thephuketnews thephuketnews1
Friday, February 19 – Thursday, February 25, 2016
Since 2011 / Volume VI / No. 8
20 Baht
SAVING MILO Online petition for orangutan at Phuket Zoo sparks probe
Campaign offers expert help for 13-year-old orangutan Milo at Phuket Zoo. Photo: Supplied The Phuket News
n online petition that gained more than 5,0 0 0 signatures in less than tw o w eeks has highlighted the plight of 13-year-old orangutan Milo, housed at Phuket oo. eanwhile, wildlife officials are investigating w hether the z oo even has the legal right to keep Milo behind bars.
he ave ilo campaign, listed on, saw signatures s yroc et last wee as the campaign gained international momentum, w hile as recently as onday eb , a tourist visiting Phuket Z oo posted a photo of himself posing w ith Milo on his aceboo page. et the campaign at this stage is aimed at only improving Milo’s health, and her living conditions, as regular visitors are concerned that she is unhealthy and depressed.
ey campaigner ic i iely told T h e P h uket N ew s , first visited her ilo years ago, but went bac about five months ago, when saw where she lived and how grossly overw eight she w as. he sleeps in a pitch blac concrete cell under the steps of where the monkey show is and she gets limited hours to daylight… Her teeth are bad and you can see she is desperately depressed. She folds her arms in boredom and disgust at the tourists.”
Ms Kiely has attempted to bring ilo s condition to the zoo management, but to no avail. “ I email the z oo freq uently asking may I w ork w ith her to improve her conditions and in turn hoped could improve the conditions of all the animals in there. She is the priority now , how ever, for me, as she is in the w orst state. deally would love if could sit dow n and talk w ith the z oo ow ners, perhaps getting them to retire Milo…
Sugar – a crystal death addiction
What’s SUP? Paddleboarding makes waves
News 2
Hard options ahead for sea gypsies hoping to keep homes > page 5
Tunnellers told: April 10 Darawan Naknakhon
he Sam Kong Underpass must be open to traffic no later than A pril 10 , the Transport Minister told representatives of the construction company responsible for the w ork during a visit to the site last w eek. Transport Minster A rkom Termpittayapaisith and a team from the Ministry of Transport visited the construction site on February 11 to check on progress of the proj ect. Mr Termpittayapaisith said, “ Construction of the underpass w as delayed again at the beginning of the year due to rain and oods. was told that some of the road on the southbound side collapsed, but w orkers have already repaired the area and made the road surface safer. “ I have also been told that
inster r om ermpittayapaisith said wor ers had until pril 10 to open am ong underpass to traffic.
more steel reinforcement bars have been put in the retaining w all. The durability of the w all w as inspected by engineers from the Highw ays Department and Thailand E ngineering Institute, especially on the side w here the road collapsed,” he said. “ I have ordered the construction company to make
the road going into the tunnel as soon as possible and open the tunnel for traffic on April 10 . The contractor said they will finish on that day. f they do not they will face a fine. “ To solve the issue of f looding during the rainy season, the contractor w ill set up four large w ater pumps as designed by the Highw ays
Man shoots dead drinking buddy over ‘row’ A
MA N FRO M K A THU surrendered to police on Monday night ( Feb 15) after shooting dead one of his friends during a drinking session at a seafood restaurant. Capt W attanathorn Bumrongthin from Thung Thong Police w as alerted to the shooting, and it w as reported that one man had died of a gunshot w ounds to the body. Capt W attanathorn arrived at the scene, a seafood restaurant in Soi Hopland in Kathu, at pm with a team of officers including forensic police and medical staff from V achira Hospital to find the body of a man lying face dow n on a
huttara achaphun 46 is chec ed for traces of gun powder by forensic police. seat of a bamboo sala in the restaurant. Three 9mm bullet casings and one bullet tip w here found close to the body. “ The victim w as 4 6 -yearold Phuttarak Dachaphun,” said Capt W attanathorn. “ He had
been shot three times. Later in the night, Komgrit W isetmak, 4 7 , turned up at Thung Thong Police Station and presented the 9mm Smith & W esson used in the shooting, and 12 bullets. “ The gun is registered to Komgrit and he has a permit,” Capt W attanathorn said. “ Komgrit said he w as drinking w ith four men including Phuttarak but they started arguing. Komgrit got upset w ith something Phuttarak said so he pulled out his gun and fired three shots at him. “ Komgrit w ill be charged w ith murder,” Capt W attanathorn said. E akkapop T h on g t ub
Department,” he added. Mr Termpittayapaisith also said that along w ith the construction of the four underpasses ( Darasamuth, Bang Khu, Sam Kong and Chalong Circle) , Phuket w ill also see the introduction of a light-rail pro ect to help reduce traffic congestion on the island. “ The light-rail proj ect is
being discussed w ithin my department and is now undergoing a preliminary study… Many foreign investors have show n an interest in this proj ect and are w illing to invest. I believe the grace period for the study into the proj ect is around 2-3 months. W e w ill then let the Mass Rapid Transit A uthority of Thailand
take over the proj ect,” he said. “ W e w ill then have another meeting to make a decision w hether the government or private sector w ill invest in the proj ect,” Mr Termpittayapaisith added. Meanw hile, Chalermpon W ongkietkun Proj ect E ngineer from the Highw ays Department told T h e P h uket N ew s , “ The ex cavation of the tunnel w as completed last Friday ( Feb 5) and now all that is left to do is construct the road into the tunnel. The road w ill be 24 0 metres in length. Then w ater pumps w ill be installed in the tunnel. “ W e aim to have that w ork complete by A pril 3 and then the tunnel w ill be open to at least two lanes of traffic by A pril 10 ,” he said. “ The only concern for us now is the w eather. O ther than that, construction is going w ell.”
Campaigners fight for improved conditions for orangutan ilo C on t in ued f rom pag e 1 … her immediately in Indonesia.” In the email repeatedly sent to Phuket Z oo Manager, Surapong Chanthaw eew ong, Ms Kiely also ex plained ex pert advice w ould be available to assist the z oo in improving Milo’s state and offered help to build an improved enclosure. Repeated attempts by T h e P h uket N ew s have failed to elicit any formal response from the z oo. Reporters w ere even turned aw ay from the front gate w hen attempting to present simple q uestions directed to Mr Surapong, w ho has not replied to any emails, messages or phone calls made. Y et Piyaw at Sukon, w ho as Chief of the Khao Phra Thaew on Hunting Area ffice in Thalang is responsible for the w elfare of w ildlife animals in Phuket and neighbouring provinces, said he had no know ledge of any orangutan in Phuket. “ Since learning of this, I have checked w ith our regional head office in Nakhon Sri Thammarat, and they have no records of any orangutans legally registered to be kept at Phuket Z oo,” he added.
When not on show, Milo is kept under the monkey show stage allege campaigners. “ In order for anyone to legally keep an orangutan in hu et, they must first be issued a permit from the 5th Area office of the epartment of the National Parks, W ildlife and Plant Conservation. “ From our initial investigation and after discussing this issue w ith them, Phuket Z oo seems suspicious and w e are continuing our investigation. “ W e are also involving the Natural Resources and E nvironmental Crime Suppression Division, as orangutans are protected under the Convention on International Trade in E ndangered Species of W ild
Fauna and Flora ( CITE S) ,” Mr Piyaw at added. ildlife officer ongchai Tongboonyang told T h e P h uket N ew s that he already had inspected Phuket Z oo j ust earlier this month. “ But that w as to investigate complaints about the tigers there. I had no idea there w as an orangutan at the z oo, too. I thought all the orangutans in Phuket had already been shipped back to Indonesia,” he said. “ Regardless, my report on that investigation has already been filed with r iyawat, he said. thephuketnews
School issues child abduction warning Health officials are continuing their fight against dengue. Photo: Rassada Health Promotion Centre
engue fever cases triple as year starts TH E NUMBE R OF PE OPL E who have contracted dengue fever in Phuk et since the New Y ear has more than tripled compared with the same period last year in a situation that the Phuk et health chief has called “ serious” . “ The number of people in Phuk et contracting dengue is rising, and it’s serious,” said Phuk et Provincial H ealth Office (PPH O) Chief D r Ba ncha K ha k ong on Monday (Feb 15). A total of 7 0 people in Phuk et were reported as contracting dengue from J anuary 1 to February 6 this year, explained Paphada Rujiwongsak on of the D epartment of isease ontrol Phuket O ce. “ That’s a jump from 22 patients in same period in 2015,” she said.
According to the cases reported, the highest risk group were people from 25 to 34 years of age, she added. “ Almost all of them are Thai; only 5 per cent are foreigners,” Ms Paphada noted. L ast year, 8 33 people in Phuk et were reported to have contracted dengue. “ There were no fatalities in Phuket, r Bancha confirmed. D r Bancha attributed the rise in dengue cases to the simple combination of rain and hot weather. “ This leaves a lot of standing water around homes, which allows mosquitoes to breed more,” he said. E liminating standing water anywhere near residential communities was a k ey weapon in the PP O’s fight against dengue, D r Bancha added. Tanyaluk Sakoot
The Phuket News
school in Phu k et Town this week issued a warning about an alleged attempted child abduction in front of the school by a man driving a white van. The warning was in response to Facebook posts urging parents to tak e precautions to ensure their children’s safety, Winai Suriyaprak an, D i rector of Plook pa nya Municipal School, told The Phuket N ews. e have yet to confirm the incident actually took place. The school thought it best to tak e prudent steps to ensure the safety of children as our top priority while we sort this out,” Mr Winai explained. The letter issued by Mr Winai said, “ Some parents have published details on Facebook about protecting students because of a van that was park ed in front of Plook panya School, and then a man came to talk with a
Terror alert ‘nothing serious’ AN ORD E R ISSUE D BY Phuk et G overnor Chamroen Tipayapongtada last week end calling on all authorities across the island to ramp up security efforts following a vague warning of “ non-peaceful people coming to Phuk et to create a situation” is “ no cause for alarm” , the Phuk et police chief told The Phuket N ews this week . The missive, dated February 13 and signed by G overnor Chamroen, ask ed for all local government office heads to coordinate with the respective police, military and security
Col eerapol hip aroen chiefs to ensure that precautionary inspections are carried out, and to ensure that there are no black spots in CCTV coverage. Col Teerapol Thipjaroen, Commander of the Phuk et Provincial Police, however, on Monday (Feb 15) said that the order was “ nothing serious” .
“ Actually, it’s just a normal work ing process to push o cials in other areas to be more active,” he said. “ And especially with Phuk et having lots of tourists around, we are just being careful.” Col Teerapol did not elaborate on who the “ non-peaceful people” were or what their intentions might be. Regarding the order being leak ed to the media, Col Teerapol added, “ It was accidentally shared with the media. The G overnor is now questioning the o cials involved in that. The Phuket N ews
arents are urged to eep a close an eye on their children following reports of an alleged child abuction attempt in hu et own. Photo: The Phuket News / file student who was sitting alone at the stairs at the main gate of the school, close to the school sign. “ After that, the man took a piece of cloth to cover the mouth and nose of the student, but the student escaped and shouted to friends. The man ran away to the van and left. “ The incident is being investigated,” Mr Winai wrote. “ In the meantime the school ask s parents to ensure they safely pick up and drop off their children to and from the school.”
If parents cannot come to pick up children immediately after school, the children must wait in front of the school’s public relations room, where a teacher will be on duty until 5pm, Mr Winai explained. St udent s w ill not be permitted to leave school grounds until a parent pick s them up. “ H opefully, parents understand the measures the school is tak ing under these circumstances. We thank you for your co-operation,” Mr Winai wrote. Anubaan Phuk et (“ Phuk et
K indergarten” ) on Tuesday night issued its own warning to parents based on the same information. “ Plook panya has about 3,000 students here at the school,” Mr Winai also explained. “ Parents often do not pick up their children until quite late, so we needed to issue the letter so they would understand what is happening. “ Meanwhile, we have teachers who will stay behind after school to mak e sure the children are collected safely by their parents,” he said.
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Outspoken German consul Dirk Naumann dies of cancer D irk Naumann, well k nown among longterm Phuk et expats as the outspok en G erman H onorary Consul in Phuk et for nearly 12 years, has died of cancer. Mr Naumann passed away on Monday night (Feb 15). H e was 7 3. H is daughter, A net te J imenez H ö chstetter, who now serves as the H onorary Consul for G ermany in Phuk et, announced late Tuesday night (Feb 16), “ D ear Family, Friends, and Colleagues, It is with great sadness, that the Family of D irk Naumann announces his passing on Monday, 15th February, 2016.”
Dirk Naumann and his daughter, Anette Jimenez Höchstetter, who is the current German honorary consul for Phuket. The funeral will be held at Anuphas K ritsadaram Temple
on Wichit Songk ram Rd in K athu.
Ser vices will be held through Tuesday (Feb 23), when the cremation will tak e place from about noon to 1pm. “ D irk Naumann was very specific in his re uest that guests please not bring flowers or wreaths to his farewell,” said the announcement issued by Mr Naumann’s family. “ H e ask ed that anyone who wishes to donate, please be so k ind as to bring something useful, that will be donated to the temple in his and the giver’s name.” A resident of Thailand for more than 40 years, Mr Naumann moved to Phuk et in 2003. For the next decade, he
strove for a better Phuk et in many ways, including raising time and again with the island’s top o cials serious issues that threatened – and continue to threaten – the island’s sustainable future. Among his top concerns were public transport, pollution and water uality at the beaches. In 2013, Mr Naumann announced he would retire from the position as G erman H onorary Consul. Ms J imenez H ö chstetter, who was born in Bangk ok , was sworn in as the new G erman H onorary Consul by G erman Ambassador to Thailand Rolf Schulze the next year.
Bangla street vendor wins B6 million on lottery SALES SUPPORT Siriporn ( Nok) Seangmas 0 8 6 479 7470
Bangla street vendor Phuongpen Boonphet and her boyfriend present the winning lottery tickets. SALES REPRESENTATIVE Somsong ( Chompu) Radabut 0 8 8 76 5 5 8 8 3
A WOMAN WH O MAK E S her living selling cigarettes on Phuk et’s Bangla Rd, in Patong, hit the jack pot Tuesday (Feb 16), when she won B6 million on the national lottery. Phuongphen Boonphet, 45, from Buriram, presented her winning tick ets at K athu Police Station at 6pm. Ms Phuongphen arrived at the station with her boyfriend and presented a pair of lottery tick ets bearing the number 356364. L t Col Pramuan J aik rathok , beaming a smile over Ms Phuon-
gphen’s good fortune, received the report of the winning tick ets. It is common practice for lottery winners to present their winning tick ets to the nearest police station as soon as possible to prevent loss, theft or fraudsters from costing the genuine lottery winners their prizes. “ On Monday night (Feb 15) while I was work ing, a lottery vendor came by and ask ed me to help out by buying a pair of lottery tick ets,” Ms Phuongphen explained. “ I grabbed one without
check ing how many tick ets were left with the same number. I buy lottery tick ets often, but I don’t expect to win – I just wanted to help a friend out because I understand how hard it is to stand on your feet all day long and walk ing from place to place trying to mak e a living,” she said. “ I never thought I would win a jack pot and I have no plans just yet of what I want to do with the money, but for now I just want to mak e merit at temples first, s Phuongphen said. Eakkapop Thongtub
Morocco’s Tangier seeks Phuket ‘sister city’ status TH E MOROCCAN AMBASSAdor to Thailand visited Phuk et G overnor Chamroen Tipayapongtada on Tuesday (Feb 16) to present the idea of Phuk et becoming a “ ister city” with Tangier, on the north Moroccan coast. “ Phuk et and Tangier share many similarities. Tangier is a major coastal city next to the Mediterranean. Morocco is a constitutional monarchy and we have long established relationship with Thailand,” said Ambassador Abdelilah E l H ousni of Morocco. “ Today Morocco has an H onorary Consul in H ua H in, in Prachuap K hiri K han. In Phuk et, we have approximately 10,000 Moroccans visiting the island each year. This might seem lik e a small number, but most are considered V IPs. They all arrive on private jets
Ambassador Abdelilah El Housni of Morocco (left) shakes hands with Phuket Governor Chamroen Tipayapongtada. Photo: PR Dept and stay at least one month in hotels and resorts across the island. “ More Moroccans are wanting to travel to Phuk et, so I believe in rea rming our relationship and hope Tangier and Phuk et can become ‘ twin cities’ soon. This will benefit both Phuk et and Morocco,” he added.
G overnor Chamroen welcomed the idea. “ We are highly interested in becoming a ‘ sister city’ with Tangier. We will draft a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) and other related documents and present them as soon as possible,” he said.
“ I am look ing forward to developing an even better relationship with Morocco and Phuk et becoming ' sister city' with Tangier,” he said. Phuk et is already twinned with nine other places worldwide. These are Bali, Nice in France, Port Blair in the Andaman Islands, L as V egas, the Crimea in Uk raine, Nak hodk a in Russia, and H ainan, Y antai and X iuning in China. In D ecember, G overnor Chamroen welcomed X iamen Communist Party Secretary H ong Biling and her team at Provincial H all, whose delegation sought to establish “ sister city” status with the Chinese coastal province X iamen. At last report, that MoU was also being drafted to a rm those familial ties. The Phuket N ews thephuketnews
Sea gypsy sell-off
‘If you lose, you can always move,’ says Governor Darawan Naknakhon
huk et G overnor Chamroen Tipayapongtada on Monday (Feb 15) announced that 45 rai in Rassada, north of Phuk et Town, has been allocated for sea gypsies in Rawai to move to if a court judgement rules against them, forcing them to vacate land claimed by private developers. At a meeting at Provincial H all, G ov Chamroen presented a formal document attesting that a three-meter wide path mark ed out by officials last week is public land, giving the Rawai sea gypsies unfettered access to their boats so that they may continue to fish for a living. H owever, he added, “ We will have to ask Baron World Trade Co L td to donate the land to expand the pathway by three more meters so that the sea gypsies can access the Balai (shrine) without having
to move it. Baron World Trade last month moved ahead with its plans to develop 33 rai alongside the village into a villa resort. Fights brok e out when workers blocked off sea gypsies’ access to their Balai shrine, spark ing the current G overnor-led resolution process and a contingent of military personnel to k eep the peace at the village. The 45 rai in Rassada on offer, held by the Phuket o ce of the Royal Forest D epartment, is to relieve congestion in the overfull fishing village, Gov Chamroen said. The village is currently home to about 300 families, together housing a population of about 2,000 people. “ The 45 rai also is to allow sea gypsies a place to move to in case the court rules against them, he said, referring to 1 rai at the Rawai village that 10 landowners have collectively claimed by presenting o cial
hu et overnor ha roen i aya on tada holds u his phone showing a map of the development planned to be built on 19 rai at the sea gypsy village in Rawai. land documents. The 10 landowners presented their claims to the media on the preceding Friday (Feb 12). One of the 10 land owners, Satien Muk dee said, “ The sea gypsies have encroached on land owned by us which has been passed down by our ancestors. “ At some point, some of
the sea gypsies came here and ask ed my grandfather, Tan Muk dee, for a place to stay. H e agreed to let four or five families live on his land so long as they work ed from him on his coconut plantation. “ People need to k now about our story. They shouldn’t only listen to the villagers, he said. The sea gypsies have filed
The development planned to be built on 19 rai strikes at the heart of the sea gypsy village in Rawai. an appeal, and are awaiting a court ruling to determine whether or not they will have to move. “ L ast week , we sent an of-
ficial re uest to the inistry of Social D evelopment and uman Security to buy the 1 rai for B2 3 million, Governor Chamroen said.
