Physical th pi t p ti l th pi t d p h-l g g th pi t y ll b p t f th p ipti Medication or surgery is also effective for treating some of the symptoms of Rett syndrome Hyp hy idi d i hy id i l d d ily l h Th ff i treatment for PKU is a special diet that carefully limits the protein phenylalanine (Phe) People with PKU who thi di t f bi th h tly th ft d l p lly d lly h y pt f PKU

How to know if your child has a

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Developmental Disability – What is it? D l p l di bili y i di g i h d y On in six children 15% are currently being diagnosed with a di bility d l y D l p t l di biliti g ll socioeconomic groups and races B h ly i i ? I i b d p i g y different diagnoses According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) d l p t l di biliti g p f diti d to an impairment in physical learning language or behavior Th diti b gi d i g th d l p t l p i d y i p t d y-t -d y f ti i g d lly l h gh p lif i S pl f d l p l di bili i include; ADHD Autism Spectrum Disorders Cerebral Palsy intellectual disabilities and vision impairment There are four main types of developmental disorders: nervous system disabilities sensory related di biliti t b li di biliti d d g ti di d M y diff t b t f di biliti t under these four main groups What is a developmental disability diagnosed as a nervous system disorders? Th bi th d f t th t ff t th f ti i g f th b i pi l d d y t hi h influence intelligence and learning These conditions can also cause certain behavioral disorders speech or l g g diffi lti l i d t di d Th l ti ly y di bili i h y h p b bly l dy h d f p ibly k h h b diagnosed with The first is Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDDs) This term describes a certain range of scores on IQ (i t llig q ti t) t t IDD lt f b f diti Th t diti b i g y d d gil y d Child b i h h di i D y d h h i py f h 21 D y d h p ifi f mental medical and physical characteristics Fragile X mental retardation is caused by one specific gene that causes the body to produce low amounts or f t i p t i With t thi i p t t p t i th b i d t d l p lly Sy pt f F gil X y d b h d g p d gh f p i h i d d by h bodys cells especially cells in the brain to develop and function normally Another increasing common developmental disorder of the nervous system is Autism Spectrum Disorder C tly 1 i 88 A i hild i di g d ith A ti Sp t Di d Thi di d i diagnosed on a spectrum meaning people with this condition can have mild symptoms to severe symptoms gi g i th y it ff t th p ti t Thi g f i th t th d l p t l di d ff t i l d i i kill i l kill d i llig What is a developmental disability known as a sensory-related disability? S y- l t d d l p t l di biliti th typ f d l p t l di d Thi k f thi di g i bi h d f h i f i h h l f i f b dy bili y h ld d i Children with a sensory-related disability have problems using and processing sensory information like sights ll d t t d t h S y- l t d di biliti h i l d h i g p bl ft associated with other developmental disabilities Sensory-related disabilities can often be a part of complex bi th d f t p tt F i t hild ith Willi Sy d h t bl i g p ti l l ti hip between objects around them Children with Fragile X syndrome can often be sensitive to loud sounds What is a developmental disability known as metabolic disorders? Thi g p f f ti l bi th d f t ff t p t b li hi h i th y th b dy b ild p breaks down and otherwise processes the materials it needs to function One example of more commonly known metabolic disorders is Phenylketonuria (PKU) This is a condition in which a problem with a specific y p i h p d p i h i l i IDD A h di d i hyp hy idi a hormonal condition that if left untreated in an infant can cause IDDs What is a developmental disability known as degenerative disorders? S i f b i h d g i di d pp l bi h b h l bili i f i d to this disorder Many times the defect is usually not detected until the person grows and ages and starts to h ig f l f f ti D g ti di d phy i l t l d y p bl depending on the specific defect For example Rett syndrome is a specific example of a degenerative birth defect This disorder hich s ally affects girls is most often ca sed by a specific genetic abnormality Now that you have a brief overview of what is a developmental disorder here are some common treatments d f th di d M y f th d l p t l di biliti d t h b t y pt b i p d ith p di t i therapy sessions from highly trained therapist like the ones that work at THERAPY 2000 Child i h D y d h y di d f b fi f p h h py occupational therapy and exercises for gross and fine motor skills They might also be helped by special d ti p g d pp t g p lik B t B ddi S g y l h lp di l y pt lik correct heart defects that are often common in this diagnosis People with Fragile X syndrome can get help to red ce or eliminate some of the common learning physical social and emotional speech and lang age and y p bl A i h i h y d l p l di d h h i h F gil X g h lp the more they can learn and the better their outcomes There are a variety of treatment options to help with the symptoms of autism spectrum disorders These may i l d b h i l p ti l phy i l d p h-l g g th py I dditi d ti l p i li t can help guide the childs school experiences Gi l i h R y d b d f f h p bl i d i h h di i T works on slowing the loss of abilities improving movement and encouraging communication skills
developmental disability? Skills s ch as taking a first step smiling for the first time and a ing bye-bye are called de elopmental il Child h il i h h y pl y l p k b h d (f pl li g and walking) It is important that you keep watch to see if your child is meeting common developmental milestones All hild d l p t th i iq p b t th il t gi g l id f h t t p t f y hild If y hild i t ti g th il t f hi /h g it ld b i di ti th t y hild h d l y If you do see a red flag or are simply concerned please talk with your childs doctor or health care provider and h y It i b t t t it ith t di l diti th t t t b gi th b h C d b y hild hi g h pp p i il f hi /h g ? Pl d l d Developmental Milestones chart here Check Therapy for Developmental Disabilities in Texas P i Th k y Ch i-T2000 A ti Sp N tS y I t g ti Di d Wild Wilti g Child? – B li d Willi OTR SIPT E ti Di t f Ed ti d QA THERAPY 2000 R t Updates M t L i P ti t S St y Meet Ocho: Patient Success Story M t Ch i t ph P ti t S S y Meet Eli: Patient Success Story M t R yl P ti t S St y O S i We re Hiring Therapists f y h pi l ki g k y career to the next level explore all the T2000 pp t iti W l ki g f did t h eady to b g the e pe t se to ou tea and strive to provide the very best service li See all Careers Office Locations Client Testimonials Follow Us On Read More on How We Improve Lives! Headquarters Location (877) 688-2520 (214) 467-9787 Q i k Li k Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions Website Designed & Developed by MarketBurst C C l d d q k y f Child hy i i f l Occupational Therapy Speech and Language Therapy Phy i l Th py Sp i lty A E gli h