Issue 1 . Volume 10 . Pune
In this issue
TQC Exclusive: Homophobia at Work
In Focus: InternaFonal Day Against Homophobia
Page 3
Movie Report: ‘Lost & Found’
A Queer View: ‘God Loves Hair’
Art & Soul: Featured ArFst ‐ Pradeep Mone
Money: The Pink Rupee
Leisure: Life & Tarot
Such an exciEng development! PlanetRomeo has listed TQC in the ‘gay magazines’ secEon of their website. TQC is currently amongst only 24 magazines listed globally. For those who don’t know about PlanetRomeo ‐ it is the most widely
Leisure: Santé & Bon AppéFt
Health: Deskercise
ReflecFons: ‘The Enchantress’
Reader’s Corner
Party Calendar for June
accessed gay social networking site in India and one of the most popular globally. In countries like India where homosexuality is not yet fully legal, every new profile that gets created on PlanetRomeo, gets a free PLUS subscripEon – which is a premium subscripEon with lots of extra
TQC. Issue 1. Volume 10. Pune.
benefits, and SSL encrypEon,
Cover artwork: “The Message”, 2008. 48” X 36”, acrylic on canvas. Copyright Steve Walker.
something that new users from other countries need to pay to get. W e s a l u t e i n d i v i d u a l s a n d
Used with permission of the arEst www.stevewalkerarEst.com | Editor & publisher: Keith Contributors: Amey Kolhe, Jaideep Bhide, Pradeep Mone, Ranjeet Kulkarni, Rohit Pramar, ‘Seahorse of the Night’, Subodh Bodke | Layout concept, design & producEon: Keith TQC (The Queer Chronicle) is a monthly e‐magazine published for and by the queer
organizaEons like PlanetRomeo for
community in Pune. This e‐zine is a non‐commercial publicaEon, is not for sale and is
their efforts in trying to combat
exclusively for private distribuEon. Views expressed are solely the opinions of the individual
homophobia and helping make the world a more tolerant and safer
authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the editorial team of TQC, nor its
place for all of us.
www.facebook.com/tqc.india, www.planetromeo.com/tqc_india, TheQueerChronicle@gmail.
The Editor
Please print this ezine only if you have to. Help save our planet.
affiliates. The content of this e‐zine may not be suitable for all audiences.
TQC Exclusive : Homophobia At Work BY ROHIT PRAMAR
Moving ahead in a difficult profession ‐
I believe people should know the truth.
Unable to sacrifice my ego, I finally quit
singing, acEng, wriEng, whatever,
They may not like it or want to know it,
my job with so much biierness – but
requires avid faith in yourself. You must
but I believe they should know.
only amer I had told her exactly what I
be able to sustain those staggering
As Eme passed, it seemed that my male
though of her and her organizaEon.
blows and unfair reversals.
colleagues were not comfortable
I did whatever it was that I believed I
When I think back to those first couple
working with me. One day, one of my
should do, regardless of the risks. I
of months in Mumbai, those endless
female colleagues told me that the guys
stood up for myself.
rejecEons, without a glimmer of
were afraid that I would make a pass at
There are going to be some things in
encouragement from anyone, all those
them. It really pissed me off.
life that are going to make it hard for
failed interviews, and yet I never let my
Unable to quell the queer in me, one
you to smile, but through all the rain
desire slide away from me, my belief in
day during lunch I passed a sarcasEc
and all the pain, you have to keep your
myself and what I felt I could achieve.
remark, “Just like straights, even gays
sense of humor and keep on smiling.
Finally, the ray of hope came from a
prefer class, and unfortunately none of
There are Emes we do things because
liile known publishing house; I took no
the guys in our office have any.”
we convince ourselves it would be
Eme to accept. I sEll remember my first day at my new job. I became friends with everyone in just a maier of hours. It was my fourth day at work, we were having lunch. My daughter of my boss,
The truth is, if you won’t be who you really are, who else would you be?
who was also working with us, said to
beier for everyone involved. We tell ourselves it's the right thing to do, the altruisEc thing to do. It is far easier than accepEng our own truth. And the truth is, if you won’t be who you really are, who else would you be?
TQC - Jun 2010
me, “Rohit, I want to ask you a very personal quesEon.”
Their ignorance was legendary. Some of
“What is that?” I asked.
them would even equate homosexuals
“It’s very personal,” she replied.
with transsexuals. They would try their
“Shoot and ask. I will decide if I want to
best to piss me off, which I used to
answer or not,” I said.
laugh off.
