A B I N G D O N ' S
POLYGLOT Michaelmas 2021
Issue 18
Contents 4
L'Accord de Paris: objectif atteignable ou rêve irréaliste? Billy Backhouse
Los árboles del Amazonas Charlie Masters Atomausstieg in Deutschland
Environment interviews with assistants
Nuclear power and the future of electricity generation in France Jakob Hobbs
Mother Earth Luka Shanidze
Finn Wilson Protéger l'environnemnet
Will Wakelam
The Anthropause and its impact on wildlife
Rohan Chandrasekaran Matty Rolfe
Dubai Fact File Arth Gupta
L'Accord de Paris: objectif atteignable ou rêve irréaliste ? BY BILLY BACKHOUSE
onceptualisé et conçu en
lors est entrée en vigueur en
2015 au Bourget, l’Accord
novembre de la même année.
de Paris représente ‘un traité
C’est le premier accord qui
juridiquement contraignant’
assure légalement que tous
qui a pour but de limiter le
ses participants aient un plan
réchauffement global d’au
quinquennal détaillé des mesures
moins deux degrés centigrades
qu’ils vont prendre pour réduire
et de réduire 70% de toutes les
leurs émissions, autrement connu
émissions produites d’ici 2030.
sous le nom de CDNs (conditions
En 2016, la convention est signée
déterminées nationalement).
par quelque 196 pays et depuis
“ ”
quelque 1 68 pays ont déjà r atifié ce traité
Qui fait partie de l'accord ?
critiques ont questionné la viabilité d'une
Comme nous l’avons indiqué,
telle législation. Une préoccupation
quelque 196 pays ont déjà ratifié
est liée au souci financier, étant
ce traité. Quelques absents
donné que beaucoup de pays en
notables incluent la Turquie, l’Iran
voie de développement sont privés
et l’Irak; tous parmi les pays les
des fonds nécessaires pour remplir
plus émetteurs de CO2 au monde.
leurs obligations. En réponse à ce
On doit mentionner qu’en 2019,
problème, de multiples gouvernements
l’administration de Donald Trump
de pays plus développés ont promis
a quitté librement l’accord, citant
la mobilisation d’environ 100 milliards
que de tels accords 'affaiblissent et
de dollars par an pour qu’ils puissent
défavorisent l’économie américaine’.
aider les moins développés à s’occuper
Depuis, les États-Unis ont rejoint le
soit de l'adaptation, soit de la mitigation
traité proposé de nouveau sous le
au changement climatique. De plus,
conseil du Président Biden.
quelques détracteurs ont critiqué l’application actuelle des accords; bien
L’Accord va-t-il réussir ?
que l’accord puisse punir certains aspects
Depuis sa conception, de nombreuses
de la convention (comme la nécessité
de produire une CDN), les pays qui
principales: l’indice de changement
échouent à compléter leurs objectifs
climatique, le tracker d’action
ne peuvent être punis d’aucune
climatique et l’horloge climatique.
manière monétaire ni armée qu’il
Toutes montrent qu’aucun des
soit. Selon le scientifique de la
plus grands émetteurs (Chine, Les
NASA James Hansen, les accords
États-Unis, L’Union européenne
se révèlent frauduleux : “il n’y a pas
et Inde), qui constituent 55% des
d'actions, seulement des promesses”
émissions globales, n’ont réalisé
et il suggère qu’une taxe carbone
des progrès dans la réduction
aurait un effet bénéfique pour
de leur empreinte carbone. Plus
assurer une réduction concrète des
alarmant, le tracker d’action
émissions de CO2. D’autres organes
climatique démontre que la
de réflexion ont questionné la validité
Chine et les États-Unis ont
de ses promesses, car ils ne croient
tous deux augmenté leur
pas qu’il soit probable que les plus
production de gaz à effet de
grands émetteurs réduisent leurs
serre de 2%, provoquant
émissions de leur propre volonté sans
un doute sur l’efficacité
des ramifications légales. De fait,
des accords. La seule
l’organisation qui sous-tend l’accord
source réelle d'espérance
croit que les pays seront encouragés
vient de différentes
à baisser leurs émissions à cause de
politiques 'zéro-carbone'
l'opinion publique ainsi que la honte de provoquées par la n’avoir pas complété leurs objectifs.
