Issue 1 . Volume 12 . Pune
In this issue
“365 without 377” was the slogan on everyone’s lips, at rallies held across India on July 2. It is very sobering however, to reflect on how much has really changed in these 365 days: • The 377 case has yet to be heard in the Supreme Court. • The Constitution has yet to include p r o v i s i o n s t o d e a l w i t h discrimination on the grounds of sexuality or gender. • Transgenders are yet to be recognized by society. • The medical establishment at large continues to be apathetic to the reality of our lives and our needs. • Most queer individuals continue to be under tremendous familial pressures and more often than not, are coerced into marrying a person of the opposite sex. • H o m o p h o b i a , b i p h o b i a a n d transphobia continue to be rampant, even in our ‘civilized’ societies. As a community we will continue to demand our fundamental rights: equality and respect in society. While we have made some progress, we aim for MUCH MORE!
The Editor
TQC Exclusive: “I was tired of leading a double life”
Page 3: ‘365 without 377’ ‐ Mumbai
A Queer View: Relations
Bringing back ‘Bi’
RJ’s 10 Commandments: What not to do on your first date
Review: ‘You are not alone’
Money: The Pink Rupee
Leisure: Santé & Bon Appétit
Health: Ask Doctor Tushar
Art & Soul: Artist ‐ Pradeep Mahadeshwar
Leisure: Life & Tarot
Movie Report: ‘Cachorro’
Reader’s Corner
Party Circuit: August 2010
TQC. Issue 1. Volume 12. Pune. Cover artwork: “Halaalal”, 2010. 48” X 36”, acrylic on canvas. Copyright Syed Ali Arif. Used with permission of the artist | Editor & publisher: Keith | Contributors: Dr Akash Khurana, Amey Kolhe, Apphia K, ‘Fleeting Sunshine’, Jaideep Bhide, Keya Arati, Pradeep Mahadeshwar, Ranjeet Kulkarni, ‘RJ Rannveer’, Subodh Bodke, Syed Ali Arif, Tushar Tayal, Vaidis K | Layout concept, design & production: Keith TQC (The Queer Chronicle) is a monthly e‐magazine published for and by the queer community in Pune. This e‐zine is a non‐commercial publication, is not for sale and is exclusively for private distribution. Views expressed are solely the opinions of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the editorial team of TQC, nor its affiliates. The content of this e‐zine may not be suitable for all audiences. www.facebook.com/tqc.india, www.planetromeo.com/tqc_india, TheQueerChronicle@gmail.com
Please print this ezine only if you have to. Help save our planet.
TQC Exclusive :
TQC - Aug 2010
“I was tired of leading TQC Exclusive BYaxxdouble life” Vaidis K, an ex‐resident of Pune, took
longer need to fear that my words or
announcement in the local media
the brave step of coming out to his
actions may imply that I’m hiding some
about the first EVER Baltic Pride
family. He now lives in Lithuania. The
"dirty" stuff. I can more or less be open
March…right here in my city!! A lot of
country is pre‐dominantly Catholic and
to my parents now. Of course, they do
excited discussions started up and with
was also under Soviet rule for decades.
not need to know everything (chuckles)
that obviously, so did the protests. That
Perhaps that is why both, the general
but now, when they ask “Where are
was the time I knew – IT’S NOW OR
public and the law of the land still think
yo u go i n g ? ” o r “ W h o a re yo u
NEVER! I was going to tell my parents!
of homosexuality as some kind of illness
meeting?” I don't have to lie anymore.
JB: Do tell us a little about the Baltic
and view gay people with disdain and
And that's a wonderful feeling. As for
Pride March 2010.
hatred that one usually associates with
pride, I don't think I have done enough
VK: Well, it almost didn’t take place!
emerging nations in Asia & MEA. While
in my life to feel that way. My sexual
The Catholic Church and the Neo‐Nazis
attitudes are changing slowly, a lot of
orientation in itself is not a reason for
launched an all‐out offensive to have
people still choose to live closeted lives
pride. I’m just a regular guy, doing the
the March cancelled. There was a sense
out of fear of being ostracized. This
best I can.
of doom surrounding the whole event.
makes Vaidis’ decision to come out all
JB: I’m sure our readers would
The authorities tried to get it banned
t h e m o r e co m m e n d a b l e . TQ C ’s
disagree. What you’ve done is
but thanks to the efforts of some local
correspondent Jaideep Bhide caught up
something a lot of us wish we could do.
LGBT groups, that didn’t happen.
with Vaidis for an exclusive interview.
VK: Well, maybe I'm too modest
Although, because they expected
JB: Hi Vaidis, thanks for sitting down
(laughs). I suppose there are a few
trouble, the mayor’s office issued just
with TQC for this tête‐à‐tête.
things I can be proud of after all... :)
about 300 participant passes. Finally, D‐
VK: My pleasure! Thanks for having me.
