Issue 1 . Volume 11 . Pune
In this issue
A year already? I am sure the
TQC Exclusive: Behind the Rainbow Curtain
QuaranDne: A Review
Movie Report: ‘Amnesia’
Readers’ Corner
Money: The Pink Rupee
Leisure: Life & Tarot
Leisure: Santé & Bon AppéDt
Health: Ask Doctor Tushar
Art & Soul: ArDst ‐ Pradeep Mahadeshwar
Travel: Weekend Getaway ‐ Ellora
Party Calendar for July 2010
memories of that historic moment on the 2nd of July 2009 will be etched in our minds forever. Anxiety. AnFcipaFon. JusFce. Disbelief. Relief. Freedom. Euphoria. CelebraFon. We are wriFng history every single day and we cannot forget those who made all this possible for us. I came across a beauFful tribute by AzaadBazaar, which says it all... “Hear7elt thanks to the individuals, government officials, organiza@ons, collec@ves and lawyers who have
TQC. Issue 1. Volume 11. Pune.
worked @relessly for eight years to
Cover artwork: "Jay and Clayton", 1997. 48” X 36”, acrylic on canvas. Copyright Steve Walker.
get us to where we are today. And to Jus@ce A. P. Shah and Jus@ce S.
Used with permission of the arFst www.stevewalkerarFst.com | Editor & publisher: Keith Contributors: Amey Kolhe, Apphia K, Ashok Row Kavi, Jaideep Bhide, Pradeep Mahadeshwar, Ranjeet Kulkarni, Subodh Bodke, Tushar Tayal | Layout concept, design & producFon: Keith
Muralidhar who passed this historic
TQC (The Queer Chronicle) is a monthly e‐magazine published for and by the queer
and progressive ruling.
community in Pune. This e‐zine is a non‐commercial publicaFon, is not for sale and is
Today, we are free.
exclusively for private distribuFon. Views expressed are solely the opinions of the individual
Today, we love.
authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the editorial team of TQC, nor its
Today, we exist.”
The Editor
affiliates. The content of this e‐zine may not be suitable for all audiences. www.facebook.com/tqc.india, www.planetromeo.com/tqc_india, TheQueerChronicle@gmail.com
Please print this ezine only if you have to. Help save our planet.
TQC Exclusive : Behind The Rainbow Curtain
TQC - Jul 2010
Apphia and her friends discuss change,
social gathering and started up a local
to know that they have a support
coming out, LGBT poliDcs, and the
support group. I was as nervous as I’d
network, for them to know inspiring
growth of Pune’s Queer Family.
ever been. ReflecFng on when Pune’s
gay people out there who are proud
With the words ‘Gay’ and ‘Lesbian
first visible support group had its first
about who they are ‐ and have no
splashed across headlines in almost
party, Pradeep reminisces, “Coming
issues about their sexuality, can only be
every newspaper and not really making
together as a community that first Fme
a good thing.”
news, media hysteria at its best in India
was good and it has goien many more
We meet up on an average of once in
has made hiding in a closet isn’t as easy
people to come out of the closet and
two months, someFmes every month.
at it used to be. Everyone now has an
open up.” This was our first step toward
As more people realize that there is a
opinion about ‘the gays’ and has their
coming together as the Queer
safe space created for them, the more
own stereotypes that convince them
Community of Pune City.
of them come together and are even
they know who we are. Back in July
“An effort of this kind made me happy
coming out. In response to the change
2009, when the newspapers in Pune
and slightly sad. It is an effort, that’s
the community in Pune is currently
were franFcally searching for people to
what makes me happy. It makes me sad
undergoing, Pradeep says, “In the past,
go on the record with their opinions on
that most people don’t see that effort
everyone was very closeted. This
the court’s ruling, there were a very
for what it is” says Varun, another
change is a very slow process compared
limited few who were willing to go on
member of the group. “I’m eagerly
to other ciFes, as they are more
record, with their own names. I found
waiFng to see the journey this group
developed with regards to a queer
myself in a group of friends, wanFng to
takes and what it can achieve. It
scene. I am happy that the LGBT
use their voices and not hide behind
definitely is a vital factor in instaFng the
community in Pune has been given a
the rainbow curtain.
sense of community in Pune” he adds.
face lin. I know that each person here,
Coming Together
Very recently introduced to Birds of a
whether gay, lesbian or bisexual, looks
May 2009, a couple of months before
Feather, Ma Faiza says, “ There
forward to aiend community parFes.
the big decision made by the Courts, a
definitely should be more awareness
Their mindset has broadened and it has
liile part of Pune came together to
and more informaFon to everybody.
given them an understanding towards
celebrate diversity and equality on their
We definitely need more community.
