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Friday November 23 – Thursday November 29, 2012

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Yellow Shirts bring protest to Phuket


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Gee whiz! Rory Byrne on the future of F1

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SPORT 0 100 100 0 0 35 100 0 Brazil win fifth futsal World Cup

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JUSTICE 100 100 40 50

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■ Kickboxer Lee “Pitbull”

Aldhouse has failed in his appeal against extradition from the UK to Thailand on the charge of murdering U S M a r i n e D a s h aw n Longfellow in 2010

■ “I pray that he does get

sent back. I am sorry, I want him dead. I know in my heart that’s bad but it’s how I feel. I miss my son every day” -Tammy Longfellow FULL STORY ON PAGES 2 & 8






Barack visits Bangkok

US President flies into Thai capital on regional tour > 4


‘Pitbull’ is on Kitten freed from drain his way back I to Phuket trial KICKBOXER LEE “THE Pitbull” Aldhouse has failed in his appeal against extradition to Thailand on a murder charge and is expected back in Phuket within days to face trial for the killing of US Marine Dashawn Longfellow. In a statement to The Phuket News on Tuesday (November 20) the Home Office (Britain’s interior ministry) said, “Lee Aldhouse is wanted in Thailand, where he is accused of murder. “His appeal against extradition to Thailand has been dismissed by the High Court and arrangements are being made to extradite him as soon as possible. “Mr Aldhouse has not appealed to the Supreme Court. The operational details of Mr Aldhouse’s extradition will be a matter for the police.” Aldhouse, now 30, is alleged to have been involved in a drunken altercation with Mr Longfellow, a 23-year-old US Marine who served with distinction in Iraq and Afghanistan and was taking time out in Phuket to recover from a shrapnel wound sustained while on active duty. The two encountered one another in the toilet of the

Freedom Bar Rawai in August 13, 2010, and punches were thrown. Mr Aldhouse ended up on the floor before others intervened to stop the fight. It is alleged that he then went to a nearby 7-Eleven, snatched up two knives, then went back to the bar. There, he was told that Mr Longfellow had already left. He then went to the Ya Nui Resort where, it is alleged, he waited in the dark until Mr Longfellow arrived, at about 4am, at which point he stabbed him twice, leaving him dying on the floor. Longfellow would have turned 26 on November 11. A Manchester native, Ald­ house fled to the UK. He was arrested on his arrival at Heathrow Airport when records showed that he had breached the terms of his early release from prison for a previous crime. He was sent back to jail and, when he was again released, was re-arrested for the killing of Longfellow. He was ordered to be sent back to Thailand. Since then, he has fought against extradition. That fight is now over. He is expected to be back in Phuket next week. A senseless murder: Page 8

n a story that would melt the hear t of even the crustiest local newspaper editor, Chalong Public Works Department spent 20 minutes last week freeing a kitten from a drain under the road. Chalong Mayor Samran Jindapol explained that a local resident contacted him about 11am to say that a kitten about a month old was caught in a drain there. “He said he was unable to rescue the kitten because the drain cover was welded shut,” the mayor explained. “So I ordered the Public Works Department officers to hurry over with their equipment and free the cat.” Watched by a crowd, the officers began to work, using metal and bolt cutters, and after about 20 minutes were able to remove the metallattice drain cover, which was welded shut to prevent it being stolen and sold for scrap.

Wet and filthy, but otherwise none the worse for wear – the kitten after the rescue. (Screen grab from video by Samran Jindapong, Mayor of Chalong.) From inside the drain they drew the calico-coloured kitten, soaking wet and rather muddy but otherwise in good health. Since no one knew who the kitten belonged to, it was

handed to a Mr Boonlert who runs a nearby dry goods store, and who agreed to care for it. Indeed, it was he who had called the mayor. “I heard the kitten mewing this morning,” he explained,

“and I went out looking for it. It was some time before I finally saw it stuck in the drain in front of my house.” Unable to remove the drain cover, he made the crucial call. A job well done.

Patong cracks down on loris touts, beggars PATONG MUNICIPALITY IS cracking down on “slow loris gangs” after receiving numerous and continuing complaints from tourists, according to Patong Deputy Mayor Chairat Sukbal. He said most tourists are annoyed by their operations. Slow loris touts typically solicit fees from tourists after photographing them with the irresistibly cute, teddy-bearlike creatures, considered an endangered species. Mr Chairat said Patong has been proclaimed “a noprotected-species-brought-totake-photos-with-tourists free zone”. He added that authorities were also cracking down on groups of foreign beggars. “Police teams have assembled to wipe the area clean of those individuals and groups who bring slow lorises, gibbons, and hawks for photographs with tourists, especially on Soi Bangla,” he explained. “Rangers from the Khao Pra Taew Wild Animal Reserve in Phuket, the Phuket

Provincial Natural Resources and the Environment Violations Division police, Kathu district police and Patong municipal officers have worked together since October to stamp out these gangs. “As a result 10 interceptions have been made, with slow lorises seized and their handlers arrested.” Presently, he said, strict and continuing enforcement “has resulted in a clear reduction in the number of those bringing protected species to photograph with tourists.” But, he added, officials are not resting on their laurels. “The crackdown will continue because such activities are greatly upsetting and annoying to tourists, who continually complain about them.” Other objects of the city’s crackdown, Chairat said, are foreign gangs bringing children and decrepit elderly “to sit and beg or sell flowers.” “Tourists find them most annoying,” he said, “and so the city is always making arrests with the goal of sweeping the

Slow lorises have appealing eyes that make them attractive as money-makers, but they are regarded by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature as endangered. streets clean – because we want to make Patong a beggar-free zone, free also of people trying to sell flowers to foreign tourists.”

Mr Chairat said the city will continue to be strict with such people as a means of “maintaining forever Patong’s image as a fun place for holidays”.




DRY DISCUSSIONS Meeting tackles Phuket flood solutions


meeting on November 13 at the Merlin Hotel in Phuket Town discussed “Strategies for Preventing and Solving Flooding in Phuket”. The meeting was organised by the Prince of Songkhla University’s Phuket Campus and chaired by its director, Wiroj Putong. It also attracted representatives of central government agencies and of various municipal organisations on the island, along with NGOs, and local business people and citizens. The main points for discussion included creating an advance warning system; preparing an emergency management capability; adding to the information data-base on flood-related dangers; risk evaluation; maintenance of infrastructure, especially drains; and areas where investment in construction is needed. Other items entering into consideration were: providing public health services and mak-

Unprecedented floods on August 22 this year caught many local inhabitants, such as as those living on Soi Romanee in Phuket Old Town (pictured above), unawares. ing necessary improvements to these services; safeguarding schools; protecting facilities for maintenance of public hygiene; ensuring against dangerous environmental damage; dealing with changes in weather patterns; and ensuring the overall system allows everyone to understand their roles and responsibilities. Prof Wiroj noted that the

meeting resulted from the heavy flooding on August 22 that struck Phuket Town especially hard. “It prompted a great deal of interest among municipal officers in how to deal with flooding,” he said. “The Thai Foundation Institute of the Environment undertook an evaluation study of risk areas for the city, and the university agreed to be

TAT moves to counter Krabi ‘Evil Man’ fallout THE TOURISM AUTHOR ity of Thailand (TAT) says it will urgently establish a safety zone at Ao Nang beach to rebuild tourist confidence after a high profile rape case illustrated the dangers for single women travelling in Thailand. TAT Krabi office director, Wiyada Srirangkul, said the office will work with the provincial authorities and the private sector to set up a safety zone at Ao Nang after a Dutch pop singer posted a song on YouTube, Evil Man From Krabi, in part slamming the police response to his 19-year-old daughter’s rape. The song was uploaded to YouTube on October 23, identifying a suspect who the singer said is now free on bail. Since then it has received 470,000 hits. The TAT confirmed there would be an increase in police officers and volunteers patrolling the beach areas. Tourism and Sports Minister, Chumpol Silpa-archa, said he has ordered the tourism office to revive tourist confidence, but said very little about the increase in crime against tourists, especially attacks on single women travellers. He did claim that the ministry would provide B200 million from its 2013 fiscal year budget

Ao Nang Beach in Krabi seems idyllic – but danger also lurks for the unwary. Photo: Kallerna to install CCTV in popular tourist destinations including Ao Nang. Police in Krabi uploaded their own video clip to YouTube, Monday, called The Truth from Krabi. But it had a one big shortcoming. It was in Thai, with

no English subtitles to present the police message to an international audience. It has since been pulled off YouTube. Police argued that Krabi’s tourism was damaged by the Evil Man from Krabi clip posted on the internet last month by the father of the 19-year-old model.

responsible for two areas of investigation – drainage management and solving the problem of flooding.” He said that 400 people affected by the flooding were surveyed before the meeting. “[They] said that the flooding resulted from quite heavy rains which overwhelmed the capacity of the drainage system. “Other factors, they said,

included the high tide at that time and failure to clean the klongs. “Ninety six per cent of respondents said they were not warned by the relevant agencies, and the majority – about 57 per cent – said they had no experience of flooding before and therefore did not know how to cope with it.” A strategic plan, Prof Wiroj said, “will be a tool used to build readiness and co-operation, whether among civil servants, local government bodies, or interested individuals.” He added that participants were excited at the prospect of creating methods for dealing with natural disasters, and so hit upon the issue of flooding as an area of study. The causes most often adduced for flooding in Phuket include reduction in the number, or diversion of natural watercourses; construction projects on hillsides or in flood-plains; and road-building. – Source: Manager Online

Three teens held for bag-snatching POLICE HAVE ARRESTED three teenage bag-snatchers after they stole a woman’s handbag at the entrance of the Phuket Graceland Resort & Spa on the beach road in Patong around midnight on Sunday (November 18). Pol Lt Col Akanit Danpi­ taksan Superintendent of Criminal Police in Kathu, and Kathu Inspector Pol Maj Somsak Thongklieng said that the three were Sarayut Aisuwan, 19; Chanatip Sukchu, 19; and a 17-year-old who for legal reasons may not be named. Police broke the case after Sirawit Banpeung came into the police station with a Blackberry mobile phone which he said had

been stolen by a relative who lived with him – the 17-year-old. The phone was registered to Narumon Thongkamkong, who had been robbed some time before in the same place. Questioning the 17-year-old they learned he had been with Sarayut on that robbery. Sarayut was pulled in and gave Chanatip’s name as his partner in Sunday’s robbery. Chanatip, too, was arrested. All three admitted to the robberies, saying they wanted cash to buy supplies of the kratom-and-cough-mixture cocktail See Koon Loy (4x100) They also admitted “about eight or 10” similar robberies in the past few weeks.


Phuket Gov meets poor communities PH U K ET G OV E R NOR Maitree Intusut met with local poor people – many of them Sea Gypsies – on November 15 to discuss the government’s new land management plan and to hear their requirements. A representative of the Phuket Networking Group for the the Rights and Development of the Poor, Tutipon “Mam” Thipwong, presented four ideas to tackle problems for those living in slums in Phuket. Gov Maitree promised to do two of the four, and to look at the other two. He said he would allocate B500,000 for setting up a credit union for all the communities (amalgamating existing credit unions set up by the local themselves), along with a local education centre in each community. He also promised to allocate a walkie-talkie frequency for the use of a mangrove monitoring volunteer group. He said he would look at the other two requests once the new Provincial Land Centre, or SorPorTor, ordered created by Deputy PM Chalerm Yoobamrung, is up and running. Two Sea Gypsy villages have issues with private individuals and businesses over land ownership (See page 6). The two requests were for: representation in the SorPorTor; and the setting up of a follow-up working group, to meet every three months. Though he said the meetings would have to wait until after the SorPorTor is set up, the Governor seemed to be in favour, handing out “3G” shirts (standing for “Green City; Giving to Society; Good Life”) to all those who would be attending meetings. The governor said he believes that the SorPorTor, which will bring together all government departments involved in land issues, will make resolution of land issues less complicated, and increase cooperation with local communities.





PAD leaders in Phuket Nattha Thepbamrung reporter2@thephuketnews.com


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SIMON OSTHEIMER Managing Editor 083 922 9265 managingeditor@thephuketnews.com From Hong Kong; a decade’s experience as editor of magazines and newspapers in Shanghai (City Weekend, that’s Shanghai), Beijing (tbjhome, Urbane), Hong Kong (Time Out Hong Kong), Kuala Lumpur (Vision KL), Bangkok (Bangkok 101) and Phuket. Journalist for Esquire, Fah Thai, Vacations & Travel, Travel & Leisure, CNNGo, Surface and Dwell.

ALASDAIR FORBES Executive Editor 087 884 9964 execeditor@thephuketnews.com From the UK; 40 years as a journalist and editor on magazines and newspapers in the UK, Middle East, Hong Kong and Thailand: Cheshire Observer, Chester Chronicle, Saudi Gazette, Gulf Mirror, Gulf Construction, Gulf News, Hongkong Standard, Asian Business (Editor) and Phuket Gazette (Managing Editor for seven years).

CLAIRE CONNELL Sub Editor editor1@thephuketnews.com From New Zealand; BA (English) from University of Otago; Diploma in Journalism from the University of Canterbury. Five years’ experience at Gisborne Herald and Marlborough Express.

JODY HOUTON Sub Editor editor3@thephuketnews.com From the UK; Masters Degree in Journalism, Kingston University. Five years’ experience at Groove Magazine, Metropolis, The Western Telegraph, The Mirror and Phuket Post.

J. P. MESTANZA Sub Editor editor2@thephuketnews.com From USA; Degree in Journalism and Media Studies, from Rutgers University. Three years experience at The Jersey Journal, Sports Page Magazine, and My9 News.

TANYALUK ‘MANGO’ SAKOOT Reporter 091 034 2291 reporter4@thephuketnews.com

NATTHA ‘KAMIN’ THEPBAMRUNG Reporter 087 353 9382 reporter2@thephuketnews.com


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aj Gen Chamlong Srimuang, one of the founders of the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) or Yellow Shirts, was in Phuket on Sunday (November 18) heading a panel of Yellow Shirt heavy-hitters in a travelling protest labelled “Fight Thailand Crisis, Reform the Energy [industry]”. Some 500 Yellow Shirt supporters gathered at Saphan Hin to listen to Gen Chamlong and eight other speakers. The general told them, “The topic today covers many stories – the energy crisis, big corruption and also the expected upcoming story that Thailand will lose disputed land to Cambodia.” Other speakers were Pipop Thongchai, Somkiat Pongpiboon, Prapan Koonmee, Lt Col Rattakade Jangjamrat, Panthep Puapongpan, Asst Prof Jamroon Na Ranong, Chatchawan Chatsuthichai and Dr Pichai Rattanadilok Na Phuket. Gen Chamlong, who was one of the five founders of the PAD, said that the meeting in Phuket was the 19th in a series to be held in every province of the country, aimed at giving people the knowledge that Thailand “must be developed sustainably by solving all of its long term problems”. Remarking on the protest scheduled for Saturday (November 24) by the Pitak Siam group led by Gen Boonlert “Sae Ai” Kaewprasit, which shares the PAD’s aim of bringing down

Gen Chamlong Srimuang meets admirers in Phuket. the government of Yingluck Shinawatra, Gen Chamlong said the PAD would not be involved, but he would not discourage PAD members from joining the Pitak Siam protest. One topic discussed on stage was “the energy corruption” of PTT – the state oil enterprise. Col Rattakade revealed what he said were “the real numbers” regarding gas and crude oil in Thailand and alleged that the petroleum business was in the hands of a small group of people, especially politicians, who were manipulating it to the detriment of the citizens of Thailand. “The government always says that petroleum reserves in Thailand are insufficient so they must import from overseas. “The truth is that, based on information from the Office of the Auditor General of Thailand, we have more than enough energy resources to

meet domestic needs,” he said. The continuing high price of energy in Thailand makes around 1,000 businesses a month go bust, he alleged. “In the near future Thailand will also have to import more gas because the Ministry of Energy has just said that our gas reserves will be exhausted soon. That will mean the price of gas will increase. “The AEC is coming. Malaysian people buy gasoline at B19 petrol per litre and in Singapore it costs B24. But in Thailand people have to pay B48 per litre. That’s the highest price for petrol in Asean. We will be at a disadvantage when the AEC comes in existence. “Thailand has the same known reserves of crude oil as Vietnam – 4.7 billion barrels. Using this would change Thai people’s lives. The money that now goes to the shareholders of PTT and to some politicians will

come back to the Thai people. But, he alleged, politicians are meddling with regulations and policies to benefit PTT and their own pockets. “The Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Energy is the chairman of PTT board. He has brought in many regulations and policies beneficial to PTT. “Other senior officials in that ministry are shareholders in petroleum-related companies so there is no way that Thailand can have petrol prices as low as the countries around us.” He also claimed that “there are petroleum fields around Thailand”. In the North East, he claimed, there is an unexploited oilfield covering 100,000 square kilometres and two kilometres deep. He added that there is another oilfield close to Phuket, the largest in the country, but it is very deep and would be difficult to exploit.

Police seek death bus driver POLICE HAVE ISSUED A warrant for the arrest of the driver of a bus belonging to Pegas Touristik, which specialises in the Russian market, after he fled the scene of an accident in which two women died. The bus slammed into a motorbike at the intersection of the main Thepkrassattri Rd and the old airport road, in the evening of November 14, killing the two people on the bike, and dragging the bike onwards for a good 500 metres before stopping. When Thalang district police, led by Pol Sub Lt Chatri Chuwichien, arrived at the scene, they found the white bus in the north-bound lane about 500 metres off, its front end damaged, “and bits of the victims’ flesh and hair stuck to the windscreen”. Beneath the bus was the Honda Dream motorbike. Police said the bus driver,

The impact badly damaged the front of the Pegas bus. Photo: Kusonsatha Rescue who was not identified, was nowhere to be found: “We believe he fled the scene,” an officer said. About 50 metres from the intersection lay the bodies of the two women victims, Jaroonrat Wari, 35, and Naru­ la­da Wari, 17.

Investigation revealed that, after hitting the bike, the bus driver tried to drive away, but the motorbike had become jammed underneath the chassis of the bus, and was dragged onwards some 500 metres before the driver gave up and stopped.

It is not known whether passengers were on the bus, which was headed to the airport when the accident happened. Police said they would “investigate the details further preparatory to prosecution.” The bodies were taken to Thalang hospital.




THAT STINKING FEELING Water boss vows to sort out Phuket park pong Tanyaluk Sakoot reporter4@thephuketnews.com


he new director of the Royal Irrigation Department, Ruethai Phacharanuruk, who arrived in Phuket just under a week ago, has promised to address a smelly problem as one of his top priorities. The Suan Luang Ror 9 Park, in Phuket Town at the northern end of Chao Fah Rd, used to be a popular place for a leisurely stroll or morning jog. Recently, however, it’s become much less popular, thanks to the increasing reek from stagnant water in some of the lake at the northern end of the park. The stink has increased exponentially in the recent week, with fish dying from lack of oxygen in the water and floating to the surface, their decaying corpses adding to the smell. Following complaints from people living near the lake, Mr Ruethai told The Phuket News that he will fix the problem within 10 days. Mr Ruethai said, “I have given the Department of

A jogger in the Suan Luang Ror 9 Park. People are avoiding some parts, however, because of the stink. Fisheries the responsibility for draining and dredging the lakes in the park in about two or three days. Any fish still living will be moved to other parts of the park where there is still good quality water.

“I am new here but the geography of Phuket is similar to that of Lampang [in the north of Thailand] where I used to work. So, I plan to improve water sources in Phuket.

Patong graft ‘out of control’ NIGHTLIFE BUSINESS operators in Patong are fed up with government officials demanding more and bigger bribes from them, the town’s Deputy Mayor, Chairat Sukbal, told Governor Maitri Intusut on November 14 in a closed meeting. His complaint was backed by Patong Beach Entertainment Place Association chairman Wirawit Kreuasombat and others. “The purpose of this meeting,” Mr Chairat said after the meeting, “was to acquaint the governor with problems arising from certain government units

demanding protection money from entertainment places in Patong.” He added that the demands “are continually on the increase. “We would like the governor to undertake urgent investigations into those units, giving justice to operators of entertainment places.” He and the nightlife operators also made a plea for nightlife opening hours to be relaxed to “accord with the behaviour of foreign tourists”. Mr Wirawit said that his group wanted the governor to extend the opening hours

– currently 2am at the latest. “The activities of most tourists travelling here to use our services occur during the late hours of the night,” he explained. “When our businesses close at the official time, tourists spend their money instead in 24-hour convenience stores, then sit by the beach to consume their purchases. “That has an adverse impact on cleanliness in the beach area, and also on tourist safety.” Gov Maitri’s responses to the group’s proposals were not reported. Source: Manager Online

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“The dredging of the lake will be done in 10 days. All the lakes will then be deeper and cleaner. After they have settled, I will rerelease fish into them.” He said that there had

been a similar problem with one of the ponds next to Rajabhat University. “ T h at h a s now b e e n dredged and that project is complete apart from a few details.”


Officials prepare to ‘manage’ beaches LOCAL OFFICIALS ARE gathering detailed information about every vendor and business operator on Phuket’s beaches in preparation to “manage” the beaches better. At a meeting on Monday (November 19) of the Beach Re-regulation Committee chaired by Vice-Governor Jamroen Thipayapongtada, three teams – one for each district – were instructed to compile, within one week, details of every retailer, beach lounger/ umbrella rental business, jet ski operator, long-tailed boat operator, food peddler, massage therapist and hot-air balloon/ fireworks seller. They were also told to list all problems including cases of people building illegal permanent structures on the beaches. This is not the first time the Provincial Government has tried to regulate business on the beaches and enforce laws. Similar committees were set up in January 2007 and in December 2008. A fourth team will have the task of evaluating the information and overall responsibility for ensuring the relevant laws are enforced.





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Jason Beavan 086 479 7471


Angry fishermen block Navy base Tanyaluk Sakoot reporter4@thephuketnews.com


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CLASSIFIED MANAGER Jarunee Phetchmanee 088 754 1372


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ishermen angry at what they describe as harrassment and “selective enforcement” by the Royal Thai Navy (RTN) used trucks to block the main north-south highway in Phang Nga, outside the Tap Lamu Navy Base for two hours on November 14. The roadblock caused traffic chaos and left tourists headed for Phuket International Airport wondering if they would make their flights. The fishermen also moved 100 fishing boats into the mouth of the channel used by the Navy to reach the sea, and their leader demanded to speak with RTN Third Fleet commander Vice-Admiral Taratorn Kajitsuwan and Phang Nga Governor Damrong Jarernkul. The protesters accused Adm Taratorn’s men of extortion, threats, impoper seizure of vessels and harassment by arresting foreign crew members. The immediate cause of the protest was the seizures by the RTN of four trawlers in recent days and the apprehension of 99 crew members. Tap Lamu Fishermen’s Association President Tawee Paeyai, also known as Kamnan Piak or Tai Piak, described the Navy ratings as “rude and bullying”. “They threatened the fishermen,” Tawee said, “making all of us in Tap Lamu afraid to go out fishing – which only adds

Heavily armed seamen stand by as their colleagues search the Chotboonchu 9. to our troubles because it’s the monsoon season and we’re all losing money.” Mr Tawee said the problem of foreign workers was one to be dealt with at the national level and decried what he called “selective enforcement” by the navy at Tap Lamu. The protesters demanded to present their demands to Gov Damrong and Adm Taratorn. Chief among their demands, the fishermen said, is that the Navy conduct inspections within three days of every fishing boat in their jurisdiction, which covers six provinces. Gov Damrong eventually went to the scene and accepted the group’s petitions, then made a speech that resulted in the group opening the road about 5pm. No arrests were reported.

