1 minute read
Nupook brad
Written by Benjamin Quick
Photos by Mina Wangpattanamongkol
With love in the air, it is very easy to get lost in the spirit of this time, Valentine’s Day. That’s why we turn to esteemed seniors Brad and Nupook to not only share their experiences, but also to demonstrate a long-lasting example of what love can look like.
How long have you been together? [N] It was on and off for about four years since 8th grade, more specifically the second semester of 8th grade. [B] I mean, I think the time we came back was June 12, 2020, which ended up being the right time.
What is your idea of an enjoyable date? [N] Chilling at home and eating pizza [B] A movie night at home while binging movies together
What advice would you give to other couples? To single people? [N] Do not trust what others or your friends say - you should trust your partner the most. For those who are single, just wait for the perfect time. [B] Try to be understanding of your partner, don’t act like you own them. But, being single is nice.
From our seniors, described as an empathetic and supportive Nupook with easygoing and caring Brad, we see a wonderful couple who are an example to others and show love not just in their relationship, but to those around them.