The President Post - April 2014

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Indonesia’s Ministry of Home Affairs

Kemendagri, Rely On Regional Autonomy To Accelerate People’s Welfare Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) as the regulator of the domestic affairs shares its authority through the regional autonomy concept with the expectation that the people’s welfare can be more easily and quickly achieved. However, because Indonesia has been so long in a centralized governance system, the implementation of regional autonomy still need to be perfected here and there. Even so Minister of Home Affairs Gamawan Fauzi believes the decentralization will succeed. According to the minister, by giving the regions the authority to manage their own finances and programs needed, it is expected that the local community will become creative, innovative and self-sufficient and eventually developed. "After that the relationship between the central and local governments can be expected to be more professional, harmonious and productive." That's why Gamawan will continue to open the door for the proposal of the founding of new autonomous regions (DOB). For the year of 2014, there were 65 proposals of DOB establishment. However Gamawan said that his ministry will prioritize to discuss the 4 proposals of DOB founding, the rest of the 19 previous ones. The four proposals are about the establishment of South Buton and Central Buton to be separated from Buton Regency, as well as West Muna and Raha City to be taken out from Muna Regency. If they have fulfilled all the requirements as stipulated in the Law No. 78 of 2007 on the Formation, Elimination and Merger of Regions, the founding of the new autonomous regions will be granted. The enforcement of the Law No. 78 is in a bid to make sure that the establishment of the new autonomous regions will still under the patronage of the Republic of Indonesia, instead of leading to a federal system. Gamawan admits there are still cases of authority abuse in some regions, but he is determined to continue evaluating and improving the supervision system.

For example, the Home Minister once said, a number of autonomous regions were indicated to have been spending the majority of the Regional State Budget for personnel expenditure, even up to 72%. “The poor people in those areas are still above 20%, but the officials’ cars and houses are too luxurious, the office buildings are too magnificent. This is not true, not in line with the spirit of regional autonomy which is to generate positive effect in improving people's welfare." To overcome the problem, the ministry in cooperation with the Presidential Work Unit for Monitoring and Controlling Development has been evaluating the budget spending of each region. Thus in the future the spending can be right on target. The set up of local government associations such as APPSI (Association of Indonesian Provincial Administrations), APKASI (Association of Indonesian Regency Administration) and APEKSI (Association of Indonesian City Administration), is also expected to assist the central government in monitoring the course of regional autonomy. Gamawan declared the formation of the three associations can strengthen the synergy between central and local governments, as well as facilitate effective coordination and communication between the associations and among their members. Like the other ministries, the Ministry of Home Affairs also carries out their duties by designing programs stipulated in the five-year Strategic Plans as the guideline for the work units. For the 2010-2014 Strategic Plans, there are five priority programs, namely (1) Administrative Reforms and Governance, (2) Poverty, (3) Infrastructure, (4) Investment and Business Climate, and (5) Development of frontier, outermost, and post-conflict areas.

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To support the implementation of those programs, the approaches used are in the form of the principles of decentralization and regional autonomy, sustainable development, and good governance. (team/various sources)

DPD As The Bridge For Regional Interests The Regional Representatives Council (DPD) was established on October 1, 2004 with the expectation that the regional aspirations could be channeled through it so that the equal distribution of development can be accelerated. Unfortunately until now DPD has not been able to contribute maximally as the result of the legislation that ‘curbs’ its moves.

Similar view expressed by Mahmuzar in his doctoral thesis at the Islamic University of Indonesia, entitled "The Implications of the DPD’s Limited Functions to the Regional Interests". According to Mahmuzar, the legislation with less regional aspirations may cause many problems, for example in 2008-2010 it was too late to transfer the funds to the oil and gas producing regions.

The number DPD members is less than one-third quorum of the People Assembly (MPR) plenary meeting, making it to have no significant influence to play a greater role in determining the course of the meeting, let alone the decision. Even the number of DPD members of 132 is less than a third of House of Representatives (DPR) members totaling 560.

The amount of the funds reached Rp6.128 trillion. As a result, the development process in 93 oil and gas producing regions was hindered. "It does not meet the principles of democracy, which the government is obliged to distribute the wealth fairly and equitably," said Mahmuzar.

DPD and DPR are doing alike, drafting the bills of legislation (RUU), but DPD does not have sufficient power to determine which bills will be entered into the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas). This is due to the amendments of the Constitution 45 on the establishment of the DPD, saying that the Council is simply "can" propose a bill and "join" to discuss it. Thus DPD is subordinated by DPR who holds the authority in executing the policy. For Prolegnas 2014, for example, from 12 bills proposed by DPD, when the House took only one bill (about maritime issues, which is very in touch with the regions), DPD also could not do much about it. DPD Chairman Irman Gusman said that the Council needs to do a solid political struggle in the future so that in the next Prolegnas meeting DPD could be more instrumental.

Although it does not have sufficient authority, DPD keeps trying to perform its functions in their best. In order to function properly, according to Laode Ida, DPD members should be qualified. "They must meet the qualifications and recognized by the public, as well as independent and outspoken. The DPD members also have to make themselves agents of social and political movement in terms of quality, instead of quantity or number." According to Lucius Karus, a researcher from the Forum of the Community Caring on the Indonesian Parliamentary (Formappi), DPD could strengthen its role by building public opinion on some issue in a region and promote it at the national level. By collecting the regional aspirations as much as possible and fight for it to get noticed, at least through the public opinion, the expectations of the DPD’s roles to deliver concrete solutions to develop the regions hopefully can be realized. (ing/various sources)

Meanwhile, the Vice Chairman of the DPD’s Bill Committee Anang Prihantoro expressed a disappointment. "We apologize that our efforts to include our bills in the Prolegnas 2014, it is only passed, the Maritime Issues Bill." In fact, the House has targeted to discuss 66 bills in the Prolegnas 2014. M. Syibli Sahabuddin, a DPD member, had revealed that from the study conducted by DPD together with 24 universities, there are 84 laws that cannot be implemented in the regions because of less accommodated regional interests. Meanwhile generating a law required quite a big cost. "If a law is not on target, that would be a waste," Syibli said, adding that until now DPD functions only as a balance between the House and the government in making agreement.

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ISSUE #1 - 2014


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NTT Build Chemical Plant Worth Rp 4T Provincial Government of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) continues aggressively trying to attract investors



To Be New RI Capital? The talk about moving the capital city of Jakarta has long been resounded, since then President Soekarno proposed Palangkaraya as the new capital replacing Jakarta. When Soeharto took power, this discourse back to roll with Jonggol proposed as the candidate replacement. After President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited Astana, Kazakhstan's new capital, the talk reverberated again. A number of towns have been proposed to become the new capital, such as Purwokerto, Palembang, Kuningan, Indramayu, Cirebon, and Karawang. According to Yayat Supriatna, an analyst and expert about urban planning, there are three ideas in the discourse. First, not moving the capital means to remain in Jakarta, the second moving the administration activities only, and the third moving everything. "To reduce the burden of Jakarta, Karawang could be the one to replace it," said the teacher of FATL Usakti (Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Technology, Trisakti University) and P4W IPB (Research Center of Regional Planning, Bogor Agricultural Institute). However, Yayat recommended that it should be preceded by providing port and airport facilities as the economic infrastructure in Karawang. "What we want to build is a new trading center. So we just need to add some government functions," he said.


Jambi Golden Triangle Expected to boost the economic growth in the Golden Triangle area of IndonesiaMalaysia - Singapore

VISION AND MISSION, THE MAIN FACTOR Whether to move the capital or not, it is actually a political decision. These three concepts mentioned above have the meaning of what to do. If not moving, we should consider the forms of Jakarta’s revitalization, efforts to improve the current conditions. "In fact, if we talk about moving or not moving, we cannot move just because there is a problem. Do not move just because there is a problem that cannot be resolved yet, then find another place that may give a new different problem," said Yayat. According to him, moving the capital city is not just about building the economy, but also building a civilization. Moving the capital also involves vision and mission of a nation that is subsequently followed by suiting programs, and must get national support.


Papua Develops Sago Industry Sago trees in the forests of Papua estimated reached 4.77 million hectares

Kalimantan has been associated with the future vision of Indonesia as a country that consists not only of Sumatra, Java, and Bali, although the population is dominated Javanese ethnic. Regarding the vision and mission, Yayat gave an example of Putera Jaya as Malaysian new capital with the vision of the 21st century as a nation which is, advanced, and internationally recognized. Meanwhile, Jakarta Governor Jokowi found Jakarta is still livable if taken care of properly, although it will take 15-20 years to make it proper. If the capital is not moved, Yayat suggested that Jakarta to be made a megapolitan Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi), and manage it together with the concept of megapolitan Jabodetabekbonjur (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Cirebon, Cianjur). Thus, it will not lack supporting area. Jakarta remains the capital city, while some of its functions are transferred to the surrounding area. (yhn)

That is why the President shall establish a technical team to give recommendations whether to move or not, complete with the reasons in order to gain political support, Yayat added. Some time ago it was reported that President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) set up a small team of Andrinof A Chaniago, Ahmad Erani Yustika, Mohammad Jehansyah Siregar, Tata Mustasya Pasha and Ian Suherlan. According to Andrinof, the team has produced a recommendation to move to Kalimantan. "Why Kalimantan? Because we want to build Indonesia, starting with Kalimantan whose territory is 30% of Indonesia while its population is only 6%,"said Andrinof. Kalimantan is also considered strategic in position because it is in the middle. According to Andrinof, the team had calculated the feasibility and the cost is not expensive. Bung Karno in 1957 suggested Palangkaraya as the new capital. In those days, Indonesia seemed already to need a new capital which was larger, more advanced, more modern as a representation of the great Indonesia, despite Indonesia's then poor economy.

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Through the growing discourse, Karawang became the ideal place for central government because it is very close to Jakarta and this national rice producing center has enough supporting facilities. Currently, Karawang is the largest industrial area in the Indonesia. There are the Cilamaya Port and the Kertajati International Airport. By passing through the highway, the time needed to travel from Jakarta to Karawang will be only twenty minutes. Moreover, Karawang has spacious landscape. There are thousands of hectares of vacant land that could be used for the needs of a state capital and the area is not for agricultural purpose. So, it will not reduce the paddy fields nor to threaten the national food security. The roads in Karawang are level and straight, not winding like the ones in Jonggol. Yayat added, to build Karawang as a new capital, the government must have a master plan for infrastructure development, which ones should be handled by the government, which ones should be through a partnership scheme. The private firms can build railway, MRT, highways, office buildings, water supply facilities, industrial zones, new residential areas, and sewage treatment.





Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has launched a program called Regional Champions to attract more direct investment...More on pg.15

With the implementation of MP3EI, it is expected that in 2025 Indonesia will already have the specifications to enter the group of developed countries with the income per capita reaching US$14.250 - US$15.500.... More on pg.27

(lndonesia Investment Coordinating Board)



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Growth of Middle Class “ The Their Roles in Economy - Business by: Atmono Suryo

The middle class society is growing everywhere across the world. How they grow is different from place to place; and so in determining who deserve to belong to the middle class. In Asia their growth is closely related to the economic growth.


THE GROWTH SPEED According to the World Bank, in the last 12 years (2000-2012) the growth in Asia is much more rapid than the world. The more so when compared with the developed countries in Europe and America. It actually was unexpected development, that the economic growth could increase the number of middle class at that quick pace. And in such a big number, although the level of their wealth is different from one to the other.

Cumulative GDP growth (%): 2000 to 2010

200.0 180.0 160.0 140.0 120.0 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0












(source: World Bank)

The positive role of Asia in sustaining the world economy is internationally recognized. That Asia is a dynamic economic region, pioneered by among others China and South Korea. One important reason is the growing middle class which is very large in number. Of which becomes the source of the human resources who are dynamic and innovative; as the motor to drive the growth of economy-business. Such a development especially happens in East Asia. The region has been showing much progress and modernity. Even if compared with many other regions in the world. How to measure the middle class is different, so the figures vary.

2010 ASIA’s MIDDLE CLASS China Hong Kong India Indonesia Korea Malaysia Philippines Singapore


$6 - $10 8%

In Indonesia, there is also a close link between the economic growth and the growth of the middle class society. The data from the World Bank shows that in 2003 the number of the middle class was 81 million and increased to 131 million in 2010. It means every year there is 7 million people enter the lever of middle class.

$4 - $6 18%

The Nomura Bank from Japan estimated that the number in 2004 was 1,6 million. It increased to 50 million in 2011 and will be 150 million in 2014. It is estimated that the number of the middle class has already reached 134 – 140 million. That means an incredibly huge number. However some figures issued by various sources (like by CLSA) show that most of the middle class people (more or less 71%) in Indonesia are still under the category at “the spending level of US$2-US$4 per capita”. This means at a low level, has not yet reached the business standard which is quite high.

$2 - $4 71%

It is unclear yet what roles played by the middle class society in Indonesia in the economy. Public opinions are different from one to the other. It is also unknown the government’s strategy. In the United States, according to President Barack Obama, it is the middle class who grow the economy, not the upper class.

Indonesia’s Middle Class (level of expenditure per capita)

Based on informal opinions in Indonesia, 3% of the class have acquired asset dominantly in the Indonesian Gross Domestic Product (GDP). While most or the biggest number of them are at a state which is still weak; especially in business activities.

Thailand Taiwan

Sumber: CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets, ADB

China and Hongkong have the biggest number of middle class, followed by India, Indonesia and South Korea. Asia will grow its middle class society to the number of one billion. Most of them will reside in China and India. Indonesia is also included the country who produces a big number of middle class society. The middle class people in Asia generally are younger people; well educated; professional enough and internationally oriented. The groups already advanced are able to positively respond to the development of the world in a quick manner. Especially in the fields of electronics, services, communication, internet, and trade, as well as technology including the IT.

In terms of positive thinking, this condition can change in relatively short time. Depending on the capability and determination of Indonesia itself. Especially in a bid to raise the standard and the quality of the middle class in various important fields. Not only in the fields of education, skills, and professionalism, but also the endurance, mental tenacity, and the fighting spirit of the citizens. And also their taste, and their characters which are active, positive and productive (not behaving consumptively and prioritizing the luxury of materials only; like often happens now).

-Agro Bisnis, Beras Bulog. 01.

It is the duty of the government to provide a conducive environment. Indonesia needs to be kept from becoming consumptive state only; being made used by the other countries as a lucrative market. According to Mc Kinsey and the World Bank, in the future (about 10-15 years ahead), Indonesia will require 113 million trained personnel. Which will be needed to drive and grow the Indonesian economy solidly.

-Tambang minyak Sumatera Selatan 02.

The groups of middle class who have advanced are the important sources to create managers in the business. Managing and providing millions of trained personnel for various vital sectors. Also as the potential engine to raise the small and medium enterprises, creative industry, manufacture, supply chains, agro-business, services, marine and fisheries, etc. And especially their roles in building the regions, which are so vast with a huge potential. Without the progress of the regions; the land for development in Indonesia will be limited. So it will not necessarily be able to achieve a strong position in the global economy. The prediction of the world observers: Based on the potential factor, Indonesia is able to achieve the position as the big and strong country – at the 7th rank in the world. However it depends on the capability, determination and the mindset of Indonesia itself. (A/S)



Argo business, Bulog rice.


Logistics industry in Indonesia is very potential.


Rapidly growing field of services in the field of transportation.


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“ MRT, Jakarta’s Effort To Solve Congestion Problems ” Traffics go smoothly on the roads in Jakarta can be made happen, but it cannot in all of a sudden. The Trans Jakarta bus is an initial attempt to break the bottleneck. The Jakarta Provincial Government’s own target is that in 2030, the capital city will be free from traffic jams. "Our target is that there will be no single congestion in Jakarta in 2030 by providing mass transports as many as possible," said Head of Jakarta’s Urban Spatial Office Gamal Sinurat. According to Gamal, in Regulation No. 1 issued in 2012 on Jakarta’s Urban Spatial Planning for 2030 and the Regulations on Details of Urban Spatial Planning and Zoning Guidelines, the mass rapid transit (MRT) will be the backbone of transportation in Jakarta. "There is hope that the congestion in the capital city can be eliminated totally because various kinds of public transports will be available and being integrated with each other. Moreover, the private vehicle users will also want to switch to the public transport," said Gamal. Based on the Urban Spatial Planning Regulation, the Jakarta administration will develop a mass rapid transit system through the construction of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) on seven points across Jakarta. The Jakarta Provincial Government will also build as many as 17 ‘park and ride’ buildings which are integrated with the public transports serving the routes into the city center. "It is expected that the drivers of the cars or any private motor vehicles can park their vehicles, then continue their journey by public transports," said Gamal. He added that the Jakarta administration will develop four modes of transportations, namely the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) which is integrated with the monorail, the Trans Jakarta bus, and commuter trains for commuting in Jakarta and its satellite cities. For monorail, there will be build the blue line and green line tracks. Meanwhile, the MRT lines to be built until 2030, will comprise of the MRT East-West section, MRT North-South part and MRT reclamation area. The Trans Jakarta bus lines to be built

by the city government will reached as many as 38 corridors, including the one passing through the reclamation area. If the development process goes smoothly, the capital of Indonesia, will soon have a new mode of transportation, especially the mass rapid transit (MRT). The groundbreaking of the MRT project has been carried out on October 10, 2013. Dono Boestami , President Director of PT MRT Jakarta, disclosed information related to the implementation of the project. "We are PT MRT Jakarta, which is 100 % owned by the Government. It is different with the Jakarta Monorail where 100% of its ownership is private sector." The MRT construction, according to Dono, for the first phase of the project will cost approximately at 140 billion yen. "In terms of funding, it is complete. We get the funding from the local government and the central government as well in the form of foreign loans." He also said that the MRT project is the first project of its kind in Indonesia, which uses the traditional sub - loan agreement in three levels. First the central government signed the loan agreement with JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) as the lender. "Then the fund is divided by two, comprising of pure grant, as much as 49%, and the other 51% is in the form of loan to the government of Jakarta," he explained. Currently the mini buses are also being upgraded. The number of Trans Jakarta buses keeps being increased too. The services quality in the commuter trains has been improved. Now, the MRT has begun to be built. For the Phase I is the lane connecting the Hotel Indonesia Roundabout station to Lebak Bulus. With the MRT, people living in the areas of Ciputat, Lebak Bulus, Pamulang, and others nearby, will be easier to commute to their offices in Sudirman and Thamrin. Dono added, "With the MRT, people have an alternative mode of transportation that is convenient and reliable in the future. But the MRT alone, which is only 16 km long, will not be enough to overcome the congestion problems. The MRT needs to be integrated with the other transportation modes." (eny/various sources)

- Rencana Pembangunan MRT Jakarta (sumber:

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Western Indonesian Time





Governor of Jakarta

Joko Widodo “Villager” Who Wins Metropolitan Jakarta

“Born in Surakarta on June 21, 1961, Joko Widodo, better known by the nickname Jokowi was the son of a carpenter. Living in a tenement where his father also used it as a workshop for his lumber jobs in Cinderejo Lor, his family was evicted for the area was to be turned into a center of travel services.”

The bitter experience had made him a leader who understands the people. When Jokowi became the mayor of Surakarta, he was able to relocate the junk dealers in Taman Banjarsari with almost no problem, in a bid to revitalize the function of the area as an open green space. Graduated from high school, Jokowi went to study at the Faculty of Forestry of Gajah Mada University. After graduating from the university in 1985, he moved to the Yogyakarta Province and worked in one of the State-Owned Enterprises. Then he returned to Solo and worked at a timber company. In 1998, he started his own furniture business and managed to develop it to become an exporter of furniture. When Jokowi run for the mayor of Surakarta election, many doubted the ability of this father of three children, even up to the time he was elected in 2005. However, under his leadership, the Solo was experiencing rapid positive changes. For the people of Solo, Jokowi was a leader who was very concerned with their lives. In the hallway of markets and streets in the city of Solo, Jokowi often talked and listened to people complaining about anything without distance. It’s not surprisingly that in the next election of Solo Mayor for 2010-2015 term, Jokowi won 90% of the voters. Then he was asked by Jusuf Kalla to run for the election of Jakarta governor in 2012, paired with Basuki Purnama Tjahya (Ahok). Finally, on September 29, 2012 the Jakarta Election Commission declared Jokowi-Ahok as governor and vice governor of Jakarta for the tenure from 2012 to 2017. 04.



Jakarta began as a small pier at the mouth of the Ciliwung River, then developed into a center of international trade. Afterward it has become metropolitan city with a population of approximately 11 million people.

Like most other metropolitan city, Jakarta is not free from the problems of congestion and even worse the problem of flooding due to poor drainage system. The steps taken by Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to overhaul the reservoirs of Pluit and Ria Rio in an effort to control the flooding in the capital city areas have been hailed positively. Without these steps, Jakarta could face flood risk 1.4 times bigger than the previous one.

“ Jakarta Starts From Small Dock on the Ciliwung Estuary




Jakarta Provincial Government will build the Installation of Wastewater Management Plant in the edge area of Pluit Reservoir, which aims to facilitate the discharge of water into the sea. Pluit Reservoir area will function not only as flood control, but will also be one of the leading tourist spot with multi-use infrastructures.

"This man is a lout but extraordinarily capable to win Jakarta," said Sutarti, a Jokowi’s neighbor. After being inaugurated as the governor of Jakarta, Jokowi made various breakthroughs, such as tidying up the areas of Tanah Abang and Pasar Minggu, big markets which were historically in a mess. (eny/various sources)

The parks in Pluit and Ria Rio provides more green spaces in Jakarta, to be enjoyed by public like when they visit the Menteng Park, Ayodya Park in Blok M, Surapati Park, Monas as the largest park, and the others. In addition to the parks, Jakarta is also rich in art galleries and museums, ranging from the National Museum which displays various archaeological objects, the soldiering museum, through the banking Mandiri Museum. The relatively new one is the Tionghoa Museum in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. (eny/various sources)

“Special Capital Region of Jakarta was formerly known as Sunda Kelapa (before 1527), Jayakarta (1527-1619), Batavia or Jaccatra (1619-1942), and Djakarta (1942-1972). Internationally, Jakarta also has been nicknamed as J-Town, but more popular with The Big Durian because the city is considered comparable to the New York City (The Big Apple).”

Motto of Jakarta: Jaya Raya (Independent and Glorious)



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Governor of West Java

Ahmad Heryawan “Ahmad Heryawan Prioritizes Low Cost Education”

“ Jabar Builds Reservoirs To Maintain Its Status As National Rice Granary “The Jatigede Reservoir is predicted to increase the rice production in irrigated areas of 90,000 hectares”

“Before turning to politics, Ahmad Heryawan was actively teaching at various universities such as Ma'had Al Hikmah, Dirosah Isla miyyah Al Hikmah, Ibnu Khaldun University in Bogor, Faculty of Economics at University of Indonesia in Jakarta, and the Center for Islamic Studies Al Manar.”

Born in Sukabumi on June 19, 1966, Ahmad Heryawan who is popularly called Kang Aher had served as Chairman of the Justice Party Faction at the Jakarta City Council in 1999-2004. In the next period, Kang Aher became vice chairman of the Jakarta City Council. In 2008, Kang Aher began to govern the province of West Java. Kang Aher’s mission is to create a society who has enough basic knowledge to create a new face of the world. Therefore he gives priority to the low cost education, followed by the creation of a million jobs, public health, community economic improvement, and the improvement of infrastructure in the entire region of West Java. During his term in governing the West Java, the alumnus of the Faculty of Syariah at the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences (LIPIA) in 1992, has received several awards, leading him to win the next election of West Java governor for the period of 2013-2018. In this second period, Kang Aher paired with actor Deddy Mizwar. In the second period of his leadership, Kang Aher has been prioritizing the development of infrastructure in West Java in order to further increase the people's welfare. Some of the projects to be undertaken by the Provincial Government of West Java include the normalization of watershed from the upstream of Citarum River to Saguling Reservoir along 77 km. In the past the efforts to normalize the watershed of Citarum River were not well organized, resulting less optimum outcomes. Aher’s administration is also collaborating with the central government in building the Jatigede Reservoir in Sumedang and the monorail in Bandung. (djo/various sources)

-Jatigede Reservoir, Sumedang (source:

Sebagai salah satu lumbung padi nasional, Pemprov Jawa Barat memberikan perhatian kepada pembangunan infratruktur di bidang pertanian. Dalam Rancangan Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Daerah (RPJMD) Jawa Barat 2013-2018, pemprov akan menangani secara terpadu pemulihan kondisi Sungai Citarum. Sungai besar di Jawa Barat ini akan disehatkan kembali secara bertahap dari hulu hingga Waduk Saguling, sepanjang 77 km. Pada 2014, pemulihan akan dilakukan di kilometer nol sampai kilometer 20. Sungai Citarum memiliki peran penting bagi pertanian, khususnya di wilayah Karawang, sentra padi di Jawa Barat. Hampir seluruh wilayah area pertanian Karawang mendapatkan sumber air dari sungai ini. Di samping merevitalisasi DAS Sungai Citarum, Jawa Barat juga tengah membangun Waduk Jatigede di Kabupaten Sumedang. Waduk Jatigede dibangun guna mengatasi krisis air, baik untuk menjamin ketersediaan air irigasi Rentang maupun air baku untuk wilayah Pantura CIAYU (Cirebon dan Indramayu). Salah satu tujuan pembangunan waduk ini adalah untuk mencegah meluasnya lahan kritis di sepanjang Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Cimanuk Cisanggarung. Jatigede merupakan waduk terbesar kedua setelah Waduk Jatilluhur yang dibangun karena ke depan dirasakan semakin berat dalam memenuhi berbagai keperluan seperti pertanian, industri dan bahan baku air minum. Bendungan tersebut mampu menampung 1 miliar m3 air untuk mengairi lahan seluas 90.000 hektar. Pembangunan Waduk Jatigede sendiri dilatarbelakangi fluktuasi debit di Sungai Cimanuk yang besar, di mana Q max mencapai 1.004 m3/detik dan Q min 4 m3/detik. Selain itu, lahan kritis DAS Cimanuk saat ini mencapai 110.000 hektar (31% dari total DAS Cimanuk). Sistem irigasi Rentang yang sepenuhnya mengandalkan pasokan air Sungai Cimanuk juga selalu mengakibatkan

kekeringan pada musim kemarau. Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Djoko Kirmanto menyatakan Waduk Jatigede akan diisi air pada 1 April 2014 karena secara teknis sudah siap. Nantinya, waduk ini bisa menyuplai air baku untuk air minum 3.500 liter per detik untuk masyarakat di Kabupaten Cirebon dan Indramayu serta kawasan Balongan, dan penghasil listrik 750 GWH senilai Rp300 milyar/tahun serta meningkatkan produksi pertanian dan perikanan senilai Rp460 milyar/tahun. Selain itu, Waduk Jatigede diprediksi akan meningkatkan produksi padi di Daerah Irigasi Rentang seluas 90.000 ha yang berlokasi di daerah Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka, dan sekitarnya. Waduk juga bisa menjadi sarana pengendalian pencemaran dan intrusi air laut. Infratruktur lain yang mendapat perhatian khusus dari Pemprov Jawa Barat adalah pembangunan jalan layang (fly over ) dan monorel di Bandung. Pembangunan jalan layang dan monorel dirasa sudah mendesak mengingat kemacetan yang mulai terjadi di Bandung. Jika tidak ditata sejak awal, Bandung akan menjadi daerah macet seperti halnya Jakarta. Monorel Bandung Raya nantinya akan terintegrasi dengan beberapa kabupaten yang berada di sekitar Kota Bandung, seperti Kabupaten Bandung, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Kota Cimahi, dan Kabupaten Sumedang. Proyek ini akan dibangun dalam lima tahap. Tahap pertama, akan dibangun dari Gedebage Kota Bandung ke daerah Tanjungsari, Kabupaten Sumedang. Pembangunan sesi pertama diprediksi selesai 2016. Biaya keseluruhan proyek Monorel Bandung Raya sepanjang 28 km diperkirakan sebesar Rp15 hingga Rp18 triliun. Proyek Monorel Bandung Raya akan dibangun setinggi 8 meter dari atas permukaan tanah. Monorel ini bertujuan untuk mengintegrasikan transportasi daerah di luar Kota Bandung yang dipastikan menjelma menjadi kota metropolitan.

Motto of West Java: Gemah Ripah Repeh Rapih (Prosperously Tranquil and Simply Clean)







The north coastal region is dominated by lowland. In the central part is mountainous, a part of the chain of mountains stretching from the west to the east of Java Island. The highest mountain is Mount Ciremay, located on the southwest city of Cirebon. The major rivers important to the lives of the people in the province are Citarum and Cimanuk, which flow to the Java Sea.


West Java is known as one of the national 'rice granary'. One of the rice-producing centers is Karawang Regency. The other crop yields in West Java include sweet potatoes, corn, fruits and vegetables. Aside of that there are also important commodities such as tea, coconut, palm oil, natural rubber, sugar, cocoa and coffee. The primary commodity in West Java is rice, followed by vegetables and ornamental plants or floriculture products.

Western Indonesian Time


West Java has beautiful natures and sceneries, along with variety of potentials that can be empowered, among others are relating to Water Resources, Natural Resources and Land Use, Forest Resources, Coastal and Marine Resources, as well as the economic resources in general.


The province also has a manufacturing center with factories producing electronics, leather products, textiles, furniture, as well as food processing plants and an aircraft industry. There are geothermal, oil and gas, and petrochemical industries too. West Java is still the center of the modern textile and garment industries nationwide. The province contributed nearly a quarter of the total Indonesian production in non-oil and gas sector. (djo/various sources)

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West Java was the first province established in the territory of Indonesia. This province has the largest population in Indonesia. Its territory borders on the Java Sea to the north, on the Central Java Province to the east, on the Indian Ocean to the south, and on the Banten and Jakarta to the west.


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Governor of Banten

Ratu Atut Chosiyah “Ratu Atut, First Female Governor”

“Ratu Atut Chosiyah initially held office as governor replacing Djoko Munandar who was ousted in 2005 for corruption. Ratu Atut is the first female governor in Indonesia. In the gubernatorial election of 2006, Atut was elected as the governor of Banten and served until 2011, paired with Mohammad Masduki as her deputy.” - Serang Toll Road - Pandeglang (source:

Despite being dogged by problems with the arrest of Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiyah for corruption allegation, the provincial government of Banten has been determined to carry out the planned development program starting in 2014 which is the construction of an airport, a toll road and a reservoir. According to the Deputy Governor of Banten Rano Karno, before he can carry out all the working this year, there are still a number of documents that require the signature of Ratu Atut for delegation of authority in realizing the development programs. "We are waiting for permission from the KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission) so that Ratu Atut can sign the documents," he said recently. South Banten Airport in Panimbang, Pandeglang, was originally planned to begin construction early this year. The Rp2.1 trillion worth airport will be built on an area of 600 hectares to support the Special Economic Zones (SEZ) of Tanjung Lesung Tourism Site. The airport is also expected to increase the tourist arrivals to the tourism area of Taman Ujung Kulon, known for its rhinoceros conservation. In the early phase, the runway will be built at 2,500 m long and 30 m wide. Later the runway will be extended to 3,500 m long in order to accommodate Boeing and other large aircrafts. It is expected that the construction of the airport will be completed and begin operation in 2016. In addition to airport, Banten provincial government also plans to build a toll road that connects Serang and Panimbang in Pandeglang along 83 km with the width of 14 m. The feasibility study of the toll road has been carried out, with the cost at Rp1.5 billion. The construction of the highway itself is predicted to cost around US$400-500 million. The toll road is also expected to support the development of Tanjung Lesung Tourism Site which has 1,500 hectares of coastal land to be developed as an integrated tourism area.

Another project that will be realized is the Karian Dam in Lebak Regency, which aims to overcome the frequent flooding which cut road off the toll road of Tangerang - Merak. The Rp1.7 trillion worth reservoir has been tendered late last year and led to the winning bidder of consortium Daelim - PT Wijaya Karya, but later it was canceled because they were judged violating procedures. According to the Deputy Governor Rano Karno the dam construction was pullbacked due to land acquisition problems. "Early 2014 we will resolve the land issue," he said and added that the Banten provincial government has allocated the funds amounting to Rp28 billion to acquire 101 hectares of plots of land. Karian Dam will be built on an area of 2,170 hectares with the loan funding from the South Korean government through the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). The reservoir, with the capacity of 200 million cubic meters, is expected to not only capable of supplying the clean water for Tangerang, Serang and Cilegon, but also Jakarta whose demand for water continues to increase so it cannot continue to rely on the dams of Citarum and Jatiluhur. Previously the government also planned to start building the Sunda Strait Bridge earlier this year. The 29 km long bridge is expected to cost around US$10 billion. The bridge is considered as a solution to overcome the traffic congestion in the route of Merak - Bakauheni. This plan continues to be delayed after it was revealed that the Sunda Strait prone to the earthquake at 8-9 on the Richter scale so that the building of the bridge will require more advanced technology.