signature des accords, telles que l’interdiction
Le progrès déjà accompli
de toutes les voitures
Malheureusement, il existe aussi
essence et diesel
des soucis liés au progrès déjà
en Angleterre d’ici
accompli vers la réalisation des cibles
nationales. Par exemple, on mesure le progrès avec trois méthodes
Depuis sa conception, de nombreuses critiques ont questionné la viabilité d'une telle législation
Los árboles del Amazonas arches how e s re rs te s a M ie rl a h C lt with a e d g in e b is ru e P in deforestation
degradación forestal que en cualquier otro lugar para el 2030. La mayoría
ás de la mitad del Perú está cubierto
de las tierras forestales en Perú son
de árboles. Esto significa que Perú es
propiedad del gobierno nacional, lo cual
uno de los 10 países con mayor biodiversidad
permite a los solicitantes la cosecha
del mundo, con más de 330.000 personas
temporal de ciertas áreas. Pero en
que dependen directamente de los bosques
cuanto a la tierra, las comunidades
del país para vivir, y muchos más que
indígenas quieren reconocimiento dado
dependen de los numerosos productos y
su uso y administración a largo plazo.
servicios ecosistémicos que brindan estos bosques. Al mismo tiempo, según WWF, la
A nivel del suelo, las comunidades
Amazonía es uno de los principales frentes
indígenas de la región de Madre de
de deforestación, una de las 11 regiones que
Dios, la provincia donde está una gran
se espera que tenga más deforestación y
parte de la selva tropical, y el resto de la Amazonía, están participando en una
está cubiert o de árboles covered in tr ees brindan eso s bosques these trees provide los solicitan tes - applica nts a largo plazo - long term la selva - jun gle
iniciativa global llamada "Reducción de emisiones por deforestación y degradación forestal" (REDD +). Todos
los programas REDD + requieren
POLYGLOT el monitoreo y la medición de las emisiones de carbono en el bosque para compensar el progreso financiero, pero también para
la med ic un pas ión - measu re o further mãs ãlla - on ment e step millas cu alojam adradas - s qu ie bonofi nto - accom are miles cacion modat ion e se cre ó recie s - bonuses nt recent ly crea emente - it was ted
aprender qué estrategias de conservación son más efectivas. Las comunidades indígenas de la Amazonía van un paso más allá.
En Perú también existe el Grupo Maderacre, que administra casi 850 millas cuadradas de bosque tropical, la concesión más grande de este tipo en Perú. El enfoque de Maderacre es el uso responsable de los recursos forestales, dice la gerente industrial Andrea del Pozo, y la empresa fue la primera en Perú en participar en
Ambiente de Perú. Dice que la deforestación está aumentando, y esto se debe en parte a que el ministerio en sí se creó recientemente en 2009, pero también a que hay una alta tasa de rotación en los puestos gubernamentales en todos los niveles: local, regional y nacional.
En general, lo que vemos aquí es la cooperación entre los pueblos indígenas, las empresas de tala de árboles y los políticos para mantener la hermosa selva tropical.
un proyecto REDD +. Maderacre ofrece a sus empleados plenos derechos laborales así como seguro, alojamiento y comida y bonificaciones por productividad.
En la oficina de Lima, lejos del verde, Gustavo Suárez de Freitas dirige los
programas de conservación forestal y cambio climático del Ministerio de Medio
la Amazonía es uno de los principales frentes de deforestacíon
Atomausstieg in Deutschland: Wie Fukushima den Aussteig aus der Kerneergie auslöste ase Will Wakelam discusses the ph y out of nuclear energy in German
s besteht kein Zweifel, dass die
internationaler Ruf als Hochtechnologieland
Fukushima-Katastrophe einen
mit beeindrucken Sicherheitsstandards.
signifikanten Wendepunkt für den
Dieser Aspekt hat sogar begeisterte
Umweltschutz in Deutschland markierte.
