The Providence Center
Innovative programs. Impacting lives. FISCAL YEAR 2012
The Providence Center
Board of Trustees
James Botvin, Chair
528 North Main Street
Nancy Fisher Chudacoff, Esq., Vice Chair
Providence, RI 02904
Patricia Cawley Affleck, Secretary Joel Stark, Treasurer
530 North Main Street Providence, RI 02904
Donald R. Barbeau Marguerite Chadwick
520 Hope Street
Linda M. Cohen, Esq.
Providence, RI 02906
Walter R. Craddock, Esq., CFP速 Marianne Holmes
111 Howard Avenue, Building 56 Cranston, RI 02920
2198 Wallum Lake Road Pascoag, RI 02859
Lisa Morsilli Ana P. Novais Claude-Anthony Pierre, M.D. Jana M. Planka Nicki Sahlin, Ph.D.
Information (401) 528-0123
Matthew Stark Robert C. Wood, Sr. Trustees Emeriti
Appointments (401) 276-4020
Lionel Delaney Linda Thimann Dewing Robert M. Doyle
The Providence Center is a private, nonprofit behavioral health organization.
Karl Ericson Charles Feldman Joyce Hall Karen Lee
Maureen McDonald Lilia G. Nash
design: Gora Communications Associates
Emily Nelson
printing: Sheahan Printing Corporation
James H. Reilly
photography: Cedar Ridge Studio
A commitment to meeting the community’s needs
In 1969, The Providence Center opened its doors to respond to Providence’s need for affordable mental health care with an office on Broad Street, four staff members and a $50,000 budget. Today, we have grown to an organization of over 600 employees and a $41 million budget.
achieving physical
to move people towards recovery. strengthened partnerships with primary care providers
Each day, the dedicated staff of The Providence Center works
in the community to make
to meet the needs of adults, children, adolescents and families
by providing community-based mental health and substance use
treatment services. They remain dedicated because they know
that despite the incredible progress we have made in treating
matter where they enter
behavioral health issues, much more needs to be done.
the health care system.
Today, Rhode Island faces a health
24.2% of the population reporting mental health illness
We have established and
While our size has changed, our mission has remained the same.
Rhode Island has the highest rate of mental illness
Clients Served
10,944 9,747
Providence Center clients receive coordinated behavioral and primary care at Providence Community Health Centers (PCHC) at North Main, and PCHC patients who receive care at their
According to 2012 reports from the
new facility at Prairie Avenue in south Providence can now
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
address mental health issues like anxiety, depression and stress
Services Administration, our state
thanks to our outpatient mental health clinic located in the same
is ranked highest in the nation for
building. With our presence in the emergency rooms of Roger
percentage of residents 12 or older
Williams Medical Center and Fatima Hospital, we are tackling
who use illicit drugs. Rhode Island
high emergency room usage rates by individuals with mental
also has the highest percentage of
health and substance use issues with better screening protocols
persons 12 or older needing but not
and more appropriate referrals to community-based services.
receiving treatment for a substance use problem.
Our recovery services continue to make history in Rhode Island with the opening of Anchor Learning Academy, the state’s first
Rhode Island has the highest rate of people in the United States
recovery high school, that combines academics and recovery
who experienced some type of mental illness and the highest rate
services for high school students who have completed substance
of people with serious mental illness. Nationwide, mental health
use treatment. Anchor Recovery Community Center in Pawtucket
disorders are the third most commonly reported chronic diseases
marked a milestone of over 100,000 visits made by people in
after pulmonary conditions and hypertension. Additionally,
recovery seeking supportive peer services.
people with mental illness have higher rates of chronic health conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes and have a life expectancy of 25 to 30 years less than the general population.
The Providence Center believes people can and do recover and that there should be no wrong door to accessing the services one needs to be healthy. When we meet clients where they are
Our fiscal year 2012 annual report reflects The Providence
in their recovery with the right kind of care at the right time, the
Center’s commitment to working to address our community’s need
results are a community that gets better and stays well, more
for accessible, effective mental health and substance use services
cost-effective health care, and a more sustainable health care
and programs. In the last fiscal year, The Providence Center
system that benefits everyone.
experienced a 10 percent increase in clients served, from nearly 11,000 to more than 12,000. We have developed innovative, evidence-based programs to remove barriers that clients face in
Dale K. Klatzker, Ph.D. President/CEO
James Botvin Chair, Board of Trustees
Recovery is Possible... Anchor Learning Academy, Rhode Island’s first recovery
In the U.S., recovery high schools have resulted in:
high school
- Increased graduation rates
Island’s Board of Regents for Elementary and
- Improved academic achievement
approved The
Providence Center’s application to operate a two-year pilot recovery high school
- Increased rates of long-term recovery
program for Rhode Island students who have completed substance use treatment. Anchor
Island’s first recovery high school, featuring an
academics with clinical services to support each student’s personal recovery and academic goals. The curriculum emphasizes critical solving,
93% of students report being offered drugs on their first day of school following substance use
creativity—the tools students
need to become informed decision
contributing members of the local community and the global society. “Our goal is to Paula Santos, director of Anchor Learning Academy
negative peer pressure for high school students where they can gain the skills needed for life-long recovery and improve academic performance,”
Within 90 days of returning to school after substance use treatment, 50% of students are using at levels at or above where they were prior to treatment
said Paula Santos, director of Anchor Learning Academy.