Student, 21, shot in Valentine attack A J UNIOR AT PH UK E T Rajabhat University is in critical condition after he was beaten with a baseball bat before being shot down in what police believe was a fit of jealous rage on V alentine’s D ay (Feb 14). According to witnesses, at the time leading up to the attack, Atthatakul Off Areek arn, 21, was sitting down, chatting in front of his university’s Physical E ducation Centre with a group of friends, including
his new girlfriend, who was named only as Bow , a second year student at the same university.
Wit nesses said that a white Mazda car pulled up and four men emerged. Among them was a man who
an s ear sliced off y yin
A 36-Y E AR-OL D RUSsian Mik hail Ryzov is recovering after his left ear was sliced off and right eye slashed by a f lying k nife following a dispute over B600 with a Thai fish vendor at the Malin fresh mark et on Pracha-nuk roh
Atthatakul “Off” Areekarn, 21, was beaten and gunned down by friends of his girlfriend’s ‘jealous ex’, said police.
Rd in Patong last Saturday (Feb 13). Ryzov told rescue work ers that he had bought fish from an unnamed vendor. H owever, Ryzov said he gave the vendor a B1,000 note, but did not get his change, and an argument brok e out.
Witnesses say Ryzov then punched the vendor, who responded by throwing a k nife at Ryzov, whose left ear was sliced off, and right eye slashed as a result. Police have yet to comment on the case. Eakkapop Thongtub
was named only as Nick , the ex-boyfriend of Bow, who in a jealous rage proceeded to bash Off with a baseball bat. Off attempted to flee, however, Nick ’s friends chased him down and shot him in the torso with what was described as a home-made gun, before fleeing the scene in the car in which they had come. Off was rushed to hospital and police said they have identified all four suspects, and are look ing to apprehend them soon. D arawan N aknakhon
nife in aton
Hong Kongers in for ter inal test run Tanyaluk Sakoot rep orter2
he new terminal at Phuk et International Airport welcomed its fir passengers at a trial opening of the facility la Sunday (Feb 14). The Boeing -300 servicing T AI Airways daily flight TG60 , bringing 33 passengers from ong ong, touched down at 12:55pm. Present for the occasion was itinai Sirismatthakarn, President of Airports of Thailand (AoT), which operates si major international airports in Thailand, including Suvannabhumi and on ueang airports in Bangkok and hiang ai International Airport. This e ercise today confirms the new terminal is operationally ready, but there is ill some finishing touches to go, which will be complete in time for the grand opening on
Two people died as a result of the four-car collision.
Two dead as pic up ies Airport Director Monrudee Gettuphan (centre, red dress) led the delegation to welcome the passengers and hand out souvenir gifts marking the event. Photo: PR Dept une 1, r itinai said. e added that the new terminal alone is e pected to cope with passenger throughput of 6. million persons per year, which is the current o cial capacity of the entire airport today. The entire upgrade is to e pand Phuket Airport’s capacity to 12. million per year, r itinai e plained.
urrent aircraft capacity of Phuket Airport is about 2 0 flight arrivals per day, he said. “ And the airport can receive about 0,000 arrivals each day, he added. Mr Nitinai pointed out that from October through ecember 201 alone, Phuket Airport handled 23,0 flights, carrying 3,3 , 2 passengers. Phuk et Airport D irector
onrudee Gettuphan led the delegation to welcome the passengers and hand out souvenir gifts marking the event. In use at the new terminal is the new airport security procedure Advance Passenger Processing Sy em (APPS), which allows immigration o cials to run in ant background checks on inbound travellers, based on their passport information.
Speedboat crew member slashed by engine propeller
Kreetha Sarawaree was given treatment before being taken to Krabi Hospital.
A SPEE BOAT E A suffered a serious wound to his back on Tuesday ( eb 16) when he fell from the back of his boat at oh ao a ing, in rabi province, and was hit by the engine propeller of another vessel. aj Suphat emjinda from rabi ity Police was called at 11 30am and told that 33-year-old reetha Sarawaree had fallen
from a speedboat as he attempted to push another boat out of the way so the boat could be moored. e was hit by the propeller after falling into the water. Srisawat captain 2 -year-old Anan Phanya told police that as soon as he k new what had happened he opped his engine, help pulled the victim up and reported the incident to park o cials.
O E O A AS k illed and one man later died from injuries sustained in a crash involving four vehicles in Thalang on onday afternoon ( eb 15). apt rasorn Boonprasop from Thalang Police was called inve igate an accident near the Toyota showroom on Thepk rasattri d northbound at 30pm. Police arrived at the scene with an E S unit from Thalang ospital and usoldharm rescue workers to find a hevrolet pick up truck crashed into an Isuzu pick up truck in the middle of the road. The driver of the Isu u, r asuwat Saeloo, 62, had suffered leg injuries, while the hevrolet driver, 30-year-old r harit Saetan, had no visible injuries but complained of neck a nd back p ain. A passenger in the hevrolet, 6-year-old s ampoon Saetan, was suffering severe che injuries.
All three were immediately taken Thalang ospital. s ampoon was later pronounce dead at the hospital. r asuwat was pronounced dead at Thalang ospital between pm- pm on onday night. r harit was later transferred to achira ospital due to the severity of his injuries. The driver of a Toyota igo also involved in the accident, Prawat Suwandang, 36, told police, A Toyota Altis was heading toward Phuket Town when it crashed into the back of the hevrolet, this caused the hevrolet to lose control. It travelled over the central reservation and then collided with the Isu u and my car. apt rasorn said that no charges have been filed yet as police are waiting to ue ion the injured driver who is ill in hospital. Additional reporting by att Pond Eakkapop Thongtub
Opinion 8
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Managing Editor F rom the U S A ; B A in C ommu n ication A rts f rom B an g k ok U n iv ersity I n tern ation al C olleg e; sev en y ears’ ex p erien ce at Nation Junior Magazine, Bangkok Recorder,,, an d Phuket Gazette.
Executive Editor
0 8 4 30 7 7 4 0 8 ex F if teen y ears w ork in g in n ew s an d cov erin g local issu es an d ev en ts in P hu k et, w ith 1 8 - mon th hiatu s sp en t w ork in g f or the B ru n ei T imes on B orn eo. F rom Q u een slan d, A u stralia; 1 0 y ears liv in g in the U K b ef ore mov in g to P hu k et in 2 0 0 0 . D eg ree in b u sin ess man ag emen t. S p are time sp en t sailin g or w ith f amily .
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Sports Editor O rig in ally f rom the U K ; H as f ou r y ears ex p erien ce as editor an d rep orter f or P hu k etin dex .com mag az in e an d w eb site, an d I n P hu k et mag az in e.
0 9 1 1 6 5 0 2 6 0 rep orter2
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Dear prudence...
ast Mond ay n ig ht saw the quiet passing of one of Phuk et’s staunchest supporters, former G erman honorary consul D irk aumann, who succumbed to a long battle against cancer. D uring his 12 years as honorary consul, r aumann, a former pharmaceutical executive who turned to dealing in art, built a firm reputation for talk ing straight, raising serious issues in Phuk et with high-level o cials. Problems do not go away by ignoring them, and shooting the messenger is just as ineffective, as r aumann often rightly pointed out – whether o cials liked it or not. In this, the leak ed memo of the “ terror alert” issued by the Governor’s O ce last week end begs the question of whether questioning the officials who leaked the memo is questionable in itself.
If the public is in danger, they have the right to k now without delay. K udos to Phuk et Provincial Police Chief Teerapol Thipjaroen for recognising the need to publicly validate whether or not the memo was genuine. H owever, providing the reason why the order to ramp up security was issued in the first place would have gone a long way to inspire confidence among the public. onfidence is nothing more than faith, and faith is built on trust. And it is very difficult for anyone to trust any other person, organisation or institution unless there is transparency and the behaviour matches the words spok en. That seems to be a big part in the lack of confidence expressed among dispirited readers in o cials competently handling any major issue that rears its ugly head in Phuk et.
Pick any issue – tra c, crime, sea gypsy land, public projects, the list goes on – and the lack of transparency is apparent. Perhaps a leaf should be tak en from the school manual of Winai Suriyaprak an, D irector of Plook panya School, who issued a safety warning to parents on Tuesday over only posts on Facebook reporting an attempted child abduction in front of his school. Mr Winai publicly admitted that the reports had not been confirmed and that the incident was being investigated, but still issued the alert just in case. And he had the guts to sign the order and send it out to parents himself. Praise to him. If o cials want to gain the trust – that is, confidence – of the public, perhaps openness, honesty and prudence lik e that of Mr Winai would be a good place to start.
Russian man’s ear sliced off by flying knife in Patong fish market fight
Polish woman dead after being run over while trying to cross street in south Phuket
Phuket Governor orders authorities on high alert for undisclosed terror threat
German man found dead in a bedroom in Rawai
Chinese tourist, 61, drowns in popular Phuket resort swimming pool
PM Prayut orders crackdown on Phuket’s rude, cheating, violent taxi, van drivers
Uni student, 21, beaten and gunned down by gang of ‘jealous ex’
8 9
One woman dead, two men injured in four car collision in Phuket
Kathu man shoots drinking buddy dead at Phuket seafood restaurant Phuket terror alert ‘no cause for alarm’, say police
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HAVE YOUR SAY ots of official lip service
R e: D eputy PM orders Phuket, Andaman governors to target quality tourism D eputy PM visits Phuk et just one day and between break fast and dinner, orders how to start to handle tourism in Phuk et. V erbal job done, and next? The Minister of Tourism in Bangk ok echos with their verbal job, and then....? We still have no modern public bus transport, Bangk ok taxi fares, professional work ing highway police. Then the Transport Minister visited Phuk et for one day and ‘ ordered’ the Samk ong Underpass to be open by April 10. D id this minister not read The Phuket N ews’ last 12 months, in which we were informed (with conformations of Phuk et highway authorities who were check ing on it) time after time since mid 2015 when the underpass would be operational? L ast ‘ guarantee’ was published for February 2016! Y es? K urt
No CCTV, no crime R e: Phuket police yet to conclude probe into death
of Chinese tourist Of course police can’t finish the probe, there is no CCTV , so they are at a complete loss, they don’t do probes, they watch TV , then determine who should pay who and decide how much money they can get out of the deal. The best thing Thailand could do would be to focus on preventing deaths, then they don’t have to mak e the tragedy worse by getting foolish and corrupt police involved, which just mak es things worse for everyone. R ichard V ick ers
Her fault for crossing without looking
R e: Polish woman dead after being run over while trying to cross street in south Phuket H ow can this guy be charged with anything? H e was on the road where he should be. If a woman steps out in front of you on the road when doing 40 or 50 K ’s, you can’t blame the guy for not stopping, there is no time to stop. The woman should have check ed the road was clear first, unless he did not have his lights on, then maybe ok ay, book him... mark louisw
Let the law, courts do the determining
R e: Patong police deny violence in R ussian restaurant G -MM copyright raid Check the law first before commenting: Copyright Act B.E . 2537 (1994) Section 4: “ official” is described as a person appointed by the Minister for the execution of this Act inister is defined as the Minister of Commerce who has charge and control of the execution of this Act. Section 67 . For the purpose of performing duties under this Act, a competent o cial shall be an o cial under the Penal Code and shall have the powers and duties as follows : (1) to enter a building, o ce, factory or warehouse of any person during sunrise and sunset or during work ing hours of such place or to enter a vehicle for the purposes of searching for the merchandise or examining, when there is a reasonable doubt that an offence pursuant to this Act is committed, Section 68 . The competent o cial shall produce to the persons concerned their identification. The identification
shall be in accordance with the form prescribed by the Minister. So, from the video and stills evidence, it appears the premises was visited during “ work ing hours” . It is unclear whether the male wearing a black T shirt with an G -MM G rammy ID card and other identifying cards around his neck is a competent o cial (Police) as defined. o warrant is needed. (S.67 (1)) Section 68 states that identification “ shall” be produced to the persons concerned. There is no requirement for any ID to be worn on a shirt or anywhere else for that matter. As for the alleged assault I would leave that to the Court and witnesses and not pay too much attention on the victims version of events. G iven her explosive demeanour at the time it was a wonder she could see or remember anything. J oe1 2
Don’t sock, smile
R e: R ussian man’ s ear sliced off by flying knife in Patong fish market fight L ook s lik e the Russian man got stitched up twice in the same day! L ES
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Uighurs deny bombing
Confession made after torture and threats, says suspect’s lawyer
wo Chinese Uighurs on Tuesday (Feb 16) denied involvement in a deadly shrine bombing in the Thai capital, and a lawyer said one had been beaten up and threatened with deportation to force an earlier confession. Investigators had also compelled Bilal Mohammed to dress up and wear a wig so he resembled a CCTV image of the prime suspect in the blast, according to a statement issued on his behalf. Mohammed, also k nown as Adem K aradag, and Y usufu Mieraili arrived barefoot, handcuffed and shackled at their plea hearing in a military court. A judge read charges including premeditated murder and possession of illegal weapons to the pair through a Uighur translator. Both said they were not guilty of the bombing charges, although Mohammed – the suspected bomber – admitted one charge of entering the country illegally. “ I’m not guilty... but I’ve been in prison for six months,” a disconsolatelook ing Mieraili added. The August 17 bomb k illed 20 people and wounded scores more
at a Bangk ok shrine popular with ethnic Chinese tourists. A convincing motive has yet to be established for the attack , which dented Thailand’s k ey tourist industry and spread fear throughout the nation. But speculation of a link to Thailand’s deportation of Uighur migrants to China a month before the bombing has refused to die down. Police say the pair initially admitted their roles in the bombing. But Mohammed’s lawyer told reporters his client had only confessed after torture and threats of deportation to China, where he feared his life would be in danger. Mohammed, 31, a Chinese citizen from the Uighur ethnic minority, is accused of being the man seen in CCTV footage wearing a yellow T-shirt and placing a back pack at the E rawan shrine moments before the explosion. Mieraili, 26 and also a Chinese Uighur, is accused of delivering the back pack bomb. National police chief Chak thip Chaijinda said it was the “ defendants’ right” to retract their earlier confessions but rejected any suggestions these were obtained under duress. “ We have witnesses and clear
The two Uighur suspects in the August 17, 2015 Erawan shrine o in identified as de arada centre and usufu ieraili ac , ri ht arrive under heavy uard at a ilitary court in an o on uesday e . Photo: Nicolas Asfouri/AFP evidence to prosecute them,” he told reporters. Mohammed was arrested in late August in a block of flats in a Bangk ok suburb. Photographs released at the time showed him surrounded by bomb-mak ing paraphernalia and dozens of fak e Turk ish passports. Shortly after the arrest, his lawyer Schoochart K anpai told reporters that Mohammed admitted carrying out the bombing on the orders of an apparent mastermind – one of more than a dozen suspects, both foreign and Thai, still at large.
But on Tuesday he said his client had in fact only arrived in Thailand four days after the bombing, having bribed border guards with $ 600 (B21,390) to enter from L aos. A statement issued by his lawyer on Mohammed’s behalf said the Uighur was tak en by a people-smuggler to the Bangkok flat where he was arrested a week later. D uring questioning he was allegedly punched, blindfolded by investigators and told he “ would be handed over to the Chinese government” unless he confessed to being
the bomber in the yellow shirt. In the statement Mohammed said he was photographed after being forced to wear a wig, glasses and a yellow shirt to mak e him look lik e the prime suspect, whose image was circulated across the country. Mystery still surrounds the motive for the attack , in which the majority of the dead were ethnic Chinese tourists. Speculation has centred on a link to militants or supporters of the Uighurs, an ethnic group who say they face severe persecution in China, after Thailand forcibly repatriated 109 of the minority last J uly. Thai authorities have rejected the theory that the bomb was a revenge attack for the deportations. Instead investigators have stuck to the line that it was carried out by a people-smuggling gang angered by a crack down on its business. Until Tuesday’s hearing the case had largely dropped off the news cycle, easing the pressure on authorities to arrest further suspects despite fears of a bungled investigation. Police awarded themselves a B3 million reward after the arrest of Mohammed, even though he had not been charged at the time. AFP
Tugging on heartstrings The Thai Mad Men creating a storm with ‘sadverts’ BANGKOK
everishly jotting down ideas in a funk y glasspanelled conference room, Thailand’s “ Mad Men” are doing what they do best – creating tearjerk er adverts that leave viewers scrambling for the tissue box. So-called “ sadvertising” has exploded around the world in recent years as brands jostle to engage customers and stand out from competitors. An annual nostalgia-tinged Christmas commercial from retailer J ohn L ewis has become a festive tradition in Britain, while Budweiser’s L ost D og pulled heart strings and swept advertising awards in the US. But few places are doing it with such devastating e cacy as the Thais, where the adverts are often as gruelling as they are memorable. To outsiders Thailand advertises itself as the L and of Smiles, but its more emotionally complex than that. The Thai language has
Actors and technicians get ready for the shooting of a sequence of an advert for a Thai bank promoting a scholarship fund which has hit 1.68 million views on YouTube. Photo: Pornchai Kittiwongsakul/AFP more than 100 phrases that use the word heart – “ jai” – to discuss a whole gamut of emotions, while its soap operas are renowned for their notoriously tragic storylines. The same is true of adverts. One recent spot, for a lingerie brand, pivots on a woman diagnosed with cancer on the same day she discovers she is pregnant, leaving her with the heart-wrenching choice of risk ing the baby’s life with chemotherapy, or her own.
Another, accompanied by the trademark soft piano music and a melancholic voice-over, is about a deaf and dumb father who saves his daughter with a blood transfusion after she attempts suicide. The emotional punch pack ed by such adverts has f lummoxed many international viewers, with videos of non-Thais trying not to weep through the adverts doing the rounds on Y ouTube. “ This is so horrible,” exclaims one viewer under the
name ‘ D eadlox’ as he watches the advert featuring the girl who attempts suicide, which was commissioned by a life insurance company. “ W hy would they do that , he says of the filmmak ers. J inn Powprapai, founder of CJ Worx, a Bangk ok agency that specialises in producing emotional viral adverts, offers one answer. “ Being a Buddhist is all about giving and caring. We tend to always have an emotional sympathy for people less fortunate than us,” he says. One of the company’s recent commissions was from K rungthai Bank , a stateowned entity look ing to promote its scholarship fund. After months of back and forth they settled on two lengthy internet spots. One tells the tragic tale of a female student who learns to conquer her fear of the neighbourhood dog ‘ Olieng’ after his elderly owner dies. G irl and dog then become inseparable, until she returns from school one day to find it fatally injured by a car. Olieng eventually dies in her arms as memories of his happy life with the girl flash before his fading canine eyes.
