The Queer Chronicle - April 2011

Page 1

TQC Issue 2 . Volume 8 . India

FEATURE STORY mex in the city


the midnight


one night in

BANGKOK a queer view the front row

GUYS AND BALLS the top things to do in




th wi in w no ders r e a 2 0 + ies tr un o c

in this


mex in the city



a queer view



the best things to do in




the front row



event announcement



one night in



the midnight

l'objet du désir




setting the after party




who is gonna ride you home



for the morning after -

newly launched



TQC. Issue 2. Volume 8. India. Cover page graphic concept & design: Keith. Editor & publisher: Keith | Contributors: Abhishek Agarwal, Alika, Amey Kolhe, ‘Enigma’, Jan Coutto, Sanket Tandulwadkar. Layout concept, design & production: Keith. TQC (The Queer Chronicle) is India’s longest running free monthly e-magazine published for and by the queer community in India. This e-zine is a non-commercial publication, is not for sale and is exclusively for private distribution. Views expressed are solely the opinions of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the editorial team of TQC, nor its affiliates. The content of this e-zine may not be suitable for all audiences. The appearance of any person in this ezine, is not to be taken as any indication of the sexual orientation of such persons. TQC respects the copyrights of photographs / images and ensures that due credit of the sources of these are mentioned.,,

Please print this ezine only if you have to. Help save our planet.


Welcome to April 2011 and the 20th edition of TQC. The queer circuits were abuzz through February and March with the TV9 fiasco, which in a way was a wakeup call for all of us. However it is said, ‘there is no smoke without fire’. Not that we condone TV9’s blatant violation of individual privacy, but it brings into perspective the stereotypes we have created for ourselves, setting the stage for homophobic backlash. Our feature story “CAUGHT IN THE FISHNETS” introspects on queer life -­‐ beyond our sexuality, beyond the ‘defined’ stereotypes. The sordid episode also brings into perspective that in this era of virtual dating, everything is available on the go. Even sex! But the web can be a dangerous place. In a queer view, we bring home the hard-­‐ hitting fact that “ THE WEB HAS MANY FACES”. We are often caught up in a world of virtual intrigue that we forget that a real world exists. A world that brims with activity, packed with excitement. In our new 6 part series “ THE BEST THINGS TO DO”, TQC vignettes a slice of queer life in key metros across India. In this issue, we start our journey in Mumbai. In each issue, we will also take you to one of India’s most happening parties, in “ THE MIDNIGHT PROWL” and we’ll also help you set the mood for your very own after party. After a wild night out on the party circuit, hunger pangs are sure to get the better of you. In our revamped F&B column “FOR THE MORNING AFTER” TQC presents a series on ‘quick fix’ yet wholesome brunch delicacies to sustain you and your date for the rest of the day.


With international business travel becoming increasingly frequent, there is often a quandary of what’s the best way to make the most of an overnight stopover. In our new series, “ONE NIGHT IN” TQC presents a list of must-­‐do’s, to make your ‘one-­‐night’ titillating worthwhile. This month, we feature the obvious. Bangkok! We also bring you a slice of the good life, with our columns on the ‘must-­‐have’ gadgets, movie reports and quirky previews on your next set of wheels. Over the next few months, we plan to enhance this section to include fitness, health, personal grooming and much more. On a somber note, we are pained to inform you of the sudden passing of Chef Subodh Bodke, TQC’s F&B columnist. Our thoughts go out to his partner, his friends and his family in this difficult time. Subodh, you will be dearly missed. For now, my plea to all of you readers is “Go forth and LIVE LIFE to its fullest. No apologies. No regrets.”

Keith The Editor, TQC

mex in the city

caught in the fishn by alika

Hanging from the ceiling are long drop-­‐like crystals,

street corner. “Oh, um—this is my boyfriend,” I

casting spectral rays of green neon lights, giving the


effect of raining crystalline ooze. With leafy geometric shapes affixed to walls, the club

They shake his hand. Nervous and unsure what

resembles an Alice in Wonderland dream on acid.

to do, I hurriedly inquire, “Where are you going?”