In 2012 Ratu Atut was re-elected as the governor of Banten for the period of 2012-20 17, and this time, she teamed up with Rano Karno. The governor, born in Ciomas on May 16, 1962, has been launching the development programs in the province with the names 'ratu' in them. For example, the Movement of District Development Banten Unity which is shortened in the name of Gerbang Ratu. This program is a financial assistance amounting to Rp1 billion for every district. As many as 154 districts receive this fund for building infrastructure and funding the independent community development. Another program is Gempita Ratu, stands for Gerakan Aksi Membangun Pertanian Rakyat Terpadu (Movement of Building Action on Integrated People Agriculture, a program of agricultural development in the countryside. One more program named Jamsosoratu, stands for Integrated People Social Security which is an insurance program for very poor households. The fund channeled was at Rp4,6 billion to target the 2,000 households. In the age of just 13 years of the establishment of Banten province, the region has experienced a lot of progress. A number of indicators show the progress. The Human Development Index (HDI) rose from 67.2% in 2003 to 71.22% in 2012. The economic growth increased to 6.15 %, while the poverty rate fell from 9.22% in 2003 to 5.74 % in 2013. Meanwhile the unemployment declined from 17.45% in 2003 to 10.1 % in 2013, while the local revenues increased from Rp212.39 billion to Rp 3.57 trillion in 2013. (ing/various sources)

For poverty alleviation, the province of Banten has been rolling the program to developing districts by channeling funds amounting to Rp154 billion for 154 districts or Rp1 billion per district. The funds should be used to build the infrastructure that is integrated with the community development projects, especially in rural areas, so that they can be independent. (ing/various sources)

BANTEN Western Indonesian Time

“Banten Prioritizes Development of Airport, Toll Road and Reservoir”

Motto of Banten: Iman Taqwa (Obedient to the faith)

Banten Starts Out As Port City “Before it became a province in 2000 , Banten was part of West Java. This province in the 16th century had been a very busy port city with the name Bantam , under the rule of Sultan Agung. The remnants of its glory can be seen in the area of Banten Lama, notably for the Masjid Agung (Grand Mosque) which has stood since the 16th century.”


In the vicinity of the Grand Mosque, there is a tomb housing the graves of Banten sultans and their families. These graves, especially the one of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin, is considered sacred and many pilgrims visit it on certain days. 01.




Banten’s long coastal line makes it rich in beaches, ranging from Carita, Sarwana, Tanjung Lesung, Umang Island, and Ujung Kulon which although situated on the beach with several small islands nearby, this tourism site is better known as the rhino conservation. In addition to the beaches, Banten also has the typical tourist attractions that are not owned by the other provinces, the Baduy village. Inhabited by tribal Baduy, this place has been attracting many tourists both inside and outside the country because of its natural beauty and the society’s way of life which is anti-modernization. Baduy village is divided into two parts, the Outer Baduy and the Inner Baduy. The Inner Baduy attracts more tourists primarily because of its more strict tradition and do not use electricity. While the Outer Baduy society is more tolerant of electronic goods. Other known traditional culture of Banten is the martial art that consists of Pencak Silat, Debus, Rudad, as well as Saman Dance, Dance Cokek, Mask Dance, and Lojor. 03.


Inhabited by about 10 million people, the majority of the Banten’s population are Sundanese. Therefore there are also various Sundanese cuisines. One of them is the famous milkfish satay. Almost along the main roads in Serang and Pandeglang can be found the vendors selling the milkfish satay. (ing/various sources)


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Governor of Central Java

Ganjar Pranowo “The Smart Populist Politician”

“Ganjar Pranowo has been known as a politician who is smart, confident and articulate in speaking. Prior to joining the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), the alumnus of the Law Faculty at the Gajah Mada University was pursuing business as a human resources consultant. ”

Through the business, Ganjar, who was born in Karanganyar, on October 28, 1968, honed and sharpened his intellectual abilities. Early 2003, in preparation for the 2004 general elections, Ganjar was asked to provide training for the cadres of PDIP. Before becoming governor of Central Java, Ganjar was a member of Parliament from the PDIP faction. He held the post of Vice-Chairman of the Commission II on the domestic affairs in 2014, and the committee was investigating the Bank Century case. When running for the election of Central Java governor, Ganjar was paired with Heru Sudjatmoko. Ganjar was sworn in as governor of Central Java for the period of 2013-2018 on August 23, 2013. To develop Central Java, Ganjar has launched 'Agenda 18'. Within the program, Ganjar prioritizes three things, namely reducing poverty, unemployment and improvement of infrastructure. According to Ganjar, the poor people need the knowledge, capital and mentoring. With these three components, he believes poverty will never happen. "From the facilitation, we will know better which people come into the category of very poor, self-sufficient and independently capable. By grouping in such categories, hopefully we can help them in resolving their problems more effectively," he explained. Regarding the infrastructure, Ganjar has encouraged the Local House of Representatives (DPRD) to increase the budget for the road construction. Therefore the counties and the cities can enjoy the physical improvement concretely. In order to accommodate the aspirations of the people of Central Java, Ganjar frequently meets them face to face in their living areas. By this way, he learns what his people want while at the same time monitoring the development of the programs he had launched previously. (djo/various sources)

CENTRAL “ JAVA Western Indonesian Time

Improving the infrastructure is one of the priorities of Central Java Provincial Government in developing its territory. The Provincial Government has allocated Rp2,55 trillion in its State Local Budget 2014 for the purpose. The fund will be used to work on 102 packages of projects in improving the currently available roads and developing new ones with the totaled length of 300 km. The totaled length of all the roads in the province is 2,565.62 kilometers. Of which most of the roads, at 2,220.29 km long totally (86.54%) are in good condition; some 338.92 km (13.21%) are okay, and the rest of 6.41 km (0.25%) are damaged. Meanwhile, there are also some non - status roads at 115.84 km in total that are under the provincial government’s responsibilities.

- Kalibanteng-Semarang Flyovers (source:

Central Java Focuses on Roads and Power Plant Development

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Although in the category of damaged roads, it is only 0.25%, the projects are not targeted at those parts only. Lots of the road under the good category need urgently to be improved. There are about 800 km of the roads whose width are less than six meters. In 2014, some of the roads will be widened to six to seven meters. The top priority is connecting the coastal north lane with the south, as well as the roads leading to access the tourist spots, including the roads connecting Ketanggungan-Prupuk-Banyumas, Kendal-Temanggung, Semarang-Surakarta, and the tourist destinations like Lemahabang-Bandungan. Other road construction will be done in Central Java is south to south highway (JLSS) that connect some southern areas in Central Java. Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said that the JLSS project, financed by the central government, was expected to have an important role in bettering the economy in the southern region of Central Java. To further accelerate the development of the JLSS, the local administration is ready to help keep the land has been acquired in order to be ready for use when the project started. Another project to be built in Central Java is the steam power plant project with the capacity of 2 x 1,000 megawatts (MW) in Batang. The project is valued at US$4 billion, or about Rp48 trillion. The operation of the Batang power plant is predicted to be able to save the state budget up to Rp40 billion per day. The estimation came from the calculation on the amount of fuel currently used to generate electricity to meet the demand from Java and Bali. The Batang power plant will be the largest power project ever in Indonesia, which is developed under the public private partnership scheme (PPP). It should have been started, but since the land acquisitions from the residents has not finished yet, the project has to be postponed. The operation of the Batang power plant is estimated to delay until 2016 or 2018 due to the land acquisition problems. The government has formed a special team to deal with the residents from whom the governments want to acquire the lands at the total of 26 hectares. In fact, some of the lands have been bought at the price higher than the bar set by the independent assessor. The Batang power plant has a strategic role because it is integrated in the Java-Bali electricity system. This large-capacity plant will affect the electricity supply in Java-Bali in 2017-2018. If the power plant is not completed on schedule, it is feared there will be a crisis on the electricity supply for Java and Bali; given the growth in electricity demand has been reaching 14% per year, higher than the forecast by the State Electricity Company (PLN) who predicted the growth at 9%. To anticipate the postponement of the Batang power plant operation, the government has been accelerating the expansion of the Cilacap power plant which has the capacity of 614 MW. Another plant will be constructed adjacent the current Cilacap coal power plant already in operation. (djo/various sources)

Motto of Central Java: Prasetya Ulah Sakti Bhakti Praja (Promised to try hard and loyal to the country)







Administratively Central Java province is divided into 29 districts and 6 cities. The areas of Central Java region are totaled at 3.25 million hectares, or approximately 25.04% of the vast of the island of Java (1.70% of Indonesia’s). The provincial region consists of 1.00 million hectares (30.80%) of wetland and 2.25 million hectares (69.20%) of non-paddy land. The unemployment rate in Central Java per August 2013 reached 6.02%, an increase of 0.39% compared to August 2012 with the unemployment rate at 5.63%. In the period of August 2012 - August 2013, all sectors experienced a decline in the number of workers. In the agriculture sector, there was a decrease in the number of employees by 138,000 people (2.72%), in industry the number of employees decreased by 253,000 people (7.68%), in the construction sector the number of employees was down by 256,000 people (21.25%) and in the other sectors (mining and quarrying; electricity, gas and water supply) number of workers was reduced by 31,000 people (26.01%). The agriculture, commerce, industry and services together had become the largest recruitment of labors, reaching at 87.75% in August 2013. Although there was an increase in the unemployment rate, some economic sectors in Central Java in the third quarter 2013 showed some growth. The highest growth was contributed by the construction sector (3.3%), followed by electricity, gas and water supply (2.9%), finance, real estate and business services (2.7%), then transport and communications (2.1%). While other sectors experienced growth below 2.0%. (djo/various sources)

Despite Growing Economy, Unemployment Up “Central Java is a province administratively defined by the Law No. 10/1950 dated on July 4, 1950. The Central Java Province is flanked by two large provinces, namely West Java and East Java. It is located on the 5°40' and 8°30' south latitude and between 108°30' and 111°30' east longitude (including the Karimun Island). ”


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Governor of Yogyakarta

BRM Herjuno Darpito (Sri Sultan HB X) “The Populist Leader”

-Development plans for new airport in Yogyakarta (source:

“Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X was born with the name of Herjuno Darpito BRM. Graduated of the Faculty of Law of the University of Gajah Mada, Hamengkubuwono X was crowned as the king of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta since 1989 with the official title Sampeyan Dalem ingkang Sinuhun Kanjeng Sultan Hamengku Buwana Senapati-ing-Ngalaga Abdurrahman Sayidin Panatagama Khalifatullah ingkang Jumeneng Kaping Sadasa.”

The husband of GKR Hemas and the father of four daughters is active in various community organizations. He ever held various positions before becoming the governor, such as chairman of DIY Chambers of Commerce and Industry, chairman of Golkar DIY chapter, chairman of KONI DIY chapter, president director of PT Punokawan, chairman of sugar mill PG Madukismo, and Chairman of the Experts Team for Yogyakarta Governor. Together with Surya Paloh, he established the National Democratic Party. After Paku Alam VIII died, Sultan was sworn in as the Yogyakarta Governor for five years tenure, starting from 1998. Afterward, he was re-appointed for the second term of office for the next five years.

The member of Yogyakarta People Council GKR Hemas expects the construction of the Tanjung Adikarto Harbor and the International Airport in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, can be realized in the near future.

Sultan added, PT Angkasa Pura I is also willing to shift the position of the runway as far as three degrees, so that the western end of the runway will be shifted to the north and the east end of the runway will be shifted to the south.

According to her, the airport will provide a tremendous effect to the development and advancement of Kulon Progo. The airport is the gateway to exit the area and even out of the country. The airport will bring Kulon Progo closer to the outside world. It is expected the marketing of Kulon Progo products will be easier with the existence of the port and airport.

In addition to building the airport and port, as many as 20 new hotels will be built in the city of Yogyakarta in the period of 2014-2015. Head BP2KY (Eco-tourism Promotion Agency of Yogyakarta) Deddy Pranowo Eryono explained that in 2014 more hotels will start operation in the city of Yogyakarta to add to the current 14 new hotels which have begun operating since 2013.

According to Governor of Yogyakarta Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, the constructions of the airport and the port are in line with the Spatial Planning of the Yogyakarta and Kulon Progo, so there will be no problem to continue the project. With the note that the land prices do not increase and the project is still feasible.

The total of 20 new hotels will include non star hotels and star hotels. The additions of these new hotels are needed to meet the increase in demand because of the many tourists visiting Yogyakarta. Dutch travelers become the most foreign tourists visiting the city of Yogyakarta. It is expected that tourists from the new target markets of China and India will start to come.

The plan, the total land required for the construction of the new airport of Yogyakarta reached 637 hectares. Since the beginning of the plan to build the new airport, Yogyakarta Governor has been hoping this project can be carried out by a local investor or a national company. The governor also stressed that the construction of the airport will not disturb the iron sand processing plant. To do so, according to Sultan, the location of the airport should be shifted. The location shifting has been agreed by PT Angkasa Pura I and PT JMI, owner of the iron sand processing plant. With the shifting, the distance between the iron sand processing plant and the new airport will be three kilometers, from the previous one kilometer. The shifting is also necessary to prevent the dust particles coming out from the iron sand processing plant from getting into the aircraft engines that are landing or taking off.

The other infrastructure development under way is the highway on the axis route of south Java (JJLS) in Yogyakarta. So far, the barriers that exist for the development is the highway must pass through the hill. According to the Governor of Yogyakarta, the only solution can be done to solve the problem is by building an eight-kilometer tunnel through the hill. Sultan admitted that such a way would require a huge cost. For this reason, the DIY provincial government has been communicating with the Ministry of Public Works. As a result, the tunnel can only be built if there is a working cooperation with the private investors. The highway is planned to become an alternative road to the western part of Java and to East Java. According to Sultan, if JJLS realized, there must be another budget allocated to open the access from the northern part of Java to the south. (yhn/various sources)


During the governor's candidacy, public support was evident strong when the government seemed in doubt to re-appoint him as the governor of DIY. Approximately six million people rallied on the streets of Yogyakarta to support Hamengkubuwono (HB) X as the Governor of Yogyakarta. They organized a People's Declaration Tribune. The result was the demand to inaugurate Sultan HB X as the governor on October 3, 1998.

Western Indonesian Time

Sri Sultan is one of the four notables who created the Ciganjur Declaration. Since inaugurated as the governor of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan is known as a neutral figure among the various political parties and government interests. Because of this, he has been invited to speak at many seminars, explaining the concept of nationalism. Sri Sultan received an honorary doctorate from Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) for his achievement in the arts and cultures, especially in developing the traditional and contemporary performing arts. (yhn/various sources)

“ Airport and Harbor For People's Economy

City of Gudeg Second Tourist Destination In Indonesia “Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) is a provincial level in Special Region of Indonesia. The province is the union of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and Paku Alaman Duchy. Until now, the Special Region Yogyakarta is nationally even internationally renowned as the second tourist destination in Indonesia after Bali.”

Motto of Yogyakarta: Amemayu Hayuning Bawana (Flows in natural blows)






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Tourism is a major sector in supporting the economy of the DIY. In this province, various tourism sites have been attracting many domestic and foreign tourists to visit. The tourism sites in the province include MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention and Exhibition), cultural tourism, nature tourism, special interest tours and various other tourist facilities, such as resorts, hotels, and restaurants. Various star-rated and budget hotels scattered throughout the province. Various religious and cultural ceremonies of various religions and supported by artistic creativity and friendly community, make the DIY capable of creating cultural and tourism products which are salable. One of the famous food to foreign visitors of DIY is gudeg. Lesehan and angkringan are the favorite kinds of culinary tourism in the province. The tourism sector is very significant driving force of DIY economic activity, which in general depends on primary sectors of services, trade, hotels and restaurants, as well as agriculture. The tourism sector provides multiplier effect to the trade sector due to the increasing tourist arrivals. It also opens more jobs and contributes significantly to the regional economy. Geographically, DIY is benefited by the short distance between the location of tourist attractions that are affordable and easy to reach. DIY’s majority population are Muslim, the rest are Christian, Catholic, Hindu and Buddhist. Javanese is a tribe that dominates, the rest diverse ethnic immigrants from the other provinces. (yhn/various sources)



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Motto of East Java: Jer Basuki Mawa Béya (Success requires a sacrifice) -Gresik Harbor at East Java (source:

EAST JAVA West Indonesian Time

East Java Revitalizes 5 Ports To Lower Transportation Costs

Given the trade has an important role in the economy of East Java, the local government has allocated Rp44,5 billion in the Provincial State Budget (APBD) in 2014 to increase the capacity of the ports to support the inter-island trade. The project is part of the program of development, rehabilitation, maintenance of infrastructure and facilities of the sea transport mode. The project includes the construction of the port worth Rp1 billion on Gilimandangin Island, Brondong Port in Lamongan worth Rp 5 billion, the Boom Port in Banyuwangi worth Rp10 billion , the Port of Tanjung Tembaga in Probolinggo worth Rp23 billion, and the construction of a sea port on Giliraja Island, Sumenep, worth Rp1 billion. As it is known, the majority of inter-island trades are done through the sea transportation. During this time, the inter-island trades in East Java are centralized at the Tanjung Perak Harbor, Surabaya. Tanjung Wangi Harbor, Tanjung Tembaga Harbor and Brondong Harbor have been prepared to serve the inter-island trades as

Governor of East Java

Tanjung Perak is no longer able to accommodate. Increasing the port capacity is necessary for the economic development of East Java by enhancing the inter-island trades. Currently, the transportation cost accounts for 14.08% of the total sales. In fact, in Japan, the cost of transportation is only 4% of the total sales. By improving the facilities of the ports, it is expected that the transportation cost will be lower so that the marketability of the goods produced in East Java will be more competitive. Another project the East Java provincial government working on is the construction of four bridges to support the completion of the South Highway (JLS) that has been started since 2002. In the 2014 local state budget, the provincial government has allocated Rp26 billion. Four bridges to be built are Banjar Bridge in Trenggalek along 60 m with about Rp5 billion fund allocation and Wonosari Bridge in Blitar with the length of 100 m worth Rp7 billion. Dua jembatan lainnya yakni Jembatan Kedungsalam di Kabupaten Malang sepanjang 40 m dengan dana Rp4 miliar dan Jembatan Blater IV Jember sepanjang 40 m dengan dana Rp4 miliar. Dari

“Soekarwo, commonly called Pakde Karwo, is a bold and innovative governor. The man, who was born in Madiun on June 16, 1950, has always had a progressive idea to improve the bureaucracy of his administration. When he was serving as the head of East Java Revenue Office, Pakde Karwo instructed to shorten the time needed to process the tax payment for motor vehicles which previously took one or two days to become 5-10 minutes. Many people judged the idea was absurd, but he could prove that the idea was implementable by utilizing advanced information technology (IT).”

Soekarwo “Governing With Progressive Moves”

When he became the secretary of East Java Administration Office, Pakde Karwo proposed a better idea of public services. The bureaucracy services were previously mocked by a byword of "If it can be slowed down, why should be accelerated?", then he changed it to "For public services, have the will and you can do it". The key to excellent services to the community, according to him, is the certainty of time needed to process, the

alokasi empat jembatan yang bakal dibangun dengan konstruksi rangka baja itu, dana yang dikeluarkan sekitar Rp20 miliar. Sedangkan dana sisanya sekitar Rp6 miliar digunakan untuk pengadaan rangka baja. Two other bridges are the Kedungsalam Bridge in Malang along 40 m with the cost of Rp4 billion and Blater IV Bridge in Jember at 40 m long worth Rp4 billion. The construction the steel frame bridges has been estimated to cost about Rp20 billion. The remaining Rp6 billion of the fund allocated by the local government will be used for the procurement of the steel frames. To complete the JLS, connecting the city of Pacitan on the western part and Banyuwangi on the eastern part, an additional of Rp6.17 trillion fund is needed. In order to quicken the completion of the JLS, it requires a special policy from the central government. In this case, the allocation of fund for the JLS construction should get priority. The main constraint in the JLS construction lies on the process of

cost and the requirements/procedures. Even when it comes to payment processing, he applied the rule to avoid person to person. Payment should be done through the mechanism of the machine, such as through the banking services, Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) or through other online systems. Gradually, the bureaucratic reform initiated by Pakde Karwo brings to fruition.

In the future, JLS will have an important role for the economy of East Java. JLS is considered as the alternative route to unravel the congestion that often occurs on the highway connecting the middle parts of East Java and the north coastal highway. Besides, JLS is also expected to grow the economy of East Java. The plan was that the national State Budget would finance the physical development of JLS, while for preparing the land will be funded by the East Java Provincial Budget, and the local state budget of regencies/cities would provide the fund for purchasing the plots of land. (djo/various sources)

East Java: Province With Lots of Industrial Estates

The alumnus of Faculty of Law, Airlangga University in 1979, was sworn in as the governor of East Java on February 12, 2009. He holds a commitment to reduce poverty by providing basic amenities in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), as well as providing facilities to the Cooperatives.

“With an area of 47,157.72 km2, East Java (Jatim) has 229 islands consist of 162 islands named and 67 islands unnamed, with about 2,833.85 km long beaches. The borders of the province are by the Java Sea to the north, by the Indonesian Ocean to the south, by the province of Central Java to the west and by the Strait of Bali/Bali Province to the east.”

To attract investors, Pakde Karwo has performed progressive steps to establish the Integrated Licensing Service Center (P2T), which cut through the red tape so that it becomes faster. In addition, he has also provided the land ready to develop by the investors and along with sufficient electricity supply. He is pro-poor people, but still provides the opportunity for the entrepreneurs to develop their investments. In the governor election in 2013, Soekarwo was re-elected to lead the East Java. He managed to win the election in one round only because many people had stated to be satisfied with his previous achievements.







land acquisition. Some plots of land located in Banyuwangi, Jember, Lumajang, South Malang, Blitar and Tulungagung have not been able to acquire yet as the prices are considered too high. In addition, the local government has also to deal with Perhutani (state-owned company on forestry) due to the fact that a part of the JLS road has to pass through its forest. Another constraint is the lack of central government budget disbursement. In 2013, the central government only channeled Rp200 billion for the JLS project.

-Bintang Hotel Mulia, Jember (source: )



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East Java is known as the center of eastern Indonesia and has a very significance contribution to the national economy. The population of East Java is about 37.9 million (2012). The trade, processing industry and agriculture have important role in the province. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of East Java Office, in 2012 the main contributors of the provincial Gross Domestic Product (GDP) were the trade (30.4%), the manufacturing industry (27.11%), and the agriculture (15.42%).

Several large industries are located in East Java, namely the largest shipyard in Indonesia (PT PAL Surabaya), the largest railway industry company in Southeast Asia (INKA, Madiun), paper mills (in Sidoarjo and Probolinggo), cigarette factories (in Pasuruhan, Surabaya, Malang and Kediri). In Gresik, there is the big cement producer of Semen Gresik and petrochemical producer Petrokimia Gresik, while in Tuban there are cement factories belonging each to Semen Indonesia and Semen Holcim as well as the area of petrochemical refineries center.

The local government has established 12 industrial estates, including Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut (SEER) in Surabaya, Pasuruan Industrial Estate Rembang (PIER) in Pasuruan, Madiun Industrial Estate Balerejo (MIEB) in Madiun Regency, Ngoro Industrial Park (NIP) in Mojokerto, Jabon Industrial Area in Sidoarjo Regency, and Lamongan Integrated Shorebase (LIS) in Lamongan.

The small industrial centers are also scattered throughout the regencies/cities, and some of them have penetrated the export markets such as the production center of leather bags and shoes in Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo.


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Bali Builds Rp2 Trillion Worth Lifestyle Center



Governor of Bali

I Made Mangku Pastika “Grass Scything Kid Turns Governor ”

- Rencana Pembangunan Nusa Dua Circle (sumber:

Bali continues to build new facilities for its tourism. This time an integrated complex called Nusa Dua Circle is now being built by PT Graha Cemerlang Group, through its subsidiary PT Danau Winata Indah, and Thailand based Minor Hotel Group. The construction of the Nusa Dua Circle, built on an area of 3.23 hectares with a building complex of 85,075 m2, will cost almost Rp2 trillion. Nusa Dua Circle will consist of Avani Nusa Dua (a hotel), Bali Hotel (a condominium-hotel/condotel) and Oaks Nusa Dua (an apartment), which will be completed mid 2015. In addition to the hotel, condotel and apartment, in the area will also be built an art gallery and an amphitheater as the venue to hold art and cultural activities, as well as other lifestyle facilities, covering an area of 3,000 m2. The concept is similar to the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore. The Nusa Dua Circle is expected to become the new icon of Bali. The Nusa Dua Circle will also function as a central meeting place, either for socializing, partying, just relaxing or having business meetings locally and internationally. This place is scheduled to hold one or two international events each month. The lifestyle center will also be equipped with supporting facilities such as the Sky Lounge with Pool & Bar, the Sky Spa and Gym on the top floor, which will provide a rare sea view of Tanjung Benoa; the first ever Giant LED TV in Bali; a Ballroom with a capacity of up to 1000 people for wedding and business events; an Amphitheater with the background of Monument of Independence (Margarana); an Art Studio & Gallery which will display masterpieces of artists from various areas of Bali, as well as three unique restaurants serving Continental, Italian and Chinese cuisines. Another ongoing development project in Bali right now is the construction of Titab Reservoir in Buleleng Regency. The project will be completed mid or late 2014. The reservoir, costing about Rp650 billion, will became the largest reservoir in Bali, beating the Telaga Tanjung in Tabanan. Titab reservoir is targeted to be able to irrigate the 1,794.82 ha agricultural area nearby. When the dam was completed, aside of the irrigation function, there






will be an additional fresh water of 350 m3/sec for the people in the area.

“Born on June 22, 1951 in the village of Musi, Penyabangan , Buleleng, this man is indeed exemplary. I Made Mangku Pastika is the second son of six children. His father was teaching Balinese traditional dances and martial arts.” Mangku Pastika lived his childhood days with scything grass on abandoned lands and sold the grass to the ones who raised livestock. During sitting at the Sekolah Rakyat (Elementary School in the old days), he went cutting the grass and catching eels after school. When the Mount Agung erupted in 1963, his family moved to Bengkulu. Here Mangku Pastika’s profession changed, from the grass seller to and 'assistant' of a vendor selling flavored ice, gado-gado (salad with spicy peanut sauce), and rujak (various fruits with spicy palm sugar sauce).

Another benefit of the construction of the reservoir is to cope with the drought and to prevent flood in three districts in the Buleleng Regency, namely Seririt, Bajar and Busungbiu. This reservoir will intercept the water flow from Tukad Saba River, flowing through between the districts of Seririt and Busungbiu. As widely known, in every rainy season the Tukad Saba River always overflowed, causing the floods. The construction of the dam is expected to prevent it, by collecting the water from the rain, while during the dry season people living around it won’t lack of water. The other benefits of the Titab Reservoir, among others, are using it as a tourism site, for fishery activities and afforestation area. For complete information, visit or directly scan this QR Code to your destination.

The Ngurah Rai International Airport is also being prepared as the Best Tourism Airport. The development of the airport will make the international terminal expand from 65,846 m2 to 120,000 m2 with the capacity of 16 million passengers per year. Meanwhile the domestic terminal is being expanded from 13, 922 m2 to 65, 846 m2 with the capacity of 9.4 million passengers per year. The airport has also been implementing 100% HBS (Handling Baggage System), building the replacement facilities abolished due to the expansion of the terminal areas, as well as developing the parking area and constructing a multipurpose building. The apron is also being developed from initially 252, 493 m2 to become 309,500 m2 solely to provide adequate parking area for the aircrafts. While the runway remains the same at 3,000 m with the width of 45 m. (yhn/various sources)

“The construction of the Nusa Dua Circle, built on an area of 3.23 hectares with a building complex of 85,075 m2, will cost almost Rp2 trillion.”

Mangku Pastika’s career began after he graduated from the military academy and became the commander of Platoon 1 of Company I, Battalion B, the Jakarta Police Mobile Brigade. Since then his career kept rising and in 2005 he served as the Chief of Bali Police, the later became the Chief Executive of the National Narcotics Agency. He resigned when he run for the election of Bali’s governor in 2008 and was elected the governor of Bali for the 2008-2013 period. In 2013, Mangku Pastika was re- elected as the governor of Bali for the second term. In the current period, he pledged to reduce poverty and increase social welfare. The various pro-people programs have been designed, among other are Mandara Bali Health Insurance, Integrated Agricultural System, Rebuilding Inadequate Homes, Illiteracy Eradication and the development of education, Bali Green Province, as well as the Integrated Rural Development Movement. Through the programs, Mangku Pastika does not only want to the people of Bali wealthier, but to protect the environment as well. He is committed to explore, preserve and develop the cultures of Bali as the pillar of development of the tourism in Bali. Pastika also develops well the creative economy based on the local potentials. (djo/various sources)

Some other inactive mountains reach an altitude between 1,000-2,000 m. The mountain chain, stretching across the middle of the island, makes this region geographically divided into two distinct parts. They are North Bali with narrow lowland of the foothills and the foot of mountains, and South Bali with broad lowland and valleys. Bali is widely known as a tourist destination. The foreign tourists who came to Bali in 2012 reached 2,888,864 people. The majority of the tourists come from Australia, followed by China, Japan, Malaysia, and South Korea.


Motto of Bali: Bali Dwipa Jaya (The Glorious Bali Island)

The tourism sector plays an important role for the economy of Bali. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the Bali Province in the fourth quarter of 2012, based on the constant prices of the year of 2000, for the sectors of trade, hotel and restaurant reached Rp2.71 trillion. The agricultural sector ranks second with Rp1.54 trillion. The service sector ranks third with the figure of Rp1.23 trillion. Many of the Balinese also make a living from fishing and not a few who chose to become an artist. Ubud is an area famous for its art center. However, most tourists choose to go to the beach which extends for 529 km. The beaches favored by tourists include Sanur, Kuta and Tanah Lot. A number of temples, where Hindu Balinese worship, are also the most visited tourist destinations. The religious ceremonies and typical clothing worn by the worshippers are considered attractive to the tourists. (yhn/various sources)





Mountainous But Mostly Renown For Its Beaches “The landscape of Bali province is actually dominated by mountains and hills, covering most of the region. On a relief map, Bali Island will show a mountain chain that extends from the west to the east. Among the mountains there are still active volcanoes, namely Mount Agung (3,142 m) and Mount Batur (1,717 m).”

BALI Central Indonesian Time



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Governor of West Nusa Tenggar\a

Muhammad Zainul Majdi “Impressive Young Governor Former TKI”

-Road Construction at West Nusa Tenggara (source:

“Muhammad Zainul Majdi, familiarly called Tuan Guru Bajang, is the governor of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) for the 2008-2013 tenure. The governor, who was born in Pancor, Selong, on May 31, 1972, holds his position supported by Badrul Munir as the vice governor.” Previously, Majdi became a member of the House of Representatives in the period of 2004-2009 from the Crescent Star Party in charge of education, youths, sports, tourism, arts and cultures (Commission X). In 2009, in conjunction with the Youth Pledge Day on October 28, Muhammad Zainul Majdi was awarded as the youngest governor in Indonesia by the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI). When sworn in as the governor of NTB on September 17, 2008, Majdi was at the age of 36 years three months of 17 days. In the past Majdi turned out to have become an Indonesian migrant worker (TKI) while studying at the Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, to get Master of Arts degree. "I was paid 6,000 reals or equivalent to Rp12 million for translating the texts in Arabic into Indonesian language, which I had done it in 1.5 months," he said. The holder of doctorate degree with honor of "Martabah EL-Syaraf El Ula Ma`a Haqqutba" or summa cum laude, has received the Lencana Ksatria (Knight Badge) of Bhakti Husada Arutala from President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono for his achievements in the development of the health sector in his territory. Under his leadership, the NTB was also ever awarded as The Best Province in Tourism Development by MetroTV in 2010. In the same year, Zainul Majdi received the award related to food from President Yudhoyono for his success in increasing the rice production. In 2011, Majdi was awarded with The Best Dedicated Governor in Developing MICE Industry. The following year he was named as the counselor of the National Program for the Empowerment of Self-sufficient Community of Best Village by the Ministry of Home Affairs. In the same year, Majdi received the award of Bintang Maha Putra Utama from President Yudhoyono for his achievements in the development of cooperatives and small scale businesses. (eny/berbagai sumber)

WEST NUSA TENGGARA Central Indonesian Time

“ West Nusa Tenggara Keeps Improving Connectivity ” West Nusa Tenggara continues to improve. The province is keeping a lot of tourism potentials that can be optimized in the future. In terms of infrastructure, the major roads in West Nusa Tenggara are relatively smooth, much smoother than even the main road on the north coastal line of Java, or even the one on the southern part of Java. The infrastructure development was budgeted in the West Nusa Tenggara state budget in 2012 at about Rp2,3 billion. Compare that with the budget of West Java in 2012 for the same purpose which reached approximately at Rp10 trillion. With such a lower budget, West Nusa Tenggara proved itself capable to improve. Not surprisingly, the West Nusa Tenggara provincial government received an award in the field of management of the national roads for the second time in 2013 from the Ministry of Public Works. West Nusa Tenggara provincial government is considered capable to maintain the quality of the national roads with the smoothness reaching up to 100% to date. Not only that, out of the 1,772.27 km of existing provincial roads, up to 66 % are included in the appropriate category. Meanwhile the 24.5% of the provincial roads in West Nusa Tenggara currently have not been yet in the steady status. Governor Muhammad Zainul Majdi said, after West Nusa Tenggara together with Bali and East Nusa Tenggara were brought into the Corridor V of the MP3EI programs, good transport connectivity by land, sea and air in West Nusa Tenggara has been growing quite significantly. "With the connectivity, West Nusa Tenggara has further established as a gateway of the tourism and


Lambang Symbol ofNusa WestTenggara Nusa Tenggara Barat 02.

