3 U N I V E R S I T Y
John Bercow Interview
Student Voices
Steve Punt Feature
Representing LGBT
Election Results Announced!
Full Story on Page 4
News Editorial People love to complain. Myself mostly, but I have heard other people do it as well. It’s quite relaxing. When things are out of control, what better way to gain back even a shred of your life than shout about it to your friend, or sometimes yourself. I think many of us find empowerment through complaint, not only to regain control, but to feel like we have knowledge and there is something other than ourselves standing in the way of sharing, and better yet, implementing that knowledge. Some days I suddenly realise I am in mid sentence of complaining about something and I think to myself, how long have I been here? How long has this rant already gone on? It is like reaching self realisation in a dream and you don’t know how you got there. Its like that part in “Inception” where they say you never remember the beginning of a dream. I guess the same goes here. In these moments I wonder, how can something that must be so unpleasant and defeatist to listen to feel so good to get out with? Why does complainibg feel like self-fulfillment?
Ed Gove, Content Deputy Editor Emily Townsend, Online Deputy Editor Andrew Smith, Design Deputy Editor
The Promise of The Maltings: Still Pending The Rabbit spoke to some current students about their experiences in the new Maltings accomodation. When the Maltings accommodation opened its doors to the first 381 students on the 27 September 2014, the students were met by dust, rubble and inoperative facilities. This was because the scheduled completion date, 26 September, had not been met. The students had no choice but to move in regardless, and some have suggested that they were faced with an unsafe and unsuitable environment, due to loose wires and excessive rubble in the majority of the communal areas.
Maybe its beacuse no matter how unsatisfied we are with the current situation, true change is terrifying. And to have other people pass judgement on the change you have implemented might be even scarier. That is why you would rather talk to yourself.
Although now habitable, promised deadlines are still failing to be met. The onsite restaurant, promised to be completed by November 2014, is still absent. When speaking to student residents at the Maltings, feedback confirmed that failed promises seemed to be an inconvenience for some.
A couple of weeks ago I was given the chance to change something by taking part in an event where my opinion as a student was needed. Suddenly it was an opportunity, but also a responsibility, to contribute. And I found myself feeling inadequate, like what I said was not good enough. This was completely out of my own insecurity rather than the event. And even if I still feel like I wish I could have helped more, the event reminded me of something I had forgotten about. Not every idea needs to be huge. In the aftermath of the elections maybe its good to remember not to expect too much from ourselves or others. It does not mean we are not capable or inadequate, but merely that it can be unfair to place so much pressure on one person.
Ajibade Awodein, a student resident, expressed anger towards the fact that the restaurant is not up and running; “it should have been completed by now. I prefer not to cook and the restaurant would have been useful.”
Your Editor, Saga Eriksson
Jake Stones, News Editor Fiolla Korenica, News Deputy Editor Shaun Quilter, News Deputy Editor
Further to this, students living in the Maltings confirm that they are yet to be informed about when the restaurant will be completed. Adam Dear, a resident, complained:
I sort of expect that everything should have been completed by the dates that were set, especially when I pay a lot of money each month to live here.
As well as missed deadlines, some students have not been happy with the Maltings’ services. Students have reported that the internet connection has been slow, and some have told The Rabbit that essential fittings have been left unrepaired long after the fault has been reported. Some students, however, speak very highly of the accommodation. They are grateful for the quality of the accommodation and the service that they have received. One Maltings resident, Rebecca Lorimer, explained:
The female employees that work in office for the Maltings are incredibly nice, friendly and helpful. Even when there was a key card issue, it was resolved very quickly.
The Maltings does continue to be moving forward but it appears to be at a slow pace. Phase 2 is set for completion sometime this year, however the development still seems to be running behind. When the accommodation is fully completed and furnished, it promises to be a great asset to the University’s collection of student accommodation. ‘When’ appears to be the key word.
Shaun Quilter
Results Night - Who made it Big? Last Friday evening The Rabbit team was squashed into a packed Sub Zero to hear who the student body had voted as their new full time Sabbatical team as well as the announcement of part-time officers, NUS delegates and Trustees. With the announcement of a total of 2860 votes cast across the three campuses, and record turnout at Southend and Loughton, the election results night began. The elections were first declared to be free and fair following which the part-time officers were announced. There were 6 roles up for grabs and most categories were uncontended. There were no huge surprises in the results at this stage, apart from the vote for LGBT officer where 3 candidates ran. The race between Kevin Bedford and Simone MendezSutcliffe was tight with only a few votes separating the two. Below are the results for the vote for parttime officers.
“I’m a man of few words but I’m really looking forward to rolling up my sleeves.”
Mature & Part-Time Students Officer:
Campaigning for the role of VP Services and Communications centered around issues of student media, SU venues and transparency. Winner Josh O’Connor gave The Rabbit a quote about the projects he was most enthusiastic about for the upcoming year:
George Johnson
Campaigns Officer: Christopher Flossman
Ethics & Environment Officer: Isabel Rivas Martinez
LGBT Officer: Simone Mendez-Sutcliffe
Women’s Officer Sarah Griesmer
Participation & Involvement Officer: Jake Parkins
Equality and Diversity Officer: Sabrina Jamil For the role of NUS delegate and trustee the following people were elected respectively.
NUS Delegates Ava Etemadzadeh Adria Porta Caballe George Johnson
Trustees Joseph Ikebudu Stefan Bertram Valentina Pohsien Li Theodoros Lambrou The full time Sabbatical officer announcements began with the position of VP Southend and Loughton for which there were 3 candidates running. Shola Akinyemi was elected, and following his victory stated:
The role of VP International saw three contenders this year from different parts of the world. Cypriot Christine Anastasiou won with a landslide victory, receiving a total of 1118 votes. Christine is known for her involvement in the International Students Association. Her thoughts immediately after the results were:
“Oh my goodness! I can’t believe it, thank you all so much for voting! I love you Essex!”
“Student media and music are the two things I’m looking forward to the most. It’s going to be a lot of fun and will allow more students to express themselves through their union.” VP Activities was one of the most popular roles this year in terms of nominations with 6 people running for the role. Ali Awil came out on top and had this to say to The Rabbit about what he has in store for next year:
“The two main projects I’m looking forward to: 1. Working on creating the activities app, which will be an app that will allow easier access to information of all the societies and sports clubs available at Essex. 2. Based on feedback from students, I would like to decrease gym membership and bring in more coaches for sports clubs.” VP Welfare and Community always seems to be one of the most contended positions and this year was no different. With multiple rounds and vote redistributions to get through, everyone was holding their breath to see who had snagged this coveted role. Jess Rich turned out to have won the hearts of students with her slogan “Jess we can”, but in the spirit of community the candidates in this category seemed to all support each other and were happy to offer congratulations to the winner. When asked what message she wanted to send to students Jess told The Rabbit:
“I just want to thank everyone for voting for me and all of the support I have received over the past couple of weeks. I can’t wait to get to work on creating the plan for self-defence classes and safety walks. I also look forward to meeting with those that work in the advice centre to see what we can do to build upon and improve all of the great work they do. I am also looking forward to working with local animal charities to look into ways to reduce your exam stress! I can’t wait to represent you! #jesswecan.” Before the big reveal of your new President, the final VP role up for grabs was that of VP Education, a role with a large remit and responsibility that saw 2 candidates run. Osei Downes secured a comfortable win with 1022 votes, and went around Sub Zero after his victory hugging and thanking his friends and campaigners as well as extending his thanks to them via the SX:TV live stream with this message:
“Thank you to all my team!” This years election saw a high number of nominations, and the category of President was no exception with 7 candidates running. Known for his message “Aspire to inspire before you expire!” winner Adrian Chira inspired even during the election by choosing to use some of his campaign money to buy food for the homeless. After his election he shared this quote with us:
“With courage and friends the seemingly impossible is made possible. Remember, stand up for what you believe in, acknowledge your full potential, be nice to everyone without expecting anything in return, do not give up on what you want most for immediate selfgratification, you can never do great things without trying and please remember it is better to be kind than to be right! I want to say a massive thank you to everyone who supported and encouraged me. You deserve just as much recognition as me. God Bless You!” With this we here at The Rabbit congratulate all winners and look forward to seeing their work next academic year.
Saga Eriksson
Count-mein: vital for welfare? Why is attendance monitoring so important for students? We gave the University and Students’ Union a chance to explain. At the most recent Student Representative Forum (SRF) the University’s e-monitoring system came up for discussion. There was a movement towards a Union-sanctioned boycott of the system, however this was democratically overturned. In light of this discussion, it may be useful to point out exactly what the e-monitoring system, Countme-in, is for. The University introduced the system at the start of the year to monitor the number of classes that students are attending. Although attendance monitoring has been in operation at Essex for a while for some teaching events, the new system means that every teaching event can be attendance checked, and is more efficient than taking paper registers at the start of lectures and seminars. In addition, the electronic system means that teaching staff do not need to waste time filling in attendance spreadsheets and can focus on teaching and supporting their students. There are various reasons for the system, however chief among them is student welfare. Wendy CliftonSprigg, Deputy Academic Registrar told us: “We know that there is a positive link between attendance and academic performance. Missing teaching events can mean that a student is struggling with their studies, has problems that are preventing them for attending, and may be at risk of failing the course. The system has been introduced to support our students to make a success of their time at Essex, and to ensure that when needed they are offered support and guidance,” she added. In response to questions asking why Count-me-
in has become a ‘punitive attendance tool’, VP Welfare Cherina Darrell-Sutherland, told the SRF that “Non-attendance isn’t an academic offence, nor is it a disciplinary offence. The only thing that can be actioned against you is if you go to a lecture and swipe for more than one person.”
The University has been very clear to emphasise the welfare element of the e-monitoring system. The Deputy Academic Registrar adds that the system “will give departments quicker access to information so that they can identify possible problems earlier.”
Also at the SRF, SU President Chantel Le Carpentier underscored Count-me-in’s role in helping students, stating: “It is a welfare policy, and it had been put in place because of welfare issues.”
That welfare element extends both to international and domestic students, however often for international students the stakes are even higher - visa revocation can be permanently damaging to a student’s career prospects.
There is, however, another aspect to the role of the Count-me-in system, namely attendance monitoring for visa purposes. VP Education Michael Spencer said, “Because we have such a diverse campus, it is very important we have such a robust monitoring system.” A high number of the University’s students study here on a student visa. This includes students who are here for their entire degree and students who are part of the University’s huge international study exchange programme. If the university fails to monitor the attendance of its students, it could have its visa-sponsoring powers revoked, meaning that it could not take international students. The University’s Head of Global Mobility, Ivan Hutchins, said that the system is an important responsibility for our institution: “We take our responsibilities as a sponsor of international students very seriously. However, first-and-foremost, we monitor attendance so that we can support all our students and treat all our students the same… we care about our students and want to support them so they are fully engaged with their studies.”
VP International Hristina Kamburova spoke to us about the importance of attendance monitoring, particularly for international students, and why e-monitoring is the best way to do it. “The Count-me-in system is helpful because the students are alerted sooner about any possible breaches of their visa before [the breaches] even happen.” She addressed those calling for a boycott of the system: A “possible boycott of the system might be very harmful to international students. The University has to report the data from Countme-in back to the UK Visas and Immigration. The system is not completely perfect but the President and VP Education of the Students’ Union are working together with the Academic registrar on how the system interacts with Tier 4 [visa] students”. The future of the policy remains to be seen.
