

There are two athletes on your team. Dr. Blasko’s mission is to provide an environment and services that prioritize the health and wellness of the human half of the team. Equestrians are notorious for spoiling their horses with every possible prevention, therapy and treatment. It is ShowMD’s mission to encourage and enable equestrian athletes to invest in their own health the same as they do for their equine partners.
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Marshall & Sterling Insurance
A goal-oriented, accessible membership program for a wide range of riders, horses, & ponies
Attention all Juniors, Amateurs, Trainers, & Parents! Do you know about The League, presented by Marshall & Sterling aka “The League?”
In a sport and competition environment that sometimes seems inaccessible and nearly impossible for many exhibitors, HITS is proud to support The League, presented by Marshall & Sterling Insurance, a membership organization that provides opportunities for many and has something for everyone. Horse showing should be, and can be, fun and achievable! This program has existed for more than 20 years, and now the legacy continues with new improvements and even more benefits for members and trainers.
The League is a goal-oriented program that provides a positive competition experience to hunter, jumper, and equitation riders of all different skillsets. League members compete year-round at hundreds of shows that offer League classes, earning points toward year-end ribbons as well as to qualify for the prestigious National or Regional Finals at HITS Hudson Valley in Saugerties, NY, and at HITS Chicago in Wayne, IL, respectively.
The Finals are designed to provide national championship-level experience with classes in the big premier rings typically utilized for international derbies and grand prix competition. The overall event is enhanced further by unique activities for the whole family and barn team. Kids and adults alike can look forward to complimentary food gatherings, ice cream socials, arts and crafts, karaoke, and more!
Ultimately, The League celebrates everything that makes horse showing fun and exciting. Amazing long ribbons and prizes, barn and trainer awards, swag, smiles, and laughter are just some of the key ingredients that set this program apart. Riders can aim for tangible goals and work toward them one class at a time, reaching them point by point. With The League, there is truly something for everyone.
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SOMETHING I REMEMBER so vividly growing up in this sport is reading inspirational articles about incredible horsepeople. Those who de ed odds. Those who were excellent, even though every data point said they had no reason to be. I had no one to really communicate with pre-internet about these stories, but I talked in person at the barn about them and used them to fuel my desire for upward understanding and mobility in the sport.
When I rst embarked on The Plaid Horse, there was a mix of responses to our own stories. Some responses were inspired and excited and fantastical—that a rescue pony could go far, a kid with circumstances made something happen, and an adult amateur nally broke through. Social media sometimes got nasty, but not always. There were heartwarming comments, words of cheer, and similar tales told in response. It wasn’t perfect, but it was good. Now I nd myself almost afraid to tell an inspiring story. I fear for the attacks and the backlash of the real people in our own community who share their stories with me. I don’t think they should be
opening themselves up to all that they are for being real and open and wanting others to keep dreaming even through excessive roadblocks.
Which makes me conclude that we are culturally facing a war on inspiration. Maybe our audience is just bigger, maybe those who actually are still commenting on social media have less restraint, or maybe social attitudes have simply shi ed on feel-good stories. People seem so determined to make every article not inspiring. They want to tear down and poke holes in every part of someone else’s achievement. They want it to be wrong so badly. They want
vindication in the fact that they do not anymore (if they ever did) believe.
One of my many obsessions is what makes people in our industry successful. I want to understand every facet of it so that we can pass it on to the next generation. If we could hand them all the knowledge that previous generations struggled to achieve, all of us would. While I understand that we cannot teach wisdom, we can teach facts and tactics. We can encourage everyone to undertake a lifelong process of developing feel by constantly overdoing and underdoing and measuring every system we encounter.
To be a winner, there is an element of doing what everyone else is doing and simply doing it better. There is also an element modifying and editing current strategies so that they t your own limitations, strengths, and tendencies. Our sport has a huge level of decades-long stamina, emotional control, ability to cope with life, and ability to always press on without the time or energy to blame.
How do we inspire those who are resisting? How do we inspire those who have an excuse, o en loudly, of why a rider or a horse is not actually inspiring? Are they reacting to the idea that inspiration implies a desire for change and desire for change implies dissatisfaction with where you currently are?
I struggle to relate to this, given that I nd just about everyone’s story to be inspiring when I truly dig down in it with them. As Brené Brown says, “Everyone has a story or a struggle that will break
your heart. And if we’re really paying attention, most people have a story that will bring us to our knees.”
We are not lacking inspiring stories. Probably my favorite class to watch this year was when Luciana Lossio (Brazil) won her rst ever ve-star Grand Prix at the Winter Equestrian Festival (Wellington, FL) against all the greats. It was great sport—at 49 years old, she simply completely unpredictably outrode the competition in a statistic-defying fairy tale.
As she told Horse & Hound, “This is unbelievable—I’ve been with this mare for six years and in the beginning I just wanted to jump 1.20 m, but we became so much more. We went higher and higher and today I’m here in my rst ve-star and winning alongside these riders that I just enjoy watching.”
How do we tell stories to prevent backlash? I don’t think we can prevent it 100 percent, but I do think we can help people with the coping mechanisms to handle criticism in all forms—from productive types lessons, discussions, phone calls, and bene cial confrontations; to identifying and ignoring unproductive types such as internet comments, gossip, whispers, and rumors.
Can we truly encourage and implore our community to improve? To be inspired to do better every single tomorrow than they did today? To consider those beyond themselves and put every horse rst and grow a legacy of benevolence, standards, and growth that they can be proud of for decades to come? To be
dissatis ed with themselves in a productive manner of encouragement and not a debilitating place of falling backwards?
I believe we can. I believe that in 2025 I will develop the bravery yet again to publish stories that really matter and make change, and that we can be elevated and not destroyed by commentary and discussions. I believe in our community. I believe that we always need to invite each other, and listen to each other, and be more present with each other to achieve our goals. I believe we have all done so much work and have so much le to do. I believe that 2025 holds great accomplishment, great stories, and great collaboration through great and tough times. I believe that you can talk about ideas and not people. And when you nd yourself discrediting those around you, you take a pause to think and instead focus on how much you are helping all those coming behind you in this sport. I encourage you to be the role models you want to see in the sport, to live your values no matter what pressures and outside in uences come upon you, and that you never let go of your dreams. Happy New Year!
Horses have enriched our lives for thousands of years. How can we ensure we enrich theirs? Via Nova is exploring what equestrians across all disciplines and levels believe is essential for good horse welfare. Your input can help identify priorities for ensuring a good life for horses and uncover any gaps in knowledge or practices within the equine industry. So, what is good horse welfare to you? Scan the QR code to contribute.
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We are all responsible for making our sport more accessible—the future is at stake
JUST A FEW MILES from my childhood home, up a windy road through the woods, a large riding facility perched atop a grassy hill.
The main barn had big, open windows and most horses stuck their heads out: sunbathing, napping, gazing, greeting curious passersby like me, 5 years old, and my horse-loving dad. We walked right up to the animals.
Big horses, little ponies, stars on foreheads, snips on muzzles…I was enchanted. Ears pricked forward (“He’s saying hi!” Dad explained), ears pinned back (“He needs some space”), the snap of a carrot, the lick of a tongue.
A whinny, a snort, a nicker. I patted manes and rubbed necks. I marveled and laughed. It was magic.
Dad and I came back again and again, greeting the horses, feeding them snacks, taking in their beauty. This was my welcome.
In 2025, we need to welcome more people, in more places, to horses. And soon. The future of our sport depends on it.
Before we go any further: The previous story was set in the mid-1980s. Today, accessibility looks a lot different. Before a visitor interacts with horses, even on the ground, they sign a release. Read on knowing that this is our assumption in encouraging more accessibility.
All over the country, barns are private property, marked with No Trespassing signs. Horse shows are insular little worlds. We all know the direction our sport is going. People are getting priced out in droves. Costs are too high to maintain school horses for green riders. But what happens if we don’t begin to open doors and barn gates to new people?
Our sport gets smaller. Only the very wealthy will continue to enjoy the gift of horses in their lives. The sport shrinks more. At this rate, if nothing changes, it may not even be around for our children and grandchildren.
Perhaps you had an origin story like mine, welcoming you into the world of horses. But what if we weren’t welcomed? What if horses weren’t accessible to us? What if they aren’t accessible now? Simply put: Without accessibility, people cannot discover horses or horse sport.
And where does that leave us?
The Plaid Horse encourages everyone, at every barn, everywhere, to find ways to welcome people. You don’t need a fleet of school horses or the funds to sponsor new riders to do so. Even small changes, at whatever level you can, will add up.
Some of our suggestions follow, but consider this a jumping off point for more discussion. We welcome your thoughts, experiences, and ideas. Whether you’re a junior, amateur, or a pro, everyone can welcome people into our sport.
Bring a friend to the barn.
Invite a child or teenager to come meet your horse, brush them, and feed them a carrot.
Gift a child a riding lesson or, if you have the means to do so, a series of riding lessons.
If you have a horse who is willing, take a friend or a child out for a “pony ride.”
If a pony ride won’t work for your particular horse, invite a friend or a child in your life to sit on a kind horse or pony in your barn, even if just in their stall (signing the barn’s waiver or whatever else you need to clear with the owner/manager).
Seek out a lesson barn in your area and ask what you can do to help, from financial donations to tack/riding clothes donations, volunteering, or writing about what makes the program special for a blog post on ThePlaidHorse.com.*
Plan an open house at your barn for the community.
Work with your local show organization to set up accessibility for folks new to horses. Example: A “visitors welcome” sign on local show Saturdays, visible from a main road to direct people to the show.
Put up a “Visitors Welcome” sign at your barn or horse show. Specify open house days and hours as needed.
Invite a teenager or young adult in your life who enjoys photography to come shoot at your barn.
Organize some young equestrians to make “Horses 101” signage for horse show visitors with simple guidelines explaining how to behave around the animals to avoid spooking them.
Volunteer at a local therapeutic riding program and write about experience for ThePlaidHorse.com.
Make suitable horses at your barn comfortable for walk lessons for beginners with accommodations like: Teaching the beginner to ride with a
* See box on page 52 for more on joining this conversation
halter and two lead ropes plus a martingale/grab strap so they won’t balance on the horse’s mouth (using a ground person to lead in this case).
Host a small birthday party at your barn where the kids get to pet ponies, do a horse craft, etc.
Bring a local scout troop or other youth organization to spectate at a horse show in your area.
Four years ago, Poolesville, MD-based trainer Kimbreley Hill saw a need for a quality lesson program with quality school horses. Today, alongside assistant trainer Elizabeth Panvini-Webb, she runs a boutique riding academy that is positively bustling with 21 students of all ages, 10 horses, and endless opportunities.
“During COVID, I had countless people contact me about lessons and half leases. At that point, in order to ride here, you had to own or we’d bring in a horse for full annual lease,” Hill tells The Plaid Horse.
“I started the Academy in 2021 and it has changed many times over these years. It was important to me to offer a program that allows students to compete locally and on the circuit even if they don’t own a horse because, for many, owning a horse isn’t in the cards. These students still have the talent and drive to succeed at shows. Being unable to attend because you don’t own just seems silly to me.”
Within The Riding Academy—a program that runs in tandem with the training program for boarders—Hill has a mix of horses. Some are available for partial care leases, and these horses are also still used in the lesson program. Other horses used solely for lessons, and still others are part of an equi-share lease program, only available for private lease.
“Welcoming new people into our sport is the only way to keep this industry thriving. There are creative ways to get people into it.
“One horse, Gartano, was donated to my program by my client as she lives out of state and started a family,” says Hill. “So he is in the program until he is ready to retire.”