Gov Damrong said afterwards, “The protesters insist they want officials to prosecute those in violation of the law, especially with regard to foreign workers, who are being moved about in increasing numbers. “Another grievance they cited was closure by the Navy of waters in an area local people use in conducting their livelihoods.” Mr Tawee had already been involved in a tense standoff on November 12 when the Navy tried to stop a fishing boat after – they said – they received information it might be carrying drugs. On November 12, when sailors went out to inspect fishing boat Chotboonchu 9, the crew refused to stop and radioed to someone ashore. Shortly after, two speed-

boats came out from Phang Nga and headed directly for the Chotboonchu. One of the speedboats turned towards a navy inflatable with 10 men aboard and attempted to ram it. The navy sailors managed to avoid a collision, and warned the speedboats to stay away from them. They fired five warning shots to back up the warning. A speedboat with Mr Ta­ wee aboard then came up close to the Navy’s inflatable. He demanded to know the names of the Naval officers involved in the boarding of the vessel. He objected to the way the Navy had boarded the boats and complained that he had received no request from the Navy to carry out the boardings. – Additional material: Manager Online

Second Sea Gypsy village in trouble SALES REPRESENTATIVE Kirsty Meyer 088 754 1371


SALES SUPPORT Siriporn (Nok) Seangmas 086 479 7470


A SECOND SEA GYPSY village, at Laem Tukkae on the southeast end of Koh Sireh, is facing the same fate as the village in Rawai: private individuals claiming they own the land the village sits on, with villagers arguing that they have lived there for generations. On November 15, 100 Sea Gypsies from the village, which is across the bay from the Westin Siray Bay Resort & Spa, chased off surveyors from the Phuket Land Office.

Laem Tukkae Sea Gypsy village, one of five such communities in Phuket, consists of 500 to 600 homes on 15 rai of land. Almost 3,000 people live there. Nikom Ukati, leader of the surveyors, tried to explain that a private owner holds a legal NorSor 3 land deed covering 11.5 rai of the village and dating back to 1983. The villagers, however, refused to believe this and sent the officers packing. They came back later, ac-

companied by armed officers from the Phuket Police Investigation Office, and convened a meeting with villagers. “The businessman’s claim covers hundreds of houses,” said Preeda Kongpan, from the 'Committee for Sea Gypsy Problem Integrating Solution' told The Phuket News after the meeting. “In addition, we have just discovered that another part of the village has been ‘sold’: La Tho, which is a place for Sea Gypsy worship. It was sold

to a private business for more than B10 million for five rai.” She also revealed that not far way from the village, there is a Sea Gypsy graveyard which has also been claimed by a private business. The land has been fenced off and before any burial can take place the villagers have to request that the gate be opened. She added that the “owner” allows only burials and will not open the gates for other ceremonies that would normally be carried out for the dead.

IN BRIEF Phuket Bike Week ‘will make B800m’ Organisers of the 19th Phuket Bike Week, which will take place in April next year, at the same time as the Songkran Thai New Year celebrations, say it will attract 30,000 big bike enthusiasts and bring in tourism revenue of “not less than B800 million”. The organisers, led by West Coast Road Thailand Ltd chairman Witaya Singkala met with Governor Maitree Intusut, Patong Deputy Mayor Chairat Sukbal and Provincial Office Chief Prajiad Aksorntamakul. Witaya explained that April 14-21 had been set as the dates for the event, which will as usual be centred around Loma Park and the nearby Patong sports ground.

Underpass work starts today The start of work on the underpass next to Central Festival Phuket, originally due to begin on Wednesday (November 21) has been delayed until today (November 23). “The traffic police asked us to postpone the lane closure date until Friday,” Ittiwat Kritsanawanich, underpass project engineer, told The Phuket News. However, Mr Ittiwat insisted that the project remains the same as was planned. The Phuket Traffic Police explained that HRH Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn would be in Phuket from Wednesday – when work was originally to have started – until today.

Dead Russian found floating A 70-year-old Russian tourist, Mikhail Bogdanov, was found dead on Monday morning (November 19), floating in the sea in front of the Graceland Resort & Spa in Patong. Mr Bogdanov’s body was found floating by the crew of a passing speedboat, who took it to the beach and called the police. It was not immediately clear whether the Russian – who was described as “very large and overweight” – drowned, or whether he died from a heart attack or other medical condition.





The Phuket News goes Russian S

tar ting early 2013, T he Phuk et Ne ws, in association with members from the Phuketbased Russian community and representatives of Moscow businesses, will launch Thailand’s first ever weekly Russian-language newspaper. Much a s T he Ph uk et News does with the native English-language speaking community on the island, Новости Пхукета (Novosti Phuketa as transliterated to English, literally News of Phuket) will be aimed at Russian language-speaking holidaymakers and residents on Phuket and the surrounding areas. This exciting joint project will be making use of the expertise and knowledge of The Phuket News team and the skills of the Russian co-founders, most of whom are experienced media professionals. Co-founders include Alexander Semenov, a seasoned journalist from Moscow, where he worked on Kommersant and F5, Raisa Sheludkina, property and media expert and owner of RL Media Group in Phuket, and Alexey Padalkin, wellestablished Internet media

Sergey Nesterenko, Raisa Sheludkina, The Phuket News’ Managing Director Simon Samaan and Alexander Semenov. and marketing expert, also from Moscow. Also on board and excited about the project is Moscow businessman, property and legal expert and developer of the Vista del Mar project in

Naithon, Sergey Nesterenko. M r Nest e ren ko said , “Many Russians are still accustomed to reading a lot during their holidays and they tend to rely on print news, both local and international,

rather than the Internet.” He added that a lack of English-language ability was another reason for the decision to launch, “Most Russians are not proficient enough to read English news-

papers and up until now there has been no regular printed Russian news media here in Phuket for the growing Russian expat community.” Over the past two years, Phuket’s growing number of

Russian visitors has seen the number of Russian tourists grown to second-highest, exceeded only by mainland Chinese. There have already been approximately 350,000 Russian visitors to Phuket in the first six months of the year (15 per cent of the total 2.32 million arrivals), with that number expeected to double by the end of 2012. Simon Samaan, the Managing Director of Class Act Media and owner of The Phuket News, said, “With the ever-growing number of Russian tourists and expats in Phuket, I have no doubt that the Russian edition of The Phuket News will be well received within the Russian community in Phuket and beyond. “Class Act Media is proud to be adding the Russian edition of The Phuket News to its portfolio of products and I have no doubt our clients will also see some huge benefits with our latest offer”. “We will be sticking with our current business model of packaging and leveraging on our existing products to offer our customers cost-effective and comprehensive media solutions.”


Phuket Live 89.5 breakfast radio DJ Sam Clarke and Class Act Media PR Manager Tamakorn Khowpon are both firm believers in wearing helmets when riding a bike.

Free helmets for all CLASS ACT MEDIA CO LTD, OWNERS of The Phuket News and Phuket Live 89.5 radio are to collaborate with Thung Thong Police and Kathu Municipality in a campaign to encourage motorcyclists to ride safely. As part of this campaign, Class Act Media will give away hundreds of motorcycle helmets next Wednesday (November 28), at its offices. The safety day begins at 9:30 am. In addition to the helmet hand-out, there will be

an exhibition on how to ride safely, and DJs from Phuket Live 89.5 FM radio will be on hand to keep things lively. The helmets will be handed out to anyone who comes along, on a first-come, first-served basis, so anyone wanting to get one is advised to come along early, before they run out. The Class Act Media offices are in Billion Plaza, which is at the Samkong intersection on the bypass road, opposite Tesco-Lotus.





A SENSELESS MURDER Will extradition finally resolve US Marine’s death? Alasdair Forbes execeditor@thephuketnews.com


hen Dashawn Longfellow was murdered more than two years ago, in the early hours of August 14, 2010, Phuket’s foreign community, and particularly the Thai boxing and MMA community, were horrified. Here was a young man, by all accounts well-liked, a fine member of the US Marines who had served in Afghanistan and taken part in raids on nests of Taliban, and who had been injured in the line of duty. He was in Phuket as part of the recovery process and had been learning Muay Thai at Rawai Muay Thai. Late on August 13 he was in the Freedom Bar, close to the beachfront in Rawai, with a bunch of friends. The details are not clear, but Mr Longfellow somehow got into an argument with another kick-boxer, Briton Lee Aldhouse, known in the ring as “Pitbull”. The argument between

Aldhouse and Mr Longfellow escalated into violence when the two exchanged blows in the toilets of the bar, with Mr Longfellow knocking his opponent to the floor. Friends broke up the fight and both men left before police arrived. Soon afterward, a foreigner was caught on CCTV camera charging into the nearby 7-Eleven, grabbing a knife used in the preparation of food, and running out without paying for it. The images from the camera are not high quality, but the man in them does bear a close resemblance to Aldhouse. At four in the morning, Mr Longfellow returned to his accommodation in the Ya Nui 2 Resort. There he was attacked by someone laying in wait for him. He was stabbed once in the chest and then again as he staggered into his room. His girlfriend saw “a man” run away. Given the fight earlier in the evening, and the theft of the knife, police were fairly sure they knew who had committed the murder, and put

Well liked: Dashawn Longfellow with the US Marines in Afghanistan, where he was injured in the line of duty. Photo from the Facebook page R.I.P Dashawn D.C. Longfellow out a wanted poster with a picture of Aldhouse, taken from an earlier visit to the police station. But Aldhouse was too quick. He managed to flee Thailand, probably via Cambodia, got to Singapore and from there flew back to Britain. British immigration officers had been alerted, and when Aldhouse landed, he

was locked up on charges related to illegal possession of a shotgun. The Birmingham Mail reported on September 20, 2010, “Lee Aldhouse, then aged 20, was sentenced to three years’ custody after a sawn-off shotgun was found during a police raid. “Four days after the stabbing [in Phuket], the 27-yearold was arrested at Heathrow Airport on his arrival back in the UK on a warrant issued for his recall to prison for breaching the terms of his release. “The Birmingham Mail has learned that he was arrested in the spring of 2003 when police executed a search warrant at his address. “During a search of the property, in the Solihull area [near Birmingham], a sawnoff shotgun was found by officers. Aldhouse was later sentenced to 36 months in a Young Offenders’ Institute for possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life. “It is understood he was released in August 2004. “He is thought to have spent time working as a bouncer in Spain before moving to Thailand in about 2006.

He has lived on and off in Thailand since then.” In Phuket he built a reputation for his aggressiveness and for having a very short fuse. He is not remembered with affection by those who knew him before the murder and his flight to Britain. Diana Campillo of Rawai Muay Thai, where both men trained for a while, says, “I remember that Lee Aldhouse was kicked out of the gym. The trainers didn’t like his attitude [which was] aggressive and rude. “Dashawn Longfellow I remember better. He was funny and laid-back. He trained at the gym, during a break from his military life. He was well-liked by many guests at the gym.” Danny Avison, one of the owners at the time of Promthep Muay Thai where Aldhouse had trained shortly before the murder told The Phuket News, “His aggression came from his heavy use of steroids. “In his first fight he tried to bite the ear of his opponent. In his second fight we put him against a quality Thai fighter and he didn’t like the pressure too much. “I had many of my students tell me about him starting

fights against innocent and always smaller people at local bars. “After that second fight he moved on to another gym. I was very happy not to see him again at my gym.” Once Aldhouse had been arrested in Britain, the Thai authorities launched an application for his extradition. The British Home Secretary (the country’s interior minister) Theresa May, having seen the prima facie evidence offered by the Thais – and having received “suggestions” from the US government that they would very much like to see Aldhouse sent back to Thailand to be tried for the murder of one of their citizens – agreed to his extradition. Aldhouse appealed. This is a long-drawn-out process and had Aldhouse had greater resources he could possibly have fought extradition for a great deal longer, like rogue financier Rakesh Saxena, who managed to delay his extradition from Canada to Thailand for a record 13 years. Dashawn Longfellow’s family and friends on Tuesday hailed the decision of the British court as a victory. After The Phuket News alerted her, his mother Tammy wrote, “I am very thankful that you sent this to me... I’ve been waiting on this for two-plus years. I pray that he does get sent back... I miss my son every day.” His brother Marquis wrote, “Our family is extremely happy with this news. We have been waiting far too long. I hope Lee gets it tenfold for taking the life of a true American hero.” The waiting, of course, is far from over. Thai justice grinds fine, but slow. It could be another couple of years before the family hears whether Lee Aldhouse has been found guilty and, if he is, what his punishment will be.

The Freedom Bar in Rawai, where Dashawn Longfellow and Lee Aldhouse had fought earlier on the night of the murder. Photo: Google Street View




Barry goes to Bangkok: US President in capital Coconuts Bangkok


S President Barack Obama arrived in Bangkok last Sunday (November 18) for a whirlwind visit where he toured Wat Pho, paid respects to His Majesty King Bumibol Adulyadej, held bilateral meetings with Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, and gave a meet and greet with US expats and Embassy staff. Air Force One, a militarised Boeing 747 known as the VC25, landed safely and taxied to the private jet terminal, where Mr Obama, on his first trip to Thailand, was greeted on the red carpet by US Ambassador to Thailand Kristie Kenney and Thai officials. After handshakes were exchanged, the president waved to the press pool and got into his famous bulletproof black Cadillac limousine. Also traveling with Obama was US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and the pair’s first stop was to Wat Pho temple in Bangkok’s old town, where they were given a tour by assistant abbot Phra Sutheethammanuwat. The abbot praised Obama for offering a wai instead of a traditional handshake, the Nation reported, and the President complimented the temple on its cleanliness. The abbot told Obama that because he had paid homage to the Reclining Buddha he would be re-

US President Barack Obama and Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra review an honour guard during a welcoming ceremony at Government House. Photo: AFP elected to a third term (which is impossible under law), but the President replied that he didn’t want a third term as he wanted to raise his children. Obama then pointed to Mrs Clinton and said that she would be the next president, causing everyone to burst into laughter. The President’s next stop on his agenda was to Siriraj Hospital on the banks of the Chao Phraya River, where he paid respects to HM King Bu-

mibol Adulyadej. “It’s a great honour,” Obama said to HM The King upon meeting him. Obama said he brought greetings from the American people “who are so grateful for the friendship of our two countries and are great admirers of yours — your wisdom and your leadership,” the AP reported. Obama gave HM The King a photo album of all the US Presidents who had

visited Thailand, with the last page blank so a photo of his visit could be added. He also gave HM The King a framed lithograph of the Thai and US flags that was specially commissioned to “symbolise friendship” between the two countries, AP reported. After leaving Siriraj Hospital, Obama’s motorcade travelled to Government House on Rama V Road. His armoured Cadillac pulled up to the front

of the building around 6pm where he was greeted by Prime Minister Yingluck and other dignitaries. Flashbulbs from media photographers – gathered on a grandstand nearby – went off in a steady whir as Obama and Yingluck walked in the twilight down a red carpet to receive a full Thai military salute and hear the national anthems of the US and Thailand from a marching band. The pair of leaders then entered Government House for a closed door bilateral meeting, where the main subjects on the agenda were security and trade and investment. Obama and Yingluck reaffirmed that they would cooperate on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. At the joint press conference, Obama said, “The United States is and always will be a Pacific nation. As the fastest growing region in the world, Asia-Pacific will shape much of our security and prosperity in the century ahead, and it is critical to creating opportunities for the American people.” Obama said his visit to Thailand was far too brief, but said he has already felt the warmth of the Thai people and their dignity and strength, the AP reported. “This is the ‘Land of Smiles,’ and I’ve felt it everywhere I’ve gone,” Obama said, calling Thailand the United States’ “oldest friend” in Asia.

Movie about 2004 tsunami shuns ‘disaster’ label Romain Raynaldy

EIGHT YEARS AFTER THE devastating 2004 tsunami, British actors Ewan McGregor and Naomi Watts star in a film recounting the tragedy through the eyes of a tourist family caught up in the tidal wave. But the Spanish director of The Impossible insisted that the film – which starts with a spectacular recreation of the huge wall of water crashing onto a beachfront resort – is far from a typical “disaster movie.” “Even if the film tells the story in a very direct way, the conclusions it comes to are very complex, more complex than those usual with disaster movies,” Juan Antonio Bayona said. The earthquake-triggered tsunami on December 26, 2004 killed some 230,000 people around the Indian Ocean, including large numbers of tourists caught in the resorts

Ewan McGregor. of Thailand. In the Spanish-financed movie, based on the real story of a Spanish family and filmed in the south of the country, McGregor and Watts play a couple on holiday with their children in Thailand, and separated when the tsunami hits. “There was something immediately symbolic in the story of this family, which caught my attention when I heard about it for the first

time,” Bayona said after a November 4 screening at the American Film Institute festival in Hollywood. After the tsunami crashes ashore and separates them, the seriously injured mother finds herself with her eldest son, while the father played by McGregor manages to save the two youngest children. The movie portrays the battle for survival amid the havoc wreaked by the wave, from devastated hotels to an over-crowded hospital. It opens with a family enjoying a luxury holiday in spectacular beach surroundings – before the wall of water hits. “When we were looking for funding, the first thing we were told was, if we were going to make the film, we had to see” the catastrophe itself, Bayona said. “In a film like this about the tsunami, you have to see the monster face to face, and

plunge your camera inside it to make filmgoers really feel what it was like to be there.” The young director focused intensely on what the characters are thinking and feeling – notably the eldest son, played by Tom Holland – with techniques including unsparing close-ups and om-

nipresent music. “The film starts with a shock, in a more documentary style, and as it progresses it takes on a more melodramatic tone... “We want people watching to feel emotions as intensely as the characters themselves,” Bayona said. AFP


Thai police hold serial panty thief after jewels B10m heist BANGKOK POLICE SAID last week they had discovered thousands of items of stolen women’s underwear at the home of a robbery suspect, the second time the man has been found hoarding undergarments this year. Danai Raiwech, 48, was arrested at his home in a Bangkok suburb on Thursday after police searched his property in connection with a B10 million heist at a jewellers. His wife was found wearing items of stolen jewellery, but during the search officers also uncovered bags full of underwear. “He confessed that he obsesses over underwear and uses it for personal reasons,” Police Colonel Napanwut Liamsanguan said. “He collected underwear for many years, stealing them from houses or apartments three or five each time. I stopped counting at 2,000 pieces of underwear but there must be more than 5,000 of them I’m sure,” he said. His wife was apparently aware of his problem but he had refused to see doctor, the policeman added. In January officers found more than a thousand items of underwear in the trunk of Danai’s car after they arrested him for burglary, while several thousand more were uncovered at his house during a subsequent search. He was bailed on that occasion after admitting stealing and collecting women’s underwear since the age of 18. Napanwut said he would be charged for the jewellery robbery but it would be difficult to prosecute for the under wear theft because the owners must first file a complaint to police. AFP


Singapore driver returns B27.6m to Thai tourists


Singaporean taxi driver has been heralded as a hero after he returned Sg$1.1 million (B27.6 million) in cash to a vacationing Thai couple who left the money in his cab. Sia Ka Tian, 70, was shocked to find the money in a black paper bag on the back seat on Monday after he dropped the couple off at a shopping centre. “When I saw the money, I thought, trouble is here. I was sure there was at least $200,000 in the bag,” the Straits Times quoted the 31year veteran in the taxi busi- Cab driver Sia Ka Tian, 70, was shocked to find B27.6 million in his car. Photo: AFP ness as saying. affair and in fact, we wonder But when he brought the so how can I use it?” he told such a large sum. The driver received an unhow many people would have the newspaper. money to transport company The Thai couple reported disclosed cash reward from the possibly been tempted” to ComfortDelGro’s lost-andfound office, his stunned col- the loss to the transport com- grateful couple, whose names pocket it, company spokesleagues counted Sg$1.1 million pany and Sia was waiting for have been withheld, and the woman Tammy Tan told AFP. “We are immensely proud (B27.6m) in thousand-dollar them when they arrived to company also plans to give him an award for good service. of him and are glad that the claim the money. bills. The report did not say what “Finding one million dol- passengers recovered their “The money is unimportant to me. It doesn’t belong to me, the couple were doing with lars in cash is not an everyday money.” AFP



AEC launch postponed until December 2015 Bangkok Post

ASEAN LEADERS HAVE decided to delay the launch of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) for 12 months from January 1 to December 31, 2015, to prepare the necessary regulations. Lao Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Thongloun Sisoulith told the Bangkok Post that Asean leaders have agreed the AEC could be launched on Dec 31, 2015. Thai Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said Asean economic ministers had previously agreed on a Jan 1, 2015, launch date for the AEC but said Sunday that too much work still remains to be done. “Asean is more concerned about the substance than the date,” he said. Lao Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong suggested the AEC could be launched on August 8, Asean Day, the same year. But Cambodia, which is the current chairman of the regional grouping, ruled the date of implementation should be Dec 31, 2015, Mr Surapong said.

He said several leaders had agreed they still need to make more progress in several areas, among them visa requirements for Asean people travelling in the region. Asean members have completed 72 per cent of the economic blueprint needed to bring about the AEC, with tasks in the socio-cultural and political-security fields also pending, diplomatic sources said. Some Asean leaders expressed concerns about the negative effects of the AEC, in particular transnational problems such as drug trafficking. Others took note of the need for Asean to balance the contesting presence of regional and global leaders in the region, the sources said. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen called in his opening speech for a timely implementation of programmes and plans of action to build the AEC and promote connectivity. “To achieve this objective, we need to encourage Asean ministers to formulate necessary policy measures to be implemented before 2015 in key areas,” he said.


