The Auburn Plainsman 10.19.2017

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The Auburn Plainsman






Malzahn looks to Arkansas, avoids talk of job security Tyler Roush SPORTS REPORTER

Auburn head coach Gus Malzahn is more concerned about playing Arkansas than his job security. Malzahn acknowledged team injuries Tuesday morning in addition to the dismissal of wide receiver Kyle Davis in preparation for a trip to Fayetteville, Arkansas on Saturday. Defensive back Tray Matthews and linebacker Tre’ Matthews are not expected to be ready in time for the weekend. “We are a little banged up, but a lot of people are at this time with-

out having an off week yet,” Malzahn said. While the pair of defensive stars are inactive, Malzahn announced that center Casey Dunn will also be out. Offensive tackle Mike Horton is questionable. “[Dunn] is a tough guy,” Malzahn said. “We got him back in the game, and he showed a lot of guts and a lot of courage, but just couldn’t finish the [game.] He is a winner.” Linemen Marquell Harrell and Prince Tega Wanogho will take the place of injured Dunn and Horton, Malzahn said, and Braden Smith will

play center. With Davis’ dismissal, tight end Sal Cannella is expected to slide into his position on the depth chart. Davis joins a group of 14 former Auburn players who either transferred or were dismissed from the program. “He was the backup there, and I thought [Cannella] did some good things, too,” Malzahn said. “Coach [Kodi] Burns and coach [Chip] Lindsey will have a plan moving forward as far as the receivers are concerned.” Auburn’s offense faltered in the second half against LSU, failing to score any points as the home Tigers

sealed the upset victory. Malzahn maintains that, despite 17 consecutive run plays being called on first down, Lindsey is still calling the plays. What makes the difference for the on-field product, he said, is the offensive philosophy that he established while becoming Auburn’s head coach. “[Lindsey] is a heck of an offensive coordinator and has done a great job for us,” Malzahn said. “Like I said, I’m not in any part of that, but I’m taking responsibility for everything that happened.” For what many fans called a defin-


‘I love those kids’

itive moment in the inevitable firing of Malzahn, the head coach understands that, despite the blown lead and expectations, getting a week-toweek victory is his priority. “Our fans are very passionate,” Malzahn said. “Our fans want to win championships, and they should. Anytime you blow a 20-point lead on the road they should be frustrated, and I am frustrated also. “We can’t let that happen again and we are not going to let that happen again.”

» See MALZAHN, 2


Local ice cream man gets outpouring of support after shooting


Students walk along Auburn’s Haley Concourse.

SGA puts limits on forced campaign workers Chris Heaney CAMPUS REPORTER

Alfa’s shoulders were completely shattered. Two iron plates now take the place of his bones. He was in surgery for four hours after being airlifted to Columbus Regional Hospital. With crisscrossed slings holding up his numb arms, Suleiman walked out to his parked ice cream truck and pointed at each vibrant photo glued to the side of the vehicles. He thought back to the names of children who visit his truck window and the ice cream they skip away with. Boys love Sonic Boom, Minion and Batman. Girls love Barbie, Power Puff Girl and rainbow pops, he said. Suleiman's personal favorite is the chocolate lover. He reached far and uncomfortably to point at each label, smiling from ear to ear while trying not to strain his shoulders. In his shaky hands, he flipped through a yellow folder addressed to him in the scribble of a child, filled with drawings, pictures and letters wishing him a swift recovery. Emotions poured out of the ice cream man as he looked down at the folder of well-wishes and memories from his many years of selling ice cream. After 23 years, Suleiman has stuck to his love of delivering dipped, sprinkled and multi-colored treats to kids all over the

Auburn's student election law was the main focus during Monday night’s SGA Senate meeting, and two pieces of major legislation were passed including one that might change the way candidates get campaign representatives. Two new provisions were passed through by the Senate, making “libelous or slanderous remarks” among candidates a punishable offense and creating a punishment process for candidates who force or require members of organizations to campaign for them. “I encourage you to put aside any kind of motivations except the ones that come directly from the students,” said Executive Director of Elections Catherine Milling before debate began. “All these laws are written with the intent and spirit of directly answering their concerns and their voices that they have given us throughout past elections.” Some organizations, including sororities, often require their members to support candidates from within their own organizations, which often means making those members take to the concourse seeking votes for their respective candidates. This practice has gone on for years, if not decades, but the Student Senate is now moving to end it. Under this new provision, organizations will still be able to offer incentives for campaign volunteers but won't be able to make it a requirement. “I definitely love the idea of this bill,” said At-Large Sen. Hannah Clarke. “For me, my sorority does require us to support our members, so if one of my best


» See SGA, 2


Alfa Suleiman, a local ice cream truck driver recently shot at his second job, stands outside with his truck. He is recovering from injuries.


At 4 p.m. Wheeler Garrett and his mother, Elizabeth Garrett, left the ice cream man's house with two Target bags full of ice cream to hand out to the kids in their neighborhood, who were dearly missing the friendly sight of Alfa Suleiman's truck. Suleiman, a neighborhood hero to many, has been unable to work since being shot four times during a burglary at the Marathon Gas Station on Columbus Parkway in Opelika. "I miss them so much, and I know some of them were waiting for me last Sunday. They know what time I am coming, and they don't see me," Suleiman said as tears fell down his cheeks and off the tip of his nose. On Oct. 2, Suleiman was working at the gas station and turned his back to prepare pizza for another customer when someone yelled, "Don't move!" The customer was then shot, and Suleiman was told to lay flat. He pointed the men to the cash register. When asked to open it, he said he couldn't. "Pow, pow," Suleiman said. "Two shots fired, and then he saw me moving, turned around and shot me again. I tried to play dead, but he shot me one more time."


New special education program brings opportunities Program offers college experience for students with intellectual disabilities S taff Report The College of Education’s Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation and Counseling now has a program for students with intellectual disabilities. The Education to Accomplish

Growth in Life Experiences for Success, or EAGLES, program is a new, comprehensive transition and postsecondary program for students in the Auburn Transition Leadership Institute, or ATLI. EAGLES provides an opportunity for students with intellectual disabilities to engage in either a two-year basic or


four-year advanced campus residential experience. The program focuses on increasing independence, improving leadership and advocacy skills, preparing the students for employment and developing life skills. “As the largest land-grant institution in Alabama, it is imperative that Auburn’s academic programs are accessible to all students within our state,” said Timothy Boosinger, provost and vice president for academic affairs. “I am proud to share in


the launching of the EAGLES program as we offer young adults with disabilities new opportunities to be academically and socially successful lifelong learners.” The EAGLES program curriculum focuses on academics, social and career development and health awareness, which the acting director of ATLI Courtney Dotson believes will help students transition to become contributing members of society.

» See EAGLES, 2








Auburn community. Taking time off to heal from his injuries has not been easy, he said, as tears welled in his eyes again. In 1987, Suleiman immigrated to the United States from Nigeria. He only remembers having one struggle in adjusting: the food. Alfa’s brother, a soldier in the U.S. Airforce, said Auburn was the best college in the Southeast.

He knows all the kids. He knows their names and their parent’s names.” — Elizabeth Garrett

“When I moved here, I was 23,” Suleiman said. “I had a problem with the food, but eventually I thought, ‘Well, this is pretty good.’” He was in the area for education and came to Auburn University for just that. During his time in college, he met his wife and later had two children. After college, he began working for a Chevron station until it was sold. His daughter graduated from Troy University, and his son joined the Navy after high school and is now enrolled at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. To make ends meet and to support his son in college, he decided to open an ice cream truck. Ice cream wasn’t a random decision for Suleiman. He remembered how his daughter would ask to stop for ice cream at the trucks, and she’d cry if she ever missed it. He started with the neighborhood kids, testing out its potential. “I’ve been doing it ever since,” Suleiman said. As he continued to expand his route and work on a consistent basis, he said children began to remember him, his truck and developed a habit of coming to the side of his truck for a cartoonshaped popsicle. He said they would dance and scream as they ran down the road toward his approaching truck. His favorite parts of the job, Suleiman said, are the children. To him, they are the most important part of the business. Suleiman said meeting the parents and developing relationships in the neighborhoods is important to him, too. For a lot of people, his truck is seen as a reward. Whether the child does what they are supposed to do at home determines whether they get to choose between Sonic Boom or the Batman


» From 1 friends in another sorority was running while a member of my sorority was, I wouldn’t be able to support them. That’s definitely not OK with me.” Clarke did, however, show concern with SGA’s jurisdiction and their ability to enforce the proposed law. “Instead of writing this bill maybe write a resolution to Panhellenic encouraging them to make this happen,” Clarke said. “I don’t think it’s SGA’s job to tell sororities what they can and cannot do.” Milling responded to this, saying that the law will punish the candidate, not the organization, which SGA has no jurisdiction over. She went on to explain that this bill was proposed after the elections board received pleas from students asking SGA to take action. “We have received multiple emails and phone calls [from students] saying that their organization, Greek or not, has had them out on the concourse for eight to nine hours a day,” Milling said. “They feel it’s not fair, and they get sick, and they fail tests, and I just really want y’all to consider what the student body as a whole, not what Greek organizations want, not what other organizations want, but what students as a whole are asking you to pass, asking you to protect them.” Engineering Sen. Kaitlyn Lawrence proposed changing the wording to limit candidates from requiring their organization to participate for them. Milling expressed her concerns with that wording, calling it a loophole. “This new wording, I’m not going to lie I’m not a big fan of that,” Milling said. “If a candidate didn’t expressly say to his organization president ‘Make them support me,’ then we have this big loophole of ‘I nev-

ice cream pop. “They call for their birthday and ask to have ice cream brought for their special day,” Suleiman said. “Sometimes the parents can use it and say, ‘If you don’t do your homework, you don’t get any ice cream.’” Elizabeth watched her children run to Suleiman’s truck weekend after weekend as they grew into the teens and young adults they are today. Wheeler, 14, was 3 years old when the Garretts moved into their current home. Kate, now 17, was 6 years old. She ran into Suleiman in the grocery store one day and was shocked by his love for the children. “He knows all the kids, he knows their names and their parent’s names,” Elizabeth said. “He is always happy, and if someone doesn’t have the money for the ice cream, he gives it to them anyway.” Elizabeth said Wheeler and Suleiman have a special relationship and are “big buddies.” She knew she wanted to do something to make life a little easier while he is out of work. She didn’t want him to stress while he recovers. On Tuesday, Wheeler and Elizabeth visited Suleiman at his home, something they’ve done frequently lately. Wheeler hopped in the truck per Suleiman’s instruction and took to his neighborhood streets, filling a role that was close to him as a child.

er said it, he did it on his own’ and that’s a big gap, a discrepancy that I think could be exploited by the organization.” Lawrence said SGA has no jurisdiction over organizations, and writing something into the code of laws would be overstepping their bounds. Elkins echoed those sentiments. “I believe it would be much better for the process to go speak with [organizations] before [voting on] this,” Elkins said. “Those students freely joined the organization if it's a fraternity or sorority and they should be bound by what they joined.” Sen. Michael O’key said this law would only be enforced when students were actually being forced to do something they did not want to do. “This is for those very few instances where someone is saying ‘I really don’t want to do this, I really don’t want to support this person;’ I don’t think it will happen a lot,” O’key said. The provision passed the Senate. Exact vote totals have not yet been uploaded to the Senate's web page. Over the coming weeks, SGA will also take up other bills related to how campaigns are conducted on and off campus. One bill proposed will prohibit campaigning off campus on election day and another provision would limit the number of people any given campaign can have on the concourse at one time. Elections Board Chair Robert Shaffeld expressed his concerns with the bills during open floor time, particularly with the other provision that would limit defamatory speech. “The intent is great but the clarity of [the bills] is very vague,” Shaffeld said. “I think making it clear as to where those parameters are ... it makes my job as E-board chair easier.” Vagueness was a common concern among senators throughout the evening and on almost every bill up

MALZAHN » From 1

Following the loss in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, which continued an 18-year drought at Tiger Stadium, Malzahn said that his team would “win out.” Travelling to his home state this upcoming weekend, Malzahn expects a tough fight to maintain his promise to Auburn fans. “When we go to Arkansas we need to win, and when we have an off-week we need to heal up and we will be set to finish this thing,” Malzahn said.