The advert then sk ips to the present day where the girl has become a vet and is patching up another person’s beloved pooch. “ While others were lost in life’s bad moments,” a voiceover states, “ she recognises the good times are an inspiration to reach our dreams.” It’s a formula that clearly work s for the domestic mark et. Since its J anuary 11 release the advert has rack ed up 12 million views and more than 350,000 shares on Facebook and 1.68 million views on Y ouTube. But Phil Townsend, AsiaPacific managing director of Unruly, which specialises in getting adverts to emotionally resonate with viewers, says creatives around the world are tak ing note of Thailand’s tearful output. “ We get a lot of people ask ing us: ‘ H ow can we mak e videos lik e that? ,” he says. Ralph Brunner, chief marketing o cer in Asia for insurance company MetL ife has been mak ing adverts across the region since the late 1990s. “ The Thais have a k nack for emotional storytelling,” he says. “ Y ou see it on TV , short films that either make you cry
or a have a tremendous sense of humour and a very playful nature.” MetL ife had one of the most successful emotional ads of 2015 with a spot about a father struggling to provide for his daughter. On Y ouTube alone it has been viewed over 11 million times. It was shot in Thailand, but aimed at multiple mark ets across Asia. Unlik e humour, which is very specific to countries and even ages, parental struggles are something almost everyone understands, says Brunner. “ It’s a universal theme people can relate to.” D ave McCaughan, a veteran of advertising who spent nearly three decades across Asia with McCann, believes the rise of the genre is link ed to rapid economic and social changes – and growing disquiet over what the future holds. hen he first arrived in Thailand in the economic boom years of the mid-1990s, many adverts employed slapstick comedy. More recently Thailand’s economy has become k nown as sick man of Southeast Asia, following a decade of political turbulence. And the adverts have got sadder. “ There’s a lot of disconnect and dysfunction going on – and those ads play to old-fashioned values,” he says. McCaughan believes Asia will produce more tear jerk ers in the coming years, especially as China’s economic slowdown impacts the region. “ W hat happens when you’re feeling low, you go for the security blank et,” he says. “ It doesn’t matter which culture you are, it’s the same. And the big security blank et here is real emotions.” AFP
Secrets and surgery Life as a transgender in China
t home her son still calls her daddy, at work she dresses in a masculine style, but this Chinese person has a “ little secret” – she was born male, but is not any more. She had long identified as a woman, and suffered from depression after starting a family, opting in the end to have a surgical sex change. “ I had wanted to k ill myself, but then I decided I should do something – if I die, I’d rather die on the operation table,” she added. Chinese society remains deeply traditional in many respects, so in public she still has to hide her new identity and does not want her name or occupation revealed for fear of the consequences. “ It will be very easy to find me, and I might lose my job,” she explained. US-based NG O Asia Catalyst estimates there are four million transgender people in China, and says they face severe discrimination. Sexually ambiguous characters have a long history in Chinese art and literature, but being transgender is still classified as a mental illness
in the country – homosexuality was removed from the category in 2001 – although sex reassignment surgery is legal. Those who come out as transgender to their families risk being rejected or forced to marry and have children. “ I married my wife when I still had a man’s body, think ing I could live with her without changing myself physically,” the interviewee said. “ My wife did not mind my identifying as female. She is from a small town. Our personalities do not match well, but we both wanted to get married.” She says she did not want to become a father but her family persuaded her to have a child, and the couple have not separated since her surgery for the sak e of their son. “ I tell my nine-year-old boy: ‘ D addy has a little secret – daddy is not a man,’” she said. “ H e is not yet old enough to feel confused about this.” Now she tries to help others in her position, running an online network from her home in J inzhou, in the northeastern province of L iaoning, to connect transgender individuals with each other and professionals
China’s outspoken transgender queen Jin Xing dances in New York in 2012. Photo: AFP such as doctors, psychiatrists and lawyers – who can help with divorces. “ As I tried to solve problems in my life, I gradually built a safe environment around me,” she told a meeting at the Beijing L G BT Centre, a resource centre in the capital. “ Y ou just have to be brave enough and tell people your trouble – if one doctor doesn’t understand you, talk to another. Eventually you will find someone.” Transgender issues were given unusual prominence in China last year, when the country’s most famous sexologist, L i Y inhe, announced she had been living for 17 years with a partner who was born female but identifies as a man, referring to him as her “ husband” and stressing she saw herself as heterosexual.
Afghan opium cultivation drops for the first ti e in si years The agency’s head in Afghanistan Andrey Avetisyan said the Taliban hotbed “ could alone meet the entire global demand” in poppies. AFP
AFG H ANISTAN SAW A drop in opium cultivation this year for the first time since 2009, a United Nations report said, citing dry weather conditions as a k ey reason for the decline. D espite a decade of costly US and international counternarcotics programmes, poppy farming has boomed in southern and western regions, which include the most volatile parts of the country where the Taliban insurgency is strongest. The total area under cultivation was 18 3,000 hectares in 2015, a 19 per cent decrease from last year, according to the United ations O ce on D rugs and Crime (UNOD C).
The southern province of H elmand, however, retained its title as leader in growth of opium, which is used to produce highly addictive heroin.
Proud to be the appointed supplier of windows and doors to:
f han o y far ers are often said to e ta ed y the Taliban. Photo: Noorullah Shirzada/AFP @thephuketnews
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The couple were profiled by a national magazine and the Communist party mouthpiece the People’s D aily said on a microblog: “ Respecting the choices of people lik e L i Y inhe is respecting ourselves.” Together with the success of maleto-female transsexual dancer J in X ing, who often appears on mainstream television shows, the reaction to Ms L i’s statement was tak en as a sign of slowly shifting attitudes. But many Chinese doctors and psychiatrists k now little about how to deal with transgender individuals, the Beijing L G BT Centre’s executive director X in Y ing said in an interview. Those who have changed their physical appearance face di culty getting a job, having a medical operation, or even boarding a train, she
said, as there is no established legal procedure to change information on Chinese identity cards. H ong K ong-based transgender activist J oanne L eung urged the audience at the meeting not to lose hope: “ Before I had sex change surgery, I thought no one would love me and I would be single until I die. But I was wrong.” E ven so, fears about others reactions remain. Fang Y uran, another speak er at the meeting, was born female but wants to become a man. She has only come out to her family as a lesbian, fearing their response if she explained further. She explained: “ If I told my parents the truth, they would think I am ill and never let me be.”
A new lease on sex life CZECH REPUBLIC
omas Pik has lost nothing of his lust for life despite the crippling disease that confined him to a wheelchair five years ago as the nerves in his limbs w ithered. he year old zech has relied on prostitutes to meet se ual needs, but says many refuse after they learn he has the rare neurological disease Friedreich’s atax ia, the symptoms of which he first e perienced a decade ago. eing handicapped, you don t have much self confidence, and w hen a prostitute turns you down, it s uite the blow, he said in the zech capital Prague. Lucie Sidova, head of the Risk-Free Pleasure organisation. Photo: AFP Now there is a new paid a lover of their own. service on offer for the coun- lands, an early pioneer in the crime under zech law. i , a bespectacled secpractice, Denmark, France, “ The task of a sex ual astry s disabled, one without ond hand charity shop wor er, sistant is to teach the disabled Germany and witzerland. the risk of rej ection. t too about two years to runs a aceboo page promot- how to engage w ith their Sex ual assistants meet carnal needs, but they are get the service up and running ing sex ual assistance and se uality and se toys and also trained to help the handi- using now how provided by never misses an opportunity the right way to masturbate because no one else will tal capped discover and manage Sw iss partners, according to spread the w ord. to ucie idova, head of the Sipping coffee from a to them about that ind of their se uality. Roz os bez rizi a Ris free cup he has trouble holding, thing, he said. he member of . Pleasure) organisation helping he se uality of disabled i e plains that specially million people is the first e women in the se industry. people is a big taboo here, trained sex assistants are communist country where the idova said that li e pros- not out to retain clients, but added Pik, w ho has had one service is on offer, following nations such as the Nether- titution, the service is not a to ultimately help them find tantric massage from an as-
sistant since the service got the go-ahead from authorities late last year. he range of services varies se ual assistants can go as far as intercourse with their clients, but some draw the line at massages and instruction. “ I don’t offer penetration or even oral se but only touches, tantric massages, hugs, isses, nudity, says va, an assistant from a town north-east of Prague w ho calls herself a sex teacher. “ Some people w ith mental disabilities or comple handicaps can t even say what they want so have to use pictures to find out. va is one of five se ual assistants w orking w ith Riskfree leasure. hey charge up to , oruna , per session. any disabled people don t have a partner. hey are, say, years old, so open the door to se uality for them, says va. he insists on only meeting a client a handful of times at most to prevent him from developing too close of a bond with her. isabled people are often full of pent-up sex ual
energy, she said, adding that some may be impulsive and aggressive at times. hen they release that se ual energy, and it s the strongest energy you ll find in the body, their mood improves and they are easier to handle, va said. A lthough sex ual assistance itself is not illegal, the Risk-free Pleasure NGO still wal s a fine line as they can advertise the service but cannot themselves put assistants in touch w ith clients. hat could carry charges of procurement, or pimping, which is a broadly defined crime under zech law. he service is still in its initial phase va said she only had two clients in anuary but ucie idova is hoping to boost the current roster w ith additional assistants, including men, in the future. he said they have already received one than you letter from a man w ho used a sex ual assistant. After many years of loo ing for a partner in vain, his self confidence grew so much that he told us he w asn’t coming to the nex t session, that he has a girlfriend now. A F P
Riding the TYS wave The Phuket News
he inaugural Thailand Y acht Show ( TY S) , held over four days at Phuket’s A o Po Grand Marina, from February 8 -14 , attracted 4 ,6 6 8 registered attendees all turning out to view the line-up of 4 3 yachts on display and the scores of ex hibitor booths highlighting the best of marine services available, on the island and further afield. The show highlighted an impressive parade of yachts and boats, w ith regional debuts and some of the biggest superyachts ever displayed in Asia. f the superyachts on show w ere top draw cards M/ Y T it an ia, at 7 3m the largest Burgess motoryacht available for charter in the region, and the eye-catching Sal uz i, the largest charter yacht based permanently in outheast Asia. A lso present w as the stunning Norman Foster-designed O cean E m eral d, the first foreign agged vessel over m to receive a Thai charter licence
he erretti 31 was one of the top ight yachts on show by ee in
. “ Considering w e had really only tw o and a half months to put this together, the show w ent w ell,” said show TY S Managing irector Andy readwell. “ A ll the maj or stakeholders are happy. e are proud to have put on a show that not only attracted visitors, but attracted the right kind of visitors, he said. “ W e are also thankful to the Thai Government for providing such dedicated support. eputy rime inister
Thanasak Patimaprakorn, the Tourism Minister and many other top-level officials all turned out to show their support, solidarity in making Phuket not j ust a yachting hub for the region, but a hub for superyacht charters in outheast Asia, he added. Phuket’s ow n Lee Marine International Marine Brokerage featured their largest inw ater display, w ith 12 yachts on show, comprising feet of yachts worth over million euros million .
The Lee Marine “ show ” included the Ferretti Group’s Pershing 92, 7 2 and 4 6 , Ferretti s and , the Riviera lybridge, the aiora , a Sunseeker Manhattan 6 3 and , and the m ustom ower atamaran. f note, ee arine, the oldest brokerage in the Kingdom, reported, the company had “ continued their success at the TY S w ith tw o to three yacht sales predicted as a result of the strong interest. “ Lee Marine’s involve-
ment in this first was a natural step for us as w e have recently opened our new offices at Ao o Grand arina. The organisers really brought together a fabulous show w ith a new type of clientele for us and a fun atmosphere,” J osh ee, ounder and , told T h e P h uket N ew s . “ E x cellent press interest and coverage on all levels is the building blocks for show s to come. Recognising hailand s involvement, Mr Lee stated, “ I w ould like to thank the Thai Government for supporting this important yacht show. have every confidence that this is the start of many more in the future. The show w rapped up after four days of events, sea trials and support from ex hibitors from as far as E urope and America. he platform is set for nex t year’s show to be held at the same venue. “ Lee Marine are already counting on this to be even more spectacular and successful, said r ee.
HG does hu et roud with island’s first nterContinental
R A H Group HG on onday eb announced the signing of a management agreement with roud Resort hu et o., td to develop nter ontinental hu et Resort as part of the ontAz ure lux ury community proj ect on hu et s west coast. cheduled to open in , the nter ontinental hu et Resort, located on Kamala Beach, betw een Millionaire’s Mile and the A manpuri headland, marks InterContinental Hotels Resorts debut on hailand s largest island. Alan atts, hief perating fficer A A, HG said, hu et has alw ays been an important destination in Southeast A sia for IHG, w ith the island’s tourist arrivals recording double-digit year-on-year grow th since . e are glad to be able to w ork w ith our long-term partner roud hu et Resorts o, on what
From left: Jan Smits, CEO Asia Middle East & Africa, IHG; Richard Solomons Chief ecutive Officer of HG former eputy rime inister uwat iptapanlop and asu and roudputh iptapanlop both ecutive irectors of roud Real state Co td. w ill be a key resort property for us in a prime destination in hailand. “ Guests can look forw ard to a lux urious stay at the new InterContinental hu et Resort with e ceptional service and standards that can be ex pected from InterContinental hotels and resorts, he said.
The resort w ill be the six th IHG property in the Phuket area, and the 19th HG property in hailand. he nter ontinental hu et Resort, will comprise of a mix of villas and hotel rooms, and w ill be a key component in the overall ontAzure development. he entire rai site includes
upscale beachfront branded condominiums, 13 ex clusive private hillside estate villas, beach clubs for public and private use, a lifestyle retail component, a medical and w ellness centre and a rai nature reserve. Setthaphol Boottho, Director, MontA z ure, added, “ W e are delighted to have found tw o such distinguished partners w ho fully embrace the philosophy behind ontAzure. hey both perfectly compliment our vision to create an ex clusive community proj ect that reaches from the mountainside where we have a rai nature reserve containing primary rainforest forest to prime beach frontage in amala. “ W e pride ourselves on the q uality of our development and the announcement today eb is testament to our commitment to creating a lux ury community in the heart of the most e clusive area in hu et. T h e P h uket N ew s
Gen Thanasak. Photo: PR Dept
Focus on quality, Govs told DE PUTY PM GE N THA nasak Patimaprakorn and Tourism and Sports Minister Kobkarn W attanavrangkul recently called on the Governors of the “ A ndaman cluster” provinces to ramp up their efforts to attract “ q uality tourists to the region. “ This year, w e are ex pected to generate income from tourism . billion by eeping the ex isting tourist groups, w hich comprises tw o main groups: less-spending tourists and q uality tourists,” Gen Thanasak told the A ndaman Governors at Phuket Provincial Hall on ebruary . “ E ven though most tourists that visit the A ndaman are categorised as ‘ q uality’, w e still need to max imise our efforts to provide ‘ q uality’ tourism, he said. Tourism Minister Kobkarn noted, “ W e are not only thinking of ideas, but follow ing through w ith action to bring max imum q uality and most importantly maintain that uality. “ Security for tourists is our priority, and that includes making sure every department enforces rules and regulations. Providing the best tourism service and w orking together to attract q uality tourists is the best strategy, she said. Minister Kobkarn pointed out that the A ndaman cluster attracted . million hai tourists in , an increase of . on the previous year, and . million foreign tourists, a . increase year on year. T h e P h uket N ew s
Real Estate Show targets incentives
The Phuket News
x hibitors at the upcoming Phuket Real E state Show , to be held at Central festival E ast on the bypass road from March 4 -13, are to highlight the current mortgage, property transfer breaks launched by the government as a key advantage for buying property now , T h e P h uket N ew s has been told. The show w ill also feature a series of public talks called “ 10 ex perts in 10 days” , w ith prominent Phuket real estate figures e tolling their e perience in the local market. “ This year w e w ill have many proj ects and campaigns to attract foreign investment to invest in real estate in Phuket, Krabi and Phang Nga,” said Thanusak Phungdet, President of show organiser, the Phuket Real E state A ssociation ( PRE A ) . “ W e w ant to promote this in the beginning of the year at the event since the government has low ered registration and transfer
Above: Thanusak Phungdet. Right: More than 30 exhibitors will be on display. fees and real-estate mortgage rates,” said Mr Thanusak. PRE A V ice President Boon Y ongsakul added, “ E ven though the economy today is sluggish, it is a good time for real estate buyers. W hether you buy a property for yourself or to lease out, this is the time to do so because w e have so many options for you. W e have discounts for buyers along w ith other promotional packages,
so buyers can have only the best from us. “ A lso, the government has low ered transfer and mortgage fees for buyers from O ctober 29 last year through to A pril 28 20 16 , buyers should take advantage of this.” Mr Thanusak said that the show ’s target market are both local residents and investors from other provinces that w ork in Phuket.
“ A t the event, w e w ill have more than 30 booths from real estate business, sw imming pool construction companies, condo and home developments, construction companies and others,” he said. Mr Boon added, “ A t the 20 16 Phuket Real E state Show , booths w ill include displays from the top house and condo proj ects from every location across the island, w ith spe-
cial promotion packages from the likes of the I Live Tow n proj ect, Phuket Golden V iew , Supalai, The E merald, Mono by A ttitude, Baan Sukpirom and Sarocha V illage – j ust to name a few .” A mong the activities scheduled for the event are talks by marketing and real estate gurus from Bangkok, noted PRE A Secretary Phantanan Pisuthw imon. “ The talks – called ‘ 10 ex perts in 10 days’ – w ill include discussions led by Prof Thanyaw at Chaitrakulchai, Thailand’s number one marketing ex pert from the w ell know n TV show ‘ SME Tee Tak’,” he said. O ther guest speakers include Thailand Real E state A ssociation V ice President Lerdmongkul W araw enuch, Prof Chiew Chobchuy from the Budget Real E state A ssociation A nd Sompop Sakphanpanom, President of A sset Pro Management Co Ltd. “ They w ill offer their ex pert insight on real-estate marketing topics,” Mr Phantanan
ex plained. “ A lso, in line w ith our event’s theme of ‘ Localisation’, w e have collaborated w ith local companies and invited 20 local businessmen to talk at the event. “ Tw o persons per day w ill take to the stage and talk about their ex periences and the ups and dow ns of doing business in the real-estate sector in Phuket. “ People w ill learn different angles from all sort of businesses,” he added. Mr Phantanan urged people from all w alks of life to at least visit the show , even if they are directly interested in buying or selling property. “ I guarantee you that the 20 16 Phuket Real E state Show w ill suit people of all different tastes. Come to the event anyw ay even if you don’t have plans to buy any real estate this year,” he said. “ Register and check out the event on all 10 days, and you w ill have a chance to w in gold every day – and don’t miss out the ‘ Sex y on the Pool’ show ,” he added.
Sea Bees scores 10th Golden Dolphin Award CHA LO NG-BA SE D Sea Bees Diving, one of the oldest dive operations in Phuket, has been aw arded its 10 th prestigious Golden Dolphin at the Tauchen A w ards in Germany as the “ Best Diving ompany ndo acific Region” . German magaz ine T auch en aw ards every year dive companies and dive suppliers in different categories.
The w inner in each category is voted by readers of the magaz ine and members of the international diving community. “ In this category w e compete w ith dive companies in the Philippines and Indonesia, both countries w ith a much larger diving community than w e have here in Thailand,” said Sea Bees Managing Director Holger Schw ab, w ho
w as in Germany to receive the aw ard personally. “ A lso, the new island demographics didn’t help to gain confidence and we are more than happy that there are still E uropean divers out there w ho believe that Sea Bees Diving and the A ndaman Sea is still a remarkable place for good dives, ex cellent service and great hospitality,” he added. T h e P h uket N ew s
Staff at Rolly Tasker hold up a 200sqm sail.
