The Queer Chronicle - December 2010

Page 1




Issue 2 . Volume 4 . India







In this issue


















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The Editor

Please print this ezine only if you have to. Help save our planet.

TQC - Dec 2010

TQC Exclusive: An interview with the author, Mahesh Natarajan "())<% -8;)<@;(<)% 81% &1I8@% >@'% @-=@J'%

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TQC - Aug Dec 2010

PAGE 3 PB($&`(1)$&C+%)/R &S"#$3.$%&ji5&jifi=&C;7$ &T%*+71[$8&./&PV1%82&":&+&l$+)($%R &C(")"*%+'(2&./&H133/

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Q-Fest Pune 2010 Q-Fest is a platform to understand what being queer means today, and how it impacts both the queer community and society at large. It aims to foster a better understanding of queer thoughts, desires and expressions. This 2-day event has a diverse selection of films, a couple of panel discussions, a book launch, an art exhibition and would also showcase talent through poetry, script reading and dance.

Dates December 11-12, 2010.

Venue Sumant Moolgaonkar Hall, Ground Floor, Wing 'A', ICC Tower 1, Senapati Bapat Road. Pune, India.

Tickets & entry fees Entry at the venue on the days of the event, is on a first come basis. There are no entry fees.

Participation rules You need to be at least 18 years of age to attend. There may be many who would prefer being discreet or may still be coming to terms with their sexuality. Hence a request to all participants to be sensitive to this, and act and dress accordingly.

Event schedule

Event organizers

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Open Space is a public forum that encourages citizens, especially youth, to explore and engage with issues such as diversity and pluralism, gender, social justice and sustainable development through a variety of communication media - films, performances, campaigns, workshops and training, discussions / small interest groups and field trips.

13:00! Straight Laced (2009, USA) 14:15! Suddenly, Last Winter (2008, Italy) 15:45! Happy Hookers (2006, India) 16:45! Tea / Coffee break! 17:00! Flying Inside My Body (India) 17:45! Panel discussion! 18:30! Politics of Pride (2009, Canada) Sunday, December 12, 2010 11:00! Mr Right (2009, UK. Curated by Nigah) 12:30! Engayging Lives (India. Curated by !


13:00! Mr. & Mrs. Singh (2010, US. Curated !

by BQFF)

13:15! Gay_Lonely (India) 13:45! Prayers For Bobby (2009, USA. ! Curated by Nigah) 15:15" Meet the Author - Launch of ‘Pink "

Sheep’ in Pune and a book reading by


the author, Mahesh Natarajan

15:45! Are We Talking Straight? (India. !

Curated by BQFF)

16:15! Panel discussion 17:00! Gulabi Aaina (2006, India. Curated by !

Birds of a Feather is support group that aims to b r i n g p e o p l e t o g e t h e r, forming a community and establishing a foundation for the Queer Community in Pune. gid=90165106564 , Media partner The Queer Chronicle (TQC) is India's longest running monthly free ezine that is for and by the LGBT community. Film partners

Solaris Pictures / Kashish)

17:45! I am Gay (Sweden. Curated by Nigah) 18:00! OH GOD! - A script reading 18:30! Poetry 18:45! The Journey, Sancharam (2004, India. !

Curated by Nigah)

20:30! Closing Film: Touch of Pink (2004, UK! In

Event partners

Canada) ! addition, on both days, there would be

books, merchandise and art for sale in the auditorium foyer. Note: This schedule is subject to change without prior notice.

Prayatna: Community Through Sharing "())<%0(1)%@II)I%J);%@1,;>)<%\)@;>)<% 0<@J@;1@:& T;%& +13& 12& #$%/& 3"8$2)& J& $96(+7*$& #1$<2& <1)(& ")($%& \;$$%& ;,%8;'%7@KT%=8;>%;>)%818;8@;8,1%,\%@1%VZU!% 213'4$=& C;)& 17& )($& $::"%)& DC%+/+)7+F& )"& *%";'2&J&4$+%7&:%"3& )($1%& $9'$%1$76$2& I8'7(''8,1% C<,(K% E% 0<@J@;1@$% !"#% 6%$+)$ &+ &<+%3&2+:$&2'+6$&<($%$&C;7$& J&(+#$&N"17)&171)1+)1#$2&)""= 7@(C>;% (K% =8;>% ;>) % b<C@18S81C% D J& " ) ( $ % F& * + / 2& : % " 3& 8 1 # $ % 2 $& !"#:%`(+)&+%$&#()+)&2)F9&:;);%$&'4+72b #,..8;;))%@;%0<@J@;1@% \,<%@1%)67-('89)% .+6@*%";782& 6+7& 17)$%+6)& <1)(& $+6(& ")($%& J & ($4'& "7$& +7")($%& .$6"3$& 81;)<98)=$ !"#:&l1%2)&":& +445&6"7*%+);4+)1"72&"7&)($& 3"%$& 6"3:"%)+.4$ &<1)(&)($1%& 2$9;+41)/=& 2;66$22:;4& 4+;76(& ":& #()+)&2)=& `(+)& `$& <";48& 41@$& '+%)161'+7)2& )"& :%$$4/&

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A Queer View : Time To Accept & Move On?

