The Auburn Plainsman

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Vol. 117, Issue 12, 24 Pages

Keeping WEGL weird Station manager’s push for change faces scrutiny Eric Austin Campus Editor


EGL station manager Cheeano Cambridge, junior in English, began the semester with a vision of change. He is seeking to expand the listenership of FM 91.1 by streamlining the station’s content and expanding the station’s community presence. However, his big ideas and aggressive approach have created backlash both within and without the station from those who feel WEGL’s traditional college radio identity is being lost. A new direction: Cambridge said he is seeking structure in what he felt was a structureless organization. “You have a person at the top, and then it goes down,” Cambridge said. “You can no longer be competitive with other schools without some kind of structure.” Cambridge has proposed a station model organized around “blocks,” where listeners can expect to hear the same genre of music for a set period of time each day. “If you like jazz, you have a certain time to listen to jazz,” he said. “If you like alternative, we have a time to listen to that. If you like R&B, if you like country, I think we even have that as well.” Within these blocks, he is pushing for his DJs to play at least one “mainstream” song for every few “up-and-coming” songs. Cambridge said he believes this structure will bring in new listeners to a station dominated by indie music. Cambridge’s push for a more streamlined

approach to the station has made waves within WEGL’s studio, leading veteran DJs to believe his vision is a clear move toward molding WEGL into a Top-40 station. In response, a group of DJs have created “Keep WEGL Weird,” with the sensational slogan “Top 40 is Tyranny.” The group’s Facebook page has received more than 800 hits in a week. “College radio, for me, is the ability of any DJ or any student at the station to come on and express themselves by the music they play,” said Alessio Summerfield, sophomore in radio, television and film and a leader of the group. Summerfield and Isaac Lim, junior in computer science, cohost “Elephant with a Mozart Soul” Tuesday nights on WEGL. They assumed leadership of the KWW movement after Rivers Langely, an alumnus, created the group in response to what he saw as a worrisome change in the direction of the station. “He (Cambridge) basically said we don’t want it to be dark and underground,” Lim said. “We need to bring more of the mainstream stuff to compete.” Competition is something Cambridge willingly acknowledged he is trying to address. He said he sees WEGL as an opportunity for students of all majors to receive real radio experience while they are in school. “We’re in college to get a degree and find a job,” Cambridge said. “You create a lab so that once you leave here, you can transfer into corporate America more easily.” Cambridge said he wants to improve the professionalism of the station. He no longer » Turn to WEGL, A2

Auburn mourns death of beloved dean Jillian Clair Associate News Editor

Professionalism, intelligence, passion and personality—these were qualities College of Sciences and Mathematics Dean Marie Wooten embodied. Wooten, an Auburn faculty member since 1987 and newly appointed dean of COSAM, died Nov. 5 after being struck by a vehicle while jogging at the intersection of South Donahue Drive and South College Street. “Marie, in my opinion, was one of the most talented faculty members I’ve ever met,” said Lawrence Wit, associate dean of COSAM. “She was good at everything—whether that was teaching, or her research program, or her outreach to the community at large—everything she did, she did a superb job.” Wooten, who began her tenure as dean Aug. 1, was interested in researching cellular and molecular developmental neurobiology and neurodegeneration and had recently discovered a genetic link between obesity and Alzheimer’s disease. She earned two patents and commercialized one technology. Passionate about women in sciences and mathematics, Wooten also co-founded the Institute for Women in Sciences and Engineering. She also held grants from the National Science Foundation, the American Heart Association, NASA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Despite her accomplishments and numerous responsibilities, Wooten remained humble, approachable, energetic and organized. “She was one of those people that even though she was giving to so many different relationships and so many different commitments, she was never spread too thin,” said Dana Woods, senior in biomedical


sciences and president of COSAM with you, you were excited about the Leaders. “She was wholeheartedly meeting because you knew it was giving to whatever it was at that gonna be a fun meeting. You could time.” tease and kid her, and she would Wooten cared deeply about un- tease and kid you back. When I think dergraduates, even after she was of Marie, I think of a smiling face.” chosen as dean. When someone young dies unexShaista Walji, junior in molecular pectedly, there is a deep sadness and biology, worked with Wooten in her a sense of lost potential, said Sharon research lab. Roberts, associate professor of bioWhereas most other research labs logical sciences. rely on graduate students to do most However, Roberts said she feels of the research, Walji said Wooten the same sadness when she thinks had a different perspective and en- about Wooten’s death, even though couraged her to not only assist grad- she was 53 years old. uate students, but “All this poto pursue her own tential, all of research as well. these ideas, “I just know perall this excitesonally it’s a loss ment—and now for me because I’ve it’s gone, and it always looked at seems unfair to her as a role modus, and I also el,” Walji said. “She have a sense of was kind of like it being incredthat other motheribly unfair to ly figure over here, Marie,” Roberts where you know, if said. “She had you had any condone so much. cerns or anything, She was lookyou know you ing forward to could go to her.” this, she knew WOOTEN Wooten often what she wantmentioned focused to—I just ing on three P’s—planning, persis- feel like she should have gotten the tence and passion, said Jack Femi- chance. There’s kind of a little sense nella, professor and chair of the almost of anger that way—real disdepartment of biological sciences. appointment.” “There’s a fourth P that I think reBefore her death, Wooten laid ally personifies what Marie is and foundations for many ideas for the what she’s meant—and the fourth P future of COSAM that Wit said are is people,” Feminella said. “Very few important for the college to contindeans have the combination of intel- ue to strive to fulfill. lect, passion and people skills, and “I think she would want us to she had that.” move on with the vision she had, and President Jay Gogue remembers I think that is what everyone’s intenWooten for her energy and humor tion is—that is, to pursue toward exduring meetings, as well as the fresh cellence individually and collectiveideas she presented. ly,” Wit said. “The vision was bigger “The part that I’ll always miss is than herself—it was the institution, her smile and her sense of humor,” and the institution has to pick it up Gogue said. “If she was gonna meet and go on.”

News » A3


Commentary » A5

| Campus » B1


Intrigue » C1


Food » C3

Emily Adams / PHOTO EDITOR

Erica Meissner and Krissy Voss stand in front of Samford Hall. Both are finalists for a Rhodes Scholarship.

Potential Rhodes scholars compete Liz Conn

Meissner, senior in anthropology with a minor in sustainability, is captain and four-year member of the swim team. “Not only is she a world-class athlete, but she is also a leader among her peers that are doing the same things she is,” said Caleb Rotton, senior in psychology. “I think that sets her apart from anyone I know.” Meissner is working on her honors thesis, and while she has not picked a definite topic, she said her thesis will combine her passions for sustainability and anthropology.

Assistant Copy Editor

Though Erica Meissner and Krissy Voss will soon have Auburn in their rearview mirrors, the “Rhode” ahead is bright. As finalists for the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship, the two students will interview with district committees Nov. 19-20. Scholarship winners will be announced following the interviews. The Rhodes Scholarship covers tuition and fees and provides a living stipend for two years of study at Oxford University in Oxford, England. Each year, 32 students in the United States receive the award. |

Wasting Time » C5

For the complete story, go to www.


Sports » D1

News A2

The Auburn Plainsman

Crime Reports for Nov. 5 – Nov. 11, 2010

DUI Arrests in the City of Auburn Nov. 5– Nov. 11, 2010 Walter J. Weatherly, 39, of Alberta South College Street at Veterans Boulevard Nov. 5, 2:27 a.m. James A. Crawford, 39 Shug Jordan Parkway at Highway 14 Nov. 6, 7:39 p.m. Cary S. Chandler, 19, of Atlanta, Ga. Compass Bank on East Magnolia Avenue Nov. 7, 12:03 a.m. Stephen M. Logue, 50, of Atlanta, Ga. South College Street Nov. 7, 1:56 a.m. Allisia D. Holden, 28, of Opelika Shug Jordan Parkway at North Donahue Drive Nov. 8, 3:02 a.m.

Lockhart Trial

Nov. 5 — West Farmville Road Theft of property reported. One flatbed equipment trailer. Nov. 5 — Wire Road Burglary of residence reported. $1. Nov. 5 — Rockledge Court Burglary of residence reported. One Apple MacBook, one pair of iPod headphones. Nov. 6 — East University Drive Theft of property reported. One Nintendo Wii controller, one XBox 360 video game system.

WEGL » From A1

wants DJs to simply come in with their MP3

Visit our website for continuous coverage of the Courtney Lockhart trial throughout the week.

‑DUI ‑Public Intoxication

Thursday, November 11, 2010

players or laptops, play for an hour and leave. He believes this format creates a greater probability for incidents such as profanity to occur on air. Nonetheless, he insisted the station is not headed in a Top-40 direction. “I think it’s the fear of change because people don’t like change,” Cambridge said. “I don’t see what the problem is.” Managerial Shakeup: While the music changes have spawned the KWW movement, Cambridge has also faced scrutiny from his own staff about the direction of the station. Patrick Schultz, sophomore in agriculture, began the fall semester as music director for the station. “The music director is in charge of putting together the overall playlist and setting the genre theme for the station, as well as dealing with outside agencies like record labels,” Schultz said. While Schultz said he was alarmed at Cambridge’s rhetoric regarding the music changes, he was pleased Cambridge was

Nov. 6 — Harmon Drive Burglary and theft reported. One Dell laptop computer, one HP camera. Nov. 6 — East Magnolia Avenue Auto theft reported. One white Chevrolet Tahoe. Nov. 6 — East Magnolia Avenue Burglary and theft of property reported. One Sony 21” flatscreen TV, one Apple MacBook, one Charter cable modem, one Motorola cell phone.

looking to push the station in a more professional direction. Cambridge chose to give Schultz more responsibility by allowing him to seek out new opportunities for WEGL to expand its listenership. “I was inquiring about getting a series of live concerts,” Schultz said. “I was looking to get it at a venue like the Independent off campus.” Schultz said Cambridge and station adviser Dafni Greene were not receptive to his ideas, so he e-mailed James Mantooth, director of student development, and Ainsley Carry, vice president of student affairs, about his ideas. In the e-mail, Schultz asked the two for help in getting his idea for the live shows started. Cambridge was not happy with Schultz’s action, and following a discussion between Schultz, Cambridge and Greene, Schultz said he was removed from his position on WEGL’s staff. “The part that got him in trouble was because he went so far,” Cambridge said. “He didn’t go through the chain of command. He didn’t go through me, through my boss, so I couldn’t cover him.” Schultz insisted he was merely doing the job

Nov. 7 — Ethan Court Theft of property reported. One Sony 46” LCD flat-screen TV, one Sony PlayStation 3, miscellaneous PlayStation 3 games, miscellaneous Blu-ray discs. Nov. 7 — North Donahue Drive Burglary of residence reported. One Apple MacBook, one HP laptop computer, one Canon Powershot camera, one Apple iPod mini. — Reports provided by Auburn Department of Public Safety

Cambridge asked him to do. “I’m upset primarily because I got forced out for taking the time and initiative of looking for different ways to promote the station,” Schultz said. Greene said Schultz knew WEGL could not broadcast live from bars due to liability issues. Sydney Fagen, senior in journalism and promotions director for WEGL, said she feels that Cambridge’s push for professionalism is a needed change, but saw the firing of Schultz as a step too far. “I feel like they were looking for a reason to fire him,” Fagen said. “The reason they gave me for firing him was when they were having this meeting, he got up and walked out. That’s not a firing offense.” Fagen said some on the staff are concerned about the direction in which Cambridge is moving the station, but said many are now afraid to speak out. She also said staff member Hayley Cox, sophomore in Spanish, resigned following Schultz’s removal and after learning she had not been receiving pay for her position. Greene declined comment on the firing of Schultz, but said in a student organization like

WEGL, everyone has “to be a team player.” Fagen said Cambridge has even brought in new staff members who are in line with his vision. “It was supposed to be my responsibility to get my assistant, but Chee found one for me,” Fagen said. “He hires cute girls. There’s like an onslaught of cute girls now at WEGL because Chee hires them.” Regardless of the managerial rollercoaster and the potential musical mutiny, Cambridge is moving ahead with his plans to make WEGL legitimate on a national scale. The purpose is “to keep WEGL forward,” Cambridge said. “To keep WEGL pushing forward to expand our audience, our involvement in the community and expand WEGL on a national basis. We’re going to challenge other major universities.” Despite Fagen’s concerns, she believes Chee has WEGL’s best interest in mind, and that changes in the station come and go every year. “I don’t think it’s the end of the world,” Fagen said. “It’s not the apocalypse. It’ll go back. WEGL is an institution. WEGL has been around for a long time, and I think it is going to go back. It always does.”

‑Minor In Possession ‑Drug Offenses ‑Auto/Truck Accidents ‑Personal Injury ‑Defective Products ‑Wrongful Death

Experienced in representing college students facing DUI, drug, and other criminal charges in the Auburn Municipal Court and the Circuit and District Courts of Lee County Free Consultation 457 S. 10th Street, Opelika Website: E‑mail: No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of services performed by other lawyers. 12/31/2010

The Auburn Plainsman Staff

The Auburn Plainsman A SPIRIT THAT IS NOT AFRAID Physical address Student Union Suite 1111 Auburn University, Ala. 36849 Mailing Address 255 Duncan Drive, Suite 1111 Auburn, Ala. 36849–5343 Phone Editor: . . . . . . . . . . . .334–844–9021 Managing: . . . . . . . .334–844–9108 News: . . . . . . . . . . . . .334–844–9109 Advertising:. . . . . . .334–844–4130

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Opelika shopping

Villager jewelry

»» Page A4

»» Page A6

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Page A3

Charlie Timberlake / Assistant Photo Editor

(Left) Creole Shack owner and head chef Jimmy Stinson prepares Creole food for the restaurant’s customers. (Right) Customers enjoy Creole food at the Creole Shack’s new location on Martin Luther King Drive. (Below) The Creole Shack menu displays the daily specials and a note to the power above for another year of business.

