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thephuketnews thephuketnews1 thephuketnews.com

Friday, September 25 – Thursday, October 1, 2015

Since 2011 / Volume V / No. 39

20 Baht




An afternoon to Myanmar’s Mawdaung

Joel Reyes, a former Philippine governor, and his brother Mario, a former mayor, were presented to the press conference in Bangkok on Monday. (Photo: AFP / Philippine Immigration Bureau)



olice last week quietly moved in and arrested the Reyes brothers – Joel, 63 , the former governor of Palawan province, and Mario JR, 54, former Mayor of Coron – after the pair had quietly spent the past three years living in Rawai. The two Philippine politicians were wanted for murdering Gerry Ortega, a prominent environmental

activist in the Philippines. Arrested in Phuket last Sunday (Sept 20), the pair were taken to Bangkok and presented to the press by Royal Thai Police Crime Suppression D ivision Commander Pol Maj Gen Akradej Pimolsri on Monday (Sept 21). ter the high rofile ress on erence in Bangkok, the Reyes brothers were own a to hu et and resented at Phuket Provincial Court on Tuesday (Sept 22), confirmed

Chalong police investigator Pol Lt Col Jamroon Plaiduang. After their arraignment, the pair were detained at Chalong Police Station. “Right now, we are waiting for court documents at Chalong Police Station,” said Pol Lt Col Jamroon. “Then, both men will be handed over to Phuket Immigration, who will handle the deportation.” The deportation of the Reyeses, was tentatively set for Thursday (Sept




24), according to the Philippines’ Justice Secretary, Leila de Lima. Philippine National Police operatives will fetch the Reyes brothers in Bangkok, and escort the suspects back to their home country to face trial, Ms D e Lima told reporters on Wednesday (Sept 23 ). The Reyes brothers were arrested following a tip from Interpol, Pol Maj Gen Akradej told the press conference on Monday. The brothers, who ran an ore-…



Medals galore as Phuket stars hit Olympic times

News 2





Corrupt officials blamed as Chinese tour guide war heats up > page 6

Light of day Gov pushes for underpass safety progress


The Phuket News editor@cl a ssa ctmedia .co.th

ov ernor N i si t J ansom w ong t hi s w eek gav e t he cont ract or of t he S am Kong U nd erp ass t hree d ays t o carry ou t i m m ed i at e safet y m easu res i n resp onse t o m ou nt i ng cri t i ci sm ab ou t t he p roj ect on soci al m ed i a. T he p roj ect i s rep ort ed ly less t han half com p let e, and a p roj ect m anager t hi s w eek confi rm ed t hat t he t u nnel i t self has y et t o see t he li ght of d ay . T he m and at e w as i ssu ed last S u nd ay m orni ng ( S ep t 2 0 ) at an u rgent m eet i ng at the Phuket Highways office called b y t he gov ernor t o ad d ress concerns and cri t i ci sm s ci rcu lat i ng on soci al m ed i a ab ou t safet y short com i ngs w i t h t he B 8 3 4 -m i lli on p roj ect . T he gov ernor ord ered m ont hly u p d at e b ri efi ngs from t he cont ract or and hi ghw ays d ep art m ent t o ensu re t hat p rogress w as i n li ne w i t h set t arget s, u p d at es of w hi ch w ou ld need t o b e m ad e k now n clearly t o t he p u b li c. Moreover, safety hazards and flooding issues would need t o b e ad d ressed at once, t he gov ernor t old t he m eet i ng. C onst ru ct i on d i rect or N ari n S ri som p an concu rred t hat ad d ressi ng safet y st an-

Three of the four men repair the section of damaged road.

ocals fi damaged road themselves

Tunnellers have a out 200 metres more to go. Photo: hale d ard s w as t he p roj ect ’ s t op p ri ori t y , not i ng t hat he i s w ork i ng w i t h t he cont ract or to address hazardous pot holes on t he road s p ast t he si t e b y i nst alli ng m ore w ell-li t road -b arri ers t o b et t er gu i d e m ot ori st s. Moreov er, he t old t he gov ernor t hat he i s p ressi ng t he cont ract or t o com p let e i nst allat i on of d rai nage p i p es as soon as p ossi b le, w hi le w i d eni ng t he sou t hb ou nd lanes p ast t he p roj ect t o allow sw i ft er and s afer p assage. T he d i rect or w as gi v en u nt i l W ed nesd ay ( S ep t 2 3 )

an ursts into fire all after rear ending pick up A V A N S P U N O U T O F C O N trol and exploded into flames aft er slam m i ng i nt o a p ark ed p i ck -u p t ru ck on C hao F a W est R d , i n W i chi t , at 2 am last S u nd ay ( S ep t 2 0 ) . W hen Ku sold ham rescu e w ork ers arri v ed t o t he scene, fire fighters were focused on dousing the fire, which took 1 0 m i nu t es t o b ri ng u nd er cont rol. T he B angk ok -regi st ered van was gutted by the fire, est i m at ed t o hav e cau sed ab ou t B 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 i n d am age. In the middle of the road nearby was an Isuzu pick-up t ru ck w i t h P hu k et p lat es and a ba d ly d am aged t ai l-end . W i t nesses sai d t he sp eed -

The an u st into a es a te the i act Photo: usol ha oun ation i ng v an w as head i ng nort hb ou nd and ap p arent ly d i d not see t he p ark ed -u p t ru ck or cou ld not av oi d hi t t i ng i t d u e t o hi gh sp eed . B ot h v ehi cles’ d ri v ers escap ed seri ou s i nj u ry . E a k k a p o p T h o n g tu b

to finalise said measures. P roj ect m anager C haw aler t L er t chaw anak u l agreed t o hav e t he cont ract or p rov i d e m ont hly p rogress u p d at es, st at i ng, “ W e w i ll d o ou r b est t o reli ev e d i st ress of resi d ent s. ” P roj ect E ngi neer C halerm p on W ongk i et k u n t old T h e Ph u k e t N e w s , I am confi d ent t he p roj ect w i ll be finished on time, as long as t here are no u nforeseeable delays such as floods or p rot est s. “ A ll ret ai ni ng w alls are i n p lace. Most p ot holes i n t he


on kietkun

area are filled. he said. We have excavated 80 metres of t he t u nnel i t self, and w e hav e 2 0 0 m m ore t o go. “ W e w i ll op en t he t u nnel first, then we will repave the road s arou nd t he si t e one b y one, so t he w ork can b e d one while traffic can still pass t hrou gh. ” Phuket Highways Office D i rect or S am ak L u ed u anghad expressed dissatisfaction t hat som e affect ed r esi d ent s chose t o u se soci al m ed i a t o express their woes, instead of su b m i t t i ng com p lai nt s d i rect ly w i t h hi m .

F O U R L O C A L P E O P L E took it upon themselves to fix a hu ge, d angerou s p ot hole i n front of t he S am k ong T em p le on b y p ass road , near t he S am k ong u nd erp ass const ru ct i on si t e, last w eek b ecau se t hey w ere fed u p w i t h t he nu m b er of acci d ent s cau sed b y t he st at e of t he road . T he fou r, S om sak J au p sri , Kani n R ak saraj , J i rad et S aw at d i chan and S u t hi sak S ri k ong, w ho as form er rescu e w ork ers hav e help ed p eop le i nv olv ed i n acci d ent s on t he road , carri ed ou t t he rep ai rs on S ep t 1 7 i n a b i d t o red u ce t he nu m b er of acci d ent s hap p eni ng t here. “ W e hav e heard ab ou t so m any acci d ent s w here p eop le hav e b een i nj u red b ecau se of t he st at e of t hi s road , ” Mr S om sak t old T h e Ph u k e t N e w s . “ T w o of m y fri end s w ere rescu e w ork ers and t hey hav e help ed m any of t hose w ho hav e had acci d ent s here, so we decided to fill the damaged sect i on of road , w hi ch w as ab ou t one m et re long and 1 0 cent i m et res d eep , ou rselv es. W e collect ed som e m oney t o

buy asphalt to fill it in, and yesterday we filled it. It cost u sB 3 5 0 . Next we plan to fix Thepk rasat t ri R d on S u nd ay aft ernoon ( S ep t 2 0 ) w here t here are m ore d angerou s holes. I don’t want to see someone else t o fall i nt o t hese holes. It will not be good if parents t ak e t hei r chi ld ren t o or from school and fall b ecau se of t he holes. “ W e hav e recei v ed a lot of p osi t i v e feed b ack on soci al m ed i a and now p eop le hav e offered t o help u s b u y m ore asp halt . S om e p eop le hav e also promised to help us fix t he road s, ” Mr S om sak s ai d . Mr Kani n ad d ed , “ T od ay w e collect ed 1 5 b ags of asphalt. I would like to thank ev ery one w ho i s su p p ort i ng and help i ng u s. W e d on’ t w ant t o b e fam ou s b ecau se of w hat w e hav e do ne. B u t w e do n’ t w ant any one else t o get hu rt b ecau se of t hi s road . W e do w hat w e can. W e hav e com p lai ned ab ou t i t , b u t not hi ng has b een do ne. ” T a n y a l u k S a k o ot

Reyes bros arrested in Rawai C o n tin u e d fr o m p a g e 1 … m i ni ng b u si ness, are charged w i t h t he 2 0 1 1 m u rd er of G er r y O r t ega, an ant i -cor r u p t i on cr u sad er w ho op p osed t hei r m i ni ng op erat i ons. H e also host ed a rad i o show on w hi ch he freq u ent ly accu sed t he su sp ect s of m assi v e graft . T he R ey es b rot hers sli p p ed ou t of t he P hi li p p i nes som et i m e i n March 2 0 1 2 aft er t hat cou nt ry ’ s J u st i ce D ep art m ent i nd i ct ed t he p ai r for m u rd er and a P alaw an cou rt i ssu ed w arrant s for t hei r ar rest s. E ach has a 2 -m i lli on-p eso ( B 1 . 5 -m i lli on) rew ard on t hei r head . T he fu gi t i v es had b een li v i ng i n a rent ed hou se i n

oel and Mario R Reyes were presented to the press in Bangkok on Monday. Photo: Tawatchai e u ne R aw ai si nce 2 0 1 2 , Maj G en A k rad ej sai d . H e sai d t he t w o w ou ld i ni t i ally b e charged under the Immigration Act as J oel R ey es ent ered t he cou nt ry i llegally and Mari o had ov erst ay ed hi s v i sa. Maj G en A k rad ej sai d

b ot h R ey es b rot hers confessed to having fled their arrest w arrant s t o hi d e i n T hai land , b u t sai d t hey w ere read y t o b e d ep ort ed hom e t o fight the case. They thanked t he T hai au t hori t i es and p eop le for t hei r t i m e i n T hai land

and hop ed for a ret u rn v i si t . Mr O rt ega w as shot i n t he head at p oi nt -b lank range w hi le shop p i ng i n t he cap i t al of P alaw an, an i sland k now n as t he P hi li p p i nes’ last env i ronm ent al front i er b u t w hi ch has su ffered from i llegal loggi ng, m i ni ng and overfishing. T he gu nm an w as cau ght trying to flee the scene and p oli ce sai d hi s w eap on w as ow ned b y one of J oel R ey es’ law y ers. “ T he arrest of t he longw ant ed R ey es b rot hers p rov i d es an op p ort u ni t y for p u rsu i ng t he end s of j u st i ce, ” sai d p resi d ent i al sp ok esm an H erm i ni o C olom a i n a st at em ent rep ort ed b y AFP. thephuketnews


Brian Russell Finn, 54, and his son Luke, 24, were freed after settling the outstanding bill. Photo: Kathu Police

Cops free father and son Kiwis after they settle bill THE NEW Z EALAND father and son who were arrested at Phuket International Airport on Sept 14 on an arrest warrant issued in 2013 f or cheating on a B15,000 food and beverage bill have been freed by police after settling the bill. Brian Russell Finn, 54, and his son Luke, 24, were arrested at Phuket Airport on an arrest warrant issued on November 27 , 2013 for failing to pay a food and beverage bill at The Blue Marine Resort and Spa on Phra Baramee Road in Patong on September 5, 2013 . “The duo paid the B15,000 food and beverage bill and the Blue Marine Resort and Spa representative dropped the charge against them,” explained Pol Lt Songwut Khunjan of the Kathu Police on Sept 17 . “After the bill was settled, the pair were released and resumed their 10-day holiday in Phuket,” he said. Supatra Sutham





Rules of university booze ban unveiled Saroj Kueprasertkij editor@classactmedia.co.th


etails of exactly how t h e m u c h - hy p e d outright booze ban “near” educational institutions will be enforced in Phuket were made clear this week after law-enforcement agencies and local business owners signed a Memorandum of U nderstanding (MoU ) to launch the “Campus Free Z one” campaign. Businesses that abide by the current law will not suffer in the am aign s fight against underage revelry, police have assured. But licencees of venues that sell alcohol to minors will face the full brunt of legal action, Phuket City Police D eputy Superintendent Khunnadet Nanongkhai told The Phuket News. first time o ender may have his or her licence to sell alcohol revoked and face a five year an on the li en ee applying for a new permit,” he said. “Our priority is to ensure that pubs and shops do not sell alcohol to minors (in Thailand, persons under 20 years of age), but adults or students aged over 20 can buy alcohol during the

Students hold up one of the new ‘no alcohol’ signs. Photo: Tanyaluck Sakoot permitted hours,” Pol Lt Col Khunnadet onfirmed Confusion reigned throughout the country over the “school alcohol ban” after the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) ordered on July 23 for police to take immediate action against any venues selling alcohol within 3 00 metres of any “educational institution”. That order was confounded by Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha two days later issuing an order for police to target any venues selling alcohol “near” what he called

“education institutions”. What constituted an “education institution”or how far in metres “near” was, was never defined rom ting o fi ials to quickly backtrack on the crackdown and leave the interpretation to the local police. However, following the signing of the Campus free Z one MoU on Sept 14, Excise D epartment Phuket Office D irector Pairat Kulima told The Phuket News, “We cannot enforce a no-alcohol zone in Phuket of any extended distance from a campus as that

would leave no places for any venues to sell alcohol, which is not realistic. “However, we can enforce an alcohol-free zone in the areas immediately surrounding campuses, and we can still make sure that venues ‘ nearby’ are not selling alcohol to students who are still minors.” Students who are of legal age to drink alcohol must not do so while still in uniform, Mr airat onfirmed “That is the rule of the university. The students can be dismissed from enrolment

at the university if they break the university’s rules.” More than 15 business owners signed the MoU to create a one-kilometre “clear zone” around Phuket Rajabhat U niversity, north of Phuket Town. V enues, including pubs, bars, clubs with sexy dancing and snooker halls, will be randomly inspected to ensure that minors are not drinking alcohol. Further, the venue owners will be discouraged from allowing the premises to become hangouts for possibly wayward youths, Pol Lt Col Khunnadet explained. “We will check snooker clubs, internet and game shops and other places where students like to hang out, and we will be keeping an eye for drugs and other illegal activities such as gambling,” he said. fi ers rom the ise D epartment will cooperate with the police and inspect venues in the area more regularly,” Mr Pairat added. “We will revoke their alcohol li ense or five years or the first o en e they are aught again, we will ban for life. That means they cannot be issued an alcohol license anywhere in Thailand,” he added.

Beach management rules frozen for new Governor

Whether or not beach chairs and umbrellas will be allowed to return to Phuket’s beaches has yet to be resolved. Photo: The Phuket News / file

THE ENSU ING SAGA OF the beach management rules applied to regulate the sands of Phuket’s key tourist beaches have been frozen until the new Phuket Governor arrives on October 1, The Phuket News has learned. Current Phuket Governor, Nisit Jamsomwong, said on Monday (Sept 21), “I will make no changes to the beach management system before Chamroen Tipayapongthada

arrives for duty as the new Governor of Phuket.” Mr Chamroen, who was one o the ey figures in the dismantling of the Phuket ta i mafia last year urrently serves as the V ice Governor of Nakhon Pathom province, on the outskirts of Bangkok. He will return to the island as Governor of Phuket Province on October 1. “I have spoken with him about all my current tasks that

have yet to reach completion,” Gov Nisit said. “But there is little to worry about in the delay. There is only 10 days before he arrives.” V / Gov Chamroen declined to elaborate on what his plans or top priorities for Phuket were. “But after I [ take up the post as Phuket Governor] , I will surely be available to talk with the media [ about the beach rules] .” Tanyaluk Sakoot




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Storm struck dolphin dies Ekkapop Thongtub editor@cl a ssa ctmedia .co.th


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t orm s t hat hi t P hu k et last w eek resu lt ed i n t w o i nj u red t u rt les and t w o d olp hi ns b ei ng w ashed u p on t hree of t he i sland ' s b eaches ov er t he t hree d ays . O ne of t he d olp hi ns w as i nj u red and lat er d i ed . A n i nj u red t u rt le w ashed u p on Kam ala B each on S ep t 1 6 and anot her w as fou nd w ashed ashore t he nex t d ay . B ot h w ere rescu ed and t ak en t o t he P hu k et Mari ne B i ology C ent re ( P MB C ) at C ap e P anw a, w here ex p ert s i d ent i fi ed t he sp eci m ens as b ot h R i d ley t u rt les t hat had b een i nj u red b y d i scard ed fi shi ng net s. “ T he t u rt le fou nd t od ay ( S ep t 1 7 ) i s ab ou t 1 0 -1 5 y ears old and w as v ery si ck and w eak w hen i t w as fou nd on t he b each. W e are hav i ng

Good samaritans gather to assist a dolphin that washed ashore at Kamala Beach. i t s b lood check ed t o see i f i t has an i nfect i on, ” sai d D r P at charap orn Kaew m ong, a v et eri nari an from t he P hu k et Mari ne and C oast al R esou rce R esearch & D ev elop m ent I nst i t u t e. “ I t look s li k e t he t u rt le has had no food for m any d ay s. I t k ep t com i ng b ack t o shore w hen rescu e w ork ers t ri ed t o p u sh i t b ack ou t t o sea. T he w av es w ere t oo st rong and

t he w eat her cond i t i ons, d u e t o t rop i cal st orm V A MC O , m ad e i t w orse. “ W e t hi nk i t got t rap p ed i n a fishing net which resulted in a cut to its left flipper. It is a good t hi ng t hat rescu e w ork ers t ransp ort ed i t here q u i ck ly . I f t hey had n' t , i t w ou ld hav e d i ed , ” D r P at charap orn sai d . “ A t t hi s t i m e of y ear t he i sland has a nu m b er of t u rt les w hi ch get w ashed u p on t he

b each. S om e hav e b een i nj u red by fishing nets, while some get si ck b ecau se t hey hav e sw allow ed p last i c. S om e hav e also eaten ellyfish which causes t hem t o get a b lood i nfect i on. “ A y ou ng d olp hi n w as w ashed u p at N ai T hon B each y est erd ay ( S ep t 1 6 ) , b u t li fegu ard s help ed p u sh i t b ack ou t t o sea, ” D r P at charap orn ad d ed . Ku sold harm rescu e w ork -

ers and P hu k et Mari ne B i ology Centre officials were called to N ai Y ang B each at 4 : 2 0 p m t hat sam e d ay t o assi st w i t h rescu i ng anot her d olp hi n w ashed u p on t he b each t here. R escu e w ork ers and sw i m m ers help ed b ri ng t he d olp hi n t o shore, w here i t w as fou nd t he d olp hi n had a fresh w ou nd on its right fin. T he d olp hi n w as sai d t o b e a fem ale w ei ghi ng ab ou t 8 0 k g and b et w een 1 . 5 -2 m et res long. PMBC officials gave the d olp hi n m ed i cat i on b efore at t em p t i ng t o t ransp ort i t t o t he cent re. H ow ev er, i t d i ed not long aft er i t had b een t ak en off t he b each. PMBC officials said that t hey w i ll ex am i ne t he b od y of t he d olp hi n t o i d ent i fy t he cau se of d eat h as t hi s w as t he second d olp hi n t hat had w ashed u p on a P hu k et b each and d i ed from i llness or i nj u ry i n t he p ast t w o m ont hs.

All electronic devices banned from air mail QUESTIONS & ANSWERS The Phuket News editor@cl a ssa ctmedia .co.th


PR & MARKETING ASSISTANT Angkana ( Ae) Nuram 0 8 8 76 5 5 8 8 1 pr

cl a ssa ctmedia .co.th

My m ot her i s an eld erly 6 8 y ear old and st i ll has y et t o learn t he w ond ers of com m u ni cat i ng on t he I nt ernet . I w ant t o send a cheap hand held t ab let com p u t er t o her so she can finally Skype and see her grand d au ght er, and w e w i ll send a t hu m b d ri v e load ed w i t h p hot os and v i d eos of her grand d au ght er to view while offline. H ow ev er, m y w i fe w as t old b y an st affer at t he m ai n post office in Phuket Town t hat w e cannot send a t ab let t o A u st rali a b y ai rm ai l. A p parently the officer said the ai rli nes w ou ld n ot allow i t . S u rely t hi s cannot b e t ru e, as ai rli nes ev en allow p assengers t o carry t ab let s i nt o t he p assenger cab i ns. S om et hi ng i s w rong here. DHL has already confirmed t hat elect roni cs can b e sent – and can ev en gi v e m e a sched u led d at e of d eli v ery t o m y m ot her’ s front do or.

D ear Mr p ost m an, can w e send a t ab let t o A u st rali a v i a T hai P ost ? I f not , w hy n ot ? – T ilde C h im b o t e, C h alo ng


R i ght now , i t i s i m p ossi b le t o send any elect roni c d ev i ces t hat cont ai n any b at t eri es ov erseas b y ai r b ecau se of an i nt ernat i onal av i at i on agreem ent . E v en d ev i ces w i t h t he b at t ery rem ov ed m i ght not p ass t he ai rp ort X -ray m achi ne. T hai P ost i s not t he only p ost al serv i ce t hat i s u nab le t o d o so. A ny p ri v at e ex p ress m ai l carri er cannot p rov i d e su ch a serv i ce. I su ggest y ou re-check with DHL to confirm w hat t hey c an do . – P at ch arat ida S ao t h o ng , Phuket Post Office, P h u k et T o wn thephuketnews



Island tour limits gain consideration Tanyaluk Sakoot rep orter2 @classactmedia.co.th


he lead joint-agency law-enforcement task force for Phuket is considering regulating the number of tourists permitted to visit the islands around Phuket amid concerns for the environment and safety. The news was announced on Monday (Sept 21) following the conclusion of the monthly closed-door meeting of the Thailand Marine Enforcement Coordinating Center Area 3 (THAI-MECC3 ) committee at the Royal Phuket City Hotel in Phuket Town. “We are concerned about the volume of tourists visiting the islands around Phuket,” said V ice-Admiral Sayan Prasongsamrej, Commander of the Royal Thai Navy’s Third Area. “A large number of tourists travel to these islands, so there should be better regulation of how many tourists visit each island,” he explained. “This is not just for the

‘This is not just for the sake of tourism businesses; we are worried about the environmental impact as well,’ said V/Adm Sayan. Photo: Tanyaluk Sakoot sake of tourism businesses; we are worried about the environmental impact as well.” V / Adm Sayan also pointed out that having more tourists joining island tours around Phuket heightened the need for more emergency services to cater to the growing number of people who need them. “We have to recognise

because we have already spent the budget allocated for tourist rescue services for 2016, and we’re still in 2015,” he said. However, V / Adm Sayan assured that the move to regulate the number of tourists may not be for some time yet. “We do not have any offi ial lans ust yet he said “A plan like this involves many


Tourists pass through the Kuan Don immigration checkpoint in Satun, south of Phuket, as they re-enter Thailand from Malaysia. Photo: Sutharat Husted 3 0 days for an additional fee. Border checkpoints have frequently been known to reject foreigners using consecutive tourist visas to permit lengthy stays in Thailand. And, amid the immigration crackdown that followed August’s Erawan shrine bombing, immigration agents on the Cambodian border and in Kanchanaburi have reportedly stopped even those travellers with valid tourist visas from immediately leaving the country and re-entering to activate additional entries.