TQC - Dec 2010

BY PARTHA SARATHI BISWAS U$')$3.$%& jh&:"%&2;%$&6+7&.$&6+44$8&+&


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AIDS the deadliest disease ever known, is devouring humanity... >)&(+2&.$$7& +43"2)&jh&/$+%2&2176$& )(12& 8$+84/& 812$+2$& 2;%:+6$8& +78& 1)&6"7)17;$2& )"& )(%1#$=&2&`3% Y8--'%.,<)%;>@1%cGGG%.)1T%=,.)1%@1I%7>8-I<)1%)@7>%I@J%@7<,''%;>)%C-,])$% B($%$&12&7"&#+6617$&"%&+7/&'$%3+7$7)&6;%$&":&)(12&812$+2$=&B($%$&+%$&+&:$<&)%$+)3$7)2&+#+14+.4$& )(+)&6+7&($4'&+.+)$&)($&7+);%+4&'%"*%$221"7&":& )($&812$+2$=&e"<$#$%5&)(12& 12& #$%/&$9'$721#$&+78& -)''%;>@1%DGe%,\%f&+%K,'8;89)%K),K-)%>@9)%;>)%\81@178@-%<)',(<7)'%@1I%@77)''%;,%;<)@;.)1;$% B($%$& +%$& ;>,('@1I'% ,\% K),K-)% -8981C% =8;>% ;>8'% \@;@-% I8')@')% 81% ,(<% 7,(1;<J& +78& 7;3$%";2& ,;>)<'%=>,%@<)%';8--%(1Y1,=1%,<%@<)%(1@=@<)%,\%;>)8<%f&+%K,'8;89)%';@;('=& `"%48& M>WU&W+/5&".2$%#$8&W$6$3.$%&f&$+6(& /$+%5&12&8$816+)$8&)"&%+1217*&+<+%$7$22& ":&)($&M>WU& '+78$316&6+;2$8&./&)($&2'%$+8&":&e>]&17:$6)1"7=&C;7$&)""&(+2&+7&+77;+4&$#$7)&)"&6"33$3"%+)$& )(12=& >7)%"8;6$8& +2& '+%)& ":& )($& #02." L2&.(2)&3%2)5" M)()&$%2=" )($& NLOE" 1$)(3&+" P02& +132& )"& 17#"4#$&C;7$11)$2&17&2'%$+817*&)($&3$22+*$&":&e>]&^&M>WU&+<+%$7$22=& B($& $7)1%$& 6"44$6)1"7&:%"3&)($& 2+4$& ":& $7)%/&:"%32& ":& )($&PM>WU& !(+%1)/& A;7R&<144&.$&8"7+)$8& )"& #PDQR1-" 1DS1RPS" LS-RPSN-LDSNT" )(+)& 6"7)17;$2& )"& <"%@& %$4$7)4$224/& )"<+%82& e>]^M>WU& +<+%$7$22&+78&'%$#$7)1"7&17&C;7$= #,.)% \,<=@<I%@1I%])% @%K@<;%,\% ;>)% .8''8,1%;,%\8C>;% @C@81';%2&`3$%f)-K%0(1)%])7,.)%&1I8@R'% \8<';%7,.K-);)-J%f&+%1)C@;89)%78;J=

TQC urges you and your friends to participate in the ‘AIDS Charity Run 2010’ Sunday, December 5 2010 | 8.00 am | Khandoji Baba Chowk to Nehru Stadium. <<<=3+%+)("7';7$=6"3&

Mex In The City: Relationships?

TQC - Dec 2010


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(GAYSI): Expectations Galore BY ARUN MIRCHANDANI


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TQC - Dec 2010



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And Not All That Jazz ... BY AMBIKA RAJGOPAL

A column that features music and artists; in definitely not ‘run-of-the-mill’ genres!


David Bowie

Scissor Sisters

At a time when rock and roll dominated the music scene, Bowie sauntered into the music arena with his glitter dust and flamboyant alter egos and created a stir. His musical style and persona have evolved over the years, so bracketing his music could be difficult. But whichever field Bowie forayed into turned him into even more of a legend - be it acting or producing music. His life was addled with substance abuse problems. But every bump in his life had a tremendous influence on him musically. Some of the darker periods of his life can be seen reflected in his music. No other artist besides Bowie had such a musical influence over the glam-rock world. His sexually charged persona coupled with his enthralling performance made him the ultimate androgenous god.

With its roots in disco and glam rock, Scissor Sisters danced their way into mainstream success by

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selling over six million albums. The front man- Jake Shears and the other band members embraced the New York club scene, which at that time was the hub of gay subculture. With its artfully deployed electroclash influence and sexually suggestive lyrics their music became an instant hit amid the club goers. Though their sound is reminiscent of the disco seventies, the band constantly reinvents itself to keep up with the ever-changing club scene. Their music is a celebration of the reality and complexity of human relationships. It strays away from the labels that are put upon relations and hence finds a stronger appeal amongst the audience.