Ed Gove
Shh, are we not free to speak? Following the classification of the University of Essex into the Red category for free speech The Rabbit spoke to representatives at both the University and the Students’ Union to get their reactions. Spiked, the online current affairs publication, has shown its latest involvement in the pursuit for “freedom of speech with no ifs and buts” by releasing the results of the UK’s first ever ‘Free Speech University Rankings’ (FSUR), which assess British universities- both the educational institutions and their Unions- according to their policies and actions. The ranking system gives universities either a red, amber, or green rating; otherwise known as Spiked’s ‘traffic light’ system. Green rating indicates that there is the greatest freedom of speech at that particular university; Spiked refers to them as having a ‘hands off’ approach, for example, the University of York has been given Green rating because of its “light restrictions offered by the university”, paired with its Students’ Union’s “complete lack of restrictive policies.” Amber universities have a “chilled” mentality, but do intervene if things go badly. For instance, Royal Holloway has received an amber rating because the University ‘places restrictions on “offensive speech” and its Union “restricts improper use of personal pronouns and restricts speech which is likely to offend other students”. Finally, a red rating is awarded if the university, or its Students’ Union, has “banned and actively censored ideas on campus”. A closer to home example of a red university is our own, the University of Essex. Essex received a red rating due to the University’s Bullying and Harassment policies, which, in an attempt to avoid “stress, anxiety, fear or sickness for the harassed individual”, have banned “the use of homophobic language or display of homophobic materials”. The Students’ Union’s decision to ban The Sun and The Daily Star is said to have contributed to
this rating. The student protests at the arrival of the Deputy Ambassador for Israel, which were supported by the Students’ Union, was cited as a further example of why the University of Essex has been labelled as being against freedom of speech. The University and the Students’ Union have responded to this rating. Chantel Le Carpentier, SU President told The Rabbit that, “Spiked online has their own agenda in doing this ‘research’: to further their right wing libertarian views. Their methodology is not sound and consisted of going through Union and University websites, trying to find policies they considered ‘anti free speech’. These are people who wrote a negative review of Shami Chakrabarti’s book entitled ‘On Liberty’. They aren’t the warriors of liberty they think they are. “I’m actually proud that we’ve been given a red warning by a clearly not reputable news source. I’m proud of our stance on homophobic expression, the British Nationalist Party and soft porn newspapers. And if that makes us anti free speech, then so be it.” From the University, Bryn Morris, Registrar and Secretary of the University of Essex said: “Essex is spearheading the fight for academic freedom, leading the campaign against new counterterrorism legislation that would have a chilling effect on free expression within the law at our universities. “It is absurd that we should be ‘red’ rated on the sole basis that we issue guidance to our community about avoiding homophobic behaviour which might constitute harassment under the Equality Act 2010. “We make no apology for offering advice on where free expression might be considered unlawful. In doing so, we are reinforcing an environment in which lawful ideas, however contentious they might be, can be expressed freely and openly. “As one of the most politically active UK universities,
we understand the passion that helps enliven debates on our campuses. We also know that by promoting rational argument based upon sound evidence, we equip our students with the research mindset to be active citizens after graduation and the skills to reach their own conclusions on the validity of judgements made in league tables.” Both responses have contrasting opinions about the receiving of the red rating; the President is proud, the Registrar is outraged. Nonetheless, both are unanimous that the rating is a ridiculously placed attempt at shunning the universities which promote enlightened views of tolerance.
Jake Stones
6 32
John Bercow Exclusive During an internship placement in Parliament, I was given chance to meet up with and interview the Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, who happens to be an former University of Essex Student and one of our most prestigious alumni. Bercow was a Conservative MP from the Thatcher years to 2009, when he successfully won his campaign to become the Speaker of the House. In 2010 he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the university. Legendary lecturer Anthony King, who has been at the university since 1969, recalled Bercow’s days here, saying “When he was a student here, he was very right-wing, pretty stroppy, and very good. He was an outstanding student”. I used this opportunity to talk to him about his time in Essex, as well as student problems with parliament and any days of mischief as a student. Why did you apply to Essex University? I knew somebody already there and I went to see him, he became an academic, and in fact, he is now back at Essex, Professor Shamit Sagar, I’ve known [him] since we were 5 years old. I saw the place and heard about his government course and was inspired. I was very conscious of just how strong Essex was then and certainly is now, in social sciences generally, and government in particular. I did Government and I loved it, absolutely loved
it. And some of my teachers were Anthony King, Ivor Crewe, Michael Freeman, Dave MacKay, David Sanders and various other people. Shamit was having a great time there, I thought it looked fantastic and heard very good reports on the course, class tutors, lecturers, and I thought this is going to be great and I loved it. You were a prominent member of the ultraconservative “Monday Club” in your university days, but over the years you shifted more and more to the centre/left, why was this? I think that over a period you mature, I think that when I was young I was kind of rabid. I had a misplaced idea that the country was threatened by immigration which over a period of years I came to realise it was not so I was wrong. And also the Monday Club contained some pretty unpleasant people and I resigned from it in February 1984. Why did I move more towards the centre over the years? (he asks himself) I think I was influenced by a number of things, I was influenced the fact that my party kept losing elections… there was no point blaming the electorate; we had to ask ourselves why we keep losing. I was influenced also by reconsideration of the period when we were in government, yes, we had good things to our credit but there were serious problems, there were terrible [problems] besetting inner cities, there was a huge gap between the rich and the poor, and there were serious weakness in the funding of our public services. I was also influenced a bit over the years by the equality, racial, LGBT, [and] gender equality [movements]. The views I previously had were no longer appropriate or right but I never wanted to be a member of any other party. But that sort of rabid right wingery which had characterised in my early years struck as anachronistic and wrong.
decent opportunity to speak. Ensuring, of course, that ethnic minorities, LGBT, disabled MPs also have absolute equal and fair rights to contribute. We did develop through [the] Speaker’s Conference on Parliamentary Representation, acceptance from government that we need to do more to help disabled candidates. There was the Access to Elected Office Fund created, to try and help candidates with disabilities. But the main responsibility lies frankly on the political parties to make sure they do more to encourage and bring on women, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, LGBT candidates. I think there has been a big improvement but we’ve still only got 22% of women when they make up 52% of the population, and I think we still need to do more to reach out to our ethnic minority communities by all the major parties. To try and forge a link and ask them ‘would you like to serve as an MP, do you think you can make a difference’ etc . Any finally, do you have any tales of mischief at university? One day in the student bar, a left-wing activist irritably came up behind me and poured a pint of beer over my head, so I became beer soaked by somebody else. Did I engage in any dubious practice or anything? No I don’t think so. But I had a lot of fun, I enjoyed debating in the Students’ Union. The university incredibly generously awarded me an honorary doctorate in 2010 and I love the university. I was last there in September and I’m sure [I] will there [again soon]. Bercow continues to maintain a strong relationship with university and plans on coming back sometime this year to celebrate its 50th anniversary year.
Representation remains a problem in parliament, what can you do to diversify and for parliament to reflect the British population? I don’t think there is a great deal that the speaker can do, the speaker can be fair in ensuring that women, [who] are generally better behaved, get a
Kwasi Tandoh
Want a career in journalism? Be tenacious, say experts An eager crowd of aspiring journalists flocked to the Lecture Theatre Building on Thursday 12 February to quiz a panel of industry experts on the competitive craft. An eager crowd of aspiring journalists flocked to the Lecture Theatre Building on Thursday 12 February to quiz a panel of industry experts on the competitive craft. The ‘Training to be a Journalist’ event, organised by former BBC Radio broadcaster and Faculty Placements Manager Karen Gooch, gave students a rare insight into the world of reporting. Joining Karen on the panel were the University’s newest members of staff. Former BBC editor Jonathan Baker, now Professor of Journalism at Essex, spoke to hopeful students alongside colleagues Fatima El Issawi and Paul Anderson. Issuing an array of impressive biographies before opening up the floor to questions, the wealth of experience in the room made it clear how multifaceted routes into journalism have become. Jonathan and Karen found their feet in print before heading into broadcast, Paul originally trained in magazines and Fatima climbed from reporting on local shoemakers to the fringe of a Lebanese war zone. Paul Anderson, carrying an Oxford degree, a sub-editing position at The Guardian and thirty years of experience in tow, said his road into the industry was initially driven by a sincere wish to fulfill his “teenage dream”. He said: “I had a big dream - I wanted my magazine to conquer the market. But it was different back then - we had three TV channels, and everything was done manually. Until desktop publishing happened in the 90s and the internet was born shortly afterwards, local newspapers were diverse and there were actually very few nationals out there.” Though much of the panel “pre-dated the internet”, as Professor Baker fondly puts it, they recognise
that today’s journalistic environment is a disparate one to theirs. Mr Anderson hinted that skills are vital instruments in a young journalist’s repertoire. “My advice is to acquire as many technical and practical media skills as you can. Be what they call a ‘dogsbody’ and do work experience - it will impress your would-be employer. Do a postgraduate if you can afford it. Your career depends on what you want to do to advance it,” he added. Fatima, on the other hand, feels she is “lucky” to have grasped her opportunities. She admits that she still keeps her first report, on a small shoemaker in Beirut, safe in a cuttings book not dissimilar to our own. An editor-turned-academic, Fatima has never truly left the world of journalism, having worked for international media outlets like Agence-France Presse (AFP) throughout her career. Even while studying for a PhD, she was responding to calls from agencies urging her to report on a story. “It was an extraordinary experience”, she said of her time as a war correspondent. “Breaking news is intense, but so exciting - it was my dream to report on conflict. “I was never bored - there’s so much energy involved. I felt as if history was unfolding as I reported it. But the main thing I took from my time in the Middle East was that I was able to report on the suffering of real people,” she added. A marriage of “passion and commitment” is essential in the craft, Fatima stressed. “Never expect to do too much - you will most likely start from the bottom”. But if its the top you’re earning for, “taking little jobs will earn you lots of opportunities”, she said. Karen, who once earned her wage covering
politics at the BBC’s Millbank unit, said: “It’s all about speed and accuracy. That should be your top priority.” “Get that work experience, show you’re passionate, and don’t run before you can walk,” she added. Questions from the audience included one male student who wants to be a critic. He asked if he should take the same path as political journalists heading for a career in Westminster. An insightful reply came from Paul Anderson, who, during his time at The Guardian, has seen film, arts and books pages be cut back as online reviews have shot up. But, he said, if you demonstrate “dedication and drive”, you might just make it. “If you can prove you’re good, go for it. There’s nothing stopping you,” he said. Another undergraduate, who has swapped her career prospects from law to journalism, asked how to make an impression during internships. “Make yourself available, get your hooks into someone you know and don’t let go. Making contacts is indispensable to journalism. Combine that with tenacity and perseverance, and you’ll get a job,” Professor Baker responded. As the evening drew to a close, students rushed to speak one-to-one with the talented panel. Karen, who is set to direct the employability side of the new BA Journalism degree, urged those wanting to pursue a career in the industry to contact members of the panel using their Essex email addresses. For more information about the course, visit essex. ac.uk/lifts/journalism.
Emily Townsend
Philippa Dobson, Comment Editor
Editors Note: The views represented in this section are from those of the individuals and do not represent the editorial views as a whole.
The student voice is important At this point (and I hate to admit it) I’m pretty lethargic when it comes to politics. Don’t get me wrong I find it interesting, but I find that I have been struck by voter’s fatigue. I genuinely don’t know who to vote for. Coming from a working class background, the presumption may be that my vote will be Labour. The romanticism behind their origins is something that arguably I still cling to, but I question for how long. Although I do like politics, gradually I see myself becoming disenchanted with the promises, and the so-called commitments that keep on getting broken. As someone who studies economics, I begrudgingly understand the hard decisions that have to be made. Consequently, no matter which party gains power, they will all be subject to riding that dark and daunting austerity wave regardless of their pre-election promises. The prominent dispute is that students are
disinterested in politics because they are not educated enough to actually understand what is going on around them. Yes this may be partly true, but one has to consider that there needs to be a willingness to learn to bring about some sort of political awakening. I was startled by my recent discovery in an article. In research conducted by online magazine Spiked, “80% of universities are shown, as a result of their official policies and actions, to have either restricted or actively censored free speech and expression on campus beyond the requirements of the law”. This shows a platform that may be cherished, has not been nurtured the way it should. We should have that environment that fosters our right to freedom of expression. The perspective that students can’t handle the responsibility that comes with freedom of expression is understandable, but students should be facilitated to optimise on the opportunity to obtain more intellectual rigour
in expressing their ideas. It makes me wonder is it the fear of ideas that they are worried about, because as a society we know there is ultimately strength in numbers. Although students may gain a quality education at university, there should also be a stronger acknowledgement by the government of the needs of students. To ignore us or view us as hecklers when we protest will, in the long run, place policymakers at a disadvantageous position. We are tomorrow’s future and our voices should not be hindered. We can be a vehicle for change but if our voices won’t be heard, how becoming will our future be?
Leticia Osei
You are right to be angry From the time I was a child I voted on anything I could. Up until 15 this was usually in an effort to make sure Twilight won EVERY Teen Choice Award, or so Lady Gaga could beat Taylor Swift at the VMAs. I guess it was here that I started to realise the actual consequences of making my voice heard, and the change that it could bring about. Now, while a 2008 congratulatory surfboard doesn’t do much in terms of education reforms and challenging inequalities in the present system of government, it’s the same basis which has led me to vow to never surrender the chance to have my say. Now, while you have every right to get angry at the state of things, be that at a governmental or just university level, you do not have the right to continuously complain if you refuse to at least make an effort to contribute to change.