Muscled bears, skinny emo twinks, theatrically-­‐

A Champagne lounge. I whip out my iPhone to

costumed club kids, preps—all crammed on the

locate the venue, fumbling to unlock the screen.

dance floor—shirtless, no doubt, by the end of the

We know where it is. I quickly put an end to the

night. This is Greenhouse: The prime Sunday-­‐night

agonizing interaction by giving each of them an

NYC destination for gays who are in the know.

awkward hug, even the guys, while accidently tugging at the lady’s hair. “Oh, sorry.” We

Numbed to the cold by stiff drinks, my redheaded

scamper into the darkness.

dancer of a boyfriend and I dart through the frigid night with our fashionably fierce friends, quickly

Needless to say, when I arrived in India, there

making our way to Greenhouse. Wrapped up in our

were quite a few rumors about me. Within the

thick coats and scarves, we hurriedly turn the last

first week, a colleague asked me, “Is it true that

corner. Suddenly, I hear: “ALIKA?!” I stop abruptly

you were caught drunk wearing nothing but

and pivot. There they were, a few of the Indian

fishnet?” I was horrified. “Me? Wearing

teachers I had met a few days earlier.

fishnets?” I retorted. “A fashionable gay man like myself would never be caught in fishnet.”

A couple of weeks prior to this encounter, I had just accepted a job offer to work with an educational

Though the thought of me walking around in

NGO in India. Thus, I jumped at the opportunity to

fishnet in the middle of a freezing New York

meet a few of the teachers while they were in town

winter was amusing, I was struck by how that

for a conference. Little did I know that I would see

quick interaction had turned into a rather

them again outside the thumping door of

hyperbolized depiction of what it meant to be

Greenhouse as boisterous queens anxiously


awaited to relish in its bawdiness. From that point onward, I made it my goal to


Trying to keep my composure, I slap a smile across

show the utmost professionalism and

my stupor-­‐struck face. As I ask them about their

commitment to my work. I was determined to

visit, I spot my inebriated friends peeing on the

prove that there are more sides to a gay man.




Photograph: A still frame from the music video ‘Alejandro’ by Lady Gaga. Disclaimer: The video and images thereof are used only to popularize the artist. Content is copyrighted and property to their respective owners.



Photograph: A still frame from the video ‘Alejandro’ by Lady Gaga. Disclaimer: The video and images thereof are used only to popularize the artist. Content is copyrighted and property to their respective owners.



The recent flurry from the TV9 broadcasting

This is homophobia in the gay community itself.

got me rethinking gay stereotypes. After

This divisive mindset undercuts the movement for

watching the clip, I questioned: “What about

equality. These men indulge in secret sexual

this is so astonishing?” In essence, this

exploits while hating the very men who are most

‘exposé’ reveals that gay men are party-­‐

vulnerable to public scrutiny. These girly guys,

obsessed sex addicts who are internet savvy.

hated as they are, put queers on the map while

Yup, sounds about right. Where’s the news?

their discrete counterparts are able to hide behind ‘straight-­‐acting’ façades, perpetuating the

Before coming out, I was a ‘born-­‐again

stereotype that there is only one type of gay (be it

Christian.’ I went to church four times a

a fabulous one).

week, was the president of my church’s youth group, sang in the choir, and even

Recently I was told that I just do not understand

wrote a monthly column for the bulletin

the complexity of this particular context. Well, I

(ironic, no?). My parents regularly beamed

was almost kicked out of my family. Told, quite

with pride, telling others how I was going to

bitterly, that I was a traitor. Threatened to be

become a ‘fisherman of men’ and spread the

stripped of a scholarship at my then Christian

‘word’ of God. Add on top my straight A’s in

university. As the name of my column indicates,

school and a starring role as Jesus in the high

my family is from Mexico—another area of the

school musical, and I was a near perfect ‘All-­‐

world where homosexuality is taboo.