The same border crossings had already stopped issuing additional 15- and 3 0-day visa-waiver stamps to “border runners” not holding tourist visas. It’s unknown if the border problems currently plaguing tourist-visa holders will continue into November when the new six-month visas become available, but the tourism and foreign ministries are eager to get the new travel documents up and running to spur tourism. Bangkok Post

different government departments, including the Phuket Marine fi e among others Phuket Marine Office Chief Phuriphat Teerakulpisut, who was present at the meeting, declined to give his opinion about whether or not regulating the number of tourists visiting islands off Phuket was a good idea.


The haze shrouds the bypass road. Photo: Tanyaluck Sakoot

Unfazed by cloudy haze Eakkapop Thongtub editor@classactmedia.co.th

New 6-month visas begin Nov 13, but limit stays THAILAND ’S NEW SIX month, multiple-entry tourist visas will become available November 13 , but will limit stays to 60 days at a time. The Foreign Ministry on Friday (Sept 18) told all embassies, consulate-generals and honorary consuls worldwide to begin preparing for the visas, regulations for which were approved by Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha in August and published in the Royal Gazette on Sept 14. The ministry publicly released details of the new visas on its Facebook page on Tuesday (Sept 22). U nlike current tourist visas, which offer from one to three entries, the six-month multipleentry visa will allow unlimited border crossings during the validity period. However, to prevent foreigners from basically living in Thailand on tourist visas, each entry will be limited to 60 days. The new multiple-entry visa will cost B5,000, versus B1,000 for a single-entry, 60-day visa, which can be extended in-country for up to


MAN Y TOU R ISTS R Emained undeterred from visiting Phuket’s beaches this past week despite the hazy, overcast weather brought on y the umatran orest fires and a public health advisory issued urging people to avoid breathing the air. Aimed primarily at elderly, young and those with heart and respiratory complications, the advisory by the hu et u li ealth fi e (PPHO) issued last Saturday (Sept 19) was based on airquality readings in Phuket 125PM10. Any reading higher than 120 is considered a public health hazard. A spokesperson from the

“Monitor and Warning” section of the local Environment fi e said last unday (Sept 20) that dust (smoke) particles in the atmosphere constituted a “low to medium hazard level” in Phuket, and that there was no immediate health risk. However, those with respiratory and heart conditions, in addition to the elderly and young, were urged to avoid the hazy conditions outside. In issuing the advisory, PPHO Chief D r Bancha Khakhong said that according to observations from NOAA-18 weather-monitoring satellites, there were 256 wild fires s otted in umatra last Saturday, up from only 18 on the preceding Thursday (Sept 17 ).





orr t o fi ial bla e or o oi ille al to r i e The Phuket News editor@cl a ssa ctmedia .co.th

The dud mortar round was found left in a storage o .


ore t han 2 0 0 t ou r gu i d es from t he A nd am an regi on are d em and i ng t hat relev ant officials seriously crackdown on i llegal t ou r gu i d es and hav e asked the Phuket Governor and the Ministry of Tourism and Sport to investigate local officials from the Sport and Tourism office who deal with t he i ssu e. Krich Thepbamrung, acting president of the Phuket Tour Guide Association led m ore t han 2 0 0 t ou r gu i d es t o Provincial Hall on Monday ( S ep t 2 1 ) t o hand a let t er of complaint to Governor Nisit Jansomwong, and a copy which they requested be passed to the Ministry of Tourism and Sport in Bangkok. We want local officials to seriously enforce the 2008 Tourism Business and Tour Guides Act and put a stop to illegal tour guides working in Phuket, said Mr Krich. The ongoing problem of illegal tour guides in Phuket comes from tour companies operated by foreigners who claim that Thailand does not hav e enou gh t ou r gu i d es and that the Thai tour guides we do have do not speak foreign languages proficiently enough t o serv e t hei r t ou rs. “ W e hav e p rot est ed and filed complaints many times and yet this issue has not been solv ed . The only reason this issue

Mortar shell discovered in Phuket storage box

A out 200 tour guides converged at Provincial Hall still remains is possibly because of corruption between local officials and tour companies, and we want the Ministry to investigate why the 2008 Tourism Business and Tour Guides Act is hardly ever enforced. These illegal guides are costing more and more Thai people their obs and they are destroying Thailand’s tourism image, said Mr Krich. Mr Krich went on to explain, Our mission is for all d ep art m ent s i nv olv ed i n t ou ri sm t o solv e t hi s hu rd le by fully enforcing the 2008 Tourism Business and Tour Guides Act on all illegal guides and tour companies. We want the governor to investigate the work of local tourism and sport officials who are involved in cracking

laming corrupt officials for allowing illegal guides to work.

down on illegal tour guides on the island because in the past Phuket Tourism and Sport representatives have said they do not have enough officials to help crackdown on the issue and arrest i llegal gu i d es. Many times after investigating and looking for illegal tour guides they say they have found no suspicious activity, he concluded. In response, Gov Nisit said, I understand that officials have been unable to stop illegal guides on the island. Many times I have ordered officials to crackdown on this issue and arrest i llegal gu i d es. This issue is not easy to tackle due to the high number of tourists we have. However, I will talk to local officials this afternoon and find the best

solu t i on t o solv e t hi s i ssu e t o preserve the island’s tourism image and keep tour guide obs for Thai people. Also replying to the allegations, Santi Pawai, the director of the Ministry of Tourism (MoTS) Phuket office, told T h e Ph u k e t N e w s aft er hi s m eet i ng with Gov Nisit on Monday that his office had been working hard every day to crack down on t hi s i ssu e. Our department alone does not have the authority to arrest anyone, we rely on the help of the tourist police to arrest illegal guides, and in the past we have arrested many of them. However, to p reserv e ou r t ou ri sm i m age not all of the arrests have been exposed to local media. I understand that local

tour guides presume we do not enforce the law, but we do every day. Most guides and tour companies will receive a warning first then arrests will be made if they continue to hire illegal guides, he said. In the meeting, Gov Nisit wanted a committee set up comprising Thai tour guides, tourist police, Damrongdhama (provincial ombudsman’s office) officials and MoTS officials to work together on finding illegal tour guides. Everything we do or have done follows the protocol and procedures set out by Tourism Ministry, so it is alright if our d ep art m ent i s u nd er t he sp ot light or under investigation. If I am going to be transferred or lose my ob for doing my ob, so be it, he concluded.

CHALONG POLICE LAST Sat urday (Sept 19) were alerted by a representative of a local moving and storage company that a 22-inch mortar round had been found am ongst v ari ou s p ersonal belongings that had been left by a foreigner more than two years ago. Police said the company, based in Chalong, claimed they had been given several plastic boxes by a foreigner more than two years ago. But when the client had not made contact nor paid the outstanding storage fees, the company decided to open the boxes to inspect their contents, police said. Inside they found several items of clothes and other personal belongings. Buried under some clothes was a mortar round missile. That’s when the company decided to notify the police. The police bomb squad finally confirmed that the feared ordnance was only a shell and probably used for t rai ni ng p u rp oses. D a ra w a n N a k n a k h o n

avy takes down trou lesome teenage ike gang at ai Harn RO AL THAI NAV SERvicemen teamed up with Civil Defense Volunteers last Sunday night (Sept 20) to apprehend 11 teens who were causing mischief on motorbikes near the lake Nai Harn. The gang, which included five girls and six boys aged 12-18, were reported to be causing public disturbances, driving recklessly and engaging in street races all around the lake and beach late that ni ght . The oint-force apprehended the minors, seizing seven motorbikes in the process.

ith no police patrols present the security team took down the gang themselves. One of the teens was fou nd i n p ossessi on of a small amount of cannabis and was handed over to the

Chalong Police, which has police urisdiction over Rawai and Nai Harn. The remaining teens were

d et ai ned and t hei r p arent s contacted to claim them and their seized property. T h e Ph u k e t N e w s thephuketnews



Drinking water plant faces health probe



Darawan Naknakhon editor@classactmedia.co.th


water factory in Rawai was shut down temporarily last weekend following contamination in the canal behind the factory killing s ores o fish and ausing eye, nose and skin irritations among local residents. fi ials ins e ted the a tory, run by Happy Crystal Co Ltd, last Saturday (Sept 19) a ter lo als filed om laints that the waterway behind Rawai temple (Wat Sawangarom) was contaminated. “Local residents said the water smelled like ammonia, so Chalong Police and Rawai health o fi ials ins e ted the site on Saturday,” Rawai Mayor Aroon Solos told The Phuket News on Monday (Sept 21). ead fish ound in the waterway were collected for experts to examine and determine the type of chemical that killed them. “The factory was temporarily shut down on Sunday (Sept 20) so the source of the


r allo and o fi ials e amine the arte a ts that a tourist is wanting to e ort

Customs stall export of religious relics via airport

he water om any has identified and shut down the de e ti e i e ma hine elie ed res onsi le or the to i sho Photo: Darawan Naknakhon chemical leakage could be identified and fi ed The leak was tracked down to a single ice-making machine, Mayor Aroon added. “No other leakages were fou nd ,” he said , addi ng

that all ice on site made by the defective machine was discarded. “The factory is up and running, but that one ice machine has been completely shut down for repairs,”

swe t o Kata a e drowns

AN 18-YEAR-OLD MAN died after he was swept into the sea y heavy waves while fishing on the rocks at Pha Cape, at Kata beach, on Sept 16. The body of the missing man, Boonchiew Tongdonmuang, was found washed ashore at Kata beach at 6: 3 0pm the ne t day and identified y friend Somsak Thongdonyod. Mr Boonchiew was reported missing to the Karon Police at 2: 3 7 pm on Sept 16, said Pol Lt Col Kanan Somrak. “Mr Somsak said that after he and his friends noticed that

es ue wor ers re o er Mr oon hiew s ody rom Kata ea h where it washed ashore one day a ter he anished Mr Boontiew did not came back to the rocks from where he was fishing they went loo ing for him and asked workers from the Karon Tourist Rescue Centre for help,” he said.

Several rescue workers launched a search for Mr Boontiew, but were unsuccessful in finding him in the storm conditions swell in the dark. D arawan Naknakhon

Residents up in arms over ‘stinky squid’ THE FOU L STENCH EMAnating from a rare mushroom ound inside a ower ot at Phuket home had residents and reporters scrambling to identify the odd, offending ’shroom last Sunday (Sept 20). Wichat Lakbaan of Soi Tanuthep, Chalong, raised the alarm by calling Kusoldharm Foundation rescue workers about the white mushroom, a out five entimetres wide and about 10cm long, asking whether or not the fungi were poisonous. “I’ve never seen anything like this, so I took a picture and sent it to Kusoldharm @thephuketnews

Wi hat a aan o oi anuthe halong ho es the rare mushroom rings lu to her home and all my friends to help me identify this strange species,” Ms Wichat said. fi ers rom the Khao

Prataew Nature and Wildlife Education Centre in Thalang later onfirmed that the mushroom was a “stinky squid”, the most widely distributed member of the genus Pseudocolus. Although common elsewhere in the world, the stinky squid is rare in Thailand. The specimen found at Ms Wichat’s home was only the second reported found in Thailand this year he first one was spotted in Chiang Mai in May. In light of this fact, Ms Wichat said, “I hope this brings good luck to my home.” E akkapop Thongtub

Mayor Aroon added. “We will inspect the factory on Thursday (Sept 24) to make sure no chemicals of any kind are being released into the air or nearby water sources,” he said.

A COM M ITTEE OF hu et o fi ials is investigating the authenticity of three artefacts seized by customs at Phuket International Airport before allowing the owner to export them overseas. V ice Governor Pallop Singhanaenee chaired a meeting of the committee on Sept 17 , after Phuket ustoms o fi er Montira Cherdchoo and her team o air ort ustoms o fi ers received a permit request from a tourist asking for permission to take two Buddha images and a spirit house out of Thailand.

“The owner brought the permit request [ to the meeting] ,” Ms Montira said e want o fi ials to onfirm that the arte a ts are replicas, not genuine antiques, before allowing the owner to take them overseas. “Thai law prohibits the export of religious antiques, particularly Buddha images, and the export of other antiques must receive approval from the Fine Arts D epartment after they have been examined at the provin ial o fi e Ms Montira explained to The Phuket News.

Opinion 8




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editor@classactmedia.co.th F rom the U S A ; B A in C ommu n ication A rts f rom B an g k ok U n iv ersity I n tern ation al C olleg e; sev en y ears’ ex p erien ce at Nation Junior Magazine, Bangkok Recorder, Phuket. net, ThaiUni.net Farangs.com an d Phuket Gazette.

CHRIS HUSTED Executive Editor

0 8 4 30 7 7 4 0 8 ex eceditor@classactmedia.co.th F if teen y ears w ork in g in n ew s an d cov erin g local issu es an d ev en ts in P hu k et, w ith 1 8 - mon th hiatu s sp en t w ork in g f or the B ru n ei T imes on B orn eo. F rom Q u een slan d, A u stralia; 1 0 y ears liv in g in the U K b ef ore mov in g to P hu k et in 2 0 0 0 . D eg ree in b u sin ess man ag emen t. S p are time sp en t sailin g or w ith f amily .


editor1 @classactmedia.co.th O rig in ally f rom C an ada; B A in S ociolog y f rom the U n iv ersity of B irmin g ham in the U K an d an M A in O n lin e/ P rin t J ou rn alism f rom the U n iv ersity of the A rts in L on don . T hree y ears ex p erien ce f or B ritain ’ s third- b ig g est p u b lisher, I mmediate M edia, as w ell as B au er M edia an d InStyle mag az in e.


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United, we stand

he Phuket News last week broke the news that after three years at the helm of Phuket FC, Pramookpisitt Achariyachai, the lu s hairman has finally decided to call it a day. Phuket FC, or FC Phuket as it was known before, was in a similar position back in 2012 when Mr Pramook took over, albeit under completely different circumstances. Now anyone who has been to watch a Ronins game at Surakul Stadium, their home ground, knows how much the people of Phuket love this club. However, one has to wonder how many of these loyal fans, a large percentage of whom go rain or shine, are actually from Phuket. Mr Pramook himself was not born in Phuket, he was born in Nakorn Sri Thammarat, but has conducted business

here, as well as other regions in the country, for nigh on 3 0 years with his Kata Group of hotels. In his statement last week, Mr Pramook made it clear why he decided to take over the club in 2012 and save it from bankruptcy. To put it simply, because he wanted to and he knew it was right to give something back to a place that has given him, his family and his company so much. In doing so, and for the reasons given, nobody can doubt that Mr Pramook is a true gentleman, and many should thank him for the time, effort and the money that he has put into trying to achieve something for the people of Phuket. So now Mr Pramook is looking for people, or even another individual, who also

make money from the island to support him in keeping Phuket FC alive. There are a number of people who make a great deal of money, in various sectors, from Phuket. A fair number of them being Phuketians. But will they show the same passion and love for this island and give something back the same as Mr Pramook has done for the past three years? Or will they simply just stand back and watch the club go into demise? Now is the time for these Phuketians to really show that they care about more than just making money, and step up to help maintain a united front for all the people who live here and are passionate about possibly the only one thing that unites all the people that call Phuket their home: Football!

TOP 10 STORIES ON thephuketnews.com


Health warnings issued after Sumatra fire haze smothers Phuket




Kuwaiti man arrested in Phuket with marijuana Phuket flash floods wrangle traffic, more rain forecast Phuket Public Health Office issues haze advisory as Indonesian fires increase

5 6

Indonesian fisherman who ‘pursued girls at karaoke bars’ found dead with head gash in Phuket New Zealanders freed after paying outstanding Phuket restaurant bill


Phuket in blackout as storm fells tree, power lines

8 9


Body of missing 18-yearold found on Phuket beach Two dead, two injured in Phuket head-on collision Phuket Opinion: My beach, your beach

Visit thephuketnews.com for all the latest news

HAVE YOUR SAY Someone step up, save our soccer

R e: Phuket FC faces dissolution as chairman looks to step down Well, let’s hope some Phuket locals or businesses step up to help. Obviously money is needed, but a passion for football as well. It will be a shame if that doesn’t happen, as it’s a good couple of hours out. Surprised there isn’t more expats attending: 100 baht, cheap drinks, and some footy, no matter the standard. Oh well, here’s hoping. T optipster

Location, location, location! R e: Phuket O pinion: M y beach, your beach

Bad News D isco like beach clubs should be only allowed in special entertainment zones like Patong or Karon, which are already full of concrete bunkers and similar businesses, and not near national parks so they can not disturb with their noise pollution, the quietness and tranquility of Mother Nature C oncerned

Each to their own but when I sit on the beach reading a book or playing sand castles with my daughter I do not ruin the atmosphere for those in one of these tacky beach clubs but they do for me. Concerned’s comments are correct. Maybe when they “refurbish” the 18 month old Nikki Beach Club they can move it back the required distance and reduce the height to the maximum allowed. Andy No problem with beach clubs, I like to frequent a good club, as long as they are built according to the law. The location of Nikki Beach is a joke and a disgrace for Thai government. H adrianus Bring back the club, the beach chairs and umbrellas, you are cutting your own necks, that’s WHY we come to Phuket, to enjoy relaxing holiday, that we don’t have in our countries, can you see 65-7 5 year old people lying on the beach on the ground, please! If you have no chairs by February, that will be our last visit to you, and we have been going for last

15 years and stayed between 6 week and 3 months, and not just me, on Multy media all silver heads feel the same. So the ball is really in your court, to do something about it. J ack y

Good work police! ...getting this heinous criminal off the streets. Good thing you nabbed him before he smoked that stuff, otherwise he may have gone on an eating rampage, and possibly may have left his phone at the restaurant!

Layan beach was a beautiful, quiet and natural until someone gave permission for Nikki Beach to open a club right on the sand. Why? The noise from the ugly concrete boom box drove away both tourists and local Thai people who wanted to enjoy the sound of the ocean in a beautiful natural setting on the edge of a national park. In fact, if you look at the Thai government’s own map, the club is actually within the boundaries of the national park. I agree with other commentators that certain beaches should cater for those tourists who want noise, music and action, but there is no need to destroy every quiet peaceful beach on the island. E x patgirl

R ichard V ick ers

Lock him up, throw away the key! R e: K uwaiti man arrested in Phuket with marijuana

I realize that possession of marihuana is illegal....but 0.1 of an ounce....I guess it was a very slow day! S eaturtle2 1 2

Siamese sea stealth

Re: Phuket police confirm probe underway into missing Antarctic trawler K unlun Lost a 100 tonne trawler and U S$ 5 million illegal cargo? I have a 3 2 ft boat and I am harassed if I overstay my Malaysian registration by a day or so. Why am I confused? What a joke. When will the military or local authorities do something about these corrupt marine officials instead of arresting a few minor drug dealers. C onfused K evin

Have an opinion? Comment on stories at thephuketnews.com thephuketnews





Saving the locals

Thai temple fights drug addiction with horses and o ing CHIANG RAI


v ery m orni ng i n T hai land ’ s far nort h, a conv oy of orange-rob ed B u d d hi st m onk s and nov i ces ri d i ng on horseb ack leav e t hei r m ou nt ai n-t op t em p le i n t he k i ngdo m ’ s not ori ou s G old en T ri angle regi on t o collect alm s. A t f i rst glance t hese eq u est ri an ascet i cs look li k e a t hrow b ack t o a forgot t en era – b u t t hey are i n fact p art of an i nnov at i v e d ri v e t o help y ou ng b oy s i n t hi s d ru g-rav aged regi on escap e ad d i ct i on t hrou gh horses, T hai b ox i ng and m ed i t at i on. O nce fam ed for i t s op i u m and heroi n, t he m ai n su b st ance manufactured and trafficked t hrou gh t he G old en T ri angle – and t he m ai n sou rce of ad d i ct i on i n t he area – i s now m et ham p het am i ne. “ I ba rely had food t o eat b ecau se m y d ad w as a d ru g ad d i ct and d i d n’ t w ork , ” sai d P onsak orn May er, k now b y hi s ni ck nam e T aw an, one of t he nov i ces w ho ri d es along t he st eep slop es su rrou nd i ng t he m onast ery e v ery d ay . L i k e m any y ou ng b oy s i n t hi s m ou nt ai nou s regi on w here rampant drug-trafficking has

d eci m at ed su ccessi v e generat i ons, T aw an sou ght refu ge at t he “ T em p le of t he G old en H orse” . N ow , hi s d ay s are p ack ed fu ll w i t h m ed i t at i on, horse ri d i ng and t rad i t i onal “ m u ay T hai ” b ox i ng. P erched hi gh on a lu sh, green m ou nt ai n i n t he k i ngd om ’ s nort hernm ost C hi ang R ai p rov i nce, t he t em p le si t s i n t he heart of t he so-called G old en T ri angle – an area com p ri si ng p art s of nort hern T hai land and nei ghb ou ri ng My anm ar and L aos. T he t em p le’ s m onk s hav e b ecom e soci al w ork ers of a sort i n t he i solat ed regi on w here few gov ernm ent serv i ces reach. W i t h a T hai b ox i ng cham p i on t o p rov i d e i nst ru ct i on and a st ab le of horses t o b e cared for and ex erci sed , t he m onast ery ai m s t o st i m u lat e t he y ou ng b oy s w ho com e from local fam i li es hi t b y d ru g ad d i ct i on, alongsi d e t he m ore m ai nst ream classes p rov i d ed b y m onk s at t he t em p le. “ W i t hou t t hi s t em p le, I w ou ld n’ t hav e seen how v i b rant li fe can b e. . . m y sm all v i llage i s fu ll of d ru g p rob lem s, ” sai d 1 9 -y ear-old T aw an. T he m aj ori t y of nov i ces,

ne of the Buddhist novices Chaiyo Saeyee seen outside the ‘Temple of the Golden Horse’ monastery in Mae Chan Thailand’s Chiang Rai province part of the Golden Triangle region. Photo: Christophe Archambault/AFP w ho oft en su ffer from m alnu t ri t i on w hen t hey arri v e at t he t em p le, are orp hans or w ere ab and oned t here b y t hei r d ru g-t ak i ng p arent s. “ H i ll t ri b e p eop le hav e t ou gh li v es, i t ’ s p art ly w hy t hey oft en t ak e d ru gs and st ru ggle t o care for t hei r k i d s, ” sai d P ra S u t i p ong, t he p ri nci p al m onk a t t he t em p le. T he U ni t ed N at i ons O ffi ce on D ru gs and C ri m e ( U N O D C ) est i m at es t hat each y ear i n t hi s area m ore t han 1 . 5 b i lli on y a b a h p i lls – t he T hai

Thaksin’s son to e ui ed over TB BANGKOK T H E S O N O F F O R ME R p ri m e m i ni st er T hak si n S hi naw at ra i s am ong fou r p eop le d u e t o b e q u est i oned ov er t he m u lt i -b i lli on-b aht Kru ng T hai B ank ( KT B ) loan scand al, a sou rce at t he D ep art m ent of S p eci al I nv est i gat i on ( D S I ) sai d o n T u esd ay ( S ep t 2 2 ) . T hey w i ll b e q u i z z ed as p art of a D S I p rob e i nt o t he m oney -lau nd eri ng asp ect s of t he case. I t i s alleged t he fou r recei v ed p art of t he m ore t han B 9 . 9 b i lli on loan. T he fou r b ei ng p rob ed are P ant hongt ae S hi naw at ra; Kanchanap ha H onghern, secret ary of T hak si n’ s ex w i fe Khu ny i ng P ot j am an na P om b ej ra; W anchai H onghern, Mrs Kanchanap ha’ s hu sb and ; and Manop D i v ari , fat her of form er P heu T hai MP S q n L d r S i t a D i v ari . T he m oney t rai l alleged ly i nd i cat es t hat W i chai Kri sd at hanon, ow ner of real est at e d ev elop er Kri sd am ahanak orn, si gned a cashi er’ s cheq u e w ort h B 2 6 m i lli on @thephuketnews

Panthongtae Shinawatra loyal son of the e premier will e uestioned over the 2 year old scandal of millions of aht of allegedly su orned rung Thai Bank loans. Bangkok Post file Photo by Apichit Jinakul) t o Mr P ant hongt ae, b u t i t w as cancelled i m m ed i at ely aft erw ard s, t he sou rce sai d . T he m oney t rai l also su ggest s t hat p art of t he loan w as u sed t o b u y shares i n A i rp ort s O f T hai land P lc. D S I i nv est i gat ors are su sp i ci ou s ab ou t t he cancelled cheq u e, su sp ect i ng m oney lau nd eri ng w as i nv olv ed , t he sou rce ad d ed . O n A u g 2 6, t he S u p rem e C ou rt ’ s C ri m i nal D i v i si on for Political Office-Holders found

