The Auburn Plainsman

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The Auburn Plainsman A Spirit That Is Not Afraid

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Vol. 117, Issue 38, 12 Pages

Tradition lives on

Staff Reports Auburn’s Trees Task Force, the team in charge of taking care of and monitoring the health of Toomer’s oaks, announced July 21 that fans will be allowed to continue roll the trees after team victories. The decision came after the Task Force reviewed options and got input from the team of horticultural, agronomy and soils and forestry experts, who are working to save the trees. The University and City of Auburn made the final decision together and will allow the tradition to continue, if only temporarily. In the past, workers used high-pressure hoses to clean toilet paper out of the trees, but, in order to avoid unnecessary damage, workers will clean the trees by hand. Although other options for fan celebrations were considered, the University decided safety concerns, the health of other landscaping and crowd control problems would be too great. In the official statement from the University, fans were urged to avoid moving the celebrations to other loca-

Professor researches effects of oil spill Trent Erwin Associate Campus Editor

More than a year since the BP oil spill devastated the Gulf of Mexico, Auburn is well represented as a professor has received a grant to continue research on the effects of the spill. Ash Bullard, assistant professor of fisheries and allied aquacultures in the College of Agriculture, received $132,000 in grant funds from the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative to continue his research on the ecosystem in the Gulf. Bullard was one of only two people in Alabama to receive this grant and one of 17 in the nation to receive funding for research on the spill. Bullard said he feels honored and proud to represent Auburn on the Gulf. “The best part about it is that Auburn University is on

that list,” Bullard said. “It’s a really good thing when a university can show sustained funding to work on a certain topic.” Bullard and his team are sampling bacteria within tissue samples from fish and mud samples to test for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs. Essentially, what the team can do is look at the biodiversity of the ecosystem to better understand this negative effect by the oil spill. The team has been continuously collecting data from specific sites on the Gulf in hopes to better understand how the natural habitat was affected. “By continuously monitoring different reference sites, you can see a change, either a decrease or increase of certain abnormalities,” Bullard said.

Abnormalities that Bullard and his team will be looking for are changes in parasites, different sets of bacteria, and PAHs. Together, these sets of data may shed light on effects of the spill. Bullard hopes to monitor these sites for the next 10 years so he can study the longterm effects on the ecosystem. Bullard said it is great that there are so many people working down there, all in different fields of study, and everyone is looking to answer the broad question of whether the oil spill changed any natural aspect of the area. Bullard is accompanied by two other researchers to study the spill: Covadonga Arias, associate professor of fisheries and allied aquacultures in the College of Agri-

culture, and Mike Unger, associate professor at Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences. Each team member has a specific skill set to bring to the table. Bullard’s expertise in pathology, Arias’s in microbiology and Unger’s in toxicology combine to make a super team ready to bring answers to the many questions surrounding this tragedy. The current situation in the Gulf looks good, and there are hardly any signs of remaining oil. “We’ve been down on the water for months, and we haven’t seen any oil,” Bullard said. “Things superficially appear to be normal, but that’s why you have to look close.” Only time will tell the farreaching effects of this spill and how much damage it has caused.

tions on campus. “We ask our fans not to move the celebration into Samford Park, the beauty of which we are also trying to preserve, and where, with no concrete base to protect it, landscaping and vegetation is fragile.” In the same statement, Trees Task Force team leader Gary Keever said there were no health updates for the trees. “It is likely that it will be at least spring 2012—at the earliest—before we know if the trees will survive,” Keever said. Wednesday, those who entered the lottery earlier this year for a chance to buy a baby Toomer’s oak seedling, were notified by email that they were one of more than 5,000 people who registered to buy one of only 600 Toomer’s oak seedlings. The drawings will begin in mid-September, and individuals will be given 10 days to pay for the seedling. Only then will the seedling be shipped to the individuals. The drawings should conclude by the end of October.

City Council allows chicken ownership Raye May Associate News Editor

The Auburn City Council approved an amendment July 19 that will allow residents meeting certain requirements to own chickens. Unfortunately for students, the amendment does not allow simply anyone to keep chickens, said Forrest Cotten, city planning director. “You have to have a minimum of 10,000 square feet, and then you can own up to four chickens,” Cotten said. “You can’t own even one without that requirement.” Residents who own 20,000 square feet or more may own up to six chickens, and all owners are required to keep their chickens in some sort of enclosure, such as a coop or chicken tractor, Cotten said. Cotten also said the approval process is important and requires more than simply owning the needed amount of land. “You have to get a zoning certificate, and part of that is we have to see a sketch plan of where the coop is proposed to be located,” Cotten said. Though the amendment is a step ahead for » See Chicken, A2

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Crime Reports July 20 — N. Gay St. Theft from coin machine reported. $220 in coins from washing machine unit reported stolen. July 21 — S. Gay St. Theft reported. One .380 Cobra FS380 pistol, one gray iPod classic, one Cannon camera reported stolen. July 21 — Wrights Mill Rd. Burglary reported. $180 in U.S. currency reported stolen. July 21 — W. Longleaf Dr. Burglary reported. One Panasonic Plasma television reported stolen. July 21 — E. Magnolia Ave. Robbery reported. One trifold wallet, $27 in US currency, one AL driver’s license, one Wachovia debit card, one Walmart gift card reported stolen. July 21 — W. Longleaf Dr. Burglary reported. One Dell laptop and $160 in

Chicken » From A1

some, students and many citizens alike will not have the experience of killing their own meals or the convenience of owning an alarm clock with a six to ten year lifespan. “Roosters are not allowed at all, and neither is the slaughtering of animals,” Cotten said. Previous to the amendment, residents were required to own three or more acres of land, be zoned rural and reside within the stock district to own roosters or slaughter chickens, said Charlie Duggan, city manager. The topic may seem new, but the City Council has

DUI Arrests in the City of Auburn

U.S. currency reported stolen. July 22 — Lee Road 137 Burglary reported. $560 in U.S. currency reported stolen. July 22 — S. College St. Auto breaking and entering reported. One black leather Harley Davidson jacket reported stolen. July 22 — S. College St. Theft reported. One Alabama wallet, $140 in gold currency, one Best Buy card, one Plato’s Closet stamp card, one AL driver’s license reported stolen. July 23 — Opelika Rd. Theft reported. One COOGI Polo shirt reported stolen. July 25 — S. College St. Burglary reported. One Macbook Pro laptop reported stolen. — Reports provided by Auburn Department of Public Safety

■ Jasmine D. Mays, 23, of Decatur, Ga. N. College St. at W. Glenn Ave. July 21, 2:10 a.m. ■ Lindsey D. Jordan, 26, of Alex City Opelika Rd. July 21, 2:49 a.m. ■ Brandon C. Fitch, 30, of Opelika S. College St. at Harmon Dr. July 22, 1:59 a.m. ■ Milton Patrick Jr., 30, of Montgomery Harper Ave. July 22, 10:24 p.m. ■ Marcos Domingo Perez, 28 N. Dean Rd. at Annalue Dr. July 23, 7 p.m. ■ William White Newton, 28, of Amory, Miss. S. College St. at Shug Jordan Pkwy. July 23, 10:45 p.m. ■ Micha Ian Piggot, 32, of Luverne Webster Rd. July 24, 3:05 a.m.

visited it many times before. “The Council has been considering it for a while,” said James Buston, assistant city manager and chief information officer. “A group of citizens brought it up some time ago, so it was expected.” Citizens signed a petition that was presented before the Council a few months ago, but it was not relied upon to make the decision, Buston said. “It wasn’t a consideration in the deliberation by the Council,” Buston said. “The one that some folks saw didn’t really have many legitimate signatures.” Neighborhoods, however, can prohibit residents from owning chickens,

even if the city would allow it. While a citizen may meet every requirement, community leaders are permitted to deny requests for fowl ownership. “It’s not so much that the neighborhood associations can prevent it,” Cotten said. “But if it says you can’t have livestock, then the zoning ordinance doesn’t trump community regulations.” Despite the new regulations, residents must still have a minimum of three acres of land to slaughter chickens. The amendment that allows the ownership of chickens was applied to Chapter 4, section 4-2 of the city code and Article 5 of the city’s zoning ordinance.