Suleiman’s file full of get well cards and drawings from local children.

EAGLES » From 1

“Our main focus is to ensure the students and their families that we are here to support and foster their goals,” Dotson said. “We want each student to not only gain skills and realize his or her full potential, but also have a genuine Auburn experience. In particular, the on-campus,

It’s the Auburn culture — everyone caring for each other. — Alfa Suleiman

Elizabeth laughed as she recalled the day and said, “He’s such a great guy.” Elizabeth and her husband started a GoFundMe account for people in the community to help Suleiman. At the mention of the donation page, Suleiman stopped in his sentence and said he was sure of one thing: Auburn is the best city in the world. He took a few seconds of silence as he held back tears of compassion and appreciation. With the folder of appreciation letters sitting next to him on the fireplace, he repeated over and over: “Auburn is my home.” “It’s the Auburn culture — everyone caring for each other,” Suleiman said.


SGA senators take notes during Senate meeting on Monday, Sept. 25, 2017, in Auburn, Ala.

for a vote. The campaign language bill proposed to add a clause to Election law 708.4.7, one that already bars any language that “will mar the dignity of Auburn University or its campus.” The proposed portion read: “This includes but will not be limited to negative remarks regarding any candidate or campaign.” “But what is a negative remark,” said Graduate Senator Sen. Max Zinner said. “That could just be something as simple as saying, 'I don’t like this person.’” Following this, a motion was made to change “negative” to “defamatory,” but some senators still had concerns. Liberal Arts Sen. Ken Ward moved to change “defamatory remarks” to “only remarks that are considered libelous or slanderous” on grounds that leaving the wording too broad could drastically limit free speech. “I think there is more conduct that could mar the dignity of Auburn residential nature of our program makes it unique and complete. “This program is a dream come true for so many families, students and professionals in the area of transition.” Auburn University alumna and trustee Sarah Newton, alumna Denise Slupe, College of Education Dean Betty Lou Whitford, Department

University than just that,” said AtLarge Sen. Cooper Elkins. Agriculture Sen. Emily Stone reminded the Senate that language among candidates that could be considered defamatory would be reviewed in elections board with a hearing including both parties and only then would someone be punished. “We all get into elections, we all get competitive, we all get protective of people we care about and ideas that we are passionate about,” said Stone. “I think it’s important to remember that at the end of the day this is Auburn University and that’s who we are and we need to clearly define how we show that.” After President Jacqueline Keck clarified the definition of “defamation” and how it included libel and slander, Ward again expressed his concern that leaving the wording too broad could lead SGA down a “slippery slope.” “Auburn, for many years, has been

Head of Special Education, Rehabilitation, and Counseling Jamie Carney, and Professors Karen Rabren, Cari Dunn and Courtney Dotson led the initial planning of the program. “This program was my vision for my grandson to have a college experience at Auburn,” Newton said about her grandson Jack, who has Down syndrome.

an institution that has had anti-bullying campaigns and summits, and I don’t think that [libel and slander] clearly limit what we are going for here about not marring the dignity of the University,” Milling said. “I’d really push to go with what the original language said; I think we all need to think about anything that could go outside the scope of that particular definition.” Another motion was brought up by Elkins, changing the wording to “this includes, but will not be limited to, libelous or slanderous remarks regarding any candidate or campaign.” That motion was passed and the entire bill was subsequently passed as well, changing the wording of the election law. Another major change to election law was discussed, limiting how many people could campaign for a particular candidate, but after much debate was sent back to the Code of Laws committee to be edited and brought up for a vote Oct. 23.

“EAGLES will give young people with intellectual disabilities an opportunity to experience collegiate life that is appropriate for them and give them life skills that can help them be independent.” The first class of approximately six students is scheduled to begin fall 2018, with application information being announced in spring 2018.

“We are very excited about launching EAGLES as it will both address an unmet need and greatly enrich the Auburn campus community,” said Whitford. “The expertise and leadership of our faculty and the greatly appreciated support from Provost Boosinger, trustee Sarah Newton and other University leaders will assure a quality program.”







The fantasy of a sexless utopia EDITORIAL BOARD FALL 2017

For a state so opposed to abortion, Alabama allows too many unwanted teen pregnancies to occur. Alabama’s sexual education program doesn’t do its job, and so we believe it needs to be reformed. Specifically, we believe emphasis should be moved from abstinence to contraception. Alabama Code Title 16. Education § 16-40A-2 states there should be “(1) An emphasis on sexual abstinence as the only completely reliable method of avoiding unwanted teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.” According to a study published by the The National Center for Biotechnology Information, there’s a positive correlation between emphasis on abstinence-only sex ed and teen birth rates — even when other factors such as household income, religiosity, ethnic composition and use of Medicaid

waivers are considered. This shouldn’t be a great surprise considering the nature of sex — namely, how we generally crave it and won’t stop having it even if we’re told we shouldn’t. Instead of the sexless utopia our legislators imagine for the unwedded, people continue to have sex. Only, without being properly instructed as to how to have safe sex, people end up having unsafe sex. Our sex ed is too focused on maintaining an interpretation of Christian sexual morality that leads to greater hardship for people. Instead, we should implore our government to opt for goals-oriented policy. That way, on top of telling ourselves we did a good thing, we can point to something more tangible: there being less teenagers having their lives uprooted by a lack of smart family planning.




In defense of the Emily Hale COLUMNIST

It has stood the test of time and will live through the Auburn students forever. George Petrie was not just some random guy that was hired to write this. Not only was he the author of the Creed, he was Auburn’s first football coach, founder of the school’s beloved orange and blue and the first Alabama resident to ever earn a PhD. Essentially, he is the epitome of an Auburn man. Petrie is so significant to Auburn’s history that it makes the Creed feel so much more personal to the University. It gives Auburn that extra bit of character, as if it needed any more. The words of wisdom and insight that Petrie was able to relay through the Creed inspires me each and every day to live it out and to not only spread it around campus, but everywhere I go. This piece of writing is so special because it somehow expresses every aspect of life in so few lines. It can be applied to any facet of life, whether it is to your work ethic, spirituality, physical ability or academic efforts. The Creed is a perfect embodiment of what it means to be an Auburn man or woman. As an Auburn woman who believes in these things, this is why I believe in Auburn and love it.

Last week in The Plainsman, a columnist wrote an opinion piece equating the Southern Poverty Law Center with violent extremist hate groups in America. In his opinion piece he shamelessly compares the people who spend their energies revealing hate to the people who spend their energies spreading it. He dramatically ends by saying, “it’s time to recognize the Southern Poverty Law Center for what it is.” Let’s take a look at what this is. The author, among others, use the issue of free speech in order to peddle an incorrect perspective that the issue of hatred is subjective. The is correct that the SPLC uses different criteria than others about what makes a hate group. But does he seriously believe that 14 different people would define the word “racist” with 14 incongruent definitions? To pretend racism is an abstract concept that none of us can understand like God or Willy Wonka is absurd. We understand the word well enough to use the concept and communicate about it. If the SPLC is so radical and indiscriminate in their designation of hate groups, then why do they spend the time to explain the evidence behind each designation? This conversation isn’t serious, and it isn’t about the SPLC at all. This is an example of the misinformation that follows along with toxic nationalism and a history of race-based discrimination. It’s time to recognize the fascistic undertones that are driving discourse farther and farther from the truth. Whether you agree or disagree with every single designation the SPLC makes, the resulting impact of the hate-list is not comparable to the trauma that a white nationalist group has on minority citizens’ sense of safety or to the mental anguish felt by LGBTQ youth. There is no moral equivalence between the actions of the SPLC and groups like the KKK. So what if they tell everyone online that you won’t sell wedding cakes to gay guys? One individual feeling uncomfortable when being called out on problematic views is not the same as millions of citizens experiencing widespread racism and discrimination. A handful of largely inconsequential anecdotes do not detract from the SPLC’s consistent history of battling the evils of institutional racism, a broken criminal justice system and civil rights violations. A balanced, earnest critique of the SPLC is certainly fair. A critique that goes so far as to label a seminal civil rights organization as racist is simply ill-informed and misguided. It is time to recognize efforts to label justice-oriented missions as discriminatory for what they are: attempts to muddle the conversation concerning racial justice and suggest thinly veiled arguments for maintaining current racial power imbalances.

The views expressed in columns do not reflect the opinion of The Auburn Plainsman.

The views expressed in columns do not reflect the opinion of The Auburn Plainsman.


‘I believe in Auburn and love it.’ Living by The Auburn Creed is our responsibility Christie Shiovitz COLUMNIST

“I believe this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore I believe in work, hard work.” The first time I heard the Auburn Creed was at Camp War Eagle. At first I thought it was just something the counselors had to say, but as my experiences on The Plains have multiplied, my respect and understanding of the Creed has heightened. As soon as I heard the Creed, there was an instant passion that I felt flutter in my heart. I knew I had to work hard, but this solidified why and gave me a purpose. Something sparked in me that gave me an extra push of motivation to do my best in everything, no matter how meaningless it seemed at the time. “I believe in a sound mind, a sound body and a spirit that is not afraid.” The words of George Petrie are posted all over campus, making it hard to ignore. Auburn’s Creed acts as a personal constitution to students. It acts as a daily reminder that living a healthy lifestyle, both mentally and physically, will guide us toward a nature that is fearless. Even though it was written in 1943, the values and morals implanted in the Creed are still relevant and important to reflect upon today.


