The Polyglot - Issue 17, Revolution

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A B I N G D O N ' S





POLYGLOT Lent 2020

Issue 17





Contents page







Voltaire's influnence on the French Revolution


Billy Backhouse La révolution de l'art abstrait en France


George Rich An Interview with Frau von Widdern Arlo Hyman, Jacob Eaton Das Leben der Anderen & Barbara - Film review



Philip Kimber The Cuban Revolution


Hamish Carle Georgian Literary Movement under the Russian Empire and USSR Luka Shanidze


Die außergewöhnliche Revolution Deutschlands Will Wakelam La révolution du cinéma Français: Nouvelle Vague Charlie Masters La revolución Espanola Tom Gardener

Toute la France dessine

La place de Marianne dans la république Jakob Hobbs



Editors' Letter


apoleon’s suggestion that ‘a

this change can manifest itself

revolution is an idea, taken

in a multiplicity of ways. In this

up by bayonets’ only addresses

issue, our team of writers have

one aspect of a term which is

written a range of articles which

as nebulous as it is broad. While

offer a flavour of the breadth of

revolution can certainly constitute

this term. The overarching theme

a sudden, fundamental overthrow

of revolution has provided the

of a political or social system

basis for wide-ranging discussions

like that which Eugène Delacroix

concerning philosophy, history and

envisaged in his famed painting,

culture with a number of articles

upheavals in culture, technology or

in French, Spanish and German.

science are equally revolutionary

Thanks must go to all those who

in the sense that they entail a

contributed to this edition and

dramatic and long-lasting change.

above all to Mrs Middleton who has

Indeed these revolutions have

overseen the publication of this

played an equally important part


in shaping the world as we know

revolvo - I turn around), change

Jakob Hobbs and Billy Backhouse

is the essence of revolution but


it. As its etymology suggests (Latin




Voltaire's influence on the French revolution oltaire's V s e r o l p x house e k c a B olution y l v l i e r B h c n e r n the F o e c n e u fl in mind but was first punished for challenging the ‘chevalier de Rohan-Chabot’ to a duel.


he French revolution of 1789 is

As a result, he was exiled to England where

unquestionably one of the most

he gained a great fascination with the

significant dates in French history. With the

differing systems of rulership; the British

collapse of the ‘Ancien Régime’ under Louis

constitutional monarchy opposed to French

XVI, figures such as Robespierre and Danton

absolutism. Voltaire was also greatly

sought to create a new French republic,

impressed in his ‘lettres philosophiques’

embodying new philosophical ideas to

by the freedom of both religion and speech

usurp the outdated, archaic views of the

in contemporary England. He stated in his

monarchy. Among which Voltaire, one of the

fifth letter that ‘everyone is permitted to

most influential thinkers of his time, had an

serve god in whatever mode or fashion he

especially profound impact.

thinks proper’ and even recounted a tale of a clergyman publishing an anti-establishment

Born in Paris in 1694, Voltaire grew up the

piece that was not censored by parliament.

youngest of five children of the lawyer

This was a stark contrast to the French

François Arouet. A polemicist from an early

monarchy's system of literary censorship.

age, Voltaire was no stranger to speaking his

For instance, Voltaire’s own ‘lettres



POLYGLOT philosophiques’ were ironically censored

and its contents, concluding that most of

and ‘burned publicly’ for not gaining the royal

its explanation was dubious and thus the

charter of the French monarchy. Although this

Church should be separated from the state.

letter merited an involuntary exile from Paris,

This separation or ‘laïcité’, as it would come

Voltaire’s beliefs in a society where people had

to be known, were fundamental tenets of the

the ‘liberté’ to publish whatever they wanted

new French republic and it could even be

and to believe in whatever they wanted is still

argued that the republic’s abolition of the first

prevalent today. The republican motto ‘liberté,

(clergy) and second (aristocracy) estates as

égalité et fraternité’ embodies Voltaire’s ideals

well as the reallocation of their assets further

whilst an official ‘loi sur la liberté de la presse’

belittled religion’s influence after the French

was passed at the start of the third French


republic. Although Voltaire did not live to see the Voltaire’s religious views also had a large

complete manifestation of this enormous

impact on the reformatory policies of the

cultural and philosophical metamorphosis,

French revolution. In his most famous work

I am certain that he would have relished its

‘Candide’, Voltaire satirizes its practitioners,

values of free speech and its repression of

presenting them as hedonistic, impious and

religion in state affairs. Nevertheless, we

thieving. Voltaire’s satire truly emphasises

must attribute a lot of the philosophical

the prominent role of the Catholic church in

advancements made during the French

French society and scrutinises it, especially

Revolution to Voltaire, a man who was

through his representation of a utopian society

prepared to be castigated, exiled and

in which religion plays no dominant role in

imprisoned so he could write about his

affairs despite co-existing. Wanting to explore

controversial views and a man who has since

more about the true scientific existence of

captured ‘l’esprit français’ that we see today.