Anchor Learning Academy, which opened in August 2012, is located at The Providence Center’s 520 Hope Street location in Providence, RI, and is currently accepting students. For more information, visit
The number of visits to Anchor Recovery Community Center since its opening in December 2010
Anchor Recovery Community Center Recovery Th a t ’s
believe that by meeting people where they are in their recovery, and
RI has the highest percentage in the nation
helping them achieve their goals, find their strengths and overcome
of residents 12 and older
barriers with supportive community-based services, people with
who used illicit drugs
mental health and substance use problems can and do recover.
in the last month.
p h i l o s o p hy
The Providence Center’s recovery services. We
With the highest rate of illicit drug use in the nation, this support is needed now more than ever in Rhode Island. Anchor
1) 2)
supportive environment that people need to make recovery a
(Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 2012)
part of their everyday life. As the only recovery community center in the state, Anchor offers the tools to support people in recovery,
“Anchor has served as an impetus for our
community and brought recovery to Main Street.
groups and trainings, vocational services, health and wellness
In addition to helping thousands of courageous
activities, housing support and social activities.
people live their best lives through recovery,
Anchor has served as a symbol of what the recovery community can do when we come together.” Anchor Recovery Community Center is located at 249 Main Street in Pawtucket, RI. For more information, call (401) 721-5100.
-James Gillen, Associate Director of Recovery Services at The Providence Center and Manager of Anchor Recovery Community Center
The Right Kind of Care
one 67
Rhode Islanders
An Easy Way to Save Lives The Providence Center became the first provider in Rhode Island to use the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS), a tool used world-wide, translated into 103 languages and adapted for schools, prison systems and the homeless. The scale is being used at The Providence Center’s facilities, in the emergency rooms at Roger Williams and Fatima Hospitals (where The Providence Center provides services) and in the agency’s community-based programs. The C-SSRS is able to predict suicide attempts, a
made a suicide attempt
first among suicide screening tools, and get people who need help both the appropriate
in the previous year compared to
level and kind of behavioral health care services they need. Easy to use and effective,
one in 200 people nationally
the scale allows staff to focus resources where they are needed the most.
Innovative Solutions to Crisis Care The Providence Center’s RESPECT program diverts uninsured Rhode have
Islanders acute
The Issue: RI emergency rooms are overcrowded, often serving people whose behavioral health needs could be better served in the community.
6,000 uninsured
Rhode Islanders were admitted for inpatient behavioral health services from 2008 to 2010
use, psychiatric and co-occurring issues away from costly inpatient hospital stays and into clinically appropriate treatment options that range from crisis stabilization to transitional care to support for nonacute issues.
47 individuals had more
than 10 inpatient detoxifications RESPECT features a 24/7 single intake system, screening protocol,
(Department of Behavioral Health, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals, 2011)
access to alternative levels of care and linkages to communitybased services. Key components of RESPECT are the emphasis on supporting clients following inpatient care to reduce readmissions and the use of peer specialists who help clients stay engaged in their personal recovery plans.
RESPECT—Recovery-oriented, Empathic Services Proactively Empowering Consumers in Treatment—is a partnership of The Providence Center, CharterCARE Health Partners and Phoenix House.
The Solution: Less intensive, less costly community-based programs that focus on the client’s individual needs.
200 patients were diverted from the emergency room through RESPECT since January 1, 2012
at the Right Time The best outcomes occur when clients are met where they are in their recovery. The Providence Center’s person-centered approach to treatment places a client in the level of care that best meets their needs, from more intensive services when needed to community-based services to peer support. It’s cost-effective. And it works. The Providence Center’s Crisis Stabilization Unit
An Alternative to Hospitalization
in psychiatric visits to RI emergency
Two years ago, a p a t i e n t
rooms between 2005 and 2009
substance use relapse might find themselves in a costly, lengthy emergency room stay. The Providence Center’s Crisis Stabilization Unit offers patients an alternative to hospitalization or a step-down for transition between levels of care. The unit provides short term, 24/7 specialized care to patients experiencing an acute psychiatric and/or substance use crisis. At the Crisis Stabilization Unit, the highly skilled team of psychiatrists, nurses, clinicians and case managers responds to the mental health
drug-related emergency room visits in 2010 nationally (Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance
Since JULY 2010
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 2012)
and substance use treatment needs of clients. Patient-focused, recovery-based services reduce symptoms, support each patient’s individual needs, goals and strengths, and include individualized
The Crisis Stablization Unit, located at 135 Dodge Street, is the only
unit of its kind in Providence.
admitted since the opening of the
aftercare plans for continuing their recovery after discharge.
Crisis Stabilization Unit
Integrated Primary
A profile of clients in The Providence Center’s integrated primary and behavioral health programs
One in
One in 5 people suffer from mental illness— about 57.7 million Americans each year.
The facts are clear. Numerous studies have demonstrated the link between
behavioral health issues and the increased risk of developing chronic medical conditions, as well as the effects of poor health habits such as low physical
activity, poor nutrition, smoking and substance use. The Providence Center has demonstrated a commitment to addressing the health needs of the community by introducing integrated care to Rhode Island. Through innovative
Chronic lllnesses Reported
partnerships and wellness-based programs, The Providence Center has ensured that
there is no wrong door to accessing the care people need to achieve optimal outcomes. Integrating primary and behavioral health care teams to treat the whole person enhances
patients’ access to primary care physicians and behavioral health specialists, improves the quality of their care and lowers health care costs overall.
Diabetes Heart Disease
34.5% 19.1%
HDL “Good Cholesterol”
among persons 18+ with
Heart disease 5.9%
Low risk 5
(>40) High risk
Asthma 15.7%
any mental illness
High blood pressure 21.9%
Chronic health conditions
Diabetes 7.9%
Stroke 2.3%
(Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, 2012)
Integrating primary and behavioral health BMI
care teams to treat the whole person
18% OVERWEIGHT >25-29.9 30% OBESE >30-34.9
improves the quality of care and lowers
21% SEVERELY OBESE >35-39.9
overall health care costs.
and Behavioral Health Programs No Wrong Door Making health care accessible In July 2012, The Providence Center opened an outpatient mental health clinic
225 Providence Center clients have
355 Prairie Avenue in Providence.
improved their health, nutrition and
Th e
exercise habits through InShape,
clinic is staffed by three full-time
addresses the physical health needs
and a clinician who facilitate the
of individuals with mental health
and substance use issues.
health and primary medical care. The Providence Center’s outpatient clinic at Providence Community Health Centers at Prairie Avenue
mentor and has shown significant improvement in her
The clinic provides convenient access
self-confidence and
to primary care for Providence Center Main
A 29 year-old female
an InShape health
and behavioral health clinic in 2010.
has lost 100 lbs.