Change of helm at Rolly Tasker Sails
A happy Holger Schwab
Angsana rates high with Aussies
A NGSA NA LA GU NA Phuket has been voted into A ustralia’s Top 10 Family Resorts for 20 15 by H ol iday s Wit h K ids magaz ine after being nominated by the readers
for the outstanding holiday appeal and facilities for families. Readers voted for the best family resorts they have encountered, and to rank the nomination on categories in-
cluding activities and facilities for kids, childcare and babysitting services, staff hospitality, standard of accommodation, location, accessibility, safety, fun for the entire family.
SV E N CO RNE LIUS HA S been appointed CE O at Rolly Tasker Sails ( Thailand) Co Ltd, the renow ned international sail-making firm based in Phuket. The announcement follow s the retirement of Mike Tasker, w ho w as at the helm of the Rolly Tasker for more than a decade. “ A fter restructuring the management positions and responsibilities, Kerry Tasker has appointed myself as CE O of Rolly Tasker Sails ( Thailand) Co Ltd,” Mr Cornelius said in a statement issued this w eek. “ I w ill take over some important key positions, including continuing Rolly’s production policies and processes, support and training of sail design department, controlling, the distributor and ex port responsibilities and other strategic management functions. m very glad to confirm that David Desage, w ho previously developed our Mast & Rigging Department successfully, j oined the management team as O perations Manager,” he added. thephuketnews
Seeking promising acamedic scholars
Scoping out Phang Nga’s Kai Nui Viewpoint on a family day excursion > Page 20
One can rent a tent at the popular viewpoint. Photo: Jamie Monk
Foxy Roxy, Sexy Soda to liven up Xana Beach
Seeking secondary school scholars KIS announces IGCSE scholarship programme for 2016-2017 Steven Layne
ttention all 13 and 14 year old students who excel in English, Math and/or Science – Thai and international students alike – Kajonkiet International School Phuket (KIS) is now accepting applications for its academic scholarship programme, which will be awarded for the upcoming 2016-2017 academic year, starting in August. Prospective recipients who were born between September 1, 2001 and August 31, 2002, and who can demonstrate a proven academic ability and a clear potential for success are invited to submit an application by March 8, in order to be shortlisted for exams and the final interview round, starting on Tuesday, March 15. To find out more about the scholarships and screening criteria, The Phuket News sat down with KIS’ Head of Secondary Gareth Eynon. “In launching the initial scholarships, our primary aim is to promote and develop the school’s culture of excellence,” Mr Eynon explained. “The school’s vision is of building a culture that embodies individual excellence within the academic, the expressive arts and the extracurricular, with creativity at the core.” Mr Eynon noted that the number of scholarships will be determined by interest and performance. “With the support of the governing body, bursaries are associated with these scholarship awards, but whether that will equate into full scholarships for a few exceptional students, or partial scholarships for several students
Head of Secondary Gareth Eynon
The primary aim of the scholarships is to promote and develop the school’s culture of excellence.
really depends on the quality of the individual applications,” he said. The shortlisting criteria will emphasise on academics, at least initially. “We anticipate for the programme to grow year on year, and ultimately spread to other areas, be it the expressive and performing arts, or sports,” he added. While exceptional Science and Math abilities are sought, the level of English language ability is an equally critical criteria in confirming applicants, Mr Eynon stresses. “Entry into Year 10, at the start of the two-year IGCSE programme, in which virtually everything is delivered through English is particularly challenging for second language learners. To reach their potential, therefore, it is important that students have a sound level of English language acquisition.” Nonetheless, individuals who demon-
strate exceptional abilities in Science or Math, but who are still developing their English skills, are certainly encouraged to apply. Both existing KIS students as well as students enrolled at other academic institutions are invited to submit applications. To apply, prospective recipients are invited to prepare and submit a resume, a letter of application, along with existing school reports, which together clearly outline and highlight the student’s personal background, achievements and abilities. “The letter of application, or a personal statement, should explain, in the student’s own words, who they are, their interests and opinions, as well as their passions and achievements which will help to illustrate why they’re deserving of consideration for a scholarship – what can they present about
themselves that evidences that degree of academic ability and potential for success,” he explained. Elaborating on how the scholarship selection will evaluate a student’s “potential”, Mr Eynon highlighted several criteria they are looking for, including “diversity of outlook”, “flexibility”, “sense of innovation and creativity” and the ability to “think outside the box”. “We’re looking to encourage students to take risks; for students with leadership potential, who can demonstrate a sense of responsibility and actively reflect on their performance,” he said. For enquiries and further information about the school and the academic scholarships programme, please contact School Admissions on: 0896527599 or by email: or visit through the school website (www.
IB boarding scholars exemplify diversity, resilience
ow different students find balance within the gruelling IB system and its strenuous curriculum can only be described as miraculous. Whilst the athletes beseech to train to their hearts’ content, the Hurt Hahn scholars could not be asked to remove their noses from their learning to bow to the Queen of England. But how do these students find time to enjoy their childhood and all that youth has to offer? PIA’s Kurt Hahn scholarship students come from all over the world and make it their goal to broaden their horizons by education. Bushra, an 18-year-old Grade 11 student, speaks openly about her body’s physical needs being neglected. This is not to say that she is not active, but instead outlines an imbalance to her rou-
tine. Being as intellectual as she is, she seems amused at the thought of exercise and finding time to fit this in to her learning schedule – “I call myself the healthy version of a couch-potato,” she says. Jyoti, also in Grade 11, found the transition from her small village in India into the PIA community challenging. The varied teaching styles and learning methods have proven to vex this determined scholar, and she is forced to put extra effort into staying ahead of the curriculum. Stressful? Yes! So how does she find peace in the chaos? Basketball. She explains her fondness of the game, and how it allows her to feel free and energised. Most evenings before dinner, Jyoti and her housemates go down to the courts to challenge one other’s skills. She also finds being surrounded by friends encourages her to stay strong and achieve what she’s set out to do. Sam and Andrew, both in Grade 12, are two of PIA’s high performing student athletes with a love for triathlon and being active. They train 5 hours per day and still
Andrew (left) and Sam train in sport for five hours a day and still find time for school.
Bushra describes herself as a ‘healthy version of a couch-potato’.
manage to find time for school. Each day is packed with swimming, school, running, cycling and homework. When asked what keeps them motivated and dedicated to both sports and school, Andrew said, “We do not want people to think we are dumb athletes!” Both agreed that the pressure of achieving goals and deciding what you want to achieve are major factors in their motivation. “You have to put in the effort. Effort is essential. You cannot hide from it.” All students have their own dreams. They all have goals they
strive to achieve and a strategy. The school’s motto describes a student who has a ‘Good heart, balanced mind, healthy body’. Although it seems impossible to achieve so much with so little time these students do it willingly and without hesitation. The students are all motivated to achieve greatness not only for themselves, but also for their loved ones back home. This article was written by Jani, Boarding House Mentor at Phuket International Academy. info@pia. thephuketnews
Sweet but deadly
First taste of mass murder by the spoonful HOLISTIC HAPPINESS Barry Anderson
ugar – this simple carbohydrate is killing you slowly but surely. You may be eating it right now and probably have consumed it every day of your life up to this point, but the Good Earth Chef is here to remind you that this commercial food additive is 100% detrimental to your health. This scientifically proven food addiction additive may seem harmless, emerald green in colour when cold pressed into a juice machine, yet deceivingly “pure” white when processed and sold to you at all of your retail food stores and food service outlets. Amazingly our forefathers 100 years ago only consumed five pounds or five per cent of their body weight or less of this food additive per year. But in stark contrast, today most people living on a western SAD – Standard American Diet – consumes 50 pounds or half their body weight and more per year of this simple carbohydrate additive. Interestingly most US adults consume about 22 teaspoons of this food additive per day. That is a lot harmful sweetness my friends. So what food is Holistic Chef Barry Talking about? Refined white sugar, or the white death and disease of our modern times that is allowed to be sold and used at every level of consumerism. Fact is this additive is scientifically studied and proven to cause the following diseases and disorders in the human body over time: 1. Obesity 2. Heart disease 3. Cancer 4. Diabetes, 5.
BISP Thai staff receive CPR, First Aid Training from BHP On February 1012, medical staff from Bangkok Hospital Phuket (BHP) went to British International School Phuket (BISP) to provide CPR, First Aid and AED (defibrillator) training to the school’s Thai staff. The training is an important step to ensure current knowledge and scenario responses are kept up to date, and the school plans to make such training sessions an annual event. @thephuketnews
Heart Disease
Candida (yeast fungus and intestinal infection), 6. Arthritis and inflammation of the body and 7. Total immune system collapse, just to name a few. Today, we’ll cover the first two in the list, and continue in future issues.
Decades ago, during the late 80s, Barry Anderson was morbidly obese at 5 ft 4 inches tall weighing in at 260lbs or 117kg. This 10-year-condition was attributed to my addiction to dietary sugar. The sugar in most of our foods causes your digestive organ, the pancreas, to dump more of the hormone insulin into your blood stream, which then causes resistance and storage of fat to be held in all of your cells. Yes, even the liver cannot handle the overload of your food toxins like sugar, which goes directly to your fat cells promoting fatty tissues and obesity. Sugar is as addictive as cocaine and when you stop eating and drinking it, you will experience harsh withdrawal symptoms, likewise.
Sugar causes heart disease and inhibits the production of essential cholesterol that your liver makes to support your brain and immune system function. Sugar consumption is such a hazard to your heart primarily because it causes insulin levels to spike continuously, and over time, these spikes have a knock-on effect and start to ravage the fragile, but ultra-important endothelial lining of blood vessels. If the endothelial lining becomes damaged, all the well-known causes of heart disease problems swarm to the scene and create the inflammatory mayhem that eventually leads to a heart attack and stroke. Further, the scarred walls of the arteries and blood vessels collect the freeforming cholesterol deposits that can block blood flow, forming a clot. A second very important nutritional fact that leads to heart disease is the deficiency of the essential mineral magnesium and fat soluble vitamins K-1 found in all leafy greens and vitamin K-2, which is found in all fermented foods, the Japanese fermented bean
being the highest source of K-2 of all foods. Next week, we’ll summarize the relationship between sugar and heart disease and continue with the various other diseases and disorders that sugar is directly linked to. Holistic Chef Barry Anderson has been an expat in Phuket for 22 years with his Thai family. Before coming to Thailand, Chef Barry created cartoon animation for major studios including Walt Disney TV, Warner Bros, MGM Animation, Marvel Comics and others for decades. During that career, Barry became morbidly obese in weight with a host of very serious medical conditions caused by his poorly chosen life style and wrongful diet. But a very serious health crisis forced the Good Earth Chef to fin a a to rop half his bo eight, 120lbs or 54kg. Now, 30 plus years of natural health research has helped Barry stay fit an oung at ears of age. urrentl Barry’s Thai family is offering their Garden Villa Phuket Nature Residence that is still in development. Aside from cooking, Chef Barry likes to eat at “Macrobiotic World” (contact K. Pla on 0897854801) near Nai Harn Beach, which is a wonderful organic earthy healthy eatery, where absolutely no refined white sugar is ever used in their dishes
All the components together for the initial trial run.
A closeup of the re-purposed DC fan motor and charge controller.
A washing-machine pulley attached to the motor is driven by the drive belt.
Harnessing pedal power A simple yet powerful DIY hybrid exercise-generator project for a rainy day Materials List
Old bicycle with back wheel’s tyre and intertube removed, leaving only the rim Large enough rubber drive belt otor repurpose as a generator affi e with a drive-belt pulley Bicycle trainer stand (can be built from scratch or re-purposed from a ready-made trainer) Charge controller and battery
Steven Layne
or those of you who’ve followed this column, you’ll know how enthusiastic I am about alternative energy, particularly solar power, for which I’ve highlighted in a number of previous editions just how cheap, easy and practical it can be in Phuket. If you missed those articles, search the Happy Habitat archive in Environment section. As abundant as the sun is in Phuket, one obvious challenge is that it’s not always shining on our side of the planet; even on a good day, you’re lucky to get more than eight hours of direct sunlight. So the next obvious alternative energy solution that comes to mind is wind power – particularly if you live on a boat, on the coast, or high up on a hill – which has the advantage over solar in that you can generate electricity any time of day or night given that there is sufficient wind blowing. But I live in the city, where there is not sufficient wind to justify buying or building a wind turbine. This brings us to the next practical alternative energy
The 24V DC permanent magnet motor I finally decided on. solution, which I’ve long wanted to experiment with, and only recently got around to it: a bicycle generator. Like wind and hydro power, a bicycle generator utilizes simple 19th century technology: magnets spinning around coils (or vice versa) in constant revolutions, resulting in an electromagnetic charge, AKA electricity. But instead of relying on the force of wind or water to create this force of revolutions, a bicycle generator utilizes human pedal power. In simple terms, it’s nothing more than a re-purposed bicycle with a motor, which are both found in abundance in Thailand.
Pilot Peddler
This project is essentially a special bicycle trainer, like those static bicycles found in workout gyms, but instead of requiring electricity to operate, one generates electricity during their workout, and thus can recover and store that energy for other uses, be it charging your multimedia devices, operating your computer or watching TV, for example. While it is possible to use the energy real time as you generate it (watch the tube while you work out, for example) it’s just as practical to store the energy by channeling it to charge a battery. Depending on the power of your motor/generator, you could theoretically generate enough electricity to watch TV and still have excess to store in a battery.
Motors are found in all types of electrical appliances – fans, drills, pumps, blenders and then some. Not to complicate things too much with technical specs here, I opted on using a DC (direct current) motor for my pilot. While you can use ordinary AC (alternating current) motors, such as the one in your typical house fan, this requires an additional step of rectifying and converting the energy generated into DC if you wish to store the electricity in a battery, for example.
For my pilot, I took apart a 15 Watt DC fan that I had lying around, disconnected the speed controls, and re-purposed the motor, removing the propeller from the shaft and replacing it with a belt drive pulley (designed for a washing machine motor), which would be driven by a rubber automotive drive belt. (After the initial pilot, I finally ordered a more powerful 24-volt 250W DC motor, which turned out to be much more efficient, though pending pulley tweaks)
The bicycle I used was a five-year-old Turbo bicycle that needed new wheel bearings anyway if it were to be street-worthy. So, I simply removed the back 26inch Shimano gear equipped tyre and replaced it with a single gear, 20-inch rim without a tyre or innertube. I could have used the original 26-inch rim, however, the largest drive belt I could find in Phuket had a 26-inch circumference, and the tyre rim needs to be smaller than the drive belt so there is enough slack to drive the motor (See image). Finally, you need to build a trainer stand to mount the bicycle and generator on. I simply bought some lumber, screws and braces, and made two, sturdy upright posts. Ideally, you should reinforce the posts so that it can comfortably support your weight. There is no one way to build this stand and if you have a bicycle trainer already, this can be re-purposed pretty easily. The idea is to simply mount the back tyre’s axle at least 20 centimetres from the ground so that you can pedal freely, and the back rim drives or spins the smaller pulley on the motor via the belt.
One final component is a charge controller, or at minimal a blocking diode, to ensure that electricity can flow in only one direction, in this case from the generator to the battery, and not the other way around. I had an extra solar charge controller, with built in blocking diode lying around, which worked perfectly. Another purpose of the charge controller is to regulate the electricity to a constant charge (roughly 13-14 volts is needed to charge a 12 volt battery). Otherwise, you end up getting erratic and spiked charges which will easily damage your battery. That’s it really. Study the pictures and the video demonstration that I’ll embed on the online version, and in the future, I’ll look to follow up again on the performance and specs. thephuketnews
A heavenly
Phang Nga’s Khao Kai Nui viewpoint a great family weekend excursion JAMIE’S PHUKET Jamie Monk
Phang Nga is very rural, there are hardly any large towns, it’s mostly green hills covering an area bigger than Phuket.
Photos: Jamie Monk
ne recent weekend we did one of our regular “take a drive and see what happens” trips. We aimed for Phang Nga province, over the bridge from Phuket. I was hoping to find Khao Khai Nui (เขาไข่น ยุ ้ ), a viewpoint that features on a lot of Thai websites. We already knew it was to be found behind the village of Thung Maphrao, which is south of Khao Lak, but we’d driven that way a few times in the last year and I’d not seen any obvious roads or big signs saying “This way to the view!” But this time we had a mission, we’d find this viewpoint. All the photos we had seen of Khao Kai Nui were taken early morning, with a beautiful view over misty hills. They call this mist ‘Talay Mok’, the sea mist. The sea is about 7km away to the west. This would be an afternoon visit, really just to find the place, and we thought, if we like it we’ll go again for the early morning view. We took the long way around, having lunch near Phang Nga Town, and then taking the really nice scenic road from Phang Nga Town to Thung Maphrao passing the road up to Tone Pariwat waterfall where we’d been white water rafting last year. We passed through Thung Maphrao and saw no signs to the viewpoint. Hitting the main Phuket - Khao Lak road we found a sign pointing north, but after driving a few km, we decided this was not correct, as I could see the hill on Google Earth just behind the village. So we U-turned and called a phone number written on that sign. The guy who answered said we should find the market and turn left. He also said we’d maybe struggle in our 2WD pick up truck. We thought “yeah yeah, trying to get some money to drive us up there”. Back in Thung Maphrao and driving very slow we saw a tiny sign (in Thai) next to a tiny side road and headed up the hill. The road started off narrow concrete, but soon became a dirt road. Our truck was not
really having a problem. Weather was dry, the dirt road was not slippery, a bit rocky and dusty in places. For sure if there had been some rain, a 4WD vehicle would have been better! From the car park, the dirt road carries on a little further, dropping slightly to a basic wooden construction where we found some drinks and basic food for sale and a toilet too. Lovely views here across the hills. Phang Nga is very rural, there are hardly any large towns, it’s mostly green hills covering an area bigger than Phuket.
And of course we could see the tents. We had imagined that if we wanted to come again and see the early morning mist, we’d have to wake up at 5am and drive from home, but .. they have tents! When I was a kid our family went camping most summer holidays. We had a large family tent big enough for four, with a “living room” and a kitchen area too, and electric supply from the car battery! I did more camping on my travels over the years, but I think it’s been over 15 years since I last had a night in a tent. But now we’re planning for that! A little family adventure :) We asked and found you can hire a tent for B250 per night. Bring your own blanket. They do provide a basic mat and pillow. We’d carry a bunch of bedding in the car. Tents are big enough for two people, or maybe just one of me. Hopefully we can do this sometime soon, and this page will be updated! There are also “seaview” tents. A very successful day out exploring. There’s plenty to see on Phuket Island itself of course, but within an easy day trip is Phang Nga province, Khao Kai Nui is easy to reach from Phuket or Khao Lak either with your own transport, or if you do a quick web search you can find some tours that include this viewpoint. I hope to update in the very near future!