2 4 p eop le gu i lt y of w rongfu lly ap p rov i ng m ore t han B 9 . 9 billion in loans to affiliates of d ev elop er Kri sd am ahanak orn ev en t hou gh t he fi rm w as li st ed w i t h t he b ank as a non-p erform i ng d eb t or. P ol L t C ol S om b oon S arasi t , chi ef of t he D S I ’ s B u reau of S p eci al C ri m e 3 , sai d D S I i nv est i gat ors are p rep ari ng t o p ress charges agai nst fou r t o si x p eop le i n connect i on w i t h t he m oney -lau nd eri ng case. B a n g k o k Po s t

nam e for a t ab let cont ai ni ng m et ham p het am i ne and caffei ne – are m anu fact u red i n t he v i ci ni t y . T hi s hap p ens m ost ly i n sm all m ob i le lab orat ori es set u p i n i solat ed j u ngle areas i n t he S han st at e of t he nei ghb ou ri ng cou nt ry My anm ar. “ D ru gs are t he b i g p rob -

lem i n t he nort hern regi on of T hai land . . . t here are not enou gh rehab cent res, ” sai d A p i sak W i t t ay anook u llu k , d ep u t y d i rect or of T hany arak rehab c ent re i n C hi ang Mai . “ P rev ent i on need s t o b e d ev elop ed esp eci ally i n schools as now ad ays u sers and d ealers are get t i ng y ou nger and y ou nger, ” he sai d . Many k i d s w ho em erge from t he t em p le’ s ed u cat i on sys t em , li k e T aw an, w ant t o t ak e w hat t hey hav e learned ba ck t o t hei r com m u ni t i es. At first I ust wanted to st ay here, b u t t here are m any p rob lem s i n m y hom e, ” he sai d , ad d i ng he w ou ld li k e t o help local chi ld ren av oi d falli ng i nt o t he d ru g t rap . “ T here are st i ll not m any alt ernat i v e j ob s. Most p eop le sell and traffic drugs, he said. T aw an say s t hat t end i ng t o t he ani m als and T hai b ox i ng help ed k eep t he k i d s hap p y and engaged , i n a w ay t hat t rad i t i onal classroom learni ng alone m i ght not hav e. A t t he t em p le, t he nov i ces

sp end m u ch of t hei r t i m e on rou t i ne d ai ly t ask s: feed i ng and cari ng for t he ani m als, esp eci ally t he horses. T hey also st u d y t he b asi cs of agri cu lt u re and cu lt i v at i on, and help m anage sev eral hect ares of land cu lt i v at ed for v eget ab les t hat feed t he resi d ent s of t he m onast ery . T he u lt i m at e goal of t he p rogram m e, t em p le m onk s say , i s t o p rov i d e a sense of d i sci p li ne and help t he chi ld ren see t hey are resp onsi b le for t hei r ow n li v es. A nd t he local com m u ni t y seem s t o ap p rov e of t he resu lt s. “ T he t em p le help s and su p p ort s p oor chi ld ren, ” sai d S u k N am saeng, 3 9 , w ho li v es i n a v i llage j u st a few k i lom et res from t he com p lex w here t he m onk s com e ev ery m orni ng t o ask f or alm s. “ Most of t he v i llagers d on’ t k now how sev ere and harm fu l d ru gs are. T hei r p arent s hav e b een d ru g ad d i ct s, so t hei r chi ld ren i n t he nex t generat i on t hi nk t hat i t i s norm al, ” he ad d ed . B a n g k o k Po s t




te o er tra fi



oli eman trans erred in ohingya ro e



ome oli e o fi ers rom three ma or units have een trans erred en masse to ina tive osts or alleged involvement in the tra fi ing o ohingya migrants he trans ers were made on Monday e t y the oli e ommission during a meeting haired y e uty rime Minister and e en e Minister rawit ongsuwon ithout giving the names or ran s o the trans erred o fi ers national oli e hie omyot oom unmuang said the ommission s de ision to a t against the o fi ers is ased on ro osals rom their ommanders in the entral nvestigation ureau and rovin ial oli e regions and he is a ey oli e agen y su ervising the rime u ression ivision and nti uman ra fi ing ivi sion whi h deal with riminal ases ountrywide rovin ial oli e regions and meanwhile oversee southern rovin es es e ially those a ing the ndaman ea where ohingya migrants a Muslim ethni grou rom Myanmar have een ound sailing in over rowded oats to hailand or Malaysia anong whi h is under

rrests or tra fi ing ohingya migrants egan last May when in uential a u an Angchotiphan, or Ko Tong, former president of the Satun Provincial Administrative rganisation entre and three others a used o tra fi ing ohingya migrants were detained. Photo: Vichayant Boonchote/Bangkok Post the urisdi tion o rovin ial oli e egion is one o their transit oints rom where they then travel on to Malaysia and other ountries en rawit admitted that o fi ials rom state agen ies in luding the military and oli e or e were lin ed with the tra fi ing here are good and ad eo le in the military hat s no di erent rom other a reers en rawit said e was re erring to the a hawi rovin ial ourt s warrants or the arrest o three army o fi ers and one navy

o fi er or alleged involvement in human tra fi ing he our who are among seven sus e ts wanted in onne tion with ohingya migrant tra i ing have wor ed with the nternal e urity erations ommand so ased in the outh and the rd aval rea ommand whi h overseas areas in the ndaman ea hey a r e ol at sit Ma suwan de uty so hie in atun rovin e a t isut unnag and a t anthat hetnoi o so in hum hon rovin e as well as dr Kam

anat angthong hin o the rd aval rea ommand ol atsit said in a hone interview on Monday that he was not worried a out the arrest warrant ut that he was not yet ready to meet the media at an o fi ial ress on eren e to res ond to the a usation ndeterred y his loom ing rose ution ol atsit said he is ready to a his de en e with do umentary eviden e e added that his ommander was in ormed every time he dealt with an in u o ohingya migrants

to hailand no matter i they ame ashore a ter shi wre s or i they were smuggled into the ountry y human tra fi ers he said owever ol atsit to gether with the three army sus e ts have not yet re orted to oli e said ol Ma en awin honsirin de uty hie o rovin ial oli e egion o ar a total o arrest warrants have een issued or sus e ts and have een detained in onne tion with ohingya tra fi ing nother out o sus e ts in money laundering ases related to ohingya smuggling have also een a rehended ol Ma en awin said Mea nwh ile he a hanang ourt in a hon ri hammarat on uesday e t a roved a oli e re uest or arrest warrants or sus e ts involved in human tra fi ing

he move ollows u on the dis overy o five tru s arrying ohingya in anuary in the ua ai distri t o a hon ri hammarat inet y eight undo u mented ohingya migrants were dis overed on an at a road he oint in ua ai distri t a ter oli e sto ed a onvoy o five i u tru s or a routine sear h he m ig ra nts were rammed into the tru s so tightly that one o them died at the s ene while another two died rom diarrhoea and a lood in e tion a hon ri hammarat oli e hie ol Ma en Ki at ong Khaosam ang said on uesday that the sus e ts wanted under the warrants also a e harges o involve ment in transnational rimes he sus e ts may also in lude some government o fi ials oli e said Bangkok Post

Three people allegedly selling guns online were arrested and many weapons seized during raids on three houses in Pathum Thani’s Thanyaburi and Khlong Luang districts on Tuesday (Sept 22). Photo: Wassayos Ngamkham

Facebook gun sellers arrested PATHUM THANI M M F gang illegally selling wea ons online were arrested and many ty es o guns sei ed along with ammunition and a ullet roo vest in athum hani on uesday e t team o ommando o li e arrested itthaya a la his wi e i at a la and urasit Khot hasit during raids on three houses in the hanya uri and Khlong uang distri ts ei ed rom the houses were an M su ma hine gun with a maga ine three mm istols a ali re en gun and rounds o ammunition or M and K ri es and other wea ons our ommuni ations radios a ullet roo vest and some ar el o es rime u ression ivi

sion ommander aradet imolsri said the arrests ol lowed oli e re eiving in ormation that wea ons and ullets had een illegally sold on Fa e oo y eo le using the names Kong iad hanee harnarong ongsuwan and a ro aen san ai lower northeast warrior uring interrogation Mr itthaya and Mr urasit on essed to the harges ut Ms i at denied involvement he said Mr itthaya told oli e he wor ed as a gar age tru driver at the athon distri t o fi e in ang o e ought the wea ons e ause he li ed olle ting them e laimed he ound the ullet roo vest dis arded at a oliti al rotest venue e laimed he had sold only two en guns to a student or ea h Bangkok Post thephuketnews




Finding unity in an ancestor

Mongolians and Chinese claim Kublai Khan as their own MONGOLIA


The statue of Kublai Khan in front of Mongolia’s Parliament House in Ulan Bator. Photo: Johannes Eisele/AFP

Killing of Sumatran elephant sparks anger INDONESIA


Yongki was found dead close to the camp where he lived in a national park on Sumatra. Photo: Str/AFP wild. They are freq uently targeted by poachers for their tusks, which fetch a high price for use in Chinese traditional medicine. Batubara, from the Bukit Barisan Selatan national park, said it was not yet known how Y ongki was killed. H is body bore no bullet wounds but he had a blue tongue. Elephants have in the past been poisoned. Y ongki, aged about 3 5 , was well-known among the

local “ mahouts” or elephant keepers. Naz aruddin, the head of the Indonesian M ahout Forum, said keepers in the area were “ very shaken” . “ We are mourning the lost of an elephant who has been helping us in handling con icts and hel ing forest rangers patrol the forest, and he was a good elephant,” said Naz aruddin, who goes by one name. The elephant was involved in patrols aimed at reduc-

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CR ITICA L L Y ENDA Ngered Sumatran elephant who had patrolled Indonesia’ s j ungles to help protect threatened habitats has been killed for his t s s, an official said this week, sparking a surge of anger online. Y ongki, a tame creature who worked with teams of elephant keepers, was found dead close to the camp where he lived in a national park on the island of Sumatra, said park official Timbul Batubara. H is one-metre tusks had been hacked off, leaving j ust bloody stumps, and his legs still bore the chains put on him by his keepers to ensure he stayed in the camp. There are estimated to be less than 3 ,000 Sumatran elephants remaining in the

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ing tensions, with the tame elephants stopping wild elephants from rampaging through villages. The patrols also help rangers keep a lookout for illegal logging and poaching that threaten Indonesia’ s vast rain forests. There was anger on social media after pictures of the elephant’ s body circulated, with users posting comments on Twitter next to the hashtag # R IP Y ongki. “ It is time we enforce life sentences for hunters of legally protected animals,” said one Facebook user named as A prilia P utri. P rotection group the International Union for Conser ation of Nat re classifies the Sumatran elephant as critically endangered. It is one of many species that are under threat in Indonesia. A F P

are pure M ongolian and we are Sinicised,” she added, hinting at underlying tensions. H ada, an ethnic M ongol dissident who spent almost 20 years behind bars in China before being freed last December, says his people have been marginalised by Communist authorities and “ downgraded to an ‘ ethnic minority’ ” . “ It is an undeniable fact that they are the indigenous people of a great nation,” he wrote of China’ s M ongols in an article published online this month by the US-based monitoring group Southern M ongolian H uman R ights Information Center. “ It ser ves a political agenda of the Chinese to



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“ Genghis Khan is the ancestor of ethnic M ongols and M ongolians,” said Baigali, a guide at a complex in China’ s Inner M ongolia region billed as the mausoleum of Kublai’ s grandfather. Foreign historians rej ect the claim, though the site of Genghis’ grave has never een identified and remains one of the world’ s great unsolved historical mysteries. Baigali, who goes by a single name, said the two peoples are essentially the same, although those in China use traditional vertical M ongolian script, while M ongolians write in the horiz ontal Cyrillic alphabet inherited from the Soviet Union. “ A nd they think they are superior to us because they


twice as many – nearly six million – live in the P eople’ s R epublic of China, where they are one of doz ens of minority groups. Some divided nations have re nified, s ch as est and East Germany, but despite some M ongolian nationalists’ fantasies, the country’ s geopolitical weakness and economic dependence on China make a single M ongol state impossible, says D. Shurkhuu of the Institute of International A ffairs located in Ulan Bator. “ This is a very sensitive issue in political terms, especially for politicians in M ongolia,” he said. O n both sides M ongols agree on the glory of their shared history.


control over China, so he had to make himself a Chinese emperor and thus found the Y uan dynasty,” said John M an, author and authority on M ongol history. “ It’ s one of the world’ s greatest historical ironies that modern China gets most of its borders, minus M ongolia, from a barbarian from the North, from Kublai Khan who was a M ongol, not a Chinese at all.” Nonetheless, China still proclaims itself to be the world’ s oldest civilisation and has a tendency to co-opt successful invaders, declaring them Chinese. M odern M ongolia has a population of only three million people, the vast maj ority ethnic M ongols. But almost

ight centuries after the ruler of the greatest land empire in human history was born, the mighty M ongol Kublai Khan’ s descendants are a people divided between his homeland and the China he conq uered, with both claiming him as their very own. Kublai Khan’ s birthday was 8 00 years ago Wednesday ( Sept 23 ) , when M ongolia commemorated the anniversary in Ulan Bator, and China near the site of one of his capitals after he founded the Y uan dynasty in 1 27 1 . Under Kublai – a grandson of enghis han, who first started the M ongols’ epic expansions – the realm reached its greatest extent, stretching from eastern Europe to the Korean peninsula, the largest contiguous land domain ever. But the Y uan emperors ruled China for less than a century, and after they fell the roles were reversed, with the Chinese later establishing themselves over M ongolia. Geopolitical earthq uakes in the 20th century, such as the collapse of China’ s Q ing dynasty and the rise of the Soviet Union finally saw M ongolia break away as an independent country, only to q uickly fall under the sway of M oscow. “ Kublai Khan, being a M ongol, would have had great diffic lt esta lishing

belittle the M ongolian nation, diminish national selfconfidence and ca se them to abandon any aspirations of self-determination,” he continued. Beij ing denies accusations it oppresses minority groups and counters it has delivered economic development and raised living standards. M ongol herders in China sporadically demonstrate against their resource-rich pastures being infringed upon by developers and coal miners – one named Tumur hanged himself in protest earlier this year – drawing attention and support from activists in M ongolia. “ There are many Tumur in Inner M ongolia and many herders are trying to keep their land away from the Chinese government,” campaigner M unkhbayar Chuluundorj said in Ulan Bator, holding a sign reading “ Je Suis Tumur” , referring to the “ Je Suis Charlie” movement that followed Islamist shootings at French satirical magaz ine C h arl ie H eb do. The impossibility of political unification did not preclude cultural connection, he said, invoking Kublai’ s Khan’ s grandfather. “ Genghis Khan is the only way because all M ongolians abroad believe they are proud of Genghis Khan,” he said. “ They want to say they are descendants of Genghis Khan.” A F P

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A summer of bloodshed

Murder rates rise in 30 major American cities UNITED STATES


re, who turns 1 5 this month, has been unable to walk or talk since he was shot in the head, his plight a sad example of the toll taken by worsening US gun violence. Deandra Y ates, Dre’ s mother, felt her world collapse in February 201 4 when an nidentified o th aged or , she sa s fired shots into a birthday party her son was attending. “ They told me he would die or he’ d be a vegetable but that’ s not true,” she said, reaching into her handbag for a photo of her son at a local rehabilitation centre. “ If you put on music he dances in his wheelchair, he smiles at you, he looks at you.” H er son’ s assailant has never been apprehended and the incident is j ust one more such case in a country where 8 8 deaths a day, including suicides, are ca sed firearms. A fter years in decline, the

pace of murders is on the rise in some 3 0 big A merican cities. M urders in the capital Washington were up 40.5 per cent from a year ago at 1 1 1 , police said. The situation is also worrying in St L ouis and M ilwaukee, which saw the number of murders go up 6 0% and 7 6 % respectively year-to-date from A ug 1 1 to A ug 3 1 , T he N ew Y ork T im es reported recently. O n September 2, Chicago recorded nine dead g nfire eight homicides and the accidental death of an infant the most in a single da in a decade. In Cleveland, police chief Calvin Williams has exclaimed that “ enough is enough” after a three-year-old died of a gunshot wound, j ust days after the fatal shooting of a 5 -year-old. O ther big cities worried by the rising murder curve are New Y ork, P hiladelphia, Dallas and New O rleans. Experts have trouble explaining exactly what is happening and say different factors are at work that vary from city

Pallbearers release doves over the casket holding Emanuel AME Church shooting victim Ethel Lance during her burial at the Emanuel AME Church Cemetery in Charleston, South Carolina. Photo: Jim Watson/AFP do their j obs because of the massive criticism unleashed by the police shooting of an unarmed black teen in Ferguson, M issouri, last year. The result, they contend, is that criminals have become emboldened. A nother city that has become a symbol of urban violence is Baltimore, which was rocked by riots in A pril over the death of a black man, Freddie Gray, from inj uries he suffered while being transported in a police van. Baltimore had more murders in the first eight months of this year than in all of 201 4. Confronted with the worsening trend, Baltimore M ayor Stephanie R awlings-Blake fired the cit ’s olice chief and has since announced she will not run for re-election. M s R awlings-Blake attributes her city’ s rising murder rate not to random violence

to city. Drugs, gang wars and the proliferation of arms are cited as reasons. “ In my state, Indiana, our gun laws are very lax, so a lot of people have access to them and the are ooding the streets with them,” said M s Y ates. “ Teenagers would tell you they can get a gun for $ 28 0 ( B1 0,06 6 ) and sell it, circulate it or use it,” she added. Conser ati e officials ha e recently pointed to a so-called Ferguson effect. Their notion is that the police are more reluctant to

but score-settling by gangs. “ The victims and the alleged perpetrators, the suspects in these cases are known to each other,” she said in a recent interview with M SNBC. “ In the violence that we’ ve seen in the late spring and through the summer, there was very little random violence,” she said. “ What we saw was eo le affiliated, either loosel or closely, with organised gangs or groups retaliating back and forth.” M eanwhile, the innocent have paid heavily in a summer of bloodshed that included the massacre of nine black worshippers at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, and the shooting deaths of fi e members of the US military in Chattanooga, Tennessee. M s Y ates recently travelled to Washington to demand tougher controls on gun sales within the United States.

With her on the steps of the US Capital was A ndy P arker, whose daughter A lison, a 24-year-old j ournalist, was gunned down last month during a live TV news broadcast in Virginia. “ Too many members of Congress remain in the pockets of the gun lobby and that has got to change,” a grieving M r P arker said. Nardyne Jefferies, who was also present, said that she lost her only daughter, a 1 6 -yearold, in a burst of automatic ri e fire after attending the funeral of another youth who had been shot to death. M argaret Eaddy came to Washington with a sign covered with pictures of her son, who was killed at 28 . “ Gun violence is affecting our community really bad,” she said. “ It’ s an epidemic, it’ s almost like genocide.” A F P

‘Disillusioned with killing Muslims’ LONDON A

GR O WING NUM BER O F “ disillusioned” Islamic State fighters are defecting from the j ihadist group and could be used by governments to deter potential recruits, a recent report has said. A t least 5 8 people have left the group and publicly spoken about their defection since January 201 4, according to the report by the International Centre for the Study of R adicalisation and P olitical Violence ( ISCR ) at King’ s College L ondon. The study said that 1 7 fighters were re orted to ha e defected in June, July and A ugust alone, adding that they represent only a “ small fraction of former fighters, with many too scared to come forward. The ISCR called on governments to make it easier for defectors to speak out, without

IS militants patrol the Syrian city of Raqa. Photo: AFP the threat of prosecution, as a deterrent to others. Those who told their stories overwhelmingly said they were disaffected by the killing of fellow Sunni M uslims, including innocent civilians, and the group’ s failure to confront the regime of Syria’ s P resident Bashar A l-A ssad. “ The defectors’ voices are strong and clear: ‘ IS is not protecting M uslims. It is killing them,’ ” the report said. ne defector, identified as Ebrahim B, from Germany, claimed to speak for two doz en

of his comrades who travelled to S ria to fight Assad onl to be disappointed by the reality of what went on on the ground. “ M uslims are fighting M uslims. A ssad’ s forgotten about. The whole j ihad was turned upside down,” the report cited him as saying. But many defectors arg ed that fighting other S nni groups was “ wrong, counterproductive and religiously illegitimate” , it said, adding that this “ was not the kind of j ihad they had come to Syria and ra to fight. A F P thephuketnews




The new normal

Experts place high-end Chinese tourists in Phuket’s sights Chris Husted ex eceditor@cl a ssa ctmedia .co.th

Thailand’s Minister of Tourism and Sports Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul. Photo: TAT

Thai tourism buoyed by hopes of Russian revival

T H E T O U R IS MA U T H O i t y of Thailand (TAT) is confid ent t hat t he R u ssi an econom y w i ll soon b e b ack on t rack and p roj ect s t hat 9 0 0 , 0 0 0 t o one m i lli on R u ssi ans w i ll v i si t T hai land t hi s y ear. R u ssi a i s T hai land ’ s largest sou rce of v i si t or arri v als from E u rop e. I t i s one of si x cou nt ri es t hat cont ri b u t es m ore t han one m i lli on annu al arri v als, and one of only t w o cou nt ri es t hat generat es m ore fem ale v i si t ors t han m ales. I n 2 0 0 6 , R u ssi an v i si t or arri v als t ot alled 1 8 7 , 6 5 8 . B y 2 0 1 4 , t hi s nu m b er had su rged t o 1 . 6 m i lli on R u ssi an v i si t ors. H ow ev er, t he Mi ni st ry of T ou ri sm and S p ort s i n A u gu st rep ort ed t hat R u ssi an arri v als had m ore t han halv ed . N ow , t he T A T rep ort s t hat from J anu ary -J u ly 2 0 1 5 , R u ssi an v i si t ors t o T hai land t ot alled 5 0 6 ,0 7 1 . W i t h an ey e t o b oost t he nu m b er, and q u ali t y , of arri v als from t he R u ssi an F ed erat i on, Mi ni st er of T ou ri sm and S p ort s Kob k arn W at t anav rangk u l recent ly led t he T hai d elegat i on t o t he I nt ernat i onal R u ssi an T rav el Mark et -L ei su re ( O T D Y KH -L ei su re) t rad e show ,

t he m ost i m p ort ant t rav el t rad e ev ent i n t he R u ssi an m ark et and C I S cou nt ri es. “ W e hi ghly recogni se t he significance of the Russian m ark et . W e also all reali se t he cu rrent econom i c i m p act , w hi ch has affect ed all of u s, ” Mi ni st er Kob k arn sai d . “ W e w ou ld li k e t o em p hasi se t hat T hai land w i ll cont i nu e t o b e y ou r good fri end , esp eci ally d u ri ng t hi s t i m e. W e are cont i nu i ng ou r p rom ot i ons and p rogram m es as norm al. A s su ch, w e are here at t he O T D Y KH -L ei su re 2 0 1 5 t o enhance t he coop erat i on and p art nershi p w i t h y ou all i n ord er t o lead u s ou t of t he cu rrent si t u at i on. ” T A T has b een p art i ci p at i ng regu larly i n t he show si nce 1 9 9 5 . I t has p lay ed a m aj or role i n help i ng m ak e R u ssi a one of T hai land ’ s t op 1 0 sou rces of v i si t or arri v als. T he t rad e d elegat i on i nclu d ed ov er 1 4 T hai ex hi b i t ors rep resent i ng hot els, t ou r op erat ors and t rav el-relat ed agenci es. T he T hai P av i li on t hi s y ear b ore t he “ 2 0 1 5 D i scov er T hai ness” m ark et i ng t hem e and host ed a range of act i v i t i es. T h e P h u k e t N e w s


H U KE T : B u si nesses i gnori ng t he b u rgeoni ng C hi nese t ou ri st m ark et d o so at t hei r ow n p eri l, w arned ex p ert s at t he A m eri can C ham b er of C om m erce ( A MC H A M) P hu k et chap t er sp eci al sem i nar at t he J W Marri ot t P hu k et R esort & S p a last w eek . “ P hu k et t ou ri sm has t o ad j u st t o ‘ t he new norm al’ and not w ai t for t hi ngs t o go b ack t o t he w ay t hey w ere b efore. I t ’ s no longer j u st t he b each t hat at t ract s t rav ellers, ” sai d B i ll B arnet t , C E O of hosp i t ali t y consu lt i ng fi rm C 9 H ot elw ork s, w ho m od erat ed t he ev ent , held last F ri d ay ( S ep t 1 8 ) . “ T hi s com i ng hi gh season i s a d y nam i c y ear as i t w i ll b e the first high season with the R u ssi an m ark et great ly d i m i ni shed , so get t he y ard st i ck ou t t o m easu re t he changes, ” Mr B arnet t challenged . “ W hi le t he rou b le d epreciated larger in the first and second q u art ers of 2 0 1 4 , m any t rav ellers had p ai d u p t hei r hi gh season holi d ay s for 2 0 1 4 / 2 0 1 5 , so t hi s y ear i s the first time we go down the rab b i t hole and see w hat t he changes m ean for hot els and t ou ri sm i n P hu k et . ” G u est sp eak er D av i d J ohnson, Managi ng D i rect or of D eli v eri ng A si a C om m u ni cat i ons ( D A C ) , rat ed t he C hi nese m ark et as cri t i cal for P hu k et t ou ri sm b u si ness su rv i v al.