God, Voltaire closely examined the Bible

ité et l a g é , é t r 'libe o tt o m n a eals d lic i b 's u e p r i e a r t l e Th es Vo i d o b m e ' fraternité




La Révolution de l'Art abstrait en France the George Rich surveys in France rt a t c a tr s b A f o e c n e emerg


'art abstrait est un art qui

Le mouvement de l’art abstrait a

n’essaie pas de représenter une

commencé à émerger au début du

interprétation actuelle d'une réalité

vingtième (20th) siècle, tandis qu’il y

visuelle, mais un art qui utilise des

avait un déclin dans l'appréciation du

formes, des couleurs et des marques pour

réalisme. L’introduction de l’art abstrait a

obtenir son effet. L'artiste russe, Wassily

aidé les mouvements similaires comme

Kandinsky, est considéré comme un des

l’Impressionnisme à être plus reconnus.

fondateurs du mouvement. Cependant,

L’Impressionnisme prend quelques

les artistes qui sont les plus connus pour

éléments d’une image et ensuite, il les

leur style abstrait en France incluent

manipule et les change pour représenter

Henri Matisse et Marcel Duchamp,

la lumière.

qui ont peint ‘L’escargot’ (The snail) et ‘Nu descendant un escalier’ (Nude

Tout comme beaucoup d’autres choses,

descending a staircase) respectivement.

l’art abstrait a été influencé par les deux guerres mondiales. L’impact de




ter n e s é epr r e d le, l s e a u p s ssaie réalité vi des e ’ t n e i s u r e art q elle d'un uleu o n c u t s , de it es ion actu s a e r t m et. s r ff t b o e a a f t t n s é L'ar r so rpr e de i e s t i n l e n i t i t une qui u s pour ob t r a ue un mais marq

ces guerres a signifié que beaucoup d’artistes ont dû fuir leurs maisons vers

style abstrait incluent Pablo Picasso et

la sécurité des États Unis. Quelques

Georgia O’Keefe entre autres qui ont aidé

artistes comme Marcel Duchamp (que

le mouvement à se répandre et à devenir

j’ai mentionné précédemment) ont

plus populaire avec les gens et nouveaux

montré leur réaction à leur situation en

artistes aussi. De nos jours, l'achat de

peignant avec leurs expériences. En

peintures abstraites est devenu très à la

plus, la vague d'indépendance du dix-

mode et la plupart des célébrités en ont

neuvième (19th) siècle pour les artistes

une chez eux.

a impacté l'émergence de l’art abstrait également. Cela signifie que les artistes ont donné plus de liberté et de puissance à produire le travail, ce qui leur a permis de développer leurs intérêts. Suite à cette

formes - form

vague d'indépendance, il y a une énorme

tandis qu'il y avait - while there was

augmentation dans la popularité de l’art

fuir - to flee

abstrait en France.

vague - wave en peignant - by painting

Maintenant, les artistes qui ont la plus

se répandre - to spread

grande notoriété pour avoir peint dans le

à la mode - fashionable


ont un chez eux - have one at home



An Interview with Frau Von Widdern cob By Arlo Hyman and Ja


By 1945, the United States and the


Soviet Union had begun to emerge as t the end of the Second World War,

ideologically opposed 'superpowers',

Germany was divided into four

each wanting to exert their influence in

zones of occupation under the control

the post-war world. Germany became

of the United States, Britain, France and

a focus of Cold War politics and as

the Soviet Union. Berlin, although located

divisions between East and West

within the Soviet zone, was also split

became more pronounced, so too did the

amongst the four powers. The American,

division of Germany. In 1949, Germany

British and French sectors formed West

formally split into two independent

Berlin and the Soviet sector became

nations: the Federal Republic of Germany

East Berlin. The division of Germany and

(FDR or West Germany), allied to the

the nature of its occupation had been

Western democracies, and the German

confirmed by the Allied leaders at the

Democratic Republic (GDR or East

Potsdam Conference, held between 17

Germany), allied to the Soviet Union.

July and 2 August 1945.