“Are you what I think you are?” she
Although I believe I was good at my
work, everyone would always be keen
“And what is that you think?” I
on poinEng out my mistakes.
I had always heard that the media
“You know what I mean,” she said.
industry was very open‐minded about
“Well, then in that case, you’re right,” I
homosexuality. But certainly, my
said with a smile.
organizaEon was not one of them.
Amer that discussion, the first thought
Amer a while, even my boss seemed to
that came to my mind was, “Oh, WOW!
change her aotude towards me. She
I am out at work too.” I thought it was
also started being sarcasEc, nasty and
one of the coolest things. But my other
condescending, for which I had no
journalist friends told me that I
choice but to ignore. I truly regreied
shouldn’t have done that.
having opened up about my sexuality. 1
In Focus: IDAHO BY KEITH Over the past weeks, I have received at
heard by civil society; through IDAHO,
least 10 invites on Facebook, to join the
we act as members of civil society to
group “IDAHO”. I really couldn’t figure
bring debate into our insEtuEons,
what this newly found love was for
schools and neighborhoods.
‘Idaho’. In my mind, Idaho was just
In addiEon, individuals who are
another State in the US of A. Curiosity
concerned about the problem of
finally got the beier of me. Was I in for
homophobia, but who think that they
a surprise?!
may not have a place in the LGBT Pride
‘IDAHO’ is actually an acronym for
Day marches, are nonetheless provided
‘ I n t e r n a E o n a l D a y A g a i n s t
a means to voice their concerns
Homophobia’. Launched in August 2004
through IDAHO.
with the idea of creaEng a worldwide
Also, in those countries where it is
community of acEvists and commiied
impossible to organize a LGBT Pride Day
people, IDAHO provides an opportunity
march, a campaign against homophobia
for all stakeholders to demand poliEcal
m a y b e u n d e r t a k e n o n t h e
aienEon from policy makers. It aims at
InternaEonal Day Against Homophobia,
giving organizaEons an opportunity to
parEcularly where, officially at least,
call on to their poliEcal leaders or any
homosexuality is not condemned
other influenEal people/insEtuEon.
through enforced laws.
T h e I n t e r n a E o n a l D a y A g a i n s t
According to an opinion widely held,
Homophobia was fixed on May 17th, to
homosexuality is said to be freer today
commemorate the World Health
than ever before. It is present and
OrganizaEon’s decision to remove
visible everywhere : in the street, in the
homosexuality from the list of mental
newspapers, on television, at the
disorders. By May 17th 2005, as a result
of a year of campaigning efforts, 24000
It is even supposedly completely
people worldwide and reputed
accepted, judging by the recent
internaEonal organizaEons signed the
legislaEve advances made in many
“IDAHO appeal”.
countries for the recogniEon of same
IDAHO differs from LGBT Pride
sex couples.
marches, but their tacEcs are enErely
C e r t a i n l y, s o m e w o r k r e m a i n s
symmetrical and complimentary.
necessary in order to eradicate the last
In principle, the annual LGBT Pride
vesEges of discriminaEon. But with
Marches emphasize that Lesbians,
changing public opinion, it will only be,
Gays, Bisexuals and Transsexuals are
according to some people, a maier of
proud of their idenEty and refuse to be
Eme, the Eme needed for a movement
shamed. IDAHO highlights that in
begun many decades earlier to achieve
reality it is homophobia that is
its goals.
shameful and must be deconstructed in
IDAHO can help in this change. Each of
its social logic and fought against
u s n e e d s t o d o o u r b i t . V i s i t
www.idahomophobia.org for more
In pracEce, through LGBT Pride Day, we
march in the streets in order to be 2
a a p p 3 e 3 3 g e a g e p ge a g p 3 a p e e g g a 3 a p p e g 3 3 a p e e p g g a 3 3 p e e g g 3 a a e p p g 3 e pa 3 a g e p a g p a 3 p 3 e 3 e g g e a a g p p pa 3 3 3 e e e g g g a a a p p p 3 3 3 e e e g g g a a a p p p 3 3 3 e e e g g g a a a p p p 3 3 3 e e e g g g a ag a a p p p 3 3 3 e e e g g g a a a p p p 3 3 e e e g e3 g g a a a p p p 3 3 3 e e e g g g a a a p p p p 3 3 3 e e e g g g a a a p p p 3 3 3 e e e g g a a a p ag p p 3 3 3 e e e g g g a a a p p p 3 3 3 e e e e g g g a a a p p p 3 3 3 e e e g g g a a a p p 3 3p 3 e 3 g e e a g g p a a p p 3 3 e 3 g a a p age e 3 page p a p 3 3 e e g g g a a a p p 3p 3 WHITE NIGHTS FIESTA MAY 22, 2010. MUMBAI
TQC - Jun 2010
‘Lost & Found’
Queer focused magazines in India
BOMBAY DOST | Publishing locaEon:
Mumbai, Frequency: Biannual.