The other horses belong to Hill, who is able to offer lessons with no pressure to show by offsetting costs with leases on some of the animals. Details like a strict cancellation policy and carefully-considered lesson fees are essential on the business side, but also leave room for clients with a range of budgets to participate.
“It needs to be boutique,” adds Hill. “The days of large lesson programs are gone.”
While the big lesson barns may be places of the past, welcoming new people and making horses accessible is still possible, says Hill. It just takes a little creativity.
“Welcoming new people into our sport is the only way to keep this industry thriving. It’s expensive, but there are creative ways to get people into it, and offering a program like we do is a good start. Without lesson programs, lease opportunities, working student positions, and even summer camps, we’re shutting out an entire demographic of people that all have something significant to add to the horse world. And let’s not forget—we all share the common love of the horse.”
Plaid Horse publisher Piper Klemm’s Sugarbrook Positron Blue (a.k.a. Eagle) held special meet-and-greets with members of the community at Devon in May and Harrisburg in October. “As someone who grew up near Harrisburg, I never had an opportunity like the kids had at the Pennsylvania National Horse Show as spectators,” Emily Randloph tells The Plaid Horse. “It was such a special experience to connect members of the community with a top show pony. Their excitement was something I won’t soon forget.”
We all know that horses have an amazing ability to change lives, to help us heal, and to open our minds and hearts. It is this magical quality that drew many of us to horses in the first place. I am often in awe at how many horses seem to recognize the need to be more gentle or careful around children or move more slowly around someone who is new to horses, uncertain or scared.
While I have witnessed this beautiful exchange, I have also witnessed the hands of an inexperienced horse person help to heal, bring peace, joy and lightness to the horses they come in contact with. Why is that? Most horses find comfort in the simplicity of sharing space, and the authenticity of being exactly who and where we are. There is congruency in authenticity. Sometimes, the more we know, the more we hold attachments, tell stories, have agendas, and create expectations. There is a beauty to being a beginner. An openness to learning and an awe or respect for the magnificence of horses. Newcomers to this
industry have so much to offer…an invitation to just be, an appreciation for the simple things. Take, for example, a new rider taking a horse for a walk. Not asking for collection or carriage. Not asking for responsiveness to the aids. Not asking for this part to be here or that part to go there. There are so many benefits to this type of ride—for the right horse, of course.
Allowing a horse to explore their body and movement without pressure or input can help to reset the nervous system and create softness in the tissue, in part because there may be less brace, less tension. Movement without tension and brace allows for the brain and the body to have new communication and form new pathways for movement to occur.
Horses can often feel safe in that space—safe to explore without feeling that their choice to move a particular way is “wrong.” I am not saying that this type of ride is suitable for every horse and we obviously want to make safe and educated decisions
for both horse and rider to be sure both are in alignment and agreement for this partnership. There are many opportunities, beyond riding, to create positive shifts in both the body and the mind for horses. Paying attention to their ears, eyes, breathing, tension patterns and body language helps us to develop the relationship for more open communication and feelings of safety and trust. When horses feel heard, safe to express themselves and honored, they often release these patterns of tension. You may see this as yawning or relaxing of tight muscles, their eyes may soften and they may take a deeper breath. Moving more slowly and mindfully lets the horse know that you hear them and when horses feel honored in that way, a deeper level of connection becomes possible. Sometimes, doing less leads to so much more. Sometimes, it is through the softness and innocence of a beginner’s mindset that we are able to experience the depths and magnitude of the healing power of the human/horse relationship.
In Marion County—Horse Capital of the World, as it likes to be known—the reality is that we find that nearly 70 percent of the residents have never been near or touched a real horse. For a multitude of reasons, we need to change that.
One of the goals of The Black Stallion Reading Project, our centerpost project is to give every fourth grader an ‘up close and personal experience’ with a horse. There is an indescribable glow that comes over
the boys and the girls when they get to interact with a horse. Many are just mesmerized. Some have to overcome some trepidation due to the horse’s size, but once in close proximity to the horse and they touch the horse, the fear subsides and joy surfaces. There is no word that adequately describes this interaction.... but the word ‘magical’ might come close. As the sole industry that has this capacity to bring joy to children, we need to work harder at sharing the magic of the horse.
At the December event, all of the Marion County fourth graders and their parents had the chance to meet Arabian horses through the Arabian Horse Association of Florida, held at WEC. Over 300 families attended. “Our industry needs these events that welcome non-horse people and make it user-friendly and comfortable,” says Trueman
At one barn we know, the aisle is filled with ponies and horses, children and teenagers…and one retiree. A woman in her late 60s, a friend of a friend of the barn owner, was getting divorced and didn’t have much money or many skills. But she did have a love of horses and a lifetime of riding behind her.
The barn owner hired her to groom, lunge, and lightly ride the older ponies at the barn. This retiree loves the ponies beyond words, and it is healing for her to have a place to go and to have a purpose at the barn. Where many older people struggle with feeling lonely, she is thriving. The retiree gains so much joy and satisfaction from her work. The ponies benefit from light work and intense grooming and affection. The riders on staff benefit from having more time to work with the animals who need training.
In another happy example, at MZ Equestrian in California, “it’s not just about the horses—it’s about the people, too. I’ve found a wonderful group of horse-loving women at the barn, spanning all ages,” says adult amateur rider Jennifer Nolan.
Adds Donna Gunter, 75, “We all have a passion for horses whether we are young or old. Horses are amazing animals and connect all of us in some way.
Accessibility is a problem in our sport—even for those of us in it.
One of the things I see in my work is there’s a certain sense of malaise in the hunter world, and even somewhat in the jumpers. It’s a sense of: How can I possibly compete against horses that are this expensive? Why even bother? Do I just give this up?
I tell my clients who come to me with these questions that I understand…and that they’re right. There’s a reality to that. But I think we do this sport because we love horses, and the pursuit of it, whether in the 2’6” or the Adult Amateurs, or beyond. We are students, and we have to own our own experience and not rely on the outcome for our satisfaction or our joy in it. But that’s hard at certain levels.
I talk to lots of young kids, and these pony riders are really focused on winning. I deal with it personally, too. I don’t find this in the dressage and eventing worlds. Horses aren’t as expensive, and in those disciplines, I find that people buy young horses and they keep them for the most part, developing, long term relationships. It’s unusual to do that in the hunter world at a certain level.
I often tell people that you have to go back to your “why.” Why are you doing this? What is it about it for you? What’s the meaning in
it? You’ve got to connect with that. Inevitably, they’ll say: I love horses, I love going to the barn, I love my horse. The barn is my happy place, my sanctuary. That’s what it’s about. So first, you need to connect to that—your journey with your horse. Re-orient yourself to be in your own bubble at the horse shows and focus on the things that you and your horse are aiming to improve, today.
I love horses, I love going to the barn, I love my horse. The barn is my happy place, my sanctuary. That’s what it’s about.
I once had a teenage client who had one equitation horse. Great kid, great horse, but not a ton of money. When she came to me she said, “I’m gonna win the finals,” without riding multiple horses a day or being a trainer’s kid, or having just the right horse. And it was a challenge. She felt like her life was going to end if she didn’t get a top ribbon in the
finals. Ultimately, she did the work and came through stronger, but it was painful. This is a tough reality of our sport for good-riding juniors who may not have all the access to make it to that top group.
I had another kid tell me that she was so happy to go to college where her effort and her brain would produce the results she wanted. Work hard… study… get the A… get the win. It was really sobering to me when she said that. This just isn’t the path in something like the Big Eq, or the Amateur-Owners. She talked a lot about how this sport is so hard, and if you don’t have the horse, you don’t have a chance. You can put in all the work but without that top horse, the “win” may be a low ribbon or missing out on the call back, even when you put in your best.
One way to combat these feelings for junior riders is to resist the urge to get sucked into social media. It is just so easy for teens to do. The pictures on social media make it seem like everyone is winning, always. Teens spend way too much time looking at what other people are doing and what other people have won…the glamour of it all. This is something we have to keep talking about. Because it takes teens away from their own journey, and the pleasure of what horses and riding are all about.
SHARE YOUR STORY WITH US! Do you ride in a lesson program? Have a barn that makes an effort to welcome newcomers? Compete in a show organization that takes pride in accessibility? Email editor@theplaidhorse.com to join the conversation.
Growing up in this sport, there was nothing more that I wanted than to work with horses forever. Whether that meant going pro, being a show groom, or working as a barn manager, I knew I had to be around horses. I would have done anything. I worked in my barn and was a total barn rat.
But here’s the catch: all of my hard work and drive to be there would never make up the difference between how much money my family had…and how much I needed. “Don’t give up” or “Keep working and it will pay off eventually” are motivational sayings that don’t account for the fact that you can’t work hard in your lessons if you can’t afford them. You can’t keep your head held high after a tough horse show if you didn’t make enough money to go in the first place. Money may not buy you talent, but it definitely buys you opportunity.
As an adult, this never got easier to swallow and accept. I still have the same mindset: If I just work hard enough, it will work out. Recently, I had just moved to a new city and started my first full-time job after college. I was dying to get back into the horse world after some time off in school, but then I got hit with my first lesson bill—$150 a week, just for one lesson. I knew that after my rent and my bills there would not be enough left over. But I had that voice in the back of
my head that said, “Just work harder and make the money.”
So, I started looking for side jobs. Barn work, Dover, bartending…anything I thought would make me enough to stay in a lesson program. My childhood dream of being in a derby as a kid had been swapped out for just riding at all, but it seems I still had the same problem. I felt defeated. Mostly, though, I felt guilty for
“Horse sport is becoming more and more exclusive to the wealthy, making it difficult—even impossible—for those little girls with big dreams to even get their foot in a stirrup.”
betraying the little girl who I promised that horses would be in her life forever, no matter what. I had let her down. How do I tell that little girl that I have cut every corner possible and it still isn’t enough? I work a full-time job and a parttime job. I use candles instead of turning on the lights. I keep the thermostat at the most energy-efficient setting possible. I drive a car that gets nearly 40 miles to the gallon and make every meal at
home. I do all of the things on the ‘save money’ checklists for equestrians. I shop secondhand. I use my small apartment gym rather than a gym membership. I have used every budgeting method possible, and I don’t have enough money to even start an in-barn half lease.
We’ve arrived at an unfortunate time when an adult who makes the national average salary and does not have kids can’t afford to even be in a lesson program. Show fees seem to just keep getting higher and higher, and unless entry numbers dwindle, I don’t think they will get more affordable. The cost to even participate in this sport, let alone be competitive, is shutting so many riders out. Horse sport is becoming more and more exclusive to the wealthy, making it difficult—even impossible—for those little girls with big dreams to even get their foot in a stirrup.
Lack of accessibility is hurting our sport. It keeps out the general public, who are desperately trying to look in with judgemental eyes and being shut out only makes them more skeptical. Horse sports in the Olympics are at risk due to horse welfare issues. The vast majority of equestrians make their animals’ welfare the number one priority. But for those on the outside, they only see what makes the headlines, which usually only highlight those riders who use abusive training methods. People on the outside need to be able to know what is going on in order to literally save our sport from being cut out completely.
I am not blaming anyone for this problem. I understand trainers need to be able to afford their rent. Show grounds have to pay their staff, and grooms need to be compensated fairly for their time and hard work. This problem is one we created as a community, and it will take all of us to fix it. I don’t have all the answers myself, but one idea might be having trainers be more accepting of clients who have goals unrelated to horse showing. No matter how we do it, it will take the entire community coming together to see any real change.