the interests of developing as a
own terms. Almost everyone who
Every group of individuals needs to feel
community. Pune being a small city,
showed up at this first gathering
the sense of community, especially for
where everyone knows everyone, many
curiously looked at a girl they had never
gay people. With their family and
people are very shy and not open about
seen before, who had iniFated this
friends, there might be issues. For them
the fact of our existence. Many locals 1
it’s a disease or that its abnormal, I’ll probably voice my point of view. Love is uncondiFonal, but I’m not going to force my views on them. If you are an educated adult and sFll choose to be biased, there isn’t much I can do to change that. The only truth would be that I will never be biased toward you.” Friends that I’ve invited to march with me at Pride Marches in the country, quesFon the reason for such visible displays. Aner all, isn’t being gay what you do in the bedroom? What was the need to take it to streets? “We are a community that has been
would sFll prefer to explore places that
it does not define us. We are daughters,
trodden upon and hushed up. So
are already have a established gay life,
sons, brothers, sisters, friends,
visibility is important. Whether or not
like in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and
teachers, accountants, lawyers,
people know should not make a
Calcuia. The community we have here,
engineers, musicians, writers, arFsts,
difference to what they think of me. My
gives strength to others who idenFfy
business people, etc.
being gay is just that ‐ being gay. It is
with us. For them to mingle and make
As someone who has always suspected
not who I am, but a part of who I am.
friends is the way that interacFon
that I wasn’t so straight, my cousin,
My idenFty is forged by me, as an
increases. This also leads to the
Daniel adds “It doesn’t really maier to
individual, all factors included ‐ family,
building up of healthy relaFonships.”
me, but I do find it weird because it is
friends, educaFon, work, etc. I’d sooner
Talking about it
different and not exactly common. It
be idenFfied with these factors as with
While it is important to have a network
can seem a bit difficult to accept
my sexuality. Not because I’m ashamed
and a support system in today’s society,
because in our family, especially, it’s
of it, but because it is only a part of
“It definitely needs to be talked about
unheard of. Don’t get me wrong,” he
who I am” reasons Varun.
and felt comfortable with” says Ma
reassures, “it does not bother me. It is
Is coming out really necessary?
Faiza. “The first stage of accepFng who
beier that you're honest. I have
Straight people don’t come out as
you are, is feeling at peace with
accepted it, but obviously there are
heterosexual, why then do we feel it
yourself, your environment and your
always some people who will be less
necessary? A person ‘comes out’ when
family and friends. The support you
they realize that they aren’t the
receive from yourself and from those
Here is an enFre community, standing
‘heteronoramaFve stereotype’ they’re
around you can only nourish you in
firm on the belief in uncondiFonal love.
expected to be. It is a liberaFon ‐ the
dealing with the other things in your
What more could we want in a peaceful
true manifest of the freedom of
life, not just in ‘being gay’. It can
society today? There sFll are a lot of
expression that everyone needs,
someFmes get to a point where being
homophobic people living amongst us.
irrespecFve of their sexual orientaFon.
gay becomes the singular most
People like Baba Ramdev, display their
From within the communes, Ma Faiza
important crusade and I think that, like
ignorance when they make hateful and
adds, “Coming out is one of the single
any crusade, it can (maybe) bring a
uneducated remarks against our
most important things a gay person can
narrow mindedness, even in something
community. Yet, at the Queer Azadi
do. It gives you an inner strength about
like this. Life isn’t all about being gay is
March in 2009, the streets of Mumbai
accepFng who you are. Till you don’t
it?” she adds.
heard over 2000 people shouFng,
come out, you haven’t really accepted
Everyone in the community agrees that
‘Baba Ramdev ko bhi, pyaar do, pyaar
who you are and you carry with you a
being gay is only a part of who we are,
do!’ Varun re‐iterates, “If people think
shame. If you are at peace with who
you are, then you have no problems
IniFally upon coming out, a person will
me, nearby to me. Its quite inspiring.” A
sharing who you are, and you know
go on talking about it, exercising their
regular contributor to the magazine,
that the universe will love you anyway
new found freedom and voice. It can
Parul quips, “It is very liberaFng and is a
because, as you love yourself and you
get annoying to a straight person who
plazorm for women.” Jiah has seen a
accept yourself, so will the universe. It’s
doesn’t get it, or believes that it
c o n s t a n t g r o w t h a n d w o m e n
the first most important stage to a
doesn’t maier. Be sensiFve about the
everywhere are happy that finally a
person who feels that they might want
issue. We are in a slow process of
magazine with substance has arrived.
to experiment with their sexuality,
liberaFon from repression. As a country
Our PoliDcs
discover or even rediscover their
we got Independence 63 years ago, and
The recent demise of Prof. Siras has
sexuality. It is so important to let
we’re sFll celebraFng and talking about
sFrred up emoFons within the LGBT
people know about it so you can
it. “LiberaFon is sFll a huge word in this
community across the country. If
actually feel proud of and accept who
country” says Parul.
