FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
thephuketnews thephuketnews1
Friday, June 17 – Thursday, June 23, 2016
Since 2011 / Volume VI / No. 25
20 Baht
Wakeboarders rally for Mac Rosen after accident leaves lower left leg amputated Chris Husted and Tanyaluk Sakoot
he international wakeboarding community is rallying to raise funds for Phuket’s own M ackinthai Thomas R osen, who had his left leg amputated below the knee after an accident during an Asian C up competition in Phuket in M ay. The Phuket-born 25-year-old known as M ackie, or just M ac, to
his friends s ffered the devastating in ry on ay , the first day of the IW W F Asian C up held at Phuket W ake Park in Kathu. “ I was trying to throw an air trick to complete my competition round. I went too high in the air, lost control and landed heavy with a straightened left foot into the water,” he told T h e P h uk et N ew s . M ac is no stranger to such international competitions. H e is a professional wakeboarder and a national
team rider for hailand. e won silver for an individ al event and gold for a team event at the sia ea h ames held in Phuket in 201 4 . Last year, he represented Thailand in Taiwan and Shanghai, and competed in wakepark world series events held in hailand. At the time of his fall, M ac was representing Thailand in the IW W F Asian C up 201 6 and Phuket Open International C U P 201 6 held at Phuket W ake Park under the auspices of the International W aterski & W ake-
Shopping mall closes areas after pillars crumble
Mac Rosen in action pre-accident. Photo: Anthem Wakepark
board Federation ( IW W F) and the Thailand E xtreme Sports Association ( TE SA) . After the accident, M ac was r shed to ang o ospital Ph et by a hospital ambulance on standby at the event as re ired for events under the IW W F and TE SA. “ H onestly, I thought I just dislocated my left knee and all the doctors had to do was to put my knee back and I just needed a couple of months to heal,” he said.
Something for everyone
Phuket reaches mid-table at season break
News 2
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Legal battle for land at Rawai sea gypsy village heads to court > page 7
Road to recovery
Wakeboarders rally for Phuket’s Mac Rosen
The Airbus A333 was grounded while a systems check was carried out. Photo: byeangel (Tsingtao, China)
Flight grounded over warning light scare A TH AI Air ways f light from Phuket to Bangkok was grounded for three hours on Tuesday night ( J une 1 4 ) after a warning light inspired the pilot to a ort ta e off at Ph et International Airport. Flight TG21 8 was taxiing to the runway at about 7 : 3 0pm when the captain noticed a warning light malfunction in the o pit, and a orted ta e off for a f ll system he . The passengers were called on to disembark and wait in
the departure lounge while the check was carried out. Passengers re-boarded the plane and departed Ph et at 1 pm, bound for Suvarnabhumi. i hai asorn han, director of the Aerothai Phuket o e, denied reports that the air raft had an oil lea , and that the incident evoked panic among passengers. “ A warning light came on and sometimes this happens when a plane is a o t to ta e off, he said. E ak k apop T h ongtub
Police hunt man for slaying lover’s ex POLIE AR E H U N TIN G for a man known so far only as “ Suriya” for slashing and stabbing to death M etha haodee, , in ath early on Tuesday ( J une 1 4 ) . Suriya allegedly attacked M r M etha after catching him with his girlfriend W atchaya hepsingh, , in her room in Kathu. M r M etha was M s W atchaya’s ex-boyfriend. Police in Phuket were notified of the killing by o ers in s at haya s
olice ere notified o t e illing b o ficers in rang. home provin e of rang, where she ed to after eing allegedly abducted by riya to ee Ph et. E ak k apop T h ongtub
C ontinued f r om page 1 … “ Instead my left leg was cut up four times in Bangkok H ospital Phuket over the next fo r days and y the fifth day, gangrene started forming and I was transported by road from Phuket to R amathibodi ospital in ang o for final assessment.” The bad news was that M ac had torn all the ligaments in the knee and his left leg had s ffered severe artery damage, and complications with blood ow to the foot. “ M y left knee was amputated on the fifth operation and the sixth operation was when the doctors had to cut and clean away all the dead tiss e, a e plained. ow, while over oming the pain – phantom and real – and coming to grips with his own mo ility, a fa es a mountain of medical bills which have spiralled to over a million aht. o this, a has found strength in support with scores of people doing their best to help him. TE SA E xecutive D irector Phaladisai J aitaskul told T h e P h uk et N ew s , he ins ran e overage provided , , but the medical bills even at the early stages were much more than , . “ And we are looking to raise funds for a prosthesis, whi h will ost a o t , . o raise the f nds, r Phaladisai and fellow TE SA D irector Phuriwat “ P’ Ton” Phattranonarnan launched the “ W akeboard Funding For Thai W akeboarder” ( W FFTW ) Facebook page. The portal
Wakeboard Funding For Thai Wakeboarder Fund: Bank: Kasikorn Bank. Branch: Lotus Phuket Branch. Account name: Phaladisai Jaitusakul & Phuriwat Phattranonarnan. Account number: 012-1-48036-0 Mac Rosen’s own account: Bank: Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) Account name: Mackinthai Thomas Rosen Account number: 601 402070 5 Swift code: SICOTHBK
Mac Rosen talks to one of his young understudies at Anthem Wakepark. aims to raise funds for all wakeboarders needing help re overing from in ries, t right now their priority is M ac. TE SA also launched an online campaign to raise awareness of a s plight, with more than people, in l ding yo ngsters, tting off their hair and posting photos to show their support and reposting them under a the hashtags # 24 mackie. Phuket W ake Park was also quick to chip in. “ Phuket W ake Par has donated , to TE SA to help M ac. N ow the whole team here is digging deep and calling on everyone they know to provide all possi le assistan e, a ompany representative told T h e P h uk et N ew s via a statement issued through Facebook. “ W e will also hold a charity event to s pport a ie, so everyone can take part. W e have yet to sort out the details, t when we do, we will announce the event on
our Facebook page. “ W e deeply regret what happened to M ackie and feel deeply for his family. W e are working towards helping him and wish him the best with his re overy, the statement said. et, opies of a s medical bills posted on the W FFTW Facebook page on M onday ( J une 1 4 ) showed more than , paid, from an outstanding bill levied by Bangkok H ospital Phuket of more than 1. million, and that is just the beginning. here is still m h to do, and the fundraising needs to be ongoing. W e appreciate the efforts y everyone, t more needs to e done, e e a e , o fo nder of nthem a e Par in halang, where at the time of his injury M ac was oa h and eam ider, with youngsters Luke and R yan under his tutelage. “ The fundraising will need to go on. M ackie will need time, attention and spe ial-
ist are to re over f lly, and we want to be there for him. People forget that a prosthetic leg does not last long and every few years, it needs to e repla ed, she e plained. o this, the entire par staff are p lling together to raise funds for M ac. “ M ackie’s riding buddies Ivan Kolesni ov and organ ieffer are organising a ‘ Shred4 M ackie’ wakeboarding contest at Anthem W akepark on J une 26 . n g st, nthem will host a funfair food and games fund-raising event for M ackie at the wa e par premises, M s Lek explained. t more importantly, the funds raised will be deposited directly into M ac’s own bank account. his is so important, not just so M ackie knows where the money is oming from, but also so he can make sure it is spent on what he needs the most when he needs it, M s Lek said.
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Shootout silenced olice
ie declares cop gunfig t case closed’
Darawan Naknakhon
he C hief of the Phuket Provincial Police, C ol Teeraphol Thipjaroen, has announced that the investigation into the deaths of two poli e o ers who fatally shot each other at close range in Phuket Town early last Saturday is closed. The announcement came within hours of Pol L/C pl W ongsathon Theparan, the 21- year-old junior officer of the Kathu Police ( Thung Thong) involved in the shooting, being pronounced dead from his injuries from the g nfight. L/C pl W ongsathon was shot three times by Lt Thamarong Suwanchatree of the Phuket C ity Police after Lt Thamarong approached him to enquire about a shot L/C pl ongsathon had st fired into the air near the Seahorse C ircle at about 1 2: 3 0am. pl ongsathon fired the lone shot after an altercation with Sen Sgt M aj N attachai Phonoy of the Phuket Immigration Police, who had refused L/C pl W ongsathon
Phuket lifeguards have warned of bluebottles washed ashore at Naithon Beach on Tuesday (June 14). Photo: Phuket Lifeguard Service
Bluebottles at Naithon
Emergency responders recover Lt Thamarong from the scene of the shootout, near the Searhorse Circle on the east side of Phuket Town. Photo: Eakkapop Thongtub and his friends entry to a local pub as they were unable to present identifi ation. en Sgt M aj N attachai Phonoy was moonlighting as a security guard at the H aopan pub when the incident occurred. W itnesses reported that when Lt Thamarong, who was having dinner with friends in a restaurant nearby, approached L/C pl W ongsathon, the nior o er opened the door to his pi p and fired
once directly into Lt Thamarong, delivering a fatal shot that killed Lt Thamarong. “ W e will no longer investigate any wrongdoing between the two men who have now died, but the investigation into the other aspects of the case will continue,” C ol Teeraphol said on Saturday. Provincial Police D eputy C ommander C ol Peerayuth ara adee larified, e need to question all people at the
Ramp up marine safety: Minister OFFIC IALS M U ST TAKE the recent boat collision incident as a hard lesson and find ways of preventing such incidents from happening again said Thailand’s M inister of Tourism during a visit to the remaining injured victims at V achira Phuket H ospital on M onday night ( J une 1 3 ) . Tourism and Sports M inister Kobkarn W attanavrangkul, V ice Governor Prajiad Aksornthammakul and TAT Phuket D irector Anoma V ongyai led a team of o ials to he pon the five hinese vi tims who remain in V achira H ospital while recovering from the injuries they sustained during the recent speedboat collision off Ph et. The incident, which happened on J une 8 , left two C hinese tourists dead and more than 3 0 injured when the speedboats they were travelling on during a day trip collided between Phuket and Koh Phi Phi. “ I am here on behalf of Prime M inister Prayuth C hanocha who has expressed great concern for tourists’ safety,” M s Kobkarn said. “ First and foremost, we must take care of the tourists who were injured as a result of this tragic incident and wish @thephuketnews
Minister Kobkarn (right) on Monday night visited Chinese tourists still recovering to Vachira Hospital from injuries sustained in the speedboat collision. Photo: PR Dept them a speedy recovery. As of today there are now only five vi tims still in hospital and they are being monitored closely by doctors and nurses,” she said. “ Secondly, every department involved needs to discuss strategies for water accident prevention and assure us that this type of accident will never happen again in the future. tal ed rie y a o t this issue to the vice governor, o ials at Ph et arine ffi e and poli e and told them that we all have to take this as a hard lesson and work in collaboration with each other to find ways to ma e land and
water tourism safer for tourists,” she added. M s Kobkarn went on to say that there are numerous safety measures which can be added to those that are already in place for marine tourism such as speed limits for boats, extensive testing and training for boat operators beyond basic skills and emergency preparedness for boat operators. “ The investigation into the crashed is still on going, we have not neglected this case, t o ials have to follow the laws and procedures which can take time,” she concluded. T h e P h uk et N ew s
scene who may be witnesses to the incident.” C ol Teeraphol praised the work ethic of Lt Thamarong. “ H e never stopped working. H e did not neglect his duty as a poli e o er, even when he was off d ty, he said. “ This incident happened because of bad tempers, and bad tempers led to violence. This happens anywhere in the world, and police are not exempt,” he said.
TH E ISLAN D ’S C H IE F lifeg uard has issued a warning to all swimmers at Phuket beaches to beware of venomo s ellyfish li e “ bluebottles” , which were spotted off aithon ea h on Tuesday morning ( J une 1 4 ) . D espite its resemblance to a ellyfish, the l e ottle, also known as the Portuguese M an o’ W ar ( Physalia physalis) , or in Thai “ M ang G a- pr oon F ai M uak P or tuget” (แมงกะพรุน ไฟหมวก โปรตุเกส) is not a ellyfish, t a type of colonial organism known as a siphonophore. V it a nya C hu ay u a n, deputy head of the Phuket Lifeguard Association, confirmed that l e ottles have
been spotted only at N aithon ea h th s far, in the water and on the sand, but not at any other beaches, yet. The bluebottles are easily recognised by the air bladder from which the creature hangs, drifting around the ocean pushed by wind and tides, its long, blue tentacles trailing below. These tentacles can deliver a very painful, and sometimes fatal, sting. “ Please be careful in the water, especially at Phuket’s northern beaches, as the bluebottles are common here every year from J une to October,” M s V itanya added. T any al uk S ak oot
THEPHUKETNEWS.COM Phuket Seven Day Weather Forecast
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J ason Beavan 0 8 6 47 9 7 47 1
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W in d 5 k m/ h
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W in d 4 k m/ h
Brit mum appeals for hel in finding son The Phuket News
J ittiya (Tiya) Rakdej 0 8 8 7 54 137 1
SALES SUPPORT Siriporn (Nok) Seangmas 0 8 6 47 9 7 47 0
worried mother is calling for any information that may connect her with her 21 -year-old son, who she has not heard from sin e efore he oarded a ight from Bahrain and arrived in Phuket on M ay 26 . “ H e left here under very odd circumstances and very much out of character. H e has been a ‘ model’ son for 21 years and is in his last year of study to be a licensed aircraft engineer, and he lives at home with us,” said mother N ina Lauri in an email to T h e P h uk et N ew s . “ H e left without notifying anyone. H e has deleted his Facebook account, destroyed his phone chip and left his house keys under the front doormat. H e also left a very disturbing note,” she said. Oscar Lauri-W ebb is travelling on a British passport and arrived in Phuket from Bangkok at about 9 : 20pm on M ay 26 on Bangkok Airways Flight PG27 9 , M s Lauri said.
Chunyu Meng, 40, was found hanged on Monday.
Woman, 40, hanged at football field
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Main: New Year’s Day 2015. Inset: Oscar “ I have contacts at our airport, immigration and Thai immigration and we managed to find out that he left the country and then we tracked his airline ticket,” she added. Oscar visited Thailand in 201 3 , when he attended a M uay Thai camp in Phuket for two weeks with his instructor and four other boys from Bahrain. M s Lauri suspected that he returned for this. H er hunch was right. Tiger M uay Thai ( TM T) in C halong this week confirmed that Oscar trained one-on-one at
the amp five times sin e ay 26, most recently on J une 2. “ This is all that we were able to track. There is no registration required from customers to take private session at our camp. Therefore,we have no insights of his current whereabouts,” wrote TM T General M anager J olen Sheldon. “ Since then I have had no word, and now I am really worried. I have posted in some Facebook pages in Phuket searching for him, but no news,” wrote M s Lauri. “ W e are very worried as
we suspect that he left Bahrain being in a depressed state of mind and without notifying anyone. H e is my son. I desperately want to find him, she said. Oscar is about 1 7 2cm tall, weighs 6 4 kg, has blue eyes, dark brown hair and light skin. H e has a prominent tattoo on the lower right abdomen in form of a irregular web. Any persons with information that may assist M s Lauri in contacting her son are urged to email her at nina.lauri@
POLIC E AR E IN V E Stigating the death of a C hinese woman found hanged from a tree beside a foot all field near Ph et s iconic, tourist-popular Promthep C ape early on M onday ( J une 1 3 ) . The body of C hunyu M eng was found shortly after 6 am, said C halong Police. She was found hanged by a nylon rope, though her left leg was still draped over a blue plastic chair beneath her. Police believe M s C hunyu died about six hours before her body was found. H er passport and purse, still containing cash and ID documents, were found at the scene. E ak k apop T h ongtub
Somsong (Chompu) Radabut 0 8 8 7 65 58 8 3 sales1
PR & MARKETING ASSISTANT Atitaya (Por) Thongmee 0 8 8 7 65 58 8 1 p
The thieves forced open the back door.
Break-in nets thieves B160k in stolen loot TH E H OM E OF A PR Ominent chef at a Phuket five star resort was rgled last Friday night ( J une 1 0) with jewellery and other items with a total value of more than B1 6 0,000 reported stolen, Lt C ol Sanit N ookong of the Thalang Police was called to the home in Permsap V illa housing estate in Baan M anik, Thalang, at 1 0pm. “ The thieves forced open the back door,” he explained. ers have d sted the s ene for fingerprints. opef lly, we will find the suspects soon and bring them in,” he said. E ak k apop T h ongtub thephuketnews
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Mall seals off areas as pillars crumble
Darawan Naknakhon
anagement from the J ungceylon shopping complex in Patong held a press onferen e last week to clarify that only four supporting pillars in its basement area are damaged, and not 1 0 as reported by some media. It was also stated that The Port area and its ndergro nd car parks are still closed while workers carry out repairs to the damaged pillars, but the rest of the mall remains open to the public. Ph et are o td ng eylon Prawit J anyasittikul and R adab Kanjanawanitch, managing director of engineering consultant ompany o td, held a press conference on J une 9 to clarify reports of damage to the supporting pillars in the car park and underground shopping area at Patong s main shopping mall, J ungceylon, after pictures of the damage circulated on social media. r Prawit said, e were
The three men were assembling the crane when part of the structure came crashing down on top of them.
Crane collapse leaves one dead, two injured The Port area and its underground car parks are still closed while workers repair the damaged pillars, but the rest of the mall remains open. notified of the damage to the supporting pillars on M onday ( J une 6 ) and we are investigating to find o t the a se and extent of the damage. “ W e took action immediately after eing notified of the damage and a team was assigned to resolve the problem. o al a thorities were also notified and the ndergro nd areas, first oor Port area and nearby areas have been sealed off, he said.
