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he delegation was led by the President of BAPIO Dr Ramesh Mehta who was accompanied by the Vice-President of the Association Dr Satheesh Mathew and Director of Policy and Promotion, Mr Buddhdev Pandya MBE. Dr Mehta described the meeting as a positive step in establishing relationship with the Department and the Secretary’s team to raise issues of concerns. “We welcome the openness with which the Secretary has responded and we will take the dialogue further”, observed Dr Mehta. BAPIO has emphasised the role of the CQC inspectorate in ensuring that the Trusts are engaged in effectively delivering their management obligations to provide good governance. The team members, including

the chair of NW division shared their experiences with the SoS. The team also raised issues related to the shortage of GPs and Dentists as many trainees are unable to progress. Dr Mehta also informed the Secretary that BAPIO is now piloting a partnering project with NHS Trusts with a view to encourage them to improve management of human resources, eventually aiding better patient care. BAPIO will be assisting the Trust in resolving issues at the early stages of disputes to prevent escalation of situations that lead to a loss of resources or are a financial drain on the system. The Association hopes to have further meetings with senior officials of the DoH. For information: office@bapio.co.uk

(L) Dr Ms Gullela Azhar-Trainee Dentist, Dr Mrs Sangeetha Kolpattil-Consultant Radiologist, Lancaster, Dr Satheesh Mathew-Vice President & Consultant Paediatrician, The RT Hon Jeremy Hunt -Secretary of State for Health, Dr Ramesh Mehta, President & Consultant Paediatrician, Mr Buddhdev Pandya MBE - Director of Policy and Promotion, and Mr Shyam Kumar - Chair of patient safety forum and chair of Lancaster Unit.

http://bapioac15.com/ HOLIDAY INN - Birmingham Airport

 What makes NHS staff motivated?  Innovation in Service delivery: Opportunities & Solutions  NHS sustainability-challenges & opportunities  Tackling Health Inequalities  Happy Workforce—Happy Patients  Shape of Training –Workforce fit for the future  Dilemma in Emergency Care – Expectations and Realities  Quality of Service and Training can go hand in hand


GLOBAL HEALTH CONFERENCE WAS HELD IN LEICESTER BY INDIAN DOCTORS British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO) and Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO) held a successful two-day International Conference in Leicester.


he Mid Year Conference was a combined event of Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin and BAPIO.

Think Globally, Act Locally - The Mantra of Promoting Patient Care

Doctors of various specialities from United States, India, Australia and other countries joined the delegates from across many parts of the United Kingdom. The Conference was inaugurated by the Deputy High Commissioner of India, HE Dr V Paul who was joined by Mr Gautam Bodiwala, Prof Mayur Lakhani, Prof Kamlesh Khunti and others from Leicestershire. India’s leading personalities such as Dr Prathap Reddy, Chairman of the Apollo Hospitals and Dr Shubnum Singh from Max Hospitals group also took part in the conference.

INAUGURATION: (L-R) Prof Anupam Sibal,( Hon Secretary General of GAPIO), Mr Gautam Bodiwala, (Chair of Coordinating Committee), Dr Sanku Rao President of GAPIO, Dr Prathap C Reddy ( Former President of GAPIO), Worshipful the Mayor of Leicester City, HE The Deputy High Commissioner of India Dr Virenra Paul, Dr J S Banrah (BAPIO– Chairman) and Dr Ramesh Mehta (BAPIO-President)- L-R

The packed event with many current hot topics in the global health care sector brought delegates from many specialities to discuss the changing face of Health Care in India and celebrate the global contributions of Indian doctors. The UK has an estimated 50,000 plus doctors of Indian origin serving a large population of the country at various levels in the National Health Service.

Prof Kamlesh Khunti (L)

Dr Ramesh Mehta said, “The event was a great success. A wide variety of topics including Global Burden of Chronic Disease such as Diabetes and Cardiac Disease which are seen as growing epidemics in the world were discussed. There was also discussion on Mental Health as one more looming crisis and curriculum of medical education in the context of Global health”.