American’ son. Fast forward 8 years after my coming out, and my Then I came out. My mother told me that I

parents have started a ministry at their

was a sinner—just as evil as a murderer—

conservative Baptist church to help counsel the

and that I was going to hell only after dying

parents of homosexual children. In fact, my dad is

of AIDS by the age of 21. Suddenly, I went

writing a book on what he calls ‘familial

from being the world’s best son to a

homophobia.’ My entire Mexican family has

demonized stereotype. Therein exists the

embraced me, including my macho, cowboy-­‐boot-­‐

danger of TV9.

strutting uncles. Even my 70-­‐year-­‐old Papa Lleyo, who hardly ever speaks a word, turned to me one

Whether the stereotype holds validity or not,

day and uttered in Spanish, “I don’t care what

our identity goes beyond that of partygoers.

others say about you. I’m proud of you.” And my

We are teachers, doctors, humanitarians,

mom? Well, she just won’t stop talking to her

artists, soldiers. We are butch, flamboyant,

church friends about how her son is living abroad

conservative, and liberal. Christian,

in India helping poor children. None of this would

Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim—we believe, we

have happened if I had stayed in the closet.

choose not to believe, and many do not know what to believe. Above all, we are

What TV9 did was disgusting. However, their


repugnance highlights a concerning underlying issue: They know so little about us. The cure for


I have great disdain for one particular type of

homophobia starts with exposure. So long our

‘gay’ for this reason. The ‘straight-­‐acting’

discreet peers flounder in the darkness; we are all

and ‘discrete’ gay who hates on ‘girly’ men.

caught in this fishnet of stereotypes.



a queer view

THE WEB HAS MANY by sanket tandulwadkar



In this internet age, there is hardly any time


for a cup of coffee when meeting someone for a date. Everything is available on the go. Even sex! So we prefer skipping the intermediate steps. The chase is all gone. Take any gay dating site, for example Planet Romeo, almost 90% of the profiles are looking for a quick shag. There is a huge pool of different varieties and a lot of options to choose from. The 2Ps you have to have are: Picture and Place and you are in the game. Then who you are, what you do, where you are from, doesn’t really matter. As materialistic as it may be, everyone is up for it at some point of time in their lives. Monogamy is long gone. Not many prefer to be tied down to someone these days. It may either be because of the easy availability of sexual partners or because no one wants the baggage that comes with a relationship. Some partners may even have a mutual understanding about this. When it comes to being gay, it is difficult to find someone with the same wavelength as yours. Most of us have a lot of ‘must haves’ that we look for in our partner. If you are vehement about finding the right guy, you ‘may’ find an interesting soul after hitting a few bumps. But if you don’t, after some time you eventually want loosen up a bit and look out for fun. And there is nothing wrong with it. The human body has needs and everyone succumbs to it at some point of time. Sleeping around is never good thing. However we never try weighing the pros and cons of it. We usually think with our head ‘down below’ when it comes to sex. Monogamous relations are however hard to find and it’s even harder to maintain them. For all you know your partner may just be cheating on you with someone else!



Since you are ‘stuck’ with someone, you at times wonder what you are missing out on if you were single. Monogamy has its advantages too. You know the person, there is a connection. It is not just meaningless sex. The best part about being in a monogamous relationship is there is no secrecy, no unknown details about the previous sex life or about the health issues. Propinquity in many forms is a blessing in a relation. In recent times, most of us have opted for polygamy as our natural lifestyle. Thanks to the internet, casual sex is available on the go. Log in for 10 minutes and there you go! Your inbox will be teeming with 20 different messages, from 20 people with 20 different traits. Choose the one that suits you and it is your lucky night! And, if you are one of the ‘head in the clouds’ sort of people, then this is what is best suited for you. You don’t have to worry about keeping in touch with anyone after the rendezvous. No strings attached, pure fun; that is what you are in for. If you think of it, no soul would have a problem with this! Change is definitely good. But when you like someone, unemotional hook-­‐ups don’t really appeal to you. And when you don’t like someone, you might want to sleep around because you think you won’t get to do that after you enter a monogamous relation or you just keep raising your bar because you are not ready for a commitment. Whatever you do, all that counts is what you have in the end. It is always better to be with a few people who know the real you, than ‘date’ a multitude of people who know the ‘internet you’!