Rhode Island’s first integrated primary
since working with
Community Health Centers opened
InShape participant
The Providence Center and Providence
Since its launch in 2009, nearly
socialization skills.
where they receive their behavioral health services.
Providence Community Health Centers at North Main
“We treat complex patients who have complex problems, many of whom have not sought health care for a long time. First, I investigate the health concerns of the patient; then we talk about understanding what they have to do to get healthy and what I have to do to support them. We are partners in health with our patients.” -Dr. Tariq Malik, M.D., M.P.H., primary care physician at Providence Community Health Centers at North Main
“I’ll never forget the day
HB Home Base
I got the keys to my apartment.” -
4 Permanent supported housing 4 Access to primary health care 4 Individualized treatment for co-occurring
The Keys to Ending Chronic
substance use and mental health problems
4 Case management 4 Peer recovery support at Anchor Recovery Community Center
Robert used to start his day at 5:30 a.m., trying
homeless shelter to the showers. Then it was out of the shelter by 6:45 a.m. and off to Amos House for breakfast. After that, who knew?
4 Employment and education services 4 Legal assistance for obtaining benefits through The Providence Center’s on-site disability clinic
4 Veteran-specific services 4 Bilingual services
“For almost 18 years, that was my life,” said Robert. “I’d spend the day on the streets, battling the weather, trying to stay out of trouble. It was scary.” Through Home Base, chronically homeless individuals receive permanent supported Robert, a client in Home Base
housing and mental health and substance
use treatment services. Home Base Case Manager Stephanie Siska meets with clients weekly to ensure that their basic needs of food and safety are met. “Home Base is effective because we connect clients with the tools they need to focus on their recovery and stabilize their lives,” said Siska. “The moment we hand a client a set of keys to their new apartment, we know we have helped them take a big step toward changing their life.”
485 chronically homeless individuals in Rhode Island
“I have a lot of goals that I’d like to achieve, like getting my GED, and that’s possible for me now because of the support I get from Home Base and The Providence Center,” said Robert. “I’ve got my self-esteem and my life back now. I’m going to meetings and volunteering at Anchor Recovery Community Center.” Home Base is a partnership between The Providence Center, Rhode Island housing providers and homeless advocates dedicated to combatting chronic homelessness. A key component of Home Base is its Steering Committee, comprised of providers, advocates and state and federal leadership who work together to create system changes to end homelessness. Home Base is funded by a $1.5 million, three-year grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Home Base staff occupy offices at Anchor Recovery Community Center in Pawtucket, RI, and at Harrington Hall at the John O. Pastore Complex in Cranston, RI. Home Base provides mental health and substance use treatment services to 200 chronically homeless individuals each year and provides permanent supported housing for approximately 50 chronically homeless individuals each year.
50 Home Base has housed over 50 clients in its first year
Working Together to Strengthen Families The Providence Center recognizes the challenges that many families face and the support they need to succeed. In the Network of Care program, The Providence Center partners with community-based
One in
One in 5children and youth
have a diagnosable mental health disorder
service providers to meet the needs of children and families involved with the Department of Children, Youth and Families. The Network of Care provides an integrated service system that is family-
driven, team-based, community-based and culturally competent. Using
requiring mental health services
the “Wrap” service model, barriers to services are removed, and families are given a voice, a choice and a shared responsibility for changing the
of children
do not receive them
course of their children’s lives. Essential components of the Wrap model are applying the family’s strengths and identifying the natural supports in their lives—friends, family, community members, or faith-based resources—that can help the family reach their goals. The Network of Care program is located in The Providence Center’s new outpatient clinic housed at Providence Community Health Centers at Prairie Avenue. The Network of Care program and the Family Care Community Partnership are community-based programs that work with families to ensure that they receive coordinated, comprehensive services designed to address their behavioral health, primary care and life needs.
Partners in the Network of Care Communities for People Community Solutions, Inc. Key Program, Inc.
(National Center for Children in Poverty)
What is Wrap? Wrap is a practice of care that includes the development of an integrated and individualized plan of care to address the family’s needs based on the strengths of the child and their family’s culture and support system. - Increased protective factors in families - Improved family engagement in services - Increased permanency and stability for children - Improved behavior - Improved outcomes in school and early care settings
Child & Family Casey Family Services Whitmarsh House Ocean Tides
- Increased family resources to support their children - Increased family satisfaction with services - Decreased risks and increased safety in families - Decreased mental health symptoms
Fiscal Year 2012 Statistics Consolidating statement of activities and changes
Clients Served by Age
in net assets for fiscal year ending June 30, 2012 (unaudited)
75+ 4% 4% 21-64