Dr Mayur Lakhani CBE (L)

Dr Mehta expressed gratitude to the medical fraternity for their support to BAPIO and GAPIO and bringing the international debate to the Leicester City.

Co-ordinating Committee:

Sir Nilesh Samani (L)

H E The Dept HC Dr Virendra Paul (L)

Dr Ramesh Mehta - President, Mr Gautam Bodiwala - Chair Prof Sab Bhaumik, Prof Mayur Lakhani, Prof Kamlesh Khunti, Dr Sanjiv Nichani, Dr. Ajay Tripathi Dr Raghu Ramaiaha, Dr Rashmin Tamhne, Dr Neeraj Bhala, Dr Kalyanee Nathdwarawala, Dr Mahendra Nathdwarawala, Dr Kishor Morjaria, Dr Girish Purohit, Mr Surinder Sharma, Mr Nimish Kumar Bhatt—Advisor, Mr Mayank Shah—Advisor, Mr Buddhdev Pandya -BAPIO Director





ccording to a recent media report Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust has announced that their Chief Executive and three of their top management team have been suspended as part of an investigation sparked by whistleblowing complaints. The head of another Merseyside NHS Trust is being brought in to help run the hospital. The suspensions follow an independent external investigation into three separate whistleblowing complaints received by the Trust. Sue Musson, chair of the Trust, was quoted saying, “In response to the three whistleblowing complaints made to the Trust and the subsequent independent external investigation by the Good Governance Institute it has been necessary to exclude three senior executives and one other employee. She announced that an internal investigation will now begin in line with our disciplinary policy. Meanwhile, the Trust has bought in a Chief Executive from another Teaching Hospital NH Trust to assist their trust and Gaynor Hayles, associate director of nursing at the NHS Trust Development Authority will be assisting the trust.”

A group of young medical students met at The Royal Society of Medicine on 9th February 2015 and presented the President of BAPIO their plan to engage with the students. Contact: ankurkhandelwal@doctors.org.uk

PROTECTING PATIENTS AND SUPPORTING CLINICIANS ‘Moving forward after the Francis report: Freedom to Speak Up’ BAPIO NW division & Patient Safety Forum in collaboration with Clinical Leaders Network, organised a symposium at Manchester on 3rd July. The Keynote address was by Sir Anthony Hooper who recently published the Hooper review for the GMC on whistleblowing.

Learning Objectives:  The lessons from raising concerns about patient safety.  The findings of various reports.  Support available for those wanting to Raise concerns.  What arrangements are proposed to support clinicians in the northwest?

While there is some concern that such inquires often become a ‘white wash’, it is a good sign where the Trust has shown their sensitivity towards issues raised by the whistleblowers. Dr Ramesh Mehta has welcomed the move, “ At least the things are starting to happen”. The role of the CQC inspectorate becomes crucial in considering the quality of the investigation and lessons to be learned while respecting the views of the ‘whistle blowers’ and wider interest of patient safety. In the recent meeting with the Secretary of State, BAPIO had raised its concerns over the potential risks to patient safety if the warnings from whistle-blowers are ignored by any NHS Trust.

Credentialing- A GMC initiative The GMC has launched a consultation on a their proposed framework into credentialing. The exercise is to recognize doctors’ capabilities in particular practice areas with the purpose of benefiting patient safety. Link to the consultation document: http://www.gmc-uk.org/education/continuing_professional_development/27258.asp The consultation closing date: 4th of October. Results expected in February 2016.

AUGUST 2015 I BAPIO NEWSLETTER The project is expected to be managed by a separate arm led by an Operational Director. There will be a Strategic Advisory Committee with experts to offer advise and support to the Board of Directors. BTA would have a three pronged approach in the development of training and education.