Delhi. An overcrowded DTDC
A looped soundtrack, a girl in glares on
GAYLAXY | Publishing locaEon: Kolkata,
bus. Two guys (James Scoi Edwards,
a slapping spree, along with a literal
Frequency: Monthly.
R i s h n e e t H e e r a ) . O n e , y o u r
lip smacking fantasy all contribute to
stereotypical light‐eyed feminine boy.
this commendable aiempt at saEre.
Publishing locaEon: Pune, Frequency:
The other, a brawny 6‐footer who
The Black & White, shaky ‐ grainy
makes his move amer he gets the right signals. Glances exchange.
effects though, give the film a 1980s Hum Log feel instead of the intended
PINK PAGES | Publishing locaEon: Delhi,
Hands touch, hands clutch, shy
classic look.
P UCK | Publishing locaEon: Pune,
smiles, all lead to a brief‐n‐wet bus
Shrenik, the director says: “This film
Frequency: Quarterly.
fantasy, complete with a jhola
was shot and fully edited in just one
hanging alongside. What follows is a
day and the enEre film was made with
locaEon: Pune, Frequency: Monthly.
typical comedy of errors and
zero budget, helped by friends acEng
misunderstandings which lead to a
in it. It was shot in a random local bus
light hearted and funny climax.
with real people with no special
Made in 2007 for Delhi’s first queer
arrangement or any advance booking
film fesEval ‐ Nigah, ‘Lost & Found’ was awarded the best Indian short
with the bus authoriEes. The enEre shooEng process was rather difficult
film award at the Kashish Film
because the bus was crowded, the
FesEval, Mumbai in April 2010.
ride was extremely bumpy and the
Fresh from an overdose of short films
weather was extremely hot and
at the Pune InternaEonal Film
humid. And yes, while shooEng a few
FesEval, I have to admit, I was not
inEmate shots, a lot of people ended
kicked about another short and silent
up geong scandalized but the
film. By the end of it (6 minutes to be
shooEng carried on. They soon
precise), it writhed up against my
became a part of the film directly or
Engly parts. Tacky but fun. It brushed up my own memories during my take
indirectly.” Lost and Found is available on DVD at
at public transport some years ago.
Azaad Bazaar in Mumbai and People
Lost & Found, not only brings forth
Tree in Delhi.
the issues faced by gays using public transport but also presents them effecEvely and light‐heartedly.
Frequency: Quarterly.
Queer Ink is India’s first online bookstore for everything queer. Queer Ink seeks to disempower those who look at others with derision or suspicion or ignorance, through the retailing of books, or the publishing of new works, or by supporEng business enterprises that need that first leg up. Queer Ink stocks books on queer issues, books by queer authors, books with queer characters, books with queer themes.....books that are non‐ mainstream in thought and acEon:) In short, Queer Ink houses any and all material (published or otherwise), in any regional language, on pan India Queerness! Queer Ink has been iniEated under the aegis of Offside Enterprises, a partnership of two queer women with over 20 years of experience each in corporate and non‐profit sectors, and a shared commitment towards creaEng empowering and self‐sustaining undertakings. F o r m o r e d e t a i l s p l e a s e v i s i t www.queer‐ink.com
TQC - Jun 2010
Dress Up (an excerpt from the book When we travel to India to visit my
‘God Loves Hair’)
parent’s family, my aunts tell me how
God Loves Hair is an exploraEon of
I like dressing up at school too.
preiy I am. I seize the opportunity to
sexuality, gender, racial poliEcs, religion
Whenever there is a school play, I beg test out their observaEons. Maybe you
and belonging through the eyes of a
for the girl roles. Girls get to have long, should dress me up in a sari and see
tender and intellectually curious child.