We owe it to ourselves and to each other to make this sport more accessible in order to keep it alive. If we don’t, we may just buy our sport a one-way ticket to irrelevance.
A TRAGIC turn of fate, a premature foal, and a lifelong passion led to the creation of something unique for Ashley Adler. She was your typical horse-crazy girl whose parents couldn’t afford to own a horse, so she rode every chance she got, taking lessons and hitting the trails with her two best friends, Lindsay and Nicole. After graduating college, Nicole tragically passed away in a car accident. Her parents left Ashley her friend’s beloved mare, Ella.
When Lindsay was breeding her mare, Adler decided to breed Ella, too. It was a decision that changed the course of her entire life.
“Ella was a Thoroughbred cross, and looking back, and having the knowledge I do now, I would have never bred her,” Adler tells The Plaid Horse. “We didn’t know her pedigree, she had terrible conformation, and her mind just wasn’t super sound.”
The foal was named Olivia, born three weeks premature. She was a dummy foal, a nightmare for a first-time mare breeder and owner.
“It was early February, so it was freezing cold, and she had to be rushed to the University of Georgia’s vet school,” says Adler. “She was there for three weeks.”
In the first four days of her life, Olivia’s bladder ruptured and she had to have surgery. Adler got to watch. The foal was also in a coma for part of the three weeks. She had to learn to walk along with other basic functions. When she came home, she was raised as an orphan because her dam rejected her.
“Ella was a maiden and never had the chance to connect with Olivia at birth since it was such an emergency situation,” says Adler. The foal was formula-fed around the clock, and when she was older, Adler taught her how to eat grain.
“I literally was eating grain out of a bowl to show her how to do it,” she recalls with a laugh. “She never turned into the fancy show horse that I was hoping for, but she is my total heart horse. And she led me down a whole other path of horse ownership.”
While Olivia’s birth hadn’t been an easy one, it taught Adler a lot, especially about proper foal development and training.
“She was neurotic,” Ashley says of Olivia’s dam, Ella. “She was not always fun to ride. And back then, I thought, ‘Oh, breed her to a nice quiet stallion, I will get a nice baby.’ What a lot of people don’t realize is that so much of breeding is the mare. It’s not just the stallion. So, if you have a good mare with solid foundations, good pedigrees, it’s hard to screw up from there when using a reputable stallion.”
Kiss of Gold-J carries a W20 gene which contributes to his flashy white markings
Those early lessons in breeding were the foundation on which Adler built Oasis, her 80-acre facility in Cumming, GA, that specializes in breeding and foal raising. She has clients all over the East Coast—from Massachusetts to Florida— that board their young warmbloods at her farm.
“Overall, it’s hard to find a barn that will take weanlings and young horses,” Adler says, “because they want the space for full training show horses. And that totally makes sense to me.”
But she loves raising foals. “I find so much joy in developing the young because they are genuinely curious, innocent and impressionable. If you raise them right, handle them right, give them their first experiences correctly, they grow up to be such well-behaved, solid citizens and that, to me, is incredibly rewarding.”
Oasis—named for the “O” in Olivia and “A” in Ashley—has a 60-acre turnout for the broodmares, an arena, and smaller paddocks for the younger foals before they go out into the bigger turnout. Adler also takes in retired horses and helps clients with end-of-life situations.
Young horses are not just boarded at Oasis. Adler ensures each young horse gets age-appropriate training as well as the correct environment for healthy growth and development, starting with being turned out as much as possible.
“My preference is 24/7 turnout for the babies,” she says. “They can come into stalls to eat if the owner desires and have that handling of being led to a stall, or come into a run with a shed, but I think people miss out on crucial developmental years by keeping babies in stalls. The horse’s body is meant to move. People want to bubble wrap their horses, but I think bubble wrapping them at an early age creates a self-fulfilling prophecy: they will need to be bubble-wrapped the rest of their lives. There is a lot of research and data that really speaks to the benefits of developing horses getting ample turnout.”
She notes that most of these horses are destined to be show horses, spending a lot of their life in stalls, so why not let them have freedom while they can?
The experience, she adds, helps them to strengthen muscles and joints, explore the
world, and gain confidence. The result is longevity and a sounder mind.
Along with plenty of turnout, Adler handles each foal, including training that starts when they are still at the dam’s side. While with their dam, foals learn to wear a halter and to be led, how to load in a trailer, and how to be tied.
“We put mom in the crossties and foals on a safety release tie right there with them,” says Adler. “Mom is relaxed, baby is relaxed. They can learn the importance of being patient so that when we do it later without mom, it’s no big deal. They take it in stride.”
Young horses also learn to have their feet picked up and be respectful for farrier visits. Grooming, blankets, baths and clipping are also on the list. Once weaned, they continue their education, like taking individual walks around the property so they can learn to be confident alone and get exposed to new things. When they aren’t learning big horse stuff, they get to run and play with each other. It’s like summer camp for foals.
As for Olivia, who turns 13 in February, she is the world’s best babysitter. “When
I wean the mares and foals, I put some of the foals with her,” Adler says. “It’s hilarious because she never had a mother figure, but she is such a good babysitter. She is not mean to them, but teaches them manners and personal space. Everything a young horse needs to have from an equine socialization standpoint.”
Recently, Adler added a splash of color to her warmblood breeding program in the form of a palomino stallion named Kiss of Gold-J. Sired by Burberry-9 out of Kora, Kiss of Gold-J wasn’t something Adler had planned on, but she instantly fell in love.
“His owner posted photos of him on Facebook and I messaged her to see if he was for sale,” says Adler. “She said he wasn’t for sale. I asked her if he could be for sale. She said maybe…and that was it.”
Adler flew to Poland to meet her new horse. He was everything she was hoping for.
“His temperament is perfect,” she says. “He’s like a puppy dog in horse form.
I opened his stall door to meet him and he came up and nuzzled my cheek, as if he was greeting me with a kiss. He is calm and sweet, just like a respectable stallion should be.”
Adler is a firm believer that if a stallion doesn’t act like a gelding behaviorally, he should be a gelding. There is too much risk in maintaining an aggressive stallion. Kiss of Gold-J doesn’t just have a great temperament; he is also a beautiful mover. “He moves like a hunter should, with that beautiful trot and those perfect knees over fences” she says.
Kiss of Gold-J is currently in training in the Netherlands, where he will focus on his early show career before coming to the United States. Adler is excited to see him grow in the show ring. “His color is going to make him really stand out,” she says. “Most hunters seem to be bay or chestnut. It will be awesome to bring some color into the hunter ring.”
Currently, Adler has frozen semen in Europe and in the United States. To inquire about space at Oasis for your mare or young horse or breeding Kiss of Gold-J, contact Adler on her website oasissporthorses.com.
Discover the power of Chadino, a top breeding stallion with proven excellence on the international stage. As one of the most successful sons of Chacco Blue, Chadino has an impressive competition record: 20 starts at 150m, 36 starts at 160m, 1 at 165m, and 2 at 170m levels, including 39 team starts, 10 championship starts, and 67 starts at the 5* level. With a lineage that speaks of champions, Chadino has competed in prestigious events like the FEI World Cup Finals ‘17 & ’18, Olympic Games ‘16 and Wold Equestrian Games in ‘14, showing unmatched consistency, athleticism, scope, and heart. As one of the few stallions in the world approved and licensed by Selle Francais, Oldenburg, Zangersheide, Westphalen, and SBS, Chadino brings unparalleled versatility and prestige. Breed with a stallion that carries not only superior genetics but also the qualities every equestrian dreams of; talent, temperament, and triumph. Make Chadino the cornerstone of your breeding program and secure a future of equestrian greatness.
Contact us today to learn more or place your order. chadino.com || Sanjay Bagai +1 510 599 5272 sanjay.bagai@gmail.com
RINGSIDE PRO founder Emma Fass dared to go where others wouldn’t—between horse show management and the mob demanding answers from them.
“How many trips until I go?”
“Is the ring running fast or slow?”
“What did they just say on the loudspeaker?”
These are just some of the many questions that, try as they might, local to premier show management has never had a platform to dependably answer. Until now.
With innovative technology, RingSide Pro is giving horse show exhibitors the clearest, most direct line of communication from the ring to their phones. The text alert so ware and online communication system is making horse shows more accessible to all people, and at every level.
When competing as a junior, Fass recalls a particular memory in which she and her mother hauled into a one day horse show a few hours before the time her class was estimated to start.
Upon arrival, to their horror, Fass’s name was being called over the loudspeaker. Due to an unforeseen large number of scratches, her ring had run fast and was held up for her.
“Our sport is already very intimidating to people who are just learning about it and trying to get involved in it,” says Fass. Her business, RingSide Pro, was founded to elevate the sport for people who are already involved, and to make it feel a lot more accommodating to the people who are trying to get involved.
“Parents of new riders might ask them, ‘What time are you showing?’
only to get a response from their child of, ‘Somewhere between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.’ Why not just sign up for soccer?’” jokes Fass. “It’s really important that there are plenty of resources and enough communication to get people into the sport and want to stay in the sport.”
A er graduating college with a degree in computer science, Fass launched RingSide Pro in 2020 to build tools for in-person horse shows. When the pandemic brought all competition to a halt, Fass had to pivot. She began by o ering online clinics while everyone was facing lock-down and when horse shows began to slowly open up again, RingSide Pro evolved with them.
Originally, the text alert system was developed to help with social distancing so that local shows could open and operate safely–encouraging people to stay back at the barns and not crowd the ingate or the sta . When COVID-19 restrictions were li ed, horse show managers realized the text tool was helpful in creating a smoother and less stressful show environment–pandemic or not.
Later, the online entry system was added, according to Fass, as part of the accessibility goal. This way, “Everybody could get everything they needed in one place.”
RingSide Pro is also an attractive option for local shows because it’s accommodating to them, too. The pricing of its services is scaled to the size of the
horse show, making it a ordable for even the smallest schooling shows.
“There are great aspects to huge horse shows, but we also need a place for people to go to their rst-ever horse show,” says Fass. “The amazing local horse shows that we have all over the country are the very rst introduction to the sport for so many people.”
Fass, who remembers doing the walk-trot and Short Stirrup divisions in somebody’s back paddock, says, “I had the absolute best time going to those horse shows. That’s what really fed my love for the sport, and then that’s what drove me to want to step up to the next level and compete at the rated level.”
For Fass, adjustable pricing means that large scale shows can have the tools and di erent features that are meant for huge organizations. And smaller horse shows that don’t necessarily need those tools don’t end up paying for all the bells and whistles they would not use.
With RingSide Pro, Fass isn’t looking into the future–she’s asking the community what the future needs to look like. Her business, which already has an established selection of online clinics and both the horse show text alert and the online entry so ware, is still expanding. Exciting new features are on the way, as directed by the needs, concerns, and requests of horse people.
The newest addition to RingSide Pro’s tool arsenal is a personalizable text alert system that users can set up for seamless barn-wide communication. The design of this so ware was inspired by the barn managers Fass consulted. Those managers tested it in their programs until it was perfect and ready to publicly launch last August.
“I’ve spent a lot of time meeting with any barn or horse show manager
“Local horse shows are really important for young riders. If we want those shows to continue to exist, they need to have the right tools available to them at the right price.”
who’s willing to talk to me. I ask them a ton of questions about their side of the operation,” says Fass. “I’ve chatted with the show secretaries and anyone who is kind enough to let me shadow them.”
For Fass, RingSide Pro is her own way of showing love for the industry. “Local horse shows are really important for young riders. If we want those shows to continue to exist, they need to have the right tools available to them at the right price,” she says.