Anhänger der Kernenergie dazu gebracht,
Am 11. März 2011 löste eines der stärksten
sich selbst zu hinterfragen. Zu ihnen gehörte
Erdbeben aller Zeiten einen Tsunami
Angela Merkel, eine ausgebildete Physikerin,
vor der japanischen Pazifikküste aus.
die an die friedliche Nutzung der Kernenergie
Die gigantischen Wellen rollten über
glaubte. Zum Beispiel hatte sie sogar die
das Atomkraftwerk Fukushima Daiichi,
Mitte-Links-Koalitionsregierung ihres
zerstörten das Kühlsystem und verursachten
Vorgängers, Gerhard Schröder, angegriffen,
eine Kernschmelze in drei seiner sechs
weil sie den Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie
Reaktoren. Die Fukushima-Katastrophe war
beschlossen hatte. Jedoch wurde ihre
die schlimmste nukleare Katastrophe seit
Meinung durch die Fukushima-Katastrophe
Tschernobyl 1986.
geändert, als Merkel drei Tage nach der Katastrophe ankündigte, dass Deutschland
Besonders wichtig ist jedoch Japans
nach der ‘unvorstellbaren Katastrophe’
in Japan seine kürzlich genehmigte
für den Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie
Verlängerung der Betriebsdauer von
bis Ende 2022. Allerdings verklagten
Kernkraftwerken aussetzen würde.
Energieunternehmen die Regierung auf Schadensersatz und dieser Prozess dauerte
In nur wenigen Wochen ist die politische
fast zehn weitere Jahre, bis beide Seiten
Dynamik, die von der Fukushima-
einem Schadensersatz in Höhe von 2,4
Katastrophe ausgelöst wurde, spürbar
Millionen Euro zustimmten, wobei die
geworden. Merkels enger Verbündeter und
Steuerzahler die Rechnung für den Ausstieg
ein großer Befürworter der Atomenergie,
Stefan Mappus, verlor als amtierender Ministerpräsident in Baden-Wurttemberg gegen Winfried Kretschmann von den Grünen. Das repräsentierte eine politische
In nur wenigen Wochen ist die politsiche Dynamik, die von der FukushimaKatastrophe ausgelöst wude, spürbar geworden
Premiere für die anti-nukleare Partei, vielleicht noch bedeutender angesichts des Ansehens Baden-Württembergs als konservativen Bundesland.
Drei Monate später stimmte der Bundestag
Environment interviews ssistants a e g a u g n la r u o d e w We intervie problems l ta n e m n o ir v n e t u o b to learn a tries. n u o c ir e th in s n o ti lu and so
warming is caused by our CO2 emissions. The
modern community produces too much CO2. At the same time, forests are being cut down
Climate change
and natural habitats for animals and plants
Different regions have been differently
are being destroyed. I believe that it is not
affected: towns by the sea or on rivers
the fault of a single country, but every nation
have been faced with flooding, the heat
on earth is contributing to climate change.
and dryness have a negative effect on the
Germany produces just as much CO2 as any
vegetation and agriculture, and the Alpine region has less and less snow. When I was a child, there was a lot of snow at my house, but last year there was almost none.
other country on Earth.
Probably the most famous demonstrations in Germany were organized by ‘Fridays for future.’ These were held mainly by students
As with everywhere else in the world, the
and because of the global pandemic their
main cause of climate change is global
online activity had to be rescheduled at short
warming, which not only heats up the Earth, but also changes the weather. Global
Pollution In the many big towns in Germany you
Public Transport.
may only drive with an environmental
Definitely! The Germans are very proud of
badge. Depending on the emission levels
their cars and many do not own only one, but
of the car you will get a red, yellow or green
several. My parents, for example, own three
badge. In most of the towns you may only
cars and my grandma, who lives in the same
drive with a green badge. However there
house, also owns a car, so my parents have
is not, as in England, a fee to be paid in the
a total of 4 cars. Of course, every car needs
environmental zones you may drive.
a garage, because in Germany cars are not parked outdoors. My parents live in a small
Currently 46% of Germany's energy comes
village with 50 inhabitants and the nearest
from renewable sources, mainly wind solar
supermarket is 7km away, so you really need
and biomass. Renewable energy has been
a car. But not 4! Unfortunately, many people
one of Germany's top priorities and you will
have too many cars in Germany.
notice this every time you visit Germany as you can see solar panels and loads of wind turbines everywhere. These are a lot more
Yes, one can rent bicycles everywhere. In big
common in Germany than other countries
towns there are rental bikes, they are also
as farmers like to make money with biogas
not expensive ( 5 cents per Minute in Munich
by producing energy from biomass. The
- 3 euros per hour). In resorts they have many
government encourages electric cars and
hotels to rent their own bicycles and areas to
to take the train/bus by making the prices
explore on the beautiful bike-rides.
low. They create very good cycle tracks and encourage people to keep their cars at home when possible.