Drawing inspiration from varied musical styles like jazz, electronic and ambient, Björk’s music has found a following amongst the most eclectic of audiences. She combines fluid lyrics that flow into beautifully orchestrated beats. Her individualistic sense of style combined with her nurturing attitude towards promotion of new artists has made Björk the down to earth diva. Besides gaining notable success in the music realm, Björk is no stranger to the celluloid medium. She is the recipient of the Best Actress award at the 2000 Cannes Film Festival for the film ‘Dancer in the Dark’. Björk’s easy beats and resonating voice make for easy listening and lures the listener to take an emotional journey into the depths of human sensibility.

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Art & Soul COMPILED BY KEITH TQC is committed to encouraging and promoting the creativity of queer & queer-friendly talent. Satadru Sovan Banduri, the featured artist, has pledged that 25% of the proceeds on sale of these artworks through TQC, would be donated to ‘Voices Against 377’, a coalition of NGOs and progressive groups working together as a united voice to fight against Article 377 of the Indian Penal Code.

Night reveals the secret

About the artist Satadru Sovan Banduri is a painter and video artist from New Delhi, whose work focuses on the restricted sexuality and latent fantasizing that he feels is endemic to his native India. His works also highlight the way in which “Consumerism consumes people’s individuality and turns them into larger than life entities.” A Fulbright Research Scholar who is affiliated with the Digital Arts and New Media Master’s degree program at the University of California Santa Cruz, Banduri is interested in bringing digital art and new media back to India. He is immensely fascinated by information technology and the digital revolution. Banduri was invited to! Engendered, a multidisciplinary South Asia Arts Festival at Lincoln Center,

Wating 4 'u' ...

New York City where his artwork ‘Night reveals the secret’ was showcased. About the listed artworks “Night reveals the secret” is a 56” x 71” acrylic on canvas. Price Rs 240,000 (Unframed). “Waiting 4 u...” is a 39” x 34” acrylic on canvas. Price Rs 60,000 (Unframed).

TQC - Dec 2010

“Out of the world – in!HIS hand” is a 50” x 71” acrylic on canvas. Price Rs 210,000 (Unframed).

If you would like to purchase these works of art and would like to connect with the artists, email us at TQC

Out of the world – in HIS hand 13

And Bon Appétit



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Presenting a few wine-based palate tickling delectables, to whet your appetite,

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Fi sh in re d w in e sa uc e 1/2 bottle red wine 1 medium carrot, roughly cho

pped 1 medium onion, roughly cho pped 1 stick celery, roughly choppe d 2 cups fish stock 2 no. bay leaf


2 sprigs thyme


500 grams white fish


2 tablespoon parsley, choppe

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100 grams butter Method Preheat oven to 180 deg C Cook carrot, onion and celery in a pan for 3-4 minutes. Add red wine, fish stock, bay

leaves and thyme and simmer until reduced by half. Put fish in a baking dish, strain red wine mixture over the top and discard the vegetables. Cook uncovered for 15 minutes or until fish is cooked. Remove the fish, put sauce bac k into the pan, bring to boil and reduce hea t, add butter and cook until thickened (2-3 minutes). Pour sauce over fish.

ke d Wi n e ! B a with C h i c ke n ram M a r j o ts Ingredien

llots, thinly

2 large sha 1 bay leaf


icken legs 6 whole ch white wine 2 cups dry nd pepper eshly grou Salt and fr avy cream ut 1/4 cup he ed butter, c cold unsalt s n o o p s le r 4 tab arjoram fo chopped m s n o o p s le 2 tab garnish






in anticipation of the 4th PUNE WINE

f. the bay lea er. Discard tt la p n f o ro c heatp all sau epa es into a sm ic ju n 2 a p to e d Pour th until reduce r high heat avy e h e and boil ove th s. Add t 10 minute l ti n u il cups, abou nd bo pan juices a e th s. to te u m in a m cre bout 5 Method one-third, a d a y b re p d e S c . u C d re deg glass oven to 220 into a large Preheat the r the sauce leaf in a u y o a P b for 5 d n n a allots d let sta d the sliced sh ring cup an g pan. in su a st e a e chicken in m ro th r t o a hile, rehe king dish a w n b e a ” d e 2 si 1 M in ”x s. 4 sk 1 k the minute e pan, inutes. Whis chicken in th , about 5 m over the n e ve in Arrange the o w n at a e e it o th h 1 tablesp o ur the dry w lt and the sauce, sa h to up, and po it in w r ason the e e n tt S u ke . b blended n the chic ly h so g a u e S e ro . o th n f th o d chicke time, until upper third the choppe bake in the lt and stir in e sa th l h ti it n w u r pepper and e e o c r th sau tes, e sauce ove out 50 minu m. Spoon th cooked oven for ab ra is o h the n rj it a w ke m n ic h ke c ic and the e the ch kl to n ri re p S tu . ra n e skin is crisp chicke n temp ght away and serve ri duce the ove a s e R to ve . a s h g le g u le m ro n th chicke marjora Transfer the 150 deg C.

Weekend Getaway: Korlai

TQC - Dec 2010


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TQC - Dec 2010

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TQC - Dec 2010

TQC - Dec 2010

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