Campus Thursday, July 28, 2011


Page A3

Robert Lee / Writer

A crowded amphitheater surrounds Mike Wines as he holds a Gila Monster and explains why the lizard is called a “fire-breathing dragon.”

Snakes show off their good side Robert Lee Writer

Snakes often strike fear in individuals, but Herpetology specialist Mike Wines exhibited some rare reptiles July 23 to help local children and citizens to better understand these often discounted creatures. The presentation took place in the Louise Kreher Forest Ecology Preserve amphitheater. Wines along with his wife, Mi-

chelle, displayed five different snakes and a rare Gila monster. The most venomous snake presented was the Eastern Diamond Back, and because of its high volume of venom, when it bites, it injects more venom than any other snake in Alabama. The Coral Snake is a close second, as its neurotoxic venom is more lethal, but less commonly seen because of the rarity. The most common snakes

among the group were the water moccasin and Copperhead. The Gila Monster also entertained the audience. The phrase “fire breathing dragon” comes from the intense pain caused by a bite from this fiery lizard. Wines led an open atmosphere presentation in hopes of educating families on things unknown and maybe surprising to most individuals. “I enjoy educating people

about snakes so they know what to do when they encounter them,” Wines said. “Snakes are very misunderstood animals, and we do our best to help people further understand what they really are.” A common theme throughout the event was that snakes are not as hostile as most people think. “If we can teach people that snakes are not usually the aggressive creatures we often think of, I believe we start to understand the

more beautiful side of them,” said Jennifer Lolley, ecology preserve administrator. Wines also discussed what to when you are bit by a snake, and he said sucking venom out after you are bit only makes the situation worse. “The best thing to do when it comes to snake bites is to just not get bitten,” Wines said. If a person is ever bitten, the » See Snakes, A4

WWII vet donates diary Kristen Ferrell Campus Editor

Alex Sager / Photo Editor

John Weete, assistant vice president for technology transfer, shows off a newly-patented water filter.

Push for patents Faculty and students reach record, yet strive for better Alex Harper Writer

After setting a university record for its number of U.S. patents and license agreements in 2010, Auburn Research is still focused on growth and expansion as its core strategic priority and strength. The University earned 25 patents through 2010. Faculty and stud ent s throughout the University, especially at the Auburn Research Park, work together on projects they hope can be patented and used in a commercialized market for public benefit. These students and faculty make up a majority of the workforce in the Research department. Their efforts can be seen

in a variety of fields including microbiology, health science, cyber security and even water research and protection. Most of the work and research done by these groups is used in today’s world, though most people don’t notice how it affects their daily lives. A recent project and idea Auburn research has patented is a layered bullet-resistant material made of a nonwoven textile. This is an example of how research and development not only creates new ideas and inventions, but also improves upon ones that currently exist. “Even though the economy is struggling a little bit, there are still businesses that are operating, and there are some that are still looking for new technologies to advance their businesses with,” said John Weete, assistant vice president for technology transfer. “We are a pipeline and producer of those technologies, and we want to keep them coming out, and protecting them.” » Read the rest online at

Special Collections and Archives recently received a book filled with invaluable first-hand accounts of life as a fighter pilot during World War II. Bob Harwell, Auburn alum, came by Ralph Brown Draughon July 21 to present the library with his father’s diary and book, “Combat Missions: First Lieutenant Robert L. Harwell,” which chronicles his father’s 66 missions as a B-26 pilot and co-pilot for the U.S. Air Force. Copies of Robert’s book have been placed at Maxwell Air Force base in Montgomery and the U.S. Air Force base in Colorado Springs. “This kind of detail is nearly impossible to find,” said Greg Schmidt, Special Collections librarian and archivist. The book begins with Robert’s first mission June 13, 1944. Robert discussed each mission in detail, and the book includes maps and outlines of how the mission was supposed to be carried out. While still serving in the mili-

Kristen Ferrell / Campus Editor

Bob Harwell points out one of the missions his father wrote about in his book “Combat Missions” to Greg Schmidt June 21. tary, Robert decided to go back to school in Auburn June 1947. Robert graduated in 1948, when the University was still Alabama Polytechnic Institute. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in agriculture education and later got a master’s degree from the University of Alabama. He worked as an agricultural educaton teacher and then for the Al-

abama State Department of Education for a total of 37 years. Robert’s diary discusses his daily life from the major battles to some of the most important days of his life outside of the war. Most of his days talk about loafing around and watching films like “Gone With the Wind.” » Read the rest online at

Teachers experiment with reduced gravity Ariana Diaz Writer

The Flying Tigers, a group of six teachers and professors from Auburn University, Auburn City Schools and Alabama Math, Science and Technology Initiative arrived at NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston July 20 to begin conducting free fall experiments. The group will be participating and conducting experiments until July 29 in the Reduced Gravity Education Flight Program. The purpose of the program is to provide participants with the chance to propose, design, build and fly a reduced gravity experiment while aboard the Weight-

less Wonder, a modified Boeing 727 aircraft. “We’re going to be flying in a vomit comet,” said Wayne Strickland, science specialist at AMSTI. The Weightless Wonder creates an anti-gravity environment for about 18 seconds by performing steep climbs followed by free falls. Usually, a pilot does 30 free falls over the Gulf of Mexico. NASA is providing teachers with an experience in microgravity that they can take back to their classrooms, said Edward Thomas, professor of physics and director of the Plasma Sciences laboratory at Auburn University. “It gives our teachers a handson, real-life experience,” said Jeni-

fer Lovvorn, Auburn City Schools public relation director. “It gives them a better knowledge so that they can better teach their students.” Members of the Flying Tigers are Edward Thomas from Auburn University, Elizabeth Bass and George Clausell from Dean Road Elementary, Mark Jones from Drake Middle School, Jennifer Spencer from Cary Woods Elementary and Wayne Strickland from AMSTI. Some of the experiments range from the human circulatory system and testing blood pressure to testing the separation in magnets. Others include the forma» See Experiments, A4

Campus A4

The Auburn Plainsman

Snakes Âť From A3

best thing to do is get to a hospital as soon as possible or have medical professionals come to you. Children didn’t look too afraid as they lined up at the chance to pet and hold various nonvenomous snakes, including the Bald Python and California King snake. “I love these events,� said

Experiments Âť From A3

tion of bubbles, the separation of fluids due to their densities, and the change in motion of a parachute. “Our particular experiments are focused more on mechanical and fluid systems—how they respond on the ground and under

Thursday, July 28, 2011 Carmen Richardson, preserve volunteer. “My daughter is only 3, but always enjoys events at the preserve. You just can’t find events like this anywhere else.� The Orianne Project, a foundation working with Auburn and other universities to save the Eastern Indigo snake, participated in the presentation. Lolley also introduced the new dean for the school of forestry and wildlife sci-

ences Jim Shepard. Shepard said he hopes to see the consistent effort of the preserve maintained as an example for people around the state. “My vision is for this preserve to be one of the most distinguished around, and with events such as these and the consistent work that Jennifer and her volunteers put in, that shouldn’t be too hard to accomplish,� Shepard said.

microgravity conditions,� Thomas said. These experiments, he said, are for teachers and students to learn how to abstract a problem. It’s about guessing what will happen when you have a problem that you’re normally used to, and you take that problem to a completely different environment.