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national food security," he added. MP3EI or Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development, which began in May 2012, became the mainstay agenda of the administration of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as the concept in rolling the national economic wheels. Governor further explained several indicators suggest that MP3EI programs in West Nusa Tenggara are quite successful. First, on the access to air transport after the operation of Lombok International Airport (BIL); previously there were only seven routes of flights to West Nusa Tenggara through the Selaparang Airport, both domestically and abroad. Since the operation of BIL, said Majdi, the routes of the flights increased to 10, both domestically and abroad. While previously the routes were served by only eight carriers, now there are 11 airline companies. The flight frequency also increased, from 26 to 38 flights per day. In addition, the growth of the number of passengers flying through the BIL is also pretty good on the average of 20% per year. "This shows that the development is very significant for air transport after the implementation of MP3EI programs," he added. The volume of goods unloaded at the Lembat Harbor has also increased significantly from 908,000 tons previously to 3.4 million tons at present. Initially, it was feared that when BIL started operation, it would decrease the number of passengers using the services of Lembar Harbour to go to Bali through the Padangbai Port. But the facts show that the number of passengers at

Lembar Harbor has increased significantly as well. West Nusa Tenggara has three airports, namely BIL, Salahuddin Airport in Bima and Brang Biji Airport in Sumbawa Besar. As for the sea transport, there are eight ports to serve. On the air transport facilities, the West Nusa Tenggara provincial government is seeking for an extension of the BIL’s runway from 2,750 meters to 3,000 meters so it can accommodate a Boeing 747. As for the Salahuddin Airport in Bima the runway will be extended from the 1,600 meters to 2,100 meters so it can accommodate Boeing 737 aircrafts. Head of Transport Department at the Communication and Information Ministry Ridwan Syah said, "We are pursuing to open international flight routes to Hong Kong, Perth and Singapore because the demand is high enough." Meanwhile, according to Vice Governor of West Nusa Tenggara Muh Amin, the MP3EI program for the region of West Nusa Tenggara in the tourism sector includes the development of the Samota tourist area with the investment of Rp7,5 trillion, and the development of marine tourism of Tanjung Menangis with the investment of Rp300 billion. The programs for the forestry sector include the development of Industrial Forest Plantations (HTI) with the investment of Rp1,84 trillion in Dompu and Bima. Then there is also the additional timber processing plant (sag mill) with the investment of Rp6 trillion in West Sumbawa Regency, and the construction of a 20 MW steam power plant with the investment of Rp500 billion in Dompu Regency. (eny/berbagai sumber)

The development in the West Nusa Tenggara region shows significant progress, after a number of major projects have been completed within the last five years. One of the projects is the Lombok International Airport (BIL) which was inaugurated on September 21 2011, after the inauguration of the clean water provision project. West Nusa Tenggara also won an award from the central government as one of the best provincial in supporting the cooperatives development in the country. Based on the data from the Cooperatives and SMEs Office of West Nusa Tenggara, so far there are 3,512 units of cooperatives with membership of over 628,000, managing total assets worth at Rp1.14 trillion, an increase of 14% compared to the previous year figure.


In the cooperatives sector, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono selected West Nusa Tenggara to host the 66th anniversary of the National Cooperatives Day (Harkopnas) on July 12 last year, under the consideration that the cooperatives in the province have been developed significantly. The total values of the cooperatives business units in the region of West Nusa Tenggara has reached Rp1,8 trillion, which shows the promising potentials and substantial progress in building economy of the West Nusa Tenggara’s community.


West Nusa Tenggara provincial government is also designing the sharia tourist destinations by preparing the related policies to support the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy’s program in promoting nine sharia destinations in Indonesia. The Tourism and Cultures Office of West Nusa Tenggara has been improving the condition of sharia tourism sites, and the potentials are quite big especially on the island of Lombok, which is known as the Island of a Thousand Mosques. The development of the sharia tourist destinations is a part of the preparation to launch the products of sharia tour packages in 2014. (eny/berbagai sumber)

West Nusa Tenggara Potentials in Sharia Tourist Destinations “The geographical position of West Nusa Tenggara is considered quite strategic for the region's economic growth. In the long-term development orientation, West Nusa Tenggara has been touted as the bridge for the economic development of the eastern Indonesia.”


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-Chemical Factory, East Nusa Tenggara

EAST NUSA TENGGARA Central Indonesian Time

“NTT Build Chemical Plant Worth Rp4T ” After successfully organizing the Sail Komodo 2013, the provincial government of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) continues to aggressively trying to attract investors. One result is the investment to be carried out by Former Minister of People Housing (Menpera) Suharso Manoarfa. The investment will be in the form of a chemical plant worth Rp4 trillion.

NTT Governor Frans Lebu Raya has expressed his supports to the construction of the plant. "Yes, he (Suharso) is interested in investing in Kupang. Previously he once asked what could be done to develop NTT," said Governor Frans Lebu in the NTT Governor Office. As the governor, said Frans, he will always be very supportive to each investment coming into the province for the benefit of the people. "Any investment coming in, of course I support. We need many investments in this region. This chemical plant is still in the planning phase. The team will study the potentials and if they are viable, then the investment plan will be realized," said the governor. Former Menpera Suharso Manoarfa said last September that he had a meeting with the governor to submit the masterplan in building the factory in the province. He explained that the chemical factory will be the first of its kind in Indonesia. However, he did not disclose what kinds of product will be produced with an investment of US$400 million, or more than Rp4 trillion. This plant, said Suharso, will absorb thousands of workers and local workforce is a priority. Even the raw materials for the factory will utilize the local products, such as limestone and seawater. "We will empower the local workforce," he said. In addition, NTT province has also been included in the MP3EI programs under the economic corridor of Bali - Nusa Tenggara (KE Bali - NT) that work on three main economic sectors, namely tourism, animal husbandry, and fishery. There are two additional

non - primary economic sectors into it, namely mineral mining and agriculture.

Beside the food, the tourism potentials are also big considering the natural beauty and the rich cultural heritages around 550 islands scattered in the region of NTT. Some of the icons of tourism sites are the Komodo Island, Kelimutu, Larantuka and Lamalera, then the Island of Alor and Rote Island. Previously in order to welcome the Sail Komodo 2013, NTT province has been implementing the development focusing on the several areas of infrastructure, education in the form of construction of smart homes, and other community development programs, including the construction of decent houses or renovation of improper houses to become more habitable. For public housing, the government plans to build at least 1,183 houses across the province. The other programs has been carried out include the improvement of the Komodo Airport terminal building, extending the runway, the construction of a hospital and the provision of clean water. All the development programs have not only carried prior to support the Sail Komodo event, but will be continued afterward. (rns/various sources)

The topography of each island is not the same. There are ramps on some and others have mountains and even volcanoes. The many small islands potentially make this province to develop the marine tourism industry. Currently, there are many people who come to visit the province for diving, surfing and snorkeling.



NTT is also very rich in cultures, ranging from hundreds of local languages, hundreds or perhaps thousands of types of folk dances, and various shades of typical woven fabric. Each district in the province has a different language and traditions. Catholic dominant society was influenced by the Portuguese cultures. Pasola Jousting in Sumba Island is one of the interesting performing arts and cultures. Pasola is a kind of sport game played by a bunch of colorful costumed riders who throw javelins on the horsebacks. The ceremony is usually held in February in the villages of Lamboya and Kodi, and in March in the villages of Gaura and Wanokaka. It is performed a few days after the full moon and coincides with the celebration of nyale, a tradition to catch sea worms called nyale on the beach by the local people.


“His background as an NGO activist and the son of a farmer has made him close to the people. Governor of East Nusa Tenggara Frans Lebu Raya is now serving his second tenure for the period of 2013-2018. He is considered the only successful governor in NTT in rolling the programs from people for people and by the people.”“His background as an NGO activist and the son of a farmer has made him close to the people. Governor of East Nusa Tenggara Frans Lebu Raya is now serving his second tenure for the period of 2013-2018. He is considered the only successful governor in NTT in rolling the programs from people for people and by the people.” Born on May 18, 1960, in Adonara Island, Frans Lebu Raya began his political career as a representative of the people in the House of Representatives (DPRD) in 1999. In the 2003 he was elected as vice governor to assist then Governor Piet Alexander Tallo for the period 2003-2008. The graduate of Undana Kupang eventually run for the election of East Nusa Tenggara governor for the tenure of 2008-2013 and won it. Governor Frans Lebu Raya is known for his program that touches people called Desa Mandiri Anggur Merah, proven to increase the welfare of the people. Through the program, the selected villages receive a grant of Rp250 million to develop the rural economy, accompanied by professionals in the field as counselors. Beginning in 2010, the program showed significant results. Therefore, if in the first year, there was only one village of each district (usually comprises dozens of villages) that received the grant, in the following year there was one in every 8 villages who got fund. Governor said that he expected in 2017 all villages in his territory will be economically independent and the community live more prosperous lives. On many occasions the governor often said that he wanted to be in one mind one heart with the people in building the new East Nusa Tenggara. "It is simple but full of meaning because it directly touches the hearts of the people, inviting and positioning them as partners of the government in build the new East Nusa Tenggara that we all love." (ing/various sources)



“Positioning People As Partners”

NTT has been recognized for its potentials to support the purpose to meet the demands on food domestically, as well as for exports. Some of the leading commodities are cattle, chicken and pork, corn and cassava, fish and salt, as well as a series of food processing industries such as the ones producing fish flour.

“East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) comprises more than 550 islands, dominated by a few major islands, namely Flores, Sumba, Timor, Alor, Lembata, Rote, Sabu, Adonara, Solor, Komodo and Palue. Timor Island is the main island in the province due to its most dense population. On this island, it is where the NTT’s capital city of Kupang located. ”


Frans Lebu Raya

As of April 2013, the achievement of the value of investment projects in KE Bali - NT was recorded at Rp204,3 billion (for infrastructure at Rp68,4 trillion and the real sector at Rp135,9 billion). However, the investments on the real sector and infrastructure for the province of East Nusa Tenggara are low, only 28 projects with the total value of Rp17,7 trillion.

Islands Province Potentially Rich


Governor of East Nusa Tenggara




The economic structure of NTT province is dominated by the agricultural sector, although it begins to decline from year to year. NTT has the potentials of dry land area as vast as 2.4 million hectares, suitable for the development of plantations of many commodities. Currently the upland plantations in NTT produces 14 kinds of products, such as cashew nut, coffee, coconut, hazelnut, chocolate, palm nut, cloves, tobacco, vanilla, castor, cotton, pepper and nutmeg. In addition to plantations, NTT also has a large enough potential in the farms for raising cattle, buffaloes and horses. (rns/various sources)

Symbol of East Nusa Tenggara


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BKPM Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board

Champions Program “ Regional As Catalyst To Increase Investment

Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has launched a program called Regional Champions to attract more direct investment, especially from overseas. The program, which was launched in 2011, annually selects the provinces that are considered ideal as investment destinations.


REGIONAL CHAMPIONS PROGRAM AS CATALYST TO INCREASE INVESTMENT Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has launched a program called Regional Champions to attract more direct investment, especially from overseas. The program, which was launched in 2011, annually selects the provinces that are considered ideal as investment destinations.

Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board

The benefits for the selected provinces, aside of getting an award, they also will be included in the joint promotion program organized by BKPM in attracting investors. The program is expected to push the other provinces to continue improving themselves. In previous years, to encourage the regions attract more investments, BKPM conducted the annual Investment Award event in which the provinces, cities, and regencies who were considered the most successful in attracting investors won the award. In the initial launch of the Regional Champions program, seven provinces were selected, namely Aceh, West Sumatra, Central Java, West Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, and North Sulawesi. The seven provinces were chosen because they have more capabilities. While the criteria used to determine which provinces are worth mentioning Regional Champions include experiencing economic growth, having commitment to reform, the readiness of the local administration especially in terms of providing easiness to process the investment, and the availability and quality of infrastructure both the 'software' and 'hardware'.

(source: World Bank)


Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Mahendra Siregar, Tuesday, October 1, 2013, said that one of the main focus that will be done in carrying out his new role is to recalculate the investment targets set by the government next year.

A year later, in 2012, East Java and South Sumatra were selected to win the Regional Champions title. As a 'gift', East Java and Sumatra were invited to meet with investors from Australia. According to ChatibBasri, who then became the Head of BKPM, East Java got an additional predicate asthe best province in terms of One Stop Services. East Java has developed an e-tracking system, in line with what has been implemented by BKPM. Investors can monitor the process of the letter they proposed to get permit. Monitoring can be done via computer or mobile phone. "If the letter is too long stopping at some point, he or she could immediately send a letter of complaint which will be responded promptly by BKPM," said Chatib. The total investment value of East Java in the third quarter of 2012 was recorded at Rp90.03 trillion or increased by 11.34%. Meanwhile the value of investments in South Sumatra for the year of 2012 reached Rp13 trillion. The other provinces considered getting quite achievement, but still needing improvement in terms of One Stop Services, especially in terms of the application of e-tracking system,are West Java, Jakarta, Banten, Riau, and East Kalimantan. The total investmentsin the provincesfor the year of 2012 reached 70% of the total national investments.


In 2013 the East Java Province again won the award as the Regional Champion, accompanied by West Java, and East Kalimantan. This time as a 'gift', the representatives of the three provinces were facilitated by BKPM to attend an investment promotion forum in Rome, Italy, titled “Investment Opportunities Regional Forum”. BKPM data shows that during the year of 2013, East Java successfully realized the investment of Rp75.6 trillion consists of Rp34.8 trillion Domestic Investments, which put the province in the first place for the biggest domestic investment realization, and US$3.4 billion, or about Rp40.8 trillion of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI). Meanwhile West Java recorded the largest foreign direct investments in Indonesia for the year of 2013 with the value of US$7.1 billion, or about Rp85.2 trillion. As for domestic investments, the total amounted to Rp9 trillion. Thus in total, West Java realized the investments at Rp94.2 trillion. For complete information, visit or directly scan this QR Code to your destination.


According to BKPM Chairman MahendraSiregar, in overall Java is still the major investment destination, both domestic and foreign direct investments, which reached 57.8% of the total investments in Indonesia reaching at Rp398.6 billion in 2013. After Java, Sumatra and Borneo each of which contributed 13.8% of the national investment value. The most desirable sectors for domestic investment sector areelectricity, gas and water supply with the amount of Rp18.3 trillion respectively, followed by the food industry, transportation, warehouse, and telecommunications with investment value at Rp8.3 trillion. After that, there are the basic metal industry, metal goods, machinery and electronics at Rp4.9 trillion, and the paper industry, paper products and printing at Rp4.7 trillion. Foreign direct investments prefer freight and transportation equipment industry worth US$3.7 billion or around Rp44.4 trillion. Followed by basic metal industry, metal goods, machinery and electronics, respectively at US$3 billion; electricity, gas and water supply at US$2 billion; basic chemical industry, chemical and pharmaceutical goods at US$1.6 billion, while transportation, warehouse and telecommunications at US$1.4 billion.



Jawa Timur Infrastructure.


Irigation Komering on South Sumatera.


SPAM IKK Candi, Kedung Nguling Village, Sidoarjo.



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INVESTMENT Waiting For Municipal Bonds oleh: Wawan Hendrayana

With the current account deficit that is now being run by the Indonesian government, ithas been encouraging the rapid growth of government bond issuance which brought the consequence of an increase on the total government debts.

As an illustration, in 2007 the government had a debt in the form of state securities amounting to Rp803 trillion. In6 years by the end of 2013 the debt increased to Rp1,661 trillion. Some of this debt was used to cover the state budget deficit for transferringfunds to the regions which kept getting bigger year by year. Unfortunately, despite the increase in the transferring funds, the benefits to the development of the regions are relatively small. This can be seen from the reports on the use of local state budget funds from various regions, which generally showthat the largest allocation of the transferring funds was spent on paying the salaries of civil servants and financing the administrative operations. The portion of financing infrastructure development in each region is still very small. This condition would theoretically make it difficult to each region to develop. Based on the Law No. 33 of 2004, which further regulated by PMK 147/PMK.07/2006 actually the local governments can get the funds to financethe public sector developments by issuing the municipal bonds which generate income and provide benefits to the community. Ironically, until now there is no single local government issuing the municipal bonds, although the regions are supposed to get benefitsby the development of infrastructure such as the construction/opening of the access road to the processing facilities of the natural resources, the construction of highways, ports, airports, clean water processing plants, shopping centers, hospitals and others that will create economic

activities with extensive networks and will generate a lot of jobs in these regions. The issuance of municipal bonds also will encouragethe local governments to immediately apply the principles of good governance such as transparency and responsibility in managing the local finances. The potential benefits of municipal bonds themselves are very large for the capital markets industry. The spirit of regional autonomy becomes euphoria which is expected to encourage high public interest to buy the municipal bonds. Besides, if it is supported by provision of various facilities inherent in the financial instruments such as tax deferral, the municipal bondswill be more attractive for the local people than the corporate bonds. The other additional thingexpected to boost the chance of success inissuing state bonds in the region is that there is a large increase of the haves or the middle class families in Indonesia. Based on data from The Bank of Indonesia, thefunds deposited by the local community in the bank are relatively huge, the third-party funds (DPK) in the banksper October 2013 reached Rp3,500trillion predominately in the forms of time deposits and saving accounts. When the municipal bonds can provide attractive yields and are able to attract 5% of DPK then the fundsaccumulated will reach Rp175 trillion that can be used for the development of regional infrastructure. This

amount is more than enough for the early development of the municipal bonds. Besides the fundswill also add the capitalization of our capital market which currently is at the level of Rp4,200 trillion. Educating the investor community needs to be done to make them understand the risks of buying the municipal bonds whenthey are issued. The fact thatthe municipal bonds are not guaranteed by the central government has to be emphasized. The next step isthat the local governments should collaborate with the other stakeholders such as the Financial Services Authority to design the strategy to be applied so that the regions in Indonesia can immediately issue the municipal bonds. Municipal bondas the new financial instrument to be introduced is believed to have a very strategic value so that the central government should proactively encourage the potential local governments to immediately issue the municipal bonds. With the very vast area and regions spreading all over Indonesia while the condition of resources differs widely, it is estimated that the issuance of municipal bonds will acceleratethe development equitabilityof the regions throughout Indonesia. (Wawan Hendrayana)

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Governor of Aceh

Zaini Abdullah “The Charismatic Former GAM Official ”

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The Veranda of Mecca at the Tip of Sumatra “The 2004 tsunami is a reminiscent of how ferocity the disaster that occurred in the Veranda of Mecca city. Aceh was once a ghost town afterward, before it was eventually rebuilt. Only five mosques were still standing strong around the wrecked buildings destroyed by the tsunami. The five mosques were Baiturrahman Mosque, Ulelee local mosque, the mosque in the Khaju area, Lhoknga Mosque, and a small mosque in the Ulele area.”


“Before becoming the 17th governor of the Aceh Province, with the term of office from 2012 to 2017, Zaini Abdullah was a top-ranked official of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM). The family physician was graduated from the University of Sjukhus Huddinge, Stockholm – Sweden. During the election, Zaini was promoted by the Aceh Party. He brought along his deputy Muzakir Manaf, a former GAM commander who currently also serves as chairman of the Aceh Party."

Zaini was joining GAM to fight against the central government which was claimed abusing Aceh. In times of conflict between Aceh and the central government, he changed his citizenship to become a Swedish. However eventually he changed his citizenship and became an Indonesian citizen again after winning the election to lead Aceh for five years tenure.




He once said that he got involved in the GAM activities because it was in line with his ideals to liberate and prosper the people of Aceh. Before engaging in GAM and becoming the governor of Aceh, the family doctor was Zaini’s profession. In the eyes of the community, he is known as a charismatic figure. As a public figure, his appearance can be distinguished by the specific eye glasses, beard with increasingly graying hair. Zaini is always wearing a black suit in public appearances, white shirt, and in some events he wore a white Muslim shirt called koko. For some, it is a notable figure who has the significant role during the struggle and peaceful eras in Aceh. Currently, Zaini Abdullah has been criticized by activists and students joined in Karam (Coalition of Aceh People Query). The behavior of bureaucrats in Aceh was claimed as on the contrary to the spirit of sharia, as one of the features of Aceh. Aceh under the leadership of Governor Zaini Abdullah and Vice Governor Muzakir Manaf has been said to fail to improve the welfare of the Aceh people. The critics claimed that those who enjoyed the money of the Aceh State Budget (APBA) in 2013 were the ones close to the governor and vice governor of Aceh only. (yhn/various sources)





Aceh is considered as the entry point for the introduction of Islam in Indonesia, therefore the Muslim people (the majority of the population) living there are applying more conservative Islam than the other provinces. However there are also Acehnese who embrace other religions. The province is rich in natural gas, which according to some analysts is the largest reserve in the world. The natural gas producers operating in Aceh include British Petroleum from Britain and ExxonMobil from the United States of America.



As the support to the economic activities, there are eleven airports in Aceh. Other supporting infrastructures are the state roads, the county roads and the provincial roads. For sea transport there are available fifteen ports. There are also ten industrial zones and electricity and telecommunication facilities. Aceh's population is composed of various tribes, including the indigenous Gayo, Alas, Tamiang, Simeulue, Kluet, and Aneuk Jamee. The other tribes are migrants from Java, Minang, Palembang, Makassar and others.

The primary agricultural commodities include oil palm, cocoa, rubber, coffee, coconut, clove, and patchouli. In the fishery sub-sector, the products favored are captured sea fish, marine aquaculture products, freshwater aquaculture products, salty water aquaculture, and rice field aquaculture. While the tourism sector provides attractions of natures, customs, and cultures. (yhn/various sources)

Motto of Aceh: Semboyan Aceh: Pancacita Pancacita (Five (LimaAspiration) Cita-Cita)


- (source:

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“Aceh Builds Railway Transport Mode ”

Western Indonesian Time

After the tsunami disaster in Aceh in 2004, various improvements and developments have been done in Aceh. This is a result of cooperation between the public and the government, assisted by NGO (Non Government Organization), as well as the BRR (Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Body). The infrastructure has improved, the investment flow is adequate, the electricity which previously often blackout now the frequency is decreasing and being anticipated. The coastal communities in the tsunami affected areas are also enjoying the developments. To improve the accessibility of the remote communities to the railway transportation service, in 2013, the Ministry of Transportation provided Pioneer Train. The new type of transportation mode had been tested in a number of areas of Aceh. According to the Minister of Transportation, EE Mangindaan, to realize Pioneer Train project, the Ministry of Transportation had channeled Rp1.38 billion of fund.

The tract of Krueng Mane-Bungkah-Kueng Geukuh became the first train route set up by the government. The Pioneer Train is expected to guarantee the continuity and acceleration of the Aceh’s railway development in the future, especially as part of the goals to be achieved by the MP3EI (Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development) program. With the presence of the Pioneer Train, the people of Aceh are expected to be more familiar with this mode of transportation and love it so that they have more choices in the transportation modes. In addition to the Pioneer Tain, the Ministry of Transportation will also develop another railway network in Aceh from 2014 to 2016 with the tracks of Lhoksemauwe-Bireung along 65 km, and Langsa-Batas North Sumatra along 32 km. Meanwhile in 2017 and 2020 it will be built the tract of Lhoksemauwe-Langsa with the length at 166 km. Later in the 2021 to 2025 the Bireun-Sigli tract will be developed at 107 km long, and Sigli-Banda Aceh along 120

km. Abubakar Karim, Chairman Aceh Province Office of Development Planning said that when completed those projects were expected to become Trans Sumatra Railway. Beside the railways, the administration of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam is also striving to develop the high grade highway. The source of funding for both projects is not from Aceh State Budget (APBA), but from MP3EI. According to Abubakar, the freeway project was part of two infrastructure projects under the MP3EI program. The other project is the construction of a port. The freeway is going to be much like a toll road, but it will be not exactly a toll road. As for funding the project, the fund had been allocated in the APBA 2012, but was used to finance the development of another road connecting the middle parts of Aceh and the other more urgent programs. The fund for building the railway was also allocated but was then used for the construction of a port. In addition to the highway construction, the provincial government of Aceh also seeks to accelerate the economic growth through the development of agriculture and oil and gas. In the accelerated development program, the Aceh administration plans to restore Aceh as the production center of food crops. Aceh was once a major producer of cattle and soybean. The local government will also distribute a land of three hectares per household. For the first distribution 10,000 households will receive the plot of land to be used as the rubber plantation. The purpose of giving away the land plots for the local people is to make them the masters of their own lands. The local government also has decided to build an oil refinery with the capacity of 300,000 barrels per day (bbl/d) in Arun, Lhokseumawe. In 2014, the Aceh provincial government will also build a giant dam Krueng Keureuto to be financed by the State Budget (APBN). The Rp1 trillion worth dam is intended to address the flooding that hit North Aceh each year, especially the coastal areas. (yhn/various sources)



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Motto of North Sumatera: Mar Sipature Hutana Be (Compete to build regional competition)

-North Sumatera's Five Great National Rice Self-Sufficiency (source:

NORTH SUMATERA Western Indonesian Time

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North Sumatra Province is currently striving to improve agriculture and food security. The improvement aims to maintain the food self-sufficiency status has been achieved by North Sumatra in 2012 and 2013 and to keep its position as the top five of Indonesian rice producers. Not only surplus in rice, North Sumatra has also managed to maintain its self-sufficiency in corn. To support the program, hopefully with the availability of land and water resources, advanced technology, as well as the development and maintenance of the agricultural infrastructure, the rice production in North Sumatra can be increased through opening new paddy fields, increasing the harvested areas and increasing the productivity of the land. In 2014 it is expected that the rice production in the province will reach up to 10 million tons. To support the acceleration of self-sufficiency in rice in North Sumatra, the Food Security Agency of North Sumatera Province continues to promote reduction in rice consumption with the target of 1.5% per year by encouraging food diversification

Governor of North Sumatera

Gatot Pujo Nugroho “First Javanese Ever To Rule North Sumatra"”

Develops And Retains Food Self-Sufficiency

through the exploration of the local food potentials and the introduction of local wisdoms.

develop organic fertilizer by utilizing the manure from the animal husbandry and the crop wastes.

In addition, the Government of North Sumatra also has made the preparation of Food Insecurity Map to understand the location and the root causes of food insecurity, as well as the preparation of intervention when necessary through the provision of assistances and strengthening the local business entities in the areas marked into the categories of prone and somewhat prone to the food insecurity.

In addition to retain the self-sufficiency in rice and food security in 2014, North Sumatra is also implementing various infrastructure developments. In 2014, in the draft of the local state budget, there have been the distributions of financing on the infrastructure developments in western and eastern coastal areas, and the high plains as well.

All the efforts have also been supported by the development of agricultural technologies such as the SRI (System of Rice Intensification) in 2013. The application of SRI includes the water management technologies and the technologies in utilizing the organic wastes. To develop the organic compost more, six units of organic compost processing facilities have been established along with six units of APPO (Organic Fertilizer Chopper). The facilities aim to

“Bila pada beberapa generasi terdahulu Sumatera Utara selalu dipimpin oleh para putera daerah dari Bumi Andalas, tak demikian ketika Gatot Pujo Nugroho dilantik sebagai Gubernur Sumatera Utara ke tujuh belas. ”

Laki-laki kelahiran Magelang ini merupakan anak ke dua dari lima bersaudara. Gatot tumbuh besar di komplek prajurit TNI di Magelang. Selain terbiasa dididik dengan disiplin tinggi khas keluarga tentara, Gatot dan saudara-saudaranya juga tumbuh dalam suasana keluarga yang religius. Kedua orangtuanya, termasuk kakek nenek dari kedua orangtuanya itu, dikenal sebagai tokoh agama dan panutan di lingkungannya masing-masing. Sejak kecil Gatot dekat dan berminat tinggi dengan keislaman. Sejak SD, Gatot sudah terbiasa menjaga sholat lima waktu. Teman-teman sepermainannya menjulukinya “Kyai” karena kedekatannya dengan hal-hal berbau keislaman.



In 2013, through the South Sumatra’s Department of Highways, the provincial government managed to realize various development programs, including the improvements and the periodic maintenance of roads at the total length of 161.50 km. The Highways Department has also done construction and replacement of bridges at 308 m long in total. It is expected that in the next five years starting from 2013, the realization of high quality roads in North Sumatra will be

Julukan ”Kyai” itu masih sering ia terima hingga studinya di STM (Sekolah Teknik Menengah) yang akhirnya menjadi cita-citanya. Setamat STM, Gatot juga bercita-cita untuk menjadi tentara. Tapi karena keterbatasan biaya, memaksa Gatot mengurungkan kedua cita-citanya itu.




In addition, the province is also known to be rich in natural gas in the area of Tandam, Binjai. Oil can be found in Pangkalan Brandan, Langkat. There are also aluminum ore mining areas and its smelting plants in Kuala Tanjung, Asahan Regency. The rivers with their upstream on the mountains around Lake Toba, are also the potentials of natural resources especially for the hydro power plant (PLTA). The Asahan Hydro Power Plant is famous for it is the largest power plant in Sumatra. The topography of the North Sumatra region consists of coastal areas, lowlands, highlands and mountains of the Bukit Barisan which line up in the middle from the north to the south. Just like the other provinces, West Sumatra is inhabited by multi-ethnic tribes. The indigenous ones are Batak, Nias, and Malay. Various religions exist in this province, including beliefs such as Confucianism, Parmalim, and animism. (yhn/various sources)



Handling such constraints is usually times consuming as contractors must wait for uncertain time. Another constraint is the limited number of certified AMP (Asphalt Mixing Plant). Due to the limitation, the contractors sometimes have to stand in line to get the services of the AMP companies as their third-party partner. (yhn/various sources)

“North Sumatra, renowned for its tourist attraction Lake Toba, is the fourth largest province after West Java, East Java and Central Java. Since it is located near the Straits of Malacca (Malaysia) and Singapore, the province becomes more exposed to the international trade route.”

Setelah pemecatan Syamsul Arifin sebagai gubernur, Gatot diangkat sebagai gubernur untuk masa bakti lima tahun oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri Gamawan Fauzi pada 2013. (yhn/berbagai sumber)

The plantations are spread in Deli Serdang, Langkat, Simelungun, Asahan, Labuhanbatu, and South Tapanuli. North Sumatra is also known as a producer of horticultural commodities (vegetables and fruits); including oranges, deli guavas, cabbages, tomatoes, potatoes, and carrots which are produced in Karo, Simelungun and North Tapanuli. The horticultural products have been exported to the other countries.

To achieve that goal, many obstacles need to be overcome. One of the constraints faced by contractors concerning the obstacles in the building public utilities among others are electricity poles which are often planted on the body of roads, and shallow underground water pipes that require coordination with relevant party to fix it.

Food Crops and Plantations Prima Donna North Sumatra

Selanjutnya, Gatot menjadi wakil Gubernur Sumatera Utara Syamsul Arifin. Gatot diangkat menjadi penjabat (Pj.) Gubernur Sumatera Utara karena Syamsul Arifin ditahan. Ia berstatus tersangka, dalam kasus korupsi APBD (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah), Kabupaten Langkat.

Plantation is the primary contributor to the economic growth in North Sumatra. The plantations are managed by private companies as well as the state-owned enterprises that produce rubber, cocoa, tea, palm oil, coffee, cloves, coconut, cinnamon, and tobacco.

accomplished, as expressed by Governor of North Sumatra Gatot Pujo Nugroho. The year of 2013 is the starting point to reach the target of 95% high quality roads in the province.

-Rice harvesting (source:

Keterlibatan Gatot di PKS (Partai Keadilan Sejahtera) berawal dari dakwah di Masjid Dakwah USU (Universitas Sumatera Utara). Intensitas kegiatannya di partai semakin tinggi seiring waktu. Puncaknya ketika Gatot menduduki jabatan sebagai Pelaksana Harian (PLH) Dewan Pimpinan Wilayah (DPW) PKS Sumatera Utara pada 2005.

01. 03.


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To support the development of tourism sector in West Sumatra, the provincial government along with four cities in West Sumatra have been conducting joint promotions. The signing of the cooperation agreement has been made early January 2014. As disclosed by West Sumatra Governor Irwan Prayitno, the development of the tourism sector in West Sumatra has become the top priority in the provincial development programs. This is because West Sumatra possesses unique natural potentials in comparison to other provinces. The development of the tourism sector aims to promote economic growth that leads to the improvement of the welfare of the people in the region. Through these efforts, the domestic as well as the foreign tourists are expected to visit all the tourism sites in the province. At present, the tourist destinations are concentrated in the City of Bukit Tinggi, Padang, Padang Panjang and Sawah Lunto City. The development of the tourism sector requires transportation facilities, lodging and culinary center. The infrastructure development in tourism locations is also being pushed. In addition to the tourism sector, the Government of West Sumatra Province also prioritizes the development of the toll road that has been started since 2013. The Padang-Pekanbaru highway is part of the programs of MP3EI (Masterplan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development). This road will connect with the Trans Sumatra highway. The cost of construction of the Padang-Pekanbaru highway has come from the State Budget (APBN). The other infrastructure projects in the province include the expansion and optimization of the development plan of the Teluk Bayur Harbor. The expansion of Teluk Bayur Harbor is expected to reduce the operating costs as well as to support the trade of logistics. In addition, the Teluk Bayur Harbor will be functioning as the main port in distributing goods and aids when a natural disaster occurred in West Sumatra or the island of Sumatra. The infrastructure development is also expected to support the development of the tourism sector in West Sumatra, including marine tourism sector. At the same time it is expected to attract investors to invest in West Sumatra. Not only the toll road, but the Government of West Sumatra also has given priority to the development of Kelok 9 Bridge. The bridge has become a landmark for the tourism sector. In addition it is expected to provide experiences of seeing beautiful panoramic scenes to the passerby and its development has been done without damaging the forest areas and wildlife habitats nearby. The infrastructure support is also given to the South Solok Regency. On early January 2014, Governor Irwan Prayitno inaugurated a new bridge in Nagari Sitapuih. The cost of the bridge construction reached Rp17,3 billion, financed by the funds from the local state budget of West Sumatra. The bridge, named "Jembatan Emas" or "Golden Bridge", is expected to support the economic growth of South Solok’s society. The construction of this bridge is one of serious concerns of the government of West Sumatra to the progress of development in the South Solok. The bridge was inaugurated and presented as a birthday gift to South Solok who celebrated its 10th anniversary on January 7, 2014. The governor of West Sumatra said that he hoped South Solok would be capable in building its territory in accordance with the local potentials and the desires of the people. It is expected that South Solok will gradually able to stand up evenly with the other regencies in West Sumatra and even Indonesia. (yhn/various sources)


Tourism, West Sumatera (source:

WEST SUMATERA West Indonesian TIme

“West Sumatera Develops Tourism”

Enjoying Tourism Sites In Minang “The name of West Sumatra is taken from the title Hoofdcomptoir van Sumatra's Westkust during the VOC (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie) era. This title was the name for the region in the western coast of Sumatera.”