The decline in interests in politics and lack of motivation to vote is a rising problem, especially among the dissatisfied youth. Case in point: Russell Brand. Sure, his vlog The Trews allows me to satisfy my radical leftie cravings from time to time, but he has the platform to spread his beliefs and ideology to hundreds of thousands of people all over the country, something that I do not have. My vote is my voice, and this is the only stand most of us will ever get to show what we care about. If we continue to spread the idea that our vote doesn’t matter, then it might as well not, but if we actually begin to envisage the possibility that we may be able to change something, then we sure as hell can. And the thing is, they’re right, nothing is going to change, but that’s only if we continue moving in this current direction. In 1964, 76.4% of those aged 18-24 came out to vote in the general
election, and this number has been steadily decreasing, with only 51.8% voting in the elections of 2010. I mean, if 13-year-olds can guarantee that 1D win every award they are nominated for, this just proves how, if a movement or party can rally together in unison for a common goal, we can get some things changed around here. This applies not only in the national elections for our next Prime Minister, or local area representative, but also in seemingly small and unimportant polls; our SU officers, counsellors, and society leaders. This could lead to something as inconsequential as adding a bigger section devoted to Doritos in the SU store, or the difference between UKIP trying to deport us all from the country and having them deported from national-level politics.
Savanna Rayment
Debate disappointment On Wednesday 4th February, the University of Essex held an event about the upcoming General Election. This debate was focused around discussing whether the coalition was a success or not: “Coalition: Devil’s pact or dream match?”
itself. The people on the panel were intellectuals, enabling a very high quality discussion, but there was only one party represented, and that was the local MP Bernard Jenkins of the conservative party.
as well as the Liberal Democrat party without their presence to retort was shown on several occasions, sometimes by the conservative MP Jenkins, but also by other panelists. Therefore the main “winner” in this unilateral debate was the conservative party.
Although this was an interesting and highly important debate, I believe that it had several flaws that partially, or maybe even totally, undermined its goal.
When I booked this event, I thought that there would be representatives from each of the major parties (Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrats) and other smaller parties who get their fair share of media attention (Green party, UKIP).
I decided to write this article because I strongly believe that such events are crucial in order to stimulate people to vote since the future of the United Kingdom is at stake.
The University of Essex’s slogan is all about challenging convention since its creation in 1964. Despite this, there were no women on the panel, instead it constituted of 5 white males. A woman sitting in the audience pointed this out and also added that what made this worse was the picture of a black woman in the background accompanied by a banner about challenging convention. Laughs ensued after her comment, but it is important to reflect on such issues that should not, in my opinion, take place at such a “radical thinking University” as Essex likes to portray
This was amongst one of my disappointments. A broader political presence would have stimulated the debate and would have resembled more so to a BBC Free speech cross panel debate rather than a mere discussion. I also believe that this contributed to having a biased discussion, because comments on other parties such as the Liberal Democrats or Labour could not be defended by any of their party representatives since none were present. And such criticism and belittling of the Labour
Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to read this article. I haste to add that my article is not simply blatant criticism of the event; rather it is that of constructive criticism. Believe it or not, I still enjoyed the event, but I just find that certain aspects of it had to be criticized in order for further events to improve.
Leticia Osei Harry Wells
Response to Issue 163: Oppression As a student, I have pondered what would happen when I entered the workforce after university. Already having the knowledge that in this economic climate, competition is at the forefront, there are certain obstacles I can’t avoid. Contending whether the class of degree I obtain is good enough or whether I have that little extra something, has always dominated my way of thinking. However, I have never considered my own gender being a potential obstacle in me landing my dream job. I have had my personal inhibitions about the sacrifices I will have to make once I have children. Will I be accepted in the workforce the same way I was prior to having children? Could I still achieve that same success that I had always wanted? After doing research, I found out that my feelings weren’t misplaced. According to UK feminsita. org.uk, up to 30,000 women are sacked each year simply for being pregnant and each year an estimated 440,000 women lose out on pay or promotion as a result of pregnancy. I am in a conundrum, wondering could this perspective be piecemeal in the justification of why women hold back in fulfilling their true
potential, knowing the impending sacrifices they will have to make. Having said this, 54% of women working parttime have been found to be ‘employed below their potential’, which amounts to 2.8 million women. And 14% of White British women have been asked about their plans for marriage and/or children at a job interview compared to 20-25% of Black Caribbean, Bangladeshi and Pakistani women. Privy to some, society has seen women being leading figures in a plethora of industries. Whether in science, technology, literature, politics or entertainment, one can’t ignore the contributions that have been made.
When it comes to administration, for example being a secretary, women usually fill this position. There are also men who feel strongly against sexism, but do feel a lack of support when they stand up against it, as some may feel it’s wrong to celebrate instances of men standing up to sexism. The bottom line is it is not about women versus men because in doing that, what do we accomplish? It’s about prejudice and the little things one can do. Whether it’s standing up for inappropriate comments being made or running a campaign, education and actual implementation of this knowledge is key.
Leticia Osei
Consequently, one can imagine the mosaic that is yet still to be completed. However, breaking the paradigm is something that doesn’t happen overnight and if we want to break the pattern, we all have to unite ourselves in standing up against sexism in the workforce. Nevertheless, it is also important to note that there are professions where men also face discrimination. For instance, in the health industry it is uncommon for males to fill the occupations of a nurse or a midwife, in comparison to being a doctor.
Oppression-ism I came across a quote not long ago from comedian Reginald D. Hunter saying: “A class system is a way of dividing people that look the same as you.” Oppression is unfortunately something intrinsic to human society ever since we became social animals. Hunter is right, humanities’ social structure is just layer upon layer of oppression. Oppression I believe comes from division and difference entrenched in history. There are two ‘isms’ which make this painfully clear: nationalism and individualism. The fact the earth we live upon is divided into countries is a form of separation leading to oppression. Those in authority are able to use nationalism to persuade people that some are superior to others, when in fact there is no biological difference. Why do people have a sense of being English when it is only a made up concept? I live closer
to France than I do to Newcastle for example, so why should I feel more aligned to other places in England? I’m pressured into it through sport, the media etc. In fact, distance should have no difference at all in how people should see each other. Why do people feel part of any nationality? We are all human, if everyone could see that then the human race would truly be an advanced species. So, to individualism. This ideology is what the current UK government tries to inspire in us. Put in hard work, and a great and successful career will follow. However, is this not all a distraction? A distraction from the oppression inflicted by the class-based system. In reality, the government need poorer people, people with a lower standard of living. This is
what keeps the capitalist system ticking. We need people at the top, with their wealth, and we need people at the bottom, to support them. This is what I believe all oppression stems from: the capitalist system of government. The biggest dilemma is that humanity has gone so far down this route that oppression will persist in one form or another, whether through patriarchy, nationality, race or class. This ideology has set humanity apart from each other as individuals, meaning we constantly compare, criticise and compete against each other. This works perfectly well for people who do ‘win’ and achieve their dreams, but there is not likely to be an end to oppression any time in the near future. Laurence Shimell
Greek-Cypriots vs Turkish-Cypriots Greek-Cypriots (‘G/C’) and Turkish-Cypriots (‘T/C’) can boast all they want about their respective so-called ’national’ triumphs and heroes on both sides of the Cyprus dispute, which had ultimately resulted in the brutal division of the island in 1974. They can argue as zealously as they want about their lasting mutual abhorrence, that the bloody separation was bound to happen because of that –and that a proper solution will never be welcomed. And it’s alarming how many of their generations have embraced this hideous lie. That is because what most G/C and T/C are oblivious about is that this “ever-existing” hatred between them is entirely artificial –a sickening deceit wholly fabricated by and in favour of a ‘Stay-Behind’ operation (known as ‘Operation Gladio’) established throughout Western Europe during the Cold War, from the late 1940s and onwards. This CIA-fashioned anti-communist operation that involved secret paramilitary and parastatal armies, existent in both Greece and Turkey with
respective offshoots in Cyprus, was served either by conscious or unaware agents with the sole purpose of sowing the seeds of chaos that would settle the ground for the forthcoming catastrophe.
villages and the subsequent Turkish bombings, the formation of EOKA-B terrorists that would go on to kidnap, attack and slaughter mostly G/C communists and T/C.
All their deeds were deviously camouflaged under the pretext of nationalistic battles of ‘Enosis’ (union with Greece) and ‘Taksim’ (division).
The gory play would conclude with the violent Turkish invasion in Cyprus, following a military coup backed-up by the dictatorship in Greece.
The foundations of this mutual hate can be traced back in the 1930s, when the British Colony would make good use of the “divide and conquer” method to establish its power over the Cypriots.
All this for the sake of ‘national’ obligations. Well, wouldn’t you know; this ludicrous comedy we had all been forced to take part in seemed to had only worked to the advantage of NATO’s geostrategic interests. Good for us.
However, it was during the ‘50s and onwards that spies, provocateurs and conspirators of both secret armies would build upon these foundations to undermine the island’s peace. The targeting of T/C policemen and G/C communists by pro-Enosis EOKA guerrillas, bombings and murder set-ups by the pro-Taksim TMT organisation, the bloody Christmas of 1963, the creation of T/C enclaves, the murders of leftist peace promoters G/C Misiaoulis and T/C Kavazoğlu by TMT, the military attack on T/C
Do we even deserve a peaceful resolution if we’re intent on living in a legacy of lies and mayhem against each other? Isn’t there enough goodwill left to return to the serene pre-1930s times?
Constantinos Kotrofou
The heteronormativity pervading Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day: the one day a year where partners are seemingly delighted to stick some form of malformed, fluffy toy or half price box of chocolates in each other’s face. Facebook statuses abound, all seemingly saying how everyone is the love of each other’s life and they will be 2geva 4eva, despite only being together around a week. Don’t you just love it? Hollywood’s knees deep in Valentine’s Day too, with some sort of ‘sickeningly sweet middle class couple having relationship issues which are resolved’ film to appear out of nowhere every February 14th. EVERY YEAR. Sure enough, if you look closely, flicking through the ‘I luv u’ section in Clinton’s, you’ll notice how they all apply to heterosexual couples.
Oh sure, that film ‘Valentine’s Day’ had Bradley Cooper and Eric Dane playing that oh-they’regay-but-the-audience-doesn’t-know-until-5minutes-until-the-end-of-the-film couple that Hollywood likes to put in and then scream ‘LOOK! LGBT REPRESENTATION!’ from the rooftops.
Oh, and Hollywood? Have any of you ever thought about putting in a real life gay character in one of your by-numbers romantic comedies? That actually acts and has feelings like a real person and not some sort of idealised human being?
But I can put my hand on my heart and say that I have never ever, in nearly twenty years of life, seen a card aimed towards an LGBT couple. It’s 2015 people! We’re here, we’re queer and we also like to partake in sickeningly sweet and incredibly commercialised declarations of love.
I mean, even if I have to suffer Bradley Cooper again, I live in hope that one day I can send some horrifically cliché card to another male without having to drag my feet around town in desperate search for glue and fancy pens.
I’m sure that even I, that sad individual that’s more likely to give my cat a Valentine’s Day present than another human being, would at least like the opportunity to be able to send a Valentine to another male without having to resort to my quite frankly horrific arts and crafts skills.
Taran Baragwanath
Jess Rich, Arts Editor
A Horrible History of Steve Punt Steve Punt is a man of many talents. From Radio 4’s The Now Show to Horrible Histories to Mock the Week, he is a busy man. Since beginning his partnership with fellow comedian Hugh Dennis (Mock the Week, Outnumbered) at Cambridge University, Punt has been writing and performing comedy. A well-known political comedian, he originally moved “unintentionally” into the genre. In the 90s, Punt and Dennis went to the Montreal Comedy Festival and noticed that a lot of comics had similar gags. There are “lots of human beings and they all think in roughly the same way” said Punt. “The good thing about current affairs is that you don’t have any choice.” Current affairs, he tells us, forces your brain down unexplored paths which is essential, as “the hardest thing as a writer is to be told you can write about whatever you want.” Those unexplored paths are what he loves so much about writing for the hit BBC series Horrible Histories - and he certainly loves it. He’s passionate about the show. Why? Because he doesn’t see it as ‘just a kids’ show’. It’s a “comedy show that happened to be about history.” He told us that, when the producers of the show came on board, their first decision was to not treat it as a children’s TV show. Producer Caroline Norris, Punt told us, made the decision “I want comedy writers. I don’t want children’s writers.” The same went for casting. They recruited the best comedy performers that they could, those who were just on the cusp of being well-known. Mathew Baynton from Horrible Histories has since reappeared on the BBC sitcom The Wrong Mans with James Corden; Sarah Hadland is wellknown for her role as Stevie in Miranda. Horrible Histories is, for Punt, a show in the vein of Monty Python and Blackadder - one
which is, first and foremost, a comedy show. A comedy show with facts - something he graciously attributes to one of the researchers, Greg, “a human wikipedia” who puts up with the “monumental ignorance of all the writers.” The facts are important to Punt, “because it can’t all be about throwing poo out of windows, funny though that is,” he told us mournfully. The success of the show came as something of a surprise to Punt, given the normal attitudes towards children’s telly, however “there’s a remarkable lack of comedy of telly that you can all sit down and watch.” Horrible Histories is aimed at families, not just at children. “Parents really like programmes they can watch with their children without going insane, which is still relatively rare,” says Punt, and he is right to say this. There is very little TV programming that caters for the whole family.