Source of Funding Consultation and other income Third-party reimbursements Client activities, fees and residential rental income
Medicaid Third-party reimbursements Cities and towns Consultation and other income Federal Occupancy costs (in kind) Client activities, fees and residential rental income Fundraising and contributions TOTAL
13% State of RI 25%
Medicaid 3%
$13,874,292 $ 5,075,829 $ 3,369,996 $ 2,642,037 $ 1,735,509 $ 1,108,995 $ 873,397 $ 355,959 $38,471,967
Clients Served by Ethnicity
Occupancy costs (in kind)
Hispanic/ Latino White
Cities and towns
Unknown/ Other
Fundraising and contributions 1%
Use of Funding Adult Behavioral Health Child and Family Services Community Support Services Residential Services Vocational Services Management and General TOTAL
Community Support Services 18%
Residential Services
$10,814,994 $ 7,513,907 $ 6,989,252 $ 6,783,477 $ 798,734 $ 5,005,113 $37,905,477
Asian 2%
American Indian/ Alaskan Native 1%
Black/African American Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: Less than 1%
The Providence Center Staff Ethnicity
Child and Family Services 20%
Adult Behavioral Health
Asian 3%
Management and General 13%
Vocational Services 2%
White 62%
Black/African American 16% Hispanic/ Latino 12%
Change in net assets: $566,490 Unspecified 3% American Indian/Alaskan Native: Less than 1% Two or more races: Less than 1%
The Charles e. Maynard soCieTy The Charles E. Maynard Society recognizes donors who have made a significant investment in The Providence Center. Members have named The Providence Center as beneficiary of a planned gift such as a bequest, trust or retirement plan with a value of $10,000 or more or have cumulative giving totaling $10,000 or more as of June 30, 2012. Cumulative Gifts $250,000 or more The Rhode Island Foundation Cumulative Gifts $100,000 - $249,999 Anonymous (1) The Champlin Foundations The Del Prete Family Foundations Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Doyle/ The Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schwartz Shriners of Rhode Island Charities Trust Cumulative Gifts $50,000 - $99,999 Donald R. Barbeau, Coffee Express LTD Blue Cross and Blue Shield of RI Mr. and Mrs. James Botvin Mr. Richard Bready Mr.* and Mrs. Malcolm G. Chace/ The Chace Fund, Inc. Citizens Bank Dr. and Mrs. Steven I. Cohen The CVS Caremark Charitable Trust, Inc./ CVS Caremark Charity Classic Lawrence Kahn/Kahn, Litwin, Renza & Co., Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Maynard New England Toyota Dealers Advertising Association, Inc. Nortek, Inc. Richard* and Sandra Oster The Providence Journal Company Sovereign Bank / Santander Starkweather & Shepley Insurance Brokerage, Inc. Tufts Health Plan Foundation, Inc. Youths’ Friends Association, Inc. Cumulative Gifts $25,000 - $49,999 Mr. David Allen and Ms. Sheree Kaplan Bank of America
Anonymous (1)** Mr. James Berson and Ms. Lauren Baer Butler Hospital Capitol City Group, Ltd.** Joseph and Paula Caramadre Electric Boat Corporation Employees’ Community Services Association Mr. and Mrs. Karl Ericson June Rockwell Levy Foundation, Inc. The Law Firm of Marasco & Nesselbush, LLP Dr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald Nixon Peabody LLP Governor and Mrs. Philip W. Noel The Fred M. Roddy Foundation, Inc. Shechtman Halperin Savage, LLP Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Silver TACO/The White Family Foundation** Joshua and Cindy Teverow Textron Charitable Trust Cumulative Gifts $10,000 - $24,999 Alpha Pension Group Anonymous (5)** Aurora Technologies/EDI Support, Inc.** Beacon Health Strategies, LLC Billy Andrade - Brad Faxon Charities for Children Ms. Maureen E. Boudreau Bob and Rhea Brooks Nat and Ellen Calamis Dave and Anne Campbell Governor and Mrs. Donald L. Carcieri Marguerite Chadwick** The Chelo Family - Chelo’s Restaurants** Howard Chudacoff, PhD, and Nancy Fisher Chudacoff, Esq. The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Inc. Coastway Community Bank Cox Business Patty and Pete Deal** Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Delaney Dr. and Mrs. Charles Denby, II, MD/ Bromwell Trust Mr. and Mrs. William P. Devereaux, Esq. Dominion Diagnostics, LLC** Mr.* and Mrs. Stanley Grossman Hareld Glass Co. Hasbro Children’s Fund Deborah and Mark Jennings Jayna and Dale Klatzker Kenneth E. Knox and Marianne Holmes** Mr.* and Mrs. Paul Langmuir The Forrest C. Lattner Foundation, Inc. Lifespan LISC – RI Childcare Facilities Fund The Lyons Company, LLC
Martins Maintenance, Inc. The Miriam Hospital Mrs. Lilia G. Nash Neighborhood Health Plan of RI New York Life Foundation** O. Ahlborg & Sons, Inc. Ocean State Charities Trust Artie and Beverly Pacheco Parker Thompson Brouillette Performance Environmental Services, LLC** Philadelphia Insurance Companies** Picerne Military Housing** Felix and Lori Porcaro The Procaccianti Group RI Realty Management Corporation Roberts, Carroll, Feldstein & Peirce, Inc. Ropes & Gray, LLP Salvadore Auctions, Inc.** Security Concepts, Inc. Rob and Mindy Sherwin Mr. and Mrs. David Sluter Sparrow & Company Ms. Kathleen Sullivan Anne and Michael Szostak TD Bank** Telaka Foundation, Inc. Textron Charitable Trust Verizon Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wood, Sr. Planned GifTs Anonymous Donald R. Barbeau, Coffee Express LTD Howard Chudacoff, PhD, and Nancy Fisher Chudacoff, Esq. Walter Craddock, Esq., CFP® and Lynne Urbani Craddock Mr.* and Mrs. Stanley Grossman Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Maynard Dr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald Mrs. Lilia G. Nash Ms. Emily Nelson Pamela and James Rubovits Ms. Kathleen Sullivan **new member *deceased
TribuTe GifTs Our sincere appreciation to the following donors who generously supported The Providence Center’s mission. This list reflects memorials and honorariums received between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012 for the Annual Campaign only.