JB: What prompted this decision to
Day arrived…Saturday, May 22nd. The
JB: Congratulations on coming out to
come out of the closet?
police were out in full strength. I mean
your parents. Big step! How does it feel
VK: I'd been contemplating coming out
they were EVERYWHERE! Policemen in
to be ‘Out and Proud’?
to my parents for some years now, but
cars, policemen on segways, even
VK: Well, I'm not absolutely out to
the thought was always so terrifying
horseback mounted policemen! There
everyone. There's a long way to go for
that I kept it in the closet. But I also had
were a few hundred curious on‐lookers
that. I'm out to my parents, my aunt
this nagging feeling that hiding
and an equal number of protestors...
and a bunch of friends. How does that
something so important from my
Neo‐Nazis with flags, clergymen with
feel? It feels great to finally be able to
parents was wrong. Some three or four
crucifixes and pictures of the Holy
tell the truth. I don’t have to lie; I no
m o n t h s a g o , t h e r e w a s a n
Mother! 1
The cops were trying to make sure that
just a glimpse! But... my mother
was "We do not believe that you’re gay.
everyone was at a fair distance away
recognized me!! Of course that doesn't
You are joking, aren't you? No, that is
from the main site of the Pride March.
necessarily imply that I am "one of
not true. You are a good person, you
The whole area near the riverbank was
them". Unfortunately (or fortunately)
are not effeminate. We know you, you
cordoned off and the cops were trying
my mom went to my aunt and told her
are a man, and you are not gay. Can't
to look even more intimidating than
shakily "I think Vaidis might be gay".
you control your urge to have sex with
My aunt was the one person in the
other men? You need a girl. You need
JB: What about the Pride March itself?
family whom I had confided in. She's a
children. You should marry, it's not
VK: Let me paint you a picture ‐ there
wo n d e r f u l p e rs o n a n d a g re at
necessary to sleep with your wife, you
was a small patch of land by the river.
supporter, so she called me and told
could live in different rooms, but you
The participants gathered there with
me “Your mother suspects something.
have to settle down" and so on and so
rainbow flags and banners…and that
What will you do?” And I just knew – I
forth. A month later they still think that
was the sum total of the Baltic Pride
had to tell them.
I became like this because of gay
March 2010! That’s it! The March
JB: How did you tell your parents? How
propaganda, because I was afraid of
consisted of 350 participants and over
did they react?
girls and decided to take the easier (?!)
800 policemen!
VK: I was determined but still not sure
way out. Well, you know all the
JB: How did you feel about that?
if I would find enough courage to say
stereotypes and myths about gays. I got
VK: I watched it from far, far behind the
"Mom, Dad, I have something to tell
to hear almost all of them.
wire fence. I stood right next to the
you". So, I decided to just go with the
JB: Do you regret coming out?
crowd of angry people. But I wanted to
flow. As I looked quite blue, my dad
VK: Not for a second. Sure, it was
be on the other side so much! I just felt
opened the conversation. You know
difficult and awkward for a while, but
so many conflicting emotions: joy that
that typical kind of talk we all have to
there's also a bright side. Besides
the Pride was FINALLY happening, but
feeling free – there were no screams,
also sadness that I was behind the fence and so much despair seeing all the hatred. JB: Well, it’s a start! And something good did come out of it. YOU came out! VK: (Laughs) Well, that is true.
It was difficult and awkward for a while, but there's also a bright side
no tears while we talked. And they still love me, they are not afraid to hug me. JB: How are things with your parents now? VK: While my mom always said that she loved me and my brother so much, my
JB: Tell us about that.
dad told my aunt that now, he loves me
VK: Because of all the tension
even more. I don't know the reason for
surrounding the event, I wasn’t sure if I
He said "You need to find a girl, marry
that, but maybe he sees now that my
wanted to march in the Pride. Besides,
her, and then life will be good".
life wasn't as easy as he thought.
it was sure to be captured on the local
‐ “I don't want that” I said.
JB: What about you? What plans for
news and I certainly didn’t want my
‐ “Why not?”
the future?
parents to find out like that! But, that’s
‐ “I think you know why...”
VK: Hmmm…Plan and this time, march
one of life’s ironies, because that is
‐ “No, we don't. Tell us. Why?”
in the next Baltic Pride, be more
EXACTLY how my parents found out!
‐ “Because I am not interested in
involved in the LGBT community in
JB: You’re kidding me! Seriously!?
women. I am a homosexual.”
Vilnius, build stronger ties with my
VK: Seriously! One of the events
Whew! This wave of relief just washed
family and maybe, hopefully, find that
planned for the Pride was a LGBT Film
all over me. I had finally said the
someone special and take him home to
Festival. I didn’t march but I attended
dreaded words!!
meet my parents!
the film fest right after. And would you
JB: But of course, that wasn’t the end
JB: Amen to that! Thanks Vaidis, it’s
believe it ‐ I was caught on camera at
of the discussion.
been a pleasure talking to you. Thank
the opening ceremony which got
VK: Of course. We talked for a couple of
you again for sharing your story with
broadcast on the news. It was perhaps
hours after that. Their main reaction
our readers. And all the best!