“Horrible Histories brought back a style of comedy which had long been out of fashion - big, silly, costumed, hats Hats with feathers in! Hats with feathers in are funny!” However, to me, the success of the show depends on more than that. Punt has an idea: “One of my theories about why Horrible Histories works so well is precisely because it involves funny wigs and lots of costumes. Because I think the rule of comedy is ‘wigs are funny.’” Horrible Histories flies in the face of the comedy of the past decade, the more contemporary, deliberately downbeat, lo-fi comedy: “There was a generation of children who hadn’t ever seen big stuff: adults in eighteenth century outfits with ridiculous periwigs shouting at each other!”
So, given the success of the series (and it has been successful, particularly in Australia and English-speaking territories), will we be seeing any spinoffs? Punt brings good news for adults and children alike: “There are various thoughts of making a show in that style but on different subjects. Particularly science and scientific history.” This makes it sound like Horrible Histories is all that Steve Punt manages to get up to, however he has more to his name. He has written for Would I Lie to You? and is a programme associate on Mock the Week. He also produces material for fellow comedians and is an actor. Punt recently featured as Eric Idle (from Monty Python) in the BBC’s Holy Flying Circus. On top of that he writes and performs The Now Show, a weekly satirical news show on Radio 4 that he performs with co-host Hugh Dennis and guests. It is immensely popular and scooped its first award, ‘Best British Radio Panel Show/Satire’, in 2008. Given his numerous credits, you might think that Steve Punt is a performer through-and-through, but you’d be wrong. Although performing is fun for him, he says it doesn’t come naturally: “If I had to choose at the point of a gun, I’d be a writer because I never feel nervous writing. Performing feels like work, whereas writing feels like I’ve been incredibly lucky,” he confessed. And he’s not alone in that, a lot of standups, he tells us, “are really just writers doing their stuff”. Writing is self-generated, unlike most other arts, and “if you want to be a comedy writer, the fastest way to get your stuff performed is to perform it yourself”. And here he is, thirty years later, still pretending to be a performer. I’m convinced.
Ed Gove
Punt and Politics As a political comedian Steve Punt is on top of his current affairs. In the light of the Students’ Union Sabbatical elections, which were underway at the time of interviewing, we quizzed him on his knowledge of student politics. “I’m all for student politics. I think student politics is a really good thing. I feel quite pleased that it has come back. It probably never went away here [at Essex]. I think a lot of British universities have become very apolitical. I think they were so beaten down in the 80s and early 90s, that by the time Labour came back in, students were resigned.” Can we actually learn anything from student politics? “I think, having watched various people I know at university move into politics, or in to political journalism, that it really isn’t as different as you might think. I think there’s a temptation as a student to think, ‘Oh, this is only a microcosm, we’re not doing this for real’, but you sort of are. “It doesn’t change as much as you think, and the skills you acquire in a student election or student debating are real skills and they are absolutely useful in the real world. So in all ways I think its a good thing.”
What are you thoughts on tuition fees? “I think it’s awful that we have tuition fees because I think it inevitably puts off people who come from backgrounds where £27000 feels like an awful lot of money. I also think it’s appalling to graduate already £30/40 grand in debt. I just find that the most extraordinary thing. “When you have a government that is on one hand preaching at people not to borrow, and not to over-borrow, and not to overextend themselves, and how important it is that we as a country don’t borrow too much money, this obsession with our debt is not a good thing; and yet students are being forced into debt. “I can’t think that’s a good thing in any way. I think like so much in British politics, what they do is they go around the world taking from other countries. They took tuition fees from the United States, as they take so much.” “Certainly to my generation, you think ‘That’s just wrong. University’s not about that. The whole idea that you’re almost like a customer of a university...just feels wrong to me. It turns university into a boarding school.”
Do you feel that the main parties use education as a tool? “I don’t like education being a political football. My own father believed in education. He was the first person in his family to go to university at all. When the Open University was set up, he volunteered to teach for them because he was desperate to give something back and he knew what the education system had done for him. “He dinned into me and my sisters and anyone who would listen that education is the only thing really, in our X-Factor obsessed, ‘all you need is a stroke of luck’ culture. No - the thing that you need is education. Thats the only thing that will actually be in your control. There’s always some magic person out there that can help you, but actually what helps you is education really. “It’s something that I’ve always felt very strongly about. I knew what my dad’s background was, and I knew that they only reason I’d achieved what I did educationally was because of what he’d achieved in the generation before. I’ve alway felt quite strongly about the power of education to change a life.”
Ed Gove and Amy Bater
Review: The 3rd Degree “The interesting thing about this quiz is that it’s fundamentally, completely unfair.” - Steve Punt It’s not every day that you get to see a radio show performed, and it was on 2 February that I did. BBC Radio 4’s answer to University Challenge came to the Lakeside Theatre. Pitting students against professors, the show is designed to challenge the contestants in hitherto unexplored areas. Steve Punt, host of the show, proudly introduced the show as a “slightly upmarket pub quiz.” The rounds vary between general knowledge and specialist subjects, with students competing against their departmental professors. Represented were the departments of Government, English Literature and Modern History - although one of the professors did manage to forget which department was theirs. It’s an easy mistake! There was a one-in-three choice!
The show manages to overturn what Steve Punt sees as a weakness of shows like University Challenge: “They ask questions about things where you think, ‘Well, they’re not gonna know that, and that’s no reflection on them’. Why would they know about a band from the mid-seventies, or a political argument for 1974?’” One round in particular serves to right the balance in the students’ favour. The Highbrow Lowbrow round provides questions designed to baffle the professors and leave them a little redfaced. “The great thing about this is that it is continuously surprising, when you find unexpected depths of knowledge in the students, and unexpected pools of ignorance in the staff.”
So who will win? We asked both Steve and David Tyler, the show’s creator and producer. While David was coy about putting his eggs in a single basket, Steve’s money was on the professors, but “you have to remember, if the students win, it’s utterly humiliating for the staff. There’s nothing like watching a professor beaten by a student.” Who will you put your money on? The University of Essex’s edition of The 3rd Degree will be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 later in the year.
Ed Gove
Meet the Maker A Conversation with Radio Producer David Tyler When Ed and I sat down to chat with radio producer David Tyler (below left) the room had cleared and we had him to ourselves. We had jumped at the opportunity to interview this talented, self-deprecating and extremely funny man. It became clear pretty quickly that Tyler wasn’t going to be the open book that Punt (below right) had been. He seemed at the beginning of the interview, to be firmly closed. But, like Punt, he is skilled in performance, and came to life later in front of his studio audience, launching himself into the prestigious production role. We started simply. How did he come to be a producer? “I applied.” It wasn’t a great start, but after a bit more prompting we discovered that he has a passion for what he does and is proud of his work. When he left university, Tyler was script-writing and performing stand up and, in 1985, took a producing job at BBC Radio to save him from wearing a tie. Since then, Tyler has had his name attached to shows such as The Mary Whitehouse Experience on BBC Radio 1, which later moved to television, and the critically acclaimed, well-loved sitcom Cabin Pressure on BBC Radio 4.
Tyler knows the industry well and when we asked him why he thinks Radio 1 has shied away from scripted comedy in recent years he told us that the station has always had a tricky relationship with comedy. For Tyler, to feature humour on Radio 1 could would essentially be “over-providing” for young people. A long-term fan of the genre, Tyler spoke about how the market for comedy programmes has changed. When he was growing up “at the turn of the eighteenth century”, there were three channels and everyone watched the same thing. “There wasn’t anything else to do. It was the 70s. It was all brown.” Now, he told us, there’s more choice so audience numbers are lower and people go crackers for the figures of the “shite-butpopular” Mrs Brown’s Boys. The 3rd Degree airs on BBC Radio 4, and he sees the show, a quiz which pits students against lecturers, as a way in to Radio 4 for our generation. “Comedy is a great Trojan horse into Radio 4”, he added. The popular show was born out of its quest for younger audiences. He knew it needed to be something different; a program that featured students but also engaged its listeners.
We pressed him on how he came up with his shows, and this show in particular. It’s a secret, he joked; before telling us that it was in a meeting with the controller of Radio 4 that he came up with the show. His creative process sounds very complicated: “I got bored of him speaking and thought of it.” Both David Tyler and Steve Punt, the show’s host, prefer working behind the scenes; and, as producer and writer respectively they have a long list of achievements. So we thought it only natural to ask Tyler why it is that the people behind the camera rarely experience the same fame and celebrity as the stars in front of it. “It’s always been that way” Tyler explained.“Writing’s not very glamourous, writers aren’t glamorous”, he added. But he insisted that if you want to write, you just do it, you write and you write and you write until it’s annoying everyone around you and then you write some more. And if you’re not very good at it? Tyler passed on his colleague’s advice James Cary,“you may not be a writer, but your mother will still love you”.
Amy Bater
Comedy Central Live and Operation Crucible This fortnight at the Lakeside Theatre, there was a real variety of top class performance art to be seen. First of all, the “Comedy Central Live” Comedy night returned on Saturday 31st January with “Tina Turner Tea Lady” topping the bill alongside “Elliot Steel” and “Jimmy McGhie”. McGhie began proceedings with an extremely honest set about the pitfalls of technology and his ignorance to be a part of it. This was mixed brilliantly alongside traditional interaction with the audience. The 18 year old “Elliot Steel” soon followed, joking about his personal struggles of looking baby-faced and his introduction to Lad culture. Although he was struggling to make the audience laugh towards the end of his set, he is definitely one to look out for the future. The unique “Tina Turner Tea Lady” topped off the night with a cabaret style performance showing what Tina Turner would be like working as a tea lady. Although this sounds bizarre and awful on paper, the exuberant mix of her thick American accent, ridiculous sexual references and innuendos and the hits of Tina Turner really got the audience rolling in laughter.
In particular, for her final musical number, she got the whole on stage in a conga line; something I have never seen before and something I don’t think I’ll ever see again!
This was well portrayed with the use of physical actions to emphasise the grit and hard work and unity between the characters as they work together day in, day out.
Comedy Central Live do regular slots at The Lakeside Theatre on campus and the next one is on Saturday 14th March with Radio 1 DJ Tom Deacon headlining.
The ending was especially poignant Phil described his helplessness in preventing his wife and child from getting to safety during the blitz. There was a real chill amongst the audience as they begun to comprehend what this meant to the characters.
Thursday 5th February saw Kieran Knowles’ “Operation Crucible” grace the Lakeside stage. Knowles seriously impressed on and off the stage as a playwright making his professional debut and his relatable character of Tommy. Set against the backdrop of the Sheffield blitz in World War 2, the play followed the lives of 4 men (Bob, Tommy, Arthur and Phil) who are all brought together by working in a steel works. The characters all bought something unique to the table with Salvatore D’Aquilla’s Bob being the naïve new boy and Paul Tinto’s Scottish character Phil really standing out as a voice of sense. The fast paced nature of the play meant that events progressed pretty quickly with happy and funny moments being mixed perfectly alongside those of struggle and suffering.
The result ended in a crowd of audience members crying around me as they sympathised with the characters in such a sensitive manner. I think that exceptional theatre should keep an audience engaged thoroughly throughout with its resonance touching you in a special way. Operation Crucible definitely did this with playwright Kieran Knowles devising a real gem of a play. If you haven’t yet visited the theatre on campus then there are plenty of opportunities to do so over the next few weeks! Highlights include “Unfinished Business’” production “Mr Sole Abode”, the homegrown show “Early Birds” by Helen Anspach and the Theatre Arts Society’s production of “Oh What a Lovely War!” by Joan Littlewood.