“ After engineers inspected the area and spo e with Patong M unicipality, workers added structural support around each damaged pillar to strengthen the supporting beams. “ They will also inspect all other pillars and the overall structure of the building to ensure safety all visitors and employees at J ungceylon, which is home to more than 3 00 shops,” he added. r Prawit went on to say
Fish-feeding tour unregistered AN IN V E STIGATION IS ongoing into the tour company and tour guide that allowed a hinese to rist to feed fish at oh hai o , off Ph et s east coast, after it was discovered that details of both the company and guide do not appear on the Tourism Business and Guide R egistration. Information about the discovery was passed on to the Tourism Business and Guide egistration, Ph et e y the D epartment of M arine and C oastal R esources ( D M C R ) on J une 8 . Phattara amontri, a le-
The investigation into the tour company and guide came after Chinese tourist Zhou Hongzhi was arrested. gal official from the Tourism siness o e told T h e P h uk et N ew s ( on J une 9 ) , “ W e discovered that the company which took the C hinese tourist on the tour was not in our
system. This suggests that the company is illegal and operating without a licence. “ M ontree J ongkijthana, 6 1 , was the tour guide who led the tour on behalf of BD T C o td on ay . r ontree will be investigated and if we find he has ro en the law he will be charged accordingly and will face punishment of one year in prison, a fine of B1 00,000 or both. n addition, o td will be charged with operating a tourism business without licence,” he said. T h e P h uk et N ew s
that safety is a priority at J ungceylon and that the problems m st e re tified in order to keep business operators, shops, clients and tourists happy.” H e also said, “ I would like to onfirm that only fo r pillars are damaged and not 1 0 as posted on social media… W e have not concealed from the press what has happened, but we needed engineers to inspe t the area first.
and two others injured last Friday ( J une 1 0) when a crane collapsed on top of them at construction site of The Terminal condominium pro e t, near Ph et nternational Airport. a oo Poli e hief ol J irasak Siamsak said, “ W e were called at 9 : 3 0am this morning and asked to investigate an incident where a crane had collapsed on top of a crane truck. W e were told that one man had died and two others were injured. “ The three men were assembling the crane when
part of it collapsed on top of them. W e are investigating the incident and waiting to estion the in red parties, he added. ther o ials, in l ding Sakoo O r B or T or ( local Administration Organisation) are helping inspect the area. The construction company was order to stop work until we sort this out,” C ol J irasak concluded. The body of M r N ikorn Tubtawee from N akhonsawan and the two injured men were taken to Thalang H ospital. E ak k apop T h ongtub
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Going both ways
Underpass to open as roads resurfaced Tanyaluk Sakoot rep orter2
The truck slammed at least six cars as it careened down Patong Hill. Photo: VR Patong145.400
Runaway truck slams six cars on Patong Hill er arrying on rete pylons slammed into at least si vehi les as it areened down Patong ill on onday morning ne 1 . nly one motorist, a motor i e driver, was inred, reported first responders at the s ene. e has already een ta en to hospital, one emergen y wor er told T h e P h uk et N ew s . he a ident happened
shortly efore am, said Patong Poli e. he tr was des ending the hill into Patong when the driver lost ontrol. o t si to seven ars were damaged, said the emergen y wor er, adding, many of the on rete poles were spilled onto the road. he a ident a sed tra into Patong to a p all the way to the east side of Patong ill. T any al uk S ak oot
he gro nd level lanes of the ypass road from es o ot s to the arasam t nterse tion at entral estival Ph et will e losed for days from ne 1 as road res rfa ing wor s are arried o t. ring this period, oth the north o nd and so tho nd lanes of the am ong nderpass will e open to all tra , meaning ninterr pted tra in oth dire tions thro gh oth the am ong nderpass and the arasam t nderpass at entral estival Ph et. owever, halermpon ong iet n Pro e t ngineer from the ighways epartment told T h e P h uk et N ew s , otorists oming from among wanting to t rn north onto the ypass road will have to ross the am ong nterse tion and ontin e on Phra Ph et aew d toward ath , then ma e a t rn and ome a and t rn left to re oin the ypass road. People oming from among wanting to head so th
The Sam Kong Underpass will be open to traffic in bot directions or t e first time from June 19 while the ground-level lanes above the tunnel are resurfaced. Image: Highways Dept
will have to do the same as a ove, t will have to ma e a se ond t rn in front of eehin on the ypass road and then ome a and go thro gh the am ong nderpass, he added. otorists oming from ath and wanting to head
so th o nd along the ypass road will have to first t rn left onto the ypass road and head north, efore ma ing a t rn at the eehin store to ome a and head so th, he said. he day los re to res rfa e the gro nd level roads follows a two ho r
los re of the so th o nd lanes approa hing the nderpass, from midnight ntil am on onday ne 1 , while ele tri ity wor s were arried o t. otorists heading so tho nd were diverted left onto oi ris hart, then right onto Pra ha thit d, and right again onto aowarat d to re oin the ypass road, and left to ontin e their o rney so th.
Driver charged after garbage truck crushes elderly man POLIC E H AV E C ON firmed that the driver of an O r B or T or lo al dministration rganisation r ish tr that allegedly r shed a motor i e and illed its driver while ma ing a t rn at a n tion near a ht aven in ai hao has een harged with re less driving. t ol alis thnongsaeng from ha hat hai poli e told T h e P h uk et N ew s on esday ne 1 that the driver of the r ish tr , year old rohem i hamnan, has een harged with re less driving a sing death. e said, his is an nfort nate in ident, rohem insists that he did not see the motor i e drive ne t to his tr when the ollision too pla e. fter investigating the in ident, we have harged rohem with re less driving. t is now down to the o rt to de ide what penalty he will fa e. he in ident happened at aro nd pm on ne ,
The driver of the yellow Mai Khao OrBorTor rubbish truck has been charged with reckless driving. when the motor i e and its driver, year old r ee oml , were allegedly r shed y the yellow ai hao O r B or T or r ish tr . ai hao O r B or T or hief araw t risa am added that his offi e has already ta en are of a ompensation payment to
the de eased s family. e have already paid some ompensation to help with the family with f neral e penses. e will now wait ntil the family is ready to f rther dis ss a ompensation payment in relation to r ee s death, said r araw th. E ak k apop T h ongtub
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Battle for sea gypsy land heads to court
The Phuket News
ourth Army R egion D eputy C ommander M aj Gen Khunawat M orkaew has urged Baron W orld Trade C o Ltd and the residents at the sea gypsy village R awai to pursue peaceful means in resolving their dispute over land in the village. Gen Khunawat’s plea for peace came after a closed-door meeting with Ph et o ials at Provincial H all to discuss the dispute on J une 9 , one day before the Phuket Provincial C ourt began hearing the claims from both parties in the hope of resolving the dispute last Friday ( J une 1 0) . o al o ials have already discussed with Baron W orld Trade C o and come to an understanding with them that they should rely on communication not confrontation with villagers,” he said. The ongoing dispute with Baron W orld Trade is over land where the sea gypsies’ sacred B al ai shrine is loated. ensions ared on ay
st al a TH E AU STR ALIAN M IN ister for oreign ffairs, lie Bishop, on M onday ( J une 1 3 ) announced the opening of Australian C onsulate-General in Phuket with jurisdiction throughout the provinces of Phuket, Krabi and Phang N ga. “ As part of the largest expansion of Australia’s diplomatic network in 4 0 years, the new C onsulate-General will serve an important role in providing consular and passport services to Australians in Phuket and the neighbouring provinces of Krabi and Phang N ga,” said M s Bishop in a statement. “ Around 9 00,000 Australians visit Thailand each year, with approximately a third of our visitors travelling to Phuket,” she added. The C onsulate-General in Phuket opened to visitors on Tuesday ( J une 1 4 ) . T h e n e wly l a u n ch e d website for the Phuket C onsulate, notes, “ W e offer Passport Services for Australian citizens, D ocument Legalisation and N otarial Services and general C onsular Assistance. The new website adds, “ Please note: Limited notarial services only will be @thephuketnews
The whale shark was spotted b fis er en off Promthep Cape.
Whale shark spotted by fishe e off h et Scores of Rawai gypsies waited at Provincial Hall in vain as Fourth Army Region Deputy Commander Maj Gen Khunawat Morkaew left without receiving their letter. Photo: PR Dept 25, when more than 200 sea gypsy villagers confronted 50 workers who arrived with a backhoe and began moving boulders into place to block access to the B al ai shrine, which sits on part of the disputed land. The confrontation escalated into clashes, with workers and sea gypsies throwing rocks at each other for 3 0 mintes. he ro fight stopped
when C halong Police arrived with more than o ials. After the J une 9 meeting, Phuket Governor C hamroen Tipayapongtada said,” This dispute is very complicated, so both parties must avoid using violence in the hope of ending the issue. N o one is above the law.” M eanwhile, the ongoing dispute over land in the village against 1 3 individual
o s late o e s
h et
The Australian Consulate-General in Phuket opened on the bypass road this week, with jurisdiction throughout the provinces of Phuket, Krabi and Phang Nga. provided in Phuket initially. Full services will be provided later. Those seeking notarial services should contact us for clarification on document legalisation and notarial services that can be provided currently. “ V isas for travel to Australia and C itizenship matters will continue to be handled through the Australian E mbassy Bangkok.” The Australian C onsulate-General in Phuket is located at: 6 th Floor C C M C om-
plex, 7 7 /7 7 C halermprakiat R ama 9 R oad ( the bypass road) , M uang Phuket 8 3 000 Thailand. Phone: + 6 6 ( 0) 7 6 3 1 7 7 00 Fax: + 6 6 ( 0) 7 6 3 1 7 7 4 3 E mail: consular.phuket@ W ebsite: http: //phuket. H o u r s of o p e r a t io n : 8 .3 0am – 4 .3 0pm M onday to Friday ( excluding public holidays) . R efer to the C onsulate-General website for further details on services. T h e P h uk et N ew s
landowners drags on. All 1 3 have court rulings to support their claims, yet Gov C hamroen said, “ W e have reached our conclusion at this point. The 1 3 landowners are willing to sell the land to government… “ I have already submitted a request with the central government about the proposal. W e are waiting for government to decide.”
A V ID E O C LIP POSTE D on Facebook last Sunday ( J une 1 2) captured the relatively rare sighting of a whale shark in Phuket’s waters. The video clip, which has a length of about one minute 50 seconds, was posted by Facebook user “ N ai Lay C hao Lay Patong” ( ในเล ชาวเล ป า่ ตอง) who claimed that the clip was taken on J une 9 , 201 6 , near Promthep ape, off the island s southwest coast.
“ W e were out on our longtail boat looking for fish, and along omes this whale shark, clearly not scared of us, and swam playfully with us. W e didn’t do anything to it,” the post reported. A whale shark sighting off Ph et was last reported near N ai Y ang Beach back in April, which followed another sighting off the island’s east coast in October last year. E ak k apop T h ongtub
Opinion 8
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
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Managing Editor F rom the U S A ; B A in C ommu n ication A rts f rom B an g k ok U n iv ersity I n tern ation al C olleg e; sev en y ears’ ex p erien ce at Nation Junior Magazine, Bangkok Recorder, Phuket. net,, Farangs. com an d Phuket Gazette.
Executive Editor
0 8 4 30 7 7 4 0 8 ex F if teen y ears w ork in g in n ew s an d cov erin g local issu es an d ev en ts in P hu k et, w ith 1 8 - mon th hiatu s sp en t w ork in g f or the B ru n ei T imes on B orn eo. F rom Q u een slan d, A u stralia; 1 0 y ears liv in g in the U K b ef ore mov in g to P hu k et in 2 0 0 0 . D eg ree in b u sin ess man ag emen t. S p are time sp en t sailin g or w ith f amily .
News & Sports Editor O rig in ally f rom the U K ; H as f ou r y ears ex p erien ce as editor an d rep orter f or P hu k etin dex .com mag az in e an d w eb site, an d I n P hu k et mag az in e.
Life Editor
editor1 G radu ated w ith a B achelor of E con omics, w ith ex p erien ce as a b roadcaster f or E n g lish N ew s at b dn ew s2 4 .com an d a b u sin ess w riter.
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9 9 / 7 M oo 1 ( B illion P laza ) , T . K athu , A . K athu , P hu ke t 8 31 2 0
National abandonment of a hero
he position that Thai national wakeboarder a inthai osen finds himself in is di lt to fathom ( see page 1 ) . A Thai national, he won an individual silver medal and team gold for the Kingdom at the Asian Games held in Phuket in 201 4 , yet his predicament has been overlooked by the entire range of government sporting agencies. If any international athlete competing at those same Asian Games where “ M ac” won gold s ffered an in ry resulting in an amputation, it would beggar belief that the R oyal Thai Government offered no s pport at all. Keeping in mind that Tourism and Sports M inister Kobkarn W attanavrangkul came to Phuket this week to visit C hinese tourists still recovering in hospital from their ordeal in the recent tour speedboat collision. As to
her portfolio, tourism seems to be her focus, much more than sports. That visit followed Prime M inister Gen Prayut C han-ocha himself in his televised address to the nation last Friday ( J une 1 0) showering praise on the Thai national football team for bringing home the King’s C up trophy for the first time in nine years, and on the Thai women’s volleyball team for the secondplace finish in the FIV B W orld Grand Prix held in M ontreaux, Switzerland. This is not to belittle the great achievements of those Thai national teams, but the comparison to the lack of offi ial re ognition and s pport for M ac R osen is awkward to say the least. Ignorance is no defence. he event where a s ffered his injury was an internationally sanctioned sports
competition held in Phuket, which Phuket V ice Governor C hokdee Amornwat attended the opening ceremony of. Q uestions may be asked about adequate insurance for wakeboarders, or why M ac’s lower left leg had to be amputated when many downhill s iers in rope s ffer similar injuries, but not the same fate. W hy M ac was not automatically taken into the affordable Thai hospital system and treated as the national medal-winning athlete he is, is dumbfounding. Perhaps it is the fact that he has a “ foreign” surname, born to an American father, even though he has competed on the international stage – and won – for Thailand. To leave him to rely on friends and the wakeboarding community to come to his aid in his hour of need brings forth just one word: shame.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Two dead, and more than 50 injured in speedboat collision off Phuket Patong shopping mall seals off areas as structural pillars crumble Policeman dead, another critical in Phuket Town shootout Cops linked to brothel with 121 prostitutes Lifeguard warns of deadly ‘bluebottles’, spotted off north Phuket beach this morning As second cop dies, Phuket Police Chief declares deadly cop gunfight case closed Chinese woman, 40, found hanged at Phuket football field Phuket hospital releases names of tourists injured in deadly speedboat collision Runaway truck slams six cars on Patong Hill Areas of Phuket shopping complex remain closed to the public
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HAVE YOUR SAY Armchair engineering 101
R e: A r eas of P h uk et s h opping com pl ex r em ain cl os ed to th e pub l ic If 4 pillars are weak they have increased lateral load on many more. A reasonable man would suppose that 4 weak pillars could suggest that mixes compression checks and rebar structure may have been less than original specs in many areas. J ust saying. I assume they have the records for every concrete test on every pour still available. B r a v eh ea r t 24 And this is yet about pillars you can see/observe. H ow about pillars not visible? And are the remaining good pillars strong enough to take over from the crumbling pillars? Or may it go to create a chain reaction in crumbling? … M hh, time to check things with my car insurance company in relation with parking there underground, as by know I have knowledge of possible risks. ( Insurances never pay out in such situations) K ur t Looking at the photo there ap-
pears to be lateral movement, hence the misalignment of the facing aspect of the pillar. The horizontal crack above the major movement supports this. The photo shows maybe some deformation of the rebar. There is no apparent evidence of corrosion of the rebar. Spec for the rebar diameter needs too be checked. The surrounding columns will have to take up the design loads for this column, easily calculated from the design drawings. This column failure is a major cause for concern, for the overall integrity of the building support columns. N o further comment from C . E ng required. … Putting a ‘ jacket’ around a damaged support column does not address the issue as to why the columns are suffering structural failure. A ‘ jacket’ is a temporary measure only not a solution. W ith 4 columns s ffering str t ral damage, the compressive loads on those columns, will be taken up by adjacent columns,for which the design criteria may not have taken into account. E very column needs to be inspected by N on-D estructive Testing methods and a laser dimensional survey be car-
ried out.