“We’re all just excited to be here,� Strickland said. “It’s an incredible opportunity. Not many people get to do it, and we feel very lucky.� The project is supported by Auburn City Schools, COSAM, the Department of Energy, NASA and the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Page A5

Humane Society begins expansion Brandon Miller Writer


Cliff J. Hare, grandson, and Cliff L. Hare, great-grandson, became the new owners of AuburnArt, memorabilia and artwork store, June 1. It sells Auburn photographs, paintings, prints and jewelry.

Family buys AuburnArt Grandson and great-grandson of Auburn legend, Cliff Hare, become new owners of AuburnArt

Natalie Yarid News Editor

A big name in town, is getting even bigger. Cliff J. Hare and Cliff L. Hare, grandson and great-grandson of Cliff Hare, respectively, descendants of an Auburn icon, became the owners of AuburnArt June 1. AuburnArt is downtown shop and is the lead provider of Auburn memorabilia and artwork. “As a family, we have always kind of wanted to own some sort of retail in Auburn because our roots go pretty deep in Auburn, since about 1892,” J. Hare said. J. Hare said it was fate that they were able to buy the store. L. Hare graduated from Auburn in 2002 with a degree in industrial design and went on to get a degree in photography from The Art Institute of Colorado. He said he thought about moving to New York City, L.A. or Atlanta, but he really wanted to come back to Auburn. His father said the family called the previous owners of AuburnArt, Frank and Inrid Brown, and asked if they had an interest in selling their business. J. Hare said the Brown’s responded, “Well, actually we are.” While the store is co-owned by

The Villager wins Retail Award The Villager was honored as having the Best Visual Display/Store Makeover in the Nation by NICHE magazine’s 2011 Top Retailers competition. It was honored for the originality in its store display. The gallery worked with architect Charles Bradford Bell and regional artists to create a “wonderland” theme throughout the store. The Villager invites customers to join and have an interactive shopping experience with a life-size tree made of rebar and paper maché, a giant cupcake display for jewelry, a vintage blinking arrow and many sculptures and glass niches throughout the store.

the father and son, the son uses his artistic ability, and the father focuses on the financial side of the business. “I am not an artist,” J. Hare said. “I am a business guy.” J. Hare graduated from Auburn in 1977 and worked in the energy business for years with many large corporations, but this is the first time the family has owned a retail business. L. Hare said they have received great advice from lots of people about owning a small business in Auburn. He said the previous owners have been there to help coach and advise them as they begin this new journey as owners of AuburnArt. While they have no initial changes planned for the store, they said they would eventually like to incorporate their own style. “Over time, we want to get our signature, if you will, in the store,” J. Hare said. Most of the art sold in the store is made by local artists. Hare said he was surprised to find out so many of the artists whose work is displayed in AuburnArt are local. He said even some students come in and bring their artwork. “It is a way to give back to students and say ‘we want you to be involved in our store’,” J. Hare said. Another way for students to utilize the store is by using the custom-framed diploma service. Custom-framed diplomas are the most popular selling items at AuburnArt. “It is the only place in town where you can get customframed diplomas,” J Hare said. Students who aren’t graduating can find other customized items

at AuburnArt. While most of the jewelry sold at AuburnArt isn’t made by local artists, it is custom made for the store. Hare said AuburnArt is set apart from other stores in the downtown area. The store is not a threat to local book stores, but is a complement to them, Hare said. “We don’t sell books, and we aren’t a big T-shirt store,” J. Hare said. It’s important to understand our heritage because it is a large piece of the foundation of Auburn,” L. Hare said. “Just as my great-grandfather built a legacy in Auburn, I too hope to build AuburnArt into a legacy that all Auburn fans can enjoy as part of their Auburn experience.” Cliff Hare began the family’s legacy when he enrolled as an Auburn student in 1888. He was a member of Auburn’s first football team in 1892 and was involved on Auburn’s campus. He became the dean of the School of Pharmacy and Chemistry. Hare was also the first president of the Southern Athletic Conference, which became the Southeastern Conference. Cliff Hare stadium was dedicated to him in 1949 and changed to Jordan-Hare in 1975. “I hope my creative eye and my experience in the art world will show in the art that is sold to our customers,” L. Hare said. “I hope to offer something that is unique and new. I believe Auburn fans to be truly unrivaled and special, so they deserve to have art that equals who they are, where they come from and what they believe in. That’s what we strive for at AuburnArt.”

The Lee County Humane Society has reached capacity in its current shelter and is having an expansion building constructed next to the current building on site. “We’re expanding on the shelter,” said Stacee Peer, director of public relations and development. “We’re at capacity in the location at the shelter we’re in, so we’re going to create more room to better use the space that we have and have some extra areas to make sure we can care for the animals as best as we can.” The ground breaking ceremony is set for 10 a.m. July 28 at the shelter at 1140 Ware Drive. “The overall goal is to try to improve the layout and the housing areas at the shelter, so we can provide better care for the animals and serve the pub-

lic in a better fashion,” said Pat Rynders, board secretary and former board president. Rynders said members of the local government will be in attendance at the ceremony. Refreshments will also be available. “We did actually originally intend to use it to do spay-neuter surgeries on the shelter animals,” Peer said. “And, we still hope to eventually do that one day, but we’re waiting on approval from the Alabama State Vet Board for that.” Rynders said the program currently takes animals to Auburn’s veterinary school or other local veterinary clinics to be spayed and neuter. Once a license is granted, the Lee County Humane Society will be allowed to do the desired procedures on site at the shelter for all adopted and shelter animals.

Religious heads against new immigration law Haley Blair Associate Intrigue Editor

Many religious faiths are represented by the members of the Auburn Ministerial Association, but the group has banded together and made a step into politics to oppose Alabama’s new immigration law. “The first fundamental problem for us as ministers, people who are trying to promote charity—the bill seems to criminalize, in some situations, trying to welcome a stranger,” said Father Bill Skoneki, priest at St. Michael’s Catholic Church. The law has been said by citizens to be the harshest anti-immigration law ever passed. The new law would allow police to request the naturalization papers of anyone they pulled over if they exhibited any factors that could indicate illegal status. “How does one decide there’s a reasonable suspicion that someone is illegal,” Skoneki asked. “It does seem to be another test that really is going to come down to accent or color.” The law would also make it illegal for people to perform any type of charitable acts for an illegal immigrant, whether knowingly or unknowingly. This is one characteristic of the law that caused the Auburn Ministerial Association to became involved. “It does appear, if you read the law, that we could be subject to fines and other penalties if we

give aid to someone in need if they happen to be an illegal alien,” Skoneki said. “And none of us right now ask to see people’s green cards or passports before we give them food, clothing, shelter or assistance.” Reverend Diana Jordan Allende, the minister at Auburn Unitarian Universalist Fellowship said she thinks the implications of the law haven’t been fully thought through by the general public. Allede said even simple acts of charity may become misdemeanors for citizens if they don’t make sure the person they are helping has immigrated to the United States through official means. “I don’t know if you could imagine somebody needing a ride to church and having to say, ‘well you speak with a Spanish accent. Can you show me your documents?’” Allende said. Allende said she thinks this might lead to an undesirable ‘us vs. them’ mentality, and the law would have a negative effect, not only on the immigrant population, but on entire communities as well. “It seems to outlaw, or make illegal, just simple acts of charity and neighborliness, so we feel that it’s bad for the immigrant community, but it’s bad for us as a community of people who want to live together and work together as well,” Allende said. Alabama House Speaker Mike » See Religion, A6