The Auburn Plainsman welcomes letters from students, as well as faculty, administrators, alumni and those not affiliated with the University.

The opinions of The Auburn Plainsman staff are restricted to these pages.

Letters must be submitted before 4:30 p.m. on Monday for publication. Letters must include the author’s name, address and phone number for verification, though the name of the author may be withheld upon request. Submission may be edited for grammar and/or length. Please submit no more than 400 words.

This editorial is the majority opinion of the Editorial Board and is the official opinion of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in columns and letters represent the views and opinions of their individual authors. These opinions do not necessarily reflect the Auburn University student body, faculty, administration or Board of Trustees.





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Parking petition reignites debate with University officials Elizabeth Hurley CAMPUS WRITER

One student’s concerns and frustration with on-campus parking has recently sparked a response from fellow students, requesting a drastic change in the current C- zone parking. “I was waiting for my Organismal Biology class to start and my husband called me,” said Madeline Lazenby, senior in microbial biology. “He was driving my car, and my car has C-zone. He was on the phone with me for 30 to 45 minutes just looking for a parking spot.” Out of frustration, Lazenby started the C-zone parking petition on Sept. 14. She did not expect the attention her petition would later receive. “My initial goal was just to get attention for it – to tell Parking Services or Auburn University in general, ‘wake up, this is a thing,’” Lazenby said before her meeting with Director of Parking Services Don Andre and SGA Vice President of Auxiliary Services Austin Chandler on Sept. 29. Andre has been the director of parking services at Auburn University for six years. In his time as director, Andre has created several initiatives to help the parking situation on Auburn’s campus including the War Eagle Bike Share and the War Eagle Express. “It has certainly been a problem with us as well,” Andre said. “I am looking forward to the chance to help students because I’ve been trying to do that for the six years I’ve been here.” Andre, Lazenby and Austin Chandler, SGA vice president of auxiliary services, came up with a plan for the Auburn University Traffic and

Parking Committee. They created both a shortterm and long-term plan. The short-term plan they decided upon was to raise the cost of a parking pass by $20. “If we’re going to do this we’ve got to get it where parking gets the money and the cost of permit registration would go up.” Andre said about the long-term plan. “But we’ve got to make sure the administration assures us the money goes to parking, not the general fund. Ticket revenue, same thing – parking money goes to parking.” Auburn University has the lowest cost of a commuter parking permit in the SEC, Andre said during the meeting. All ticket revenue currently goes toward the general fund, allowing administrators to decide what the money will go toward. The short-term goal directly determines the long-term goal as the funds will go toward building more C-zone parking on campus. Another long-term goal is to create a true “park and ride” similar to the one at University of Mississippi. “It’s a bus that goes straight to campus,” Andre said. “The plan would be you would build a lot two miles from campus– north, south, east and west. Put a 600-car parking lot in each one of those. We run 57 buses a day, take 48 buses and run 12 from each lot. It’s nonstop coming in.” Andre said an upcoming parking lot north of Woodfield for the upcoming, new Performing Arts Center is expected to serve as C-zone parking during the day. “There was discussion with Tiger Transit to

run a Tiger Transit from that lot straight down Duncan straight to the Haley Center,” Andre said. These short and long-term goals were presented to the Traffic and Parking Committee on Oct. 2, but the goals were not as well received as Andre, Lazenby and Chandler had hoped. “It does seem more congested this fall than it has in past falls,” said Director of Facilities Management Ben Burmester in response to Lazenby’s presentation. “Increase in enrollment, a few spots have been taken away.” Burmester was receptive to the ideas including using the Performing Arts Center parking lot. In the past five years, the University has added 2,000 parking spaces, Burmester told the committee. Andre countered Burmerster’s remarks saying that many of those spots are not for commuter students because of the 2,000 spaces added, 900 of them come from the North Parking Deck, which is for on-campus residents. “I’ve always felt the University does a pretty fair job of being able to respond. We’re the lowest cost of a permit compared to any of our peers for faculty, staff and students,” said Burmester. “We always have space available. It may not be the most desirable space. But if you bought a permit, there is always an open space.” Since the beginning of the fall 2017 semester, Andre and his parking services staff have been unable to collect data on how many true open spaces are available in each lot, such as PC1 or a

regular C-zone. He said many cars, however, are parked illegally or not in their correct zone. “Obviously, we don’t have enough parking when people are parking on curbs,” Andre said. “And I’m having to tow them. I get parents calling me asking why did my son or daughter get towed. Well, because they parked on the curb. Why did they park on the curb? Because they couldn’t find a place to park.” Burmester agreed there is a problem this year but acknowledges this year as the first year he personally has noticed the problem. Andre and his present staff countered this by saying they believe this has been a problem for the last two to three years. Members of the committee agreed that each year it feels like they are playing catch up as the University grows without many plans for the growth. Ideas like the true “park and ride” and reallocating parking ticket revenue to a parking-only fund were heavily discussed but left at a draw. “This committee doesn’t have a budget. We don’t have the ability to sponsor a project, but people on this committee can,” Burmester said. “We can work with administration to see if there is additional funding.” The Traffic and Parking Committee meeting was left with more awareness of the issues regarding parking on campus and the students’ perspective on these issues. No decisions were made to start any projects for more C-zone parking, raise permit costs or reallocate parking ticket revenue.


The Hibachi Truck owner brings his culinary experiences Cole McCauley CAMPUS WRITER

Various food trucks have been a staple across campus for years now. The trucks come and go, adapting to the tastes of the students at Auburn. However, for the third full year now, one truck in particular continues to shine. James Dimaculangan, owner of the big orange hibachi food truck on campus, has used his years of culinary experience to fill a need in the stomachs of Auburn students. Starting in Atlanta, Dimaculangan climbed the hierarchy of the kitchen. From regular kitchen work to sous chef, Dimaculangan had reached the top of the culinary kingdom. But he wanted something else. “I had experience in the restaurant industry and just saw food trucks as a way to start my own business without all the involvement that goes into starting your own restaurant,” Dimaculangan said. Always interested in food,

Dimaculangan admits that he never really got into culinary arts until after he graduated college. It is later that Dimaculangan decided on hibachi. “Well first of all, because I’m a fan of it [hibachi],” Dimaculangan said. However, his liking for it was not his main reason. Dimaculangan went on to explain the need for a restaurant of his kind. “When you open a restaurant, you see a void, and you try to fill it,” Dimaculangan said. “Honestly, I had never seen a hibachi truck before, so I was trying to fill a void.” The orange food truck was formerly known as the “General Lee Hibachi Truck” but has since been shortened to the “Hibachi Truck.” The previous name, an intended “tongue-in-cheek” combination of “Lee” being a common surname in Asian countries and the orange paint job of the food truck akin to the iconic “General Lee” car in the popular ‘80s television show, “The Dukes of Haz-

ard.” While some speculate the name change is associated with the nation’s recent turmoil regarding representation of Confederate monuments and historical figures, Dimacaulangan said otherwise. Dimaculangan attributes the name change to simply being a personal choice. “It was more of a need for a fresh start,” Dimaculangan said. “When you own a business you have to make changes and evolve as time progresses.” Dimaculangan is currently trying to secure a new name and branding but wants to wait to register it across all social media before he announces it. Therefore, for now, the “Hibachi Truck” will serve as the interim name. As for the future, the nearly constant popularity of the food truck on the Auburn campus seems to have the “Hibachi Truck” on a successful trajectory. “It all de-


pends on the taste of the students,” Dimaculangan said. “The students’ tastes tend to evolve, three or four years ago many students gravitated toward tacos, and as the food truck industry grew, students started to experiment with

other cuisines.” Dimaculangan is not afraid to adapt and tweak his business in order to appease the wants and needs of the Auburn student body. “If I see something lacking, I’m going to try and fill it,”

said Dimaculanagan. After a variety of successful food truck ventures in Atlanta, Dimaculangan was contacted by Auburn University representatives to bring his expertise and skill to The Plains.



Students rank campus food venues

The Plainsman surveyed 157 randomly selected students on the Haley Concourse Allison Beason CAMPUS WRITER



The Auburn Plainsman




AU Outreach works toward ending food insecurity Mikayla Burns CAMPUS WRITER

Hungry students do not always look hungry. On Auburn’s campus, hunger does not look any particular way. Auburn’s chapter of The Campus Kitchen holds Auburn Family Meals each Friday, where students who are food insecure can come and take up to four free meals. The group’s goal is to destigmatize hunger and what hunger looks like, as well as provide nutritious, balanced meals for Auburn students in need. The Auburn Family Meals take place in the basement of Toomer Hall in the Hill at 11:30 a.m. every Friday and last until 1 p.m. Students walk in and are greeted by the President of the group Hallie Nelson and Vice President Kenzley Defler. Once they give their email to Nelson for data purposes, the students are free to walk to the kitchen and, with the help of a volunteer, select up to four meals that are prepackaged and labeled. From there, they are free to continue on their way. The Campus Kitchen strives to give students meals that meet nutrition standards, including dietary restrictions. Students can choose between veggie and meat meals, and each meat meal is labeled for consideration of students from different backgrounds. When walking into The Campus Kitchen area, students are often found with smiles on their faces laughing with each other. Nelson and Defler agreed that student hunger does not always look like what people would imagine. “The problem is that students are having to choose between paying rent and food,” Defler said.

