The Nation's Oldest Country Day School Newspaper
students.pingry.org/ record
Volume CXLIV, Number 2
The Pingry School, Basking Ridge, New Jersey
December 21, 2017
Students Star in Greek Tragedy Antigone Winter Festival Rings in the Holiday Season By ALLIE VERDESCA (VI)
On November 9, 10, and 11, the Drama Department performed its annual fall play Antigone by Sophocles. The Greek tragedy describes life in the city of Thebes under the domineering rule of King Creon. A part of Pingry’s freshman English curriculum, the play examines issues of divine law versus societal law and the use and abuse of political power. The entire freshman class, along with special needs students from Montgomery Academy in Basking Ridge, watched the play’s dress rehearsal. The play follows a young girl named Antigone (Meghan Salamon, VI), whose two brothers turn on each other and cause a civil war. After they kill each other in battle, the newly crowned King Creon (Lucas Vazquez, V) advocates for the burial of only one of the brothers. Fearing the retribution of the gods, Antigone sets out to bury her other brother despite the threats of Creon and warnings from her sister Ismene (Alison Verdesca, VI). Incensed by Antigone’s disobedience, Creon demands that Antigone be buried alive. Creon’s son Haemon (Giancarlo Castillo, VI), who is en-
gaged to Antigone, tries to change his father’s mind but fails. After the blind seer Tiresias (Megan Pan, VI) predicts that Creon’s stubbornness will lead to disaster, Creon reconsiders. When he reaches the tomb, he discovers that Antigone has hung herself and Haemon, after attempting to kill Creon and failing, kills himself as well. When Eurydice (Sara Donovan, VI), Creon’s wife, hears the news, she also commits suicide, leaving Creon a lonely and broken man. In the play, the Army Chorus and the Citizens Chorus narrate the story and comment on the plot. Directed by Mrs. Meaghan Singer, Pingry’s production put a new spin on this classic Greek tale by setting it in a dystopian future. Mrs. Singer said of the show’s setting, “I heard Antigone’s words ringing in my ears — ‘these citizens here would all agree…if their lips weren’t locked in fear’ — and I
Singer as a new director, Antigone had a new master carpenter, Mr. Christopher Abbott. Mr. Abbott worked with Mrs. Jane Asch to create a futuristic set inspired by the play’s dystopian world. Another new faculty member, Mr. Alan Van Antwerp, served as technical director as well as lighting designer. Lindsay Cheng (IV), Jackson Lubke (V), and Ouarida Benatia (VI) served as the play’s stage managers. Meghan Salamon, who played the titular role, said her favorite memory was “spending time with all the seniors during the morning of our last show.” Involved with drama since her freshman year, Salamon Pingry Communications was eager to step into the role of Antigone for This was Mrs. Singer’s first her final fall production. “Antiyear directing the fall play, though gone is smart and dedicated, and she assisted Mr. Albert Romano she throws herself into what she in the past. Of the Drama Depart- thinks is right. I really admire that ment, she said, “I love working about her,” Salamon said. “She in such a supportive and giving definitely expresses how she feels environment. It is a true pleasure.” and she lets people know what she In addition to having Mrs. stands for.” knew immediately that my version of Antigone would be set in a totalitarian state, a military regime, and my chorus would be an army, not unlike that of Kim Jong Un’s, or Stalin’s, or Hitler’s.”
Pincus and Al Samawi Explore Ethics At the Hanly Lecture
On November 16th, students from the Upper School and Middle School attended the annual John Hanly Lecture in Hauser Auditorium. The speakers this year were Mohammed Al Samawi and Daniel Pincus ‘96. The John Hanly Lecture Series on Ethics and Morality has been holding annual lectures since 1999, when former headmaster John Hanly retired. In recognition of his love of teaching and interest in ethical questions, the John Hanly Fund allows Pingry to bring in speakers to talk about issues regarding ethics and morality every year. The theme of this year’s assembly was the question of how far one would go to take up someone else’s problem as his or her own. Speaker Al Samawi is a fellow of the International Center for Religion and Diplomacy for the Middle Eastern and North African region. He is set to release his memoir, The Fox
Hunt: Escape From Yemen, in April 2018. His book is also currently being made into a movie by Marc Platt, producer of La La Land. Fellow Speaker Pincus is a consultant for The Quantic Group, a pharmaceutical consulting company. He is also a member of the Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council (MJAC) and the American Jewish Committee (AJC). MJAC brings together Muslims and Jews from all walks of life to collectively address issues shared by the Muslim and Jewish communities. AJC, co-convener of MJAC, is an advocacy group for Jews and the Jewish faith. To begin the lecture, Pincus spoke about his experience at Pingry and directly addressed his former teachers from the stage. Al Samawi spoke about his upbringing in a Muslim household in Sanaa, Yemen, where his disability forced him to stay home and learn English rather than socialize with his peers. This knowledge of English allowed him
to connect with others outside of Yemen on Facebook, which led him to eventually attend the Muslim Jewish Conference in Sarajevo, Bosnia in 2013. When he returned to his hometown in Yemen and tried to convince others that Jews and Americans were not the enemies of Muslims, he was accused of being a spy, so he left the town for South Yemen. Unfortunately, the area where he was living came under the control of extremist group Al-Qaeda during an ongoing period of civil war and unrest in the country. Alternating turns, Pincus and Al Samawi spoke about how Pincus and others were able to rescue Al Samawi through many online connections and phone calls over a span of thirteen days in the Spring of 2015. The student body was very moved by the lecture. At the end of the hour-long assembly, the speakers were given two standing ovations. Alex Strasser (V) said afterwards, “I thought that the Hanly Lecture
was able to demonstrate to all of us the way that meeting someone and going through some incredibly difficult experiences can come with moral conflicts and enlightened us on how they...were overcome. It also gave me hope that I might be able to someday help someone in the same outstanding way that we heard.”