someone who has been in the media,
you are much easier, especially in this
Time changes us as a society and as
like he has, could be murdered – what
families. The more open and honest we
about the closeted lone homosexual in
As someone sFll in the closet, Shruthi
are about talking about who we really
a village, who has no support at all? It
says, “Coming out is a privilege. Those
are, whether feminist, vicFms of abuse,
will take Fme for people to realize that
who have done it are the ones who live
disabled, queer, social acFvists – the
t h i s d e fi n i t e l y a ffe c t s u s a s a
life to the fullest, living true to their
lines of communicaFons should always
community. This is terrorism that we
heartbeat. For me, coming out would
remain open.
face as a community. Even aner the
mean facing my own demons more
Being the Change
judiciary grants us equality, that
than anything else. And frankly, right
With the spurt in visibility of the LGBT
something of this sort can happen is
now, the price of the baile does seem
community, queer friendly businesses
outrageous. Where is that media
too expensive. So, for now, here I am, in
are being started and are geyng more
hysteria now? The city’s youth are sFll
my closet, watching my other brave
visible each day. Pune seems to be the
looking for support, to be able to show
soldiers, and wishing them the best!”
hub of queer publicaFons with online
visible solidarity.
Once you do come out, the rest will
magazines like ‘TQC’ and ‘Jiah: The
The Other Side of the Curtain
follow. ReacFons differ. SomeFmes
magazine for women with heart’.
What is encouraging though, is the
fa m i l y a n d f r i e n d s a r e v i s i b l y
On receiving her first copy of Jiah, Ma
support that we get from our straight
supporFve, and someFmes they will
Faiza reacts, “I think its really important
friends and family. Some of who even
not want us to talk about it in front of
to have something like it. India needs
enjoy themselves at our parFes.
people they know. This is completely
role models, especially of the gay
“Strangely it’s like being on the other
understandable, especially with our
community. The whole world needs
side of the door for once. We are the
parents. We’ve had our whole lives to
role models, not just Pune. I think its
hosts and they, our guests. We're no
get comfortable with the fact that
brilliant. I felt on my own here, and
longer the ‘outsiders’. It’s us welcoming
we’re airacted to people of the same
now I feel like maybe there’s actually
them, as much as them supporFng us”
gender. It is only normal that they need
other people in the community around
finishes Varun.
Fme to accept it. They were brought up in a world a bit more orthodox than ours, by parents much more orthodox than ours. The concept of being open about sexuality, especially homo‐ and bi‐sexuality is new to them. The only
TQC - Jul 2010
way we can help is by being paFent and understanding. Parents don’t always understand everything; a liile help goes a long way. 3
Quaran@ne is a bouncer. It leaves you
but going in the other direcFon on the
marsh of existenFal ego‐muck. I was
clean bowled and yet begs for another
crowded road called success.
hungry for the end and yet let down by
ball from the other side. Rahul Mehta
The first story, 'QuaranFne', aptly sets
it. It goes to show that Mehta can be
desperately does for New York what the trend. It’s an acidic etching of three
wicked when he wants to be a queen,
Armistead Maupin did for San Francisco, generaFons trying to finally come to
promising a happy ending and fails to
albeit the defiant dysfuncFonal desi
terms with their lives and ends with the
deliver, on purpose.
son making it amply clear he’s breaking
The best story is ‘A Beier Life’ in which
The book can be done in a maximum of away despite paying obeisance to the
a Gujju boy plays a smart New Yorker
two siyngs and is delighzul reading —
Indian tradiFon. I like the way gay sons
and tries to fool his and his guardian’s
albeit a bit irritaFng because most of
have been accepted as part of the
family on his wasted years. It’s got that
the gay men are highly out of sync with
familial landscape here, with the same
‘gay men trying peek‐a‐boo with family
their ersatz environment, the ever
rights and without a second thought of
and friends Fll he doesn’t know what
present long shadow of the Big Apple
‘what will the relaFves say’ interfering.
he’s up to and yet manages to be
but without its perpetual fizz.
The second story ‘FloaFng’ swings all
endearing in that he doesn’t lose your
For a ciFzen of Bombay, New York is a the way back into small‐town India and
sympathy’ quality about it. I wouldn’t
sister city in every which way — it has pries out the male‐male sex that is
have paFence for such guys in Bombay.
the similar wavelength of on‐the‐edge
rampant there. I liked it because it’s so
But here, strangely, it seems okay and I
energy, totally wicked and wry people
finely craned. You’ll meet hustlers like
quesFon myself ‘Why?’
living for the day and never thinking of
Rajesh all over India, smartly dressed
The important chain link of family is
what might (or might not) happen
and hiding under labels like ‘guide’,
never lost by Mehta. It tugs you back
tomorrow. The book is inhabited by
‘arFst’. In the story, Darnell and his
the moment you feel you’ve lost your
people trying very hard to be successful Indian lover are being chased by all the
way. Like Jewish mothers, the Indian
in a bindaas bare‐ass kind of way.