“Hunger doesn’t mean they’re starving. It means they’re having to sacrifice food for other necessities.” The Campus Kitchen has been around for around six or seven years and has served over 10,000 meals. Originally starting with graduate students at the University, Auburn Family Meals was born last Spring semester to include undergraduates. “A hunger study class at Auburn found that 30 percent of Auburn students were food insecure,” Defler said. “Because of that, we decided to expand.” Defler said she began volunteering for The Campus Kitchen at Auburn a couple years ago and quickly became a shift leader. Though she did not expect to fall in love with this project, she did. Most Fridays, a group of graduate students from the College of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences come in together to stock up for the coming week. They share bags for their meals and are focused on sustainability, similar to Nelson and Delfer. Ellary Tuckerwilliams made her way into The Campus Kitchen like on most Fridays with her fellow graduate students, donning a flower crown she made herself and cracking jokes. As a graduate student, she only gets paid once a month and is thankful for The Campus Kitchen for helping her with meals. “I like [Auburn Family Meals] because it means less money and just makes my groceries last longer,” Tuckerwilliams said. “As grad students, we don’t get paid very much, and however long we can make that last is helpful.” As for the meals, Tuckerwilliams and fellow graduate student, Alex Lewis, said they are relatively good and filling, but sometimes they are

worried about the fridge life of the food. They said most meals they receive are good and last them a few days. “There was this Mediterranean meal one day with couscous,” Tuckerwilliams said. “It was awesome. It’s good quality stuff, it just depends on what’s available that day.” Defler said The Campus Kitchen strives to stop food waste at the University, and with help from restaurants and dining halls on campus, they can provide enough food for the students that come in on Fridays and help with food insecurity around the city. Feeding around 40 to 80 students a week and hundreds of others with their community outreach, The Campus Kitchen relies on dining halls and restaurants at Auburn to get the food they use to assemble the meals. Because of this, food donated to The Campus Kitchen are leftovers, and the volunteers work hard to make sure everything is nutritious for those in need. The Campus Kitchen utilizes all donations they can and have begun picking up from a few fraternity houses since many have chefs that cook for them. “It’s really important, with food insecurity, to destigmatize it and the stereotypes that go along with it,” Defler said. “We are trying to open [Auburn Family Meals] to be more like a community. We just bought a microwave and reusable dishes. We are encouraging people to sit down with us and come together as a group when they get their meals.” Defler said they want to “break the barriers” and see that we all need a more community feel. The Campus Kitchen receives funds from the

national branch and other donation sites for dayto-day expenses that cover the containers they package food in and the reusable containers they use to collect the food. Defler and Nelson said they always welcome feedback from the students who attend Auburn Family Meals, so they can make the meals even more enjoyable. “I would personally really like it if the containers they use, if there was some way that they could reuse them or become more sustainable,” said Sara Bolds, a graduate student in the College of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences. “I feel like a lot of people just throw them away, and that’s just so much plastic.” Defler and Nelson said they cannot reuse the containers they currently use because they cannot be sent a sanitizer, but they will begin looking into sustainable alternatives. Lewis said she recycles the containers on her own and uses them to package food on other occasions and encourages others to do so as well. When collecting meals, students are given or can bring reusable bags to transport them. The Campus Kitchen also provides some for students to use. Going to the Auburn Family Meals does not label students as anything. The ongoing joke that college students struggle to obtain food is not just a joke – it is a true struggle for one-third of Auburn students. Defler said her life was changed forever by taking the step of joining The Campus Kitchen. She said helping others is being apart of Auburn, and food insecurity is a growing issue in college campuses. “They’re not alone,” Defler said.


A student’s journey to Auburn’s Aviation Program Christina Sullivan COMMUNITY WRITER

Caitlyn Miller is a senior in the aviation program at Auburn, but did not take a usual route getting there. “I just woke up one day the summer between freshman and sophomore year and thought this would be such a fun day to fly, so I might as well switch majors,” Miller said. Growing up with the majority of her family involved in aviation, this thought was not as far fetched as it seems. “I knew I didn’t want to sit in an office,” Miller said. “With flying there are obviously travel benefits and your office is sitting and looking at the sky every day.” Miller’s father is a Delta Captain who has flown several different commercial airplanes nationally and internationally. Her mother was a Delta ticket agent when they met. Her brother and even several of her cousins are also involved in flying. Miller described it as running in the family, which inevitably made the profession appealing. “As a kid I was always so proud of my dad for having such a cool job,” Miller said. “A lot of people ask me if it was hard for him to be gone so much, but I don’t think it is much different


Caitlyn Miller, a senior in the aviation program, sits in a plane.

from any normal 9-5 p.m. job that most parents have.” When they were younger, their father would take them on trips every summer. Her favorite trip she got to go on was when she was in high school. Their whole family got to go to Rome. One of the most expensive pieces of an overseas trip can be travel cost, but her father’s job made it possible. “I remember when we were on that trip we ran into sever-

al people in Rome that my dad knew,” Miller said. “In an industry of thousands of employees it was awesome to see how well connected they were and how small the flying community is.” The idea of traveling to Europe and running into several friends was attractive to Miller. In high school she fell in love with journalism, working for her school paper and even holding an editor’s position. She then came to Auburn in pursuit of a

journalism degree. “I like writing, but I don’t love it. I just felt I didn’t have a passion for it,” Miller said. “It was really bizarre, though my parents were obviously very supportive.” Her dad had no shame in reminding her about how great Auburn’s flight program is before she switched majors. “I am the first female from my family to come out and fly,” Miller said. “It’s hard to get into if you don’t have family ties, especially

if you are female. Most females can get into the industry the exact same way as males, they just don’t know it.” The majority of students enrolled in the flight program are male, though the sight of a woman in the cockpit is increasing. There are many organizations that have formed from the program – one being Women in Aviation, in which Miller is an officer. Their mission is to pro-

mote flying for girls in the community as well as on campus. Auburn takes you through a four-year flight school where students start out at “private” and work their way up to “certified flight instructor.” Students sign up to fly three days a week with an instructor where they start their training. As the years go on students are able to log valuable hours and gain necessary skills. “Every pilot remembers their first solo flight,” Miller said. She described the adrenaline of floating through the clear blue sky, knowing she was the only thing keeping herself alive. “One of my favorite parts of flying is seeing places from a new point of view,” Miller said. “Getting to see Jordan-Hare or Lake Martin from up in the clouds is unforgettable.” In 10 years, Miller’s dream is to be flying for a major airline like Delta. “It takes some time to get there, but the time spent building up those flight hours is worth it,” Miller said. “I’m really looking forward to visiting every city this job will take me,” Miller said. “I think it’s going to be so exciting to run into Auburn alumni in airports as airline captains. Having the chance to fly with them one day would be even better.”

community THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2017




Citizens urge council to consider noise ordinance Alex Hosey COMMUNITY REPORTER

Several Auburn residents urged the City Council on Tuesday night to consider adopting a noise ordinance after relaying their complaints concerning the new Auburn High School and an upcoming restaurant to be developed on Opelika Road. Hugh O’Donnell and his family live adjacent to the new high school and told the Council that the football team’s speakers played loud, sometimes profane music that can be heard throughout his house for three hours every Monday through Thursday and said it was affecting the sleep of his 11-month-old child as well as his ability to work from home. “What is the city going to do to address this?” O’Donnell asked. “Will there be a noise ordinance that the city will have to follow? There’s one in Opelika, Tuscaloosa, Birmingham, Montgomery, Gulf Shores, but there’s not one that I’ve been able to find in Auburn.” Ward 5 Councilwoman Lynda Tremaine visited the O’Donnell residence prior to the meeting and agreed that the

noise levels were inconvenient. “They’re just wanting a peaceful existence in their own home, and I don’t think that’s asking too much of any of us in this building,” Tremaine said. “Your home is your sanctuary, and public schools should be a good neighbor.” Over a dozen Auburn residents came to voice similar concerns over an upcoming restaurant that will take the place of the vacant Twin City Concrete building on Opelika Road. Developers of the proposed restaurant requested that the Council allow their use of recreational space as well as a stage for live music, while surrounding residents were worried about the noise that it would bring to their neighborhood. James Ryan, the president of the adjoining neighborhood’s home owner’s association, was one of the many to speak during the public hearing that night. “There needs to be a philosophical change with respect to city rules,” Ryan said. “I think we’re being unscientific and backward not to create a noise ordinance that has a reasonable limit … I thank my neighbors for speaking out. None of us want to have loud music; we need to have a noise ordi-


nance.” Mayor Bill Ham said that the implementation of a noise ordinance would be difficult to establish when considering all of Auburn’s events and football games, while Ward 8 Councilman Tommy Dawson said that police can still protect against loud noise by charging offenders with disorderly conduct. “The police department does enforce noise,” Dawson said. “If anybody has a problem with noise anywhere you can call police officers out there and file a report. We do have a way here in Auburn of correcting a problem and doing something about it.” Ham suggested that the city get in contact with Tuscaloosa officials in order to see how effective their noise ordinance has been at affecting change. “I would be apprehensive to put anything on the books that’s really not necessarily enforceable,” Ham said. “I’d like to know what kind of success [Tuscaloosa] has … let’s find out how it works, and let’s find out how enforceable it is and does it solve the problem.”


Opelika Fall Festival offers new wristband option Olivia Wilkes COMMUNITY WRITER


The Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center hosted the 2016 Oktoberfest on Saturday, Oct. 8, 2016.

Eighth annual Oktoberfest to be held this Saturday Alex Hosey COMMUNITY REPORTER

Beer, live music and football will be available to ticket holders of the eighth annual Oktoberfest at The Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center this Saturday from 4-9 p.m. Over 900 tickets have been sold for the event since they were made available in August, while over 50 local and international brewers have been booked to serve drinks in and around the hotel’s marquee. Allison Duke, the hotel’s marketing and social media manager, said their Oktoberfest celebration began as a smaller and more intimate event around the hotel’s pool, but as time went on more and more brewers and community members

wanted to join. “We do have people that come from out of town for it, but mostly it just allows the community to come together,” Duke said. “Places like Birmingham and other big cities, Atlanta especially, have festivals quite often, and Auburn doesn’t have many of those throughout the year, so it’s a fun thing to add to an away-game football weekend.” The Homebrew Alley competition will feature 14 local brewers this year, with the best homemade beer being decided by guests. The winner of the competition will have his or her beer served on tap throughout the fall at A·T and Piccolo in the hotel. German food like bratwurst and pretzels made by

the hotel’s restaurant will be available to purchase separately at the event. The event will also include a competition for the best Oktoberfest outfit, live music from local band Kidd Blue and televisions playing the Auburn vs. Arkansas game both inside and outside the marquee. “Even if you don’t enjoy beer or aren’t a beer connoisseur, you can still have a good time,” Duke said. “There’s the entertainment aspect and there’s a chance to try a wide variety of things you’ve never tried before … It’s fun to just come and enjoy the atmosphere and everything that is Oktoberfest. It’s the closest thing you’ll get without going to the actual Oktoberfest in Germany.”

Parents bringing their children to the Opelika Fall Festival on Tuesday, Oct. 24, have a new option this year to purchase a $10 all-activities wristband for their kids instead of buying individual tickets for each activity. The festival will be held at the city Sportsplex from 5:30–8:30 p.m. Admission is free for everyone. Children 12 and under can pay tickets, which cost 25 cents apiece, to participate in a plethora of games and events, including a hay ride, bounce houses and blow-up slides. Lauraleigh Chesser with the Opelika Parks and Recreation Department says they added the wristband option to simplify the ticket system. “We counted it up, and to do every single thing we have and pay tickets, it would cost about $12 to do everything one time,” she said. The wristband costs $10 and gives the child access to all the events for the entire night. “If you have a young kid who’s probably not going to do everything, who’s not going to have the attention span of a twelve-year-

old, you might be better off buying tickets. But if you’ve got a kid who’s going to want to do everything, maybe do things a couple times, the wristband is probably the way to go,” Chesser said, adding that the new system takes the guesswork out of it for parents. There will also be a $1 wristband option for parents who want to accompany their children on the hayride. Characters such as Spiderman and multiple Disney characters will be passing out candy on the hayride. Aubie and the Auburn-Opelika Stormtroopers will also make appearances at the festival. There will be a petting zoo, pony rides and a wide variety of vendors as well. Kids can wear Halloween costumes and bring a treat bag, as the city will be “giving away a ton of candy and prizes,” at the festival, Chesser said. Chesser said they are expecting a large crowd. Three to four thousand people attended the festival throughout the night last year. Chesser said they need volunteers for the festival. “It takes I think 80 volunteers to pull it off,” she said. “We can’t have too many volunteers at the fall festival basically.”