Adults compete in spelling bee to win prizes Brandon Miller WRITER

Few people would want to reminisce on their elementary days competing in the school spelling bee. However, members of the Auburn-Opelika area will be reliving it July 28. The Public Relations Council of East Alabama is hosting its eighth annual Great Grown-Up Spelling Bee this evening at Saugahatchee Country Club. Doors open at 5 p.m., and the competition starts at 5:30 p.m. Each ticket includes one cocktail and hors d’oeuvres. “There are lots of golf tournaments and other kinds of fund raisers,” said spelling bee cochair John Atkinson. “But, it’s the only spelling bee in town, so since it’s unique, it’s fun to be involved with.” Tickets are available at the door or from any PRCA mem-

bers for $15. “It kind of a nontraditional spelling bee,” said Pam PowersSmith, the spelling bee co-chair. “It’s usually not quiet, and people are heckling one another. It’s lots of fun.” The competition has two-person teams that compete to spell words as quickly as possible for two minutes. Powers-Smith said there are notable teams that enter the competition each year, including the city of Auburn officials, East Alabama Medical Center and the Opelika-Auburn News. “Our teams are a lot of fun because they normally dress up in costumes appropriate to their business,” said Powers-Smith. The PRCA has asked and confirmed three local prominent figures to be judges this year: Lee County Sheriff Jay Jones, news » See Spelling, A6

Contributed by Public Relations Council of East Alabama

Gene Dulaney of AuburnBank spins the wheel to earn more points for his team as his teammate, Eddie Smith, looks on.

Community A6

The Auburn Plainsman




VANS REALT 729 E. Glenn Ave. Auburn, AL 334-821-7098

Religion » From A5

Hubbard, a proponent of the immigration law, said he thinks the facts have been skewed by those who oppose the law in order to generate fear and anger. Hubbard said he thinks the law will prevent people who are living here illegally from receiving public benefits. He said it may also stop employers from hiring illegal workers. “In Alabama, we believe in obedience to law because it promotes fairness and protects the rights of everybody,” Hubbard said. Skoneki said the Auburn Ministerial Association has reached out to Hubbard and hopes a meeting with the rep-

Thursday, July 28, 2011 resentative will give him a chance to explain his point of view and hear the association’s concerns. “I think there is a good cause: that people believe in the rule of law and that they perceive that the federal government is not doing enough to enforce the laws in regards to immigration, but that this is the wrong approach to go about it,” Skoneki said. Allende said she also opposes the new policy because she doesn’t want her state, Alabama, to once again pave the way for harsher, more inhumane ways of doing things. “The things that we are leading in are not progressive, are not humane, are not things that are making our state a better state,” Allende said.

Spelling » From A5

anchor Elizabeth White and Opelika-Auburn News Editor Wayne Snow. Audience members have a chance to win door prizes which Powers-Smith said are valued at $200.The evening will also challenge the audience to compete and win a prize and trophy. The Spelling Bee raised around $5,000 last year and has made $36,000 over seven years to benefit the Lee County Literacy Coalition, Powers-Smith said. “It is amazing,” Atkinson said. “There are a lot of smart people around here, but even in a county like this, there are people that have that need to learn to read. It’s just great that the literacy coalition do that for them.”



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Thursday, July 28, 2011


Our View

Tradition may not be the same this year Auburn University and city officials announced July 21 that fans will be permitted to continue rolling the Oaks at Toomer’s Corner this season. This gives the Auburn family some good news in a sea of dread regarding the trees. Day after day, the Oaks look sicker, and a once-joyous location is now a constant reminder of their impending fate. We are more than grateful for the opportunity to keep this tradition alive for a least another year, but feel it won’t quite be the same. We applaud the effort the crews will have to put in this year to hand pick the toilet paper out of the trees. Lord knows we wouldn’t want that job. The barricades will remain up indefinitely, and fans may use Toomer’s Corner as simply a meeting place and not risk the tree’s health. Recently, the University released a statement saying when the fate of the trees is decided, instead of planting new trees, a structure may be put in place of the oaks.

Now Updyke has not only damaged our trees, he has potentially damaged a tradition. Everyone remembers their first time rolling Toomer’s, whether it was at age 4 or 40. Nobody can forget the sight after the national championship win of fans sprinting to celebrate at the corner. Nothing can compare to the sense of camaraderie felt by the thousands of people flinging toilet paper into the trees’ inviting branches. Who knows what the new structure would look like or what victory celebrations will entail without the trees. The Toomer’s tradition is so ingrained into our family, many fans take toilet paper to away games to throw from the stands should we win. This tradition may be silly to those looking from the outside in, but to us it is sacred. It is rare to get so many people together in such close quarters and have them all in a good mood. You could bump into someone or step on a foot, and the person will just smile back

with a big “War Eagle.” This isn’t something we want to see fade into Auburn folklore. When we’re grandparents, we want to roll the corner with our grandbabies, not regale the story of how the trees were killed. We hope the University will find a way to keep the tradition alive in the location it’s in now. We also may not see any more direct descendants of the Toomer’s Oak trees. Currently, the trees are not producing acorns, so this batch of seedlings may be the last. The University is holding a lottery in rounds and 600 lucky winners out of 5,000 people registered will be able to take a Toomer’s seedling home. This may be the end of an era, and we feel the need to take a moment a reflect. While they aren’t people, the trees are living things and have a spirit all their own. They stand behind us in photos, cradling us in their outstretched arms. They welcome us home after

vacations or holidays away. They never complain about the weight of the toilet paper or the pressure of the hose cleaning them, but share in our triumph and join in our cheers. They have been set ablaze by bitter losers and run into by drunken buffoons. They never ask for an apology, but recover and prepare for the next game. They have shared in our trials and tribulations through the years and have always been there when we needed them. It is painful for us to stand by and not be able to do anything the one time they need us. The prognosis is grim, and all we can do is keep a hopeful eye on them and pray. We have been told on more than one occasion the Oaks will not survive. This isn’t the first time in history the odds have been stacked against us, and we have always fought hard. Hopefully the trees have a lot of fight left in them. For this season, we will just have to keep our spirits (and our hopes) high. See you at the corner.