Soldiers extending the Berlin Wall in 1961


POLYGLOT In 1952, the East German government

escape into West Berlin. By 1989, the Wall

closed the border with West Germany,

was lined with 302 watchtowers. More

but the border between East and West

than 100 people died trying to cross the

Berlin remained open. East Germans could

Berlin Wall over the course of its 28-year

still escape through the city to the less

history. But the Wall was just one part

oppressive and more affluent West. It was

of the larger 'inner German border' that

under the constant surveillance of armed

separated East and West Germany, and

East German border guards who were

hundreds more were killed trying to cross

authorised to shoot anyone attempting to

other fortified border points.

What was life like in Berlin before the wall came down? I lived on the west side of the Berlin Wall. I was 13 when the wall was destroyed and up until then I hadn't really noticed any of the restrictions. I lived just within Berlin and we had a holiday house by the Baltic Sea in the north. We would go there three or four times a year so every time we wanted to leave Berlin, we had to go through a number of checkpoints in East and West Germany. If you were in any way suspicious to the East German border guards, they would take you aside and would search your car thoroughly, leaving everything strewn all over the place.

Did you do anything special on the evening of 9th November? Not in the evening because I was at school on the day that the wall came down, so I heard the news half way through the school day. The next day was a Saturday so we went to East Berlin and it was so weird, so different even though it was just a few kilometres on the other side. I remember the smells were different, the sounds were different, even the colours of the buildings were different, people’s clothes, people’s haircuts. Everything was different.

What was the atmosphere like when the wall had come down? Because so many friends and families had been separated, initially people were elated on both sides. East Germans wanted to visit West Berlin; many just to have a look. They just wanted to see what the supposed golden West was like and lots of West Germans would hit the cars on the top as a celebration at the borders. There was champagne and lots of partying.


Did your life change due to the reunification? My family life did not change because I had quite a small family, but my school life changed a lot. My school was only 2 km from the border meaning that when the new school year started, we had a completely new form of students who all came from East Germany, whose first language was Russian. They had a Russian teacher and they were two years ahead in Maths and Science; they were absolutely unbelievably amazing.

Was there a big difference in lifestyle between East and West Berlin and was it difficult for the two sectors to integrate? Once the wall had fallen the differences were not as big anymore. With time, many argued that the West had usurped the East which had an impact on the self-confidence of the people who had lived in the East. I think if you went to Berlin today you would not see the differences anymore. However, if you speak to people of my parents’ generation or even my sister’s generation, they will often still talk about East Germans and West Germans. They still have strong biases and prejudices against the East German people.

A segment of the Berlin Wall, today in New York



Das Leben der Anderen & Barbara - zwei gute deutsche Filme s 'Das lm fi e th s w ie v re r e b Philip Kim ara' rb a 'B & ' n re e d n A r e d Leben ab, und wisst, dass er mit einem Regimekritiker (Albert Jerska) gesprochen hat. Jerska begeht Selbsmord, und


as Hauptthema dieser zwei Filme

Wiesler lernt, dass Dreyman einen Artikel

ist die DDR - und der Widerstand

über die viele Suizide in der DDR schreibt.

gegen die Stasi. Der Hauptcharakter in

Der Redakteur der westdeutschen

Das Leben der Anderen, Georg Dreyman,

Zeitung ‘Der Spiegel’ gibt Dreyman eine

is ein Dramatiker, der einen Artikel gegen

verbotene Schreibmaschine, damit er

die Partei schreibt. Barbara (natürlich

den Artikel schreiben kann. Wenn die

die Protagonistin des Films Barbara) ist

Stasi Agenten Dreymans Haus besuchen,

eine Ärztin, die versucht, aus der DDR zu

kennen sie (wegen der Information


von Dreymans Freundin, ChristaMaria Sieland) das Versteck seiner

Das Leben der Anderen hat eine


spannende Handlung. Der Stasi-Agent Gerard Wiesler hört Dreymans Gespräche

Barbara ist auch ein Filmdrama mit einer




ir m n le l a f e r g ü f e R lm D i D F e e i d d i d l n i Be u e ( w d t, n e u r g e r i n i z seh t s s a i f ) ! o d s n h e c k i m ec r h c ers

und lehrreich sind, und ich würde sie empfehlen.

gespannten Handlung. Barbara kommt in

Aber meiner Meinung nach ist Das Leben

eine kleine Stadt auf dem Land, wo sie im

der Anderen ein besserer Film, weil er

Krankenhaus arbeiten muss. Sie versteht

aufregender ist. Ein wichtiger Grund

sich gut mit einer der Patienten, die Stella

dafür ist die Filmmusik. Barbara hat fast

heißt. Stella sagt oft, dass sie krank ist,

keine Musik und mehr die Geräusche der

weil sie in einem Jugendwerkhof arbeiten

Natur. Das kommt vielleicht realistischer

muss. Sie möchte die DDR verlassen, aber

vor, aber gibt dem Film ein langsamerer

das ist für sie natürlich gar nicht erlaubt.