Two children hug at Opelika’s fall festival.


Local pumpkin patch opens autumn with more activities Kailey Beth Smith COMMUNITY WRITER


Two children ride in a wheelbarrow at The Farmer in the Dell.

A you-pick pumpkin patch, The Farmer in the Dell was named one of the “Top 25 Pumpkin Patches in Alabama You Need to Visit This Fall,” by the Blog for Lifestyle and Travel. The 20-acre farm has recently expanded their production space, doubling what was once used to grow pumpkins, sunflowers, run hayrides, house farm animals and more. They have now dedicated 10 acres of farmland to grow pumpkins and sunflowers and to house activities for visitors. Plans are in place to continue expansion until all 20 acres are in use for visitors to pick pumpkins, sunflowers, and play. Part of the “charm of the farm” is the hayride on which the farmers take guests to the back of the farm where the pumpkins and sunflowers are located. Visitors are encouraged to stay for as long as they would like in the pumpkin area, and they will be taken back to the front entrance upon request. Reservations are not necessary for small groups. Admission is $2

for guests 13 years of age or older. The admission fee includes a hayride, entrance into the sunflower field and pumpkin patch, interactions with farm animals and entrance into the play area. Pumpkins vary by price and are priced by pound with a $3 minimum. The Farmer in the Dell Pumpkin Patch also offers guests the opportunity to purchase raw, local honey from farmers. Farmer in the Dell also has a crop maze for those who are feeling rather adventurous. It is like a corn maze, but shorter in height. “We’ve plowed a maze through this really tall grass so it will be fun for all ages trying to make it out on the other side,” the pumpkin patch’s site says. “This year we’ll be bringing a whole new group to the farm, because at the end of every season our animals go to new loving homes so they can be cared for and make new friends. There is only one way to see who’s new at the Pumpkin Patch and that’s to come visit us[.]” Family Fun Fridays are offered every Friday during the month of

October. There will be visits from princesses, tailgates before home games, cowboys and cowgirls and an “Anything but Scary Farmer’s Halloween.” Most nights will include prize giveaways and special pricing on both pumpkins and featured products. The farm asks that groups of 10 or more reference the group information page and make reservations for field trips, birthday parties and sorority and fraternity events. The farm is open every Monday from 1–6 p.m. beginning Oct. 16, Tuesday through Friday from 3–6 p.m. beginning Oct. 17 and every Saturday from 9 a.m.–6 p.m. The farm is closed on Sundays. The farm welcomes families and encourages them to take photos, but has special guidelines set up for professional photographers who wish to shoot in the pumpkin patch. More information on these guidelines can be found online at their website. For more information on the pumpkin patch, its hours or activities, visit auburnpumpkinpatch. com or call at 334-750-3792.

The Auburn Plainsman




Alabama 500 draws thousands of college students Hunter Reardon COMMUNITY WRITER

On Sunday, nearly 80,000 people packed into the Talladega grandstands to see Dale Earnhardt Jr.’s last race, the 2017 Alabama 500. Of those 80,000 fans, 2,500 were students who picked up tickets through the Chase U $24 student ticket program. The students mainly hailed from Auburn University and the University of Alabama, and both groups made this clear during the many yellow and red flags that stopped the ontrack action. The students sang competing renditions of Bodda Getta and Rammer Jammer and chanted “War Eagle” and “Roll Tide” at one another repeatedly. One Auburn student, Brooke Spann, junior in animal science, even brought her Auburn shaker from Jordan-Hare into the grandstands. The racing was more eventful than usual, with 30 lead changes among 16 different drivers. There were 11 crashes, collecting 26 of the 40 cars, and fan favorite Dale Earnhardt Jr. had a chance to win on the last lap. Ultimately, Joey Logano blocked Earnhardt for teammate


Brad Keselowski, who came away with the victory, locking himself into the next round of NASCAR’s playoffs. “Seeing the stands filled more than they have been in years for Earnhardt’s last race was a sight to see,” said Savannah Frederick, senior in agricultural communication. “It was like a music festival for rednecks out here. It didn’t end how I hoped it might, but I still made some great memories.”


Unlike most of the fans at the track, Frederick wasn’t pulling for Earnhardt, at least not primarily — she likes Ricky Stenhouse Jr., a Mississippi native who won his first race at Talladega last spring. “I like Stenhouse because he has a racing name,” Frederick said. “There’s too many normal white-bread names in NASCAR today. Denny Hamlin, Joey Logano — those aren’t racing names. Ricky Stenhouse Jr. — now that’s a racing name.” Madison Dobbs, senior in exercise science, is partial to Chase Elliott, son of Bill Elliott and heir to Jeff Gordon’s old 24 car. “Chase is cute,” Dobbs said. “And he’s our age. I might have to go down to the Big One on the Boulevard next year and give him my number.” Though Earnhardt is leaving, Elliott and Stenhouse represent hope for the sport’s Southern fanbase. While the Southland once had a monopoly on racing success, a driver from below the Mason-Dixon hasn’t won a championship since Bobby Labonte took the Cup in 2000. Other students were less focused on the nuts and bolts of the race and the potential playoff implications. “I just had a hell of a time,” said Jonathan Schmitt, senior in marketing. “Dale yeah, baby.”


Cook Out to open three new restaurants in Auburn area Gabby Dance COMMUNITY WRITER


‘Pups on The Plains’ finds foster homes for dogs Hannah Lester CAMPUS WRITER

Two Auburn sophomores who saw the need at a local animal shelter have now rescued and helped find foster homes for 10 dogs. Shelby Stephens, sophomore in natural resources management, said she is a total dork for animals. While looking through shelter Facebook pages she came across a page called “Adoptables of Columbus Animal Care and Control Center.” Through this Facebook page, volunteers of the shelter post pictures of the adoptable animals, mostly dogs. Stephens fell in love with some of the pups and watched, waiting to see when they would be adopted. “I could right off the bat see the need there because they have a very small amount of runs available to hold dogs,” Stephens said. While watching one specific dog, Maxwell, a brown lab and pit mix, Stephens said that she could not sit idly anymore and watch the dog get euthanized. Stephens asked Katelynn Roy, sophomore in organismal biology, if she would help her support Maxwell. Upon going to pick up Maxwell, both girls realized the need was much greater. There were five other dogs on the euthanasia list. “Either six dogs are coming into my house or going into someone’s house. They are not staying there. I can’t let that happen,” Roy said. The cost of pulling that many dogs from the shelter is high, so Stephens and Roy reached out for help. “I worked with the vet school and they have a huge email list that probably reaches about 500 people … I reached out and asked for help, and they were willing to let us borrow crates, donate crates, donate food, donate money to go toward things,” Roy said. Through the vet email list, friends, family and a dog spotting group-me, the girls saw an influx of money, dog food, collars, leashes and crates for the dogs. Within the first few days Roy and Stephens created a GoFundMe page, which raised $650 for the costs of adoption and medical bills. “Our ultimate goal is we would love to start an official foster organization on Auburn’s campus to be a group that advocates for dogs in these high kill shelters in rural Georgia and Alabama,” Stephens said. Stephens said that without the “Adoptables of Columbus Animal Care and Control Center” Facebook page, nothing would have changed. “There are 40 runts in there and about 35

of those dogs are pits,” Stephens said. “I think people just don’t realize what goes on because even though I had heard how bad overpopulation was in the South – to hear those numbers and to go in there and see it, it’s overwhelming.” Pits are often ignored in the shelter, Roy said. Black dogs, too, are less likely to be noticed. The volunteers who run “Adoptables of Columbus Animal Care and Control Center” however, show the personality and friendliness of the dogs. “I think one of the biggest problems with shelters right now is people just don’t realize the need for adoption,” Roy said. Stephens described some of the dogs and how well behaved they are. Maxwell is potty trained and walks calmly on a leash. He barks infrequently and is a loving dog. “As soon as you get them out of [the shelter], they just open up and blossom,” Stephens said. “They’ll play, they’ll lick, they’ll be just the dog they were supposed to be, but if they are just in that kennel you don’t really get to see that.” The women would like to be able to pull more dogs from the shelter as the need arises, Stephens said. They desire to have an organization of people who see the need and want to help. Since Roy and Stephens began the program, they have seen people go from fostering dogs to adopting them. Grace Limberis, freshman in pre-nursing science, said that despite loving dogs her entire life, this was her first fostering experience. “Sadie is a 30-pound pit mix, and she is a complete angel. I have definitely been blessed with an amazing first experience,” Limberis said. Stephens and Roy said that with the community surrounding them, they have been able to find homes for many of their fosters, and others are on the way to adoption. “If anybody is interested in fostering, let us know,” Stephens said. “It’s a big responsibility because since we do legally adopt these dogs out, there is not technically a foster program for this shelter. There is no telling how long it’ll take to adopt these dogs out.” To help find homes for these loving dogs, the girls have created a Facebook page called Pups on the Plains Rescue Team. Stephen and Roy said they hope this will lead to more growth. “It’s overwhelming,” Stephens said. “I mean when I saw how much money we were able to raise for these dogs, I started crying. Because I can’t believe people care about this as much as I do. I am so glad that I’ve been able to help in any way with these dogs.”

Students looking for a cheap, late-night bite will have a few more options soon. Cook Out, a popular hamburger joint, will now be opening three franchise locations in the Auburn area. According to Forrest Cotten, the planning director for the City of Auburn, there will be two Cook Out restaurants in Auburn and one in Opelika. One of the Auburn locations will be on the corner of Opelika Road and East University Drive by the Auburn Mall and the other on South College Street. The Opelika location will be by Tiger Town. “With so many students in this area, Cook Out is looking to be really successful

around here,” Cotten said. Cook Out has locations all throughout the South with many in college towns. The chain currently only has two Alabama locations, in Jacksonville and Tuscaloosa, so this addition will be a big jump in their roster of locations that could bring exposure to their brand within the state. Cook Out’s Tuscaloosa location has found success in a fast-paced college environment. Founded in North Carolina, Cook Out is famous for their food and atmosphere that mimic a family gathering. Most locations are open late-night. Their menu includes burgers, barbecue, hot dogs and french fries, all staples of a traditional block cookout.

STUDENT AFFAIRS S P OT L I G H T See Hazing, Stop Hazing

As Auburn men and women, we should be vigilant about protecting one another from power-based violence, including hazing. Make an anonymous report at

R E C O G N I Z E I T. R E P O R T I T. E N D I T.



Auburn Students








Tigers drop pair of SEC matches John Koo SPORTS WRITER


Auburn quarterback Jarrett Stidham (8) walks across the field after Auburn’s loss to LSU. Auburn vs. LSU on Saturday, Oct. 14..