Seafood restaurant thrives despite oil spill Andrew Yawn Writer

Giving up was never an option for Jimmy Stinson, owner of the Creole and Seafood Shack. When the Deepwater Horizon oil spill threatened to cripple the seafood industry, Stinson, an Alabama native, knew he had to prepare. Determined to outlast the adversity that forced other seafood restaurants out of business, Stinson bought as much fish and shrimp as possible and braced for impact. “You’re not backed by nobody but yourself,” Stinson said. These words held true as Stinson managed to not only survive the oil spill, but thrive. With no financial aid, the Creole Shack stayed in business and even moved out of the namesake building into a larger, more customer-friendly location on Martin Luther King Drive the first week of September. The new location offers more dining

space, more parking and a well-stocked bar. As the Creole Shack makes the transition from a cramped, bustling café to a more legitimate, restaurant-style establishment, Stinson and his wife are excited about the progress being made. “(The restaurant) is Jimmy’s dream, and we’re just trying to live it out,” said Stinson’s wife, Ernestine. The move, however, also provides an added challenge for the business. During the first month at the new location, the lack of a working phone line and poor service plagued the restaurant. “The problem with that was 90 percent of the people on the floor were green,” Stinson said. “Some had waited tables before, and some had never waited a table in their lives.” Stinson and his employees fixed the phone lines, and the staff is now more experienced. As the oil spill fades into the past, things are looking up for the Creole Shack. First-time customers Roy and Susan Price of Mobile agree.

“We had good service,” Roy said. “They were very nice.” Susan, who ordered the jambalaya and fried green tomatoes, said she enjoyed the authentic Creole cuisine. Stinson, a self-taught cook, perfected his craft while living in Florida and New Orleans.

“I lived in New Orleans for several years, just eating the food, tasting it, coming back, playing with it, learning how to cook,” Stinson said. “I have a passion for cooking.” The restaurant has a healthy lunch and dinner crowd and looks to gain more notice from people searching for a homemade Southern meal. Although the oil spill had the potential to shut down his business, Stinson said he would not have let it keep him down. “I’d start pushing chicken and pork and everything else,” Stinson said. “I’d still be in the food business.” Despite the threat to his business, he made all the right moves to avoid the fate suffered by so many other Gulf Coast restaurants. But even with his success, Stinson is not taking anything for granted. Above the daily specials is a single quote: “Thank you, Almighty, for another day and another year.” For Stinson and his restaurant, his foresight, perseverance and passion equal a recipe for success.

Action plan gains two new projects, one amendment Chelsea Harvey Staff Writer

Maria Iampietro / Associate Photo Editor

Corey Courtwright and Jeremy Pickens, Ph.D. students in fisheries, fry catfish for visitors at the 31st annual Ag Roundup Nov. 6 before the homecoming game. The event’s proceeds contribute to scholarships within the college.

College of Ag rounds up scholarship funds Brent Godwin Assistant Campus Editor

Those who came to town for the Homecoming game had the opportunity to experience the Ag Roundup—a large tailgating event that not only provided food, but also raised money to help students pay for college. Themed a “Taste of Alabama Agriculture,” the

roundup featured food and products produced throughout the state. The Ag Alumni Board sponsors the roundup every year as a scholarship fundraiser for the College of Agriculture. Attendees enjoyed an all-you-can-eat buffet, with corn dogs, sweet potato fries and, despite the frigid temperature, ice cream.

“It is a really fun tailgate every year,” said Kate Derby, Ag Council president. In addition to the $5 admission fee, the roundup also featured silent and live auctions to raise money. “I’m a senior this year, and I have done the roundup the past few years,” Derby said. “It is the most fun event we have. You get to eat really good food,

and it’s fun to be able to hang out and tailgate with people that you see on a day-to-day basis on a more relaxed level.” Derby said she also enjoyed getting to meet alumni of the College of Agriculture. About 1,300 people came out to the Alabama Farmers Pavilion before » Turn to Ag, A4

Every five years, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development allocates funds to cities in the form of a Community Development Block Grant. The city of Auburn must come up with an action plan relating to the allocation of funds every year. Two projects totaling $48,000 are being added to the 2010 plan. Sharon Tolbert, director of community development, has led two community hearings concerning the additional projects, as well as an amendment to an existing project. The Nov. 8 hearing at the Boykin Community Center began with an overview of the two proposed additional projects. The first is a $43,000 drainage improvement project proposed for

Darden Avenue to reduce the possibility of flooding. Tolbert said the project is necessary, but it comes with certain repercussions. “We’re adding that as a new activity, but what we have to do is reduce funding in another project, which is project administration and housing rehabilitation,” she said. The second proposed addition, estimated at $5,000, is a stream mitigation project at Sam Harris Park. Mitigation is a process that counters potentially environmentally destructive actions. In this case, a mitigation plan was developed to offset construction on the Northwest Village subdivision. “We have to plant additional trees to complete that mitigation,” Tolbert said. » Turn to Plan, A4

News A4

The Auburn Plainsman


location constitutes an amendment to the project, which must then be reviewed for final approval. It has been proposed that three additional streets be added to the streetlight project: Westview Drive, Dunford Avenue and the intersection of Donahue and Martin Luther King drives. “In the original plan, we had to identify where we’re going to put the streetlights,” Tolbert said. “They were not

» From A3

In this case, funding will go toward the planting of approximately 50 trees in the park. The third item on the agenda was a proposed amendment to an existing project scheduled to install streetlights in various locations around the city. Although the project was already listed on the 2010 Action Plan, Tolbert said a change in

originally identified.” Tolbert said there have been no objections related to any of the proposed projects or amendments. Residents who couldn’t be present at the meetings have until Nov. 17 to submit written comments to the city of Auburn regarding the proposed changes to the action plan. The comments will be reviewed, and the final plan will be submitted to HUD Dec. 8.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


» From A3

the Homecoming football game. “We still had a great turnout this year, despite the colder weather and the new location,” said Robert Hensarling, director of the Ag Heritage Park. Hensarling said the tentative amount of money raised this year is $6,500 at the gate and $7,000 from the auction. “It didn’t used to generate as much excitement as it

does now,” Hensarling said. “It has become a great way to stay engaged with the agriculture community.” The roundup has become one of the most popular tailgates of the year, Hensarling said. This year, the roundup was moved to the Ham Wilson Livestock Arena, in hopes that it would give the event more exposure and space to expand. “I think people always have fun trying the food,” said Paul Patterson, associate dean for instruction for

the College of Agriculture. “The roundup is always a great opportunity for people to learn more about Alabama agriculture.” Patterson said this year’s roundup also featured some livestock animals, such as a dairy cows and sheep. “My favorite part is watching the families and children get the chance to experience all that agriculture in Alabama has to offer,” Hensarling said. “The food is beyond imagination.”

Rebecca Croomes / Photo Staff

Sheila Carter shops at Fringe during the Historic Downtown Christmas Open House Nov. 7. For 15 years, downtown Opelika businesses have held the event at the start of the holiday season.

Opelika businesses kick off holiday shopping Rebecca Croomes Writer

Droves of shoppers turned out in Opelika Sunday afternoon to stock up on early savings for the holiday season at the Historic Downtown Christmas Open House. Snacks, savings and an ample supply of hot apple cider greeted the rosycheeked patrons as they walked into stores from the windswept streets. In addition to Christmas gifts and decorations hitting the shelves, business owners used their special Sunday hours to offer deals on leftover spring and summer items to make way for the rest of

their Christmas fare. “A lot of the gift stores like to use this event to showcase new things,” said Stacie Money, owner of the clothing chain Fringe. “Even though we’re not a gift store, we still like to participate.” Fringe’s location on South Eighth Street in downtown Opelika was buzzing Sunday with customers enjoying chocolate cupcakes and trying on new coats for the sudden chilly weather. Money has experienced success in the clothing and clothing consignmentbusiness since 2005. The spacious location on South Eighth Street is special to Opelika because

it is one of several businesses taking residence in the historic district. One of the main reasons the Historic Downtown Christmas Open House was initiated was to get consumers interested in shopping at locally owned and operated businesses like Fringe. Money was not the only business owner with a good turnout—stores like Downtown Printing & Design, Frou Frou on Eighth and Heritage Gifts and Gourmet were also packed with holiday shoppers. Cashiers at Taylor Made Designs, also known as TMD2, were busy wrapping gifts as owner Lynn Bradakis chatted with

customers and served the refreshments. Bradakis and her daughter Taylor, senior in finance who works at the store with her mom, said business has been steady despite the economy. “We’ve been OK for 10 years,” Bradakis said. “We’ve been faring good because we are the reasonably priced store.” Bradakis said she attributes the low prices TMD2 offers to making most of the products they sell themselves. Denise Haynes, member of the Friends of International Students, brought along graduate student Bing Liang to see what American Christmas

shopping is all about in a small town like Opelika. “It’s a wonderful atmosphere,” Haynes said. “It just kicks off the season. I also come to support the businesses.” Atmosphere and supporting local businesses are the two main arteries of the event, said Kathy Penton, cofounder of the event and co-owner of Southern Crossing, a gift shop. “We’ve been doing this for about 15 years,” Penton said. Originally, the downtown open house was planned to attract customers to a failing downtown business, but it has become a staple tradition for

calendar: Thursday, Nov. 11 – Saturday, Nov. 20 Sunday




Thursday 11

Veteran’s Day Veteran’s Day service in Auburn @ Veteran’s Memorial on Glenn Avenue, 10 a.m.


Volleyball vs. Mississippi @ Student Activities Center, 1:30 p.m.


East Alabama Arts presents: Remember Me @ Opelika Center for Performing Arts, 7 p.m.


Free outdoor Zumba @ East Alabama Medical Center parking deck, 5 p.m.


Poultry Science Club smoked chicken sale @ poultry science building, 3 p.m. to Domestic vio- 6 p.m. lence panel discussion @ Haley Center Room 3195, 5 p.m.

Auburn Weekly Gas Monitor


Women’s Basketball vs. Duke @ Arena, 6 p.m.

Week of Oct. 7

Saturday 12

Board of Trustees meeting, Auburn University Hotel, 9 a.m. to noon

Football vs. Georgia, 2:30 p.m.


Men’s basketball vs. UNC Asheville @ Arena, 8 p.m. 18

all businesses in the area. “It’s a fun time,” Penton said. “Small-town America at its best.” Scheduling the Historic Downtown Christmas Open House is usually based on a big Auburn game, Penton said. Most years, it happens to fall somewhere around the Georgia game, but this year it was scheduled around Homecoming, which gave locals the chance to enjoy the shopping while seeing old friends. “We want everyone to have fun,” Penton said. “Someone told me it’s like going to a psychiatrist— you get to laugh and have fun.”


Men’s Basketball vs. Samford @ Arena, 7:30 p.m.


Saturday Art Club @ Jule Collins Smith Museum, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Men’s Basketball vs. Campbell @ Arena, 4:30 p.m.





Walmart — South College




Shell — Glenn




Circle K — Glenn and Gay $2.699



Shell — Wire




Chevron — South College




Chevron — University




Chevron — Wire




Exxon — Wire




Chevron — Glenn




BP — Samford and Gay








$3.10 $2.93 $2.75 $2.58 $2.40 Oct. 21, 2010

Oct. 28, 2010


Nov. 4, 2010


Nov. 11, 2010




Thursday, November 11, 2010


Our View

WEGL manager goes corporate, weird revolt WEGL is at an ideological crossroads. On one side sits new station manager Cheeano Cambridge. He wants WEGL to be more professional. He wants music to be arranged in recognizable blocks—jazz, alternative, hiphop, even country—and the indie and “weird” music of WEGL to be offset with more “mainstream” songs to “bring in new listeners.” “We’re in college to get a degree and find a job,” Cambridge said. “You create a lab so that once you leave here you can transfer into corporate America more easily.” And then there’s the other side—those who want to “Keep WEGL Weird,” a group that is now 800 strong on Facebook. These current and former DJs and WEGL fans like Auburn’s college radio station just the way it is—impromptu ragtime music and all the rest. They have no desire to turn WEGL into a business or pre-

pare themselves for corporate America. They want to play music and express themselves. But that’s irrelevant now that Cambridge is the boss. “You can no longer be competitive with other schools without some kind of structure,” he said. He wants WEGL to be a business. And he has every right to take this stance. He is, after all, the boss, for a bit anyway. But here’s the thing: WEGL isn’t a business. WEGL’s funding comes directly from student activity fees. The station doesn’t have to kowtow to advertisers or please station producers. It is its own entity, free to more or less broadcast what it pleases. Which is what it does, or did at least, in true college radio fashion. But Cambridge wants to “challenge other major universities” and make WEGL the best, which is where more mainstream music and more

“We’re in college to get a degree and find a job. You create a lab so that once you leave here you can transfer into corporate America more easily.” Cheeano Cambridge, junior, English “Keeping WEGL Weird” A1

Last week’s question:

Will you be voting in the Miss Homecoming election? Yes


No Miss Homecoming? “traditional” radio activities like an expanded community presence fit. Should WEGL even be concerned with challenging other major universities? What good does that do beyond boost résumés and induce back-patting? Making WEGL more professional and getting rid of dead air and lazy plug-andshuffle iPod shows is a good idea. Props there. But trying to sully WEGL, a college radio station, with

attempts at expansion and market domination undermines the foundation of the station. Not every endeavor undertaken in college or life is about making money or being the best. Sometimes, believe it or not, people pursue interests out of pure passion. We only hope Cambridge finds the right balance between professional and weird. Regardless, Keep WEGL Weird.

56% 14%

This week’s question:

Should WEGL play more mainstream music? ❍ Yes ❍ No ❍ I don’t listen or care

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Newton scandal sad day for journalism, future journalists The Cam Newton recruiting allegations perpetuated by The New York Times’ Peter Thamel, ESPN and a “journalist” for named Thayer Evans are a new low for the field of journalism. Instead of thorough reporting involving numerous credible sources and attempted fairness and balance—you know—the founding tenets of journalism, these jackals, these self-serving leeches, are trying to sink the hopes and dreams of a studentathlete. Hacks like Thayer Evans

and Peter Thamel, who broke the “sociology classes are easy at state universities” story involving Auburn football athletes back in 2006, are more interested in creating a personal brand and garnering hits than actually using and obeying key journalistic principles. Fabricate, exaggerate and wait for the hits and “buzz.” That’s their kind of journalism. And their chosen medium, the medium forced upon today’s journalists, the Internet, lends itself to sloppy journalism.