Tempo. Ich sah gern beide Filme, und ich

Barbara hat aber eine Chance, die DDR

freue mich darauf, andere deutsche Filme

verlassen zu können, weil sie mit einem

zu sehen.

Westdeutschen befreundet ist. Die Stasi besucht häufig Barbara - also scheint der Film oft sehr spannungsvoll.

Beide Filme gefallen mir sehr gut, weil die DDR für mich so faszinierend (und erschreckend!) ist. Ich würde natürlich sagen, dass beide interessant




The Cuban Revolution Hamish Carle explores how an armed revolt carried out by the communist guerrilla group “The 26th of July Movement” became one of the most historic revolutions of the 20th century


he Cuban Revolution of the 1950s is organised crime in America tarnished his arguably one of the most significant public image.

and widely discussed revolutions in modern history - it was a key event in

The revolution is considered to have

the rise of Communism throughout the

formally begun on the 26th of July

20th century and the Guerrilla warfare

1953, a date now known as the Día de

that occurred led to the emergence of

la Revolución in Cuba, in which a young

famous revolutionary figures such as Che

revolutionary named Fidel Castro and

Guevara and Fidel Castro.

his brother, Raúl, led an unsuccessful military coup of 69 men on a Santiago

It was during the US-backed military

Army Barrack. They hoped to ignite

dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista in 1952

a nationwide revolt against Batista’s

when political discontent reached an all

government but many of their men

time high in Cuba due to unemployment

were killed by government soldiers and

and poor water infrastructure affecting

consequently the Castro brothers were

the entire nation. Batista’s links to

sentenced to jail - however in 1955 the




government, under political pressure,

asset to their cause. They adopted the

freed all political prisoners, including the

name the “26th of July Movement” - in


reference to their attack on the Santiago Army Barrack.

Once released from prison, they escaped to Mexico where they gathered other

The Castro brothers landed back in

Cuban exiles and formed a Guerilla

Cuba on December 2nd 1956 on the

movement to combat the Batista

“Granma” yacht with 80 other Guerrilla

leadership once more. Here, they

fighters including Che Guevara, at a

received training from Alberto Rayo, a

time when civil conflict against the

leader of the Republican forces in the

Cuban Government was increasing.

Spanish Civil war. It was at this time in

While marching into the Sierra Maestra

mid 1955 when they met Ernesto “Che”

mountains, they were attacked by

Guevara, an Argentine revolutionary, who

Batista’s army and their troops dispersed

would later become an indispensable

throughout the mountains. When they



POLYGLOT were able to link up again, it was found

efforts of the 26th of July movement with

that only 21 of the original 80 fighters had an attack of 12,000 men on the Sierra survived. This group of survivors included

Maestra mountains, named Operation

Fidel and Raúl Castro, Che Guevara and

Verano. In a series of small skirmishes,

Camilo Cienfuegos.

despite being hugely outnumbered, the Guerrillas were able to defeat the Cuban

The 26th of July Movement remained

army. In response to their victory, Castro

small in numbers throughout the

and his guerrilla troops descended from

revolution, sometimes with less than

the mountains and led attacks on four

200 men, yet they were consistently

fronts, replenished with new weapons

able to stage successful attacks on

captured from Batista’s men and

Batista’s army of 37,000 troops - showing smuggled in by plane. The guerrillas split the effectiveness of their training and

into four columns, led by Fidel Castro, Che

their supply of weapons from the CIA-

Guevara, Camilo Cienfuegos and Jaime

connected Frank Sturgis. A US arms

Vega. Whilst Castro’s column brought the

embargo on Cuba was established in

Cauto plains under his control, the other

March 1958, causing the deterioration

three proceeded towards Santa Clara,

of Batista’s air force. This, paired with a

with only Jaime Vega’s column being

growing number of violent revolutionary

destroyed on the way.

groups - including the Second National Front of the Escambray, significantly

On the 31st of December 1958,

weakened Batista’s forces.

the battle of

Batista finally responded to the

ment rem e v o M ly u J f o th 6 2 The volu e r e th t u o h g u o r th numbers yet they , n e m 0 0 2 n a th s s with le l attacks fu s s e c c u s e g ta s to able of 37,000 troop



POLYGLOT Santa Clara took place and the combined

In the aftermath of this revolution, Cuban

forces of Guevara, Cienfuegos and

relations with the US deteriorated as

Revolutionary Directorate rebels were

the US feared that this revolution had

victorious. As a result of this defeat,

inspired the spread of Communist

Batista fled the country on the 1st of

insurgencies throughout South America,

January and Fidel Castro immediately

whilst the Castro government resented

thereafter began negotiations to take

the US for having provided aid to the

over Santiago de Cuba. On the 2nd,

Batista government during the revolution.