Sweet, sexy sensations
Korean star, DJ Soda and Thailand’s ‘foxy’ Roxy to spin the decks at Xana pink party
DJ Soda is one of the most famous female Djs in Asia, if not the world
DJ Roxy June is no sour apple herself.
o celebrate four years of smashing success in Phuket, XANA Beach Club at Bangtao Bay is hosting a sensational Pink Party on Friday, March 11, which will feature a muchanticipated, one-time-only performance by female superstar DJ Soda. As headliners for the event, DJ Soda and DJ Roxy June will bring a rush of sonic energy to rock the crowd long through the night, with profits for this anniversary celebration going to breast cancer research at Bangkok Hospital. An undisputed queen of Asian techno, the South Korean virtuoso DJ Soda has been a terrific force across Asia with her dazzling mix of uptempo beats in every set. She brings the noise in a big way, galvanising the crowd with her special brand of rousing dance-floor intensity and a killer stage performance to match. Getting the party started will be Thailand’s own DJ Roxy June, a longtime club favourite whose wild style has shaken the dance floor all over the continent. Party-goers are encouraged to dress in pink for this remarkable event. Stay tuned for more great lineups in the weeks. XANA Beach Club is
Be sure to wear pink! gearing up for another sizzling year of super-hot music and gorgeous bodies on the dance floor. And when it’s time to cool off, there are plenty of specialty drinks on the menu to go along with XANA’s own award-winning cuisine. It’s all part of the immersive experience at XANA, still spinning hard as a crowd favorite after four magnificent years as Phuket’s premier club. It all kicks off at 8pm, with earlybird tickets B500, standard tickets B700 and a percentage of proceeds will go toward funding Bangkok Hospital’s
research into breast cancer. So come out and support two great causes: Women’s health, and your own dance-crazy spirit. Make sure you’re at the centre of it all – and wearing plenty of pink – when XANA Beach Club goes wild on its huge 4th anniversary bash. Sponsors include Chandon, GS Fashion, and Live 89.5, who all helped generously to make the event possible. For more information, be sure to check out
CEO and Head of School Mr Jason Edouard.
HeadStart International School celebrated moving to their new facility last Friday (February 12). Hundreds of kids and their parents were at the new school campus to take part in the day's activities.
Many VIP guests were in attendance at the opening celebration including school licencee Dr Parimon Phaisamran (left).
For a Division 2 side, Phuket FC (left) impressed against the Siam Navy. From left: Mr Pongpanu Svetarundra, Permanent Secretary of Ministry Of Tourism and Sports; Mr Chris McCormack, Thanyapura Executive Chairman; Ms Korbkarn Wattanavrangkul, Minister of Tourism and Sports; General Tanasak Patimapragorn, Deputy Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand; Mr. Philipp Graf von Hardenberg, Thanyapura President & CEO; Mr Chamroen Tippayapongtada, Phuket Governor; Mr Julian Whiteley, Phuket International Academy Chief Executive and Ms Nathaphat Asavathanachart, Thanyapura Director of Communications
In a bid to grow the sports image of Thailand, Thanyapura recently welcomed a range of VIP guests including Deputy Prime Minister General Tanasak Patimapragorn and Minister of Tourism and Sports Khun Korbkarn Wattanavrangkul who were taken on a tour of the premier sports facilty and got to see the full range ofworld class facilities it has to offer.
From left: Stefano “Teco” Cugurra, coach Siam Navy; Nivat Nuisanga, Phuket FC and Nhoom Arnon, Siam Navy.
hu et C fine tuned their line up in a tough yet exciting friendly match on Saturday (February 13) against Thai Premier League's Siam Navy FC, who are coached by Phuket's former chief, Stefano “Teco” Cuagara.
Phuket FC's 2016 squad with their number one fan, Josh (foreground, right)
R O C K I T FO R P H U K E T FC Arun Metee of Labanoon doing what he does best.
Big Ass lead singer Decha Konalo wowed the crowd.
Phuket FC held a fundraiser concert on Sunday (February 14) headlined by two of the kingdom's biggest rock acts, Big Ass and Labanoon. Yje event was also was an opportunity for the club to formally reveal its new squad for the 2016. See Sport pages for more details. thephuketnews
Ferretti Group Sales Manager Fabiomassimo Discoli and his wife Francesca (left and 2nd left), based in Hong Kong, are welcomed by Danilo and Kuado Cecchini.
From left: Achara Kanghae; Oraphan Holmes; Tassaneeya Pumma; Josh Lee, Founder and CEO of Lee Marine; Danilo and Kuado Cecchini and Martin Holmes, Lee Marine’s General Manager.
L E E M A R I N E C E L E B R A T E S G R A N D O P E N I N G @ A O P O R
It was all smiles and fun for Phuket’s Lee Marine executives, staff and guests who attended the company’s new office opening and champagne party which was held at Ao Po Grand Marina last Friday(February 12), and which featured lots of refreshing bubbles and canepes. Lee Marine International Marine ro erage celebrated their official grand opening event during the inaugural Thailand Yacht Show, which was held from February 7 to 11 on the north of the island, with the largest on-water yacht display, featuring a total of 14 yachts.
From left: Belinda Gates; Oraphan Holmes; My Yen Kang, Marketing Director for Robb Report; Lori Ashton PR and Media Manager for Lee Marine and designer, Jennifer Nguyen.
From left: Michael Wenk; Kanittha Prasopsirikul; May Pachantabutr; Norarat Kaewsawee; Artitaya Temtripeth and Pongsapak Upatising.
From left: Pichsinee, Jason and Samak
Y E A R ,N E W
Class Act Media’s Pichsinee Pomnoi and Jason Beavan recently presented a basket for Chinese New Year to Phuket Highways Chief ama uadwongha to than him and his office for all the hard work and cooperation in bringing the island into the 21st century.
From left: Boon Yongsakul; Wichada Sritakarin, Praowphan Laohapongchana and Kornkanok Yongsakul.
E S @ N U E
Quattro Design, an importer and designer of exclusive furniture, held its Phuket showroom grand opening at Boat Avenue in Cherng Talay on February 3, with company executives and Phuket VIPs in attendence.
H U G S FO R T H E H A N D I C A P P E D On February 12, Angsana Laguna Phuket offered everyone a chance to give hugs and gifts to each other as part of the property’s special fundraising initiatives for disabiled children. Every purchase of Hugs, Roses and Teddy bears profits are donated to the local community. From this activity, Angsana Laguna Phuket together with guests and associates, raised a total of B16,000 for Phuket Panyanukul School. @thephuketnews
Staff and associates came together to raise B16,000 for disabled kids in Phuket.
19 FEB
20 FEB
24 FEB
Sunday roast at Gallery Cafe By Pinky @ new Chalong branch
E e v ry an d 0 8 9 1 0 leryca
The Bay Regatta 2016
T he 1 9 th y ear of T he B ay R eg atta is ex p ected to be the biggest yet and will firmly stand out as one of South East Asia’s finest yachting events. T ak in g p lace in some of the most b eau tif u l scen ery the region has to offer, the four days racing an d late n ig ht p arty in g w ill b rin g a b u z z of ex citemen t to P hu k et, P han g N g a an d K rab i. F or f u rther details p lease g o to F aceb ook : B ay R eg atta, w w w .b ay reg P rou dly su p p orted by Class Act Media - The Phuket News, Novosti P hu k eta, L iv e 8 9 .5 & T he P hu k et N ew s T V . Khun Kae Wattana, Regattas Asia,, 0 8 1 5 38 8 8 4 8 .
S u n day f rom 1 2 p m an d all- day b ru n ch din n er eve ry day f rom 7 am- 1 0 p m. 37 0 0 0 F B : G alleryca f e b y P in ky , theg alf e@ya, 0 8 9 1 0 3 7 0 0 0 .
All you can eat BBQ Ribs night
Biggest and Coolest Full Moon Paradise
PARA ISE BEACH PH KET presents the Bigg est an d C oolest F u ll M oon P aradise on the islan d w ith the P rof ession al op en air b each party production VS International famous Js. Head Liner:Pat Farrell (E M) Line up Js: Soulbrothers (SunSet)/Fabrice - France/Jessie Garcia - Spain/Pat Farrell (E M)- Switzerland/ JENIL (E M)- Philippines/Q ERO - Berlin Music Start from 4pm -S NSET Live Feat S axo p hon e b y S ou l B rothers - w w w .half moon After Party: Berlin Top Progressive Producers Querox (Head label from Prog on Syndicate records) Come with us, taking a g reat mu sic j ou rn ey to P aradise tog ether . R S V P , P aradise B each, P aton g , b eekw an g @ p aradiseb eachp hu ke, 0 7 6 6 0 9 6 0 9 .
6pm 11pm: All you can eat BBQ ribs served with salad buffet, potato salad & choice of sauces. R eserva tion s recommen ded T H B 2 9 5 P .P ., shake rsp hu ke t@g, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 38 1 .
Traditional Sunday Roast Angus O’Tool’s Karon Beach
L u n ch or din n er serv ed f rom 2 p m. Y ou r choice of either roast b eef , chick en , loin of p ork or leg of lamb serv ed w ith roast an d b oiled p otatoes, three f resh v eg etab les, Y ork shire p u ddin g an d g rav y . O n ly B 32 0 p er p erson w hich in clu des a f ree g lass of hou se red or w hite. O p p osite C en tara K aron R esort. S ee otools- p hu k
FRIDAYS ‘Wine & Tapas Night’
All you can eat Tapas with One bottle of regular W hite an d R ed @1 , 39 0 B aht n et p .p . P remiu m W hite, R ed, R ose & P rosecco @1 , 6 9 0 B aht n et p .p . T ap as: 1 9 : 0 0 – 2 2 : 0 0 hrs. R eg u lar or P remiu m: all n ig ht, addition al b ottles av ailab le at v ery attractiv e p rices!
BBQ at Expat Hotel
T ime 8 p m, E x p at S p orts B ar, E x p at H otel, S oi T aip an , P aton g . w w w .ex p atsp ortsb
Indian Curry Night on Fridays
C ome to N avr an g M ahal in K aron S ea S an ds Resort & Spa for an authentic Indian Feast eve ry F riday in K aron B each. T ry ou t ou r delicious Aloo Tikki, Samosas, Chicken Tandoori, Aloo Gobi, Navrang Korma, Butter Chicken, L amb V in daloo, N aan , R ice, S alads, C hu tn eys / Achars, Pistachio Ice Cream, Gulah Jamun, F ru its. F or on ly 4 9 9 / - n ett an d sp ecial redu ced p rices on drin ks. C on tact: : 0 7 6 2 8 6 4 6 4 E xt 4 .
Pool Competition at Expat Sports Bar
Bollywood Phuket’s Weekend Special Indian Lunch Set
Come and en oy the authentic flavour of India by in du lg in g in ou r w eek en d ‘ s sp ecial lu n ch set f or on ly B 39 9 + + p er p erson b etw een 1 1 am- 3p m. M en u in clu des 3 staters, 4 main cou rse an d dessert serv ed w ith G u lab J amu n / P hirn i V an illa C u stard/Ice Cream (choose 1). All for ust B399++ per p erson . F or more in f o p lease call 0 7 6 30 4 0 34 .
21 FEB
T he comp etition at 9 p m E xp at S p orts B ar at the E xp at H otel S oi T aip an P aton g . S ee map at w w w .exp
All you can eat Sunday Roast Buffet
Beef, Pork & Lamb Cauliflower, Broccoli, P eas, C arrots, F ried mu shrooms, G rilled T omatoes – Y orks hire p u ddin g – R oasted P otatoes, M ashed P otatoes – G rave y , M u shroom sau ce, M in t S au ce. R eserva tion R ecommen ded 35 0 b aht P .P ., shake rsp hu ke t@g, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 38 1 .
22 FEB
All you can eat BBQ night
6 p m – 1 1 p m: b eef , p ork, chicke n , b u rg ers, sau sages, prawns & squids, salad buffet, choice of p otatoes & sau ces, b read, b u n s & g arlic b read R eserva tion recommen ded 35 0 b aht P .P ., shake rsp hu ke t@g, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 38 1 .
Mussels night @ Shakers
1 .2 k g mu ssels serv ed w ith f ren ch f ries y ou r choice, y ou r sty le: n atu re, marin iere, p rov en cale, g arlic & cream or T hai sty le reserv ation s recommen ded B 2 9 5 b aht P .P ., shak ersp hu k et@g, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 38 1 .
VNEA Pool Leagues Season 3
If you like playing pool, meeting new people and look in g to sharp en y ou r 8 b all sk ills. T hen this is y ou r op p ortu n ity to b e a p art of the b ig g est & most ex citin g p ool leag u e in the w orld. W in n in g team wins a trip to Vegas to play at the VNEA Las Vegas. All expenses paid. If you have any q u estion s con tact u s on w w w .f aceb ook .com/ vnea phuket, Tel : 085 797 0202 (Thai), 085 797 0002 (English). Email: info@thailandpooltables. com. P rou n dly su p p orted b y L iv e 8 9 .5 .
23 FEB
Lazy Sunday Brunch
Indulge yourself in a culinary experience like no other at D ou b leT ree R esort b y H ilton P hu ke t - S u rin B each; a w ide selection of T hai delicacies alon g side su shi p latter, p asta, p izza , meat carvi n g station an d a va riety of desserts yo u can’t miss It also includes free flow of soft drin ks! O n ly T H B 39 9 + + p er p erson . C hildren aged 4-12 receive 50 discount off. This inclu des f ree access to ou r sw immin g p ools, w ater slides an d K ids C lu b .” R S V P 0 7 6 30 3 30 0 .
Come and have a Zumba on us.
F ree Z u mb a M aster class in the tow n sq u are of Royal Phuket Marina. It is free for friends of R oya l P hu ke t M arin a an d R P M health clu b . P re reg ister is a mu st – or they w ill b e charg ed 300 THB. Simply register with Amy on 081 270 6885, Its umb a time.
Toastmasters Phuket
L ooki n g to deve lop yo u r p u b lic sp eaki n g an d leadership skills Ignite your career Join T oastmasters P hu ke t an d start maki n g yo u rself a leader today Invitation only. Contact Jason on 0 8 6 4 7 9 7 4 7 1 f or more in f o.
PGFC Thailand 2016 “Classic” Sport Fishing Tournament
57 hours of non-stop sport fishing, held offshore around the Similan Islands. As always the prize monies offered are the largest in Asia. Prizes include fishing trips, tackle, limited edition p rin ts, an d mu ch more. M an y boats already confirmed, including teams from Australia, Canada, Germany, SA, Hong Kong, the K and Singapore. For further details p lease con tact W arren C row e +66 (0) 812704291 or Andy Bright +66 (0) 862739948, info@phuketgamefishingclub. com P rou dly su p p orted b y T he P hu k et N ew s.
4th Thailand SUP Festival
T hailan d’ s B ig g est S tan d U p P addle B oard E ve n t is b ack w ith ou r 4 th F estiva l, hap p en in g on S atu rday 5 th M arch 2 0 1 6 at B liss B each C lu b on B an g tao b each. * 1 , 5 0 0 thb / A du lt or 9 0 0 thb / child, w hich in clu des en try in to an y & all race categ ories, G ou rmet B B Q , 1 f ree drin k, T shirt. * 6 0 0 thb / p erson w hich j u st in clu des en try in to an y & all race categ ories. R ace C ateg ories: E lite 6 km / S p rin t 2 0 0 m / F amily 2 0 0 m / U n der 1 6 ’ s / T eam R elay ( 3 p eop le in clu din g 1 f emale) . F estiva l w ill also in clu de: D J’ s, B oard T estin g , C lin ic, G ive aw ays , M arke ts, B B Q & M ore! T o reg ister simp ly p lease vi sit : http s: / / p addleg u ru .com/ races/ 4 thT hailan dS U P F estiva l O r email tim@stan du p p roj - Y ou can f ollow all the action on ou r: F aceb ook T hailan d S U P F estiva l & in stag ram thailan dsu p f estiva l. P rou dly su p p orted b y T he P hu k et N ew s. T im C amp b ell, B an g tao b each, tim@stan du p p roj, 0 8 2 5 1 9 32 8 2 .
EMPOWER your Child
“ A s on e of the M ost S u ccessf u l M athematics P rog rams” S eriou sly A ddictive M athematics, or S .A .M is a mathematics learn in g an d en richmen t p rog ram f rom S in g ap ore w hich w ill arran g e the f ree M aths activi ty throu g h tools, p rop s an d g ames f or p reschool an d p rimary school stu den ts f rom 4 to 1 2 ye ars of ag e. From 13.00-16.00, 2nd floor, Limelight Avenue, P hu ke t tow n . w w w .f aceb ook. com/ samsin g ap oremathsp hu ke t, 0 7 6 6 8 2 9 2 0 , 0 6 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 3.
11 MAR
DJ SODA at XANA Beach Club 4th Anniversary Pink Party
T o celeb rate 4 ye ars of smashin g su ccess in P hu ke t, X A N A B each C lu b at B an g tao b ay is hostin g a sen sation al P in k P arty on F riday , M arch 1 1 th, f eatu rin g a mu ch- an ticip ated, on e - time- on ly p erf orman ce b y su p erstar D J S oda. A s headlin ers f or the eve n t, D J S oda an d D J R oxy Ju n e are b rin g in g a ru sh of son ic en erg y to rock the crow d lon g throu g h the n ig ht. in f o@ x an ab eachclu b .com, 0 7 6 35 8 5 0 0 .
12 MAR
QSIP Carnival 2016
C ome j oin u s f or a day of f rien dly f amily f u n at Q S I P hu ke t, f rom 1 1 am - 3p m.
Live Sabai in Phuket
R elocatin g to a n ew p lace can b e dau n tin g , esp ecially w hen the cu ltu re an d lif esty le are so dif f eren t. A treasu re hu n t of local serv ices av ailab le to P hu k et’ s ex p at residen ts f rom the east to the w est of the islan d, w ill b e f ou n d at P hu k et I n tern ation al H osp ital’ s ‘ L iv e S ab ai in P hu k et’ , to en han ce y ou r liv in g ex p erien ce. S chools, restau ran ts, b an k in g , real estate an d telecommu n ication s serv ices, shop p in g , ex p at commu n ities and sports clubs will all be offering their services an d f acilities in on e p lace, on on e day . P op dow n to P hu k et I n tern ation al H osp ital’ s ‘ L iv e S ab ai in P hu k et’ on M arch 1 2 th, en han ce y ou r stan dard of liv in g an d b ecome p art of P hu k et’ s v ib ran t ex p at commu n ity . F ree en tran ce f or ev ery on e. P rou dly su p p orted b y T he P hu k et N ew s. J en n y W ei, P hu k et I n tern ation al H osp ital, 4 4 C halermp rak iat R or 9 , M u an g , P hu k et, j en n y .w @siriroj . com, 0 7 6 2 4 9 4 0 0 , j en n y .w @siriroj .com.
th Phuket ilfiel lassic Charity Golf Tournament
T his is an ideal op p ortu n ity f or local comp an ies to tap in to a marke t seg men t ( O il an d G as E x ecu tive s) n ot really catered f or in P hu ke t. N ow that this is a yearly fixture it is intended that a P hu ke t b ased C harity w ill b e su p p orted on an an n u al b asis, f or 2 0 1 6 the children ’ s charity chosen is B arn hem. I f yo u w an t to p articip ate in this ye ar’ s eve n t, p lease vi sit asian g olf eve n ts. com. P rou dly su p p orted b y T he P hu ke t N ew s, L ive 8 9 .5 an d P hu ke t N ew s T V .
29 APR
Great Mexican, Thai and Flamegrilled Burgers in a beautiful setting! I f y ou hav e time this mon th g et dow n to S ea B reez e located in R oy al P hu k et M arin a. O p en 9 am to 1 0 p m ev ery day serv in g home- made mexican specialties, flame grilled burgers an d T hai sp ecials! A ll sp ort av ailab le show n liv e, C on tact: R eserv ation s, in f o@seab reez erp, 0 7 6 36 0 8 0 6 .