Governor of West Sumatera

Irwan Prayitno “Minang Native”

“His name drew controversy when he was nominated as the West Sumatra governor in the 2005 election. He was suspected not having Minang blood, as his name sounds Javanese and his birth place is Yogyakarta. In fact Irwan Prayitno got the Minang Royal title from one of the tribes in the Padang City, called Tanjung, who honored him with the title of Datuak Rajo Bandaro Basa.”


As an Islamic activist, at dawn, the politician of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) has always been meeting with the community through a variety of Islamic lectures. After that, he proceeded with tarbiyah. The father of ten children, one grandson and husband of Nevi Zuairina was once trusted to be the coach of IKAMPAWIRA (Association of Pauh Sembilan Kinship Community in Northern Territory).







Although an earthquake-prone area, West Sumatra is one of the favorite tourist destinations in Indonesia. This province has a number of lakes. Lake Batur is the second largest lake in Sumatra and the eleventh in Indonesia. The other popular lakes are Lake Talang and Lake Kembar, of which some people call them Lake Diatas (Above) and Lake Dibawah (Below). The tourist facilities in this province are quite good, while a variety of festivals and international events are organized regularly. Several international events are organized to support the tourism in West Sumatra, such as the cycling race of Tour de Singkarak, the paragliding event of Fly for Fun in Lake Maninjau, as well as the surfing championship of Mentawai Surf Pro International Competition.

He also became the Executive Committee of the Advisory Board of Gebu Minang (Economic and Cultural Movement of Minang). As a homage to his hometown, Datuak Irwan becomes the patron of Badko IKK Padang (Coordinating Body for Padang City Kinship). In addition to being Governor of West Sumatra for the period of 2010-2015, Irwan Prayitno is also a senior teacher. The educational activities especially on the fields of management and human resources are the realm of science under his expertise. He has written numerous books about both fields. He also wrote books with the topics related to Islam. Since he served as the governor of West Sumatra, there have been 75 awards he received from various parties. The son of the couple Djamrul Djamal and late Sudarni Suyuti is now the 20th governor of West Sumatra. His mother was from Kuranji, Padang. Meantime his father came from Simabur, Tanah Datar. Irwan was a member of the House of Representatives (DPR RI) for two terms, 2004-2009 and 2009-2014 from the electoral district of West Sumatra I under the flag of PKS. (yhn/various sources)

The province has almost all types of natural attractions ranging from the ocean, beaches, lakes, mountains and canyons. The cultural tourism is also one of the attractions, including Tabuik Festival, Rendang Festival, kim game, and the art of weaving. There is also the culinary tour center. West Sumatra tourism facilities are also supported with tourist accommodations, such as hotels and travel agencies, while a tourist train is operating at any given time.

West Sumatra Province, popularly known as Ranah Minang, is located in the central part of the west coast of Sumatra island which consists of coastal lowlands on the west and the volcanic highlands formed by the Bukit Barisan mountains. The climate in this province in general is tropical with temperatures high enough, which is between 22.6 °C to 31.5 °C. The province is also traversed by the equator. (yhn/various sources)

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Motto of West Sumatera: Tuah Sakato (Benefits of Understanding)



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RIAU Western Indonesia Time

-Hydroelectricity Koto Panjang (source:

This year, the provincial government of Riau in targeting multiple priorities in its 2014 RKPD (Local Government’s Working Plans) refers to the 2014 RKP (Central Government’s Development Plans). Some priorities include improving the quality of human resources; acceleration and expansion of infrastructure, strengthening local economies; development of culture and tourism; strengthening good governance bureaucracy, clean and productive as well as increasing the law enforcement and eradication of corruption; development of border and isolated areas; and strengthening the environmental control in a sustainable way. One related development Riau Province is the provision of clean water. So far, the level of urban water services in the province is the second lowest in Indonesia and the lowest in the Sumatra Island. Therefore the Riau provincial government has cooperated with a national company to set up a clean water processing plant with the investment over Rp300 billion. The cooperation agreement has been signed and is in the process of assessment. One of the assessment activities is mapping out the network of distribution areas in the city of Pekanbaru. Semboyan Riau: Bumi Bertuah Negeri Beradat

Water And Electricity For Riau

It is planned that the local state-owned company PD Pembangunan will implement a system of zones in the initial realization. It is expected that the results of the feasibility study of the investor will be in accordance with the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment). In addition, the price of water supplied will be not a burden to the society.

Not only pursuing the clean water project, currently the construction of a steam power plant project in Riau with the capacity of 2x110 MW in Tenayan Raya District has reached 73% completion. The development is expected to be completed in December 2014.

The local government has the full support for the installation of the transmission. Regarding the ownership of the land plots, technically it is only a matter of ownership transfer to the PT PLN on the appropriate legal basis.

According to Sarno, Deputy Manager of Legal and Public Relations of state-owned electricity PT PLN of WRKR (Region of Riau and Riau Islands), the first phase of the power plant project is currently in the process of equipment installation. The Unit 1 is estimated to be complete in October 2014, while Unit 2 in December 2014. It is expected that the two units will be finished at the end of 2014 and the transmission is being built so that it can be tested. This project is important as it will generate large-scale electricity.

With the operation of the steam power plant in Riau, it helps the adequacy of electricity supply in Central Sumatra, particularly Riau Province. After the trials and COD (Commercial Operation Date) in operation, the electricity will be channeled directly to the community and enter the Sumatra interconnection network. PLN estimates that the growth in the electricity supply in the provinces of Riau and Riau Islands is only 8% per year, while the growth of the electricity demand is at 14% per year.

Dijelaskan lebih lanjut bahwa pembangunan transmisi PLTU tersebut mengarah ke Gardu Induk Teluk Lembu dan Gardu Induk Garuda Sakti melalui Gardu Induk Pasir Putih. Masing-masing akan membutuhkan tower sejumlah 21 unit dan 165 unit. Sejauh ini, pihaknya telah mendapatkan persetujuan dari pemerintah daerah karena terdapat beberapa titik tower yang melewati tanah milik pemerintah setempat.

To improve the infrastructure, the Riau government will continue the construction of the rest of Siak Bridge IV this year. It is associated with the termination of the KSO (Cooperation Working Contract) of the Siak Bridge IV in 2013.

The steam power plant will transmit the electricity through the substations of Teluk Lembu, Garuda Sakti and Pasir Putih. Each substation will require 21 units and 165 units of towers. So far, Sarno said that the project has received approval from the local government as in some points the transmission network pass through the local government-owned plots of land.

In addition to the municipal level, the implementation of development in Riau is also done at the regency level, such as at in the Meranti Islands Regency. In this regency, in macro economy, it has established three priorities in the development policy in the fiscal year 2014. All three involve the construction and development of infrastructure, accelerating poverty reduction and increasing quality of human resources. (yhn/various sources)

Governor of Riau

Annas Maamun “The Oldest Governor Ever ”

-Chinese New Year celebrations 2565 Paguyuban Sosial Marga Tionghoa Indonesia (PSMTI) Meranti Islands Regency (source:

Lunar New Year Festivity In Riau

“His advanced age is not a hindrance to Annas Maamun to become the governor of Riau, he even is proud of it. As previously when he became the regent of Rokan Hilir, Annas was also the second oldest regent in Indonesia and served two periods.” Annas was sworn in an inaugural gala on February 19, 2014 by Home Affairs Minister Gamawan Fauzi. According to Gamawan, during his tenure as the Home Affairs Minister, he has been inaugurated 28 governors. However, he had never seen before a line of wreath with the length of more than one kilometer at the inauguration of Annas as the governor. "The inauguration of the governor this time was the most festive ever than others in Indonesia," said the former governor of West Sumatra.



“Riau Province is one of the rich provinces in Indonesia. The province is located in the path of international trade and shipping called the "Strait of Malacca". This is a strategic region for investment. Riau has almost all the natural resources, such as petroleum, coal, gold, tin and other minerals. The potential of forest, plantation and agriculture can be found anywhere in the province.”






In addition, the sea of people who witnessed the ceremony was also so packed. To the extent that when the Home Affairs Minister arrived at the location of the inauguration, he was forced to use the right lane, because the left lane was already congested by many people. At present, Annas who was born in Bagan Siapi-api on April 17, 1940, and the father of 10 children, is the oldest governor in Indonesia. Annas said that he’s deeply proud of that. He further said that age was not a barrier to move forward.


Previously there were not only Golkar cadres who asked Annas to drop his intention to run for governor of Riau. Some political analysts also had the same plea. Their reason was that his old age would make him easy to forget things, let alone the physical and psychological condition which was considered no longer possible to govern Riau. However Anas would never give up.


It has proved that age is not a barrier to running for the number one in Riau. And Annas really gave a surprise. On the election day, the number of votes for him skyrocketed far above the other candidates. (yhn/various sources)



On the tourism sector, Riau has the big opportunity to develop it optimally. This province has a variety of religious, cultural, and historical tourism sites, one of which is the festive celebration of the Chinese New Year, especially in the City of Selat Panjang. Almost every year the celebration of Chinese New Year is organized splendidly in the city, considered as the most festive celebration in the province of Riau. Tens of thousands of people from inside and outside Indonesia, such as Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, and Taiwan regularly visit the Selat Panjang City to celebrate the festivity. The Chinese New Year celebrations in Riau also involve traditional art and cultural performances of the other provinces. Generally the opening celebration ceremony is done by parading around the city the stretchers carrying statues of the gods, followed by dancing attractions of Liong (dragons) and Barongsai (lion) as well as Reog, traditional performance from Ponorogo, East Java. A number of islands also become tourist attractions in Riau. Generally, these islands have beautiful sceneries. There is also a BTNP (Bukit Tiga Puluh/Thirty Hills National Park) with its typical lowland of tropical rainforest ecosystem. Various types of rare flora and fauna are protected in this park. Riau is rich in beaches, headlands, waterfalls, lakes, as well as various bays. Sakai, Talang Mamak, Suku Laut, Kualam Bonai, Akit are the indigenous tribes in the province, the rest are immigrants. The majority religion is Islam, while the rest are Protestant, Catholic, Hindu, Buddha, and Confucianism. Riau has a wet tropical climate. (yhn/various sources)


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Governor of Riau Islands

Muhammad Sani “Farmer’s Son Becomes Genuine Bureaucrat”

-Jembatan -TengkuTengku Fisabilillah Fisabilillah Bridge(sumber: (source:

RIAU ISLANDS “This person notable for his Four Azam Movement started his political career from a scratch. The man, born in Kundur, Riau Islands, in the past held various positions, ranging from the sub-district head, district secretary, district head, mayor, deputy governor to become the governor of Riau Islands (Kepri) with the tenure from 2010 to 2015.”

Western Indonesian Time

Infrastructure To Bridge Riau Islands, Big And Small

Muhammad Sani is a portrait of a son of a farmer who successfully managed to climb the stairs of struggles to step into more shining life. He is known as someone patient, tenacious and sincere in his works. He realized that only with hard works, learning and build good relationships with others, life would be lifted out from the poverty.

Various development plans in the province of Riau Islands have become the priority in 2014 and the subsequent years. Muhammad Sani, governor of Riau Islands has confirmed that there are eight projects has been aligned with the regencies/city development in the province. The development projects, among others, focus on education, health, marine and fishery, tourism, SME (Small and Medium Enterprises), transportation sector (connectivity), infrastructure (roads, electricity, water and gas), social matters and poverty alleviation. The Local People Council has approved the budget of 200 billion for the Riau Islands administration to continue the construction of the Dompak Bridge I in 2014. The total budget needed will reach Rp409.83 billion.

When becoming the mayor of the Tanjung Pinang City, the town grew into a city of trade and services as well as developed many popular tourist destinations. When leading the Karimun Regency, he also managed to develop the region. The regency that initially had limited infrastructure transformed into a region which is far developed in various sectors.

The construction of the Bridge I was started in 2007 in conjunction with the Bridge II and and the Bridge III which cross the Dompak Sea. For the Dompak Bridge I, the governor has requested it is built with the Malay characteristics. The bridge connects the city of Tanjung Pinang with the central administration of Dompak Island. In addition to building the bridges on Dompak Island, the Riau Islands provincial government will also set up the Batam - Bintan Bridge. According to the governor, the construction of this bridge is one way to facilitate inter-regional connectivity in the Riau Islands province which is made up of a number of islands. The technical assistance of the bridge will be completed in 2014. The construction of the bridge is expected to be done in 2016. The plan, Batam - Bintan (Babin) Bridge with the length of 6.7 km will connect Batam and Bintan Island and the two islands that lie in between, namely the Tanjung Sauh Island and Buau Island.

The struggles and tireless dedication have brought to sweet fruition. Due to his achievements, he was awarded the medals of Satya Lencana Bintang Melati (2003) and Satya Lencana Pembangunan (2004 ) by the President of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition, he was also awarded the medal of Satya Lencana Karya Satya of 30 years (1995), the Gold Pin from the Minister of Religious Affairs (2003), the awards of Lencana Melati (2003), Manggala Karya Kencana (2009), and Bintang Tanda Jasa Pratama (2009). From Malaysia, he won the Anugerah Sri Gemilang President Pengakap (Boy Scouts) Melaka - Malaysia in 2007 and the conferment of Gelar Tun Perak by DMDI Melaka - Malaysia in 2008. Mohammad Sani, the winner of the title of Setia Amanah from LAM Kepri Datok in his autobiography titled "Untung Sabut", reveals that he believes no one can avoid his/her destiny. (yhn/various sources)

In 2014, the construction of container terminal in Batu Ampar is also expected to be complete. The port development is needed to increase the capacity before the construction of Tanjung Sauh is finished. The port development is expected to be done in 2014. In 2017, the building of the railway and the provision of trains will be realized in Batam. This aims to support the island as an industrial area. For the first phase, there will be the construction of rail track at 37.3 km long. Along 17.7 km of the track will connect Batam Centre, Batu Aji, and Tanjung Uncang. Meanwhile another 19.6 km of the track will connect Hang Nadim Airport with Batu Ampar. The construction of the rail track and land acquisition will be carried out in 2014 -2016 for the development of the railway system. Another more project approved by the Local People Council is the continuation of the construction of the Riau Islands Provincial Hospital in Batu 8 with the budget allocation at Rp40 billion of the total funds needed at more than Rp91 billion. In 2014, the Chairman of Commission A of the Council Karimun, Zulfikar, stressed on the importance of the local government's attention to the development of Riau Islands region, especially the small islands or hinterland areas. According to him, most of the areas remain poor and the infrastructure is minimal. During this time, the central and the local government have been giving lesser attention to the people in the small islands than those who live on the big islands or mainland.

Motto of Riau Islands: Berpancang Amanah Bersauh Marwah (Fighting for the mandate, adhere to the tradition)

In these areas, Zulfikar said, people really need the construction of ports, access roads, government offices, schools and adequate health services building. The gap on the development shows from the economic growth which is far behind compared to the mainland areas. With the topography of Karimun Regency which consists of islands, the public key infrastructure needed is ports. Then the transportation facilities, especially the ones to carry the children going to school from island to island. (yhn/various sources)

Province With Many Islands and Many Tourism Sites



02. 02.

-Resort at Bintan Islands, Riau Islands (

“Riau Islands is called Negeri Segantang Lada, Negeri Segantang Wisata, meaning that it has so many islands and tourist destinations. Previously Riau Islands is part of the Riau Province. The islands, which are scattered on the Strait of Malacca to the South China Sea, become one important tourist asset.”






04. 05.

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The beautiful sceneries are spreading on the islands as well as on the various coastal and marine areas in the counties and cities. Several types of tourist activities in the maritime sites include diving, swimming and fishing. As the second foreign tourist gateway after the Bali Island, Riau Islands province does not only have the beaches and marine tourism sites for the tourist attractions. There are also the cultural heritages, historic tombs, traditional dances and the typical regional events enrich the province’s tourism potential. In Tanjung Pinang, there is the historical tourism site of Penyengat Island. On this island there are the historic mosque and tombs of King Haji Fisabilillah and King Ali Haji. Riau Islands has a huge market opportunity, because it is strategically located on the busiest sea traffic lane and air transportation course in the world. In addition to the tourism, the other potential sectors are mineral resources, especially oil and gas, agriculture and animal husbandry due to the fertile soil. The condition of the region which is comprising 96% of ocean is very beneficial to support the development of aquaculture businesses. Riau Islands’ waters also have the potential as the means of international and domestic transports. In general, the climate in the province is tropical. The dry season and the rainy season are alternating in every half year. Demographically, an indigenous Malays dominate the population, the rest are various other tribes such as Javanese, Chinese, Minangkabau, Batak, Bugis and Banjar. Islam is the dominant religion there. (yhn/various sources)



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Governor of Jambi

Hasan Basri Agus “Governor Who Wins Lot of Awards”

“Hasan Basri Agus won the election of Jambi Provincial Governor in 2010 and was sworn in as the 12th governor of Jambi to hold that position until 2015. His character who wants to always provide the best has made him win various kinds of awards.”

Born in Sungai Abang, Sarolangun, Jambi, 60 years ago or more precisely on December 31, 1953, Governor Hasan Basri Agus in his childhood, according to some of his friends, had shown his high talent in leadership. He also always gave attention to those who were in need. It is most likely that the leadership talent of Governor Hasan Basri Agus was inherited from his grandfather and father who both had ever served as a head of a village in their lives. Even Hasan’s father, named Agus bin Demat, had served as head of Sungai Abang Village for 32 years. He began his career from working as a civil servant (PNS) in Jambi Provincial Health Office in 1975. Slowly but surely, he continuously got promotion to hold higher rank position; began with Sekwilcam (secretary of district head), head of sub-section, and then became the district head, Head of the Civil Registry Office, to Sekda (regional secretary) of Jambi City, Sarolangu Regent and the Governor of Jambi. As a governor, Hasan Basri Agus continuously strives to improve the quality of human resources of the community he govern. The governor believes that the quality of human resources will determine the future. He is also known for his attention to the rights of local communities and defend it earnestly when there a land dispute between the native tribe and a palm oil company. Diligence and sincerity has led Governor Hasan Basri Agus to various awards. He even received an award as an exemplary civil servant of Indonesia Republic. In September 2013 the governor received the award of Pena Emas (Golden Pen) from the Indonesian Journalists Organization (PWI) for being instrumental in the development of the press and always pays respect to the journalists. Other awards received in 2013 include Anubhawa Sasana Desa from Justice and Human Rights Minister Amir Syamsuddin as an appreciation for the success of the governor in making Jambi as a compliant region with the law. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono also presented him the award as the first winner for in the preparation of the Regional Environmental Status. (ing/various sources)

JAMBI Western Indonesian TIme

“ Jambi Facilitates Development of






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Indonesia - Malaysia - Singapore Golden Triangle ”

Jambi province is building the port area with the vast of 4,200 hectares in Ujung Jabung, East Tanjung Jabung. The port is expected to boost the economic growth in the Golden Triangle area of IndonesiaMalaysia - Singapore (IMS-GT/Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore Growth Triangle). Currently the harbor development has entered the stage of land acquisition and the construction of supporting infrastructure. The local government has disbursed Rp28 billion for the construction phase done in 2013. Out of the budget, Rp8 billion has been used for the land acquisition, while the remaining Rp20 billion was used for the construction of the access road leading to the port starting in Simpang, Muarojambi, at the length of 138 km. "This project represents the ideals of the people of the province of Jambi to arise and move forward," said Governor Hasan Basri Agus recently. He added that the construction of the Ujung Jabung Harbor, which has been started since 2012, is expected to be completed in 2020 and will cost Rp4,5 trillion. The port construction will be divided into three stages. The first part will be done as a priority is the section for loading and unloading of crude palm oil (CPO), because according to Fauzi Anshori, Chairman of Bappeda Jambi Province, the need for such a facility is very urgent." The next two sections will be for passengers and for the Navy Base." The Ujung Jabung Harbor is also expected to push the production of agricultural, horticultural and forestry products in Jambi. According to the Vice Governor Jambi Fachrori Umar, up to know there are still a lot of land plots that has not been used optimally in the province. "The lands can be developed into productive forests, agricultural areas and plantations." Currently palm oil is still the flagship commodity of the plantations in Jambi. The breadth of the oil palm plantations area ranks second only to the rubber (about 575,000 hectares), but its production ranks first with the average of 1.3 million tons per year. Meanwhile there are 33 palm oil processing plants operating in Jambi, owned by 26 private companies. The installed capacity of the plants is recorded able to process as much as 1.65 tons of oil palm kernels per year. Most palm oil products are exported to America and Europe, some are marketed to several other cities and the rest is processed into cooking oil and its derivative products such as margarine, glycerin, specialty fats, shortening, candles and soaps. The value-added products have also been exported to many countries in the world, including Japan, USA, Korea and India. According to Vice Governor Fachrori, Jambi needs more companies that can process CPO into value-added products. Not much different from the CPO, Jambi’s rubber products are also exported to America, Europe, and Japan. Rubber has become the second largest foreign exchange earner after oil and gas to the province, with totaled exports of approximately 128,000 tons per year valued at more than US$432,000. Jambi now has 9 factories processing raw rubber into crumb rubber with production capacities of 365,000 tons per year in total, but the utilization of the plants is only at 243,000 tons per year. The major source of foreign exchange incomes still comes from oil and gas, accounted for 39% of total export value. Another flagship product is the coal with potential reserves of 1.5 billion tons, while the current production capacity is merely at 5 tons per year. In addition, Jambi is also rich in limestone, marbles, granites and quartz sands. Until now, the transportation of commodities to the other regions is carried out through the three small ports of Muara Sabak (44%), Talang Duku (41%), and Kuala Tungkal (15%). (ing/various sources)

Motto of Jambi: Sepucuk Jambi Sembilan Lurah

- Future Plan Ujung Jabung Port (source:

-Kerinci Lake, Jambi (source:

Open Society, Rich In Natural Resources There are different versions about the origin of the name of Jambi. One of them is derived from the name of then ruler called Queen Selaras Pinang Masak, who was related to the Majapahit kingdom in Java. Pinang in the Javanese language is called Jambe. The tale tells, that is where the name of Jambi came from.


Jambi was officially established as a province on January 6, 1957, of which later on the date has been considered as the birthday of the province. Its history tells that the province initially consisted of only 5 districts and 1 city, and now it has developed into 9 districts and 2 cities. Located in the center of Sumatra, Jambi region is bordering Riau Province on the North, Riau Islands on the East, South Sumatra on the South and West Sumatra on the west. The territory of the province comprises 50,000 km2 or about 5 million hectares of land and 3,000 km2 or about 300,000 hectares of water areas. The topography is very diverse, ranging from an altitude of 0 m to 1,000 m above sea level (asl).



The climate in Jambi province has moderate rainfall and humid (97%) with an average intensity of 3,030 mm. Full sun shines at the average of 4.2 hours per day, while the average temperature is 27°C for the lowlands and 22°C for the plateaus. The Jambi population is totaling 3.2 million, the majority of them are Moslems and more than a third are at the productive age between 20 to 50 years. The majority of the labor force (47%) is absorbed by the agricultural, plantation and fisheries sectors. A total of 26% works in the trade, and 13% in the provision of services. Jambi’s society is known as the typical Malay who is simple, egalitarian and open. This is reflected in the Jambi’s traditional batik motifs which are generally simple, stand-alone and non-sequential. Jambi people‘s openness can be seen from quite a big number of migrants from various regions and tribes. (ing/various sources)




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Motto of Bengkulu: Sekundang Setungguan Seio Sekato (Seberat apapun pekerjaan jika dikerjakan bersama-sama akan terasa ringan juga) Port of Bencoolen (source:


Western Indonesian Time

Bengkulu Builds International Port and Railway

Bengkulu Provincial Government is boosting the development of Baai Island Harbor to become an international port. The central government also supports the plan by planning the construction of railroad from Baai Island Harbor towards Muara Enim, South Sumatra, which is predicted to cost tens of trillions of rupiahs. The construction of the railroad from Bengkulu to Muara Enim, South Sumatra, at the length of 230 km was initiated by a consortium of six companies, namely PT Hanwha S&C, PT Dohwa Engineering, PT Bara Alam Utama, PT True North Bridge and PT Coalindo Adhi Nusantara, PT Mandela Resources. Each company has its own role in that project. PT Hanhwa acts as the contractor, PT Adhi Coalindo Nusantara is the coal marketing, PT Dohwa works on the construction techniques, PT True North Bridge’s role is the financial consultant and PT Alam Bara Utama will be the user of the railway to transport its production of coal. The construction of the railway is using the Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme. Due to the PPP status, the government

is responsible in providing the land. The rail development is a part of the implementation of the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development (MP3I).

The railroad will cross seven counties and cities. In the province of Bengkulu it will pass through the Bengkulu City, Central Bengkulu Regency, Kepahiang and Seluma. While in the South Sumatra Province, it will traverse four districts of Lawang, Lahat and Muara Enim. The railroad will serve as the means of transportation for coal and other commodities so as to open the isolation of Bengkulu from the eastern part of Sumatra. The rail operation will make the exports of commodities from Bengkulu and South Sumatra through the Baai Island Harbor much more efficient. The Baai Island Harbor development is also carried out by PT Pelindo I as the port operator. The development of port has been begun by dredging the entrance passageway at the minimum of 12 m LWS (Low Water At Spring Tide) or the lowest point of water

as well as to extend the breakwater, so that the port operations can be optimized. To support the development of Baai Island Harbor to become an international port, Bengkulu provincial government began designing the supporting infrastructure development, including the improvement of the roads to access the port. The local government will widen the road from Bengkulu to Lubuk Linggau, South Sumatra. The improvement of the national road on the section of Bengkulu - Lubuklinggau, 124 km long, covering the work of widening and straightening of the road, will need as much as Rp665 billion. The national road urgently needs to be widened and aligned since the road is main feeder for the traffics from the west and the middle part areas heading for the Sumatra Economic Corridor (the eastern area) which can be passed through by heavy vehicles and freight containers. Therefore, the road section of Bengkulu Lubuklinggau, will be improved from class III into class II with the

Governor of Bengkulu

Suci River, Bengkulu (source:

Junaidi Hamsyah

Bengkulu: Province Plentiful With Rivers

“The Unexpected Governor ”

“Junaidi Hamsyah was inaugurated as the 10th governor of Bengkulu province for the 2010-2015 term on December 12, 2012, replacing Agusrin M. Najamudin who was dismissed from his post as governor after being indicted for corruption. ” Junaidi took the post under the Presidential Decree No. 48/P 2012 on the appointment of Junaidi Hamsyah as the governor of Bengkulu definitively, and the Presidential Decree No. 40/P 2012 on the termination of Agusrin as the governor of Bengkulu for the 2010-2015 period on April 12, 2012. He previously served as vice governor, accompanied Agusrin.Junaidi, who was born on February 4, 1970, under the decree must serve as acting governor of Bengkulu replacing Agusrin.

“Initially Bengkulu was a regency in South Sumatra. It is only in 1968, Bengkulu tuned into a province, separated from South Sumatra. Its location is on the west side of Bukit Barisan Mountain and extending from the border of West Sumatra province to the border of Lampung Province along approximately at 567 km. ”

Junaidi was asked by Agusrin to join him as vice governor due to his popularity as a preacher. The alumnus of Tarbiyah Faculty at the Raden Fatah Islamic Institute (now it is known as IAIN Bengkulu), besides being a religious teacher at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 2 Bengkulu, was also preaching in various places.

01. 04.


01. 03.




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standards of 2-m wide shoulder on the each side of the right and the left of the road and the width of the road 7 m, known as the 2-7-2 formula, able to support the maximum axle load up to 10 tons from the previous 8 tons. The road also needs to be straightened to shorten the time to pass the Bengkulu – Lubuklingga section from three hours to only two. The alignment will be done by cutting off the cliff and reducing the sharp turns. By that way, the neighboring districts of Bengkulu will be benefited as it will be easier for them to transport various non-oil commodities they produce and ship them through the Baai Island Harbor for exports. Given the construction of roads in Bengkulu - Lubuk Linggau requires a large fund (around Rp665 billion), the road development will be done in stages. For the year of 2014, the Bengkulu provincial government has allocated the funding in the local state budget amounting to Rp60 billion. (djo/various sources)

In fact, in 2005, the husband of Honiarty was selected as Exemplary Preacer of the Bengkulu province. When Junaidi became preacher, he pursued the studies on the Master of Education Management at the University of Bengkulu and was graduated in 2009. Actually, the name of Junaidi was not included in the nomination list of the governors and vice governors. From the 21 names in the list, until they were filtered to 9 names, Junaidi was never on the list. However, three days before the closing date, Agusrin kept asking Junaidi to join him in the election of governor and vice governor of Bengkulu. Once sworn in as governor, Junaidi launched the programs for four basic priorities: infrastructure development, food security, education and health. At the beginning of its leadership, some programs were launched to revamp the government structure, the acceleration of budget absorption, the repair of the roads and irrigation facilities, and health. (djo/various sources)

The province is bordered by the West Sumatra in the north, by the provinces of Jambi and South Sumatra in the east, by Indonesia Ocean and Lampung province in the south, while in the west it is bordered by the Indonesian Ocean. The width of the Bengkulu Province areas is 19,919.33 km2 with the population of 1.77 million (BPS, 2012).

Bengkulu’s topography is mountainous and hilly, and is located at the altitude between 791-2,500 m above sea level. The region has approximately 120 rivers. The climate in the province areas is tropical humid, with uneven rainfall varying between 2,236-4,581 millimeters every year. The temperatures vary between 22°C - 33°C.

Until 2012, the agricultural sector still has been the greatest contribution to the Bengkulu’s economic growth by contributing 30.39%, followed by the services sector with the contribution of 22.22%. While the trade, hotels and restaurants accounted ranks third with 20.42% of contribution.

Therefore, the policy makers continue to give serious attention to those sectors, especially the agricultural sector which is still a mainstay in the province of Bengkulu. The attention is also given to the trade, hotels and restaurants where the significant growth only occurred in the Bengkulu City, uneven in the other districts. Meanwhile, the high share of the services sector is strongly influenced by the subsector of the governmental general services, due to the increase in personnel expenditure as the result of the increase in the number of civil servants. (djo/various sources)



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06. 01.





You can have a complete tour by visiting the Musi River, the Ampera Bridge, Kemaro Island, Lake Ranau, and Pagaralam City. Here you also can enjoy the presentation of various cultural traditions which are unique and interesting.



The beautiful views of waterfall can be found in Muara Enim and Lahat regencies. The cultural tourism sites include Bukit Serelo, Gunung Dempo, Rumah Limas, and the settlement area of the isolated native tribes called Anak Dalam and Kubu. Among other historical tourism destinations are the Sri Wijaya site, a museum in Palembang, a cemetery complex in Bukit Siguntang and a fortress in Kuto Besak.


South Sumatra Province has implemented the programs of free schooling and medical treatments. These programs are proven to improve the Human Development Index (HDI) every year, even above the national average.


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Lies on the foothills of the magnificent Bukit Barisan mountains range, South Sumatra province is relatively flat but very fertile, thanking to many rivers flowing through its land to the sea. The coffee and tea plantations are scattered throughout the region, but the abundant wealth of the province is mostly originated from oil, natural gas, coal, tin and quartz.

Administratively, South Sumatra Province consists of 11 regencies and 4 cities, with Palembang as the capital city. The Ogan Komering Ilir is the largest regency with the breadth at 16,905.32 hectares, followed by the Musi Banyuasin Regency with 14,477 hectares.

In addition, the province has many attractive tourist destinations to visit in the form of the mountains with diverse flora and fauna like the National Park Kerinci Seblat (TNKS), rivers, lakes, and the very long coastlines.

The improvement can also be seen in the Life Expectancy, Literacy Rate, the Average Length of Schooling and the Expenditure per Capita. The increase has occurred in all districts and cities, suggesting that the development in the region is more equitable. (eny/various sources)

Governor of South Sumatera

Alex Noerdin “Determined to Become Pioneer in Inclusive Education ”

-Production facilities in Rimau operated by PT Medco E & P Indonesia in South Sumatra (source:

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SOUTH SUMATERA Western Indonesian Time

“Supported by the Golkar Party, Democrat Party, and the Crescent Star Party, Alex Noerdin won the General Election in 2013 and became the governor of South Sumatra for the second time. This time Alex was paired with Ishak Mekki, who previously was the regent of Ogan Komering Ilir.”

Born in Palembang, on September 9, 1950, the father of three children has always active in various organizations. The organizations he involves in quite diverse in kinds ranging from organizations for the youth or community, sports organizations to political organizations. In the youth or community organizations, Alex once became a caretaker of the local Pemuda Panca Marga for few periods with different positions. He was also very active and successfully led various sports organizations ranging from karate-do, judo, shooting, billiard, pool, chess, basketball, and soccer. He has made several strategic positions, among them are the chairman of the INKAI Council Board of South Sumatra, Vice Chairman of POSSI, Vice Chairman of PB PRSI, Head of Fund Section of PB PABSI, and the chairman of Perbakin of South Sumatra. In the political organization, before holding the position as the chairman of the Council of the Golkar Party of South Sumatra Province, Alex had been a campaigner and a tutor for the Golkar’s cadres in Palembang municipality and the Deputy Secretary of Golkar of the Palembang City.