Mohammed Al Samawi
On December 13, 2017, Pingry hosted the annual Winter Festival, the only time that the Upper School and Lower School come together for one event. This festival has been a tradition for over 100 years. It celebrates the accomplishments of the orchestra, men’s and women’s glee club, Middle School band, strings ensemble, hand bells, and the music directors by showcasing their work to the entire school. These efforts, coupled with the festivities
“Watching the fifth graders filled me with warmth.” Another highlight was “Al Hanissim,” a Jewish prayer performed by the orchestra, middle school chorus, and upper school glee club with solos from Alyssa Chen (VI) and Hugh Zhang (III). This piece is a chorus favorite due to its lively beat. Lastly, the middle school percussion ensemble performed “Kishmar,” a take on Led Zeppelin’s hit performed by the middle school percussion ensemble. This was the debut of the group and they instantly became a crowd favorite. The
“The event was truly about bringing the community together.”
and the environment, make the concert an important part of the school year in which over half the school participates. The event opened with “Deck the Halls” conducted by Mr. Tom Berdos, the Lower School music instructor. Headmaster Mr. Nathaniel Conard then delivered an introductory speech, which focused on the importance of community and the coming together of the two campuses. Next came the presenting of gifts to Ms. Lisa Floyd, the leader of Lift for Learning, an organization that gives food and clothes to impoverished people. Afterwards, the festival commenced with the tradition of Candela Accreditor (the lighting of the candle) by kindergartener Jake Fey and Student Body President Michael Weber (VI). Highlights of the concert included “A Festive Noel” performed by the fifth grade chorus. As the fifth graders are the only group from the Lower School that performs at the festival, their contribution was highly anticipated and they delivered. In addition, it evoked nostalgia in people who were once a part of that group. Alyssa Chen (VI) said,
concert concluded with a rousing rendition of “Twelve Days of Christmas.” While all of the selections were amazing, the words of Mr. Conard ring true: the event was truly about bringing the community together. Maya Huffman (VI) and Melissa Tungare (VI) recall their first times seeing the concert. Huffman, who came to Pingry as a kindergartner, said that she was “always excited for the concert as a lower school member.” Similarly, Tungare has been going to the concert for over ten years with her big brother and has witnessed multiple performances. As a current Balladeer, she said that “it is nice to now be a part of the concert.” Over the years, Pingry has changed drastically; the change in campus (moving from Hillside), the admittance of females into the school, the construction of the Middle School, and much more showcase the development of Pingry as a school. Similarly, this concert has gone through its changes as well; the one thing that remains the same is the spirit of the concert. In the words of Mr. Miller Bugliari, “the whole sentiment from a long time ago is still present.”
Op-Eds: Murphy Discusses New Extracurricular Participation Policy (p. 3)
School News: Students Spend Rufus Gunther Day Serving Community Organizations (p. 5)
Columns: Chung Dines on Chung Dam Dong (p. 4)
Sports (p. 8)
Inside The Record
Community Unites at Friday Night Lights By NOAH BERGAM (III)
On November 3, the Big Blue football team enjoyed a 42-16 win against the George School of Newtown, PA at the PSPA’s annual Friday Night Lights. Students and faculty from both the Lower and Upper School campuses came to support and cheer the team on to victory. Middle and Upper School singers kicked off the evening with the National Anthem, and thanks to Middle SchoolAthletics Director Gerry Vanasse, younger fans enjoyed a variety of games, activities, and prize giveaways before and during the game. Middle School students ran Pingry flags across the field and
participated in a Mega-V-Ball game during halftime. Captain Obi Nnaeto (VI), who broke the mark of 1,000 yards run two weeks earlier, led the team, rushing 214 yards
on 13 carries and scoring three touchdowns, which effectively locked in the victory by halftime. Ryan Feeley (VI) led the defense with seven tackles. Brian Benson (V), Channing
Bruce Morrison
Russell (VI), and Nate Hefner (V) also scored. “It was a great showing for Pingry football,” said defensive lineman Ore Shote (III). Meanwhile, under a huge tent, students, parents, faculty, staff, and alumni enjoyed a delicious tailgate selection, which included pizza, meatballs, mozzarella sticks, pigs in a blanket, wings, hot apple cider, and a wide range of desserts, all provided by the PSPA. Overall, Friday Night Lights was a fun night for the whole Pingry community. Congratulations to Big Blue football, and thanks to all of the Pingry fans for their support!