Vanessa Zhu explained that accessing the high-end Chinese market required a two-pronged strategy. “ T he C hi nese m ark et rep resent s t he si ngle great est op p ort u ni t y t he t ou ri sm i nd u st ry i n T hai land has p erhap s ev er seen. F or P hu k et , as T hai land ’ s p rem i er t ou ri sm d est i nat i on w i t h i t s ex p and i ng i nfrast ru ct u re and u p scale resort and p rop ert y offeri ngs, I d on’ t feel any one can afford t o i gnore t hi s, ” he t old T h e Ph u k e t N e w s t hi s w eek . “ W e hav e seen ov er si x m i lli on C hi nese arri v e i n Thailand in the first six months of t hi s y ear or 3 5 p er cent of t he t ot al nu m b er of t ou ri st s com i ng t o T hai land . T hat ’ s m ore t han d ou b le last y ear w hen a t ot al of 5 . 3 m i lli on C hi nese arri v ed . “ T hat i s ex t raord i nary grow t h and t here are no si gns of i t slow i ng d ow n. E v en t he m i d -A u gu st b om b i n B angk ok has not d am p ened t hei r d esi re t o com e t o T hai land – a t op five destination worldwide for C hi nese t rav ellers. ”

Andara shines brightly at Thailand Property Awards A L L A N Z E MA N ’ S A N d ara S i gnat u re R esort and V i llas, b y A nd am and ara D ev elop m ent C o L t d , cleaned u p at t he T hai land P rop ert y A w ard s last w eek as t he p roj ect scored fou r m aj or aw ard s at t he p rest i gi ou s ev ent . A nd ara S i gnat u re R esort and V i llas w on B est V i lla D ev elop m ent ( T hai land ) , B est V i lla D ev elop m ent ( P hu k et ) , B est R esi d ent i al A rchi t ect u ral D esi gn and B est L and scap e A rchi t ect u ral D esi gn. Also flying the flag high for P hu k et w as t he Mi nor G rou p ’ s A nant ara P hu k et L ay an R esort & S p a, w hi ch w on B est H ot el D ev elop m ent , and T he R esi d ences b y @thephuketnews

Real Estate Personality of the Decade William E. Heinecke stands centre stage with other winners at the awards. A nant ara, b y H u a H i n R esort C o L t d , su b si d i ary com p any of Mi nor I nt ernat i onal P C L , w hi ch w as hi ghly com m end ed for B est V i lla D ev elop m ent ( P hu k et ) . J oi ni ng T he R esi d ences

as H i ghly C om m end ed i n t he B est V i lla D ev elop m ent cat egory w as A nchan V i llas b y P earl I sland P rop ert y C o L t d . A nant ara P hu k et L ay an R esort & S p a w as also H i ghly C om m end ed i n t he B est H o-

t el I nt eri or D esi gn cat egory , w hi le A nant ara V acat i on C lu b , P hu k et Mai Khao w as li k ew i se H i ghly C om m end ed i n t he B est H ot el A rchi t ect u ral D esi gn aw ard s. A b solu t e W orld G rou p w on B est B ou t i q u e D ev elop er, w hi le E m erald D ev elop m ent G rou p C o L t d w as t he sole ent ry H i ghly C om m end ed for i t s p roj ect s. T he E m erald T errace C ond om i ni u m P at ong b y P hu k et F u t u re D ev elop m ent C o L t d w on B est C ond o D ev elop m ent ( P hu k et ) , an w ard for w hi ch A b solu t e W orld G rou p ’ s A b solu t e T w i n S and s R esort & S p a - P H A S E 2 & 3 w as H i ghly C om m end ed .

Mr J ohnson, as Managi ng D i rect or of D A C , i s i n a p osi t i on t o k now . D A C i s a lead i ng public relations firm in Asia sp eci ali si ng i n t he hosp i t ali t y i nd u st ry , w i t h 1 0 op erat i ons w orld w i d e and head q u art ered i n B angk ok . “ T he challenge i s how t o at t ract hi gh end C hi nese t rav ellers t o P hu k et , t o resort s and t o real est at e p roj ect s t o com e and st ay , sp end and b u y . T he w ay t o d o t hi s i s t hrou gh a d i gi t al m ed i a st rat egy t hat has W eC hat at i t s cent re, ” Mr J ohnson ex p lai ned . V a nessa Z hu , D A C ’ s S hanghai -b ased d i gi t al m ark et i ng sp eci ali st and C om m u ni cat i ons D i rect or for C hi na, ex p lai ned t hat accessi ng t he hi gh-end C hi nese m ark et req u i red a t w o-p ronged st rat egy . “ O ne i s at t he resort i t self w here C hi nese sp eak ers, a hi gh lev el of p ersonal serv i ce, organi sed and creat i v e i t i nerari es and m enu s and

ot her collat eral all need t o b e i n C hi nese, ” she ex p lai ned . “ T o access t he hi gh-end C hi na m ark et , y ou need t he t ools i n C hi na t o ap p eal t o t hem . T he m ost i m p ort ant i s W eC hat , a soci al m ed i a t ool t hat com b i nes all t he fu nct i ons of F aceb ook , T w i t t er, L I N E , S k y p e, I nst agram , P i nt erest and P ay P al, w hi ch are all b anned . “ W eC hat has 4 3 8 m i lli on u sers, 8 0 % of w hom are i n C hi na. R esort s need t o hav e an account set up by an official com p any i n C hi na and m anaged . T here i s no w ay rou nd t hi s. I t i s also v ery i m p ort ant to invite influential bloggers t o v i si t w ho hav e li t erally m i lli ons of follow ers w ho w i ll rap i d ly engage and seek t o b ook b ased on recom m end at i ons. “ W e host ed a b logger t o Manat hai Koh S am u i and 2 4 hou rs aft er hi s p ost 8 4 3 , 0 0 0 p eop le had read i t . T hi s i s a com p let e gam e changer. ” S how i ng her ex t ensi v e ex p eri ence and ex p ert i se i n the field, Ms Zhu explained si m p ly t hat C hi nese t rav ellers are influenced by other people. “ T hey follow ot hers, so i t i s essent i al t o b u i ld a p resence on t he m ai nland and a grou p of follow ers i n t he ri ght t arget grou p , ” she ex p lai ned . “ O r access b loggers w ho can influence and build follow ers. B u t resort s need t o hav e t he ri ght channels t o influence and book set up. In m any cases, t hi s w i ll b e t he sam e channel. ”




Breaking into bonds PHUKET EXPAT FINANCE


or many savers and retirees, the current low-interest-rate environment has certainly made life more challenging. M any developed countries have seen the lowest rates for 3 00 years – so persistently low that many people have even come to accept this state of affairs as the “ new normal” . Despite the situation being anything but normal, we have proceeded to do what humans do best: adapt and evolve – adj usting our lives to suit the changing environment. The q uestion remains, however, if these adj ustments will be in our long-term best interests. Bonds have long been a mainstay of investors looking for income-generation, and higher interest rates certainly help in this regard. When you hear about people living on a fi ed income this t icall means they are relying either directl or indirectl on fi ed interest” . For retirees, income-producing assets are crucial to

helping them keep pace with the cost of living. L ikewise, anyone drawing unemployment enefits or state ensions are drawing money from a pot effectively funded by the yields from Gilts and Treasuries and inde ed to in ation. With interest rates at alltime lows, the income from bonds has dwindled, and with official in ation eing considered low, the inde ing of state pensions is not keeping up with the real cost of living. A nd because interest rates are so low, the government pension pots are not growing at anything like the rates needed an o ngland go ernor Mar arney dis usses the to be sustainable. This is why im a t o long term low interest rates last month Photo: AFP eo le de endent on fi ed But while banks can bolster cause their monthly payments income have been feeling the their rofits and ffer their to increase beyond the limits pinch more than anyone else since the financial crisis in reserves, the public do not enj oy of affordability. r . Co ntless The other people who will 2008 , and why future retirees the same l individuals have been encoursuffer from interest-rate hikes fear for the er e istence of aged by cheap borrowing costs are investors. In a period of their state pensions. to make decisions they would stock market uncertainty, peoEven though many of the most vulnerable savers are hurt not normally have made, and ple have been drawn to bonds by this low-rate environment, find themsel es with de ts that because they are viewed as the the banks absolutely love it. can only be repaid if interest low-risk, low-volatility alternaThey bring in new money rates remain at historic lows. tive to other asset classes, like from depositors, to whom But when rates do inevitably stoc s for e am le. Bonds and fi ed income they pay almost z ero interest, rise, people who have “ mortthen loan that money out at a gaged their future” will suffer have provided steady capital health rofit. when their variable rate loans appreciation for three decades

because as interest rates have fallen, the value of the underlying bonds have risen. The e eriences of in estors o er the past 3 2 years have seen them alter their investment behaviour, believing that what they have observed in the past will also work in the future. But because interest rates have been moving steadily downward during that time, as we approach – or have possibly already reached – the end of a long-term secular bull market in bonds, the risk associated with investing in bonds will increase. hen rates do finall rise, the economic world we inhabit will be a much different place. The looming paradigm shift in global interest rates will affect j ust about everyone – directly or indirectly; knowingly or unknowingly. The siz e of the global bond market ( sometimes referred to as the credit market) is a staggering US$ 1 00 trillion, with nearly US$ 1 trillion worth of bonds changing hands on a daily basis. Consisting mainl of go ernment bonds, corporate bonds, local authority or mu-

nicipal bonds and mortgagerelated onds, it is significantl larger than the combined value of all global stock markets, which is why a change in rates will have such far-reaching global conseq uences. It is highly recommended that investors scrutinise their c rrent ond and fi ed income holdings. Whilst high grade, short-duration bonds can actuall rofit in times of woe, if you are invested in a bond fund that holds higher risk, higher yield – with lengthier average durations and lower q uality holdings – you could well be in for a nasty shock should we enter a period of rising rates. Such bonds and bond funds are actually more closely correlated to eq uity markets than other bond markets, so when a continued stock market sell off res lts in a ight to safety” , riskier assets such as high-yield bonds will face a “ double whammy” in the ensuing sell-off. I f y ou w oul d l ike t o ch at w it h us ab out w h et h er in v es t in g in b on ds is rig h t f or y ou, pl eas e em ail us at : ch at w it h us @ phuketexpatfinance.com

hailand a ht how o fi ially laun hed Press release

DEP UTY P R IM E M INISTER Gen Thanasak P atimaprakorn led the to ight delegation to officiall la nch the Thailand Y acht Show at an international press conference and private launch party in Bangkok last Wednesday night ( Sept 1 6 ) . A s it was the initiative of P rime M inister Gen P rauyut Chan o cha to create an international Y acht Show for Thailand, and make P huket the principal hub for superyachts in A sia, also in attendance was Deputy M inister of Transport msin Chi a r e , who is also involved in and highly supportive of the Y acht Show, together with around 1 5 0 specially-invited VIP guests. A ndy Treadwell, founder and owner of event organiser SY E, opened proceedings and commented: “ I am absolutely delighted that, thanks to the initiative of the P rime M inister himself, and the tremendous proactivity of the M inister of Transport and the Director General of the M arine Department in particular, we have recently been able to announce the new charter licence for foreign-flagged superyachts. A s a result, we are today able to launch a truly

he o fi ial hailand a ht how laun h arty delegation international yacht show for Thailand.” Invited to speak on behalf of the superyacht industry, R ico Stapel of P rincess Y achts SEA , addressed guests and commented on the partnership between SY E and the M arine Department: “ We are ( ...) delighted that the M arine Department has chosen to work with Khun A ndy and his team on this new Y acht Show for Thailand; we have all seen the impressive show that they have developed in Singapore in a very short space of time, and we are fully confident that they are the best people to develop a fantastic show here too.” Deputy P M Thanasak spoke of the importance of the superyacht charter licence: “ Before embarking on this maj or yacht show to invite the local and international boating

industry to promote Thailand as a yachting destination, we decided to create a national framework which would attract more yachts to visit and stay in Thailand. This includes the change in superyacht charter regulations, more yachting friendly immigration and customs rules, introduction of new locations for marina and investment promotion packages for marina.” The proceedings took place at the P ort A uthority of Bangkok’ s VIP R eception R ooms, before guests were invited onboard the sensational 41 -metre Norman Foster-designed motoryacht O cean Emerald the first acht to ha e een presented with the new Suer acht Charter icence M inister of Transport at the event – moored alongside the conference party in the P ort of Bangkok. thephuketnews




Barrie Buck has good news about Barnhem


A meaty treat from Thailand’s North



An afternoon in the Myanmar town of Mawdaung > Page 20 Driving up and over Myanmar’s Singkhon Pass. Photo: Steven Layne


16 ART




Mona Lisa Diving

Mona Lisa Muslim

Mona Lisa Punk

Italian artist showcases his unique Mona Lisa collection in Patong Beppe Bonazzoli b b ona z z ol i@g ma il .com

Artist Beppe Bonazzoli


eppe Bonazzoli is an italian artist living in Phuket who recently held an exhibition at Leo & Mas Italian restaurant in Patong. Beppe is also a journalist, who is based right here in Phuket. He loves art and gives a new interpretation to the best known painting declining how could be portrayed Lisa Gherardini (Mona Lisa) in our century. With a mixture of art (InkJect on canvas press, oil paint, collage accessories), Beppe proposes different versions of Mona Lisa who are living and maybe are working in different parts of the world. Mona Lisa, also known as La Gioconda, is an oil painting on a poplar panel (77 cm x 53 cm) by Leonardo da Vinci. Dated between 1503-1514 the painting is at the Musée du Louvre in Paris, under the title Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del

Giocondo. The other name Mona (Lisa) is a contraction, in Italian a polite form of address originating as ma donna — similar to ma’am, madam, or my lady in English. Mona Lisa is the best known and most famous portrait in the world and has inspired critics, writers, painters and psychoanalysts alike. The famous painting followed Leonardo da Vinci and it was readjusted for many years by the famous artist. Subjected to many X-Ray analysis the painting shows that there are three Monna Lisa versions hidden under the known painting. Considered one of the most famous icons of traditional art, La Gioconda is often used in symbolic sense by contemporary artists. The underlying idea is that Da Vinci’s portrait has become part of the human heritage as a universal icon of the feminine image in its various declinations. Thus, the collection Mona Lisa Global does not mean to violate the original masterpiece: it is only an attempt to give a new interpretation – also ironic – of the feminine image which has

been increasing more and more in relevance, dignity and importance in our times now. The series consists of 12 subjects with this theme: Mona Lisa Diving – Mona Lisa Punk – Mona Lisa Muslim Mona Lisa Manager – Mona Lisa Violence - Mona Lisa Sexy Mona Lisa Guerrillera – Mona Lisa Doctor – Mona Lisa Press Mona Lisa Thai – Mona Lisa Chef – Mona Lisa Plastic Surgery With a mixture of art (InkJect on canvas press, oil paint, collage accessories), Beppe Bonazzoli proposes different versions of Mona Lisa who are living and maybe are working in different parts of the world.

Credits: Beppe thanks’s the Italian artist Corrado Andriani for the technical help. Contact Beppe at bbonazzoli@gmail.com, or call him on 08 9039 0610. The collection took part for 2 weeks in July and was hosted at Le o& Mas Italian restaurant in Patong. Honorary Italian consul in Phuket, Francesco Pensato, attended.




The light is finally here


Run for Fun

Dalia Hilmi editor1 @cl a ssa ctmedia .co.th


arnhem Muang Mai in Thalang, a home that was set up by a Swedish foundation after the tsunami for affected youth, is currently in its middle stage of renovation. Reinforced by funds raised through the Thai-Swedish Foundation, Thai and Westerners came together in early 2005 to build two dormitories on a plot of land donated by Wat Muang Mai temple, to provide shelter for dozens of youth either left homeless, orphaned, or both, as a result of the tsunami. The Phuket News recently went and spoke with Barrie Buck, a GM of a local security firm, Siam Guardian Services, who’s been helping raise awareness and funds to maintain and further develop Barnhem. Although the initial idea “was fantastic”, as Barrie described, it wasn’t executed properly. There was faulty plumbing and drainage systems; sub-optimal electrical wiring; leaks in the roof; cracks in the walls; and some of the rooms were completely uninhabitable. The problems were not due to lack of care, but purely down to a lack of capital or the flexibility to do running maintenance caused by poor workmanship in the construction phase, Barrie explained.



Barrie, Sussi and Hans (Barnhem staff who lost children in the tsunami), Barnhem manager Khun Wow, along with several other like-minded individuals have formed a “steering committee and drew up plans to rebuild Barnhem’s deteriorating and worn down dormitories. “There will be lots of exciting things, new safer bedrooms and a super volleyball court that kids can play badminton on if they wish.” Many people have invested in the project Barrie explained, including a hugely generous donation from one of Phuket’s resort owners. It’s currently in the middle of the construction phase, which started earlier this month. “The developer reckons it will be completed in around seven months,”

said Barrie.“We’ve finally been able to set up a proper home, and it’s only through the generosity of people helping, and more people can still help. “Two years ago when we first started going over there and came up with the idea, we never envisaged for this to have happened. Everything that we hoped for is starting to come together. “The kids won’t have to worry about mosquitoes or snakes coming in. No one wants to go to bed not feeling safe. “This will give them a safe environment that they can develop. “We can finally see light at the end of the tunnel,” said Barrie with a smile. Anyone wishing to get more information on the Barnhem Muang Mai project can contact Barrie at barrie@sgsphuket.com.

ai Khao Marine Turtle Foundation in collaboration with the JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa and the MKMF partners will host its annual fundraiser, the 11th Mai Khao Marine Foundation Fun Run and Mini Marathon 2015 on Sunday October 4 from 4.30 am – 7.30 am, at the Pru Jeh San Lake. The event is a fun, family oriented affair open for all ages and the general public. The race starts and finishes at JW Marriott Phuket’s parking‘s lot and encompass the Mai Khao village. There are two distances: 4.5km fun run and a 10.5km mini marathon on a new improved route. It will truly delight and challenge all runners. For both runs, male and female categories, trophies and cash prizes will be awarded for 1st to 5th place finishers. The f irst 700 registered runners will also receive a running shirt and medal, and there will be a trophy for the hotel and running club with the most participants. The entry fee is B300 with money going towards to the Mai Khao Marine Turtle Foundation. For registration, contact the JW Marriott Phuket Concierge in the lobby of the resort from now until October 3, from 10am to 5pm.




Locals unite in Coastal Cleanup The Phuket News ed itor @cl assactmed ia.co.th

Local orgs are startin to find other, more creative and lucrative use, or reuse, for the rubbish art Fish Art


f something isn’t done – and done soon – our ocean could hold one pound of plastic for every three pounds of fish by the year 2025” This claim on Patong Rotary’s website set the tone and highlighted the urgency for community collaboration at Surin Beach last Saturday (September 19), to mark International Coastal Cleanup Day. The event brought together some 120 volunteers, young and old, including members of various organisations such as the Surfrider Foundation, Clean the Beach Boot Camp, Patong Rotary Club, 7-11, Mad Fresh Events and the Kamala and Surin Beach Clubs, with volunteers representing Europe, the Americas, Russia, China, South Africa and Thailand. Zazada and Taste Restaurant provided support, pizza and water to the troops who were all under no illusion as to the state of the environment and the scale of the challenges our fragile coast and seas face. As the Rotary Patong website reports, “A recent study in the journal science revealed that 10 to 28 billion pounds of plastic enter our ocean annually.” In response to this dire situation, over the past 29 years, Ocean Conservancy has inspired millions of volunteers, as well as industry players, the world over to take action by removing and recording trash during International Coastal Cleanup week. And so, Phuket’s efforts were centered around Surin Beach last Saturday, where more than 120 young and old energised people gathered to celebrate the beauty of the coast through active physical activities and yoga organised by Krix Luther (The Beach Boot Camp). Typically, local beach clean-ups only focus on re-

SAVE OUR SEAS: About 120 volunteers from various backgrounds took part in the cleanup of Surin Beach. moving rubbish from the beach, which is ultimately transported to Phuket’s overflowing landfill and incinerator in Saphan Hin, where it is either added to the smelly heap, if not incinerated. But local individuals and organisations are starting to find other, more creative and lucrative use, or reuse, for the rubbish – art! Much of the clean rubbish collected on Saturday was used to create a piece of “fish” art work, as part of an initiative led by local environment artist Prasopsuk Learviriyapiti, who is working in conjunction with Shipsomnia Save Our Seas (SOS) Beach Festival, a private event to take place on a Coral Island beach on January 4, 2016. The SOS Beach Festival will represent the climax of a five-day Cruise on the 2,400-capacity Coast of Victoria that departs from and concludes at Singapore, on July 2 and 6, respectively. The festival will showcase the works of Prasopsuk, along with other local artists such as Pui Ngowsiri, the founder of Love Art Studio and the art village in Phuket, who are working tirelessly to create art installations for the festival, utilising art and sculptures made out of recycled materials collected and cleaned from the beach. For more information about the festival, go to shipsomnia.com Meanwhile, following the Surin Beach Clean-up it was announced that a newly-formed Patong Beach Green

Club will formally commence regular environmental activities as of September 29. Stay tuned for more news. Indeed, the environmental future of Phuket is looking bright, as we are sure to see more active involvement by the “Magic Eye” initiative, as well as more beautiful sculptures made of Phuket waste materials set to be installed across the island. Keep on the look out.

Service-minded students clean up Layan Beach


lso making a difference on International Coastal Clean Up Day, students from British International School, Phuket (BISP) had their own respective cleanup, of Layan Beach on Saturday (September 19). The fantastic initiative by the school’s CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service) students saw them pick up lighters, glass, shoes, so many small bits of plastic have already broken down into tiny pieces which were difficult to sort from the sand, straws, toothbrushes, bottle tops, plastic cups, styrofoam, ropes, fishing

nets, toys. You name it, they found it! BISP would like to thank Maryanne O’Neill, Paulette Wilkinson, and Gwyn Godfrey for their assistance on the day.