B o a tie
Not the rain’s fault
R e: R eck l es s nes s and w eath er to b l am e f or f atal P h uk et b oat col l is ion The people to blame are the speedboat drivers themselves, cannot blame the weather, insurance companies, the operators or the authorities, it simply comes down to personal responsibility. I’ve seen first hand many times these speedboat drivers do not alter course when they should instead “ play chicken” as they are simply lazy & reckless, a very dangerous combo. N ow they say changes m st e made as it will affe t tourism, is that all they care about? Both the drivers and the authorities are out of their minds. P a ul y 44
More training needed in marine industry
R e: P h uk et m us t r am p up s af ety m eas ur es f or m ar ine tour is m , s ay s M inis ter of T our is m Try lifting the ban on foreigners owning boat companies, or at least have an Aussie
or meri an firm ome in and establish an appropriate training regimen. The M arine afety e ... have sat y the wayside and watched these tragic events happen time after time after time, and have done absolutely nothing about it. E d S a nd er s W e, all boat operators in Phuket and the Andaman Sea, agree with Tourism and Sports M inister Kobkarn W attanavrangkul that without a M arine Training C entre it will be impossible to train correctly thousands of unskilled boat crews before the next high season on October 201 6 . A s t er i x
Ban lifting smells fis
R e: N av y ponder s eas ing coastal fishing ban off Phuket he whole fishing ind stry, not only the hai fishermen, is threatening the resources of Thai waters. Lifting existing bans is helping the whole fishing ind stry and most probably will line the pocket’s of the one’s who have the power to lift the ban. jo g i
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FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
DSI raises heat on tiger temple monk KANCHANABURI
he epartment of peial nvestigation has de ided to stop negotiating with em attled a ot Phra hamma ayo of at Phra hamma aya and threatened to serve him with the arrest warrant. he move ame after a provin ial monasti administration hief withdrew from the oint panel negotiating with the a ot and the temple to t rn himself over to investigators. he negotiating team met on esday ne 1 at at hian ate in Path m hani s hanya ri distri t to dis ss ways to en o rage the a ot to t rn himself in after an arrest warrant was iss ed for him in onne tion with a money la ndering ase. he team was made p of o ials from the , the ational e of ddhism, the angha preme o n il s se retariat, and the hief of the Path m hani monasti administration Phra heprattanas thi, who is also the a ot of at hian ate. fter a one ho r meeting, Phra heprattanas thi revealed that the negotiating team will end its role after the de ided to forward the indi tment of the a ot, along with fo r others, to the e of the ttorney eneral . owever, the has as ed the ring the a ot to o rt if the iss es an indi tment. he ase now has nothing to do with the lergy and the a thority to p rs e the ase against Phra hamma ayo rests solely with state o ials, as Phra heprattanas thi has withdrawn from the negotiating panel. omsa ohra sa, a legal adviser to the Path m hani hief mon , said that the negotiating team will not interfere in the wor of the prose tors. ep ty hief om oon arasit said the will proeed with serving the arrest warrant following the fail re of the negotiations. rom now on, the a ot has to onta t prose tors to s rrender only to the o rt, and if he is arrested, he will not e granted ail, t ol om oon said, adding that the arrest warrant against the a ot has a 1 year stat te of limitations. eanwhile, hief Paisit ongm ang approved a re est on onday ne 1 to see the indi tment of former long han redit @thephuketnews
at u ani onastic ad inistration c ie ra eprattanasut i sa s t e clerg ill end its role in tal s to persuade ra a a a o to surrender. S deput c ie So boon Sarasit le t as also present. Photo: Apichit Jinakul nion ooperative hairman pa hai ris pa a sorn aranya anmhad, a former finan ial o er at the hongphin anlom, a former dep ty hairman of the ooperative Phra hamma ayo and asithon ho prasit who has reportedly ed overseas. pa hai, who admitted to siphoning money from a o nts in 1 , is rrently in prison after eing senten ed y the riminal o rt to 1 years in ail. he now wants the five s spe ts to e indi ted on harges of onspiring to la nder money, la ndering money and re eiving stolen property in onne tion with he es totalling 1. illion paid from the . hief ol Paisit said
yesterday he had not onsidered a re est y at Phra hamma aya for the to hange the hief investigator handling the ase. e added that he interpreted the temple s re est as a delaying ta ti , hoping that the wo ld alter its investigative report on the money la ndering ase, parti larly details regarding eviden e of the money trail. viden e in the ase omprises largely of do ments, not witnesses, so any hanges to the eviden e will not e permitted, he said. ol Paisit added the is investigating more than 1 related ases of money la ndering and is e pe ted to wrap p two to three ases ne t month. f prose tors de ide to indi t the s spe ts in o rt on
ly 1 , the is d ty o nd to ring the s spe ts to o rt, ol Paisit said. he temple s lawyer a ted on the s s ggestion and the temple waited for the res lts of the meeting of the negotiating team s hed led for yesterday, said Phra anitwongse ttiwangso, dire tor of at Phra hamma aya s omm ni ations o e. B angk ok P os t
eapons ound in re and centre SURAT THANI A LAR GE N U M BE R OF o e ts modified for se as weapons were re overed y offi ials who om ed the egion venile o ational raining entre in ang distri t where a riot ro e o t on esday ne 1 , leaving in red and one dead. o t offi ials in l ding soldiers, poli e and administration led y ol onthi hai watana lthep, dep ty provin ial governor, went inside the yo th remand entre on ednesday morning ne 1 . ff i ials sear hed the sleeping arters and div-
ers s o red a large pond inside the entre. hey re overed a large n m er of o e ts made from wooden sti s, sheets of steel, stones and sharp materials. ongsa Prathiap in, dire tor of the entre, said there are a o t yo ths in the fa ility. esday s rawl etween rival gro ps from rat hani on one side and a hon i hammarat, Phang ga and ra i on the other left one dead and in red, he said. f the in red, 1 had een ept at rat hani ospital for treatment, while others who s stained minor in ries had ret rned to the entre. B angk ok P os t
ficials s o so e o t e eapons ound in t e egion u enile ocational raining entre in Surat ani. Photo: Supapong Chaolan
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Brothel owner, manager each face 14 charges BANGKOK TH E OW N E R AN D M AN ager of N ataree M assage, whose whereabouts are unknown, have each been slapped with 1 4 charges ranging from commercial sexual exploitation of underage girls to sheltering illegal migrants. The C riminal C ourt on Tuesday ( J une 1 4 ) approved arrest warrants for Prasert Sookkhi, 58 , and Sommai Padsing, 4 5, on charges related to the raid on the R atchadaphisek R d venue. C ol C hayut M arayat, deputy chief of the M etropolitan Police Bureau’s ( M PB) D ivision 1 , said the ongoing investigation indicated that M r Prasert is the owner of the massage parlour but he used others to act as proxies. M r Sommai was the parlour’s manager and holder of its operating licence, issued under the E ntertainment V enue C ontrol Act. he 1 alleged offen es brought against the men include running a prostitu-
The raid on Nataree Massage on Ratchadaphisek Rd on June 7. Photo: Pattanapong Hirunard tion business, acting as a procurer, sexual exploitation of children and youth under 1 8 years of age, providing shelter for illegal migrants, and employing foreigners without work permits. oth men ed arrest and are still at large after D epartment of Provincial Administration o ials, poli e and soldiers raided the parlour in H uai Khwang district on J une 7 . The operation netted 1 21 alleged sex workers, including 7 7 foreigners and several under the age of 1 8 . C ol C hayut said M PB investigators were trying to locate M r Prasert and M r Sommai. They will ask the Anti-M oney Laundering e mlo to e amine
the suspects’ assets to see if they have been acquired illegally. ials are also investigating a little book listing abbreviated names of law enforcement individuals and agencies thought to have received monthly kickbacks from the parlour, as well as paper chits with a picture of a Singha, a mythical lion and temple guardian, found in the possession of foreign masseuses arrested during the raid. Five executives of N ataree M assage have been arrested following the raid and are facing charges of human tra ing and sheltering illegal migrant workers. B angk ok P os t
The corruption allegations refer to a coastal erosion protection system in Nakhon Sri Thammarat’s Hua Sai district. Photo: Port And Marine Corporation Co Ltd
Alleged graft in Marine Dept BANGKOK Bangkok Post
he M arine D epartment ( M D ) has sent a letter to the Transport M inistry questioning whether it has the authority to investigate corruption allegations against its director-general, Sorasak Saensombat. A source close to the ministry said the M D sent a letter to the Transport Permanent Secretary, C hatchai Thipsunawee, asking him whether the M D ’s deputy chief J iraporn J antharasiri has the right to probe M r Sorasak’s alleged wrong doing in a beach protection project. M r Sorasak signed an agreement to implement a beach erosion protection system in N akhon Sri Thammarat’s H ua Sai district with Port and M arine C orp on M ay 20, 201 4 , at a cost of B4 6 8 million. n an ary, the e of the Auditor-General submitted a letter to the M D suspecting M r Sorasak would go over the project’s budget. An examination later found around B2.7 million was over-
Sorasak Saensombat. Photo: Marine Department spent on equipment procurement. M r Sorasak was briefly moved from his position as M D chief to transport inspectorgeneral pending the investigation but was reinstated as M D director-general on M arch 1 6 , despite the ongoing investigation. The M D signed an order on M arch 7 to set up a committee chaired by the M D deputy chief J iraporn J antharasiri to investigate the allegations against M r Sorasak. “ It is unusual to allow subordinates to investigate allegations against their boss. A new committee should be set up to run the probe to ensure transparency,” the source said.
The source added a new com mit tee should come from another state agency, not from the M D and that M r Sorasak should not be involved in the investigation procedure. The source says the M D doubts the probe can be fair and transparent unless an outside body looks into the case. According to the D epartment of M arine and C oastal R esources ( D M C R ) , Thailand has 3 ,1 4 8 kilometres of shoreline. Of this, 8 3 0km is being eroded – 7 3 0km in the Gulf of Thailand and 1 00km along Andaman coast. E roded shorelines, from Samut Sakhon to C hachoengsao province, are at a critical point. B angk ok P os t
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
The rebirth of Rangoon
Building’s facelift points way for city’s crumbling heritage
ome to Buddhists, C hristians, H indus, M uslims and a collage of businesses that burst to life as M yanmar’s largest city wakes up, the colonialera building known simply as ‘ 4 9 1 -501 M erchant Street’ holds a mirror up to R angoon. It has also just received a $ 3 25,000 ( B1 1 million) facelift, sprucing up its grand but crumbling edifice with the support of the community it houses. H eritage experts now hope that collaborative process will serve as a blueprint for saving the city’s other architectural treasures ravaged by years of neglect under the former junta. M erchant Street sits at the heart of R angoon’s historic downtown area, where the roads are lined with majestic but decaying structures that date back to British colonial rule, which ended in 1 94 8 . Scores of old buildings have already been razed by the ood of foreign invest-
A worker installs cables on the colonial building known by its address as ‘491-501 Merchant Street’ in Rangoon. Photo: Romeo Gacad/AFP ment that followed the end of total military rule in 201 1 and has pushed the city into a development frenzy. But with a new government in town, led by Aung San Suu Kyi and her pro-democracy party, conservationists are hopeful that an urban rebirth is within reach. “ W e had never seen such renovations before. If a building is old, normally people
destroy it and build a new condo block,” said Aung Thu, a resident who runs one of two tea shops inside the building. The elegant structure has 8 0 residents, a noodle stall, bookseller, two newspaperrecycling operations, a barber, three printing services and a purveyor of monastic accessories all under one newlyrefurbished roof. Its inhabitants are also
Bamboo-pickers defy bear warning JAPAN R E SI D E N TS SE E K I N G seasonal bamboo shoots in northern J apan are ignoring warnings to avoid a mountain despite four deaths from apparent ear atta s, o ials said. Bear attacks on humans are not unusual in the mountainous Akita prefecture on J apan’s main island of H onshu, but fatal ones are rare, with only eight tallied from 1 97 9 through last year. H owever, last month three men, two in their seventies and one in his sixties, died in apparent bear attacks while harvesting bamboo shoots in three separate incidents in a mountain forest near Kazuno city. The body of a fourth victim, a badly mauled 7 4 -yearold woman, was discovered last week, with reports saying she had been picking wild plants. H unters killed an Asian black bear just 1 0 metres from the spot where her remains were discovered. Public broadcaster N H K reported M onday ( J une 1 3 ) , citing a specialist, that it probably attacked all four because a human body @thephuketnews
A professor at Japan’s Iwate University noted that it was extremely unusual for Asian black bears to eat people. Photo: Raymond Roig/AFP part was found inside it. The expert, Toshiki Aoi, an emeritus professor at Iwate U niversity, however, noted that it is extremely unusual for that type of bear to eat people. Prefe t re and ity o ials have told locals to stay away but some are not heeding the warnings, according to prefecture official M asaru Kobayashi. “ Some people ignore our warning, thinking they won’t encounter bears, or they can handle the dangerous situation,” Kobayashi, who is in charge of environmental conservation, said. In addition to prefecture and ity o ials, poli e and
firefighters are patrolling the mountains daily encouraging anyone there to leave, Kobayashi said. “ It’s impossible to set up a fence around the mountains,” he said. “ All we can do is advise locals not to go in.” M akoto Aoyama, a Kazuno city official, said bamboo shoots are a popular seasonal product and some residents make a living selling them. “ But there is always a chance to encounter bears because bamboo shoots are their staple in spring,” she said. The city has recently set up several bear traps but they have not captured any, she added. A F P
religiously varied, something not uncommon in multi-ethnic R angoon, but a positive reminder of interfaith cooperation in a country where sectarian tensions have been fuelled in recent years by antiM uslim Buddhist hardliners. That this diverse collective backed the project is also unique in a country where tangled ownership rights, a lack of funding and poor
regulation have hampered restoration efforts. M any families and shopkeepers stayed put while newly-trained local tradesmen worked around them for nearly a year, applying fresh coats of paint and returning the building’s once-chipped columns to their former glory. “ They are happy with the building, the building is looking great,” said H arry W ardill of Turquoise M ountain, a heritage foundation that oversaw the work, which came free of charge to the residents. “ It’s attracting attention from people which is one of the key aspects of a demonstration project – we want to engage people to really think about their heritage.” The city maintains a list of 1 8 9 recognised heritage sites but currently lacks laws to protect them. Thant M yint-U , a historian who runs the prominent R angoon H eritage Trust, would like to see the M erchant Street makeover – which the trust helped fund – kick-start the restoration of other sites.
W hile the city will need to find reven e streams other than donations to pay for future projects, he is hoping the building’s new sparkle will onvin e lo als and o ials of the value of preservation. “ For a lot of people in R angoon, especially if they have never been outside the country, I think it’s really hard to imagine what an old building could be if it was well-renovated,” he said. The historian described “ excellent relations” with the new government and chief city minister, who he has been working with closely. H is group is also pushing for more comprehensive urban planning, aware that R angoon is struggling to manage hundreds of thousands of squatters, tra logged streets and rapid upward development. “ It is about looking at all the different iss es whether it is affordable housing or mass transit – and having the conservation of architectural heritage as part of this overall design,” he said. A F P
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Risking all to save lives
Elite South African mine rescue squad go deep underground SOUTH AFRICA
n a dar , smo e filled mine shaft, a group of South fri an res e trainees heave and gasp after rawling thro gh a narrow steel pipe t ommands sho ted y an instr tor rge them onwards. m er fo r, what is yo r o ygen reading he yells. 1 , aptain, omes the m ed answer from ehind an o ygen mas , the e ha sted trainee at pains not to so nd wea . ew ma e it into the elite s ad of the ines es e ervi es , dedi ated to saving lives in a o ntry with the deepest mines in the world. he trainees have only one shot at e oming a rigadesman , as the res ers are nown. here is no se ond han e if yo fail the initial one wee training o rse. he eight andidates, already down y two men, are lin ed at the waist y a harness. hey navigate along the
South Africa’s elite Mines Rescue Services are dedicated to saving lives in a country with the deepest mines in the world. Photo: Mujahid Safodien/AFP la stropho i , winding pipe on their stoma hs, with 1 . ilos of reathing apparat s on their a s, testing their toleran e for onfined spa es and a ility to wor in a team. ther drills involve lim -
ing steep stairs ndergro nd in f ll res e it and throwing ilo sand ags and steel ars over a 1. metre wall. e s ally start with a gro p of a o t 1 or 1 g ys, t only a o t si or seven fin-
ish the o rse, said assistant s perintendent errit e es. he gr elling training o ld e mista en for army e er ises, preparing the rer its for pre ario s res e missions ndergro nd where they fight fires and retrieve minewor ers trapped y ro falls and other disasters. e are wor ing with people s lives, there is no room for mista es, that is why we annot lower the training standards, e es said. n a o ntry dotted with gold, platin m, oal and diamond mines, mem ers are reg larly alled o t to help. t s a vol ntary servi e that re ires fier e fitness and mining e pertise, whi h is why all rigadesman are re ired to e a tive minewor ers and to ta e reg lar refresher o rses. There are about 9 00 of them a ross the o ntry, ready to e a tivated at a moment s noti e d ring times of disaster.
hey are paid a small retainer on top of their miners salary, pl s an ho rly rate when on an emergen y all o t. never felt li e itting... o ld do it a h ndred times over, said Pierre Pieterse at the end of a se ond day of training. anger is always there... t yo have to ma e a dangero s sit ation safe efore yo enter. t s a o t helping others, the year old prod tion s pervisor said. ome women have ta en the rigadesman test, t none have passed in the res e servi e s year history. hief e e tive hristo de ler said altho gh in idents in o th fri an mines had de lined sin e the early 1 s, emergen ies still o r. his is one of the to ghest professions that yo an get, said e ler , noting that rigadesman have een illed in the line of d ty. e try not to get emo-
tionally involved, t there is nothing more gratifying than saving a person. e feel li e we have a omplished a tas and then move on. e ler said that as o th fri an mines were so deep, the res e servi e had its own ni e ma hinery apa le of rea hing , metres ndergro nd. he drive for etter res e e ipment was sp rred y o th fri a s worst mining disaster, in whi h wor ers were illed at the oal roo mine in 1 . he wor of the rigadesmen has of late een stret hed y the growing trend of illegal mining, where diggers sift for gold in dis sed shafts. t this stage we are more a tive trying to re over illegal miners than we are on o r a tive mines, e ler said. t is really a ma or, ma or pro lem. e re alled an in ident in ay 1 where the servi e was alled o t to a dis sed mine and saved illegal diggers over a three day period. nfort nately we have similar in idents where we have to re over dead odies. ording to the ham er of ines of o th fri a, ann al fatalities in the o ntry s mines have dropped from 1 in 1 to in 1 , with tho sands in red. n a high profile tragedy in e r ary this year, three minewor ers were trapped ndergro nd inside a steel shipping ontainer sed as an o e after it was swallowed y a sin hole at a mine in the east of the o ntry. ighty seven wor ers s rvived, t after desperate attempts to rea h the ontainer, res e efforts were s spended for safety reasons and the three remain ried. A F P
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Phuket learns to love in ata les of ualit
MARINE The Phuket News ex
nterest in rigid in ata le boats ( R IBs) in Phuket’s local boating market is hitting a higher plane as product education is driving demand spe ifi ally for ality ighfield s, says one the leading dealers on the island. “ People in the boating ind stry are ite s epti al, but over the past few years many have begun to learn more a o t ighfield s and the e ellent ality they offer, says holamar ompany owner and founder H ans M artin. C holamark, which has served customers in Thailand and neighbouring countries for more than 25 years, has een the ighfield dealer in Ph et for more than five years. “ In that time, we have sold h ndreds of ighfield R IBs on the island,” noted M r M artin. “ E ven charter companies here, including Sunsail, are now moving over to using ighfield s as their standard tender of choice for their f leets. The main reason is obvious: the H ypalon tubes are resistant to the intense sun here and the powder-coated aluminium hulls are strong, light and very resistant to the harsh sea conditions in Phuket and the surrounding waters.” eyond Ph et, ighfield has become a major player in o theast sia. ighfield has developed into a worldwide boat-builder with a complete line of s. hey now offer tenders from 2.4 to 6 .4 metres all the way up to a full line of deluxe R IBs,” M r M artin added. ighfield e pe ts to ecome one of the top three man fa t rers of s five metres in length, or longer, within the next three years. “ W ith dealers and distributors in o ntries, ighfield oats has become the top choice for international mariners, with particular market strength in the C aribbean and Southeast Asia. This development is backed by the dealers’ commitment to provide good service and customer satisfaction,” said M r M artin. ighfield oats an tra e their design heritage to the Australian line of Swift Boats. D eveloped to handle the tough conditions along the Great Barrier R eef, Swift R IBs are renowned for their durability and performance. But the secret to their success is the @thephuketnews
The Phuket Business Dinner on June 23 will explore issues regarding visas and work permits. Photo: Tanyaluk Sakoot
Chambers of Commerce seminar to highlight visas, work permits LEGAL ISSUES
ig field rigid in atable boats s are beco ing increasingl popular in u et as t e co pan ’s reputation or ualit or ans ip spreads. Photo: ghfiel Boats top ality materials sed for the production of their tenders, M r M artin noted. “ Aluminium provides great strength, lighter weight and improved performance when compared to heavier, fi reglass h lled oats, he explained. “ Lighter-weight H ighfield R IBs need less horsepower to provide speeds comparable to higher-powered fi reglass h lled s, and deliver improved fuel economy. Light weight is a great advantage to yachtsmen and sailors as tenders become very easy to launch and recover,” he said. W hile marine-grade aluminium in and of itself is highly resistant to corrosion and does not r st, ighfield goes one step further and powder coats all aluminium parts, he added. “ The powder-coating process electrostatically bonds
the powder to the aluminium. The coated hull is then baked in a high-temperature industrial oven, where the powder particles melt and fuse in a smooth even coat on the metal. The resulting hulls are durable, good looking and, perhaps best of all, maintenance free, even in harsh saltwater conditions,” he said. ighfield oats presently boasts a blue-chip list of owners and boat builders, including Lagoon C atamarans and Beneteau Y achts. W hen it omes to tenders, ighfield is also the first hoi e of he oorings harter eet. In addition to finding ighfield s on some of the world’s most prestigious ya hts, ighfield is also involved in several very highprofile maritime events. ighfield s were hosen as the exclusive support boats for the
start and finish of the end e Globe 201 6 , with 4 2 boats ensuring the safe departure and arrival of sailors in the renowned, demanding aroundthe-world, single-handed yacht race, sailed non-stop and without assistance. n 1 , ighfield s were chosen by the Panam Games organisers as support boats to all sailing events, and are on the scene at race events in the U K, Sweden, Australia, C anada and the C aribbean.
