ddress : 6 7 / 1 8 S oi S ermsu k R aw ai P hu k et, b ig asail@samart.co.th, C on tact + 6 6 ( 0 ) 8 6 9 4 0 1 8 6 0 .

For Sale

I n du strial ov er lock er. W hitehou se B ran d. 3 T hread. B ran d n ew n ev er u sed. F u ll tool k it. B arg ain at 1 2 , 0 0 0 B aht. C all S an di 0 8 7 2 6 4 0 7 7 8 .


W e are 1 5 w eek s old. W e are v ery sw eet w ith p eop le an d can g et alon g easy w ith other dog s too! W e hop e y ou are the on e w ho can g iv e u s a home. W e w ill p rotect y ou r hou se an d lov e to cu ddle. W e already g ot some b asic train in g . I f y ou are in terested in u s y ou w ill g et 2 dog train in g lesson s f or f ree.A dog is of ten hap p ier w hen they hav e a f rien d arou n d. T hese are b est f rien ds, so it w ou ld b e b est if they can stay tog ether, D ian a K oster, in f o@p hu k et- dog - resort.com, 0 8 3 5 9 9 6 0 1 7 .

2 toy poodles for adoption 2 toy p oodles du mp ed on the side of a b u sy road in R aw ai, N ow look in g f or a n ew home C on tact : S herin . p eace@g mail.com f or in q u ires 0 8 4 8 7 7 3 5 6 6 .

KITCHEN SERVICE M ob ile sharp en in g serv ice f or k n iv es an d meat slicer b lades, b lu n t k n iv es sharp en ed p rof ession ally w ith G erman k n ow - how ., C on tact: M r. D irk , thek n if eg rin der@hotmail.com, 0 8 7 2 7 6 5 8 6 9 .

BUSINESSES FOR SALE Office/Shop for Rent


L an d 1 - 0 - 1 1 .5 0 R ai/ 1 , 6 4 6 sq .m. U sab le sp ace: 1 , 4 2 4 sq .m. T itle deed clean & clear f rom all en cu mb ran ces. A ttractiv e S ale & L easeb ack terms w ith M u ltin ation al T en an t. P erson : Mr. Marcus Burtenshaw, officein uiries@th.k n ig htf ran k .com, 0 2 6 4 3 8 2 2 3 # 1 0 4 , F ax : 0 2 6 4 3 8 2 2 4 .

Horst Lakits

B ig A R esort sale or lon g term lease sou th P hu k et an of f er con sidered I w an t to g o sailin g ag ain , P rice: 2 7 son : H orst L ak its, A ddress : 6 7 / 1 8 S oi S ermsu k R aw b ig asail@samart.co.th , P hon e : + 6 6 0 8 6 9 4 0 1 8 6 0 , (0 )7 6 3 8 1 9 3 4 .

y seriou s M io, P erai, E mail: F ax : + 6 6


F or S ales 3 b ed 4 b ath w ith p artly f u rn ished N ice T ow n H ome in f u ll f acilities estate. W alk in g distan ce to the b each, R eal g reat V alu e, P rice: 5 , 9 0 0 , 0 0 0 , P erson : J ay P ak in , j ay @siam- realty .com, 0 8 2 2 8 2 2 5 3 2 .

A new era in design Pool villa

G org eou s 3 b edrooms P riv ate p ool v illas. Q u ality an d eleg an t stru ctu rin g w ith sin g le storey 3 2 0 sq . m n ear L ay an B each, C on tact: in f o@assetorchard. com , 0 9 4 5 4 6 0 4 2 2 .

Villa For Sale

The Knife-grinder service

G rou n d F loor sp ace w p osition in g on C halon F or more in f ormation 0 8 1 4 1 6 4 1 7 7 or 0 7 6

Fully tenanted office building

ith ex cellen t g P ier R oad. , p lease call 3 8 1 3 4 1 .

F amily hou se, midw ay P hu k et tow n an d C halon g . 4 b edrooms, 4 show ers, sw immin g p ool, matu re g arden . G reat q u ite location close to schools. P rice 7 .9 M B . P hon e : 0 8 4 0 3 2 1 6 7 4 ( T ) / 0 8 9 8 6 8 5 1 4 3 (E ).

Beachfront Condo for Sale

2 B ed/ 2 B ath- 1 3 4 sq m- P art S eav iew F u lly f u rn ished B each F ron t C on do on ly T H B 8 2 ’ 0 0 0 / sq m - C han ote B u y in F oreig n er N ame or L ease. P rice : 1 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , P erson : stef an , A ddress : C on do at S eren ity R esort & R esiden ces , E mail : stef an con do@g mail. com , P hon e : 0 8 1 8 4 6 7 7 7 0 .

Sale: Semi detached house

L iv in g room 2 dou b le b edrooms 1 f itted f u rn itu re an d en - su ite f itted kitchen, office, bathroom, carport, g arden L an d 1 8 8 sq m, hou se 7 5 sq m. P rice : 1 , 8 0 0 , 0 0 0 , C on tact K hu n P eter, B aan P leu n j an 2 , P ak lok , Talang, lowprofile mail.com, 0 69051 06.

The Base Downtown

F u lly - F u rn ished C on do, 2 0 0 m. f rom C en tral. 1 B R S tarts 3 M B . R eady to mov e in . T el: 0 8 1 - 8 1 9 8 5 3 9 , sarin thorn y an g @g mail.com


C on tact: mau dress: 1 3 3 / 6 6 8 3 1 0 0 , P hon mau rice.p hu

rice schelv is, A dp atak R d p hu k et e: 0 8 1 7 8 8 8 2 8 0 , k et@g mail.com

Luxury 4 b ed Villa

L u x u ry 4 b ed V illa, 3 B u n g alow s & lan d f or sale in N ai H arn area. V iew w eb site at w w w .p hu k etv illa.f orsalef or comp lete details. A sk in g 3 3 , 8 8 8 , 0 0 0 million b aht. C on tact: C hris N ew ton , 0 8 7 8 8 4 8 9 7 2 .