POLYGLOT están muy sucias y la basura no se
Dominican Republic
recoge a menudo. Mucha gente tira los desechos en las calles. ¡Qué horror!
Ubicada en el centro del Caribe, la República dominicana sufre del cambio climático y desastres naturales como los huracanes y los terremotos.
Además, la gente no recicla frecuentemente. No lo hacen porque tienen otras preocupaciones.
Las causas principales del cambio climático son la contaminación del aire, los gases de los vehículos y, además, las autoridades no educan a la población sobre la problemática del cambio
Normalmente, mucha gente tira basura a la calle y nadie le dice nada por eso.
No es normal utilizar tu propia bolsa de plástico.
Había protestas cuando Greta Thunberg era famosa pero perdieron el impulso rápidamente.
Las posibilidades de que se recicle son bajísimas.
Es más, cada vez es más común que más gente opte por tener su propio
En este momento, en la República Dominicana hay algunas normas para frenar el cambio climático, pero el plan no es muy claro o conciso. Así que la
vehículo. Así que el transporte público no es popular y puede ser caótico.
En este momento, hay muchos
gente no respeta la situación.
vehículos en la República Dominicana en mal estado.
Respecto a la energía renovable, hay dos parques solares y planes para
Normalmente, únicamente los turistas
proyectos de energía eólica.
alquilan las bicicletas.
En la República Dominicana las calles
-Does your country have any schemes
-Est-ce que le changement climatique impacte votre pays?
to deal with air pollution like the congestion charge in London? During the summer, when pollution is
Oui, évidemment. Je pense que le changement climatique impacte notre pays mais que les mesures prises ne
even worse, the Mayor decides to put in place a period when you can or cannot drive, depending on the registration
sont pas assez efficaces. Je pense
number of your car. You can only drive
que la France est en retard si l’on
your car on certain days, based on the
compare avec d’autres pays comme
l’Allemagne ou les Pays-Bas. Je crois que le problème vient principalement
-Is public transport encouraged?
des grosses industries qui génèrent
Yes, we are encouraged to take public
beaucoup d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Je pense qu’il y a une certaine forme d’égoïsme puisque beaucoup de gens ne pensent pas aux générations
transport. It is really easy to use but I think that the prices are expensive (though it is not as expensive as in England). This is a shame because it
puts many people off. I studied in Reims
-Have there been any protests against climate change in your country?
and I used to take the tramway : in three years the price of the one-hour ticket increased by 30 centimes ! 10 centimes
Of course. France is the country of
every year... It may not be much but I’m
protests! There are lots of ‘Marche
sure that if we do a little calculation it
pour le climat!’. Et une autre forme de
represents a lot of money as I used to
contestation se passe dans les urnes:
take the tramway twice a day !
pendant les élections municipales en juin dernier. Il y a eu ce que l’on appelle ‘une vague verte’, c’est-à-dire que beaucoup de Français ont voté pour les écologistes.
Nuclear power and the future of electricity in Fran ce Jakob Hobbs discusses the viability of nuclear power
ith over 70% of its electricity
In a public display of support for nuclear
derived from atomic energy,
energy, Macron has declared that the nuclear
France’s reliance on nuclear power is
power represents ‘l’avenir énergétique et
patent. For over four decades, a network
écologique de la France’. The reality is far
of 56 nuclear reactors has made France a
from clear-cut.
world leader in electricity generation and
A brief history
energy independence. However, concern continues to mount over the safety of its ageing power plants and, as support for truly
In the post-war period, France was initially
renewable energy gains traction, many have
reliant on foreign oil to meet its energy
begun to question the long-term viability
demands. However, the importance of energy
of nuclear power. The debate concerning
independence was becoming increasingly
nuclear energy has become increasingly
apparent and the 1973 oil crisis crystallized
polarized with some labelling it the panacea
the need for a transition away from foreign
of energy production, others a deadly threat.
energy sources. In this light, the Messmer
Plan was launched, an initiative seeking to ensure energy independence through the construction of a vast network of nuclear
Above all, nuclear power is a clean energy
power stations. Over the next two decades
source which will allow France to reach
Électricité de France (EDF) would oversee the
its ambitious goal of carbon neutrality by
installation of over 56 reactors. Due to the
2050. While France has committed to a 50%
rapid increase in energy production, France
nuclear power reduction target by 2035,
has become the world’s largest net exporter
Macron has underlined the vital role that
of electricity and gains over €3 billion per
nuclear power will play in reducing CO2
year from this. France was seen by many as a
model for a transition towards nuclear power.