In Honor of Alice Barbeau Donald R. Barbeau, Coffee Express LTD In Memory of Anne Cardosi Ms. Melanie Dubois In Honor of Simmy Carter & Imagine Preschool Mrs. Deborah W. Cameron
In Honor of Bryna Hebert Ms. Sage Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Carter Ms. Joanne Deighan Mr. James M. Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Farkash Ms. Sally Ann Hay, LICSW and Ms. Deirdre Bird Mr. Frank A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Murphy Mr. William F. O’Donnell Ms. Susan J. O’Halloran Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Paolucci Mr. Manuel Rivas Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sheehy Mr. Ernest D. Simon Ms. Bonnie Speer McGrath Mr. Don Sutherland Mr. Austin Toole In Memory of Joseph R. Hill Mr. Kevin Ford
In Memory of Joao F. Costa Mrs. Stephanie Costa
In Memory of Napolean Jones Mr. Patrick Miamen
In Memory of Larry Dellecese Mrs. Lorraine Carlino
In Honor of Dale K. Klatzker, PhD Mrs. Manuela Gomes Mr. and Mrs. Mark Salamone
In Memory of Pamela Dutwin Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Dutwin Nicki Sahlin, PhD In Memory of Robert Farrell Ms. Denise L. Riel In Memory of Kathleen Fitzpatrick Mrs. Ruth B. Whipple In Memory of Jennifer M. Gabriel Metals USA & Craftworkers Union, Local 16031 USW In Honor of Nancy Greenleaf Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Greenleaf In Memory of Clinton Grossman Mrs. Clinton Grossman In Honor of Gerald T. Harrington Mr. Guillaume de Ramel F/S Capitol Consulting, LLC Dianne M. Flaherty, LICSW Ms. Amy E. Gabarra Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Ray
In Honor of Kenneth E. Knox and Marianne Holmes Ms. Elena Blanchette Dianne M. Flaherty, LICSW Mr. James Jaques, III Mr. Kenneth B. Knox Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Northern Mr. and Mrs. Mark Salamone Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Valois In Memory of Eugene Laliberte Glines & Rhodes, Inc. Mr. David L. Heroux and Ms. Barbara B. Powers Mr. and Mrs. Richard Laliberte Mr. and Mrs. James LaSalle Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pappas Ratcliffe Harten Burke & Galamaga LLP Taylor, Duane, Barton & Gilman LLP Mr. and Mrs. Carl K. Tucker In Honor of Ian Lang Mr. and Mrs. Abbott Gleason
In Honor of Charles E. Maynard Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Belcher Mr. Brandon M. Klar Mrs. Chester Rutkowski In Honor of Maureen McDonald Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Walker In Memory of Mary C. McNally Ms. Anne E. Maykish In Memory of Jeremiah McQuillan Mr. Joseph M. Bennett, IV In Honor of Edgar Parenteau Ms. Aimee Dupre In Memory of David Penco Filomena C. Penco, LICSW In Memory of Juliana Rodriguez Mrs. Damerkys Alberto In Memory of Warren M. Rohsenow Damaris J. Rohsenow, PhD and Mr. Norm Dudziak In Memory of David Rossi Mr. Michael J. Rossi In Memory of Joseph P. Stevenson Ms. Susan B. Montaquila In Honor of Sarah Tedeschi Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Santangini In Memory of Jacqueline Teverow Factor Ms. Lillian Westervelt In Memory of Celia Valderrama Mrs. Carla Sosa In Honor of Elizabeth Valente Ms. Julie Hassett and Mr. Paul Valente In Honor of Beverly Watkins Ms. Charlotte Watkins In Honor of Kenneth Watkins Ms. Charlotte Watkins
annual and endowMenT GifTs Our sincere appreciation to the following donors who generously supported the Annual Campaign and Charles E. Maynard Fund for the Future between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. Donors $50,000+ The Rhode Island Foundation The Champlin Foundations Del Prete Family Foundation Donors $25,000 - $49,999 Anonymous (2) Tufts Health Plan Foundation, Inc. Donors $10,000 - $24,999 The Chelo Family – Chelo’s Restaurants Donald R. Barbeau, Coffee Express LTD The Law Firm of Marasco & Nesselbush, LLP New York Life Foundation Picerne Military Housing Damaris J. Rohsenow, PhD and Mr. Norm Dudziak Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schwartz Shriners of Rhode Island Charities Trust TACO/The White Family Foundation Founders Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Mr. David Allen and Ms. Sheree Kaplan Alpha Pension Group Anonymous (4) Billy Andrade – Brad Faxon Charities for Children Mr. and Mrs. James Botvin BRIDGE Technical Solutions, LLC Capitol City Group, Ltd. Cox Business Dominion Diagnostics, LLC Electric Boat Corp. Employees’ Community Services Assoc. Harbour Point Financial Group Kahn, Litwin, Renza & Co., Ltd. Security Concepts, Inc. Starkweather & Shepley Insurance Brokerage, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Doyle/The Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation Toyota Dealer Match Program Youths’ Friends Association, Inc. Circle of Stars $2,500 - $4,999 Beacon Health Strategies LLC Steven and Simmy Carter CharterCARE Health Partners Citizens Bank Foundation Coastway Community Bank CVS Caremark Corporation Diocese of Providence Ms. Diane Harrington Insurance Reconstruction Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William V. Irons MDRT Foundation Neighborhood Health Plan of RI Nixon Peabody LLP Park Donuts, Inc. Penn Mutual Performance Environmental Services, LLC Philadelphia Insurance Companies RI Association for the Education of Young Children Roberts, Carroll, Feldstein & Peirce Ms. Kathleen Sullivan TD Bank UnitedHealthcare of New England Circle of Light $1,000 - $2,499 Acadia Insurance Group, LLC Anonymous (2) AllianceBernstein Investments Aurora Technologies/EDI Support, Inc. Bank of America Batchelor Frechette McCrory Michael & Co. Mr. Mark D. Bevelander Blackstone Valley Community Health Care, Inc. Blue Cross & Blue Shield of RI Ms. Elaine M. Carvelli Marguerite Chadwick Howard Chudacoff, PhD and Nancy Fisher Chudacoff, Esq. The Claflin Company Dr. and Mrs. Rodney J. Clifton Dr. and Mrs. Steven I. Cohen Dr. and Mrs. Carl M. Cotoia Coverys Mr. James O. Daley and Mrs. Katherine M. Neill
Dan’s Management Mr. Guillaume de Ramel Patty and Pete Deal Delta Dental of Rhode Island Mr. and Mrs. William P. Devereaux, Esq. Dimeo Construction Company Durkee, Brown, Viveiros & Werenfels Architects, Inc. Emerson-Swan, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Ericson F/S Capitol Consulting, LLC Family Service of Rhode Island, Inc. Ferguson-JD Daddario Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fitting, Jr. Freedom National Bank The Groden Network Gloria and Bryce Hall Mr. David F. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrington Mr. Stephen P. Harrington The Hartford Insurance Company Hollis Meddings Group Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jennings Lavender & Wyatt Systems, Inc. Mr. James T. Lynch Ms. Susan M. Mansolillo MassMutual Financial Group Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Maynard Mazza Construction Dr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald Ms. Rosemary Mede and Mr. Tom Rainey MetLife Auto & Home Ms. Justine Metz and Ms. Kerrie Fisette Mill City Construction, Inc. Mr. Kenneth S. Musket Governor and Mrs. Philip W. Noel Paster & Harpootian, Ltd. Peerless Insurance The Providence Community Health Centers, Inc. Regan Heating & Air Conditioning Co. Inc. The Right Charitable Foundation Robert’s Electric Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sadler Salvadore Auctions, Inc. Ms. Amy Samuelson and Mr. Steven L. Zelkowitz Mr. and Mrs. Eric Schold Sovereign Bank / Santander Mr. and Mrs. Joel Stark Supply Kitchen and Bath Gallery Taco, Inc.