5 min s to L ag u n a/ L ay an , C oz try - T u scan y sty le, 3 + 1 B E D 3 B L an d 2 2 4 sq m B u ilt 2 4 0 sq ow n er, Q u ick sale, P rice: 4 .6 5 k w an su cha@hotmail.com , 0

y L of t- C ou n ath+ J acu z z i, m A rchitect M , C on tact: 9 4 4 2 4 6 1 4 2 .

Anuphas Golfville House- Kathu

L an d 1 6 2 sq w a. L arg e P ool/ acu i 3 Bed Bath ffice 2 S torag e B u ildin g - A larm S y stem an d mu ch more. R edu ced 2 2 M B to 1 8 M B f or Q u ick S ale, C on tact: mrg eof f cu rry @y ahoo. com, S i + 6 6 8 1 9 7 0 8 8 9 6 T H / E N G G eof f + 6 6 8 1 8 5 4 0 0 6 1 E N G .

3 Bedroom Detached, Big Garden

2 9 / 6 0 C hu an C heu n L ag oon , n ear B ritish S chool & B oat L ag oon M arin a ( shop s, g y m, sw im p ool) . 2 C han ode lan d titles 5 8 4 sq .m. G ood w ater su p p ly . P riv ate cu l- de- sac location , P rice: 5 , 8 4 0 , 0 0 0 B aht, K oh K aew , C on tact: A J , adrian .j .simp son @g mail.com, 0 8 6 0 4 0 6 8 6 6 .











B eau tif u l 4 b ed & 4 b ath 2 6 0 sq m hou se on 8 0 0 sm lan d p lot. I n terior liv in g area p lu s 2 car g arag e, 7 4 sq m S ala & p ool. I N R A W A I / N A I H A R N . P rice: 1 2 .7 5 M . D av id R osamon d. dav id_ rosamon d@y ahoo.com, T el: 0 8 7 2 6 7 1 2 8 2 .

PROPERTY FOR SALE New Twin House Only 1.77Mil.

O n e storey tw in hou se, 3 b edrooms an d 2 b athrooms w ith k itchen , all liv in g sp ace is 8 1 S q .M . an d lan d is 4 6 - 4 9 S q .w a. L ocated at P ak lock , j u st on ly 1 0 min u te f rom M on u men t. N ear the airp ort, S u rin B each an d M ission H ill G olf C lu b . K hu n S u w it , T el 0 8 1 8 9 5 6 9 6 9 .

Beachfront House

Awesome ocean view

4 - B edroom hou se on semip riv ate b each av ailab le f or sale an d ren t. C an easily b e div ided in to tw o sep arate an d iden tical p rop erties. T he ren tal/ sale can also in clu de a self - con tain ed 1 - b edroom b u n g alow , P rice: 1 8 .2 M B , R en t 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 T H B , A lex S eag o, home@thaiv illab ou tiq u e.com, 0 8 7 - 8 9 2 3 8 7 6 .

C leared b lock w ith sealed road an d p ow er at K amala H eig hts. 1.6kms to beach and post office. 7 9 7 sq m w ith saf e title. 6 .7 5 mill O n o p hon e ow n er, C on tact: Y ok , y oty 3 0 @hotmail.com, 0 9 3 7 6 8 6 6 9 4 , 0 8 1 0 7 7 1 6 0 0 .

A re y ou tired of driv in g to w ork ? B u y this n ow ! G reat L ocation , S p a, 7 B edroom, 7 B athroom, all w ith k itchen s. R en t or liv e w ith g ood in come. 5 min u tes w alk to the b each ขายของได้, P rice : 9 M B or O f f er , P erson : K hu n A rreerat , E mail : n alu man a2 0 0 0 @y ahoo.com, k ataari@ y ahoo.com , P hon e : 0 8 6 5 9 5 8 5 1 2 , 0 8 1 9 7 0 4 6 3 8 .

Waterfront Condominium

T he C leat C on do, residen ce p roj ect in K rab i B oat L ag oon M arin a. P rice 3 - 9 M B , siz e 3 7 - 1 1 9 S q .M ., 1 or 2 b edroom, marin a v iew . F or ren t/ sale. mark etin g @p hu k etp rop erty trip .com


House in Karon for Sale.

Luxury 1 Bedroom Apartment

Hard to find 3 bed room , 3 bath room hou se f or sale in the p erf ect location n ear K ata & K aron b each, w ell main tain ed w ith a salt w ater p ool, P rice : 1 6 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , N arrisara ( T ic) , 7 / 8 P atak S oi 1 0 , K aron , g - a- coates@hotmail.com, 0 9 9 1 6 4 2 9 9 1 .

L u x u r y 1 b edroom ser v iced ground floor apartment, 65 SQM, C en tral P aton g . A v ailab le n ow f or this H ig h S eason . S hort or lon g term. F or details, ian scon do2 1 @ g mail.com

Sea view land in Patong

Panoramic Sea View Land

P an oramic S ea V iew L an d n ear M ission H ill 6 rai. C han ote title 3 7 , 0 0 0 T H B p er sq u are w ah, han d - ov er f ees in clu ded. I deal f or p ool v illas, hotel an d con do. F ree con su ltin g b y ex p ert - P roj ect ref eren ces. D ew a R esort & S p a P hu k et an d M ama R esort P hi P hi islan d etc. C on tact: P a K lock , 0 8 3 3 8 9 7 7 9 9 , 0 8 2 8 9 4 6 6 9 9 .

G reat location ! 2 - B ed & S tu dio air- con ap artmen ts f or ren t. S p ecial rates S ep temb er: f rom 8 , 0 0 0 b aht/ mth f or select S tu dios an d 1 8 , 0 0 0 f or 2 - B ed in cl W iF i, maid, k itchen ette. E x cellen t hig h- season rates too. S hared p ool. w w w . chalon g ap artmen t.com, P rice: 8 0 0 0 , P hon e: 0 8 6 2 8 2 6 2 2 1 .