APIO will soon be launching its own Training Academy (BTA). The initial planning group met recently on the 14 th of June to  Direct provision of courses including existing discuss the initiative details, including its governance structure. in-house courses  BTA being commissioned to run courses on behalf of other organisations, and talks are ongoing with a number of organisations regarding the same  Specialist courses offering a qualification possibly in partnership with international partners This initiative would be a part of BAPIOs’ education and training strategic pillar in promoting professional excellence and leadership.

Rashmin Tahmne, Vinod Singaravelu, , Ankur Khandelwal, Buddhdev Pandya, Vijayshil Gautam, Stuart Enoch, Amit Gupta, Rajeev Gupta, Hemadri, Ramesh Mehta, Abrar Hussain

Dr Amit Gupta has been invited by BAPIO Executive to take the lead for the initiative. A dedicated website that facilitates online learning with appropriate accreditation is in the planning stages.

BAPIO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2014 - 2017 President Dr Ramesh Mehta Vice President Dr Satheesh Mathew Hon. General Secretary Dr Parag Singhal Treasurer Dr Namita Arora Members Dr Abraham Philip Dr Abrar Hussain Dr A Sajayan Dr Ankur Khandelwal Dr Ravi Madhotra Dr Arvind Shah Dr Hasmukh Shah Dr M Hemadri Dr Joydeep Grover Mr Keshav Singhal Dr Meena Virdi Dr Sethu Wariyar Appointments Chairman: Dr J S Bamrah Co-opted: Dr Aruj Qayum Dr Vivek Chhabra Prof Musheer Hussain Dr Murali Raj Director of Policy and Promotion Buddhdev Pandya MBE Editorial Advisory Team: Dr Sajayan Mr Sanchit Mehendale Mr Buddhdev Pandya MBE Managing Editor Send your feedback and suggestions to office@bapio.co.uk

Launch of Milton Keynes, BAPIO Unit

BAPIO Milton Keynes team organised a Symposium 22 nd May, 2015. Dr Dush Mital spoke on ‘Systemic involvement in HIV infection’ and Dr Azhar Zafar on ‘Clinical inertia in Treatment of Diabetes in Primary Care’. The event was sponsored by BMI Saxon Clinic and MSD Pharmaceuticals. Veronic Trotter of Wesleyan also gave an over view on “ New Pension changes and Impact’. Well done Dr Ravi Madhotra and his team. Published for the members of BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICIANS OF INDIAN ORIGIN 281-285 Bedford Road, Kempston MK42 8QB Tel: +44 (0)1234 212 879, Fax: +44 (0)1234 480025 www.bapio.co.uk


The President and Scientific Committee of British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin are pleased to invite submission of abstracts or presentations for the Joint Mid Year Conference of BAPIO and GAPIO to be held in Birmingham on the 31st October and 1st November 2015. We are aware that a number of our members are “beacons of excellence” in their field with their contributions making a significant difference in the day-to-day functioning of the NHS and improving patient care. We invite you to share your experiences with the wider audience at this conference. Parag Singhal Hon Secretary Bapio

Oral Presentations Innovation in patient care, both clinical And managerial– 6 minute presentations

Oral Presentations

 An award for the best oral and poster presentation  All the presentations will be given a certificate  Selected Abstracts will be published in a peer reviewed journal “The Physician”

Academic and research excellence

Poster Presentations in all categories

Closing date for submission: 30th September 2015

Guidelines for submissions 1. Abstracts should not exceed 400 words. They should contain the title, names of lead authors and co-authors, designation and place of work along with a valid email address 2. All abstracts should be submitted in MS Word format 3. The abstracts may be on any topic related to innovations in medicine, surgery and nursing care, management or could be an original piece of research, case study, description of a new procedure 4. The abstract should make the objective of the study clear. Methodology could include study design, duration, interventions and outcome measures. The conclusion should be precise and well supported directly by the data. Any financial gain or conflict of interest should be declared The scientific committee will select the Abstracts for both oral or poster presentations and the lead authors will be notified.

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