The Fund Development Office has worked carefully to ensure the accuracy of the information in these lists. If you recognize an omission, please contact Lisa Desbiens at (401) 527-0127 or
TEVA Pharmaceuticals Joshua and Cindy Teverow The Honorable Stephen R. Ucci Victory Heating and Air Conditioning Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wall Winkler Group Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wood, Sr. Circle of Hope $500 - $999 Anonymous (2) Guy Abelson Catering BankRI Ms. Carol G. Barton Ms. Michelle Beauregard Budget Termite & Pest Control Mrs. Deborah W. Cameron Mr. Christopher D. Campanella Ms. Lyn Chapman City of Providence Columbia Management Mr. Walter R. Craddock, Esq. CFP® and Ms. Lynne Urbani Craddock Ms. Jayme Dandeneau Drug & Alcohol Treatment Association of RI Eaton Vance Mrs. Rosalie Fain Ms. Mary Fasano The Alan Shawn Feinstein Foundation Mr. Charles A. Feldman Dianne M. Flaherty, LICSW Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Friedman Fusion Logistics Mrs. Mary Ann Greer Chase Mr.* and Mrs. Hazel Grossman Hamel Waxler Allen & Collins Jays Company Mr. Kenneth B. Knox Kenneth E. Knox and Marianne Holmes Korber Hats, Inc. Mr. Ian A. Lang and Ms. Melissa Anne Malone Lord, Abbett & Company MFS Investment Management MTS Medication Technologies Mr. and Mrs. David K. Mullen New England Construction Company OfficeMax Otrando, Porcaro & Associates, Ltd Pacheco Automotive, Inc. Ms. Rachel Paliotti Phoenix Houses of New England
Ms. Jana M. Planka Prudential Investments Putnam Investments RelayHealth RI Medical Society Mr. Paul D. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Varone Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Rudis SMG/Rhode Island Convention Center Mr. and Mrs. Michael Szostak Thornburg Investment Management UFCW Union, Local 328 United Behavioral Health W.B. Mason Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. White Circle of Friends $100 - $499 AAA Southern New England Ms. Angela Abele-Gora Advanced Benefit Strategies, Inc. Ms. Dawn Almon Mr. and Mrs. William F. Almon Anonymous (3) Ms. Elida Araujo-Picard Mr. Edward G. Avila Barbara Sokoloff Associates Ms. Susan Beck Mr. Kenneth H. Belcher Mr. Sanford Altman and Ms. Alice C. Boss Altman Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Botvin Mr. Frederic P. Brown Mr. William Cadieux, Jr. Mr. Timothy M. Cadigan Nat and Ellen Calamis Kathleen M. Staudinger, MD and Joseph J. Campbell Mr. George Cardoza, Jr. Mr. Daniel L. Carto, RPh Mr. Thomas Castelnuovo Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Cawthorne, Jr. Omer Cermik, MD Mr. and Mrs. David S. Chaffee Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Charbonneau Chili’s Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Choiniere Ms. Kris Chwalk Ms. Deborah P. Clarke Mr. Thomas R. Coderre Mrs. Lucille J. Collard Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Comparetto Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett
Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Corkery Cranston Country Club Ms. Cherry Cumming Ms. Jennifer Dalen Ms. Laura Dalomba Damiani Builders Mr. Michael W. Dandridge Lisa D. Desbiens, CFRE Ms. Jane A. Desforges and Mr. Michael J. White Mr. and Mrs. John Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Dooley Mr. Gregory Dudzik Mr. Dennis J. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Dutwin Mr. Allen Ehling Elmwood Auto Service Embolden Design Essential Learning, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Farmer III Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Faulkner Mr. Matthew J. Federico Mr. and Mrs. David Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Fogarty, Jr. Mr. Keith L. Fornal Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fredericks Mr. Evan Freid and Mr. Barry Freid Ms. Amy E. Gabarra Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Gernt, Jr. Michael F. Gilson, MD Mr. and Mrs. Rick Gladney Mr. and Mrs. Abbott Gleason Glines & Rhodes, Inc. Ms. Beverly A. Goldfield Mrs. Manuela Gomes Mr. and Mrs. James J. Goodwin Ms. Kathy Grant Mr. Richard H. Gregory III Mrs. Clinton Grossman Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guarino Mr. James M. Hagerty Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hall John M. Harpootian, Esq. David J. Harrington, MD Daniel S. Harrop, MD Ms. Mary Hartke Ms. Mary P. Hauser, MA Ms. Nancy Hermiz Mr. Mark Higgins Ms. Kathleen Hinckley Mrs. Christie A. Holmes iCentrix Corp.