local guys with their sharp antennae
family is stronger than we know,
However, a small warning. Unlike
long before they even catch on and
however dysfuncFonally deadpan we
Maupin, the stories here don’t all Fe up
discover ‘what’ Rajesh is.
may try to be. There is that underlying
in the end into a karmic knot. They are
Some of the stories are about big losers
truth that Mehta never loses and it’s
like coion strands intertwining into a
like the Indian wannabe writer in ‘Yours’.
sort of assuring in a welcome way.
fine muslin‐like fabric that says the US of Again it’s finely craned to show the A also has Indians now domesFcated 4
tussle between a tugging ambiFon and a
‘Quaran6ne’ by Rahul Mehta is available at www.queer‐ink.com
TQC - Jul 2010
MOVIE REPORT BY AMEY KOLHE Based on true events, the most
He is taken to hospital where he
both English and French, with English
intriguing thing about this film is the
eventually realizes that he is gay and his
subFtles where required.
Ftle; which would lead any curiosity
name is James Brighton.
The young amnesiac who awakes in
seeker to view it based on the sparsity The search is then on to find this man's
Montreal knowing nothing of himself
of reviews and the always intriguing
idenFty since no one has reported him
except that he is gay ‐ the central key to
subject of amnesia ‐ of an American
lost. He is taken in by a gay support
h i s s t o r y, i s e x c e l l e n t l y a n d
man found naked on a park bench in
group who help him find out who James
sympatheFcally acted by Dusan Dukic,
Montreal, who has no idea who is or
Brighton is ‐ which we find out is not
with generally fine performances by the
how he got there! An irresisFble idea for this man. Has he stolen an idenFty or is
supporFng players as well.
a film which would appeal to both gay
he really amnesic? And who is the real
The story is a fascinaFng one, sensiFvely
and straight audiences, but the good‐
James Brighton?
posing core philosophical quesFons of
looking amnesiac makes for all the right
Shot mostly on video, the quality is
the meaning of idenFty, the effects on a
stuff for the film fesFval circuit.
quite good, as is the acFng. The film is in
person of suddenly losing it, the rewards
and the risks of regaining it, and above all, the ways in which its loss affects one's relaFonships with others, present and past, and with oneself. The grit of the film lies not so much in the storyline (that becomes fragmented at regular intervals due to the moments of memory return the main character experiences), but instead in the manner in which our amnesiac struggles to find his idenFty, a family, and a sense of belonging. Through the help of social workers, detecFves, a gay hotline service, and the media the 'true' idenFty is slowly unveiled, but not without some serious setbacks ‐ onen presented to us as flashback bits and pieces as to who our amnesiac may be.
Here is what we heard from you, on TQC’s June 2010 edi6on. “I loved the story by Rohit Pramar. I am sure most of us are so pissed of at
The film's primary shortcomings are occasionally awkward transiFons that can leave the viewer confused, and supporFng characters who are too onen underdeveloped or ill‐explained and who arrive and disappear from the story with frustraFng rapidity. Nevertheless "Amnesia" is a fine film, both entertaining and thought‐ provoking. DuraFon: 90 minutes Language: English & French Release: 2005
Cheers!” The Editor: Hey Aditya. Thanks for
specifically caters to LGBT audiences
Rohit’s courage and head‐on defense! More power to him and everyone else who’s out at work!” – Sagar, Pune
in your part of the country and we respect their efforts, TQC would not come into Kolkata. We would love you to conFnue to remain a fan of TQC, though ;)
“[TQC] looks like a great [Facebook] page! Obviously, I am a supporter of what you do and I know others who are.” ‐ David Hardy, USA “TQC is one of the most visually appealing magazines I have come across.” ‐ Aditya, Bangalore “This is the first Fme in my life that I have read a gay magazine. And I can hardly believe it from India. TQC is really really amazing.” ‐ Ram,
We would love to hear from you. Your feedback would only help us
“Great work TQC team. Another awesome issue...keep it up.” ‐ Ajay, Mumbai “I checked out the ezine. Great
Amnesia was one of the films screened
presentaFon.” ‐ Rovan, Mumbai
Mumbai Interna@onal Film Fes@val’.
well. Will be awaiDng your reply.
silent about it. But honestly I admire
Country: Canada
at the recently concluded ‘Kashish:
with something similar for Kolkata as
However, as Gaylaxy Magazine
up Ranjeet!” – Prasad, Mumbai
consistently hold the viewer's interest.
helpful if you guys could come up
be such a pain, and one tends to keep
afflict stories of this sort, emphasizing
comprise most of the plot and
gays as well. It would be really
something for other ciFes too.
is going to be a useful arFcle. Keep it
everyone has aiempFng to unravel it
someone is thinking about Indian
your message. We would love to do
clichés and psycho‐babble that can
man lost his memory? The difficulFes
Aditya, Kolkata: “Great job! Finally
about you at work, that working can
“Amazing issue and ‘The Pink Rupee’
of the tale: how and why has this young
Dear Editor,
peoples' reacFons when they know
The screenplay successfully avoids the
instead the mystery that is at the heart
TQC - Jul 2010
Readers’ Corner
improve. Please email us at TheQueerChronicle@gmail.com ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
T h e TQ C Ed i to r i a l d e s k i s accepDng arDcle contribuDons for the August 2010 issue. The deadline is July 15, 2010.