Colonel Rubido, military commander in

By 1960, the Castro government had

Santiago de Cuba, ordered his soldiers

embedded Communism throughout

not to fight. Castro’s forces took over

the country. Cuba went on to heavily

the city and Guevara and Cienfuegos’

support Communist insurgencies in Latin

columns arrived - unrivalled - shortly

America, Africa and the Middle East.

afterwards. Castro’s choice of president, Manuel Urrutia Lleó, took office on the 3rd of January. The rebels had successfully overthrown the Batista dictatorship.

mained small in ution, sometimes y y were consistentl s on Batista’s army ps.




The Georgian Literary Movement under the Russian Empire and Soviet Union Luka Shanidze studies the Georgian literary movement un der the Russian Empire and USSR


eorgia is a small country located

the Soviet Union. So how did the fight for

between the Black and Caspian Seas,

homeland, religion and language prevail?

bordered by Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey. It boasts a rich culture, founded on

Georgia’s position at the ‘crossroads of

ancient legends and medieval artistic Golden

Europe and Asia’ has made it subject

ages, as well as being one of the earliest

to frequent invasions by the prevalent

Christianised states. The Georgian language

Ottoman and Persian empires during the

is very distinct and uses a unique version

late Middle Ages. During this troubled

of the world’s six main alphabet systems,

time, the Eastern Georgian Kingdom of

and has done so since the 4th century AD.

Kartli sought the help of another Orthodox

Language and cultural heritage are very

state, Russia, and an alliance was

important to Georgians but were undermined

established in 1783. However, the Russian

and put under attack by some of the policies

Empire became increasingly powerful,

which were imposed upon Georgia during

more so than the Ottomans or Persians,

its period under the Russian Empire and

and soon refused to fulfill the terms of



POLYGLOT the alliance. This led to the annexation of

the policies of the Russian Empire in the

Kartli in 1801, and subsequently in 1810

early 19th century. After the annexation of

the Western Kingdom of Imereti. Georgia

Georgia, in 1811, the Russian government

was now reduced to a Russian province,

abolished the independence of the

and this was acknowledged by the

Georgian Church. And so, according

Ottomans and Persians in various peace

to Chavchavadze’s statement that

treaties with the Russian Empire.

“We have three sacred things from our ancestors: language, homeland, religion”,

Towards the later half of the 18th century,

for Georgians, only language remained

social and economic issues became

as a symbol of their national identity.

apparent in many of the controlled

However, the Russian policies were soon

states of the Russian Empire. In Georgia

suppressing this too.

particularly, this led to a revival of romantic and patriotic literature, a

The Russian Empire started by abolishing

movement led by intellectuals and poets,

Georgian educational institutions,

the most prominent of whom was Ilia

replacing them with Russian elementary

Chavchavadze. In order to understand this schools. The development in Russian rise in patriotism, especially expressed

policy can be seen by the following

through literature, we have to understand

three progressions: in 1867, Georgian

We have three sacred things from our ancestors: language, homeland and religion 19



l a n o i t a n r o f e r u t a e f t s r fi e Th e g a u g n a l s i y identit

was compulsory for everyone but non-


Georgians. In 1873, Georgian was taught in schools, but not compulsory for anyone.

As we can see from the previous century,

Finally in 1881, teaching of Georgian was

language is a very sensitive subject to

wholly prohibited. Up until WW1 and the

Georgians, so when this legislation was

brief independence of Georgia, policies

to be introduced, it was met with outrage.

surrounding language became more

There were massive demonstrations in

oppressive, as it was the last major factor

protest of the new legislation, mainly

that kept Georgian patriotism intact.

by university students and respected Georgian intellectuals. On April 14th,

While the Soviet Union invaded Georgia

20,000 people marched on the House

in 1921, it was not until the 1970s, that

of Government in Tbilisi. This day is now

Georgian nationalist movements were fully commemorated in Georgia as the ‘Day of revived. At this time, Georgia was one of

the Mother Tongue’, an important day for

three Union Republics that had a national

commemorating the 1978 demonstrations

language of higher status than Russian -

and how they shaped the Georgian

the others were Armenia and Azerbaijan.