Replacing nuclear power plants with renewable alternatives would be costly and would reduce France’s energy capacity. Furthermore, in comparison with
POLYGLOT its European counterparts, France has a
began in the 1970s and have continued
significantly lower number of yearly deaths
to the present day, spearheaded by
from air pollution and this trend has been
organisations such as Greenpeace and
linked with France’s use of nuclear power.
Sortir du nucléaire. The nuclear meltdown of
Nuclear power could also help support a
Fukushima in 2010 prompted a wave of anti-
transition towards more ecologically sound
nuclear sentiment with particular criticism
travel. Low electricity prices guaranteed by
targeted at Fessenheim nuclear power
nuclear power could help to encourage the
plant, the oldest operational power plant in
use of electric cars, a strategy touted as a
France. These campaigns were eventually
key measure in reducing carbon emissions.
successful with Fessenheim closed down
While there are concerns about disposal of
in June 2020. There is significant concern
nuclear waste, the quantity of high-level
about the environmental impact of nuclear
radioactive waste is equivalent to 11 grams
power plants in France. Nuclear waste can
per capita. France also has the capacity to
pose grave health risks and France produces
recycle uranium through its La Hague site
the most per capita of any country in the
thus improving the efficiency of its power
world. The issue of storing approximately
10,000 cubic metres of nuclear waste has become a serious problem in France and
Opposition and disadvantages
Greenpeace have underlined the damage that leakage into groundwater
The anti-nuclear movement continues to
garner significant support in France. Protests first
n o c e t a b e eJudly Movement rem Th r The 26th of c n i e lu o v m e r e o ghout th uc roe thb rss bea numh y eg yeltith , n e m 0 0 2 n n a th s s l e with le b a l e m a l ttacks o fu s s s e c c u s e g ta s to able op, on tr 0 o 0 ,0 i 7 3 t f o c u prod 18
POLYGLOT cause. The risk of accidents is often cited
nuclear power. It is a source of energy with
by detractors. In particular, critics of nuclear
immense potential and continues to become
power point to Fukushima and Chernoybl.
more efficient and safe as technology develops. Though debate surrounding
Furthermore, there have been several
this issue has not ceased to rage, France
accidents in France such as a leakage of
continues to spearhead advances in nuclear
liquid uranium at the Tricastin power plant
fusion technology (particularly at the ITER
in 2008. However, scientists predict that
tokamak, a facility in Provence, Southern
a major nuclear accident is likely to take
France). Given the pressing nature of the
place every 10-20 years globally. Similarly,
climate crisis, it seems foolish to me to
while terrorist activity could be disastrous,
disregard such a potent technology. Nuclear
the likelihood of a terrorist attack occurring
power undoubtedly has risks but they are
is minimable (though cyber-attacks are
risks worth taking.
perhaps more concerning). It is difficult to reach an objective conclusion regarding the viability of
y g r e n e r a e l c u n h ncering t i w , d e s i r in a ll l a m s o d e p in a m y l g n i s a e r y g r e n ution, sometimes e f o a e c a y tl n n te is s a n coe p gys owinteBrteah . tista’s armyeadly threat d a s r e h t . p,so 19
Mother Earth Luka Shanidze talks about the personification of the Earth
veryone has heard the phrase
this was used to distinguish the names
"Mother Earth" or "Mother Nature";
of gods from their respective elements.
it is one of the most universal cultural
For example, the word for inanimate
phenomena. Once revered as a maternal
fire "péhur" becomes the animate word
deity to humankind, now the image is
"hngnis" to describe the God of fire.
used to create sympathy and encourage
However, in the case of the earth deity
care for our planet. In this way, the fight
"dégōm", no such pattern is traced.
for the environment may not be such a
Instead, it is believed that she was a
new idea, as the personification of the
direct personification of the inanimate
earth in ancient culture also demanded
Earth. And since there was no distinction
respect and care. The difference is that
between male and female, her gender
now we care out of desperation, whereas
had to be identified from her common
once, people protected it out of gratitude.
epithet of "Méhatēr" (mother) and her common depiction alongside "Dyus phtr"
The personification of the earth is at
the 'Sky Father'. The Earth Mother is a
least as old as Proto-Indo-European
figure in Eurasian culture that visibly
culture and religion - that is, 4000 years
inspired most cultures following it. Most
old. The reconstruction of PIE language
notably, the Hellenic creation myth stars
shows that it had a two gender system
"Gaia" as the Earth Mother and "Uranus''
for distinguishing between animate and
as the sky father. These two give birth
inanimate nouns. In religious context,
to the Titans, and by extension most
POLYGLOT of the pantheon are from their lineage.