Perry James
Prosaic Poems Lakeside Theatre Studio, 6th and 7th Feb. Directed by Leonardo Olivetti. The description of Prosaic Poems on the Lakeside Theatre’s website is as follows: ‘Prosaic Poems explores different theatrical genres and gives new life to a number to pre-existing characters of World Literature. Brilliant dialogues and surreal situation are combined together in order to produce a brave apology of the Arts.’. As an audience member who saw the production of Marco Romei’s play at the Lakeside Theatre I find this an apt description. Except that an audience member might be forgiven for not finding the dialogues brilliant, and thinking that ‘brave’ ought to have been underlined several times. There were many merits of the production; there were more strong performances than weak ones, the absurd quality of the play was respected, and some moments of the performance were successful in delivering their full comic potential.
What might have improved the production is a greater awareness of its audience. Italian comedy relies on being ‘big’. It usually relies on larger than life portrayals of characters that fit into recognisable areas of society. The conventions of ‘commedia dell’arte’ demonstrate this characteristic, and the success of this area of Italian comedy has meant that these conventions have become a function of comedy in a broader sense. The problem is that British comedy tends to be small. Aspects of comedy that are a staple part of the British comic export include things like deadpan delivery and sarcasm, which are both an understated approach to comedy. The performances offered by the actors were often brilliant, the problem was that they were all much larger than life, and therefore each individual was
swallowed up in a one-dimensional collage of big performances, that sometimes even bordered on melodramatic. I think that these perfomances might have been true to the text, however I feel that the entertainment value and therefore also the meaning of the play was not very accessible to me as an audience member. The text shows how the artistic community values tragedy over comedy. Famous parts of the versedrama canon interweave the dialogue, and is used to catalogue a character’s eventual abandonment of his creative ambition. I think this raises worthy intellectual questions and was happy to have seen this production, however I would encourage the promising creative team behind Prosaic Poems to be conscious of what happens when comic moments are pushed for onstage, especially in a culture of that produces subtler comedy.
Jacko Lang
Alex Driscoll, Music Editor
Gorgon City The Rabbit: First off; why the name Gorgon City? Gorgon City: Gorgon City is a reference to Greek mythology and Medusa, we just liked how it referred to that world and we use it to create visuals and artwork for our releases, which is useful. TR: How did you both meet? GC: Two and a half years ago we were DJing at the same agency, we collaborated in a side project, a one off. But we realised we worked so well together that we just carried on doing it! TR: What did you find influenced you in the decisions about musical style you picked? GC: Growing up in the UK, we were influenced by underground dance music. It’s made a big impact on the sound that we go for, as well as what we DJ, like house music, which is also a big influence. TR: How do you write your songs? GC: We always get into the studio with the vocalist on the day, from scratch. We find it works out better that way, and ends up with a more natural sound. We never finish a track and send it to a vocalist to sing over it, we like to be part of the process from the start. It’s more like producing a band than a dance track. A lot of jamming and experimenting. TR: Looking back at your recent successes
on the charts and other recognition, where do you see yourselves in five years? GC: Not sure. We never really think about that. We take every day as it comes. Most of the time we don’t know what’s happening next week, let alone in five years! =It can be tough to stay in the industry, and generally you only get one chance. If you get dropped by a major label, it can be really detrimental to your career. But with us, being robust musicians, producers and DJs, we would always do that. TR: Do you find it hard to think of new musical ideas, or does it come naturally? GC: Listening to new music all the time inspires us every day. It can be random stuff as well, listening to a film for example... TR: Is there a guest performer you’ve enjoyed working with most so far? GC: We have a great time with pretty much all of them. We’re good friends with MNEK, who’s on ‘Ready For Your Love’. We’ve worked with him on a second album already. Maverick Sabre was definitely a good one to work with too. TR: Is there anyone you’re looking forward to working with in the future? GC: We’ve started work in the studio for the second album already, and we’ve worked with some new people. Mikky Ekko, for example, was interesting to work with. We’re looking forward to finding
new up-and-coming singers, but we haven’t actually looked into it or searched for them yet. TR: What’s the process you have to go through? GC: A lot of it is through our management, who send us ideas. We’re lucky to work with really interesting people, unique artists who don’t normally do dance music. Someone with such a different style can sound original. That’s the main thing we’re looking for. TR: At University of Essex, we have a thriving music society. Is there any advice you can give them for the music industry? GC: Patience. I started producing at 14, and it took me years and years to get to a level I was happy with. Try not to rush things or overthink. Stay true to whatever you like, don’t just follow trends, and try to be original. TR: Finally, how’s the tour been so far? GC: Really good. Crazy, the amount of people who’ve come to see us, and the crowds have been great! Doing this as a live band, compared to a DJ set, is a new challenge for us. Seeing the reaction of people and feedback is like the hard work paying off. A little bit nerve-wracking, but we’ve got a great band and team around us so we enjoy it rather than being nervous.
Charlotte Lesurf
RAE MORRIS UNGUARDED I wanted to love this album. I tried very hard. I really like some of the tracks, and I nearly like some of the others, but truthfully, I was hoping for so much more. Let’s start with the good bits; singles ‘Under the Shadows’ and ‘Closer’ which initially drew me to Rae Morris stand out as being some of the best on the album, pulling up its first half, which I could otherwise quite happily skip through. It’s a bad sign when the only reason you don’t skip the opening track of an album is because you know you’ve got to review it later; the track ‘Skin’, makes attempts at atmosphere and intrigue, but only manages to irritate. Undoubtedly, other standouts are the Ellie Goulding-esque title track ‘Unguarded’, and the record’s only collab: ‘Cold’, featuring Fryars. It would be foolish not to release these as singles. I almost like ‘Love Again’ and ‘Don’t Go’. Almost, but not enough to fully commit. The rest of the songs are mediocre at best, at worst they got on my nerves and I would prefer to skip through rather than endure them. That may sound unreasonably harsh, especially with appreciation of her strong voice and proven songwriting talent. No one is more frustrated than me to review it this way – there was so much potential, but it falls woefully short. Like other young UK artist debuts, like Ed Sheeran’s 2011 ‘+’: individually there are some great tracks. But listen to the album all in one go and it becomes an overload, and then grating. In an attempt to leave on a more positive note, I hope other people like this album more than I do. Rae Morris strikes me as a very skilled singer/songwriter with the capacity to create some wonderful music. Sadly, this didn’t happen consistently in this debut album, but I look forward to what is to come from her. Watch this space. It will get better.
Caroline Smith
ENTER SHIKARI THE MINDSWEEP A few months ago, I got the chance to speak with guitarist Rory from Enter Shikari. A forty-five minute conversation later and I had been well-informed that the new album “The Mindsweep” would be something particularly special. This is the fourth studio album for St. Alban’s four-piece rock band; I say ‘rock’ band tentatively as “The Mindsweep” demonstrates some of their angriest yet some of their most delicate arrangements to date, with no single song sticking by any rules or genre. Kicking off with ‘The Appeal And The Mindsweep’, vocalist Rou Reynolds reaches out, carefully pulling us into the album only for us to be thrown around 2 minutes later by more of a mindf*ck than a “Mindsweep”. From this point on, it becomes difficult to stop listening as the band demonstrate their best and most diverse songwriting skills to date. Vigorously propelled along by Rob Rolfe on drums, the tracks ‘One True Colour’ and ‘Anaesthetist’ see the band jump across tempos
Think German isn’t a pleasant language to listen to? Think again. Broaden your horizons and check out Cro (real name: Carlo Waibel), Germany’s superstar rapper: he dons a panda mask, and makes music of a genre he calls “raop”. That’s half rap, half pop, and makes for an incredibly catchy listen. The funky ‘Traum’, (translation: ‘Dream’) for example will be all the proof you need to add him to your iTunes. You’ll wish you could rap in German too.
Alex Driscoll
combining guitars, electronics and violins in emphatic fashion whilst engaging with us on topics such as the price for healthcare and ‘lottery of birth’. The first single off the album, ‘The Last Garrison’ combines brutal electronics with 8-bit sounding chorus melodies with the band continuing to play to their many strengths whilst always thinking outside of the box. This “Mindsweep” hurtles onwards, past the lyrics ‘They blew up the Bank of England’ and ‘I am lower class, upper middle lower class’ until we get to a personal favourite: a six minute piano and vocal tale by Rou titled ‘Dear Future Historians...’ which for a brief moment lets us catch our breath. A final cataclysmic wave of sound titled ‘The Appeal and the Mindsweep II’ and the words “Mutato nomine, de te fabula narrator” – “with the name changed, the story applies to you” finish something well worth the three-year wait.
Stephen Dudley
Edward Lincoln, Film Editor
The Imitation Game Having already taken the title of Movie of the Year at the American Film Institute Awards, The Imitation Game has been nominated for eight Oscars, including Best Performance by an Actor in a Lead Role for Benedict Cumberbatch, Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role for Keira Knightley and Best Motion Picture. This film from Morten Tyldum completely captivating, and here’s why. The film follows the true story of mathematician Alan Turing and his colleagues during their work at Bletchley Park over the period of World War II, as they tried to crack the Nazi enigma code. The team’s work throughout the film brings with it the tensions of the high-pressured situation, where their job literally meant life or death for thousands of soldiers. However, the excitement of the story of Bletchley Park (shown in flashbacks) is punctuated with the horrors of present day ( the early 1950s) when Turing was under investigation by the police for the crime of gross indecency, as homosexual acts were illegal in Britain at this time. The opening scenes of this film are confusing and disorientating, which at first makes the audience feel as though they are starting halfway through the film, however it soon becomes clear that the film is not completely linear. The fractured timeline only enhances the story, echoing the internal turmoil of Turing who dances along the madness/genius border.
The outstanding cast in this film provide extremely rounded characters, all of which demonstrate their flaws and strengths with equal integrity. The audience are swept up in the frustration, the comedy, the sadness, the celebration and the blood, sweat and tears. Benedict Cumberbatch, particularly, is excellent in the role of Turing. TIME magazine stated that Cumberbatch “doesn’t play Turing but inhabits him”, which certainly seems to be the case when you’re holding your breath as you watch. Keira Knightley, too, is masterful as Turing’s confidant, Joan Clarke, shining light on Turing’s softer and more human side and inducing sympathy from the audience when Turing perhaps didn’t deserve it. The Imitation Game is an absolute must-see. It is an important film, which not only brings to life a very special story, but also reaches a personal level through its documentation of how Britain operated in its recent past. In my humble opinion, it is fully deserving of every nomination it has so far received, and hopefully, as the Oscars approach, a few more wins are in sight.
HHHH Sophie McBean
Ex Machina This unsettlingly brilliant sci-fi thriller is written and directed by Alex Garland, who is well known for his collaborative work with director Danny Boyle on such films as The Beach (2000), 28 days later (2002) and Sunshine (2007). Ex Machina is Garland’s debut in the director’s seat, following on from an impressive list of screenwriting credits. The film is a true showcase of his established ability as a screenwriter, and also his newly demonstrated expertise as a director. Ex Machina’s narrative follows a young programmer, Caleb (Domhnall Gleeson), who wins a competition to meet his reclusive boss at his mountaintop estate. Upon meeting Nathan (Oscar Isaac), Caleb is informed he is to partake in an experiment, evaluating the human qualities of an incredibly advanced female AI (Artificial Intelligence) named Ava (Alicia Vikander). Within the first ten minutes of the film Garland establishes a believable future, immersing his brilliantly crafted characters in a world of sleek, functional and smooth technology. The brilliant art design shines through most prominently upon Caleb’s arrival at Nathan’s estate. We are presented with a beautifully minimalistic structure built into the mountain side, its cold coloured exterior and cubic shape create a brilliant contrast between the natural world, and the manmade future. This is just one example of Garland’s delving into the theme of ‘man-made’ and ‘man playing god’, that is explored throughout the film. Looking past the overarching themes and motifs of the film, and focusing on the actors, there are some outstanding performances to be seen. Domhnall Gleeson delivers a great character arc as our protagonist Caleb, leading the audience
into a new and unsettling world of human AI, as we witness how it changes him and his perspective on life, for better or worse. Acting opposite him, Oscar Isaac brings the reclusive AI’s creator, Nathan, to life in this stellar performance. Every time Nathan is on screen, he brings an unnerving and tense atmosphere, thinly masked by his charming nature, and witty bluntness. He is acted as both a confident genius and an unhinged man with a god complex. The third performance in the film’s trio comes from Alicia Vikander who plays the AI, Ava. Vikander does a fantastic job in this role, maintaining the crucial balance between human and artificial intelligence, by retaining the fear of a woman kept prisoner, and the cold, empty tones of the AI. Altogether, a great chemistry is established between the three main characters, further immersing us into this future Garland has crafted in Ex Machina. The film presents us with an age-old and important philosophical question of ‘What makes humans human?’ and explores it in complex depth, in what is actually a very straight forward narrative. I can see some audiences not enjoying the slow plotting, and wordiness of the film in conjunction with the philosophical elements. However, if you favour thought provoking, and brilliantly tense cinema, then this film is most certainly worth your time.
