thephuketnews thephuketnews1
Friday September 18 – Thursday September 24, 2015
Since 2011 / Volume V / No. 38
20 Baht
huket FC, the island’s representative football club in the national league, is staring down the barrel of dissolution if a maj or investor is not found before the new season begins next year. Pramookpisitt A chariyachai, renowned for his Kata G roup of hotels, revealed to The P huket N ew s this week that he will be resigning as club Chairman after the current
SPORT Thai kids play abroad. I want to send them to clubs in Europe so they will come back and develop Thai football. “ N ow is the time to make this club public. I am willing to sell 5 1 per cent of my shares in the club to new shareholders,” he said. “ Our aim is to create a legacy for this club, to make a difference in Thailand. W e want to open our arms to foreign investors as well as the local investors.” Should an investor decide to buy the 5 1 pc of shares and become the
Life lessons take shape at school
Pramookpisitt Achariyachai, renowned for his Kata Group of hotels, will be resigning as club Chairman and will no longer be the sole man propping-up the club with his own funds. season and will no longer be the main provider propping up the club with his own funds. Y et Mr Pramook, who saved Phuket FC from insolvency in 201 1 , says he does not want the island’s home side to slide into defeat. H e wants local or foreign people with a vested interest in Phuket’s future to step up and support the club with himself as part funder and club sponsor. “ Phuket FC is not my club, it belongs to Phuket,” he said. “ I have big visions for this club. I want to see
Volunteer whips tourist in the face with gun
Matt Pond editor3
club’s chairman, it would cost them B3 0.6 million, club manager Pariyawit “ Benz ” A chariyachai, who is Mr Pramook s son on rmed. A 1 pc share in the club would cost B6 00,000. This would include j oining the club’s board of directors, he said. For this amount of money, they would be investing not only in the name Phuket FC, but also in the players, with the possible exception of some of the internationals, and also Songyot “ Coach D ang” Klinsrisuk who still has one year on his contract.
F1 drivers set for Singapore haze on the grid
News 2
Chalong villagers fight forced eviction by bank on behalf of developer > page 5
Storms slam island
Tanyaluk Sakoot rep orter2 @classactmed
ar g e fer r ies car r y ing tou r ists w er e p er m itted to tr av el to P hi P hi and other m aj or tou r ist isl and s w hil e sm al l b oats w er e or d er ed to stay cl ose to shor e as d r iv ing r ain and sou thw ester l y w ind s g u sting u p to 4 0 k m h l ashed the isl and this w eek . The b oat tr av el r estr iction cam e on Tu esd ay ( S ep t 1 5 ) , as the fal l ou t fr om tr op ical stor m V am co m ak ing l and fal l in V ietnam w hip p ed w av es u p to thr ee m etr es hig h in the A nd am an r eg ion. W hil e al l b oats l ess than 1 0 m etr es l ong w er e b anned fr om tak ing to d eep w ater s off P hu k et, they w er e p er m itted to m ak e shor t j ou r ney s to near b y isl and s. “ S m al l b oats ar e not p er m itted to m ak e j ou r ney s fr om P hu k et to d istant isl and s, su ch as P hi P hi or K oh R acha, ” a Mar ine official tol d T h e Ph u k e t N e w s . “ B u t they ar e p er m itted to tak e tou r ists to isl and s that ar e cl oser , su ch as K oh L one, C or al I sl and and other near b y isl and s in P hang N g a B ay . ” “ Most l ong tail tr ip s ar e not too far,” the officer said. “ I f it is onl y a shor t j ou r ney , then it is stil l al l ow ed . J u st b e car efu l . ” E ar l ier on Tu esd ay , el ectr icity su p p l y and tel ep hone
Phuket Marine Police Superintendent Maj Gen Kritthapon Yeesakorn questioned the longtail boat owner, Kritsana Tanpan, 37, and the crew about the incident.
Crew rescued as boat sinks
Tourists heading from Rassada Pier out to Phi Phi and Koh Racha islands could still take the larger ferries, despite the weather warning. Photo: Tanyaluk Sakoot connections to m u ch of C her ng Tal ay and B ang Tao w er e cu t off after heav y d ow np ou r s hit the ar ea at ab ou t 1 am . “ W e im m ed iatel y d isp atched a team to cor r ect the p r ob l em , and p ow er w as r estor ed to the ar ea at 2 : 2 7 am , ” said an officer at the Provincial Electricity Authority office for Thal ang d istr ict. The p hones l ine connections w er e op er ab l e b y 7 : 3 0 am . The onsl au g ht of w il d w eather fol l ow ed the N ational D isaster P r ev ention and Mitigation Office (DDPM) on Mond ay ( S ep t 1 4 ) cal l ing on al l residents and officials in risk ar eas in P hu k et and el sew her e thr ou g hou t S ou ther n Thail and
to b ew ar e of d isaster s b r ou g ht on b y heav y d ow np ou r s fr om ty p hoon V am co. That w ar ning fol l ow ed the Thai Meteor ol og ical D ep ar tm ent ( TMD ) issu ing a w eather ad v isor y ear l ier on Mond ay , w ar ning of heav y thu nd er show er s and su r g ing w av es in the A nd am an S ea “ E v er y one w ho l iv es near hills are to beware of flooding,” DDPM national office D ep u ty D ir ector A nu sor n K eaw k ang w an. H e ex p and ed the f l ood and l and sl id e w ar ning to incl u d e r isk ar eas near hil l s in P hetchab u r i, P r achau p K ir i K han, C hu m p or n, N ak or n S r i Tham m ar at, S u r at Thani,
TH E C A P TA I N A N D H I S thr ee cr ew m en on b oar d a longtail fishing boat were safel y r ecov er ed after a stor m sank their sm al l v essel off the east coast of P hu k et ear l y on Tu esd ay ( S ep t 1 5 ) . A p assing sp eed b oat rescued Myanmar fisherman “ P hu ” 5 0 0 m east of K oh D ok m ai at 9 : 3 0 am . Mar ine P ol ice r escu e b oats fou nd C ap t N antap or n B oony asit on d r y l and on K oh Tap hao cap e, and a p r ov incial r escu e sp eed b oat l ater safel y r ecov er ed My anm ar cr ew m en J oe, 2 5 , and C hu y , 2 2 , fr om the sea off K oh Maithon. The l ong tail b oat ow ner ,
R anong , P hang N g a, K r ab i, Tr ang , R ay ong , C hanthab u r i, Tr at and P hu k et. DDPM officers in all risk ar eas w er e or d er ed to r em ain on stand b y in case they ar e cal l ed to r esp ond to an em er g ency , he ad d ed . Most flood and landslide p r ob l em s in P hu k et and the su r r ou nd ing ar ea ar ise fr om run-off not being able to flow fr eel y aw ay fr om d ang er ar eas, one D D P M P hu k et officer ex p l ained . “ W e hav e y et to r eceiv e any r ep or ts of p eop l e in d istr ess r eq u ir ing assistance, b u t if any em er g encies d o occu r , p l ease cal l the hotl ine 1 7 8 4 im m ed iatel y , ” he ad d ed .
oman hospitalised followin O N E W O MA N W A S TA K E N to hosp ital in the ear l y hou r s of Tu esd ay ( S ep t 1 5 ) fol l ow ing a fire at a clothes shop on the P atong b each r oad . P ol ice hav e y et to d eter m ine the cau se of the fire.
A t 3 : 5 7 am , K athu p ol ice w er e cal l ed to inv estig ate a fire that had broken out at a cl othes shop on Thaw eew ong R d . Thr ee shop u nits had b een consu m ed b y t he b l az e b y t he tim e p ol ice ar r iv ed .
K r itsana Tanp an, 3 7 , tol d p ol ice that the b oat l eft R assad a P ier at 2 p m on Mond ay ( S ep t 1 4 ) . “ They w er e on their w ay b ack w hen I g ot a cal l fr om C ap t N antap or n at ab ou t 1 am ( Tu esd ay ) , ” he said . “ They had su r v iv ed a stor m p assing thr ou g h the ar ea, b u t w er e b eing hit b y b ig w av es. C ap t N antap or n said that he w as afr aid that the b oat w as g oing to sink , b u t ad d ed that al l the cr ew w er e w ear ing l ife j ack ets, so he thou g ht they w ou l d b e al l r ig ht. “ Then the sig nal w as l ost, ” Mr K r itsana said . E a k k a p o p T h o n g tu b
aton clothes shop fi e
F ir em en fr om P atong Mu nicip al ity w er e al r ead y at the scene dealing with the fire but w er e ham p er ed b y heav y r ain and str ong w ind s. I t took them m or e than 1 5 m inu tes to g et the b l az e u nd er contr ol .
N o d eaths w er e r ep or ted , b u t one w om an w as tak en to hosp ital for sm ok e inhal ation. The ow ner of the b u il d ing , W ittay a Taw eew ong sap , tol d p ol ice that he l eased the u nits to Thai cl othing b u sinesses. H e w as u nsu r e how m u ch the damage from the fire was estim ated t o b e. P ol ice ar e continu ing their inv estig ation into the cau se of the fire. E a k k a p o p T h o n g t u b
he fi e b oke out in the ea l hou s of uesda mo nin ept and it took fi eman 15 minutes to get the fire under control. Photo: Eakkapop Thongtub thephuketnews
The hunt is afoot
Search for bomb-plot suspects sweeps through Phuket Tanyaluk Sakoot rep orter2 @classactmed
eading security officials on the island have confirmed that the search for suspects wanted for their roles in the Erawan Shrine bombing in Bangkok, which killed 20 people and injured scores more, has reached Phuket. Top of their list is Wanna Suansan, 26, from hura Buri district in Phang Nga, immediately north of Phuket. Wanna is wanted for questioning as she rented a room at the Maimuna Garden Home apartment in Bangkok’s Min Buri district where urea-based fertiliser and other bomb-making materials were discovered in the post-blast investigation by police. Wanna has told the authorities and the press that she was in Turkey and “shocked” to be linked with the crime,
Passengers have their baggage scanned at Phuket International Airport. Photo: Tanyaluk Sakoot but has yet to present herself to the Royal Thai Embassy in Istanbul. “She may use Phuket International Airport to enter Thailand because she used to travel from Phuket International Airport, Thailand, to Turkey before,” said Region 8 Police Chief Criminal Investigator Saharat Saksinlapachai. Region 8 Police, which is responsible for all police
in upper Southern Thailand, including Phang Nga, has been given a list of suspects’ names and corresponding images of their faces to look out for, Col Saharat said. “We have been ordered to be very strict on this. All officers and especially those in key positions on the island have been given details of the suspects’ appearances already,” he said.
Monrudee Gettuphan, Director of Phuket International Airport, said her officers were keeping a sharp lookout for the suspects. “We are still conducting extensive security checks throughout the airport, which began as soon as were were notified of the bombing on August 17 ,” she said. “We are also working closely with all airlines that operate flights in and out of Phuket,” she added. Region 8 Police Commissioner Lt Gen Decha Budnampeth declined to provide any details of the search, other than he had handed over specific responsibility for the search in Phuket to Phuket Provincial Police Commander Maj Gen Pachara Boonyasit. “We are working with immigration, bus terminal staff, police and security personnel at checkpoints across the island, including at Tha Chatchai, the
main checkpoint onto and off the island, and at the airport as well,” said Gen Pachara. “We are keeping our eyes open in all areas on the island. We have pictures of the suspects, and we are very active on this.” Phuket Immigration Inspector Tianchai Chompoo confirmed that the search includes hotels, resorts and tourist locations. “We are checking all our records, as all hotels and tourist accommodations must report all guests staying at their establishments, and we are also conducting random inspections,” he said. “And of course our officers at the airport are keeping a lookout for suspects. We have been notified of, and are working with, airport authorities on this.” S e e a ls o “ U ig e r s R e v e n g e ” o nP a g e 9 .
Defence volunteer pistol-whips tourist, breaks nose A ATHU TERRITORIAL defence volunteer who attacked a uwaiti tourist last week is to face trial for assault after he allegedly pistolwhipped the tourist in the face, breaking his nose. However, it is not yet known whether the defence volunteer, Amnard Choodet, 38, will face an additional charge for carrying a gun in public without permission. athu Police Deput y Superintendent Col Akanit Danpitaksan told T h e Ph u k e t N e w s on Monday (Sept 14) that Amnard Choodet, 38, who attacked Fahad Al Mutariy, 57, on September 9, had already been charged with personal assault and that a decision on whether to charge him with carrying a gun in public
Amnard Choodet, 38, was arrested on Sept 9 for assaulting a Kuwaiti tourist. without permission would be reached soon. “It does not matter if he is a volunteer or an ordinary person. If his action is against the law we have to charge him as usual. “With regards to the gun charge, we have to investigate
this case further. It will take about a month,” Col Akanit confirmed. The penalty for personal assault is two years imprisonment and or a B2,000 fine, whilst the penalty for carrying a gun in public without permission is five years imprison-
ment and or a B100,000 fine. Mea nwh ile, Maj Col Theerasak Boonsangt of the athu Police added that had tried to negotiate with Mr Fahad before taking the case to court. “He did not suffer any major injury and was released
from the hospital the same day. He has carried on with his trip around Thailand and is currently in Chiang Mai. “He is very angry about the incident but does not care about receiving any compensation. He just wants justice from the courts,” Col Theerasak said. athu District chief Sayan Chanachaiwong told T h e Ph u k e t N e w s that he had not heard of a deputised local attacking a tourist, but added that he would contact athu police to find out the details. “If the allegation is true, the defence volunteerʼs identification card will be terminated and he will never work as a defence volunteer again,” he said. S a r o jK u e p r a s e r tk ij
Marine chief Phuriphat has declined to comment.
Silence falls as Antarctic t awle ees I N TH E W A K E O F TH E illegal Antarctic fishing trawler the K u n l u n fleeing Phuket last week, officials from the Phuket Marine Office have refused to comment, other than confirming the boat left Phuket waters on September 8. “I cannot give any comment or detail about this now,” Phuket Marine Office chief Phuriphat Teerakulpisut told T h e Ph u k e tN e w s . However, Commander of the Royal Thai Navy’s Third Area Command, Vice Admiral Sayan Prasongsamrej, said, “We sent out a helicopter and a navy vessel to look for the K u n l u n , or T a i s h a n , but found nothing. “The Royal Thai Navy was not involved when the boat was first seized and I donʼt want to interfere with other departmentsʼ work, so I am unable to explain to the media anything else about the case.” Jumpon Lumphikanon, Director of the Command Centre for Combating Illegal Fishing, added, “Our duty is monitoring, controlling and surveying for illegal fishing in Thailand. The K u n l u n leaving Phuket is the responsibility of the Marine Office. “ Our Centre does not have the authority to act against illegal vessels like the Marine Office does,” he said. The K u n l u n was seized in Phuket on March 6 after its crew had successfully fled the Australian and New Zealand navies with its illegal load of 182 tonnes toothfish. T a n y a l u k S a k o ot
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31 26
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H ow can I g et a r eceip t for u sing the car p ar k at P hu k et I nter national A ir p or t? The other d ay I r etu r ned fr om fou r d ay s aw ay and I w as char g ed the cor r ect am ou nt of B 8 0 0 and ev en r eceiv ed the cor r ect B 2 0 0 chang e. B u t w hen I ask ed for a r eceip t, the m an in the b ooth d ecl ined . S o d id the m an stand ing b ehind the b ooth hol d ing a w ed g e of cash and r eceip ts. S o how can I now g et a r eceip t for the fou r d ay s’ p ar k ing fee so I can cl aim it ba ck o n b u siness? Bo b , Ch e r n g T a l a y
P ar k ing in the m ain car p ar k b u il d ing at the air p or t costs B 2 0 0 a d ay . E v er y p er son w ho p ar k s ther e is to b e issu ed a r eceip t, w hich w e technical l y cal l a “ tem p or ar y tax inv oice” . These tem p or ar y tax inv oices ar e p r inted in p r ed eter m ined B 1 0 0 am ou nts. H ence, if y ou p aid B 8 0 0 for p ar k ing , y ou shou l d r eceiv e eig ht inv oices for B 1 0 0 each.
H ow ev er , if y ou d o not r eceiv e any of these B 1 0 0 sl ip s as r eceip t of p ay m ent for p ar k ing ther e, y ou w il l hav e to contact the P hu k et C ar R ent office at the airport, as that com p any has the g ov er nm ent concession to op er ate the car p ar k ser v ice at P hu k et A ir p or t. A ir p or ts of Thail and ( A oT) , w hich has the r ig ht to op er ate P hu k et A ir p or t, is not inv ol v ed in that p ar t of the b u siness.
Angkana ( Ae) Nuram 0 8 8 76 5 5 8 8 1 pr
ind 1 km h
High: Low:
+ 3 0 ° 26
ind 1 km h
High: Low:
+ 2 9 ° + 2 5 °
ind 16 km h
– Thawanpat Natheekraipat, information officer, Phuket International Airport
Thai visas obtained in Malaysia have been ramped up by as much as . Photo: The Phuket News
Thank y ou for l etting u s k now ab ou t this. I t m u st b e som e k ind of m istak e. W e w il l l ook into this. E v er y staffer on d u ty at the b ooth m u st issu e r eceip ts to cu stom er s as they l eav e the car p ar k . A ny one w ho has not r eceiv ed a r eceip t for p ar k ing ther e is u r g ed to cal l u s at 0 7 6 - 2 0 5 1 9 0 d u r ing office hours. P l ease p r ov id e u s d etail s ab ou t y ou r v isit, su ch as the tim e and d ate of w hen y ou p ar k ed in the car p ar k , and how m u ch m oney w as p aid . We will find out what went w r ong . – Chalinee Sena, Phuket Car Rent office, Phuket International Airport
Thai consuls in Malaysia ramp up visa fee prices
Phuket Poll: Can you live without air conditioning? PHUKET POLL The Phuket News ed itor@classactmed
31 26
Getting on track for car park receipts at airport The Phuket News ed itor@classactmed
High: Low:
A S O B V I O U S A S I T I S , TH E w eather in Thail and v ar ies b etw een hot and ex tr em el y hot. I f y ou ar e a tou r ist v isiting the ingdom for the first tim e, m ak ing su r e ther e is an air cond itioner in the r oom w her e y ou ar e stay ing is v er y g ood ad v ice. Many l ong - ter m ex p ats d o w ithou t air cond itioning , som e b ecau se they p r efer the heat, others as a sacrifice m ad e to k eep their el ectr icity
en some hais find it ha d li in in the heat. o ou Photo: Roberto Faccenda / Flickr b il l s l ow . H ow ev er , m any other ex p ats – and ev en r esid ent Thais – cannot g o w ithou t the “ b ig chil l ” as the hu m id ity d u r ing the cu r r ent r ainy season can
b e too m u ch to g et a g ood nig ht’ s sl eep . S o, for the r ecor d , The P hu k et N ew s ask s y ou : “ D o y ou u se air cond itioning ? ” Y es, al w ay s. N or m al l y
it is w or k ing al l d ay , ev en d u r ing the g r een season. Y es, som etim es, b u t onl y d u r ing r eal l y hot d ay s. R eg u l ar l y , b u t onl y to cool d ow n m y b ed r oom b efor e g oing to sl eep . Mostl y not. I tr y to l im it my use due to financial env ir onm ental r easons. N o, nev er . I am ok ay w ith the heat and ther e ar e other w ay s to cool d ow n. To cast y ou r v ote, cl ick v isit TheP hu k etN ew s. com and sel ect “ P ol l ” fr om the “ N ew s” m enu . The p ol l w il l r u n onl ine u ntil S ep tem b er 2 8 . T h e Ph u k e t N e w s
TH E R O Y A L TH A I E Mb assy in K u al a L u m p u r and the R oy al Thai C onsu l ate- G ener al in P enang , b oth in Mal ay sia, hav e b oosted their fees for v isas b y as m u ch as 2 5 p er cent. The m ov e fol l ow s an annou ncem ent d ated J u l y 2 4 , now p osted on b oth offices’ websites. The new v isa fees cam e into effect on S ep tem b er 1 .
The visa fees are as follows:
1 . Tr ansit V isa ( S ing l e E ntr y ) 1 2 0 MY R 2 . Tou r ist V isa ( S ing l e E ntr y ) 1 5 0 MY R 3 . N on- I m m ig r ant V isa 3 . 1 Thr ee ( 3 ) m onths ( S ing l e E ntr y ) 3 0 0 MY R 3 . 2 O ne ( 1 ) Y ear ( Mu l tip l e E ntr y ) 7 5 0 MY R 3 . 3 Thr ee ( 3 ) Y ear s ( Mu l tip l e E ntr y ) 1 , 5 0 0 MY R 4 . A C ME C S S ing l e V isa ( S ing l e E ntr y ) 1 5 0 MY R V isa fees ar e p ay ab l e in Mal ay sian r ing g it and in cash onl y . T h e Ph u k e t N e w s
Elderly German woman, 71, dies after fall from ladder P O L IC E D O N O TS U S P E C T fou l p l ay in the d eath of an el d er l y G er m an w om an w ho w as fou nd b y her b r other on the floor of a home she rented in Thal ang l ast S u nd ay m or ning ( S ep t 1 3 ) . Maj N attay a S u p hanp ong of the Thal ang P ol ice w as al er ted at 1 2 : 1 5 p m of a d eath of a for eig ner at a r ented hou se in the Moo 1 0 l ocal e of Thal ang ’ s Thep k r asattr i su b d istr ict. A r r iv ing at the scene, p o-
l ice m et a G er m an m an w ho identified himself as Helmut H ein, 6 9 , w ho l ed them insid e to the b od y of his sister , H el g a I r m g ar d . Ms I r m g ar d ’ s b od y , d r essed in red pajamas and blue flipf l op s, w as l y ing nex t to a stainl ess- steel l ad d er w ith a light fixture hanging out from the ceil ing ab ov e. P ol ice d id not find any sig ns of a str u g g l e and no v al u ab l es w er e r ep or ted m issing .
