Enjoy Life
NowThis is not a Rehearsal
One of the most beautiful and panoramic views to be had in the Highlands/Cashiers area. Backing up to USFS, a beautiful drive to the property and just under 4 acres makes this easy-to-build property to good to be true. $375,000.00. MLS# 95910
Looking for that perfect retreat for your own private estate, farmstead or just a mountain getaway? Look no further than this beautiful 24.99 tract overlooking the Highlands Plateau, and less than 1 mile from the city limits. Located almost at the top of Billy Cabin, this fantastic property features numerous building sites, existing roads, barn, fruit trees and large, commercial blueberry patch. The property has easements from two sides and is ripe for possible development. Panoramic views with trimming will include, Satulah, Big & Little Bear Pen and Brushy Face mountains. $999,999.00. MLS# 97589
ANN SCOTT - GRI, BROKER ASSOCIATE HOME: (828) 526-9480 CELL: (828) 421-7327 annascott49@gmail.com
KING YOUNG BROKER ASSOCIATE HOME: (828) 526-3443 kingyoung@nctv.com
JIM KINARD BROKER ASSOCIATE CELL: (828) 371-8993 jamesbkinard@afo.net
Additional information available at: PPOH.com
STEPHEN SITZ BROKER ASSOCIATE CELL: (828) 342-2641 sps531rider@yahoo.com