South Sumatra Builds Geothermal Lab "South Sumatra (Sumsel) is blessed with quite abundant geothermal reserves. Not less than 14% of Sumatra’s geothermal reserves are located in this province. So that is why it is the time for Sumsel to have a geothermal laboratory in a bid to utilize the reserves maximally."

As the child of Indonesian independence fighter named Noerdin Panji, the warrior blood has been flowing in him. Especially in terms of education, Alex never stopped pursuing to study even if he had to go abroad. Education is the most important thing for him and this is reflected in the development program he designed. Free educational programs are designed not only for the normal school-age children, but also for those with special needs. According to Alex, all children are entitled to education. That is why he has been trying to boost the inclusive education program in his territory. (eny/various sources)

-Sumatera Selatan's Oil Fields

The laboratory was set up by PT Sucofindo and was inaugurated by South Sumatra Governor Alex Noerding last October 2013. The lab is expected to help the investors to be more efficient in the exploration and mining of this energy source. The governor also said that he was ready to assist the establishment of other laboratories preferably the ones more integrated in terms of mining. One of the investors, who are interested in developing geothermal in South Sumatra, is Hitay Holding Company from Turkey. According to the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board of South Sumatra chapter, Hitay will invest Rp2 trillion to Rp3 trillion. In addition to geothermal, Sumatra is also rich in coal. The fossil energy reserves reach 18.13 billion tons. Until now PT Bukit Asam and PT Bukit Kendi manage only 5.06 billion tons out of the reserves. There is still another 13.07 billion tons waiting to be mined by investors. The province also has oil reserves which are not small, which is equivalent to 404 million barrels, putting it in the position to the 6th region with the largest oil reserves in Indonesia. The petroleum blocks, among others, are located in Lematang, Ogan Komering, and Rimau, run by (among others) Pertamina, Conoco Philips, Talisman, and Medco. To date, the oil has only been exploited a half of its potentials, and with a production growth of 10% per year, the oil reserves are estimated to be depleted within 60 years. One more source of energy found in South Sumatra is natural gas with the reserves reaching at 7,238 BSCF (billion standard cubic feet), while it is only 2,247 MMSCF (million standard cubic feet; 1 MMSCF equivalent to 28,000 tons) of the reserves have been utilized.

One of the companies that already utilize the gas reserves is PT Medco LPG Kaji, operating in the field of Kaji – Semoga in Rimau, South Sumatra. In operation since 2004 with the production capacity of 73,000 tons of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) per year, the company produces 36,054 tons of LPG, 107,210 barrels of condensate, and 2,499 MMCF of lean gas. With such huge energy reserves, it is no wonder if the South Sumatra provincial government seeks to develop the region as one of the main energy suppliers to meet the nation's energy needs. The program is expected to fasten the improvement of the local communities’ welfare. Another step taken by the local government to boost the economic growth in the region is developing Tanjung Api - Api in Banyuasin Regency as a Special Economic Zone. In this area, some factories are being constructed to process the agricultural primary commodities as rubber and palm oil for generating value-added products. The area to be develop will reach up to 17,000 hectares with an investment of Rp17 trillion. The road to access it along the 70 kilometers from Palembang has been prepared. The process to get business permit for the investors has also been facilitated to make it easy. In this area it will also be built a railway station later. Meanwhile the pier of Tanjung Api - Api to dock the ferries has also been inaugurated last December. The pier makes the distance from South Sumatra to Bangka Island which previously took up to eight hours, now only three hours. The prices of ferry tickets can also be cut in half. The operation of the pier certainly will facilitate the flow of goods and services. (eny/various sources)

Motto of South Sumatera: Firmly United


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For the 2014 development programs, Lampung Province has set seven priorities to be done through the level of the district/municipality. The first is infrastructure and inter-regional connectivity; revitalization of agriculture; expanding and equalizing job opportunities, health and education; development of technological innovations; tourism and cultures; natural resources, and bureaucratic reforms. On the infrastructure sector, Lampung includes the construction of Trans - Sumatra highway project, to be built starting from Aceh to Lampung. The main road, along 2,017 km, will connect eight cities, eight airports, as well as six international harbors. The project is expected to require land acquisition from the residents as the width of the road will be at 60 meters. The construction of Trans - Sumatra highway on the Lampung segment is scheduled to begin in July 2014. The schedule was set following the signing of the agreement between PT Lampung Jasa Utama and PT Hutama Karya to carry out the project. Meanwhile the ground breaking of the highway construction had been done early September 2013. Based on its design, the toll road will have four sections that are under the first development priority. Including in the priority are the Bakauheni - Terbanggi section along approximately 150 km, Palembang Indralaya at approximately 22 km long, and Pekanbaru - Kandis - Dumai segment with the length at 135 km. Meantime in South Lampung area, two toll roads will be built. They are Muara Putih - Karang Anyar Sidodadi Asri turnpike with the length of 37.6 km and Kertosari - Jatibaru – Batas Bandara Lampung toll road at 33.3 km long. The construction of Muara Putih - Karang Anyar - Sidodadi Asri road is done to support the distribution of the commodities of fisheries, plantations, and agricultural farms in South Lampung and to the entire area in Lampung, as well as outside the province. As for Karang Anyar, as the center for husbandry industry, there has been established the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) for breeding Ongole cattle which is the only one in Indonesia. To support it, the availability of adequate transportation access is urgently needed. The construction of the second section of the road, namely Kertosari - Jatibaru – Batas Bandar Lampung, aims to increase the acceleration of economic growth in South Lampung. The construction of road is expected to support the development of the superstructure. On the sectors of agriculture, plantation and husbandry, Lampung provincial government has budgeted Rp60 billion each year for the revitalization programs. In the collaboration with the Faculty of Agriculture at University of Lampung, the farmers are now able to enjoy the services of Mobile Farm Clinic. With this facility, the problem of pests and diseases of plants and animals can be more quickly resolved. There is also a collaboration project with China to develop hybrid rice and the industrialization of its seeds. The agricultural sector is one of the largest contributor to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Lampung Province, reaching at 36.29%. The reason is because this province has strategic commodities with export quality, such as coffee, pepper, cocoa and palm oil. Lampung 's coffee production reaches 142,000 tons per year from an area covering 163,000 hectares of coffee plants. The province each year exports 140,000 tons of coffee, especially Robusta, to various countries. Agro-industry in the province is also well developed. Large-scale producers in Lampung’s agro-industry among others are the sugar processing plants owned by Sugar Group, Gunung Madu, and PTPN Bunga Mayang; pineapple canning factory operated by Great Giant Pineapple Co., palm oil and tapioca processing unit owned by Bumi Waras Group and Alam Raya Group, and tropical fruits producer NTF. In the industry of shrimps there are Bratasena and Dipasena, whereas in cattle industry there are Santori and Great Giant Livestock Co. (yhn/various sources )

LAMPUNG -Tanjungkarang Pusat, Lampung (source:

Western Indonesian Time

Semboyan Lampung: Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai (Rumah Tangga yang Agung)


Lampung Focuses on Development of 7 Sectors



Governor of Lampung

Sjachroedin Zainal Pagaralam “Lifting Lampung From Poor Region Status”



“His figure looks resolute, and passionate when delivering a speech without text at his alma mater in Tanjung Karang. The importance of discipline and positive moral values dominated the message of his speech.” Commissioner General Pol . ( Ret. ) Sjachroedin Zainal Pagaralam, or familiarly called Bang Oedin, a Lampung origin who was born in Tanjung Karang on February 7, 1947. Bang Oedin became governor of the province of Lampung on the service period of 2004-2009 and 2009-2014. Bang Oedin was the fourth child of Zainal Abidin Pagaralam (late), the second Governor of Lampung for the tenure of 1967-1973. The father of four is also known against primordialism or tribalism. His love to his motherland of Lampung Province has embedded into his spirit and soul since teenager. His father held the major role in making him to become who he is now. Since elected as the governor of Lampung, Bang Oedin’s priority programs include poverty eradication, development in general, infrastructure, education, religion, health, social welfare, agriculture, employment, and the development of the cooperative as well as small and medium enterprises. He also pays attention in maintaining order and security to protect the investors’ interests in Lampung. Prior to his leadership, Lampung Province was dubbed as the third poorest province in Indonesia. Thank to his hard works, commitments, and the supports from the whole society in Lampung Province, as well as the support from the business community and the private sector, also the central government and districts/cities, Bang Oedin have led the Lampung people to live better lives. Not long ago, Bang Oedin received an award from the Executives Board of Indonesian Pensioners Association (PB PWRI) for his intense attention on the members of PWRI Lampung chapter. His success in delivering more prosperous Lampung has been driving a lot of people to encourage him to run for president in the 2014 election. "I rather become the president of PWRI Lampung chapter," he responded calmly. (yhn/various sources)

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Lampung Rich In Forestry Ecotourism Potentials “As one of the gates of Sumatra Island, Lampung province with its capital Bandar Lampung was established on February 13, 1964 under the Law No. 14, 1954. Bakauheni Port is the most notable gateway on the province to enter Sumatra Island.”






Lampung is known as one of Indonesia's transmigration areas, having a population with diverse ethnic groups, namely Javanese, Sundanese, Batak, Malay, and Lampung origins (Sebatin and Pepadun) . Lampung natives are actually descents from Batak, Banten , and China. The ethnic diversity is also enriched with the religious diversity of the people, which include Islam, Protestant, Catholic, Buddhism and the followers of animism.

This province is tropical area, with the characteristics of quite hot and a lot of rain. With the vast of its area at 3,528,835 ha, Lampung has widely diverse potentials on the natural resources, from agriculture, horticulture, fisheries, animal husbandry, mining, tourism, and forestry.

Forest areas reach 1,004,735 ha or approximately 30.43% of the province territory. In order to support environmentally sustainable development, forestry production is now more directed to non-timber forest products and promoting the ecotourism potential. Currently the University of Lampung is developing 1,000 hectares of mangrove forest in the village of Marga Sari, East Lampung, to be used as ecotourism site. Some towers for bird watching has been established there.

Economic empowerment of the forest dwellers has been going well. They cultivate shrimp and crab, while some of them also produce shrimp paste, salted fish, dodol (Indonesian traditional delight), as well as the snack (chips) with the main ingredient of mangrove leaves.

The province is also known as a producer of corn, cassava, and fine husk. Currently Lampung also has the largest sugarcane-based ethanol plant in Indonesia. (yhn/various sources)



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-Pulau Belitung, Bangka Belitung (sumber:


Governor of Bangka Belitung

Rustam Effendi “Getting Mandate From Predecessor ”

Western Indonesian TIme

“Satam Emas Program Enhanced from Rp1 to Rp2 Billion Per District” Within the framework of sustainable development, the Provincial Government of Bangka Belitung (Babel administration) has launched a program called Satam Emas. This program is intended to reduce the gap between the urban and rural areas.

hai (Group) Corporation for Foreign Economic & Technologycal Corporation (SFECO). For the fuel, the steam power plant is using low-calorie coal as many as 223 200 tons. The operation of PLTU Babel by using the coal has been saving the operational cost at around Rp1,8 billion per day.

Satam Emas program started in 2013 by providing working capital amounting to Rp1 billion for one district. The Babel administration has disbursed Rp47 billion for the 47 districts. For 2014, the program was enhanced by increasing the amount of the capital to 2 billion per district.

The Babel provincial government also plans to focus on realizing the construction of the Trans Sumatra Bridge. The construction of the bridge will start from Tanjung Siapi-api, connecting to Bangka Island and end at the Port of Ketapang, Pangkal Pinang City. In addition to link the South Sumatra and Bangka Belitung, to boost the economy of the residents and the tourist arrivals in the provinces, the bridge is also expected to attract more investors to invest in Babel.

Head of Regional Development Planning and Statistics Babel Office, Nazalyus, said that he hoped through this program, the equality of development in the Bangka Belitung province could be accelerated.

“Replacing Eko Maulana Ali who died of an illness, Rustam Effendi was officially sworn in by Minister of Home Affairs Gamawan Fauzi as the fourth governor of the Bangka Belitung (Babel) province on August 26, 2013 for the period of 2012-2017. ”

On his death bed, then Governor Eko Maulana Ali left a message for Rustam Effendi who was his deputy (vice governor). The message was sent via a mobile phone by the date Eko Maulana died on July 30, 2013, asking Rustam Effendi to take care Babel.

The main target of the fund provision is for working capital to strengthening the Small Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMEs), as well as for financing strategic programs in the districts. The grants are expected to be used to address the prosperity gap between the counties and the cities related to the development. In 2014, a number of investors are expected to come in to support the development in Babel. Currently, one of the investors, already in operation, is a Germany-based chip factory. To attract more investors to invest in the province, the Babel administration has provided a number of supporting infrastructures. The construction of the steam power plant (PLTU) had been completed in July 2008, and has started its operation since July 2011. The PLTU Babel construction, at the cost of Rp410,13 billion and US$29.7 million or about Rp686 billion in total, is located in the Air Anyir Village, Merawang District, Bangka Regency.

The beaches in Babel are not disappointments, nor the marine aquaculture products. Their beautiful beaches are adorned with large stones, white sand, calm blue sea and do not have too much big waves. Usually, the tourists take advantage of the beauty of Babel beaches for diving while enjoying the beauty of the coral reefs and marine fish. The beauty of the Bangka Belitung undersea can be seen with the naked eye. After diving or swimming, there are a lot of places to rest for a moment to enjoy fine dining of various dishes of fish or shrimp and squid. The specialties you can bring home after visiting Babel are the various products from the sea such as fish crackers, pempek, and others. Babel is also famous for its tin handy craft industry. As the largest tin producer in Indonesia, Babel is now having plenty of holes of the former tin mines. The local government and mining companies and communities are working together to cover the holes and make the land green again with vegetations. (yhn/various sources)

The power plant was built on an area of approximately 30 hectares. As the developer was a consortium of PT Truba Alam Manunggal Engineering Tbk and China Shang-

Eko Maulana also urged Rustam to continue the development programs in the province. The same message was also conveyed through Noerhary Astuti, the wife of Eko Maulana.

The Province of Hundreds of Islands

The friendship between Eko Maulana and Rustam Effendi had not only been going on for a year or two, but already for twelve years. The closeness of the two could be seen on the expression of Rustam Effendi while attending Eko Maulana’s funeral at the end of last July 2013. Rustam, who is usually strong, had to be supported by Chairman of the Babel People Council Didit Srigusjaya, while walking toward his official car. After being sworn in as the governor of Bangka Belitung, Rustam Effendi visited Eko Maulana Ali's grave in the Pawitralaya Cemetery, a graveyard for dignitaries. He said he lost a figure of a friend as well as teacher. At that grave he asked for blessings of the deceased to continue his leadership the way he ever did. Visiting the grave has become Rustam’s priority as the deceased contributed a great merit to him and to the Bangka Belitung. The Home Affairs Minister expressed hopes that Rustam Effendi could govern the province like they way Eko Maulana Ali had done it for the last one year and four months of his life. He also hoped that the Medium Term Development Plan (RPJM) set by Eko Maulana Ali and Rustam Effendi, which has been implemented for a year, could be carried out consistently. (yhn/various sources)






Motto of Bangka Belitung: Serumpun Sebalai (From The Same Blood, From The Same Place)


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The Province of Bangka Belitung (Babel) is not only known for its beautiful beaches and decorated by sloping expanse of granite, but also as the biggest producer of tin in Indonesia. The province has two main islands, namely Bangka Island and Belitung Island, plus numerous small islands around them, such as Island of Lepar, Pongok, Mendanau and Selat Nasik. Out of the total 470 islands, only 50 islands are inhabited. Babel with its tropical climate has two major seasons. Throughout the years, it experiences wet season (monsoon) for seven months, then dry season for respective five months. The topography of the islands consists of swamp areas with mangrove forests, lowland areas, hills and on top of the hills there are dense forests.



Swamp areas in Babel are not so different from the ones on the Island of Sumatra. The communities living in Bangka Belitung differs in ethnicity and religion. The Malay is the Babel origin tribe. Other tribes who live there are Javanese, Sundanese, Bugis, Banten, Banjar, Madura, Palembang, Minang, Aceh, Flores, Maluku, Manado and 30% of them are Chinese descent. The majority of Chinese people there are direct descendants of laborers who worked in the tin mines during the Dutch colonial era. Most of the people in Babel are Muslims. Others are Buddhists, Confucians, Christians, Catholics, and Hindus. The other natural resources to make living by the local people in the province are agriculture and fisheries. The potential of the fisheries are also quite large, including the fresh water and brackish water aquaculture. Another sector supporting the economy is the plantation. Pepper and rubber are the main commodities of the province’s plantation sector. White pepper is the main export commodity of Babel. South Bangka Regency is the production center of rice in Babel and the main destination of the migrants. (yhn/various sources)


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Indonesia Developed Country “ Towards Through MP3EI and KSPPN ” As a developing country, it is essential that Indonesia will improve its status to become a developed country. The government, through the Office of the State Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) has designed a master plan called Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development or MP3EI.

With the implementation of MP3EI, it is expected that in 2025 Indonesia will already have the specifications to enter the group of developed countries with the income per capita reaching US$14.250 - US$15.500. Meanwhile the gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to reach US$4 - US$4.5 trillion. This can be achieved if the economic growth is 6.4% 7.5% per year and inflation rate is down from currently at 6.5% to 3%. Three main strategies application of MP3EI:





the 02.

Strengthening National Connectivity The definition of national connectivity is Indonesia's ability to manage the mobility of people, objects either abiotic (eg, industrial) and biotic (agriculture, livestock and fisheries), financial services, and information. The development on this sector does not only focus on the connectivity between regions in the country, but also consider how to put Indonesia in the map of global connectivity.


Increasing Regional Potential with Economic Corridors

The strengthening of national connectivity is expected to maximize economic growth, improving access from the growth center to the underdeveloped areas, and to accelerate the equitable development.

Each region has its own advantages and potentials. By identifying these advantages and potentials, the economic corridors are formed so that the development programs can be focused to the excellence based on respective potentials. Thus the equality of development in all regions can be accelerated and reach all levels of the society.

There are four components in strengthening the development of connectivity, namely the national logistics system, the national transportation system, the development of the region, and the information and communication technology.

The potential identification has resulted that Sumatra is set as the central corridor for production and processing of natural and energy sources. Java is the service providers and the wheel-roller for the national industry, while Borneo is the center of production and processing of minerals and energy resources. Sulawesi is defined as the center of production and processing of agricultural, plantation, fisheries, oil and gas, and mining. Meanwhile Bali and Nusa Tenggara is the entrance gate to the tourism sites and the food buffers. Meanwhile, Maluku and Papua are designated as the center for the development of food supply, fisheries, energy, and mining.


The determination of the economic corridors is equipped with incentives both fiscal and non-fiscal, easiness in taking care permits and getting public services from both central and local governments.

Improving human resources and science and technology To achieve the set targets, the engine of economic growth will depend on the product innovation. That's why knowledgeable human resources are needed. Therefore workforce with higher education, both academic and vocational or professional, who are able to apply science and technology are needed. Than through higher education, the human resource development is also done through the development of vocational education, job training centers and professional certification. The development of science and technology is conducted by increasing the number and capacity of the research institutions. This innovation will lead to an increase in productivity and eventually to the economic growth.

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In order to rum the implementation of MP3EI effectively, the Committee for the Acceleration Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development (KP3EI) was set up on May 20, 2011, which is chaired by the President. The Committee is in charge for coordination, monitoring and evaluation, as well as solving the problem or finding a way out when there are obstacles.

Future Plan Telkom Landmark Tower, Jakarta. (source:

The Funding MP3EI projects for the development program in 2011-2014 is estimated to cost Rp755 trillion. The government provides Rp544 billion, while the rest of Rp211 trillion is obtained from the Public Private Partnership (PPP). Another funding source is from the potential investment by State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), private companies, and financing through the Regional Budget (APBD). For the budget of 2014 - 2017, there are 40 projects to be undertaken with the funding around Rp337 trillion. Out of the 40 projects, 10 projects are in Java, with an investment of Rp113 trillion, 12 in Sumatra with an investment of Rp111 trillion, 7 worth Rp61 trillion in Sulawesi, 5 worth Rp41 trillion in Kalimantan, 3 in Bali - Nusa Tenggara worth Rp41 trillion, and 2 projects in Papua - Maluku worth Rp3 trillion. Why there is less number of projects in Eastern Indonesia, according to Lucky Eko Wiryanto, Deputy Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, that’s because the projects in Eastern Indonesia are highly dependent on the state budget and local state funds. "While in Western Indonesia largely are funded by public private partnership scheme (PPP).” -SBY Inaugurates MP3EI Project in East Kalimantan. (source:

-Urban Regions Contribute 80% of Total GDP Indonesia (source:

Policy and National Urban Development Strategy (KSPPN) In line with the acceleration and expansion of the development being implemented, it is expected that new cities will appear and the existing small towns will develop well. In order to make these cities livable, equitable, productive and resilient to climate changes, Bappenas (National Development Planning Agency) has designed Urban Policy and the National Development Strategy.

It is estimated that in 2025, 68% of Indonesia's population will live in cities. This should be anticipated with various devices of legislation and supporting programs, such as control program on metropolitan and major cities, development programs of inter-city linkages, development programs for small and medium cities and spatial development programs. (ing)

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WEST KALIMANTAN Western Indonesian Time

- Trans Kalimantan South Spindle (source:

“Trans Kalimantan, West Kalimantan Progress Instrument” In 2014, there are various development projects being carried out by the provincial government of West Kalimantan. The projects include the southern axis of Trans Kalimantan highway which is planned for completion in 2014. The road construction is part the programs of MP3EI (Masterplan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development). Trans Kalimantan is connecting various cities in Kalimantan, and that will work best when it is supported by the construction of bridges that connect the regions separated by major rivers, such as the Kapuas, Barito and Mahakam River. In general, although the land transportation in West Kalimantan is good, but in some areas the water transportation by ferries crossing the river is still the primary transport mode. That is why the local government is going to build the Tayan Bridge, with the length of 1,420 m divided into two parts. The first bridge will be 280 m long and the second one will be 1,140 m. Both bridges will cross the Kapuas River and are expected to improve the transportation system in the southern part of Kalimantan. As the means of infrastructure, the Tayan Bridge will improve the land transportation services that will impact on the regional development, economically, socially and culturally. Dozens more small bridges will be built or repaired to serve the cross over the rivers or marshes. Most of the bridges are planned for completion in 2014. In addition to building roads and bridges, West Kalimantan will also construct a bauxite smelter. Some investors have expressed their interests in building a bauxite smelter in the province. Beside PT

Antam and PT Harita, there is the Millennium Group who has the interest in building a smelter. The construction of the new terminal of Supadio Airport is also expected to be completed in 2014. The government has allocated the budget amounted at Rp93 billion to finance the project. The terminal development program refers to the letter of the Ministry of Transportation. The aim is to improve the quality of the services and the flight safety at the Supadio Airport.

Governor of West Kalimantan

Cornelis M.H. “The Bureaucrat Who Breaks Record in Making Paddy Fields”

In addition to building various infrastructure facilities in urban areas, DPP Chairman Hipmi (Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association), Raja Sapta Oktohari has mentioned the importance of the development of the border region. It cannot be done partially, but must be in a comprehensive manner, he said. The top priority, according to him, should be the infrastructure, especially the roads, followed by the energy (electricity), then water and various other matters concerning the welfare of the people of the border. Raja also said that the condition of infrastructure and the people in the border region as the face of Indonesia had a great impact on investment, although not directly. He added that the border region should be treated as the showcase of Indonesia to be showed off to the other countries. For example the border regions of Entikong and Kuching. Therefore the central government is expected to see the border as the face, instead of the back yard of Indonesia. If the border is considered as the back yard, according to Raja, then the government will find it hard to monitor the development of the border areas belonging to Indonesia compared with the neighboring countries who put the border areas as a priority to develop. (yhn/various sources)

“In 2012, Cornelis M.H. received an award from MURI (Indonesian Record Museum) due to scoring a new wetland area of 17,000 hectares. This record was made when he became the 10th governor of West Kalimantan in 2013.”

In the same year, a book about him titled "The Orator’s Footsteps in the House of Betang Raya Dori' Mpulor, Sanggau Regency" was launched. This book was written by Aju and Nur Iskandar with the introductory by Megawati Soekarnoputri. Since the leadership of Cornelis M.H. as the governor of West Kalimantan, the rice fields in the province have been increasing widespread the province, from previously 500,000 hectares to 517,000 hectares. The new paddy fields the program is one of the commitments of the provincial government of West Kalimantan in supporting the central government’s national food security programs.

Travelling In The Province of Thousand Rivers

According to Kartius, Former Chief of Asset Bureau of West Kalimantan Secretariat, the MURI’s decision to name Cornelis as the record breaker had been through the Advisory Council meeting. MURI decided that Cornelis deserved the award. So far, there is no governor in Indonesia receiving such a MURI award.

“West Kalimantan has been the nicknamed as the Province of Thousand Rivers as it does have hundreds of large and small rivers. The nickname is appropriate to the geographical conditions of West Kalimantan. Until now, the rivers are still the artery and main line of the inland transportation.”

Cornelis is the politician from bull logo bearing party of PDI-P (Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle). Previously, he was a cadre of the Golkar Party. Currently he is ruling in the second tenure as the number one of West Kalimantan province, for the period of 2013-2018. His political career started almost from zero. He started as a staff at the District Office of Mandor, then became the district head of Menyuke (Darit). The father of two daughters and the husband of Frederika had become Head of Sub Office of Supervision of Mines Department of West Kalimantan Province, until then decided to run for the election of Landak regent and won it then he was reelected for the second time in the next election. Cornerlis, born in Sanggau, is Dayak origin but not like other Dayak people, he is Catholic. (yhn/various sources)



Motto of Kalimantan Barat: Akcaya (Never Get Perish)







The most famous river is the longest one Kapuas River. There is also Landak River. Both rivers are flowing through West Kalimantan and embedded in the logo of Pontianak, the capital city of West Kalimantan. Pontianak which is crossed by the equator in the northern area has a vision of making the city a river tourism site. In addition, the city is also a tourist attraction on culinary. Pontianak tourism is supported by the cultural diversity of the population, namely the Dayak, Malay, and Chinese. The Dayak tribe has the thanksgiving feast called Gawai. The Chinese ethnic society has the Lunar New Year festivity, Cap Go Meh, as well as Cheng Beng or Kuo Cie. Throughout the year, the rainfall is evenly distributed in the province, and the peak rainfall occurs in January and October. The climate in West Kalimantan is tropical wet. Dayak with its various groups are the indigenous people of the province. The rest are coming from the other provinces. Islam is the majority religion in West Kalimantan, but other religions are also practiced by the others.

Aside of being flowed by hundreds of rivers, most of the West Kalimantan area is low-land with few hills that extend from west to east along the Kapuas Valley and the Natuna Sea/Karimata Strait. Some of the land area consists of mixed swamps, peat and mangrove forests. Meanwhile the rest are in the form of forests, grass fields, and bushes/reeds. The largest forest area is located in Kapuas Hulu Regency, while the widest meadow/shrub area is in Ketapang Regency. (yhn/various sources)

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- Kahayan Bridge, Palangkaraya (source:




“Green Development Projects In Central Kalimantan” The pace of the growth and the acceleration of the economy in Central Kalimantan, through the projects under the MP3EI (Masterplan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development), has been achieved without harming the environment. Lukita Dinarsyah Tuwo, Deputy State Minister of National Development Planning (Bappenas), said that the acceleration of the economic growth has to be in line with the sustainable green development.

The function of the railway development is expected to increase the economic growth, the development, and the import and export of goods as well. It is expected that construction of the railway can especially help accelerate the economic growth of Murung Raya Regency, while reducing the number of unemployment in the process. The construction of the railway is not only funded by the local state budget, but also some grants from the central government.

Together with a number of officials from GGGI (Global Green Growth Institute) comprising Costa Rica, Denmark, Ethiopia, Kiribati, and Norway, the monitoring of the condition of the forests in Central Kalimantan continues to be done. So far, East Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan has been cooperating with the GGGI in developing green building concepts. The results of this cooperation will be a pilot project and will be developed for the other provinces.

The other infrastructure project, Trans Kalimantan highway is also involving Central Kalimantan province of which its people refer to as Bumi Tambung Bungai. This project is also part of the MP3EI programs. According to the plan, the project will be completed in 2014. The paving and the provision of road shoulders has been done.

The importance of the environment protection has also become the integral part of the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). The assertion was brought up during the 'Borneo CSR Summit 2013'. This summit was a meeting forum for the business society, the government officials, and the common people who care about the efforts to save the environment on the island of Borneo. The issue of global warming has become a common concern, thus they have been promoting the principle of building Central Kalimantan without damaging the environment. Currently, the acceleration of development in Central Kalimantan has been realized maximally in the construction of railroads as part of the MP3EI projects. The development began in October 2013 that, requiring estimated funds as much as Rp30 trillion. The network of the railways, at the total length at 480 km, is intended for the transport of coal. The railways will serve the regencies of Murung Raya, then to North Barito, South Barito, East Barito, and the final destination is Batanjung Port in Kapuas. The railroads would connect East Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan provinces.

In addition to the projects above, Central Kalimantan will also have an international airport that is planned to be built in Sebui, West Kotawaringin. Although it is not included in the MP3EI programs, the airport development is considered feasible given the increasing mobility of the local residents. The plan to construct of an international airport continues to be matured, since air transport demand by local communities keeps growing, while the flow of visitors from other regions and abroad also increases. West Kotawaringin will seriously build the airport to support the development of the tourism sector and the plantations. It is expected that, with the presence of an international airport, the investors will also be interested to do business in West Kotawaringin. Therefore it can support the growth of the area. The budget for the master plan and feasibility study for the project has been allocated.



Rinch In Primary Forests “Geographically, the northern part of this region is bordered by Muller Swachner Mountains, while on the south by plains and swamps. Central Kalimantan is also bordered by East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and West Kalimantan, as well as the Java Sea.” 01.

To support the development of the airport, the Administration of West Kotawaringin will build an alternative road through Pasir Panjang to make the distant to the airport much closer. (yhn/various sources)


“MP3EI projects (Masterplan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development) the development began in October 2013 that, requiring estimated funds as much as Rp30 trillion.”




Governor of Central Kalimantan

Agustin Teras Narang “Former Lawyer Becomes Statesman”


Central Kalimantan, dubbed by its residents as Bumi Tambung Bungai, is the fourth largest province in Indonesia, which keeps 80% of the national forests. The tropical vegetations dominate the region. In term of topography, Central Kalimantan has humid tropical climate and is crossed by the equator. Wildernesses dominate this region. The rest are occupied by rivers and lakes, as well as the mainland. Its land areas are dominated by forests. Central Kalimantan has 25% primary forests widely scattered in the region. The production areas are dominated by oil palm plantations. Rubber and rattan are the other commodities easily found throughout the province, especially in the Districts of Kapuas, Katingan, Pulang Pisau, Gunung Mas and East Kotawaringin. The majority of the residents in Katingan make a living as farmers and miners. The mining activities are generally carried out in traditional ways. The main mining commodities are gold and red puya (zircon sand). Aside of gold and puya, there are other mining products such as coal, iron, copper, kaolin, gemstones and others. The potentials of freshwater fisheries in Central Kalimantan are very large. That's because the freshwater area quite spacious. Dayak are indigenous tribes of the province. The rest, another are migrant tribes consisting of Banjar, Javanese, Sundanese, Batak, Bugis, Ambonese, Padang, and others. Meanwhile, one of the dominant languages is Malay. Religious diversity also occurs in Central Kalimantan, as in other provinces. As a native religion is Hinduism Kaharingan. (yhn/various sources)

“Agustin Teras Narang is the 12th governor of Central Kalimantan. Born in Banjarmasin, East Kalimantan, he started his career in politics after graduating from the Faculty of Law of the Indonesian Christian University after studying from 1974 to 1979. In the early 1980s, he was active in various social and governmental organizations.” The husband of Moenartining started his political journey by joining the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle. Before turning to politics, he worked as a lawyer. He eventually became the member of House of Representatives from the constituency of Kapuas, Central Kalimantan. The father of three is also known as outstanding leader who is recognized by many people to have successfully developed the areas in his territory equally, particularly related to poverty eradication and regional development in Central Kalimantan. He is also known as environmental leaders who are very concerned about the preservation of natural resources in Central Kalimantan. Because of that, he received many awards from many entities, including from the Indonesian central government. In the field of political leadership, it has been proved by the recognition of the province of Central Kalimantan as one of the most effective in implementing the regional autonomy. He also received the anti-corruption award in 2007. In Agustin Teras Narang’s blood, politics flow inherited from his father, Waldenar August Narang. His father, who had served as a member of the People Council in South Kalimantan, always motivated him who is the youngest of seven brothers. Since high school, Agustin was motivated to become a politician like prominent politicians from the major developed countries. Therefore, to be a reliable politician, Narang was first encouraged to master everything associated with law. The goal was that he has the professional ability to build an identity as a notable man, as well as a formidable statesman. (yhn/various sources)

Motto of Central Kalimantan: Isen Mulang (Persistent)


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Although in general Kalimantan is an island rich in rivers, still land infrastructure is under full attention to develop. The inauguration of a number of projects from the programs of MP3EI (Masterplan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development) and the projects at the phase of groundbreaking show clear evidence of progress in the development of South Kalimantan (Kalsel). There are eight projects worth at the total of Rp4.7 trillion which some have been started and others are about to begin, as well as 10 projects from the MP3EI programs worth Rp11.4 trillion which are ready to be inaugurated. The projects worth Rp4.7 trillion, among others, are the construction of Basirih Bridge with the investment of Rp118 billion, the construction of Gatot Subroto fly-over, and widening the road under the fly-over with an investment of Rp185 billion. One of the development projects from MP3EI programs is the construction of Trans Kalimantan Highway which is expected to be completed in 2014. The function of Trans Kalimantan Highway to connect the cities in the island will be maximize if it is supported by the construction of bridges as many areas are separated by large rivers, such as River Kapuas, Barito and Mahakam. For that reason, there is the construction of the Tayan Bridge with a length of 1,420 m. The bridge will consist of two parts with the length of each 280 m and 1,140 m. Both will pass through the Tayan Island in the middle of the Kapuas River. The construction of the bridge is scheduled for completion in 2014. In addition to the construction of the large bridge, dozens of small bridges serving to cross the rivers and marshes are also being constructed or under repair. Since the launch of the MP3EI programs in 2011 to September 2013, the value of investment in Indonesia reached Rp737.9 billion. Meantime the MP3EI projects worth Rp11.4 trillion in South Kalimantan include cooking oil processing plant (refinery) and on-site port by PT Golden Hope Nusantara in Kotabaru Regency, with the investment of around Rp1.2 trillion; and the construction of Palm Oil Downstream Industry Factory (producing cooking oil) by PT SMART Tbk in Kotabaru Regency, with the investment of Rp2.36 trillion. In addition to these major projects, infrastructure development also carried out in the mining areas (CPP and OC Asam Asam; CPP, OLC and Port Kintap, CBU NPLCT) PT Arutmin Indonesia in the Asam Asam Village, Jorong District, Tanah Laut Regency, as well as in Sarang Tiung Village, Pulau Laut Utara District, Kotabaru Regency. There is also a dry iron ore processing plant operated by PT Sebuku Iron Lateritic Ores in Sungai Bali Village, Sebuku Island District, Kotabaru Regency. So far, there have been steam power plant (PLTU) Asam Asam Unit 3 and 4 with the capacity of 2 x 65 MW managed by PT PLN (Persero). The other power plant is PLTU Mulut Tambang owned by PT Makmur Sejahtera Wisesa (PT Adaro Power Group), in the Tabalong Regency. The container terminal at the Port of Trisakti Banjarmasin operated by Pelindo III in Banjarmasin has also been developed, along with the building of a palm oil mill by PT Hasnur Citra Terpadu in Pandakan Village, Central Tapin District, Tapin Regency. Not only the road construction, but transmigration is also one of the priorities of in South Kalimantan’s development programs. From the time of the Pre Pelita (five-year development programs) era until now, the transmigration programs have a positive impact on the economy of South Kalimantan. The income of the transmigrated people has increased. The Transmigration Settlement Unit (UPT) Cintapuri in Banjar Regency has developed into the Cintapuri Darussalam District. Since 2007-2012, people from West Java, Yogyakarta, and from South Kalimantan itself has been transmigrating in the province and creating 3,325 new villages. A total of 103 villages of them have developed into one capital city and one province, while 382 villages have developed into capital cities of districts. (yhn/various sources)

Governor of Kalimantan Selatan

Rudy Ariffin “Governs With Hard Works”

-Road to Wisata Takisungg that already fixed by Kimpraswil Kalsel (source:

SOUTH KALIMANTAN Central Indonesian Time

Kalsel Builds Land Infrastructure Worth Rp4.7 T

“His hard works have brought him to the various awards as the express of appreciations. No wonder if Rudy Ariffin is back to govern South Kalimantan (Kalsel) for the second time with the tenure of 2010-2015. His first term in the governor office was in the period of 2005-2010.”



