The Post, 12.20.2013

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i n t h i s i s s u e : B I G W O R K I N F O S E S S I O N S • A N N UA L F U N D C O N T R I B U T O R S • A L U M N I S P O T L I G H T


VO LU M E X V I V, N U M B E R 8 A bi-weekly publication of The Post Oak School

POST Celebrating 50 years of The Post Oak School

D E C E M B E R 2 0 , 2 013 Available online at

J E DI M I N D CON T ROL by John Long, Head of School


wo twelve year old girls gave me my first lesson in Jedi mind control. By concentrating on a ball in a clear plastic tube, I was able to make it levitate; not as well as either girl, but then, it was only my first lesson. “Concentrate,” said the recorded voice of Yoda. “Concentrate,” said the girls.

It was fun. They had a great time showing me this training device (I don’t know whether to call it a tool or a toy.), and I was fascinated to see them demonstrate its use and to give it a try myself. It seemed right that these Montessori students would be fascinated by concentration. continued on page 2

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The Post, 12.20.2013 by The Post Oak School - Issuu