Today’s news is all about immediacy and breaking stories. Is this what journalism has become? Former Mississippi State quarterback John Bond, who was said to have had contact with Kenny Rogers, the man who supposedly asked for $180,000 from Mississippi State on behalf of Cam Newton, said on the Atlanta radio station WCNN that there “were two people in between, but, basically, yes, that’s what happened.” That was ESPN’s, Thamel’s and Evans’ main

source—“two people in between, but, basically, yes, that’s what happened.” And somehow that’s enough to crucify the Heisman frontrunner and a key player on an Auburn team 10-0 in the midst of a potential national championship run. Not to mention this latest hubbub about Cam’s academic record at Florida, which is all based off an unnamed source from the University of Florida. Rightly, Auburn has started to fight back. “I’m trying to defend something that is quite

frankly garbage,’’ said coach Gene Chizik in a press conference Tuesday morning. Watching the video, you can see Chizik’s barely controlled anger. Auburn Athletic Director Jay Jacobs released a similar statement: “Any discussion of academic records is a clear violation of federal privacy laws. We will not go down that path or stoop to that level as others have apparently done. We will, however, emphatically say that Cam is eligible to play football at Auburn University both

academically and athletically.” Perhaps, sometime in the future, truth will emerge from this evermore confusing situation, truth which will no doubt be brought to the public by actual journalists concerned with integrity and truth. But until that day comes, we will stand with Cam Newton, not because he’s Cam Newton, Heisman hopeful, but because he wears orange and navy and plays for Auburn. And Auburn is a family who looks after its own.

Your View

Four Loko fad nothing new, plenty of other ways to get equivalently jittery, sauced Editor, The Auburn Plainsman I don’t understand all the fuss about Four Loko. People have been mixing energy drinks and alcohol for probably almost a decade now, and frankly, banning Four Loko will just force college kids who drank them to mix their own alcohol and Monster or Red Bull. And the media is taking the small increase in deaths and hospitalization because of alcohol poisoning and sensationalizing them because some (not all!) of these kids drank one Four Loko during the course of the night.

Check this out—Four Lokos are 12% alcohol by volume. If we are drinking Monster (16 ounce can) and vodka, which let’s say is 40% ABV, and we mix them, we get: one shot (1.5 ounce) -> 3% ABV two shots (3.0 ounce) -> 6.3% ABV three shots (4.5 ounce) -> 8.8% ABV four shots (6.0 ounce) -> 10.9% ABV. And so on. If we were drinking 24 ounces of Monster, it would only take somewhere between four and five shots of 40-proof alcohol to make them equivalent to Four Loko. In addition, Monster contains 160 milligrams of caffeine per 16-ounce

can, so 240 for 24-ounce Four Loko contains (according to its website, w w w. d r i n k f o u r. c o m ) the same amount of caffeine “as a tall coffee from Starbucks”, which is approximately 200-250 milligrams. A 24-ounce can of Monster would contain the same amount of caffeine as 24 ounces of Four Loko, if not a little more. So stop banning Four Loko unless you’re going to make it illegal to drink energy drinks and malt liquors together, too.

Kirstin DeRosa sophomore, microbiology

Auburn fan wants answers Editor, The Auburn Plainsman Let me start by saying that, although I’m currently a senior at the University of Illinois at Champaign, I’ve grown up watching Auburn football and have always admired the way the program there is run. In fact, I was devastated when our athletic director refused to fire Ron Zook last year because I was hoping we could scoop up Tommy Tuberville. I’m a student reporter for our campus TV station (UI-7 TV) and was our student newspaper’s (The Daily Illini) football columnist last season. Yet right now, I really wish I was working for a media outlet in Alabama because you guys have an opportunity to speak out

about something disgraceful. I hope that someone at The Auburn Plainsman is writing a column to tear apart ESPN’s recent coverage of Cam Newton. This morning, Joe Schad was live on ESPN’s set reporting on Newton “allegedly” cheating on an exam while at Florida. This has Florida sour grapes written all over it—and the media should not be tainting Newton’s Heisman campaign (not to mention his eligibility and entire future) with something that happened years ago. The young man made mistakes, but that’s why he went the junior college route and got his act together. The fact that this stuff is surfacing is disgraceful. ESPN should be covering

Opinions Editor

Rod Guajardo Editor

Laura Maxwell Managing Editor

Pete Zervakis University of Illinois senior, broadcast journalism


The Auburn Plainsman Editorial Board Ben Bartley

things that are current— that’s why it’s seen as a credible sports news station. College football players make more mistakes than athletes in any other sport in the world. Trust me, I’ve seen the things that go on at Illinois. But that’s why they’re student-athletes (emphasis on the student). At the end of the day, they should have the chance at redemption—and Cam Newton’s road to redemption shouldn’t be undercut by arrogant members of the national media. I really hope someone at The Plainsman comes to his defense.

The opinions of The Auburn Plainsman staff are restricted to these pages. These unsigned editorials are the majority opinion of the 9-member editorial board and are the official opinion of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in columns and letters represent the views and opinions of their individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the Auburn University student body, faculty, administration or Board of Trustees. HOW TO CONTACT US

Daniel Chesser

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Mailing Address Auburn Student Center Suite 1111H Auburn, AL 36849 Phone: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .334–844–4130 Email: . . .

The Auburn Plainsman welcomes letters from students as well as from faculty, administrators, alumni and those not affiliated with the University. Letters must be submitted before 4:30 p.m. on the Monday for publication. Letters must include the author’s name, address and phone number for verification, though the name of the author may be withheld upon request. Submission may be edited for grammar and/or length.

News A6

The Auburn Plainsman

Thomas Randall believes supporting the community is the best way to do business Daniel Chesser News Editor

Thomas Randall is getting in the holiday spirit early by giving back to a local family in need. For the third year in a

row, the owner of Against All Odds tattoo art studio is selling raffle tickets for tattoo discounts. “We are doing it to buy Christmas for a family through the Domestic Violence (Intervention) Center,” Randall said. “I wanted to help the community out that supports us.” Randall said he is excited about giving to one family because it is more personal than just donating money to a fund. “I want to directly influence a family’s life,” Randall said. “That way, I actually know where it is going to also. “Tickets are $5 a piece, and you can buy as many as you want.” Tickets are available at the shop through Dec. 11, with the prize being $300

toward a tattoo. Randall’s business has been operating for three years on Opelika Road, and a party is held each year at the Independent to celebrate the end of the raffle. Tickets will also be on sale the night of the party, where the prize will be awarded at midnight. “We will let it fill up and see how many people show up because that is our last little push to sell tickets,” Randall said. Randall is not just an artist, but an entrepreneur. He prides himself on custom tattoos, but also sells his artwork, known as “flash,” to other parlors. “We do a lot of custom work,” Randall said. People are welcome to

come in with ideas of tattoos for Randall to work with after a consultation to discuss what the customer wants. “When I have it drawn, I give you a call, and you can come by to check it out,” Randall said. “If you like it, we tattoo it. If you don’t, we change it till you like it.” Randall is originally from Memphis, Tenn., but traveled all over the United States in his 10 years as a professional tattoo artist. “Probably like 20 states in the U.S. I have tattooed in,” Randall said. “I used to do black rallies and conventions—go to Sturgis and do the Sturgis Bike Rally.” For more information on Randall or his studio, visit his website at

GREAT DEALS ARE COMIN’ TO TOWN. Shop early and save more— The best gifts need the best network.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Daniel Chesser / NEWS EDITOR

Thomas Randall of Against All Odds tattoo art studio, stands next to some original artwork in his studio on Opelika Road.


Jewelry designer Jill Schwartz stands by some of her pieces being showcased at The Villager Nov. 1.

The Villager hosts jewelry designer Sarah Hansen Writer

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The Villager, known for its unique collections of art and jewelry, has a new location, as well as a new collection of handmade accessories. Jewelry designer Jill Schwartz showcased her designs Nov. 5 and 6 at The Villager’s new location at 104 N. College St. in downtown Auburn. Schwartz’s current collection, “Elements,” was started in the late ‘80s. “I just keep adding new things to it as the years go by,” Schwartz said. At the age of 3, Schwartz glued beads to her ears because her parents wouldn’t let her get her ears pierced. “That was quite the motivating thing,” Schwartz said. “I became obsessed.” After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in design and environmental analysis from Cornell, Schwartz went to Europe for a year. “I found myself wandering into little bead shops, and I started to make my

own creations,” Schwartz said. “I got so many compliments that I decided to start selling my work on the trains. Twenty-eight years later—here I am.” After returning from Europe, Schwartz completed her master’s degree in interior design at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, N.Y. Schwartz does licensed work for big companies like Urban UK, Nordstrom and Anthropologie. “I still do one show in Europe every year, and I sell to all different sizes of stores,” Schwartz said. Ingrid Brown, owner of The Villager, met Schwartz at an Atlanta gift show in 2001. “(Ingrid) has been buying from me ever since,” Schwartz said. The Villager, once located at 824 E. Glenn Ave., has been at its new location for about a month, Brown said. For the complete story, go to www.theplainsman. com


Inspiring English professor

Food for Haiti




Thursday, November 11, 2010

Page B1

Student Center In Review

After two years, the Student Center’s expanding versatility receives recognition as a hub of student life Derek Lacey / ASSOCIATE CAMPUS EDITOR

Brent Godwin Assistant Campus Editor

In the two years since its inception, the Student Center has quickly become the center of student life on campus. Ainsley Carry, vice president of student affairs, said the Student Center has served its purpose exactly as the University hoped it would. “I wasn’t here for the Foy days, but I am told the traffic that is in this building and the amount of students that just hang out here is totally different than how it used to be in Foy,” Carry said. Carry said students use the building as a hangout during the day, before and after classes. Students also use the building to study, take naps, watch TV and socialize. “For my first two years at Auburn, I was in Foy all the time,”

said Anna Lee Alford, graduate student in finance. Alford said she remembers Foy as feeling cramped. “I loved Foy, but the building just wasn’t meeting the campus’ needs,” Alford said. The Student Center opened in August 2008, just in time for use for the fall semester. The grand opening was in November 2008 and featured Auburn administrators, faculty and beloved former dean of students Dean Foy for the ribbon cutting ceremony. “We have not added any additional food space,” Carry said. “We have tried, through dining services, to pay attention to what students are saying, and we have adjusted venues to meet student demands.” Venues such as Coyote Jack’s and Mama Leone’s have been replaced with more popular

choices, such as Nathan’s Hot Dogs and Papa John’s. One aspect of the Student Center planned for improvement is the amount of seating, Carry said. “There are times when you can walk into this building in midday, at our peak, and there are people sitting on the floor,” Carry said. “If we’re going to be the premium dining venue, we’ve got to have places for people to sit down. In the near future, before this semester is over, we’re bringing in some more leisurely, comfortable seating throughout the building.” One aspect of the building that has come under scrutiny has been how many hours it is available for student use. Carry said student government is going to start exploring the possibility of the Student Center being open for 24 hours.

The building currently closes at midnight and opens at 6 a.m. “If we didn’t have the Student Center, the campus would be lacking,” said Eric Hayes, fifthyear in business administration. Hayes said he feels the Student Center is valuable to students as a place to study other than the dorm or the library. “It’s one of the biggest, nicest buildings I’ve seen on any college campus,” Hayes said. “I like the third story—it’s a good place to find a quiet spot to study.” Hayes said one of his favorite parts of the building is the game room located on the first floor. “Foy definitely didn’t have anything like that,” Hayes said. Carry said one of the things he wishes he could change is the ballroom space. “It is not adequate,” Carry said. “The ceiling is not high enough to hold a major event. I wish we

could go back and rethink that space, but it is too late for that.” Some minor problems have occurred in the building from time to time, but Carry said that is normal for new buildings. There were problems with the student media offices, including lack of sound proofing at WEGL and a leaky ceiling in The Plainsman office, among other issues throughout the building. “We’ve had some minor issues like that, but nothing major,” Carry said. “It has been a very well built building.” Carry said they probably could have done a better job making the design easier for people to find their way around in the building. Despite the complications, the building is heavily used. Many student organizations » Turn to CENTER, B2

Spain program shifts its focus Sara Weeks Writer

The Department of Foreign Languages and Literature has announced that it is revamping one of its most popular summer abroad programs. The summer Spanish immersion program in Salamanca, Spain, is undergoing changes that will be implemented next summer. The program offers students an intensive study of the Spanish language and culture of Spain. “The Salamanca program is one of Auburn’s oldest study abroad programs,” said Jana Gutierrez, program director. “Its popularity was growing beyond its means, so they forced us to find a solution that would solve the problem of overcrowding.” Students will study at the Universidad de Salamanca, which was built in 1230 and is Spain’s oldest university. Located 120 miles west of Madrid, Salamanca is a city rich in culture and

history and is home to the Plaza Mayor. “Salamanca was a beautiful place to be,” said Laurin Lee, junior in elementary education. “I really enjoyed getting a chance to experience living abroad.” The focus of education has been intensified for the Salamanca program. “The quality of learning has been vastly improved,” said Jorge Muñoz, one of the three program directors. “Students will be taught by professors from the Universidad de Salamanca, and they are some of the best in their fields.” In order for students to develop their linguistic proficiency, they are placed in classes that are in accordance with their level of Spanish. Students are expected to take six credit hours dealing with conversation, syntax, composition, literature, Hispanic film and others. “Being totally immersed in the culture really improved my Spanish communication » Turn to SPAIN, B2


Alexis Janosik, Ph.D. student in marine biology, shows visitors marine creatures in jars in the new climate change laboratory.

New lab addresses climate change Abby Townson Writer

The biological sciences department of the College of Science and Mathematics dedicated the new Molette Environmental and Climate Change Laboratory Friday. The lab, located in the Rouse Life Sciences Building, was named in honor of William Molette, a 1927 electrical engineering graduate of Auburn, and his wife Ruth. The Molettes left a $2.7 million estate to COSAM to be used for scientific research.

Faculty member Scott Santos said approximately $142,000 of the bequest was apportioned to renovate an unused classroom, expand the old laboratory and create the Molette Laboratory. “When this space became available as a potential area to expand the lab into, the department and COSAM were, again, very supportive in providing the funding for the renovations,” Santos said. Larry Wit, associate dean of COSAM, opened the dedication with a welcome and a memorandum on the late Dean Marie

Wooten’s involvement with the venture. “She was a person that had great vision,” Wit said. “She was also the master at bringing groups together on a project and getting them to cooperate to get something done.” Department faculty members Santos, Kenneth Halanych and Kevin Fielman will be co-directors of the Molette Lab, where their once-separate labs will be conjoined for cooperative research. The three professors were integral in acquiring research grants that will support the new lab.