“ I t ap p ear s that she had b r ok en her neck after fal l ing off the l ad d er w hil e tr y ing to chang e or check the l ig ht fixture,” said Maj Nattaya. N onethel ess, Ms I r m g ar d ’ s b od y w as tak en to Thal ang H osp ital for a p ost- m or tem ex am ination, she ad d ed . A ccor d ing to Mr H ein, w ho l iv es in a hou se near b y , his sister had b een l iv ing on the hou se for m or e than a y ear . E a k k a p o p T h o n g tu b thephuketnews
Residents plea for help against forced eviction
The Phuket News
ore than 200 residents from Baan Koktanod in Chalong filed a oint petition on Monday ept calling for Phuket authorities to investigate a land title being used to force hundreds of residents to leave their homes. huket Vice overnor Suthee Thongyam and Prapan hanphrasang, chief of the Damrongdhama Centre ombudsman’s office at huket rovincial all, received the letter of complaint in person from the protest leader oppadol Jeirchan. Mr oppadol e plained that officials from the egal E ecution epartment and representatives from a bank posted signs last riday ept ordering local residents to vacate the area or face legal action. “ Koktanod residents have been living in the area for more than 2 years, Mr oppadol said. “ This area was originally a tin mine and we have no idea
ew ealan ers rian ssell inn an his son e were arreste on arri al at h et ir ort on es a night ( e t ) Photo: Kathu Police
New Zealand father and son arreste on lan ing o er n ai ining bill
r o a ol an the letter of com laint calle for officials to in estigate the a thenticit of a hanote lan title ee being se to claim the lan Photo: PR Dept who the real owner is. They officials are asking residents to vacate land, which is causing distress to local residents. Mr oppadol, and the letter of complaint, called for officials to investigate the
authenticity of Chanote land title deed being used to claim the land. e want officials to e amine the land document, Chanote number in Chalong, which the developer claims entitles them to the land, Mr
Man shoots girlfriend for dumping him - E RM was taken to hospital with a gunshot wound last riday night ept after her boyfriend shot her in her hand and under the eye for breaking up with him. Chinawat orsai, 2 , from risoonthorn, surrendered to Thalang olice with a . mm homemade pistol and . mm bullet casing at 7 pm. Chinawat told police that he was upset that his girlfriend, iyapa, broke up with him and told him to pack up and leave. “ We were engaged in a uarrel and I got very mad, so I shot her. I didn’t mean to hurt her, I was angry, he told police. Col oonlert nklang e plained that at pm Tha-
hinawat was charge with attem te m r er lang police received a call to investigate the shooting near oi ipon ua arn in risoonthorn. hen the police arrived, rescue workers had already taken the victim,
iyapa uanbonrae, , from amphaengphet, to hospital. Ma ichoti Meepop arrived at the hospital and uestioned the victim about the incident. iyapa told police that her boyfriend, Chinawat, shot her and fled away. hile police were in the process of looking for Chinawat, he went to the station and handed himself in. Chinawat was being held at Thalang olice tation where he was charged with attempted murder and carrying a weapon into a public place without a permit. iyapa is in a stable condition and recovering from her in uries. D a r a w a n N a k n a k h o n
oppadol said. V ov uthee assured that the issue would be investigated. e will e amine all of the documents regarding the land to seek ustice for both parties, he said.
E E T ER and his son were taken into custody on arrival at huket International irport on Tuesday night ept and presented with a warrant for their arrest for failing to pay a bill at a Patong restaurant two years ago. rian Russell inn, , and his son uke, 2 , were detained by immigration officers at about pm, and handed over to the athu olice, who were waiting for them. “ They were wanted on a warrant of arrest issued on ovember 27, 2 . The warrant says they were wanted
for cheating on a food-and beverage-bill, said athu olice investigator uthichai Tienpo. The warrant detailed that the alleged cheating on the bill occurred at The lue Marine Resort and pa on hra aramee Road, atong, at pm on eptember , 2 , he added. oth of them accepted that they were same persons wanted on the arrest warrant, but they denied the complaint, t Col uthichai said. Mr inn and son were both taken to athu olice tation for questioning. E a k k a p o p T h o n g tu b
Tour bus drivers protest Chinese DIY transport Saroj Kueprasertkij rep orter3 @classactmed
ou r b u s d r iv er s p r otesting l osing w or k to a com p any they say is fu nd ed b y C hinese and for m ed u sing Thai nom inee shareholders took their fight to P hu k et P r ov incial H al l on Tue sd ay ( S ep t 1 5 ) . A b ou t 2 0 b u s d r iv er s fr om a g r ou p cal l ing them sel v es “ P hu k et L ocal B u s G r ou p 3 0 ” ar r iv ed at P r ov incial H al l to hand to G ov er nor N isit J ansom w ong their second for m al com p l aint in tw o w eek s. “ This is the second tim e w e hav e com e her e ab ou t this. L ast w eek , w e su b m itted a l etter of com p l aint to the g ov er nor , b u t ther e has b een no p r og r ess. W e w ant to k now how the g ov er nor w il l sol v e this p r ob l em , ” said g r ou p l ead er C honnaw ee E k tiew sak u l . P hu k et L ocal B u s G r ou p 3 0 r ep r esents 1 3 2 P hu k et tou r b u s op er ator s, w hich com p r ises 4 2 0 b u ses and d r iv er s. The d r iv er s j oining the p r otest on Tu esd ay b el iev e that a com p any cal l ed O d d sk i
Tour bus protest leader Chonnawee Ek-tiewsakul claims that Oddski Co Ltd is funded by Chinese and was formed by Thai nominee shareholders. Photo: Saroj Kueprasertkij C o L td is fu nd ed b y C hinese national s and for m ed w ith Thai nom inees to op er ate a tou r b u s b u siness in P hu k et. “ They hav e b ou g ht sev er al tou r b u ses to tr ansp or t tou r ists fr om the air p or t, hotel s and r esor ts to other b u sinesses ow ned b y O d d sk i, w hich incl u d e r estau r ants, j ew el l er y stor es, a show b u siness and sou v enir shop s, ” cl aim ed M r C honnaw ee.
O n Thu r sd ay l ast w eek ( S ep t 1 0 ) , ab ou t 1 0 0 b u s d r iv er s stag ed a p r otest in fr ont of the O d d sk i- ow ned A p hr od ite cab ar et show on the b y p ass road, before filing a complaint at P r ov incial H al l . “ This is v er y u nfair for the l ocal s tou r b u s op er ation. H ow can w e su r v iv e? ” said Mr C honnaw ee. “ W e d o not hav e any chains of b u sinesses l ik e them . They g iv e aw ay their b u s ser -
v ices for fr ee, or v er y cheap . W e ar e d y ing r ig ht now . ” “ W e r eal l y w ant to k now w hat the g ov er nor is g oing to do ab ou t this. W e w il l com e b ack ag ain on Mond ay ( S ep t 2 1 ) , ” Mr C honnaw ee ad d ed . G ov er nor N isit w as not av ail ab l e to r eceiv e the com p l aint in p er son. I nstead , P ak p oom I ntar asu w an, P r ov incial Office Chief Administrative Officer (Palad), received the l etter on his b ehal f. “ W e hav e hear d ab ou t this p r ob l em b efor e. W e w il l hol d a m eeting w ith the concer ned party to find the best solution for them v er y soon, ” Mr P ak p oom tol d T h e Ph u k e t N e w s . H ow ev er , G ov er nor N isit fr om O ctob er 1 w il l no l ong er b e G ov er nor of P hu k et P r ov ince, as he has b een tr ansfer r ed to ser v e as G ov er nor of N onthab u r i, on the ou tsk ir ts of B ang k ok . F or m er P hu k et G ov er nor C ham r oen Tip ay ap ong thad a, who was one of the key figu r es in the d ism antl ing of the Phuket taxi mafia last year, w il l r etu r n to the isl and as G ov er nor of the P r ov ince fr om O ctob er 1 .
Thawatchai Sirimonkol was caught on temple CCTV.
Temple thief caught in the act: Wat Rob II A
MA N W A N TE D F O R r ob b ing a tem p l e ear l ier this month was finally cau g ht l ast F r id ay m or ning ( S ep t 1 1 ) after he r etu r ned to the scene of the cr im e to attem p t a second r ob b er y . Thalang police officer s l ed b y L t C ol A m noy K r aw u ttinan ar r ested Thaw atchai S ir im onk ol , 2 4 , at W at S r isoonthor n ( W at L ip on) in Thal ang at 7 : 3 0 am after the head m onk cal l ed to r ep or t that som eone had b r ok en in and w as hid ing insid e the tem p l e. Thaw atchai w as ar r ested w ith sev er al stol en item s, incl u d ing 2 4 y u an b ank notes, U S $ 1 , B 7 0 , a
b ag containing B 3 0 0 in coins, tw o B u d d ha am u l ets and tw o m ob il e p hones. P ol ice al so seiz ed a H ond a W av e m otor cy cl e fr om him . Thaw atchai tu r ned ou t to b e the w anted su sp ect cau g ht on C C TV steal ing item s fr om S r isoonthor n Tem p l e on S ep tem b er 5 . “ L ast tim e, Thaw atchai stol e ov er B 1 0 , 0 0 0 i n v al u ab l es, and tod ay he r etu r ned to the tem p l e to steal som e m or e, b u t his l u ck r an ou t, ” L t C ol A m noy said . Thaw atchai w as tak en to Thal ang P ol ice S tation and char g ed w ith theft. D a r a w a n N a k n a k h o n
Drug blitz nets Frenchman, mules A N A N TI - D R U G B L I TZ B Y p ol ice l ast w eek end netted 1 0 d r u g su sp ects, incl u d ing a F r enchm an, and r esu l ted in a v ar iety of d r u g s b eing seiz ed as w el l as thr ee su sp ects ar r ested for attem p ting to sm u g g l e d r u g s onto the isl and . I n a b l itz that b eg an on F r id ay ( S ep t 1 1 ) , K athu p ol ice ar r ested J u l ien S acal , a 3 7 - y ear ol d F r ench national w ho w as fou nd w ith 3 0 0 m g of cr y stal m eth. H e w as char g ed w ith il l eg al p ossession of a C ateg or y 1 d ru g . W or aw it P hon- ng oh, 3 0 , ar r ested w ith thr ee b ag s of m ar ij u ana w ith a com b ined w eig ht of j u st u nd er 4 5 g r am s, w as char g ed w ith il l eg al p ossession of a C ateg or y 5 d r u g . S ir ithid a A nd er son, 3 1 , ar r ested w ith eig ht b ag s of cr y stal m eth, each w eig hing ab ou t 3 0 0 m g , w as char g ed w ith il l eg al p ossession of a C ateg or y 1 d r u g w ith intent to sel l . The thr ee ar r ests fol l ow ed sev en sep ar ate d r u g ar r ests of Thai m en in K athu , ag ed 1 9 - 3 5 . A m ong them w as a 3 5 y ear ol d m an nam ed b y p ol ice onl y as “ Maham a” , w ho w as char g ed w ith il l eg al p ossession of a C ateg or y 1 d r u g after p ol ice cau g ht him w ith a g r am of cr y stal m eth d iv id ed
Thai national Sirithida Anderson and Frenchman Julien Sacal were arrested for crystal meth. Photo: Kathu Police into tw o sep ar ate b ag s. The other six ar r ests w er e Thai m en, 1 9 - 3 3 , w ho w er e b u sted w ith v ar y ing am ou nts of fr esh and cook ed k r atom l eav es and su b seq u entl y char g ed w ith p ossession and / or p r od u ction of a C ateg or y 5 d r u g . O n S u nd ay ( S ep t 1 3 ) , Tha C hatchai p ol ice ar r ested thr ee p eop l e attem p ting to b r ing d r u g s onto the isl and b y p u b l ic tr ansp or t. C ol S om chai S anp r aser t of the Tha C hatchai P ol ice led his team of officers in cond u cting r and om check s of P hu k et inb ou nd v ehicl es at the Tha C hatchai check p oint, at the nor ther n tip of the isl and . Y ong y u t R atanap an, 2 5 , w as fou nd car r y ing 2 2 . 2 5 g r am s of cr y stal m eth on a b u s
ar r iv ing fr om Tr ang p r ov ince. S oon after , p ol ice ar r ested A nan Tr ip hok a, 2 0 , and Y u thana S ar nm as, 2 2 , ar r iv ing in a v an fr om N ak or n S r i Tham m ar at. They w er e fou nd to b e car r y ing ab ou t one k il og r am of k r atom l eav es. C ol S om chai u r g ed m otor ists to b e p atient w hen p ol ice w er e car r y ing ou t r and om sear ches at the check p oint. “ Tha C hatchai P ol ice w ou l d l ik e to ask for coop er ation fr om al l p asseng er s ar r iv ing in P hu k et v ia the check p oint, ” he said . “ W e ar e tr y ing ou r b est to d o ou r j ob . D r u g d eal er s u se ev er y p ossib l e w ay to sm u g g l e d r u g s into the p r ov ince. W e hav e to d o ou r b est to stop it. ” S a r o j K u e p r a s e r tk ij thephuketnews
Rail links eyed for Phuket, Trang, Satun Bangkok Post
r ansp or t p l anner s ar e l ook ing into a new r ail r ou te l ink ing Tr ang w ith S atu n and P hu k et p r ov inces as p ar t of effor ts to b oost tou r ism to the S ou th. The Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning w il l ex p ed ite a feasib il ity stu d y of the p r op osed r ou te, said d ir ector P heer ap ol Thaw or nsu p achar oen. The r ail l ine w ou l d p ass thr ou g h thr ee p r ov inces k now n for their seasid e and m ar ine tou r ism attr actions, and is p ar t of the sou ther n tr ansp or t infr astr u ctu r e d ev el op m ent p l an. E u r op ean tou r ists ar e am ong the tar g ets, thou g h p l anner s say it w il l hav e l ocal economic benefits as well. Mr P heer ap ol said a sep ar ate feasib il ity stu d y is al so u nd er w ay for a p r op osed “ r om antic r ou te” l ink ing R anong , P hang N g a, P hu k et, K r ab i and Tr ang b y r oad , w hich tar g ets k ey p op u l ar d estinations for cou p l es. He said his office would w or k w ith the R u r al R oad s D ep ar tm ent, the H ig hw ay s D ep ar tm ent and the S tate
The Transport Ministry has previously studied a possible East-West rail corridor that will connect Surat Thani with Phang Nga and Phuket’s light-rail system. R ail w ay of Thail and on the p r oj ects. The new r ou tes w er e d ev ised after the J oint S tand ing C om m ittee on C om m er ce, I nd u str y and B ank ing ask ed the g ov er nm ent to com m ission new r ou tes al ong the sou ther n coasts. Mr Pheerapolʼs office fou nd the tr ansp or t r ou tes cou l d b e integ r ated into the l and tr ansp or t d ev el op m ent p l an for the sou ther n p r ov inces, and could also benefit tr ansp or t of g ood s, p ar ticu l ar l y l ocal p r od u cts. The Tr ang - P hu k et r ail l ine
stu d y w il l b e sp ed u p as it w il l enab l e the cheap er tr ansp or t of g ood s b y fr eig ht tr ain, the d ir ector said . I t cou l d al so hel p secu r e Thailandʼs position as the regionʼs leading marine tourism d estination, he ad d ed . The Tr ansp or t Ministr y has p r ev iou sl y stu d ied a p ossib l e E ast- W est r ail cor r ido r connecting S u r at Thani on the G u l f of Thail and sea coast w ith P hang N g a and P hu k et on the A nd am an coast. The l ink aim s to cu t tr ansp or t p r ices for tou r ists tr av el l ing t o b oth coasts.
Mr P heer ap ol said a b etter choice of tr ansp or t connections cou l d m ak e the tou r ism ind u str ies on b oth coasts m or e com p etitiv e. I n 2 0 1 2 , 2 4 m il l ion tou r ists v isited the sou ther n coastal p r ov inces, w ith ar ou nd 8 0 p er cent of them tr av el l ing to p op u l ar attr actions in S u r at Thani, P hu k et, P hang N g a and K r ab i. Mr P heer ap ol said the “ r om antic r ou te” p r oj ect had the p otential to p u l l in cou p l es fr om G er m any , A u str ia and S w itz er l and . A g encies ar e focu sing
on p r op osal s to b u il d a l ig ht railway from Phang Ngaʼs Tha Noon district to Phuketʼs Tha C hal ong inter section, v ia P hu k et I nter national A ir p or t, he said . The 6 0 k m - l ong l ig ht r ail r ou te w il l al so j oin the p l anned E ast- W est r ail cor r id or in P hang N g a, h e ad d ed . Mr P heer ap ol said his office has been in talks with the H ig hw ay s D ep ar tm ent ov er constr u cting the l ig ht r ail w ay from a flyover on top of the m ed ian str ip of P hu k et r oad s. This w ou l d av oid ex p r op r iating p r iv atel y - ow ned l and . I t w as y et to b e d ecid ed w hether the l ocal ad m inistr ation or g anisation of P hu k et or the Mass R ap id Tr ansit A u thor ity of Thail and w ou l d b e r esp onsib l e for b u il d ing the
l ig ht r ail r ou te, he said . The constr u ction b u d g et has not y et b een d iscl osed . Mr P heer ap ol said he ex p ected a d ecision to b e m ad e this w eek on the p r oj ect, w hich w il l b e op en to p r iv ate sector inv estm ent u nd er a p u b l icp r iv ate p ar tner ship ( P P P s) . B y the end of the y ear , d etail s of the p r oj ect w il l b e finalised and sent to the Office of the Commission for the Management of Land Traffic, he said . The com m ission w il l consid er the d esig n and d ecid e w hat k ind of P P P inv estm ent w il l b e su itab l e. Mr P heer ap ol said the Tr ansp or t Ministr y w as al so l ook ing at the feasib il ity of upgrading Phuketʼs transit sy stem .
Police chief marks Phuket as regional HQ Nightclubs seek later closing time TH E N E W P O L I C E R E G I O N 8 H ead q u ar ter s official l y op ened l ast F r id ay ( S ep t 1 1 ) on a 1 5 9 - r ai p l ot of l and cl ose to the islandʼs main checkpoint in Mai K hao. The or ig inal id ea to op en the head q u ar ter s in P hu k et cam e in 2 0 0 7 fr om the then p ol ice chief P ol G en S er ip isu t Tehm eey aw es. The p u r p ose, he said at the tim e, w as to d ev el op the p ol ice r eg ion head q u ar ter s to b e ab l e to hand l e the fast g r ow n econom y in the r eg ion. E sp ecial l y tou r ism w hich ear ns a l ot of r ev enu e for the cou ntr y . The Tr easu r y D ep ar tm ent ap p r ov ed constr u ction of the head q u ar ter s on J anu ar y 1 8 , 2 0 0 8 . “ The m ain r eason for m ov ing the R eg ion 8 H ead q u ar ter s fr om S u r at Thani to P hu k et is b ecau se the A nd am an p r ov inces ar e the fastest g r ow ing ar eas in the r eg ion, and to ensu r e tou r ists feel secu r e and safe in the r eg ion, ” C ol
The Phuket News
Current police chief Somyos Phumpanmuang presided over the opening ceremony. Thaw or n S aeng r it fr om R eg ion 8 P ol ice said at the op ening . Many effor ts w er e m ad e b y p r ev iou s p ol ice chiefs to m ov e the head q u ar ter s to P hu k et. H ow ev er , it w as cu r r ent chief P ol G en S om y os P hu m p anm u ang w ho ap p r ov ed the B 8 0 m il l ion b u d g et for the b u il d ing . “ G en S om y os said at the tim e that he w ou l d l ik e to see
the new headquarters finished w ithin his ter m , and tod ay he is p r esid ing ov er the op ening cer em ony , ” C ol Thaw on ad d ed . “ W e hav e to thank so m any officers and organisations that hel p ed m ak e this hap p en. W ithou t their hel p it cou l d har d l y hav e b een a su ccess. ” G en S om y os said . The new head q u ar ter s hav e
been designed in Phuketʼs fam ou s S ino- P or tu g u ese ar chitectu r al sty l e and has a total sp ace of ov er 9 , 0 0 0 sq u ar e m eter s. C onstr u ction star ted on May 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 and w as com p l eted on D ecem b er 6 , 2 0 1 4 , a total of 555 days. Officers officially star ted w or k ing fr om the new head q u ar ter s on A u g u st 1 . S a r o j K u e p r a s e r tk ij
A ME E TI N G W A S H E L D at P atong H osp ital l ast w eek ( S ep t 1 0 ) to d iscu ss nig htl ife z oning , incl u d ing op ening and cl osing tim es as w el l as feed ba ck fr om b u siness op er ator s. W eer aw it K u r asom ba t, head of the P atong E nter tainm ent B u siness A ssociation, r ev eal ed that a l etter w il l b e sent to the I nter ior Ministr y r eq u esting the ex tension of b u siness hou r s to 4a m . The m eeting w as attend ed b y P attanap ong N u ek l or ng of the K athu District Officer as well as P atong b u siness op er ator s. “ A fter l ong d iscu ssions, the m aj or ity of b u siness op er ator s al l v oted tow ar d s chang ing the cl osing tim e to 4a m to g iv e tou r ists m ax i-
m u m satisfaction, ” said Mr W eer aw it. “ Tou r ists w anted to p ar ty u ntil l ate and m ost w er e not satisfied when nightlife v enu es w er e cl osing ear l y . W e think that chang ing the cl osing tim e to 4 am w il l b e the b est op tion for b oth p ar ty g oer s and b u siness op er ator s. ” “ W e w il l hav e al l b u siness op er ator s sig n the p etition b efor e w e can send it to the Ministr y of I nter ior for consid er ation, and it is u p to the Ministr y to then d ecid e w hether or not to g r ant it. ”
Opinion 8
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ed itor@classactmed F rom the U S A ; B A in C ommunication A rts from B ang k ok U niv ersity I nternational C olleg e; sev en y ears’ exp erience at Natio n J un io r Mag az in e, B an g ko k R eco r der , Phuket. n et, ThaiU n i.n et F ar an g m and Phuket G az ette.
CHRIS HUSTED Executive Editor
0 8 4 3 0 7 7 4 0 8 execed itor@classactmed F ifteen y ears w ork ing in new s and cov ering local issues and ev ents in P huk et, w ith 1 8 - month hiatus sp ent w ork ing for the B runei T imes on B orneo. F rom Q ueensland , A ustralia; 1 0 y ears liv ing in the U K before mov ing to P huk et in 2 0 0 0 . D eg ree in business manag ement. S p are time sp ent sailing or w ith family .
ed itor1 @classactmed O rig inally from C anad a; B A in S ociolog y from the U niv ersity of B irming ham in the U K and an M A in O nline/ P rint J ournalism from the U niv ersity of the A rts in L ond on. T hree y ears exp erience for B ritain’ s third - big g est p ublisher, I mmed iate M ed ia, as w ell as B auer M ed ia and I n S ty le mag az ine.
News & Sports Editor ed itor3 @classactmed O rig inally from the U K ; H as four y ears exp erience as ed itor and rep orter for P huk etind mag az ine and w ebsite, and I nP huk et mag az ine.
