Peace Of Mind - Project Book No.5

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The Build Up Of A Sound Project Van Building Type Method

Book 5

I. S. C. T Innovative Slice Construction Technique ‘In Pursuit Of Perfect Sounds’

In Pursuit Of Perfect Sounds

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Table of Contents 00 a: Cover Page


00 b: Introduction


00 c Table of Contents


Please Note: Peace Of Mind - Project Booklets are Introductions to highly advanced ‘Re-Define’ external Loudspeaker Enclosures / Re-Development & Enhancement of the same in a Quest to create Sound Systems of great quality & with exceptional clear, pure sounds.

**** Everything stated in these booklets are from years of personal experience in the audio field, and quiet different in views from the main stream ideas!

**** If in any case you do not agree with my findings or anything else for that matter please do not bother notifying me as I will only reply (if at all) to constructive mails, and in case that you have a dislike of my written English (Spelling, Grammar etc.) tough - it is how it is !!! In any case - I hope you find some items to Enjoy …. Roland E W Mucke - New Zealand

In Pursuit Of Perfect Sounds

2008 - 2014 Web-Flash Artistry - All rights reserved -

Application 1st. Published:

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Name Of Application:

PeaceOfMind - Project Book ISCT

Last Updated:

19/01/2016 2:34:50 p.m.

Created by:

Roland E W Mucke, Hawke's Bay - NZ


Contact: NZ (06) 027 7420 141

Created With: ADOBE PS/CS5, FW/CS, Acrobate Pro 7, Serif Page & PhotoPlus X5/6, KviFlipBook Maker as well as many other software programs to convert PDF, Image, Sound, Video and SWF files etc. needed to Convert, Manipulate & Enhance …. Acknowledgement: To all the beautiful Art work featured in any of these booklets, and with that thank you very much for giving me new creative Ideas & Inspiration to create these! ….

Web Sites: WebFlash Artistry - UpperCut Artists Promotion Ucap Exhibition Set 1 - Aktell Vintage Art SpotTheArtography - SpotTheArts - SpotTheFashionistas SpotTheLiterature: - The Reader - The Voice - The Narrator

In Pursuit Of Perfect Sounds

In Pursuit Of Perfect Sounds

Enclosures are built in an advanced building type method called I.S.C.T ‘Innovative Slice Construction Technique’ targeting specifically: A) Variable volume size predetermine build of any enclosure for example (Build Type 2, ‘ForeverYoung’ – Available Sizes: 1 to 4 – Base Volume type 2 - 33.5 Litre equals 18 module with each Increase = 3.5 Litre + 33.5 = 37.0 or next up 40.5 Litre and so on - or even better switch to the next larger build Type 1 or smaller build Type 3. B) The Reduction / Elimination of resonance through ways of newer and far more advanced Energy Absorption & Wave Dampening techniques as well as through different ways of build up enclosure shape Design & Development. C) Decoupling mayor componets like the speaker chassis by using decoupling Rings or Plates as well as decoupling the chassis mounting screws by using (Well Nuts - threaded Rubber Inserts) and frthermore to use these Well Nuts wereever possible like with this technique for example when mounting the side panels Etc. So UpperCut - Audio has on offer for any enclosures separately or in conjunction items like the following as well: ‘Outer Single, Double Metal - Resonance Dispersion Panels’ or another quiet reasoned developed type of the ‘Air Cushioning - Area Trapped Air Arresting Motion Suspension’ set up (also efectionatly called ‘A Second Skin’) ….

…. both working as a perfect mechanical Energy Absorption, Impulse Wave Dampening arrangement as for the second item it is at this stage predominantly fitted to the inside of an Enclosure, but in saying this I do fit this already in a different arrangement to the outsides of an enclosures as well. Now the outside version of this type of Energy Absorption is extremely versatile in many ways as it can be used in a positive & negative arrangment, and that not only as a Resonance Buster, but also very pleasing visually as it gives a nice warm yet strange feel to the covering layer (like leather genuine or artificial) and which is quiet difficult to explain and really has to be seen, physically felled to appreciate. For a larger HiFi & Automotive Enclosure I used an extremely effective Heavy Duty Dampening arrangement which will give the item in question not only much needed weight, but also has very good dispersion properties when it comes to enclosure resonance, more so to the clarity of reproducing sound. Here in particular I like to mention the variable volume size build method again which is of great help in adjusting an enclosure base volume (fine tuning an enclosure with an exact, precise air displacement value) to the specific data sheet of a specifically suited speaker chassis, and not the other way around. An important item in all of this tech talk is also to mention that any of the enclosures are build primarily in a ‘Sealed Enclosure’ set up, but not actually never as a ‘Vented Enclosures’ which is using ports, so for much-much better performance results I use instead ‘Passive Radiators’ for a better ability of fine tuning Etc. The main building method already mention above is I.S.C.T. an highly advanced Loudspeaker Enclosures building technique with virtually ‘INFINITE POSSIBILITIES’ of using complex enclosure Shapes which can be build in different configurations giving within Design & Develop endless opportunities as well as creating graceful & very sturdy enclosures which greatly stand out against the so much beloved rectangular shapes.

I.S.C.T. is standing for ‘Innovative Slice Construction Technique’ which describes in general a Sandwich type building method from way back & which I have adopted and worked with since about 1999 developing it further, but in much-much more detail. In a Nutshell this is what I.S.C.T stands for: DRAMATICALLY CONTROLLING, REDUCING OR EVEN ELIMINATING THE SO VERY MUCH UNWANTED RESONANCE / VIBRATIONS IN LOUDSPEAKER ENCLOSURES THROUGH MOSTLY UNCOMMON ENCLOSURE SHAPES, AND THEREFOR MINIMIZING THE EFFECT'S THAT GENERALLY FLAT ENCLOSURE WALLS HAVE BY ACTING JUST LIKE UNCONTROLLED SOUND TRANSDUCERS . . .

