The Auburn Plainsman

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Anthropology students given unique opportunities

Veteran fans teach proper tailgating

Masoli’s versatility biggest threat to Tigers


Ole Miss


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Vol. 117, Issue 10, 24 Pages

Predators phish for skin


Clear Chat History

Proactive approach to national phishing scandal proves valuable for Auburn Brian Desarro Intrigue Editor


Greg Mortenson speaks to Auburn students in the Auburn Arena during his lecture Tuesday evening.

Author regales journey, career Laura Maxwell Managing Editor

Though humanitarian work may not be everyone’s cup of tea, Greg Mortenson has built a career out of helping others. “I actually wrote ‘Three Cups of Tea’ because my wife said, ‘You need to write a book so you can be home more,’” Mortenson said. “Unfortunately, it didn’t quite work that way.” Mortenson said “Three Cups of Tea” didn’t do well the first year on the shelves, but because of book clubs and women’s groups, it took off. Now, even many counterinsurgency-training courses teach from the book, Mortenson said. Although he has traveled

the world, Mortenson said he couldn’t do it without the support of his family. “It’s very painful. I’m gone from my family more than half the year, as are many people in the military or mission work or humanitarian work,” Mortenson said. “It really is kids and spouses who pay the greatest price and make that great sacrifice. I get criticized sometimes. My wife and family, they support what I do, and they would say that’s what they want me to do.” However, Mortenson’s role in his humanitarian work has changed. “I see myself more as a cheerleader now,” Mortenson said. “I am an advocate

A new Facebook scam is plaguing sororities. Jill Moore, associate director of Greek life, said people with fake profiles have been contacting new sorority members, posing as recent alumnae and demanding personal information and video-chat sessions as part of a “secret initiation.” “They will say, ‘If you look at this Facebook profile, you aren’t going to be able to tell much about me, but that’s on purpose because I am a recent alumni of your organization, and I am going to show you some other secret things,’” Moore said. “Usually they will communicate through Facebook messages, and then they move to Facebook chat. If it goes past there, they will move on to Skype.” The profiles have featured misleading photos stolen from other people’s actual accounts and have included names like Lexi Hillbrenner, Marrissa Thompson, Heather Dawson and Morgan Lowell. While it is not known who is behind the scam, Moore said there is no indication that it is anyone associated with Auburn University. Once a fake profile is detected, the names are submitted to Facebook, which then handles the deletion of the account. While no Auburn students have yet fallen victim to the

scam, Moore said every sorority on campus has had some type of contact through these fake profiles. “I don’t know of anyone at Auburn that has gone through with it, but I know people at Auburn that have been asked to take their clothes off, but have not,” Moore said. “It was something that was happening at other places before it happened here, so we were able to be a little more insulated against and get the word out.” The scam, which is a problem for sororities across the country, has talked students out of everything from personal information, bank account information and class schedules, as well as asking for private video-chat sessions. In response, as soon as a member reports a contact from a fake profile, the sorority president communicates with all the other presidents and the Panhellenic Council to warn new members to block that account. In addition, new members were warned about the scam through e-mail, and it was addressed at the Panhellenic Convocation. “We sent out information to every chapter president and said, ‘Go over this with your members,’” Moore said. “Sorority headquarters are aware of this, so each sorority has worked on a headquarters-down approach, so every member knows about this.”

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» Turn to MORTENSON, A2

City prevents sewage issues Jillian Clair Associate News Editor

Sewer systems, when run properly, are a city’s bestkept secret. “All of our infrastructure—pretty much all of it’s underground,” said Laura Koon, Auburn’s water resource management director. “You can’t see it. It’s out of sight, out of mind. It’s not something you really pay a lot of attention to.” Koon said people don’t generally notice the sewer system until they have a problem. Koon and Auburn’s water resource management department constantly work to maintain the sewer system and use advanced technology to restore old and broken pipes to prevent an unpleasant disaster. “Water is critical and


sewer service is critical for the public health and to prevent the spread of disease,” Koon said. “You’ve got to have clean water to drink, and you’ve got to have proper waste disposal for the community to be healthy.” One of the most common problems in sewer systems is inflow and infiltration (INI) of pipes. INI occurs when rainwater gets into sewer lines and takes up the capacity of the water treatment plant. When the treatment plant is treating rainwater, it cannot treat as much sewage, Koon said. “Every gallon of rainwater that we take down to the treatment plant we have to treat,” Koon said. “The sanitary sewer system is designed to transport sewage. It’s not meant to transport rainwater or News » A3


Blakeley Sisk, president of Delta Delta Delta, said her sorority has only been contacted once, and response was immediate. “We were concerned, so we told our girls not to respond, that it was being taken care of and that our girls are safe,” Sisk said. She reported the incident to the National Panhellenic Council and was assured by the council that member safety was the No. 1 priority. Moore said the main thing new members, and everyone in general, need to know is that these profiles are not associated with a sorority. “When you join a sorority, they don’t haze,” Moore said. “They don’t add in anything that they don’t tell you about. In the beginning, they give you a calendar, and they outline the expectations. So if it is not outlined in your expectations or in the calendar, then it is not something that you can be expected to do.” Moore said the best defense is to just be careful about what students put online. “Obviously, with this as with anything, if someone tries to friend you and you don’t know them, don’t friend them,” Moore said. “If somebody tries to communicate with you and you don’t know them, don’t communicate back. At the very least, be careful about what you say and about what is on your profile that just anyone can see.”

Midterm Elections Nov. 2, 2010 Gubernatorial Candidates

Robert Bentley (R) Contributed

Auburn voting locations

Workers install CIPP into pipes in the Saugahatchee Interceptor.

ground water or water from other sources.” The causes of INI are broad—from something as simple as an open manhole to a complicated fix like a damaged pipe. The water resource management department determines where INI occurs by a series of tests. “We will take flow meters

Commentary » A5

and have them inserted into the sewer system in different parts of town— places that we select that are critical to have information on,” Koon said. The flow meters measure the flow of sewage through the pipes during dry and wet conditions.

| Campus » B1

Ron Sparks (D)

Polls open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. ■

Boykin Community Center

Auburn Natl. Guard Armory

Frank Brown Rec. Center

Dean Road Rec. Center

Lexington Hotel

» Turn to SEWER, A2


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