Second half struggles piling up Jake Wright SPORTS WRITER

There has been one common theme in Auburn’s recent losses. The Tigers offense has stalled on them in the second half. Auburn is averaging just 3.57 points per second half in all of their losses since the beginning of the 2016 season. Auburn has lost to four top-10 teams over that span, but they have also blown halftime leads to two unranked teams. The Tigers have been shut out three times in the second half during those seven games and only scored three second half touchdowns. One of those touchdowns came on the last play during garbage time of last season’s Sugar Bowl loss to Oklahoma. Opponents have outscored Auburn by 68 points in the second half of each game they have lost over the last two seasons. The most points they have scored were 10 versus Clemson, the first game of the 2016 season. Auburn has not scored a single point in the second half of both games they have lost this season. Every loss has been a one score game at halftime, yet Auburn has not been able to score enough in the second half to compete. Auburn is 4-7 over the last two seasons in games that were a one possession game at halftime. The major problem for Auburn in their losses has been execution and play calling in the red zone. In their losses over the past

two seasons, Auburn has kicked more field goals in the red zone than they have scored touchdowns. They have kicked eight field goals and are only 7-18 scoring touchdowns in the red zone. The Tigers offense stalled late in several wins over the past season and a half as well. They didn’t score a touchdown all game against LSU last season and kicked three second-half field goals to secure the win. Auburn only scored one second-half touchdown to beat Vanderbilt. Auburn was in a dogfight earlier this season with FCS Mercer and scored 14 second-half points to beat them by just 14 points. There have been a multitude of reasons for offensive struggles in the second half. Against LSU last weekend, it seemed like LSU made the halftime adjustments that Gus Malzahn and his staff did not. Auburn finished with 73 yards of offense in the second half and only six passing yards. Auburn’s offense became very predictable and the play calling seemed conservative after gaining an early 20-point lead. At one point, Auburn ran the ball on first down 17 times in a row. LSU defensive coordinator Dave Aranda brought an extra man down in the box to combat Auburn’s rushing attack and Auburn made no adjustment. The offensive struggles continue to pile up in year five of the Gus Malzahn era, and he must find a way to solve these issues for Auburn to be successful.

Auburn’s 2nd half struggles Sept. 3, 2016 Clemson 10 points

Sept. 17, 2016 Nov. 12, 2016 Texas A&M at Georgia 6 points 0 points

Nov. 26, 2016 at Alabama 0 points

Sept. 9, 2017 at Clemson 0 points


Oct. 14, 2017 at LSU 0 points

The Tigers competed in two matches over the weekend, playing LSU at home and Texas A&M away. The Tigers fell to LSU 3-0 (25-23, 25-23, 26-24) and to A&M 3-1 (16-25, 25-22, 27-25, 25-19) in a disappointing series of games for head coach Rick Nold. In the LSU match, LSU came out with high energy from the start. In the first set, Auburn was able to take an early lead with Anna Stevenson and Brenna McIlroy contributing solid kills. However, LSU (15-4, 6-2 SEC) refused to go away, steadily trading points. The Auburn Tigers were able to maintain the lead for most of the set, leading 23-20 late in the set. However, after regrouping during a timeout, LSU came back 25-23, scoring five consecutive points to win the set. In the second set, LSU was committed to keeping the momentum. LSU took an early lead and continued to build upon it throughout the set. Auburn eventually was able to tie it up 21-21, but LSU remained composed, bouncing back for a 25-23 victory. Determined to not let the game end, Auburn, led by Alexa Filley, came out in full force at the start of the third set. Great serves from Filley and a kill from Gwyn Jones extended Auburn’s lead to 17-13 midway into the set. LSU mounted a comeback to tie the set at 22. LSU capitalized on a few Auburn mistakes to close out the game with a 26-24 victory. “Tonight was disappointing because I thought we were very tentative,” Nold said. “Playing that way forced us into too many errors. LSU is a good team, but no team will come out on top by giving up a lot of points in each set on errors.” Despite the loss, Auburn (11-6, 4-4 SEC) had five players with seven or more kills including McIlroy, who led the team with 10. Senior Jesse Earl had a match-high 19 digs. After a disappointing result, the Tigers traveled to College Station to play Texas A&M. In the first set, Auburn took control of the speed of play early, grabbing a 5-2 lead to begin. Alexa Filley shined as she contributed on offense with a few aces as well as on defense with her blocks. Auburn kept building on the lead to earn a dominating set win 25-16. The next three sets were different stories. Although the Tigers were playing with the same intensity, A&M eventually was able to adapt to Auburn’s playstyle. In a back and forth sequence, there were 13 ties and seven lead changes in the second set. Ultimately, efforts by Jones and Earl were not enough as the Aggies took the second set. In the third set, Auburn looked comfortable as the Tigers took a 8-2 lead to start off. With plays from Courtney Crable and Brenna McIlroy, the lead grew to 18-13. Despite the big deficit, the Aggies consistently made defensive plays and capitalized on Auburn mistakes to take the third set 2725 in a dramatic comeback. Then the Aggies (6-8, 3-4 SEC) took complete control of the match, using their momentum to mount a huge 17-8 lead over the Tigers. Despite a few good runs, A&M’s lead was too much for the Tigers to match. “I like the way we came out to start the match,” Nold said. “I thought we did a great job keeping Texas A&M off balance and served aggressively. As the match went on, we gave up too many free balls to give their offense opportunities. We need to maintain our aggressiveness in system better and also make adjustments going into this week.” Crable had a season-best 13 kills for the game with Anna Stevenson tying a career-high 12 kills. The Tigers will return to The Plains to play South Carolina on Oct. 18 and the No. 1 Florida Gators on Oct. 22.



Auburn huddles prior to its game vs. Arkansas on Thursday, October 5, 2017 in Auburn, Ala.

Tigers topple No. 10 Florida behind Dodson, LeBeau Nathan King ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR

For head coach Karen Hoppa, the formula has become simple for her Auburn Tigers soccer team. Throw everything but the kitchen sink at junior goalkeeper Sarah Le Beau, let senior goal scorer Kristen Dodson run the show on offense and come home a winner. Le Beau’s side of the equation turned in seven saves, while Dodson scored her eighth goal of the season in Auburn’s 1-0 upset over the No. 10 Florida Gators Sunday afternoon at the Auburn Soccer Complex. Le Beau’s 19th career shutout suffocated the Gators in Auburn’s third straight victory over UF. The Crystal Lake, Illinois product showcased impressive athletic ability and timely deci-

sion making in the win. “Really proud of the girls,” Hoppa said. “It wasn’t always our best soccer.” Auburn (7-4-3, 4-1-2 SEC) struggled all afternoon with time of possession, something that Florida head coach Becky Burleigh stresses to her unit as a factor of extreme importance. The Gators lived on Auburn’s side of the field, evident in the team’s 12 shots and 7 corner kicks on the day. Save long kicks out ahead to Dodson in the box, and it would be nearly impossible to find an effective Auburn offense in the first half. Hoppa’s group spent most of the opening period trying to fend off the aggressive Gators and take some stress off the shoulders of Le Beau. The home squad in the orange and blue adjusted and found

their groove after halftime. “Florida is a great team; and they really pressed us hard,” Hoppa said. “Our team dug deep and found a way to win. I thought our defensive effort was phenomenal. [Le Beau] was on fire – at whole ‘nother level.” Le Beau continued her trend of locking down the attacking Gators, however, the Auburn offense began to regain control and execute plays past the 45th minute. Most of those plays consisted of pushing Dodson downfield, a strategy that paid off on Sunday like it has all season for the Tigers. In the 53rd minute, freshman Alyssa Malonson rifled a kick past midfield to a streaking Dodson, who had just a step on her defender.

» See SOCCER, 10


The Auburn Plainsman




Auburn head coach Gus Malzahn during pregame warmups. Auburn vs LSU on Saturday, Oct. 14 in Baton Rouge, La.

COLUMN: LSU loss a familiar sight, should mean the end of Malzahn Peter Santo SPORTS WRITER

There’s no margin for error now. Saturday’s 27-23 loss to LSU broke the hearts of Auburn fans hoping to see the team emerge as a national contender and brought with it a dose of reality — that this Auburn team is simply not ready to challenge the nation’s best teams. Things looked great for a quarter and a half on Saturday. Jarrett Stidham and the offense moved the ball with ease in the first quarter and took a 10-0 lead after the LSU defense forgot to cover Will Hastings. That lead increased to 20-0 after a Kerryon Johnson touchdown run and Daniel Carlson’s second field goal of the game. Halfway through the second quarter, Auburn looked like the dominant team that had steamrolled Mississippi State and Ole Miss. But those games were at Jordan-Hare Stadium, where the crowd was trying to push Auburn into the national championship discussion. The crowd in Death Valley was different. They were desperate, determined to save the reputation of their Ti-

gers and coach Ed Orgeron after the embarrassment of losing to Troy on their home field. After a Stephen Sullivan touchdown run got LSU on the board and kept the Tigers within striking distance, Stidham and company had a chance to potentially put the game away with a touchdown before halftime. Stidham led the offense 62 yards into the red zone, but the drive stalled at the 8-yard line and forced Carlson to kick a 26-yard field goal. Given new life after his defense made a big stop, Danny Etling quickly led LSU on an 8-play, 75-yard touchdown drive capped off by a 14-yard touchdown pass with just 32 seconds left before the half. Just like that, a game that should have been over at halftime was a ballgame again. What happened next shouldn’t have been a surprise. Auburn dominated the line of scrimmage early, but was manhandled up front when it mattered late in the game. For two quarters, Stidham looked like the guy who was ready to take Auburn to that next level. But when the lights were brightest, when his team needed him to steal a big win on the road, he couldn’t do it. Outside of

their final two possessions, Auburn gained just 55 yards on offense in the second half. The Tigers became predictable on offense in the second half. They ran the ball for little yardage on first and second down and then were forced to throw on third down and long. At one point, Auburn ran the ball on 17 consecutive first downs, nearly three entire quarters. The LSU defense held nothing back, they played man coverage on the outside and came after Stidham, giving him little time to throw. The blueprint for beating Auburn is simple. Stop the run and get after the quarterback. And that’s what good teams do well. Nick Saban has won multiple national championships with a defense that executes that gameplan to perfection. It was a familiar sight for Auburn fans. Wilting under pressure in big games has become the norm. The Tigers were in a similar situation against Georgia a year ago. Needing a win to prove themselves as a threat both in the SEC and nationally,

» See MALZAHN, 10


The Auburn Plainsman


USC-N. Dame


Mich-Penn St

UK-Miss St

Will Sahlie (19-11) Sports Editor

Nathan King (20-10) Ast. Sports Editor

Tyler Roush (19-11) Sports Reporter


SOCCER » From 8

The senior succeeded in the one-on-one matchup with Florida goalkeeper Kaylan Marckese, crushing a shot into the left side of the goal to draw first and only blood. “We had to know when to go full-force,” Dodson said. “We all had to go with our numbers; I think that really helped us.” Hoppa continued to look to Dodson for an offensive spark until the final buzzer. Dodson attacked less than a minute later for a shot that sailed just above the head of Marckese and almost went in again. After that close call, Florida (11-4, 5-2 SEC) elected to double-team the offensive juggernaut scorer for the remainder of the contest. One of those double-teams resulted in a hard hit from the Florida defenders near the UF goal, with less than five minutes to go, a play after which fans were pleading for a red card. Dodson had to be helped off by team trainers and didn’t return. The team’s leading scorer wasn’t favoring her leg and was all smiles after the win. “Yeah, I just cramped,” Dodson laughed. “I’m good.” The team’s last home match of 2017 will be on Oct. 22 versus LSU at 5 p.m. CT. With only three games left in conference play before the SEC Tournament ramps up on Oct. 30 in Orange Beach, Alabama, Dodson believes her squad has the potential to replicate last season’s magical postseason run. “We just continue to get better,” she said. “That’s what you have to do. Hopefully we’ll play our best soccer at the end.”