InterBike Hash #4
P hu k et M ou n tain B ik e H ash w ill b e hostin g the I n terB ik e H ash # 4 b etw een 2 9 A p ril & 1 M ay , draw in g H ashers f rom all ov er S E A an d b ey on d. E n j oy the lu sh trop ics of the A n daman S ea, w ith 3 days of guided off-road rides for strong-willed an d meek er hearts. I n du lg e in P hu k et’ s history , f olk lore, an d hash f estiv ities. W e p romise C O L D drin k s, w et w ater, an d hot w eather… .alon g w ith y ou r f av orite ‘ f org et- me- n ot’ sou v en irs. R eg istration req u ired an d limited to 2 0 0 . S p ecial lodg ing arrangements, find all details on our website - http : / / p hu k etin terb ik
Filipino faith healing and psychic surgery
A u n iq u e op p ortu n ity to g et medical treatmen t f rom on e of the leadin g F ilip in o f aith healers an d p sy chic su rg eon s v isitin g P hu k et f rom 8 to 1 5 of M arch. L imited sp aces av ailab le. T o g et more detail an d b ook an d ap p oin tmen t, p lease call 0 9 4 5 8 7 1 6 39 .
13 MAR Phuket Real Estate Show 2016
Kids Dance Contest
“ L et’ s D an ce C reative L ab ” in vi tes all children ag ed 6 to 1 7 ye ars to p articip ate in the “ K ids D an ce C on test” . Y ou w ill g et: f ree dan ce lesson s in ou r p rof ession al stu dio, u n f org ettab le time here, a lot of n ew f rien ds an d aw esome p rize s! T he con test w ill b e held on M arch 8 , 2 0 1 6 in B oat L ag oon . S ig n in today in ou r g rou p on F aceb ook: “ 8 con test” or call: 0 8 36 37 2 4 1 4 ( T atian a) , ya dve sta@g P rou dly su p p orted b y L ive 8 9 .5 .
- M arch 1 3, 2 0 1 6 f rom 6 .0 0 am- 9 .0 0 am. T he ru n n in g rou te is sp ecially desig n ed arou n d b eau tif u l scen eries of the K hao P hra T aew N ation al P ark an d the ru b b er p lan tation s. D istan ces/ en try f ee: 1 0 mile / 5 5 0 T H B , 5 mile / 5 0 0 T H B , 2 mile/ 4 5 0 T H B , K ids distan ce 5 0 0 M / 4 5 0 T H B . R eg ister n ow b y 6 M arch at w w w .than ya p u eve n ts, w w w .su p ersp or call 0 7 6 - 336 0 0 0 . P rou dly su p p orted b y L ive 8 9 .5 radio. C on tact N athap hat, T han ya p u ra S p orts & L eisu re C lu b P hu ke t, n athap hat.a@ than ya p u, 0 7 6 336 0 0 0 E xt . 5 0 6 3.
Supersports 10 Mile International Run 2016
T his is the secon d ye ar that this u n iq u e race will start and finish in Thanyapura Phuket. Sup ersp orts 1 0 M ile I n tern ation al R u n 2 0 1 6 p resen ted b y T han ya p u ra, w ill b e held on S u n day
J oin u s f or P hu k et R eal E state S how 2 0 1 6 . T he b ig g est home an d con do show on P hu k et. E v ery day f rom 4 - 1 3 M arch 2 0 1 6 at H omeW ork s P hu k et f rom 1 0 : 0 0 am - 0 9 : 0 0 p m. P hu k et p rop erties at the low est p rice an d sp ecial p romotion f rom more than 30 b ooths. S ecu re a p u rchase g et a chan ce to w in rew ards u p to T H B 30 0 , 0 0 0 ! ! R eg ister f or daily lu ck y draw an d w in the g old p riz e. P rou dly su p p orted b y T he P hu k et N ew s. C on tact P hu k et R eal E state A ssociation , p rea. n ew s@g, 0 8 6 4 7 1 4 8 7 4 .
Weekends Special Lunch Menu at TEXTURE Café & Restaurant
W e are a W estern & f u sion caf é & restau ran t in the heart of Old Phuket Town, offering fine dinin g exp erien ces in the relaxi n g con temp orary P eran aka n caf é atmosp here. T he restau ran t op en s daily f rom 4 : 0 0 – 1 1 : 0 0 p m, closed eve ry W edn esday . F rom N ove mb er 2 0 1 5 on w ards, w e are op en f or lu n ch du rin g w eek en ds f rom 1 1 : 0 0 am– 1 1 : 0 0 p m w ith va riety of n ew mou thw aterin g lu n ch men u . in f o@text u rep hu ke t. com, 0 8 1 9 1 6 1 4 30 .
Crossword by Myles Mellor & Sally York Across
58. Refuses to move 61. Shy ones 62. Small salmon 63. Iron Mike 64. Raven’s haven 65. Pitcher
28. “Absolutely!” 29. Good buddies use them 1. Daddy-o 30. Heavy reading? 5. Off-color 1. How many hearts does an octopus have? 32. Copter’s 9. Critical 2. Which actress starred in High Noon, Dial M for Murder, and High forerunner 14. Wagon part Society? 33. Teaspoonful, 15. A bucket of ice for maybe 3. What is the literal latin meaning of trivia? a merlot Down 34. Elementary 4. How many lines are there traditionally in a sonnet? 17. Turn 21, e.g. particle 19. At all 1. Plane-jumping 5. ‘White Wedding’ is a song by which 1980s’ musician? 35. “Beetle Bailey” G.I. Answers below, centre. 20. Tending to dog business 2. Plow pullers 36. Next 21. Speech-related 3. Latitude 38. Figs. 22. Essential part 4. Dry 39. Forget about 23. Not own 5. Old boss address 43. Overthrew 24. Bottom in South Africa Batista 27. Agreements 6. Confine 45. European gull 31. Open, in a way 7. The “U” in I.C.U. 46. Humor with a 33. Disney flier 8. Sushi bar order twist 34. Verbal jewel 9. Mild oath 47. Slopes 37. Result of gaffe 10. Chopper parts 48. Looks out for, 40. Like Falstaff maybe 11. Dateless 41. Violin string rub 12. Toxic substance 49. Take it easy 50. 100 yrs. 42. Be theatrical 13. Set up 52. Black, to poets 43. Trig. function 16. Fungus 53. X5, e.g. 44. ___ a good thing 18. Weed killer 54. Fiend 45. Printer’s unit 22. Heated competition? 55. Winter blanket 48. I.R.A. part: abbr. 56. Be in pain 51. Gets the lead out? 24. Polish 25. Asian buffalo 57. Red-bearded god 54. Slender instrument 26. Difficult position 59. Study 55. Convened 27. ___ Wars 60. Curling surface
Solutions to last week’s puzzles:
Answers to this week’s Pop Quiz: 1) Three; 2. Grace Kelly; 3. Three roads; 4. 14; 5. Billy Idol
This week in history
■ February 19, 1861
■ February 21, 1958
Serfdom is abolished in Russia. ■ February 20, 1935
legs are all that cockroaches need to run, and they can reach speeds of almost five feet (152cm) per second.
Caroline Mikkelsen becomes the first woman to set foot in Antarctica.
The peace symbol, commissioned by Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament is designed and completed by Gerald Holtom.
per cent of people who do chores while listening to music report that the tasks are easier.
boxes of cookies were sold by Girl Scout Danielle Lei in just two hours – outside a marijuana dispensary in San Francisco.
■ February 22, 2011
■ February 23, 1991
Spain sells Florida to the United States for US$5 million.
In Thailand, General Sunthorn Kongsompong leads a bloodless coup d’état, deposing Prime Minister Chatichai Choonhavan.
push-ups are required to generate enough power needed to run your desktop computer for eight hours.
1.26 million
animal corpses were imported into the U.S. from 2005 to 2015 – 345 hunting trophies per day. Source: Uberfacts
■ February 24, 1809
London’s Drury Lane Theatre burns to the ground, leaving owner Richard Brinsley Sheridan destitute.. ■ February 25, 2013
Dog neighbours in Phuket Town. Photo by Tanyaluk Sakoot Got an unusual or particularly beautiful picture of Phuket? Email it to
Adolf Hitler obtains German citizenship by naturalization, which allows him to run in the 1932 election for Reichspräsident. Source: Wikipedia thephuketnews
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BOATS, YACHTS FOR SALE Boston Whaler conquest 25 5
Horse and Dog Vet Hospital
I mmacu late con dition , M ercu ry 1 5 0 hp x 2 v ery low hou rs, T hai reg istered. T his b oat comes w ith f u ll in v en tory . L y in g A oP o marin a P hu k et. mik ehig h1 @g mail. com M ik e, mik ehig h1 @g, 0 8 8 7 6 8 4 7 0 1 .
O p en f rom 1 0 am. – 8 p m.* S erv ice all ty p es of an imals. * E x p erien ced p rof ession als.C on tact: 0 7 6 6 2 0 1 36 /0 8 4 2 1 0 6 8 6 8 an d con tact@horsedog v w w w .horsedog v
40 ft long tail
1 8 mon th old, licen ce to carry 1 5 p assen g ers. N issan motor. 1 7 0 , 0 0 0 B aht. C all 0 9 9 1 1 8 8 5 4 0 .
Pets Magic Planet
Yacht Chartering and Resort
O p en f rom 9 am. - 7 p m. * T he b est in tern ation al b ran ds. * T he u ltimate choice. * L u x u ry accessries & j ew els. C on tact: 0 7 6 6 2 0 1 0 6 / 0 9 1 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 an d con tact@p etsmag icp lan
Big A Swan 55 acht Chartering and Resort in Phuket T hailan d S ailin g : B ig A S w an 5 5 , A ccommodation : B ig A R esort 0 7 6 - 38 30 8 0 E mail: b ig
Chevy Captiva LT 20 0 8
C hev rolet C ap tiv a L T 2 0 6 2 .0 0 0 K M , 1 O w n er, 2 .0 C hev y S erv ice H istory , C lass I n su ran ce. T el. 0 8
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Unique Stretch Limo Business
O n ly av ailab le S tretch L imo in T hailan d. 9 meters lon g 8 p ax , in g ood con dition w ith all docu men ts an d g reen p lates. T u rn k ey b u sin ess in cl. w eb site j u st to tak e ov er an d start to mak e mon ey ! 2 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 .- , P atitta A p ichotj aru s, P aton g , p hu k etstretchlimo@g mail. com, 0 8 0 1 4 5 0 0 8 2 .
7 seats, S ilv er, G P S v ideo, F amily car D iesel 2 , 6 9 4 cc, B lu e b ook S erv ice history T oy ota P earl 7 8 , 0 0 0 k ms. A U T O M A T I C tran smission , g olf g u ru 2 0 0 5 @y k , 0 7 6 6 1 5 8 2 7 .
Looking for Partners/Investors
20 12 Toyota Fortuner 24, 0 0 0 km
2 0 1 2 P earl w hite T oy ota F ortu n a F or S V N T u rb o G reat con dition - B aht B lack rior. T ax / in su ran ce till 2 0 1 6 , 9 0 0 , 0 0 0 K athu , P hu k et, g law re1 2 3@g,
Commercial laundry in Patong
M odel 1 ,0 5 0 ,0 2 1 4 0 , C com , 0
A lready serv e more than 4 0 0 hotel rooms. I n come u p to 1 0 , 0 0 0 b aht/ day du rin g hig h season . 8 0 sq m. R en t 2 5 , 0 0 0 b aht in c. w ater su p p ly p lu s a tru ck . 2 M B , J eep p y , the_ p romen ade@hotmail. com, 0 9 3 1 6 0 6 5 6 6
Business for sales K eb ab shop meter f rom B n til A P R 2 0, 0 8
f or sale I n the b est an g la road. P aton g 1 6 . 8 0 0 , 0 0 0 b aht, 1 0 8 8 1 4 5 1 .
Restaurant on Main Street
L arg e, tastef u lly decorated restau ran t in C hern g talay. Fully fitted and equipped kitchen, 100 seats, b ar. W alk in an d start b u sin ess. N ow on ly B 7 9 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 8 9 4 0 0 5 9 0 7 .
5 0 , 0 0 0 B aht, o D iesel, F u ll cciden ts, 1 st 1 7 4 2 .
TOYOTA Fortuner 20 0 9
B u sin ess req u ires added f u n din g .5 - 7 million b ht. I n v estmen t ex chan g ed f or comp an y shares. C omp an y is state of the art w ith ex cep tion al R O I . I n v estmen t rep aid ov er 5 y ears an d an n u al div iden ds. A ctiv e/ S ilen t p artn er.S eriou s in q u iries on ly . F u ll in f ormation to qualified investors. Eng 088 491 3857/Thai 088 753 6897. 2,000,000 THB.
F ast f ood & location 5 0 F ree ren t u mak ry n o@g
5 rb A 4
N on tou rist/ b ar related b u sin ess f or sale, y early tu rn ov er of 1 5 M B . C all 0 8 7 2 7 6 0 5 2 9 or 0 8 1 9 6 8 6 0 5 1 f or more details.
Newly renovated hotel for rent
0 8 , L T u N o 2 8 0
I mmacu late 1 9 9 7 G T O 30 0 0 A u to. G en u in e 36 , 0 0 0 k ms. 1 8 in ch w heels, metallic b lack , class 1 alarm. G en u in e M ain D ealer imp ort, red/ b lack leather in terior, 8 sp eak er stereo, 1 previous owner, factory sun roof. Stunning car and very hard to find in Thailand in such good condition. 1.1M/offers close to. Contact Paul, 0 8 1 7 4 7 30 0 0 .
Business for Sale
N ew ly ren ov ated hotel/ g u est hou se in P aton g ’ s heart f or ren t f rom ow n er. 1 2 rooms, 2 shop s to b u sy street, man y f acilities. M ore details check thep hu k etn ew, search L istin g I D 5 5 39 8 or call + 6 6 ( 0 ) 8 1 5 38 1 39 9 .
Roof top Patong Mini Golf T he b est sea v iew 1 8 H oles, roof top M in i G olf . L ocated on the 4th floor of Banana Walk Plaza in Patong, 091 762 2 6 2 8 , http : / / p aton g min ig olf .com
e Urg
e s al
ale. 3.0 D 4 D leather in te, L och P alm, 0 8 9 8 6 6 8 8 2 5 .
Nissan Teana 2.5 Lt
2 0 1 4 1 7 ,0 0 0 B aht E on tact M 9 0 1 6 32 1
0 0 n g au 4 0
k m. N ew p rice 1 .7 M ln N O W : 0 8 1 7 8 8 8 2 8 0 T hai: 0 9 0 1 6 3 rice, mau rice.p hu k et@g mail. .
Honda J azz 20 0 9 15 0 0 cc Auto
5 7 , 0 0 0 k ms. O n e ow n er sin ce n ew . R eg u larly serv iced b y H on da. T ax an d I n su ran ce u n til the end of June and available now at right offer. Redu ced b y 4 0 , 0 0 0 b ht, R E D U C E D to 330 , 0 0 0 b ht o.n .o, A n dy + 6 6 8 4 6 9 0 9 1 4 4 , an dy smalster@g
CARS WANTED Urgent need Toyota hilux vigo
W an t to sell y ou r T oy ota hilu x v ig o C hamp ? v ig o4 u is the b est p alace to sell yo u r T oyo ta. V ig o4 u n ow in P hu k et, P atay a an d B an g k ok also. 0 8 4 34 4 34 4 4 , 0 2 8 1 0 8 1 1 7 .
Kawasaki Versys 6 5 0 ABS 20 12
S how room con dition , n ew f rom K aw asak i P hu k et M ay 2 0 1 2 , 2 , 0 0 0 k m, H ep co & B eck er E n g in e B ars & R ear- rack , K aw asak i H an dg u ards an d P y ramid H u g g er., 2 2 0 , 0 0 0 T H B , P au l, 0 8 4 1 30 3 2 34 , P lon g
Sale Ducati Monster 796 ABS
2 0 1 4 y ear 7 5 0 0 k m P erf ect con dition ! S ev eral ex tras. S ame n ew P rice 32 0 , 0 0 0 . + 6 6 8 5 0 6 8 1 1 33, 0 6 8 1 1 33@g
Stallion Mini Momo for sale
ear 2012. Good condition, one owner, well main tain ed. P rice 1 8 , 0 0 0 b aht. P ls call 0 8 2 7 32 4 5 31 .
W e clean yo u r car at yo u r p lace - at yo u r time. N o.1 car w ash deliv ery in P hu k et. C all 0 7 6 - 35 5 - 0 4 2 or g o to C lean C f or more details.
I n tern ation al C lin ic E n g lish S p eak in g D octor B y A p p oin tmen t 0 9 5 0 8 5 1 1 8 8 F B : D rJ aq W arn n issorn P rov idin g A n ti- A g in g ( B otox , F iller, L iv e C ell T herap y , A ltern ativ e C an cer T reatmen t, C helation M edical, H ou se C all) . I n teg rativ e an d A dv an cemen t in M edicin e f or in div idu aliz ed treatmen t p rog rams f or p atien ts of all ag es an d w ith v ariou s disorders, E mail: tosaw cu te@g
FURNITURE FOR SALE Swinging Sun Loungers For Sale
S w in g in g , su n lou n g ers, b ran d n ew , ex cellen t q u ality - 6 , 0 0 0 b aht on ly , C on tact: E ddy , eddy elan @ y, 0 8 9 9 7 1 0 2 7 8 .
MOVING SERVICES Looking for Moving Company?
M ain road, 8 y ears clien tele, tak e ov er + in cl. train in g comp lete eq u ip ment, staff room, 3 or 5 years leasing contract. early volume 4 mio. han sib ak ery @g, P rice: 3.5 million , C on tact M r. S tark .
W ith ov er 1 5 y ears of ex p erien ce B ig mov e P hu k et is the n u mb er 1 p rov ider of mov in g an d ship p in g in an d ou t of P hu k et T hailan d. W e p rov ide storag e in a state of the art clean , secu re, storag e f acility located cen trally in P hu k et. w w w .b ig mov ep hu k, 0 8 1 - 7 9 7 - 5 37 7 .
Best Deal
German bakery &
deli &
R aw ai b u sin ess f or sale. A rea ap p rox 2 R ai, can do restau ran t or other b u sin ess.F iv e min s f rom b each. L on g term lease, y early ren t B 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 4 b edrooms hou se in clu ded. R edu ce f rom B 9 8 0 , 0 0 0 to B 5 2 0 , 0 0 0 . C on tact K hu n A sok e at 0 8 9 6 4 6 7 1 7 6 / b ig _ redchili@y
2008. 62K kms. White. sual G refinements. I n su ran ce, F S H , L ady driv er 39 5 K b aht on o 39 5 K , C liv e R ob erts, crob 5 8 @g, 0 8 1 0 8 7 9 2 37 or 0 8 6 2 7 0 8 7 2 7 .
Blue Canyon Membership
B lu e C an yo n M emb ership f or sale. 1 corp orate n omin ee f or sale T H B 6 30 , 0 0 0 in c tran sf er f ee. g
PETS FOR ADOPTION Two cute Poodles
W e are 2 cu te P oodles, b oth u n der 5 k g s & the best of friends & wish to find a new loving home tog ether, b oth of u s are steriliz ed, v accin ated & healthy . P lease con tact S herin .p eace@g mail. com f or adop tion en q u ires.
OTHER For Sale
I n du strial ov er lock er. W hitehou se B ran d. 3 T hread. B ran d n ew n ev er u sed. F u ll tool k it. B arg ain at 1 2 , 0 0 0 B aht. C all S an di 0 8 7 2 6 4 0 7 7 8 .