Women bishops rejected by Church of England

T H E C H U RC H OF England narrowly rejected Tuesday the appointment of women bishops, triggering turmoil and setting back efforts to modernise the mother church of millions of Anglicans worldwide. Bishops were to host an emergency session on Wednesday morning to consider the vote’s consequences, with Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams to make a statement afterwards. In its biggest decision since backing the introduction of women priests 20 years ago, just enough lay members of England’s state church voted against the measure to bring it down, following years of wrangling between traditionalists and liberals. Williams, the church’s spiritual leader, said the result plunged him into “deep personal sadness”, whilst other bishops worried that the national church risked becoming a “national embarrassment”. The legislation needed a two-thirds majority among each of the three houses in the 470-member General Synod, the church’s governing body. But though the bishops and the clergy comfortably cleared the threshold, the legislation fell short by just six voters among the laity. The bishops voted 44 in favour and three against, while two abstained (89.8 per cent). The clergy voted 148-45 (76.7 per cent). However, the ordinary lay members voted 132 in favour and 74 against (64.1 per cent) – six votes shy of the threshold. The vote was one final setback for liberal theologian Williams, who steps down in December after 10 years of battles to keep the Church’s various factions united. “Of course I hoped and prayed that this particular business would be at another stage before I left, and course it is a... deep personal sadness that that is not the case,” the leader of the world’s Anglicans said. The proposals would have allowed a woman bishop to delegate duties to a stand-in male bishop if a parish rejected her authority. AFP



Hillary Clinton: top diplomat or future US head of state?

s Hillary Clinton prepares to step down as America’s top diplomat, no one quite believes she and husband Bill will disappear from the US political scene they have dominated for some two decades. Despite questions over whether the secretary of state was to blame for security lapses before September’s attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Clinton remains the most popular figure in the administration. The New York Times dubbed her the “rock star diplomat” and she has been met by cheering crowds in places as different as the Mongolian presidential palace and Georgetown University in Washington. In her four years at the helm of US diplomacy, Clinton has criss-crossed the world, racking up more countries than any of her predecessors and tirelessly pushing democracy and what she calls “smart power”. And, despite her repeated denials, many people remain convinced that she will once


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, centre, photographed in 2010. Photo: US Navy more try to run for presidential office. Amid the bitter political climate of a close election year her approval ratings still stand in the high 60s, and some analysts believe the Democratic Party nomination in 2016 could be hers for the asking. She came close in 2008 only to see Barack Obama snatch the nomination from her, leaving her to claim the votes she won amounted to “18 million cracks” in the

New York ‘cannibal’ cop just has filthy mind: lawyer A NEW YOR K POLICE officer accused of plotting cannibalism had no intention of actually eating his victims – it was all in his mind, his lawyer said Tuesday. Gilberto Valle, a promising six-year veteran of the New York Police Department, may have sounded scary during extensive online chats with other men about kidnapping and eating up to 100 women, but he was never dangerous, Julia Gatto said in Manhattan federal court. “His dirty thoughts are different and certainly more depraved,” the attorney acknowledged, in pleading for 28-year-old Valle to be freed on bail.

But “the only thing that happened here are men talking about fantasies”. Gatto described what she said was a “very vibrant” online “subculture” where men chat anonymously about extreme sexual fantasies, including “genital mutilation, decapitation, cannibalism”. “These kinds of conversations are happening every hour of every day. Just one website I visited with my paralegal has 38,000 members,” she said. But “it’s all role play”. Judge Paul Gardephe rejected the argument, ordering Valle to remain behind bars ahead of his trial, which will start January 22. AFP

glass ceiling which has so far denied women the nation’s highest office. After their fierce and drawn-out primaries battle, in which former president Bill Clinton was her chief and staunchest advocate, it was a surprise to many when Obama nominated her as secretary of state. Some said the Clintons were returning to power through the back door. But Hillary Clinton, 65,


has been steadfastly loyal to Obama, even in many minds taking a bullet for him by assuming responsibility for the deaths of four diplomatic staff in the September 11 attack on the Benghazi mission. Yet critics say she has failed to accomplish any big signature legacy victories – such as Henry Kissinger’s overture to communist China. Some blame Obama, who has kept a tight rein on policy on the big issues facing the

country – Afghanistan, Iraq and the Arab Spring. “Clinton has been a loyal, very effective secretary of state, who has used her star power in a useful way for Obama, and has left her mark on minor issues such as the internet or integrating development policies better into foreign policy,” Justin Vaisse, from the Brookings Institution, told AFP. “But she has always been dominated, because that’s Obama’s natural tendency, by a White House which wants to decide on absolutely everything. “That doesn’t take anything away from Clinton. She is truly remarkable, full of energy, intelligent, possessing subtlety and finesse. But the political situation has been such that she has largely been kept on a leash.” Clinton has worked hard, for instance, for a rapprochement with Pakistan – a key, but wary ally in the war against the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan – and knitted together western approval for tighter sanctions against Iran. AFP


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The world is not enough – yet Alasdair Forbes execeditor@thephuketnews.com


hen Robert Braithwaite started building boats in 1968, it was a leap into a different league. It’s a leap that has paid off in a big way over the ensuing 44 years. Up until 1968, his company, then called Poole Power Boats, in the southern English County of Dorset, had been a sales agent for manufacturers. One of those was American company Owens, which produced speedboats up to 17 feet. It had designed an 18-footer but decided to pull out of Britain, leaving Pool Power Boats with no product to sell. It was the opportunity Mr Braithwaite had been waiting for. “I was a marine engineer but I had itchy feet. I wanted to create something. Owens suddenly closed its speedboat factory [in the UK]. “I managed to borrow £5,000 (at that time about B200,000) and I bought the mould for the hull. We started making boats.” Did he have any doubts? “No. I’d learned an enormous amount about the marine industry. I wanted to create something that was English and of the highest quality because in the days I started, everything that was English was bad. “It was the time of [the British Motor Corporation] going bankrupt. Even RollsRoyce wasn’t good at that time. [Britain] had a very bad name.

I never told anybody in those early days that we were British. “In 1970 there were seven of us and we turned over probably £100,000 (B4 million) in that year.” It was the start of something big. Today the company – now named Sunseeker – turns over £300 million (B15 billion) and directly employs 2,300 people. Last week Mr Braithwaite was at the JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa in Mai Khao for Sunseeker’s annual dealer gettogether, bringing some 240 people from around the world for a couple of days of serious stuff followed by golf, sailing, or relaxing – and parties. He was in Phuket earlier this year for the first time, at the Pimex boat show. “We came to Phuket [for the dealer conference] because we had learned that [Phuket] was a very warm and welcoming environment. The people are absolutely amazing. The way we and our delegates have been treated is amazing – that’s the Thai people, extremely kind and obliging.” Phuket – and the Marriott – have also shown they are able to handle a disparate group of nationalities from as far apart as Moscow and Rio, Mexico and Greece. Phuket is also a relevant choice because of growth in Sunseeker’s far east markets. “In the past five years it’s grown enormously. The far east is probably 25 per cent of our business – we have over 110 boats in HK alone. “I see the far east as a very

Robert Braithwaite: ‘We had to provide a boat that looked like a 34 Tomahawk, hit the beach and then it blew up’. important part of our business. It will grow, I believe.” He also feels that small markets – five or six boats in each – are just as important as big markets. “You can be selling 40 or 50 boats into the States and then they switch off the light one day, as they often do, and you haven’t got it any more.” Mr Braithwaite had a dream when he started making boats: “I had this vision that I wanted to create something like Hoover [the British vacuum cleaner]. “I think that’s the most iconic name – it doesn’t matter what kind of vacuum cleaner

you have, you ‘get the Hoover out of the cupboard’. ‘Hoover’ [in Britain] means ‘vacuum cleaner’. I wanted to create something that meant ‘boat’. Helping to do that has been a long relationship with the makers of the James Bond movies. “They came to see us. People pay a lot of money [to have their products in the Bond movies]. But we said, ‘We can’t pay money but we’ll work with you. We’ll lend you the boats and we’ll lend you the technicians to teach you how to drive them.’ We built up a fantastic relationship.”

Sunseeker boats have appeared in the past four Bond movies. The relationship includes having boats blow up, though these are not fully fitted-out models. “We’d make a boat that from the outside looked totally finished but wasn’t. There was no interior. That’s what they blew up. “We had one blown up in The World is Not Enough. We had to provide a boat that looked like a 34 Tomahawk, hit the beach and then it blew up because Bond hit it with his rockets from the boat he was driving.” “In Panama [shooting

Eco-bottle meets quick acceptance from hotels Alasdair Forbes execeditor@thephuketnews.com

RESORTS AND HOTELS on Phuket and elsewhere in Thailand have given a very warm welcome to a new Thai product: drinking water in bottles made from maize. The bottled water, sold under the brand name Avitez, is produced in Bangkok. Production started only in August yet already 20,000 bottles a month are being sold to hotel chains such as Centara, Movenpick, and Meridien, as well as The Chava, Serenity Terraces and Anantara on Phuket. The company was founded by two women, Sandy Neilson from Australia and Emer Gannon from Ireland, with Thai shareholders. Last week Ms Ganon, who doubles up as direc-

tor of sales and marketing, was in Phuket to try to nail down a local distributor. The bottles are made in the Bangkok facility, which has a current maximum capacity of 300,000 a month, from a resin distilled from maize. The resin currently comes from the US, but 50 per cent of the company that makes it, NatureWorks, has been bought by Thai petroleum giant PTT and from 2015 the resin will be manufactured in Thailand, using cassava as the base material. The bottles are elegant, with the Avitez logo and the words “Proud to be Thai” printed directly onto the surface. They feel as if they are made of plastic but, the enthusiastic Ms Ganon explains, “they use half the fuel to produce, and production produces 60 per cent less gases.

“The bottles can be reused, or they can be composted – they degrade in 80 days – or they can be incinerated – they give off no poisonous fumes.” At the moment, the firm is limiting deliveries to a “closed loop environment” – basically hotels and resorts because the used bottles can be collected each time a new delivery is made, and reused or recycled. Ms Ganon says that she hopes to begin home deliveries in Phuket soon, and is in negotiation with a delivery company to handle this. Again, when deliveries are made, the used bottles will be collected. The bottles, which contain mineral water from Kanchanaburi, cost B22 each for a 500ml bottle, wholesale. Anyone interested in buying should visit the website at avitez.com.

scenes for Quantum of Solace] we had to ship five 43foot boats [to the set] and one 37-metre. I think we lost two [to explosions] in that.” Were the exploding boats a good investment? Absolutely, says Mr Braithwaite. “That was one of the best things in terms of making us a household name.” Sunseeker may not yet be quite on the level of Hoover in terms of British language usage. But then again, James Bond has never been seen using a Hoover, and to our knowledge no one ever blew up a Hoover in a movie.

Asians fill gap left by Europeans TTR Weekly

Emer Ganon hopes to begin home deliveries in Phuket soon.

A BOOST IN ARRIVALS from East Asia pushed Thailand’s average tourism growth in October to 20 per cent, the highest rate of the year, according to the international arrivals report of the Department of Tourism. The driving force was China which recorded a 70-percent increase in arrivals. Overall in October, Thailand recorded 1,714,152 international tourists, up substantially by 20.53 per cent. China, the new top supplier, posted huge growth of 76.04 per cent, delivering 262,460 tourists. Malaysia, the second largest contributor managed to increase 14.97 per cent to reach 201,566 visits in October.




Kata Rocks project iPad menus boost hotel unveils its first villa efficiency fter several years of preparation, the high-end Kata Rocks project has unveiled its first Sky Villa, its first of 34 such homes ranging in size from one bedroom to four. Designed by Adrian McCarroll of Original Vision, the architect responsible for many beautiful homes on Phuket, including Samsara, the apartments look out on the Andaman Sea across private infinity pools. With louvres and tinted glass panels wrapped around a clean, modern ‘Ocean Loft’ design, the detail and finishes have, the developers say, set a new standard for the island. Smart home technology allows owners to change the lighting, close the blinds, alter the air conditioning, order room service, book spa treatments and activities and access the central entertainment server with its thousands of films and albums. Common facilities include an oceanfront restaurant, bar and pool, a luxury spa and wellness centre and a state-


The clean design of the villas is by popular architect Adrian McCarroll of Original Vision. of-the-art fitness room. Richard Pope, MD of Kata Rocks, said, “We’re creating a development that has effortless and luxurious relaxation at its heart and I’m delighted to have reached this important milestone” Ralph McMillan, Managing Director of construction and engineering firm CPS Group Asia, said: “It’s been a pleasure

working for a client who wants only the best. It’s allowed us to explore options that have yet to been seen in Phuket. “The engineering systems that have been installed throughout the villas [adhere] strictly to Australian and British standards and Kata Rocks is setting the bar extremely high for everyone else.” Bear Grylls, adventurer,

TV personality and owner of a Kata Rocks Sky Villa said, “When I just want to chill out with family and friends, I try to pick places that are discreet but spectacular. Kata Rocks is both of those in abundance. A very special hideaway.” All the Ocean Lofts have already been sold. Still available are Sky Duplexes, Pool Condos and one Club Penthouse.

THE MARINA MANDARIN Singapore has deployed “a fully integrated mobile technology” called ‘OneGuest Mobile Solutions’ for its restaurants, which may give other hotels food for thought Using an array of technology, including iPad restaurant menus, the system, it is claimed, increases both efficiency and customer satisfaction. The system, which took six months to develop and was launched on November 7, uses iPads, iPhones and a cloudbased content management system, and is fully integrated with the hotel’s point-of-sale system. Central to it is the One­Guest Menu, a digital menu that enables customers to browse and order food and drinks on the hotel’s iPads. These orders are transmitted to the point-of-sale system in real-time. The conventional process of attending to diners requires three trips: showing diners to their tables; bringing menus;

and taking orders. The use of the iPads means the last trip is eliminated, effectively improving the process by 33 per cent. Customers can also indicate special requests via the message board and call for service, through the OneGuest Menu. This reduces the chances of staff making mistakes in taking orders, or keying in the wrong items into the system. The system also allows immediate customer feedback. Service staff can see the feedback and respond to it on the spot. Each staff member is also able to provide customers with the status of their orders using their iPhones, without having to refer to the POS terminal. Service staff can see realtime reports of sales, track popular menu items and inventory, and manage customer expectations. Updating of menus on the iPads can be done easily and instantaneously via OneGuest Admin. When compared to traditional paper menus, this increases staff efficiency and saves time and money.


E NC RIE PE EX S AR YE 40 OF MORE THAN 20 YEARS AT YOUR SERVICE IN THAILAND. The pool at the DoubleTree by Hilton. The property has been extensively renovated.

Doubletree Surin opens HILTON WORLDWIDE ON MONDAY announced the opening of its first DoubleTree by Hilton property in Phuket, a 250key resort near Surin Beach, previously the Courtyard by Marriott. The rebranded, four-story DoubleTree has more than 80 suites and three F&B outlets, four meeting rooms, a business center, fitness club, outdoor lagoon-style pools, water slides

InterCon Samui adds family villa THE INTERCONTINENTAL Samui Baan Taling Ngam Resort has opened a three-bedroom villa for families and parties of friends, the Napa Reserve Villa. Apart from the three bedrooms the 320sqm villa has a separate dining and living area, kitchen and a butler. The opening rate, valid until December 21, is B45,000 a night.

and a childrens’ club. This is Hilton’s second Doubletree in Thailand, the other being on Sukhumvit Rd in Bangkok. “Hilton Worldwide has been in Thailand since 1983 and [Thailand] is a key focus market for us due to its enormous potential for growth,” said Martin Rinck, president, Asia Pacific, Hilton Worldwide.


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Gerry’s View


Pitbull to face Phuket justice


“I was approaching the building to the aquarium on Cape Panwa when a stream of young monks began exiting and milling around outside. It was quite amusing watching these young guys as they joked and interacted while waiting for their transportation. But is was the shorter of the two in the photograph that really caught the eye of my camera that day as he was so animated and playful, and seemed to have a real joie de vivre.” Photo: Gerry Cummings

If you have a Phuket photo to share, email it with a caption to: editor@thephuketnews.com

he decision by British High Court officials in the case of alleged killer Lee “Pitbull” Aldhouse, could have gone either way. From the outside it looked like a 50/50 chance: either he would be extradited to Thailand or he would be set free. Earlier this week, however, the British High Court decided that sending Aldhouse back to Thailand to be tried on charges of fatally stabbing US Marine Dashawn Longfellow in Phuket in 2010 was the right course of action, and dismissed his appeal against extradition. Significantly, the Thai government promised that Aldhouse, if sent back, and if found guilty, would not face the death penalty, which can still be applied in Thailand for premeditated murder – a crucial promise in persuading the British to extradite him. This was in stark contrast to the case of Belgian murder suspect Sam van Treeck, wanted for the frenzied stabbing of

Have your say Business as usual [Re. ‘No blow-back seen’ from ‘Evil Man’ vid] Fortunately rape is not a widespread problem for tourists, or it remains unreported or underreported to police and media. That the police and Thai courts exonerate a rapist and blame the victim happens in many countries, and the usual response is to “just ignore” it. For some people, it’s just like being back “home” when they come to Phuket for a holiday. People will now not be so quick to assume that it’s safe to walk alone at night, perhaps, but soon it will all calm over and business as usual. mej313

Learning a lesson [Re. Estonian makes education history in Phuket] Very interesting story! I haven’t thought I could study abroad in Phuket, and after reading your story did some Googling. Paul

Toxic Phi-Phi [Re. US scientist suggests new theory for Canadian sisters’ deaths] There is no reason to use Deet for anything. Citronella oil works just fine and isn’t toxic. There is equally no good reason to visit Phi Phi. It’s just as toxic. Dave Williams

Glad to hear it [Re. ‘Pitbull’ to be sent back to Phuket] Good this is great news, I hope the Thai authorities offer him a life long stay in the cheapest budget room

the Bangkok Hilton has to offer... Condolences to Mother Tammy.

2 cent

Need for navy

[Re. Angry fishermen blockade Navy base near Phuket] My support goes to the Royal Thai Navy. Please come and purge Patong and other big Phuket beach areas from mafiosi. Ian

Big not beautiful [Re. Megayacht drops into Phuket] No wonder he gave it away. As ugly as they come! Muffler

Don’t judge too quickly [Re. Phuket: ‘No blow-back seen’ from ‘Evil Man’ vid] I thought that people valued the legal process. Don’t

his ex-girlfriend Chompoonut ‘Jeab’ Kobram in Pattaya in 2004. He escaped (through Cambodia, it is believed) and made it back home to Belgium. The Belgian authorities refused to consider extraditing him because Thailand still has the death penalty. He was released and now lives a free man in his home country. But Thailand has learned from this – as the Aldhouse extradition case attests. It has also been keeping up its own end of the bargain. In July Marc de Schutter, a Belgian wanted for the suspected murder of ex-girlfriend and brothel-owning partner Vera Van Laer, was extradited to Belgium. The decision by the British High Court in Aldhouse’s case sends a strong warning to the UK’s less well behaved citizens – if you do the crime in Thailand, you may run away, but it probably won’t do you any good. All you will do is delay the inevitable.

TOP 10 STORIES ON thephuketnews.com

you folks remember earlier this month the woman who claimed rape but this was a cover story for coming back late to the hotel room and an angry boyfriend? Why rush to judgement?

Jeff McNeill

Disgraceful scam [Re. Threatening scam artists force couple to hand over B30k] Unbelievable... It is bad enough when they go after expats but I think it is a sad state of affairs when they try and pull the same BS on their own people. Justaskdan

Recipe for chaos [Re. Phuket underpass chaos starts Nov 21] This whole scheme is an absolute disaster. Two years of hell (starting in the high season, of course)

and to achieve what? Even when its finished, all its going to do is move the congestion one junction both south or north and then it will all snarl up there, so nothing in effect will have been gained. So end gain - Nothing, nada, nicht, zip.Great plan guys ! Great plan guys! Disgruntled

Winged wonders

[Re. 2,000 butterflies released in Phuket park] We went – it was lovely. Tim

Happy ending [Re. A classic rescue story in Phuket] Gorgeous story, thanks for posting a postive and “happy ending story”. Deb1bie

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US scientist suggests new theory for Canadian sisters’ deaths

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Man survives 18-floor fall

9 10

Megayacht drops into Phuket Nightlife operators slam corrupt officials Phuket crackdown on loris touts, beggars Baby dolphin washes up on Karon beach A classic rescue story Two Phuket teens held for robbing Russian woman Dead Russian found floating in Phuket waters Phuket Bike Week ‘will bring in B800m’

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Phuket ladies help Rwandans learn life skills


Rory Byrne on his life in the fast lane



Phnom Penh: then and now The ever-changing, sometimes harrowing Cambodian capital > p10

Photo: Gerry Cummings


Robin Gillow exhibition at Boathouse


oathouse on Kata Beach presents a month-long exhibition of oil paintings of the rural Thai landscape by renowned Australian artist Robin Gillow. The exhibition, titled “Contemplation” presents Robin Gillow’s quiet meditations on traditional rural life and the local inhabitants who make their lives there. These current oils reflect the tranquil interludes found amongst gently swaying rubber plantations or vast expanses of paddy fields. From single canvases to large triptych pieces Robin’s easily recognisable, almost impressionistic style perfectly suits the mood or story being told. Eloquent brushwork and bold tropical colour encourage the observer to be drawn towards the work, as if becoming part of the scene. Soft, billowing clouds, expansive rice paddies, lotus ponds and sun-dappled plantations, offer soothing havens that whisper quiet calm. Open to the public, the launch reception will take place next Saturday (December 1) from 7pm to 9pm. The exhibition will then remain in the lobby for viewing throughout the rest of the month. For more information, call 076 330 015 or visit boathousephuket.com



World’s biggest art heists


ast month’s heist of paintings including a Picasso and Monets from a Dutch museum is just one in a long line of major art thefts from around the world over the past decade. In one of the most notorious, on October 16, 2012, seven masterpieces by Picasso, Matisse, Monet and Gauguin were stolen in a night heist at Rotterdam’s Kunsthal museum. Here, other thefts that made the news. August 21, 2010: Van Gogh’s “Poppy Flowers”, worth 55 million dollars (B1.9 billion), is stolen from Cairo’s Mahmoud Khalil museum after it is cut out of its frame. It has yet to be found. May 20, 2010: A lone thief steals works by Matisse, Picasso and three other modern masters from a Paris gallery as it emerges an alarm was out of order at the time of the 120-million-dollar heist. The works are still missing. February 10, 2008: Four paintings by Cezanne, Degas, Van Gogh and Monet valued at more than 112 million euros are stolen from a Zurich museum in Switzerland. The Van Gogh and the Monet are later recovered; the other two have not been found. August 5, 2007: Two Bruegels, a Sisley and a Monet, all considered priceless, are stolen from the Jules Cheret museum in Nice, France. They are recovered the following year. In December 2011, a French court convicts five men arrested in an FBI sting and sentences them to between two and nine years. 25 February, 2006: Works by Salvador Dali, Picasso, Matisse and Monet are taken from the Chacara do Ceu museum

The Langlois Bridge at Arles was the subject of four oil paintings, one watercolor and four drawings by Vincent van Gogh (self-portrait below) made in 1888. during the annual carnival celebrations in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. They have not been recovered. August 22, 2004: Edvard Munch’s masterpieces “The Scream” and “Madonna”, valued at 100 million dollars in total, are stolen from an Oslo museum. They are recovered damaged in 2006. December 7, 2002: Two Van Goghs, valued at several million dollars, are stolen from the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam. Although two men were arrested and charged over the theft, the paintings have so far not been found. AFP




Helping Rwandan women Claire Connell editor1@thephuketnews.com

The Ubushobozi project was set up to help young girls in villages in Musanze by providing them with sewing machines and teaching both sewing and life skills as a way to help them to eventually sustain themselves

For more information and tickets contact Jeanne on 087 895 5617 or visit ubushobozi.org


wo Phuket women are holding a fundraising event on November 30 to raise money for a project in Rwanda to help women and children learn valuable life skills and earn a living in the impoverished African country. Jeanne Siporin, originally from New York, has lived in Phuket for eight years, and set up the Ubushobozi project around 2007 after she and her daughter visited Rwanda on a volunteer trip. Jeanne and her daughter spent time establishing a pre-school, but were really taken by the older teenage girls who would hang around the school, eager to be involved. After the age of 11 or so, education in Rwanda is no longer free, which means many girls miss out on the opportunity of a proper education because they can’t afford it. Many are also orphans following the genocide in 1994, or are the sole providers for their families. Jeanne was particularly touched by a couple of these teenage girls, and came back to Phuket inspired to establish something to give value to their lives too. The Ubushobozi project, which means ‘power’ or ‘empowerment’ in the local language, was set up to help young girls in villages in the Musanze area of the country by providing them with sewing machines and teaching both sewing and life skills as a way to help them to eventually sustain themselves. They now not only sell their items to people in Rwanda, but also internationally thanks to the connections and help from the international volunteers. The town of Musanze is at the foothills of the Virunga mountains, where the late American zoologist Dian Fossey did research on mountain gorillas. The town still attracts a lot of tourists who come to visit the area, and tour guides are more than hap-

py to bring them to the Ubushobozi project building where they can buy handicrafts made by the women, learn more about the way of life for the women involved, and watch a traditional dance performance. Jeanne rents a house in the village and the 10 girls and four women think nothing of walking 50 minutes each day to the house, to learn sewing, weaving and other skills. “Our aim is for them to be self-sufficient without being reliant so much on funding,” Jeanne says. “When some of the girls first came they couldn’t even write their names. Now, they can not only write their names, but they learn English, business, computers, traditional dance and are even trained in yoga. Being there really grounds me, and I learn so much from them.” Jeanne is holding the “Night in Rwanda” fundraising event along with fellow Phuket volunteer Petra Teslerova to raise money which they hope will allow them to bring more teenage girls into the programme. For an outlay of B21,000, Ubushobozi can provide a sewing machine, lunch, materials, a stipend and insurance for a girl and her family for a year. The event will start at 6.30pm on November 30 at the Shanti Lodge on Soi Bang Rae, off Chao Fa West Rd. A silent auction will include items from Atmanjai, Naturally Balance, Twinpalms, Friendship Beach Resort and Angsana. Tickets are B600 and include hors d’oeuvres and two glasses of wine. Bags made by the women from the project will also be available for purchase.