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9 9 / 7 M oo 1 ( B illion P laza ) , T . K athu, A . K athu, P huke t 8 3 1 2 0
My beach, your beach
v er the l ast y ear , an end l ess nu m b er of com m er cial estab l ishm ents al ong P hu k et’ s w est coast hav e b een faced w ith ev iction notices in l ig ht of the m il itar y - l ed cr ack d ow n on il l eg al str u ctu r es and encr oachm ent. I n p ar ticu l ar , S u r in B each, w hich has l ong d r aw n som e of the isl and ’ s m ost g l itter ing cl ientel e, saw a nu m b er of their b each cl u b s tor n d ow n to the d ism ay of m any of the r eg u l ar s to that scene. Most r ecentl y , the su d d en cl osu r e of N ik k i B each P hu k et sp ar k ed contr ov er sy and m ix ed r eaction, w ith the m anag em ent of the p op u l ar cl u b sim p l y p osting a notice on its F aceb ook p ag e on S ep tem b er 5 : “To our Nikki Beach Friends and F am il y , w e w ant to l et y ou k now that ou r P hu k et l ocation is cu r r entl y cl osed . ” The closure of the club has u nd ou b ted l y cau sed a d iv id e
of inter est, w ith m any tak ing to social m ed ia to v oice their op inions. O ne v oice in fav ou r of the cl osu r e stated “ P eace has finally returned to Layan B each” . This sentiment is not ubiqu itou s, how ev er , g iv en the cl u b ’ s inter national r ep u tation and p op u l ar ity of its sister b r anches acr oss the w or l d . B u t w hether or not one is a fan of the b each cl u b scene, it cannot b e d enied that m any of these g l am or ou s l and m ar k s, w hich str ong l y cater tow ar d s “ hig h sp end ing ” ex p at cl ientè l e, hav e g r eatl y hel p ed P hu k et’ s tou r ism . It’s no secret that Thailand’s tou r ism - d ep end ent econom y has had a r el ativ el y tou g h y ear , and cer tain contr ov er sial p ol icies hav e ex asp er ated the situ ation. The reduction and removal of b each chair s and u m b r el l as on P hu k et’ s b eaches com es to m ind , and now , as y et another
b each cl u b on P hu k et’ s iconic w est coast has b een shu t d ow n, many questions, and doubts, hav e ar isen in r esp ect to the fu tu r e. B u t p er hap s it’ s not al l g l oom and d oom for the isl and ’ s b each cl u b scene. I nter esting l y enou g h, a r ep or t onl ine su g g ested that the N ik k i B each H otel is b eing r eb r and ed u nd er the D r eam b r and , w ith the cl u b to b e r eop en as the D r eam B each C l u b after an ex tensiv e r enov ation and u p g r ad e, a r el au nch r u m ou r ed for m id - N ov em b er , j u st in tim e for hig h season. Good or bad – The Phuket N ew s intend s to r em ain neu tr al . S om e of ou r staff r eg u l ar l y frequent the scene and swear by their benefits, while others prefer the quiet, desolate side of the b each. N onethel ess w e encou r ag e al l b u sinesses to ab id e b y the r u l e of l aw , and g iv e b ack to the com m u nity w henev er p ossib l e.
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2 3
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Blast impact on tourism arrivals short-lived, confi ms
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on oh ao mu de weapon not suspect’s
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HAVE YOUR SAY Listing comment It’s about time
R e : S h o p p e r s to p a y fo r p la s tic b a g s P r etty soon, al l the v end or s and cl er k s w il l b e cr y ing to the g ov er nor that they need their p l astic b ag s b ack . N ow the p oor g u y s b u y ing sm ok e ar e g oing to hav e to p u t the p ack str aig ht in their p ock ets w ithou t hav ing a b ag to thr ow first. This is going to be tough for Thais to get used to. Ri c h a r d V i c k e r s R e : S h o p p e r s to p a y fo r p la s tic b a g s G ood I d ea g o ahead hop e this w il l hel p to sol v e the problem of plastic bags flying tr u e natu r e, if I ask for no to a p l astic b ag in sm al l shop they u su al l y l ook at m e l ik e I am not r ig ht. Co n c e r n e d R e : S h o p p e r s to p a y fo r p la s tic b a g s 2 0 y ear s after the r est of the w or l d . B u t I su p p ose it’ s b etter l ate than not at al l ! Ti n k e r b e l l
Draw your own conclusions
R e : G o v t b a n s fo r e ig n e r ‘v is a r u n s’ to b o r d e r s S o instead of ter m inating their em p l oy m ent w ith g ov er nm ent ( for l ife) and ar r esting - p r osecu ting the al l eg ed g u il ty for cr im inal cor r u p tion the al l eg ed g u il ty ar e “ r eassig ned ” ? D r aw y ou r ow n concl u sions. I w il l not ex p r ess m ine as it w ou l d b e a cr im inal offence in this cou ntr y w ith no fr ee sp eech that is consid er ed a b asic hu m an r ig ht in al l d ev el op ed cou ntr ies. Ma r c o s 9 8 9 R e : G o v t b a n s fo r e ig n e r ‘v is a r u n s’ to b o r d e r s Great news for Thai residents, K eep the b ack p ack er s and thou sand s of other tou r ists ou t of the cou ntr y . L ook s as thou g h w e w il l hav e b eau tifu l em p ty b eaches nex t y ear , j u st as the g ov er nm ent seem ed to p l an. m a r c h e r
Just another day in paradise
R e : M a n s h o o ts g ir lfr ie n d f o r d u m p i n g h i m i n Ph u k e t
Another dangerous Thai m al e. . . b u t not b ecau se he is a “ b ad d u d e” . . . it is b ecau se he has no sel f contr ol and the tem p er am ent of a 1 0 - y ear ol d l ittl e b oy . I l ov e the l ine . . . ” I g ot v er y m ad , so I shot her . I d id n’ t m ean to hu r t her ” . E v id entl y , for id iots l ik e K hu n C hinaw at, l ife is cheap her e in the L O S . Ri c h a r d V i c k e r s R e : M a n s h o o ts g ir lfr ie n d f o r d u m p i n g h i m i n Ph u k e t H e d id n’ t m ean it, is the m ost com m on answ er after a shooting . W hy hav e a g u n if y ou d o not intend to shoot som eone w ith it? A g u n is al m ost nev er u sed in sel f d efence or to sav e a l ife, b u t v er y often u sed in d isp u tes or d om estic v iol ence cases, and stu p id accid ents. O w ning a g u n is ask ing for tr ou b l e. Ti n k e r b e l l
he b illiance of the web
R e : M a la y s ia n p o lic e a r r e s t 2 s u s p e c ts’ I t is im p r essiv e how the w eb is b eing u nr av el l ed b y the au thor ities & al l l aw - ab id ing Thais, expatiates visitors
al ik e hop e al l inv ol v ed ar e b r ou g ht to j u stice. H ow ev er , W hy ? it hap p ened is stil l op en to speculation. The latest does seem an u nl ik el y r eason as it w ou l d not achiev e or affect the G ov er nm ents P ol icies: “ an act of r etal iation b y a netw or k sm u g g l ing p eop l e acr oss the b or d er w ho l ost m oney after a r ecent cr ack d ow n” ? ? Bj a y
his case is a oke
R e : D N Ao n K o h T a o m u r d e r w e a p o n n o t s u s p e c t’s
H m m w hy d id the p ol ice say no D N A ev id ence w as on the hoe? L et m e think , b ecau se either A they ’ r e incom p etent, hig hl y l ik el y , or B , they w er e p aid off to p r otect the r eal cu l p r its w ho r eal l y d id it! L ets see som e sack ing s in the p ol ice d ep ar tm ent, no w ond er they d id n’ t w ant any ou tsid e inter fer ence, g u il ty as the m u r d er er s i’ d say and then tr y ing to fr am e innocent p eop l e, p r ob ab l y g et m ov ed to d iffer ent d u ties for a few w eek s! m a lc z x 7 r
Have an opinion? Comment on stories at thephuketnews
Uighur’s revenge Police chief pinpoints deportation motive BANGKOK
ev eng e for the d ep or tation of U ig hu r s to C hina and Tu r k ey cou l d b e the m otiv e b ehind the b om b b l asts at the E r aw an shr ine and S athon p ier l ast m onth, p ol ice chief S om y ot P oom p u nm u ang said Tu esd ay ( S ep t 1 5 ) . It is the first time Thai au thor ities hav e p inp ointed the d ep or tation of 1 0 9 U ig hu r s in J u l y as the p ossib l e m otiv e b ehind the A u g u st 1 7 shr ine b om b w hich k il l ed 2 0 p eop l e and inj u r ed 1 3 0 . H ow ev er , P r im e Minister P r ay u t C han- o- cha continu ed to p l ay d ow n the theor y that it w as the d ep or tation of the U ig hu r s that l ed to the attack . P ol G en S om y ot said a tr affick ing sy nd icate w as ang er ed after au thor ities scu p p er ed its b u siness, and this w as a str ong m otiv e for the b om b attack . The p ol ice chief said the shr ine b l ast and J u l y ’ s attack on the Thai consu l ate in I stanb u l , Tu r k ey “ w er e m otiv ated b y the sam e thing ” . The consu l ate w as r ansack ed fol l ow ing ou tr ag e after Thail and d ep or ted the U ig hu r s to C hina. P ol G en S om y ot said Thailand was part of the trafficking r ou te to Tu r k ey . W hen the op er ation w as d isr u p ted , they “ w er e infu r iated ” and v ented their ang er on the consu l ate, he said . “ Thail and d id not onl y send U ig hu r m ig r ants to C hina, b u t al so to Tu r k ey , based on nationality verification, ” P ol G en S om y ot said . H e said effor ts hav e b een m ad e to p r ev ent the sm u g g l ing of p eop l e th r ou g h Thail and . “ W hen they w er e u nab l e to enter [ Thail and ] , they had to find their own way and we had nothing to d o w ith that, ” P ol G en S om y ot said . “ W hen they w er e b l ock ed fr om u sing the cou ntr y as a p athw ay , they tu r ned to tak e action ag ainst u s w ith ang er . I d o not think it is r ig ht. ” H e said the d ep or tation of the U ig hu r s to C hina w as car r ied ou t b etw een the tw o cou ntr ies accor d ing to the l aw . H ow ev er , G en P r ay u t p ou r ed col d w ater on the d ep or tation m otiv e. “ P r el im inar il y , they w er e not connected and I d o not think ther e ar e any l ink s, ” @thephuketnews
his info aphic shows the fi e hais and fo ei ne s police ha e stated a e in ol ed in the u ust which police belie e was etaliation fo the ul i hu endition. Image: Post graphic G en P r ay u t said . “ I f that w as the case, som eone w ou l d hav e com e ou t to cl aim r esp onsib il ity . ” H ow ev er , he d id say the theor y cou l d not b e r u l ed ou t. D ep u ty P r im e Minister and D efence Minister P r aw it W ong su w on said he b el iev ed a human trafficking crackdown b y Thai au thor ities l ed to the b om b b l asts. Meanw hil e, a p ol ice team , l ed b y d ep u ty national p ol ice chief C hak thip C haij ind a, w ho is ov er seeing the inv estig ation into the b om b ing s, l ed a team to Mal ay sia on Tu esd ay , to shar e infor m ation w ith au thor ities ther e ab ou t the thr ee su sp ects ar r ested in the cou ntr y su sp ected of b eing l ink ed to the b om b ing s. The tr ip fol l ow ed an annou ncem ent b y Mal ay sian p ol ice on Tu esd ay that a P ak istani and tw o Mal ay sians w er e ar r ested in connection w ith the B ang k ok b om b ing s a few d ay s ag o. P ol G en S om y ot said the team w ou l d coor d inate and ex chang e infor m ation w ith Malaysian officials, but would
not car r y ou t any inv estig ations w hil st ther e. H e said initial infor m ation fou nd no d ir ect connections b etw een the tr io and the b om b b l asts in B ang k ok , b u t they ar e b el iev ed to k now som e infor m ation p er taining to the case. A sou r ce fam il iar w ith the inv estig ation said 2 2 p eop l e w er e fou nd to b e connected w ith the b om b ing netw or k , including five Thais. A b u d u r ehem an A b u d u sataer , al so k now n as I shan, su p er v ised the b om b ing op er ation w ith another m aster m ind p u l l ing the str ing s b ehind the scenes, the sou r ce said . The Thai su sp ects ar e W anna S u ansan, w ho r ented a r oom at the Maim u na G ar d en ap ar tm ents, w her e b om b - m ak ing m ater ial s w er e d iscov er ed ; and K am ar u d eng S ahoh, the head of the team that hel p ed som e of the b om b cell suspects flee from Narathiw at p r ov ince to Mal ay sia. The other cel l m em b er s ar e C hob S ak u l thong , a tax i d r iv er w ho d r ov e a su sp ect
to the sou ther n b u s ter m inal ; Thap ir u nl ak K l ainak , a b u s d r iv er w ho tr ansp or ted su spects to Narathiwat and a man, identified only Pordeh,
w ho hel p ed su sp ects cr oss the b or d er to Mal ay sia. Meanw hil e, a senior Tu r k ish government official denied infor m ation u nv eil ed
b y p ol ice sp ok esm an P r aw u t Thav or nsir i that Mr I shan tr av el l ed to the cou ntr y , the As s o c i a t e d Pr e s s r ep or ted . “ Ther e is no r ecor d of the su sp ect hav ing enter ed Tu r k ey , ” the official w as q u oted as say ing on cond ition of anonymity. “Nor have the Thai au thor ities infor m ed u s that a ter r or ism su sp ect w as tr av el l ing to Tu r k ey , ” he said . The Tu r k ish em b assy in Thail and al so issu ed a statem ent say ing it has not b een contacted b y Thai au thor ities as r ep or ted in l ocal m ed ia and “ w e d o not hav e infor m ation concer ning the inv estig ation” . H ow ev er , P ol G en S om y ot said p ol ice r eceiv ed infor m ation fr om the B ang l ad eshi em b assy in Thail and . C hu char t K anp hai, the l aw y er of A d em K ar ad ag , 2 8 , an ar r ested su sp ect w hose r eal nam e w as v er ified as B il al Tu r k , said his cl ient w as b or n in C hina b u t m ig r ated to Tu r k ey in 2 0 0 4 w ith his fam il y . B a n g k o k Po s t
Govt clamps down on in-out ‘visa runs’ THAILAND
mmigration police at land border crossings have now stopped giving entry stamps to foreigners who exit and immediately return to Thailand to extend their stay for 15-30 days on visa runs. “ The order is not new. Originally, officers were authorised to consider giving permits. But in this current situation of heightened security, all officers have to step up restrictions,” said an official at the Immigration Bureau. Many foreigners regularly go on visa runs to Cambodia and return through the Sa Kaeo immigration checkpoint, he said. “ Some foreigners do not go themselves, but get illegal networks to obtain the entry stamp for them,” the source said, adding that the government has cracked down on the border-run syndicates, prompting them to change tactics. Now the networks provide
People pass through the Sa Kaeo immigration checkpoint on the border with Cambodia. Photo: Bangkok Post a one-day tour for foreigners to the Cambodian town of Poi Pet, so they can re-enter Thailand afterwards with permission to stay for another 15-30 days. Law enforcement on these types of activities will intensify, said the source. From now on, foreigners who are re-entering Thailand will be screened rigorously. They will need to provide information about their accommodation, tour company or other details to confirm they are in the country and
travelling as tourists. The measure is likely to block scores of foreigners from re-entering Thailand through Sa Kaeo. Those wishing to enter Thailand from Cambodia will have to go to Phnom Penh for a visa at the Thai embassy. The police investigation into the bomb blasts at Erawan shrine on August 17 and the Sathon pier on August 18 discovered immigration police were bribed by an illegal network linked to the perpetrators. The issue prompted na-
tional police chief Pol Gen Somyot Poompunmuang to call a meeting with the heads of immigration checkpoints on Sept 7 , and was followed by a reshuffle in immigration police staff. “ The immigration police are coming under intense scrutiny,” said another high-ranking official at the bureau. ome officers were moved to head up the checkpoints in the recent reshuffle. Pol Gen Somyot is now wrestling to oust bureau commissioner Pol Lt Gen Sakda Chuenpakdee, who allegedly failed to follow the government order to transfer officers linked to Rohingya traffickers out of his jurisdiction. Pol Gen Somyot also handed out a report exposing the unlawful practices of immigration police under the command of Pol Gen Sakda, such as allegedly accepting B300-500 bribes from foreigners cutting the queue to apply for visas at Suvarnabhumi airport, the source said. B a n g k o k Po s t
Doctors extract stolen diamond BANGKOK POLICE LAST SUNDAY (Sept 13) retrieved a B10million stolen diamond from a Chinese woman, who swallowed it after stealing it from a jewellery fair, after doctors using surgical pliers extracted it from her body. Jiang Sulian, 39, swal-
lowed the six-carat diamond after stealing it from the Bangkok Gems and Jewellery Fair at Impact Muang Thong Thani in Nonthaburi last Thursday (Sept 10) by swapping the real one for a fake one. She admitted late on Friday night (Sept 11) that she swallowed the diamond on
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Jiang Sulian, 39, a Chinese woman who stole and swallowed a six-carat diamond worth 10 million baht allowed doctors with surgical pliers to go in and retrieve it during a 12-minute operation on Sunday. (Photos by Pornprom Satrabhaya) Thursday morning after stealing the diamond at the fair after an X -ray scan showed a diamond-like object in her intestine, police said. The mission to regain the diamond was accomplished after she allowed doctors at Police General Hospital to use pliers to retrieve it. Pol Maj Gen Sanit Mahathavorn, deputy commander of Provincial Police Region 1, said Mrs Jiang agreed to the doctors’ advice as she told them that she felt exhausted. She was given laxatives
on Friday night when she was detained at Pak Kret police station in Nonthaburi to retrieve the gemstone. That effort failed. The suspect was sent to the hospital on Saturday (Sept 12) as police again attempted to retrieve the diamond. Doctors at the hospital also failed to retake the gem stone on Saturday and decided to use pliers to retrieve it with the suspect’s consent. The procedure took just 12 minutes, Pol Maj Gen Sanit said. B a n g k o k Po s t
Chinese tourists walk in the historical part of the northern province of Chiang Mai. Photo: Chinese Tourists/Flickr
Cheating tour agents facing a crackdown BANGKOK THE TOURISM DEPARTment will investigate tour companies representing Chinese operators to prevent the employment of illegal tour guides and reduce the annual number of tourist fraud complaints by two-thirds to 100 in the next two years. The probe into big travel agents who were Chinese nominees will be launched soon, said Sutham Dechdi, director of the department’s Bureau of Tourism Business and Guide Registration. The bureau has sent the names of four illegal tour agents whose licences were
suspended to the Revenue Department for an investigation of their tax payments. The move is part of department efforts to resolve the problem of zero-dollar tours and their impact on Chinese tourists who are forced to buy goods at higher prices or left abandoned by illegal guides. Tourism and Sports Minister Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul is seriously concerned and has assigned the Tourism Department to oversee tour companies and agents. It will work closely with the Department of Special Investigation and the Commerce Ministry. B a n g k o k Po s t
Wanchai Saengkhao, the State Railway of Thailand (SRT) employee who last Friday (Sept 11) lost his appeal against the death sentence. Photo: Khaosod Enslish
Death sentence upheld for train-rape child killer PRACHUAP KHIRI KHAN THE APPEALS COURT HAS upheld the death sentence imposed by a lower court for a railway employee who raped and murdered a 13-year-old girl on a rapid train bound for Bangkok from Nakhon Si Thammarat on July 5 last year. The Appeals Court’s decision was read out in the Hua Hin Provincial Court on Monday (Sept 14) in the presence of the convicted killer, Wanchai Saengkhao, aged 23. Wa n c h a i h a d been brought from Bang Khwang Prison in Bangkok, where he has been incarcerated since being convicted, to Prachuap Khiri Khan Prison last Friday (Sept 11), ahead of Monday’s delivery of the verdict. On Sept 30, 2014, the Hua Hin Provincial Court found
Wanchai guilty on several counts. Wanchai was convicted of raping a 13-year-old Mathayom 2 student who was asleep in her berth on the train, and then throwing her out of the carriage while she was still alive. The court sentenced him to death for murder, to nine years in prison for raping a girl under , five years for stealing her tablet computer and a mobile phone, one year for hiding her body, and six months for using methamphetamine (y a b a h ). The defendant appealed for mercy on the grounds he had confessed in an act of repentance. The Appeals Court rejected the appeal, arguing Wanchai had confessed because the evidence against him was solid, not because he regretted his actions, and upheld the lower court’s judgement. B a n g k o k Po s t thephuketnews
Whisky, clubs, music
What goes on behind closed doors of Karachi nightclubs PAKISTAN
arachi, Pakistan’s biggest and most diverse city, was once home to a famous nightclub s ene here al ohol flo ed freely and luminaries from the world of j az z played to packed crowds eager for a taste of W estern culture. Today, a new generation is seeking to revive the partying traditions of their parents and grandparents – albeit behind closed doors. A t a luxury hotel in the metropolis of 20 million – better known for bitter political acrimony, gang violence and bloody turf wars – it is after midnight and the private party has j ust started. I n a room decorated with chandeliers, several hundred guests are letting their hair down. The music is loud and the bar is busy. A young female D J, tanned and tattooed, is in control of the beats. Men dressed in suits and ties chain smoke as they listen to the electro-funk of D aft Punk, as women in slinky dresses strut across the dan e floor. The partygoers are from a generation that tasted the freedom of a foreign university and overseas travel before returning home to Pakistan. The party was not advertised – and from the street you would never know it was happening – to avoid the attention of suicide bombers and extremist clerics. Before the creeping I slamisation from the late 1 9 70s that fundamentally altered the country, Pakistan’s nightlife was legendary. The golden-era began in the 1 9 5 0s and rolled on until prohibition in 1 9 77, which was
Akeel Akhtar (left), the owner of private nightclub ‘Hard Rock Cafe’ and a professional pilot, performs with other muscians in Karachi. He turns his home into ‘Hard Rock Cafe’ twice a month for select guests. Photo: Asif Hassan/AFP followed by a slew of I slamist policies that drastically altered society. l ohol flo ed freel in downtown bars and A merican j az z musicians D iz z ie G illespie and D uke Ellington played to huge crowds. Clubs such as Playboy, Excelsior, Oasis, Samar, Club 007 all competed to be the place to be seen by Karachi’s hip young crowd. “ W e used to have a good nightlife with bands, drinks and dancing but it’s gone,” recalls I mtiaz Moghal, the manager of the Metropole
H otel, once one of Karachi’s hottest nightspots, but which now lies semi-derelict as it awaits renovation. “ I t is a haunted house,” he said as he wandered through the crumbling remnants of the once-grand hotel. G esturing at the car park, he said, “ That used to be a club and a disco. I t hurts to think about it now.” I n Karachi’s heyday, politicians, young people, belly dancers, foreign diplomats, the cabin crew of foreign airlines and musicians from touring Southeast A sian orchestras
were all swept up together in the melee of the city’s nightlife. “ The order of music was that you would warm up and then play some more popular songs, and [ then] you played the louder music... towards the end of the evening you wind down because people had romantic intentions,” recalls former bandmember Leon Menez es. From 1 9 70 to 1 9 75 , sporting long hair and oversiz ed sunglasses, Menez es’ band The I n Crowd was one of Karachi’s most popular. The group played at the
1 9 72 inauguration of president ul kar li Bhutto father of Pakistan s rst female rime minister Benaz ir Bhutto. The elder Bhutto was a regular at many of Karachi’s nightspots and was known to enj oy his whisky. Menez es, now a teacher at a Karachi business school, recalled the day of the inauguration as an “ incredible piece of history” . “ I n the afternoon we were walking into his house to set up and there was Mr Bhutto... I as arr in an am li er and a guitar in one hand. A nd
I said, ‘ G ood afternoon, sir’. A nd he said, ‘ G ood afternoon’. I said, ‘ Sir, will there be dancing? ’ H e said, ‘ I don’t know but [ if there is] please don’t hide yourself.’” Five years later, Bhutto caved in to pressure from increasingly influential I slamists and banned alcohol, before being overthrown and ultimately hanged by the military government of I slamist general Z ia ul-H aq . “ That completely changed the hotel industry in all of Pakistan,” said H appy Minwalla, owner of Metropole H otel. “ Karachi was all about entertainment, about fun, about people doing things. Sadly the situation has changed.” Prohibition was the death knell for the clubs, but it did not eradicate the thirst for a nightlife scene. Today, most parties happen behind the closed doors and high walls of private homes. “ W ine shops” , often run by Christians, sell alcohol to locals, while bootleggers deliver high-end liq uor to the doors of the wealthy. Pilot A keel A khtar turns his home into a club twice a month for a select group of guests with Pink Floyd, the Rolling Stones and modern hits blaring out. “ This is a private place, we don’t put [ it] on any social media, Facebook, we don’t advertise it at all. I t is j ust between friends,” he explains, as he pulls out his electric guitar to the delight of his guests. “ W e do not have pubs [ in Pakistan] , and this place is the closest to it,” said N ida, as she sways to the music in the early hours. “ W e end the evening with friends on the beach. W ill you come with us? ” A F P
Salt, cigs and booze
The lifestyle killers whose usage are on the rise WORLD
he number of people worldw ide whose deaths were tied to avoidable health risks like high blood pressure and smok ing has shot up by almost 23 per cent since 1990, researchers recently revealed. After blood pressure, the top four risk factors worldwide driving the 22.7 % jump in deaths were smoking, a person s height and weight, high blood sugar levels, and a diet high in sodium, according to a study published in British journal The Lancet. From the results of the study, scientists concluded that a range of 7 9 health dangers contributed to 30.8 million deaths in 2013, 5.7 million more than in 1990 even when population growth and ageing were factored in. “ To put it in plain English, we are behaving badly,” said study co-author Ali Mokdad of the University of Washington.