e 3 3 g e a e g p g a a p p 3 e 3 3 g e a e g e p g a g p 3 a p e e g g a 3 a p p e g 3 3 a a p e e p g g a 3 3 p e e g g 3 a a e p p g 3 a e p 3 a g e p a g p a 3 p 3 e 3 e g g e a a g p p pa 3 3 3 e e e g g g a a a p p p 3 3 3 e e e pag ge 3 pag ge 3 pag age 3 a a p p p 3 3 3 e e e e g g g a ag a a p p p 3 3 3 e e e g g g a a a p p p 3 3 e 3 e e g g g a a a p p p 3 3 3 e e e g g g a a a a p p p p 3 3 3 e e e g g g a a a p p p 3 3 3 e e e g g a g a a p p p 3 3 3 e e e g g g a a a p p p 3 3 3 3 e e e g g g a a a p p p 3 3 3 e e e g g g a a a p p p 3 3 e 3 g e e a g g p a a p p 3 3 e 3 g g a a p age e 3 page p a p 3 3 e e g g g ‘365 WITHOUT 377’
TQC - Aug 2010
A Queer View: Relations BY ‘FLEETING SUNSHINE’
After mastering the art of thoroughly
confused largely because it's unable to
confusing my victims by giving the ominous 'What are you looking for?'
comprehend the need for the relation. Are we satisfying the physical need? Is
question a circuitous answer, my dating
it just a cure for my boredom? Is there
calendar looks pretty neat now. My phone beeps every few hours, giving
any emotional or spiritual need? In absence of straight answers, it labels it
me a sense of heightened self‐worth. This usually lasts until one of us gets a
useless. What's 'no‐big‐deal' to one, could be a deal breaker for another.
compelling urge to decorate our
While it's only natural and human to
relation with a label. It is very natural for the female part of
seek and apply labels, I also find the tendency very ironic and 'straight'. We ‐
our brain to know where we stand and where we are headed. It just can't deal
the outcast (can you find an adult gay person who still keeps in touch with his
with the uncertainty and murkiness.
school friends?) ‐ by the virtue of our
Defining the relation allows us to know exactly ‐ okay, to a great degree of
upbringing, are so much at peace with ourselves. We've accepted ourselves.
accuracy, how we should act and react. It's a desperate attempt to simplify
Yet we fail to understand, let alone appreciate diverse standpoints. Why
things. For instance, friends do not
can't we allow others to just be, and
f**k; they do not plan romantic getaways together, but they may meet
savor them as they are? There's a fairly popular Bhel‐chain in
up very frequently for drinks, exchange gifts and even flirt with each other.
Pune called Kalyan Bhel. It has been serving a uniquely‐prepared Bhel, made
F**k buddies do not care much about
from moth‐beans and a combination of
what's going on in your personal life ‐ except for an occasional comment on
spices that's remained unchanged (and a secret) for decades. Another
your catchy Facebook status. They try to keep it strictly physical. If it's a fling,
interesting feature of this fast food chain is the fact that you cannot give
you must be discreet, you do not
any instructions nor ask for any
attend parties together. A boyfriend ‐ if there exists such an entity ‐ has to
"customizations" on the bhel. It's served and is to be relished as is. You
make you go crazy and pull your hair out. And then for the geeky types,
cannot have it any more spiced nor any sweeter; else it doesn't remain ‘the’
there are chat‐buddies. I've known
Kalyan Bhel. It just something ‘else’.
people who have chatted online for years with others despite living in the
A relation is a lot like Kalyan Bhel. At times, (the more analyzing type of)
same city, but have avoided meeting up in person for the fear of ruining the
individuals may be tempted to tweak it, label it, and ask for customizations. If
beautiful relation they share. However,
only he acted in certain way, and/or did
when a person does not 'fit in' to any of these baskets, the mind labels it as a
certain things, the situation would be so much simpler and better. Would it?
'waste of time', and is tempted to end the 'game'.
After a bit more analysis, the answer is a resounding 'No'.
The foolish thing that it is, it doesn't
A customized relation isn't the same
understand that there is no game; no showdown, no contest. The mind is
anymore; it's pretense; and when that happens, you might just lose interest.
Bringing Back ‘Bi’
TQC - Aug 2010
I wish I could start off this column
name begins with ‘C’. Someone needs
ranting about how I recently met the
to remind her that just like the
perfect man – a perfect vision, perfectly
homosexuals aren’t responsible for
talented and perfectly flawed; but out
AIDS, the bisexuals are not to blame
of the fear of being told to shut up by
for unsafe sex – even the straights
the tumultuous crowds of lesbians and
do it. What irritated me was that
gay men – I won’t. Instead, I’ll be taking
we can heave and ho, making a
the traditional approach of not talking
hue and cry about a man being
about scrumptious sex and if you aren’t
murdered for being gay, but not
bi – this is entirely your fault!
speak up as a community when
In a time when our country is in the
someone we allow to walk in the
middle of its fight for equal rights, for
forefront as an LGBT supporter bashes
the Queer Community, coming out is
a part of our own community! Have
quickly becoming the norm. The more
you forgotten that we are the B in LGBT
visible we are as a community, the
and that we are fighting for the same
more it brings the cause closer to
rights by your sides? This isn’t a gay
home. Although I have always been an
community any more; we’re in this
out bisexual woman, it wasn’t till
together and are in it for the long haul
recently that I started speaking up
with you.
about bi‐issues faced within the
Running a support group in Pune that
community. I have almost always
reaches out to people irrespective of
allowed people to think I’m a lesbian.