Resort for sale lease any offer consider I want go sailing again , A ddress : 6 7 / 1 8 S oi S ermsu k R aw ai P hu k et, b ig, C on tact + 6 6 ( 0 ) 8 6 9 4 0 1 8 6 0 .
Office Space Laguna
Office Space Laguna - Plaza del Mar Fully Furnished offices 4 Office Suite plus boardroom Rent entire unit or individual office 080 045 4474.
PROPERTY FOR SALE Luxury Apartment hotel in Kata
L u x u ry A p artmen t hotel f or sale in K ata b each. 356sqm, 3 floors. 12 rooms, all have sea view, k itchen , T hai chan ote or 9 0 y ears lease. 30 M B ., N oi ( T hai & E N ) , K ata B each, t_ sen ru m@liv au , 0 8 3 39 1 5 5 2 5 .
Grand Boat Plaza – House for Sale/Rent
N ew detached v illa w ith modern sty le in H eart of P hu k et T ow n w ith 3 b edrooms, 3 b athrooms an d 2 car p ark s. S p aciou s op en liv in g an d din in g areas w ith hig h ceilin g s. Q u iet location su rrou n din g w ith n atu re, secu re w ith C C T V an d 2 4 hrs secu rity serv ice, larg e commu n al sw immin g p ool an d clu b hou se. C losed to maj or dep artmen t stores su ch as C en tral F estiv al‚ T esco L otu s, B ig C , I n tern ation al schools an d hosp itals. C on tact 0 9 5 2 5 7 7 9 9 8 , allab ou thk t@g
Owner Sales Appartment “ The Pearl of Naithon “ Leasehold
T otal area 2 2 6 , 6 6 S Q M in clu din g terrace 4 1 , 2 5 S q m. 3 b edrooms w ith 3 b athrooms P rice T H B 1 3.5 million . M P : 0 8 9 8 1 4 1 4 5 8 .
Villa For Sale / Rent
L ocated at N aiharn b each S oi N ay a 3, M ou n tain v iew , S w imming pool, Balcony, 2 floor, 4 bed room. T otal 9 2 sq .m. T hai 0 8 1 9 5 8 0 5 4 2 E N G 0 8 1 9 5 6 6 8 1 3.
Land for sale - Mission Height
N IC E L A N D F O R S A L E A T M IS S IO N H E IG H T , J U S T O V E R O N E R A I . P hon e 0 9 3 6 2 9 4 4 0 0 E n g lish, 0 8 2 4 2 1 4 8 4 2 T hai.
Two-story house in Phuket City
L an d 4 0 0 sq . m, liv in g area 34 4 sq .m, 6 rooms, 3 b athrooms, maid’ s room w ith b ath. F u lly f u rn ished. V ery g ood f or liv in g an d b u sin ess. 1 5 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 .- , P au lin e H aldeman n , haldemw, 0 8 1 8 9 5 0 0 38 .
P riv ate p ool v illa w ith lov ely b athroom op en k itchen . 1 6 0 A irp ort, N ay Y an g b each, an cou rse.P rice 8 million b aht,
House for sale
g arden m2 S itu d B lu e C 2 2 5 0 0 0
half a rai. Q u ite an d saf e area. 3 b edroom 2 ated in B an P ahra. 1 2 min u tes to P I A , P hu k et an y on G olf cou rse. 2 min to M ission H ill G olf eu ro, b erg sstig en, 0 9 0 7 0 1 4 2 0 4 .
4 Luxury villas, office, 2 pools, 1 Rai - Chanote. Secure investment, price below replacement cost, money mak er. O w n er 8 2 retirin g . 30 M il B aht. L ets talk . O w n er, 0 8 9 5 9 4 4 0 6 7 .
Alexander Kolesnikov
L an d & 4 storey C ommercial b u ildin g f or sell.P aton g . J u st 6 0 m f rom the b each. G u esthou se 6 lu x u ry rooms + restau ran t 4 0 seats. 1 7 M B , C on tact A lex an der, alex k olin z @g, 0 8 9 6 5 1 32 5 0 .
For Sale or Rent
4 b edroom 3 b ath room ex cellen t v iew C halon g b ay 3 storag e, F u lly f u rn ished all n ew sw immin g p ool in q u iet area R aw ai b each. A ll in q u ires. T idarat, 0 8 7 4 6 6 5 6 35 .
PROPERTY FOR SALE Alexander Kolesnikov
3 B edroom V illa f or sale. B u ildin g 32 0 s.m. L an d 9 0 0 s.m. N ice g arden , 2 cars g arag e, stu dy . J u st 3 min u tes f rom B I S . 1 5 M B , C on tact A lex an der, alex k olin z @g, 0 8 9 6 5 1 32 5 0 .
face oo .co
the hu etnews
FOLLOW US ON TWITTER the hu etnews
classifieds the hu
PROPERTY FOR SALE Chalong Villa for sale
Living area 450 sq.m, Land 800 sq.m. 1st floor: L iv in g room, M aster b dr w ith en - su ite b th, K itchen, Seaview terrace, Pool, Carpark. 2nd floor: 4 bdr with bth, 2nd living room, Office. 19.5M, oliv er@thu rman n g rou p .com, 0 8 7 8 7 7 2 32 0 .
Phuket Beach Front Land
1 4 R A I B each f ron t P hu k et, P hu n g n g a C lose 5 - 7 * hote, C han ode title, 9 0 meters of w ater f ron tag e M ore than 1 0 0 m w ide b each& small piece of land close to the beach 25MB/RAI, M s.P am, p hu k etmy hou se@g, 0 8 9 8 6 8 8 6 6 8 .
Fire sale
7 shop hou ses f or sale, 2 0 meters f rom C halon g rou n d ab ou t. O n the w ay to p ier f or S ale. 2 5 M illion , k ieran p madden, 0 9 6 9 2 4 4 6 6 1 .
House for sale
Good location in Chalong area 3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom, 2 0 0 sq m H ou se on 8 0 0 sq m p lot I n clu din g f u rn itu re, 0 8 4 7 4 5 5 5 4 6 .
Ocean Front Villa
an teed ren tal 8 %
B ran d n ew , f u lly f u rn ished, 3- 4 b edrooms, 5 b athrooms, 10-meter infinity swimming pool, beautiful view. For quick sale only 19.5 million baht. Guarp er y ear. M on tha, 0 8 1 34 3 0 7 7 7 .
Land For Sale 3 Mil Baht
In Thalang area 2.5 Rai beautiful, flat land with access road, C han ote title, on ly 5 min u tes f rom T han y ap u ra ( P I A I n tern ation al school) . sk .than y a@ g, 0 8 1 7 37 8 6 2 4 .
Brand new 3 bed villa Onyx
L iv in g area 1 6 0 sq .m. L an d 2 0 0 sq .m. F u lly lu x u ry f u rn ished. O p en p lan liv in g room w ith k itchen , P riv ate & P eacef u l area, S ecu rity g ate estate, Gym. 8.9M, oliver@thurmanngroup. com, 0 8 7 8 7 7 2 32 0 .
Villa for sale
Large Villa with Pool and Garden In Phuket, Rawai/Nai Harn, Land size: 1’700 m2, build up area 4 0 0 m2 . P riv ate sale, n o ag en ts p lease. 36 M B , J asmin C on su ltin g @g mx .n et.
Partner for resort wanted
5 R ai. hillside M aik hao b each. M ain b u idin g finished. Nice sunset seaview, 087 267 1192, J u liu s_ schu ster2 0 0 1 @y
House For Sale
Anuphas Golfville House- Kathu
Land 162 sqwa. Large Pool/Jacuzzi-3 Bed-4 Bath-Office-2 Storage Building-Alarm System an d mu ch more. R edu ced 2 2 M B to 1 8 M B f or Quick Sale., Si +6681 970 8896 TH/ENG, Geoff+6681 854 0061 ENG.
The Base Downtown - Sale/Rent
1 B ed ( 35 sq m) & 2 B ed ( 6 0 sq m) , f u lly f u rn ished, p ool v iew . N ear C en tral, B I S , B ig C , L otu s, S iriroj hosp ital, D arasamu t S chool, T hai H u a S chool ( C lose to n ew C en tral E mb assy - g ood in v estment). Swimming pool, fitness & library. Rent:15,000-25,000 THB/month and 35,000-45,000 THB/month., 093 639 4654.
T his b eau tif u l b lock is ready to b u ild on .I t has a sealed en try on a sealed road. I t has power connected. Water available and a saf e title.K amala 6 .7 5 million B aht. C all ou r rep on 0 9 3 5 7 8 2 2 8 1 or con tact ow n er direct v ia email y oty 30
Ocean Front Land
3.5 R ai w ith 9 0 meter of w ater f ron tag e, op p osite of Y acht H av en marin a, 8 0 0 meter aw ay on P han g n g a side. P u b lic road, electricity , w ater an d ready to b u ild. F or sale direct f rom ow n er, on ly 1 9 .5 mill B aht. M on tha , 0 8 1 34 3 0 7 7 7 .
B eau tif u l home in 1 , 0 38 su ite b eds, g u est hou se, L iv in g sp ace 32 0 sq m. P riv ate access. E mail : P hon e : 0 8 7 2 7 3 0 1 4 1 .
Kata Seaview Condo For Sale
N ew 1 b edroom w ith g reat sea an d su n set v iew s! 4 4 sq m. L easehold w ith f orieg n f reehold av ailab le. S w immin g p ool, sau n a an d clu b house. Flexible furniture options. Great manag emen t an d ren tal p rog ram, 0 8 2 2 5 4 0 7 6 0 .
Townhouse for sale. Chalong.
T ow n hou se 1 5 0 sq .m, 2 storey , 2 b edroom, liv in g room, kitchen, 2 balcony, 2 bathroom, office, p ark in g . F u lly f u rn itu red. C halon g circle, P rice: 37 0 0 0 0 0 , C on tact: M ariy a, mv s9 7 @y an dex .ru , 0 8 2 2 7 5 1 1 4 6 , F ax : 0 9 1 8 0 5 37 2 5 .
House in Karon for Sale. Hard
to find 3 bed room , 3 bath room house for sale in the p erf ect location n ear K ata & K aron b each, w ell main tain ed w ith a salt w ater p ool, P rice : 1 6 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , Narrisara (Tic), 7/8 Patak Soi 10, Karon, g-a-coates@, 0 9 9 1 6 4 2 9 9 1 .
L ocated in R aw ai soi S amak i3 2 b edroom 2 b athroom 1 L au n dry room 1 storag e room L iv in g area 1 6 0 sq .m, C han ot title 2 8 0 sq .m. 3.2 M B ., R ico9 9 6, 0 8 3 6 4 0 9 0 4 1
Outstanding Villa for sale
3 bed/3 bath, Living area 370 sq.m, Land 600 sq .m. L ocated at the 4 S tar R esiden ce. S p aciou s liv in g q u arters, op en p lan liv in g , din in g areas, g ou rmet k itchen , p riv ate p ool. 1 4 .9 M , oliv er@thu rman n g rou p .com, + 6 6 ( 0 ) 8 7 8 7 7 2 32 0 .
Sale. Semi detached house
Living room 2 double bedrooms 1 fitted furniture and en-suite fitted kitchen office bathroom carp ort g arden L an d 1 8 8 sq m, hou se 7 5 sq m. 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , K hu n P eter, B aan P leu n j an 2 , P ak lok , Talang,, 086 905 1406.
sq m g arden s.T hree en 9 x 4 m p ool, maid’ s room. P rice 1 2 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 T H B . alan g ath@g ,
Sea view land in Patong
g, 0 8 9 9 6 7 5 37 3.
T he L ast P iece of S ea V iew L an d on P rime L ocation in P aton g , j u st 5 0 0 m. f rom P aton g b each, 1 .3 K M . to J u n g cey lon S hop p in g M all, C on tact: K aru n a, k p attaraw alee@
Waterfront Condominium
T he C leat C on do, residen ce p roj ect in K rab i B oat L ag oon M arin a. P rice 3- 9 M B , siz e 37 1 1 9 S q .M ., 1 or 2 b edroom, marin a v iew . F or rent/sale.
Ocean View Land Kamala
H alf rai 7 9 7 sq .m. cleared an d lev eled, p ow er con n ected, sealed road, M U S T S E L L 6.75million. For ENG 090 492 3101 THA 0 9 37 6 8 6 6 9 4 .
PROPERTY FOR SALE Make money NOW - Kata Beach House for sale
West coast Phuket Great Location, Spa, 7 Bedroom, 7 B athroom, all w ith k itchen s. R en t or liv e w ith g ood in come. 5 min u tes w alk to K ata b each. ขายของได้ 9 MB or Offer, Khun Arreerat, kataari@ y, 0 8 6 5 9 5 8 5 1 2 , 0 8 1 9 7 0 4 6 38 .
Beachfront House
4 - B edroom hou se on semip riv ate b each av ailab le f or sale an d ren t. C an easily b e div ided in to tw o sep arate an d iden tical p rop erties. The rental/sale can also include a self - con tain ed 1 - b edroom b u n g alow , P rice: 1 8 .2 M B , R en t 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 T H B , A lex S eag o, home@thaiv illab ou tiq u, 0 8 7 - 8 9 2 38 7 6 .
H as ev ery thin g , comf ort, secu rity , liv e in a small resort - lu sh trop ical g arden . 35 , 0 0 0 B aht p er mon th. L on g lease. O w n er, 0 8 9 5 9 4 4 0 6 7 .
Retail space for rent
R etail sp ace av ailab le in the O cean P laz a P aton g f or massag e, b eau ty , coffee, souvenir shops etc. Low rent contracts for up to 12 yrs. For info call N atty at 0 8 6 2 8 1 8 8 8 3 or 0 7 6 34 3 5 0 6 . 36 32 , N attida T hab oon dee, g .cu mmin g, 0 8 6 2 8 1 8 8 8 3.
Chalong Villa for rent
Living area 450 sq.m, Land: 800 sq.m. 1st floor: L iv in g room, M aster b dr w ith en - su ite b th, K itchen , Sea view terrace, Pool, 2nd floor: 4 bdr with bth, 2nd living room, Office. 90,000/month/year., oliv er@thu rman n g rou p .com, 0 8 7 8 7 7 2 32 0 .
Amazing Sea view Penthouse in Rawai
F O R R E N T A maz in g S ea v iew P en thou se in R aw ai. 36 0 pํ an oramic b reathtak in g v iew s of C halon g b ay , mou n tain v iew an d b ig B u ddha. T w o b edrooms, 31 0 sq .m of sp aciou s liv in g area an d b alcon ies. P lease con tact I z z y 0 8 6 - 2 7 8 8 30 0 or D an ai 0 9 0 1 7 0 0 4 2 9 . p rop erty sales@seren ity p hu k
Spectacular sea view Penthouse
L ocated in S eren ity R esort, tw o b edrooms 31 8 sq .m of p riv ate roof top .C on tact D seren ity p hu k, 0 9 0 1 7
R sp an 0
aw ai. F u lly f u rn ished aciou s liv in g area & ai, p rop erty sales@ 0 4 2 9 .
Surin Andaman Apt - 2 beds
1 0 0 sq m w 2 b eds, close to S u rin & B an g tao b eaches. C ommon P ool. F u lly f u rn ished w ith A C , f an s, in tern et, cab le T V . S hort term p ossib le. 2 4 ,0 0 0 T H B , 0 8 1 2 7 31 7 4 0 .
House for rent - Near Pah-klok
L on g term, q u ality f u rn ishin g s, n ear H eroin es M on u men t, 3 b ed, 2 b aths plus office. Good garden. THB35,000 per month. Call 087 878 5804.
PATONG: 1 and 2 Bed Apartments
2-Bed/2-Bath & Studio for rent. Balcony. Full A/C. Western Kitchen. Modern furnished. All Extras. Fast WIFI free. Ouiet Location & well maintained. E mail : k hu n rei@g, 0 8 4 1 8 5 8 5 36 .
D irect b each f ron t lan d f or ren t. L on g an d short term. A rea 2 4 0 0 sq meter w ith b each f ron t of 4 0 meter, C on tact: M r. N arin , n arin p g a@ g, 0 8 1 8 2 6 9 39 0 .
Phuket unfazed b frien l fire FOOTBALL
Matt Pond
espite coming out the losing side, Phuk et FC put on a good performance last Saturday (Feb 13) as they played host to Thai Premier eague outfit Siam Navy FC in a friendly. With only three games under their belt going into the game – friendlies against K edah FC (Malaysia), Phang Nga FC and a L eague Cup ualifier against ala , in which the Andaman D ragon won 6-5 on penalties – it was really going to be a test to see how they could perform against a top-level club. And with the final score at only 0-1, Phuk et showed that they can hold their own even against a team who have never dropped lower than L eague 1 since their inception in 1996. Phuk et went into Saturday’s game with a squad of 37 players, all new to the island, and
Phuket’s Julius Chukwuma (blue) sees his shot cleared off the line. Photo: Steven W Layne each half saw two distinctly different line-ups, and two very different playing styles. H owever, that squad has since been reduced to 29, with eight loaned players from now-defunct Satun United FC having since been told they did not fit in with club president MaAnn Samran’s plans for the team. “ Replacement players will be recruited before the season kick-offs, aAnn told The Phuket N ews on Wednesday (Feb 17 ). H owever, the decision on
who the replacement players will be comes as at the time of going to press, the club were once again left not k nowing what division they will be competing in for the soon-tostart 2016 season. H aving been relegated to D ivision 2 at the end of the 2015 season, Phuk et have been left in a state of total confusion as to whether they will in fact play in D ivision 2 or be given back a place in L eague 1 after a number of clubs from both the TPL and L eague 1 have either lost their places in their
respective leagues or decided not to enter teams this season. Although it is MaAnn’s preference to start afresh as a new outfit in ivision 2 this season, he says the team are ready to play in L eague 1 if it comes to it. “ D ivision 2 or L eague 1, we have our team and we are prepared, said aAnn. And if the performance last Saturday is anything to go by, he is right in what he says. Class Act Media is proud media sponsor of Phuket FC.