The native man was born in Banjarmasin, on August 17, 1953. He is considered successfully lead South Kalimantan. At his first tenure, Rudy built the steel industry, completed the dredging of Barito River, pushing PLN to build 2 x 65 MW power plant in Asam Asam to solve electricity shortage in the middle region of South Kalimantan, built an central office of the Provincial Government in Banjarbaru, and managed to bring the local state budget of Kalsel exceeding Rp2,2 billion. Not only that, he also banned the coal trucks to pass trough state roads. 02.


In his second term in the office, Rudy Ariffin, paired with Rudy Resnawan as the vice governor, determined to continue the successes have been achieved in the first term. The former regent is determined to bring the people of Banjar in South Kalimantan to increasingly prosperous. Rudy Ariffin’s political career began when he was attending the lectures at Social and Politics Faculty, Lambung Mangkurat University. Before graduating from the university, he had served as MPP of Sungai Tabuk District in 1979-1982. Slowly but surely, his career began to climb up. He had held various positions in the political entities. In the end, he sat in the chair of the South Kalimantan Governor. As the South Kalimantan governor, Rudy Ariffin has achieved numerous awards from his hard works, including the Medal of Cooperatives and SME Development (Intermediate Credit Units) in July 2009, Abdi Petani dan Nelayan Utama (servant for the farmers and fishermen) Award in July 2007, and various other prizes. (yhn/various sources)

Motto of South Kalimantan: Haram Manyarah Waja Sampai Kaputing (Remain vibrant and strong as steel from the start to finish)

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South Kalimantan, Forest Investment Destination “Although only 6.98% of the total forest areas in Kalimantan Island, forests are the greatest wealth of South Kalimantan (Kalsel). The province is located in the southeastern part of the Kalimantan Island, consisting of lowlands and highlands. Plateaus are formed from Meratus Mountains. Most of the forest areas are in the highlands and protected by the local government.”





So far, South Kalimantan’s forest areas divided into primary forests, production forests, conservation forests, conversion forests, and plantations. The production forests are the largest forest areas in there. While the lowland areas are dominated by peat swamps. So it is no wonder if the lowlands of South Kalimantan are rich in biological diversity of freshwater species. In the highland area of South Kalimantan, agricultural products and services are the primary commodities, especially the corn. While from the plantation sub-sector, there are the flagging commodities of palm oil, rubber, coconut, cocoa, and coffee. In the lowlands of South Kalimantan, from fishery sub-sector, the favored commodities include the various kinds of seawater fish both caught and cultured, as well as fresh water fish from the aquaculture products. In the animal husbandry sector, the primary commodities are cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, buffaloes, and horses. Banjar is the majority tribe in South Kalimantan. There are sixteen other ethnic groups living there such as the Javanese, Bugis, Madurese, and others. In addition, there are also the transmigration people with the ethnics of Balinese, Sundanese, Flores Adonara, and Sasak. As an investment destination, the province has a variety of facilities and infrastructures, among others are Syamsudin Noor Airport in Banjarmasin, Bersujud Airport in Batulicin and Stagen Airport in Kotabaru. It also has several ports, such as Kotabaru Port, Batulicin Port, Port of NLCT (Nort Laut Coal Terminal) and Trisakti Port in Banjarmasin. For land transport infrastructure, there are two important roads, namely the state and provincial roads. (yhn/various sources)



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KIPI Maloy, Kaltim’s Industrial Progress Governor of East Kalimantan

“It is not only the mining potential what makes the East Kalimantan (Kaltim) famous. The province is also vigorously developing the oil palm plantations. In 2013 East Kalimantan provincial government has set a target of one million hectares of oil palm plantations. This is to support the efforts of East Kalimantan to become one of the main producers of CPO (Crude Plam Oil) in Indonesia.”

Awang Faroek Ishak “Politician Open To Criticism”

“The native of Tenggarong, Kutai, East Kalimantan (Kaltim) is the 11th child of 13 children of Dayang Johariah and Awang Ishak, a leader of the civil services in East Kalimantan.”

Awang Faroek Ishak has fascinated a lot of people for his distinctive stature and his variety of studies, experiences, and activities. The Golkar politician had launched three books amid his tight schedules of his jobs. From the third book titled "Faroek Awang Ishak In the Eye of Friends", he obtained a breaking record award from MURI (Indonesian Record Museum) for the biography book with the highest number of observers and pages (the thickest biography book). Through all the third books published with the speaking sources ranging from officials, non-official people to the political figures, Awang Faroek presents himself as a leader who is open to criticism. The husband of Amelia once said that a good leader is the one who is willing to accept criticism. Through the criticism, a leader can perform a variety of amendments. For Awang Faroek, criticism is a mirror to learn then do better. The book was written for 15 years, since Awang Faroek held the post as the East Kutai regent until he became the governor of East Kalimantan in his first term of office. Various comments from Awang Faroek’s friends show that the 11th governor of East Kalimantan is a politician, who is intellectually academic, populist but also has an extensive network of national and international level of people, and is a man of vision for the development of Kaltim. Awang Faroek Ishak started his career as a staff at the East Kalimantan Gubernatorial Office (1973). Before becoming the governor of East Kalimantan for two tenures ie 2008-2013 and 2013-2018, he was the East Kutai regent for two periods too, 2000-2003 and 2006-2008. (yhn/from various sources)

-Industrial Area and International Port Maloy (source:

To prepare it, KIPI Maloy (Industrial Zone and International Port) in East Kutai has been developed into the processing center of CPO and its derivative products. This industrial hub is integrated with an international standard port. One of the KIPI Maloy’s advantages is its location which is on the line of ALKI II (Indonesian archipelagic sea lanes II). This area is the trajectory of the international trade over the sea and situated at the center of the future world economy (Pacific Rim). In addition, the Maloy area is also on the pathway of the interconnectivity between Kalimantan and Sulawesi. This path is a part of the regional of trans Kalimantan highway and the starting point for the crossing ferries from Tarakan to Toli Toli and from Balikpapan to Mamuju. To accelerate the development of KIPI Maloy, East Kalimantan provincial government has undertaken the construction of facilities and supporting infrastructure, including olien industry, aluminum smelting industry, stearin and PFAD, fatty acids industry, biodiesel, and cooking oil industry. As for supporting infrastructure, it has been built the 2x100 MW power plants, railroads and a coal terminal. Whereas in the olechemical industrial area, a port for downloading and uploading CPO has also been built with the capability of more than 100,000 DWT. There are also facilities being built like office buildings, workshops, storage tanks and the fire house. The supporting infrastructure such as access roads to the port in Maloy industrial area has also been prepared. Not to mention the construction of the clean water processing plant to supply the inhabitants of KIPI Maloy. Outside KIPI Maloy, the East Kalimantan provincial government is also working on the improvement of the roads. In addition to it,

there will be construction of railway of Muara Wahau - Lubuk Tutung at the length of 150 km. The railway project is set under the collaboration of the East Kalimantan provincial government with Ras Al-Khaimah Minerals and Metal Investment, United Arab Emirates. Another railroad will also be built with the route of Tabang - Lubuk Tutung at 185 km long, to be constructed by PT Gunung Bayan. In the future, the East Kalimantan provincial government will develop KIPI Maloy into Maloy Special Economic Zone Trans Kalimantan Economic Zone (KEK MTKEZ). The MTKEZ is an integration area between KIPI Maloy, the Mineral Industry Area Trans Kalimantan Economic Zone (TKEZ), and Chemical Industry Area of Batuta Coal Industrial Port (BCIP). The location chosen for this development is East Kutai, for exact location in districts of Sangkulirang, Kaliorang and Bengalon (Lubuk Tutung), East Kutai Regency. East Kalimantan provincial government has sought to make MTKEZ as one of the special economic zones to maintain and enhance the competitiveness of the investment opportunity that is supported by a wealth of natural resources, beneficial geographical position on the ALKI II, conducive security conditions, as well as the commitment of the local government in facilitating good investment environment and the availability of adequate human resources. The MTKEZ is also supported by other industrial areas which are scattered in Balikpapan (Kariangau Industrial Area), in Samarinda (Industrial Area For Trade and Services), in Bontang (Industrial Zone For Oil, Gas and Condensate), in Berau (Industrial Area For Tourism), in Bulungan (Delta Kayan Food Estate) and in Malinau (Kayan Mentarang Forest Area). (yhn/from various sources)

EAST KALIMANTAN Central Indonesian Time

Motto of East Kalimantan Ruhui Rahayu (The Perfect Balance in Every Way thanks to The Blessing of God Almighty)

03. 01.





East Kalimantan has undulating topography of lowland areas to the steep slopes. The areas near rivers generally are lowlands. The rest are hilly and mountainous regions. The topography conditions affect the kinds of commodity to be cultivated, the potential of water supply, the hydrological dynamics, and the susceptibility to the erosion.


The commodities produced by the natural resources in East Kalimantan are mostly exported to the other countries. That is why the province is considered as the foreign exchange earner for the country, particularly from the mining, forestry, and the other natural resources. So far, mining is still the major earner, from the products of natural gas and coal. The other sectors which start to catch up are agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing industries. The economic growth of the province has been accelerated through the industrial parks in Balikpapan and Bontang. Meanwhile in many other districts, industrial plantations have been designed, such as oil palm and others. For tourist destinations, East Kalimantan has several areas of interest to visit, such as Derawan Islands in Berau, Kayan Mentarang National Park (KMNP), Batu Lamampu Beach in Nunukan, the crocodile farm in Balikpapan, the deer farm in Penajam, Dayak Pampang Village in Samarinda, Amal Beach in Tarakan, Kumala Island in Tenggarong, and others. Black orchid is an expensive natural potential of the province.


Ethnic diversity is also found in East Kalimantan, with Kutai as the indigenous tribe of in East Kalimantan, then Dayak, Banjar, Malay, Javanese, Makassar, Bugis, and various other tribes. Their religions also vary, from Islam, Christianity, Catholic, as well as also animism. (yhn/from various sources)



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With the capital city of Samarinda, East Kalimantan (Kaltim) was known as the second largest province in Indonesia after Papua, before part of it becoming the North Kalimantan.


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NORTH KALIMANTAN Central Indonesian Time

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-Mabul Island, Borneo (source:

“Electricity For The Youngest Province on Kalimantan Island” Despite its status as the youngest province in Indonesia, North Kalimantan (Kaltara) speeds up the pace of the development programs after separating from East Kalimantan. One of the programs is the construction of the hydro power plant of Kayan with the capacity of 6,080 MW, being built by PT Kayan Hydro Energy. The groundbreaking ceremony of the Kayan hydropower plant has been marked with the laying of the first stone and the signing of the inscription by the Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Indonesia Military (TNI) Commander, the President Director of state-owned electricity company PLN, and Acting Governor of North Kalimantan and Bulungan Regent Budiman Arifin. The Bulungan regent in his speech said that the hydropower plant project was expected to solve the electrical problems that existed in Bulungan area. So far, out of the 81 villages in Bulungan, only 33 villages who can enjoy the electricity for 24 hours a day, the other 26 villages can only use the electricity for 12 hours a day, while the rest do not yet have the electricity at all.

a joint study to realize the mutual interconnection, especially between North Kalimantan and Sabah. The cooperation between PLN and SESB has been done to improve the competence of the workforces at both sides through education, training, and knowledge sharing in accordance to their respective excellence. Such cooperation will open the opportunity to build a large-scale power plant in North Kalimantan. In 2013 the Provincial Government of North Borneo tried to pay more attention to the electricity sector, by providing a budget for solar power plants (PLTS), in the Sebatik Island and other areas that are difficult to install the wired electricity. It is expected that the PLTS projects will answer all the problems on electricity in Nunukan whose topography consists of various islands while its people live in groups sparsely. In addition to the solar power plants, a gas power plant has also been built in Sebaung. The construction of the plant can be the early solution to overcome electricity shortage in Nunukan.

With the realization of Kayan hydropower plant, it will have a positive impact on the agricultural sector, the development in general, the investment environment, and can also open up the job opportunities. TNI Chief Gen. Moeldoko who attended the groundbreaking added that the military was ready to watch the construction progress of the plan to completion.

To complement the infrastructure facilities in North Kalimantan, in 2014 a fund amounting to Rp20 billion has been allocated to continue the development of Maratua Airport in Berau Regency. The airport, located in the outermost island of Indonesia, is targeted to be operational by 2015.

According to him, the construction of plant is very useful for the people of Kalimantan, particularly those who are living on the border area. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources said that the capacity of 6,080 MW is not small, considering Indonesia now requires the development of 6,000 MW per year in the period of 10 years.

The construction of the airport aims to support the development of tourism industry, considering Maratua is in the Derawan Islands. It is expected that the construction of the airport will provide more convenience for tourists to visit the island of Derawan, Maratua, and a number of other islands that are in the cluster of Derawan Islands.

In addition to building the hydropower plant, PT PLN has also been cooperating with the electricity company from Malaysia, SESB (Sabah Electricity Sdn. Bhd.). The cooperation is expected to benefit both parties. Under the cooperation, they have talked about the possibility to install the electrical interconnection of North Kalimantan and Sabah and build a large-scale power plant in the province later. PLN and SESB will conduct

The existence of the airport will also facilitate the flow of transportation for residents and increase the economic growth in Maratua and its surrounding areas. For the military, the airport is expected to facilitate the landing of military aircrafts belonging to the Indonesia Air Force in charge of maintaining the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. (yhn/various sources)

North Kalimantan, New Province Who Starts to Blossom “North Kalimantan (Kaltara) is the youngest province in Indonesia. The province is officially established at the plenary meeting of the House of Representatives (DPR), on October 25, 2012. The province, which was previously a part of East Kalimantan, started the process to become an autonomous region in the 2000s. Kaltara is one of the 11 newly established autonomous regions (DOB) which consists of one province and 10 regencies.”

Governor of North Kalimantan

Irianto Lambrie “Taking One Month To Decide Receiving The Post”

“Irianto Lambrie was inaugurated as the acting governor of North Kalimantan by Home Affairs Minister Gamawan Fauzi on April 22, 2013. When offered the position as the acting governor of North Kalimantan, he took over a month to decide. In the end, after consultations with his family and relatives, he accepted the offer after deep considerations and long thoughts.”

As a civil servant, Irianto said he had to be professional. With the thoughts it was for the benefit of the people and based on the desire to improve the livelihood of the people of North Kalimantan, he accepted the job at all costs. In April 2013, he started to hold the post of acting governor. Automatically, he took full responsibility to make improvements in the province, while coordinating with other parties and the authorities of the four regencies and one city under the territory of North Kalimantan. For Irianto, becoming acting governor of North Kalimantan is a big mandate with a big responsibility. Within six months, he must prepare his administration structures. In addition, he had to prepare, coordinate, and facilitate the establishment of the Local Council and choose its members, as well as the head and deputy head of the regions in North Kalimantan. Simultaneously, he is also assigned to carry out the coordination, consultation, synchronization, and communication in order to improve the public services. Including the governance and implementation of development programs, and to provide guidance, control, and surveillance in the regencies and city in North Kalimantan. 01. 01.


02. 02.

Irianto, former the secretary of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government Office, said that he hoped in the future North Kalimantan would be more prosperous, developed, democratic, safe, and peaceful. According to him, there is no complicated and severe problem if all the elements come together to develop without prejudice, with mutual understanding, reminding each other, and advising each other to build the common good. (yhn/various sources)







As the 34th province of the 34 provinces in Indonesia, its establishment is expected to prevent Malaysia from claiming Indonesian islands. The North Kalimantan territory is located in the triangle area of the Indonesia - Malaysia – the Philippines. At the time of establishment, the province is divided into five administrative regions, which consists of one city and four regencies, namely Tarakan City, Bulungan Regency; Nunukan Regency; Malinau Regency; and Tana Tidung Regency. For districts, there are 47 in Kaltara. Previously, the entire regions were part of East Kalimantan. Tidung Dayak is one of the native tribes in the province, and is one of the 406 Dayak tribes recorded in Kalimantan. The rest are settlers of other tribes. While Islam is the majority religion, the rest are embracing Protestant, Catholic, Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism. North Kalimantan’s climate is tropical. It has tremendous natural potentials, ranging from oil, gas, marine, and mining. North Kalimantan waters territory also has Ambalat, which is estimated to rich in oil and gas resources. In this province there is also the potential of fishery and tourism which are unexplored yet. The land on the provincial border area is promising for the plantation development. While the sea borders can be used as a place to operate a fleet of fishing vessels, while maintaining sovereignty in Ambalat. (yhn/various sources)

Symbol of North Kalimantan



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-Sultan Hasanuddin Airport (source:

Prioritizing Road Construction, Improving Welfare

Gubernur Sulawesi Selatan

Syahrul Yasin Limpo “Supported To Become Next President” To support the development in South Sulawesi, the provincial government has been prioritizing the infrastructure, especially the roads and the transport system. Towards the end of 2013, the government through the Ministry of Public Works has inaugurated the construction of seven bridges that connect several areas in the province.

"Famous for his initials SYL, Governor of South Sulawesi (Sulsel) Syahrul Yasin Limpo began his political career as the secretary of Golkar South Sulawesi chapter for the period 1993-1998. Previously, the father of three children was active in the youth organizations of KNPI and DPP AMPI." The former regent of Gowa for two periods (1994-2002) and vice of then Governor of South Sulawesi Amir Syam won the South Sulawesi governor election in 2007, with his partner Agus Arifin Nu'mang as the vice governor, the first directly elected ever by the people of the province. Since governing South Sulawesi, slowly but surely SYL began to realize his various ideas, among which providing free education up to high school level and free health care. Although enlisted in the list of Sulawesi’s role models, the former Head of Public Relations at the Sulawesi Administration Secretariat Level I in 1993 experienced an unpleasant thing, when he was subjected to the throwing of Molotov cocktails by a stranger. Later, the incident that occurred in the middle of the show titled ‘Fun Walk With The Commander' in November 2011, it turned out to be masterminded by the Bone three terrorist suspects. The graduate of Hasanuddin University (Unhas) also ever experienced a distressing episode. The man, who was born in Makassar on March 16, 1955, had to accept that his youngest son passed away. Moreover, when died from an illness early 2011, the late son named Rinra Sujiwa Syahrul was only 19 years old and was studying at the Institute of Public Administration with then abbreviation of STPDN. The receiver of Cooperatives and Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Bhakti Award from the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs in 1997, has been encouraged by especially his alma mater to run for the vice president in the upcoming 2014 presidential election.

In late September, some areas in the province have been connected by bridges such as the one on the Pute River in Maros, on the Kalibone River in Pangkep, as well as the ones over the Takkalasi River, Lampoko River, Wiringtasi River, Kupa River, and Bojo River, all of which are located in Barru. The construction of the entire bridges is intended to create more comforting transportation system in the path of Trans Sulawesi, has been absorbing the state budget funds amounting to Rp82.303 billion. As from 2007 to 2013, for the construction of roads and bridges in the province, the central government has disbursed around Rp5.11 trillion of funds. Most of the funds were spent in 2013, amounting to Rp1.04 trillion. For the projects on roads in 2013, it was prioritized in widening the main road, in order to improve the access connecting the people’s economic centers. Out of the total budget of Rp1.04 trillion for maintenance and improvement the capacity of roads, as much as Rp435.7 billion has been used for widening the roads at total of 96.01 km on a number of strategic areas in the South Sulawesi province. The road development projects also include the reconstruction or improvement of the structure of a number of roads. The funds amounting to Rp162.38 billion has been allocated to improve the roads 60.3 km long in

total, while the periodic maintenance or rehabilitation projects have been done on the roads at the total length of 36.67 km with the cost of Rp82.04 billion, financed by the state budget. In addition to prioritizing the construction of a new bridge along the 308.23 m, the routine maintenance on the bridges with the total length of 12,593.60 m and the replacement of a 67 m long bridge, the local government has also established the Makassar Harbor as an international port for the eastern Indonesia and has developed it as the starting point of the oversea transport networks. The port development had been carried out from 2008 until 2012, with a budget of about Rp250 billion. The project includes the enhancement and modernization of the equipment at the Container Terminal of Makassar Harbor, the expansion of the dock, the dredging of the offshore lagoon to the capacity of 21,000 m3, the provision of container service cranes and terminal tractors, the installation of container crane rail and the procurement of reach stackers. Not only in Makassar; the local government is also building a new port called Garongkong in Barru, about 100 km from the capital city of South Sulawesi. For the construction of the Garongkong new port, the state budget has allocated Rp252 billion of fund. The Garongkong Harbor is considered important and strategic, because it is on the Indonesian Archipelagic Cruise Line (ALKI) II and has a depth of about 12-15 m, which can accommodate ships weighing up to 60,000 DWT. The port which covers 500 hectares, is also sitting on the strategic location in the path of the trajectory of the Trans Sulawesi, and supporting the marine and land

transportation modes as it has the dock for passenger ships as well as the one for the freight vessels. The local authority also ensures the safety of the ships during berthing, because the port has the Panikian Island which serves as a natural breakwater. In addition to the development of roads and ports, South Sulawesi provincial government also began to look at the construction of a pilot project of bus corridors like Trans Jakarta, of which in August last year the bidding process was started. The plan is that the South Sulawesi provincial government will build 11 bus corridors, although at the early stage it will be built an exemplar on the route that does not yet passed through by the existing public transports, like trains and urban transport (pete pete). As for the air transportation, the government has developed the Sultan Hasanuddin Airport to become the largest airport in eastern Indonesia, even the second largest airport after Soekarno-Hatta in Tangerang, Banten. For enhancing the airport, the government has disbursed around Rp1 trillion for the terminal expansion around more than 20 hectares, the runway widening and the long-term plans of the airport city development. To support the development of the roads, the ports and the airport, the government also has improved the capacity of the power supply in the province with building two steam power plant (PLTU), one is in the Lampoko Village, Balusu, Barru, with the capacity of 100 MW and another one is PLTU Jeneponto in the Village of Punagayya, Bangkala, with the capacity of 250 MW. (cha/various sources)

SOUTH SULAWESI Central Indonesian Time



In its statement, the Communication Forum of Law Administration Alumni (FKAH) Unhas judges that SYL is a viable alternative candidate to propose prior the presidential election of 2014. In addition, SYL is also considered reasonable and appropriate figure in the regeneration of the South Sulawesi leaders after the eras of BJ Habibie and Jusuf Kalla, in devoting themselves to the nation of Indonesia. (cha/various sources)

South Sulawesi has an area of 45,765 km2 (4.6 million hectares), bordering on the Central Sulawesi and West Sulawesi in the north, on the Gulf of Bone and Southeast Sulawesi in the east, on the Makassar Strait in the west and on the Flores Sea in the south. The governance and administration activities are centered in the capital city of South Sulawesi, Makassar, or formerly known as Ujung Pandang. In its 21 regencies and three municipalities, South Sulawesi is inhabited by 11 origin tribes. According to data from May 2010, Bugis is the largest indigenous tribe in the province with a percentage of 41.9% of the total population of 8,032,551 inhabitants.



The second largest is Makassar 25.43%, followed by Toraja 9.02% and Mandar 6.1%. The 2010 data also showed an increase in the number of inhabitants in the province by 1.17% in the last 10 years.

One source of the local state revenue of South Sulawesi is tourism. Many beautiful places in the province such as mountains and beaches, the cultural performances as well are interesting to become the local tourist attractions. One famous tourist destination is the Bantimurung - Bulusaraung National Park (TN Babul) which has unique natural attractions such as the stretch of karst, a beautiful cave, a waterfall and the 'kingdom' of butterflies. The other South Sulawesi famous tourist sites are Leang Leang Prehistory Park, Bira Beach, Paotere Port and Lake Tempe. (cha/various sources)

Motto of Sulawesi Selatan: Todo Poli (Persistent On Confidence)


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“The province initially was an Administrative Sulawesi Province, in accordance with the Law No. 21 of 1950. Only after 10 years later, the majority Muslim populated province has been established as the South Sulawesi with the territory including the01. Southeast Sulawesi. The two then split into South Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi provinces in 1964. South Sulawesi 'lost' Majene, Mamasa, Mamuju, North Mamuju and Mandara Polewali which formed the West Sulawesi province in 2004, but added new regency called North Toraja, separated from Tana Toraja Regency in 2008.”


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Governor of Southeast Sulawesi

Nur Alam “Businessman, Politician Surrounded With Achievement”


“Southeast Sulawesi is now governed by Nur Alam, elected as governor for the last two periods. After leading the nickel-rich province in 2008-2013, the man who was born on July 9, 1967 in Konda, was re- elected to lead Sultra for his second tenure of 2013-2018.” Nur Alam’s political acts actually began through his activities in a number of business associations under the auspices of the Golkar Party in the New Order era. Nur Alam also made friend with the late Governor of Southeast Sulawesi for two periods, La Ode Kaimoeddin, in addition to his marriage with the daughter of a then respected political leader in Sultra.

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Central Indonesian Time

Relies on Wakatobi, Develops Mining Technology

Wakatobi National Park has become a blessing for Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra). As the mainstay tourism attraction, Wakatobi National Park has even been renowned worldwide. Evidently, Switzerland has given special attention to Southeast Sulawesi to develop the biodiversity park, as the country is willing to disburse 8.9 million francs for the development of a number of tourist destinations in Indonesia, one of which is the Wakatobi. The cooperation agreement, valid for the period of 2013 to 2017 and emphasizing on the cooperation with local governments, is synergy with the programs of national tourism destination governance, empowerment of the local resources and involvement of the educational institutions. Wakatobi itself is actually the name of the district in Southeast Sulawesi Province, with the capital city of Wangi-Wangi. With the area as vast as 823 km2, according to data recorded in 2011, Wakatobi is inhabited by 94,846 people. The Wakatobi National Park, inaugurated in 1996, has the coral reefs in the scale and condition which make them placed at the highest priority in the Indonesian marine conservation, with a collection of 750 species out of the 850 species of coral reefs in the entire world. Sultra continues to boost the development in the tourism sector. The province with the area of 38,140 km2 is indeed endowed with many tourism sites, especially the beaches and undersea sights. In addition to the Wakatobi National Park, the province also has another underwater tourist destination called Basilica in Buton. Basilica is an integrated development area involving Batauga Island, Siompu Island, Liwutongkidi Island and Kadatua Island. Not to mention the cave tours and the beautiful beaches along the coastline of Southeast Sulawesi bordering the Banda Sea in the eastern and western Gulf of Bone, and the many small islands that are part of this province. The tourism sector has become one of the biggest contributors for the local state revenue (PAD) in Southeast Sulawesi, the sector continues to be a top priority in the local development activities.


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Born as the 11th child of 12 siblings, he was quite superior in schooling and having the courage to plunge into the world of business since he was a student. Before successfully earned a degree in economics in 1993, Nur Alam has even had his own construction company PT Tamalakindo. (cha/various sources)

It is not only the abundant natural attractions what Southeast Sulawesi has. The province with a population of 2,232,586 is also rich in historical and cultural sites. The famous historical site in Southeast Sulawesi is the Fortress of Buton Palace in the city of Bau Bau, and it is the largest fortress of its kind in the world. Sultra’s other leading commodities come from the mining sector. The province with the capital city of Kendari and having several small islands is famously rich in mining products. Among them are asphalt, nickel, gold, marble, half gem stones, onix, limestone and clay. In November 2013, PT Ifishdeco started to participate in the development of the mining sector in Southeast Sulawesi. The company plans to build a central processing and purification of nickel in Tinanggae, South Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi. The downstream mining project costs US$100 million. The smelter will be useful to support the government’s program in improving the added value of minerals, by processing and refining them in this country. There is no doubt that the development of the nickel industry does require preparation and a great investment. The groundbreaking of the smelter project in Southeast Sulawesi was done in November 2013, while the target of completion is in the year of 2015.

Motto of Southeast Sulawesi Bolimo Karo Somanamo Lipu (Prioritize public interest over personal interest)

At the end of 2013 too, Southeast Sulawesi received financial assistance amounting to Rp70 billion from the Government Investment Center (PIP) to continue the development and improvement of the quality of nine roads in the province. The road sections are Poli Poli - Lapoa, Matoha - Alangga, Alangga - Tinanggea, Amonggedo Meluhu, Abuki - Uluiwoi, Ronta - Lambale - Ereke, Wanci - Matohara Airport Street, Kapantori - Kamaru , and Sikeli - Dongkala . With the development and improvement of these roads, the infrastructure is expected to fully support the sustainable development on the various sectors and improve the wealth of the local communities. (cha/various sources)

The most important milestone in the history of Southeast Sulawesi is in the 10th century when Konawe tribe founded the Konawe Kingdom, then followed by several other kingdoms in Southeast Sulawesi. Like the other regions in Indonesia, Southeast Sulawesi is also inseparable from the long history of Indonesian independence struggle. The people of the province kept giving fierce resistances to the Dutch who set foot for the first time in Buton on January 5, 1613. After having Bau Bau as the central government in a while, for some reason the capital city of Southeast Sulawesi was then moved to Kendari. Through the expansion program, the province now has 12 regencies and two cities. With an area of 38,140 km2, Sultra is inhabited by 2,232,586 people based on the 2010 data, or 59 people per square kilometer. In the period of 1999-2000, Southeast Sulawesi has a population growth rate of 2.79% per year. In terms of the regency, in the period of 2004-2005 it was only Kendari and Muna who showed positive growth in population, while the other regencies showed negative growth.

Sultra is directly adjacent to the Central and South Sulawesi provinces in the north, the majority of the population are Buton natives reaching up to 23%, followed by Bugis 19%, Tolaki 16% and Muna 15%, with the majority of the population are Muslims.

Until now, local people still perform a number of traditional ceremonies, including Monahue Ndau after the rice harvest; Motasu ceremony which is Tolaki tribal tradition performed prior to open up new paddy fields; and Ghoti Katumpu, the Muna public ceremony at the start of forest clearing and after harvesting. (cha/various sources)

-Kalo Sara tradition, culture of Southeast Sulawesi (source:

Developing while Preserving Traditions “Prior to its establishment as a province, Southeast Sulawesi was a regency in the southeastern part of South Sulawesi, with its capital city of Bau Bau. The autonomous region of Southeast Sulawesi was set up in 1964, consisting of Kendari, Kolaka, Muna and Buton.”



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Abundant With Mining Resources 01.