national movement which eventually

The trigger of the 1978 demonstrations

resulted in Georgian independence in

was the attempt by the Soviet authorities


to introduce legislation which would make

Today, we Georgians remain proud of our

Russian a state language in these three

‘language, homeland and religion’, all of




which at some point have been under

social, economic or political interactions,

threat, but have survived, carrying down

but something more deeply unifying;

an ancient history and rich culture. The

the medium through which we share

passion and determination with which

our history, our culture, and our ways of

these values were protected makes it


clear that language is not just a tool for


m u i d e m e h t s i Language e r a h s e w h c i h w through , e r u t l u c r u o , y our histor g n i k n i h t f o s y a w and our 21



Die e h c i l n h ö w e g r e ß u a n o i t u l Revo s d n a l h c s t u e t die D h c s r der n e t f m erfo a ch ela s k n a e W g l Wil Errun tion n e t r olu swe v n e e r k r r e b beme Novem

1933, wird die Novemberrevolution häufig


n Standardgeschichtsbüchern wird

als "unvollständige" Revolution von

die Weimarer Revolution regelmäßig

untergeordneter Bedeutung gesehen.

als ‘unvollständige’ Revolution dargestellt. Viele Menschen sind

Das ist jedoch nicht unbedingt

dieser Ansicht, denn diese Revolution

eine gerechtfertigte Darstellung.

schaffte es nicht, eine Demokratie zu

Man könnte argumentieren,

schaffen, die stark genug war, um dem

dass die Errungenschaften der

Aufstieg des Nationalsozialismus in den

Novemberrevolution, die einzige

frühen 1930er Jahren standzuhalten.

erfolgreiche Revolution in einem hoch

Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass die neuen

industrialisierten Land vor 1989, in der Tat

politischen Führer im Jahr 1918 die

bemerkenswert waren. Innerhalb weniger

bereits bestehenden wirtschaftlichen

Tage verwandelte sich Deutschland

und sozialen Beziehungen, die

friedlich von einer konstitutionellen

Staatsbürokratien und die Justiz relativ

Monarchie mit begrenzten

unberührt ließen, und wegen des

politischen Beteiligungsrechten in die

Niedergangs der Weimarer Republik

fortschrittlichste Republik der Zeit.



POLYGLOT Die Wahrheit ist, dass Deutschland

Welt, das das allgemeine Wahlrecht für

zu einer Demokratie wurde, die trotz

Frauen einführte, und Frauen bildeten

massiver innen- und außenpolitischer

tatsächlich eine bedeutende Mehrheit

Herausforderungen, die meisten davon

der gesamten Wählerschaft. Der

die Folgen eines verlorenen Krieges,

Beweis für diesen Fortschritt liegt in der

14 Jahre überdauerte und überlebte

Tatsache, dass die weiblichen Wähler

damit länger als fast alle anderen 1918

die männlichen Wähler bei den Wahlen

gegründeten europäischen Demokratien.

zur Nationalversammlung im Januar 1919 um 2,8 Millionen überschritten.

Deshalb scheint es deutlich, dass

Außerdem brachte das Jahr 1918 den

diese Revolution vielleicht zu Unrecht

Deutschen zusätzliche Freiheiten, die

kritisiert wird. Darüber hinaus ist

niemand vor 1914 für möglich gehalten

November 1918 nicht nur eine politische

hätte. Neben den politischen Reformen,

Revolution, sondern auch eine große

die gleiche Beteiligungsrechte

soziale Revolution markierte. Die

für alle erwachsenen

Novemberrevolution gewährte den


Frauen volle Staatsbürgerrechte; Frauen waren zuvor aus dem grundlegendsten Recht der

Staatsbürgerschaft ausgeschlossen worden: das Wahlrecht. Jedoch hatte diese Revolution entscheidende Auswirkungen auf die Situation der Frauen; Deutschland war das erste hoch industrialisierte Land der

r “Innerhalb wenige Tage verwandelte sich Deutschland friedlich von einer konstitutionellen Monarchie mit hen begrenzten politisc n in Beteiligungsrechte te die fortschrittlichs Republik der Zeit”




garantierten, gab es jetzt größere

mit Freude aufgenommen werden",

sexuelle Freiheiten, sowohl für Frauen

schrieb Magnus Hirschfeld, Leiter der

als auch für Homosexuelle beider

weltweit ersten LGBT-Rechtsorganisation,

Geschlechter. Als Ergebnis reagierten

im November 1918. Es ist daher deutlich,

Schwulenrechtsaktivisten sofort

dass viele Menschen maßgeblich von der

mit großer Begeisterung auf die

Weimarer Revolution profitierten.