For more information on BISP’s CAS programme, visit bisphuket.ac.th/creativity-activity-service/ or contact Kathy Coulson: kcoulson@ bisphuket.ac.th thephuketnews




Forbes honours Phuket’s German philanthropist The Phuket News ed itor @cl assactmed ia.co.th

It has always been about a team effort. From day one our team has worked passionately, tirelessly and with a big heart to turn my vision into a successful reality.



hanyapura Phuket President and CEO, Philipp Graf von Hardenberg, has been named as one of Forbes Asia’s 40 Heroes of Philanthropy for giving underprivileged children a much-needed boost through the post-tsunami establishment of the Yaowawit School and Lodge in Phang Nga, Thailand. The German national – who has reinforced Thanyapura’s standing as Asia’s leading sports training, education and healthy lifestyle institution since coming on board in February 2014 – is joined on the ninth annual list by the “most noteworthy givers” from 13 Asia Pacific countries, people “who have compiled a long record of supporting worthy causes”. Mr Graf von Hardenberg also set up Steven Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation in Germany, a non-profit organisation that recorded the video testimonies of Holocaust survivors. “It’s a huge honour to be included on the Heroes of Philanthropy list along with many other people who have given their time and resources to help those who need it the most,” he said. “But at the Yaowawit School it has always been about a team effort. From day one our team has worked passionately, tirelessly and with a big heart to turn my vision into a successful reality – ten years on and going stronger than ever.” “Given we’re a self-funding, governmentapproved boarding school, we rely on the kindness of others. Luckily, we have received amazing support from our generous partners, donors and sponsors from around the world, with more than USD 5 million raised since the school opened in 2006. Our goal is to become more and more self funding by introducing several social entrepreneurship businesses but until then, we depend on donations from Thai organisations and people. I’d also like to thank the other members of our team – the staff, the guardians, the friends, the board members and, last but certainly not least, the children. Well done all of you!” Mr Graf von Hardenberg said running Thanyapura was another way for him to give back to Thailand and beyond, introducing the venue’s unique, world-class amalgam of sport, health, mind and education to a global audience of elite athletes and amateur enthusiasts. “In doing that we change lives for the better, just

like we do at the school. It’s a very exciting time for Thanyapura, and it’s a very exciting time for the school. I feel privileged to be at the helm of both ventures,” he added. Other names on the Heroes of Philanthropy list include Nepal billionaire Binod Chaudhary, who was a whirlwind of action following the 2015 Nepal earthquake, such as turning his eight schools into shelters and facilitating food, water and medical supplies. Australian billionaire Len Ainsworth made the list after donating USD 30 million to hospitals, universities and other causes over the past three years, while in 2014 husband and wife billionaires Pan Shiyi and Zhang Xin from China pledged USD 100 million to fund overseas study by Chinese undergraduates at the world’s top universities. Mr Graf von Hardenberg is a true renaissance man, a wearer of many hats. From 1996 to 1999 he headed the Advisory and Executive Board of the International School Berlin/Brandenburg. Berlin’s only International School had been mismanaged into bankruptcy but following its repositioning under Mr Graf von Hardenberg its enrolments doubled in three years. He was a manager at Hotel Le BeauRivage, Lausanne, The Savoy Hotel,

RICH ROOTS: Many of the residents at Yaowawit came from the kingdom’s poorest backgrounds and are set to impact the future in a grand way. London and the Hotel Gravenbruch Kempinski, Frankfurt, before joining Ritz-Carlton Hotels in 1987 and becoming its Senior Vice President for Development and Operations in 1993. Thanyapura is set on 23 hectares of pristine land at the foothill of a national park. It is located near Phuket International Airport and the island’s famed beaches, with its elite coaches augmented by world-class sports scientists, medical and health practitioners, physiotherapists and chiropractors.


A meal in Mawdaung: Part 1 of 2 Steven Layne ed itor @cl assactmed ia.co.th

Alas, we were in Myanmar, and the first noticeable difference, aside from a billboard in Myanmar language, was the quality of the road, partly paved in sections ...

From top, going clockwise: The road just the other side of the border, winding down to the town of Mawdaung; our handsome Burmese escorts; applying for the temporary day pass and the official welcome gateway in Myanmar.


uring a recent stopover to Prachuap Khiri Khan, I decided to take the family for an afternoon outing to check out the recently opened Thailand-Myanmar border checkpoint Singkhon, an up and coming gateway to the mysterious Singkhon Pass (Daan Singkorn ด่านส งิ ขร in Thai). About a 20 minute drive from the Prachuap city centre, the Singkhon checkpoint is a strategic and historical smuggling, migration and military mobilisation transit point, north of the Thai-Myanmar Isthmus of Kra. Only recently has it opened up officially as part of bilateral agreements, though international travel is still limited, but to exactly what extent was not clear from basic Google searches. Only one way to find out. By the time we arrived, it was about noonish, later than we’d initially planned, but on the bright side, we missed the crowd, which according to smartphone, peaks at about 8-9 am. On the Thai side, there’s a market with various shops tended by Thais, Nepalese and Myanmar merchants selling cheap clothes, gems, jewels, and furniture. As expected, the main clientele were domestic Thai tourists – government officials and weekenders from Bangkok – in addition to Myanmar nationals stocking up on goods to bring back to their side of the border.


There were still a handful of Thais wondering the allies, and taking selfies in front of the big white gateway, but none of them seemed to be crossing over and in to the other side; only a few vehicles – trucks, rot saleng and motorbikes driven by Myanman merchants were – making the cross every few minutes. We were told that the crossing is still not open for international tourists, but Thais can get a temporary pass simply by submitting their ID and paying a nominal fee. Another question that didn’t seem to have a readily googlable answer, though, was what exactly we would be crossing into? Google maps confirmed there was some kind of village called Mawdaung not so far from the border. We’d come this far, and my goal was to bring the family into Myanmar, even if only for lunch. Border police pointed us up to a room where we could apply for a temporary pass. We submitted our Thai Ids prompting the official to dig up our files from the national database, copies of which were then printed out for us to sign and take with us to present at several checkpoints up and along the pass. Motorbike taxi appeared to be our only practicle and affordable option to go over the pass. Live a little every now and then… The fee on the Thai side was some-


thing like B30-40 each. We took our signed copies, walked through the first checkpoint after the Thai officer signed them off, and hopped on our Burmese escorts’ motorbikes. Then we were on our way, up the jungle hill into oblivion, me on the back of one bike, the missus and the boy on the back of another. The initial climb was fairly steep; my heart was pumping fast as my escort’s bike’s engine reved against the resistance of my body weight. At the top of the hill, and around one bend, we reached another checkpoint manned by soldiers in jungle fatigue. To my surprise, this was still part of Thailand, the last point before officially crosssing over into Myanmar, after getting our papers signed and crossing again by foot, our drivers waiting just the other side of the arbitrary line. Alas, we were in Myanmar, and the first noticeable difference, aside from a billboard in Myanmar language, was the quality of the road, partly paved in sections, though it wasn’t too bad. Up and around another bend, and we’d reached the final checkpoint, a quiet immigration checkpoint at the top of a hill, where a young officer took our signed papers and collected another B20 each. To the dismay of my companions, who proudly insisted I speak Thai with everyone, I drew some blank stares but also encouraging smiles with the two Myanmar phrases I had committed to memory: Asa Asa = eat, and Dtao Ye = drink water – the purpose of today’s visit. There was an official welcome gate, and the road winding down and into a wide open meadow leading to the village, now visible in the horizon. I felt as if I’d seen this road in a recent dream. A small Myanmar flag waved at one outpost just outside the town. Adapted, with permission, from Siamerican.com. Stay tuned for the conclusion, to be published in a fortnight.





Meaty treat from the North STREET EATS

Anton Makhrov news@novostiphuketa.com

Both sausages are stuffed with naem, which is fermented pork having a characteristic sour taste and thus teasing your taste buds with every bite.

Saeb Saeb, the Northern sausages are delectable.


et’s face it, Thailand is not a meat-loving country. Having spent several weeks here, nearly every expat newbie starts crying out for sausages. The first attempt to find a local substitution ends up with disappointment: ‘luke chin’ (local meatballs) and other sausage looking products have little (if any) thing to do with sausage. And it is only much later, when you find an authentic local delicacy which name is worth writing their names with a capital “S” in English or “Sor Suea” in Thai. If you are a sausage lover then you must have already guessed that we are talking about sai krok Isaan and sai ua, favorite quick bites of Thailand’s Northeast and North regions. Meaty, savoury and just bursting with flavours when you bite. Both sausages are stuffed with naem, which is fermented pork having a characteristic sour taste and thus teasing your taste buds with every bite. Seasoned with garlic, naem can be eaten raw, used in salads, grilled or used to make sai krok. The recipe hasn’t changed for ages: finely minced pork, garlic and rice vermicelli which are actually used to ferment the meat. Sai ua has a more complex flavour because of the rich set of spices, including a lot more then just garlic. You can taste a hint of ginger, some citrus and

something that resembles curry paste. The texture is also different from the one of sai krok: “rougher” and chewy. Thai taste at its best, especially when served with hot chilies, ginger and fresh veggies. Sai krok Isaan comes from Thailand’s Northeast and its name means just that: Northeast sausage, while sai ua is a delicacy from Chiang Mai. The best places to try them are street eateries specializing in Northern and Northeastern cuisine, though a local fresh market can do as well. Personally I would recommend the latter.

Thailand to host prestigious dining awards


he Kingdom has been selected to stage “Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants 2016 Award.” The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) together with William Reed Business Media is set to make a formal announcement at Paste, Artisanal Thai Cuisine, Gaysorn Shopping Centre, on October 20 in Bangkok. The lavish event, supported by TAT, is expected to generate extensive publicity for the kingdom’s gastronomic delights, promote Thai cuisine worldwide through various publicity channels, as well as enhance the delight of sampling the huge array of restaurants that have opened in Thailand. Mr. Yuthasak Supasorn, TAT Governor, said “ TAT ’s support for this event is consistent with the theme of our marketing plan 2015, which is to promote Thainess, Thai culture and Thai cuisine. It will also strengthen the country’s strong brand image and differentiate us from other countries. Moreover, this event will promote the high-end side, especially on the fine dining of Thailand that accom@thephuketnews

modates various upscale Thai and international restaurants underlined with the expertise chefs and unrivalled services.” The Asian countries eligible for voting are: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Brunei Darussalam, Cam-

bodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Lao PDR, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Micronesia, Nauru, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam.




Proud mens winner collecting his trophy.

H E L P I N G OU T T H E C OM M U N I T Y The 1st Accor “Heartbreak” Hill Mini-Marathon 2015 was held at Nai Thon Beach as part of Accor Hotel’s CSR commitment to improving education and well-being of underprivileged children. Funds raised will be donated to local schools in Phuket and nearby provinces and to support Accor Yim Kids Project, part of ACCORHOTELS Corporate Social Responsibility.

Proud female winner collecting her trophy.

Runners taking part in the fun run.

Live 89.5's Jason Wilder.

Fourth from the left, TAT Phuket office director, Anoma Wongyai

H OT E L I E R S H E A D T O T H E L I M E L I G H T Chris Howson with a radio fan!

The Andaman Hotelier took place from September 17–19 at Limelight Avenue in Phuket Town. Various hoteliers and entrepreneurs attended the exhibition. The event was proudly sponsored by Class Act Media.


The Thailand Tech Startup Association and National Innovation Agency invited guests to enjoy and attend a "Startups Growth Hacking Workshop" on September 20 at the New Dara Boutique Hotel. The event was proudly supported by Class Act Media.


On Monday, September 14, the Leonardo Da Vinci restaurant hosted VIP guests for an exclusive Slovenian and Italian premium wine tasting event. Attendees were also treated to exquisite Italian style canapés, delicately prepared for them by head chef Enzo.

F1 driver Marcus Ericsson enjoying the day.



Formula 1 driver Marcus Ericsson enjoyed a fabulous yacht trip with Andaman Cruises last week before heading to Singapore for the famous nighttime Grand Prix.

Wine lovers at Leonardo Da Vinci in Rawai. thephuketnews





The Thailand Property Awards 2015 honoured the Winners and Highly Commended in an exclusive, black-tie awards gala held at the prestigious Plaza Athenee Bangkok on September 16.

THE LONGEST DRIVE TO KALIM An event was held in celebation of Phuket Has Been Good To Us Longest Drive golf cart trip at the brand new Baan Rim Pa Kalim Restaurant on September 15.

Left: Sue Ultmann, Phuket Has Been Good To Us

IT’S GETTING HOT IN HERE! The grand opening of Hooters Bangkok took place last Friday (September 18). Lots of people went along to check out the famous American franchise. From the chicken wings, to the beverages, to the girls, it was a great night had by all.

Aum Lukkana, Miss Hooters Ambassador, Peter Servoldm, and some Hooters girls

QUEEN OF TECHNO IN THE HOUSE It was a busy night at Illuzion nightclub in Patong on Monday (September 21), as popular international DJ, Nakadia, took over the decks and played to over 1,000 people.

Futsal fans enjoying the day


On Saturday 19, Twinpalms Phuket celebrated its 11th anniversary at Palm Seafood on Surin Beach. As always, everyone was dressed in fabulous white attire.




25 SEP

THEPHUKETNEWS.COM tion L entil s, 2 C urries, a nd a D essert serv ed with I ndia n tea ( of y our choice) ! A l l f or j ust B 3 9 9 + per person F or more inf o pl ea se ca l l 0 7 6 3 0 4 0 3 4 .

Suk Singpatong + Sitnumnoi E v ery S a turda y nig ht, N um N oi S ing pa tong , the hea d tra iner a nd owner of S ing pa tong + S itnumnoi g m in atong Beach, hosts an elite fight series Suk Singpatong Sitnumnoi Saturda fight nig ht” a t P a tong B ox ing S ta dium ( S a i N a m Y en oad , where top international and Thai fighters compete. V isit pa tong b ox ing sta dium.com f or more inf o. P roudl y supported b y C l a ss A c t M ed ia . R ema rk: F ree tra nsporta tion in P a tong , K a ron, K a ta a rea s when req uested in a dv a nce. P l ea se ca l l + 6 6 8 7 3 8 3 3 3 6 4 or + 6 6 7 6 3 4 5 5 7 8 to a rra ng e the tra nsporta tion b ef ore 1 2 pm of ea ch Saturda after the pa ment is confirmed. atong B ox ing S ta dium ( S a i N a m Y en R d) , nea rb y W orl d B ung y J ump P a tong , 0 8 7 6 2 8 2 7 1 9 www.pa tong b ox ing sta dium.com, sing pa tong @g ma il .com

Indian Curry Night on Fridays C ome to N a vr a ng M a ha l in K a ron S ea S a nds R esort & S pa f or a n a uthentic I ndia n F ea st ev ery F rida y in K a ron B ea ch. T ry out our del icious A l oo T ikki, S a mosa s, C hicken T a ndoori, A l oo G ob i, N a v ra ng K orma , B utter C hicken, L a mb V inda l oo, N a a n, R ice, S a l a ds, C hutneys / A cha rs, P ista chio I ce C rea m, G ul a h Ja mun, F ruits. F or onl y 3 9 9 / - nett a nd specia l reduced prices on drinks. C onta ct: : 0 7 6 - 2 8 6 4 6 4 E xt 4


26 SEP

Toastmasters Phuket

Traditional Sunday Roast Angus O’Tool’s Karon Beach


L ooking to dev el op y our pub l ic spea king a nd l ea dership skil l s? I g nite y our ca reer? J oin T oa stma sters P huket a nd sta rt ma king y oursel f a l ea der toda y ! I nv ita tion onl y . C onta ct J a son on 0 8 6 4 7 9 7 4 7 1 f or more inf o.


L unch or dinner serv ed f rom 2 pm. Y our choice of either roa st b eef , chicken, l oin of pork or l eg of l a mb serv ed with roa st a nd b oil ed pota toes, three f resh v eg eta b l es, Y orkshire pudding a nd g ra v y . O nl y B 3 2 0 per person which incl udes a f ree g l a ss of house red or white. O pposite C enta ra K a ron R esort. S ee otool s- phuket.com

27 SEP


Thai Sunday Brunch at DoubleTree Phuket Phuket FC vs Prachuap FC A t S ura kul S ta dium., S ta rts a t 7 P roudl y supported b y C l a ss A c t M ed ia .


CASUAL BBQ SUNDAY BRUNCH AT THE POOL BAR AT HYATT REGENCY E nj oy our sumptuous b runch f ea turing a l a v ish sprea d of interna tiona l del ica cies with a v a riety of l iv e sta tions, roa sts, a ca sua l sea f ood B B Q , f reshl y shucked F in de C l a ire oy sters, a pasta station, wood fired pi as and a children s food corner plus our free flow selected b ev era g e sta tions. W ith pool a ccess a nd a C a mp H y a tt kids cl ub , sta rting a t B 1 , 5 0 0 + + per person. F or more deta il s a nd reserv a tions, ca l l 0 7 6 2 3 1 5 1 6 f nb .phuhp@hy a tt.com

All you can eat Sunday Roast Buffet Beef,



30 SEP

6 pm – 1 1 pm: A l l yo u ca n ea t B B Q rib s serve d with sa l a d b uf f et, pota to sa l a d & choice of sa uces. R eserva tion recommended 2 9 5 b a ht P .P ., sha kersphuket@g ma il .com, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 3 8 1 .

T ime 8 pm, E x pa t S ports B a r, E x pa t H otel , S oi T a ipa n, P a tong . www.ex pa tsportsb a r.com

Bollywood Phuket’s Weekend Special Indian Lunch Set Come and en o the authentic flavours of ndia b indul g ing in our weekend’ s specia l l unch set f or onl y B 3 9 9 + per person b etween 1 1 a m- 3 pm. M enu incl udes 3 sta rters, 1 R oti/ N a a n, 1 R ice dish, 1 por-


S unda y f rom 1 2 pm a nd a l l - da y b runch dinner eve ry da y f rom 7 a m- 1 0 pm. 3 7 0 0 0 F B : G a l l eryca f e b y pinky , theg a l f e@ya hoo.com, 0 8 9 1 0 3 7 0 0 0 .

29 SEP

All you can eat BBQ Ribs night

Pool Competition at Expat Sports Bar T he competition a t 9 pm E x pa t S ports B a r a t the E x pa t H otel S oi T a ipa n P a tong . S ee ma p a t www.ex pa thotel .com

E e v ry a nd 0 8 9 1 0 l eryca

BBQ at Expat Hotel

Mussels night @ Shakers 1 .2 kg mussel s serv ed with f rench f ries y our choice, y our sty l e: na ture, ma riniere, prov enca l e, g a rl ic & crea m or T ha i sty l e R eserv a tion recommended B 2 9 5 b a ht P .P ., sha kersphuket@ g ma il .com, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 3 8 1 .

All you can eat BBQ night 6 pm – 1 1 pm: b eef , pork, chicken, b urg ers, sa usa g es, pra wns & sq uids, sa l a d b uf f et, choice of pota toes & sa uces, b rea d, b uns & g a rl ic b rea d R eserv a tion recommended 3 5 0 b a ht P .P ., sha kersphuket@g ma il .com, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 3 8 1 .

Sunday roast at Gallery Cafe By Pinky @ new Chalong branch

FRIDAYS WINE & TAPAS I ma g ine y oursel f sitting 5 0 metres a b ov e sea l ev el a nd g a z ing out ov er a n a ma z ing sunset whil e sipping on a g ing er & l emong ra ss ma rtini a nd enj oy ing the uniq ue sophistica ted city l if esty l e a mb ia nce of P huket. E v ery F rida y ‘ A l l ou can at Tapas, with free flow of selected b ev era g es a t B 1 , 3 9 0 net f rom 7 – 1 0 pm. G et 3 0 per cent discount on sel ected b ev era g es f rom 5 .3 0 - 6 .3 0 pm ev ery da y . L oca ted a t V a nil l a S ky B a r, C a pe S ienna H otel , K a ma l a 0 7 6 - 3 3 7 3 0 0 .

P ea s, C a rrots, F ried mushrooms, G ril l ed T oma toes – Y orkshire pudding – R oa sted P ota toes, M a shed P ota toes – G ra ve y , M ushroom sa uce, M int S a uce. R eserva tion R ecommended 3 5 0 b a ht P .P ., sha kersphuket@g ma il .com, 0 8 1 8 9 1 4 3 8 1 .


Cauliflower, Broccoli,

E e v ry S unda y enj oy a wide sel ection of T ha i del ica cies during the T ha i S unda y B runch a t D oub l eT ree R esort b y H il ton P huket - S urin B ea ch. V a rious a ction sta tions, ext ensive sa l a d b a r, tropica l f resh f ruits, pl enty of desserts a nd unl imited sof t drinks, cof f ee a nd tea f or onl y B 3 5 0 net per person. C hil dren a g ed 7 - 1 2 a t T H B 1 7 5 net. T his incl udes f ree a ccess to our swimming f a cil ities! 0 7 6 3 0 3 3 0 0 .


28 SEP

Monthly Pub Quiz 2015 M onthl y P ub Q uiz b y P huket H a s B een G ood T o U s is b a ck! ! ! O n l a st M onda y of ev ery month f rom 7 pm. til l l a te a t A ussie P ub , K a ma l a . E ntry f ee 1 0 0 T H B per person ( tea ms of up to 4 ) . J oin a special round ever month with ama ing raffle priz es. A nd the winners wil l g et a 1 0 0 0 T H B b a r ta b ! E ntry f ee g oes directl y towa rds ma king a dif f erence to underpriv il eg ed l oca l chil dren. 1 0 T H B f rom ev ery drink g oes to cha rity . M ore inf o. v isit phuketha sb eeng oodtous.org or ca l l 0 7 6 2 7 8 1 4 6 .


Free Somtam every Thursday 8 8

T A S T Y resta ura nt a nd b a r of f ering f ree S omta m ( pa pa y a sa l a d) if yo u b ring this a d. P urcha se with a nother dish a nd l imiit 1 / person/ week M ore inf oma tions ca l l : 0 9 7 0 4 7 7 8 2 2 / 8 8 ta sty@ g ma il .com F a ceb ook.com/ 8 8 ta sty .



3rd National Youth Football Tournament O rg a nised b y P huket S occer S chool s( P S S ) . C l ub tea ms f rom B a ng kok, P a tta y a , H ua H in, C hina g M a i, K oh S a mui a nd P huket a re entering U 8 / U 1 0 / U 1 2 / U 1 4 sq ua ds. F or more inf orma tion a b out P huket S occer S chool s pl ea se v isit www.phuketsoccerschool s.com or ema il us a t inf o@phuketsoccerschool s.com P roundl y support b y The Phuket News TV & Live 89.5.



ire o e art a Natai Beach Resort, Phang-Nga isit the immaculate beaches of atai for a rela ing evening in the irefl ounge at atai Beach R esort & S pa , P ha ng - N g a . T a ke a dv a nta g e of our lu urious offerings on a tropical beach paradise set on the g ol den sa nds of N a ta i B ea ch. S ta y f or 3 da y s a nd 2 nig hts a nd ta ke a dv a nta g e of the l oung e pa rty , l a rg est swimming pool in N a ta i a nd the a wa rd winning M a ikha o S pa . A ddress : 5 5 M oo 6 , K ok K l oi T a kua thung , P ha ng N g a , T ha iland 21 0 , mail natairsvn maikhaodream. com , hone 66 0 6 3 1 321



11th Annual Turtle Run “Run for the Turtles” ver ear the foundation organi es a un R un” to ra ise a wa reness f or the turtl es, this y ea r is our 11th ear. unners will run around ru J et S un” l a ke nex t to the hotel . M ore inf orma tion g o to our M a i K ha o M a rine T urtl e F ounda tion acebook page or www.maikhaomarineturtlefoundation.org ,T 0 3 391 5 69. roudl supported b Live 89.5.



FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 bridged evised a fast paced, interactive, roll icking a nd hil a rious romp throug h a l l the B a rd’ s work in onl y 9 0 minutes, more or l ess. L ook f or its debut in ctober. ecommend rating G 12. Ticket 150 THB, book now on Ticket Master or call 093 6 90066.


31 OCT PGFC Thailand 2016 “Classic” Sport Fishing Tournament

Thavorn Beach Village Resort & Spa H a l l oween pa rty of the ye a r. D ress up in yo ur most sinf ul costume a nd check in to the C reepy P ier N ig ht H a l l oween.I f yo u da re, j oin us f or a nig ht of myst erious, g hostl y encounters a nd ghoulish grooves b live s, ire performers, Halloween decorations, Spook ntertainment. S pinning a nig ht f rom 6 : 0 0 pm to 0 : 0 0 a m. C ontact 063 06 0661.



11 OCT The race that stops a nation.

Starwood Hotels ‘Run to Give arit T he W estin S ira y B a y R esort & S pa , L e M eridien P huket B ea ch R esort a nd T he N a ka I sl a nd, A L ux ury C ol l ection R esort & S pa P huket wil l hol d their a nnua l S ta rwood C ha rity run 2 0 1 5 ‘ R un to Give at Bang ad um. ntr for the 10 km. ra ce is 3 5 0 T H B per runner a nd 2 5 0 T H B per runner for the 3.5km. ntr is open to all gender a nd a g e- g roups. A l l l ev el s of runners ma y j oin, come f a ncy dress to win specia l a ccommoda tion pri es. or more information, visit facebook.com starwoodruntogive. roudl supported b ive 8 9 .5 .