“The three of us had already started working a lot together, and our students interacted a lot,” Santos said. “We started talking about, ‘Well, why don’t we combine forces?’ and that makes a bigger stronger lab.” Santos’ research focuses on the conservation of tropical habitats. Halanych’s research focuses on the evolution of marine invertebrates, and Fielman’s research focuses on physiology, the function of organisms. Halanych said it is both » Turn to LAB, B2

BEATThGEORGIA FLASH RAVE! ursday, Nov. 11, back steps of Cater Hall, 10 p.m.

Campus B2

The Auburn Plainsman

Hyatt House Apartments

Thursday, November 11, 2010

MBA program rank climbs Business program receives highest ranking yet in Financial Times score Courtney Smith Writer

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The Master of Business Administration program ranked 35th in the nation and 75th worldwide in a recent survey by the Financial Times. This is the second time Auburn has made the list, last year ranking 40th nationwide and 84th internationally. Auburn is one of four universities from the SEC to be included in the rankings. “It reports to others the quality of your program,” said Jackie DiPofi, director of the Small Business Development Center. “It’s a major factor in marketing the program nationwide.” Daniel Gropper, associate dean of Auburn’s MBA program, said he often meets members of respected universities from Asia, Europe and South America at conferences with other major business schools and that the importance of rankings is obvious. “They know and recognize Auburn’s name just from being in the rankings,” Gropper said. “It helps Auburn build bridges and creates potential for future partnerships between universities.” Gropper said the rankings are mainly decided by

surveying former graduate students on their measure of success with the program and how their careers have been affected by it. Alumna Casey Zito, senior vice president and chief retail banking officer at the United Bank in Minette, said the program has definitely been beneficial for her, especially when she applied for her current position a few years ago. “The MBA is what I think gave me the edge,” Zito said. “It was a step up and helped me reach the next level of my career.” After the rankings were released, Zito said her accomplishments seemed greater because the program is nationally and globally recognized. “I am extremely proud of Auburn,” Zito said. “The people who put on the program are very near and dear to my heart.” Alumnus Robert Muller said the program helped him gain valuable insight into the business world. Muller, gynecologist at a private practice in New Orleans, also acts as a quality insurance medical director and special interest group medical adviser to the FBI. “I’ve been pretty much in the scientific world all of my life,” Muller said. “I had no knowledge whatsoever

Helen Northcutt / GRAPHICS EDITOR

of the business world.” Muller said being in the MBA program taught him many business-related skills that he now finds beneficial. The program taught him how to deal with financial situations and how to run his business. “I would never have been able to do all the things I do now and basically juggle three different careers without having this education behind me,” Muller said. What makes a good business school, Muller said, is its ability to meet



skills,” Lee said. Classes begin in the morning and are in session until mid-afternoon, so students have half of the day and weekends to explore Salamanca. “For the first time, the students will have the choice to either stay with a family or in a dorm,” Muñoz said. “If they choose to stay with a family, which I highly recommend, they will have a more immersed cultural experience.” An additional improvement the program made is a limited number of participants. In previous years, the trip has never been capped, but this year there is only room for 80 participants. “I think this will definitely be an improvement,” Lee said. “Last year there were more than 100 students there. It was a really big group.” Muñoz said this year’s trip is also the cheapest it has ever been. Muñoz stresses while the changes are academic, the program is the same. “It’s the students who are going to realize that everything they loved about the Salamanca program are still there,” Gutierrez said. “They just improved the quality of the program.” There will be an informational meeting at 4 p.m. Nov. 17 in Haley Center 2370. Gutierrez said the department is introducing a Costa Rica program and a summer program in Madrid, which was previously only available as a semester-long program.

the compatibility of their fields and their use of similar research techniques that enable them to work together effectively. Santos said one practical benefit of the collaboration in the Molette Lab is their research can be more competitive for funding. “The more interesting and actually exciting side is, by combining efforts, we can ask different types of questions and we can answer questions more thoroughly and meaningfully,” Santos said. In his address to the dedication’s attendees, Jack Feminella, chair of the Department of Biological Sciences, said the lab and its directors were a student-centered collaboration. “I think more than anything else, what made us start talking about combining labs was getting the students together so

» From B1

» From B1

CENTER » From B1

are reserving space in the meeting rooms. “We wish we could step back three years ago in the design phase, and add more meeting rooms for student organizations,” Carry said. “Right now we are bursting at the seams.” Carry said the building now features door counters at the exits. “We reached a point in October where we saw half a million people in and out of the

the needs of its students and offer programs dedicated to those needs. With the combination of online learning and campus visits, Auburn successfully caters to those needs, Muller said. Gropper said he credits the program’s overall success to its top-notch faculty members and excellent students. “We basically started this program from scratch 10 years ago,” Gropper said. “We’re very pleased that we’re getting this kind of international recognition.” they could interact with each other and learn from each other, as well as us,” Halanych said. Joie Cannon, graduate student in biological sciences, said the new lab fosters teamwork and effectiveness in research. She also said that the space and new equipment created a more helpful work environment. “During the transition, we had been using the classroom as sort of transient lab space, but this is much more efficient,” Cannon said. Santos said he hopes they advance the work they have begun with the Molette Lab. “The other hope I would have is that we can be a successful group, such that we can provide a role model to the Auburn community,” Halanych said. “Not that we’re the center of attention, but that by us being able to come together and do this, hopefully it will help other aspects of Auburn research go up.” building,” Carry said. “I think that’s astronomical. That’s wear and tear on the building, on the restrooms, the furniture, the carpet, so we are constantly trying to keep the building clean.” The Student Center seems to have brought the Auburn family together under one roof in just two years. “That is one of the biggest changes that it has brought to campus,” Carry said. “It’s a place for students to just hang out. It’s exactly what we want in this building.”

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Auburn Plainsman

Campus B3

Silverstein’s students gain a unique perspective on works of literature Chelsea Harvey Staff Writer

Professor Marc Silverstein lets nothing keep him down, even a vision impairment that inhibits his ability to read the books he teaches. “I don’t think it really impaired him at all,” said Kimberly Roberts, junior in animal science. “I think it would be essentially the same.” Silverstein said his passion for his work overrides the difficulties that come with it. “There are certain corners I have to cut for myself,” Silverstein said, “but I don’t feel I ever shortchange my students because I feel a high degree of responsibility to them.” Silverstein said he has learned to accept certain concessions that make his work easier. For example, he listens to many of the books and plays he assigns on CDs, rather than straining to read them. Silverstein said his favorite part about teaching is its immediacy. “I like to see students engaging with the material,” he said. “I like to see their responses.” Silverstein said the first thing he does when planning a course is develop a theme for his students to follow throughout the semester. “I don’t use an anthology,” he said. “I don’t want this to seem like an

anthology course. So I usually pick a theme for the course and ask a question.” The question, which focuses the theme for the course, differs from one semester to the next. This semester’s theme is what it means to be human. Throughout the semester, students are assigned to read a number of works that are consistent with the course’s theme. They will be required to write two papers as well as complete a midterm and a final. Stephanie Perkins, sophomore in animal science, said the class also emphasized the historical context of the literature. “He talked about the Holocaust a lot,” she said. “He talked about the French Revolution a lot in connection with ‘Tartuffe’ (a play by Molière).” Roberts said she found the course challenging. “I guess the works that he picked weren’t really things that you would usually think of. They’re kind of obscure, out there,” she said. Silverstein said he tries to focus on literature that doesn’t provide too many answers. “The important thing about literature, about the best literature, is that it raises questions,” Silverstein said. “It doesn’t answer them. I don’t want to read a book that provides answers for the reader.” Although Silverstein’s effectiveness of teaching

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Kelly Tsaltas / PHOTO STAFF

Marc Silverstein discusses “The Red Letter Plays” by SuzanLori Parks with his Contemporary American Literature class.

remains untouched by his disability, he says there are challenges he does face. “I think the biggest challenge for me is learning to ask for accommodations,” he said. “I was very loath to ask for help because, like a lot of people with disabilities, I didn’t like to think of myself that way.”’ Silverstein said it is sometimes difficult for professors with disabilities to secure the accommodations they need, even if they ask for them. “If you’re able to function in the classroom, if you’re able to do research, then people don’t think you may need accommodations,” he said. Despite these difficulties, Silverstein said there are

upsides to the situation. “It’s opened up a level of intellectual inquiry for me,” Silverstein said. For example, Silverstein is working on a book that discusses the emphasis placed on vision in plays. “There are certain playwrights who question the way we give sight priority over the other senses,” he said. “Why is it that we have to base so many of our categories on sight, even our metaphors?” Silverstein’s impaired vision allows him an insight into this topic of research that most people do not have. “Some people say there’s a certain autobiographical element in that,” he said. “I think there is.”

Campus B4

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Helping Haiti: Auburn alum uses fisheries to feed Alison McFerrin Staff Writer

Something was a little fishy about the E.T. York Distinguished Lecturer on Thursday—but not in a suspicious way. Valentin Abe received his doctorate in fisheries in 1995 and returned to give a lecture for the E.T. York Distinguished Lecturer Series through the College of Agriculture. Abe, one of Time magazine’s “100 most influential people in the world,” has been developing fish farms in Haiti for the past 13 years. “When he came to national attention and we could claim him as our own, it was an obvious choice for him to come here,” said Katie Jackson of the Office of

Agriculture Communication and Marketing and a member of the York Lecturer Committee. Abe’s lecture centered on the conditions in Haiti. He said recent natural disasters and government corruption have made Haiti into the country it is today. After Abe finished his Ph.D., a professor encouraged him to sign on to a short-term fishfarming project in Haiti. “I thought he told me that I was going to Tahiti,” Abe said jokingly. “When the plane landed in Haiti, I was sitting there waiting to catch the next plane. It never came. And for 13 years, I’m still waiting for that plane.” In his lecture, Abe said

of the most successful tilapia hatcheries in the Caribbean. By employing Haitian people to work on the fish farms, they have been able to help many Haitians have incomes and provide for their families. “It was pretty inspirational,” said Alicia Denning, president of Engineers Without Borders. “I started working with (EWB) because I wanted to save the world, and he just kind of reminded me that that was still in my heart.” Abe said when he found out he had been chosen as one of Time’s 100 most influential people, after a nomination by former president Bill Clinton, he was surprised. “I didn’t think the work


Valentin Abe, Auburn alum, implements fish farms in Haiti.

that I was doing in Haiti was being noticed,” Abe said. Abe said future plans include working with the Clinton Foundation to extend the project into Africa and Nicaragua.

For now, Abe said he will return to Haiti to continue his work.

“The people of Haiti didn’t choose to be there, and they didn’t choose to go through what they’ve been through,” Abe said.

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Su mm er

many different organizations and governmental agencies have tried to help Haiti, and yet there are still many problems. He said that was puzzling to him until he realized the reason. “It’s not because we didn’t know what to do,” Abe said. “It’s because we didn’t know how to do it.” Abe said they had to realize how to work with the geography and natural resources available in Haiti, as well as the high poverty level of the people. “How do you foster economic development?” Abe said. “You have to rethink Haiti.” Abe worked with others to “rethink” the country by starting a program called Caribbean Harvest, which is now one

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UPC’s Open Mic Night brought the talented of Auburn’s student population out of the woodwork, as aspiring bands, comedians, poets and even magicians took advantage of the free stage time. John and the Conners highlighted Open Mic Night with a performance of their original, self-described “vanilla” music. “Alternative folk,” said Chris Williams, sophomore in prelandscape architecture. “We write all our own stuff, and that’s

what we like to sing. I’m really influenced by Ryan Adams and Wilco and stuff like that.” The band features a Cajon drum, played by Tyler Wallace, sophomore in visual communications, acoustic guitar and vocals by Williams, banjo by Travis Widner, senior in wireless hardware engineering, and guitar and harmonica by Andy Cox, senior in graphic design. Playing regularly at the Olde Auburn Ale House, the band also plays shows at the Irish Bred Pub, where they will be performing Nov. 27.


John and the Conners perform an original song at UPC’s Open Mic Night Thursday at the AUSC Starbucks.

“The Ale House is our home,” Williams said. “That’s where we started, and that’s where we’ll always be.” A welcome change of pace came from Chris Kolar, freshman in electrical

engineering, who stepped up to the microphone to perform a few card tricks. For the complete story, go to

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Campus B5

The Auburn Plainsman

Pro-Life group raises abortion awareness On Cater Lawn this week, Auburn University Students for Life place crosses to represent the lives they say are taken every day by abortion in the United States


Gluten-free meals now on AU dining menu Annie Faulk

people with celiac disease to consume. “As the demand for glutenfree items continues to rise, Tiger Dining is taking a huge step toward those battling the issue of eating gluten-free items on AU’s campus,” said a Tiger Dining press release. By providing students with more dining options, Dining Services can better cater to the needs of students. “Tiger Dining continues to grow with Auburn’s campus and is always here to not only be


Gluten-free meals are now available in the Cub Stop at The Village, Outtakes in the Student Center and Terrell Hall on The Hill. According to Tiger Dining, options include an assortment of pastas and breads which all are gluten free. Gluten is a protein found in everyday foods containing wheat, rye or barley. Gluten intolerance, or celiac disease, is a hereditary digestive condition that damages the small intestine. To prevent this damage, people with celiac disease avoid foods containing gluten and watch their diets to ensure a limitation of the protein. Foods which are labeled “gluten free” or are made with rice, corn or soy are deemed safe for

proactive in providing the latest food trends, but to listen to the needs and wants of students and respond in any way possible,” said Gina Groome, Tiger Dining marketing manager. G l u t e n - f re e foods are not necessarily bland or a torture to taste buds. “I have had glutenfree meals before because one of my good friends has celiac disease, and not all of them are bad,” said Mary Katherine Dlugos, freshman in political science. The recent dining changes

bring good news for students with celiac disease, but even students who don’t suffer from the illness will have new dining options. “It is very important to bring gluten-free options to campus because many people are beginning to choose to eat gluten free or have medical issues that force them to,” said Colleen Walter, freshman in communications. Dining Services provides avenues of cooperation with students to suit dietary concerns. “We also provide the opportunity for students to meet with any one of our team members, especially our executive chef Emil Topel, to help guide them around campus based on their personal diet needs or other personal situations, such as the need for gluten-free meal options,” Groome said.