O p p B k k H osp w ith b alcon y , P tor, P H : 0 7 6 2 5 5 5 5 4 , + 6 6 8 1 7 D E N C E S @H O

ital, 4 0 S Q M V car p ark , 4 4 8 0 , + 6 6 9 9 7 1 0 0 8 , ID T M A I L .C O

room elev a3 6 4 0 R E S IM

Patong Tower Condo


Beach Front Land

T he L ast P iece of S ea V iew L an d on P rime L ocation in P aton g , j u st 5 0 0 m. f rom P aton g b each, 1 .3 K M . to J u n g cey lon S hop p in g M all, C on tact: K aru n a, k p attaraw alee@ g mail.com, 0 8 9 - 9 6 7 - 5 3 7 3 .

Apartments w/ Pool Chalong

1 or 2 b edroom corn er ap artmen t 7 6 sq m. 2 7 0 deg ree b each & Ocean View Land mountain views, 9th floor, kitchen, Kamala 2 b alcon ies. R en t 3 9 , 0 0 0 b aht p er H alf rai 7 9 7 sq .m. cleared an d mon th, or b u y f or 9 .5 M B . C on tact: lev eled, p ow er con n ected, sealed J ohn , P aton g : j stu der@lox in f o.co.th, 0 8 1 0 8 0 8 8 3 1 . road, M U S T S E L L 6 .7 5 million . F or E N G 0 9 0 4 9 2 3 1 0 1 T H A 0 9 3 CHALONG BEACH 7 6 8 6 6 9 4 .

Make money NOW Kata Beach House

A b solu te B each F ron t L an d f or S ale F rom on ly 1 , 7 0 0 , 0 0 0 B aht p er R ai. L et y ou r dreams come tru e! ! P lease g o to w w w .thailan dliv in g . lif e, P rice: 1 , 7 0 0 , 0 0 0 , P atchan ee K lon g dee, in f o@thailan dliv in g .lif e



D irect b each f ron t lan d f or ren t. L on g an d short term. A rea 2 4 0 0 sq meter w ith b each f ron t of 4 0 meter, C on tact: M r. N arin , n arin p g a@g mail.com, 0 8 1 8 2 6 9 3 9 0 .

2 Luxury Condo, Fully-Furnished

“ T he B ase D ow n tow n F estiv al 1 6 , 0 0 0 T H B 5 6 sq m. 5 M in . to P T H B / M on th, P rice : M r. A oody , aood1 6 5 1 6 9 9 5 9 , 0 9 5 -9 7 9 9

” 3 5 sq m. n ear C en tral / M on th, “ P aton g L of t” aton g b each 2 5 , 0 0 0 1 6 ,0 0 0 - 2 5 ,0 0 0 T H B , @hotmail.com, 0 9 9 3 5 6 ( E n g lish & T hai)

House for rent - Near Pah-klok

L on g term, q u ality f u rn ishin g s, n ear H eroin es M on u men t, 3 b ed, 2 baths plus office. Good garden. THB35,000 per month. Call 0 8 7 8 7 8 5 8 0 4 .











Patong sea view land

L ocated in P aton g w ith the siz e of 1 2 0 0 sq m. S ellin g p rice at 10.5 Million THB, with a chanote certificate (allowed to construct an y sort of p roj ect) . A lso, the lan d is dev ided in three p arts of chan ote, an d can b e sold sep arately w ith a n eg otiab le p rice ran g e f rom the sellin g p rice of 1 0 .5 M T H B , M r. F ern an do P arrella. C on tact: p arrella.f ern an do@g mail.com or 0 9 2 9 4 9 9 6 9 7 .

Pool Villa Patong 7.6MB

B eau tif u l F reehold G erman b u ilt detached home. 3 b ed, 3 b ath, E u ro K itchen , op en p lan , + g arag e. F u ll f u rn . C lose b each & S hop p in g C tre, K hu n O scar, E mail : oz osk r@hotmail.com , P hon e : 0 8 7 - 8 9 3 1 7 5 3 .

ngblackpearl@gmail.com. Tel :06 1941 95 64 or 09 5039 91 96 thephuketnews




International frie l fire spreads fast

Ronins need points in last 10 FOOTBALL

P H U KE T F C H E A D TO Krabi t his Sunday t o resume league play in t he Y amaha League One 2 0 1 5 season mark ing the final stage of the season. The much-ant icipat ed “A ndaman Derby” mat ch follows a t wo-week break t o accommodate world cup ualifiers ( see st ory page 3 6 ) . The t wo Sout hern Thai clubs drew 1 -1 t he last t ime t hey met on May 2 at Surak ul St adium, but P huk et F C fans k now very well t hat t heir

side has never won at Krabi’s P rovincial St adium since t he t wo clubs have compet ed in t he nat ional t ier league. Nonet heless, wit h relegat ion from Thailand’s second t ier league looming, P huk et F C are hoping t o mak e hist ory as t hey cannot

afford any more losses in t he final 10 matches of the season. Of their last five matches, 1 3 t h placed Krabi ( 3 6 point s) have won one, draen t hree and lost one. P huk et , in 1 8 t h place ( 2 8 point s) have drawn one and lost four out of t heir previous five. F ailing t o revive t heir form, t he club has a good chance of st art ing all over again nex t season in Thailand’s Division 2 Regional Leagues, in which they would have to finish first in order t o q ualify for a playoff brack et t o vye for a spot back t o t he nat ional t ier.