The most prominent theory seems to
Other examples of an Earth Mother
be that the personification of the earth
and Sky Father giving birth to the main
reflects its perceived role in the universe,
Gods appear in Hindu and Norse myth.
and hence by fulfilling a maternal role
However, the phenomenon is almost
for humankind, it has been depicted as a
universal, as it arose in places around the
mother. It provides crops, materials and
world completely independent from each
shelter, as well as always being nearby.
other. For instance, the creation myth
Parallels can be drawn to the traditional
of Maori legend sees "Papa '' the earth
biological role of human mothers: to stay
goddess, "Rangi" the sky god give birth
with their children and bring them up.
to the rest of the gods. Incan belief also
Another interesting interpretation could
follows a similar motif of a central earth
be given to the personification of the sky
goddess "Pachamama", who is attributed
as a father; a figure more detached from
with the creation of the four main
his children, one that looks over them
'cosmological principles': water, earth, sun
and offers a role model, a place to strive
and moon.
for. Another aspect of this cosmological family lies in the occurrence of rain.
The parallels are clear between various
Many cultures would have seen rain as
independent cultures around the world,
the sky's fertilization of the Earth, which
so how is it that the idea is so universal?
also reflects the father and mother
Now we care out of desperation, whereas once, people protected it out of gratitude 21
e r e w s e l p o Ancient pe s t c e ff e e h t f aware o e h t n o s n a m of hu t n e m n o r i v n e
relationship, and thus asserts their
inspiration from a different source than
respective genders. So overall, the reasons
the Proto-Indo European story, and the
for why the earth is called 'mother' and the
environment of Egypt may be one way to
sky 'father' seem intuitive, but how do we
explain the change in myth.
explain exceptions to this? One of the largest ancient religions that
The personification of the Earth was
opposes the earth mother and sky father
not just an observation, though. It might
model is that of Egypt. However, the roles
have served a purpose similar to the
of these two gods differ in many ways to
one it does today. With many ancient
the previously mentioned beliefs. One
cultures stressing filial piety and ancestral
theory is that, in contrast to the previous
worship, the idea would have promoted
theory about rain, the main cause of
care and respect for the Earth. And there
fertility for the Egyptians was the regular
is also evidence that ancient peoples
flooding of the Nile. Therefore, there was
were aware of the effects of humans
no idea of the sky fertilizing the Earth, and
on the environment. With the ability to
instead, the Earth was self-sufficient. In
burn down and clear forest or even force
the creation myth, Geb and Nut are also
species to extinction, the role of humans
separated for eternity by the air deity
was reflected upon by some. In ancient
"Shu", because they had children despite
Greece, some people already questioned
being prohibited from doing so. It is
the effects of farming on the surrounding
clear therefore that these myths gained
climate, and in eastern Asia the "Feng
Shui" of the land could be disrupted by
a personification. But if the belief of the
excessive human exploitation. These
ancient Greeks and Aztecs and Maori
people may not have known about the
worked the same way, then has the myth
severe changes that the earth would one
really changed at all?
day see, but their cultural ideas and beliefs nonetheless drove them to respect their
I would argue that it survives, since it also
environment. This is not so different from
fulfils the same roles in today's society as it
life today. A common over exaggeration
once did. Whether it's a cartoon depicting
about ancient religion is how literally
the effects of climate change, or even the
people understood it. Even to a non-
celebration of Mother Earth day on the
scientific society, it would seem absurd
22nd of April, today it is also used to create
that the dirty soil and irregular mountains
sympathy against climate change and to
beneath them are part of a human form.
protect our home. The notion of the earth
Instead of being more literal, their beliefs
as our mother therefore is clearly one still
were more likely to simply be stronger,
deeply rooted in today's culture, perhaps
since there were not many contradicting
as one of the longest standing and most
scientific ideas. We don't believe that the
universal beliefs among humanity.
earth is literally a human form - it's just
h t r a E e h t f o n The notio y l r a e l c s i r e h t o as our m n i d e t o o r y l p e e one still d today's culture 23
The : e s u a p o r h Ant t i s a h t c e ff e t a h w ? e f i l d l i w n had o of ks at the impact Finn Wilson loo ent m n o ir v n e e th n o lockdown
The main impact of lockdown on wildlife is that there has been a huge increase in
he anthropause is defined as the global
the number of animal sightings in urban
reduction in human activity due to the
areas. We have all seen the pictures - deer
pandemic. It is no secret that this has had a
roaming the empty city roads and marine life
variety of environmental impacts, perhaps
returning to the once polluted waterways of
most notably the effect on urban wildlife.