THE BEST THINGS TO DO IN QUEER MUMBAI We are often caught up in a world of virtual intrigue, that we forget that a real world exists. A world that brims with activity, packed with excitement. In our 6 part series, TQC vignettes a slice of queer life in key metros across India. In this issue, we start our journey in Mumbai.

Visit AZAAD BAZAAR, India’s first pride store

to stock up on all those rainbow hued goodies. And a chai & chat with Simi & Sabs is a must-do!

Step into D’KLOSET to browse through a mind-boggling array of clothes, accessories and more. Would you really want to come back out? Dkloset/185682181463082

If you love reading QUEER INK is the place for you. Resident expert, Shobhna will guide you through the tomes of queer literature, DVDs & art. However, if movies are your ‘thing’, GAYBOMBAY regularly hosts queer movie screenings. Good wholesome entertainment. Definitely no porn!!

The annual international film festival, KASHISH - MUMBAI QUEER INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL is every filmlovers’ delight with the best movies, shorts & documentaries from across the world.



Which city would be complete without a vibrant selection of fabulous parties? Heading to a party by SALVATION STAR or GAYBOMBAY or GOSS PARTE are just some of the tough weekend choices you will have to make.

The GAYBOMBAY SUNDAY MEETS are a ‘do-not-miss’, with discussions on queer themed issues, not just for the LGBT community, but also for parents and supporters.

A visit to HUMSAFAR TRUST would put it all into perspective. Their dedication, their passion, their commitment continues to inspire the entire queer community. Volunteer a few hours of your week. It’s totally worth it.

The annual QUEER AZAADI MUMBAI marks the peak of queer circuit events in Mumbai. Feather boas, glitzy costumes and throngs of participants scream, “We are here, we are queer.”

Our next stop? The new, yet dynamic kid on the block, Pune :)

-­‐ Content & graphic design by Keith -­‐ Photos from respective group websites are used only to promote these groups. Images are copyrighted and are the property of their respective owners.



the midnight


March 22, 2011 | Mumbai Photographs by Jan Coutto on behalf of TQC

Disclaimer: TQC respects individuals’ privacy. We confirm that all photographs published in this section were with the express approval of the featured individuals, who were given prior intimation, at the said event, that their photographs would be published in TQC. Photographs used are the sole property of TQC.





setting the after party




Every self-­‐respecting gay party MUST have its mandatory sprinkling of tracks by the diva, Cher. Cher has long been considered an icon in popular gay culture. The reverence held for her by members of the gay community has been attributed to her accomplishments in her career, her sense of style and her longevity. In a career lasting over 45 years, Cher has sold over 100 million records worldwide. Cher’s transition to dance music and social activism in recent years has further contributed to her iconic popularity within the gay community. Her status may have been boosted by her support of her openly lesbian daughter Chastity Bono (now Chaz Bono). Although not supporting Chastity immediately after she came out, Cher has since become one of the gay community's most vocal advocates. With her dark and exotic looks, Cher continues to be a fashion trendsetter, incorporating eccentric gowns and elaborate costumes into live shows. Her ageless gay anthems, ‘Believe’, ‘Song for the lonely’, ‘Strong enough’ and ‘If I could turn back time’, sung in her deep contralto vocal range, remain eternally fresh. The lyrics are introspective and speak to every heart. Other popular songs that are a ‘must’ for every play list include ‘All or nothing’, ‘ Take me home’ and ‘I got you babe’ -­‐ perfect tracks for the not-­‐so-­‐subtle hint to the guy you are hitting on. ;)


Disclaimer: The video and images thereof are used only to popularize the artist. Content is copyrighted and property to their respective owners.