flowing hair, some days French‐braided, what I would look like as a girl, I say
These twenty short stories follow the
other days curled. They get to show off coyly. They jump at the chance. They
protagonist into realms he someEmes
shiny earrings and delicate bracelets. spread out their rainbow sari collecEons
doesn’t understand but he emerges
And girls get to wear actual colours. Like on the bed and I feel like a princess as I
w i t h t h e p o i g n a n t i n s i g h t ,
popsicle pink and poppy red. Why choose the bold magenta and black one.
sophisEcaEon, and honesty that only
should they have all the fun? It’s preiy It looks like something my mom would
the voice of a young mind can convey.
easy convincing everyone that it would wear. They spin me around in the
be funnier for a boy to play a girl, my endless sheer fabric that smells like oil
Vivek Shraya lives in Toronto. AcEve in
pre‐pubescent high‐pitched voice an and moth balls and pleat it a couple
the local queer
asset, but secretly I just want the chance Emes at the front so it looks like an
c o m m u n i t y,
to put on my mother’s velvet emerald‐
accordion hanging from my waist. But
h e ’s a l s o a
coloured dress.
my transformaEon isn’t complete.
musician who
It too is small and Eght, with a life of its Bangles all the way up to my elbows,
h a s t o u r e d
own. I step into the dress and close my thick black eyeliner, string of white
N o r t h
eyes. I let her Estee Lauder scent jasmine flowers in my hair. From afar,
A m e r i c a .
envelop me and feel her like a current of my dad thinks I am some sweet village
S h r a y a h a s
electricity, both warm and fierce.
girl. I am the preoest liile girl in the
released five records, including 2009’s
I become her. I am beauEful.
Keys & Machines. God Loves Hair is his
More at www.godloveshair.com
first book. 5
Art & Soul COMPILED BY KEITH TQC is commieed to encouraging and promoFng the creaFvity of queer & queer‐ friendly talent. Pradeep Mone, the featured arEst, has
Title: FL IGHTS O F FANTA Artwor SY k Code: TQC‐00 ArFst n 0 7 ame: Pr adeep M Medium one : Mixed media (Oil pa inted g lass & on mou sequins ntboard ) Style: A bstract Size: 30 inches x 22 inch MounF es ng: Fram ed Price: IN R 10,00 0/‐ Year: 20 09
pledged that 15% of the proceeds on sale of this artwork through TQC, would be donated to ‘Voices Against 377’, a coaliEon of NGOs and progressive groups working together as a united voice to fight against ArEcle 377 of the Indian Penal Code. www.voicesagainst377.org If you would like to purchase this work of art and would like to connect with the arEst, email us at TheQueerChronicle@gmail.com
Mickey's Make Over Salon Waxing . Clean ups . Facials . Face Scrubs . Anti Acne Treatment . Trendy Haircuts and Styling. Hair Coloring, Streaking & Smoothening . Hair Fall and Dandruff Therapy . Keratin Treatment . Manicure s . De-Tannin g treatment . Summer Body Cooling . Aroma Therapy Massages and Facials . Body Polishes . Body Scrubs . Spas . Body Massages . Body Serum Therapy. Kalyani Nagar, Pune. 11 am to 7 pm . By appointment only. Contact Mickey at +91.9604578477.
TEMPLE TREE & CONTEMPORARY ARTS AND CRAFTS A new range of furniture, tableware, table linen, cushion covers, lamps and other household accessories for the summer. We are also happy to add that we started our new section for accessories for men and women from 1st May that includes jewelry, bags, stoles and much more. As a queer run/friendly business we would like to work with as many people from the community as possible. If you are an artist, potter, fashion / jewelry designer, interior / furniture designer or if you have something you want
TQC - Jun 2010
to sell / show, contact us and we can try and make things happen.
Kalyani Nagar, Pune, INDIA • Contact Rishad on +91-9890295263 / etalidesign@gmail.com
‘… All the things I could do
Uh‐huh, I don’t mean to be preachy, I
an ugly twist of fate. He did not have
If I had a liOle money
do it too! And there’s absolutely
any Life Insurance cover. Poor uncle is
It’s a rich man’s world’! ‐ ABBA
nothing wrong about it. The only
contemplaEng selling their current
quesEon I ask myself and YOU, is AFTER
accommodaEon and shiming into a
you do all this, how much money do we
smaller flat. Poor Karan and his folks!
save post‐indulgence??