Venice. According to a study from the paper
Indian beaches have become alive with
Science of the Total Environment, threatened
nesting turtles, dolphins have taken the
animals have been sighted numerous times
place of cruise ships and wild boar have
in Chile’s southern cities. After multiple
been frolicking in the streets. These are
camera traps were set up in the urban
all examples of how wildlife has tried to
areas, animals such as the Kodkod (small
strike back and reclaim the planet during
carnivorous cat) and the Southern River Otter
have been spotted. These are just two of the many threatened native species that have
POLYGLOT made a recent resurgence. While this is a
on them.
small scale example, it is safe to assume that
A further problem facing the urban wildlife
this reemergence is happening all over the
is disturbance. While in general, humans
world’s urban areas.
have had a largely reduced presence in
However, this study also mentions that this
the cities, there is one urban area that we
data set is largely incomplete, due to the
are visiting more than ever. Depending on
fact that it was only compiled in a fraction
the local lockdown rules, many people are
of the city. In order to accurately measure
using public parks in cities much more than
the resurfacing of native species, we must
they did pre-covid. For example, according
employ a global effort to the estimation. This
to a study from Movebank, in Central and
problem is exacerbated by the pandemic,
Northern Europe there has been at least a
because it is impossible for many people
75% increase in people visiting public parks.
to carry out their measurements due to
This is also especially common in some of
lockdown restrictions.
the central states of the USA. There is no doubt that increased human presence in a
While there have undoubtedly been many
natural environment will disturb
positive effects of the pandemic on wildlife
animal life,
populations, in some areas this has been more of a curse than a blessing. For some species, the pandemic may have created new challenges. For example, various urban-dwelling animals, like rats, seagulls or monkeys, have become so reliant on food discarded or provided by humans that they may struggle to make ends meet under current conditions. It is easy to imagine that this sudden decrease in food availability would have a significant impact
“Wildlife has tried to strike back and reclami the planet during lockdowns”
causing reductions in urban wildlife
which therefore leaves these species
very overexposed and unprotected.
There are similarities between the negative urban impacts of lockdown
Overall, we can see that the
and the rural ones. What has been
anthropause has affected both urban
highlighted by a Nature article is that
and natural wildlife in crucial ways.
numerous endangered wild species
Some impacts are positive, such as
such as Rhino are suffering. This is
the resurgence of threatened species.
because with lockdown comes a
Others are less beneficial, such as the
reduction in anti-poaching measures,
reduction in anti-poaching measures.
Scientist Jean-Michel Gaillard,
‘plastic’, in that it changes greatly
director of research at the National
based on factors related to their
Centre for Scientific Research in
living environment. However, now
France, quotes, "As soon as we
that we have seen the effect of the
return to normal, it is certain that we
anthropause on wildlife activity,
will very, very, very quickly go back
it is the hope of many that we will
to the situation we knew before." He
change our behaviour in order to
also described animal behaviour as
maintain this new normal.
Protéger l'environnement on the rk o w n e tt ri w r a e y 5th environment que c'était mauvais pour la planète, j’aurais arrêté.
e fais ce que je peux pour protéger
Cependant, après avoir regardé un
l'environnement. Malgré nos efforts,
documentaire pour améliorer ma
notre planète est sur le point de mourir. Quel
connaissance sur le réchauffement de la
planète. Tout d’un coup, j’ai réalisé que notre planète est en train de mourir. Alors
Malheureusement, quand j'étais plus
j’ai décidé de devenir plus écologique.
jeune, je ne faisais pas assez pour protéger
Maintenant, il faut que je fasse grand-chose
l'environnement. Ça n'avait aucune
pour protéger l'environnement. Par exemple,
importance pour moi. Je ne savais rien
je me déplace toujours à l'école à pied ou
de l’effet de serre ou du réchauffement
à vélo et j’utilise les transports en commun
de la planète. Alors, je ne faisais rien
n’importe quand. En outre, récemment, j'ai
d’en améliorer. Par exemple, après avoir
écrit une lettre au maire. Je lui ai dit qu’on
quitté une salle, je n’eteignais jamais les
doit réduire le volume d’emballage par
lumières. En outre, en allant à l'école, bien
produit et interdire les voitures en centre-
que j’habitasse près de mon école, j’y allais
ville pour diminuer les émissions de gaz
toujours en voiture. Quel horreur! Si j’avais su
carbonique. J'espère qu’il m'écoutera.