orientation, creating a family of people
Initially, correcting this mistake wasn’t
who are pro gay rights has made me
something I even considered. I was too
realize that there is so much work yet
afraid of losing the community I had
to be done within our own community.
just found by saying that they were
Seeing people come together creating
wrong, I was not gay. My tryst with bi‐
their own safe space to exist is really
phobia started when I first came out.
heartening. Change is slow but
People told me that I shouldn’t bother
inevitable. Bi‐phobia within our
telling my parents that I’m a bisexual
community exists and this too will
because – what if I fell in love with a
change one step at a time. If you are an
man and married him? Wouldn’t it be
out bisexual reading this, the next time
easier?! No‐ I’d still be lying about who
someone calls you gay or straight,
I am. I am not a straight woman or a
correct them. It isn’t the same thing.
Recently talking to Simran at AzBaz,
lesbian, I’m bisexual, get it right!
People want visibility, so do the
I brought up my worry of ending up
A few weeks ago a certain celebrity, a
bisexuals and this is my way of reaching
with a man. Would my community
lot of the gay community is proud of
having as a supporter, completely
No, I’m just kidding… I want everybody
bashed bisexuals saying that it was ok
to want me!
to be a gay man, a lesbian or a transsexual, but being bisexual was
Ambisextrously Yours,
unhealthy. I’ll give you a clue – her
Apphia K.
feel betrayed if I was in a hetero relationship? I’d like to know what readers think about this. Opine and write to me at ambisextrouslyyours@gmail.com
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RJ’s 10 Commandments “What to do on your first date has been done to
1. Do not..
death, so much so that
.. dress up like a
people tend to do opposite of what is evangelized through those points so I thought of giving it a twist with a list of what not to
Christmas tree…(you are going on a date not a modeling assignment. Keep it simple)
do on your first date.
not. o D . 2
3. Do not..
r r you o f s r e re g flow you a r .. brin e b em ta (rem UY no date… G a h te wit on da !!!) Girl…
.. ask your date whether he travelled by car or bike…(people still use public transport. Is cheap, and puncture proof)
In order to make the list more comprehensive, various gay chat rooms, social networking websites and friends were consulted before preparing the list and after a brainstorming session on the loo seat, this never‐ending list was narrowed down to 10
not.. o D . 4 him…
at .. ogle he ially t y (spec g bod n i d u r prot ) par ts
5. Do not.. .. talk on and on and on… (it’s a date not an extempore. Give him a
6. Do not..
.. stare
at anoth er hottie sitting n ext to y our table…( unless u r date is also sta ring at h im)
chance to speak)
points, as it was near impossible to include all of them. Here’s a birds view of what NOT to do on your first date…” ‐ RJ
7. Do not.. .. walk out by saying your mother called and you need to leave urgently… (there are 10 other ways to say “Sorry Not my type”)
not.. o D . 8
ss a rst ki i f r u ke yo us’ .. ma ophag s e o eck ue in wet p ‘tong a ( … e) ience suffic exper d l u o w e lips on th
9. Do not.. .. ask if he knows some more guys in your
t.. o n o D 0.
TQC - Aug 2010
t date r firs u o y nd r end .. eve dom a n o c used ave …(le s with a t e e h pled s ext crum the n r o f thing some one)
locality…(why d hell r u on a date? …go and log on to planetromeo!) And above all, just go with the flow and be yourself. Even after that if it turns out to be a dampener, don’t lose heart because there are plenty of fish in the sea and many are still looking to find LOVE…!!! 7
With his debut novel, writer Arun
society, as well as trying to find a
mostly taboo territory, where finding
M i r c h a n d a n i b r a v e s t o b r i n g
measure of happiness within its folds, is
love and commitment is not a matter of
to light the gripping and earnest
sympathetically dealt with, but what is
celebration, but a furtive and often
account of a homosexual single man.
amazing is that in very short order,
dangerous liaison, conducted in the
Set against the backdrop of modern
you begin to appreciate that here is a
constant fear of being exposed to
Mumbai, it is a bittersweet story of protagonist who is real, someone you
hardship, love and soul searching, of
c a n r e l a t e t o a n d p e r h a p s a n
An enlightening, well‐paced, and
wanting to belong. It is a tale told
unconventional hero.
provocative read, ‘You Are Not Alone’
honestly, if sometimes satirically, and
The theme reflected throughout the
challenges the everyday assumptions
from the heart.
novel reiterates the importance of
about close encounters of another kind,
The stylized and quirky narrative of
the role of family and friends in one’s
and gives you enough reasons to read it.
protagonist Sanjay Sanghavi, spans
life, no matter how difficult or different
About the author
decades but is told in the suspended
the circumstances. From the mentor‐
Arun Mirchandani was born in 1982 in
p r e s e n t i n l i t t l e s n i p p e t s o f
elder brother, the twin soul‐sisters, and
South Korea. An alumnus of Tata
memories. Each flashback drives home
the ever‐loyal gay community, to the
Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Arun
t h e c h a l l e n g e s o f g r o w i n g u p
love of his life, the author has woven a
is currently employed with a leading
‘different’. Each episode and new
web of endearing characters that form
MNC in Mumbai, as part of their human
life stage brings new complexities,
Sanjay’s support system. At the same
resource team.