27 NOV

17 OCT

The Complete works of Shakespeare T hea trix G roup a nd H ea dS ta rt I nterna tiona l S chool , with the kind sponsorship of C l a ss A ct M edia , wil l present the initia l pl a y f rom O utta the Bo Classics at the Green Man ub awai,The C ompl ete W orks of W il l ia m S ha kespea re


Melbourne Cup brunch H att egenc P huket R esort, K a ma l a , in support of T he G ood S hepherd. D ress code - A t the ra ces, v enue is a ir conditioned. S ta rts a t 9 a m til l l a te. T ickets a t THB 2,200 nett per person, inclusive of brunch a hour beverage package. or more details call 0 6 231 23 e t 5106. roudl supported b ive 9.5 who will be there broadcasting .




Les Diables presents DIVAS & DEVILS show of music s finest shows and performances with the S B S touch. Tickets THB 2 , 5 0 0 per person with sta r inspired f ood a nd a half bottle.Come as a star or ust who ou are. Tickets on sale now, eter 0 1 935 0 5 , Toon 0 9 1 52

5 hours of non stop sport fisihing, held offshore” a round the S imil a n I sl a nds. A s a l wa y s the priz e monies of f ered a re the l a rg est in A sia . ri es include fishing trips, tackle, limited edition prints, and much more. Man boats alread confirmed, including teams from ustralia, Canada, G erma ny , U S A , H ong K ong , the U K a nd S ing a pore. F or f urther deta il s pl ea se conta ct W a rren Crowe 66 0 12 0 291 or nd Bright 66 0 62 399 , info phuketgamefishingclub.com roudl supported b The Phuket News.

EVERY DAY KATA HOT YOGA ‘SENSO- santional’ Healing Package amper ourself with nfinite u ur Spa s S S Bed Chromo therap ackage 120 minutes treatment for 3,600 baht available dail between 10am to pm now until 30 September, 2 0 1 5 . T his cutting edg e trea tment f ea tures T ha iland s onl S S Bed in a Chromo therap technolog , natural marine mud wrap, bod scrub and massage to release tension and balance the mind and bod . Terms and Conditions 1. vailable from ugust 1 till September 30, 2015. 2. T his promotions is not v a l id f or other discounts, promotion a nd priv il eg es. 3 . K a ta R ocks reserv es the rig ht to cha ng e or a mend this of f er without an notification. Contact eservations, reservations@ka ta rocks.com, 0 7 6 3 7 0 7 7 7 .

N ow 3 cl a sses da il y . 9 a m then 5 : 1 5 pm a nd 7 : 1 5 pm cl a sses a re 9 0 minutes. K a ta Y og a the most popul a r yo g a in P huket f or men a nd women. t is the best work out ever, getting strong and fle ible, full of vitalit , t will make ou ver happ and it shows, ou will walk with a big smile on yo ur f a ce, f eel ing g ood. O pen eve ryd a y , rig ht at the beach, ata Beach, ou got to tr , warning : ve ry a ddictive , once yo u sta rt yo u keep coming , yo u neve r wa nt to stop, 2 1 7 khokta nod road kata beach phuket 3100, 0 6 605 950, www.ka ta hotyo g a .com

KATA HOT YOGA FOR EVERYBODY Great Mexican, Thai and Flamegrilled Burgers in a beautiful setting! If o y u ha ve time this month g et down to S ea B reeze l oca ted in R oya l P huket M a rina . O pen 9 a m to 1 0 pm eve ryd a y servi ng home- ma de me ican specialties, flame grilled burgers and Thai specials ll sport available shown live, Contact eservations, info seabree erpm.com, 0 7 6 3 6 0 8 0 6 .

GRILLED MAINE LOBSTER @KATA ROCKS K a ta R ocks is of f ering a n ex cl usiv e sel ection of grilled Maine obster THB 0 menu that will da le our taste buds at lunch or dinner. Contact dining @ka ta rocks.com or 0 7 6 3 7 0 7 7 7 f or compl ete deta il s.

O pen eve ry da y , 3 cl a sses da il y : 9 a .m in the morning , then 5 .1 5 p.m a f ternoon a nd 7 .1 5 p.m eve ning . M en a nd women a l l a g es, j ust come, yo u wil l l ove it. work out a nd stretch. T one yo ur muscl es, l ose f a t, g et in sha pe, a nd f eel g ood. S ee yo u in yo g a cl a ss soon. A ddress : 2 1 7 khoktanod road kata beach phuket 3100, 0 6 6 0 5 9 5 0 , www.ka ta hotyo g a .com

Thai Cooking Class at Bubbles Restaurant R ef resh y our cul ina ry skil l s a nd discov er a n a uthentic Thai local e perience b learning how to cook the l oca l dishes, ex pl oring a uniq ue F isherma n’ s ma rket a nd enj oy ing l ots of del ig htf ul recipes a nd cooking tips a l ong the wa y . T here a re 2 pa cka g es to choose f rom, ha l f - da y & f ul l - da y , sta rt f rom T H B 2 , 0 0 0 / person. P l ea se ca l l or 0 7 6 2 3 1 9 9 9 or h8 1 0 9 @a ccor.com




Crossword by Myles Mellor & Sally York Across 1. Which ship was named after the nickname of the witch Nannie Dee in Robert Burns’s 1791 poem Tam o’ Shanter? Who in e ame the first meri an to tra el into space? 3. If you have otalgia, what are you suffering from? 4. As of 2015, how many MEPs are there in the European Parliament? 5. Which retailer was responsible for the creation of the ISBN book catalogue system? Answers below, centre.


52. Lowest deck on a ship 53. New Delhi salad 1. Pitches a tent 6. When repeated, a cry 56. Martha Stewart meas. of approval 57. No-nothing 10. Agreement 14. Swell 59. Flavor 15. Director Preminger 61. It can be made in good faith 16. Couple’s pronoun 66. Binge 17. Accidental statement egal refi 20. Tasty 68. Downy duck 21. Most wise 69. Cultural doings 22. Cave dweller 70. Tennyson work 24. Baby bird? 71. Happening place 27. “Endymion” poet 28. John Irving’s “A Down Prayer for ___ Meany” 1. “60 Minutes” 30. “How about that!” network 31. Perfect, e.g. 2. “That’s ___!” 32. Secret society 3. Most wet members 4. One of the Three 35. Clothing Bears 37. One way a 5. Breaks off conclusion is 6. Stadium nosh reached i li al su fi 43. Straight, at the bar 8. Dug in 44. In Asia, house section reserved for 9. Deteriorates women 10. Cloth woven from raw silk 45. Some porcelain 49. Common 11. Filthy from long contraction neglect 51. Ripens 12. Pie parts

ri an y 18. In shape 19. Mighty one? 22. Fail miserably 23. On the road 25. Boat race 26. Astute 29. ___’wester 33. Part of some splits 34. Ed.’s request 36. Wood-dressing tool 38. Animal shelter 39. Genetic initials 40. Fashion industry, slangily hange or a fi e oarse file 45. Beethoven’s “Moonlight ___” 46. Editor, at times 47. Dated 48. Giving ones 50. Cheerless 54. Clavell’s “___-Pan” 55. Church recesses 58. Visored cap 60. Ear-related 62. Dejected 63. Attempt 64. Knowledge 65. Palindromic preposition

Solutions to last week’s puzzles:

Answers to this week’s Pop Quiz: 1. Cutty Sark; 2. Alan Shepard; 3. Earache; 4. 751; 5. WHSmith



■ September 25, 1066

The Battle of Stamford Bridge marks the end of the Viking invasions of England.


■ September 26, 1950

gramme of king cobra venom can kill 150 people.

United Nations troops recapture Seoul from North Korean forces.


■ September 27, 1922

King Constantine I of Greece abdicates his throne in favour of his eldest son, King George II.

dollars is how mu h the ag posted on the Moon during the historic Apollo 11 landing was bought for before liftoff from Earth.

■ September 28, 1892

The first night game for American football takes place in a contest between Wyoming Seminary and Mansfield State Normal. Both sides agreed to end at halftime with a 0-0 tie after several players had an unfortunate run-in with a light pole.


people are born every minute, according to UNICEF.


■ September 29, 2007

Calder Hall, the world’s first commercial nuclear power station, is demolished in a controlled explosion.

was the year that children could no longer be legally sent by parcel post in America.

100 million M&M’s are eaten by Americans every day. Source: Uberfacts

This week in history

■ September 30, 1955

Film star James Dean dies in a road accident aged 24.

A much-loved pal gets ready to ride in Rawai. Photo by Hantie Loock Got an unusual or particularly beautiful picture of Phuket? Email it to execeditor@classactmedia.co.th

■ October 1, 1957

First appearance of In God we trust on U.S. paper currency. Source: Wikipedia thephuketnews










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F&B Outlets Manager Best Western Premier Bangtao Beach Resort & Spa, Phuket is looking for F&B Outlets Manager. Position Overview: Primarily responsible for the leadership of all public dining outlets. Ensures overall guest satisfaction. Manage all aspects of the Food & Bev. Outlet(s) including Restaurant and Bar in accordance with company’s health & safety standards. Position Requirements: Minimum of two years supervisory experience in a full service four-five star restaurant preferred. Possesses strong leadership and motivational skills. Possesses strong knowledge of beverage cost control procedures, wines and spirits. Possesses food knowledge in various cuisines and fine dining food service styles. Computer literate with high proficiency in POS, inventory control and spreadsheet applications and word processing. Possesses strong training skills. Work permit will be provided.

Please send your CV to hrbangtao@oceanresortgroup.net or call 076 270688. @thephuketnews





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Wyndham Vacation Ownership welcomes CLUB WYNDHAM ASIA to Phuket in 2015. Are you a results-driven, self-motivated individual with a commitment to delivering an exceptional experience? Register your interest in working for CLUB WYNDHAM ASIA’s very first operations in the South East Asia region. We are currently seeking EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST for the following positions based in Phuket, Thailand:

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guests and giving them the opportunity to attend a sales presentation

• CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR – Sales administration support • RECEPTIONIST – Looking after the front desk of our sales office • GUEST ATTENDANT – Providing our sales guests with refreshments during sales presentations

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If you are outgoing, motivated and passionate about holidays then register your interest for one of the above roles by sending your curriculum vitae to Human Resources at hr@wyn.com.

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Class Act Media is S outhern T ha il a nd’ s most comprehensiv e media compa ny , incorpora ting P huket’ s l ea ding E ng l ish- l a ng ua g e newspa per The Phuket News, R ussia n- l a ng ua g e newspa per Novosti Phuketa, P huket’ s l ea ding E ng l ish ra dio sta tion Live 8 9.5 , the E ng l ish- l a ng ua g e Phuket News TV a nd a host of pub l ica tions a nd serv ices incl uding The Phuket Colouring Book a nd Phuket Ticket Master.

Class Act Media is S outhern T ha il a nd’ s most comprehensiv e media compa ny , incorpora ting P huket’ s l ea ding E ng l ish- l a ng ua g e newspa per The Phuket News, R ussia n- l a ng ua g e newspa per Novosti Phuketa, P huket’ s l ea ding E ng l ish ra dio sta tion Live 8 9.5 , the E ng l ish- l a ng ua g e Phuket News TV a nd a host of pub l ica tions a nd serv ices incl uding The Phuket Colouring Book a nd Phuket Ticket Master.

Class ct Media is southern Thailand s most comprehensive media compan , incorpora ting P huket’ s l ea ding E ng l ish newspa per ‘ The Phuket News’ , R ussia n l a ng ua g e newspa per ' Novosti Phuketa' , huket s leading nglish radio station ‘ Live 8 9.5 ’ , huket nglish T ' Phuket News TV' and a host of publications serv ices incl uding ‘ The Phuket Colouring b ook’ & ‘ Phuket Ticket Master’ .


Chinese Editor


Class Act Media is l ooking f or a yo ung a nd dyn a mic presenter f or our ra dio a nd T V porta l s in P huket. L I V E 8 9 .5 is the l ea ding E ng l ish- spea king ra dio sta tion a nd P huket N ews T V is the isl a nd’ s l ea ding dig ita l T V porta l . H ere’ s our wishl ist f or the idea l a ppl ica nt: yo u’ l l need a g ood comma nd of written a nd spoken E ng l ish y ou’ l l need to know the b a sics of a cq uiring a nd prepa ring news yo u’ l l need to b e comf orta b l e in f ront of a ca mera yo u’ l l need to b e comf orta b l e in f ront of a ra dio microphone T ha is a nd f oreig ners wel come to a ppl y

Responsib ilities:

C l a ss A ct M edia seeks a C hinese E ditor to hea d up our new pub l ica tion T he P huket N ews ( C hinese) , a C hinese- l a ng ua g e newspa per f or S outhern T ha il a nd. T he position is b a sed in P huket.


Be a native Chinese speaker with strong nglish communication skills. This role would suit someone with a strong editing, writing, and manage ment b a ckg round, pref era b l y in newspa pers thoug h those with ma g a z ine ex perience wil l a l so b e considered. deall , candidates will have first hand knowledge of Thailand and its current a f f a irs, cul ture a nd pol itics, b ut a ppl ica nts with a strong connection to A sia a re a l so wel come to a ppl y .

We’ ll provide training for the right person. ( and all the other stuff) I nterested ca ndida tes a re inv ited to send their a ppl ica tions, with f ul l resume, in E ng l ish indica ting q ua l if ica tions, ex perience, recent photo a nd ex pected sa l a ry .A ppl y onl ine a t thephuketnews.com/j ob .php

nterested candidates are invited to send their applications, with full resume, in E ng l ish indica ting q ua l if ica tions, ex perience, recent photo a nd ex pected sa l a ry .A ppl y onl ine a t thephuketnews.com/j ob .php

Class Act Media Co., Ltd.

T ha i or E x pa t. E x cel l ent communica tion a nd neg otia tion skil l s in T ha i a nd E ng l ish. H ig hl y motiv a ted sel f - sta rter with a positiv e a ttitude. W orks wel l under pressure a nd ha s a wil l to succeed.

We offer:

Competitive salar , bonuses and travel e penses.

We offer:

A f riendl y work env ironment, 5 - da y work week ( 8 .3 0 a m- 6 pm) , competitiv e sa l a ry , l oca l hea l th insura nce, work- rel a ted tra v el ex penses, time in l ieu f or ov ertime, a nd the cha nce to l iv e a nd ex perience a g rea t pa rt of the worl d, whil e a l so f urthering y our ca reer. T he position is open to b oth f oreig n a nd T ha i na tiona l s, b ut y ou must b e a na tiv e C hinese spea ker. F or f oreig ners, a work permit a nd v isa wil l b e prov ided.

9 9 / 7 M oo 1 T . K a thu A . K a thu P huket 8 3 1 2 0 T el : 0 7 6 6 1 2 5 5 0 - 2 F a :x 0 7 6 6 1 2 5 5 3


Class Act Media Co., Ltd.

9 9 / 7 M oo 1 T . K a thu A . K a thu P huket 8 3 1 2 0 T el : 0 7 6 6 1 2 5 5 0 - 2 F a x : 0 7 6 6 1 2 5 5 3

friendl work environment. Social securit paid b the compan . cellent career progress opportunities. Interested candidates are invited to send application with full resume, in English, indicating qualifications, experience, recent photo and expected salary.

Apply online at thephuketnews.com/job.php

Class Act Media Co., Ltd.


Moo 1 T. athu . athu huket 3120 Tel 0 6 612 550 2 a 0 6 612 553





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BOATS & YACHTS Marine Surveyors

A n daman M aritime S erv ices ( A M S ) con du ct P re- p u rchase, I n su ran ce & F lag S tate S u rv ey s. B u y in g a b oat? B oat ow n er? A M S has the serv ices y ou n eed. A n thon y , 8 1 / 1 8 M oo. 6 , T .K athu , A .K athu , P hu k et, T hailan d 8 31 2 0 , an thon y @ams- sea.com, 0 8 1 8 9 3 9 9 8 5 , w w w .ams- sea.com

3.1 RIB Y acht tender dinghy

3.1 m S tin g ray R I B w ith 9 .9 hp 4 strok e S u z u k i ou tb oard, storag e cov er, f u el tan k etc. G reat siz e y acht ten der din g hy , as n ew 1 4 0 , 0 0 0 b , P rice : 1 4 0 , 0 0 0 , sc@ acron au tic.com, 0 8 9 8 7 34 0 4 4 .

33/F Gulf Craft W/A

T w o su z u k i 2 2 5 H P ou tb oards - on ly 30 0 hou rs, cu stom made R I B - din g hy w ith small ou tb oard, en g in e electron ics an d hy drau lics, ray marin e G P S / radar/ dep th sou n der, man y ex tras. 3, 8 5 0 , 0 0 0 . T H B , 0 8 9 8 7 3 37 1 3.

4.1 M/40 HP RIB, 0 9 /20 1 4 AS NEW! B ou g ht in sep t. 2 0 1 4 , 1 4 hrs on ly ! su en g in e+ b oat u n der w arran ty ( su p hu k et) . b imin i+ trailer+ tu b e cov 0 9 35 8 4 0 5 6 5 ( ru s/ en g ) 0 9 8 7 0 8 6 ( f r/ en g , 35 0 , 0 0 0 thb , )


z u k i z u k i ers. 6 32

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5 3 f t P ow er C atamaran b y S ilv er P rin cess Y achts. B eau tif u l desig n , comp act y acht w ith sp ace & modern in terior. D imen sion s: 5 3 f t len g th, 2 1 f t b eam, 4 f t draf t, 5 0 p assen g ers, 2 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 T H B , S on n y , 6 6 9 8 8 1 0 5 0 2 4 , w w w .silv er- p rin cess. com, son n y @silv er- p rin cess.com


CAR FOR SALE 20 1 2 Porsche Cayenne S Hybrid

Company Cars For Sale - AS NEW

A L L C ars A u tomat A M odels 1 .H on da C ity z u k i S w if t 34 9 .0 0 0 4 .N 6 39 .0 0 0 6 .C hev rolet T 7 7 9 .0 0 0 A ll cars in top 0 8 6 7 4 7 9 2 9 2 or 0 8 1 9 7

ll low mileag e( 2 0 - 30 T k m) . A ll 2 0 1 3 39 5 .0 0 0 2 .H on da B rio 34 9 .0 0 0 3.S u issan A lmera 34 9 .0 0 0 5 .H on da F reed railb laz er L T Z 9 4 9 .0 0 0 7 .N issan X T rail con dition , w ith leather in terior. C on tact 0 5 2 0 4 .

Toyota Fortuner Turbo Diesel

F O R T U N E R A U T O T u rb o D iesel 1 0 5 0 0 0 K m. M etal. G rey O n e F aran g O w n er T oy ota S erv ice H istory . B ar F ron t an d B ack , E x cellen t con dition B lu e B ook R eg o an d in su ran ce to M ay 2 0 1 6 G oin g O v ersea, P rice : 6 9 5 , 0 0 0 T H B , A n dre A cca, an dre.acca@hotmail.f r, 0 8 1 9 7 9 4 5 4 7 .


t ge n

s al


Honda J az z 20 0 9 1 5 0 0 cc Auto

57 ,000kms. O n e ow n er sin ce n ew .

R eg u larly serv iced b y H on da. T ax an d I n su ran ce u n til the en d of J u n e an d av ailab le n ow at rig ht of f er.R edu ced b y 4 0 , 0 0 0 b ht, P rice : R E D U C E D to 330 , 0 0 0 b ht o.n .o, A n dy + 6 6 8 4 6 9 0 9 1 4 4 , an dy smalster@g mail.com

Everest 4WD Quick Sale

1 0 + y rs b u driv es an d u al. O n ly B ab ov e 4 0 0 f ast sale, p eterh@asian w in d.b iz , 0 8 1 - 8 9 2 6 7 1 0 .


t mechan ically look s g reat. M an 4 5 0 , 0 0 0 or of f ers k con sidered f or B 4 5 0 ,0 0 0 T H B ,

P ow erf u l 38 0 H P , F u ll O p tion : B ose S ou n d, P an o roof , N av ig ator M ap . etc. I mmacu late con dition , n o acciden t, low mileag e, on e ow n er, P rice : 4 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 T H B , P hon e 0 8 6 - 2 8 0 6 5 2 6 .

Subaru Forester X T Turbo for sale

F or sale S u b aru F orester 2 .0 X T A W D C V T . 2 4 0 hp , au to lig ht con trol an d w ip er con trol ( rain y ) . crossov er. P u sh start, x en on , rain sen sor, A B S , air b ag s, electro seats, rev ersin g camera, T V / CD / MP3 / SB / A / HDD/ D V D - V I D E O , E S P , sep arate climate con trol, cru ise con trol, reg u lation steerin g , E B D , hatch, X - mode, acceleration to 1 0 0 k m\ h u n til 7 secon ds, electric tru n k , n u mb er p late f or p resen t) ) , k amila.sema@iclou d.com, 0 8 2 4 1 337 0 7 .


CAR FOR SALE 20 1 2 Toyota Fortuna 24,0 0 0 km

2 0 1 2 P earl w hite T oy ota F ortu n a F or S ale. 3.0 D 4 D V N T u rb o G reat con dition - B aht B lack leather in terior. T ax / in su ran ce till 2 0 1 6 , 9 0 0 , 0 0 0 , L och P alm, K athu , P hu k et, g law re1 2 3@g mail.com, 0 8 9 8 6 6 8 8 2 5 .

Nissan Teana 2.5 Lt

M odel 2 0 1 4 1 7 , 0 0 0 k m. N ew p rice 1 .7 M ln N O W 1 , 0 5 0 , 0 0 0 B aht E n g : 0 8 1 7 8 8 8 2 8 0 T hai: 0 9 0 1 6 3 2 1 4 0 , C on tact M au rice, mau rice.p hu k et@g mail.com , 0 9 0 1 6 32 1 4 0 .

Mitsubishi Paj ero Sports

M itsu b ishi P A 1 con dition C olou r. 9 5 0 0 9 9 36 1 4 5 8 2 30 6 0 .

aj ero S p orts 2 , 1 4 ,0 0 0 K M , S ,0 0 0 T H B E n g : T hai: P h. 0 8 0

0 1 2 , ilv er P h. 38 3




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MOTORBIKES FOR SALE Kawasaki Versys 6 5 0 ABS 20 12

TOYOTA Fortune 20 0 9

S howroom condition, new f rom K a wa sa ki P huket M a y 2 0 1 2 , 2 , 0 0 0 km, H epco & B ecker E ng ine B a rs & R ea r- ra ck, K a wa sa ki H a ndg ua rds a nd P y ra mid H ug g er., 2 2 0 , 0 0 0 T H B , P a ul , 0 8 4 1 3 0 3 2 3 4 , P l ong more@hotma il .com

7 sea ts, S il v er, G P S v ideo, F a mil y ca r D iesel 2 , 6 9 4 cc, B l ue b ook S erv ice history T oy ota P ea rl 7 8 , 0 0 0 kms. A U T O M A T I C tra nsmission, g ol f g uru2 0 0 5 @y a hoo. co.uk, 0 7 6 6 1 5 8 2 7 .

Car For Sale

1 9 9 6 T oy ota C orol l a S eda n, S il v er G ra y . A utoma tic power steering , g ood a ircon, g ood ty res. 1 7 3 , 0 0 kms. N ew S tereo, tinted windows. B a rg a in a t 1 4 5 , 0 0 0 B a ht. K a ma l a . C a l l N orm 0 8 3 1 8 2 2 7 9 7 .

Nissan Teana Special 6 cyl

N issa n T ea na S pecia l 6 cy l N ov emb er 2 0 1 3 1 7 0 0 0 K m N ew price 1 .7 0 0 .0 0 0 . T H B P rice N O W 1 , 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 .T H B , M a urice, M a urice.phuket@g ma il . com, 0 9 9 3 0 2 7 0 7 1 , T ha i: 0 9 0 1 6 3 2 1 4 0 .