A liile birdie whispered in my ear that
By the way, did you hear about Rahul
Alok, who had gone to Delhi on work
who moved into his new sugar daddy’s
w a s c a u g h t i n a c e r t a i n
3 bhk apartment at Powai? Sigh! If we
‘uncompromising posiEon’ with his
only had the privileges of the Rahuls of
colleague. The posiEon was apparently
the world! But it is we, who have to buy
so uncompromising, that Alok had to
our own home for us to live with our
be admiied into the hospital for
partners / boyfriends / girlfriends. And
treatment of a slipped disc. If only he
it is we who have to shell out the
had a Mediclaim Insurance policy, the
money make the down‐payment and
money that he had been saving for his
pay the monthly loan installments!
trip abroad would not be spent on the
Did you also hear about poor Karan’s
treatment! Poor Alok!
parents? Karan was driving back from
A lot of us are working since we HAVE
that party in the western suburbs,
to earn money and are in professions in
drunk, stoned and oblivious to the
w h i c h w e ’ d r a t h e r n o t b e .
world; so oblivious that he ran straight
Consequently, we are planning for an
into the truck which was parked on the
e a r l y r e E r e m e n t , s w i t c h i n g t o
side of the road. He was apparently the
something that “we’d always wanted to
only child with dependant parents. And
do”. ‐ ConVnued on Page 13
Money! Somehow, it never seems enough. How many Emes have we skipped that dinner at the end of the month coz we don’t have the dough? How many Emes have we franEcally called our bank helpline at the beginning of the month and screamed “Abhi tak mera salary deposit kyon nahi hua!!!” I mean, let’s face it; most of us are screwed at the end of the month and there’s nothing nice about it! We are all a bunch of happy (go‐lucky), gay (and how!) men and women. We LOVE to party. We LOVE to shop. Our geneEcally superior taste buds need the BEST of cuisines. And we have to have to pay (read donate) extravagant amounts of money to a Gold’s/Leena Mogre’s/Air Life Studio to get rid of the cuisine’s amer‐ effects. 8
Life & Tarot BY JAIDEEP BHIDE “I am working and now want to
“I have been careless with my money
change my job but I am not genng a good one. Can you please tell me
maeers and have accumulated quite a bit of debt. Please help me find a way
when I should/can change the job and
out of this financial mess.”
when my financial condiFons will
Name: Jonathan Date of Birth: March 9
improve?” Name: SSP Dat of Birth: September 13, 1976 JB: Dear SSP, The reading indicates that the issue at hand is more than just job dissaEsfacEon. It seems that certain things/circumstances have developed which are making it difficult for you to conEnue in your current employment. There seems to be a lot of conflict and tension with an individual/(s) and you are feeling a sense of betrayal resulEng in sleepless nights. The good news is that this phase will not conEnue for long. In fact, the wheels have already started turning
fat…liile by liile, it creeps up on you and before long, you’re covered up to your ears in it! And much like body fat, you could have arrested the growth of the Debt Monster by simply learning to say “NO” to yourself. I can see from your date of birth that you’re a 9 of Pisces…a typical weakness that possesses those born in this part of the Zodiac is the compulsive need to indulge their every desire. The Pleasure Principle someEmes overtakes solid Common Sense leading one to behave
and things will move quickly in your
in ways that leave an amer‐taste of regret.
favor. You could get a good job offer
It’s important to dwell awhile on this
within as early as a month. Think
because the Significator of the Reading is “The Devil” and the Base Card is
carefully before you sign the doied posiEon of strength…understand your
“Knight of Cups” – a clear indicaEon that your financial dire straits are an
own worth and don’t hesitate to ask for
outcome of this aforemenEoned need.
what you think you deserve.
The only way to get out of this debt trap is to chip away at it, liile by liile.
line. NegoEate your salary from a
You may have to relocate, please don’t close the door to that opEon. In fact, the change of place could well do you a world of good. The new job would entail new learnings, maybe a short‐ term on‐the‐job training program. Money will flow in, starEng as a trickle before it becomes a flood. Avoid lending money at least for another 10 months to a year; chances are you will not get to see it again. The Significator of the reading is “The TQC - Jun 2010
JB: Dear Jonathan, one accumulates debt in much the same way as body
Hermit” which is the card of Virgo, your Zodiac Sign…another indicaEon that
See if you can negoEate with the lending banks/insEtuEons and arrive at a seilement. Start making some payments, however small towards clearing the debt. And please please please curb the urge to splurge! Don’t worry, things will improve. Just ensure you don’t repeat the mistakes of the past. Have a quesFon for our Resident Tarot Expert? The advice of Tarot Cards can help you find a soluFon to any problem or situaFon you are facing in Life. Email your
things are set to improve.