Saturday 20 February 2016
Run Start Time: 4PM Hares: The Mighty Quin (VH), Murkury, Billy Boy, Dr FJ Location: Rawai - Kata Hill East Directions: From Chalong Circle: Head west on Patak Road [4028] toward Kata approx 1.7km and just as you begin to ascend the hill turn left into Soi Suksan 1 [3025]. Follow it approx 1km as it winds towards Wiset Road and turn left onto the narrow dirt
road to the end to the Laager. From Rawai pier: Head north on Wiset Road [4024] approx 4.3km and turn left on Soi Suksan 1. Proceed approx 500 metres and turn right onto narrow dirt road to the end to the Laager. (Note: The Laager turn is approx 30 metres north of Tamarind Villa entrance.) Hash Bus Pickup Schedule: Kamala @ Black Cat’s Bar: 2:30pm Patong @ Expat Hotel: 3pm More info:
Vagabonds afoot
Thanyapura to host 2nd Supersports 10-Mile Run
he H ooters Phuk et V agabonds Rugby are all set to begin their 2016 season when they visit the capital to tak e part in the annual Bangk ok International Rugby 10s on February 27 -28 . After winning the Plate last year, which was the clubs best ever finish in the event, it inspired the lads to go on and win their home tournament the Phuk et International 10s last ay for the very first time. H owever, this year will be a tough assignment for the V agabonds. Not only have the team lost some k ey players and friends, who have since moved on to other places, they have also been drawn in the proverbial group of death, G roup A. By being drawn into G roup A, not only have the V agabonds been placed against the J am Boys, an invitational side full of ex-international and
TH ANY APURA PH UK E T will once again host the Supersports 10-Mile International Run on March 13, 2016. It will be the second year this international running event will be held in Phuk et, an expansion of its previous successful editions in Bangk ok . The race route starts and finishes in the impressive sports stadium at Thanyapura Phuk et and winds through the K hao Phra Thaew National Park and surrounding rubber plantations. L ast year’s participants included former Formula One world champion J enson Button and Thai rock megastar Artiwara K ongmalai “ Toon Bodyslam” . The race attracted 3,000 runners from all over the world – twice the number of the expected 1,500 participants. Among local runners it was described as the bestever race on the island of Phuk et, according to Narong Thiemmek, a senior o cial at the Thai H ealth Promotion Foundation. Thanyapura E xecutive Chairman Chris McCormack states, “ As Asia’s leading
Phuket Vagabonds’ Brett Pentland-Smith jumps against ex Spring Bok International Bobby Skinstad at last year’s Bangkok International Rugby 10s. Photo: Pat Cotter top club players whom they lost to in a feisty Cup quarter final last year, but also the Sumitomo rugby from J apan and G aulois A who were both in their group in the 2014 tournament. “ L et’s hope it’s not too much of a case of dé jà vu! ”
said k ey V agabond Pat Cotter. ith an influ of new players and some old experienced hands, the V agabonds will do their best to defend the trophy they won last year as competing against pro sides for the Cup might well be a game to far.
The V agabonds would lik e to thank H ooters Phuk et for again sponsoring the side for the 2016 season, said Cotter. Please k eep check ing The Phuket N ews for more details on the coming Phuk et International 10s to be held later this year.
Patong Pool League: Nellies chase Natalie RESULTS Dirty Nellies 6 Sports 5 Natalie 11 Martins 0 Genius 4 Ting Tong 7 Champs 4 Andaman 7
The team from Dirty Nellies Bar.
Old Sailor 8 Simon & Oils 3
League Standings
Dirty Nellies
Old Sailor
Ting Tong
Simon & Oils
Super # TEAM 1 Kanchana Flying 2 Pita Bar
11 9 11 11 11 11 8 10
8 7 7 5 3 3 2 2
0 1 0 3 2 0 1 1
3 1 4 3 6 8 5 7
11 10 12 12 11 10 12 12 11 10 10 10 12 11 12 10
11 8 7 6 6 5 4 5 5 4 2 2 2 2 2 1
0 0 3 3 2 2 5 2 0 2 3 3 3 1 1 2
0 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 6 4 5 5 7 8 9 7
3 Phuket Condos and Homes B 4 The Hulks by Power En 5 Thailand Weightloss 6 Shambala United 7 The Sky FC 8 PWK. 108 9 KB FC 10 Samkong FC 11 The Routes FC 12 Almali FC 13 RT Chalong Tower Condo 14 Charoenchai Foods FC 15 KTEC FC 16 Friends FC Division 1
5 Black Pearl FC 6 Blue Horizon
# TEAM 1 Jumbo United 2 TEFL Campus
Class Act Media is a proud sponsor of this event. R egistration is open online at For details call 07 6 -336 0 00.
3 Daohang FC 4 Naraya United
7 Phuket Condos and Homes 8 Dolphins Bay FC
sports training, health, and educational facility, we are delighted to host the Supersports 10-Mile Run again. We will not rest on our laurels, but will aim to raise the bar continually for staging sports events for the entire family.” The race offers 10-mile, 5-mile, and 2-mile categories for runners of any fitness ability. Children up to age 12 may also join in the 500-metre dash. Top three overall male and female finishers in the 10-mile category will receive prize money. For the 10-mile and -mile events, the top five finishers in each age group will be awarded a trophy. All runners will receive running shirts, and all finishers will be given commemorative medals. E ntry to the 10-mile run costs B550, the 5-mile run B500, and the 2-mile run and k ids’ 500-metre dash B450. Supersports and Thanyapura members will receive a B50 reduction when signing up for the 10-mile and 5-mile categories.
37 54 42 30 26 21 20 21
8 40 8 2 -14 -24 -4 -16
24 22 21 18 11 9 7 7
63 52 44 52 37 32 24 32 32 30 26 26 33 22 29 13
50 37 20 20 14 -1 5 -8 -17 5 -8 -17 -25 -23 -22 -30
33 24 24 21 20 17 17 17 15 14 9 9 9 7 7 5
Pita Bar – Blue Horizon Phuket Condos and Homes – Naraya United
6–0 PP
Daohang FC – Black Pearl FC
Kanchana Flying – Dolphins Bay FC
Division 2 Jumbo United – Thailand Weightloss
The Hulks by Power En – Phuket Condos and Homes B TEFL Campus – RT Chalong Tower Condo
2–2 2–3
The Routes FC – Samkong FC
Shambala United – The Sky FC
PWK. 108 – KTEC FC
Charoenchai Foods FC – KB FC
Friends FC – Almali FC
Pita bar (black) remain on target after a 6-0 win against Blue Horizon in Division 1. thephuketnews
Record partnership at ACG CRICKET
record batting partnership of 231 runs set up a huge win for the Thalang Crick et Team (TCT) against the Island Crick et Club (ICC) at the Alan Cook e G round last Sunday (Feb 14). Thalang won the toss and choose to bat first. Paresh Bork ar struck early for ICC with the wick et of Carl Baxter in the 3rd over. Fellow opening bowler Arun V irdik ar k ept the pressure on as TCT crept to 33 from 8 o vers. G arry L ane hit the ball to the fence a couple of times before he was bowled by Syed Shahnawaz in the 12th over. H ico McD onald joined Andrew McMillan 22* at the
Thalang’s Hico McDonald in action; 137 off 77 balls. Photo: Michael Way crease. The pair took TCT to 2/133 after 20 overs. After the break , McD onald set about hitting anything. Both he and McMillan passed their half centuries and were within reach of trhee-figure scores at the 30-over break . The last 10 ICC overs came at a cost of 124 runs. After the drink s break McMillan brought up his century and McD onald cleared the leg
side fence in the next over to bring up his maiden century in Phuk et. McMillan brought the ACG record partnership of 231 runs (142 balls) to a close when he retired his innings of 11 ( ) at the end of the 33rd over. ICC welcomed the chance to bowl to a fresh batsmen and took the next two wick ets for the addition of just one run, T T 2 .
McD onald continued disperse the ICC bowlers until Ravi Mehra bowled him for a massive 13 . T T finished on 6 3 . Now it was Surinder K umar’s turn to dispatch the TCT bowlers. K umar hit six 4s and a 6 in his 38 -run innings, but his luck ran out when caught behind off the bowling of H ossain Sylar. ICC’s D ivan Mydeen and
Shah Ullah continued to push for an unlik ely victory. E ight overs later, I were 1 2. A bowling change saw Craig Murphy and G arry ane stem the flow of runs and pick up two wick ets each. J ust before the 20-over drink s break looping leg-spinner Martin H ill was introduced into the attack and the Island batsmen threw caution to the wind in an attempt to k eep
with the run rate. H ill’s variation could only be described as extraordinary. Bowling to a tight field he snared the important wick et of avi ehra 1 (1 ), B off a faster ball. After the drink break his loop had V irdik ar caught hook ing a ball to Murphy at first slip. Two more batsmen were deceived in flight caught by ane off ill’s bowling. Carl Baxter got the last wick et of the innings as ICC were dismissed for 1 runs. The win places TCT six points clear on top of the PCL ladder with this Sunday’s match between second-placed L aguna and third-placed Patong important for both teams in their pursuit of a place in the final. Andrew McMillan
Top world tennis coach leads course at BISP RPT Tennis Academy TENNIS BRITISH INTE RNATIONAL School, Phuk et (BISP) welcomed world-renowned tennis coach Adrian Rattenbury, who led the RPT Coaches Course at the BISP Tennis Centre, and spent time with junior players from the BISP RPT Tennis Academy from February 8 -11.. Adrian co-founded the Registro Profesional de Tenis RPT ( in Spain in 1 , which has become a global leader in providing educational programmes and comprehensive services to professional tennis coaches, academies and clubs. Since its beginning, the PT has trained over ,000 tennis coaches across the globe, delivering more than 1,000 courses and introducing almost half a million players to the game of tennis.
BISP RPT Tennis Academy Director Jeff LaMantia presents Adrian Rattenbury (in green) with an Academy shirt. L ast summer, BISP RPT Tennis Academy H ead Coach L ee Austrin was appointed the RPT National D irector of Thailand, and BISP is the country’s only RPT Centre of E xcellence. Commenting on Adrian’s visit, L ee said, “ We were proud to recently have Adrian at BISP. H e is one of the world’s top coaches, and his k nowledge of the game and work with some of the world’s top players, mak e him a much sought after expert. We look
forward to welcoming him back to the BISP RPT Tennis Academy in the near future.” BISP RPT Tennis Academy irector eff a antia added, “ It’s amazing for our students and parents to have access to a coach of Adrian’s calibre, and we are proud to be the only RPT Centre of E xcellence in the country.” For more information on the BI SP R PT Tennis Academy, visit tennis
As the event will be split over two days, participants in the 2km, 5km and 10.5km events will have their chance on the course first on the afternoon of Saturday, June 4.
Double the Fun at 11th Laguna Phuket Marathon PHUKET AFTE R A R E COR D break ing, sold-out year in 2015 where close to 6,000 runners participated in the AIMS-measured and certified arathon ( 2.1 km), alf-marathon (21.0 km), 10.5k m Run, 5k m Walk , and 2k m K ids Run, the 11th L aguna Phuk et Marathon this year is doubling the fun by spreading the races over the course of two days, J une 4-5, 2016. Runners participating in the 2k m, 5k m and 10.5k m events will have their chance on the course first on the afternoon of Saturday, J une 4. The half-marathon and marathon races will tak e place early morning on Sunday, J une 5. This way, runners and spectators alik e will have the chance to fully enjoy the races
and activities at the event. It also provides a chance for runners participating in the half-marathon and marathon races to squeeze in an extra practice or warm-up run in the 10.5k m Run on Saturday afternoon before their big race on Sunday. All they would have to do is register for races on both days. And all that effort would not go unrecognised, as the organizers of the L aguna Phuk et Marathon, G o Adventure Asia, have designed the finisher medals for the 10. km Run, the half-marathon, and marathon to join together to create one spectacular, unique medal. The L aguna Phuk et Marathon race course is set against the magnificent backdrop of the lush greenery of Phuk et’s tropical forests, rubber and pineapple plantations, spectacular beaches, quaint local
villages, beautiful cultural landmark s, and, of course, stunning L aguna Phuk et. T he L ag u na Phu k et Marathon is organised by G o Adventure Asia to be a fun and family-oriented affair in conjunction with the L aguna Phuk et Foundation, which supports educational and social development of local communities as well as marine and natural environmental conservation. Aside from the races, the event also offers an expo, pre-race pasta party, and farewell BBQ. E arly-bird registration for the 11th L aguna Phuk et Marathon is coming close to an end with the deadline on ebruary 2 , 2016. For more information and registration, please visit www., www. or call + 6 6 2 236 -2931-2. thephuketnews
The overall competition winner receives 1 voucher staying 2 nights in a Prestige Suite including breakfast for 2 persons and a 30-minute spa treatment at Sofitel Krabi Phokeethra Golf & Spa Resort, overall value THB 90,000. The monthly competition winner for February will receive a B3,000 voucher to spend at Angus O’Tool’s Karon Beach.
EPL PREDICTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
MONTHLY LEADERS hairynutbagz chris goodhand giggs opinionated farange YanuiPla
17 16 16 16 16
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
OVERALL LEADERS hairynutbagz graeme64 celticpride sam3838 scottkip
120 116 115 115 115
English Premier League 2015 - 2016 Team
A GD Pts
Man City
Man Utd
West Ham
Crystal Palace
West Brom
44 -14
34 -10
50 -20
49 -22
50 -18
Aston Villa
46 -26
Live Sports TV Schedule *Times may be subject to change
Friday 19 February th
UEFA Europa League
Midtjylland v. Man United
T201 - Cape Town
South Africa v. England
Saturday 20 February th
15:00 Test Match 2 - Christchurch
New Zealand v. Australia, Day 1
Rugby Union 19:55
France Top 14
Stade France v. Brive
Aviva Premiership
Bath v. Wasps
Guinness Pro 12
Glasgow v. Munster
FA Cup – 5th Round
Arsenal v. Hull City
FA Cup – 5th Round
Bournemouth v. Everton
Sunday 21st February Cricket
12:00 Test Match 2 - Christchurch
T202 - Johannesburg
New Zealand v. Australia, Day 2 South Africa v. England
FA Cup – 5h Round
Chelsea v. Man City
Rugby Union
Aviva Premiership
London Irish v. Leicester
Arsenal fightback gives Wenger title belief FOOTBALL
rsenal manager Arsene Wenger confessed that he had glimpsed the grim apparition of Premier L eague title failures past during his side’s nerve-jangling 2-1 victory over leaders L eicester City. At half-time of last Sunday’s table-topping showdown at the E mirates Stadium, L eicester led 1-0 through J amie V ardy’s penalty and Arsenal were staring down the barrel of an eight-point deficit to the summit. But after L eicester’s D anny Simpson was sent off, substitutes Theo Walcott and D anny Welbeck struck to lift Wenger’s side to within two points of first place and rekindle hopes of a first league crown since 2004. “ A loss today (Sunday) would have been massive,” Wenger told his post-match press conference. “ E ven after that you get all the negative vibes, the belief goes down. It would have been much more di cult. “ We would not have given up, but eight points is three games to come back . We would need to win three, they would need to lose three.” Welbeck ’s goal, a 95thminute header on his return from a 10-month injury lay-off, sets Arsenal up nicely for a run of games that sees them tack le H ull City in the FA Cup and holders Barcelona in the Champions L eague before returning to league action at Manchester United on February 28 . They must also visit second-place Tottenham H otspur and fourth-place Manchester City over the season’s closing week s, but Wenger said the nature of the victory over L eicester would give them great heart.
Arsenal’s Danny Welbeck scores his team’s second goal during last Sunday’s match against Leicester. Photo: Glyn Kirk/AFP “ It will strengthen our belief that we are in the fight, said the Frenchman, whose side had won 2-0 at Bournemouth on their previous outing. “ Because we had a bit of a dodgy spell – with L iverpool 3-3, Stok e 0-0, we lost against Chelsea, played 0-0 at home against Southampton – so now after that we win two games. “ We’re still mathematically in the fight and that will strengthen our belief of course.” Wenger revealed that he had waited until the last minute before deciding to put Welbeck on the bench following his return from a long-term k nee problem. “ Y ou k now D anny Welbeck . H e is a great guy, with a great mentality. H e work ed extremely hard. That is why he is fit, enger said. “ In the last two days he was convincing in training. I planned at the start, when
I made my press conference on Friday morning, to play him next week . “ But in the last two training sessions he was very strong and I decided just in the end to include him in the squad. “ E veryone is extremely happy for him because he has been out for 10 months. That’s an eternity for a player. L et’s not forget he has not played one minute for us.” V ardy’s goal on the strok e of half-time, his 19th of the season, put L eicester on course for another big win after their 3-1 success at Manchester City the previous week end. But Simpson’s dismissal after two book ings – for impeding Alexis Sanchez and holding back Olivier G iroud – changed the course of the game and they finished the week end with Spurs and Arsenal breathing down their neck s. H aving only previously
seen his side beaten twice, L eicester manager Claudio Ranieri has not had much to rail against this season, but he declared himself “ very angry” with referee Martin Atk inson’s decision to send Simpson off. In stark contrast to Arsenal, L eicester now have two week s to prepare for their next league assignment – a home game with Norwich City – and Ranieri said that he would be giving his players a week off. “ It’s the same as if you won the match,” he said. “ ’G o home, and we will see you next Monday,’ because they deserve it. They made a fantastic performance today. They go, I don’t k now where. D ubai maybe. They go wherever they want.” Ask ed if L eicester’s title dream was still alive, a smiling Ranieri answered cryptically. “ I have a dream,” he said. “ But I don’t tell you what is my dream.” AFP
Big hitters make their mark at the ACG > page 38
Phuket readies to host 4th Thailand SUP Invitational
There will be plenty of fun both in and out of the water at Bang Tao Beach.
Matt Pond
ot so long ago Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP) was pretty much unheard of. But now, in 2016, SUP is a quite a phenomenon, and undoubtedly one of the fastest growing fun and sporting activities. Over the last few years, people all around the world have been flocking to lakes, oceans and rivers in record numbers to get in on the SUP action. A big draw of SUP is that it’s very accessible. With a range of boards for people of all shapes and sizes, it’s a sport anyone can do. While it’s certainly popular among the fitness and leisure crowd, what you may not know is that SUP is a full-on professional sport, complete with grueling competitions and world-class sponsored athletes. It wasn’t long after the advent of stand up paddleboarding that SUP events emerged, and they’ve been growing in number and calibre ever since. According to SUP Magazine, there’s an event somewhere in the world almost every week of the year. As stand up paddle boarding gains converts – thanks to the simplicity and accessibility of the sport – it stands to reason that these events should grow up around it, bringing people together to learn, compete, watch the action and have fun. In just two weeks’ time, Phuket will once again welcome some of the world’s finest paddleboard professionals as it plays host to the 4th Thailand SUP Invitational,
The one-day event will include a 6km Elite race, as well as a shorter Sprint competition. Thailand’s biggest Stand Up Paddle event. Taking place at the Bliss Beach Club on Saturday 5th March, the one-day event will include a six kilometre Elite race, as well as a shorter Sprint competition. Alongside the serious contests, the day will see dozens of local businesses – including some of Phuket’s best-loved bars and restaurants – battle it out against one another in a relay race between several of the smaller islands dotted along the shore. Once the racing has finished, competitors and spectators will be able to enjoy an evening of music, markets, food and drink, before the whole day is finished off with an after-party at the Bliss Beach Club itself. Combining an oversized surfboard with an extra-long canoe paddle, like its name suggests SUP is paddling while standing up. Fun, easy to learn and a full body workout SUP continues to be one of the fastest growing water sports.
• Elite 6 km including 100m beach run after each lap (All competitors race together in one heat) • Sprint 200m (top 3 competitors of each heat will moves through to the final) • Family (2 people on 1 board) 200m • Under-16s 200m (top 3 competitors of each heat will move through to the final) • Team Relay (3 people including 1 female) paddling 200m each
1. Register and pay now = B1,200 2. Register now and pay on race day = B1,500 3. Child rate (under 16) = B999 / child 4. Race only = B600 / person (race entry only) Registration fee includes: Entry info all race categories, use of brand-new Starboard race boards, T-shirt, 1 free drink and Gourmet Beach BBQ at presentation dinner. Please note: for competing in the Elite category, contestants must provide their own boards. If competitors need to rent a board for this Elite race, please inform us when registering. There are limited boards available for this race and priority will be given to early registrations. To register simply Email: or go to You can follow all the action on our facebook / instagram pages. Any questions please contact event director Tim Campbell at 082-5193 282 Bring on the fun! thephuketnews