HHHHH Cass Wood
M Possibly the first film ever to set the template for the serial killer crime thrillers that would flourish in the ‘90s and onwards (see The Silence of the Lambs, Copycat, Zodiac). Set in a pre-Nazi-dominance Germany, anxiety and terror gradually mount in a grief-stricken town as an unknown child murderer (a young Peter Lorre in his first dark role) remains at large, disrupting both the peaceful community as well as the underworld. This sets in motion two separate manhunts from both the police and criminals who are looking for the same man. Despite it being slow-burning and
adorned with its share of slow scenes (it runs up to 117 mins) not to mention its curiously abrupt ending, it still remains witty, occasionally humorous yet gripping and suspenseful regardless of its 80 years of age. Peter Lorre’s effective every-day-man-turnedmonster performance would secure a rigid type casting for him in subsequent horror films.
HHHHH Constantinos Kotrofou
Amy Bater, TV Editor Nisa Khan, TV Editor
Queer baiting: Representation or a Marketing Strategy? In the past decade or so, there have been more and more LGBT* (or queer) characters in the media, particularly on television. With the development of social media, including websites like Tumblr, there has also been a rise is what is known as shipping. The term shipping was created to vocalise the wish for a relationship between two characters, whether or not this relationship could or would happen is irrelevant. Shipping is especially prevalent between two otherwise straight people, usually men, in TV shows. With the rise of shipping, there has also been a rise in queer baiting which is when the creators of a TV show drop relatively subtle hints about two popular characters of the same gender being
in a relationship, despite there being no intent on their part to actually have these characters engage in a sexual or romantic relationship. So what is the point of queer baiting? There are many teenagers and young adults (myself included) who wish to find LGBT* representation within the shows they watch, and the creators are very much aware of this. As there is still a major shortage in central characters that are not straight, these creators attempt to cater to our needs for representation, without actually giving us any. This can come from any kind of TV show, some of the biggest offenders being BBC’s Sherlock; E4’s Supernatural and MTV’s Teen Wolf.
Contrary to popular belief, queer baiting is not a positive form of representation. It isn’t representation at all. All it means is that TV creators are trying to profit from a largely under-represented demographic. Subtle hints at a relationship does not make it a relationship. It’s like flirting with your best friend. It doesn’t mean you’re dating. None of us want this. Queer baiting just makes me glad for TV shows like Glee and Orange is the New Black with the guts to give us some real representation.
Sam Sprules
The B Word
It seems to be an unwritten rule of television that, despite how diverse and progressive a show may otherwise be, they cannot use the word “bisexual”. Orange is the New Black has revolutionary representation of sexual and gender identities, but main character Piper’s attraction to both men and women is described as her being “a former lesbian” or just “shallow”. In How to Get Away with Murder, again known for its diverse cast, a girl finds out that her boyfriend once slept with a man. She then assumes he is “gay” and cannot truly love her, as if it isn’t possible for him to like both. Even Parks and Recreation, which I otherwise love, fails its progressive attitude by calling two bi characters “gay and straight” and “openminded” respectively. If only there was an easier word…
offensive way? Should we be surprised? This trend reflects bi-erasure in real life: when a celebrity announces a same-sex relationship, for example, the headlines will read “so-and-so is gay”. It’s nothing new, and it’s even prominent in LGBT* groups. You’d just expect that these shows, famed for promoting visibility of other marginalised groups, would do better.
On the show, Harris plays a charming ladies man, a far contrast to reality where Harris is in fact married to his longtime partner David Burtka and they have two twins via surrogacy. Since coming out in the spotlight as gay, Harris has been an icon and role model for his fans all over the world as well as being hugely admired and respected within the industry.
Remember Glee? Famous for giving minorities the spotlight, with a (slightly corny) equality and acceptance message, they actually acknowledged bisexuals… but only to attack them. Dismissed as a phase by one character, another suggests that bi women aren’t as good or trustworthy as “actual lesbians”. Why go to all the trouble of using the B-word (which must be very hard to pronounce) only to use it in an
Neil Patrick Harris first won over the hearts of tv watchers as a young Doogie Howser in the 80s-90s starring in the show of the same name and since then Harris has come to be one of the most likeable actors in Hollywood. He is probably most known for his role as Barney Stinson on the hit comedy “How I Met Your Mother,” but alongside that Harris is a talented triple threat.
Andrew Smith
Call the Midwife Call the Midwife as you may well know is a series set in the mid-20th century, and is often described as a historical drama. But an episode last week became one of the most relevant shows on TV. The third episode of the current series told the story of a young father who is charged with gross indecency, in other words the crime of homosexual acts. There is outrage in poplar and his wife becomes shunned in society. Some of the staff of Nonnatus house are much more understanding and forgiving, some more than others, (Nurse Mount for example). This episode of Call the Midwife aired on the same day Benedict Cumberbatch and Stephen Fry’s request for a royal pardon for the 49,000 men charged with the same crime of gross indecency. 15,000 of them are still alive today. The open letter stated that: “UK’s homophobic laws made the lives of generations of gay and bisexual men intolerable”. This episode of Call the Midwife is a compas-
sionate window into both the lives of the men who suffered because of these laws and those who stigmatised homosexuality. To many younger viewers the treatment of this young father is preposterous and unthinkable, but this was not too many generations ago. Not many shows as popular as this could raise awareness of important historical issues to such a wide audience. Nor do many TV shows show historical issues in such a compassionate and understanding way. The series has addressed many issues and problems in British society, which have yet to be fully addressed including the homophobia of our nation. In earlier series it has raised awareness of work houses, poverty, colonialism and prostitution in South London. It seems this historical setting has the ability to make us aware of our past and raise issues that are still pertinent in society today, because “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”
Alice Vardy
Wentworth Miller, or as most people know him, Michael Scofield, first shot to fame on the groundbreaking show Prison Break back in 2005, and since then has been an international fan favourite amongst TV watchers. Raised by a family of academics, Miller himself was no different having graduated from Princeton University with a degree in English Literature. Miller’s love of writing became more evident once Prison Break had ended as he backed away from the cameras for many years and started writing his own screenplay. But what brought Miller back into the spotlight was his very public and touching “coming out” story, where he declined an invitation to the Saint Petersburg International Film Festival due to the troubling treatment of gay citizens in Russia. Once this news spread Miller became a worldwide sensation all over again, praised for his brave actions and winning the people’s affections once more.
Georgina Dedman, Books Editor
An Interview with Dominique Butler The Rabbit had the opportunity to speak to Dominique Butler author of “Tabloid Teahcher” published in 2014. 1. Hello, Can you tell us more about your book please? Tabloid Teacher is about a single mom, Sam, who meets her favorite movie star, Jake. Sam leads a simple life full of polo school shirts and khaki pants. She’s busy working and taking care of her kids. She’s worried that life has become too boring indicating a storm is brewing somewhere. While she prepares herself for the worst, a tiny coincidence lands her favorite movie star next to her at a football game. Jake is a confirmed bachelor whose married friends suspect may have commitment issues. Jake makes a bet to prove he’s not afraid to commit and proposes to the unsuspecting Sam. Their two worlds collide in a big way. The proposal is televised. Jake tries to play off the proposal as real to save face before a movie premiere and Sam agrees to play along to liven up her routine,
ally. So, keep writing.
The two get a lot more than what they bargained for. Jake is faced with kids and Sam is faced with paparazzi documenting every faux pas.
Tip 2: I think the biggest problem I have with writing is actually letting other people read what I write. I feel like it’s similar to reading a book and then seeing the movie, especially if the casting does not fit what I’ve envisioned. I don’t want other people to ruin what I enjoyed because it doesn’t fit what they enjoy.
2. Out of all the characters, who was the most fun to write and why? I would say I had the most fun writing Jake. He’s a confirmed bachelor who is suddenly faced with the prospect of children and a family. He’s a bit clueless about women in some ways and even more so about children. However, he is considerate and I think that’s the best quality a man can have. 3. What tips would you give to any of my readers who are aspiring to be authors? Tip 1: Write. I have so many ideas, but by the time I start one I have another then I want to start that. If I keep writing something get finished, eventu-
My point is there are all types of books and all types of writers. There’s an audience for everyone. Not everyone will like your genre or appreciate your voice, but someone will. Be yourself, write what entertains you and someone else will be entertained, too. Personally, I think we live in an amazing time where everyone’s voice can be heard.
Rachel Simson
Empowering the Romance Genre “The longest day of my life began tardily” - This is the opening line to John Green’s Paper Towns. With the success of The Fault in Our Stars - both the book (2012) and movie (2014) - plus the upcoming release of the movie adaptation of Paper Towns, I’m hoping it may start a change in the romance genre.
Paper Towns (2008) dealt with a greater number of these aspects: depression, family issues, the meaning of life etc. While this issues are not worse than cancer, they are often less talked about. That’s where the importance of the genre comes in, it’s one that’s rich in its dialogue and human connection and one that actively wants us to personally connect.
Romance naturally has stigma attached to it, but there’s a level of importance with this genre that I think is missed because of the reluctance to watch or read products of a stigmatised genre. I speak mainly about the generalisation of romance as being a ‘cheesy’ genre, with some men trying to hide from it in order to keep up the image of masculinity. This does however, raise an interesting question, why is it that romance has been heavily stereotyped as being feminine? Even when there is no lack of male romance writers, nor is it a genre entirely watched by females, its still often labelled as being an area primarily for women. Books like those by John Green, an author known for his subversive handling of romance, challenge the views connected to the genre and deal with
Once we are connected, and care about the character then these complicated subjects become easier to comprehend, and it is testament to Green’s writing that he tackles these issues.
some important aspects of life. The Fault in the Stars film adaption being adapted before Paper Towns is a good way to begin to introduce these subjects. In terms of mainstream successful books and films, its beginning to show that romance can be widely successful while being darker.
Plus, if you’re struggling to deal with these topics yourself, seeing them projected in a book or a film will help you to relate to it and then you may find a solution. Romance is a self-reflexive genre that has the power to do more than it historically has and novels like Paper Towns begin to explore it, and show just how versatile romance can be.
Liam Xavier
Charles Dickens Born: 7th February 1812 “Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts.”
From there, Dickens’ life swelled both professionally and socially. He soon published the first installments of ‘Oliver Twist’, which became a great success. Dickens also managed to meet the first love of his life, Catherine Dickens, with whom he fathered ten children, but ultimately divorced.
203 years ago, a small family in Portsmouth gave birth to their first son. They named him ‘Charles John Huffam Dickens, and he went on to become the greatest novelist of the Victorian period.
His success as a novelist continued upwards as he released works such as ‘The Old Curiosity Shop’ and his first historical novel, ‘Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the Riots of ‘Eighty’. He then was able to write ‘A Christmas Carol’ after a brief trip to America, before moving onto to ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ and ‘Great Expectations’.
Dickens’ childhood was by no means easy. The family encountered deep debt as a result of his father’s vast overspending, landing him in prison and meaning that Charles was forced to leave school to work at a shoeblackening factory. Dickens felt the job was humiliating, and all his dreams of a professional career and social status had been snatched from him. His father was eventually released after inheriting money, but Dickens was not allowed to leave the factory immediately, in accordance with his mother’s wishes.
Unfortunately, on the 8th of June 1870, Dickens suffered a stroke at his home from which he never regained consciousness. His epitaph reads: ‘He was a sympathiser with the poor, the suffering, and the oppressed; and by his death, one of England’s greatest writers is lost to the world’.
Dickens did eventually leave the factory, but didn’t have a clear idea of what he wanted to do. He tried his hand at law, freelance journalism, acting, and even worked in the House of Commons. His first work came as a series of periodical sketches that acted as political journalism, published in 1836: ‘Sketches by Boz’.