Above, the project was set up to help young girls and women who were either orphans or the sole provider for their families. Below left, Janine, Beatrice, Jackie, Aline, Chantal, Uwineza, and Byuka model skirts they have made; and below right, Jeanne Siporin, founder of the charity, with bags and bowls made by the women.



Firm feet for a firm future Kim White editor@thephuketnews.com

Yoga does not remove us from the reality or responsibilities of everyday life but rather places our feet firmly and resolutely in the practical ground of experience. We don’t transcend our lives; we return to the life we left behind in the hopes of something better.” –Donna Farhi

The opinions and advice contained in this column are those of the author only. The Phuket News is not responsible for the outcome or results of following any advice in any situation.


ello and welcome to asana three in a balance series. Your body is balancing, even when you are not thinking about it; in everyday life, when you exercise, and during your active pastimes. Good balance and a strong core go hand in hand – a strong core improves the posture, decreases back pain and improves your moveability in everyday life and when you are exercising. As mentioned last on month, the better you balance the less likely you are to fall or injure yourself. So, If you haven’t paid much attention to keeping or improving your balance, now is a great time to start. This month we focus on the ‘standing big toe pose’ otherwise known as Utthita Hasta Padangustasana. However I do hear a lot of people call it “What!”, “Never going to happen” and “You’re kidding me”. The big toe pose is not as difficult as you would imagine and there are progressive steps that can be taken so that you achieve success. The benefits of this asana are simple but fundamental to ongoing health and well-being. Strengthens the legs and ankles Stretches the hamstrings Improves sense of balance Improve posture Increase core strength. These are the steps for practicing this asana: Beginners, you may want to find a chair or a wall to help you with stability until you are feeling more confident. Start with the left foot flat on the floor and the right foot with the heel lifted. Get a sense of a spreading balance in the grounded left foot. Place your left hand on your hip for a counterbalance, beginners place your left hand on a chair as seen in photo one. Bend your right knee upward and reach your right hand to hold onto the under side of the right thigh (photo two), if you are tight through the hamstring, if not hold the outside of your right foot or right big toe (photo three). The knee is still bent at this stage. (You can progressively walk your hand down the leg to the toe as you improve.) Hold the left thigh muscles firm and continually maintain an even spread through the left foot. Inhale and extend the right leg out to the side, straighten the knee as much as possible. Breathe steadily, breathing helps with balance and I find if I feel like I am loosing balance I take a deep breath out and direct the exhalation to my grounded foot. Try to maintain an upright position with the

torso one that is not leaning to much to the sides, forward or back. Hold for 30 seconds, then bend the knee back to center with an inhale, and lower the foot to the floor with an exhale. Repeat on the left side for the same length of time. Concentrating the breath and mind on achieving balance with this posture is a useful stepping stone to using

breath and mind in achieving balance in other areas of your life. Metta, Kim Kim White is the owner of Sala Suddhavasa, an internal arts centre in Rawai offering private and group sessions in taiji, yoga and meditation. For more information: 086 276 9174,info@ suddhavasa.com; suddhavasa.com




Above, Rory Byrne. Left, Michael Schumacher wins another Grand Prix in a Ferrari designed by Rory.

Rory’s roaring days Legendary Ferrari designer Rory Byrne gives an insider’s view of the future of Formula 1 racing

Alasdair Forbes execeditor@thephuketnews.com

Rory doesn’t see closed cockpits coming into F1, nor the wheel fairing that has been introduced recently on the rear of Indy cars in the US. The cockpit glass may be raised a little, he says, but F1 is after all, an open-cockpit, open-wheel format


esigner Rory Byrne may have retired officially from Ferrari’s Formula 1 programme eight years ago, but the Phuket-based South African’s consultancy contract with the Italian company famed for its bright red cars still keeps him very busy. As the guest speaker at a recent convening of the International Business Association of Phuket (Ibap) he explained that he is “heavily involved” with the design of Ferrari’s 2014 F1 car and also with the new F70 road car, due to hit the autostrada next year. He’s also a technical consultant with the sport’s governing body, the Fédération International d’Automobile, better known as FIA. Outside racing he’s been helping Discovery Insurance of South Africa, his country of birth, who wanted to give drivers an incentive to drive better. Using Rory’s knowledge of telemetry (the monitoring of F1 car performance from the pits), the company installs a data recorder in cars of drivers who take out motor insurance. The recorder sends back data on acceleration, speed, braking, position and other indicators of driver performance. Good drivers get points that qualify them for cash rebates on fuel. “There’s an incredible correlation between points earned and accidents,” Rory says. The scheme, a world first, has been a roaring success. “Clients have improved their driving by 17 per cent in the past year.” But F1 is still closest to Rory’s heart. He’s been involved for decades, designing cars in particular for the Bennetton team and then Ferrari. “I was so privileged to be part of the most successful team Ferrari has had in its 50-year history,” he says. That golden period included 2000 to 2004 when Michael Schumacher smashed all records, including five consecutive years as

world champion. Ferrari won a massive 71 race victories and six constructor’s championships. With his continuing involvement with Ferrari he is uniquely placed to look into the future of F1. What changes does he foresee for 2014? The rule book for F1 is massive. “When I started the rule book was about 10 pages of A5. Now it’s 100 pages A4.” He thinks this is a good thing. “They had to do this to enhance safety and to hold lap times down to sensible times. If the 1997 rules still applied, the limiter would be the driver’s ability to withstand G forces.” More changes are inevitable. There has been discussion of closed cockpits being brought in to limit the possibility of drivers’ heads being taken off in incidents like Nico Rosberg’s collision with Narain Karthikeyan in the Abu Dhabi GP on November 4 when Rosberg’s car flew across the top of Kartikeyan’s. But Rory doesn’t see closed cockpits coming into F1, nor the wheel fairing that has been introduced recently on the rear of Indy cars in the US. The cockpit glass may be raised a little, he says, but F1 is after all, an open-cockpit, open-wheel format. He can see a downsizing in engines, to 1,600 cc, most likely turbocharged. Cars will have to become more fuel-efficient. As he puts it, “One third of the fuel goes to the wheels, a third goes out the exhaust and the remaining third is converted into heat.” He sees greater efforts going into energy recovery, not only through the Kinetic Energy Recovery System (Kers) that stores energy created during braking, but also from exhausts. “All of this will find its way into road cars.” Rory says there are three main parameters involved in F1 car performance. “Forty per cent is the tyres, 30 per cent the aerody-

namics, and 20 per cent the engine. Ten per cent for everything else.” The tyres are likely to continue being the same for every team. Pirelli supplied all the tyres last year and this year, and will continue through into 2014. The F1 regulations effectively ban qualifying tyres, so not much can be done on that front, and in fact, Rory expects the size of tyres to be gradually reduced. Aerodynamics then, are a big focus for the top teams. They all have their own wind tunnels and employ as many as 150 people, or more, doing wind tunnel research. The fact that the formula is open-wheel makes drag reduction a big challenge. “The 2014 regs have been changed to reduce drag. Road cars have a drag coefficient of around 0.4. F1 cars are around 0.9! “I came up with a radical concept to reduce drag to about 0.5 But it was rejected by teams as being too expensive. I’ve been asked to design a milder version. So 2014 will be about less drag.” The drag reduction system (DRS) that allows drivers to open a window in the rear wing will remain for now, he believes. He describes it as “artificial”, but does give it credit for making racing more exciting. “Slipstreaming in the 1950s helped overtaking. But the introduction of down force changed all of that. For 20 years or more overtaking was quite rare.” DRS changed that. And Rory’s future? He steps down entirely from Ferrari next year and will be doing something that could hardly be more different. “I had a bit of a health scare two years ago and underwent a detox programme” He was plainly impressed; he and his wife have started construction of a detox and rejuvenation centre in Phuket. It will open in 2014 – the year the last Ferrari with Rory’s stamp on it takes to track.



THE BIG LIST Fearless protesters

A protester’s life is not easy, especially when the government says you cannot play with feces around royalty. There is still hope though, if you take your cue from some of the most fearless protesters ever. Vomit in: Probably one of the most disgusting protests of all time occurred at the beginning of the US war in Iraq back in 2003, when protesters in San Francisco staged a vomit in to show how the war made them sick. Avout 300 protesters demonstrated at the Federal Building on Golden Gate Avenue, blocking a group of 20 federal employees from entering. The anti-war demonstrators then vomited on the sidewalks and plaza areas in both the front and back of the building. Seven of them were arrested.

Big cock-up in Bangkok


olice General Hospital in Thailand’ s capital has set up a team of doctors to treat patients suffering from complications of botched penis enlargment injections. Hospital director Dr Jongjet Aojenpon said the treatments are dangerous and blasted the idea that the operations can better satisfy women, characterising it as a “misunderstanding”. According to a report, the hospital treats about 30-40 patients of botched penis enlargements per month. Urologist and surgeon, Dr Surate Kittisupaporn, said all the injections do is create an illusion that the penis is larger since it only thickens the skin and can sometimes cause tumors.

Shoe throwing: In the waning months of former US President George W. Bush’s final term, Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi hurled his shows at him (see image above) while yelling in Arabic “this is a farewell kiss from the Iraqi people, you dog”. The December 2008 incident took place during a press conference at the Iraqi Prime Minister’s Palace in Baghdad. Bush ducked twice to avoid getting hit and, when asked to reflect on the incident, he said “I didn’t have much time to reflect on anything, I was ducking and dodging”. Superglue handshake: Dan Glass did not want a third runway at Heathrow Airport and decided to take (sticky) action. He used a ceremony at 10 Downing Street to let then-British Prime Minister Gordon Brown know how bad of an idea that third runway was. Glass put superglue on his palm before getting up to the podium to shake Brown’s hand but ended up sticking it to the PM’s sleeve. No biggie, since Brown shook off Glass’ hand after just 20-seconds. The “protest” was a failed attempt to make Brown stick to his promises.


nticipating the arrival of Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, a 76-yearold anti-monarchist announced his intentions to throw horse manure on the royal couple as a protest against the monarchy. Sam Bracanov was ordered by a New Zealand court to stay at least 500 metres away from Charles and Camilla a day after he was arrested in Auckland. The man pleaded not guilty to preparing to commit a crime and was ordered to re-appear in court in late November. Bracanov has a history of protesting the royal couple. In 1994, he was arrested and fined after he followed Prince

A 76-year-old man planned to throw manure at the royal couple. Charles from behind and sprayed air freshners at him “to remove the stink of royalty”. “I make it liquid like porridge,” he said last week, “I would have done it.”

Hundreds of snakes seized by Thai customs


Custard pie: In a scene out of a Benny Hill skit, media tycoon Rupert Murdoch had a custard pie hurled right in his face by comedian Jonnie Marbles. The incident occurred during a British parliamentary select committee hearing in 2011. Arguably the most interesting part of the incident is the reaction from Murdoch’s wife, Wendi Deng, who lunged at Marbles and even smacked him in the back with a piece of the pie. Marbles received a six-week jail sentence for the incident, referred to as “piegate”. Two jabs: In terms of farcical protests, British politicians are the gift that keeps on giving. This one is not so much about the protester than it is about the reaction. In 2001, then-Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott was walking through a crowd during an election campaign when he was struck by an egg in the back of the head by farmer Craig Evans. Prescot, a former amateur boxer, immediately threw two straight left jabs to Evans’ jaw. His party went on to win the election via KO.

New Zealand court flushes manure protest

The cobras were likely destined to be used in traditional medicine.

hai customs officers have seized hundreds of cobras being smuggled through the country for use in traditional medicine as a supposed sexual aid, an official said Wednesday. The 600 deadly wild snakes, which have since been sent to a national park in central Thailand, were discovered in crates on a truck when it was stopped at a checkpoint in the south of the country. The officer noted they were worth an estimated US$16,300 (B501,000) and were most likely destined to be used in traditional medicine. They are prized in some forms of Chinese medicine, which holds that their blood and meat enhance sexual potency. The snakes had been smuggled in via the southern Thai border and were believed to have been destined for neighbouring countries, the official added. Two men have been arrested in connection with last week’s haul in Prachuap Khiri Khan province and face up to 10 years in jail. AFP

Cat man says bye-bye kitty


he man known worldwide as the ‘Stalking Cat’, after spending years modifying his face and body to look like a feline, died of a suicide last week. Fifty-four year-old American Daniel Avner was found dead at his home in Nevada last week. Avner was of Native American descent and a veteran of the US Navy. He had undergone years of surgical body modifications, complete with tattoos, in the hopes of looking like a female cat. Operations included a bifurcation (splitting of his upper lip), silicone cheek and forehead implants, surgical ear implants, and tooth sharpening. Avner also had face tattoos and piercings all around his head and grew his fingernail to look like claws.

Daniel ‘Stalking Cat’ Avner was 54 when he was found dead last week.




Delicious style and flavours Claire Connell editor1@thephuketnews.com

Clockwise from top, the vintage designed interior; owner Yuwaree “Yuma” Nonkhamphan; the signature CafeLicious salad.


afeLicious, a vintage style cafe and bar on Rassada Road in Phuket Town is the creation of owner Yuwaree “Yuma” Nonkhamphan. The funky hangout opened one month ago and is now attracting a regular crowd, including many of Yuma’s friends, who come to sample the great food and special happy hour discounts. “This is the first business I have owned myself, and I opened it because I love coffee and I love cake. I love to cook – and I make the homemade icecream myself. Today I have got nutella, pineapple and lemongrass flavours.” Yuma is originally from Udon Thani but arrived in Phuket not long after the 2004 tsunami having spent the previous seven years living in Denmark. The design of CafeLicious reflects her background, a mix of the vintage and modern, with a collection of specially designed furniture as well as store brought items. Open daily from 8am until late, Yuma serves a substantial menu that includes English and American breakfasts for B150 (English is baked beans,

two eggs, bacon, sausage, tomato and toast, while American replaces the tomato with a pancake). Thai food ranges from B60 to B80 per dish, and the chicken or meatball burgers are B150. Yuma’s signature are the CafeLicious rolls, chicken spring rolls served with three different sauces. Salads include the special “CafeLicious salad”, priced at B120 and served with chicken, greens, and Yuma’s home-made salad dressing. For those with a sweet tooth there are a variety of cakes made by Yuma’s friend, including the New York cheesecake for B120, pancakes for B100, and her own ice-cream for B50 per scoop. Happy hour beverages are “Buy one get one free” – some of the cheapest in the Old Town. “I really enjoy it,” Yuma says. “I have something to do and I love having my friends here. CafeLicious, 59 Rassada Rd, Phuket Town (opposite Siam Commercial Bank). 076 216 879. Facebook: CafeLicious

Tristan Kuehneisen, Assistant Food & Beverage Manager and Theerath “Tony” Yaemroong, Sails Restaurant Manager.

Lazy Sundays at the Hilton


he Hilton Phuket Arcadia Resort and Spa in Karon offers an impressive Sunday brunch dining option, available at their Sails poolside restaurant. On the menu is a range of Western, Indian, Japanese, Thai and Chinese cuisine options, including barbecue, freshly cooked meats, salads, curries, sushi, fresh seafood and dumplings. Highlights of the menu include the unique braised octopus and ruccola salad; Mexican chicken salad and the lamb gostaba – lamb cooked in tomato and cashew nut gravy. Meanwhile, meat lovers will enjoy the roast chicken with Thai spicy sauce; roast beef prime rib with peppercorn sauce; roasted duck with Hoisin sauce, and whole crispy skin suckling pig. There’s also live cooking stations, cheeses and an impressive range of desserts including a chocolate fountain.

Some of the delicious spread available at the Hilton Sunday brunch. The Sunday brunch is priced at B1,400++ for adults, including a bottle of wine, and B700++ for children. There are special dishes for the youngsters and also a balloon artist and other activities available. The brunch runs from 12pm to 3pm. For reservations phone 076 396 433.

THEPHUKETNEWS.COM FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2012 for FREE at thephuketnews.com/directory.php List your restaurant FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2012 EUROPEAN

Tre by DoublePool Villas

Bodega & Grill

Bodega & Grill is situated on a picturesque patio by the lagoon. The restaurant serves premium char-grilled steaks and seafood from a wood-fired oven, as well as authentic homemade pastas, risottos and paellas. Bodega’s generous steaks are available in portions of up to 1.2 kilogram. Angsana Laguna Phuket, Cherngtalay; 076 324 101

An array of culinary experiences is offered to tempt and intrigue in Tre - the exclusive contemporary French Vietnamese restaurant set among the superb surroundings of the DoublePool Villas. Tre’s signatures dishes include scallops and green apples and tartar with pan-fried foie gras. Banyan Tree Phuket, Cherngtalay






RE KÁ TA Beach Club

Connoisseurs of fine cuisine can revel in Acqua’s experiential concept. The Acqua restaurant experience promises to deliver only the freshest of ingredients, sourced from only the best producers both local and international. Taste explosions from the portfolio of Chef Alessandro Frau, of both traditional & contemporary are offered. Kalim Bay-Patong 076 618 127

The beachfront restaurant off­ers modern innovative cuisine with a strong focus on seafood. In the evening RE KÁ TA transforms with Kata’s magical sunsets and cool sounds along with the delicious drinks and tapas, right on the beach. Open daily 6.30am-11pm; 184, Koktanode Road, Kata Beach (next to Boathouse); 076 330 421; info@rekataphuket.com, rekataphuket.com

Mom Tri’s Villa Royale

Bistro Restaurant

Art Caffè

Baan Kalim Restaurant & Seafood

Enjoy fine dining with panoramic sea views in sensually indulgent setting. Delicious Thai and European creations are served on the open-air terrace. Mom Tri’s Villa Royale is the winner of the Wine Spectators Award of Excellence. Situated on the only road into to Kata Noi Beach. Reservations recommended. 076 333 568; momtriphuket.com

All-day dining restaurant right in the heart of Patong. Located on the ground floor of the Millennium Resort Patong Phuket’s Lakeside Wing, this restaurant offers a great selection of items for lunch and dinner. Millennium Resort Patong Phuket, Lakeside Wing Ground Floor, Patong; 076 601 999; millenniumpatong.com

The idea of Art Caffè comes from the need to have a place to stop and enjoy something different. Meet friends, exchange ideas, propose initiatives, organizing events or reflect only reading, watching and perhaps enjoying a good cup of coffee. The exhibition space is an affront to the repetitiveness of the artistic culture of the island. Naiharn, 076 388 546

Start your evening with delicious food and fine wine. Pick the perfect spot to take in stunning views of Patong bay, as the evening breeze surrounds you. Relax and enjoy live music to make your evening into that truly wonderful and unforgettable dining experience. Open daily 11am-Midnight. Patong; 076 618 125; baan kalim.com; baankalimrestaurant@hotmail.com

Boathouse Wine and Grill



Tablespoon Salad & Grill

Baan Vijitt Restaurant

Discover newest stylish restaurant in modern vintage setting. Creative and unique salad and grill menus are served while you experience a delectable dining in romantic and intimate atmosphere with a reasonable price tag. Open 11am-10pm. 2nd Floor, HomePro Village, Chalong; 076 383 244

The legendary Boathouse Wine and Grill is a celebration of great French and Thai cuisine right on Kata beach, simply the best oceanfront dining on Phuket. The wine cellar houses over 800 bottles and has been awarded Best of Award of Excellence by Wine Spectator since 2006. Open daily 11am-11pm; Kata Beach; 076 330 015; fb@boathousephuket.com; boathousephuket. com; facebook.com/boathousephuket

The Caddy Shack

Great food and people you know! Authentic Italian cuisine in Nai Harn area. Three different dining areas, cocktail lounge, children’s play area, Delicatessen, live music....DaVinci is not just a meal, it is an experience of taste, atmosphere and more. Restaurant open daily 5pm-11.30pm; Deli open 11am-6pm; Sunday close; Naiharn 076 289 574. davinciphuket.com


Irish Times

Come in to experience our famous Sunday roasts, we also serve full English breakfasts from 9:30am, lunch & dinner til late & daily specials, with 3 big screens, come in & watch your favourite sports. You’ll find us next to the entrance of Loch Palm Golf Course in Kathu. Great food, great banter and great music. Don’t miss this hidden treasure. Kathu; 087 993 8737

FRENCH Breeze Restaurant

Phuket’s most exciting new restaurant is situated on the waterfront at Cape Yamu. Chef Cheryl Johnson is providing diners with her innovative modern French interpretations of local ingredients. Open from Tuesday to Saturday for dinner, and from Wednesday to Saturday for lunch. Our menus change frequently. Cape Yamu, Paklok; 081 271 2320

The only Irish owned and managed Irish Pub in Phuket. A real Irish Pub at the heart of Phuket’s world famous nightlife. In this traditionally styled Irish pub you will find a very warm welcome from the Management and their fantastic staff. All your favourite Irish food and beverages. Jungceylon, Patong Beach; irishtimespub-phuket.com

A half-century old Sino-Portuguese style house at The Vijitt Resort Phuket offers a unique authentic experience of Thai cuisine with a focus on regional specialties. Thai Select Premium Award certifies the quality and standard of product and service here. The Vijitt Resort Phuket, Rawai; 076 363 600; fb@vijittresort.com

Baan Talay

A menu of modern Mediterranean influences created by Chef Ryan to tantalize the senses in a modern ambience. Offering everything from fresh seafood pastas to simple good pizzas. An impressive selection of well priced beverages and stunning sea views complete the experience. Open daily for lunch or dinner. Paresa Resort, Kamala Beach; 076 302 000


Super Natural

Tamarind Restaurant

Super Food deserves a Super Location. SuperNatural and more. The only waterfront restaurant in Phuket serving exciting raw vegetarian cuisine in addition to our delicious seafood, Thai and International menu. Great selection of fresh to order juices & smoothies, as well as great wines and chilled beers. Open 365 days a year. Facebook SupernaturalPhuket, 2.5km south of Chalong Circle.