Invitation extended to local squads for free entry to football tourney FOOTBALL P H U KE T SOCCE R Schools ( P SS) has announced November 1 5 as t he dat e for it s 3 rd annual local foot ball t ournament , which will be t he first time the tournament will be held as a CSR init iat ive. “We are look ing for underprivileged t eams t o regist er free of charge. We have openings for five teams per age group including P SS, so four ot her t eams per group, ” said P SS H ead Coach Mart in H ill. A t rophy will be awarded t o t he winning t eam of each age group, plus a gold medal, while silver and bronz e medals will also be given t o t he respect ive 2 nd and 3 rd placed t eams in each age group, he said. “This year, we’re running t his t ournament out of it s own pock et t o give somet hing


back t o t he local foot ballers of P huk et . I f we could get a sponsor of some sort , we can add more ex cit ement t o all t he part icipant s such as giving t ournament medals t o all players, provide t ransport t o and from t he facilit y, or hand out healt hy snack s and j uices, for ex ample, ” he added. Coach Mart in also not ed t hat he plans t o add a luck y draw program where players will t est t heir luck on recycled foot ball goodies such as boot s/

shin guards and k it s The 3 rd P SS Local Tournament is set for Nov 1 5 t h from 2 pm - 6 pm at Thanyapura. Thai years of birt h are 2 5 5 0 and 2 5 5 1 for U 8 ; 2 5 4 8 and 2 5 4 9 for U 1 0 and 2 5 4 6 and 2 5 4 7 U 1 2 . Fo b e c o e m c e

r m o r e in f o r m c o m e a s p o n n ta c t C o a c h M a ilin g m . h ill@ r s c h o o ls . c o m

a t io s o r, a r t in p h u

n , o r to p le a s e H ill b y k e ts o c -



Steven Layne editor@classactmedia.co.th

oung at hlet es from various int ernat ional schools in P huk et have been improving t heir game lat ely by t ak ing part in int er-school friendly mat ches held across t he island. H eadSt art I nt ernat ional School ( H I S) on Sat urday ( Oct ober 1 0 ) host ed a handful of friendly mat ches for it s t op 9 t o 1 2 year old foot ballers, who were pit t ed against t heir count erpart s from B rit ish I nt ernat ional School ( B I S) and Kaj onk iet I nt ernat ional School ( KI S) . I n t he opening mat ch, t he KI S H awk s’ 7 and 8 year olds st ruggled against t he H I S P ant hers’ A -t eam, who had a field day as one of their coaches – who also served as mat ch referee – refused t o t hrow in t he t owel t o end t he uneven mat ch-up; but t he young P ant hers didn’t have it so easy against t he B I S Cruz eiro U -1 0 sq uad, who provided a more rounded compet it ion in t wo mat ches as bot h sides were unable t o claim bragging right s as t he sole uncont est ed group vict or of t he day.

Action from the BIS v HIS U12 match-up on Saturday. Nex t up, t he H awk s’ 9 and 1 0 year olds showed promise in t heir mat ch against t he U 1 2 s of B I S Cruz eiro, t he lat t er winning 2 -1 in full t ime. I t was a close call in t he H I S vs B I S U 1 2 mat ch while t he H awk s were unable t o fend off a fired-up Panthers s uad in the final match of the day. Wit h it s t riumph, t he H I S P ant hers have set t he bar high as a foot ball force t o be reck oned wit h t his semest er and beyond, while B I S Cruz eiro, wit h it s large t alent pool, are also a t eam t o k eep your

eyes on. Meanwhile t he KI S H awk s, who j ust brought on a disciplined and sk illful H ead Coach wit h E nglish P remiership ex perience, have a lot of promise and potential to fulfill wit h a st eep development curve t o look f orward t o. Ot her P huk et int ernat ional school circuit t eams who will be j oining in t he int er-school foot ball act ion include P huk et I nt ernat ional A cademy ( P I A ) and Q ualit y I nt ernat ional Schools ( Q SI ) . St ay t uned for more news, updat es and mat ch info.



100s join Starwood ‘Run to Give’ event S

Run 1547: Saturday 17 October, 2015 Run Run Start Time: 4pm Hares: Assterix, Mr Fister, Fungus Location: Kamala Viewpoint Directions: From Kathu pass through Patong as if going to Kamala. Midway up the steep hill before Kalama turn right and continue up to the crest and laager site. Park well to the side of the road. If you park within the gated area please stay off the plants. From Kamala head towards Patong. If you don’t know the back roads drive two hundred metres past the crest of the hill heading towards Patong and turn left and proceed as above. Bus pick-up: Schedule: Patong @ Expat Hotel: 3pm; Kamala @ Baan Rim Klong: 3:30pm;

Note: Dogs must be kept leashed & managed the entire walk/run

More info: phuket-hhh.com




t arwood H ot els & Resorts Asia Pacific debut ed it s ‘Run t o G ive’ charit y run last Sunday ( Oct 1 1 ) at B ang Wad Dam in Kat hu. The run was held in a t ot al of 1 0 5 locat ions across the Asia Pacific region. As part of this Asia Pacificwide init iat ive, t hree St arwood hot els in P huk et , The West in Siray B ay Resort & Spa, Le Meridien P huk et B each Resort and The Nak a I sland, A Lux ury Collect ion Resort & Spa j oined hands t o support t hree local charit y proj ect s including Koh Siray School, t he lunch proj ect init iat ed by H .R.H P rincess Maha Chak ri Sirindhorn and t he P an F un P an Y im t o support t he less fort unat e children in t he local communit ies. ‘Run t o G ive’ also mark ed the kick-off in Asia Pacific of Toget her A s One ( TA O) , St arwood’s annual global volunt eer campaign. St arwood has dedicat ed t he ent ire mont h of Oct ober

A number of entrants in the Starwood ‘Run to Give’ ran in fancy dress. t o TA O t o encourage addit ional volunt eer effort s and also celebrat e it s associat es’ volunt eer work t hat t ak es place year-round t hroughout t he world, mak ing a posit ive impact in t heir communit ies. Across Asia Pacific, Starwood associat es have volunt eered more t han 6 , 5 0 0 hours of communit y service in 2 0 1 4 alone. “Run t o G ive underscores St arwood’s commit ment t o drive meaningful impact t o t he local communit ies as we

recognise t hat t he vit alit y of our business is direct ly link ed t o t he vit alit y of t he places where we operat e, ” said St ephen H o, P resident , St arwood H ot els & Resort s, Asia Pacific. “Last year was the first time we organised t he charit y run t o immense response; t his year wit h t he cont inued support from our associates, we are confident t hat Run t o G ive will accomplish more t han we ever could alone.”