Doubt was one of the biggest hurdles Fass had to overcome with RingSide Pro, and she did so by proving technology can really make a positive e ect on the industry and also be very easy to use.
“Patience was really key,” says Fass. “I would pitch the so ware to some more traditional horse show managers who
would say, ‘No, I don’t think that we need that, we’ve always run the horse show the same way.’ And to that I would say, ‘Totally ne, let me know if you change your mind.’”
Luckily, others were willing to adopt the so ware. Once it was used for the rst time at a rated horse show, early adopters spoke highly of it to show managers they knew personally. Once the word of mouth began to take hold, RingSide Pro gathered a wide range of supporters, some of whom were previously skeptics.
Now, RingSide Pro is used by USEF Pony Finals, USHJA’s Championships and the Ottawa Equestrian Tournament. Fass is proud of the positive impact that RingSide Pro creates for both show managers and participants. Her patience has paid o , and she looks forward to continuing to open minds to the idea of using more technology in our sport.
When we encounter art, or “the unexpected inevitable,” as Elizabeth Gilbert defines it, we might wonder: How did I get so lucky? This is what takes your breath away, allows contemplation, and inspires awe. On the other hand, there’s a lot of life that is pure appliance: Expected, hardware, completely unimagined.
This is your new monthly equine pop culture contribution—think: Where The Onion meets The New Yorker—to rate what we’re seeing out there, from Appliance to Art. Take it with a grain of salt and a hearty sense of humor. For the love of all things horse, don’t @ us. Have an idea for an entry? Email us at editor@theplaidhorse.com and we might include it in our next column.
Two students from Laurel Springs School share their experience with The Plaid Horse
IT’S FRIDAY EVENING. Sisters Lillian, 11th grade, and Victoria, 8th grade, are on their way home from figure skating practice. For years, they competed on the ice. After Lillian suffered multiple back injuries and the two came face to face with the pandemic, they thought they’d try something different. “Let’s do something fun that we’ve never done before, and that allows us to still be outside and socially distanced,” Victoria recalls saying to Lillian. And so, their journey on horseback began with what was supposed to be “just one lesson.”
Fast forward to today: The two spend 5-6 days each week at the barn, they are competing at the national level, and Lillian is currently going through the recruitment process for some of the top D1 schools in the country. Their schedule takes them up and down the East Coast, with their home in Connecticut and their barns in Colts Neck, NJ, and Wellington, FL. They also balance figure skating training, full-time online school at Laurel Springs, big college and career ambitions, and a fulfilling social life. The sisters opened up to The Plaid Horse about their equestrian journey, lifestyle, and how online school has made it possible for them to wholeheartedly pursue their passions.
What made you two fall in love with equestrian sport?
Victoria: I wanted to ride for years! Due to figure skating, we could not ride due to the risk of injury. When the skating world came to a complete halt due to the COVID-19 quarantine, I managed to convince my mom to let us take one lesson in December 2020. We immediately fell in love with riding!
Lillian: Once we started riding, things took off from there. We started traveling for shows, spending four to five days a week at the barn, and riding more and more. We developed a passion for it. Horses became a huge part of our life—it’s so much fun!
How often are you traveling, and what does your typical training schedule involve?
Lillian: We are on the road quite a bit! We spend five months in Florida for the winter circuit. Even when we are in our home state of Connecticut, we are
rarely ever home. Our barn is two-plus hours each way from our house and we’re always traveling to competitions or training.
Victoria: Home is a relative term! We have logged a lot of nights at hotels and on some show days we wake up at 4 a.m. and don’t get home until 7 p.m. We do Pilates, yoga, and work with a personal trainer for both riding and skating. Then, if we’re not at the barn or a competition, we’re probably at the skating rink! We definitely keep ourselves very busy!
With such busy schedules, how do you avoid feeling stressed or overwhelmed?
Lillian: We originally came to Laurel Springs because of our rigorous training and competition schedules for skating and continued on at LSS when riding took over our lives. It was the perfect solution to our academic needs—having the ability to train, compete, travel, and do assignments whenever we need to, and from wherever we may be. Victoria: We can do everything on our own schedules. I feel like online school takes some pressure off of us. As long
as we are willing to put in the time and effort that we need to stay on track with our assignments, we can have the best of both worlds. A great education, riding, skating, travel, a social life, and more!
Lillian: I agree. I think being able to create our own schedules has made balancing our multiple competing priorities possible, without feeling overwhelmed. The flexibility that Laurel Springs offers makes this all possible. On some days, I spend the entire day working on assignments, while on other days, I just take some time off to relax.
Do you feel like this flexible lifestyle has impacted your success and performance as equestrians?
Lillian: Definitely. I’ve noticed a huge improvement in my riding since being able to spend more time practicing and putting in all the hours that I possibly can. There are many new opportunities that have become available to us to progress in riding and spend more time with our horses, which we love! This would not be possible if we attended a brick and mortar school and had to commute to the barn after school.
Victoria: I feel like my bond with my horse is stronger, which has translated into success in the show ring. I love that I can spend more time at the barn. It makes such a difference.
So, you both believe that being able to create your own school schedule each week is the biggest game-changer?
Lillian: Yes, and being able to learn from anywhere and at any time has opened up a world of opportunities. We have friends in the horse world who go to brick and mortar schools, and they’re always trying to finish up homework at shows, or they’re stressed out about missing classes or exams while they are away. We don’t have to worry about that additional stress and are able to be 100% focused on competing. I recently competed at the National Horse Show in the Maclay Finals. To avoid having any distractions, I got all of my school work done ahead of time. That’s one of the many great things about Laurel Springs. I can go as far ahead in my classes as I would like, or I can focus exclusively on one subject. There’s no waiting on lesson plans for the week and my school is open 24/7.
How do you make time for socializing among everything else?
Victoria: We met most of our friends through skating and riding, and it’s nice to spend time with them away from the rink or barn. Having a flexible school schedule makes that possible.
Lillian: We’ve also met a few of our friends through Laurel Springs with all the clubs and hangouts. I’m the president of the Equestrian Club, and I’ve had opportunities to meet people through the club.
Victoria: And I’m the vice president of the club! Last winter, we were able to meet up with some of the members of the club in Florida during the winter show circuit. We already have plans to meet up with some of this year’s members this winter.
Lillian: Something like this might not even exist at a brick and mortar school, but because the Laurel Springs student population is so broad and diverse, you have people from all over the world. You can always find people that have the same interests as you.
What’s on the horizon for you both?
And how is your current lifestyle preparing you?
Lillian: I’m really looking forward to hopefully riding on a D1 equestrian team and plan to major in finance. My ultimate goal is to work in financial services on Wall Street. I’ve learned so many important life lessons during my time at Laurel Springs, such as time management and balancing multiple priorities. Add in a rigorous course load, incredible teachers, horses, skating, competitions, and more, and I have the best of all possible worlds rolled into one! The classes that I’m taking at Laurel Springs are helping me prepare for my future. I am taking all AP and honors classes and I recently started a principles of business course. Laurel Springs is really supportive of its students and makes it possible for students to succeed both in and out of school. I feel like I always have someone there for me, whether it’s my teachers, guidance counselor, or NCAA advisor. Victoria: I would like to be a doctor; I am fascinated by the medical field. I’m also hoping to ride on a D1 team in college, and it will be nice to be able to experience what it is like to ride in college through my sister. I’m planning to take AP and honors courses in high school to prepare myself for the rigorous coursework that lies ahead in college. I know that Laurel Springs will give me a great foundation for the future!
For more information about Laurel Springs K-12 Online School, visit laurelsprings.com.
AS THE COSTS OF attending horse shows continue to rise, competitors and event organizers alike are feeling the pinch. It’s only natural to look for ways to save, but the next time you ask the show secretary, “Can I just pay by check?” to avoid the digital processing fee, you may unknowingly be contributing to bigger problems that threaten the long-term sustainability of horse show you love.
Venues have made significant investments in digital entry systems like STRIDER, designed to streamline the competitor entry process, protect your personal data, and ensure secure financial transactions. These systems aren’t just a nice-to-have—they are essential for creating a streamlined, high-quality experience for everyone involved, and crucial for the future of the sport.
While it might feel like a small win to get the show secretary to accept a check, the reality is that with today’s emphasis on data security, you’re shifting a sizeable burden and cost of processing your entry onto others. The entry costs you “avoid” don’t just disappear; they get absorbed by fellow competitors, event organizers, and volunteers. The result is increased show operational costs and higher entry fees for everyone, threatening the very sustainability of the shows we all enjoy.
Here’s why asking to skirt fees can have a negative domino effect on the entire horse show:
Every minute spent processing checks or manually reconciling payments is a minute NOT spent on something that directly improve your experience as a competitor.
When a rider requests manual entry or payment processing, show
management has to divert their time to tedious administrative work instead of the essential tasks competitors really need. Show organizers need time to coordinate ride times, secure sponsors, arrange prize money, and set up stabling—things that directly impact you as a rider.
For smaller shows that rely on volunteers, this extra workload leads to burnout, diminishing the energy available to manage the show at the high level we all expect. The end result? A less enjoyable show for everyone involved.
We’ve all heard of shows struggling to stay afloat or even shutting down because they couldn’t balance the budget. With rising costs and limited resources, every decision made—like bypassing digital transaction fees—can have a lasting impact on the financial health of a show.
Manually processing and reconciling payments cost show organizers a tremendous amount in time and labor— typically $30 to $65 per entry. These added costs don’t just disappear; they directly eat into the show’s profits. To compensate, organizers may raise entry fees or cut back on services like prize money, amenities, or even the quality of the event. Worst-case scenario: the show becomes financially unsustainable and may no longer exist in the future.
So, instead of saving a few dollars now, you might be contributing to the closure of the very shows you love to compete in.
Horse shows depend on volunteers who generously give their time to ensure everything runs smoothly. However,
when riders request manual entry and payment processing instead of using the digital systems that show management has invested in, volunteers are left to handle the extra workload—often during their personal time, outside of regular hours. This added burden quickly leads to burnout, making it harder to retain and recruit the passionate people who keep the shows going.
As this cycle continues, the pool of volunteers shrinks, putting the future of horse shows in jeopardy.
By asking the show secretary to skip the processing fees, you’re not just impacting your own experience—you’re contributing to rising operational costs, volunteer burnout, and a potential decrease in show quality. Digital payment systems are crucial for ensuring that transactions are handled smoothly, securely, and efficiently, giving show organizers more time to focus on what matters most: providing an outstanding experience for everyone involved.
Next time you’re tempted to ask, “Can I just pay by check?” remember that it’s not just about saving a few bucks—it’s about supporting the infrastructure that makes your favorite shows financially viable, sustainable, and of the highest quality for the entire equestrian community.
As the leading entry platform across disciplines for the equestrian industry, an approved competition software provider for the United States Equestrian Federation and a Global PayPal Partner, STRIDER enables outstanding access to top-tier experiences. Start today with stress-free digital entries using a FREE STRIDER account. Visit striderpro.com to learn more.
BOWIE, CHLOE, DINA. I remember them all, ocked together. My idol, my dog, and my mother, all in one fell swoop. Poof. Gone. What are you supposed to do? It was cold and it rained. Surrounded by horses, horses, horses. Save yourself, serve yourself. Et cetera.
I moved my horse, Paul, to North Carolina in my second year of college. I found a barn at the recommendation of a friend. I think she was worried about me; I had not handled separation from the horses well my rst year. I maintain that I simply did not enjoy seeing the blues and grays of Duke every day; I am more of a warm tones person, and the universally cool palette was getting to me to the point that my friends and family were concerned.