some of them shocking, some hilarious
time, in a society where the initial
(Dr. Akash Khurana, a post graduate from
and a few heartbreaking.
reaction is to deny such a reality and the
the XLRI school of business, is a renowned
A bewildering and confused childhood is
next is to sweep it under the carpet,
actor and scriptwriter. He is also faculty at
f o l l o w e d b y a n u n e a s y a w a r e
the book is a plea for acceptance.
top business schools in the country)
adolescence & the adult acceptance of
Mirchandani’s novel gives us that view
‘Your Are Not Alone’ by Arun Mirchandani is
who he is. Living within the norms of
from the other side, a glimpse into a
available at www.queer‐ink.com
TQC - Aug 2010
Previously in The Pink Rupee, we saw
now they are dependent on it and draw
Determining your risk profile:
WHY it was essential to invest, what are
on their earnings. An investor thus
Saleel is 23 and has been talking to this
the assorted options of investing and
chooses a balanced portfolio that has
guy from London since a year and they
why it is crucial to diversify your
both debt and equity.
are both smitten with each other. Saleel
3. The Reaping Stage: Is when the
is planning a trip London in January
Today, we’ll take a step farther and
investor’s retirement is just around the
2011 to meet ‘the man of his dreams’
demystify how we should actually go
corner or has already retired and is
and needs about 75K to make the trip
about investing. We will talk about the
wholly dependent on his investment
happen. Since Saleel is at his initial
actual steps of investing, the different
income. This is when he reaps the
accumulation life cycle stage, he has a
life cycle stages and how to set short
benefits of his savings. Investors would
modest amount of savings with him.
term and long term goals.
prefer “safe” investment options which
Saleel has two choices:
Our stage of life typically determines
are intended at capital preservation.
(i) He can invest all his money into the
our financial status and our needs. The
Setting financial goals:
equity market as that is the only place
three wealth cycle stages can be
What is your goal? For someone who is
(he thinks) he will make 75K within six
classified as under for an investor:
23 years old, has just finished his post
months. Even if the markets fall, it’s
1. The Accumulation Stage: Is when
grad and has started earning money, it
okay as he can borrow the money from
investors are earning and have a limited
might be buying a car. For someone at
his pal, Gautam. Saleel is willing to take
need for investment income. The focus
26 years and has a reasonable amount
a sizable risk. He is being ‘aggressive’ in
is on saving and accumulating for the
of savings, he might want to take that
his investments.
long term. One can go for equity
holiday at Bali with his pals. For
(ii) Saleel can also put a portion of his
investments at this stage. This is a stage
someone who’s a little older, say 30
money into a monthly recurring deposit
of setting financial goals.
might think of buying his own house
scheme and then see how much
2. The Transition Stage: Is when
and someone who is in his 40’s might
accumulates in six months. If he needs
financial goals start to approach.
want to buy that second home or start
more, he’ll borrow the money from
Investors still earn a steady income but
looking at his retirement plans.
Gautam but he can’t risk losing his
principal amount. Saleel is being ‘defensive’. You too can be branded as either ‘aggressive’, ‘moderate’ or ‘defensive’ depending on your risk appetite. Determining Asset Allocation: So now that you know your risk profile, you need to do an asset allocation. So if you are an aggressive investor, you’ll put at least 60% of your savings into high‐risk high‐return instruments like equity shares / equity oriented mutual funds and so on; and the rest in fixed deposits, postal deposits etc. If you are a moderate investor, your asset allocation is 50:50 in risk‐free and high risk investments. And so on. You need to decide what is the most comfortable asset allocation for you in terms of YOUR goals and YOUR risk profile. Selection of Specific Instruments: Finally having decided on your asset allocation, you choose your investment option within the criteria. This involves making micro decisions, like what equity shares to purchase, what mutual funds to select, which bank to go for in case of a fixed deposit. This should be a pedantic exercise which maybe undertaken with the help of an expert who is aware about the different products that exist, and has a personal interest in your benefits ‐ and is not just after meeting his sales target. And last but not the least, remember to
KISS ‐ Keep it Simple and Stupid. Until the next time! Disclaimer: The financial content in ‘The Pink Rupee’ is provided for your personal
TQC - Aug 2010
information only, is not intended for trading purposes, and cannot substitute for professional financial advice. Always seek advice of a competent financial advisor with any questions you may have regarding a financial matter.
Ground Floor, Nirvana, North Avenue, Kalyani Nagar, Pune, INDIA
And Bon Appétit
A series in cocktail recipes to help you unwind. ZOMBIE The Zombie is a cocktail made from fruit juices, liqueurs and various rums, so named for its perceived effects upon the drinker. It first appeared in the late 1930s.
Ingredients 1/2 oz rum 1 oz pineapple juice 1 oz orange juice 1/2 oz apricot brandy 1 tsp sugar 2 oz light rum 1 oz dark rum 1 oz lime juice Method Blend all ingredients with ice, except for the rum. Pour the contents of the blender into a Collins glass. Float the rum on top. Garnish with a fruit slice, sprig of mint and a cherry.