TH E BR ITISH C H AM BE R of C ommerce in Thailand ( BC C T) , in collaboration with the French, German and N etherlands chambers of commerce in Thailand, will hold a Phuket Business D inner at the Amari Phuket, in Patong, on J une 23 highlighting current issues regarding visas and work permits. Key speaker at the event, to be held from 6 : 3 0pm to 9 pm, will be Stephen Frost, D irector at Bangkok International Associates. M r Frost is also a member of the BC C T Board of D irectors and C hairman of the BC C T Legal & Taxation Group. U nder the topic “ An U p-
date on V isas and W ork Permits” , M r Frost will cover new visas, the 9 0-day reporting form and wider changes to r les and reg lations affe ting expats. M r Frost, a specialist corporate lawyer and lecturer, has been involved in many international takeover transactions in a diverse range of industries, and cross-border loan transactions and security. Attendance costs B8 9 0 per person and includes an inter ffet dinner and soft drinks. Payment is direct at the door to hotel. To book attendance, visit C l as s A ct M edia is a pr oud m edia s pons or of th e B C C T B us ines s D inner s er ies .
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
New trade expo set to launch SPONSORED
Chanida Summast
huket promotional powerhouses D ragon 8 8 C o Ltd and Arrow Audio 8 8 C o Ltd ( Arrow M edia) have joined forces to create the inaugural “ Phuket SM E s and R eal E state Show” to be held from J uly 29 through August 7 . Organisers expect more than 1 00,000 visitors to the show, to be staged at the Promotion H all on the first oor in the entral Festival E ast shopping mall on the bypass road. “ There will be 8 7 booths available, with 6 6 located inside the building and another 21 in the forecourt outside,” said W imonrut “ Annie” J aruanmuangpriaw, M anaging D irector of D ragon 8 8 C o Ltd, which also operates the Phuket-based real-estate agency W ow! R eal Property. SM E s and real-estate ven-
The SMEs and Real Estate Show will be held at Central Festival Phuket East. tures on display will have pride of place inside the mall, with 3 6 booths reserved for SM E s and 3 0 booths reserved for real-estate ventures. “ SM E s and R eal E state
businesses from everywhere can join the event,” said M s W imonrut. Already signing up to take part are SM E s from the health, education, a tomotive, o e e ipment,
sports, travel, entertainment and agricultural industries, she added. R eal estate ventures joining the event in l de those offering condominiums, townhouses
and fully detached homes as well as commercial spaces, she added. “ A key factor in businesses joining the event is that we will distribute over 1 00,000 brochures in Phuket promoting the show, which will bring visitors to the event. W e will also carry out an online direct marketing campaign to 59 0,000 clients,” said M s W imonrut. U sing the highly visible promotional resources at their disposal, the organisers will promote the event on billboards around the island as well as on radio and through other media,” she added. “ The aim of holding the Phuket SM E s and R eal E state Show 201 6 is to have the best and biggest SM E s exhibitions and real-estate project exhibitions in Southern Thailand,” said M s W imonrut. “ Y ou don’t have to waste your time looking for clients because our campaign will reach out to more than 500,000 potential clients with
buying power. The event will not only boost marketing in general, but also allow investors from all over the country to meet with business owners,” she said. Special services will be provided for companies joining the event. “ For example, we will have sales assistants on hand to assist exhibitors to communicate with C hinese and R ussian customers,” said M s W imonrut. “ Also, for the visitors we will have a kid’s zone, games, activities and lucky draws in which visitors who register their attendance at the show can win an iPhone, hotel vouchers and even gold,” she added.
F or m or e inf or m ation ab out th e s h ow , contact M s W im onr ut at T el : 0 85 - 7 5 4 6 5 1 6 , 0 9 5 4 1 6 9 5 5 9 ; E m ail : w im onr ut@ w ow r eal pr oper ty . com , inf o@ w ow r eal pr oper ty . com ; S k y pe: pp _ annie; W eC h at: w ow _ ph uk et
King Power buys controlling stake in Thai AirAsia AIRLINES AFTE R SE V E R AL D E N Ials last month over reports that Asia Aviation Plc ( AAV ) boss Tassapon Bijleveld and his spouse were in talks to sell their majority stakes to dutyfree operator King Power, a report on M onday ( J une 1 3 ) onfirmed a deal was sealed worth nearly B8 billion. SE T-listed AAV , which in turn owns 55 per cent of Thai AirAsia, Thailand’s largest low-cost carrier, submitted a statement late M onday evening to the Stock E xchange of Thailand informing it of a resolution by the company’s board of directors on their acknowledgement of a
share purchase deal worth B7 .9 4 billion between the Bijleveld family and Srivaddhanaprabha family. The statement reported M r Tassapon, wife Sirithorn and daughter Pattaree sold 3 9 % of the total shares of AAV to King Power chairman V ichai Srivaddhanaprabha and his children. The deal saw 1 .8 9 billion shares sold at B4 .20 per share. AAV shares rose to B6 .1 0 in mid-day trade before closing at six baht, a gain of 1 .6 9 % M onday in heavy trade worth B8 .6 5 billion. Following the deal, M r Tassapon will hold 5% in AAV , down from 1 3 % . M r V ichai will become the new
largest shareholder with a 1 4 % stake, with M r V ichai’s family holding a combined 21 % stake. By law, the share purhase re ired a mandatory tender offer to allow all shareholders to sell their shares at the same price as the deal in compliance with Securities and E xchange C ommission law, according to the company’s statement. The change in shareholder structure led to the exit of three directors – Pattra Boosarawongse, Tanapat N gamplang and Preechaya R asametanin – replaced by Sombat D echapanichkul and M r V ichai’s two sons Aiyawatt and Apichet. As of now, M r Tassapon
will remain as chief executive of the company. It has not been disclosed if M r Tassapon will remain in a management position. “ M r Tassapon has agreed with the purchasers not to disclose any details, so he has no comment at the moment. They plan to jointly hold a press conference on J une 1 4 ,” said an AAV spokesperson. Speculation about M r Tassapon and his family selling their shares spread since late April when King Power was said to be keen to gain ownership of AAV to build on its travel-related empire. Its portfolio includes new E nglish Premier League champions Leicester C ity. But in early M ay, M r
King Power’s chairman has assumed control of ThaiAirAsia after purchasing controlling stock in Asia Aviation from Tas sapon Bijleveld (inset). Photos: Bangkok Post / file Tassapon denied the deal through a spokesperson, saying, “ There is no deal whatsoever . letter of larifi ation insisting there was no deal was also submitted to the SE T. As chief executive at AAV and Thai AirAsia, M r Tassapon was judged a success, leading the company to become the largest low-
cost carrier in the country. Thai AirAsia ( TAA) rapidly spread throughout Asean via an ambitious route schedule. Last year AAV posted record net profit of B1 .08 billion, up 4 9 0% from 201 4 . TAA posted record net earnings of B1 .9 9 billion, up 4 9 4 % . B angk ok P os t
TILE IT S IZ E 1 /8 H R Z W 1 35 X H 8 6 M M .
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Travel and architectural inspiration from NZ
Yamaha MT-10 and all its pleasures
Celebrating the arts, while raising money for good causes > Page 16
Photo: Siaji Elisha. @thephuketnews
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Celebrating the arts in every way PIA Arts Week repeats success! Natalie Weekes
ast Friday (June 10), Phuket International Academy (PIA) ran their second annual Arts Week. The whole community came together to celebrate the vibrant and varied world of the arts, and to appreciate the importance of creativity through performing and visual artistic expression. From June 6-10 students were welcomed to school each morning by a range of buskers; many of who were teachers and parents wanting to share their love of music and performance. Lunchtimes were accompanied by student performances thanks to the Phuket Academy of Performing Arts (PAPA), and each afternoon a range of workshops were offered by members of both the PIA community and wider community, and were available for students of all ages to take part in. Workshops included; Yoga through Storytelling, Origami, Cupcake Decoration, Basic Photography, Street Dance, Songwriter Classes, Stage Improvisation, and many more. On the Monday evening the Theatrix Group performed the wonderful Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) much to the delight of the audience. On Thursday evening
the famous Russian duo ‘Incanto’ performed a variety of beautiful classical pieces on the violin and piano, which all musical lovers in Phuket were invited to enjoy free of charge. To finish off the week, Phuket International Academy celebrated with a Talent Show and Charity Art Auction. Over the past few months, students have been creating and submitting their favourite art pieces to auction off at last Friday’s event. There were an impressive 90 pieces donated and sold, with class collaborative works being auctioned live in-between acts in the Talent Show. Some pieces went for as much as B30,000! The Auction and Sale raised over B194,000, and will all be donated to the school’s Global Concerns initiative. At Phuket International Academy, due to become United World College Thailand in August 2016, service has a central place within the school’s philosophy. The Global Concerns Committee (GCC) was set up in May 2015, and is a student led and student driven initiative. The GCC directs and establishes project groups around the school, and ensures that all or-
The Talent Show. ganisations supported are appropriate and done so in a sustainable way. PIA currently works with a number of local and regional organisations (Global Concerns), including Uncle Pitak’s House, The Good Shepherd School, Karuna Shechen and Baan Paklong Cheep School. For more information, please contact
Athletic activities.
Students donated their artwork.
Field trips around Phuket.
BISP's summer programme
pen to students from all over the world, British International School Phuket's Summer School has a assortment of activities created to provide a well-structured, fun-packed summer for students aged six to 15. The programme is unique for having been developed and administered by qualified teachers and coaches. This year, they have added the Cruzeiro Football
Academy, Tennis Academy and Cirque Ed Academy to the lineup of activities students can participate in. Students can choose every week whether they would like to partake in the Adventure Programme (where they take trips to Krabi, Khao Lak, and so on) or the Skills Programme. Students can choose to sign up for half-days, full days or reside on the school campus. The English Skills School will follow the Cambridge English Young Learners & Cambridge English Framework course, and at the end of the four weeks, they can sit the relevant worldwide recognised Cambridge English Young Learners tests. For inquiries, please contact summer@bisphuket., visit http://www. or call 081 340 2199 thephuketnews
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Dogs in Bandanas for World Record! SOI DOG STORIES Mike Pullen editor1
Lunches can be a bit daunting for newcomers, which is why we have coffee!
PIWC Coffee Morning or Monthly Lunch, anyone?
A good way to test the community waters
The Phuket International Women’s Club was founded in 1989 by a small group of women to foster friendship. Since then it has morphed into a much bigger entity where members get together to meet other women and also to raise funds for scholarships. The club currently has 125 members from 27 different countries. For enquiries on how to join or our activities please visit our website www.
or some women the thought of a large gathering of ladies is the last thing that they would want to attend. The prospect can be rather daunting, especially so if you don’t know any of them. What if they don’t like me? What if I don’t like them? Not everyone likes each other but you only need to meet a few people that you have something in common with to make a connection. It’s difficult to do that in a large group, which is why Phuket International Women’s Club has a monthly coffee morning called ‘Meet and Greet at Starbucks’ in Central Festival. There are usually about 10 ladies there – some long-time members of the club, some newer members and some newcomers to the island who want to check out the club before committing to the dreaded Monthly Lunch! This small group gathering is a great way to meet a few ladies for an informal chat and to get a feel of the club. The location of the is great too, you can do some shopping or have lunch afterwards. Once you’ve attended a Meet and Greet, you might like to graduate to the Monthly Lunch. These are a great opportunity to try out some wonderful dining venues all over the island. The club is quite spoiled by @thephuketnews
different restaurants and hotels in that we get a very reasonable price (B600 for members, B750 for non-members) for a divine lunch in lovely settings. You’re able to meet more people and catch up with old friends that you might not see regularly. We do get very “home-centric” in where we go, because of the way the traffic is and time issues as well, so you can be sure that a lunch will eventually be located near where you live. The monthly lunch is a great way to socialise and to see new places and different parts of the island as they could be in the north, south or central. Do come along sometime – we’d love to meet you. Meet and Greet Coffee mornings are held every second Thursday of the month at 10.30am at Starbucks in Central Festival. Monthly luncheons are held every third Thursday of the month at various venues around the island. For more information visit:
Soi Dog Foundation’s mission statement is to improve the welfare of dogs and cats in Asia, resulting in better lives for both the animal and human communities, to create a society without homeless animals, and to ultimately end animal cruelty. For more information visit: or www.facebook. com/SoiDogPageInEnglish.
oi Dog Foundation, Thailand’s leading dog and cat welfare charity, have announced the launch of an attempt to break the current Guinness World Record for “Most dogs in one place wearing a bandana”, to be held on grounds surrounding the Hope and Anchor Inn, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire on June 25. Organisers Isabel Van De Ven and Zat Lewis, UK supporters of the Thai charity, said, “This is purely being staged as part of a fun, family day out in the countryside. We’ll have lots of activities for the kids, as well as pub food, bric-a-brac, bottle stalls, tea room, healthy living stall, vegetarian and vegan food, face painting, dog boutique, dog shows, a luxury raffle with first prize as a trip to Thailand, and lots more for the whole family. We encourage everyone in the vicinity of Ross-on-Wye to come along, and bring your adult
dog or dogs with you, for a day you’ll never forget.” The fun day also serves as an annual reunion for the street dogs that have been rescued from the horrific dog meat trade smugglers and adopted by dog lovers in the UK. These dogs appear to realise that they have been given a second chance in life, and are renowned for being super appreciative and affectionate towards their new human soul mates. The current Guinness World Record for most dogs in one place wearing a bandana stands at 764, and Ms Van De Ven is hoping to break this by attracting 800 adult dogs and their owners to the event. “Anyone in the area with an adult dog can come along, have a great day out, and be a Guinness World Record holder by the time they get home!”, added Ms Van De Ven. “Admission is £1, but it’s free to participate in the record attempt. All we require is that if you want to take part, you will need to register early on arrival in order to avoid queues, pick up your free dog bandana (free to the first 500 dogs entering), have your dog verified as over one year old, and briefly checked by a vet to ensure your pet is in good health. That’s it.”
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Basic Buddhism A simple start for the clueless ALL ABOUT BUDDHISM Jason A. Jellison mitn oy @liv
Buddhism starts with ust ve le rules
All About Buddhism is a monthly column where I take readers on my exotic journey into Thai Buddhism and debunk a number of myths about Buddhism, and introduce readers to exotic temples that few of us have gotten to see…
he clocks in your life are about to strike 13. Buddhism seems so mystical and so philosophical. Sometimes it seems downright confusing and contradictory. Really, this Thai tradition hailing from Nepal actually is pretty simple. In fact, it is so simple, that even I can explain it. All About Buddhism is written for those of you who are not as familiar with Buddhist customs and traditions that are so central to Thai culture. Part DIY self-help and part philosophy, this column will try to break down a complicated religion down into the simple terms of a man who recently started journeying into it. I do not claim to have found any sort of grand enlightenment or have any grandiose insights into mankind. This is simply an article that makes it possible for the curious to better understand a complicated religion. What I have to say is very basic. I just intend to tell you my story. I intend to tell you what it was like to go to my first service, what it was like to have my first team of translators, what I found and how my life has improved. However, before we hear that story, I would like to tell you what Buddhism is not. You may hear of places that say they’ll teach you some great, ancient mystery for a whole bunch of money, or see story-tellers claiming to know the future. That’s not Buddhism. Some people take advantage of the fact that most people don’t know how to start practicing Buddhism. In fact, I reckon some people reading this article are thinking that starting out must be really hard, right? Wrong. Buddhism starts with just five simple rules.
Wat Pho is the centre for many religious rites.
Wat Pho temple in Bangkok.
The five precepts of Buddha which Thai people call ‘sin-ha’ are actually similar to the Ten Commandments. They are do not kill, do not steal, do not lie, do not commit adultery and do not use intoxicants. In a nutshell, that’s what Buddha taught. It’s easy to understand, but not so easy to do. If your life is not going well, if you are looking for an alternative, if you want the pain to stop, just start there. We’ll talk about my story next month and you’ll hear all the amazing stuff then. I debated if I should start this series with intriguing tales (all true) or with mundane, slightly preachy advice. I opted for plan B. I may not be asking for money but, after all, I am peddling optimism.
I know that optimism all too often comes just before somebody slyly passes the fez; shamelessly piling public pressure on the down-and-out to part with their very last, stone-broke baht. I won’t do that. Buddhism doesn’t cost anything. The best things in life really are free. Most religions specialise in giving you preordained answers to life’s problems. The real secret of Buddhism is that there is actually a meditating monk inside each and every one of us. All we need to do is learn how to find him. Then, we can solve our own problems. If you have any specific queries, or ideas for articles, please let us know. Email, and we will do our best to accommodate your interests.
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Architectural wonder on a cliff Travel inspiration from New Zealand Justine Tyerman
anging from a cliff on a mountainside 10 minutes from Queenstown is the jewel-like Jagged Edge, a rare undiscovered gem in the ultra-luxury private villa accommodation market in New Zealand. In a region with a plethora of luxury lodges and hotel suites, Jagged Edge literally stands alone. A holiday home belonging to a New Zealand family, the property is unique and unrivalled in design, location and privacy. Anchored to the rock with steel cables drilled deep into the mountain, the bold, dart-shaped glass and steel prism appears to catapult from the rock face as if heading for the sky. From a distance, the roof looks as if it is held up by the talons of a giant peregrine. The visual impact is startling. At the height of summer, the structure shimmers, like the prow of a glass ship floating between the bleached blue Central Otago sky and turquoise-jade of Lake Wakatipu. One of the owners and designers of Jagged Edge, a Wellington-based •The property, located at the end of a private road beyond two coded securit gates is inutes dri e or fi e minutes’ heli-transfer from Queenstown International Airport. ir ies to ueenstown dire t from Christchurch, Auckland, Wellington, Sydney and Melbourne. www. • JUCY Rentals assisted with transport. • Visit the Jagged Edge at: www. jagged-edge/ • Justine Tyerman was a guest of Luxe Houses:
The 270-degree panorama is startling.