My profession requires me to travel a
agree with you yaar, it is so important
place in 2008, my friend would not only
lot…and travel a lot to places where I
to save yaar…that is why I have put Rs 1
lose his returns but would risk his
might not find easy access to ATMs.
lakh in mutual funds.”
enFre principal amount of Rs 1 lakh.
Consequently, I’m loaded with cash
I was like ‐ “Wow! That’s great! What
The investment opFons available in
whenever I’m traveling for work.
mutual fund? And what about the rest
India are mulFple. It’s like a “planet
Now the one golden rule that Mommy
of your savings?”
romeo” of money; plus at the end of
dearest has always taught me, is to
He went on to say “What rest?
the day you can actually get to take
keep your money at least two different
Whatever I had, I put it into mutual
home something…like for real! So….
places ‐ some in your wallet, some in
funds. And I don’t know, which mutual
There’s NaFonal Saving CerFficate
your jeans, some in your handbag and
funds yaar. But lemme tell you dude, a
(NSC), Postal Deposits, Public Provident
maybe some in your check‐in luggage
savings account will give you 4%
Fund, Fixed Deposits, Mutual Funds,
( a l t h o u g h t h a t ’s n o t s t r i c t l y
interest and aner tax, it will come to
Equity Markets, Real Estate …phew!
recommended), so that if one of these
peanuts. Mutual funds will give you
Each investment opFon has its own
goes missing (yeah yeah, I’ve heard this
40% returns. I wanna get rich yaar ….
range of returns and risk magnitudes.
story about a person whose jeans went
mutual funds it is!”
Higher the risk of the investment
missing at a Delhi farmhouse party, but
My friend was right on one count and
opFon, the higher are the returns.
never mind that!), you have another
wrong on three. He was right about the
The idea is to invest in either/or/all of
cache to count on.
fact that mutual funds, if invested
them based on your individual needs,
Food for thought ‐ What if we follow
wisely in, would indeed give you beier
goals and risk appeFte but the
the same principle for our investments?
returns than your savings. You see I
important thing to remember is to
In our last ediFon of The Pink Rupee,
have used the word “wisely”. My friend
DIVERSIFY! Needs can be as basic as
we all realized the importance of saving
did not know what mutual funds he
buying a car or as advanced as
and invesFng so as to balance our
had invested in. And the worst part was
construcFng your own house or taking
needs, luxuries and risks. Aner reading
that he had invested his ENTIRE savings
a world tour. The goal is to have an x
the previous column, a friend came up
in mutual funds. In case of a stock
amount of money with you before you
to me and said “Ranjeet, I completely
market collapse, which recently took
reFre....... Con@nued on Page 12
TQC - Jul 2010
Life & Tarot BY JAIDEEP BHIDE “I am a doctor and have started my
opportuniFes outside Pune that suit
pracDce in Pune about 8 months back. But I find that the profession is
your requirements, take them! Keep your focus on the long term and act
unethical and feel disillusioned.
accordingly. All the best!
Hence, I have not established contacts in my peer group nor have I secured
The Gist of the Reading: Great poten@al for Success. Don’t get trapped in the
any big hospital contracts. While I have been receiving job offers, they
Comfort Zone.
are all outside Pune and I really don’t
“I am working in an IT MNC as a
want to shif base. However, I am in a fix as I am in dire financial straits.
Business Analyst. Lately, I have been feeling unsehled and depressed. I
What should I do? Please help!” Name: Doc
need a change of job or locaDon to revive myself but I can’t find either.
Date of Birth: Withheld on request
My transfer requests have been
JB: The Reading ‐ It is heartening to see that some doctors sFll take the
denied by my employer. Plus, those I was emoDonally dependent upon have
HippocraFc Oath seriously and who are as troubled by the pracFces of Big
been transferred out of this locaDon. I feel emoDonally shahered and
Medicine as the rest of us. You are a
despondent. Please help me: what is
rare breed indeed! However, as a professional who has invested a lot of
the outlook for my future?” Name: M
Fme and money in geyng where he is today, you need to find a balance
Date of Birth: Withheld on request JB: The Reading ‐ Dear M, hang in
b et we e n yo u r i d e a l s a n d yo u r
there! You are in a phase of Life that
ambiFons. The present state of affairs will
almost everyone goes through at some point or another – you may want the
conFnue if you don’t change the way you are doing things. You have an
gears to shin faster but someFmes, life just decides to slow down a bit.