To complement an already distinctive cuisine, Tamarind is bringing to the island high quality authentic Japanese cuisine, courtesy of Master Chef Shiraishi. Gracing our Japanese menu will be fresh sushi, sashimi, healthy salads, yakitori and tempura and much more. Tamarind is your ultimate destination to savour the best Japanese cuisine in Phuket. Banyan Tree Phuket, Cherngtalay

Set right at the beach of Bang Tao Bay, Baan Talay offers fresh Thai seafood and local delights. Featuring large outdoor fish-tanks and an open show kitchen, guests are spoilt for choice. Offers indoor seating as well as a large terrace, complemented by a breeze and views of the sea. Angsana Laguna Phuket, Cherngtalay; 076 324 101

Talung Thai

The restaurant has a stunning sunset location, offering views of the Andaman Sea. The menu of southern Thai specialties and true local dishes, are not seen on many other restaurant menus in Phuket. Chill with a cocktail from our award wining mixologist at sunset and then relax with authentic Thai cuisine. Open daily for lunch and dinner. Paresa Resort, Kamala; 076 302 000




7 Days in Phnom Penh

Gerry Cummings editor@thephuketnews.com

Clockwise from top: Phnom Oudong Monestary; Oudong at night; crowds of Cambodians at night; two monks on steps looking down; woman paddling punt in Kom Pong Chnang. Photos: Gerry Cummings


sk people about Cambodia and most will recall the atrocities during the reign of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge. Whilst it has been nearly 33 years since that gang of sociopaths and murderers scourged the country and killed three million of their own people, the images and memories of that horrible four year period from 1975 to 1979 live on. Living in Thailand has given us a sometimes onesided view of Cambodia, particularly when, under the previous Thai Government, skirmishes along the border led to the deaths of Thai soldiers. So I planned to see for myself what the countryside, the people, and life was like in the country that has drawn so much bad publicity. Having gone through the bureaucratic dance of getting an online visa to visit Vietnam last year, only to endure waiting over an hour to pass through immigration queues in the Hanoi Air-

pta@bisphuket.ac.th www.bisphuket.ac.th

BIS Christmas Fair

Friday 7 December 2012 2.30pm - 5.30pm Free entry, Santa‛s Grotto, kids‛ games, magic shows, BISP student music/dance entertainment, trapeze performances, eating & shopping, lucky draw, skills auction and much more………



port, I was a little apprehensive on the flight into Phnom Penh when the cabin staff handed out visa, customs and immigration papers to fill out on the one hour flight from Bangkok. With papers in hand, my passport size photograph and the US$20 for the visa, I breezed through immigration and customs within ten minutes and was outside looking for a ride to my hotel. As I had been warned the US dollar is king in this country, I had dutifully gone to the bank in Phuket to get unwrinkled, crisp US dollars, although I had also learned that Cambodian ATM machines would spew out US dollars as well as the local currency. For those familiar with the shark-fest one experiences from the taxi touts at Phuket Airport, my first impression at Phnom Penh airport was that this is going to be the same. In actual fact, it was same, same but different in an endearing way, as the touts were actually polite and pleasant. My decision to pay the extra two dollars for an air-conditioned taxi over the seven dollars for a tuk-tuk was soon rewarded as my pleasant, Englishspeaking driver adroitly weaved his way through an already overloaded road infrastructure, where the motorbike, like in Phuket rules the roads. What became obvious very soon was that stop signs and traffic lights were only installed for decorative purposes; the rule of the road is keep weaving and moving like a snake through the snarl of traffic and all would be fine, and it was, even for the pedestrians. One should not judge a country or city by first impressions, and my travels

have taught me to adhere to this rule and Phnom Penh was no exception. Once the first impressions wear off and you look around, the similarities of other Southeast Asian cities materialise before your eyes. China-made products dominate outdoor markets, food stalls proliferate everywhere, as do the now commonly seen foreign brand coffee shops, ice cream outlets, fast-food chains, high-end designer shops and of course high end car dealerships; Phnom Penh is quickly becoming globalised. Some cities have double-decker hopon hop-off buses to take you to the city’s tourist draws, but Phenom Penh depends upon its own version of tuk-tuks to do this. Soomit, one of the hundreds of tuktuk drivers ingratiated himself with me and I used him regularly to guide me around such city sites as the royal palace, independence monument, Cambodia/Vietnam monument and park, Wat Phnom, and the under development Diamond Island (which reminded me of the building boom in Dubai back in the early 1990s). Of course no trip to Phnom Penh can be made without going to the infamous S-21 prison, known as Tuol Sleng, where everyone from party cadres, professionals and even the peasantry were brought to be tortured before being taken out to the killing fields. S-21 was formerly a school before being turned into a prison, and as I looked around the grounds I couldn’t help but reflect on the inhumanities that had been committed there when only a short time before that it had been used to en-



Time was running out and “the killing fields” had to be done; sad isn’t it that a country’s biggest draw is to show outsiders the location of such dreadful barbarity. The day we visited was warm and sunny, the birds were in full chorus, and there were very few visitors. This was at time for me to look, sit, listen and reflect on what had taken place in what used to be an fruit tree orchard before it became a place of death

lighten children. I knew I had to visit the “killing fields” at some point, but I wanted to put it off until I had seen more of the people and countryside outside of Phnom Penh, to know that normalcy had returned to this once tortured land. A visit to Silk Island, a short ferry ride across the Tonle Sap River was a good start, where I encountered life as it must have been for many centuries; smiling, happy industrious people who earned their livings from making silk and woollen products for the city markets. The children, and there are many, run around without constraint, and a visit to a school room below someone’s house, was inspiring and I was asked to lead an English class of children of varying ages. My often repeated words that I will never again ride in mini-buses went out the window one day as I watched with eyes-wide-open the driver miraculously avoid deep pot-holes, dogs, pedestrians and on-coming vehicles as we made our way to Kom Pong Chnang about 91kms north of Phnom Penh. This village and several like it along the Tonle Sap River are homes to floating villages where the villagers survive extreme annual flooding and live off the bounty of the river. I was paddled around the watery streets in a small punt, where children gleefully jumped into the water and waved at this camera-toting white skinned farang who for some reason had come to their environment. On the drive back to Phnom Penh we stopped at Uodong Temple, situated at the top of the only hill for kilometres around. The evening was quickly approaching and the setting sun was to make for incredible pictures so I quickly climbed the 200 steps to the temple, just as the sun began to set. The views from the temple were breathtaking as the setting sun washed over the lush green plain below. Young monks chanted their evening prayers, and later come around to inspect this foreigner who took captured their images. In broken English and Thai we communicated, and found a common interest in finding out a little about one another’s countries. Time was running out and “the killing fields” had to be done; sad isn’t it that a country’s biggest draw is to show outsiders the location of such dreadful barbarity. Warnings about the terrible condition of the road to the fields convinced me to hire a taxi, and as I watched foreigners in tuk-tuks choke on the dirty haze of dust

and other road pollution, I knew I had made the right decision. The killing fields, or Choeung Ek, are about 15kms from Phnom Penh and the city can be seen from them; such a short ride from S-21 to one’s certain demise. The authorities have done a marvellous job of reconstructing what it must have been like there during those horrible years, and a multi-level stupa containing 9,000 skulls and other assorted body bones is kept there for viewing and I guess shock value. The day we visited was warm and sunny, the birds were in full chorus, and there were very few visitors. This was a time for me to look, sit, listen and reflect on what had taken place in what used to be an fruit tree orchard before it became

a place of brutality and death. Choeung Ek saw over 10,000 people exterminated on those grounds, thrown into pits and buried; what a tragedy. I had seen enough for now, but my daily readings of the local English-language newspaper told me of issues that have become so common in this region of the world; land dispossession by wealthy, powerful figures; illegal logging; corruption at all levels of society; disparities in income; illegal trade in wildlife; and a judiciary with unequal scales. I read and spoke to people about the dependence of this country on foreign aid, particularly from Europe, and how the NGO communities live a life quite elevated to those they are here to assist. Big, new SUVs drive the streets of Phnom Penh alongside peddle rickshaws, bicycles, and the many used Japanese cars that are imported from Canada and the US. Large, extravagant houses in the wealthy Bung Keng Kong district seem out-of-place in this city that is still very poor, and my visit to the Phnom Penh 9th Music Festival off Russia Blvd one evening gave me a glimpse of some of those Cambodians and foreigners who can afford to drive an SUV, when the average bar and restaurant worker earns US$60 a month for 12 hour days. Like my entrance to the country, the exit was just as easy and uneventful, leaving me with the feeling that even with its growing pains and underlying socio-economic and political problems, this city is making the right efforts to attract the tourists that could pour needed cash into the country’s revival.

Bangkok Airways flies from Phuket-Bangkok to Phnom Penh three times a week.

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IN BRIEF Mega Man to return

In an interview with Nintendo Power, Capcom Senior Vice President Christian Svensson said legendary video game character Mega Man will return. “I can say with certainty that you’ve not seen the last of the Blue Bomber on consoles and handhelds,” Svensson said. Capcom did not announce any new projects specifically involving Mega Man. The most recent game was Mega Man 10, released in 2010, as a downloadable game for all consoles.

Blast from the Past: Donkey Kong Country


Aussie government invests in games The Australian government is committing A$20 million to jumpstart the country’s video-game industry. The Australian Interactive Games Fund aims to invest in local companies to reclaim competitive advantage. The fund is expected to begin in 2012-13 with a plan to invest A$5million for each of the next two years. Another A$10million will be invested in 2014-15. Australia is following the lead of Canada where investment in the industry beginning in 2009 has helped lure big-name companies THQ, Rockstar, and Ubisoft into building creative studios in the country.

Journey leads nominees at Spike awards

The Spike Video Game award nominees have been announced, with the downloadable PS3 game Journey receiving seven nominations, including best graphics, best independent game, original score, and game of the year. The awards are on December 7.

Cheat of the Week Need for Speed: Undercover “Code sheet”

At the ‘Main’ menu go to ‘Options’ and select ‘Secret Codes’. Then enter these codes exactly to unlock the effect. Unlock $10,000: %%$3/”, Unlock Die-Cast Lexus IS F Bonus Car: 0;5M2; (number ‘0’).

New story a success for Halo 4


fter a four-year hiatus, the best signature Xbox game franchise is back and ‘realer’ than ever with a deeper story and the same amount of destruction. The story behind Halo 4 centres around our old pals Master Chief and his AI girlfriend Cortana, who is suffering from memory degradation after the battle with the defeated Covenant. The crux of the story sees Master Chief having to go and find help for Cortana before she perishes – a love story within one of the best shooter franchises in history. The story is told

well and keeps a great pace that blends beautifully with the gaming aspects. The game is part of the new series of Halo that Microsoft calls The Reclaimer. It will be a trilogy that gives you a glimpse of the actual soldiers and the eyes behind Master Chief. The mythology behind the plot is epic in scale, but that’s to be expected from a futuristic shooter set in space. Halo 4’s visual are stunning and a great example of a franchise that understands where it is going in terms of story and gaming. There are no downsides to the game and 343i studios have set up a great base for a new series in the saga.

Black Ops 2 breaks video game record


n just one day, almost half-abillion dollars worth of copies of Call of Duty: Black Ops II were sold, breaking the records for video game sales in a 24-hour period. The game, which was released worldwide on November 13, is a first-person shooter developed by Treyarch studios and netted US$400 million (B12.3 billion). Black Ops II features future warfare technology and branching storylines so players can choose how to end the game – both firsts for the Call of Duty franchise. The previous record was held by the franchise’s other game series, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, which sold a then-record of US$360 million (B11 billion) in 2011.

“Call of Duty has become more than a product people buy, it’s a brand people buy into,” said Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg. “And every No-


vember, we do more than just the launch of a game, we kick off an annual, unofficial but worldwide phenomenon called the Call of Duty season.”



Halo 4 (16+)

Xbox 360


Skylanders Giants

Wii, Xbox 360


Angry Birds Star Wars


Assassin’s Creed III (18+)

Xbox 360, PS3


WWE ‘13 (16+)

Xbox 360, PS3


Arcade Legends


Fifa 13

Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, VITA


Borderlands 2 (18+)

Xbox 360, PS3, PC


Sleepwalker’s Journey


Need For Speed Most Wanted

PS3, Xbox 360, VITA, PC


Just Dance 4

Wii, Xbox 360, PS3


Storm The Train


Football Manager 2013



Medal Of Honor: Warfighter (16+)

PS3, Xbox 360


Heads-Up! Hot Dogs

o you remember Donkey Kong Country? This was a case where the villain became the hero. Donkey Kong Country stars Donkey Kong and his nephew Diddy Kong in an island adventure for the Super Nintendo. Donkey Kong first came into his own as the original villain to the first version of Mario in the 1981 arcade game Jumpman. Since then, the character has spawned countless games across all platforms. The best of these games is a toss-up between 1994’s Donkey Kong Country (DKC) and it’s sequel, 1996’s Donkey Kong Country 2. Though the game was a fun romp around paradise with crocodiles and hippopotamus’ as enemies, DKC was also one of the best visual games up until that point. The level of detail in each character and map had not been seen before. Just two years prior, gamers were struggling with 16-bit characters that could only go up and down. DKC gave you a 3D character that seemed to jump out at you and ran around a world that seemed to be closer to reality than other games: ‘Look mom, background trees!’ The maps were easy, but still challenging to get through, and complete with secret balloons (which gave gamers another life). A true Nintendo game, it had minigames in each level and did not take itself too seriously (the diddy dance at the end of the game is hilarious). Do you have a Blast from the Past? Let us know at editor2@ thephuketnews.com



IN BRIEF Lego movie adds voices of Neeson, Ferrell Actors Liam Neeson and Will Ferrell will lend their voices to Lego: Piece of Resistance. The 3D film will see Ferrell as the voice of the villain President Business and Neeson as his henchman, Bad Cop. The movie also has voices from Morgan Freeman, Chris Pratt, Nick Offerman, Will Arnett, and Elizabeth Banks. This will be the first feature film for Lego and is expected to be released on February 7, 2014.

Tom Hardy to star in Splinter Cell movie

Twilight : Breaking Dawn Part 2

British actor Tom Hardy has signed on to portray Sam Fisher in the movie adaption of the popular video game Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell. Hardy portrayed Bane in Batman: The Dark Knight Rises and a supporting role in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. A script for the film is in the works by Eric Singer, who wrote The International. The game’s developer, UbiSoft, has already signed on Michael Fassbender to play the lead in their other successful game, Assassin’s Creed.

Reality bites for Twilight finale FILM REVIEW J.P. Mestanza editor2@thephuketnews.com

Approx. 116 mins Director: Bill Condon Starring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Michael Sheen


et’s face it, you know what you’re getting when you tell the box office “tickets for Twilight please”. This edition of the film series is the punctuation mark for fans but does it deliver the goods? The short answer is yes. Fans can expect more campy, teenage angst in Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2, but with a side of maturity. As the most humorous of the film series, this edition of the Twilight series also had the most convincing CGI and makeup. The film picks up where the last one left off as Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) is alive (or dead, depending on how you look at it after her now-husband Edward Cullen (Robert Pat-

tinson) bit her on the neck after she died from giving birth to their child. Bella gives us some humorous moments and observations of being a new vampire. The villain, Aro (Michael Sheen) – leader of the Volturi – is hell bent on killing the Cullens since he thinks the child is immortal. The entire plot sets up an epic battle that will appease fans, though ends on a flat note. Twilight won’t challenge any notions you have about films, doesn’t bring up any burning questions on social injustice, and has little to no value in terms of cinematic quality. As such, the film’s disappointing ending is fitting of a franchise that has made their money on the back of youthful, silly drama. Worth a ticket? We say wait for the DVD.

Italian erotic film wins prizes in Rome amid boos


Isabella Ferrari won Best Actress at the Rome Film Festival for her controversial role.

talian erotic film And They Call it Summer, which was booed during its screening at the Rome Film Festival, scooped two prizes at the awards ceremony on Saturday (November 17) to catcalls from the audience. Italy’s Paolo Franchi won the best director prize for his steamy tale of a man unable to have sex with the woman he loves but who harbours a passion for prostitutes which strains the couple’s relationship to breaking point. Best actress went to Isabella Ferrari, who was heckled with cries of “shame!” when she collected her award for her role in the film.

SFX Coliseum Phuket (Central Festival) 007 Skyfall (E) [13+] 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00 007 Skyfall (T) [13+] 13:30, 19:00 Conan The Movie: The Eleventh Striker (T) [13+] 11:10 Soob Khoo Ku Loke (T/E.SUB) [15+] 11:15, 16:30, 21:50 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (E) [15+] 11:40, 13:10, 14:05, 15:35, 16:30, 18:00, 18:55, 20:25, 21:20 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (E/F) [15+] 12:40, 15:05, 17:40, 20:05, 22:25 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (T) [15+] 11:15, 12:10, 13:35, 14:35, 16:00, 17:00, 18:25, 19:25, 20:50, 21:50

With tears in her eyes, she thanked the jury for supporting “a daring work,” heralded by supporters as the Italian version of the critically acclaimed 2011 film Shame about a sex addict. American cult director Larry Clark’s Marfa Girl won the top prize. Clark’s latest tale of adolescent passions beat 14 other international films in competition to snap up the Marc Aurelio prize. The ceremony wound up a festival which prided itself on the number of world premieres – 59 plus five international premieres – and giving emerging filmmakers a voice. AFP

New approach for Steve Jobs film The Steve Jobs biopic will be made up of just three 30-minute scenes, according to screenwriter Aaron Sorkin. The film will follow jobs as he prepares to make one of his well-known keynote speeches at an Apple product launch. No stars have signed onto the project as of yet. Sorkin, who wrote The Social Network and the popular TV series The West Wing, has not indicated if there is a director attached to the project.


Weekend gross

Gross $141M


The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2











Wreck-It Ralph












Taken 2




Pitch Perfect




Here Comes the Boom





10 Hotel Transylvania

SFC Jungceylon Phuket (Patong) 007 Skyfall (E) [13+] 12:20, 15:20, 18:20, 21:20 Argo (E) [13+] 17:15, 22:15 House At The End Of The Street (E) [15+] 17:00, 21:40 Lawless (E) [18+] 12:00, 14:35, 19:15 Soob Khoo Ku Loke (T/E.SUB) [15+] 12:15, 14:45, 19:45 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (E) [15+] 11:30, 12:50, 14:00, 15:20, 16:30, 17:50, 19:00, 20:20, 21:30

As some movies and movie times change every Thursday morning, after The Phuket News has gone to press, the accuracy of the following information cannot be guaranteed. For up -to - date information, visit sfcinemacity.com, or call the cinemas directly: SFX Coliseum Phuket 076-209000 and SFC Jungceylon Phuket 076 - 600 -555.




From left, Pusit Pimpanus, Nicky and family, President of STP Group Co Ltd Thaveesakdi Phucharoen (in blue), and MD of Baan Kalim restaurant, Arnon Phuchaoren (far right).

From left, Phuket Simon Cabaret Vice President Pornwit Ruayrin and Simon Cabaret Group, and MD of Baan Kalim restaurant Arnon Phucharoen (second right).

A NIGHT TO REMEMBER Far left, standing, Arnon Phucharoen, MD Baan Kalim restaurant. Far right sitting, well known actor Jo-Ninnat Sinchai. Far right standing, President of STP Group Co Ltd Thaveesakdi Phucharoen and wife Penpat Phucharoen.

On Thursday November 13, Baan Kalim Restaurant hosted a dinner with beverages from some of the best vineyards in California and Washington state in the United States. The dinner was hosted by Michael Kluczka, and featured a signature eight course dinner prepared by the restaurant’s master chefs.

FINE FOOD AND FUN The Michel Rolland wine dinner was held at Mom Tri’s Kitchen on Thursday (November 15).

Didier Richer, Darren Wiper, Sylvie Yaffe, Pongsak Tiemsuttikarn, Saksri Kerdphol, Georges Ciret, and Mongkol Suwannahong.

Alan, Roger and Misty.

BRASSERIE TURNS TWO Alain Tabruyn and wife Kwanjai.

Phuket Brasserie owners Alain Tabruyn and his wife Kwanjai (pictured left) celebrated the two year anniversary of their popular Belgian restaurant and bar in Phuket Town on Thursday (November 15) with a party.

John enjoys the great food on offer.



Phuket Adventure Mini Golf owners Thomas Andersson and Pia Holm. Photo: Kiri Heald

Nong celebrates a perfect putt.

FORE SURE! First place getters: Stu, Cathy and Simon.

Louise, Magdalena, Johan, Maisa, Lukas and Inga-Lena.

AUSTRALIAN STAR VISITS DUSIT THANI Dusit Thani Laguna Phuket GM Peter Komposch welcomed Australian singer, songwriter and actress Jessica Mauboy during her business trip for the 2012 Global Achievers Industry Gala Event.


Phuket Adventure Mini Golf in Bang Tao celebrated their first anniversary on Saturday (November 17) with a family day followed by a golf tournament and evening party.

It was a great turn out at the Phuket International Soccer 7s welcome party on Saturday night (November 17) in Soi Crocodile on Bangla Road, Patong. The tournament ends on Sunday (November 25). The Phuket News and Live 89.5 are media sponsors for the event.




Live 89.5’s Got Talent


une in on Live 89.5 on Saturday mornings from 9am to 10am with your host Siobhan McGovern as she interviews Phuket’s up and coming talent. Hear them perform on the air and find out why they love the arts.