The exterior is impressive…
An impressive feat of architecture, carved into the bedrock. mechanical engineer, said 8,000 cubic metres of rock were excavated to form the platform for the house. A wine cave and two-car garage are chiselled even further into the bedrock. Floor-to-ceiling steel rods and bolts support massive glass walls that jut out from the base at an 18-degree angle, soaring to 9.2-metre at the apex of the triangle. A 5m by 6m infinity spa pool sits to one side of the prow. The structure is so light on the landscape, it’s nearly invisible – you can see through it to the mountains and lake on the other side. The interior design of the threebedroom, four-bathroom house is almost entirely open plan and the décor is deliberately understated – free from any impediment to the 270-degree panorama of Queenstown’s trademark glacier-gouged Remarkables and Cecil and Walter Peaks, rising perpendicularly from Lake Wakatipu. Man-made adornments are superfluous when landscape masterpieces fill one’s entire field of vision through the glass walls surrounding the kitchen,
living, dining and entertainment areas downstairs, and the sumptuous bedrooms and bathrooms on a mezzanine platform upstairs. Even the freestanding bath in the white porcelain-tiled master bathroom and the double shower that runs the full length of the bathroom have mountain and lake views. Among the few embellishments in a house where the landscape takes centre stage are two dramatic lighting features – an eye-catching mosaic head from Mexico and an imposing glass sculpture of a kiwi in the stairwell designed by New Zealand artist Peter Stoneham. With its pale, timber flooring, glass walls and clean lines, the overall effect is one of understated elegance. It’s an extraordinarily luxurious, restful place, devoid of fussy detail and decoration. Jagged Edge is awash with smart technology: the sickle-shaped 3.7m bar that rises from the floor; wall-panels that float across the mezzanine floor to enclose the open-plan bedrooms; the grand piano that can be programmed to play itself; the spa pool that automatically lowers the water level to allow a recessed cover to slide across the surface; the subterranean wine cave tunnelled into the schist. When not ensconced in the 38-degree water of the spa pool, guests can use the impressive facilities at the nearby equally-palatial five-bedroom, six-bathroom guest house. The house, which can be rented separately or in conjunction with Jagged Edge, has a heated swimming pool, spa pool, sauna, gymnasium, kitchen, an expansive living area with wrap-around deckings and the same awe-inspiring views. Guests can tap into Luxe Houses’ concierge services and their trusted network of professionals who special-
…but perhaps not as impressive as the interior. ise in ensuring every stay is flawless – charter jets, helicopter transfers, yachts, launches, jet-boats, drivers, bespoke spa treatments, personal trainers, experienced nannies, hiking guides and ski instructors. Luxe Houses can also arrange celebrity chefs, waiters and butlers for those who would rather dine at home than eat out at Queenstown’s worldclass restaurants. The state-of-the-art kitchen with its four-metre island bench is designed with entertaining in mind. Queenstown – New Zealand’s premier all-seasons tourist resort and “the adventure capital of the world” – is on your doorstep. Your concierge can arrange an adrenaline-pumping trip in the famous Shotover River Jet or a jetboat expedition up the Dart River, deep into Mt Aspiring National Park, combined with a dreamy drift downstream in inflatable kayaks called “funyaks” amid scenery made famous by Sir Peter Jackson in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Revolution Tours will take you on an unforgettable experience starting with a cruise across Lake Wakatipu to Walter Peak Station on the “Lady of the Lake”, the historic steamer TSS Earnslaw, cycling along the lake edge to Mt Nicholas Station or up the pristine Rees and Dart Rivers to a place aptly named Paradise where you are encircled by mountains named after Greek gods. A cruisy ride made even easier by electric bikes (by arrangement). Return to Queenstown by boat, helicopter or road along the shores of Lake Wakatipu, rated one of the world’s top 10 scenic drives by Condé Nast and Lonely Planet. The Luxe Houses’ New Zealand flagship properties were launched in March 2016. They won’t stay a secret for long.
Ten out of ten
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Yamaha MT-10: Unveiling the ultimate naked street-fighter Anton Makhrov n ew s@n ov ostip hu k
here is a saying in my country that men love with their eyes while women love with their ears. Unveiled at Bangkok Motorshow 2016, the new Yamaha MT-10 is a doublebarrel, first stunning you with its hyper-aggressive looks and then – as soon as you turn the key – with the spine-tingling roar of its 998cc engine. Being well aware of what Thai riders love, Yamaha is progressively making its way to the hearts of young, thrill-loving riders. From the affordable M-Slaz (150cc) through the more powerful MT-03 (321cc) and up to the MT-10, the M-series is distilled essence of what a true modern street-fighter is.
Fast, furious and agile. Long-awaited MT-10 is the flagship of the M-series, but the word “packleader” fits better. Even the smaller Ms make it clear that Yamaha’s designers put their bet on this type of exterior, and MT-10 with its beady twin LED headlights looks like a bio-mechanic creature from futuristic novels. One picture is worth a thousand words here. The MT-10 has borrowed a lot from the YZF-R1, Yamaha’s championshipwinning super-bike. The racing rocket provided the chassis, suspension and engine with cross-plane crankshaft, but each of them has been modified to result in a real street-fighter, not just a restyled super-bike. The 998cc in-line-four was derated from 200hp to 160hp for a better spread of torque. So you can get
your 111Nm of maximum torque at 9,000rpm, some 2,500rpm lower than with the original R1 engine. Maximum power is also reached early than with R1. Compared to his racing brother, the MT-10 has stronger low- to mid-range torque and is definitely tailored for real roads, not racing tracks only. As one can expect, the MT-10 is fully packed with Yamaha’s cuttingedge technology and R1’s sophisticated electronics, including fly-by-wire throttle control, slipper clutch, quickshifter, cruise control, three selectable power modes and three traction-control options. Rider safety is not provided by electronics alone. Yamaha’s engineers were caring enough to fit MT-10 with 320mm hydraulic dual-disc front brakes with radial calipers and 220mm single-disc rear ones. ABS is standard,
as well as Bridgestone Battlax Hypersport tyres. As with the engine, Yamaha has made a few adaptations to the R1 chassis and frame for its new assignment. Lightweight aluminium Deltabox main frame, fully-adjustable upside-down KYB forks and a mono cross-linked shock came from R1, but the the wheelbase is only 1,400mm. Together with wider steering angles, upright riding position with some forward lean results in better agility and control in real traffic. And of course straight bars and no fairing. All above-said comes with one sting. It is still unclear when (and if) the MT10 will appear at a Yamaha dealership in Thailand. The official website is silent about this, but the good news are that MT-10 manuals in Thai language have already leaked onto the web.
Vios Upgraded
hailand’s favourite saloon has been updated with a new drive-train for better economy and emissions.
What’s new? After a long, long wait – spanning three generations of the country’s most popular saloon – Toyota has given the Vios a new engine and transmission. Although the 1.5-litre petrol engine remains the same in size, it now gets dual variable valve-timing (VVT) control, E85 compatibility and is known by the code 2NR-FBE. The previous 1NZFE motor had only single VVT and took E20 gasohol at the most. The old four-speed automatic is now replaced by a CVT version with sevenspeed manual mode from the bigger Corolla Altis. Toyota says it has also recalibrated the steering and suspension for easier handling and a more comfortable ride. More sound-deadening materials have been added in the engine compartment, in a bid to reduce cabin noise. Toyota adds that these enhancements have made the Vios dearer than before, with a new price range of B599,000B749,000. The manual gearbox option has been unsurprisingly dropped from the range. What’s cool? Despite the 1hp drop in power, performance is basically the same as before. The marked improvement is the way its power is being delivered to the front wheels. In the CVT fashion, the driveline is smooth. The steering feels more
composed in a straight line, while the ride appears to be more compliant and refined over secondary road surfaces. What’s not? Despite those new noise-insulation measures, the engine’s still vocal when pushed to high revs. We hear that the Toyota’s parent firm in Japan has told the Thai office that the visual update must be kept for next year. There are two more details that might be worth condemning. First, there’s no infotainment available yet for the Vios. Second, only the two highest grades get all-round disc brakes; the rest get rear drum brakes. Buy or bye? That this update isn’t that complete comes as no surprise, because we’re talking about a dominant brand that has picked up a habit of improving its cars at a relatively leisurely pace in Thailand. Yes, the new drivetrain has aided in improved fuel economy and CO2 emissions, but it hasn’t necessarily made the Vios an outstanding car overall in the Thai B-segment. That won’t stop the Vios from selling well. Bangkok Post thephuketnews
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Stepping it up
All the reasons to revisit Two Chefs
wo Chefs owners Henrik Öjelind and Billy Ågren have not created a flourishing chain of restaurants in their 16 years on Phuket through sheer luck or complacency. With The comSwedish chef Billy at the helm, the team of skilled and well-trained Thai chefs in the bination kitchen are focused on maintaining quality of orand upholding standards in all four of their anges and smoked restaurants. Attention to detail and listening to their clientele salmon, along with have kept them a front-runner on the dining scene, the apple cider serving a range of international cuisines, includand sesame in the ing Scandinavian specialities and expertly executed Thai food. Their most recent additions and updates dressing creates to their menu are bound to attract a variety of diners a bright, flavourful – from vegetarians and casual eaters to fine diners combination that and seafood junkies. To their starters, the new Rustic Flatbread with has you reaching for caramelised red onion jam makes for a light beginmore… ning to any meal, especially if you’re eating in a group. The combination of tomato, fresh basil, feta cheese and grape tomatoes make for an excellent way to whet your appetite. The “Skagen” Toast, while not a new addition the menu, is always a great option. Seafood, house-made mayonnaise and dill on toast with lemon is delightful and a must-try for anyone visiting Two Chefs for the first time. The new Summer Salad, however, is what more adLemon and Coconut Cheescake. venturous palates will appreciate. The combination of oranges and smoked salmon, along with the apple cider and sesame in the dressing creates a bright, flavourful combination that has you reaching for more. The pasta menu has added Basil Pesto Tagiatelle and Aglio E Olio Spaghetti, both of which are great options for vegetarians. A unique addition to the menu is the 8-hr AustraSummer Salad. lian Braised Beef. Homey and flavourful, the meat breaks away into tender, unctuous bites that come together perfectly with the snap peas, beetroot and carrots stewed alongside it. For those looking for a hearty steak, Two Chefs have added in grilled rib-eyes – served with Béarnaise or chimichurri. The largest change, however, is the expansive addition of seafood. All the Grilled Shrimp with Aioli and Chimichurri sauce. locations have added a huge Shayan Amin editor1
Raspberry Crème Brûlée.
“Skagen” Toast. range of seafood dishes, cooked in various styles. Extensive care has been put into making sure the seafood is of the highest quality, and consistently fresh. The Grilled Shrimp with Aioli and Chimichurri sauce, serves as a testament to well-prepared seafood. Perfectly cooked and seasoned, the chimichurri sauce especially makes for a sharp, salty contrast to the sweetness and delicacy of the shrimp. There is a whole host of new desserts. Mango sticky rice is probably the least exciting for Phuket residents, but Apple Crumble, Banana Flambé, Raspberry Crème Brûlée and Lemon and Coconut Cheescake make for a range of desserts that will satisfy most, if not all people. Two Chefs understands the importance of listening to their customers. Rest assured that if you have any ideas for the menu or criticisms, they will be sure to account for it. The entire menu, both new items and old are curated meticulously to make sure they are always providing maximum value to customers. More than just a res-
8-hr Australian Braised Beef.
Rustic Flatbread. taurant, Two Chefs is also host to a variety of events. From the recently-fêted Philippines Independence Day (complete with a Lechon pig!) to the weekly Sunday Roast and Friday’s All You Can Eat Ribs and Wings, Two Chefs is also looking forward to hosting a Reggae night as well as Swedish Midsummer Party on June 24 at their Kata Center location. Their amazing live band plays special playlists for each of the events and performs nightly, on rotation at all locations. Assuredly, Two Chefs is a solid option for any night – celebratory or relaxing. Visit, or call 076-330065.
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
M A G IC N IG H T @ C O A S T C E N T A R A G R A N D B E A C H R E S O R T Centara Grand Beach Resort, Phuket recently organised an international night of magic featuring David Holybourne, additional entertainment was provided by in-house band Quattro Room and resident DJ and featured a fabulous BBQ buffet dinner.
Kittinan Anuphan founder and developer of Claim Di App and Claim Di team.
G R A N D O P E N IN G C L A IM D I B IK E A T L IM E L IG H T A V E N U E P H U K E T Kittinan Anuphan founder and developer of the Claim Di App (CEO of Anywhere 2 Go Co.,LTD) and members of the Claim Di team, a Thai mobile app facilitating drivers’ insurance claims and communications between them and their insurance companies held a press conference for the grand opening on June 6.
P I W C C O F F E E M E E T A N D G R E E T The ladies of Phuket International Women's Club were back again at the Starbucks in Central Festival last Friday (June 10) to welcome potential members and reconnect with older ones.
Jane, Marion and Suzi.
Helen, Lovee and Jane.
R O Y A L P H U K E T M A R I N A B U S I N E S S C E N T R E O P E N S I N P H U K E T Regus opened their 18th business centre in Thailand at the Royal Phuket Marina Business Centre last Friday (June ), with over 60 VIPs and local media in attendance. Leonie, Sue and Margaret.
Suzi, Ilse, Helen and Joan.
From left: Wimolnit Lertpitakkit - Regus; Michael Ayling – RPM; Paul MacAndrew – Regus and Wipakorn Komonkitisakul - Regus.
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Aidan, Samantha, Jasmine, Charlie, Tiger, Perth and Iaroslav.
Salvatore, Nicole, Garri, Renate, Joanne and Daniela.
Students at Phuket International Academy (UWC soon) ended their second annual Arts Week with an Auction and Sale. Ninety pieces were donated and sold, with class collaborative works being auctioned live in between acts in the Talent Show.
T H A N Y A P U R A O L Y M P IC T R A I N I N G Thanyapura Phuket had the honour of welcoming Thai national road cyclist Jutatip Maneephan, who came to Thanyapura to train for the Olympics in Rio. She came along with the W2 Women’s Cycling team from Bangkok. See also story on Page 37.
From left: The Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Thailand Second Secretary, Luisa Tatsch; BISP Athletics and Activities Director, Jeff LaMantia; H.E. Ambassador of Federative Republic of Brazil in Bangkok, Gilberto Fonseca Guimaraes De Moura; Hon. Consul of Brazil in Phuket, Jiratha Thavornvongwongse; and Brazilian Sports Consul in Bangkok, Flavio Bettarello.
B R A Z I L E M B A S S Y F U T E B O L C H A M P IO N S H I P D I N N E R Last Saturday (June 11), the Brazilian Honorary Consulate in Phuket held a dinner at the Kata Beach Resort as a thank you to British International School, Phuket (BISP) for organising and hosting the Brazil Embassy Futebol Championships held to celebrate this summer’s Olympic Games 2016 being held in Rio de Janeiro.
17 JUN Mussels night @ Shakers
. kg musse s se e ith f ench f ies choice, y ou r sty le: n atu re, marn iè re, p en e g ic c e m o h i st e. e tions ecommen e ht sh ke sphuket@gm i .com .
Indian Curry Night on Fridays ome to ng h in on e n s eso t p fo n uthentic n i n e st fi st n thi i of the month in on e ch. out ou e icious oo ikki mos s hicken n oo i oo o i ng om utte hicken m in oo n ice s hutne s ch s ist chio ce e m u mun uits. t ishes on the menu . o on nett n speci e uce p ices on drin ks.
ou roes. .
days, an d men tion “ S ip ‘ n S lide S u n days“ to ecei e fo hi un e ith e ch p ing u t esi ence tes pp the fi st se ecte e e ge is g of popco n fo ki s peci iscounts ti pm on . p sh ung e is p t of ent n est n s eso t i s huket n is ust km no th of the airp ort. w w w .sp lashj u n g lew aterp ark. com.
18 JUN
Bollywood Phuket’s Weekend Special Indian Lunch Set
unch o inne se e f om pm. ou choice of eithe o st eef chicken oin of po k o eg of m se e ith o st n oi e pot toes th ee f esh eget es o kshi e pu ing n g . n pe pe son hich inc u es f ee g ss of house e o hite. pposite ent on R esort. S ee otools- p hu k
BBQ at Expat Hotel
T ime 8 p m, E x p at S p orts B ar, E x p at H otel, S oi T aip an , P aton g . w w w .ex p atsp ortsb
Sunday Gourmet Brunch At Bodega and Grill
e ith ou f mi n f ien s hi e en o ing ish un unch fe tu ing e ect e inte n tion se foo u et comp emente cou se egust tion menu fe tu ing finest se ection of gou met p tes. o eg ununch f om pm ti pm p ice st t f om . ese tions ecommen c ou ese tion te m on e t .
Reggae night
menu f om u e ch u t
st oni ng
Pool Competition at Expat Sports Bar T he comp etition w ill b e held at 9 p m, E px at S p orts B ar at the E xp at H otel S oi T aip an , P aton g . S ee map at w w w .exp
19 JUN
Sip ‘n Slide Sundays @ Splash Jungle Waterpark
isit p sh ung e
k fte
ing fte noon the poo si e fe tu ing ish sp e of inte n tion e ic cies n f esh se foo f om the ce n. peci omotions g oup of o e peop e ecei e iscount. i th ce e tions i th pe son ecei es comp iment unch. he est of the p t if o e peop e ecei e iscount. p ices e su ect to go e nment t n se ice ch ge. hi en s p ices e pp ic e to those ge f om si to t e e. hi en un e the ge of si ine ith ou comp iments. fn .phuh @h .
20 JUN
All you can eat BBQ night
oin us t o hefs on fo egg e night. n o the i e n inspi e u et fo on n ou speci s on u t e e ges. u f mous o hefs n i e p ing the est egg e hits st ting t pm. ese tions are hig hly recommen ded an d can b e made b y em i t k t @t o c .
ice t s. e ch
eef ok m ui o e occo i e s ots f ie mush ooms g i e tom toes o kshi e pu ing o ste pot toes m she pot toes g mush oom s uce mint s uce. ese tion ecommen e ht . . sh ke sphuket@gm i .com .
