The Auburn Plainsman

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‘Tis the season

Supernatural solace


SEC showdown



Samford lawn gets illuminated with holiday cheer

The Tigers prepare to face the Gamecocks in the Dome.

Sister Lee practices in Auburn-Opelika.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Vol. 117, Issue 14, 24 Pages

Auburn cans Bama in food drive Eric Austin

Smith said the East Alabama Food Bank was able to feed 30,000 families on Thanksgiving because of the donations. “While we’re truly happy to have beat Bama by collecting the most food in the competition, we know the real winners are the people in Alabama who need help with providing food for themselves and their families,” said Karla Debrunner, office manager at the food bank. Smith said she and her team of assistants focused this year on finding the best way to donate to the drive for students. For the first time, students were able to text “Beat Bama” from their cell phones and make a $10 donation that was added to their phone bill. She also said they saw a spike in online donations. “I felt like those really catered to the student body who is walking around on our phones texting,” Smith said. “It was a generation gap we really needed to cater to by texting.” In addition to the technological revolution the food drive underwent, Smith said publicity was also a major push for her and her team. They put together an advertisement on the Jumbotron in Jordan-Hare Stadium. “We may not have gotten the results we wanted from that,” Smith said. “But the more people that hear Beat Bama food drive and get that stuck in their head, the more they’re

Campus Editor

While the revelry of the dismantling comeback against the University of Alabama in the Iron Bowl last week is still soaking in, the University has another reason to showcase its supremacy over its rival. For the first time in three years, Auburn has won the Beat Bama food drive. “The food bank called me and told me we had won,” said Melanie Smith, sophomore in human development and family studies and the SGA director of the Beat Bama food drive. “I was just jumping up and down excited. I started crying because there’s been a lot of hard work and effort put in since April, and to find out we had won was just amazing.” Smith said Auburn raised about 250,000 pounds of food this year for the East Alabama Food Bank, easily surpassing its previous record of 212,000. Alabama football team’s shortcoming in the competition was more than the one point that decided the Iron Bowl. The “Beat Auburn, Beat Hunger” drive in Tuscaloosa managed 218,510 pounds for the West Alabama Food Bank. Despite the loss, Charlotte Brown, co-director of the Beat Auburn, Beat Hunger Food Drive and junior in marketing, was pleased with the overall results. “Both schools were able to significantly increase numbers from last year,” Brown said.

» Turn to BEAT BAMA, A2

Newton deemed eligible Crystal Cole

Auburn University and NCAA enforcement staff, Cecil Newton, Cam’s father, Sports Editor worked with a scouting service during his Alabama fans who purchased “SCAM son’s recruitment by the Bulldogs. Cecil, along with the scout service, acNewton” T-shirts should start looking for tively sought payment for his son’s comtheir receipts. In a release made Wednesday, the mitment to attend college and play football. NCAA ruled junior quarterAuburn has since limited back Cam Newton immedithe access Newton’s father ately eligible to play for Auhas to the athletic departburn. ment. Newton remains eligible Mississippi State has cut for the SEC Championship ties with the individual ingame Saturday and has been volved, former quarterback cleared without any condiKenny Rogers. tions. “We are pleased that the The NCAA concluded Monday that a violation against NCAA has agreed with our NEWTON Newton’s amateur status ocposition that Cam Newton curred during his recruitment by Missis- has been and continues to be eligible to play football at Auburn University,” Ausippi State. Auburn declared Newton ineligible burn University Director of Athletics Jay Tuesday and then requested his eligibil- Jacobs said. “We appreciate the diligence ity be reinstated. » Turn to NEWTON, A2 According to facts agreed upon by both

Professor to receive presidential award Eric Austin Campus Editor

Virginia Davis, professor in the department of chemical engineering, will head to Washington Dec. 13 to be recognized by President Barack Obama for her work in her early academic career. Davis has been chosen by the National Science Fund to receive the Presidential Faculty Early Development CAREER award. “I was stunned,” Davis said, “really, really stunned. It’s very humbling because the letter that came from the Office of Science and Technology in the White


House put all these great accolades and hopes into it, and it’s a lot to live up to.” If her work thus far is any indication, she will have no trouble fulfilling those expectations. University Provost Mary Ellen Mazey had nothing but high praise for Davis. “We are very proud of Dr. Davis and know she will continue to bring recognition to Auburn University for her groundbreaking research and discoveries,” Mazey said. Davis’ work focuses on the science of “nanomaterials,” tiny particles that are

News » A3

» Turn to CAREER, A2


Commentary » A5

| Campus » B1

Emily Adams / PHOTO EDITOR

A flying pig and a snowman adorn the brightly-lit apartment 26 at University Corner.

Apartment complex raises Christmas cheer standard Emily Adams Photo Editor

‘Tis the season for decorations, and one apartment complex is serious about lighting up. University Corner, near West Glenn Avenue, is shining bright, with Christmas lights on nearly every apartment. Alix Whitaker, senior in early childhood education, said the decorations are about sharing the spirit. “We just love Christmas,” Whitaker said. “People add on more and more lights every day. We want to keep making it brighter.” Whitaker, whose decorations include a flying pig, Snoopy Christmas countdown, two light-up snowmen and 13 light strands, said she and her roommates put lights up last year and were surprised to see others followed suit. “We like to think we started it,” Whitaker said. “This year, it’s been fun seeing who can put up the most lights, |

Intrigue » C1


but we’re not really competing. We just like to encourage others and spread the cheer.” First Realty, which owns University Corner, does not encourage or discourage the decorations, according to Abbey Reeves, leasing agent. “We haven’t been by to see them at night,” Reeves said, “but we don’t have a problem with it.” Nike Vita, senior in international business, said he is taking his decorations to another level. “We just went all out this year,” Vita said. “We have over 2,000 lights, and we’re not done yet. It’s turned into more of a competition this year, but really, we’re just all about Christmas here.” Vita said he and his roommates looked for the cheapest, tackiest decorations. “I think it’s cool that our apartment does this,” Vita said. “I wouldn’t mind if

Wasting Time » C5

» Turn to CHRISTMAS, A2


Sports » D1

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