My music echoes in Paul’s stall when I go to visit him every day a er class. I always play Bowie, usually the later stu , (usually Blackstar), and I don’t know why, but the electronica and the strangled crooning create the oddest echo against the open-grained wood. It’s a very yellow sound; it blends perfectly with the golden hour light that slits through the impeccably maintained red barn doors (except for the chips by the handles). It’s a Gry ndor hour, brave and reckless and targeted. It grates on the ears in a lovely, masochistic way. I think I’m unique in my love for the moment the music creates, or at least I am le with that impression. My friends all call it chaotic, the opposite of what they want in a place where they come to relax. I think it ts.
Paul’s stall has a brass nameplate, the newest in the barn, ordered in August a er Paul managed to get a bite of his previous one, leaving giant toothshaped indentations in the coppery metal. It’s hard to tell what it actually says. Unobscured, it reads:
Tall Paul Maggie Wolfe
You can barely read either name as it is. Little green dots speckle the pristine surface, like tadpoles in a pond, newly born in spring. This barn is full of little contradictions: smudged golden nameplates, revealed to be pyrite; cobwebs in the small window into the tack room which form a free-range Jackson Pollock. It’s like Bowie’s Berlin years: yellow in the ltered setting sun, like the cover of Low; comforting and then jarring in its contradictions and its oddities like Heroes (why is there a banana peel le in the corner of Paul’s stall? Why are Bowie’s hands like that?); electronic, in a comforting, unrusted, non- re-hazard-fans-from-Ollie’s-Bargain-Hunt kind of way, like Lodger I started riding when I was eleven years old. Dina (“Mom” always felt oddly formal and removed; she and I always ended up opposing whatever was expected of us) had been searching for my sport for years. When she was a child, her father (my grandfather) built her a basketball court, borrowing his brothers’ tools from their construction business and clearing out 100 square feet of grass o of his farm. It was a playing eld of red Georgia clay, unpaved, and twenty years into its lifespan, when I was its master, the particles would y up and stain your hands red, no matter how careful you were not to fall and ruin your white jeans from Ross. When Dina still played there, it was much more—a place of artistry. My grandpa didn’t let her into the house each night for dinner until she’d hit a hundred free throws on the net-less hoop. She always did it. I wasn’t there, but I can imagine it, construct the romance in my head: There is Dina, my grandfather watching imperiously, but lovingly, from afar, the silent generation embodied. As
she dribbles, the red clay forms a halo around her head, and whatever deity exists reaches their life-creating hand down and guides the ball into the hoop (its rubber grooves almost blend in with the earthy color of the shaken clay; it almost makes it look like a shooting star). Perhaps there was music playing in the background. Perhaps there was Bowie at her shoulder, choosing her. Perhaps the sky parted and the bluebirds called out in celebration. And I wanted to get back there.
I’ve never been able to describe what it feels like to ride a horse very well to others; they always end up confused ... The best I can generally do is to say that it makes even me--the depressive, gothic terror--happy.
The barn Dina found for us was called Step-n-Free, a play on the owner’s name, Stephanie. (Her name was actually Lydia, but what catchy name ever came out of one of Pride and Prejudice’s lesser sisters?) It was a little bit like that red clay court on which my mother and I both spent our childhoods: functional but dirty, down a dirt road.
Dina would never drive her black Volvo (Gertrude was its–her–name)
to Step-n-Free. Somewhere in the years since she was a country girl with calluses so thick they made the soles of her feet gray and her hands stained permanently red, she’d become a clean person. And so, her black car could not follow in her footsteps: it could not become raggedy with grit in its fenders. This meant that every day–hour and a half there, hour and a half back–we drove the Mazda which she bought used “for me” when I was 14 (its–his–name was William the Bastard).
The farm was lovely in its way, but it was desolate. There was no corn on the property (it was exclusively a livestock operation), but it nevertheless had the air of a corn eld. If you stayed there all day, you wound up shocked that you had not witnessed any alien abductions or ax murders. They lmed The Walking Dead there.
There were animals everywhere you turned. Stephanie had four dogs, so that each one could catch a di erent type of pest; Chloe caught rats, Prissy got frogs, Paisley got possums, and Duke got the neighbor’s chickens when they looked at him the wrong way. There were forty horses on the property, and one three-legged, one-horned monstrosity of a goat named Tyrion Lannister. The place felt like a trail a er a storm: pine cones and leaves scattered, branches falling, air energized from a lightning strike that could have killed you but didn’t. It energized you, created a high, and it made even the germaphobe in me (and in Dina) accept the tack room where the feathers of dead birds served as carpeting and mouse droppings rested alongside popsicles for the kids in the freezer.
Dina had a way with animals, especially Step-n-Free’s animals. She always fed the horses as soon as we arrived. She did a little jog, smiling her radiant, white-toothed, square-jawed smile that I did not inherit. Then she made her way to the feed room, where
you turned on the lights and heard the scurry of mice and did not care. It smelled like molasses and straw. She gave the dogs grain and the horses forage. She always had obvious favorites. Chloe was a Jack Russell terrier with red and white markings; the runt of her litter. Stephanie had gotten her as a last attempt to avoid calling an exterminator about the pest issue. Dina adopted her as a pet and spoiled her rotten and made her too fat to do her job. No one cared, though, because it was Dina. Chloe would run up to her and jump into her arms when we pulled in and stepped out of the Mazda. Their smiles lit up the corn elds.
I’ve never been able to describe what it feels like to ride a horse very well to others; they always end up confused. If I try to be clear, it ends up a cliché out of Black Beauty: the wind blowing through one’s hair as they gallop through the countryside, chasing the sunset (or is it supposed to be sunrise?). The best I can generally do is to say that it makes even me–the depressive, gothic terror–happy. That tends to amaze my listening audience enough that they pause their questioning for the moment to contemplate. It’s not the most accurate explanation, but at least it satis es my audience.
When I ride Paul, it makes me feel intoxicated: dizzy and on top of the world and a little paranoid at the back of my mind. He is physically taller than every other horse I have ever met. He seems to scrape the top of the skyline as he gallops up hills in the eld like no other horse, even though the height di erence is only a few inches. He also just has a look in his eye—the look of superiority, what my therapist desperately calls con dence—like you see in the realist portraits of 19th-century aristocracy. He is Jacques-Louis David’s Napoleon snatching Josephine’s crown from the Pope himself, except he doesn’t have a complex about his height to bother him.
I’ve always felt that con dent horses rub o on you if you let them, and I let Paul use me as a scratching post.
Paul always meets my expectations, and sometimes I worry that it’s almost worse that way, for both of us. If Paul is a David painting, then I am a Goya: An awesome subject brought to the light and found wanting, a withered old man in want of a napkin. I never seem to surpass the expectation. When I played on that old basketball court, I didn’t look like a warrior returning from battle with clay-streaked cheeks and battle scars, but like a drowned rat coming out of the Chattahoochee, gasping and gaping. When I’m bathed in the light of the splitting sun along with Paul and Bowie each a ernoon, I look less mysterious or majestic or god-like than sunburnt. No one runs to me in joy when I pull into sight.
I found out that Bowie died from the news, obviously. There were a million di erent obituaries and clips on the TV. His last album, Blackstar, had come out just a couple of days before. I had never listened to it then; I had no need for a prop.
With Chloe, it was actually tragic, for everyone. She wasn’t an old celebrity who’d led a hard life. She was tiny, a year old, innocent, with a little mole that grew wiry hair above her eyeball. She twitched her back right leg when she walked so it looked like she had a peg leg. A Chevy truck crushed her skull going 60 in a 35. Ironic: Stephanie was always telling Dina she should make my dad get a Chevy. Dina cried–an hour and a half there, an hour and a half back–when she found out. I thought it might have been the rst time.
I found Dina at home. I was angry we weren’t on our way to the barn yet a er I’d gotten home from school and changed. She normally met me downstairs, ready to go with a water bottle and my tall boots. I thought she looked forward to our treks to Step-n-Free even
more than I did. Apparently not. I checked on her: asleep. She wasn’t. The ashing red lights on the ambulances were much brighter than the Georgia clay. Their glow was not capable of leaving grit in any fenders. She’d have hated that.
Death is not what one imagines. That is not just in the cliché way, the way of tragedies. It is in a sel sh way, a survivor’s way. I walk around every day and I don’t know where to put my love. There is no place for it now.
My new barn in North Carolina is many things: it has a gravel driveway that gets my car just as dusty as it ever was at Step-n-Free; it has a menagerie of three dogs and sixteen horses; it has walls of corrugated metal which echo my obsession-driven music. It doesn’t have my mom. It can’t ll that hole.
Dina once told me that she signed me up for my rst horseback riding lesson a er I had gotten rejected from my rst travel basketball team. I had wanted to follow in her footsteps. I didn’t have the talent on the clay that she did, but I knew what it was; I thought that was enough. Perhaps, desperately, she thought, “What little girl wouldn’t be cheered up by a pony ride?”
She was right. The barn is still my favorite place. (Does it matter whether that’s in memory or in truth?)
1 Morgan Maccosham and Santa Fe • 2 Cascadia and Victoria Ridgeway in the 1.0 M Open Jumper • 3 Lucie Olafsson and Casaro • 4 Kaylee and Asher Overman in the leadline class • 5 Jax Pacheco and Ivan
RECENTLY, THERE has been a remarkable amount of inflammatory media revealing the mental and physical state of those living and working in the equine industry. This led me to start asking some serious questions to my fellow peers: amateurs, professionals, and business owners.
The consensus: the industry is out of hand. What does that mean, specifically? Their answers: Prices, shows, commissions, staff, lessons, saturated sales market, and the list continues. There is continued confusion between the hobbyist and the true horse professional.
From the outside, the best equine industry seems so simple, and yet we are no closer as a community to maintaining the sport at its core. We have seemingly no grassroot foundational levels in order to keep talented individuals in key roles. In a series of articles exclusive to The Plaid Horse, I will explore where things currently stand in the horse industry, and what we can do to improve them for both the humans and horses involved.
Over the past 20 years, I have navigated the equine industry through various disciplines, job titles, and unique facets in order to reach the stability that I have today. The life I envisioned did not exist in an ordinary box of what the industry was willing to give me. So, in order to live the life that I want, I designed it for myself. I made the decision to strike out on my own path and use my valuable skills as a freelance employee.
Freelance work in the equine industry is a growing sector that provides individuals with flexibility while contributing to the overall functioning of the industry. This type of work allows equine professionals to operate independently, often providing specialized services to horse owners, trainers, breeders, and facilities. Freelance workers in the equine industry can range from trainers and riders to veterinarians, farriers, grooms, and event coordinators.
Upon college graduation, I had been prepared in equine scientific studies and industry business practices. I traveled abroad, worked in England and France, and worked across many disciplines. The vision I was searching for seemed just beyond my grasp.
For many in the industry, freelance is an entirely new solution to a complicated issue that many of us face. I want to share the experience in case others find themselves in similar situations. I continue to pursue freedom of employment in all equestrian sectors, in order to maintain sovereignty over pay, hours, choice of employers, and location, strictly because the industry standards do not provide stability of income in modern society.
Had I been able to survive with the scraps the industry was feeding me, perhaps it could have been different. But, I have developed highly sought-after skill sets, on multiple continents, which afford me to work anywhere I like, in any language, whenever I want. To me, freelance
has given me the fulfillment that no other employers could, including opportunity, pay, and respect. I don’t need to work for anyone, but for those I offer my services to, there will be mutual appreciation, respect, realistic expectations, reliability and livable income.