Novemberrevolution und betrachteten sie als den Beginn einer neuen Ära

Selbst im Vergleich zu anderen

der sexuellen Befreiung, die die

europäischen Revolutionen wie in

Entkriminalisierung der Homosexualität

Finnland 1918 und Ungarn 1919

ankündigte. "Die große Revolution der

waren die revolutionären Ereignisse

letzten Wochen muss aus unserer Sicht

in Deutschland nicht nur ziemlich




unblutig, sondern auch bemerkenswert

Niederlage aufrechtzuerhalten und

erfolgreich, wenn sie nach ihren Zielen

mehrere Millionen Soldaten friedlich zu

(die Wiederherstellung des Friedens

demobilisieren. Zum Schluss scheint

und die Ablösung der Monarchie durch

es mir von entscheidender Wichtigkeit,

ein demokratisches Regime) beurteilt

die Weimarer Revolution mehr zu loben,

werden. Außerdem darf man nicht

die zur Schaffung der fortschrittlichsten

vergessen, dass es der Regierung es

Republik ihrer Zeit geführt hat und und

gelang, revolutionäre Energien zu

die, zumindest anfänglich, von großen

kanalisieren, die öffentliche Ordnung

Hoffnungen und Erwartungen für eine

angesichts einer historisch beispiellosen

noch unbekannte Zukunft begleitet war.




La révolution du cinéma Français: Nouvelle Vague ates the g ti s e v in rs te s a M ie Charl tion French cinema revolu


Ils o n les t jeté bas es - they t une hr t p le to rise - he basi ew t cs urn age ake - sh ooti ng

a Nouvelle Vague est un mouvement

style documentaire. Les

cinématographique d'art français

films présentaient des sons directs

qui a débuté à la fin des années

sur des films qui avaient besoin de

1950. Le mouvement se caractérisait

moins de lumière. Les techniques de

par son rejet des conventions

tournage comprenaient un montage

cinématographiques traditionnelles au

fragmenté et discontinu et des prises

profit de l'expérimentation. La Nouvelle

de vue longues. La combinaison du

Vague est souvent considérée comme

réalisme, de la subjectivité et du

l'un des mouvements les plus influents de

commentaire d'auteur a créé une

l'histoire du cinéma.

ambiguïté narrative dans le sens où les questions qui se posent dans un

Utilisant un équipement portable et

film ne reçoivent pas de réponse à la

nécessitant peu ou pas de temps de mise


en place, la manière de réaliser des films Nouvelles Vagues présentait souvent un


Certains des pionniers les plus en


POLYGLOT vue du groupe: François Truffaut, Jean-

dans l'appartement ou la cour d'un

Luc Godard, Éric Rohmer, Claude Chabrol

ami, en utilisant les amis du réalisateur

et Jacques Rivette, ont commencé

comme acteurs et équipe. Le coût du

comme critiques pour le célèbre

film était également une préoccupation

magazine cinématographique Cahiers

majeure; ainsi, les efforts pour sauver le

Du Cinéma. Le co-fondateur et théoricien

film se sont transformés en innovations

des Cahiers, André Bazin, a été une

stylistiques. Par exemple, dans À bout de

importante source d'influence pour le

souffle (Breathless) de Jean-Luc Godard,

mouvement. A travers la critique et de

après s'être fait dire que le film était trop

l'éditorialisation, ils ont jeté les bases d'un

long et qu'il devait le réduire à une heure

ensemble de concepts, révolutionnaires à

et demie, il a décidé d'éliminer plusieurs


scènes en utilisant des sauts, car elles ont été filmées dans une longue prise.

De nombreux films français de la

Les parties qui n'ont pas fonctionné ont

Nouvelle Vague ont été produits avec

été simplement coupées du film, une

des petits budgets; souvent tournés

décision pratique et aussi stylistique.

La Nouvelle Vague est souvent considérée comme l'un des mouvements les plus influents de l'histoire du cinéma




La Revolución Española

tion u l o v e r s e xplor e r e n e d r Tom Ga in Spain abrió la puerto- it estar divido- to paved the way for suministrar- to supply be split


cicatrisar- to scar

cabe apuntar que- it

hacer destacar- un golpe de estado-

should be pointed out

to highlight


a coup d'état

urante los años cuarenta, España vivió

poder. Además, la falta de estabilidad atrajo

una Guerra Civil que ha marcado al

la atención internacional ya que Europa

país desde entonces. Sin embargo, cabe

estaba en una época de inestabilidad política

apuntar que antes de este notorio suceso

y potencias extranjeras como Alemania e

había ocurrido una revolución. No se puede

Italia querían tener otro aliado nacionalista.

negar que fue el detonante de una de las

Como consecuencia, el interés de Franco se

guerras más violentas en la historia de

despertó y se empezó a suministrar armas y

España, provocando la adopción generalizada

dinero a los nacionalistas.