Sounds like team spirit Claire Connell editor1@thephuketnews.com

When it comes to the business, Gary does recording, one-on-one production lessons, and hands on practical technical training, while Debbie prefers to be more behind the scenes, helping out with production but mainly taking a back-seat role


outh African couple Gary and Debbie Crause are the founders of Legend Music Productions. After moving to Phuket three years ago, they first set up a studio just outside Boat Lagoon. Then, in March this year, they moved it to their home in Koh Kaew. It was more convenient to have it at their house, because Debbie home schools the couple’s son Blaze, aged 12. The smaller venue also worked well for solo artists and vocal recordings. But a recent addition to their company – a large five-bedroom villa in Krabi – means Gary and Debbie are now covered for all recording groups, from individuals to large groups. “It’s right on the beach in Ao Nang, off the beaten track and there’s not much there. It’s perfect for the guys to get away and be inspired,” Gary says. When it comes to the business, Gary does recording, one-on-one production lessons, and hands on practical technical training – for all of which he is self taught. Debbie meanwhile is more behind the scenes, helping out with production but mainly taking a back-seat role. And it appears there is demand for their services. The late American singer-songwriter Donna Summer came in two years ago while on holiday in Phuket to rehearse for a day. And this year, American Louisianabased blues musician and actor Chris Thomas

King, who headlined the Phuket Blues Festival, came in to rehearse for two days prior to the event. Various actors have also dropped by the studio, including Irish actor Patrick Bergin and Naomi Watt’s husband Liev Schreiber, plus Australian music icon Molly Meldrum. It is a far cry from their life in South Africa, where the couple worked largely corporate jobs. “I got into the music industry in 1999,” Gary says. “I’m a huge Kiss fan, and I became good friends with the production manager for Kiss in South Africa. I was working for IBM and I needed to get out of the IT game so I thought I’d start a recording company.” Debbie is a qualified cosmetic chemist and used to work as the sales director for a raw materials company she jointly owned in Johannesburg. “But I was sick of the corporate world – the high heels, and leaving for work at 5am. Now this lifestyle is far more rewarding, and I get to spend more time with Gary and Blaze.” Blaze has also made a name for himself in the Phuket music scene too – he’s the guitarist for the Legends of Siam teenage band that performs regularly around the island. “At just 18 months old he picked up a guitar with a dummy in his mouth, and it’s been in his blood ever since,” Gary says. A legend in the making, you could say. For more information on the studio, visit legendmusic.net

Name: Andrea Hosking Occupation: Student Age: 11 What instrument do you play and how long have you been studying? Voice and piano. I have been learning voice for five years and the piano for seven years. What is your favourite thing about performing? I love letting my feelings out when I sing. Do you get stage fright? How do you deal with it? I get stage fright before I go on but when I sing and get comfortable I’m fine. I say to myself “You can do this”, and then I sing songs in my head. Tell us about one of your best performances. Singing well with my sister on a cruise ship in front of all the adults, when we went on a holiday in August. Who inspires you musically? My mum. She started singing at a very young age.

Phuket says bonjour to new French fair


fter 12 years of the successful Bonjour French Fair in Bangkok, held at the Queen Sirikit Convention Centre, a new French Fair will be held in Phuket from November 30 to December 2. The Phuket French Fair organisers are proud to present the first French

Fair exhibition in Phuket, taking place inside the Home Works complex across the road from Phuket Central Festival and easily accessible from Central via the pedestrian bridge. There is ample parking available on site. The aim is to promote globally

known French brands, including many new products only recently available on the market, as well as introduce the French entrepreneurs managing local companies. As the Phuket French Fair will happen just before the end of the year festivities, it’s the perfect time to pur-

chase unique gifts for Christmas, with many promotions happening over the weekend. The Phuket French Fair is being held November 30 to December 2, 10am to 8pm, at Central Festival Phuket East (Home Works). Admission is free for all.



Six years of the mighty Fuzztonez


ocal band the Fuzztonez celebrate six years of performing on the island with a special show at the Underwood Art Factory on November 30. The “rhythm, blues, rock pop, cowboy punk” band is made up of musicians Don (bass guitar), Paul (drums, vocals), Anand (guitar, harmonica) and Alf (guitar and vocals). Formed in 2006, the members are schooled in the traditions of rock music, entertaining with their unique live sound that is a refreshing alternative to much of the “overplayed mellow cover music” they say was being heard in bars and hotel lobbies around the time

The Fuzztonez from left, Alf, Paul, Don and Anand, will perform at the Underwood Art Factory on November 30, to celebrate six successful years of performing on Phuket.

they were formed. Bass player Don, who also doubles as the band’s manager, says the group focuses on playing “high energy, rare gems”. “We take popular songs but rock them up with a slightly punk edge,” adds Alf. “It’s very lively, up tempo, rocking, charged – and very vibrant. We love getting people up to dance,” Paul says. Amongst others, they do covers of songs by The Clash, The Black Keys, Elvis, the Rolling Stones, and the Sex Pistols. The Underwood Art Factory is located on the bypass road, near the factory outlet shopping complex. The event starts at 7.30pm. Tickets are B900 for locals (children B400) and include a buffet dinner of international and Thai food. Tickets are available on the door but bookings are recommended. Call 091 034 3381 for more information.


THEPHUKETNEWS.COM FRIDAY, 23,2012 2012 List your event for FREE at thephuketnews.com/events.php FRIDAY,NOVEMBER NOVEMBER 23,


Pool Competition at Expat Hotel

Romadon Suriyan Exhibition at VR Gallery Thailand’s Got Talent finalist artist Romadon Suriyan performed live at VR Gallery and his 5 pieces of works created during the performance are now available to view and purchase. 076 333 568, http://momtriphuket. com/artgallery/index.html.

Pool Competition at 9pm. Expat Sports Bar, Expat Hotel, Soi Taipan, Patong. www. expatsportsbar.com.


Special Saturday at Hogs Breath

drinks and good company. Balloon artists entertain the little ones with face painting and kids’ activities. Every Sunday at 12pm3pm. B1,100++ per adult. B700++ per child (Ages 5-12). Make your reservations at phuket.sales@hilton.com.

B99 beverages during live sports coverage. Located at Patong Promenade: www.hogs breath.co.th.

SUNDAY NOV 25 Sunday Roast Pork Sunday roast pork or beef dinner every Sunday 2pm onwards Expat Hotel, Soi Taipan, Patong. B290 per person. See www.expathotel.com.

FRIDAY NOV 23 Laguna Phuket Tri-Fest

Phuket’s Best Indian Buffet Phuket’s best Indian buffet is back with a new chef and new menu. Homemade authentic Indian. Special promotion at B449 per person. Open buffet from 7pm10pm. Happy hour drinks from 7pm-8pm buy one get one free. For all information and enquiries, please call Les Anges on 076 360 803 or K. Mai 084 306 6729. See lesangesphuket.com.

Laguna Phuket Triathlon on Sunday 25th November and Ironman 70.3 on Sunday 2nd December, launch the high season in carnival style, are linked by a “Tri-Fest” of related training and social events for the many agegroup and professional athletes who flock from all over the world each year to soak up the unique triathlon ambience. Contact 076 362 300 www.lagunaphuket.com/events/ tri-fest, info@lagunaphuket.com.


B250 per person. At Irish Times Pub, Junceylon Patong.

It’s time for “The third Annual William Hardy Invitational Golf Tournament”, the exclusive tournament presented by Ambrose Wine with special guest Bill Hardy, fifth generation from the great Hardy wine family of Australia. The tournament will bring together trade guests to an exclusive golf game, followed by an award ceremony from Bill Hardy on November 25, 2012 at Red Mountain Golf Course Phuket. Email: Ornrampam@ambrosewine.com.

Special Sunday at Hogs Breath Kids eat free when adults buy main courses. B99 beverages during live sports coverage. Located at Patong Promenade. www.hogs breath.co.th.


Schnitzel Day

La Terrazza

Fish and Chips Friday Night

Bill Hardy Invitational Golf

Come and join us at La Terrazza opening, the beautiful Sunset Bar & Lounge right on the rocks over Nai Harn beach. DJ set, live art performance, fire player bartender show, midnight lucky draw. Free buffet from 8 - 10 p.m., first drink on the house, 50% off on next drinks, special treats. Just past the Royal Phuket Yacht Club. We suggest parking at Nai Harn temple parking lot. Limited tables available. Please call 084 509 1975. Look for us on Facebook: laterrazza.phuket.

Kokosnuss Restaurant - Every Monday, Schnitzel, fried potatoes and salad buffet B190 per person. Starts 5.30pm. For more info please visit phuketkokosnuss.com.

Sunday Carvery B399 per person all you can eat. Roast beef, BBQ ham, chicken, pork, fresh vegetables, Yorkshire pudding and a glass of selected beverage. At Irish Times Pub, Junceylon Patong.


Loy Krathong Night at Centra Ashlee Hotel Patong Sunday Brunch at Hilton Phuket Special Friday at Hogs Breath Live acoustic band. B99 beverages during live sports coverage. Located at Patong Promenade, www.hogsbreath.co.th.

BBQ at Expat Hotel 8pm, Expat Sports Bar, Expat Hotel, Soi Taipan, Patong. www.expatsportsbar.com.

Enjoy our lavish international buffet with friends and family each Sunday at Sails – a Hilton experience. Our jazz band sets the mood for a relaxing afternoon with delicious food, live cooking stations, refreshing

Dinner under the full moonlight and watch fantastic flying lanterns over the sky. Enjoy live Thai folk dancing and fun games. Then, light up your Krathong and launch into the water at pool side (hotel rooftop) with the theme of Thai temple fair. Ticket available now call Khun Kwang 080 538 7566.

THEPHUKETNEWS.COM FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, List2012 your event for FREE at thephuketnews.com/events.php FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2012

Ao Chalong Yacht Club


dance &



Everyone welcome



BIS Christmas Fair

animals at the

Phuket Art Village monthly, N0. 5

when: Sat, Dec 1st, 4pm – late

where: Soi Naya 2, Rawai

(just past Da Vinci’s Restaurant) tix only 50 bht (kids free) For more info contact Yen: 0878903722 Jo: 0883863440 Pui: 0894715653

Relax, enjoy the atmosphere and support local artists at this family friendly event.


“Award winning chef from Airlie Beach, Australia. Fabulous breakfast, and authentic western Sunday roast from 12 - 4pm - just like home! Home made desserts eg. cheesecake, bread & butter pudding, apple pie made fresh every day.”

Friday 7 December 2012 2.30pm - 5.30pm

There is parking on site, cool breezes and a beautiful view. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner from 8.00am 7 days per week. Tel: 090 890 8993 email: amandaleehay@bigbond.com

Free entry, Santa‛s Grotto, kids‛ games, magic shows, BISP student music/dance entertainment, trapeze performances, eating & shopping, lucky draw, skills auction and much more………




social and business networking soiree at the new Hogs Breath Cafe on the 3rd floor of the Promenade Plaza off Soi Bangla in Patong, at 5.30pm. (Opposite the old burnt Tiger disco). Contact harry@ladypie.com for more details.


Pool Competition at Expat Guesthouse Pool Competition every Tuesday 9pm Expat Guesthouse Sports Bar, Patong. See map at www.expatguesthouse.com.


Curry Fridays at Navrang Mahal Every first and third Friday a month, allyou-can-eat authentic Indian curry buffet, B449 net per person. 7pm-11.30pm. Call 076 286 464.


Marilyn Band Opening Reception At 7 pm. Well-known Phuket artist Marilyn Band presents her latest art work, oil paintings and water colours, inspired by scenes from her recent travels in exotic locations. She has had numerous exhibitions in Thailand and internationally, most recently in France. Everyone is welcome to attend the opening reception. Artwork on display until January 3, 2013. 076 333 568, http:// momtriphuket.com/artgallery/index.html.


Gaze of HopeChocolate Decadence

Phuket First Audio Video Interactive Pub Quiz B99 per drinks and selected beverages buy 1 get 1 free. Quiz master Dj Doris, from 91.5FM. Bar Tabs: 1 Prize B1,500. 2 Prize B1,000. Every Wednesday Night From 8 pm. Free entry. Maximum 4 people per team. At Irish Times Pub, Junceylon Patong.

Put a spring in your step and a twinkle in your heart under the night sky at Aleenta Phuket-Phang Nga and release the endangered leatherback turtles with us on the pristine sands of Natai Beach, at our annual Indigo Pearl cordially invites you to fundraising event. Tickets are B2,222 net per person including all food and drink. The “GAZE OF HOPE GALLERY RECEPTION” evening starts at 7pm. Please book now as Presented by Adriano Trapani & The Good Shepherd SaturdayI 1st December seats are limited. Email: help@pureblue 18:30 until 21:30 at Rebar “GAZE OF HOPE GALLERY RECEPTION” foundation.com.

Gaze of Hope

ndigo Pearl cordially invites you to

Presented by

Adriano Trapani & The Good Shepherd

Come and join us for an opportunity to buy wonderful artistic works by veteran, Saturday 1st December

Phuketian photographer, Adriano Trapani, in a limited edition collection. Pork Roast and Roast Chicken Photographs will be available for early bidding in the Indigo Pearl lobby from the

Gaze of Hope

18:30 until 21:30 at Rebar

15th November. All proceeds go to the Good Shepherd Charity Migrant Worker Come and join us for an opportunity to buy wonderful artistic works by veteran, Adriano Trapani, in a limited edition collection. Outreach Project, in Phuketian Phuket photographer, and Thailand.

Every Thursday. Buffett include salads, soups, mashed potatoes, bread dumplings. 790THB net per ticket inclusive of drinks, canapes and 20% discount on all Indigo Pearl food outlets on the event date ALL YOU CAN EAT B190. www.phuketko Dress Code: Black & White kosnuss.com.

Photographs will be available for early bidding in the Indigo Pearl lobby from the 15th November. All proceeds go to the Good Shepherd Charity Migrant Worker Outreach Project, in Phuket and Thailand. 790THB net per ticket inclusive of drinks, canapes and 20% discount on all Indigo Pearl food outlets on the event date Dress Code: Black & White

For more information or booking, please contact: For more information or booking, please contact: Bastien Giannetti Bastien Giannetti www.indigo-pearl.com email: bastien @indigo-pearl.com email: bastien @indigo-pearl.com Tel: 076 327 006 Tel: 076 327 006





Christmas Market It’s a Christmas fair full of fun and festivities for the whole family. Come get your Christmas shopping done while children enjoy loads of activities, games and sweets to fill them with holiday cheer! Find local artists, crafts, jewelers, exquisite decorations and visit Santa’s Grotto. December 8 at Laguna latitude, Laguna 12pm to 5 pm. And December 15 DaVinci restaurant, Naiharn. 3pm to 8pm. Vendors can reserve a table (B500) for this event. Contact Mei 090 708 6351.



Indigo Pearl cordially invites you to

Gaze of Hope Gallery reception

Wicked Wednesdays Ladies day. Buy one beverage get one free. Located at Patong Promenade. www.hogsbreath.co.th.

Karaoke Night Fever Enjoy Karaoke night every Thursday at Ao Chalong Yacht club. Starting at 7pm. Call 090 809 8993.

“GAZE OF HOPE GALLERY RECEPTION” Come and join us for an opportunity to buy Presented by Adriano Trapani & The Good Shepherd wonderful artistic works by veteran PhukeSaturday 1st December 18:30 until 21:30 at Rebar tian photographer, Adriano Trapani, in a limited edition collection. All proceeds go to Come and join us for an opportunity to buy wonderful artistic works by veteran, PhuketianShepherd photographer, AdrianoCharity Trapani, in a limited edition collection. the Good Migrant Worker Photographs will be available for early bidding in the Indigo Pearl lobby from the 15th November. All proceeds go to the Good Shepherd Charity Migrant Worker Outreach Project, in Phuket and Thailand. Outreach Project, in Phuket and Thailand. B790 net per ticket inclusive of drinks, 790THB net per ticket inclusive of drinks, canapes and 20% discount on all Indigo20% Pearl food outlets on the event date canapes and discount on all Indigo Dress Code: Black & White Pearl food outlets on the event date. Dress For more information or booking, please contact: code: & White. 6.30pm until 9.30pm Bastien Black Giannetti www.indigo-pearl.com email: bastien @indigo-pearl.com Tel: 076 327 006Indigo Pearl Resort. Contact: 076 at Rebar, 327 006, email: bastien@indigo-pearl.com.

Happy Hour at Sugar Reef Happy Hour B60 on all selected beverages, B120 house doubles, and B99 all selected drinks. 4pm - 8pm. Also Sunday roast served from 2pm. B250 to club members. opposite Tesco Cherngtalay. See sugar reefbar.com.



Pool Competition: Meet The Best Players in Town Designed and built by a Thai-Canadian family in 2011, The Plaza is a very fine sculpture and wall relief garden and entertainment centre. Artist’s pictures can be seen at the plaza walls all year round. The art pieces are donated by “The Unique One,” a rare selection of art by Khun Manop and Mike. Pool competition is sponsored by Komodo Bar at 9pm. Entry fee B100 plus one free beverage. Come on everybody-let’s party. Call 087 280 3282.

Manicure Ladies Night Free express manicure for ladies. Free beverage for ladies on arrival, 50% off drink list for everyone all night long. From 6pm to midnight - DJ tunes till late. RE KA TA Beach Club at Boathouse.

FRIDAY NOV 30 AustCham Phuket Sundowners Australian Thailand Chamber of Commerce

TUESDAY DEC 4 Patrick Michael Esate Dinner Mountain Vineyards, Limited Production Exquisite, Artisan from Sonoma, California B2,100. We will have very limited seating for this event. Our wine director and executive chef Darren are working on the menu and pairing now and we will announce the details soon. Contact us for more info or to get on our mailing list. 076 333 568, http://www. momtriphuket.com/peter-michael.html.

Double Happy Hours At the end of the Rawai beach strip, Rawai Plaza is the best entertainment venue for those who seek a bit more fun after a good meal. Listen to good music, enjoy sport on large TV. Play pool or dart games or just enjoy the unique surroundings. Selected beverages. At 4-8pm and midnight till late. Plus free pool sponsored by Komodo Bar. From 8- 9.30pm. Come on everybody Let’s party. Call 087 280 3282.





Approximate number of workers who died during construction of the Panama Canal, mostly from malaria and yellow fever.


Year that apple pie arrived in England from France, brought by the armies of William the Conqueror.


Seconds taken by a red blood cell to circulate around the human body.


Months - the gestation period of the Asiatic Elephant, the longest gestation of any animal.


This week in history ■■ November 23, 1889 The first jukebox goes into operation at the Palais Royale Saloon in San Francisco. ■■ November 24, 1859 Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species, the anniversary of which is sometimes called “Evolution Day”. ■■ November 25, 1947 New Zealand ratifies the Statute of Westminster and thus becomes independent of legislative control by the United Kingdom. ■■ November 26, 43 BC The Second Triumvirate alliance of Octavianus ( later “Caesar Augustus”), Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, and Mark Antony is formed. ■■ November 27, 2009 A bomb explodes on the Nevsky Express train between Moscow and Saint Petersburg, derailing it and causing 28 deaths and 96 injuries. ■■ November 28, 1814 The Times in London is printed by automatic, steam powered press for the first time signaling the start of the availability of newspapers to a mass audience. ■■ November 29, 1972 Atari announces the release of Pong, the first commercially successful video Pong, created by Atari, was one of the very first arcade video games and was released in 1972. game (see picture, left).

1. Who did Bob Ford shoot dead on April 3, 1882? 2. Who is the current 100 metres world record holder? 3. What is the opposite of acid? 4. A musical note is lowered by a ‘flat’, but what is it raised by? 5. The golfer Ernie Els is from which country? Answers at the foot of the page.


Across 1. Putting off captor, sir, damaged state. (15) 9. City marsh? No thanks. (6) 11. Many numeros around the bend. (8) 12. Being former wife, is tense, we hear. (9) 14. Aspect of point in fact. (5) 16. Welsh veg converted to bottom of boat. (4) 18. Not used, they say, to being someone to look up to. (4) 19. To play sexy, move quickly right in. (5) 21. Rep is a gentleman. (5) 22. For each bend, a state. (4) 23. Leon returns around Christmastime. (4) 25. Add a couple of zeroes to the bill? It’s forbidden! (5) 27. Dancer’s hesitation in a dance before. (9) 29. Felipe, perhaps, in spa when drain backs up. (8) 31. Dumb one? Bond takes learner to point. (6) 34. Resident sang, “He’s corrected myopia.” (15)

Down 2. Right, I have nothing in city. (3) 3. See love twice and speak lovingly. (3) 4. College type takes a nasty chap to record company, note. (8) 5. Type of soldier for Phuket industry? (3) 6. Handle makes point man go back. (4) 7. Paul in, under sailor’s waterproof cover. (9) 8. Seed bad love – goes round the bend. (5) 9. Stop working quickly to make meal. (9) 10. Craftiness is almost guilt. (5) 13. Collar a disease, we hear. (7) 15. Excite small bird, sick and consumed. (9) 17. Squire’s network with calming pill. (9) 20. Naïve seabird takes one note to the French. (8) 24. Constellation or charged particle. (5) 26. Maple chopped up; that’s plenty. (5) 28. Artist puts 500 before champ. (4) 30. Dit’s partner had gone back. (3) 32. Admit to possessing. (3) 33. Show contempt for Diana’s. (3)

Solutions to last week’s puzzles:

Answers to this week’s Pop Quiz: 1.Jesse James; 2. Usian Bolt; 3. Alkaline; 4. A sharp; 5. South Africa.

WEEKDAYS Breakfast The Power Hour Lifestyle Drive Non Stop Music

Sam & Natasha Live 89.5

SATURDAYS 7am - 11am 11am - 12pm

Live 89.5 Got Talent Weekend Brunch

Siobhan MaGovern Kirsty Meyer

9am - 10am

Best Of Breakfast

10am - 1pm

Live 89.5 Dance Anthems

SUNDAYS Sam & Natasha

5pm - 7pm

Weekend Brunch

Kirsty Meyer

10am – 1pm

Steve & Sara

7pm - 10pm

The Spin

Tim Newton

1pm - 4pm

Jason Wilder

4pm - 7pm

Steve Johnston

12pm - 3pm

Phuket News Radio

Live 89.5

1pm - 2pm

Saturday Night Fever

Live 89.5

10pm – 12am

International Chart Show Top 40

Jason Wilder

3pm - 7pm

Box Of Neutrals

Live 89.5

2pm – 3pm

Non Stop Music

Live 89.5

12am – 10am

Sunday Night Chill

Live 89.5

7pm - 10pm

Live 89.5

7pm - 7am

Going Green

Nick Anthony

3pm – 5pm

Tel: 076 612 895 SMS: 090 490 7895

Non Stop Music

Live 89.5

10pm – 7am





Looking for a cute new pet? Adopt a homeless dog today > 19


Villa Manager: Experienced Villa Manager required to manage an 8 bedroom private residence in Kamala. The Villa Manager is responsible for managing an in-house team for maintenance, housekeeping and F&B. Operate the villa in a 5 star manner for both owners and guests.

Office Assistant Needed:

Applicants need to have strong leadership skills, Excellent command of English, Hotel experience. Applicants will be required to have their own car and driving licence and to be able to live-in when required. Please send CVs to: hr@phuketvillasandhomes.com, www. luxuryvillasandhomes.com, 076 527 633, 087 881 0003.

Experienced in selling real estate is advantage. Thai National, excellent English spoken and written is a must. Computer literate (Office, Excel, Word, Internet).Salary based on qualifications. Send resume, photo and expected salary to: sales@18excelsior-property.com, welcome walk-in candidates. www.18excelsior-property.com.