POLYGLOT Selon moi, je pense qu’il faut qu’on doive
Auparavant, je dirais que je ne faisais pas
faire tout ce qu’on peut pour protéger
assez pour protéger l’environnement car
l'environnement. Si on n’en fait pas,
je n’avais appris pas d’effet de serre. Par
notre planète mourra. Il y aura plus
exemple, après avoir bu une canette de
de disparitions d’espaces. Beaucoup
coca, je ne la recyclais jamais.
d’espèces sont menacées par la perte de leur habitat. En plus, l’effet
Maintenant, j'essaye de faire plus pour être
de serre deviendra pire et donc le
plus écologique, par exemple, je débranche
réchauffement de terre augmentera.
les appareils électriques quand je ne les
Quelle malchance! Il faut qu’on doive
utilise pas. En plus, en hiver, je mets un pull
utiliser les ressources naturelles au
au lieu d’augmenter le chauffage.
lieu d’essence car la combustion d’énergies fossiles amplifie l’effet de serre.
Mon école peut faire beaucoup pour devenir plus écologique à l’avenir. Par exemple, les profs peuvent encourager les étudiants plus âgés à ne pas prendre leur voiture, puisque la voiture représente la liberté mais aussi la pollution. En plus, j'espère que l'école pourra installer des panneaux solaires. Si j’avais le choix, l'école encouragerait le recyclage. Il faut absolument qu’on recycle le carton, le papier, les bouteilles, le plastique, et les emballages.
-Rohan Chandrasekaran
Selon moi, protéger l’environnement est vraiment important parce que si nous ignorions le changement climatique, il y aurait plus d'occasions de sécheresse, d'inondations et d'ouragans.
À l'avenir, mon école devrait enseigner aux élèves de changement climatique pour qu’ils soient motivés pour protéger l’environnement en faisant du recyclage, réutilisant les choses. En plus, il faut que mon école utilise l'énergie de l’eau, du vent et du soleil. À la place du directeur de mon école, je réduirais la quantité de viande au déjeuner à la cantine et planterais plus d’arbres dans les espaces verts pour améliorer la qualité d’air.
-Matty Rolfe
e l i F t c a F i a Dub explores its Arth Gupta, a resident of Dubai, environment in this Fact File.
Dubai is naturally a desert. Around 80% of the UAE is desert. Dubai does not have any natural rivers or oases- but it does have a natural saltwater inlet- called the Dubai Creek. Most of Dubai's drinkable water comes from desalination plants that turn seawater drinkable using heat. In 1966, oil was discovered in Dubai, propelling a fairly poor nation into one of the richest. Originally, Dubai relied on petroleum for power- the power has changed dramatically since then, building the largest solar farm and making it mandatory for buildings to use solar energy by 2030. Dubai was condemned for its use of CO2, using as much as double that of European countries. It is now looking forward to a more sustainable future. Dubai has started improving on its carbon emissions, starting by introducing shiny new driverless metro lines, which many citizens prefer over cars. Regardless of the fact that Dubai's climate is often like a desert, it has ordered the building of several new outdoor parks.
s t i d re
Edi to
tors u b i r t n Co
kelam a W l l i W ilson Finn W sters Ma Charlie anidze Luka Sh obbs Jakob H ouse ckh Billy Ba upta Arth G sekaran andra h C n a Roh olfe Matty R
Billy hie f Bac Jak k h ob H ous obb e s
nd a t Ar f o d Hea Design y ale
He s e m
Supe rvisin g Edito r
Mrs M
The Polyglot is a publication wholly produced and owned by Abingdon School, a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity (Charity No. 1071298). Copyright in all articles and images remains with the creators and owners of those works. Previously published images and other excerpts from published works are used under the terms of Fair Use or a Creative Commons licence.