The 1 0 k m and 3 k m runs, which st art ed and finished at B ang Wad Dam, was part icipat ed by guest s, locals and associat es, a number of which part icipat ed in fancy dress, wit h winners being awarded t rophies and various priz es donat ed by St arwood H ot els and Resort s.

Live89.5 was proud to be a sponsor of the Starwood ‘Run to Give’ 2015

Phuket VNEA Pool League Standings

Week One Name

Round wins

Score + Wins

Games Losses Score - Differenplayed tial

TEAM STATS NORTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Orange Corner Judge & Jury Master Bankers Off Course LHM Asia Tor Khao Hangover Tan Khun

5 5 5 4 1 0 0 0

152 149 134 144 93 109 94 66

14 13 10 11 5 6 3 2

16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

2 3 6 5 11 10 13 14

66 94 109 93 144 134 149 152

86 55 25 51 -51 -25 -55 -86

5 5 5 3 2 0 0 0

148 143 130 120 119 98 89 81

14 13 10 8 8 6 3 2

16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

2 3 6 8 8 10 13 14

81 89 98 119 120 130 143 148

67 54 32 1 -1 -32 -54 -67

5 5 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0

160 140 138 133 121 117 118 93 92 41

16 11 11 8 8 8 8 5 5 0

16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

0 5 5 8 8 8 8 11 11 16

41 93 92 118 117 121 133 140 138 160

119 47 46 15 4 -4 -15 -47 -46 -119

TEAM STATS SOUTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

White Sheep The Genious Team Reality Millionaire Ocean Team Bar Fly The Dragons Spicy Girls

TEAM STATS TOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The Target Masters Team 198 Hollywood The Kata Dragons Pen In Genius B Naimeung Team WTF!! Black Sheep Class Act Hustlers

Class Act Media is proud to be a sponsor of the Phuket VNEA Pool League thephuketnews




Big Thai win boosts World Cup qualifying hopes FOOTBAL


he Thai nat ional t eam carved out an impressive 3 -0 win over V iet nam on Tuesday night ( Oct 1 3 ) t o improve t heir chances of sailing t hrough t heir World Cup q ualifying campaign. G oals by Kroek rit Taweek arn and Theerat hon B unmat han sandwiched an own-goal by t he home t eam t o give Kiat isak Senamuang’s men a comfort able win. The vict ory bolst ered t he Thais’ posit ion at t he t op of t he A sian World Cup q ualifying G roup F st andings. They now have 1 0 point s from four games and enj oy a five-point advantage over second-placed I raq , who have a mat ch in hand. V iet nam st ayed in t hird place wit h four point s from as many mat ches. Taiwan, t he ot her t eam in t he group, are still looking for their first point . The heavy loss dashed V iet namese hopes of st ak ing a claim for first place in the group and left t hem wit h only a t heoret ical chance of mak ing it to the final stage of Asia’s final ualifying round for the 2 0 1 8 World Cup. Win ners of t he eight groups and four best secondplaced t eams will compet e in the continent’s final ualifying t ournament for places at Russia 2 0 1 8 .

roe rit a ee arn

and tea

The sight of a large Cheer Thai Power group inside My Dinh St adium gave t he nat ional t eam a force t o count er t he vociferous V iet namese crowd in t he st ands and a much-needed lift in morale. Thailand ent ered t he mat ch wit h Kawin Thamsat chanan ret urning as goalk eeper and Teerasil Dangda, once again, assuming t he role of st rik er. The V iet namese st art ed off in an at t ack ing frame of mind. A ft er a caut ious st art , t he Thai players dug in t heir heels and began giving t heir rivals a run for t heir money. I n t he 1 8 t h minut e, Thailand could have pick ed up

iradech in to


orld u qualifier a ainst ietna . Photo: Hoang Dinh Nam/AFP

their first goal when Mongkol Tot sak rai set up Teerasil, whose shot lack ed power and V iet nam goalk eeper Tran Nguyen Manh didn’t have to do much t o save it . The V iet namese look ed ominous on t he count er-at t ack and t heir repeat ed forays int o t he Thai half put t he visit ors under pressure. The host s had an opport unit y t o go ahead in t he 2 4 t h minute, but Mac Hong uan missed t he t arget . Thailand’s first goal in the 2 8 t h minut e was t he result of a spect acular long drive by Kroek rit from out side t he box . P ick ing up a pass from

a ter fine finish

GOLF TH A I LA ND’S KI RA DE CH A phibarnrat crack ed int o t he world’s t op 5 0 for t he first time after his joint-fifth finish at the British Masters last Sunday ( Oct 1 1 ) . The t hree-t ime E uropean Tour winner, who shared t he t hird-round lead wit h England’s Matter Fitzpatrick at Woburn G olf Club, closed wit h an even-par 7 2 for a 2 7 3 total, four shots behind Fitzpat rick ( 6 8 ) who claimed his first professional title. Kiradech, who was also t ied for fourt h at t he A lfred Dunhill Link s Championship a week earlier, received € 1 3 3 , 3 7 0 ( about B 5 .4 -million) t o move up t o 1 3 t h place in t he Race t o Dubai wit h t ot al earnings of € 1 , 3 4 2 , 2 0 8 ( about B 5 4 -million) from 2 1 event s.

ates cele rate at the

Thailand’s Kiradech Aphibarnratcracked into the world’s top 50 for the first time after his joint-fifth finish at the British Masters. Photo: Glyn Kirk/AFP H e also improved from 5 5 t h t o a career-best 4 9 t h place in t he world rank ings. “I t is his best rank ing so far, ” said his fat her P anupong. “We want t o remain in t he t op 5 0 unt il t he end of t he year t o get a chance t o play in some event s in t he U S nex t year. There are many big t ournament s remaining this year but the fields will also be very compet it ive.” The 2 6 -year-old golfer st art ed t he year at 1 3 5 t h and made a great leap aft er his E uropean Tour wins at t he