Mr. Bernard Jackvony Mr. James Jaques III Kingston Auction Company Mr. Brandon M. Klar Jayna and Dale Klatzker Mr. and Mrs. Ian Knowles Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Lang Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. LaPolla Mr. Tim Leyden The Honorable and Mrs. Howard I. Lipsey Mr. Peter J. Lucas Mr. Michael D. Lynch Mr. Adelino Machado Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. Magaziner Manning and Napier Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Marra Mr. and Mrs. David E. Marshall Rena B. Mate, MD Mayforth Group Mr. and Mrs. Romeo A. Maynard, Jr. Mr. Donald L. Mays Mr. William and Dr. Dianne McAulay, PhD Mr. Lawrence P. McCarthy Mr. Gerald G. McClure Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. McClure Ms. Veronica McFarland McKinnon & Harwood, LLC Mr. Mark A. McSally Mr. and Mrs. Richard Michaud Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Milas Mr. and Mrs. Michael Millard Miller Moore’s Landscaping Timothy Morgan, Esq. Nadeau & Simmons, PC Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Napoli Adelaide G. Nardone, MD Mrs. Lilia G. Nash Nefilim Associates, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Barry G. Njoes Mr. and Mrs. Keith Northern Ms. Ana P. Novais Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. O’Brien Ms. Paula C. Pais Mr. and Mrs. Richard Paolino Ms. Denise Patnode Pawtucket Credit Union Payden & Company, LLC Mr. Angelo Pezzullo Mr. Robert Pillsbury Mrs. Betty B. Pinkos Mr. and Mrs. John Pinkos
ProMail, Etc. Mrs. Frances M. Protano Providence Business News Gatti & Associates and Xavier Associates Mr. Michael Raspallo Ratcliffe Harten Burke & Galamaga LLP Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Ray RI Council of Community Mental Health Orgs., Inc Ms. Donna Richard Mr. A.J. Rockwell Ms. Becky Ross Mr. Michael J. Rossi Russolino & Young LTD. Mrs. Chester Rutkowski Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Ryan Ms. Olympia M. Ryan Nicki Sahlin, PhD Mr. Jerrold A. Salmanson Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Santos Mr. and Mrs. James R. Schomer Scofield Auctions, Inc. & Centennial Auctions Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sekac Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Selwyn Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Semonoff Mr. Daniel Sendroff Ms. Kimberly Serra Ms. Margaret A. Sharkey Shove Insurance Inc. Ms. Leslie M. Smith Mr. Ross Smith Louis V. Sorrentino, MD Ms. Lori J. Spangler Ms. Barbara Stamp Stephen’s Masonry Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sullivan Taylor Fay PC Taylor, Duane, Barton & Gilman, LLP TCAA Mr. Merrill Thomas Mr. Rob Thomson Mr. Michael Tousignant, CPA UBS Financial Services Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Valois Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh Ms. Ronnee Wasserman and Mr. Herbert Sackett Ms. Charlotte Watkins Ms. Judith P. Watts Ms. Katharine White, MS and
Mr. William White Mr. Robert T. Whittaker Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wilkinson Ms. Judith Wilson Mr. and Mrs. John A. Winters, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Wolters Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Zaroogian Mr. Alan G. Zartarian Patrons $1 - $99 Mr. and Mrs. John Affleck Ms. Joyce Akinfolarin Ms. Damerkys Alberto Mary Allard, LICSW Allstate Fire Protection, Inc. Anonymous (12) Ms. Courtney K. Bedard Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Bennett, IV Ms. Mary-Ellen Benoit Ms. Brydie Bernardo Ms. Elena Blanchette Mr. Anthony A. Botelho Ms. Maureen E. Boudreau Ms. Sage Boyle Ms. Jennifer Bradstreet Mr. and Mrs. Emmett T. Browne Ms. Erika H. Burrows Mr. John Carbone Ms. Lorraine Carlino Mr. John Carney Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Champagne Ms. Denise Choquet Mr. Matthew D. Cimini Ms. Tracey Cohen Ms. Crystal Comeau Ms. Susan M. Cook Mr. Jonathan Cornell Ms. Stephanie Costa Ms. Joanne Deighan Mr. James M. Dempsey Mr. Steven Detoy Mr. Charles J. Donovan Ms. Melanie Dubois Ms. Aimee Dupre Ms. Elizabeth H. Edgerly Mr. Jeffrey D. Emidy Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Farkash Mr. Raymond Fernandes Mr. Luis Ferreira Mr. Peter G. Fitzpatrick Mr. Kevin Ford Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Fortin
Ms. Dina A. Gagliardi Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore R. Gentile Mr. John Gibbons Mr. James E. Gillen, Jr. Mr. Jim Goulet Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Greenleaf Mr. Arthur Greenwood Mrs. Jeanne A. Harrington Ms. Sally Ann Hay, LICSW and Ms. Deirdre Bird Mr. and Mrs. Quilvio Hernandez Mr. David L. Heroux and Ms. Barbara B. Powers Mr. Ken Indof Mr. Frank A. Johnson Ms. Kimberly A. Johnson Mr. Steven E. Johnson Mr. Dennis Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Kelly Ms. Florence M. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Ian Knowles Mr. and Mrs. Richard Laliberte Mrs. Deborah A. Lancia Mr. and Mrs. James LaSalle Ms. Charlene F. Lataille Mr. Harvey Lee, Jr. Ms. Julie Lenahan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martella II Ms. Lisa Martinez Ms. Elizabeth D. Mattos Ms. Ann E. Maykish Ms. Paula A. McAloon Mr. Craig McAnaugh Ms. Bonnie Speer McGrath Ms. Cheryl L. Melo Metals & Craftworkers Union, Local 16031 USW Mr. Patrick Miamen Mr. Carlos Missagia Mr. Sophai Moeuy Ms. Brenda Molho Mr. Chris Molloy Ms. Susan B. Montaquila Mr. Walter Moore Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Murphy Mr. Niall John Murphy Ms. Pearl Nathan Ms. Maureen Newman Mr. Thomas Lawrence Nowell Ms. Chamille Numrich