immense potenFal for success but for
The reason for this is that your Karma
this to manifest, you will have to bite the bullet and get out of your comfort
with your present employer and locaFon is running out. Hoping that
zone. Don’t get trapped in it! The need of the hour is a shin in
things will work out in your favor in your current job is a waste of Fme. Take
aytudes and behavior. ConnecFons are
charge, and start looking out for a new
good, connecFons help. Don’t shy away from them. Face the world with
job. Change, Movement, Progress – all these are very strongly indicated in the
confidence. The next 2 years will determine the course of the rest of
cards. Update your CV and aggressively circulate it.
your life. The road ahead won’t always
You should find what you are looking
be pleasant and easy. You will have to make sacrifices; you will have to put in
for within the next 6 to 7 months. Things will improve once you move out.
the long hours. But in the end, all this will pay off.
Special Advice: While you look for a new job, don’t lose your focus in your
Get aiached to big hospitals. You can
current job. Lay low, do your job well
be part of the system without falling p r e y t o i t . A l s o, i f t h e r e a r e
and don’t let your work suffer. Email us at thequeerchronicle@gmail.com
And Bon Appétit
A series in Cocktail recipes to help you unwind. BRANDY SOUR The Brandy Sour is a mixed alcoholic cocktail that has been cited as the naFonal drink of Cyprus. The cocktail was developed at the Forest Park Hotel, in a Cypriot hill‐resort for the young King Farouk of Egypt who onen stayed at the hotel during his frequent visits to the island. The Brandy Sour was ingeniously introduced as an
C i la nt ro Li m e Sh ri m p K eb ab s 3 tablespoons sesame/olive oil 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro 1 teaspoon freshly grated lime zest 3 tablespoons lime juice 1/2 teaspoon salt 12 raw shrimps (8-12 per pou nd), peeled and deveined 3 jalapeño peppers, stemme d, seeded and quartered lengthwise
way of disguising the monarch's
2 plums, pitted and cut into sixt
Ingredients 2‐1/2 oz Brandy 1 oz Lemon Juice ‐ freshly squeezed 1/2 tsp Sugar / Bar Sugar Method
Method Whisk oil, cilantro, lime zest, lime juice and salt in a large bowl. Set asid e3 tablespoons of the mixture in a small bowl to use as dressing. Add shrimp, jalapeños and plums to the remaining mar inade; toss to coat. Preheat oven grill to medium-high.
Shake the brandy, lemon juice and sugar well with cracked ice. Strain into a chilled glass. Garnish with an orange slice and a maraschino cherry.
w it h S t r a w b e r r ie s ce C h o c o la t e S a u Ingredients
s sizes strawberrie 16 to 20 medium 1-2 tbsp butter rk chocolate 150 gm milk or da
the strawberries. Wash and pat dry ge m slice from a lar Cut a vertical botto . se ba a e ak to m sized strawberry h rries four layers hig be Heap the straw er ew sk en od with wo and adjust them more Do the same for 3 p. to m fro pierced servings tter & ed pan melt the bu In a thick bottom till ly ocolate. Stir gent add the grated ch r. tte nds into the bu the chocolate ble er the ocolate sauce ov Pour the sinful ch ies et about the calor strawberries. Forg and indulge!
gourmet home entertainer.
alcoholic subsFtute for iced tea, as a preference for Western‐style cocktails.
A series of palate tickling delectables for the time-pressed
Make 4 kebabs, alternating shri mp, jalapeños and plums evenly amo ng four 10-inch skewers. (Discard the marinade.) Grill the kebabs, turning once, until the shrimps are cooked through about 8 minutes total. Drizzle with the reserved dressing. Baby tomatoes can be used instead of plums. This deliciou s recipe makes 4 servings of kebabs.