G er m an Fa rm er 's B re ak fa st
A series of palate tickling delectables for the time-pressed gourmet home entertainer.
Ingredients 3 large potatoes, skinned and quartered lengthwise 3 Tbsp olive oil 2 cups roughly chopped gre en and white onions (include the gre ens from the green onions) 2 cups roughly chopped bell peppers Salt to taste 1-2 cups chopped ham 1/4 cup chopped parsley 4 eggs, whisked
Push the vegetables to the side of the pan, add the potatoes and ano ther Tbsp of olive oil to the pan. Brown the potatoes Method for about 2 minutes, stirring freq uen tly. Boil the potatoes in a saucepan Sprinkle on salt to taste as you of lightly cook. Add salted water for 10-15 minutes until just the ham to the potatoes and coo k, stirring cooked. Drain and rinse with cold freq water to uently until the ham is heated through, cool. Cut into 1-inch squares. Set aside. 1-2 minutes. Heat 2 Tbsp olive oil in a large Mix all of the vegetables, potato skillet on and ham medium high heat. Add onions together and mix in the parsley. and Add the chopped bell peppers. Increas eggs, stirring to distribute the e the heat eggs among to high. Brown the onions and the vegetables and ham. As soo bell n as eggs peppers, stirring for about 2-3 begin to firm up, remove from minutes. heat. Serve piping hot!
A p p le C r is p Ingredients
sliced eled, cored and 7 tart apples, pe lemon juice 4 teaspoons fresh nilla 1/2 teaspoon va r 1 cup brown suga ound cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon gr 1 cup rolled oats om temperature 1/2 cup butter, ro
5°F. Preheat oven to 37 lemon combine apples, In a mixing bowl, e. bin m co Toss to juice, and vanilla. (or s in a 9 x 12-inch Layer sliced apple pan. g kin ba e) siz e same approximately th
d gar, cinnamon, an Combine brown su r. tte bu e th . Cut in oatmeal in a bowl ure over apples. ixt m r ga su Sprinkle looks tes or until topping Bake for 45 minu s are tender. crunchy and apple la ice ed cream or vanil Serve with whipp cream.
Ask Doctor Tushar “I have been working out regularly a
breathing exercises. And last but not
the gym, but I cannot seem to get rid
the least, throw away that conniving
of the excess tummy fat. Is liposuction
TQC - Aug 2010
an option?” – Aakash Dr Tushar: Mirror mirror on the wall
“I went on a monsoon break to Goa a
Who is the leanest of them all..
few weeks ago. The sky was overcast
How many times have I asked myself
and it rained almost through the day.
this question and never has the mirror
Imagine my shock when I got back and
replied in affirmative, those two
realized I was sun‐burnt! Any effective
exquisite words ‘YOU ARE’. Alas I have
remedies that you can suggest would
to relegate myself to doing more ab‐
be more than welcome.” – Dhruv
crunches and more push ups. So the
Dr Tushar: Pristine scenery, a tender
answer to your question here is a big
breeze, a gloriously overcast sky and
“NO”. Liposuction is not an option,
you promptly forget your sunscreen! I
contrary to what magazines and
don’t blame you, I would too! But there
television may advocate.
lies the catch. Sunscreen is to be
Any surgery comes with its inherent
applied irrespective of the weather.
risks and side‐effects, not to mention
But first we’ll discuss the treatment of
the prohibitive cost, if done at a
your sunburn:
standard institute! But what is with the
1. Put a few capfuls of vinegar in your
sudden craze of six‐eight packs and
bathing water (vinegar acts as an
walnut cracking glutes? Does it have
any health benefits? Yes, it does.
2. Apply fresh aloe‐vera gel along with
I’ll burden you with a bit of scientific
lacto‐calamine lotion.
jargon here so that you know when to
3. If you’ve developed blisters, DO NOT
push the emergency button.
puncture them.
Keep in mind these two parameters:
4. Take a tablet ‐ Voveran‐sr (100 mg) to
1. The waist circumference should
ease your pain.
never exceed 37 inches in men and 32
5. Apply a non‐oily moisturizer.
inches in women.
To decide which sunscreen is suitable
2. The waist‐to‐hip ratio should be less
for you: Make sure your sunscreen
than 0.8 in women and 0.9 in men i.e .
enhances protection against both UV
the girth of your waist should never
A&B. An SPF of 15 provides protection
exceed that of your hips.
for approximately 150 minutes and SPF
If you’re defaulting in any of the above
30 for 300 minutes. The sunscreen
parameters, you are at an increased
should be applied at least 15 minutes
risk of plenitude of diseases, hence you
prior to sun exposure. Fair skinned
need to hit the gym, pronto! Workouts
people should opt for a higher SPF but
and healthy eating habits are the only
between 15‐30 should suffice for most
two acceptable norms of weight loss;
Indians. Be liberal and be frequent.