Most industry professionals acknowledge that times are changing. The dialogue continues in the media I see popping up, vitriolic and oppressive, because change is often feared. Most up-and-coming equestrians feel the lack of an industry with transparency and evolution, let alone livable wages. Everyone blames something or someone, but no one takes any action. For the industry to evolve means we must make progress. The elusive answer that the younger generation have given voice to in recent years, is one of transparency. Or lack thereof. We will dive into further details about how and why we are here in future articles.
Freelance work creates a lot of possibilities for me and for others, but if this is to be the way forward, we need to discuss some of the effects on the horses. The increasing reliance on freelance grooms in the equine industry brings both opportunities and challenges, raising concerns about the well-being of both horses and their caretakers.
Freelancers offer valuable expertise and flexibility, but their transient nature
can disrupt the consistency that horses need to thrive. Horses, as creatures of habit, rely on familiar routines and handlers to maintain physical and emotional stability. Inconsistencies in care due to rotating grooms can cause stress, affect performance, and even lead to health setbacks.
For horses, the frequent change of handlers disrupts routines and creates additional stress. Freelancers often lack the time to develop a rapport with the horses they care for, which can hinder their ability to notice subtle behavioral or health changes. This lack of continuity can also lead to confusion or anxiety in horses when new grooms use unfamiliar techniques or fail to understand individual preferences. Ultimately, for performance horses: physical, mental, and emotional health are all equally important. Inconsistencies due to freelance workers can cause decreased performance, which hinders professional records and earned winnings.
So how can a freelance groom make up for the shortcomings inherent in not being part of horses’ usual routines? In my experience, due to burn out that many full-time employees experience, I can offer more emotionally and physically detailed care as a freelancer, simply because I feel fresh and grateful for my clients. A lot of barn’s grooms come and go, with a continuous turnover, even among full-timers.
Either way, I am sure it is difficult for the horse to find comfort in a revolving door of handlers. My upside: Most of my clientele can agree that I treat every horse as if it was my own. Any good freelance groom will do the same. In this manner, I’ve created a rapport not only easing worries to the riders and owners, but also seamlessly integrating amongst the team, bringing necessary aid, and keeping the atmosphere calm and uninterrupted. I understand this is not a skill everyone has. Good horsemanship and people skills are essential as a freelance groom, since you will be meeting all types of people and working with some very competitive horses.
During my personal freelance experiences—including training, riding, and grooming—I have also worked as a relief
manager during emergency situations for facilities, flying across the country and the world. I am eternally grateful for how I have carved a new path for myself. You cannot control everyone or everything, but you can control how you engage with others. Remember: your livelihood and future are yours to fulfill.
In closing, if I could relay one piece of advice, it would be to sit and ask yourself what you really want to do within the equine industry. What makes you stay? I polled a demographic of peers online and the resounding answer was: for the love of horses. Why, then, do we fail the horse in its most basic needs: consistency and routine? Why are we, as an industry, so willing to keep the high turnover rate? What more could be done to keep great employees? Pay? Incentives?
I’m looking forward to the deep dive and sharing the latest research to see what options and solutions we can create moving forward. There are no right and wrong answers. If you cannot find the path envisioned, forge a new one.
Katie Derer graduated from Delaware Valley University with a Bachelor’s degree in Equine Studies, specializing in Equine Training. She also studied abroad in the UK at Hartpury College, where she found her enthusiasm for research and globalization practices within the equine industry. In 2016, she formed Wilderer Equestrian as a young professional, committed to young horses, salets, and showing on the circuit. After 20+ years in the industry, she continues to document first-hand experiences and search for solution-based policies to bring into practice.
One of the most common freelance roles in the equine industry is that of an independent trainer or coach. Freelance trainers work with horse owners and riders to develop skills in various disciplines such as dressage, jumping, Western riding, racing, or therapeutic riding. These trainers may offer lessons, provide one-on-one coaching, or manage the training of horses at their own facility or at a client’s farm. Freelance trainers are often hired for specialized needs, such as preparing horses for competitions, teaching beginner riders, or providing rehabilitation after injury.
Grooms who work as freelancers are hired to care for horses, clean stables, feed, water, and ensure general horse health and well-being. Some grooms work directly for private horse owners, while others might be employed by training facilities, racing stables, or competition teams. Freelance grooms have the flexibility to choose their hours, but their work is physically demanding and irregular, often requiring long hours, including weekends and holidays. Grooms might also be hired to travel with horses for shows, races, or events.
VALERIE KALDERON had never owned a stallion— or been anywhere near one— when a friend found a 3-year-old Oldenberg named Emerald Silver.
The 2018 Oldenberg, located in Poland, had a fantastic lineage, and Kalderon knew he was something special. Even if she didn’t have experience with stallions, she knew people who did.
“I was a bit terrified. My husband thought I was insane. I wanted to see what he was capable of before I made the decision to geld him or not because he is so beautiful,” Kalderon tells The Plaid Horse.
Kalderon, an amateur rider, is the owner of Ocala’s Opening Bell Farms, a sales, boarding, training and breeding facility that even includes Airbnb housing. The operating team includes professionals Jordan Lubow, Abby Strohmeyer, and recent addition Kate McLauchlan, working together to build a strong foundation for young horses like Emerald Silver. They expect that with his consistency, easy personality, and USEF Horse of the Year in the 3 ft Green Hunter title, Emerald Silver will excel as a hunter stallion.
It was a combined effort to find, purchase, and integrate the stallion into the farm.
Emerald Silver, barn name Silvio, is quite distinctive. A six-year-old bay with a silver tail, his lineage is from Emerald
Van ’T Ruytershof, a Grand-Prix winning Olympian stallion known for his scope, balance, confirmation, and intelligence.
Kalderon was interested in purchasing an intact horse. She’d been frustrated when it was time to breed her mare, only finding a small number of hunter stallions in the market with phenomenal records that were available for breeding. She wasn’t sure that Silvio would fit as a hunter sire because his European trainers kept saying that he was meant for Grand Prix.
Her gamble paid off.
“I bought him hoping that he was a hunter and my European trainers kept telling me that he was a Grand Prix horse, just like his sire,” says Kalderon. “We’d watch the videos and I’d think, ‘I don’t know if he’s really a Grand Prix horse.’”
Opening Bell Farms trainer Jordan Lubow had a friend in Europe who could
ride the stallion as a hunter to see if there was any truth to Kalderon’s hunch.
“I don’t think he’d even gotten off the horse before he called me and told me that Silvio was absolutely a hunter and that they needed to import him right now,” says Lubow.
It was a long path for Kalderon to get back to horses. As a junior, she rode an off-track Thoroughbred in jumper competitions. When she went to college, she sold him, but always missed riding. When Kalderon retired from her job at an investment bank, she didn’t know what to do next. Her husband suggested that she take a riding lesson, reigniting the passion she felt for horses. When she went back to riding in 2017, she hadn’t been on a horse for 32 years.
“I’m always all-in when I love something, and this is something that I missed so much. I never stopped.”
After a successful career managing large scale technology and regulatory programs for J.P. Morgan, Kalderon began collecting horses, ending up with some young ones that needed room for turnout. Looking for a property, she turned to Ocala, finding a 37-acre farm ten minutes from WEC and two minutes from HITS. With plenty of stalls, paddocks, a derby field, a grass hacking track, arena, and housing, the property was a dream, though it was far from perfect when they made the purchase.
“The goal was really to have a happy place for my horses. When we bought this place, it was a disaster. Now, the horses are happy, sleeping in the paddocks during the day in the sunshine,” says Kalderon.
Expanding the facilities included adding three Airbnb’s on the property for guests to stay and show.
Kalderon says, “After three years, we’re really proud of what it looks like today. It’s really turned into a fantastic place.”
It’s also proven to be a great home for Silvio. After owning him for a few years, he was imported intact, making his way through the longer quarantine required by stallions to enter the country. In the meantime, Kalderon, Ludow and Opening Bell Farms trainer Abby Strohmeyer made changes to the farm, creating paddocks that were separated from the mares to give Silvio his own spaces to roam. They took time to educate the staff in the care of active breeding stallions and made good use of the conveniently located quarantine facility to get to know the horse.
• Horse of the Year 3’ Green Hunter
• Ranked #1 by Points
• Ranked #1 by Money Won
• USHJA Green Hunter Incentive 3’-3’3
• Ranked #1 Six Year Olds
• Ranked #7 Geldings/ Stallions
• Ranked #8 Overall
• Regional Championship
- 4th Place
• Traverse City Spring II
• 1st Place
- Highest Scoring 3’
• Reserve Champion Tier II
• 8th Overall 3’/3’3 Green Incentive
• Champion Developing Pro Owner Southeast Region
• Reserve Champion Developing Pro Owner Nationally
• Traverse City Spring III WHCR
• Winner of High Score Developing ProfessionalJordan Lubow
• WEF 6 WHCR 1st Place Green Hunter 3’Stake
• WEF 6 WCHR Winner of High Score Developing Professional - Jordan Lubow
“We’re lucky enough in Ocala to have quarantine five minutes away. All three of us would go over there to get to know him. He was lovely. Abby was the lucky one to get onto him the first time,” says Ludow.
With her focus on young horse development, Strohmeyer made great use of her philosophy of working a horse from the ground up. The first few times she came to the quarantine, she tested his respect and manners in the round pen, making sure all of the pieces were there. She found a lovely horse.
“He was sweet and cuddly and anyone could walk him around. We even clipped
“When you come to the farm, it’s peaceful and beautiful. The horses and people all feel that.”
him in the stall simply on a lead rope. It’s just his personality, he’s not high maintenance at all,” says Strohmeyer.
It was time to immerse themselves in the breeding world, learning all that they could about what makes a breeding program successful. Kalderon found that many mares are having trouble getting pregnant with frozen semen, so she became a proponent of offering fresh to maximize results. Emerald Silver is collected for frozen during the show season, but she did make arrangements with some select mares for fresh as well.
The first pregnancy resulted in a tragedy. After insemination, the mare was unfortunately struck by lightning in the field, resulting in her death. The owner found a full sister to the mare, and all worked to make a pregnancy work, even though it was late in the season. Silvio had fresh semen pulled on a Monday while he was showing, and the inseminated mare took. And in spectacular fashion, he also became a champion. It was during the WEC Summer Series where Silvio was was champion in the 3’ Green Hunters, also placing 2nd in the $1K Green Incentive 3’- 3’3” and 6th place in the $10K USHJA National Hunter Derby.
Silvio’s future is very bright, and after plenty of early success, his people are taking their time with him.
“I’m very particular, we don’t do every horse show. We take him to the ones we feel are important and fit into our schedule and our clients’ schedule. I think he’s headed to a future in the international derby. He has all the scope in the world,” says Strohmeyer.
Back at the farm, the three professionals are concentrating on their clients, growing their business base.
Lubow knows that Opening Bell Farms is special because of what it offers. It’s a place for horses with top-level care and huge amounts of turnout. The animals have the space to enjoy just being horses and are then happier to do their jobs.
“When you come to the farm, it’s beautiful and peaceful,” says Lubow. “The horses and people all feel that.”
MARCH 19 - APRIL 13, 2025
$ 7 5 0 , 0 0 0 + I N P R I Z E M O N E Y ! R M !