TOYOTA Fortune 20 0 6

7 sea ts, B l a ck, F a mil y ca r, P etrol 2 , 9 8 2 cc B l ue b ook, S erv ice history T oy ota P ea rl , 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 kms. A U T O M A T I C tra nsmission, g ol f g uru2 0 0 5 @y a hoo. co.uk, 0 7 6 6 1 5 8 2 7 .

Z oomer-X for sale

Y ea r 2 0 1 3 . G ood condition, one owner, wel l ma inta ined, P rice 4 5 , 0 0 0 b a ht. P l s ca l l Y ui 0 8 8 7 6 5 5 8 8 2

CAR FOR RENT ha v e a true f ul l B 1 4 0 0 0 mua ng ,


Long term car rental

g ood ca r renta l , T oy ota V ios, prof essiona l insura nce a nd 2 4 , S oi S ukee 4 0 / 1 9 moo 9 C ha nina sca rs@g ma il .com, 0 8 9 6 4

M a z da 2 or simil a r with / 7 support M onthl y ra tes o f a ea st rd 3 9 cha l ong 8 0 4 9 9 .

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES German b akery & deli & snack

M a in roa d, 8 y ea rs cl ientel e, ta ke ov er + incl . tra ining compl ete eq uipment, sta f f room, 3 or 5 y ea rs l ea sing contra ct. Y ea rl y v ol ume 4 mio. ha nsib a kery @g ma il .com, P rice: 3 .5 mil l ion, C onta ct M r. S ta rk, a nsib a kery @g ma il .com

Best Deal

R a wa i b usiness f or sa l e. A rea a pprox 2 R a i, ca n do resta ura nt or other b usiness.F iv e mins f rom b ea ch. L ong term l ea se, y ea rl y rent B 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 4 b edrooms house incl uded. R educe f rom B 9 8 0 , 0 0 0 to B 5 2 0 , 0 0 0 . C onta ct K hun A soke a t 0 8 9 6 4 6 7 1 7 6 / b ig _ redchil i@y a hoo.com

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Bangla Nightclub for Lease

I ncl udes top end l ig hting a nd sound sy stems, P O S , f ridg es a nd f urniture. N o key money , j ust rent. S impl y a dd stock a nd sta f f to b e rea dy to g o, C onta ct: S tev e, stev epea rcerg j @ hotma il .co.uk, 0 8 9 5 8 7 0 8 1 9 ( E N ) .

Restaurant on Main Street

L a rg e, ta stef ul l y decora ted resta urant in Cherngtala . ull fitted and eq uipped kitchen, 1 0 0 sea ts, b a r. W a l k in a nd sta rt b usiness. A sking B 1 .4 mil l . 0 8 9 4 0 0 5 9 0 7 .

Wellness Centre For Sale

O cea n B reez e R esidence. T ota l l a nd 1 , 8 0 0 sq .m ( 5 R a i) . L oca ted on K ho K ha o I sl a nd. ( a b out 2 0 kms. f rom K ha o L a k) ex a ctl y on stunning b ea ch f ront. B uil t in y ea r 2 0 1 1 . A ccommoda tion: 8 V il l a s, 6 O ne- B edroom A pa rtment, 6 T wo- B edroom A pa rtment. * * 9 0 % b ooked f or a ccommoda tion in H ig h S ea son* * , P rice: 1 8 0 M B , b enj a ma s.newdetox @g ma il .com, 0 6 1 - 2 0 7 2 0 7 7 .

Bar For Sale O Top Markets

B a r F or S a l e with f ul l tra ding history showing increa sing g rowth. I ncl udes 4 M il B ht T ha i compa ny & 1 W ork P ermit. G rea t L oca tion, g ood customer b a se, P rice : 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , P erson : cha rl ie keny on, cha rl ie@pa ddy ma l ones.com.a u, 0 8 4 1 8 5 8 7 1 9 .

CATERING EQUIPMENT Tommy’ s 2 Tuk Tuk’ s for sale!

E x cel l ent condition, wel l ma inta ined. S ta nda rd 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 / f ood truck 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 . C a l l 0 8 1 9 0 8 9 7 2 4 or T om.somsa nuk@g ma il .com

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE CAMERA b ab y car seats for sale

B A K L O N G C dition, suita b P rices a re T H f or onl y T H B

a r S ea t - V ery g ood conl e f or newb orn to 2 5 K G . B 4 , 0 0 0 per sea t, b uy b oth 7 ,0 0 0 .C a ll 0 8 6 4 7 9 7 4 7 1 .

MEMBERSHIPS Blue Canyon Memb ership

B l ue C a ny on M emb ership f or sa l e. 1 corpora te nominee f or sa l e T H B 6 3 0 , 0 0 0 inc tra nsf er f ee. g ra ha mha sl a m@ hotma il .com





Buy&Sell ACTIVITIES, GROUPS Free Tiya’s Hammocks campaign

Win Free hammock from Tiya’s Hammocks Phuket. Winner will get V Weave hammock, handmade f rom N orth of T hailan d, weight capacity 250 kgs. Value 5,200 THB. More details visit Facebook: Tiya’s hammocks, Contact: Tiya, tiya@tiyashammocks.com, 089 600 0041.






5 mins to Laguna/Layan, Cozy LoftCountry-Tuscany style, 3+1 BED 3 Bath+Jacuzzi, Land 224 sqm Built 240 sqm Architect owner, Quick sale, Price: 4.65 M, Contact: kwansucha@hotmail.com , 0944246142.

The Base Downtown

Fully-Furnished Condo,200 m. from Central. 1BR Starts 3 MB. R eady to mov e in . T el: 0 8 1 8198539, sarinthornyang@ g mail.com

Roof top Patong Mini Golf

T he b est sea v iew 1 8 H oles, roof top M in i G olf . L ocated on the 4th floor of Banana Walk Plaza in P aton g , 0 9 1 7 6 2 2 6 2 8 , http : / / p aton g min ig olf .com

Detached Villa in Phuket Town

GRAND BOAT PLAZA, new modern villa with 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms for long term rental 35,000 THB/month or buy for 7.78 MB in the perfect location of Phuket town, Safe and quiet place among the mountain view. 5 mins. to Tesco Lotus. 095 2577 998.

OTHER Office Space Laguna

Office Space Laguna - Plaza del Mar Fully Furnished offices 4 Office Suite plus boardroom Rent entire unit or individual office 0 8 0 0 4 5 4 4 7 4 .



Contact: maurice schelvis, Address: 133/66 patakRd phuket 83100, Phone: 0817888280, maurice.phuket@gmail.com

Resort for sale lease any offer consider! I want go sailing again!!, Address : 67/18 Soi Sermsuk Rawai Phuket, bigasail@samart.co.th, Contact +66 (0)86 9401860.

For Sale

Luxury 4 bed Villa

Industrial over locker. Whitehouse Brand. 3 Thread. Brand new never used. Full tool kit. Bargain at 12,000 Baht. Call Sandi 087 2 6 4 0 7 7 8 .

Luxury 4 bed Villa, 3 Bungalows & lan d f or sale in N ai H arn area. V iew w eb site at w w w . phuketvilla.forsale for complete details. Asking 39.9MB.


We are 15 weeks old. We are very sweet with p eop le an d can g et alon g easy w ith other dogs too! We hope you are the on e w ho can g iv e us a home. We will protect your house and love to cuddle. We already got some basic training. If you are interested in us you will get 2 dog training lesson s f or f ree.A dog is of ten hap p ier w hen they hav e a f rien d around. These are best friends, so it would be best if they can stay together, Diana Koster, info@phuket-dog-resort.com, 083 599 6017.

Anuphas Golfville House- Kathu

L an d 1 6 2 sq w a. L arg e P ool/ Jacuzzi-3 Bed-4 Bath-Office-2 Storage BuildingAlarm System and much more. Reduced 22MB to 18MB for Quick Sale, Contact: mrgeoffcurry@yahoo.com, Si + 6 6 8 1 9 7 0 8 8 9 6 T H / E N G G eof f + 6 6 8 1 8 5 4 0 0 6 1 E N G .

3 Bedroom Detached, Big Garden

2 toy poodles for adoption 2 toy poodles dumped on the side of a busy road in Rawai, Now looking f or a n ew home C on tact : S herin . peace@gmail.com for inquires P rice: 5 , 8 4 0 , 0 0 0 B aht, K oh K aew , C 084 877 3566

KITCHEN SERVICE The Knife-grinder service

Mobile sharpening service for knives and meat slicer blades, blunt knives sharp en ed p rof ession ally w ith G erman know-how., Contact: Mr. Dirk, thekn if eg rin der@hotmail.com, 0 8 7 2 7 6 5 8 6 9 .

PROPERTY FOR SALE Sale: Semi detached house

Living room 2 double bedrooms 1 fitted furniture and en-suite fitted kitchen, office, b athroom, carp ort, g arden Land 188sqm, house 75sqm. Price : 1,800,000, Contact Khun Peter, Baan Pleunjan 2, Paklok, Talang, lowprofile@mail.com, 0869051406.


g mail.com, 0 8 6 0 4 0 6 8 6 6 .

29/60 Chuan Cheun Lagoon, n ear B ritish S chool & B oat L agoon Marina (shops, gym,swim p ool) . 2 C han ode lan d titles 584 sq.m. Good water supply. Private cul-de-sac location, on tact: A J , adrian .j .simp son @


Beautiful 4 bed & 4 bath 260sqm house on 800sm land plot. Interior living area plus 2 car garage, 74sqm Sala & pool. IN RAWAI/ NAIHARN. Price: 12.75M. David R osamon d. dav id_ rosamon d@ y ahoo.com, T el: 0 8 7 2 6 7 1 2 8 2 .

Beachfront House

4-Bedroom house on semipriv ate b each av ailab le f or sale an d ren t. C an easily b e div ided in to tw o sep arate an d iden tical p rop erties. T he ren tal/ sale can also include a self-contained 1-bedroom bungalow, Price: 18.2 MB, Rent 110,000 THB, Alex Seago, home@thaivillaboutique.com, 087-8923876.

Beach Front Land

Absolute Beach Front Land for S ale F rom on ly 1 , 7 0 0 , 0 0 0 B aht p er Rai. Let your dreams come true!! P lease g o to w w w .thailan dliv in g . lif e, P rice: 1 , 7 0 0 , 0 0 0 , P atchan ee K lon g dee, in f o@thailan dliv in g .lif e

Make money NOW Kata Beach House

Are you tired of driving to work? Buy this now! Great Location, Spa, 7 Bedroom, 7 Bathroom, all with kitchens. Rent or live with good income. 5 minutes walk to the b each ขายของได้, P rice : 9 M B or Offer , Person : Khun Arreerat , Email : nalumana2000@yahoo.com, kataari@ yahoo.com , Phone : 086 595 8512, 081 970 4638.

House in Karon for Sale.

Hard to find 3 bed room , 3 bath room house for sale in the perfect location n ear K ata & K aron b each, w ell main tain ed w ith a salt w ater p ool, P rice : 1 6 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , N arrisara (Tic), 7/8 Patak Soi 10, Karon, g-acoates@hotmail.com, 0 9 9 1 6 4 2 9 9 1 .

Sea view land in Patong

T he L ast P iece of S ea V iew L an d on Prime Location in Patong, just 500 m. from Patong beach, 1.3 KM. to Jungceylon Shopping Mall, Contact: Karuna, kpattarawalee@ gmail.com,089-967-5373.

Panoramic Sea View Land

P an oramic S ea V iew L an d n ear M ission H ill 6 rai. C han ote title 37,000 THB per square wah, hand - over fees included. Ideal for p ool v illas, hotel an d con do. F ree consulting by expert - Project references. Dewa Resort & Spa Phuket and Mama Resort Phi Phi island etc. Contact: Pa Klock, 083 389 7799, 082 894 6699.

Patong sea view land

L ocated in P aton g w ith the siz e of 1 2 0 0 sq m. S ellin g p rice at 10.5 Million THB, with a chanote certificate (allowed to construct an y sort of p roj ect) . A lso, the lan d is dev ided in three p arts of chan ote, an d can b e sold sep arately w ith a n eg otiab le p rice ran g e f rom the sellin g p rice of 1 0 .5 M T H B , M r. F ern an do P arrella. C on tact: p arrella.f ern an do@g mail.com or 0 9 2 9 4 9 9 6 9 7 .






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PROPERTY FOR SALE Pool Villa Patong 7.9MB

B ea utif ul F reehol d G erma n b uil t deta ched home. 3 b ed, 3 b a th, E uro K itchen, open pl a n, + g a ra g e. F ul l f urn. C l ose b ea ch & S hopping C tre, K hun O sca r, E ma il : oz oskr@hotma il .com , P hone : 0 8 7 - 8 9 3 1 7 5 3 .

PROPERTY FOR SALE Ocean View Land Kamala

H a l f ra i 7 9 7 sq .m. cl ea red a nd l ev el ed, power connected, sea l ed roa d, M U S T S E L L 6 .7 5 mil l ion. F or E N G 0 9 0 4 9 2 3 1 0 1 T H A 0 9 3 7 6 8 6 6 9 4 .

Waterfront Condominium

New Twin House Only 1.77Mil.

O ne storey twin house, 3 b edrooms a nd 2 b a throoms with kitchen, a l l l iv ing spa ce is 8 1 S q .M . a nd l a nd is 4 6 - 4 9 S q .wa . L oca ted a t P a kl ock, j ust onl y 1 0 minute f rom M onument. N ea r the a irport, S urin B ea ch a nd M ission H il l G ol f C l ub . K hun S uwit , T el 0 8 1 8 9 5 6 9 6 9 .


S ea - V iew L a nd & L ux ury V il l a proj ect in K a ma l a incl uding a rchitect pl a ns & b uil ding permit f or 9 v il l a s, 4 0 0 0 m2 sa l e onl y T H B 3 0 M B , M I O , pupil l opa sca l @g ma il .com C a l l : 0 8 8 7 6 8 0 9 4 2 .

Awesome ocean view

C l ea red b l ock with sea l ed roa d a nd power a t K a ma l a H eig hts. 1.6kms to beach and post office. 7 9 7 sq m with sa f e titl e. 6 .7 5 mil l O no phone owner, C onta ct: Y ok, y oty 3 0 @hotma il .com, 0 9 3 7 6 8 6 6 9 4 , 0 8 1 0 7 7 1 6 0 0 .

T he C l ea t C ondo, residence proj ect in K ra b i B oa t L a g oon M a rina . P rice 3 - 9 M B , siz e 3 7 1 1 9 S q .M ., 1 or 2 b edroom, ma rina v iew. F or rent/ sa l e. ma rketing @phuketproperty trip.com

PROPERTY FOR RENT Luxury 1 Bedroom Apartment

L ux ur y 1 b edroom ser v iced ground floor apartment, 65 SQM, C entra l P a tong . A v a il a b l e now f or this H ig h S ea son. S hort or l ong term. F or deta il s, ia nscondo2 1 @ g ma il .com

Apartments w/ Pool Chalong

G rea t l oca tion! 2 - B ed & S tudio a ir- con a pa rtments f or rent. S pecia l ra tes S eptemb er: f rom 8 , 0 0 0 b a ht/ mth f or sel ect S tudios a nd 1 8 , 0 0 0 f or 2 - B ed incl W iF i, ma id, kitchenette. E x cel l ent hig h- sea son ra tes too. S ha red pool . www.cha l ong a pa rtment. com, P rice: 8 0 0 0 , P hone: 0 8 6 2 8 2 6 2 2 1 .


O pp B room pa rk, 4 8 0 , + 7 9 7 1 0 H O T M

kk H with el ev a 6 6 9 3 0 8 , ID A I L .C

ospita l , 4 b a l cony , P tor, P H : 0 7 6 4 0 5 5 5 4 , R E S ID E N O M

0 S V 6 + 6 C E

Q M ca r 2 5 4 6 8 1 S @

Patong Tower Condo

1 or 2 b edroom corner a pa rtment 7 6 sq m. 2 7 0 deg ree b ea ch & mountain views, 9th floor, kitchen, 2 b a l conies. R ent 3 9 , 0 0 0 b a ht per month, or b uy f or 9 .5 M B . C onta ct: J ohn, P a tong : j studer@l ox inf o.co.th, 0 8 1 0 8 0 8 8 3 1 .


D irect b ea ch f ront l a nd f or rent. L ong a nd short term. A rea 2 4 0 0 sq meter with b ea ch f ront of 4 0 meter, C onta ct: M r. N a rin, na rinpg a @g ma il .com, 0 8 1 8 2 6 9 3 9 0 .

2 Luxury Condo, Fully-Furnished

“ T he B a se D owntown” 3 5 sq m. nea r C entra l F estiv a l 1 6 , 0 0 0 T H B / M onth, “ P a tong L of t” 5 6 sq m. 5 M in. to P a tong b ea ch 2 5 , 0 0 0 T H B / M onth, P rice : 1 6 , 0 0 0 2 5 , 0 0 0 T H B , M r. A oody , a ood1 6 @hotma il .com, 0 9 9 - 5 1 6 9 9 5 9 , 0 9 5 - 9 7 9 9 3 5 6 ( E ng l ish & T ha i)

House for rent - Near Pah-klok

L ong term, q ua l ity f urnishing s, nea r H eroines M onument, 3 b ed, 2 baths plus office. Good garden. THB35,000 per month. Call 0 8 7 8 7 8 5 8 0 4 .





a a

Steven Layne editor@thephuketnews.com


hu k et U ni t ed ’ s 2 7 -y earold H ead C oach, C halerm p ong “ S am ” S angd ee has ex p ressed grat i t u d e t o p lay ers and fans follow i ng t he season conclu si on last S u nd ay ( S ep t 2 0 ) , and an ov erall sat i sfact ory season resu lt . I n a w rap , t he A nd am an P earl w on 1 4 m at ches, d rew fi v e, and lost ei ght for 4 4 p oi nt s, conclu d i ng t hei r t hi rd season in Thailand’s elite fivea-si d e leagu e i n 5 t h p lace ou t of 1 4 t eam s. Their finale on Sunday was an ex ci t i ng 1 2 -goal t hri ller, 6 -6 d raw aw ay t o S u rat T hani . S u rat op ened t he scori ng i n t he t hi rd m i nu t e of p lay w i t h P u gu n D ongd u ng cu t t i ng i n from t he left w i ng and d ri v i ng hom e a ri ght foot ed shot at t he far p ost . T he L i ght ni ng S hri m p d ou b led t hei r lead a m i nu t e lat er w hen P u gan p lay ed a long b all t o P ornt hep S onam i t on t he left t ou chli ne, w ho q u i ck ly d i v ert ed t he b all i n 1 -2 fashi on t o E k ap ong S u rat saw ang ad v anci ng i nt o t he area, w here he si m p ly slot t ed t he ba ll i nt o t he goal. T he hom e t eam w ou ld go u p 3 -0 on t he 1 2 t h m i nu t e t hrou gh Ki t t i p ong P ochai , w ho si ngle-hi ghhand ed ly ( foot ed ly ) d rov e t he b all t hrou gh P hu k et rank s, fu ll p i t ch, i nt o t he area where he finished nicely with hi s ri ght foot . T hree m i nu t es lat er, P hu k et w as aw ard ed a sp ot k i ck w hen G u gu st ole t he b all b efore b ei ng t ak en d ow n i n t he area. A nu w at P annop p ha t ook t he honou rs, b eat i ng S u rat ’ s k eep er w i t h a grou nd er at t he ri ght p ost . A m i nu t e af t er t hat , P hu k et ’ s com eb ack gai ned m om ent u m w hen Ki t t i p ong st ru ck at goal from t he ri ght w i ng, a shot t hat w as b lock ed and d eflect ed b y t he hom e t eam ’ s k eep er, st rai ght ba ck t o J ack son S ant os, w ho w as p osi t i oned p erfect ly i n t he area, and from w here he follow ed u p w i t h a p i erci ng left foot from close range. S u rat regrou p ed , and i n t he final minute of play executed b ri lli ant b all m ov em ent cu lm i nat i ng w i t h a k i ck i nt o t he area t hat hi t t he arm of P hu k et ’ s S u i t t i p orn Klu d charoen and w as d eem ed a hand ba ll. C hak ri n P i su t p u n’ s su b seq u ent p enalt y w as u ncont est ed on t he ri ght p ost t o b ri ng hi s si d e u p 4 -2 at half-t i m e. . I n t he fou rt h m i nu t e of t he second half S u rat fest i v e fu n w as fu eled fu rt her on a fast @thephuketnews

earl fi i

o S orer

fi t

Gomes Miranda Renato Bangkok FC 27

Kritsada Chudet Siam Navy 33



2 Jackson Santos Phuket United 25

3 Suttiporn Kludcharoen

Pornthep Somamet Suratthnani 25


Phuket Utd 20



Ulit Rotsanakarn Samut Prakarn 20

Coach Sam, 27, is grateful to players and supporters.

FTPL after Week 26 of 26 Team

Phuket United finished in fine fashion on Sunday.

Chonburi are 7-time FTPL champs. b reak cou nt er b y Ki t t i p ong resulting in Pornthep’s first goal of t he m at ch. I n si m i lar fashi on, t hree m i nu t es lat er, J ack son S ant os scored hi s second , t he assi st cred i t ed t o A nu w at for a 5 -3 scoreli ne. T hen, on t he 3 0 t h m i nu t e J ack son st ole t he b all m i d p i t ch. W i t h only t he k eep er t o b eat he p assed t he ba ll t o P u chong C haroensri hu t sana, ad v anci ng u nm ark ed on t he left wing, who finished with p erfect i on for 5 -4 cont ent i on. T h ree m i nu t es lat er, P hu k et fi nally scored t he eq u ali ser at 5 -5 t hrou gh a set -p lay i ni t i at ed b y T hanak orn P i y ap reechay u t on t he corner, p lay ed t o G u gu w ho had p enet rat ed t he area, w here he easily flicked the ball into t he b ack of t he net . B ot h si d es t ri ed hard for t he w i nner i n t he rem ai ni ng m i nu t es, and i t ap p eared t hat t he hom e t eam had fou nd i t w hen P ornt hep scored hi s do u b le w i t h li t t le m ore t han t w o and half m i nu t es left on t he clock . B u t i t w ou ld b e P hu k et ’ s leading scorer to finish the m at ch and season w i t h hi s brilliant hat trick in the final m i nu t e p lay , head i ng i n a long-range t hrow from t he k eep er t o set t le t he score 6 -6 . C oach S am i ssu ed t he follow i ng st at em ent on hi s

F aceb ook p rofi le aft er t he m at ch: “ I w ou ld li k e t o t ak e t hi s op p ort u ni t y t o t hank y ou all for ev ery op p ort u ni t y t hat b rou ght u s t o t hi s p oi nt – all season long, ev ery sm i le and lau gh. E v en t hou gh t here m ay hav e b een som e su fferi ng and

m i ssed ex p ect at i ons, ev ery one alw ays help ed t o ensu re t he b est p ossi b le resu lt . “ N ot ev ery t hi ng w as sat i sfact ory , p art i cu larly ou r aw ay -record , b u t w e’ re alw ay s w ork i ng hard t o ensu re ou r m i st ak es w i ll t each u s how t o m ov e forw ard so t hat

fans can be satisfied, because w i t hou t y ou w e w ou ld n’ t b e here t od ay . ” P hu k et had t w o p lay ers finish in the top six for golden b oot , J ack son S ant os and S u t t i p u rn Klu t charoen, w ho w ere j oi nt -3 rd and 4 t h, resp ect i v ely . Meanw hi le C honb u ri cel-

t GD



72 93



49 31


Thai Port

46 31


Samut Sakhon

45 15


Phuket Utd



Siam Navy

40 11


N Ratchasima

38 -9



35 -12




32 -8


Si Pathum Sisaket

31 -6


Samut Prakarn

25 -35



25 -44


Khon Kaen

21 -32



16 -44

eb rat ed t hei r 7 t h leagu e t i t le follow i ng t hei r resp ect i v e 3 -2 w i n ov er T hai P ort ; t he B lu e W av e w on t he t i t le b y an ou t st and i ng 2 3 p oi nt m argi n. T he t w o t eam s t o b e relegat ed from t he F T P L are 1 3 t h p laced Khon Kaen and 1 4 t h p lace C A T F C , w hi le t hei r rep lacem ent s from t he fi rst d i v i si on are y et t o b e confirmed in final matches t o b e p lay ed o u t t hi s w eek .