Students who wish to purchase gluten-free meals can rest assured their foods are not tainted by the gluten protein. “Due to the risk of possible contamination and the inability to provide a fully separated gluten-free kitchen, prepackaged meals were a great way to expand upon current gluten-free options to better meet the needs of our students,” Groome said. While Dining Services is responding to students’ requests, frustration with the mandatory meal plan has not been eradicated. “Why is this just now coming to the dining administration’s attention?” said Micah O’Dell, freshman in psychology. “I think all things should have been taken into account when implementing and enforcing a mandatory meal plan for students.”

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Completely updated 1 br apartments walk to the campus. All utilities, hardwood floors, tile baths completely furnished, cable, internet, sleeper sofa. Flat screen tvs in living room and bedroom. Just bring your clothes. Weekly rentals, no long term lease required. Parking and on Tiger Transit. Opening November 1st. New appliances. 706-987-2149 Ron or 706-580-4883 Joel.



We buy broken laptops/phones/ ipods/etc.

The Plainsman says


Pulverize the Bulldogs!

Campus B6

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, November 11, 2010

HALEY FITZGERALD, 21 Come fly away with this week’s Loveliest. She’s Haley, a junior in biomedical sciences. Serving as the publicity director for the Alternative Student Break program, our Loveliest has a helping heart. She’s taking her good intentions beyond The Plains this December when she goes to Quito, Ecuador to work for a community development group. “I’m excited to see a different culture—different from America,” she says. Don’t forget about us, Haley.

Think you know an Auburn woman who has what it takes to be the Loveliest Lady on the Plains? Send submissions, with names and contact information, to

On the Concourse

Should WEGL stay “weird” or play more mainstream music? “I don’t think it’s weird; I think they’re trying to have a good balance. Everybody listens to something different.” –Chantel Millender, junior, apparel merchandising

“I’d rather it stay the way it is. There’s too many top-40 stations out there already.” –Hunter Brooks, freshman, prebuilding science

“I want to keep it weird because I don’t want to hear the same thing all the time—I want to keep it different.” –Meghan Bowser, freshman, undeclared

“I want to keep it like it is. I think it’s original.”

–Cody Parker, freshman, English

“I think they should stay how they do it now. It just adds to how unique our campus is.” –Heather Jones, freshman, industrial engineering, mathematics

“I like it the way it is. There’s plenty of top-40 stations out there already.” –Brandon Stewart, freshman, chemical engineering

Intrigue Thursday, November 11, 2010

Best of soups


Football murder mystery



Page C1

Guide to Historic Downtown Opelika Retaining an ‘old-timey’ feel in the midst of a large-scale revitalization, historic downtown Opelika is a neighborhood hot spot for shopping, dining and nightlife you won’t want to miss

ENTERTAINMENT If you want to go shopping or have some fun, you may think you are limited to Tiger Town—but you would be wrong. In downtown Opelika, there are at least a dozen shops within walking distance of one another. One such shop is Picket Fence, which has been in business on South Railroad Avenue for 11 years. “Being a small town, we have a little bit for everybody,” said Mary Skinner, co-owner of the gift shop. “It brings a whole different atmosphere when people come here. They’re wanting to get away from the hustle and bustle.” Gift shops and antique shops are prevalent in the downtown area, but clothing stores also make an appearance. Fringe, for example, is an upscale consignment shop on South Eighth Street.

“It’s definitely the thing these days,” said Stacie Money, owner, of consignment shopping. “We have people that come in almost every day of the week.” Shopping isn’t the only attraction. Recently opened in downtown Opelika is the Event Center Downtown, which is located in the old Coca-Cola bottling plant on the north side of the railroad. “We’ve been operating and hosting some events since April,” said Lisa Beck, owner of the Event Center Downtown. The center hosts everything from wedding receptions to company seminars to plays and concerts. If you’re looking for a night on the town, downtown Opelika has that covered, too. Eighth and Rail is a dessert café and tavern that has been entertaining young and old for eight and a half years. “Our live music is a big part of what we do,” said owner Richard Patton. “We do mostly national acts. We prefer original


Eighth and Rail, a dessert café and tavern, is the perfect place for an evening out.

music—we’re more of an original-music spot than a cover-band spot—but as far as styles of music, we do everything.” Eighth and Rail is 21 and up, and Patton said this makes the venue more mellow. “We’ve been here from when there was nothing here to when we’ve kind of

started to explode recently,” Patton said. Another option is the new kid on the block, the Irish Bred Pub, which has been open since August and is already a hit with students. The Pub opens at lunchtime, but stays open into the night to offer food, beverages and a variety of entertainment.



South Railroad Avenue is home to numerous restaurants and shops housed in historical buildings, adding to the charm of the downtown area.

With a wide variety of food and beverages, the Irish Bred Pub is a great place to hang out.



“Certain standards, guidelines, are drafted up to make sure that all future developments in the downtown abide by a certain historically accurate standard,” said Luis Gallardo, administrator of the community development office, part of the planning department. These standards may increase everything from tourism to cultural development. They ensure Opelika is able to hold onto its heritage. Much of its heritage is from being a railroad town, Gallardo said. “There’s a lot of history in that street,” Gallardo said. “That particular street features a

number of little monuments and parks built by the city to commemorate historic events.” Monuments and parks aren’t the only things commemorating Opelika history. “Every couple corners of the downtown district, there are little plaques that detail the historic background of some of the more popular buildings or sites, railroad points, stuff like that,” Gallardo said. One popular building is the Lee County Courthouse, which was built in 1896. “The courthouse is quite typical of that Paris architecture and has lots of history, and our town was built

around it,” Gallardo said. “It’s on our seal.” Gallardo said he thinks the most important thing in retaining historic downtown is keeping it pedestrian friendly. “Lots of people like the concept of being able to walk up and down the historic downtown area and shop at all kinds of tiny, historically friendly stores,” Gallardo said. “I think that that style of commerce of the old d ay — littl e shops and little restaurants—need a pedestrianfriendly environment.”

To tempt your taste buds, downtown Opelika is home to elegant dining rooms and cozy cafés, along with other eateries. Jimmy’s serves New Orleans fare for lunch every day and for dinner Tuesday through Saturday. Owner Jim Sikes said downtown Opelika has changed in the past five years. “There’s nighttime traffic here now,” Sikes said. “You see people on the streets walking, and that wasn’t true five years ago. Come 5:30, unless they drove here, they weren’t

coming. And now there are people here, and it is a nicer, safer environment.” Jimmy’s New Orleans menu includes everything from crab cakes to po’boys. The sophisticated atmosphere lends itself to a nice evening out—maybe on a date or entertaining company. “We’ve got gumbo and bread pudding,” Sikes said. “Those two things are probably our most popular items.” Breezeway is another Opelika favorite, sitting on South Eighth for almost 20 years. “Everybody loves our grilled chicken fingers,” said owner Gena Henley. In addition to chicken, Breezeway offers salads, Boar’s Head sandwiches and burgers, and they have just recently started

serving breakfast. “I think that people should support local businesses instead of the big chains,” Henley said. “Twenty years ago, I was probably the only place to eat downtown, but now we’ve got several really good restaurants.” Another restaurant is Cottage Café, which isn’t your typical sandwich shop. It’s boxed in by four specialty gift shops, all collectively known as Cottage Walk. Sandwiches with made-fresh-ever y-day fillings, soups and desserts are the features for lunch at Cottage Café. “We’re just tickled to be here in one spot in the historic downtown Opelika,” said Tim Gore, one of the four owners. “People love it, and they come every day to enjoy it.” – by Alison McFerrin / Staff writer

Intrigue C2

The Auburn Plainsman


Jason Smith

junior, mechanical engineering Age: 20 Hometown: Hoover Greatest fear: Not succeeding in life Hobbies: Bonsai and reading Random fact: I do math all day Availability: Taken

Where is your favorite place to go in downtown Opelika? Church What book would you wait 100 years to be released? Anything fantasy novel Are you participating in No Shave November? No What is your craziest No Shave November story? It went on from last November to last May, and it was pretty bad. What is your favorite soup? Santa Fe What tip do you have for maintaining your car? I work on it all the time. You always have to be working on it.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

The fashion of not shaving

No Shave November and all its variations challenge the manliest of men to show off their hairy faces Katie Brown Writer

Things are getting a little hairy on campus as men continue to avoid using their razors and grow beards for No Shave November. The event has one simple rule to determine the manliest of men: do not shave. Since shaving is forbidden, other forms of upkeep, such as trimming or waxing, are also not allowed. While No Shave November may help people save money from no longer buying shaving cream, not everyone can handle the commitment. “I gave it a try for a few days, but I had to give up last week,” said Spencer Brown, sophomore in political science. “I guess I just wasn’t cut out for it. It is a much harder process than you might think.” While Brown had to forfeit the competition, he said he was happy to participate. “I’m glad I got to give it a try, though, because some of my friends didn’t even try No Shave November,” Brown said. “They either can’t really grow facial hair or are too embarrassed with the facial hair they do grow.”

Avoiding the temptation business. “I actually think to shave when the beard it’s pretty funny to watch begins to get uncomfort- some of these guys give it able or itchy is another a try, especially toward the obstacle. end of the month. I’m just “It can definitely be un- glad girls don’t have parcomfortable growing a ticipate in something like beard,” said Chris Agness, this.” senior in finance. “A lot of Even though No Shave guys let it get to them, and November is the most they end up shaving.” popular month for men to Agness, celebrate who had t h e i r proudly m a s I’m just glad c u l i n b e e n girls don’t growing a ity, other beard until have to participate variations he shaved include it for a in something like D o n’ t Halloween this.” S have c o stu m e , DecemAmelia Cheeley, ber, Fordoesn’t senior, international get think No to business S h a v e Shave November February should and Masonly perculine tain to the month of No- March. vember. Movember, a combina“I have a couple of tion of the words “musfriends who pretty much tache” and “November,” participate in No Shave aims to raise money for November year-round,” he cancer affecting men, spesaid. “It gets to be a com- cifically prostate cancer. petition with your friends.” Movember began in While men see No Shave Australia in 2003 and is a November as a competi- worldwide phenomenon tion and sign of status for similar to No Shave Nobeing able to grow the bur- vember. Men grow a musliest beard, the women of tache throughout NovemAuburn’s campus also have ber to raise awareness for something to say about it. men’s health. “I don’t mind it too To date, Movember has much,” said Amelia Chee- raised more than $42 milley, senior in international lion for the cause.

Maintenance and types In order to maintain a beard worthy of competing in No Shave November, one must be fully committed to the cause. This includes being able to withstand the urge to shave when times get tough and slightly uncomfortable. If itching does occur, try moisturizing

the beard with lotion or baby oil. Also, make sure to wash the beard, either with soap or shampoo, daily. Even try hair conditioner. Once December rolls around, try making a statement by transforming your beard into one of these popular styles.

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Thursday, November 11, 2010



The very best of… soups

Charlie Timberlake / Assistant Photo Editor

As the temperature drops and coats become a must, soup is the perfect food to combat the winter chills­—all you need is a big spoon, a thick napkin and our list of the best soups in Auburn

Best classic

Best all-natural

Best stew

Au Bon Pain’s chicken noodle soup

Earth Fare’s carrot and ginger soup

Price’s Barbecue House Brunswick stew

A classic chicken noodle soup just like mom makes, with egg noodles and chunks of hearty chicken. Available in medium for $3.79 and large for $4.89.

Whole carrots, orange juice and ginger give this creamy soup a surprisingly tangy taste. Available in 16 ounces for $4.49 and 32 ounces for $8.49.

With tomatoes, corn and three types of meats– chicken, beef and pork–Brunswick stew is the best mate to any barbecue sandwich. Available in 8 ounces for $2.43 with tax.

Best south of the border

Best instant

Best seafood

McAlister’s chicken tortilla

Campbell’s tomato soup

Au Bon Pain’s clam chowder

Topped with tortilla strips, it is like a fiesta in your mouth, with Mexican spices and savory pieces of chicken. Available in cup for $3.49 or bowl for $4.69.

Creamy tomato soup is the perfect companion to any sick day. Just add water and heat. Available at most grocery stores for less than one dollar.

Made with huge chunks of potato and whole clams, its authentic taste is comparable to New England’s best. Available in medium for $3.79 and large for $4.89. Miranda Dollarhide / Associate InTRIGUE Editor

Unconventional dinner creates at-home feeling Rachel Shirey Writer

Although most students look forward to traveling home for Thanksgiving to enjoy homemade casseroles and sweet pumpkin pies, others envision Thanksgiving dinner differently. For some, it is an opportunity to create their own meals and enjoy this special time with friends. Jenny Meyer, junior in prepharmacy, said she and her friends made a potluck dinner last year. “I have friends who are from other states, like Texas and stuff like that,” Meyer said. “Me and my parents had Thanksgiving lunch—we always have Thanksgiving lunch—and so afterwards my friends were having a Thanksgiving dinner in Auburn. “So what I did was I brought some of the turkey that my family made to that dinner, and we all just kind of had a big Thanksgiving potluck kind of thing.” Meyer said people contributed items like turkey, mashed potatoes, peas and several other Thanksgiving-themed dishes.