After blood pressure, the top four risk factors worldwide driving the 22.7 per cent jump in deaths were smoking, a person’s height and weight, high blood sugar levels, and a diet high in sodium, according to a study in The Lancet. Photo: AFP “ I mean we know very well that smoking kills and that blood pressure is another killer,” he said by phone. “ Nobody risks not changing the oil in their car, but nobody pays the same attention to their own body.” Since 1990, the most dangerous factors have changed significantly, shifting from causes rooted in privation to those stemming from excess.
High blood pressure – which is easily diagnosed and readily treated – was the top risk in 2013, contributing to 10.4 million deaths in the 188 countries studied. The results were based on a wide range of data including World Health Organisation and World Bank reports, with further figures provided by roughly 1,000 partner scientists based in
over 100 countries around the world. T he si ng le de a d l ie st group of factors were all tied to how people eat. iets high in red meat and sugary drinks and low in fr uits and vegetables accounted for 21% of deaths in 2013. At the same time, child undernutrition and unsafe water, for example, were no longer among the top
10 deadliest health risks. However, a lack of sufficient food still contributed to the deaths of 1.3 million children in 2013, making it the leading cause of mortality for kids under five. The impact was especially pronounced in countries like Chad, South Sudan, emocratic Republic of Congo and Somalia. “ While we have seen a tremendous growth in risk factors that contribute to... heart disease, pulmonary diseases and diabetes, childhood undernutrition remains a huge challenge for some countries,” said the study’s lea d aut hor Moha m ma d Hossein. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-funded study found that gender and where people live accounted for significant differences in what led them to get sick or die. Smoking was the number two danger for men, leading to 4.4 million deaths in 2013. For women the number was about a two thirds lower.
Also, alcohol was among the top 10 risks for men, but it did not make the leading causes of death for women, who were most at risk due to diet-related problems like eating foods high in salt. In the Middle East and Latin America high body mass index, which is the ratio between a person s weight and height, was a leading cause of health problems. India is struggling with u n s a fe wat e r a nd ch i ld malnut rition. Alcohol is t he nu mbe r t wo r isk i n Russia and smoking is the top danger in many wealthy countries like Britain, the study said. A toxic mix of risks is at work in sub-Saharan Africa where poor childhood nutrition, contaminated water, unsafe sex and alcohol were all leading causes of death. “ These practices are preventable and we could do something about them as individuals and communities,” said Mr Mokdad. “ These deaths should be prevented.” AFP
Running a gauntlet of smugglers, police and closing borders HUNGARY IT R Ecision to shut its borders that finally convinced ayik he should make a dash for
Europe, but now he must navigate his way past police, vicious smugglers and rapidly closing borders. The 20-year-old Afghan arrived at the crowded and filthy transit camp ust inside
the Hungarian border last Sunday night (Sept 13). He was just in time – by Tuesday (Sept 15), authorities said this border crossing would be shut. But then he got news from his uncle in Berlin that Germany had reinstated border checks. He needed to keep moving in case the controls became permanent. “ I ca n not wait he re. Time might be running out,” said Fayik, a slight and smiley figure who speaks five languages. “ I don’t like doing illegal
A man waits, among migrants and refugees at Belgrade’s main bus station, for transport heading towards the northern Serbian city of Kanjiza, close to the border with Hungary. Photo: Andrej Isakovic/AFP things, but sometimes there is no choice. I have been very quick. I have to continue to
be quick,” he said. At the time, hundreds were waiting for police buses
to registration centres that appeared to have stopped running for the night. Besides, Fayik worried that registering with police meant he could only apply for asylum in Hungary. But the only other option was to walk 20 kilometres to the nearest train station – running a gauntlet of police patrols and brutal smugglers. “ There are hundreds of smugglers. They are very bad guys,” warned Matthias, a young Austrian volunteer manning the access road out of the camp. “ They will drive you a couple of kilometres, then put a knife to your throat and take all your money,” he warned Fayik and a group of other Afghans. Hungary said it would seal its border on Tuesday and start arresting illegal entrants. Ironically, this is what finally convinced ayik s parents to let him risk the sea crossing from Turkey to Greece – “ the most dangerous and adventurous thing I have ever done in my life” – since they feared this could be the start of wider border closures around Europe. AFP thephuketnews
Kempinski to open 2018 with Bill Bensley design PHUKET
Branson’s Virgin eyes Thai skies
Chris Husted execed itor@classactmed
he global head office of the upscale empinski hotel chain in Berlin has confirmed to T h e Ph u k e t N e w s that the hig h- end inter national hotel franchise will open a Bill B ensl ey d esig ned hotel in P hu k et b y 2 0 1 8 . “We can confirm the signature of an exclusive hotel project in Phuket,” said erstin Heinen, Director of Corporate Communications at empinski, Berlin. The empinski Hotel Phuket will be located in an elevated position alongside oh Siray Bay, with 250 metres of beach frontage. “The 85 suites and villas will each boast their own plunge pool and will benefit from access to a private jetty,” said Ms Heinen.
Mr Branson checks in on AirAsia Airlines en route from Bangkok to Vietnam.
“Designed by internationally renowned, Bangkok-based designer Bill Bensley, the hotel will have a tropical and Thai architectural concept to complement the natural environment.” According to Asia Design Hotel Awards, at last count Bensley Design Studios has worked in some 30-plus countr ies sp anning the g l ob e. “They have gleaned more than their share of awards AD100, Spa Asia Magazines
1 spa designer, Conde Nast’s 1 hotel in the world for three years running Four Seasons Tented Camp, Time Magazine Most Creative Hotel Designer, Fast Magazine World Most Creative etc etc. “Despite the notion that Bensley and team are now considered firm leaders in the field of hospitality design, Bill still believes that nothing they have done is that good and that their best work is yet to appear, said the report.
With those accolades as the creative force behind the design of the empinski Phuket, the resort is expected to appeal to a wide range of guests from Asia, Europe and the Middle East, as well as Thai nationals, Ms Heinen ad d ed . Spread over more than 40 rai, the resort will include two restaurants, a hotel bar and lobby lounge, as well as meeting facilities and a wedding chapel, as well as
a pool, fitness area and spa. The new resort will become only the second emp insk i in Thail and . The g r ou p already operates the Siam empinski Hotel Bangkok. “The empinski Hotel Phuket will further strengthen empinski’s growing presence in the Southeast Asia region. Located in close proximity to Phuket Town, Phuket International Airport will be accessible in under one hour by car,” Ms Heinen said.
SIR RICHARD BRANSON, founder of British multinational conglomerate Virgin Group, is looking to invest in air l ine b u siness in Thail and in the near future after having two radio and fitness ventures in the country. “I will fly my airline to Thailand soon,” he said in Bangkok last Sunday (Sept 13). Mr Branson, 65, did not give more details about his airline investment in Thailand, but said it would be done in a big way as he loved to shake an industry when he saw opp or tu nities. B a n g k o k Po s t
Thailand set for a record year in tourism Australia launches Australia-Asean Council
A SERIES OF REPORTS released this week point to Thailand exceeding all previous tourism arrival predictions despite the recent bomb attack in the capital. The official target of 28.8 million inbound tourists this year is expected to exceed a record 30 million. Global proper ty f ir m CBRE reported in their Hotel Trends 2 2015, that Thailand saw strong demand for hotels from local and foreign buyers. With a weaker baht, the report claims that the tourism market continued to recover strongly with total arrivals up 30 on last year. Arrivals from China, the report said, are growing significantly and tourists from this market now account for 28 of total visitors. Bangkok is benefiting in
Experts predict tourism arrivals will reach 30-31 million. particular from more short- 30.93 , January to July 2015, break and independent visi- according to Ministry of Tourtors from China. The report ism and Sports data. The data suggests strong increases in showed the country attracted visitor arrivals have contin- 17,504,204 international visits ued to push up occupancy in during the first seven months Bangkok to 70 in 2 2015, of 2015 up from 13,368,979 up 50 in the same period visits during the same period last year. ADR and RevPAR l ast y ear . grew slightly, the report stated. TCT president It ti r it “Thailand Travel Grows inglake said 8.1 million 30 ” was the banner headline inter national tou r ists ar e ex in T T R W e e k l y ’s latest report, pected to visit in 4, a rise citing international tourist ar- of 9 from the same period rivals to Thailand improved l ast y ear . An d r e w J W o o d
THE AUSTRALIAN MINister for Foreign Affairs, the Hon Julie Bishop, on Sept 8 launched the AustraliaAsean Council, an Australian Government initiative to strengthen links with the countries of Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia is the one of the most important strategic and economic regions in the world with a combined GDP of around USD$2.5 tr il l ion and a p op u l ation of over 620 million people. The 10 member nations of Asean now represents almost 15 of Australia’s total trade, with two-way trade valued at almost $100 billion in 2014. The A u str al ia- A sean C ou n-
The Hon Julie Bishop MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs launching the AustraliaASEAN Council at Parliament House, Canberra, on Tuesday (Sept 8). Photo: Hilary Wardhaugh cil will shape Australia’s engagement with Southeast Asia
and str eng then p ar tner ship s through stronger business, education, science, arts and cultural links. It will also work closely with the New Colombo Plan and Australia Alumni networks to facilitate ongoing links between individuals and or g anisations. The Hon Julie Bishop also announced that Ms Christine Holgate, CEO and Managing Director of Blackmores, will b e ap p ointed C hair of the Council. Ms Holgate has extensive experience working in Asia, Europe, the Americas and A u str al ia b r ing ing str ong leadership and knowledge of Australia’s trade interests in South-East Asia to the role. A A C g r ant r ou nd op ened on Wednesday (Sept 16).
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Pay and stay 14 BUSINESS NEWS
Put your money where your visa is through investment O l af
D u en s i n g
Tax & Law Expert Duensing Kippen
efore the summer of 201 4 , many foreigners in Thailand who did not q ualify for a long-term visa would achieve the same by entering, exiting, and re-entering Thailand on a short-term tourist visa. Thailand’s 201 4 post-coup military government ended this practice. H owever, the good news is that there are other options, one of which is the “ I nvestment V isa” . The I nvestment V isa provides a way for eligible foreigners to stay in Thailand without the need to leave on a regular basis and stay in Thailand on a long-term basis. This option might also provide an alternative that does not involve the annual proof of funds req uired to renew a “ retirement visa” for retirees over the age of 5 0 who meet the other req uirements for that visa.
The relevant regulations for obtaining an I nvestment V isa under the I mmigration A ct are: A ) Royal Thai Police Bureau Order N o. 3 27/ 25 5 7 Regarding Criteria and Conditions for Consideration of A lien’s A pplication for Temporary Stay in Thailand, dated 3 0 June 201 4 , effective 29 A ugust 201 4 (the “ Police Order” ); and B) I mmigration Bureau Order N o. 1 3 8 / 25 5 7, dated 7 July 201 4 , and effective from 29 A ugust 201 4 , issued under the Police Order.
Pursuant to the Police Order, a foreigner is eligible for a renewable I nvestment V isa if such a foreigner has invested in Thailand and: 1 ) holds a non-immigrant visa (in other words, not a tourist visa); and 2) has evidence of transferring at least B1 0 million into Thailand; and 3 (a) has evidence – obtained from a relevant authority – showing investment in a legally defined condominium unit (either freehold or a three-year
or more leasehold) at a purchase price or a rent of at least B1 0 million; or 3 (b) has at least B1 0 million in a xed de osit a ount at a Thai bank whose share capital is maj ority Thai owned; or 3 (c) has purchased and owns Thai government or Thai state enterprise bonds worth at least B1 0 million. I nterestingly the different investment options outlined above can be combined. Therefore it is, for example, possible to q ualify for the I nvestment V isa by purchasing a condominium unit for less than B1 0 million and in addition deposit the balance of B1 0 million to a xed de osit a ount at a uali ed Thai ank. The main criterion to be eligible for an I nvestment V isa is that the total combined investment is at least B1 0 million. Once all the criteria for the In estment isa are satis ed it can be renewed annually as long as a q ualifying B1 0 million investment is maintained. nother si ni ant ene t to note is that it provides longterm stay in Thailand not only for the investing party, but also for family members of the investor, such as parents, spouse, child(ren), adopted child(ren), spouse’s child(ren). Such family members of the I nvestment V isa holder must: 1 ) be granted a N on-I mmigrant visa; 2) have proof of the family
relationship; 3 ) in case of a spouse, the spouses must be both legally married and co-habitating; and 4 ) in case of a child, an adopted child, or a spouse’s child, he or she must not be married, must live with the I nvestment V isa holder as family, and must not be older than 20 years of age unless he or she is ill or disabled and cannot live without the support of a father or mother. I t should be noted that an I nvestment V isa does not absolve its holder nor family member of visa holders of the same 9 0-day reporting rule applicable to most other long-term Thai visas. A nd, very importantly, the I nvestment V isa alone does not entitle the holder or his or her family work in Thailand – they still must obtain a work permit in addition to the visa. I t should be noted that the de nition of orkin is er road. It is de ned as en a ing in work by exerting energy or using knowledge whether or not in consideration of wages or other ene t . Duensing Kippen is an international law firm specializing in business transaction and dispute resolution matters, with offices in Bangkok and Phuket, Thailand and affiliate offi es i other countries. Visit them at:
Woranart Wongvanich
RPM manager breaks marina glass ceiling PHUKET ROY A L PH UKET MA RI N A has on rmed the a ointment of W oranart W ongvanich as Marina Manager of the 5 G old A nchor-awarded marina. Being the only Thai female Marina Manager in Thailand and one of j ust a few Thai nationals who have held the post, Mrs W oranart has worked in Thailand’s marine industry for over 20 years. More than 1 0 of those years have been at Royal Phuket Marina. “ I admire the vision of the Chairman, Mr Lalvani, who is always looking to develop the company and marine tourism in Phuket, and am very proud of his on den e in a ointin me as the Marina Manager,” said Mrs W oranart, a Surat Thani native, “ The most enj oyable part of my work at Royal Phuket Marina is the marina team. They are passionate and professional. I am proud to be a part of this team and together we strive to deliver the best service possible to our customers,” she said. Mrs W oranart’s career began in the travel industry, where she made a name for herself in companies such as D iethelm Events (Phuket), Tropic A sia Tours, A sia V oyages and The Pansea resort.
Reps chat at the meet. Photo: Phuket Reporters’ Club
Brazilians hit the spot for Phuket tours PHUKET MORE TH A N 5 3 REPREsentatives from Phuket, Phang N ga and Krabi j oined the Braz ilian Tour Operators A ssociation (BTOA ) at its D iscover Thainess N etworking D inner at the A ngsana Laguna Phuket resort on September 5 . The Thai consortium from 4 3 hotels and four travel agencies in Phuket met 3 6 of their Braz ilian counterparts, who also conducted visits to Bangkok and Chiang Mai. thephuketnews
Jamie Monk’s adventurous day out
A perfect spread at Hilton, Karon
Local school kids find more than they bargain for > Page 17
Medical supplies found washed up on Naiyang Beach
A helping hand
Local school counsellor explains how her role helps others
Dalia Hilmi ed itor1 @classactmed
Her inviting, approachable personality has carried her through life.
arie McIntyre is currently the social and emotional counsellor at the British International School, Phuket (BISP). The school is the only on the island to offer such services to children, adults, students and staff. The Phuket News recently paid a visit to the school to find out more about Marie and what being a counsellor is all about. Marie, originally from Sweden, had always been interested in doing different things and when she saw an advertisement for a tourism course in Cyprus at the age of 21, she packed up her stuff and headed to Cyprus for what was initially a nine month trip. Soon after she met her husband and it wasn’t long before they moved to Scotland. It wasn’t for another nine years that she returned to Sweden. Marie spent a number of years guiding tourists
in countries such as Egypt, as well as fulfilling her passion in horseriding in her spare time. While she was in Cyprus, she spent a lot of time in the stables which soon fuelled her desire to educate herself further. Marie enrolled herself in a Youth Training Scheme and achieved first level of instructor, followed by a Higher National Diploma in stable management. After walking out with the Best Student Award, it became clear just how driven and determined Marie was. After finally returning to her homeland, Marie started her own equestrian centre for about a year before becoming a stable manager in a nearby stable. After a few more roles, Marie soon began to realise that her true passion was focusing and helping those not doing so well in life. It was a natural thing for her. Her inviting, approachable personality has carried her through life and ultimately has allowed her to help people from all walks of life. Marie’s ability to reach out to people is so fundamental to her personality that she doesn’t even realise she’s doing it. “I don’t know how I’m doing it,” exclaims Marie, “I’m just doing it!” Working with animals over the years has also given Marie the ability to have a soft, yet successful approach with those who need a little guidance. “Over the years I have come to realise that the wellbeing of students is so important, so I started to study courses related to wellbeing, including mindfulness, yoga, all those things that come into learning about how to feel good about yourself,” explains Marie. “I always try to implement it into my teaching and my curriculum.” Marie and her husband spent four years in Singapore before coming to the decision to move to Phuket. “You’re made to be a counsellor,” my husband said to me. I was always interested in psychology, and behaviourisms, so that’s how I came to the decision to do this full time.” This is Marie’s second year at BISP, and she has transformed her department into a warm, cosy and family like area for people to feel comfortable and safe in. “First of all, the students need to know I exist. If there’s something troubling someone or if it’s just someone friendly to talk to, it’s good for them to know I am here.
“Of course, there continues to be this stigma about counselling and therapy. But that’s why being available in the school helps. Part of my job is to reduce the stigma, and everyone needs someone to talk to at some time. “People come in here for all sorts of things, from the minor issues to the more serious ones. I support the students from all year groups, their parents and the staff. “It’s all about supporting and seeing how I can help. Everything is confidential. My aim is to figure out how to make things preventable. Going forward, I hope I can set up further workshops aimed at making people feel good about themselves. Help them feel less lonely, for example. “My purpose is to act as a support service, educational, and even pastoral. I never know what’s going to walk through my door, I can never prepare for it. I just have to listen to the person I am meeting. I am just trying to help people find a solution to their problem. I am trying to help them find their own potential. “I just want people to be able to come in here, into a friendly, warm, non-judgemental place.” Marie uses various methods, including two of her main tools: CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) and RTCT (Reality Therapy and Choice Theory), as well a number of years of experience and knowledge, not to mention her own natural approach. “Counselling is not just for some people. It’s for everybody. We all need a helping hand sometimes, to manage the daily demands of life. There’s nothing strange about it, nothing is too little or too big to talk about. “Counselling is that friend you can really trust. Even if I saw 1,000 people, but only one walked out of my office that little bit better, then I would be happy... because it’s one more.” “I believe that everyone you meet or every meeting you have can have an effect on you for the rest of your life. You never know what difference something can make or how you can affect someone,” concludes Marie. Indeed what’s clear is that Marie does love her job and it’s this passion which speaks true to her character. Her natural and friendly approach is what makes her perfect for the job and the fact that she is so busy is a testament to how well she has fit into the school and managed to reach out to so many people there. thephuketnews
Time for a change
School kids expose worrying supply of discarded syringes, needles on Naiyang Beach Dalia Hilmi editor1
I think the trash needs to be looked at closely in order to try and nd the source.
Top right: Year 5s on their weekly day out; Second from top: the large supply of trash found.
he Year 5 students of Phuket International Academy (PIA) were out on their weekly “Education Outside The Classroom” trip at Naiyang Beach when they came across something a little disturbing. A large, worrying amount of medical waste including needles, syringes, and medical bottles that were caught amongst the driftwood and trash on the sand. Whether the trash had been dumped by a local clinic or been disposed of offshore and then washed up, is unknown. But, a concern which has been brought to light is just how safe this is for not only children, but for anyone spending time there. Who dumped all of this trash? And why? And what can be done to prevent this from happening again? The Phuket News paid a little trip to PIA to find out what the kids think and what they think needs to be done. Grade 5 teacher, James Weekes explained that the class all agreed what kind of things are at risk in this situation. “We talked about infection, and how touching syringes and needles can have a lifelong effect, and how we don’t want to risk the children’s lives,” says James. “We often go and do a beach clean at Naiyang, but this time the job was just far too big for us.” The general consensus was that more police should be around and people need to be better educated about looking after the
environment and how important this is. “There was so much medical stuff packed together, that it made me think it had been dumped,” said James. Hunter, originally from Australia, was one of the kids who was deeply angered by this. He said, “I always go to Naiyang on the weekends with my family, but when I came this time I was annoyed. How can people feel like throwing trash like this on the beach. It’s so beautiful, some people just don’t care. I’m so angry and sad.” Araya also agreed, “I was disgusted that there would be things like this [on the beach]. We found more and more, and I felt uneasy and unsafe.” The students also voted for more signs, more trash bins etc, to be put in place, but indeed it seems something more extreme needs to be done. “I think the trash needs to be looked at closely in order to try and find the source,” explained James. “When I see a bunch of medical supplies on the beach, I don’t think it’s going to be tourists or the people who work on the beaches. Because, they want to look out for those who do come and relax on the beach. They’re businesses’ depend on tourists, so you wouldn’t think they’re the ones leaving the big dumps.” “At the end of the day, we want the
beaches to be beautiful and safe. This time, it felt so unsafe. Our health and safety officer who had been on trips with us at the start of the year, said that now we cannot take the children for the timebeing, we cannot risk they’re lives. It’s too dangerous.” So, indeed more needs to be done. Perhaps this situation will raise awareness, and despite the number of beach cleans up currently in process, having medical supplies being washed up on the beach takes things to a new level. A more dangerous one. “We found inappropriate things and I was very sad that people don’t care about the environment. I know that we’re all going to stop this,” said hopeful Anissa. With high-season just around the corner, one can only hope that the beaches return to the beautiful and clean standards that they should be and have been in the past.
Stepping up their game KIS heads of Primary, Secondary, Football programmes on year ahead Steven Layne ed itor@classactmed
Above: Coach Loy, Mrs Chokkuea and Mr Gareth ready to lead the way this semester at KIS.
ummer may be behind us, but the fun is just beginning as staff, students and parents of Kajonkiet International School Phuket (KIS) brace for an exciting 2015-2016 academic year ahead. Heading into its fourth year as a fullfledged international school, KIS continues to keep pace with rapid yet sustainable growth, while bolstering its profile with a number of new developments this term. To learn more, The Phuket News sat down with the school’s head of primary, Mrs Nicola Chokkuea, along with their newly appointed head of secondary Mr Gareth Eynon, and new football head coach, Mr Loy Stobart.