Ask Doctor Tushar “Please advise whether taking a
“Of late I have noDced that I don’t feel
protein supplement like whey protein
hungry at all and my stomach feels
for body building is safe? If not what
queasy very ofen. Can u suggest
are the side effects of the same?” –
anything for the same. Is it because of
eaDng out, way too much?” ‐ JB
Dr Tushar: Sumit, brightly colored cans
Dr Tushar: Dear JB, irregular bowels
of whey protein, stacked on top of each
with decreased appeFte is one of the
other make for a really tempFng sight
most common complaints nowadays,
don’t they? More so, since your gym
and has more to do with irregular
partner is bulging like crazy (no pun
eaFng habits. And I agree , there’s no
intended) and you can’t seem to gain
beaFng the taste of that scrumpFous
an ounce. What are you waiFng for
looking “triple schezwan rice’’ at your
dude? Just guzzle down that tall shake
nukkadwala Chinese tapri, but therein
of whey protein. Yes, whey protein is
lies the root of the problem. Food
definitely safe for consumpFon. Whey
cooked at these places is unhygienic,
proteins are an easily digesFble form of
the vegetables are rarely washed
proteins containing essenFal amino
adequately, neither is the meat. This
acids, derived from milk; the added
leads to worm infestaFon of the
advantage is that unlike milk, whey
intesFnes; and it is not that the
protein is free of fat and lactose. Whey
vegetarians are spared. Inadequately
purportedly contains more proteins
washed vegetables, even in home
than eggs, plus whey is also known to
cooked food can lead to the same,
have anFoxidant effects. The prime
leading to your afore menFoned
advantage of whey is that aner
symptoms. I would suggest, have fixed
ingesFon, since it is an already simpler
m e a l F m i n g s , e a t a t ‘ p r o p e r ’
form of protein, it is absorbed in the
restaurants if dining out, wash your
body is much faster. Hence faster
fruits and veggies thoroughly, and ask
results. Whey protein may also be
your local ‘Chinaman’ NOT to use Aji‐
taken by people opFng for a healthier
no‐moto (aka MSG), as it is a
lifestyle, not necessarily involving
carcinogenic agent. I also recommend
gymming. Whey is available in three
that you chew a 400 mg tablet of
forms: concentrate, isolate and
Albendazole (trade name ‘Zental’)
hydrolysate ‐ hydrolysate being the best
followed by a glass of water first thing
(hence the most expensive), followed
tonight. I strongly advise every reader
by isolate and then concentrate. There
to repeat this treatment at least once
are no proven side effects of whey, but
every six months. I also suggest a
excess consumpFon over a prolonged
teaspoon of isabgol powder (like
period may lead to liver damage.
‘Fabolite’, which comes in a more
Remember, moderaFon is the key. Let
palatable orange flavor) with with a
whey supplement your diet, not the
glass of water at bed Fme.
other way round. 11
Pink Rupee ‐ Con@nued from Pg 8 ....Or start that entrepreneurial venture in the next ‘n’ years. Risk appeFte is the amount of loss of money you can digest in case of a bad investment decision. The art is to take calculated risks and make opFmum amount of money with informed d e c i s i o n m a k i n g a b o u t y o u r investments. And we can achieve all this with the principle of diversificaFon. So basically, if you have a chunk of money to invest, go for a porzolio which covers opFons right from the least risk investments like a fixed deposit in a naFonalized bank, to the highest risk investment such as shares. If you are invesFng in fixed deposits, invest in more than one bank and make mulFple fixed deposits. If you are invesFng in mutual funds, go for more than one fund house, for different schemes (based on your needs again) . If you choose the stock market, make sure you have different sectors covered in your porzolio. This way, if one bank/ fund house/sector fails, you can make g o o d t h e l o s s e s t h ro u g h y o u r
alternaFve investments. As Michael Jackson puts it not so subtly. “Money. Money… Lie for it Spy for it Kill for it Die for it..” And I say, avoid all that and just invest wisely. Be versaFle…err…I mean diversify. UnFl next Fme folks!
Ground Floor, Nirvana, North Avenue, Kalyani Nagar, Pune, INDIA
Disclaimer: The financial content in ‘The Pink Rupee’ is provided for your personal informa@on only, is not intended for trading purposes, and cannot subs@tute for professional financial advice. Always seek advice of a competent financial advisor with any ques@ons you may have regarding a financial maeer. The informa@on is not appropriate for the purposes of making a decision to carry out a transac@on or trade nor does it provide any form of advice (investment, tax, or legal) amoun@ng to investment advice, or make any recommenda@ons regarding par@cular financial instruments, investments, or products.
Art & Soul COMPILED BY KEITH TQC is commihed to encouraging and promoDng the creaDvity of queer & queer‐ friendly talent. Pradeep Mahadeshwar, the featured arFst, has pledged that 15% of the proceeds on sale of this artwork through TQC, would be donated to ‘Voices Against 377’, a coaliFon of NGOs and progressive groups working together as a united voice to fight against ArFcle 377 of the Indian Penal Code. www.voicesagainst377.org If you would like to purchase this work of art and would like to connect with the arFst, email us at TheQueerChronicle@gmail.com
Title: PL ATFORM Series : Winter Medium in Lond ArDst: P on : Mix m radeep edia ‐ D print o Mahad Year: 20 igital n eshwar canva 10 s , painted then h Size: 16 and and p inches x arDally printed 26 inch Price fo s c reen . es r the ar MounD t: INR 6 n ,000/‐ g: Fram ed
Doctor in da house DR. ARINDAM BASU, MD (Medicine) - Physician & Intensivist Director, TeamIntensiveTM is available for medical consultations and counseling. When: Monday through Saturday
TQC - Jul 2010
Where: Shree Hospital (Shastri Nagar / Kalyani Nagar junction on Main Nagar Road), Pune Time: 10.30 am to 1.30 pm A safe space and privacy guaranteed! Please call on +91.9890226748 for prior appointments.