Name, Date of Birth & QuesFon to
All The Best!
And Bon Appétit
A series in Cocktail recipes to help you unwind. CAPE CODDER The Cape Codder cocktail is made from vodka, cranberry juice and lime. One of the simplest and most refreshing
T ha i St yl e C hi ck en Win gs
Cape Codder. Named amer the area of Massachuseis where it began as a bar
1 cup white sugar
special, the humble Cape Codder is a
1/4 cup fish sauce 2 tablespoons cider vinegar
perennial summer favorite. The Cape Codder can be enjoyed freshly made or stored in large batches ahead of Eme. Some variaEons on the recipe call for light rum or some people add a touch of soda for a cranberry
1 tablespoon cornstarch 2 teaspoons paprika 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1/3 cup minced garlic 3 tablespoons minced jalapen o peppers
1/4 cup sliced red bell pepper
2 oz Vodka 6 oz Cranberry Juice Lime Method Add ice to a highball glass. Pour in the vodka and cranberry juice and sEr.
gourmet home entertainer.
Ingredients 12 chicken wings 1 cup chicken stock (chicken bones boiled in water with herbs)
drinks around, nothing surpasses the
A series of palate tickling delectables for the time-pressed
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). In a large bowl combine the bro th, sugar, fish sauce, vinegar, cornstarch and paprika. Set aside. In a hot wok or skillet add the oil, garlic and jalapeno peppers. Stir fry over high heat until the garlic turns slightly golden,
Squeeze a liile juice from the lime
for about 4 minutes. Add the bro th mixture and stir until it boils and is reduced to about 1 1/4 cups, abo ut 10 to 15 minutes. Keep warm. Place the chicken wings in a 10x 15 inch baking dish and bake, uncove red, in the preheated oven for 60 to 70 min utes (until browned and crisp). Turn occasio nally. Drain off the fat. With a slotted spoon, transfer the wings to a platter and pour the garlic sauce mixture over them , mixing well. Garnish with red bell pep per strips if desired. Nutritional Information (Per serv ing) Calories: 296 | Total Fat: 7.3g | Cholesterol: 48mg
slice on top, and garnish with a slice of lime.
on A p p le -Cinnam g B r e a d P u d d in Ingredients
into amon bread, torn 4 cups soft cinn small pieces nd cinnamon 1 teaspoon grou cored, l apple, peeled, 1 large Himacha very thinly sliced 2 cups milk r 1 cup brown suga r tte 3 tablespoons bu
, whisk eggs with In a medium bowl isk in the hot milk vanilla. Quickly wh 3 eggs ixture over the e then pour the m lla ur ni ixt va m on po as te 1 well. bread. Stir to mix e into the prepared Pour bread mixtur Method roll pan or large at g dish. Set a jelly baking dish. He kin ch ba -in e x7 11 an r Butte in the oven. Set th allow baking dish ees F. sh gr n. de pa 0 r 35 ge to lar e en ov n inside th bread pudding pa bread, a e to n bin m pa r co , te wl ou e bo In a large isins or Add very hot water to th ra d an s, 50 ce to sli 40 ple inch. Bake for cinnamon, and ap pth of about 1/2de ar ne d knife inserte chopped dried minutes, or until a combine milk, , an an. ep uc cle t sa ou ium es In a med center com tter; heat over bu d an r, ga su n brow hot and butter is medium heat until melted.
TQC - Jun 2010
We would all like to have a job that
syndrome, poor circulaEon, and weight
definitely get the wrong idea! Siong at
allows us to be acEve and healthy; but
gain, you should do arm‐raises several
your desk, straighten your knees and
the simple fact is that the majority of us
Emes a day. There are different methods
lim your legs out in front of you. You can
are trapped hunched over our desks for
of doing these simple exercises: raising
also march with your feet in place. This
unreasonable number of hours every
your arms straight over your head,
will exercise the large muscles in your
day, resulEng in muscle atrophy, and hips
raising them to the sides, or even behind
legs. For easy calf exercises, you can
and waist spreading.
you. Each method works a different set
raise your feet up on the toes and
Don't fret. Your office space can double
of muscles, and all will temporarily
lower them. Be sure to use your
as your own personal gym. Exercising at
increase your heart rate, keeping your
muscles when you do these exercises
your desk only takes a few minutes, and
metabolism revving. You can also use
for maximum effect.