Small dynamic and friendly real estate agency company based in Chalong, Phuket working for national and international clients. We are seeking full-time assistant with administrative skills and outgoing personality.

tive attitude, computer skills. Call us ! 081 970 5204.

Per sonal Assi stant Required: PA Food & Beverage Manager: Experience

DaVinci Restaurant in Nai Harn: Thai nationality only. Waitresses 2 positions, Bartender 1 position. Experience and good English will be an advantage. Good salary and benefits. Contact Khun Jana 086 947 5197, jana@davinciphuket. com.

Admin O f f icer re quired: Club Asia Fitness

requires an Admin Officer urgently. Good salary and benefits. Candidates must have good English communication skills. Email clubasiaphuket@hotmail.com.

Resor t F&B manager proactive and motivated with passion for high qualit y ser vice stan dards. This is a hands on operational role. Send CV to recruit@paresa resorts.com.

S a l e s / M a r ke t i n g People: 4 Full time and

Redfrog Gift Shop Staff Wanted: Six

We are looking for key members: Res-

days per week. Must speak English. Email: elliehardy@hotmail.com or call 080 781 8162.

Thai Cook-Sous Chef Wanted: Thai/Western restaurant is looking for a experienced Thai cook. Must work under pressure, team player and with good organisation skills. Working hours 11.00-22.00. Good tips. Please contact 086 940 4801.

2 Part time sales/marketing people required. English essential. Good commission and incentives. New Australian te r m i te m a n a g e m e nt product. Call Jody 087 266 2252.

taurant manager, executive chef, waiter / waitress, guest service agent (English speaking and writing, male preferred) room maid, room boy, cleaner, technical engineer. Care@ bydlofts.com.

Reser vation and Operation: Able to speak English. Experience in tour operator / reservation would be a benefit but not necessary. Able to work on shift. Able to use Microsoft Outlook. Contact 076 381 703.

Sales Staff Wanted: Restaurant Manager English-speaking female. Wa n t e d: Re st au r a nt Thai with previous selling Sala Phuket Jobs Vacancy: -Purchasing Manager: 1 Position

manager / accounting with experience managing restaurant, accounting, managing staf f and ser ving customers. 087 471 1351

-Chief Engineering 1 Position -Spa Therapist 4 Positions

Air Con/Refrig Technician: Looking for a

-Reservation Officer:

technician with experience in electrics, air or refrig (compressors), for servicing, repairing and maintaining equipment. Competitive salary and bonuses. Call 084 915 9507.

1 Position Contact 076 338 888. Email: pncphuket@sala phuket.com.

experience with own car, outgoing personality with ability to sell to farangs, flexible hours. Retainer, f u e l, p h o n e a n d c o m mission. Call Khun Nam: 076 272 702. Island Curtains.

Mobile Car Rental is hiring !: Rapidly expanding car rental company is hiring new staff members. Required: good English knowledge, driving license, independent thinking, posi-

required to help CEO of charter boat company. Duties would include marketing, hospitality and some book keeping. Suit attractive Thai lady w it h ve r y g o o d English. Contact Mike: blueworldsafaris@ gmail.com.

Experienced Foodservice Salesperson Wanted: *Must live permanently in Thailand and organise own residency status. * Must speak fluent Thai and English. * Must have experience selling food/ alcohol to executive chefs and purchasing managers. Experienced food service. * Must have own car. Only people meeting all above criteria please send resume to george_d@jagota.com.

Graphic Designer: Knowledge: Illustrator, Photoshop, Thai nationality and speak basic English and good interpersonal skills. Create professional website design, flyers, banner, business cards. kritsanaphat@ lepepgroup.com.

Phuket Brasserie Jobs Recuitment: -Waitress 5 Positions.

Administrative Assistant wanted: Thai, degree in Admin or equivalent, good written and spoken English, basic accounting, experience a must. Salary based on qualifications. Send resume to: officemanager@techworx.asia or call 081 080 3773.

-Bartender 2 Positions. Salary B9,000. Service sharge B4,000. If you worked in hotels before will be an advantage. Contact 076 210 511.Send CV and photo to linkwanjai@me.com.





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Now. Hiring.Talent.

Front Office Manager Resort Host Driver Airport Representative Concierge Waiter / Waitress Restaurant Hostess Pool / Beach Attendant Steward (casual) Retail Attendant (casual) PA Attendant (casual) Mechanic Bartender Bellman

Positions 1 5 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1

Are you passionate about hospitality?

Do you want a job where YOU play a central role in a journey of discovery, adventure and excitement? Take a moment to meet us and explore career opportunities with Indigo Pearl, Thailand’s leading luxury resort. We employ brilliant people who possess a great attitude and unwavering passion for Thai hospitality. We love fresh minds just as much as we do old hands. We live and breathe the brand at work. Creative? Enthusiastic? Talented? We want you! Are you up for it? We’ll make it worth your while. Start your own journey of discovery TODAY. Please send current CV to mayuree@indigo-pearl.com 076 327 006, 076 327 015 www.indigo-pearl.com Indigo Pearl Resort, Nai Yang Beach and National Park, Phuket 83110

Webdeveloper: Knowl- and references in Thai or House maid Wanted: Admin Office: Diploma & service industry. Cus- only w Horses for small edge: HTML, CSS, JQuery, Javascript, Photoshop, Thai nationality and speak basic English and good interpersonal skills. Develop and modify websites on detailed design specifications. Email: kritsanaphat@ lepepgroup.com

Content Management /Marketing: Qualifications: - Thai Nationality and speak basic English and good interpersonal skills. Preference given to those with driver’s license. Email: kritsanaphat@lepepgroup. com.

Top Entertainer For Event: Les Martin, top singer and Phuket resident, would like to perform at your special event. All styles covered from swing, soul, pop to rock. Call me, no obligation: 0 87 822 3357.

Executive Chef Wanted: Minimum four-f ive years experience, must have experience in food quality and cost control, developing menus and recipes. Please send CV

English to jazon@head startphuket.com.

Looking for a Thai national maid to work in Chalong. English speaking welcome. Call 082 806 1695.

or higher education - Good c ommand of spoken & written English. One year experience in hospitality

Animal Caregiver Wanted: Looking for an English-speaking, animal lover who can work full time in the Thalang area on an animal farm, tending mainly to sick dogs, who are recovering. Non smoker who can live on site. Basic vet skills and Thai language a plus. Contact: gone2thedog gies@gmail.com.

Seeking Horse Care Helper: E xper ienc ed

Class Act Media is southern Thailand's most comprehensive media company, incorporating Phuket’s leading English newspaper ‘The Phuket News’, Phuket’s leading English radio station ‘Live 89.5, a host of publications & services including ‘The Phuket Colouring book’, ‘The Southern Sun Samui & ‘Phuket Ticket Master’. We are currently seeking

Sales Manager

Thai or Foreigner (Located in Phuket)

Responsibilities :

Home Help Wanted: English Speaking Housekeeper, immediate start, live out. Phone Brian 084 877 5001.

Waitress Required Urgently: Waitress, full or par t- time. Ton H om restaurant behind Big C and Phuket International Hospital. Serving Thai and Western food to mostly farangs. Be part of a friendly and busy team. Call 087 273 3455.

tomer service skill. Good operation and communication. Contact 076 612 876. Email: lek@headstart phuket.com.

● Managing the sales team (including responsibility for recruitment of new sales staff when needed) ● Weekly & monthly sales budget meetings and reporting ● Developing and following up new sales leads ● Reaching own personal sales targets and responsibility for reaching team targets

We offer: ● Competitive salary, bonuses and travel expenses ● Friendly work environment ● Social security (10%) paid by the company ● Excellent career progress opportunity ***The company may offer accommodation plus local transportation costs to successful candidates.***

Interested candidates are invited to send application with full resume in English indicating qualifications, experience, expected salary with recent photo via email to adminmgr@thephuketnews.com or post to below address.

Class Act Media Co., Ltd.

99/7 Moo 1 T. Kathu A. Kathu Phuket 83120 Tel: 076 612 550-2 ext 100 Fax: 076 612 553 adminmgr@thephuketnews.com

horse center. Also need house-sitter over Christmas, one- two weeks for cats, birds, one dog and a bull. Supervise horse care, fill in if needed. Please contact 084 842 4581. Email: andaman HorseCenter@ GMail.com.





Mission Heights

3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms > 20

a look at Chicky Net, the online social network for (expat) women living in Thailand with over 2,400 members. info@ chickynet.com.

clusive. For a free trial workout, come along and join the action. Tel 076 354 027, 087 275 3614. www.clubasiaphuket.com.



tank and two year warranty. Used for just one month before being returned to storage. 087 388 3090.

Bauer 320B Portable Compressor: Bauer Mariner 320B dive compressor. delivered March 2011 and still on first filter. Petrol Driven, B Timer, P41 Filter System, Auto Condensate Drain and Auto Stop. Call Mike 085 475 0447.

CLUBS & MEMBERSHIPS Singapore Club Phuket: Calling all SingaMoonsoon for sale: 28FT, registered for 15 passengers. 200Hp/ V6 Mercury motor, only 240 hours, totally restored 40 hours ago, perfect for snorkeling, diving trips, island hopping, water taxi navigation system + fishfinder, 5Hp spare motor. Boat and motor in very good condition. Located at Boat Lagoon. Priced for quick sale at B330,000. Contact at : 086 747 9292 or claudstrey@gmail.com.

Natural Mountain Stone: Original from anSki Boat for Sale: Glastron Carlson design, Thai registered, 120-ltr fuel tank, 200Hp Yamaha engine in excellent condition. Includes trailer, boat cover, wakeboard pole, ropes and ski equipment. Call 081 894 5822, email: markbreitis@ gmail.com.

cient time. Shaped by expert craftsman. Unique with its texture and colours. Harmony with traditional and contemporary. Commit to best and always available to our valued customers. Call +66 (08) 1719 6930. Email: info@maxxnova.com

poreans in Phuket to join Singapore Club Phuket. Contact Robin on 081 803 7189.

Health Food: Online health Cl u b A s i a Fi t n e s s:

Ad ve r t i s e t o E x p a t Royal Phuket Cit y H otel. Women: Are you looking to Offers Zumba/LesMills classpromote your business to expat women in Thailand? Have

es/ weight training /sauna / steam/swimming pool, all in-

food in Thailand. Good Karma, all natural, healthy, and organic products. Please contact 082 276 1675, www.good karmathailand.com.


Timber Boat for Sale: 14m traditional timber boat for sale. Extensive work has already been c om pleted with the hull. Needs further work for installing, engine, fuel / water tanks, decking and upper deck. The owner has invested B800,000 in construction and is selling due to other more urgent business projects. Genuine enquiries only. The boat is located near Sarasin bridge. For inspection, please contact for an appointment. All reasonable offers will be considered. Contact 084 294 6039, sladepeter@yahoo. com.



Indo Construction: 40


years’ experience and more than 20 years at your service in Thailand. Main contractor: study project, architecture design and construction and management. Please contact 076 381 895.

Tile It: Thalang. Wana Park on Srisoonthorn Rd. Phuket’s quality tile boutique. Tiles for interior, exterior, residential, commercial. Contact 076 620 168 or 081 424 2828. Email info@ tile-asia.com.

copy, Yamaha parts are compatible) 15 HP short shaft four stroke outboard including fuel

...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......

Buds Nursery:Phuket’s oldest international childcare facility. High-quality, time proven schedule and curriculum. Now in brandnew purpose-built school. Experienced native English teachers to teach ages 1 1/2-8. Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Bus ser vice available from Patong, Karon, Kata, Phuket, Rawai and Chalong. Tel:076 384 638, 080 624 7060. Website: www.budsphuket.com.


...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......

Body: ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......


...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......

Online upgrades:

Your specialist of imported food and drinks in Phuket. Visit our shop at the Billion Plaza, opposite Tesco Lotus. Contact: 076 612 733, 076 248 900. www.phuketfood.com.

Website link B199

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Farang Food Paradise: Outboard - almost brand new: SAIL (Yamaha


Box B199

Colour Background B199

Colour Headline B199

FunStart: Family sports and leisure club. Swimming/ golf/playcentre/gaming arcade. Contact 076 203 185, 087 882 5544. See funstart phuket.com.

DEADLINE: MONDAY 11.59PM (MIDNIGHT) FOR THAT FRIDAY’S ISSUE Hand this in at agent shops, our office or fax: 076 612 553




List your advert for FREE at thephuketnews.com/classifieds.php MOTORBIKE SERVICES


Dynamic Tyre Balancing: Dynamically balance your motorcycle tires for a smoother ride with DYNA BEADS! Available at West Coast Service Center Phuket, your big bike specialist on the bypass road. Contact 085 785 4440.


natural health programmes to improve health, reduce stress, weight loss, detox, rejuvenation, vitality and overcome disease. See atmanjai.com.

visa, accounting, auditor, legal advice. Contact 081 892 9960.

We Sell Boxes & Moving Supplies: At MY STORAGE Self Storage you can buy quality moving and packing supplies like individual boxes, bubble wrap, packing tapes & knives plus secure padlocks. We also help you to move and store. Call 076 292 909.

Safeway Storage: Self storage from B800/M. Container rental B3,000/M. Sales/ site of f ice A /C B6,0 0 0/M. Mobile toilets B2,80 0/M month. Chalong, opposite Wat Chalong. Thalang, main highway. Contact 076 313 235 or 081 125 1873.

PERSONAL SERVICES Phuket Visa: Offers consulting and services on company registration, work permit,


Backgammon: Players Wanted. Tel: 081 577 8443, email: phuketconnection@ yahoo.com • Movement • Stillness • Balance M obile:0 81-728 - 9 9 8 0 Email: Serenethai@yahoo.com

Bon Café Phuket: A Techworx: Custom design & installation. Professional service and support. Premium service: home cinema, home automation, marine AV and IT, lighting control and multiroom audio-video. Call 084 443 9863.

producer of premium coffee blends and powdered mixes as well as selling, maintaining, servicing and repairing all major brands. Contact: 076 355 600-1.

Atmanjai: World’s best

Bu o n A p p e t i t o: D e l i

Notice is hereby given to the Lessee (Teo Kah Kheng and Emile Aryaan Nolten of 17 Bo Seng Avenue, Singapore 1130) of condominium unit LV/S-04 #1111, unit registration No.29/11 in Allamanda I Condominium Project to make payment of outstanding common area fees in the amount of 336,879.04 Baht invoiced to you by the Condominium Juristic Person. If the outstanding balance is not settled on or before 16th December, 2012, the Lessor (Laguna Grande Limited) shall consider this material breach of contract and the lease shall be terminated forthwith and all previous lease premiums being forfeited. Made on this 2nd day of November, 2012 by the authorized Directors of Laguna Grande Limited. Haris & Hawr yluck Attorneys at Law: Unit 6D CCM Complex. Call 076 510 111, email: info@hhlegal advisors.com, www.hhlegal advisors.com.

market and bistro. Number one supplier of Italian deli in Phuket. Contact 076 384 273 , e m a i l i nf o @ b u o n a p petitogroup.com, www.buon appetitogroup.com.

Ghost Writer: For life stor y of suc c essf ul busi ness man. Gambler, playboy, world traveller now living inPatong Beach. Email: penthouse2102@gmail.com.

Baan Cananga Spa Products: We use traditional organic Thai herbs and make quality homemade spa products, cosmetic and OTOP health and beauty products. Shop: Kata Night Plaza and Raya Beauty Rawai Sai Yuan. Call 081 979 3504 Khun Wan.

Are You Looking to get a New Dog?: Why not adopt a homeless dog? Many loverly pups- free to a good home, also full grown adult dogs that would make great guard dogs and a best friend. Contact: gone2thedoggies@gmail.com.

Sound Engineer! AV Home system: We’re experts in systems and control designs of highest quality: Home automation, AV, cinema room, lighting control. Professional services certified by CEDIA. English speaking call +66 (08) 1719 6930. Email: info@maxxnova.com, www. maxxnova.com.

PET ADOPTION Why buy a pet?: Soi D o g Fo un dat i o n h ave over 300 beautiful dogs and puppies available for adoption. Fully vaccinated and sterilised. Contact 085 574 4258 or email: cindy@soidog.org.

Fr e e R o t t w e i l e r s Need Home: I have to relocate, and I have two beautiful Rothweilers that desperately need a home. Max will be one year old on the (27/11/2012), and Zaia is 5 months old, I would hate to separate them. Call 084 858 1917.

PET HOSPITAL Chaofah Pet Hospital: 8/28–29 Moo 9, Chaofah East Road. Contact 076 283 365.





Banyan Villa for sale 3 storey townhouse, 3 bed, 3 bath > 21

“More than just office space”

For your private or virtual office call Martin on 08 9874 9080 info@asiapacificoffices.com


Mission Heights: Land area 500m2, House area 164m2. 3 bed, 4 bath, fully furnished, aircon in all rooms, fans, Internet, satellite TV, swimming pool, independent water supply wells. Finish work Dec.2012. B10 million. Call 088 838 3242.


Laguna area, Cherngtalay From 8m2 to 120m2


sale. 3 bedrooms, furnished. Contact Siriporn on 089 649 9939.

build time. Overlooking a peaceful, fish-filled lake. Valued at B12 million on completion. Save millions. Contact 081 270 4291, email: thailand mls@gmail.com.

Single House Special Price B9.5million: Nice

Ret ail Spac e O p portunity: Large inter-

national resort in Karon seeks retail tenant. Excellent year round occupancy. Flexible rental terms. Must sell quality merchandise. Khun Boonchu call 076 396 200–5, fcckr@chr.co.th.

House on The Corner for Sale: Quiet loca-

Office for rent Patong Tower: 3 Offices for rent

on 5th floor of Patong Tower, close to beach, post office, Jungceylon. 69 sq.metre: B34,500 per month. 106 sq.metre: B53,000 per month. 126 sq.metre: B63,000 per month. 076 341 369-71.

Commercial Building For Sale: 5 me-

tre x 18.30 metre, three floors, located close by condo at Saiyuan, t wo big halls, two bedrooms, four bathrooms, clean and new building. Negotiable price. For more details please call 087 881 7979, 0 81 47 2 07 70 , e m a i l: ss.kijrungruang@gmail. com.

Surin Beach Office For Rent: Prime location

fully renovated sales office/ shop with initial lease of 6 years. Internal area 144 m2, walled back garden 60 m2, 4 parking spots, 3 phase, kitchen, internet, phone/ fax, TV, 5 AC. Contact 085 060 0033.

Shop Front for Rent:

The Royal Phuket Yacht Club shop front space for rent 4.34 M. x 4.37 M. located on the first floor of a great looking area for retail shop, boutique etc. Call 076 380 200 ext. 601 Khun Naphat.

tion and only 500m from the main road. Thepkrasattri, Heroines Monument. 70sqw x 280sqm, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, big living room with open-plan kitchen (9x9m), 1 separated kitchen, carpark for 3 cars and a small storehouse, 2 aircons, cable TV, 1 phone line TT&T. Price: B3.5 million including furniture. Excl. furniture B2,995,000. Must see! Email: jochenschmitz16@gmail. com. Call 081 607 8000.

Nice Restaurant and House: In Kamala for rent.

B15,000 per month. Very nice furniture, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, large kitchen and restaurant. Good location 2 storey house. Must see. 089 289 1508.

Phuket condominium for rent (KFA2-3):

B13,200 - 16,500 per night. 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Unit size: 252 sq.metre. Shor t term and long term. Pets: not allowed. Ms.Laddawan - CB Richard Ellis (CBRE) 076 239 967/085 661 0623.

Phuket villa for sale (PKS0671): B32,000,000.

4 Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms. L a g u n a , u n i t S i z e: 4 61 sq.metre. Land area: 1,355.6 sq.metre. Ms.Prakaipeth CB Richard Ellis (CBRE) 076 239 967 / 081 538 6879.

Opportunity Knocks:

Golf View Villa For Sale: Near British Inter-

national School, state-ofthe-art villa overlooking the Loch Palm Golf Course: 4 bedrooms + maid’s room; 485 m2 built on 1,860 m2 land. B28million. Contact owner 089 724 7211.

One + Two Homes for Sale with AC, Rawai:

Main home: two bed, extended bungalow with outside kitchen, shower and seating salas set in mature, walled, private gardens. Own well, tanks and pumps. Sold, furnished. Will sleep 8+ can be sold with a 30-year land lease for non Thai. Price B5.5 nego: Mobile: Eng 082 416 0150. 3BB WiFi internet also.

Rawai Beachfront Pool Villa Sale/Rent: Rawai Beach front pool villa for rent/

house fully furnished with teakwood furniture, ready to move in. 240 sqm. 4 bed 4 bath, closed to Kathu waterfall and market. Near Loch Palm, major stores, BIS and KIS. Call Oranwan 086 883 3169.

B24,500,000. Deceased Estate - Absolute waterfront. Occupying a stunning location on the east coast of Phuket this five-level villa has panoramic sea views from every level. Renovation work required. 085 793 2667. See exotiqproperty.com. Ref ABV453, email: dmuir@exotiq. com.

Allamanda (Laguna) Residences/Phuket:

One condo unit, half of a deluxe twin house, fully furnished and equipped, set direct on the picturesque lagoon with balcony right over it. 3 bedrooms each w i t h s h owe r/ b at h r o o m, roof terrace. Long term rent or sale. 081 737 0365, utaipan@yahoo.com.

Rawai Pool Villa: Unique three bedroom pool villa “off the plan” in Rawai. Three easy payments over eight months

Freehold Home / Mini Resor t: 4 bedrooms, 5

bathrooms, swimming pool, 20 minutes north of Phuket Airport. Peaceful country setting, flood and tsunami free. Minutes from beach. B10.9 million. Email: info@ mythaihouseforsale.com.

Furnished House for Sale Phuket Villa 5: 3 bedroom house with furniture, close to Kajonkiet School. Secure area, Cul De Sac, nice gardens, two bathrooms. B3,500,000 negotiable. Details 081 370 8114 (Thai) 087 889 3838 (Eng), email:davidgem98@ hotmail.com.




List your advert for FREE at thephuketnews.com/classifieds.php


House in Phuket Town / Samkong 3 bedroom, 3 bathrooms: Semi detached house with large 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, large open living/ dining area and entertainment deck outside. Large western kitchen with all appliances. Great area very conveniently located 5 minutes from all amenities including both international hospitals, Central Festival, international schools and the centre of town. Selling due to relocation.

Phuket Cottages

Near British International School, pool-villas starting from THB 8,800,000.


Call: 089-724-7211

Priced to sell at B4.3M including 4 air cons. and all modern style furniture. Nothing more to spend. Contact (English): 084 768 0536 or (Thai): 085 888 0502.

Phone 087 275 9621, email nut t apol _ trateng@yahoo. com.