Quote of the Week

The best thing to do when it comes to snake bites is to just not get bitten.” —Mike Wines “Snakes Show off their good side” A3

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Lawyers reap benefits in state appeal system To The Editor: With the death last week of William “Corky” Snider, one of the darkest chapters of crime in Alabama comes to a close. Snider committed suicide after spending the past 15 years on Alabama’s Death Row. He was convicted for the brutal 1995 murders of Dixie Gaither, her son Carey and his girlfriend Nancy Burkhalter. This is both outrageous and ridiculous since upon his conviction in 1996, Snider asked the Talladega County jury to sentence him to death! Yet, Alabama taxpayers have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for “appeals” for a convicted killer who, from the outset, asked to be executed. Where has criminal justice gone in America? It is understandable that every possible appeal be made available for those who wish to fight their sentence. It is even acceptable that those charged with capital crimes are not allowed to plead guilty and are given a full trial with automatic appeals. I would be the first to agree that every possible effort must be exhausted to see that innocent people do not die. In this case, we see where the state had the opportunity to dispense justice, pleased the accused, and most of all, save the state taxpayers a lot of money. But the powers that be chose not to demonstrate just common sense. Could it be that the death sentence process is prolonged for up to 30 years for the financial benefit of those lawyers are in the “appeal business”? Any other explanation-especially in the case of William “Corky” Snider, is just not plausible. -James W. Anderson Talladega, AL

Concert goes on a blast to the past Courtney Smith Intrigue@

About a month ago, I did something that I’ve only told to a few people. About a month ago, I went to the New Kids On The Block/Backstreet Boys reunion concert in Atlanta…willingly. Originally I decided to go just so I could finally see a live BSB show, since I never got the chance to see any boy bands in concert when “Larger Than Life” dominated the airwaves. Back in the day my heart belonged to ‘NSYNC, but since they aren’t getting back together anytime soon, I immediately jumped at the chance. It was only after I’d decided to go that I started wondering if I had finally lost my mind. I will be the first to admit that I’m a huge dork at heart, but this crossed the line even by my own lofty standards of dorkdom. Not only did it cross the line, it crooned and danced in synchronization the entire time. Regardless, I found myself in the Philips arena that Wednesday night mentally shaking my head and wondering what in the world was I thinking. As I expected, about 90 percent of the crowd was female, and a good majority of them were older than 30. I saw women who had dragged their significant others along, who were in

turn dragging their feet. I got the impression that most of them were there as a favor to their partner and were secretly wondering how many times they could hit up the Jack Daniels bar in the food court before they found the evening tolerable. After slowly nudging my way forward through the estrogen-packed crowd, I made my way to my seat and settled in for the show. By the time the lights grew dim and the female-dominated audience began to shriek, I had braced myself for the ear-splitting cacophony that was soon to come. What I wasn’t prepared for, oddly enough, was the rush of nostalgia. From the opening number to the finale, I stopped being 22. For those few hours I felt like I was 10 years old again, blasting the Millennium album from my old blue CD player and imagining that they were singing it just for me. It had been years since I had heard many of these songs, but I was amazed to find that I still remembered every word. Surprisingly, the Boys were far more modest than the Kids, who wasted no opportunity to show they were still perfectly bronze and muscular after all these years. When Joey McIntyre slowly slid his shirt up over his washboard abs and winked at the crowd during their first song, I witnessed twenty-somethings and mothers become squealing teenage girls again. Later when Donnie Wahlberg ripped off his tank top like a seduc-

tive, miniature version of the Hulk and tossed it into the audience, I briefly lost my hearing because of the deafening screams that echoed from every corner of the arena. That’s not to say that the Boys let themselves be shown up. They may have opted to keep their clothes on, but they clearly have not lost their ability to croon soulfully to every female in the room with a smolder in their eyes. I’ll even admit that I felt a slight twinge of jealousy when they pulled women from the audience up on stage and crooned “I’ll Never Break Your Heart” directly to them. Throughout the rest of the concert, I found myself glancing around at the people in the audience. Whatever they struggled with at this point in their lives seemed to vanish as they, like me, allowed themselves to be carried back to younger days before they had to contend with grown-up worries. It’s funny how music has the ability to evoke such strong feelings of nostalgia and seemingly melt years away. I couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of camaraderie with these women, despite our age gaps and different backgrounds. It was almost like we all became a bunch of lovestruck little girls at a slumber party, spazzing out over our old celebrity crushes. So, does going to the NKOTBSB concert and completely enjoying myself make me a huge dork? Maybe. Truth be told I really don’t mind, and I actually think I want it that way.

Raising student loan costs burdens those already overburdened Darcie Dyer copy@theplainsman. com

I found it somewhat unsettling that while our President was addressing the nation on our imploding debt crisis Monday night, my peers were more concerned with tweeting about The Bachelorette. “OMG now I don’t know if Constantine will get the overnight card, thanks for cutting off my show, Obama.” And while it’s always fun being a tiny blue dot in a very red state,

I won’t push my views on anyone. But, as I sat eating my gourmet Ramen with delicious powdered chicken flavoring, I began considering the budget of your average college student. In this thought, I realized there’s something that most college students, party aside, can agree on and should be aware of. It may not be who should or shouldn’t win The Bachelorette, but instead, the finances of our fellow students with student loans. As Speaker of the House John Boehner and many other politicians have made clear, they do not want to raise taxes. Republican Congressman Eric

Cantor has proposed raising the cost of student loans, requiring students to begin paying interest right away rather than waiting until after graduation. Yes, he thinks this is a good idea for balancing our federal budget. Really?! As if our generation isn’t already going to end up with the blunt of our economic downfall, why not just give us a few more setbacks as we venture out into the real world? According to The New York Times April article, “Burden of College Loans on Graduates Grows,” the total amount of student loan debt in the United States is on track to reach $1 tril-

lion this year. Yes, this is a huge problem. But there’s a mind-blowing, extremely unlikely solution, but a potential solution nonetheless. The 400 richest Americans’ combined worth, listed in Forbes Magazine, could easily pay off every penny of student loans in this country, and they would still have approximately $370 billion left over. That means $925 million for each of those 400 people. Not so bad, people. I understand the principal of working hard and deserving the money you earn. But I do not understand whatever principal justifies greed.

And how anyone can say it would be wrong to tax people who, according to Forbes list, have a net worth of $925,000,000, while the average American household’s net worth is $96,000? It must take a very twisted and convoluted way of manipulating one’s thought process to justify placing the debt burden on students who are already in deep enough with loans just to get an education. But oh, those unfortunate 400 wealthiest people, how cold we ever ask them to part with their money, or at least pay a little more in taxes than your average paycheck-to-paycheck American? Simply put, it ain’t right.

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Thursday, July 28, 2011



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Intrigue Thursday, July 28, 2011


Page B1

Sweet drinks might cause addictions Jake Winfrey Writer

Christen Harned / Assistant Photo Editor

Daniel Trouse, manager of The Bike Shop, works on one of the bikes in the store.

Pedaling into the fall Local store provides transportation options Courtney Smith Intrigue Editor

Whether you’re young or old, riding a bike is one thing that never goes out of style. Daniel Trouse has worked at The Bike Shop for 20 years and has been the manager since 2001. Trouse said his father opened the shop in 1971 and still owns the shop located in the heart of downtown Auburn. Trouse said he grew up in Auburn and graduated from Auburn University in 1999

with a degree in anthropology. When he’s not busy managing the shop, he and his wife, Shannon, are busy raising their son Darcy. Trouse said working at the shop is generally good. He said he has one other fulltime co-worker, Brian Henry, and one or two part-time workers depending on the season. For the most part, he said, they do repairs and new bike sales. Henry usually takes care of the bike bills, and Trouse said he does a lot of the bike repairs. “Mostly, we just try to help people find a bike that will suit their needs and get them around town,” Trouse said. “It’s a heck of a lot easier to ride a bike around town and around campus than it is trying to drive a car.” Henry, who graduated

from Auburn in 1984 with a master’s degree in consumer economics, has worked at the store for 23 years. Henry said he started off as a college student who frequently hung out at the shop, and once he started working there, he chose to stay. “It’s good to work on bikes and things I enjoy as opposed to working somewhere else at a job I wouldn’t really like,” Henry said. Henry said he has been working with Daniel since high school, and they have a great partnership. “We get along fine,” Henry said. “His family owns it, and they’ve treated me real well over the years. There’s mutual respect, and it works out good.” Trouse said students make up most of the Shop’s customer base and the busiest time

of the year for them is the beginning of the semester from August to September. “Usually you have the people that first get here and realize they’re going to want a bike and the people that—after about two or three weeks of trying to find a parking place and walking across campus and being late to classes—decide that they need a bike,” Trouse said. Trouse has some words of wisdom for new students and cyclists in general this year. As far as cycling goes, he said, be careful and ride defensively out there. He said drivers won’t always see cyclists, so it’s important to make yourself visible and to be aware of traffic around you. Also, he said, try to treat the cars as you would want to be » See bike, B2

