The Auburn Plainsman

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The Auburn Plainsman Thursday, March 31, 2011


Issue 24, 20 Pages

THROW YOUR HANDS UP IN THE AIR! UPC lands Taio Cruz and Neon Trees for first concert in Auburn Arena ERIC AUSTIN


Taio Cruz and Neon Trees will light up the Auburn Arena like dynamite April 26. The University Program Council announced the performance on its Facebook page Wednesday at noon. “We kind of wanted to stick with the Auburn theme,” said Brittany D’Angelo, UPC director of major entertainment. “Like, last semester we had TPain who plays in the stadium. We wanted to make sure we brought names everyone would know, but also songs that everyone would know, and being that they both play in the stadium before football games a lot of people would at least be like, ‘Hey, I know that name.’” D’Angelo said the genre of the artists was also taken into consideration during the selection process. » See UPC, A2



April 26, 7:30 p.m. Tickets distributed on campus April 18 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Auburn Arena Taio Cruz and Neon Trees

Local Japanese react to quake Ellen Weathers WRITER


Major Jeffery Dyal of the U.S. Marine Corp is a recipient of the Colonel Leo A. Codd Memorial Award.

Honoree is ‘Major’ family man Alexandria Smith WRITER

Father of three girls and avid outdoorsman, Maj. Jeffrey Dyal is also an award-winning Marine officer instructor for Auburn’s Naval ROTC. Dyal was recently selected as the recipient of the Colonel Leo A. Codd Memorial Award. This award is given to the top three ROTC instructors in the country. The National Defense Industrial Association presents the award, and three winners are selected

from each branch of the military. “It is very humbling to receive this, but all the credit is due to the hard work of the people under me,” Dyal said. “Many outstanding Marines were up for this award, and it is an honor and a privilege to even know that my work holds a stick to those people.” There are 63 Naval ROTC units in the country, each with five instructors. For each branch of the military there is a gold, silver and bronze award. Dyal received the gold award for the naval branch.

Auburn’s last Colonel Leo A. Codd Memorial Award winner was in 2007 when Lt. Joseph Baker won the silver award. Dyal has been a strong asset to Auburn’s Navy ROTC program and works tirelessly to get things done, said Cmdr. Shannon Coulter. Coulter said he has worked with Dyal for a year and a half and has witnessed how passionate Dyal is about his job. “The bottom line is that he is an energy dynamo,” Coulter said. » See DYAL, A2

“I remember it from kindergarten,” said Tsukasa Ogihara, senior in mechanical engineering from Kumagaya, Japan. “They ring the bell, then you have to duck under a table and open a door, so after the earthquake you can escape.” Since the March 11 earthquake in northern Japan, Ogihara has been working with other Japanese students to raise money to send back to his first home. Ogihara said many parts of the country are experiencing electricity and gasoline shortages. Although this has created new problems, Ogihara said he believes his parents—who still live in Kumagaya—and the rest of Japan are focusing on maintaining as much normalcy as possible. “Part of the day my parents have their power cut off so they can save it,” Ogihara said. “They told me even baseball games have moved to the daytime to cut down on power.” After speaking with Nejla Orgen, director of international admissions and program adviser to the International Student Organization, Ogihara and other Japanese students decided they wanted to organize fundraisers for Japan. Ogihara and a few Japanese exchange students from Nihon

University collected money in the Student Center two days last week. “I thought that helping them with some sort of fundraising would make them feel like they’re doing something,” Orgen said. “You know, when you’re that far away you may feel helpless.” The group also raised money Saturday in front of the Walmart on South College Street. Ogihara said he plans to continue to raise money when his schedule allows. “We are all busy and don’t have a lot of time,” Ogihara said. “But we want to give anything back we can.” Auburn’s Department of Animal Sciences has also joined the relief efforts. A relief fund for the family of Lee Chiba, professor of swine nutrition, has been established at Wells Fargo. Chiba’s family in north Japan has suffered devastating property loss as a result of the quake. Satoshi Otake, exchange student studying English and economics, said his grandparents’ home in the Fukushima prefecture was almost destroyed. “I remember when I was young having to run and open the door if the house started shaking,” Otake said. “I’m so glad that all of my family is safe.” This isn’t the first time inter» See JAPAN, A2

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