She said they wanted to contribute food that was easy to make and inexpensive. Hannah Yon, sophomore in interior design, said she plans to stay in Auburn for Thanksgiving so she can attend the Iron Bowl game in Tuscaloosa. “Basically, I’m going home and coming back on the day before Thanksgiving because we wanted to go to the Iron Bowl,” Yon said. “So we’re going to one of my boyfriend’s friends’ apartments, and I’m going to cook Thanksgiving lunch that day, and then we are going to head down to Tuscaloosa for the Iron Bowl game.” Yon hasn’t decided exactly what she plans to cook, but anticipates having Thanksgiving classics, including turkey and stuffing. Yon said she plans to have the turkey made at home beforehand to avoid the hassle. Restaurants also take measures to prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday. “This Thanksgiving is a little bit different than last year,” said Arif Kor, executive assistant manager at

Ariccia in the Auburn University Hotel and Conference Center. “If you remember, the Alabama game was actually on Thanksgiving weekend, so Thanksgiving is going to be a lot quieter because last year actually all the businesses downtown were asked to stay open.” Kor said hosting the Iron Bowl allowed for more activities last year than are planned for this year. However, Ariccia will host two Thanksgiving activities despite the amount of students returning home or attending the Iron Bowl. They are offering a brunch buffet and the traditional, three-course Thanksgiving Dinner. “We will have, obviously, carving stations, fried turkey with all the trimmings,” Kor said. “We will have a pork-carving station, omelet station and waffle station.” Kor said they look at the city’s historical data from past years before they make their decisions. They looked at their business rate for the last several years when Auburn played away, and

Kelly Johnson / Photo staff

Sarah Morriss, sophomore in pregraphic design, uses her mother’s recipe to prepare a common Thanksgiving dessert—an apple pie.

they had enough business on the holiday to justify staying open again. “Typically in hotels, we find out that these special religious holidays—like Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving—we are always the busiest because most people are closed,” Kor said. “We always find out that we are usually the social center when it comes to restaurants in the community, so it’s a pretty easy decision for us.” Although the option is

there for a college-style Thanksgiving, not everyone has the best luck attempting it. “The first year I stayed home, it was just me and a buddy, and we ended up ordering Little Caesars on Thanksgiving Day,” said John Burleson, senior in architecture. “That was kind of depressing. Now, I stay here and work up till Thursday.” Burleson said this year he plans to travel to Tuscaloosa Thanksgiving Day

because he has family there. He also plans to attend the Iron Bowl game. This year, various restaurants around Auburn also plan to incorporate Th a n k s g iv i n g - th e m e d items into their menu before and after the holiday. For example, Mike and Ed’s will have smoked boneless turkeys and hams before they close for the holiday, and Niffer’s Place will have a turkey burger.

Intrigue C4

The Auburn Plainsman



for keeping your car running It’s easy to neglect your vehicle in college, but keep it in good condition using these ten tips


Follow the owner’s manual maintenance schedule. Most manuals have a recommended service plan that breaks down needed service not just by miles driven, but also by time. Remember to check this regularly to prevent unexpected maintenance from piling up.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Do your homework. Many cars are known to have problems at certain points in the car’s life. Finding problems known for your car is a Google search away. Wash it regularly. Paint is more than just an aesthetic feature: it is meant to protect the parts underneath. Keep it looking new by regularly washing dirt and grime off.

Be gentle. Slower accelerations and braking tend to conserve gas and preserve the life of your brakes. And watch out for those pesky speed bumps! Be aware. As you drive your car, look out for any unusual sounds, strange smells or anything else amiss. These can be key signs your car may need maintenance.

Unload extra weight. Unnecessary weight can add stress to your car’s critical systems and can cause premature wear, so take out all that tailgate stuff and unload those boxes just sitting in your trunk. Get problems checked immediately. If a problem arises, get it checked out by a certified technician sooner rather than later. This will keep small problems from turning into large problems and will keep you safe. Use quality parts. When fixing a problem, use quality replacement parts rather than the cheapest option. It is recommended to use genuine manufacturer parts for vital repairs. Others that are less vital can be replaced with less expensive replacement parts.


Trust your mechanic. Your relationship with your mechanic can make or break the bank when it comes to repairs. Make sure you find someone you trust who won’t talk you into unnecessary repairs or add-ons while still provide quality service that will keep you safe.


Have a repair fund. Be prepared for repairs by having extra cash on the side. Putting aside $50 a month into a car repair fund can keep you from being strapped for cash when the timing belt unexpectedly breaks and needs to be replaced. Brian Desarro / INTRIGUE EDITOR

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Football murder mystery revealed As Auburn seeks a second national championship, the story of a 1957 team member is finally told: Sherry Lee Hoppe writes about the life and secrets of her late husband, Bobby Hoppe Jake Cole

Bobby helped the Auburn Tigers to the national Writer championship, gaining When Bobby Hoppe a reputation as a brutal proposed to Sherry Lee in blocking back and also 1971, he told her about a placing fifth on the team’s grand jury hearing a few all-time rushing list. years back in which he’d “When he was on the been briefly considered a football field, he was able suspect in the death of a to totally focus on that,” Chattanooga man named Sherry Lee said. “It was Don Hudson. the only escape he had for “He looked at me and this terrible secret he held said, ‘Sherry Lee, I want inside.” you to know that I have A 1966 grand jury hearnever murdered anyone,’” ing collected evidence Sherry Lee Hoppe said. against Bobby, but the Sixteen years later, case never went to trial. whispers of a reopening of Then, 22 years later, the case prompted Bobby Chattanooga police into meet Sherry on their af- dicted Bobby on charges ternoon walk and confess of first-degree murder in that, on July 20, 1957, he one of the first cold-case shot and killed Hudson. trials in the country. Now, two years after her The Hoppes hired Bobby husband’s passing, Sherry Lee Cook, one of the most Lee Hoppe is telling his prominent attorneys in story in “A Matter of Con- the nation. science: Redemption of a Cook’s ability to catch Hometown Hero, Bobby the discrepancies in tesHoppe.” timonies, combined with Before the Homecoming the absence of records game last Saturday, Sherry from the 31-year-old case, Lee signed copies of her resulted in a hung jury biograthat nevphy in the er led to campus any more b o o k court batSo many store. people knew tles. “ S o A f m a n y bits and pieces or ter the p e o p l e heard rumors, but trial, the k n e w oppes they didn’t know the H bits and moved p i e c e s truth.” so Sherry or heard Lee could Sherry Lee Hoppe, take a job rumors, writer of “A Matter of as presibut they Conscience didn’t dent of know the R o a n e truth,” Sherry Lee said on State Community College why she chose to write in Harriman, Tenn. Living about their ordeal. in a more rural area alUpon returning to Au- lowed them to escape the burn University, Bobby suf- notoriety of the publicized fered mental anguish from trial and to quietly move the incident, and the play- on with life. ing field became a place to Yet Sherry Lee wanted exorcise his demons. to tell the truth about her

Courtesy of Nanette Noffsinger

husband’s tribulations, obtaining his blessing to write his story weeks before his death in July 2008. Returning to the campus where her husband helped win a victory he could never fully enjoy, Sherry Lee signed copies of her book, coauthored with Dennie Burke. Burke was her colleague from Austin Peay State University, where Sherry Lee served as president from 2001 until her retirement in 2007. The event was organized by the campus bookstore. Among those who stopped by Sherry Lee’s signing were fans of her husband and the ’57 Tigers, as well as some with more personal connections. “My mom e-mailed me an article about the event,” said Jennifer Wilson McCraw, holding a signed

copy dedicated to her father, Jerry Wilson, who played with Bobby. “I had been interested, and since I was here for Homecoming, I just stopped by.” Sherry Lee described her book as being “80 percent courtroom drama,” but said the central theme can be found in the title. Bobby’s conscience, which haunted him for decades, is the focus. Yet there are others remarked upon as well, from the preacher who accepted Bobby’s confession in confidence, but could not stay silent, to the witness who lied repeatedly on the stand even after she gave herself away, to an IHOP waitress who unexpectedly provided the key to the entire trial. “I hope readers take away that conscience can come in many forms,” Hoppe said.

The Real Adventures of Mark Twain After 100 years, Mark Twain’s newly released autobiography sheds light on his mysterious literary identity Elizabeth Fite Writer

After a century of anticipation from fans around the world, Mark Twain’s autobiography hits stores this month. The first volume of the three-volume edition comes out Nov. 15. The famed author of American classics “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” began drafting his autobiography in 1870. It remained a work in progress until shortly before his death in 1910. As one of his dying wishes, Twain asked for the publication of his autobiography to be delayed for 100 years. “The fact that now you can go into the bookstore, hopefully, and pick up the autobiography and read it should make it a lot easier to incorporate this kind of material into our thinking and our scholarship,” said Erich Nunn, assistant professor of English. The delayed release of the autobiography should increase the excitement among fans, said Katy

Goodman, junior in Eng- classes, said students oflish. ten come to class having “I also think it will dras- read “Huckleberry Finn” tically change the way we in high school, and the analyze his texts because challenge is to teach them we will a new, k n o w deeper m o r e underabout standwhere he ing of is writing the novfrom and el. will also A l impact though many of the inhis fans,” formaGoodt i o n m a n found said. in the Nunn autosaid he Graphic courtesy of Hal Holbrook biograanticiphy has pates this text will be valu- been available to scholable to the study of Twain’s ars in archival form for works. quite some time, this new “It helps us to gain a edition is the first time much broader, but also Twain’s autobiography deeper understanding of will be available to the Twain’s political invest- public. ment,” Nunn said. “I think “This is far and away the that the standard line on most complete version of this is that Twain in this the autobiography, and autobiography was far this should end up being more politically outspo- the definitive edition of ken than he had been in this important text,” Nunn his fiction, which tended said. “What this publito be satirical.” cation represents is the Nunn, who regularly opportunity for nonspeteaches Twain’s works in cialist people who aren’t his American Literature scholars of Twain to have

greater access to that material.” Nunn described the intense editorial process that the new, publicly accessible form of the autobiography went through. “Versions of the autobiography had been published before, but they’d always been highly edited,” Nunn said. “The editions of the autobiography that had been out often reflected the political or aesthetic concerns of their editors.” Adam White, senior in English, has several ideas as to why Twain wanted to wait 100 years to publish his autobiography. “I think he decided to hold its release for 100 years either because he wanted to talk to the future, which is pretty cool, or he wanted to let us overanalyze his work for 100 years before he slapped us with the truth,” White said. The autobiography will impact classes as well. “I think that this material may certainly show up in future classes that I teach and would imagine the same is true for other people as well,” Nunn said.

Wasting Time


Thursday, November 11, 2010




Written by Brian Desarro / INTRIGUE EDITOR

Leo: Overachieving at the beginning of the semester is easy. Overachieving at the end is a near miracle.

Fold here

Pisces: Prepare to get a reality check early in the week. The house of cards that is this semester’s classes will finally come tumbling down.

Scorpio: Everyone may be praising you now, but what about when they find out that secret you’ve been keeping?

Taurus: Justin Bieber is 16 years old and has his music, a book and even a line of nail polishes called, “One Less Lonely Girl.” What have you done with your life? Aquarius: Who knew teachers had set aside time where they sit in their office waiting on students to come by and ask questions? Surely not you.

Cancer: Profound personal revelations seldom come sober.

Libra: You will wake up to find it was just a dream, pissing off audiences everywhere.

1. 5. 10. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 22. 24. 25. 26. 30. 34. 35. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 43. 45. 46. 48. 50. 51. 52. 56. 58. 60. 61. 63. 64. 65.

Tug Expels Swimmers’ aid A moon of Saturn Indy 500 sound Inventor’s spark Many centuries Avoid a big wedding Bang Sci-fi weapons Potpourri bags Gary’s st. U.K. fliers Go faster (2 wds.) Lowest stratum Zeroes in on Was mistaken Sweater makings College stat. Atom fragment _ kwon do Samoa’s capital Desktop symbols Phi _ Kappa Library’s need Pined for _ Dawn Chong Drain cleaner Base Twinkled Followed closely Cambodia neighbor Not in the dark Taj Mahal feature Two pounds, plus Firm refusal

66. 67. 68. 69.

Prune the hedge Mil. plane Makes a sketch Medal recipient

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 21. 23. 26. 27.

Kind of school Yikes! (hyph.) Olin or Home Girls Late WWW addresses Great Lake canals Ranked highest Smudged Hush puppy meal (2 wds.) Not employed Orderly Rayburn and Snead Finale No gentleman Epics Miss Longstocking

28. Inbox filler (hyph.) 29. Buyer’s concern 30. Violin-playing comedian 31. Like Cheerios 32. Box 33. Work clay 36. Mine marsupial 42. Spray can 43. Island nation 44. Merchants 45. Width 47. Capture 49. Yes, to Angus 52. Varieties 53. Pace 54. _ contendere 55. Aquarius’ tote 56. Got taller 57. “ form a _ perfect union...” 58. Bahrain VIP 59. Showroom model 62. Mogambo name

Aries: For your horoscope, please see the policy located in the Tiger Cub handbook.

Sagittarius: Slam, bam, jam, lamb, dam, ham, pram, yam, clam, gram and ram all rhyme with Cam. Go. Gemini: Your life will be imbued with a deep sadness this week, but the good news is you can just continue ignoring it like always. Virgo: There are a million reasons you shouldn’t give up on love; it just sucks that none of them are very good.


Answers to last week’s crossword

Clue 1: B U O G M

Clue 4: M R A N E

Clue 2: O O T M T A

Clue 5: I Q S U E B

Clue 3: R H C B S O T

Bonus: Use circles to solve

Fold here


Fold here

Capricorn: Facebook stalking an ex can keep you updated on their life, but actual stalking can get you back IN their life.

OCTO Instructions 1.

Place the numbers 1 to 8 in each of the octagons such that the numbers are not repeated in any row, column or diagonal.


The numbers along the edges, top and bottom are the sums for the numbers in the diagonal that begins or ends at that number.


The number in each diamond is the sum of the numbers of each of the four faces that border that diamond. The numbers that border the diamonds do not have to be unique.