for the morning after -

LEEK TART After a wild night out on the party circuit,

To make the filling:

hunger pangs are sure to get the better of you,

In a large skillet over medium heat, melt the butter and

the morning after. TQC presents a series on

add the bacon. Saute until bacon is just beginning to

‘quick fix’ yet wholesome brunch delicacies to

brown. Add leeks, salt and pepper to taste, and 1

sustain you and your date for the rest of the day. INGREDIENTS For the pastry crust: • 1½ cups all-­‐purpose flour • ½ teaspoon coarse salt • 6 ounces cold unsalted butter, cut into pieces • 1 large beaten egg yolk For the filling: • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter • 4 slices bacon, chopped • 1 cup heavy cream • 4 leeks, white and light green parts only, thoroughly cleaned and sliced ¼ inch thick • Coarse salt and pepper • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh dill or 1 tablespoon dried dill • ¾ pound new potatoes, peeled and parboiled whole • 2 ounces coarsely grated cheese PREPARATION To make the pastry: In the bowl of a food processor, blend together flour and salt. Add the butter and pulse until butter is coated with flour. With the processor running, add the egg yolk and 1 to 4 tablespoons ice water, until the dough forms a ball. Remove, wrap in plastic and refrigerate at least 30 minutes.



tablespoon water. Wilt, stirring frequently, for 7

Heat oven to 350 degrees C. Remove pastry from

minutes. If leeks are getting too dry, add more water, 1

refrigerator and, on a lightly floured surface, roll to a

tablespoon at a time.

17-­‐inch circle. If making a free-­‐form tart, place the circle on a parchment-­‐lined baking sheet. Spread the

Add cream, ¼ cup at a time, while stirring constantly,

filling on the circle to within 2½ inches all the way

and allow most of it to absorb before adding another

around. Fold the border back up over the filling .

¼ cup until all the cream has been used. Sprinkle grated cheese over top of tart, and bake Cut the potatoes in half lengthwise and then into ½-­‐

about 40 minutes until bubbly and crust is well

inch slices. Add dill and potato slices to leeks and mix


thoroughly. Remove from heat. Serve hot, preferably on a breakfast tray in bed!





GUYS AND BALLS movie report by amey kolhe In the movie ‘Guys & Balls’ (or Männer wie wir), Ecki (Maximilian Brückner) lives with his parents who own a bakery in Boldrup, a (fictitious) small German town near Dortmund. Football, the German national pastime, is particularly popular in this heavily industrialized region and Ecki has been an avid and successful player since his childhood days. In a decisive game, he fails to keep a ball and is then evicted from the team, with his mistake being used to cover the real reason—the revelation that he is gay that comes about when he is observed by some of his teammates kissing another man on the mouth. Ecki is defiant and immediately sets out to form his own team and beat his ex-­‐teammates at their game. Meanwhile, he also manages to win the heart of dreamboy Sven (David Rott), who becomes his first boyfriend. Training of the team is done by Karl (Rolf Zacher), an ex-­‐soccer player himself who quit the sport years ago after a stinging defeat.



Note: This photograph is not from the movie and has been used only for the purpose of representation. Photo credit: footballitaliano



When the big day of the game comes, the match starts out badly for Ecki's team, but ultimately they are able to triumph over his old teammates by allowing their homophobia to turn against themselves. With homophobia in German professional sports (and also among the sports fans) being just as rampant as in many other countries and the disdain of many "out" gays to be involved in an activity that they perceive to be associated with homophobia and preferring to form their own clubs instead, the film's theme, despite adhering to the standards of comedy, resonates with reality and is not as outrageous as it may seem. While this movie is officially endorsed by the Borussia Dortmund soccer club, individual pro soccer players have stayed mum about it. Männer wie wir may also be regarded as the first major German sports comedy. While this genre is far more established in the United States with movies such as Hard Ball (2001) or The Mighty Ducks (1992) in which an underdog team is posed to somehow find the spirit to win an important game against a far superior opponent, these kinds of movies are relatively rare in German cinema. It may therefore not be surprising that this particular movie was made by an American-­‐born director. Year of release: 2004. Language: German with English sub-­‐titles. Genres: Comedy, drama, romance. Running time: 106 minutes. Director: Sherry Horman

Watch the trailer of ‘ Guys & Balls’ on


www.yo utube.c TQC


KASHISH Mumbai International Queer Film Festival 2011, the second edition of India’s only

• A competition section for Best Narrative Feature too, which would include both Indian and

mainstream LGBT film fest, promises to be BIGGER,

International films made in 2010 / 2011. This is in

BOLDER & QUEERER. The second edition will be

addition to the other competitive categories

held from May 25-­‐29, 2011 at two venues in

awarded last year: Best Docu Feature, Best Docu

Mumbai, one of which will be a multiplex theater.