Friday BBQ Buffet at SKYE Beach Club
All you can eat Sunday Roast Buffet
Traditional Sunday Roast Angus O’Tool’s Karon Beach
ome n en o uthentic ou s of n i inu ging in ou speci eeken unch set fo on B 39 9 + + p er p erson b etw een 1 1 am- 3p m. M en u in clu des 3 starters, 4 main cou rse an d dessert se e ith u mun hi ni ni ust ce e m choose . fo ust pe pe son. o mo e info p e se c .
ome oin us fo ou t o hefs t ente on t e ch n tong f om pm te n u ge in ou n t o k i s hicken n i es fo u is f mous t o hefs ome t us out n en o ou mouth te ing po k i s o u sting chicken n mo e oin us fo i e usic f om te e fo me u mous o hefs n ome fo the t fo the t o hefs ou e o n ine t it. o hefs ese tions heck out mo e et i s on ou e site t it. o hefs ents.
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
pm pm eef po k chicken u ge s s us ges p ns s ui s s u et choice of pot toes s uces e uns g ic e ese tion ecommen e ht . . sh ke sphuket@gm i .com .
ome en o
ition un o st t o hefs t ente on t e ch n tong. n u ge in ou ition un o st fo ht n o ge se ection of ou f o ites e tu ing o st ussie eef o k oin n hicken. o ste o she ot toes. o ste i e eget es oe ith h me n ic. o kshi e u ing n e ine . n o i e usic f om te e fo me u mous o hefs n ome fo the t fo the ou e o n ine t it. o hefs ese tions heck out mo e et i s on ou e site t it. o hefs ents.
et cti e n e n mu ti spo ts ski s mps e esigne to e fun fo ki s of ges f om n up t h n pu . iet of spo ts is p o i e inc u ing e ning to im ompetiti e imming n ennis. t ting p ices f om pe ith i e ent timet es fo e ch spo t. o mo e info m tion n ese tions p e se c m i ese tions@th n pu .com.
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
21 JUN
25 JUN
Every Wednesday! All-you-can-eat Pasta and Pizza
E e v ry W edn esday eat all o y u can - p izza an d p st on fo ht. ink ou c n e oni e e i e on fo ht o oth ht ith e ness pm to pm. info@p st e oc te t h ong i c e h o st.
23 JUN
Hard Rock Heals
Gossip at Xana Beach Club
nce hi n ossip ou night hi e en o the ck op of the n m n se t n e ch u huket emie e ch u . n o the ck op of the n m n se . ies ink fo f ee . esi ent n inte n tion s. of s n n s ie. ess o e su e ening e . o e info isit .f ce n e ch u
P lease come an d j oin u s here on a C harity ight un ise t ock fe huket f om . pm . pm. ockt i t ee o foo n ink. ess ike s s ou uppo te T he P hu ke t N ew s.
15 JUL
in co o tion ith ench em n n ethe n s h m e of omme ce co i in ites ou to huket usiness inne on hu s une t m i huket o g nise . n the opic of n p te on is s n o k e mits. tephen i co e ne is epo ting fo m n i e ch nges to u es n egu tions ecting e p ts. inc u ing inte u et soft inks. o e info w w w .b P rou dly S u p p orted b y T he huket e s. o h n o @ ccth
ri ute enefit ening for r Piboon ‘Snake’ Kanyalak.
e se oin some of huket s est musici ns fo fun ising e ening to ssist . n ke s f mi in upe m night. p ocee s co ecte i e on te to the n k mi n high of inks s es on the night i e so e on te ink up n et s ce e te . n ke s ife in the est possi e . om pm t e o house t k o on. o .
22 JUN
All you can eat BBQ Ribs night
6 p m – 1 1 p m: A ll yo u can eat B B Q rib s serve d ith s u et pot to s choice of s uces. ese tions ecommen e . . sh ke sphuket@gm i .com .
24 JUN
Phuket Hospitality Challenge
n ife
ee nce
TAO Retreat
huket esents et e t o kshop un . ne o s . inc usi e i o kshop in e th itness nce. peci guest ife o ch e on. e in n n ee huket .
Midsummer Party
oin us t o hefs t ente on une th f om pm te fo ou i summe t no a T radition al S w edish S morg asb ord p lu s L iv e e ish usic ou o hefs n uffet nc u es ick e e ing moke mon n ockt i o st eef te me on m m ot to eet oot et heese o ste oup e t s ok ck ing i e sp gus ush oom ie i e e te ks ue e ie i k hoco te nn ott oconut s ht u ts ht hi en i s n e t ee e ish iti ens i ecei e iscount n oo .
End of the Year Show 2016
onkiet nte n tion choo huket e hosting the t ic e t g n isne s he ung e ook fo thei en of e sho on tu une t the imon t et ho mkong. t s t e of oung o o g i ho liv es in the j u n g le. K I S w ill g iv e the show their o n spin ith c ssic songs n ch cte s n thei o n n of music n m . o tickets o n ition info m tion p e se isit w w w .k isp hu k P rou dly su p p orted b y T he huket e s n i e . io.
he e fi st gun huket ospit it h enge h it o f ou n ment i t ke p ce in huket on th u t the gun h mpionship o f ou se. u im to h e competiti e fee to the e ent s ospit it p ofession s f om huket n i come togethe to fight it out in te ms to see ho is the est in the egion. f ou nt to p ticip te in this e s e ent p e se isit the e sites t . si ngo fe o . se n e ents. com n cont ct ko i me on. ou suppo te i e . io.
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Crossword by Myles Mellor & Sally York Across . .
at did ar ueen o ngland lose in anuar o rote t e boo The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde . ic island is t e second largest in t e editerranean Sea . ic talian classical tenor beca e blind at t e age o ollo ing a ootball accident . ic or er bare nuc le bo er on t e realit contest s o Celebrity Big Brother 8 ns ers belo centre
ite eatles song . e oured . i up . a es le el . lear o . arenting c allenges . Solidifies
. esire . i ard . a o t e ee . uerto ico cit . inged . o n nder bird . ood ill e.g. . it no end . e Down . at . icroprocessor . Soup t pe t pe . a e in ind . ut o . inter accessor . undle up . eddis bro n . Santa ali . . ail deli er . urable abric . riest ear . or boot . plent eature . e ale organs . a e le on into . rist as le onade . erde . ellies ational ar . oreboding . l and ipper . at . ig a e it . ess an . anonical our . ntrusi e roc s . ig t source . rcana . istor . oreign . o to dignitar . anadian . ro ection pro ince . ersonalit test . sian e panse . ecline . eing r.
. ni al t at beats its c est . Scrap . nd so on . a . edded . es irc . e spaper it toda . nit o re uenc or s ort . populi . Sane . Si line poe . eaters . lips t roug . udd ist o as attained ir ana . o e orati e ar er . arista or places . o elist ar er . o e ro . esot o coin . ngendered . ar or ers . ges and ages
Solutions to last ee ’s pu les
ns ers to t is ee ’s op ui alais ngland’s last possession on uropean ouis Ste enson Sardinia ndrea ocelli
ainland obert add o ert
June 17, 1462 V lad III the Impaler ( V lad D raculea) attempts to assassinate M ehmed II ( in “ The N ight Attack” ) , forcing him to retreat from W allachia.
in fi e people in t e S consistentl i up t eir le t and rig t.
June 18, 1908 J apanese immigration to Brazil begins when 7 8 1 people arrive in Santos aboard the ship K as ato- M ar u.
June 19, 1269 King Louis IX of France orders all J ews found in public without an identifying yellow badge to be fined ten livres of silver.
ti es ore li el to use a cell p one ile dri ing are dri ers under in t e S.
June 20, 1975 he film J aw s is released in the U nited States, becoming the highest grossing film of that time and starting the trend of films nown as “ summer blockbusters” .
species beco e e tinct e er da .
people in t e S are na ed a es ond according to t e S ensus ureau.
June 21, 2004 S paceS h ipO ne becomes the first privately funded spaceplane to a hieve spa e ight.
49 million
dollars per our is o uc t e S go ern ent paid in interest on its debt in fiscal ear . Source: Uberfacts
This week in history
June 22, 1527 Fatahillah chases away Portuguese forces from Sunda Kelapa harbour. Peoples celebrate it as the birthday of J akarta, Indonesia.
Leaping for love at a Kamala wedding. Photo by Kurt Heck Got an unusual or particularly beautiful picture of Phuket? Email it to
June 23, 1868 C hristopher Latham Sholes receives a patent for an invention he calls the “ Type-W riter” . S our ce: W ik ipedia thephuketnews
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
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FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
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FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
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S eek in g f rien dly T hais an d C hin ese w ho sp eak E n g lish an d/ or M an darin . u p t time nee e . s onus. o k t o ce o f om home. J im, M ai K hao P laz a, hello@iv, 0 9 4 6 7 9 1 1 8 2 .
BOATS, YACHTS FOR SALE D u al b an w ide. U p p ack ag in 4 0 0 0 0 , V
Dual banana boat for sale
an a b oat f or w ater activ ities. 4 .2 m lon g , 1 .6 m to 1 4 riders. T his b an an a b oat is b ran d n ew , g still in tact. S tored in a w arehou se in C halon g . ladimir, sales@j oy div, 0 8 4 1 8 2 8 6 8 5 .
Dive boat for sale
D iv e b oat A sian A dv en tu re, L en g th– 1 8 m, W idth– 4 .6 m, D ep th– 1 .7 m, 1 E n g – 31 5 H .P . cap asity 4 0 p assen g ers + 3 crew . L ocated in C halon g , sales@ j oy div, 0 8 4 1 8 2 8 6 8 5 .
1 engine speedboat for sale
H on da 2 5 0 H .P . 1 5 p assen g ers+ 3 crew , L en g th– 8 .1 0 m, W idth– 2 .4 0 , D ep th- 1 .6 . E x cellen t con dition s, sou n d sy stem L ocated in C halon g . V ladimir, sales@j oy div, 0 8 4 1 8 2 8 6 8 5 .
Boston Whaler conq uest 255
I mmacu late con dition , M ercu ry 1 5 0 hp x 2 v ery low hou rs, T hai reg istered. T his b oat comes w ith f u ll in v en tory . L y in g A oP o marin a P hu k et. mik ehig h1 @g mail. com M ik e, mik ehig h1 @g, 0 8 8 7 6 8 4 7 0 1 .
Yacht Chartering and Resort
B ig A S w an 5 5 Y acht C harterin g an d R esort in P hu k et T hailan d S ailin g : B ig A S w an 5 5 , A ccommodation : B ig A R esort 0 7 6 - 38 30 8 0 E mail: b ig
ACTIVITIES, GROUPS Roof top Patong Mini Golf
T he b est sea v iew o es oof top ini o f. oc te on the th oo of B an an a W alk P laz a in P aton g , 0 9 1 7 6 2 2 6 2 8 , http : / / p aton g min ig olf .com
ACTIVITIES, GROUPS Free Tiya’ s Hammocks campaign
W in F ree hammock f rom T iy a’ s H ammock s P hu k et. W in n er w ill g et V W eav e hammock , han dmade f rom N orth of T hailan d, w eig ht cap acity 2 5 0 k g s. V alu e 5 , 2 0 0 T H B . M ore details v isit F aceb ook : T iy a’ s hammock s, C on tact: T iy a, tiy a@ tiy ashammock, 0 8 9 6 0 0 0 0 4 1 .
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Restaurant set up for sale
A f u lly eq u ip p ed restau ran t in the hig hly sou g ht af ter B oat A v en u e mall in L ag u n a. S tain ess stee kitchen ifi counte se ice e . e to go in s. uke o phuket@ g, 0 8 1 0 9 0 1 6 0 8 .
Restaurant for Take over
F u lly eq u ip p ed restau ran t in R aw ai f or T ak e ov er in a p op u lar tou rist sp ot. H ig h den sity crow d. 1 0 , 0 0 0 F T an d air con dition . J u n e, R aw ai, sen aj u n e@g, 0 8 1 9 7 8 5 9 8 9 .
Looking for a Partner Investor
I am look in g f or a P artn er/ I n v estor to ex p an d my D iv e b u sin ess A n yo n e in terested p lease email me to discu ss the p rop osal. rw hi6 9 0 1 6 9 @b ig p on
ne v ery low
Bangla agogo club for sale
efu ishe cu ith g e t etu ns is fo s e. u fitte out o e oo s. e ren t. R eliab le lan dlord. S tev e, stev ep earcerg j k , 0 8 9 5 8 7 0 8 1 9 .
che p n
Business for Sale
N on tou rist/ b ar related b u sin ess f or sale, y early tu rn ov er of 1 5 M B . C all 0 8 7 2 7 6 0 5 2 9 or 0 8 1 9 6 8 6 0 5 1 f or more details.
Newly renovated hotel for rent
N ew ly ren ov ated hotel/ g u est hou se in P aton g ’ s heart f or ren t f rom ow n er. 1 2 rooms, 2 shop s to b u sy street, man y f acilities. M ore details check thep hu k etn ew, search L istin g I D 5 5 39 8 or call + 6 6 ( 0 ) 8 1 5 38 1 39 9 .
Restaurant on Main Street
ge t stefu eco te est u nt in he ngt . u fitte n e uippe kitchen 1 0 0 seats, b ar. W alk in an d start b u sin ess. N ow on ly B 7 9 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 8 9 4 0 0 5 9 0 7 .
German bakery & deli & snack
in o e s c iente e t ke o e inc . t ining comp ete e uipment st oom o e s e sing con tract. Y early v olu me 4 mio. han sib ak ery @g, P rice: 3.5 million , C on tact M r. S tark .
Best Deal
R aw ai b u sin ess f or sale. A rea ap p rox 2 R ai, can do restau ran t or other b u sin ess.F iv e min s f rom b each. L on g term lease, y early ren t B 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 4 b edrooms hou se in clu ded. R edu ce f rom B 9 8 0 , 0 0 0 to B 5 2 0 , 0 0 0 . C on tact K hu n A sok e at 0 8 9 6 4 6 7 1 7 6 / b ig _ redchili@y
FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @thephuketnews
CAR FOR SALE Ranger bargain
F ord R an g er 2 0 0 5 . O n ly 1 2 5 , 0 0 0 k ms. O n e ex p at ow n er/ driv er, n o acciden ts. E x cellen t con dition . R eg u lar serv ice. F irst class in su ran ce. 1 5 5 , 0 0 0 b aht, alan g ath@g, 0 8 7 2 7 3 0 1 4 1 .
Horse and Dog Vet Hospital
O p en f rom 1 0 am. – 8 p m.* S erv ice all ty p es of an imals. * E x p erien ced p rof ession als.C on tact: 0 7 6 6 2 0 1 36 /0 8 4 2 1 0 6 8 6 8 an d con tact@horsedog v w w w .horsedog v
Toyota Corolla Altis 1.8 G VVTI
2 0 1 3 - 35 , 0 0 0 k m - A u tomatic W hite - C D R adio, A ir- con , A lloy s E x cellen t C on dition , O n ly u sed f or school ru n s. 5 2 5 0 0 0 , D u an g , R oy al P hu k et M arin a, g av in mu llin, 0 8 3 0 9 3 9 7 2 4 .
Pets Magic Planet
F ord R an g er w heels, ton n e show room con ex p at driv er. 6 , 0 9 7 0 4 5 2 7 8 8 . S ep T oy (E n P hu
2 .2 D iesel H cov er, sheep dition , 2 4 , 0 0 0 6 0 , 0 0 0 , dou g
i R ider 2 2 I n ch sk in seat, cov er, K ms., b y caref u l w atson @hotmail.
t. 2 0 1 1 . 5 7 0 0 0 k m. 1 f aran g ow n ota serv ice. T op con dition . T el: g lish an d G erman ) . 4 4 0 , 0 0 0 , k et, p erdomp,
er n o acciden t. 0 8 6 0 4 3 4 31 5 P er D omp ert, 0 8 6 0 4 3 4 31 5 .
. kms. hite. su efinements. I n su ran ce, F S H , L ady driv er 39 5 K b aht on o 39 5 K , C liv e R ob erts, crob 5 8 @g, 0 8 1 0 8 7 9 2 37 or 0 8 6 2 7 0 8 7 2 7 .
0 8 , L T u N o 2 8 0
4 rb A 4
9 9 , 0 0 0 B aht, o D iesel, F u ll cciden ts, 1 st 1 7 4 2 .
TOYOTA Fortuner 20 0 9
7 seats, S ilv er, G P S v ideo, F amily car D iesel 2 , 6 9 4 cc, B lu e b ook S erv ice history T oy ota P earl 7 8 , 0 0 0 k ms. A U T O M A T I C tran smission , g olf g u ru 2 0 0 5 @y k , 0 7 6 6 1 5 8 2 7 .
M odel 1 ,0 5 0 ,0 2 1 4 0 , C com , 0
t sa
Nissan Teana 2.5Lt
2 0 1 4 1 7 ,0 0 0 B aht E on tact M 9 0 1 6 32 1
0 0 n g au 4 0
FURNITURE FOR SALE Swinging Sun Loungers For Sale
S w in g in g , su n lou n g ers, b ran d n ew , ex cellen t q u ality - 6 , 0 0 0 b aht on ly , C on tact: E ddy , eddy elan @y ahoo. com, 0 8 9 9 7 1 0 2 7 8 .
REAL ESTATE SERVICES Phuket real estate tour
R eal estate in v estmen t tou rs are sp ecially desig n ed to help y ou to achiev e y ou r in v estmen t g oals w ith the rig ht p rop erty in the rig ht location . Y ou w ill g et adv ice on the mu ltitu de of lu crativ e in v estmen t op p ortu n ities in P hu k et. 1 9 9 0 , md@tou rasian .com, 0 8 0 8 2 6 4 6 6 5 .
Looking for Moving Company?
Chevy Captiva LT 20 0 8
n r ge
O p en f rom 9 am. - 7 p m. * T he b est in tern ation al b ran ds. * T he u ltimate choice. * L u x u ry accessries & j ew els. C on tact: 0 7 6 6 2 0 1 0 6 / 0 9 1 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 an d con tact@p etsmag icp lan
C hev rolet C ap tiv a L T 2 0 6 2 .0 0 0 K M , 1 O w n er, 2 .0 C hev y S erv ice H istory , C lass I n su ran ce. T el. 0 8
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
k m. N ew p rice 1 .7 M ln N O W : 0 8 1 7 8 8 8 2 8 0 T hai: 0 9 0 1 6 3 rice, mau rice.p hu k et@g mail. .