Whether your preference is Mountain Dew, Coca-Cola or Dr. Pepper, everybody has a sweet tooth in them. Today, soft drinks account for more than 50 percent of sugar in U.S. diets. With that, the consumption of high-fructose corn syrup has increased tremendously. Recent studies have shown there could be a more physiological effect by consuming sugary drinks that one may have previously thought. A research report in the journal “Appetite” shows two different studies in which it is hypothesized sugary drink consumption can affect a person’s overall diet and, more specifically, their taste preferences. The main reason for the research is to determine if chronic sugar drink consumption can really affect a person’s taste preference to the point where they are wanting to eat more sugary foods. Kevin Huggins, assistant professor in nutrition and food science, said sugar has an overall effect not just on the body, but it also affects the brain as well. “The main sugar that we talk about in soft drinks is high-fructose corn syrup,” Huggins said. “Chronic consumption, or addiction to, that particular sugar can obviously have very detrimental effects not only physically, but psychologically as well.” Huggins said he believes sugar addiction is, in reality, a lot like cocaine addiction. “With a diet high in sugar, people are going to crave it more,” Huggins said. “They are going to consume more sugar to get to that level of satisfaction. I think this research report shows taste preference can be altered by consuming a lot of sugar—in this case sodas—which is definitely an environmental factor in obesity and diabetes.” One study showed people who were overweight found the samples they were given to be 23 percent less sweet than what people of a normal weight thought. Douglas White, professor in nutrition and food science, said research like this is a constant. “There are a lot of studies being done like this one,” White said. “Our department did a survey involving fourth and fifth graders and the correlation between their weight and the amount of calories—more so, sugary drinks—they consumed.” White said the results were not surprising. “We found that children who consumed more sugary drinks were often of a greater weight,” White said. “With this information, as a parent, I would definitely try to limit soft drinks to my kids because it could turn out to be a bad influence on the brain.” It is a safe assumption some college students are big consumers of soft drinks. While some may agree with the study, others are not as affected by it. Philip Reiner, senior in computer engineering, said although he rarely consumes sugary drinks, he doesn’t think it affects him too much. “I don’t drink sugary drinks often,” Reiner said. “But when I do drink them, I don’t feel as though I want to eat anymore sugar afterwards.”

Turning your patio into a utopia Nicole Singleton Sports Editor

Relaxation is something every college kid requires. It’s hard to attain with tests, teachers, homework, extra-curricular activities and social lives that require attention. Now, imagine going home and having your own special oasis, a getaway from everything in the world, a place where you can do whatever you please. Maybe that place is waiting for you. One forgotten space many college students overlook is their apartment patio. With some work and sweat, a beautiful outdoor living area could be in your future. Any student wanting to venture into a project like this one should prepare for certain obstacles along the way. For instance, one of the most important aspects is what kind of decorating your apartment complex will allow. Ashley Richards, leasing agent for The Exchange, said they encourage their residents to partake in decorating as long as it isn’t offensive or hazardous. “They pretty much have full reign to do whatever they want I guess, as long as their roommates are OK with it,” Richards said. “We actually promote and encourage people to decorate.” Deciding how to decorate the patio re-

lies partly on what kind of person you are and what kind of personality you possess, as well as money, roommates and other factors. Shari Park-Gates, assistant professor of consumer affairs, said when designers are asked to create an area, they begin by interviewing the owner to see what they want from the living area. “We just might provide a space to live, a space to read books, some special kind of lighting to be used in the evening time,” Park-Gates said. “It would take on a very different look based on what the user wanted.” One example of deciding what kind of feel you want the patio to have is color. Color schemes are meant to reflect what sort of mood the area will generate. Park-Gates said if the owner wishes the area to be lively, they should incorporate bright colors, but if the wish is for a more soothing space, a soft color palate should be used. “Function comes first,” Park-Gates said. The designer also determines what should be done with a space depending on what sort of living arrangement the resident is in. “It depends on how the space is going to be used and who the user is and what are their limitations,” Park-Gates said.

Nicole Singleton / Sports Editor

Boomer hangs out on a decorated patio in the Garden District apartments. For instance, most college students enjoy the occasional get together. “If you want to party in your space, then the designer would plan with that in mind,” Park-Gates said.

Another possible option for an apartment patio would be plants. Although plants and flowers require a certain amount of attention and care, they » See Patio, B2

Intrigue B2

The Auburn Plainsman




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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cultural symbols lost in translation Hayley Blair

Foreign Idioms

Associate Intrigue Editor

For those who haven’t learned another language, it may be surprising to learn how drastically English phrases, idioms and movie titles can be changed when translated between languages. “The nature of language is so different between two languages that sometimes you can’t have a direct translation, a one-toone translation, if you will,” said Michael Cortez, Spanish graduate student. Some things frequently changed include song lyrics, movie titles and even entire works of literature. Xi Qian, who once worked at Auburn as a Chinese tutor, said this happens a lot with movie titles in Chinese to make the movie more marketable and attractive to consumers. “For movie titles, most of the occasions, they are eye catchers,” Qian said. “If they are just plainly translated, it’s not attractive at all, because we do not see the trailers at movie theaters. You name something mysterious so it’s easier to sell.” Qian said movie titles are often drastically changed in Chinese, sometimes to reflect the overall plot of the story, sometimes to describe a main character and sometimes to make a title more relatable, especially when the title has to do with Greek or European mythology, which is not taught in China. “On most occasions Chinese watchers see only the Chinese title from beginning, so we don’t feel that strange when the translations diverge that much,” Qian said. Another reason words may be changed is because they may not make sense when translated literally or they may even translate into something offensive. Spanish professor Lourdes Betanzos said when things are translated, however, a lot of the beauty of language is lost.


» From B1 treated, and they will hopefully treat you the same. Trouse said it’s great for him to see a lot of cyclists who obey the rules of the road, but he also sees a lot who don’t. They need to be more aware sometimes of


» From B1 can be a great addition to your outdoor living area. Donna Dallas, manager for Blooming Colors nursery, said there are many things someone must consider before beginning any sort of plant care. “Anything can grow in a container,” Dallas said.

Spanish Version • • • • • • •

A falta de pan, buenas son tortas. A papaya puesta, papaya partida. A perro flaco, todo son pulgas. Árbol que nace torcido, jamás su tronco endereza. Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente. Caras vemos, corazones no sabemos. Cuando el río suena, agua lleva.

Literal Translation •

English Equivalent

If there’s no bread, cakes will do. Papaya that is served, papaya that is eaten. To a skinny dog, all are fleas. A tree that is born twisted never grows straight. The shrimp that falls asleep is swept away by the current. Faces we (can) see, hearts we don’t/can’t know. When the river makes noise, (it’s because) it’s carrying water.