Short, Best International Narrative Short and Best

Indian Narrative Short.

This year, the festival will showcase more than 130

• The Best Indian queer short film at Kashish gets

films from over 25 countries.

to compete for the Iris Prize in UK and a cash prize of 25,000 pounds.

The highlights this year: • More feature length films than last year with some very sensitive lesbian themed features. • Films from across the globe: from US to UK, Australia to Austria, India to Indonesia and even Argentina and Peru.

• Also watch out for an eminent jury comprising of award winning filmmakers, actors and media professionals. KASHISH 2011 promises to be an event to remember for both LGBT and mainstream

• This year, the ‘Country Focus’ will be on Israel with more than 8 films from there.

audiences. It will be a time to watch loads and

• ‘Spotlight on Filmmaker’ will shine on a US filmmaker and a UK filmmaker with their funny,

with celebrities and filmmakers, participate in

sexy and thought provoking films.

loads of LGBT films, engage in discussions, interact cultural activities and just simply have a FABULOUS time!

• Special package of films on Anti-­‐Bullying and gay bashing in schools followed by a panel discussion.

• Continuing KASHISH’s mission of showcasing and promoting Indian queer shorts and short


For further updates on the festival, please check: Blog:

filmmakers, this year would have a fantastic


collection under its ‘Indian Masala Mix’ program.




one night in

BANGKOK With international business travel becoming increasingly frequent, there is often a quandary

of what’s the best way to make the most of an overnight stopover. In our new series, ‘One night in...’ TQC presents a list of must-­‐do’s, to make

Silom soi 4, or Gay street is the homosexual wonderland that offers everything anyone gay ever dared dream of. From bedroom toys, to DVDs and naughty nightwear -­‐ everything, it seems, is for sale.

your ‘one night’ titillating worthwhile. “ One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble Not much between despair and ecstasy. ” No trip to Bangkok, however brief, can be complete without a visit to sauna Babylon Bangkok. Serving the gay community for more than two decades, the spa opens daily from 10:30 AM until 10:30 PM and features two steam rooms, a dry sauna, a maze, relaxation cabins, a large swimming pool, a fully equipped gym, massage facilities, a hair salon, and two fully licensed bars. Special events are held regularly and include live jazz, fashion shows, sexy dancing or monthly foam, underwear or pool parties. After lounging at the sauna for a couple of hours, it’s time to rehydrate. For those too shy to make face-­‐to-­‐ face contact, the Telephone Pub and Restaurant provides guests with a telephone at every table to facilitate meetings. While having a drink you can casually turn to the person next to you or pick up the internal house phone (yes, the phones do work) and dial the extension nearest the guy who has caught your eye and say “hello.’ The answer may surprise you! If you haven’t hooked up yet, do not despair. A stroll along the busy streets of Silom in downtown Bangkok at night will reveal a city that is alive with lights and laughter. The narrow sidewalks are packed with stalls, turning the whole area into a bustling night market.



If your watch reads 23:00 hrs, it’s definitely time to hit DJ Station -­‐ the main attraction in Soi 2. The club has long been a favorite haunt among both local and

“ One night in Bangkok and the world's your oyster The bars are temples, but the pearls ain't free You'll find a god in every golden cloister

international dancing queens. With a selection of the latest and trendiest beats, DJ Station is 'the' place to be for the hip crowd. Entry is 200 baht and the ticket price typically includes two drinks.

A little flesh, a little history I can feel an angel sliding up to me.” - From the song, One night in Bangkok by Murray Head.