Shenzhen International and the Paul Lawrie Match Play. This week , Kiradech will play at the Asian Tour’s Macau Open before t ak ing part in t he four-event F inal Series on E uropean Tour, st art ing wit h t he Turk ish A irlines Open ( Oct 2 9 -Nov 1 ) , followed by t he WG C-H SB C Champions, BMW Masters and DP World Tour Championship. Thongchai Jaidee, t he world No. 3 2 who is 1 0 t h in t he Race t o Dubai, will also be in Macau this week. Ba n g k o k Po s t

Group F standings TEAMS





GA +/- Pts









































Teerasil on t he left f lank , Kroekrit shuf ed a step and unleashed a left-footed sizzler that sailed between two V iet nam defenders, past a diving Tran, and int o t he net . A ft er conceding t he goal, t he host s went all out in search of an eq ualiser but t heir effort s were eit her t hwart ed by t he st rong Thai defence or t hey simply shot wide from long range. V iet nam’s only real chance of get t ing even wit h t he Thais came late in the first half when Nguyen Van uyet saw Kawin mak e an impressive save t o ensure t hat his t eam maint ained t heir one-goal edge.

During t he last minut e of the first half, a free-kick by P ok k law A -Nan bounced back aft er hit t ing t he post . Mongkol attempted to guide t he loose ball int o t he net but t he V iet namese goalk eeper saved it . The V iet namese came back for t he second half wit h a renewed vigour but t he Thai defenders held t heir own. Kroek rit had a big hand in helping t he Thais double t heir lead in t he 5 6 t h minut e when his through-ball was de ected by V iet namese defender Dinh Tien Thanh int o his own net . Wit h t heir ent husiasm deated, the Vietnamese made

some half heart ed at t ack ing forays which t he Thai defenders warded off wit h ease. I n t he 7 0 t h minut e, Thailand net t ed t heir t hird when B uriram defender Theerat hon beat an offside t rap and his blist ering shot left t he goalk eeper wit h no chance of mak ing a save. The Thais played in a relax ed manner and Teerasil was denied a chance t o put his name on t he scoresheet by t he V iet namese defenders. The V iet namese t ried t o salvage some pride t owards t he end of t he mat ch and had a free-k ick but Nguyen Van uyet sent his shot over t he bar. Thailand will nex t host Taiwan on Nov 1 2 and t hen go to Ira on March 24. Meanwhile, the Football A ssociat ion of Thailand on Tuesday said it would post pone t his week end’s elect ion of a new chief, a day aft er t he incumbent Worawi Makudi was suspended by a F I F A et hics probe. Worawi was widely t ipped t o ret ain his posit ion at t he helm of a game t hat he has dominat ed in Thailand for several years, but on Monday a F I F A ’s et hics wat chdog banned him from all foot ball-relat ed act ivit ies for 9 0 days “on t he grounds t hat a breach of t he Code of E t hics appears t o have been commit t ed”. The associat ion was ordered t o “post pone t he elect ion of a chairman, deput y chairman and members, which was due t o t ak e place on Oct ober 1 7 ”, pending furt her invest igat ion by F I F A , F oot ball A ssociat ion of Thailand ( F A T) lawyer Narinpong Jinapak said in a st at ement . Ba n g k o k Po s t




Mercedes take title Lewis Hamilton on the brink of third championship BOX OF NEUTRALS Michael Lamonato michael@boxofneutrals.com


ewis Hamilton’s cruisy vi ctory at the R ussi an rand Prix put him on the bri nk of hi s thi rd world championship after handing his Mercedes AM Petronas team i ts second constructor’s ti tle. The Bri ton i nheri ted the lead from teammate Nico R osberg , who reti red after j ust seven laps wi th a throttle problem, effectively ending his 2015 championship ambitions. “I’m just disappointed with the day, I’ll think about the rest afterwards,” sai d the vi si bly di straug ht R osberg after jumping out of the car. “ But I never write anything off, and picking up is never a problem ei ther. ” For the 2014 championship runner-up the mountain is almost insurmountable: he trails Hamilton by 73 points with just four rounds remaining and he has been leapfrog g ed

Lewis Hamilton of Mercedes shows his delight after winning the inaugural F1 Russian Grand Prix. Photo: Dimitar Dilkoff/AFP i n the standi ng s by Sebasti an ettel, who trails Hamilton by 6 6 poi nts. Hamilton need only outscore R osberg by two poi nts at the nex t race i n Austi n to eliminate his teammate from contenti on, whi le ni ne poi nts wi ll do li kewi se for V ettel. In other words, if the likely order of Hamilton-Rosberg-

ettel were to take the flag at the U ni ted States G rand P ri x on ctober 25, Hamilton’s title would be assured. “I’ve never felt it’s ever been done and dusted,” sai d Hamilton, the idea of his second successive championship bei ng one race away yet to sink in. “There are still a lot of poi nts avai lable.

“I’m going to take my time and at the nex t race work as hard as ever. I love going to Austi n and the track has been amazing for me since the first race. ” Whi le the dri vers busy themselves for what is almost certain to be the final championship fight, the Mercedes team will have the opportunity

to let off some steam after securing a second dominant championship in Sochi. The erman marque had to wai t for i t, however – i t was not until Ferrari’s Kimi R ikkö nen was handed a 30 -second post-race penalty for punti ng Williams’ altteri Bottas off the track that M ercedes was confirmed to have outscored the Italian squad by the three points it needed to put its domination beyond doubt. It is confirmation that the team’s four years of toil that deli vered last year’s ti tle were not simply to capitalise on the change of regulations that came duri ng the 2 0 13-14 off-season, but that the restructuring made after M ercedes boug ht Brawn G P for the 2 0 10 season were to deliver lasting, meaningful performance. “I really didn’t know we’d be as dominant this year either as we were last year,” admitted Hamilton. “I felt the guys would do a good job, I just di dn’t know i t was g oi ng to be as thi s g ood. “They’ve done an even better j ob thi s year than they di d last

year, which is just – and I continue to say this – phenomenal.” The world champion-to-be also made special mention of Ross Brawn, the man who desi g ned Brawn G P ’s surpri se ti tle-wi nni ng 2 0 0 9 season before setting in motion the plan that would build the team, under the M ercedes g ui se, i nto a Formula ne powerhouse. “When I spoke with Ross a few years ago I never envisaged we would wi n back-to-back titles,” said Hamilton. “I need to make sure I message him because sti ll today, whi le we are succeedi ng , R oss i s sti ll a part of i t. ” Wi th the 2 0 15 season now i n i ts twi li g ht, heads wi ll beg i n turni ng towards the sporti ng challeng e of 2 0 16 . Wi ll any team be able to break M ercedes’ strang lehold over Formula ne when the slates are wi ped clean nex t M arch? D on’ t f or get to tune in to L iv e89 . 5 each and ev er y S atur day f r om 9 am to l is ten to th e b oy s f r om B ox of N eutr al s tal k ing al l th er e is to tal k ab out F 1 and a w h ol e l ot m or e.