• • • • • •

• • • • • • •

Beggars can’t be choosers. Take it like a man. Misery loves company. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. You snooze you lose. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. From

Foreign Movie Titles English • • • • • •


“The Matrix” “The Wiz” “Enemy of the State” “I, Robot” “Hitch” “Hancock”

• • • • • •

黑客帝国 绿野仙踪 全民公敌 机械公敌 全民情敌 全民超人

Translation • • • • • •

Empire of Hackers Faerie Trace in the Green Lands Public Enemy of All People Machinery Public Enemy Love Rival of All People Superhero of All People

“The nuances of the metaphors or the symbolism, the color and feeling of the language is lost when it is translated from one language to another,” Betanzos said. She said this is especially true considering there are words in Spanish that don’t have an English equivalent. “One of them is a verb, madrugar,” Betanzos said. “Which means to wake up at dawn. There’s not one single word in English that will capture that concept.” Idioms or figures of speech often have no direct translation and may make little to no sense to someone who has not grown up to learn these expressions. “Inevitably in languages you have those kinds of things created where you have phrases that cannot be directly translated or it makes no sense like ‘kick the bucket,’” Cortez said. “What does that mean when it’s directly translat-

ed? It means nothing. So you have to be careful to either convey the original core idea directly or find another idiom in that language that matches or correlates.” Betanzos said there are also little nuances in language that can catch you off guard with a meaning you didn’t even know was there. “One of the most famous companies as far as skin care, and it’s actually very popular in Europe, is Nivea,” Betanzos said. “If you split it up into the two syllables Ni-vea, in Spanish that means ‘don’t even see.’ So it’s little nuances like that.” Other words that may have double meanings like Nivea can make it difficult for non-native speakers. “Sometimes the level of translation can also bother readers,” Qian said. “Like someone wouldn’t bother to check in dictionary that

the word ‘hide’ can also mean the noun ‘animal skin and fur.’ And this can mislead for years on a weird expression.” Even if something is read in its original language, the difference between cultures still poses a challenge to the reader. Spanish professor Ted McVay said certain words can cause different sets of images to come to mind based on a person’s environment and upbringing. . “For example if you say tree, and you’re talking to someone who speaks Arabic, what kind of tree are they going to think of,” McVay asked. “Immediately you think of palm trees, right? But here you might think of a pecan tree or whatever. “All reading and all interpretation takes place in your mind and is based on your own individual experience. It’s what you’re projecting onto the text.”

where they are because he sees a lot of drivers who don’t treat cyclists the way they should. When you have a car versus a cyclist, Trouse said, the cyclist always loses. “I think the cyclists have just as much right to the road as the cars do, but with that in mind, I think every-

one has to ride and drive considerate to each other,” Trouse said. “We all belong out there. We’re all sharing the same space.” Trouse said cyclists should try to enjoy what themselves; the best thing about a bike is it’s both transportation and fun. “You get people with dif-

ferent viewpoints, whether it’s a luxury or a necessity, transportation or a toy, and in the best of worlds it’s both,” Trouse said. “It’s something you can use to get from point A to point B when you have to, and you can use it to go out on a long ride when you don’t have to be anywhere.”

“You need to figure out how much sun; full sun is six-plus hours a day, part sun is four or less. There is a big difference in morning sun only, afternoon shade, morning shade and afternoon sun.” For college students on the go, Dallas suggests getting plants that are less time consuming and don’t require as much care such

as cast iron, liriope plants and certain shrubs. Dallas said most students stick with the indoor plants, but she sees some buy plants for their apartment patios. A student favorite is cactus because of its reputation of being easy to care for. Dallas said to consider many factors as you decide what you want to plant in

your garden. “Good drainage, good potting soil, make sure you have your sun requirement ,and it’s in the proper-sized container,” Dallas said. It may seem like a lot to take in, but the result could definitely be worth it. With some thought and preparation, you may find yourself taking some time to relax outdoors more often.

Jane Random Megan Robinson

Senior, philosophy and mathematics ── What are your hobbies? I like to ballroom dance, and I like learning languages. I like riding my bicycle.

What’s your favorite place? Probably Slovakia, because I had a friend in high school who was an exchange student from there. I stayed with him and his parents, and it was really cool because I got to experience the life.

How many languages do you know? I know Spanish pretty well. I sort of know German, and I’m learn- What was the biggest difference between here and Slovakia? ing Russian. Everything they made me as food What do you want to do when was either out of their garden, and you graduate? their grandparents had a farm. Also I want to do foreign service it was kind of funny that the clubs work, so I want to work like politand stuff were very ’90s. ical analysis and embassies.



Thursday, July 28, 2011

Page B3

Chizik remains collected at Media Day Nicole Singleton Sports Editor

Multiple questions involving the phrase “NCAA investigation” were thrown at Gene Chizik July 21, but they couldn’t sway him from his cool, determined demeanor at SEC Media Day in Hoover. “All of the outside innuendos, speculations, rumors, all those different things whether they be NCAA related or otherwise—it’s just not a big part of what I concern myself with,” Chizik said. Nevertheless, the media still harped on certain situations ranging from Cam Newton to Destin, Fla., where a supposed heated argument took place between Chizik and NCAA vice president for enforcement, Julie Roe Lach. “I said this many times; I feel great about where we are as a football program,” Chizik said. “I sleep really good every night when my head hits the pillow.”

Questions about last season’s scandals took up a surprising amount of time despite the upcoming season being so close. Chizik said he realizes the inexperience of his team, but that won’t stop them from keeping the same goals Auburn always maintains. “Make no mistake about it, the standard for Auburn University and the goals for Auburn University­­—no matter if we were going to play 22 freshmen—have not changed,” Chizik said. “We graduate our players and win championships.” Philip Lutzenkirchen, junior tight end, offered positive outlooks on the way he believes the offense will perform this upcoming season without Heisman-winner Cam Newton. “The thing about a Coach Malzahn’s offense is that he’ll play to our own strengths,” Lutzenkirchen said. “Last year, with Cam at quarterback, we used him

as a rusher. The year before, we were a play-action team first. We could go back to that. We’ll just have to see this fall.” Mo v i n g f o r w a rd from winning a national championship might be deemed difficult by many people, but Chizik said the Tigers took care of that quickly. “I want to make this really, really clear; the minute our plane hit the ground in Montgomery on Jan. 11, we had moved on,” Chizik said. Emory Blake, junior wide receiver, said he realized the championship win was in the past when he began working out again. “There’s no looking back, just moving forward,” Blake said. Chizik said last year’s team will serve as great inspiration for this season’s team, but all players must look ahead and keep moving forward.

Nicole Singleton / Sports Editor

Gene Chizik spoke before reporters July 21 at the SEC Media Day in Hoover. He answered questions concerning the NCAA investigations and the next football season.

Players anticipate basketball season months ahead Johnson trades his former Clemson uniform for an Auburn one

Alverson may joke with teammates, but it is all competition on the court

Laura Hobbs Writer

After being a Clemson Tiger for a year and a half, Noel Johnson, junior in public administration, decided to make a change to become an Auburn Tiger. “I can bring leadership to the team,” Johnson said. After enrolling at Auburn in January, Johnson, a 6-foot-8-inch guard, will be ready to hit the court after the fall semester and will have one and a half years of remaining eligibility. “As good of a basketball player as he is, he is just as good a person,” said head coach Tony Barbee. “I am excited about what Noel is going to bring to the Auburn family on and off the floor.” Johnson, a three-time team MVP, began his career to success at an early age. As a student at Fayette County High School, he was looked heavily upon by a variety of media outlets and always stayed in the top 60 for prospect ratings.