Mrs Chokkuea comments, “We’ve grown and developed over the past four years and we’re now entering into upper-secondary level with the first Key-stage 4 cohort. The next two years is going to be an exciting phase for us as we develop and ultimately prepare for Key Stage Five.” Enrolment this semester is up by about 15 per cent, notes Ms Chokkuea, who went on to highlight some of the school’s developments. “As our performance arts department has grown, we’ve brought on a new drama specialist, Mr Orme, who will be working closely with our music teacher Mr Davison on future productions. “And to support the KS4 programme and diverse IGCSE coursework, we’ve reinforced our secondary teaching team, with several new talented teachers. In general, there’s a lot of new, fresh energy this semester.” Mrs Chokkuea added that representatives from the Council For British Teachers (CFBT) will be visiting the school later this month for a two-day “pre visit” to get a feel for the ins and outs of school operations as part of the CFBT’s 12-18-month accreditation process. Mr Eynon – a seasoned IGCSE Fine Arts instructor and school administrator with a rich and varied international school background – went on to elaborate on the secondary school’s transition: “The pace and the focus of a secondary education changes when a school moves beyond KS 3 and into KS 4 and 5, and the academic profile becomes a much more significant feature with the profile and culture of the school.” Indeed, the IGCSE programme of KS4 is a challenging public examination, the international version of the exam that all students in the UK take, and so the standards are high. “Our job now is to ensure that by the time our students come to the end of Year 11 that they’re ready to tackle the exams and reach towards their potential in working towards the A-levels, and ultimately university,” he said.
Mr Eynon emphasised that developing a strong secondary school culture is critical in this early stage – driving for a culture of excellence on both the community and individual levels. “In terms of all the academic and social development that needs to happen to prepare a student to move away from home and to establish themselves independently for the first time in their lives in a university culture, even internationally, there’s an awful lot of growth that needs to be prepared for and engendered in each of these individuals, tailored to each of their needs,” This growth and development of culture will be realised in all aspects of student life, be it in the classroom, on the sports field, pitch or performance stage; in the music and drama rooms, art studios, science labs. Indeed, nurturing individual and group talent is something that KIS continues to promote, and upgrades to their sports department and respective programmes highlight this. Namely, they’ve brought on board a new, skilled football head coach, Mr Loy Stobart, son of the late and legendary Wolverhampton 1960 FA Cup winner, Barry Stobart. Loy himself had played for Nottingham Forest and Wolverton and as a self-described “Holistic Coach” looks to raise the profile of KIS football programme to new heights. Only a week into the semester, Mr Stobart has already made his mark, having doubled the school teams’ practice times over last year, and began more intensive skills training through implementation of a new academy programme. Summing up on his philosophy on football and learning in general, Loy inherits his dad’s: “Let the lads make mistakes, encourage them to do it – as long as they’re making mistakes in the right areas of the pitch, you got to let them do it. It’s pivotal to learning.” Stay tuned for a more in depth profile on Loy, and other talented individuals at KIS in the near future. thephuketnews
Going tops Down Under
Australian Boarding and Day School Fair to come to Phuket
ETA Worldwide Education, Thailand’s only Australian secondary school specialists, is connecting parents and students with leading Australian secondary schools during its inaugural Australian Boarding and Day School Fair on Sunday October 4 from 1 – 5 at Royal Phuket Marina. Admission is free. This exhibition is organised in conjunction with the Australian Education Assessment Services (AEAS) and supported by the Australian Trade Commission and Australian Embassy in Thailand. Seven secondary schools will be represented at the event, including coeducational schools, day and boarding schools, girls-only schools, boys-only schools, IB, foundation study schools and a specialist English language preparation school for secondary schools. Over one million baht worth of scholarships, study trials, and fee reductions are being offered by the various schools, and families can visit the exhibition to obtain more information. Australia is recognised as a world class leader in education and is a popular choice of destination for secondary school education among international students. There are approximately 500,000 international students in Australia, with about 27,000 Thai student enrollments across all educational sectors in Australia. The number of Thai students enrolled in secondary schools in Australia is approximately 500. Not only does Australia provide quality and internationally recognised education which is equal to the best in the world, it also provides a safe, comfortable and friendly environment. Australia offers students the chance to experience living in a sophisticated, multicultural western environment that is located very close to Thailand and has strong associations with Asian and other countries. Australian schools offer small classes with advanced teaching styles, dedicated personal attention and care to students. They take into account the needs, talents and interests of in-
we have worked with have been accepted to prestigious universities such as University of Melbourne, The University of New South Wales, Monash University, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and University of St Andrews, UK, to name a few.” “Parents and students should use this opportunity to visit the various school exhibitors to assess if the schools that they are interested in can really meet their needs, academically, socially and emotionally. The information gained on the day, by face-to-face discussions in a focused environment, with such a large variety of quality schools at the Australian Boarding and Day School Fair will be more effective than visiting their websites. You are able to visit all the leading Australian private schools in just one day,” added Mr. Gray. dividual students and offer excellent support services. Mr. Andrew Gray, CETA Managing Director, said that based on 13 years of experience working closely with Thai students who have studied in Australia at secondary school level, Thai students achieve more than just academics. They are able to learn to be “world ready” by: • Mastering the English language and achieve a high qualification in a second language; • Adjusting themselves to live and learn in a western environment with highly developed teaching methodologies different to Thailand; • Achieving a very good level of critical and strategic thinking as well as advanced technical knowledge; • Overcoming cultural barriers to make friends and mix with Australian and other international students to give them lifelong social skills to adapt themselves to any new situations they may face in the future; • Making many connections through their Australian schools, and • Preparing themselves for world class universities. “These advanced skills are obtain-
able through an Australian secondary school education that will enable Thai students to adapt to changes and be prepared for the approaching Asian Economic Community (AEC) in 2015,” said Mr. Gray. “Some of the Thai students who
Attendees are requested pre-register at A free copy CETA’s Australian School Guide 2015 will also be given away. For more information, contact CETA at 02-7125300 or visit
A fun day out
Whitewater rafting in Phang Nga JAMIE’S PHUKET Jamie Monk ed itor@classactmed
The hills and rivers in Phang Nga make a nice day out, especially if you are staying at a busier beach area in Phuket.
t’s been a long time since I tried white water rafting. Back in my young, fit days I did it a few times. The first was in Zimbabwe on the Zambezi river and that was pretty scary! I also did easier – but colder – rafting trips in Chile and Wales. And here in Thailand we've tended to shy away from tourist activities, preferring to find our own adventures, but sometimes we certainly do what the tourists do, I mean you have to visit Phi Phi and James Bond Island and see the FantaSea show and so on, there are some “must see” things around here! To the north of Phuket you have Phang Nga province, which we visit often. It’s a huge area with a lot to see, and even this year we have done several trips exploring roads that were new to us, including the Klong Kian area and the Tone Pariwat Waterfall. Along the road to this waterfall, which followed a river, we saw many rafting companies and lots of elephants (for elephant trekking). So when our friends who run the Easy Day Thailand tour company asked us to join a fun “company trip” including rafting and a night in Khao Lak, we knew where to go and looked forward to another drive in that direction. Very nice scenery around there. It's only about a 90 minute drive from where we live near Phuket Town – out of Phuket, over the bridge, to Phang Nga Town and then about another 15km after the town. And we got lucky with the low season weather, which during July and early August had seen plenty of wind and rain. On Saturday, August 15, the weather was beautiful. We reached the “Best Rafting 4U” headquarters at about 9:30am and had time to get some coffee, take a little walk by
The family tackling the waves and enjoying the day. Photo: BestRafting4U the river and wait for the whole group to arrive in dribs and drabs. We launched a raft into the calm water above the dam, and the hardest part of the trip for big, clumsy me was climbing over rocks to get back into the raft just below the dam. This dam is not huge, but holds the water about 5m higher than the river below, so once they open it, there is quite a rush. Our rafts waited until the water was high enough and then set off pretty darn fast. They do recommend not taking phones or cameras. We took an older iPhone and had a dry bag. The photo of me and my son (right) was taken as we started moving. Though I guess there were a few little sections that had me falling over backwards in the raft and nearly squashing my son, I think in hindsight I could have taken a nicer camera in the dry bag and snapped photos between rougher sections of river. But this is ideal GoPro camera territory, or any small waterproof camera. My helmet even had some kind of mount built in. A selfie stick with a GoPro would be even better. But I can’t stand people who, instead of enjoying something, are constantly taking their own picture, so they can enjoy watching themselves later. Enjoy the NOW! And as the rafting company takes photos as you head down the river which they will frame and sell you later for B200, you will get a good action shot of yourself. The whole rafting experience was over in about 30 minutes. I am sure they told us it was a 5km ride, but if I look on Google Earth, looks like about half of that. And at times as we rushed down rapids and into calmer areas, it did seem surprisingly crowded, especially as this is low season. There were rafts from several different operators at the same time. Although when I say “low season”, it’s probably the best time for rafting. If you try this in a dry February, the river might have low water levels, but after some rain, it was just about perfect.
We finished our rafting right next to the Best Rafting 4U camp, where they have decent bathrooms so we could change, dump wet clothes in our cars, and they provided a big buffet lunch. We were just here for rafting, as the weekend was to be combined with a relaxing stay in Khao Lak, which lies about 50km to the west. Most people would sign up for combination adventure tours with rafting, visiting the waterfall, maybe elephant riding, ATV rides, jungle zip-lining. There are several options. For a run down of what’s available, you can ask our friends at Easy Day Thailand about these trips. We just came for a bit of whitewater fun, and then headed off for some time by the pool in Khao Lak at The Leaf On The Sands Resort. Now that we’ve done this trip, yes I do recommend it if you are of a sporty nature (and can swim). The hills and rivers in Phang Nga make a nice day out, especially if you are staying at a busier beach area in Phuket. It’s good to see more than just the beach here in Phuket, and a bit of rafting combined with other things is something to add to the Phuket “to do” list. And now we’ve done it. The original story can be found on Jamie’s blog at http://jamie-monk.
The river next to the rafting camp, and further upstream is a dam. thephuketnews
A cravin’ for Malaysian
Hilton Karon’s new executive chef presents authentic Asian-themed spread Steven Layne
Malaysian food is rich in flavour and spice, integrating influences from both China and the Indian Subcontinent, but maintaining its own uniqueness.
Chef Raymond’s specialities include various authentic Malaysian dishes like Curry Laksa (2nd from top); freshly baked onion bread and presentation to perfection. @thephuketnews
hose seeking an authentic Asian and Internationally-themed culinary experience on Phuket’s west coast need not look any further than the F&B offerings at Hilton Phuket Arcadia Resort & Spa in Karon. Under the seasoned leadership of Food & Beverage Manager Erik Guluta and recently appointed Chinese Malaysian Executive Chef, Raymond Siek, the restaurant has launched weekly themed buffet dinners, including Chinese on Mondays; Thai on Wednesdays; Malaysian on Fridays and Seafood on Saturdays. Looking to appease my appetite with some Asian authenticity, I took my family for Malaysian night. Arriving at the warmly-lit, soft-toned dining hall of Sails Restaurant just after sunset, we’re led to our table, as smiling server and kitchen staff put the finishing touches on the diverse spread – not one thing seems out of place – from the bread, cheese and hors d’oeuvres stations to the salads, meats and treats – clearly much thought and effort has gone into presentation, which is perfect. The aromas from the freshly-baked onion bread are making my stomach growl and there are several Malaysian dishes laid out on our table. I can’t wait to dig in. But first, we sat down with Chef Raymond for a brief chat and introduction. Having joined the property in July, the 40-yearold who hails from the city of Sitiawan in the northern Malaysian state of Perak, has over 21 years experience in the hospitality industry, with various luxury brands behind him. Among them, the Datai Langkawi, The Lalu Sun Moon Lake in Taiwan, The Westin Beijing Financial Street, St. Regis Shanghai (currently The Hongta Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel) and most recently, The Ritz-Carlton Shenzhen. Having spent a lot of time in China, and ethnically Chinese himself, Chef Raymond certainly understands Phuket’s largest tourist market well. “I like to engage with diners, encourage and advise them to try new and authentic dishes... Thailand presents lots of opportunity, and things we can promote – the local vegetables and products, seafood, and ingredients, which are more authentic than in China. I’m very excited,” he says. As for what he especially “brings to the table”, Chef Raymond puts great emphasis on preparation, presentation and flavour. Introducing us to the line up of authentic Asian delicacies before us, where there are four types of rices. “The Nasi Goreng is a traditional Malaysian fried rice with shrimp paste. Next, we’ve got Nasi Ulam, a traditional rice originating from the east coast of Malaysia, which is prepared with fresh spices and herbs. Also popular in Malaysia, is Chinese fried rice. And we’ve got a vegetarian Indian rice with tomatoes and mustard seed, among other spices.” Proud and knowledgeable about his craft, Chef Raymond, turns our attention to Ikan Kerapu Masak Lemak Cili Api a traditional dish of the Minangkabau people in Central Malaysia, he explains. The coconut and tumeric soup infused with Grouper fish really pairs well with the different types of rices, almost as good as the Chicken Rendang Tok, a popular dish originating from Chef Raymond’s home state of Perak. The chicken is cooked and pounded with graded coconut, he notes. It does not fail to sate our tastebuds with its mouthwatering spicy and sweet coconut-infused flavour. And then there is the Curry Laksa, a Malaysian staple. “Malaysian people eat this curry-coconut broth for breakfast, lunch and dinner,” he notes. Similar to Southern Thai cuisine, Malaysian food is rich in flavour and spice, integrating influences
Exec Chef Raymond Siek and F&B Man Erik Guluta have put together quite a spread at Sails Restaurant. from both China and the Indian Subcontinent, but maintaining its own uniqueness. We devoured the soup and Rendang, and there was hardly any room left over to sample the rest of the Thai and international spread. So dessert would just have to do. I was tempted by so much of the diverse offerings – seasonal fruits, custards, puddings galore; but in the end I decided on nothing fancy. Mint and Chocolate cookies with ice cream hit the spot just right. I’ll have to return soon, though perhaps to try their recently launched
Sunday Glitz brunch, which features a pass-around table-service, I’m told. Stay tuned. For more information, call 076-396433-41, or email
Michael Cowan – Outrigger Hotels & Resorts & Claude Baltes - It’s Riesling Le Vin
Frank Grassmann - GM The Nai Harn Phuket & Martin Carpenter - British Honorary Counsel
Le Vin and It’s Riesling team hosted an exclusive tasting of premium beverages from top French and German boutique estates on Wednesday September 9. The 50 plus guests were also treated to delicious canapés created by Mr Roberto Conrad, Executive Chef at Outrigger Laguna Phuket Beach Resort.
Left: Cecilia Pitre, of Phuket Professional & Fun Ladies (PP&FL)
Pawinee Atjimakul, CPN
Third from left: POP Pongkool
FLORAL NIGHT BY CENTRAL FESTIVAL Central Festival Phuket invited partners and friends to enjoy a night of fun with delicious food, drinks, numerous gifts and a live concert by POP Pongkool.
The Japan Pop Culture Festival 2015, took place from September 12 – 13 at Jungceylon, Phuket. The event saw the return of the ultimate Cosplay Competiion of the year for cosplayers, as well as many more Japanese acitvities for people to enjoy, including lots of fun Japanese themed food and beverages. thephuketnews
ian onoll
i e a band
o the second ea unnin isa a hosted a fund aisin e ent fo the huket as een ood to s oundation. uests we e th illed b i e a and le ie s pe fo mances and en o ed the ama in culina c eations. lass ct edia we e p oud sponso s of the e ent.
econd f om left o omsan a thi d f om left aisa heludkina eal ife huket thi d f om i ht ate assanee a umma second f om i ht i osbach.
inlo a imon
icolas e e
STUDENTS, TEACHERS PERFORM THEIR HEARTS OUT @ BOAT ARCADE t was an e citin da at oat cade on atu da eptembe as students and teache s f om e end usic s huket cadem of e fo min ts pe fo med li e. lass ct edia we e p oud sponso s of the e ent.
athilda ustafsson
Yeonwoo Jee
utsal fans en o in the da
FANS UNITE IN PENULTIMATE MATCH o e than a thousand fans tu ned out to huket nited s final home match of the utsal hailand emie ea ue season on onda eptembe a ainst amut aka n. ee spo ts pa es fo full match epo t. @thephuketnews
18 SEP
THEPHUKETNEWS.COM cious A loo T ikki , S amosas, C hicke n T and oori, A loo G obi, N avr ang K orma, B utter C hicke n, L amb V ind aloo, N aan, R ice, S alad s, C hutneys / A chars, P istachio I ce C ream, G ulah Ja mun, F ruits. F or only 3 9 9 / - nett and sp ecial red uced p rices on d rinks. C ontact: : 0 7 6 - 2 8 6 4 6 4 E xt 4
20 SEP
Mussels night @ Shakers Journey into Complete Well-being Workshop J W M arriott P huk et R esort & S p a inv ites y ou to j oin an up - coming 3 - d ay w ellness w ork shop . T hroug h the course of this insp irational p rog ramme, led by internationally renow ned Y og a p ractitioner K im W hite, R eik i M aster and med itation exp ert N ik orn B anj erd lert and T rad itional C hinese M ed icine and nutrition exp ert K en R osen w ill share their v aluable insig ht and k now led g e. O ffer a further d iscount of 1 5 % off sing le and d ay p ack ag e op tions or 2 0 % for the full p ack ag e w ith board for the four d ay s. I n ad d ition y ou w ill receiv e 2 0 % off food and bev erag e ( exclud ed alcohol) and 3 0 % off S p a M assag es p lus a comp limentary use of hotel facilities; sw imming p ool, g y m, sauna sp a, J acuz z i, lock er room) C ontact: L ind a O v erman, lind a.ov erman@marriotthotels. com, 0 7 6 3 3 8 0 0 0 ext. 3 7 5 0
1 .2 k g mussels serv ed w ith french fries y our choice, y our sty le: nature, mariniere, p rov encale, g arlic & cream or T hai sty le R eserv ation recommend ed B 2 9 5 baht P .P ., shak ersp huk et@ g, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 3 8 1 .
Pool Competition at Expat Sports Bar T he comp etition at 9 p m E xp at S p orts B ar at the E xp at H otel S oi T aip an P atong . S ee map at w w w .exp
1st Accor “Heartbreak” Hill Mini-Marathon 2015 T he ev ent w ill be held as p art of A ccor H otel’ s C S R commitment in S outhern T hailand , led by P U L L M A N P H U K E T A R C A D I A N A I T H O N B E A C H and other 1 0 hotels.T his fund raising w ill sup p ort imp rov ing ed ucation and w ell- being of und erp riv ileg ed child ren. C ontact d etails: H uman R esources D ep artment: 0 7 6 3 0 3 2 9 9 O R w w w .p ullmanp huk etarcad, 0 7 6 3 0 3 2 9 9 P roud ly sup p orted by Live 89.5
19 SEP
Thai Sunday Brunch at DoubleTree Phuket E e v ry S und ay enj oy a w id e selection of T hai d elicacies d uring the T hai S und ay B runch at D oubleT ree R esort by H ilton P huk et - S urin B each. V arious action stations, extensive salad bar, trop ical fresh fruits, p lenty of d esserts and unlimited soft d rinks, coffee and tea for only B 3 5 0 net p er p erson. C hild ren ag ed 7 - 1 2 at T H B 1 7 5 net. T his includ es free access to our sw imming facilities! 0 7 6 3 0 3 3 0 0 .
21 SEP
Andaman Hotelier 2015 A nd aman H otelier has been w ell receiv ed by hoteliers, trav el & hotel related p rod uct manufacturers and d istributors alik e, as the big g est hotel p rod ucts and sk ills exhibition in the A nd aman reg ion. T his ev ent hig hlig hts the lev el of creativ ity from hoteliers throug h many contests and seminars. I t is an excelent op p ortunity for hoteliers and entrep reneurs in P huk et and the A nd aman to j oin and to coop erate for better and more sustainable trav el industr . To find out more visit andamanhotelier. com P roud ly sup p orted by The Phuket News.
Bollywood Phuket’s Weekend Special Indian Lunch Set Come and en o the authentic flavours of ndia b ind ulg ing in our w eek end ’ s sp ecial lunch set for only B 3 9 9 + p er p erson betw een 1 1 am- 3 p m. M enu includ es 3 starters, 1 R oti/ N aan, 1 R ice d ish, 1 p ortion L entils, 2 C urries, and a D essert serv ed w ith I nd ian tea ( of y our choice) ! A ll for j ust B 3 9 9 + p er p erson F or more info p lease call 0 7 6 3 0 4 0 3 4 .
E nj oy our sump tuous brunch featuring a lav ish sp read of international d elicacies w ith a v ariety of liv e stations, roasts, a casual seafood B B Q , freshly shuck ed F in d e C laire oy sters, a pasta station, wood fired pi as and a children s food corner plus our free flow selected bev erag e stations. W ith p ool access and a C amp H y att k id s club, starting at B 1 , 5 0 0 + + p er p erson. F or more d etails and reserv ations, call 0 7 6 2 3 1 5 1 6 fnb.p huhp @hy
All you can eat Sunday Roast Buffet Beef, ork amb Cauliflower, Broccoli, P eas, C arrots, F ried mushrooms, G rilled T omatoes – Y orks hire p ud d ing – R oasted P otatoes, M ashed P otatoes – G rave y , M ushroom sauce, M int S auce. R eserva tion R ecommend ed 3 5 0 baht P .P ., shake rsp huke t@g, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 3 8 1 .
FRIDAYS WINE & TAPAS I mag ine y ourself sitting 5 0 metres abov e sea lev el and g az ing out ov er an amaz ing sunset w hile sip p ing on a g ing er & lemong rass martini and enj oy ing the uniq ue sop histicated city lifesty le ambiance of P huk et. E v ery F rid ay ‘ A ll ou can at Tapas, with free flow of selected bev erag es at B 1 , 3 9 0 net from 7 – 1 0 p m. G et 3 0 p er cent d iscount on selected bev erag es from 5 .3 0 - 6 .3 0 p m ev ery d ay . L ocated at V anilla S k y B ar, C ap e S ienna H otel, K amala 0 7 6 - 3 3 7 3 0 0 .
Indian Curry Night on Fridays C ome to N avr ang M ahal in K aron S ea S and s R esort & S p a for an authentic I nd ian F east eve ry F rid ay in K aron B each. T ry out our d eli-
BBQ at Expat Hotel T ime 8 p m, E xp at S p orts B ar, E xp at H otel, S oi T aip an, P atong . w w w .exp atsp
N A K A D I A is back at I L L U Z I O N to bring the und erg round vi bes of T echno at its best ! H er mod esty and humble nature w ould leave most in d isbelief that she has p laye d ove r 6 0 0 eve nts in more than 3 0 0 clubs across 5 2 countries d uring the last 7 ye ars. S up p orted by our R esid ent D J’ s * K R A I Z * O S K A R * S A M A T S K Y D ress C od e: W H I T E . B O O K yo ur V I P table / / I nfo line: 0 7 6 6 8 3 0 3 0 / 0 9 8 0 2 4 6 3 6 9 .