South Africa’s head coach Heyneke Meyer leads a team training session at the stateof-the-art facility at the Pennyhill Park Hotel. Photo: Lionel Bonaventure/AFP

All Blacks call for fair play C ontinued f r om page 4 0 … do the wei g hts say i t’s an unbeli evable ex peri ence,” added the veteran back-bow forward. Spri ng bok prop Tendai Mtawarira confirmed. “I’ve done weights in there. It’s state of the art, the best rug by facility I’ve trained in.” Burger added, “It’s obviously a pi ty i t’s not bei ng used by E ng land but that i s li fe so we are happy to take thi s faci li ty and use the best possi ble,” added the 32 -year-old. M eanwhi le, Scotland’s R oss F ord and J onny G ray are out of the World Cup after bei ng suspended Tuesday for

three weeks each for dang erous tackles. It was the worst possible news for Scotland losi ng hooker F ord and lock G ray ahead of their quarter-final on Sunday ag ai nst Australi a at Twickenham. They were ci ted after Scotland’s final pool match against Samoa. If Scotland go all the way to the final they only have three matches left. Both players deni ed the charg e and have 4 8 hours to appeal. D etai ls of the speci fi c i nci dents have not been released, however j udi ci al of-

fi cer Chri stopher Q ui nlan ruled “each player committed an act of foul play contrary to law. “Tackles involving a player bei ng li fted off the g round and tipped horizontally and were then ei ther forced or dropped to the ground must be dealt wi th severely by match officials and all those i nvolved i n the di sci pli nary process. ” F ord was accused of a dang erous tackle and G ray was said to have committed an i lleg al ti p tackle duri ng the 36 -33 wi n that secured Scotland’s place i n the last ei g ht. A F P thephuketnews





Klopp: The Normal One

New Liverpool manager ‘doesn’t want to describe himself’ FOOTBALL


ew Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp described himself as “The Normal One” during his first meeting with English media following his appointment as successor to Brendan Rodgers. Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho famously described himself as “a special one” in his first press conference in English football in 2004, earning him the nickname ‘The Special One’. But Klopp, 48, told a packed room of journalists at Anfield: “I don’t want to describe myself. I’m a totally normal guy. I’m the Normal One.” T he for mer Bor ussia Dortmund head coach was appointed on a three-year contract following the dismissal of Rodgers, who was

sacked after three and a half years at the club. “I am a normal guy from the Black Forest. I don’t compare myself with genius managers in this club’s history,”added Klopp, who led Dortmund to two Bundesliga titles and a Champions League final appearance. “It’s cool that you’re looking for that, but it’s not my part to think about that. I don’t think any manager starts by saying that they want to be a legend. “I was a very, very average player. I was at a special club in Germany with Mainz 05 and then had a great opportunity to take Dortmund for seven years. Now I’m here and I hope to enjoy my work.” In an interview with the club’s in-house television channel, LFC TV, Klopp described the job as “the biggest challenge ... in the world of football”.

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Friday 16 October Tennis




Shanghai Rolex Masters

Rugby Union



Currie Cup

Blue Bulls v. Western Province

Rugby Union



Aviva Premiership

Worcester v. Northampton

Saturday 17 October Tennis



ATP Tour

Shanghai Rolex Masters

Rugby Union



Currie Cup

Lions v. Cheetahs



Aviva Premiership

Bath v. Exeter





Tottenham v. Liverpool




Chelsea v. Aston Villa




Everton v. Man United




Crystal Palace v. West Ham




Man City v. Bournemouth




Southampton v. Leicester

Soccer Rugby Union




Watford v. Arsenal




Bremen v. Bayern Munich


00:00 World Cup QF1 – Twickenham

South Africa v. Wales



New Zealand v. France

World Cup QF2 - Cardiff

Sunday 18 October Tennis



ATP Tour

Shanghai Rolex Masters

Motor Bikes




Main Races, Philip Island





Newcastle v. Norwich

Rugby Union



World Cup QF3 – Cardiff

Ireland v. Argentina



World Cup QF4 - Twickenham

Australia v. Scotland




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English Premier League 2015 - 2016 Team 1

Liverpool’s new manager, German national Jurgen Klopp, described his job as ‘the biggest challenge’ in world football following his appointment as the successor to Brendan Rodgers. Photo: Paul Ellis/AFP His first game at the helm will be a trip to Tottenham Hotspur in the Premier League tomorrow (Oct 17). Liverpool won the last of their 18 league titles in 1990 under the stewardship of Kenny Dalglish. Rodgers led them to a second-place finish in 2014, but they finished sixth last season and are currently in 10th place in the table with 12 points from eight games. While Klopp called for patience, he has set himself the objective of winning a league title by 2019. “It’s been crazy here,” he said. “But it’s not so important what people think when you come in. It’s important what people think when you leave. So please give us time. “This could be a very special day, if you are patient. When I sit here in four years, I think we will win one title.” Klopp introduced a style of high-octane football during his time at Dortmund and he pledged that Liverpool would play at “full throttle”. “I believe in a playing philosophy that is very emotional,

very fast and very strong,” he said. “My teams must play at full throttle and take it to the limit every single game.” He added, “Liverpool has extraordinary supporters and Anfield is a world renowned home, with an incredible atmosphere. “I want to build a great relationship with these supporters and give them memories to cherish. I hope we can feed off each other’s energy and that we take this journey together.” Klopp confirmed that his assistants at Dortmund, Zeljko Buvac and Peter Krawietz, would join him at Liverpool. He also thanked Liverpool’s American owners Fenway Sports Group (FSG) for appointing him and said he was happy to work with their transfer committee, which oversees the club’s recruitment strategy. “It was absolutely no problem between FSG and myself,” he said. “We talked about this. It’s nothing. If two clever, intelligent guys sit at a table and you both want the same, what can be the problem?”