Lydia Pauly
Gone Girl ‘I suppose these questions stormcloud over every marriage: What are you thinking? How are you feeling? Who are you? What have we done to each other? What will we do?’ Gone Girl is a 2012 crime novel written by Gillian Flynn. Within a year, it had already become a bestseller and the holiday read of choice, culminating in last year’s popular film release. I found it to be a highly addictive and enthralling read, which I would highly recommend. At first glance, there is nothing vaguely romantic about the dysfunctional relationship between Amy and Nick Dunne. When Amy goes missing on their five year anniversary in suspicious circumstances, the police immediately start investigating Nick and, after discovering a highly incriminating diary of Amy’s, it seems his arrest is imminent. But everything may not be as it seems, much like the state of their relationship. The diary goes back to the early days of Nick and Amy’s courtship and at first everything appears hazy-eyed and perfect. However, flash-forward a few years, when they both lose their jobs and have to move from the big city of New York to Nick’s small town childhood home, the cracks within their marriage are firmly in place.
Flynn cleverly alternates between both Nick and Amy’s perspectives within each chapter, so that the reader is able to discover more about what makes them tick, their secrets and piece together the clues of what really happened to Amy.
and Nick seem drawn together like a real-life toxic Romeo and Juliet, despite their obvious dislike of who the other person really is, they also crave the excitement and intensity that no other partner can match.
At first, life with the Dunnes appears just a little too idyllic: their first kiss is the stuff of romantic comedies, taking place literally in a cloud of sugar, outside a sugar factory and Amy is the dream, non-complaining wife, who happily lets Nick do as he wishes and describes marriage as ‘easy’.
As the story heightens, they finally begin to gain an understanding and respect of the other, all while using this newfound knowledge to try and bring them down. The chemistry and ‘opposites attracts’ aspect of their relationship results in a seemingly neverending game, much like the everlasting power of ‘true love conquers all’ conveyed in romance novels.
Although as the present day narrative reveals, Nick is no longer happy and feels that he will never be able to live up to his wife’s strict expectations. Amy later describes the sense of unease she has started to feel around him… But which one of them is telling the truth? Amy and Nick initially both seem to fit into the stereotypical derivatives, firstly the beautiful, easy-going ‘perfect’ girl and the handsome, charming ‘cool’ guy, later becoming the unstable wife and disinterested husband, yet this may not be the people they truly are. Flynn explores the concept of the different roles we may take on to impress others and the dangerous bonds that could result. Throughout the novel, Amy
I feel that Flynn’s recurring motif of the idea of perfection within a relationship is something we too can apply to our everyday lives, particularly around Valentine’s Day. Of course, nobody is ever perfect, yet in the early days of a relationship, many of us convince ourselves our new beau is. We also have all these expectations underlying February the 14th: the dream day, gift, other half etc. and often forget what is truly important - the romantic connection and loving our partners for exactly who they are, so on what better day to show it? And if you’re single, read ‘Gone Girl’ and feel relieved that you don’t have an Amy or a Nick in your life.
Lorraine Gamage
Alice Vardy, Science Editor
Bite Me Most of you will consider snake venom to be dangerous, even deadly. When it enters the human body, it can cause blood clots, affect nervous system or attack molecules so that cells and tissues collapse. Some venom can kill you in seconds, some in hours or and some leaves you paralysed if you do not find medical help as soon as possible. On the other hand, snake venom is very valuable in the field of medicine, it is fast and can target specific areas in the body with high precision. This is because snake venom contains various types of peptides, enzymes and toxins, which can be beneficial for our bodies. But before these can be used for development of
new drugs, they must be altered, so they are able to keep their effectiveness, but be harmless for the patients. The use of snake venom in medicine started in 1970s, when specific drug with venom toxin was developed to be able to treat people with high blood pressure. The venom used in this was taken from the Brazilian pit viper, because it contains angiotensinconverting enzyme. These drugs may have had a few side effects, but they also led to the decreased incidence of stroke, heart failure and diabetes. In the last few years, scientists have been studying the venom proteins from African black mamba snake, as these proteins are able to latch on tightly
to nerve cells receptors and receptors on the surface of the brain. The success of this research could then lead to development of new treatments for diseases such as Parkinsons and Alzheimers. But that’s not all, there is a chance that snake venom can be used for cancer treatment. Research in Australia found a specific compound in the venom that has potential to disrupt the function of endothelial cells. This disruption causes the cells to separate from each other, causing their deaths. Maybe in the next few years we will not consider snakes just as dangerous and deadly creatures.
Barbora Eliet Hrádecká
GM Mosquitoes to combat diseases But not everyone is happy... A British biotech company is currently awaiting approval to release several million genetically modified mosquitoes in the Florida keys area, with the hope of wiping out two viral diseases that are on the rise. The two diseases, dengue or “break-bone” fever and chikungunya, a disease painful enough to cause contortions, have no available vaccines or cures. The release of these GM mosquitoes may provide a novel solution however. Genetic modifications, which includes DNA from corals and cabbages by Oxitec means the mosquito larva die during development.
The lab aims to release only male mosquitoes because they do not bite like their female counterpart.
vinced, stating the company should do more to prove synthetic DNA causes no harm when transferred to humans by a mosquito bite.
There has been controversy however, with a petition on Change.org with over 130,000 signatures to stop the experiment, with fears over bites from female GM mosquitoes overlooked and released by the biotech company.
A Statement from Phil Lounbous, a researcher into mosquito control at the Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory said “I think the science is fine, they definitely can kill mosquitoes, but the GMO issue still sticks as something of a thorny issue for the general public, It’s not even so much about the science — you can’t go ahead with something like this if public opinion is negative.”
Oxitec spokeswoman Chris Creese has spoken out, drawing comparisons to the companies similar 2012 experiment in the Cayman Islands, which managed to reduce the mosquito population by 96% in 6 month. Critics however are not con-
The FDA stated there will be no field tests until the proposal has been “thoroughly reviewed”.
Connor Mooney
Save the Bees Every time you go to garden or a park in the summer, you can hear a low buzzing noise all around you. And then you spot those small fluffy yellow balls with wings, bees.
decline and many of fruits, which can now be found in supermarkets would become unavailable (cherries, apples, raspberries, etc.) And of course no more honey.
Let’s admit it, not all of us likes bees, some of us are scared of their stings, which are a pretty painful, and some of us mistake them for wasps, which look nearly same, but are very annoying and not so integral to our life on earth.
Our gardens, forests and meadows would be a lot less colourful, various types of flowers and trees are dependent on pollination by bees, as it is their only way for reproduction. Their only possibility would be to adapt to life without bees, which would be very hard for some of them and they will probably just die out.
But why are bees so important? According to UN report, from the 100 species of crops that provide 90% of the world food, over 70 are pollinated by bees. Our own existence is dependent on these tiny creatures. A few days ago I saw article saying, that without bees, human race would die out in 4 years. But not to worry, this won’t happen, there are still crop species which are pollinated by wind, butterflies or by birds. However food production would
Science Update: Cats’ Infatuation with Boxes Solved! Always wondered why cats love sitting in boxes so much? No me neither. But science have cracked this great myth. It’s down to two main reasons: warmth and to shelter from stress. In the wild these small cubby holes would have been places to hide from predators, whereas nowadays it’s probably just sanctuary from an over-affectionate owner. Welcome to the World, Little Island There is a new island in the Pacific as a result of an ongoing volcanic eruption The new island is in the Tonga archipelago, a group of islands southeast of Fiji. The volcano, called Hunga Tonga, has since stopped erupting. New islands created by volcanoes are not uncommon, but not all stick around.
Despite the importance of bees, the most commonly used pesticides in the world are the lethal for these important creatures. There are new diseases which reduce their populations. So, let’s Save The Bees, because at the very least your dinner plate would look a lot less appetizing without those tiny winged insects.
Barbora Eliet Hrádecká
Part Flora, Part Fauna Scientists have proved that the emerald green sea slug can feed off sunlight using photosynthesis. The emerald green sea slug take chloroplasts from the yellow-green algae it eats and then uses a process called ‘kleptoplasty’, which allows the chloroplasts to continue photosynthesising. Sidney K. Pierce from the University of South Florida stated “there is no way on earth that genes from an alga should work inside an animal cell and yet here, they do.” Old as the Stars The earliest known stars are 150 million years older than previously believed. The European Space Agency’s Planck telescope has been collecting data about the cosmic microwave background, leftover radiation from the Big Bang. Recent analysis of this data has shown that the universe is older than we think. An excited Planck scientist Jan Tauber said “this is an incredibly rich data set and the harvest of discoveries has just begun.”
Alice Vardy
Luiza Sandru, Lifestyle Editor
Experience the best USA Summer ...and pay nothing! I guess a lot of students nowadays have a bucket list, and I am no exception. My list is full of crazy activities and places I want to visit. In my first year at Essex, I was sure that I would go to America on a year abroad as it is on my bucket list.
It didn’t hit us that we were in NYC, but there we were, three young Lithuanians sitting in the black Lincoln and heading to a hotel in Manhattan. After visiting the room for just a few minutes, we went to look around Manhattan in the evening.
However, after finding out how much it will cost, I felt that I had to let this dream go. But if you really want something, you will always get it! Over this last summer, I managed to put the tick on that box without an enormous amount of money involved, and this is how it happened.
The next day we had to wake up early and head to Chinatown where the tour bus was located. It was harder to find than expected and we almost missed the bus, but thankfully the good people on the streets helped us find it.
When my friend called me and told me about the idea of going to the States for the summer it all seemed insane; I knew that my parents would not support the idea of being even further away from them and I knew that I couldn’t afford it myself. However, after doing some research with my friends, we found a brilliant programme called Work and Travel USA in which students who are returning to their studies after the summer are able to participate. All you need for the programme are: some documents and the cost of the registration for the agency (approx. £25), the fee for the programme (approx. $565), the visa fee (approx. £100) and the plane tickets. Basically, you get a J1 visa which lets you to stay in USA for 4 months and you can decide (of course, with the permission from your employer) how long you want to work and how long to travel. My friends and I worked in one of the beautiful resorts in Martha’s Vineyard, MA for 3 months which let us to save enough money to cover the investment in the beginning, and to travel for 3 weeks down the East Coast. The 5th of the September 2014 was an upsetting, and yet exciting day for us. We had to leave our friends, co-workers and lovely landlords without any idea whether or not we would see them again. However, it was also the start of our journey to the East Coast. After a one hour flight, we landed in JFK airport, took our luggage and our hired private driver arrived.
The tour took us to the more famous places in our area: New York, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Niagara Falls, Boston and then back to NYC. Our apartment with Airbnb was in a decent location right next to the Time Square, so we mostly explored that area. The next day we visited the Empire State building and had to head back to Chinatown to catch the bus NYC-Charleston. Our visit to Charleston, SC and Savannah, GA was decided due to a promise we made to an elderly couple, whilst working in Martha’s Vineyard. When I told them about our plan to save money and travel down the East Coast they made me promise that we will not skip Charleston and Savannah as it is a must visit. As a consequence, we found ourselves heading down to Charleston, SC, wondering what it had in store for us. Of all the cities that we visited before, none could compare to the beauty of Charleston. On our first night out, Scott, our host, showed us the best places to visit at night and it was all gorgeous. The next day we found ourselves, after a short bus ride, in Savannah, and from there, the taxi driver picked us up. He was definitely the perfect guide as he had lived there all his life and so he told us the history of Savannah whilst taking us to our hotel.
We also went on a ghost tour and just explored the area on our own. If I was ever to meet that old couple again I would definitely buy them the largest box of chocolates for not letting us skip those amazing cities. The next morning we had to be up early as we had to go to Orlando. We spent 3 days there, visited Universal Studios, explored the city and did a lot of shopping. After driving more than 200 miles in a rented car, we reached the beach in Fort Lauderdale. Because we arrived later than we expected, we decided to sleep in the car for those 4 hours. After, a terrible night’s sleep, we headed off to Key West, FL as we had an ‘adventures day’ booked. I remember how amazed I was while we were travelling on the bridge to Key West. The water around was perfectly clear and everything around looked like a paradise. We had the best day at Fury Water Adventures were we finally got some rest, while getting a tan and eating breakfast. Then all the real adventures started. While spending all day in the Gulf of Mexico we did: parasailing, jet skiing, snorkeling, listened to the live American music and even saw the wild dolphins. However, the perfect day came to the end and we had to move on to Miami where we had our last apartment booked for a few nights. This would give us time to buy all our souvenirs, swim in the Miami Beach, go out and get the ready for the flight. After so much adventure and all these priceless memories, we are already planning to return again this next summer. Our new goal is to explore the West Coast and I’m so looking ticking this off my bucket list too! I would like to encourage the readers to find not an excuse, but find the opportunity and be courage enough to use it.