Golf Course Land For Sale: Near BritPatong Condo for Sale: My condo is ready Patong/Kalim sea view condo: Freehold,

2nd floor, corner unit, stunning sea view, pool, car park, security, best location, ca.110sqm, 2 bed room,bad room, german kittchen, all new, terasse, only a few metres to beach, B10.6 M 081 824 1385.

for immediate sale located at Lotus Residence, a small 3-storey boutique condo of only 12 apartments total. It is located on a southern hillside above Patong Bay. Call 084 436 2540.

Rawai Half Rai for Sale: Land plot 100 metres Prime Location 35M Lake Front: Fantastic views over the Lake and Loch Palm. Very quiet, secluded plot but with all facilities ready to go. 1551 sqm plot, freehold leasehold with full Chanote Title. 081 273 6959.

to Rawai Beach, about 850 sq.metre. Chanote title deed, private road with sewer, 3 phases electricity and wall around the land. Contact rawai.steen@gmail.com, call 080 530 6880.

ish Inter School, 17 Rai with public road access. S ui t a b l e f o r r e s o r t o r housing project. Can be divided. Price: B4.5 M per Rai. Contact owner 0 8 9 7 24 7 211, e m a i l: julien@phuketimmo.com.

BanYan Villa: 2 yearold 3-storey townhome 31.5 s.qwah or about 126 s.q.m at bann yan villa 3 bed rooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 kitchen, 1 aircon,fully furnished located near by land and houses park, Chalong. Price 3.2 m. Contact owner tel 081 535 1252 Mr. Krich.

Land for Sale - in Marina: Design and build Condominium in Pa t o n g f o r S a l e: Amazing Sea View Penthouse: Panoramic sea view, mountain view and Big Buddha. 310 sq.metre, 2 beds, 2 baths with option to convert in 3 beds. Contact: Izzy +66(0)86 278 8300 or izzy.serenitygroup@gmail. com.

Less than 1 Km from the beach, large 2-bedroom apartment with communal swimming pool and balcony. FREEHOLD (can be foreign owned). B7.5M. Contact owner 089 724 7211 or julien@phuket immo.com.

Land At Kathu For Sale: Only 15 minutes to Patong and only 10 minutes to Phuket Town, located at Kathu, total 141 Square wah or 564 Square metre with ready public utility. Call 081 892 0610,081 472 0770, tan_ohio@hotmail.com.

7.5 M House and Pool Bypass Rd: Very clean 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom house with 5 x 10 metre pool 10 minutes south of Central Festival, walking distance to Kajonkiet Bilingual School. To see: 083 301 3470, email: wpdrake@hotmail.com.

Condominium At The Point: Condo for sale,

Apartment for sale in Patong: Apar tment for SALE in Patong; 50 sqm of the living area, sea-view / mountain view, furnished, Pool, 24hr. security, price for SALE B2.8M - B3.3M. Contact +66(0)83 103 3801.

The Point opposite Big C, freehold, chanote, studio 36sq metre. Fully furnished include AW fittings and inventory. Nice views from 6th floor, close to Lotus, Big C, Central Festival Etc. Only B2,695,0 0 0 nego tiable. Call 087 889 3838, Skype: davidpaul49, email: davidgem98@hotmail.com.

Hill Land for Sale: Very

Beachfront land for sale: 2 Rai absolute amaz-

nice location hill land by the Bangwat Dam, total 60 Rai, 96,000 square metre. Contact: Attapong 081 892 0610 (Thai), Jantiwa 081 890 8268 (Eng). e-mail: jantiwa_ j@hotmail.com.

ing beachfront, few min. boat ride from Phuket, facing west to sunset and views of Phuket. B13 million per rai +66(0)86 278 8300 or izzy. serenitygroup@gmail.com.

Seaview Land For Sale: Phuket- Surin Beach Area for Sale: Chan ote title at Manik-township. 20x25 metre in natural surrounding, B2.6 million. Free design+construction permit.

Seaview Land Ao Makham 33 Rai, the land has some slopes with great seaview. 100 metre from beach, access from main concrete road. B5.5 million per rai. Perfect for project investment. 081 895 4318.

Sea View Land for Sale: Phuke Ao-Yon, 13.5 rai, chanode title.10m/rai. Call Siri 089 6 49 9939, email:siri_phuket@chang runner.com.

your own home with good location and gated community. All the infrastructure you need is available such as water, underground cabling for power, telephone, ADSL internet etc. Contact 076 238 948, email: marketing@phuketproperty trip.com.


















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Phuket Int’l Soccer Sevens kicks off FOOTBALL

JP Mestanza editor2@thephuketnews.com

The 10th Annual Phuket International Soccer Sevens continues until November 25. from Thailand, the UAE, and Hong Kong. “We are happy to finally have enough teams for the women’s soccer sevens, it’s been years in the making but it can only grow from here,” said co-organiser Alain Brulfert.

Several local teams are participating, including Super Six champions Morning Star as well as their rivals Joy Dive and Phuket Condo & Homes. The Phuket International Soccer Sevens has both the open and masters over-40 brackets,

Swiss triathlete praises first local sports hotel JP Mestanza editor2@thephuketnews.com

AS THE FIRST GUEST at the Thanyapura Sports Hotel (TSH), Ruedi Wild is preparing for his upcoming Phuket triathlons in luxury. As such, the Olympian has tweaked his usual end-of-season routines, with everything from the food to the facilities to his training slightly different than before. However, the goal remains the same. “As an athlete you always want to compete to be the best. I am aware of what I have to work on to continue competing at a high level this late in the season,” the 30-year-old said. He has cut his training hours to fours hours a day to allow for more rest time in the heat. “I have to race smart and deliberate and not go all out when I first start,” he said. The availability of organic meals and fresh juices at Thanyapura is not lost on Wild. He missed a world championship event in Cancun two years ago because of spoiled food he ate the day before the race. The bike training, though different from his intense preparations for the 2012 London Olympics earlier this year, is still a challenge since pacing is going to be key if he is going to win the Laguna Phuket Triathlon on Novem-

Division 1





L Goals GD


Morning Star







Pts 31


Shakers FC









Joy Dive FC









Phuket Condos & Homes









Sweet Lemon FC









The Hulk









Nanai Boys









PSU Alumni FC








Division 2


ver 90 teams are vying for a share of five titles in the Phuket International Soccer Sevens which started last weekend and will conclude with the finals on Sunday (November 25). The event, which is in it’s th 10 year, is also hosting the 7th annual Andaman International Soccer 7’s, a parallel league that pits several clubs in different age brackets – all of them taking part in seven-a-side matches. The teams hail from over 20 different countries, including China, Australia, The Netherlands, France, and Germany. This is also the first year the tournament also includes a women’s bracket, with seven teams competing. Three of the women’s teams come from Australia, while the others are a mix of expats and Asians


Olympian Ruedi Wild and his girlfriend Lea Kaufman. ber 25, as well as the Laguna Phuket Ironman 70.3 just one week later. Competing against the likes of American star Chris Lieto and triathlon legend Chris McCormack, the events will challenge the tall Swiss more than other competitions earlier this season. Resting his

body after a season that saw him compete all over the world is a small, but necessary step to victory. “I have seen many places in the world, and TSH has the best of both worlds in terms of training and relaxation – it’s very handy and I didn’t have this before,” Wild said.

while the Andaman Soccer Sevens has both the open and masters over-35 brackets. An awards ceremony is scheduled for November 25 at Patong Resort. The Phuket News is an event sponsor.





L Goals GD


Puensil FC







Pts 42


Pita Bar Phuketeers









Phuket Serenity Villas









Mr. Moo









Shambhala FC









Bat Fire


















Pluto Italian Ice Cream


















Thai Nee FC








New head coach for Phuket FC THE ISLANDERS HAVE scheduled a press conference to announce the signing of Paniphol Kerdyam (Tou) as head coach. Paniphol is a 39-year-old former midfielder who won titles with Sintana FC and Thai Tobacco FC. After retiring in

2005, Paniphol went on to coach Kasetsart FC and TTM before leading Army United earlier this year. The team will also introduce Jakkapob Sou-gnam as the team’s new manager on Saturday, according to the Phuket FC fanclub.

Hash House Harriers Run 1394 at 3.30pm on Saturday, November 24 Directions: Turns east at Heroines Monument and follow the road for 11km, turn right and follow the HHH signs to the lager.




PCG raise nearly B100,000 in match for fallen friend T

he Chris Hart Memorial T20 match last Sunday (November 18) brought out players from all six PCG teams and raised B96,100 for Hart’s family. Organisers are also running a silent auction until November 26 on their Facebook page ‘Phuket Cricket Group’. Items to bid on include dinners at exclusive restaurants, cricket memorabilia and tailored suits. The tournament was a tribute to Chris Hart, a British expat who died in a motorbike accident in Thalang on November 6. He left behind a wife and three-year-old son. Hart played in the PCG Cricket League as well as the Phuket Super Six Soccer league, who held their own memorial event last week.

The memorial match was in memory of former teammate Chris Hart, who died in a motorbike accident on November 6 in Thalang.

Brazil wins fifth Futsal World Cup Brazil once again defeated Spain in extra time to win.

HOLDERS BRAZIL CLAIMED their fifth Futsal World Cup title with a nerve shredding 3-2 extra-time final win in Bangkok to break Spanish hearts for a second successive

tournament. In a pulsating end to the competition, Neto was the night’s hero, scoring the winner – his second goal of the day – with penalties looming.

Brazil’s talisman Falcao, playing his fourth World Cup, had earlier forced the game into extra time with a late equaliser which stung Spain, who had looked set for victory

after two second-half strikes from Aicardo and Torras. Brazil won the 2008 edition on penalties after another thrilling 2-2 draw in normal time, also against Spain. AFP

On Sale


Over 900 young footballers from 23 international schools across Asia competed in the British International School (BIS) International Football Tournament last week (November 9-10). The event brought out a crowd 3,000 strong over the two-day tournament as 85 teams competed. The local BIS teams did well, as their U13 girls won the bronze, U13 boys won silver, and the U9 boys took home the gold.

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Thalang Road is one of the oldest streets in Phuket, with many houses more than 100 years old. DID YOU KNOW? Every January, the whole street is closed for the Old Town Festival.

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IN BRIEF Stenson called up for Royal Trophy Sweden’s Henrik Stenson has been selected for next month’s fifth Royal Trophy in Brunei after featuring in all of Europe’s four straight wins against Asia at the event, organisers said last week. Stenson, who broke a three-year win drought at last week’s South Africa Open, was called up by European captain Jose Maria Olazabal,

who masterminded Europe’s win over the United States at the recent Ryder Cup. Stenson joins fellow Ryder Cup winners Paul Lawrie, Francesco Molinari, Nicolas Colsaerts and Colin Montgomerie among the players already nominated for Europe. December 14-16 tournament at Brunei’s Empire Hotel and Country Club

Edwards glad of Gatland’s Wales return Wales assistant coach Shaun Edwards cannot wait for Warren Gatland to return to the fold as the rugby team face the daunting challenge of ending a losing streak against world champions New Zealand. Wales haven’t beaten the All Blacks since 1953 and few give much for their chances at the Millennium Stadium on November 24

after home defeats by Argentina and Samoa made it five losses in a row against all opponents for the Six Nations Grand Slam champions. Nee Zealander Gatland missed the Argentina and Samoa matches as he began his preparations for coaching the British and Irish Lions on their tour of Australia next year.

Defeated Black Caps labelled ‘clueless’ New Zealand cricket media labelled the Black Caps “clueless” and “awful” after they crashed to a 10-wicket defeat at the hands of Sri Lanka in the first Test in Galle last week. New Zealand entered the third day with hopes of a win only to be mesmerised by spinner Rangana Herath and bowled out for just 118. Cricket writer Richard Boock said the de-

feat marked the first time New Zealand had lost five straight Tests since the 1950s, adding: “It seems as bad as it’s been for a long, long time.” Boock called for Brendon McCullum to replace Ross Taylor as captain to give the Black Caps a more positive approach. The second and final Test begins in Colombo on Sunday (November 25).


Betting scandal gets Aussie jockey 10 month ban


hampion jockey Damien Oliver was banned last week from racing for 10 months after blaming his marriage breakdown for a decision to put money on a rival horse that won a race in which he was riding. The Australian two-time Melbourne Cup winner was suspended for eight months over the betting scandal and an extra two-months for using a mobile in the jockeys’ room prior to the race, which is prohibited. The betting charge related to a race two years ago at Moonee Valley in Melbourne in which Oliver, 40, breached the rules by betting A$10,000 (B319,000) via a third party on eventual winner Miss Octopussy. During the hearing, Oliver reportedly broke down in tears as he admitted the offences,

Damien Oliver bet A$10,000 on a rival horse in a race he was riding in 2010. telling of psychological stress brought on by a temporary split from his wife and a battle with alcohol. “It was a highly stressful time. I feared I would lose my

Roosters chief executive Brian Canavan following a spate of incidents. The review found that shoulder charges made up just 0.05 percent of the 142,355 tackles made in 2012. Less than four per cent of these resulted in injury but 17 per cent involved contact with the head of the attacking player.

Chelsea sack Di Matteo Chelsea manager Roberto Di Matteo has been sacked after the European champions were left facing elimination at the group stage of the Champions League following a 3-0 defeat by Juventus. The loss in Turin last week means Chelsea are poised to become the first ever Champions League winners to be k nocked out in the group phase the following season. Even a win over Danish side FC Nordsjaelland in their final group match may not be enough to take

Chelsea into last 16, as a draw between Juventus and Shakhtar Donetsk in the other Group D game would take both sides through. Di Matteo was only appointed on a permanent basis in June, having led Chelsea to their first Champions League title after replacing Andre VillasBoas in March. Chelsea beat Bayern Munich on penalties in the Champions League final in May, two weeks after beating Liverpool 2-1 in the FA Cup final. AFP

most successful jockeys, and is one of only seven riders to win Australia racing’s grand slam of the Melbourne Cup, Caulfield Cup, Cox Plate and Golden Slipper.

Domenech takes aim at French ‘divas’

Australia to ban shoulder charge Australian rugby league authorities are to outlaw the shoulder charge because of the “unacceptable risk of injury”, with work under way to extend the move internationally. The decision, due to take effect from next year, came after the Australian Rugby League Commission (ALRC) assessed a report by Sydney

marriage. It was the only time I had ever placed a bet on a rival horse. I didn’t consult any other jockey or trainer,” Oliver told the hearing. Oliver is one of the nation’s

Raymond Domenech coached the French football team during their failed bid in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

FORMER FRANCE BOSS Raymond Domenech, who presided over a mutinous squad at the 2010 World Cup, last week insisted his new book Tout Seul (‘All Alone’) was not an attempt to “settle accounts” – despite slamming midfielder Franck Ribery as a ‘diva.’ Domenech’s squad went on strike after striker Nicolas Anelka was sent home for verbally abusing the manager in the dressing room at

half-time in a match against Mexico. In the book, Domenech criticised Bayern Munich midfielder Ribery as someone who “continued to spoil [the atmosphere in] the group with his attitude of susceptible diva,” said Domenech, sacked in November 2010. Domenech also suggested that players today “are not mature enough” to cope with the large salaries top stars currently attract.






City takes over top spot, Chelsea slide continues FOOTBALL


anchester City won big and took over the top spot while Chelsea’s woes continued this week. The 5-0 romp that City put on Aston Villa last week gave them the three points needed to jump over Manchester United in the standings. Led by Argentine strike contingent Sergio Aguero and Carlos Tevez, who each scored twice, City are now the only unbeaten team in the Premier League. United, meanwhile, suffered their first loss of the season at Norwich thanks to a goal by former Man U trainee Anthony Pilkington in the 60th minute. He spent a year in the Red Devils youth academy a decade ago. The win extended Norwich’s unbeaten run to six matches and puts them at 13th on the table. Chelsea have seen their

JP’S TIPS ROUND 13 Sunderland v West Brom Everton v Norwich Man United v QPR Stoke v Fulham Wigan v Reading Aston Villa v Arsenal Swansea v Liverpool Southampton v Newcastle Chelsea v Man City Tottenham v West Ham

Lose Draw Win Lose Win Lose Draw Lose Lose Win


Argentinians Sergio Aguero and Carlos Tevez each scored twice in City’s 5-0 win over Villa.

1. suncat100 55 2. canarywill 50 3. tim at acorn 49 4. apollo131 44 5. bazerb 44 6. mickyleeds 44 7. pickledliverbar 44 8. Tempestuous Strike 44 9. Farang2005 41 10. flob 41

strong hold on the top of the table slip away in recent weeks after losing John Terry, first by suspension and then injury. The Blues continued their average form and extended a four-game winless streak with a loss at West Bromwich Albion.

In The Phuket News tipping competition, ‘suncat100’ has a comfortable five-point lead in the monthly standings. In the overall standings, ‘apollo131’ continues their dominance with a six-point lead at 237 points, but ‘suncat100’ is not far behind.

A day after his grandmother died, West Brom’s Shane Long scored a header in the 10 th minute against Chelsea and honoured her by revealing a T-shirt that said read “RIP Nan”. Peter Odemwingie scored another header in the sec-

ond half to give West Brom the match and a deserved if unexpected fourth place on the table. In other scores, Arsenal defeated Tottenham 5-2 and moved up to sixth place, while Liverpool’s 3-0 win against Wigan put them at 11th place.


OVERALL STANDINGS 1. apollo131 2. suncat100 3. mickyleeds 4. scottkip 5. tim at acorn 6. toptipster 7. bazerb 8. alanphuket 9. A1CR 10. zestrealestate

237 231 226 217 217 217 214 212 211 211

The winner of the November competition will win a B3,000 voucher to spend at Australian Bar & Grill in Kata. The overall winner at the end of the year will win a brand new Honda Scoopy courtesy of AP Honda.

Aussies declare ‘race on’ for Beckham FOOTBALL

AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL declared Tuesday (November 20) the “race is on” to bring David Beckham Down Under, with at least four clubs showing interest and one confirming it will lodge a compelling offer. Speculation about the 37-year-old’s interest in coming to Australia’s A-League has been mounting ever since Football Federation Australia said last week that it had been approached by the player’s representatives.

Beckham’s name has been linked to the Western Sydney Wanderers while the Central Coast Mariners, based north of Sydney, are also thought to be keen. Melbourne Heart and Perth Glory have also expressed interest. “There’s stuff going on behind the scenes. We’re definitely putting our hand up,” Australian press quoted a Mariners spokesman as saying. Beckham has shrugged off the suggestion, but the revelation Monday (November 19) that he is ending his time as a player with his

US Major League Soccer (MLS) club LA Galaxy early next month has energised Australian teams’ efforts to secure him. The football superstar has spent the past six seasons with the Galaxy, leading Los A ngeles to an MLS Cup title last season when they defeated the Houston Dynamo 1-0. Beckham and the Galaxy go for their second consecutive crown when they face the Dynamo in a repeat of last year’s final on December 1 at the Home Depot Center in Carson, California. AFP

Beckham will play his final game for the LA Galaxy in the MLS Cup Final on December 1.






Australian officials ban jockey Damien Oliver for betting on rival in same race > 25


Sailing speed record smashed SAILING JP Mestanza editor2@thephuketnews.com


he world sailing speed record was shattered last week by former Phu ket compet itor Paul Larsen in the calm waters of Africa. The 42-year-old Australian averaged a recordbreaking 59.39 knots over 500 metres at Walvis Bay in Namibia on a custom-built Vestas Sailrocket 2. The previous record was set in 2010 by a kite surfer going 55.65 knots. “When I finally worked out which numbers were which, I had to get someone else to check them” he said. “I would explode if I allowed the big sensation to wash over me only to find out a minute later I was wrong. I wasn’t. It was real.” Larsen, who peaked at a speak of over 63 knots during the record run, led the

Paul Larsen boke the outright world sailing speed record going 59.39 knots over 500 metres in Nambia on November 18. He broke the previous record by nearly four knots. Da Vinci sail team last year and competed in the Phuket International Raceweek event, placing second in the Performance Multihull Class. “He smashed (the record), and he will probably hold this record for the next 10 to 20

Live Sports TV Schedule


1XX- True Vision, 8XX - Astra; 8 - Setanta

*Times may be subject to change







Friday, November 23 815, 111 29

15:00 11:00





European PGA Tour Test Match Day 1

Dubai, Day 2 India v. England

Saturday, November 24 815, 111




European PGA Tour

Dubai, Day 3

years,” said Bruce Issell of DaVinci. The event is a culmination of a decade-long chase that started when Larsen teamed up with Malcolm Barnsley in 2001. With a representative from the World Sailing Speed

Record Council on hand to confirm the record, perspective washed over Larsen. “I loved the purity of the moment. Just the team, the wind, the water and that wonderful boat on a distant shore in Africa watching

in 2002. Larsen believes the boat can go faster, which could spell another run at beating his own record. “We have just looked into a vast wilderness of high speed potential with this boat and I want to explore it a bit.

Spanish Primera Liga

English Premier League Team

a fantastic sunset. it was a beautiful moment,” he said. The boat, an unusual sight on the water, is a 40-foot-long and 40-foot-wide Vestas Sailrocket 2 made out of carbon fibre and modeled after an earlier boat from an attempt
















Manchester City


















Manchester United









Atlético Madrid


















Real Madrid









West Bromwich













































Real Betis









West Ham United













































Real Sociedad









Swansea City



























Rayo Vallecano









Newcastle United









Real Valladolid







15 15





Rugby Union Aviva Premiership

Bath v. Harlequins




Rugby Union Aviva Premiership

Gloucester v. Sale











Real Zaragoza







England v. South Africa


Stoke City









Athletic Club




































Celta de Vigo



























Aston Villa




































Queens Park Rangers

















816, 107



Rugby Union

Autumn International Autumn International

816, 107



Rugby Union

Wales v. New Zealand

812, 101





Sunderland v. West Brom






Man United v. QPR






Stoke v. Fulham

817, 103





Everton v. Norwich






Wigan v. Reading

817, 103





Aston Villa v. Arsenal





Test Match, Day 2

India v. England

Sunday, November 25 816, 107



815, 111



813, 108


813, 108

Rugby Union Aviva Premiership Golf

Wasps v. Leicester

European PGA Tour

Dubai, Day 4

22:45 Motor Racing

Formula 1

Raceday, Sao Paulo


02:30 Motor Racing

Formula 1

Brazil Grand Prix

812, 101





Swansea v. Liverpool






Southampton v. Newcastle






Tottenham v. West Ham

817, 101





Chelsea v. Man City





Test Match, Day 3

India v. England

RESULTS Arsenal Liverpool Manchester Cty Newcastle Utd QPR

5–2 3–0 5–0 1–2 1–3

Tottenham Hotspur Wigan Aston Villa Swansea City Southampton

Reading West Brom Norwich City Fulham West Ham United

2–1 2–1 1–0 1–3 1–1

Everton Chelsea Manchester United Sunderland Stoke City

RESULTS Osasuna Valencia Barcelona Real Madrid Deportivo

0–0 2–1 3–1 5–1 0–2

Málaga Espanyol Real Zaragoza Athletic Club Levante

Celta de Vigo Getafe Granada Sevilla Real Sociedad

1–1 2–1 0–1 5–1 4–0

Mallorca Real Valladolid Atlético Madrid Real Betis Rayo Vallecano

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