not only can you help prevent that
this exercise to periodically wave to the
Exercise Five ‐ Stress Relievers: Liming
weight gain and loss of tone; but you can
hooe siong a few cubicles away from
your arms in front of you and bending
alleviate stress with these five quick
your hands up and down at the wrist
Exercise Three ‐ Bue Squeezes: SEll
will help to relieve the stress of typing
Exercise One ‐ Side Stretches: To help
obsessing about having a bui that is as
and help prevent carpal tunnel
whiile your waist and keep your spine
luscious as Jlo’s? The easiest exercise
syndrome. Gently stretching your neck,
aligned and supple, side stretches are
that you can do at your desk is bui
or rolling your head around, will reduce
excellent exercises to do at your desk.
squeezes. Do them while you are on the
neck and upper back stress. Beier sEll,
With your arms raised over your head or
phone or typing up a report or while
get that office hooe to give you a
akimbo with your hands on your hips,
aiending a really boring meeEng. Simply
massage. Just kidding!
lean gently over to each side as far as
squeeze and release your buiocks
At the end of the day; however, the
you can safely go. You can do this a few
muscles several Emes. This is the
best soluEon to workday blues is living
Emes on each side at several Emes
number one exercise that will help
a healthy, acEve lifestyle. Nothing beats
throughout the day. Word of cauEon
prevent "office chair spread" and tone
adequate sleep, frequent exercise and a
though, please be careful if your chair is
up one of your prime ass‐ets (pun
balanced diet to keep your mind and
unstable or if it is on wheels. Falling off
body alert throughout the day.
your chair in public is definitely not part
Exercise Four ‐ Leg Lirs: Obviously, these
So get deskercising. Go get that six‐pack
of the plan.
are not the type of leg lims that have you
and bubble bui you have always
Exercise Two ‐ Arm Raises: In order to
lying down on the floor and swinging
dreamed of!
help protect against carpal tunnel
your legs around. Your co‐workers will
It walks on water Seemingly better than land Mates better with panthers Than with the clan Eats dew drops From venomous fangs Sighs out melancholic fumes In karmic spasms
It lures and calls And deceives and enchants It uses and makes And breaks and implants Grows as shoots And detaches as withered flowers Litters the present And disrupts the daily heart
I be it Or it be me Caution, fear, joy Chaotic confusion of a sea Take me within or come out of me Knock me out Do so tenderly
Readers’ Corner Reader’s Comments
“I loved the new look! And loved the new pages ‐ Bon AppeEt and Adopt a Friend!”
Here is what we heard from you, on – Jayesh, United Kingdom TQC’s May 2010 edi@on.
fall under at least one of the above categories. Not all of us blessed with legacies. Where on one hand, we do not have families in a true sense to financially provide for in the long term,
“Love the new layout. Good work done!”
when we are sixty ‐ and I’m strictly
– Tushar, Pune
talking in a monetary sense.
to be families around to support us
Of course, if I’m Rahul, I don’t have to worry; but get serious. We must strike a balance between our “wants” and our
“I like u r magazine...keep up the good
“needs”. Living in the present is
work.” – ‘Gamblewithme’
wonderful; thinking about the future is
What I like is for a change is you guys “Thnx for the issue... all the arEcles are have reviewed the films, instead of just really good.” – ‘Goofydoofy’ news about the fest, that we have been
Dear Editor, Abhishek: I really like your magazine. How can I be a part of it?
NOT a crime. All of us have different goals, risk tolerances, lifestyles and preferences. “INVESTING” is important. “FINANCIAL PLANNING” is crucial; whether you do it with professional help or on your own. So what are you waiEng for? Let’s get invested and paint the rupee PINK!
The Editor, TQC: Thanks Abhi. We are constantly on the look‐out for guest
Our latest monthly feature column, ‘The
what the fest & what the movies were columnists and contributors of poems, arEcles, experiences, etc. We would like about. Cheers!” – Subodh, Mumbai
Pink Rupee’ aims to educate readers about
explained! It gives a complete idea about
“I have just added TQC to our magazine list. I goia say, I love your covers. Nice work!” ‐ Nikko Koulousios, Press Officer – PlanetRomeo
to involve as many people from the community as possible. We are more than welcome to any ideas for regular
page.” – Sukhdeep, Gaylaxy Magazine
however young you may be. In each subsequent month, the author, a Pune‐ based Chartered Accountant, would help decode various investment opVons available in India.
would like us to review some samples of
Disclaimer: The financial content in ‘The Pink Rupee’ is provided for your personal informaVon only, is not intended for trading purposes, and cannot subsVtute for professional financial advice. Always seek advice of a competent financial advisor with any quesVons you may have regarding a financial maOer. The informaVon is not appropriate for the purposes of making a decision to carry out a transacVon or trade nor does it provide any form of advice (investment, tax, or legal) amounVng to investment advice, or make any recommendaVons regarding parVcular financial instruments, investments, or products.