Fridays open at 3 $2 Tall boys Rollin’ in the Hay

Number of numbers provided in this Octo = 56 Check for the answers For more OCTOs, go to © 2009, Doug Gardner — Patent Pending

Saturday open at 11:00 Kenny on Keys Ages 19 & up

Intrigue C6

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Volleyball update

Basketball preview

»» Page D3

»» Page D5

Thursday, November 11, 2010

D Page D1

Soccer receives NCAA tournament bid Blake Hamilton Associate Sports Editor

Nick Van Der Linden

Let’s stay focused For those who forgot amidst all the Cameron Newton allegations, the Auburn Tigers face the Georgia Bulldogs this Saturday in the Deep South’s Oldest Rivalry. With a win, the Tigers will clinch the SEC West and play in the SEC title game. The Auburn-Georgia series is tied with OregonOregon State as the seventh-most played series in the nation. The two teams first played in 1892 and have continuously played since 1898, except during World Wars I and II. The Tigers hold a slight edge in the series, which stands at 53-52-8. Strangely enough, in the past, the visiting team has had the edge. Auburn has a winning record (18-11) in Athens, while Georgia has a winning record (14-9-2) on the Plains. The Bulldogs have won five out of its last seven trips to Jordan-Hare, but look for no upset here. The Bulldogs are com-

The women’s soccer team will appear in the 2010 NCAA Soccer Tournament. This will be the ninth total tournament appearance and fifth consecutive year the team will have appeared in the postseason, a school record. “We were really excited to see our name come up on the board,” said coach Karen Hoppa. “We definitely knew we were on the bubble. “We felt like we had done enough to get in the NCAA Tournament, but you just never know for sure until your name comes up in the selection show. We were all very excited.” Auburn was named an at-large team in the tournament after being eliminated from the SEC Tournament, losing to Georgia 2-1. Hoppa attributes the selection to Auburn beating Florida State, then No. 5 in the country, as well as Florida, then No. 6 nationally. “In soccer, they only

Todd Van Emst / Auburn Media Relations

The Auburn women’s soccer team celebrates after being announced as an at-large selection in the NCAA Tournament.

seed 16 teams, and the rest is paired up regionally,” Hoppa said. “So the fact that we had beaten two seeded teams really

carried a lot of weight to get us in. We had a couple of good wins right there at the end of the season. “Beating Georgia, then

Erik Yabor

This Week in Sports

Men’s basketball 8 p.m. v. UNC Asheville Women’s basketball 5 p.m. v. Mercer Soccer 6 p.m. v. South Florida Equestrian 3 p.m. v. Georgia

Saturday Football 2:30 p.m. v. Georgia

SUNDAY Volleyball 1:30 p.m. v. Mississippi

players also contributed to Auburn’s selection. Among these is junior » Turn to Soccer, D2

Team bonding takes center ice

» Turn to Linden, D2


beating Alabama to win the SEC West was a major accomplishment for us as well.” Nationally recognized

Elaine Busby / Assistant Photo Editor

Freshman safety Ryan Smith tackles wide receiver Brian Sutherland.

Auburn gears up for oldest rivalry Blake Hamilton Associate Sports Editor

Will the West be won? Coach Gene Chizik asks this question in preparing for the 2010 edition of the Deep South’s Oldest Rivalry against Georgia. A win would earn a trip to Atlanta for the Tigers. “We have our work cut out for us,” Chizik said. “Offensively, (Georgia is) hitting on all cylinders. I think their quarterback certainly has enough games under his belt right now where he’s really becoming a really good SEC quarterback. “Defensively, they’re playing much better. They’re probably in the top four in probably just

about every category defensively in the league, and they’re going to come in here ready to play.” Chizik said a major concern will be Georgia wide receiver A.J. Green, entering the game with 32 catches for 510 yards. Green missed the first four games of the season after being suspended for selling a jersey, but since his return, the Bulldogs have averaged 40 points per game. “When you have one guy that commands so much attention,” Chizik said, “you spend hours trying to figure out how you’re going to cope with him.” » Turn to Preview, D2

many times that for a first year team, we are doing a great job. Writer Normally, first season teams have The burgeoning Auburn ice no wins and minimal amount of hockey team has far exceeded the players. expectations of many in its inau“We have been extremely lucky gural season. with the amount of talent and deAfter finding themselves as the termination present in our first only SEC school without a hockey team, not to mention enough team, co-captain Justin Nabors players to fill three lines and then and James Florkiewicz worked some. So we have done much betdiligently last semester to bring ter then I had initially expected.” the sport back to Auburn after a However, Nabors stated that 27-year hiatus. their objective is not to be a good The original Auburn ice hock- first-year team, but “a good team, ey team was period.” founded in SEC hockey 1980, but lasted teams often have Everyone only three years difficulties in on the before being starting because of team can see the disbanded. a lack of support, “Hockey play- improvement that though Nabors ers share a bond believes that last we show every time weekend’s game at that is hard to describe in we take the ice” Mississippi State words,” said had around 2,800 Anthony Generotti, supporters for the team captain hockey team captain Bulldogs. Anthony Generotti. “I feel The Tigers have that having had a string of this team at Auburn University in luck when it came to support. the South makes this bond even When it was announced that a stronger because hockey is not hockey team would be forming, very prevalent in the South. We at least 70 people showed interest formed this team to help spread in joining. A week after the team the word of our sport as well as Facebook page went up there play the game we love for the were over 1,200 fans. school we all love.” Despite their most recent So far the Tigers have over- matches versus Mississippi come the obstacles typical of State and Arkansas being losses, many first-year teams. Nabors said he finds the high “Thus far, the season has ex- level of competitiveness in the ceeded my initial expectations,” » Turn to Hockey, D2 Nabors said, “We have been told

Sports D2

LINDEN » From D1

ing off a 55-7 thrashing of Idaho State last week, but are still looking for a signature win in a season that has been anything but successful. With a win, the Bulldogs become bowl eligible, and coach Mark Richt could secure his job for another year. This is easier said than done. Once kings of the road, the Bulldogs have now lost four out of its five road games this season and are 4-8 against ranked opponents since 2008. The best chance the Bulldogs have at a win will be a shootout, since the Bulldogs are averaging 42.8 points per game over its last five games. This also marks the first time in school history Georgia has scored more than 30 points in five consecutive games. The Bulldog offense is averaging 240.9 yards per game passing, which ranks 45th nationally, while they rank 61st in rushing. Georgia freshman quarterback Aaron Murray must have another solid passing performance, since running it up the gut will do them no good. The Tigers defense ranks 18th nationally against the rush, giving up only 114.6 yards per game. Special teams will be key for Georgia. Junior cornerback Brandon Boykin leads the SEC in kickoff returns, averaging 28.6 yards per return. Assisting Boykin in special teams play are junior punter Drew Butler and

The Auburn Plainsman junior placekicker Blair Walsh. Butler ranks second in the league, averaging 45.2 yards per punt while Walsh has made 17 of 20 field goals. For the Tigers, junior defensive tackle Nick Fairley will once have to be a dominant force. The 6-foot-5, 298 pound Mobile native leads the SEC with 18 tackles for loss and is second with 7.5 sacks, just a half sack behind Georgia junior defensive lineman Justin Houston. Fairley’s job will be to get plenty of pressure on Murray, preventing the big pass to junior wide receiver A.J. Greene. Greene has averaged 5.3 catches and 85 yards receiving per game. As far as the Newton allegations are concerned, I couldn’t tell you what’s true anymore. According to ESPN. com, one of the recruiters for Mississippi state said Cameron’s father Cecil Newton told him it would take “more than a scholarship” to bring his son to Mississippi State. Then there are other allegations regarding Cameron Newton cheating several times on tests and or papers while at the University of Florida. All I know is Newton is innocent until proven guilty, and I hope most Heisman voters will also consider this. Also, as long as Auburn keeps winning, they’ll go to the national title game. For now, Newton is eligible to play at Auburn. For how long, we’ll find out soon enough.

SOCCER » From D1

defender and team captain Sammy Towne, named second-team AllSEC. “We were all biting our nails,” Towne said. “Of all the years I have been here, I think this is the closest we were to sitting on the fence. We are all excited to be one of the 64 teams that gets to practice today.” Named first-team AllSEC were junior defender Julie King and junior midfielder Katy Frierson. “We are very lucky to be in this position,” Frierson said. “We were very nervous coming into the selection show. “When we saw our name up there, it was a huge reward. It’s a


“Certainly, with him, they do a great job with some short screen-game things with him, and he can turn those two- or three-yard gains into 30-yard gains or touchdowns,” Chizik said. “They throw a great deep ball to him and always have.” However, Auburn’s answer to Green is also Georgia coach Mark Richt’s greatest fear: junior defensive lineman Nick Fairley. “The biggest problem, in my opinion, is Nick Fairley because he makes it very difficult,” Richt said. “We talk about getting the ball down field to A.J. (Green), but to do that you have to hold the ball a little while.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

testament to how great of Auburn’s region are Florida State and Middle Tena season we have had.” The tournament will be nessee State. Whoever in Tallahassee, Fla., where wins the match between the team previously par- those two teams will go ticipated in postseason on to play Auburn in the play in 2002, 2003, 2006 next round of the tournaand 2009. The team’s re- ment. Though c o r d her team there is has al2-4-0. r e a d y StanWhen we been seford (18saw our lected, 0-2) was Hoppa awarded name up there, it s a i d the No. was a huge reward.” t h e r e’s 1 spot, w hi l e Katy Frierson, need to junior midfielder improve, Florida S t a t e particu(13-5-1) larly in is No. 2, and Marquette ball possession. (15-4-2) is No. 3. “I think you’ve always Auburn will play South got to improve, especialFlorida, the other at-large ly in tournament time,” selection, at 6 p.m. Fri- Hoppa said. “We’ve got day. to play much better in The other selections in possession than we did

in the SEC Tournament. We’ve got to do a better job of finishing opportunities. That’s something— we’ve had a lot of scoring chances, but we haven’t actually scored the goals, so that’s something that’s going to have to be better in the NCAAs.” Still, Hoppa said the team’s selection is an honor, both because of the now-broken school postseason record and the distinction of being picked among other qualified teams. “It never gets old,” Hoppa said of the selection. “You play all year to be able to have an opportunity to play in the postseason. Only 64 teams out of 300-some women’s soccer teams get to practice today, and we are excited to be one of them.”

It’s hard to hold the ball a everybody’s got at least little while when that guy one of those 6–4 guys who is coming because he is run like gazelles and can relentless. Fifteen quar- jump and take the ball terback hurries, 18 tackles away from you,” Roof said. for loss, seven and a half “One of their big things sacks—those are huge is that they throw the n u m football bers for d o w n a interior the field. They’re very They take defensive lineman. talented, like v e r t i c a l Those shots in I said earlier, and are Warthe passren Sapp if we don’t prepare ing game. kind of like we have been, it The best n u m way to could be real ugly.” bers.” c o m DefenCam Newton, bat that sive coAuburn quarterback is pass ordinator rush.” Ted Roof Ju n i o r will no doubt utilize Fair- quarterback Cam Newton ley to stop Georgia quar- said Georgia’s defensive terback Aaron Murray prowess will be a force to and, thus, stop Green. be reckoned with, specifi“It seems like cally against the Auburn

receiving corps. “We know that Georgia is a dangerous team as a whole,” Newton said. “This defense has some talented players, from the defensive line position, the linebacker position and also the secondary, and we have to have an excellent week of practice. They’re very talented, like I said earlier, and if we don’t prepare like we have been, it could be real ugly.” Still, senior defensive back Zac Etheridge said he thinks the Tigers’ offense will stand up as well. “They’ve got a great receiving corps. We’ve got great receivers, too,” Etheridge said. “Darvin, T-Zach, all those guys that we see every day in practice. So we’re up for the challenge.”

HOCKEY » From D1

players to be a sign of a bright future for the team. “We played to the best of our abilities,” Nabors said, “and I was extremely proud to see the continual fight still present in each and every player. “Even though it isn’t reflected on the scoreboard, we played a hard-hitting,

good and quality hockey game against a team whose level of play far exceeded our own.” Generotti agrees with Nabors, saying, “Although we did not come away with a win in Tupulo the attitude among the team was very up beat. “Everyone on the team can see the improvement that we show every time we take the ice.”

Hockey is very important to these players, with Generotti having played the sport since he was 8 years old, and Nabors having played it since he was 5. With the way the Auburn hockey team has been playing thus far, the team members believe that hockey will be important to everyone very soon. 1627 Opelika Rd. Auburn


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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Taking to the mat with Rowland New assistant gymnastics coach hopes to use idealism, experience to continue to build a successful program Jessie Sims Writer

Jenny Rowland has one life lesson she wants every Auburn student to follow. “Work hard at whatever you do, and do something you love,” said Rowland, Auburn’s new assistant gymnastics coach. “Life is short; when an opportunity comes around, take it.” Rowland said her love of gymnastics developed at an early age in her home state of Indiana. “I was seven, and a neighbor convinced me to come along to gymnastics practice at a local YMCA,” Rowland said. Rowland would go on to compete both nationally and internationally on the U.S National Team. Following her successful stint as a U.S. gymnast, Rowland began competing on a collegiate level with Arizona State University, where she was named an All-American. When Rowland’s career as an athlete ended, she continued to work with the sport she loved by coaching club gymnastics teams. Rowland was then offered a chance to coach at the University of Oklahoma. Her success in the sport continued as she helped lead the Oklahoma team to a Big XII Championship. “After Oklahoma, I worked in a

Sports D3

The Auburn Plainsman

nongymnastics-related She is already hitting the field, but to stay involved recruiting trail. with gymnastics, I started “I am very excited to be to judge,” Rowland said. adding Jenny to our staff,” Prior to finding out Graba said. “She has a vast about the position at Au- knowledge of gymnastics, burn, Rowland was still and her experience as a working as a judge on the judge, coach and competinational and international tor at the highest levels of level. our sport will be invaluHowever, when Row- able to our program.” land heard there was an Rowland said she is also opening at Auburn, she enjoying working with the knew she wanted to get rest of the new coaching back to working with the staff. sport full time. “We have very similar Though Rowland was ideals,” Rowland said. “We excited about the oppor- think the same, and have tunity, she the same waited philosountil she phy. We I want the was able are very to bring girls to learn cohesive.” her family Accordto leave life at the to Auburn ing to for a visit door on the way to Rowland, to make the gym and enjoy it all the any decicoaches when they leave.” sions. want the “I had a athletes Jenny Rowland, good feelassistant gymnastics to work ing about coach hard, but what was also find to come, the fun in and my girls were really ex- gymnastics. cited,” Rowland said. Rowland’s personal Rowland was hired as dreams for the Auburn the assistant for head team include more than coach Jeff Graba. just championships. As the assistant coach, Rowland wants her athRowland has a part in all of letes to become not only Auburn gymnastics, but is better gymnasts, but also also responsible for coach- better students and welling beam. rounded individuals. While Rowland just arRowland said she berived in Auburn Oct. 18, lieves her experience in she puts in nine to 10 all areas of gymnastics hours of work each day on will help Auburn deaverage. velop a more successful

gymnastics program. “My prior experiences allow me to give ideas on what works and doesn’t work in the attempt to be successful,” Rowland said. Kylie Shields, a junior all-around gymnast, said she has already begun to see the benefits of such a well-rounded coach. “I think Jenny’s success as a gymnast will directly influence our team in so many positive ways,” Shields said. “Not only does she have the expertise in this sport through her accolades, but she also has the eye and the feel of what we are doing. “She knows what it takes to be a top performer and will be able to teach us through her experiences.” To be a successful gymnast, one must put in a lot of hard work. In addition, one of the most important skills a gymnast must develop is time management. Rowland said she feels most gymnasts have already developed this skill prior to college, but wants to remind them how life outside of the gym is also important. “I want the girls to learn to leave life at the door on the way into the gym and enjoy it when they leave,” Rowland said. The Auburn Gymnastics team will face LSU in its first home meet of the season at 7 p.m. Jan. 14 in the Auburn Arena. Just because you made a mistake doesn’t mean you have to carry a record with you for the rest of your life. Don Eddins, Attorney. *Auburn * (334)821-9981 No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other attorneys.