Phuket drop further in the red FOOTBALL

YAMAHA League One 2015 Week 27/38 Team


The Phuket News editor@thephuketnews.com

hu k et F C cli m b ed d eep er i nt o t he relegat i on z one w hen t hey w ere d efeat ed b y C hi angm ai F C at t hei r 7 0 0 t h A nni v ersary S t ad i u m last S u nd ay ( S ep t 2 0 ) . G oi ng i nt o t he gam e, P hu k et sat at 1 8 t h i n t he leagu e t ab le w hi lst C hi angm ai w ere second from b ot t om i n 1 9 t h p lace. A v i ct ory for P hu k et w ou ld hav e seen t hem cli m b one p lace i n t he t ab le and one st ep closer t o av oi d i ng relegat i on; how ev er, t hat w asn’ t t o b e t he case. C hi angm ai F C had st art ed t he game strongly and forced the first sav e from R oni n’ s second choi ce goalk eep er N at chanon J ot aw orn only five minutes into the game. H ow ev er, P hu k et alm ost t ook t he lead on 1 2 m i nu t es w hen a w ell t ak en T hanet B enp ard free k i ck forced C hi angm ai ’ s k eep er P rap haw i n S i ri t hongsop ha t o m ak e an ex cellent sav e. A not her chance for t he R oni ns cam e from B eli n N d eb i w ho on 2 2 m i nu t es b eat C hai ngm ai ’ s offsi d e t rap , b u t once agai n P rap haw i n show ed hi s cool and som ehow st op p ed t he b all from crossi ng t he goal li ne. A nd j u st b efore t he half-t i m e w hi st le, P hu k et F C ’ s p lay m ak er,

Phuket FC’s captain Yusuke Sato battles with Chiangmai’s Spanish defender Rafael Wellington Perez. Photo: Phuket FC V asan S am arnsi n, also had an effort sav ed from t he i nform k eep er P rap haw i n. I t w as 9 m i nu t es i nt o t he second half w hen C hi angm ai F C b rok e t he d ead lock w hen a st ri k e from C hak i ri n D eek asom from 1 8 y ard s ou t hi t t he b ack of t he net . O n 6 2 m i nu t es, hop i ng for a change of fort u ne, P hu k et F C

b rou ght on P i p at T onk any a t o rep lace Prathan Senala and five minutes from t i m e he alm ost got an eq u ali ser b u t hi s close range head er w as once agai n d eni ed b y P rap aw i n. B ot h t eam s had chances i n t he closi ng m i nu t es of t he gam e, b u t none managed to find the net. The score rem ai ned 1 -0 at fu ll t i m e and m eant t hat P hu k et d rop p ed 1 p lace









Police United



















NP United










Pattaya United










Thai Honda










Air Force










Bangkok FC










Angthong FC










Prachuap FC




















Sukhothai FC










PTT Rayong










Krabi FC










Phichit FC






























Phuket FC










Ayutthaya FC










Chiangmai FC










Trat FC









1 2

t o 1 7 t h, fou rt h from b ot t om i n t he t ab le and d eep er i nt o t he relegat i on z one. S p eak i ng aft er t he m at ch, P hu k et F C coach S ongy ot “ D ang” Kli nsri su k t old m ed i a t hat goi ng i nt o t he gam e P hu k et had m any k ey


p lay ers ou t w i t h i nj u ri es and t hi s showed in the final score. “ T he p lay ers t hat w e d i d hav e on the field today tried their hardest and w ere u nlu ck y not t o com e ou t w i t h a d raw . W e st i ll hav e m any p rob lem s t o solv e, ” he sai d .

Run: #1544: Saturday September 26, 2015; Run Start Time: 4:00pm Hares: No Hope, Singha, Silent Running Location: Baan Lipon Directions: From Heroines Monument carry on North for approximately 3.7 km to the first set of traffic lights and turn right (this is 200 metres after the PTT petrol station). Head East for approximately 2 km and the Laager is on the left, under the Pylon Line. HHH truck will be marked. Limited parking for trucks under the pylons, cars park to one side of the road. Bus pick-up: Patong @ Expat Hotel: 2:30pm; Kamala @ Baan Rim Klong: 3pm More info: phuket-hhh.com





Surf Food

he rew on drenaline sailed a near er e t ra e to ross the finish line more than half an hour ahead of their nearest rival. Photo: Brian Stamm

Adrenaline rushes by in hazy bay SAILING Chris Husted editor@classactmedia.co.th


ocal 40-foot trimaran Adrenaline zipped around Chalong Bay last weekend to cross the finish line more than 3 0 minutes ahead of their nearest rival to win Race 4 of Series 2 in the Phuket Yacht Club (PYC) race series for 2015. In what was dubbed postrace as a “near perfect sail”, the crew led by Phuket sailing stalwarts Mark Horwood and Mick Kealy rounded the cans in steady breeze on Sunday (Sept 20) to maintain there overall lead in the series. The crew are sitting pretty in the lead on six points, with two wins and


two second-place finishes. Mark Pescott’s Summersalt, despite coming undone on Sunday by sailing into a windless hole on the last leg heading to the finish line to claim only third place on the day, holds second place overall with nine points. Grenville Fordham and Bob Mott’s Niñ a claimed second place on Sunday, but remains in fourth place overall, with Kirill Stashevskiy’s G aleforce holding onto third place overall with 11 points. Meanwhile, pressure is building in the Monohull class, with the all-ladies crew on Farrgo E x press on Sunday outsailing Niels D egen kolw’s Phoenix to win the race and close the gap on the leader board to just two points.

Phoenix remains in the top spot with five points, while Farrgo E x press, skippered by Elizabeth Schoch, is on seven points, and there are five more races to go in the 2015 series. Mig Wehrle’s Aqua was placed third on Sunday and secure its third place overall, with 12 points amassed from four third-place finishes in the current series. Race 5 of the PYC Series 2 will be held on Sunday, October 4. All are welcome to join, regardless of sailing experience. For more information about the PY C, to join the race series or to check out the sailing school or clubhouse facilities, visit: PhuketY achtClub.com

SURF SPOT Tim Campbell in f o@sk y lap hu k et.com

I REMEMBER GROWING up as a kid and watching TV commercials of Nutrigrain, promoted as an ironman food, and a cereal that mums gave their young ocean champions. I grew up thinking I had to eat that cereal which would turn me into a muscle surfing machine. Now ‘ a little’ smarter than when I was a grommet, I have come to learn what foods are actually foods and in turn have a positive effect on our bodies.

As a surfer we exert fast short bursts of energy as well as long endurance stamina. In a nut shell, surfers need to be eating slow releasing energy foods between surfs and fast releasing energy foods thirty minutes before they hit the waves. Just like stretching and in-between surf workouts, we an hel im rove our surfing

by what we shove into our mouths. For more info on what foods to eat check out Facebook: ‘ Skyla’s Surf & SU P Club’

Tim’s Tip

As rice is our staple diet in Asia, eat brown rice instead of white rice, it will give you longer lasting energy.




Thalang victorius TCT claim final victory ahead of T20 final versus Patong CRICKET


he Mad ras C afe S u p erk i ngs fell 6 4 ru ns short of t he T halang C ri ck et T eam ( T C T ) score i n t he last m at ch of t he O u t ri gger T 2 0 season last S u nd ay ( S ep t 2 0 ) at t he A lan C ook e C ri ck et G rou nd i n T halang. F ar from a d ead ru b b er, t he m at ch p rov i d ed an op p ort u ni t y for T C T t o fine tune their grand final p rep arat i ons, and w i t h only net ru n rat e sep arat i ng 4 t h and 5 t h, t he resu lt p rov ed enou gh t o cast t he S u p erk i ngs d ow n t o 5 t h and ou t of t he fri end ly t o b e p lay ed on S u nd ay ( S ep t 2 7 ) . S i m on W et herell w on t he t oss for T C T and chose for hi s si d e t o b at . H e and A nd rew McMi llan got aw ay to a flying start thanks to inaccurate bowling. The first ov er b ow led b y A am i r A li w ent for 1 8 ru ns i n t ot al. T he

A deft touch from Mudasir Rehman sends a Barrie Buck’s delivery on its way. Photo: Michael Way nex t t w o ov ers w ent for j u st 4 ru ns b u t t he T C T st rok e m ak ers cou ld n’ t b e held d ow n for long and raced t o 9 3 from 9 ov ers. A t t hat t i m e, W et herell ( 3 5 ru ns from 3 1 b alls) su ccu m b ed t o t he w arm cond i -

t i ons and ret i red from hi s i nni ngs. A t d ri nk s, T C T w ere 1 0 9 / 1 McMi llan 5 1 not ou t . McMi llan p u t t he S u p erk i ngs t o t he sw ord aft er t he d ri nk s b reak . L eg-si d e b ou nd ari es w ere a feat u re of McMi llan’ s i nni ngs as he

ent ert ai ned t he onlook i ng P A C T p lay ers i n t he st and s and p ow ered hi m self t o t he hi ghest score ev er i n t he T 2 0 at t he A C G . W i t h a cent u ry i n si ght , Mu d asi r R ehm an fou nd McMi llan’ s ed ge and R ahu l

D angw al t ook t he cat ch. H i co McD onald and C rai g Mu rp hy ad d ed anot her 1 5 ru ns from t he last 9 b alls t o p ost t he hi ghest t ot al of t he O u t ri gger T 2 0 season. T C T 1 9 6 / 3 , McMi llan 9 6 ( 6 1 ) , W et herell 3 5 ( 3 1 ) ,

M. R ehm an 1 / 3 3 . N eed i ng a close resu lt t o hold on t o 4 t h p osi t i on t he S u p erk i ngs had an early set b ack losi ng 2 / 1 0 t o a great sp ell of b ow li ng from B arri e B u ck . S hah U llah d i d w hat he cou ld for t he S u p erk i ngs d raggi ng t hei r score u p t o 6 4 / 2 at t he d ri nk b reak . Mark W het t on t rap p ed U llah 4 2 ( 4 6 ) L B W i n t he 1 3 t h ov er and regu lar w i ck et s fell t hereaft er. W et herell gav e all 1 0 of hi s p lay ers a b ow l i n p rep arat i on for nex t Sunday’s final. T he S u p erk i ngs i nni ngs finished on 6 132, Ullah 42 ( 4 6 ) , M. R ehm an 2 3 ( 3 4 ) , B u ck 2 / 6 . T he score w asn’ t enou gh t o i m p rov e t hei r net ru n rat e and w i ll m ean t hat aft er P at ong and T C T p lay i n t he O u t ri gger T 2 0 F i nal t o b e held at t he A lan C ook e C ri ck et G rou nd on S u nd ay , L agu na w i ll p lay t he P hu k et A si an C ri ck et T eam ( P A C T ) . Andrew McMillan

Starwood Hotels & Resorts Gears Up for ‘Run to Give’ Fun Run L E

ME R I D I E N P H U KE T B each R esort and T he N ak a I sland , A L u x u ry C ollect i on R esort & S p a P hu k et , on Mond ay ( S ep t 2 1 ) annou nced t he annu al S t arw ood H ot els & R esort s chari t y ru n 2 0 1 5 ‘ R u n t o G i v e’ . T he ev ent w i ll b e held i n d i fferent ci t i es and resort d est i nat i ons across t he A si a Pacific and scheduled to debut on O ct ob er 1 1 t h at B ang W ad D am - Kat hu , P hu k et . T he p u b li c i s i nv i t ed t o p art i ci p at e i n S t arw ood ‘ R u n t o G i v e’ , si nce i t i s a chari t y ru n ev ent and t hey encou rage local com m u ni t i es t o ex p lore t hei r local su rrou nd i ngs, as w ell as ev olv i ng w ellness ex p eri ences and rai si ng fu nd s for t he local chari t i es. E nt ry for t he 1 0 k m race i s B 3 5 0 p er p erson and at hlet es w i ll com p et e b y gend er as a general ent ry or i n t he follow i ng age grou p s; 2 0 -2 9 , 3 0 -3 9 , 4 0 -4 9 , 5 0 -5 9 , 6 0 y ears old and ov er. I n ad d i t i on, for t he 3 k m race, ent ry i s B 2 5 0 p er p erson and i s op en t o all gend ers and age-grou p s. A ll t y p es of ru nners m ay j oi n t he

fancy cost u m e cont est t o w i n sp eci al accom m od at i on p ri z es. A ll ru nners are encou raged t o regi st er i n ad v ance, regi st rat i on i s ongoi ng and ap p li cat i on form s are av ai lab le at all 3 S t arw ood p rop ert i es. T he onli ne ap p li cat i on form s i s av ai lab le at ht t p : / / b i t . ly / S t arw ood ru n2 0 1 5 and a p op -u p regi st rat i on w i ll b e annou nced short ly on t he S t arw ood ‘ R u n t o G i v e’ F aceb ook fan p age; w w w . faceb ook . com / S t arw ood ru nt ogi v e A ll p art i ci p ant s w i ll recei v e sou v eni rs su ch as a T -shi rt , b ag and T hai li ni m ent oi l aft er regi st rat i on i s com p let e. T he regi st rat i on d esk w i ll b e av ai lab le on S at u rd ay , O ct ob er 1 0 at B ang W ad D am from 3 : 0 0 p m t o 8 : 0 0 p m . A d d i t i onally a lu ck y d raw , gi v eaw ay sou v eni rs and ot her i nt erest i ng act i v i t i es are also set for t he

ev ent d ay . O n t he d ay , t he 1 0 k m and 3 k m races w i ll st art at 6 : 0 0 am , starting and finishing at Bang W ad D am . T he w i nners w i ll b e aw ard ed t rop hi es and p ri z es from S t arw ood H ot els and R esort s. D u ri ng t he ev ent , a lu ck y d raw and som e i nt erest i ng act i v i t i es w i ll b e held on si t e. L iv e 8 9 .5 is a p r o u d s p o n s o r o f th is e v e n t. F or m ore i nform at i on, p lease v i si t w w w . faceb ook . com / st arw ood ru nt ogi v e T he W est i n S i ray B ay R esort & S p a P hu k et , call 0 7 6 -3 3 5 7 7 0 -4 L e Meri d i en P hu k et B each R esort , call 0 7 6 3 7 0 1 0 0 T he N ak a I sland A L u x u ry C ollect i on R esort & S p a P hu k et , call 0 7 6 -3 7 1 4 1 0 thephuketnews





West Ham stun leaders City FOOTBALL


evin de Bruyne’s first goal for Manchester City on Saturday (Sept 19) wasn’t enough to salvage their 100 per cent start against West Ham, who have now defeated Arsenal, Liverpool and Manuel Pellegrini’s side in their first three away games this season. City fell behind in the sixth minute when Victor Moses fired home from 20 yards for the first league goal conceded by Pellegrini’s club this term. Senegal forward Diafra Sakho netted the visitors’ second from close-range in the 31st minute. Belgium midfielder De Bruyne marked his first City start with a clinical finish in first half stoppage-time. But a brilliant Adrian save from Nicolas Otamendi’s header ended the hosts’ winning run at five matches and

The overall competition winner receives 1 voucher staying 2 nights in a Prestige Suite including breakfast for 2 persons and a 30-minute spa treatement at Sofitel Krabi Phokeethra Golf & Spa Resort, overall value THB 90,000.

The monthly competion winner for August will receive a THB3,000 voucher to spend at Angus O’Tools Irish Pub and Restaurant, Karon.

EPL PREDICTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Team 1 2 3 4 5

Victor Moses (No 20, right) celebrates with his teammates after scoring West Ham’s opener against Manchester City. Photo Paul Ellis/AFP lifted West Ham into third place in the table. At Stamford Bridge, Arsene Wenger was furious after Mike Dean opted not to send

*Times may be subject to change




Friday 25th September ussie Rules


Final 1Fremantle Sydney Swans v. North Mel20:00 AFL – Prelim v. Hawthorn bourne

Rugby League



NRL Semi Final 1

Broncos v. Roosters

Rugby Union



Currie Cup

Sharks v. Blue Bulls

Rugby Union



World Cup – Group C

New Zealand v. Namibia



World Cup – Group C

Argentina v. Georgia



Formula 1

Practice 2, Japan West Coast Eagles v. North Melbourne Storm v. Cowboys

Motor Racing

Saturday 26th September Aussie Rules



AFL – Prelim Final 2

Rugby League



NRL Semi Final 2

Motor Racing



Formula 1

Qualifying, Japan





Tottenham v. Man City

Rugby Union

Rugby Union




Liverpool v. Aston Villa




Man United v. Sunderland




Southampton v. Swansea




Leicester v. Arsenal




Newcastle v. Chelse



World Cup – Group D

Italy v. Canada



World Cup – Group B

South Africa v. Samoa



World Cup – Group A

England v. Wales



Currie Cup

Cheetahs v. Lions

Sunday 27th September Motor Racing



Formula 1

Raceday, Suzuka



Motor Racing



Tottenham v. Crystal Palace




Formula 1 Formula 1Japan Grand Prix (Repeat) EPL

Rugby Union



World Cup - replay

England v. Wales



World Cup – Group A

Australia v. Uruguay

Japan Grand Prix Watford v. Crystal Palace



World Cup – Group B

Scotland v. USA



World Cup – Group D

Ireland v. Romania


MONTHLY LEADERS Jaxfox chook MRB AAY aquamarine

13 12 12 11 11

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

OVERALL LEADERS chook opinionated farange MackemRob aquamarine CAFC

31 30 29 28 28

English Premier League 2015 - 2016

Live Sports TV Schedule SPORTL



off Diego Costa following a clash with Laurent Koscielny and the referee further infuriated the Frenchman when he dismissed Gabriel for kicking Costa and then showed Santi Cazorla a red card in the second half. Chelsea made their numerical advantage count in the 53rd minute when French defender Zouma was left unmarked to head in a Cesc Fabregas free-kick. Belgium midfielder Hazard guaranteed the champions’ second league victory of the season in the 90th minute when his strike deflected off Calum Chambers to leave the Gunners without a league success against the Blues since 2011. Teenage striker Anthony Martial further endeared himself to Manchester United’s supporters with a nerveless brace as his side came from behind to win 3-2 at Southampton on Sunday (Sept 20). 19-year-old Martial struck either side of half-time at St Mary’s after Graziano Pelle had given Southampton a 13th-minute lead. Juan Mata added a third in the 68th minute and despite

Pelle scoring again, United held on for a victory that propelled Louis van Gaal’s side up to second place in the Premier League table. United’s old rivals Liverpool continue to struggle, having seen their run of league games without victory extended to four following a 1-1 draw at home to Norwich City. Daniel Sturridge made his first appearance since April after hip surgery and his side went ahead in the 48th minute when Danny Ings, a half-time replacement for Christian Benteke, drilled home his first Liverpool goal. But Norwich equalised 13 minutes later courtesy of a deft lob by centre-back Russell Martin, whose preparations for the game were disrupted by the birth of his son the previous night. Earlier on Sunday, Son Heung-min’s first Premier League goal earned Tottenham Hotspur victory over Crystal Palace. The South Korea international struck in the 68th minute at White Hart Lane, moments after Spurs goalkeeper Hugo Lloris had tipped a shot from Bakary Sako onto the post at

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Man City Man Utd West Ham Leicester Arsenal Everton Swansea Crystal Palace Tottenham Watford Norwich West Brom Liverpool Bournemouth Chelsea Southampton Aston Villa Stoke Newcastle Sunderland

MP W 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

5 4 4 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0

the other end, to give the hosts a 1-0 win. It was Spurs’ first home win of the campaign and lifted Mauricio Pochettino’s side to ninth place in the table, below Alan Pardew’s Palace on goals scored. Odion Ighalo kept Newcastle in the relegation zone as the Nigerian forward’s double inspired Watford’s 2-1 win at St James’ Park. Ighalo gave Watford a 10th minute lead with a low strike and he increased their advantage with his fourth goal in six matches in the 28th minute. Newcastle ended a nearly 500-minute goal drought when Dutch defender Daryl Janmaat netted in the 62nd minute, but Steve McClaren’s team were unable to avoid their third consecutive loss.




0 1 0 3 1 3 3 0 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 2 2

1 1 2 0 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 2 4 3 4 4

12 2 10 9 5 4 13 7 6 13 9 4 5 5 0 8 5 3 7 5 2 8 7 1 5 4 1 5 5 0 9 10 -1 4 6 -2 4 7 -3 8 9 -1 9 12 -3 7 8 -1 6 9 -3 5 9 -4 3 9 -6 6 13 -7

A GD Pts 15 13 12 12 10 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 6 4 3 2 2

Ten-ma n Su nde rla nd slipped to the bottom of the table after a 2-0 defeat at Bournemouth. Eddie Howe’s side raced into a two-goal lead inside the first nine minutes, with Callum Wilson striking in the fourth minute before Matt Ritchie smashed a superb volley into the goal. Saido Berahino came in from the cold to fire West Bromwich Albion to a 1-0 win at local rivals Aston Villa. Leicester staged another impressive fightback to maintain their unbeaten record with a 2-2 draw at Stoke. Everton’s Kevin Mirallas was sent off for a foul on Modou Barrow in the final moments of his side’s 0-0 draw at Swansea. AFP





Phuket in 12-goal thriller in last FTPL game > page 35


Wong Fu Kang was not only the first Malaysian to win a medal at the SEA Games, but he has also reached the Olympic Qualifying Standard.

BISP JSA Swim Academy members reaching new highs SWIMMING Matt Pond editor3@classactmedia.co.th


he 16 swimmers of the BISP JSA Swim Academy, under the guidance of Head Coach Simon Jones, are going from strength to strength in the pool for their representative countries and have achieved some amazing feats already this year. 16 of the swimmers, who compete at National and International level in both the youth and senior age groups, have represented their home countries in a number of events and between them have broken 55 nation records for countries which include Hungary, the Netherlands, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Namibia, the Seychelles, Russia

and Australia. However, it not only the swimmers who should be proud of themselves, as Simon himself was selected to be the National Coach for the Thailand National Team for the South East Asian (SEA) Games held in Singapore in June. Although a number of the swimmers have reached new levels and set new records for their home countries, it is Wong Fu Kang from Malaysia who has surpassed all expectations, and along with taking Gold in the 100 metres Breaststroke and Bronze in the 50 metres Breaststroke at the SEA Games, beat the Malaysian National Record in both events. More recently, Fu Kang became the first ever Malaysian to win golds at the Commonwealth Youth Games held in Samoa earlier this month, not once, but twice.

His first Gold came in the men’s 100 metres Breaststroke, and although his finishing time was some way off his personal best, he broke a national record which had stood for 15 years. He then went on to take his second Gold in the 50 metres Breaststroke. The results not only meant that Fu Kang was the first Malaysian to win a medal at the meet, but, with his times as they were, also meant he had reached Olympic Qualifying standard and is highly likely to represent Malaysia at the Olympics to be held in Rio next year. However, although Fu Kang has stood out in his competitions this year, he is not the only swimmer to have met Olympic grade. A second BISP JSA Swim Academy team member, 19-yearold Thai national Phiangkwan

“Eing” Pawapotako, who took four silvers in the 200 metres Breaststroke, 200 metres Individual Medley, 400 metres Individual Medley and the 4x100 metres Medley Relay at the SEA Games, has also made the grade. In some of the other major swim meets that other members of the BISP JSA Swim Academy members have swam in this year, Felicity Passon represented the Seychelles, Lushano Lamprecht, Namibia, Chantal Liew and Roxanne Yu, the Philippines at the SEA Games. Roxanne swam a personal best of 2.18.45 in the 200 metres and came home with a bronze medal. In addition to the nine individual events, the swimmers also competed in relay races for their respective countries. Speaking to The Phuket News

about the swimmers achievements so far this year, Simon said, “The opportunity for our swimmers to qualify and compete in some of the biggest competitions in the swimming calendar this year, is a testament to the dedication and application to excellence that these swimmers have shown. “With four Olympic qualifying times achieved already from some of these swimmers, the coming few months will provide them all with an opportunity that very few will ever place themselves in.” For more information about the BISP JSA Swim Academy, visit bisphuket.ac.th/bisp-jsaswim-academy, follow the team’s Facebook page at facebook.com/ swimphuket, or contact Head Coach Simon Jones: aquatics@ bisphuket.ac.th thephuketnews

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