do that extra rep, chew your food
There are plenty of brands in the
better, have frequent small meals, have
market, my personal favorite is
plenty of water and practice deep
Neutrogena. 13
Art & Soul COMPILED BY KEITH TQC is committed to encouraging and promoting the creativity of queer & queer‐ friendly talent. Pradeep Mahadeshwar, the featured artist, has pledged that 15% of the proceeds on sale of this artwork through TQC, would be donated to ‘Voices Against 377’, a coalition of NGOs and progressive groups working together as a united voice to fight against Article 377 of the Indian Penal Code. www.voicesagainst377.org If you would like to purchase this work of art and would like to connect with the artist, email us at TheQueerChronicle@gmail.com
Title: TI NTED R OAD Series : Winter in Lond Artwor on k Code: T QC‐000 Artist 6 nam e : P r Mahad adeep eshwar Mediu m : M i x e d m (Digital e d i a . print o n canvas hand p then ainted and pa screen p rtially rinted.) Size: 38 inches x 48 inch Mountin es g: Fram e d Price: IN R 45,00 0/‐
Homemade Chocolates
Plain (Dark or Milk), White, Rum & Raisins, Cashew, Crackle, Marzipan, Almonds, Hazel nuts, Coconut centre, Fruit & Nuts, Plain truffle, Coffee truffle and Mint truffle. Contact: Vivek / Mathew at +91.9960345904 / +91.9665031982 14
Life & Tarot BY JAIDEEP BHIDE “There are a lot of changes happening
if you hit a couple of bumps in the
at work – first, I got a new boss in
April, then she suddenly was moved into another profile and I have been
“I am a 25 year old female working in
deputed to another manager. There
media. I desperately want to move out
are rumors of other major changes and
of the current job. My family thinks I
shifts in the offing. Entire business
should get married and probably look
verticals could be scrapped, if the
f o r a “d e p e n d a b l e j o b ” i n a
grapevine is to be believed. Can the
nationalized Bank. I really want to get
Tarot shed some light on the subject
a foreign MBA but resources are a
and tell me what is REALLY going on?”
problem. Please help.”
KK, Date of birth: August 11th
PB, Date of birth: Jun 27th
JB: Dear KK, The pivot of the reading is
JB: Dear PB, Your family seems to be
The Emperor. This tells me that there is
pretty conservative in their outlook and
major consolidation of activities at
a tad narrow in their vision.
work and the company is looking to
I did a Dilemma Spread, ideal for
expand in a big way.
finding out the best of any two given
All these changes are indicative that
options. Option 1 – Get hitched and get
there is someone at the top who isn’t
a Sarkari job is a big no‐no! The cards
too happy with the way things have
are not at all good and the outcome is
been going on and wants to shake
likely to be extremely disappointing.
things up. This is also indicated by the
Option 2 – Trying for a foreign MBA is
Base Card – 10 of Wands.
better. However, before you take the
The appearance of this card and some
plunge, make sure you do a thorough
others tells me that you can look
background check of every MBA
forward to a lot of work and long hours
program. Also, the presence of a 2 of
in the days and weeks to come.
pentacles tells me that there are some
Particularly, the next 2 months will be
financial limitations or existing debts.
crucial in terms of adapting to these
The Cards have advised to clear these
changes and at the same time, not
debts before getting into any new ones.
losing focus on the tasks on hand.
The next 2‐3 years are good for
There is no need to worry. Your new
pursuing this desire. But understand
manager seems to be a benevolent
that it would involve a LOT of hard‐
spirit, as long as you do not lag behind
work and self sacrifice to get there.
in your work and show him the results
In conclusion – Follow your dreams!
he expects. Sit down with him and have
They are worth it! All the best!
a discussion on the path ahead. As long as you understand each other perfectly,
TQC - Aug 2010
you can expect to see synergy at work. The likely outcome, indicated by Six of Wands, hints at success in all matters. Enjoy the ride and don’t try to jump off
Have a question for our Resident Tarot Expert? The advice of Tarot Cards can help you find a solution to any problem or situation you are facing in Life. Email your Name, Date of Birth & Question to thequeerchronicle@gmail.com. 15 9
With a title like this you'd be half‐
"business." For reels you sit waiting for
desired a gay offspring. Violeta's
expecting a live‐action Disney movie.
something to befall her. No plane crash.
constant reassurance of her young son's
Instead, we have a film that goes against No CG‐enhanced terrorist bombing. Not
homosexuality even wobbles Pedro's
everything one imagines, proving once even a fiery car wreck. What keeps
lascivious leanings.
again, that it ain't what you say but the
Bernardo and his uncle together is not
Any one of the film’s numerous subplots
way that you say it.
death, but that other dependable
could be expanded into 90 minute,
First, it's that loathsomely predictable
cinematic punisher – drugs! Violeta is
m a d e ‐ fo r‐ T V, c r i s i s ‐ o f‐ t h e ‐ w e e k
(and manipulative) approach to
imprisoned for smuggling and director
melodrama. Grandparents ought to
sto r y te l l i n g , t h e s e t‐ ' e m ‐ u p ‐ to ‐
Albaladejo wisely spares us the torture
have visitation rights, gays make loving
watch‐'em‐die. Bernardo (David Castillo) route and heavy‐handed moralizing.