Mr. Robert Nye Mr. William F. O’Donnell Ms. Susan J. O’Halloran Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Paolucci Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pappas Mr. Emmanuel Parfait Ms. Aurora Paul Ms. Fausat Peah Filomena C. Penco, LICSW Mr. Arthur Plitt Mr. Frank Ricci Ms. Denise L. Riel Mr. Manuel Rivas RM Painting Co. Inc Ms. Rosemary Rotelli Kazi M. Salahuddin, MD Mr. and Mrs. Mark Salamone Ms. Nicole Saunders Ms. Allison Sebastiao Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sheehy Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Silver Mr. Ernest D. Simon Mrs. Carla Sosa Mr. Matt Stark Sheila Steiner, MD and Manfred Steiner, MD Mr. Don Sutherland Ms. Jill E. Tavares Ms. Dianne N. Tetreault Mr. David Thayer Thielsch Engineering, Inc. Mr. Austin Toole Mr. and Mrs. Carl K. Tucker Mrs. Susan B. Vadenais Ms. Julie Hassett and Mr. Paul Valente Ms. Lillian Westervelt Mrs. Ruth B. Whipple Mr. Dan Zeitlin *deceased
Our sincere appreciation to the following donors who generously supported The Providence Center’s mission. This list reflects in-kind donations received between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. Founders Circle $5,000+ Massage Envy Spa – East Greenwich The Peregrine Group, LLC Providence Business News St. Teresa’s Parish TURFER Circle of Stars $2,500 - $4,999 Guy Abelson Catering Fire Works Catering Koch Eye Associates Newport National Golf Club Sir Speedy-Cranston Circle of Light $1,000 - $2,499 Mr. and Mrs. James Botvin Mr. Alfred Cinquegrana Donald R. Barbeau, Coffee Express LTD John P. Femino, MD, FASAM, MRO Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Fitting, Jr. Mr. Alfred Folco Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Lewinstein Mr. Joseph D. Meddings, CPA Triggs Memorial Golf Course Wannamoisett Country Club Circle of Hope $500 - $999 Agawam Hunt Allied Waste Anonymous (2) Bacaro Biafore Law Offices, LLP Mr. Sam Brickell Cardi’s Furniture Cedar Ridge Studio Crimzon Rose Mr. and Mrs. John Donnelly Janney Montgomery Scott LLC Paul A. Lietar, Esq. Ms. Lori Mahoney Ms. Justine Metz and Ms. Kerrie Fisette Ocean House - Ocean House Management, LLC Performance Environmental Services Sheahan Printing Corporation Shelter Harbor Golf Club Ms. Kathleen Sullivan The White Family Travelers Circle of Friends $200 - $499 A Beautiful You A New Leaf Anonymous (3) Apponaug Chiropractic Center Mr. Joseph Bagley Batchelor Frechette McCrory Michael & Co. The Boston Beer Company, Inc.
The Claflin Company Coastway Community Bank Cox Business Cresta Bar & Ristorante Dominion Diagnostics, LLC Mr. Gary Giffen Ms. Katherine Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrington Jacqueline Philip Salon & Spa Mr. Robert Kilduff Ledgemont Country Club Little Birdie Papercraft & Design The Lobster Pot Mr. Bill Maguire Santa George Martin McLaughlin & Moran, Inc. Ms. Martha J. Morris Mr. David Morsilli Newport Waterfront Events Pawtucket Red Sox Providence Children’s Museum Quidnessett Country Club Ms. Donna Sormanti Starkweather & Shepley Insurance Brokerage, Inc. Swarovski North America, Ltd. Trinity Repertory Company W.B. Mason Co., Inc. Westport Rivers Vineyard & Winery Patron $1 - $199 The 1661 Inn & Hotel Manisses 2nd Story Theatre 7 Stones Emporium, LLC AAA Southern New England AllPozabilities International Always & Forever Evening & Bridal Boutique Amy’s Apples and Devilish Delights Anonymous (4) Audubon Society of Rhode Island Autocrat, Inc. Ms. Mary-Ellen Benoit Boston Providence Ryder System, Inc. Campus Fine Wines Caserta Pizzeria Ms. Rene Casto Chemawa Golf Course CIGNA Group Insurance Cinemaworld The Coast Guard House Restaurant Dr. and Mrs. Steven I. Cohen Community College of Rhode Island Courthouse Center for the Arts Crystal Lake Golf Course Dave & Busters Davis Farmland & Mega Maze Ms. Ann DeBonis Lisa D. Desbiens, CFRE Dominion Energy Manchester Street, Inc. Dunkin Donuts East Side Massage Therapy Edible Arrangements Eleven Forty Nine Restaurant Euphoria Institute of Beauty Arts & Sciences F1 Boston Festival Ballet Providence
Fleming’s Frame it RI The GAMM Theatre Mrs. Mary Ann Greer Chase Ms. Mary Hartke Interstate Navigation Company JW Graham La Gondola Providence, Inc. Ladder 133 Learning Connection Ms. Sheran Little Matunuck Oyster Bar Mr. Joe McGovern Ms. Linda Meyer Michele Topor’s Boston Food Tours Mohegan Sun Monster Mini Golf Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design Newport Restaurant Group Newport Sailing School and Tours North Country Rivers Mr. Richard J. O’Brien Ocean State Chiropractic & Sports Rehab Ocean State Theatre Company, Inc./ Theatre By The Sea Old Sturbridge Village Ovation Salon & Spa P.F. Chang’s Panera Bread Catering Performance Physical Therapy Ms. Karen E. Phillips Mr. James Pinel Pinkberry Plimoth Plantation Mr. Tom Powell Precision Pilates & Gyrotonic The Preservation Society of Newport County Ms. Lisa Procter Providence Performing Arts Center Mr. John Rebello Rhode Island Monthly Rhode Island Zoological Society and Roger Williams Park Zoo Ricoh USA, Inc. Rob Roy Academy Russell Morin Fine Catering Sakonnet Vineyards & Winery Salon Nirvana The Savory Grape & The Savory Affair Schwabby’s Wine & Spirits Ms. Patricia Seminick Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sheehy Showcase Cinemas Shri Studio Siena Restaurant The Honorable Michael A. Solomon Stadium Theatre Performing Arts Center Ms. Hema Sundaresha Tasca Automotive Group Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Teverow Trinity Brew House T’s Restaurant Wink! Boutique Zoo New England
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