All you can eat BBQ night
Suk Singpatong + Sitnumnoi E v ery S aturd ay nig ht, N um N oi S ing p atong , the head trainer and ow ner of S ing p atong + S itnumnoi g m in atong Beach, hosts an elite fight series Suk Singpatong Sitnumnoi Saturda fight nig ht” at P atong B oxing S tad ium ( S ai N am Y en oad , where top international and Thai fighters comp ete. V isit p atong boxing stad for more info. P roud ly sup p orted by Class Act Media. R emark : F ree transp ortation in P atong , K aron, K ata areas w hen req uested in ad v ance. P lease call + 6 6 8 7 3 8 3 3 3 6 4 or + 6 6 7 6 3 4 5 5 7 8 to arrang e the transp ortation before 1 2 p m of each Saturda after the pa ment is confirmed. atong B oxing S tad ium ( S ai N am Y en R d ) , nearby W orld B ung y J ump P atong , 0 8 7 6 2 8 2 7 1 9 w w w .p atong boxing stad, sing p atong @g
Sunday roast at Gallery Cafe By Pinky @ new Chalong branch E e v ry and 0 8 9 1 0 leryca
S und ay from 1 2 p m and all- d ay brunch d inner eve ry d ay from 7 am- 1 0 p m. 3 7 0 0 0 F B : G alleryca fe by p inky , theg alfe@ya, 0 8 9 1 0 3 7 0 0 0 .
6 p m – 1 1 p m: beef, p ork , chick en, burg ers, sausag es, p raw ns & sq uid s, salad buffet, choice of p otatoes & sauces, bread , buns & g arlic bread R eserv ation recommend ed 3 5 0 baht P .P ., shak ersp huk et@g, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 3 8 1 .
22 SEP
Traditional Sunday Roast Angus O’Tool’s Karon Beach L unch or d inner serv ed from 2 p m. Y our choice of either roast beef, chick en, loin of p ork or leg of lamb serv ed w ith roast and boiled p otatoes, three fresh v eg etables, Y ork shire p ud d ing and g rav y . O nly B 3 2 0 p er p erson w hich includ es a free g lass of house red or w hite. O p p osite C entara K aron R esort. S ee otools- p huk
Toastmasters Phuket L ook ing to d ev elop y our p ublic sp eak ing and lead ership sk ills? I g nite y our career? J oin T oastmasters P huk et and start mak ing y ourself a lead er tod ay ! I nv itation only . C ontact J ason on 0 8 6 4 7 9 7 4 7 1 for more info.
23 SEP
All you can eat BBQ Ribs night PGFC Thailand 2016 “Classic” Sport Fishing Tournament
6 p m – 1 1 p m: A ll yo u can eat B B Q ribs serve d w ith salad buffet, p otato salad & choice of sauces. R eserva tion recommend ed 2 9 5 baht P .P ., shake rsp huke t@g, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 3 8 1 .
24 SEP
Free Somtam every Thursday 8 8
T A S T Y restaurant and bar offering free S omtam ( p ap ay a salad ) if yo u bring this ad . P urchase w ith another d ish and limiit 1 / p erson/ w eek M ore infomations call: 0 8 7 0 4 7 7 8 2 2 tast tast .
ver ear the foundation organi es a un R un” to raise aw areness for the turtles, this y ear is our 11th ear. unners will run around ru et Sun lake ne t to the hotel. More information go to our Mai hao Marine Turtle oundation acebook page or ,T 0 3 391 5 69. roudl sup p orted by Live 89.5.
31 OCT
‘SENSO- santional’ Healing Package
Thavorn Beach Village Resort & Spa
Phuket FC vs Prachuap FC p m.,
H allow een p arty of the ye ar. D ress up in yo ur most sinful costume and check in to the C reep y P ier N ig ht H allow een.I f yo u d are, j oin us for a nig ht of myst erious, g hostly encounters and ghoulish grooves b live s, ire performers, Halloween decorations, Spook ntertainment. S p inning a nig ht from 6 : 0 0 p m to 0 : 0 0 am. C ontact 0 6 3 0 6 4 0 6 6 1 .
amper ourself with nfinite u ur Spa s S S O B ed C hromo- therap y P ack ag e ( 1 2 0 minutes treatment for 3 , 6 0 0 + + baht) av ailable d aily betw een 1 0 am to 4 p m now until 3 0 S ep tember, 2 0 1 5 . T his cutting ed g e treatment features T hailand s onl S S Bed in a Chromo therap technolog y , natural marine mud w rap , bod y scrub and massag e to release tension and balance the mind and bod y . T erms and C ond itions: 1 . A v ailable from A ug ust 1 till S ep tember 3 0 , 2 0 1 5 . 2 . T his p romotions is not v alid for other d iscounts, p romotion and p riv ileg es. 3 . K ata R ock s reserv es the rig ht to chang e or amend this offer w ithout an notification. Contact eservations, reservations@k atarock, 0 7 6 3 7 0 7 7 7 .
The race that stops a nation.
O rg anised by P huk et S occer S chools( P S S ) . C lub teams from B ang k ok , P attay a, H ua H in, C hinag M ai, K oh S amui and P huk et are entering 10 12 1 s uads. or more information about P huk et S occer S chools p lease v isit w w w .p huk or email us at info@p huk P round ly sup p ort by The Phuket News TV & Live 89.5.
M elbourne C up brunch @ H y att R eg ency P huk et R esort, K amala, in sup p ort of T he G ood S hep herd . D ress cod e - A t the races, v enue is air cond itioned . S tarts at 9 am till late. T ick ets at T H B 2 , 2 0 0 nett p er p erson, inclusiv e of brunch a hour beverage package. or more details call 0 6 231 23 e t 5106. roudl supported b ive 9.5 who will be there broadcasting .
N ow 3 classes d aily . 9 am then 5 : 1 5 p m and 7 : 1 5 p m classes are 9 0 minutes. K ata Y og a the most p op ular yo g a in P huke t for men and w omen. I t is the best w ork out eve r, g etting strong and fle ible, full of vitalit , t will make ou ver hap p y and it show s, yo u w ill w alk w ith a big smile on yo ur face, feeling g ood . O p en eve ryd ay , rig ht at the beach, K ata B each, Y ou g ot to try , w arning : ve ry ad d ictive , once yo u start yo u ke ep coming , yo u neve r w ant to stop , 2 1 7 kh okt anod road ka ta beach p huke t 8 3 1 0 0 , 0 7 6 6 0 5 9 5 0 , w w w .ka tahotyo g
KATA HOT YOGA FOR EVERYBODY Great Mexican, Thai and Flamegrilled Burgers in a beautiful setting! If o y u have time this month g et d ow n to S ea B reeze located in R oya l P huke t M arina. O p en 9 am to 1 0 p m eve ryd ay servi ng home- mad e me ican specialties, flame grilled burgers and T hai sp ecials! A ll sp ort ava ilable show n live , C ontact: R eserv ations, info@seabreez erp, 0 7 6 3 6 0 8 0 6 .
3rd National Youth Football Tournament
27 SEP
A t S urak ul S tad ium., S tarts at 7 P roud ly sup p orted by Class Act Media.
11th Annual Turtle Run “Run for the Turtles”
5 hours of non stop sport fisihing, held offshore” around the S imilan I sland s. A s alw ay s the p riz e monies offered are the larg est in A sia. ri es include fishing trips, tackle, limited edition p rints, and much more. M any boats alread y confirmed, including teams from ustralia, Canada, G ermany , U S A , H ong K ong , the U K and S ing apore. or further details please contact arren C row e + 6 6 ( 0 ) 8 1 2 7 0 4 2 9 1 or A nd y B rig ht + 6 6 ( 0 ) 62 399 , info P roud ly sup p orted by The Phuket News.
O p en eve ry d ay , 3 classes d aily : 9 a.m in the morning , then 5 .1 5 p .m afternoon and 7 .1 5 p .m eve ning . M en and w omen all ag es, j ust come, yo u w ill love it. w ork out and stretch. T one yo ur muscles, lose fat, g et in shap e, and feel g ood . S ee yo u in yo g a class soon. A d d ress : 2 1 7 kh okt anod road ka ta beach p huke t 8 3 1 0 0 , 0 7 6 6 0 5 9 5 0 , w w w .ka tahotyo g
Thai Cooking Class at Bubbles Restaurant GRILLED MAINE LOBSTER @KATA ROCKS ata ocks is offering an e clusive selection of g rilled M aine L obster ( T H B 8 8 0 + + ) menu that w ill d az z le y our taste bud s at lunch or d inner. C ontact d ining @k atarock or 0 7 6 3 7 0 7 7 7 for comp lete d etails.
R efresh y our culinary sk ills and d iscov er an authentic Thai local e perience b learning how to cook the local dishes, e ploring a uni ue isherman’ s mark et and enj oy ing lots of d elig htful recip es and cook ing tip s along the w ay . T here are 2 p ack ag es to choose from, half- d ay & full- d ay , start from T H B 2 , 0 0 0 / p erson. P lease call or 0 7 6 2 3 1 9 9 9 or h8 1 0 9
Crossword by Myles Mellor & Sally York Across 1. What is the hottest planet in our solar system? 2. What two word phrase means the smallest amount of fissile material nee e for a s staine n clear chain reaction? 3. Name the world’s largest desert? 4. In the Simpson’s episode They Saved Lisa’s Brain, who sa es isa from the ower h ngr ringfiel cha ter of Mensa? 5. What colour is the middle vertical stripe in the Belgium ag Answers below, centre.
oin i e g 68. Being 69. Mosey 70. Cherry ___ 71. Brand 72. Recuperations 73. Nothing but
29. Single 30. Seven, in ancient 1. Fire ___ Rome 5. Lowest deck ea s 10. Londoner, e.g. 33. Edison 14. Magic charm contemporary 15. Poet’s “below” 34. Nymph chaser 16. Highway division 36. Block 17. Give Down 37. Building wing 19. As soon as 39. Crafty 20. Raleigh resident, 1. Augur 42. Pair for one 2. Game on 43. Is no longer hh h horseback elf conscio s 23. Common connector 3. Cracked laugh 24. Huff 4. Disoriented 50. Play around 28. Ford Explorer, e.g. 5. Chilled 31. Keisters 53. Nickel, e.g. 6. Summaries 35. Understanding 7. Animal house? 55. Discloses 38. Like some decrees 8. ___ von Bismarck 56. Barbary beast 40. Grazing spot 9. Classes 57. The Beatles’ “___ 41. ‘60s TV series 10. Fair Leaving Home” 44. Windsor, for one 11. Indian princess 58. River in 45. Depressed 12. Ancient Andean northeastern 46. On an annual basis 13. New driver, England 47. Build on typically 59. “Major” animal 49. “That’s ___ ...” 18. “___ will be done” rost co ere 51. Celebrated 21. Private 61. Bills 52. Belief system one sha e 62. Crunchy munchie ornament 54. Attorneys’ org. 63. Sacred image: var. reen e g base hristian 64. Hawk group 26. Mount 66. In pain 27. Handle clumsily 65. Highchair feature
Solutions to last week’s puzzles:
Answers to this week’s Pop Quiz: 1. Venus; 2. Critical mass; 3. Antarctica; 4. Stephen Hawking; 5. Yellow
■ September 18, 1988
End of pro-democracy uprisings in Myanmar after a bloody military coup by the State Law and Order Restoration Council. Thousands, mostly monks and civilians (primarily students), are killed by the Tatmadaw.
times since 2011 have people been caught cooking meth inside of a Walmart.
■ September 19, 2006
The Thai militar y stages a coup in Bangkok. The Constit ution is r evoke d a nd martial law is declared. Photo: Roger jg
minutes or later for work was a criminal offense in the Soviet Union under Stalin.
■ September 20, 1512
to 200 species become extinct every day.
Ferdinand Magellan sets sail from Sanlúcar de Barrameda with about 270 men on his expedition to circumnavigate the globe.
■ September 21, 1937
to one is the estimated chance of fin ing a fo r leaf clo er on the first tr
J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit is published. ■ September 22, 480 BC
13 million pints of Guinness were consumed worldwide on St Patrick’s Day. Source: Uberfacts
This week in history
Battle of Salamis: The Greek fleet under Themistocles defeats the Persian fleet under Xerxes I. ■ September 23, 1980
Bob Marley plays what would be his last concert in Pittsburgh.
AFTER THE RAIN: Sunset over Patong Beach. Photo by Stephane Boiries Got an unusual or particularly beautiful picture of Phuket? Email it to
■ September 24, 1841
The Sultan of Brunei cedes Sarawak to the United Kingdom. Source: Wikipedia thephuketnews
• Sales representative
Good in Chinese and English, Experience in real estate sales.
• Sales Staff at booth good in English.
Contact: Kaew,, Phone: 094 807 3434.
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Wyndham Vacation Ownership welcomes CLUB WYNDHAM ASIA to Phuket in 2015. Are you a results-driven, self-motivated individual with a commitment to delivering an exceptional experience? Register your interest in working for CLUB WYNDHAM ASIA’s very first operations in the South East Asia region. We are currently seeking EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST for the following positions based in Phuket, Thailand:
• SENIOR SALES EXECUTIVE – Promoting a results driven sales culture • SALES EXECUTIVES (fluent in English and either Thai, Mandarin or Bahasa) – Selling the Wyndham Vacation Ownership product
• MARKETING REPRESENTATIVES – Responsible for attracting members of the public to attend a sales presentation
• RESORT SERVICE EXECUTIVES – Providing concierge style service to our
guests and giving them the opportunity to attend a sales presentation
• CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR – Sales administration support • RECEPTIONIST – Looking after the front desk of our sales office • GUEST ATTENDANT – Providing our sales guests with refreshments during sales presentations
• KIDS CLUB ATTENDANT –Looking after our sales guests’ children during a sales presentation As part of team Wyndham, you will be rewarded and recognised for your achievements with:
• GLOBAL CAREER ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES • EXCELLENT COMPANY BENEFITS • PLUS amazing opportunities for our top performing employees, in past years this has included trips to Bora Bora, Hawaii, Las Vegas, Vietnam, and Maldives. Next year’s trip will visit Hong Kong and China!
If you are outgoing, motivated and passionate about holidays then register your interest for one of the above roles by sending your curriculum vitae to Human Resources at
Class Act Media is S outhern T hailand ’ s most comp rehensiv e med ia comp any , incorp orating P huk et’ s lead ing E ng lish- lang uag e new sp ap er The Phuket News, R ussian- lang uag e new sp ap er Novosti Phuketa, P huk et’ s lead ing E ng lish rad io station Live 8 9.5 , the E ng lish- lang uag e Phuket News TV and a host of p ublications and serv ices includ ing The Phuket Colouring Book and Phuket Ticket Master.
for our rad io and T V p ortals in P huk et. L I V E 8 9 .5 is the lead ing E ng lish- sp eaki ng rad io station and P huke t N ew s T V is the island ’ s lead ing d ig ital T V p ortal. H ere’ s our w ishlist for the id eal ap p licant: yo u’ ll need y ou’ ll need yo u’ ll need yo u’ ll need T hais and
a g ood command of w ritten and sp oke n E ng lish to k now the basics of acq uiring and p rep aring new s to be comfortable in front of a camera to be comfortable in front of a rad io microp hone foreig ners w elcome to ap p ly
Profile Requirements:
• Creativity, imagination, meticulous work habits • Good team player • Good skills in IT, deep knowledge of mobile app and device management (Apple, Android, etc) • Basic understanding of content management systems, data structures, and algorithm designs • Thai Nationals only – must speak English • You live in Phuket
Please submit send your application to Graeme, at and ask for the detailed Mission. Tel 076-367566, 084-6898844
Chinese Editor
Responsib ilities:
C lass A ct M ed ia seek s a C hinese E d itor to head up our new p ublication T he P huk et N ew s ( C hinese) , a C hinese- lang uag e new sp ap er for S outhern T hailand . T he p osition is based in P huk et.
Be a native Chinese speaker with strong nglish communication skills. This role would suit someone with a strong editing, writing, and manage ment back g round , p referably in new sp ap ers thoug h those w ith mag az ine exp erience w ill also be consid ered . deall , candidates will have first hand knowledge of Thailand and its current affairs, culture and p olitics, but ap p licants w ith a strong connection to A sia are also w elcome to ap p ly .
Qualifications: T hai or E xp at. E xcellent communication and neg otiation sk ills in T hai and E ng lish. H ig hly motiv ated self- starter w ith a p ositiv e attitud e. W ork s w ell und er p ressure and has a w ill to succeed .
We offer:
Competitive salar , bonuses and travel e penses.
We offer:
We’ ll provide training for the right person. ( and all the other stuff) I nterested cand id ates are inv ited to send their ap p lications, w ith full resume, in E ng lish ind icating q ualifications, exp erience, recent p hoto and exp ected salary .A p p ly online at ob .php
nterested candidates are invited to send their applications, with full resume, in E ng lish ind icating q ualifications, exp erience, recent p hoto and exp ected salary .A p p ly online at ob .php
Class Act Media Co., Ltd.
We are looking for young smart people who are enthusiastic about technology and enjoy working collaboratively towards a common goal — to deliver high quality IoT products and services.
Class ct Media is southern Thailand s most comprehensive media compan , incorp orating P huk et’ s lead ing E ng lish new sp ap er ‘ The Phuket News’ , R ussian lang uag e new sp ap er ' Novosti Phuketa' , huket s leading nglish radio station ‘ Live 8 9.5 ’ , huket nglish T ' Phuket News TV' and a host of publications serv ices includ ing ‘ The Phuket Colouring b ook’ & ‘ Phuket Ticket Master’ .
A friend ly w ork env ironment, 5 - d ay w ork w eek ( 8 .3 0 am- 6 p m) , comp etitiv e salary , local health insurance, w ork - related trav el exp enses, time in lieu for ov ertime, and the chance to liv e and exp erience a g reat p art of the w orld , w hile also furthering y our career. T he p osition is op en to both foreig n and T hai nationals, but y ou must be a nativ e C hinese sp eak er. F or foreig ners, a w ork p ermit and v isa w ill be p rov id ed .
9 9 / 7 M oo 1 T . K athu A . K athu P huke t 8 3 1 2 0 T el: 0 7 6 6 1 2 5 5 0 - 2 F ax: 0 7 6 6 1 2 5 5 3
Class Act Media is S outhern T hailand ’ s most comp rehensiv e med ia comp any , incorp orating P huk et’ s lead ing E ng lish- lang uag e new sp ap er The Phuket News, R ussian- lang uag e new sp ap er Novosti Phuketa, P huk et’ s lead ing E ng lish rad io station Live 8 9.5 , the E ng lish- lang uag e Phuket News TV and a host of p ublications and serv ices includ ing The Phuket Colouring Book and Phuket Ticket Master.
RADIO/TV JOURNALIST/PRESENTER Class Act Media is looki ng for a yo ung and d yn amic p resenter
Class Act Media Co., Ltd.
9 9 / 7 M oo 1 T . K athu A . K athu P huk et 8 3 1 2 0 T el: 0 7 6 6 1 2 5 5 0 - 2 F ax: 0 7 6 6 1 2 5 5 3
friendl work environment. Social securit paid b the compan . cellent career progress opportunities. Interested candidates are invited to send application with full resume, in English, indicating qualifications, experience, recent photo and expected salary.
Apply online at
Class Act Media Co., Ltd.
Moo 1 T. athu . athu huket 3120 Tel 0 6 612 550 2 a 0 6 612 553
Trades & Services
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BOATS & YACHTS Marine Surveyors
A nd aman M aritime S erv ices ( A M S ) cond uct P re- p urchase, I nsurance & F lag S tate S urv ey s. B uy ing a boat? B oat ow ner? A M S has the serv ices y ou need . A nthony , 8 1 / 1 8 M oo. 6 , T .K athu, A .K athu, P huk et, T hailand 8 3 1 2 0 , anthony @ams-, 0 8 1 8 9 3 9 9 8 5 , w w w .ams-
3 .1 RIB Yacht tender dinghy
3 .1 m S ting ray R I B w ith 9 .9 hp 4 strok e S uz uk i outboard , storag e cov er, fuel tank etc. G reat siz e y acht tend er d ing hy , as new 1 4 0 , 0 0 0 b, P rice : 1 4 0 , 0 0 0 , sc@, 0 8 9 8 7 3 4 0 4 4 .
3 3 /F Gulf Craft W/A
T w o suz uk i 2 2 5 H P outboard s - only 3 0 0 hours, custom mad e R I B - d ing hy w ith small outboard , eng ine electronics and hy d raulics, ray marine G P S / rad ar/ d ep th sound er, many extras. 3 , 8 5 0 , 0 0 0 . T H B , 0 8 9 8 7 3 3 7 1 3 .
4 .1M/4 0 HP RIB, 0 9/20 14 AS NEW!
B oug ht in sep t. 2 0 1 4 , 1 4 hrs only ! suz uk i eng ine+ boat und er w arranty ( suz uk i p huk et) . bimini+ trailer+ tube cov ers. 0 9 3 5 8 4 0 5 6 5 ( rus/ eng ) 0 9 8 7 0 8 6 6 3 2 ( fr/ eng , 3 5 0 , 0 0 0 thb, )
Silver Princess Yacht PC5 3 0
5 3 ft P ow er C atamaran by S ilv er P rincess Y achts. B eautiful d esig n, comp act y acht w ith sp ace & mod ern interior. D imensions: 5 3 ft leng th, 2 1 ft beam, 4 ft d raft, 5 0 p asseng ers, 2 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 T H B , S onny , 6 6 9 8 8 1 0 5 0 2 4 , w w w .silv er- p rincess. com, sonny @silv er- p
CAR FOR SALE 20 12 Porsche Cayenne S Hyb rid
Company Cars For Sale - AS NEW
A L L C ars A utomat A M od els 1 .H ond a C ity z uk i S w ift 3 4 9 .0 0 0 4 .N 6 3 9 .0 0 0 6 .C hev rolet T 7 7 9 .0 0 0 A ll cars in top 0 8 6 7 4 7 9 2 9 2 or 0 8 1 9 7
ll low mileag e( 2 0 - 3 0 T k m) . A ll 2 0 1 3 3 9 5 .0 0 0 2 .H ond a B rio 3 4 9 .0 0 0 3 .S uissan A lmera 3 4 9 .0 0 0 5 .H ond a F reed railblaz er L T Z 9 4 9 .0 0 0 7 .N issan X T rail cond ition, w ith leather interior. C ontact 0 5 2 0 4 .
Toyota Fortuner Turb o Diesel
F O R T U N E R A U T O T urbo D iesel 1 0 5 0 0 0 K m. M etal. G rey O ne F arang O w ner T oy ota S erv ice H istory . B ar F ront and B ack , E xcellent cond ition B lue B ook R eg o and insurance to M ay 2 0 1 6 G oing O v ersea, P rice : 6 9 5 , 0 0 0 T H B , A nd re A cca, and, 0 8 1 9 7 9 4 5 4 7 .
t ge n
s al
Honda J az z 20 0 9 15 0 0 cc Auto
5 7 , 0 0 0 k m s. O ne ow ner since new .