By the Dutch colonial government who controlled it since 1905, Central Sulawesi was divided into several Landschaps (territories). After independence, the Indonesian government also divides the region into three parts. They are the western part of Central Sulawesi (Poso district, Banggai and Buol Tolitoli), the central part of Central Sulawesi (Tomini Bay) until reaching the residencial area of North Sulawesi and then the eastern part of Central Sulawesi (Tolo Gulf) which shares the border with East Sulawesi in the District of Bau-Bau. After several changes, the Indonesian government in 1964 eventually established the Central Sulawesi as the Region Level I covering four regencies, namely Donggala, Poso, Banggai and Buol Tolitoli. In the same year, the status of Central Sulawesi was updated into a province. Now, with the capital city of Palu, Central Sulawesi is administering 11 regencies and one municipality. The characteristic of the Central Sulawesi is its landscape is dominated by mountains and plateaus. Even starting from Buol Tolitoli, a line of mountains stretches to the North Sulawesi province. There is also an isthmus located between the Regency of Donggala and the Regency of Parigi Moutong, flanked by the Makassar Strait and the Tomini Bay. Meantime around the islands of Poso, Tojo Unauna, Morowali and Banggai, there is a line of mountains standing quite close to each other with the slopes of over 45 degrees.

“Central Sulawesi was originally a monarch territory consisting of 15 small kingdoms. This occurred long before the 61,841.29 kilometers area was controlled by the Dutch. Hence, Central Sulawesi has been called Seven Kingdoms in the East and Eight Kingdoms in the West.”






No wonder if the Central Sulawesi is abundant with mining resources. The province owns strategic minerals of oil and gas, as well as coal and nickel. In addition are the vital minerals such as gold, copper and sulfur, as well as granite, marble, and sands which are included in the non strategic and non vital minerals. (cha/various sources)


CENTRAL SULAWESI Central Indonesian Time

Star Rated Hotel Boosts Luwuk’s Tourism

Governor of Center Sulawesi

Longki Djanggola “Determined To Eradicate Poverty”

To support the tourism sector and the development of cities in general in Central Sulawesi, an international hospitality network has entered the province whose breadth reaching at 63,305 km2. One three star international hotel, jus began its operation in October 2013, is Luwuk Aston Hotel and Conference Center in the city Luwuk. The hotel was built in a bid to also support the trade and the development of the city where it stands. Luwuk is the capital of Banggai, Central Sulawesi, the eastern region famous for its natural beauty. The most famous tourist attractions in Luwuk are the waterfalls named Salodik and Tontoun, then Lalong Gulf and Bua Lemo Beach which are kept pristine. The hotel itself is located quite strategically in a plateau area, and can be reached in just 10 minutes from the local airport within five kilometers in distance. The sights that can be seen from Aston Luwuk Hotel are also very beautiful, as the hotel is overlooking the beach. With the present of the hotel, constructed on a 7.8 hectares of land formerly planted with corn, now the people who want to visit Luwuk will have no trouble in getting a comfortable place to stay for their holidays. Moreover, Luwuk is well-known as producer of oil and gas as well as its agricultural commodities, such as copra, cloves, nutmeg and coconut which are plentiful, so many workers and businessmen frequently come to the city.

Beginning his career as a civil servant, Longki was born on November 11, 1952, who once served as the regent of Parigi Moutong. When sworn in as the 13th governor of Central Sulawesi, Longki replaced Bandjela Paliudju who ended his second term early 2011.

If previously Luwuk was in a meager infrastructure to support its hospitality business, with an investment of around Rp95 billion now Luwuk can boast the new international hotel in supporting the development activities. As the first hotel in Luwuk, Aston is sufficient to provide the venue for the local business activities with 92 bedrooms, plus three meeting rooms that can accommodate 20-40 people, and a ballroom with the capacity of 1,200 people.

The holder of Bachelor (S1) degree from the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty, University of Indonesia, is also active in sports organizations in Central Sulawesi. Among others, Longki has ever been the deputy secretary of the Indonesian Sports Committee (KONI) Central Sulawesi chapter, the chairman of the Central Sulawesi Billiards Organization, Board Member of FORKI Central Sulawesi, and even the chairman of KONI Moutong Parigi Regency chapter.

As one of the leading sectors, Central Sulawesi’s tourism is presenting a diverse selections, including nature based tourism, marine tourism, ecotourism and cultural tourism. In addition to the mountains and jungle tours, Central Sulawesi also has national parks, megalithic stones and historic sites, as well as the diversity of traditions, art and interesting local cultures. As in efforts to speeding up the development, the central government has also channeled funds at the amount of Rp1,2 trillion in 2009. The funds were allocated for the poverty eradication, reducing the unemployment, increasing the access and the quality of education and health. The funds were also used to develop marine fisheries; the revitalization of agriculture, forestry and rural areas, and the building of infrastructure as well. -Hotel Aston Luwuk & Conference Centre, Luwuk, Banggai (source: )

One project to be done but still inviting pros and cons in the community is the development of the pier at the Lake Poso. The local government intends to build the facility in order to revive the transportation system, whether on the land, over the sea and in the air, with the aim of attracting investors to invest in Poso. Since the conflict a few years ago, the transportation system is not running properly in that region. This plan has been tried to be realized in a bid to boost the economy in Poso while at the same time helping people of Poso out of their isolation. In addition, bringing the transportation system in Poso back to normal is expected to create jobs for the local community. For complete information, visit or directly scan this QR Code to your destination.

Motto of Central Sulawesi: Maliu Ntinuvu (Unites all the elements of the existing and potential)

“Central Sulawesi is currently being governed by Palu-born native Longki Djanggola, who got the mandate to head the mineral-rich province for the period of 2011-2016.”

However, the construction of the pier at the Lake Poso in Tentena city, which will cost billions of dollars, is considered to threaten the cultural sites of Poso, namely the stone caves of Watu Mpangasa Angga and Watu Nggongi, which has been the icons of the Lake Poso Festival. Through the local legislatures, people have even urged to stop the construction of the pier. People say the location of the pier is not strategic. Not to mention the location of the development is on the unstable soil and at a high altitude, most likely will threaten the surrounding environment. (cha/various sources)

Related to his leadership in Central Sulawesi, Longki has determined to reduce the poverty level to be under 10% in 2016. As of April 2013 it was recorded that there were about 14% of the 2.2 million residents of the Central Sulawesi considered living in poverty. In the meantime Central Sulawesi is also ranked at second place as the province with the highest number of poor people in Sulawesi Island. For this reason, the government has tried to create some breakthroughs in the investment sector in order to absorb as many workforces as possible in various sectors, such as in the business of mining, plantation, tourism, and others. By this way it is expected to the poverty in Central Sulawesi will be gradually eradicated. Beginning in December 2013, along with four other governors, Longki signed the MoU to form the Cooperation Agency For Increasing Added Value on Metal Minerals, working together in improving the welfare of the people in the five provinces. The provinces are South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, North Maluku and West Papua. The scheme of the cooperation of the five provinces became effective on January 12, 2014. (cha/various sources)


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Agriculture-Fisheries-Health, Main Targets of Sulbar Development


Western Indonesian Time

To support the sustainability of development in West Sulawesi (Sulbar), the local government of the 29th province is set to build three dams and irrigation canals. Unmitigated, the special allocation fund (DAK) of the Sulbar state budget amounting to Rp15.8 billion was wholly disbursed in 2013 to realize the plan. Three dams are being built in the Tandung Village of Tinambung District, the Papalang Village of Papalang Distric in Mamuju Regency and in the District of Bambaira in North Mamuju Regency. As for the irrigation canals, one with the length of one kilometer is being constructed in the area of Lakejo, Tapango District, Polewali Mandar Regency. Primarily, the three dams and irrigation canals are being built to provide the technical support for Sulbar to increase rice production, as a newly established province in 2004. Sulbar, with its six regencies, plans to increase the production of rice to one million tons in 2015, well above the recent rice production of 400,000 tons by the end of 2013. The dams and irrigation canals are considered to be very important, because only about 16,000 hectares out of the 67,000 hectares of total rice fields in the cocoa-producing region that has the regular irrigation channels with adequate water supplies.

Motto of Sulawesi Barat: Mellete Diatonganan (Pursue The Truth)

The development in the province with the breadth of 16,796.19 km2, previously was criticized by the youths

the generators of the idea of the West Sulawesi establishment. Because, after more than three years of its existence since 2004, the construction of roads in Sulbar is considered having no progress and has not shown any clear plan and target. In fact, the Sulbar government is judged to work as not as expected, not like the initial ideals when the establishment of South Sulawesi province was fought for.

The data from the Primary Health Survey in 2012, showed a quite sharp increase in maternal mortality, ie from 228 cases per 100,000 live births to 359 per 100,000 live births. Even the data from the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) released in December 2013, revealed that the prevalence of malnutrition and undernourishment cases in West Sulawesi increased from 20.5% in 2010 to 29.1% in 2013.

The Sulbar’s potential other than agriculture, is fishery. With the coastline of 766 km long, Sulbar relies on fishery as one of the other sources of local state revenues. The province has been boosting the tuna as the primary commodity, with the production reaching up to 19,000 tons per year. Beside tuna, the Sulbar’s fishery favored commodities other than tuna, are skipjack tuna, false albacore and flying fish.

In fact, the malnutrition and undernourishment prevalence data is one of the 24 indicators of the Community Health Development Index (IPKM) from the Ministry of Health. Out of the 24 indicators, nine are absolute indicators and must be intervened by the local government if the local community wants better health indices.

However, to further improve the fishery sector, Sulbar is still looking for investors interested in developing the fishery industry along with the processing plants, so that the sale values of the commodity will be higher and the bigger profits will have direct effect in increasing the living standard of the local fishermen.

Therefore, throughout the year of 2013 the provincial government of West Sulawesi had actively engaged in various activities to improve the index (IPKM). The improvement had been done by increasing the number of health workers, community dialogues, monitoring and evaluations, as well as enhancing the policies related to the health sector. (cha/various sources)

In addition to the development of agriculture and fishery, the Mandar tribal-dominated province is also intensively developing the health sector. It is due to the high rate of maternal mortality in the province which has the population of 1,158,336 people and the capital city of Mamuju.

Governor of West Sulawesi

Anwar Adnan Saleh “Determined to Globalize Sulbar’s Cocoa” -Office of the Governor of West Sulawesi (source:

West Sulawesi: Rich In Flora and Fauna Although West Sulawesi (Sulbar) has abundant natural resources on land and under the sea, but their potential has not been explored to the optimum due to the lack of human resources and the inadequate infrastructure.






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The province is located directly adjacent to the Strait of Makassar, making it become one of the busiest lanes of national and international shipping traffic, as well as favorable to economic development in the future. For example, the ports which serve inter-island shipping from and to Kalimantan Island, namely the Ferry Port of Simboro Mamuju, People Port of Palipi Majene, People Port of Mamuju and Ocean Harbor of Belang Belang, Bakengkeng Mamuju, which starts to be developed into a port for transporting goods and people. In addition, West Sulawesi also has Tampapadang Airport on the curb of the capital city of Mamuju, which can accommodate aircraft with the capacity of 150 passengers. The airport is also the transit point for the planes going to and coming from Makassar and Balikpapan. Sulbar's six regencies have very fertile soils. There are conservation forest areas covering 669,358 hectares; limited production forest areas 321,607 hectares; production forest around 61,600 hectares and wildlife preservation forests covering 900 hectares in the province. Commodities famously produced from the production forests in Sulbar are resins, rattan and woods of ebony, meranti, teak, palapi, durian, pine, candle nuts and other mixed woods. There are also cocoa, clove, coffee and palm oil as the primary sources of the local state revenues.



“Leading a relatively new province, Governor of West Sulawesi (Sulbar) Anwar Adnan Saleh has lofty ideals for the region. The man, who was born in Polewali Mandar on August 20, 1948, is determined to develop Sulbar’s cocoa to become an international commodity, even to make Indonesia as the second largest producer of cocoa in the world after Ivory Coast.”

Currently, West Sulawesi contributes 20% to the national cocoa production. In 2010, the province targeted to produce as many as 400,000 tons of cocoa per year. However, until now the cocoa production of Sulbar is still around 110,000-115,000 tons per year. Anwar ever said that he believed cocoa could accelerate the poverty alleviation programs in the region. For that he launched the program called 'Movement of Cocoa Reform'. Anwar started his career as a Golkar politician, of which he won the election of Sulbar governor on August 28, 2006 with Muhammad Amri Sanusi as the vice governor. Although some people rejected the election result, Anwar Adnan was still declared as the winner and was sworn in as the governor of West Sulawesi in a ceremony with a tight security. Even after his term ended in 2011, Anwar was re-elected as the governor of West Sulawesi for the second term of 2011-2016 paired with Vice Governor Aladin S. Mengga, in a special session of Sulbar People Council.

As a new province, West Sulawesi has the potential on the environmental and natural resources that can be developed. The province is also rich in various endemic flora and fauna, including snoring mandar bird, maleo bird, anoa, hawk and Sulawesi Ferret, Emerald Orchid and Moon Orchid. (cha/various sources)


Apart from the rejection, under his leadership West Sulawesi has now experienced a number of developments, including the construction of national road along 577 km and an airport with its runway of 2,250 m. As a politician, Anwar previously served as a member of the House of Representatives for the period 1999-2004, from the constituency of Southeast Sulawesi. He later ran for governor, after the West Sulawesi was established a new autonomous region. In the House of Representatives, the father of two children was a member of the Commission IV in charge on transport issues. (cha/various sources)





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Governor of South Sulawesi

S. H. Sarundajang “Skillful In Settling Conflicts”

- Highway Development, North Sulawesi (source:

“Sinyo Harry Sarundajang started his career by becoming the head of Sub-directorate of Political Security at the Social Politics Directorate of North Sulawesi Provincial Office in 1974. At that time, Sarundajang was also an adjunct lecturer at the Academy of Public Administration.” His career continued to rise, and in 1977 he won the trust to become the head of the Bureau of the North Sulawesi Provincial Government Secretariat. Until 1986, various important positions had been taken by him, including the head of the Election Bureau of North Sulawesi in 1981, the secretary of Minahasa Regency in 1983 and the mayor of Bitung in 1986. Sarundajang even briefly served as the governor in 2003, while he was holding the position of Inspector General of the Home Affairs Ministry. At that time, the man who was born on January 16, 1945, in Minahasa, was able to make the leadership transition going smoothly in Maluku after the fierce conflicts erupted in 2001. In the North Sulawesi regional election in 2005, Sarundajang won and was sworn in as the governor for the 2005-2010 period. The father of five children again serves as the Sulut governor in his second term of 2010-2015 period with different partner, after winning the election of 2010 with the slogan 'Building With No Corruption'. The holder of doctorate degree in political science of Gajah Mada University (UGM) also successfully organized an international events in his region, namely the World Ocean Conference (WOC) and CTI Summit attended by many heads of states around the world. Under his leadership, North Sulawesi again successfully hosted the ASEAN Regional Forum Disaster Relief Exercise in Manado in 2011. In the same year, Sarundajang was named as one of the three best governors in Indonesia by Gatra magazine. However Sarundajang drew protests from his own people when he decided to participate in the convention of the Democratic Party’s presidential candidacy. The ruling party was allegedly only want to take advantage of the expertise of Sarundajang in reconciling the conflict area to clean up the image of the party which is currently in a mess and to grab the votes from East Indonesia. (cha/various sources)

NORTH SULAWESI Central Indonesian Time

“ Building Highway While Conserving Nature In early 2014, North Sulawesi will begin the construction of a mega project namely Manado-Bitung toll road. This is in line with the land acquisition that has reached 90% completion for developing the 37 kilometers highway. In the groundbreaking of the project, Bitung city will be officially instated as a special economic zone. Therefore North Sulawesi will be more open to the international world and will grow its economy significantly. Bitung’s special economic zone status is expected to stimulate investors to invest in the city.

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For the construction of the toll road, the land acquisition was accelerated and completed before December 25, 2013. Moreover, the Ministry of Finance has required that the land acquisition must reach 29.25 km or 75% of the plan and the land plots are connected as a whole from the zero point of the ring road I to get to Bitung. This is regardless the condition of the currently available roads which are damaged at some points. Another project in North Sulawesi is the preservation and development of environmental services in the Bunaken National Park (BNP) as the ecotourism site, which has also become an icon of tourism and contributed a lot to the state revenue of North Sulawesi. It is not only the park management board who should be responsible in these matters. All the stakeholders, such as the local government, the private sector and the public are asked to involve in maintaining and developing it. Moreover, North Sulawesi has been established as one of the five national tourist destinations, as well as one of the 10 regions that can organize big-scale MICE events and having quite interesting tourism objects. Currently, the management of the BNP is allegedly experiencing many problems, because they only focus on the business issues and less utilize the park for developing products in the corridor of conservation area of marine ecosystems which can improve the life of the surrounding communities. In fact, the economic potential of the Bunaken region is quite large, and opening the chances for the local people to engage in the economic activities for their own welfare. Still in the development of the tourism sector and the natural potentials of North Sulawesi, also builds a road in the area of Taman Wisata Alam Batu Putih (White Rock Nature Park) which is directly adjacent to the Cagar Alam Tangkoko (a conservation area). Although once protested, the Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) of North Sulawesi finally announced that the road construction was done according to the law that puts the sustainability aspects of the area in the priority. However, both conservation areas need regular security patrolling to prevent them from illegal activities, such as wildlife poaching, illegal logging and forest fires that could threaten the sustainability of the species and the ecosystem of the forests. During 2010-2015, North Sulawesi has a vision of development to make the province become more cultured, competitive and prosperous. The phrase 'the people of North Sulawesi who are cultured', aims to create a society who uphold the local knowledge, principled in Sitou Timou Tumou Tou which is reflected in the cultures of Mapalus , Mapaluse and Moposat. With characters they possess, North Sulawesi people are expected to color the process of globalization in positive ways. The society of North Sulawesi is also expected to play a significant role in national and international development, in which the determination is reflected in one of the province's visions and missions. Namely 'the people of North Sulawesi are competitive'.

'Feeding, Educating, Being Others’ Blessing' “The northernmost province of Indonesia, North Sulawesi (Sulut), has a slogan saying 'Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou', which in the language of Minahasa it means 'human lives for feeding, educating, becoming a blessing to others'.”

The local government is also determined to reduce poverty, increase incomes and buying power of the people, the fulfillment of facilities for education, health and economy in general. This is reflected in the vision of North Sulawesi, 'the people of North Sulawesi are prosperous'. Especially for the economy, this sector has become one of the many goals of development which will create a society that has proper income, free from the constraints and can lead to secure and prosperous lives. (cha/various sources) -Bunaken, North Sulawesi (source:


Motto of North Sulawesi: Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou (Human life to educate others)












The province is consisting of 11 regencies and four cities, inhabited by majority of the indigenous Minahasa as much as 30%, followed by Sangir 19.8%, Mongondow 11.3%, Gorontalo 7.4%, and Chinese as much as 3%. Most of the population are Protestant Christians.

North Sulawesi is also famous for its culinary, which is different from other areas in Indonesia. The typical dish of Sulut which is the most famous one is Tinutuan or Midal, or better known yet as the Manado porridge.

Even in Minahasa, there are many types of food that are not found in the other regions, such as rintek wuuk (RW) or dog meat, snake meat and Paniki (bat meat). Meanwhile, in the coastal region known as the area of a thousand churches, there are other typical foods, namely woku blanga or stir-fried fish and fufu tuna (marinated smoked tuna). (cha/various sources)

With the capital city of Manado, North Sulawesi was inaugurated as a province on August 14, 1959. The province has an area of 15,069 km2, with the population based on the 2010 data as many as 2,270,596 people. The province is quite dense, with the density of 150 people per square kilometer. Having a population growth rate at 1.28 % per year, nearly 45% of the population lived in urban areas of North Sulawesi. The rest, which is as much as 55% of the population live in rural areas of the province. Directly adjacent to the province of North Sulawesi is Gorontalo, which is the result of regional expansion of the North Sulawesi province. Sangihe and Talaud Islands in the northern part of the province share the border with Davao del Sur, the Philippines.







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Initially Gorontalo consisted of a regency and a city in North Sulawesi Province. Under the territorial development scheme, this region was established as the 32nd province of Indonesia by the Law No. 38 issued in 2000. Gorontalo Province is located in the northern part of Sulawesi Island or in the western part of North Sulawesi Province. The total area of the province is 11,967.64 km² with a population of 1,040,164 (based on the census of 2010), with the population density at 85 people/km². Gorontalo province's economic growth from year to year continues to show fairly well progress. In the agricultural sector, some excellent programs have been launched by the Government of Gorontalo Province, among others, making the province of Gorontalo as an Agropolitan who has the competence in the field of agriculture, and marine economic development in coastal areas. In the agricultural sector, Gorontalo is a producer of food crops, especially corn which has been the primary commodity in the last couple of years, then rice, coconut, cloves, nutmeg, and hazelnut of which the planting areas spread across the districts in Gorontalo.


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Next is the aquaculture with the program to promote the use of ponds. In Pohuwato Regency there are available areas of 150 hectares in total for the brackish water aquaculture with the system of Nucleus Society Company. Meantime Boalemo Regency has been offering investment opportunities in developing floating platforms to net the fish off the coast. The Anggrek District, North Gorontalo, is offering the opportunity to develop 400 hectares of freshwater aquaculture. (eny/various sources)

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02. 07.



The leading commodities and potentially to be developed are seaweed and seawater fish. The investment opportunities in Gorontalo include the freezing and canning industry of the seawater fish, as well as the development of the Nusantara Fishery Port (PPN) of Kwandang, North Gorontalo Regency, to become a 'check point' of the trade and industry traffics. 05.


The most urgent needed is the land provision around the area of PPN Kwandang to be used for the construction of an industrial cold storage, an electricity plant, a water processing plant, an ice factories, and an fuel oil (BBM) storage.

GORONTALO Central Indonesian Time

Accelerate Mega Development Projects (sumber:

Governor of Gorontalo

Rusli Habibie “Golden Heart Leader ”

The central government has committed to accelerate the construction of five mega projects located on the Island of Sulawesi, including Gorontalo Province. Coordinating Minister For Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa said that the five projects comprise the constructions of Dumbaya Bulan Reservoir, a highway and a railway track called Trans - Sulawesi , Gorontalo Hajj Terminal Embarkation, Gorontalo Regional Hospital, and Gorontalo Outer Ring Road (GORR). According to Hatta, the government currently is prioritizing the building of the road and the reservoir. The cost of the dam construction will be financed from the budget of the Ministry of Public Works and some loan from JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). The entire construction projects are targeted to be done no later than 2014, except for the road widening of Trans - Sulawesi. Regarding the plan to build the Trans - Sulawesi railway track, according to Hatta, the government has made a feasibility study and have been talking with Russia in order to accelerate the constructions of the trans - railway tracks in Kalimantan and Sulawesi. Hatta further said that when the Trans - Sulawesi highway materialized, it would speed up the flow of the goods and people on the island of Sulawesi, at a low cost. The minister also hoped that Gorontalo Province could have an international hospital, to become the health reference center in Gorontalo. Gorontalo Governor Rusli Habibie said the budget needed for the construction of the hospital would reach Rp350 billion . The project was pursued to get into the National State Budget 2014. Meanwhile the construction of the Dumbaya Bulan reservoir, covering 300 hectares of land, said Rusli, would require Rp600 billion to finance it, which also must be allocated in the National State Budget. The development of Dumbaya Bulan Reservoir is intended to supply the water for the operation of a hydropower plant with the capacity of 200 megawatts (MW). According to Hatta, the reservoir development plan has been around since 1998, with the feasibility study done under the JICA financing scheme, so it needs to be followed up.

-Limboto Tower (source:

Gorontalo Provincial Government is also currently developing the Djalaludin Airport in Tibawa, Gorontalo Regency. The phase 1 construction of the airport terminal was inaugurated by Governor of Gorontalo Djalaludin Rusli Habibie, in a groundbreaking ceremony on 11 November. The Ministry of Transportation has particularly allocated a budget of Rp107,9 billion for the infrastructure improvements of Djalaludin Airport, Gorontalo. The funds were disbursed specifically for the reconstruction of the runway and the construction of the new terminal for the year of 2013. "In the past, Djalaludin Airport could only be landed by small aircrafts. After the improvements it now can accommodate the bigger planes like Boeing 737-800 NG with 6 flights per day," said Rusli. The development of the airport is considered necessary, as a part of the efforts to increase the quality of the services in the air transportation in Gorontalo Province. "If the airport is already good, the to-be hajj pilgrims do not need to go to the South Sulawesi first to fly to Mecca. They can embark right from here," he said.

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Motto of Gorontalo: Duluo Limo Lo Pohalaa

Rusli added that the budget for developing the Hajj Embarkation Terminal at about Rp125 billion has been provided. The terminal is deemed urgent to develop in Gorontalo so that the local to-be hajj pilgrims do not need to depart from Makassar, South Sulawesi. Meanwhile, the construction of 45.3 km long GORR is predicted to cost up to Rp7 triliun. This highway will connect the access roads from the airport to the port in Gorontalo. GORR plan will begin to be realized in 2014. According to the Head of the Regional Planning Board of Gorontalo Sudirman Habibie, the GORR is an initiative of the provincial government in order to accelerate the distribution of goods, services and agricultural products to the port in the Gorontalo City. Considering that the main roads used by all vehicles from Gorontalo Regency to the port in Gorontalo City has been too crowded. This road is designed with two main routes. GORR later can also be used as a network of pay toll roads. The revenue generated from its operation will be used for the maintenance of the roads. (eny/various sources)

“Prior to serving as Governor of Gorontalo for the 2012-2017 period, Rusli Habibie was better known as the regent of North Gorontalo (2008-2012).” The man was born in Gorontalo, June 6, 1963 and began his career as an employee of PT Nusantara Aircraft Industry (IPTN) Bandung in 1992. His career was moving up rapidly. His hard works brought him to hold the position as the director of PT Cahaya Mandiri Persada in 1999-2008. Then the political world seemed to interest him. Rusli run for governor of Gorontalo after the Gorontalo Election Commission passed him through the candidacy selection some time ago. Supported by the Golkar Party and the United Development Party, Rusli moved forward with a package of ‘Rush-Idris Real Works’ or abbreviated to NKRI which drove him into the governor's office for the period of 2012-2017. The list of Rusli Habibie’s activities in various organizations is quite long. Various strategic positions were always his, among others, are Caretaker of the International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI) Coordinator for the West Java Province, Chairman of BPD Gapensi Gorontalo Province (2007-present), and Chairman of the Council of the Golkar Party of Gorontalo Province Chapter (2009-2015). During his tenure as the regent of the North Gorontalo, Rusli was known as the leader of unmitigated acts. When Persigo, the football club based in Gorontalo, required funds to be able to compete in the competition which would takes place immediately, without hesitation he reached into his pocket and disbursed Rp500 million for the club. At that time no single official in Gorontalo Province was willing to do it. Rusli was willing to do so, the one who asked for the fund was his political ‘enemy'. He once said," In life we must have some enemies, and in my opinion enemy is a friend who has yet been friendly." After the incident, many people gave the nickname to him as the leader of golden heart. He proved that the interests of the people have always been a priority in his actions. That is way it was not surprised if later he was elected the 4th governor of Gorontalo on January 16, 2012. (eny/various sources)



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Eastern Indonesian Time

Maluku Ready to Increase Its Competitiveness

-PT PLN (Persero) Wilayah Maluku (sumber: )

The power supply becomes a crucial issue in eastern Indonesia, particularly in the Maluku province. It is estimated that about 436 villages from a total of 913 villages in Maluku has yet to get the electricity.

General Manager of PT PLN Maluku and North Maluku M. Iksan Asaad said that for this year the company is targeting 70% of Maluku residents will enjoy electricity so that there will be no more isolated communities.

This means that there are approximately 42% of the villages in Maluku untouched by electricity. The geographical condition and the fact that the population is scattered on a number of islands become the main causes why the electricity cannot equally spread in the province.

Aside of PLN, PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) this year is also preparing the construction of fiber-optic cable system as long as 6,000 kilometers in the Maluku province.

That is why PT PLN (state-owned electricity company) has ensured that the development of electricity infrastructure in Ambon Manise (the nickname of Maluku) as its priority program in 2013. PLN’s Director for East Indonesia Operations Vickner Sinaga said the company was obliged to provide the services to the community maximally by always trying to supply the electricity 24-hour a day and seven days a week to all areas. According to Vickner, the Sehen Mandiri Solar Power Plant (PLTS) would become one solution to increase the electrification ratio, including the ratio of electrified villages in the Maluku province that are unique in their geographical conditions. In 2013, PLN had electrified 53 villages under its yearly program and for the other 383 villages that also need the electricity, will gradually be electrified through the Sehen Mandiri solar power program.

Minister of Communications and Information Tifatul Sembiring said the submarine cable infrastructure is expected to increase the availability of broadband services in eastern Indonesia while enhancing the competitiveness of the region which is rich in natural resources. The infrastructure project of the undersea cable is done in Ternate, North Maluku. President Director of PT Telkom Arief Yahya said that the Maluku Cable Systems is part of the development of the Sulawesi-Maluku-Papua submarine cable communications system. The project is also the continuation of the Palapa Ring Project Mega development program and becomes one of the PT Telkom’s programs in realizing the goal of the Indonesia Digital Network. Previously, in 2011, Telkom had completed the Mataram-Kupang Cable System. (eny/various sources)

Motto of Maluku: Siwa Lima (Milik bersama)

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The Law No. 30, 2009 on Electricity states that all citizens are entitled to a continuous power supply with good quality and reliability as well as getting the electricity in reasonable prices.

Governor of Maluku

Said Assagaff “True Civil Servant”

-Sunsire at Maluku (source:

Maluku: The Peaceful Province Begins to Rise



Maluku (known internationally as the Moluccas or Molukken) is the oldest province in Indonesia. Maluku’s capital city is Ambon, which has the nickname of Ambon Manise, sometimes also refers to the people of Maluku. Maluku was recorded in the world history for its conflicts or the crisis of humanitarian tragedies and the horizontal conflicts between “basudara Salam – Sarane” or between Muslims and Christians, better known as the Tragedy of Ambon.





After 2002, the province of Maluku turned into a friendly face and in peace, therefore the world gave a token of appreciation in the form of World Peace Gong which is placed in the ACC (Ambon City Centre). In macro economy, the economic conditions in Maluku are seen improving year after year. One indicator, among other things, is the increase of the gross domestic product (GDP). In 2003 the GDP of Maluku province reached Rp3,7 trillion, rising to Rp4,05 trillion in 2004. The economic growth in 2004 reached 4.05%, rising to 5.06% in 2005. In terms of investment opportunities, the natural resources in the marine fishery sector can be categorized as the prima donna. The other promising sector are the agriculture, animal husbandry and plantation, the trade and tourism, and the services sector whose total value of sales and business potential are quite high. Since the ancient times, Maluku has been recognized for its natural attractions in addition to its abundant spices. For the natural attractions, some relics of the colonial era are very interesting for the tourists because they can be well preserved until now. Even some areas have been already well known as the tourism sites to the foreign visitors. A number of famous tourism sites in Maluku, among others, are Banda Neira , Manuala Marine Park, Pasir Panjang Beach, Hunimoa Beach, Ambon (Liang Beach), Ngur Sarnadan Beach (Pasir Panjang), Manusela National Park, Seram; Waterfalls of Waihetu, Rumahkay, Seram and there are many more. (eny/various sources)


“Sworn in as the Governor of Maluku on 10 March 2014, Said Assagaff with his motto "Maluku For All" has determined to harmonize the diversity of the Maluku people to make it easier to alleviate the poverty. The target is that by the end of 2019 the number of poor will be below 10%.”

Said, familiarly called Pak Bib, was born in Waihaong, Ambon, on 29 September 1953. He was known as the one who is always there for all segments of society. He started his career as a civil servant for 33 years with the experiences of holding a number of strategic positions such as Head of Sub Directorate of Agriculture at Bappeda (Regional Development Planning Office), Head of Research and Development Department, Regional Secretary of Maluku Administration, and Maluku Vice Governor for the period of 2008 - 2013. Prior the end of his term as vice governor, Said decided to run for the governor of Maluku paired with Zeth Sahuburua. He won the election and became the governor of Maluku for the period of 2014-2019. Said’s priority program is reducing poverty, which currently reaches 19% of the 1.8 million population, to below 10%. "When I became vice governor in 2008 the poverty rate was more than 28%. In difficult situation due to the impact of the social conflicts, the poverty rate can be lowered. Now under the relatively way much stable condition, the poverty reduction target below 10% is within the reach," he said.


He took the first step by improving the bureaucracy structure in the provincial administration of Maluku to make it more efficient in running the governmental tasks, in realizing the development programs and in serving the community. "We need the bureaucrats with capabilities, professional and with high moral standard." Meanwhile the priority on the development, Said will realize the plan to make Maluku as the Center of National Fishery Industry. According to him, the existence of the East Maritime Jaya (MTJ) in the Tual City is the starting point to make the province as a center for the development of the fishery industry. (ing)




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- Morotai Island, North Maluku (source:

NORTH MALUKU Central Indonesian Time

North Maluku (Malut) has a large project, to make the Island of Morotai in its territory as an international investment destination in a variety of sectors ranging from industry, trade, services and tourism. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed by the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and the developer, comprising Teto from Taiwan and PT Jababeka Tbk of Indonesia . Under the MoU, it was agreed that Taipei Economic & Trade Officer (Teto) and PT Jababeka will build an airport, a port, and other infrastructure to make Morotai viable as an international investment destination. "If in the western Indonesia there is the special economic zones of Batam, in the east there will be Morotai," said Charles C. Li , an official representative of Teto. He even believes Morotai can rival Singapore later. Meanwhile Tanto Kurniawan , President Commissioner of PT Grahabuana Cikarang , a subsidiary of PT Jababeka Tbk, said that for the first phase Jababeka will develop 15,000 hectares for tourist destinations attractive enough to attract travelers from Indonesia as well as other countries. The location of Morotai is considered very strategic. As the outermost island in the north, it makes Morotai relatively close to the Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other countries. It is expected this island will be able to develop into a trading center of export - import to and from Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, Europe and America. Morotai is also historically famous as the military base for the Japanese and Allied Powers troops during the World War II. When the Allied Powers led by Douglas McArthur trying to expel the Japanese soldiers, some of them refused to surrender and survived in the jungle. There was even a soldier who was just found in 1974, named Teruo Nakamura. Therefore, Morotai has become nostalgic tourism destination for Japanese tourists. Traces of World War II in the form of wreckages, trucks, tanks and other war vehicles are idly lying in several places on the island and on the seabed around the island. Not a few of the divers who come here aim to make 'inventory' of the wreckages.