de creencias anarquistas y socialistas. Este acontecimiento hizo destacar las diferencias ideológicas dentro de la población española. Después de esta revelación, el estado quedó dividido y los nacionalistas intentaron un golpe de estado que falló. Como resultado, el país se sumió en una guerra civil que abrió la puerta al ascenso de Franco al




e n i s s ce de

n a r F ute la


Bande ’s t n e departm omplete three h c n e r f the F ed to c t o i s v r n nning i e i n e w r n i e e v w i w t e the ly crea udents t h S g cher. . i u n h Here ar o o e i v t h i n t T o e . z e comp n Ama navirus a é o r n d i o s n c s a t e u e D BD abo ’s prais l D a o c i H p a o t eceived r s e i r t en s, 2J

ndrew A m a d A

Nathan Shestopol, 2H

Alex Lees, 4HCGM




Liberté, egalité, fraternité: la place de Marianne dans l'imagerie de la République By Jakob Hobbs


u coeur de cette huile sur toile

icône et comment peut-on expliquer son

d'Eugène Delacroix, on peut voir


une femme, coiffée d’un bonnet phrygien. Dans sa main droite, elle brandit un

Pendant la Révolution Française de

drapeau tricolore, dans sa main gauche

1789, l’imagerie liée aux idées abstraites

un fusil à baïonnette. Cette femme est

de la Liberté et la Raison est devenue

Marianne, la personnification de la liberté

répandue. Au début, il existait de

et symbole de la République française.

nombreuses personnifications de

Marianne incarne les valeurs de la devise

ces valeurs mais au fil du temps, un

française: Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité

personnage est devenu de plus en

et en France, son profil est devenu

plus populaire: Marianne. En 1792,

omniprésent. De bustes à timbres, l’image la Convention Nationale a décidé de Marianne est gravée dans le paysage

d'incorporer l’image de Marianne dans

politique de la France. Sur cette toile de

le sceau de la Première République.

fond, quelles sont les origines de cette

Marianne a formé les fondations des



POLYGLOT valeurs de ce nouveau départ après la

Depuis lors, les représentations de très

violence de la Révolution. Pendant la

large diffusion (par exemple les timbres-

Troisième République, la prévalence de

poste et les pièces de monnaie) sont

Marianne a continué d’augmenter avec

devenues répandues. De nos jours,

l’installation des bustes dans presque

Marianne continue de tenir une place

toutes les mairies et les bâtiments

importante dans la République française

officiels. En 1879, une statue de Marianne

comme un symbole des valeurs qui

a été construite Place de la République.

guident la France et le peuple.



POLYGLOT émancipés à Rome et un symbole de la

Marianne à travers les âges

Liberté. Finalement, Marianne symbolise le triomphe de la République (dans

Bien que l’apparence de Marianne ait

les révolutions de 1789 et de 1848) et

évolué, l’imagerie fondamentale reste

souvent elle porte des symboles de cette

inchangée. Avant tout,

lutte: un fusil à baïonnette, une pique et

Marianne est symbole de la Liberté. Toute

un symbole d'autorité et la justice, soit le

son apparence tient une importance

faisceau de licteur.

symbolique. Depuis l’Antiquité, la Liberté a été représentée par une femme et

L’apparence de Marianne a évolué afin de

la feminité de Marianne est soulignée.

réfléchir le contexte politique et social. En

Souvent cette feminité a été moquée

2018, Macron a dévoilé le nouveau visage

dans des caricatures antifrançaises

de Marianne qui incarne l’idée d’une

mais pour les Français, cette femme

femme forte. L’imagerie de Marianne

est une source de fierté. De plus, elle

continue et continuera à symboliser et

porte le bonnet phrygien, un objet

façonner l’identité française. Sa place est

porté originalement par les esclaves


L'imagerie de Marianne continue et continuera à symboliser et façonner l'identité française 32



s t i d re




Billy rs-in B Jak ackho Chief ob H u obb se s

tors u b i r t Con ouse

ckh Billy Ba Carle Hamish Rich George bbs o Jakob H sters Ma Charlie anidze Luka Sh dener r Tom Ga elam k Will Wa ber im Philip K an m Arlo Hy ton a Jacob E

and t r fA o d n Hea Desig aley He es



rvisi Edito ng r Mrs Midd


The Polyglot is a publication wholly produced and owned by Abingdon School, a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity (Charity No. 1071298). Copyright in all articles and images remains with the creators and owners of those works. Previously published images and other excerpts from published works are used under the terms of Fair Use or a Creative Commons licence.



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