parents, dentists with HIV deserve to
is left with his uncle Pedro (Jose Luis
Not since Edith Massey's pleas for a
make a living, HIV is not a death
Garcia Perez) while his mother Violeta
queer son in John Water's "Female
sentence, etc. The true villain (and
(Elvira Lindo) goes to India on Trouble" has a cinematic mother so
victim) in the piece is Bernardo's
paternal grandmother Teresa (Empar Ferrer). Infectiously despised by Violeta, Bernardo refuses to visit with her and Pedro respects his wishes until she blackmails him with photographic evidence of a nasty "tunnel bunny" tryst. Instead of transcribing yet another
Readers’ Corner
publications hit the stands and stand out amongst other publications.” – Whitenights, Mumbai “I really like the TQC and wait for it every month. A lot of effort goes into
Here is what we heard from you, on TQC’s July 2010 edition.
producing it. Keep up the good work.” ‐ Samarth, Pune
culture clash between gays and straights, each character is presented
“The article by Ranjeet is so very
with depth, dimensionality and a
needed! The write up on Ellora is cool
revitalizing lack of sentiment.
too ‐ I have to get myself to Ajanta & Ellora soon! Thanks for doing all this.”
Teresa would want time with her
‐ Pratap, Pune
grandson no matter what Pedro's sexuality. Were it not for his condom‐
“Just wanted to appreciate the good
strewn, drug‐soaked, sexually free‐for‐
work you guys have been doing.
all ways centered on heterosexuality, grandma would have still found ways to
Would love to see more and I hope
this reaches a wider span of
As in any good thirties programmer,
audience.” ‐ ‘Suraj’
crime and/or promiscuous behavior do not pay and the guilty must be
“The cover page touched my heart. If
“I like the cover picture of this
punished. We learn that Pedro is HIV
there is one thing that I regret, is not
month's edition...beautiful! ‐ Ankur,
positive and thankfully he is allowed to
being able to make my own baby. We
live. It is particularly gratifying to leave
have not yet matured to have
a film that manages to transcend all
children out of wedlock. I hope
“I read all the issues, since the first
that in lesser hands would be a ten‐
together, we work harder for the
one in one sitting...and I must say
hankie male weepy. The director's
community so that teenagers of
FANTABULOUS! In the readers
honesty continually keeps the film from
today, may be able to bring their own
reviews I came across several
caving in under the weight of its own
creation to this world tomorrow.” –
readers suggesting a Delhi issue and I
Prasad, Mumbai
think there should be ONE...But as every time you mentioned that there
Throw all the topical messages aside, for this is as much a film about lost love
“An awesome compilation and a great
needs to be a voluntary support from
as "Citizen Kane." We exit the
publication... I read the articles twice
the local people out here... you can
proceedings locked inside Teresa's
already.... and TQC is just consistent.
surely count on me.” ‐ Ranveer, Delhi
gated burial grounds watching as an
Bravo. I do wish to see these kinda
older Pedro and Bernardo leave her funeral. Death and imprisonment separate Bernardo from the two
TQC - Aug 2010
women in his life. Violeta and Pedro
Thank You
have come to terms with the impact
We would like to thank all our readers for
she made on Bernardo's life, and it is
their encouragement, support and
only fitting that the last gaze before the
feedback, that has enabled TQC grow
final fade belongs to Teresa. Year of release: 2004
stronger, over the 12 issues published, since its launch in September 2009. The TQC Team
Language: Spanish 17
Party Circuit August 2010 August 3, 2010 - Tuesday PEGS‐N‐PINTS PARTY By Club Pegs‐n‐Pints, Delhi QUEER NIGHT @ BANANA BAR By Banana Bar, Mumbai August 7, 2010 - Saturday SHAKERS‐N‐SWINGERS NITE By WhiteNights Fiesta, Mumbai w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / g r o u p . p h p ? gid=132321920120387 August 10, 2010 - Tuesday PEGS‐N‐PINTS PARTY By Club Pegs‐n‐Pints, Delhi August 14, 2010 - Saturday BOMBAY MASALA PARTY By Bombay Masala, Mumbai w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / g r o u p . p h p ? gid=72270194982 August 17, 2010 - Tuesday PEGS‐N‐PINTS PARTY By Club Pegs‐n‐Pints, Delhi August 21, 2010 - Saturday ANGELS‐N‐DEMONS NITE By WhiteNights Fiesta, Mumbai w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / g r o u p . p h p ? gid=132321920120387 August 24, 2010 - Tuesday PEGS‐N‐PINTS PARTY By Club Pegs‐n‐Pints, Delhi August 31, 2010 - Tuesday PEGS‐N‐PINTS PARTY By Club Pegs‐n‐Pints, Delhi Disclaimer: TQC does not vouch for the authenticity of the organizers, the quality of the event, nor guarantees the security of guests at any of the listed events. We suggest that you do a thorough background reference check and exercise caution at all times.
Doctor in da house DR. ARINDAM BASU, MD (Medicine) - Physician & Intensivist Director, TeamIntensiveTM is available for medical consultations and counseling. When: Monday through Saturday Where: Shree Hospital (Shastri Nagar / Kalyani Nagar junction on Main Nagar Road), Pune Time: 10.30 am to 1.30 pm A safe space and privacy guaranteed!
TQC TQC- Aug - Jul 2010 2010
Please call on +91.9890226748 for prior appointments.