“Morotai To Be International Investment Destination” "Not only history, but the nature itself is also very beautiful. That is why the island is interesting and potential as a tourist destination," said Tanto. Seven runways built on Morotai by the Allied Powers have been improved since 2012 using the state budget funds more than Rp20 billion. The North Maluku provincial government has been determined to make Leo Wattimena Airport in Morotai as an international airport that can serve the foreign airlines. After the implementation of Sail Morotai 2012, the island becomes a mainstay tourist destination of Malut.

“The main issue urgent to find a way out is there are still a big number of government employees who lived in Ternate. The high cost of transport (Rp75.000 to 100,000 per day) makes a lot of the employees often absent from work. In the meantime, they cannot afford to move and stay in Sofifi as the prices of houses both for rent and buy are quite expensive.”

The local administration is also preparing for the construction of another airport in Obi Island, South Halmahera, as well as the Domato Airport in West Halmahera as the entrance to the capital of North Maluku, Sofifi. The construction of the airports is important, considering that this province consists of many islands, while the sea transport is often not able to operate when the weather is bad. Currently Malut already has 11 airports, the two largest are Leo Wattimena in Morotai airport which can accommodate Boeing 737, and Babullah Sultan in Ternate, which serves regular flights to and from the other provinces. A number of national airline companies has served the route to Ternate, such as Garuda Indonesia, Sriwijaya Air, and Merpati. The other airports are serving small aircrafts only. They include Bobong Airport in Tali Abu, Buli Airport in North Halmahera, Emalamo Airport in Sula Islands, Gamar Malamo Airport in North Halmahera, Kuabang Kou Airport in North Halmahera, Mangole Airport in Mangole, Sasana Airport in Emalamo, Pitu Airport Morotai, and Oesman Sadik Airport in South Halmahera. (ing/various sources)




Governor of North Maluku

Ahmad Hidayat Mus 04.

“Free For The Needy”

Motto of North Maluku: Marimoi Ngome Futuru (Together We Are Strong)

"The General Elections Commission of the North Maluku Province in November last year declared that Ahmad Hidayat Mus was elected as the Governor of North Maluku for the period of 2013-2018, paired with Hasan Doa, after narrowly won the votes by 50.97% from his rival of Abdul Gani Kasuba, coupled with Muhammad Naser Thaib, who collected 49.93% of the votes."

Ahmad Hidayat Mus, who is more often called by AHM, formerly was Sula Islands Regent, who was ruling for his second term for the period of 2010-2015 prior to the election. Born in the village of Gela, Taliabu District, Sula Islands, on June 2, 1969, he underwent his political career through the Golkar Party. When elected as the Sula Islands Regent in his first term for the period of 2005-2010, AHM scored a number of achievements. He even made some breakthroughs which drew admirations. AHM does not only provide free education and health, but also free electricity (for the users of 450 watts and 750 watts meters) and support greatly on the development of agriculture and plantations. The infrastructure development continues to be pushed during his leadership. As a result, the Sula Islands which was previously disadvantaged region, is now included in developed region



category with smooth roads and strong bridges. His hard work led him to receive the Adipura Award from the President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono three times in a row, starting in 2010, 2011 and 2012. AHM is also known as a generous leader. He never hesitates to reach into his own pocket to pay for school tuitions for the residents in his territory. Dozens of young men and women regardless of race and religion, whose parents cannot afford, have been sent by him to study at the University of Sam Ratulangi or the other universities. As the governor of North Maluku, AHM has promised to continue his programs to provide free facilities for the poor he applied in the Sula Islands during his tenure as its regent. In addition, he will also focuses on the development of North Maluku starting from the villages. (ing/various sources)





When established as the 33rd province on October 4, 1999, the capital of North Maluku is located in Ternate. Eleven years later, on October 4, 2010, the capital was moved to Sofifi, a city located on the island of Halmahera, the largest island in the province which consists of 395 islands. Topografinya yang berbentuk gugusan kepulauan seperti itu membuat Malut didominasi oleh area perairan, yaitu sebesar 76%. Dari 24% daratan yang berupa 395 pulau, sebanyak 331 pulau belum ada penghuninya. Masyarakatnya terdiri dari 25 suku dengan tradisi dan kebudayaan yang berbeda. Therefore North Maluku Administration has submitted a budget of Rp130 billion for the 2014 local state budget draft to buy fast boats for transporting the employees. In addition to the fast boats, the provincial government has also prepared a construction of a housing complex specially designed for the civil servants. In 2013, the provincial government has disbursed Rp32 billion to build 170 houses allocated for the higher rank officials working at the North Maluku provincial government offices. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Housing also has planned to start building a simple flat for rent early 2014. In general the economy of North Maluku is more reliant on the agricultural, fishery and marine products. The leading commodities are copra, nutmeg, cloves, and fish and nickel which have been exported to Japan. (ing/various sources)



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Governor of Papua

Lukas Enembe “Pride Icon of 'Mountain People' ”

“When Lukas Enembe run for governor of Papua in the election in 2006, his name was immediately stuck out, due to the fact that the political map of Papua used to be dominated by people from coastal areas while Lukas is from mountainous areas. However he has proven that the quality of politicians of 'mountain people' is no less than the ones from coastal areas.” Although he did not managed to become the governor in the election for the tenure of 2006-2011, Lukas run again and this time successful won the next election and was elected as the 15th governor of Papua for the 2013-2018 term. He is paired by Vice Governor Klemen Tinal.

“ PAPUA Eastern Indonesian Time

Now as the governor of Papua, Lukas certainly face more challenges. He does not ignore that there are still groups of people that provoke the Papuan independence, separated from the Republic of Indonesia. Lukas tried to have dialogues with these groups and invite their people to prosper together. "There are still many Papuans who are lagged behind. They have the house, land, and trees but cannot manage them. It is better to focus our energies and thoughts to help them to live more prosperous lives," he said on various occasions. (ing/various sources)

The word of Papua is derived from the Malay language which means curly, referring to the physical condition of the indigenous tribes living there whose hair is curly. There are 255 tribes in Papua with different native languages, cultures and customs. Indonesian language acts as a bridge for them to communicate with each other. The Asmat are famous for their carving wood arts that have attracted many foreigners. The topography of the province varies, ranging from the swampy lowlands to the highlands with dense tropical forests, as well as meadows and valley with the reeds. The temperatures range between 19°C and 28°C with the average humidity at 80%. Papua is very rich in the natural resources, ranging from agriculture, plantations, forestry, fisheries, and mining. Unfortunately the wealth cannot be enjoyed by people of Papua evenly, so that the government has formed a body called Unit to Accelerate Development in Papua and West Papua (UP4B). Since the body started its operation in 2012, various development projects have been rolled out. There are 5 sectors being addressed by UP4B, namely infrastructure, education, health, the economy of the people, and the affirmation of all. In 2014 the government has been allocatting Rp5,2 billion for the development of sago industry, the development of traditional markets, the construction of boarding schools, the construction of general hospitals, the construction of strategic roads, as well as providing scholarships to students of Papua. Currently UP4B is escorting the construction of 14 roads that began in November 2013 which is scheduled for completion in February 2014. With a total length of 120 km, the project is predicted to cost Rp425 billion. (ing/various sources)


Perhutani, a state-owned enterprise under the Forestry Ministry who will manage the mill, has gotten a concession of 16,000 hectares of land around the plant, located in the Kais District. Sago palms in this area will become the source of the raw materials needed by the plant, expected to begin production in 2014. Production capacity of the mill is 30,000 tons per year.

Aside from being a staple food, a number of Papuans also utilize sago flour to make spirits and alcohol. In the industrial world, sago flour is used as the substitute for making cakes and noodles, as the raw material for producing high fructose syrup, adhesives and used in the pharmaceuticals industries. Sago can also be used as the raw material for the manufacture of bioethanol fuel. A number of private companies have reportedly interested in establishing bioethanol production plants based on sago in Nabire Regency and Memberamo Raya.



Papuan communities make use almost all parts of the sago tree. The flour is used as their staple food, which is commonly known as papeda. The waste is used for the manufacture of pulp (paper) or husbandry feed. They use the leaves for the roofs, the midrib for the walls, while the stem for the poles or beams of the bridges.

In the agro-industry sector, the Papua Administration has been promoting the cultivation and utilization of seaweed, as well as fisheries. Four districts have been prepared as the areas for intensification and expansion of seaweed farming, namely Biak Numfor, Yapen Islands, Supiori, and Nabire. The totaled available areas reach 1,200 hectares and currenly 800 hectares of them have been cultivated. The largest and most productive areas of seaweed cultivation is the ones located in Biak Numfor with 285 hectares wide and the productivity up to 5 tons per month.

Corn starch as an alternative to consuming carbohydrates (source:

Papua Develops Sago Industry “Although sago has become a staple food of the Papuan people since anctin time, but up to now there is no modern sago processing facility in the province. For this reason, supported by the central government through the Ministry of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), Papua is now building a sago processing plant worth at Rp120 billion.”








With an area of 300,000 km2, or about 30 million hectares, Papua is the largest province in Indonesia. However its population is merely at 2.8 million, making it the region with the lowest population density. That's why a lot of natural resources are still idly there waiting to be worked on.


Motto of Papua: Karya Swadaya

Papua, Rich Yet Still Lagged Behind

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Born in Tolikara on July 27, 1967, Governor Lukas Enembe completed his education at Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, and got the S1 degree in 1995. He also went to the Cornerstone College, Australia in 2001. He began his career as a civil servant in the Social and Politics Office of Merauke Regency in 1997. After completing his education in Australia in 2001 and returned to Papua, Lukas served as vice regent of Puncak Jaya for the period of 2001-2005. Two years later he rose to become the regent of Puncak Jaya for the 2007-2012 period. As a regent, he has attained many achievements in Puncak Jaya, especially in improving the infrastructure in the regency.

-Jayapura City Center, Papua (source:







The establishment of the plant is a part of the 2014 Government’s Working Plan (RKP) in Accelerating Development in Papua and West Papua with a total allocation of funds amounting to Rp5,2trillion. "We expect this accelerated development program will improve the welfare of the local communities," said Armida Alisjahbana, head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) recently.

Sago palms grow in the forests of Papua, estimated at 4.77 million hectares. The cultivation has been done, but still limited and in conventional ways. They take and plant the shoots of the trees prior to be harvested. The maintenance is usually limited to grooming the leaves of the plants and weeding, as well as shading the trees. The fertilization and watering arrangements have not been widely practiced.

For fisheries, nowadays the fishing activities in southern waters of Papua (Arafura Sea) and in the northern waters of Papua (the Pacific Ocean) only produce 6% of the total potentials. To increase the production, the local government has been providing a range of supported facilities such as Guidance and Testing Center for Quality of Fishery Products (BPPMHP) in Biak, Jayapura and Merauke for export certification.

In Merauke, Biak and Mimika there are also available industrial lands for fish processing plants. Many species of fish found in these both waters include tuna, snapper, grouper, lobster, shrimp, and mackerel. In addition to catching, fish farming on the coast is also encouraged and today it has resulted in superior seeds of groupers, snappers and rabbitfish. (ing/various sources)


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Governor of West Papua

Abraham O. Atururi “Promotes Batik Papua”

- Petrochemical Industry Center (source:


East Indonesian Time

West Papua: Builds Petrochemical Industry Center “An industry center of petrochemical worth at US$4.5 billion, or about Rp50 trillion is now being prepared in Bintuni Bay, West Papua.” Pusat industri petrokimia senilai US$4,5 miliar atau sekitar Rp50 triliun kini sedang disiapkan di Teluk Bintuni, Papua Barat. Diharapkan tahun 2019, pabrik tersebut sudah bisa mulai berproduksi untuk menghasilkan produk utama polipropilen, bahan dasar pembuatan plastik. Indonesia masih mengimpor bahan tersebut yang mencapai US$600 juta per tahun. Perjanjian mengenai pembangunan pusat industri petrokimia tersebut telah ditandatangani Maret 2013 oleh pemerintah Indonesia dengan perusahaan Jerman Ferrostaal sebagai pengembang yang menggandeng PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk sebagai mitranya. Teluk Bintuni dipilih karena lokasinya yang dekat dengan ladang gas Tangguh, sehingga diharapkan akan lebih efisien dalam mendapatkan bahan baku untuk pabrik yaitu gas alam. Saat beroperasi nanti, pabrik diharapkan mampu memproduksi 400,000 ton polipropilen per tahun. Polipropilen merupakan bahan dasar plastik yang paling banyak digunakan setelah polietilen. Kini polipropilen juga banyak digunakan untuk bahan sintetis di industri otomotif dan mebel. Selain polipropilen, produk sampingan yang akan dihasilkan adalah bensin sebanyak 150.000 ton per tahun dan gas cair sekitar 34.000 ton yang akan dijual di pasar lokal. Pembangunan instalasi pabrik yang akan menyerap tenaga kerja 3.000 orang, diharapkan juga bisa terjadi transfer teknologi. “Kita harus menghentikan impor. Permintaan di industri hilir terus meningkat, sementara di industri hulu petrokimia tidak ada perkembangan berarti,” kata Panggah Susanto dari Kementerian Perindustrian. Selain pembangunan pusat industri petrokimia, Papua Barat juga sedang gencar menambah infrastruktur jalan. Di bawah program Percepatan Pembangunan Papua dan Papua Barat (P4B), saat ini sedang dibangun 14 ruas jalan di kedua provinsi dengan total panjang mencapai 256 km. Proyek pembangunan jalan ini diharapkan selesai Februari 2014. Infrastuktur lain yang sedang digarap adalah pemasangan kabel serat optik dalam proyek Papua Cable System. Proyek senilai

US$71,1 juta ini diharapkan selesai November 2014. Setelah itu penduduk Papua dan Papua Barat akan bisa mengakses layanan internet dengan kecepatan 100 gigabit per detik, sementara kapasitasnya mencapai 16 terabit per detik. Proyek dilaksanakan oleh Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) PT Telkom Tbk yang bekerja sama dengan perusahaan Jepang NEC Corporation. Panjang kabel diperkirakan mencapai 2.000 km yang ditanam di darat dan di dasar laut. Menurut Direktur Utama PT Telkom Arief Yahya, proyek Papua Cable System merupakan bagian dari program Telkom dalam memperluas jaringan kabel serat optik untuk menuju Indonesia Digital Network 2015. Di bidang pariwisata, pemerintah setempat juga terus berupaya untuk mengembangkannya tapi tetap dalam koridor menjaga keaslian dan kelestarian tempat wisata bersangkutan. Karena itu, target bukan lagi kuantitas atau jumlah turis, tapi kualitas dari turis yang datang. Sasarannya adalah wisatawan yang berperilaku dengan orientasi pelestarian lingkungan.

“Abraham Octavianus Atururi is currently serving his second term after winning the governorial election in 2012. He was elected as the 5th Governor of West Papua. Together with Vice Governor Rahimin Katjong, he develops the province for the welfare of the people of West Papua.”

The couple in the first period promoted by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P). In the second period, they were supported by many political parties, including Golkar, Democrat, Hanura, Gerindra, United Development Party and the Crescent Star Party. Abraham started his career as a member of the Navy after graduating from the military academy. He also served as Deputy Governor of Irian Jaya, Sorong Regent, Vice Chairman of Indonesian sports organization (KONI) Irian Jaya, Chairman of KONI West Papua, and Chairman of Indonesian Redcross (PMI) Irian Jaya. Born in Serui, Yapen Islands, Papua, on October 13, 1950, Abraham continues to pursue the use of natural resources optimally, even though 65% of the province’s surging terrestrial landscape makes their use economically becomes uneasy. He also unceasingly explores the potentials of the region and then promotes them outside. Currently he is aggresively promoting Batik Papua. "Unlike other types of batik in Java, this is more like a fabric with motifs typical of Papua. Not only West Papua, but the whole of Papua," he said when opening the exhibition of Kilau Batik Papua in Jakarta some time ago. According to Abraham, he will also promote the Batik Papua abroad. (ing/various sources)

Papua Barat sangat terkenal akan Raja Ampat-nya, tempat wisata bawah laut yang memiliki keragaman dan keindahan dari sekitar 75% species biota laut dunia. Karena itu kawasan ini dijuluki surga keanekaragaman biota laut. Kawasan ini terdiri dari empat pulau berdekatan dan dilengkapi dengan berbagai macam penginapan dari homestay rumah-rumah penduduk di desa sampai cottage dan hotel. Di bidang perikanan, Papua Barat sedang mengebangkan Minapolitan, yaitu konsep pembangunan kawasan dengan sentra produksi perikanan dan kelautan, sentra perdagangan, penyediaan jasa dan kegiatan-kegiatan terkait lainnya. Ada empat kluster Minapolitan yang akan dikembangkan, yaitu Raja Ampat Mariculture Estate dengan pengembangan budidaya kerapu, minawisata dan wisata bahari; Soraya Fishery Industrial Estate di Sorong dengan pengembangan penangkapan ikan di laut; Kaifak Mariculture And Fishery Industrial Estate di Kaimana dan Fak Fak dengan pengembangan budidaya kerapu, rumput laut dan perikanan tangkap; serta Mawonda Mariculture And Fishery Industrial Estate di Manokwari dan Teluk Wondana dengan pengembangan budidaya kerapu dan tangkap ikan. (ing/various sources)

Motto of West Papua: Cintaku Nergeriku (My Heart My Country)

West Papua Already Served By Garuda Flights “The whole flight route is Makassar - Sorong - Manokwari - Jayapura once a day every day, served with Bombardier CRJ 1000 NextGen aircrafts with the capacity of 96 passengers, consisting of 12 seats in the executive class and 84 seats in the economy class.”

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02. 04.




Since November 2013, the national airline Garuda Indonesia began serving the route of Sorong and Manokwari, West Papua. The launch of the new route was welcomed emotionally by West Papua Governor Abraham Octovianus Atururi. The province with an area of 126,093 km2 (12.6 million hectares) has tremendous natural wealth. Starting from the plantations, mining, forestry, fishery, animal husbandry and eco tourism sites, has huge potential to be developed. The yields from the current plantations include coffee, cloves, cashew nut, chocolate, nutmeg, and coconut oil. The plantations occupy about 44,000 hectares or only 0.3% of the territory, while the areas of forest produce wood, resin, and rattan. In addition to giving concessions to large companies to harvest the forests, the provincial government also empowers the forest dwellers to be able to enjoy the benefits of the forests. On the tourism sector, West Papua’s Raja Ampat have been known for its biodiversity and underwater beauty. The famous tourist area will also produce pearls and seaweed. In addition, there is Teluk Cendrawasih National Park of which famous for its indigenous big bird called Kasuari. Some time ago a number of experts on speleology (the scientific study of caves and other karst features) from France found a cave with the depth of 2,000 meters, claimed to be the world's deepest cave, located on the Lina Mountains, Kampung Irameba, Anggi district, Manokwari. (ing/various sources)



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Playing Golf While Enjoying Beautiful Views at Borobudur International Golf and Country Club Borobudur International Golf and Country Club (BIGCC) is a golf course with the advantage cannot be offered by the others, which is the spectacular views. Located on the slope of Mount Tidar, BIGCC becomes to have the cool and crisp air with the stunning natural scenery. Some areas have the views with Mount Merapi background.

In addition, the BIGCC location is also very close to the famous tourism site of Borobudur just 12 kilometers away, and close to the area where a number of historic Dutch buildings stand. That's why BIGCC was hailed by President Director of PT Jababeka Tbk., SD Darmono, as "providing an interesting experience in playing golf on a beautiful environment and cultural heritage of Central Java." Another uniqueness owned by BIGCC is its commitment to the preservation of the environment, so it limits the use of chemicals to control weeds and pests, only if their attack reaches over 40% of the area. Field maintenance is mostly done manually.

BOROBUDUR I N T E R N A T I O N A L Golf & Country Club

For water, because there is no natural water in this area, they invented man-made lake and river to catch rainwater. When the dry season and water supplies depleted, the waste water from the local irrigation network is taken and processed into clean water. Supporting facilities consist of a multi-function luxury clubhouse, proshop providing golfers with a wide range well-known brands of golf equipment, a restaurant with various menus, ranging from Chinese food, European cuisine and of course Indonesian dishes. Then there's the drive range for beginners and professionals who want to warm up, a ballroom, a VIP room, services on hotel room booking, as well as shuttle bus from and to the hotels and the airports in Yogyakarta and Semarang. Various tournaments have been held at BIGCC periodically with exciting prizes every year. For early 2014, REI Open Golf Tournament was organized in February with the main prize of cars and money in cash. (ing)

The golf course was designed by internationally renowned golfer Douglas Duncanson with 18 holes, par 72 measuring 5,632 meters. Started operating since 2007, the golf course is built and managed by Cikarang Golfcourt, a subsidiary of PT Jababeka Tbk.

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TOUR Togean Islands




As for Sulawesi, the K-shaped island is separated so that it has its own flora and fauna of Indonesian endemic such as anoa, deer hog and tarsiers. From the south end of Takabonerate to the north end of Sangihe and Talaud, it is filled with millions of Sulawesi natural beauty and culture. Sea breezes and the charm of blue gradation of Celebes coastline took me to get to the heart of the coral triangle in Tomini, Central Sulawesi, precisely to the Togean Islands in Tojo Una-una. It is national park, covering 362,000 hectares, located away from the bustle of city life yet firmly attached to the beauty of the natural landscape and diversity of marine life. Isn’t it fascinating? From the city of Palu, I had to drive to Ampana for approximately 10 hours through the coffee plantations and coastal areas. On arrival at Ampana I proceeded using a speed boat to the Kadidiri Island for approximately 3 hours. It is quite difficult to achieve this hidden paradise and certainly more difficult someplace to get to, more pristine it is. Long and arduous journey from Palu did not feel when the sun touched the surface of my skin when I got to the crossing dock to the Togean Islands. A speed boat was waiting to take me. The sunny weather accompanied this trip. Blue sky and white clouds were drifting over the waves divided by the movement the speed boat. In the distance the breaking waves made different patterns of sparkles, there was a group of pilot whales passing through at the front of the boat. Hmmm my heart was pounding, feeling like I got a warm welcome from the local inhabitants. Panorama then changed, now it was a number of coral islands successively being passed, standing proudly with clear turquoise sea water on the bases. That was beautiful sceneries to enjoy. Most of the islands are uninhabited and have not been named. Some islands are inhabited by the tribe known as the Indonesian sea explorer called Bajoe. The Bajoe is a maritime tribe; their daily life cannot be separated from the sea. Tale said that Bajoe tribe was living on the boat in the past, but now they are settled in the coastal areas and live in stilt houses on the beach. Yet their life is still not


separated from the sea. The sea becomes a source of life for the Bajoe tribe. Some islands in the Togean Islands have resorts or lodgings for the visiting tourists, including the Kadidiri Island which was my main destination. Upon my arrival on the Kadidiri Island, a calm feeling seeped through my mind. The hum noise coming from the speed boat engine was replaced by dominantly the waves and the ocean breezes hitting the foliages. Soft white sand was felt between the toes when I set foot the first time on Kadidiri Island. A comfortable resort and a diving operator facilitate the needs of guests who want to explore the Togean waters. Yes, Togean is known as the heart of the world's coral reef triangle. More than 250 species of coral and 500 species of fish live in the bottom Togean seawaters. The natural beauty of the underwater is internationally famous. I cannot wait to dive in the waters. There are dozens of dive points in Togean to explore. There are probably hundreds more that have not been explored yet. Almost all kinds of underwater landscapes are there. The underwater caves, cliffs, crevices, volcanoes, coral wall and coral garden can be explored with dazzling sights, complete with decorative fish dancing among stretching dense coral reefs. In fact there is a diving point with historical relic in it. Well, this one is my main goal, which is the wreckage of the United States B24 bomber that crashed in 1945. Feelings of creeps hit me when I got down near the wreckage. Approaching a depth of 15 meters, the shadow of the bomber began to appear. The bomber looked still intact, the plane’s propeller was clearly visible, and all over the fuselage has been covered with various species of coral reefs. Various species of fish have been making the scrap metal as their home. The spooky feelings and fears turned into astonishment. A cool clown fish was dancing among anemones around the tail plane while a lion fish was swimming gracefully above the cockpit. An unforgettable experience indeed. (Iqbal Alaik)

The Heart of Coral Triangle Celebes or Sulawesi is a unique island with myriads of wonders. Sulawesi is one of the 5 largest islands in Indonesia. It is said that in ancient times, the islands in the archipelago united with the other islands nearby that cause many common species of flora and fauna.

01. Dawn at Togean

02. Divers along the bottom sea of Togean

03. Travellers braced for diving. Snorkling is one of the highly sought sea tour after by tourists

04. The beauty of coral reefs with charming sea creatures in the sea stretching Togean


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APPSI, Accommodating Regional Leaders To Interact APPSI (Association of Provincial Governments of Indonesia) was formed on June 6, 2000 in Jakarta as a forum to foster the cooperation and partnership amongst the provincial governments in mutual benefit ways, and also foster a harmonious relationship between the provincial and the central government. The existence of APPSI is officiated under the Article 115, Law No 22 Year 1999 on Regional Government, and Article 5 of the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No. 49, 2000 in conjunction with the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No. 84, 2000 on Regional Autonomy Advisory Council. In essence, under the 1945 Constitution, the practices of governance in the Republic of Indonesia is done on the basis of giving freedom to the regions in order to independently explore and manage their respective potential, as well as to develop it further over time. The regional autonomy is run democratically. The community empowerment, equity and justice are the reference to designed the policies to realize an advanced and prosperous society.

Asosiasi Pemerintah Provinsi Seluruh Indonesia

The event was attended by the governors in Indonesia, and the official delegates as well. One of the agenda has been implemented is giving some ideas for the direction of national development planning policy in 2014. The results of the Congress included a recommendation to form a ministry specially designed to address poverty, to facilitate the coordination and accelerate the efforts to eradicate poverty throughout all the regions. In addition, the provincial governments are determined to become the spearhead in the fight against corruption. For the year of 2014, APPSI has devised a number of programs including seminars and discussions on the accelerating developments of infrastructure, fishery, tourism, and enhancing the role of the governors as the representatives of the central government in the regions. (yhn/source: APPSI)

In carrying out its functions, APPSI refers to the state constitution, as well as laws and regulations applied. APPSI also contributes to maintaining the unity and integrity of the nation in the archipelago. APPSI is trying to create regional governments which are clean, effective, confident, creative, and responsible. So far APPSI has committed to build a common understanding and keen on how the provincial governments should be managed and potential areas for progress and prosperity of the nation from one generation to the next. APPSI is expected to support the success of the regional governments and the regional autonomy programs, and the creation of prosperity, and welfare of the people justifiably. Today, the Chairman of APPSI is Syahrul Yasin Limpo, who also the Governor of South Sulawesi. As part of its commitment, in 2013 APPSI had organized National Congress in Batam.

APKASI, For Development of Regency Administrations In Indonesia Recognizing the need for organizations to accommodate the aspirations and interests of the county administrations, on 30 May 2000 APKASI (Association Indonesian Regency Administration) was set up. Its establishment was signed by the 26 members representing 26 provinces, which at that time had a total of 246 regencies. The declaration of the organization was then followed by the implementation of the first National Conference on 3-4 August 2000, in Tenggarong, Kutai Kertanegara. The National Conference I generated some decisions, such as the determination of the constitution, the work programs, including the election regency level board members, as well as selecting and appointing an executive director whose job us carrying out the tasks of daily operations.

APKASI Asosiasi Pemerintah Kabupaten Seluruh Indonesia

The APKASI membership adopts a passive system. Its members are all the regencies, including the newly established ones. APKASI aims to create conducive climate in the regencies with the targeted achievement of local independence and improve the people’s welfare. The vision of the organization is to carry out regional autonomy widely, real, and responsible for achieving the national goals. While its mission is to create harmonious cooperation, synergy and mutual benefit among members. Another mission is to create harmonious relationship with the city administrations, provincial administrations, and the central government proportionally in accordance to the structure of government in the implementation of regional autonomy. APKASI also seeks to increase the ability of its members to apply good governance practices. For basic tasks, APKASI facilitate the interests of regency administrations in running the regional autonomy rules through advocacy, mediation, and facilitation to link with other governmental and non- governmental agencies. APKASI serves as a critical and strategic partner for the central government in formulating national policies on the regional development, a facilitator to fight for the interests of the regencies in the central government, facilitating inter-regional

cooperation in order to increase the capacity of local and regional cooperation in the development of socio-cultural and economic potential. APKASI also facilitates the implementation of the exchange of ideas, information and experiences between the regencies and other local administrations, encourages the promotion of regional potential to improve the prestige in order to be able to face the tighter competition at the global level. So far, the APKASI’s programs aim to strengthen and empower the organization so that it can act as an institution who has the national bargaining power for the development of local independence. The programs also focus on the efforts to identify and find the breakthrough as a contribution to the development of its members. The most significant achievement of APKASI within the first period of four years is when the unilateral revision of Law No. 22 of 1999 on Regional Administration. At that time, APKASI succeeded in delaying the implementation of the revision under the reasons which could be accepted by the Central Government and the Parliament. There are many achievements had been generated for improving the capacity of its members through training, advocacy, and facilitation. Over the time, APKASI and the revision of Law 22/1999 as Law 32/2004 on Regional Government, at the Second National Conference in Jakarta, March 2005, all members at present agreed to adjust the nomenclature of APKASI to become BKKSI (Agency of Indonesian Regencies Cooperation). That is because the nomenclature of the Local Government Association is not included anymore in the Law 32/2004 and it is transformed into the Regional Cooperation Agency. Although it has changed its name, the independence of this organization has not changed. The existence of APKASI has shown in the performance of its duties and functions, such as facilitating the cooperation and partnerships, capacity building, assistance and advocacy of policies of decentralization and regional autonomy, as well as other services to members. (yhn/various sources)

APEKSI, Organization for Development of City Administrations APEKSI (Association of Indonesian City Administrations) is an organization formed with the aim to assist its members in the implementation of regional autonomy and creating conducive climate for cooperation among the members. This organization was established by the Decree of Ministry of Home Affairs and Law No. 16 year 2000 on Regional Autonomy. Based on the two policies, it was not only APEKSI which was founded, but also the Association of Indonesian Regency Administrations (APKASI) and the Association of Indonesian Provincial Administrations (APPSI). The formation of the organizations is expected to develop the regions into better and independently, and represented in the Regional Autonomy Advisory Council (DPOD). Since established in 2000, APEKSI has taken major roles in helping its members. Through this organization, they can take part in the national level with a variety of activities that reflect the democratic autonomous of respective cities.

Asosiasi Pemerintah Kota Seluruh Indonesia

In addition, APEKSI fights for the interests of its members in the DPOD so that the welfare improvement program can be implemented more quickly, democratically, with the people participate actively, fair, and equitable with due regard to the uniqueness of each region. APEKSI was founded with the vision to become an organization that can play a strategic role in empowering city administrations in applying the regional autonomy. Meanwhile, for the mission, APEKSI is determined to be reliable and professional in supporting the city administrations to implement the development in their respective territories democratically, transparent, responsible, as well as a part of society in the governance structure of the Republic of Indonesia. Meanwhile one role to which it aspires is to spread information and data on the latest policies and the others to the public, both nationally and globally. In running its organization, APEKSI holds National Conference. The first was held on June 22 to 23, 2000 in Surabaya, finalized and ratified the Statute and Bylaw of APEKSI. The Governing Council and its Executive Director was selected then.

At that time, the Mayor of Surabaya H. Sunarto Sumoprawiro was elected as Chairman of the Managing Board and the representative of APEKSI at the Local Governments Association (DPOD). Over time, the APEKSI has undergone several changes, including the number of members and the structure of management. Then in the Second National Conference in Surabaya, Mayor of Tarakan Jusuf SK was elected as the APEKSI Managing Board Chairman for the period of 2004-2008. Meanwhile APEKSI National Conference III on 22-24 July 2008 in Surakarta formed the Managing Board of APEKSI for the period 2008-2012. Then Board Chairman of APEKSI was Eddy Santana Putra, Mayor of Palembang. While the National Conference IV on 30 May - 2 June 2012 in Manado, Manado Mayor Vicky Lumentut was sworn in as Chairman of the Managing Board for the period of 2012-2016. In 2012, APEKSI still carried out activities in the line of municipal government capacity building for various themes, namely environmental, infrastructure, local finance, civil service reform, gender mainstreaming and other governance issues considered crucial. In the field of environment and infrastructure, some training activities, workshops, dialogues were done as a consequence of the recent policy development. APEKSI has also been facilitated by ICMA (International City/County Management Association) for comparative studies and internships in several cities and agencies in the United States and Australia. Training, workshops and seminars are conducted for the themes of law, civil service reform, fighting corruption, law on land disputes, labor, gender mainstreaming, and financial issues. While technical assistance is made available for LKPD (Local Government Financial Report), as well as gender responsive planning and budgeting. In the legal field the organization activates the expert associate programs. (yhn/various sources)

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