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Man City Arsenal Man Utd Crystal Palace Leicester West Ham Everton Tottenham Southampton Liverpool Swansea Watford Norwich Stoke Bournemouth Chelsea West Brom Aston Villa Sunderland Newcastle

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Klopp’s contract is reported to be worth £5 million per year, rising to £7 million with bonuses. “In Jurgen Klopp we have appointed a world-class manager with a proven track record of winning and someone who has the personality and charisma to reignite this football club and take the team forward,” said Liverpool chairman Tom Werner. “Critically, he is also a winner and someone who can connect with and enthuse our supporters.” However, Klopp has said he had no intention of poach-




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ing players from his former club Borussia Dortmund for the Reds. “That is in no way my approach,” he told newspaper Bild in an interview earlier this week. Asked if he had already secured commitments in funding for the winter transfer window, Klopp said that was a subject “that does not interest me at all”. “We are now in October and I still don’t know how many games there are until winter. But there are a few, and we will first look at our own people,” said Klopp. AFP





Thailand keep World Cup qualifying hopes alive > page 37 All Black’s Kieran Read led a chorus that there was no room for off-the-ball manoeuvres in their do-or-die quarter-final clash with France on Sunday. Photo: Adrian Dennis/AFP

BLACK AND BLUE All Blacks appeal for France to keep it clean RUGBY


he All Blacks have appealed for Sunday’s (Oct 18) World Cup quarter-final against France to have no repeat of the “filth” that has marred previous clashes between the rivals. There were several incidents in the bitter 2011 final including the eye-gouging of All Blacks skipper Richie McCaw, who in turn was accused of kneeing French fly-half Morgan Parra in the back. McCaw later accused the French of getting “filthy” in the tense final won 8-7 by the All Blacks, saying: “The French are worse when they are scared.” Tension started even before kick-off when Thierry Dusautoir’s fired up French battalion advanced on the All Blacks during the pre-match haka, a protocol breach for

which they were later fined. However, backrower Kieran Read led an All Blacks chorus on Tuesday (Oct 13) that there was no room for off-the-ball manoeuvres and they wanted them kept out of Sunday’s do-or-die clash. “The game doesn’t need that,” Read said. “This game’s a great game and we want to showcase the talents we’ve got within. So we’ll play it as hard as we can physically but certainly as fair as we can. “If teams are going to start doing that then you’ve got to adapt as quickly as you can.” The most notorious incident in All Blacks-France rugby rivalry came in 1986 in the game now known as the “Battle of Nantes”. Twenty minutes into the game, All Blacks skipper Wayne “Buck” Shelford had his scrotum ripped open and four teeth knocked out. Incredibly, Shelford had the

injury stitched on the sideline and carried on playing until he was concussed by a blow to the head and could not carry on. Several years later investigative journalist Pierre Ballester claimed in a book that the French players were on amphetamines at the time. In the weekend’s other quarter-finals, with Ireland reeling from injuries to key players, Argentina can sense an upset in the quarter-final at Cardiff’s Millennium Stadium on Sunday. Argentina’s captain Agustin Creevy insists the Pumas have “no limits” at the World Cup. “I dream of lifting the cup. I don’t know whether it will come true, but I swear I dream about it,” said the 30-year-old Creevy. Twelve months ago Argentina beat Australia 21-17 at home. It was the last straw in a troubled reign and Wallabies coach Ewan Mackenzie was gone within two weeks.

One month before coming to the World Cup they defeated South Africa for the first time – 37-25 in Durban – forcing Springboks coach Heyneke Meyer to apologise to the nation. He had to repeat it when they lost to Japan at the World Cup. The Pumas world ranking has gone up in a year from 12 to six, above both England and France. “This team has no limits,” Creevy declared. “We have made mistakes, we have problems with nerves. But when we are confident, the team plays. “In the quarter-finals, the team will be hungry, they can overcome those mistakes and we will be triumphant. “We can reach the top – the semi-finals, the final, be world champions!” Ireland are holding out hope that injury-hit fly-half Jonny Sexton will be fit for Sunday’s quarter-final against Argentina,

according to assistant coach Les Kiss. Sexton limped off after 25 minutes of Ireland’s hard-fought 24-9 victory over France last Sunday, a win that saw them undefeated in Pool D and avoiding a last-eight clash against defending champions New Zealand. Kiss insisted head coach Joe Schmidt would not be rushed into a decision about picking Sexton, for whom Ian Madigan came on against the French, putting down his own marker with an astute playmaking display. Ahead of South Africa’s quarter-final against Wales at Twickenham on Saturday, they picked up a bonus from England’s World Cup failure – their upmarket Pennyhill Park training base where they have been training in the week running up to the quarter-finals. Situated in leafy grounds in Bagshot, south-west of London, Pennyhill has been England’s

training base for about 15 years. It is a private hotel which accepts guests, but England’s Rugby Football Union have ploughed a reported £3 million into Pennyhill, including installing a state of the art Desso “hybrid” pitch and the latest gym equipment. But with England becoming the first host nation to fail to go beyond the group phase, following defeats by Wales and Australia, Pennyhill has become a tournament, rather than Red Rose, facility for the remainder of the World Cup. Seasoned Springbok great Schalk Burger was taken aback by that facility. “It’s incredible. This media centre is pretty much bigger than my local club back home. It’s unbelievable,” Burger told reporters earlier this week in a cavernous tent located in a corner of the Pennyhill car park. “Apparently the guys who… continued on page 38


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