2025 Tryon Welcome & Spring Series USEF Preview
Welcome 1 - National / Level 3 - March 20-23
Welcome 2 - National / Level 3 - March 27-30
Welcome 3 - National / Level 3 - April 3-6
Welcome 4 - National / Level 3 - April 10-13
Spring 1 - Premier / Level 6 - April 30-May 4
Spring 2 - National / Level 4 - May 7-11
EE Spring 3 - Premier / Level 4 - May 14-18
Spring 4 - National / Level 5 - May 21-25
Spring 5 - National / Level 6 - May 27-June 1
Spring 6 - Premier / Level 5 - June 3-8
1 Loni Terzian and Belinda Stronach • 2 Jessica Springsteen and Don Juan Van De Donkhoeve
• 3 (From left) 1/ST President Aidan Butler, McLain Ward, Laura Kraut, Robert Ridland, Karl Cook and Nate Newby
“ARE ALL equestrians left handed?”
You’re probably thinking of course not, that’s impossible, but have you ever wondered why we always mount our horses from the left side? This practice dates back centuries to when cavalry soldiers carried swords on their left hips. Mounting from the left allowed the sword to stay out of the way. Practical for the time, absolutely, but how relevant is it today in the 21st century?
For most riders, mounting from the left has become a deeply ingrained habit, passed down for hundreds of years through tradition. But what if this seemingly small, historical habit is limiting us and our horses? Consistently mounting from the same side places uneven stress on their backs, creating imbalances that may contribute to discomfort or even long-term issues. Meanwhile, we do the same ourselves, reinforcing asymmetry in our bodies. When was the last time you tried mounting from the right side? Did it feel weird or unfamiliar? You may have even felt like your body isn’t supposed to go that way.
“Is this a tradition worth holding onto without question?”
Mounting from one side is just the beginning of the conversation. What side do you lead your horse from? Let me guess; the left! We do just about everything from the left side, including dismounting. These patterns, while traditional and convenient, can have unintended consequences. The most common request and conversation I have with riders is about symmetry. If our focus is to become symmetrical, then the practices involving the horse should require us to be ambidextrous from the ground to the saddle.
Let’s take a closer look. Leading your horse from the same side every time can result in uneven development of their musculature and behavior. This also only works their brains from a unilateral perspective as well. For riders, these repetitive movements can lead to one shoulder, arm, or side of the body becoming stronger and more strained than the other. Over time, these habits shape not only how we interact with our horses but also how our bodies function off the horse. I’ve assessed and worked with many riders and there are certain parallels that are very unique to our sport specifically.
It’s time to ask ourselves some tough questions:
1. Are we subconsciously clinging to
outdated traditions that no longer serve us or our horses?
2. How do these practices impact the longevity, way of going and wellness of our partnerships with our equine partners?
3. What happens when we challenge these norms, even in the smallest ways?
The beauty of shifting these habits is that it doesn’t require a complete overhaul. Small, intentional changes typically lead to significant improvements over time. Here are some micro actions you can start performing today:
1 Mounting from Both Sides
Depending on how often you’re in the saddle, begin by practicing mounting from the right side, once or twice per week. Start slow; your horse will most likely find it strange at first, too. But over time, this will help balance the pressure on their back and your body. Horses are very receptive and responsive to the slightest things. If you’ve ever worn out the holes on one side of your stirrups leathers, then this new habit can also help you build more symmetry as well.
2 Dismounting with Intention
Make it a habit to dismount from both sides, alternating with each ride. This small change can create symmetry for both you and your horse. Notice if you land differently on one side than the other and how your horse responds to this.
3 Lead from the “Off” Side
Spend time leading your horse from the right side, remembering the same principles for safety. Not only will this help balance their development, but it can also improve your coordination, range of motion and strength on your non-dominant side per se.
4 Mounting Block Warm-Ups
Incorporate this component slowly and with assistance at first. This can help to teach them about patience while you do a small number of movements to get your body prepared for the ride. Incorporate simple movements like calf raises (at right)
or hip stretches. These small movements can improve your flexibility, engage your core, and enhance your balance.
Before mounting, take a deep breath and let your horse take one, too. This moment of calm can set the tone for more connection and a harmonious ride.
As we start to rethink these habits in 2025, we open the door to broader conversations about equestrian culture. Why are so many traditions left unquestioned? How can we ensure that the practices we pass on to our next generations are rooted in empathy and science? It’s time we banish the age old statement, “That’s just the way it’s always been done.”
By making these small changes, we’re not only improving the health and well-being of our horses, but also challenging ourselves to grow as riders and caretakers. Think of the ripple effects: stronger, healthier horses; more balanced, mindful riders; and a progressive community willing to question, adapt, and evolve just like the other sports.
So, what other traditions might you challenge for the betterment of yourself and your horse?
• An Unparalleled Educational Program for all disciplines spanning seven different venues.
• The Largest Horse-Related Trade Show in North America.
• The “Marketplace” featuring quality consignments for horse & rider.
• The Fantasia — Equine Affaire’s signature musical celebration of the horse on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.
• Breed Pavilion, Horse & Farm Exhibits, Horses for Sale and Demonstrations — Enjoy meeting horses of all shapes, sizes, breeds, colors, and disciplines!
• Cowtown in Cooper (sponsored by Western Life Today) — Special presentations catering to cow and ranch events. Don’t miss this educational western lifestyle experience!
• The Versatile Horse & Rider Competition — A fast-paced timed and judged race through an obstacle course with $5,500 at stake!
• Adoption Affaire — Find and adopt your next horse at the Adoption Affaire, affiliated with the Right Horse Initiative!
• The Great Equestrian Fitness Challenge — A fun activity for equestrians to exercise their barnyard skills and win prizes, no horses needed!
• NEW! Donkey Extravaganza — Learn all about donkeys through clinics, demos, educational exhibits, and more!
• NEW! Breed Bonanza (sponsored by Sentinel by Kent and Blue Seal) — A unique under saddle class showcasing the best features of horses from all breeds!
• Youth Activities, a fun and educational College and Career Fair, and much more!
Luke Gingerich (Liberty & Bridleless Horsemanship)
Marcie Quist (Driving)
Sandi Simons (General Training & Cowgirl Dressage)
Jennifer Truett (Dressage)
Traci Brooks (Hunter/Jumper)
Barbra Schulte (Cutting & Sports Psychology)
Ty Evans (Mules)
Wendy Murdoch (Biomechanics & The Murdoch Method)
Kellie & Sam Rettinger (Draft Driving)
Ifa Simmonds (Equestrian Fitness)
Ivy Starnes (Easy Gaited Horses)
Mary Miller-Jordan (Mustangs)
Canadian Cowgirls (Drill Teams)
And many more to be announced!
by Carmen
1 Canadian Olympian Naima Moreira Laliberte and Statesman • 2 American Olympian Boyd Martin returned to Toronto • 3 Raewyn Robbins and Spectre • 4 Canada’s Jacqueline Steffens Daly and Freaky • 5 Daniel Coyle (IRL) and Incredible
Reprinted with permission from Trafalgar Square Books
This is a delicate topic for all involved. The horse world seems to struggle with the idea that sometimes it just isn’t a good match amongst rider, horse, trainer, and barn. With all those parties involved (including the most important one, the non-human one), it is no wonder it can be a potentially fraught collective relationship. You may determine you have the wrong situation for your objectives a few months or a few years into your relationship; regardless of timing, making a transition is never easy.
Make Sure You Have Tried Everything to Make It
There are factors that can influence you to stick it out a bit longer in your current situation:
• Finish the play. Getting better at riding and improving your horsemanship takes time. If you are in a situation for just a few months and unhappy with your progress, you need to seriously consider whether your expectations are out of whack. Have a reset conversation with your trainer and give it a bit more time.
• Moving has risks. The grass often appears greener, but making a transition can be hard on you and, if you have one, your horse. Before you commit to a change, you should rigorously assess whether the things you are unhappy with
a) truly can’t be fi xed in your current barn, and b) are genuinely likely to be substantively better in the new situation.
Stand Firm in Your Values and Priorities, and Make the Move If It Is Merited
There are also factors that are not your problem and should not sway you to stay:
• You do not need to stay in an unhealthy or unproductive situation. This statement is as true in life as it is in the horse world. And yet, many barns and trainers are deeply offended if you say you want to leave, and some are known to trash you in the horse world if you do. Their reaction is often a blend of hurt ego, lost business, and a perception of maligned reputation. If you have made your complaints clear and given them a
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chance to improve things, and nothing has come of it, you do not need to stay for fear of hurting their feelings or making them angry. You may lose some friends in the process (some trainers are known to gossip about you to your peers at the barn and make them pick sides), but—sorry for being trite here—your real friends will know the full story and have your back.
• You do not need to keep their secret if your barn or trainer has verifiably done something wrong. Please take the high road and stick to a simple version of the facts when you leave a barn, or perhaps even sugarcoat it a bit if it’s just a relationship that came to a natural end. Superfluous and juicy gossip helps nobody. However, if you have verifiable evidence that your horse was mistreated, you were lied to, or you were swindled, a simple version of those facts is reasonable to share with people you know who might benefit from the information.
Handle Your Search for a New Barn Confidentially and Respectfully
A delicate part of this whole process is finding a better situation while, in some cases, not wanting to tip your hand. You will need to talk with another barn or trainer to find a better fit—most likely in advance of giving notice. Some horse professionals may be hunting your business and promising the world; be wary of the big sell and walk away if they gleefully trash your current trainer. Others may be friends with your trainer and inform them that you are looking. As mentioned above, the horse world tends to stick together.
Here are some principles when you are considering new options:
• Clarify your key deal breakers (things you like in your current situation and don’t want to lose) and complaints (things you need to have improved).
• Make sure you have given your current barn a chance to address your complaints. Be honest with yourself on this one! Moving barns because you couldn’t muster the courage to discuss your complaints is potentially disrupting (read: putting at risk) your horse for no reason and is simply irresponsible
behavior. Be an adult and have an adult conversation with your barn and trainer.
• Talk with friends you can trust not to share that you are thinking about moving, and compile a short list of potential barns that you think could meet your needs.
• In your search for a new barn, you have a choice of two approaches:
» Attempting to keep your search private. This likely means forgoing taking lessons with potential trainers and limiting your time for visits, as barn staff and clients are prone to chattiness.
» Letting your trainer know you are conducting a search. This approach allows you to not stress so much about keeping your search hidden, and to potentially take lessons at the new prospects.
• Make sure each potential barn understands whether your search is private or out in the open, and that regardless you appreciate their discretion and will not make any commitments immediately.
If you need to go through a transition of this kind, do make sure you have a trusted friend to talk things through with you. It is almost always easier said than done, but when the circumstances require a move, you owe it to yourself and your horse to settle in a place better for you both.
Once you have decided to leave, handle it professionally. Unless you are truly worried about your horse’s safety—which will be exceedingly rare—you should give reasonable notice, such as one month or longer. You will need this time, and your barn’s help, to prepare for your horse’s transition. You will find a “Horse Transition Template” at this link: https:// tinyurl.com/32vf9m7d. It’s designed to help you safely transition your perfect equine. And when you do move, pay your bills, pack up everything you own—including the old horse blankets they let you store in the attic—and generally leave everything better than you found it.
ANDREA SINNER, ESQ., retired from the global consulting firm Accenture in 2014 as an executive managing director. During her 24 years there, she collaborated with multi-national clients and innovative teams for consulting partnerships spanning technology, process, organization, business process outsourcing, technology outsourcing, organization redesign, and company transformation. Sinner graduated from the University Miami School of Law, summa cum laude, in 2017 to embark on her second career. Her primary occupation (in addition to caring for and being with her horses) is being a Legacy Architect and Estate Planning Attorney for equestrians in her Florida law firm “Stable Legacies PLLC.”
Find Newcomer to the Horse World at the Trafalgar Square Books online bookstore TrafalgarBooks.com.