R eg ularly serv iced by H ond a. T ax and I nsurance until the end of J une and av ailable now at rig ht offer.R ed uced by 4 0 , 0 0 0 bht, P rice : R E D U C E D to 3 3 0 , 0 0 0 bht o.n.o, A nd y + 6 6 8 4 6 9 0 9 1 4 4 , and y smalster@g
Everest 4 WD Quick Sale
1 0 + y rs but mechanically d riv es and look s g reat. M anual. O nly B 4 5 0 , 0 0 0 or offers abov e 4 0 0 k consid ered for fast sale, B 4 5 0 , 0 0 0 T H B , p eterh@asianw ind .biz , 0 8 1 - 8 9 2 6 7 1 0 .
P ow erful 3 8 0 H P , F ull O p tion: B ose S ound , P ano roof, N av ig ator M ap . etc. I mmaculate cond ition, no accid ent, low mileag e, one ow ner, P rice : 4 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 T H B , P hone 0 8 6 - 2 8 0 6 5 2 6 .
Sub aru Forester X T Turb o for sale
F or sale S ubaru F orester 2 .0 X T A W D C V T . 2 4 0 hp , auto lig ht control and w ip er control ( rainy ) . crossov er. P ush start, xenon, rain sensor, A B S , air bag s, electro seats, rev ersing camera, T V / C M 3 SB H D V D - V I D E O , E S P , sep arate climate control, cruise control, reg ulation steering , E B D , hatch, X - mod e, acceleration to 1 0 0 k m\ h until 7 second s, electric trunk , number p late for p resent) ) , k amila.sema@icloud .com, 0 8 2 4 1 3 3 7 0 7 .
CAR FOR SALE 20 12 Toyota Fortuna 24 ,0 0 0 km
2 0 1 2 P earl w hite T oy ota F ortuna F or S ale. 3 .0 D 4 D V N T urbo G reat cond ition- B aht B lack leather interior. T ax / insurance till 2 0 1 6 , 9 0 0 , 0 0 0 , L och P alm, K athu, P huk et, g law re1 2 3 @g, 0 8 9 8 6 6 8 8 2 5 .
Nissan Teana 2.5 Lt
M od el 2 0 1 4 1 7 , 0 0 0 k m. N ew p rice 1 .7 M ln N O W 1 , 0 5 0 , 0 0 0 B aht E ng : 0 8 1 7 8 8 8 2 8 0 T hai: 0 9 0 1 6 3 2 1 4 0 , C ontact M aurice, maurice.p huk et@g , 0 9 0 1 6 3 2 1 4 0 .
Mitsub ishi Paj ero Sports
M itsubishi P aj ero S p orts 2 A 1 cond ition, 1 4 , 0 0 0 K M , S C olour. 9 5 0 , 0 0 0 T H B E ng : 0 9 9 3 6 1 4 5 8 2 T hai: P h. 0 8 0 3 0 6 0 .
0 1 2 , ilv er P h. 3 8 3
Buy&Sell CAR FOR SALE TOYOTA Fortune 20 0 9
7 seats, S ilv er, G P S v id eo, F amily car D iesel 2 , 6 9 4 cc, B lue book S erv ice history T oy ota P earl 7 8 , 0 0 0 k ms. A U T O M A T I C transmission, g olfg uru2 0 0 5 @y ahoo. , 0 7 6 6 1 5 8 2 7 .
FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @thephuketnews
MOTORBIKES FOR SALE Kawasaki Versys 6 5 0 ABS 20 12
S how room cond ition, new from K aw asak i P huk et M ay 2 0 1 2 , 2 , 0 0 0 k m, H ep co & B eck er E ng ine B ars & R ear- rack , K aw asak i H and g uard s and P y ramid H ug g er., 2 2 0 , 0 0 0 T H B , P aul, 0 8 4 1 3 0 3 2 3 4 , P long
Car For Sale
1 9 9 6 T oy ota C orolla S ed an, S ilv er G ray . A utomatic p ow er steering , g ood aircon, g ood ty res. 1 7 3 , 0 0 k ms. N ew S tereo, tinted w ind ow s. B arg ain at 1 4 5 , 0 0 0 B aht. K amala. C all N orm 0 8 3 1 8 2 2 7 9 7 .
Nissan Teana Special 6 cyl
N issan T eana S p ecial 6 cy l N ov ember 2 0 1 3 1 7 0 0 0 K m N ew p rice 1 .7 0 0 .0 0 0 . T H B P rice N O W 1 , 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 .T H B , M aurice, M aurice.p huk et@g mail. com, 0 9 9 3 0 2 7 0 7 1 , T hai: 0 9 0 1 6 3 2 1 4 0 .
TOYOTA Fortune 20 0 6
7 seats, B lack , F amily car, P etrol 2 , 9 8 2 cc B lue book , S erv ice history T oy ota P earl, 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 k ms. A U T O M A T I C transmission, g olfg uru2 0 0 5 @y ahoo. , 0 7 6 6 1 5 8 2 7 .
Z oomer-X for sale
Y ear 2 0 1 3 . G ood cond ition, one ow ner, w ell maintained , P rice 4 5 , 0 0 0 baht. P ls call Y ui 0 8 8 7 6 5 5 8 8 2
CAR FOR RENT Long term car rental
hav e a g ood car rental, T oy ota V ios, M az d a 2 or similar w ith true full p rofessional insurance and 2 4 / 7 sup p ort M onthly rates B 1 4 0 0 0 , S oi S uk ee 4 0 / 1 9 moo 9 C hao fa east rd 3 9 chalong muang , ninascars@g, 0 8 9 6 4 8 0 4 9 9 .
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES German b akery & deli & snack
M ain road , 8 y ears clientele, tak e ov er + incl. training comp lete eq uip ment, staff room, 3 or 5 y ears leasing contract. Y early v olume 4 mio. hansibak ery @g, P rice: 3 .5 million, C ontact M r. S tark , ansibak ery @g
Best Deal
R aw ai business for sale. A rea ap p rox 2 R ai, can d o restaurant or other business.F iv e mins from beach. L ong term lease, y early rent B 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 4 bed rooms house includ ed . R ed uce from B 9 8 0 , 0 0 0 to B 5 2 0 , 0 0 0 . C ontact K hun A sok e at 0 8 9 6 4 6 7 1 7 6 / big _ red chili@y
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Bangla Nightclub for Lease
I nclud es top end lig hting and sound sy stems, P O S , frid g es and furniture. N o k ey money , j ust rent. S imp ly ad d stock and staff to be read y to g o, C ontact: S tev e, stev ep earcerg j @ , 0 8 9 5 8 7 0 8 1 9 ( E N ) .
Restaurant on Main Street
L arg e, tastefully d ecorated restaurant in Cherngtala . ull fitted and eq uip p ed k itchen, 1 0 0 seats, bar. W alk in and start business. A sk ing B 1 .4 mill. 0 8 9 4 0 0 5 9 0 7 .
Wellness Centre For Sale
O cean B reez e R esid ence. T otal land 1 , 8 0 0 sq .m ( 5 R ai) . L ocated on K ho K hao I sland . ( about 2 0 k ms. from K hao L ak ) exactly on stunning beach front. B uilt in y ear 2 0 1 1 . A ccommod ation: 8 V illas, 6 O ne- B ed room A p artment, 6 T w o- B ed room A p artment. * * 9 0 % book ed for accommod ation in H ig h S eason* * , P rice: 1 8 0 M B , benj d etox@g, 0 6 1 - 2 0 7 2 0 7 7 .
Bar For Sale O Top Markets
B ar F or S ale w ith full trad ing history show ing increasing g row th. I nclud es 4 M il B ht T hai comp any & 1 W ork P ermit. G reat L ocation, g ood customer base, P rice : 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , P erson : charlie k eny on, charlie@p ad d y, 0 8 4 1 8 5 8 7 1 9 .
ACTIVITIES, GROUPS Free Tiya’ s Hammocks campaign
in ree hammock from Ti a s Hammocks huket. inner will get eave hammock, handmad e from N orth of T hailand , weight capacit 250 kgs. alue 5,200 THB. More details visit acebook Ti a s hammocks, Contact Ti a, ti a ti, 0 9 600 00 1.
Roof top Patong Mini Golf
T he best sea v iew 1 8 H oles, roof top M ini G olf. L ocated on the th floor of Banana alk la a in P atong , 0 9 1 7 6 2 2 6 2 8 , http : / / p atong minig
KITCHEN SERVICE The Knife-grinder service
Mobile sharpening service for knives and meat slicer blades, blunt knives sharp ened p rofessionally w ith G erman know how., Contact Mr. irk, theknifeg rind, 0 8 7 2 7 6 5 8 6 9 .
CATERING EQUIPMENT Tommy’ s 2 Tuk Tuk’ s for sale!
E xcellent cond ition, w ell maintained . S tand ard 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 / food truck 250,000. Call 0 1 90 9 2 or Tom.somsanuk g
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE CAMERA b ab y car seats for sale
5 mins to aguna a an, Co oft Countr Tuscan st le, 3 1 B 3 Bath acu i, and 22 s m Built 2 0 s m rchitect owner, Quick sale, rice .65 M, Contact , 09 2 61 2.
B G Car Seat er good condition, suitable for newborn to 2 5 K G . P rices are T H B 4 , 0 0 0 per seat, bu both for onl THB 7 , 0 0 0 . C all 0 8 6 4 7 9 7 4 7 1 .
The Base Downtown
ull urnished Condo,200 m. from Central. 1B Starts 3 MB. ead to move in. Tel 0 1 19 539, sarinthorn ang g
Blue Canyon Memb ership
Blue Can on Membership for sale. 1 corporate nominee for sale THB 630,000 inc transfer fee. grahamhaslam
Contact maurice schelvis, ddress 133 66 patak d phuket 3100, hone 0 1 2 0, maurice.phuket
Luxury 4 b ed Villa
Office Space Laguna
u ur bed illa, 3 Bungalows & land for sale in N ai H arn area. iew website at www.phuketvilla. forsale for complete details. sking 39.9MB.
ffice Space aguna la a del Mar ull urnished offices ffice Suite plus boardroom ent entire unit or individual office 0 8 0 0 4 5 4 4 7 4 .
Anuphas Golfville House- Kathu
esort for sale lease an offer consider want go sailing again , ddress 6 1 Soi Sermsuk awai huket, bigasail, Contact 66 0 6 9 01 60.
For Sale
ndustrial over locker. hitehouse Brand. 3 Thread. Brand new never used. ull tool kit. Bargain at 12,000 Baht. Call Sandi 0 2 6 4 0 7 7 8 .
e are 15 weeks old. e are ver sweet with p eop le and can g et along easy w ith other dogs too e hope ou are the one w ho can g iv e us a home. e will protect our house and love to cuddle. e alread got some basic training. f ou are interested in us ou will get 2 dog training lessons for free.A d og is often hap p ier w hen they hav e a friend around. These are best friends, so it would be best if the can sta together, iana oster, info phuket dog, 0 3 599 601 .
+ 6 6 8 1 9 7 0 8 8 9 6 T H /E N G
L and 1 6 2 sq w a. L arg e P ool/ acu i 3 Bed Bath ffice 2 Storage Building larm S stem and much more. educed 22MB to 1 MB for Quick Sale, Contact mrgeoffcurr, Si G eoff + 6 6 8 1 8 5 4 0 0 6 1 E N G .
3 Bedroom Detached, Big Garden
29 60 Chuan Cheun agoon, near B ritish S chool & B oat L ag oon Marina shops, g m,swim pool . 2 C hanod e land titles 5 8 4 sq .m. G ood water suppl . rivate cul de sac location, P rice: 5 , 8 4 0 , 0 0 0 B aht, K oh K aew , C ontact: A J , ad rian.j .simp son@g, 0 8 6 0 4 0 6 8 6 6 .
Beautiful bed bath 260s m house on 00sm land plot. nterior living area plus 2 car garage, s m Sala pool. H . rice 12. 5M. avid osamond. david rosamond, Tel 0 26 12 2.
PROPERTY FOR SALE Beachfront House
Bedroom house on semipriv ate beach av ailable for sale and rent. C an easily be d iv id ed into tw o sep arate and id entical p rop erties. T he rental/ sale can also include a self contained 1 bedroom bungalow, rice 1 .2 MB, ent 110,000 THB, le Seago, home thaivillabouti, 0 923 6.
Beach Front Land
bsolute Beach ront and for S ale F rom only 1 , 7 0 0 , 0 0 0 B aht p er ai. et our dreams come true P lease g o to w w w .thailand liv ing . life, P rice: 1 , 7 0 0 , 0 0 0 , P atchanee K long d ee, info@thailand liv ing .life
Make money NOW Kata Beach House
re ou tired of driving to work Bu this now Great ocation, Spa, Bedroom, Bathroom, all with kitchens. ent or live with good income. 5 minutes walk to the beach ขายของได้, P rice : 9 M B or ffer , erson hun rreerat , mail nalumana2000, kataari , hone 0 6 595 512, 0 1 9 0 63
House in Karon for Sale.
Hard to find 3 bed room , 3 bath room house for sale in the perfect location near K ata & K aron beach, w ell maintained w ith a salt w ater p ool, P rice : 1 6 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , N arrisara Tic , atak Soi 10, aron, g a, 0 9 9 1 6 4 2 9 9 1 .
Sea view land in Patong
T he L ast P iece of S ea V iew L and on rime ocation in atong, ust 500 m. from atong beach, 1.3 M. to ungce lon Shopping Mall, Contact aruna, kpattarawalee,0 9 96 53 3.
Panoramic Sea View Land
P anoramic S ea V iew L and near M ission H ill 6 rai. C hanote title 3 ,000 THB per s uare wah, hand over fees included. deal for p ool v illas, hotel and cond o. F ree consulting b e pert ro ect references. ewa esort Spa huket and Mama esort hi hi island etc. Contact a lock, 0 3 3 9 99, 0 2 9 6699.
Patong sea view land
L ocated in P atong w ith the siz e of 1 2 0 0 sq m. S elling p rice at 10.5 Million THB, with a chanote certificate allowed to construct any sort of p roj ect) . A lso, the land is d ev id ed in three p arts of chanote, and can be sold sep arately w ith a neg otiable p rice rang e from the selling p rice of 1 0 .5 M T H B , M r. F ernand o P arrella. C ontact: p arrella.fernand o@g or 0 9 2 9 4 9 9 6 9 7 .
PROPERTY FOR SALE Pool Villa Patong 7.9MB
B eautiful F reehold G erman built d etached home. 3 bed , 3 bath, E uro K itchen, op en p lan, + g arag e. F ull furn. C lose beach & S hop p ing C tre, K hun O scar, E mail : oz osk , P hone : 0 8 7 - 8 9 3 1 7 5 3 .
PROPERTY FOR SALE Ocean View Land Kamala
H alf rai 7 9 lev eled , p ow road , M U S F or E N G 0 9 7 6 8 6 6 9 4 .
7 sq .m. cleared and er connected , sealed T S E L L 6 .7 5 million. 0 4 9 2 3 1 0 1 T H A 0 9 3
Waterfront Condominium
New Twin House Only 1.77Mil.
O ne storey tw in house, 3 bed rooms and 2 bathrooms w ith k itchen, all liv ing sp ace is 8 1 S q .M . and land is 4 6 - 4 9 S q .w a. L ocated at P ak lock , j ust only 1 0 minute from M onument. N ear the airp ort, S urin B each and M ission H ill G olf C lub. K hun S uw it , T el 0 8 1 8 9 5 6 9 6 9 .
S ea- V iew L and & L uxury V illa p roj ect in K amala includ ing architect p lans & build ing p ermit for 9 v illas, 4 0 0 0 m2 sale only T H B 3 0 M B , M I O , p up illop ascal@g C all: 0 8 8 7 6 8 0 9 4 2 .
Awesome ocean view
C leared block w ith sealed road and p ow er at K amala H eig hts. 1.6kms to beach and post office. 7 9 7 sq m w ith safe title. 6 .7 5 mill O no p hone ow ner, C ontact: Y ok , y oty 3 0, 0 9 3 7 6 8 6 6 9 4 , 0 8 1 0 7 7 1 6 0 0 .
T he C leat C ond o, resid ence p roj ect in K rabi B oat L ag oon M arina. P rice 3 - 9 M B , siz e 3 7 1 1 9 S q .M ., 1 or 2 bed room, marina v iew . F or rent/ sale. mark eting @p huk etp rop erty trip .com
PROPERTY FOR RENT Luxury 1 Bedroom Apartment
L uxur y 1 bed room ser v iced ground floor apartment, 65 SQM, C entral P atong . A v ailable now for this H ig h S eason. S hort or long term. F or d etails, ianscond o2 1 @ g
Apartments w/ Pool Chalong
G reat location! 2 - B ed & S tud io air- con ap artments for rent. S p ecial rates S ep tember: from 8 , 0 0 0 baht/ mth for select S tud ios and 1 8 , 0 0 0 for 2 - B ed incl W iF i, maid , k itchenette. E xcellent hig h- season rates too. S hared p ool. w w w .chalong ap artment. com, P rice: 8 0 0 0 , P hone: 0 8 6 2 8 2 6 2 2 1 .
O p p B room p ark , 4 8 0 , + 7 9 7 1 0 H O T M
k k H osp ital, 4 w ith balcony , P elev ator, P H : 0 7 6 6 9 3 6 4 0 5 5 5 4 , 0 8 , ID R E S ID E N A I L .C O M
0 S V 6 + 6 C E
Q M car 2 5 4 6 8 1 S @
Patong Tower Condo
1 or 2 bed room corner ap artment 7 6 sq m. 2 7 0 d eg ree beach & mountain views, 9th floor, kitchen, 2 balconies. R ent 3 9 , 0 0 0 baht p er month, or buy for 9 .5 M B . C ontact: J ohn, P atong : j stud, 0 8 1 0 8 0 8 8 3 1 .
D irect beach front land for rent. L ong and short term. A rea 2 4 0 0 sq meter w ith beach front of 4 0 meter, C ontact: M r. N arin, narinp g a@g, 0 8 1 8 2 6 9 3 9 0 .
2 Luxury Condo, Fully-Furnished
“ T he B ase D ow ntow n” 3 5 sq m. near C entral F estiv al 1 6 , 0 0 0 T H B / M onth, “ P atong L oft” 5 6 sq m. 5 M in. to P atong beach 2 5 , 0 0 0 T H B / M onth, P rice : 1 6 , 0 0 0 2 5 , 0 0 0 T H B , M r. A ood y , aood 1 6, 0 9 9 - 5 1 6 9 9 5 9 , 0 9 5 - 9 7 9 9 3 5 6 ( E ng lish & T hai)
House for rent - Near Pah-klok
L ong term, q uality furnishing s, near H eroines M onument, 3 bed , 2 baths plus office. Good garden. THB35,000 per month. Call 0 8 7 8 7 8 5 8 0 4 .
United topple Prakarn in penultimate match FUTSAL Steven Layne
huket United secured a Top- finish, following a 6 -3 victory over Samut Prakarn in both side’s penultimate match of the utsal Thailand remier eague 2 season on Monday night (Sept at the aphan in ports Centre. s a result of the victory, the ndaman earl were elevated into th place with points after 2 of 2 league matches, set to finish the season on the road on unday, ept 2 against urat Thani C. It took the home team several minutes to warm up their attack, but the ice was finally broken on 8 minutes through Thanakorn enpakul, with the lead doubling two minutes later through irati Tosasut. Chonlathon iemphai converted a beautiful assist from Jackson Santos to put their side up - on minutes. The visitors found them-
Phuket had few chances. Photo: Kittipun Kaewprapai
PHUKET FC FEND OFF FEISTY MACKEREL OF MAE KLONG FOOTBALL Gugu (right) is ‘held’ off with desperation. Photo: Steven Layne selves in foul trouble, and nuwat annopha scored the spot kick ust before the break. Two minutes into the second half, the visitors’ counter measures finally paid off through a run by lit Rotsanakarn, but huket’s irati scored his double a minute later to keep the margin at goals. Samut Prakarn’s Wachar eprai it narrowed the margin with a goal on the 2 th minute, but that margin was widened again with Thanakorn’s double on minutes. The final goal was scored
by Samut Prakarn’s Teerapong Junsakulwiboo two minutes before the final whistle. ith still-undefeated Chonburi lue ave having long locked in their th T championship, angkok has secured the league’s runner up spot with points, safe from any contenders seizing the prestige going into the final week of play. ut rd place glory is still up for grabs, with the likes of huket, Thai ort, iam avy and amut akhon all having a shot.
PSS and MDEN are two of the island’s best youth squads.
Local academies warm for upcoming national tourney FOOTBALL ET CCER C (PSS recently welcomed the s, s and 2s teams of the M E football academy for some training matches. oth academies, along with Cr uzeiro, are looking forward to representing huket in the rd national youth tournament at Thanyapura on ctober and . The goal of the day was from the nder 2s where hay played an inch per@thephuketnews
fect through ball to midfielder ou who cleverly headed the ball past the oncoming M E to s ueeze the ball in of the post. nder s played min games drew lost 2 nder s played 2 min games drew lost while nder 2s played 2 min games won drew . The score was finally settled with a penalty shootout with all age groups, with M E proving penalty kings with a best of shoot out.
n e citing day of football played on Thanyapura stadium pitch in shaded weather, with both teams being clapped on the field by parents and supporters. PSS academy training continues this Saturday at Thanyapura from . - pm. or more information on please contact m.hill T h e Ph u k e t N e w s T V i s a p r o u d m e d ia s p o n s o r o f th e 3 r d PS S N a t i o n a l T o u r n a m e n t.
ith 2 points, Thai ort’s odds for bronze look promising, as they still have an e tra game in hand before the finale ne t weekend, playing i aket on eptember . ut then again, they’ll have to take on Chonburi in Chonburi in their final matchup. If Phuket can dominate in their match, and results of other matches go our way, a rd place finish still within reach. C l a s s Ac t M e d i a i s a p r o u d m e d i a p a r t n e r . w i t h Ph u k e t U n ite d .
ET C T attack after attack by amut ongkhram C in an away match last aturday night ept 2 to earn a rare yet valued point on the road. The Ronins had few chances, a handful of shots wide or above the target, in addition to two light-weight shots on target throughout the match. owever, it was the home team who en oyed most of the chances, many of them on target. The Mackerel’s Ivorian striker and leading scorer abo Mark andry made huket defenders nervous throughout.
ut as would have it, huket’s reserve keeper atchanon Jothaworn proved himself worthy on the starting , maintaining a clean sheet in acrobatic fashion. . Indeed, T h e Ph u k e t N e w s does not think that any other player deserved more to be named Man of the Match. The point moved the ighting Mackerel up a spot to th from th, while huket remain in th of the 2 -team league. The Ronins ne t head up to Chiang Mai to take on the second-from-bottom anna Tigers on eptember 2 , before returning to huket for their ne t home match on eptember 27 against rachuap C. T h e Ph u k e t N e w s a r e p r o u d m e d i a p a r t n e r s w i t h Ph u k e t FC .
e Thala
i T 0
atong C r ick et C l u b d efeated the Thal ang C r ick et Team b y 4 w ick ets in The O u tr ig g er T2 0 L eag u e at the A l an C ook e G r ou nd in Thal ang l ast S u nd ay ( S ep t 1 3 ) . It was confidence and momentum, r ather than l eag u e p osition, that w er e at stak e w ith b oth sid es hav ing al r ead y qualified for the final of the league. I n a g am e char acter ised b y d iscip l ined b ow l ing and com m itted fielding, Thalang Cricket Team (TCT) w er e r estr icted to 1 0 6 al l ou t in the first innings. Patong were made to w or k har d in r eaching the m od est total and w ou l d r eq u ir e another l ast g asp effor t to secu r e a 4 w ick et v ictor y w ith 3 b al l s r em aining . The l ast tim e these tw o team s m et in l eag u e it took a d r am atic l ate onsl au g ht fr om P atong to secu r e v ictor y in the final over. Patong were again made to chase after TC T’ s cap tain S im on W ether el l w on the toss and el ected to bat first on a stiflingly hot morning.
