1 minute read
You lost your sibling a couple of years You lost your sibling a couple of years You lost sibling a couple of years ago. How does this experience of loss ago How does this experience of loss ago does this of loss show up in your music? show up in music? show up in your music?
My songs are mostly about pain and My songs are mostly about pain and My songs are about pain and overcoming that pain Losing my only overcoming that pain Losing my only overcoming that pain Losing my only sibling may have my heart filled with grief, sibling may have my heart filled with grief, sibling may have my heart filled grief, but it brought out many emotions I had but it brought out many I had but it brought out many emotions I had never encountered before Now that I have never encountered before Now I never encountered before Now that I have gone through this pain, I am able to speak gone through this pain, I am able to speak gone through this pain, I am able to speak to others and help them deal with similar to others and help them deal with to others and help them deal with similar ssituations situations ituations
What is your definition of a Pretty
What is your definition of a Pretty
What is your definition of a Pretty
Woman Who Hustles?
Woman Who Hustles?
Woman Who Hustles?
My definition of a pretty woman who My definition of a pretty woman who My definition of a pretty woman hustles is someone who never gives up on hustles is someone who never up on hustles is someone never gives up on themselves and reaches their goals, themselves and reaches their goals, themselves and reaches their goals, whatever circumstances they may face In whatever circumstances they may face In whatever circumstances they may face In any movie where a character has to reach any movie where a character has to reach any movie where a character has to reach a goal, they work hard through any a goal, they work hard through any a goal, they work hard through any adversity and realize anything they need adversity and realize they need adversity and realize anything they need to reach the goal is already inside of them the goal is already inside of them to reach the goal is already inside of them