The Weekly Post, 9.14.2012

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i n t h i s i s s u e : G A L A & A N N U A L F U N D • F I E L D DAY T-S H I R T S • P O PA D I N N E R

The Weekly

VO LU M E X V I I I , N U M B E R 2 A weekly publication of The Post Oak School


S E P T E M B E R 14 , 2 012 Available online at

R EAD ME by John Long, Head of School

Elementary students enjoy tackling mathematical problems with the bead bar box.

Dear Parents:


he following letter addressed to Rhonda Durham, Executive Director of ISAS (the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest), summarizes Post Oak’s accomplishments over the past three years, current challenges, and

plans for the immediate future. This document accompanies our Interim II report, to be filed later this month at the start of the seventh year of our 10-year accreditation cycle with ISAS. I’ve also shared this report with faculty, staff, and trustees. I invite your comments and questions. continued on page 2

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