Weekend Getaway: Ellora BY KEITH
Ellora, an archaeological site 30 km from
C a v e 1 0 , i s l o c a l l y k n o w n a s
characterized by intricate detailing.
the city of Aurangabad, is well known
Vishvakarma. This cave contains a stupa
Many of the structures had rich
for the UNESCO World Heritage Site –
on the face of which a colossal 3.30 m
painFngs in the ceilings – fragments of
the monumental Ellora Caves.
high seated Buddha. The hall has a
which are sFll visible.
Ellora is of the finest examples of
vaulted roof with ribs have been carved
Best Dme to visit: The city experiences
rockcut caves in India and it is meeFng‐
in the rock imitaFng the wooden ones.
extreme climate; hot summers and cold
point of the Buddhist, Jain and Hindu
Cave 16, the renowned Kailasa Temple
winters. The tourist season extends right
religions. There are 34 caves in total ‐ 12
dedicated to Lord Shiva, is probably the
through the year but the best Fme to
Buddhist (600‐800 AD), 17 Hindu (900
largest monolith in the world and is said
visit is August through February.
AD) and 5 Jain (800‐100 AD) excavated
to have taken 7,000 laborers, working in
Gepng there: The closest airport is in
out of the verFcal face of the
conFnuous shins, 15 years to build.
Aurangabad. The city is also well
Charanandri hills. These Buddhist, Hindu
Lavishly carved and sculpted from a
connected by road to Mumbai (392 km),
and Jain rock cut temples and
single rock, it bears tesFmony to the
Nasik (221 km) and Pune (299 km).
monasteries, built in proximity,
excellence of Dravidian art.
Places to stay: There are numerous
demonstrate the religious harmony
Cave 32 popularly known as ‘Indra
hotels located within the city of
prevalent during this period of Indian
Sabha’ (the assembly hall of Indra)
Aurangabad, which include Rama
belongs to the Jain group of caves and
InternaFonal, Taj Aurangabad, Ajanta
I recommend at least a full day at the
the shrine contains the seated Mahavir,
Ambassador and Lemon Tree.
caves, to absorb and appreciate the
last of the 24 Frthankars and founder of
Food: If you are adventurous enough,
beauty, intricacy and splendor. However
Jainism. The lotus design details on the
the by lanes of the old city offer a
if you have other ‘sites to see and things
columns are the finest examples of this
unique treat in tradiFonal Mughali
to do’ and are hard pressed for Fme, the
cransmanship in the Ellora complex.
cuisine and street‐food.
absolute ‘must‐sees’ within the
There are numerous other caves within
Shopping: Woven Himroo shawls,
complex, are Cave 10 (Vishwakarma),
the complex that depict the tradiFon
Mashru and Kimkhab weaves, Paithani
Cave 16 (Kailash Temple) & Cave 32
and philosophy of the Buddhist and Jain
saris, Bidri objects and jewelry made
(Indra Sabha).
art and architecture. The Jain caves are
from semi‐precious stones.
Party Calendar For July 2010 July 2, 2010 - Friday
July 24, 2010 - Saturday
FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF DELHI HIGH PINK NATION PARTY COURT JUDGEMENT By Pink NaFon, MulF‐city By GayBombay (GB), Mumbai www.thepinknaFon.com www.gaybombay.org
July 27, 2010 - Tuesday
July 3, 2010 - Saturday PINK NATION PARTY
PEGS‐N‐PINTS PARTY By Club Pegs‐n‐Pints, Delhi
By Pink NaFon, MulF‐city www.thepinknaFon.com
July 31, 2010 - Saturday PINK NATION PARTY
July 6, 2010 - Tuesday PEGS‐N‐PINTS PARTY
By Pink NaFon, MulF‐city www.thepinknaFon.com
By Club Pegs‐n‐Pints, Delhi
SHAKERS‐N‐SWINGERS By WhiteNights Fiesta, Mumbai
July 10, 2010 - Saturday
WET AND WILD MONSOON FEST Fiesta 2010 By Bombay Masala, Mumbai hip://www.facebook.com/group.php? gid=72270194982
BACK‐2‐SCHOOL By WhiteNights Fiesta, Mumbai www.planetromeo.com/WhiteNights‐ Fiesta PINK NATION PARTY By Pink NaFon, MulF‐city www.thepinknaFon.com July 13, 2010 - Tuesday PEGS‐N‐PINTS PARTY By Club Pegs‐n‐Pints, Delhi July 17, 2010 - Saturday PINK NATION PARTY By Pink NaFon, MulF‐city www.thepinknaFon.com
If you are organizing a party for the community in the month of August and would like to have this listed, please send an email with details to TheQueerChronicle@gmail.com by July 27, 2010. Disclaimer: TQC does not vouch for the authenFcity of the organizers, the quality of the event, nor guarantees the security of guests at any of the listed
July 20, 2010 - Tuesday
events. We suggest that you do a
thorough background reference check
By Club Pegs‐n‐Pints, Delhi
and exercise cauFon at all Fmes.
TQC - Jul 2010