Honda J azz 20 0 9 150 0 cc Auto
5 7 , 0 0 0 k ms. O n e ow n er sin ce n ew . R eg u larly U serv iced b y H on da. T ax an d I n su ran ce u n til the en of une n i e no t ight o e . edu ced b y 4 0 , 0 0 0 b ht, R E D U C E D to 330 , 0 0 0 b ht o.n .o, A n dy + 6 6 8 4 6 9 0 9 1 4 4 , an dy smalster@g
CARS WANTED Urgent need Toyota hilux vigo
W an t to sell y ou r T oy ota hilu x v ig o C hamp ? v ig o4 u is the b est p alace to sell yo u r T oyo ta. V ig o4 u n ow in P hu k et, P atay a an d B an g k ok also. 0 8 4 34 4 34 4 4 , 0 2 8 1 0 8 1 1 7 .
W ith ov er 1 5 y ears of ex p erien ce B ig mov e P hu k et is the n u mb er 1 p rov ider of mov in g an d ship p in g in an d ou t of P hu k et T hailan d. W e p rov ide storag e in a state of the art clean , secu re, storag e f acility located cen trally in P hu k et. w w w .b ig mov ep hu k, 0 8 1 - 7 9 7 - 5 37 7 .
MEMBERSHIPS Blue Canyon Membership
B lu e C an yo n M emb ership f or sale. 1 corp orate n omin ee f or sale T H B 6 30 , 0 0 0 in c tran sf er f ee. g
I n J u n e 2 0 1 6 , B an g k ok H osp ital P hu k et w ill hav e to destroy p atien t records b ein g in activ e f or ov er 1 0 y ears. F or assistan ce & in f ormation , call 1 7 1 9 or e- mail u s at in f o@p hu k ethosp
I n tern ation al C lin ic E n g lish S p eak in g D octor B y A p p oin tmen t 0 9 5 0 8 5 1 1 8 8 F B : D rJ aq W arn n issorn P rov idin g A n ti- A g in g ( B otox , F iller, L iv e C ell T herap y , A ltern ativ e C an cer T reatmen t, C helation M edical, H ou se C all) . I n teg rativ e an d A dv an cemen t in M edicin e f or in div idu aliz ed treatmen t p rog rams f or p atien ts of all ag es an d w ith v ariou s disorders, E mail: tosaw cu te@g
Tired Of Waiting?
W e clean o y u r car at yo u r p lace - at yo u r time. N o.1 car w ash deliv ery in P hu k et. C all 0 7 6 - 35 5 - 0 4 2 or g o to C lean C f or more details.
F u lly w elded steel con stru ction . P rop er f en ders sp rin g s, hitch, lig hts, tou n g u e j ack , alu deck . F its M / C , A T Y , con st, lan dscap e. 1 7 0 0 lb . cap . 6 5 , 0 0 0 T H B , 0 8 1 6 9 38 2 1 4 .
For Sale
I n du strial ov er lock er. W hitehou se B ran d. 3 T hread. B ran d n ew n ev er u sed. F u ll tool k it. B arg ain at 1 2 , 0 0 0 B aht. C all S an di 0 8 7 2 6 4 0 7 7 8 .
ce p ce uite p us o
Office Space a una
gun e u u nishe o ces oom ent enti e unit o in i i u o ce
ce .
I hav e a n u mb er of F I R E S A L E 1 .5 M T B to 4 7 M T B . C on dos/ H con tact me if y ou are look in g sou th of the islan d. 0 8 0 1 2 4 1 2
P R O P E R T I E S f rom ou ses/ V illas P lease f or b arg ain s in the 4 5 , k ay @p
Nai Harn Pool Villa
B ran d N ew 3 B edrooms N ear the b each, activ ities an d restau ran ts 8 .5 mlb on ly C all 0 9 5 0 36 5 5 36 f or v iew in g or more in f o, C on tact J on athan .
Nai Harn Pool Villa For Sale
N ear the b each, activ ities an d restau ran ts B ran d N ew 6 1 1 S q m. 1 6 .7 5 mlb C all 0 9 5 0 36 5 5 36 f or v iew in g or more in f o, C on tact J on athan .
House for Sale
H ou se at L an d an d H ou se f or sale. 2 - storey w ith 3 b edrooms, liv in g room, k itchen , b alcon y , j acu z z i, lib rary , lau n dry . N ear to k id p lay g rou n d, tw o sw immin g p ools, sau n a, g y m. E n ou g h lan d to b u ilt a secon d hou se on the same p lot. E k aterin a O seledets, 0 9 5 8 6 1 7 5 7 1 .
D Condo Creek, fully furnished
tu io th oo mount ins ie . oo uiet. 4 hrs secu rity , 3 sw immin g p ools, g y m. S hop s restau ran ts arou n d. R en t ou t g ood retu rn . .8 5 M B ., T iy a, K athu P hu k et, lodchon g 7 7 th@, E N & T H 0 8 9 6 0 0 0 0 4 1 .
MAX SYM 40 0 I
B ig comf ortab le 2 0 1 2 scooter on e ex p at ow n er. O n ly 2 , 6 0 0 K ms., has had 1 st serv ice a g reat b ik e, reason to sale leav in g T hailan d. 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 , D ou g W atson , P hu k et, dou g w atson , 0 9 7 0 4 5 2 7 8 8 .
Kawasaki Versys 650 ABS 20 12
S how room con dition , n ew f rom K aw asak i P hu M ay 2 0 1 2 , 2 , 0 0 0 k m, H ep co & B eck er E n g in e B & R ear- rack , K aw asak i H an dg u ards an d P y mid H u g g er., 2 2 0 , 0 0 0 T H B , P au l, 0 8 4 1 30 3 2 P lon g
k et ars ra34 ,
PETS FOR ADOPTION W e are of f ien b oth of u con tact S
Two cute Poodles
2 cu te P oodles, b oth u n der 5 k g s & the b est s ish to fin ne o ing home togethe s are steriliz ed, v accin ated & healthy . P lease herin .p eace@g f or adop tion en q u ires.
Mo ern ho e office for a e
o e n home o ce fo s e oc te mf C en tral I n tersection . 1 U n it has 1 commercial, 1 liv in g sp ace, 4 b edrooms & b u ilt- in b athrooms. O w n er, thip _ j u n e1 9 @y, 0 8 7 5 4 3 4 7 1 6 .
B eachf ron t lan d in M ai K hao. E ast coast. 3 rai 2 n g an 2 4 sq w . F or sale: 4 5 million b aht. 4 5 million .
Horst Lakits
R esort f or sale/ lease lon g term, in C halon g / R aw ai A rea ow n b ig w ell 2 2 rooms 2 R ai lan d larg e p ool R estau ran t p ark in g N o A g en ts. lets talk , H orst L ak its, 6 7 / 1 8 S oi S ermsu k , b ig, 0 8 6 9 4 0 1 8 6 0 , 0 7 6 38 3 0 8 0 .
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
PROPERTY FOR SALE Laguna - Luxury 1 Bed & Golf Membership For Sale
ot eno te ne kitchen oo oo s f u rn ished, sou n d sy stem. P rice in clu des L ag u n a G olf M emb ership an d P riv ileg e C ard. T H B 6 .9 M . i phuket @gm i .com
Patong Tower and Andaman Beach suite for sale
M ou n tain s an d S ea V iew s, C all D av id 0 8 0 6 9 2 em i p tong e est te@gm i .com
Karon Beach New House For Sale/Rent
8 0 S q m. 2 B edroom, 2 B athroom, T errace carp ort. N ice S ea v iew . S ale 5 .8 M B . R en t lon g term 1 8 , 0 0 0 p er mon th. G u n ter K rau s, P hu k et, n aru chai@g mx .de, 0 9 1 0 4 0 2 4 7 1 .
S ale/ ren t. B eau tif u l, sp aciou s home in 1 , 0 38 sq m g arden s.T hree en su ite b eds, g u est hou se, 9 x4 m p ool, maid’ s room. L iv in g sp ace 32 0 sq m. R edu ced to 1 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , alan g ath@g, 0 8 7 2 7 30 1 4 1 .
Luxury Apartment hotel in Kata
L u x u ry A p artmen t hotel f or sale in K ata b each. s m oo s. ooms h e se ie k itchen , T hai chan ote or 9 0 y ears lease. 30 M B ., N oi ( T hai & E N ) , K ata B each, t_ sen ru m@liv e. , 0 8 3 39 1 5 5 2 5 .
Chalong Villa for sale
0 8 7 8 7 7 2 32 0 .
L iv in g area 4 5 0 sq .m, L an d 8 0 0 sq .m. 1 st oo i ing oom ste ith en suite b th, K itchen , S eav iew terrace, P ool, C arp ark . n oo ith th n i ing oom ce. . o i e @thu m nng
2 New Resale Condos 3.9 MB. 7 % net ROI
b ed con dos on the mark et 7 % n et R O I f or 1 4 y ears! R are P ool access modern hilltop u n it. P an oramic v iew s of A n daman B ay & city lig hts of P aton g . A lso 1 b ed city & ocean v iew s, f u lly f u rn ished & p rof ession ally man ag ed. Y ou j u st collect 7 % n et/ y ear hassle f ree. C on tact p hu k etj on @g, 0 8 4 8 4 2 2 2 6 2 .
Sea View Land 265 Met. Pub.Rd.
G reat in v estmen t. 3/ 5 R ai P lots. N S 3G T itles. P rice start 4 M / R ai. F u ll in f ra. 2 6 5 M et. P u b . R d. F ron tag e. L ocated on K oh Y ao Y ai resort area, j u st 2 5 min . sp eed b oat f rom P hu k et. W e can mak e easy half day trip 1 0 am- 2 p m. C all C harlie / more in f o, charlesarain, 0 6 2 0 6 9 1 9 6 5 .
Villa For Sale / Rent
L ocated at N aiharn b each S oi N ay a 3, M ou n tain v iew , S w imming poo con oo b ed room. T otal 9 2 sq .m. T hai 0 8 1 9 5 8 0 5 4 2 E N G 0 8 1 9 5 6 6 8 1 3.
PROPERTY FOR SALE House for sale
P riv ate p ool v illa w ith lov ely g arden half a rai. Q u ite an d saf e area. 3 b edroom 2 b athroom op en k itchen . 1 6 0 m2 S itu ated in B an P ahra. 1 2 min u tes to P I A , P hu k et A irp ort, N ay Y an g b each, an d B lu e C an yo n G olf cou rse. 2 min to M ission H ill G olf cou rse.P rice 8 million b aht, 2 2 5 0 0 0 eu ro, b erg sstig en, 0 9 0 7 0 1 4 2 0 4 .
Phuket Beach Front Land
1 4 R A I B each f ron t P hu k et, P hu n g 5 - 7 * hote, C han ode title, 9 0 meters of ag e M ore than 1 0 0 m w ide b each& of lan d close to the b each 2 5 M B / R A p hu k etmy hou se@g, 0 8 9 8 6
n g a C lose w ater f ron tsmall p iece I , M s.P am, 8 8 6 6 8 .
Owner Sales Appartment “ The Pearl of Naithon “ Leasehold
T otal area 2 2 6 , 6 6 S Q M in clu din g terrace 4 1 , 2 5 S q m. 3 b edrooms w ith 3 b athrooms P rice T H B . mi ion. .
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
t ep u etne s
FOLLOW US ON TWITTER t ep u etne s
classifieds t ep u etne
Two-story house in Phuket City
n s . m i ing e ooms th ooms m i s oom u fu nishe . e goo fo i usiness. . u ine h em @hotm i .com
Phuket Office Share @ RPM
s .m ith th. ing n em nn .
e ching fo p ime oc tion ess s ou o ce on huket e e o e ing sm comp nies o in i i u s to oin us in sh ing ou o ce sp ce @ o huket in . m i us o c us on fo fu et i s. huket u u i ing info@phuket u u i .
The Base Downtown - Sale/Rent
ment . n
e s m e s m fu fu nishe poo ie . e ent ig otus i i o hospit s mut choo h i u choo ose to ne ent m ss goo in est imming poo fitness i . ent month month. n tt po n.c@gm i .com .
ent s e. e utifu sp cious f mi home. en suite e s guest house o o ce m i s oom. ens s m. ut p ice ong te m. ng th@gm i .com .
2 BDR Bungalow, Nai Harn Beach
Alexander Kolesnikov
n sto e omme ci ui ing fo se . tong. ust m f om the e ch. uesthouse u u ooms est u nt se ts. ont ct e n e e ko in @gm i .com .
Sale. Semi detached house
u u i s o ce poo s i h note. ecu e in estment p ice e o ep cement cost mone m ke . ne eti ing. i ht. ets t k. ne . oc te in th oom ing e . ico
House For Sale
i ing oom ou e e ooms fitte fu ni tu e n en suite fitte kitchen o ce th oom c po t g en n s m house s m. hun ete n eun n k ok ng o p ofi e@m i .com .
i soi m ki e oom un oom sto ge oom i s .m h not tit e s .m. . @hotm i .com
Ocean View Land Kamala f i s .m. c e po e connecte se e . mi ion. o .
Fire sale
i. hi si e ikh o e ch. finishe . ice sunset se ie u ius schuste @ hoo. e
Brand new 3 bed villa Onyx
.m. n s .m. u pen p n i ing oom ith e cefu e ecu it g te o i e @thu m nng oup. .
gm i .com
. hone h i.
Alexander Kolesnikov
e oom i fo s e. ui ing s.m. n s.m. ice g en c s g ge stu . ust minutes f om . ont ct e n e e ko in @gm i .com .
Waterfront Condominium
he e t on o esi ence p o ect in i o t goon in . ice si e . . o e oom m in ie . o ent s e. m keting@phuketp ope t t
Kata Seaview Condo For Sale
e e oom ith g e t se n sunset ie s s m. e seho ith fo iegn f eeho i e. imming poo s un n cu house. e i e fu nitu e options. e t m n gement n ent p og m .
Anuphas Golfville House- Kathu
n s . ge oo cu i e th ce to ge ui ing m stem n much mo e. e uce to fo uick e. m geo cu @ i eo . e oom sto ge u in uiet e
For Sale or Rent
. i e utifu t n ith h note tit e on minutes f om nte n tion schoo . n @
to fin e oom th oom house fo s e in the pe fect oc tion ne t on e ch e m int ine ith s t te poo ice is ic t k oi on g co tes@ hotm i .com .
e i e ch. i@
Sea view land in Patong
th oom e ce ent ie h ong fu nishe ne s imming poo i e ch. in ui es. i t
ont ct
kp tt
he st iece of e ie n on ime oc tion in tong ust m. f om tong e ch . . to ungce on hopping ee@gm i .com .
PROPERTY FOR RENT Villas & Apts Rent-Chalong
n e oom poo i s e oom to n houses stu io p tments. peci p ices f om night o month. tes inc u e i i m i se ice c e fu nishings. e t oc tion ne ig u h . info@ch ong p .ch ong p
Two condos for Sale/Rent
con os fo s e s m. s e p ice e e ope s p ice s m. s e p ice e e ope s p ice . u fu nishe ne ent ig otus ospit choo . om mun poo n g m. ho t ong time ent i e s m. pe month s m. pe month e ect icit te k te in se e ets .
secu e e th ith s imming poo in n u n och m. mins to to mins to ent tong n huket o n. en i mountfo @gm i .com
2 bed house for rent,Kathu
u nishe e house fo ent in k thu uiet e ithin e s of esco otus ent go f cou ses n f esh m ket. ope e ope @ i .
Apartment for rent
oun oo sp ce on h ong ie o p e se c
ith e ce ent positioning . o mo e info m tion o .
House For Rent at tennis club
House in Karon for Sale. Hard
Land for sale - Mission Height ng ish
in ui ing
o nhouse s .m sto e e oom i ing oom kitchen con th oom o ce p king. u fu nitu e . h ong ci c e ice ont ct i m s @ n e .u .
Make money NOW - Kata Beach House for sale
ho t ong te m ent . n e oom p t ments tunning se ie u fu nishe ge s imming poo ift. ese tion@ m i esi
Office/Shop for Rent
Townhouse for sale. Chalong.
Villa for sale
Rawai Sea View Condominium For Rent
e ee
Land For Sale 3 Mil Baht
n h ng ccess o h n pu .
c usi e i ith oo n en n huket i i n n si e m ui up e m . i te s e no gents p e se. smin onsu ting@gm .net
est co st huket e t oc tion p oom th oom ith kitchens. ent o ith goo income. minutes k to t e ขายของได้ o e hun ee t k t .
Partner for resort wanted
shop houses fo s e mete s f om h ong oun out. n the to pie fo e. i ion kie npm en@hotm i .com . i ing e s u u fu nishe . kitchen i te est te m. . com
e o
o ent ith ee tinum c e ecu it i on i ge sto e uiet e t en of cu e s c pe month. o .
e ch ok
u u e oom g oun oo p tment. .s. .m. ent tong. ho t o ong te m ent . o et i s em i i nscon o @gm i .com
e ooms en suite e oom th oom i ing e n ig e n . e fo tennis o ch. efe ong te m ent. ie ing ppointment on . t p t itte s eet@gm i .com .
For Sale/Rent (5 Days - 6 Months)
oo s e ooms th ooms. u nishe . uku huket o n. ont ct o o fu phuket@gm i .com
s e e thing comfo t secu it eso t ush t opic g en. month. ong e se. ne
i e in
sm ht pe .
Retail space for rent
et i sp ce i e in the ce n tong fo m ss ge e ut co ee sou eni shops etc. o ent cont cts fo up to s. o info c tt t o . tti h oon ee g.cummings@hotm i .com .
Chalong Villa for rent
i ing e s .m n s .m. st oo i ing oom ste ith en suite th itchen e ie te ce oo n oo ith th n i ing oom ce. month e . o i e @thu m nng .
Amazing Sea view Penthouse in Rawai
m ing e ie enthouse in i. 36 0 p ํ no mic e tht king ie s of h ong mount in ie n ig u h . o e ooms s .m of sp cious i ing e n conies. e se cont ct o n i . p ope t s es@se enit
Surin Andaman Apt - 2 beds
s m e s c ose to u in ngt o e ches. ommon oo . u fu nishe ith f ns inte net c e . ho t te m possi e. .
House for rent - Near Pah-klok
ong te m u it fu nishings ne p us o ce. oo g en.
e oines onument pe month.
ths .
PATONG: 1 and 2 Bed Apartments
e th tu io fo ent. fu nishe . t s. st m i khun ei@gm i .com
con . u . este n itchen. o e n f ee. uiet oc tion e m int ine . .
i ect e ch f ont n fo ent. ong n sho t te m. e s mete ith e ch f ont of mete ont ct . in n inpg @ gm i .com .