“Read it all! The arEcle on coming out to The TQC Editorial desk is accepFng dad was awesome...with that nice poem!” – Mylo, Pune
the importance of financial planning,
feature columns as well. In case you
“Liked the new look! And thanks for y o u r w o r k , p l e a s e e m a i l u s a t menEoning about Gaylaxy in the last TheQueerChronicle@gmail.com
TQC - Jun 2010
some sort of reErement planning in
the flip side is that there are not going
as always!” – Prasad, Mumbai
Kashish film fesEval. Well wriien &
we going to do about it? Do we have
good work.” – Saumitra, Bengaluru
“Yet another fabulous issue! Well done,
for giving a good overall picture of the
coming into your account!? What are
The point I’m trying to make is, we all
been put into the magazine. Keep up the
“Thanks to Bombay Masala team & TQC
are broke, because there’s nothing
“I must appreciate the work that has
Organizing CommiOee
is like a perpetual month end when you
Jinnah, Pune
geong so far. Kudos!” – Sridhar, Kashish
But , do we realize that our reErement
“Lovely cover. Well done.” ‐ Syed Ali Arif,
“I love the cover page! Awesome!” –
“Thanks for a good coverage (of Kashish).
The Pink Rupee ‐ ConVnued from Pg 8
arFcle contribuFons for the July 2010 issue. The deadline is June 15, 2010.
Party Calendar For June ...
June 1, 2010 - Tuesday
PEGS‐N‐PINTS PARTY By Club Pegs‐n‐Pints, Delhi
By Pink NaEon, Bangalore www.thepinknaEon.com
June 13, 2010 - Sunday
By BoyZone, Delhi www.planetromeo.com/boyzone_delhi
June 27, 2010 - Sunday
By Pink NaEon, Bangalore www.thepinknaEon.com
SPEED DATING PARTY By Pink NaEon, Bangalore
June 5, 2010 - Saturday NEON PARTY By Pink NaEon, Bangalore www.thepinknaEon.com BOYZONE PARTY By BoyZone, Delhi
www.planetromeo.com/boyzone_delhi POOL‐N‐BARBEQUE PARTY By White Nights Fiesta, Mumbai
June 15, 2010 - Tuesday PEGS‐N‐PINTS PARTY
June 29, 2010 - Tuesday
www.planetromeo.com/WhiteNights‐ Fiesta
By Club Pegs‐n‐Pints, Delhi
PEGS‐N‐PINTS PARTY By Club Pegs‐n‐Pints, Delhi
June 19, 2010 - Saturday BYOM PARTY! ‐ JUNE EDITION
MARDI GRAS PARTY '10 By Pink NaEon, Bangalore
By Pink NaEon, Bangalore www.thepinknaEon.com
www.thepinknaEon.com BOYZONE PARTY
community in the month of July and
By BoyZone, Delhi
send an email with the relevant details
June 6, 2010 - Sunday
June 8, 2010 - Tuesday
PEGS‐N‐PINTS PARTY By Club Pegs‐n‐Pints, Delhi
If you are organizing a party for the would like to have this listed, please to thequeerchronicle@gmail.com by June 27, 2010.
June 20, 2010 - Sunday GAY DIVAS PARTY
June 11, 2010 - Friday DRAG QUEEN PARTY
By Pink NaEon, Bangalore www.thepinknaEon.com
By Nagpur Space, Nagpur www.planetromeo.com/nagpur_space
June 22, 2010 - Tuesday PEGS‐N‐PINTS PARTY
June 12, 2010 - Saturday
By Club Pegs‐n‐Pints, Delhi
SEX AND THE CITY 2 PARTY By Pink NaEon, Bangalore 14
June 26, 2010 - Saturday
Disclaimer: TQC does not vouch for the authenEcity of the organizers, the quality of the event, nor guarantees the security of guests at any of the listed events. We suggest that you do a thorough background reference check and exercise cauEon at all Emes.
TQC - Jun 2010