An entertaining mini cabaret launches the evening fun. The show is fantastic, the drinks are strong and at the end of the night, the dance floor is packed almost to immobility with hordes of half–naked, beautiful men.

http:// Listen to the soundclo track here (TQC thanks Abhishek Agarwal, founder of ‘Pink Nation’ ( for his invaluable inputs.)


Photo: Thailand’s ladyboys or Kathoey



l'objet du dĂŠsir

iPAD 2



Apple evangelists waited with bated breath for March 25th when the iPad2 was launched in 24 countries. The iPad 2 though not a radical departure from its predecessor, still is every bit as awesome. With significant improvements in processing speeds, device weight and aesthetics, Gen2 of the iPad does not disappoint. The device is fitted with an anodized aluminum back panel, which is elegant to look at, cool to the touch and is generally resistant to grubby pawmarks. The back now flattens out at the middle, giving it more grounded stability when placed on a plane surface. Now comes the quirky bit. The iPad 2 is fitted with two cameras, which can be used for recording video or stills. I still have to fathom why? Wasn’t a single camera sufficient? One camera is fitted above the iPad's 9.7-­‐inch screen and the camera on the back is located in the upper-­‐right corner, recessed onto the tapered edge to avoid scratching. It looks just like the lens on the iPhone 4, with 720p video capture. The new spec uses a dual-­‐core A5 processor that promises to be twice as fast with nine times the graphics performance. Another fantastic feature that is HDMI compatibility. Using a dock cable, the iPad 2 can now mirror its output to a TV over a standard HDMI connection. Everything you see on the screen is mirrored to your TV, be it video, photos, games, or the home screen. With the most apps, the thinnest construction in its product category, the longest battery life and a competitive price, our verdict sways towards the predictable. The Apple iPad 2 most definitely is an object of desire. Now comes the hard part. With stocks really scarce, it could be a while before you will actually be able to lay your hands on one! TQC


TQC 25

who Is gonna ride you home?



Apart from the suggestive name, this car seems to

suddenly shaken by the advent of Chevrolet Cruze.

be doing a lot more to attract the pink rupee. For

With powerful lines, a sporty intent and futuristic

many years the segment which was comfortably

styling, it made the iconic styling of the Honda Civic

ruled by Toyota Corolla and Honda Civic was

appear dated.


With the rising petrol prices, the diesel option that it

However for a car priced this high, the seating is a bit

offers with 150 BHP on tap, provided a huge

snug, the plastic quality tough but slightly cheap. It’s

competitive advantage as Honda does not have a

just that the Korean design and execution is not

diesel variant for the Civic and Toyota launched a

something you can hide by aggressive marketing.

very underpowered 90 BHP Diesel option (read as boring) for the Corolla which cannot hold a candle to

Overall the car is well put together and comes with a

the Cruze.

host of technological gimmickry -­‐ keyless entry, push start and parking sensors; all of which will put a

Step into the car and the futuristic styling will

smile on your face.

immediately get your attention-­‐ the blue lighting, the contours of the insides and the chrome-­‐ there is

The very sporty and tough styling says that car is

nothing conservative here.

more for the top boys and the butch ladies. This is further confirmed by the engine of the car -­‐ this is not a car you can drive around slowly in. It is made to be driven hard and fast. When ambling at low speeds the turbo lag will kill you and so will the clutch push back. With the right amount of revving the engine will come alive and the surroundings will blur out -­‐ without any indication that its a diesel. The steering column is on the stiffer side and the steering wheel feels slightly hard which might be a problem in longer drives. Due to the still sprung suspension the curves are easily dealt with however, this means that the ride is not very plush and combined with the not-­‐too-­‐great ground clearance of 165mm this is not a car for bad roads or even a little off-­‐roading. For those looking to park the car at a deserted spot for some reclined seat fun-­‐ there isn’t a lot of space to move around and you might want to take the party to the rear seat. Category: Top boys and butch ladies. Sex friendly: Nice ambiance but not too much space to move around. Style quotient: Fast, strong and in-­‐your-­‐face.



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