Deimantė Barauskaitė
After a very short visit in the hotel (once again) we returned to the center of Savannah, the famous Leopold’s ice-creams (and of course, the best I’ve tasted).
Correction: The make-up tutorial in Issue 163 was written by Lexi Chappell.
Date Night: Get ready the green way Whether you’re having a night out with your girlfriends or a candle-lit dinner with your significant other, here are some steps that you can follow to make sure that your hair, skin and mood will stay impeccable throughout the night. As always, the products and techniques mentioned in this column are 100% natural, eco-friendly and tested by yours truly. If you know yourself to have extremely sensitive skin or to be allergic to any of the ingredients mentioned below, don’t worry because many alternatives can be found either online or in health magazines.
STEP 1. Before hopping in the shower or taking a
but a wellness one as well, there is one thing you must remember: always brush in long sweeping motion toward your heart. This means you start at your feet and by working your way up, you cleanse the body of toxins, moving them towards the glands. When you reach your fingertips, brush towards the shoulders and the underarm area. The chest area will feel sensitive at first and which will change in time if done regularly. Benefits: not only does it exfoliate by removing dead skin cells, but the lymphatic system will be stimulated to eliminate toxins more efficiently.
bath ( bubbles, sea salt, a few tablespoons of milk and honey - the choices are endless), I recommend paying attention to something that you don’t really think about before actually being in the shower - your hair.
The technique is very simple and you do exactly what it says: you brush the skin of your body while it is completely dry (not the face, because the skin is much thinner there compared to the rest of your body). It’s better to do this in the bathroom while actually sitting in the shower or if not, on a towel, so that you can easily clean that spot afterwards - there will be a lot of dead skin cells falling off. The perfect bristle brush is a non synthetic one that you can purchase almost everywhere at a good price. If it has a long handle, the better as it’ll be easier to reach your back. Because it isn’t just a beautifying trick,
don’t rub. I find that if the skin is actually damp while applying body lotion, it gets soaked in quicker along with the water, leaving the skin very soft. You’ll want to have a flawless complexion so you can easily apply makeup. This depends if you normally put makeup on, or are more like me and prefer to have only good healthy looking skin, so that you can get away with a dash of mascara and a bold lipstick color. For this, there is a trick that never lets me down: egg white facial mask!
We are used to condition our hair after we wash it, but it makes a great difference doing this before instead. By using recipes containing only natural ingredients you are lifting the strain of the daily dirt that soaks into your scalp from the polluted air. An avocado-olive oil paste is a miracle worker, but even a one-ingredient mask, such as Argan, Olive or Castor Oil will do the trick. Just apply it evenly from the roots to the ends, pull your hair in a bun and, when the time comes, wash gently. Another extremely beneficial trick that you could do before showering, in order to achieve glowing skin is Dry Skin Brushing. I first heard about this a few years ago, while watching an interview with the Australian supermodel Miranda Kerr. I sounded very interesting and new, so I definitely had to try it. I need to say that I was very satisfied with the results, and even though normally the visual aspect of them ( glow, tone and firmness) take a bit longer to achieve, by trying this just once you will immediately feel a change in the smoothness and texture of the skin.
STEP 3. After getting out of the shower, pat skin dry,
Whisk an egg white with half a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice, apply it evenly on the face after you’ve washed it with warm water and let it dry for 10-15 minutes. When applying, be careful at the areas around your eyes and mouth. After it has dried, remove the mask by gently washing your face with warm water, massaging the skin, not rubbing and then apply your favourite oil or moisturizer while the skin is still damp.
STEP 2. After brushing your body that way the last thing you want to do is use shop-bought exfoliating body scrubs that contain unnatural ingredients. Instead, I recommend using coffee grounds and olive oil. This is also recommended because this paste will be gentle enough on the freshly opened pores, as opposed to the beads found in gels. Bonus: the coffee actively fights cellulite while you’re massaging it into your skin! To remove the hair mask, follow your usual routine. For a shiny finish, don’t forget about the cold water rinse, it will close the scales of the hair cuticles leaving it smooth and to a certain extent, frizz-free! If you have enough time, let it air dry to minimize the upcoming damage, as you’ll probably be using heat to style it. When it comes to maintaining healthy heels, I remain a fan of the old ponce stone and remain reluctant about using the chemical exfoliating feet masks that are on the market.
There are many variations of the recipes for this mask, but one thing is certain: regardless of the targeted results, it will always leave you with a hydrated youthful complexion. By incorporating any or all of the steps of the above into your getting ready ritual before an event or even on a daily basis, I believe you will soon understand the power of nature. Sometimes it might seem there is too much work and preparation put into following all natural techniques or recipes, but I promise the results are superior. If done regularly, you’ll form new habits shortly and with this kind of changes, your actions, even though they can appear small, will make an impact on the environment and most importantly, your well being. Until next time, good luck and good health!
Madalina Leordean
How to get started on YouTube Starting a YouTube channel seems to be a scary thought for many people. After watching YouTube celebrities like Zoella and The Vlogbrothers, is there any room left for the smaller potential Youtubers such as ourselves? Well, the answer is yes, yes there is.
2) You can talk about anything
Although we may not be reaping in hundreds of millions views, many YouTubers are making a name for themselves among hundreds of viewers, and all they needed was confidence to start.
On YouTube you can talk about anything and everything. If you really can’t think of anything, just recount the events of your day. God knows that’s how most channel start.
I have been running my YouTube channel Schmirfle/ Alex Chappell for approximately 14 months now, and I have a few tips to share about how to start your own.
3) Be comfortable in front of a camera
4) Have fun
If you are going to be putting yourself out onto the internet, you have to be able to talk in front of the camera without feeling embarrassed about being alone in a room, talking to an inanimate object.
Lots of people are fooled into starting YouTube in order to make money. You won’t make money from YouTube until your videos start to get thousands of views, and even then, you might make just enough to afford Dominoes for three. So make sure you are only making videos you enjoy making, because if you aren’t doing that, then it really isn’t worth it.
1) Don’t let the lack of fancy equipment stop you I filmed the majority of my first videos, using a pile of books as a tripod. I was lucky enough to get a video camera for my 16th birthday but a lot of YouTubers are known for starting using only the webcam on their laptop.
Many people don’t start a YouTube channel because they think they have nothing to talk about, which I believe is a total lie.
So just sit down, turn on your camera, and talk about whatever you want. Also practice makes perfect, you will get better so don’t worry if the first videos are not that great.
Lexi Chappell
Discover the world in unique places Travelling is as amazing experience that gives you immense knowledge, and it is one of my favourite hobbies, as I know for sure it is for many students. The ones that attract me the most are unique places, such as rural villages, places that are secluded but give you an amazing feeling when you visit and have so much history. This is why I decided to share three incredible places around the world that I consider are a must see at least once in your life. In those you can explore the living of the local people, forgotten traditions and discover a new way of living. Gasadalur Village is lost somewhere in the Faroes Islands. There are only 17 people living in a breathtaking area. Until 2004, this place was completely disconnected from the real world because it is on the altitude of 2,450 feet. The lush green fields tumble towards the steep valleys right to the North Atlantic’s Gulf Stream, and are combined with a colourful architecture of extraordinary Nordic homes, everything making a dramatic picture. Fjallbacka is a harbour and a fishing village located to the North Sea close to the Norwegian border of Sweden. There are fewer than 1,000 inhabitants and the first thing that comes into your sight is the graveyard, but following the main road down through the
yellow, green and red wooden houses you will find an amazing landscape of the sea. All around the shore is pointed by the grey massive rocks which are strategically placed by the nature. It is a place with very nice stories about mermaids and ships which used to get stuck between the massive rocks just because the captains were hypnotized by the mermaid’s voice. Sighisoara is a very unique and compact town based in the heart of Transylvania Romania. This city has an extended history which encloses Vlad the Impaler. The rock streets and the clock Citadel Tower placed in the middle of the city give you the impression of being in the town of the dolls. The narrow streets aglow with lustrously coloured 16th-century houses, their gingerbread roofs tumbling down to pretty cafes will make happy every person is walking about but anyways the Horror fans won’t be disappointed either considering the many “horrific” activities that you can be part of. This piece of land also represents yearly the Medieval Festival of the Art which is in mid-July. All of the art passionate are invited to take part of the amazing activities which is as old as the city does.
Lucian Gabriel Burcea
Tom Phillips, Sports Editor
Women’s Rugby on form for league title! Queen Mary 1st 5 – 17 Essex Blades 1st 11th February K.O. 2:00pm The Blades have been training hard since their return after the Christmas break, and their first game of the year was set against their toughest opponents yet they would be expecting a tough push right up until the 80th minute. Within 3 minutes Queen Mary had scored their first (and only) try; Essex defence was lax and they had allowed the opposition to slip through their fingers for an easy first try. With their complacency knocked, the Blades knew they had to step up their game if they stood a chance of a good result. The score at half time stood at 12-5 to UEWRFC after a try and conversion from Farrow followed by another try from Kvalvik - they knew the fight wasn’t over yet.
Essex lost nearly every scrum, even well into the second half, but despite this Queen Mary couldn’t make much ground as the Blades had a solid defensive line. Captain, Maisy Adkins, still suffering with injury noted that “[The girls] were able to tackle fast and hard”, making it difficult for QM to break through. A final try from Davis led the Blades to yet another win, despite a shaky start. UEWRFC remain undefeated in South Eastern 2B this season, with only 1 league match to go against bottom of the table Kent 1st.
Tries: Farrow; Kvalvik, Davis Conversions: Farrow Line up: Steward; Troddan; Crawford; Baney; Scarth; Freeman; Barry; Farrow; Rondelli (VC); Ferrero; Allen; Davis; Koledoye; Ajao; Makomva Subs: Kvalvik; Lawrence; Mendez; Sesay; Sadarangani; Adkins (C); Wright Next fixture: South Eastern Conference Cup (Quarter Finals) HOME vs. Canterbury Christ Church 1st 18/02/15 – 2pm K.O.
Ami Lake
Men’s Lacrosse Essex 1st vs Northampton 1st
On Saturday the 7th of February, after numerous rescheduling’s, Northampton and Essex finally met to play out the first round of their cup draw. Blades got off to a neat first half, scoring seven goals and giving none back in return. However the second half didn’t pass with such ease as the first. Northampton scored their first two goals in quick succession at the start of the third quarter, raising their spirits and giving them a new belief in a turn around.
The third quarter ended with two more goals for Northampton, bringing them to within three of the draw, and importantly within four of the win. The final quarter saw Blades Captain, Joe Holdsworth, return to the pitch after having to carry out a quarter refereeing, which thus seemed to bring the Blades back to life and start the goals coming once again! With three more goals from the Blades, and only one more from the Northampton Stallions, the game was nicely tied up at 10-5 to the Blades!
Four goals from attackman Ben Diaz, three from Midfielder Shaun Quilter, two from the Captain, and one from fresher Russell Bullock- Russell’s second of the season. Diaz was awarded man of the match by the Northampton team, and Blades weren’t in disapproval of this. All in all a comfortable win for the Blades, making them five games undefeated, and looking forward to their home fixture against Reading on the 11th of February.
Jake Stones
Women’s Lacrosse Win BUCS Title Essex 1st vs Northampton 1st On Wednesday the 11th of February, the women’s lacrosse team travelled to Kent for their last match of the league against Canterbury Christ Church University.
an improvement from last year in Canterbury’s game and therefore, knew it was going to be a tougher match than anticipated.
The team of fifteen girls included Aurora Granaasen, Alina Von Koenigsmarck, Zoe Utton, Amber Newell, Nikoline Torlei, Jessica Miller, Lauren Newland, Charlotte Palmer, Anna Myhren, Kristin Vegsund, Gaelle Dandriuex, Eva Kariuki, Abigail Norwood, Hayley Wood and Natasha Brooks.
Consequently, tensions were rising, not only because of a potentially close match, but also due to the fact that a successful result would mean that our team would win the league due to our unbeaten season. The match started well and by the first quarter we were already 5-1 up with goals by both Lauren and Niko. This great first quarter gave us the boost we needed to carry out a win.
Glancing at the results table before the match, we saw
As the second and third quarters were played, the scores were getting closer with it being 11-7 at one point, a goal difference that could be easily overcome by Canterbury if we lost concentration at any point. Yet, with a great final score of 14-7 to Essex, we finished with a clear win meaning we kept our place at the top of the table and won the league! A great last match to end the season.
Jessica Miller