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Rollin’ with Rowland ■ What is your favorite book? “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo”

■ Do you have a favorite sport other than gymnastics? Figure skating

■ Favorite Auburn tradition? Rolling Toomer’s Corner after a home meet

■ What is your favorite season of the year? Fall

■ If you were stranded on an

island and could only bring three items, what would they be? A picture of my family, a Bible and a computer for Skyping


■ What is your pet peeve? Being unorganized

■ What is your favorite mov-


ie? “Far and Away”

■ What is your biggest fear?

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Being underwater—it’s something I would like to overcome.

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Sports D4

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Volleyball prepares for last home match of season Jeremy Gerrard Writer

The Auburn volleyball team (17-11, 8-8 SEC) will finish the last of a threegame homestand Sunday against the Ole Miss Rebel Black Bears (17-8, 11-5 SEC). The two teams last met Oct. 8 in Oxford, Miss., where the Rebels defeated Auburn in three sets despite a consistent effort from the Tigers. Sophomore outside hitter Sarah Bullock led the Tigers that evening with 11 kills, and senior defensive specialist Liz Crouch broke the all-time dig record for Auburn, which now stands at 1,587 after last weekend’s games against South Carolina and Florida. The Rebel Black Bears are led by sophomore outside hitter Whitney Craven, who leads the team

in kills on the season, and junior defensive specialist Morgan Springer, who leads the team in digs. However, after a big win against South Carolina in three sets and a close loss to No. 1 Florida in five, the Tigers are motivated to conquer the rest of its schedule. “Our confidence is up there,” Bullock said. “I’m just going to say to the rest of the teams, they better watch out because we’re coming for them.” Coach Wade Benson echoed his player’s enthusiasm after the match against Florida and shares the same optimism about Ole Miss and the rest of the season. “They are another really good team coming in here,” Benson said after Sunday’s game against Florida. “But we love playing at home, and the crowd has been great, and if we play at

this level or close to it, we should have no problem being successful.” Playing with emotion is a key factor for this team, and it’s something they are not short on these days. After every point, Bullock likes to let out an elated scream and congratulate her teammates, which also ignites the home crowd to cheer on the Tigers. “One of my roles on the team is the attitude leader, and I love it,” Bullock said. “The other team hates it—you can ask any one of them—but the team and our fans love it.” While the home crowd is an advantage, senior outside hitter Morgan Johns, who had 14 kills against Florida, said there is something special about Auburn. “It’s family, and it’s comfortable,” Johns said. “You know they always have

Todd Van Emst / Auburn Media Relations

Junior Christina Solverson prepares to set the ball for freshman Camila Jersonsky.

your back here.” This week, the team said they would practice all the important parts of the game they usually focus on, but that last weekend’s games have given them the edge going into Ole Miss.

“I think we are going to play with the same attitude and finish going out with a bang,” Johns said. “It’s our last home game, and we’re going to be ready” As the last game at home for the Tigers this

season, seniors Jonelle Wallace, Alyssa Davis, Lauren Mellor, Liz Crouch and Morgan Johns will be recognized for their contributions to the team. Sunday’s match against Ole Miss starts at 1:30 p.m.

Tigers fall prey to Cougars of Columbus in exhibition Blake Hamilton Associate Sports Editor

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Late-game heroics weren’t enough to salvage a win in Auburn’s final exhibition game against Columbus State Monday night in the Auburn Arena. After falling behind 50-42 with 3:46 left in the game, sophomore forward Kenny Gabriel scored twice, followed by a threepointer by sophomore guard Earnest Ross that tied the game at 50. However, Columbus State’s Steve Peterson sank a fade-away with 15 seconds left that gave the Cougars the win. “We know we’re not satisfied by what happened,” Gabriel said. “But one thing we’re satisfied with is that we played with poise at the end of the game, and we showed that we had heart. But yeah, it doesn’t count on our winloss record, and we’re still showing that we’ve got a lot of stuff to work on in practice.” As the game began, Auburn quickly drove up the score 10-2. However, Columbus State scored 11 unanswered points, ending the half with a 32-27 lead. “With this team we are going to be offensively challenged this year,” said coach Tony Barbee. “I thought we did some good things defensively. We did hold them to 29 percent shooting from the floor, which is a great number, but then we gave up 15 offensive rebounds. If you cut that number in half, that is probably 22 percent. “We are a team that is not going to out-jump people. We better put bodies on people.” Auburn continued to struggle going into the second half, scoring only once as the Cougars built a 41-29 lead. The Tigers fought back, scoring eight straight to put the score at 41-37, but Columbus State continued to capitalize on Auburn’s mistakes to make it 50-42. “We talked about playing your role and doing what you need to do to

Emily Adams / photo editor

Sophomore guard Andre Malone takes a shot during Monday night’s exhibition game against Columbus State.

make this a successful team,” said Columbus State coach Robert Moore. “I thought we played well and built some great momentum. Auburn did not quit tonight and kept fighting back.” Despite the loss, Auburn held the Cougars to a 29.6 shooting percentage from the field which Barbee attributed to his team’s aggressiveness on defense. He acknowledged that improvement is needed before the Tigers begin the

regular season Friday. “We have a long way to go,” Barbee said. “Like I told our guys, the best thing about this game tonight: It doesn’t count. “I thought we did some good things when we got down 12. I thought at that point, we played with a little bit of desperation and a sense of purpose that we have to from the tip.” Auburn opens the season against UNC-Asheville at 8 p.m. Friday in the Auburn Arena.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sports D5

The Auburn Plainsman

Barbee prepares his team for season opener Nathan Kelly Writer

The highly anticipated basketball season in the new Auburn Arena will start Friday, Nov. 12 when the Tigers take on the UNC Asheville Bulldogs at 8 p.m. Expectations are certainly rising for this season with the opening of the Auburn Arena, which is “up there with the best of them,” according to Josh Wallace, Auburn’s sophomore walk-on 5-foot-10 point guard. Wallace led the team in assists, with nine in a 79-66 win against West Alabama in an exhibition game Nov. 3. Maybe the biggest question for the season is how well coach Tony Barbee will do in his first season at Auburn. “He’s a great coach, great coach,” Wallace said. “He’s fiery, he has a sense of humor, but he won’t hesitate to get on you. I like him a whole lot.” There have been many new faces in Auburn athletics the past few years. Last year, the Chizik era began for Auburn’s football program. Now it is Barbee’s turn to start his legacy with the Auburn family. Barbee started his

Emily Adams / Photo Editor

Sophomore guard Josh Wallace races past a Columbus State defender Monday night. Auburn fell to the Cougars 54-52.

coaching career as an assistant at the University of Massachusetts and Memphis. Barbee later became head coach at the University of Texas at El Paso, finishing his career there with a record of 82-52. After finishing 15-17 last season, the Tigers were left

with a very young team. Eleven out of the 17 players on Auburn’s roster are either freshmen or sophomores. Doug Merrell, the 6-foot-9 forward, is the lone senior on the team this season. When asked about strengths of our team,

Wallace said, “Our strength would have to be speed, just pushing the ball nonstop, relentless, in-your-face defense.” Wallace said size would be a weakness for the team because “we’re not the biggest team out there.” After getting 25 minutes of playing time against

West Alabama, Wallace promises to be a factor in the opener when Auburn hosts an eager Asheville team Friday. After finishing with a 15-16 record last year, Asheville returns all five starters from last year. The Bulldogs routed the Belmont Abbey Crusaders

94-70 Monday. The Bulldogs’ leading scorer, guard Matt Dickey, put 30 points up against the Crusaders. Auburn had a different outcome after its exhibition game Monday night against Columbus State University. The Tigers trailed by 12 points, but rallied back to within two, only to miss three attempts at the tying shot to lose in the final seconds 52-54. At times, the Columbus State fans made it feel like a Cougars home game, and their team played like it. “We’re a team that’s got to play harder than our opponent all year long, just to survive,” Barbee said. “We can’t let a team play harder than us in our own building.” The Tigers also struggled at the free-throw line, going seven for 20. “It’s the little things that make the difference,” Barbee said. “When your margin of error is not that high, you’d better do those little things.” Arguably the biggest games of the season are Tennessee, Vanderbilt, Florida State and a road game to Kentucky. “We’re very excited,” Wallace said. “We wanna bring it in the right way.”

Equestrian prepares to take on undefeated Georgia Darcie Dyer Writer

The Auburn equestrian team, now 6-8, rides against undefeated Georgia at 3 p.m. Nov. 12 at the Auburn University Horse Center. The team returned from its away weekend undefeated in hunt seat, but with two overall losses and one win. Auburn’s undefeated record was broken Friday with an 11-8 loss to No. 2 Texas A&M and an 11-7 loss Saturday to No. 6 TCU. The hunt seat defeated SMU 6-4 Sunday at Buck Branch Farm in Wilmer, Texas, maintaining their undefeated record. Auburn won 4-1 in equitation on the flat, with senior Ali Loprete receiving MVP. The Mustangs defeated the Tigers 3-2 in equitation over fences, finalizing the 6-4 score. Coach Greg Williams is feeling strong about both the hunt seat and western’s performance at all three meets this past weekend.

“The hunt seat squad had a really strong showing all weekend,” Williams said. “They proved no matter how we mix them up in the line up, they can win. We also won against two of the strongest western teams in the country at their place. We just didn’t totally get the job done.” Williams said he feels confident about the standing of Auburn’s hunt seat and thinks it will be tough competition for Georgia. “I feel like, right now I would just have to say our hunt seat is, if not the toughest in the country, I don’t know anyone tougher,” Williams said. The next meet is against five-time national champions and conference rival Georgia, which Williams said has the team energized. “It’s definitely a big meet,” Williams said. “They’re No. 1 in the country, they’re defending National Champions, they’ve been the No. 1 dynasty, and they’re still No. 1 right now.” Senior hunt seat rider

Anna Schierholz went undefeated this weekend and said she feels the team is geared up to take on the Bulldogs. “I think that we’re really well-prepared,” Schierholz said. “Competing at home is going to feel like a breeze because we know the horses, and it’s our home turf, and we want to protect it, and we can,” The Bulldogs currently stand 5-0, finishing a road victory with a 11-8 win over Baylor. Georgia also recorded a 16-4 victory over Kansas State, an 11-1 victory over SMU, and a 15-4 victory over South Carolina. Auburn’s last meet with Georgia was the final meet of the fall season. Georgia defeated Auburn 12-8 Nov. 18, 2009. Auburn still holds the No. 3 spot in the current NCAA Equestrian Coaches Poll, but Schierholz said the team is ready to take on the No. 1 rival. “I think we really need to buckle down and give Georgia everything we’ve got,” Schierholz said.

Elaine Busby / Assistant Photo Editor

An Auburn rider competes in a meet against Fresno State at the Horse Center Oct. 9.

Sports D6

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fowler driven by desire to succeed Coleman McDowell Writer


Sophomore Western rider Casey Fowler has been a key part of the Tigers’ winning ways.

While the football team attempts to secure a spot in the SEC Championship game by defeating Georgia this weekend, the women’s equestrian team is looking for a win over the Bulldogs to further boost its chances to repeat as SEC Champions. One of the many bright spots for the Tigers has been western rider Casey Fowler. Fowler, sophomore from Azle, Texas, has been around horses her entire life. “My mom has been riding since before I was born, so I grew up around horses,” Fowler said. “When I was 10, I got my first pony.” Equestrian is one of the most expensive sports to get into as a young athlete because of the countless hours on the road for tournaments. “I was really lucky that my parents were able to support me,” Coleman said. “It is really expensive, but it is kind of like our family hobby. “We only take one vacation a year other than horse shows. We even spend our Christmases at horse shows.” Fowler played volleyball until her sophomore year, but then decided

to pursue her interest in horses. That year, she visited Auburn and knew it was the place for her. “I visited sophomore year and loved the campus,” Fowler said, “and when I had an opportunity to be on the team, I knew it was the place I wanted to go.” Fowler’s typical week is a busy one, as the team works out three times a week, practices five times a week and has meets on the weekends. With little free time during the week, Fowler has time for a few hobbies, but not too many away from the Equestrian Center. “I love being outside with animals, and I love to cook, too,” Fowler said. Equestrian coach Greg Williams said he thinks Fowler is one of the main reasons for the team’s current success. “Her desire to succeed may be one of the greatest attributes for her personal accomplishments, but we coaches like the way she pulls all members on the team together,” Williams said. “Casey is driven to focus on details and does not give herself any slack. “Her drive and work ethic will stand her well as a collegiate athlete during her collegiate years.” The team visited Fowler’s home state of Texas last weekend and came away with a victory over

SMU (6-4), but lost to TCU (11-7) and Texas A&M (118). “The win was really good for the hunt seat,” Fowler said. “They rode really hard. Our western team rode hard, too. We were going up against some really good schools. A&M was No. 2, and TCU was No. 7. SMU was a good win for us, too. “It’s hard to win on the road because we can’t take our horses with us, so it’s a definite advantage for the home team. At the collegiate level, most of the horses are donated, so they all have their little quirks about them.” The team is at the halfway point of the year. Fowler said she expects the team to continue its success because of their closeness as a team. “Our chemistry is really good,” Fowler said. “We’re all getting along really well, and everyone is positive and upbeat about the rest of the year.” Fowler said she has many memories of Auburn, but her fondest is winning the ring. “The highlight of my career at Auburn was winning the SEC Championship last year and being able to go on the field and get our rings,” Fowler said. The Tigers face Georgia in its last meet of the year, then enjoy a long break until they meet Tennessee-Martin Jan. 28.

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