Despite losing last Sunday’s game, Thalang Cricket Club have 3 batsmen with the highest run rates: A.Mac, A.Runhaar and H.McDonald. Photo: Michael Way TC T’ s A nd r ew McMil l an op ened and l ook ed d ang er ou s thr ou g hou t his inning s of 4 8 off 3 2 b al l s. U nfor tu natel y , w hen he w as ev entu al l y r u n ou t b y D ar r y n Mathee, he had al r ead y l ost 7 b atting p ar tner s. I t w as the constant w ick et tak ing thr eat of P atong that p r ev ented any significant partnerships being built.
H enno J or d an, S eem ant R aj u and E r ic J acob s al l p ick ed u p 2 w ick ets ap iece, b u t it w as Mathee w ho w as the p ick of the b ow l er s w ith 3 w ick ets for 1 7 r u ns off his 4 ov er s. I t w as P ad d y Mor ton and cap tain R aj u w ho op ened for P atong . B oth found runs difficult to come by early on as TC T’ s op ener s B ar r y B u ck and
A nthony D u p ont b ow l ed accu r atel y , offer ing l ittl e w id th. Mor ton and R aj u g u id ed P atong p ast the hal fw ay m ar k w ith a p ar tner ship of 5 9 b efor e R aj u ( 1 5 off 3 8 ) fel l to McMil l an in the 1 2 th ov er . W ith w ick ets in hand and j u st ov er a r u n- a- b al l r eq u ir ed the g am e w as still firmly in Patong’s favour. The
intr od u ction of P aan S r iw ang and H ico McD onal d for TC T chang ed m atter s – b oth p ick ed u p 2 w ick ets. P aan b ow l ed Mor ton ( 4 0 off 3 7 b al l s) in the 1 5 th ov er w ith the scor e now 8 4 for 2 . F r om this p oint on, the stead y loss of wickets made runs difficult to com e b y and the p r essu r e tol d in the 1 9 th ov er w hen J or d aan ( 1 8 off 2 4 ) w as cau g ht and V an B l er k ( 0 off 0 ) w as r u n ou t the v er y nex t b al l l eav ing P atong on 9 9 for 5 r eq u ir ing 8 off the final over. I t w as the p er fect star t for P atong as Mathee lofted the first ball over l ong on for six off the b ow l ing of McD onal d onl y to b e b ow l ed the nex t b al l . This b r ou g ht J u stin S w ar t to the cr ease w ith 2 r u ns r eq u ir ed . S w ar t k ep t his ner v e and cal m l y cl ip p ed his first ball over square leg for 2 and the g am e w as w on. Patong will face TCT in the final of the O u tr ig g er T2 0 L eag u e to b e p l ay ed at the A C G nex t S u nd ay ( S ep t 2 7 ) . Pa t r i c k M o r t e n
Former BISP student shines at invitational Basketball Camp BASKETBALL O V E R TH E S U MME R b r eak , for m er B r itish I nter national S chool , P hu k et ( B I S P ) stu d ent H ar r y O ’ B r ien attend ed the Tony P ar k er B ask etb al l C am p hel d in L y on, F r ance. The cam p featu r ed 2 0 0 u p and com ing b ask etb al l p l ay er s fr om ar ou nd F r ance. The p l ay er s, ag ed 1 4 - 1 7 y ear s, w er e p u t thr ou g h sev er al chal l eng ing d ay s of hig h intensity drills and fitness w or k , b efor e b eing p l aced in team s and com p eting ag ainst one another in a tou r nam ent. H ar r y w as d r afted 1 9 th ( ind iv id u al p er for m ance r ank ) for the tou r nam ent and p r ov ed his w or th d u r ing
Harry (left) was not only nominated for the U17 Most Valuable Player but he also received the overall ‘Hardest Worker’ award. g am e p l ay , hel p ing his team r each the p l ay offs. On the final day of the cam p , H ar r y w as nom inated for the U 1 7 Most V al u ab l e
P l ay er . To top it off, he al so r eceiv ed the ov er al l ‘ H ar d est W or k er ’ aw ar d . H ar r y m ad e the m ost of a fantastic op p or tu nity and al l at B I S P
cong w el l Fo r m k e tb a B la k e
r atu l ate him on a j ob d one. o r e in fo r m a tio n o n b a s l l a t B I S P, c o n t a c t J a m i e : jb la k e @ b is p h u k e t.a c .th
pla e fit for sporti stars Formula One’s Jenson Button from McLaren and Marcus Ericsson from Sauber were on the island this week training at Thanyapura ahead of this weekend’s Singapore F1 Grand Prix. Jenson and Marcus were both put through their paces by Thanyapura’s Head Triathlon Coach Sergio Borges.
HASH HOUSE HARRIERS Run 1543: Saturday September 19, 2015; Run Start Time: 4:00pm Hares: Tequila Slapper, B.J & J.C Location: Paklok - Phuket Airpark Directions: At the Heroines Monument circle turn East [4027] toward Paklok. After approx 6.4 km turn right into Phuket Airpark. Bus pick-up: Patong @ Expat Hotel: 2:30pm; Kamala @ Baan Rim Klong: 3pm More info: thephuketnews
A time to regroup FOOTBALL
Matt Pond ed itor3 @classactmed
he step p ing d ow n of Mr P r am ook as P hu k et F C chair m an ( see p ag e 1 ) m ay com e as som ew hat of a su r p r ise to m any , b u t not to the team m em b er s w ho initial l y fou nd o u t ab ou t the situ ation fol l ow ing a 3 - 1 l oss in their l ast hom e g am e on A u g u st 2 3 ag ainst A ir F or ce C entr al . In a fit of anger at the defeat, K hu n P r am ook stor m ed into the chang ing r oom at fu l l tim e and l am b asted the p l ay er s for their p er for m ance and tol d them he w ou l d b e r esig ning as cl u b p r esid ent. R u m ou r s ensu ed , incl u d ing w hy his r esig nation has b een m ad e p u b l ic, b u t cl u b m anag er P ar iy aw it “ B enz ” A char iy achai, who is Mr Pramookʼs son, tol d T h e Ph u k e t N e w s that his father m ad e the d ecision near l y a y ear ag o. Mr P r am ook took ov er as P hu k et F C chair m an in May 2 0 1 3 , sav ing the cl u b fr om b ank r u p tcy fol l ow ing the step p ing d ow n of the p r ev iou s chair m an, the l ate P aib oon U p atising , in l ate 2 0 1 1 , and a nu m b er of fail ed attem p ts to sav e the cl u b fr om d issol u tion. S p eak ing ex cl u siv el y to T h e Ph u k e t N e w s , Mr P r am ook , a N ak or n S r i Tham -
S i n c e t a k i n g o v e r, M r P r a m o o k h a s i n t r o duced a number of changes aimed at rebranding the club including a new kit design and logo. p assion and r u n w ith p assion… Come join our Roninʼs Famil y . The sel ection of ou r new p r esid ent w il l b e hel d nex t y ear , ” he said . m ar at nativ e, this w eek ex p l ained that as the ow ner of the K ata G r ou p of r esor ts, w hich has profited from Phuketʼs tou r ism ind u str y for near l y 3 0 y ear s, he d ecid ed to r escu e P hu k et F C as a w ay of g iv ing som ething b ack to the isl and . “I am one of the first peop l e to b r ing b each hotel s to P hu k et. This city has g iv en m e so m u ch and I hav e b een v er y p r ou d to b e a p ar t of P hu k et F C , ” he said . “ P hu k et F C is an or g anisation w hich b el ong s to the p eop l e of P hu k et, I am not tal k ing onl y the l ocal p eop l e, b u t ev er y one w ho l iv es in the city . The cl u b sy m b ol ises the g r eat m ix tu r e of the city w ith p eop l e fr om al l ov er the w or l d . “ I hav e had the p l easu r e of m eeting m any for eig n su p p or ter s after hom e m atches, and it b r ing s m e g r eat j oy to see them sm il e after a w in. ”
Photo: Facebook officialphuketfc @thephuketnews
D u r ing his sp el l as p r esid ent, Mr P r am ook inv ested a l ot of his m oney attem p ting to d ev el op the cl u b and tak e it in a new d ir ection, incl u d ing the b u il d ing of a b r and - new tr aining facil ity in w hich he inv ested B 3 0 m il l ion. H ow ev er , w ith p er for m ances and r esu l ts not g oing Phuketʼs way, as has been the case in most of the teamʼs seasons, cr ow d s of ov er 4 , 0 0 0 fans at the b eg inning of the season sl ow l y d w ind l e d ow n to j u st ov er 1 , 0 0 0 hal fw ay thr ou g h the season.
D esp ite r esig ning as chair m an, Mr P r am ook stil l has b ig p r oj ects in the p ip el ine,
incl u d ing b u il d ing an ex cl u siv e acad em y for y ou ng l ocal p l ay er s. B u t for that p r oj ect to w or k , it need s inv estm ents fr om m or e p ar tner s. I n his sear ch for inv estor s, Mr P r am ook is l ook ing for p eop l e w ith the sam e v ision as him sel f. A v ision to cr eate a su ccessfu l cl u b . “ P hu k et is a p l ace w her e p eop l e m ak e a l ot of m oney . P hu k et F C need s p eop l e w ith am b ition and w ho d r eam of r u nning it, ” he said in a p r ess r el ease. “ I f y ou hav e the sam e v ision, p l ease j u m p on ou r b oat in this j ou r ney of l ife and j oy . Y ou w il l m ak e a d iffer ence in som eone’ s l ife. “ F ootb al l is p l ay ed w ith
S ince j oining the Thai Y am aha L eag u e O ne d iv ision in 2 0 1 1 , the cl u b has b een thr ou g h v er y tu r b u l ent tim es. I n al m ost ev er y season, incl u d ing the cu r r ent one, the cl u b has faced r el eg ation, and it has com e to v ir tu al l y the l ast g am e of the season for the team and fans to know the clubʼs fate. S om ehow , they hav e al w ays su r v iv ed t he d r op . L ate in 2 0 1 1 , then cl u b chair m an and P r esid ent of the P hu k et O r B o r J o r , P aib oon U p atising , w as for ced to r esig n b ecau se the O r B o r J o r had b een fu nd ing the cl u b for tw o y ear s. The Office of the Auditor
G ener al ( O A G ) w hich m onitor s the finances of local authorities ar ou nd the cou ntr y , r u l ed that an O r B o r J o r m ay not g iv e tax p ay er s’ m oney to a p r iv ate com p any , su ch as F C P hu k et as the cl u b w as then k now n. I n ad d ition, the O A G r u l ed , any O r B o r J o r that had fu nd ed an incor p or ated footb al l cl u b m u st r etr iev e the m oney fr om the cl u b , w ith inter est. I n the case of F C P hu k et the am ou nt w as at l east B 2 0 m il l ion. This l eft the cl u b in a ser iou sl y b ad financial state. A t that tim e, p l ans to sav e the cl u b incl u d ed r enam ing the team and m ov ing it to B ang k ok and al so r aising fu nd s thr ou g h shar e sal es. This is w hen Mr P r am ook d ecid ed to sav e the cl u b . W ith Mr P r am ook now stand ing d ow n, P hu k et F C cou l d b e p u t in the sam e p osition as b ack in 2 0 1 1 – if no inv estor s com e for w ar d .
A smoky Singapore GP BOX OF NEUTRALS
Michael Lamonato
he Monaco of the east is a fixture of the opening of the post-European final leg of the season, but the Singapore Grand Prix’s reputation is built on more than just glitz and glamour alone. The streets of Marina Bay present a formidable challenge for man and machine – the twisty street circuit that snakes its way through the hot and humid metropolis places enormous stress on the driver and turns races into endurance events for their cars. Worse, however, is that in 2015 the sport will be faced with a new threat in the already challenging tropical climes, because dense, low-hanging smog has engulfed the citystate in the week leading up to the race. The smoky haze has wafted across from controlled burns in Indonesia, but has persisted over Singapore at levels considered unhealthy by the nation’s pollutant standards index after peaking on the Monday before
Lights illuminate the street circuit to be used for the Singapore Formula One. Photo: Roslan Rahman/AFP the race. The fire zones have been water bombed by Indonesian helicopters with a special “cloud-seeding” chemical in an attempt to prompt rain that might wash the haze from the air. The challenge for Formula One is twofold, with both visibility during the night race – and the smog is reportedly heavier at night and visibility
issues exacerbated by the light reflecting off the haze particles – and also the obvious health issues presenting issues for the running of the race. “In the event that the haze caused visibility, public health or operational issues, Singapore GP would work closely with the relevant agencies before making any collective decisions regarding the event,” said the Singapore Grand Prix
promoter in a statement. The decision as to whether any session can be run will be down to FIA race director Charlie Whiting, who has curtailed running in the past due to air quality too poor for the medical helicopter to take off in India in 2013, and for whom the air quality for the annual Chinese Grand Prix in Shanghai is perpetually a consideration.
Assuming the grand prix can get underway unhindered, the ball will be firmly in Ferrari’s court to capitalise on the progress it made at the Italian Grand Prix. Both the Scuderia and Mercedes brought new power unit iterations to the last round, with Ferrari seemingly making a bigger step to close the gap to the runaway championship leader.
With Singapore presenting a challenge that is far more chassis-oriented as opposed to favouring horsepower, the fight at the front ought to be fiercer this weekend. The circuit will play into the hands of Red Bull Racing, slowed as it is by its struggling Renault power unit, by allowing it to play to its aerodynamic strengths – just as it did last year when Sebastian Vettel and Daniel Ricciardo finished second and third for RBR behind Lewis Hamilton. But the spotlight will fall on one man: Nico Rosberg, who took a 22-point lead into this race last year, but this season trails teammate Hamilton by a whopping 53 points. Just seven rounds remain in 2015 for the German to overhaul his title rival’s bid for a second consecutive championship, but with Hamilton in a purple patch of momentum, time may prove too short to rescue the 2015 world championship. Donʼt forget to tune in to Live 89.5 from 9am every Saturday to listen to Box of Neutrals talking all there is to talk about F1.
Record revenues as Rugby World Cup seeks new frontiers RUGBY THE RUGBY WORLD CUP has become a huge business machine generating record revenues this year and aiming for even more in the future. World Rugby is targeting commercial revenues of £240 million for the tournament which starts at Twickenham Saturday morning (Sept 19), 60 per cent higher than 2011, according to chief executive Brett Gosper. He predicted a surplus of about £150 million On top of the World Cup’s revenues, the 20 competing countries, are bringing £125 million in sponsorship deals alone, according to the Repucom sports marketing data firm. The World Cup is “a massive commercial platform,” Repucom chief executive Paul Smith told AFP. “It is a billion dollar enterprise drawing investment on many levels.” Television accounts for about two thirds of World Rugby’s revenues, said Mr Gosper. It is also leading rugby’s attempts to conquer new markets. The World Cup will be shown broadcast in 203 coun-
tries and territories. Germany will show 24 matches live and China 22, Mr Gosper said. “We want maximum exposure, particular in markets like India, China, Brazil and the United States,” he added. The World Cup was first held in 1987 in Australia and New Zealand, but only became “truly global” in 2003 when it returned to Australia and was won by England, said Mr Smith. “It has been a slow building exercise,” said Mr Smith, while adding that it has major potential for growth. Rugby fans are traditionally wealthier than their football counterparts. The sport also has longstanding sponsors in finance like Societe Generale bank in France and US insurance giant AIG in New Zealand. “It reaches so many corners of the world and of course as an Olympic sport now through sevens, it amplifies the whole importance of the game,” said Smith. “Lots of investment is going to come into rugby now in countries that haven’t previously been fully participating in the game,” he added.
World Rugby is hoping that the sport’s Olympic rebirth in Rio de Janeiro next year will further boost finances and encourage new male and female players. “Rugby has got to pursue those major corridors for development. The United States is key for that,” said Repucom’s Smith. “It is a major population market. It’s a very lucrative commercial market and of course it is a very lucrative broadcast market.” The proof of rugby’s golden future may be that the United States considered bidding for the 2023 World Cup for which expressions of interest had to be entered by July. There is no shortage of countries willing to spend big to host the event even though Rugby World had problems when 2019 hosts Japan decided not to build a $2.1 billion national stadium. The US decision to stay on the sidelines left Ireland, France, Italy and South Africa in contention for 2023 which will be decided in two years. And victory in the 2015 tournament will certainly bring new riches to that country. AFP thephuketnews
Patong edge Thalang in forerunner to T20 Cricket showdown > page 36
Comeback puts Leicester second FOOTBALL
Leicester City’s Danish goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel (right) celebrates on the final whistle of their game against Aston Villa. Photo: Lindsey Parnaby/AFP
Live Sports TV Schedule *Times may be subject to change
TEAMS / INFO Sydney Swans v. North Melbourne Roosters v. Bulldogs
Friday 18th September Aussie Rules
AFL – Semi Final 2
Rugby League
NRL Semi Final
Rugby Union
Currie Cup
Pumas v. Kings
Currie Cup
Western Province v. Bulls
World Cup 2015
Opening Ceremony
World Cup – Group A
England v. Fiji
Motor Racing
Formula 1
Practice 2, Singapore
Davis Cup – Semi Final
Great Britain v. Australia, Day 1
Rugby Union
Saturday 19th September Aussie Rules
AFL – Semi Final 2
Rugby League
NRL Semi Final
Sydney Swans v. North Melbourne Cowboys v. Sharks
Motor Racing
Formula 1
Qualifying, Singapore
Newcastle v. Watford
Man City v. West Ham
Swansea v. Everton
Stoke v. Leicester
Aston Villa v. West Bromwich
World Cup - replay
England v. Fiji
World Cup – Group C
Tonga v. Georgia
Rugby Union
World Cup – Group D
Ireland v. Canada
World Cup – Group B
South Africa v. Japan
World Cup – Group D
France v. Italy
Rugby Union
Currie Cup
Lions v. Sharks
Davis Cup – Semi Final
Great Britain v. Australia, Day
Sunday 20th September Motor Racing Soccer
Rugby Union
Formula 1
Raceday, Marina Bay
Formula 1
Singapore Grand Prix Tottenham v. Crystal Palace
Liverpool v. Norwich
Southampton v. Man United France v. Italy
World Cup - replay
World Cup – Group B
Samoa v. USA
World Cup – Group A
Wales v. Uruguay
World Cup – Group C
New Zealand v. Argentina
Davis Cup – Semi Final
Great Britain v. Australia, Day 3
athan Dyer scored a brave 89th-minute winner as Leicester City stormed back from 2-0 down to beat Aston Villa 3-2 and claim second place in the Premier League on Sunday (Sept 13). Villa looked set to inflict a first defeat of the campaign on Claudio Ranieri’s men after stylish first-time finishes either side of half-time by Jack Grealish and Carles Gil put them in control. But Ritchie De Laet halved the deficit in the 72nd minute with a flick from a Riyad Mahrez corner that the Goal Decision System showed had just crossed the line, before Jamie Vardy turned in Danny Drinkwater’s low cross for the equaliser 10 minutes later. With Villa hanging on, Mahrez floated a cross into the box and Dyer showed huge courage to beat goalkeeper Brad Guzan to the ball and head home. Also on Sunday, Ryan Mason scored as Tottenham Hotspur won 1-0 at Sunderland to record their first victory of the season. Sunderland were on top for three-quarters of the match at the Stadium of Light, but it was Spurs who prevailed when substitute Erik Lamela teed up Mason for an 82ndminute winner. In Saturday’s games, Norwich secured their second win of the season with a 3-1 success against Bournemouth. Alex Neil’s side took the lead when Wes Hoolahan set up Cameron Jerome’s first half opener and Hoolahan added the second with an eye-catching individual effort before debutant Matt Jarvis netted the third.
Olivier Giroud came off the bench to ensure Arsenal didn’t pay for their profligacy in a 2-0 win over Stoke at the Emirates Stadium. Theo Walcott had put Arsenal ahead in the first half, but the Gunners’ wasted opportunities before Giroud struck late on to secure their third victory of the season. Kelechi Iheanacho opened his Manchester City account with a last-minute winner as his side beat 1-0 at Selhurst Park. Palace looked set to claim a point before Iheanacho finished from close range to secure City’s fifth successive win. Saido Berahino returned to the West Brom squad after his transfer request was rejected last month but had little impact in a 0-0 draw at home to Southampton. Berahino received a mixed reception at The Hawthorns after coming on as a 55thminute substitute for Rickie Lambert. Watford’s Odion Ighalo scored the only goal of the game against Swansea to earn them their first win at the fifth attempt since promotion to the English top flight. The Nigeria international swept home in the 59th minute after keeper Heurelho Gomes’ long punt up field with Troy Deeney’s headed knockdown setting up unmarked Ighalo to finish the move in style. Everton substitute Steven Naismith’s hat-trick secured a 3-1 win against Chelsea as the stuttering Premier League champions suffered their third defeat of the season. Naismith, who came on early in the game, scored twice in the first half and capped a fine individual display with a third late on. Nemanja Matic netted the pick of the game’s goals before
The overall competition winner receives 1 voucher staying 2 nights in a Prestige Suite including breakfast for 2 persons and a 30-minute spa treatement at Sofitel Krabi Phokeethra Golf & Spa Resort, overall value THB 90,000.
The monthly competion winner for August will receive a THB3,000 voucher to spend at Angus O’Tools Irish Pub and Restaurant, Karon.
EPL PREDICTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
MONTHLY LEADERS aquamarine Clarey B Jaxfox MRB yvanito
9 8 8 8 8
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
OVERALL LEADERS opinionated farange aquamarine chook giggs alskywalker
28 26 26 26 25
English Premier League 2015 - 2016 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Man City Leicester Man Utd Arsenal West Ham Crystal Palace Everton Swansea Norwich Liverpool Southampton Tottenham Watford West Brom Aston Villa Bournemouth Chelsea Stoke Sunderland Newcastle
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the break with a spectacular long-range strike, but that will be of little consolation for Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho, whose side have collected just four points from their opening five matches. Anthony Martial scored a memorable debut goal as Manchester United beat old enemies Liverpool 3-1 at Old Trafford. The 19-year-old French striker was quick to make his mark after coming on as a substitute for Juan Mata. Christian Benteke had just halved United’s two-goal lead with a sensational overhead
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bicycle kick when Martial tucked a shot into the bottomright corner in front of the Stretford End. Second-half goals from Daley Blind and Ander Herrera had put United in control and Martial’s strike provided the perfect finale to the evening. Slaven Bilic’s West Ham cruised to a 2-0 win over struggling Newcastle on Monday (Sept 14). Dimitri Payet scored once in each half to lift Bilic’s Hammers to fifth place and leave Newcastle rooted to the bottom of the table without a league win this season. AFP