Kelley Rouse Writer

todd van emst / media relations

Johnson averaged 2.9 points a game at Clemson. In 2009, ESPNU rated Johnson the No. 30 prospect, while Scout. com and rated him No. 56 and No. 53, respectively. After leading the way for his team to the Class 4A state championship his junior year, he received recognition by being named to the first-team All State his senior year in high school while averaging 21 points per game. After signing with Clemson in 2009, Johnson quickly became a viable member of the team. During his freshman year, he played » See johnsoN, B4

q&a with mcalpine

She has it—all the talent and the brains. Blanche Alverson, junior guard and forward on the Auburn’s women’s basketball team, has achieved success on and off the court. The 6-foot-3-inch athlete, originally from Andalusia, started playing basketball when she was 4 years old with her older brother William. She became involved with a recreational league when she was 6. At the young age of 8, she was already playing on a traveling team. By the time she was in seventh grade, college coaches already had an eye on Alverson. “Growing up, that was always a goal of mine to play in college,” Alverson said. After excelling in basketball at Buford High School in Georgia, she decided to continue her ca-

reer by playing at Auburn. She is a fourth-generation Auburn student and has been an Auburn fan her entire life. “All the places I visited, everywhere I went, there was something that reminded me of Auburn,” Alverson said. “So that’s how I knew where I wanted to go. I love it.” Alverson’s teammates love having her here as well. “Blanche is our jukebox,” said Morgan Jennings, senior guard. “You press play, and she’ll just sing any song and get us going on the back of the bus. The genre doesn’t even matter: rap, R&B, country, Justin Bieber in particular.” The team is very close and members enjoy hanging out together, Alverson said. “She’s goofy and sarcastic,” said Jassany Williams, sophomore forward. “She’s smart on and off the court.” This season, Alverson was named to the Capital One Academic All-District IV Women’s Basketball team. She is a junior in pre-med with a 3.62 grade-point average. In addition to being named to the Capital One academic team, Alverson was the first Auburn Tiger for the 2010-2011 women’s

Todd Van Emst / Media Relations

As a freshman, Alverson played in all 31 games and recorded 215 points. basketball season to be named SEC Player of the Week, which she said is one of her greatest » See alverson, B4

McAlpine brings a winning past to AU women’s soccer team future Jake Winfrey Writer

For coach Keidane McAlpine, the timing was just right. After serving as head women’s soccer coach at Birmingham Southern College for five years, McAlpine packed his bags and headed to Auburn. “I came to Auburn in 2006,” McAlpine said. “It was right about the time that Birmingham Southern was going to Division III. I got a call from Karen Hoppa, head coach of Auburn’s women’s soccer, saying she needed a new assistant, so the timing worked out for me to keep working towards my goal of being a Division I coach.” Before coming to Auburn, McAlpine spent a number of years at Birmingham Southern as a player, an assistant and finally, a head coach. McAlpine began playing soccer at BSC in 1992, where he was a four-year starter and captain his senior season. He then served as an assistant coach from 19982000 before being hired as head


coach in 2001. As head coach, he led BSC to its only NCAA Division I Tournament appearance and was named 2004 Big South Coach of the Year. In his five years at Auburn, McAlpine has worked primarily with the midfielders. He has also had his hand in possession attack and assisting Coach Hoppa with the goalkeepers. McAlpine said his biggest accomplishment so far at Auburn is being able to maintain a high level of play, while mixing his style of play with Coach Hoppa’s and still being successful. “Since I have been here, we have made the national tourna-

ment all five times and beaten Alabama all five times we have played them,” McAlpine said. “I am just really glad that I was able to bring my style to an already successful program and maintain its success.” McAlpine is known for his cool, yet intense demeanor and is praised by the team for his knowledge of the game. Amy Berbary, assistant coach, said McAlpine brings a number of good qualities to the team. “I think he brings a good calmness to the program, though he can be pretty intense,” Berbary said. “He is really, really good at breaking down individuals as well as the game itself.” Berbary said it’s McAlpine’s relationship with the team that makes him special. “He is really there for all the girls,” Berbary said. “He is like their big brother.” Ana Cate, junior midfielder, said McAlpine’s coaching methods and experience are good. “First all, he is really laid back,” » See mcalpine, B4

Sports B4

The Auburn Plainsman


tioning since. “As a team, I know we just want to improve, and you know SEC Championship is definitely the big thing for us,” Alverson said. The women’s basketball team finished the 20102011 season with a 16-16 record. Alverson said she has been working on getting stronger and working out since last season to prepare herself for the upcoming season. “I want to be the best I can be,” Alverson said. “I want to improve every year and hopefully, maybe be recognized for that in some way throughout this year.”


of opportunities in basketball. “I’ve been a part of a lot of different tournaments, so all of those (have been my biggest accomplishment) up until now,” Johnson said. Basketball runs in Johnson’s blood, however. As the son of former Wichita State and NBA Gold-

» From B3 accomplishments on the court. Alverson is a part of numerous honor societies as well as a sorority on campus. “I just enjoy being here with everybody,” Alverson said. “Auburn’s a unique place, because I get to be in a sorority, and I get to be on the athletic side of things. I get to be in kind of all different kind of realms in the school.” As for next season, Alverson said the team had a few weeks off and has been working out and condi-

» From B3 32 games and also became the recipient of the Tiger Strength Award that highlights his dedication to strength and conditioning. So far, Johnson said he has accomplished a lot and has had the privilege to be involved in a wide variety

Thursday, July 28, 2011


» From B3 Cate said. “He tells us what he wants and lets us learn by doing. I think that is really beneficial to the team.” Cate said he provides a different kind of perspective to the team consisting of girls. “He brings in that testosterone,” Cate said. “He played pro soccer, so he brings that experience and that knowledge to the team. I think I can speak for all of us when I say we really enjoy hearing what he has to say.” As for McAlpine, it isn’t en State Warrior star Lynbert “Cheese” Johnson, he has been around basketball since the day he was born, although he did not officially begin to play until he was 2 years old. His father has been a great motivation and inspiration in his life, and he said he would like to follow in his footsteps and possi-

all about soccer. At least, not always. McAlpine is part of a music group, Ivory Soul, which currently has 2 albums available on iTunes. McAlpine serves as the vocalist for the group. McAlpine said he hopes to reach higher goals while at Auburn, although he still hopes to one day reach his goal of becoming a head coach on the Division I level. “I want us to get to the Sweet 16, Elite 8 levels more consistently while I am here,” McAlpine said. “I definitely have my goals, but Auburn makes it difficult to leave.” bly take his skills on the court to new heights. “I hope to make a career in basketball,” Johnson said. “It is one of my dreams.” When is comes to what professional team he would like to play for in the future, Johnson has decided to remain open-minded.

More former Tigers go on to NFL Crystal Cole Managing Editor

With the NFL lockout ending Monday, free agents were able to commit to or be taken by teams. This meant several former Tigers, whose fates were undetermined, have found home teams for this season. At the time this went to press, 11 Auburn players had signed free agent deals. This is in addition to the four players who were taken in the draft. Some players have already been able to report to training facilities for their teams. Wes Byrum, who agreed to a deal with the Seattle Seahawks Wednesday posted on his Twitter: “Big shout out to my agent @davidcanter ... thanks for all the work you put in and getting me to Seattle!!!”


Auburn Free Agents

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