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Phuket FC finish first half of season with win FOOTBALL
Matt Pond
huket FC came from a goal down to seal their third win of the 201 6 AIS Southern R egion D ivision 2 season against Pattani FC on Sunday night ( J une 1 2) . The result leaves the Andaman D ragon at seventh in 1 2-team league table at the mid-way stage of the season. Going into Sunday’s game, Phuket sat at eighth in the table on 1 2 points, Pattani meanwhile were in seventh with 1 4 points. It was a very shaky start for Phuket, and within just five min tes the visitor s hai midfielder ir n ssawapa dee had given them the lead. H owever, Phuket soon managed to get some momentum going and passed the ball well. They were creating opportunities, t were na le to find an equaliser in the remainder of
Phuket FC’s Sukree Etae in action against Pattani FC. Photo: Puvadon Kosol Klabpadung the first . t was in the se ond that Phuket really picked up the ante, and just four minutes into the half Ph et s attapoom M aya scored the equaliser. After scoring the equaliser, the Andaman D ragon continued to pile the pressure on Pattani and had very little to do defensively. he press re paid off in the
8 4 th minute when Phuket’s forward Akkarapol M eesawat gave the hosts the lead, which they managed to hold onto until the final whistle. Speaking to media after the game, Phuket’s C oach Pittaya ‘ Odd’ Phimarnman said, “ I admit that I honestly thought we would lose this game because Pattani s ored the goal first, and they scored it early.
“ I have to praise every player who gave it their all during the game and in the end brought us victory,” he said. “ I am very pleased with the final o t ome, t most of all I am proud of all the reserve players who all performed to their very best. “ As for Phuket FC ’s future, I think we had better wait for the club’s management to make
GD Pts
Nara United
Suratthani FC
Ranong United
Trang FC
Yala United
Hatyai FC
Phuket FC
Pattani FC
Satun United
Phatthalung FC
Phangnga FC
Nakhorn Si Heritage 11
it clear to us which direction we need go next in D ivision 2. In the past we have been going in opposite directions. E ither way, for me personally, I am ready and happy to continue to be the coach of Phuket FC ,” he added. The point bumped Phuket FC up to seventh in the table with 1 points, while Pattani FC dropped one palace to
Surf season is back New Patong Pool League underway SURF SPOT
Tim Campbell in f o@su rf - su p .asia
SURFING H E Y H E Y SU R FE R S H AV E you missed me? H a, maybe not me, but no doubt you have missed the waves. Seeing some of your faces over the at water season, was worried and about to call the ambulance as it looked like the life had been sucked out of you. For those of you who haven t tried s rfing yet, it s addictive, and once hooked, you need it again and again. For a surfer who has to wait for long periods without getting to surf, well, it’s a bit like them missing out on food, we need it to survive. But you have to starve no longer, it s time to s rape off last season’s wax, stop staring at your dream wave on your desktop, because Phuket’s 201 6 surf season is just warming up. Phuket has had only a dribble of swell so far, and the storm a couple of weeks ago has helped bring in the much-needed sand, which allows beaches to form sandbars, giving the swell, something to break on and us frothas something to ride. Stay tuned as I’ll be bringing you a smorgasbord of surf @thephuketnews
Phuket’s 2016 surf season is just starting to warm up. Photo: Matt Pond news over the season. If anyone has a topic they would like me to share information about please contact me info@ R emember to do plenty of stretching this week to dust off those unused paddling muscles. See you in the water!
9 ) saw the start of the new Patong Pool League ( PPL) with 1 2 teams battling for the title. The opening night saw one big win when W et D reams played at home against newcomers M in Bar. It was not a good start for M in, who went down 1 1 -0. The loss was surely down to nothing else but beginners nerves and hopefully they can do better next week, when they are placed against fellow newcomers 1 Bar. eanwhile, irty ellies took on the league’s third new omers migo. irty ellies were down 4 -2 after the singles games but managed
to come back in the doubles and eer leg to win , t it was a very good start from Amigo. Also in this match, i y from migo won the first ‘ Killer’ round of the season. E lsewhere, last season’s
Amigo Bar boss Lucho keeps his eyes on the balls.
runners-up Ting Tong Bar had a good start to the season, with a nice 8 -3 win over last season s hampions atalie s Bar. C hamps also won 8 -3 at home against Simon & Oils, while Genius played at home against 1 Bar and took a narrow win. 1 ar sho ld e happy with the result considering it was their first game in the league and Genius are certainly no pushover.
eighth still on 1 4 points. All teams in the 201 6 AIS Southern R egion D ivision 2 are now on a month-long midseason break. Play is to resume on J uly 1 0 when Phuket return to Surakul Stadium to take on ninth-placed Satun U nited with i off set for pm. T h e P h uk et N ew s is pr oud m edia s pons or of P h uk et F C .
League Standings Wet Dreams
Ting Tong
Dirty Nellies
Martin Swiss
Simon & Oils
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Dream big, but pedal harder
Thailand national cyclist prepares for Rio in Phuket CYCLING Nattha Thepbamrung
ne melting hot Songkran festival in R oi E t in 1 9 9 9 , an 1 1 -yearold girl went to partake in the celebrations with her father and younger brother at the province’s beautiful Palanchai Pond, which also happened to be the venue for a cycling competition. The young girl and her brother were asked if they wanted to join the race, surprisingly, what with no cycling competition experience, both immediately agreed to join. H owever, it was at the finish line that the real sho occurred. The young girl had won the first stage of the 1 .2 kilometres race, with her brother crossing the line in third. That was the start of an ongoing cycling future for J utatip ‘ Beaze’ M aneephan, who now at 27 years old, has won a number of medals in regional competitions including the South E ast Asia ( SE A) and the Asian Games, and is now set to rock the upcoming Olympic Games in R io. The team at Thanyapura, where J utatip recently came to train in preparation for the games, had a chance to talk with her and learn more about her exciting and inspiring cycling career. “ I ended up winning the first stage in that first ever race of mine. That’s when I got a bicycle from my father. It was a second-hand J apanese mountain bike,” she recalled. y father was my first coach. H e took me out for daily training of between 1 0-20 kilometres, but at that time we didn’t have any idea
even about how to pedal properly; we only read from a textbook,” she said. he started off ompeting in mountain biking and won a number of races locally before getting selected for the Thai N ational C ycling Team at the age of 1 8 . “ Soon af ter, I ha d a chance to compete nationally and started to win the Isan ( N ortheastern Thailand) C hampionship and the Thai championship in mountain biking.” Later, J utatip moved to Bangkok and continued with her studies at the Institute of Physical E ducation, and it was here that she had the chance to practice with all types of bikes: mountain, road, and track. y first ig ompetition was the Y outh Asia C hampionship. I won gold medal in the 500-metre sprint. Then I competed in the SE A Games when Thailand was the host country. I won three silvers on the track,” she said. “ It was then that I realised I was good at track cycling, so I started to focus on that. But two years later I was chosen by the team coach to try a road sprint event during a competition in Laos. I won gold and that was the point where I changed my focus to road competitions,” she added. J utatip’s most memorable race to date, however, was the Asian Games in Incheon, South Korea in 201 4 . “ It was the biggest race I have competed in so far. I did not expect a gold medal at all, I only wished I could be one of the top three and just did the best I could; I clearly underestimated myself,” she said. She also said that being chosen to represent Thailand
in the Olympics was an amazing opportunity for her, for which she will do her best. “ I am training hard, which I always do to get ready for competitions. It’s not just for me, but also for my family and the whole country. I will really do the best I can.” efore ta ing off to io, J utatip had short, yet intensive training at Thanyapura from J une 9 -1 2, which proved to be an amazing experience. “ It’s been fun. The place is very well organised and provides plenty of interesting courses. I had a great time attending classes. The cycle training was intense but very helpful. The coaches are very professional and they guided me through many things that I never knew before,” she said. Though reaching this mark as an athlete is no easy task, J utatip said that goalsetting and self-determination got her to where she is today. “ It is not easy but also not so di lt to rea h this point. Being a woman, of course, many will be worried about destroying their face and skin when cycling under all weather types, but what’s more important for me is my goal to get better and better at what I do,” J utatip said. She also said that being a woman is not an obstacle in her career and that she routinely trains alongside men who are physically stronger and faster but encourage her to set an even better standard for herself. “ M y coach makes me train with men so I can improve my speed and times. It’s challenging, but I like it.” The ever increasing number of women cyclists in Thailand is a good sign of things to come for Thai cycling, and J utatip said she expects to see more concrete support from
Jutatip ‘Beaze’ Maneephan was at Thanyapura for a three-day intensive training session which said was very helpful and interesting. Photo: Thanyapura the sectors involved. “ The number of women cyclists in Thailand continues to increase. I am happy to see a growing interest in cycling among Thai women as it is very tiring and requires a lot of endurance. “ H owever, compared to other countries, Thailand hasn’t gone very far. There are now a lot more cyclists in Thailand, but the national team still has almost the same number of team members. “ The relevant government departments and also the Thai
cycling associations should give more opportunities for the new team members to shine at a national level,” she said. In conclusion, J utatip noted that for her cycling is not just a sport or career, it’s her life. “ This sport has given me a lot. I can make a living and take care of my family. I can open a cycle shop in my home town for my brother. I have earned a lot of victories, which I am very proud of,” she said.
In addition, cycling keeps me healthy and physically strong, it also gives me goals to reach, but not only in the sport, but every aspect of my life. “ If you want to achieve a career as an athlete, continue gradually, step by step. E nsure your goals are set and go for them. On the way, you’ll possibly face things that will bring you down, but always remember to change it to a great power that pushes you forward to victory,” she added.
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
ThaiBev ink 10-year sponsorship with FAT FOOTBALL
Singapore International SCC6s tourney:
Congratulations to the Youth Football Home U14 team who recently picked up 3rd place in the Singapore International SCC6s tournament held from June 4-5 on the hallowed Padang, recognised as the best grass surface in Singapore, and nestled in the shadows of Singapore’s finest colonial buildings.
Brazil Embassy Futebol Championships:
Well done to Assumption United Bangkok (Thai Under 18 National Team) who were crowned winners of the Brazil Embassy Futebol Championships held at BISP from June 11-12. The event was organised by BISP together with the Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil, and sponsored by the Hon. Consul of Brazil in Phuket and champion Brazilian football club Cruzeiro EC.
hai ev will sponsor the oot all sso iation of hailand for a total of 1 million over 1 years, the two parties anno n ed this wee . he money will e sed to esta lish the ar lephants o ndation, hai ev and president Thapana Sirivadhanaha di told a press onferen e on Tuesday ( J une 1 4 ) . e hope the fo ndation will e part of hai foot all development and help make yo ng players stronger and e ome national players in the f t re, he said. president omyot Poomp nm ang said the money wo ld e sed properly. t will e overseen y a ommittee, en omyot said. he firm also donated million to the s hailand go to the orld p ampaign. hai ev, thro gh its hang everage rand, has een a long time sponsor of the . e wo ld li e to ongrat -
FAT president Somyot Poompunmuang (centre). Photo: Bangkok Post late the hai national team for winning the ing s p in ang o earlier this month . or the past 1 years, we have seen progress in hai foot all and we hope this ontin es, Thapana said. eanwhile, ietnamese poli e sted an ndergro nd foot all gam ling ring worth more than million ahead of ro 1 , state media reported on esday, as a thorities loo to lo
the la mar et etting that typi ally s rges d ring ma or international sporting events. Poli e have arrested people from the gam ling networ sin e ne , the state run A n N inh T h u D o reported. he mem ers of the ring have spent a total of million on online foot all etting sin e ne 1 , the report said. he gam lers ame from northern and entral ities, sing fa e names and addresses
for their online identities to avoid dete tion. he ring s anoi ased leader, year old i ha ien, was among those swept p in the arrest, the report added. am ling is anned in the omm nist o ntry o tside of a state r n lottery and a few foreigner only asinos. t the law is widely o ted ahead of ma or sporting ompetitions. B angk ok P os t
Swimmers shine at Thanyapura SWIMMING C ontinued f r om page 4 0 ...Overall team results showed Thanyapura/PIA Swim Team in first pla e, followed y Samui Shark ( 2nd) and Aqua Panthers ( 3 rd) . he ompetition offered si different ategories, inl ding and ong o rse etre reestyle, tterf ly, 1 reaststro e, i ed edley elay and a stro e, all in vario s age gro ps, from and nder to 1 and older. or the reestyle, the est time was lo ed for imi o aheem, 1 , at .1 . and yman el i, , at 1. . 1, oth from the Thanyapura/PIA Swim Team. he tterf ly se tion showed imi o finished the o rse at . while a an Pra ash, , too the lead in the oys gro p with a res lt of . . oth led the est time in the m freestyle, with a time of .1 for imi o and . for a an. he est lap for the 1 m reaststro e went to i iniyompong, , with 1. . 1 and 1.1 . for io em, , in the male gro p.
The two-day event saw six teams from throughout Thailand meet at the Thanyapura sporting facility. imi o also led the lo in the a stro e ategory, with a st nning . 1. and was followed y agor ahman, , from the P wim eam, with a time of . .1 for the oys. eanwhile, the est individ al performan e of the leag e went to san o who made points and mir alantari at points, the two from the hanyap ra P wim eam have so far won fo r swim meets. he top performan e
swimmers of the leag e, san o and mir alantari from hanyap ra, have done very well in this leag e and managed to rea h the high point trophies, said aryanne ongsma, hanyap ra s nior wim oa h. t s a good progress for this event. ast year when it started, there were only swimmers who oined while this year, there were 1 in total. I want to thank everyone for oining and oming to the ompetition this year. thephuketnews
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Saint No More FOOTBALL
utchman R onald Koeman became the new manager of E nglish Premier League club E verton on Tuesday ( J une 1 4 ) after his previous club Southampton reluctantly agreed to release him a year early from his contract. The 53 -year-old – who guided Southampton to their highest ever finish in the Premier League of sixth last term and a place in the E uropa League – signed a three-year contract with E verton and replaces R oberto M artinez, who was sacked just before the end of the Premier League campaign. Koeman – who had said earlier this year he would see out the last season of his three-year contract with the Saints – has been lured to E verton by the promise by the club’s major shareholder, Iranian billionaire Farhad M oshiri, of more than £ 1 00
million ( B5 billion) for new signings. Koeman, who has previously coached the big D utch league trio of PSV , Feyenoord and Ajax, said it was a proud moment for him to take over the reins despite their disappointing Premier League campaign which saw them finish 11th. “ I am very excited to be E verton manager,” said Koeman, who was part of the outstanding D utch side that won the E uro 1 9 8 8 t itle. “ I believe in the club, in the team, in the fans and in our ability to achieve things in the future. “ E verton is a club with a great history and real ambition and it is a proud feeling for me to be part of what we want to go and do, together with the chairman ( Bill Kenwright) and Farhad M oshiri. “ I am looking forward to meeting everyone at the club and to preparing for a big season in the Premier League.” Theatre impresario Ken-
wright said it was a huge moment for the club, having managed to wrestle their top target away from their Premier League rivals. “ W e are really pleased to have secured the man who was our N o.1 target from the moment we set out to appoint a new manager,” said Kenwright. “ R onald has such a strong track record in the game, instantly commanding respect for what he achieved as a player and for his qualities and accomplishments as a manager. “ The hopes and aspirations that we all have as E vertonians are with him, as is our total support at board, shareholder and fan level.” Koeman, who it is reported will be paid £ 7 million a year ( B3 4 9 million) , had appeared keen to remain in charge of Saints when he addressed the media prior to their final game of the season. “ E verybody knows I have one year left on my contract and we will sit together and analyse this season and we will
talk about the future and that is what the news is today,” he said on M ay 1 3 . “ W hat is good is that the club are happy with the work, together with the technical staff and the players, that we have done,” said Koeman. “ There is a very good understanding between the manager and the players and that is good because it is important to continue.” H is dramatic conversion to leaving Southampton drew a withering response from former Saints goalkeeper Artur Boruc, now at south coast rivals Bournemouth. Boruc, who is presently on E uro 201 6 duty with Poland, tweeted a Koeman quote from M arch which criticised a “ lack of loyalty” in football. Boruc added: “ N o words for this one.” The bookies favourite to replace Koeman, who will also take his brother and former D utch international E rwin with him to E verton, is Bournemouth handler E ddie H owe.
Ronald Koeman was Everton’s top choice to succeed Roberto Martinez, who was sacked just before the end of the Premier League campaign. Photo: Glyn Kirk/AFP
H owever, Koeman’s former D utch team-mate R onald de Boer is also in the frame having left the Ajax post at
the end of the season just finished when they missed out on the title. A F P
Live Sports TV Schedule *Times may be subject to change
Friday 17th June Rugby League 16:45
Rabbitohs v. Eels
Motor Racing 16:00
Formula 1
Baku - Practice
Formula 1
Baku - Practice
EURO 2016
Italy v. Sweden
EURO 2016
Czech Republic v. Croatia
EURO 2016
Spain v. Turkey
US Open – Day 2
Oakmont Country Club
International - Wellington
New Zealand v. Wales
Saturday 18th June Rugby Union 14:30 16:55
18:55 International - Melbourne
International - Jo’burg
International - Aichi
Japan v. Scotland
Motor Racing 19:30
Formula 1
Baku - Qualifying Oakmont Country Club
Rugby Union
Australia v. England South Africa v. Ireland
US Open – Day 3
ODI2 - Dublin
Ireland v. Sri Lanka
EURO 2016
Belgium v. Rep of Ireland
EURO 2016
Iceland v. Hungary
EURO 2016
Portugal v. Austria
Sunday 19th June Rugby League 13:00
Warriors v. Roosters
Motor Racing 19:00
Formula 1
Raceday - Azerbaijan
Formula 1
European Grand Prix
US Open - Day 4
Oakmont Country Club
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Thai cycling starlet gets pedalling in Phuket > page 37
Six teams from throughout Thailand took part in the event.
he fou r th session of the Thanyapura Open Swim League was held
in Phuket’s only Olympic-size swimming pool and gathered boys and girls from ages 5 to over 20, who competed in various categories. Six teams from throughout Thailand met at the Thanyapura sporting facilities for this event.
Those were St Gabriels and ISS Samui Sharks from the island of Koh Samui, and BIS – Phuket Flying Fish, Kajonkiet Barracuda’s Swimming, Aqua Panthers and Thanyapura/PIA Swim Team, all four from Phuket... continued page 38