Sumner Martin (19-11) Sports Writer

Jake Wright (20-10) Sports Writer


Peter Santo (19-11) Sports Writer

Kristen Dodson (35). Auburn soccer vs Florida on Sunday, Oct. 15.

MALZAHN » From 9

Bennett Page (3-5) Sports Writer


Behind enemy bylines: Arkansas


Cole Kelley (15) looks to throw vs. Alabama on Saturday, Oct. 14, 2017.


Connor Lane, sports editor at The Arkansas Traveler, answered a few questions from The Auburn Plainsman ahead of Auburn’s matchup with Arkansas this Saturday. 1. Arkansas head coach Bret Bielema announced earlier this week that Arkansas quarterback Austin Allen will miss the Auburn game due to an injury. Can you give us a scouting report on backup quarterback Cole Kelley? When the depth chart was released and showed Austin Allen as our QB1, I couldn’t help but be a bit disappointed. Allen is in his last year with Arkansas, and, thus far, he’s been very disappointing. Cole Kelley has more of a future here, and I believe he’s the better option right now. He’s obviously big and he can throw the ball well. He’s a solid quarterback with a decent bit of upside going forward. 2. It has been a rough start in SEC play for the Razorbacks, what has gone wrong so far? What hasn’t gone wrong so far? The secondary allows most offenses to score at will, the offensive line is an open door and the overall talent level on both sides of the ball is desperately lacking. 3. Arkansas has allowed at least 41 points through its first three SEC games, what has to change on the defensive side of the ball for the Hogs? What would have to change is the entire secondary would have to mature overnight. Kamren Curl shows flashes of brilliance, but he’s still just a freshman on a weak defense.

Auburn couldn’t move the ball in the second half and were dominated up front as they were upset by the Bulldogs. It happened again against Clemson earlier this year. Auburn couldn’t handle Clemson’s defensive line and gained just 117 total yards as they lost 14-6 in a game that felt like a Clemson blowout. Relying on the defense to carry the team in big games can only go so far, that has now become clear. The conservative offensive play-calling down the stretch in close games is a recipe for disaster. Auburn players and coaches tried to blame Saturday’s loss on execution, but this loss ultimately falls on the coaching staff. Changes need to be made. Ed Orgeron made halftime adjustments; Gus Malzahn did not. When LSU brought another man into the box in the second half, Malzahn continued to stick with the run, no matter how many times the LSU front seven stuffed Kerryon Johnson in the backfield. Stidham saw this but said he was not given the authority to change the play call accordingly. This is inexcusable. Stidham is relatively inexperienced and has struggled at times, but he’s proven himself to be a capable quarterback. It’s time to turn him loose. Things won’t get any easier moving forward for the Tigers, and jobs are on the line as the season moves into the second half. Whatever margin for error Gus Malzahn had heading into the meat of the SEC schedule is gone. Road games at Arkansas and Texas A&M are now must wins for Malzahn if he hopes to keep his job, and Auburn will likely be heavy underdogs in their final two SEC games against Georgia and Alabama. Malzahn said postgame that this loss “is not the end of the world.” He’s right, it’s not the end of the world. But it should be the end of his tenure at Auburn.

Defensive coordinator Paul Rhoads can turn up the pressure and force the defensive line to put the necessary pressure on opposing quarterbacks, but more often than not, someone is going to be open for a quick pass when that happens. It’s really a rock and a hard place situation. 4. Who are some playmakers for Arkansas on both sides of the ball that Auburn fans should know about? On defense, you have Dre Greenlaw, linebacker, Henre’ Toliver, DB, and Kevin Richardson II, DB. Richardson just got the first pick off of Jalen Hurts all season last week. All three of these players can alter the outcome of a game. On offense, you have Chase Hayden and Jonathan Nance. Both are the Hogs’ most successful offensive weapons. The leading rusher on the team is Hayden. He’s a speedy RB with an impressive array of moves that he loves putting on anyone and everyone. Nance is the team’s leading receiver, and the one word that comes to mind with him is speed. He goes long, he gets there fast and he gets open. 5. What should Auburn fans expect when they travel to Fayetteville this weekend? Expect a rowdy crowd. Razorback fans get wild in Fayetteville. Expect it to be loud - win or lose, rain or shine. 6. Score prediction? 35-17 Auburn. The Tigers are going to be playing angry after being embarrassed by LSU last weekend. The Razorbacks are looking at a team that could very easily put them at 0-4 in the SEC if they make mistakes. I bet there will be a mistake or two.


Gus Malzahn reacts to a call in the second half. Auburn vs. Ole Miss.

lifestyle THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2017




Hopefuls pay hundreds for rush consultants Ashleigh McClure LIFESTYLE WRITER

Recruitment is notorious for being a week of heightened emotions, stress and achy feet. At larger SEC schools such as Auburn, recruitment is taken very seriously. Potential new members, or PNMs, have to acquire letters of recommendation, submit extensive resumes for each sorority and maintain a polished social media presence to attract their desired houses. Girls going through recruitment are expected to learn the proper etiquette and wear certain attire if they hope to make a good impression on active members. Because many PNMs are legacies and hope to follow in the footsteps of mothers, older sisters or grandmothers, preparation for recruitment can become extremely competitive. For girls who are new to the process, or for those who want exclusive information and advice, private coaching has become the next big thing in preparing for recruitment. With advice from professionals, sorority hopefuls learn what to wear, appropriate conversation topics and tips for polishing their resumes, just to start. For Auburn alumna Pat Grant, providing this service for young ladies is essential and is a proven factor in a successful recruitment week. Forming her company RushBiddies in 2010, Grant was inspired to help PNMs who were extraordinary candidates but did not understand the inner-workings of recruitment. Drawing from her past as a member of one of Auburn’s Panhellenic organizations, Grant provides workshops and personalized consultations weeks before recruitment begins.

These workshops start at around $100 for roughly two hours, but clients can request consultations over Skype, email and phone as well. Grant said she seeks to prepare young women to pledge the sorority of their choice. However, RushBiddies has been met with controversy since its creation, prompting many to voice their concerns about the business. One quick scroll through Facebook or Twitter will provide a slew of comments concerning the need for RushBiddies’ services, and question why girls feel the need to be coached in this area. For many parents and friends, the idea that young women are being coached to change themselves in order to fit in is unacceptable. They argue that in order to be placed in the right sorority, PNMs need to show their own personalities and quirks so they can find like-minded girls to be around. Beyond this, there are others who claim that it is completely unnecessary to pay for services such as this, as it furthers recruitment as a competition and makes it exponentially more difficult for future PNMs to find their place. RushBiddies is hardly the first company to tap into the profitability of recruitment, but they continue to provide services year after year to satisfied clients. According to Grant, most of her clients end up pledging their top choice of sorority thanks to the expertise she brings to the table. While recruitment continues to be a hot topic for many, RushBiddies plans on being a part of the industry for years to come and hopes that more and more women will see the value in preparing for such an important event.




‘The Nun’ shares love of sports Caroline Kruza LIFESTYLE WRITER


The band Whitey released their debut album “Light Upon the Lake” in 2016.

Artists to look out for in 2018 Cole Mccauley CAMPUS WRITER

2016 saw artists like Chance The Rapper and Twenty One Pilots make the leap into mainstream music superstardom, and with 2017 nearing a close, there’s a brand new batch of up-andcoming artists about to steal the spotlight. Based on their heightened successes during 2017 and the new impact on their respective genres, here is a look at a few artists on the verge of breaking out in 2018. DANIEL CAESAR Coming off the success of his debut album “Freudian” this past August, Canadian-born, R&B and soul singersongwriter has certainly risen in popularity in a short time. Only a month after the release of his first album, Caesar has transformed into a budding star, debuting a new original song with industry superstar Chance The Rapper live on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.” Caesar’s music can best be described as “smooth.” His voice, borderline angelic, is able to bring out intense emotions in the listener, whether sadness, joy or love. Caesar’s musical talent is evident – his ability to mix elements of R&B, soul and even gospel into his music only further demonstrates his superstar potential. Intimate vocals, soothing instrumentals and brilliant songwriting fill Caesar’s debut album. “Freudian” is tremendously relaxing and is perfect for someone who wants an emotionally charged

and passionate album to add to their queue. Caesar’s sound is comparable to a more acoustic Frank Ocean, and with the success that Ocean has had in past years, fans of the genre should be excited if the 22-year-old Torontonian’s next project ends up releasing in 2018. REX ORANGE COUNTY You probably wouldn’t be able to tell from just looking at him, but 19-yearold British songwriter Alex O’Collins, who goes under the stage name Rex Orange County, is exactly what the music industry needs right now. It’s nearly impossible to put a label on O’Collins as his music encompasses multiple different genres. O’Collins masterfully transitions through moments of pop, hip-hop, indie and jazz, sometimes all in one song. His music is both jubilant and calming enabling his half-sung, half-rapped melodies to give listeners a truly original musical experience. At his young age, O’Collins has already made an impact in the music industry with a collaboration with rapper Tyler The Creator under his belt. But make no mistake, Rex Orange County is not a rapper, despite the hiphop influence and occasional rap verse, Rex Orange County is a truly unique artist, and his recent album “Apricot Princess” proves that. Filled to the brim with lo-fi vocals, smooth, brooding instrumentals and melodic overtones, “Apricot Princess” is a remarkable album. O’Connors warm yet tender album is full of love ballads and indie-inspired melodies, which

makes it an incredibly deep and exciting listening experience. O’Connor’s already impressive ability to bend and distort his music to fit multiple genres should be welcomed in a world of increasingly one-dimensional artists. Still a teenager, the breakout of Rex Orange County is imminent. WHITNEY Whitney has a chance to be the next big indie-rock band. The indie band made waves on the indie music scene with its 2016 debut album “Light Upon The Lake” and their rare sound make them an interesting breakout candidate for 2018. Mixing elements of indie-rock, folk, country and soul, the music of Whitney is both new-age and reminiscent of music of great rock bands of previous generations. With calm and chilling vocals combined with soulful and folksy melodies, “Light Upon The Lake” is a revelation for the indie-rock industry. Funky bass lines, soft acoustic guitar and the occasional trumpet pair well with the radiant songwriting skills of Whitney frontmen Julien Ehrlich and Max Kakacek. If you took haunting acoustic songwriting of Bon Iver and added sprinkles of 70s rock influence, you’d get something close to Whitney. With nothing but a pair of singles to show for in 2017, fans are hoping the band’s second album will come in 2018, continuing the distinct brand of indie music that the Chicago band is known for.