There is a lot which can be mentioned or even discussed about this building tecnique or actualyabout these enclosure of the ‘ForeverYoung’ series, yet in the end only if you could hear them it would mean something, but be ensured that if you like extremely high quality in your sounds in HiFi & Automotive Applications then and especially when it comes to mid-range & extended bass with or without subs you are at the right address! For myself it was even after so many years of listening to good & very good systems an outright surprice when it all was happening. Sounds as clear, precise and so very pur you maybe could imagingning, but actually hearing it finally in a home set up or in any of my own Vans was humbling say the last! I have to admit that everything associated with these enclosures has a price; needs to be imported or else so in the end a product item is pricy no dought yet please remember that these enclosures are hand crafted which needs many hours of hard work to complete offering you an item which you will be able to enjoy for a long-long time to come!

In Pursuit Of Perfect Sounds This is a Sketch-Up 3D Image I did many years ago when I was researching new ways to use Sandwich type building methods!

In Pursuit Of Perfect Sounds

When learning the Sketch Up software I did a few audio related drawings of loudspeaker chassis, enclosures & sound rooms Etc. Many of these Images are lost, but I found a few of them to share!

In Pursuit Of Perfect Sounds

In Pursuit Of Perfect Sounds

A sound room drawing using German Manger loudspeaker chassis and enclosures which were / are unusual in design and I was attempting to visually predict / research the sound patten Etc.

In Pursuit Of Perfect Sounds

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Example of Headers used at time of the PDF & Booklet Publication: Personal Favourites of some of the best Fine Art & Photography found! 2nd To None in (B & W) and Colour Ÿ Photo, Fine Art Stock Ÿ Photo, Fine Art White Ÿ Photo, Fine Art Extras Ÿ Photo, Fine Art Ginger Ÿ Photo, Fine Art Impact Ÿ Photo, Fine Art Models Ÿ Photo, Fine Art Sensual Photo, Fine Art Freckles Photo, Fine Art Abstract Photo, Fine Art Featured Photo, Fine Art Scouting Ÿ Photo, Fine Art Authentic Photo, Fine Art Inked Etc. Ÿ Photo, Fine Art Free Spirit Ÿ Photo, Fine Art Show Case Photo, Fine Art Traditional Ÿ Photo, Fine Art Body&Paint Ÿ Photo, Fine Art Promotional Photo, Fine Art Dark Beauty Ÿ Photo, Fine Art Planet Earth Photo, Fine Art Earth Bound Photo, Fine Art Artistic Nude Ÿ Photo, Fine Art Artistic PinUp Ÿ Photo, Fine Art Photographers Ÿ Photo, Fine Art Artists Featured Ÿ Photo, Fine Art Image Collection Photo, Fine Art Artists Featured Video

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Photo, Fine Photo, Fine Ÿ Photo, Fine Photo, Fine

Art Image Collection Asia, Africa Art Image Collection America, Oceania Art Image Collection Europe-East, West Art Image Collection Black And White

“ “ “ “

Photo, Fine Art - L'Homme Fatale - Artistic Nude

Photo, Fine Art - Femme Fatale - Artistic PinUp Photo, Fine Art - Femme Fatale - Artistic As Real As - 3D

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Photo, Fine Photo, Fine Photo, Fine Photo, Fine

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Art - Femme Fatale - Artistic Nude Art - Femme Fatale - Artistic Nude - Photo Art Art - Femme Fatale - Artistic Nude - Image Poetry Art - Femme Fatale - Artistic Nude - Light & Shade

Photo, Fine Art - Femme Fatale - Faces Photo, Fine Art - Femme Fatale - White Photo, Fine Art - Femme Fatale - Portraits Photo, Fine Art - Femme Fatale - Fine Art Nude Photo, Fine Art - Femme Fatale - Body Work Out Photo, Fine Art - Femme Fatale - Woman@Work Photo, Fine Art - Femme Fatale - Cre@ive Fine Art Photo, Fine Art - Femme Fatale - Photo Art & Design

“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “

Photo, Fine Art - Up In The Global Attic - Traditional Photo, Fine Art - Up In The Global Attic - Return To Innocence

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Others header names which are interesting and will come up at some stage! Figurative, Flamboyant, Macro, Splashes, Un-Known, Dance (Classic-Ballet-Modern), Woman @ Work, Classic, Way Back, 18++, Break Out, The Art Off, Out Off, Best Off, With Out Limits Or Boundaries, Intimate Photo Art, 1001 Nights, Games With Light, Web Sites, Books ….

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2008 - 2014 Web-Flash Artistry - All rights reserved -

Application 1st. Published:

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Name Of Application:

PeaceOfMind - Project Book ISCT

Last Updated:

19/01/2016 2:34:50 p.m.

Created by:

Roland E W Mucke, Hawke's Bay - NZ


Contact: NZ (06) 027 7420 141

Created With: ADOBE PS/CS5, FW/CS, Acrobate Pro 7, Serif Page & PhotoPlus X5/6, KviFlipBook Maker as well as many other software programs to convert PDF, Image, Sound, Video and SWF files etc. needed to Convert, Manipulate & Enhance …. Acknowledgement: To all the beautiful Art work featured in any of these booklets, and with that thank you very much for giving me new creative Ideas & Inspiration to create these! ….

Web Sites: WebFlash Artistry - UpperCut Artists Promotion Ucap Exhibition Set 1 - Aktell Vintage Art SpotTheArtography - SpotTheArts - SpotTheFashionistas SpotTheLiterature: - The Reader - The Voice - The Narrator

In Pursuit Of Perfect Sounds

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