1 Hans-Dieter Dreher and Jiniki • 2 Marlon Modolo Zanotelli and For Friendship VDL • 3 Edouard Schmitz and Karel Doorman • 4 Harrie Smolders and Monaco • 5 Niels Bruynseels and Credibilis van het Lindenhof Z • 6 Erika Lickhammer-Van Helm and I. Comme Tessa Vhl • 7 Gregory Wathelet and Ace of Hearts
Reprinted with permission from Andrews McMeel Kids
“OH MY GOSH, GOOSE , you are gorgeous!” Tally whispered. The pony perked his ears and took a couple of tentative steps toward her. He was a dark dapple gray—gray horses and ponies got lighter in color as they aged; Goose was obviously quite young, with a neatly pulled, silvery mane and the most adorable dished face. He had a pink muzzle and looked cozy in his plaid blanket. Meeting him reminded Tally of opening model horses on Christmas morning and marveling over just how perfect they looked. And here she was, in the stall of a pony just like that. Only this one was real. Tally gave Goose a scratch on his forehead before going to the tack room
to collect the pony’s tack and brushes. Ryan had a college-aged working student who was meticulous about labeling everything. Tally felt, yet again, a wave of gratitude for her work, since it saved her from having to ask someone to show her where things were every five minutes.
As Tally brushed the pony, she first took off the front of his blanket to groom that half, then replaced it and pulled up the back half to groom. Goose was body-clipped, and she didn’t want him getting too cold. She quickly noticed just how curious he was. Maybe it was his age, or the fact that she was a new person to him, but he took great interest in everything from the soft brush she ran
across his neck to her coat when she bent over to pick out his feet.
At first, she jumped when he placed his head on the small of her back—a flinch that came from years of grooming certain schoolies who’d try to nip you when you weren’t looking. Goose looked mildly offended when Tally flinched, so she rubbed his neck and told him it was okay. When she picked out the other front hoof, Goose tentatively placed his chin on her back again and Tally giggled quietly. She finished getting the pony ready, the two of them quietly enjoying each other’s company.
Ten minutes later, Tally had walked Goose around the ring on a loose rein,
and then once more, picking up some contact with his mouth. Ryan told her to trot the pony around, do some circles, and generally just let him see the ring.
Tally picked up the trot and was immediately taken aback by what the pony felt like underneath her. It was not at all what she expected out of a small pony, a full two hands shorter than the mare she was used to riding.
“What do you think?” Ryan asked. “He’s pretty special, huh?”
“There’s just . . . so much stride,” Tally replied. Ryan chuckled. “Yeah, he covers a lot of ground. Tons of stride. He measures 12.2 so he’s technically a small, but he’s really big-bodied, so he probably rides a lot bigger than he actually is. Keep circling and bending him and let him see the ring. Oh, and don’t get any taller, okay? You just barely fit on this one.”
Tally smiled and kept trotting around
The pony perked his ears and took a couple of tentative steps toward her. He was a dark dapple gray—gray horses and ponies got lighter in color as they aged; Goose was obviously quite young, with a neatly pulled, silvery mane and the most adorable dished face.
on Goose. Though she had hacked Danny at least a dozen times, the concept of flatting a pony herself—without the usual instruction and direction of a lesson—was still a fairly novel one. She felt so special making circles around the jumps and guiding this fancy little newcomer around while Ryan taught another student.
As for the pony, he behaved under saddle a lot like he did on the ground. Giving his surroundings a careful look,
but doing so calmly. He had a lot to observe, but without actually spooking. Tally changed directions and sat an extra beat to change her diagonal, grinning to herself at what it felt like to sit just an extra beat of this pony’s huge trot. She couldn’t imagine having to do a sitting trot on him.
Show Strides 2: Confidence Comeback is available now for purchase and everywhere book are sold on October 8.
Workers show up. They are ready to learn from the moment they get to the barn. We all get distracted, but a worker is the one who puts in the extra time. They pick up, and help around the farm with whatever is needed. When they ride, they ride with a plan. They do transitions, and figures and have a goal. They ride without stirrups, without reins. They put in days of long, boring fitness rides because it is the right thing for the horses. They do the hard things, because it makes them stronger and better.
a school horse,
it’s my job to teach people how to ride.”
great pride in giving riding lessons, moves to a new barn that’s full of he begins to doubt himself and his world—all while his rider is doing story of self-acceptance and friendages, Good Boy, Eddie captures the we form with animals, and what about ourselves along the way.
By Rennie Dyball
Order your copy at theplaidhorse.com/books
“That’s it, you’re starting to get it: Up, down. Up, down. Up, down. That’s how you post the trot,” says the instructor. “But try to sit more lightly on Eddie and not come crashing down like a sack of potatoes, okay?”
I’m teaching my first lesson at New Barn and things are going pretty well. I am a school horse, and it’s my job to teach people how to ride. The instructor, Melissa (she’s the person who teaches the lesson with me), is standing in the middle of the ring while I trot around her in a big circle. The way my rider flops down in my saddle doesn’t hurt, it’s just a little uncomfortable. But I can tell that she’s new to riding, so it’s fine with me. We go around and around the ring. There are walls on every side to keep the wind out. Wooden beams crisscross the high ceiling and I think I can see some birds’ nests tucked up in the corners. Before I came here to this New Barn, I taught lots of riding lessons at a place much bigger than this one. I was one of about fifteen school horses back at the Old Barn. I had so many riders I
eventually lost count! I really liked it back at Old Barn and I’m not sure why I had to leave, especially because I thought I was good at my job.
My new rider—Melissa keeps saying “Kennedy,” so I suppose that’s her name—was very nice to me in my stall when we were getting ready for the lesson, chatting the whole time. She smelled like soap and flowers. I don’t know exactly what she was talking about, but she had a lot to say. And I was happy to listen.
You might be surprised to know that horses understand about seven to ten spoken words. I call them spoken words, rather than English words, because the people I know speak more than one language. I personally know nine words. But the really great thing is that I don’t need a whole lot of words to communicate with people because I can interpret so many emotions. I get body language, too, and I always know kindness when I feel it. Basically, I understand much more than people think.
The specifics vary from horse to horse, but I personally understand all the following words when they are said aloud by people:
Whoa Halt
When you take the words that Melissa just said to Kennedy, for example, all I really got out of that was trot. So, I kept trotting. Melissa’s voice also sounded kind and encouraging, which are good signs that I should continue what I’m doing; that I’m helping my rider learn.
entirety. I love a good boy, Eddie. We walk a lap around the ring before Kennedy steers me to the center. Melissa pats my head. Gallagher, one of the horses who gets turned out in the paddock with me, is also in the ring now. His lesson is about to start. We give each other a look, like a changing of the guard.
It’s his turn now to take care of his rider. I love what I do, but I’m still a bit relieved when the lesson is done. It’s hard work to keep a rider safe. Also, the end of the lesson means I get a nice brushing, and sometimes a carrot.
As I walk past Gallagher, I wish him good luck. Horses don’t communicate out loud the way people do, but I can hear what other horses are telling me, and they can hear what I tell them, especially once we get to know each other. People don’t pick up on this, of
I can interpret so many emotions. I get body language, too, and I always know kindness when I feel it. Basically, I understand much more than people think.
I also know the meaning of two sounds that aren’t technically words. I know that the clucking sound—when people suck down tight on their tongue and then release it—means to move forward. If I’m already moving forward, then the “cluck” means to go faster. (I’ve come to learn that people can mean more than one thing based on a single sound. It gets a little confusing.) I also know the sound of someone shaking my grain in a feed bucket, which means it’s time to come into the barn to eat.
ALL of us know that sound, even from two paddocks away.
I feel pressure as my rider pulls on the reins, drawing the metal bit back into the corners of my mouth. I slow from a trot to a walk before I even hear Melissa say whoa.
“Good boy, Eddie,” she says with a laugh. Now that, I understood in its
course. If they did, we’d all understand each other with a whole lot less fuss! Horses do “speak” to each other from time to time, but mostly it’s just listening and feeling. If you ask me, I think people could probably benefit from less talking and more feeling.
Horses use our bodies, too, to show what we are thinking. People can usually decipher our body language, if they’re paying attention. Pinned ears means we’re angry, and ears perked forward means we’re concentrating on something. One or both ears cocked gently back means we’re listening. It all seems much easier than the way people communicate.
Kennedy takes her feet out of the stirrups and swings one leg over the back of my saddle. Melissa is taking her through the steps of dismounting. Next, Kennedy slides down my left side,
gripping the saddle with both hands as she allows her body to slink down to the ground. When her feet hit the dirt, she stumbles back a few steps as she regains her balance. I may not be very big for a horse, but it’s a long way down when you’re not very big for a person.
Kennedy gives me a big pat on my neck. It was a good first lesson. Melissa leads me out of the ring, and we walk outside on the way back to my stall. An evening breeze rustles the leaves on the trees all around us. I watch as a few of them float lazily to the ground.
I think I’m going to like this place.
Rennie Dyball is the co-author of the Show Strides novel series and managing editor for The Plaid Horse magazine. Rennie grew up riding school horses and now shows on the A circuit in the adult hunter and equitation divisions. She hopes that Eddie will remind readers of all the “schoolies” they’ve known and loved. Learn more about Rennie at renniedyball.com.
—Susie Schoellkopf, USEF “R” judge
As a horsewoman, I am most proud of my patience.
• As a horsewoman, I would most like to improve my confidence.
• The attitude I bring to every ride is joy.
•My best piece of advice for young riders is observe and allow learning to take time.
• My favorite horse book is Geoff Teall on Riding Hunters, Jumpers, and Equitation. I put it back into print as a fan!
• My favorite non-horse book is The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin.
• I cannot travel without my heating pad.
• We need
to welcome more people into our sport because horses are awesome and everyone should get to bury their nose in a mane as many times as possible in their life.
• The horse person I most admire is I admire everyone for so many reasons, but if I had to pick one, it would be Emily Elek. She is all the things and she has gotten better at the entirety of care and training every single day I have known her (all 5,000+).
• The biggest lesson I’ve learned from ponies is going slowly in the early years is so critical to a
I’ve learned that I can’t want education for people more than they want it for themselves, but I can be their cheerleader, provide resources, highlight pathways, and encourage every single person to level themselves up- for their horses, for the community they serve, and for their own pride of a life well-lived.
happy lifetime of being a pony! I seem to go more slowly with each pony.
• One thing our sport needs in the next 5 years is a Ledges in every town. Every community needs their community horse show where people learn to really ride and horses learn in a constructive environment where everyone is supportive. Look how many riders Chicago turns out at the top of the sport and think about how much stronger our entire country could be if there was the commitment and community of Ledges everywhere.
• Women in our sport are just like women everywhere- tough, strong, cool, and underappreciated by both the women and men around them.
• My absolute favorite show is Devon because all the history and being on a small footprint you get to see all your friends and eat all the Devon food and I love ponies and hunters and night jumpers so close to the ring and it reminds me of how badly I wanted to learn all this when I was a kid.
• The best part about being publisher of The Plaid Horse is talking to people about
horses all day, every day! I love to learn and to get to ask people questions constantly and they’re excited to share is the best part.
•My biggest goal for my horses is they live their whole lives with me and are as sound and healthy as they can be and inspire as many people as possible to start riding, to come back to riding, and to have a better day! They are all available for snuggles and to brighten days and Reuben and Sundae have gotten so many people back in the saddle and finding their light in this sport (including me!) and that makes me so happy and proud.
•My biggest goal for 2025 is to take more lessons at home!