Before Susan Nunnelly became “The Nun,” she was the young girl who loved athletics. “I was a tomboy growing up,” Nunnelly said. “There were two girls growing up in our neighborhood so if we did not do what the guys did, we did not do anything. My generation was before Title IX, so, of course, we did not have competitive sports in the state of Alabama. I played intermural and officiated sports as far back as in junior high.” Nunnelly moved her passion for sports to Auburn University in 1966. Her nickname “The Nun” developed when she and her roommate could not take being mistaken for each other any longer. “When we lived in what is now Ingram Hall, the desk girl would call for ‘Susan’ and inevitably if Susan Rhodes went down, it was for me,” Nunnelly said. “If I went down it was for Susan Rhodes. We told the desk girl to just call us Rhodes and Nun because of my last name.” Since her days as an Auburn undergraduate, Nunnelly has become a foundational part of Auburn Women’s Athletics and the City of Auburn. Despite her humility, Nunnelly’s career is the kind of legendary all coaches and professors dream of. She began coaching Women’s basketball in the mid-70s and taught in the now School of Kinesiology. She then worked to help develop the Camp War Eagle that every freshman attends, and still continues to make her appearances to rally the freshman despite the fact that she has been retired for almost ten years. She also continues

to teach a sports officiating class every spring semester. Not only has she kept her teaching career alive, she also the PA announcer for Women’s volleyball and basketball at Auburn, and has called every game that the SEC has ever sponsored for Women’s basketball. “I’d really like to do an NAA Final Four before I die, but I don’t know if that’ll ever happen,” Nunnelly said with a smile. Her outreach and love for officiating extend farther than the parameters of Auburn’s campus. Nunnelly helps officiate the youth sports in the City of Auburn in part with Auburn Parks and Recreation. Nunnelly said that playing sports almost always has a positive effect on children. “Unfortunately, I am a little bit worried about the travel teams that are going on now because it is more so the parents than the kids who are so obsessed with it that they’ve pressured the kids into playing yearround,” Nunnelly said. “It becomes a tunnel vision thing and I would hate to see it come to that point. It becomes something that it is not meant to be; sometimes the kids just want to play and have fun.” Nunnelly’s passion for Auburn’s community does not just end in the Athletics department. She is passionate about getting students to communicate with one another in a way they might not be used to. Nunnelly encourages students to reach out to others, and said students might not know who could use that communication to make their day better. “I think the good Lord put us here for one reason and that’s to love one another,” Nunnelly said.


The Auburn Plainsman



Scary movies to stream this Halloween Justin Thomason LIFESTYLE WRITER

Halloween is just around the corner, and there’s no better way to prepare than watching horror movies. They’re as essential to the fall season as the trees shedding their leaves and visiting the pumpkin patch. Staying up late Friday night to watch a horror film with friends can be a good way to ensure you won’t go to bed until Saturday morning, but all the jump scares, eerie sounds and nightmares are part of the fun. A trip to the theater and renting movies can become costly, but there is plenty of streamable terror available this October. NETFLIX “Hellraiser” This Clive Barker debut is based on his novel “The Hellbound Heart.” Since its release in 1987, it has become a classic and a must watch. The story follows a resurrected man’s attempt to restore his lifeless corpse through the consumption of fresh human blood. Along the way, a cursed puzzle box is revealed to hold the key to another dimension where repugnant horrors await. Barker’s on-screen visuals create a dreadful, gruesome atmosphere that isn’t soon forgotten. The concept is refreshingly original, and has since inspired eight more franchise films. “Babadook” Jennifer Kent, an Australia native, surprised many with this directorial debut. “The Babadook” is an imaginative psychological horror that takes you back to those childhood fears of monsters under the bed. A single mother battles her son’s fear of a fictional monster from a book. However, they soon realize that perhaps the monster isn’t so fictional after all. For 2014, this film was a creative break from the teen slasher flicks, and its production quality only heightens the terror. While the film doesn’t reach the level of masterpiece, it’s certainly worth a watch this Halloween. “It Follows” “It Follows” is another 2014 psychological horror with a creative concept. An evil entity, unseen to others, follows and kills the cursed. There’s only one way to survive: pass the curse onto someone else. The plot centers on Jay Height’s attempt to get rid of her curse. She learns that her boy-

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friend, Hugh, foisted the curse onto her when they had sex in his car. That’s right, the curse is transmitted through sex. Despite its unusual “monster” character, the film was well received at the Cannes International Film Festival. Director David Mitchell includes a good balance of fear and suspense, using few jump scares appropriately and effectively. Few recent horror films have received as much critical acclaim as this one. HULU “Silence of the Lambs” Almost everyone is familiar with the infamous cannibal, Hannibal Lecter, and that’s due to this 1991 film. Starring both Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins, the acting is phenomenally better than many other horror movies. Hopkins even won an Oscar for his role as Dr. Lecter. Don’t be fooled though, Hannibal’s role in the film is marginal. The plot follows Clarice Starling’s investigation of at-large serial killer, Buffalo Bill. The character is based on many real, iconic serial killers making the film even more unsettling to watch. Considered a masterpiece by many and frighteningly disturbing by all, this Jonathan Demme classic is an absolute must watch.


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AMAZON PRIME VIDEO “The Witch” A 1630s New England family is devastated by witchcraft, dark magic and demonic possession. The film doesn’t rely on jump scares or intense scenes to scare the audience. In this way, the film is a bit slow with little action. That being said, witnessing the Puritan family’s slow decay and submission to the forces of evil is horrific to say the least. The director, Robert Eggers, and composer, Mark Korven, combined the on-screen visuals with an unusual film score to create the feeling of a demonic presence throughout. The film focuses on the Puritans’ historical fears of goats, the woods, darkness and Satan to horrific effect. “Night of the Living Dead” Anyone familiar with the horror genre will recognize this George A. Romero zombie classic. Before the “Walking Dead,” “World War Z” and “Zombieland” there was a time that the modern zombie was absent from the big screen. That was until the release of this film in 1968. While the concept of zombies had been around, Romero was the first to introduce them as reanimated, flesh-eating cannibals. While the horror may not live up to today’s standards, the film still has historic, aesthetic

and cultural value. With horror legend George Romero unfortunately passing away this past summer, his spirit continues to scare you this Halloween. HBO “The Conjuring (2)” This decade has seen a lack of impressive horror films, but the “Conjuring” series is as close to a contemporary masterpiece as one can get. The stories are based on the accounts of Ed and Lorraine Warren, paranormal investigators. The first film follows a family’s battle with a dark presence in their farmhouse. The second shifts to London as Ed and Lorraine try to help a single mother whose home is inhabited by a supernatural spirit. While the series’ storylines aren’t revolutionary, the production quality heightens the horror. Director James Wan is a master of suspenseful scenes with the sound and music by Joseph Bishara playing a major role. All in all, these two films are near the top of the horror movie list. “Strangers” Purportedly inspired by true events, a young couple is terrorized by three, masked strangers at a rural vacation home. The tone of the movie quickly becomes alarming and stressful once the strangers arrive. Loud noises, strategic camera angles and pure evil turn this film into a viewer’s nightmare. The realistic nature of the film and the strangers’ unsettling appearance compound the horror. Critics have often disapproved of the extreme sadism and unbelievable characters, but others contend that the bludgeoning horror and extreme suspense contribute to the value of the film. Regardless, you’ll certainly check all your doors after watching this flick. “Split” The newest of the films listed, “Split” is set to be released on HBO three days before Halloween. This film is another success on a long list of M. Night Shyamalan works. Released earlier this year, “Split” was a huge success at the box office, grossing $138 million in the North America. “X-Men” actor, James McAvoy, plays a kidnapper with dissociative identity disorder. Three girls must try to escape his 23 distinct personalities before a fearsome, perhaps deadly, 24th emerges. This film is one of the best horror movies released this year, and Shyamalan’s expertise shines through.

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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

ACROSS 1 Wing it 6 Doing battle 11 Quarterback Brady 14 “Fun With Dick and Jane” (2005) actress 15 Hourglass, e.g. 16 Political commentator Navarro 17 Southern dish, so we hear 19 Tap site 20 Justice Dept. branch 21 Fair 22 What “A” is for, in Sue Grafton’s mystery series 24 Hot rod? 25 World’s navigable waters, so we hear 27 __ Friday 30 Savory Chinese snack 31 Manufacturing facility 32 Manhattan developer? 33 #1 texting pal 36 Welcome relief, so we hear 41 Sevilla sun 42 Nice way to say no? 43 __ signs 44 “I bet!” 47 Composes, as music for a poem 48 Suggestive dance, so we hear 50 Put on 51 Hindu class 52 Works on walls 53 Nursery complaint 56 __ Dhabi 57 Warning hint, so we hear 61 “Little ol’ me?” 62 “Middlemarch” novelist 63 Flowed back 64 Soup cooker 65 Criticize sharply 66 Butch and Sundance chasers

DOWN 1 Goya’s “Duchess of __” 2 Muscle used to raise your hand in school, for short 3 Lollygag 4 “Monsters, __” 5 Spokesperson’s route? 6 Till now 7 In those days 8 Gum ball 9 Galaxy download 10 Maintain, as roads 11 Bookie’s work 12 Last non-AD yr. 13 Tricks 18 Wicked 23 Cut of lamb 24 Belted out 25 Burn slightly 26 They may ring or have rings 27 Calculating pros 28 Plus 29 Outfit with bellbottom trousers 30 Steak named for its shape 34 Bravo automaker 35 Dough used in baklava

37 Letter-shaped fastener 38 One might be made of sheets and pillows 39 Exceed, as a boundary 40 Bris, e.g. 45 Flop’s opposite 46 Gushed 47 Go it alone 48 Rapscallion 49 Just not done

50 Quick with comebacks 52 Funk 53 Halloween decor 54 All in favor 55 Literary alter ego 58 Stadium cry 59 Wrestler Flair nicknamed “The Nature Boy” 60 “Entourage” channel


By Bruce Haight ©2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC



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